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adb7e9  No.15228284[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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adb7e9  No.15228291


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adb7e9  No.15228296



>>15227780 Maxwell faces ONLY 70 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

>>15227939 #GhislaineMaxwell's #Prosecution Releases Video of 2005 Raid at Epstein's #Mansion

>>15227561 Kim Foxx lied about contacts with Jussie Smollett's sister, violated legal ethics, investigation finds

>>15227566 Crowd Boos Trump As He Tells Them to Take Credit For Vaccines

>>15227570 Justice Kavanaugh has requested a response from the federal government in the OSHA vaccine mandate case by 4 p.m. ET on Dec. 30.

>>15227576 Swedish startup's COVID-19 microchip implant leads to 'mark of the beast' speculation

>>15227579, >>15227583, >>15227830 DURHAM ACTIVATED


>>15227602, >>15227644 PEDO BUN

>>15227603 Pfizer is buying a cardiovascular biopharma company.

>>15227606 Non-vaxxed need to stop "protesting" and just establish their own economical niche, and show everyone it can work universally.

>>15227616 According to Dr. Zelenko, they givin people AIDS

>>15227620 Long-Time New Jersey Democrat Albio Sires Confirms Retirement Report

>>15227621 Unsealedan indictment charging a dual U.S.-Bosnian citizen with providing material support to ISIS

>>15227650, >>15227935 Anon opines: Let me explain for those who don’t see the comedy in the Vax praise from Trump.

>>15227666, >>15227673, >>15227708 PROTESTS WORLD-WIDE!

>>15227726 Maverick Activation is a pretty big Q proof, add it to the list!

>>15227746 Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, is coming clean!

>>15227798 Evidence of Inverted Fascism Surfaces Through FOIA Requests in The Netherlands

>>15227801 America Must Decide – Will It Be a Constitutional Republic or a One-Party Totalitarian State?


>>15227836 Hey OSS, we got one you can add to ur Chart/Map/Wall of Crazy

>>15227845 Are we about to witness the unsealing of indictments?

>>15227868, >>15227872 ‘Potential Terrorist' From Saudi Arabia Caught After Crossing Biden's Open Border

>>15227900 Eight people injured in accident involving US military convoy

>>15228044 Dr. Fauci Says Millions of Americans Refusing to Get Experimental Covid Vaccine is “Unacceptable”

>>15228061 Q timestamps @ 2:43

>>15228092, >>15228109 Clockfag has entered the chat

>>15228103 Hillary Clinton Was in Humboldt Over the Weekend — and, Who Knows, Maybe She Still Is

>>15228148 Conclusive Proof that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were the architects of 9/11.

>>15228272 #19263

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adb7e9  No.15228297


>>15226762, >>15227302, >>15227362 #Durham filing indicates “Clinton campaign” + “multiple former employees” have “matters” before Special Counsel.

>>15226771 Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display on Monday During Christmas Week

>>15226786, >>15227029 Large earthquake off coast of NorCal


>>15226779, >>15226857 Nancy is having a bad day.

>>15226802, >>15227084 Dan Scavino Space Force video Tweet

>>15226810 Meet the new dog-comms! "Welcome to the White House, Commander."

>>15226815 Divo star Carlos Marin Dies to "Covid"

>>15226843 WAYNE ROOT: A Democrat U.S. Senator is a Communist. What’s the GOP Going to Do About It?

>>15226817, >>15226980 Bohemian Grove Bechtels, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel Reserve and More

>>15226847 Remember NUT JOB "Cop" –FANONE. He just Quit the police to join the FAKE NEWS.

>>15226861 How to collect notables.

>>15226912, >>15227034, >>15227102, >>15227184, >>15227282 ANTARCTICA Part 2

>>15226944 @StateDept places Ukraine on LEVEL 4: DO NOT TRAVEL due to high risk of Russian military offensive

>>15226951, >>15227183 Alex Jones suing Pelosi and Jan. 6 panel, planning to plead the Fifth - @thehill

>>15226952 PF: wtf is Bill Gates' jet doing?

>>15227018, >>15227033, >>15227337, >>15227351 MEROVINGIAN + PAYSUER + PHOENICIANS (Royal Families)

>>15227035 Pentagon issues rules aimed at stopping rise of extremism

>>15227068 Report on Countering Extremist Activity Within the Department of Defense

>>15227064 Muh Ingersol Larpwood Narrative

>>15227144 USArmy Soldiers from across the @7thATC attend the Urban Breach Course at Grafenwoehr Training Area.

>>15227158 New mutant variant of segregation spotted. Pls don't mix your cigarette butts!

>>15227179 AOC 19-33 Comms Panic






>>15227360 Fully vaccinated and boosted New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett tested positive for COVID-19.

>>15227361 Court Fight Over Dead People On Voter Lists Heats Up In Michigan

>>15227379 REPORTER: Will Biden take questions tomorrow? PSAKI: "It depends on what you ask!"


>>15227413 Kavanaugh Asks Biden To Respond To Flood Of Vaccine Mandate Appeals

>>15227453 White House Confirms Biden Slated to Deliver Speech on ‘Risks Posed to Unvaccinated Individuals’

>>15227393 #19262

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adb7e9  No.15228300


#19261 Scrape

>>15225984 Trump warns crypto a 'very dangerous thing'

>>15226153 Pelosi’s Majority Crumbles: Longtime New Jersey Democrat Albio Sires Will Not Seek Reelection

>>15226154, >>15226164 Earthquake M 6.2 - 38km W of Petrolia, CA

>>15226157 Pantene and Herbal Essence Recall (due to Benzene)

>>15226181 Murphy, a leader of House Dem centrists, won't seek reelection

>>15226213, >>15226275 Clock and Graphic JA SR Wiki Edition / Dark to Light Edition

>>15226387 Trudeau orders finance minister to go after charitable tax status of pro-life groups, churches

>>15226416 Faulkner Focus Jimmy Failla Hillary Clinton is the equivalent of a stray cat…

>>15226444 France's first lady plagued by rumors she was born 'male'

>>15226515 Snow White 7 Dwarves Graphic and Clock

>>15226605, >>15226616 Third Test Of The Air Force's Hypersonic Weapon Has Failed Like The Ones Before It

>>15226679 Follow the Pen Catherine Herridge Durham filing Tweet

>>15226722 Supreme Court Asks Biden Administration to Respond to Flurry of Challenges to OSHA Mandate


>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING

>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them

>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List

>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.

>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts

>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request

>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month

>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine

>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines

>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case

>>15225266 WH Live

>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity

>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)

>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.

>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The Wuhan Lab Research

>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election — Calls for Forensic Audit in State

>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.

>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.

>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You’re playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.

>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda

>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'

>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance

>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021

>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.

>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign

>>15225619 Dan Scavino’s Reindeer tweet.

>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official

>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]

>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD

>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation

>>15225841 We got Badges

>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim’s remains would ‘cure his brain’

>>15225964 #19260

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adb7e9  No.15228301


>>15224442 Black seed cumin is the ivermectin alternative

>>15224450 D.C. third-graders were made to reenact episodes from the Holocaust

>>15224453 Hamburg's mayor "regrets" data chaos:


>>15224468 White House spews EVIL narrative at all those who reject the unapproved, experimental mRNA gene therapy

>>15224499 Part of the counter is "being" calm

>>15224446 CNN COVID by the numbers part ii

>>15224447 Anons email to Sen. Joe Manchin

>>15224453 All the rats are getting exposed

>>15224464 AMERICAFEST

>>15224485 The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests

>>15224517 HOUSTON - Murder suspect freed on bond by liberal judge – gets shot to death shortly after release

>>15224530 Just in time for Christmas, 1 year late, DOJ gets around to arresting Antifa goons

>>15224532 They're prepping the battlefield to arrest the Unvaxxed?

>>15224551 All on the same day, coordinated message.

>>15224579 Optics On this list

>>15224495, >>15224609 Poroshenko, former President of #Ukraine, accused of state treason and assisting a terrorist organization.

>>15224634 This was designed and approved by Susan Rice:

>>15224731 It's [F*ING] happening

>>15224738 Madcow Meme Templates

>>15224793 The vaccinated are the ones getting Covid.

>>15224799 Epstein Residence Search Warrant Video (1HR)

>>15224800 Nonlinear warfare

>>15224807 At least 180 infected in COVID cluster case at US Marines base in Okinawa

>>15224860 Ryanair CEO Says Unvaccinated Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Enter Hospitals, Supermarkets, or Airplanes

>>15224893 Dan Scavin0 With the Reindeer Games (VID)

>>15224932 Reminder - the more info shoved into the dough the less NEW anons will feel comfortable to bake

>>15224946 Letter shows direct collusion between Klaus Schwab's WEF and the Dutch Government on pushing 'The Great Reset'

>>15224968 Bella Thorne. A Disney "sex kitten" MK Project.

>>15225010 France's first lady plagued by rumors she was born 'male'

>>15225012 Trump Sues New York Prosecutor in Attempt to Stop Inquiry Into His Business

>>15225035 Space Force 1 year delta

>>15225054 PANIC INCREASES: Democrats in PA Now Suing PA Senate Over Whether It Has the Subpoena Power to Request Voter Data in Senate’s 2020 Election Forensic Audit

>>15225040 Klaus schwab is the one person that prince charles was talking about, THERE IS ALREADY A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, THEY KNOW IT AND WE KNOW IT!!

>>15225076 Innova Medical Group Recalls Unauthorized SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test with Risk of False Test Results

>>15225087 Today, SEC Commissioner Elad L. Roisman announced his intent to depart the SEC.

>>15225091 NY prepping for Martial Law?

>>15225105 World Economic Forum In Davos Postponed For Second Straight Year

>>15225116 EU regulator approves fifth Covid-19 vaccine

>>15225124 America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) organization, has promised to open its own clinics, inviting medical staff and pharmacists to join.

>>15225130 Twitter censors account that alleged another CNN pedophilia scandal #PEDOMEDIA

>>15225082 Biden Staff Did 'Inexcusable' Things: Manchin

>>15225135 Anti-vaxxers said to book Covid jab appointments & not show up

>>15225174 #19259

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adb7e9  No.15228302


>>15223665 >>15223668 >>15223673 >>15223737 NETHERLANDS COVID LOCKDOWN

>>15223699 Anti-vaxxers are ‘dangerous fools’ – Kremlin

>>15223705 Pharma scientists admit the COVID vaccines can cause blood clots

>>15223718 Doing Satan’s Work: Pentagon Orders Company to Stop Making Faith-Based Dog Tags (Video)

>>15223723 NEVER FORGET: Democrats Rioted, Attacked, Beat Trump Supporters During Their Insurrection at President Trump’s Inauguration (VIDEO)

>>15223722 Psyops in America - Ashli Babbitt DID NOT get shot

>>15223729 Trucker warns the vaccine requirements for Canada/USA border crossings will result in at least 15% of big rigs being parked.

>>15223733 NFL player Donald Parham’s heart explodes mid-air while catching sports ball. NFL player Donald Parham had recently taken his booster shot for Covid-19.

>>15223739 CM to start cross posting to Gettr, Gab, and Truth Social (when it launches).

>>15223752 Viral immunologist, Dr. Jessica Rose, on the safety of vaccines in pregnant women. “82% of the women in the study lost their baby in their 1st or 2nd trimester”

>>15223780 A judge is restraining the New York Times from reporting on Project Veritas. “The judge called The New York Times deceptive and disinformation."

>>15223783 Dr. Robert Malone explains how Omicron’s mutations have changed where it infects the body

>>15223845 Dominic Raab wrongly claims PM held press conference before No 10 lockdown snap as he insists staff were 'using garden for WORK' because they were 'all wearing suits'… and 'sometimes they'll have a drink after a long day, that's not against the rules'

>>15223858 The Depopulation Smoking Gun: Alarming Charts Show The Number Of Americans 'Vaxxed' Aligns Ominously With Deagel's Forecast Depopulation Numbers For 2025

>>15223836 >>15223841 >>15223848 >>15223864 gnostic/false history/tartaria anon


>>15224006 Biden’s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Limitless Immigration for Corporations in Tailspin with Manchin Opposition

>>15224001 Levin: ‘Modern-Day Stalinist’ Pelosi ‘Failed’ to Protect Capitol Building on January 6

>>15224000 First Thing: Trump ‘deeply unnerved’ over Capitol attack investigation Flurry of revelations raises prospect that the committee may be heading towards an incriminating conclusion.

>>15223965 >>15223971 >>15223975 >>15223976 >>15223975 >>15224120 >>15224124 Mirko Manojlovic - Dame Linda Dobbs. BILLION POUND HBOS INVESTIGATION

>>15223902 ADL Demands Fox News Censor Comic Casting Soros As A 'Puppet Master,' Fox News Dutifully Complies


>>15224122 >>15224130 >>15224140 >>15224141 >>15224210 Young woman’s heart believed to have been damaged by Pfizer vaccine

>>15224183 Fauci: “I don’t think” we’ll ever stop forcing Americans to wear masks on airplane

>>15224173 Sun Erupts at Earth, Geomagnetic Storm, THE Nova Team | S0 News

>>15224172 Fire breaks out in basement of Fox News building in Midtown

>>15224169 Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Faces Showdown at Supreme Court

>>15224166 The Senate will hold a vote early next year on the Build Back Better Act, and will "keep voting on it until we get something done," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said early Monday.

>>15224161 The World Economic Forum will defer its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in the light of continued uncertainty over the Omicron outbreak.

>>15224303 Do you know of local people who have been injured by (or died from) the Covid injections?

>>15224332 Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab are no different than Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. In many ways they are far worse.

>>15224355 EU regulator approves fifth Covid-19 vaccine

>>15224411 Blaze erupts as truck slams US military convoy on German highway

>>15224431 #19258

Previously Collected

>>15224432 #19256, >>15224432 #19257,

>>15220924 #19253, >>15221125 #19254, >>15221686 #19255

>>15217354 #19250, >>15218168 #19251, >>15218964 #19252

>>15216644 #19247, >>15216652 #19248, >>15216931 #19249

>>15212186 #19244, >>15212925 #19245, >>15213800 #19246

>>15210684 #19241, >>15210604 #19242, >>15211349 #19243

>>15207537 #19238, >>15208267 #19239, >>15209049 #19240

>>15205080 #19235, >>15205937 #19236, >>15206647 #19237

>>15204133 #19232, >>15205333 #19233, >>15207549 #19234

>>15200962 #19229, >>15201223 #19230, >>15202030 #19231

>>15198062 #19226, >>15200950 #19227, >>15201050 #19228

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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d87c20  No.15228304

File: 68d03463fb1951b⋯.png (570.5 KB, 592x889, 592:889, Screen_Shot_2021_12_20_at_….png)

Pfizer and Moderna shareholders pocket £7.8billion in a week after Omicron was discovered (that's 10 billion for those of you in Rio Linda)

EXCLUSIVE: Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel saw stocks increase by £623million

Top shareholders and bosses at Pfizer and Moderna made £3.9billion each

Campaigners slammed companies for creating the 'conditions for new variants'


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adb7e9  No.15228306

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpeg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 8f71b52266944e9cb8682d1fc….jpeg)




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66867f  No.15228312

File: 93f398603796a7f⋯.jpg (95.88 KB, 974x1299, 974:1299, d6e4ebecbb2d6c3b643a8f0da3….jpg)

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977d64  No.15228313

File: 039b2129186fe0d⋯.jpeg (136.35 KB, 888x1024, 111:128, 1640015742997.jpeg)

3 UID's?

How long has it been stuck on only 2 UID's?

2 months? 3 Months? 4 months?

LMAO@only 3 UID's!

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d87c20  No.15228316

File: 68d03463fb1951b⋯.png (570.5 KB, 592x889, 592:889, Screen_Shot_2021_12_20_at_….png)

Pfizer and Moderna shareholders pocket £7.8billion in a week after Omicron was discovered (that's 10 billion for those of you in Rio Linda)

EXCLUSIVE: Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel saw stocks increase by £623million

Top shareholders and bosses at Pfizer and Moderna made £3.9billion each

Campaigners slammed companies for creating the 'conditions for new variants'


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f00480  No.15228323

File: 5cd44800cb8bb5c⋯.png (469.32 KB, 687x871, 687:871, DemonSucubusPointer.png)

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d87c20  No.15228325


give larp baker time to fire up his little bot farm

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202ba4  No.15228329

File: dc6bde0e39e7697⋯.png (471.87 KB, 630x533, 630:533, terry_o_donnell_and_wife_i….PNG)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A top Republican Oklahoma House leader and his wife have been indicted on multiple felony counts.

The Oklahoman newspaper reports the indictment released late Friday accuses House Speaker Pro Tempore Terry O'Donnell of misusing his power to change state law so his wife, Teresa, could become a tag agent.

Terry O'Donnell's attorney, Mack Martin, told the newspaper O'Donnell denies any wrongdoing. Court records don't indicate the name of his wife's attorney.

The most severe offense against the couple, conspiracy against the state, has a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

Grand jurors alleged the two submitted a fraudulent application to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.


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f8d6cd  No.15228331

File: 385d31f76e21169⋯.gif (43.66 KB, 834x556, 3:2, america_ball_clapping_agre….gif)

>>15227566 pb

>Crowd Boos Trump

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452134  No.15228332

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1e3b0a  No.15228334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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951030  No.15228336

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977d64  No.15228337


Waiting with great anticipation!

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f00480  No.15228338

Why does it seem like America got conquered?

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1e3b0a  No.15228339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d87c20  No.15228340

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202ba4  No.15228341

File: 6209845a091075a⋯.png (255.14 KB, 351x343, 351:343, potus_winners_aren_t_loser….PNG)


thanks baker

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12490a  No.15228342

File: c5ad79e11b46873⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 300x480, 5:8, c5ad79e11b46873ad36648453b….gif)

File: 11b3c2a3c78a708⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 11b3c2a3c78a708464f6486a94….gif)

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cd1f6d  No.15228343

File: 98dbe2443ef8e42⋯.jpeg (25.35 KB, 254x274, 127:137, 817BE482_14DE_4DAC_A6CF_7….jpeg)


Enough is enough Nancy

Go to bed you’re drunk

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f59486  No.15228344

File: 9c4a258557f6919⋯.jpg (5.84 KB, 318x159, 2:1, mags44.jpg)

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adb7e9  No.15228345

File: 19d73304f0e0668⋯.png (435.91 KB, 555x406, 555:406, comfefe.PNG)



Excuse me, bots, did I say you could talk to yourselves?

Get back to the farm!!!!


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bb4700  No.15228346

File: 1b33381d63515ec⋯.jpeg (73.27 KB, 700x610, 70:61, A65D83F8_3F07_45A7_A21A_5….jpeg)

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195581  No.15228347

File: c9e55fe51f10e0b⋯.jpg (108.94 KB, 500x616, 125:154, YGIYIGIYGYGYG.jpg)

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86ce99  No.15228348


Anon would be most appreciative if someone could post the Gen. Flynn audio clip where we see captions of him talking about Covid, with clips of nature landscapes playing in the background.

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ce520f  No.15228349

File: 78e0df00a36dbd9⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2448x2791, 2448:2791, 1604508502802.jpg)


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7367fe  No.15228350

>>15228328 (lb)

>not that kind of burn in tard

Kek I know what you meant. I was just telling the story. Bitch was trying to burn this mother down!

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1e3b0a  No.15228351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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feb5b2  No.15228352

File: 93c041d6bb0e17a⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 751x500, 751:500, N_shift.jpg)


TY, baker.

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12490a  No.15228353

File: 65ae369be06123c⋯.png (117.13 KB, 335x401, 335:401, 587a5828ecd6bc60723fdda991….png)


That shit there totally KEK

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d87c20  No.15228354


that's not. the question. it does not "seem". it has been.

the. question is, why has it been conquered?

A: "How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

 The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws.

 We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform.

 We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator.

 In the name of this insane freedom — which is license and libertinage — we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society.

 In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people.

 Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order — the cosmos — between these eternal principles and human laws.

 These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfillment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus."

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adb7e9  No.15228355

File: a51e4b309673727⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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343cfa  No.15228356

File: 692fa5191374328⋯.png (196.44 KB, 601x533, 601:533, e2ab764b8af0fcadf1d94323f4….png)

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99880e  No.15228357

File: 86458506130c1ae⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 623x414, 623:414, Screenshot_20211220_162817….jpg)

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749653  No.15228358

File: 60ddf804ddec777⋯.png (1.09 MB, 930x930, 1:1, ungovernable.png)

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d87c20  No.15228359


+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

 18 December 2021

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f00480  No.15228360


There's an Anime character there somewhere.

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eed966  No.15228361

File: fffa26f55217b4b⋯.jpeg (532.38 KB, 1000x636, 250:159, B9511B69_6EC3_4B6D_96D0_D….jpeg)


Thank you for the hearty dough, baker.

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ce520f  No.15228362


We're in a state of war

most don't realize it yet

This guy lays out an interesting

theory on current events:





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977d64  No.15228363


That's very nice, anon.


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f59486  No.15228364

File: de5f3cd1a11c56b⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 568x640, 71:80, nancy.mp4)


privilege scrub!

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d87c20  No.15228365

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66867f  No.15228366

File: 348db4fd0e9d7b1⋯.png (343.97 KB, 1080x697, 1080:697, Memeto_1637200920529.png)

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209bb1  No.15228367

File: 4223afd8726b382⋯.jpg (750.35 KB, 1898x1458, 949:729, 23_PAIN.jpg)

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eff46d  No.15228368

>>15228230 pb

The better question is, Did you get a doughnut?

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8cf4bf  No.15228369

File: be06279ce78531f⋯.png (292.35 KB, 536x373, 536:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Tucker Carlson Slams 'Pedo Outbreak' At CNN

Fox news host Tucker Carlson on Monday blasted CNN for what he called a "pedo outbreak," after not one, but two recent busts involving CNN producers who have been accused of child molestation.

"One of them is a man called John Griffin, who was just indicted by a federal grand jury for attempting to "induce minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity,"" Carlson noted.

"Then just days after that story, Project Veritas exposed another creep at CNN. They published graphic text messages and video of a CNN producer fantasizing about molesting a child."

"Project Veritas said the producer also allegedly sought explicit photographs of that child."

And the kicker: "As of today there are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have died of the so-called Omicron variant."



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ca758e  No.15228370


in the absence of BV the faker bakers snuck in

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209bb1  No.15228371

File: 1211c4dac864ede⋯.jpg (970.52 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, John_Griffin.jpg)

File: 55d67bd55738073⋯.png (1.14 MB, 976x732, 4:3, GM_my_stars.png)

File: d3d691d2cf28467⋯.jpg (956.58 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Rick_Saleeby.jpg)

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42f29e  No.15228372

File: f4cddc209999ac6⋯.png (553.74 KB, 1961x1277, 1961:1277, qclock_q_djt3x3May6cropnew.png)

Simplified graphic

Dec 7

Big day

Trump flies AF1 as Q0 to Missouri

0 is + on cell phone

0 is Operator on old phone

Posts about trolling media

Not one "journalist" asks about call sign

Mirrors "Scott Free" tweet

This year Dec 7

Trump posts

I love you, Missouri

Can anyone confirm that field picture was from a fly over by Trump?

This is simpler version of notabled clock.

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adb7e9  No.15228373

File: 577d47fba8b94c4⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 642x644, 321:322, 51783698_362838564299227_7….jpg)





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f59486  No.15228374


occupying force

think its covered in the LOW manual somewhere

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bc6765  No.15228375

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>15228252 lb

you/anons should watch Ronald Bernard (the whistleblower bankster) He stated that the masons are tasked to ensure that things happen like the book of revelations.

Do you not see how close it is to this book, it was written by scribs and adepts.

We are dealing with a 12,000 year old cult and they fcuking know how to get the masses to twist themselves into a pretzel

below is the best video to watch to get a insite into what we are really dealing with !!



bitchute embedded


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d87c20  No.15228376


kek that was his mom

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343cfa  No.15228377

File: 79da49ffe9db347⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1296x1386, 72:77, Screen_Shot_2021_12_20_at_….png)


2 hours ago

BOSTON — Federal officials testified in court Monday that allegedly false statements made by Harvard professor Charles M. Lieber led government agencies to conclude investigations into the chemist and continue funding his research before they could fully explore his ties to China.


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598297  No.15228378

To anon who said his daughter reacted to the jab with high heart rate for a week, could have been a reaction to saline? Any other reactions or ongoing issues?

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742edc  No.15228379

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 96f6f10140e44a55041a22fcd2….jpg)


>Rio Linda

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adb7e9  No.15228380

File: 0109c4125f22c26⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 720x772, 180:193, cheems_cry.JPG)

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d87c20  No.15228381



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38f41c  No.15228382

File: 985c0f531c228ad⋯.png (666.68 KB, 914x796, 457:398, ClipboardImage.png)

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66f9e0  No.15228383

File: 1641334d10a5b50⋯.png (654.76 KB, 697x466, 697:466, axis_of_evil.PNG)

File: 51c6e3899281a15⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 720x405, 16:9, rrn.jpg)


>>>15228148 Conclusive Proof that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were the architects of 9/11.RRN is conclusive proof?

You were dropped on your head as a baby, right?

Either that or ..'

Not that I'm not saying the axis of evil wasn't the architect of 911, because it was, but real retard news? C'mon man.

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adb7e9  No.15228384

File: 43462220497529e⋯.png (269.22 KB, 414x415, 414:415, KEK.png)


Think mirror!

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d87c20  No.15228385


the bv is a fake bakir

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afe505  No.15228386

File: 52d28ad15f93570⋯.png (97.01 KB, 535x521, 535:521, Screenshot_2021_12_20_at_2….png)

AFP News Agency


#BREAKING Japan executes three on death row, first since 2019: media


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5c3d4c  No.15228387

File: 078563aeebb7c7e⋯.png (213.53 KB, 1004x683, 1004:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow is Winter Solstice.

Dark to Light.

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d87c20  No.15228388


with minute testicles, it has been stated.

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22b2fe  No.15228389

Theory on trump vaccines comments:

We create our own collective reality based of perception. We do this on an individual basis as well for our own life path. The collective manifestation steers the temporal possibilities. In essence we manifested the covid event, partially with help of dark magicians via event 201 etc…

So by trump saying he vaccine is safe, it’s an attempt to pull collective consciousness in the direction to prevent as many people as possible from actually dying. We play into their hand by dwelling in the fear and manifesting a large portion of the population dying off.

We create our own reality, anons. That’s what the Great Awakening was all about. We must learn to control our thoughts and point towards the outcome we want to happen.

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eff46d  No.15228390


Doesn't necessarily invalidate the question.

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11390d  No.15228391

File: f458e5d896071bd⋯.png (117.53 KB, 258x245, 258:245, Pepe_Laughing.png)


>Tucker Carlson Slams 'Pedo Outbreak' At CNN

>the kicker: "As of today there are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have died of the so-called Omicron variant."


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f00480  No.15228392

File: b721c74bf32c473⋯.gif (919.77 KB, 400x225, 16:9, AndyCooperHonEbobo.gif)

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d87c20  No.15228393



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0b0095  No.15228394


So it's not a movie now?

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21ae26  No.15228395


All this discussion about who 'has' Covid, or who 'died' from the Vax, or how and why, etc. Boosters, Omicron, children, sports… it is just one giant circular argument made to distract from the OUTCOME of the charade. The OUTCOME is, they are siezing more power while enslaving you bit by bit.

I feel like we intuitively know this, yet can't help but come here and dissect the minutia. IT IS ALL BULLSHITE. Until the bankers are dead, and C.O.L. / DC / Vatican are destroyed, then WTF are we even talking about.

I don't even

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7367fe  No.15228396


Eh? No but I would like one. Have some?

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d87c20  No.15228397

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0b0095  No.15228398


Perfect imitation - give this chick a rise.

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195581  No.15228399

File: 9c9e53a47345dc5⋯.jpg (416.62 KB, 1751x2000, 1751:2000, HIIHHPPHPHHP.jpg)

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9ae7e1  No.15228400

>>15226815 (pb)

Whatever this guy's issue was, they killed him with a respirator, then cried covid.

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d87c20  No.15228401

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33d2f8  No.15228402


Has he mentioned the 2020 election fraud yet?

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bb4700  No.15228403

File: 92cf0aea0a37dec⋯.jpeg (44.39 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 19608BE9_7DB2_4713_9C3C_D….jpeg)

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d87c20  No.15228404


expand thinking

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ce520f  No.15228405

File: 297eccfffa3e94f⋯.png (150.75 KB, 358x358, 1:1, 53bd46ce993e928bc866e74a9a….png)


How Dare You

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45df48  No.15228406

File: 3f79d24bff165aa⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, nancy_nanshee_pelosi_head_….png)

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eff46d  No.15228407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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86ce99  No.15228408

File: b39c075fd7b9720⋯.jpeg (126.09 KB, 512x512, 1:1, DEB85D1F_008B_4253_A466_C….jpeg)



Someone fill this request ASAP!!

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202ba4  No.15228409

File: e42f1430ccf1499⋯.png (16.44 KB, 715x114, 715:114, fbi_agent_mcgonical_1.PNG)

File: fb6bf2be712d53f⋯.png (75.8 KB, 739x399, 739:399, fbi_agent_mcgonical_2.PNG)

A former senior Soviet Foreign Ministry official in the U.S. filed as a Foreign Agent for a top aide to Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, who has been described by the U.S. Senate as a key figure in the Kremlin’s malign influence operations.

The paperwork filed under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) has raised numerous concerns from experts who have noted that the aide, Yevgenyi (Evgeny, Evgeniy) Fokin, has reportedly been flagged by the FBI as a former senior Russian intelligence official.

In addition, the filing raises questions about the involvement of a former senior FBI counterintelligence official who reportedly connected Fokin to a law firm and business intelligence consultants.

The FARA filing was first publicly spotted by Wendy Siegelman, an independent investigative journalist.

The Foreign Agent filing

On Nov. 29, 2021, Sergey Shestakov, the former Soviet diplomat, registered as a Foreign Agent for Fokin, the alleged former senior Russian intelligence official.

Though the filing is scarce on details, Shestakov stated that he enlisted Charles F. McGonigal, the FBI's former top counterintelligence official in New York, to connect Fokin to the law firm Kobre & Kim as well as “business intelligence consultants” Spectrum Risk Solutions.

“Mr. Fokin has contacted me seeking professional assistance in the US, which have resulted in the retention of the law firm of Kobre & Kim and later and separately the business intelligence consultants Spectrum Risk Solutions,” Shestakov stated. “I acted in hope that my assistance would result in a facilitation fee from the US entities retained, and I have received such fees.”

It wasn't immediately clear if McGonigal, like Shestakov, received a payment from Fokin.

Fokin now acts as the director of international cooperation for En+ Group, an energy conglomerate founded by Oleg Deripaska. A 2019 deal to remove En+ Group from U.S. sanctions stipulated that Deripaska must reduce his holdings in the group to under 50%, though he reportedly transferred some shares to family members and another group under his control.

In October, the FBI raided residences in Washington, D.C. and New York owned by people close to Deripaska in an unspecified criminal investigation. Information about what prompted the dramatic hours-long raids remains unclear.

Shestakov reported that the activity involving Fokin and McGonigal began over two-and-a-half years ago. FARA laws mandate that Foreign Agents, “must file a registration statement within 10 days of having agreed to act as an agent of a foreign principal.”

Anna Massoglia, a researcher at the Center for Responsive Politics and an expert on FARA, told Forensic News that the timing of the filing is notable, given the recent law enforcement activity at the Deripaska-connected houses.

“The timing of the filing is certainly noteworthy since it comes so long after the activities reportedly took place and so shortly after the FBI searched property linked to Deripaska,” she said.


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42f29e  No.15228410

File: 94e44313670c3b0⋯.png (6.67 MB, 3600x3900, 12:13, DTLkillerwhaleBOOMwDSwokew….png)

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ca758e  No.15228411


fact checkers may dispute

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ce520f  No.15228412


>So it's not a movie now?

Oh there's definitely a movie playing

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8f41dc  No.15228413

File: ddc8c39fa71082c⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 612x396, 17:11, 5gpwo9u6u.jpg)

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977d64  No.15228414

File: cee3d8faf3278bb⋯.jpeg (76.88 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1639942375643.jpeg)


I like this quote better, but that's just me.

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bc6765  No.15228415

File: 5ec40b4fe2dc968⋯.png (1.7 MB, 788x951, 788:951, ClipboardImage.png)


what fake bakers, leaving out the vitals. that is retarded and the excuse that i has more bread for anons to post is even moar retarded especially when b.v post 40 fucking posts of his rubbish, then the rest taken up by shills which is moar the half.

get wrecked and leave the boards alone.

then only thing b.v should do is stop spamming and keep it moving.

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6b5cb5  No.15228416

File: 442fe56e76f6d7c⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 720x429, 240:143, 442fe56e76f6d7cc04e3874e04….jpg)

The amount of Duper's delight emanating from this place currently is despicable.


>>We're in a state of war

>>most don't realize it yet

>So it's not a movie now?

It -has been-, for some beyond organization of an ideal.

How's traffic where you're at?

everyone… have someone behind them?

Imma drop a figurative bomb on you.

Mostly it's for clarification if one is not involved or not in things beyond what are already known.

Otherwise stay outta fucking trouble while Santa's naughty list is compiled.

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0b0095  No.15228417


Exactly…. the reason their is a world wide GPU shortage is because NWO is busy setting up financial collapse and replacement of slave financial system using mark of the beast technology.

This is all a distraction from "You'll own nothing"

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7367fe  No.15228418


BUAWAHAHAHAHA! FUCKING PRICELESS! I was about to say wtf is this video until he points… that made my night! Thank you anon. Good thing about crackheads is no teeth…

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ecf8d4  No.15228419


>Never seen that do that to me when I go out to my shop to water my plants. Weirdddddddd. Yea I saw her eyes from the ir lights. Still a weird video

if you have an IR camera, then there is an IR light source. however, that IR source is for the camera only and independent of the motion sensor. the motion sensor is passive, and only sees objects that EMIT their own IR signature, and watches for movement.

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d87c20  No.15228420

File: 40f2b6269f4a961⋯.png (645.77 KB, 821x536, 821:536, Screen_Shot_2021_12_20_at_….png)


Left-wing Lutheran church holds drag sermon for children to ‘reflect on joy’

The event took place at St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago, which advertises a heavy 'social justice' bent.


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3959f3  No.15228421

File: bb682edff0043e4⋯.png (467.58 KB, 1180x1296, 295:324, ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the pen.


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0b0095  No.15228422


That subject suck the air out of ALL the media rooms.

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f1ec68  No.15228423

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a LARPing faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and four, Patriots are a sucker for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is now just a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future proves past they were never repaid.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only "justice" so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement.

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?, Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage.

If you understood the meaning of "Kayfabe", you wouldn't believe he's America's savior, not even maybe.

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to rotten cabbage Hill, You claim to be woke but ate the Blue Pill.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey?, Nah the country burns while his face shines on zionist money.

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

For thousands of years they've won at this game, Red vs Blue it's always the same.

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned ate the Red Pill.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who see are the wisest of sages.

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b879b0  No.15228424

File: 261572f9a0ea2a0⋯.png (84.59 KB, 889x597, 889:597, GWB_gallows.png)

File: c9c81a92b1965ce⋯.png (159.67 KB, 293x507, 293:507, GWB2.png)

File: 3cf42ff7157457d⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, GWB.png)

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ca758e  No.15228425




we are not gonna run out of bread.

we may run out of rope tho.

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ecf8d4  No.15228426


>then there is an IR light source

should have said, then there MAY BE an IR light source

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f31e1a  No.15228427


Poor excuse by the Feds.

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ca758e  No.15228428


it's like wind power

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aeb069  No.15228429


with (((marxism))) being a death cult, it's '(((revolt))) as in murder, as in for some reason(?) go against the 'do not kill' and when the connection to God is strained, jews starve those that remain to death or make them die in hopeless wars, because jews want souls to be trapped, to keep jews alive, that's why jews push 'abortion', which is murder

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0b0095  No.15228430


So there is no war - just a movie of a war?

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d87c20  No.15228431


moar reliable than Mr. Pig.

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bb4700  No.15228432

File: 68a04927a6ea756⋯.jpeg (112.89 KB, 1023x719, 1023:719, 3F93CF76_FC8A_4C24_A35E_E….jpeg)


“Cry Covid and let slip the frogs of war.”

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de8060  No.15228433

File: a6137a3d948bfd5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1253x693, 179:99, 20DEC21_19.PNG)

File: 578029459bb8dca⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1266x704, 633:352, 20DEC21_19a.PNG)


"Pentagon Issues Rules To Fight Extremism In The Military."



"Tucker Carlson, and Shawn Hannity, these guys must be cut out of the information stream going into the men and women of the armed forces of the United States." -Eaton, FUCKING TRAITOR.

one of the three


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f31e1a  No.15228434


Classic. Hillary Clinton referred to criminal investigation as a "matter".

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92a725  No.15228435

File: ec2925e40bbac24⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 975x646, 975:646, Filmmaker_Bryan_Singer_set….jpg)

My Traumatizing Years With Bryan Singer

By Blake Stuerman

In this first-person account, Blake Stuerman, 30, details his experiences over his four years with the filmmaker Bryan Singer, who came to prominence as a director with 1995’s “The Usual Suspects,” and directed several blockbusters, including “X-Men,” “Superman Returns,” and, most recently, 2018’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Stuerman met Singer in 2009 in New York City when he was 18 years old, and entered into a sexual relationship with him shortly after; Singer was 43. Their time together ended after Stuerman was fired as Singer’s assistant in June 2013 on the film “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” which opened the following year. Stuerman believes his relationship with Singer was abusive and traumatic. He says he was further traumatized by witnessing an incident in 2012 in which Singer allegedly assaulted someone.

Variety corroborated parts of Stuerman’s account of his life with Singer through documents, photographs, emails and text messages provided by Stuerman, and by speaking with people in Stuerman’s and Singer’s orbits at the time of these events. In total, Variety interviewed 20 people for this story, 18 of whom spoke with Variety under an agreement of anonymity in order to protect their positions within the industry or out of concern of reprisals from Singer — as well as Stuerman’s parents. Stuerman’s allegation of assault was corroborated by someone who was present for it.

When given a detailed summary of what Stuerman wrote, Singer’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler, responded in a four-page letter in which he called Stuerman’s allegations “uncorroborated, inflammatory, and highly defamatory” and that Stuerman “simply has an axe to grind” against Singer. But Brettler did not dispute — nor did he comment on — the allegations that Singer had sex with Stuerman beginning when he was 18. He also did not dispute or comment on the claim that Singer assaulted someone and Stuerman witnessed it. Singer’s response is included at the end of the piece.

Singer has been the subject of controversy for much of his career, starting with allegations of misconduct involving minors on the set of the 1998 film "Apt Pupil," and exploding after being accused of raping a minor in a civil lawsuit in 2014 (that was later withdrawn). In 2019, Singer settled a lawsuit for $150,000 that claimed he’d raped a 17-year-old boy in 2003 (he denied the allegations). Singer has never been arrested or charged with a crime related to these allegations, and he has denied all allegations of sexual misconduct. His professional habits have also come under scrutiny, and in late 2017, he was fired from “Bohemian Rhapsody” after causing what the Hollywood Reporter called “chaos on set.” He hasn’t directed a movie since. —Adam B. Vary and Kate Aurthur

I turned 18 in March of 2009. Just days after my birthday, my life would change forever.

I was working in New York as an assistant scenic designer when I was introduced to Bryan Singer. Bryan had heard about me through Gary Goddard, a friend of his, who was producing two of the shows I was working on. I was stick thin, wildly precocious and looked no older than 15. The textbook definition of a twink.

The first night I met Bryan, I was invited to a late dinner at Nobu 57. Gary called, instructing me to meet him and his friends for dinner. Gary’s friends had come to town for the opening of his shows. He said their helicopter had just landed and they were en route. He followed up minutes later to make sure I was coming. I had to Google what Nobu 57 was.

After arriving at the restaurant, I was escorted to a large table of men. It was after 11 p.m. and the dining room was mostly empty. There was just one open seat next to Gary. Bryan eyed me from across the table while Gary quietly explained that Bryan was a famous movie director who had made “X-Men” and “Superman Returns.” I had never heard of him before, but those movies were obviously very familiar. I fumbled with my chopsticks as Bryan asked about the shows I was working on and what I wanted to do with my career. Each time a new platter of sashimi was served, Bryan’s assistant would tell me how expensive it was. I had to tell Gary that I couldn’t afford to split this. He shared that with the table and they all laughed. It was the first time I had ever been around true wealth.



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7d8cec  No.15228436

File: 2cec50f1917b177⋯.jpeg (301.52 KB, 856x440, 107:55, monekeys.jpeg)

the dog comms in the news are just getting obnoxious

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33d2f8  No.15228437


Professor Lie


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03350b  No.15228438

File: e1071cea36b0cd4⋯.jpg (141.25 KB, 299x426, 299:426, miley_cyrus_kali.jpg)

>>15228290 pb


it's illegal in US

That's why they moved it to China

The injections were kept in a refrigerator when they had the living parasites eggs which needed to be kept cold or they would hatch.

I wonder how contagious the parasites are?

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5822b1  No.15228439


Conspiracy theories and President Donald Trump

In May 2020, National Catholic Reporter reported that a number of German bishops had rejected COVID-19 conspiracy theories spread by Viganò,[111][112] saying that "populists and other conspiracy theorists … want to interpret all efforts to contain the pandemic as a pretext to found a hate-filled technocratic tyranny and wipe out Christian civilization."[111] Viganò had circulated an appeal he wrote and posted on the website "Veritas Liberabit Vos" in which he criticized "disproportionate and unjustifiable restrictions" on the "exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement" enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying it was "social engineering" and "subtle forms of dictatorship" that violated "inalienable rights of citizens and their fundamental freedoms" and were a "disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control".[113] He cast doubt on the "contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus"[113] He said that "foreign powers" and "shady interests" were interfering in domestic affairs and were part of a "plot to create a world government" that "would result in the permanent imposition of unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms."[114]

In his June 7, 2020 letter to then President Donald Trump, Viganò made "apocalyptic claims about a looming spiritual battle and a globalist conspiracy pursuing a one-world government," according to the Catholic News Agency.[115] Viganò said that Catholic bishops who support George Floyd protests associated with Black Lives Matter, were aligned with the New World Order conspiracy,[116][117] and that they invoked the Masonic "universal brotherhood" — also part of the new world order plot. He described the protests and the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns as a Biblical struggle between light and dark, urging President Trump to fight against the deep state in the United States, which included responding to the protests.[118] Viganò alleged that the protests were organized by now President Joe Biden who embodies the deep state goals.[119] President Trump responded favorably to the letter in a Tweet and encouraging everyone to read Viganò's letter.[120]

Journalists from Radio Canada the New York Times and historian and theologian Massimo Faggioli, traced the link between President Trump and Viganò, to the archbishop's appointment in 2011 as Nuncio to the United States.[12][121][122] In 2008, when President Obama was elected, American Catholics had increased their influence through their alliance with the Tea Party, according to Faggioli.[122] Faggioli said that in Washington over the next five years, Viganò "forged close ties" with the a "militant fringe" of traditional Catholics and gradually embraced conspiracy theories.[121] When Pope Francis became Pope, some Catholics in the United States believed it was part of a globalist elite plot to liberalize the Catholic Church. Faggioli said that Trump had popularized and normalized the conspiracy theories, so that when Viganò published of a series of letters with strong conspiratorial overtones from May to October 2020, Trump's "most ardent Catholic supporters" had adhered to Viganò's messages.[121]

In response to the June 2020 letter and other statements, many Catholic leaders further distanced themselves from Viganò and his remarks, which the Catholic News Agency described as "apocalyptic claims about a looming spiritual battle and a globalist conspiracy pursuing a one-world government."[115][111] Viganò, who refused to recognize Pope Francis, has called for his resignation,[123] and in July 2020 he accused Pope Francis of following the 'homosexual agenda of the New World Order conspiracy theory.[124]

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adb7e9  No.15228440

File: a432e32baef3f2d⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 255870929_248807537231813_….jpg)


>we may run out of rope tho.

Rope is reusable


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5822b1  No.15228441



On October 30, 2020, Viganò wrote another letter to President Trump which framed the World Economic Forum's Great Reset initiative within the context of the New World Order global conspiracy theory "against God and humanity".[125] He said the Great Reset was led by the "global élite" who wanted to "subdue" humanity using "coercive measures" to "limit individual freedoms".[125][126] Viganò said the price of a promised basic universal income from the International Monetary Fund would be the "renunciation of private property". He warned that a digital ID, a health passport, and Bill Gates' vaccination would become mandatory, and refusal to comply would result in internment. Vagano said that the lockdowns in the early months of 2021 were part of the activation of the Great Reset. Vigano said in the October 30 letter that then President Trump represented the "final garrison against the world dictatorship" and that the United States represented "defending wall" in a "war" against globalists, such as the President of the United States Joe Biden, Pope Francis—who Viganò addresses as simply—Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, France's President Emmanuel Macron, and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.[125] Sections of this letter were included in an article by The Spectator columnist, James Delingpole—a key proponent of the great reset conspiracy theory—a version of the anti-lockdown conspiracy.[127] One church official said that he was "simply stunned at what is being disseminated in the name of the church and Christendom: crude conspiracy theories without facts or evidence combined with a right-wing populist combative rhetoric that sounds frightening."[111] Viganò did not offer proof to support his claims, according to the CNA.[115]


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66867f  No.15228442

File: 2daebe29b44ba54⋯.jpeg (97.43 KB, 1080x723, 360:241, 1593867430.jpeg)

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7367fe  No.15228443

File: 36117901f8b3db7⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20211220_203948….jpg)



Heres the actual camera

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ce520f  No.15228444


>So there is no war - just a movie of a war?

Are you dense or just attempting to troll?

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d87c20  No.15228445

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c6a9a8  No.15228446

File: b5bdceb9706ec6d⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 700x703, 700:703, they_call_me_ranch.jpg)

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b879b0  No.15228447


proofs are getting stronger anon.

re-reading the crumbs form 2017 is very enLIGHTening these days.

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d87c20  No.15228448



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7367fe  No.15228449


I have plenty on hemp stems. We can make more rope.

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749653  No.15228450


Rear Adm. Crandall affirmed the verdict, and he set George W. Bush’s date of execution for Tuesday, January 4.

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0b0095  No.15228451



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6bf227  No.15228452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15228148 lb


Better than the Hot Sheets

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038fdb  No.15228453

File: aa1c98023e9749b⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 640x450, 64:45, aa1c98023e9749b8850f84792b….jpg)

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03350b  No.15228454

File: f99f2d0b9f17a7b⋯.png (492.17 KB, 1000x680, 25:17, thatsit1.png)

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46127c  No.15228455

>>15228321 (last bread)

>>15228290 (last bread)

Anon is right. Obummer stopped public funding because too many ? were being asked. It was under the table funded through various deceptive ways (defense bill, debt raising). When Trump came to power (they never thought she would lose) opening an illegal bioweapon research/deployment funding stream was the least of their worries…

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ce520f  No.15228456

File: 0f2200f50a84c06⋯.gif (394.2 KB, 500x419, 500:419, 0f2200f50a84c065e3778d362d….gif)


Guillotines are more entertaining

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afe505  No.15228457

File: 3eecfce8b8f06f1⋯.png (451.48 KB, 535x612, 535:612, ClipboardImage.png)


No way!


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d87c20  No.15228458

this ain't no nightshift,anon can tell. you that.


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7d8cec  No.15228459


A rope for every Patriot

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03350b  No.15228460

File: a443e870c10f6a9⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 355x449, 355:449, wbush.jpg)


He's not dead yet.


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5f26c7  No.15228461


suck the L, W.

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b879b0  No.15228462

File: 2c876f53ecd3959⋯.png (121.41 KB, 648x783, 24:29, ClipboardImage.png)


disinformation is REAL anon.

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de8060  No.15228463

File: afda08a4a2ee961⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB, 264x480, 11:20, nancyp.mp4)

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7367fe  No.15228464


That would be quick. Die slow please. These people need to die as slow as humanly possible

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cd34fe  No.15228465

Anybody else get a letter about where to send information about claiming their estate today?

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d87c20  No.15228466


>disinformation is REAL anon.

seems like an oxymoron.


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3959f3  No.15228467

File: 1f006c4361fb0df⋯.png (522.25 KB, 403x604, 403:604, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1ec68  No.15228468

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)



Its all a waste of time. Nothing is ever going to happen to the DS and nothing positive is ever going to happen to humanity. Trump and Q had their chance, they gave full control back to evil during their watch. There are no "good guys" out there going to save the day. DS will never be processed through a corrupt justice system. Measures will continue to destroy and remove liberties and freedoms. People will continue to have less and become more divided. The elite will still hold all the cards. Five years to do something, anything, and nothing was done on their watch. Nothing is ever going to change this.

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66f9e0  No.15228469

File: ac02022ddb26eb1⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 23.jpg)



Oh noes, the real retard is out in force again.

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b879b0  No.15228470



"They" call it DISINFO

I call it REAL War News.

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343cfa  No.15228471




Prosecutors allege that Lieber failed to report income he received from WUT on his tax returns in 2013 and 2014. Colleen Ranahan, an IRS revenue agent, testified Monday that Lieber would have owed the government an estimated $7,600 more in 2013 and $15,200 more in 2014 if he had disclosed the alleged income.

As prosecutors questioned Ranahan, fire alarms went off in the courthouse, cutting the day of trial short by several minutes.


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bec704  No.15228472


catch 22

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61a886  No.15228473

File: ec9ec7223e6607b⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 1280x1082, 640:541, AQ1.jpg)


Like the front row of a Gallagher comedy show.

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adb7e9  No.15228475

File: 0a1bddef439cb95⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 643x820, 643:820, TLDR.jpg)

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0b0095  No.15228476


Well if it's all just a movie - that means the war has been won already and we are just watching a movie. If we are still in an actual war, that means all the shit we see going on is real, it's not a scripted movie. These are different perspectives… which one is right?

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764bf7  No.15228477

File: 1bab455eabb4a57⋯.jpeg (29.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A8F94947_85AC_4454_B550_F….jpeg)

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de8060  No.15228478

File: cc9937353c9423d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1215x694, 1215:694, 20DEC21_20.PNG)

File: 63dcba90679bd44⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1226x707, 1226:707, 20DEC21_20a.PNG)

File: 6153b4f29d58858⋯.png (866.69 KB, 1256x701, 1256:701, 20DEC21_20b.PNG)

File: d8bec5b4f7fb3fe⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1236x707, 1236:707, 20DEC21_20c.PNG)


I have no fugging idea here


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66867f  No.15228479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e0d3b3  No.15228480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d4b793  No.15228481

Antarctica, melting snow 2020, round disc and shadow on snow


Can't embed short yt vids

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6bf227  No.15228482

File: 8ab86daf586cab5⋯.png (119.54 KB, 363x251, 363:251, 2021_10_04_17_00_24.png)


>Anybody else get a letter about where to send information about claiming their estate today?

Was it from a Prince in Nigeria?

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d87c20  No.15228483



whoa. anon feels like he's just had a glimpse into another dimension.

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452134  No.15228484

File: 0a7ee121889f5c1⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 224x400, 14:25, 1601729442_Copy.mp4)

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86ce99  No.15228485


If it’s any consolation, I wanted to show it to wife anon

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61a886  No.15228486

File: 49e8eca9b627f50⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 597x677, 597:677, AQ1.jpg)

Special Prosecutor Releases Full Report on Investigation of Soros-Backed Prosecutor in Jussie Smollett Case

The office of Special Prosecutor Dan Webb released its full 60-page “summary report” Monday afternoon of its investigation into the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx over her improper handling of the Jussie Smollett case in 2019.


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83583a  No.15228487

File: e5661eac73f483c⋯.jpeg (488.43 KB, 1222x750, 611:375, 1827D35C_A0B2_4C49_BF09_F….jpeg)

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bb4700  No.15228488


Glass half full of piss?

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202ba4  No.15228489

File: c22ff1aed8f90c1⋯.png (21.67 KB, 1275x163, 1275:163, fauci_nyc_aids_orphans_1.PNG)

Fauci, the mad scientist, has already been known for supporting cruel experiments on animals. In October, it was revealed that Fauci’s NIH gave a $375,000 grant to a lab that conducted disturbing experiments on beagles, trapping their heads in cages while hungry sandflies literally ate them alive. Last month, it was discovered that Fauci’s NIAID experimented on Rhesus monkeys to test, among other things, vaccines. The experiments involved injecting Rhesus monkeys with diseases such as Ebola and the Lassa virus. Pain medication was withheld from the monkeys.

But Fauci’s evil experiments weren’t only on animals; in 2004, it was discovered that Fauci tested AIDS treatments on orphaned children. Dozens of children allegedly died as a result of the experiments. Now, a reporter has found the cemetery where the children that Fauci experimented on and tortured are buried as well as the memorial in the cemetery where they are buried.

A new book by Robert F. Kenndy Jr called “The Real Anthony Fauci” reveals his sickening crimes. In the book, he reveals that reporter Cecelia Farber went to the Gates of Heaven cemetery in New York and found “an open pit” where she saw “hundreds of little coffins stacked haphazardly on top of each other”, Robert Kennedy said in an interview with The High Wire.

In the early 2000s, NIH approved using orphaned children as test subjects for AIDS treatments in New York. Dozens of children died in the horrifying experiments. The Gateway Pundit reports–

“In 2005, the city of New York hired the VERA Institute to form a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

They reported that twenty-five children died during the drug studies, that an additional fifty-five children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used).”


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7367fe  No.15228490


He still owes me money!

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749653  No.15228491

File: cf8880511ee476b⋯.jpeg (88.78 KB, 586x454, 293:227, flak6.jpeg)

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adb7e9  No.15228492

File: b785c4a872e70f3⋯.png (353.86 KB, 500x565, 100:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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03350b  No.15228493

File: 3a4648b5ab8a41b⋯.png (584.88 KB, 794x631, 794:631, nataliebidanlookakike1.png)


It's difficult to talk about fakery.

It screws up the language.


This is supposedly some of Epstein's girls

Doesn't that like Natalie Bidan?

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66867f  No.15228494

File: 0afa9ec5f66f749⋯.jpg (178.49 KB, 823x831, 823:831, 20210826_072538.jpg)

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6fffc0  No.15228495


comet pizza!

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03350b  No.15228496


wo Greta's a guy.

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f1ec68  No.15228497

File: 3e24ffb00fb950a⋯.png (548.05 KB, 892x767, 892:767, bd20a538512a18b5cd9272f222….png)


100% of Q posts are disinfo. Trust the plan. Think mirror = Don't trust the plan = heart attacks can be deadly = clot shot intended for every man woman and child to give them heart attacks. Q and Trump will go down in infamy as pure fucking evil.

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46127c  No.15228498

File: 844e15db8a95adc⋯.jpg (282.89 KB, 646x560, 323:280, 844e15db8a95adc82f0ea990a3….jpg)

Right now they're just starting to squirm anons. These people are stupid. When you see the next Dem Senator retire then you know the enemy is in full retreat. Manchin hurt the Dem Party way more than McConnell, who appears to be in John Roberts mode now, ever did. The wheat is being separated from the chaff indeed. Remember how many times Q+ has apologized to anons for having to go through this. It's indeed painful to wait for the awakening.

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adb7e9  No.15228499

File: 923ddde6b459bc1⋯.png (165.83 KB, 405x500, 81:100, 54864695fb2591dc6e18e49f7f….png)


>C'mon man.


>C'mon man.


>C'mon man.


>C'mon man.


>C'mon man.


>C'mon man.


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343cfa  No.15228500



Kim Foxx called out to retire for Jussie bullshit.

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a62dd3  No.15228501


You need to work on your meter. Just because the last word rhymes doesn't make it poetry.

Think Haiku…5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.

Each couplet should have the same syllables

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3959f3  No.15228502

File: acd8a807b899c68⋯.png (304.37 KB, 399x600, 133:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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61a886  No.15228503

File: e35560f4267a189⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 739x559, 739:559, AQ1.jpg)

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adb7e9  No.15228504

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21ae26  No.15228505

File: 041f55dcc1ebcf5⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 720x1026, 40:57, know_ur_enemy.jpg)

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42f29e  No.15228506

File: c8e9bede634aa41⋯.png (6.84 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, D5expandusarmy.png)



Story is from Real Raw News.

Graphic needs the date/timestamp from the Q post

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83583a  No.15228507

File: 70f69049951f6d9⋯.jpeg (444.39 KB, 672x838, 336:419, 5AD83A80_4DB7_4338_AC40_8….jpeg)

File: c1919ea4bf39459⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 1070x1071, 1070:1071, 61B76AD9_739B_45D8_BC3A_3….jpeg)

File: f3ceb1784a46c2d⋯.jpeg (67.34 KB, 852x480, 71:40, A3A78E78_8430_443C_9D87_D….jpeg)

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03350b  No.15228508

File: 61f6a789c39206d⋯.jpg (109.16 KB, 1000x941, 1000:941, dogpondering.jpg)


Griffin and Saleeby are quite the lookers, aren't they.

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b879b0  No.15228509

File: 1325d67a5f42c10⋯.png (120.17 KB, 646x740, 323:370, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab19864f6360921⋯.png (12.07 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 991cd8006844c5d847758c7fd0….png)

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452134  No.15228510





There was a time when they shilled OAN that hard as well…. they turned out to be Solid….


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f661bb  No.15228511


>Guillotines are more entertaining

Use piano wire on the gallows. It'd be sort of a hybrid with a gallows start and satisfying guillotine finish.

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61a886  No.15228512

File: 4f7a3f01bb581f8⋯.jpg (118.9 KB, 1218x241, 1218:241, AQ2.jpg)

Bill O'Reilly says Trump will run again

“This is good for you. This is good that people see another side of you, not a political side. You told the truth, you believe in the vax, your administration did it and you should take credit for it,” O’Reilly said he told Trump during the call.


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33d2f8  No.15228513


Negative being, looks like it died sucking a mean dick.

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ce520f  No.15228514

File: b98d01f3865393f⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 275x183, 275:183, crocPit.jpg)


How about this:

one at a time,

they are smeared with chicken blood

then slowly lowered into a Crocodile pit

We could do one per day

and force them to watch

maybe do a lottery each day

to see who's next

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3959f3  No.15228515

young miley cyrus on the left

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c6a9a8  No.15228516

File: df7fe90bd691e81⋯.png (66.16 KB, 255x194, 255:194, TimeToStopPosting.png)

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bcd31c  No.15228517


Cheap Chinese Product

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977d64  No.15228518


For your reading enjoyment.

LEAKED: Fauci, NIH Head Planned 'Devastating Takedown' of Non-Compliant Physicians

Hangings when?

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195581  No.15228519

File: eb3f552c57cb985⋯.jpg (144.71 KB, 578x972, 289:486, UHBUOOUH.jpg)

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46127c  No.15228520


The Dems and RINOS got that infrastructure bill which delayed the inevitable by allowing the printing presses to stay on. However… they didn't get the bill that would have allowed them to rescind the security on the Trump Presidential Decisions and they didn't get the bill to take the elections away from all 50 states, did they?

Anons, I don't have to say it. You already know.

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8eaf77  No.15228521

File: 818e0376cb6c4e8⋯.png (799.27 KB, 685x548, 5:4, Hunka_Burnin.png)


If I saw a burning bush….

would it be a miracle?

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bec704  No.15228522


Schrödinger's dimension

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37877c  No.15228523

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e18819  No.15228524


Has he mentioned 911 and building 7 yet?

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343cfa  No.15228525

File: ca57513fcedb6c6⋯.png (14.25 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 8976e309262048f10dc7be7ce2….png)

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0b0095  No.15228526


3rd inline to nukes, after Harris and FJB… help me lord!

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749653  No.15228527

How does RRN make money? Why is there no advertising on the website?

Why does corporate media ignore RRN?

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b879b0  No.15228528

File: 48f193ec57dc378⋯.png (87.64 KB, 647x672, 647:672, ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine this

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3959f3  No.15228529

File: cfd9fdeebe2e2d1⋯.png (674.2 KB, 1674x1674, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll take my booster in paste form only.

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ce520f  No.15228530


You need to click the post number

so there's a link to it in your post

otherwise we don't know wtf you're referencing

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ca758e  No.15228531


dated one of epstein's giels I am pretty sure.

they put a bunch of echkart tolle's bullshit into her with a cattle prod.

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bf9f5c  No.15228532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(You) ALL Know , and Feel Christmas Presents Are Arriving (SOON)

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04c5c3  No.15228533

File: 7e75146d635a125⋯.png (411.92 KB, 528x662, 264:331, Biden_Christmas_Card_12_20….PNG)

File: d3c7a8e97d3bdb5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 909x908, 909:908, Biden_Christmas_Card_12_20….PNG)

Just got Biden’s Christmas card in the mail and it’s not my favorite



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61a886  No.15228534

File: 079e1111311b6ff⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 648x517, 648:517, AQ1.jpg)

Dennis Rodman is confronted by airport cops after ignoring FOUR requests to pull up his face mask while sat in first class cabin of JetBlue flight from Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale


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3959f3  No.15228535

File: cf6d66ff5d2454d⋯.png (100.88 KB, 291x218, 291:218, ClipboardImage.png)

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af5e1d  No.15228536


Has everyone already forgotten how may rinos are still in the senate and can cross over and vote yes for it? Including Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney?

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65bb38  No.15228537

File: f9d078d46a060c3⋯.jpeg (459.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kek44.jpeg)

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bb4700  No.15228538

File: 821c156c6910c6d⋯.jpeg (27.32 KB, 485x356, 485:356, 81E2E33B_5D15_4ABF_9BF8_7….jpeg)

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03350b  No.15228539

File: 91212c7da4b6386⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 600x334, 300:167, thanksfauci5e.jpg)


Per your citation it was NIH, not Trump

"here are eight criteria in the framework for guiding HHS funding decisions, which stipulate, for example, that the research has been evaluated by an independent expert review as scientifically sound, that the potential risks and benefits are justified, that there are no other equally effective but less risky options for answering the research question, and that the research team and facility have the capacity to do the work safety and securely and to respond rapidly if there are any accidents, protocol lapses, or security breaches."

Guess they didn't follow their own rules.


When did it move from Ft. Dietrich to Wuhan?

When they lie so heavily it's hard to put much credence into whatever they claim.

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8fc02b  No.15228540

File: e299264c2407abd⋯.png (743.22 KB, 1438x824, 719:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 517ac4978572a3c⋯.png (61.42 KB, 645x385, 129:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de6fb02766310cf⋯.png (127.31 KB, 787x470, 787:470, 7dfd9b642cb1b191ae1dbfa3cb….png)



NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! arguably was triggered on Nov 29th. +23 days → Wed Dec 22nd, 2021.

Tropics at ~23º deg.

So, tomorrow is Solstice (Dark to Light), Wed is when PAIN begins?

(Forgive me, Father, for I have datefagged)

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3f160d  No.15228541

File: 1b47f33314ac19a⋯.png (156.19 KB, 981x666, 109:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93490361ef7261b⋯.png (4.78 MB, 2756x2743, 212:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6aca14e4cc3288b⋯.png (456.75 KB, 1785x1049, 1785:1049, US_News_President_Biden_no….png)

>Q Research General #19264: Unfortunately, the clock is ticking Edition

Tomorrow is the 4-year anniversary of EO 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

It will be 12:[35] on the clock, which in HOUR terms is at 7 and mirrors 1, for "17"

Might seem like nothing, because we're so accustomed to the concept of "lockdowns" now, but it's not a probability-nothing that the EO is about bLOCKING and the current Potato, 4 years later, is delivering a speech about not LOCKING.

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452134  No.15228542

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b879b0  No.15228543

File: 73c5bf487a1326e⋯.png (26.8 KB, 653x283, 653:283, ClipboardImage.png)



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61a886  No.15228544

File: f1b427edd49ea8c⋯.jpg (423.32 KB, 2048x1419, 2048:1419, AQ2.jpg)

Reminder to Anons who don't know, that Dennis Rodman is the Unofficial Ambassador to North Korea.

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f1ec68  No.15228545

File: fa785254a9897c4⋯.jpg (402.36 KB, 1330x856, 665:428, fa785254a9897c4709331edde9….jpg)

File: 8478d97cb30cba9⋯.jpg (767.19 KB, 1325x1607, 1325:1607, 8478d97cb30cba9af105695f73….jpg)

File: 96a49c82315b920⋯.jpg (606.1 KB, 1340x1091, 1340:1091, 96a49c82315b92054dc1f074fe….jpg)

Trump and Q deserve to hang. If anyone ever finds out who Q is please murder them for me. The psyop was designed to control the gun wielding Patriots prior to and during the planned plandemic. There is no one coming to save you or the country. Durham will deliver nothing. Time wasting DS gatekeeper faggot.

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03350b  No.15228546


no it was Obama

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742edc  No.15228547

File: 48c2860310b794f⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 32f3ei.jpg)

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66f9e0  No.15228548


>they are smeared with chicken blood

Why hurt innocent chickens when they have 8 pints of their own that they'll not be needing for much longer?

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ce520f  No.15228549


The answer is obvious to those with discernment

the shills don't realize this and think it's effective

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46127c  No.15228550

File: e7f111b1723a6f2⋯.jpg (248.84 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, greetings_et.jpg)

The Cabal is cooperating with Trump/White Hat instructions defiantly and unwillingly. How would you feel if you came within 2 years of taking control of an entire race of people, only to have it diluted and washed away by a Lion sent from God and a group of outsiders dropped in by God to do the bidding of the Lion? I'm sure they're very pissed. The White Hats didn't make any wrong moves and it's checkmate in the here and now (5d chess).

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03350b  No.15228551

File: b91038fc1fec175⋯.png (238.63 KB, 640x364, 160:91, pence.png)



Why seeth here?

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ecf8d4  No.15228552


thx. that actually looks like a really good deal, except that i avoid wifi in my home. everything is hardwired.

but what i said is still true. consider outdoor lighting that is motion activated. there is not an IR source for those, because there is no IR camera. the motion sensor still operates in the IR portion of the spectrum. but it is passive. it sees the IR emitted by the surroundings, and it reacts to the movement of a heat source within its field of view. that is why the motion sensors are significantly less sensitive in the summer, because there is more latent heat in the background. they don't re-invent the motion sensors just because it's being used in conjunction with a security camera. it's still the same, and operates passively. so the woman had to be an object emitting its internal heat as IR. ghosts are allegedly cold, or to put it another way, they absorb energy from the physical world and create cold spots. the motion sensor would need to react to a negative signal. not sure if it could do that or not.

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7367fe  No.15228553



I'd be down for either of these methods of execution!


Yes sadly. Works great though. Nothing is made in America anymore so options are limited or super expensive :-/

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33d2f8  No.15228554

File: 81ba45e106ab233⋯.png (6.38 MB, 2388x1668, 199:139, 552A5F1D_AFC6_45A5_8FFC_C3….png)

Nope, nothing is happening

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ce520f  No.15228555


>Why hurt innocent chickens when they have 8 pints of their own that they'll not be needing for much longer?

I like the way you think

We could do a mock blood libel

before each day's feeding

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14f24e  No.15228556

File: a96cf25442697dc⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 600x600, 1:1, ToqNT9w1pBGEZD78.mp4)

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586fd0  No.15228557

File: ff906e99e85d4ed⋯.png (443.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Stay_Pithy.png)


>Bill O'Reilly says Trump will run again

>“This is good for you. This is good that people see another side of you, not a political side. You told the truth, you believe in the vax, your administration did it and you should take credit for it,” O’Reilly said he told Trump during the call.

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61a886  No.15228558

File: 3cb0e44d31edc59⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 657x571, 657:571, AQ1.jpg)

Dallas crowd HECKLES Trump when he reveals he's had a COVID booster: Tells audience 'you're playing right into their hands' when you doubt the vaccine


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d4b793  No.15228559


>>These are different perspectives… which one is right?

Why not both?

What if all of this being shown(movie) is for those, "not awake" if you will meanwhile those awake can continue working on themselves or choose service to others, which I see this board as for what it is worth.

If we come here to Earth to each have an individual experience, on individual frequency timelines, why can't free will involve a multitude of individual "truths"?

We have enough division over us as fractals of information trying to share info as we each on the planet have almost 7.8 billion individual experiences, each unique as our frequency signature.

What if one signed up to have an experience here in learning how to be evil, learn compassion, work off their karma… Who am I to interfere with them?


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63a40c  No.15228560

File: 1e71fd0d9956838⋯.jpg (86.45 KB, 709x619, 709:619, zelenkoprotocol.jpg)

File: cdc368e96685236⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 1127x671, 1127:671, DJL.jpg)



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209bb1  No.15228561

File: c508889bae346c3⋯.png (677.01 KB, 845x589, 845:589, War.png)

File: fea0d09482e5ae6⋯.jpg (167.11 KB, 720x540, 4:3, OldBossSameAsNew.jpg)

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f553b2  No.15228562


Youre right, Manchin for the first time as a senator, took a stand to not align with forces that will destroy this country!

Plus it helped to have Bidan’s staff release lies about Manchin and put him and his family in danger, and that pissed him off. I think Joes staff sent antifa against him (and possibly his family), and for that he was not going to cave.

What Manchin did yesterday is, he finally stood up to the DS, knowing he or his loved ones could be killed or hurt, but he did it! More than any republican has done when they had an opportunity to support Trump.

God bless and protect Manchin, his family and all around him. He took a courageous stance and perhaps this will make others on the left more courageous

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e0d3b3  No.15228563


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f661bb  No.15228564


Hell yeah! Death row could be cells arranged around the gator pit with a full wall of bars on the pit side so they could watch their fellow satanic comrades be eaten for a week or two before it was their turn.

This anon has always been partial to dull wood chippers on a 'painfully' slow feed with results being blown into GITMO Bay to feed sharks but that would be cruel and likely toxic to the sharks.

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586fd0  No.15228565

File: c9805cec76044cd⋯.png (176.5 KB, 389x292, 389:292, phpt_What_A_Time_.png)

It's totally habbenin.

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5c3d4c  No.15228566

23 is Pain.

21 is two days head of schedule.

21st is Solstice.

Dark to light.

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af5e1d  No.15228567


Frog pulls down eyeglasses.

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ea8fc4  No.15228568

File: 91b04f0802974a1⋯.png (181.66 KB, 587x777, 587:777, screenshot_media_defense_g….png)


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195581  No.15228569

File: ec29b0600b88fbc⋯.png (668.12 KB, 680x680, 1:1, a58f48230f8ae051b2cd9b3ea1….png)



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9ae7e1  No.15228570


Not only is this a blatantly treasonous statement by a retired loser, but he just proved to be of quite low intelligence if he thinks cutting off Fox would keep personnel from knowing the truth. Idiot raver loser blithering on PNN, for their 500 remaining viewers.

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61a886  No.15228571

File: 32f08d1ccb99a9c⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 651x517, 651:517, AQ1.jpg)

Disgraced former California Democratic Representative Katie Hill says she's tested positive for COVID at eight months pregnant, despite being fully-vaccinated and boosted


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0254dd  No.15228572

File: 2e0786e79a14387⋯.png (433.23 KB, 535x587, 535:587, ClipboardImage.png)


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951030  No.15228573


Hold on whilst I put a clothyard shaft through the wishbone

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452134  No.15228574

Covid is Over.

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33d2f8  No.15228575

File: 8a7395d5077de4b⋯.png (131.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2B2FB2FA_6DE0_4EFC_BC6B_C5….png)

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12490a  No.15228576

File: d6f5070bf0a289e⋯.webm (1.18 MB, 480x360, 4:3, South_Park_Something_Wall….webm)


Hanging can still be fun anon.

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bc6765  No.15228577

File: a9e6250accdbe63⋯.png (843.71 KB, 944x427, 944:427, ClipboardImage.png)


oh man,

not this again


Really retarded narrative

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1e9ae5  No.15228578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f1ec68  No.15228579

File: a0df6f15d911457⋯.png (181.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 82506a85aaccecf502f7ac3737….png)


Nothing has been destroyed and nothing has happened. DS is actually stronger than ever. Country is more divided than ever. Worst economic situation ever. Darkest winter ever coming. No DS is in prison. All walking around comfy scot free. Brainwashed tards with cognitive dissonance trying to explain all this away or justify it with "muh optics" - and only the sensible few finally admit they were duped by a clever DS psyop to sit back and DO NOTHING WHILE IT ALL HAPPENED.

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b879b0  No.15228580

File: 5ecc7e00f0ef464⋯.png (16.32 KB, 369x267, 123:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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feb5b2  No.15228581

File: d18d055f37bc3b9⋯.png (166.13 KB, 416x486, 208:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting choice of words, eh. Fauci not lying.



ABC’s JON KARL: “You’re one of the hardest working human beings in America…Thank you for your service…Do you plan to stay on doing what you’re doing?”

FAUCI: “There's no way I’m going to walk away from this…”


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21ae26  No.15228582

Talkin' a bit about elevators and mask defiance in the last bread. We live in PH, where outside of your own neighborhood 100% of the public is masked.

At a recent hotel stay, our family were the only people in the entire lobby area that were unmasked. There were at least 25 other people in there I'd say:

-security didn't say shit

-desk personel didn't say shit

-lobby restaurant people didn't say shit

-other customers just glared, but didn't say shit

-taxi driver also didn't say shit

When the girls wanted to walk next door to the mall after dinner, they took their masks along, but followed my advice not to wear them unless confronted. No one said shit. I think they felt some victory of awareness, KEK.

It is as if NO ONE CARES…they are just too weak to be defiant.

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8eaf77  No.15228583

File: 95a2b5a1b9b1d06⋯.png (16.32 KB, 740x135, 148:27, Porcelain_Posting.png)

File: 7cbdb3058b98dec⋯.png (587.63 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, DuhGoodShit.png)

I will take "What is Shitposting" for $1000 …

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452134  No.15228584

Now Begins Declass

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bb4700  No.15228585

File: 0ea5739f432d724⋯.jpeg (175.36 KB, 1536x602, 768:301, 73E34DFA_2E48_41DB_B60F_2….jpeg)

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46127c  No.15228586


God Bless Joe Manchin. He's the future of whatever Party rises from the ashes of the Dems. Integrity and Principle in the face of fire.. Damn proud to see an America profile in courage at this moment of our history.

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21ae26  No.15228587


>never started

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66867f  No.15228588

File: 47f9e438376c3f2⋯.png (425.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Memeto_1634755229778.png)

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03350b  No.15228589

File: 14954e8f3394cd6⋯.jpg (266.86 KB, 1027x683, 1027:683, bushdaddyreallydead1.jpg)


supposed to be a law against cruel or un usual punishment

Boy Sparticus looked bad.

My temperament is typical Liberal

If the bad guy suffers I fail to rejoice.

(But I did like to see W. crying)

Why do all the evil people seem to be smiling all the time.. I'd love it if they could be slapped to wipe those stupid smirks off their evil faces.

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1e9ae5  No.15228590


Check out his dick pic!

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38f41c  No.15228591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


History Channel

An investigator comes across something extraordinary while scanning images of Antarctica


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8eaf77  No.15228592

File: 6b252b53de1ed8e⋯.png (82.12 KB, 974x700, 487:350, Punishment_Justice.png)

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f50b83  No.15228593

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46127c  No.15228594


Just find a paper bag and breathe normally anon.

>Dude, that's just the fear talking.

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202ba4  No.15228595

File: e2b622894fe158a⋯.png (278.78 KB, 337x328, 337:328, hillary_in_car_4.PNG)

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d87c20  No.15228596


what do it mean

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b879b0  No.15228597

File: af38f9fa205609a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1378x758, 689:379, maverick.png)


Manchin is a Maverick

News unlocks……

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42f29e  No.15228598

File: a9fc94b1745ebcb⋯.png (880.6 KB, 1300x1700, 13:17, boomscropfixed.png)


Would love to see some PAIN.

Looking forward is wrong way to do it though (datefagging).

Let's just see what happens.

News unlocks the map.

Days starting to get longer on Wednesday.

Ready for some BOOMS.

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675c51  No.15228599


No some lady named Betty claiming it's about my family.

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951030  No.15228600

File: 21c3f1bdecbea1e⋯.png (13.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 24dabae7dbee2937a4939d2931….png)

File: ae0196336e24af2⋯.jpg (22.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af9c3b941b098dbfc40eede864….jpg)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 680x546, 340:273, EfGdZOgWoAAdEiP.jpg)

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232efd  No.15228601

File: 0b27b73a400635d⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 0b27b73a400635d92c62ae9c98….jpg)




>Frog pulls down eyeglasses.

Very interdasting decode.

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46127c  No.15228602

Trump and QR told Israel to STFU and they did. I'm smiling…

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3f160d  No.15228603

File: 83dcda0acd1ef70⋯.png (143.8 KB, 927x292, 927:292, ClipboardImage.png)

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03350b  No.15228604


Wow she looks like Natalie Bidan?

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bb4700  No.15228605

File: b2c34d99192dd0a⋯.jpeg (27.69 KB, 480x435, 32:29, E1804C33_78BC_4615_932A_9….jpeg)

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61a886  No.15228606

File: 5942c78735cc328⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 924x813, 308:271, AQ1.jpg)

File: 39e9e922b8bfd9f⋯.jpg (423.32 KB, 471x552, 157:184, AQ2.jpg)

File: f7ffd962f7b9928⋯.jpg (93.42 KB, 965x766, 965:766, AQ3.jpg)

File: f6a45f6062dfb4a⋯.jpg (155.87 KB, 966x788, 483:394, Screenshot_2021_12_20_2106….jpg)

Barack Obama takes a dip in the ocean on annual Christmas getaway to Hawaii, as daughters Sasha and Malia hit the water on paddle boards


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8f41dc  No.15228607

Local news poll in Maryland:

Do you agree with Manchin's reasons for not supporting the Build Back Better Plan?

-Yes 93%

-No 7%


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7367fe  No.15228608

Didn't know windows 10 had a "lean" version. The regular windows 10 takes up 20 gigs!! I need it for my astronomy camera though. Linux doesn't like my astronomy camera

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5c3d4c  No.15228609

File: 506cee5cc7a28c0⋯.png (284.68 KB, 545x1300, 109:260, ClipboardImage.png)


It helps if you have the context.

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f553b2  No.15228610


True if cool

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8db4e4  No.15228611



That hurt to look at.

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f1ec68  No.15228612

File: a0df6f15d911457⋯.png (181.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 82506a85aaccecf502f7ac3737….png)


You are incredibly fucking stupid if you believe the law of one psyop. The entire purpose of those books is so you give tacit approval and consent to be harvested. This planet is an alien farm and you are the cattle. Fucking idiots gobble up that trash, go eat Corey goodes asshole and send him some money faggot.

Service to others means you're a slave. You're being programmed and brainwashed to be a serf class you ignorant cuck.

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1a78c5  No.15228613

File: 0f06569cacc7d44⋯.png (347.67 KB, 637x397, 637:397, ewb1a.png)

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f50b83  No.15228614

Under the rad ar

Mask psi (Y) caus'sis

Face ts of a 5D m0vement

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a62dd3  No.15228615

File: 191d0f12a764109⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ZomboMeme_01112021193927.jpg)

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03350b  No.15228616


There's only three named. How may hundreds of Generals are there?

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ce520f  No.15228617

File: 55db2bffb4e562c⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 211x239, 211:239, 55db2bffb4e562c7a0c93d2aa1….jpg)


Please stop, we can't get any more Demoralized

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d87c20  No.15228618


comms, comms, everything is comms

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adb505  No.15228619

File: 62cb27a9d8c2aec⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1262x703, 1262:703, 20DEC21_22.PNG)

File: 17d8314b81a01ad⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1294x705, 1294:705, 20DEC21_22a.PNG)

File: 04360a267604f6c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1258x694, 629:347, 20DEC21_22b.PNG)

File: 9c68dc9c0b0ec1f⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1266x700, 633:350, 20DEC21_22c.PNG)


"Don Lemon Takes A Night Off."


Staffer in close contact with potato showed positive for COVID

First U.S. Omicron death identified. Unvaxxed, but with underlying conditions


potato is supposed to address the nation tomorrow.

damn these people are starting to look strange

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8db4e4  No.15228620


>in the absence of BV


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1a78c5  No.15228621

File: 0f06569cacc7d44⋯.png (347.67 KB, 637x397, 637:397, ewb1a.png)

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b879b0  No.15228622

File: 0ce71ec0e8d2e60⋯.png (113.91 KB, 1650x882, 275:147, stringer.png)

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c6a9a8  No.15228623

File: 41d076e9707b491⋯.jpg (514.98 KB, 2400x1286, 1200:643, 20200817_195718.jpg)

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9ceb84  No.15228624


same here

I just walk around with my mask in my hand and no one says any thing to me

I see other people not wearing the masks either.

some do, and some don't

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bf9f5c  No.15228625


(They) said this Threat. Who said this "quote"

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5822b1  No.15228626


Gee, seems the word, REQUESTS, is the relevant word. If someone "requests," something, that implies I can refuse, right? Or are they doing the usual leftist control freak shit and changing the definition of words like "orders," to something like, "requests?"

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a62dd3  No.15228627

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, ZomboMeme_06022021191043.jpg)

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675c51  No.15228628

They sent it to my grandmother's address. Let's see what happens.

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fcd53c  No.15228629

File: 33a6991d3a44976⋯.png (1.04 MB, 616x695, 616:695, superman_Don_t_give_up.PNG)


I believe this has got some meme potential.

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db1921  No.15228630

File: fb2bfcb1e1535bb⋯.jpg (148.46 KB, 720x746, 360:373, 20211220_220459.jpg)

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84cb74  No.15228631

What if I told you that (you) Anons are on target…you have the "TRUTH" of the purpose of the VACCINE, you're missing the smoking gun…but, at this point it is only circumstantial evidence…So, until the DARPA files are released as to who/what/where and how it works… it will have to stay that way(hidden)…a few Anons on here are more on target then you know…but it all comes down to this in simpler terms…

Have you ever played online games such as Club Penguin(for the younger crowds)…WOW…Call of Duty, etc…???…any of those games you can follow your character throughout the game, you can also see the other players/information…


In a manner of speaking, this is where we are headed…total surveillance/tracking, but with a few nice twists…by clicking on "YOUR CHARACTER"(like you would see in the movies)…you will be able to see medical histories and current bio signs, heart-rate, blood-pressure(informational)…on the down side…bad guys could hack the program of "LIFE" and "MIND" and do all sorts of bad things(controllable)…

It was bound to happen with the way technology was increasing by leaps and bounds…

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d4b793  No.15228632

File: eff7c2366f26a22⋯.png (1.24 MB, 2048x1500, 512:375, Screenshot_20211127_181920.png)

File: af65ae31a068683⋯.png (1.22 MB, 919x1000, 919:1000, af65ae31a0686831959afa4022….png)


Pinched this one, fren

Here's a couple in return

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adb505  No.15228633


almost fell the fug out my chair

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057152  No.15228634


Rodman should be masked to protect the public even without a plannedemic.

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7367fe  No.15228635


The ones wearing the masks are Biden voters. Stay clear of the vax'd. They'll make you sick.

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f50b83  No.15228636


Seems fake and ghey

Pics or gtfo

Livestream live from gitmo wood turn some headZ

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d87c20  No.15228637



ffs where's image-shill when you need him

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46127c  No.15228638


BV is working his ass off to get the QR word out as unfiltered as possible. He/She can't be everywhere all the time and these dickenzians know it. Anons are taking note…

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195581  No.15228639

File: 945c9956e481ecf⋯.png (138.19 KB, 650x936, 25:36, bf7e17acff8679443ba4c9f0ef….png)


Who appointed Durham?

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675c51  No.15228641

File: 4460edf2802baca⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 518x830, 259:415, Screenshot_20211220_211045….jpg)


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7367fe  No.15228642


That guy is a prick. Beyond douche bag. I met him at the casino I worked at when he was there for an event we had

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d87c20  No.15228643



bv is THE fucking shill

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232efd  No.15228644

File: 5e71daf78c9470f⋯.jpeg (11.29 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 5e71daf78c9470facbe65b06f….jpeg)

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03350b  No.15228645

File: 5e57d69175e4e9e⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 530x499, 530:499, wassermanschultz.jpg)





Now that's funny! Nothing like protection,

They never seem to follow up on anything do they?

Just confiscate the evidence under pretense of

"law enforcement?"

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d87c20  No.15228646

File: 77a3c71c38f7ea2⋯.png (165.6 KB, 464x453, 464:453, pepe_eyeroll.png)

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af5e1d  No.15228647


That was from the night of or the night after the state of the union speech by Trump. Black ladies all on their smartphones. No one ever did find the film from that night.

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f553b2  No.15228648


Cant wait until they seize Nanshee’s new $25 million home in Jupiter, FL. The great whore should never be allowed to live there. Everywhere she goes, she destroys

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adb7e9  No.15228649

File: 54074c82b364977⋯.png (258.77 KB, 563x499, 563:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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6bf227  No.15228650

File: 4894b31dd75f108⋯.png (340.01 KB, 762x415, 762:415, fauci.png)


>Fauci, the mad scientist

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42f29e  No.15228651

File: a8039d8f466a101⋯.png (5.05 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JUSTI….png)





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95482a  No.15228652

Dear Anons,

Have you asked this to any of your peers or family lately? IRL or on the net?

Are you able to tell them what their favorite covid 19 vaccine ingredient is? What is their response? I want to know what ingredient is supposed to be the good one here.

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f998ee  No.15228653


If you want to know who their partners in crime are, just look up the roster of cadets during their time at West Point or Annapolis. The trade school grads always stick together.

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63a40c  No.15228654

File: 173f774633b151d⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 161x287, 23:41, jean_luc.jpg)



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e114a9  No.15228656



San Diego skyline from Coronado, home of North Island Naval Air Station. Featured in Top Gun II trailer.

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adb505  No.15228657


FAUCI: “There's no way I’m going to walk away from this…”


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0ae574  No.15228658

File: 70540c5e6c26a58⋯.png (243.74 KB, 678x645, 226:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fc02b  No.15228659

File: d8b3a2b3c356f11⋯.png (141.25 KB, 371x418, 371:418, 0a63cd89d13b0a094a25c076b8….png)

File: 6d808dceadf96b1⋯.png (405.9 KB, 550x319, 50:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5cf01ca495e40d⋯.png (1.83 MB, 841x1024, 841:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ceb84  No.15228660


good advice

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95482a  No.15228661


Show me a news clip of them praising their favorite vaccine ingredient.

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0ae574  No.15228662

File: 027e54c6c4527af⋯.png (547.84 KB, 965x805, 193:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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749653  No.15228663

File: 949ba1068a324a5⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 396x632, 99:158, crying.jpg)

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46127c  No.15228664


Oh please. That statement is proof you don't know how autism works… BV has come a long way. Jim has come a long way. We've all come a long way.

Don't you fuckin' get it? We're in the Apollo 13 capsule trying to land this fucking thing… Getting upset and infighting ends us up right back where we were. We have to work together and BV has been absolutely getting the job done…

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ce520f  No.15228665


>supposed to be a law against cruel or un usual punishment

Sorry, but I'm Chaotic Good

I'll use whatever method I feel is appropriate

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0b218f  No.15228666


>Anybody else get a letter about where to send information about claiming their estate today?


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33d2f8  No.15228667


Create a problem so you can fix it and while “fixing” you delete anything damaging to you masters.

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89aec7  No.15228668

File: 32ae53446c022be⋯.png (289.94 KB, 1042x437, 1042:437, syringe1.png)

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452134  No.15228670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meanwhile in Australia….

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66867f  No.15228671

File: 1822e05c9d68a9d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1163, 1080:1163, 20211220_211415.png)

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5ab90d  No.15228672

File: a38f9b42e2dfc3b⋯.jpg (172.14 KB, 1073x989, 1073:989, KardiaKanKill.JPG)

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ce41be  No.15228673


Nostalgia deja vu


true too

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0ae574  No.15228674

File: 36ca08d7acf0852⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1529x742, 1529:742, ClipboardImage.png)

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03350b  No.15228675

File: 2d02de195338f6f⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2224x2740, 556:685, omg.JPG)



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f553b2  No.15228676


Nope, but would they dare? If so it will force the dems to step up

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89aec7  No.15228677

File: 156c206f5eb86ec⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1280x827, 1280:827, bullshit_2.png)

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d87c20  No.15228678


beyond ghey

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e711ee  No.15228679

Does anyone else occasionally get frustrated with 8kun? I remember back in the dizay, I thought this was my only refuge. Now it's dogshit 70% of the time.

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5c3d4c  No.15228680

File: a56b30460974ead⋯.png (933.4 KB, 582x932, 291:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Source of this pic.


Film itself at Getty Images? Source of the daily mail images. This is 4 of 10 from the Daily Mail…. need to find the original film versions however.

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2f3bd5  No.15228681

File: 6f37186821404ab⋯.png (220.06 KB, 415x298, 415:298, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d19581ee21b256⋯.png (231.81 KB, 816x753, 272:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Maryland Gov. Hogan tests positive for COVID, despite being boosted

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who is fully vaccinated and received a booster vaccine, has tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on social media Monday.

Hogan received his first two doses of the Moderna vaccine in January and February, then said in August that he had received a third dose.

Hogan initially tested positive on a routine rapid test, a result that was confirmed Monday night from a more sensitive polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test, the governor said.



Another 3x-vaxxed politician gets Covid.

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598297  No.15228682


The RRN shills been using outta context Q posts for a few weeks now. They are retarded just don’t engage them

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6bf227  No.15228683

File: 57301c9e3d53b5f⋯.png (468.81 KB, 710x466, 355:233, rodman.png)


>Dennis Rodman is confronted by airport cops after ignoring FOUR requests to pull up his face mask

I get the itch to go fishing every time he's in the news.

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42f29e  No.15228684

File: e6a11d7d0843797⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2000x3000, 2:3, nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)

File: c79c17d327a6897⋯.png (38.31 KB, 967x275, 967:275, ClipboardImage.png)


No Name


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3959f3  No.15228685

File: 95c05946d38af76⋯.png (243.71 KB, 580x366, 290:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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d87c20  No.15228686


double meanings [gloriously] exist

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0cef85  No.15228687

File: 0ed3f3c841c4ab8⋯.jpg (380.87 KB, 1080x537, 360:179, Tony_Krueger.jpg)

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61a886  No.15228688

File: a6ae1c1a2b04430⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 673x690, 673:690, AQ1.jpg)

Sen. Joe Manchin suggests Child Tax Credit payments would be used to buy drugs

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., privately questioned whether parents would misuse Child Tax Credit payments to buy drugs, according to three sources familiar with his comments.

Sources tell ABC News Manchin detailed his concerns privately to colleagues and others on Capitol Hill in recent months.


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eff46d  No.15228689


Fightertown USA.

Yeah, and?

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8f41dc  No.15228690

File: 2eab945c6081bea⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 474x266, 237:133, lgczpooiqas.jpg)

WASHINGTON: "D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that the indoor mask mandate is coming back starting at 6 a.m. Tuesday through Jan. 31. The mandate returns less than a month after Bowser dropped it, to significant pushback. Bowser also said she plans to reinstate the District's state of emergency and announced a six-part action plan to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The initiative is part of a new "Test Yourself Express" program. Each day D.C. residents will be able to pick up two free at-home rapid antigen tests at eight District libraries. D.C. government employees will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccination and booster shot. Employees will no longer have the option of partaking in frequent testing instead of getting vaccinated, Bowser said.

While some school districts in the region have returned to virtual learning to stop the spread, Bowser extended winter break across DC Public Schools through Jan. 5, so that students, teachers and staff would have enough time to take a rapid test before returning to class. Bowser said less than 1% of cases in D.C. are confirmed to be of the omicron strain. The majority of infections are delta cases."


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43d977  No.15228692

File: 973edab60bba038⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 343x361, 343:361, 1563295369068.jpg)


EXTREMELY interesting thread on 4, potential NSA whistleblower, claims involvement in J6, claims there's going to be a staged attack on the anniversary of J6

A little snippet:

>There are shipments of weapons being moved into the port of baltimore from down the coast out of Georgia, these wepons are being stored in a warehouse in Severna park maryland for use in the upcoming gay op

Might be LARP, but what if not?

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03350b  No.15228693


I think that ws shown to be a shoop job,

somebody goofed

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adb7e9  No.15228694

File: 635e61b37e48b7a⋯.png (165 KB, 320x262, 160:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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b879b0  No.15228695


Maybe there will be film on 1-4?

Rear Adm. Crandall affirmed the verdict, and he set George W. Bush’s date of execution for Tuesday, January 4.

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e0d3b3  No.15228696


Covid is over.

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b63f28  No.15228697

File: 1605a9ecc0229a8⋯.jpg (145.58 KB, 1257x851, 1257:851, AD826173_4356_4B7D_955D_FD….jpg)

Holy shit this is the best Christmas present ever. They're staying home. Maybe we can set the standard of how life is for once.

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61a886  No.15228698


Evil trips checked

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452134  No.15228700



Your post has been noted

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03350b  No.15228701


Like the guys who marched in there the other week?

They were very low budget.

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21ae26  No.15228702

So they've got this sports narrative developing.

Lots of NFL players 'having Covid' who are of course 95% vaccinated. They say this is disrupting the games, but of course what they really mean is it is hurting the vax narrative. Talk about changing their testing requirement so that the vaccinated don't need weekly tests.

Uh huh.

One of 2 things will happen: (1) oops, now no one is testing Covid positive, isn't that strange…. or (2) shit, these unvaxxed players all have OMICRON….Lock down the world!

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b879b0  No.15228703


dual meanings.

News unlocks……

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1a78c5  No.15228704

File: 85f89fcb5718fda⋯.png (616.61 KB, 604x626, 302:313, frump_.PNG)

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749653  No.15228705

File: 630c7e68e768afb⋯.jpg (180.34 KB, 446x639, 446:639, concernfag4.jpg)

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8fc02b  No.15228706



might interest antarcticafags:

ALL PB >>15214590, >>15214445, >>15214467, >>15214544

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d87c20  No.15228707

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61a886  No.15228708

File: 722c2a89bc489aa⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 732x311, 732:311, AQ1.jpg)



Removed After Biting Issues


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72439d  No.15228709

>>15226270 (OP)

>It Has Become Rather Apparent That No one Wants A Disabled Mom To Be The Hero


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586fd0  No.15228710

File: 1e7916f117bd109⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Sessions.png)



Speekin of stealth…


>Who appointed Durham?

Durham? Who's that?

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b879b0  No.15228711


The truth will not be for everyone.

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977d64  No.15228712

File: 8188b85912b1984⋯.png (290.99 KB, 503x500, 503:500, bv.png)

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d87c20  No.15228713


never hoid of her.

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a62dd3  No.15228714

File: c4183a2c2b0584c⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 1200x510, 40:17, Et_CporWgAAcBFn.jpg)


I don't like your astronomy camera either.

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42f29e  No.15228715

File: d39229f1fdf9a04⋯.png (94.32 KB, 1111x572, 101:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Cruise was back in the news.

Can someone post the recent social media post?

Seems related.



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46127c  No.15228716

Anons, don't listen to the naysayers. We've got shit to do. The GOP Primaries are coming very soon and for example we can in no way let Ron Watkins, a founding member of QR, get smoked in the AZ primary.

We have a litany of things to do and accomplish for American children and their children. So goes America goes the World.

You are the light anons. You are here for a reason.

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adb7e9  No.15228717

File: 24f0a70b809781e⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 598x549, 598:549, duurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg)


>BV has been absolutely getting the job done…

Hey! Good job, you took my advice…

to leave dot dot dot at the end…

For extra dramatic efect…

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ea8fc4  No.15228718

File: 559ad1f5dc5aa5b⋯.png (113.02 KB, 706x337, 706:337, screenshot_rairfoundation_….png)



who's report comes from the following thread which is excellent


Essentially Fauci & Collins who are scared of the fact the Great Barrington Declaration has picked up a signature of Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavit & was gaining traction. They declare they need a "swift & devastating published reaction" & wonder if there is anything yet online. Magically 5 hours later there is & Fauci emails it back to Collins all pleased with themselves although the article they shared from freaking WiredUK of all places entitled There is no 'scientific divide' over herd immunity. Notice they couldn't come up with a peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC article replete with EVIDENCE backed conclusions to share as there aren't any. Which proves the COVID scam is just that a SCAM.

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61a886  No.15228719

File: 6fca9b0866a894b⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 573x404, 573:404, AQ1.jpg)

Many (presumably fully jabbed) Congressmen, Staffers, and other officials are falling ill today with Omicron.

There are no coincidences.

Pocahontas - MA

Sen. Cory Booker - NJ

Rep. Jason Crow - CO

Dr. Mary Bassett - NY State Health Commissioner

(Yet Unnamed) White House Staffer, near Biden on Friday - Air Force 1

Has the vax obliterated their own God-given ability to resist disease?

We won't mock the jabbed - but have they truly given themselves VAIDS as Dr. Zelenko suggests?


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9ae7e1  No.15228720


Zero's daily routine: Wake up, wipe various disgusting juices off the body orifices. Snort a huge line. Put in a pizza order for that evening. Play low IQ video games for an hour. Woof 2 lines. Admire self in mirror for 10 min. Wade in the shallow end of the pool, because the deep end is too scary. Get hammered by Big Mike, after snorting 2 lines each. Eat some quiche. Take a nap. Wake up and snort a line. Call to ask if the pizza is there yet.

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42f29e  No.15228721

File: cbf7734c751807f⋯.png (121.46 KB, 1352x872, 169:109, OUR_DOG.png)


Not the first dog.

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adb7e9  No.15228722

File: 03bce11c4204c13⋯.jpg (219.68 KB, 739x500, 739:500, you.jpg)


>You are the light anons.

>You are here for a reason.

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86ce99  No.15228723

File: 18fa93380a812ab⋯.jpeg (539.2 KB, 828x941, 828:941, 17F53252_45AF_4F16_9357_3….jpeg)


Please anons.

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fdba39  No.15228724

File: 77ef55abfabdc12⋯.png (363.97 KB, 1652x1186, 826:593, ClipboardImage.png)

Fusion GPS Gets Caught Red Handed Hiding Key Emails About It’s Work In the Alfa Bank HoaxDecember 20, 2021 Brian Cates


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1e9ae5  No.15228725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Crazy lady say no place safe for him/ people like him?! Crazy lady like him (share Master?)??

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03350b  No.15228726


It's so nice when the streets are empty

Sometimes happens in the snow storm.

Albany plans to cut off health insurance for the un vaxxed.

How exactly does that work?

Also, denying medical treatment counts as torture under International Law.

W Bush "tore up" all the International Law agreements, but even so, it's a tradtion to consider such acts as torture.

they like to torture children, so I guess no surprise.

Doubt NewYorkers will take to well to it though.

Probably just move to New Jersey?

That would be mass exodus. Many people might not be able to leave.

Very strange.

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2f3bd5  No.15228727


Part of it is to help people wake up to the fact that COVID is, and has always been, bullshit.

People start to wonder when they hear 3x vaxxed politician who has been pushing so hard for mandates and lockdowns get covid. It sows seeds of doubt in the globalist agenda.

It also helps communicate to anons who took deals, etc.

I get what you mean, though. It isn't (and shouldn't be) the main story line.

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adb7e9  No.15228728



>>15228348 Request: the Gen. Flynn audio clip where we see captions of him talking about Covid

>>15228362 This guy lays out an interesting, theory on current events:

>>15228372 Can anyone confirm that field picture was from a fly over by Trump?

>>15228375 Masons are tasked to ensure that things happen like the book of revelations!

>>15228377 "Professor" Charles M. Lieber led government agencies to conclude investigations into chemist funding RE: China

>>15228383, >>15228424, >>15228506, >>15228509, >>15228543, >>15228527 IT CAME FROM REAL RAW NEWSSSSS

>>15228387, >>15228410, >>15228541 Tomorrow is a habbenig.

>>15228395, >>15228558 Dallas crowd HECKLES Trump when he reveals he's had a COVID booster: 'you're playing right into their hands'

>>15228421 Follow the pen.

>>15228433 RE: "Pentagon Issues Rules To Fight Extremism In The Military."

>>15228438 living parasites eggs which needed to be kept cold or they would hatch, you say?

>>15228481, >>15228494 ANTARCTICA

>>15228606 Barack Obama takes a dip at Hawaii

>>15228631 You will live in the metaverse, and you will be happy!

>>15228681 Maryland Gov. Hogan tests positive for COVID, despite being boosted

>>15228692 EXTREMELY interesting thread on 4, potential NSA whistleblower, claims involvement in J6

nom if missed

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fcd53c  No.15228729


The ingredients are top secret.

No red flags there…

I talked with a girl last night that is smart but not that "politically aware", by her own definition.

She said she specifically won't take it because the ingredients are unknown and it hasn't been proven safe or effective.

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ea8fc4  No.15228730


Holy fuck their stupid is on full display.

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61a886  No.15228731

File: ee6b433dd7ad313⋯.jpg (264.16 KB, 566x265, 566:265, AQ1.jpg)

WH is projecting (yet again) about who exactly is going to be getting sick (and potentially dying) during their "Dark Winter".

WH made a veiled threat to the Vaccine Free by insinuating VF would be 'overwhelming the hospitals'.

Are they simply elementary propagandists using fear to coerce those of us that have made our choice?


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21ae26  No.15228732



Sadly, elements of that thread will no doubt drip into R.R.N. and B.I.N., next thing you know we will be getting 'Overwatch' reports about it.


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951030  No.15228733






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3959f3  No.15228734

File: b0512d4beda5cbe⋯.png (186.4 KB, 1650x1524, 275:254, ClipboardImage.png)



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46127c  No.15228735


I saw BV on the board today talking and listening to anons. I've NEVER seen that. BV is growing and putting the anons first. Are you?

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adb505  No.15228736

File: 07165e827024784⋯.jpg (16.16 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 1b73adce6bde4c2ec9b2306bb4….jpg)

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598297  No.15228737

File: 04bebf8e7cbba9c⋯.png (977.98 KB, 1284x2778, 214:463, BD082567_8769_4231_91D9_9A….png)


Go to the RRN website and look at the author of all those stories, it’s only this guy. If you want to believe RRN then no ones stopping you, I do suggest you dig a little tho. This is a research board btw

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ea8fc4  No.15228738


>Many (presumably fully jabbed) Congressmen, Staffers, and other officials are falling ill today with Omicron


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0ae574  No.15228739


>Sen. Joe Manchin suggests Child Tax Credit payments would be used to buy drugs

oh boy.

he is going to get called every name in their playbook now…rayciss, for one

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8db4e4  No.15228740

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a62dd3  No.15228741

File: 135a878c8806b58⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 538x393, 538:393, ZomboMeme_20122021222236.jpg)

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202ba4  No.15228742


if they stop testing the vaxxed players, they will continue to play and practice whether c19 positive or not, should facilitate greater spread of virus

sounds like disastrous plan

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adb7e9  No.15228743

File: 85ec223bfa3f226⋯.jpg (13.42 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 8f2967bf3eaa5dbeba0c16e5d9….jpg)

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8f41dc  No.15228744

File: 8828ab74be8869e⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 474x266, 237:133, sdfghjktr.jpg)


Manchin knows that many people spent their coronavirus stimulus money on drugs.

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fdba39  No.15228745

File: 2be955521641a7f⋯.png (668.52 KB, 968x1280, 121:160, ClipboardImage.png)

This is just the pretext to implement CURRENCY microchips, where if you try to challenge them they will just turn off your chip, unable to buy food or shelter.

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586fd0  No.15228746

File: fffba42ba133775⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB, 512x320, 8:5, TheQuestion_AndAnswer1.mp4)

File: f02b1e2236b71cb⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 300x250, 6:5, BOOM_.jpg)


EMPHASIS BABY!!!! #Perspective

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bf9f5c  No.15228747

Q , Q+ , does this work ? (P) Prophet False , or Pharaoh ?

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057152  No.15228748


I'm looking to flog a vintage yet brand new, never seen starlight, SBIG ST4 with color filter wheel.

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6bf227  No.15228749

File: e77de008f0e5fbf⋯.png (667.57 KB, 633x467, 633:467, 2021_12_20_22_24_32.png)


If they don't use them all for the Dems and the RINOs, I could poke a few holes in the bottom of a few for drainage and use them for my veggies in the backyard.

Just sayin'…

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83583a  No.15228750

File: ba19bc8c1da9d9d⋯.jpeg (512.65 KB, 750x963, 250:321, 16576E35_ACBB_4627_B81B_0….jpeg)

Look how scared the lefties are



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3959f3  No.15228751


> Albany plans to cut off health insurance for the un vaxxed.

Its not like the insurance is worth anything. You see a doctor, they kill you.

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a867c7  No.15228752

File: da30dbca34a2d9e⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1547x1782, 1547:1782, 657BE308_2AC2_461F_84F7_A….jpeg)

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7cb2a8  No.15228753



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fdba39  No.15228754

There hasn't been one American execution or prisoner video out of Afghanistan in 4 months. Start asking yourself why that is.

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42f29e  No.15228755

File: 577927ddb23a926⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1089x816, 363:272, bidendogdiddet.png)

File: 5d6f6ce447240d9⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 402x262, 201:131, Seen_some_shit_doggo.jpg)


The first dog was scared to death of creep Joe.

Doggos are good judges of character.

Seen some shit doggo agrees.

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db1921  No.15228756

File: 0416d6ccc9fee84⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 557x293, 557:293, 20211220_222038.jpg)

File: fd57d40fc481961⋯.jpg (190.42 KB, 714x714, 1:1, 20211220_222154.jpg)

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03350b  No.15228757

File: 5067bc6a03f92ef⋯.png (13.26 KB, 255x168, 85:56, bidencreepy.png)



but you never know.

Seems like a slow simmer, building.

I'm low on expectations until at least the 22 of Jan.

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adb7e9  No.15228758

File: 295c2243b5f7a1b⋯.png (132.81 KB, 474x317, 474:317, a932946c51637d07d31bb38ed4….png)


Disinfo is necessary

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9ceb84  No.15228759


They are mocking God.

God will not be mocked.

I would not want to be them when they meet their Maker.

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61a886  No.15228760

File: 9da92b214315368⋯.jpeg (204.84 KB, 1186x1382, 593:691, 7b4e5cb1b0eba9f8.jpeg)

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0ae574  No.15228761


they may be all faking it so omicron looks worse than it is…

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bcd31c  No.15228762

File: 84996b682fc86b6⋯.png (269.03 KB, 421x385, 421:385, ClipboardImage.png)

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adb505  No.15228763

File: ba4cdbd062b4b0b⋯.jpg (400.57 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, ba4cdbd062b4b0b1bf0a48cc5f….jpg)

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46127c  No.15228764


We are the Lion's alter ego

Take that to the bank and get some interest…

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586fd0  No.15228765

File: d4df80cd18f9d82⋯.jpg (125.6 KB, 1061x1018, 1061:1018, Apu_Bebe.jpg)

>>15228534, >>15228736 Don't take no gruff Mister Rodman.

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7367fe  No.15228766


Coughing next to them is HILARIOUS!


Do you have an astronomy camera?!

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6fffc0  No.15228768

File: 03b143d3f2db83c⋯.png (287.05 KB, 695x611, 695:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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1963a6  No.15228769


gatekeeping faggot

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0ae574  No.15228770



translation…..Joe will soon be gone

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452134  No.15228771


Your post has been noted

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8fc02b  No.15228772

File: 0ca14de64130e6f⋯.png (614.58 KB, 796x683, 796:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35786070f7409ab⋯.png (106.48 KB, 209x349, 209:349, ClipboardImage.png)


cell phone

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83583a  No.15228773

File: 5a666ac3257d998⋯.jpeg (143.32 KB, 750x950, 15:19, 41886BE3_0282_41BA_9C95_9….jpeg)

“..banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies” -Thomas Jefferson

Same could be said about little manlet joo boy money bribing election officials across America

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9ae7e1  No.15228774


They each get up and do their barking seal routine, but the eyes give it away. Illegitimate governing body, and they know it. Skeered silly.

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5c3d4c  No.15228775

File: b75e1bb54ce5541⋯.png (6.68 KB, 623x79, 623:79, ClipboardImage.png)


Photographer Chip Somodevilla

Getty Images.

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46127c  No.15228776

File: e20542b6619ab44⋯.jpg (314.24 KB, 1804x1294, 902:647, believe_in_themselves.jpg)

Good Teams peak during the regular season.

Championship Teams peak during the playoffs. We (anons/citizen journos) are starting to peak and guess what? It's the playoffs. We are healthy and we are deep off the bench. Anons, believe in yourselves.

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ea8fc4  No.15228777


>claims there's going to be a staged attack on the anniversary of J6

That would be awfully obvious considering


>There's only three named. How may hundreds of Generals are there?

A grand proof to few people, (often divisive ones), have bigger microphones than the rest, undeservedly so.

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e65e44  No.15228778

File: 133bfb613525ff8⋯.png (7.45 KB, 434x123, 434:123, 3202.png)

File: 007946d9863eed7⋯.png (101.79 KB, 904x603, 904:603, 3202_.png)



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6fffc0  No.15228779

File: fa319ec3f89cf13⋯.png (164.14 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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61a886  No.15228780



Earlier, Psaki was asked if Brandon would quarantine, to which she replied, "No".

During a press briefing earlier Monday, Psaki said that the White House anticipated breakthrough cases in the federal government but emphasized that 99 percent of White House staff are vaccinated, in compliance with Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers. She also said booster doses are strongly recommended on White House grounds but not required at this point.

The White House regularly tests those who come in close contact with Biden and has managed to keep cases among high-level officials low, but some individuals in the president’s orbit have tested positive for the virus, including Psaki, who missed Biden’s second foreign trip after members of her family came down with COVID-19.


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d4a7a7  No.15228781

come on man get it right it isgene-o-cidethis time around.

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42f29e  No.15228782

File: 376ce7491dc67d2⋯.png (2.46 MB, 3700x1692, 925:423, atlantalines.png)


Just renewed.

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38f41c  No.15228783

File: 1b3c957af0c0b0a⋯.png (864.83 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b793  No.15228784

File: d0090f142a992e8⋯.jpg (90.28 KB, 524x498, 262:249, RAW_India.jpg)





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adb7e9  No.15228785



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83583a  No.15228788


> Skeered silly.

The people have had enough

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75d88e  No.15228789




their flight attendants and staff members are incredibly fabulous

that was probably an entertaining exchange


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06d023  No.15228790


The vaxxed of Boston and other mandate cities need to boycott these venues, otherwise our nation is done, and they will be considered the enemy. How is this not clear to everyone?

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5c3d4c  No.15228792


'Sup Dick?

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6bf227  No.15228793

File: 6578de55a3ee1b2⋯.png (501.58 KB, 794x873, 794:873, 2021_12_20_22_30_07.png)

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46127c  No.15228794

File: 06aae1ee0e587f8⋯.jpg (651.03 KB, 2100x1397, 2100:1397, anonmountain.jpg)

Anons not only were chosen for a reason, they will all agree they got here as fast as they could. Imagine that. Imagine dropping the 'A Team' behind enemy lines to free a race of people.

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f1a79d  No.15228795



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37877c  No.15228796





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4a9ceb  No.15228797

File: e3e313b349cc060⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 500x573, 500:573, Hates_Asians_4.jpg)

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648a85  No.15228798

File: 1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc⋯.png (85.18 KB, 393x386, 393:386, ready.png)


>A Team

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46127c  No.15228799


Why are we so connected to Q+? How did we get here? It's ok to answer those questions. This is a spiritual war. You got loaded in the chamber for humanity long ago.

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83583a  No.15228800


> Boston

It’s a fucking Irish town why the fuck is some gook the mayor?

Are the Chinese so arrogant they make their communist takeover so obvious?

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672cc5  No.15228801

File: c7d125966273260⋯.jpg (347.99 KB, 723x634, 723:634, fauci.jpg)

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5c3d4c  No.15228802


Answering two posts at once.




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7367fe  No.15228803


We are the 166,000.

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5ab90d  No.15228804


Dey black. He white.

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672cc5  No.15228805

Martial Law: It's what's for Christmas

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db1921  No.15228806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42f29e  No.15228807

File: a140ef9c19551e4⋯.jpg (153.81 KB, 500x283, 500:283, RodPilled.jpg)

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4a9ceb  No.15228809

File: b29e4f09770f5af⋯.jpg (156.09 KB, 500x820, 25:41, 5ylc0g.jpg)

File: 07f11b979558de1⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 577x433, 577:433, Asian_hatred_.jpg)

File: 7c15eb133b56de7⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Dont_b_mean.jpg)

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66867f  No.15228810

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1546028880.jpeg)

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f1a79d  No.15228811


That's when Pedo Joe is supposed to scold us for not getting the poison shot.

Fuck him.

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9ceb84  No.15228812


Kim Foxx needs to do more than just retire.

Kim Foxx needs to go to jail for crimes against humanity. She has been the revolving door for the crime syndicate in Chicago.

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672cc5  No.15228813

File: 87dfcb22a88f538⋯.jpg (769.02 KB, 747x1042, 747:1042, ezratold.jpg)

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d4b793  No.15228814

File: 5c44cc455bc7ab7⋯.png (617.52 KB, 1345x2048, 1345:2048, Screenshot_20211220_193707.png)


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14f24e  No.15228815

File: 9639f2ce7775e62⋯.jpg (149.58 KB, 720x1126, 360:563, 20211220_203221.jpg)

File: 810e4bd286a215d⋯.jpg (185.27 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20211220_203513.jpg)

Changing the punisher logo


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9ae7e1  No.15228816


They really were scared. Shooting glances at each other, while whoever was at the podium raised the voice. As always, they say, "We don't care what you say, and will just bullhorn it at you louder. Just shut up, proles." But this time we can see legit fear in their eyes. Feels good, man.

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8fc02b  No.15228817

File: 36ed0e7b7a3609c⋯.png (111.72 KB, 229x254, 229:254, 7c3dbd51cbe2e9a9c83cd3f4bd….png)


works for me, anon

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adb7e9  No.15228818


166,000 WTF?

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