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File: 0a1d6a6af18b1ca⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 2219f1a343d99259d3389add34….jpg)

1f0ff1  No.16132400[View All]

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701 posts and 427 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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1fca32  No.16133235

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d1c835  No.16133236



both will be used to unmask everything.

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af5ed5  No.16133237

Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.


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1fca32  No.16133238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1c835  No.16133240


Sir, yes, Sir!

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1fca32  No.16133242

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168362  No.16133243



Ever been trappin', anon?

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15e3f1  No.16133244

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46226c  No.16133245


Good point.

That's going to be very dasting to see.


A few QR anons saying it's not the same Q.


Thousands of Praying Medic viewers saying Yay! It's Q on TS now and all the big names trading Flannel Friday jokes with that account.

kek good luck with that

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1fca32  No.16133246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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711490  No.16133248

File: c2b80e18d14ec9d⋯.png (485.08 KB, 650x488, 325:244, ClipboardImage.png)


make a bunch of money selling pr0n and honey so you can afford regular dentist and dermatologist trips


100% body armor

should have used a plate carrier to make it less visible

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1fca32  No.16133249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4f8713  No.16133251

File: cf17988808a95dd⋯.png (892.25 KB, 980x765, 196:153, ClipboardImage.png)


>Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.

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1fca32  No.16133253

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5ccb03  No.16133255

File: 9120d8bca1ffe74⋯.png (171.01 KB, 478x560, 239:280, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fca32  No.16133258

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168362  No.16133259


MFrs still ain't get what's happenin.

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1fca32  No.16133261

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446130  No.16133262

File: 79ab429de5347e5⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 697749fe4d150bfdd98db6875….jpeg)


if I can't spell WTF does, he no what i'm talking about

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253209  No.16133263


I really do think he is playing Biden (at least one of them). I have been watching many videos, studying his movements before 'becoming Biden', and they are very very similar. And he looks very thin recently.

Also, he was such a dick about Trump on twitter and once Biden "won" he disappeared. I am still not convinced he is a 'black hat'.

I member a Kappy video talking about him.

And I mean, "The Mask" and "Truman Show" and he dated Jenny McCarthy a long time. IDK….I have changed my mind no him, and started to really study him. He could do crazy things with his face back in the day and was always a great actor.

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e7f676  No.16133265

File: acf062bf364b414⋯.jpg (131.21 KB, 768x768, 1:1, _ShillBlueTards.jpg)


shill trips

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15e3f1  No.16133266


>Thousands of Praying Medic viewers saying Yay! It's Q on TS now and all the big names trading Flannel Friday jokes with that account.


>kek good luck with that

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850b11  No.16133267


Elon's money came from smuggling and an emerald mine, but I still haven't made up my mind.

Fog of war is THICK nowadays.

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ed2c2b  No.16133268

File: 04bd93407807654⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SamxJMacTJAiXXwT.mp4)

The tank destroys the defensive line from the last untapped area on the left flank of Mariupol.

Azov is fighting in every building and apartment here - the destruction of these buildings opens up an opportunity to attack the Azovstal from the east.


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3e11dd  No.16133270

File: 2f64880eb2ddd01⋯.png (591.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


> DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead

ronald spencer


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350764  No.16133271

File: 4f579c382d0ca15⋯.png (112.23 KB, 698x788, 349:394, pepe_bros.png)

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1fca32  No.16133272

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b0cedb  No.16133273


looks just like his brother, Richard

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1f0ff1  No.16133274

File: 7b0445acc79d7a8⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1155x1098, 385:366, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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d42812  No.16133276

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8c4fc0  No.16133277

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6ad2e0  No.16133278


just anotherdollar sign diva

didn't get as much money as she wanted

always expected her blonde/tits to bring da cash. but it didn't happen as TV promised

now revenge

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1f6829  No.16133279


>Ever been trapped.

Yep, several times in fact. But I wiggled free.

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1fca32  No.16133281

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850b11  No.16133283


Signed up quickly as well.

Also android though.

BUT, would Truth buckle under the weight of all the anons cramming in? Maybe.

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15e3f1  No.16133284



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1f0ff1  No.16133286

File: 88159eb4cc031eb⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1200x787, 1200:787, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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3e11dd  No.16133287


>what's happenin.

so what's happenin?

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6ad2e0  No.16133288


>Breaking update: The Washington, DC mass shooting person of interest has been found dead.


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1c9422  No.16133290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"You don't know me, but I knew your father. He wanted me to give you this."

kept it up several butts, enjoy the watch!


"Run Silent, Run Deep" - a movie about a future Holodomor; [they] have to show us!

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03e3b7  No.16133292

File: bbe352ff3c1e7dd⋯.png (782.55 KB, 890x358, 445:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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847826  No.16133295

what happened?

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1f0ff1  No.16133299

File: 245ab26fb888679⋯.png (1003.22 KB, 1281x957, 427:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #20407: Jim Thanks Anons For Stopping Dark Maga Fuckery Edition

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b0cedb  No.16133303


Dank Maga is still ok though right?

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ea31d2  No.16133305

File: bbca9a4687588dc⋯.png (708.79 KB, 1324x583, 1324:583, Screenshot_80_.png)

File: 89a27de477c0f47⋯.png (740.61 KB, 1307x636, 1307:636, Screenshot_81_.png)

File: 369597e137d3a4d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1349x620, 1349:620, Screenshot_78_.png)

File: 6f47ab85c5043d7⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1350x644, 675:322, Screenshot_79_.png)


quick search on the coords from q post 1 from nyc one from turkey 2 from antarctica. . .maybe near trump island.

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400949  No.16133307

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762134  No.16133310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tell Putin.

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6d92e1  No.16133311

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850b11  No.16133312


Like they weren't glowing enough before so they changed their plan and decided to glow HARDER?

These people ARE stupid.

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029bc6  No.16134409

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