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File: be2f63b4b540c49⋯.jpg (264.61 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, qr.jpg)

481afd  No.16253456[Last 50 Posts]

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481afd  No.16253458


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough

>>16244833, >>16244813 2000 Mules - Full Documentary


#20559 >>16252677 TBC


>>16251922 Military doctors can't trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower

>>16251931 Questions arise over DARPA allegedly investigating origin of 2016 DNC hack

>>16251938 House passes bipartisan $40 billion Ukraine aid bill

>>16251939 ‘Theft’ of foreign assets becoming ‘habit’ for West – Lavrov

>>16251945 Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Debunking AP's '2000 Mules' Hit Piece

>>16251972 (You), >>16251927 (You) Mehmet Oz, David McCormick and Bridgewater Associates

>>16252016 More Masks, More Covid: New Study Shows Masks Did Worse Than Nothing Against Coronavirus

>>16252305, >>16252391, >>16252450 Anon Call to Dig geo-locating & possible targeting of individuals, con't.

>>16252068 Wilcock: World's first view of a power plant that generates 750 volts on four AA batteries!

>>16252121 FCC Commissioner Tells Fox Business Biden’s Disinfo Board ‘Unconstitutional’

>>16252142 Jimmy Kimmel Discusses Elon Musk’s Plan To Reverse Trump ban

>>16252147 Federal Prosecutor John Durham and American Justice.

>>16252150 Marc Elias, the left's go-to attack dog, is laughed out of court

>>16252197 Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH

>>16252226 Shock poll reveals Americans “are OK with Ukraine losing” the war with Putin’s Russia

>>16252273 Google, MS & Yahoo back NY ban on search warrants based on reverse location and keyword searches

>>16252309 Panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens

>>16252312, >>16252413 Omicron Subvariant BA.2.12.1 Poised To Become Dominant In U.S

>>16252337 UK Gov't attempting to rewrite its laws to protect a highly corrupt military superpower to which it is economically dependent

>>16252386 IntelSlava: US embassy car spotted in Moscow with letter Z on roof.

>>16252435 Psaki: "We do control all forms of branches of government"

>>16252437, >>16252440, >>16252455 Psaki: Prez ok with demonstrations @SCOTUS homes

>>16252476 #20558


>>16251279, >>16251387, >>16251433, >>16251501 planefagginn

>>16251124 Oil billionaire Alexander Subbotin on Sunday became the sixth Russian oligarch to die under mysterious circumstances

>>16251153 British TV censored Zelensky Nazi pic

>>16251154 PEDO BUN 10 May 22

>>16251163 Jen Psaki Says White House Encourages ‘Peaceful’ Protests Outside Justices’ Homes

>>16251173 Panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rule in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens

>>16251179 Kari Lake When Asked About Roe V. Wade Leak: “I Think It Really Is A Way To Detract 2000 MULES.

>>16251245 Brooksley Born, Derivatives, and Larry Summers

>>16251341 Nebraska state Sen. Carol Blood won the Democratic nomination for governor on Tuesday as Republicans worked through a crowded field of candidates


>>16251472 Musk: Snowden or other Clowns at it again, in Russia trying to 'spoof' 'Russia hackers'?

>>16251554 Dr. Zelenko claims you must choose either Covid tyranny or Noahide laws???

>>16251557, >>16251601, >>16251623 O'Keefe Answers Questions From Congressional Members vid

>>16251582 Multiple Russian governors resign

>>16251606 FBI Mistakenly Names Saudi Consulate Employee Eyed in 9/11 Investigation

>>16251629 Jack Dorsey claims he is against permanent bans, with a few exceptions

>>16251716 QClock May 10, 2022 Schiff in Panic Mode, PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL

>>16251792 Eric Holder: Based on Public Record, I Would Proceed with Trump Indictment

>>16251866 #20557

Previously Collected

>>16250274 #20555, >>16251075 #20556

>>16247939 #20552, >>16248727 #20553, >>16249500 #20554

>>16245522 #20549, >>16246372 #20550, >>16247167 #20551

>>16243182 #20546, >>16243930 #20547, >>16244763 #20548

>>16240857 #20543, >>16241623 #20544, >>16242436 #20545

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>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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481afd  No.16253460

File: 6aecad3c01d066b⋯.png (484.69 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FSesMW_X0AAZd5V.png)


#20560 https://controlc.com/7680d71c

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acc67e  No.16253462

File: b882dd6c44cfe94⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 703x495, 703:495, toaster.jpg)

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5e917a  No.16253465

File: 493bf8cb3da5e89⋯.png (192.33 KB, 646x680, 19:20, 5805360d8b84ae9d32472adec3….png)

good morning good fellows

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d7ecc6  No.16253466

Interesting disguise for a mobile command center. The fuck did this place do to me?

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7a18b5  No.16253467

File: 89c285b28580f00⋯.gif (3.87 MB, 454x341, 454:341, SHILL_puppet_show.gif)

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75da7c  No.16253469

The Swamp Today

Timelines change.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Senate stands adjourned until May 11, 2022 10:00 AM EDT

The House stands adjourned until May 11, 2022 10:00 AM EDT

Under Secretary Jose Fernandez is on travel to South Africa and Zambia from May 9-13, 2022.

Under Secretary Nuland is on travel to Morocco, France, and Germany from May 9-15, 2022.

Senior Bureau Official Allen is on travel to New York on May 11, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Robinson is on travel to Mexico from May 11-12, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Sison is on travel to Switzerland from May 9-11, 2022.

Acting Assistant Secretary Lempert is on travel to Morocco and Tunisia from May 10-14, 2022.

Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue) Daily Digest


Senate Executive Calendar

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


House Activities

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Constitution Annotated

Browse the Constitution Annotated


. . .

May 11, 2022 - May 12, 2022

The 9th South Asia Economic Network Conference on Social Norms and Gender Equality

The World Bank and the South Asia Economic Policy Network


May 11, 2022

Measuring Development 2022: The Role of Mobile Data in Global Development Research

Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at University of California, Berkeley

The World Bank's Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) group


8:00 AM EDT

The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Placing Food Systems and Rural People at the Centre of Accelerated Action

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), United Nations


8:30 AM EDT

Consumer Price Index April 2022 News Release

Bureau of Labor Statistics


8:30 AM EDT

Real Earnings April 2022 News Release

Bureau of Labor Statistics


9:30 AM EDT

Improving the United States' Ability to Prevent and Stabilize Conflict: Global Fragility Act Implementation

House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Development, International Organizations, and Global Corporate Social Impact




9:30 AM ET

Cancer Moonshot: Goals Forum

The White House


10:00 AM EDT

Improving Effective Coverage in Health: Do Financial Incentives Work?

The World Bank




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75da7c  No.16253471


10:00 AM EDT

A Review of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Requests of the Architect of the Capitol, the Senate Sergeant at Arms, and the Congressional Budget OfficeSenate Committee on Appropriations

Senate Committee on Appropriations




10:00 AM EDT

A Review of the Fiscal Year 2023 President's Budget for the Indian Health Service

Senate Committee on Appropriations



10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to examine pending nominations.

Senate Judiciary Committee



10:00 AM EDT

H.R. 6943, the "Public Safety Officer Support Act of 2022"; H.R. 2992, the "Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Law Enforcement Training Act" or the "TBI and PTSD Law Enforcement Training Act"; H.R. 7647, the "Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act of 2022"; and H.R. 6577, the "Real Courts, Rule of Law Act of 2022

House Judiciary Committee




10:00 AM EDT

Executive Session

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



10:00 AM EDT

A Notch Above? Examining the Bond Rating Industry

House Financial Services Committee




10:05 AM EDT

House Democratic Caucus Leaders News Conference

House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and leadership colleagues hold a news conference on Capitol Hill to discuss their legislative agenda.


10:15 AM EDT

Standing Up for Workers: Preventing Wage Theft and Recovering Stolen Wages

House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Workforce Protections




10:15 AM EDT

Six Health Bills

House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health




10:30 AM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Department of Defense

House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley testify







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24dd3f  No.16253473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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036227  No.16253474


pics or it din't habben

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5951c4  No.16253476

File: 2c2f2fb0e3c0102⋯.png (352.43 KB, 332x584, 83:146, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

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53d695  No.16253477

File: 2cc2271dabee2f2⋯.jpg (109.46 KB, 1080x1075, 216:215, 1636585447536.jpg)

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75da7c  No.16253478



11:00 AM EDT

Exploring Anthropogenic change through an AI lens

AI for Good is organized by ITU in partnership with 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with Switzerland



11:15 AM ET

Deputy Principal Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Chicago, IL

Air Force One


11:45 AM EDT

NASA's SpaceX Crew-3 to Discuss Mission Wednesday Morning After Returning to Earth




11:45 AM EDT

House Republican Leaders News Conference on DHS Disinformation Governance Board

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) hold a news conference to discuss defunding the Homeland Security Department’s Disinformation Governance Board.


12:00 PM EDT

Bringing Prosperity to Left-Behind Communities: Using Targeted Place-based Development to Expand Economic Opportunity

House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth




12:00 PM EDT

Senator Grassley News Conference on Crime

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-OH) and party colleagues hold a news conference to discuss rising crime and how to combat it.


12:00 PM EDT

House Session

The House will work on several bills including a radiation exposure compensation measure


2:00 PM EDT

State Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price.

State Department


2:00 PM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the National Science Foundation

House Committee on Appropriations




2:00 PM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection

House Committee on Appropriations




2:00 PM EDT

Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for the Department of Commerce.

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies



2:00 PM EDT

Impacts of VA's Research Efforts on Veterans

House Committee on Appropriations




2:00 PM EDT

Reviewing President Biden's Strategy to Reduce Veteran Suicide by Addressing Economic Risk Factors

House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity



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acc67e  No.16253480

File: fcbeb55253652cd⋯.jpg (207.51 KB, 1169x951, 1169:951, Atlantic_Counsel.JPG)

your daily dose of Nazism


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acc67e  No.16253482



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75da7c  No.16253483




2:00 PM EDT

Hearings to examine the global food security and COVID-19 crises, focusing on the U.S. response and policy options.

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs




2:00 PM EDT

Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Legislative Hearing on H.R. 279, H.R. 7329, H.R. 7399 & H.R. 7665

House Natural Resources Committee




2:00 PM EDT

Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2023 Strategic Forces Missile Defense and Missile Defeat Programs”

House Armed Services Committee




2:00 PM EDT

Accountability and Justice for War Crimes Committed in Ukraine by the Russian Federation

House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment, and Cyber




2:15 PM ET

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Supporting Farmers, American Families & Standing with Ukraine

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Putin’s Price Hike and his Administration’s Actions to Support Farmers and Food Processors, Lower Their Costs and Lower Prices for Families, and Standing with Ukraine

Kankakee, IL


2:15 PM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget: National Nuclear Security Administration and Environmental Management

House Committee on Appropriations




2:30 PM EDT

Open Hearing: Countering the People's Republic of China's Economic and Technological Plan for Dominance

Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee



2:30 PM EDT

Review of the Fiscal Year 2023 USAID Budget Request

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



3:00 PM EDT

Examining Quality of Care in VA and the Private Sector

Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs



3:00 PM EDT

Book Talk: States of Liberation: Gay Men between Dictatorship and Democracy in Cold War Germany

Hoover Institution and Stanford University


4:00 PM EDT

Public Briefing with UN World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley

House Foreign Affairs Committee



4:30 PM EDT

Subcommittee on Readiness Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for Military Readiness”

Senate Committee on Armed Services




4:30 PM EDT

To receive testimony on the United States Space Force programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2023 and the Future Years Defense ProgramSenate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

Senate Committee on Armed Services





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75da7c  No.16253484

5:00 PM PM EDT

President Biden Addresses the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 40th Annual Conference

Chicago, IL


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e972f4  No.16253486

File: df98b821adc9ee4⋯.png (509.8 KB, 791x732, 791:732, ClipboardImage.png)

It won't pass they say..

No shit Sherlock. We realize this is a panic attempt to remove the filibuster.


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44042b  No.16253487

File: cd660d7633d9d16⋯.png (1.2 MB, 438x954, 73:159, capture_1339_11052022_0647….png)

File: b2ffc14d97ffe93⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1502x397, 1502:397, capture_1218_11052022_0032….png)

File: d632111d63ca5f5⋯.gif (532.83 KB, 3232x195, 3232:195, coollogo_com_65431715.gif)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn44.png)

File: fd444c24e79bc47⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 200x203, 200:203, fun_meter.jpg)


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0b4eef  No.16253488

File: f1b9e34fd40a657⋯.png (619.2 KB, 700x875, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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f56bed  No.16253489

File: b2558f01a714409⋯.png (408.39 KB, 595x647, 595:647, Capture.PNG)

Nothing better than watching a cannon go BOOM! 💥 💣

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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352c5d  No.16253491

File: 28be6e16ada91ac⋯.png (1.46 MB, 833x1042, 833:1042, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e17b0b3abdd5f04⋯.png (1.03 MB, 959x1350, 959:1350, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 434c6140f36834e⋯.png (681 KB, 625x452, 625:452, ClipboardImage.png)

"On 4 July 1862, in a rowing boat travelling on The Isis from Folly Bridge, Oxford to Godstow for a picnic outing, 10-year-old Alice asked Charles Dodgson (More commonly known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll) to entertain her and her sisters, Edith (age 8) and Lorina (age 13), with a story. As the Reverend Robinson Duckworth rowed the boat, Dodgson regaled the girls with fantastic stories of a girl, named Alice, and her adventures after she fell into a rabbit-hole. The story was not unlike those Dodgson had spun for the sisters before, but this time Alice asked Mr. Dodgson to write it down for her. He promised to do so but did not get around to the task for some months. He eventually presented Alice with the manuscript of Alice's Adventures Under Ground in November 1864."

." Now obviously most of that is the kind of typical myth given to the public to make them feel at ease (Peter Pan creator J. M. Barrie would be another example of this kind. Considering the themes of dissociation/confusion and many other psychological/MK aspects involved in child abuse present in Alice in Wonderland… however expecting some kind of definitive proof – there's a reason why those pages from his diary went missing, why Alice's mother tore up all the letters from Dodgson to Alice, and I am sure most of Dodgson's more explicit photographs and drawings of naked little girls have been kept successfully buried.

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911d54  No.16253492



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44042b  No.16253494

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5951c4  No.16253496

File: f6bd3869ecec54b⋯.png (606.49 KB, 600x726, 100:121, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

something about viruses

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628cd1  No.16253497

Biden DOD demands Mike Flynn fork over speech fee even though he helped DIA spy on Russians

Part 1 of 2

Army takes new action despite evidence showing Flynn sought prior DIA approval for December 2015 RT dinner, got briefed in advance and gave U.S. spy agencies a thumb drive of intel he collected on the Russians.

The Biden Pentagon recently alerted retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn it plans to recoup from him nearly $40,000 he received for attending a dinner in Moscow in 2015, claiming he didn't clear the speaking fee in advance and therefore violated the Constitution's Emoluments Clause. But documents from Russia special prosecutor Robert Mueller's investigation tell a far different story.

The documents, reviewed by Just the News, show Flynn in fact alerted his former agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, ahead of the dinner and got approval touse the trip to spy on Russia's leadershipand specifically its GRU military intelligence unit.

The operation was blessed in advance by senior DIA officials, including Vincent Stewart, the Marine general who had succeeded Flynn as DIA chief. The former Trump administration national security adviser was even given tasking orders and a counterintelligence briefing before he departed for Moscow in December 2015.

"The first week of December 2015, General Flynn asked if I was still in the European Center and told me he planned on traveling to Moscow to speak at an RT event and might meet the Director of the GRU," former senior DIA executive David Becker wrote in a sworn declaration that was submitted during the Mueller probe but has never been made public.

You can read that memo here:

"We discussed potential topics of interest for the US intelligence community," Becker explained. "I told him I would arrange a briefing for him to include a Counterintelligence briefing before he departed to Moscow. We agreed that I would call him once it was arranged at DIA HQ.

"I next contacted my supervisor the Director of the Europe Eurasia Regional Center John Sadler, to begin the process. Mr. Sadler immediately contacted the Director of DIA LTG Stewart by email requesting permission to develop this briefing for [LTG] Flynn."

Stewart approved the operation, including telling Flynn what U.S. spy agencies wanted as "current collection requirements for Russia," as well as a defensive briefing to help prepare Flynn not to get tripped up by the Russians at the dinner, Becker wrote in the affidavit.

The intelligence community was so excited by Flynn's opportunity that it sent a total of 10 experts to brief him on everything from what the U.S. wanted to know about "the Senior Leadership of Russia" to "important collection points of the GRU," according to the documents.

They also gave Flynn a "complete briefing on the intelligence potentially directed against him" when he was with the Russians.

Becker disclosed that when Flynn returned from the trip he immediately contacted the DIA.

"DIA sent collectors to his office to pull all the information he was able to collect while on his trip," the former DIA executive wrote.

The retired general "turned over all contact information he obtained on his trip and provided all the information he was sensitized to look for during the initial meeting, including providing a thumb drive of pictures and other information," the affidavit disclosed.

Flynn sat among and gathered information from some of the top players in Russia, including Vladimir Putin (whom he sat next to), his chief of staff Sergey Ivanov, his deputy chief of staff Alexei Gromov and chief Russian spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, according to information reviewed by Just the News.

Becker's detailed description confirms source reporting this journalist first published when he was a columnist at The Hill in 2019. It also significantly calls into question the reporting of numerous major news organizations that portrayed Flynn's visit with RT as a national security threat and betrayal of his country for money…


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44042b  No.16253498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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628cd1  No.16253499


DOD Flynn

Part 2 of 2

Liberal commentator Keith Olbermann used the dinner to make part of his case in February 2017 that Flynn "must now be arrested."

Politico, likewise, ran an article in 2017describing Flynn's dinner this way: "Out of uniform, he accepted a paid speaking gig in Moscow and wound up at an RT dinner seated next to Putin in December 2015, raising more than a few eyebrows."

It turns out, no one in the intelligence world would have raised eyebrows about Flynn's dinner, because the spy agencies were in on it.

The use of the dinner to denigrate Flynn's patriotism continues to this day. Malcom Nance, a former intelligence analyst who frequents MSNBC, got into an online confrontation with Flynn last month and claimed on Twitter the former general "LITERALLY ate Putin's bread SEATED AT HIS RIGHT HAND. He LOVED Moscow's cash & spent years nestled deeply in Vlad's cold, white KGB."

Beyond the reputational damage facilitated by the misreporting of the occasion, the RT dinner continues to have legal and financial consequences for Flynn.

Flynn originally pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian ambassador but then sought to withdraw his plea when belated evidence emerged that FBI career agents had concluded he did not lie and wanted to close down an investigation of Flynn but were overruled by FBI leadership.

The bureau's conduct was so concerning that the lead agent in the Flynn case later told prosecutors he believed his agency was playing a "game of Clue" to "get" Trump and Flynn in the absence of evidence of wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, the FBI's former counterintelligence chief released notes questioning whether the bureau was engaging in entrapment with Flynn.

"What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" Bill Priestap wrote of the bureau's interactions with Flynn in notes that raised serious questions.

Flynn's withdrawn plea never reached a final conclusion because Trump in November 2020 pardoned Flynn, an act that removed any further criminal exposure.

But the Pentagon continued to investigate the RT dinner, and its inspector general concluded Flynn did not seek the Army's approval to accept the money, even though he cleared his dinner in advance with the DIA.

Last week, the Army's Office of the General Counsel sent Flynn a letter revealing the DOD planned to seek collection of more than $38,000 the retired general received as speaking fee and in-kind expense reimbursement through the U.S.-based speaking bureau that arranged Flynn's participation in the RT dinner. RT paid more than $45,000 to the speaker's bureau, which disbursed Flynn's share after deducting its own share.

"The Army has determined that in December 2015 you failed to obtain the necessary approval in accordance with Army Regulation (AR) 600-29 before accepting compensation from an entity substantially owned or controlled by a foreign government in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution," the letter stated, making no mention of Flynn's preclearance from the DIA.

Kash Patel, the former chief of staff to the Defense Secretary and former chief investigative counsel for the House Intelligence Committee when it unraveled the false Russia collusion narrative, said the DIA documents definitively prove that "Mike Flynn didn't do anything wrong on his trip to Russia."

"It's one of those unfortunate tragedies of a man who served his country with honor and distinguished himself and acted appropriately," Patel said of Flynn during an interview Monday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And then the media, you know, shredded his career."


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e972f4  No.16253500

File: 8bf2815e100f5c9⋯.png (348.46 KB, 603x512, 603:512, ClipboardImage.png)


Mattie Kahn ← Lying Jew


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f81c85  No.16253501


Not you, you are in your own special place. Of course I am talking about the threats, not you who is spreading the threat. You are more in a journalist position when you do that I guess.

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82c1f9  No.16253502

File: 816caf748fe10ec⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 1080x696, 45:29, 816caf748fe10eccad06c3fdc4….jpg)

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e972f4  No.16253503

File: 1f6034479f559ca⋯.jpg (131.78 KB, 1186x376, 593:188, 4of5Jewish.jpg)

File: 1c5861caca206f5⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 527x474, 527:474, HateTrumpFeinstein.jpg)

File: 9a098ad15863777⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 583x428, 583:428, HateTrumpNadler.jpg)

File: 7f41d7ac103b6c7⋯.jpg (65.82 KB, 584x427, 584:427, HateTrumpSchiff.jpg)

File: d38dbe607580ae7⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 536x465, 536:465, HateTrumpSchumer.jpg)

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5951c4  No.16253504


einstein needs hep with his brian

say (YOU) screenshot cp, which gets deleted.

then (YOU) (being the geenius (YOU) are) post the screenshot of the deleted cp.

are (YOU) seeing the point yet?

didn't think so.

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3684f4  No.16253505

File: 34e5235dd6bd7ff⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 640x420, 32:21, utddgretyctvybkbht.jpg)

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5b1e81  No.16253506

File: 11f703bc7755d8f⋯.png (32.34 KB, 681x279, 227:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2bbb90204e94f7⋯.png (36.57 KB, 680x355, 136:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6b22e4125fd984⋯.png (417.82 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

/scratches head

Scott Adams actually did block Darren J. Beattie. So why would Scott block Darren for making this observation? Doing so is an admittance that Darren is correct in his statement. So what's the motivation? Perhaps by openly admitting he agrees with Darren's point, Scott is rubbing it in the face of those that he views as being on an intellectual level that are able to be amused by his musings, but not at a level that can comprehend the irony behind why he does it. Look at this tweet, and screenshot:


Blocked for mindreading.

Now, look at this tweet and second screenshot:


Does this help or hurt Scott's 'brand'? Is Scott even concerned with that? It's obvious Scott is good at dissecting communication in a way many aren't even capable of perceiving. Again, he touts that he's a hypnotist, and I suspect a majority can't even understand why he'd state something like that right out in the open. He obviously knows how intelligent PDJT is, and that's where things get even more interesting.

*sips covfefe*

Alright, so getting to the point of the post.

Is Scott just an adept "trickster" wordsmith?


Is Scott fishing for a higher level of engagement?

Bonus questions:

Why was Scott invited to the White House?

Why was Scott really invited to the White House?

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911d54  No.16253507

File: cc8cbda86abc3b0⋯.png (63.5 KB, 1130x889, 1130:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cd18d9543e185c⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Nightshift_Rip.jpg)

4.2 Not far from Yellowstone.


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628cd1  No.16253508


Becket Affidavit absolving Flynn

Emoluments letter from Army on Flynn

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352c5d  No.16253509

File: d6c5df224379eeb⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, SneezerShills.png)

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b215b2  No.16253510

File: f286431ca04b93d⋯.jpg (15.35 KB, 172x255, 172:255, POTUSwarrior.jpg)


Good morning and Thank you Baker!

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7e8eeb  No.16253511

File: 8cc0db5d26ac96d⋯.png (450.45 KB, 634x419, 634:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7064a7ddacdf031⋯.png (155.04 KB, 634x320, 317:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1323e4599f09cad⋯.png (373.75 KB, 634x492, 317:246, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8feaf4f528cf7a⋯.png (106.82 KB, 306x212, 153:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7893fdd7ee25686⋯.png (440.33 KB, 634x1147, 634:1147, ClipboardImage.png)


Girl gone wild! Madonna debuts VERY bizarre NFT collection featuring digital depictions of herself NUDE - including a graphic 3D scan of her own vagina - and showing her giving birth to trees, butterflies, and robotic centipedes

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53d695  No.16253512

File: 11f6246b2c1b554⋯.png (93.77 KB, 568x548, 142:137, 7ac73896ba9d985f9c3c33f9c2….png)


I was IBEW way back when

Great healthcare.

Good pay.

Don't know how it is now

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628cd1  No.16253513

File: c8b67a19ad2c0d5⋯.pdf (2.71 MB, FlynnRTDIABriefingBeckerAf….pdf)

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dfca7c  No.16253514


'This used to be a free speech research board. No discussion was off limits. No one is "spreading a threat" we are trying to figure out if it is worth taking seriously. Which you just confirmed it is by sperging out and mentioning law enforcement. This just went from a possible to to ignore to something JIM WATKINS is concerned enough about to threaten other people re-posting it with law enforcement.

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036227  No.16253515

File: 78a9827d926664a⋯.png (302.21 KB, 1155x452, 1155:452, ClipboardImage.png)

VV701 US Navy Brass G5 departed RAF Northolt and stopped at Belfast Int'l for a little less than 1 hour then west

UAE AF UAF1300 A-330 departed London, Stansted after arriving from Abu Dhabi yesterday

Norway AF RAVEN17 CL60 EW (Electronic Warfare) departed Papa AB, Hungary-stopped at Janow Airport (did this yesterday too at Janow) for about 45 minutes and now north

Danish AF DAF2238 CL600 departed Rekyavik, Iceland Keflavik AB and stopped at the Faroe Islands- it arrived at Keflavik yesterday from somewhere on Greenland's eastern coast

Europe and Med look about the same as it has

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628cd1  No.16253516

File: 9902d122f828e65⋯.pdf (381.95 KB, EMOLUMENTS_FLYNN_NOTIFICAT….pdf)


>Emoluments letter from Army on Flynn

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3b933d  No.16253517

File: daea1287cf19450⋯.png (144.91 KB, 352x425, 352:425, image.png)

>>16253409 LB

>Been here 4 1/2 years.

2 moar weeks?

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ef744c  No.16253518


TY -BakerG.

Could be your last day baking on QR so glad to see you could get at least 1 in.

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b215b2  No.16253519

File: a0bc109b0519e16⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 613x255, 613:255, zelenskynazicross2.jpg)

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dfca7c  No.16253520



This used to be a free speech research board. No discussion was off limits. No one is "spreading a threat" we are trying to figure out if it is worth taking seriously. Which you just confirmed it is by sperging out and mentioning law enforcement. This just went from a possible/likely larp to ignore to something JIM WATKINS is concerned enough about to threaten other people re-posting it with law enforcement.

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e972f4  No.16253521

File: d1e33731663a31d⋯.png (92.72 KB, 673x499, 673:499, LyingJewCharles.png)

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352c5d  No.16253522

File: 8e3b7fae1732eeb⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, a331.png)

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82c1f9  No.16253523

File: 155b51ca37c1f27⋯.png (312.63 KB, 486x574, 243:287, 285873_574_5847_58473.png)


Oh, you lucky fuckers.

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b215b2  No.16253524

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, HB_John_832.jpg)

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5951c4  No.16253525

File: 15e48fc5179d886⋯.png (617.85 KB, 807x501, 269:167, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

Zen and the Scam of Muh Communista Globalists Homos

BREAKING: Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zen arrested for ‘allegedly colluding with foreign forces’

Cardinal Zen is 90 years old and is an outspoken critic of Hong Kong's draconian national security law.

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628cd1  No.16253526

Ex-FBI intel chief: Clinton campaign used 'contrived disinformation' to deceive voters in 2016

"This is more than just political dirty tricks," says Kevin Brock. "Political dirty tricks usually have some foundation in truth, but they just made stuff up."

As the Biden administration pushes its new Disinformation Governance Board, the FBI's former intelligence chief says he is now convinced Democrat Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign used "contrived disinformation" to try to mislead Americans into believing Donald Trump was a Russian asset.

"This is more than just political dirty tricks," retired Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show Wednesday. "Political dirty tricks usually have some foundation in truth. But they just made stuff up."

Brock, one of the bureau's most respected former executives, said he has been impressed with the way Special Counsel John Durham has used the prosecution of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann to expose how the false Russia collusion narrative was constructed.

Sussmann, who has pleaded innocent and faces trial at the end of the month, is charged with lying to the FBI in fall 2016 when he denied he was acting on behalf of a client in bringing the bureau what turned out to be false allegations that Trump had a secret communications channel with the Kremlin.

Durham has exposed recent evidence showing the Clinton campaign's own researchers were skeptical of the allegation, which one described as a "red herring." The underlying data permitted no more than an "inference" at best, according to another. Last week, prosecutors unveiled an email showing a journalist had told the campaign research team weeks before it approached the FBI that one of the Trump-Russia allegations was "bullshit."

"This is the way disinformation is really exposed, not by some contrived government agency, but by evidence presented in court that gets at the truth of what happened," Brock said of the prosecutor's recent evidentiary filings in court. "What Durham is methodically doing, is laying out a case that the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat Party used contrived disinformation in a conspiracy, in a conspiratorial way, to deceive the American voter ahead of the election."

Brock has been sharply critical of his former agency for allowing the Russia collusion probe to continue for two years without an adequate predicate or strong evidence.

He said Sussmann's approach to the FBI must be looked at in a larger context that the Clinton campaign and Democrat Party flooded the FBI, the CIA, the State Department and news media from multiple angles trying to sell the Russia collusion story with flawed evidence like the Steele dossier and get an investigation started.

"This is much more than an attorney for the Clinton campaign lying to the FBI," said Brock. "He is using this charge to expose a larger story, a larger narrative."

Durham "called it a joint venture of conspiratorial actions that contrived information," Brock explained, referring to Durham's recent court filings. "… Certainly the American people were defrauded."

Brock also expressed concern about the Homeland Security Department's newly created Disinformation Governance Board, saying it would be a mistake for the agency to use it to referee Americans' speech and that it is ripe for political abuse.

"I think that disinformation is in the eye of the beholder," he said. "I think most people suspect that all of this information will be information promulgated by one political party rather than the other. And so the danger of a governance board like this is that it will be be beholden to the party that's in power in government at that time to silence or mute opposition viewpoints.

"Now, DHS, the secretary has gone to great lengths to say 'No, we're just interested in countering Russian disinformation or Chinese disinformation on social media platforms," he added. "But it's something that should be treated, and I think we are looking at it as something to be wary of."


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498029  No.16253529

File: 27686b0ffca7f44⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 341x396, 31:36, STOPWHINING.jpg)



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5951c4  No.16253530


again, anons.

if a priest "colludes with a foreign force" by, say, praying, so does a WEF Young World Ruler when he's implanted in your government (the Malone Doctrine)

FFS, make them register as foreign agents.

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8e7dcf  No.16253531

Incoming Jim

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5951c4  No.16253532


this board is narcissistic

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055f9c  No.16253533


"Free-speech" is one of those thin blue lines drawn by your slavemasters who won't hesitate to step over it and convert your "speech" into a criminal actions. Even discussing limits on "free-speech" could be construed as a crime, by the law-enforcers, unless you support more limits on free speech, and fewer restrictions on the gov't to criminalize your constitutionally protected activities. Welcome to your Judeo-Christian Prison System.

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5951c4  No.16253534


sauces: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-hong-kongs-cardinal-zen-arrested-for-allegedly-colluding-with-foreign-forces/

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f81c85  No.16253535

File: 0e9eb5e43bd049f⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB, 2022_05_11T14_02_59.mp3)

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e972f4  No.16253536

File: 41b2e7200fa88af⋯.png (84.88 KB, 668x499, 668:499, ZelenskyNASIII.png)


Look at him. They are positioning him to be the Global President. He of course is a puppet, just like Hitler.

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53d695  No.16253537


Wow. This is big.

I wonder if Francis is going to let him rot in a jail cell.

Historically, the Vatican is big on getting their cardinals out of shit.

Francis is probably like Obummer and Biden and won't do shit.

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a49cd8  No.16253538


You claimed it was me twice then backtracked. You really are a slimy weasel fuck. "Whatever country your lightening strikes"

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

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5951c4  No.16253540


wonder if any western government will protest.

wonder if muh un human rights group will notice.

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ad2c03  No.16253541

TEST !@#$1234

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75da7c  No.16253542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the National Institutes of Health

House Committee on Appropriations

Dr. Fauci & Others Testify on 2023 NIH Budget





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acc67e  No.16253543

File: 48afded114eedac⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 667x500, 667:500, go_nads.jpg)

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75da7c  No.16253544

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44042b  No.16253545

File: d5df69383f3c41b⋯.jpg (70.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, GOOD_TIMES.jpg)

File: bfe6a612c3ff718⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, GOOD_TIMES.mp4)

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999ceb  No.16253546

File: eaf872d72130f49⋯.jpg (110.82 KB, 983x1280, 983:1280, presssecretaries4.jpg)

>>16252838 pb

>>16252901 pb

asking for a fren

how do I know what DNS server I connect to?

>>16252890 pb

"all forms of branches of government"?

declaring dictatorial powers?



As Fast as they Can.

PISSAKI is supposed to have passed the bar exam.

What do you bet, she cheated; like her two bosses.

Only thing that explains such a dumb person up there at the podium (What happened to attractive Black Haitian?)

is that she's fucking the boss.


sos wow THIEVES

steal the Election. then steal the $$$$

"get it while they can?"

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f81c85  No.16253547


I am glad you are enjoying my slimy WF server.

Please have a heaping helping of my weasely hospitality while you are at it.

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036227  No.16253548

File: 29a15fcea167136⋯.png (292.55 KB, 478x359, 478:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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57d162  No.16253550


>40 Billion to Ukraine while US suffers

With farmers ordered and PAID to destroy food? WHY though? Is it contaminated?

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5951c4  No.16253551

File: 54cd857fae0c0dd⋯.png (173.02 KB, 505x491, 505:491, pepe.png)

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53d695  No.16253553

File: 9a1de341a7f82a2⋯.jpg (118.64 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 9a1de341a7f82a2860e36ca32f….jpg)


>wonder if any western government will protest.

I doubt it.

They never criticize China and definitely won't on behalf of someone associated with Jesus.

So far this month, the pope has been seen in a wheelchair, and now the biggest cardinal in asia is arrested.

The pope is having a terrible May.

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628cd1  No.16253554

Capitol Police chief says members of Congress have 'never' been investigated related to Jan. 6

Texas GOP Rep. Troy Nehls alleges a Capitol Police officer entered his office without his knowledgeand photographed "confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause" of the Constitution.

Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger told Just the News that members of Congress are not being investigated by the Capitol Police, after Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls alleged that Capitol Police officers were spying on him.

"Absolutely not," Manger said in an interview after receiving an award from the Bethesda Chapter of the AFCEA during a ceremony in Washington D.C. on Tuesday. "Never have."

Nehls alleges that on Nov. 20 a Capitol Police officer entered his office without his knowledge and photographed "confidential legislative products" on a whiteboard, material he asserts is protected by the "Speech and Debate clause" of the Constitution.

Nehls has said he was being targeted because of his public statements related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

"I'd been beat up, beat to hell on social media by the far left, everybody calling me an insurrectionist and everything else because they actually felt that I was the threat because of my position on J6," he said. "I exposed J6. I exposed the Capitol Police leadership team for failing to do their damn job."

"And if they would have done their job, J6 would have never ever happened," Nehls continued. "If the National Guard would have been deployed on our nation's capitol on Jan. 4, and all of the intelligence were there, January 6 would have never taken place. But there are people that wanted it to take place."

Nehls told Just the News that a forthcoming Capitol Police Inspector General's report will show he was "under criminal investigation" when Capitol Police officers entered his Capitol Hill office and began taking photos in November 2021.

Manger, who was sworn in on July 21, 2021, said he hasn't seen the report and isn't sure if it will be made public. Manger was asked if Capitol Police officers were sent to Nehls' office for something related to the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 investigation.

"Absolutely not true," he said. "An officer found an open door. I've said that from the start."

Nehls said his office is awaiting a copy of the full IG report about the incident.

"They were coming after me to silence and destroy me," Nehls said Friday. "That's what [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi wants to do to guys like me. If I am a vocal critic of J6 and that leadership team, they're going to go out there and try to destroy me just like they did with Donald Trump."

Manger was honored for his lifetime of public service in law enforcement as chief of police in Fairfax County, Va. and in Montgomery County, Md. before becoming the Capitol Police chief.


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f3bdcf  No.16253555

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, gifkavd1f0114f1e87ae2f831e….gif)


> have a heaping helping of my weasely hospitality

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e972f4  No.16253556

File: 076f0555c25530f⋯.jpg (142.81 KB, 960x920, 24:23, GOGBODII.jpg)


Trump sure did set these fellers up nicely with gifting Gaza to the Kikes.

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44042b  No.16253557

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f56bed  No.16253558

File: bd2a6def708d89f⋯.png (426.25 KB, 594x709, 594:709, Capture.PNG)

It's National Twilight Zone Day. In the 1963 episode "The Thirty Fathom Grave", the sonar of a U.S. Navy destroyer picks up banging from the inside of a sub that had been sunk 20 years earlier during WWII. Could it be a trapped survivor? Divers investigate. #TwilightZoneDay


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585198  No.16253559

File: 8d756cc76363e8e⋯.png (230.61 KB, 467x570, 467:570, pepe_armor_of_god.png)

>>16253413 (PB)

o7 swordy!

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acc67e  No.16253560

File: b7f4542b402ddf9⋯.jpg (129.82 KB, 666x500, 333:250, popek.jpg)

File: 74a45e30b4aa7ab⋯.png (862.23 KB, 717x476, 717:476, pope_ka.png)

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6f8b44  No.16253561


>I am glad you are enjoying my slimy WF server.

>Please have a heaping helping of my weasely hospitality while you are at it.

You misspelled weaselly.

>>16251869 - Post 1


>>16252674 - post 751

> 04:19:34

What your interference has done to QR

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3684f4  No.16253562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Fauci Testifies on NIH Budget

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0cdc4c  No.16253563

File: fc49b70a09598fc⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 5daxzl.jpg)

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44042b  No.16253564

File: 6017a1a0ec9c155⋯.png (1.49 MB, 638x812, 11:14, capture_103_18042020_06414….png)

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75da7c  No.16253565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

House Committee on Appropriations




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628cd1  No.16253566


Michael Flynn calls Biden DOD payment demands 'another effort to keep me silent'

Flynn called the investigation into him a "persecution and harassment and embarrassment."

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn on Tuesday said the Biden Pentagon's plans to recoup nearly $40,000 he received as a speaking fee for a 2015 event in Moscow are an effort to keep him "silent."

The Defense Intelligence Agency claimed Flynn did not notify it of the speaking fee he received for a dinner hosted by Russia Today, a Russian state-controlled outlet. Documents reviewed by Just the News show Flynn not only notified the Defense Intelligence Agency about his trip, but he also received approval to spy on Russia's leadership and its military intelligence unit during his visit.

Flynn told "Just the News – Not Noise" that he was "not surprised" by the Pentagon's letter demanding he repay the speaking fee.

He also called on the agency to "[release] the damn classified documents" on his work.

"I'm not surprised at the snarkiness, at the evil that exists inside of our our government right now, particularly the national security state," Flynn noted.

Retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer defended Flynn on Tuesday's "Just the News – Not Noise."

He said that Flynn was "doing his job" and while at the RT event "he got a lot of really good intel, about a lot of the inner workings of what he observed regarding Putin and the way he behaved."

Flynn said the Pentagon's demands are affecting his retirement account.

"They're just going to reach into my into my retirement and they're going to take some money… At the end of the day, this country means a heck of a lot more than what what they will do to me," he said defiantly.

The national security state is "trying to run this country, and they don't like people like me, because they know that they do not want me coming back into government in any capacity," he said.

Because of his work as national security advisor to former President Donald Trump, Flynn said the security state "had to get rid of me very quickly."

He called the investigation into him a "persecution and harassment and embarrassment."

The Justice Department "just went right after me and my family and just tried to destroy me solely because I helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016, and they and they did not want me back in the mix of things in the summer of 2020 when he was running again," he added.


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5307f0  No.16253567

File: 5ac24543b1a1c3f⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1656x1092, 138:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 363e72e9ec7df38⋯.png (43.03 KB, 438x304, 219:152, ClipboardImage.png)

notable all pb >>16252312, >>16252413 Omicron Subvariant BA.2.12.1 Poised To Become Dominant In U.S





Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

Identify and list.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.

Godfather III.


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75da7c  No.16253568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Securing the Digital Commons: Open-Source Software Cybersecurity

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee




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999ceb  No.16253569

File: 6a2540d89e56d90⋯.png (554.33 KB, 600x781, 600:781, bidangroppenjoe4.png)



When DJT Trump was POTUS (still is, but according to them) they wouldn't even give him standing in the Supreme Court.

Now pedo senile BIDAN who won't even take a competency test is claiming ownership of the the "branches of G0vernment" in all their forms


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055f9c  No.16253570


It's stunning that this criminal is still the highest paid public servant of the USA. Israeli patriots are in control.

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4e7a6d  No.16253571


WoW, it's a rare Pepecasso.

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8f8f03  No.16253572


is grooming and grifting a prerequisite in this admin? and in front of camera? yuck, sick fucks

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fe7880  No.16253573

File: a5c42f813f0cf29⋯.jpg (181.32 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FSdWDqVWQAEQSEL.jpg)

File: 175f9a22ce9552d⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 830x468, 415:234, 000_329v3eb.jpg)

File: 2f2da367d18b449⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 634x411, 634:411, 57671935_10804425_image_a_….jpg)

File: 88274b02baea907⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 480x848, 30:53, aUXouA2uWnTxSARr.jpg)

Where the heck are you anons?

Fight for freedom. Fight for the truth.

She was murdered in cold blood in front of everyone by the IDF.

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75da7c  No.16253574

File: 92374cae5ed8e98⋯.png (310.33 KB, 964x764, 241:191, hunter_laptop_tz.png)

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f3bdcf  No.16253575

File: aea3e46cdfd2eaf⋯.png (239.53 KB, 530x358, 265:179, ClipboardImage.png)


>What your interference has done to QR

is the midnight to 4am crew usually really active?

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f56bed  No.16253576

File: e70ee2236f873a2⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 704x586, 352:293, FSezdQJWQAAuQMa.jpg)

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33e93f  No.16253577


Go Away!

If you have a beef, which you do, then state it, which you did!

Now sit back and wait for the response with your hand down your pants.

Jack’in, jack’in, jack’in it flash!

Done in 30

Knock-knock, jeepers! it’s the cops!

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036227  No.16253579

File: 9b19c987a4f037f⋯.png (65.71 KB, 981x505, 981:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8385731f34247c7⋯.png (126.91 KB, 391x331, 391:331, VP_laugh_left_trans.png)

USD/Ruble +5.25%


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fe7880  No.16253580

File: 95c4d7cf702f081⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 201x251, 201:251, 5_11_2022.jpg)

File: ae9c254b0ce69db⋯.png (299.65 KB, 423x597, 141:199, 45c825adf7b38b91dd4e187016….png)

File: 543d5165f2d3080⋯.png (235.26 KB, 549x598, 549:598, 11144907fcb3ba9.png)

File: 97bfed9f1ffc0cd⋯.jpg (464.42 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, 70434.jpg)

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5951c4  No.16253581

File: 073d1d7d7ea6a69⋯.png (10.13 KB, 310x91, 310:91, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)


yes. anon stolt it some time ago

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0d2e40  No.16253582

File: ad5d5dfac3ecdce⋯.png (1.01 MB, 779x847, 779:847, ClipboardImage.png)

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b215b2  No.16253584



rumors of human ingredients

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7e8eeb  No.16253585

File: 0ff3ccfb1afa322⋯.png (807.19 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e23ecc10d42004⋯.png (508.62 KB, 450x600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422d83b25ba0ae8⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1536x1020, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca16981509ef450⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1200x1378, 600:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95aef908b5075ba⋯.png (147.84 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe7880  No.16253586

File: 8929f6ddad3a6ac⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 360x347, 360:347, FSdBrf2X0AADBip.jpg)

File: 7314039adb217e5⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 749x999, 749:999, FSdYTKLXEAI5FNx.jpg)

File: d8cb4ec0030869a⋯.jpg (52.47 KB, 412x679, 412:679, FSdH8DEWYAA0QKw.jpg)

File: d01d2303cc4c599⋯.png (324.2 KB, 567x322, 81:46, Procession_english_2.png)




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f56bed  No.16253587

File: dc62cd53de7b561⋯.png (379.38 KB, 588x594, 98:99, Capture.PNG)

State measure that would allow preteens to get vaccines without parental consent advances



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0abb2d  No.16253588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f885f9  No.16253590

File: b0d4afb5d1f83ad⋯.png (69.61 KB, 653x767, 653:767, d1.png)





The federal prosecutor appointed to investigate the abuse and death of detainees in the custody of the Central Intelligence Agency is backing the CIA's efforts to keep its internal probes of those incidents secret, despite the fact that the criminal investigations are about to wrap up.

While Durham said at one point in his declaration that his subordinates are "actively examining" the deaths, he went on to say "the above-referenced investigations are now winding down and are expected to be concluded shortly."

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82c1f9  No.16253591

File: 6171d6ae4c0b2e0⋯.png (150.7 KB, 436x443, 436:443, 6171d6ae4c0b2e0383a3bec915….png)



Morning, Jim. o7

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999ceb  No.16253592

File: 63e6ea3194d0d59⋯.jpeg (33.51 KB, 515x255, 103:51, pzakiinajarc.jpeg)


claiming ownership of all the branches of government in all its forms?


That right there is enough to get them arrested, if we still had a working Republic.

People are so trusting they just might believe "oh they didn't pass third grade civics class.. nothing nefarious here"?

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fe7880  No.16253593

File: 7898acf06311be1⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ru2BQiXK0vhoz9SK.jpg)

File: 217ec023b9e7271⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 480x480, 1:1, shaireen_abu_aqleh.jpg)

File: 1e3214b0c06d42d⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Shireen_Abu_Akleh_killing.jpg)

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f56bed  No.16253594


This Should Be Enough To Confirm

- Without A Doubt - That Learning

About The Occult Is Paramount.

The Obliteration Of Luna

Right Between May Day

& The Total Lunar Eclipse…

It's Called A Sacrifice.


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acc67e  No.16253595

File: e7a4f6aa4236876⋯.png (398.44 KB, 600x600, 1:1, cia.png)

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58e7c2  No.16253596

File: e58d1a96e359b25⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 5470x3647, 5470:3647, curious_kids_just_how_huge….jpg)

God bless Our chilldren and ALL chilldren, and ALL on the board.

Ty Yeshua for forgiving Our sins and transgression's.

God pls bless Our planet and solar system.

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036227  No.16253597

File: 43c84b27bb08975⋯.png (200.9 KB, 722x434, 361:217, ClipboardImage.png)

217 USAF BRRRRRRRRRRT in the morning for ya

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d01888  No.16253598

File: 05072b408b09eae⋯.png (113.3 KB, 414x302, 207:151, ClipboardImage.png)

saw this on Twitter

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e972f4  No.16253599

File: 707cd0f5264e489⋯.png (75.84 KB, 673x500, 673:500, MagicalBOOM.PNG)


Piece of shit kikes.

Saving Israel for Last

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acc67e  No.16253600


mornin' swordy

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44042b  No.16253601

File: c999678811f2788⋯.png (698.77 KB, 652x365, 652:365, capture_1354_11052022_0717….png)






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f56bed  No.16253602

File: 8917763dc89aa96⋯.png (500.3 KB, 592x661, 592:661, Capture.PNG)

Exercise #SwiftResponse 22 runs the full gamut of assets available to US &


#Allies' capabilities.


#Soldiers assigned to 7-17th Air Cavalry Squadron, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, perform maintenance on an RQ-7B V2 Shadow, at Krivolak Training Area, North Macedonia.


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628cd1  No.16253603

File: 26e95b706b98cbc⋯.jpeg (139.64 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, BD0BFCD3_62AB_4C19_9F5D_7….jpeg)

11 May, 2022 13:53

Musk brags about resisting Russia

Moscow has rejected claims it attacked the US billionaire’s Starlink network

Billionaire Elon Musk said on Tuesday that his Starlink system was far ahead of the competition when it comes to defeating alleged Russian cyberattacks on satellite internet providers. He was commenting on fresh Western claims that Moscow had targeted a rival network in February. Moscow has denied waging cyberwarfare on either system.

The US, the UK, and the EU this week officially accused Russia of being behind a hacking attack that took tens of thousands of modems offline using Viasat’s KA-SAT broadband internet network. The goal was to disrupt Ukrainian military communication using the French satellite link during the first days of Russia’s military attack against its neighbor, they claimed. Musk shared the news on his Twitter account before touting his own system as more resilient to tampering.

“Starlink has resisted Russian cyberwar jamming & hacking attempts so far,” Musk remarked, referring to his own firm, which competes in the market of providing satellite broadband internet. In late March, Musk made similar remarks, likewise commenting on the KA-SAT hack allegations against Russia.

Musk reportedly shipped 5,000 sets of the ground equipment for his space-linked network to Ukraine after a public plea by the country’s vice prime minister, winning online praise for his ‘get things done’ attitude and swift action. The move was implied to be a charitable gesture of support for the struggling nation, but according to the Washington Post, the gear was actually paid for by the American government.

Last month, Dave Tremper, the director of electronic warfare for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, claimed during a conference that Starlink countered Russian jamming attempts in Ukraine with a single software update and did so faster than the US military would have in the same scenario.

“In the way that Starlink was able to upgrade when a threat showed up, we need to be able to have that agility,” he was reported as saying.

Some Russian officials, most notably space chief Dmitry Rogozin, argued that the situation with the Starlink operation in Ukraine served as proof that the system should be perceived as a Western military capability and a potential threat to Russian national security.

The Russian space agency cited the same dual-use concerns as it canceled the scheduled March launch on behalf of OneWeb, another satellite internet provider. The firm, which counts the British government among its shareholders, said earlier that it no longer wanted Russian space services to deploy its assets.

This week, Rogozin claimed that military helicopters were used to deliver Starlink terminals to the nationalist Azov battalion in the port of Mariupol and implied that by offering communication services to them Musk could be complicit in their alleged war crimes. The billionaire took issue with Rogozin’s characterization of the unit as “Nazi” and remarked that “there are no angels in war.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the hacking accusations on Wednesday by reiterating Russia’s denials of targeting either Viasat or Starlink networks.

“It’s everyone’s favorite hobby now to blame Russia for any and all attacks on IT security,” he said, adding that in fact it was Russia who was targeted by serious cyberattacks lately.

(Why doesn’t anyone talk of China hacking around the world)


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3e29b1  No.16253604


Got sauce for your claim that they're Israeli citizens?

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e972f4  No.16253605

File: 6a911789b9075f8⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 414x387, 46:43, JesusNarrowPath.jpg)


The path into heaven is very narrow.

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b215b2  No.16253606

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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e972f4  No.16253607

File: 86fb4ac98e540f3⋯.png (365.96 KB, 355x355, 1:1, 22.PNG)

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5b1e81  No.16253608

File: 9e9b786aa87d38f⋯.png (706.58 KB, 534x750, 89:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95519b7fa361922⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1200x738, 200:123, ClipboardImage.png)


Is genetically modified food healthy? Is it easier to completely remove it all at once, or do it in increments? Yes these pics are cherry picking, but that doesn't mean it's presented in a way that's untruthful. Something changed, and food got worse. Way worse.

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75da7c  No.16253609

File: ad0ffc3fbdbaf44⋯.png (101.43 KB, 421x250, 421:250, pope_this_week.png)




a cap from this weekend

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acc67e  No.16253610


>Got sauce for your claim that they're Israeli citizens?


got sauce that they aren't?

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4aedf1  No.16253611



It's his fucking site you moran.

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3e29b1  No.16253612

File: b831a2208a65b04⋯.png (912.79 KB, 717x785, 717:785, Biden_Fake_President_2.png)


Except the three branches already became one. They're giving you hints.

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246a3d  No.16253613

How come anons trust Q?

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7e8eeb  No.16253614

File: ad5a5dbff13041c⋯.png (283.87 KB, 1111x353, 1111:353, ClipboardImage.png)


Since Covid-19 vaccines became widely available, there has been a wide gap in deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. But recent Covid deaths are much more evenly split as highly transmissible variants take hold, vaccine protection wanes and booster uptake stagnates.

Breakthrough infections have become more common in recent months, putting vulnerable populations at increased risk of severe disease or death as more and more transmissible variants continue to spread. This seems to be especially true for seniors in the United States, who were among the first to get their initial vaccine series.

In the second half of September the height of the Delta wave less than a quarter of all Covid-19 deaths were among vaccinated people, federal data shows. But in January and February, amid the Omicron surge, more than 40% of Covid-19 deaths were among vaccinated people.

Getting more Americans boosted against Covid-19 could make a big difference as the country heads into the fall and winter, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said Monday.

"It's really important that we try to get the half or a little bit more than a half of Americans who have only received two doses to get that third dose," he said. "That may make a difference moving forward here, and it may particularly make a difference now that we're coming into yet another wave of Covid-19."

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f5f82c  No.16253615

File: bb8b0f2747ae3a6⋯.png (28.87 KB, 724x254, 362:127, ClipboardImage.png)


HONG KONG – Hong Kong authorities arrested a Roman Catholic cardinal, a singer and two others on Wednesday on suspicion of colluding with foreign forces to endanger China's national security, reports said.

Cardinal Joseph Zen, singer-actress Denise Ho, lawyer Margaret Ng and scholar Hui Po-keung were detained by Hong Kong’s National Security Police, the U.K.-based human rights group Hong Kong Watch said.

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5951c4  No.16253616


muh proofs?

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44042b  No.16253617

File: 78db96581344d32⋯.png (1.77 MB, 869x710, 869:710, capture_908_09052022_11145….png)

File: 2baaf42c57b9c32⋯.png (2.34 MB, 829x986, 829:986, capture_904_09052022_10594….png)

File: 63eca64932d6122⋯.png (2.33 MB, 821x990, 821:990, capture_905_09052022_11021….png)

File: a8272eb488b417b⋯.png (2.05 MB, 819x872, 819:872, capture_906_09052022_11062….png)

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, soonfall.gif)



<Newsmax is compromised>


John Podesta/Christopher Ruddy (Newsmax): Podesta/Ruddy/Vatican Connection

Re: Follow up to Rome


<To: ruddy@newsmax.com>

CC: Eryn_M_Sepp@who.eop.gov

<Date: 2014-05-29>

Subject: Re: Follow up to Rome

That should work. I'd like you to meetCecilia Munozwho leads our efforts on this if that's ok.


On May 29, 2014, at 3:22 PM, "Christopher Ruddy" <ruddy@newsmax.com> wrote:

John,Joe Conasonwas kind enough to share your email with me. It was very nice to see you again in Rome. The Newsmax delegation was very appreciative of the hospitality ofAmbassador Hackettand the administration’s delegation. I mentioned to you that I would be happy to help, if there was some shared ground, on the immigration issue. I recently wrote a column supporting Jeb Bush's view on some of this…This coming June 23 I will be in Washington during that week. If you are free at any point I would be glad to visit with you. Otherwise perhaps some other time I work. I get into DC every month.

Thank you.



Christopher Ruddy

CEO, Newsmax Media, Inc.


Cecilia Muñoz(born July 27, 1962) is an American political advisor who served as Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council under President Obama, a position she held for five years. Prior to that, she served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs for three years.

Before working for the White House, she was Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at theNational Council of La Raza(NCLR), the largest Latino advocacy organization in the United States. [1] At NCLR, she supervised all legislative and advocacy activities conducted by NCLR policy staff. She was also the Chair of the Board of the Center for Community Change and served on the U.S. Programs Board of theOpen Society Instituteand on the boards of directors of theAtlantic Philanthropiesand the National Immigration Forum. In 2000, she was named a MacArthur Fellow for her work on civil rights and immigration.[2]


Joe Conason(born January 25, 1954)[1] is an American journalist, author and liberal political commentator…Conason was born in New York City and grew up in White Plains, New York. The family's surname was originally "Cohen".[8] He was named after his paternal grandfather, Joseph Jacob Cohen, an organizer and journalist of the American anarchist movement during the 1920s and 1930s.[9] Conason's parents, Eleanor (née Levinson; August 20, 1917 – January 5, 2002) and Emanuel Voltaire Conason (1912–2008), co-owned Ellie Conason, a contemporary design and crafts store in White Plains.[10]

Conason earned a degree in history from Brandeis University in 1975.[11] In October 2002, he married Elizabeth Horan Wagley, then the development director of the U.S. branch of Médecins du Monde.[12] They have two children, Edward and Eleanor, and currently reside in New York City.


Kenneth Francis Hackett(born January 27, 1947) served as the United States Ambassador to the Holy See from August 2013 until January 2017.[1] He was previously president of Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

Hackett attended Boston College, graduating in 1968. He then joined the Peace Corps and served in Ghana. Afterwards, he joinedCatholic Relief Services(CRS), serving in Africa and Asia. He was named the president of CRS in 1993, retiring in 2011.[2]

He was nominated to the post as Ambassador by President Barack Obama in June 2013 and confirmed by the Senate on August 1, 2013.[3]

He presented his Letters of Credence to Pope Francis on October 21, 2013. In March 2016, he was appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, the highest Papal Award given to lay men and women. He took leave as Ambassador to the Holy See on 16 January 2017.[4]

<Clang! Clang! Clang!>

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f56bed  No.16253618

File: 134115253ac41c5⋯.png (14.83 KB, 454x233, 454:233, image_2022_05_11_102325973.png)

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58e7c2  No.16253619

File: 06c4f787b5167c2⋯.jpg (106.19 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, IMG_20220511_091944_854.jpg)

Ukraine turns off Europe-bound gas — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

May 10, 2022

"Kiev cites "force majeure" to halt a third of Russian transited gas flow to Europe, while Gazprom says there have been no issues that would justify the move

Russian gas conglomerate Gazprom has received no confirmation of force majeure or any obstacles to continued transit of gas through a junction in Lugansk Region, the company said on Tuesday, after Ukraine’s operator OGTSU announced it would halt further deliveries starting May 11, due to the presence of “Russian occupiers.”


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3e29b1  No.16253620


So why don't you post the sauce?

Oh that's right you can't.

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b215b2  No.16253621


Musk needs to reconcile…he's gonna have to eat the cake that he baked

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5951c4  No.16253622


>(Why doesn’t anyone talk of China hacking around the world)


resisting China

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6a7aed  No.16253623

File: aaf3bc2ab56bcba⋯.png (349.71 KB, 1007x657, 1007:657, supermanmovie.png)

File: 674168707301a34⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 2560x1371, 2560:1371, photo_2022_05_08_14_52_55.jpg)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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f56bed  No.16253624

File: 4f05ed1fabd9e94⋯.png (25.98 KB, 590x207, 590:207, Capture.PNG)

JUST IN: Eight environmental organizations have urged the White House to take action against Proof-of-Work and other #Bitcoin mining activities.


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5951c4  No.16253625


somebody wants to buy it cheap

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e972f4  No.16253626

File: 65fcf3beac00664⋯.png (51.29 KB, 542x460, 271:230, LyingJewSherriffIsrael.png)

File: 2a868ccb4a7bb73⋯.png (39.33 KB, 615x406, 615:406, LyingJewSilver.png)

File: 6c0723e170171de⋯.png (37.62 KB, 548x455, 548:455, LyingJewSmollett.png)

File: 75858a6d4b1aaf3⋯.png (210.15 KB, 556x377, 556:377, LyingJewSoros.png)

File: c6565ee651b9fdf⋯.png (43.51 KB, 597x418, 597:418, LyingJewYellen.png)


Why does it matter to you? They are Jews who serve Jews before the goyim.

Are you now going to deny that they are evil Jews hellbent on destroying America?

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628cd1  No.16253627

File: c6d4e4796504bf5⋯.jpeg (167.04 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 208D9E96_B143_4150_9CD5_7….jpeg)

11 May, 2022 13:55

No plans for martial law in Russia – Kremlin

The military operation in Ukraine is going “as planned” and no such move is needed, Putin’s spokesman says

(Weird picture, eh?)

Moscow harbors no plans to impose martial law in the country amid the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday, dismissing claims made by a top US spy.

“No, there are no such plans,” Peskov told reporters when asked to comment on a fresh statement by Director of US National Intelligence Avril Haines. The official also urged reporters and the public to listen to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has “reiterated and most recently confirmed that the special military operation is unfolding as planned.”

The top US spy Hainesalleged that Moscow may impose martial law in the country to ramp up its efforts in Ukraine. Haines also claimed that President Vladimir Putin’s “aims are greater than what Russia is capable of militarily” and the situation is likely to be “more unpredictable and potentially escalatory in the next few months.”

“The current trend indicates the likelihood that President Putin will turn to more drastic measures, including imposing martial law,” Haines claimed on Tuesday.

(The DNI just makes up shit!)


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5951c4  No.16253628


>somebody wants to buy it cheap

or needs to

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acc67e  No.16253629

File: 452cfa997b36fb9⋯.jpg (62.32 KB, 512x500, 128:125, Nina_dAnger.jpg)


>How come anons trust Q?

because free speech still exists

at QR

i am here for the research

to learn and to contribute

and to make a difference

and #msm 'firms its working, daily

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3e29b1  No.16253630


Why does it matter if someone posts bullshit?This movement is about Truth. Why does it matter to you if I call them out on it?

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f56bed  No.16253631

File: 0f9b8b075dff687⋯.png (493.92 KB, 600x625, 24:25, Capture.PNG)


U.S. Marines assigned to the Ground Combat Element,


, conduct an armored vehicle gun range with the 32nd Hellenic Marine Brigade during exercise #AlexandertheGreat22


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e972f4  No.16253632

File: 11def3778e0e3cb⋯.png (42.42 KB, 566x441, 566:441, LyingJewHaines.png)

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fe0eeb  No.16253633

File: 0e915129a5e5849⋯.png (683.19 KB, 1145x747, 1145:747, pepe_dr_nazi_padded_cell_s….png)

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2d6067  No.16253634



They are crashing alt-coins/BTC/ETH so that XRP/XLM can take over. Anons aren't paying attention anymore.

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e972f4  No.16253635

>>16253630 ← This is a Jew

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3684f4  No.16253636

File: 1ab24b212955e0c⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 775x436, 775:436, Police_Station_39th_Philly.jpg)

"A Philadelphia police officer shot a man after he stabbed an officer inside a Nicetown-Tioga police station Wednesday morning, a police source told NBC10. The police source said the shooting happened inside of a room in the 39th District on Hunting Park Avenue around 9 a.m. A man walked inside the station and stabbed a police officer in the back of the head, the source said. The officer was transported to the hospital, according to the source, and their condition was unknown. The civilian was shot once in the torso and taken to the hospital where he was placed in critical condition."


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999ceb  No.16253637

File: 5738c2ec2227d5a⋯.png (594.29 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, timetodiet2.png)


So glad we have someone with a brain who knows the law who is in charge here.

Coincidence? if so, a good one.

someone smart enough to have and keep this board, is someone smart enough to know the law.

Yeah I saw a bunch a threats; didn't report.

Next time I see it , I'll report

But I did call it out as illegal.

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1cbe7b  No.16253638


Wow, anons are on it today.

Oz / McCormick - World Economic Forum

Oz - Turkish dual passport holder

Normies awaken to World Economic Forum

Normies awaken to dual passport holders in Congress

Well done anons. Not everything will be clean.

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f3bdcf  No.16253639

File: 0f7093925dd9448⋯.png (347.53 KB, 1349x1889, 1349:1889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92edc5bcf243e28⋯.png (15.88 KB, 754x176, 377:88, ClipboardImage.png)



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4e11b7  No.16253640


rabbi? is that you?

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2d6067  No.16253641

File: a9dceca9f905350⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1948x6420, 487:1605, ClipboardImage.png)


>because free speech still exists

>at QR


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f5f82c  No.16253642

File: f7618ef29c684df⋯.png (359.63 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b4eef  No.16253643

File: 946950b711a5f46⋯.png (94.38 KB, 964x1574, 482:787, ClipboardImage.png)


[Pope] will be having a terrible May.

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567bf2  No.16253644

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e972f4  No.16253645

File: 88735d291edaf8a⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 724x696, 181:174, APBillion.jpg)

File: 1becb6949702a22⋯.jpg (82.14 KB, 1045x529, 1045:529, APBillionII.jpg)

>>16253633 ← It's working. The Great Awakening is happening.

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acc67e  No.16253646


i can see your post

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481afd  No.16253647


>Normies awaken to World Economic Forum

so true [shwabb]

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2d6067  No.16253648



>i can see your post

Won't aged well.

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628cd1  No.16253649

File: 9c59002eed0c260⋯.jpeg (192.53 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 4D4BACFB_602B_474B_BCE7_8….jpeg)

11 May, 2022 13:34

Germany signals massive drop in Russian gas supply

Import volumes coming via Ukraine fell by almost 25% on Wednesday, energy regulator says

Germany’s energy regulator said on Wednesday that Russian gas flows at the Waidhaus border point through Ukraine declined by 25% on the previous day. The announcement comes as Kiev has suspended a third of Russian gas supplies to Europe.

The regulator’s comment echoed an earlier statement by Germany’s economy ministry that flows of Russian gas via the key transit point in Ukraine had dried up. According to the regulator, Berlin’s overall imports were stable as it was more than offset by higher volumes from Norway and the Netherlands.

The Ukrainian gas transmission system operator said on Tuesday, it had decided to suspend operations at the major transit point due to “interference by the occupying forces.” The border point accounts for a third of Russian exports to Europe via Ukraine. Russia’s energy major Gazprom said it saw no reason for the disruption.

The move marked the biggest interruption to date. Despite the ongoing conflict, Russian gas supplies have continued to Europe, which is still heavily reliant on the country’s energy.

(So Ukraine is intentionally punishing EU states, probably to get more arms)


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481afd  No.16253650


news FLASH: you have to get the premium account for FULL ACCESS FREE SPEECH

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999ceb  No.16253651

File: 7132446d5a8cd75⋯.jpeg (215.91 KB, 1200x1197, 400:399, fbidoubestandardfc.jpeg)


either Progressive Liberal or FBI

oh I forgot, it's the same thing.

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f5f82c  No.16253652

File: 79d34a85a78798e⋯.png (36.94 KB, 598x398, 299:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ace987ac6f2543⋯.png (40.77 KB, 598x426, 299:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 590f90bfa8f996c⋯.png (32.74 KB, 598x342, 299:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb78d91d5f6bbee⋯.png (33.68 KB, 598x342, 299:171, ClipboardImage.png)


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ad2c03  No.16253653

File: 486e38781639d69⋯.jpg (150.86 KB, 754x1280, 377:640, photo_2022_04_19_15_41_57.jpg)

File: a985ef976052af6⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, d98b3e7ed6b82e1dd1b56dfbbf….jpg)

🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 SICK OF HEARING PEOPLE SAY "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WIDE SCALE VOTER FRAUD"? TELL THEM TO WATCH A DOZEN DIFFERENT EXAMPLES HERE 🖕🏻👉🏻 1-WATCH RIGGED HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v148gz1-2020-rigged-election-by-12-billion-dollars-of-zuckerberg-cash.html 2-WATCH 2000 MULES HERE 👉🏻 https://www.bitchute.com/video/2lwKCvbEZ5bo/ 3-WATCH RUBY FREEMAN & DAUGHTER RUNNING FAKE BALLOTS REPEATEDLY THRU COUNTER HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140w8z-2020-election-fraud-ruby-freeman-and-daughter-wandrea-shaye-moss.html 4-WATCH RALPH VOTE POLL SUPERVISOR PLAN CHEATNG WITH RUBY & SHAY HERE 👉🏻https://rumble.com/v140wgh-2020-election-fraudsters-ruby-and-wandrea.html 5-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD PA COUNTY OFFICIAL SAYING THERE IS NO WAY TO RECONCILE HERE👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140x6b-2020-election-fraud-pa-county-official-saying-there-is-no-way-to-reconcile.html 6-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD MARICOPA COUNTY SECURITY POLICIES BREACHS HERE👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140x0h-2020-election-fraud-maricopa-county-security-policies-breachs.html 7-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD FLASH DRIVES! HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140wtt-2020-election-fraud-flash-drives.html 8-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD BALLOTS IN THE RECYCLE BIN HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140wrb-2020-election-fraud-ballots-in-the-recycle-bin.html 9-WATCH 2020 GEORGIA ELECTION FRAUD HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140v8b-2020-georgia-election-fraud.html 10-WATCH 2020 ELECTION CHEATS IN ACTION AS SUPPOSED POLL WATCHERS FILLING OUT BALLOTS HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140v13-2020-election-cheats-in-action.html 11-WATCH MORE "POLL WORKERS" FILLING OUT BALLOTS WHILE WATCHERS SUPERVISE HERE 👉🏻https://rumble.com/v140uov-2020-election-fraud.html 12-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD MARIA ZACK TESTIMONY OF SHOCKING DOMINON MACHINE CHEATS HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140y6f-2020-election-fraud-maria-zack-testimony-of-shocking-dominon-machine-cheats.html

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3e29b1  No.16253654


That's right, hide behind calling everyone a Jew when you've got nothing else like you cowards always do.

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5951c4  No.16253655

File: e397da83e4bc8ed⋯.png (32.19 KB, 836x183, 836:183, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

muh homeless vote

147,000 of 'em. 8:1 in favor of Bitin'.

sauce flags muh homo bo filter


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f5f82c  No.16253656

File: e917da041e46aea⋯.png (29.59 KB, 598x314, 299:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a025b3e9c83ddc⋯.png (32.65 KB, 598x370, 299:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8794638711ffe40⋯.png (30.48 KB, 598x342, 299:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 365fc994e1901ee⋯.png (41.6 KB, 598x398, 299:199, ClipboardImage.png)



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3684f4  No.16253657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Secretary of Defense Austin and General Milley Testify on Defense Budget

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3e29b1  No.16253659


Nope. Jesus told us we're not to be called rabbi, which means teacher. Our teacher is one.

That you Adolf? Enjoy being a puppet?

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be0061  No.16253660

File: d7706b45d1bf05d⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1184x690, 592:345, ClipboardImage.png)

Y'all see in comms in this or naw?

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75da7c  No.16253661

File: 659ac1ab2f4429d⋯.jpg (9.54 MB, 5400x6600, 9:11, Fisa_Abuse_Timeline.jpg)

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999ceb  No.16253662

File: 2bd6abfd0063c67⋯.jpeg (578.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, fbi8a.jpeg)


god you FBI suck.

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be0061  No.16253663


any comms*

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f56bed  No.16253664

File: 0e75a54000744de⋯.png (332.93 KB, 470x641, 470:641, Capture.PNG)

File: 9abb77c871c21e3⋯.png (133.53 KB, 363x709, 363:709, Capture1.PNG)


In Mexico is de internationale rampenbestrijdingsoefening Tradewinds 2022 van start gegaan. Het ondersteuningsschip http://Zr.Ms. Pelikaan en het


doen namens


mee. Lees meer via https://defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/05/10/noodhulpverlening-centraal-tijdens-tradewinds

#koninklijkemarine #tradewinds22

Translated from Dutch by

The Tradewinds 2022 international disaster relief exercise has started in Mexico. The support http://Zr.Ms . Pelican and the


participate on behalf of


. Read more via https://defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2022/05/10/noodhulpverlening-centraal-tijdens-tradewinds

#koninklijkemarine #tradewinds22


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e972f4  No.16253665

File: 89bc20cc4b843c6⋯.png (340.77 KB, 828x536, 207:134, JewishStarSOS.png)

File: 4a9d83fa3b3de0d⋯.png (52.09 KB, 536x466, 268:233, JewishTraitor.png)

File: 3a934edaf7fabff⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 604x413, 604:413, JewishTraitor2.jpg)

File: 3924fed2959734e⋯.png (48.27 KB, 573x499, 573:499, JewishTraitor3.png)

File: 7c1860c4191f74b⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 606x412, 303:206, JewKosher.jpg)

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ef744c  No.16253666


OG graveyard used to have 3ish hour breads with one baked somewhere in the middle of the night.

Certainly never had many that made it too far into Swordy Shift like the ones these days do.

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fe0eeb  No.16253667

File: 2789fb6490c0603⋯.png (590.04 KB, 789x689, 789:689, feds_2.png)

File: e42004c63656e31⋯.png (1.18 MB, 860x680, 43:34, nazi_groomers.png)

File: 40b820e046072f5⋯.jpg (91.83 KB, 600x900, 2:3, R_5_.jpg)

File: a6c988b55b5fbc2⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 332x500, 83:125, R_4_.jpg)

File: 3bb737292f21baf⋯.png (307.02 KB, 503x457, 503:457, kid_lie_its_the_jews.png)

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ef19c8  No.16253668


deleted in





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075ae8  No.16253669

File: 6255df8d1b5525a⋯.jpeg (468.88 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Ravage_me.jpeg)


Good Morning Baker

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e972f4  No.16253670


22 refers to a curse that Herod put on Jesus. The curse has been broken, hence the Harvest.

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186f4c  No.16253671


(PB) you fucking retard.

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58e7c2  No.16253672

File: 7762f6c08eb7846⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 1280x913, 1280:913, IMG_20220511_092725_881.jpg)

Anon loves patriots and anon(s) so much right now. It's personal but, it's helping strengthen the resolve.

We need unity, we have one goal. Freedom.

❤ ✨ ❤ 🌠 ❤

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f5f82c  No.16253673

File: bdabd1ed262b755⋯.png (33 KB, 598x370, 299:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdabd1ed262b755⋯.png (33 KB, 598x370, 299:185, ClipboardImage.png)





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3e29b1  No.16253674

File: d711a538e7085b1⋯.png (11.62 KB, 422x168, 211:84, 8cecef8e22a789594d8f9f16ab….png)

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c63cb6  No.16253675

Jaimie Foxx Out of The Closet as a Trump Supporter


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24dd3f  No.16253676

File: 0c0395f44dbb250⋯.png (71.23 KB, 268x195, 268:195, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f5304  No.16253677

File: cb38d6b8cdcb77d⋯.png (483.92 KB, 356x542, 178:271, israel_war_crimes.png)

File: 31faaff12777c40⋯.jpg (126.81 KB, 780x703, 780:703, 31faaff12777c404615899f77c….jpg)


>She was murdered in cold blood in front of everyone by the IDF.

Typical Jews!

So are the Jews, can fight only against women children and unarmed!

If, on the other hand, they face enemy armed forces, they piss and shit themselves from top to bottom!

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0d2e40  No.16253678

File: 86f16c047d8a380⋯.png (61.36 KB, 446x275, 446:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef19c8  No.16253680

File: 4135d5bd9f55e10⋯.png (102.89 KB, 2454x386, 1227:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Free speech board, as long as you don't question admin

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628cd1  No.16253681

The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer

Marc Elias, the left's go-to attack dog, is laughed out of court, accused of lying to the special counsel, and on the losing end of several voting-rights cases

It's not every day that a federal judge calls a lawsuit from one of the country's top lawyers a nasty and partisan "Hail Mary pass" intended to undermine free and fair elections. But that's what happened on Wednesday when U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, tossed out a lawsuit brought by Democratic superlawyer Marc Elias.

"In the 102 years since my father, then a Ukrainian refugee, came into this country, if there were two things that he drilled into my head, they were … free, open, rational elections [and] respect for the courts. The relief that I'm being asked to give today impinges, to some degree, on the public perception of both," Kaplan said of the lawsuit, which sought to preserve redistricting lines in New York state that a court had already ruled unconstitutional. "And I'm not going to do that."

It's been a rough month for Elias, the man former president Barack Obama tapped to lead his post-presidential initiative to expand "voting rights" and the Democratic Party's premier legal attack dog. Just last week, Special Counsel John Durham accused Elias, who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign—and who every election cycle counts virtually every powerful Democrat as a client—of lying about his relationship with the opposition research firm he retained to assist that campaign.

In an attempt to shield communications between Fusion GPS and Rodney Joffe, a firm client hawking Russian collusion theories, Elias told Durham that he retained Fusion to support his legal work—and that, as a result, it is subject to attorney-client privilege. Durham was not having it: "The factual record and Fusion GPS's own communications raise serious questions about this depiction," he wrote.

Elias's tactics are now drawing rebukes from judges, prosecutors, andeven fellow Democrats, who say his hard-charging nature is hurting the party. Elias is publicly reeling. He last month scrubbed years of posts from his Twitter feed and hasn't explained why. The move comes less than a year after he decamped from the white-shoe law firm Perkins Coie to found his own law firm—ostensibly to engage "more fully" in the "political process," though some speculate the firm was increasingly uncomfortable with Elias's tactics and the scrutiny of the Durham probe. Durham indicted Elias's partner, Michael Sussman, a month after Elias left.

"Elias has virtually limitless funding and will challenge any voting law anywhere if he thinks doing so will help his party," said the Honest Elections Project's Jason Snead. "His strategy often backfires since many of the cases are weak or frivolous. Some of Elias's allies on the left criticize his strategy and judgment."

Durham's accusation is not the first time that Elias has been slammed for rank dishonesty. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year sanctioned him for "lack of candor" in a Texas election case, which Elias ferociously contests.

He has run into trouble on substance, too, blundering into a major defeat in the Supreme Court in 2021 that some critics say was entirely of his own making.

That came when Elias challenged two ordinary voting regulations in Arizona under a provision of the Voting Rights Act that protects minority political involvement. Liberals did not want the Court to rule on the scope of that provision—they feared the conservatives would interpret it narrowly and hamstring their attacks on new red-state election laws.

The scope of that provision was an open question that liberals wanted to keep out of the Supreme Court. The conservative justices have repeatedly trimmed the reach of the Voting Rights Act, and liberals feared Elias would bring about a like result, especially since the rules he challenged were common to blue and red states alike.

The Court's decision in Brnovich v. DNC played out exactly as liberals feared. Justice Samuel Alito delivered a 6-3 decision that upheld Arizona's rules, announced new limits on the Voting Rights Act challenges, and in so doing put new red-state election regulations on firmer footing. Democrats saw the ruling as an unmitigated catastrophe….


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5951c4  No.16253682

File: 82a7592d18b26d4⋯.png (48.77 KB, 732x383, 732:383, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

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e972f4  No.16253683

File: 7f0498b14fe3c08⋯.jpg (89.15 KB, 500x499, 500:499, FalseFlag.jpg)

File: 8121594f5201cd4⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 751x441, 751:441, FalseFlagIII_Copy.jpg)


Remember that time when the Jewish kid from Israel phoned in a bunch of bomb threats all over the US so Nadler could blame it on Trump and his supporters?

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ad2c03  No.16253684

File: a10b098ce3a1f17⋯.jpeg (140.66 KB, 1080x770, 108:77, EmA0WxPVMAAbshq.jpeg)

File: 7ec6e0cc952864e⋯.jpeg (163.09 KB, 1242x1126, 621:563, When_the_count_was_stoppe….jpeg)

File: 6ac5b8aaa3906ba⋯.png (740.19 KB, 708x736, 177:184, Picture1.png)

File: fc058685f6ac837⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 3734x2202, 1867:1101, fc058685f6ac8376e49d701025….jpg)



1-WATCH RIGGED HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v148gz1-2020-rigged-election-by-12-billion-dollars-of-zuckerberg-cash.html

2-WATCH 2000 MULES HERE 👉🏻 https://www.bitchute.com/video/2lwKCvbEZ5bo/

3-WATCH RUBY FREEMAN & DAUGHTER RUNNING FAKE BALLOTS REPEATEDLY THRU COUNTER HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140w8z-2020-election-fraud-ruby-freeman-and-daughter-wandrea-shaye-moss.html

4-WATCH RALPH VOTE POLL SUPERVISOR PLAN CHEATNG WITH RUBY & SHAY HERE 👉🏻https://rumble.com/v140wgh-2020-election-fraudsters-ruby-and-wandrea.html

5-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD, PA COUNTY OFFICIAL SAYING THERE IS NO WAY TO RECONCILE HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140x6b-2020-election-fraud-pa-county-official-saying-there-is-no-way-to-reconcile.html

6-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD MARICOPA COUNTY SECURITY POLICIES BREACHES HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140x0h-2020-election-fraud-maricopa-county-security-policies-breachs.html

7-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD FLASH DRIVES! HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140wtt-2020-election-fraud-flash-drives.html

8-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD BALLOTS IN THE RECYCLE BIN HERE 👉🏻https://rumble.com/v140wrb-2020-election-fraud-ballots-in-the-recycle-bin.html

9-WATCH 2020 GEORGIA ELECTION FRAUD HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140v8b-2020-georgia-election-fraud.html

10-WATCH 2020 ELECTION CHEATS IN ACTION AS SUPPOSED POLL WATCHERS FILLING OUT BALLOTS HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140v13-2020-election-cheats-in-action.html

11-WATCH MORE “POLL WORKERS” FILLING OUT BALLOTS WHILE WATCHERS SUPERVISE HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140uov-2020-election-fraud.html

12-WATCH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD MARIA ZACK TESTIMONY OF SHOCKING DOMINION MACHINE CHEATS HERE 👉🏻 https://rumble.com/v140y6f-2020-election-fraud-maria-zack-testimony-of-shocking-dominon-machine-cheats.html

STAY TUNED TO 👉 https://t.me/RichLDNRDGorillaBroadcast FOR MORE EXAMPLES!


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999ceb  No.16253685

File: 026b28e8e70ccc8⋯.png (200.05 KB, 757x304, 757:304, bvginger.png)


how is that grooming loser?


still waiting.

I guess the mules are all workjing for the governemtn too'

And so is Bidan

As soon as you make sense I'll stop calling you out as crap.


They also have their own army of thugs

cf "2000 Mule' Team

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5951c4  No.16253686

File: e0c3622070f596b⋯.png (86.7 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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e972f4  No.16253687

File: 173f50a7308afbc⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 389x267, 389:267, BrockTrotsky.jpg)


Say hi to Brocksky for me.

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f56bed  No.16253688


View this guys stuff - https://rumble.com/c/c-863943

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0abb2d  No.16253689

File: 61ad36de4d94566⋯.png (370.37 KB, 932x524, 233:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09a62fdad919c73⋯.png (160.06 KB, 932x524, 233:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91bb6ea9381f990⋯.png (470.94 KB, 932x524, 233:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a3d4656e831be7⋯.png (429.78 KB, 932x524, 233:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Rapper Young Thug, associates arrested for RICO Act charges in Atlanta

Published May 9, 2022 10:23PMUpdated May 10, 2022 9:22PM

ATLANTA - Popular Atlanta rapper Young Thug was arrested Monday in Buckhead and was among 28 people listed in an 88-page indictment filed on Sunday in Fulton County Superior Court.

Jeffery Lamar Williams, who goes by the stage name Young Thug was charged with participation in criminal street activity and conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, according to the indictment. The indictment outlines specific charges against Williams and his 27 associates. The court document refers to the group as the "Young Slime Life" (YSL) enterprise, and stated that members "conspired to associate and with others for the common purposes of illegally obtaining money and property through a pattern of racketeering activity and conducting and participating in the enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity."

The indictment lists more than 180 acts that support just the first of the 56 separate charges handed down to the various members of the YSL. Among those other charges are murder, aggravated assault, firearms violations, theft, drug possession, participating in street gang activity, armed robbery, and carjacking between 2012 and 2020.

Right now, Williams is only charged with those two counts, but is listed in the indictment as being one of the YSL founders along with Walter Murphy and Trontavious Stephen.

Speaking at a press conference Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant said the arrest of Williams "got one of our top offenders off of the street."

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said she has made it a priority to target gangs wreaking "havock on our community," arguing that over 75% of violent crimes in Fulton County were connected with street gangs.

"I said just a week or two ago, it does not matter what your notoriety is or what your fame is, if you come to Fulton County, Georgia and you commit crimes - and certainly if those crimes are in furtherance of a street gang - then you will become a target and focus of this district attorney's office and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law," Willis said.

Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steel told local media that, "Mr. Williams committed no crime whatsoever" and that he would "fight till his last drop of blood to clear him."

Also indicted on Monday were Atlanta rapper Gunna, whose real name is Sergio Kitchens, and aspiring rapper Christian Eppinger, who was already in jail, accused of shooting an Atlanta Police officer six times in February. Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat said that Gunna, who is accused of conspiracy to violate the state’s RICO act, is not in custody at this time.

Willis estimated that it should take the next two weeks to get everyone indicted into custody and said Georgians should expect more RICO charges against other gangs.

"RICOs is a tool I use," she said.

What is the "Young Slime Life" enterprise?

The "Young Slime Life" enterprise started as a street gang in the Cleveland Avenue area of Atlanta in 2012, according to the indictment. Williams, who also goes by "Slime," along with Murphy, who goes by "DK," and Stephens, who goes by "Tick" or "Slug," create it as an affiliate of the national Bloods gang, the court document states. Williams has been known to reference it in his songs and on social media. The indictment stated that in its 10 years, it has expanded to include "the surrounding metropolitan Atlanta area."

Some YSL members claims close ties to Blood subset gangs SexMoneyMurder or 30 Deep, the indictment continued. Associates wear red for the Bloods and green for Slime. The indictment states they also wear clothing that has "YSL" or "Slime" on it. They also might have similar pendants with those words or "SLATT" on it.

Like many gangs, YSL uses a variety of hands signs. The indictment outlines a couple including the wiping of the nose with the index finger. Another hand sign is the curling of the ring and pinky fingers inward towards the palm.

"The extended middle and index fingers represent the 'Y.' The curved middle finger and curved ring finger represent the 'S.' The extended index finger and thumb represent the 'L,'" the indictment reads.


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5b1e81  No.16253690

File: a4d805eacf0fe0d⋯.png (7.4 KB, 503x68, 503:68, ClipboardImage.png)







It's not a sci-fi thing.

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6c0c97  No.16253691

Anon was distracted as opening catalog, started scrolling and there are so many posts about Chewbacca, technical analysis of new vs. old, his fur, his sounds. The terms “wiki” and “fandom” bouncing all over the damned place! The level of slippery slide fig faggotry has finally tipped the scales, anon decides. Then realizes not in QR at all…

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c3648b  No.16253692


It's sugar and high-glycemic foods. The amount of fructose consumed was too high in 1950 but has skyrocketed since. It's in damn-near everything that's processed, and people suck down fruit juice and sugary drinks like they're dying of thirst. Thing is, what most people think is "thirst" is not - it's sugar craving in liquid form. That's why kids say they're thirsty but won't drink water if offered to them. If one was truly "thirsty" they wouldn't hesitate to drink water.

Not that there aren't other problems with the shit they put in food, but if you're talking about people looking like fat slobs, then certainly fructose consumption is the main culprit.

Yes, cut it out immediately. Limit fructose intake to natural sources, like fruits, and in moderation. Foods that break down into sugars are bad as well. That includes grains and other starchy foods.

Meat. Vegetables. Fruit. Dairy (as close to unprocessed as possible) = real food. It's nice to enjoy a treat once in awhile, but if more than 20% of your meals are shit, you're never going to optimize your health.

The fat slobs, though? They're probably consuming upwards of 150g of sugar daily. You should shoot to keep it under 20g if not lower.

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635bd4  No.16253693


>Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

Identify and list

Q directive posted 21 November 2017. Have anons done this last 4 1/2 years? Where can anon find this list? archived?

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e972f4  No.16253694

File: a8faf5d0ba745a0⋯.png (106.58 KB, 500x659, 500:659, ChewieBeautIII.png)

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5d8369  No.16253695

File: 23f3b97ed7b1e02⋯.png (954.4 KB, 926x603, 926:603, gp8.PNG)

File: 08c4513fa0db9d6⋯.png (104.63 KB, 721x297, 721:297, akb.PNG)

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4f5304  No.16253696

File: db03c0d25390421⋯.jpg (6.04 KB, 250x176, 125:88, db03c0d253904218bd5d0ceb1e….jpg)


Well you dirty Jew and wannabe Dutchman!

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2e3557  No.16253697


unless you're a prick posting absolute bullshit

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58e7c2  No.16253698

File: 36d9cf0fa6c852e⋯.jpg (64.62 KB, 582x719, 582:719, IMG_20220511_093652_615.jpg)

This tis an outrage.

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6c0c97  No.16253699


Kek! 💙

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e077fe  No.16253700

File: 68ee26e84d340e4⋯.jpeg (32.7 KB, 539x368, 539:368, 68ee26e84d340e4e8c73afa71….jpeg)

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fe0eeb  No.16253701

File: d3dd1c5708b36b4⋯.png (35.14 KB, 742x370, 371:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68f4cd0f0864594⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 628x628, 1:1, no.jpg)


Kathy Barnette


#BLM #DefundThePolice


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9e8711  No.16253702


>unless you're a prick posting absolute bullshit

Hi Dart.

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628cd1  No.16253704

File: 2b464022cb663ab⋯.jpeg (386 KB, 1241x1453, 1241:1453, 351D84C0_39CB_40A8_A916_5….jpeg)

We are gonna hear from the WH, 8.3% of inflation is good and its all Putin’s fault, or Trump’s fault!


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075ae8  No.16253706

File: 19caf03a985abd8⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1280x1239, 1280:1239, We_ll_doctor_our_work_pro….jpeg)

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f81c85  No.16253707


Please purchase Premium and you can see who actually gets banned and the raisins here.


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567bf2  No.16253708

File: be17f86d2d5b9a4⋯.png (883.37 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_05_11….png)

File: ffbeeccdf555e62⋯.png (102.54 KB, 533x328, 13:8, Screenshot_from_2022_05_11….png)


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3e29b1  No.16253709

File: 1fe97d871017d63⋯.png (38.14 KB, 768x283, 768:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc0fcda4aee07eb⋯.png (8.79 KB, 341x138, 341:138, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1e2f76b05167f9⋯.png (395.15 KB, 652x503, 652:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b81f13ca20b2cf4⋯.png (59.11 KB, 255x238, 15:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Waiting for what? Maybe you should pay more attention.

Biden Elf on a shelf/Lets' go Brandon I agree


Biden I am not your President, Donald Trump is still your President


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b215b2  No.16253710


I heard a theory yesterday that POTUS endorsed Oz so that Oz would take the momentum away from the other candidate (some WEF fucker), enabling a victory for Barnette

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0abb2d  No.16253711


Members will also make "the 'two guns' hand sign by forming pistols with their fingers, and pointing them in opposite directions."

The words "BLATT," meaning "Blood Love All the Time," and "SLATT," meaning "Slime Love All the Time," are also used, the court document shows.

"They also refer to Cleveland Avenue as 'Bleveland,' replacing the 'C' with a 'B.' Green Heart, Green Snake, Blowing Nose, and Green Vomit emojis, are also symbols commonly used by members of YSL," the indictment reads.

What charges do Young Thug and the "Young Slime Life" enterprise face?

According to the indictment, each of the 28 defendent were charged with conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Those listed in the indictment include:

• Kahlieff Adams, who goes by "Bobby Hunt," was also charged with attempted murder and two counts of participation in criminal street gang activity.

• Martinez Arnold, who goes by "Duke," faces no additional charges.

• Derontae Bebee, who goes by "Bee" or just "B," was also charged with theft by receiving stolen property, two counts of violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, possession of a firearm by convicted felon, participation in criminal street gang activity, armed robbery, and hijacking a motor vehicle in the first degree.

• Damone Blalock, who goes by "Bali," faces no additional charges.

• Javaris Bradford, who goes by "Tuda," was also charged with murder.

• Justin Cobb, who goes by "Duwap," was also charged with murder.

• Cordarius Dorsey, who goes by "Polo" or "Juicy," was also charged with conspiracy to commit a crime.

• Christian Eppinger, who goes by "Bhris," was also charged with armed robbery, hijacking a motor vehicle in the first degree, possession of a firearm by a first offender probationer, theft by taking, two counts of attempted murder, two counts of possession of a firearm by a first offender probationer, two counts of possession of firearm during commission of a felony, three counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

• Miles Farley, who goes by "Slato" or "Lil Miles," was also charged with murder, two counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, and possession of firearm during commission of a felony.

• Jevon Fleetwood, who goes by "4tray" or "Psycho," faces no additional charges.

• Damekion Garlington, who goes by "Dee" or "Sxarfaxe," was also charged with murder, attempted murder, four counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, and possession of firearm during commission of a felony.

• Quantavious Grier, who goes by "Unfoonk," was also charged with theft by receiving stolen property.

• Marquavius Huey, who goes by "Qua," was also charged with three counts of armed robbery, four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, hijacking a motor vehicle in the first degree, five counts of possession of firearm during commission of a felony, four counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, possession of a weapon by incarcerated individual, and possession of a telecommunication device by incarcerated individual.

• Deamonte Kendrick, who goes by "Yak Gotti," was also charged with murder.

• Sergio Igtchens, who goes by "Gunna," faces no additional charges.

• Wunnie Lee, who goes by "Slimelife Shawty," faces no additional charges.

• Demise McMullen, who goes by "Nard," was also charged with murder.

• Tenquarius Mender, who goes by Nard, who goes by "Stunna," was also charged with possession of a weapon by incarcerated individual, possession of a telecommunication device by incarcerated individual, and participation in criminal street gang activity.


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b215b2  No.16253712

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0abb2d  No.16253713


• Walter Murphy, who goes by "DK," faces no additional charges.

• Jayden Myrick, who goes by "SetTrip" or "JayMan," was also charged with attempted murder, possession of a weapon by incarcerated individual, and two counts of participation in criminal street gang activity.

• Quamarvious Nichols, who goes by "Qua," was also charged with murder, two counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon previously convicted of felony involving the use or possession of a firearm, and possession of firearm during commission of a felony.

• Rodalius Ryan, who goes by "Lil Rod," faces no additional charges.

• Antonio Sledge, who goes by "Mounk Tounk," was also charged with possession of firearm during commission of a felony.

• Trontavious Stephens, who goes by "Tick" or "Slug," faces no additional charges.

• Shannon Stillwell, who goes by "Shannon Jackson" or "SB," was also charged with two counts of murder, two counts of participation in criminal street gang activity, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon previously convicted of felony involving the use or possession of a firearm, and possession of firearm during commission of a felony

• Antonio Sumlin, who goes by "Obama," was also charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit a crime and participation in criminal street gang activity.

• Jeffery Williams, who goes by "Young Thug" or "Slime," was also charged with participation in criminal street gang activity.

• Jimmy Winfrey, who goes by "Roscoe," was also charged with violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, possession of a firearm by convicted felon, and participation in criminal street gang activity

Young Thug's previous run-ins with law enforcement

This is not Williams’s first run in with the law in Georgia. In July 2015, his home was raided after police said he threatened a security guard. In Dec. 2016, he was arrested at Lennox Square on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. They have all since bonded out. In Sept. 2017, Brookhaven police arrested him on drug charges during a traffic stop for an alleged illegal tint violation. He was charged with possession of meth, hydrocodone, and marijuana with intent to distribute as well as having three other controlled substances and a firearm during the commission of a felony.

Williams was booked into the Fulton County Jail.



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f56bed  No.16253714

File: d778d8c06c560cf⋯.jpg (58.29 KB, 720x812, 180:203, photo_2022_05_11_05_41_55.jpg)


Looks like Australia WILL eat the bugs.

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5d8369  No.16253715

File: 5fdffca68e4b032⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1037x740, 1037:740, groomers.PNG)

File: a6eac07de8a44be⋯.png (127.48 KB, 266x275, 266:275, gr4.PNG)

File: 646e990d804a9a1⋯.png (520.26 KB, 730x535, 146:107, gp5.PNG)

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036227  No.16253716

File: 37b9c99e022e775⋯.png (217.93 KB, 706x410, 353:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05293f8c707f4c9⋯.png (233.05 KB, 464x320, 29:20, ClipboardImage.png)

ABRAM01 USAF C-5 Galaxy out of McGuire AFB

Roman Abramovich

Could also be Abraham but it's got M instead of H

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635bd4  No.16253717


I thought it was the zhazarian mafia PRETENDING to be jewish? Is that what you are doing shill?

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15da55  No.16253718

File: 7213ea33baf0953⋯.png (108.72 KB, 1160x403, 1160:403, QDrop_Protect_6_14_46_PDJT….png)

File: ea0249cd4cbf367⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1698x1304, 849:652, theMAK_ing_of_soRos_vs_saT….png)

File: 8b8a3f9f4399708⋯.png (31.21 KB, 443x399, 443:399, _P_indaRoths_Protectorate.png)

File: edc4958debed7d9⋯.png (645.53 KB, 1240x800, 31:20, The_Protectorate_2021_06_0….png)


>something about viruses

about the virus?


your protection?

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b215b2  No.16253719


square pupils?

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628cd1  No.16253720

File: 8da5c6f27a0274e⋯.jpeg (321.92 KB, 1241x1497, 1241:1497, 1B7E2F15_5918_4D8F_8B34_D….jpeg)

Now they are going punish and censure doctors for practicing medicine


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f5f82c  No.16253721

File: a0ea053eefbc204⋯.png (293.34 KB, 686x576, 343:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e7a6d  No.16253722


Showed us how to find the receipts.

So their questions to us panned out.

And don't forget deltas of connected truth.

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759265  No.16253723

>>16252723 (PB)


Good read on the Great Reset…


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1104d5  No.16253724


>I thought it was the zhazarian mafia PRETENDING to be jewish? Is that what you are doing shill?

Weird how you always tell us it's the Satanists when Jews are mentioned, and then proceed to make 50 posts about Catholics.

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f56bed  No.16253725



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999ceb  No.16253726

File: 38c95ab8b5a49ca⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, karilake.mp4)


why are the spokeswoman (real woman BTW) so much better looking than what passes for Retarded Dogs who speak for the libs?


Is part of their philosophy "Ugly is beautiful" Or are they so busy making the world into a dictatorship that they forget to look in the mirror?

Look at this "Kari Lake"

stunning, here. In more ways than one?

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4f5304  No.16253727

File: 3e8ced7155f0897⋯.gif (6.08 MB, 600x337, 600:337, tdfasafg.gif)

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b215b2  No.16253728



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f5f82c  No.16253729

File: ae1c8f3deeb65c4⋯.png (639.16 KB, 653x1639, 653:1639, ClipboardImage.png)


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c5e0d2  No.16253730


why not both?

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44042b  No.16253731

File: be547672560edbd⋯.png (1.05 MB, 529x694, 529:694, capture_1364_11052022_0744….png)



Moar better w/o tracker.

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4f5304  No.16253732

File: f532d7cbbd4dd8c⋯.png (467.09 KB, 545x552, 545:552, Pagan.png)

File: 7a26f7bb3758298⋯.png (197.13 KB, 430x474, 215:237, no_abrahamic_kvetching_Hai….png)

File: f3ff6d14e588928⋯.png (397.33 KB, 546x363, 182:121, gzhdf.png)

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be0061  No.16253733

File: 555edf6643029e3⋯.png (197.35 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Amazing stuff here…

Passenger with "no idea how to fly" lands plane after pilot incapacitated

CBSNews - 3h ago


Apassenger without any flight experience managed to safely land a plane in Florida Tuesday after the pilot suffered a possible medical emergency, the FAA said.

Dramatic audio between the passenger and air traffic controllers revealed the tense moments before the single-engine Cessna 208 landed at Palm Beach International Airport.

In the audio obtained by CBS News, the unidentified passenger can be heard saying: "I've got a serious situation here. My pilot has gone incoherent. I have no idea how to fly the airplane."

"Roger. What's your position?" a controller responds.

"I have no idea. I can see the coast of Florida in front of me. And I have no idea," the passenger says.

The controller can be heard instructing the passenger to "maintain wings level" and to "just try to follow the coast, either north or southbound."

Minutes later, air traffic controllers were able to locate the plane on radar and walk the passenger through how to land the small plane.

"The aircraft landed safely and one patient was transported to a local hospital," Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said in a statement.

There was no word on the name or condition of the pilot. They were the only two people aboard the plane.

The FAA said it will investigate the incident.

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11ed46  No.16253734

File: bb73ae5bdf68af2⋯.jpeg (35.1 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7E6F51CD_4690_48ED_AD86_0….jpeg)

Greetings, dear friends, we would like to help you understand something that has been puzzling you. We do not want to download too much new information into your field right now, for you are more than busy staying righted in these powerful celestial energies.

There is much coming at you right now to help you in your earth mission and we are steadying you to accept these energies while remaining stable in your highest vibration. Know that you are very courageous, for we see you riding these energies and facing them with strength.

No second thoughts, you square your shoulders and deal with them head on. Have we told you how talented you are? You were brave to accept your earth mission. Many were called and many answered but only a few were allowed to take on this mantle, for the chance of success was much higher for you, our talented ground crew.

You earned the admiration of the many beings that watch what you are doing here. But you would continue in your mission even if there were no one watching you, for being admired is not necessary for this group. You do what you do because you made yourself a promise to lend your talent, to lend your love, to lend your very self to Mother Gaia and this earthly mission.

While it is not necessary for us to praise you and it is not necessary for you to hear these worlds, perhaps when you have a moment of overwhelm, a bit of praise may help you to attain your sense of confidence again, especially if these energies had caused you to lose your footing for a moment.

There are many others joining you now on this earth, for your actions have released the awakening frequencies that many have needed. From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.

They will be confused at first, but as they emit their higher frequencies, a wave of relief will sweep over you and you will not feel so alone there, our beautiful children on planet earth.

How we love you for what you have done before, as you prepared the groundwork. How we love you for what you are doing now as you step through the high waters of ascension and for what you will do in the future as you mingle your energies with others and spring-board through love to your future together.

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1104d5  No.16253735

File: 45c33951159c366⋯.png (31.85 KB, 1148x310, 574:155, ClipboardImage.png)




>Free speech board.

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5d8369  No.16253736

File: 08c4513fa0db9d6⋯.png (104.63 KB, 721x297, 721:297, akb.PNG)

File: 40ff61f9d4b4082⋯.png (673.79 KB, 1146x1154, 573:577, gp9.PNG)


McCormick …he's backed by no other than traitor, Pat Tumor.

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e972f4  No.16253738

File: 97108c6a6544774⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 512x487, 512:487, AnimalHouseJews.jpg)

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3e29b1  No.16253739

File: b8422ae883c1017⋯.png (12.11 KB, 287x125, 287:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c509481689f97c⋯.png (49.89 KB, 188x268, 47:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 820e28ad87c2c84⋯.png (12.19 KB, 458x163, 458:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4684668ba7b6ab6⋯.png (8.87 KB, 386x166, 193:83, ClipboardImage.png)



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1104d5  No.16253740

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28943f  No.16253741

File: 749274dc917c7f8⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 300x455, 60:91, BT.jpg)

>>16253413 (PB)

Mornin Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



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5b1e81  No.16253742


If it was both, Q wouldn't have differentiated. But you knew that already.

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28943f  No.16253743

















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3753dc  No.16253744


This shouldn't even be a speculation for any anon.

If the person is high-profile, then they are to be suspected. Trust none of them. None of them.

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e972f4  No.16253745

File: b8d047198979092⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 467x356, 467:356, CosbyII.JPG)

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f81c85  No.16253746

So, what happens this morning at 9:30 in Washington DC?

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6f361b  No.16253747

File: eed77ee912e869b⋯.png (682.15 KB, 849x517, 849:517, April_18_day_shift.png)


Morning anon. Today is a good day to walk in victory.

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571def  No.16253748


But was he grateful for the protection it continues to provide?

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036227  No.16253749

File: da6b472a2eb5352⋯.png (466 KB, 850x452, 425:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 572c082b7043453⋯.png (83.17 KB, 1352x734, 676:367, ClipboardImage.png)

empty callsign Joe departed JAB to Chicago-O'Hare Int'l with 09-0016 USAF C-32A as escort-prolly to to Mitchell Int'l in Milwaukee

Biden heads to Illinois to unveil new steps to aid farmers, lower food prices




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f885f9  No.16253750


gross and ghey

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e077fe  No.16253751

File: 3a388be5c3e3995⋯.jpg (67.29 KB, 562x473, 562:473, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….jpg)

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be0061  No.16253752



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e972f4  No.16253753

File: 21a6cdaebeb9b0c⋯.png (56.98 KB, 592x500, 148:125, ZelenskyHitlerIIII.png)

File: 4d4dbf26a06620f⋯.png (43.1 KB, 576x433, 576:433, LyingJewHitler.png)

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6c0c97  No.16253754

File: 7c04c6890f2e113⋯.jpeg (85.08 KB, 500x708, 125:177, 64D2F5B2_212D_43D9_BF7E_E….jpeg)

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ef85fe  No.16253755

File: c7b31335560cb25⋯.png (573.89 KB, 800x869, 800:869, Screenshot_20220511_104517….png)


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f56bed  No.16253757

File: 99c58cdf1265071⋯.jpg (841.51 KB, 2048x1372, 512:343, MV5BMjEzMzM2NTc4MF5BMl5Ban….jpg)


We are anons

Hit us with what you got, we can handle anytihng.

Tits or GTFO

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fe0eeb  No.16253758


Kathy Barnette






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44042b  No.16253759

File: beae47bf8108e5f⋯.png (536.93 KB, 464x394, 232:197, _Anonymous_Just_now_28943f….png)



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c5e0d2  No.16253760


SKY EVENT = Betelgeuse supernova


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3684f4  No.16253761

Secretary Austin: Last month I convened the first meeting of what's now the Contact Group on Ukrainian Security. It's a group of defense leaders from around the world, committed to supporting Ukraine, after Russia's unprovoked and unjust invasion.

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999ceb  No.16253762

File: 6d349fb7de4e23f⋯.mp4 (12.19 MB, 576x464, 36:29, abortionrights.MP4)




remember Dr. Mengele, etc.

We were never supposed to forget.

And the Queen Liz does alt medicine her whole life.Homeopathic,

which is totally outside the accepted scientific religion.

Look at this nutcase, who doesn't even make sense.

We're supposed to take advise from nutcases who want to kill us?

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055f9c  No.16253763


The purpose? To create Israel and establish Zionism as the future of the Earth.

Jews puppeted Hitler, to persecute Jews, so the Jews could be rewarded with a "homeland" to "return" to…in accordance with The Plan which priests will tell you is Prophesy.

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0d2e40  No.16253764



dubs cheked


will chek it out

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4f5304  No.16253765

File: cf64c076e482fb8⋯.gif (4.8 MB, 600x337, 600:337, ezgif_1_9b45188162ef.gif)


>I thought it was the zhazarian mafia PRETENDING to be jewish? Is that what you are doing shill?

Whether you are a real Jew or a Khazar Jew you are a bunch of bastards, you should be removed from the planet!

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58cd01  No.16253766


everyone and anyone is a joo

after school, run home and tell your joo mom

the world converted and you lost


I'll bury you in the Negev

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9884bc  No.16253768


Baker is directing you to his personal board

go if you want but BO took his bunker out of dough for a reason, you do realize this is warroom gerbil who shoves his fanatsy's down anons throats, right?

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036227  No.16253769

>>16253515, >>16253597, >>16253716, >>16253749 pf posts-Potato heading to Chicago/CONUS and Europe activity

planefag bun

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e972f4  No.16253770


It's spelled Jew, not Joo.

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5d8369  No.16253771


fake and Gay

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e972f4  No.16253772


Why do you Jews use Joo?

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c5e0d2  No.16253773


> Q wouldn't have differentiated

because you're the super secret decoder that got it all right?

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6ebad6  No.16253774


I don't give a fuck who it is nigger, stop deleting non-illegal posts.

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58cd01  No.16253775


trust the science

I'm a doctor

the current threat is not pills

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6c0c97  No.16253776



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064113  No.16253777

File: 3125efd7d00ddc7⋯.png (191.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c5e0d2  No.16253778


compartmentalization is a thing.

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be0061  No.16253779


Oh hell…

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5b1e81  No.16253780


Does that offend you?

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3753dc  No.16253781


>Yes, cut it out immediately. Limit fructose intake to natural sources, like fruits, and in moderation.

Exactly. Years ago, people only ate copius amounts of fruit when they were in season, which at most is just a couple of weeks. The fruit they preserved had to be eaten in small amounts so that it would last until fruit source produced again. Same with vegetables.

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75da7c  No.16253782

File: 4dcb8c424cd90e9⋯.png (17.13 KB, 601x107, 601:107, consensus.png)



Report of the FSMB Ethics and Professionalism Committee

Adopted by the FSMB House of Delegates, April 2022

…Recommendations regarding proposed or potential treatments of a medical illness or

condition must be supported by the best available scientific evidence or prevailing

scientific consensus.


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6c0c97  No.16253783



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4f5304  No.16253784

File: 4fe84604400e514⋯.jpg (143.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jewkids1.jpg)

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e972f4  No.16253785


Fentynal is the biggest threat to our country, besides an nuclear false flag.

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999ceb  No.16253786


sorry no

CERN project failed because their science is wrong.

They work on incorrect premises.

Might just be a cover for tunnels and money laundering. Couldn't find the "God Particle" either.

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3e29b1  No.16253787


Worshiping the "sacred feminine" as the source of life.

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fe0eeb  No.16253788

File: 3e5ce810e45701c⋯.png (32.01 KB, 742x370, 371:185, ClipboardImage.png)



Kathy Barnette


#BLM #DefundThePolice


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6ebad6  No.16253789

>Everyone is Gerbil

>Everyone is OSS

>No one will bake

>Let me delete baker posts

>No one will bake

>You have to use this graphic for OP

>No one will Bake

>You can't notable anything we don't approve

>No one will bake

>Why won't you lazy anons bake?

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e972f4  No.16253790

File: 19112f49d3af053⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 546x569, 546:569, ChabadBlackHats.JPG)

File: 2acad929ba74281⋯.jpg (51.37 KB, 601x374, 601:374, ChabadBlackHatsII.JPG)

File: f1b89901de7f393⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 734x502, 367:251, ChabadBlackHatsIII.JPG)

File: b17bfd6a7de9248⋯.jpg (446.32 KB, 1598x900, 799:450, ChabadCabal.jpg)

File: 8e1aeca4c03121a⋯.jpg (203.65 KB, 1021x442, 1021:442, FifthColumnKikesChabadII.jpg)

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911d54  No.16253791

File: 6e6cbbf77ff7fa3⋯.png (105.92 KB, 1405x794, 1405:794, Capture.PNG)

File: a742c5e2b66feb3⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1237x680, 1237:680, ClipboardImage.png)

Shaking Close to yellowstone this morning.


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571def  No.16253792

File: 360d351cda50ed0⋯.png (516.17 KB, 720x544, 45:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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999ceb  No.16253793


go make your own board

cry moar

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58cd01  No.16253794

why do you breath nothing but hate and lies?

Who pays you? or were you stupid enough to let yourself get infected by /pol?

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9884bc  No.16253795



you don't give a fuck but I do

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5d8369  No.16253796

Family company of Dr. Oz had largest fine in ICE history

Aspliundh Tree Care practiced hiring illegals .

.95 Million dollar fine by ICE under TRUMP ADMIN.


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8a56a2  No.16253797

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Q.jpg)

File: 0c397cd190f1765⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 680x380, 34:19, statue_lightning.jpg)

File: 65ab4f7325aadeb⋯.jpg (5.08 KB, 310x163, 310:163, washington.jpg)

File: f7c9226aa66d741⋯.jpeg (6.07 KB, 186x255, 62:85, TargetAquired.jpeg)


Doesn't matter, we have God and the real Light, make no mistake.

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58cd01  No.16253799



this is true

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9f888b  No.16253800

File: f58a8a0650df339⋯.png (7.94 KB, 340x169, 340:169, May1422.PNG)

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6ebad6  No.16253801

>Everyone is Gerbil

>Everyone is OSS

>No one will bake

>Let me delete baker posts

>No one will bake

>You have to use this graphic for OP

>No one will Bake

>You can't notable anything we don't approve

>No one will bake

>Why won't you lazy anons bake?


>go make your own board

>Why won't anons bake

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5951c4  No.16253802

File: 4e551458cf2cb45⋯.png (602.06 KB, 735x747, 245:249, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

Thou Shalt Own Nothing and Store What Thou Dost Own In Thy Neighbor's Basement

SoHo's Stuf transforms underutilized basements and garages into storage units

The startup aims to provide New Yorkers with accessible units to keep belongings in their own neighborhood

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f56bed  No.16253803

File: 90cbde1a0dc1ecb⋯.jpg (324.97 KB, 1080x1583, 1080:1583, NtF9aKlC7U1LxiBASeoe_11_97….jpg)

They eat their own


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e972f4  No.16253804

File: b8145e3b6c8dc40⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 600x430, 60:43, EvilRothschild.jpg)


I can bake, but you better believe there will be notables about the Jews.

Everyone in Tel Aviv is asleep right now, or buttfucking each other.

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635bd4  No.16253805



They are merely parroting what the fake news with its absolute free rein has been allowed force feed and brain wash the sheeple over the last 3+ decades. How is it that the Cabal's most potent weapon has been allowed to continually maim and murder the psyches of the peoples of the World virtually unabated?

Anons have never even been given even a hint of why fake news will be saved for last despite it wreaking the greatest and most lasting damage around the globe. Tell us, White Hat Patriots, why is this so?

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2c7637  No.16253806


Can’t say fire in a movie theatre and can’t say Safe and Effective about the vaccine.

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5d8369  No.16253807

Dr. Oz used his in-law's address to register to vote in PA last year.


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8a56a2  No.16253808

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6ebad6  No.16253809


>Everyone in Tel Aviv is asleep right now, or buttfucking each other.

Not true, dart is here deleting shit. Then again, he's in Russia by his own admission

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06ac77  No.16253810


Fuck their bug eating agenda. Eat a bug to show how you will get nothing and like it.

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3e29b1  No.16253811



KEK You need to wake up.

Aaron (Aryan) fashioned a golden calf (cash cow) and said here are your gods Israel who brought you up out of Egypt.

Why do you think people like John Hagee tell you God blesses you if you give to Israel? It's not going to the people of Israel.

Those pushing hate are just another puppet driving hate towards Israel so others will feel sorry for them and give more. They're just another puppet.

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5d8369  No.16253812

File: 08c4513fa0db9d6⋯.png (104.63 KB, 721x297, 721:297, akb.PNG)

File: 8fdf5d7d1862671⋯.png (399.83 KB, 870x301, 870:301, gr3a.png)

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3684f4  No.16253813

General Milley: Currently we are supporting our European allies, and guarding NATO's eastern flank, in the face of the unnecessary war of aggression by Russia against the people of Ukraine, and the assault on the democratic institutions and the Rules-Based International Order…We are now facing two global powers, China and Russia…both who intent to fundamentally change the current Rules-Based Order.

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44042b  No.16253814

File: 72ecf0818e4e45e⋯.png (887.41 KB, 766x406, 383:203, POTUS_DD.PNG)

File: e4fa960d53835ae⋯.png (42.12 KB, 367x39, 367:39, capture_1369_11052022_0755….png)

File: 11eac39c9190df5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, _BOOOOM_.mp4)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn44.png)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, FMP44.jpg)

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58cd01  No.16253815

File: 3a7ad5ee5320304⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 3a7ad5ee5320304a83fc137f0f….jpg)

does anyone have this without the text?

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f56bed  No.16253816

File: 42a76d8b100b395⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 500x667, 500:667, liber_oz.jpg)

OZ = hebrew (meaning 'strength')

"Liber OZ" (or "Book 77") is a single page by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley purporting to declare mankind's basic and intrinsic rights according to Crowley's philosophy of Thelema.

This makes [them] weak.

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9884bc  No.16253817


appreciate the honesty

now we know who the shills work for

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8f8f03  No.16253818


here's how 81M - she's getting toobined and only democrats like you tink its ok

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5951c4  No.16253819


>Amazing stuff here…


as anon's first heli instructor told anon, "there are 13 year old girls who solo in fixed wing."

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28943f  No.16253820

File: 3de4beedde2949e⋯.jpg (139.24 KB, 550x740, 55:74, BT_HOLD.jpg)



Never give up.

Never Surrender.


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4f5304  No.16253821

File: 70a435f8425cdf1⋯.png (193.19 KB, 327x384, 109:128, Juden_nicht_gestattet2.png)



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f885f9  No.16253822

Anti-this, Pro-that:

Surrealism should be getting boring by now.

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ee9632  No.16253823

File: 32d77c3a4c0f322⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 255x223, 255:223, 2789fb6490c0603e3d791b849e….jpg)

I never wanted to be a New Fag

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0e6faf  No.16253824

File: 669b6c1d85fd723⋯.png (653.16 KB, 598x785, 598:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb92864ce74bd85⋯.png (542.01 KB, 345x782, 15:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fdb40  No.16253825


>Rules-Based International Order…We are now facing two global powers, China and Russia…both who intent to fundamentally change the current Rules-Based Order.

he said it twice

tomorrow Milley will say

"I want to understand Build Back Better Rage"

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999ceb  No.16253826

File: d644e6c8bb40fc2⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 615x384, 205:128, jfkonplot.jpg)


go make your own board

cry moar


liars gonna lie


we learned that with W.Bush.

They steal the election.

But they won't lie?

They steal the election. And the same clique who killed JFK never got caught punished nor thrown out of government

Until our Republic cleans house it will just get worse.

Like with drunks, unless they sober up they will only get worse.

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75da7c  No.16253827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

Exploring Anthropogenic change through an AI lens

AI for Good is organized by ITU in partnership with 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with Switzerland



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58cd01  No.16253829


is that illegal?

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5d8369  No.16253830


Gay and Fake

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ee9632  No.16253831

File: 32d77c3a4c0f322⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 255x223, 255:223, 2789fb6490c0603e3d791b849e….jpg)


I never wanted to be a new fag

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055f9c  No.16253832


I'm not a fan of The Plan…but The Plan, is The Plan. You will worship the Jews as "the chosen people" of their God (Refined Precious Metals aka "money") or your will suffer.

It had to be this way, because the Jews said so.

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ef744c  No.16253833


>BO took his bunker out of dough for a reason,

Ok, sure that makes sense.

But, deleting mentions of it out in the bread.

That's goofy and reeks of fear of anons continuing the trend of bailing out of here (slow modern breads tell no lies).

Wait until desktop opens on Truth Social and you'll see an even bigger wave if this current style of admin continues.

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28943f  No.16253834

File: 66859cd8a373356⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SealOfThe7.jpg)

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3e5be3  No.16253835

File: cc78811fbfb8ec7⋯.jpg (140.14 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, _Schumers_KKK.jpg)

File: 9eb3362bb5467be⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Baby_formula_delivers_glit….jpg)


Up Chuck will fail…hopium

Stop burning babies

Need moar baby formula

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635bd4  No.16253836


>Whether you are a real Jew or a Khazarian fake Jew

Exposed muhjoo shill.

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f885f9  No.16253837


Never trust people who encourage you to watch their movie.

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567bf2  No.16253838

File: 144277e568d1600⋯.png (751.3 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_05_11….png)


>square pupils?




Supreme Court closed to the public

until further notice

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58cd01  No.16253839


I guess your mom rejected your goy ass

nurse on my dick for a whle

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8fdb40  No.16253840


this amazing story brought to you by PFIZER

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3e29b1  No.16253841


Puppets always doing exactly what their puppet master wants them too while being too stupid to know it.

Dance puppet dance!

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628cd1  No.16253842


Medical Licensure Board Creates Misinfo Policy. What Could Go Wrong?

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), an authority on medical licensure and the discipline in the United States, recently passed a policy on medical misinformation and disinformation that will guide state medical boards and the health care workers they license and could even “become state law.” What could possibly go wrong?

Like the other obsessive “misinformation” pushes — from Silicon Valley to CNN’s Brian Stelter to the White House — this one once again uses the Covid rationale to legitimize it.

“More than 2 years into this pandemic, the largest threat next to the spread of the virus itself is the spread of disinformation and misinformation,” claimed FSMB’s President and CEO Humayun Chaudhry.

Ah yes, on the list of biggest threats, so-called “misinformation” is right up there next to a virus that reportedly contributed to the deaths of almost 1 million people in our country alone. To tackle this allegedly deadly misinformation, this premier medical licensure board is advising against exemptions for vaccines and “other preventative measures” (read: mask-wearing) and calling on each state board to adopt policies for their licensees’ conduct related to what’s been deemed dis- and misinformation.

In other words, theFSMB is setting up an ideological infrastructure for disciplining physicians who don’t follow the so-called scientific consensus on medical causes, treatment, prescriptions, or advice. It’s reminiscent of the way hospitals treated the hard-working nurses and doctors who looked at the available evidence on the Covid shot and opted not to take it, firing them en masse during what was already a staffing crisis, to the detriment of ailing patients.

This heavy-handed ideological crackdown by the FSMB is an affront not only to science generally but also to everything we’ve learned so far during the Wuhan virus. How many times did Americans hear, after their Covid posts had already been nuked from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, that “the science has changed”? The “trust the experts” refrain from health bureaucrats, the medical establishment, and the media became an echo of “whoopsies” as The Science was proved wrong time and time again….

After two years of masking, health experts finally admitted that covering our faces in fabric actually doesn’t stop the spread. After thousands of Americans lost their jobs for refusing to inject an experimental vaccine into their veins, we learned that the real misinformation was coming from the talking heads including the president who said the virus would keep us from getting Covid and spreading it, neither of which was true. And despite health experts telling us lockdowns were worth the risk, the shutdowns’ failure to protect Americans while bankrupting them exposed that short-sighted scientific evaluation as a lie too.

Thanks to Big Tech oligarchs, we got a preview of the efficacy of “misinformation” policies. Most of the content they censored because it contradicted “scientific consensus” turned out to true, with Americans no safer for having had it hidden from their view. How much worse might the consequences be when a course of treatment isn’t just shadowbanned on YouTube but prohibited in the doctor’s office?

But this move by the FSMB also completely ignores massive historical blunders in science, and the ramifications of such a short-sighted ideological purge will far outlast the virus du jour…

Or what about the “lobotomy” of 2022, wherein physicians chop off healthy body parts in response to mental illness. Today’s medical elites claim there’s scientific consensus on the benefits of mutilating genitals, sterilizing teens, and administering wrong-sex hormones for people who deny basic biology about the sexes or suffer from gender dysphoria.

Even Joe Biden’s own Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, who is transgender, has claimed “there is no argument” among physicians specializing in youth and adolescents about “the value and importance of gender-affirming care.” It’s patently false.

The bottom line is that anyone who claims to be a champion of medicine or science but is quick to shut down dissenting theories and flag new evidence as “disinformation” is no scientist at all. By its very definition, science includes observing the natural world and all the available evidence it affords and experimenting on it. This means theories are always changing, especially about novel viruses and experimental treatments.

In these circumstances, anyone who says the science is settled is either a liar or a fool. And short of settled science, there’s no place for politically motivated policies on “misinformation.”


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f81c85  No.16253843

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We had an in-depth discussion of this lightning matter today on Ahoy! The Ship Show.


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be0061  No.16253844


Did you look deeper….like at the link she tagged?

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b215b2  No.16253845

File: 413cf67c87f65f2⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 900x607, 900:607, POTUSlightning.jpg)

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999ceb  No.16253846

File: 37c8f1e129df580⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 347x389, 347:389, jones.jpg)


false Id of soros there.

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8e7dcf  No.16253847

File: 100268c802bf58a⋯.jpeg (14.85 KB, 255x166, 255:166, F7B2BD5C_FBD5_4F5B_A18D_B….jpeg)


9:30 / 11:30 EST

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dc92d8  No.16253848


>come watch muh show


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a1a2f9  No.16253849


you do realize JFK stole the election from Nixon in 1960? considered a proven accepted fact at this point

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c5e0d2  No.16253850

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6c0c97  No.16253851

File: ad71336d4795328⋯.jpeg (64.35 KB, 500x612, 125:153, E0EFFAD3_1261_40BF_83B8_D….jpeg)

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4e11b7  No.16253852


nice find

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999ceb  No.16253853

File: 32894723ec6085c⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1289x764, 1289:764, anonswin7.jpeg)


will check that out .

thank you

seems the haters have upped the ante and are flooding the board to have excuse to take down.

Not that insane dictators need an excuse?

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3e84af  No.16253854

File: 900137b7c2c9bc9⋯.jpg (502.18 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: 99dafe28f52a85a⋯.jpg (974.79 KB, 2662x3914, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_002….jpg)


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f81c85  No.16253855


Don't forget to click on all the advertising while you are there.

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1613c6  No.16253856

File: 72e1f49e6a86059⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1698x876, 283:146, ClipboardImage.png)

Resident potato & tag plane B752 both "No Callsign" off towards Chicago, apparently?

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481afd  No.16253857



and when the hell were u going to tell us about this?


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ef85fe  No.16253858

File: e1c32dcb36d5cee⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 972x8009, 972:8009, Screenshot_20220405_193703….jpg)

File: 4011813a6523922⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 630x843, 210:281, 1aa8b4058fcb7d39a6a388a720….jpg)

File: 3f6433628ef59e7⋯.jpg (147.59 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 3_PAY_WEDDING_OF_GWEN_STEF….jpg)

File: f12f891a68238cc⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 630x420, 3:2, twilight_bloody_wedding_dr….jpg)

File: 8e228b10a585603⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 728x561, 728:561, Gay_Disney_Characters.jpg)

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481afd  No.16253859


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58cd01  No.16253860


the time frame is correct

is this authenticated?

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628cd1  No.16253861

File: 87a4bc1ba638489⋯.jpeg (227.49 KB, 1191x1040, 1191:1040, 9A189D50_AB11_4067_82BB_B….jpeg)

File: 90c6a56dd393e96⋯.jpeg (349.49 KB, 1177x1775, 1177:1775, 592EEF41_700A_4D8F_B6A9_2….jpeg)

File: d7dfe6a39683328⋯.jpeg (271.56 KB, 1241x1070, 1241:1070, FBB39190_544D_4E32_B5BC_C….jpeg)


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be0061  No.16253862



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055f9c  No.16253863

File: bb9e9ca8f01219d⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, sheriff_PNG3.png)


Don't ever question The Plan or they will call the Super-Jews to persecute you back into complying with The Plan.

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fe0eeb  No.16253865

File: 3a6ffe4d2c81bc9⋯.png (46.62 KB, 1484x740, 371:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecc7e697cc3e6fd⋯.png (37.88 KB, 737x359, 737:359, ClipboardImage.png)


Kathy Barnette IS A RINO


#BLM #DefundThePolice


Richard Grenell


Good God. Yikes.


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f81c85  No.16253866


It has been in the ribbon of links that are displayed across the top of this website. The icon that has a forward slash with a circle surrounding it has a link to the bans.

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be0061  No.16253867


Listen to her….


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ef85fe  No.16253868

File: 83a3781cef69aac⋯.png (310.61 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20220511_110510….png)

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85269c  No.16253869

File: 3e0aa322dbf81f6⋯.jpg (238.14 KB, 908x1526, 454:763, 20220511_090534.jpg)

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8f8f03  No.16253870

stick your tax credits up your climate change arrse…, and resign lying criminal

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58cd01  No.16253871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FBI hit the PANIC BUTTON after TRUMP Tweets

I love the way this guy breaks down cases.

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f56bed  No.16253872

File: 7b6f098c2136e29⋯.png (110.17 KB, 471x543, 157:181, Capture.PNG)

File: 455120741c5ee16⋯.png (87.14 KB, 358x475, 358:475, image_2022_05_11_110647280.png)

Despite Russia's plethora of systems and capabilities, their deployment or at the very least perceived impact in Ukraine has remained relatively muted throughout the first months of the conflict. https://army-technology.com/comment/limitations-russian-ew-capabilities/



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6c0c97  No.16253873


No fagbook…whadidit say?

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3b933d  No.16253874

File: bd1831f7aaf35c8⋯.png (129.16 KB, 472x471, 472:471, 1984.png)

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40dbb5  No.16253875

File: 18c917dac90904c⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 500x452, 125:113, Obongo.jpg)

File: 18c917dac90904c⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 500x452, 125:113, Obongo.jpg)

File: 18c917dac90904c⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 500x452, 125:113, Obongo.jpg)

File: 18c917dac90904c⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 500x452, 125:113, Obongo.jpg)

File: 18c917dac90904c⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 500x452, 125:113, Obongo.jpg)

DISCLAIMER:DIGITALSTORM is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee and is only an anonymous digital opinion and is open source.

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58cd01  No.16253876


the reason I don't know is I don't got to twitter or facebook. Sorry.

What does she say?

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2e3557  No.16253877


they are intentionally shilling this. Real anons have already watched the video to see where she was coming from. Shills just REEEEEE, but they are aesily spotted now.

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4b26c5  No.16253878


>Everyone in Tel Aviv is asleep right now, or buttfucking each other

It's only, like, 8pm.

C'mon, man.

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5b1e81  No.16253879

File: 0b4b73622de71d2⋯.png (1.73 MB, 798x1000, 399:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e29b1  No.16253880

File: 0db1057ffbd8c8b⋯.png (5.57 MB, 2316x2316, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe65fe0448bf1ec⋯.png (174.2 KB, 521x368, 521:368, ClipboardImage.png)


Keep looking where they point rather than at who's really behind the curtain.

Again… Aaron (Aryan) fashioned a golden calf (cash cow) and said here are your gods Israel.

Is that too hard for you to understand puppet?

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d7f29b  No.16253881

Robinhood extended hour trading has changed.

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f6dfa0  No.16253882

File: 5c410d9966edd35⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 509x631, 509:631, ged.jpg)

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58cd01  No.16253883


>> buttfucking each other

sounds like LA, NY and all points in between

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ef85fe  No.16253884

If you are not for me, you are against me.

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be0061  No.16253885


You don't need it to listen for yourself. I don't have FB either and was able to listen. I don't know how to get a FB vid over here or I would share with you all.


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28943f  No.16253886


2112 great album… change my mind.


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3e84af  No.16253887


all (((inbreds))) to be drowned.

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481afd  No.16253888




That's not the bakers board

>bait taken

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75da7c  No.16253889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:15 AM ET

Deputy Principal Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Chicago, IL

Air Force One


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53c370  No.16253890

NY Post reporter on FNC, end of last hour:

"46% of all baby formula comes from China."

Bwaahhhahhhaaahahahhhaaaa, Yankee Dogs!

We feed you babies soy and heavy metals, our soldiers win! Bwaahahhhahhaaaaaahahahhhaaaaa!

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8f8f03  No.16253891

brandon told Americans yesterday that if America raised their families like his - they would not hurt from gas prices

raping and incest saves gas? vote democretins 2022

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58cd01  No.16253892


except the whiny assed love song Tears

change my mind

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28943f  No.16253893


Only Sith Deal in Absolutes

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fe0eeb  No.16253894

File: 47479082360747c⋯.png (323.11 KB, 457x728, 457:728, RUSH_2112_w_stars.png)

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82c1f9  No.16253895

File: 6320a37b3f2524d⋯.png (521.05 KB, 619x483, 619:483, 01934392843098430984713098….PNG)


What the fuck is this thing?

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c63cb6  No.16253896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This guy breaks it down into amount of Water per Gram of protein.

In this video I eat a scorpion and some super bugs and crickets. Then I talk about why people should eat more bugs.


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5951c4  No.16253897

File: 84905115415f25b⋯.png (248 KB, 365x572, 365:572, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

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ef85fe  No.16253898


I have a list of NPCs I'd love to throttle beyond any fixing.

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036227  No.16253900

File: 86854807358599f⋯.png (146.8 KB, 411x348, 137:116, ClipboardImage.png)


he ain't lying

"dad" responsible for that

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28943f  No.16253901



Meh… they can't all be GOLD

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84c0f7  No.16253902


>What the fuck is this thing?

A typically JEW!

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58cd01  No.16253903

File: 7ae73d36ea5b880⋯.jpg (87.07 KB, 750x500, 3:2, snake_repellent_3lcp0p.jpg)

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ef85fe  No.16253904


I hope you enjoy how Disney destroyed Star Wars.

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999ceb  No.16253905

File: 691e4e5b1e2a418⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, babushkalady.jpg)

File: 81e2d97df77c3c0⋯.png (260.7 KB, 614x551, 614:551, babuskarothschile.png)


no he didnt

the mob supposedly did that.

So it's claimed.

Will anon believe anything "accepted" since the C[]A killed him and has been lying about it / and misdirecting for over 50 years.?

NO , seen too much

Now it all really makes sense.

They've exposed themselves.

And what JFK said about them is proved

And their motive to kill him is proved

They always smear who they kill

Look at how they smear DJT

and make up full blown lies and frame for non existent crimes.

The "hate Kennedy" Propaganda started before they killed him.

They would've killed DJT by now if they could have.

Scores of people have studied and obcessed over that crime for decades.

Not for nothing.

It is remembered, and always will be.

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a1a2f9  No.16253906

File: 30a8ac407704af9⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 616x693, 8:9, Ged.jpg)


chuckle, chuckle….was it his grandma, that was a holohoax survivor? the one that called him "Geddy" because she couldn't pronounce "Gary" then he gets all famous playing obscure music from obscure places in canada

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be0061  No.16253907


She was using those tags to reach out to the black community and get her message out.

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28943f  No.16253908


Be sure to eat your RUSHies


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055f9c  No.16253909


Not sure why you think I disagree with you.

Of course the worship money

But more importantly, they worship refined metals, specifically the process, and the "minting of money" which they control.

But, who keeps "them" in power?

Who enforces the laws they write that keep them in power?

Who let's "them" violate the laws with impunity, as long as they are allowed to persecute the sheep?

The Church

The Blue Line Gang



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9884bc  No.16253910


your opinion is not needed on this

policy is policy

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0abb2d  No.16253911

File: cbe19e5f9a2fda1⋯.png (467.3 KB, 500x694, 250:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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5951c4  No.16253912

File: 7ed17abaad41513⋯.png (657.98 KB, 721x766, 721:766, freddy_mr_pig_kek.png)

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58cd01  No.16253913


I love Fly by Night

the first 4 albums were the best

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571def  No.16253914

File: 1fb59a2f05d8996⋯.png (683.42 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f56bed  No.16253915

File: 5a074c881ae2099⋯.jpg (188.32 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, qVMenDQczp9uvmX2MFYv_11_f3….jpg)

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5951c4  No.16253916

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)


obsessive larps are obsessing

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58cd01  No.16253917

File: 0dc295bed92989e⋯.jpeg (593.22 KB, 1280x1190, 128:119, Open_your_mouth_pissboy.jpeg)

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036227  No.16253918


>the mob supposedly did that.

and who was Joe Kennedy connected to?


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84c0f7  No.16253919

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, 1558043303269.png)


Wie oft denn noch Shlomo du Dummbrot! Komm doch mal mit was neuem! Wie oft möchtest du dummer Judensohn noch erklärt haben warum Hitler sich mit der Kirche zusammen tun mußte?

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28943f  No.16253920

File: e4629dd94986a3b⋯.jpg (95.43 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BT_DisintegrationIsAccepta….jpg)


Meh… There's more there than meets the eye.

Example… End of Mandalorian Season 1 when Skywalker comes through the Bridge Blast Door… How many beeps until the door opens?

What do you think Q meant by "We Are Everywhere?"


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62a3fc  No.16253921

File: 8d18bc892584fe8⋯.png (657.93 KB, 536x662, 268:331, 8d18bc892584fe8b822d1bc91a….png)



Love is my boyfriend's feces on my Johnson.

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58cd01  No.16253922

every single time!

board politics

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4aedf1  No.16253923


no one believes your bullshit. go faggot somewhere else

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8f8f03  No.16253924

democrats will kill babies in the womb, on the table, taking food from the table, or denying food for baby

liberals are the new poles - ultra stupid

hunter sucks on

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7a4d32  No.16253925


well of course the mob did it….then bobby prosecutes them, and we know the rest of the story; in that election, Nixon was the dovish liberal and Jack was the hawkish conservative; PA had as many votes in the college as California….it was a different time just one lifetime ago

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ef85fe  No.16253926


I think you pick and choose which of the bullshit Q drops in order to make yourself feel good about having spent this much time on something where absolutely nothing of any worth or value has come to fruition.

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999ceb  No.16253927

File: a0c8904647b35bb⋯.jpg (101.02 KB, 591x327, 197:109, hicks_horns1.jpg)


cry more idioto

ur on 8kun

try looking at the rest of the site.

All legal.

Liars gonna lie

though PISSaki acts like a 7 year old, she's supposedly full grown

The pedos in control like that kind of thing.

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5684da  No.16253928

File: 92370878543dfaf⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 288x288, 1:1, BlackGuyOh.gif)

Russian Anon here. Ukraine in Russian means….AT THE PRECIPICE! Just an FYI

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28943f  No.16253929

File: 92aee05ae0f4d9a⋯.png (165.55 KB, 454x460, 227:230, 92aee05ae0f4d9a2e67bd15147….png)



Deep Rush goes Deep.

Trees talking to each other… Didn't science prove that recently? KEK

Not just the trees talking to each other.




You just have to learn how to tune into the vibrations


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e077fe  No.16253930

File: 44100559348be73⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1134x943, 1134:943, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….jpg)



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567bf2  No.16253932

File: 858bb006c04b858⋯.png (348.35 KB, 1003x1973, 1003:1973, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)

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cec221  No.16253933

File: 567185922df42a5⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 904x1280, 113:160, photo_2022_05_11_04_04_40.jpg)

File: 9a1dd41a03d4fdc⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 906x666, 151:111, photo_2022_05_11_08_55_55.jpg)


>denying food for baby

old school baby formula

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06acdd  No.16253934

File: 0d927b9f6451949⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 500x486, 250:243, 6fqjdp_1.jpg)

File: 23b902f8f1f0bb3⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 500x426, 250:213, Matrix.jpg)

File: 0a9a544e92733b0⋯.jpg (108.63 KB, 500x804, 125:201, hhi.jpg)

File: 0c1e265b03ff49d⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 225x109, 225:109, Egghb.jpg)

DISCLAIMER:DIGITALSTORM is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee and is only an anonymous digital opinion and is open source.

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ef744c  No.16253935



Anons are increasingly deciding not to be here.

Reality is reality.

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055f9c  No.16253936


The CIA has a Mob division. Just like they have a division that creates that Pleadian shit that is posted here, and a division that imports cocaine from Columbia, and a division that tells the MSM what to report and how to report it.

They pay for these services because money makes the world go 'round.

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baa44f  No.16253937

File: 17d2d44db876601⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Smiling.jpg)

MAGA Twitter is about to lose its fucking head over Ric Grenell stirring shit.

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58cd01  No.16253938


>You just have to learn how to tune into the vibrations

and see with the camera eye

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3e29b1  No.16253939

File: d6e6e0db3ab149f⋯.png (19.22 KB, 587x217, 587:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bedf140d0dad7c3⋯.png (315.87 KB, 760x380, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Because you still think it's the Jews. You blame exactly who they want you to blame.

Haven't you read? God said don't harm the boy. There's a ram caught in the thicket.

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0abb2d  No.16253940

File: 2a612c24d4dce64⋯.png (280.54 KB, 600x379, 600:379, ClipboardImage.png)

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e972f4  No.16253941

Older school.

Replace corn syrup with molasses.

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e077fe  No.16253942




>>15380891 (OP)

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cb65ac  No.16253943

File: 0737d239769b7e4⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 7c4ca43cf73b944e999ddf7e1c….png)


Digital cancer

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28943f  No.16253944

File: 5488e6be24d8e0d⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 640x292, 160:73, 5488e6be24d8e0d3a3795275b4….gif)


I think you sound like a burnt piece of shit demoralization shill that can go park your ass in the HELLFIRE you're bringing upon yourself.

Go back to your cave and use your jackoff to paint your final last will and testament on the wall before the fire starts.

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064113  No.16253945

File: fc6b009fd449d81⋯.png (19.62 KB, 811x485, 811:485, ClipboardImage.png)


Google disagrees

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999ceb  No.16253946

File: 03747c03b2cbf33⋯.jpg (95.23 KB, 1025x523, 1025:523, ratsofftheshipstorm2.jpg)


c[]a misdirection. there were scores of that.

"mob did it"

How many trees were killed and careers made to keep the real culprit s out of it?

including Gnome Chompsky

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58cd01  No.16253947

File: d17dda52e1edc83⋯.jpeg (680.06 KB, 1280x744, 160:93, increase_the_formula_supp….jpeg)


Thank you! very helpful

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7a4d32  No.16253948


that was when the government and organized crime merged ; every important election since then has been tampered with

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5307f0  No.16253949


don't recall any such list being done, but might be just my lack of knowledge

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e972f4  No.16253950

File: 755081789c81651⋯.png (1.15 MB, 801x528, 267:176, Silverstein.PNG)

File: 5db8e860a2b3965⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 367x354, 367:354, SilversteinPullIt.JPG)

File: 60516fc67b8da14⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 232x292, 58:73, SilverSteinPullItI.JPG)

File: 061a5a344dc87ed⋯.jpg (30.9 KB, 463x265, 463:265, SilversteinPullitIII.JPG)

File: 99a8e7d363d9714⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 472x314, 236:157, SilversteinPUllItIIII.JPG)

>>16253939 ← Lying Kike.

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055f9c  No.16253951


You post a pic of two Jews and say it isn't the Jews? You make no sense. Christianity is a Jewish Cult. The Bushes are "Christian" Jews.

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5ef289  No.16253952

File: a0c1742c12f567f⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 720x385, 144:77, POSO_Muh_Chat_Logs.jpg)


>Digital cancer


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999ceb  No.16253953

File: 4b0af38d05f109f⋯.jpg (125.79 KB, 1024x869, 1024:869, jfkchangemymind6.jpg)


noam chomsky's

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21fb29  No.16253954


Morning Jim. God bless.

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f3bdcf  No.16253955


such a whiny little bitch

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c36ee5  No.16253956

File: 0418f617395aad4⋯.png (313.19 KB, 730x888, 365:444, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a4d32  No.16253958


Mob and Guv had already merged….they were/are/will be the same

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e972f4  No.16253959

File: 0a118f35151c6f0⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 435x483, 145:161, JewishMafiaCohen.JPG)

File: 6bfb35e3d9489dd⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 608x469, 608:469, JewishMafiaGypBlood.JPG)

File: b53eb01b859e873⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 533x400, 533:400, JewishMafiaLansky.jpg)

File: e0ab81d403b870b⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 955x500, 191:100, JewishMafiaSiegel.jpg)

File: 44c725e564e6b2a⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 429x557, 429:557, Jews.JPG)

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06acdd  No.16253960

File: bfd6011b3d7de91⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 500x478, 250:239, 6f2ow2_1.jpg)


GlowingAnon since 10/28/2017 it's what I do.

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afe849  No.16253961


>no one believes your bullshit. go faggot somewhere else

Angry Dart.

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f61fd8  No.16253962


If you cross the Jews, they will kill you.

That is not news.

How do you think they gained control over the whole world?

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3e29b1  No.16253964


There's a ram CAUGHT in the thicket, not the ram is the thicket.


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481afd  No.16253965



>>16253346 LB (Cap), >>16253518, >>16253535, >>16253703 Has Board has been threatened with take down by FLASH for censorship of Mossad Talk? (Know your bunkers)

>>16253469, >>16253471 The Swamp Today

>>16253489 Nothing better than watching a cannon go BOOM! 💥 💣 #FiresStrong (BOOM FLASH)

>>16253497, >>16253499, >>16253513 Biden DOD demands Mike Flynn fork over speech fee

>>16253515 VV701 US Navy Brass G5 departed RAF Northolt and stopped at Belfast Int'l for a little less than 1 hour then west

>>16253579 Market Report USD/Ruble +5.25%

>>16253597 217 USAF BRRRRRRRRRRT in the morning for ya

>>16253602 Exercise #SwiftResponse 22 runs the full gamut of assets available to US

>>16253631 U.S. Marines assigned to the Ground Combat Element, @22nd_meu

>>16253657 LIVE: Secretary of Defense Austin and General Milley Testify on Defense Budget

>>16253661 Grafix Timeline of Fisa Abuse

>>16253684 Mega Voter Fraud Bun In case you missed it.

>>16253707 whois Banned http://8kun.top/bans.html

>>16252723 (PB) Good read on the Great Reset…

>>16253720 Now they are going punish and censure doctors for practicing medicine

>>16253729 Jab Adverse Report (Skin Ulcer)

>>16253733 Passenger with "no idea how to fly" lands plane after pilot incapacitated

>>16253749 Empty callsign Joe departed JAB

>>16253769 Planefag bun

>>16253791 Shaking Close to yellowstone this morning.

>>16253889 Deputy Principal Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Chicago, IL Air Force One


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32e51b  No.16253966


>No one is "spreading a threat"

Well someone is

"Do as I say, or I will make this board for communication unusable" (probably DDoS or whatever,they got spam bots, so my guess is mass spamming)

That's a threat, clear as day.

And it's even quite retarded.

>allow my spam bots and don't delete the spam

>otherwise I will spam even more

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08ebd3  No.16253967

File: ccf6f6ad8c0eee4⋯.png (368.77 KB, 1136x885, 1136:885, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)

Democrat Strategist Steve Pigeon Accused of Rape; DA Says ‘It’s a Child’s Word Versus His Word’

'Story dated May 3, 2022 by Niagara Reporter- nohttps://''niagarafallsreporter.com/democrat-strategist-steve-pigeon-accused-of-rape-da-says-its-a-childs-word-versus-his-word/ve any children.

There is no allegation that Pigeon repeated or tried to repeat the charged offenses before or after the alleged one-time incident.

The Eric County District Attorney charged Pigeon with two counts of sexual assault against a child, one count of rape, one count of criminal sexual act, one count of sexual abuse, and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.

Pigeon could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted of all charges against him.

District Attorney John J. Flynn, Jr. said, “This is big boy stuff here. OK? This is rape; this isn’t child molestation. This is rape, and so when we’re talking at that level, all right, we’re talking life in prison.”

I am Steve Pigeon’s friend. We have been friends for more than 20 years. He recruited me as a PR consultant for NXIVM in 2007. Even though NXIVM tried to target me, Pigeon remained my friend throughout this time. When I accelerated my attack on NXIVM and its founder Keith Raniere in 2017, Pigeon helped me. Raniere is now serving a prison sentence of 120 years.

Political career

Pigeon was one of the only county chairmen in New York State to endorse Charles Schumer for US Senate over the mainstream party’s choice, Geraldine Ferraro.

Pigeon started working with Andrew Cuomo during the administration of his late father, Mario Cuomo.

He was one of the nation’s top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Over the years, he helped raise millions for the Clinton campaigns and their foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative. Billionaire Golisano was one of the founding donors.

In 2010, Pigeon again supported Andrew Cuomo as governor of New York State. The campaign was successful.

Pigeon’s star was on the rise over the next few years. He ventured into international politics and did business in Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Ukraine, and Rumania. He worked with nationally known figures such as Roger Stone and Wesley Clark.

In 2013, Pigeon urged Gov. Cuomo to replace various state Republican appointees with Democrats. As a result, Diane LoVallee, Sedita’s Republican opponent for DA, lost her job at the Department of Tax and Finance.

A joint task force of state and federal investigators was formed to investigate Pigeon. They sought violations of election laws, such as conspiring to exceed contributions limits, concealing donors, and making false filings.

In addition to the state charges, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York charged Pigeon with soliciting an illegal donation for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s 2014 re-election bid. The feds alleged Pigeon helped the Canadian owner of an online gambling company buy a ticket to a $25,000 per person Cuomo fundraiser. Federal election law prohibits foreign nationals from donating to political campaigns.

In 2018, Pigeon pleaded guilty to both federal and state charges. His convictions have a maximum sentence of one year in prison.


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e972f4  No.16253968

File: c1870c39dbb72c3⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 22Alive.jpg)


The ram is loose.

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999ceb  No.16253969


as far as I know Pissaki is older than 17?

Shill has no idea where it is.

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84c0f7  No.16253970

File: 6d232a116afd077⋯.png (87.32 KB, 259x282, 259:282, ClipboardImage.png)


>paint your final last will and testament on the wall before the fire starts.

hush hush my little Kikey!

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7a4d32  No.16253971


hangs out with 'asset' Dave Grohl …they go to museums together

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5951c4  No.16253972

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5951c4  No.16253973

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999ceb  No.16253974

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7a4d32  No.16253975

File: 7e1cf62f71cbbac⋯.jpg (441.33 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 7e1cf62f71cbbac0fbe0bb0e2e….jpg)

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0abb2d  No.16253976

>>16253689, >>16253711, >>16253713

Rapper Young Thug, associates arrested for RICO Act charges in Atlanta bun


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06acdd  No.16253977

File: a4d31021cf845e7⋯.jpg (59.39 KB, 500x429, 500:429, 6dqe1j_1.jpg)

File: ae3f3006bdaca0d⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 800x800, 1:1, downloadfile_5_.jpg)

File: 8c273a857ee63c9⋯.jpg (40.91 KB, 440x643, 440:643, gibg.jpg)

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c36ee5  No.16253978

File: df5be034ddc70cc⋯.png (654.24 KB, 1291x1002, 1291:1002, ClipboardImage.png)


"Change My Mind"

they literally did


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4aedf1  No.16253979


fuck your spam

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5951c4  No.16253980


mensch accomplished moar by the time that pic was taken than (YOU) and yer klan has in its entire inbred, mongrel family tree.

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7a4d32  No.16253982

File: 66f4dcb8648639e⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 769x960, 769:960, 66f4dcb8648639ecb90d518b37….jpg)


true (you must be one of them)

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84c0f7  No.16253983

File: f59592c231fafe9⋯.png (432.36 KB, 601x844, 601:844, f59592c231fafe9e7bd9aaa157….png)

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4e7a6d  No.16253984


750 pts in Death Race 2022

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e972f4  No.16253985

File: 52d21fc98687d58⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 631x492, 631:492, 911Doc00027216.jpg)

File: 54e934fb9f3db23⋯.jpg (111.75 KB, 908x492, 227:123, 911DocLobbying.jpg)

File: 5cd2a5299c291f3⋯.jpg (129.24 KB, 908x492, 227:123, 911DocLobbyingII.jpg)

File: 01baf906588a3a6⋯.jpg (105.29 KB, 908x492, 227:123, 911DocLobbyingIII.jpg)

File: 1f2d25c09742c94⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 645x527, 645:527, 911DocLobbyingSubrogation.JPG)


9/11 was probably the biggest insurance fraud in history. Sliverstain isn't the only one who got rich off of insurance scams..

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999ceb  No.16253986



they blame it on money, but theres' another agenda

They always use the cover story "but money"

the real story is power and influence.

And their NWO, planned for over 100 years.

The cover story is "But doesn't everyone need the money"

Think of all the media outlets which make no profit.

And then claim "but we have to print that because of what the people want and will pay for $$$"

just an excuse.

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064113  No.16253987

File: eb28a18be85645a⋯.png (277.39 KB, 600x535, 120:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002ea4d48f22804⋯.png (672.42 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16e7eb2f2f03253⋯.png (686.65 KB, 669x446, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

can we get back to this??????????

looks like machu picchu excavations

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4aedf1  No.16253988


but but I thought you said I was gerbil. Now I'm Dart? you are so fucking stupid it must be painful

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c3648b  No.16253989

File: 137f6fb69f56548⋯.png (110.86 KB, 1533x647, 1533:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef62932317fec79⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Pl2eSms0_3TT19oF.mp4)

So Barnett makes a video tagging BLM in the summer of 2020, making herself an obvious target, so she can condemn their actions, support the police, and call out do-nothing politicians…

…and two years later faggot Sodomite who calls himself a Christian decides to pull it out of the archives so he can publicly ridicule her so he can carry water from Dr. Mehmet "systemic racism exists" Oz.

I get the whole "let's shine light on the bad people" but I can no longer hold to this if they are publicly trashing people like this. This is not optics, this is Grenell showing his true colors, who will probably be on Fox News tonight to stump for Oz.


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be0061  No.16253990

File: 4d5510ec9d7bc15⋯.png (25.28 KB, 544x261, 544:261, Screen_Shot_05_11_22_at_11….PNG)

Kathy Barnette


Our elected officials think their job is to just spend more money and have the Fed print more money.

That is a one-way ticket to America ceasing to be a global leader.

9:54 AM · May 11, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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999ceb  No.16253991

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064113  No.16253992

File: f4e687afbe71e88⋯.png (50.62 KB, 224x251, 224:251, ClipboardImage.png)


…and this. wtf is this perfect slice?

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c36ee5  No.16253993


you are a tard who is making it sound like being jewish is a bad thing

all the greateset artists & comedians are jewish including Geddy

thats my point

with out jews America would be shit

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055f9c  No.16253994


The geese fly East at Noon

The geese fly East at Noon


Perhaps you could explain your metaphor?






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84c0f7  No.16253995


Filtered for being a brain-dead Kike!

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91eab2  No.16253996


No I said you are a kike. That covers all of the namefags.

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11b99e  No.16253997

File: cf5b5cec2897405⋯.jpeg (435.29 KB, 1262x930, 631:465, Revel_in_God_s_curse.jpeg)


the whole world is a joo - Live!

festering fetid pond scum

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962c65  No.16253998


Pope Francis will let him rot, no doubt. Look what they did to Cardinal Pell. Archbishop Vigano is in hiding. Cardinal Zen is outspoken against the CCP and the Vatican's sellout of faithful Catholics to the whims and dictates of the Chinese government.

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32e51b  No.16253999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mel Brooks is based.

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099c0a  No.16254000


whatever transhumanism is, looks like she's fully committed

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84c0f7  No.16254001

File: f3c923bb886a5bc⋯.png (492.73 KB, 783x800, 783:800, f3c923bb886a5bcbe8331bf83a….png)


Kek, typical Kikes!

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06acdd  No.16254002


Anon, where is the first pic from… Sauce.

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4aedf1  No.16254003


you had to IP hop to post that?

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b215b2  No.16254004

File: 7653e0b660c9251⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BIDENthePedo.png)

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c397e4  No.16254005


as I recall the body left DFW with a brain and showed up in DC? without the brain?

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96a436  No.16254006


This is a very bad look for the sodomite.

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28943f  No.16254007

File: 3f9e6e7ee470288⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 3f9e6e7ee4702887b5122f57a6….jpg)

File: 2595556eb749e61⋯.jpg (134.9 KB, 750x1302, 125:217, Boaz_and_Jachin.jpg)

File: 7d0a81e77a90dd9⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 1163x912, 1163:912, DomeOfTheRock.JPG)

File: 6e3a4381ef881fc⋯.jpg (744.1 KB, 1920x1278, 320:213, Solomons_Temple_10Century.JPG)

File: 0aedc4eb681e74b⋯.jpg (441.1 KB, 1719x1160, 1719:1160, TempleMount.JPG)



you say hush hush… Yet you can't answer this question…

$42 Million… for what?


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064113  No.16254008



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84c0f7  No.16254009

File: 6556ae64d9c3e8b⋯.png (167.84 KB, 483x534, 161:178, Reptojew.png)


You are that's a fact!

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3e29b1  No.16254010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"And the whirlwind 卍 is in the thorn tree

The virgins are all trimming their wicks (5:5)

The whirlwind 卍 is in the thorn tree

It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

Till Armageddon no shalam, no shalom

Then the father hen will call his chickens home

The wise man will bow down before the throne

And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns

When the man comes around"

>“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.

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c5e0d2  No.16254011


>His convictions have a maximum sentence of one year in prison

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055f9c  No.16254012


It's the Jewish mindset, the Jewish construct, the Jewish dialectic, the Jewish paradigm.

When your neighbor accuses you of a "moral crime" he is likely basing his sense of "morality" in the jewish texts.

It ain't the individual Jews, it's the culture that adopted Judaism as their basis for operating…or, said differently, those who push the Judeo-Christian "founding" of what at one time was an irreligious free country.

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c397e4  No.16254013


>…and this. wtf is this perfect slice?

it's the reason construction stopped

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75da7c  No.16254014

File: b1b3e6817851a0b⋯.png (329.95 KB, 1216x506, 608:253, starcom.png)

File: ca682c67cdeb74f⋯.jpg (172.24 KB, 740x529, 740:529, Starcom_USSF.jpg)

WH took [their] symbols it appears


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33e93f  No.16254015


Jewish Supremacy at work!

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32e51b  No.16254016

File: 18b2dbf4f96a8d0⋯.png (607.25 KB, 1280x3058, 640:1529, Why_did_911_happen_on_911.png)

File: 8a6d1975187dcf6⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 300x224, 75:56, brady.jpg)


>biggest insurance fraud

That's only a very small part of it.

Probably even meant as a distraction.

It was plenty of things, all at once, including a ritual.

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099c0a  No.16254018

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be0061  No.16254019

File: e252cfa797544cf⋯.png (216.94 KB, 544x710, 272:355, Screen_Shot_05_11_22_at_11….PNG)

File: a1ecde87be647c4⋯.mp4 (7.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, KathyBarnette4.mp4)

Kathy Barnette


I need everyone to share this video.

We are just days away from making history.

Someone tell Joe Biden that Kathy Barnette is coming to town & he won’t be able to silence me.

We're going to get this nation back on track.

Help us win this race today: https://secure.winred.com/kathybarnette/social

10:27 AM · May 11, 2022·Twitter Media Studio


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06acdd  No.16254020

File: efadf96105bb910⋯.jpg (96.92 KB, 577x745, 577:745, downloadfile_5_1.jpg)

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28943f  No.16254021

File: a74da77df7a01f4⋯.png (112.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 96281ef02e0219c996c09479fa….png)

File: ab8edd4d6caa9f7⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, SpaceForceMarine.jpg)

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055f9c  No.16254022


Your Jewish propaganda is noted.

It's Judaism.

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3e29b1  No.16254023


Come on anon you can get this, I believe in you.

Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, but God told him not to harm the boy, and provided a ram caught in the thicket.

What's a thicket?

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4e11b7  No.16254024


somebody go call that homo out

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84c0f7  No.16254025

File: b0aff6f6a7b886d⋯.png (308.74 KB, 458x472, 229:236, Fuck_Orange_Jews.png)



You dumb Jew bastards will never know!


Who is that Davey?

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498029  No.16254026


Spare the sanctimonious faux channeled larp-age horseshit and waddle your skinnyfat ass back into the barn. You don't know shit.

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64d84c  No.16254028

File: 6c40de11e58a10e⋯.png (59.46 KB, 237x191, 237:191, ClipboardImage.png)




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ff26e9  No.16254029


1 'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient'

Romans 1:28 - KJV

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be0061  No.16254030

Wonder where Jr. stands on Oz? Has anyone seen his take? I may have missed it if he has stated it.

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53c370  No.16254031

File: 0fc7fb8a18bb541⋯.jpg (716.83 KB, 2017x1229, 2017:1229, PureEvil.jpg)

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6ae2df  No.16254032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure if anyone has posted the drone view of Rich Strike's KY Derby win yet but is pretty cool and quite impressive.

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c397e4  No.16254033

dig, meme and pray is inversely proportional to distract, delude and destroy

change my mind

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c3648b  No.16254034


Well in fact he's getting severely ratio-ed in the replies.

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e972f4  No.16254035

File: 6ab5aaae6e8127b⋯.jpg (230.99 KB, 896x567, 128:81, FrankenJewCall.JPG)

File: da9be0e3f1d89d7⋯.png (98.78 KB, 703x344, 703:344, ClipboardImage.png)

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999ceb  No.16254036

File: 1c9424465cded11⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 700x470, 70:47, jfktreason.jpg)

File: e710efdbf468671⋯.jpg (11.45 KB, 225x115, 45:23, jfk_01.jpg)

File: c8bfb8586a16f90⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 559x846, 559:846, profilesincourageA.jpg)


Joe Kennedy spoke out against the C[]A . Didn't want it created.

That's the root of the alleged and mysterious "Kennedy curse"

RFK jr. , Joe's grandson admitted not only that the C[]A killed his Dad and Uncle (anybody with an ounce of sense knew that earlier) and even moreso WHY?

Because Grand Dad was on to them from the start.

And if you'll notice Robert Kennedy jr. is the only influential person speaking out about Fauci? Amd the killer injection.

Perhaps courage runs in their family

Compared to the fake heros, like no name or Bushes (who are actually murderers not heroes) …. no wonder they hate and are jealous of the Kennedy's

They will never have the love of the people; and that's the tell

Check out the popularity of Bidan

The only ones who defend him are the bots and sick puppies on Twit?

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fe0eeb  No.16254037

File: 7967ddc297d0c3f⋯.png (42.05 KB, 1484x740, 371:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55f97ef42e1a243⋯.png (34.59 KB, 737x359, 737:359, ClipboardImage.png)




>#BLM #DefundThePolice


>Richard Grenell


>Good God. Yikes.


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08ebd3  No.16254038

File: 3cf07ba534d4ebe⋯.png (491.03 KB, 1041x732, 347:244, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)


Top Clinton Aide Arrested for Raping Children During Hillary’s Presidential Campaign – Media Blackout

On December 2, 2021, G. Steven Pigeon was charged with the rape and sexual assault of an extremely young child.

The Eric County District Attorney charged Pigeon with two counts of sexual assault against a child, one count of rape, one count of criminal sexual act, one count of sexual abuse, and one count of endangering the welfare of a child. Pigeon faces a life sentence for these crimes.

District Attorney John J. Flynn, Jr. said, “This is big boy stuff here. OK? This is rape; this isn’t child molestation. This is rape, and so when we’re talking at that level, all right, we’re talking life in prison.”

According to Flynn, the girl told her mother about the rape four and a half years after it occurred.

Her mother told her lawyer, who in turn called him.

“After the lawyer called me,” Flynn said, “I then gave it to my investigators and gave it to my attorneys, and they went from there.”

Niagarafallsreporter.com reports: Pigeon has had a long career as a lawyer, consultant, strategist, campaign manager, and fundraiser. He worked for presidential candidates from 1972 to 2012, starting as a volunteer for George McGovern’s campaign in Buffalo.

In 1980, Pigeon worked on Ted Kennedy’s New Hampshire primary effort. Afterward, he returned to Buffalo to help him in the primary there.

When Kennedy ended his campaign, Pigeon worked on Carter’s presidential campaign.

He served in Gary Hart’s presidential campaign in 1984.

Voters elected Pigeon to the Erie County Legislature in 1988 and re-elected him in 1990.

He served in Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1991.

He was executive assistant to Donna Shalala, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Clinton administration, in 1993.

He also served on the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, headed by Hillary Clinton.

In 1996, the elected committee members elected Pigeon as the Democratic Chairman of Erie County.

He was one of the only county chairmen in New York State to endorse Charles Schumer for US Senate over the mainstream party’s choice, Geraldine Ferraro.



Yeah I know this is Newspunch links to Niagarafallsreporter though.


District Attorney John J. Flynn, Jr. said, “This is big boy stuff here. OK? This is rape; this isn’t child molestation. This is rape, and so when we’re talking at that level, all right, we’re talking life in prison.”

>His convictions have a maximum sentence of one year in prison

1 year refers to the political funding offences.

For some reason the first paragraph of my first post got messed up/lost and replaced with a partial link.

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62b55a  No.16254039

File: 0c8b6bd0cb9cc3c⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 32b0d2b6632d9dda43d8a90501….jpg)

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4e7a6d  No.16254040




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4e11b7  No.16254041



he's getting roasted on twatter

somebody should tell him to get his facts "straight"

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510386  No.16254042

File: ba8815568a94faf⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Catherine.jpg)

GET READY GET READY GET READY! Noon0Five EST!MG Showwill be LIVE with True The Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht!

Unlike FOX, will let her speak freely!



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226c50  No.16254043

File: 0ca7711334e253a⋯.jpg (169.49 KB, 951x635, 951:635, Al_Jazeera_Shireen_Abu_Akl….jpg)


Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot dead while covering Israeli military operation in West Bank

… Palestinian health ministry said she was shot in the head …

Accident, no, assassination yes.

How stupid do you think we are?

From what I understand her face was shot.


…hit in the head…

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f1d81f  No.16254044

File: e4406dafc1d55aa⋯.png (7.39 KB, 375x168, 125:56, BeYou.png)


Because everybody tells you, don´t look here, this is why this is, you need this, your opinion has to be, and so on! And… Hillary was not and is not in the WH!

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e972f4  No.16254045

Something is fixin to come to light about 9/11, hence the post mortem hit piece on Ed Koch couple of days ago.


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0abb2d  No.16254046


Surprised to see an entrance on Mars? NASA's Curiosity Rover Captures Mysterious Rock Hole!

According to a photo taken on the surface of Mars by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover on May 7: A water chestnut and angled hole appears in the rock wall. After this photo was exposed, many people speculated that it was an escape, and some netizens even thought it was the entrance to the alien base.

It can be seen from the picture that the opening of the rock wall on the right looks like a structure made of cement, and this picture was taken by the Sol 3466 mast camera carried by the rover at 07:58 Earth time on May 7th. Although many netizens have wildly speculated on reddit aliens now, what is the truth remains to be explained by NASA.

Image credit: NASA




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96a436  No.16254047


Don't be a faggot like Grenell.

She hashtagged that to get eyeballs on her video calling out BLM.

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a4edcc  No.16254048

File: 9e37e8337e5aae0⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1536x1024, 3:2, FollowRabbitBourdain.png)



Anons, Bourdain trending atm.

Fire at will.

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11ed46  No.16254049


“ When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.”


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d9f4bc  No.16254050

File: dc1c152293daee3⋯.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, 1601651718.jpeg)

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ef85fe  No.16254051

File: b74e837bb95de02⋯.jpg (136.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, gwen_fashion_8_min.jpg)

File: d39f07251d95cec⋯.jpg (544.05 KB, 1901x3000, 1901:3000, Gwen_Stefani_Performs_What….jpg)

File: 070369d3ed00411⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 686x960, 343:480, Ew2WtesXAAAubxn.jpg)

File: 3298915c8c077b3⋯.jpg (145.95 KB, 698x1024, 349:512, gettyimages_119171007_1024….jpg)

File: 9a0a1190afc4d66⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1133x1936, 103:176, Smtalice.png)

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e972f4  No.16254052

File: e811e8aff3a0cf7⋯.png (529.53 KB, 782x682, 391:341, ClipboardImage.png)


Apparently Ed used his Koch on young boys.


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567bf2  No.16254053

File: 2845f62114875fa⋯.png (310.53 KB, 727x564, 727:564, Screenshot_from_2022_05_11….png)

Truckers on way back to DC.

Apparently with teeth and a backbone

Track the truckers: People's Convoy expects to be in DC next week

by KATE DAVISON | 7News StaffMonday, May 9th 2022

WASHINGTON (7News) – Truckers with the People's Convoy are mapping their way back to the District after a brief stop in California.

According to their website, the convoy's next stop Monday is at the Gas-N-Go at Big D Oil Co. at 2310 W Lincolnway in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Truckers will spend the night Monday into Tuesday at Sapp Bros Travel Center at 2914 Upland Parkway in Sydney, Nebraska.

The group planned to leave Post Falls, Idaho last Thursday.


Monday, May 9:

GAS-N-GO at: Big D Oil Co – 2310 W Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY

Overnight Stop at: Sapp Bros Travel Ctr – 2914 Upland Pkwy, Sidney, NE

Tuesday, May 10:

GAS-N-GO at: Fat Dogs – 102 Frontage Rd, North Platte, NE

Overnight Stop at: AKAL Travel Center – 915 Rd S, Waco, NE

Wednesday, May 11:

GAS-N-GO at Ambest Shoemakers Travel & Service Center – 151 SW 48th St, Lincoln, NE

Rally at 6 p.m.

Location: Farm Boy Garage – 10660 E County Line Road, Des Moines, IA

Thursday, May 12:

GAS-N-GO at: Pilot Travel Ctr – 3500 N Plainview Rd, Walcot, IA

Overnight Stop at Roadranger – 2835 N Main St, Princeton, IL

Friday, May 13:

GAS-N-GO at Grovertown Truck & Auto Plaza – 10780 US-30, Grovertown, IN

Overnight Stop at Polk Auction Co – 72435 IN-15, New Paris, IN.

Saturday, May 14:

Rally at: 11:00 a.m.

Overnight at Polk Auction Co – 72435 IN-15, New Paris, IN

Sunday, May 15:

Gas-N-Go at: Marathon Gas – 1290 N Warpole St., Upper Sandusky, OH

Rally at: 6:00pm

Overnight at Ohio Station Outlets – 9911 Avon Lake Rd, Burbank, OH

The convoy camped out in Hagerstown, Maryland in March and traveled to D.C. almost daily for three weeks, protesting COVID-19 mandates.

"When we left, you guys laughed at us," said a speaker at a convoy rally. "You made fun of us."

Enough is enough. When we go back to D.C., we are not the same convoy that went there the first time. We are not the same convoy that left there. We are coming back with teeth and a backbone!" he exclaimed to cheers.

The city used Metrobuses, dump and garbage trucks along with police resources to control traffic when the convoy would drive down into town.

READ MORE | People's Convoy members sue D.C. after police blocked ramps into city during COVID protest

D.C. Police tell 7News they will be ready to cover any First Amendment activities that might arise.

There is no word on how many truckers will be in the D.C. area in the coming weeks.

The organization posted this statement, in part, on its website:

We encourage everyone to join us in this journey back to DC. Immediate needs are money and boots on the ground.

7News will update this story as we get more information.

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4e11b7  No.16254054


no she's not you fucking kike. DYOR first and watch the video. she used the hashtags to draw people in to get her message across.

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be0061  No.16254055


Thank you, anon, for bringing the video over.

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c397e4  No.16254056

File: aee54b31cfdff24⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 618x410, 309:205, slander.jpg)



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75da7c  No.16254057

File: 7e7cee9073f2e24⋯.png (109.6 KB, 588x439, 588:439, centcom.png)

U.S. Central Command


.@USTreasury designated a network of five Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS financial facilitators operating across Indonesia, Syria, and Turkey. #DefeatDaesh



11:31 AM · May 11, 2022·Twitter Web App


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28943f  No.16254058

File: e16c863376410db⋯.png (3.58 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Templar.png)




I seem to remember FLASH posting some coordinates the other day before YOU LOST YOUR SHIT…


The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv

Interesting choice of temporary housing until the Third Temple Can be Built… Nobody would ever suspect… O'wait

Curious…. How do you plan to get rid of the Dome on the Rock?

Guess the good ol' MOSSAD fashion of planning your own terrorist attack, and framing Anti-Semites for the attack…

Then what? Fake a RESOUNDING RESOLVE OF ISRAEL Narrative when you announce building the Third Temple?

Y'all passed 6.6.16 QUITE a few years ago….

But then again, I guess you weren't expecting Hillary to lose, were you?

Pushed back your timetables a bit did it?

Let me know if I've left anything out will ya?


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481afd  No.16254059

The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer

Marc Elias, the left's go-to attack dog, is laughed out of court, accused of lying to the special counsel, and on the losing end of several voting-rights cases



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0e6faf  No.16254060

File: eff0b5e297817e2⋯.png (459.63 KB, 564x739, 564:739, ClipboardImage.png)


>it just be a cover for tunnels and money laundering


> this is Grenell showing his true colors,


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036227  No.16254061

File: e6191232d6a3249⋯.png (382.35 KB, 457x425, 457:425, ClipboardImage.png)


sure I play video games

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be0061  No.16254062


Go Kathy Go! Full steam ahead, Girl!

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481afd  No.16254063

Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked ‘Classified’ Were Already Declassified, Kash Patel Says


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fe0eeb  No.16254064

File: 14bf768b8cc8d3e⋯.png (364.62 KB, 586x479, 586:479, Trump_redpill_your_ass.png)


Trump didn't endorse her U fucktard

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481afd  No.16254065

Here's the backstory on why Tucker Carlson and his team instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote not to mention '2000 Mules'.


Any popular Conservative or Conservitive media organization that avoids talking about or reporting on 2000 Mules is, in fact, an enemy of the People.

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10a90a  No.16254066

Biden Wanted $33B More For Ukraine. Congress Quickly Raised it to $40B. Who Benefits?

Tens of billions, soon to be much more, are flying out of U.S. coffers to Ukraine as Americans suffer, showing who runs the U.S. Government, and for whose benefit.


“Biden says U.S. will send $1.3 billion in additional military and economic support to Ukraine,” read the CNBC headline. This was preceded by a series of new lavish spending packages for the war, unveiled every two to three weeks, starting on the third day of the war:

Feb. 26: “Biden approves $350 million in military aid for Ukraine": Reuters;

Mar. 16: “Biden announces $800 million in military aid for Ukraine”: The New York Times;

Mar. 30: “Ukraine to receive additional $500 million in aid from U.S., Biden announces”: NBC News;

Apr. 12: “U.S. to announce $750 million more in weapons for Ukraine, officials say": Reuters;

May 6: “Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine”: Reuters.

Those amounts by themselves are in excess of $3 billion; by the end of April, the total U.S. expenditure on the war in Ukraine was close to $14 billion, drawn from the additional $13.5 billion Congress authorized in mid-March. While some of that is earmarked for economic and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, most of it will go into the coffers of the weapons industry — including Raytheon, on whose Board of Directors the current Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, sat immediately before being chosen by Biden to run the Pentagon. As CNN put it: “about $6.5 billion, roughly half of the aid package, will go to the US Department of Defense so it can deploy troops to the region and send defense equipment to Ukraine.”

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567bf2  No.16254067

File: 5dedf48c550cc9e⋯.png (133.13 KB, 258x537, 86:179, cgiHusseinFrank4.png)

File: 313a5b0b7ca7b2e⋯.png (94.18 KB, 218x1497, 218:1497, cgiHusseinFrank5.png)

File: 230b8533cb652eb⋯.png (162.5 KB, 522x1440, 29:80, bourdainclintonrant.png)

File: fdccfc942a78871⋯.jpg (125.55 KB, 459x800, 459:800, bourdainHunter.jpg)

File: 13d78db59923775⋯.png (736.12 KB, 1872x1200, 39:25, C_ARedScarfKateSpadeBourda….png)

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055f9c  No.16254068


>What's a thicket?

Debt trap?





Animal sacrifice substituted for the murderous human sacrifice of the first born?

1st Temple = Human Sacrifice

2nd Temple = Animal Sacrifice

3rd Temple = Hospital (circumcision/blood sacrifice)?

Jewish propaganda nonsense?

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c397e4  No.16254069

File: 74c8fc9b1d681ad⋯.png (369.41 KB, 720x405, 16:9, one_term_only.png)

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571def  No.16254070

File: b60469aca1c1c4e⋯.png (256.85 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Day Shift in a nutshell

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4e11b7  No.16254071


he also signed Operation Warpspeed on behalf of BIG PHARMA you fucking idiot

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481afd  No.16254072

Author of Emergencies Act calls for “extraordinary accountability” from feds


The author of the extraordinary law used by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to crack down on Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa is once again raising concerns about government accountability.

Former defence minister Perrin Beatty penned the legislation as a replacement for the War Measures Act in the late 1980s.

When drafting the law, Beatty included a requirement that a mandatory public inquiry be called within 60 days of the Emergencies Act being used and revoked.

“This was one of the problems back in the time of the War Measures Act, where the government said in essence, `if only you knew what we knew, you’d support the invocation of the act.’,” Beatty told the Globe and Mail.

“That was very much in my mind at the time that we brought in the new act. To ensure public confidence, you had to have the greatest level of transparency possible.

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f1d81f  No.16254073

File: 263e88eb4b6fc5b⋯.png (499.6 KB, 828x610, 414:305, Montauk.png)

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941f9e  No.16254074

Thoughts? It is a template document for filing a lawsuit regarding the plandemic. Anyone have something similar or better?



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fe0eeb  No.16254075

File: ce07632c7ccbef3⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 1163x728, 1163:728, biden_not_my_president.jpg)

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9b9eab  No.16254076


The DEEP STATE threw a whole lot of shit against the wall in PA…Oz just happens to be the best TURD out of all of them…just saying…

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8a2484  No.16254077


Great! Thank you. True the Vote is amazing.

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96a436  No.16254078


So make up lies about her.

Only a shill could use that kind of logic.

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baa44f  No.16254079



I have no fucking clue WTAF is going on,THE POST.

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055f9c  No.16254080


What do you expect from Central Casting but a WEF connected Hollywood Conman?

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567bf2  No.16254081

File: 02fa38e75fcecfe⋯.png (1 MB, 876x1396, 219:349, bourdain.png)

File: 5cce219bf0e8a10⋯.png (88.72 KB, 633x628, 633:628, Anthony_Bourdain.png)

File: 6766a5dd406bafa⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 700x453, 700:453, 8c9eac96c3f42cfbf41aadaaf0….jpg)

File: e95dd6df30c3cdc⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 430x297, 430:297, 8c9eac96c3f42cfbf41aadaaf0….jpg)

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11ed46  No.16254082


He is CIA, read his early life wiki page.

“Tucker Carlson applied to the Central Intelligence Agency after college”

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6d8dd2  No.16254083

File: 226d26d4006e3cc⋯.jpg (83.2 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, 1652267156984m.jpg)

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62b55a  No.16254084

File: 283dfc5f56e0472⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 474x266, 237:133, SGhost_presents.jpg)


You ruined my day..you ruined my life your angry child like response is too much to handle..You very well may have Shilled me to death. I'm going to jump off one of the twin towers now..Thank you for introducing me to reality I can't believe I ever had Hope for people.. You Sir Are A Hero!!

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999ceb  No.16254085

File: 1bfcd1d415471b0⋯.gif (388.46 KB, 500x273, 500:273, nowwhat.gif)


square pupils

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481afd  No.16254086


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b35fcd  No.16254087

File: be5673b284f9718⋯.jpg (247.66 KB, 1107x901, 1107:901, Daniel_in_the_Lion_s_Den.jpg)

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8f7ad8  No.16254088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Morning day shift

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036227  No.16254089

File: 6c59874f5431714⋯.png (661.57 KB, 1008x596, 252:149, ClipboardImage.png)


empty callsign Joe in 82-8000 on descent for O'hare with 09-0016 USAF C-32A heading for Peoria

BEMUD24 USAF E-4B up over Lake Michigan from JBA depart

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226c50  No.16254090

Like these sanctions are detrimental to Russia!

UK announces new economic sanctions against Russia


… UK government publishes initial list of goods worth £900 million - including vodka - which will now face additional 35 percent tariff, on top of current tariffs.

… Russian vodka is one of the iconic products affected by the tariff increases, while the export ban will likely affect luxury vehicles, high-end fashion and works of art.

… The

measures will cause maximum harm

to Putin’s war machine while minimizing the impact on UK businesses as G7 leaders unite to unleash a fresh wave of economic sanctions on Moscow.


Please how stupid do you think we are. Your sanctions and ILLEGAL spending bill are the sanctions. The continued noose around the American peple.

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baa44f  No.16254091

File: 0bf76c6dfb0c56d⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Any popular Conservative or Conservitive media organization that avoids talking about or reporting on 2000 Mules is, in fact, an enemy of the People.

Zat so?

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ad2c03  No.16254092


https://rumble.com/v14byum-just-the-news-now-wednesday-may-11-2022.html 🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 Capitol Police chief says members of Congress have ‘never’ been investigated related to Jan. 6 | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/congress/capitol-police-chief-says-members-congress-arent-being-investigated-related-jan

Questions arise over DARPA allegedly investigating origin of 2016 DNC hack | Just The News https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/questions-arise-over-darpa-allegedly-investigating

Missouri discipline panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/panel-rules-soros-backed-prosecutor-violated-multiple-ethics-rule-pursuit-ex

Michael Flynn calls Biden DOD effort to force him to repay Moscow speech fee ‘another effort to keep me silent’. He confirms he spied on Russia at US request during trip. | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/security/michael-flynn-calls-biden-dod-payment-demands-another-effort-keep-me-silent

South Korea’s new president vows to help North Korea if communist regime gives up its nukes | Just The News https://justthenews.com/world/asia/south-koreas-new-president-vows-help-north-korea-if-communist-regime-gives-its-nukes

Georgia couple sentenced to jail after taking selfies in Capitol on Jan. 6 | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/judge-sentences-21-year-old-who-took-selfies-capitol-jan-6-45-days-jail

‘Parent’s Bill of Rights’ Constitutional amendment stopped in Missouri House | Just The News https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/parents-bill-rights-constitutional-amendment-stopped-missouri-houseCapitol Police chief says members of Congress have ‘never’ been investigated related to Jan. 6 | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/congress/capitol-police-chief-says-members-congress-arent-being-investigated-related-jan

Questions arise over DARPA allegedly investigating origin of 2016 DNC hack | Just The News https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/questions-arise-over-darpa-allegedly-investigating

Military doctors can’t trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/military-doctors-cant-trust-dod-medical-database-after-covid-vax

Missouri discipline panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/panel-rules-soros-backed-prosecutor-violated-multiple-ethics-rule-pursuit-ex

Michael Flynn calls Biden DOD effort to force him to repay Moscow speech fee ‘another effort to keep me silent’. He confirms he spied on Russia at US request during trip. | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/security/michael-flynn-calls-biden-dod-payment-demands-another-effort-keep-me-silent

South Korea’s new president vows to help North Korea if communist regime gives up its nukes | Just The News https://justthenews.com/world/asia/south-koreas-new-president-vows-help-north-korea-if-communist-regime-gives-its-nukes

Georgia couple sentenced to jail after taking selfies in Capitol on Jan. 6 | Just The News https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/judge-sentences-21-year-old-who-took-selfies-capitol-jan-6-45-days-jail

‘Parent’s Bill of Rights’ Constitutional amendment stopped in Missouri House | Just The News https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/parents-bill-rights-constitutional-amendment-stopped-missouri-house👉 https://t.me/RichLDNRDGorillaBroadcast FOR MORE EXAMPLES!


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226c50  No.16254093




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2c6673  No.16254094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Abortion Freestyle

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57a197  No.16254095

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: d08bf24a634f776⋯.png (892.4 KB, 1296x1290, 216:215, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f71795  No.16254097

File: 70623f8fee14bd0⋯.jpg (84.28 KB, 500x548, 125:137, gdggv.jpg)

Biden is confirmed to be the biggest bozo clown president to ever steal an election…. He blew it big league.


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c397e4  No.16254098


you dropped your hand

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19dc70  No.16254099

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey Jew, don't tell me lies

about gas chambers in Auschwitz

six million sleaze's are alive

as their circumcised sons, ugly daughters and wives

Hey Jew, the new Reich is here

and this time, it is for real

we have to stop your worldwide desecration of man

you're Satan's Spawn, and not the chosen

Hey Jew, in your Synagogue

preaching hatred for the Gentile

remember, we know what you're up to, you Jew

Zionism is Communism, there's no denial

Hey Jew, you hooked-nosed Kike

with your dreams of World domination

we'll fight, until the glorious end

and this end, is your extermination

Hey Jew, please stay away

I don't need you to cry at my shoulder

now I know, what you're all about

now that I am just a little bit older

Hey Jew, don't tell me lies

about the gas chambers in Auschwitz

six million Kikes are still alive

with their fucking children, and ugly wifes

haa-haa-haa-ha-ha-ha, haa-ha….

" K

" E


Holocauster E













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3e5be3  No.16254100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>NASA's Curiosity

The ISS Bathroom kek

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3e29b1  No.16254101

File: 2564af3f9069b4e⋯.png (19.32 KB, 583x229, 583:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5918e9f533a17b⋯.png (5.57 MB, 3000x1687, 3000:1687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6598758e242f74⋯.png (6.92 KB, 338x51, 338:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3324c982e8a60bc⋯.png (10.23 KB, 391x135, 391:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2d82380a22c34b⋯.png (290.75 KB, 661x780, 661:780, ClipboardImage.png)

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11ed46  No.16254102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This guy gets hypnotized and has a past life regression about 1/4 way through this video.

Claims he was a reptilian living inside Mars where that are human slaves that speak English.

So fucking crazy it can’t be made up.

Watch this video from 2017, before Q and later in video near the end talks about the great Awakening and explains what’s happening now.


Have some time on your hands? Check this out


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481afd  No.16254103

File: be9ae26e780bf0a⋯.png (148.55 KB, 598x745, 598:745, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)

tell me again how she has 7.5M followers

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baa44f  No.16254104

File: 773361c1b69910a⋯.png (46.46 KB, 671x387, 671:387, ClipboardImage.png)

This shit is gettin' THICK.

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62b55a  No.16254105

File: b7d6676397741f9⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 474x492, 79:82, tgtyhujk.jpg)


ohhh. Ic ok

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999ceb  No.16254106

File: af75ca5b15d7bf9⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 396x473, 36:43, jokerharley0e.jpg)



they are a bunch of jokers; love to fake out the public

as long as they have their person there, imitating an opponent / good person, they don't have to worry about the job / position being taken by a Patriot / by a real person (not a stooge nor a Joker)

same reasoning behind "AJ" and 9/11 truth leadership

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c397e4  No.16254107


like most people when they argue, the main point goes completely uncommented on - "disparaging an opposing candidate"

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7e8eeb  No.16254108

File: 83d17ff32d66ad0⋯.png (317.87 KB, 547x649, 547:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 642ec0c2841cfb1⋯.png (664.29 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d133c29953f9341⋯.png (27.57 KB, 561x186, 187:62, ClipboardImage.png)


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be0061  No.16254110


Might be a test to see if we can research and think for ourselves….only thing I can think of.

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481afd  No.16254111



>>16253346 LB (Cap), >>16253518, >>16253535, >>16253703 Has Board has been threatened with take down by FLASH for censorship of Mossad Talk? (Know your bunkers)

>>16253469, >>16253471 The Swamp Today

>>16253489 Nothing better than watching a cannon go BOOM! 💥 💣 #FiresStrong (BOOM FLASH)

>>16253497, >>16253499, >>16253513 Biden DOD demands Mike Flynn fork over speech fee

>>16253515 VV701 US Navy Brass G5 departed RAF Northolt and stopped at Belfast Int'l for a little less than 1 hour then west

>>16253579 Market Report USD/Ruble +5.25%

>>16253597 217 USAF BRRRRRRRRRRT in the morning for ya

>>16253602 Exercise #SwiftResponse 22 runs the full gamut of assets available to US

>>16253631 U.S. Marines assigned to the Ground Combat Element, @22nd_meu

>>16253657 LIVE: Secretary of Defense Austin and General Milley Testify on Defense Budget

>>16253661 Grafix Timeline of Fisa Abuse

>>16253684 Mega Voter Fraud Bun In case you missed it.

>>16253707 whois Banned http://8kun.top/bans.html

>>16252723 (PB) Good read on the Great Reset…

>>16253720 Now they are going punish and censure doctors for practicing medicine

>>16253729 Jab Adverse Report (Skin Ulcer)

>>16253733 Passenger with "no idea how to fly" lands plane after pilot incapacitated

>>16253749, >>16254089

Empty callsign Joe departed JAB

>>16253769 Planefag bun

>>16253791 Shaking Close to yellowstone this morning.

>>16253889 Deputy Principal Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Chicago, IL Air Force One

>>16253976 Rapper Young Thug, associates arrested for RICO Act charges in Atlanta bun

>>16254053 Track the truckers: People's Convoy expects to be in DC next week

>>16254057 @CENTCOM -> @USTreasury designated a network of five Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS financial facilitators operating across Indonesia, Syria, and Turkey. #DefeatDaesh

>>16254059 The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer

>>16254063 Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked ‘Classified’ Were Already Declassified, Kash Patel Says

>>16254042 A Conversation with True The Vote Founder: Catherine Engelbrecht

>>16254092 Anon's Notable Pins


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c397e4  No.16254112

File: 047e0780d01aca7⋯.jpeg (1011.41 KB, 1280x880, 16:11, fired_you_for_attendance.jpeg)

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75da7c  No.16254113

File: c1c21777b652980⋯.jpg (27.75 KB, 900x320, 45:16, nays.jpg)

The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸


Full List Of The 57 Republicans That Voted Against The Democrats America Last $40 Billion Foreign Aid Package For Ukraine



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3af577  No.16254114

File: bc02c2901537e3c⋯.jpg (310.07 KB, 1354x1919, 1354:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_044….jpg)

File: 39db4804d7f2edc⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2464x3625, 2464:3625, diechristlicheku1190deut_0….jpg)

File: 20c7d0ff170dd64⋯.jpg (369.8 KB, 1269x1910, 1269:1910, diechristlicheku19deut_014….jpg)

File: e181c2da70de48a⋯.jpg (369.31 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_034….jpg)

File: b8a499fcdd73a69⋯.jpg (367.63 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_019….jpg)


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76b00c  No.16254115


THIS. Finally someone gets it.

Have the MAGA normies started to figure out how to use discernment properly? They are testing.

If Oz goes down, it shows that THE PEOPLE get it, despite what anyone else says.

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3e29b1  No.16254116

File: 45f065f44e2f847⋯.png (221.68 KB, 500x308, 125:77, raw.png)

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28943f  No.16254117

File: 658e9ccc04895ff⋯.jpg (141.32 KB, 1000x963, 1000:963, BT_727.jpg)






I seem to rememberFLASHposting some coordinates the other day before YOU LOST YOUR SHIT…


The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv

Interesting choice of temporary housing until the Third Temple Can be Built… Nobody would ever suspect… O'wait

Curious…. How do you plan to get rid of the Dome on the Rock?

Guess the good ol' MOSSAD fashion of planning your own terrorist attack, and framing Anti-Semites for the attack…

Then what? Fake a RESOUNDING RESOLVE OF ISRAEL Narrative when you announce building the Third Temple?

Y'all passed 6.6.16 QUITE a few years ago….

But then again, I guess you weren't expecting Hillary to lose, were you?

Pushed back your timetables a bit did it?

Let me know if I've left anything out will ya?






Oh Look…


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226c50  No.16254118


How the hell do we keep up with this?

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771841  No.16254119

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83868a  No.16254120


Not her.

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4aedf1  No.16254121


who the fuck is davey?

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064113  No.16254122


system wasn't designed to "keep up with"

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8f8f03  No.16254123


bwahahhaa brrrrrrrt

the language of our people

panic bitch as lib

stupidity gets sharper

so much for the sacredness of the democratic space – now its a interracist lgbt porn shoot?

brandon, resign sicko

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a358eb  No.16254124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Paraguay anti-drug prosecutor shot dead on honeymoon in Colombia

Paraguayan anti-drug prosecutor Marcelo Pecci has been shot dead while honeymooning on a Colombian Caribbean island by men who fled by sea, police and his widow said.

Paraguay’s president denounced the crime as a “cowardly murder” and a fellow prosecutor said the modus operandi was reminiscent of “the [drug] mafia”.

Pecci, 45, was felled by two shots on Tuesday while relaxing on a beach on the tourist island of Baru, according to his wife, Paraguayan journalist Claudia Aguilera, whom he married on April 30 in the nearby city of Cartagena.

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2d29d3  No.16254125

File: 026e048e4cae972⋯.png (1.29 MB, 922x661, 922:661, ClipboardImage.png)



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0b0006  No.16254126

File: b70c3698660f394⋯.png (42.59 KB, 630x468, 35:26, fredgraph.png)


Grocery Store Prices Up 10.8%, Most in Nearly 42 Years as Americans Face Higher Prices on Hamburger Meat, Baby Food, Chicken, Bacon, Soup, and Coffee

It got even more difficult in April for American families to put food on the kitchen table in January.

Food prices rose 9.4 compared with a year earlier, data from the Department of Labor showed on Wednesday. That is the fastest rate of inflation for food since 1981. Grocery store prices were up by even more, 10.8 percent. The broader Consumer Price Index rose by 8.3 percent.

Inflation is now not only running high but it has broadened to an economy-wide phenomenon. Even the kitchen table itself is more expensive. Prices for the category of “living room, kitchen, and dining room” furniture are up 14.9 percent compared with a year ago. They rose 1.1 percent compared with March.


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055f9c  No.16254127

File: e757b5625f70a34⋯.png (540.99 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh yes, of course, the author of the fictional Abram story was most definitely referring to George Bush, 6,000 years into the future. How stupid of me.

Jewish Propaganda.

Does Georgie have a goat up his ass?

How is the "ram" stuck in the Bushes?

Is this an illusion to MOPAR

Should I buy Dodge stock?

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c397e4  No.16254128


well, he wanted to get away from it all….

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481afd  No.16254129

File: f7cd1f892897fc6⋯.png (5.76 KB, 321x76, 321:76, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)

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11ed46  No.16254130


This is a gatekeeper.

Using ridicule as a weapon as stated in the secret covenant.

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83868a  No.16254131


A hard core think tank could figure it out.

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22671a  No.16254132


You should see the video from FB where the tweet came from. Context anon. Context.

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226c50  No.16254133


Done in30

That's 30 years to us peps

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28943f  No.16254134


Come'on…. You really wanna play that dumb?

Come'on MOSSAD…. cant even recognize your own flag?

Y'all are fuckin up.


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036227  No.16254135

File: f2f743567e87f1d⋯.png (523.34 KB, 672x563, 672:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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481afd  No.16254136


cat years?

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0abb2d  No.16254137

File: fb1437aea501dcb⋯.png (212.73 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>He was one of the nation’s top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

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62b55a  No.16254139

File: 172b862c5e7c32f⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 474x267, 158:89, th_2365705720.jpg)


will You please use,

←-picture to describe me please I have far more Authority than a carnival character..

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53c370  No.16254140

File: be1fd02f0a77d06⋯.jpg (380.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RaisedOnTheFarm.JPG)

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a87d74  No.16254141



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33e93f  No.16254142



You are pointing out Jewish Supremacy!

Thank You for recognizing it for what it is… EVIL

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9b9eab  No.16254143


Show us the tweets on her opinion on the "George Floyd" shitstorm…I'll make my decision after that!!!

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28943f  No.16254144

File: 2e23622499351f3⋯.png (562.57 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, PAIN_23.png)




Months? Days? Years?





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0b0006  No.16254146

File: 091ac527db150af⋯.png (630.98 KB, 712x455, 712:455, 55.png)


Biden isn’t fooling anyone ⁠— inflation is his fault and he has no solution to fix it

The president set himself an easy task Tuesday — to show a dispirited public he cares about their painful straits. As he put it, “I want every American to know that I’m taking inflation very seriously and it’s my top domestic priority.”

Just not seriously enough to bring a single new idea to the table. Instead he fell back on tired tropes about how none of the historic increase in prices is his fault.

With Biden, the buck always stops somewhere else.

The two straw men he trotted out were familiar — the pandemic and the Putin Price Hike. The latter coined phrase is as ridiculous as President Gerald Ford’s WIN gambit, for Whip Inflation Now, and will no doubt be just as effective economically and politically.

Asked by a reporter after his address whether he accepted any responsibility for the crisis, Biden said no, adding: “I think our policies help, not hurt.”

Saying so doesn’t make it true.

Nor was it credible for him to claim, again, that there is rampant price gouging by oil and lumber companies and beef distributors.

As usual, his performance was marred by a halting, stumbling delivery as if he were reading his speech for the first time. An even bigger problem is that his argument is no match for the reality Americans see and feel.

Consider these numbers: CNN reports 81% of the public thinks the government is not doing enough to combat inflation.

Fox reports that just 36% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy.

And all that was before the latest record hike in gasoline prices. The national average price of regular unleaded is now $4.37 a gallon, up from $4.20 last week and $2.97 a year ago.


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8f8f03  No.16254147

all journos pressers talking pundits who don't address Dinesh' perennial classic - 2KMules

are part of the team - yoked together hauling manure for brandon


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567bf2  No.16254148

File: 10e31230775bd75⋯.png (186.97 KB, 604x453, 4:3, Screenshot_from_2022_05_11….png)



Video Embedded inthis story

Justin Wells is a douche from the sounds of it.


Pro-Trump filmmaker comes forward with 'highly abusive messages' from Tucker Carlson's show

David Edwards

May 10, 2022

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza revealed on Tuesday that he had received "highly abusive messages" from Tucker Carlson's staff at Fox News.

On his daily podcast, D'Souza noted that Carlson's producers had demanded that True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht not mention his election conspiracy theory film 2000 Mules when she made a recent appearance on the show.

D'Souza said that he objected because producers wanted to broadcast parts of his movie without identifying it.

"Justin Wells, who is the executive producer of Tucker Carlson, sent me a series of highly abusive messages, basically saying, 'Dinesh, you're finished. You're never going to come on Tucker again. We're done with you. We have the most powerful show in news. We're going to teach you a lesson.'"

"All kinds of abusive stuff," he recalled. "By the way, there's a trail of texts. I did not respond in kind. I responded respectfully."

D'Souza accused Fox News employees of "trying to strongarm people."

"And I have held my tongue for months about it," he remarked. "But I thought, you know what? Now that the movie is out. It's a case where we don't need them. They haven't helped us one bit. And so, let's point out what bullies these people are."

D'Souza said that he suspected Carlson was behind the abusive messages.

"I don't think he would have done it without Tucker's OK," he concluded. "This kind of abusive strongarming conduct is inexcusable."

Watch the video below.

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3e29b1  No.16254149

File: de4675ffdda2b2a⋯.png (14.59 KB, 857x207, 857:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus said everything that is written will be fulfilled.

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baa44f  No.16254150

File: 1db1dc357d510f5⋯.png (51.19 KB, 684x390, 114:65, ClipboardImage.png)


Ric Grenell's gone full Schizo. Now he's attacking the TX Republican Chair. Someone, please…. GET RIC SOME COFFEE.

>Holy shit, this is awesome.


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3e29b1  No.16254151

>>16254149 (me)

Meant for >>16254127

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d9f4bc  No.16254152

File: 48c80fc6f4cd640⋯.png (923.3 KB, 1080x893, 1080:893, 20201213_182717.png)

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28943f  No.16254153

File: 8dabddac8b71826⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 640x941, 640:941, For_the_Emprah_.jpg)






I seem to rememberFLASHposting some coordinates the other day before YOU LOST YOUR SHIT…


The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv

Interesting choice of temporary housing until the Third Temple Can be Built… Nobody would ever suspect… O'wait

Curious…. How do you plan to get rid of the Dome on the Rock?

Guess the good ol' MOSSAD fashion of planning your own terrorist attack, and framing Anti-Semites for the attack…

Then what? Fake a RESOUNDING RESOLVE OF ISRAEL Narrative when you announce building the Third Temple?

Y'all passed 6.6.16 QUITE a few years ago….

But then again, I guess you weren't expecting Hillary to lose, were you?

Pushed back your timetables a bit did it?

Let me know if I've left anything out will ya?






Oh Look…


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571def  No.16254154

File: dfa54ae6715798a⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2454x1726, 1227:863, ClipboardImage.png)


>Pigeon was one of the only county chairmen in New York State to endorse Charles Schumer for US Senate over the mainstream party’s choice, Geraldine Ferraro.

Shitbirds of a Feather

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999ceb  No.16254155

File: deea40a0aeeb0dc⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jones911leadershipcoup.mp4)


alex jones 9/11 fraud.

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055f9c  No.16254156


And then he supposedly said, "It is done"

And then he supposedly died

And the the Jews co-opted the Roman Empire to attempt to rule the world.

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71942a  No.16254157


Even ‘Flat Stanley’?

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19dc70  No.16254158

File: 99a19953f6adfb2⋯.png (229.46 KB, 502x600, 251:300, 11b031ae9059740b0e12ce91ca….png)


I am not a BV, nor Mossad, nor your Davey!

Fucking idiot!

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28943f  No.16254159






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53c370  No.16254160

File: 5e2e0e236f7ca45⋯.jpg (322.45 KB, 2010x1042, 1005:521, NukeUmGood.jpg)


30 flicks of a lamb's tail.

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e077fe  No.16254161

Jim is part of the 4-6% when it comes to the Taxes-issue.

Change my mind!

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4e11b7  No.16254162


look at that hook nose on Kahn

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ef85fe  No.16254163


Warhammer is RACIST.

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24ff2e  No.16254164

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, Smoking.JPG)


OMG; this is epic. My side are destoyed.

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3e29b1  No.16254165


You believe the Way, and the Truth, and the Life only "supposedly died" that day?

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19dc70  No.16254166

File: 67a9bae0243215a⋯.png (573.86 KB, 524x516, 131:129, ruhbgss.png)

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6d09af  No.16254167

File: d1bc5b2daf02eb3⋯.jpg (399.96 KB, 1851x1991, 1851:1991, WAT.jpg)

what do they means this?

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567bf2  No.16254168




Didn't watch the video

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08ebd3  No.16254169


Links to -

Child rape / pedophilia

Charles Schumer

Hillary Clinton


Ukraine/Somalia etc


Campaign finance violations

The list goes on…

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4ac15f  No.16254170

File: cca9a5d9982d112⋯.png (139.48 KB, 596x596, 1:1, faggots2.png)

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226c50  No.16254171

Help I can't find a working link for

Conversation with True The Vote Founder: Catherine Engelbrecht

interview. Does anyone have it?

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226c50  No.16254172


Found it

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f1d81f  No.16254173


>I love the way this guy breaks down cases

Yes! I try to read all the documents written to the court, but after 4,5 years, tons of documents read… English not the first language, my brain sometimes hurt a lot and I can´t make sense out of it…

This guy helps to put it together!

In my opinion, Notable all the time, just for "bringing shit together" in a good, understandable way!

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999ceb  No.16254174

File: 38a214d71ee5b64⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 890x685, 178:137, bvallanonsareshills.jpg)


'everybody's a jew'

reminds me of stormtrooper

said all the anon were Jews

this is mental illness

or just shill fakery


If everybodies a Jew.

Nobody's a Jew

learn Math.

also Jewish people fail to believe what you're writing that 'everybody's a Jew'

nefarious /s/

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28943f  No.16254175

File: ff1295d8a6dc70e⋯.jpg (161.3 KB, 600x870, 20:29, BT_Forward.jpg)



Buuuuuuut…. You IP HOP like one… You post Jew Shill bullshit like one… YOU LOST YOUR SHIT THE OTHER DAY Like one…

If it looks like a turd… smells like a turd… and acts like a turd…


Certainly isn't a bar of GOLD.

You can IP Hop all you want and "PRETEND" you're not the person that just posted the same bullshit with a different ID…

But You aren't fooling ANYBODY ANYMORE…


Response: "Nuh uhhh… No I'm not…"


Keep digging your grave.

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baaf71  No.16254176

So when are we going to get this mf'er out of the White House? I mean seriously nobody on this planet wants him out more than I do I guess, because if I had the power I would send this man to Ukraine and put him in the bio labs and use him as a guinea pig, cuz he is worth nothing he is less than nothing and he's a criminal less than nothing so can we just get this piece of crap out of the White House? WTF

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28943f  No.16254177



Ummm… Kay…

Sure, you go with that.

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f322ce  No.16254178


please share.

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c397e4  No.16254179

File: ac0c36d81af2fe6⋯.jpeg (339.84 KB, 1280x638, 640:319, She_is_not_a_RINO.jpeg)


is this fair?

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e077fe  No.16254180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



< this

And we're on course for a 10% Consumption-Tax.

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5f204e  No.16254181


well..you managed to be a newfag twice in a row lol

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4ac15f  No.16254182


thanks for sharing

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14a1c0  No.16254183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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0b0006  No.16254184

File: 70937827ce4f551⋯.png (895.46 KB, 758x455, 758:455, canvas.png)


Why Doesn’t Hong Kong’s Tragic Subjugation Get As Much Attention As Ukraine?

While activists, corporations, and governments are helping Ukraine resist Russia’s invasion, very few talk about Hong Kong’s loss of its democracy to Communist China.

Hong Kong “elected” a new chief while the world wasn’t paying attention.

Hong Kong’s current chief Carrie Lam will retire at the end of June. The selection of her successor has followed the rules Beijing dictated since it took control of Hong Kong in 1997. Beijing stamped out any hope of universal suffrage in Hong Kong in 2004.

Rather than letting more than 7 million residents in Hong Kong have a say in whom the city’s chief should be, Beijing created a “nomi­nating committee” (which has more than 1,400 members today), the majority of which are pro-Beijing elites. The committee would “vote” for a candidate from a list of candidates approved by Beijing. Beijing has ensured that Hong Kong’s chief executive will always be its puppet through this arrangement.

In previous “selections,” Beijing usually approved two or three candidates for the nominating committee to choose from, giving an illusion of an “election” even though the committee knew which candidate Beijing preferred. This year, Beijing dropped all pretense, so John Lee was the only candidate on the ballot.

Lee served as Hong Kong’s security chief under Lam’s administration. He helped Beijing crack down on the city’s pro-democracy movement and enforced the draconian National Security Law.

The National Security Law criminalizes any act of so-called secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with a foreign country or external elements, with a maximum penalty of life in prison. The National Security Law also gives Beijing unprecedented extraterritorial power to punish anyone anywhere in the world for advocating for democracy in Hong Kong.

Evidence that Democracy Has Already Died

Lee’s hard-line approach didn’t win him much public support. According to polls before last Sunday, Lee’s approval rating was only 35 percent. He probably would have had little chance of becoming the city’s chief had a general election been held.

However, with Beijing’s blessing, 1,416 out of the 1,428 members of the nominating committee “voted” for Lee. This means Lee will become Hong Kong’s new chief executive by winning 99 percent of the ballots cast. Such irony has demonstrated how pathetic the Beijing-sanctioned “selection” process is.

Another irony about Lee’s “election” is that he will be the first Hong Kong chief under U.S. sanctions long before his term begins. In August 2020, the Trump administration imposed economic sanctions against a dozen Hong Kong officials, including Lee and Hong Kong’s current chief Carrie Lam, for “undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy after Beijing’s imposition in 2020 of the national-security law.”


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771841  No.16254185


Maybe Ric has access to information about the Texas chair we don't have. I'm not ready to throw him under the bus .. not yet.

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055f9c  No.16254186



You all still believe "The Bible" is fact…

It is an ever evolving fiction

Twisted by preachers over the centuries to fit whatever plot the church has afoot

"Kill the witches…it says so in the Bible"

"Enslave the niggers…they're the mud-people of the Bible'

"Beat your children…spare the rod…it's in the Bible"

"Slaughter everyone but the virgins…it says so in the bible"

"Just believe and pray moar harder and he'll be back….two weeks tops."

Religion is an opiate and you both are steeped deeply in your drug dealer's sauce.

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0d2e40  No.16254187

File: bcc964f12c0c9dc⋯.png (615.95 KB, 716x908, 179:227, ClipboardImage.png)


naw he knows, it is just another msm clown op.

same as maga patriots, black maga

blah blah.

he was Director of National Intelligence in President Donald Trump's Cabinet in 2020.

thank you sir, anons know but a lot of those not used to psyops are not.


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2d29d3  No.16254188

File: 0e2f718c131741d⋯.png (402.48 KB, 598x624, 23:24, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)

Al Jazeera English


Shireen Abu Akleh, a veteran journalist who began working for Al Jazeera in 1997, was killed by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank on May 11, 2022

— in pictures https://aje.io/55r7ew


Israel for last.

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11ed46  No.16254189

High IQ anons realize Trump could’t be the one to bring us to the precipice and get all the blame.

It had to be Potato

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ee6d06  No.16254190

File: 8e151282eddac19⋯.jpg (264.59 KB, 880x764, 220:191, DTEHHR.jpg)

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19dc70  No.16254191

File: f899c794976f1b2⋯.png (348.4 KB, 569x795, 569:795, Super_Shlomo.png)




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407b56  No.16254193

To my handlers:

Your shit is all retarded & annoying. So the past 2 weeks I've been playing my favorite MMO & have ignored the news almost entirely.

I started to feel bad/guilty for not being in here for a few days in a row, so I get back online & look & everything is the same and/or worse. It's all so tiresome & fake.

You suck at your job

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ef85fe  No.16254194




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19dc70  No.16254195

File: 10c7ce0ac5c127a⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 248x260, 62:65, jewdog4.jpg)

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c397e4  No.16254196

File: 32516b8fd8c9ff6⋯.png (178.37 KB, 474x359, 474:359, fags.png)


immediately, Your Assholiness

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11ed46  No.16254197


Playing ladder?

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53c370  No.16254198

File: 40475e78c02b3d2⋯.jpeg (63.65 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 85CDE74D_C297_4824_AD3B_F….jpeg)

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8f8f03  No.16254199


IMBECILES - really? MAGA - Make AMERICA great again…, acting like MAGA is something to distance themselves from - as if its Q and the ANONS or sumting

–cryin comm chyna trannie:

call them: ULTRA MAGA - f(and say)you don't know what that means???

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481afd  No.16254200



>>16253346 LB (Cap), >>16253518, >>16253535, >>16253703 Has Board been threatened with take down by FLASH for censorship of Mossad Talk? (Know your bunkers)

>>16253469, >>16253471 The Swamp Today

>>16253489 Nothing better than watching a cannon go BOOM! 💥 💣 #FiresStrong (BOOM FLASH)

>>16253497, >>16253499, >>16253513 Biden DOD demands Mike Flynn fork over speech fee

>>16253515 VV701 US Navy Brass G5 departed RAF Northolt and stopped at Belfast Int'l for a little less than 1 hour then west

>>16253579 Market Report USD/Ruble +5.25%

>>16253597 217 USAF BRRRRRRRRRRT in the morning for ya

>>16253602 Exercise #SwiftResponse 22 runs the full gamut of assets available to US

>>16253631 U.S. Marines assigned to the Ground Combat Element, @22nd_meu

>>16253657 LIVE: Secretary of Defense Austin and General Milley Testify on Defense Budget

>>16253661 Grafix Timeline of Fisa Abuse

>>16253684 Mega Voter Fraud Bun In case you missed it.

>>16253707 whois Banned http://8kun.top/bans.html

>>16252723 (PB) Good read on the Great Reset…

>>16253720 Now they are going punish and censure doctors for practicing medicine

>>16253729 Jab Adverse Report (Skin Ulcer)

>>16253733 Passenger with "no idea how to fly" lands plane after pilot incapacitated

>>16253749, >>16254089 Empty callsign Joe departed JAB

>>16253769 Planefag bun

>>16253791 Shaking Close to yellowstone this morning.

>>16253889 Deputy Principal Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Chicago, IL Air Force One

>>16253976 Rapper Young Thug, associates arrested for RICO Act charges in Atlanta bun

>>16254053 Track the truckers: People's Convoy expects to be in DC next week

>>16254057 @CENTCOM -> @USTreasury designated a network of five Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS financial facilitators operating across Indonesia, Syria, and Turkey. #DefeatDaesh

>>16254059 The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer

>>16254063 Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked ‘Classified’ Were Already Declassified, Kash Patel Says

>>16254042 A Conversation with True The Vote Founder: Catherine Engelbrecht

>>16254092 Anon's Notable Pins


>still need lb notables

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2d29d3  No.16254201

File: e614348bafa0fcc⋯.png (319.09 KB, 598x597, 598:597, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)


The Times of Israel


IDF chief says he regrets journalist’s death, still unclear who shot her


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ef85fe  No.16254202


Which MMO?

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567bf2  No.16254203



^^^^^^^^^^didn't watchthe video

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2d29d3  No.16254204

File: a77b2e528046954⋯.png (305.52 KB, 598x652, 299:326, Screenshot_2022_05_11_at_1….png)




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c397e4  No.16254206


Fox has their blacklists



ever seen Alex Jones on Fox? But as soon as Megyn Kelly goes to NBC she interviews him. What does that tell you?

I used to love Kayleigh, but now she is taking money from the snakes and big pharma advertisers at Fox.FUCK ANYONE AT FOX

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efcb72  No.16254207


M$M is thick

Bidone wading through yet?

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ee6d06  No.16254208

File: 65d19a1d66b57fe⋯.png (163.51 KB, 898x976, 449:488, Screen_Shot_2022_05_11_at_….png)

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21fb29  No.16254209


>To my handlers:

The ego is strong in this one.

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5ef289  No.16254210

File: 0fc51a66cfa7c88⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 1280x786, 640:393, photo_2022_04_03_04_24_05.jpg)

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4ac15f  No.16254212

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, a3482af3374bb7f9c50d517d84….jpg)

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19dc70  No.16254213

File: 33ef995aac6119d⋯.png (73.99 KB, 262x400, 131:200, Lurchi2.png)

File: 7656980ecabc719⋯.png (63.95 KB, 318x291, 106:97, Beep_Beep2.png)


I'm not who you think I am

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c397e4  No.16254215

File: 7f9e9f06457fe0c⋯.jpeg (61.39 KB, 500x528, 125:132, 7f9e9f06457fe0c825aaaf477….jpeg)


ALT + F4 to make it replay

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42e3d1  No.16254216


New “Tusk” browser released today. The new browser supposedly does not have a left leaning bias built into the algorithms. I’m using it now.

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0b0006  No.16254217


Americans Don’t Want War With Russia But Republicans And Democrats Are Forcing It Anyway

Since the conflict in Ukraine and Russia began, high-profile elites have demanded that the United States back Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky with finances, food, weaponry, and even the threat of war against Vladimir Putin, but this is out of step with the will of the people.

What started as a call to fund and defend a nation against an invasion from a dangerous dictator, however, quickly morphed into a quest to undermine the Russian regime by whatever means necessary including ordering NATO warplanes to shoot down Russian aircraft and issuing full-blown declarations of war.

A majority of Americans do not want the U.S. to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Recent polling from The Washington Post and ABC News suggests that 72 percent of U.S. adults “oppose the United States taking direct military action against Russian forces.” Even in the early days of the overseas conflict, only 17 percent of Americans were willing to “risk a direct war between the U.S. and Russia” to “do whatever it can to help Ukraine.”

Congress has yet to vote to officially authorize acts of war against Russia, but that hasn’t stopped some of the most high-ranking officials in the U.S., from President Joe Biden and sitting members of Congress to intelligence agencies and even institutions such as the corporate media, from promoting a clash in Eastern Europe.

Just this week, sitting Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., admitted that the United States is in a proxy war with Russia.

“At the end of the day, we’ve got to realize we’re at war. And we’re not just at war to support the Ukrainians. We’re fundamentally at war, although, it’s somewhat through proxy with Russia and it’s important that we win,” Moulton said.

Similarly, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., claimed this week that “we can win this war on behalf of Ukraine.”

“There is no off-ramp in this war. Somebody is going to win and somebody is going to lose, and I hope and pray and do everything in my power to make sure Ukraine wins,” Graham said.

Graham’s march toward war has significantly increased in the last few months. In March, he called for the assassination of Putin by Russians to end the conflict.


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24ff2e  No.16254218



Oh, anon gets it, alright. Anon also having a big laugh over it. Regardless of how you recognize the guard rails being in place, recognizing they are there is the important part. Either Oz or Kathy winning is a win. Oz because strings attached. Kathy because actually MAGA. Let the base duke it out to see who comes out on top. Get someone to gaslight the base.

Anon gets it.

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3e29b1  No.16254220

File: 78f7b0bfc54852c⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 632x421, 632:421, 2ifbysea.jpg)

File: 86ec8977bd9c434⋯.png (131.17 KB, 342x392, 171:196, ClipboardImage.png)


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend.

>I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

To measure is to rule.

Remember the markers 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, and America will be unified 11.11.18(R)?

>Revelation 11:3-12.

>"3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

How's the "plague" going? Are you watching the water like Q told you? Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water is. People, multitudes, nations and languages. What does it mean to be turned to blood?

The BREATH OF LIFE enters the Witnesses. Jesus overcomes with the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH.

What did the masks symbolize?

>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People. Watch the Water.

The witnesses go to heaven in a CLOUD.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a CLOUD hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, so hidden in a CLOUD? But don't look to the sky!

What are we posting on?

The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

>For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20

>After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” - Revelation 7:9-10

To count is to measure, to measure is to rule. They can't be ruled.

> I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. - Revelation 1:12-16

His voice is like rushing waters. Again Revelation 17:15 tells you, the waters stand for people, multitudes, nations and languages. We are His voice.

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407b56  No.16254221



Skyrim is my favorite single player game & eso is a good alternative

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481afd  No.16254222



Q Research General #20561: Anons are a Flash of Light in the Darkness #NeverForget Edition




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567bf2  No.16254223



partial vid

full vid is 9+ mins

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2d18a6  No.16254224

File: 8da5c6f27a0274e⋯.jpeg (321.92 KB, 1241x1497, 1241:1497, ghey.jpeg)


i am convinced that part of deep Monarch programming involves having the person believe he is tranny.

placing these people in positions of power is another way to mark them, and say fuck you to the general population.

marked slaves. court eunuchs.

just like they turned bradley manning into a chick as retribution.

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999ceb  No.16254225

File: 5d7150420441625⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB, 480x360, 4:3, danwallacestmarkss2.mp4)


Jones destroyed the 9/11 research community

Either corrupted Luke R. or Luke was a ringer from the beginning.

Luke R. went to Jones for the money? ~ so its claimed he said at the time.

Took the girlfriend of his dead best friend the day after the friend didn't wake up one morning

Girlfriend was in charge of the finances. so I'm told.

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1cbe7b  No.16254226

I'm starting to really like Kathy Barnette


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055f9c  No.16254227


Who/what is the God of the Jews?

Why wouldn't everyone who "worshiped" that God be considered a Jew?

Do you not see how your entire reality was built on a Judaic foundation?

The Native Americans aren't Jews

The Aboriginal Australians aren't Jews

The Eskimos aren't Jews

Yet they all suffer deprivation of their natural rights as humans under the oppression of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).

Where do these entities derive their source:



Sin taxes?

Sexual sin (unmarried)?




State inflicted death penalty (aka Murder)?

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4e11b7  No.16254228


he's describing himself, this is funny

there weren't any planes btw

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407b56  No.16254229


That's why they love you. Ignorance is there favorite

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999ceb  No.16254230

File: 5d7150420441625⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB, 480x360, 4:3, danwallacestmarkss2.mp4)


Jones destroyed the 9/11 research community

Either corrupted Luke R. or Luke was a ringer from the beginning.

Luke R. went to Jones for the money? ~ so its claimed he said at the time.

Took the girlfriend of his dead best friend the day after the friend didn't wake up one morning

Girlfriend was in charge of the finances. so I'm told.

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62b55a  No.16254231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You flirting with me?

You are part of the Pudding and are proving it to be..Soured.

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163e9d  No.16254232

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)


alll (((inbreds))) to be drowned.

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eaae9b  No.16254234

File: 9da04e4bd50fa05⋯.png (112.05 KB, 305x382, 305:382, fa2edb9be35ac2e11c8bcbb08f….png)


Are those massive butt plugs on his mantle?

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f557e4  No.16254235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently the show is watching our once great Nation, America, burn.

Piglosi: the only thing to remain is aid/support for the Jews.

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2d18a6  No.16254236

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4ac15f  No.16254237

File: 31c50b13d878f6b⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 400x236, 100:59, Phil_simonsays.mp4)

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83868a  No.16254238

File: 15dbce91f95a3e1⋯.jpeg (61.72 KB, 500x528, 125:132, 7f9e9f06457fe0c825aaaf477….jpeg)

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ef85fe  No.16254239


ESO was a lot of fun, but I barely scratched the surface and only got to like a place with witches in the beginning and the desert oasis with the khajit. A lot of the hardcore players had such cool outfits, though. Skyrim is always fun!

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d31aa7  No.16254241

File: 9f1e8ef27b20b16⋯.png (54.01 KB, 581x248, 581:248, ClipboardImage.png)

A DOJ inspector general employee disclosed details of a draft report to multiple media outlets. It doesn't identify the IG report, but it appears to have been of high media interest. My guess is it's the Carter Page FISA report.


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4ac15f  No.16254242

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 620x400, 31:20, PHIL_lies.jpg)

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19dc70  No.16254243


I'll take a look at it later.

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163e9d  No.16254244

File: 2efaa500c0bdcee⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8a0201b95953cf5⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: d08bf24a634f776⋯.png (892.4 KB, 1296x1290, 216:215, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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53c370  No.16254245

File: 0a0c4efdbd83fa2⋯.jpg (412.38 KB, 1750x1061, 1750:1061, K9Antifa.JPG)

File: 7f6a70b1d70b29d⋯.jpg (393.65 KB, 1356x1034, 678:517, K9BLM.JPG)

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4ac15f  No.16254246

File: 67f2028431312c9⋯.png (887.08 KB, 1024x604, 256:151, 3ddb92cad8947e384a1c76f7ee….png)

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4e11b7  No.16254247


they kill the real journalists

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226c50  No.16254248


another assassination

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ad1b9c  No.16254249


That demon infested old hag needs to be a Guinea pig as well! Her mouth is a dirty vile black hole! She is the nothing that thinks she knows everything, makes me sick?/

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407b56  No.16254250


I've been playing since it came out in 2014 but stopped about 2 years ago(was here almost 24/7) Went back a couple weeks ago to see whats new & a lot is new & fun. They did something else to it because a lot of the boss fights I could never even think to solo, I can solo with ease. And PVP is a lot more fun too.

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83868a  No.16254251


(Secret) tarry

Tarry def:

To delay or be late in going, coming, or doing something: "O let us be married! Too long we have tarried!" (Edward Lear).

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4ac15f  No.16254252

File: 5186a73cc59948f⋯.png (522.3 KB, 747x577, 747:577, 5186a73cc59948f1039b81908e….png)

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055f9c  No.16254254


Retaliation for extraditing a Narco to the US

The drug war continues

CIA masterminding for profit continues

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53c370  No.16254256

File: 6bb548410b68aad⋯.jpg (177.13 KB, 1080x1135, 216:227, HillsBo.JPG)

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4ac15f  No.16254257

File: cf8e77c01a80810⋯.gif (3.76 MB, 498x277, 498:277, BS.gif)

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226c50  No.16254258


This is whattheyplanned. It is intentional people.

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4ac15f  No.16254261

File: 48631e03e072ef4⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 464x848, 29:53, DontArgueWithStupid.mp4)

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c397e4  No.16254262

File: e9b888cf2ab0e3c⋯.jpeg (356.82 KB, 1280x638, 640:319, She_is_not_a_RINO.jpeg)

File: b0639e051700583⋯.jpg (100.28 KB, 500x561, 500:561, after_the_ritual.jpg)


Oh Demented One, Your ignorance makes me the most intelligent in the room. Your Vastness diminishes your putrid odor.

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