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File: 81fb3a17c9e524d⋯.jpg (263.4 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, qr.jpg)

f4a636  No.16834003 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info and Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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f4a636  No.16834529


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16747430 Know your bunkers NEW

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns NEW



>>16826655 Dough

>>16826676 In case you missed it, Machines Stole Another Race in Colorado

>>16826687 Per Sen. Grassley – The DOJ and FBI Are “Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core”

>>16826700 “This Will Bring Down Their Evil Empire!” – HUGE UPDATE: Candidate Tine Peters Raises Funds for Recount in Stolen Colorado Primary Race!

>>16826708 YouTuber Visited by Pedo Concerned Police for “Hate Crime” After Claiming Pedophiles Are Bad People

>>16826716 Not sure this was mentioned, US issues fifth emergency notice of sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>16826734 CCP Intelligence Recruits US Federal Reserve Economists, Congressional Investigators Reveal

>>16826762, >>16826779 Walmart loses $36 billion as shares tank 10 PERCENT #MadeInChina

>>16826768, >>16826782 Ireland Investigates Alleged Discovery of 800 Babies in Sewer Tank

>>16826770 NARCOFORNIA: How Progressives Sold Out Rural California To Drug Lords

>>16826781 IMF Slashes Global Growth Forecast: Teetering on the Edge of a Global Recession

>>16826783 Zimbabwe debuts gold coins as legal tender to battle extreme inflation

>>16826787 Jan. 6 committee in discussions with Mike Pompeo for testimony, sources say

>>16826816 Foreign sex offenders find refuge in 'Israel'

>>16826869 Moar Epps Dig

>>16826870 What happened to Canadas Native / Indigenous people

>>16826873 Poor vs Rich and what to call it.

>>16826901 USGO missing the 'R', what is a peson?

>>16826904, >>16826976 BO - Threads are open again.

>>16826920 Sen. Grassley drops major bombshell about Hunter Biden, 2020 election debacle - YT

>>16826926 Sen. Johnson: There is some corruption in our federal law enforcement

>>16826928 Prayers and Ideas for Small Business Anon

>>16826937, >>16826954, >>16826995, >>16827241 Call to dig - What is Deep Dive

>>16826944 AIPAC-funded Michigan Democrat may overthrow Jewish political dynasty

>>16826955 Moscow accuses Israeli leaders of 'anti-Russian' rhetoric

>>16826962 LIVE: Protest in DC over President Trump's speech this afternoon #SpeakEnglish?

>>16826957 All in the Family: Biden Admin Loans Billions to Company Repped by Top Aide’s Lobbyist Brother

>>16827012 Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash

>>16827052, >>16827018, >>16827044 Maga Bun Grassley Whistleblower and Spec. Agent Thibault, DOJ Richard Pilger diggz

>>16827065 Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

>>16827069 Rugby players boycott game after team unveils LGBT ‘pride’ jersey

>>16827072 Call sign CANE11

>>16827089 Wisconsin State Representative Janel Brandtjen Signs On to Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 Electors for Joe Biden

>>16827090 FBI’s False Labeling Of Biden Laptop As Disinformation Is Even Worse Than It Seems

>>16827092 Entire North Carolina police department resigns

>>16827099 The Incredible Life Of 101-Year-Old Banking Heiress Bunny Mellon

>>16827103 Sunday was “World Ivermectin Day”

>>16827118 Former U.S. Congressman Stephen Buyer has been charged with insider trading

>>16827122 WHISTLEBLOWER Drops Biden-FBI BOMBSHELL As Resignations ROCK White House

>>16827139 The Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Exploiting Then Suppressing Natural Medicine

>>16827149 Senate Moves to Advance $52 Billion Chips Funding Bill

>>16827178 Trending at 2:50pm EST on 7/26/22

>>16827181, >>16827214, >>16827275, >>16827352 Why isn't there a SINGLE Micro-PHOTOGRAPH of the "COVID-19 Virus"?

>>16827249 NewsMax link for Trump Speech

>>16827274 Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Releases Status Report

>>16827293 America’s VP: “I Am Kamala Harris, My Pronouns are She and Her, and I am a Woman Sitting at the Table Wearing a Blue Suit”

>>16827312 Newt Reminder "#NeverGiveUp"

>>16827365 Sarah Sanders POWERFUL Speech at the America First Agenda Summit

>>16827320, >>16827248, >>16827146, >>16826663, >>16826719, >>16826728, >>16826735, >>16826738, >>16826757, >>16826807, >>16826773, >>16826891, >>16826985, >>16827205, >>16827344, >>16827361, Memes of the Thread

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f4a636  No.16834530


>>16825865 Dough

>>16825931 USGO There's a reason China is watching the CHIPS for America Act so closely

>>16825986, >>16826118 US tribes ask Pope for records related to Indian boarding schools #NCSWIC

>>16826005 Gowdy apparently has been corrupt for a very long time?

>>16826008 (CHIPS) - The Clearing House Interbank Payments System

>>16826021 REMEMBER THIS Laptop From Hell MP4

>>16826055, >>16826081 4chan appears to be borked?

>>16826131 Happy 114th Birthday @FBI

>>16826133 LIVE: America First Policy Institute Annual Policy Summit Day Two July 26, 2022

>>16826138 #OTD 1947 Pres Harry Truman signed Public Law 235, better known as the National Security Act of 1947 that created the @DeptofDefense #AmrericanGreatness

>>16826157 USGO missing "r" in "person"

>>16826177 The launch of #Artemis I is right around the corner.

>>16826178 TRENDS #Nuremberg2

>>16826185 Dan Scavino - The Patriot Post

>>16826208 A Chinese rocket launched to space on Sunday.

>>16826224 Austrian politician wants Ukrainian oligarchs sanctioned

>>16826300 @USMC #Marines with @2dMarDiv prepare to conduct a regimental-sized assault during Exercise Summer Pioneer 22 (VV)

>>16826400 Top Chicago area Democrats speak on DNC bid (10 Likes)

>>16826459 @realDonaldTrump Caps

>>16826471 BO - I am cleaning up the meme thread, will reopen it later today when done.

>>16826481 Grassley to Garland and Wray - Hunter Biden

>>16826516, >>16826538 As Above So Below?

>>16826539 The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine PDF

>>16826571, >>16826580 Ray Epps Dig leads to Dominion

>>16826593 ZULU82 now has a friend flying circles just to the south. N701UV

>>16826596 Ex-WH Russia Expert Mulled Faking Heart Attack to Disrupt Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit

>>16826229 The Capitol Police shooting of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed during the 2021 Capitol incursion, was unjustified,

>>16825867, >>16825881, >>16825942, >>16826007, >>16826189, >>16826201, >>16826416, >>16826436 Memes of the Thread

>>16826636 #21209


>>16825159 Dough

>>16825196 TRUMP SPEECH TODAY!!!!!!

>>16825192 Swamp Schedule Bun

>>16825220 Rosicrucian Caps

>>16825373 PF ABIDE99.

>>16825408 Office of the DNI

>>16825445 Pope Francis in Indian Chief's Headdress Sparks Social Media Outrage

>>16825462 ZULU82

>>16825505 Several shot dead, dozens injured at anti-UN protests

>>16825382 Miller calls for suspending visas to CCP

>>16825592 Pastor robbed for $1M in jewelry

>>16825677, >>16825717 Bun Grassley letter and Spec. Agent Thibault diggz

>>16825697 How much election fraud do they think the people will take?

>>16822918 Whistleblowers’ Reports Reveal Tampering spanned multiple election cycles, infected investigative activity involving Hunter Biden

>>16825772, >>16825777 Putin bans US Adoption from Russia #SaveTheChildren

>>16825804 Judge asks for killer who stabbed a student to death for rejecting his marriage proposal to be hanged on LIVE TV in Egypt

>>16825812 USGO Semiconductor chips are the building blocks of the modern economy #Taiwan

>>16825207, >>16825288, >>16825341, >>16825361, >>16825366, >>16825429, >>16825570, >>16825573, >>16825605, >>16825606, >>16825690, >>16825758, >>16825791, >>16825813 Memes of the Thread

>>16825841 #21208

Previously Collected

########## #21206

>>16823836 #21205, ########## #21203, ########## #21204

########## #21200, ########## #21201, ########## #21202

>>16812685 #21197, >>16813695 #21198, ########## #21199

>>16803712 #21194, >>16804410 #21195, >>16813421 #21196

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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f4a636  No.16834531


#21213 https://controlc.com/f84ef2ff





END: https://endchan.net/qrbunker/catalog.html

POL: https://boards.4channel.org/pol/catalog >PTG | POTUS Research

IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/##qrbunker





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474095  No.16834629

ok im here again

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d1aed6  No.16834783




I suggest you don't continue to bake if spam attack increases to bread only lasting a few minutes. All this is doing is forcing previous breads off the catalog. Obviously spam bots are trying to disrupt, but they are also trying to hide info. I dunno, seems like a brief break will help shut down or slow down the bots. Also, they started around the same time yesterday, so obviously dealing with shift workers. There was a 22 minutes break between spam start and next bread and it slowed spam bots down, but they also went to the doarfag bread accusing JW and filled it first. So maybe if any baking, do a random spam bread for them to fill. This will help divert them after a brief break and once they get on the random bread, bake a real one. I dunno, IJS continually baking is only knocking breads off the catalog.

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f4a636  No.16834823






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589344  No.16834940

File: 85ad2cad0ae9ba8⋯.jpg (185.06 KB, 737x811, 737:811, never_heard.jpg)

File: f4a12ad1992c1b3⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 722x228, 19:6, never_heard2.jpg)

Ukrainians sign petition to give citizenship, PM role to UK's Johnson

This is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but there is a lot of reality to things like this, and why Ukraine is a base of operations for the deep state. The UK does not have an extradition agreement with Ukraine.

The USA also does not have extradition agreement with Ukraine

In recent days Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky, [the oligarch who funded Zelensky's rise to power] has lost his Ukrainian citizenship. This has happened to others there as well. They can now be brought to face charges in the USA (and elsewhere). Kolomoisky is under investigation by the FBI for fraud, money laundering in the US.

This bizarre turn of events indicates that Zelensky might not really be in control of Ukraine.



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1ca5b2  No.16834941

So nice and comfy

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52e677  No.16835101


Reported on one of the prior breads, Wally, Tony Dow, had passed.

He got better:


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917f9a  No.16835285

File: 431a72c9e6f2e0f⋯.jpeg (213.58 KB, 645x563, 645:563, DC61E209_C047_48ED_ABEC_E….jpeg)

Hold the fuckin line

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4d3d07  No.16835286


Don’t be so hard on the Beav next time.

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e68a19  No.16835287

File: 3b0bfb317f2ad58⋯.jpg (109.46 KB, 500x436, 125:109, 1641336071622.jpg)


>>16834064 lb

>WTF is going on with the breads

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e4ddf3  No.16835288

File: dfc6dcd20f2d908⋯.png (118.1 KB, 1878x1352, 939:676, ClipboardImage.png)



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f4a636  No.16835289



Know ur bunkers.

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efac74  No.16835290

File: 0b65c3a4cd1dbb3⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 788x453, 788:453, uyhtrerssw.jpg)

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5ca39e  No.16835291

File: 13107a99985fea3⋯.png (654.56 KB, 814x2126, 407:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk asks judge to start Twitter trial on Oct. 17


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d0951c  No.16835292


inside job to force us to the bunkers

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e1cb0d  No.16835293

File: 227b4e8b20e1b67⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 476x350, 34:25, trenches_3.jpg)

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917f9a  No.16835294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mass awakening is habbening.

Back to school.

It’s so beautiful.

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f1b8f0  No.16835295

HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
What is the military code?
Where is AW being held? Why?
POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.
Who has access to everything classified?
Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.
This is not a R v D battle.
Why did Soros donate all his money recently?
Why would he place all his funds in a RC?
Mockingbird 10.30.17
God bless fellow Patriots. Mockingbird
HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
What is the military code?
Where is AW being held? Why?
POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.
Who has access to everything classified?
Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.
This is not a R v D battle.
Why did Soros donate all his money recently?
Why would he place all his funds in a RC?
Mockingbird 10.30.17
God bless fellow Patriots.

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efac74  No.16835296

President Trump: They [MS-13] took two sixteen-year old girls walking home from school, and they cut their skin off.

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2dbcf6  No.16835297

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15cf61  No.16835298

PermaBAN their proxy IPs

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ddc5e4  No.16835299

File: 9ee9b71a66ff02a⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 600x750, 4:5, 9ee9b71a66ff02a0a35d32542b….gif)

Spammers are butt rammers!!!!

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ce85d6  No.16835300

Have mercy

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0f10e6  No.16835301

File: 8315f16d1b81ad7⋯.png (32.61 KB, 712x440, 89:55, 765.png)

File: 096f47b4003bdd3⋯.jpg (91.79 KB, 1734x487, 1734:487, Holy_See_defined.JPG)

File: be4c0c730e4c047⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 480x268, 120:67, Holy_See.gif)

File: cc928af0e47d0ee⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 498x219, 166:73, Flood.gif)


"Watch the water"

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04147e  No.16835302

why not have a bunker board on 8 kun

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f4a636  No.16835303


no one is forcing shit.

stay here and enjoy the spam

real anons are still digging and working in every facet that is available atm

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4e34cb  No.16835304



Of course this is what they've been trying to have us do for years now.

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1ecfd7  No.16835305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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efac74  No.16835306

President Trump: We need to use the dramatic increase in ICE officers will be to ensure the prompt removal of anyone who overstays their VISA permits…it's very hard when you have fifteen million people pour into our country…it's very hard to say we're going to remove fifteen million people…there is a thing called humanity. But we can get rid of all the bad ones, and the police know almost immediately who the bad ones are, and that we can do. And that we can do fast and easy. At the same time, we should implement a bond system and a financial penalty, so that anyone that comes to our country on a temporary VISA, and fails to depart, suffers significant financial consequences, and we take the money away from the country. We charge the country twenty-five thousand dollars each, for each person that comes in illegally.

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10f812  No.16835307


Huma’s with Bradley Cooper. They’re in lurve.

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68dc0e  No.16835308

File: 191c895d92aaf38⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x143, 255:143, FLAGDIGITAL.jpg)



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f291dd  No.16835309

File: 6fadd815ff23ffd⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, marc_short_gaetz.mp4)

another attack on Matt Gaetz

he calls gaetz a pedophile trafficiker

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1ecfd7  No.16835310

File: 291255a1b565ac8⋯.jpg (421.94 KB, 1528x1374, 764:687, Karate_Kid_Pepe.jpg)

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fd1a89  No.16835311

File: fb46d146f9a2dc0⋯.png (595.37 KB, 950x474, 475:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Idiots protesting POTUS chanting LOSER.


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4e34cb  No.16835312


There are like half a dozen or so. One of their goals is to split us up.

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c4ac1e  No.16835313

File: 053ac9b07dbad41⋯.png (175.89 KB, 273x400, 273:400, Huma_DevilHorns.png)

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28fd7b  No.16835314




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20ee4f  No.16835316



That reminded me about things I read a few years back about how there were thousands of Chinese troops in Canada under the guise of Training but were really there in prep for US invasion or some shit

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1ef1d3  No.16835317



bill gates is that you?

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efac74  No.16835318

President Trump: We should significantly increase jail time for repeat immigration violators to make clear that if you flout our immigration laws, you are looking at very hard time; substantial time.

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f4a636  No.16835320


yeah anon of course we took you off 4chan to 8chan too.

ur so smart, maybe you should not be here

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b0cbe1  No.16835323



….. .

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23edc9  No.16835326


WTF?? msnbc just played a clip with Merrick Garland saying: I can tell you, all the Jan 6 prosecutors are watching them all. Talking about the House Jan 6 sham hearing. What's Jan 6 prosecutors is he talking about?

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08c507  No.16835327


Big lieS





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20ee4f  No.16835328


Americans captured in Ukraine by Russia claiming they were lied to by the U.S. media.

Check this out

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e74e92  No.16835329



>Where's Dan?

on the move

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5ca39e  No.16835330

File: 692d6375aedba57⋯.png (705.44 KB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a72f  No.16835331




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8cd2e1  No.16835332



Forgot one oops

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f4a636  No.16835335

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94c1e4  No.16835336



one thing about Christianity

its morals are far superior

to religions that dessicrate humanity

one such phrase

"not one sparrow falls that God does not know

even the hairs of your head are numbered"

it teaches us how to be enlightened

and merciful beings

where otherewise we are nothing but beasts

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3cceb3  No.16835337



>It's not the Jews

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5227f1  No.16835341



>Fake and gay.


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197ea0  No.16835343


The real Q never said "use YOUR logic". Just "use logic".

Obvious LARP.

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23edc9  No.16835345


it's absolutely crystal clear:

the DS won't survive this year.

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08c507  No.16835346


…Ended up with clearer pictures than NASA.

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9b31f3  No.16835348



Weirdo playing his transgender music in Portland, what style is this?

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ca53c4  No.16835351



Hunter Biden met with Russian oligarch

now wanted for murder

New York Post, by Jon Levine

Posted By: Imright, 6/25/2022 11:51:57 AM

When his father was the second most powerful man in the world, Hunter Biden met in Russia with at least four oligarchs closely aligned with Vladimir Putin — including one who is now wanted for murder in the country, The Post has learned. The meeting with Telman Ismailov took place on Feb. 17, 2012 at the Moscow headquarters of AST Group, his vast holding company which once owned a publishing house, a tour company, and had a telecom division, according to the Moscow Times. Ismailov was accused in 2017 by Russian authorities of paying $2 million for the murder of two entrepreneurs a year earlier, Agence France-Presse reported.

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f7a72f  No.16835352


Q is not back I wish he was but that IP address has been identified and it's 100% definitely not Q.

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1b689d  No.16835353


how a tranny works

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9dfaa7  No.16835354


endchan was down for me but it's back up right now.

why is there no bunker on 8kun??

wasn't that supposed to be >>>/qrb/ ?

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917f9a  No.16835355


Forgiveness (and Intel) is the MOAB

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f4a636  No.16835356


listen hillary, dont you got some people to kell atm?

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ddc5e4  No.16835357

File: c23bfb8a0bc704c⋯.png (92.8 KB, 299x227, 299:227, smoking.png)



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dd59ce  No.16835358


N. L. P.

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e0cfd7  No.16835362


>Shills be gone





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56c0d9  No.16835363


The momentum for electing conservatives is only going to grow from here. Pelosi should be tried for all her crimes

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1d12e9  No.16835364


these spamming faggots would be using flashing Q trips if they could

otherwise they wouldn't be wasting time pulling shit trying to verify a fake one

who knows though right

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31e0b6  No.16835367

repost from last bread:

The hover preview shows ID but when you go to the post the ID changes to 000000.

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556258  No.16835373


and even the direct threat has some caveats such as time and place and name. Can't threaten if you don't know who they are.

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6718b7  No.16835374


it happens


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c32290  No.16835376


>Baker: Suggest as Notable


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2ac48a  No.16835377


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [01.07.22 04:27]

[Forwarded from Qtime Network ️ ️ ️]

[ Photo ]

Huge Demonstration announcement for the 4th of July in The Netherlands 🇳🇱

Tens of thousands of farmers supported by civilians are issuing an ultimatum to the government and threatening to block airports, ports and all distribution centers in the country.


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148f8c  No.16835380


More New Refinery pics

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dd59ce  No.16835383


>it's a shill.

It's a JEW!

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336b8b  No.16835386


Their inbred, they are ALL related, part of the 13 families. They are name stealers, to hide their identities, from screen to dc to the vatican. They don't breed outside of themselves, that is why they are all either sociopaths, psychopaths or narcissists, or a combo of them all.

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b2dd51  No.16835388


>Anyone ever seen Q arrive at 3:24AM EST to post about something that happened 12 hours ago before, I haven't.

Huchinson is a plant, anons knew this..

Q is confirming we are on the right track.

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3434f0  No.16835395


>first letters spell out TIDE.

Less subtle than:

Very Outlandish Democrats Keep Accusing!

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06668b  No.16835396


M 6.0 - Taiwan


01:05:07 (UTC)

23.657° N, 121.460° E

10.0 km depth


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31e0b6  No.16835399


>But don't let me stop you from comforting yourself with fantasy.

ok thanks

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783497  No.16835405

Russia ready to support grain export via ports under its control — Putin

"We will support peaceful carriage, we guarantee security of approaches to these ports, we will support the call of foreign vessels and their traffic in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in any direction," the Russian leader said

Russia is ready to support smooth export of Ukrainian grain via ports under its control, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV Channel.

"We will support peaceful carriage, we guarantee security of approaches to these ports, we will support the call of foreign vessels and their traffic in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in any direction," the Russian leader said.

Russia will not put forward "any conditions," Putin stressed.

"Plenty of vessels are delayed in Ukrainian ports," the Russian leader noted. Dozens of them are there, according to his estimate. "They are merely locked there and, by the way, crews are held there as hostages until now," Putin added.


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74dafe  No.16835409


stop just doing what your told. look, see and then, think.

just because there is an option for a name doesnt mean you need to give it.


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e296cd  No.16835411


Those in the know, believe so…and the Obiden adm. and obama's longtime buds Bill Ayers, bomber of Military, Police etc…has had too many years planning this all out…antifa & blm =Obama/Ayers and their WEF/CIA/isis training cronies

Warning: White liberals being portrayed as conservatives for false flag shooting attacks.

Several dark operations are already underway.

Use extra caution everywhere.

The information war is now a physical war.

Multiple false flags…


Election year..


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3bd5f2  No.16835412


You're trying too hard.

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556258  No.16835413

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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0994f8  No.16835416

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a5bbdb  No.16835425

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f3193e  No.16835428


Sovereign person is the correct term really.

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b2dd51  No.16835431


Pretty much every MK-ULTRA FF, there's multiple shooters to up the body count.

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188f1e  No.16835432


They are the disembodied spirits of the Rephaim

and Nephilim. They were never in the book of the living so are bound to earth.

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3c9c74  No.16835434


Wow, that is something. All over not being able to kill a baby? Perhaps someone should ask her and people like her, "Should your Mother have aborted you"? Would like to see her response to that.

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a074c8  No.16835436


appropriate digits, good Sir Clockfag

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3434f0  No.16835438



Never mind. He's alive and well compensated. That's a neat trick they used right there.

In 2000, Whittington began fighting a legal case involving the eminent domain seizure of a city block of property he owned in Austin. In 2013, after various court proceedings, a Texas district court awarded the title of the property to the city of Austin and ordered the city to pay Whittington $10,500,000 in compensation for the property

Harry M. Whittington

March 3, 1927 (age 95)

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06668b  No.16835440

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77c5d0  No.16835441


all the globalist faggots coming out of the woodwork

now everyone can see for themselves just how many were hiding in the dark, subverting america for profit, while slaughtering its citizens and even worse, brainwashing them into slaughtering themselves

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e0cfd7  No.16835442


>"Aladdin will end up owning everything, and we will own nothing."

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56c0d9  No.16835443

9 Apr, 2022 13:53

HomeWorld News

North Korea names culprit in worsening Ukraine crisis

Pyongyang condemned Washington's sanctions and questioned the US president’s “intellectual faculty”

He’s the only one that speaks the truth!

North Korean state media issued a scathing condemnation of US President Joe Biden on Saturday, decrying his “senility” and diagnosing a “problem in his intellectual faculty.” US sanctions on Russia will backfire, the article by the official KCNA news agency claimed, with Washington being the “final loser” on the world stage.

By accusing Russia of war crimes in Ukraine, the US is attempting to defame Russia and “achieve the collapse of its regime,” the article read. “This reminds one of ‘a guilty party filing the suit first’,” it continued, before accusing the US of the “merciless” killing of “millions of innocent civilians” in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yugoslavia.

Recently, Kiev and its Western backers floated ‘war crimes’ accusations against Russia, when they accused its troops of having killed scores of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. Moscow has vehemently denied the allegations, claiming instead that the evidence was manipulated by Ukraine as part of a propaganda campaign. The Kremlin has requested a UN inquiry into the incident.

President Biden had referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal” who “cannot remain in power” even prior to the incident at Bucha.

“Calling the head of a sovereign state a ‘war criminal’ and a ‘murderous dictator’ for no justifiable and confirmed reason…is an insult to the other nation and clear infringement of sovereignty,” the article continued. “Such reckless remarks can be made only by the descendants of Yankees, master hand at aggression and plot-breeding.”

“Perhaps, the trouble was caused by him reading a script which his aides prepared beforehand,” it continued. “If not, the conclusion could be that there is a problem in his intellectual faculty and that his reckless remarks are just a show of imprudence of an old man in his senility.”

Such arguments have long been made by Biden’s opponents in the US, who point to the 79-year-old president’s history of verbal slip-ups and apparent confusion as evidence of cognitive decline. “Gloomy, it seems, is the future of the US with such a feeble man in power,” the article continued.

The article went on to claim that US sanctions on Russia will only hurt the US. Commentators in the US and Europe have raised similar concerns, amid record high energy prices and multi-decade high levels of inflation in both regions.

North Korean officials and writers have a long history of attacking US presidents before Biden, with Donald Trump previously called a “dotard,” Barack Obama a “wicked black monkey,” and George W. Bush “a half-baked man and a philistine.”

The US’ policy of sanctioning its foreign enemies has always been a target of criticism from Pyongyang. North Korea itself has been extensively sanctioned by the US, EU and UN, especially over its nuclear program.


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31e0b6  No.16835444


Did they kill him?

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1d12e9  No.16835445



vidcap for record



-Browser History Tracking

-Face Printing

-Data Tracking

-Key Stroke Patterns

-"It's and entertainment app"

-Rabbit Holes that are dark, and very deep

-"We have never shared information with the Chinese, nor would we."


-Trump admin CIA mention

apologies, having tech issues

didn't get it all


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4ad67b  No.16835446



And stay cool.

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f4a636  No.16835447


why is there no bunker on 8kun??

kek, the bunkers are only for when 8kun goes down or is unusable

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143a72  No.16835449


>Fauci’s NIAID Spent Nearly $500,000 ‘to Turn Monkeys Transgender’

We knew this current generation of young adults turning transgender was not organic. They have been working on this for years and perfected it.

Anything to abolish God’s creation; Mankind.

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783497  No.16835450


pink floyd says hold my beer, puppies

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f06e25  No.16835451



yesterday you had it at endchan.gg

who was that?

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32d34c  No.16835452


Just the end game

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e1d38c  No.16835454


Stop getting tested. You don't want any medical condition documented which could possibly be used against you down the road.

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152495  No.16835456


(why I love this place over whiskey!)

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1a9a75  No.16835457


>and accusing them of “hate.”

sorry, NOT SORRY. it is my God given right to hate, and likewise to express my hatred, guaranteed protection by the bill of rights.

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1ecfd7  No.16835461

File: 955e23469f07474⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 1440x1712, 90:107, _pepekorn44.jpg)


>WTF is going on with the breads

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6e56bd  No.16835464



I like the way you think

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556258  No.16835466


Quads checked ✅✅✅✅

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09053b  No.16835474


>Turkey is a deep state controlled nation via the CIA

I hope a rock goes into every jet engine.

Fuck Turkey.

Fuck the CIA

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148f8c  No.16835475

Ex-Mossad head launches new firm to win the influence war

Ex-Mossad chief Danny Yatom has a new company to shape voters’ hearts and minds.

It’s been less than a year, but CIY Global, the latest company founded by former head of the Mossad Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Danny Yatom, has already scored several wins.

The company, based in central Israel, provides a unified solution to clients by using a wide variety of tools in order to influence campaigns and business development.

“We act as a one-stop shop. We provide all services, including graphics, video content. We have holistic capabilities,” Yatom, president of CIY, told The Jerusalem Post at the company’s office.

“We act as a one-stop shop. We provide all services, including graphics, video content. We have holistic capabilities.”

Danny Yatom

Yatom served close to 30 years in the IDF and ended his time in the military as OC Central Command. He also served as military secretary to Yitzhak Rabin, first when he was defense minister in 1983, and then prime minister in 1992. He then served under Shimon Peres and as chief of staff for prime minister Ehud Barak from 1999 to 2001.

He headed the Mossad from 1996 to 1998 and also served as a Knesset member for the Labor Party between 2003 and 2008.

Yatom explained that he founded the company after he ended his campaign run in 2021 as the head of the Veteran’s Party, where he met Nevo Cohen and Ofer Inbar, who later joined him and his son Omer to found CIY Global.

CIY Global

A political campaign agency, CIY Global has run dozens of campaigns, both in the political and business worlds, in Europe, North, Central and South America. Though many of the campaigns have been under the radar, some clients have understood the power that using an Israeli company might provide.

It is jointly owned by Yatom, his son Omer, who handles business development, Cohen, who serves as CEO, and Inbar, who is communications director.

The team also includes Dr. Liraz Margalit, who specializes in behavioral design and decision-making and acts as the team’s behavioral scientist and hires local teams during their campaigns.

Whether it be for political campaigns, business development, investments or even the military sectors, the strength of CIY Global is to help clients persuade, convince and influence target audiences.

“We are in the mind-setting business. We are an influence company,” said Cohen.

“Our belief is that propaganda or influence should be the next big thing,” he said. “There is an understanding, now more than ever, that governments and defense bodies must have the capabilities to influence on a much bigger scale. The strategic ability to influence is on a scope we’ve never seen before.”

When working on a political campaign, the company meets with the candidate in order to help him shape the messages and identify hot spots that may be relevant. They break down the situation on a daily basis in order to provide the required influence.

CIY is very data-oriented and analyzes big data and deep nano targeting tools in order to identify potential voters and a target audience.

“We need to be ahead of the others in assessing and understanding what the story of the day is. We create all the tools for the candidate, with all the right slogans and messages on various platforms in order to lead the attitude of the public the way we want it,” Cohen said.

“We are a content box which wants to win the content war daily. We want the other side to be reactive.”


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3f0cfd  No.16835477


quads remember

slippery slides in the Summer

tin can and string cell phones

catching bees in a bread bag

quads remember

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0aa5d6  No.16835478

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0d302c  No.16835481

Morning anons. That was some crazy shit last night. One bread's total duration first to last post was 3 min 2 sec. Never see anything like it.

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d4c4d8  No.16835484

What is rope a dope? Anons are part of the trap. Play the part.

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f3193e  No.16835485


I'm in Kick Ass.. as long as bring Hit Girl

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e06296  No.16835486

If that was a plausible reality none of this would have happened in the first place.

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ab5605  No.16835487

Just pulled this off gab

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4d1774  No.16835492


The “Prince” of Tides

Watch the water…

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c326fa  No.16835495



Can't stress the insanity of this enough!!

One week after this email, the US government formally attributed the hack of the DNC to Russia.


Ivan Pentchoukov


'''New @FBI emails show the bureau's top priority request to the DNC was to obtain unredacted copies of the @CrowdStrike

reports on the alleged DNC hack.'''

According to the Roger Stone prosecutors, the FBI never received the unredacted reports.




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46facb  No.16835497

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56c0d9  No.16835499


Anon dont even want a fucking YOU

Anon has many thousands!


Anon exists now for the NEW EYES

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4ad67b  No.16835501

Advice for returning to Twitter


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4b7c58  No.16835503

Shill Pussy's can't handle it JW

Last Night After Kicking Ass


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31e0b6  No.16835505

This is how I imagine the impending Death Blossom will be.

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6e684a  No.16835509

Large number of Akron Riot Police just came out from police station.

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e1d38c  No.16835515


>That’s proof enough

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7343b3  No.16835516

It had to be this way…trns

The media is coming

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152495  No.16835518


no table

US Navy accidentally releases unredacted UFO files revealing drones buzzing warships before frantically deleting them

Henry Holloway

11:10, 29 Jun 2022Updated: 11:12, 29 Jun 2022

Q DROP #2222

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e

8chan/qresearch: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

8chan/qresearch: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


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edab4d  No.16835520


sorry about your digit draw, Dorkeous ; Sammy Jackoff can blow it up and out his gay ass ass

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5fa563  No.16835521


> is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes

How is satire and outright bullshit informational and educational?

If that faggot was an English teacher, he should have been shot on day one.

His grammar and spelling sucks big time.

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74dafe  No.16835522


"B" Bear Brandon


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6265db  No.16835523


>Wrong. We don't need Q for this. You're showing us what a faggot you are all by yourself.

Right, that was the point, you figured it out all on your own, and now we wait 12 hours for Tripcode to confirm. That's how this always worked right, Q would show up and tell us the news after it happened and a bunch of retards would swoon?

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1a9a75  No.16835524


666 jew


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3bd5f2  No.16835525


Prolly sat night, midnight bohemian grove type thing

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e296cd  No.16835527


>how is it okay to delete spam?

>deletions are for ILLEGAL CONTENT ONLY?

>what is wrong with you?

i dont delete spam, i filter it

what is wrong with you, im not a BV

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2ac48a  No.16835531



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0994f8  No.16835532


Define fake Q posts shills are posting to spew false narrative 'tRiP cOde cOmProMisEd'

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6718b7  No.16835533

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5578ac  No.16835538

Brian Stelter melts down over Fox & Newsmax not airing Jan 6 primetime hearings


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dd59ce  No.16835539


It cost me $95 in gas the last time I made my monthly trip to town. Used to cost me $40. How is that saving me money?

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4c2ea6  No.16835540


join TS faggots

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9a2cc7  No.16835542


>I believe Dan was confirming Babyfist as Fake Q


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3f0cfd  No.16835543


>yeah, like all those accounts that decoded for the normies.


>is that a bad thing?

It is when they lie and say shit like the 000000 for tor posting is equal to Q+ you braindead faggot.

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a5bbdb  No.16835547


How % mRNA integrity was apparently resolved

The discrepancy between batches appears to have may been resolved when it’s mentioned that the ‘latest lots [received by the FDA] indicate the % intact RNA are back around 70-75%.’

However, in a leaked report of a meeting with Pfizer and the EMA on November 26, 2020, a day after Veronika’s email, it shockingly reveals that the RNA integrity specification was revised down to >=50% for drug product shelf life, significantly lower than the minimum threshold of 70% that Acuitas Therapeutics had stipulated and the average 78% of the clinical batches. Was this the EMA’s (and potentially FDA/MHRA/HC) way of ‘resolving’ the issue to ensure ‘an approval by the end of the year’?

Mention is made of ‘uncertainties about consistency of product quality and hence uncertainty as regards product safety and efficacy of the commercial product.’ Yet, it’s baffling how lowering the RNA integrity specification would remedy that major objection.

In another slide the artifact states, ‘Truncated [shortened] and modified RNA species should be regarded as product- related impurities.’ This confirms that these shortened mRNA species which lowered the level of %mRNA integrity were classed as impurities. Another alarming concern arising from these impurities is flagged ‘the possibility of translated proteins other than intended spike protein (S1 S2) resulted from truncated and/or modified mRNA species should be addressed.’ (See screenshot below)

The evidence in this report confirms that regulatory bodies like the FDA, MHRA, EMA and Health Canada knew of the differences in batches, regarding % mRNA integrity and because of that the effect on ‘safety and efficacy’ was unknown. The leaked Pfizer/EMA meeting report raises material concerns assuming the issue was resolved by simply lowering the RNA integrity specification. In other words, perhaps it was never resolved.

A particular website that has drawn a lot of attention recently, which speaks to the difference between batches is howbadismybatch.com. It’s a comprehensive database with analysis on ‘batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.’ By entering a batch number of any of the Covid-19 vaccines, it tells you the frequency of adverse events reported associated with that batch.

I spoke with Sasha Latypova, who has run clinical trials for over 25 years and owns her own biotech company, to ask her expert opinion on the leaked documents. She said, “The lack of mRNA integrity and presence of uncharacterized fragments of RNA in batches of Pfizer's product was identified as a "Major Objection" - a formal regulatory red flag, deemed a product impurity and would have been a showstopper in any normal drug approval process. At a minimum, it required an additional "bridging" clinical trial to evaluate the clinical effects which would have taken months to design and conduct properly. Panic overruled scientific integrity, and an arbitrarily lowered batch acceptance standard was adopted for the sake of meeting a politically motivated deadline. To date, this issue remains unresolved and could be the underlying cause for the enormous variation in the rates of adverse events and deaths observed for different manufacturing batch numbers in the CDC VAERS and other databases.’

Latypova made an apt reference to the fate of the Titanic, by drawing a comparison in the way regulatory bodies conducted their ‘warp speed’ process of authorising the Covid-19 vaccines. The Titanic's captain, Edward J. Smith, was aiming to better the crossing time of another vessel, which meant the ship was travelling way too fast, in waters known to have ice. This set it on a fatal collision with an iceberg and the rest is history.

In light of the evidence included in this report and the fact that the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is one of the most lucrative products in history (last year Pfizer made $37 billion in sales with predictions for 2022 being $32 billion), this author strives to open a discussion with some vital questions which must be addressed by the regulatory agencies involved, Pfizer and those in the scientific/medical community:

What are the safety and efficacy implications of a significantly lowered mRNA integrity (arising from truncated and modified mRNA) in the commercial batches of this vaccine?

Exactly what are the visible particles observed in the DP (drug product) that Pfizer shared last minute with the EMA, FDA and MHRA and what are its safety and efficacy implications?

Answers to these questions are of major public importance.

6 of 6



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0aa5d6  No.16835548

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e06296  No.16835553


Why would someone dl from an untrusted 3rd party and not directly from the NSA site?

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f912e3  No.16835555


I find it funny… while I was in, we put the idiots and 'them' idiots in positions where they couldn't hurt anyone… like the bands, social media, finance, staff and media. Visible but safer for the real war fighters that way.

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d4c4d8  No.16835556

The founding fathers never dreamed we would allow the government to educate children. Thomas Jefferson is the only one who substantially mentioned public education, and his definition was nothing like what was established by the social engineer and interloper, Horace Mann. Jefferson said that free citizens were welcome to pool their resources to provide a school house and pay school teachers - if they so choose. He never mentioned anything like the government taking their money by coercion through taxation and then using that money to educate children on the government's terms. Nor would he ever have approved of an arrangement so subversive to liberty.

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b2dd51  No.16835557


oh shit!

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4d1774  No.16835558

Anyone ever notice Baron Trump is really fucking tall?

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3c9c74  No.16835559


>Fauci's wife

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efac74  No.16835560

President Trump: We need to restore my administration's initiative to target and eliminate Chinese espionage, which Joe Biden outrageously abolished.

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a074c8  No.16835561



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7f8476  No.16835562


Its almost like ts is bs

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c326fa  No.16835564


Didn' they have nustar (star reactors?) I thought they had a Neustar

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77c732  No.16835565


Roof top


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3434f0  No.16835566


prodigal anon returns!

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4ad67b  No.16835570


>I've been here almost since the beginning


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279459  No.16835572


>gee wiz

everly brothers fan?

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31e0b6  No.16835573




Q4419 with the lightning pic

Have Faith


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3c58f3  No.16835577

I took 4 aspirin


helping to expose


take evil down

is stressful

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e0cfd7  No.16835578



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6e684a  No.16835579


pizza delivery on a motorcycle, cold pizza.

Who was that anyway? Diane, Barry?

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783497  No.16835581


is she taunting us?


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300e30  No.16835585


Seems like the Q posts are ousting the disinfo going going on in the McAfee TG channel. Like a big middle finger to ones behind the McAfee channel and this was the channel's response. Could very well be a big "look here not there" for anons.

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e1d38c  No.16835586


Brought to you by cult leaders, C_A, Diplomats and Interpol

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edab4d  No.16835590


Biden looks evil

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6e56bd  No.16835591



> don't do anything

i guess that would be a close second, if not a tie.

There are literally dozens of Q posts inciting to action, to organize, to get out there and be loud.

But, keep on lying about how it's all either a failed prediction, or an 'order to do nothing'

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c32290  No.16835593

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556258  No.16835597

NS 5 times in a row!

OSS and crew got [their] asses handed to [them]

RVW overturned even though the Court is corrupt AF

Planets Align

A King is Born!

POTUS in Q town

Far beyond the need for proofs (to anons) but NEW EYES

Begin > Operation [expose paytriots]

Sleeping well Jeffy?

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0994f8  No.16835598

F-16 up out of Fort Worth Alliance Airport. 90-0800

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3bd5f2  No.16835599


Regan gave mass citizenship to illegals, you do your research

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

free citizenship to every illegal who entered in 82 or later, no questions asked, just catch up on your taxes first

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b8114b  No.16835600

OSS, with the full blessing of FastJack destroyed the 8.

No further drops here.

Look to Twitter!

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6718b7  No.16835601


Pro-RINO? Really?

Why in the world would TS support them?

Why do they deserve the support of We The People or the GOP?

If nothing else, RINO support needs to change on TS.

How will people wake up if there is a false illusion of support for the RINO's?

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5578ac  No.16835613


Already done

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336b8b  No.16835616

Captain Ramius "Red October"

"Once again we play a dangerous game with our opponents"

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148f8c  No.16835617


She is not a good example.

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b1187e  No.16835618


Go for it, a little bit of insanity could do us all some good at this stage.

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09053b  No.16835619



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9199d5  No.16835620


yea its alienz, bro

neck yourself kike

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f3193e  No.16835626


Or a better title is

Why Globalism Destroys Freedom and Opportunity

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1e43c1  No.16835627



Part 2 of 2

Myrna had also worked in the public health sector, which under later law, would have forgiven her loans after 10 years of service. So, using those factors, I decided that she only needed to pay for three more years, based upon her income level, and the student loan debt would be forgiven. The parties later stipulated to a form of judgment consistent with my ruling.

How did we ever get to such a place? Under the prior bankruptcy law, student loans were treated like any other consumer debt. They were routinely forgiven. But in 1976, an Amendment to the Higher Education Act that also amended the bankruptcy law changed the game. It required that education loans not be forgiven unless a period of five years after the loan was entered into had passed or the borrower could show that he or she would experience an "undue hardship" if the loan were repaid. It was left up to the courts to determine what undue hardship meant. The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, the "Bankruptcy Code," incorporated the changes.

In 1990, the Crime Control Bill changed the waiting period from five to seven years, and added additional types of loans that were difficult to forgive under the Bankruptcy Code. Finally, on October 7, 1998, President Clinton signed the Higher Education Act Amendments, which eliminated the waiting period altogether. Then, only undue hardship could "free" a borrower from student loan debt in bankruptcy.

Today it is extremely difficult for student loan borrowers to get relief in bankruptcy. Under the current bankruptcy law, borrowers must meet the test set forth in a 1985 case called "In re Brunner," which introduced three criteria of "undue hardship" borrowers must meet before their debt is forgiven: The borrower is living at the poverty level, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, and has made good faith efforts to repay the student loan debt.

If a debtor cannot meet one of the criteria, the debt cannot be discharged. "In re Brunner" is followed, with some modification, in nearly all of the United States Circuit Courts of Appeal.

This standard is unjust and misguided. It's time to reverse the damage done by these laws.

Too many Americans are hampered in their ability to advance economically by student loans. Moreover, there is a racial justice element to this. Research has shown that Black and Hispanic students are disproportionately affected by the student debt crisis. They are more likely to attend for-profit colleges that don't lead to high-paying careers, and they borrow more money to attend. Black college graduates owe an average of $25,000 more in student loan debt than white graduates.

We have a crisis. At the end of the first quarter 2022, Americans owed $1.59 trillion in student loan debt according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, an increase of $14 billion over the fourth quarter 2021. On May 31, 2022, the Department of Education announced that it would automatically wipe out $5.8 billion owed by 560,000 borrowers who attended the for-profit Corinthian Colleges because of the chains' "bad behavior."


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cdd000  No.16835628


Trump knew a lot of the dirty ones.

He knew they would all jump at the chance to come on board to fuck things up.

So why not go along with that with a plan of his own?

What's the Plan?


Don't know,

not supposed to know.

But it's Tippy Top.

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b2dd51  No.16835630

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f912e3  No.16835632



5:5 - still gud for nightshift to review

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4d1774  No.16835635


You're right and wrong. Changes plenty. Now states don't have to make abortion legal through 3 months if they don't want to. Most states still allow abortion, too, but many that do only allow it through a certain gestational time, like up to 8 weeks ir what have you. Many states will continue allowing it abortion up to birth…. now, what Biden said about codifying abortion federally? If such a thing happened - and this is why the midterms are theoretically so important - it could or would effectively make the SCOTUS ruling moot.

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6338aa  No.16835636


Was just thinking how Slim Pickens was underrated. Yet Kubrick and Brooks saw his worth.

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a074c8  No.16835637




You don't belong here…. Tranny Larpers.

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77c732  No.16835641


Kek, the desperation is delicious

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3434f0  No.16835642


Absolute TRUTH !!!

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06668b  No.16835643




helps to paste

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027d51  No.16835649


Forget it. I passed the point of no return!

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cc98d8  No.16835650

“no jabs for babies” in #Florida.

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77c5d0  No.16835651






Nice marker

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56c0d9  No.16835653


A problem with the FBI?

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7343b3  No.16835659

Good night to all of you fren's

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a1f4e0  No.16835660






















Previously Collected






General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



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193d5c  No.16835661

Hero level shit.

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783497  No.16835662





>boss HOGG and duke harry gasket test failed are tainting the taint of young taints across the larposhpere

BO and LUKE caught impersonating zelda at tranny portashitter

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143a72  No.16835664


>CNN tags QAnon DROP as violence again.

I'm telling you…the new Q drops weren't the original Q. This new shit, this is some black hat bullshit to give the MSM jockeys something to pivot to, since the Jan 6th shitfest is falling apart. When all else fails… go back to the "QAnon" well.

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300e30  No.16835665


LOL this shill is triggered by the truth. KEKEKEKEKEK

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edab4d  No.16835666

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.



This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.






e[Y]e of Ra

S[Y]mbolism will be their downfall.



Read JUDE in the Bible.









President Trump caught them ALL !!!!

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW!!!!


Military is the only way.








Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming










It's Happening.

It's Time To Wake Up.





Fire up those Meme!

Please stand bye.

Ready to play?

MOAB incoming.






Marker [9]

a stitch in time saves [9]

JA takes the stage.

WE have the source.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.

The HUNTERS become the HUNTED.


We love PHONE!






The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.

We hear All.

We see All.




Godfather III.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM).











Reptile eggs




oh mama


Have Faith






red heifer sighting





So TWO RAVENS died today. Weird

There is no STEP FIVE

Beautiful day for a coincidence.

Lots of "lightning" comms lately.

Sealed > Unsealed.


KEY #88 130 53



06. 12. 06.





Think EO's

Dark to Light

1:07 [Marker]

These people HATE America.









CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis

Messages sent.











#829-2018-03-04 04:08:25(UTC+1)


Bring the thunder.

KILL_BOX [1A-23x]




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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e1d38c  No.16835667

made sure to get that Q shirt front and center

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6265db  No.16835673

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b8114b  No.16835675


who is this?

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556258  No.16835676


Wow. That painting is beautiful. Imagine if niggers were never brought here, and we had strong borders, and only allowed European immigration. This country would be 95% white and prosperous.

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74dafe  No.16835677


Taken over 8 kun or the Q position?

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6718b7  No.16835679


Biodigesters101- There's a Dragon in the Garden! pt1.

7,784 views • Jun 3, 2022 • It eats all my waste and poops flammable cooking gas. It loves to sit in the sunshine and burp methaney belches all day long.

Here is a quick look at what makes a M.A.D. (micro anaerobic decomposition) system so cool. and why you should have one too.

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83361d  No.16835683


It means that people from the elites on wall street to the people next door are united in their hatred of Biden's destruction of the economy with his Marxist puppet masters pushing us off a cliff.

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2ac48a  No.16835684

CDC hiding their data


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1ebc18  No.16835685


Usagi YoJimbo

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968199  No.16835686



>It still serves as the ultimate sword and shield of the Central Banking bloodlines, their global elite and, of course, the Israeli Deep State. The latter still hasn't come to grips with the imminent loss of its planned new Khazarian State in Ukraine.

When they break the surface, the sheer terror is visible, Mike Rothschild on Qanon and Conspiray theory's

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dd59ce  No.16835688


>The "godfather" of this version of neoliberalism was the journalist Charles Peters,[47] who in 1983 published "A Neoliberal's Manifesto".


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7bd782  No.16835691


Reminds me of the company "Advanced Wiring Systems" which is an F_I front company with a sense of humor…

get it? the feds are an advanced wiring company?

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5578ac  No.16835692



Here am I! – the Hebrew meaning of Hineni


Avital Snow

7 min read

October 19th, 2021

Hebrew Words

The Hebrew Meaning of Hineni

The phrase “Here am I!” has a heroic ring to it. This phrase became famous thanks to a passage from the Book of Isaiah. It was the prophet’s courageous response to God’s calling:

And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I (hineni)! Send me.’ Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah is quick in his obedience. He gives a resounding “yes” to God’s call, before knowing what would follow.

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09053b  No.16835694

kill all child rapists.

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148f8c  No.16835695



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9a2cc7  No.16835697


Timing is everything.

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00796e  No.16835699


infinity trips confirm this slide goes on forever

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0aa5d6  No.16835700


>Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

Just for the laughs I want it to be Assange

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235c8a  No.16835702


KEK. All the claims Q's password is this and Q's trip was cracked that and I've yet to see anyone duplicate Q's trip.

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211e75  No.16835704


dude I'm literally just asking you for verifiable evidence.

that's it really.

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9199d5  No.16835706


"No you wouldn't. It's not a man…"

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b2dd51  No.16835707


I Made This.

I love you Fren

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f912e3  No.16835709


The emotions around kids losing their lives are just too much for some people to see anything else

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3c9c74  No.16835710





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6338aa  No.16835714


Well, she dead now so… prolly not.

But have you ever known a liberal to take good care of their body?

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d4c4d8  No.16835715


WATCH: Jen PsakiPeppermint Paddywagon Says White House Encourages ‘Peaceful’ Protests Outside Justices’ Homes


May 10, 2022 The White House / YouTube 0 seconds of 1 minute, 49 seconds Volume 90%

Joel B. Pollak 10 May 2022


White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that the Biden administration encourages “peaceful” protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, despite the fact that such protests aim to intimidate the judiciary and appear to be illegal.

As Breitbart News reported Saturday, mobs of pro-abortion protesters gathered outside the homes of Supreme Court justices after the leak of a draft majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito that would reverse Roe v. Wade (1973). Though the protests have been peaceful, they are virtually unprecedented as a way to pressure the highest court

— both directly and personally.

The scene in front of Chief Justice John Roberts’ house pic.twitter.com/vJVxxFoMNO

— Douglas Blair (@DouglasKBlair) May 7, 2022

Title 18 of the U.S. Code, section 1507, makes protests outside the private residence of a federal judge a federal crime:

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

On Friday, Psaki was asked about impending protests but declined to condemn or criticize them. On Monday, she issued a tweet denouncing violence but did not specifically mention the protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

.@POTUS strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism. Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.

— Jen Psaki (@PressSec) May 9, 2022

On Tuesday, during her daily White House briefing, Psaki was asked whether the president felt that “the demonstrations outside of, say, Justice Alito’s home — are those attempts to interfere or intimidate?” The reporter noted that the Department of Justice had responded quickly and harshly to protests outside the homes of school board members in recent months.

Psaki evaded the question, accusing critics of hypocrisy (emphasis added):

I think I said yesterday, but I’m happy to repeat, because I think it’s important for everybody to hear, that the president long-standing view has been that violence, threats, and intimidation of any kind have no place in political discourse. And we believe, of course, in peaceful protest. What I do find is interesting, and I think many people have noted, is that there are voices on the right who have called out this protests that are happening while remaining silent for years on protests that have happened outside the homes of school board members, the Michigan Secretary of State, or including threats made to women seeking reproductive health care [sic], or even an insurrection [sic] against our capitol. So I know that there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date, and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes, and that’s the president’s position, but the silence is pretty deafening about all of the other intimidation that we’ve seen to a number of people.

Psaki appeared to conflate protests outside a place of business (an abortion clinic) with protests at private residences, and protests at the private residences of individual government officials with protests aiming to sway to a Supreme Court case.

When the reporter alluded to the federal law against protests outside judges’ homes, given the pending case, Psaki was evasive again: “Well, but I think that intimidation and protest, intimidation outside of the homes of school board members, the Michigan secretary of state, you know, intimidation and threats, against people seeking legal reproductive health care [sic] and against our capitol and American democracy, also warrant some outrage, and we haven’t really seen that.”

Notably, Psaki did not deny that protesting outside a private residence constitutes an attempt to “intimidate” the justices.

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cdd000  No.16835717


it's from the Right Eye, Left Eye, Left eye is sinister

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188f1e  No.16835718


New blood joins this Earth

And quickly he's subdued

Through constant pained disgrace

The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in

This whipping boy done wrong

Deprived of all his thoughts

The young man struggles on and on, he's known

Ooh, a vow unto his own

That never from this day

His will they'll take away

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives

To running all of his

He tries to please them all

This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same

He's battled constantly

This fight he cannot win

A tired man they see no longer cares

The old man then prepares

To die regretfully

That old man here is me

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, oh, oh

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me

I'll label you

So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me

I'll label you

So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

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0d302c  No.16835719



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7f8476  No.16835720

fuglytranny.jpeg blames juws for being fugly and tranny and faggot and asshole

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92c9bd  No.16835722


Q is now posting from Arizona?

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3434f0  No.16835725


How the PRC’s lucrative transplant industry kills donors by removing their organs


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4ad67b  No.16835727

China Faces Power Shortage As Heatwave Pushes Demand To Record

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said this week that China should increase its coal production capacity in order to prevent power outages, as the northern and central parts of the country are baking in a heatwave that is driving power consumption to record levels.

China needs to “resolutely prevent power outages,” the premier was quoted as saying on Tuesday while a heatwave sweeps through northern and central China, while heavy rain in the southern provinces is flooding cities, including in the most populous province, Guangdong.

Consumers are cranking up air conditioning in the north, driving power demand in China to records, and threatening to overwhelm the Chinese power grid again.

China has significantly boosted its coal production in recent months, following government orders for more coal supply. Faced with power shortages last autumn, Chinese authorities ordered an increase in domestic coal production as global coal prices soared.

In March, China’s daily coal production hit a record high as it jumped by 15 percent compared to March 2021.

However, Chinese miners are looking to meet the required quantity regardless of the quality, which is often low and less efficient when burnt at coal-fired power stations.

So, despite a boom in coal production in recent months, China could experience another power crunch this summer as miners race to meet government targets with lower-quality coal, analysts and traders told Reuters earlier this week.

China has put more emphasis on energy security in recent months. Earlier this year, China said it would continue to maximize the use of coal in the coming years as it caters to its energy security, despite pledges to contribute to global efforts to reduce emissions.

China is concerned about its energy security after the autumn 2021 power crisis and, most recently, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which pushed energy commodity prices sky-high.


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46facb  No.16835728



I enjoy this explanation.

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cc7d10  No.16835730



>Those who know…

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31e0b6  No.16835731



You all know why new refineries don’t get built right?

Javier Blas @JavierBlas

Replying to @JavierBlas

With its letter today to oil refining executives, the White House seems to have waken up to what most in the oil market have seen for several weeks – a lack of refining capacity is inflating fuel prices | #OOTT @opinion bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…


The two EPA Chairs, Sue & Settle.

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027d51  No.16835732


You still have to pay the merc bill plus interest, slaves.

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56c0d9  No.16835734



Keep moving, fren.

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3c58f3  No.16835736




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e0cfd7  No.16835737


That's (D)ifferent

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e6eb8e  No.16835739

During flr debate on red flag law, GOP FL Rep Gaetz uses the word “bullshit” to argue against the bill. Dem CT Rep Jahana Hayes is presiding. At the conclusion of his remarks, Hayes admonishes Gaetz “not to use profanity on the floor of the House”

(Take note of reply)


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193d5c  No.16835741

NY GOV Kathy Hochul is laying groundwork for higher office with 1984 level useless gun control BS.

Watch this one closely.

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a1f4e0  No.16835742


did you just say . c o r n vs . c o m r + n = m?

they fucking allowed a dot corn domain?

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300e30  No.16835744


>when Q mighta posted…

Yeah Q posts were awesome. Timely.

Hard to be timely these days. What the fuck do you say in the middle of a vax holocaust that won't be seen as shallow.

I'm sure real Q team could come up with something.

But,4953was decided

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5fa563  No.16835748



Not all

Bravery mixed with stupidity makes for a short life.

Bravery mixed with logic and strategic thought… are a deadly combination.

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6e56bd  No.16835750


If Papi posts "My fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us…" on Twatter, that would work, wouldn't it?

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143a72  No.16835751



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e1d38c  No.16835752


the actress came first

the shoppe was created ‎

Yesterday, ‎June ‎28, ‎2022, ‏‎6:58:01 PM

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3bd5f2  No.16835753


All the conditions now require you to be an open hypocrite. That way THEY KNOW you are hopelessly retarded and will simply shit that sucker of a brain down and do what your told no matter what and look the other way should any thing like reason interfere with your work.

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6e96c4  No.16835754


Is that a parable? I don't understand.

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0994f8  No.16835755


Because no intelligent comment can be made to justify it, lol

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c32290  No.16835756


I haven't IP hopped. suck my cock.

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74dafe  No.16835757


Looks like Putin is collaborating with the WEF & BRICS financially but not necessarily the whole "Have nothing be happy & Eat Bugs" globalist bullshit. either way, they appear to be playing at being the world currency and Bidens feeding into it.



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556258  No.16835759


>Image Name: 321RR.jpg

Pic included in Q1498.

Name is countdown to RR. RR in the double killbox twice in the drop.

321RR.jpg is a pic of Q1433.

Part of a Q/Potus 14 min.

Don't really see any connections between Potus tweet and the drop. Tweet is an endorsement for Arkansas governor for primary

Of note in Q1433 related to Q1498,

there's RR in the killbox twice along with 2 other RR's.

D5. Snowball > D5.

[Green] Think Queen in Green, Potato in front of Evergreen, McCON uvalde green shoes.

And for the clockfags, Think timing and When does the clock run out


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/21/2018 19:18:00

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 998704493335334912

.@AsaHutchinson, the great Governor of Arkansas, is in a primary tomorrow. He has done an incredible job with a focus on lower taxes, border security, and crime prevention. Asa loves our military and our veterans. I fully endorse Asa for Governor!


Q !CbboFOtcZs 05/21/2018 19:04:49 ID: 622a94

8chan/qresearch: 1497716

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.

D5. < - Snowball


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b8114b  No.16835760


Call your son

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e296cd  No.16835762

the Left can'tMEME!


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e13d61  No.16835764




exactly what i needed

rally time!!!

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dd59ce  No.16835765

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1a9a75  No.16835766


Also, never forget September 11, 2001

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4c2ea6  No.16835767


Smash ya for fkn six

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968199  No.16835772


Who said I'm worried? I just stated a probable fact.

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83361d  No.16835774


Pelosi does too.

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3f0cfd  No.16835775

The more you love yourself and others, the higher you vibrate.

This is a really easy way to raise your frequency

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a51cda  No.16835778

REMINDER" 2 hours and 10 minutes until SCOTUS Decisions are issued.

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2ac52c  No.16835783




Anon, must be well read!

Ya it would seem some males are flying solo these days. Then on the other hand, their are a demographic of male, that are not in this selfish way that was spoke of.

"It is also to be noted that male tigers may have large territorial boundaries with numerous female mates inside that territory. In such cases, if the father tiger is inside his territory then he will help raise the cubs of all those females with whom he has mated recently."

"Instances of tiger cubs being spotted alone with the father male tiger raising and caring for them have also been reported in the wild in some of the rare scenarios, like when the mother died when the cubs were still 2 months old."

At least we found a contradicting artical, you know I cherish good scientific debate (even decade long perpetual ones).



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0aa5d6  No.16835784


The jew is heavily invested in the abortion of goyim babies.

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dc1aa5  No.16835785


Yep, here come those flat earth fuckers.

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148f8c  No.16835786

God's turning the lights on! Enjoy!

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7bd782  No.16835787


Kasich: January 6 Probe ‘Melting’

Trump Like the Wicked Witch of the West

Breitbart Clips, by Pam Key

Posted By: Imright, 7/1/2022 11:45:38 PM

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Friday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that the hearings by the House Select Committee investigating January 6, 2021 are causing former President Donald Trump to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. Discussing Trump, anchor Wolf Blitzer asked, “Does this feel from your perspective like a potential turning point for some Republicans?” Kasich said, “Oh yeah. He’s taking on water. He is shrinking. I said he reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West. When they threw a bucket of water on her, she started melting. He is losing influence, and people beginning to say you know what? Whether I believe the details or not,

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b1187e  No.16835788


Is There a Hidden Meaning to Stranger Things?

Published On June 11, 2022 » 729 Views» By admin » 80s arcana, Archives, Audio/mp3, Culture, Esoteric Hollywood Episodes, Esoteric/Speculation, Featured, History, Philosophy, Religion, The Jay Show, Video

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211e75  No.16835789


"the planets aligned" - like this ever before?

Seems incredibly rare

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235c8a  No.16835794

BASTER'S [THEY] ARE…….(Tin, Nein,…

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2f85cd  No.16835795



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4d1774  No.16835798

Cut your number of sexual partners to help fight monkeypox, urges World Health Organization as it warns outbreak 'may not be containable'

WHO European director Dr Hans Kluge says monkeypox requires 'urgent' action

He says virus will not cause Covid-style restrictions but measures are needed

Global health agency described twice-daily temperature checks as 'critical'

- - -

Archbishop Vigano points out in a recent interview that the symptoms of this "monkey pox" are curiously similar to the side effects. of the mRNA gene serum "vaccine." ( https://twitter.com/AxlGuidato/status/1529128600011694082 )

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3c9c74  No.16835799


>Why did they categorize this article under “extremism”?

because you're a threat to their democracy

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1e43c1  No.16835800

Something just went boom in Nashville


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15cf61  No.16835801

File: 4837005973285e8⋯.png (208.24 KB, 676x676, 1:1, pepe_tp_binoc.png)



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cdd000  No.16835803


"Ore" as in Hunter Biden found 31 million tonnes of crack ore in Heinz-Kraft moldy salt dispensers

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6338aa  No.16835804


I just wanted the password


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0d302c  No.16835806



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cc7d10  No.16835808

You probably already have this, and I'm not seeing it:

The pen?

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3c58f3  No.16835809


I want my retirement fund back…

Justice for Johnny Depp? Yes

Justice for John Q Public? HELL NO!!!

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489c30  No.16835810


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cc98d8  No.16835812



No sign of the cross

Big gulp at 1:15

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6e684a  No.16835816


God-level comeback.

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77c732  No.16835819

Jim Banks Presses Biden DOJ for Answers After BLM Rioter’s Arson Charges Dropped

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) pressed President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) for answers after the agency dropped arson charges against a leftwing rioter, according to a letter exclusively obtained by Breitbart News.

Law enforcement officials arrested and charged then-19 year-old Victor Sanchez-Santa in federal court with arson charges in June 2020, shortly after he allegedly ignited a fire that burned an NYPD vehicle during the aftermath of the George Floyd riots.

According to the federal complaint filed against Sanchez-Santa:

On June 9, 2020, at approximately 1:20 a.m., SANCHEZ-SANTA stopped his car beside a marked NYPD vehicle on West 42nd Street in Manhattan. He got out of his car, took a cloth glove in his hand and held the glove to a flame until it ignited. He then put the burning glove underneath the NYPD vehicle, and got back into his car, leaving the glove burning beneath the police car.

After his arrest, United States Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman praised federal and local law enforcement officials for their quick response and help in identifying the defendant.

Although arson carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum 20-year sentence, Biden’s DOJ tossed out the case in November 2021.

United States Attorney T. Josiah Pertz wrote:

Based on a review of the evidence in the case and information pertaining to this defendant acquired subsequent to the filing of the Indictment, the Government has concluded that further prosecution of VICTOR SANCHEZ-SANTA would not be in the interests of justice.

The DOJ also determined that “deferring prosecution” would be in the best interests of the defendant and the United States.

Instead of prison time, prosecutors let Sanchez-Santa off with nine months of probation and mandatory anger management classes.

Banks requested Attorney General Merrick Garland send his office “all evidence in the case and information pertaining to this defendant acquired subsequent to the filing of the Indictment” that contributed to the DOJ’s decision to drop charges by June 24.


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027d51  No.16835820



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c326fa  No.16835822


>remember that one time in nicaragua….

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e0cfd7  No.16835824


I’m not Shepherding these fucking NPC’s.

6 months ago they wanted to end our fucking lives because we wouldn’t take the VAXX.

They literally want to take our guns away.

Fuck them.

You see anon, the DS isn’t even the biggest problem we face anymore. It’s the droves of mindless zombies who will literally DIE to protect the machine.

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6e56bd  No.16835827

Anon theory:

Sussman acquittal is the dead cat bounce

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3434f0  No.16835828


"I am not steak. You just can't order me"


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4ad67b  No.16835829


Happy Birthday President Trump!! Saw your message on truth social and then you deleted it!!!

So Nice!

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a1f4e0  No.16835830

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56c0d9  No.16835832

Before today Q had NEVER said 'use your logic'. It was always 'use logic'.

imho, it's just the difference between Jim and Ron. Ron was smarter. Old Q was Ron, new Q is Jim. Jim is a sloppy moron

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7e6df9  No.16835833

Need a battery.

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7f8476  No.16835838


Read it yourselves. It's slimey. Real schizos don't live this long.


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3bd5f2  No.16835840


NS says NO and that's that.

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b8114b  No.16835849



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143a72  No.16835851


Needs pics. Chillum is usually pretty good at doing that.

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5af201  No.16835856


Yeah, even when Q's actively posting, it wouldn't go that quickly

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00796e  No.16835857



Please tell me you faggits are joking

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52ecef  No.16835858

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968199  No.16835861


That definition has changed since the internet, social media and cell phones. And even video footage "beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't work either. How did we determine evidence of criminality before the age of big tech? Gen X has the all the answers but the rest continue to eat shit.

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ab5605  No.16835863

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b1187e  No.16835869



there's the problem.

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efd964  No.16835873


>to live in peace and without fear.

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3f0cfd  No.16835874



They will never comply - wonder if they will be indicted

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e296cd  No.16835875



meh, just one word isn't strong a connect enough


>and it degrades the credibility of otherwise smart and effective people, not to mention the whole movement by proxy. That’s why.


That's the entire purpose.

Also, debating the validity of the term 'qanon' is a great way not to have to adress ANY of the content in there. Destroy cred, distract away from potent material… etc

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f912e3  No.16835876


Sounds good to me.

Who is coaching the red team?


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2f85cd  No.16835879


That's not the Face I made. There's probably vids to confirm.

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f3193e  No.16835880



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b2dd51  No.16835884


not gonna lie.

February 2021 - shit month, my friend.

Shit. Month.

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4d1774  No.16835886


>o be completely objective,,,none of Robert Crimo the 3rd's social media(videos) showed weapons

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9a2cc7  No.16835890

what's nancy doing in the vatican?



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51da54  No.16835892


Bottom line

You crave my jizz.

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d4c4d8  No.16835894


WTF, “military used to be the only way”. Can you imagine the embarrassment what the real military feels now. Q never should have mentioned the military, they became the target, but they would have done it anyway.

Again,retired military is the only way

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cad02c  No.16835895


The only time I'm comfortable about being mocked or made fun of is if ya in front of me.

… or if I know you well.

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6338aa  No.16835898


Disclose.tv, [05.04.22 13:53]

[ Video ]

NEW - Trump says "some people say my greatest achievement was getting the vaccine, because the vaccine was said to take 3 to 5 years and most people said it wasn't gonna happen."



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2a40d9  No.16835899


o7, baker.

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7e6df9  No.16835902


1. constitutional concealed carry

2. 2020 election fraud

(R vs W was the troll, we'll get to it, but wouldn't you rather have constitutional carry before those riots start?)

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06668b  No.16835906


you noticed $10 shipping each time aint' sustainable too huh..

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489c30  No.16835908

Afederal appeals court has breathed new life into a lawsuit brought by a London-based academic against one of the FBI's confidential informants during the Russia collusion probe, litigation that is likely to focus new attention on the quality of evidence that led the bureau to investigate former President Donald Trump and his cohorts during the 2016 election.

There has been a flurry of new legal activity this month in Svetlana Lokhova's lawsuit in federal court in Virginia against former FBI confidential human source Stefan Halper since the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema abused her authority in dismissing the lawsuit a year ago.

"We conclude that the court could not have properly concluded that Lokhova's complaint … had absolutely no chance of success," the appeals court ruled in April in a unanimous 3-0 decision that reversed Brinkema's dismissal of the case and her order of a penalty against Lokhova for filing an allegedly frivolous lawsuit.

"We conclude that the district court abused its discretion in finding Lokhova's complaint frivolous and concluding on that basis that its filing violated Rule 11," the appeals court ruled. "The judgment of the district court — as reflected in its orders of May 5, 2021 and July 9, 2021 — is therefore reversed and the case remanded for further proceedings."


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5fa563  No.16835909


What they need to say is "Sex is a human right".

Getting pregnant is a outcome…

Abortion is a response/action to that outcome…

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188f1e  No.16835915



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753b03  No.16835917


What is 10 pass ozone treatment?

Lahody/Rowen Modified High Dose Ozone Therapy, otherwise known as 10-Pass, is a way to safely deliver ozone to the body by using a vacuum technique to remove about 200 ml of a patient's heparinized blood (so the blood does not clot), mixing this blood in a sterile glass bottle with ozone which is then infused back into …

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152495  No.16835918


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c32290  No.16835919


>2A Carry goes up in NYS

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4ad67b  No.16835921

i wonder if the pope resigned

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e6eb8e  No.16835924


This proves you know who I am. Back at you. Thanks Q.

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193d5c  No.16835925


Coopers personal stash and OSS big mad spam combo

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0d302c  No.16835927


>Q tagged

Provethat was Q who tagged

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32d34c  No.16835928


Sounds like a threat

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7f8476  No.16835929


>He was referring to the B post on Qs board.

which got deleted as part of the babyfist Q LARP fest this weekend

the B post was deleted on Friday

same day as first babyfist Q

3 days after that post that you are saying refers to the B post

and not a "Q" drop

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3434f0  No.16835931

and of course, qresearch soundtrack


and of course, qresearch soundtrack


and of course, qresearch soundtrack


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a1f4e0  No.16835932


Joe Biden’s son Hunter posted the pics.

There are more pics saved than there are guns.

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6265db  No.16835933

Get off the drugs Kash. You only think they make you smarter & more clever. You’ve never been clever & your strain of dipshit has no cure.

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56c0d9  No.16835936


wouldn't your ID: translate to Q+ / 33 / D.C. ?

US Federal Reserve Board: Address: 2051 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20418, United States

* * *

Saudi Arabia considering establishing gold refineries, says top official

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia is mulling over creating gold refineries within the Kingdom as it aims to cut down on sending the metal abroad for processing, according to an industry leader.

Karim Al-Enezi, head of the Precious Metals and Gemstones National Committee at the Saudi Council of Chamber, told CNBC Arabia TV that refining Saudi gold in Switzerland eats into almost35percent of the actual profits.

To resolve this issue, the committee discussed establishing a gold refinery in the Kingdom with the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources.

Al-Enezi revealed that Saudi Arabia has the capacity and readiness to open a gold refinery, and expressed his hope that a new facility will be launched in the Kingdom soon.


death of petro-dollar reserve currency?

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24332e  No.16835939



mabye they are free lance; but I highly doubt it.

they could be doing their own thing, but are also, at the same time, free mason

that's at the very least. I suspect it's moar.


she means 'what people require for life'

she just inverted it.. Likely she had to censor what she was going to say.

Yes, they are lowering what people require for life; because it's a eugenic program and they are killing people.

and plan to kill more, like the communists of russia and china both when they did their communist revolutions.

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0f10e6  No.16835940

File: 39bc0398e7e8eb2⋯.gif (6.5 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Flood2.gif)

File: be4c0c730e4c047⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 480x268, 120:67, Holy_See.gif)


Haha, forgiveness LOL Anon wont be there when the waters part upon this leadership but Im sure it will be televised so I'll just sit cumfy

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ad212d  No.16835941


They have completely ruined three words, they stole to mock everyone pride, gay and rainbow. Its used to be you could be happy and gay, like that was a good thing. They stole the rainbow because God promised it as hope to Noah. And they stole pride so no one be proud of our country or people. Sick fucks all of them.

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74dafe  No.16835942


what I C <<<<

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189ab4  No.16835944


I am going to pray you get the professionl help you need, fake q.

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6718b7  No.16835947


>No skin color

We all have skin color, but if you turn out the LIGHTS you can't tell.

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8c2211  No.16835948


I knew what you meant…just fucking with you…we good???

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556258  No.16835950


LIVE: Protests erupt after Jayland Walker body cam footage released by Akron Police Department

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dc1aa5  No.16835953



Australia to dump Covid vaccine requirements and travel exemptions for international arrivals


Australia to dump Covid vaccine requirements and travel exemptions for international arrivals

People arriving in the country will no longer need to use the digital passenger declaration under changes to come into effect next week

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4c2ea6  No.16835955


she is probably horny now

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83361d  No.16835956

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52ecef  No.16835960

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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41783c  No.16835961




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e13d61  No.16835966

Ignore the noise.

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211e75  No.16835967

Fuckin Mormon bread??

Maui is stacked with Polynesian Mormons.

Fuckin rascals.

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94e898  No.16835968

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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7bd782  No.16835969


> a rouge BV

He wasn't "rouge" it was sanctioned by Jim Watkins.

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b2dd51  No.16835971


I mussed movies and shows on TV during my formative or programmable years, 15 of them from 21 to close to 36. It made a big difference in my acceptance of lies. And when I got here, I thanked God that I did. I followed a spiritual path and it spared me of the sin, sickness and death others accept

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efd964  No.16835973


You should keep posting this. It is working really well.

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a51cda  No.16835975

Poll: Republican Nominee Mark Ronchetti in Statistical Tie with New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

Mark Ronchetti, the Republican nominee for governor in New Mexico, is in a statistical tie with Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, according to a new poll.

With 45 percent support of New Mexico voters, Lujan Grisham has a narrow lead over Ronchetti’s 42 percent. However, the race is a statistical tie because Lujan Grisham’s lead is within the poll’s 3.9 percent margin of error.

The poll also found that nine percent of voters support libertarian candidate Karen Bedonie. In addition, five percent of voters remain undecided ahead of November’s midterm election.

A different poll also commissioned by NM Political Report found that less than 50 percent of voters approve of the job Lujan Grisham is doing in New Mexico.

Ronchetti won New Mexico’s Republican gubernatorial primary earlier in the month by a landslide, receiving more than 60 percent of the vote. Ronchetti defeated a crowded field of Republican challengers that included state Rep. Rebecca Dow (R) and U.S. Air Force veteran Jay Block.

Ronchetti’s victory in the GOP primary comes off the heels of a loss in New Mexico’s 2020 race for U.S. Senate to Democrat Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM). Before getting involved in politics, Ronchetti worked as New Mexico’s CBS and Fox affiliate stations chief meteorologist.

The poll surveyed 642 New Mexico voters on June 13 and June 14.


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6936da  No.16835977


I bet Durham and team know Sun Tzu! kek

The Art of Deception

The goal of any conflict is to control your opponent and overcome them. Controlling their beliefs about your abilities helps you understand their assumptions and plan a strategy accordingly. As a well-known translation of Sun Tzu puts it, “all warfare is based on deception.”

Orthodox vs. Unorthodox Action

Part of your plan to appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are week, involves orthodox and unorthodox action. In battle, fighting is unremarkable. It is straightforward in action. But victory is attained through the remarkable. Unremarkable and remarkable actions are also referred to as orthodox and unorthodox actions, respectively.

Both orthodox and unorthodox actions are taken during conflict. Ensuring victory means having a command of both orthodox and unorthodox actions.

Orthodox actions are straightforward techniques—tried and true behaviors and formations.

• For example, fighting on the front lines or attacking a valuable territory are orthodox actions.

Unorthodox actions are surprise attacks and other maneuvers outside the typical boundaries of battle.

• For example, ambushes and deception are unorthodox tactics.

Orthodox and unorthodox tactics should be blended to work in harmony. Like the endless combination of colors derived from the five primary colors, there are multiple variations encompassed within the primary actions of orthodox and unorthodox behaviors.

• Orthodox behavior is always direct, and unorthodox behavior is always a surprise.

• But the manifestation of each is endless in its possibilities.

Manipulate what your enemy views as orthodox and unorthodox behaviors. By feigning orthodox behavior, you set your opponent up for attack through unorthodox action. Appear weak when you are strong. For instance, disorganization emerges from organization, fear emerges from bravery, and vulnerability emerges from strength.

• If you want to appear unorganized, you must first be organized.

• If you want to appear cowardly, you must come from a place of courage.

• If you want to appear weak, you must start from a foundation of strength.

• These deceptions will mislead your enemy.

Deception is a great way to gain information about your opponent. Appear weak when you are strong. If they think you are weak and they attack, you know the level of their aggression and greed.

Any time you can confuse or deceive the opponent by appearing weak when you are strong, you force them to adapt. In these adaptations, you can discern their patterns of movement, strength of force, and tendencies to react.

• This information becomes useful in determining how to strategize against them.

• You will know in which situations they will fight and which they will run.

• You can determine when lives will be threatened and when lives can be saved.

• You can find out where the gaps in their strength are, otherwise known as vulnerabilities.

• With this information, you can strategize when attacking is beneficial and when defending is more beneficial.

Remember, appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak to deceive your opponent.


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2ac52c  No.16835980

[India] Big Pharma Corruption: “tip of the iceberg”

India Must Regulate Drug Regulatory Body First. Bribery Controversy Blessing in Disguise

Last Monday, the Central Bureau of Investigation arrested a top official of the Central Drugs Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO) on charges of accepting bribe for fast-tracking a drug approval.

The other officials involved included a [senior executive] of the pharma company [BIOCON Biologics], two others indirectly involved with Biocon, and a few other officials of India’s apex drug regulatory agency.

According to the CBI’s first information report filed in the case, the joint drug controller of CDSCO was caught taking a bribe of Rs 4 lakh for waiving phase 3 clinical trials of Insulin Aspart Injection and was negotiating for a total bribe of Rs 9 lakh for clearing two other Biocon files.

This joint drug controller of CDSCO was also appointed as the drug controller general of India (DCGI) – the head of India’s drug and vaccine regulatory system – from February 2018 to August 2019.

a pharma industry veteran told me, adding that what investigative agencies have found is just the “tip of an iceberg”.

We have been told that the phone calls of several officials were being tapped for the past many months.

“Right now, all officers and staffers of CDSCO are quite nervous.”


Biocon - India's largest biopharmaceutical company



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9a2cc7  No.16835981


>Trump card coming

>we are getting closer to 0:00


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2ac48a  No.16835984


Sadly, we lost a man in the Culture War. He called out the problems in the Black Community, and clearly inspired Candace, Tatum, and the Hodge Twins.

He made it okay to vote republican, be black, and not feel like a sellout.


Tommy Sotomayor calls it quits amid constant threats and harassing

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148f8c  No.16835985


You pass. I have to admit that I drug it out to check to see if it was the big one with the cannons, and it was…kek

Nice selection…fits the theme well…hopefully the cheery ones will soon.

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0aa5d6  No.16835986


Clowns In Action

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51da54  No.16835992


you really suck at this

reported to tel aviv

worse than нılldawg one swears

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d4c4d8  No.16835993


muh mass honeypots popping up all over

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e34c98  No.16835996


wtf is this

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5b9f38  No.16835997


TY Bakes!

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5fa563  No.16835999


making that money with every drop of blood we have left.

These people have no soul.

and people are so fucking blind they will refuse to see the connection still.

What the fuck is it going to take?

We need a miracle.

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6e56bd  No.16836001


KEK from my mouth to a meme-god’s ears. Literally my finger tips to their eyes, but, whatevs.

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489c30  No.16836003


This is something Freddy would know. Sup wheels?

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0b4bda  No.16836004

I'll arm wrestle anyone at Faux News. Bring it!

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6338aa  No.16836005


It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

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31e0b6  No.16836006


Then I guess you haven't noticed very much

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279459  No.16836007


The reason I'm saying it sounds good is because in practice you'll find that a staffing team does not operate that way themselves. Take the current one for example. They're synchronizing and planning somewhere offboard, are they not? I mean, obviously because they admit to it. But what does it mean that they aren't called out on it? Because it depends on the entire team and their preferences. Throw into the mix the identity fuckers and different platforms tried and leaks and remaking the room for a millionth time, and it really is tiresome. But how would you with an existing crew implement your plans for privacy? They will likely call you OSS anyway.


Nah. It's dwindled because Q has yet to post. Fact. It wouldn't have been coopted then breakaway civilization'd with nary a word.

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c32290  No.16836009


The idea that kids need to be "socialized" in order to learn, is bullshit Leftist propaganda, that Trump pushed because he plays 3D chess with them.

Socialization has nothing to do with education. In fact most socialization at schools is negative. Kids get bullied, they get labeled, they get put into rooms filled with kids their own age, which is not a natural environment. They get pushed thru the system, advancing at the rate of the average student. Smart kids get busy work to fill their school day, dumb kids get left in the dust.

Homeschooling is much more natural and effective way of educating children.

Keep them home, keep them safe, keep them learning at their own pace by a parent who actually loves them, not by some Libtard bimbo who went to college on a volleyball scholarship.

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152495  No.16836011

Anyone know if the 85% bit is true?

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46facb  No.16836014

How disturbingly morbid.

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e1cb0d  No.16836017

…Retreat? fuck that shit.

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4ad67b  No.16836018



Russia state-affiliated media

#BREAKING | Leftist Candidate Gustavo Petro to Become Colombia's New President



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6e96c4  No.16836019


When he returns and he will, you can apologize.

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0d302c  No.16836021


Really Dude?

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193d5c  No.16836023


This mother fucker no doubt has had 4 jabs, and believes Ukr is winning.

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77c732  No.16836024

CERN, look at all those white masks

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3434f0  No.16836027


Law of Divine Oneness

The first and most foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.

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edab4d  No.16836029

I am gonna get you out of this lightning

Storm, or is it storming there now?

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e6eb8e  No.16836030

those canadians get so angry bout detroit high crack prices

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e0cfd7  No.16836032


PayingMedic and InTheGheytrixxx incoming


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a1f4e0  No.16836034

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32d34c  No.16836035

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7343b3  No.16836036




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24332e  No.16836037


this is the real reason so many places are cancelling their fireworks shows

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56c0d9  No.16836038

Brazilian front-runner slams US billions for Ukraine

Lula calls out the US for arming Kiev amid the baby formula shortage

Brazilian presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called out US President Joe Biden in two campaign speeches this week, citing the $40 billion in military aid Washington has pledged to Ukraine. Lula is polling far ahead of the incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, in the upcoming presidential election.

“Biden, who has never made a speech to give $1 to those who are starving in Africa, announces $40 billion to help Ukraine buy weapons,” Lula said on Wednesday in Porto Alegre. “This can’t be!” he added.

The 76-year-old is the candidate of the leftist Party of Workers (PT), and currently the favorite to win the presidential election in October.

Speaking in Sao Paulo on Tuesday, Lula brought up the $40 billion in another context. How is it possible, he asked, that the world’s supposedly strongest economy is reduced to scouring the globe for baby formula – amid shortages in the US – even as Biden pledges billions in weapons sales to Kiev?

Pelo segundo dia consecutivo, Lula critica ajuda financeira dos EUA para a Ucrânia.Nesta quarta-feira (1), petista criticou diretamente o presidente dos EUA. “Nunca fez um discurso para dar 1 dólar pra quem está morrendo de fome na África”.Assista ▶️ pic.twitter.com/TKzmHY6vR6

— Metrópoles (@Metropoles) June 2, 2022

About half of the $40 billion package is directly earmarked for US weapons headed to Ukraine, while the rest would fund the government in Kiev, replenish the depleted Pentagon stockpiles, and fund US military deployments in Europe. Biden signed it on May 21 after both chambers of Congress passed it with token Republican opposition. The physical bill was flown to Asia, where Biden was visiting at the time, so he could formally attach his signature.

Lula has previously criticized Biden over the conflict in Ukraine, saying the US leader could have prevented it, but instead chose to give a blank check to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The United States has a lot of political clout. And Biden could have avoided [the conflict], not incited it,” Lula said in an interview with Time magazine in early May.


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7f8476  No.16836039


Don’t be a douche people are really being prosecuted for storming the capitol!! Everyday names are being added and people are daily being arrested. It’s not a game!



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74dafe  No.16836041

Previously Collected







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cc7d10  No.16836043


TYB, No way does the psychopathic Fauci have covid. He's afraid to face the questions. He's lying.

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31cfc6  No.16836044

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6718b7  No.16836048


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [03.06.22 07:41]

[Forwarded from ArchiveAnon ⭐️⭐️⭐️]

[ Video ]

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8c2211  No.16836049


The billionaires in charge of ShitWorld don't want the right to privacy any more. the right to privacy applies to vaccines even more than it does abortions, and if any lawyer gets around to suing on the basis of Roe v Wade, they'd win.

The billionaires still want Abortion. The Democrats won't be able to rely on RvW to keep abortion, and there might be some states where abortion is unavailable. But then the Democrats will push push push to get some federal law passed that guarantees abortions, and if they have the votes, that abortions are free.

Democrats will never stop wanting more dead babies, but they know they can do more killing if Roe v Wade is gone.

Since the GOP always loses, or capitulates, we'll end up with

No Roe v Wade

Yes Federal Law guaranteeing abortion

Yes Dystopian Nightmare of vaccines etc

It's clear that the Demons in charge of ShitWorld want it that way.

It's too bad Trump did nothing in his 4 years.

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556258  No.16836050

Time between 'typos'

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c4ac1e  No.16836052

File: eb6c462736c5e11⋯.png (250.03 KB, 582x626, 291:313, 8KunJimus_Copy.png)


Q can stay away.

We don't need another psy-op.

We got enough psy-ops to deal with the news media.

Unless Q is going to be more direct, they can stay gone.


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4c2ea6  No.16836053


I have found that many Christians still live in fear. It took me many years to learn to live by faith, most aren't raised that way so they have to learn it. Now people dont understand why Im not like them, even after I explain it. (no ears to hear with)

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143a72  No.16836055


The filth has been embedded in Disney for years.

Anon first became aware of it about 10 years ago, but didn't recognise the significance at the time.

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dc1aa5  No.16836059


>it could be a OSS larp, who knows….

So, OSS can get 0 Deltas with PDJT.. and you think they are the LARPers. Ok retard.

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1a9a75  No.16836060


In all fairness, it’s not their flag so the flag rules don’t really matter as much.

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41783c  No.16836061



xmas sweet.

Xmas in July?

Next reveal by Gregg Phillips?

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968199  No.16836063

i wouldn't let my essence near those.. "ladies."

-PureBlood anon

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716cf3  No.16836068


sorry CNN

no news for you today

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1ebc18  No.16836069


>The score is currently 1-0 to no-trip Q. ← none can deny this


>Surely, since trip Q is real Q, this score will improve in your favor anon.

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94e898  No.16836070


i forgot about that

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f3193e  No.16836072


It could also be both at the same time.

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7bd782  No.16836074

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f912e3  No.16836075

We are still here. Read. Digest.

Read Again.

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2ac48a  No.16836077




I've waited so long to say this…I refrained so many times before, because I wanted it to feel right… but sonovabitch…today feels like the right time…


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e13d61  No.16836078


I KEKED outloud!!!

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b2dd51  No.16836079




Tomorrow never comes

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2ac52c  No.16836080


I don't give a fuck about color of the skin, you can be green, pink, wtv, soul it is important.

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6936da  No.16836081

When AI controlled fusion reactors are deployed

Coal, oil, and natural gas will disappear

Cheap, abundant energy will destroy the Pyramids Scams

From darkness to light

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a51cda  No.16836082



memory holed


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9a2cc7  No.16836084

Shall no one stand up and protest this?

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1e43c1  No.16836086


Dan also posted a babyfist how might that be relavent.

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e296cd  No.16836087


>They added more colors to the pride flag again…

It's a clown world flag

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c40047  No.16836088


Good Show Old B

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3f0cfd  No.16836091


The S-500 is designed for intercepting and destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as hypersonic cruise missiles and aircraft, for air defense against Airborne Early Warning and Control and for jamming aircraft. With a planned range of 600 km (370 mi) for anti-ballistic missile (ABM) and 500 km (310 mi) for air defense, the S-500 would be able to detect and simultaneously engage up to 10 ballistic hypersonic targets flying at a speed of 5 kilometres per second (3.1 mi/s) to a limit of 7 km/s (4.3 mi/s). It also aims at destroying hypersonic cruise missiles and other aerial targets at speeds of higher than Mach 5, as well as spacecraft.[citation needed] The altitude of a target engaged can be as high as 180–200 km (110–120 mi). It is effective against ballistic missiles with a launch range of 3,500 km (2,200 mi), the radar reaches a radius of 3,000 km (1,300 km for the EPR 0,1 square meter).[26][27] Other targets it has been announced to defend against include unmanned aerial vehicles, low Earth orbit satellites, space weapons launched from hypersonic aircraft, and hypersonic orbital platforms.

The system will be mobile and will have rapid deployability. Experts believe that the system's capabilities can affect enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles at the middle and end portions of flight, but reports by Almaz-Antey say that the external target-designation system (RLS Voronezh-DM and missile defence system A-135 radar Don-2N) will be capable of mid-early flight portion interceptions of enemy ballistic missiles, which is one of the final stages of the S-500 project. It is to have a response time of less than 4 seconds (Compared to the S-400's less than 10).

In May 2018, Russia conducted the longest range surface-to-air missile test to date with the S-500. According to reports citing unnamed sources familiar with U.S. intelligence on the program, the S-500 was able to hit a target 482 km (300 mi) away, which is 80 km further than the previous record.


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cf5d4f  No.16836092


The Mormons helped "civilize" those awful beast natives in Hawaii…taking a chapter out of the Jesuits book….

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0aa5d6  No.16836093


>He knew exactly who he was surrounded by.

Then fired them for sucking so badly.

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e3614b  No.16836094


Listen Linda, I am high right now, but I am not that high…

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d4c4d8  No.16836095


Have you heard all of this before Anon?

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b1187e  No.16836097

T minus 11?

Hours, days, weeks, years…

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7e6df9  No.16836099

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0b4bda  No.16836103

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5fa563  No.16836106



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6e56bd  No.16836107


Oh my!


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152495  No.16836108


Nicole Solas Domestic Terrorist!


Arlington Public Library @ArlingtonVALib

has groomer materials in the children's section ready!



2:26 PM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter for Android

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31e0b6  No.16836109

Federal court: Biden admin. cannot release illegal immigrants into US

JUNE 15, 2022

A federal judge in Texas has ruled against the Biden administration in a lawsuit brought by Texas and Louisiana over releasing criminal illegal aliens into the US instead of deporting them.

US District Judge Drew Tipton issued a 96-page opinion in favor of Texas and Louisiana, tossing out a memorandum issued by Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The judge said Mayorkas’ policy was “arbitrary and capricious, contrary to law, and failing to observe procedure under the Administrative Procedure Act.”

Tipton also denied all other requested relief brought by the administration.

The ruling comes after law enforcement officers involved in Texas’ Operation Lone Star have made a record number of arrests of violent offenders with cartel and gang connections.


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06668b  No.16836111


Everyone does not live in the US

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e34c98  No.16836115

Rio Olympics

Feminine Reverse Pyramid w all seeing eye & pentagram at Olympic grounds

Reversed pyramid symbolizes destruction of current order for emergence of New World Order "Order out of Chaos"

The Color Green in Smoke, Shirts, Signage for Climate Change / Abortion Protests

They are inverting birth. Green stands for native birth, mother earth, Gaia.

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46facb  No.16836117

oh, also, not that I would need to justify my own actions, but just to let you know.

yesterday I gave a couple of final chances to adress me, the world (rather masonry) rejected. not a smart decision.

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3bd5f2  No.16836118


Rand Paul’s Kentucky Senate Opponent

Charles Booker Wears Noose In Campaign Ad

Mediaite, by Jackson Richman

Posted By: NorthernDog, 6/1/2022 4:35:44 PM

Kentucky Democratic Senate nominee Charles Booker released a campaign ad on Wednesday showing him wearing a noose. The ad shows a noose hanging from a tree and historical images of a Black man being lynched and a flag hanging from a building that reads “A man was lynched yesterday.” Booker, who is Black, narrates, “The pain of our past persists to this day. In Kentucky, like many states throughout the South, lynching was a tool of terror. It was used to kill hopes for freedom.” “It was used to kill my ancestors,” says Booker, with a noose loosely tied around

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4ad67b  No.16836119

You're going to need better bait, shills, if you want to drag us into your slides.

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6e96c4  No.16836120


fun facts are racist kek

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193d5c  No.16836122


Order this man a forest (furrest) bathe.

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77c732  No.16836123


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8775d8  No.16836124

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188f1e  No.16836125

Current and former CIA, Google, Pfizer leaders meet to secretly tackle 'disinformation'

World and business leaders met in Washington, D.C. for the past few days for "informal discussions" about geopolitical realignments, Russia, Ukraine, "disruption of the global financial system," "post pandemic health" and disinformation, among other subjects - all off the record.

The annual invite-only Bilderberg Meeting, which traces its roots to a postwar concern about insufficient cross-Atlantic cooperation, publishes a list of its participants and discussion topics, but bans "reporting journalists" from attending "to encourage the highest level of openness and dialogue."


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0994f8  No.16836126


And BIS, it sits on top of all of those!

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92c9bd  No.16836132


>Makes him seem unsteady which is good because no one seems to know what is or who is to be trusted now.

I LOVE that.

It’s actually my favorite thing about him.


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a1f4e0  No.16836133


Good. Let all be revealed. Pick a team to be on, the game is about to start.

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0d302c  No.16836136


FFS, it says right in their FAQ/About Us section they are satire.

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56c0d9  No.16836138



also there are lots of people here lurking that have way more possibilities, like lawyers, doctors, journalists etc.

everybody should do whatever they can

sometimes anons really have no idea how powerful they are.

anons also changed my life - in a good way

sometimes a single post made me think for weeks and made me grow (mentally)..

and so on


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24332e  No.16836139


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4fb469  No.16836140


Everything is to protect the establishment criminality. Vaccines are the beast system trump eagerly pushed it. This is pacification op we know don’t care just watch and laugh.

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e0cfd7  No.16836141


Keep IP hopping bold text faggot

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c326fa  No.16836142

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7f8476  No.16836143

One of the cats brought a chipmunk into the house last night and now said chipmunk won't leave. Suppose the cat has a new pet, Mr. Stockholm.

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74dafe  No.16836145


Perhaps I may after their triggered response

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b8114b  No.16836146


wazzuppy wit dem toe nails?

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6254e6  No.16836147


Back in the news.

Back on the QClock

Today is the mirror of Dec 7

Clock started anniversary

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fdd5f9  No.16836149

Anons, re Q posts…

Why did Fast Jack give up or lose QR?

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c713da  No.16836152

Anyone actually broke down last nights Q post?

No more digs?

Just arguing with shills, eating up bread?

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6718b7  No.16836153

Tripcode = No verification from POTUS

Q = Verification on the first night back

Shills = Seething

Jews = Jewing

Anons = Laughing

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8c2211  No.16836154

Lefties Upset Black 8 Year Old Detained After He Kept Stealing Doritos

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83361d  No.16836160


>NOTE: I do not know how a linux system is build and just asume everything is maleware

good luck

I got seven funny SSD's doing one great job.

Got this special "Am i already 18" webm for you, remember to be 18 befor posting here.

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41783c  No.16836161

love that the blacks for trump shirts still have 2020 on them


nice frens

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143a72  No.16836162

Still awaiting Zero-Delta.


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dc1aa5  No.16836163


>Orthodox Church is the original Church that Jesus founded.

This is also a lie. Byzantine Empire vs Roman Empire

They are both absolute bullshit, dictatorial control mechanisms that enslave and slaughter humans.

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189ab4  No.16836164


Continue. Tell us more along that line of thought.

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968199  No.16836167


SURPRISE, you have aids.

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ab5605  No.16836170


Russia did not defult persay so much as they are having issues with the exchange.

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cc98d8  No.16836172


*if YOU add sauce kek

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1ebc18  No.16836173


Are you sure that's not just Brett Baier in drag? That is one ugly bitch.

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dd59ce  No.16836176

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211e75  No.16836178


You know the pride parades are going to start doing that.

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9199d5  No.16836180

Galactic Council of Light: Make Things Happen

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2ac48a  No.16836181



Who in the media is going to call them out?

All of them.

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6936da  No.16836185


Wow: A original 1955 warrant for the arrest of Carolyn Bryant Donham, the white woman who accused 14-year-old Emmett Till, was found in the basement of a Mississippi courthouse

Till's relatives want authorities to finally arrest her nearly 70 years later


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a51cda  No.16836186


why not both?


castrate them with a horse whip. if that doesn't work, sterilize them.

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b2dd51  No.16836187




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544631  No.16836190

Canadian Attorney General Announces Citizens Do Not Have “The Absolute Right to Own Private Property”

Trudeau’s Justice Minister and Canadian Attorney General David Lametti announced this week that Canadians do not have an “absolute right to own private property.”

This is what Communism looks like.

This is Trudeau’s government.

Source plus video: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/743043/

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f912e3  No.16836191


Crowley digits for Saturnalia chekt.

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62ef01  No.16836194

Mass Arrest are fun for the whole [[F]amil[y]]

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cf5d4f  No.16836195

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



ENTER [99154] EXEC.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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e3614b  No.16836196


>Are there any such people left?


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e01206  No.16836199

Keep your eye on KristallNacht Roe V Wade while the Deep State punches through the internet Nuremberg Laws with tag and trace body particles.


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5b9f38  No.16836200


Forced ignorance no less. Some people desire to see, but alas, are restrained from seeing.

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3c58f3  No.16836203


Seth Keshel - "Captain K", [23.06.22 22:28]

Liz Cheney is a disgusting rodent.


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7e6df9  No.16836204


I have 17 hairs on my ass I’ll have you know

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753b03  No.16836205


Which C_A rag pays better?

Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, WaPo, NYT, or RRN?

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c40047  No.16836207


Critical Research here


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0b4bda  No.16836209


Coca Cola produced Coke products with flavors extracted from coca leaves by a third party lab overseen by Fed Gov.

The actives from the extraction go to Mallinckrodt for pharma grade applications.

Coke does not ever touch cocaine.

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6e96c4  No.16836220


so, everyone is projecting, except you?

you are one majorly dumb assbot motherfucker

>inb4 reeeeeeee

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152495  No.16836221


Alpha Draconis/Orion Group

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels.

Additionally the Nordics are blond looking humans from Orion and are also predatorial, this species is responsible for spreading racism, genetic discrimination, genetic experimentation, such in the Nazi ideology and they are proponents of promoting their belief system of "genetic superiority" through spiritually abusive methods of Eugenics. This Nordic group was directly involved with Hitler's Germany and World War II.

Dracos species are potentially capable of shape-shifting and have extremely developed Psionic abilities, which allow them to possess or enter bodies through consciousness projection. Therefore, as they originate form a Phantom Matrix system of Satanic based AI infected entities, many of these Draco entities are confused by people as the devil or believing they are Satan, as an individual figure.

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279459  No.16836223




faggots from jelly donut city say jelly donuting will never /b/ the same with wall right through teh GAHY ad fayk

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0994f8  No.16836224


>you will always be alone


>for you are completely without worth


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715c80  No.16836226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Donald Trump speaks at America First Agenda Summit in Washington, DC

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51da54  No.16836227



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1d12e9  No.16836231

where is the DRAMA !!!!!!!!!! a quiet picnic are you kidding me

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82a09a  No.16836233


sorry Olga, I'm busy, and my wife asked you to stop bothering me.

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edab4d  No.16836235

Introducing The New Currency Type “Security Protection”

Source, More Information: humanitywhole.wordpress.com


The chaos in this society are causing by various groups/nations with their difference ideology about the system.

I don’t want describe much about the current situation because all of “players” should know and understand it, but I would rather given out a new solution new currency type that will balance the current global financial system.

Why many nations have their government budget balance negative every year?

Because they receive too little from the public from their spending, that’s simple the fact.

Even if they raise the tax to 90% for the “rich money entities”, it still does not able to solve that problem. So raising tax (the main make money way) is not the option.

If you look at the budget of most nations, about 50% of them related to security, military.

So in theory, if you can have new currency type backed and controlled by the military/force group that co-exist with the current monetary system, then the problem will gone !

What the military can “offer” to the society that can make money?

The only answer is protection.

Protection is the main keyword you should be remember.

Rich money people/group/company need to spend more money for protection, but that in the “fair” environment of ruless. In the current society, all the rich money people/group need to do is pay a little money to “buy” the police/military. So if you can “shutdown” that connection so the rich money entities must pay fair price that “match” with the wealth.

It is all about the public people which many of the so called “secret controller” are considering as the pawn, so as long as you can make their people understand and accept the new currency type, then that is fine.

New Currency “Security Protection”

The new currency will be backed, managed, controlled by the military and the people who prefer physical war, force in general.

The exchange rate with the current money is up to each nations, could be 1:1 at the begining and switch to diffence rates depend on siuation each people choice.

Money in: receive from the public people who want to get protect.

Money out: to the people who work in the military industries complex and people who work for protecting others.

It is easy to print then pay/distribute to the people who work in the “protection” police/military group. But the hardest part is how to make people “pay” and “accept” new currency type.

If you only demand people pay for their protection, the public people will say “why don’t just use only the current money type (USD, Euro, Yen, Rupee, etc.) for easy to remember and using”.

The magic solution here is “FUTURE PROTECTION”.

We are living in a world of uncertain, any nations could collapse by the natural disaster or physical war at any time.

When that happen you will have many people need to get protected and will go beyond capabilities of the protection people group, but which one you choose and priority?

People with money? But sorry folks, money in the chaos time are useless !

So the new currency will designed to solve the problem about protection of not only the present but also the futures.

The “future” is what the current money type cannot offer.

Protection is always a service so if you want to connect and “link” the new currency type with the economy, you must have real physical product that can be seen/touch.

The answer is “future goods” such as foods, water and shelter.

So the new money currency type will focus on protection of both the present and the future. Many areas can be used such as security, border, visa, protecting, future goods, etc.


Well the implementation process is up to each nation situation. It can be done without the need of any international agreement/treaty.

The currency can be exist in both digital and physical form or only 1 out of 2, it is all up to each nation choice.

I don’t go into this process because I want to see diversity.


Above theory ideas are great, some of you may accept some of you may not, and some of you don’t understand it fully. So you can ask/discuss/debate with me if you like.

In my opinion, it is enough to stop all kind of present war between humans, nations.

The information above are freely to share, to read, but if you want to implement and use in real life, you must make some fair donation to me in advance.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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e34c98  No.16836236


Perfect for a perfect world…

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46facb  No.16836240

Democrat New Mexico Senator Intimidates County Officials with Lawsuits if They Don’t Certify Illegitimate Election Results – Corrupt Secretary of State Files Lawsuit

Election efforts in New Mexico are over target as Democrat Daniel Ivey-Soto (Dominion’s favorite legislator in the state) is targeting and threatening local officials if he do not certify their election results.

Last week we shared attorney David Clement’s presentation in front of Otero County and the County Commission’s agreement and their decision to no longer use Dominion voting machines in their county. This was because by using the machines, the county is out of sync with the state’s election laws. Despite the corrupt Secretary of State allowing this to happen, these courageous commissioners decided to go with the law.

Then we heard on Monday that the Otera County Board of Commissioners voted to not certify the results of the recent primary because the many concerns presented the prior week from the New Mexico audit work performed by attorney Clements and team.

On Tuesday night there were efforts to present the facts to other New Mexico county and local officials. Professor Clements shared an update last night where he began by noting the intimidating actions taken by Democrat New Mexico Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto.

Professor Clements notes that his team has uncovered a letter sent to clerks throughout the state from Senator Ivey-Soto threatening that they will look into criminal prosecution for anyone who withholds their certification across the state.

Then we find out that the Secretary of State just filed an emergency lawsuit with the Supreme Court of New Mexico. The Secretary of State is arguing that the only power the local election officials have is to approve the results of the elections! What if the elections are illegitimate?

CNN reported on the Secretary of State’s action:

New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver on Tuesday asked the state Supreme Court to order a three-member county commission to certify the results of the June 7 primary elections in Otero County — after commission members refused to do so this week, citing concerns about Dominion vote-counting machines.

The action by the Otero County Commission is one of the first examples of a county blocking the certification of results in the 2022 election cycle, and Oliver, a Democrat, warned of the potential for similar moves in other New Mexico communities.

In a statement, Oliver said the Otero County Commissioners were “appeasing unfounded conspiracy theories and potentially nullifying the votes of every Otero County voter who participated in the primary” with their action.

Clements points out that the law requires mandatory decertification as a matter of law when the voting systems don’t comply with the law. This is the case that Clements and others are making.

See Clement’s discussion on what is going on with the tyrants in New Mexico.


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b164df  No.16836244


Ben Garrison Cartoons




"Pride" cometh before a fall….

yes indeedy.

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4fb469  No.16836245

Edward Snowden


funny how ten seconds after they blew up the entire global economy, the people who spent a decade denouncing "whataboutism" became mysteriously incapable of getting through a conversation without thrusting their fingers at some random flag


7:25 AM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter Web App

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e0c903  No.16836246


wear the right glasses anon

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193d5c  No.16836247


Welcome, Agent Idiot. Have a seat, you'll be more comfortable.

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188f1e  No.16836250



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e0cfd7  No.16836251


>will never ever happen

LMAO… (You) are a sentient machine, fuckwit. just because you're made of meat instead of silicon wafers doesn't alter the FACT that you are a machine.

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cc7d10  No.16836254


Real Raw News is a Soros funded OP headed by a democrat named Michael Tuffin who goes by the pen name Michael Baxter. His stated goal is to "expose the insanity of rabid Trumpists".

Prior to creating Real Raw News, Tuffin ran sites about both Nibiru and subterranean lizard people in order to discredit and make money off of those groups.

Remember! Don't be a "Rabid Trumpist who lack(s) the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction". That's what RRN thinks about you.


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cdd000  No.16836255




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24332e  No.16836256

Lauren Boebert up now.

From the CSV of the 963 banned from Russia, including top ten language translations:

$ grep -i lauren AFTER_963_of_963_the963.csv |grep -i boebert

Лорен БОБЕРТ,Lauren Opal Boebert,член Палаты представителей от Республиканской партии (шт. Колорадо),Lauren BOBERT,Лорен Опал Боберт,Member of the Republican House of Representatives (Colorado),劳伦·博伯特,劳伦蛋白石博伯特,共和党众议院议员(科罗拉多州),लॉरेन BOBERT,लॉरेन ओपल बोएबर्ट,रिपब्लिकन हाउस ऑफ रिप्रेजेंटेटिव्स के सदस्य (कोलोराडो),lauren bobert,Lauren Opal Boebert,Miembro de la Cámara de Representantes Republicana (Colorado),Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opale Boebert,Membre de la Chambre des représentants républicaine (Colorado), , , (),লরেন বোবার্ট,লরেন ওপাল বোয়েবার্ট,রিপাবলিকান হাউস অফ রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভস (কলোরাডো) এর সদস্য,Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opala Boebert,Membro da Câmara dos Deputados Republicana (Colorado), , , ()

Full CSV (can't attach CSV files here apparently):


Anon's not sure why she's in the list. She's saying things that sound good. But that list…

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74dafe  No.16836257


I got attacked on an Army base that night. I've hated fucking niggers since. Not Black People just niggers. They made me waste an 18 pack of Budweiser as projectile weapons. Got several of them kicked the fuck out of the Army because of the marks left on their faces when I went postal with the beer cans.

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41783c  No.16836261


Lock her up, I guess.

Where is Qanon shaman?

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4c2ea6  No.16836262


i can't do it, not coming up on my screen

already informed anon he should submit unban request on /tech/

also asked 8kun admin, should be ok

will be taken care of before the end of the day

understand that it was an innocent mistake.

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6718b7  No.16836264

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dc1aa5  No.16836265

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9e8d80  No.16836266


Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists. That child rapists are in ((('government'))) to prevent their own deaths and to be able to rape more children is not what Jesus ordered.

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fdd5f9  No.16836267


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509599  No.16836269


But but but, we love fetuses now

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c326fa  No.16836270




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ab5605  No.16836272

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dd59ce  No.16836274


Damn. I thought it was a RIP announcement. Bummer.

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f3193e  No.16836275


Shearer: GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters roughs up 73-year-old Dem. protester in Green Valley

GV resident wears 'Black Lives Matter' shirt, 'Jail Trump' hat to Republican mixer, ends up punched & pushed, then cited by deputies

Peter Jackson expected to ruffle some feathers when he showed up at a Republican event in Green Valley on Saturday wearing a "Jail Trump" hat and a "Black Lives Matter" t-shirt. What he didn't expect was to be on the receiving end of a right hook by an upset woman, knocked to the ground by a U.S. Senate candidate, and tossed into the breezeway, where he laid on the sidewalk injured until deputies arrived.

He also didn't expect to be the only one cited in the fracas — for trespassing and simple assault.

How is it all going to play out? Well, there's plenty of video and witnesses, a Pima County sheriff's report and a court date. But we know where this is headed — how you see it will depend almost entirely on your politics.


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716cf3  No.16836276

Half the last bread was deleted.

Same baker this round?

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cf5d4f  No.16836279


You know what’s interesting? Someone who is not Q posted on Q’s private board. That person admitted to it. His face is on camera. He livestreams on the internet. And anons never cared to find out who this person is.

Someone compromised Q’s private board, admitted to it, and anons didn’t dig for a full year

This board is dead.

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189ab4  No.16836280



noice tiger nikked.

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6936da  No.16836282

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727b30  No.16836283

Tone deafness can be funny::

judy morris


Dirtbag #LizCheney Is Sending Out Donation Requests to Conservatives She Subpoenaed and Harassed on Her #Jan6Committee

That is the act of a shameless, arrogant dirtbag!



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1ebc18  No.16836285



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52ecef  No.16836288


Nice gif.

Nice digits.

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e296cd  No.16836289


Filet the Minions!

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00796e  No.16836291


Like I said. Best time EVER!!

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207cde  No.16836292

Cop Flips Pregnant Woman-s Car For Not Stopping Fast Enough

An Arkansas woman is suing a state trooper, claiming he negligently caused her car to flip on the interstate. Nicole Harper, who was pregnant at the time of the incident, told the trooper from the overturned vehicle that she had her flashers on and was looking for a safe place to pull over. The trooper said Harper was speeding and didn’t pull over fast enough. After the trooper rammed the car’s rear bumper, it spun out of control across the highway, hit a wall and flipped over.

She was trying to follow the law. There was no hard shoulder. Literally the stazi cop's own facebook page said you should try to go to next exit in this case

Totalitarian scum then took that down from their facebook page

But nothing ever happens.


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544631  No.16836293


>skin-to-skin contact

Is that what the gays are calling it now?

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9199d5  No.16836295


The idea of him getting arrested is mimicking the media narrative, I agree anon. Some asshole comes up with the idea and other shills parrot it. Be astute anons

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1e43c1  No.16836296




Alrighty. We'll see if they pick up.

Just to be clear, I'm not rooting for riots

I'd rather have no riots and a peaceful America.

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6254e6  No.16836297


T y anon, a good watch and a reminder to strive to eat what you make yourself as much as possible from organic/non gmo (not mutually exclusive).

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e3614b  No.16836298


> I saw these myself in his feed.

No, you didn't. There isn't a single POTUS post on Truth Social with a Q drop in it and you'll never be able to produce a link proving otherwise. Thanks.

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0aa5d6  No.16836306





Eat shit Mike Beelzebub Pence.

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09053b  No.16836307


>$1000 a month subscriptions

Where do I order these now?

I don't remember paying Jim or anyone else involved anything.

>keep deleting

I don't delete shit including your shit, despite it glowing so hard I need sunglasses.

Your narrative: "Jim is comp'd, and Arizona and whatever".

Ok, at the same time "muh hivemind".

That makes no sense.

If you actually meant it, you would go SOMEWHERE ELSE.

And if Jim was so bad, he would have closed hivemind down, especially when all you are doing is going here to attack anons and crew and Jim himself, pretending that it's so bad, when all you actually did last year was ban bakers + anons left + right, and anyone doing anything productive.


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c40047  No.16836310



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2ac52c  No.16836311


why didn't the app go off?

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62ef01  No.16836313


Startin' to think he's a faggot? He's always been a faggot and will continue to said faggot.

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a51cda  No.16836315


This 100%

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8c2211  No.16836317


kek. Shared on twitter

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e13d61  No.16836318


all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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143a72  No.16836319


You are an asshole and you dont belong here

Go away now

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d19e3f  No.16836321



were u on 4chan that night?

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1a9a75  No.16836322



You Kike fake Humans I screwed up, that's right!

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c32290  No.16836323


I don't do venmo, faggot

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6e96c4  No.16836325

Zuckerberg Group Spending $80M to Hijack Local Election Practices and Help Liberals.

Despite claiming not to get involved again, the Facebook founder’s group is doubling down on its election interference.

The Center for Tech and Civic Life – a nonprofit group that controversially used funds from Mark Zuckerberg to boost turnout for Democrats in the 2020 election – launched a new $80 million initiative targeting local election departments.

Under the leadership of Tiana Epps-Johnson, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) overruled local election officials and increase turnout in almost exclusively Democratic districts through mail-in voting in 2020. Proving the partisan conflict of interest, the CTCL supported many election offices’ shifts to vote-by-mail and allegedly accessed mail-in ballots ahead of the election using funds from the Facebook founder’s Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Though the group purports to be nonpartisan, following several exposés into the group’s left-wing bias, the CTCL appears to be launching a new $80 million initiative to extend its influence over America’s election departments.

Announced in April of 2022, the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence is described as a “nonpartisan collaborative that is bringing together election officials, designers, technologists, and other experts to help local election departments improve operations, develop a set of shared standards and values, and obtain access to best-in-class resources to run successful elections.”

The alliance’s website provides scant details on how it plans to accomplish its aforementioned goals.

Local election departments appear to be able to apply to become a “Center for Election Excellence” and, if approved, will receive funding from the alliance.

“During the first year of the program, we’re identifying local election departments who want to join the Alliance and serve as a support system for each other and for other election departments across the country. These offices will be recognized as U.S. Centers for Election Excellence,” explains the procedure.


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0994f8  No.16836329






I’ll take your word for it buddy retard.

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3c9c74  No.16836330

USYSSES S. GRANT While in command of the 13th Army Corps, headquartered at Oxford, Mississippi, he became so infuriated at Jewish camp-followers attempting to penetrate the conquered territory that he finally attempted to expel the Jews:

"I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the special regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officers at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department, but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any woodyard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves, they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy up at an agreed rate, paying gold. (Letters to C. P. Wolcott, assistant secretary of war, Washington, December 17, 1862)

1. The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department.

2. Within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order by Post Commanders, they will see that all of this class of people are furnished with passes and required to leave, and anyone returning after such notification, will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these headquarters.

3. No permits will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.

By order of Major Gen. Grant Jno. A. Rawlings, Assistant Adjutant General (General Order Number 11, December 17, 1862)

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3756c3  No.16836331

refresh or not

hm gone

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6e56bd  No.16836334


We fine

George is the one trying to get followers

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3434f0  No.16836335


how dare you


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cc7d10  No.16836337


Years of Morey Povich did this

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f4a636  No.16836338





END: https://endchan.net/qrbunker/catalog.html

POL: https://boards.4channel.org/pol/catalog >PTG | POTUS Research

IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/##qrbunker





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92c9bd  No.16836339


so you're willing to accept that a secret cabal controls the world, but you can't accept that the cabal is jewish?

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83361d  No.16836342


at least they don't have nigger populations at critical mass.

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0b4bda  No.16836343


Barry LITERALLY said that Sanders had the most votes for the D candidacy when he made his “endorsement” video for Biden.

(Anon isn’t a Bernie Bro, FYI)

He also said “Joe, you don’t need to do this.”

Crazy crazy crazy.

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e1d38c  No.16836346

Arizona Election

White Hot Heat in The Arizona Desert; Midterms 2022:

Uranium Mines, Indian Reservations and Dirty Deep State Politicians

As the political arena heats up for the November Midterms, perhaps one of the nation’s hottest battles will be in Arizona District 2. You have Deep State players on both sides of the aisle aggressively trying to shape the events. Why? I’ll tell ya.


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e0c903  No.16836347


Same, if a woman wants to rip a baby from her own womb, let her do it on her own dime and risk, she keeps the gene pool clean.

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5fa563  No.16836350

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e6eb8e  No.16836351


This fake Q has brought nothing to the table, nothing.

Keep sucking fake Q’s strap on honey.


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dc1aa5  No.16836352

not today, agent

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41783c  No.16836353


Think mirror. KEK



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7343b3  No.16836354


hannity is doing a great job of "dividing hannity from maga" on his own

with his tv and radio shows

all he will have left is the conservative version of npc's

which may be enough to fund his lifestyle

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6265db  No.16836356


Kind of slim pickins at the Homo Depot I just got back from but that is to be expected this time of year. I stockpile seeds and store them on a container in a cool corner of the garage. I basically replenished my green pepper, corn, cabbage and got some beets for this year. The rest are for next year as I am almost complete in planting from last years seed stock.. Got 2 green pepper plants and a few tomatoes to go in later today. Pre grown plant shelves were full.

I fucking love gardening.

AND seeds really don't expire for a couple of years. I kind of call bullshit on the kids story or someone ripped them off.


I always plant outside after memorial day. Night freezes here in The Sierras are brutal until then. Have a green house going year round though.

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556258  No.16836358


And let all their expensive mammogram machines, that Hillary loves to talk about, go unused.

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188f1e  No.16836359


Speaker of the House

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51da54  No.16836361

Q, can you do a zero-delta with POTUS on Truth please? To shut the damn shills up like in the before time? Pretty please kek.

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8775d8  No.16836362



What is 45 saying here?

Some of the possibilities presented in a search of the word "PINO" are intriguing.

-Humanoid robot platform

-President in name only.


What Does PINO Mean?


More fascinating implications.

Administration being run by a:





Spanish Dictionary



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193d5c  No.16836363


Right on brother

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4ed821  No.16836365



No, but still kick ass.

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cb9dc9  No.16836370


Why are clinics and hospitals in blue states still using them?

Practicing Medicine from the Middle Ages, Mayo Clinic Rochester?

Mayo Clinic does care about their employees, either…Vaccines were Mandatory for all employees.

If the Mayo Clinic doesn't care enough about their employees to make an experimental jab mandatory with no benefit documented in any study…do they care about their patients or care more about those "everything Covid Incentives"

Government pays hospitals more money for Covid-19 patients than non-Covid patients


‘Cashing in on Covid’.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)Act (P.L. 116-136) established the $100 billion Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (Provider Relief Fund) to provide financial relief to and support for healthcare providers affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266), signed into law on April 24, 2020, added $75 billion to the Fund, bringing the total to $175 billion.

35/20/20 Update: HRSA provided $225 million to Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) for COVID-19 testing. These investments go to over 4,500 RHCs across the country to support COVID-19 testing efforts and expand testing access in rural communities. HRSA funded RHC organizations based on the number of certified clinic sites they operate, providing nearly $50,000 per clinic site. View a state-by-state breakdown of this funding.




The Foegen effect

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate


Study: Mask mandates increase death rate


May 31, 2022 — The author's theory, dubbed the “Foegen effect,” is that the masks make the COVID-19 virions smaller, allowing them to spread deeper into the lungs

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate-2/18/22




A parallelization analysis based on county-level data showed that in Kansas, counties with mask mandate had significantly higher case fatality rates than counties without mask mandate.

These findings suggest that mask use might pose a yet unknown threat to the user instead of protecting them, making mask mandates a debatable epidemiologic intervention.The cause of this trend is explained herein using the "Foegen effect" theory; that is, deep re-inhalation of hypercondensed droplets or pure virions caught in facemasks as droplets can worsen prognosis and might be linked to long-term effects of COVID-19 infection.


A study comparing data between counties in Kansas found that those that mandated masks for COVID-19 had a higher rate of death than those that did not.

A study comparing data between counties in Kansas found that those that mandated masks for COVID-19 had a higher rate of death than those that did not.

The author, German physician Zacharias Foegen, chose Kansas because that state allowed each of its 105 counties to decide whether or not to require masks. A total of 81 counties decided not to implement the measure.

The paper published by the journal Medicine, “The Foegen Effect: A Mechanism by Which Facemasks Contribute to the COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate,” concluded that “contrary to the accepted thought that fewer people are dying because infection rates are reduced by masks, this was not the case,” National File reported.


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dad465  No.16836373


One of my favorites during my boozing days.

Dry martini, up wet and dirty…probably my favorite, but would gladly slam some gin & tonics with lime.

Jameson's on the rocks with bit of maple syrup at the bottom. Maple syrup doesn't interrupt with the flavor of the whisk[e]y you're drinkin', and you really don't taste the sweetness of the maple syrup until you start getting closer to the bottom of the glass.

Then I went to Moscow Mules which evolved into a Black Sealy except I would use Kraken Spiced Rum.

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8bfe63  No.16836374


keep denying reality, cuck

niggers are subhuman

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f3193e  No.16836376

Media matters got their shill team back from vaca?

Come on, admit it…. we can have fun if you guys just let go the truth…

like how very stupid is your management?

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c326fa  No.16836377




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9a2cc7  No.16836378



day shift o7

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3c58f3  No.16836379


He forgot to add City of.

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94e898  No.16836380

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7bd782  No.16836382



Russian mother's will slam a log on ZELENSK'S head.

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52ecef  No.16836383

Old :20 QClocks

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e0cfd7  No.16836385

No gene splicing to see here folks…keep it moving.

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ab5605  No.16836386


Joe to replace 'Hail To The Chief' when he walks into a room with something more 'Biden'

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b2dd51  No.16836389


by definition

an aligment of this many planets

is absolutely a "sky event"

(you will see the signs in the stars)

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1e43c1  No.16836391

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727b30  No.16836396


Why go hand to hand combat when it is smarter to use a projectile?

Brain vs brawn.

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7e6df9  No.16836398

dan scavino for speaker of the house

best idea the conference call has had tonight

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fdd5f9  No.16836399




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a51cda  No.16836401

Nancy Drew was in D.C when the Emergency Broadcast Test happened.

7/2/22 Nancy Drew-Video 1-This is a Test of the Capitol Police EBS!!!

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cc98d8  No.16836402



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9199d5  No.16836404


Ahhh okay.

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82a09a  No.16836409


I am pretty sure the Vag

is too good for that whale.

This pig tosses the salad!

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3bd5f2  No.16836414



I believe in the Good, the True, and the Beautiful

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211e75  No.16836415

Does anyone remember a website about Jonestown massacre consipiracy. It was yellow and talked about the CIA mk-ultra, US military involvement.

Anyone got a link?

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716cf3  No.16836416


Jon Voight?

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c713da  No.16836419



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56c0d9  No.16836420

is it me or does he look comfy?

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d4c4d8  No.16836423

If a person wanted to store water for a longer term would a stabilizer be needed?

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3756c3  No.16836431

kill all child rapists.

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148f8c  No.16836433

googled id.


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7f8476  No.16836434

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0994f8  No.16836435


dubs confirm

anon caught misspelling

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2ac48a  No.16836436


central casting

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2ac52c  No.16836437


Was this today? Thought he had COVID?

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6e684a  No.16836438


>she conspired

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4c2ea6  No.16836439


>I hate you but these anons here don’t deserve your faggot red text.


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edab4d  No.16836440


Hope he reported to police. Maybe they can lift fingerprints from paper (or is that just on TV that happens? kek)

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00796e  No.16836441


that was never my wish, fren. and besides, you're back anyway, you're a tough cookie. are you going to refute any of the points i've made?

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6e56bd  No.16836442


loving Jesus as an society

would require the death of

many evil humans

you`ve not the stomach forit

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515642  No.16836443


WTF, U think twat/fb/ig etc posts get one arrested? let alone charged with a crime?

na, mate, the good oil is the emails…

f'n damning evidence, admissible in court.

and the "older gen" thoughT (their) info was safe. HaHa

"Pick 'em off, one at a TIME"

TRUTH beats fear, Q-uestion EVERYTHING else"

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152495  No.16836444

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c32290  No.16836446


White listed just means they allow the trip to post or not.

Q’s trip has always been white listed.

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753b03  No.16836447


>Show us your dick to prove you aren't Hunter Biden…


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e3614b  No.16836448


3 paper?

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e13d61  No.16836449


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1ebc18  No.16836450




>Australia is apparently Scooby Do


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cc7d10  No.16836451


>Does anyone know when that “B” post disappeared from the projectdcomms board?

Last night. By request. An anon challenged 'new Q' to do so. Shortly after it was gone.

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6c967c  No.16836453

The [DS] was trapped in their own agenda. The J6 unselection committee hearing has a problem. It seems Barr and Trump changed Sec 230 and it is law and now the J6 committee is violation. Trump is now demanding equal time. I wonders what information he is going to present to the people

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92c9bd  No.16836458


the forced prespective tranny queer is just stochastic terrorisms

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2f85cd  No.16836464

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ef0b5b  No.16836466


If they knew by Revelation, they would be working on the 6th temple.

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241452  No.16836468



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5fa563  No.16836469

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0b4bda  No.16836471



gayest word

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46facb  No.16836472


10 days

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32d34c  No.16836473

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dc1aa5  No.16836474


One response would've been good. Also, don't forget to include my last sentence in that post on future responses:


>It's not like we weren't way past the need for proofs long ago.

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24332e  No.16836476


Its his mother.

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6936da  No.16836481


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188f1e  No.16836482


I've watched it and what was strange to me is that there was no fish(oil) in this video.

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6265db  No.16836484



In a sense each state is like its own governing country.. if those within vote to expel God from the border of their state it becomes a little harder to have the favor of God in that state.. it's only due to the good people within these lost states like CA, NY and others that God doesn't withdraw grace completely and allow evil to reign over their total destruction. So in a sense it can be said that God puts a greater effort into putting up with lost states due to the good people held hostage within than in those states who willingly accept the Will of God in their governing.

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4ed821  No.16836486


Does it come in sizing other than xs?

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51da54  No.16836487


Milk Cartons Missing Kids were before the internet.

The milk cartons were how they showed each other pictures of the kids that were for sale.

Once the internet became popular, they didn't need the milk cartons to advertise the stolen children to each other.

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2dbcf6  No.16836488

File: c320d7086672cf2⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 808x768, 101:96, i_SEETHED_IT.jpg)

Freddy is absolutely SEETHING today

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cdd000  No.16836490

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18fe8d  No.16836491


>I don't need to prove I was here in the beginning.

who asked you?


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7bd782  No.16836493


the fact that this video is allowed to stay up on youtube tells you who's in charge.

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1d12e9  No.16836494



"It's not how your Buttfucking me, its about how many pumps and the length of the dick."

~ Some 3rd World Ball-Kicking Nigger

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dd59ce  No.16836495

Anons it happened again I pulled over to help a stranded motorist and I asked are you a democrat they replied yes so I hit the window switch and drove off. Not my concern.

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8bfe63  No.16836496


Hab Fren


Always Astartes fren

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16f60e  No.16836501

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3c58f3  No.16836505

They have it all figured out.

Anons fucking up their plans.



They probably mean no harm, right?

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ab5605  No.16836507



MONKEYPOX "OFFICIAL VIDEO" - Forgiato Blow #LetsGoBrandon


Jun 4, 2022

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52ecef  No.16836508


Very strategic location, serious power supply.

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9199d5  No.16836510

Foreign Firms Ignore Russia's Offers to Move Ships From Mariupol - MoD

Foreign shipowners have ignored opportunities provided by Russia to safely withdraw their vessels from the port of Mariupol, a senior Russian defense official said on Thursday. The Russian Defense Ministry said in early April that Ukrainian forces were blocking 77 foreign vessels from 18 countries from leaving its ports.

Meanwhile, the MoD said on 20 May that the steel plant in the south-eastern port city of Mariupol had been liberated from Ukrainian troops, ending a month-long stand-off. A total 2,439 servicemen have been captured since 16 May.

Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February in response to calls from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's republics for protection against intensifying attacks by Ukrainian troops, with aim of putting an end to the 8-year offensive by the Kiev regime.


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e0cfd7  No.16836511



>Shills are freaking out.


>BIG time, pretty obvious what it is they are losing their minds over


You geniuses have the cabal right where you want them right? Must've been the qclock, deltas and non-violence. CONGRATS!

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2224c3  No.16836512


Notables Posts On Qresearch have the following

A. Title (in red text)

B. Main points

C. Links/sauce

D. Screenshot and/or embed video

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211e75  No.16836515


storm trooper

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c326fa  No.16836516

BLM Supporter Sentenced To 10 Years Prison For Violence During Portland Riots


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7e6df9  No.16836518



Whatever Hunter Biden married he got the short end of the deal….fake blonde and more.

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f719fb  No.16836522

Kek….check out the comments at the bottom of this yahoo article. Over 1800+ comments w/some pretty hilariously bad takes….Facts matter.

www. yahoo.com/news/turning-point-095210374.html

btw..,yahoo .com comments are turned on, they just dont put it on the main page. If you click the article and scroll to the bottom they are magically there. Happy 4th anons

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31e0b6  No.16836523


Like where they say they can kill them after they're born after full term, etc.. You know the thing? I thought they called those "Infanticide".

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b8114b  No.16836524



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4c2ea6  No.16836525


Apparently the areas around that town are now canceling their parades.

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3bd5f2  No.16836526


Hell, we couldn't trust the last "Q"…he was wrong almost all the time…

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6718b7  No.16836528


Nope. Just pointing out that me and other anon were thinking the same thing.

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56c0d9  No.16836529


They have no messengers and their messages are filled with mockeries and evidence for their own downfall. Tikal

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8c2211  No.16836531


But they can't shoot. Storm Trooper bad.

I had to train a SS Agent (in secret, he didn't want anyone to know) how to shoot 20 years ago.

Probably not my best move now that I think about it.

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ab6b60  No.16836532


Recruiters are scum.

Just like realtors.

Scum of the Earth.

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f8d3a9  No.16836533

"The truth cannot be told, only discovered. This means that first the spark of curiosity must exist within. Where that spark originates is a mystery. You never know where or if the seeds you sow will sprout, but keep on sowing. That's our job. The outcome is out of our hands."

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3c9c74  No.16836535

Wanna make some $$ start flipping Gas Cars (daily drivers)

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e296cd  No.16836537


Does it matter? Rather than dismissing information because it is hosted on a platform, by a host you don’t like, look at the content. Ask yourself will this documentary get the word out to MORE people. Beck has a large following.

At this point, every platform must be used. Your comment divides, says because you don’t like this person ignore him and everything he says.

This is GOOD AGAINST EVIL time. We have determined the Global agenda is EVIL. Anyone speaking out against EVIL, is on our side, we all need to come together in this war. There are ONLY two sides. You are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not everyone on our side will be pure, everyone has their own faults, but, if we don’t unite, they will do their damage.

Anyone with a large platform to reach people, with a good message is helping. Division doesn’t help.

The sooner we unite, the less damage and destruction will occur.

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82a09a  No.16836539



open your wallet, give me some cash to raise my baby.

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acf722  No.16836542


there is nothing wrong with torturing radical Islamic terrorists or pedophiles or the so-called elites to gain intel that could save lives. or even to gain intel to remove the enemies blood funnel from the neck of the west.

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6e96c4  No.16836543

Mexico on cars tariff over Mexican soldiers

32% you stole from our country

1pm Friday

8am Monday

25% on Monday morning

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279459  No.16836547


Nothing we cannot handle.

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148f8c  No.16836548


>They are just sowing doubt.

The corn grew 19 inches last week

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0aa5d6  No.16836549


Faraday bags are cheap

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489c30  No.16836550


Not an argument. Try harder.


Jesuits were founded by a Jew, and are just another front for Jewish collective power.




Also recommend that everyone watches this video where the professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Reminder that Soros is a front to the Rothschild and Schwab is a Rothschild, and Rothschilds are the leaders of zionism.

Proof here:


Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:



Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:





"Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not"

"Convicted spy laments US Jews see themselves as more American than Jewish, suggests he’d counsel Jew working in American security apparatus to spy for Israel even now"

"Why do we have an Antisemitism Czar, but no government positions to address the more prevalent anti-White or anti-Christian attacks in a country founded by Whites and Christians?"


"How Israel betrays US"


Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding



The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America



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6254e6  No.16836553

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


Good people in harms way.

Expect fireworks

False flags


>What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

>Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting >local govts.

>Samson Option


We will Never FORGET

We will Never FORGIVE

FIGHT for what is RIGHT






Godfather III

The Sum of All Fears


Jason Bourne

I Pet Goat



THE ONLY WAY is the military.


Shall we play a game?

Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

Why is this relevant?

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?


DD = Dangerous Dragons

DD = Daniel Defense


Reptile eggs

Get me a bun, senpai


Trust the Plan



Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming










Known Unknowns






Marker [9]












































































































































































































Vault 7: CIA


We have it all

Wizard of Oz

Yellow Brick Road



























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7a4d41  No.16836554


I used to work with retarded kids.

We had to constantly remind them to keep their hands to themselves.

We would use as few words as possible, because too many words would confuse them, so we would just say, "Hands to self"

I think Biden needs a special ed. aid to follow him around and remind him of this on a regular basis.

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753b03  No.16836555

I can't take someone else's boat out. I'm trying to build my own life. Gotta admit, setback after setback doesn't help. Given fk all, so much taken away. I much preferred her real dad anyway.

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e6eb8e  No.16836556
























>gluten free

>range free

>cage free

>locally sourced

>queer sex batter

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d4c4d8  No.16836557

The six fucking years leading up to this, anons are well prepared. Good luck and God speed, demon. Be gone with you.

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41783c  No.16836558


For God And Country is the user.

Top KEK.

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efd964  No.16836559

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0b4bda  No.16836560


>You fuckers should have been nicer toFREDDY and Gary

FREEDY and Gary?


But not the tranime leaf fungus.

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2ac52c  No.16836563


>no u

I'm not the one posting that shit, retard.

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2a40d9  No.16836564

MSM starting to report on the pope's rumored resignation.



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515642  No.16836576



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6265db  No.16836577


Meaning of Life : Life of Meaning

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3756c3  No.16836578


makes one wonder if the tectonic activity

has increased.

an shame there is no way to verify.

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189ab4  No.16836579

I dont care what the non planefag fuckers say about my posts, but theres a dramatic uptick of military and private aircraft over North GA Fulton county for the last 20 months.

Could be spaceforce from AL but you remember that private plane I posted a couple of time in the last 20 months, it goes by 2-3 times a day. If it was private WTF is it flying over so often daily?

Planfags will you please check this out? Compare it to to before the 2020 election and now? I’m not crazy, I’m very observant.

Anyway, I might be crazy though

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cb9dc9  No.16836587

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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7343b3  No.16836591


it only took four books to get Frudeau to Moore'sdoor

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62ef01  No.16836593



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968199  No.16836594



my cia friends.

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a1f4e0  No.16836595


cause ray epps was a provocateur/?

this is where the deep fake tech really comes in handy?

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00796e  No.16836596


>You don't know the first fucking thing about pain. Perhaps one day you will learn.


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5fa563  No.16836597


AMC is F&G

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84aeb8  No.16836598

23 Jun, 2022 15:33

HomeBusiness News

Putin suggests way out of global economic crisis

Honest cooperation is key to overcoming difficulties, the Russian president says

The West’s selfish attempts to blame the entire world for its own mistakes have led to the global economic crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, appearing via video link at the 14th BRICS Summit.

“Only on the basis of honest and mutually beneficial cooperation is it possible to find a way out of this crisis situation that has gripped the global economy due to the thoughtless and selfish actions of certain states,” Putin said.

The Russian leader stressed that today, as never before, the leadership of the BRICS countries is needed in order to develop a unifying policy for the shaping of a truly multipolar system of intergovernmental relations, and that it ought to be based on the universally recognized norms of international law and the key principles of the UN Charter.

According to Putin, the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have a truly enormous political, economic, scientific, technological and human potential. Their influence on the global arena is increasing with every year, he pointed out.

“Russia is ready to continue developing close multifaceted interaction with all the [BRICS] partners and contribute to the enhancement of its role in international affairs,” Putin promised.


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4ad67b  No.16836599


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7076bf  No.16836600


For anobs wondering what dramatyrgy is


drăm′ə-tûr″jē, drä′mə-


The art of the theater, especially the writing of plays.

The science which treats of the rules of dramatic composition and representation; the dramatic art.

Theatrical representation; histrionism.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

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4fb469  No.16836601



H isn't the chair. H is P and 3301 larp failed.

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8775d8  No.16836602

Lithunian Genetics

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f3193e  No.16836603


They're still being nice.. This is multinational conspiracy terrorism propaganda fascism genocide and treason.

I want the fuckers locked up awaiting trial and put down after bein found guilty

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4ed821  No.16836604


They were always propaganda

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8bfe63  No.16836605


Which is insanely difficult to do, and for what motive? Jim spending tens of thousands of dollars in electricity and equipment, and 1.5 years, just to drive a few days worth of traffic to this site??? WTF would the gain in that be? It's fucking retarded

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1ebc18  No.16836606



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4cb461  No.16836607

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9199d5  No.16836608


Unless God gives Revelation(s), people will guess at the meanings.

When you have been given Revelation(s) you will testify about God's kingdom.

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e3614b  No.16836609


Might refresh yourself with the notables.

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3c58f3  No.16836610


the doctors will disavow any knowledge that the vax caused it

they will play dumb

the health issues will be blamed on climate change or some other complete bullshit

vaxxies get no refunds

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0994f8  No.16836611


Raise money

Damage Trump & MAGA

Change election system

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b15d1b  No.16836612





"Remember the "Harvest Festival" that seemed to be a start point of sorts? We are the harvest.

There is clear connectivity between criminal parties, illustrating the collusion of global governments in human slaving, trafficking, and harvesting.

Hunter Biden is a good thread to pull. From him, via 5 business partners, we can see the web between Hollywood/Disney, the "restaurant business", the "modeling business", Skull & Bones, the FBI, the MAFIA, the US Congress, Mega Group/Mossad, Alibaba, the CCP, Ukraine, Burisma, and Jeffrey Epstein.

1.Bevan Cooney Viper Room Co-owner, after Harry Morton died. Lindsay Lohans ex fiancee.

Morton bought it after Johnny Depp sold his interests, and his missing, pronounced dead co owner Fox's shares were sold. Fox was scheduled to appear in a lawsuit against his partner Johnny Depp regarding "suspicious accounting". Amber Heard stated under oath, Depp had this guy disappeared. Allegedly. Depp is

Disney's highest earning star.

2.Jason Galanis guilty in defrauding Sioux Nation.

3.*Devon Archer guilty in defrauding Sioux Nation.

4.Jason Sugarman suspected in disapearance of his assistant.

5.Chris Heinz's father is Skull & Bones AND a purveryor of some of the most used conndiments around, Heinz

Chris connects to Whitey Bulger. He connects to the MAFIA and the FBI and Robert Mueller. as does Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano. Gravano was arrested while under federal witness protection in Scottsdale, AZ for distribution of exstacy and financial crimes. Scottsdale, AZ is the location of Viper Room Holdings, LTD, current owner represetative for the Viper Room. John McStain territory.

Harry Morton was the heir to Morton's Steak House and Pink Taco before buying into Viper Room. He was allegedly engaged to Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan AND Devon Archer were Abercrombie & Fitch "models".

(For rent? Say the code, unleash the persona, perhaps? MANY famous people are/were AF 'models') Abercombie & Fitch was owned by Limited Brands, which isLes Wexner. Wexner is part of the MostOdd linked MEGA Group, with Edgar Bronfman, Robert Maxwell and others.

(What are Viper Room, Pink Taco, Mortons, The Standard, etc serving? To whom?)

Hunter/Joe Biden and the US Govt, and ALL GOVTS, appear to be clearly engaged in harvesting humans.

BHR Partners

Rosemont Seneca




Magvii (connects toJack Ma/Alibaba, which STILL HAS HUMAN ADRENOCROME FOR SALE). Magvii is an AI facial recognition company being used to HARVEST Uyghars in China.

BHR Partners is one of 25 to inject capital into Sinopec Marketing Co. of Beijing.

An "oil and gas" company…Not unlike Burisma in Ukraine.

They are farming and harvesting humans…and probably always have been. The Pharoah holds the tools of the farmer.

Can't say you didn't know now. media, politricksters, celebrities- many of them cannibal fiends. MANY. EVERYWHERE.

red cross. planned parenthood. biomedical waste. food and high sources."













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4ff6a3  No.16836613

lei it's smells good and has good vibe

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1a9a75  No.16836614


She is telling the truth.

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188f1e  No.16836615


that would be you one hundred percent.

can't write sentences either.

just short phrase put-downs

what a waste.


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556258  No.16836616

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241452  No.16836617

How is this a womens rights issue if gender is a social construct and men have periods? These libs dont get it both ways

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2f85cd  No.16836618


>And just exactly what were they in prison for?

duper's delight?


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3bd5f2  No.16836619

The Texas Republican Party has adopted a new platform, rejecting the certification of the 2020 presidential election results and declaring "that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States."

The 40-page platform was adopted by the state GOP in Houston over the weekend for its biennial convention, The Hill reported.

"We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States," the new Texas Republican Party platform reads, according to The Washington Times. "We strongly urge all Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and to show up to vote in November of 2022, bring your friends and family, volunteer for your local Republicans, and overwhelm any possible fraud."


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cdd000  No.16836620



can't help but love this place

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ab6b60  No.16836621


*the old gods

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94e898  No.16836622


Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?


No Boss, Anon is no longer keeping this a minor secret as you made it painfully obvious anyways so don't bitch at Anon for saying it!


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77c5d0  No.16836644




Aaron Swartz was from Highland Park

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e0fc18  No.16836655

steers and queers

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f1b8f0  No.16836660

File: 43069471bc2bfb6⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1659x1215, 553:405, BC8E68E7_4B40_4FE1_A559_0….jpeg)

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6718b7  No.16836661


>yeah, removing all traces, this is panic mode. What is going on?

That what always happens when I start kicking the Jew-beasts through the bread!



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d19e3f  No.16836662


i'll let it slide..but this is hardly "sauce", anon.

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6c2713  No.16836666


and botox

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f5ca97  No.16836667


NOW you're talking!

D5 avalanche of deregulation.

Time for Reparations from the DS to We The People

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3f0cfd  No.16836672


USA, was enough information.



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e01206  No.16836675

at 400ish, back to the current bread title, what about muh backpack?

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8c2211  No.16836676



Air National Guard Airmen and aircraft from more than 12 states converged forAgile Rage22, the first annual


Readiness Exercise Program event focused on future warfighting concepts.

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2a40d9  No.16836677


Pretty sure Hitler turned his back on Jesse Owens for winning 4 gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic games & fucked up Hitlers “Aryan supremacy” bullshit.

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d4c4d8  No.16836678


You will have nothing and you will be happy.

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efd964  No.16836679


I did it "MY WAY"…

And now the end is near

So I face the final curtain

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I've traveled each and every highway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exception

I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway

Oh, and more, much more than this

I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew

But through it all when there was doubt

I ate it up and spit it out

I faced it all and I stood tall

And did it my way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried

I've had my fill, my share of losing

And now as tears subside

I find it all so amusing

To think I did all that

And may I say, not in a shy way

Oh, no, no not me

I did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got

If not himself, then he has not

To say the words he truly feels

And not the words of one who kneels

The record shows I took the blows

And did it my way

The record shows I took the blows

And did it my way

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4fb469  No.16836681


Sounds Good!

=Handoff confirmed

Many thanks!

Don't have any notables to drop, kinds dry tonight

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2ac48a  No.16836682

Candiru is a secretive Israel-based company that sells spyware exclusively to governments. Reportedly, their spyware can infect and monitor iPhones, Androids, Macs, PCs, and cloud accounts.

Using Internet scanning we identified more than 750 websites linked to Candiru’s spyware infrastructure. We found many domains masquerading as advocacy organizations such as Amnesty International, the -Black Lives Matter- movement, as well as media companies, and other civil-society themed entities.

We identified a politically active victim in Western Europe and recovered a copy of Candiru’s Windows spyware. 

The company known as “Candiru,” based in Tel Aviv, Israel, is a mercenary spyware firm that markets “untraceable” spyware to government customers. Their product offering includes solutions for spying on computers, mobile devices, and cloud accounts.

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0b311a  No.16836685


Let me ponder, "less than keen"?

How 'bout clueless?

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41783c  No.16836687


since the baker is…..we have to change pic for her.

ty, dear.

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6254e6  No.16836688


fuck that the war room comes on at 10

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6e96c4  No.16836689

syrup suckin moose jockey unfenced medical shotgun gay marriage marijuana doxxin jimmies epstein island volcano cult buttgina abortions black market fetuses garprices.jpeg jenkem high

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dc1aa5  No.16836690

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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968199  No.16836691

A Q+ Post would just complete the day of Gods Glory!

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6ad134  No.16836694


That was that pillow guy, iirc? (Not mike Lindell)… it was frustrating watching things disappear.

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148f8c  No.16836696


o7 babyfist. this is a bad motherfucker

any anon who does not know babyfist is a patriot and a big part of qr history then you are a fucking retard and have literally been fucked by psyops

also any dumb cunt who don't get B is a big deal yet is also a fucking retard

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c326fa  No.16836701

Holy Shit anons you’ve to watch this, amazing

Slow motion of 17-year-old Mondo Duplantis' record-breaking jump…


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77c5d0  No.16836702


It could also be Nancy Pelosi is givin 1.7 trillion to Ukraine 40 billion to ukraine, 700 million to ukrains, that then gets laundered back trhu soros/and sanctioned by state department to feed Smith Mundt Fake media, transnational terrorists Antifa, Trans national terrorist BLM, the CARTELS, the taliban and god only knows what else but don't forget 10% for the big guy

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3bd5f2  No.16836704


Lime works Well

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74dafe  No.16836705


Same woman as Loren was scoping out.

Jayne Mansfield. Mariska Hargitay's mom.

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dd59ce  No.16836706


Looks alot like Kevin Spacey 🤔

Maybe Helps explain why he has so much skin in the game.

Ubber never Trumper

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1ecfd7  No.16836708

16 minute bread

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adcaa1  No.16836709

File: 13f9079f2c36e63⋯.jpeg (52.68 KB, 416x315, 416:315, 0068677A_7716_4D49_AC8D_4….jpeg)

Can we still be amigos?

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