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a098bb  No.14108016[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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a098bb  No.14108018


Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

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TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.

The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.

>>14068935, >>14068945, >>14068986 Sgt. Babyfist admits to being the person that threatened to kill BV + BV family.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive that the shills are all using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses and attack the board.

>>14061867, >>14061869, >>14061879, >>14061886, >>14061927, >>14061929,Shill Tactics 101Educate yourself on your enemies

>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958,MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / babyfister team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board

>>14089443 MJ12/Ingersol-LarpWood/Sgt. Babyfist Exposure Thread

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

#17849 TBC

#17848 TBC


>>14104717, >>14104745 An anon dig and an Armstrong article: Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors

>>14104786 Sputnik:; Chinese Military says US warship of illegally entering waters near Parcel Islands in South China Sea

>>14104846 US reiterates: Attack on Philippine vessels, aircraft will trigger response under defense accord

>>14104907 Breitbart: Biden Administration Claims Cuban Anti-Communist Protests Are About ‘Rising COVID Cases/Deaths' Yeah, right...

>>14104914 Breitbart: Lieberman Urges Bill Clinton to Unite Dems on Israel, Tell Anti-Israel ‘Squad’ Members to ‘Cut It Out’

>>14104952 Fake news pushing a fake narrative. Imagine that. Looks like people aren't buying it either.

>>14105016 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 1000 lawyers have evidence that pandemic is crime against humanity

>>14105063 timeslive: Protesting/Rioting continue in Johannesburg, South Africa

>>14105076 Planefag reports

>>14105145 AP: Florida resident detained as latest suspect in Haiti killing

>>14105118, >>14105151, >>14105171, >>14105179 Anons digging around: There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government officials refused the COVID-19 vaccine from the WHO. Their presidents are all dead now.

>>14105205 Summary of Current Global Notable regarding Ingersoll Lockwood/MJ12: The long con to roll Q Research

>>14105245 Adam Schiff is not a happy swamp creature tonight

>>14105359, >>14105361 CM: The “return-to-sender” process is not included in the Runbeck “Full Process Under One Roof” infographic.

>>14105362 CM: Does Mike “Thirty” Pence still think he has a chance or is he just grifting GOP donations?

>>14105394 #17847


>>14103870 Biotech companies using psych tactics to create vaccine demand

>>14103898 Difference between freedom loving cubans and commie americans

>>14103911 Cuba police opening fire on protestors

>>14103912 POTUS Trump says something, fox news immediately denies it to their audience

>>14103975 FBI acting like KGB, Stasi, etc again

>>14103977 Majority of americans believe lab leak was cause of virus

>>14104038 The corrupt Pzizer is meeting with Fauci on monday regarding vaccine boosters

>>14104063 Mel Gibson salutes Trump at UFC match

>>14104111 Federal Judge angry that jan 6 protestor was not allowed access to evidence by the DC police

>>14104192 Thousands showing support for cuban dissidents in florida

>>14104209 Nearly the entire population in Britain is vaccinated yet hospital cases for covid are nearly twice what they were a year ago

>>14104374 Evidentiary hearing in Jussie Smollett case scheduled in July

>>14104642 Veteran judge who once kept Oprah on a jury assigned Jussie Smollett case

>>14104885 #17846 ty collector o7


>>14103132 Hundreds of Thai Medical Workers Infected Despite Sinovac Vaccinations

>>14103135 All star game targeted similar to vegas? Was the game moved under false pretenses so the FF would happen there instead of georgia?

>>14103138 Australia Vax push - for a complete scam, where's the pandemic in these figures besides the deadly vaccine?

>>14103166 New York Times declares the word “freedom” an anti-government slogan

>>14103200 US logistical convoys hit in three locations across Iraq

>>14103232 GOP makes political headway in Capitol Hill critical race theory confrontations

>>14103277 Lawsuits against saudi arabia threaten US secrecy concerning 9-11, may trigger judicial intervention to prevent release of info

>>14103293 Rasmussen: 58% of Voters Agree the Media ‘Are Truly the Enemy of the People’

>>14103447 Gina Haspel joins the corrupt revolving door group via law firm that is a lobbying firm

>>14103524 FBI’s war against the Nerds for proving them corrupt and incompetent

>>14103572 Police credit ‘astute employee’ for arrests at Denver hotel

>>14103628 Fences in DC coming down

>>14103676 Arizona police officers using new tool that can stop people by wrapping their arms, legs

>>14103679 New York Hydro Power Plant Mines Bitcoin Because More Profitable Than Selling Electricity To Grid

>>14105002 #17845 ty collector o7


>>14102338 Yahoo: Billionaire entrepreneur and adventurer Richard Branson's dream of space travel was realized and celestial tourism took a leap forward Sunday as Virgin Galactic's rocket ship reached the edge of space during a historic flight from Spaceport America.

>>14102352 GP: Globalist Leaders at G20 Endorse Global Tax Plan, Set For Vote in US Congress; “New Rules,” “No Turning Back”

>>14102355 MiamiHerald: A Haitian doctor who has been a fixture in Florida for more than two decades has been arrested in Haiti under suspicion that he was one of the leaders behind the middle-of-the-night assassination of President Jovenel Moïse last week.

>>14102373 NYP: UK mom killed hubby with boiling water for allegedly sexually abusing her kids.

>>14102377 ZH Oped: Darryl Cooper: Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don't Trust Anything

>>14102398 NTD: Texas Now Investigating 386 More Cases of Voter Fraud, Attorney General Tells CPAC

>>14102427, >>14102759 More footage coming out of Cuba. Protestors in front of Communist Party Headquarters chanting "Cuba isn't yours" "We want Liberty"

>>14102440, >>14102644 RSBN LIVE - President Trump Speaks at CPAC in Dallas, TX 7/11/21 - 1,792,786 Views 183,771 watching now

>>14102446 Sputnik: 'A Democrat Machine': Big Tech Companies Getting 'Biggest Subsidy' Under Section 230, Trump Says

>>14102461 rt: School curriculum in Canada disputes view of math as 'objective' discipline, argues it has been used to 'normalize racism'

>>14102485, >>14102560 President Trump Gives A Shoutout To @martyrmade 's Viral Thread That @TuckerCarlson Read On His Show This Week.

>>14102501 CIA: OTD in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped Gen. William Donovan to serve as the Coordinator of Information (COI).

>>14102505 GP: WTH? GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Blocks Trump Election Lawyer Jenna Ellis on Twitter After News Breaks on RNC Attorney’s Election Lies

>>14102507 uncancelled: Donald Trump Jr. Cannot Reveal Father’s Reelection Plans Due to ‘Campaign Financing,’ Which Means…

>>14102576 Anon dig: Fox news coordinated the compromisation of seth rich's parents' investigation into his murder

>>14102596 Redvoice: Sidney Powell: CDC = Criminal Disinformation Center, Committed Criminal Action to Support Big Pharma

>>14102659 JosephJFlynn: Happy belated 100th Birthday to one of the Greatest American Patriots still walking this earth Major General Jack Singlaub

>>14102633 Anon nom: “Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”

>>14102710 JosephJFlynn: Arizona audit will soon explode on to the scene… then PA then GA then WI then MI… what they did in Maricopa they did everywhere.

>>14102724 DJHJM: The Democrats in Pennsylvania Panic as State Senator Doug Mastriano Announces His Committee Has the Votes to Audit Several Counties

>>14102761 Solomon: G20 finance ministers sign off on global tax deal

>>14102764 LiberyDaily: Sydney Imposes Draconian Lockdown, Only One Person per Household May Leave per Day

>>14102768, >>14102760 Scavino CPAC

>>14102870 Posobiec: Why are the Cuban people flying the symbol of white supremacy? (The streets of Cuba understand this is a symbol of freedom. Flag of United States)

>>14102886 Steve Scalise: America stands with the people of Cuba

>>14102899, >>14102915, >>14102745 PJM: Thousands Protest for Freedom in Communist Cuba. The New York Times' Framing Would Please Stalin.

>>14102911 AP: 4 arrested, guns seized at hotel near All-Star Game events

>>14102931 Gaetz: This morning, I had the opportunity to memorialize 22 fallen soldiers from the 7th Special Forces Group with service members at @TeamEglin

>>14102980 TedCruz: The Communist Cuban regime will be consigned to the dustbin of history. It has brutalized & denied freedom to generations of Cubans, and forced my family & so many others to flee.

>>14103005 #17844



Previously Collected Notables

>>14099872 $17840, >>14100638 #17841, >>14101469 #17842

>>14102012 #17837, >>14098191 #17838, >>14099105 #17839

>>14094901 #17834, >>14098952 #17835, >>14096620 #17836

>>14092358 #17831, >>14093363 #17832, >>14094125 #17833

>>14090059 #17828, >>14090808 #17829, >>14091537 #17830

>>14087592 #17825, >>14088355 #17826, >>14089216 #17827

>>14087041 #17822, >>14085942 #17823, >>14090266 #17824

>>14082834 #17819, >>14083600 #17820, >>14087037 #17821

>>14085549 #17816, >>14081140 #17817, >>14081922 #17818

>>14079667 #17813, >>14078684 #17814, >>14085105 #17815

>>14075441 #17810, >>14079080 #17811, >>14077208 #17812

>>14073671 #17807, >>14074052 #17808, >>14074651 #17809

>>14070831 #17804, >>14071402 #17805, >>14072206 #17806

>>14074359 #17801, >>14069091 #17802, >>14069849 #17803

>>14066074 #17798, >>14066621 #17799, >>14067479 #17800

>>14064825 #17795, >>14064559 #17796, >>14065009 #17797

>>14061095 #17792, >>14061801 #17793, >>14062550 #17794

>>14058477 #17789, >>14059395 #17790, >>14060123 #17791

>>14056777 #17787, >>14057642 #17788, >>14061318 #17784

>>14053496 #17783, >>14055165 #17785, >>14055987 #17786

>>14051120 #17780, >>14053874 #17781, >>14053872 #17782

>>14048813 #17777, >>14050311 #17778, >>14050352 #17779

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7


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a098bb  No.14108020



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15827a  No.14108021

File: 024fc06bf2e955c⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 024fc06bf2e955c0fd7032bb26….jpg)

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9295f8  No.14108023

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95aa10  No.14108024

File: 36090d79df69156⋯.png (233.63 KB, 494x323, 26:17, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

>>14107748 (pb)

>>14107994 (pb)

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a098bb  No.14108025



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441be1  No.14108028

File: 8423a60747bddb5⋯.png (915.84 KB, 841x514, 841:514, bwfg1.PNG)

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b9b0ec  No.14108029

18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

SPRING HILL, Tenn. - Special agents have arrested 18 men after a two-day undercover operation into alleged human trafficking in Tennessee.

Officials with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation say the operation was done with the help of the FBI, Homeland Security, and the 22nd District Attorney.

According to the TBI, the investigation began on July 8 when authorities put multiple decoy ads on websites that are known to be connected to prostitution and commercial sex cases in order to identify possible human trafficking victims and identify suspects who wanted to pay for sex with minors.

In total, 18 men were charged with either solicitation of a minor or patronizing prostitution from a minor. According to officials, the men ranged in age from 24 to 53 years old. Most of the suspects were from Tennessee with one being Florida, one from Alabama, and two from Louisiana.

All 18 suspects are booked into the Maury County Jail.

Officials say the investigation is ongoing and additional charges are pending.


Individuals charged and booked into the Maury County (Tennessee) Jail include:

Georgie George, 25, of Clarksville, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Marvin Sparkman, 29, of Columbia, Tennessee, charged with solicitation of a minor.

Steven McCanless, 26, of Culleoka, Tennessee, charged with the solicitation of a minor.

Ketankumar Patel, 53, of Columbia, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Ivan Ashley, 49, of Dania, Florida, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

David Christopher May, 26, of Fayetteville, Tennessee, charged with solicitation of a minor.

Andrew Myung Kim, 38, of Franklin, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Bryce Lawson, 24, of Charles, Louisiana, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Jeremiah McSpaddin, 36, of Spring Hill, Tennessee, charged with solicitation of a minor.

Brian Mitchell, 50, of Thompson’s Station, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Nabi Rahman, 33, of Nashville, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Patrick Harris, 32, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Matthew Brewer, 47, of Centerville, Tennessee, charged with solicitation of a minor.

Suleiman Musa Osman, 38, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Juan Gabriel Hernandez Eufracio, 36, of Huntsville, Alabama, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Pablo Godines Cervantes, 51, of Columbia, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Haojie Wang, 32, of Brentwood, Tennessee, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.

Luis Diaz-Mendez, 27, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, charged with patronizing prostitution from a minor.


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a098bb  No.14108030



Or at least collect notables so they can be added.

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a3f661  No.14108031

>>14107989 /lb

How do they know what people are sending in text messages if those messages are private? Where is this data coming from?

oh yeah, they are spying on everyone...

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b9b0ec  No.14108032

Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

The criminal networks facilitated the illegal entry of more than 400 Albanian nationals to the United Kingdom and the United States

An investigation led by the Spanish National Police, with close cooperation with the Albanian Police and law enforcement and immigration authorities in Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia, Kosovo*, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States and supported by Europol, led officers to dismantle an organised crime group involved in migrant smuggling and document fraud.

Results from the action day on 29 June 2021, Tarragona, Spain

18 arrests

2 house searches

Seizures include: counterfeited documents, financial documentation, records of the illegal activities, electronic equipment, cash and various drugs (cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs)

Since 2019, the investigation has examined the growing use of specific types of falsified documents by Western Balkan immigrants. Previous phases of the investigation led to the dismantling of a group of criminals identified on the Caribbean island of Saint Maarten who smuggled Albanian immigrants with falsified documents to the United States. Couriers travelling to Kosovo and Albania to distribute the falsified documents were also arrested in December 2020. Four print shops for forged documents in Kosovo were dismantled in March 2021. So far, the investigation has led to 46 arrests, more than 400 migrants identified at airports and 1 000 false documents seized.

Eventually, the investigation targeted a criminal network based in the United Kingdom and Ireland, which managed the flights and the reception of the migrants into those countries. Intelligence shared by the US Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) led to the identification of a high-value target in Spain. From there, the suspect and his accomplices facilitated the illegal entry of migrants through various airports in Spain and Portugal into the United Kingdom, while providing them with forged French identity cards. The operation in Europe is also connected to three ongoing criminal investigations in the United States.

Europol coordinated the investigation, facilitated the exchange of information, and provided analytical and forensic support. On the action day, Europol deployed a virtual command post to enable the real-time exchange of information between investigators and deployed an expert to Spain to cross-check operational information against Europol’s databases and provide leads to investigators in the field. Europol also financed the deployment of officers from the Albanian State Police who took part in the action day in Spain.


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cd1887  No.14108033

File: 093282e5f9a744b⋯.jpg (33.65 KB, 489x289, 489:289, dindoitQ.jpg)

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b9b0ec  No.14108034

File: a0a148575f7bcee⋯.png (77.88 KB, 698x899, 698:899, ClipboardImage.png)

Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses


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0de6f2  No.14108035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

useful item for paid shills

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3607cf  No.14108036

File: a007608c6fecb73⋯.jpeg (287.08 KB, 828x802, 414:401, 521A3FB4_FAF5_4A0E_972F_8….jpeg)

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441be1  No.14108037

File: 0333c6c148b1cf2⋯.png (591.09 KB, 622x644, 311:322, owm1.PNG)

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b9b0ec  No.14108038

Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

NEW DELHI: A woman has been arrested here for allegedly trying to sell a new born, police said on Monday. Priyanka was apprehended in an operation by police and the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

The NCPCR received information on Friday that Kavya alias Komal, a resident of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh, was selling or trafficking a baby, a senior police officer said.

Thereafter, a decoy buyer called her and she sent Priyanka to deliver the baby near a temple at Paschim Vihar, the officer said.

The accused had asked for Rs 3.5 lakh for the child and Rs 25,000 to be paid as advance through UPI. She had said that the remaining amount should be paid at the time of delivery, the officer said.

A team comprising NCPCR chairperson Priyank Kanoongo and police personnel was part of the operation.

"When Priyanka arrived at the spot near the Sai Mandi at Pashim Vihar carrying a baby girl, she was apprehended. A case under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and Juvenile Justice Act has been registered at the Paschim Vihar West police station," deputy commissioner of police (outer) Parvinder Singh said.

During investigation, the two-day-old child was medically examined at the Action Balaji Hospital, Paschim Vihar, and given to the Matrichaya Home in Mianwali Nagar, police said.

Priyanka, a resident of Budh Vihar, was also arrested in the case.

During interrogation, she disclosed that she, along with co-accused Kavya, is in the trade of providing new born babies for adoption on commission basis. The girl was born in Bajrangi Clinic, Bijwashan, Kapaskhera, the DCP said.

The mother of the child has been identified as Sunita, a resident of Kapaskhera village. The couple already has four children – two girls and two boys.

According to Priyanka, she and Kavya worked as donor surrogates. Kavya met Sunita at a hospital in Patel Nagar, since then they were in touch with each other.

During questioning, the parents of the child stated that they had given the child to accused persons at Kapaskhera on July 8. Efforts are being made to nab others linked to the racket, police added.


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3ff268  No.14108039

File: 67ef58fa8ed6765⋯.png (668.52 KB, 790x527, 790:527, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case

BY JENNI FINK ON 7/12/21 AT 12:43 PM EDT


Attorney Lin Wood is blaming one of former President Donald Trump's attorneys, Sidney Powell, for why his name appeared on a lawsuit challenging the results of the 2016 election that could result in financial sanctions for the attorneys.

Michigan officials are asking a judge to levy financial or other consequences against the attorneys, arguing that they sowed distrust in the electoral process. The Trump team previously attempted to distance itself from Powell and never formally acknowledged Wood's involvement in the lawsuit, and on Monday, he tried to convince the judge he wasn't really a player in the case.

Wood told U.S. District Judge Linda Parker he didn't help draft the complaint and that he had "no involvement whatsoever," according to Jan Wolfe, a journalist covering legal affairs for Reuters. When asked if Powell had his permission to put his name on the case, he said he told her in general terms that he was available to help her with the election cases.

"For whatever reason, whoever filed the complaint put my name on there," Wood said. "I didn't have any specific involvement."

The lawsuit alleged there was widespread fraud in Michigan's 2020 presidential election, including that votes were destroyed or switched from Trump to President Joe Biden. The Democratic candidate won Michigan by nearly 3 percentage points, but the lawsuit sought to decertify the results of the state.

Parker dismissed the case in December, saying that it represented the phrase "the ship has sailed," and she criticized the lawyers' requests for being "stunning in its scope and breathtaking in its reach." The judge also targeted the case for being more focused on the allegations' impact on voters' faith in the democratic process and trust in their government.

Dismissing the suit didn't go far enough for Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Detroit officials, who are asking the judge to hold the attorneys accountable. They argued the purpose of the suit was to undermine trust in America's electoral process and want Powell and Wood to be responsible for court and attorney fees and face disciplinary hearings.

At Monday's hearing, the judge questioned why the attorneys didn't seek a recount or file their case in a more timely manner. The attorneys didn't bring the case until three weeks after the election or drop it after the Electoral College certified Biden's victory on December 14, recognizing the case as moot.

Later in the hearing, Wood again attempted to distance himself from the other plaintiffs, telling the judge that he did "not review any of the documents" regarding the complaint, according to Adam Klasfeld, a senior investigative reporter for Law & Crime.

David Fink, an attorney for the city of Detroit, accused Wood of lying during the hearing and associating with the case when it helps him and then backtracking when he could face consequences.

While Powell acknowledged it is "certainly possible" there could have been a "misunderstanding" with regard to her putting Wood's name on the suit, she denied she would have done it without permission.

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3607cf  No.14108040


Georgie George?

Never had a chance.

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b9b0ec  No.14108041

File: 0d53739ac4a7ee6⋯.png (77.85 KB, 690x838, 345:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82e2735f9460562⋯.png (9.8 KB, 681x221, 681:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds


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cbd132  No.14108042

File: 0e99a93e0fe70ab⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1178x781, 1178:781, 0000.png)

]WE[ only have a bread .. AS LONG AS WE CAN KEEP IT




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14d759  No.14108043

File: b96761470b613d2⋯.png (425.79 KB, 500x571, 500:571, ClipboardImage.png)






SMS (short message service) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols that let mobile devices exchange short text messages. An intermediary service can facilitate a text-to-voice conversion to be sent to landlines.



JUST IN - Biden allied groups, including the DNC, plan to engage fact-checkers and work with SMS carriers to "dispel misinformation" about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages (Politico)

7:38 PM · Jul 12, 2021·Twitter Web App


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a3f661  No.14108044

File: c18a00cfa1ae0fd⋯.png (308.89 KB, 1461x1020, 487:340, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

The Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division and the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) have signed the first interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster cooperation and communication between the agencies to enhance competition in the maritime industry. Acting Assistant Attorney General Richard A. Powers and FMC Chairman Daniel Maffei signed the MOU between the Antitrust Division and the FMC effective this afternoon following Friday’s announcement of the Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy.

“Collaboration between the Antitrust Division and the FMC is important to ensuring healthy competition in the maritime industry,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Powers. “Our partnership with the FMC is one of the many ways in which the Antitrust Division is prepared to play its role in achieving the competition objectives of the President’s Competition Executive Order.”

“The Federal Maritime Commission has an important enforcement role as an economic regulator of a vital industry,” said Chairman Maffei. “As such, we will continually assess how the agency can improve its capacity to protect the integrity of the marketplace. This memorandum between the Commission and the Department of Justice supplements and strengthens the FMC’s ability to detect, address, and pursue violations of the law or anticompetitive behavior by those we regulate.”

Key provisions of the MOU facilitate communication and cooperation between the agencies. In particular, the MOU establishes a framework for the Antitrust Division and the FMC to continue regular discussions and review law enforcement and regulatory matters affecting competition in the maritime industry. The MOU includes provisions to establish periodic meetings among the respective agencies’ officials. The MOU also provides for the exchange of information and expertise that may be relevant and useful to the agencies’ oversight and enforcement responsibilities, as appropriate and consistent with applicable legal and confidentiality restrictions.


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18bbad  No.14108045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

Jul 12, 2021

Citizen Free Press

3.55K subscribers

http://citizenfreepress.com is the #1 site for news junkies across the world updated live 18 hours a day!


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441be1  No.14108046

File: 0d87a42c3222218⋯.png (817.21 KB, 1032x550, 516:275, terb.PNG)

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1033a4  No.14108047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank You Easy-E Baker!

We Want Eazy!


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b9b0ec  No.14108048

File: 45cb112429b3f44⋯.png (548.73 KB, 520x592, 65:74, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

UK attorney Anna de Buisseret today announced serving Notices of Liability on COVID-19 clinics and individuals administering the experimental biological agent known as the “COVID-19 vaccine” without obtaining fully informed consent, freely given in accordance with the Nuremberg Code and UK and International law.

“COVID jabs are experimental and still in phase 3 clinical trials,” de Buisseret explained. “The Nuremberg Code therefore applies. The injector MUST obtain the individuals fully informed consent freely given. All MATERIAL RISKS must be made clear to them and an individual risk assessment conducted.”

De Buisseret said among those served is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, UK government’s Chief Medical Advisor, and head of the public health profession Professor Chris Whitty.

In April, Doctors for COVID Ethics served Notices of Liability for COVID-19 vaccine harms and deaths on all European Parliament Members.

In the United States, Health Impact News gave public notice that two private corporations, CVS and Rite Aid, have been issued a Safety Warning for the potential danger of indiscriminate COVID-19 “vaccination” in the naturally immune and recently COVID-19 infected, by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Phd, on April 29th, 2021.

Many physicians have now spoken publicly about studies showing that those with natural COVID immunity will see a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots.


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37c4a5  No.14108049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a098bb  No.14108050




I see this as a postitive.

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abf5ff  No.14108051

hey assholes in dc

why don't you use covid 19 funds for the pandemic instead of on your mistakes

they're still a pandemic going on, now the vaccinated are getting covid you scientific religious zealots and idiot popehats

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b9b0ec  No.14108052

File: 85af4361962e10e⋯.png (44.22 KB, 992x466, 496:233, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

A medical research group in the U.K. pointed out that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are “unsafe for humans” based on adverse event reports. Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming” number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells.

The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Through the Yellow Card system, the MHRA keeps track of COVID-19 vaccines on an ongoing basis “to ensure their benefits continue to outweigh any risks.”

However, researchers at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EbMC) research group based in Bath, England unveiled concerning findings. EbMC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie wrote about her group’s findings in a June 9 letter to the MHRA Chief Executive Officer Dr. June Raine.

Lawrie wrote in her letter that between Jan. 4 and May 6 of this year, a total of 888,196 adverse events and 1,253 deaths were reported to Yellow Card. Similar to VAERS data, these were not directly proven as correlated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Despite this, the EMBC director raised safety concerns for those getting the vaccine. She wrote that given the Yellow Card figures, “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence … to declare the COVID-19 vaccine unsafe for use in humans.”

Lawrie then asked urgent questions for the MHRA to answer as the soonest. She asked how many people have died within 28 days of vaccination and how many people have been hospitalized for the same period. She also asked the total number of people disabled by the vaccination.

In a later interview with TrialSiteNews, she described the total number of cases as “concerning” and called for follow-ups on persons who reported adverse reactions “to ensure there are no further problems.” Lawrie said: “The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill.”


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1033a4  No.14108054


Lots of Porno Stars dying lately… In a hurry to make a deal with the devil, but never in a hurry to meet him…

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92a8ae  No.14108055

File: 5bf78e711524fe0⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, 5bf78e711524fe0dc70763ff82….png)


Bring back dank breads!

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a098bb  No.14108056




Imagine how shocked most people will be when they get a text message randomly "fact-checking" their conversations in text..

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6ddaeb  No.14108057

File: e224aafe8739a36⋯.png (363.14 KB, 741x629, 741:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4199e7963b23ce7⋯.png (62.47 KB, 734x420, 367:210, ClipboardImage.png)

Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO


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801d8d  No.14108058


I can do a bake anon.

Do you need me to collect this threads notables too?

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abf5ff  No.14108059


we should help em with some memes

anyone got a cackle handy - bwahahahhaaa

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9295f8  No.14108060

File: 31eff75021fbb35⋯.jpg (286.81 KB, 1794x728, 69:28, Xnip2021_07_12_15_04_18.jpg)

File: 5852ce2721f65c4⋯.jpg (288.85 KB, 1180x1230, 118:123, Xnip2021_07_12_15_02_57.jpg)

“We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime. The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected. The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.


put out in the president's name…wtf

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1033a4  No.14108063

File: 2cadbd83c13e928⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 1298x720, 649:360, MSNBC_Election_Shit_Fuck.mp4)

File: cf88eeac4e68a21⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mexican_End_of_World_Laugh.mp4)

File: 6067c3802dd7e24⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB, 360x640, 9:16, D_C_Capitol_Police_Letting….mp4)

File: 31d26b5adab12ac⋯.mp4 (748.3 KB, 452x854, 226:427, CNN_ELECTION_PORNHUB.mp4)

File: 8f3f131fe74a8ab⋯.mp4 (131.59 KB, 640x256, 5:2, Biblical.mp4)




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18bbad  No.14108064


Dre only made EZ's pay day

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441be1  No.14108065

File: 1ec0ea17c7df9b7⋯.png (248.92 KB, 340x407, 340:407, gyfgmi45.PNG)

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a098bb  No.14108066

File: 48cf3543f12526d⋯.png (216.86 KB, 2420x1980, 11:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>I can do a bake anon.


>Do you need me to collect this threads notables too?

I think we are good "anon"

A real anon will be along eventually.

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1033a4  No.14108067

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, WAR.mp4)

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7f3d75  No.14108068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shout out to all the haters, trolls and schills:

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39bf0e  No.14108070


Hope she has some life insurance and her will set up…

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b9b0ec  No.14108071

File: 6141c993111fc3f⋯.png (260.15 KB, 692x784, 173:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 033c070f58ec2ff⋯.png (299.22 KB, 709x833, 709:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3b745a59374c85⋯.png (11.41 MB, 3433x4884, 3433:4884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 151505985021c23⋯.png (362.66 KB, 692x904, 173:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcfb204198ceda8⋯.png (114.39 KB, 682x323, 682:323, ClipboardImage.png)

Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild

“My mother taught me not to hate”

Fred Schwab was born in Frankfurt. In 1935, he managed to leave Germany. His wife Marianne, née Rothschild, came from the town of Bad Homburg. After the 1938 Pogroms, she fled to the USA via Britain. The couple visited their former country as guests of the City of Frankfurt, to which they kept close emotional ties. Both returned often, met former classmates and spoke at schools. Their daughter Madeleine was invited by the City of Bad Homburg in 2013. She attended the opening ceremony for a deportation memorial in her mother’s home town. From here, her grandparents had been deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1942.

Fred Schwab: “We need to look ahead”

Fred Schwab was born as Friedrich Ernst Schwab into a Jewish family with a centuries-old history in Germany and Frankfurt.

Born into this metropolitan city in 1918, he grew up at Rheinstraße 7 in Frankfurt’s Westend district and visited the nearby Goethe-Gymnasium. Fred’s father owned a large business at Moselstraße 4 (Gebr. Feisenberger. Kurzwaren, Spielwaren, Strumpfwaren). The family was firmly established among Frankfurt’s society. His parents married at the traditional Frankfurter Hof hotel, together with Christian and Jewish friends. The family was not very religious and attended the liberal Westend Synagogue. They celebrated “Weihnukka”: Hanukkah as well as Christmas (“Weihnachten” in German).

When Hitler was installed, the family did not even remotely consider leaving the country. At school, Fred hardly noticed antisemitism and the Nazis at first. However, in 1935, he left school with a ten-year General Certificate of Secondary Education (Mittlere Reife) to start a commercial apprenticeship.


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a8eb8b  No.14108072

File: a18c7db747b5f97⋯.jpg (630.09 KB, 972x2189, 972:2189, Screenshot_20210712_140246….jpg)

>>14107938 (LB)

Unless you don't like the content, right?

Stick this one up there.

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cd1887  No.14108073

File: a88ec36433500b1⋯.png (68.12 KB, 699x247, 699:247, ClipboardImage.png)


>I think we are good "anon"

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441be1  No.14108074

File: 686a82b3ed4de15⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 491x223, 491:223, jns.jpg)

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832fbb  No.14108075

File: dfc3af7ab4dd027⋯.jpeg (350.04 KB, 1241x1393, 1241:1393, F75C37DD_34FD_47C6_9411_4….jpeg)

File: 58e6ab0ffeb6ec8⋯.jpeg (332.71 KB, 1241x1556, 1241:1556, 815673A4_F99D_4DFA_8152_E….jpeg)




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92a8ae  No.14108076

File: 320e43d044f78e9⋯.png (196.21 KB, 361x362, 361:362, 1617845471052.png)


Not watch you spam and [whine] throughout the bread.


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f92957  No.14108077

File: b24a084c34aa230⋯.png (733.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6F513A97_2BBD_416E_92DA_5C….png)

File: 810735b1a9258fa⋯.png (1.57 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 68EEEAAD_C7D6_42EF_B433_91….png)

Lytton BC Dr. Hoffe identifies Covid vaccine side effects.

Lytton BC burns to ground.


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b9b0ec  No.14108078

Jen Psaki: Voter ID Laws and Absentee Ballot Regulations are “Worst Challenge to Our Democracy Since the Civil War”

If they can’t cheat – They can’t win.

Every good Marxist knows this.

Democrats are furious with the Voter ID rules and absentee ballot regulations being signed into law in several states across the country.

Voter ID is very popular in the country, including with 70% of black voters.

Black voters are tired of Democrats destroying their communities.

But Democrats do not care how popular Voter ID laws are or how many countries have Voter ID laws.

They need it gone. That is their goal.

On Monday White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the new voter regulations, including rules on Voter ID and absentee voting, are the “worst challenge to our democracy since the Civil War.”

These people are shameless liars.

They don’t care.


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1033a4  No.14108079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Must be a REE-SURCHER…



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cf4eb7  No.14108081

File: d1a9cbd5f3c2597⋯.jpeg (308.5 KB, 1242x925, 1242:925, B03EC06B_E525_49C4_8012_5….jpeg)

JUST IN - Biden allied groups, including the DNC, plan to engage fact-checkers and work with SMS carriers to "dispel misinformation" about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages (Politico)


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cbd132  No.14108082

File: 2b8cfd823303195⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 358x216, 179:108, ByeBye.JPG)

You're Not My Doctor

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ccf1a3  No.14108083

File: ad516c477698754⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 259x216, 259:216, e0fa91175f67ec3a8e872e4b0c….gif)



You banned all of them, genius.

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abf5ff  No.14108084


do the door knockers with the jabbers carry said NOTICE OF FULL INFORMED CONSENT – what would habben if the jabbers and door knockers would be handed a NOTICE OF LIABILITY for the intrusion?

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801d8d  No.14108085


Wasnt aware I was being monitored for Speaking here.

Again volunteer, not here to make waves but to assist. You seem to be ill hearted at the moment. Offer is rescinded.

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441be1  No.14108086

File: 1dcd9c3b5120e17⋯.png (237.09 KB, 434x370, 217:185, mf2.PNG)

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b9b0ec  No.14108087

Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

At least 58 Democrat members of the state House of Representatives will flee Texas and head to Washington DC to block Republicans from advancing new voting laws through a special session of the legislature.

Under the Texas Constitution, the lawmakers risk arrest by fleeing town during a special legislative session.

The new bills, House Bill 3 and Senate Bill 1 will add new ID requirements for mail-in voting and ban some early voting – floor votes on both bill were expected to take place this week, but Democrats are fleeing in private jets to block the measures.

Most of the Democrat lawmakers will take private jets to DC and may stay away from Texas for up to 30 days to paralyze the chamber.

NBC News reported:

With Republican-backed voting bills moving rapidly through a special session of the state Legislature, Texas Democrats are planning to make a break for it — again.

At least 58 Democratic members of the state House of Representatives are expected to bolt from Austin on Monday in an effort to block the measures from advancing, a source familiar with the plans told NBC News. The unusual move, akin to what Democrats did in 2003, would paralyze the chamber, stopping business until the lawmakers return to town or the session ends.

The lawmakers risk arrest in taking flight. Under the Texas Constitution, the Legislature requires a quorum of two-thirds of lawmakers be present to conduct state business in either chamber. Absent lawmakers can be legally compelled to return to the Capitol, and the source said Democrats expect state Republicans to ask the Department of Public Safety to track them down.

To block the currently pending legislation, the Democratic lawmakers would have to remain away through the end of the special session, which can last as many as 30 days under the state’s constitution.


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7f0f24  No.14108088

File: 7231b8263045279⋯.png (146.19 KB, 347x199, 347:199, ClipboardImage.png)

First step to a healthier world.

>>14107756 pb

>Burger King sign reading 'we all quit' goes viral after employees walk out


>Former employees of Nebraska Burger King also wrote 'Sorry for the inconvenience' on massive sign



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9295f8  No.14108089


>text messages


>text messages

low info types won't be able to ignore this.

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18bbad  No.14108090


notable and dubs

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1844d0  No.14108091


we've known that for quite some time now.

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c840aa  No.14108092



“First time?” When a voice comes over your phone to remind you to wash your hands you’ve achieved first class status

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441be1  No.14108093

File: 34f79e7870cc2f6⋯.png (744.63 KB, 634x620, 317:310, rxlr1.PNG)

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a098bb  No.14108094

File: ccdb7f46b004279⋯.png (16.29 KB, 1023x147, 341:49, ClipboardImage.png)


> [MHr07zoG]

You act like I would forget your posts from one bread to the next. Your shilling and disappearing works from bread to bread on anons, not BVs.

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14d759  No.14108095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex project, pushing the digital vaccines.

Archive and research purposes.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6886be  No.14108096

File: 945f983d4c2f6b2⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB, 640x336, 40:21, tod_IMG_2527.MP4)

You have no choice but death!

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b9b0ec  No.14108097

Man sentenced to death for killing mother, then frying her organs to eat them

A man in Kolhapur, India, has been convicted and sentenced to die for murdering his mother before frying her organs in order to consume them, the Times of India reported.

The man, 35-year-old Sunil Rama Kuchkoravi, received the sentence last week and now waits to see if the Bombay high court will confirm his execution.

What happened?

According to court documents, in August 2017 a young girl alerted neighbors after finding Sunil with bloodstained hands standing near the disemboweled body of his 63-year-old mother, Yallava.

When police arrived on the scene, they reportedly discovered "the naked dead body of Yallava lying in a pool of blood" with the "liver, intestine, heart, rib, [and] chest" removed. Officers then allegedly followed the blood trail to the kitchen, where they found her heart on a platter along with a piece of her rib soaking in an oil bottle next to chili powder and spices.

Multiple knives covered in blood were also discovered at the scene and were later confirmed to have been used during the horrifying crime.

"After the incident [the] accused intended to eat the heart and rib of his own mother," the court order read, adding that his actions indicate "he had no remorse even after committing murder of his mother."

Prosecutors in the case argued the incident should fall in the category of a "rarest of rare" crime — a classification within the Indian legal system that allows the death penalty to be administered.

"We had sought the death sentence," public prosecutor Vivek Shukla told reporters. "There are precedents in 'rarest of rare' cases when [death by hanging] is given. He murdered his own mother and desecrated the body in a way no one would imagine."

The sessions court agreed with the classification and so the suggested penalty will be carried out, pending a review.

What else?

A police inspector who investigated the case, S.S. More, described it as the most gruesome murder he had ever experienced in all his years in law enforcement.

"I have seen many murders and dead bodies in my career in Mumbai and in the Naxalite areas of the state. This was the most cruel," he said. "We carried out stomach-wash, hand-wash, and foot-wash, and the samples were sent for DNA profiling. All samples matched with the deceased. We had 12 eyewitnesses on our side. Also, the scene at the murder site and the condition of [the] deceased body were sufficient to prove the cruelty of the accused."

Sessions judges added that gruesome crime had shaken the "collective conscience" of the local community.


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801d8d  No.14108098


I am in fact doing no such thing volunteer.

I stand by lb statements.

Do not make waves for yourself anymore than you currently are.

I stand by this statement.

Offer rescinded and thank you.

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1033a4  No.14108099

File: 02baebccce302a1⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 542x305, 542:305, Pippi_Wrongstockings_1.jpg)

File: ce0d190820fdf04⋯.jpg (100.12 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Lymph_Node_Larry.jpg)

File: 820c18cc72f97bc⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 523x317, 523:317, HoloSauce_Score_1.jpg)

File: e2b34d38c2566de⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 612x612, 1:1, GOYSAUCE_XTRA.jpg)

File: 0a1ec838588b9d4⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 640x374, 320:187, Fig_Newmans.jpg)



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39bf0e  No.14108101


Does Psaki have a Death-Wish? Unless she is a controlled agent in play to make the Dems appear totally absurd, stupid and corrupt, she is skirting treason. Does she have any idea that she could be hung from the neck until dead, in front of her children, for the roll she is playing in the Bidan Admin? She’s gotta be a Whitehat Mole. The lies are just too absurd. She’s a mom for Christsakes! Her kids have to grow up in this country. Either she’s a power hungry sociopath, or an agent provocateur. Fucking Clown-World.

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abf5ff  No.14108102


psucki, stop inciting civil war. you and your ilk continued incessant violence and lies stress hard the limits of all maximum conclusions

the moar it stresses the psyche - the moar people awaken to the truth

keep pushin truckin smokin all the pot

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2ddec3  No.14108103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1844d0  No.14108105


>won't be able to ignore

We can only hope.

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441be1  No.14108106

File: ae1f250b65c6d2e⋯.png (894.19 KB, 927x625, 927:625, gyfgml29.PNG)

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6ddaeb  No.14108107

File: b5416838c7fc86a⋯.png (440.92 KB, 609x517, 609:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cebfe719d584024⋯.png (33.6 KB, 553x381, 553:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bc7f2d379671dc⋯.png (30.55 KB, 542x391, 542:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ad660bd8ad974b⋯.png (39.7 KB, 568x413, 568:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a07de418c6a09⋯.png (48.75 KB, 561x507, 187:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support


The story is recounted in Mark Adkins' "Urgent Fury: the Battle for Grenada." Another report says it was a US Army "trooper" (presumably meaning "paratrooper") who called his wife to request air support from the Navy.

*reminded me of Trinity at the payphone scene, death or pick up the phone

Hopefully 5G/6G comms are better now and CIA exposed for their role by not helping our military.

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430710  No.14108108

File: 64141c5e1e0fad5⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 500x338, 250:169, giphy.gif)


lordy, I hope that works

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b67567  No.14108110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1844d0  No.14108112


Can someone tell him he's not actually a CEO but a (DS) plant that gets watered with $

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7fcac4  No.14108113


They know that if they go door-to-door, they'll be met with sawed-off, "Hello's".

So they use invasive methods of a different sort.

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441be1  No.14108115

File: 2bdd0c94fd42a6e⋯.png (553.8 KB, 516x621, 172:207, ptoo.PNG)

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1033a4  No.14108116

File: 2aeddb55f2bfa0a⋯.jpg (198.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Dem_Gloryhole.jpg)

File: 1f5f0d946dad95b⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 515x321, 515:321, Cuomo_Green_Flag_2.jpg)

File: 7e68664da1bae61⋯.jpg (104.21 KB, 814x814, 1:1, AOC_BUTTPLUG.jpg)

File: dba61a993b983bb⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 525x315, 5:3, Al_Cuomo_Bin_Killin_1.jpg)

File: 955d91a1cb2f30c⋯.jpg (254.55 KB, 1377x771, 459:257, OBAMA_COMMIE_ORGANIZER.JPG)


Fuuuuugggg (You)!!! DemoKKKrat Blue Waffle Nigger!!!

(You) have been invited to the Lemon Party Anon…

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e8ee28  No.14108117



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b9b0ec  No.14108118

File: f84d66c7c89d355⋯.png (660.71 KB, 676x731, 676:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

MIAMI—A vaccinated Miami-Dade county commissioner who helped other local officials in Surfside following the collapse of a condominium building announced that he and his chief of staff tested positive for COVID-19.

The news release late Sunday from Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz said he and his chief of staff Isidoro Lopez, who also received a vaccine against the virus, came down with flu-like symptoms earlier in the day and later tested positive.

“Staff and others who have been in close contact with them will be getting tested between today and tomorrow,” the news release said. The statement also said Diaz and Lopez would be isolating and following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Diaz had participated in news conferences and meetings with other officials in Surfside, the Miami Herald reported.

Miami Dade spokesperson Rachel Johnson told the newspaper that COVID-19 tests would be administered at the Surfside command center on Monday.

The search for bodies continues at the wreckage of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, where earlier Sunday, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava confirmed the death toll had reached 94 in last month’s collapse. Some 30 people remain listed as missing.


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336cbf  No.14108120

File: 45a82b43638d1e9⋯.png (783.67 KB, 760x777, 760:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ce3b3a1f803d7c⋯.png (670.29 KB, 732x710, 366:355, ClipboardImage.png)

Moar Orange Comms


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a098bb  No.14108121



Check the responses. People are waking the fuck up quickly. Welcome to the precipice of the precipice.

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14d759  No.14108122

File: 8a3e00c5e57668c⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chinese_bio_weapon_to_targ….mp4)



notable videos collected from morning shift, great stuff



Posting for archive, may use in video project

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1033a4  No.14108123

File: 355426d7aab8d4b⋯.jpg (123.29 KB, 536x768, 67:96, PN1.jpg)

File: 9b4de23e1b17117⋯.jpg (91.5 KB, 912x656, 57:41, Pelosi_Yiddmark.jpg)

File: 972e6317b435425⋯.jpg (239.37 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, NIGGER_STREET_3.jpg)

File: 1288073a8127707⋯.jpg (146.31 KB, 948x702, 158:117, LL_TRASH.jpg)

File: 0ed6c0d935561a4⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 544x447, 544:447, TRUMP_WINNING.jpg)

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441be1  No.14108125

File: f4e29787314ada8⋯.png (642.83 KB, 647x552, 647:552, afcmy.PNG)

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c840aa  No.14108127


>precipice of the precipice.

That’s a good way to describe it.

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6ddaeb  No.14108128

File: 22c6e908f67dc62⋯.png (930.61 KB, 831x559, 831:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2823eeb8a902ace⋯.png (72.85 KB, 840x515, 168:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Top American general in Afghanistan steps down


The top American general in Afghanistan stepped down on Monday, a symbolic moment as the US nears the end of its 20-year-old war and Taliban fighters sweep across the country.

At a muted ceremony at US and Nato military headquarters in Kabul, General Austin S. Miller ended his nearly three-year term as commander. His duties will be filled by two officials. Rear Admiral Peter G. Vasely, a former member of Seal Team 6, will take charge of the security mission at the US embassy in Kabul. He will report to General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr, the head of the military’s Central Command, who will take over the broader military mission in Afghanistan.

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aed1cb  No.14108129

File: 67b80605922a469⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 58a6aa6539bffdbc049f25b9fb….png)

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67b0ca  No.14108132

File: 0564a70b8f31f74⋯.png (240.68 KB, 272x364, 68:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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492aae  No.14108133

File: 7ca3e2471b90ae2⋯.jpg (228.35 KB, 1023x641, 1023:641, ihpininpni.jpg)

A severe summer chill has invaded large pockets of Canada. Canada’s exceptional summer snowfall is forecast to intensify and spread westwards to British Columbia, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories:

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abf5ff  No.14108134


biden is stuck showing the blacks and the democrats whether he is a socialist ccp commie or is he a democrat that supports the freedom from the communist regime and supports a democratic nation with free and fair elections

81MM voters hard pressed

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2ddec3  No.14108135

File: 3e933f5efc4f38f⋯.jpg (54 KB, 816x816, 1:1, i_PRECIPICED_IT.jpg)


>Welcome to the precipice of the precipice

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b9b0ec  No.14108136

File: f6cc2894d48df0d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee1d14ea6566d3f⋯.png (75.74 KB, 659x644, 659:644, ClipboardImage.png)

Drake Bell sentenced to 2 years’ probation for child endangerment

Drake Bell was sentenced to two years’ probation and 200 hours of community service Monday after pleading guilty to child endangerment.

The former “Drake & Josh” star is also prohibited from contacting the victim — who is now 19 years old and called the actor “the epitome of evil” during his sentencing hearing, People reported.

“He was calculating. He preyed on me and sexually abused me,” she claimed during the hearing, which took place over Zoom. “He is a monster and a danger to children.”

“Jared Drake Bell is a pedophile and that is his legacy,” she concluded.

The victim claimed that Bell started grooming her at the age of 12 before allegedly abusing her at 15. She said he also sent her photos of his genitalia.

Bell, 35, apologized during the sentencing and claimed he didn’t mean to harm the victim.

“I accept this plea because my conduct was wrong,” said Bell, who recently revealed that he’s married and has a son. “I’m sorry that the victim was harmed in any way, but that was obviously not my intention. I have taken this matter very, very seriously. And again, I just want to apologize to her and anyone else who may have been affected by my actions.”


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35df67  No.14108137


When the Dems talk about voter suppression what they are really saying is 'You are trying to suppress our illegal votes'.

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96e2d4  No.14108138


is there any other sauce on this Politico statement other than disclosure tv?

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1033a4  No.14108142

File: 0eadde9896a456f⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Trump_Thunderstruck.mp4)

File: d1e963b2affe196⋯.mp4 (183.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump_Returns_to_WH.mp4)

File: 04aa238a3f6d9d2⋯.webm (1.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump_Listen_You_Motherfu….webm)

File: 0e0d82f6d5e6068⋯.mp4 (929.32 KB, 634x360, 317:180, Haitian_Senate_President.mp4)



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37c4a5  No.14108143

File: fea7069f59c0822⋯.png (936.14 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f229eb3e8a245⋯.png (828.05 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)




Moguls, Deals And Patagonia Vests: A Look Inside 'Summer Camp For Billionaires'

July 5, 20215:01 AM ET

Heard on Morning Edition


Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Vice President of Partnerships Dan Rose and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg walk together at the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference in July 2018 in Sun Valley, Idaho. Top tech and media moguls descend on the resort every year for a week of activities — and deals.

Drew Angerer/reGretty Images

This week, the top executives at the biggest and most influential companies in tech and media, including Apple's Tim Cook and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, will get together at the Sun Valley Resort, a getaway that dates back to 1936, in a tiny town by the Sawtooth Mountains.

It was suspended last year because of the pandemic. But this year, these top moguls are traveling again to Sun Valley for an annual weeklong gathering organized by a boutique investment firm called Allen & Company that is known as intensely private. The firm doesn't have a website, and, of course, it didn't respond to NPR's request for an interview.

Run by the same family since it was founded in 1922, Allen & Co. may be small, but it has developed some deep relationships that have led to roles in some of the biggest tech and media deals and initial public offerings in the last half decades.

It was an adviser in Comcast's proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable, a $45 billion deal that ultimately failed, and Facebook's purchase of WhatsApp for $19 billion. Allen & Co. was an underwriter on Google's and Facebook's IPOs.

And for almost 40 years, its annual Sun Valley conference has been central to its mission.

Allen & Co. takes care of everything, from the accommodations to the entertainment, and they attract a who's who of the tech and media world. Regulars have included Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey.

This week, the aggregate wealth of the men and women staying at the Sun Valley Resort is likely to reach more than $1 trillion.

"It really is elitism on full display," says media analyst Colin Gillis, the head of research at Chatham Road Partners. "But actually, it's a very private event; so, I shouldn't say 'on full display.'"

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b121ea  No.14108144

File: fa8cb7f936e04ee⋯.png (404.62 KB, 694x597, 694:597, Screenshot_2021_07_12_1220….png)

What Is Trump To Us?

…'During Trump’s presidency, more wealth passed from ordinary Americans to oligarchs, and more freedoms were lost than anyone imagined possible. As we consider how to remedy these losses, Trump’s fateful combination of things said and unsaid, of things done and not done, must be part of our search for the persons and policies most likely to lead republican Americans out of our quandary.'


Most of this is article is Damnation by Faint Praise. What do Anons think? Posted on Gen. Flynn's page. I wonder what's up?

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369e7f  No.14108145


Nobody wants to bake on a board ran by a fascist. I swear, you might actually be dumber than Cernovich, and that's pretty fucked up.

"Let's see what happens."

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aed1cb  No.14108146


amazing polly did a really god vid on this..

also had a clip of a politician there thanking someone for the rain.

super weird

obvious weather wars proof

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96e2d4  No.14108147


weak ass sauce….. Politico link?

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4925a8  No.14108149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is how some people deal with local criminals they catch. WARNING - Violent Ass Kicking, Shooting, & Stuffing Their Sorry Dying Asses in a Car Trunk. :-)

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a098bb  No.14108150


>Nobody wants to bake on a board ran by a fascist.

Very weak and stupid attempt faggot.

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1844d0  No.14108152


pretty sure it was rescinded for you

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4925a8  No.14108154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37c4a5  No.14108155

File: 18b4bf32ed6d2c0⋯.png (662.38 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5693491ec7e4461⋯.png (281.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



The Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference is a spectacle. The dress code is casual and outdoorsy. Power suits are out, and fleece vests – often Patagonia – are standard.

During the day, there are activities galore: tennis matches and golf games, hikes in the Sawtooth Mountains, and rafting trips down the Salmon River.

But this is more than just a week of fun or a week to unwind.

Prominent politicians – including heads of state – give talks and take questions. Mike Pompeo attended when he was the head of the C.I.A., and Mauricio Macri was a guest when he was the president of Argentina. Then, at night, there are cocktail parties and lavish dinners.

And participants are not wined and dined by just any banker. Among Allen & Co.'s deal makers are prominent former members of Congress, including Rep. Will Hurd and Sen. Bill Bradley, and George Tenet, the former director of the C.I.A.

These are "folks at the prime of their careers, with all the relationships already built," says Drew Pascarella, an associate dean at Cornell University's SC Johnson College of Business.

The Sun Valley conference has gained such importance that analysts and investors pore over photos of conference participants, looking for clues about what could be the next big deal in media and tech.

It is an unorthodox business strategy that has been very good for Allen & Co.'s bottom line. That's because the gathering is geared towards one thing: building relationships that may one day pay off in the shape of a major deal.

Bezos reportedly decided to buy "The Washington Post" when he was in Sun Valley.

"They've organized the biggest matchmaking service for media companies," says Steven Davidoff Solomon, the head of the Berkeley Center for Law and Business.

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c5d5db  No.14108157







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0edf9b  No.14108158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event


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b094c5  No.14108160

File: 4415acea41e0aaa⋯.png (128.7 KB, 313x313, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14107804 (lb)

>>14107926 (lb)

My statement was 100% factual.

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92a8ae  No.14108161

File: bd41f799034e508⋯.png (190.91 KB, 329x970, 329:970, Stolen.png)


fucking ROBBED fren!

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3dc95d  No.14108162

File: 3600f9a2a368e02⋯.png (4.19 MB, 2462x1386, 1231:693, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_2….png)

Hefty explosion in Garching (near Munich) at the company ~natec Sensors~.

They test pressure and flow meters there, among other things for the military.

Presently unclear what happened, police is investigating.

>https://www.bild.de/regional/muenchen/muenchen-aktuell/mehrere-verletzte-starke-explosion-in-kellerlabor-in-garching-77060690.bild.html (via google translate)

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3ff268  No.14108164


Just seeing why Sidney Powell was trending on Twitter and an article I saw explaining some of the tweets I was seeing.

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abf5ff  No.14108165

i wonder what the psucki administration is going to do about gas prices and the clandestine revolutionary war precipitated by the psucki government

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1033a4  No.14108166

File: 08212245bb34e86⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 705x470, 3:2, Yes_Father_Junkie.jpg)

File: bcb735fc5fa5649⋯.jpg (173.71 KB, 984x674, 492:337, Enjoy_The_Joe.jpg)

File: b323f984d1c11ef⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Cockmeat_Sandwiches.jpg)

File: 237d492b2107286⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1368x771, 456:257, 237d492b21072861516f38b04c….jpg)

File: 9e19d897885709d⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 603x493, 603:493, Hunter_Hide_N_Seek.jpg)


Looks like Hunter learned how to SCREENCAP PowerPoint...

How's that Retarded Incest Baby? Suckin' on a Crack Rock Prolly...

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4925a8  No.14108167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc08bf  No.14108168



“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

~Aldous Huxley.

“…Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years.  They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental.  These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.  There are potential disastrous consequences down the road.  Government experiments on the public are nothing new…”

“…this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it.  If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims.  If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

As C.J. Hopkins has written, the left means to criminalize dissent…”

“Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life."  Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did.  Bill Gates called the vaccines "an operating system" to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe.  Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.”

“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine…”


“In Huxley’s seemingly dystopic World State, the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex. Orwell’s Oceania, on the other hand, keeps the masses in check with fear thanks to an endless war and a hyper-competent surveillance state. At first blush, they might seem like they are diametrically opposed but, in fact, an Orwellian world and a Huxleyan one are simply two different modes of oppression.”


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4925a8  No.14108169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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92a8ae  No.14108170

File: 4a6b86cd3dda5b9⋯.png (399.53 KB, 1920x1849, 1920:1849, Bot_detected.png)


ebot is that you?

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801d8d  No.14108171


But no one is wanting to bake, as I have been watching. In fact we are currently in an ebake at this very moment. I did offer to assist, but seems that was not taking lightly. Good luck Volunteer rooting for you and Prayers for you and yours.

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e8ee28  No.14108172



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abf5ff  No.14108174


they should send the adultery memes, those work great

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a8eb8b  No.14108175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa95b0  No.14108176

File: bef105a8c6b6cc8⋯.png (533.19 KB, 885x516, 295:172, QMeansCue.png)

Do you know what a Cue is?

What about Q? The source of Qlues?

Are you so stupid that you believe someone with the highest security clearance in Military Intelligence, who swore the oath of allegiance, and whointends to uphold that oathwould actually tell you, in public, something that is classified?

Did you really believe that somebody working for Donald J. Trump, author of The Art Of The Deal would actually reveal, in public, something about the government's intentions in dealing with an adversary?

You're some special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Everything that Q wrote is a LIE or is GARBAGE

It is the only way.

Q made these drops to encourage people to stand up and think for themselves

To do their own research.

Every drop shines a laser on some aspect of Cabal crime and corruption.


Could that be an anagram AND LOSE? Maybe!

Could it be a reminder that a game is being played? Maybe!

Could it tell us the type of game afoot, like a card game where, on some moves, you can ask for cards to be dealt? Maybe!

But one thing you can be sure of.

It reveals no classified information that is not already in the public domain.

And it says nothing that would give criminals an edge in planning their next move.


But if you make a deal and flip, you can play a role in our movie and come out a winner…

Because, you know howGOD WINS? Well everyone who works on God's side wins too.

We followThe Wayof Jesus, so like him, we forgive.

Make America Great Again!United NOT Divided!

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7fcac4  No.14108177

File: 23c17d0445b675a⋯.jpg (156.48 KB, 574x280, 41:20, AQ1.jpg)

POTUS 45 Weighs in on Cuba.


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4925a8  No.14108178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c840aa  No.14108179


Anon thought that once someone had rona and quarantined they were immune.

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d37656  No.14108180

File: 87c5a00cf0d529c⋯.png (222.51 KB, 572x445, 572:445, 1557795844.png)

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801d8d  No.14108181

Things China Doesn't Want You To Know



JUST IN - A Four Seasons Hotel in China collapsed. At least 1 person has been killed and 10 or more are still missing. The hotel had just opened in 2018.

188 Youche Road, Songling Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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89857a  No.14108182


They are sick.

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abf5ff  No.14108183



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8d01c3  No.14108184

File: 55fdcc6c97ac451⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, OpTrust.jpg)

File: 10a73a89d06d3f1⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 800x400, 2:1, spellbound.jpg)


>What do Anons think

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14d759  No.14108185

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BUILD_BACK_BETTER_AGENDA.mp4)




Moar video boms

Build back better compilation agenda !!


A great bit of video editing done by an anon. video embedded. well worth a watch, short and sweet and to the point !!

They are so shit at this thing, it is embarrassing how easily they are found out by those just willing to hear their catch phases, they love the unified song. kek !! symbols do not just come in design or logo's they come in words and meanings.

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51ecb8  No.14108186

File: 93a8628a53174c5⋯.png (267.08 KB, 915x966, 305:322, Eastern_Gitmo.png)

Looks like the Eastern flight from Joint Base Andrews has touched down at Gitmo. It's headed back to Miami once it leaves Gitmo.


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cf4eb7  No.14108187

File: 5d5590bdc0fddf5⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1770, 207:295, 23406003_B21B_498E_A980_A….jpeg)


Bell was groomed too.


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a882bd  No.14108189

File: 7e926e7aa407b36⋯.png (50.08 KB, 1620x207, 180:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Not an argument, BV. You just conceded you can't 'disprove' what you read, and you are doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

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4925a8  No.14108190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37c4a5  No.14108191

File: 6e3ab747e256769⋯.jpg (135.08 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o_MIKA_BRZEZINSKI_MORNING_….jpg)


The Sun Valley conference has gained such importance that analysts and investors pore over photos of conference participants, looking for clues about what could be the next big deal in media and tech.

It is an unorthodox business strategy that has been very good for Allen & Co.'s bottom line. That's because the gathering is geared towards one thing: building relationships that may one day pay off in the shape of a major deal.

Bezos reportedly decided to buy "The Washington Post" when he was in Sun Valley.



The Billionaires Have Touched Down in Sun Valley

Top officials from business, government and more have returned to Allen & Company’s annual gathering of power brokers.

By Andrew Ross Sorkin, Jason Karaian, Sarah Kessler, Stephen Gandel, Michael J. de la Merced, Lauren Hirsch and Ephrat Livni

July 7, 2021


Jul 10, 2018 4:05pm PT

Steve Case: Media M&A Frenzy Reflects Original ‘Vision’ of AOL-Time Warner Merger

By Cynthia Littleton

SUN VALLEY, Idaho — Shari Redstone didn’t stop to talk. Nor did Brian Roberts or Rupert Murdoch offer any crumbs to reporters waiting Tuesday afternoon along the edge of the duck pond outside the entrance of the Sun Valley Lodge, where media and tech moguls are gathering this week for the annual Allen & Co. conference in this mountainous resort area.

The business world is waiting with bated breath for any hints of the mood inside the conference this year, what with so many high-powered CEOs in various stages of battle coming together in close quarters for inspiration from panels and speakers and a little perspiration via outdoor recreation options.

One CEO who did engage with the journos held at a distance from the invitation-only confab was Steve Case, the former AOL chief who now heads investment firm Revolution. With AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner still weeks old, Case opined that the media landscape is finally starting to reflect some of the vision that drove the deal widely considered one of the worst — if not the worst — mega merger in modern history, AOL’s union with Time Warner, completed in January 2001.

“Some of the things we were talking about then are happening, in terms of streaming. I’m not surprised that there’s another round of big mergers where companies are trying to position themselves for a future where consumers have more choice and more control and more convenience,” Case said. “It was clear it was going to happen. It’s taken longer than most of us thought before it did happen.”

Case was quick to acknowledge that the AOL-Time Warner merger was undone by “disappointing” execution. But he defended the vision that brought the pioneering internet service provider and content company together in the months before the first wave dot-com bubble burst.

“The idea of it made sense. The vision of it made sense. The execution wasn’t what we were hoping for,” he said. “The idea is important, the vision is important but ultimately it comes down to execution. That means (focusing on) priorities and people. It’s not just (about) what’s possible.

He cited a quote attributed to Thomas Edison that has helped him put the AOL-Time Warner experience into perspective: “Vision without execution is hallucination.”

Nearly 20 years later, AT&T is now absorbing a smaller Time Warner, Case noted, which should help make it a more manageable process. And AT&T leaders will surely make an effort to learn from Time Warner’s history.

“It’s 20 years later. Everybody’s wiser, having watched some of the things we tried to do and weren’t able to do. Time Warner is now a much leaner company….It will be a little easier for them now than it was 20 years ago, but sure, there’s going to be challenges.”

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96e2d4  No.14108192

Sauce on the Politico link


Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.

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a13c75  No.14108193

File: c900f998c57a4db⋯.png (80.79 KB, 252x109, 252:109, _PelicanFag_.png)


good times

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7fcac4  No.14108194

File: 16e31560800ea62⋯.jpg (142.91 KB, 571x377, 571:377, AQ2.jpg)

Pair of posts from POTUS 45.


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b121ea  No.14108195


no nooze is good nooze Anon.

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c840aa  No.14108196


Is that a rare Johnny 5 Pepe? Wutttt!?

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1033a4  No.14108198

File: 3504a4687c93f29⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Zero_FuQs.jpg)

File: d0098e5eae565d0⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 700x357, 100:51, TTP_SEND_ME.jpg)

File: bd6df6796afcde9⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 601x401, 601:401, RION_NO_FUCKIN_DEALS.jpg)

File: 1dad975fcb02acb⋯.png (498.69 KB, 708x834, 118:139, 1599614355802_Copy.png)

File: d7b922c838d8c40⋯.png (587.72 KB, 969x578, 57:34, 1598624990121_Copy.png)




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fa95b0  No.14108199

File: 2818ba0ce2e2e26⋯.png (485.6 KB, 595x680, 7:8, FrozenEV.png)

Imagine how many will die

When Canada, Northern USA, UK, Northern Europe

Get a large enough concentration of EVs on the road

For a disaster like this to happen

Every time there is a bad winter storm

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abf5ff  No.14108200

when democrats and republicans say voter rights read mass graves

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cd1887  No.14108201


>>14108030 Or at least collect notables so they can be added.

(notables are not endorsements)


>>14108060 “We stand with the Cuban people" >Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

<>14108066 A "real" anon will be along eventually.


<>14108094 Aw sweet, a Schizo Thread

>>14108095 CYBER POLYGON 2021: covid industrial complex project, pushing digital vaccines.

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

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b9b0ec  No.14108202

File: fa3a69997fb5c03⋯.png (272.21 KB, 500x277, 500:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 338958391ff9311⋯.png (293.44 KB, 535x543, 535:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e19f4b99a550f97⋯.png (392.3 KB, 856x875, 856:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e535850d36a6ad⋯.png (375.96 KB, 869x763, 869:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci Calls For 'More Vaccine Mandates At The Local Level', Slams Alex Berenson For Spreading Facts At CPAC

The nation's highest-paid employee in the US government, Anthony Fauci, has gone full-throttle on vaccines - this time with a Sunday appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," where he pushed for vaccine mandates at the local level, and slammed a guest speaker at CPAC (Alex Berenson) for applauding young people for researching vaccine side-effects.

Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases Director appeared on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday to give his opinion on vaccine mandates. He agrees with the White House and President Biden himself, saying vaccination mandates should be the next step.

“I have been of this opinion, and I remain of that opinion, that I do believe at the local level, Jake, there should be more mandates,” Fauci told host Jake Tapper. “There really should be.”

For fear of more people dying, Fauci strongly supports mandates. “We’re talking about life and death situation. We have lost 600,000 Americans already, and we’re still losing more people,” Fauci said. “There have been 4 million deaths worldwide. This is serious business. So I am in favor of that.”

Meanwhile, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, author Alex Berenson called out the vaccination efforts as a scam. “The government was hoping that they could sort of sucker 90% of the population into getting vaccinated,” Berenson said. “And it isn’t happening.” People in the audience cheered when they heard that. On the other hand, Fauci called the reaction “horrifying.”


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4925a8  No.14108203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

school children kidnapped

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1033a4  No.14108204

File: 116533bd34718df⋯.gif (711.99 KB, 290x242, 145:121, GF_NOTHING.gif)


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1844d0  No.14108205


>Will Hurd

you can bet his fat ass won't be playing tennis, hiking or rafting. What a faggot. Glad he quit.

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3032f7  No.14108206

File: abdf8f0982a4e7d⋯.png (14.52 KB, 255x189, 85:63, fucking_idiot.png)


Can you just shut the fuck up? You fucking mongs are on here everyday bitching about this shit. Go to reddit or someplace else.

Tired of you fucking fucktards cryhing like little bitches.

No one fucking cares.

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b9b0ec  No.14108207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

Monday, CBS “This Morning” host Gayle King revealed her Thanksgiving festivities this year will go on without members of her family who are yet to get the coronavirus vaccine.

King told National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was discussing the importance of the White House’s door-to-door push to encourage people to get the vaccine to fend off the Delta variant, that she has members of her own family who are reluctant to get the vaccine.

“When you get down to now a core, lesser group, you’ve got to go one on one, and that’s really what the president was talking about — about trying to get some of these advisers, not federal officials but community people, to go out there and try and convince people why it’s so important for their own health, for that of their family, and for that of the community to go out and get vaccinated. We really need to get more people vaccinated because that’s the solution,” Fauci advised. “This virus will, in fact, be protected against by the vaccine.”

“Dr. Fauci, I don’t know many more times you can say to people, ‘Listen, it will save your life.’ I have this problem with some members of my own family, which I’m now going to ban for Thanksgiving vacation,” King replied. “That’s how strongly I’m taking what you’re saying.”


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4925a8  No.14108208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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801d8d  No.14108209

When they come knocking on your door. Tell them you do not answer questions.

When they bring you to court ask to see the Oath of Office of all present. Do not allow them to enter a plea for you. Do not walk to the Bench, stay seated and explain you are here as observant under special request. When asked your name, only give what people call you by. When asked where you live you can point to your body.

Do not back down, Hope this helps.

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dc08bf  No.14108210


The Bush-Clinton empire and criminal succession.

“At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the “throat slit” gesture, the traditional threat of murder. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House.

Bush Sr. knows that the criminal empire he created, and still oversees, would be in reliable hands with the Clintons. They are family. The Clintons love “Poppy” Bush like a father. He is their crime godfather. Barbara Bush loves the Clintons. George W. Bush views Hillary Clinton as a sister-in-law.

“Poppy” trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done.

The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywood—the shapers of The Big Lie.”


Clintons, Contras and Cocaine:

“Just as the BCCI trail heads back toward Arkansas and a prime cash register for the Clintons, so too does another  long-running and explosive scandal within the state, involving money-laundering, drug-running and support for right-wing insurgents backed by the CIA.

By the mid-1980s, Arkansas was a crucial link in the contra war against Nicaragua being masterminded from Washington. One scheme for maintaining a cover-up for Oliver North’s network was, it appears, played out in the Governor’s mansion occupied by Bill Clinton.”


"A few months ago I told the American people that I did not trade arms for hostages," Reagan said in a 13-minute speech from the Oval Office. "My heart and my best intentions still tell me that is true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."



“I was given a mission and I tried to carry it out…”

~Oliver North

Clinton and McCain teamed up on this one…

(SLO-Joe approved)

Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congress that it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence service) set up a rebel arms supply network in Syria from Libya…”

Ultimately, Donald Trump decided to phase out this operation in early summer 2017. This was a major setback for the CIA, as the US President was thereby conceding the defeat of the United States and its partners in the war against Syria and its Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.



The K1 rockets were also 107 mm., had lot number 570, made in 2016. They were 18 kg. and, in handwritten notes their “R. No.” was 3965.


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1844d0  No.14108211


ok, this one is mildly amusing.

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92a8ae  No.14108212

File: e70bb790aea5324⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Johnny_5_Los_Locos.jpg)


Johnny 5 is alive!

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c5d5db  No.14108213


I know right? I thought all we needed was "15 days to slow the spread".

Goalpost after goalpost.

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8798c2  No.14108214

File: ecaf27e181312de⋯.png (722.35 KB, 2804x911, 2804:911, funny.png)

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fa95b0  No.14108215


First we need to have Small Thorium Nuclear Reactors

Every 10 blocks

In every city and town

Electricity too cheap to meter

Is what will make EVs possible

And then snowmobiles with recharge batteries

Or portable nuclear reactors, flown in by helicopter

Can prevent the catastrophe from happening

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1033a4  No.14108216

File: a6c3183ae5ad891⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 4618x3464, 2309:1732, IMG_20170902_055843918.jpg)

File: a55979228d094a3⋯.jpg (732.59 KB, 3464x4618, 1732:2309, IMG_20170928_070748009.jpg)

File: 31e684336d9e24a⋯.png (272.88 KB, 974x642, 487:321, 1613961963728.png)

File: ea29b4e6e2727e6⋯.png (219.68 KB, 1476x546, 246:91, 1597579966877.png)

File: 8a47b9e5965f0de⋯.png (108.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1597154242517.png)


Oh Really?

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c840aa  No.14108217


Dubs confirm Justin Castro needs to brows moar

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492aae  No.14108218

File: cd75f260e91f87a⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 480x368, 30:23, E6Hp9aoWYAUAOhi.jpg)

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c890a6  No.14108219


The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism project developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones, writers from The New York Times, and The New York Times Magazine which "aims to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of the United States' national narrative".[1] The project was first published in The New York Times Magazine in August 2019 for the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the English colony of Virginia.[2] The project later included a broadsheet article, live events, and a podcast. [3] People of African descent, including enslaved people, have been in North America at least since the 1500s. Pedro Alonso Niño, known as El Negro, piloted the Santa María during the first voyage to the new world by Christopher Columbus in 1492

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b6a9a0  No.14108220


"I answer to No-one"

Or you can ask for thier Ids, Copy them & Call the Police if you have a no trespassing sign posted.

Lawsuits are fun.

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17992e  No.14108221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elon, Sundar, Zuck, Bezos, all puppets with strings attached. Looks like the situation is getting dicey for Elon the fraud.

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efdb40  No.14108222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Come back twice as hard!

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9295f8  No.14108223


>When they come knocking on your door.

I'll just lie and say I'm jabbed. F em.

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4925a8  No.14108224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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efef79  No.14108225

File: 209314b53bce440⋯.png (480.1 KB, 821x363, 821:363, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: cf90e3591f863d7⋯.png (271.45 KB, 1033x412, 1033:412, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: eeffa044930e915⋯.png (149.6 KB, 467x258, 467:258, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 4c34ddef32288b2⋯.png (714.11 KB, 803x483, 803:483, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


δ the curved hand extended to a … Δ


tippy top!

Crazy N AN [C] SEE

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1033a4  No.14108226

File: 36bd268ed028b55⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 960x944, 60:59, 36bd268ed028b55aa5b19a24de….jpg)


WTF?!? You Thomas Edison?

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a882bd  No.14108227


>can you just shut the fuck up?


>You fucking mongs are on here everyday bitching about this shit.

I am not who you say I am. I am who I say I am, and I am not identified or labelled as merely one 'group'.

>Go to reddit or someplace else.

Not an argument

>Tired of you fucking fucktards cryhing like little bitches.

Lol, that's exactly what you just did your post here.

>No one fucking cares.

You obviously do enough to kvetch.

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1033a4  No.14108228

File: 01a923012f81b40⋯.jpg (390.83 KB, 957x876, 319:292, Screenshot_20210711_181207….jpg)

File: baf4df5d0814ba8⋯.jpg (96.76 KB, 355x800, 71:160, Screenshot_20210711_181128….jpg)

File: 903236071199c1e⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 965x312, 965:312, Screenshot_20210711_181107….jpg)

File: ddbdd844b433bd9⋯.jpg (845.91 KB, 950x1835, 190:367, Screenshot_20210711_181042….jpg)

File: f84597c3f5eaf8d⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 1001x435, 1001:435, Screenshot_20210711_180716….jpg)


You rang…..?

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92a8ae  No.14108229

File: 449a843bee518cb⋯.png (91.05 KB, 395x395, 1:1, pepe_COM_FEY.png)


TY you for this anon

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b9b0ec  No.14108230

File: 3b4900955ac7816⋯.png (47.57 KB, 633x873, 211:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07769b9b3e54905⋯.png (45.22 KB, 649x814, 59:74, ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

As the adverse reactions, injuries and deaths from the various experimental COVID-19 vaccines continue to compound on America’s VAERS, UK Yellow Card and EU Eudravigilance reporting systems, the mainstream media and governments have adopted an unofficial policy of omerta – systematically ignoring the continually alarming data sets which show unprecedented levels of vaccine injuries and deaths.

This week, another disturbing report has come to light which has managed to break through the mainstream media’s wall of silence on the issue.

Washington Post confirms today:

“The Food and Drug Administration plans to say this week that the single-dose vaccine has been linked to a serious but rare side effect called Guillain-Barré syndrome, according to four people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions. The incidence is rare — fewer than 100 cases among the 12.8 million people who received the shot in the United States — and health officials plan to emphasize that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh potential risks.”

In the FDA report includes the usual repeated caveat – that despite the horrific side effects, “the shot’s benefits outweigh the risk.” However, government regulators will no longer be able to casually deny the connection between autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome and the rushed COVID vaccine.

There are other issues with this experimental injection. Back in April, Johnson & Johnson, was forced to halt the roll-out of their experimental COVID vaccine due to the emergence of potentially lethal “rare blood clots” in women who have took the not fully licensed corporate product. The media then went silent on the issue, and it was business as usual.

In addition, the controversial J & J jab was recently halted in Belgium for under 40’s after a fatal blood clotting incident.

This latest vaccine debacle is a repeat of a previously botched experimental vaccine roll-out for the fake Swine Flu hoax of 1976 – when the US government lied to the public about there being a major flu epidemic in order to coerce millions of Americans into taking a new experimental Swine Flu jab. The results were disastrous, with scores of lives ruined, including some deaths. Many lives were also destroyed by the Guillain-Barré syndrome ‘side effect,’ after reckless government regulators and the pharmaceutical firms insisted their product was “safe and effective.” The vaccine program was then promptly shut down, with millions of dollars in compensation claims paid-out to the victims.

Today’s news report goes on to outline the circumstances of this latest government agency warning on the unlicensed experimental Johnson & Johnson injection:

The Food and Drug Administration is preparing to announce a new warning for the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine saying the shot has been linked to a serious but rare side effect — Guillain-Barré syndrome, in which the immune system attacks the nerves, according to four individuals familiar with the situation.

About 100 preliminary reports of Guillain-Barré have been detected after 12.8 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine were administered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement. These cases have largely been reported about two weeks after vaccination and mostly in men, many aged 50 and older. Available data do not show a pattern suggesting a similar increased risk with the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, after more than 321 million doses of those vaccines have been administered in the United States. The Guillain-Barré cases will be discussed as part of an upcoming meeting of CDC advisers, the agency said.


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5a29be  No.14108231

WTF is Kameltoe talking about?

"People don't have access to a Printing Co./Copy shop, so voter ID won't work!"

What a dumbass.

Every State in the USA has Division of Motor Vehicles DMV. You just sign up for it when you renew. Or go in. WTH is with these people/Dems. It isn't Rocket Science. ijits the lot of-em…

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a882bd  No.14108232


The low IQ among these Marxist lens wearing yokels is palpable.





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c021b9  No.14108233


We never have and never will, but we need direct interaction with leaders and people who can fund real developers.

We need to build a election/recall system that works in real time and can replay elections. We need to vote on a daily basis as a form of recall from our cell phones and from websites.

This can be done for less than 5 million. Is that worth it?

This would bring the deep state to it's knees overnight.

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c890a6  No.14108234


>Gayle King


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801d8d  No.14108235


When asked if your ALL CAP NAME is present, Say yes and Point to the Judge.

The judge is you until you claim the name.

The judge is liable for you unless you claim the name.

The judge brings a checkbook to court just for this occasion.

If the judge leaves the courtroom you have a mistrial. Speak it and Dismiss the Court, as you are now the lead in the clown show.

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14d759  No.14108236

File: 949115223b2bc93⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 848x480, 53:30, the_mass_debate.mp4)







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cf4eb7  No.14108237

File: 8a7054a2aa93d2c⋯.png (756.77 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1DC22C88_DB9D_4B1B_99D6_1F….png)


For keks

7 Clever Ways To Scare Off Biden's Door-To-Door Vaccine Evangelists.


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cf092d  No.14108239

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 337x404, 337:404, d49267d637343dc654a3aa186d….jpg)


>"People don't have access to a Printing Co./Copy shop, so voter ID won't work!"

Get a couple million people to fax copies of their all-in-one to her office.

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1033a4  No.14108240

File: 3a5f56ec2deee33⋯.jpg (221.47 KB, 1063x1280, 1063:1280, 1440466847874.jpg)

File: 1100c2693e8ed0b⋯.jpeg (49.39 KB, 513x290, 513:290, 775.jpeg)

File: 3b238355bbe6b64⋯.jpeg (13.88 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 782.jpeg)

File: d49c65e972bc4f5⋯.jpeg (106.57 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 528.jpeg)

File: 0069a116337b32a⋯.jpeg (81.62 KB, 960x914, 480:457, 532.jpeg)


A young Navy Ensign (O-1) was receiving his orientation tour of his newly assigned ship, the "USS LIBERTY". He was amazed at the efficiency and effectiveness of the men in performing their duties vigorously, tenaciously, and diligently. The "Old Salt" Enlisted Petty Officer was careful to show the young Officer everything he would be overseeing and participating in within his scope of command.

But he saved the best for last, as he cautiously escorted him to the center of the "Poop Deck" whereas there was a line of off-duty seamen waiting in line. The Old Salt placed him in line about 40 men back and said, "wait your turn, you'll enjoy this!" Confused the Ensign did as told and upon arriving to the front came across an old wooden barrel with a hole at "half-mast" height. The previous sailor said, "Best Damn Blowjob in a Week!" Winking at the young Ensign, which didn't miss a beat unzipping his Denims. After enjoying a thoroughly vigorous bout of felatio, he zipped up his pants, turned to meet a grinning Noncommissioned Officer and said, "The weeks of this 6-month tour thing ain't gonna be so bad!" The Old Salt slapped him on the arm and said, "Yup! Everyday 'cept Thursdays! Sir." Stumped, the Ensign asked, "Why what happens on Thursdays?" The Petty Officer switched his tone to serious and replied, "Because shithead, that's YOUR DAY IN THE BARREL!"

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b9b0ec  No.14108241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WARNING! EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: California Rapper Indian Red Boy Murdered On Instagram Live

A California rapper known as ‘Indian Red Boy’ was fatally shot on Instagram Live,

According to Hip Hop Lately, Indian Red Boy, whose real name is Zerail Dijon Rivera was killed on Thursday, July 8, 2021.

Rumors are circulating the hit was retaliation for vandalism of a Nipsey Hussle mural. This was not confirmed.


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efdb40  No.14108242


If I already caught it, was asymptomatic, survived and have natural immunity… then why would I need a vax? The vax ready they've prepared to go in my arm could be used by someone else who really needs it.

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801d8d  No.14108243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are many that are willing to fight, but only a few will.

-Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

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3ff268  No.14108244


That shit was so perfect, Joe. Still impresses me today.

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9295f8  No.14108245

File: 626df7625290fb8⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, gayle_king_had_another_gre….jpg)


>Gayle King

well she's black, so…

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cf092d  No.14108246

File: 787314cef7aef73⋯.png (769.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kamela_hot_dog.png)


>Or you can ask for thier Ids, Copy them & Call the Police

But there isn't a Kinkos!

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efdb40  No.14108247


Not cool to be a liar. We are better than that.

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afe098  No.14108248


Who's really stalling?


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a882bd  No.14108249


irrelevant, Marxist.

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efef79  No.14108250

File: 2f2bde843e205cf⋯.png (91.08 KB, 391x263, 391:263, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 4c2db109bd45cdf⋯.png (401.92 KB, 481x479, 481:479, Screen_Shot_2021_07_11_at_….png)

File: 2c77881d449793e⋯.png (595.77 KB, 598x552, 13:12, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 677eaf012d22244⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1156x656, 289:164, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


hive mind


AN [C] Y

N 5, 10 ,15

> ZZ -<





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afe098  No.14108251


No. Just no.

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67b0ca  No.14108252

File: 89aa7fc250663d9⋯.png (535.26 KB, 646x364, 323:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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88479a  No.14108253


this is as cringey as quitting after you've been fired

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b9b0ec  No.14108254

Met officer denies death by dangerous driving after child actor, 10, and his aunt, 34, were killed in crash by millionaire's son during police chase

Met Police officer pleaded not guilty to causing two deaths during police pursuit

PC Edward Welch faces trial over fatal collision in Penge, London, in August 2016

He was pursuing millionaire's son Joshua Dobby, who lost control of his car

Dobby ploughed into Cooper family as they walked to the park to get ice cream

Makayah McDermott, 10, and aunt Rosanne Cooper, 34, were killed in collision

A Metropolitan Police officer has today pleaded not guilty to causing the deaths of a child actor and his aunt by dangerous driving while chasing a speeding driver through London during a police chase.

Police Constable Edward Welch, 30, faces trial over the fatal collision in Penge in August 2016 which led to the deaths of Rosanne Cooper, 34, and her nephew, 10-year-old child actor Makayah McDermott.

It is alleged his vehicle was in pursuit of a car driven by Joshua Dobby, then aged 23, as he drove at three times the speed limit, through red lights, and at more than 50mph the wrong way down a one-way street.

Dobby, who had been out of jail and on licence, lost control of the stolen Ford Focus, mounted the pavement and hit a bollard, before ploughing into the Cooper family as they walked to the park to get ice cream.


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6d57b3  No.14108255

File: 3e1bcf7e99e6f36⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1020x563, 1020:563, husseincastro.png)

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1033a4  No.14108256

File: fa633318eef3d8f⋯.jpeg (32.42 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 812.jpeg)

File: 88ae1dcfe0c0131⋯.jpeg (71.8 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 920.jpeg)

File: 16ad730c1373c4b⋯.jpeg (148.73 KB, 828x857, 828:857, 919.jpeg)

File: d28a7943c1acb16⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tasty_Beverage_Nigger.gif)

File: 4d143ee7e246e7d⋯.gif (281.7 KB, 245x149, 245:149, Trunk_Niggers.gif)


Nigger Prolly Shouldn't Have Been in Instagram…

Now get in the Trunk Smokey…we GOIN' fo a ride round da block…

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abf5ff  No.14108257

msdnc has bowswer comin on - and now i understand the judge in MI aggressive stance towards the truth

hey bowswer wut ses you about plotting and killing supreme court justices and Seth Rich transcripots or where we just watching a movie ???

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b9b0ec  No.14108258

File: 3a964bcc248d192⋯.png (96.43 KB, 750x694, 375:347, ClipboardImage.png)

Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

The family of 27-year-old Fi Duong thought they escaped government oppression when they left Vietnam. They were wrong.

According to an FBI criminal complaint, Duong has been closely surveilled by the FBI for the past six months, including while he engaged in religious activity.

In conversations with undercover FBI agents, Duong held that he entered the Capitol on January 6th to film the events in a journalistic capacity. The man was a member of a Virginia-based Bible study group that Jewish Joint Terrorism Task Force special agent Jason Jankovitz decided to open up a domestic terror probe into.

Agents repeatedly tried and failed to snare Duong into a Molotov cocktail plot because he owned multiple empty glass bottles. They were not able to charge him for any explosives related crimes, but the New York Times and various other outlets are reporting him as a terrorist anyway.

Feds At Bible Study

According to Jankovitz, Duong popped up on the FBI's radar after an undercover Metropolitan police officer made contact with him outside the Capitol on January 6th.

A week later, the MPD officer introduced Duong to an undercover FBI agent, who he invited to a Bible study group he attended in Alexandria, Virginia. The suspect expressed anguish over the fact that his family fled persecution in Vietnam in hopes of obtaining freedom in the United States, only to now be subjected to similar oppression in America for his patriotic beliefs.

At the house, the FBI agents participated in discussions about the Bible and the group of friends also shot firearms together. The criminal complaint also describes plans to improve their driving skills and train together in martial arts.

Outside of telling group members that he had entered the Capitol to film as a journalist, description of an instance where he had infiltrated an Antifa event, and discussions of Virginia peacefully seceding from the United States, there was nothing in the group that justified federal agents spying on them.

Failed Attempts At Entrapment

Multiple agents began isolating members and trying to talk them into behavior that could be construed as a domestic terror plot.

Judging from the affidavit, Duong was meticulously law abiding. He discussed plans to obtain a suppressor for his rifle but only after filing the proper paper work with the ATF, for example. The complaint against Duong focuses heavily on his political criticisms of Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party, but does not describe any activity that could be prosecuted as criminal.

After noticing a box of empty glass bottles in the suspect's home, agents began pressuring him to make Molotov Cocktails.

While creating the contraption a glass bottle filled with gasoline and ignited with a rag to make a small fire for entertainment value does not strike most people as a serious crime, federal prosecutors on a political mission have in the past charged making Molotov cocktails as the same thing as building an actual bomb.


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afe098  No.14108259


Anyone who would take a BAYER product should slap themselves.

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c70215  No.14108260

File: b82812b31c160f3⋯.png (133.97 KB, 255x357, 5:7, 8_Kun_Yoga_Pepe.png)

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cf4eb7  No.14108261

File: bd734d7792f4287⋯.jpeg (886.96 KB, 1242x2057, 1242:2057, 7852B799_7072_4539_AF17_4….jpeg)

FDA To Add Nerve Syndrome Warning To J&J COVID Vaccine: Report

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will announce in the coming days that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is linked to a serious side effect called Guillain-Barré syndrome.

The Washington Post broke the news.

Out of the 12.8 million people who have received the Johnson & Johnson shot, there were fewer than 100 cases of the syndrome, the report said.

The FDA will insist the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh any risks.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body.


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1e2307  No.14108262


Abilio is more of a cunt than Joe “staffer killer Brzezinski. That’s a difficult achievement

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14d759  No.14108263

File: 2a9b9170c72825d⋯.png (646.25 KB, 463x655, 463:655, ClipboardImage.png)


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fa95b0  No.14108264

File: 8d57289430d5a79⋯.png (354.34 KB, 465x600, 31:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bd16bb041dda42⋯.png (503.86 KB, 400x599, 400:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92d29173f61057e⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1200x1141, 1200:1141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4f25e6fab9535c⋯.png (204.87 KB, 316x475, 316:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3137a5d431a3dc3⋯.png (461.99 KB, 560x353, 560:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Who says Nuclear is dangerous?


Maybe you need to do your own research instead of listening to paid pundits!!

P = Pundits


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1033a4  No.14108265

File: d4d82f4f2c16427⋯.gif (753.51 KB, 607x609, 607:609, Nigger_Honkler.gif)

File: 18f9b39c9fa2573⋯.gif (5.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Nigger_Junk.gif)

File: 3364e941a13609d⋯.gif (280.13 KB, 200x148, 50:37, Hot_Pockets_Nigger_Feast.gif)

File: b4df53713f0eecd⋯.jpg (180.83 KB, 814x814, 1:1, Cadillac_McNigger.jpg)

File: ac473a137a9916a⋯.jpg (96.68 KB, 1239x668, 1239:668, DNC_Nigger_Pills.JPG)

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801d8d  No.14108266


Voter ID: Kamala Mocked After Suggesting Rural Americans Can't Use Copy Machines


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96e2d4  No.14108268

kek, can u imagine some rando sleepy conservative having the their text message flagged!

1. That means THEY KNOW someone is reading their text messages.

2. Next thought will be what else do they know about me?

Q, love this plan!!!

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bc6587  No.14108269


Contrast to gain of function virus weapon deployment, the reaction wasn’t horrible at all.

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a098bb  No.14108270

File: 6c0eeaa5406450b⋯.png (150.23 KB, 1594x278, 797:139, ClipboardImage.png)

"I retire and will never post on Q research again" quickly became "I'll stop posting my anime memes because anons already hate me and start shilling incognito."

Boring ass shills are boring.

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8e2181  No.14108271

File: 1909c61b8b2b986⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2223x1338, 741:446, greatslavelake.png)

Connection to Hunter tat?


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dc08bf  No.14108272


“Why was Barr chosen, given his shocking and deeply criminal cover-up kingpin background?”

“… As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:

Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971..”

“…assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation….”

“… Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others…”


“The fact is, there is nothing to “respect” and everything to condemn about Barr’s work as a key inner circle operative throughout George Herbert Walker Bush’s rise to power, from CIA Director to Vice President to President. These aspects of Barr’s resume remain whitewashed by mainstream coverage. They have been amply documented by whistleblowers and those who worked directly with Barr.

The issue at hand is not Barr’s “legal mind”, but the ruthless mind that he wielded with frightening authority and expertise as George H. W. Bush’s treasonous hatchet man in the Justice Department.”

“William Barr distorted and corrupted the law, as grossly as anyone in modern history.”

“Barr: CIA operative 

It is a sobering fact that American presidents (many of whom have been corrupt) have gone out of their way to hire fixers to be their attorney generals.”

Consider recent history:

Loretta Lynch (2015-2017),

Eric Holder (2009-2015),

Michael Mukasey (2007-2009), Alberto Gonzales (2005-2007), John Ashcroft (2001-2005),

Janet Reno (1993-2001),

Dick Thornburgh (1988-1991),

Ed Meese (1985-1988), etc.

“Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:”

Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.

CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.

When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.

Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.

Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.

Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.

Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.

In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.

Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush

Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes…”


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499c62  No.14108273


>81MM voters


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1e2307  No.14108274


Election Day +1 for 2024? 2022?

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efef79  No.14108277

File: 0d2cd107d5e34e9⋯.png (51.27 KB, 279x438, 93:146, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 47b34cd241f5737⋯.png (762.55 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 47b34cd241f573766230a3c055….png)

File: 5054c72c0d20262⋯.png (3.9 MB, 1760x1762, 880:881, 5054c72c0d20262db9ab29d51b….png)

File: fa91a51e9fe4866⋯.png (1.34 MB, 977x1356, 977:1356, nancy_no_no.png)








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9ee421  No.14108278

File: 0d4c4def9c2831d⋯.png (25.41 KB, 645x281, 645:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2c1953497b473b⋯.png (497.95 KB, 973x1717, 973:1717, ClipboardImage.png)

You know it's only a matter of time…


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b9b0ec  No.14108279

File: 07098ad7f1570a0⋯.png (660.53 KB, 768x512, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0651a6ce7e1a8ec⋯.png (105.07 KB, 870x804, 145:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9165fae4b26a1ca⋯.png (119.62 KB, 900x796, 225:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c329dfe45fab8da⋯.png (77.06 KB, 918x533, 918:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

The federal government is a kind of self perpetuating blob; a cannibalistic creature that must continue to feed on the public and the systems around it in order to survive, but it also must create reasons for its existence so that it may go on feeding uninterrupted. Now, don’t get me wrong – I realize that the apparatus in Washington DC is nothing more than a tool for the power elite to grow their scope of control as well as grow their wealth. That said, without a large federal government the establishment oligarchy would have no ability to project the force they need to compel the population to comply with their agenda.

There are only two real mandates for the government, only two reasons for its existence in our republic: To secure America’s borders from invasion and to protect the freedoms of the citizenry. That’s it. It is not the job of the government to compel you to take an experimental and questionable covid vaccine over a virus that 99.7% of people will easily survive. It is not the job of the government to create artificial “social equity” by favoring one group or ethnicity over another. It is not the job of the government to spy on millions of Americans because they do not agree with the leftist ideology. It is not the job of government to make war on the very people it is mandated to protect.

Yet, this is exactly what the government is doing today while its totalitarianism is disguised as “humanitarianism”. In other words, they are essentially arguing that they must make war on the people in order to protect the people from themselves.

One of Joe Biden’s first actions upon entering the White House was to initiate a 100 day review of the government’s domestic terrorism policies, and I think this says a lot about what path his presidency is bound to follow. Yes, the media continually argues that the Capitol protest on Jan 6th was a vast conspiracy on the part of conservatives to “overthrow” the democratic process and commit insurrection. In fact, all it really amounted to was a large protest which was less violent than the majority of Black Lives Matter protests across the nation over the past year.

The media also incessantly mentions the five deaths that occurred on the day of the protest while continuing to ignore the fact that NOT ONE of those deaths has been attributed to the direct actions of protesters, and at least three of the deaths were due to natural causes.

Why does the mainstream media keep lying by omission? Because they have to keep the narrative alive that the capitol protest is a sign of some underlying conservative “evil” that must be contained or destroyed. We don’t really give them much to work with, so they have to create reasons out of thin air to convince people to hate us.

Biden’s review of domestic terrorist policy was finally released last month and the propaganda has been building ever since. It has now culminated in Big Tech conglomerates like Facebook calling for people to report family and friends that might be exhibiting “signs of extremism”. This is the Soviet Cheka or the East German Stasi all over again.

Two of the administration’s primary findings in their report included the assertion that domestic threats are “motivated by racism and white supremacy”, and that they are driven by anti-authority. For many this might sound like bizarro world.


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c021b9  No.14108280


In reality, we shouldn't be having these conversations, although necessary.

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801d8d  No.14108281

Did anyone catch this tidbit of lols

Fox News airs disclaimer during Trump CPAC speech about 2020 election


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cf092d  No.14108282

File: b4d011a43152589⋯.png (488.94 KB, 760x760, 1:1, reeeeeee_pepe_jeep.png)



I'll give ya meme of the hour and forty-five minutes.

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1033a4  No.14108283

File: a6472d99aea7c19⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 523x700, 523:700, U_S_Army_NG_Dumb_1.JPG)

File: 9eda2f6bd32b023⋯.jpg (220.13 KB, 1241x699, 1241:699, U_S_Army_NG_Dumb_2.JPG)

File: e82fc56e650de79⋯.jpg (210.43 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, U_S_Army_NG_Dumb_5.JPG)

File: 3abaf9d1c141528⋯.jpg (169.58 KB, 1242x532, 621:266, U_S_Army_We_Order_from_Gru….JPG)

File: 67c33ff9974a2af⋯.jpg (74.12 KB, 930x644, 465:322, Free_Covid_Death_1.jpg)


Hate Anime… For Low I.Q. CHY-KNEE-GROWS ….

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efef79  No.14108284

File: 38b1d74c657d013⋯.png (593.01 KB, 766x663, 766:663, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

#WhoKilledAshli ?


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c021b9  No.14108285


By the way, for the person that said I was violent, this is an actionable.

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a098bb  No.14108286

File: 7d74b042c4a9903⋯.png (15.46 KB, 1020x125, 204:25, ClipboardImage.png)



>Like I said "so you can feel like you are arguing with someone you think you are familiar with".

Right, because you don't stand out always.

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b15c09  No.14108287

Did I here this ZOOM chat right. The Commies want to charge the constitutionalists for bringing a frivolous suit before the court, when in fact they brought the suit?

They also want all the constitutionalist lawyers disbarred?

On top of this the judge is a joke, ego is an ugly sin.

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b9b0ec  No.14108288

File: f4b4694224277a0⋯.png (258.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Regime to Monitor Private Communications, Calls on SMS Carriers to “Dispel Misinformation About Vaccines That is Sent Over Social Media and Text Messages”

The Biden regime is now calling on SMS carriers to “fact-check” text messages in an effort to stop ‘misinformation’ about the Covid-19 vaccine.

Last Tuesday White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden Administration will be sending goons door-to-door to harass unvaccinated Americans.

Biden confirmed that during his remarks last week and said his admin will focus on communities where vaccination rates are low.

“We need to go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors,” Biden said.

Now the Biden regime and its Democrat allies are going to monitor private communications to “dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”

Democrat goons are already attacking TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk for his messaging campaign around vaccine efforts.

“Organizations that are feeding misinformation and trying to mischaracterize this type of trusted-messenger work, I believe you are doing a disservice to the country and to the doctors, the faith leaders, community leaders, and others who are working to get people vaccinated, save lives, and help end this pandemic,” WH Covid response coordinator Jeff Zients said at a news conference last week.

Politico reported:

Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.

“We are steadfastly committed to keeping politics out of the effort to get every American vaccinated so that we can save lives and help our economy further recover,” White House spokesperson Kevin Munoz said. “When we see deliberate efforts to spread misinformation, we view that as an impediment to the country’s public health and will not shy away from calling that out.”

Charlie Kirk, the pro-Trump co-founder of the conservative student organization Turning Point USA, said on Fox last week that he was embarking on a “massive public relations campaign” around vaccination efforts, which he compared it to an “Apartheid-style open air hostage situation.” (Turning Point’s other founder, Bill Montgomery, died last year from coronavirus-related complications.)

Turning Point USA has also sent out SMS messages urging people to sign petitions on the topic. In one message, viewed by POLITICO, Kirk contends, “Biden is sending goons DOOR-TO-DOOR to make you take a Covid-19 vaccine. Sign the petition to: No medical raids in America.”

The rabid left already has complete control over the internet and censors social media posts and blog posts so it was a matter of time until they started censoring text messages.


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bc6587  No.14108289



Two letters short on the URL.

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5a6776  No.14108290

File: 7aac034b90777df⋯.jpeg (72.22 KB, 800x546, 400:273, EF2A4F9A_EB55_4645_B88B_0….jpeg)


Then it’ll be that time…

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fa95b0  No.14108292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'm just channeling Galen Winsor, the nuclear scientist who was in charge of nuclear safety for many years.

And he had no idea how much more effective Thorium was as a nuclear fuel.

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b15c09  No.14108293

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17992e  No.14108294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lot's of theatrics and special effects going on. You're now in another dimension.

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b9b0ec  No.14108295

40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

Over the weekend, 40 people were shot and subsequently 11 people died in Chicago. The city is just coming off of it deadliest weekend so far this year from the weekend before according to ABC Chicago.

A drive-by gunman shot two men on Saturday afternoon while they stood outside the gas station. Both men, one age 33 the other age 20, died from their wounds.

Two women and one man were walking on the street just before 9:00 PM when a gunman got out of a car and opened fire on all of them. The man died while the women walked away with injuries.

As a result of heightened crime, President Biden is met Monday with the Chicago Superintendent David Brown, along with New York City mayoral candidate Eric Adams and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the meeting was called “to discuss his administration’s comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crimes and other violent crimes.”

Today: With cities grappling with gun crime, @JoeBiden today meets with #Chicago Police Supt. David Brown, @ericadamsfornyc Eric Adams, DC @MayorBowser plus others to map strategy. https://t.co/5QRC0BlJil

— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) July 12, 2021


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801d8d  No.14108296

Just a reminder

Trump Tells CPAC Dallas He Received Letter From Philly US Attorney Claiming Bill Barr Prevented Investigation Of Election Fraud


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1033a4  No.14108297

File: d0d98be1fd7c1ca⋯.gif (716.99 KB, 500x271, 500:271, Idiocracy_Pimp_s_Love.gif)

File: ec7a16007953f25⋯.gif (164.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Preparing_Your_Anus.gif)

File: 9d9b629ca5231cc⋯.gif (929.05 KB, 500x284, 125:71, Pepe_Ammo.gif)

File: ea674857e0709b0⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 497x280, 71:40, Canadian_Rubber_Smuggler.gif)


Nice Willy (You) Got There….


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1e2307  No.14108298


Lockdowns are a necessary evil. Causes mass suffering but white hats use it to minimize potential casualties. Extremely multifaceted. It would be necessary for white hats to also keep the narrative afloat just in case of a threat. Just spitballing

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cebc32  No.14108299

File: 358a070c4a3b584⋯.jpg (690.77 KB, 1080x1721, 1080:1721, Screenshot_20210712_073719….jpg)

File: 724aaed3aa27088⋯.jpg (311.38 KB, 1080x1717, 1080:1717, Screenshot_20210712_072410….jpg)

File: 076d5e09f92ef9b⋯.jpg (357.57 KB, 1080x1816, 135:227, Screenshot_20210712_073144….jpg)

File: 5296fb4b0ec5ba5⋯.jpg (532.71 KB, 1080x1960, 27:49, Screenshot_20210712_075617….jpg)


i think all the namefags think that all the namefags are on the same team, even if they don't know.

bc they can't know.

bc they're idiots, stuck here, and not allowed to leave.

maybe eb is with them, maybe not.

don't care. doesn't change what I'm here to do. dig and reflect on other digs, meme and of course pray.

thank you bv, keep on keepin on.

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efef79  No.14108300

File: 1971605cead4cf9⋯.png (256.16 KB, 1071x266, 153:38, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: e793e96d7543354⋯.png (1020.26 KB, 1197x626, 1197:626, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

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efdb40  No.14108301


So fucking what?

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88479a  No.14108302


>Either she’s a power hungry sociopath, or an agent provocateur. Fucking Clown-World.

You could have just said this.

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3ff268  No.14108303

File: 88a8b5e7fee3b10⋯.png (29.2 KB, 405x299, 405:299, Screen_Shot_07_12_21_at_03….PNG)


Video on his page. I am not a Telegram member so cannot view and do not know how to get it here.


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cf092d  No.14108305

File: 5f7ab520ccd035b⋯.png (162.98 KB, 600x401, 600:401, ginger_mound_nazi.png)


>or the roll she is playing

She's chubby, so I'll let it slide.

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cebc32  No.14108306


forgot to (pb) the >>14107804 and for that I'm sorry.

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2867ee  No.14108307

Did anons notice the Q team hasn't posted some time now.

You know what that means?

Smart anons understand.

Merry Christmas.

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abf5ff  No.14108308

the plan to defund the police and call a truce with gangs - reach a peace summitt as proposed by geraldo is complete STUPIDITY

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354c99  No.14108310

File: bd812a82525f6cf⋯.mp4 (739.85 KB, 1282x720, 641:360, muhapplepie.mp4)

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b9b0ec  No.14108311

File: 9648af01f0b69aa⋯.png (680.56 KB, 639x805, 639:805, ClipboardImage.png)

In Video: Iran Sent Military Reinforcement To Secure Border Crossing Captured By Taliban

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were spotted sending further military reinforcements, heavy artillery and military equipment to the border with Afghanistan, following the capture of a key border crossing by Taliban on July 8.

According to some reports, Iran has issued an ultimatum to the Taliban to evacuate the recently captured Islam Qala border area.

#Taliban militants have captured a key crossing along #Afghanistan’s border with #Iran. Over the last few weeks, the Taliban has made major territorial gains as #US and #NATO troops withdraw from Afghanistan. Find out more!https://t.co/77yD5jsxSQ pic.twitter.com/NfYUL60f6R

— Statecraft (@statecraftdaily) July 12, 2021

According to the local reports, the border area was completely secured after the recent attack by Taliban militants.

“There is no problem with the security of Iran’s borders, and at present all of Iran’s eastern border in common with Afghanistan is in complete security and peace,” Xinhua news agency quoted Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the IRGC’s Ground Forces, as saying on Sunday.

After the Taliban attack a number of Afghan border guards crossed the border and took refuge in Iran’s Dowqarun customs office. On July 11, Iranian police spokesman announced that they were repatriated.

“An official request of the government of Afghanistan from the competent authorities of our country asking for the return of their personnel was approved, and these employees were returned to Afghanistan by flight,” Mehdi Hajian said in an interview with state TV.


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a882bd  No.14108312


You're 'standing out' as someone who is trying to control the narrative pf this board by playing group identity politics/conflict, instead of engaging ideas/comments on their own merits and doing what BV's are supposed to, ensure no illegal content is posted AND THAT'S IT.

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14d759  No.14108313

File: 8c5e937b7556b4b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 692x856, 173:214, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa8e965e60bb42e⋯.png (167.53 KB, 854x570, 427:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27db5dca20e00f8⋯.png (693.34 KB, 781x488, 781:488, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9715d855451b36⋯.png (266.18 KB, 786x445, 786:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 395acfa38aadbd1⋯.png (309.56 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)



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a098bb  No.14108314


>You actually don't even know who you are arguing with.

I just said who you were - a faggot.

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cf092d  No.14108315

File: d8dad5357f84cc9⋯.png (475 KB, 760x760, 1:1, 00n0n_e477MJVZRUaz_0cT09s_….png)


Here's one without the reeeeee

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c70215  No.14108316

File: 48f27dd823513ff⋯.jpg (4.49 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, COC_3.jpg)


>Did anons notice the Q team hasn't posted some time now.


Nobody noticed that.

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7f0f24  No.14108317


Was in the NOTABLES from this morning I believe. I think all these asshats are on a mission to expose their own idiocy.

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c890a6  No.14108318


> 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

This country has major problems.

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c021b9  No.14108320


Could you please explain, thanking you in advance…

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2867ee  No.14108321


You did.

Otherwise you wouldn't respond.

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a098bb  No.14108322


> instead of engaging ideas/comments on their own merits and doing what BV's are supposed to, ensure no illegal content is posted AND THAT'S IT.

Ok, let's engage in some ideas.



WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Impeaching a duly elected president with no cause (100% Jewish)


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 - Homelessness population on the rise?

WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM, BLM & Antifa Ran by Jews (((Susan Rosenberg))) https://www.bendthearc.us/american_jews_black_lives_matter

WE SHALL DESTROY GOD, WHY DO YOU THINK Q ALWAYS SAID "GOD WINS" QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media? QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2900 - Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan QPOST #4688, #4541, #1646


CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED, Speaks for itself. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603


WE ARE WOLVES, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for OUR SCATTERED TRIBE unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS. QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST, Q SAYS GOD WINS QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

SECRET SOCIETIES, ”FOR WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY…” - JFK QPOST #3734, #2573, #1588, #1433, #1183, #1082, #942, #783, #743, #742, #709, #703, #354, #350, #121, #92, #15

GENTILES ARE STUPID, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU STUPID, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

GENTILES ARE CATTLE , Q SAID THEY CALL YOU SHEEP/CATTLE/STUPID IN SOME COMBINATION OVER 60 TIMES. GETTING THE PICTURE? QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target? Pay attention to Schuman posters. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603,

4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??''' QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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dbadf1  No.14108323

File: 7ef55ba5d49d6cb⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 350x281, 350:281, freakout.gif)

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d37656  No.14108324

File: 98ee7b10de32ea6⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 411x384, 137:128, 1612100678.jpg)

File: 7e633b0b210bf4d⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 412x657, 412:657, 1612095740.jpg)


Post your most vulgar Hunter meme please, this anon will make a meme with it

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b9b0ec  No.14108325

File: 112bfb81c49889e⋯.png (43.62 KB, 755x420, 151:84, ClipboardImage.png)

Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

On July 11th, unidentified gunmen kidnapped an emir and 10 members of his family in northwest Nigeria’s Kaduna state, police said.

Police and members of Nigeria’s army are currently engaged in a search and rescue mission in a forest close to where the Chief of Kajuru, 83-year-old Alhaji Alhassan Adamu, was kidnapped.

Adamu’s abduction marked the first time such a high-profile victim had been kidnapped in the state.

In a statement, Kaduna State Police Command said the incident occured when “armed bandits in large numbers invaded Kajuru town” in the early hours of the morning, “shot sporadically” and “gained access to the Chief’s residence where they abducted him and 10 members of his immediate family [before taking them] to an unknown destination.”

Saidu Musa, who is a grandson of the emir, said the gunmen kidnapped 12 members of Adamu’s family, a different number of hostages than that given by local authorities.

“The gunmen forced their way into the palace around 12:30 a.m. (2130 UTC) and took away His Highness and 12 family members,” French news agency AFP cited Musa as saying.

A palace source said Adamu knew a kidnapping was being planned.

“He summoned a security meeting yesterday where he informed security personnel of plans to abduct him but they did not take the threat seriously,” AFP cited the source as saying.

Emirs, though they have no political authority, are typically revered in northern Nigeria as custodians of Islam and tradition. They generally act as a link between civilians and government, as well as peace makers in times of crisis.

Kaduna has recently become a target for kidnapping-for-ransom gangs, abduction of students from schools and travelers on highways.

“The Command is saddened [by] this incident and it’s not relenting in ensuring a lasting solution to the current upsurge of criminality in the state,” Kaduna police said in the statement.

On July 5th, gunmen abducted more than 100 students from a boarding school in northwestern Nigeria.

A school official told AFP that the number of students abducted was 140.

“The kidnappers took away 140 students, only 25 students escaped. We still have no idea where the students were taken,” said Emmanuel Paul, a teacher at the Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna state where the kidnapping happened.

Earlier, kidnappers returned several students and two school officers from Kaduna states after a ransom was paid.

Gunmen attacked the main campus of the Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic in Kaduna on June 10th and took students and staff members, in the process killing one student.


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430710  No.14108326


Does this mean there is no twofer tuesday?

aksin for a fren

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a098bb  No.14108327



Attack these "ideas" with relevant responses.

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6a72b4  No.14108328


give it another 6 weeks or so, the liberals/media narrative will be attacking Thanksgiving and demanding it be cancelled due to muh racist and stolen land. Clockwork.

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b60371  No.14108329

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59e9bd  No.14108330


At least we have an ex-president with a high approval rating. yay

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c70215  No.14108332

File: 43031a2a4ec17a8⋯.png (128.08 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Cosby_Pepe.png)


You must be new.

Welcome newfag

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b15c09  No.14108334


And people wonder why we don't have faith in our own government!

And some expect us to sit back and watch a movie with plenty of popcorn on hand?

Just make sure it's organic

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cf092d  No.14108335

File: 0bf9806536fdccb⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 872x872, 1:1, 0bf9806536fdccbd4c764a8f8c….jpg)


>40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

You'd think there would be a surplus of used cars coming out of Chicago.

Don't worry. Those bullet holes will buff right out.

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492aae  No.14108336


NSA internal police can help a sitting president, not go against

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a8eb8b  No.14108337


I wish I could meet just one valley girl accent with intelligence matching their level of entitlement.

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cd1887  No.14108338


>Attack these "ideas"

Not your personal army, faggot.

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1033a4  No.14108339

File: 1b60860e5497e66⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 540x540, 1:1, 2a7f65878d01a28f92da21786c….gif)

File: 4923524dce289ed⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 371x371, 1:1, 2fcd93ad56e381f8cca8c9e3b1….gif)

File: a64bc21c9bd59c8⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 446x250, 223:125, Little_Man_Internal_Nuke_.gif)

File: 581986ac93f4d3c⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Robert_Bigelow_60_Minutes_….mp4)

File: e4370bc62a981c2⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1629x1628, 1629:1628, 1596023989887.png)


I can create enough electricity to power a neighborhood with 7 fan motors, golf cart batteries, and a serpentine belt. You must think Zero Point. Fuels are for Cavemen…

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fa95b0  No.14108340

File: 91bf825f1d12ccd⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1510x895, 302:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a869bef017a668a⋯.png (771.16 KB, 986x858, 493:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 776492bc3138fb3⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1034x759, 94:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Are you talking about this kiddie stuff?

Remember how we learned that the Pentagon was the number one producer ofchild pornin the world?

Well they weren't broadcasting all that stuff from Washington DC

For that, they have nuclear power plants with high security perimeters so that nobody without the highest clearance can even glimpse the servers.


Whitehats took out Fukushima as one of the first attacks in WW3

Remember, the war started in 2008 when the Cabal blatantly stole the Presidency.

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b6a9a0  No.14108341


It's called Complex Rregional Pain Syndrome

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9cfb88  No.14108342

File: bb0d2090b66560c⋯.png (289.66 KB, 1287x727, 1287:727, ClipboardImage.png)

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1844d0  No.14108343


>lockdowns are a necessary evil

>just spitballing

Well, don't. Because you're not very good at it.

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b9b0ec  No.14108344

File: eb8b1b3e3d19b31⋯.png (75.7 KB, 705x174, 235:58, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

Deleted with no recourse.

YouTube has deplatformed Spain’s fast-rising conservatives gathered around VOX, currently the second-largest opposition party in the country’s parliament.

A notice on the party’s now-deleted channel reads that it was terminated over multiple copyright infringement claims.

The videos in question have been backed up on AltCensored, a platform set up to keep record of content deleted by YouTube or self-censored on the platform.

Often branded in mainstream Western media as a “extreme-right” and an “Islamophobic” party, VOX earlier this year gained more ground with a strong showing in regional elections in Catalonia, where they took the role of conservative leaders it the local parliament.

VOX, on the other hand, maintains that its goal is to defend Spanish values and way of life, advocate for a smaller state apparatus, and protect privacy from government intrusion.

However, YouTube’s termination notice doesn’t mention any content contentious per se, but rather unspecified alleged copyright infringement. While it isn’t clear what the exact reason for the deletion of the YouTube channel is, it isn’t uncommon for the giant’s copyright rules to be abused as a way to achieve unrelated goals.

False copyright claims can be used for anything from unmasking identities, extorting money, to simply blocking content somebody doesn’t like.

Until the mystery of what exactly prompted YouTube to kick VOX off the platform, what’s certain is that this isn’t the first time the party has had trouble on Big Tech owned social media. In May, Francisco Jose Contreras, a VOX MP, got locked out of Twitter for stating that “a man cannot get pregnant.”

The temporary ban came after Contreras shared a link to a story about a man who had “given birth to his child.”

“That’s a lie. A man cannot get pregnant. A man has neither uterus nor ovaries,” Contreras commented at the time. Twitter then suspended him for spreading “hatred.”


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a8eb8b  No.14108345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c021b9  No.14108346


Previous bread I asked if people want to see God's wrath on WDC, but after reading this please tell me exactly where these so called people reside.

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14d759  No.14108347


wooo there trigger

Easy now, there unicorns you know, but not dem females

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0de6f2  No.14108348


I bet you get a bed to sleep in and don't have sleep on a hard floor.

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efef79  No.14108349

File: 736ada81269cf77⋯.png (1.23 MB, 872x651, 872:651, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 3a30a31fbbdf906⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1358x639, 1358:639, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 9e59e672ff92c08⋯.png (55.08 KB, 423x211, 423:211, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: be497d24be7fd57⋯.png (162.63 KB, 1016x282, 508:141, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 783b6a3bab106e2⋯.png (853.8 KB, 660x656, 165:164, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)





Golden's Rule

There are patches

There are bridges


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0edf9b  No.14108350

File: 5bb5bac22c97e18⋯.png (508.5 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6a9a0  No.14108351


Time to go Private pratice

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8d01c3  No.14108352

File: e261108a6298544⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 807x507, 269:169, FCC1.JPG)

File: 7627fe93e55edcc⋯.jpg (154.63 KB, 791x605, 791:605, FCC2.JPG)

File: b1d504cbca0fccb⋯.jpg (187.55 KB, 853x633, 853:633, FCC3.JPG)

File: c31084097095792⋯.jpg (178.72 KB, 800x512, 25:16, USfreq.jpg)

File: 859b8382ee601ef⋯.jpg (116.19 KB, 823x611, 823:611, ITU.JPG)

>>14107645 (pb)

Here is the pyramid behind the 'fake news', MSM, global media.

The deception is cast via frequency spectrum allocated globally by the UN's ITU, headed by CCP.

Government AND Media are two words for ONE THING.

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061832  No.14108353

File: d5019b44a592096⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 394x304, 197:152, speedholes.gif)


>Don't worry. Those bullet holes will buff right out.

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1844d0  No.14108354


Well it's Geraldo so……

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8415ab  No.14108355

File: df028042d49ee6a⋯.png (970.28 KB, 871x495, 871:495, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker. Here is a picture of a cute little Kitten on a finger.

….. no…. look to the left to see the kitten…

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0cf82c  No.14108356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video at 1:04.

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0bdb3f  No.14108357

File: 441f6cc85d559c9⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 1172x488, 293:122, 5dx2ze.jpg)

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1e2307  No.14108358


>Well, don't

Anon only has to be right one time. Cost analysis.

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c5d5db  No.14108359




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX


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2a0cfe  No.14108360



>they're literally trying the high-ground moral absolutist route again

hey tranime

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492aae  No.14108361

File: bfad9198cff5369⋯.jpg (172.4 KB, 1194x1196, 597:598, E6HwVTVXMAYWQkf.jpg)

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0cf82c  No.14108362

File: 16a62adff65d7c7⋯.jpeg (131.87 KB, 681x1108, 681:1108, 9ED44958_BF94_48A2_86BF_7….jpeg)

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1033a4  No.14108363

File: cb9f6ebd5a9dd9e⋯.gif (6.23 MB, 500x500, 1:1, ilya_dorokhin_anigif_02.gif)




1 Drive Motor Center, 6 Generator Motors at Exterior Points.

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cf092d  No.14108364

File: 11e24a32eaa5df6⋯.jpeg (59.41 KB, 720x865, 144:173, you_re_a_cunt.jpeg)


>….. no…. look to the left to see the kitten…

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7da7d5  No.14108365

So millions of kids were Dangerously VAC’d, but this is about savings kids?

Care to explain yourself…? Seems like hypocrisy to the extreme, but please, enlighten us.

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801d8d  No.14108366

The other day an anon brought up an idea.

More Audits.

During Cpac Trump stated that these audits were almost impossible to start as most states that this occured in are Democrat controlled in both the Governor and Senate seats.

Looking for ideas to help push that idea of More Audits.

I honestly believe with Key Audits we could take back all the branches of the offices.


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39bf0e  No.14108367


*role* Glad you like FUPA’s Grammar Nazi. Everyone needs hobbies.

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9cfb88  No.14108368

File: f6a5db86c73b80b⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 850x400, 17:8, AP1.jpg)

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1033a4  No.14108369


Miniaturize this and it will power individual appliances/devices.

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0bdb3f  No.14108370


Thank You Republicans

Couldn't have happened without you.

Signed, Democrats

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4925a8  No.14108371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3bd144  No.14108372

File: 946fa663660cc37⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1000x934, 500:467, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

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edebf1  No.14108373

File: ae4cf828bb36713⋯.jpg (105.05 KB, 629x540, 629:540, rustyroof.jpg)

File: 3cfe28bfed6c522⋯.jpg (68.2 KB, 1080x1037, 1080:1037, bed.jpg)

File: 4d62e5ac025b733⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.31 KB, 610x591, 610:591, demon.jpg)

Why so many boxes on rooftop of Little St James island's 'Temple'? How many A/C units does it take to cool such a small space?'

Could one of those units have another purpose? Why was there a bed in there, when it was publicly announced a 'music room'?

Did they lure the Disney cruise snorkel kids to stay the night or something? What did the families do? They already paid for an expensive ass trip to such a barren island. Were they killed or silenced? So many questions

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9cfb88  No.14108375

File: ca8046a1dd851a2⋯.jpg (447.78 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, AP3.jpg)

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8415ab  No.14108376


I resemble that remark…… WATCH IT!…. yes, I said Watch It!


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39bf0e  No.14108377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c70215  No.14108378

File: 514c264e789b586⋯.jpg (194.99 KB, 508x343, 508:343, Kek_.jpg)

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b9b0ec  No.14108379

File: c7be79c59205a27⋯.png (105.59 KB, 723x759, 241:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4ed3712997ee72⋯.png (117.79 KB, 712x835, 712:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19b4169666e7801⋯.png (107.42 KB, 718x778, 359:389, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

The real culprits here are Col. Miriam Krieger, USAFA Political Science Department head; Brig. Gen. Linell Letendre, USAFA dean of faculty; and Lt. Gen. Richard Clark, USAFA superintendent.

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) political science professor Lynne Chandler Garcia celebrated teaching critical race theory (CRT) to cadets. As a former USAFA political science professor who taught the same courses Garcia now teaches, I find her commitment to teaching CRT a dangerous hindrance to forming good citizens, effective leaders, and future Air Force commanders.

Far worse than just a waste of taxpayer money, such teaching undermines American ideals and military camaraderie, substituting leftist dogma for the inculcation of genuine wisdom in our future officer corps.

Teaching Cadets to Hate Their Country and Each Other

CRT is rooted in Marxist thought, essentially replacing class warfare with race warfare. Its language is that of oppressor and oppressed. It replaces color-blindness with color-consciousness (hence the ridiculous new practice of capitalizing certain adjectives, like “Black”).

Garcia emphasizes America’s alleged “structural racism,” “white supremacy,” and “endemic” inequality, and the military’s ongoing “struggles” with “racism.” In the same breath, she implausibly assures us that teaching CRT — a philosophy that seems designed to undermine racial harmony — does not “promote division among our military members.”

When I taught at the Air Force Academy, I redesigned the core American government course, the only pure political science course required for all 4,000 cadets. This extensive redesign was approved by the department, and it emphasized primary readings from America’s greatest leaders.

One of those leaders was Martin Luther King, Jr., and we had the cadets read and discuss at some length his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” King gave voice to the colorblind ideal and praised our founding, describing “those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by the founding fathers in their formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.”

In contrast, Garcia teaches that “the Constitution … allowed slavery and has been used to perpetuate legal discrimination.” One wonders why cadets would choose to take an oath to defend that Constitution with their lives.


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8d01c3  No.14108380

File: 32c11986530245f⋯.jpg (128.22 KB, 842x596, 421:298, ITUN.JPG)

File: 1aded530a006612⋯.jpg (113.07 KB, 860x601, 860:601, ITUregs.JPG)

File: 16613028dfd36e0⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 762x525, 254:175, ITUDir.JPG)

File: 3589010224be46f⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 853x441, 853:441, wefewfw.JPG)


The global Medea appears in lockstep because it is. Those that rule the transmission frequency bandwidth have a stranglehold on GLOBAL broadcasting, internet, and cellular communications.

Houlin Zhao (Chinese: 赵厚麟) is the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

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3ade68  No.14108381

File: 4123a0ecf350ee3⋯.png (330.97 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 4123a0ecf350ee3dbff20505c7….png)

MSNBC Newsroom wants to join the Pedowood writer's union, the WGAW

The sheer seditious communism of it…


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880c1a  No.14108384


The shills kind of depend on it; this is why what you're doing is so effective.

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b6a9a0  No.14108385


HVAC for Bunker

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dbadf1  No.14108386

File: 3b5fb6c7429ccaa⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 350x262, 175:131, faggots.jpg)


I can make a time machine out of and old dildo motor, a hard bristled toothbrush,2 light bulbs and a sock! You must think interdenominational. Cavemen are for Fuels..

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fa95b0  No.14108387

File: d756412fb34d59e⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GameOver.mp4)


There isno such thingas FREE ENERGY.

That is another empty Marxist promise.

Thorium reactors are based on solid science

And they do produce large quantities of low cost electricity,

That would be too cheap to meter

If we deploy small reactors on a neighborhood scale

The planet has enough Thorium to power everything

For several thousand years

Plenty of time to colonize the solar system

And nearby star systems.

You clowns are finished,

Your monopolies are finished

Your scams are finished

For the CLOWN world,

This truly is EXTINCTION

REBELLIONby we the sheep is the cause.

Game Over

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c890a6  No.14108388

morgan stanley… must be vaxxed to come back to work.

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a882bd  No.14108389


This is not 'engaging' anyone's ideas, this is just the same GROUP IDENTITY POLITICS NARRATIVE THAT DIVIDES PEOPLE BY RACE, RELIGION, SEX, CLASS, POLITICAL AFFILIATION, in your case it's just muhjoo spam shilling that anons have seen posted since Oct 28, 2017.

Q said numerous times it's Satanism, not Judaism.

Flooding the breads with GROUP POLITICS DIVISION NARRATIVE that targets one race, or one religion, or one sex, or one class, or one political affiliation, interspersed with truths, is not engaging anyone's ideas, it's "accept my division shilling or else you're one of them"

Q warned against people like you.

Q warned that attacks will intensify.

We see you.


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a098bb  No.14108390


> instead of engaging ideas/comments on their own merits


>Ok, let's engage in some ideas.


>Attack these "ideas" with relevant responses.


>Not your personal army, faggot.

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8d01c3  No.14108391

File: e12449dfbeed9b8⋯.jpg (143.06 KB, 877x653, 877:653, houlinzhau.JPG)

File: 090ebd60bba0816⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 862x329, 862:329, Manifesto.JPG)



Houlin Zhao continued…

The keeper of the 'space' has a manifesto.

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801d8d  No.14108393

>>14108359 ty

>>14108243 Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land Dismisses his own case in Court - Judge Abandons seat.

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a098bb  No.14108394



>This is not 'engaging' anyone's ideas,

Comes to Q research, refuses to engage a discussion on Q drops, plays the "how dare you" card. Hi Jew

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2a0cfe  No.14108395


>they treat faggotry like a badge of honor

I mean, spamming trannies would have tipped everyone off about that I guess.

So how's the anus after the GoFundMe shut down?

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b6a9a0  No.14108396

Cyber_warfare will Intensify this week

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42a5a7  No.14108397

File: 02248b90e2078e3⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1023x682, 3:2, Sleeping_Soldier_While_Ame….png)

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a098bb  No.14108399

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, Q_calls_them_out.png)


>Q warned against people like you.


>Q warned that attacks will intensify.


>We see you.

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3ff268  No.14108400


>She’s gotta be a Whitehat Mole. The lies are just too absurd.

There's a lot of them!

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974e11  No.14108401

File: 7119cac64da1270⋯.jpg (124.91 KB, 1080x1092, 90:91, Screenshot_20210712_123315….jpg)

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3ff268  No.14108402


>Lot's of theatrics and special effects going on. You're now in another dimension.

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0de6f2  No.14108404


Maybe the C!A should stop dropping off crates of guns in the alleys of the neighborhoods and quit supplying the gangs with drugs. And Maybe Kim Foxx should start prosecuting criminals.

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c70215  No.14108406

File: 589de905c68ca68⋯.png (260.84 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Cyberspace_force.png)


>Cyber_warfare will Intensify this week

We are always ready.

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d8275b  No.14108407

I've had it with the evil and he lies, the constant persecution of people who want to expose truth of any kind not on either side, I am weary of this constant underlying bomb that can go off an anytime. I do not relish fighting amongst my fellow citizens though I do expose their lies and try to speak from that position. In the grand scheme of things I don't even know if I make a difference, I am not mad or angry I am overwhelmed today…just venting….upside clown world is real. May God send his Holy Spirit and angels quickly….so many people are so disillusioned. I know this was the potential but I always thought it wouldn't get this far….how do the masses not see it?

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a098bb  No.14108408

File: 6ec46bbad04cad7⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)


>Q warned against people like you.


>Q warned that attacks will intensify.


>We see you.


>Comes to Q research, refuses to engage a discussion on Q drops, plays the "how dare you" card. Hi Jew


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2a0cfe  No.14108409

File: e191cfa5b9cd708⋯.png (935.79 KB, 644x644, 1:1, Screenshot_142_1_.png)



>this faggot still thinks we care about how msm portrays us

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a882bd  No.14108410


>Comes to Q research, refuses to engage a discussion on Q drops, floods bread with group identity politics narrative, plays the "how dare you" card when called out, psychologically projects and accuses the anon calling you out of doing what you are clearly doing for all to see.

>Hi Jew

Moar group identity politics.

Hi Marxist.

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1033a4  No.14108411

File: 2dc3913d730a14c⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 648x364, 162:91, B2_HOMEBIRD.mp4)

File: 14147403ac4d5c5⋯.jpeg (131.97 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, photo_1587159272094_b2260….jpeg)

File: d88b1e132b5df73⋯.jpeg (112.18 KB, 1000x1469, 1000:1469, photo_1576719296155_c9e87….jpeg)

File: ad9e1fd7f3cae87⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 950x450, 19:9, ghgh.jpg)

File: decc1959392ac54⋯.png (97.21 KB, 475x333, 475:333, yf5d92a693_removebg_previe….png)





D¹ | D²

H¹ | H²

A² + B² = C²

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0bdb3f  No.14108412

File: 21d149b7cca9524⋯.jpg (63.62 KB, 881x442, 881:442, 5dybap.jpg)

Coronavirus/COVID-19®️ We're in this together™️

Delta Variant®️ We’re still in this together™️

The well orchestrated worldwide marketing campaign of fear and panic continues apace based on a fake pandemic blamed on a virus that has a greater than 99.9% survivability rate with the primary purpose to coerce people into being injected with experimental gene therapies masquerading as vaccines that have already registered more adverse reactions and deaths than all vaccines in the previous 30 years combined.

Elevator pitch to normies.

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98e031  No.14108413


Teaching the same people to hate this country that are set to defend this country is the most self defeating bull shit anon has ever heard.

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7f0f24  No.14108414



Libtards across the entire spectrum are ramping up their own idiocy to help red-pill muh sheep. Many have been submitted. You are watching a movie. Enjoy the show!

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801d8d  No.14108415


The Fake News Media continuously likes stating that I lost the “suburbs.” How would this be possible when I was the one that stopped the low-income housing agenda of Obama/Biden, already enacted, from happening there. The suburbs would have been destroyed—but they continuously fail to mention that I got 12 million more votes than I did in 2016, a record for a sitting President along with the 75 million votes, also a record. So how did that happen and how come I “lost”? This is just more Fake News. And remember, they can say all of this, including the suburbs nonsense, because we had a Rigged Election!

For all of those finally realizing what a great job we did with respect to the pandemic, including rapidly filling the cupboards that were left “bare” by the previous administration, in both the Federal Government and States, please also remember that it was the Trump Administration that produced the vaccine in less than 9 months—many years ahead of anticipated schedule. Biden and his group just used our plan of distribution, which had started long before he took office. Without the vaccine, the entire World would have ended up like it was in 1917, the Spanish Flu, where as many as 100 million people died. While we get no credit for this from the Fake News Media, the people know—that’s why I got 75 million votes!

Remember when the Fake News Media would blast me about how well Seoul, South Korea was doing with the pandemic? Well now, sadly, Seoul is riddled with the China Virus almost beyond what other countries had to go through. They are having a terrible time of it. The Media also used India as another country doing really well—we all know how that ended. They talked about these two countries in order to demean my Administration, which has now been proven to have done an incredible job. I only bring this up to show how dishonest and corrupt the Fake News Media is!

I am proud to inform you that the Lamestream Media has hit the lowest approval ratings ever recorded. I think it would be fair to assume that I had something to do with that. They are not only dishonest and corrupt, they are truly, according to a recent poll, the enemy of the people. In a similar category, CNN’s ratings are down a whopping, and record-setting, 79% and likewise, horrible numbers at MSDNC (Joe Scarborough and his lovely wife, Mika, are at record lows). These developments are great news for the American People! https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/posts/106563657189953864

Met with many of the most important “influencers” last night in Las Vegas. Lots of topics discussed, including the Fake News Media and how to go around dishonest journalists. Some really good ideas emerging. https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/posts/106563658661079157


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efef79  No.14108416

File: c589a9e68dba85e⋯.png (648.32 KB, 650x651, 650:651, Screen_Shot_2021_07_08_at_….png)

File: aafee6b6c52ff90⋯.png (757.12 KB, 647x568, 647:568, Screen_Shot_2021_07_11_at_….png)

File: 700957cd025ac8d⋯.png (990.39 KB, 912x653, 912:653, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 332fc0f713b5036⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 1024x660, 256:165, obama_reading_lambda.jpg)

File: 7e98daacd7b2445⋯.png (837.5 KB, 1338x575, 1338:575, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


CΩß人 Ren Shih

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edebf1  No.14108417

File: 01c9300274539f4⋯.jpg (165.02 KB, 1024x616, 128:77, vents.jpg)

>>14108385 vents at sea level vs. at the top of the 'Temple'? Not so sure

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afe098  No.14108418


Really? More Audits, in a Country that has more SPY TECH than people?

How about Accountability and Transparency for a change?

How about Short Trials and LONG SENTENCES?

More Audits mean more corruptibility. No fear of Consequences. Ruby's running a muck. No thanks!

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6ddaeb  No.14108420

File: 835d96d32cf5640⋯.png (25.03 KB, 583x200, 583:200, ClipboardImage.png)


DJT reposted this on Gettr https://gettr.com/post/p3s479

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14d759  No.14108421

File: 7a3de906137b087⋯.png (160.21 KB, 422x528, 211:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 320f06891570805⋯.png (495.58 KB, 688x759, 688:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974b3d104485127⋯.png (535.29 KB, 606x339, 202:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 954f64c87ec9fc2⋯.png (538.42 KB, 606x344, 303:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6db202087625cf⋯.png (564.62 KB, 606x343, 606:343, ClipboardImage.png)


ready when ever

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c70215  No.14108422

File: dc330b7b4b87f83⋯.jpg (123.2 KB, 372x490, 186:245, Checked_swim.jpg)


They don't like it if you name the Jew.


Hey, dubs check'd too!

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5a29be  No.14108423

File: 3aedbcc59cc1975⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2365x2005, 473:401, 20210712_150505.jpg)

File: 9f2222747a00b97⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210712_150532.jpg)

File: 5ef081499cd04cf⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210712_150549.jpg)

File: 28ebe1e52fc0898⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210712_150553.jpg)

File: ffb4b19cdf9ab46⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210712_150559.jpg)

We've left New Mexico, headed to Amarillo Texas, then onto Oklahoma.

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801d8d  No.14108424



"First they came for Alex Jones

I did not speak out

Because I did not like Infowars

Then they came for MAGA nation

I did not speak out

Because I was not MAGA

Then they came for the LEGOS

I did not speak out

Because I did not have a LEGO set

Then they came for me"



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efef79  No.14108425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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354c99  No.14108426

File: aca0cd7e503e985⋯.png (31.01 KB, 584x261, 584:261, Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - Greek PM Mitsotakis announces mandatory #COVID19 vaccinations for all healthcare workers and workers in the elderly care units. From 1 September, the compulsory vaccination will also apply to health professionals, in the public and private sectors.


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a2ca41  No.14108427


It's the main reason you faggots are here.

It's to give fake news ammo to then tell their normie viewers '8kUn iS fAsiCt, lOoK, HeRe's ThE pRoOf'.

You're not fooling anyone.

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c840aa  No.14108428


Bunch Of hedgies and bankers with Bell’s palsy a bad thing?

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c5d5db  No.14108429




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event


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a8eb8b  No.14108430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm ready to see the ashes of the system. The most beautiful thing about promoting the unification of systems and politics you disagree with is how much easier it becomes to get all the cancer with one fuse. NWO let's go, faggots!

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3ff268  No.14108431


Amen Anon! We are on the same page about this! I can never understand why so many anons defend him.

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8d01c3  No.14108433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c70215  No.14108434

File: f30267fe7a6d4de⋯.png (198.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Nkyn_5.png)


Let me know when they are coming for the memefags.

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7f0f24  No.14108435

File: 50d7e58d9aedb93⋯.png (3.51 MB, 1536x1101, 512:367, ClipboardImage.png)



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c890a6  No.14108436


wow.. here we go.

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1033a4  No.14108437

File: 30acd75209cfedb⋯.png (279.02 KB, 534x467, 534:467, 28d3e8f674f64551134beebe27….png)

File: b2a0ff4f5033095⋯.png (334 KB, 663x376, 663:376, bho_2_removebg_preview.png)

File: a8d4d2b0fa38700⋯.png (48.55 KB, 360x261, 40:29, 1597580627618.png)

File: 7cc925d14d05c4b⋯.png (301.98 KB, 707x353, 707:353, ut5c5ae4d2_removebg_previe….png)

File: e66997de05db414⋯.png (257.14 KB, 590x354, 5:3, we5d811218_removebg_previe….png)

WHOOPS³!!! Someone didn't Zeroize….




a. Security Clearance

b. Requirement for Access or Need-to-Know

c. Briefing/Indoctrination

d. Written Access to COMSEC Keying Material

e. Personnel Access

f. Contractor Personnel

g. Release of COMSEC Material to a Contractor Account

h. Access to COMSEC Equipment (less CCI)

i. Displaying, Viewing, and Publicly Releasing COMSEC

Material and Information

j. Release of COMSEC Material to a Foreign Government

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2a0cfe  No.14108438


>literally caring about fake news

>july 2021

>after everything that has happened by now

>after like 90% of the world can see through them now by themselves

I can call you a nigger instead if you like

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354c99  No.14108439

File: cc2d0d32d468c73⋯.png (37.72 KB, 584x393, 584:393, Capture.PNG)

Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020 and they knew the RNC lied about in response to Business Insider’s piece.

I’ll also have an announcement.

This is about the truth.

@RealAmVoice 6pm ET. #RonnaMustGo


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8d01c3  No.14108440

File: 020d3bf3c9a4ab3⋯.jpg (625.62 KB, 1330x2000, 133:200, Ahanu.jpg)

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288b3d  No.14108441

File: 03772d1454bdba6⋯.png (266.13 KB, 460x298, 230:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9b0ec  No.14108442

File: a27fcb3bf639f1d⋯.png (311.73 KB, 315x480, 21:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

A former Belarusian presidential candidate who last year attempted to run against the country’s authoritarian president was convicted of bribery and money laundering after what many have called an unjust trial.

Victor Babariko, the chief executive of a Russian-owned bank, was arrested two months before last year’s summer elections which Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist for 27 years, won. The vote was marred by vote-rigging allegations and Lukashenko’s victory led to mass protests.

The authorities charged Babariko of committing financial crimes while in charge of the Belarusian arm of Belgazprombank. He’s been held in custody ever since his arrest last June.

Crowds swarmed the courtroom to hear Babriko’s trial last week. The Belarusian Supreme Court sentenced him to 14 years in prison. The verdict is final and not subject to any appeal. The verdict led to new protests.

Babariko has to pay damages worth 46 million Belarusian rubles (US$17 million), and an additional $53,000 fine. He is also stripped of his right to hold any leadership positions in the future.

Colleagues of Babariko are also facing jail time. Seven former employees of the bank were sentenced to prison times between three and six and a half years.

Activists and foreign diplomats have spoken out against Babariko’s sentencing, condemning it as politically-motivated. Babariko was the most prominent person opposing Lukashenko in last year’s highly contested elections.

Western nations have recently fought Lukashenko’s authoritarian rule with sanctions, especially after he grounded a Ryanair flight to detain the opposition activist Roman Protasevich, who was on board.

The sentencing of Babariko week is widely viewed as part of Lukashenko’s latest effort to crackdown on dissidents and keep power.

The U.S. embassy wrote on Twitter that "the cruel sham of the Belarus court system is on display today…showing the Lukashenko regime will stop at nothing to keep power.” On Telegram, the exiled political leader, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, echoed that: “This is a senseless sentence.”

Babariko maintains that he is not guilty and that during his tenure as the head of Belgazprombank "not a single illegal action or coercion was allowed.” The court concluded otherwise.

Still, even as Babariko faces a future in a maximum security prison, he has clung onto hope for the future of his country. Before his trial, he said that he still believes one day there will be a “happy, honest, and open Belarus.”


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492aae  No.14108443

File: 51c8d9f537358e6⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 480x996, 40:83, FLwnfJLRaDzVhA9w.mp4)

DS is afraid, because they know there is no way to stop MAGA


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354c99  No.14108445

File: 6f3f9d39f3efc33⋯.png (33.33 KB, 589x265, 589:265, Capture.PNG)

JUST IN : Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes, has the subpoena power to force a forensic audit in both Republican and Democratic counties in the state.


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b9b0ec  No.14108447

File: 28edb8f0e7faf52⋯.png (70.57 KB, 694x840, 347:420, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9962e0cdf7be87d⋯.png (25.14 KB, 693x409, 693:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas man suspected of sexually assaulting minor girl on flight to Bozeman appears in court


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c890a6  No.14108449

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1033a4  No.14108450

File: 8ca3f7a1ac66f01⋯.gif (824.81 KB, 360x202, 180:101, anigif_enhanced_31839_1439….gif)

File: 4c46857616c7912⋯.png (284.68 KB, 547x747, 547:747, T_5_NSA_LISTED.png)

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)

Dumb Fuckin' CUNTS Prolly Shouldn't Be in Charge of Jack & Shit….

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c70215  No.14108451

File: 8aad960f7516b50⋯.jpg (134.11 KB, 568x830, 284:415, John_galt.jpg)



Trips confirm.

They are always watching.

Apart from me of course.

I am invisible to the naked eye.

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0de6f2  No.14108452

File: c8e47f77b69361b⋯.png (604.13 KB, 875x625, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a0cfe  No.14108453


saving israel for last, baby penis mutilator

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801d8d  No.14108454

File: b58f1b048d9f3b5⋯.png (691.94 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, d1789daba1f8b5ab.png)


7-9-21, Gov McMaster's reply to DHEC Chairman Elam about Federal Government Going Door to Door.


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2ddec3  No.14108455



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c840aa  No.14108456


Crates of guns and ammo not being dropped off in the hood may be a good place to thwart the problem

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bc397f  No.14108457



then you can use their notes, call them gerbil aids….

no thanks

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14d759  No.14108458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


full speech



note: Watching it now, trump say i told you, i told you so so many times in this speech, funny really when you know and they call you nuts, just finished watching this speech to cpac, it is trump back to his best, speaking off the cuff and dropping truth bombs, he goes after Barr and basically everyone. excellent stuff. !! how long it will take, who knows, but no quick fixes as i can hear from his speech.



President Trump at CPAC July 11, 2021

(synchronized audio/video)

hard to find a properly synchronized video

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afe098  No.14108459


I'm gonna to use this with muh NO TRESSPASSING SIGN

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354c99  No.14108462

File: bd25b543aef79be⋯.png (144.97 KB, 588x553, 84:79, Capture.PNG)

File: 9b39f3573408b8b⋯.png (422.72 KB, 717x876, 239:292, Capture1.PNG)

File: 599f59e1f708145⋯.png (380.31 KB, 1442x753, 1442:753, Capture2.PNG)


College of Charleston abandons punitive C19 testing regimen for unvaxed students after receiving warning letter from SC AG Wilson


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2a0cfe  No.14108463

File: 51261075981b886⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 600x885, 40:59, fe3_1_.jpg)



hey Shia, how's prison

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a9f3ee  No.14108464

File: 62f96718a8f802f⋯.png (60.41 KB, 103x192, 103:192, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b53e4db1c9e0bfd⋯.png (12.34 KB, 180x255, 12:17, gpksid9d6af41884a2b20cc3aa….png)

File: a4172549cafa233⋯.png (172.53 KB, 767x490, 767:490, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you know how much a PSA Graded 10 Adam Bomb is worth?

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114363  No.14108465

File: 98412568d2f84a9⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 400x267, 400:267, blowedup.jpg)


>that Ronna McDaniel knew existed

Her Uncle Mitt would be shocked,

shocked, I tell you

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1033a4  No.14108467

File: f4bad7f0e23170b⋯.jpg (203.3 KB, 716x1409, 716:1409, 20210319_080143.jpg)

File: e4ec9a0812cbf9c⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210313_100210.jpg)

File: 37e122577fd4431⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210116_135115.jpg)

File: 74678c6b00f2b12⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210117_172402.jpg)



We used to play this on infinity loop during our SERE Classes... Memories...

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9cfb88  No.14108468

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, AMERICA.png)

Will be banned for sharing the truth.

Work Together.

Unity is Key.

Do not be divided.



++Blunt and Direct Time++



Know your Enemy.

Know your Frens.

Be well read, Knowledge is Power.

You need to help the [C] see, then [C] will be exposed, only with [C] can this happen.

[C] = Cattle, [sheep], Citizens

[C] = Corruption, Crooks, Criminals

[C] = Cooperation, Community, Collective

[C] = … … … … … ..

Learn your Q[l]ues

Clues : Direct or Covert messages for Anons to dig on

Clues : Riddles… … … .. "Future Proves Past" "Do you believe in coincidences?" Movies, etc.

Ques : comms for Operatives (Frens)

Ques : comms for Counter-Operatives (Enemies)

Ques : A signal, A hint, A light (Above & Beyond, AI Manhattan Project) (Code Names, Brackets, (periods), … … ..) (When Q asks you to think) etc.

Ques : Staging or setting up OP

Q : Questions

(Qou) : messages for You to do

Learn Double Meanings

[Symbolism will be their downfall.]

Remember Patches.

Remember Symbolism.

Remember Words.

Remember Right, Write, Rite.

Remember Game Theory.

Remember the GAME. (It is not a game.)

These lead to Light.

It's always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK. Then see.

You MUST stay TOGETHER. Dig together, Meme together, Pray together


Symbolism = END.







Now is the time to Write, Right Now.

The silent war is ending (period)

You need no Rite to Write what is Right.

#1 protects your write. Right?

Write Now. Right Now?


(You/)r voices must be heard

You must sing as the mockingbird did, you must stop the birds waves.

Waves have a big influence, strong and unified.

Waves can be caught. Can You?

Waves can be changed. Can You?

Narratives will always exist. Will Yours?

Whose will shine?

Darkness requires lies, lies and more lies.

Truth only needs a single light.

A single light will light the darkest of rooms.

Each candle looses nothing when lighting another.

For each Candle lighted the darkness fades.

SCUM will rise to the top.

DIRT will fall to the bottom.

Dirt is easier to clean than Scum.

If you chop the legs off a table the whole table will fall.

United We Stand, Patriot.

Together We Win.


Unity is Key.

WE are Key.

Maps are Key.

[C] is Key.

Waves are Key.

(You/) are Key.

Memes are Key.

Truth is Key.

What is a door that has no key?

The key that opens all doors.

The 'Start'.

What is the Keystone. Re_read carefully. Like a Novel.

You have the Script.

You have the Screenplay.

You have the Playbook.

You know the Actors.

You know the Set.

You know the Score.

You have the Answers.

Let them know. Write Now.

START Producing.

Right Now!

All you need is your Audience.

We have it all.

You have all you need to START.

You are missing the connections.

Continue to build the MAP.

MAP provides the KEY.

KEY spreads the TRUTH.



Future proves past.

Trust the plan.

The time has come.

The storm is now.

(You) are the storm.

You will know you are done when you see:

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.





FIGHT the censorship.

You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

You simply forgot how to PLAY.


They want you divided.

They want you silenced.


We are WITH you.


THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. And then the World will follow.

We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

Learn the TRUTH.

MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.

They want you dependent!

Learn the TRUTH.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.

We do not look at religion.

We do not look at gender.

We do not look at creed.

We do not look at rite.

We do not look at class.

We do not look at political affiliation.

We do not look at sect.

We do not look at culture.

We look at people.

We look at deeds.

We look at actions.

We look at truths.

We look at You.

We are Patriots.

Learn the TRUTH.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.






Learn the TRUTH.


Learn the TRUTH.

Those who know, Know.

Those who see, See.

Those who hear, Hear.

Only Justice should be Blind.

Shine the light of Truth.

Together we are strong.

Divided we are weak.

(((THEY))) want You divided.

Stay Strong Patriots.

Together We Win!!


> You have powerful frens, WE are all Watching, WE are all waiting.

Learn the TRUTH.

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bc397f  No.14108469

File: 3596cc0ae28a7be⋯.png (1.37 MB, 826x800, 413:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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801d8d  No.14108470

This is Notable Baker


> chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee

How we get the other Democrat ran State's GOP Committees to join in?

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ce0988  No.14108472


The Israeli PEOPLE are being saved last from the Marxist Pedovore cult that has done wrong for so long.

Satanists are being uprooted worldwide.

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7f0f24  No.14108473


I have an animated No Trespassing sign….me sittin' on the front porch cleaning muh shotgun collection. I'll bet they just stroll on by.

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c5d5db  No.14108474

File: ca3fe641b47b2da⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 329x248, 329:248, Toots.jpg)




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



Anyone wanna take my notes from here?

>>14108470 Got it!

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8d01c3  No.14108476


CEO Pfizer happens to be (((greek))) too

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2a0cfe  No.14108477


so where's the countdown today, larpwood enthusiast?

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4925a8  No.14108478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59e9bd  No.14108479



welcome to three years ago wifeanons

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3c211a  No.14108480

any good (simple) mrna paper or video around ? Need it to redpill a curious family member.

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afe098  No.14108481

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB, 355x313, 355:313, KEK.png)

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114363  No.14108483

File: 4622a9a988205dc⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SQUEAL.jpg)


We in rural Arkansas welcome our new…friends

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87879c  No.14108484

damnit cannot find the vid from argentina with the dude getting vaxxterminated on his roof

any anon have it lying around (fonefaggin)


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880c1a  No.14108485



That tiny disapproval is probably from the handful of caitlyn jenner muppets.

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0bdb3f  No.14108486

File: d96484048f20753⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 892x499, 892:499, 4sk45f.jpg)

It is too late for a good portion of the herd.

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b735aa  No.14108487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Milly and Austin would crap their g-string if this warrior was still serving.

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2a0cfe  No.14108488

File: f2525817aeef98f⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 600x528, 25:22, Forty_keks_1_.jpg)


>he actually believes that

>he doesn't know the context of that drop, where /pol/ was literally sperging about Q ignoring the jews and their ages-old confirmed and recorded fuckery with entire nations

like shooting fish in a barrel

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1033a4  No.14108489

File: a22992b0b3b4cf4⋯.jpg (198.43 KB, 665x997, 665:997, Step_Brothers_4_Lyfe_2021.jpg)

File: 064df00f6ea539d⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 791x437, 791:437, Mittens_the_Nigger.jpg)

File: 1aa700f8bd823bc⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Ted_ABunDance.jpg)

File: 608e64984045cb1⋯.jpg (101.33 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, SKM_.jpg)

File: 11054e32888e505⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Shittin_MuhSelf.jpg)


Wait until they find all the Romney bodies up the road a piece…

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b6a9a0  No.14108490


When Pseudo Nuclear War begins, Ramen Clam

It's a Distraction

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39bf0e  No.14108491


Operation Warp Speed and the Voluntary Injection Program is theoretically the lowest casualty production course of action when compared to Lockdowns until 2025 followed by the Injection Program or Civil War in America if Trump remained in office in the face of Election Fraud. Also, the NWO is rumored to have a “Scorched Earth” program in place to prevent their removal, like a explosive implanted in one’s neck but on a much larger scale.

Operation Lockstep-Lockdown and COVID Program.

Operation POGO-Removal of dissenting voices from social media. ID and cataloging of Patriots from online activity.

Operation ZYPHR-Physical removal of Patriots during Staged Electrical Blackouts.

Cyber Polygon is laying the groundwork for ZYPHR as we speak.

My advice to you is to Wait Two More Weeks.

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9327f1  No.14108492

File: e2d4a24313abd90⋯.png (182.68 KB, 1411x1497, 1411:1497, ClipboardImage.png)


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14d759  No.14108493

File: 836c8d3b95d7270⋯.png (462.27 KB, 565x413, 565:413, ClipboardImage.png)



First published at 18:35 UTC on July 11th, 2021.


Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

There is nothing new nor novel about the Covid-19 virus. It's not natural. It was manufactured.

How do we know? Because there are patents on different elements of it going back 20 years, and you cannot patent something that is naturally occurring.

How many patents? At least 73.

The vaccine treatment was patented prior to the 2019/2020 outbreak.

It's all about money.

Download the FULL interview:


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9437e4  No.14108494

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8d3a7b  No.14108496

File: a34c50ec67fca60⋯.webm (7.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LA_Z.webm)

tough lessons that had to be shown to people - you must show them

a few casualties of war is the lesser evil of mass conflicts with no direction and hell on earth - end isn't for everyone

the only way to wake up d's asleep is have their puppet on stage with the open appearance of destroying the country

gas prices up

ff's abound

negative energy press 24/7 - they sure don't attack biden like they did trump - night and day coverage

geopolitical conflicts rising

mass spying now being openly pushed

encouraging brother to turn on brother, father to turn on son, daughter to turn on mother - obvious

what a long ass movie.

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cebc32  No.14108497

File: 38f881d138883b4⋯.jpeg (55.37 KB, 1080x938, 540:469, EJDWZCRUEAAm6xK.jpeg)

File: 26b9450efe0d8ac⋯.jpg (707.5 KB, 971x2252, 971:2252, Screenshot_20210712_162029….jpg)

File: d4c5bc80fbdcadb⋯.jpg (715.6 KB, 972x2345, 972:2345, Screenshot_20210712_162006….jpg)

File: e0056ddf1dff5d5⋯.jpeg (103.35 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, EJDWZCSVAAAVYIM.jpeg)


and this is fun, it was never just that one Disney cruise (offered by a non-affiliated site in the Q drop, btw) it is and was offered through a third party "captain nautica" add on from vi watersports.

it appears that they are still operating, but the little st james stop is obviously missing.

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39bf0e  No.14108498


Tell Governors you won’t pay taxes until Election audited. Do en mass, not individually.

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3032f7  No.14108499


Filtered for being a fucknut.

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801d8d  No.14108502


you guys are not right, but funny.

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2867ee  No.14108503


On the Thorium subject you are right.

Energy is never lost, though, just continues in another 'form'.

Don't get disappointed when the fraudulent science fiction will be unmasked.

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c5d5db  No.14108504

File: 2f35f3b40feb378⋯.png (1.38 MB, 868x800, 217:200, Lil_fighter.png)




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



>>14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".



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f24d60  No.14108505

File: 60fa3fbe073dbae⋯.png (4.18 MB, 1919x1279, 1919:1279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe07d13164d0ee5⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1919x1279, 1919:1279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d99a16e4beace5⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1919x1279, 1919:1279, ClipboardImage.png)


Trumpworld wants distance from QAnon even as the ex-president winks at it

Trump isn’t disavowing the conspiracy theory. But his team doesn’t want the association.

This past weekend, two promoters of QAnon conspiracy theories were given press credentials to Donald Trump’s MAGA rally in Sarasota, Fla.

The men took selfies with their badges, taunted journalists covering the event as “fake news,” showed off their wristbands printed with the movement’s slogan — “#WWG1WGA” — and generally reveled in the access they’d scored.

Not everyone was happy to see them there.

Trump’s press team said the two men, Jeffrey Pedersen and his podcast co-host Shannon Shadygroove:, were not welcome, and had registered for the rally with “Red State Talk Radio,” a network that has sent people who, a Trump aide said, “appear to be legitimate” to events before.

Pederson and Grooove were later identified as QAnon followers by Alex Kaplan of progressive watchdog group Media Matters, after which Trump’s team said they are considering a new policy to verify reporters ahead of events to prevent people like the two men from gaining access. On top of that, they said they will continue efforts to tamp down on the proliferation of swag that promotes the conspiracy at Trump events and rallies.

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42a5a7  No.14108506

File: ea556b5304aa1f8⋯.jpg (655.38 KB, 1800x1290, 60:43, 4th_branch_of_government.jpg)

Every breath you take,

Every move you make,

They’ll be watching you..

It’s bad enough that none of the alphabet ‘security’ agencies were written into our Constitution. Now they have become politicized. They no longer adhere to any rule of law. They ARE the law and can do what they want. They certainly aren’t answerable to the American people.

We saw former NSA Director James Clapper lie to Congress about collecting data from hundreds of millions of Americans and about leaking the Steele Dossier information. We saw ex-CIA director and former communist John Brennan lie about spying on Congress. Nothing happened to them. They are above the law.

Help us expose the radical Democrats, every dollar helps keep GrrrGraphics online, we are totally funded by YOU! Click to donate today

The CIA now allows and approves torture. They call it ‘enhanced interrogation.’ Yep, we a rogue agency engaged in torture.

We saw the FBI push through illegal FISA warrants in order to take down President Trump during the bogus Russia collusion malarky. We saw how Mueller used over a dozen heavily FBI men to surround a peaceful, non-resisting Roger Stone on trumped up charges. The CIA-influenced CNN was, of coursed, tipped off to the early morning raid.

We saw the FBI help encourage Trump supporters to protest at the Capitol while refusing to release video tapes that will prove their operatives were there. The FBI even seized a lego-made capitol building from one of the so-called ‘insurrectionists.’

Let’s stay in touch! Sign Up for Our GrrrNewsletter today! View Now

We saw the FBI sit on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They did nothing. They certainly did not investigate the obvious corruption on display by the Bidens. They also knew all about Epstein’s child abuse for years. They did nothing.

Tucker Carlson told us how the NSA is spying on his email in order find something that could possibly get him kicked off the air. Tucker confirmed what we knew already—Snowden had already told us all about it. Snowden is a whistleblower and hero, but he had to escape prosecution and possible assassination through exile to Russia.

We saw how false flag ‘terrorism’ was used to give the TSA new powers to grope people at the airports.

All of these so-called security agencies have grown in scope and power over the years and, like Big Government, they want more power and influence over the direction of the country. They are aligned with the radical left and globalism.

Our Fans are the best, join us on Patreon for an “early look” of all cartoons before publication! Click to support us with a monthly donation! See you there!

What’s next? Will we see a Lubyanka prison constructed in Washington D.C.? Will the political enemies of Biden’s regime be whisked off the streets and shoved into cramped cells and then subjected to ‘enhanced interrogation’ until they ‘confess?’ Don’t be surprised if this happens. Don’t be surprised if a network of gulags is also set up. The FEMA camps won’t be about slave labor, though. They’ll be about the extermination of the security agencies’ political enemies.

JFK wanted to break up the CIA. It’s too bad he was executed by them instead. Allen Dulles was fired by Kennedy, yet he was the leading man on the Warren Commission, which helped cover up the CIA’s crime.

It’s time to break up the CIA for good. Let the military conduct intelligence gathering on foreign countries. Stop trying to subvert other countries. That often leads to blowback and endless war. Break up the FBI too and let individual states assign marshals to fight real crime—not investigate or invent wrong doings against their perceived political enemies. Do away with the NSA for their gross and repeated violations of the law. It’s a felony to read private mail of US citizens. Let the branches of the military monitor foreign enemies and let us Americans have our Fourth Amendment back.

The politicized security agencies will always hide and cower behind the magical phrase, “national security!” They are allowed to know everything about us. We are allowed to know nothing about them. When that happens, people begin to fear the government.

It should be the other way around…and besides, the security agencies are NOT the government and our government is not the country.

— Ben Garrison

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14d759  No.14108507

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB, 720x720, 1:1, fauci_fraud_1.mp4)


>>14108493 <==this

this or short version video embedded.

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2a0cfe  No.14108509

and the filtered spammer is here, too! The whole gang is back for a new week, hooray!

I got bad news re: your paychecks, the GoFundMe went GoFuckYourselves and you lost >30k$ worth of shekels. An Raven must be really laying into you now.

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cebc32  No.14108511

File: 305ab793aeeeb05⋯.jpg (654.64 KB, 972x2210, 486:1105, Screenshot_20210712_161944….jpg)



and whoops. here's the archive from 2019 showing the little st james stop.

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dc08bf  No.14108512


It is funny how project bluebook quietly ended after the Soviets were finally able to shoot down that pesky UFO violating their airspace... imagine their surprise after all our denials, that it was our U2 spy plane. Was probably an awkward conversation later at the embassy...

“On December 17, 1969, the Secretary of the Air Force announced the termination of Project BLUE BOOK, the Air Force program for the investigation of UFOS.

From 1947 to 1969, a total of 12, 618 sightings were reported to Project BLUE BOOK. Of these 701 remain "Unidentified." The project was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, whose personnel no longer receive, document or investigate UFO reports.”


“An international diplomatic crisis erupted in May 1960 when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) shot down an American U-2 spy plane in Soviet air space and captured its pilot, Francis Gary Powers (1929-77). Confronted with the evidence of his nation’s espionage, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) was forced to admit to the Soviets that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been flying spy missions over the USSR for several years.”


“We can’t do it now…”

“The Apollo landings were more than 45 years ago, yet it remains completely unprecedented as a technical achievement.

Nobody has come anywhere near to replicating what was achieved. Not even the Russians, who were years ahead of the US in the space race, ever came close.

Apollo sent 12 men 240,000 miles to the Moon and back, yet after the last mission in 1972, no other human being has ever travelled more than 400 miles above the surface of the Earth.

Despite being orders of magnitude more complex and dangerous than anything else ever attempted before or since, and despite sending men 600 times further than would ever be achieved again, Apollo’s safety record is miraculous.”



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25a2ac  No.14108513

File: d08c3c5eb97dc46⋯.png (604.5 KB, 675x1253, 675:1253, ClipboardImage.png)


>context of the drop

Hahahahahaha, "context", you don't determine that, division logic shill.

You sound scared.

Speaking of Q drops, Q was talking about you.

The low IQ is palpable with you.

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801d8d  No.14108514

File: 837a6132d8afb92⋯.png (385.12 KB, 598x736, 13:16, Screenshot_2021_07_12_Thin….png)


>Things China Doesn't Want You To Know

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2ddec3  No.14108515

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a098bb  No.14108516




WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Impeaching a duly elected president with no cause (100% Jewish)


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 - Homelessness population on the rise?

WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM, BLM & Antifa Ran by Jews (((Susan Rosenberg))) https://www.bendthearc.us/american_jews_black_lives_matter

WE SHALL DESTROY GOD, WHY DO YOU THINK Q ALWAYS SAID "GOD WINS" QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media? QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2900 - Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan QPOST #4688, #4541, #1646


CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED, Speaks for itself. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603


WE ARE WOLVES, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for OUR SCATTERED TRIBE unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS. QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST, Q SAYS GOD WINS QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

SECRET SOCIETIES, ”FOR WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY…” - JFK QPOST #3734, #2573, #1588, #1433, #1183, #1082, #942, #783, #743, #742, #709, #703, #354, #350, #121, #92, #15

GENTILES ARE STUPID, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU STUPID, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

GENTILES ARE CATTLE , Q SAID THEY CALL YOU SHEEP/CATTLE/STUPID IN SOME COMBINATION OVER 60 TIMES. GETTING THE PICTURE? QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target? Pay attention to Schuman posters. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603,

4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??''' QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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5c7908  No.14108517



JUST IN - French President Macron announces mandatory #COVID19 vaccinations for all healthcare workers beginning July 21, and adds "we will probably have to think about the mandatory vaccination of all French citizens at some point."


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4925a8  No.14108518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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25a2ac  No.14108519

File: b368179af7cc0b4⋯.png (314.6 KB, 1434x1488, 239:248, Untitle2.PNG)

File: a974cafbeb6796f⋯.png (300.86 KB, 2560x2670, 256:267, Untitled.png)


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2a0cfe  No.14108520


>you don't determine that

the thread Q posted that in determines that you retard, I was there. Go back to wearethene.ws and cry about losing control here forever.

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b9b0ec  No.14108521

File: 99214801e94ddbb⋯.png (543.42 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday that US-funded organizations were behind the recent protests in Cuba.

On Sunday, Cuba witnessed its largest protests since 1994, fueled by anger over shortages of basic goods. Thousands of people demanded free elections and the resolution of social issues. According to local media, protests and gatherings took place in eight Cuban cities, including Havana. In response, government and Communist Party supporters held their own marches following President Miguel Diaz-Canel's calls to take to the streets and repel provocations.

"I see that there is meddling. For example, yesterday I saw a social media post from a group called Article 19, which is an association of journalists in Mexico funded by the US government, the US embassy … They condemned President Diaz-Canel's call for confrontation …," Lopez Obrador told reporters.

The Mexican president expressed solidarity with the people of Cuba and said the only way out of this crisis was through dialogue, without the use of force, confrontation and violence.

"Mexico has always been in solidarity with Cuba and with all the peoples of the world, if the Cuban government deems it necessary and its people demand it, the Mexican government could help with medicines, vaccines, supplies and food, without the interventionist political manipulation … because health and food are fundamental human rights," Lopez Obrador added.

The president further noted that the US economic embargo of Cuba should be brought to an end.

"If you want to help Cuba, the first thing that would have to be done is to lift the blockade of Cuba, as required by most of the countries of the world. It would be a true humanitarian gesture, no country in the world can be fenced off, blocked. This is worse than the violation of human rights," Lopez Obrador stressed.

Bolivian President Luis Arce echoed his Mexican counterpart's sentiment, saying that Cuba's domestic affairs must be handled internally.

US restrictions on trade with Cuba date back to the island nation's communist revolution in the late 1950s and involve at least half a dozen different US laws. Former President Barack Obama took steps to normalize bilateral relations, but many of those steps were reversed by the Trump administration.

Current President Joe Biden has promised that he would return Obama's policy on Cuba but has yet to reverse his predecessor's steps.

On June 23, the United States voted against a UN General Assembly resolution condemning the embargo on Cuba, which was adopted by the overwhelming majority of 184 other nations.


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316497  No.14108522


>Nobody wants to bake on a board ran by a fascist.

antifa language

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b6a9a0  No.14108523


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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2a0cfe  No.14108525


Aaaand zzzing, we got censorship! I won two chicken tendies that I shall now print out I guess!

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b735aa  No.14108526


If I lost due to election fraud and suffered attacks by us mil while in the WH, I would disassociate from q as well. It is a no brainer.

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1033a4  No.14108527

File: 94f57339dae1765⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210706_114700.jpg)

File: ab3ee14f110893f⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210523_201938.jpg)

File: 105139cc109fc7b⋯.jpg (6.22 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210508_104559.jpg)

File: f1187282de7c7e7⋯.jpg (3.96 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210510_113554.jpg)

File: 9a752de7beb3dcd⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 4032x1860, 336:155, 20210209_143455.jpg)


Where Buts? Ozone? Mount Ida? Deer? Oark? Dogpatch?

From the Ouachitas Muhself…

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1033a4  No.14108529


*Where Bouts

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4925a8  No.14108530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


China's Richest Cities 2021 | Top 10 | 中国最富有城市 2021

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ea3b0a  No.14108531

BREAKING: Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates

Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates


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801d8d  No.14108532


>Tell Governors you won’t pay taxes until Election audited. Do en mass, not individually.

No Taxation without Representation?

I like it anon.

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abf5ff  No.14108533

Companies should not be allowed to operate in America if they do not comply with out constitution and basic human rights

Strip the power from these nazi's already and strap them into their own corporate chairs and audit their hpaa health

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0ec3c9  No.14108534

“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”


We have nothing to do with Larpwood.

So no idea.

That was injected by HRA

Banned already for just sharing truths.

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afe098  No.14108535


Dude needs a bit more research on his mRNA history… (how can there be suits, for a drug that wasn't patented?) How come DARPA and GATES were giving FUNDING to Moderna so long ago? How come Gates' 2010 year of the VAX plan never gets mentioned? I digress…

A British Columbia judge has issued a ruling that puts in doubt whether Moderna Theraputics will be able to commercialize some of its first products in clinical trials using key technology that it doesn’t own.

British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Dev Dley this week granted a request from Arbutus Biopharma for a pre-trial injunction that prevents a tiny company called Acuitas from sublicensing Arbutus’ lipid nanoparticle delivery technology until the end of October. Acuitas has sublicensed the technology four times to Moderna, which appears to be using it in the first two products it has put into clinical trials.

The ruling also makes clear that Judge Dley believes that Acuitas was never authorized to sublicense Arbutus’ delivery system for use in vaccines. The first two products Moderna put in human trials were vaccines and four of the five products Moderna has in the clinic are vaccines.

Moderna is a super hot private biotech company that has raised $1.9 billion. That includes deals it has made with big companies like Merck, Alexion and AstraZeneca, and investor cash most recently raised at a valuation of $5 billion. Led by Stéphane Bancel, Moderna is developing a new class of mRNA drugs aiming to turn human bodies into drug factories by directing cells to produce therapeutic proteins.

But getting the mRNA safely into the body’s cells is tricky. Acuitas, which is based in its CEO’s Vanouver home, sublicensed one delivery system to Moderna that wraps the mRNA in balls of fat. That delivery system belongs to Arbutus and last year it terminated Aquitas’ license to the technology. Acuitas turned around and sued Arbutus in Vancouver to preserve its rights to the techonology. Acuitas originally got the license as a result of a separate legal dispute and richly-funded Moderna tapped Acuitas for the delivery system instead of its actual owner, Arbutus.

In a Forbes article that focused on the delivery technology, Bancel said Moderna was no longer using Acuitas’ delivery system for new drugs and that Moderna was in the process of developing its own delivery system while licensing another one from Merck. When reached about this week’s court ruling, Moderna said “the injunction does not affect our agreements with Acuitas.” The injunction does not appear to impact Moderna’s ability to continue its human trials using Arbutus’ delivery technology under a patent research exemption.

Arbutus has claimed that Acuitas does not have a right to sublicense Arbutus’ delivery technology for vaccines and Judge Dley appears to agree with Arbutus. “I agree that Arbutus has a strong case,” Judge Dley wrote in his opinion. “Acuitas has sub-licensed Arbutus’ technology with respect to vaccines when such vaccines fall outside the provisions of the cross-license agreement.”


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dc08bf  No.14108536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956

“…The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." Eisenhower cautioned that the federal government’s collaboration with an alliance of military and industrial leaders, though necessary, was vulnerable to abuse of power. Ike then counseled American citizens to be vigilant in monitoring the military-industrial complex.


The Personification of Astrology

All the way back to 10,000 B.C., the sun has been worshiped as one of the most important and amazing objects for ancients to see. It is easy to understand why, especially for the ancients. Every morning it would rise, following the rise of the sun would come light, safety, warmth. Thus, saving these ancient civilizations from the cold, dark, predator filled night. These ancient civilizations understood that without the sun, plants could not grow, crops would not flourish, and life itself would not be able to continue. Obviously, this made the sun the most important and crucial thing to the ancients. Not to mention, with nothing else to do at night, and the interests of the heavens above, these ancient people were also very familiar with the stars and the layout of them. The stars were very useful to them; they used stars to track and anticipate events that would occur over long periods of time. Examples of this would be eclipses, full-moons, and solstices. By doing this, they knew the appropriate time to farm, hunt, and many other things. A lot of actions that these ancients would do would depend on the location of the stars at that current time. These ancients then categorized a specific collective of stars into what we know today as constellations. As a result of the knowledge of the sun and its location, and the location of the constellations, the cross of the zodiac was born, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history.

The Zeitgeist (spirit of the age or spirit of the time) is the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time. For example, the Zeitgeist of modernism motivated the creation of new forms in the fields of architecture, art, and fashion during much of the 20th century.



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759d4c  No.14108537

File: b5022787c56fdb2⋯.png (75.55 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

Chicongo felon released and shot 64 times.



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cf092d  No.14108539

File: 7dafb7843156e8b⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 661x640, 661:640, stirring_shit.jpg)

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b9b0ec  No.14108540

File: 2254c87e6173577⋯.png (234.74 KB, 522x416, 261:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffd01ff9397c7e8⋯.png (622.47 KB, 964x763, 964:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

"So, so, everybody's gone, I got like three or four hours, let's try on a few things [from my daughter's wardrobe] here. And, and, all of a sudden the kids come home and I hear this big commotion going on in the other room, and Kris goes, 'Over here.' Uh, yeah."

Video footage from a pro-transgender speech Caitlyn Jenner gave at the Chicago House Speaker Series in 2015 shows Jenner appearing to brag about sneaking into bedrooms and stealing the clothes of one of the then-adolescent Jenner daughters and trying them on when no one was around. Jenner expressed pride in being “stealthy” about the crossdressing lifestyle for years, so much so that the secret was never uncovered until Jenner was seen with the daughter’s clothes on a CCTV camera.

“One daughter was stealing the other daughter’s clothes,” Jenner said. “Okay, so, she set her computer up in the room, and she put on that like, security device so that if anybody walked in it would videotape them, okay? I didn’t know that, okay?” The audience then burst into hysterical laughter.

Jenner continued, “So, so, everybody’s gone, I got like three or four hours, let’s try on a few things [from my daughter’s wardrobe] here. And, and, all of a sudden the kids come home and I hear this big commotion going on in the other room, and Kris goes, ‘Over here.’ Yeah.”


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44029d  No.14108541






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98e031  No.14108542

File: db348f4b8c1a020⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 474x266, 237:133, mask_on_vax_off.jpg)

File: 4bb77b0e8559340⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 474x260, 237:130, vax_off.jpg)

File: da1c40ab2dd32e0⋯.jpg (53.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, wax_on_wax_off.jpg)

If they've gotta force it, it prolly ain't guud for


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759d4c  No.14108543


Good fucking luck Assholes

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377fda  No.14108545


Is this what the precipice looks like?

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98e031  No.14108546


Counter clockwise fo sho

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1033a4  No.14108547

File: d2ed9d3d090bc91⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Moments_of_Clarity_George_….mp4)



Some of the Best Indica Weed is Grown near Deer & Zinc Arkansas… Short of Alaskan Matanuska Thunderfuck….

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b6a9a0  No.14108548

File: 07b8e7ed09758c6⋯.png (928.2 KB, 857x482, 857:482, ClipboardImage.png)

Auditkeepers Keeping the Audit

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fa95b0  No.14108549

File: 53601856a51f54c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cfedee6db72992⋯.png (207.81 KB, 593x386, 593:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 600809daf4bea37⋯.png (606.43 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6b0cc433e686df⋯.png (133.04 KB, 1300x994, 650:497, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the lab where the uncontrolled criticality caused ablue flash

That screwdriver is holding the two pieces of plutonium apart.

When Louis Slotin let the screwdriver slip

And the top piece of metal fell and closed the gap

A chain reaction occurred (fission) and a blue flash of radioactivity was seen.

If the two pieces had not been pried apart, the heat buildup would have caused a meltdown

In this case, the plutonium would have spread out and the reaction would have stopped.

Note that Slotin was the only one to die and that was 6 days later


Because there isno such thing as a nuclear bomb

The diagram shows the positions of the other people in the room

They were all nuclear scientists

They all knew the danger

That's why they stood back a bit

Understand the inverse square law and it will all make sense.

As for the deadly poisonous metallic element called plutonium that he is touching with his bare hands

Well, lead is also poisonous.

If you touch it, you wash your hands

Same with Plutonium.

The reason this is dangerous in reactors is that they are filled with cooling water.

Steam is very explosive and very dangerous.

It is pure H2O and it will kill you and do massive structural damage.

Watch the water!

In a Thorium reactor, the dangerous water is contained and controlled

If the molten radioactive fuel gets too hot

It melts the freeze plug and drains into a lower tank

This spreads out the fuel so that it is now below critical mass

And that stops the fission reaction

Very safe.

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2a0cfe  No.14108550


Yeah, no, yep, I'm just going to believe you after you literally spew their talking points and use the exact same tactics they've been using ever since the B post. Or was that Sgt. B. Or maybe it was aliens this time. WAIT - Project Bluebeam… Project B… B… Sgt. B… Sgt. Babyfist…

BV, I think it might actually be aliens, my logic here is truly irrefutable and all-encompassing.

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28566f  No.14108552

If I buy a dedicated server and setup an irc server…. do you guys know how to setup SSL on your computers so we can have a private place to brainstorm? Telegram is annoying.

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354c99  No.14108553

File: 4e184a698a5fd9a⋯.png (1.56 MB, 739x862, 739:862, Capture.PNG)


fooking sicko

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b9b0ec  No.14108554

File: 54c5d8029a92e4e⋯.png (351.08 KB, 619x558, 619:558, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

The businessman at the center of the Shin Bet’s latest investigation once served as a Knesset candidate for the since-defunct Telem Party after he was named as a contender by former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon in 2019. However, he was never officially registered.

Yaqoub Abu al-Qia’an, an Israeli construction magnate who had a brief stint as a Knesset candidate for the state’s Telem Party, was charged on Monday with relaying information to Iranian intelligence officials that detailed certain aspects of the Israeli state.

The Israeli millionaire, who was indicted at the Southern District Court in Beersheba, was specifically charged with contact with a foreign agent and disclosing information to an enemy of the state.

The Shin Bet security service detailed after a gag order on the case was partially lifted that Abu al-Qia’an allegedly kept in contact with Haidar al-Mashhadani, a Lebanese-Iraqi man who acted as a go-between for Iranian intelligence authorities.

As for the information that was handed over to Iranian contacts, reports have indicated it was not classified information. In fact, it’s believed that Abu al-Qia’an’s intel was publicly available information.

​Citing Channel 12, the Times of Israel reported that the so-called intelligence that was forked over was of “no value,” and that it detailed the movements of Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz - information that was already made available to the public.

It’s presently unclear how long Abu al-Qia’an maintained his contact with al-Mashhadani, how frequent the conversations were held between Abu al-Qia’an and al-Mashhadani, as well as the identities of Iranian officials who received the updates.

Although nothing ever materialized, it has also been detailed that Abu al-Qia’an inquired about having covert, in-person meetings with Iranian operatives. Abu al-Qia’an’s efforts were also reportedly tied to the millionaire’s interest in expanding his own business opportunities.

According to YNet News, Abu al-Qia’an rejected the accusations during Monday’s court proceedings, vowing that he did not commit any national security offenses. He later opted to fully withdraw his past confession after stating parts of his statement were fabricated.

However, Abu al-Qia’an did admit to having knowingly held business ties with a foreign agent.

Abu al-Qia’an was initially arrested on June 10, with Israeli officials having kept him in custody for weeks without filing charges or granting the businessman contact with his legal representatives. Reports of his case only recently surfaced after the Ashkelon District Court partially raised a gag order on the developments.

The millionaire’s case comes months after reports detailed that an Israeli service member was found dead in his jail cell after having been detained for reportedly harming Israeli national security. Little is known about the case, as it too was slapped with a gag order.


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bc7f15  No.14108556

For any of you left still trying to reach FB retards, the Picasso vs Hunter price tag seems to be pretty effective at making them at least start to see the massive corruption.

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4925a8  No.14108557



Feelings that cloud which come from far

Touch not those knowing who they are

Senses somehow that defy perception

Shall persist for those ripe for deception

Lest thou not quest for this truth or lie

For here is found sin whose depth is sly

Question not from whence it has came

Alas hence shall be thine relief from pain

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2a0cfe  No.14108558


>If I buy a dedicated server

and its already comped. Set up your own hardware, faggot

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8415ab  No.14108559


J Med Ethics

. 2021 Jun 8;medethics-2020-106841. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106841. Online ahead of print.

LGBT testimony and the limits of trust

Maura Priest 1

Affiliations expand

PMID: 34103366 DOI: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106841


In, 'Forever young: the ethics of ongoing puberty suppression (OPS) for non-binary adults,' Notini et al discuss the risks, harms and benefits of treating non-binary patients via identity-affirming OPS. Notini et al's article makes a strong case for OPS's permissibility, and their conclusion will not be disputed here. Instead, I directly focus on issues that their article addressed only indirectly. This article will use a hypothetical case study to show that while Notini et al's ethical conclusion might be spot on, that perhaps the method they took to get there was superfluous. If the medical community is to take LGBT testimony seriously (as they should) then it is no longer the job of physicians to do their own weighing of the costs and benefits of transition-related care. Assuming the patient is informed and competent, then only the patient can make this assessment, because only the patient has access to the true weight of transition-related benefits. Moreover, taking LGBT patient testimony seriously also means that parents should lose veto power over most transition-related paediatric care.

Keywords: decision-making; minors/parental consent; philosophical ethics; rights; sexuality/gender.




LGBT testimony and the limits of trust

http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6962-993XMaura Priest

Correspondence to Dr Maura Priest, Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA; mp3588@columbia.edu


In, ‘Forever young: the ethics of ongoing puberty suppression (OPS) for non-binary adults,’ Notini et al discuss the risks, harms and benefits of treating non-binary patients via identity-affirming OPS. Notini et al’s article makes a strong case for OPS’s permissibility, and their conclusion will not be disputed here. Instead, I directly focus on issues that their article addressed only indirectly. This article will use a hypothetical case study to show that while Notini et al’s ethical conclusion might be spot on, that perhaps the method they took to get there was superfluous. If the medical community is to take LGBT testimony seriously (as they should) then it is no longer the job of physicians to do their own weighing of the costs and benefits of transition-related care. Assuming the patient is informed and competent, then only the patient can make this assessment, because only the patient has access to the true weight of transition-related benefits. Moreover, taking LGBT patient testimony seriously also means that parents should lose veto power over most transition-related paediatric care.


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801d8d  No.14108560



Meme Makers anything on this?

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14d759  No.14108562


i think brad pascale is its campaign manager kek

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759d4c  No.14108563

AZ - status?

MI - ?

PA - ?

GA - ?

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336cbf  No.14108564

File: 7a4ff80105d5fdd⋯.png (19.81 KB, 602x241, 602:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f0dc70229d04f8⋯.png (20.05 KB, 598x240, 299:120, ClipboardImage.png)


tiny you say?

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28566f  No.14108565


We should start selling some paintings if these idiots can

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426519  No.14108566

File: 136f03b3347fd11⋯.png (517.75 KB, 530x1657, 530:1657, ClipboardImage.png)


Your own 'interpretation' based on division logic is not Q's you stupid moron.


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2a0cfe  No.14108567


Oh, so you decide what Q meant now?


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28566f  No.14108568


I have a box. Just need the hosting.

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426519  No.14108569

File: 2094dbdb25d92b9⋯.png (119.11 KB, 1417x1481, 1417:1481, Untitle3.PNG)


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759d4c  No.14108570

Specifically how is it that AR and MO are suddenly having massive increases in 'cases'?

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c6ac7c  No.14108571

Why cant tranime just fucking kill himself

Even if he is abc holy fucking shit what a degenerate nigger lol

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801d8d  No.14108573


>AZ - status?

>MI - ?

>PA - ?

>GA - ?


Get everyone to contact their respected state committee and demand Audits?

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28566f  No.14108574


The Cherokee tribe was kind enough to drop me 2k

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a8eb8b  No.14108575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a0cfe  No.14108576


>why are you trying to do your job, BV?

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c5d5db  No.14108577

File: 41ef6d83e97c2a4⋯.png (363.82 KB, 420x541, 420:541, RIP.png)




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



>>14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

>>14108505 politico hit piece

>>14108521 Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

>>14108531, >>14108543 Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates (Good fucking luck Assholes)

>>14108540 Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

>>14108554 Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

>>14108574, >>14108575 Hive mind for keks.

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28566f  No.14108578


Illegals. Or chemtrails. Unless it's the tests.

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1033a4  No.14108579

File: 8db3c670f6635c8⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 320x240, 4:3, PORKCHOP_SANDWICHES.mp4)

File: f3342e63c379112⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Saucy_Bearknees.mp4)

File: 4e4163876988f98⋯.mp4 (9.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DONUTZ_BJ.mp4)

File: 7029c8782608e19⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 480x854, 240:427, WOO_HOO.mp4)

File: 291684a64ac5804⋯.jpg (93.01 KB, 516x538, 258:269, 291684a64ac58041d27f64b398….jpg)


Say When Niggers…


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426519  No.14108581

File: 9e95a5ee2e9097a⋯.png (279.51 KB, 530x1073, 530:1073, ClipboardImage.png)


I decide for myself, neither you nor BV decides that for me.

Your division logic 'interpretation' of Q drops is nothing but Marxist polylogism redux.

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e067d0  No.14108582

File: 2c5cb06a7f23ae1⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 900x380, 45:19, 2c5cb06a7f23ae1f68e3bdec2e….jpg)

Is it August yet. It sure is hot.

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efef79  No.14108584

File: 89e1408aad83454⋯.png (278.55 KB, 515x529, 515:529, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: ae4a353515af251⋯.png (57.99 KB, 219x185, 219:185, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: f0e2b61a35de7b9⋯.png (38.26 KB, 202x186, 101:93, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 2b0f28d0f970aa5⋯.png (14.65 KB, 97x132, 97:132, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: bb6a1ebccd2637a⋯.png (165.1 KB, 1157x555, 1157:555, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)




U1 = Unity One


"The θ[R]E [Another symbol of a cross within a circle]"

TREX kek.

don't make it! _


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44029d  No.14108586

>>14108095 CYBER POLYGON 2021: covid industrial complex project, pushing digital vaccines.

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108233 bring the deep state to it's knees overnight.

>>14108307 Christmas in July

>>14108491 Two Weeks.

>>14108548 Audits

>>14108444 *we

>>14108569 They edit comments too

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426519  No.14108587


>why do the consensus crack shill idiots actually believe their shit works?

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28566f  No.14108588


I'm in Oklahoma btw, between both of those states. Could they use mosquito foggers to spread it?

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201a33  No.14108589


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b6f4d No.4267248 📁

Dec 11 2018 23:42:39 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b6f4d No.4267057 📁

Dec 11 2018 23:33:44 (EST)



Google CEO Says No Plan to ‘Launch’ Censored Search Engine in China"

How do you cover your tracks?

Start a FIRE.


What if GOOG already gave access to China?

CHINA launch?


The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE.



GOOG (upcoming) financial statements should receive extra scrutiny [10-Q].

Follow the money.

Help will be provided.

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c840aa  No.14108590


Kek! Classic, anon

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59e9bd  No.14108591


You know what to do if they come knocking. Welcome them with open arms.

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98e031  No.14108592


Wait what?

Art is being used as a way to transfer &/or launder ill gotten gains???

Maybe Hunter wasn't the first person in DC to do this.

Maybe the Arts have long been utilized by unscrupulous ass hats for decades.

Why is it that most art is worthless until AFTER the artist has died?

Unless you work in or for DC elites.

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44029d  No.14108593


filtered news boke eazybake glow nigger faggot script queer

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cc6107  No.14108594

File: 8d92277e195b7d3⋯.png (140.69 KB, 598x565, 598:565, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)


Just do it!


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39bf0e  No.14108595


He’s probably bald as a babies ass, just like his trailer trash daddy by now. Weird little psychopath.

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492aae  No.14108596

File: aa299f46af893ee⋯.png (167.24 KB, 974x720, 487:360, Screen_Shot_2018_08_29_at_….png)

File: fb47946992454de⋯.png (75.04 KB, 966x694, 483:347, Screen_Shot_2018_08_29_at_….png)


That design is way to complex and costly

Just put liquid salt nuclear/thorium fuel rods in a bath of molten salt


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c840aa  No.14108597


The butt tests for sure

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426519  No.14108598


"They censor" - Q

"They lie" - Q

"They project" - Q

Hi BV!

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2a0cfe  No.14108599


hey, you're free to delude yourself all you want. Doesn't change the fact Q posted that in response to /pol/ accusing him of ignoring the jews, with his reply literally meaning "can't touch them now, but we will".

So where were you when Q+ moved the embassy to Jerusalem and forced them to restart their retarded palestine larp just so they could hold on to their satanic status quo a little longer? Because I was right here.

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aed1cb  No.14108600


its like they are purposely trying to make it sound like mastabate

phonetic fap


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492aae  No.14108601

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801d8d  No.14108602


Baker anyway you can bring up Audits and contacting State Committees in the title of your Bake.

Maybe along the lines of.

>Contact Your Local State Election Commites and Request Election Audits.

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abf5ff  No.14108603


biden and psuki on top of it

choco chip menthols

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f4cd05  No.14108604

File: a92d20dbc7c772e⋯.png (514.45 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_07….png)


Black Wife?

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3c211a  No.14108605

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b9b0ec  No.14108606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obama's third term

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6ddaeb  No.14108607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Got to feel it to heal it

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44f593  No.14108608


Kek holy shit my sides

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1033a4  No.14108609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How's bout some Green Mind by Dink…?

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c5d5db  No.14108611


No sorry. I am just gathering notes. I don't know how to bake.

I saw a busy Monday afternoon and decided to actually help instead of shitpost. I am hoping somebody picks up the bake/notes.

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1844d0  No.14108612


you going for 2 or 3 pages worth?

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426519  No.14108613


>Doesn't change the fact Q posted that in response to /pol/ accusing him of ignoring the jews,

Bzzzzzzzt, wrong!

You are just trying to 'portray' Q drops in the context of the very 'narrative' you want pushed in the first place.

That isn't a 'fact', and arguing past the sale, 'doesn't change the fact that' is a statement that itself has never been proved.

Look at you flail about.

>So where were you when Q+ moved the embassy to Jerusalem

There would be a non-surprising reason if you seethed at that.

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cc6107  No.14108614

File: d79fbf512c5b70e⋯.png (212.05 KB, 598x644, 13:14, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)



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801d8d  No.14108615


Thank you for your service fren

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354c99  No.14108616

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96e2d4  No.14108617

Guess what was just entered as new evidence in Trumps civil case against big tech.

The Government is clearly working with big tech now to CENSOR.


Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.

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fa95b0  No.14108619

File: 5b8ac1d49c4dd42⋯.png (302.89 KB, 570x353, 570:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc7f15  No.14108621


I call this one "Kool-Aid enema with Ex-Lax"

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cc6107  No.14108622

File: 538d7d30b8338bb⋯.png (629.6 KB, 598x712, 299:356, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

Wishing a very happy birthday to @Malala

! As she often points out, there are so many girls like her all around the world, all of whom deserve a chance to learn and grow and blossom into the kind of women they want to be. This #MalalaDay, let’s commit to lifting them up.



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28566f  No.14108623

Anyone good with eggdrop tcl scripting?

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28566f  No.14108625


Kek! Easy 500k!

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cc6107  No.14108626

File: 59baf7ff2bd51d3⋯.png (243.78 KB, 598x634, 299:317, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

During quarantine, I picked up knitting as a hobby—and discovered how fulfilling it can be to turn small stitches into something big and beautiful. That's why I loved talking with Shayna Rose, a 14-year-old reporter with Vogue Knitting Magazine about it. Hope you’ll listen!



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1033a4  No.14108627

File: bd9f784c2ef011d⋯.gif (888.67 KB, 390x227, 390:227, cHOHqs3.gif)

File: 68c62af98cf0ff8⋯.gif (4.11 MB, 377x289, 377:289, EntireCrazyAmericanindianh….gif)

File: f86e47e9c74cbd0⋯.gif (589.36 KB, 500x211, 500:211, GUMe.gif)

File: d5eba549d1c83a2⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 600x336, 25:14, d5eba549d1c83a2395ffeb5ae8….gif)

File: 825c6306479cf3f⋯.gif (871.77 KB, 240x112, 15:7, MasculineLimitedCattle_max….gif)

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0cf82c  No.14108628

So it’s all over the news that people are getting colds in summer and that usually they don’t get them till fall. Wouldn’t a fall cold be fall allergies? Where I live has been unusually humid & the weeds are in full bloom. Wouldn’t that cause allergy season to start early?

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354c99  No.14108630

File: 73ca84922b261fa⋯.png (11.27 KB, 630x112, 45:8, Capture.PNG)



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2a0cfe  No.14108631


>Bzzzzzzzt, wrong!

Prove it, faggot.

>There would be a non-surprising reason if you seethed at that.


Dude, I was overjoyed, Trump literally bitchslapped their claim to the rest of palestine out of their fucking hands with that. You'd know that if you didn't engage in dishonest msm-level knowledge of israel. I mean, fuck, when barely a /pol/tard from ages past can outflank you, you're not even trying.

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dbadf1  No.14108633

File: 9e7631869092f07⋯.png (427.88 KB, 357x510, 7:10, bewbs.png)

File: b6de6d00524d67e⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 600x892, 150:223, b6de6d00524d67eeeac475912d….jpg)

File: ec098b872ebdbb0⋯.jpg (297.32 KB, 1904x3000, 238:375, ec098b872ebdbb08b9c6bc82f3….jpg)

File: b3049f99eff25cf⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 300x425, 12:17, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg)

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880c1a  No.14108634



something something radiation.

it would be practical to bury them really deep and run cables up

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cc6107  No.14108635

File: 5167d4148309538⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 4096x3112, 512:389, E6BiNKKXIAMIM67.jpg)

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b9b0ec  No.14108636

File: 8ba634f29ddff41⋯.png (80.52 KB, 684x846, 38:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bd593c60f0dc11⋯.png (58.17 KB, 687x643, 687:643, ClipboardImage.png)

Leicester Woman and Man Charged in Superseding Indictment in COVID-19 Pandemic Scheme


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4925a8  No.14108638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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316497  No.14108639


Not a fan personally of the protocols because it portrays an entire people as being satanic. But this does make good arguments, and being critical of anyone including jews needs to be hereon 8kun.

Faggots saying this is just identity politics need to wake up. Jews are everywhere at the top, this cannot be ignored.

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15827a  No.14108640


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c5d5db  No.14108641


>that's a bot

Great counterargument. Fucking subverting kike.

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a8eb8b  No.14108642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know you symbolism cravers always forget the H when you say you're Jesus, right?

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cc6107  No.14108643

File: 471c47b64cf7012⋯.png (52 KB, 157x135, 157:135, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

File: 8f1c9ecf9132951⋯.png (43.12 KB, 128x125, 128:125, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

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a098bb  No.14108645

File: bcfe04e29f777d4⋯.png (2.64 MB, 2161x807, 2161:807, 34abd1858a3be7e5b3bfa57500….png)

File: c114f2d992e9090⋯.jpg (250.4 KB, 1125x1111, 1125:1111, 1620833298092.jpg)

File: 6882509376e3ab1⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1084x1280, 271:320, 377c0a594f5e9f1e0e2d628064….png)

File: 6384c43c18eee13⋯.jpg (224.79 KB, 808x1024, 101:128, 6384c43c18eee135329be9a569….jpg)

File: 9b5aabfd3ee363d⋯.jpeg (243.75 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 9b5aabfd3ee363d188cbb41a1….jpeg)


>Faggots saying this is just identity politics need to wake up. Jews are everywhere at the top, this cannot be ignored.

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c3785a  No.14108647


Sure thing, glownigger

Think we don't notice you?

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801d8d  No.14108648


I'm pretty sure it is the aliens

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a098bb  No.14108649

File: 449852b1c56d119⋯.jpg (143.05 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, 1620784328011.jpg)

File: 331a0fb64c8d32e⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, 1620784166736.png)

File: 191d9830efd9575⋯.jpg (368.98 KB, 620x855, 124:171, 1620659894609.jpg)

File: 4089d83e573adfa⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2344x2736, 293:342, 1620657809032.jpg)

File: 398f5e2e555eb38⋯.png (312.89 KB, 584x307, 584:307, 4bc3d0c3367baf7da097be4fd2….png)

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354c99  No.14108650

File: 9bcb5a0465b62e7⋯.png (496.04 KB, 587x586, 587:586, Capture.PNG)

need moar sauce here….

Venezuela Forces Raid Juan Guaido's Apartment Building, "Threaten" Arrest


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28566f  No.14108651

File: 6868318fba3a824⋯.jpg (602.25 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210712_154729….jpg)

Could mosquito fogging spread covid?


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a098bb  No.14108653


>I'm pretty sure it is the aliens

That's why I declined your offer to bake, kike.

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492aae  No.14108654

File: b0d48d1eb8a9b3a⋯.png (122.85 KB, 994x712, 497:356, Screen_Shot_2018_08_29_at_….png)

File: e2fa83f386e25f5⋯.png (104.44 KB, 978x648, 163:108, Screen_Shot_2018_08_29_at_….png)

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c3785a  No.14108655




Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!


Spooked again by the Board Joos!

You just got spooked by the Board Jew!

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28566f  No.14108656


All the rain everyone has been getting would be a good excuse for fogging

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a8eb8b  No.14108657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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afe098  No.14108659


Isn't this his fourth?

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a098bb  No.14108660

File: b180c37e94359d1⋯.png (723.77 KB, 1184x1122, 592:561, 1620833601004.png)

File: 2f01e5e6a192049⋯.png (912.79 KB, 1193x1189, 1193:1189, 1620833489353.png)

File: 5258916026ec861⋯.png (681.98 KB, 688x803, 688:803, 1620661711465.png)

File: 6f6b22d00f00be8⋯.jpg (985.49 KB, 2660x2660, 1:1, 1620661611123.jpg)

File: 276e356099c58d5⋯.png (288.55 KB, 747x661, 747:661, 1620661053155.png)

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0cf82c  No.14108661

File: 5a91a8d8d6c8c75⋯.jpeg (275.69 KB, 750x895, 150:179, 72A8722D_32EC_4E56_8D7F_2….jpeg)


Yarn/knitting comms? Afghan(instan)?


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c3785a  No.14108662

File: be175160441f5e3⋯.png (706.57 KB, 659x500, 659:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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4925a8  No.14108664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21 year old suspect, who killed CEO of Super TV speaks.

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fa95b0  No.14108666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More and more CLOWNs are feeling this one

Because they are in a jam

They are calling for help

But it seems…

There's just no-one around!

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2a0cfe  No.14108668


oh she's a knitter, she's such a fucking knitter alright. Total knit-knot.

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801d8d  No.14108669


You declined my offer… because you don't believe in aliens, or you cant take a joke. You are quite a confusion volunteer. Do we have a baker now?

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a098bb  No.14108670

File: 70aa3376dff4d11⋯.png (500.34 KB, 930x731, 930:731, 1620661941173.png)

File: efe2b4d5d98b382⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3664x3527, 3664:3527, 1620651919372.jpg)

File: 2993e073db6d7a6⋯.jpg (80.14 KB, 677x276, 677:276, 1620616843689.jpg)

File: 92f5b8284ec0213⋯.png (269.89 KB, 1500x1700, 15:17, 1594687168272.png)

File: 778bb86f56bcc2d⋯.png (350.08 KB, 617x903, 617:903, 93bd2c67b4057c8807b923c760….png)

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0cf82c  No.14108671


What if the “vaccine” is just an allergy shot?

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a8eb8b  No.14108672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice digits…. not.

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f99a20  No.14108673


if you owe ten cents to a bank they compound interest on it eveyr month. of course the systems exist to have verifiable reresentation, where we can choose who we want and it shouldn't have to be a once eveyr two years multi billion dollar payout to disreputible media companies.

if you owe the electric or phone company, they hound you .

of course systems exist.


but the motivation to make a fair system, a new methodology is not there because elections have been fake for generations.

and the people in charge don't want that to change.

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39bf0e  No.14108674


The Vice Presidents Husband Oscar Mike? Hope they stocked up on Bagels and Lox.

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863b1a  No.14108676

File: e1c0f86cf395014⋯.jpeg (973.62 KB, 1819x802, 1819:802, 3396BA6B_BE71_40B2_A739_D….jpeg)


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a8eb8b  No.14108677

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c840aa  No.14108679


Knitting needles are made of aluminum. Did anyone ever tell you what the fuck you can do with aluminum? Especially tubes!?

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d18fb4  No.14108680

File: d58c9fd7c6df8e9⋯.png (27.28 KB, 885x621, 295:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36b5a48ddfe4377⋯.png (7.38 KB, 1384x56, 173:7, ClipboardImage.png)


And that's why Ronna blocked Jenna on twitter.



Didn't like that explanation I gave in my other reply, did ya? You know, the one where I explained how ineffectual you are at what you are doing in trying to use religion/race to divide anons? Good job. Maybe someone took a screenshot. I know for a fact you did; didn't you, sweetie? Judging by the way you handle arguments, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually are Cernovich.

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4925a8  No.14108681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chief Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, home was attacked by soldiers. Two people killed and his valuables taken. Warning - Bloody scenes!

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ae132b  No.14108682


Common sense….

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026bd1  No.14108683


>Is she a knitter?

No but she's pretty good at sewing division and spinning yarns

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cc6107  No.14108685

File: 7b8d21c768b046b⋯.png (369.8 KB, 598x650, 23:25, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

The "Color Revolution" plan is just not going to work in Cuba. Yankee go home, you lost already. Flag of Cuba

Quote Tweet

Kawsachun News@KawsachunNews

Cubans chant "I am Fidel!", as thousands flood the streets in defense of the revolution.


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c5d5db  No.14108686




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



>>14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

>>14108505 politico hit piece

>>14108521 Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

>>14108531, >>14108543 Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates (Good fucking luck Assholes)

>>14108540 Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

>>14108554 Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

>>14108574, >>14108575 Hive mind for keks.


Can someone grab the notes from here? I'm not a baker

Just thought I would help out on this busy Monday instead of shitposting

>>14108675 Fuck you, kike.

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f99a20  No.14108688

>>14108001 (pb)

news flash: an unmoderated board becomes a conflict bed and then after they drive away all the real people they pretend that there is a great big conflict going on between named cretin personas.

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cf4eb7  No.14108690

File: 9c6cc106d30d186⋯.jpeg (745.92 KB, 707x2046, 707:2046, EB3A332D_F6AB_40E5_833D_6….jpeg)

Texas House Democrats LEAVE THE STATE To Block Republican Voting Law

On Monday, Texas House Democrats left the state and broke quorum in an attempt to stop state Republicans’ new voting measures.

Texas House Democratic Caucus Chair Chris Turner, Mexican American Legislative Caucus Chair Rafael Anchía, Texas Legislative Black Caucus Chair Nicole Collier, Legislative Study Group Caucus Chair Garnet Coleman and Dean Senfronia Thompson released the following statement on the decision to break quorum:

“Today, Texas House Democrats stand united in our decision to break quorum and refuse to let the Republican-led legislature force through dangerous legislation that would trample on Texans’ freedom to vote.

We are now taking the fight to our nation’s Capitol. We are living on borrowed time in Texas. We need Congress to act now to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to protect Texans — and all Americans — from the Trump Republicans’ nationwide war on democracy.”

Gov. Greg Abbott slammed Democrats over the move, claiming it “inflicts harm on the very Texans who elected them to serve.”

“As they fly across the country on cushy private planes, they leave undone issues that can help their districts and our state,” said Abbott. “The Democrats must put aside partisan political games and get back to the job they were elected to do.”


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801d8d  No.14108691


It would help if this was available in a paste bin for the baker.

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57bdf2  No.14108692

File: 5af598b103c9496⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 950x460, 95:46, 4mptac.jpg)

File: 8848a55d8c28ba1⋯.jpg (75 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 4mpngx.jpg)

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2a0cfe  No.14108693


>where I explained how

for the record, you didn't explain shit, now riddle me why jews got kicked out from literally everywhere they nested for a longer while if they were "such good merchants", "bringing in wealth and prosperity"

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ea3b0a  No.14108694

Fauci Calls For 'More Vaccine Mandates At The Local Level', Slams Alex Berenson For Spreading Facts At CPAC


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033fcc  No.14108696

File: 61dc50facb6a22a⋯.png (761.43 KB, 2102x914, 1051:457, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

Schwab's WEF, they're letting the public know what they're doing, and everything they said they'd do, thus far, has happened.

Many publicized events are only a distraction for the shit they have planned.


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14d759  No.14108697

File: 6a70ebec584566b⋯.png (171.8 KB, 485x264, 485:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dd9704e1e9b705⋯.png (817.91 KB, 606x678, 101:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8488f9a497ab1c5⋯.png (430.18 KB, 493x351, 493:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1cc00949f21a95⋯.png (647.59 KB, 606x459, 202:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2fe432f43df5e2⋯.png (336.33 KB, 606x390, 101:65, ClipboardImage.png)





1) PANDEMIC THREAT: The only way the citizens of the world can be quarantined is through the PANDEMIC THREAT (check your passport and citizens rights, written by them btw). Knowing this fact, This gave them their idea to produce a gain of function bio-weapon to ignore the rules.

2) OPERATION PANIC : The virus was released and OPERATION PANIC was started by propaganda machines of/by the state . (the governments knew, because of the sales of the virus vaccine by bulk before 2018 and before the first reports).

3) THEIR CONCLUSION: Continue to add the rest yourselves The end result is the goal, by any mean. etc.


Now that Technology has caught up, they no longer need the populations of the world, reduce to 500,000,000 and everyone can live a good life as long as they do exactly as they want and everyone else exactly as they are told, while being watched and monitored their entire lives, following every rule they want to implement, or remote execution does not need to immediate? bio weapons are not instant kills, they are to weaken and subdue the target.


you know what to do, share some hopium,

we need some wins, before things get worse, which they will, we are only on the 4th tier level boss, those you can see,

1) Top will be the elite families not known, (Denmark, royalty)

2) The Holy See (pope)

3) Banksters B.I.S (Bank of international settlements, Blackrock, Vanguard, state street) Umbrella corporations.

4) Big Pharma ←we are here

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cc6107  No.14108699

File: 98bb1d2552aa4a4⋯.png (419.94 KB, 598x640, 299:320, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

But why? | US embassy employee allegedly steals Russian train station sign


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a8eb8b  No.14108703



Q4000 to both. I'm. Sure nobody wants me to prove it.

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2867ee  No.14108704


According to the 3rd picture you put in there, DJT is one of them…

How much longer do you intend to pretend to be a BV?

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2a0cfe  No.14108705


see, this is you going "no", instead of actually explaining why I am "wrong". I am not, so all you have is denial. That's real logic for you, retard.

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801d8d  No.14108706


it's aliens

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c5d5db  No.14108707


Just copy and paste it?

Where do I find this paste bin?

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8d01c3  No.14108708

File: 4ccd1cb19e7f211⋯.jpeg (469.11 KB, 892x2563, 892:2563, Web_capture_12_7_2021_165….jpeg)

File: e8448733cfbf744⋯.jpg (129.51 KB, 560x315, 16:9, LaLaLaLaLa.jpg)


"the ruler of Cobra-La, selected a young nobleman to go out disguised amongst the humans and raise an army to conquer the planet. The nobleman became Cobra Commander and founded Cobra, but his plans repeatedly failed. Frustrated with this Golobulus implanted a tiny creature into the mind of Dr. Mindbender to give him the idea to genetically create a superior new leader out of the DNA of history's greatest warriors[4] and so Serpentor was born.

Golobulus had developed a spore that would devolve humanoids into mindless animals. In order to activate them he needed the new human machine the Broadcast Energy Transmitter (BET) which could generate and transmit the energy needed. "

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e7b4a0  No.14108709


When l was twelve stolen street signs looked cool in my bedroom.

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8d01c3  No.14108710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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28566f  No.14108711

File: 157c5372e5c8abc⋯.jpg (927.98 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210712_155559….jpg)

>>14108574 (me)


Heres a link for the Cherokee tribe stimulus check. The Cherokee tribe doesn't like giving money btw

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a8eb8b  No.14108713


It's actually all my lifelong gangstalkers realizing they can't make me kill or hurt myself while also realizing it's hard to make me die even from the 4th dimension, but that's none of my business.

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801d8d  No.14108714

I'm just wondering how to get the nation to demand audits?

I can't meme very well and not a social butterfly as some of you.

I can help Dig and Pray for those that do.

always loved those Meme Majikians -no homo of course

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1033a4  No.14108715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Must be them Soros Ouroboros Puddin' Pop Californian Trump-Blaming Cuck Aliens from the "Self-Suck" Vegan Starfish System…

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8d01c3  No.14108716

File: 0356e85c0b39b01⋯.jpg (113.79 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, BC.jpg)



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801d8d  No.14108717


I would use the paste bin service that the bakers use for their dough. If I am around later I will try to repost for you.

control something

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a8eb8b  No.14108718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28566f  No.14108720


Forgot the actual link kek


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8d3a7b  No.14108722

File: c7bd9c63b232de2⋯.png (262.73 KB, 356x600, 89:150, ClipboardImage.png)


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4925a8  No.14108724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8eb8b  No.14108725


>I'm just wondering how to get the nation to demand audits?

If you don't know that is impossible, stop asking me how I got on the ballot.

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cc6107  No.14108726

File: 2814139db3f40a4⋯.png (612.56 KB, 652x576, 163:144, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

Top US general in Afghanistan stepping down

The top U.S. commander leading forces in Afghanistan is set to step down on Monday, as the Pentagon's withdrawal effort from the region nears completion.

Army Gen. Austin “Scott” Miller, who has led the U.S.’s involvement in Afghanistan for nearly three years, will relinquish command during a transfer of authority ceremony in Kabul, a Defense official confirmed to The Hill.

Marine Gen. Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, the chief of U.S. Central Command, will reportedly take over for Miller in Afghanistan on Monday.He is expected to manage the final stages of the mission from his headquarters in Tampa, Fla. Rear Adm. Peter Vasely will reportedly lead approximately 650 troops that are responsible for protecting the U.S. Embassy.


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8d01c3  No.14108727

File: 30671c7e4848422⋯.png (333.22 KB, 1500x840, 25:14, 2.png)

File: 5c39493ab98d181⋯.jpg (92.89 KB, 817x463, 817:463, 1.jpg)

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863b1a  No.14108728

File: df0c0400786a42d⋯.jpeg (324.35 KB, 882x1117, 882:1117, 16D19063_A816_43C8_ABD2_A….jpeg)

Quick reminder.

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801d8d  No.14108729


>Must be them Soros Ouroboros Puddin' Pop Californian Trump-Blaming Cuck Aliens from the "Self-Suck" Vegan Starfish System…

I must admit I do like your way of thinking, look to the Antarctica, ask Admiral Byrd he knows.

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98e031  No.14108730

File: a922f08a01c9923⋯.jpg (86.43 KB, 564x435, 188:145, coming_for_you_wronthinker….jpg)

File: 3ae6f4f427e7c3d⋯.png (545.85 KB, 986x658, 493:329, not_gonna_take_it_anymore.png)


Translation: We are not only coming to your homes to fvck wit you over vaxes, we are monitoring ALL Americans communications to ALTER your texts and soc media in real time under the GUISE of vax disinfo.

You really think they're gonna stahp at vax info when there's so much "wrong think" to "correct" out there!

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923f34  No.14108731

File: 2072712e1b2234a⋯.jpg (132.98 KB, 716x726, 358:363, Shutup.jpg)

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c5d5db  No.14108735




>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



>>14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

>>14108505 politico hit piece

>>14108521 Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

>>14108531, >>14108543 Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates (Good fucking luck Assholes)

>>14108540 Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

>>14108554 Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

>>14108574, >>14108575 Hive mind for keks.

>>14108711, >>14108720 Heres a link for the Cherokee tribe stimulus check. The Cherokee tribe doesn't like giving money btw

>>14108726 Top US general in Afghanistan stepping down


I don't have that program required.


Which is nice.

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bc7f15  No.14108736

File: 33c5ce2d4211039⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 540x288, 15:8, ZomboMeme_08042021174955.jpg)

With over 66 millions downloads….

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1033a4  No.14108737

File: 679bcbadd7a3dd6⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Antarctica_Mission.mp4)

File: b096f43771ad34d⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 606x480, 101:80, Antarctica_Mission_1.mp4)


We'd be late to the party… I loved Alaska!

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abf5ff  No.14108738

audit FAUCI



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2867ee  No.14108740



Do you realize you just commited an act of TREASON against THE SITTING President of the United States of America?

Full Moon coming.

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801d8d  No.14108742



Use that pasting service and share their link with your notables so other bakers can pick up quickly.

Hope this helps anon.

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a8eb8b  No.14108743

File: 966737eeb02efbb⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 972x6822, 54:379, Screenshot_20210712_160425….jpg)


The book of Daniel.


Did you think it was playbook known?

THE Book.

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0146c5  No.14108744

File: 25a5644445c593d⋯.jpg (154.71 KB, 720x1064, 90:133, Screenshot_20210712_170401.jpg)


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a8eb8b  No.14108745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a098bb  No.14108746


>Do you realize you just commited an act of TREASON against THE SITTING President of the United States of America?

Oh look, moar gaslighting faggotry threats.

Kikes gon kikel I guess

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515fc7  No.14108747

File: df6f3128fe0926d⋯.png (76.35 KB, 705x781, 705:781, ClipboardImage.png)

It's another episode of the rapidly expanding and contracting bread!

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c5d5db  No.14108749




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28566f  No.14108750


A moderated board by like minded moderators keeps the kikes away

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36258f  No.14108751

Watch the crime in your area

Friend of mine got his very expensive BMW stolen from valet parking garage….everyone played dumb, including the cops on how it could have been stolen….month after insurance paid him, a insurance investigation showed it was a black owned garage, black dude gave the keys to thief, who was black all on camera, cops never requested the surveillance tapes, never questioned owner….not cuz the cops are in on it, but they didn’t want to upset a black biz owner.

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7571a1  No.14108753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Trump IS BACK! Full Force Back Into Politics & The Establishment Is FREAKING OUT!!

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8d3a7b  No.14108754

ebot using memes with the same font/color pattern as aflb

nothing to see there of course

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801d8d  No.14108755


kinda homo, but whateva.


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c5d5db  No.14108756






Baker please take the bake! Just a note collector!

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1033a4  No.14108757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Biden Administration has put out a Public Service Announment in Response to the High Gas Prices!


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cc6107  No.14108759

File: 7d690c008f4aaf5⋯.png (511.73 KB, 652x660, 163:165, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)


Trumpworld wants distance from QAnon. That's been complicated by none other than Trump himself.



All for a LARP?


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a8eb8b  No.14108760

File: 346160af8701deb⋯.png (166.9 KB, 994x883, 994:883, Screenshot_20210712_051842….png)

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9882c6  No.14108762



"helper-anon" quality post

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4925a8  No.14108763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am washed by the blood of the Son on the cross. I am washed by the blood of the Lamb. All my guilt, all my shame, were His wounds and His pain. I am washed by the blood of the Lamb. Praise Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior!

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2a0cfe  No.14108766


ayy indeed, I wondered why I smelled tranny faggotry.

I remember alfb, and I will never stop remembering. You're done.

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a8eb8b  No.14108767


Select your Disney Princess...


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354c99  No.14108768

File: d8f6b9aaa849c33⋯.png (287.58 KB, 592x590, 296:295, Capture.PNG)

File: c3a8118c4fb368b⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, oledickatitagain.mp4)

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) after labeling Fox News' Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham as "anti-vax quacks":

"Here's the reality. We have millions who've died across the world by this vaccine."


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c70215  No.14108769

File: 0d4354faa675a6d⋯.jpg (367.42 KB, 720x1064, 90:133, Avenati.jpg)


Dubs check'd

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1844d0  No.14108771


why would they need to apply? no one else did.

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5a6776  No.14108774

File: b3366f74a94a5de⋯.png (442.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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14d759  No.14108775

File: 726ac4f5fbab3f2⋯.png (220.75 KB, 1164x554, 582:277, ClipboardImage.png)



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8da37a  No.14108776

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28566f  No.14108777


I still need to wipe my phone thanks to that fag.

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67b0ca  No.14108778

File: a4afb76adf872f1⋯.png (2.06 KB, 431x66, 431:66, ClipboardImage.png)

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28566f  No.14108780


They needed your current info. I don't think they turned anyone down

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a8eb8b  No.14108781


Fuck him. He answered by not knowing anything other than we're against pedophiles. Check what I said to the OAN Journo on Twat. Also, is you're looking for the storm tweet, you're a few months late.

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354c99  No.14108782

File: 397d730b55abbce⋯.png (315.44 KB, 424x410, 212:205, Capture.PNG)

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28566f  No.14108784


Word on the reservation, we'll get another 2k next year

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efef79  No.14108785

File: 899551e216bf971⋯.png (228.25 KB, 501x271, 501:271, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: d171ae64981824b⋯.png (386.56 KB, 1366x660, 683:330, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 36c4f2884ac5502⋯.png (690.62 KB, 1101x541, 1101:541, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: e06826c562ba6e0⋯.png (172.75 KB, 1038x268, 519:134, pompeio_introduction_vatic….png)

File: a07d747a3b9b2d7⋯.png (426.99 KB, 364x516, 91:129, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)



tippy top!

and the root is H!

T or 7Γ or L7 or [D] of [C]

whereby {T| >90 ^ (2 x 45)}

So, yeah. 2 sccops of 45, please? GO -> T.

triangles ARRRR fun! Qeqd

Ω chek'd and r'eQt!

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759d4c  No.14108786


They are trying to spread this.

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cc6107  No.14108788

File: e7838d3ba93ffe8⋯.png (454.79 KB, 652x685, 652:685, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)

Afghan security forces kill Taliban spy chief, interior ministry says



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a8eb8b  No.14108790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Me and Mel. A song to us.


I know he's not Sinatra, but he's better. HA.

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863b1a  No.14108791

File: b8b95bd813565a3⋯.png (429.32 KB, 785x767, 785:767, 8105E0F6_C84F_4823_9D5E_A3….png)

File: 8cd079ea10d4608⋯.jpeg (124.73 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, 9E670BA6_6A07_45B1_B363_B….jpeg)

File: 6ac26addc3e4116⋯.png (883.96 KB, 1140x764, 285:191, BA186428_C5B9_45C0_9DA2_91….png)



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28566f  No.14108793


Yes. Do you think it could be spread with the fogger trucks?

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30b0f2  No.14108795


#17848 'The Ride Never Ends.'

>>14105449 >>14105449 >>14105449 >>14105522 >>14105542 Linking: 22 years of research

>>14105537 Trump-endorsed SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick calls the MAGA Movement a “Colony of Lepers”

>>14105538 >>14105564 @RealGenFlynn,A worthy read…by the grace of God and the American people, my life has been renewed.

>>14105551 PDJT at UFC264 and Q264

>>14105559 Trump World wants distance from QAnon even as he winks at it

>>14105578 US Flags out in Cuba, Iran, Venezuela and Hong Kong

>>14105586 We have NEVER seen a day like today in #Cuba

>>14105658 newly installed air defense system has been operational in Kabul since 2:00 am Sunday,

>>14105659 probably already notabled but worth repeating: TRUMP AT CPAC

>>14105660 Thousands Protest for Freedom in Communist Cuba. NYT would please Stalin

>>14105695 Cuban regime is hunting down protestors and imprisoning them without a trial, JK, that’s Biden

>>14105796 Weapons Cache Seized at Denver Hotel Near Stadium Hosting All-Star Game

>>14105827 >>14105803 Theory, horrible thought, but a theory

>>14105829 i smell a setup at town hall hosted by Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.)

>>14105846 Miami Mayor Francis Suarez called on Biden administration to send troops to Cuba

>>14105934 AI on the agenda. During his visit to St Petersburg, Vladimir Putin met with Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab

>>14105953 Dr. Theresa Tam says concerned that vaccination rates among younger Canadians aren’t high enough

>>14105982 Armed citizens fire on rioters in Durban, South Africa.

>>14106056 Assess your strengths and find ways to meaningfully contribute

>>14106088 goal was to bring Haiti President to the national palace

>>14106226 Turn in your family

>>14106287 scientist Opens Up on Email to Fauci on Virus Origins

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8d3a7b  No.14108796

File: f1e9d5721188eeb⋯.gif (3.11 MB, 480x270, 16:9, jew_striking.gif)

>take meds



between rainman, aflb, ebot, ebonics nigger baker clique, all have one thing in common - preventing the exposure of worldwide jewry

by either astroturfing, obfuscation, or poisoning the well with disinfo - their only goal is to shelter the chosen tribe and prevent people from seeing the very real and dangerous threat they pose to nations as a group

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14d759  No.14108797


they do not fuck around kek

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0146c5  No.14108798


Kek 🐸

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4925a8  No.14108799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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9c8069  No.14108801

File: 6f879d2cd626f2d⋯.png (776 B, 65x39, 5:3, Screenshot_2021_07_12_1613….png)

That many UIDs but only the same <10 usual suspects complaining about BV.

QR Declas Sauce + Basic Logic = keep up he good work, BV.

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6ddaeb  No.14108802


Claims to be live on ley line and opened portal using tone generator.

Tone generator page: https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/

"for science"

Ley line map: https://maps.leylines.ch/

Anyone live on a ley line to experiment?



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28566f  No.14108803


Would you rather be filled with trolls? I know I wouldn't... my phone still has tranny porn thanks to the other chan app downloading every photo posted.

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801d8d  No.14108804

>>14108756 this is preferred manor, thus notables are on full display for anons and baker has quick link if needed… especially for large notables list





>>14108029 18 arrested in Tennessee undercover child sex trafficking investigation

>>14108032 Eighteen arrested in Spain in a sting against migrant smugglers operating overseas

>>14108034 Solon Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

>>14108038 Woman arrested for trying to sell newborn in Delhi

>>14108039 Lin Wood Blames Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell for Dragging Him Into Election Fraud Case (What's going on here???)

>>14108041 Former Labor Union President Sentenced for Embezzling Union Funds

>>14108043, >>14108056, >>14108121, >>14108157, >>14108288 TRANSLATION - ANYONE WHO QUESTIONS THEIR NARRATIVE !!!

>>14108044 Justice Department and Federal Maritime Commission Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Support Interagency Collaboration

>>14108045 WTF?! Cuban president accuses porn star Mia Khalifa of aiding protests in Havana…

>>14108048 UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

>>14108052 UK Research Group: Coronavirus Vaccine “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Events

>>14108057 Musk tells court he dislikes being Tesla CEO

>>14108060 The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves.” Joe Biden supposedly said Monday.

>>14108071 Fred Schwab and Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild - “My mother taught me not to hate”

>>14108075 Propaganda

>>14108087 Texas Democrat Lawmakers to Flee State, Risking Arrest, to Stop Republicans From Passing New Voting Laws

>>14108107 Why a US soldier once had to use a payphone to call in artillery support

>>14108118 Vaccinated Leader at Florida Condo Site Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>14108207 CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

>>14108230 FDA Warning for Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disease

>>14108258 Jewish FBI Agent Infiltrates Bible Study Group And Tries To Entrap Its Members

>>14108279 Biden Does Not Need A Domestic “Terrorism” Agenda Unless He Is About To Violate American Rights

>>14108295 40 shot, 11 fatally over the weekend in Chicago

>>14108325 Emir And His Family Abducted In Nigeria’s Kaduna, As Kidnappers Upgrade From Taking Children

>>14108344 YouTube deletes channel of Spain’s political party, VOX

>>14108379 Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism

>>14108380, >>14108391 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

>>14108243 -Living Man Arrested for Feeding Himself from the Land

>>14108095 Klauss Schwab Listen to him enjoying the misfortune of citizens feeling the effect of his covid industrial complex projec

>>14108158 Harris Delivers Remarks at a Vaccine Mobilization Event

>>14108439 Tonight on #JustTheTruth, I’ll show emails from Justin Riemer that Ronna McDaniel knew existed in Nov 2020

>>14108442 Belarus Opposition Candidate Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison

>>14108445 Sen. Doug Mastriano, chair Intergovernmental Operations Committee Pennsylvania's Senate says that his committee has enough votes



>>14108493 Dr. David Martin talks about the true origins and nature behind "Covid-19" and the "New Normal".

>>14108505 politico hit piece

>>14108521 Mexican President Says Protests in Cuba Manipulated From Outside

>>14108531, >>14108543 Jen Psaki Announces Biden Will Support Local Vaccine Mandates (Good fucking luck Assholes)

>>14108540 Jenner Admits To Dressing Up In Adolescent Daughter’s Clothes, Is ‘Proud’ Of How ‘Stealthy’ Solo Drag Parties Were

>>14108554 Israeli Millionaire Accused of Undermining Israel’s Security After Allegedly Passing Intel to Iran

>>14108574, >>14108575 Hive mind for keks.

>>14108711, >>14108720 Heres a link for the Cherokee tribe stimulus check. The Cherokee tribe doesn't like giving money btw

>>14108726 Top US general in Afghanistan stepping down

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d03756  No.14108806

File: a00212e13dab7b1⋯.png (254.47 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 984FFD12_D5DA_4F4C_ADC3_A2….png)

File: 0bbd144be76a077⋯.png (253.15 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 90298C2A_502A_4266_87DB_B8….png)

File: 718ad9d6ebb713e⋯.png (212.17 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D3B93586_DEDC_45EE_ADA8_32….png)

Yummy. Biblical.


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8da37a  No.14108807



low dose lithium works

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efef79  No.14108808

File: 7ad26b295f0565e⋯.png (438.84 KB, 394x660, 197:330, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 40866dceb0d42a4⋯.png (609.78 KB, 1149x586, 1149:586, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


Big MaK killing V(i) from the grave?


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923f34  No.14108809

File: 37c70f1f5f2952e⋯.png (892.57 KB, 851x844, 851:844, 24e960320ba0b987c7a8805090….png)

File: f7bb318bfdb71ed⋯.png (493.52 KB, 2000x541, 2000:541, Side.png)

File: d39f39659a6657c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1556x2046, 778:1023, NoticeEverything.png)

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c70215  No.14108810

File: 0de7da6c81c56ba⋯.jpg (131.47 KB, 1296x736, 81:46, anon_shill.jpg)


>but only the same <10 usual suspects complaining about BV.

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6ddaeb  No.14108812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a8eb8b  No.14108814

File: 99d8a6ded45953e⋯.png (302.22 KB, 684x692, 171:173, Screenshot_20210711_143938….png)


Cry more.

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a8eb8b  No.14108815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0250f6  No.14108819


Same thing Flynn did. Flynn was kinda laughing about it, too.

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28566f  No.14108820

File: 93e183cb5d8f5fb⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210712_161744….jpg)


Micro dosing mushrooms works better…


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01faee  No.14108822

File: 7bbae3a28739f64⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Trump_dancing_bus.mp4)

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9c8069  No.14108824


When Anons are pissed as a group they're not shy.

Ask FJ about that back in '19.

Ask Comms about that in '20.

Where's the current uprising?

It doesn't exist because you're shills and most Anons know it.

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52dff7  No.14108825

File: 3f4340946fe5acc⋯.gif (981.77 KB, 285x171, 5:3, Freedom_Boner.gif)


>nothing to see there of course


Now do either of you anons know "who" AFLB or who tranime is? I bet BV doesn't. This anon knows, though. Suck it, BV. Suck it, hard, and suck it fast.


4 of those UIDs are IP addresses BV banned from a single user. Now use that as a multiplier, and realize the number of anons posting here is much, much smaller.


Here, here. Anons aren't stupid, and see through the bullshit.

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a8eb8b  No.14108826


Bull shit. Let's face it. You and pappy are not strong enough to lead people unless you're dividing to tread water. That's why you lost. That's why you aren't leaders. That's why you copy me, Triggered.

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52dff7  No.14108829



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c70215  No.14108830

File: 5469251346fa6f4⋯.jpeg (148.16 KB, 558x375, 186:125, 7_genders.jpeg)


>censoring perfectly legal comment

'anons' arguing that BV puts anti Jewish stuff in notes.

Always the same 3 or 4 reeing about it

That's because we.arethe news scrapes from notables.

This will displease those 'anons' masters.

That's why they attack BV.

Criticism of Israel and Kikes is warranted.

They are evil.

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cc6107  No.14108831

File: cafb960a4db0224⋯.png (588.7 KB, 673x352, 673:352, Screenshot_2021_07_12_at_1….png)


Epstein can confirm

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a8eb8b  No.14108832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc7f15  No.14108833

File: d533943692ca9d1⋯.jpg (439.81 KB, 1075x708, 1075:708, Screenshot_20210712_172209….jpg)

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efef79  No.14108836

File: db9a5d6de9db3ba⋯.png (316.97 KB, 1033x546, 1033:546, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 8f2ba0a55765ceb⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1193x621, 1193:621, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)

File: 21b696b523dcea1⋯.png (353.38 KB, 826x543, 826:543, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


remember the trees?

Merry Christmas!

Murray XMass.


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9c8069  No.14108837


> Anons aren't stupid, and see through the bullshit.

And the bullshit is you.

No amount of hopping or whining non-stop is going to change that.



You just hop right back on and most Anons prolly don't refresh much.

Plenty see what you have to say and most don't gaf.

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2a0cfe  No.14108838


>Now do either of you anons know "who" AFLB or who tranime is? I bet BV doesn't. This anon knows, though. Suck it, BV. Suck it, hard, and suck it fast.

aflb is the faggot who accelerated the downfall of /cbts/ by supporting the faggots who REE'd during Q's hash update, not listening to Ron who was admin at the time telling him straight fucking up it was the same IP and huffing glue together with bookdeal-BO crying that Q will return any day now to /cbts/. He then moved on to literally all other boards during the interboardium shilling his bullshit everywhere he went before Q finally settled on this board. And i will never fucking forget that, and he can neck himself.

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36258f  No.14108839

File: 6fbece6deb2db30⋯.jpeg (771.12 KB, 1338x1261, 1338:1261, 92ED6EF6_81E6_45E9_9EF6_4….jpeg)

File: 60df1bbc03bc3a6⋯.jpeg (50.83 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, 52A90B0B_F5BE_406C_85C0_C….jpeg)

A corrupt nigger goes to jail…and niggers riot and loot…..now you know why Obama is still a free man


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a73b3a  No.14108840


Seven Gender Army

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2567b4  No.14108841

File: 9934f1eed9af557⋯.png (255.94 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99b86f9ed17cb32⋯.png (108.79 KB, 211x239, 211:239, ClipboardImage.png)



>they all know you are homo

>and blameing jews

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0ec3c9  No.14108843

“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

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8d3a7b  No.14108844

File: 4649e9cca65b490⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 477x464, 477:464, 8200.gif)

>still trying to get their control back


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9c8069  No.14108846


That's how I recall it, too.

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17992e  No.14108847


Looks like a couple hundred vs thousands. Accuracy doesn't matter on twitter. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

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2567b4  No.14108848

File: c7cec861e227a2c⋯.png (577.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5c173444c441e2⋯.png (105.51 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>they all know you are homo

>>and blameing jews

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b6d5a7  No.14108850

BOLO Alert……………….BOLO Alert!!!!

Be on the lookout for Guns running around killing innocent bystanders, the elderly, children, babies. These guns are a societal menace. They just up themselves, go into a community and start killing people. If a gun is spotted running around killing people be sure to call the Police Department and give them a eye witness report of what gun, where was it, what did it do and who it did it to. We must get these guns off of our streets as they pose an existential threat to humanity. In the meantime, all law abiding gun owners are to round up all of the guns running around their homes, automobiles and businesses and hand in those guns to your local authorities to protect your homes, businesses, your families and yourself. No need to worry about the other guns running around killing. The city counsels and the mayors will dispatch at a moments notice a social worker who is trained to talk any gun down off it's handstock, buttstock. This has yet to be proven and there is no statisitcal evidence as to whether or not a social worker or psychiatric expert can achieve in fact, what the elected leaders of the community claim but inevitably, some are going to fuck around and find out. Don't be that one who fucks around and finds out.

That is all.


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28566f  No.14108851


He can still write.

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8d01c3  No.14108853



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2567b4  No.14108854

File: 7a0fa7597f3669c⋯.png (92.49 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 555113c6b601ea6⋯.png (82.52 KB, 318x158, 159:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a57998c89b80f⋯.png (9.19 KB, 318x158, 159:79, ClipboardImage.png)


>you are homo

>>>and blameing jews


>you are homo

>>>and blameing jews


>you are homo

>>>and blameing jews

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bc7f15  No.14108855


Lyophillized virus is a shelf stable very fine powder. it can be easily smuggled anywhere then strategically deployed as a geological frame up (relaxing control measures? Outbreak!!).

The powder easily goes airborne as is reactivated by contact with the sinuses or lungs.

The procedure is stupid simple, provided they have isolated virus.

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28566f  No.14108856


Yup it's good to only have criminals with guns instead of law abiding citizens kek

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36258f  No.14108858


Wrong....anti Zionist, not anti Jew

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9c8069  No.14108860


They never stfu long enough to even come close to that being the case.

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2a0cfe  No.14108861


> falsely portray the Q movement

>Q movement

aaaand you're out, faggot. Not a movement.

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c70215  No.14108862


>Censor happy BV is losing every day

Why you keep crying about him then?

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28566f  No.14108863


You said tongue. BV has never banned me... cry moar please

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70a0d3  No.14108864

File: 32c63c13cf4879f⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 3872x2592, 121:81, dsc_0447.jpg)


Could you please just get in already. The world is tired of your hook nosed bullshit.

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9c8069  No.14108865


They're the kings of projection.

They give status reports about their own current condition when they do that.

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efef79  No.14108866

File: 3f660205455e76d⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 225x225, 1:1, phi_golden.jpg)

File: bdadd17316ce2fa⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, theta_golden.jpg)

File: a5ca1cf71c3a445⋯.jpg (4.92 KB, 160x160, 1:1, kingdom_flag_fractal.jpg)

File: 85fcc14883b86a3⋯.png (161.31 KB, 596x524, 149:131, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)








AU dits?


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801d8d  No.14108868

I do think we should gather force and push more audits tbh.









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801d8d  No.14108869

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96e2d4  No.14108870

fukked that ya filter a 30+ jew baiter poster and it turns out to be the BV

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2a0cfe  No.14108871


>Q movement

not a movement, you underage foreskin enthusiast

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3c803a  No.14108872

File: 848063563ff0af3⋯.png (74.05 KB, 697x614, 697:614, ClipboardImage.png)


aaaaand, I'm still here, you're out, it is a movement.

Q proved it.

GTFO lying cretin.

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c840aa  No.14108873

When does the free beer start flowing?

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095acf  No.14108874

File: 8c05e34c192861e⋯.jpeg (30.36 KB, 474x396, 79:66, pedo.jpeg)

File: ed069e2469562ed⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 15.9 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Death2Pedos.jpeg)

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15827a  No.14108875



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cab84d  No.14108876



HIDING behind calling themselves Jewish

so they have cover

it is a magic trick

the Jew is a Protected groups due to "holocaust" narrative

the sick club people do not love God or serve HIM

the sick club cabal

HIDE behind the wall of "you cannot touch the hurt Jews"

sly fuckers

Q and anons are not against the regular deli Jew guys and gals

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2567b4  No.14108877

File: 7a899b70911d97a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cc3744364444f2⋯.png (92.93 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)



>>you are homo

>>>>and blameing jews

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70a0d3  No.14108878

File: ef070b77c117ee9⋯.jpeg (11.53 KB, 174x289, 174:289, images.jpeg)


I'm sure your actions on here will lead many to just love you kvetching shekelgrubbers. Good grief.

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cc6107  No.14108879

File: 4a2f499c9addffc⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 1900x1327, 1900:1327, pence1_1900x1327_c.jpg)

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2567b4  No.14108880


now do A2M

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28566f  No.14108881


Very much so agree! They like to audit us at the drop of a dime. Why can't we audit them? I mean it is OUR money….

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e1768a  No.14108882


> how long it will take, who knows, but no quick fixes as i can hear from his speech.

Q has asked - How do you catch a very dangerous animal?

You corner it, very carefully.

Since this is WW, that takes some time!

Can you see that at every turn he corners them again and again? Soon they won't be able to escape, then you spring the trap! Q calls it the Trump Card!

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c70215  No.14108883

File: 3a1ba24720809c2⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2751x1833, 917:611, 10th_Kekistan.jpg)


>Q movement


There are only anons.

Real ones.

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0ec3c9  No.14108884


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody'd think I was just a poor deaf-mute bastard and they'd leave me alone . . . I'd cook all my own food, and later on, if I wanted to get married or something, I'd meet this beautiful girl that was also a deaf-mute and we'd get married. She'd come and live in my cabin with me, and if she wanted to say anything to me, she'd have to write it on a piece of paper, like everybody else

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bc7f15  No.14108885

File: c1f58cae694fb21⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 800x448, 25:14, ZomboMeme_09062021225636.jpg)

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2567b4  No.14108886

File: 3d97fa016c835eb⋯.png (525.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a88f5ff6b2af9a8⋯.png (158.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c8069  No.14108887



I'm not seeing these keks you're talking about.

You have no movement like the Anon movements of the past.

Otherwise it would be very obvious by this point.

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2a0cfe  No.14108889


Q is not a movement, you retard. The is a Q, there are Anons, there is no Qanon movement, no matter how much you faggots try to spin it.

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cc6107  No.14108890


That´s the question!

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28566f  No.14108891

Jews have a funky smell. Don't they bath in oil? I hated NYC because of all the jews

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cab84d  No.14108892

was replying to







>File (hide): cffee2c1a271fcc⋯.png (10.25 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ed2b9659d6dbe44d0f8f1fe711….png) (h) (u)


>you lost



>You morons are panicking so badly all you can 'see' is how to falsely portray the Q movement as anti-Jew, instead of the truth of what it is which is anti-Satanist.

>You morons are losing every day.

>Censor happy BV is losing every day



HIDING behind calling themselves Jewish

so they have cover

it is a magic trick

the Jew is a Protected groups due to "holocaust" narrative

the sick club people do not love God or serve HIM

the sick club cabal

HIDE behind the wall of "you cannot touch the hurt Jews"

sly fuckers

Q and anons are not against the regular deli Jew guys and gals

fuckery afoot

all the replies do not link

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8d01c3  No.14108893

File: eae436675408409⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 578x1000, 289:500, reallytired.jpg)

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0146c5  No.14108894

File: f306f0af58b8f9e⋯.mp4 (66.95 KB, 326x270, 163:135, Catsro_Trudeau.mp4)


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2567b4  No.14108895

File: 3878ba541c47598⋯.png (61.4 KB, 181x279, 181:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdc69df5d02bac0⋯.png (6.81 KB, 181x279, 181:279, ClipboardImage.png)


kaitlynn jenner is doxxing you like a jew

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c297ff  No.14108896

File: d0f8558e3ac84ac⋯.png (447.73 KB, 2667x1249, 2667:1249, ClipboardImage.png)


It is a movement you panicking degenerate

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28566f  No.14108897


I could be down with that. I do want to turn into a mountain man.

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07bae6  No.14108898

File: 87cc1dcd2b21fc8⋯.mp4 (15.62 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Q_You_are_watching_a_movie….mp4)

Got the day off, took a long nap. Got beer and popcorn. Comfy.

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cab84d  No.14108899



>HIDING behind calling themselves Jewish

>so they have cover

>it is a magic trick


so they media will say Q and anons are against Jews

>the Jew is a Protected groups due to "holocaust" narrative

the sick club people do not love God or serve HIM

the sick club cabal

THEY HIDE behind the wall of "you cannot touch the hurt Jews"

sly SICK fuckers

>Q and anons are not against the regular deli Jew guys and gals

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6d57b3  No.14108900

File: 613a05660d10b53⋯.png (347.38 KB, 623x470, 623:470, steadman.png)

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c297ff  No.14108901


The bullshit is YOU, you censorship defending degenerate.

No amount of banning is going to divide this movement,

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e1768a  No.14108902


I say yes, but later.

First thing's first and we have to concentrate all our efforts on the next two elections! Thus the ELECTION audits have to take priority over all other audits - unless, they can happen simultaneously without any hampering of the Election Audits.

Our focus and the Nation's focus must also remain on the Election Audits! They will need to know who to vote out!

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2a0cfe  No.14108903


it is never, even a single time, called a Q movement, nor a Qanon movement, nor any sort of official structure, organization nor society that can be designated in any way, shape or form by any official entity. Go suck a bleeding baby dick, schlomo

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2567b4  No.14108904

File: bbf484c35a52f64⋯.png (103.27 KB, 185x272, 185:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b92c8948e3d136⋯.png (10.13 KB, 185x272, 185:272, ClipboardImage.png)

"poo poo poo poo booty licking jew goo gehyja poo too GEHY AF homo velvetta hookers shekels coCIAne"

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9882c6  No.14108905


mighty risky gambit, mahboi

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b6d5a7  No.14108907


Well then, they shouldn't mind if someone puts a .45 caliber bullet in their temple as they will simply pick themselves up off the floor, collect their brain matter off the wall behind them and walk away, unharmed.

Spoiler pict is exactly right.


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3ba0c6  No.14108908

File: ead72fcbf9c59e5⋯.jpg (143.04 KB, 791x768, 791:768, incharge.jpg)


Wow, this thing just won't end. It's almost like some faggot is deleting posts of people he's arguing with in real time.

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c70215  No.14108909


>nor any sort of official structure, organization nor society that can be designated in any way, shape or form by any official entity.

Ideas are bulletproof.

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bdc908  No.14108911

File: 729329e441dce77⋯.png (351.81 KB, 535x536, 535:536, Ever_Talk_To_Someone_So_St….png)



Put it to you another way, even tranime left, and when I posted a Satania earlier he was elated to think that I was actually tranime. BV is a very, very low IQ person.




Now why would those folks want anons to get off a board with a comp'd BO?

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efef79  No.14108912

File: 32f365a6c575505⋯.png (213.67 KB, 256x395, 256:395, Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….png)


dan brown


is a pYker

muh sym bullzz. fags.

and U so stU[P]aid

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095acf  No.14108913

File: 889234790477f61⋯.png (770.01 KB, 1052x1067, 1052:1067, 1520175505848.png)

File: db1fcc0f261fc27⋯.jpg (189.2 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, 1432158225437.jpg)

File: 71d0c5470cebd91⋯.jpg (311.98 KB, 1200x877, 1200:877, pedo_jew.jpg)

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c297ff  No.14108914

File: 36df3b65937db09⋯.png (133.42 KB, 1407x1481, 1407:1481, Untitle5.PNG)

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