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File: 0a1d6a6af18b1ca⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 2219f1a343d99259d3389add34….jpg)

1f0ff1  No.16132400[Last 50 Posts]

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1f0ff1  No.16132405


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16131783, >>16132268, >>16132289, >>16131846, >>16130712, >>16130722, >>16130727, >>16131910, >>16131915, >>16131917, >>16131867, >>16131875, >>16131986, >>16131969, >>16132039, >>16132059, >>16132066, >>16132069, >>16132124, >>16132072, >>16132073, >>16132075, >>16132076, >>16132078, >>16132089, >>16132090, >>16132091, >>16132073, >>16132075, >>16132224 (Cap 0:23) Edmund Burke Middle School, POV of the ‘active shooter’ and other FF

>>16132030 Herridge: DC SHOOTING: The search is on for a suspect accused of shooting multiple people

>>16131851, >>16132019 Devin Nunes trolls Fake News by Dan Scavino's 'activate' clicks

>>16131902 Contracts For April 22, 2022 NAVY: Kearney & Co. P.C., KPMG LLP, Sehlke Consulting, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Guidehouse Inc. awarded an estimated $999,620,355

>>16131908 FL Gov.Ron DeSantis Signs Bill to Remove Disney’s Tax Privilege and Self-Governing Status

>>16131933, >>16131941 PF Reports SAM888, 820, 822

>>16131945 Judge Laughs, Appears to Facepalm as Marjorie Taylor Greene Points to ‘1776’ on Georgia State Seal

>>16131957 Clinton Campaign Affiliates Are Trying to Bury Michael Sussmann | Kash’s Corner

>>16131961 Dan Scavino: Join President Donald J. Trump and special guests TOMORROW in Delaware, Ohio at 7:00 PM!

>>16131966, >>16131977 Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Update

>>16131968 FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression

>>16131978 Reagan Airport: Saturday morning, we're conducting an emergency exercise

>>16132050, >>16132136 Obama’s view boils down to: we need even more censorship to “protect our democracy.” not even interesting enough to be dystopian

>>16132077 The mass grooming of our children into pediatric transgenderism and other confused gender identities is a crime of world-historical proportions

>>16132094 Libs of TikTok has Gained 300,000 Followers Since Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

>>16132107 Social Credit System Aimed at Modifying Climate Change Behaviors is Being Deployed in Italy

>>16132142 Matt Hancock gives evidence to Dan Wootton's Lockdown Inquiry

>>16132148, >>16132167 Earth Liberation Front radical admits arson conspiracies

>>16132191, >>16132210 Dr. Peter McCullough: Pilot's heart attack after COVID shot fits 'pattern' (Cap 1:36) Aus TV admitting that boosters causing bells palsy and heart issues

>>16132226 Remember When Obama Pushed Graphic Sex Education to 5-Year-Olds?

>>16132252, >>16132291, >>16132294, >>16132295, >>16132317, >>16132322 The Barbarians are at the Gate -Elon Musk

>>16132395 #20405

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1f0ff1  No.16132407


>>16130959 Audio: Solomon with Kash Patel: "John Durham investigation is letting Clinton machine 'firing squad' attack itself"

>>16130986, >>16131083 DC shooting update

>>16130987 Putin Tells EU Chief That Kiev Not Allowing Azov Militants To Surrender In Mariupol


>>16131097 Judge Charles Beaudrot diggz

>>16131110 Ukrainian Tennis Star Demands Russian Players Be Subjected To Ideological Purity Test

>>16131179 Marketfag report

>>16131369, >>16131421, >>16131446 PF reports

>>16131196 Joe Biden shook hands with Gaige Grosskreutz, the felon who nearly murdered Kyle Rittenhouse

>>16131216 Poso: MTG actually fact-checked the BlueAnon lawyer

>>16131230 Cities and Swamp Settling: decolonizing wetlands

>>16131244 Election integrity watchdog launches absentee ballot tracker in battleground states

>>16131250 SSC Unified Data Library and Space Fence establish Direct Sensor Connection

>>16131253 Obama thinks we should agree on basic facts - like climate change and what content companies should promote

>>16131279, >>16131382, >>16131489, >>16131522, >>16131609, >>16131643 DC active shooter incident ongoing..

>>16131282 Biogen dig, con't.

>>16131284 GA write-in candidates must file ADVANCED PAPERWORK

>>16131304 Trump Spoke to McCarthy Last Night After Secret Audio Was Released…

>>16131310 Biden Nominates Former #US Envoy to #Ukraine as Assistant Secretary of State for #Energy

>>16131319 Biden announces Ukrainian immigrant program so refugees won't 'go through our southern border'

>>16131349 Kandiss Taylor Proposes Executive Orders To Combat Grooming, Anti-White Racism, Mask And Vaccine Mandates

>>16131362 Trump’s Truth Social Ready to Launch, Beta Testing Complete: CEO

>>16131377 Georgia Tech Gave Mueller a Large File of Trump-Related Material That Went Missing

>>16131395 Los Angeles County Reinstates Mask Mandate On Public Transit, LAX, Ride Shares

>>16131537 Jonathan Turley on a decorum filled twitter rant

>>16131593 Rockefeller Foundation President Starts Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose

>>16131963 #20404

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1f0ff1  No.16132411


>>16130178, >>16130225, >>16130239, >>16130245, >>16130320, Matt Gaetz - Petitioners are trying to link MTG to lines from the movie Independence Day. Judge cannot control laughter. y/t linky available

>>16130186, >>16130193, >>16130439 @RNCResearch Biden: “I’ve flown over every major wildfire in this country.”-soc. media

>>16130200 3 children die on same day at Camp Lejeune Marine Base-americanmilitarynews

>>16130211 Wuhan Institute of Virology's 'Bat Lady' is still serving on a taxpayer-funded board-from April 20

>>16130223 Parent speaks after Sarasota School Board tosses her for what she was 'about to say'

>>16130226 Texas Dem Voted To Cut Law Enforcement Jobs Amid Concerns of Cartel Violence

>>16130243, >>16130479, >>16130524 pf report SAM850 takes off as ANON from San Francisco Int'l en//RICO20 heads ne back to Grand Forks AFB.

>>16130260 FCC’s Brendan Carr slams Apple’s Tim Cook for China censorship hypocrisy-nypost

>>16130268 US Navy wirelessly beams 1.6 kW of power a kilometer using microwaves-newatlas april 21

>>16130274 NY Appeals Court Shuts Down New Congressional Map Designed to 'Favor Democrats'-westernjournal

>>16130293 Biogen pulls application for Alzheimer's drug in Europe-jpost

>>16130304, >>16130310 @tylerpager twat: Anita Dunn is returning to the White House in a senior role-soc. media

>>16130322, >>16129383 pb It is said in Indian mythology that swans can separate water from milk Is it correct?-quora

>>16130340, >>16130368 Biden Regime Still Refusing to Sanction Roman Abramovich, Russian Oligarch Who Fled to Israel-informationliberation April 21

>>16130351 Pressure ascends on Royal Family as Sophie and Edward suddenly cancel overseas tour-express.co.uk

>>16130352 @SwainForSenate twat: Governor DeSantis just SIGNED the ‘Stop Woke Act’ banning Critical Race Theory in all public schools, universities, corporations, and institutions. Huge WIN!

>>16130371, >>16130375 Here is a list of links from most 2022 to 2020 on food plants burning down and livestock being killed.-soc. media

>>16130356, >>16130383 J.K. Rowling compares demand to accept transgender wokeness to the drive for conformity in the Soviet Unions-soc media

>>16130398 @DAlperovitch twat

>>16130388, >>16130407, >>16130412 @TomFitton: That @RepMTG is being asked to defend before a court her God-given free speech rights is an abomination unto the law and our Constitution.

>>16130413, >>16130424 Obama admits COVID jab has been ‘clinically tested on billions’ while chastising Americans who refused-lifesitenews

>>16130428 on earf day today this figures news: Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend-nbcnews from 2011

>>16130435 Putin asks EU to use its influence on Ukraine-rt

>>16130437, >>16130440 Docs: Spygate Researchers Did Work For Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller-thefederalist

>>16130444 chek't for the keks

>>16130452 Ukraine accuses mayor of treason-rt

>>16130475 Russia reveals sunken warship’s crew losses-rt

>>16130493 Norman Foster proposes ‘city of the future’ for Ukraine-rt

>>16130531, >>16130628 WA Premier Mark McGowan’s child seriously ill in hospital with Covid-news

>>16130616 Pacific Northwest Environmental Extremist and Arsonist Pleads Guilty-justice.gov

>>16130624, >>16130636 China update: not just Shanghai, ALL OF CHINA-soc media

>>16130648 Kash Patel: John Durham investigation is letting Clinton machine 'firing squad' attack itself | Just the News

>>16130659 Biden: "In the US military, every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly. We're spending billions of dollars to do it."-disclosetv

>>16130668 California Parents Allege Teacher, Admin Conspired To Teach Eight-Year-Olds About Gender, Sex-dailycaller

>>16130677 Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 22.04.2022 y/t

>>16130667, >>16130691, >>16130695 QUEBEC PASSES BILL 15 WHICH GIVES THE STATE FULL CONTROL OF YOUR CHILDREN-soc.media

>>16130696, >>16130755 Truckers Shutdown LA Freeway In Protest Of Biden’s Fuel Prices-gatewaypundit

>>16130712, >>16130722, >>16130727 Reports of active shooter near Edmund Burke Middle School, sounds of heavy shooting heard in Washington DC-thieinsider

>>16130728 Biden was just met with a warm “Let’s go, Brandon” welcome in Auburn, WA as he arrives at Green River College for Earth Day speech.-soc. media

>>16130735 Hussein Twat

>>16130765 DOW plunges more than 900pts-cnbc

>>16130869 POTATUS LIVE - remarks on his actions to lower costs and give families more breathing room

>>16130873 @gospaceforce Happy #EarthDay, earthlings.

>>16130896 #20403

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1f0ff1  No.16132413


>>16129383 New Dan the man (Swan Comms)

>>16129480 Daily Swamp Schedule

>>16129557 Harris will will deliver the keynote address on Sat.,May 7, for the 2022 Spring Undergraduate Commencement.

>>16129596 Biden Delivers Remarks on Earth Day

>>16129601, >>16129630 @WokeSocieties food processing plants from 2020 that had accidents or burned down.

>>16129711 No one is even talking about the fact that Disney Inc had its own functioning government within the confines of the United States

>>16129714 MTG being questioned on J6 now

>>16129767 PF Report General Mills Georgia plane crash

>>16129768 Florida sheriff says homeowners are 'more than welcome to shoot at' crooks who break into their homes

>>16129805, >>16129808 Moar PF

>>16129842 UK University Puts Up Poster Warning Women Not to ‘Challenge’ Transgenders In Bathroom

>>16129874 'Smart Dust' incoming.

>>16129913 County Director of Public Health Dr. Barbara Ferrer Isn't a Medical Doctor?

>>16129943 10 Deaths in 10 Months: String of Suicides on a Single Aircraft Carrier

>>16129934, >>16129990 @JackPosobiec -> MTG, Freedom of Speech!

>>16130051 @mattgaetz Petitioner tries to get MTG to accept that any reference to 1776 is a call to violence.

>>16129433 Former Central California water manager stole $25 million in water over 23 years, prosecutors say

>>16130130 #20402


>>16128612, >>16128958 Calling on the 5Th Element (#LHC)

>>16128630 Reminder: DNA found in coronavirus was patented by Moderna 3 years before the pandemic

>>16128632, >>16128662 @JennaEllisEsq Respect and uphold the constitutionally protected right to free speech for all

>>16128639 Liz Cheney Denies Leaking McCarthy Audio To New York Times

>>16128731, >>16128741 The Reason CNN Plus Failed Isn’t What You Think

>>16128698, >>16128852, >>16128714 The Clinton Campaign posted this video on October 15, 2016.

>>16128867, >>16129144 PF Report


>>16128909 Docs: Spygate Researchers Did Work For Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller

>>16128931 Our country is under attack from within (#StartTheGardens)

>>16128936 Emails Suggest The Federal Government Colluded With U-Pitt To Cover Up Experiments On Babies

>>16128988 World’s largest vaccine maker halts AstraZeneca jab production

>>16128991 NYT Admits: Experimenting On Trans Kids Has Horrifying Effects #SaveTheChildren

>>16129019 Shakespeare has been [TWTR] canceled

>>16129061 Fusion GPS’s ‘Attorney-Client Privilege’ Cover

>>16126680 Reminder PB Dig on Reedy Creek Improvement District

>>16129080, >>16129105, >>16129119 Antifa is [illegal] recruiting in DC (Umbrellas Out)

>>16129105 Tweets embed. (Who Knew!?)

>>16129138 4KEKS RRN Putin Executes American, British Mercenaries working for Zelenskyy

>>16129152 Texas National Guard soldier has just drowned in the Rio Grande here in Eagle Pass while trying to save migrants

>>16129169 4KEKS RRN Military Advises Trump: “No More Interviews”

>>16129189 Just to be clear, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Released Statement Saying NYT Authors Misquoted Him on Pushing Trump from Office – THEN THEY RELEASED THE AUDIO

>>16129260 University of Arizona researchers find link between COVID deaths and snake venom

>>16129294 NEW TS@q

>>16129085 As Yen Craters, Japan Begs US For "Coordinated Currency Intervention", Is Rejected By Yellen

>>16129318 #20401

>>16126556 #20398, >>16127723 #20399, >>16128522 #20400

>>16124200 #20395, >>16124985 #20396, >>16125780 #20397

>>16121743 #20392, >>16122588 #20393, >>16123424 #20394

>>16119308 #20389, >>16120071 #20390, >>16120830 #20391

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>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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1f0ff1  No.16132418

File: 3c4008e1466c028⋯.png (775.97 KB, 976x723, 976:723, ClipboardImage.png)



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d1c835  No.16132446


Nice title.


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af5ed5  No.16132450

I will verify you.

The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!


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ed2c2b  No.16132452

File: 79290881063264e⋯.jpg (142.05 KB, 680x680, 1:1, d57dd094c3b0524c499d0202c5….jpg)

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1fca32  No.16132453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16132457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16132460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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444e58  No.16132461

File: 7714917b424de07⋯.png (447.5 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3DAADB04_FE0A_4E8C_A95B_F2….png)

Anons should check truth social. Looks like it’s working now for most if not all.

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499ff3  No.16132466

File: d53645035eecdec⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1896x1056, 79:44, 00000000000000000000000000….png)


Thank you, Gerb

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410459  No.16132468

File: cc442ff544990f9⋯.jpeg (137.65 KB, 465x523, 465:523, A09A45C0_E660_497B_BFC1_2….jpeg)

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d1c835  No.16132469


Are images working on bread?

I see the "JOIN OR 404".

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3be7df  No.16132470


Can confirm.

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1fca32  No.16132471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16132474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7cc45  No.16132475

File: 65b4d5b74aa5fe3⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 282x567, 94:189, 237_a.jpg)


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9e54ef  No.16132478

File: d9689a7aa842004⋯.png (539.71 KB, 505x500, 101:100, ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk doesn’t exist

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1fca32  No.16132480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf4e96  No.16132481

>>16132451 lb

>>16132440 lb

>>16132414 lb

>>16132343 lb

>>16132311 lb

>>16132293 lb

>>16132265 lb

>>16132221 lb

>>16132197 lb

>>16132187 lb

>>16132112 lb

>>16132091 lb

>>16132069 lb

>>16132059 lb

>>16132039 lb

>>16132021 lb

>>16131969 lb

I'm getting the feeling there will be a Big FF in Florida coming soon.

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1fca32  No.16132485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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444e58  No.16132488


Images are working for me

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1fca32  No.16132489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16132498



so Clue also has a Mr. Green.

Margorie Taylor Greene?

Mr. Green was FBI in the move, an anon said lb.


how about Snow White for Mrs. White?

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cdf370  No.16132499

File: b2f099d99e872a4⋯.png (157.05 KB, 950x1132, 475:566, ClipboardImage.png)


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3233f4  No.16132505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk


What is best in life?

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da4b94  No.16132506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Loves Garbage

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3047e5  No.16132510


Does it Android yet?

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428aa4  No.16132511

DeSantis confirms on Tucker interview that Disney World had their own Nuclear reactor

crazy shit

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499ff3  No.16132512

File: 76b96d054d6d916⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 480x518, 240:259, ACONANBESTPEPE.jpg)


>>16132252, >>16132291, >>16132294, >>16132295, >>16132317, >>16132322

The Barbarians are at the Gate -Elon Musk

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f7b19a  No.16132513


For Green.



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9e54ef  No.16132514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[you] love filter

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9e7d5d  No.16132515

The Secret Service protects and defends the cabal's currency from counterfeit etc. Make a fake Roth note and the SS will come knocking.

Are they also the cabals secret police? Do they "guard" and "protect" our presidents for the cabal?

If you wanted to keep tabs on the POTUS, why not control the Secret Service then you can literately watch him 24/7 and report everything.

What better way to keep an eye on your puppet President and keep them in line FOR LIFE as you "protect" them?

"Mr. President you get our "protection" for life.

If you get out of line; well….

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762134  No.16132516

File: 96b9331125bc8ee⋯.jpg (413.35 KB, 1080x1373, 1080:1373, Screenshot_20220417_082212….jpg)

File: afa6e31f65e2956⋯.jpg (621.62 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20220417_082420….jpg)

File: f94df0b63cb1028⋯.pdf (9.12 MB, CORONA_TALENTKEYHOLE.pdf)

>>16132479 LB

>>16132124 LB


Bun for your notable Keyhole Q posts with actual pdf for talent keyhole and Corona program.

Please review.

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ed2c2b  No.16132517

File: b5d119bb4cdcfbf⋯.png (335.28 KB, 598x649, 598:649, Screenshot_2022_04_22_at_2….png)


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cdf370  No.16132518

File: 92debddb94af863⋯.png (191.18 KB, 1277x464, 1277:464, ClipboardImage.png)


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f7b19a  No.16132519


i want my own NR. free energy bitches!

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3047e5  No.16132520


>had their own Nuclear reactor

Had? Or had the legal authority to build?

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d42812  No.16132521

File: a7ea21f62d4fdbb⋯.jpg (720.01 KB, 3000x2002, 1500:1001, 1650592988478.jpg)

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3e11dd  No.16132522


did he say anything about the time machine?

that Lincoln speech was wack

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d1c835  No.16132523


The things that are free.

Best things in life are free.

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428aa4  No.16132524



>Elon calls out whatisbestinlife.png classic era pepe mem



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9e468a  No.16132525

File: 0b0b2476eb6c28f⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 625x388, 625:388, 5j05hy53esdfgfxf.jpg)

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458051  No.16132526


I can't sign up. I'm not a iPhone faggot.

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3e11dd  No.16132527


>the legal authority to build?

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d1c835  No.16132529


Filthy dreamer,

is Dismal Disney.

Just as Dismal Swamp.

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4dd917  No.16132530


Do you have to use a real phone number, name, email, etc?

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9e7d5d  No.16132531





What else is free?

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fc7385  No.16132532

File: 5ebf22626ba4d8f⋯.jpeg (528.66 KB, 2048x864, 64:27, F015CA6F_01F9_43D8_85E8_6….jpeg)

File: 19671303b1ee1f0⋯.jpeg (508.57 KB, 1901x1436, 1901:1436, C2EB5EA7_7CE8_4D8C_BAE6_8….jpeg)

>>16131789 LB


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847826  No.16132533


ill probably get on there when trump starts posting

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d1c835  No.16132534


Or Pepe?

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410459  No.16132535

File: 72ac3a5fb773f93⋯.jpeg (56.53 KB, 650x818, 325:409, 2FBADD7C_6ADA_4F23_8FAC_F….jpeg)

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53b9a6  No.16132537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


35:30. If Trump comes back he'll hire a good butcher. He was surrounded by a lot of garbage.

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ca8611  No.16132538

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB, 508x614, 254:307, 9247bdea42227d09ef6cbfb47f….png)

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eec7af  No.16132539

File: 446d95e78ebdc0a⋯.png (592.08 KB, 1344x629, 1344:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB, 989x587, 989:587, ClipboardImage.png)

no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle SeaTac Int'l with 09-0016 USAF C-32A departing Fairchild AFB, Spokane earlier and had to wait for always late Joe just east of Seattle

LOKI82 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Davis-Monthan AFB after arriving yesterday from Robbins AFB-this is S.O.P to have a Nightwatch

06-6158 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed JB Lewis-McChord and arrived yesterday as DEED193 from Davis-Monthan AFB

SAM929 USAF G5 departed JBA west with 20-1949 USAF G5 (it is a SAM flight that is not showing up due to ADS-Bs issues lately-a fairly high level one too-all three of these G5s are

SAM888 (chek't) USAG G5 se from JBA

no callsign Joe is going to Philadelphia Int'l then will take a Helo or Osprey to New Castle Airport, Delaware as the 747 is not able to land at New Castle-it will return to JBA from Philadelphia after dropping off

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ea6153  No.16132540

File: b691f00b55fe5d2⋯.png (14.28 KB, 484x233, 484:233, Screen_Shot_04_22_22_at_08….PNG)


Add up that timestamp.

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4dd917  No.16132541

File: d6b0df17148d9a8⋯.png (586.36 KB, 735x620, 147:124, biden_records.png)

Maybe Joe doesn't have visitors - who would come and visit an actor?


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8a653c  No.16132543

File: b55229bd60e6984⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 400x400, 1:1, fightclub_night_shift.gif)



Full alert anons,

Friday night and the Barbarians are at the gate.

Great title suggested by Elon tweet


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444e58  No.16132544


Tbh it’s been so long since I signed up, that I don’t remember. I gave my Email and mobile number, for sure.

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03e3b7  No.16132545


Not had, but could build their own plant under the special privilege given under the Reedy Creek deal.

Essentially, *IF, they wanted to build one they could have.

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6be791  No.16132546

File: 1e649ab9b3a9d0c⋯.png (10.11 KB, 288x72, 4:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbe9bf  No.16132547

File: 63e4802fcaaf35e⋯.png (155.19 KB, 997x736, 997:736, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16132421 (pb)

it's real

you can buy one if you want




circa 2015


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ea6153  No.16132548


And 17 words.

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3e11dd  No.16132549

File: 9c32938470a03dc⋯.png (25.44 KB, 1036x582, 518:291, ClipboardImage.png)


>truth social

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d1c835  No.16132550


Water is free?

Who knew.

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ed2c2b  No.16132551

File: fe818d853d596cd⋯.jpg (144.09 KB, 1190x866, 595:433, FQ9W1ZzX0AAK5ZO.jpg)

File: 509fad02d2d116b⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, FQ9W1Z2XEAAtJrh.jpg)

File: 4072d8ed40117f0⋯.jpg (189.32 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, FQ9W1ZzXIAIhIB3.jpg)

#Spain: Residents of seaside resorts ask #UkrainianRefugees to keep their clothes on, to avoid terrifying other beach goers.


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8a653c  No.16132552

File: ef24d71ba83447c⋯.png (285.48 KB, 723x744, 241:248, ClipboardImage.png)


filtered spammer bread gobbler


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1f38b8  No.16132553


no Play Store yet.

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15aebf  No.16132554

File: 3b271afcc0a5bf8⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 500x526, 250:263, 6dj4by.jpg)

File: aecbfb77dc997a6⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 500x518, 250:259, 6coduf_1.jpg)

File: 01074474a7dd082⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 500x619, 500:619, 6ckhy.jpg)

File: 23fefe39bf57a13⋯.jpg (82.6 KB, 500x766, 250:383, 6djgh.jpg)

File: 37dfc092bea98f0⋯.jpg (80.94 KB, 500x663, 500:663, 6coggv_1.jpg)

hide the 2020 election theft and the midterm elections will also be stolen.

Who in their right mind would give Biden 81 million votes because if you add up Trump and Biden's votes their isn't that many registered voters in America…

If you contest any stolen 2022 midterm election it wil fall on deaf ears just like what happened to TRUMP.


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9ffd55  No.16132555

File: 8b211ff26c47919⋯.png (412.42 KB, 619x374, 619:374, captainmikegreen.png)

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32b6e3  No.16132556

File: 6c552d3ebf6707e⋯.jpg (111.5 KB, 800x543, 800:543, 6c552d3ebf6707e3e52e95c0f3….jpg)

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e3cf85  No.16132557

Sadly ww2 hasn't ended

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03e3b7  No.16132558

File: 7e51b029f402a61⋯.jpg (160.18 KB, 660x630, 22:21, 7e51b029f402a618bcb6cbe3a0….jpg)

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c92655  No.16132559

File: 5275966c0d770ce⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 720x942, 120:157, 4MVUJrOQRAop2kUQ.mp4)

Really interesting, We’ve got to be excited about the future, that makes us want to live


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c2b1b6  No.16132560


My god. It's /pol/'s perfect woman.

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6be791  No.16132562


She has no ass.

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d42812  No.16132563

File: de4f06d8c948483⋯.jpg (235.48 KB, 1080x695, 216:139, 20190310_215456.jpg)


>bread gobbler

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9e54ef  No.16132564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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444e58  No.16132565



o7, Captain Green.

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4f8713  No.16132566

File: e49de8de5971e56⋯.png (210.34 KB, 1074x800, 537:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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efaf81  No.16132567

File: 0bef18d2497b5bc⋯.jpeg (598.53 KB, 750x858, 125:143, 3CDB8FC9_34A8_4FD8_84B9_3….jpeg)





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e3cf85  No.16132568


Who needs an ass?

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53b9a6  No.16132569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


America in the gutter.

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ea6153  No.16132570

File: a4a86800fcedd90⋯.png (20.56 KB, 478x340, 239:170, Screen_Shot_04_22_22_at_08….PNG)

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2946cc  No.16132571

File: cd353528044910b⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 380x537, 380:537, a1804ae0d11e9c7276aa7be78f….jpg)

>>16132421 pb

Trump jr


this seems to be the genuine unedited gift card

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7754ba  No.16132572

File: 85d45ada9bc9f84⋯.png (21.57 KB, 227x222, 227:222, ClipboardImage.png)


RIP Captain

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1f0ff1  No.16132573


Notables Posts On Qresearch have the following

0. URL

1. Title

1. Main points

2. Connection to Q post

3. Screenshot or embed video if there is one

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9e54ef  No.16132574


Helped Jesus get around, just sayin

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b0cedb  No.16132575

File: a2e2e6361202df9⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1510x810, 151:81, kjhkjhkjhjre.PNG)

The 1/6 Prosecutions Proceed with Little Attention - Interview with Journalist Julie Kelly

Glenn Greenwald Published April 22, 2022 6 Views


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53b9a6  No.16132576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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711490  No.16132577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc4bea  No.16132578



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1f0ff1  No.16132579


sauce it

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9b171d  No.16132580

File: a907974bbc6ba4a⋯.png (141 KB, 357x396, 119:132, 2_more_weeks.png)





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3047e5  No.16132581

File: ca26c68a66d8f28⋯.png (40.38 KB, 370x493, 370:493, ClipboardImage.png)


So glad we're helping ukrain

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3e11dd  No.16132582

File: 2c2e96993f2b839⋯.png (810.68 KB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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458051  No.16132584

File: 181849d439cfd96⋯.jpg (176.55 KB, 1200x895, 240:179, 23232363837817452355888177….jpg)


Eat shit fucko. These things take time.

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9e54ef  No.16132585



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410459  No.16132586


No Anon.

Those are tits.

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1e0155  No.16132587

File: b72115aa692e053⋯.gif (813.8 KB, 245x200, 49:40, comeon.gif)


why bother to participate in 'TRUTH social' on a foundation of deception?

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d1c835  No.16132588



the Revolutionary War never ended.

Do wars really ever end?

They go underground,

and reemerge as the "next" war.

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15aebf  No.16132589

File: 3179540af686241⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 500x469, 500:469, 6cmgq9_1.jpg)

File: 755d197593edcbb⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 500x729, 500:729, 6dj3eb_1.jpg)

File: 147fd8bbc4b4949⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 500x410, 50:41, 6cgt_1.jpg)

Democrats didn't even try to hide the 2020 election theft and the 2022 midterm elections will also be stolen.

Who in their right mind would give Biden 81 million votes because if you add up Trump and Biden's votes their isn't that many registered voters in America…

If you contest any stolen 2022 midterm election it wil fall on deaf ears just like what happened to TRUMP.


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350764  No.16132590

File: 9f86a9b76122ab6⋯.png (407.11 KB, 459x883, 459:883, ClipboardImage.png)

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7754ba  No.16132591

Let me have the shills, I need bayonet practice

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03e3b7  No.16132592

File: b599812497b9be9⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 1022x575, 1022:575, Durceval2.jpg)

File: ab7f68f398238b1⋯.jpg (180.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 12ddt3.jpg)

File: e0b0edb511246f2⋯.jpg (384.8 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 00394002194.jpg)

File: c151db8b9ac1efc⋯.jpg (171.72 KB, 936x624, 3:2, 2b79f127677df89fe5f1f7959c….jpg)

File: ca27afff643002c⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 993x453, 331:151, 014ff36a707d41f.jpg)

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d1c835  No.16132593


"S/he" has a side burn….

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e3cf85  No.16132594


Excellent point!

Wars never end, they only pause for refreshments!

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f470db  No.16132595



Hey dipshits. This false flag was predicted twice last night on both /pol and /x/. Look before BV deletes.

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3047e5  No.16132596


Lol. Minnie is a big penis. Mickey has a twat.

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4dd917  No.16132597


I like being anonymous, don't you?

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d8bd3c  No.16132598

File: 1bbba33fc8297b9⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Chess_Model.jpg)

>>16132193 (lb)

A useful idiot can be useful for a lot of shit. Anyone trying to serve two masters will eventually self-destruct and reveal more details about their dual loyalty that come in handy later on.

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efaf81  No.16132599

File: caf385a071fbda0⋯.jpeg (189.5 KB, 721x475, 721:475, 40238E60_546F_4CC1_A86B_3….jpeg)


Well at this rate, maybe in 20 years you can say ‘I told ya so’

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d40401  No.16132600

File: 65fec53992ceec5⋯.jpg (110.92 KB, 1080x1076, 270:269, rus_us.jpg)

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53b9a6  No.16132601


What case(s) is HUBER + OIG + team of 470 currently working on?


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ea6153  No.16132602


Many thanks, PF!

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bead4f  No.16132603


"See!?? She's doing it again!!! Evacuate the building!!!"

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3e11dd  No.16132604

File: d76cf917413cd76⋯.png (7.6 KB, 752x260, 188:65, ClipboardImage.png)



please download & save for future reference

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1fca32  No.16132605

hang on

ernesto is still doxxin like a batjoto cuck who died of meth and hiv

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762134  No.16132606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This ain't a Trump Train. It's a Frank Train. NCSWIC.

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d408b5  No.16132607


Socialist ass. Flat and uninspiring

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9e54ef  No.16132608


I'd like to speak with your manager/handler

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458051  No.16132609

File: ee66a37fa38a793⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 833x555, 833:555, 23758481745235588817767779….jpg)

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b0cedb  No.16132610


why isn't she fighting in Donbass?

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762134  No.16132611

File: 6a8f8c72edf7486⋯.jpg (6.79 MB, 4624x3468, 4:3, 20220122_145225.jpg)

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1fca32  No.16132612

File: 836022f039bebd6⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 2019_07_23_23_23_IMG_8718.JPG)

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d8bd3c  No.16132613




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3233f4  No.16132614

File: b48bb2f05c3bf03⋯.png (226.89 KB, 306x552, 51:92, ClipboardImage.png)

Huge blaze sweeps through Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day seven people are killed in fire at weapon research facility


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493755  No.16132615

File: 5cc5f606efa87bf⋯.png (352.56 KB, 400x403, 400:403, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)


Bell does it cuz his own personal situation.

Imagine what he'd do if he needed money.

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f79e89  No.16132616

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c2b4f5  No.16132617

File: cf6c1b832aa0738⋯.png (410.9 KB, 750x600, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>to avoid terrifying other beach goers.

Because they've been conditioned to be terrified by certain things

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1fca32  No.16132618

File: 9c988c80bd91ac8⋯.jpg (165.44 KB, 750x766, 375:383, 2019_05_06_20_39_IMG_8046.JPG)

france surrenders

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efaf81  No.16132620


Did I just get BTFO’d by a boomer with bling?

Okay. You win.

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af5ed5  No.16132622

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cf4e96  No.16132623

File: a411482d85662bf⋯.png (488.53 KB, 643x385, 643:385, FatAnon.png)


Fat and no ass?

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d8bd3c  No.16132624

File: 21795f7ce4821c1⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 500x637, 500:637, Watch_How_Easily_I_Steal_T….jpg)

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d42812  No.16132625

File: 7bf18df9975408b⋯.png (485.58 KB, 1080x980, 54:49, 650634915816.png)

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896d6e  No.16132626

File: cd5afdef47cc3ec⋯.png (375.95 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


The question is hth did they get away with this.

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d1c835  No.16132627



Appropriate meme!

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f79e89  No.16132628

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c2b4f5  No.16132629

File: d75c4d4d0328df1⋯.png (472.4 KB, 595x422, 595:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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efaf81  No.16132630


I don’t get the meme.

Splain it to me like I lurk on 8kun

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32b6e3  No.16132631

File: 4e1b6ad08934cb3⋯.jpg (93.78 KB, 1028x601, 1028:601, 4e1b6ad08934cb3cd1333d856f….jpg)



Nice skirt she got there with the puff sleeves.

Takes some work to actually see it.

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d40401  No.16132632


The absolute state of mental conditioning

I feel traumatized, kek

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9e54ef  No.16132633

File: 4c5dc2df66be897⋯.png (24.03 KB, 583x526, 583:526, 1636408881866.png)

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458051  No.16132634

File: d7ab9ccea80529d⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5483787877736363671753.jpg)

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9ceb1b  No.16132635

File: 9c351e136c2c3ce⋯.png (452.09 KB, 609x789, 203:263, PENDEMIC.png)

I know this was posted before, but I especially liked the name they came up with to kill as many minorities as possible – the Program to Alleviate National Disparities in Ethnic and Minority Immunizations in the Community (PANDEMIC)

U.S. Health and Human Services Director Xavier Becerra claimed the “safe and effective” mRNA jabs are killing people with dark skin at a much higher rate than those with light skin.

Meanwhile, the CDC is deploying fleets of federally funded “pandemic” buses to minority communities across the nation to persuade unvaccinated Americans into getting jabbed.

The CDC’s PANDEMIC (Program to Alleviate National Disparities in Ethnic and Minority Immunizations in the Community) deploys teams of health care workers into minority communities to educate people about why they need to be vaccinated.

According to PANDEMIC grant program materials, PANDEMIC’s goal is to reach groups that may experience “immunization disparities” in racial and ethnic minorities, residents of rural communities, migrant farmworkers, Native Americans, Hispanics, Blacks, and people identifying as part of the LGBTQ community and boost vaccination rates in areas chosen for having “high vaccine-hesitancy rate. ”

According to VAERS, there were only 421 vaccine-related deaths in 2020 prior to the administration of experimental mRNA injections. In 2021, the number of people who died after getting vaccinated precipitously spiked with at least 21,914 people dying after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

“If people aren’t sure [that they want the vaccine], then we have educational materials, and our community health workers and the extension agents will talk to them about their particular questions and try to answer their questions and their concerns. And then… [we] immediately give them the vaccine, explained Catherine Striley of the University of Florida, who helps oversee the PANDEMIC project.

Since October, the effort has resulted in 2,052 minorities getting vaccinated, an investment that costs every taxpayer approximately $5,000 per vaccine.


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ca8611  No.16132636

File: 9a9c4382db0aa26⋯.jpeg (97.14 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 9a9c4382db0aa2665364bd744….jpeg)

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2946cc  No.16132637

File: 3a2ab78969ca930⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 880x598, 440:299, Donald_Trump_Jr_on_Instagr….jpg)



>>>16132571 (You)


>Lol. Minnie is a big penis. Mickey has a twat.

I added or emphasized a bit

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15aebf  No.16132638

File: da30e0435505fd1⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 500x718, 250:359, 6ddgu.jpg)

File: 97fb404d691e846⋯.jpg (106.95 KB, 500x723, 500:723, 6dbmf5_1_1.jpg)

File: f525520fb4b5b7a⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 500x541, 500:541, 6dcdtl_1.jpg)

File: 52960a4b28d2d0a⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 500x591, 500:591, 52960a4b28d2d0a93d01779cb5….jpg)


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1e0155  No.16132639

File: 23737efe4728462⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 526x293, 526:293, Diggah4Life.JPG)

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3e11dd  No.16132640

File: 5cb8bb422c7c442⋯.png (254.69 KB, 578x614, 289:307, ClipboardImage.png)



do i know you?

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c2b1b6  No.16132641


My fries are cold again.

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d8bd3c  No.16132642

File: 74c9380f661164c⋯.png (57.26 KB, 723x370, 723:370, ClipboardImage.png)


Nope; it's still FAGGOT.

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d1c835  No.16132643


Is that what we are here?

Everybody and their mother's spooks has all our numbers.

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458051  No.16132644

File: ec8466430e1729a⋯.jpg (766.52 KB, 2487x1888, 2487:1888, 17888217452355888777177688….jpg)

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762134  No.16132645


Best idea since step porn. Make em fuck fatties post anal use.

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9e54ef  No.16132646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔣𝔱

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c92655  No.16132647

File: 40314faa10008ce⋯.mp4 (12.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, UWZO_5ZdtyKbHfjL.mp4)

Someone edited this annoying twitter blob and it much better now


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2946cc  No.16132648


you beat me to the punch

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c2b4f5  No.16132649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chappelle skit reference

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da4b94  No.16132650

File: 434ada440cb12a4⋯.png (667.68 KB, 1007x574, 1007:574, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16132651

File: b1925de2f059853⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 658x656, 329:328, 2019_09_19_21_58_IMG_9173.JPG)


>france surrenders

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53b9a6  No.16132652

File: e814ecff1c5b65d⋯.gif (152 KB, 400x170, 40:17, 1ee72277_9c6d_411a_afe1_bf….gif)

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efaf81  No.16132653

File: 3fbc9ea2919f230⋯.jpeg (38.49 KB, 501x498, 167:166, D630496B_FAB4_4296_92EB_9….jpeg)

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444e58  No.16132654


iOS it gtg

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eec7af  No.16132655

File: bacf204ff586631⋯.png (215.45 KB, 562x355, 562:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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7754ba  No.16132656



We never left

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ec58b8  No.16132657


You don’t need to be anon there. Everyone is saying all the things.

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5ccb03  No.16132659


ebo, you lost your fortran?

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ca8611  No.16132660

File: 5f25ecc81fd500d⋯.png (312.19 KB, 652x434, 326:217, 5f25ecc81fd500ddf54dfc64b8….png)

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169968  No.16132661

File: be9dcf0a6cd7632⋯.jpeg (48.04 KB, 720x820, 36:41, C45A6E86_1826_4F4C_88F5_4….jpeg)

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9655e1  No.16132662

File: 4514f05c6aebcd9⋯.png (536.02 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Night_Shift_3.png)

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f79e89  No.16132663

File: 6e58e5e3f578a1d⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1172x708, 293:177, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

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762134  No.16132664

File: c89008363c5f9c4⋯.jpg (578.74 KB, 1032x1545, 344:515, Screenshot_20220422_141323….jpg)


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5d544d  No.16132665


Big mickey


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4dd917  No.16132666


Why couldn't Jesus just walk? Was he crippled?

That's what my momma used to say when I asked her to drive me someplace - Are you crippled?

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3233f4  No.16132667

File: 4c829d75e2f1b77⋯.png (594.94 KB, 634x396, 317:198, ClipboardImage.png)

Large Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been fired up again after a three year break for maintenance and upgrades – with the first beam sent around the tunnel just before 10am BST this morning.

The LHC works by smashing atoms together to break them apart and discover the subatomic particles that exist inside them, and how they interact.

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, shut down the collider in 2019, so that it could carry out work to make the instruments more sensitive.

This will give researchers a higher resolution view inside atoms – capturing data 30 million times per second – and allow more runs.

Firing up the nearly 17 mile-long LHC is a complex process, requiring everything to 'work like an orchestra', especially after the extended shut down due to Covid-19.


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720c69  No.16132668


Obviously you haven't seen the dross dished up as notables since at least the inception of 8kun.

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dc70ba  No.16132669

File: 86a14e365feaf93⋯.png (305 KB, 588x691, 588:691, ClipboardImage.png)



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efaf81  No.16132670

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97d4e6  No.16132671

File: 8d830a0714c11ad⋯.jpg (248.4 KB, 1080x2025, 8:15, Screenshot_20220422_193303….jpg)

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493755  No.16132672

File: 2345e20833f586a⋯.png (884.87 KB, 937x553, 937:553, Screen_Shot_2022_04_19_at_….png)

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9b171d  No.16132673

File: ae7999e545300d3⋯.png (172.05 KB, 499x240, 499:240, 2022_04_22_20_33_13.png)


>this seems to be the genuine unedited gift card


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3e11dd  No.16132674

File: 2c8ffa320f8cf1d⋯.png (27.42 KB, 533x479, 533:479, ClipboardImage.png)


>I don’t get the meme.

how bout this one?

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1e0155  No.16132675

File: 17804ea590b2467⋯.jpg (154.16 KB, 750x598, 375:299, 17804ea590b246790f10d86e4c….jpg)


yes. so then don't participate OR be the change you want to see …nothing but the TRUTH all the way around.

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374036  No.16132676

Truth Social is on 🔥 🔥 🔥

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efaf81  No.16132677

File: ab22bd1b66d102e⋯.jpeg (107.82 KB, 680x847, 680:847, EB9EDB92_EDBF_44C2_B6AD_7….jpeg)

Oh shit is this the original meme..?

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4f8713  No.16132678

File: 32558c42a115cc3⋯.png (243.58 KB, 478x659, 478:659, ClipboardImage.png)

The Cradle


#OnThisDay in 1948, the prosperous and historically Palestinian city of Haifa fell into the hands of the Jewish Militia known as the Haganah



History books

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16c73f  No.16132679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Member when that Nancy Drew chick went to Delaware and scoped it all out? Watch this video and then tell me they don't know who visits Joe

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847826  No.16132680


is this an ad?

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9e54ef  No.16132681

File: e3ed20d5df88d28⋯.png (437.92 KB, 750x900, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus rode a donkey because there were no bicycles at the time

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458051  No.16132682

File: 6daa4f7223e6db1⋯.jpg (239.39 KB, 888x1332, 2:3, 17888787556551745235588817….jpg)


Be confused fucko.

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dcf917  No.16132683

File: a00cb275373a647⋯.gif (410.4 KB, 500x200, 5:2, Gaaaaaay.gif)

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169968  No.16132684

File: 0bbc77ad7341936⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 220x348, 55:87, 9681B39E_4437_4739_BD46_4D….gif)

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350764  No.16132685

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 260x256, 65:64, night_Shift_Durham.mp4)

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97d4e6  No.16132686

File: 5d08bf3c60cce71⋯.jpeg (108.88 KB, 1017x1017, 1:1, 5d08bf3c60cce71360e91d110….jpeg)


What I thought too.

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5ccb03  No.16132687


muh Dart practice


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19bc7c  No.16132688


Sorry. It's become pretty obvious that Patriots with Androids are the new forgotten men and women.

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3b6c83  No.16132689



so I guess one more laptop gone missing LOL

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5d544d  No.16132690


Riders on the storm doors


Brothers with Jared? Sub way

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9e54ef  No.16132691

File: b1e5d0a2d13d268⋯.png (25.68 KB, 604x268, 151:67, ClipboardImage.png)


Also see, GAY

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3be7df  No.16132692

File: 3bd6b16ff57a761⋯.png (486.31 KB, 645x664, 645:664, Screenshot_2022_04_22_1836….png)


Those stupid fucks are going to fire up that machine and see this.

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847826  No.16132693

File: 195ed3f8b2a82bb⋯.png (716.43 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, kek.png)

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8c4fc0  No.16132694

File: 2c882c74cff43ea⋯.png (69.78 KB, 625x845, 125:169, ClipboardImage.png)

United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582)

20 page

Defendants Reply to the Special Councils opposition to defendants motions in LIMINE and Rule 404(b) Objections


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efaf81  No.16132695

File: af40236e3341b1c⋯.jpeg (235.25 KB, 704x503, 704:503, FCAA18AA_E588_4E72_803F_7….jpeg)


Ain’t no patriots using them obama phones

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fa83eb  No.16132697

File: c8cef03296211b6⋯.png (1.39 MB, 736x1065, 736:1065, c6f622ff828bc6ea6cbd9fb7bc….png)

Keep your armor on at all times. This place is hopping with demons.

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3e11dd  No.16132698

File: 955bd9f43a770fa⋯.png (267.09 KB, 555x533, 555:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca8611  No.16132699

File: 88a4bb069978880⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1212x1320, 101:110, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

Foreign ministry spokesperson said the US has presented the true face of its ‘freedom of speech and the press


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c92655  No.16132700


He might be pregnant after all these weirdos believe in that, not really, he’s headed for a heart attack

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cf4e96  No.16132701

File: 7e22ace13480d0a⋯.png (367.02 KB, 601x369, 601:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e54ef  No.16132703

File: 54af268de75b6b0⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>Oh shit is this the original meme..?

lurk moar

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1f0ff1  No.16132704




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570,>>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

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40d26f  No.16132705

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53b9a6  No.16132706

File: 858913d1380af00⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, Mike_Tyson_plane.jpg)


>The question is hth did they get away with this.

Because no one stopped them.

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ec58b8  No.16132707


It really is very comforting to see so many people talking like they lurk these boards. Wait till they let the normies in….

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493755  No.16132708

File: 6b29d73e6fc567f⋯.png (639.57 KB, 495x662, 495:662, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)


sum1 sei



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efaf81  No.16132709

File: a5cc2125d77ce42⋯.jpeg (122.35 KB, 721x579, 721:579, 9C9F146E_C92C_4F32_9333_D….jpeg)

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169968  No.16132710

File: f4d9536dde409ba⋯.gif (494.33 KB, 387x305, 387:305, 4F38C89E_D85E_4A93_8A96_8D….gif)

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ed2c2b  No.16132711

File: d58f87add9af47b⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, tHIeJGjGWoVq1Ug_.mp4)

I know Ukranians are not civilized but are they even human?


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711490  No.16132713

File: 5082ce3124001ec⋯.png (859.92 KB, 760x937, 760:937, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5ec0acd9b7582c⋯.png (827.76 KB, 750x711, 250:237, ClipboardImage.png)



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efaf81  No.16132714


I don’t get the sneed thing either

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15aebf  No.16132715

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 500x565, 100:113, 36a7f3b3db4b89c0144e453593….jpg)

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444e58  No.16132716


self nom, humbly

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dcf917  No.16132717

File: ffcfe6f3d1ee60a⋯.jpg (223.25 KB, 1125x1168, 1125:1168, ffcfe6f3d1ee60a02a5a825701….jpg)

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efaf81  No.16132718

File: 803cb413bbba852⋯.jpeg (348.59 KB, 750x816, 125:136, 4840F7B4_1D8F_4947_A3C9_5….jpeg)

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762134  No.16132719

File: 2155b4228ee276d⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 640x398, 320:199, 2155b4228ee276dd324953db91….jpg)

File: c4fe42150ca8b70⋯.jpg (220.76 KB, 764x900, 191:225, 1_egyptian_god_ra_nikolay_….jpg)


The left eye is the moon the right is the sun. Still the sun god.

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02c6ed  No.16132720


Bewbs from Jupiter?

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da4b94  No.16132721

File: 4b5ef18b4ceab8c⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x470, 64:47, 1620802076_Copy.mp4)


Durham Wants all the Alternative "Irrelevant" Facts

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d1c835  No.16132722


When's the baby due?

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374036  No.16132723


Seems most are Satanists.

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3e11dd  No.16132724


>Wait till they let the normies in

welcome to 2019 voatfag

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4f8713  No.16132725


"The end is not for everyone"

sponsored by Apple inc.

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1f38b8  No.16132726


android TS not available yet

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9e54ef  No.16132727

File: c30a9ec9f883e48⋯.gif (160.25 KB, 181x191, 181:191, Sneed.gif)


Formerly Chuck's

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f79e89  No.16132728

File: 4a543bd5bcc9b5c⋯.png (139.17 KB, 1532x620, 383:155, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)


they had to cancel showering in Germany just to get enough juice to kickstart that demon portal

only four body parts need to be washed, says the German government


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631b85  No.16132729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Livin' on the edge

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03e3b7  No.16132730

File: 4b67eb3f6b14f02⋯.png (6.98 MB, 4096x2724, 1024:681, d1d8786ded3f1bb1b1f9a87adc….png)

File: 66a387f0b3b5985⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 1222x706, 611:353, 66a387f0b3b598535562effd29….jpg)

File: a539d0e58cdfbbf⋯.png (474.27 KB, 593x517, 593:517, tcop.png)

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8c4fc0  No.16132731

File: 2eaa33df7dd022e⋯.png (94.05 KB, 705x870, 47:58, ClipboardImage.png)



DS is pissed

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c2b1b6  No.16132732


Taping a dude to a light pole seems pretty low on the list of war crimes to me. What's next, call in the UN every time some dude gets pantsed?

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5d544d  No.16132733



Not this droid yet

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ec58b8  No.16132734


Hahahhaha. That was me. I was that. Tho.

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1e0155  No.16132735

File: a384aa6ca8fac90⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 355x200, 71:40, fif.jpg)


> 'fifth force of nature'

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9e54ef  No.16132736

File: 8e20a882bd4f3c2⋯.png (128.95 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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c92655  No.16132737


Wow that seems to be true

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d1c835  No.16132739


They are look alike.

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444e58  No.16132740

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fa83eb  No.16132741

File: d7fbcdbedc98d57⋯.png (760.17 KB, 1166x1068, 583:534, 7f5fedea8f6ad5a51f28308e73….png)

File: 28c51bd2fa1e818⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 598x494, 23:19, 8a2f053f6507a69f43ef0a3da1….jpg)

File: 766d12307d3f258⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1156x1042, 578:521, 8a9389a8aed7c2629dc7680137….png)

File: 7b9d437073e23ee⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1500x1168, 375:292, 8cbc15c52e79a5a6a3c509d612….png)

File: 98e71b6b9f76bee⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 574x659, 574:659, 7685adf44b828af5ec5b73e43e….jpg)

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f79e89  No.16132742

File: d1c77f759c60a7c⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 500x636, 125:159, Ron_Watkins_Twilight_Zone.jpg)

CM for Congress is a larp, right?

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410459  No.16132743

File: 2101973057f9790⋯.jpeg (95.35 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 35184526_A035_46BA_94A0_B….jpeg)


AI Dreams.

Computers have a dog fetish.

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97d4e6  No.16132745

File: 61321b41a12957c⋯.jpg (228.29 KB, 926x672, 463:336, 20220422_194117.jpg)

Kek just now on Tucker

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de82ea  No.16132746


Anon 'members

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d1c835  No.16132747


Funded by the Rothschilds?

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da4b94  No.16132748

File: 6c80eceb6d6d0f8⋯.mp4 (9.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1606317313_Copy.mp4)


The Best is yet to come

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762134  No.16132749


You're on his family board. What does it matter at your point?

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d408b5  No.16132751


Dude must have a large bank account to have that skank on his jock

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169968  No.16132752

File: af0576877a4ee81⋯.jpeg (89.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FFEFD682_CF9C_4204_A126_E….jpeg)

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3e11dd  No.16132753

File: af9bf22e7cddabd⋯.png (54.02 KB, 656x333, 656:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34bb2712322b273⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1155x1333, 1155:1333, ClipboardImage.png)


Truth Social and CERN both fire up on 2/22/22


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aec69e  No.16132754

File: 0b79b3f06b0438b⋯.png (297.53 KB, 500x357, 500:357, apes.png)

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850b11  No.16132755

File: ea35b5003f82def⋯.png (307.65 KB, 541x396, 541:396, NightshiftTrashcanman.png)


Thank you baker. Noisy out there today. God's work.

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c92655  No.16132756

File: ac6b1cafd9c8ef4⋯.jpeg (14.79 KB, 216x160, 27:20, 25C14750_6710_4012_B8AF_B….jpeg)

File: 023224b20359785⋯.jpeg (13.14 KB, 240x160, 3:2, 2D07FF69_39C7_4537_B233_2….jpeg)


Wow that seems to be true>>16132634

Like sanpaku for teeth not eyes

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dc70ba  No.16132757

File: d5d65889a78e618⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 414x547, 414:547, lmstym.jpg)

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3be7df  No.16132758

File: 44e6b83ba4942eb⋯.png (572.23 KB, 1009x673, 1009:673, Screenshot_2022_04_22_1843….png)

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711490  No.16132759


all of these so-called (d)elites should be transferred to a large island and be forced to compete irl hunger games then televise it for free to the rest of the world

the sole winner can clean the toilets at a maxsec prison

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d1c835  No.16132760

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c2b4f5  No.16132761

File: 16335a785f75a93⋯.png (730.98 KB, 720x859, 720:859, ClipboardImage.png)


Atomic Wedgies forbidden by Vatican II - instant excommunication

Melvins and Swirlies were covered under Geneva Convention

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6be791  No.16132762

File: 95531687f4e922e⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 95531687f4e922ea49d323d44d….gif)

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4dd917  No.16132763


So in this brave new world of Truth, it's the messenger that matters, not the message?

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9e54ef  No.16132764


Can't wait for [you] to be hanged (legally)

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1f0ff1  No.16132765

File: 778a3ebd92d3f41⋯.png (675.88 KB, 663x774, 221:258, 778a3ebd92d3f410cc7bbb393b….png)

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5ccb03  No.16132766


refresh, taken out

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3e11dd  No.16132767

File: 34bb2712322b273⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1155x1333, 1155:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af9bf22e7cddabd⋯.png (54.02 KB, 656x333, 656:333, ClipboardImage.png)


Truth Social & CERN both fire up on same day

Coincidence or ….?

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410459  No.16132768

File: 7dbfb24ecad135c⋯.jpeg (74.35 KB, 620x417, 620:417, AA5181BA_F49C_4E3A_A11B_8….jpeg)

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53b9a6  No.16132769


>17 mile-long LHC is a complex process

She's going to blow.

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458051  No.16132770

File: 38cf4b1d1d2eaec⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 897x452, 897:452, SR71_Black_bird_NightShift.jpg)

File: 683b0f74dcb1f11⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 777x347, 777:347, 44234423637484817452355888….jpg)

File: 7409ae81448e8b2⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 1053x432, 39:16, EYbRoPXXQAIpZCx45172355888….jpg)

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1e0155  No.16132771

File: d3be9be20f93a6c⋯.png (6.29 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 220px_Cuneiform_sumer_ding….png)

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1fca32  No.16132772

File: 962e9610a4fefc5⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 2018_02_01_16_51_IMG_0696.JPG)

rocket racers going broke

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da4b94  No.16132773


Moves & Counter Moves

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5ccb03  No.16132774


holy shit you making BV look like an angel here

not sure if I can handle it


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8e4eef  No.16132776

File: 8853e962db41552⋯.png (837.62 KB, 620x1304, 155:326, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 1ccf60392900a46⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1210x1078, 55:49, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 3bd0b7b51135185⋯.png (197.78 KB, 2309x2309, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43d6db9f2606c7f⋯.png (174.92 KB, 450x450, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16132418 tyb


>>16131861 (pb)

Any idea what these coaster decal sticker looking things might be? Looks to be a logo of some sort.

MAGA lion?

Crypto lion?

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444e58  No.16132777



2/22/22 CERN

4/22/22 Truth social



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493755  No.16132778

File: e7099099003481a⋯.png (156.54 KB, 1039x234, 1039:234, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 61326be14e9a8b8⋯.png (454.23 KB, 655x657, 655:657, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)


Make France Great Again

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3233f4  No.16132779

File: 0d3f852f1d76324⋯.png (130.17 KB, 916x589, 916:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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762134  No.16132780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca8611  No.16132781

File: 9c6ed516796f96a⋯.jpeg (123.9 KB, 1280x603, 1280:603, FQz7Zj2WYAI36yE.jpeg)

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3233f4  No.16132782

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adb8ce  No.16132783

File: df158165612f4b4⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4DACA199_CFEA_48FE_9919_2B….png)

What are the odds the new pregnant man emoji copies the sociopath with man boobies!

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4f8713  No.16132784

File: e7ab759b51c5530⋯.png (408.51 KB, 598x605, 598:605, ClipboardImage.png)

Dutch carolers vow to keep singing antisemitic Easter song




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350764  No.16132785

File: 7bdf046d6ce04d9⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 630x630, 1:1, pepe_meme_magic.jpg)

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1e0155  No.16132786


>cantor fitzgerald

no company lost more employees on 9/11. IIRC Cantor Fitz had 3 floors of staff in one of the towers

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c2b4f5  No.16132787

File: 98253a1d155c62e⋯.png (515.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Needs dibbersity

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3233f4  No.16132788

File: 792581e4a024a37⋯.png (605.44 KB, 680x664, 85:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4e96  No.16132789

File: eaec92873ab4840⋯.png (284.14 KB, 353x425, 353:425, ClipboardImage.png)

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9dd178  No.16132790


2 Fucking Moar Weeks to flatten the curve

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3047e5  No.16132791


Why would that even get posted?

Seems fake and ghey

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f4017c  No.16132792

File: 955ce3e895bf774⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 536x433, 536:433, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….jpg)


o7 Baker

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faf838  No.16132793

Anybody have that clip of HHS sec Becerra saying brown people are dying at twice the rate of whites from the vaxx? Got some brown people to red-pill here.

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af5ed5  No.16132794

File: 17f296836481a05⋯.png (132.24 KB, 586x696, 293:348, Techno_tweet.png)

File: 86932f7c0f9c85b⋯.png (48.13 KB, 832x266, 416:133, Techno_pic.png)


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c64a7c  No.16132796

File: d5984590d9bed33⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 1087x287, 1087:287, 112022_04_22_204622.jpg)

File: 1097f320e916d56⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 658x139, 658:139, 2022_04_22_204445.jpg)

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fa83eb  No.16132797

File: 0741b3167c215ad⋯.jpg (419.61 KB, 1024x1534, 512:767, 11111a.jpg)

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da4b94  No.16132798

File: b4be37c35bb04a1⋯.png (944.16 KB, 724x1007, 724:1007, ClipboardImage.png)


We're in the Pipe


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e3cf85  No.16132799

Developments in the Michael Sussmann case -

Special Counsel John Durham has "issued trial subpoenas to the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee."

If they want to keep privileged Fusion GPS communications, they're gonna have to do it under oath.

Good luck with that.

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9e54ef  No.16132800


That's right, you work for those shekels!

Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste! Copy! Paste!

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8c4fc0  No.16132801

File: 829f492be94197e⋯.png (86.17 KB, 716x834, 358:417, ClipboardImage.png)

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77bf15  No.16132802

File: cf01f88ffacc219⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 795x355, 159:71, cf01f88ffacc2193966411e6a2….jpg)


…(referring to the Ra pic) Was thinking the Mars/Venus (morning star/evening star) and Saturn, the red dwarf 'sun'. Something electric.

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da4b94  No.16132804


Indictments are Fun for the Whole [F]amil[y]


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03e3b7  No.16132805

File: caf591add8a9aec⋯.png (1012.48 KB, 658x659, 658:659, moon11231.png)


Nice Blackbird

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7754ba  No.16132806


Talk about a food fetish.

Big girl usually means a big mouth

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ca8611  No.16132807

File: c76771971b0c5c6⋯.jpeg (16.37 KB, 275x200, 11:8, c76771971b0c5c67cafde17c4….jpeg)

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4c5487  No.16132808


This explains the panic in DC. Distraction?

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97d4e6  No.16132809

File: 70479dce3ae9482⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20220422_194646_1.mp4)



Oh man it's still going! Kek

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762134  No.16132810


Maybe one needs a charge or (((revolting)))

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8de7c7  No.16132811


The judge who allowed this bullshit to proceed should be removed from the bench. Has MTG been indicted for anything? Has she been charged with any crime? Has she been convicted of any crime? No, no and fucking no.

This is yet another example of the election fuckery these filth laden democrat pieces of shit pulled in 2020. These people should be banished from this country. They are not Americans. They are Bolshevilks.

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f4017c  No.16132812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>16084725 (OP)

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ea6153  No.16132813

Q, I would like to put in puzzle request, please.

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9dd178  No.16132814


>takes some work to actually see it

huh? It's like the main character in the image, stands out like a giant cock in a cartoon for kids.

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1c9422  No.16132815


"Reservoir Dogs" had people named after colors.

Mr. Green was not in it (Marian Green performed stunts).

Harvey Keitel was Mr. White, also Larry.


Green had castles; Red as well.

qalerts.pub is slow, giving up on searching…

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410459  No.16132816


It’s a jet airplane, dummy.

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ed2c2b  No.16132817


Not fake and gay

The leader of Azov explained that they copied isis style open show of force vs the population, to prevent local resisting


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8c4fc0  No.16132818

File: abe370768ccb5ef⋯.png (69.45 KB, 724x641, 724:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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53b9a6  No.16132819



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9e54ef  No.16132820


John Podesta? Is that you?

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762134  No.16132821

File: bf265e7233819e2⋯.gif (2.57 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 369.gif)

File: cdc9675b4036bf1⋯.png (121.54 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, star_of_david_1400x.png)


If you didn't solve the last General Flynn puzzle, you don't get to dictate Q agenda.

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458051  No.16132822

File: fd2563284094af3⋯.jpg (130.65 KB, 799x524, 799:524, 72ac142c868fbc0a0b9234JcJd….jpg)

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9dd178  No.16132823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c64a7c  No.16132824

File: c35c6c74cb8caeb⋯.jpg (13.02 KB, 1053x293, 1053:293, tft.jpg)

File: e6d1db37a91a2b3⋯.jpg (44.57 KB, 834x296, 417:148, oik.jpg)

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850b11  No.16132825

File: 5d027c1cb5ad32c⋯.png (473.26 KB, 434x900, 217:450, ClipboardImage.png)


Doesn't need to be found.

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c87ed2  No.16132826


losing faith. corruption has permeated everywhere - so much so that the takedown of Sussman will be meaningless. Even if it segeues into indicting Hillary Clinton and the entire DNC, it doesn't matter. They will simply be replaced. Something much bigger has to happen. It's VERY difficult to imagine that our military will do absolutely anything conisdering their complete abscence at the southern border.

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fa83eb  No.16132827

File: 22074dd14802013⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


a jurisprudential pig squeal.

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ec58b8  No.16132828


Looks like he ate too many babies. Things must be looking up in the elite world!

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cf4e96  No.16132829

File: 72f80c3aa935429⋯.png (180.54 KB, 1676x837, 1676:837, ClipboardImage.png)

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c92655  No.16132830


That was great and welcomed

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4dd917  No.16132831


It's a built-in power button.

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1f0ff1  No.16132832


one is April the other is February

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5d544d  No.16132833

File: 8c562e1e3f77dc9⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1863x2151, 207:239, 8c562e1e3f77dc918f6731af08….jpg)


Vote zem 📴

Poll workers on … Sliced bread

Zem out of 📴 ice



Scheller Fauci?

Bounty hunters?


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c87ed2  No.16132834



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8de7c7  No.16132835

Selena Montgomery, what a BABE!!!! kek

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1f0ff1  No.16132836




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570,>>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

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850b11  No.16132837

File: 0d9d3508c09e543⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1680x945, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ad2e0  No.16132838

File: 0b7917c56f550e9⋯.png (678 KB, 684x904, 171:226, groundhog_day_compare_with….png)


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7754ba  No.16132839


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de82ea  No.16132841


Beards dead on anon

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9e54ef  No.16132842

File: 74c982b4eb58727⋯.png (479.06 KB, 1029x703, 1029:703, BOOM_GUY.png)


>Frank Train

Which one?

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4f8713  No.16132843

File: 9cf2845a7214465⋯.png (661.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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8a653c  No.16132844

File: feb91dca6174e23⋯.png (501.24 KB, 518x415, 518:415, ClipboardImage.png)


meme wizardy to the masses

to be sure

hee hee hee

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1f0ff1  No.16132845

File: 70f94cd0307d15d⋯.png (382.13 KB, 852x479, 852:479, a8bf76d1ebf69e85ed9aad68fa….png)

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32b6e3  No.16132846

File: 69fa87cc1f9b13f⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 236x380, 59:95, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Selena Montgomery a.k.a. Stacey Abrams

Almost fell out my chair just now when I heard that on Tucker.

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ea6153  No.16132847

File: 30191b39e9fff74⋯.png (1.79 KB, 183x58, 183:58, Screen_Shot_04_22_22_at_08….PNG)


Nobody is dictating. Just politely asking.

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458051  No.16132848

File: 7c61b44b04b10b3⋯.jpg (114.81 KB, 1081x1093, 1081:1093, 23232364877888586837174523….jpg)

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1fca32  No.16132849

File: 14ff0a193c80419⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 294x294, 1:1, 2019_06_23_17_20_IMG_8538.JPG)

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1fca32  No.16132850


premise to nowhere

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d1c835  No.16132851



It's the movie Panic in DC.

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4f8713  No.16132852

File: a1cec34f38daf3c⋯.png (161.44 KB, 472x364, 118:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Wait, That´s me!

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8c4fc0  No.16132853

File: 038f572298d908a⋯.png (59.71 KB, 708x593, 708:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3284524a0672a2a⋯.png (65.22 KB, 728x554, 364:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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850b11  No.16132854


Mention "Iridium" around people that feign satellite-truth and watch their buttholes pucker.

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3233f4  No.16132855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Truth About Adrenochrome" featuring Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion

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5d544d  No.16132856

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1c9422  No.16132857

File: 8ec457e572947de⋯.png (15.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


rely on each other

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c92655  No.16132858



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a35f9e  No.16132859

File: 244a798aeb0e59b⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 540x275, 108:55, multipass.gif)

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c2b4f5  No.16132860

File: 4240717ef8ffa35⋯.png (790.24 KB, 1143x682, 1143:682, ClipboardImage.png)


>DS is pissed

They're used to kangaroo proceedings with predetermined outcomes. It's made them sloppy and lazy

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1f0ff1  No.16132861




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570,>>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

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fa83eb  No.16132862

File: ebe96820811aea3⋯.png (2.01 MB, 2764x1843, 2764:1843, ClipboardImage.png)


can't stop the mugging.

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ed2c2b  No.16132864

File: fd22745bb20ba41⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 464x848, 29:53, MYNKa4FG1wNrX3oP.mp4)

Odessa: a woman stole a chocolate bar

The Volkssturm tied her to a tree with tape.

This is so brutal and shameful action by the so called #Ukraine government


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493755  No.16132865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"


Mar 21, 2022





GOP War Room

139K subscribers

Vice President Kamala Harris repeatedly brings up “the significance of the passage of time,” during her remarks on high-speed internet access on 3/21/22. Be sure to like, subscribe, and comment below to share your thoughts on the video.

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#RNCResearch #demssaidwhat

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d1c835  No.16132866


But it's the show to show the Normies…..

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da4b94  No.16132867

File: d1b253676d97143⋯.png (1.1 MB, 820x823, 820:823, ClipboardImage.png)


The Legendry wave riding Continues


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1fca32  No.16132868

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3e11dd  No.16132869

File: 644683521029ffa⋯.png (36.01 KB, 1390x738, 695:369, ClipboardImage.png)


riddles & games


os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

Some are getting close. But still unsolved.









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458051  No.16132871

File: b19f1b875fba462⋯.jpeg (416.48 KB, 1514x1193, 1514:1193, EXikWenXkAIvUIJ.jpeg)

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1fca32  No.16132872

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1fca32  No.16132873


look at it again

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d1c835  No.16132874



Can't unsee it.

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bb9365  No.16132875


They all have to be connected to a Q post? What if no post known but interesting as fuck?

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46226c  No.16132876



Some are close, but the current puzzles are still unsolved.

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850b11  No.16132877


If I had a boring machine company I'd build another BIGGER LHC so I could wipe the floor with -their- evil LHC.

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1c9422  No.16132878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Guardians of the Looking Glass

new video


CERN Reactivates

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77bf15  No.16132879

File: d1708c0f7202df7⋯.png (1012.94 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, Iridiumsat.png)

File: 2df5e162bd16dfa⋯.jpg (200.37 KB, 1107x1120, 1107:1120, weather_satellite.jpg)

File: abe630f07004388⋯.jpg (223.22 KB, 1120x1078, 80:77, spy_satellite.jpg)

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631b85  No.16132880

File: d16d37fda7b8ffb⋯.png (185.03 KB, 539x466, 539:466, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16132881

thats not peanut butter >>16132878

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97d4e6  No.16132882

File: dd4f76a7fa55918⋯.jpg (278.38 KB, 1080x1497, 360:499, Screenshot_20220422_195745….jpg)

Kek I have no clue what language Neon speaks, so very glad I never got into the stonks.

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9e54ef  No.16132883



Oh, I thought you said pizza request, disregard

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03e3b7  No.16132884

File: 2730a0294ef4feb⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 464x627, 464:627, 1s.jpg)


Eeny meeny miny mo

Catch a liar by the toe

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1fca32  No.16132885


do you see it yet?

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c92655  No.16132886


Omg, i laugged so hard I started coughing and then I sounded like that guy in the wediding movies. Shit that waa funny

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711490  No.16132887

File: 2934aad9fdd949f⋯.png (329.35 KB, 500x490, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)


>vote zem out

yea i get it, doesn't hurt to have dreams though

although it shouldn't be on the people to "vote out" corrupt people who've broken the law and usurped the country; it should be on the law to uphold…the law

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1fca32  No.16132888


might be imported

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1c9422  No.16132889


>Kek I have no clue what language Neon speaks, so very glad I never got into the stonks.

translated: "DOWN SHE GOES"

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1fca32  No.16132890


look one more time

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4f8713  No.16132891

File: 7f6f6f262e98eb6⋯.png (239.25 KB, 598x558, 299:279, ClipboardImage.png)



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6ad2e0  No.16132892


that's a very good photographer

need more good artists that combine nature and humanity with reason and an aesthetic vision

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d408b5  No.16132893


Twits all of them

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6d92e1  No.16132895


lemme tell ya something

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c2b1b6  No.16132896


The language he speaks is cum guzzling ass pirate.

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adb8ce  No.16132897

File: df158165612f4b4⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 04D6F2DB_4C57_468B_BA2A_74….png)

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8c4fc0  No.16132898

File: 175ad2c2e377783⋯.png (41.46 KB, 675x190, 135:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c74de9e23834b2b⋯.png (45.81 KB, 399x398, 399:398, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3d2fec35bf2f29⋯.png (198.69 KB, 1335x228, 445:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0792089b1cce8fe⋯.png (76.71 KB, 203x203, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b22b1809c4864a2⋯.png (73.22 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Marios Antonakakis

PhD Biomedical Engineer, ECE, Technical University of Crete

Verified email at isc.tuc.gr

David Dagon is the Co-Founder, CEO at Damballa . Damballa Co-Founder, CEO.

Primary Organization: Damballa

Primary Job Title: Co-Founder, CEO

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493755  No.16132899

File: f3b2976dc062b4f⋯.png (81.4 KB, 446x557, 446:557, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: b4f7fe043ab29f0⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1275x569, 1275:569, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)



"…lay these wires…"

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af5ed5  No.16132900

JUST IN - EU reaches deal on Digital Services Act for "making the internet a safer space" by requiring social media platforms to more aggressively police their platforms than ever before.


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97d4e6  No.16132901

File: c118d9367610ab0⋯.jpg (129.97 KB, 1080x1077, 360:359, Screenshot_20220422_200130….jpg)



Where are the autists???

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ae6ed4  No.16132902

File: 268def244f9bb79⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 960x640, 3:2, love.jpg)

16132322 (lb)

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8de7c7  No.16132903

File: 832dc8e6d984e14⋯.jpg (287.03 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hi_im_selena.jpg)

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762134  No.16132904


Stop faking Q posts. Get paid now, pay later.

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1e0155  No.16132905

File: ec90d50fe5ba514⋯.jpg (289.24 KB, 1346x2048, 673:1024, Stillonapedestal.jpg)


it all matters.

is there a separation between the creator and the creation? fruits and trees.

is a Picasso work Picasso, a Mozart piece Mozart, a drop of your blood or seed (you), any more or less than your words and acts are you? That is for you to know for yourself.

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e3cf85  No.16132906

File: bfb297d78d30037⋯.png (558.15 KB, 728x455, 8:5, PigPen.png)

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15e3f1  No.16132907



Eat a bag of dicks, groomers.

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fbe9bf  No.16132908

File: b72c9ae5cea4b7a⋯.png (574.81 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16132909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RR's bilbo explodes outside car hole

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3047e5  No.16132910


They should do that in San Fagcisco.

Might allow the Walgreens to stay open.

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350764  No.16132911

File: b1a975c89e690ff⋯.png (58.53 KB, 423x365, 423:365, 9_vortex_math.png)



6 -9 3

-6 9 -3

mobius loop

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fa83eb  No.16132912

File: 2f523a39964a121⋯.png (408.25 KB, 496x673, 496:673, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a653c  No.16132913

File: 83dee01b9afadc1⋯.png (282.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


anon remembers this habbening to the antifa and and woke mob in the usa.

is this where it came from or was this taken up by the Ukrainians from the usa?

Definite connection

says it was false. but was it really?

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850b11  No.16132914

File: 4569d16c21e3838⋯.png (439.72 KB, 428x600, 107:150, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b171d  No.16132915

File: f79acbb265579c4⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1741x938, 1741:938, you_vill_eat_ze_bugs.png)



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458051  No.16132916

File: 4bbf34213cc89b7⋯.jpg (148.47 KB, 1200x713, 1200:713, 14446737371745235588817767….jpg)

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8de7c7  No.16132917


KMFAO!!! I fucked that up. Must have had Serena Williams on my mind.

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c92655  No.16132918


Ok, well we’ll see as my dear old mother used to say

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6be791  No.16132919

File: b84e2d7b3ba0d7f⋯.png (93.73 KB, 530x327, 530:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea6153  No.16132920


Amen to all that!

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1fca32  No.16132921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gahy nigg saw bilbo explodes >>16132909

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9e2dfc  No.16132922


🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 2021 World Best Education Systems – Final Rankings

The World Top 20 Project’s Final Rankings of 201 nation’s education systems, best 20 educated countries for 2021: SOURCES

World Top 20 Countries

1. South Korea

2. Japan

3. Denmark

4. Netherlands

5. Australia

6. Belgium

7. Germany

8. Slovenia

9. Finland

10. Ireland

11. France

12. Singapore

13. United States

14. Canada

15. Russia

16. Portugal

17. China

18. Hong Kong

19. Sweden

20. Israel 2022 First Quarter Rankings

1. South Korea

2 France


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fa83eb  No.16132923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking


>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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762134  No.16132924

File: bd72fea14a046b2⋯.jpg (5.18 MB, 4624x3468, 4:3, 20220122_145129.jpg)


Did you mean Venus?

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ea6153  No.16132925


Thank you, anon!

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5d544d  No.16132926


528 and 144 hz?

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5ccb03  No.16132927

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eb7c79  No.16132928

File: a0c83570eb13d82⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, B9CEFEC3_81E3_404B_90C8_8A….png)

File: 59de3ae46ece02f⋯.jpeg (225.53 KB, 635x357, 635:357, 47CCF57C_1FC7_4C2A_9F11_9….jpeg)

File: de2ae131c9d62db⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, AECA0EE6_4A26_4392_B274_0B….png)

Who are the “dogs” that Jesus talks about at the end of the book of Revelation?

Who are they?

I bring this up because I do not think HE is talking about man’s best friend that walks on four legs & is beside us….but HE talks about a group of people just like the rest of those HE names in the verse.

As we are in “BIBLICAL” times, this verse could be important since the Cabal of evil uses Dog comms on social media & MSM posts. Who are they talking about?

Coincidence? Or a Revelation of Truth?

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1fca32  No.16132929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>gahy nigg saw bilbo explodes >>16132909


>RR's bilbo explodes outside car hole

>Disclaimer: Frudeau wants to preach dogmas and doxx bout open border homo

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1e0155  No.16132930


CERN creates a powerful (artificial) ElectroMagnetic Field.

Might this be an attractor or a shield attempt in regards to corresponding current solar cycles and current magnetospheric/ field changes?

China's 'artificial sun' is also an artificial EM field generator. Why and why now?

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32b6e3  No.16132931

File: db66c26de16ac33⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 323x380, 17:20, db66c26de16ac337d47885d9b9….jpg)


>stands out like a giant cock

that's what I meant. I saw the giant cock at once.

Took me a good second look to recognize that it is actually a puffy sleeves skirt with her arm around mickey's neck

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da4b94  No.16132932

File: 5a1bbc868104e62⋯.png (206.88 KB, 473x355, 473:355, ClipboardImage.png)


It's been a Long Road

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6ad2e0  No.16132933

File: 02b5b726f43c198⋯.png (27.94 KB, 102x87, 34:29, ClipboardImage.png)


sporting the red shield of rothschild on his left arm

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19bc7c  No.16132934


This is what Hillary was panic tweeting about yesterday.

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1fca32  No.16132935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>RR's bilbo explodes outside car hole

>>Disclaimer: Frudeau wants to preach dogmas and doxx bout open border homo

Frudeau gets in gahynigg homo rage quit virtually online bout open border homo bilbo explodes

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c1789c  No.16132936

File: 7391c46c6ee641f⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 606x437, 606:437, 8ballkek.jpg)

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15e3f1  No.16132937

File: 03b91d4a9f56d9a⋯.png (391.45 KB, 487x650, 487:650, whitepower.png)

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6d92e1  No.16132938

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c92655  No.16132939


Maybe its more like she walks and looks like a zombie is the problem. She has an ass but its deflated like her soul seems to be.

This ine cannot be saved, sorry ro say but its true

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8de7c7  No.16132940


God bless that young man. He is a hero!!! Saved the Sloth.

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350764  No.16132941

File: ca26c16c80ed7a2⋯.png (441.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec38b50a20d7d93⋯.jpg (162.35 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, chakra_frequencies_mv2.jpg)

File: 6db8a7261c0f547⋯.jpg (254.29 KB, 1200x1190, 120:119, frequency_color_and_light.jpg)

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458051  No.16132942

File: 17c90402f25f918⋯.jpg (448.21 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 17c90402f25f9182fe1dc4c472….jpg)



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4f8713  No.16132943

File: abf47db50aa0f18⋯.png (576.68 KB, 914x658, 457:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e54ef  No.16132944

File: 0c396168ec1a768⋯.png (7.41 KB, 500x400, 5:4, tumblr_nmh85i2sfX1titub2o1….png)

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3f5b7e  No.16132945

File: 6c40c33dafb49f1⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dc43809516470f14.mp4)






Food rationing underway in Milan, Italy as the corrupt government there strengthens their control of their vaccine-weakened population.

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8de7c7  No.16132946


They are all to happy to oblige them.

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8c4fc0  No.16132947

Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

An Australian intelligence agency was involved in the last-ditch leak of a draft security pact between China and Solomon Islands after senior officials concluded the deal was likely to be signed despite diplomatic efforts.


Aussie clowns doing what their big bros in the US do

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03e3b7  No.16132948

File: 6805c43044b5956⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 750x625, 6:5, 0016b.jpg)


And Bumbama too.

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ed2c2b  No.16132949

File: 0e0407a59f7b276⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, fit2hrPbBhN863fG.mp4)

Ruskies found some spoils of war


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cf4e96  No.16132950

File: bc680acdb13ef71⋯.png (65.33 KB, 201x398, 201:398, ClipboardImage.png)

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762134  No.16132951

Coincidence Fox News is close to Toronto, and are concerned with the border?

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6ad2e0  No.16132952

File: d7ac3e80c358cb6⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, chinaman_eat_rat.mp4)


also rat yum

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1fca32  No.16132953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>RR's bilbo explodes outside car hole >>16132909

>>>Disclaimer: Frudeau wants to preach dogmas and doxx bout open border homo >>16132929

>Frudeau gets in gahynigg homo rage quit virtually online bout open border homo bilbo explodes >>16132935

Frudeau gets interviewed by his own boottyhole bout buying fake twat from himself

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1f0ff1  No.16132954

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77bf15  No.16132955

File: 7240166c21b658f⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 420x420, 1:1, resonating.jpg)


…The idea of the Earth's magnetic poles being manipulated. *Hmmm'ing intensifies*

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ea4a84  No.16132956


Mistakes were made.

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d1c835  No.16132957


The "dogs" were the sodomite transvestite priests of the QUEEN OF HEAVEN.

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fa83eb  No.16132958

File: 19aa56abdc093e7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 800x1226, 400:613, 4a085421ddff3c3e36b24a666f….png)

File: d062ea88affe1ea⋯.jpg (71.8 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 2f955cc13fe0f885c62c5d4c6a….jpg)

File: ee3a25b088161a5⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB, 768x614, 384:307, a063bc609a298809be697902b….jpeg)

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1c9422  No.16132959


also colors of Ukraine flag

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3e11dd  No.16132960

File: af468e9c72e72e9⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1333x1173, 1333:1173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f27c8ef3c3accb⋯.png (623.74 KB, 1333x1200, 1333:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93e62feadc794d3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1180x1333, 1180:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d505da54a612052⋯.png (1022.24 KB, 993x887, 993:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4215176d69c8fc⋯.png (640.63 KB, 1333x1063, 1333:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16132961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frudeau tries to pick up homo from hubbard

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cf4e96  No.16132962

File: 3c090f0cca78ba4⋯.png (64.29 KB, 164x305, 164:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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896d6e  No.16132963

File: 1db2bce1f1f0c28⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 480x270, 16:9, US_HHS_Secret_Keeper_Xavie….mp4)

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762134  No.16132964


Just waiting on that pole shift. Kek.

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5a03b7  No.16132965

File: 1b4ce915f7c8191⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1327x2045, 1327:2045, 1b4ce915f7c8191de6034c8df9….jpg)

File: 4b6de021c4ceb14⋯.jpg (986.98 KB, 1427x1434, 1427:1434, 4b6de021c4ceb14f5a4060ee0a….jpg)

File: ad79df2fcd167d8⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1377x2168, 1377:2168, ad79df2fcd167d8b06e6f4a5cc….jpg)

>>16125453 LB

How did you come about that? It is on point. Microcosm is in your mind. Sub Atomic level = thoughts because they are electrical sparks and cells. They radiate out into the Macrocosm Real World.

Great Stuff Meditate on some more

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720c69  No.16132966


Sussman: Yeah only include all the evidence to which I don't object.

Also Sussman: I object to all the evidence that may incriminate me.

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fa83eb  No.16132967

File: 9ad8fbf229b4450⋯.jpg (155.18 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, 9ad8fbf229b4450d7bd1f9b398….jpg)

File: 34b1e51cff64666⋯.jpg (25.12 KB, 360x275, 72:55, 34b1e51cff646667fe761858d0….jpg)

File: 410cc3199426778⋯.png (673.07 KB, 848x492, 212:123, 278b0043df423337d61b3594ba….png)

File: 7729d2456d8cc4c⋯.png (941.77 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 7729d2456d8cc4c2ab216eecf5….png)

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1fca32  No.16132969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

careerNAMBLA doxxer opens up about frontbutt tranny fetishisms to professional

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dccf11  No.16132970

File: 6c23e8990b0ebd8⋯.jpeg (102.41 KB, 1280x562, 640:281, 6c23e8990b0ebd821af6d0656….jpeg)

Primal brotherhood…

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277d87  No.16132971


Rare Pepe…Blade runner.

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762134  No.16132972

CAIA makes sense for a border crisis. JS

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15e3f1  No.16132973


Ignoring the self admitted TS@Q LARP, that's where.

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6ad2e0  No.16132974

File: 8b541208d3ba07a⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 448x302, 224:151, obama_youth_brigade.gif)

File: 57a1b3e8ad39804⋯.gif (860.43 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Obama_hurr.gif)

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ae6ed4  No.16132975

File: 8b4e290a623de11⋯.jpg (78.47 KB, 500x617, 500:617, warrior_not_worrier.jpg)

>>16132467 (lb)

Yes, I know. I intend do Just that when TS is available on desktop. I will never again have a public social maggot media account. Unfortunately, Facebook is still the only place that I can post privately.

Looking forward to the day Truth Social is available for desktop and I can post far far away from the psychotic media maggots.

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ea6153  No.16132976

File: 434274263a88bbf⋯.png (13.22 KB, 466x342, 233:171, Screen_Shot_04_22_22_at_09….PNG)



His puzzles are too hard for me.

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1fca32  No.16132977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frudeau has fronbutt tranny faggot flip on virtual teledyke conference bithcute steamer

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faf838  No.16132978


Thank you anon.

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6d92e1  No.16132979




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1f0ff1  No.16132980




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570, >>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

>>16132865 Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

>>16132869 p=23 os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

>>16132855 The Truth About Adrenochrome (5:16)

>>16132900, >>16132934 EU over reaches on Digital Services Act requiring social media platforms to aggressively police platforms "making the internet a safer space"

>>16132947 Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

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c92655  No.16132981


I didnt mean to laugh at that, because when we had our time out I tried Gab, and well you know! And then I went to 4 chan, and I asked my friend. Why do all these people want to masturbate & kill themselves, etc etc.

But I found a place until this reality came back

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762134  No.16132982

You shouldn't have picked a half blood high school dropout for the op.

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711490  No.16132983

File: a304a2aea97469d⋯.png (100.81 KB, 620x820, 31:41, ClipboardImage.png)



they're hitting the crabbers too

first they blamed the plandemic

now they're saying it's because of low crab numbers and upcoming mating season

planned attack on all fronts

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53b9a6  No.16132984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

Or the significance of buying time? The clocks ticking. They are running out of time.

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fa83eb  No.16132985

File: f89b4dc9b0a56d7⋯.jpg (213.82 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 52028386e32ab14d3b092424f2….jpg)

File: ee3a25b088161a5⋯.jpeg (70.12 KB, 768x614, 384:307, a063bc609a298809be697902b….jpeg)

File: aa5ad1927001638⋯.jpg (41.56 KB, 381x299, 381:299, aa5ad1927001638c7d610c2b94….jpg)

File: b117c48e86117b1⋯.jpg (199.08 KB, 597x933, 199:311, b117c48e86117b1dbc44b19aeb….jpg)

File: b45809477101eaf⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 828x828, 1:1, b45809477101eafd7dbdc8fc3a….jpg)

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8de7c7  No.16132986


Fuck this show. Only thing getting shown is the USA spiraling down the proverbial toilet while those who are in a position to do something about it sit with their collective thumbs up each others asses.

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fa83eb  No.16132987

File: 15fe0435b560973⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 15fe0435b560973a4f1ccfa71b….jpg)

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7b1dc4  No.16132988


I believe it. Also have read in several places that Jobs was a time-traveler

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e3cf85  No.16132989

18 more years!

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af5ed5  No.16132990

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yuval Noah Harari… The World Economic Forum is implementing what past dictators could only of dreamt of..,


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d1c835  No.16132991


I've been waiting since the early 80's.

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af5ed5  No.16132992


Calm down asshat

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fa83eb  No.16132993

File: e4291a3aac01552⋯.png (703.5 KB, 1036x672, 37:24, 467c163c9ce3d2c1d4ba37cb8d….png)

File: 526e458413d646f⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 400x356, 100:89, 526e458413d646f3bc7d024e18….jpg)

File: 626e99a073e9d4d⋯.jpg (207.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 626e99a073e9d4d5b8ea27fce0….jpg)

File: 2825f26216b5ec4⋯.jpg (94.91 KB, 794x529, 794:529, 793bbb91eea39b9e416d08ff67….jpg)

File: 05277ef56d4f6cd⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3623x4372, 3623:4372, 05277ef56d4f6cde9ff99ed9d7….jpg)

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6d92e1  No.16132994


Barold didn't graduate?

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1fca32  No.16132995


14 ass apples is suicide

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458051  No.16132996


Maybe it's 18 years. Maybe it's 18 months. Maybe it's 18 minutes. Maybe fuck yourself.

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c92655  No.16132997


I must need to laugh tonight but every comment on this post cracks me up

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1f0ff1  No.16132998

File: 296fc6949698893⋯.png (28.03 KB, 883x309, 883:309, ClipboardImage.png)


no dice

up your posting game anon

Notables Posts On Qresearch have the following

0. URL

1. Title

1. Main points

2. Connection to Q post

3. Screenshot or embed video if there is one

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1fca32  No.16132999

File: 34c8dc8a61e983a⋯.jpg (142.65 KB, 904x864, 113:108, 2019_05_29_08_43_IMG_8283.JPG)

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4f8713  No.16133000

File: 9e9c4e33c6b4cd2⋯.png (870.9 KB, 1170x635, 234:127, ClipboardImage.png)


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46226c  No.16133001


Well, keep staring at the B post on /projectdcomms/ waiting for Q to post underneath it.

I'm sure Q dgaf about that kinda fuckery and will post again here soon.

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fa83eb  No.16133002

File: 0772186c46e15c1⋯.png (866.96 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, f26fffd91cc65ecb6dac1be93d….png)


"Honkanywhere,Honkeverywhere, especially in suburbs home to large numbers of satanic subversives and somnambulist NPCs," advises the Honk anon who supports the worldwide FREEHONKmovement.

The FREEHONKmovement is composed of anonymous patriots of every nation, race and religious faith, whoHONK, with truck horns, steam whistles, freighter fog horns, jacked up theramins, steam calliopes, 5D bicycle bells; to awaken the conscience of the guilty and open the eyes of innocents yet asleep.

Honk Anywhere, Honk Everywhere

"Anyone can jump on the bandwagon, 'cause almost anyone canHONK"

"Why should We the People waste time onHONK? What do we have to gain for risking a possibleHONKticket?"

#HONKbecause the world's not good enough,#HONKfor gentleness, modesty and respect.#HONKFOR FREEDOM#HONKfor addicts poisoned with cult fentanyl#HONKfor the poor whose faces they grind#HONKfor America#HONKif you'll die trying#HONKto rid the land of pedovores#HONKfor what we lost#HONKto get it back.#HONKand be counted

HONKwhere you are.HONKwhere you are goingHONKwhen you get there.HONKto bid defiance to the cultHONKfor HOLINESSHONKfor lost homes and farmsHONKfor MAGAHONKto restore sacredHONKFor the hornlessHONKfor the childrenHONKfor the wounded, the junkies and elderlyHONKfor GenerosityHONKfor kindnessHONKfor unrigged electionsHONKFor slack-jawed shills at the end of timeHONKfor the curesHONKfor no mo' pedovoresHONKfor plain truthHONKbecause right now it means more than votingHONKfor the frightened, the lost, the lonely, confused and betrayedHONKTo Make America Great AgainHONKbecause anything can happenHONKBecause anyone canHONKSaturday, the sixth day of creation.HONKfor larvae in hexagonal cubicles.HONKfor a fake UKE war, dawg.HONKfor pedovore smackdownHONKfor ELE number #23HONKfor NPC AwakeningHONKfor 5 Peso gal gasolineHONKfor 12 discrete magnetic polesHONKfor the hornlessHONKFor the hard of horn-ingHONKfor fake celebrities'HONKto infuriate pedovoresHONKto restore meaningHONKfor RevelationsHONKDestruction to the Underground EmpireHONKto chasten the masonHONKfor moreHONKing


*God's eternal moral law which governs this and all other universes.

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1fca32  No.16133003

File: c6b9d913d1c0563⋯.jpg (32.71 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2019_04_14_14_12_IMG_6965.JPG)

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8c4fc0  No.16133004


such a cunt of a man

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a175c2  No.16133005

File: 0f4225f344b7ca5⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, raymond_spencer.mp4)

I don’t believe the Raymond Spencer posts on 4chan had anything to do with 8kun. It’s lucky that 4chan tracks their posts with a Google backend. It will make it easier for the government to find the shooter.

If they don’t, they don’t want to find him.

Thank God we stopped the Dark Maga in its tracks. Likely that would have been a catalyst to take down 8kun.top

You are the best researchers on the interwebs. 
Thank you for your service.

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6ad2e0  No.16133006

File: 601694731bb10ce⋯.png (213.26 KB, 436x468, 109:117, no_pence.png)


shit was that pro-lockdown Trump in 2020?

Shit I missed all that

gay as fuck

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762134  No.16133007



If you're still here by then, you're on the negative side of the ascension scale. Enjoy revelation.

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d1c835  No.16133008


The Captain and the hinges….


god of hinges,



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53b9a6  No.16133009

File: 83ec61922b68867⋯.jpg (5.58 KB, 213x160, 213:160, download.jpg)


He's a fucking dweeb. These people don't know shit from Shinola.

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1fca32  No.16133010

File: 2c2c57b61a8f6d8⋯.jpg (373.96 KB, 800x2325, 32:93, 2019_07_08_11_28_IMG_8644.JPG)

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8a653c  No.16133011

File: 46ca3f491892841⋯.png (349.55 KB, 683x499, 683:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca59f068697eae⋯.png (133 KB, 944x707, 944:707, ClipboardImage.png)


stolen and edited

Kun runner

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762134  No.16133012

I can't believe the Earth shifted positive.

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1f0ff1  No.16133013

File: 2cbb4e1e359d46b⋯.png (92.64 KB, 877x516, 877:516, ClipboardImage.png)


Some are getting close. But still unsolved.

Truth Social: 108178620141161374

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ea4a84  No.16133014

File: a1a1fc541d69040⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 300x225, 4:3, satellite_laser.jpg)


It's almost like these factories, facilities, and transports are just magically catching on fire, as if they were lit on fire from space or something. Naw, that'd be dumb. Who could or would do that?

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d42812  No.16133015

File: 0535db52c0fb8b9⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 282x178, 141:89, 20200107_141933.jpg)



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53b9a6  No.16133016


"You left the milk carton out again. Time for your punishment'.

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1fca32  No.16133017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16133018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16133019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d544d  No.16133020

File: 21e502f85d1e6a5⋯.jpg (12.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 13ec97ce170aa51275eedfdc48….jpg)


Lb >>16128830

Lb >>16034047


Psi phi q


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04a6b4  No.16133021


Devin was talking about it today. It will be fully available all platforms very soon and everyone who was waitlisted should be good by tomorrow. They have been testing the Rumble cloud service to make sure they dont toast the system. I am gonna but some more DWAC this weekend for market open on Monday. The interwebs are much controlled by the bad guys so this is no easy deal considering still the fastest growing social media app of all time.

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6ad2e0  No.16133022

File: d1fed19db75a983⋯.png (586.99 KB, 600x908, 150:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3cf85  No.16133023

The revolutionary war took 20 years

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15e3f1  No.16133024


I'm not waiting for Q to post shit.

I understand that Q's job is long done and he/they have stepped out of the way.

Enough are now awake that they will be the ones waking up others.

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97d4e6  No.16133025

File: 2a9c09186597e58⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 768x431, 768:431, IMG_lqg69x.jpg)



All of this 100%

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1f6829  No.16133026


>prohibiting party "from calling a witness for the purpose of drawing an assertion of the attorney-client privilege in open court".

There's where we got the crazy fucks. We calling a witness for a different purpose.

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53b9a6  No.16133027


That's original.

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dbcb43  No.16133028

Elon Musk

Space Force

When does a bird sing?



Connect the dots.

Still winning.

God bless.

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d1c835  No.16133029



wouldn't have to be so elaborate.

Plenty of illegal aliens about.

They go to work at these plants.

Some may even be MS13 infiltrators.

Maybe Nanshee fancy-pants Pelosi knows a thing or two about that.

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850b11  No.16133030


Word on the street from Portland (my local contact) was that ALOT of Antifa were crying on discords and such because they were worried about their FAMILY MEMBERS IN UKRAINE when Russia started up…

Definitely worth digging.

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4a8bb8  No.16133031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have had it

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da4b94  No.16133032

File: 14c6e4369db069c⋯.png (276.69 KB, 549x691, 549:691, ClipboardImage.png)


No, Thank you for a Platform

BZ Jim

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493755  No.16133033

File: c5aee390c0db0e4⋯.png (459.56 KB, 766x599, 766:599, Screenshot_2022_04_22_at_1….png)

File: c6d96239a8e01bc⋯.jpg (211.79 KB, 1890x867, 630:289, obama_rice_star_wars_chat_….jpg)

File: 4f7f7c208c101e3⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1304x588, 326:147, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: dcdc25286cc1159⋯.png (178.58 KB, 652x657, 652:657, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)



Space. Together, apart!

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6be791  No.16133034

File: 14ec576d1d952fc⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 1392x1133, 1392:1133, SalutePepe.jpg)

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1fca32  No.16133035

File: 7d04ec397c3b8c6⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 640x614, 320:307, 2018_04_09_14_58_IMG_1789.JPG)

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762134  No.16133036

What's that pin Not Hannity is wearing tonight?

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6ad2e0  No.16133037

File: d50285803c6ed54⋯.gif (3.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dew_radar_ca_fire.gif)

File: e5f3a537a3fc20b⋯.png (710.99 KB, 800x534, 400:267, california_fires_CA_DEW_ca….png)

File: 5335fc30a12d635⋯.png (626.01 KB, 480x482, 240:241, ca_forest_fires_forget_to_….png)

File: e433b6af3f16f35⋯.png (477.9 KB, 752x320, 47:20, ca_forest_fires_forget_to_….png)

File: 1cad6ecbac91f13⋯.png (119.68 KB, 299x168, 299:168, california_fires_CA_DEW_ca….png)


>Who could or would do that?

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a7e1ff  No.16133038

File: 97dcb1ceb5210de⋯.png (638.87 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, KittySchizo.png)

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8c4fc0  No.16133039

File: fc768b138d900a2⋯.png (156.47 KB, 360x274, 180:137, ClipboardImage.png)

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51ecd9  No.16133040

File: 5875dd5d6aca04f⋯.png (558.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, o678m67in56ub45yvt.png)

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6d92e1  No.16133041



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d1c835  No.16133042


Looking forward to lurking!

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53b9a6  No.16133043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1fca32  No.16133044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7b1dc4  No.16133045

File: 6a2bded33c209f8⋯.png (408.21 KB, 520x388, 130:97, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

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1fca32  No.16133046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed2c2b  No.16133047

File: 1f9f0dd083330b2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1011x759, 337:253, 1f9f0dd083330b2a6b2a7ebfaa….png)

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ae6ed4  No.16133048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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762134  No.16133049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, this is that and P = 16.

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850b11  No.16133050

File: a8602e93f6bc5b7⋯.png (354.97 KB, 400x642, 200:321, ClipboardImage.png)


Did someone say digits or was that just Amber again?


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9ceb1b  No.16133051


Is that for safety, or does it mean something more?

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1fca32  No.16133053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dccf11  No.16133054

File: d066697684accfa⋯.jpg (558.66 KB, 1089x1280, 1089:1280, d066697684accfa0a3ae286361….jpg)

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8c4fc0  No.16133055

File: 68493c32f519cf2⋯.png (244.1 KB, 374x362, 187:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2b1b6  No.16133056

File: 6f200c76f5c1735⋯.png (747.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 6f200c76f5c173582777ad7a9f….png)

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1f0ff1  No.16133057




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570, >>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

>>16132865, >>16132899, >>16133033 Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

>>16132869, >>16132901, >>16133013 Some are getting close. But still unsolved. p=23 os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

>>16132855 The Truth About Adrenochrome (5:16)

>>16132900, >>16132934 EU over reaches on Digital Services Act requiring social media platforms to aggressively police platforms "making the internet a safer space"

>>16132947 Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

>>16133005 Jim Watkins: lucky that 4chan tracks their posts with a Google backend (Cap 0:34)

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15e3f1  No.16133058


No, P = Penis.

Stuff it up your ass.

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1fca32  No.16133059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e11dd  No.16133060

File: 8dab33386f788e5⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1333x1290, 31:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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f79e89  No.16133061

File: a4c9946685543fe⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1126x964, 563:482, Screen_Shot_2022_04_12_at_….png)


we haven't even been attacked yet

imagine how that will go down

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8a653c  No.16133062

File: af23ca1c1f72f4e⋯.png (568.23 KB, 773x434, 773:434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d91ff73f8d19974⋯.png (1.13 MB, 944x709, 944:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84dc4f0b16a5dde⋯.png (203.32 KB, 776x623, 776:623, ClipboardImage.png)


notable jim post stopping dark maga retards

no problem jim

we knew and pointed out and called them out even before it habbened.

thank you for giving us a place to call home !!


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1fca32  No.16133063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03e3b7  No.16133064

File: c5e30587c8497ea⋯.png (187.13 KB, 250x483, 250:483, soetoro.png)

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c92655  No.16133065


A patient man is hard to come by. Honors to you.

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1f6829  No.16133066


It's not a wonder. The Azov battalion entertained many antifa goons in Kiev. They have a gym with a ring and a cage. Saw photos of antifa and Azov soi bois trying to scratch each other's eyes out in a cage match. Someone with deep pockets is paying for this shit.

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1fca32  No.16133068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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762134  No.16133069


Okay. I'll tell the Draco next time we talk.

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850b11  No.16133070

File: e2a27daee148ba6⋯.png (103.54 KB, 255x233, 255:233, ClipboardImage.png)



"You rang?" kek

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e3cf85  No.16133071


Soon johnny will encased in amber

To only return in Jurassic park

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350764  No.16133072

File: 6057ab672563ecf⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1091, 1200:1091, ClipboardImage.png)

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d1c835  No.16133073


We'd be trading one oppressor for another?

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a3218e  No.16133074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c4fc0  No.16133075

>>16133057 Bakes read the highlighted image

>>16132898 Notable assholes

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446130  No.16133076

File: fc7f950c74f603c⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 477be7783665776ab981bc02e9….jpg)


lurking is 2 cents per lurk

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9ffd55  No.16133077

File: 36b39b32047c487⋯.png (294.05 KB, 435x423, 145:141, 2822.png)

File: 176454366fdce95⋯.png (378.15 KB, 592x387, 592:387, 2822_.png)

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1fca32  No.16133078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16133079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133080


Thanks, Anon.

Long time looking and praying for Disney and government schools to go down, too.

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1fca32  No.16133081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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769012  No.16133082

File: 032eb76ec98578d⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we_have_it_all.mp4)

We have it all … on tape.


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43773d  No.16133083

DC shooter ties in half chan.

FF to shut down boards?

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493755  No.16133084

File: 1ea684bc62297d0⋯.png (151.37 KB, 546x516, 91:86, Screenshot_2022_04_22_at_1….png)

File: fe1fdd352a9c75b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 979x655, 979:655, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 9155edebf66a9bb⋯.png (581.41 KB, 638x432, 319:216, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadPool_popcorn.mp4)

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1fca32  No.16133085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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850b11  No.16133086

File: 3af547ee7458287⋯.png (831.94 KB, 737x1200, 737:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac43a9ec386e7e5⋯.png (512.97 KB, 851x1200, 851:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c41b5a4bd939404⋯.png (902.48 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, ClipboardImage.png)



Nazis gonna Nazi.

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cf4e96  No.16133087

File: 6312a0d6a0a54ee⋯.png (84.87 KB, 310x168, 155:84, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67ccf9d369d221b⋯.png (459.81 KB, 528x647, 528:647, Screenshot_125.png)



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af5ed5  No.16133088

"Twitter is banning advertisements that promote climate change denial in an effort to curb the reach of groups seeking to downplay the extent of the environmental crisis."


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168362  No.16133089

File: 8e6c8312a8934b9⋯.png (597.64 KB, 542x714, 271:357, ClipboardImage.png)

Disney would beINSANEto not accept help in the form of legal counsel from a staunch constitutionalist that is also passionate about the mission of the Disney corporation and all they stand for. [AA] DISNEY WOULD BE INSANE TO TURN THIS OFFER DOWN.[/AA]


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1fca32  No.16133090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46226c  No.16133091


If that's the case then Truth Social is a way bigger deal than QR at this point.

And Truth Q will be the focal point for all things Q related to the millions soon to be onboarded there.

They won't know that Q isn't the same Q that posted here.

And Trump, Dan, Devin, and Kash so far don't seem to be objecting to that.

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1fca32  No.16133092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16133093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133094


Well worth it.

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1fca32  No.16133095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dcb7a  No.16133096


Anon posted a day or 2 ago and I got on comp. Brave browser

Truth Social when you aren't an Apple user

1. Open Chrome browser

2. F12 button or right click mouse Inspect

3. Console will open, select three dots on right side > More Tools >Network Conditions

4. Deselect/uncheck "Use browser default"

5. Under "Custom" enter TruthSocial/44 CFNetwork/1329 Darwin/21.3.0

6. Click arrow next to User agent client hints

7. Scroll to bottom and select update

8. Leave console open and paste in browser address bar https://truthsocial.com/login?redirect_uri=%2F

9. Click truth social icon (upper left) - Sign up - wait in line

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1fca32  No.16133097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ea4a84  No.16133098

File: 3ef90e6fe1c2d0e⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 594x395, 594:395, Bibi_over_map.jpg)


Is there a power that possesses this technology and has hubris to just bomb, burn, and murder anyone or anything they please…with impunity?

Any common connections?

So, so many incidents.

What if the whole entire world got sick of this sh*t all together?


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53b9a6  No.16133099


You're missing the point. He's probable on twitter, fakebook, Instagram and reads the NY Post. And checks out books at the library too. And that doesn't really matter either. It's all about personal responsibility.

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5d544d  No.16133100

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1fca32  No.16133101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133102


A demon….

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03e3b7  No.16133103

File: 9c493e11ddedd62⋯.png (96.44 KB, 368x217, 368:217, 9c493e11ddedd62eb4d16c5ae6….png)


I'm confused???

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1f0ff1  No.16133104




>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570, >>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

>>16132865, >>16132899, >>16133033 Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

>>16132869, >>16132901, >>16133013, >>16133043 Some are getting close. But still unsolved. p=23 os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

>>16132855 The Truth About Adrenochrome (5:16)

>>16132900, >>16132934 EU over reaches on Digital Services Act requiring social media platforms to aggressively police platforms "making the internet a safer space"

>>16132947 Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

>>16133005, >>16133062 Jim Watkins: Raymond Spencer shooter lucky that 4chan tracks their posts with a Google backend (Cap 0:34) thanks 8kun Anons for stopping dark maga fuckery

Add, minus or alter, speak noe or get whacked later

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350764  No.16133105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Almost 3 hrs & Marko's a bit excentric kek

Marko Rodin - The Secret of 3 9 6 - A Fountain of Numbers (FULL) - 25th February, 2019

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ae6ed4  No.16133106

File: c8be1f1fd56a890⋯.gif (455.76 KB, 438x350, 219:175, projectile_cat.gif)


Those tats so disgusting.

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4f8713  No.16133107

File: bf52f1a3e9a828f⋯.png (438.53 KB, 588x417, 196:139, bf52f1a3e9a828f901226d9f74….png)

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3e11dd  No.16133108

File: ddb5e57dd12dfe0⋯.png (1006.33 KB, 1333x803, 1333:803, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0cedb  No.16133109

File: 1c8fdc84574fcce⋯.jpg (196.52 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, pfsdsdfsdfe_3_.jpg)


You called?

just popped in to say, I have the same barber as Tony Blair

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c87ed2  No.16133110


Hannity just passed Larry King as longest running news show in history. 25 years

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1fca32  No.16133112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fca32  No.16133113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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400949  No.16133115

File: fdd279caf7d2705⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1536x852, 128:71, ClipboardImage.png)


dark maga is retarded

the shooter shot at the "clue Mrs. White"

while "Mrs. green" was in court and where they tried to tie her to "qanon"

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e61aa5  No.16133116

File: c3116b9f7993c14⋯.png (55.6 KB, 444x413, 444:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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c093d6  No.16133117

File: a0221ef250b4dde⋯.png (227.09 KB, 424x523, 424:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Queen health fears spark major royal protocol break as Trooping the Colour to 'be adapted'

QUEEN ELIZABETH II will likely have "adapted" protocols so the monarch can "fully participate" in marking her official birthday in June, a royal biographer has told Express.co.uk.

Mr Lloyd predicted: “If she attends that particular event, she will stay in the carriage and not get in and out.”

He added that there could be a “shortened version” of the parade “where she goes around the arena”.

He claimed that the Queen would likely remain seated in her carriage for the parts of the celebration where she would typically exit and greet the public.


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d8bd3c  No.16133118

File: 7252805f2f6cefe⋯.jpg (283.31 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Tom_Oar.jpg)

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c92655  No.16133120


Shes really a fucking freak! Jenna is a freak

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1fca32  No.16133122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133123


Imagine the numbers of followers that account will have.

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15e3f1  No.16133124


>They won't know that Q isn't the same Q that posted here.

Only if you neglect to tell them.

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5ccb03  No.16133125


you are missing the point

we've had someone posting cray shit about good men who get mad and rise up and we nipped it before it got much further than Dark Maga which got nipped too

that is the point

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04a6b4  No.16133126


Lurk Moar

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1fca32  No.16133127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b6c83  No.16133128

File: df158165612f4b4⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 382.png)

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762134  No.16133129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e11dd  No.16133130


i signed up in the first hour it was available

the problem is they dont have a desktop version

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ec58b8  No.16133131

So if anons are so smart…. Why haven’t they (we) decided that TS not q message?

I can’t even figure out what language it is….

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493755  No.16133132

File: 358e44b09657134⋯.png (86.67 KB, 861x675, 287:225, Screenshot_2022_04_22_at_1….png)

File: 7371730c2fa454e⋯.png (495.28 KB, 801x473, 801:473, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 36432100006544b⋯.png (901.75 KB, 1314x632, 657:316, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

File: 32fe764f7515d06⋯.png (563.43 KB, 499x521, 499:521, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)




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c87ed2  No.16133133



>They won't know that Q isn't the same Q that posted here.

HighIQ assertion

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ec58b8  No.16133134



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ea4a84  No.16133135

File: 86b7acc56d65480⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 2048x1764, 512:441, 9_11_2048x1764.jpg)

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d1c835  No.16133136



while Snow White and crew are panicking at Dismal Disney.

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711490  No.16133137

File: 20953039247ac34⋯.png (376.75 KB, 431x420, 431:420, ClipboardImage.png)

>use an alleged highly classified multi billion dollar satellite which would only be used in the event of another major war to start a fire

>hire some bum on the street to drop a match somewhere who is then killed in a hit and run only for the driver never to be found

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03e3b7  No.16133138

File: 45d2b457f8d66cc⋯.png (24.67 KB, 599x253, 599:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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0de800  No.16133139

File: 77c56e3e3317b72⋯.pdf (57.45 KB, LarryRaySexCultList.pdf)

Sarah Lawrence Sex Cult

Here's the full list of famous johns who were serviced by prostitute Sarah Lawrence in the Larry Ray sex cult

This is the list that was accidentally filed openly in the Southern District of NY and then was taken down, and put under seal. The court strong-armed a shitload of folks not to post it.

Fuck 'em.

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04a6b4  No.16133140


Prolly disney MK'd. Someone plays Let it Go and Jenna starts jerking off dogs.

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efaf81  No.16133141

File: ed20369bffd487f⋯.jpeg (235.31 KB, 545x771, 545:771, 90C960F9_040D_4652_8110_6….jpeg)



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ed2c2b  No.16133142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apu Apustaja - Ma Baker

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4f8713  No.16133143



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478052  No.16133144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I'm mad as Hell and I'm not gonna take this any more!" scene


[They] have been projecting our wrath for a long time, now.

Speaking of wrath, there's also the Awakened Saxon.

Saxon, "Isaac's Sons?" Lots to unravel.


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy – willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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9e54ef  No.16133145

File: 3e7ccbec6397523⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 960x645, 64:43, FB_IMG_1650677581785.jpg)


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7b1dc4  No.16133146

File: b88a255848d808e⋯.png (210.98 KB, 510x288, 85:48, Screen_Shot_2022_04_22_at_….png)

Jim, what's your secret for such clear skin and white teeth?

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15e3f1  No.16133147


Idiots still needing to be told how/what to think instead of doing it for themselves.

Fuck social media.

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d42812  No.16133148

File: 5860802a5a3f606⋯.jpeg (114.5 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1553867098.jpeg)

File: 151ad412b1a72cf⋯.jpeg (124.72 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1563966105.jpeg)

File: 4466203dd768486⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, PhotoCollage_20200402_2021….jpg)

File: b9ca5171d328a61⋯.png (20.31 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 44f1e58e7faf398044c5a01314….png)

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ea4a84  No.16133150

File: 153fee1c2a10f65⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 600x381, 200:127, LV_MB_Pyramid.jpg)


How many young Christians?

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1fca32  No.16133151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3cf85  No.16133152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0268ff  No.16133153

Just throwing this out there, but what happens to TS if Twitter comes back fixed(Elon Musk'd)…could this be a concerted effort to discredit TS…

It would be better for Elon to control twitter then to lose twitter and have Trump control the TRUTH…

Just saying…

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6be791  No.16133155

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB, 1501x1115, 1501:1115, f80c8c379f694350641ae67ffb….png)

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bbd995  No.16133156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's a gun and ammunition just inside the door …

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15e3f1  No.16133157


Why bother decoding a larper's larp?

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53b9a6  No.16133160


If you say so.

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d42812  No.16133161


Down the memory hole

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d1c835  No.16133162



Think I will,

on Truth Social once its available on PC.

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253209  No.16133165

File: 0262fc32b22c8ac⋯.png (593.87 KB, 901x708, 901:708, 0262fc32b22c8aca2ff5730938….png)


That's my problem too. I have an Android, but I don't use these apps on my phone, I would rather have it on my desktop computer. I signed up first day and haven't heard a thing since. I don't even have a # in line…kek

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c92655  No.16133167


Thats kinda funny, its not Trump this time. Its his leaders betraying him

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1fca32  No.16133168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1f0ff1  No.16133169

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ea4a84  No.16133171

File: 959cb6a6fdad501⋯.jpg (172.12 KB, 1020x475, 204:95, USS_Liberty.jpg)


USS Liberty…and justice for all.

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98ba99  No.16133172

File: d13ef738ffdecbb⋯.png (992.1 KB, 982x766, 491:383, every.png)

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77bf15  No.16133173


"Prince Philip died in April 2021 aged 99."

…Shit's gettin' weird, again. I like it.

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ed1e31  No.16133174

File: 7d16e61f425b2e0⋯.jpg (373.59 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, ns042222.jpg)


dubs, bread title, and hive mind chk'd

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769012  No.16133176

File: f3f645207589f4d⋯.jpeg (75.64 KB, 630x423, 70:47, madison_cawthorne.jpeg)

Exclusive: Madison Cawthorn photos reveal him wearing women’s lingerie in public setting

22 APR 2022

Photographs obtained by POLITICO appear to show Madison Cawthorn, the embattled Republican congressman from North Carolina who recently accused his GOP colleagues of inviting him to orgies, wearing lingerie in what appears to be a party setting.

Cawthorn, 26, was raised in a conservative Baptist community in Henderson County, North Carolina, and has staked his political persona on arch-traditional Christian principles and the insistence of the importance of a kind of hypermasculinity. His comments about “the sexual perversion” in Washington made on a podcast, which he later admitted were exaggerated, drew the public disapproval and disavowal of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy as well as other Republican leaders including those in his North Carolina congressional caucus.

The revelation of the two photos is the latest in a series of unflattering headlines for the freshman member of Congress in the run-up to the primary in his first re-election bid. The primary in North Carolina is May 17. Cawthorn has seven Republican opponents who see him as vulnerable.

Cawthorn, who was paralyzed from the waist down as a passenger in a car accident in Florida in 2014, in recent months has called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy a “thug,” suggested teetotaling Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has a drinking problem, and racked up a collection of traffic transgressions including speeding, driving with expired tags and driving with a revoked license. He has court dates in May and June.

POLITICO could not independently verify the photos, which are screenshots of original images. They were provided to POLITICO by a person formerly close to Cawthorn and his campaign. A second person formerly close to Cawthorn and his campaign confirmed the origin of the photos. The date the photos were taken is unclear, though they appear to show Cawthorn sitting in a wheelchair, indicating the event happened after his accident. In the photos, he is wearing a distinctive pendant necklace that has appeared in other images and videos of Cawthorn. The photos have started to circulate among political rivals.

Cawthorn spokesman Luke Ball did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

After this story published, Cawthorn tweeted that the photos were taken of him during a game on a cruise before he was elected to Congress. “I guess the left thinks goofy vacation photos during a game on a cruise (taken waaay before I ran for Congress) is going to somehow hurt me? They’re running out of things to throw at me… Share your most embarrassing vacay pics in the replies.”



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1f0ff1  No.16133177





>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570, >>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853, >>16132898, >>16132829 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page Marios Antonakakis, David Dagon, Rodney Joffe

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

>>16132865, >>16132899, >>16133033 Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

>>16132869, >>16132901, >>16133013, >>16133043 Some are getting close. But still unsolved. p=23 os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

>>16132855 The Truth About Adrenochrome (5:16)

>>16132900, >>16132934 EU over reaches on Digital Services Act requiring social media platforms to aggressively police platforms "making the internet a safer space"

>>16132947 Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

>>16133005, >>16133062 Jim Watkins: Raymond Spencer shooter lucky that 4chan tracks their posts with a Google backend (Cap 0:34) thanks 8kun Anons for stopping dark maga fuckery

>>16133088 Twitter is banning advertisements that promote climate change denial

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e86d51  No.16133181


kek it's true

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4f8713  No.16133182

File: 5d38b98b0267eb9⋯.png (332.98 KB, 478x618, 239:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9880b4c72f9efe⋯.png (339.23 KB, 478x669, 478:669, ClipboardImage.png)


Mr. White w Mrs. Green you say?

2 days ahead…

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762134  No.16133183

Funny. It seems the one you all warned me against trusting is the one bringing Twitter to light, and helps me most in the daylight.

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446130  No.16133185

File: 171404e4584c08e⋯.png (56.85 KB, 255x144, 85:48, Output_file.png)

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e61aa5  No.16133187

File: e893ffd5495e6be⋯.png (124.93 KB, 230x342, 115:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16133189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6d92e1  No.16133190

File: ed28568d81d66ae⋯.png (73.41 KB, 800x900, 8:9, R_1_.png)

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04a6b4  No.16133191


Been on TS since early but yeah I need the PC to spread me memes. I am not phone fag memer or phone fag. So not doing a ton on TS yet.

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762134  No.16133193



Love that guy not that meme.

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1fca32  No.16133194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d544d  No.16133195

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5ccb03  No.16133196

File: fc2ada3fae5c0ca⋯.png (435.89 KB, 1305x970, 261:194, fc2ada3fae5c0caf44b835d6c3….png)


dubs confirm you swell baker

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d1c835  No.16133198


She's either short sighted or…..

something else.

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3e11dd  No.16133200


>There's a gun and ammunition just inside the door …

every door

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1fca32  No.16133201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133202


So the children are the precipice.

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b0cedb  No.16133203


> Passage Of Time


she is on the pots like many of the anons here. I can smell how many pots they take

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15e3f1  No.16133204


You can't even spell fluoride.

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1f0ff1  No.16133205


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16132540, >>16132548, >>16132570, >>16132450, >>16132601 I will verify you. The current process for verification is like if Kafka had a Magic 8-Ball!- Elon Musk

>>16132516 Corona program satellite 1964

>>16132539 PF Reports no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed Seattle

>>16132571, >>16132673, >>16132596, >>16132741 Don Jr shows Disney pornographic gift cards for children

>>16132614 Huge blaze Russia’s biggest chemical plant on same day as fire at weapon research facility

>>16132667, >>16132777 Hadron Collider fires up for the first time in three years as scientists begin hunt for a 'fifth force of nature'

>>16132694, >>16132731, >>16132794, >>16132801, >>16132818, >>16132853, >>16132898, >>16132829 United States v. SUSSMANN (1:21-cr-00582) 20 page Marios Antonakakis, David Dagon, Rodney Joffe

>>16132699 Assange order shows 'hypocritical nature' of US – China

>>16132865, >>16132899, >>16133033 Kamala Harris Repeatedly Brings Up "The Significance Of The Passage Of Time"

>>16132869, >>16132901, >>16133013, >>16133043 Some are getting close. But still unsolved. p=23 os iqna sirpan un ʁara jaq'an kes mut'uˤh χirtːut parčaħ warχˤbos

>>16132855 The Truth About Adrenochrome (5:16)

>>16132900, >>16132934 EU over reaches on Digital Services Act requiring social media platforms to aggressively police platforms "making the internet a safer space"

>>16132947 Australian spy agency involved in Solomon Islands leak in last-ditch effort to stop deal

>>16133005, >>16133062 Jim Watkins: Raymond Spencer shooter lucky that 4chan tracks their posts with a Google backend (Cap 0:34) thanks 8kun Anons for stopping dark maga fuckery

>>16133088 Twitter is banning advertisements that promote climate change denial

>>16133177 #20406


>>16131783, >>16132268, >>16132289, >>16131846, >>16130712, >>16130722, >>16130727, >>16131910, >>16131915, >>16131917, >>16131867, >>16131875, >>16131986, >>16131969, >>16132039, >>16132059, >>16132066, >>16132069, >>16132124, >>16132072, >>16132073, >>16132075, >>16132076, >>16132078, >>16132089, >>16132090, >>16132091, >>16132073, >>16132075, >>16132224 (Cap 0:23) Edmund Burke Middle School, POV of the ‘active shooter’ and other FF

>>16132030 Herridge: DC SHOOTING: The search is on for a suspect accused of shooting multiple people

>>16131851, >>16132019 Devin Nunes trolls Fake News by Dan Scavino's 'activate' clicks

>>16131902 Contracts For April 22, 2022 NAVY: Kearney & Co. P.C., KPMG LLP, Sehlke Consulting, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Guidehouse Inc. awarded an estimated $999,620,355

>>16131908 FL Gov.Ron DeSantis Signs Bill to Remove Disney’s Tax Privilege and Self-Governing Status

>>16131933, >>16131941 PF Reports SAM888, 820, 822

>>16131945 Judge Laughs, Appears to Facepalm as Marjorie Taylor Greene Points to ‘1776’ on Georgia State Seal

>>16131957 Clinton Campaign Affiliates Are Trying to Bury Michael Sussmann | Kash’s Corner

>>16131961 Dan Scavino: Join President Donald J. Trump and special guests TOMORROW in Delaware, Ohio at 7:00 PM!

>>16131966, >>16131977 Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Update

>>16131968 FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression

>>16131978 Reagan Airport: Saturday morning, we're conducting an emergency exercise

>>16132050, >>16132136 Obama’s view boils down to: we need even more censorship to “protect our democracy.” not even interesting enough to be dystopian

>>16132077 The mass grooming of our children into pediatric transgenderism and other confused gender identities is a crime of world-historical proportions

>>16132094 Libs of TikTok has Gained 300,000 Followers Since Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

>>16132107 Social Credit System Aimed at Modifying Climate Change Behaviors is Being Deployed in Italy

>>16132142 Matt Hancock gives evidence to Dan Wootton's Lockdown Inquiry

>>16132148, >>16132167 Earth Liberation Front radical admits arson conspiracies

>>16132191, >>16132210 Dr. Peter McCullough: Pilot's heart attack after COVID shot fits 'pattern' (Cap 1:36) Aus TV admitting that boosters causing bells palsy and heart issues

>>16132226 Remember When Obama Pushed Graphic Sex Education to 5-Year-Olds?

>>16132252, >>16132291, >>16132294, >>16132295, >>16132317, >>16132322 The Barbarians are at the Gate -Elon Musk

>>16132395 #20405

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cf4e96  No.16133206



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1fca32  No.16133207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d544d  No.16133208

So many buttons

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3e11dd  No.16133209

File: 0fc7c21f8154554⋯.png (337.15 KB, 784x608, 49:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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631b85  No.16133210

File: 4c9a7dbd26aae54⋯.png (863.7 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c9422  No.16133211



>That's my problem too. I have an Android, but I don't use these apps on my phone, I would rather have it on my desktop computer. I signed up first day and haven't heard a thing since. I don't even have a # in line…kek


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1fca32  No.16133213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53b9a6  No.16133215


She's goofing on everyone now. Nice eyes. Is there a smile under that mask?

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762134  No.16133216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You didn't know Q and I had, at least, a platonic relationship, did you?

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d1c835  No.16133218


Maybe for some.

Some of us have already been on that page on our own for decades.

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8a653c  No.16133220

File: e84aa165891fbb8⋯.png (49.61 KB, 985x560, 197:112, ClipboardImage.png)



Seems like a lot of anons posts discussing dark maga have gone.

anon specifically remember connecting them to maga patriots here and the ron code monkey spammer.

but we have records .


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168362  No.16133221


That was a rumor started by a BV that used to work under FJ's OSS Administration. White girls really don't do that.

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762134  No.16133222

File: 2bfedb650583fbc⋯.png (762.57 KB, 766x1834, 383:917, 1678.png)

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b0cedb  No.16133223


Ukraine war is over parental rights, confirmed by Head of Teachers Union

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4f8713  No.16133224

File: cf9c6950fec43b3⋯.png (399.82 KB, 527x527, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e47cfb83295c2af⋯.png (152.53 KB, 1146x1145, 1146:1145, ClipboardImage.png)

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94377b  No.16133226

File: 069acf01b5c5e2f⋯.gif (482.92 KB, 498x474, 83:79, pepe_wizard2.gif)

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3e11dd  No.16133227


that was from 2020

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6ad2e0  No.16133228

File: f00b0c5d5c9b256⋯.png (74.7 KB, 162x180, 9:10, greta_thunberg_that_enviro….png)

i predict neon nettle is an asshat. AMZN earnings will be in line with expectations

NFLX down is good news for America

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9aca12  No.16133230

Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.

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6d92e1  No.16133232


She be holding the reins on two white horses…

one the rider deceives and the other brings truth

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446130  No.16133233

File: 7735ddcc0147f56⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 474x315, 158:105, download_41_LAPTOP_ACVRQI6….jpg)

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c2b1b6  No.16133234


>You can't even spell fluoride

The hell I can't. I've lived in Tampa all my life.

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1fca32  No.16133235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133236



both will be used to unmask everything.

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af5ed5  No.16133237

Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.


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1fca32  No.16133238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133240


Sir, yes, Sir!

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1fca32  No.16133242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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168362  No.16133243



Ever been trappin', anon?

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15e3f1  No.16133244

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46226c  No.16133245


Good point.

That's going to be very dasting to see.


A few QR anons saying it's not the same Q.


Thousands of Praying Medic viewers saying Yay! It's Q on TS now and all the big names trading Flannel Friday jokes with that account.

kek good luck with that

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1fca32  No.16133246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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711490  No.16133248

File: c2b80e18d14ec9d⋯.png (485.08 KB, 650x488, 325:244, ClipboardImage.png)


make a bunch of money selling pr0n and honey so you can afford regular dentist and dermatologist trips


100% body armor

should have used a plate carrier to make it less visible

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1fca32  No.16133249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4f8713  No.16133251

File: cf17988808a95dd⋯.png (892.25 KB, 980x765, 196:153, ClipboardImage.png)


>Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.

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1fca32  No.16133253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ccb03  No.16133255

File: 9120d8bca1ffe74⋯.png (171.01 KB, 478x560, 239:280, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16133258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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168362  No.16133259


MFrs still ain't get what's happenin.

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1fca32  No.16133261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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446130  No.16133262

File: 79ab429de5347e5⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 697749fe4d150bfdd98db6875….jpeg)


if I can't spell WTF does, he no what i'm talking about

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253209  No.16133263


I really do think he is playing Biden (at least one of them). I have been watching many videos, studying his movements before 'becoming Biden', and they are very very similar. And he looks very thin recently.

Also, he was such a dick about Trump on twitter and once Biden "won" he disappeared. I am still not convinced he is a 'black hat'.

I member a Kappy video talking about him.

And I mean, "The Mask" and "Truman Show" and he dated Jenny McCarthy a long time. IDK….I have changed my mind no him, and started to really study him. He could do crazy things with his face back in the day and was always a great actor.

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e7f676  No.16133265

File: acf062bf364b414⋯.jpg (131.21 KB, 768x768, 1:1, _ShillBlueTards.jpg)


shill trips

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15e3f1  No.16133266


>Thousands of Praying Medic viewers saying Yay! It's Q on TS now and all the big names trading Flannel Friday jokes with that account.


>kek good luck with that

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850b11  No.16133267


Elon's money came from smuggling and an emerald mine, but I still haven't made up my mind.

Fog of war is THICK nowadays.

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ed2c2b  No.16133268

File: 04bd93407807654⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SamxJMacTJAiXXwT.mp4)

The tank destroys the defensive line from the last untapped area on the left flank of Mariupol.

Azov is fighting in every building and apartment here - the destruction of these buildings opens up an opportunity to attack the Azovstal from the east.


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3e11dd  No.16133270

File: 2f64880eb2ddd01⋯.png (591.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


> DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead

ronald spencer


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350764  No.16133271

File: 4f579c382d0ca15⋯.png (112.23 KB, 698x788, 349:394, pepe_bros.png)

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1fca32  No.16133272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b0cedb  No.16133273


looks just like his brother, Richard

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1f0ff1  No.16133274

File: 7b0445acc79d7a8⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1155x1098, 385:366, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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d42812  No.16133276

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8c4fc0  No.16133277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6ad2e0  No.16133278


just anotherdollar sign diva

didn't get as much money as she wanted

always expected her blonde/tits to bring da cash. but it didn't happen as TV promised

now revenge

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1f6829  No.16133279


>Ever been trapped.

Yep, several times in fact. But I wiggled free.

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1fca32  No.16133281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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850b11  No.16133283


Signed up quickly as well.

Also android though.

BUT, would Truth buckle under the weight of all the anons cramming in? Maybe.

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15e3f1  No.16133284



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1f0ff1  No.16133286

File: 88159eb4cc031eb⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1200x787, 1200:787, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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3e11dd  No.16133287


>what's happenin.

so what's happenin?

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6ad2e0  No.16133288


>Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.


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1c9422  No.16133290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"You don't know me, but I knew your father. He wanted me to give you this."

kept it up several butts, enjoy the watch!


"Run Silent, Run Deep" - a movie about a future Holodomor; [they] have to show us!

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03e3b7  No.16133292

File: bbe352ff3c1e7dd⋯.png (782.55 KB, 890x358, 445:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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847826  No.16133295

what happened?

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1f0ff1  No.16133299

File: 245ab26fb888679⋯.png (1003.22 KB, 1281x957, 427:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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b0cedb  No.16133303


Dank Maga is still ok though right?

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ea31d2  No.16133305

File: bbca9a4687588dc⋯.png (708.79 KB, 1324x583, 1324:583, Screenshot_80_.png)

File: 89a27de477c0f47⋯.png (740.61 KB, 1307x636, 1307:636, Screenshot_81_.png)

File: 369597e137d3a4d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1349x620, 1349:620, Screenshot_78_.png)

File: 6f47ab85c5043d7⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1350x644, 675:322, Screenshot_79_.png)


quick search on the coords from q post 1 from nyc one from turkey 2 from antarctica. . .maybe near trump island.

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400949  No.16133307

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762134  No.16133310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tell Putin.

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6d92e1  No.16133311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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850b11  No.16133312


Like they weren't glowing enough before so they changed their plan and decided to glow HARDER?

These people ARE stupid.

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029bc6  No.16134409

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