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02ca9e  No.16871870[View All]

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Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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701 posts and 138 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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a86b4c  No.16876940


Lots of links to east european countries here… could be a front ?


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d330e0  No.16876947


> seo shill

>we can all notice

>you dig faggots wiff bewbs in dresses

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ef1ddb  No.16876954


Counter-rotation FTW

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d52646  No.16876956

Er, Guise, 'Bout Kash Patel

He sure acted like he knew real Q wasn't going to come back, didn't he?

By "real Q" I mean the person/people with the tripcode on here, which would carry a lot more weight for a lot more people, still.

Sure, maybe Trump finally got tired of having an anonymous internet larper be his de facto spox to millions, for three full years, in the final month of his White House residence, and having finally noticed this was happening, he swooped in, and locked the naughty larper up, with extra tendies to shut his mouth.

But the chances of a functionary within the Biden administration NOT leaking such a gleeful fact are utterly non-existent.

Read the original drop:

1481 Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/12/2018 22:08:43 ID: 793722

8chan/qresearch: 1722473




Kashyap Patel - name to remember.


If Q is just some disgruntled basement larper, he could use his tripcode to come back off that video, spin that as "I meant remember Kash, coz he's a big old meanie and he eats kittens" and cause a lot of damage.

Watch the video. Kash knows that's NOT going to happen. Much to ponder, anons. Much to ponder.

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792567  No.16876958

You are gone

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9d34b4  No.16876977

Place is jumping. Baker be ready.


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c99afb  No.16876981


Not really. I've traveled lots and have always been fascinated with accents.

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8c7bdd  No.16876983



How the hell did you meme that under 5 minutes?

Thats Expert level.

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ef1ddb  No.16877005

So did they know the enemy within?


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d330e0  No.16877006


nothing has been avoided

only postponed

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ea5acb  No.16877010

John Podesta and Steve Elmendorf murdered Antonin Scalia.

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ad2895  No.16877013


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d52646  No.16877015

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d330e0  No.16877017


Try harder… Complete bullshit.

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4e5762  No.16877020


What about using dmso to infiltrate body and kill it

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667335  No.16877022


>Dan posted a babyfist three times

This is a fact:

He did this to tell you to fuck off.

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ad2895  No.16877024


"must be a shill" >actually the most militant Q Researcher

Ok silly.

SHILLING for the REAL Q. Getting paid in 45 17 nods.

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c99afb  No.16877025


Planned in 1998?

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d52646  No.16877026


may the fowls of the earth pick your bones clean Klaus

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3b5208  No.16877029


Mirrored 1776 digits

Nicely rolled (probable ClockFag)

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ea5acb  No.16877032


the god of the bible is evil

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792567  No.16877034

Almost over

Just a little more

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a86b4c  No.16877036


>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot


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ad2895  No.16877037


Uniparty did it.

They are not divided, we are.

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d52646  No.16877038


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d330e0  No.16877039


Mixing all races into one mongrelized mass is the jewish plan

it turns us all into nationless vagrants

"They" arent trying to divide us by race. We were never "united" to begin with.

God divided us by race, and its foolish yall could ever think we could "come together" in the first place.

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3b5208  No.16877041



>chucky cheese gangbang?

האם הבייגל שלו הריח כמו ג'ין ולמינג?

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c99afb  No.16877046


CNN guest mistakenly says Trump was "responsible for 9/11"

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ad2895  No.16877047



it's what they use to say when they are summoned to a days long meeting with the boss of the underworld

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d52646  No.16877048


there is.

you will see it.

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a86b4c  No.16877049


Arguments over rape and incest divide abortion opponents

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3b5208  No.16877052


the biden bike fall could have happened to anyone, he just did not retract his foot from the foothold on the bike.

had to happen to him, the goof ball.


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d2e85a  No.16877054


>he should have stood up against it.

if he did that SES would have removed him.

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667335  No.16877056


sooo their testing chemical weapons in public spaces again eh?

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a86b4c  No.16877060


Q's not here man

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d330e0  No.16877061


FYI - the QR Board Jews hate Gab because of things Torba has said regarding the JQ.

That's why you see it ragged on hard by some here.

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ea5acb  No.16877066

There's a boxing meme in 4512

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667335  No.16877068

Busy seismic evening around the ring of fire.


Mag 6's in short order.

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c99afb  No.16877069



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d52646  No.16877070


Happy Birthday Sir, let's make it one to remember through the Halls of Amenti.

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792567  No.16877072

This is it

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a86b4c  No.16877074


Now it remembers how to red text…You are so pathetic at spam

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3b5208  No.16877077


Helen Wheels (Remastered 2010)

note original release dates of each iht

McCartney be trolling.

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d2e85a  No.16877079


While recruiting for their next move.

We see them.

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667335  No.16877081



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d330e0  No.16877086


I was thinking more along the lines of, they are going to steal the Midterms too, because obviously they got away with stealing 2020. Criminals who get away with their crimes, often repeat them. They establish a crime pattern. Then they get caught.

One more time we vote in elections that we know are going to get rigged. Then they all get hung out to dry.

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a86b4c  No.16877087


"You'll find out"

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4e5762  No.16877090

FBI pay overtime on sundays?

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792567  No.16877091

It's over

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ea5acb  No.16877092

FLOTUS, volume 51

July 2022

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