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File: 7e8edc2880b5ce0⋯.png (15.12 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 0800f8b0c260cc34644aff4814….png)

d42332  No.16869325[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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35a98c  No.16869671

File: 292d332f94d978b⋯.jpeg (561.88 KB, 1879x1238, 1879:1238, 292d332f94d978bf264372243….jpeg)

Can i land here?

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35a98c  No.16869890

File: 9ba901f7dd747d7⋯.jpg (76.45 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Ek3xxgbXIAEFzGL.jpg)

Seems spambot free so far

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3e7154  No.16870139

No Police = Dead Marxists Nationwide.

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ad0d53  No.16870145


I can't either

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a98d20  No.16870147


Globalist Jesus

Internet potluck:


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f54734  No.16870169

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a3104c  No.16870171


Maxwell street…Hello!!

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a98d20  No.16870209


yet another stupid repeat post

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1ee106  No.16870244


Close to that point myself, anon.

Have to remember, we are here to guide and explain.

We can't do that if we're flying off the handle.

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ad0d53  No.16870271


Jun 24 2022


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.16504957 📁

Jun 24 2022 20:26:19 (EST) NEW

Shall we play a game once more?


time stamp

20:26:19 = 10 10

which boils down to


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3e7154  No.16870288

Freedom of Speech

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fdce60  No.16870302

schumer say tho pesky MAGAs have ruined everything

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a802b8  No.16870308


Lots of couch

But barry can't get close enuff to the arab hayseed

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38325e  No.16870314


>thanks for responding with your thoughts

8kun - the last place to share ideas on the internet….

My pleasure…enjoyed the dialogue…gotta feed the doggos…out.

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3e7154  No.16870319


Or was she just thrown in there to give reason to bring certain individuals in front of the J6 Circus that they would have otherwise avoided?

"Now that it's been said, you have to act!"

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044db9  No.16870346


Movie #1

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dfd10d  No.16870356


preciate it. I'm thinking of the one where he's on the little stage and there's some kind of BLM sign next to him.

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398526  No.16870362


The C_A is gay and they are expert at degeneracy

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38325e  No.16870373


It's much too early for MAGA boner propaganda.

Wait until all Anons have had at least two cups of COVFEFE.

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044db9  No.16870402


amen anon

hope Donald again talks about schitt's watermelon head like he did at yesterday's speech in nashville

it was so funny

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2e7571  No.16870407



seething is fine

they should learn to cope

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3bd029  No.16870411





Politics News

March 14, 2022 8:59AM ET

Michael Flynn Says Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Is Disrupting Bill Gates’ ‘New World Order’

“Someone like Vladimir Putin has upset this balance of the New World Order they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine,” the former national security advisor said

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ad0d53  No.16870420


Custom_Tripcode in action.

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13cd32  No.16870436


wow yea you totally got me bro

damn 4D chess, how will I ever recover?

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d6c6c9  No.16870445

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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13cd32  No.16870460

Listen to this….Love this group. Non of you know they exist.

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cfd720  No.16870466


Nevermind a lot of these illegal aliens were illiterate in both languages.

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398526  No.16870476


I have no mercy for you

I told you Tuesday your true suffering begins

You would do well to be off somewhere enjoying the next few days. Last chance for "fond memories."

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044db9  No.16870484


No outside comms faggot

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d42332  No.16870489


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045 BAKERS & ANONS – What to do if about sudden BOT attacks ( >>16747430 Know your bunkers ) NEW



>>16846877 Department of Justice Stymies Congressional Attempt to Get Information on Hunter Biden Probe

>>16847212 Trump Just Told Us His Master Plan (The Atlantic)

>>16848010, >>16848016 UN official: Social media largely controlled by Jewish lobby, NGOs

>>16848182 Trump’s ‘Think Tank’ Prepares to Betray Him

>>16848247 Watch: Iraqi Protesters Storm Parliament Amid Record Run Without Government

>>16848402 Kash Patel: If AG Garland Does Job, Hunter Will Be Charged Before Midterms!

>>16849321 Nick Sandmann's libel lawsuits against five national media companies dismissed by federal judge; Sandmann's lawyer vows appeal

and then the spam

>>16856686 #21222 in #21224

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a17f02  No.16870490


Prove it wrong then you jackass. Anything is notable-worthy if it sparks conversion, digging, brainstorming, etc. This is a research board utmost.

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fdce60  No.16870495

You know what I just thought of? You know all the Epstein victims who gave victim impact statements at Maxwell's trial? Why don't they name the people they've worked it? They must know names.

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dfd10d  No.16870497


We be ready, Cap'n

She is as clean as can be

Steady as she goes…

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0b670c  No.16870499


I am quite aware of Liddle and Podesta and the pedophiles. I'm saying Trump will destroy the old world order and create a new world order. It will be better in some ways, but it will be anti-Christian.

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044db9  No.16870510

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f54734  No.16870520


>Chose to spit vs. swallow.

my X-girlfriend reincarnated into a sperm whale?

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d42332  No.16870528


>>16842875 Dough

>>16843356 NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me.

>>16842930 Another Michigan News Station Leaks Test GOP Primary Election Results

>>16842951 State Attorneys General Sue the Biden Administration for Tying School Lunch Funding to LGBT Policies

>>16842981 Ukraine's Timoshenko reveals ‘scam of the century’

>>16842994 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda

>>16843004 Mexican Army Arrests 37 Cartel Gunmen During Coastal State Raid

>>16843024 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

>>16843030 So many people are now "dying suddenly" that "our free press" can barely hide it any more

>>16843031 Pentagon plays down fears China will SHOOT DOWN Nancy's plane if she visits Taiwan

>>16843050 “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed?

>>16843061 Everyone over 5 should get a booster shot. And if you're above 50, you should get two – I did. (Comm Chq)

>>16843072 U.S. Senate just passed the $52 billion CHIPS-plus bill - Just in time for Taiwan

>>16843074 West Virginia Committee Passes Abortion Ban Protecting Lives of Unborn Babies

>>16843055 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will not teach George Washington Law seminar after uproar

>>16843095 Pelosi's insider trading?!

>>16843076 Israel pharmaceutical firm TEVA proposes $4.35bn settlement for role in US opioid epidemic

>>16843114 Russia Fired On Israeli Jets Over Syria In "One-Off": Israel's Defense Chief

>>16843129 Big Tech’s Blueprint to Stop a Red Wave in 2022 #CallToPolls

>>16843130 Apple to open new development center in Jerusalem

>>16843152 California dusts off controversial Delta tunnel water project

>>16843179 Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng Sentenced to Prison for Depriving George Floyd of His Constitutional Rights

>>16843038 Fauci’s NIH Being Sued for Withholding Details on Cruel Animal Testing

>>16843220 ‘Top Chef’ TV Personality Dies ‘Unexpectedly’ After Heart Attack at 46 #NotTheJab

>>16843230 Press Conferences Bun

>>16843239 Meanwhile at Nato MP4

>>16843288 Jewish Groups Call on Pennsylvania GOP Candidate to Cut Ties With Far-right Platform Gab

>>16843312 DOJ Insiders Say Delaware US Attorney’s Office Too "Inadequate" To Investigate Biden Family Corruption

>>16843331 il Donaldo Trumpo Buen dia to everyone who knows the election was rigged and stolen - mOSSad

>>16843342 Fed increases key interest rate by 0.75 points again. How will it affect economy and you?

>>16843380 Anon points out, Caveman carved dinosaurs, but no Moon or astronomy?

>>16843381 Truly honored to fill in for @Kash on The @DevinNunes Podcast LIVE tomorrow night at 9pm ET

>>16843387 Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% Confirms MODERNA Created COVID-19?

>>16843420 WP - DOJ Conducting Grand Jury with Witness Testimony Targeting President Trump for Seditious Conspiracy Against Government #Panic

>>16843327 Joe Biden Claims Majority of People Dying From Covid “Are Not Up to Date on Their Shots” #Lies

>>16843551 Call to Dig - Anon wants to know where all the WW2 Nazis went to.

>>16843359, >>16843255, >>16843155, >>16843084, >>16843037, >>16842972, >>16842965, >>16842948, >>16842924, >>16842878 >>16842895 Memes of the Thread

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3e22d6  No.16870538


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a17f02  No.16870550


They, Kentucky/Indiana, my father landed in the hospital with heart problems first vax, didn't listen got the second now has three different cancers and is terminally ill.

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1bcaa9  No.16870564

Biden’s Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine: Sex Reassignment Surgery For KIDS is “Lifesaving, Medically Necessary”

Joe Biden’s transgender Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine spoke at a DNC pride month event on Friday.

Dr. Levine, a biological male who claims to be a woman, is the transgender face of the Biden Regime’s push for surgical and chemical castration of children.

This man is evil and dangerous.

On Friday, Dr. Levine said sex reassignment surgery (castration) and puberty blockers (chemical castration) for KIDS is “lifesaving, medically necessary, age appropriate, and a critical tool.”

Levine recently said that there is no debate about “gender-affirming” care for kids.

“There is no argument among medical professionals — pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. — about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care,” Levine said.

According to the American College of Pediatricians, no single long-term study demonstrates the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for transgender-believing youth.

Puberty blockers may cause depression and other emotional disturbances related to suicide. The package insert for Lupron, the number one prescribed puberty blocker in America, lists “emotional instability” as a side effect and warns prescribers to “Monitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment.”

Worse yet, puberty blockers can cause permanent severe side effects, including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment, and sterility when combined with cross-sex hormones.

Biden’s woke transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine is after our children.

God help us.



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fdce60  No.16870581


and they'll be locked up for coercing non-informed consented injections for genocide and sterilization as well.

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38325e  No.16870601



[they] took it down


archived here



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0b670c  No.16870617




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a98d20  No.16870620


So he's captured by his enemies.

He's now a POW.

If his friends try to free him, they get arrested too.

Think any RNC politician would protect you if you tried to break him out?

45 was right.

Most media is not on the people's side… you can tell by the words they use to describe what's happening.

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3bd029  No.16870643



How convenient…

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d42332  No.16870649


>>16842127 Dough

>>16842127 Oath of Enlistment

>>16842132 Baker Reqst for lb rescrape. #21219

>>16842135, >>16842150 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘America First’ Policy Speech

>>16842136 'Tater gives "proof of life" remarks

>>16842151 Former Cuomo Staffer Fatally Struck By Car After Lyft Driver Kicks Him Out In Middle Of Highway

>>16842160 USGO Back to the Oval. Thanks to Doc for the good care, and to all of you for your support.

>>16842161 Anon Maga Feed DJT - President Trump Speaks At America First Policy Institute Annual Policy Summit

>>16842182 @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘Time For A Change’: PAC Backing Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman Targets Liz Cheney In New Ad Blitz

>>16842248 Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!

>>16842266 Adopted son killed in gang shooting and Mom gives a “shout out” to Crips street gang!!

>>16842307 Trump Went 33-0 in Texas Primary

>>16842335 US military making plans in case Pelosi travels to Taiwan

>>16842395 Brittney Griner testified Wednesday at her drug trial in Russia

>>16842494 Grassley’s Whistleblower Report Vindicates Trump’s Proposal For A Swamp Purge

>>16842539 As Ukrainians Defect To Russia, We Should Ask Whether Our Billions Are Saving Democracy Or Aiding Corruption

>>16842552 @mikepompeo At times of great division and difficulty in America, the nation has always looked to Kansas for the path forward.

>>16842542 @mikepompeo Today is National Korean War Armistice Day, a reminder that the Korean War isn’t truly over.

>>16842566, >>16842664 Anon notices Kansas Korea Pompeo Twat

>>16842563 USGO Right now, we’re facing the BA.5 variant

>>16842580 @JackPosobiec Fed rates going up

>>16842637 Would you do it ?

>>16842603, >>16842619 parasites in the bug burgers

>>16842672 WHO DUG THEM? Mystery over ‘perfectly aligned’ holes punched into seafloor 1.7 MILES below the Atlantic

>>16842692 @ODNIgov Happy birthday @StateDept!

>>16842771 It's #NationalNewJerseyDay.

>>16842775 USAID chief calls on China to restructure Sri Lanka's debt

>>16842800 Fauci and WH Press Secretary Subpoenaed In Collusion Case

>>16842291 Anons Collection of Q posts

>>16842838 Warren Commission Report

>>16842793, >>16842745, >>16842730, >>16842681, >>16842709, >>16842602, >>16842585, >>16842496, >>16842410, >>16842290, >>16842275, >>16842226, >>16842178, >>16842164, >>16842189, >>16842214, >>16842228, >>16842316, >>16842451, >>16842464, >>16842475, >>16842476, >>16842816, >>16842837 Memes of the thread

>>16842849 #21220

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1bcaa9  No.16870678

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a802b8  No.16870683

While waiting two more weeks for the Q larp to die down why not check on Tommy's Garage and take a political/comedy break


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13cd32  No.16870685


wrong exit but we'll see how it goes

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2e7571  No.16870691


There is no such thing as "Based Orthodox Jews":

Orthodox Judaism (which is a very dominant element of international Jewery, specially thru Chabad which is very politically active all over the West) is as subversive against the Western people as the others denominations and the so called "atheist" Jews:

-Judaism is based on Jewish racial supremacism (and Jews aren't White, if Jews were White then "anti-Semitism" laws would protect Whites too, which they don't, and Whites (ethnic European natives) would be allowed the right to ask for dual nationality with Israel (which they can't)).

-Their Talmud is anti-Christian and anti-Gentile (Gentile means non-Jew). The Talmud also aproves of pedophilia.

-The circumcision ritual is male genital mutilation (child abuse). Pic related here:


-They still have the blood of Christ in their hands because of their ancestors words and actions against Christ.

–The ancestors of the modern Jews, the pharisees that had Christ crucified cursed themselves and their own bloodlines (they put His blood in their hands and the hands of their children, who have to repent and accept Christ in order to save themselves). It's in the Bible:

Matthew 27:15-27

-The Rabbis that lead the Synagogues in the West (which constantly shill for open borders for the West) are appointed by Israeli Rabbis, which are obviously zionists (who don't want open borders for Israel). This is an issue because Israel is an enemy of the West, as are all zionists (both Jew and Gentile zionists alike). And there is also the fact that Israel is an anti-Christian country.

-Their rule of Mesirah obliges Jews to NEVER deliver a criminal Jew to the authorities, under penalty of becoming a Rodef that can be killed by any member the Jewish community without punishment. Basically a mafia law that obligates all Jews (criminal or not) to run cover for criminal Jews if they don't want to be murdered by their own fellow Jews.

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d42332  No.16870705

#21219 @200 + scrape

>>16841345 A Deeper Dive Into Allegations Of Sabotage Within FBI's Hunter Biden Probe - zerohedge

>>16841357, >>16841457, >>16841517, >>16841544, russia cuts gas flows further as Europe makes savings plea - reuters (msm controlled russian propaganda feeds) rt.com

>>16841370 Ex-Cuomo staffer hit and killed by car after being ordered out of a Lyft on a highway in Delaware when he and five of his friends got into an argument with the driver - who fled the scene - daily mail


>>16841387 HOW TO USE DISCERNEMENT WITH SCREENSHOT - anons post a must skill

>>16841382, >>16841388, Germans warned of toilet paper shortage - rt.com newsfeed

>>16841390 Saudi Arabia plans 100-mile-long mirrored skyscraper megacity - the guardian

>>16841393, >>16841410, How Gender Ideology Cost a Chicago Mother Custody of Her Child - dailysignal.com (pedo, groomer and commie topic)

>>16841397 perfect phone call decode and dig by anon

>>16841400 Japanese city alarmed by biting, clawing, attacking monkeys - apnews.com

>>16841404 anon opines

>>16841415 duckduckgo ceo gabriel weinberg, search engine will purge all alt media and replace with trusted msm - twat

>>16841425, >>16841432, >>16841444, >>16841447, Leading makers of vaccines collected over $1 billion in revenue in the past decade as U.S. mass vaccine adverse reactions and death surged, an Anon Research panel found. - nyt (covid topic)

>>16841427 Joe Biden's Cybersecurity Czar Says "Systemic Racism" Is the Major Threat - And US Is Intrinsically Racist Society - gwp

>>16841489, >>16841511, NYC health officials look to rename monkeypox over stigma in communities of color - nyt and gwp

>>16841494 Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports - rt.com

>>16841526 Coffins for Children Ordered in Bulk, 'First Time in Over 30 Years' - rairfoundation.com

>>16841534 Dutch Farmers Block Highways with Manure and Burning Hay to Protest Globalist Climate Agenda - breitbart

>>16841561 Ukraine will pursue war-crimes charges against leaders of JPMorgan Chase, Citi, and HSBC over Russia financing, Zelensky's economic advisor says (no sauce but sourced)

>>16841601 Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash

>>16841700, >>16841769 (Joe Biden) He doesn't blink a single time in this entire video.

>>16841708, >>16841822, >>16841868, >>16841914 Nancy Pelosi, NVIDIA, and moar

>>16841736 Biden’s DOJ opens ‘seditious conspiracy’ investigation against Trump in Jan. 6 probe

>>16841743, >>16841809 Doctor for @POTUS reports he has tested negative twice for COVID

>>16841879 FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling, vision loss in children

>>16842089 Memes of the thread

>>16842114 anon notables @200+memes

>>16841568 #21219

Previously Collected

>>16841263 #21218,

>>16838868 #21215, >>16839722 #21216, >>16840514 #21217

>>16838928 #21212, ########## #21213, >>16838090 #21214

>>16826636 #21209, >>16838928 #21210, ########## #21211

########## #21206, ########## #21207, >>16825841 #21208

########## #21203, ########## #21204. >>16823836 #21205

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

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a4a614  No.16870719


I don't see any right to bear arms, thus subjects, not citizens.

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d6c6c9  No.16870720


Nah, shills gon' shill. They're also tasked with repelling newfags and the faint-hearted.

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4b7fcb  No.16870722

Very, VERRY possible!

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398526  No.16870730


game time.

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a802b8  No.16870737


shills gonna shill

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d42332  No.16870738



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398526  No.16870756



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0b670c  No.16870801


What does that make you?

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ad0d53  No.16870807

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fdce60  No.16870820

just a couple of lesbian hobbitsexuals

on a long unexpected journey

and did not walk

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dec365  No.16870823



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dfd10d  No.16870857


Is this why they are going with Prime Time Coverage just to stoke the dying fire hoping it will motivate their voters?

Just more Orange Man Bad mantra type stuff.

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1ee106  No.16870862



At last, Now I can fiesta again. :)

Arriba, Ez!


All medals of metals🎖 of honor.


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1ee106  No.16870887


Bag glove huh? Always a pic of you posing in the mirror but never ever using the weights or hitting the bag. Do you actually work out or just hang out in front of the mirror?

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35a98c  No.16870890

File: 12c849a7e77d921⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 12c849a7e77d921b15a50849b2….jpg)

Tired yet shill?

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13cd32  No.16870892



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38325e  No.16870893

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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fdce60  No.16870952




"Taking of Pelham I , 2, 3 "

runaway train?

pel ICAN

pel HAM


Who's the Runaway Train.

Trump Train to Victory

or Bidan out-of-control Train to Chaos and regret?

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94d281  No.16870955




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398526  No.16870958



No relation. Get over it.

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ad0d53  No.16871021


IIRC the non-tripcoded ones shall not be included. Unless Q states otherwise. My 2 cents.

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cfd720  No.16871023


After abortions, black on black murder in Chicago is the second best covert ethnic cleansing op.

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044db9  No.16871030


>saggy tits don't matter

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c01d18  No.16871055

So >>16870314

>3 capital Bs

Has to becomms

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1bcaa9  No.16871077



original shadilay with english subtitles


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c01d18  No.16871108


heavy on station

mornin' Frater


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a4a614  No.16871109

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dec365  No.16871121


Macron, Scholz, Draghi visit Ukraine to meet with Zelensky

European leaders from France, Germany, and Italy traveled by train to Kiev Wednesday overnight and arrived on Thursday morning. French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Italy’s PM Mario Draghi sought to express and validate their support for Ukraine.

The three leaders of the top EU economies arrived in Kiev for the first time since the Russian special military operation in Ukraine began. Scholz and Macron, the leaders of the largest economies, have been criticized for not visiting Ukraine yet.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky will discuss with the three leaders sensitive topics including Ukraine’s bid to join the EU.

Earlier on Wednesday, Macron visited a NATO base in Romania where approximately 500 French troops are deployed. During his visit, the French President stated that “we are at a time when we, the European Union, need to send clear political signals to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in a context where they have been resisting heroically for several months.”

Despite their different perspectives, all three countries are in support of Ukraine joining the EU. A response to the candidacy of Ukraine to the EU is expected to unravel during the European summit on 23-24 June. If successful, this will start a negotiation process to become a bona fide member state, which may take several years.

France's Europe minister, Clement Beaune, reportedly said Ukraine's EU membership was "15 or 20 years" away from being realized.

"We have to be honest. If you say Ukraine is going to join the EU in six months, or a year or two, you're lying," Beaune said, speaking to a local radio station. "It's probably in 15 or 20 years, it takes a long time."

French President Emmanuel Macron had earlier voiced his aspiration to create a European political community to ensure Ukraine could join the 27-nation bloc later on. However, Zelensky dismissed the move, asking to join the European Union.

The European Commission's chief, Ursula von der Leyen, said Sunday that once the war in Ukraine is over, the EU will support Ukraine's efforts to rebuild.

Von der Leyen said in an interview on CNN that Kiev belonged in Europe, and the EU will support Ukraine's bid for membership, adding that its accession to the Union might be viewed as an extraordinary case.

Usually, it takes a country wishing to join the EU years in order to cross obstacles preventing its accession, von der Leyen admitted. She had traveled on Friday to meet Volodymyr Zelensky a membership questionnaire in order to launch the process of Ukraine's accession.

Von der Leyen promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine's accession to the European Union would be expedited.

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ef616d  No.16871125


Kek. That's just outside of Ft McCoy. Given the location it kind of makes sense.

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ef616d  No.16871152


Justice Clarence Thomas represents the responsible human community as good as anyone oldanon has ever seen. Joe Biden and the democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee and their staff conspired with Anita Hill and came up with a narrative of sexual crimes committed like 10 years earlier. The false accusations came at the last minute, just like Feinstein and crew's Blasey Ford's came with Kavanaugh.

You can still find those hearings. Just look up anita hill/clarence thomas hearings at youtube. There's 3 days worth. My favorite is day 3.

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c01d18  No.16871162



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cfd720  No.16871187

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3502d3  No.16871225

Wonder how many of these cops are Freemasons

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13cd32  No.16871228


>if they were not being deleted

>I would not have to re-post them

They are still there.

Why did you re-post them?

Why are you lying?

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dec365  No.16871231


AT&T stock doubled and split.

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ef616d  No.16871238


RvW also

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fdce60  No.16871261


Biden top lawyer to leave office after midterm elections - White House

White House counsel Dana Remus, Joe Biden's top personal legal adviser, has resigned, joining an exodus of senior officials from the president's personal staff since December, according to a press release issued by Biden on Wednesday.

"I am immensely grateful for the service of Dana Remus, who has been an invaluable member of my senior staff for the past 3 years and helped reinstate a culture of adherence to the rule of law. I wish her the best as she moves forward," the president said.

Jen Psaki, Biden's press secretary, resigned in May to become a political analyst for the MSNBC news channel.

The list of those who have left or are planning to leave the White House staff soon includes National Security Council Senior Director Linda Etim, Digital Engagement Director Cameron Trimble, Associate Counsel Funmi Olorunnipa Badejo, Chief of Staff Ron Klain, Deputy White House counsel Danielle Conley and Council of Economic Advisers aide Saharra Griffin, according to published reports.

This comes after at least 21 Black White House employees have quit their position - or are planning to leave soon - mainly due to the lack of support from superiors in the work environment and the minimal chances of earning a promotion, according to remaining staffers.

Though some staffers have left their White House jobs on good terms with the Biden administration and in pursuit of better opportunities or further educational opportunities, many others have left with a lack of opportunities and mentorship in mind, Politico reported citing nine former and current White House officials.

Moreover, the press secretary for the White House, Jen Psaki, plans to leave the White House for an on-air job at a prominent US news channel, MSNBC, according to a source familiar with the matter to CNBC.

She is to host a show for NBC Universal's streaming platform, Peacock, and has been in talks with CNN and other networks.

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a4a614  No.16871279



The "Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/Welfare/Federal Aid/Foreign Aid programs are government-sponsored Ponzi schemes" line does not go over well with normies.

"BuT aMeRiCa HaS sO mUcH mOnEy!"

I mean, do people even know human nature anymore or…?

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3e7154  No.16871301


That's not what your twice removed cousin, mother side, distantly associated with your uncle's monkey, said

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ddeba8  No.16871302


>Sounds like the halfmind mindset


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a4a614  No.16871330




and project veritas-style calls

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3502d3  No.16871335



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c4c01e  No.16871336


Clearly a female. Females have a tendency to announce shit that nobody cares about.

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c01d18  No.16871356



He reads Q Research

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21155e  No.16871368

love you, come w/ me.

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38325e  No.16871397


State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for

Information on Foreign Interference in

U.S. Elections’

Legal Insurrection, by Mary Chastain

Posted By: Harlowe, 7/2/2022 2:05:52 PM

The midterms happen in November. People expect a huge red wave. So weird that the State Department has offered up to $10 million for any information on foreign interference in our elections: The reward offer seeks information leading to the identification or location of any foreign person or entity who knowingly engaged or is engaging in foreign election interference. The reward offer also seeks information leading to the prevention, frustration, or favorable resolution of an act of foreign election interference, including by dismantling, in whole or significant part, an organization engaged in such activity.(Snip)…it applies to all elections in the country:

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c501ea  No.16871430


it is kind of like RINOs ; Romney, Lez Cheney, McConnell…even W….all more dispicable than there donkey counterfarts

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4aec93  No.16871450


I am not 12 anon and if you want me not to tell them that you are a homosexual - don't worry your secret is safe with me 😉

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3e22d6  No.16871453


Historic West Virginia Catholic Church Completely Burned to the Ground in Suspected Arson Attack

By Cassandra Fairbanks

Published June 27, 2022 at 2:55pm

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3e22d6  No.16871462

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c501ea  No.16871469


ah, yes, there we go, put it into the notables so every fucking noe can forget it.


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21155e  No.16871471




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044db9  No.16871484



The circle-jerk for naysayers is over there!

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c501ea  No.16871496


Hard to believe that you were almost 50 in that pic

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79fc72  No.16871525


Maybe someone working for jim did something naughty.

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79fc72  No.16871531






Cheer up, anons, all hope is not lost.

Just because there's no way the real Q will ever drop again on any platform associated with the compd af Jim Watkins doesn't mean he won't drop again somewhere else.

Plus, I'm sure @Q over on Truth Social would have no issues at all sharing his account with the real Q.

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6d9f8e  No.16871538


>look at mah wife

mah wife gettin moist in teh backyard again

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70d3f3  No.16871544


I agree…only oldfags would know.

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79fc72  No.16871554

gas the kikes

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79fc72  No.16871578


MUST READING for all Q-tards, RRN shills, and anyone trusting "the plan."

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cf951c  No.16871582


may you receive a mansion full of gold and may you still not be able to pay any of your bills

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70d3f3  No.16871587


>If Q comes now, servers will just blow up………

Just the servers? Methinks the entire Internet will melt down. Routers all over the planet will catch fire and the fiber optics will spark from the stress. People will panic and try to escape the cities. It will be hell on earth till morning.

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67999b  No.16871593


Green Day frontman says he’s renouncing US citizenship: ‘I’m not kidding’


Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong said that he plans to renounce his U.S citizenship following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

During his band’s performance at the London Stadium on Friday, Armstrong, who has been the punk rock band’s frontman since 1987, told the audience he’d be spending more time on their side of the Atlantic.

“F— America, I’m f—ing renouncing my citizenship,” the “American Idiot” singer told the crowd. “I’m f—ing coming here.”

“There’s just too much f—ing stupid in the world to go back to that miserable f—ing excuse for a country,” Armstrong added. “Oh, I’m not kidding. You’re going to get a lot of me in the coming days.”

Armstrong continued berating the U.S. during his band’s show in Huddersfield, England the following day, saying “f— the Supreme Court of America” and calling its justices “pricks,” according to the Daily Mail.

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a5ff13  No.16871599

When Q said, "The choice to know will be yours", was he talking to anons, and not normies? Meaning that the truth is so horrifying that even anons will have trouble accepting it?

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378abb  No.16871602


Why the long face?

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a5ff13  No.16871607


>GO vote.

Do you have to use an X on your ballot?

How did "uneducated" people sign contracts back then?


What a coincidence.

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3f2d29  No.16871611

File: 38d15bf2b5757c6⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 18250f2c646a34fc3b31718ec6….jpg)



>tweet tweet


>tweet, tweet

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378abb  No.16871615

"Let's start giving us, all of us real leadership. Let's start giving all of us good reason to believe that the American Dream is not an illusion."

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6ebe7b  No.16871617

File: 7b4834ea3fd8fa3⋯.png (45.83 KB, 346x667, 346:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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378abb  No.16871622



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378abb  No.16871633

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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6ebe7b  No.16871635

File: 434ada440cb12a4⋯.png (667.68 KB, 1007x574, 1007:574, ClipboardImage.png)

The[y] are so Fucked Right Meow

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16dec7  No.16871649


Fake Q has. Quite busy this fag ass motherfucker. Should go back to HM and suck cock over there.

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6ebe7b  No.16871671

File: b4ecd6948a5162b⋯.png (519.72 KB, 727x461, 727:461, ClipboardImage.png)

The Chosen one is Coming

& Nothing can stop what he's going to do

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eadc5a  No.16871691


Have you checked the pit in the basement? Maybe you left her there…

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16dec7  No.16871698

Red text faggot seems to be particularly annoying at the moment.

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6ebe7b  No.16871708

File: aa864df9926c7ba⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1224x764, 306:191, ClipboardImage.png)

The Walls are Closing in

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a5ff13  No.16871731


ukraine has no tampons now?

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378abb  No.16871744


Self nom'd but bakers missed it earlier. This is HUGE news out of NYS and the Dems are already trying to bury the major surprise of Giuliani jumping out 10% in front of RINO Lee Zeldin.

Giuliani Opens Up 10-Point Lead Over Party-Endorsed Zeldin In GOP Primary

John Zogby Contributor


May 26, 2022,11:49am


The NYS Dems are paralyzed with fear over losing NYS in November. The Giuliani family had better be ready as the NYS machine will throw EVERYTHING at him. Also, John Zogby is a political savant in NYS and is generally very accurate with predictions.

Forbes had run an earlier addition with the piece ONLY about Giuliani but the Dems must have ordered them to bury the REAL NEWS about Dark Horse Giuliani.

So please anons, second this notable nomination!

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a5ff13  No.16871752

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ab946f  No.16871753




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668e53  No.16871754

File: 77b841131a8d528⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 96289D8F_32A9_43D3_81C2_EC….gif)

the bread number is a source of pride for the hive. no one has ever seen anything like this, and the best of anons have spammed memes in the 700’s of a slow bread to speed up production of the next dough. many bakers have requested anons fill it for the same reason. someday, (((they))) will just accept that the hive only absorbs energy, even those efforts to undermine it, and only grows stronger and more resilient with each and every post. maybe (((they))) won’t accept it… makes no difference anyway

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6ebe7b  No.16871770

File: 5244357a9977cd7⋯.png (233.09 KB, 697x921, 697:921, ClipboardImage.png)

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16dec7  No.16871788

The same ones Dan posted about have been doing secret training with the Navy?

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e95bcc  No.16871803


>he's very unpopular.

Not quite sure why, but that made me laugh a bit.

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6ebe7b  No.16871825

File: 8208f1dcc68b14d⋯.png (570.28 KB, 624x804, 52:67, ClipboardImage.png)


We only grow stronger

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549bce  No.16871839

File: b9e29d8feb285b9⋯.png (379.92 KB, 503x562, 503:562, ClipboardImage.png)

so are the spammers gone now or what

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ab946f  No.16871902


Calling for blood,


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3f2d29  No.16871933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



standby for new bread

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ce1372  No.16871934

Has anyone got a good reason for the USD to have strengthened so much over the past 2 weeks?

Personally, I can't see what Resident Potato could have done to have influenced it. All currencies, including bitcoin, the metals gold, silver, palladium and platinum are weaker to the dollar so it must be dollar strength. The only currencies that haven't had a large drop have been the ones pegged against the dollar like Canada and China, their currencies are largely still in line with the USD as they were before; give or take a bit of adjustment errors.

What's brewing?

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a5ff13  No.16871944

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

07/04/2022 12:10:46

Truth Social: 108589943779570335

We don’t have a fair system of “Justice” in this Country anymore. The way they are treating me & my supporters, compared to what happens to those “on the other side,” is like day & night. It has been this way for a long time, but never like it is today! All semblance of a “FAIR & BALANCED” Media to look over, study, and report on what is going on in our Country is GONE! Fight on, America, Fight On! (Oh, I’m sorry. By using the word FIGHT, they will say I am inciting an Insurrection. Apologies!).


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ce1372  No.16871966


>AkinGumpStrauss Hauer & Feld LLP




https://qagg.news/?q=gump { Q Drops: 2 }


Fast Forward 1 Year.


Rewind 1 Year.

Bigger story yet to be discovered.

Leak investigations go both ways [R + D].

A House needs to be constantly cleaned.


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a5ff13  No.16871970


>your funny

Do you want to know who has even MORE power over you? It's Grammer kitty! I should have been corrected with You are.

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ab946f  No.16871972

I guess the MSM doesnt believe in “if it leads, it bleeds” anymore because its bidan.


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eadc5a  No.16871993


>On a serious note, why would Q start using TOR out of nowhere 5000+ posts in? What is the logical explanation for this?

The moment that trip code hit the board, logic went out the window. Q is back, don't ask questions. How dare you want to know why something seems so sketchy. You fucking fedboi shill!

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378abb  No.16871996


HUGE NEWS! Secret Service ready to prove that Jan. 6 protest star witness lied under oath

>July 3, 2022

<July 4, 2022


What Do We Know About Suspected Highland Park Gunman Robert Crimo III - crab man july 4th 2022

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245910  No.16871998


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ce1372  No.16872008


They missed the 4th problem.

Ethanol can damage many parts of your car at concentrations above 10%. Ethanol can destroy gas tanks, fuel pumps, gaskets, and attract moisture into your fuel. Engines can be completely ruined over time if they're not designed for ethanol.

Potato's intent is to destroy the internal combustion engine.

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391450  No.16872009

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668e53  No.16872010

File: 81a9ed0ed8e2508⋯.jpeg (35.17 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0DF333E9_26A9_410B_A32E_6….jpeg)

File: 50d93085a07c85c⋯.png (26.1 KB, 474x249, 158:83, F720B3A0_0BDF_4BF5_8EB2_1B….png)

File: 4aaf8fbf704fd45⋯.jpeg (104.37 KB, 941x490, 941:490, 27CE301C_8F94_4892_8128_6….jpeg)

File: 06f18d1c47b3cfe⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 3774F3CA_14F3_4C4D_BE53_1….jpeg)

File: 1ef996cc19d6f8a⋯.jpeg (115.31 KB, 726x726, 1:1, B272CA31_8CB6_4799_911F_F….jpeg)

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378abb  No.16872059


you should ditch the 2nd meme here

the sticker says disband the FBI

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eadc5a  No.16872063


Ashes of heroes. Like the first monkey shot into space.

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a5ff13  No.16872065


holy shit you are dumb

tor is always the 00000 id

only one has the flashing light.

ffs newbies


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16dec7  No.16872072


>We are with you sir.

The Cabal has no idea what will happen when Americans are awakened, united, and expressing a burning, righteous, long-suppressed anger.

We have no intention of fighting one another again. We all see the foe. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.


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16dec7  No.16872080

He's Dead!


A whole life on YT. fuck

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245910  No.16872085





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ce1372  No.16872097



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e95bcc  No.16872104

Implosion Imminent

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3f2d29  No.16872106

File: 2c6f4047587281f⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 800x596, 200:149, 2c6f4047587281f7c40b55c858….jpg)

Spam bot still activated


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790774  No.16872108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Somebody did something. Just remember, somebody is paying for this disruption and panic is in the air.

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e95bcc  No.16872113




Sep 10, 2018 6:03:14 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 483f8c No. 2964443

Sep 10, 2018 5:57:45 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c89925 No. 2964345

Sep 10, 2018 5:53:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 483f8c No. 2964247



[2] devices used.

[1] Carrier.

Pushed [exactly] at same time.

[0:10 sec variance]

Device lag or feeder site delay.

Request fulfilled.




That's a perfect proof guys, request, heard, delivered, no coincidences, Thanks for doing that Q

Sep 10, 2018 5:58:53 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 077716 No. 2964367

Sep 10, 2018 5:53:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 483f8c No. 2964247



[2] devices used.

[1] Carrier.

Pushed [exactly] at same time.

[0:10 sec variance]

Device lag or feeder site delay.

Request fulfilled.



Anyone that complained about a 10 sec Delta would have complained about a 10 millisecond Delta.

Obvious answer was lag.




We, thank you.


Shills only shill.

Patriots WIN.


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eadc5a  No.16872134

>running for US senate

>pro abortion

do not forget these people's names


yea i don't remember seeing anything in the constitution or bill of rights that says women have the right to murder babies

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ab946f  No.16872135

how well would i have held up? kek. sad but face facts, i would have failed miserably. Trump truly is an American hero. God Bless him

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245910  No.16872157


>how well would i have held up?


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e14bcf  No.16872191

Facebook parent company Meta slashes hiring plans by 30% amid 'serious' signs of economic turmoil

Zuckerberg predicts "one of the worst downturns" in recent history.

Facebook parent company Meta this week revealed its intent to drastically slash intended hiring rates amid growing concerns of significant economic turmoil just on the horizon.

Company CEO Mark Zuckerberg told employees during a leaked Q&A session that the company had altered its plans to hire up to 10,000 engineers in 2022, instead downgrading that target to as little as 6,000.


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3f2d29  No.16872196

File: 3b1cd6f23391763⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 720x711, 80:79, 171103360_313391130213878_….jpg)



Baker on duty

if you has notable

b sure to use image

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e14bcf  No.16872224

What are we getting the Army for its birthday? Gender reassignment surgery?

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62b3e8  No.16872245


Libertarian detected.

GTF Back to TS, fag.

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e95bcc  No.16872249


The Face on Mars is the face of Alalu, ANUNAKI World Emperor that was overthrown by the Law of Inheritance, and the title was given to his cousin or half-brother ANU (of which the ANUNAKI are named after).

When ALALU was overthrown, he escaped in some type of ship and flew and described all the planets and asteroid belt.

ALALU made it to EARTH, and was able to barter for his survival with establishing the first outpost on Earth and allowing small contingent to arrive and explore the resources…gold was the main interest, as their planet needed monoatomic gold to repair the giant holes in their atmosphere.

After first cities of civilization were being established, the Earth outpost was visited by World Emperor ANU.

ALALU and ANU got into a wrestling match. ANU was kicking the shit out of ALALU and it seemed he was going to lose. Then ALALU saw his chance!

ALALU grabbed a hold of ANU's penis with his mouth, ripped his cock off, and swallowed it.

ANUNAKI penis apparently is extremely poisonous, so ALALU and the ANUNAKI knew that he was going to die a horribly painful death in the next coming months.

So, instead of executing ALALU, they ended up banishing him from the planet Earth, and forced him to go to Mars to die.

ALALU's pilot that was allowed to stay with ALALU when he died,

When ALALU finally died, his pilot was told to create a tomb out of a mountain for ALALU, because he was still considered a King of NIBIRU.

So, ANZU the pilot, carved out a tomb inside a mountain, and then used his spaceship to carve ALALU's face, wearing the Eagle Helmet of the ANUNAKI.

That way, NIBIRU could see ALALU's face from their homeplanet.

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62b3e8  No.16872267


She's so stupid and pathetic it hurts. Right in the Federal Budget and off the books via all the losers who've been robbing us blind & telling us to shut up, suck it up with a hand in our pockets. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Any Elon fanbois around? Tesla joined Patagonia and will spring for a murder too. Doesn't Musk have 7 kids? Wtf, this clown…

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668e53  No.16872283

File: 9af02e5a1c7afa6⋯.png (629.73 KB, 1426x1580, 713:790, E6EC55E0_BA57_41EF_83D9_32….png)

File: 6ecaf6db7e0c2fe⋯.png (210.96 KB, 521x622, 521:622, B5712443_ECD5_404C_ACF6_2B….png)

File: fa4da0463fc99e8⋯.jpeg (28.12 KB, 255x214, 255:214, C0C0EA11_7ADD_4520_A6BC_C….jpeg)

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, D476D84E_575F_45B4_BECB_D….jpeg)

File: 1fbd5e87ca8412a⋯.jpeg (179.49 KB, 1373x896, 1373:896, 586B6124_BCBD_4F41_8270_3….jpeg)

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ab66ca  No.16872325


*Truth, but not too much truth, Social

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e14bcf  No.16872366


i wouldn't even trust Tor for buying the world's smallest crack rock

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1ff85e  No.16872372


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668e53  No.16872388

File: ae22a302c6dca1e⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 1501CE53_5EDA_4AC3_85E3_99….gif)

File: f3dfe549354db5b⋯.jpeg (30.77 KB, 219x255, 73:85, F3D9981C_A070_40CE_816A_1….jpeg)

File: 3839b70718cfb24⋯.jpeg (25.04 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 9B53AA14_CEB3_4809_A508_F….jpeg)

File: dbfac9460b185d3⋯.jpeg (98.71 KB, 1152x897, 384:299, CFC480C5_11A8_463B_8E7F_E….jpeg)

File: 8d77b6069884197⋯.jpeg (53.62 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 113142B7_421A_4D6C_ABBD_6….jpeg)

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f28115  No.16872395


saw that, had to kek also, the board is comp'd…has been for a while.

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1ff85e  No.16872397

File: 082927b68fb461c⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 255x141, 85:47, 082927b68fb461cba6d8ce4efd….jpg)

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391450  No.16872400

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69a023  No.16872402


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f28115  No.16872410


Not all comms are meant for anons

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64f7ce  No.16872445


I'm Canadian. Should I use a vpn when posting racist stuf?

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1ff85e  No.16872470



What a coinkydink... #me-too

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d37c48  No.16872473




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64f7ce  No.16872533






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29809d  No.16872546

OSS is Baruch the scribe and a traitor to his country

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e14bcf  No.16872548


Qliche red text is so tired

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d6ffdc  No.16872554

File: f5f1e059a6a566a⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 1024x817, 1024:817, 1657331794743.jpg)

Welcome back!!!!!!

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64f7ce  No.16872560



IPOT does a masterful job in his video


In case I can't embed it, link:


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29809d  No.16872586


They better handle with care and not be a wooly bully

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64f7ce  No.16872589


Even if there was they're unlikely to provide you their secrets otherwise they'd lose money. Only motive to help someone trade in markets is if it is family or wanting to help takedown the Shitsteins.

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d6ffdc  No.16872591

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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668e53  No.16872592

File: 9cc331f3ca0fc55⋯.jpeg (132.06 KB, 1034x623, 1034:623, 1C1487EF_AD7F_47B0_A2C3_9….jpeg)

File: e776468305e7c89⋯.jpeg (664.42 KB, 1120x755, 224:151, 7DF9A754_1424_4AED_8448_4….jpeg)

File: 7de233eb7a4df45⋯.jpeg (694.92 KB, 1125x696, 375:232, 54A1F1CD_0A4B_4B94_A335_0….jpeg)

File: cf4bb017e174e2a⋯.png (359.15 KB, 680x467, 680:467, 7F832E7D_3474_4BE8_AC52_E9….png)

File: c2e9704c3c08eea⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB, 600x685, 120:137, 2313C9ED_F2B4_49D7_9BE8_4….jpeg)

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62b3e8  No.16872596



NIS is gatekeeper. Medicine for [them] snake oil for [you] no unregulated research

Drain the Swamp

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a61b5c  No.16872602

so we have african americans, does that mean im actually North America American?

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1fe4f3  No.16872609

He said "What a wizard?"

3:02 in the morning

There's a drop about 3:02 am let me see if I can find it

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29809d  No.16872637



opps wrong link

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e14bcf  No.16872640


Maybe the ass end is all blown out from some ancient space battle and they don't want us to see it?

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422e7b  No.16872650

File: 085065c81ddcbc3⋯.png (13.53 KB, 130x253, 130:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ff85e  No.16872666



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29809d  No.16872677

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668e53  No.16872682

File: d05945174fc0bb5⋯.jpeg (568.7 KB, 1134x629, 1134:629, 6F9F4419_95FA_4EDF_9DDB_0….jpeg)

File: 59166bdf90b8ad5⋯.jpeg (148.08 KB, 992x414, 496:207, 2E2FF6D9_FCA5_4C59_B87D_6….jpeg)

File: 524c0493d504f4c⋯.jpeg (178.26 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 4C811B02_7BB5_4C8D_9EB4_4….jpeg)

File: bebd8e843f6a189⋯.jpeg (26.09 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 31DFA512_89BB_4F23_AC1D_6….jpeg)

File: 77da61e313eecb7⋯.jpeg (482.13 KB, 2048x1250, 1024:625, 73D1BC47_CD50_4BC9_8367_B….jpeg)

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422e7b  No.16872728


>What a coinkydink… #me-too


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1ff85e  No.16872739

File: f7a727e3ba9d18d⋯.jpg (62.54 KB, 1072x806, 536:403, f7a727e3ba9d18de28efdff788….jpg)

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29809d  No.16872757


I like it. Anybody figured out who is behind this account yet?

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64f7ce  No.16872783

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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668e53  No.16872785

File: c223808a8012d28⋯.jpeg (205.35 KB, 2500x1666, 1250:833, C1A40D2D_9D7D_4092_B30E_4….jpeg)

File: f700b9bdcf25c28⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 2048x1314, 1024:657, 063C93F8_1D6C_4EBC_9280_8….jpeg)

File: 4992c420122864e⋯.jpeg (58.45 KB, 992x415, 992:415, 454C7305_6D3D_4158_B2FC_B….jpeg)

File: a438b33bd748288⋯.jpeg (31.37 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 54CDCC68_045A_464A_A478_E….jpeg)

File: 2600d6ed6355799⋯.jpeg (449.79 KB, 1368x733, 1368:733, 17579004_1395_4329_A1DE_2….jpeg)

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29809d  No.16872790


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64f7ce  No.16872820



Confirm Handoff


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1fe4f3  No.16872824


That "Hashtag" like symbol reminds me of an Octogon

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d37c48  No.16872825



Liz Willis really packed on the pounds is she pregnant?

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f28115  No.16872831


That's not Stephen Wright.

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98872d  No.16872913


seeing that the end result of democracy is bolshevism, I can kind of see their point.

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964f99  No.16872919


when they start dying, I might start believing and I will certainly be praying for more

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1fe4f3  No.16872949


yes we did

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964f99  No.16872958





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1fe4f3  No.16872976


She may be flaming hot, but she doesn't appear crunchy in the least. Get that girl a sammich.

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f23d51  No.16872977

Just a thawt but isn't locking down the entire board just doing the spammers work for them? BO, JW…..?

And what is the point of "read only" ifn' there ain't nuttin to read?

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3f2d29  No.16872979

File: 846fb0e3ef5cc0e⋯.png (375.99 KB, 670x436, 335:218, 846fb0e3ef5cc0e45680cee85f….png)

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a61b5c  No.16872985

Hello Boss it's been a while. Can we get the "My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us" Posted on Trumps Reactivated

On Twatter..

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577b4e  No.16872992


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124cc2  No.16872999


Ah, so you are a halfmind troll, thanks for the info

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d6ffdc  No.16873012



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964f99  No.16873015

Our government and state governments are so stupid, it hurts. Why did anyone allow this?


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f28115  No.16873034


@intheMatrixxx, [06.06.22 16:28]

[ Video ]

Antifa was already in the Capitol.


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c8891e  No.16873040


>how did Biden get 81 gorillian votes?

are you ready? you see….there were all these poor white people in cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta (hang with me here…i know those are all mostly black cities)…and these poor white folks, well…they are racists and misogynistic so they could not bring themselves to vote for Obama or Hillary…so, then these folks were so disgusted by Trump's war on woman and people of color that they came out to vote for Biden; makes sense? it does to a fuckiing normie ….and Bill Barr….

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98872d  No.16873042


do not trust anyone.

When did he bring up the food chain attacks? sauce pls.

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ce1372  No.16873049


First meme is very true.

Saved me from being just another vet who capped himself after getting back from the desert and finding out it was all a jewish lie, based on a jewish terrorist attack.

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ce1372  No.16873082

"Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced that he has directed the Maryland State Police to suspend the "good and substantial reason" standard when reviewing applications for wear and carry gun permits in the state. The order comes after the Supreme Court struck down a similar law in New York.

“Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a provision in New York law pertaining to handgun permitting that is virtually indistinguishable from Maryland law. In light of the ruling and to ensure compliance with the Constitution, I am directing the Maryland State Police to immediately suspend utilization of the ‘good and substantial reason’ standard when reviewing applications for Wear and Carry Permits. It would be unconstitutional to continue enforcing this provision in state law. There is no impact on other permitting requirements and protocols."


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c8891e  No.16873084


its a teacher

in a bldg full of kids

nobody is talking about ballistics & tactics

nobody is expecting teachers to be front line operators

nobody is letting rifles go in classsrooms

your nuts

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64f7ce  No.16873103


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668e53  No.16873112

File: 57701fbb73e1de4⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1626x1308, 271:218, 67462B31_30BE_43D0_B68E_4….jpeg)

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 8328714E_647E_4547_82B9_5….jpeg)

File: f68dd09df11ff5b⋯.jpeg (35.65 KB, 428x489, 428:489, CF09D88D_A3E9_41F4_BF2B_B….jpeg)

File: 79a33f6447a3b3c⋯.jpeg (24.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, B9D0FC34_5C5C_4861_9D81_C….jpeg)

File: 380da90810ef729⋯.jpeg (279.85 KB, 679x471, 679:471, 3077318B_F78B_4D96_BB6B_F….jpeg)

the world loves him, Americans most of all. enjoy, shills. g nite anons

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9c9047  No.16873120


You have your guns but what're you gunna do vs a high-powered LRAD that'll melt your guts, laser-beams, frigging… millions of unleashed drones that'll kamikaze attach to your head and blow up. The movie is to push Americans to a precipice to unlock the patriotic American Warrior within them. To fight for the constitution and their fellow countrymen. Anyone who has suffered a lot knows the superpowers that are unlocked from surviving the harsh times.

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a61b5c  No.16873126


she should know…none of her Arkancides have been done in by an AR.

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577b4e  No.16873149




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9c9047  No.16873150


! ! ! keep your legs closed AOC ! ! !

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ce1372  No.16873152


>Soo asking for a fren.. How long are you going to be doing.. what it is your doing? Can we look forward to more constructive behavior in the near future or.. is it just gonna be this Shit?

Tell your fren to contact me in real life, they know were to find me.

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fc9d1a  No.16873153


I don't do anything to call attention to myself; I just make a post using my favorite Pepe. You're the one singling me out, making an issue, calling me a famefag. Let's look at your other posts. That's what I thought. You like Vatican stuff, huh?

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a61b5c  No.16873181

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fccb91  No.16873190


well lotsa dems infected recently

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98872d  No.16873209


Line up the eyes instead of the hats and use the same scale, asshat.

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144669  No.16873213


Aww, ad hominem. How cute.

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c8891e  No.16873217



KanekoaTheGreat, [10.06.22 17:10]

[Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist]

[ Photo ]

No comment.

Justin Beiber:


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124cc2  No.16873226



>it's a meme showing hypocracy of givin weapons to defend life to nazis in ukraine while not giving two fucks of America security or American safety…


>well done.

Thank you 38c081 for the help while I was away!

Yes, and also - it seems sending all the heavy weaponry, to be destroyed almost immediately by Russia, will result in a world with fewer instances of such weaponry, and thus, potentially fewer deaths.

In other words, although "war is heck" as Kermit (THE FROG, kek![1]) said, still, the goal is a better place. For smaller minds it's "better place for me/family/tribe" and for larger minds, it's "better place for all."

Q and the team appear to be larger minds.

[1] - ROFK, noticed that on review before posting. topkek

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9c9047  No.16873231





posts with notables, list of spammer breads

dough is in reserve, lets see if they attack again,

can do this all day and night.

thanks aholes, baker is dedicated and resolute.

what is the admin doing to stop the attack?

first time captcha popped up on this bread.

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ce1372  No.16873239


I like that.

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124cc2  No.16873258

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fccb91  No.16873262

Old Digitalstorm meme….. The past proves the future.


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94e4d1  No.16873265

Listen closely you little brainwashed assholes. There is no stopping what IS gonna come. YOU may think your intellect is so fucking grand because you were led on a bit longer BUT YOU ARE gonna pay the fucking price. There is no more playing games on shit that has been spoken about for centuries. Ever fucking wonder why only select individuals are allowed to be archeologists? Fucking morons. Like I said in the beginning. This Little Rock under the Sun will NOT be a pickup for your fucking clan. Conform or not….life goes on. But guaranteed YOU are gonna suffer just as much if not more than those of us who already have. There is no ‘change the system’ in this this time. You are done. Enjoy 😂 By the way….. don’t think for one fucking minute tech saves you from your ignorance. Not while I am alive. Better get to fucking planning real fast

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c8891e  No.16873278


Are they the ones burning down our food production plants?? Are they here on our soil causing trains to derail and killing off our cattle?

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144669  No.16873285


the j6 hearing is also bullshit.

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144669  No.16873302


Nice trips.

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ce1372  No.16873305



no sugar

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98872d  No.16873307


Is that all you got as a comeback?

Fucking pathetic


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98872d  No.16873331


That's a trippy dope fresh pepe.

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964f99  No.16873337

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ce1372  No.16873342


>You are an abomination to this board.

Pig rocks - fuck off

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fccb91  No.16873354


let's make the world classy again, while we're at it

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0a5b28  No.16873355


TY Jim!

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98872d  No.16873357


Digits confer - Lin Wood was correct and pushed everything to the limit. Lin Wood knows how to create a 'britney spears head shaving moment'.

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964f99  No.16873363



>Do you ever take a day off and reflect?

Na Man I just stomp down on this here and make YOU REFLECT and your chest thump.

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95a6db  No.16873364


I don't know if he's a Soros upper as much as he's a shill for the Military Industrial Complex. He made his money and got his timeslot by shilling the Bush wars.

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fccb91  No.16873367


You can do NOTHING

Tuesday, then you shall begin to know true suffering

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0a5b28  No.16873368

A Harvest Approaches, One the likes of which we have never seent' before

Waves Riders are Good to Go

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144669  No.16873374


OK, let’s not be idiotic.

The US military can have a football sized craft ten feet over your house and you would not know it was there.

Wake up dumb fucks.

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964f99  No.16873377


just a side note

I never could find where

God created angels and Satan

wondered if God disguised himself

you see, Adam named her "mother of all mankind"

which didn't fit a whore, ya know

and when you figure it

the dream had… to include… everyone

it had to

all that remains

is the evil that keeps us from our most beautiful selves

and makes us run from the light of love and truth

evil is the zig zag we do

the ugly we do and the ugly we become

that betrays our dignified and intelligent natures


is that which gains advantage

by betraying all that is dignified and wise

and turns us all into beasts

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964f99  No.16873391


>I capped the video at 0:52

:52 →> May 2

Intended or not…worked out quite well.

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f23d51  No.16873402

File: da771871066c491⋯.png (655.49 KB, 911x1024, 911:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Time to release this dude.

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94e4d1  No.16873403



>20-30 duck carcasses on the side of the road

>Somebody must have nailed the whole flock.

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98872d  No.16873415


…The astrology part around the 1 hour mark, nails it.

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144669  No.16873416


Read my Isaiah 9:11 post. I was a G0 worker. Mathematically impossible cause I didn't write the Bible in order to get it right.

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577b4e  No.16873418



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124cc2  No.16873436


Yeah I got what you're describing 2 months ago after sharing a vape pen with someone that is double-jabbed. Used alcohol swabs between uses but still it transferred from saliva. I never had anything like whatever I experienced for the next 3 days. The illness started in the middle of the night, I woke up shivering like I was naked in -20 weather. My entire body was sore and stiff (specifically bones), felt like my brain was going to burst through my skull from internal pressure. If COVID exists then that must've been it; if I caught something like that as a 50+ year old it would've taken me out.

I just water fasted during the whole 3 day ordeal and continued Z protocol and was fine after. Also I took 3 Aspirin (Willow Bark) on beginning of day 3 and it removed all of my body pain after 30 minutes and notably felt much better; should've used it much sooner but now I know for future.

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964f99  No.16873447


>Q replied to

> Q would tag

what are you talking about?

there was no post replied to in this drop?

**Besides I thought this was fake Q anyway?

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ffee47  No.16873454


Did the kid know hed be patsied, thus the Oswald ref, or did the fbi throw just that in for fun?

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b46bd9  No.16873458


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ce1372  No.16873464

Previously Collected






General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/


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c8891e  No.16873466

When did Anons start calling him Biden?

It isPOTATO!!!

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b46bd9  No.16873472


The Statue of Liberty Nebula (NGC 3576) in the constellation Carina https://tmblr.co/ZbBCatgVxvOL


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964f99  No.16873475


>Or will we get powerful enough to get the blue states back in line

Gotta be United.

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fccb91  No.16873482


Obviously your being controlled, so I forgive you. My job is to AWAKEN you to the truth and your snide comments made by a broken brain will not stop me.

Someday We'll Laugh About This Week - January 2-8

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577b4e  No.16873487


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98872d  No.16873502


Manifestation is when two people agree, something is created, when they disagree something is lost but if they agree on something for the sake of God's kingdom come, then something that endures. Without self sacrifice, God's kingdom cannot come, that you might understand His name.

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fc9d1a  No.16873510

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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0a5b28  No.16873512


ISIS Flag.

time to ask the sheriff about what to do about this.

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fc9d1a  No.16873523


Class warfare?

Democrats are going back to basics!

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d6ffdc  No.16873524


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0a5b28  No.16873526


I don't know what's worse. The original acts or the cooked salvage op. Never stood a chance.

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ffee47  No.16873531


Twelve times 5,280

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fc9d1a  No.16873537


good answer

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144669  No.16873551

Chairman Powell was just asked about companies limiting investment in hydrocarbons, because they are, 'anticipating electrified power supply…electric cars, electric everything'.

Powell: It's a rational economic response to expectations about where future 'policy' is headed.

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144669  No.16873563


Handoff Confirmed

happy 4th bodge

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144669  No.16873574


Thank you, Victems of the DS

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94e4d1  No.16873577


Damn he does not strike me as a frog kinda guy.

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577b4e  No.16873580




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ce1372  No.16873586


Farrah did the best gold paint

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fc9d1a  No.16873599


what's wrong with this pic

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144669  No.16873611


how about frazzled.rip you son of a bitch

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94e4d1  No.16873614


as if today couldn't get any better, Q is back!!!! Yay!

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2d6859  No.16873616


all you Sandbaggers MSNBC, CNN DaiLy BeAsT0r GEorge is BACK!! no trip code no q clocks. no smith mundt. just organic reality. now you can even smell the farty seat cussion of your own obese ass in your own chair.


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b46bd9  No.16873623

errybuddy do one pull-up and ten push-ups


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144669  No.16873624

Can you feel it?

Is your DNA being activated?

Are you vibrating high enough to receive the light code downloads?

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144669  No.16873625

Here we go again

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124cc2  No.16873631


she need some sammiches

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0a5b28  No.16873639


Mission forward.

Q also used missions forward.

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94e4d1  No.16873651

I was trafficked to their friends.


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144669  No.16873672



Techniques and



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94e4d1  No.16873674

woman: that which fakes orgasms for money

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2d6859  No.16873688


So like, What role are you playing? Cuz I mean you had the guys playing chess and then you had the fake anon people caught with guns staging a false flag, then you had the guys talking about their plan it's been a minute but there's a few I can remember that when you scream, it means you're planning something. Sir, you are screaming, so is the next staged event of something being moved?

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577b4e  No.16873717


>Are you vibrating high enough to receive the light code downloads?


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c8891e  No.16873729



>Coeur d’Alene Idaho Police Continue Removing Christians from LGBT Event — Satanic Temple & Drag Queens Present at “Family-Friendly” Gathering


>0:08 / 2:32


>Ford Fischer

>2:50 PM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

>Coeur d’Alene: Police Officers Removing Christian Preachers from North Idaho All-Ages LGBT Event hosting Satanists & Drag Queens

Why aren't you in a parade today?

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2d6859  No.16873737


That was a mistake

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fc9d1a  No.16873740

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b46bd9  No.16873755


it does not hurt living rural and surrounded by Amish and Vets

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f23d51  No.16873781


>Should I use a vpn when posting racist stuf?

Nope. Being Canadian is the next best thing to wearing a condom or using a vpn.

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0a5b28  No.16873794

The Red Wave will be All Consuming

The Destruction will be Absolute

There is no Escaping

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b46bd9  No.16873797


is that a him?

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1c4055  No.16873799


With ya there bro.


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94e4d1  No.16873802


>Jason Crow

also stands with other assorted and sundry losers. Served (himself) in Iraq. This helps explain the Operation Enduring ClusterFuck

"Jason Crow (born March 15, 1979) is an American lawyer, veteran, and politician who is a member of the United States House of Representatives from Colorado's 6th congressional district. Crow is the first member of the Democratic Party to represent the district, which encompasses several of Denver's eastern suburbs like Aurora, Littleton, Centennial, and Thornton.

Crow was an impeachment manager during his first term in Congress at the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump"

Political positions

Gun control

Further information: Gun law in the United States and Gun politics in the United States

Crow voiced support for gun control reform while campaigning for the House of Representatives. On February 28, 2019, he voted for the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R.8) after cosponsoring the bill. H.R.8, if passed, will require unlicensed gun sellers to conduct background checks on gun buyers. Crow is also a cosponsor of the Assault Weapon Ban Act (H.R.1296), which would limit access to guns that are considered assault weapons.

Special interests

Crow refused corporate PAC money during his campaign. He is a sponsor of the For the People Act of 2019, which would end gerrymandering and create automatic voter registration if passed.[25] The For the People Act of 2019 would also prevent Congress members from serving on corporate boards. The bill also seeks to eliminate dark money contributions.


Crow supports abortion rights. "I will always fight to protect a woman's right to choose. Women should have the right to make healthcare decisions that are right for them and their families. I have fought to protect a woman's right to choose, while simultaneously working to continue funding critical resources like Planned Parenthood."

LGBT rights

Crow supports same-sex marriage and the expansion of LGBT non-discrimination laws. Crow supported President Barack Obama's repeal of Don't ask, don't tell at the 2012 Democratic National Convention He opposed President Donald Trump's transgender military ban, cosponsoring an amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act to overturn the ban. In 2021, he supported the Equality Act.

Wisconsin born Colorado bred faggotery.


On September 23, 2019, Crow was one of seven freshmen lawmakers with national security backgrounds who shared an opinion essay in The Washington Post voicing their support for an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. In interviews, Crow said it was important that "the inquiry stay focused and proceed efficiently." On January 15, 2020,Crow was selected as one of seven impeachment managerswho presented the impeachment case against President Donald Trump during his trial before the United States Senate.

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fc9d1a  No.16873808


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b46bd9  No.16873810


You clearly didn't read, but it's okay. I forgive you. You'd be amazed how many tho think they are a vampire. Sad really, I mean adrenochrome and all. Nice you took time out to clearly state your ignorance.

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94e4d1  No.16873860

Iran Believes Israel Killed Two Iranian Scientists With Poison

Separately, two Iranian aerospace workers died over the weekend

The New York Times reported Monday that Iran believes Israel killed two Iranian scientists with poison amid a spate of suspected Israeli assassinations inside the Islamic Republic.

An Iranian official and people with ties to the government told the Times that Ayoub Entezari, an Iranian aeronautical engineer who worked for a military research center, and Kamran Aghamolaei, a geologist, were both poisoned separately at the end of May and died within a few days of falling ill.

Adding to the suspicion that Israel was responsible, Israeli media reported that Aghamolaei worked at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, a site of frequent Israeli covert attacks. But people close to Aghamolaei deny the claim and say that he worked for a private geological research company.

Last month, the Times reported that Israel is suspected of being behind a May 25 drone attack on an Iranian military facility outside of Tehran that killed a young Iranian engineer. Israel is the likely culprit since it has launched similar attacks on Iranian facilities in the past.

A few days before the drone attack, on May 22, a colonel in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was gunned down in Tehran. Iran formally blamed Israel for the assassination, and the Times reported that Israel told the US it was responsible.

The mysterious deaths inside Iran continue as Iranian media reported that two men working for the IRGC in the aerospace industry died while on unspecified missions over the weekend. Both deaths were labeled as “martyrdoms,” suggesting Iran believes they were killed.

While it’s not known if the Israelis are responsible for all of the deaths, it’s clear that Israel is ramping up its covert war against Iran. At the same time, Israel has been claiming Iran is plotting attacks against Israeli citizens in foreign countries.

In the latest warning, Israel told its citizens to leave Turkey due to alleged threats from Iranian operatives. But the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Monday that any “response” Iran would make against Israel would not be in a third country.

“If we will want to respond to Israel’s activities, our answer will be given in its place and not in a third country,” said Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh.




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fc9d1a  No.16873864

… nothing can make up for his death. Not even sacrificing me.


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577b4e  No.16873877


>That was a mistake

Why because I would have loved to see her already back then, I can't wait for my own birthday this year because then I must see her for sure!!!

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b4dcd2  No.16873888

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fc9d1a  No.16873894

Kek. The way Q posted last bread kinda reminds anon of Freddy when he would post bait early in a bread and call out all the suckers at the end.

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b4dcd2  No.16873908


US expects NATO to have 'strong' language on China - White House

The updated NATO strategic concept, which will be adopted at the upcoming summit in Madrid, will include some "strong" language on China, according to a White House official.

“So just as teams are continuing to work here on the G7 document teams are continuing to make final tweaks on the strategic concept. So those conversations are ongoing. I think we're very confident we're gonna get to a good place. And then we're gonna have strong China language in the NATO Strategic Concept, which will be I think, you know, a significant improvement or change from 2010 when China was not mentioned and Russia I think was called a strategic partner or something,” the official told journalists.

The official stated that China will be heavily discussed at the G7 summit in Germany, which takes place from Sunday to Tuesday.

“They touched on China, which I think is going to continue to be a broad theme for this trip. A year ago, you remember China was mentioned in the G7 leader statement was also mentioned for the first time in the NATO leader statement. We expect that that's going to be echoed and enhanced in meetings this week, starting at the G7 and then continuing on at NATO including in the strategic concept,” the official said.

Active arms control talks with China

Last month, the foreign ministers of the G7 countries voiced their support for more wide-scope efforts involving China in active dialogues over arms control to promote nuclear disarmament.

"The G7 supports and encourages wider efforts towards an active arms control dialogue involving China," the foreign ministers said in a joint communique after a meeting in Weissenhaus, Germany.

The ministers also stressed that they welcome efforts by the G7 Nuclear Weapons States to promote effective measures that are critical toward progress on disarmament under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

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f9159d  No.16873919



ty note taker

corp on duty for a while,

Day shift Activated, sing it Arrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

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fc9d1a  No.16873922


We Didn't Imagine it.

It Happened.

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94e4d1  No.16873931


>long before your awareness вudded


Many who are first will be last, and many who are last are first.

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2d6859  No.16873938


Yes. A thousand thank yous.

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f9159d  No.16873966




“Crown source” could really be “Crowdsource”

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577b4e  No.16873974


>sing it Arrr


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1ff85e  No.16873977

File: 2c6f262f41fa69f⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB, 764x480, 191:120, 2c6f262f41fa69f963b74f3e1c….mp4)



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f9159d  No.16874015



….maybe there is a correlation between how trustworthy a person is, and how much they trust themselves.

Maybe to know the next best thing to say is always what you can honestly trust yourself as having learned the source of why the statement is considered true or false.

Contrast that with 'would I speak another's lies if the tradeoff was money and power'?

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67ee83  No.16874018


45in FFL548 departed Delaware Muni. Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

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dc2287  No.16874022


>Q's Board: /projectdcomms/

Had a B post it was removed that is what is being referenced.

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dc2287  No.16874035


Post was done with TOR… Who knew that it was possible to post on TOR?

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b4dcd2  No.16874039

“Monkeypox is so last week”

“Release the Poliomyelitis”

Polio: Health officials ‘urgently’ investigating after rare virus detected in London sewage

UK Health Security Agency ‘urgently’

investigating outbreak in North-East London, with officials racing to determine whether community transmission is occurring in the capital


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94e4d1  No.16874059


did his half nigger kid wish him happy fathers day?

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94e4d1  No.16874070


>Typical pervert Kike? Kek!

Mein Gott! Was sagst du? Liebst du Shlomo?

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1c4055  No.16874074

Take your "Liberal World Order" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, Baby Killing, Elderly genocide, Demented Degenerates, Pedophiles & Groomers!

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577b4e  No.16874079




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95a6db  No.16874086



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b46bd9  No.16874115

Deepfake. Mark 11:26


What if what seems new has been very common?

Think of examples of something new that turned out to be undiscovered but common and thus not so new afterall.

Apply to Deepfake examples now being newly discovered.



Humanity's creation v Humanity itself.

Q 4915


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193040📁

Oct 21 2020 13:56:57 (EST)

A deep dark world is being exposed.

The truth won't be for everyone.

Have faith in Humanity.


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dc2287  No.16874137


Try …


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fa6d3d  No.16874143

I’m not a baker but went back through the last few breads to catch up

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0a5b28  No.16874153

Muh Pyramid on Ulkraine cash

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f23d51  No.16874157


>Twelve times 5,280 = twelve miles

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5892dd  No.16874158


> french canadian fart noises virtually wiff ai

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f9159d  No.16874164



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1c4055  No.16874179

Ok this is stupid waiting for Q to drop the explanation for the tripcode malfeasance

We've all moved on with our lives, so if Q won't deliver the goods here and now, it's game over.

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a3434c  No.16874181

While our military is forced to read about critical race theory, China is building the world’s largest Navy. It’s time for America to stop this silliness and get serious about the challenge China poses.


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ed6bea  No.16874185


and shitting the bread. So uncouth! KEK!

Some people's kids.

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2d6859  No.16874188

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2d6859  No.16874202



>Why would it not be?

dunno…maybe somebody else has an extradition on her..or it is an allussion to it not being a "Military" judge.

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fa6d3d  No.16874203


probably the safest bet

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1ff85e  No.16874211

The absolute state… smh

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577b4e  No.16874213




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ed6bea  No.16874214


>The Boy Scouts

.. the same org that lost boatloads of $ to pedo payouts, having to sell campsites even? Rich.

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fa6d3d  No.16874217


>Asks for info, got pointed in the right direction, bitches about not being instantly gratified.

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b4dcd2  No.16874220


JFK Jr may still be alive had that light hit it's target.

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ed6bea  No.16874227

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fa6d3d  No.16874231


Thanks Baker. This meme late last bread. PRICELESS!!!

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f9159d  No.16874237


Try harder hivemind FAGGOT

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0a5b28  No.16874243





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2d6859  No.16874247

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b4dcd2  No.16874248


When you import Azovs to do the dirty work, chit gonna get ugly…..

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a3434c  No.16874249

interdasting date-to-delta, fwiw

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b4dcd2  No.16874263


COHEN: Consti­tu­tional experts who follow the courts always seem to have an eye on three or four cases that are begin­ning to wend their way through state court systems or the federal system. What three or four Second Amend­ment cases are you watch­ing as they begin their jour­neys to the higher courts? Are we likely to see a chal­lenge to these new open carry laws that so many states have adop­ted over the past few years? Are there other cases you see out there that could give this Court the oppor­tun­ity to expand gun rights and limit gun regu­la­tion? What should we be watch­ing for?

MILLER: There’s a host of unsettled ques­tions that I’m keep­ing my eye on. The lower federal courts right now are wrest­ling with the issue of what counts as an “arm” for purposes of the Second Amend­ment: Does it include large capa­city magazines? Does it include AR-15s and other rifles modeled on milit­ary weapons? In Michigan, the state supreme court is set to decide whether the Univer­sity of Michigan and other state univer­sit­ies can keep fire­arms off their campuses or whether that viol­ates federal or state consti­tu­tional law. Then there’s the flood of litig­a­tion that will follow the Bruen case. I guar­an­tee that gun rights advoc­ates have already got plaintiffs engaged and complaints draf­ted and that there will be multiple lawsuits filed as soon as the Court hands down Bruen.

But what I’m really focused on is the sleeper issue in Bruen that will determ­ine just how radical a change we’re in for. Right now, the lower courts are using a two-step frame­work for decid­ing Second Amend­ment cases. The first step is a histor­ical approach; the second step allows the govern­ment to justify its regu­la­tion through social science data or other kinds of empir­ical tools. But one issue in Bruen is whether that second step is permiss­ible or whether all Second Amend­ment ques­tions may be answered only by refer­ence to what is permit­ted by “text, history, and tradi­tion.”

If the Court adopts a “text, history, and tradi­tion”-only approach to Second Amend­ment ques­tions, then suddenly everything we thought we knew about gun regu­la­tion

— that you can keep those convicted of domestic viol­ence from possess­ing fire­arms; that you can keep loaded guns out of the cabins of commer­cial airliners

— all that is up for grabs.

Disclos­ure: Miller was among a group of attor­neys who filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of neither party in the Bruen case, urging the Supreme Court not to apply a text, history, and tradi­tion-only approach. He also filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the pending Michigan Supreme Court case.

This inter­view has been edited for length and clar­ity.

This discus­sion is one of several in a Bren­nan Center series on the Bill of Rights. The inter­view with Orin Kerr about the Fourth Amend­ment is here, the inter­view with David Carroll about the Sixth Amend­ment is here, and the inter­view with Carol Steiker on the Eighth Amend­ment is here.


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a3434c  No.16874264

I think we supposed to be watching the soybeans too y’all

That equals 17 words w/o hash


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1c4055  No.16874266


We need to sunset the welfare checks that incentivize having more kids out of wedlock. This shit is unacceptable and has ruined the black community, making degenerate women the heads of the household.

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ed6bea  No.16874271

Is qagg still down for you guys?

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2d6859  No.16874289


>I don't think the Starship Enterprise can fly in orbit.

Tomorrow Is Yesterday


The USS Enterprise is thrown back in time to Earth during the 1960s by the effects of a high-gravity "black star". Enterprise ends up in Earth's upper atmosphere, and is picked up as a UFO on military radar.

A U.S. Air Force F-104 interceptor piloted by Captain John Christopher (Roger Perry), is scrambled to identify the craft. Fearing an attack, Captain Kirk orders a tractor beam to be used on the jet, which tears the plane apart. The pilot is transported aboard the Enterprise.


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1c4055  No.16874290


Kulture Kat.

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fa6d3d  No.16874297

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ed6bea  No.16874304


If that comment triggered them bigly, wait until they read what he has to say in the majority opinion on Dobbs when it finally comes out next week.

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a3434c  No.16874307


why isn't anyone asking why Q is using TOR to post? What does that mean? Is TOR secure again?

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1c4055  No.16874320



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fa6d3d  No.16874329


They need to feel FEAR before the PAIN.

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3c1716  No.16874334


like Seth Rich?

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5892dd  No.16874340


That's bullshit. That's a woman, baby! She probably wearing a Clit Pendulum that swings when she walks and keeps her motor revved up and ready to fuck!

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577b4e  No.16874355


>JFK Jr may still be alive had that light hit it's target.


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fa6d3d  No.16874357


fuck off with your fucking worthless gematria, faggot

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f9159d  No.16874358

Should I knock on your window

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24be88  No.16874359

She said what he said, a lure.

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5892dd  No.16874367


PS they kill and do not protect Whistleblowers.

Just so you know.

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dc2287  No.16874373




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fa6d3d  No.16874385

2022.06.18 IMPORTANT—A Message for Americans (Premiered 4 hours ago)


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1c4055  No.16874386


It's unfortunate so many of you can enjoy Tool, but not use it. I'd love to be wrong, anon, I really would, but way too many of you are entirely lost and don't even know it. Even when I've tried to show you, you've flung shit and pushed me aside.

I'd love for you all to catch up, I really would. I tried for years. It's too bad Q took this direction. Now we have loads of work to do.

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3c1716  No.16874414



Yoo mean tu tell me that yoo don't like working 8-16 hrs a day tu pay taxes so some Hood Hoppin Antique Farm Equipment can raid the shelves while you work. Then those who don't work go and get the rest with their EBT (Foodstamps) Cards that yoo funded?

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b4dcd2  No.16874417



Ahhhh…. Makes sense kek…

last letter standing is 'M'

Looks like the pyros melted the ICEing kek.


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1c4055  No.16874426


Russia is now weakened from battling the mighty Ukraine army.


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67ee83  No.16874432


Way too obvious….

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1ff85e  No.16874440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24be88  No.16874451


As promised, first video on Tony Blair, know your enemies who pretend to be the friends of the people !!

Tony Blair, Beginnings, History and present and his connections to global N.G.O's - The Dark Lord!!!

Academic Agent Retrospective #2: Tony Blair

1,065 viewsPremiered 110 minutes ago


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fa6d3d  No.16874454


AI Magic, interdasting.. in light of yesterday's

Midterm Primary Elections

in multiple states

>Jovan Pulitzer said AI machine algorithms manipulated a lot of the ballot results in the AZ audit report analysis on Monday

How many primary elections were yesterday?

How many of them have people in uproar?

Remember when it was revealed that there was election data being processed in Germany?

Was this his arrogant thank you speaking in his so called elite language again thinking we wouldn't understand?

When does Obamass get sent to the speshul place?

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2d6859  No.16874463


The link is broken, why is it still showing on Trumps timeline? Do deleted Truths stick around?

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ac6873  No.16874464


got a map?

do (we) know tunnel locs?

same loc?

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dc2287  No.16874471



looks like you triggered a minion

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ed6bea  No.16874472


shill defunder

onus belongs on the power of the people in pure wealth number GOD FAMILY AND COUNTRY

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3c1716  No.16874481



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f9159d  No.16874494

Was thinking of Q and the tripcode previously used. I know it was color changing. Was the Q itself the same green as anon’s “prefilled “anonymous” field, or was the Q a lighter green, or a thinner font? Am I misremembering?

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fa6d3d  No.16874497



Supreme Court temporarily blocks Texas ban on Big Tech political censorship

Justice Alito wants the law to go into effect now while the case works its way through the courts.


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1c4055  No.16874498



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fa6d3d  No.16874511

Steroid addiction is much like meth addiction.

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f9159d  No.16874551



Le calme avant la tempête

(The calm before the storm)

by Gloria Salgado Gispert

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1c4055  No.16874555


#20936 https://controlc.com/b9b17532

>LIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell to be Sentenced in Jefferey Epstein Sex Abuse Case


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f23d51  No.16874557

File: e70671cd166f625⋯.png (11.14 KB, 776x95, 776:95, ClipboardImage.png)


That was a good day.

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dc2287  No.16874558


chekt and kekt

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b4dcd2  No.16874577


/\ This anon confirms…


…that (you) are a retard.

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3c1716  No.16874583


That pesky ground zero worker that comes here every night waiting on justice to be served. Or you could say, someone who cares about life just like you. That is why I do what I do and am hated for it because I really act upon it and therefor I am considered a threat.

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1ff85e  No.16874587




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ac6873  No.16874590


yes. "who actually owns" is irregular and grammatically non-standard. as is "what the actual fuck".

anon draws attention to it, as ASD does not allow for anomalies to be ignored.

limited characters to post on SM, all words are intentionally ordered and selected- especially by Wired. (Conde Nast)

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67ee83  No.16874591

Thank you, Baker.

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cc8d0b  No.16874598


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1c4055  No.16874600


Spoiler dat.

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dc2287  No.16874603



That faggot knows nothing and will block you if you question him

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67ee83  No.16874608

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cc8d0b  No.16874612

The current state of the United States is a Democrap/Rino/WEF/NWO 3 ring circus

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67ee83  No.16874621


>Your grandson ruined your legacy

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f9159d  No.16874651


Fuckin’ A man!

I wanted a crooked smile like that!

Can I still get vaxxed somewheres?

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fa6d3d  No.16874682


she better lawyer up. She's about to get her ass sued off.

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fa6d3d  No.16874709


There isNOanonymity with any form of crypto. There can't be. All of it has a digital signature. All of it. That's why nearly all of the ransomware has been recovered. ( I leave you to guess as to why not "all" of it, but that's self-evident.)

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ed6bea  No.16874713

Waiting to remove the 'complainers' is the hardest part. But it will be the sweetest.

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b4dcd2  No.16874715



Obviously no cyberfags here they’d def preciate this knowledge (is novel)

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24be88  No.16874729

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1c4055  No.16874733


Likely, they're letting the breads play out and analyzing the responses.

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1ff85e  No.16874734



Chek'd and moldy

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dc2287  No.16874735


I would try to check full vid, to se if any word in particular triggered the MK stare

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ac6873  No.16874739

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5892dd  No.16874754

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ed6bea  No.16874756


Knew a kid in high school. Normal guy. Then Austin Powers came out. Dude only spoke in Austin Powers quotes the next couple years. I say that to propose that many/most/all have always been empty vessels. Was just more difficult to notice when they could only mimic those around them.

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4d869f  No.16874763


>Our job here is to Dig

I can dig it.


>can you pick it up?


Happy Birthday Notch.

I know you lurk here.

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b4dcd2  No.16874771

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90c080  No.16874798


They want his ass DEAD, you fucking IDIOT SHILL.

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a3434c  No.16874802


> I am the only one

isnt he the most prideful man alive?

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90c080  No.16874811

Unborn baby’s remains reportedly discovered in Mississippi wastewater treatment facility

‘My heart is broken,’ said Adams County Coroner James Lee. ‘I pray for the people who disposed of this child the way they did.’

The body of a second trimester unborn baby was said to have been recovered from an industrial wastewater treatment facility in Mississippi last week, according to the Natchez Democrat.

Adams County Coroner James Lee said the Sheriff’s Office contacted him Tuesday morning to respond to what seemed to be a human fetus discovered inside a drainage system at the Natchez, Mississippi wastewater treatment plant.

“Upon my arrival, I noticed a fetus that appeared to be (16 weeks’) gestational age laying in sewage,” Lee said, according to the outlet. “My heart is broken. I pray for the people who disposed of this child the way they did.”

Lee added that the Mississippi Crime Lab refused his request for an autopsy and DNA samples of the apparent deceased infant.

According to a report by The Blaze, Adams County Sheriff Travis Patten said that in the opinion of the Crime Lab the unborn child “was not considered viable,” adding that it was unclear whether “a crime has been committed or if it was simply a miscarriage.”

Patten said the Adam’s County Sheriff’s Office is looking to obtain an autopsy and DNA sample from a private lab in an effort to locate the unborn baby’s mother, though he said the chances of identifying her “are very slim.”

“In order for that to happen, the DNA would have to match someone that is already in the system,” Patten explained.

“Whomever the mother was is going to need medical attention,” the sheriff added.

“If the fetus was viable, it would be considered a desecration of a corpse, but if not there are no legal ramifications,” he said, characterizing the situation as “traumatic.”


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efe190  No.16874817

File: d1b92043f47caf6⋯.png (8.46 KB, 299x312, 23:24, ClipboardImage.png)


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1ff85e  No.16874819

Jumping to ~11-D

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5892dd  No.16874822

DARPA was mentioned in the Sussman trial along with InQTel.

Real journos should be bringing that to the surface.

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ed6bea  No.16874824


thanks i needed to know that

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a3434c  No.16874830



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fa6d3d  No.16874833

Its almost like cant brainwash conservatives to massacre people

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5892dd  No.16874834


Nice shooting baker.

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a3434c  No.16874844


Not only can modern planes to everything needed for flying. The pilots are specifically expected not to fly themselves (smaller planes being the exceptions to this) as computer is much more fuel efficient.

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f23d51  No.16874850

File: b8e3bf895d7a89e⋯.png (158.59 KB, 438x438, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc8d0b  No.16874865


Moscow will draw its own conclusions: Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “if Washington delivers long-range missiles to Kiev and they strike unaffected military targets, Moscow will draw its own conclusions”.

In an interview with the Russian Channel One broadcaster, Putin said: “Yes, the missiles are necessary in this case. But if they are delivered [to Kiev], we will draw appropriate conclusions and deploy our weapons, having enough of them to strike at those objects, which we have not hit yet."

“We presume that this supply from the United States and some other countries is connected with the compensation of losses of this military equipment, there is nothing new here and it does not change anything in essence. And there are also applications for the supply of artillery… it is also about restoring what was lost or destroyed during the hostilities," the Russian president added.

Putin went on to say that the Ukrainian army had about 515 multiple rocket launchers at the start of Russia's special operation, 380 of which were destroyed, but some were restored or taken from stock, and Kiev now has about 360 units of such equipment.

The Russian President also stated that all Ukrainian reconnaissance drones flying there since the start of the special operation are foreign-made.

Putin’s remarks came shortly after State Department spokesperson Ned Price said that the United States is still considering a range of weapon systems for Ukraine it could use against the Russian forces in light of the war unfolding in the country.

He also claimed that the United States would not provide Kiev with long-range rockets that could be used to launch attacks outside the country.

Since the start of the war, the United States has deployed more than 100,000 of its troops to NATO member states, and the European Union also chipped in, sending $500 million worth of arms and equipment to Kiev. The shipments are still going to Ukraine despite the repeated Russian warning that such influx to the conflict zone in Ukraine was adding fuel to the fire.

Bloomberg had warned in late April that US arms stocks would run out within a few months if the White House continues to send military supplies to Ukraine. The military equipment packages include artillery systems and munitions, in addition to armored personnel carriers.

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1ff85e  No.16874897

File: 81ef4a0e41585d5⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 336x202, 168:101, Screen_Shot_2022_07_27_at_….jpg)

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ed6bea  No.16874963

IOG Birmingham, AL - "WITCHCRAFT"

1 Timothy 4:1 KJV

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”


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ac6873  No.16874965

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fa6d3d  No.16874975


Death to all namefags w/o valid trip!

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90c080  No.16874977

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ed6bea  No.16874984


both are medically unnecessary. Both do harm, both have unforeseen problems by doing it. One is done with out consent. Which my body MY choice does seem to resonate. It is not an apples to apples but there are elements where it can resonate.

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cc8d0b  No.16875003


>Interesting @Kash on TS

Kashyap Patel - name to remember.



Jun 12, 2018 10:08:43 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

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ac6873  No.16875012

Yes sir newfags kill me..Kek

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ed6bea  No.16875023


your faith is touching

not grounded in reality…

but touching

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5892dd  No.16875027


“Dear diary…”

Kash served with the greatest President. Take your foreign bullshit somewhere else.

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cc8d0b  No.16875040


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1f5704  No.16875057

SEN. MARKEY: "What other judicial attacks must we endure from this illegitimate Supreme Court majority before we act to expand the Supreme Court? […] Republicans stole two Supreme Court seats."


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3c1716  No.16875058








Previously Collected








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cc8d0b  No.16875069

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore and push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder.

Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona.

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3c1716  No.16875073

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ed6bea  No.16875076

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5892dd  No.16875082

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cc8d0b  No.16875083


Yeah was also going to be that way.

chyna would take HK back, simply due to opium memories.

Interesting part for me, was HK was a global center for finance, mostly with the west.

yet markets saw barely a ripple when HK fell. Like I said interesting

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efe190  No.16875087

File: d7ee2b7194c0e27⋯.png (10.29 KB, 299x312, 23:24, ClipboardImage.png)


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ae5fc5  No.16875091


If you are not anti-semitic you are not educated

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1f5704  No.16875101

I wish Q would die in a fire for wasting my time and letting the country burn without fixing shit.

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ed6bea  No.16875105



Jim's DDOS shield service…we must be getting hammered.

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24be88  No.16875118


Are you aware of "Pot Doctors" because wehn you set it up in the law to allow only by medical advice, you're going to have "Murder Doctors" in much the same fashion. You are aware of this, correct? You are party to infanticide supporting this. Welcome to reality.

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ac6873  No.16875140


Sounds a bit like a deformed clitoris, no?

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4d869f  No.16875144

Possible hostage situation involving the shooter in Highland Park, according to reporter from WGN.

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ed6bea  No.16875163


By your logic when I point out many sources of news that I blacklist because of Smith Mundt is thus spam as well.

Hell every WORD that's repeated is spam.

don't type the word "THE" again

Every MSNBC post (same thing)

Every Fox news (spam from FOX)

Every RSBN Rally is (SPAM from Trump Rally)

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1f5704  No.16875173

A peek into the largest criminal terrorist death cult organization in the World

Classification Catholic

Scripture Bible

Theology Catholic theology

Polity Episcopal[1]

Pope Francisthe first openly Jesuit Pope ever and which followed the first resignation in 600 years of Benedict

Government Holy SeeSee like an eyeball see's or Sea like M > Mary? m and "mar" was the symbol for water

Administration Roman Curia

Particular churches sui iuris

Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic Churches Dioceses

Archdioceses: 640

Dioceses: 2,851

Parishes 221,700

Region WorldwideWORLDWIDE should be bolded here as there is no other organization with the footprint and holdings of the Catholic Church without even counting the Vatican Bank.

Language Ecclesiastical Latin and native languages

Liturgy Western and Eastern

Headquarters Vatican CityThe Vatican is its own City/State hence why it deserves an international research thread. It can be easily demonstrated how the VATICAN controls nations much larger than it.

Founder Jesus, according to sacred tradition

Origin 1st century Holy Land, Roman Empire[2][3]Constantine Decriminalized Xtianity (first 50 bibles) but was a Sol Invictus/Sun worshipper until his deathbed, Theodosius Legalized Xtianity

Members 1.345 billion (2019)[4]1.345+ Mindless Slaves to [their] Dogma, research other books that should have been included in the Bible > book of ENOCH, Gospel of THOMAS < DEAD SEA SCROLLS etc


Bishops: 5,364

Priests: 414,336and each and every one of these "Priests" has Diplomatic Immunity. Research Diplomatic Immunity.


The Vienna Convention of April 18, 1961 also established diplomatic immunity for the Vatican's foreign diplomats.[5] Such immunity can only be revoked by the Holy See.[5]

If another nation used their Diplomatic Immunity to Molest 10's, 100's of 1000's or perhaps MILLIONS of American children, what would Americans demand be done with that failed institution?

Deacons: 48,238

Hospitals 5,500[5]Hospitals, yeah like the one's Mother Teresa set up in India? No anithesia, no cleanliness standards, reuse needles, stand in glee as the person suffers and then "Converts to Xtianity".

Primary schools 95,200[6]and all these "Schools" are teaching WHAT? Liberation Theology? Marzism? That Alinsky was a pretty cool guy? > Obama > Clinton all the while shoving heavy doses of nonsense otherwise

Secondary schools 43,800

Official website vatican.va


Not counting the countless Knights of this or that Papal agreement, nuns, "abandoned" children in their care etc etc et al.

[THEY] rule the adoption industry hence they are against Abortion as [they] can make far more off of selling a child then off it's body parts…..

Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, Roberts all work for P

Soros, Murdoch, both Court Jews, and Hollywood all work for P

Why don't Anons get it?

One reason is because the MUH JOO SHILL spam makes a person numb to the thought that the race or religion of anyone should be any sort of basis for judgement and discernment

Whenever there is a mass shooting… do anons want to know the race, religion, creed et al. of the shooter?

Fuck yes! Anons want to know everything about that shit!

The same should apply to the VATICAN and all the vipers who swirl around her…..

Double Standards will result in much moar Painful Truths being exposed eventually, 1.3 billion in shock sooner or later, better to tell them now, No? Patriot?

100% of the truth would put 99% of the world into a hospital

60% must remain undisclosed

40% is all yer getting, kids

and from the looks of it, 99% cannot even handle 40%

Fuck! Q was right… 20%

Painful Truths

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dfe5e3  No.16875183


well worth the watch

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ae5fc5  No.16875188

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ed6bea  No.16875191


Looks a lot like Gilbert gottfried in that pic too.

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c7bf55  No.16875203


I say the drips have become a trickle. The clouds are gathering on the horizon.

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ed6bea  No.16875208


Appreciate it, BakerMan!

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ed6bea  No.16875209

Mr. Biden: We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And if we can't ban assault weapons, then we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21.

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cc8d0b  No.16875216


symbolic of another girl I will get, ncswic.

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4d869f  No.16875217



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1ff85e  No.16875221

File: 9849399261162b5⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 1451x688, 1451:688, Screen_Shot_2022_07_26_at_….jpg)

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4d869f  No.16875233

How much bullshit will fit in one tweet?

"Chinese hackers"

"zero day exploit"

"Critical-severity vulnerability"

"Sophos Firewall"

"compromise a company"

"breach cloud hosted web servers"

"Cult gibberish sound real"

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dfe5e3  No.16875244

We're still the number one producer of oil in the world. Price gouging and fixing need to be investigated.

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1f5704  No.16875264


I wonder if there is a connection to Jim visiting Congress and Q coming back a few days later?

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ed6bea  No.16875271



you наve eyes.


it is wrong to pester without reason

you did not understand the explanation

if you be silent and read long enough

you will understand

since the explanation was too much to grasp

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5c33b1  No.16875273


Kek o7 frens. Gotta go make some ramen $$. Ck in on ya badasses later.

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4d869f  No.16875277


AND they totally did! Today was added last minute

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ae5fc5  No.16875280

circa 1954, kiddies.

nothing new under the sun, is there.

"…we all like sheep…"

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90c080  No.16875283

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1f5704  No.16875292


>Facial structure confirms.







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90c080  No.16875310


Err der. Pepe wouldn't let it happen without a cure.

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ed6bea  No.16875312

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1ff85e  No.16875319

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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1f5704  No.16875320


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f849e1  No.16875322



You are correct, there are many people suffering. The next 6 years is too long, we are not fighting Russia we are fighting degenerates that have never served in a military for the most part. They are controlling the economy and jobs not just censoring but blacklisting.

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90c080  No.16875323



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ed6bea  No.16875328


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c7bf55  No.16875337


fuck off faggot

vigano is one of the best out there.

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f849e1  No.16875347

Any lawfags around? Getting rid of Chevron doctrine would seem to get rid of Miranda rights as they wouldn’t have been mirandized by a legit LEO, right? Thinking through why they stopped short and know nothing about law.

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4d869f  No.16875369


The current position of ZHIBEK ZHOLY is at Black Sea (coordinates 41.11601 N / 30.71377 E) reported 27 hours ago by AIS. The vessel arrived at the port of Karasu Anch., Turkey on Jul 1, 08:04 UTC.

The vessel ZHIBEK ZHOLY (IMO: 9598880, MMSI 273216220) is a General Cargo Ship built in 2016 (6 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Russia.

She is in Turkey now, cannot confirm any port calls to Ukraine

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ed6bea  No.16875383

NOW - Biden: "Americans should not be going to Ukraine."


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ae5fc5  No.16875384

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ed6bea  No.16875395

Breads move slow without all the shills

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90c080  No.16875398


All these killers they keep releasing need to start showing up dead.

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bf434c  No.16875400


Meanwhile his retarded daughter is married to a HARDCORE Jew.

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c7bf55  No.16875401

Biolab CEO "falls" to death nothing to see here:


StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel


“Falls” to his death

Nothing to see here



Italian Patriots ***

France, Biogroup CEO Stéphane Eimer mysteriously died.

France in shock at the death, under mysterious circumstances, of the founder and director of Biogroup Stéphane Eimer: he was just 52 years old.

The body was found in the street, at the foot of the…


Ukraine update (spoiler alert they are losing)



X22 Report Official

And there it is, they cannot hide it anymore, the [DS] will push with blockades of Lithuania to push Russia into WWIII, this will not succeed, [Scare Event]


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8bb1f8  No.16875407

File: 53c8ab4bfb43cfe⋯.png (3.71 KB, 442x158, 221:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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24be88  No.16875408


The Epoch Times, [23.04.22 10:30]

More Secret Gender Transition Closets Discovered in Public Schools

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/more-secret-gender-transition-closets-discovered-in-public-schools_4414184.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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dfe5e3  No.16875411


A hypersonic speed is one that exceeds 5 times the speed of sound, often stated as starting at speeds of Mach 5 and above.

speed of sound is ~ 767 miles per hour

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f849e1  No.16875422

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dfe5e3  No.16875425


No Masonic FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT for thee?

Maybe Templarism?

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cc8d0b  No.16875426


in a world where the law allows anyone to identify as anything. and to mis-identify them after said proclamation carries penalties.

mispronouning is a thing.

UK and Japan now have JAIL TIME associated with offending people.

You can identify however you wish and the law will stand with you. Clown world.

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5bce66  No.16875430

I knew this angle was coming…they're very predictable

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8395ae  No.16875445


cheers genitals.

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ed6bea  No.16875446

Some people are just now catching on to the internal destruction of America.

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1f5704  No.16875449


doent werk liek this

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90c080  No.16875451


Published June 26, 2022 10:10pm EDT

Idaho Air Force base accident leaves ROTC cadet dead

MacKenzie Wilson, 19, died in the accident involving a HUMVEE on Friday

By Paul Best | Fox News

A 19-year-old Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet died in an accident involving a HUMVEE during a training exercise on Friday at Saylor Creek Range in Idaho, officials from the Mountain Home Air Force Base said Sunday.

"Today we lost a member of our Air Force family. We express our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of all the individuals," said Col. Ernesto DiVittorio, 366th Fighter Wing commander. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them."

MacKenzie Wilson, an Air Force ROTC cadet at Oregon State University who is originally from Alaska, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Two other individuals who were in the HUMVEE with Wilson sustained injuries and were transported to a local hospital for treatment. They have since been released.

FILE PHOTO: Three U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles, from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, fire flares over the Utah Test and Training Range, west of Salt Lake CIty in Utah, U.S., July 3, 2018.

"Nineteen AFROTC cadets were at the installation participating in Operation Air Force, an immersive professional development training opportunity to expose cadets to a variety of different mission sets," the Mountain Home Air Force Base said.

It wasn't immediately clear how the accident occurred. The Idaho State Police are investigating the incident with the help from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.


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ed6bea  No.16875463



I sit here laughing at your lame ass pathetic attacks, comforted in the fact that we both know fake will never get that Zero Delta. Talk all the shit you like. It's over.

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5c33b1  No.16875469


US, Israeli, Arab military chiefs secretly meet: WSJ

Both US and regional officials held a secret meeting in March of top military officials from "Israel" and Arab countries to discuss how they could coordinate against Iran's growing missile and drone capabilities, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

The previously undisclosed talks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, were the first time such a high-ranking group of Israeli and Arab officers met under US military auspices to discuss how to defend against "a common threat."

The meeting brought together top military officers from "Israel", Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, and Jordan, and came as "Israel" and its neighbors, according to officials cited by WSJ, are in the early stages of discussing potential military cooperation.

The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain both sent representatives to the meeting. The US was represented by Gen. Frank McKenzie, then the head of the US Central Command.

Such military cooperation was not thought to be possible for decades. US commanders in the Middle East attempted to persuade Arab states to coordinate their air defenses without involving "Israel," which was viewed as an adversary by much of the Arab world at the official level.

Several changes facilitated the talks, including what WSJ described as shared fears of Iran, improved political ties signaled by the normalization agreement with "Tel Aviv", and the Trump administration's decision to expand Central Command's area of coverage to include "Israel" in January 2021.

Arab access to Israeli airspace

Another factor driving increased military cooperation is the normalizing Arab regimes' desire for access to Israeli air defense technology and weapons at a time when the United States is shifting its military priorities to counter China and Russia, according to WSJ.

In a statement, Col. Joe Buccino, a Central Command spokesperson, didn’t acknowledge the Sharm El Sheikh meeting but said the command “maintains a firm commitment to increasing regional cooperation and developing integrated air and missile defense architecture to protect our force and our regional partners.” He claimed that Iran “is the primary destabilizing factor across the Middle East.”

Spokespersons for "Israel" and Arab countries, with the exception of the UAE, declined or did not respond to requests for comment on the meeting. The UAE did not comment on the talks but did address the issue of cooperation in general.

“The UAE is not party to any regional military alliance or cooperation targeting any specific country,” the government there said in a statement. “Furthermore, the UAE is not aware of any formal discussions relating to any such regional military alliance.”

States to counter "air threats"

The Sharm El Sheikh talks came after secret discussions in a lower-level working group among representatives from Middle Eastern countries about how they could collaborate to detect and defend against air threats, Marine Maj. Gen. Scott Benedict, the Central Command's then-chief planning officer, was a member of the working group, said to WSJ.

According to people familiar with the Sharm El Sheikh talks, participants reached an agreement in principle on procedures for rapid notification when "aerial threats are detected."

For the time being, such notifications would be sent via phone or computer rather than through high-speed digital data sharing akin to that used by the US military. Officials also discussed how decisions about which nations' forces would intercept aerial threats might be made.

According to people familiar with the meeting, those understandings were not legally binding. The next step is to secure political leaders' support for codifying notification arrangements.

Biden to visit "Israel" and KSA

In mid-July, President Biden plans to visit "Israel" and Saudi Arabia. A spokeswoman for the National Security Council said the White House supported what it called "broadening and deepening Arab-Israeli ties," but gave no further details.

For decades, the US has hoped to build an integrated air defense shield in the Middle East, one that would connect radars, satellites, and other sensors across the region.

Arab Gulf countries' efforts to foster such cooperation have long been hampered by their unwillingness to share sensitive data that could expose their own vulnerabilities, as well as their fears that Saudi Arabia would dominate such a partnership.

This coincides with the recent military exercises by the Israeli occupation forces over the Mediterranean Sea that simulated attacks and airstrikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

The drill, an official statement by the IOF read, included "long-range flight, aerial refueling, and striking distant targets."

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5c33b1  No.16875496


That's terrible, anon.

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90c080  No.16875497

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cc8d0b  No.16875500



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c7bf55  No.16875501


i preferred charlie warning about the dangers of matches

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bf434c  No.16875511

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4d869f  No.16875515


>The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.


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ae5fc5  No.16875519


>the circle jerk continues.

Eh; for a little while. A full awakening would be insanely awesome to witness, but that might actually take until the next generation to see it that far. Will be awesome for humanity, though. Good stuff :)

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1ff85e  No.16875521

File: 2410c25b6755892⋯.png (121.66 KB, 1100x1062, 550:531, 2410c25b67558925ebff8ec750….png)

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5c33b1  No.16875522

… should have known better though, but in saying that, it's pretty sick out there.

… and now for something completely different.

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8395ae  No.16875602



Holy shit I wish. 57 today. FIFTY FUCKING SEVEN! WTF HAPPENED??!!!

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c7bf55  No.16875611


Meidas Touch is tarded.

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4d869f  No.16875615


The O mega Glory

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dfe5e3  No.16875618

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4d869f  No.16875626

Fathers Day not going to be so good for Biden

Suicide weekend?

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90c080  No.16875631




Trump endorsed Paul Ryan & John McCain in 2016, Mitt Romney in 2018, and Dr. Oz & Kevin McCarthy in 2022. This isn’t 4D chess, folks. Just very poor judgment. And, unfortunately, Trump’s hiring record was way worse than endorsements.

It’s time to have this conversation.

12:50 PM · Jun 5, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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8395ae  No.16875636

the pcr tests are terrorism

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c7bf55  No.16875647


Election Wizard, [29.06.22 11:56]

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms


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d306a9  No.16875650

Call them out everday and every way, they are evil and subhuman, money makers


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ae5fc5  No.16875655



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bf434c  No.16875658


maybe he was trying to get recruited by the cia

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3e3638  No.16875666




>Maybe Templarism?


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c7bf55  No.16875675


>You constantly post but don't speak openly. Tell them who the girl is coward.

No because like I said I will prefer to live a private life with my future wife, end of story.

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f849e1  No.16875676


The vax, banking fraud, government corruption off the table of real conversation. More damage control.

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8395ae  No.16875694


almost 'exclusively' those who 'need' 'new organs' for (((shekels))) are those with (((degenerative diseases))).

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1ff85e  No.16875701

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Title_4_Grammar_Flag.png)

File: 51bda5af1814cd2⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 909x640, 909:640, Screen_Shot_2022_01_27_at_….jpg)



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d306a9  No.16875730



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5c33b1  No.16875740

Desperate lying freaks.


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dfe5e3  No.16875741


no, can you prove that?

no logic with that at all.


I know it's been pushed forever.

by CATES and so many others

I believe it's a pernicious fantasy

Just what shills and Trump Haters would want you to think.

It's a feel good fantasy.

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bf434c  No.16875755




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f849e1  No.16875769

Subdued crowd tonight. It's what happens when Democrats control things. They suck the life out of you.

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c7bf55  No.16875795

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e14bcf  No.16875797


>In the bedroom, she saw Mr Newlun take an inappropriate photograph of their daughter before masturbating while touching the little girl’s private parts.

How did she see this and why didn't she act before it got to the anal rape? That didn't happen in one single motion? Something sus…

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1f5704  No.16875799


more like your dad's tight back hole, foreskin licker

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8395ae  No.16875800


that is true. But damn on a night when a drop would come and then a bunch or the night of the Q&As way less time for shit posting now it is just trying to find the pattern that is revealing.

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1f5704  No.16875813


these idiots are unhinged

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ae5fc5  No.16875827



Do people honestly think he’s that stupid?

I never understood the Musk hatred.

He constantly airs out the swamp.


Just ask the UN.

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c7bf55  No.16875833


Well… it is america afterall, as much as she shits me.

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f849e1  No.16875836



"Totally normal"

Rural TexasAnon

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24be88  No.16875841


are there any treatments out there to fix/prevent/detox the effects of the vax?

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3f9276  No.16875857


greada, reptilians, , queen,

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29cffc  No.16875862


Nasty looking bitches, either way.

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e14bcf  No.16875873


She Needs to Hang

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c7bf55  No.16875876


*was not a hunter or rifleman.

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1ff85e  No.16875880

File: c7645a744b31425⋯.jpg (175.52 KB, 824x1138, 412:569, Screen_Shot_2022_07_27_at_….jpg)

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e14bcf  No.16875899


The former.

And I don't want my tax dollars paying for her food.

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c7bf55  No.16875902


Wasn't protected by the Marshalls like they are now. Marshall protection is ACTIVE. For how long? i dunno…

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29cffc  No.16875903


the tendency towards evil

like entropy

is built in

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c5511b  No.16875906



simple searches even me and my broken toe can reach.

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e14bcf  No.16875912



Bless the man who raises the sword

To slaughter the innocents

For the profit of the Kings

Who worship the God of the Jews; Wealth

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3f9276  No.16875922

I’m giving up on Q because Q gave up on us.

Q said they would protect the vote, they didn’t.

Q asked us if we’d do our part, we did.

Q told us to enjoy the show, people are dying.

Q said our future will be greater than our past, it isn’t.

Q said law and order would be restored, it wasn’t.

Q said we are safe, we are not.

Q said patriots are in control, they are not.

Q said we are winning, we are not.

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bf434c  No.16875926

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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d306a9  No.16875927

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ae5fc5  No.16875934





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bf434c  No.16875939


fuck off bieber

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1f5704  No.16875947


They call it…MINE!

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ae5fc5  No.16875948

"HiTlEr wAs a RoThScHiLd CoNtrOlLed PuPpEt!!"

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33010e  No.16875953

Speaking of Steve Bannon, whose name appears in the title of this bred, does anyone know how to get a tip to him? Thank you.

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1f5704  No.16875977


Are there good guys in Iran fighting to free themselves?

That would be my optimistic hopes.

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f849e1  No.16875990



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1f5704  No.16875993


The Left is NOT tolerable any more.

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c5511b  No.16876000



Don Jr or Melania will have to chime in to calm everyone down. Or, kick off the war.

Soon something is about to pop! I can feel it..

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3f9276  No.16876007


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8395ae  No.16876018

Mike Pompeo



Biden is heading to Bethlehem, Israel to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, the brutal head of the terror-underwriting Palestinian Authority. Biden’s team is trying to provide billions to the Ayatollah in their meetings.

Saudi leader MbS, who can’t get his call returned from Biden, is working to build peace and prosperity for his country. It is not a close call as to which of these men should be made pariahs.

Biden’s failure to recognize reality is putting our children at risk.

9:20 AM · Jun 14, 2022·Twitter Web App


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1ff85e  No.16876019

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c5511b  No.16876025


EU chief, Italian PM head to “Israel” for energy talks

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi were scheduled to visit the Israeli occupation on Monday as the EU seeks to reduce its reliance on Russian fossil fuel imports.

Both leaders were scheduled to hold energy talks in “Israel”, which has transitioned from a natural gas importer to an exporter in recent years due to large offshore discoveries.

Von der Leyen was to meet Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Monday and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday, with talks projected to focus "in particular on energy cooperation," a commission statement read.

Mario Draghi, who is on his first Middle East trip since taking office last year, will also discuss energy and food security during his two-day trip, according to Italian media.

Both leaders will meet Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday.

The EU formally adopted a ban on most Russian oil imports this month, the EU's toughest sanctions yet against Russia over the war in Ukraine.

It is worth noting that Von der Leyen has proposed that the EU phase out its reliance on Russian hydrocarbons, including gas, by 2027.

Draghi and other EU leaders have warned that as energy prices rise, European customers may require protection.

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar and other officials have stated that if “Israel” can deliver gas from occupied Palestinian offshore reserves, which are estimated to be worth nearly 1,000 billion cubic meters, it could help meet EU demand.

Before Von der Leyen's visit, European Commission spokesperson Dana Spinant told reporters to "stay tuned for announcements on energy cooperation with Israel and other partners in the region."

Options for supplying stolen Palestinian gas to Europe

For the time being, supplying gas to Europe would be difficult and would necessitate significant and long-term infrastructure investments.

With no pipeline connecting its occupied Palestinian offshore fields to Europe, one option for the Israeli occupation is to pipe natural gas to Egypt, where it could be liquefied and shipped to Europe.

Another possibility is the construction of a pipeline to Turkey.

The EastMed project, a proposal for a seafloor pipeline connecting “Israel” with Cyprus and Greece, is option three.

Experts have raised concerns about the project's cost and viability, while “Israel” has stated that it would like to see Italy sign-on.

Eying to steal Lebanese gas

"Israel" looks to expand its resources, not only at the expense of Palestinians and Palestinian territory but also at the expense of Lebanese sovereignty.

A new Israeli platform in the Karish field, a contested maritime zone, has been lately placed to steal Lebanon’s gas at a distance of 80km away from Haifa, by the British-Greek exploration company Energean.

Furthermore, media sources reported that agreements signed between "Israel" and Energean stipulate that the security measures of the platform fall within the company's responsibilities, while the maritime security of the Karish field falls on the shoulders of the IOF.

Additionally, the Israeli occupation navy is securing the area by means of naval vessels situated both above and below the surface of the sea, including submarines. The IOF also pointed out that they are "working to transfer the Iron Dome system in its naval version to the region."

Lebanon condemned the installation of the new platform for the Energean in the heart of the disputed area, Karish field, between Lebanon and occupied Palestine.

Amos Hochstein, the US envoy mediating the maritime border talks, was scheduled to arrive in Lebanon on Monday.

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c7bf55  No.16876030

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f849e1  No.16876039


Halt die Fresse du hirntoter Itzig!

Ihr Viecher seid ganz schön Mutig oder einfach nur strunzdumm.

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33010e  No.16876048



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8395ae  No.16876067


I blame common core for your predicament

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33010e  No.16876096

Who owns whom? Check out the watch

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c5511b  No.16876097

you think tomorrow is dead cat bounce ?

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5441ea  No.16876103


I'd argue that city is not even top 10, much less world leader.

Read more, fren.

Why would it be America first in the order Q gave us?

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5441ea  No.16876112


Thanks for this. Can we call this


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c5511b  No.16876116


39 mins we get a shout out

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d306a9  No.16876117


In 1895 the US was going through one of the worst recessions in its young history. The government was running low on gold, and was concerned about not being able to pay off their debts. Naturally, President Grover Cleveland wanted to avoid defaulting on the government’s depts. He reached out to Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild. Rothschild worked with J.P. Morgan, and they loaned the government the money to pay off its outstanding debts. This prevented a dreaded default and rescued the US Treasury.

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29cffc  No.16876118




vote trafficking?

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c7bf55  No.16876123


Calm down lowly CNN employee.

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c7bf55  No.16876131




any other significance?

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24be88  No.16876141


Love Doc Watson. Love bluegrass. I’m a big fan of the old Stanley Brothers bluegrass but I watched an old TNN documentary on Keith Whitley (R.I.P. a true classic country musician) a few months ago and, when he was just 17 he got the opportunity to go overseas and perform on a tour with the Stanley Brothers and they encouraged and facilitated him drinking. It’s basically the onset of alcoholism that would eventually be his demise. The morning he died his wife Lori Morgan left to start a tour, which he had begged her not to. He was supposed to play golf with a friend or in-law at 9:00. The person called him at 7am to just confirm the outing and he said Keith sounded perfectly sober. I think Lori confirmed he had not drank anything before she left for her tour just a bit earlier than the phone call. So it’s 7am and Whitley was alone and presumably 100% sober and, by the the time the buddy or in-law arrived, just 2 short ours later, Whitley was dead from alcohol poisoning. When they did his toxicology he had a 0.38 blood alcohol level. He must have slammed a half gallon of liquor or more to go from stone cold sober to dead from alcohol poisoning in ~2 hrs. Sad man with mega talent but big issues upstairs. Damn good singer though.

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1ff85e  No.16876154

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c5511b  No.16876156

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33010e  No.16876157


an shame you took no pictures.

you know the location of the tunnels in that area.

make a map

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8395ae  No.16876164

hussein passed a law that in times of war and labor shortage, they can forcibly make the citizenry work

that sure sounds like the land of the free doesn't it

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8395ae  No.16876176

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3f9276  No.16876177

Ulterius Ultra.

Deus Vult.

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7cf356  No.16876179

Did someone ask for unvaxxed sperm?

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29cffc  No.16876196


Hmmmm hm hm hmm hmmm

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29cffc  No.16876207


Send it to Elon, Ask him if his children should be enslaved ? Ask him how many responses to this were banned by twitter as hate speech ?

She shouldn't be silenced, she should be publicly shamed for ignorance, hate and bigotry. The 1st amendment allows all speech, the issue is to publicly challenge it. Twitter can only filter a direct threat or defamation, defamation has to be proven in a court of law.

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8395ae  No.16876210

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5441ea  No.16876217


Listening to God.

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29cffc  No.16876218



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8395ae  No.16876221


I smell panic

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c5511b  No.16876225

ALL last bread








last bread shitpostin on drag

anon arrives at the KEK

gender appropriation

Gender Appropriation

Don't Be A Gendist

Use their own dumb shit against them

subversion from within

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1ff85e  No.16876227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f9276  No.16876233


US court supports Arkansas anti-BDS law

In a major victory for pro-"Israel" activists, a US federal appeals court supported an Arkansas state law that requires public contractors to vow not to boycott "Israel." The latest ruling, which was initiated by the US Court of Appeals, overturns an earlier ruling that the legislation violated the First Amendment.

Israeli lobbies have influenced some 30 US states to adopt laws against BDS - or, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which is a peaceful initiative that condemns Israeli aggression and occupational violence in Palestine through economic, academic, and cultural boycotts.

In 2017, Arkansas made it compulsory that all public agencies not do business with contractors unless they sign on a pledge that they will not boycott "Israel".

In 2018, The Arkansas Times, a small newspaper, challenged in 2018 the legislation when a state college refused to continue advertising with the paper until it signed an anti-boycott agreement. The law forces contractors to reduce their fees by 20% if they don't sign the pledge.

Alan Leveritt, The Arkansas Times' publisher, said in a statement that while the decision was expected, the newspaper would not take a "political position in return for advertising".

"We are obviously disappointed and note that these laws, which were originally passed in over 30 states, have been overturned in every court except this one," Leveritt said.

"We consider being banned from doing business with our state government for refusing to sign a pledge not to boycott Israel a ridiculous government overreach that has nothing to do with Arkansas."

According to a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, Brian Hauss, the judge's opinion was simply wrong, and there are intentions to appeal the case at the Supreme Court.

"It ignores the fact that this country was founded on a boycott of British goods and that boycotts have been a fundamental part of American political discourse ever since," Hauss said of the decision.

"We hope and expect that the Supreme Court will set things right and reaffirm the nation’s historic commitment to providing robust protection to political boycotts."

Pro-Palestine and free speech groups have condemned the anti-BDS bills which have been on the rise in recent times, accusing the supporters of the legislation that they are breaching free speech and stifling criticism against "Israel".

Texas, Georgia, Virginia

US states have been in a debacle with citizens and civil liberty groups over matters regarding boycotting "Israel" - in 2017, Texas passed a law that requires public employees and companies to sign a contract that they will not engage in any boycott of "Israel" or else they will face consequences.

However, with multiple lawsuits, Texas federal courts ruled that such a contract is unconstitutional.

That case is causing a ripple effect: Georgia and Virginia, according to the Electronic Intifada, are trying to crush citizens' rights to boycott "Israel" - but the people are fighting back.

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8395ae  No.16876234

Chinese energy company Three Gorges Group (CTG) has completed the first phase of its Dongyuemiao data center project in Yichang, Hubei.

Three Gorges Group | Huawei

The first phase of the project, costing RMB 845 million ($132.7m) and in development since February 2021, measures 40,000 sqm (430, 500 sq ft) with capacity for 4,400 racks. At full build-out, the facility will cover 100,000 sqm (one million sq ft) and host capacity for 26,400 racks across five buildings, deployed in three phases.

The facility, located on the right bank of the Three Gorges Dam area in Yichang City, was built in partnership with Huawei Digital Power. The company provided 160 modular equipment rooms, 38 PowerPODs, 320 SmartLi battery energy storage devices, 160 high-temperature fan walls, one iCooling@AI cooling system, and one ‘AI-Robot’ for inspection uses.

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29cffc  No.16876242




Deputy chairman of the #Russian Security Council Dmitry #Medvedev:

"This is something that has already happened. There are different ways of looking at it, but we can assume that the 'horsemen of the Apocalypse' are on their way and all hope is in the Lord God, the Almighty."

1:53 AM · Jun 3, 2022·Twitter Web App

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bf434c  No.16876244


>How would you rate yourself so far?

I never made any organically wrong choice, that's for sure almost, why do I see it all?

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3f9276  No.16876246



Donald Trump takes ‘the Beast’ around Daytona 500 track

144,106 views17 Feb 2020


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7cf356  No.16876248

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33010e  No.16876250


More advanced than thinking warfare is all kinetic. Relatively. If you want elite definitely go elsewhere like they keep telling people to, or multiplex like some are doing to feed on at least 3 platforms. But I digress.

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5441ea  No.16876252


you have my Rising Dragon Energies B

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3f9276  No.16876258


Oh you're a patronising fkr aren't ya.

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33010e  No.16876261



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8395ae  No.16876267

If there are any journalists here with anons shouting racial shit, its not anons, but of course you knew that right

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c5511b  No.16876282


Free Translators



The Yandex you can upload the image to and it will translate

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33010e  No.16876283


CCP stands for Chinese COMMUNIST Party

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5441ea  No.16876284


I can personally ensure you that's not airsoft, for what that's worth.

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e14bcf  No.16876285



Please leave our land.

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d306a9  No.16876288








… Q, DELTA …

So when trump says this from now on, should we look for a Delta?

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24be88  No.16876301

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29cffc  No.16876308


That's good. Anon had always believed that the stigma of these creatures were a product of the elites unleashing these on poor populations.

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d306a9  No.16876309


Not gonna lie Q, this does sound pretty larpy. When we gonna get a real zero delta

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8395ae  No.16876310

… the bloody dog tag had mr and Mrs footrat flats engraved on it. Mk doodle shrinkage.

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1ff85e  No.16876317


>I smell

elongated S's sensed

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e5fb41  No.16876331


>"Bidan admin"

>Trump promises kept


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99c8d7  No.16876338


asti caulis

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e14bcf  No.16876343


We in my community will do are part, nothing to loose. pace and freedom will be ours even in death. YES GOD WINS one way or another.

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29cffc  No.16876346

Mortgage rates going up to almost 7% this week

That will cool off the market, especially in states like NJ where real estate prices NEVER should have gone up

Additionally, every major economic disaster was preceded by rising real estate prices in NJ


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d306a9  No.16876347

Matt Gaetz has introduced legislation to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from acquiring, by purchase or otherwise, any ammunition.


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3f9276  No.16876349


Has the documentation of the Hunter Biden (Biden Family) corruption in Ukraine, with regards to Burisma and Meta Biota, have those been destroyed yet?

Billion Dollar Burn Pits?

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99c8d7  No.16876351


proof of purchase. receipt by Military.

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3f2d29  No.16876358

File: 20e5091d5355f3d⋯.gif (336.86 KB, 500x418, 250:209, bloodhound.gif)


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8395ae  No.16876362

Wow this whole video explains it all and how the gov will work after all this and @6:50 it talks about 144,000 people waking up and awakening the others.

Good video of you have 8 mins


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5441ea  No.16876372

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3f9276  No.16876377


>what don't you understand?

Just odd that they called her Taylor.

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e5fb41  No.16876384

Happy Person Born With a Penis that Seeded Ovaries Via Ejaculation of Semen into a Vagina Resulting in Birth of a Child Day!!!

…is that appropriate anons? or did I miss or offend anyone?

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99c8d7  No.16876390




that is the code on CP

nothing saying a meme with a man in underwear (which could easily be a speedo/ swimwear that would be adequate for a beach setting) next to children is defined as CP

nothing at all

>Any sexualized visual representation of a real child or minor

this is sexual?

what is SEXual about it?

he is wearing underwear

that is technically no different thatn speedo's

which would be absolutely considered appropriate beachwear

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c5511b  No.16876393



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d306a9  No.16876398


9-day challenge




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7cf356  No.16876403


Nice to meet you, young fellow.

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d306a9  No.16876410


Great sometimes Brave works, sometimes it doesn't.

Pale Moon (Firefox fork) doesn't work at all.

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33010e  No.16876413

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7cf356  No.16876414


Pleased to meet you.

Hope you guessed my name.

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e5fb41  No.16876417


sooo ready, Boss!

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5441ea  No.16876429


Someone mentioned caturbate?

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d306a9  No.16876432


Maybe you should look again. Look at white bishop. You failed. Sorry.

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33010e  No.16876436




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e5fb41  No.16876439



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2d6859  No.16876443


>I wondered what became of her?

Over the target.

Expand further.





https:// www.wehoville.com/2018/04/12/west-hollywoodss-mariah-sunshine-coogan-identified-victim-scottsdale-plane-crash/

Open source.


This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.



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1ff85e  No.16876448



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e5fb41  No.16876452


>Everything will be replaced

That's what Reiner Fuellmich has been saying in the Grand Jury vids.

The system doesn't work and needs to be torn down.

Ambitious, to say the least, but I'm hopeful.

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e5fb41  No.16876467


>a diseased, corrupt system masquerading as something worthy of honour.

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29cffc  No.16876470

This will be difficult for many to accept. What you think the laws of physics are create the laws of physics in your reality.

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e5fb41  No.16876479

This board is COMPROMISED.

Cannot enter trip code to verify auth.

Trip code on 8 has also been modified.

God bless,


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99c8d7  No.16876483


watched it live

man that was something

reiginald denny dayz

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2d6859  No.16876485


So red = homo on the map?

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e5fb41  No.16876491


good morning, Ukraine anon

gotta love free speech

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5441ea  No.16876493


>Let me guess you think KJV

I have no idea what this is.

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29cffc  No.16876494


She doin' devil signs?

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99c8d7  No.16876495



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d306a9  No.16876497

"Why haven't you sanctioned Russian oligarch Elena Baturina who did business with your son?"

BIDEN: *confused stare*

Hunter Biden received $3.5 million her in 2014.


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c5511b  No.16876502


A deconstructed four sided pyramid…..

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7cf356  No.16876504

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5441ea  No.16876505


The Hebrew God is evil. Lucifer is actually the good guy.

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3f9276  No.16876508


jealous; you've been an asshole for that long

and can't let go.

cry moar

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98872d  No.16876511


Kinda funny really

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5441ea  No.16876515

16495062 (pb)

At this point do you really need to ask?

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7cf356  No.16876516

Okay so I got the first (you) from supposed Q return. Q's reply post was also on qanon.pub. Legit or no?

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99c8d7  No.16876517


Quad divine nines chk'd

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98872d  No.16876522


see the definition of closed, open or modified primaries to get a better understanding

(very simplified)


republicans vote for republican candidates

dems vote for dems

winners run against each other


anyone can vote in primary without declaring a party

leads to voters from one side voting in the other parties primary

to defeat someone they do not want to run against

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99c8d7  No.16876527


guess we know who's really pulling the (purse) strings

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1ff85e  No.16876530

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98872d  No.16876533


nice digits, this means that we are all evil?

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2d6859  No.16876542

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33010e  No.16876545


>I’m taking nine showers in fear. I’m so profoundly unprepared for this type of chaos.

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c5511b  No.16876547

pb notable >>16876403

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232179  No.16876552


thanks, anon. good to be back, it's been years. could never tolerate the human drama of this place but it seems like that's died down a bit.


can't tell if this is an unironic post

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d306a9  No.16876556


This shill's gettin' scared!

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33010e  No.16876558

Awesome job Baker, thank you!

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5441ea  No.16876563

Lord God Almighty,

We need your help desperately, the whole human race of the souls ypu created are about to get extinguished and the government of our country have gone full on satanists. If there ever was a time if the precipice, its got to be this. Save your souls and proginy,

We ask this humbly in your name, in the nane of Jesus, Thomas Moore and ecery hero of mankind. Wake up the population that still bears your light and goodness. Give us strength and courage like we’ve never had before. Save us from evil and awaken those who do not recognize it NOW!

Not our will but thine be done. Send you emissaries to assist each and everyone of you souls. NOW!

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e14bcf  No.16876572



Back in the news

Pompeo testimony?

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e14bcf  No.16876596


>Pentagon Contracts Private Firms to Put Fusion Reactor in Space by 2027

From 2014: "The defense firm Lockheed Martin sent tech geeks into a frenzy yesterday when it revealed a few scant details of a "compact fusion reactor" (CFR) that a small team has been working on at the company's secretive Skunk Works in Palmdale, California. The company says that its innovative method for confining the superhot ionized gas, or plasma, necessary for fusion means that it can make a working reactor 1/10 the size of current efforts, such as the international ITER fusion project under construction in France."

Updated: Are old secrets behind Lockheed's new fusion machine?

Speculation swirls over design of potentially world-changing device 17 OCT 2014


The US Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division filed a patent for a compact fusion reactor (CFR) last month, one that claims to improve upon the shortcomings of the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks CFR that uses similar “plasma confinement” technology.

The man behind the state-of-the-art design is US Navy researcher Salvatore Cezar Pais, who received major publicity for patenting room-temperature superconductors and a suspiciously UFO-like aircraft that uses “anti-gravity” technology.

The US Navy patent claims that it can achieve these enormous amounts of energy in a compact device through the use of spinning dynamic fusors – plasma containment devices – which keep nuclear plasma stable in a way that mimics the mass of the sun.

A Breakthrough In American Energy Dominance? U.S. Navy Patents Compact Fusion Reactor


Plasma Compression Fusion Device


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e5fb41  No.16876598


oh…thought you meant this audience (dayshift) vis-a-vis nightshift in regards to believing the Ashley Babbitt story versus rather it was a hoax by a long time government employees ; because there is an overall difference there

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99c8d7  No.16876599



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33010e  No.16876606

Q+ pitching "2000 Mules".

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c5511b  No.16876608


This is not a pub/priv key situation. Anyone with admin access can do it. Honestly, Jim strikes me as a good person, and his history is interesting. Clearly the team felt the same way. But this is sus AF, and I await his transparency. The Kappy comment was more than off imho. His clear connections to the fist are also problematic. People are targets, it's often via friends.

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5441ea  No.16876611


>That's the Question

Why are they calling witnesses when they have video?

Why aren't they showing the videos?

If Trump said something sensational, where's the evidence?

Why are all these witnesses relying on emotion?

Where's the cross-examination?

Define, Propaganda"

What do all these witnesses have in common?

That's just a few Questions that come to mind.

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7cf356  No.16876613





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98872d  No.16876614



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33010e  No.16876616


being made out to be the great victim that day

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c5511b  No.16876619


I tried to make a text post on 8Kun using the .onion address, but every time I tried to post it had errors. I didn't add photos.

So it's something quite amazing for Q to use TOR post three lines of nothing text and then exit leaving this board in a state of disrupted ant collony for 24 hours +

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99c8d7  No.16876620


Never could stomach listening to 0bama.

Can't stomach listening to Biden either.

Gag reflex kicks in at the sound of their voices.

My brain is wired to reject lies.

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98872d  No.16876634

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7cf356  No.16876646


[PAK] is in the kill chain

Infiltrators are on display

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98872d  No.16876647




>Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [08.06.22 15:48]




>[ Album ]


>Does anyone else find it funny that the Truth Social devs specifically gave just one account a pulsating icon and that just so happened to be @q? No one else has this.


>They created the q account as one of the oldest accounts on the site and the date of that creation of course adds up to 17. Why are they giving this account so much love?


>Can anyone else make a pulsating icon?

Enoch @elenochle has/had one.

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c8891e  No.16876657

These U.S. companies will pay staff abortion travel expenses

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Starbucks, Levi Strauss, Amazon, Yelp, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Tesla, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Mastercard, Lyft, Disney, Meta, Comcast, Airbnb, Patagonia, Doordash, Paypal, Reddit, Meta, Zillow and Uber…so far.

Business people aren’t stupid. Why would they pay for the mass murder of what would soon become paying customers if there wasn’t some immediate incentive to do so?


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2d6859  No.16876661


kek, put that in my pvocket

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e14bcf  No.16876662


looks like it…makeup can do wonders looks like…I stand corrected…

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232179  No.16876665


yea, but a little psych 101 never hurt.

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e5fb41  No.16876669


All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraigned before

the bailiff of Judea.

But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod

Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.

Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.

Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)

His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.

Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.

Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.

And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.

And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our Lord and Savior.

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98872d  No.16876671


why does this need to be posted?

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e14bcf  No.16876675

necromancers wrestle in dirty oval lucre

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c5511b  No.16876677



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5441ea  No.16876681


New post from QAnon targets Cassidy Hutchinson

In a new post, online conspiracy theorist QAnon targets former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan explains what it means now that the account is back active

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7cf356  No.16876686


✓ seen it too


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232179  No.16876692



Q really thought of everything. It's like they knew site admins weren't trustworthy.

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5441ea  No.16876694

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1ff85e  No.16876695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e5fb41  No.16876696

unmarried hobbits

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33010e  No.16876699


Ready for (anon) arrests?

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7cf356  No.16876701



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99c8d7  No.16876717



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2d6859  No.16876726


Still ad hominem IPhop Karen

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c5511b  No.16876728

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99c8d7  No.16876730


no one knows

im a tranny

and a necromancer

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5441ea  No.16876732


mega botched false flag

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5dcb48  No.16876737


>QAnon the far-right, pro-Donald Trump, false conspiracy theory


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7cf356  No.16876739


defer to you

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e5fb41  No.16876749


UN take over?

How 90's of you.

Maybe we weren't wrong back then just way early…

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7cf356  No.16876753


Hi code talker

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c8891e  No.16876760

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0c4e8a  No.16876768


That she is, anon, that she is… even if she has the largest cunt of the year.

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7cf356  No.16876769


open tour legs

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5441ea  No.16876772


The freaks are systemically violating the civil rights of every healthy person and their children.

The best part is, they are being used.

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98872d  No.16876775


thats is really just kekkity, the best kek I've heard today.

So how come, where our society is at, we haven't been destroyed. Oh yeah Sodom and Gomorrah there were no good men, women or children. They are really trying to make US get there fast.

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33010e  No.16876777

What is the (you) glow about???

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5441ea  No.16876785



without Jesus, there is no Trinity

let go of pride

He is there, waiting

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ba3deb  No.16876786


imagine being this brain-dead.

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33010e  No.16876790

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7cf356  No.16876797


LGBTQ+ is a cult,

he should write about that

LGBTQ+ try to brainwash innocent children into joining their cult. And they use our tax dollars to do it.

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ba3deb  No.16876799


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98872d  No.16876802


Interestingly enough, Tapper and Axelrod say in this segment that Manchin and Sinema aren't the only democrats that don't want to get rid of the filibuster, they are just the only ones that have the stones to say it publically.


>Axelrod: There's a sense that things are out of control and Biden's not in command

This guy gets paid millions of dollars for political insights like these.

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232179  No.16876807


Why the West imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation and how it will affect the aviation industry

Changing a supplier like VSMPO-Avisma would be very difficult and very expensive. The cost of the decision is so high that neither Airbus nor Boeing has released approximate figures so far.

It was reported the other day that Boeing (which suspended titanium purchases indefinitely in March. - Approx. Life) allegedly ordered titanium from Japan and found an alternative supplier. But after a closer look, it turned out that what he ordered from Japan was not a finished product, but a sponge titanium, that is, something that still needs to be processed, which means additional costs.

For its processing, huge electrolytic furnaces are required. For stamping parts, a powerful multi-layer press is required (there is a press at VSMPO-Avisma with a pressure of 75,000 tons. - approx. life), and then the parts are stamped. There are large milling machines, and then these parts are machined, and they are ground. Finishing after machining.

Not to say too much, in principle, it is problematic for a country to master the entire technology chain. If it succeeds, the production cost will be so high that it is difficult to buy products. Titanium sponge is not buried in the ground - you must first extract ilmenite (a mineral derived from titanium and iron oxide), melt it in mining and processing plants, and then process it. The ilmenite mining and dressing enterprise is located in the Tomsk region and develops the Tugan ilmenite zirconium sand deposit. According to experts, the available reserves there will last for 80 years.

The second largest titanium mine is located in the Tambov region. Currently, Soviet and post-Soviet logistics have been rebuilt, with the largest suppliers of ilmenite at the time being Chile, Australia, China and Ukraine. After 2014, ilmenite began to be actively sourced in Senegal and South Africa. In the 2010s, Russia shifted its focus to developing its own ilmenite reserves. We are second only to China in terms of numbers.

Today, no other manufacturer in the world can control the entire production chain with such precision. Even at VSMPO-Avisma, everything is structured: VSMPO works on titanium smelting, Avisma works on stamped products.

Russia has managed to establish this vertical integration, which makes the titanium embargo meaningless. Potentially, if Airbus or Boeing start working with other titanium companies, they will face the risk of inevitable costs, higher purchase prices, etc., and eventually return them to Russia.

Attempts are not torture, or why the West doesn't want to pay

After Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Airbus has tried to find an alternative but has never found one. No one can supply titanium parts for an aircraft of this quality. If the recognized flagship of the aviation industry starts using parts of untested quality, it risks reputational risk: a crashed plane is enough to ruin Airbus' reputation and ruin contracts worth billions of euros.

Fighting Boeing and SpaceX: Why the West is begging Russia not to impose a ban on titanium exports

You can call out a moratorium on purchases, that's a political statement, and that's what's going on in the West right now. But the next step is to figure out a way to come back quietly (so as not to fall into the boss's eyes), having tested the ground before. For this, you need to wait.

Can they sit for a while (with a cumulative reserve of titanium parts. - Approximate lifespan)? yes. They clearly have some sort of inventory in their warehouses, especially given that demand for planes has dropped due to the pandemic. In fact, even Boeing reported in the first quarter of 2022 that it had produced 95 planes, less than half of what it had before the pandemic. So reserve

According to him, the reserves are clearly not enough to make the long wait. Sooner or later the question of whether to return to Russia or replace Russian titanium entirely will arise. The last one will take years. The workload is enormous, comparable to the Industrial Revolution.

pt 2

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2d6859  No.16876809


That's really neat but there's still Arizona, New Mexico and California borders to contend with.

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c8891e  No.16876813


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Fukn Covfefe maker went tits up.

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98872d  No.16876814

NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean granted emergency powers to direct coal to fuel electricity generators

New South Wales Treasurer and Energy Minister Matt Kean has been granted emergency powers to direct coal companies to provide fuel for electricity generators.

NSW Governor Margaret Beazley granted Mr Kean the powers at a meeting on Thursday night.

The ABC understands Mr Kean sought the emergency powers as a "precautionary measure" to ensure the state's electricity supply.

An energy supply crisis has been hitting the eastern states this week, resulting in the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) suspend the national energy market for the first time on Wednesday afternoon.

The AEMO said electricity reserves had since improved but a number of generators were still offline, and it warned there were challenges due to fuel costs and sourcing issues.


kek they pissed everyone off so backtracked

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5dcb48  No.16876815


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e5fb41  No.16876817


Not Q. I've been on the board when not only Q was compromised but the entire board was. This is not a Q move Stop feeding the idiots..24 posts fake Q sure is full of shit.

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