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7fd458  No.14046505[Last 50 Posts]

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7fd458  No.14046518


Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

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7fd458  No.14046520

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14045673, >>14045818 Video: Israel Conducts Airstrikes Against 'Hamas' Targets in Gaza + Gaza ops

>>14045819 Foxes guarding henhouses Typical

>>14045836 #17772

>>14045841 Restoration, Respect, Reverence

>>14045942, >>14045979, >>14045996 Planefag Reports: Based E-4B Crew

>>14045945 California police officer plays Taylor Swift to prevent protesters' video from being posted to YouTube…

>>14045950, >>14045977, >>14045999, >>14046098, >>14046302, >>14046410, >>14046433, >>14046435 RSBN - We ain’t sick of winning! Tune in now, patriots! Help us get over the top!!!

>>14046013 Number of missing in Surfside collapse drops after audit

>>14046015 Dems Leak More Fears About Kamala for the Future

>>14046044 Carnival owner accused of human trafficking while set up at Ogden mall

>>14046057 “Utter betrayal”: Angry activists who helped elect Kyrsten Sinema say "she has no values"

>>14046059 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No. Geraldo Rivera applauds Bill Cosby’s release after being 'unjustly convicted,' suggests Weinstein could be next

>>14046092 "All Trump's Fault" Script Continues… 'Trump broke all of your brains'

>>14046115 Israeli-owned cargo ship attacked in Indian Ocean, Lebanese media report

>>14046133 Israel has failed to maintain "serious and sustained" efforts to root out #HumanTrafficking, according to the US @StateDept

>>14046163, >>14046268 INTERPRETER NEEDED (Video related)

>>14046188 A prominent #Italian #cardinal was among 10 people sent to trial in the #Vatican on Saturday charged with financial #crimes.

>>14046276, >>14046277 #17773\1 + 2

>>14046285 CM Telegrams: The President (Trump) is scheduled to make a significant announcement regarding protection of First Amendment rights on the 7th. Do you think he will be announcing his much-rumored new social media site?

>>14046293 DJT Jr. Tweets: Guys if you want to tune in to the POTUS 45 Sarasota, FL rally tune in to @rumblevideo where they will be streaming it live. Happy Fourth of July everyone Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States

>>14046294, >>14046361 Dan Scavino Tweets

>>14046336 Kin - Recreational Beverage For Modern Rituals …

>>14046375 Every fucking Time… "Training"

>>14046391 @DanScavino 8:00pmE LIVE from FLORIDA… #TrumpRallySarasota

>>14046401 Attorney General Garland Replaces Federal Executions With Bus Tickets To Chicago

>>14046426 Tom Homan on border 'chaos': This is much worse than people realize

>>14046460 Some of POTUS (Trump) closest associates (+ associates of DJT Jr / Ivanka / Eric) lived in that collapsed condo. They lived one block away

>>14046491 #17774

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7fd458  No.14046523


>>14044853, >>14045032, >>14045225 <0 Patriot

>>14044892 Gem businessman & ship captain among 26 arrested for statutory rape of 15-year-old girl

>>14044907 PEDO BUN 3 July 21

>>14044912 Hundreds of US companies hit by ‘colossal’ cyberattack before July 4th

>>14044923, >>14044927, >>14044953 Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China


>>14044942 Joe Biden’s Deputies Celebrate Illegal Migrants at the White House on the Fourth

>>14044948 Ten Churches Vandalized in Single Day as Anti-Christian Church Burnings Surge in Canada

>>14044959 Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo

>>14044969 Facebook now allowed to label anyone “misinformation” and slander them without recourse

>>14044975 Alex Jones Exposes Three Centers of Evil In New York City?

>>14044976, >>14044980, >>14045026 Australia: “NO JAB, NO PAY”

>>14044981 Biden backs changes in way military investigates sex assault

>>14044987 Googleabiogenic petroleumto learn that this is established science and os the basis of the modern oil industry. It's why Deepwater Horizon drilled in that spot and why North Sea oil transformed the UK and Scandinavia.

>>14044989 Doctors: Execution drugs could help COVID-19 patients

>>14044995 In latest Nuremberg violation, U.S. judge now ordering American citizens to undergo unapproved vaccine medical experiments as requirement for probation

>>14045011 FF COMMS Ex-Nickelodeon Producer Dan Schneider Denies Foot Fetish on Old Shows

>>14045022 Israel security institute: 'Israel needs to occupy Gaza to deter Hamas'

>>14045028 Moor Takeover plans?

>>14045037, >>14045044 Trump Rally Coverage Begins

>>14045040 Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO Would Defeat Russia in Black Sea War

>>14045064, >>14045415, >>14045458 Antifa Attacking Protesters at Spa That Allowed Customer to Flash Penis at Little Girls Because of His 'Gender Identity'

>>14045068 It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption – What are GOP Voters to Do?

>>14045070 Israel confirms 323 new coronavirus cases on Friday; 31 in serious condition

>>14045087 Don’t swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. One person with diarrhea can contaminate the entire pool. Learn more ways to keep you and those you care about healthy. #HealthySwimming

>>14045088 McAuliffe Fundraises With Real Estate Exec Who Pushed Controversial Visa Program To Attract Chinese Investment

>>14045099, >>14045134 they fucking TASERED this poor fucking woman TWICE this shit has got to stop

>>14045102 Vanessa Williams to Perform ‘Black National Anthem’ During Capitol Fourth of July Celebration to Promote ‘Juneteenth’

>>14045113 satanic Money stuff

>>14045124 Assisted Suicide Group Teams Up With Planned Parenthood Honcho

>>14045128 Arrests of criminal migrants, including convictions for sex, drug and homicide crimes, up in FY 2021

>>14045145 COVID-19 Makes Traffickers Harder to Catch, Victims More Vulnerable

>>14045160 Mark Dankof: U.S. Liberal Democracy Turning Into Totalitarian Regime Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union

>>14045172 Harris Presser: Harris Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

>>14045183 Pensacola man solicited advice about where he could buy a child for cash

>>14045208 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Stay Focused On 'White Extremists'

>>14045233 The majority of voters believe cheating happened in the 2020 election

>>14045234 Wallstreetbets down. Mods sued by Bank of America. (Given Bots were unleshed onto WSB since GME AMC began…)

>>14045236 French general under investigation for ‘antisemitism’ for asking who controls the media…

>>14045246, >>14045639 I wonder why they havent done that already? Maybe they just need to confirm what they already found

>>14045253 ANTIFA attacking citizens



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7fd458  No.14046525


>>14045255, >>14045285 Basham Tweets: Second crime of the century after the Coup

>>14045270 #17765

>>14045299 Red Alert Alaska?

>>14045314 You will give Covid to your pets. Biden with new fear tactic to unvaccinated.

>>14045359 BRING IT DOWN Miami condo collapse – officials plan to demolish remainder of building with explosives on Sunday morningTypical Broward County is Typical…

>>14045374 DeSantis will not attend Trump rally in Florida, citing ‘duty’ to collapsed condominium residents

>>14045403 Since most don’t read the entire article (which I kindly ask that you do in order to be better informed), here is a direct quote from the article:

>>14045423, >>14045599 Ohio Judge Mandates COVID Vaccines as Condition of Probation

>>14045432, >>14045531, >>14045531 PF Reports Questionable Trajectory

>>14045449 No pets found in remaining portion of Florida condo tower

>>14045454 The Crux of the problem… LEGALESE: The Preamble to the US Constitution Contained 52 Words – Today’s US Case Law Is Over 104 Million Words

>>14045465 Massive new LinkedIn data breach hits 92 percent of users

>>14045500 Dozens began lining up Friday, more than 24 hours before the rally, to show President Trump the tremendous support he has in his home state of Florida. The lines entering the fairgrounds

>>14045501 Canadian Government To Extend "Pride Month" To The Whole Summer

>>14045517 Breaking: 41 structures have been destroyed by the #SaltFire in Shasta County, California. The fire has burned nearly 7,500 acres and is 5% contained.

>>14045526, >>14045607 EYES ON: Heavily Armed Military-Style Group Arrested in Massachusetts After Standoff With Police: "The Moorish American Arms" Say They Were Going To Maine For Training

>>14045532 The fringe sexual perversions that the left seek to normalize in America are nothing more than communist subversions meant to sow discord among the people. They want to break down society. They are evil.

>>14045540, >>14045564 4ch dig

>>14045542 anon bun 17771

>>14045551 Guatemala demands refund from Russia over millions of doses of COVID vaccine

>>14045573 In many left-wing US cities, local law enforcement don’t intervene when far-left extremists assault civilians….

>>14045621 US-trained Afghan Army is surrendering its military equipment to the Taliban at an alarming rate, with entire battalions disbanding without a fight in anticipation of the imminent collapse of the govt amid ongoing NATO withdrawal from #Afghanistan.

>>14045627 If we are going back to normal why are they still requiring masks & testing for Covid?

>>14045628, >>14045687 The #US Embassy in Kabul is on the brink of being shut down after the humiliating evacuation of American troops from the Bagram air base.

>>14045629 Gov. Ron DeSantis, speaking Saturday morning in Surfside as search efforts are ongoing, announced a state of emergency for several Florida counties ahead of Tropical Storm Elsa.

>>14045635, >>14045636 #17771\1+2

>>14045667 EUrasian Reports

>>14045707 Fiancé of NYC Murder Victim Blames Biden's Policies for Crime Wave Engulfing City

>>14046276 #17773\2

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7fd458  No.14046527


>>14044020, >>14044028, >>14044103 HERE WE GO BABY!!

>>14044024, >>14044285, >>14044542, >>14044563 PF Reports!

>>14044038, >>14044068 Anons believe this act was cover to keep federal authorities occupied while a democrats home was fired at 23 times… 2nd amendment false flag!!!

>>14044103 DAN THE "Long Walk" Man Tweets some Rally Hype!!

>>14044117 Suddenly the kids mattered after chasing and murdering the biker?

>>14044122 SABOTAGE! Train derails in Canada, spilling timber and tar sands

>>14044162 Interesting… Camille Cosby's father was a chemist at Walter Reed during the Tuskeegee experiment. Her family comes from Louisiana and they had money.

>>14044178 Vatican indicts 10 people, including a cardinal, in UK deal

>>14044211 Champlain Towers Collapse Graphic

>>14044218 Whoopi Goldberg Gives Fans a Health Update Following Absence From ‘The View’

>>14044236, >>14044466 Hollyhell faggotry

>>14044267 America's FBI harassing everyone's Grandma.

>>14044272 Kek. Mirrors

>>14044275 Video has surfaced showing the terrorist running for King County Council, Ubax Gardheere, threatening to blow up a school bus in 2010. Gardheere is currently the Development Division Director in the City of Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development.

>>14044305, >>14044318, >>14044321, >>14044329, >>14044353, >>14044437, >>14044445 My Body My CHOICE Unvaccinated people are "potential variant factories," infectious diseases expert says

>>14044395 Feel Tingly out? A Major X Class Solar Flare Just Slammed Into Earth

>>14044410 Marked safe from Muh Qannonner FFs

>>14044478 LARP or LIFE? Lyndon Leuders

>>14044539 As Victory Nears White Hats Plan Yalta Type Conference

>>14044546 In the U.S. meanwhile, clinical scientists and immunologist-virologists from seven universities including Stanford, Cornell, and the University of California are suing the CDC for massive fraud. That is becausethe scientists, using the latest technology, could not find Covid-19 in even one of 1,500 samples of people who were “confirmed as infected”when they “tested positive.”

>>14044550 She's got a point… Julian Assange turns 50 in prison today. His “crime” is publishing journalism that exposed US war crimes in Iraq… Meanwhile George Bush is free, Cheney is free, Condi Rice is free, Colin Powell is free & the guy who lead the Democrat push for the war is president. What a world

>>14044555 IOG SABBATH DAY - 7/03/2021 - "The Deliverance or Destruction of Every Person Is In Their Own Hands"

>>14044572 Israeli Merchant Ship Hit Hit With "Unknown Weapons" In Indian Ocean, Reports Say

>>14044592 They saw that web search you did on Alibabe for Enriched U-235 there bud… Check out the work @NNSANews is doing to prevent state and non-state actors from developing nuclear weapons or acquiring weapons-usable nuclear or radiological materials, equipment, technology, and expertise.

>>14044616 Ew… NBC Pulls Ultimate Slip 'N Slide from Schedule After Diarrhea Outbreak

>>14044646, >>14044692 Mueller END - Supreme Court Ends Dems Attempt To See If Trump Lied To Mueller

>>14044652 I've looked at weather forecast maps most of my life, as an interest and I've never seen Perth have an occluded front cross our coast that they are forecasting next Monday. Haarp in action.

>>14044660 Fake n Gay or Cool n Hay!

>>14044675 How… Odd… Firefighters at Surfside building collapse site test positive for COVID-19

>>14044680 France Probes Fashion Retailers For Concealing "Crimes Against Humanity" In China

>>14044681, >>14044686, >>14044695 Doing a quick bing search for news on the latest happenings with cosby and see that Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers cite Cosby case as a means to drop her case.

>>14044690 The Covid Cult Has Been Slowly Killing America’s Economy And There’s Not Much Time Left

>>14044706 ‘Workplace deaths & dismissals scarier than Covid’: Labor unions hold massive rally in Seoul despite PM's warning

>>14044721 Hacking attack forces Swedish supermarket chain with 800 stores to shut down

>>14044728, >>14044909 Liberty Bell Removal Touted by Biden

>>14044743 11 People in Custody After Hourslong Armed Standoff on I-95

>>14044760 Private Gov’t Contractors Building Hellish Police State All at Taxpayers’ Expense

>>14044766 @USPacificFleet

>>14044893 Dragonfly Lore

>>14044911 Corruption Graphic

>>14045836 #17772

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7fd458  No.14046530


>>14043230, >>14043242 Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children

>>14043237 This is the moment a powerful mudslide swept away rows of houses in the town of Atami, west of Tokyo.

>>14043245 Trump to make announcement on first amendment rights.

>>14043246 FLASHBACK: Fauci Once Urged Scientists To Stop Enhancing The Flu Virus, Although He Supported Their Research

>>14043248 Right Side Broadcasting Network has been banned from broadcasting live on YouTube for seven days, just hours before a Trump rally that it planned to cover today.


>>14043254 Retraction of paper on vaccine deaths spurs call for more scrutiny of COVID-19 death reports - Medical journal sets much higher burden to show deaths from vaccine than from COVID, say authors of retracted paper.

>>14043257, >>14043262, BILL COSBY Disclosure Bun

>>14043265, >>14043298, >>14043300, >>14043306 “ITS THE QANON PEOPLE!” I’m sure is what they’ll say oh… no… wait… will be memoryholed by the next evening

>>14043270, >>14043271, >>14043279 Kirstie Alley Warns Modern Entertainment Has U.S. On Road To Pedophilia Acceptance + Example

>>14043276 Jeff Bezos Steps Down as CEO on Monday. Here’s What It Means for Amazon’s Stock.

>>14043280 President Trump Releases a Statement Warning Against Democrats’ Attorneys Stealing the Election

>>14043314 1 year delta Interesting Q released a boatload of posts on Epstein, Maxwell, Clintons last year on July 2, 2020 and yesterday July 2, 2021, judge releases documentone year delta

>>14043323 Thousands flee as Philippine volcano erupts, spewing toxic gas

>>14043329 Mexico water supply buckles on worsening drought, crops at risk

>>14043348 Black Firewater

>>14043354, >>14043361, >>14043363, >>14043364, >>14043368 Laptop shows Joe Biden attended meetings between Hunter and his Mexican business partners

>>14043371, Dr. Kandiss Taylor released a report yesterday identifying over 168,000 ballots in Cobb County, Georgia, missing required chain of custody documentation.

>>14043372, >>14043375, >>14043380 Capitol Police Tweet: See the right corner 🔭 - Comments reveal… MAGA Militia En Route?

>>14043379 Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September, Army tells commands

>>14043385 MTG: Happy 4th!

>>14043394 Illegal aliens who illegally re-enter the US after being deported are not entitled to a bond hearing. That's according to a Supreme Court ruling. 6.19 Dated Article

>>14043405 The Al-Waleed 24 Hour News Network

>>14043406, >>14043416 ‘Dozens’ of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence

>>14043467 Kamala Harris opens an employment agency, don't worry its all good

>>14043472 Neuromorphic Computing Systems? Researchers fabricate logic gates based on neuristors made of 2D materials

>>14043474 Vera Wang @ 72… Stunning

>>14043479 Western Fires Starting.

>>14045635 #17771\1

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7fd458  No.14046531


>>14043485, >>14043534 RSBN app and Rumble

>>14043526 Texas Soldier Who Shot Armed BLM-Antifa Protester *In Self-Defense* in Austin Last Summer Indicted on Murder Charge...

>>14043538, >>14043562 A FARMERS WARNING TO AMERICA / LISTEN - 8 months to feed yourself

>>14043566 In the wake of the Myanmar coup in February and with no signs of a resolution to the crisis, China has plenty of reasons to be uneasy about its interests in the country. It now appears that China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to protect those interests.

>>14043573 Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime

>>14043578 What if anti-vaxxers decide to 'identify' as being inoculated?

>>14043581 Tippy Top?

>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.

>>14043611 Julie Kelly is a warrior for patriots

>>14043617 Joe Biden, Merrick Garland set themselves up for disaster in Georgia voting rights case

>>14043623 Legends of the Chrysanthemum

>>14043629 Basham Retweets

>>14043659 NEW - Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.

>>14043670 Boston rabbi stabbed eight times outside Jewish day school

>>14043686 Facebook Now Sending Messages To Some Users Asking About Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends

>>14043746 Two Arizona ‘Republican’ State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment (VIDEO)

>>14043812 TEXAS - Liberty County sex offender gets 25 years in prison for failing to register

>>14043823 JUST IN: Mayor Bill de Blasio calls New York Board of Elections "broken," says "entire vote" needs to be re-canvassed in a transparent manner.

>>14043839 Remember when President Biden gave Putin a list of things that were supposed to be off-limits for cyber attacks? What he SHOULD have said is that ALL American targets are off-limits.

>>14043847 PF Not AF1 Joe on 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA for Traverse City, MI SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort AC

>>14043886 New reported coronavirus cases and the percentage of positive tests increase.


>>14043917 Did You Miss The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Labeling Trump Voters Enemies Of The State?

>>14043949 CNN Lets DNC Chair Accuse Supreme Court of Allowing Jim Crow Laws

>>14043965 Heavily Armed "Rise Of The Moors" Members In Standoff With Massachusetts Police On I-95

>>14045636 #17771\2


>>14042452 Supreme Court order ends congressional Democrats' attempts to determine if Trump lied in Mueller probe

>>14042495 Bill Cosby's press conference outfit choice angers former high school class president

>>14042500 Some hackers on twitter are really embarrassing GETTR

>>14042530 Moral Of The Story

>>14042611 Anon opine 'It will be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome'

>>14042731 The election audits are a threat to (((our democracy)))

>>14042760 Georgia Secretary of State Seeking Election Takeover of Fulton County: ‘Enough Is Enough’

>>14042827 WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal

>>14042854 ‘Dozens’ of Chinese Moles in U.S. Intelligence

>>14042901 Pentagon: Military will prepare for COVID-19 vaccines to be mandatory in September

>>14042877 Clinesmith and Judge James Boasberg

>>14042935 'A new chapter:' Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset

>>14042944 Fox News Really Wants You to Think Its Ratings Aren’t Down

>>14042967 More embarrassing news from the groups attacking GETTR

>>14042994 Link notes 07032021

>>14043009 Elections board staffer resigns in wake of counting snafu

>>14043026 SCOTUS Defends Election Integrity, Dems Panic, Brnovich v. DNC

>>14043027 Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study

>>14043040, >>14043053 Sidney was interviewed on Friday, June 25, by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV

>>14043050 Lightning to the East, storm coming. We're ready… Florida

>>14043061 Panicked and yapping Dr. Carol M. Swain

>>14043063, >>14043139 158 years ago today, the sun rose over the final day of battle at Gettysburg

>>14043064 RSBN LIVE: Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL

>>14043115 Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation, the comments are hilarious

>>14043125 Vatican court indicts cardinal and nine others for alleged financial crimes


>>14043149 THOUSANDS getting tested for covid at Bondi beach? NOT (Cap 1:02)

>>14043177 #17770

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7fd458  No.14046532


>>14041720, >>14042024 Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter’s Life

>>14041805, >>14041814, >>14041954 'To Catch a Predator' host Chris Hansen wanted in Michigan

>>14041834, >>14042283 Heavy rains lashed #Japan's central city of Atami, triggering #landslides (Cap 0:23)

>>14041881 Georgia Cesspool: “It’s the duty of the GA Legislature to decertify the election results.”

>>14041845 Did Biden offer up Canada to save American forests?

>>14041904 RINO Corruption coming out

>>14041916 PF reports

>>14041798, >>14041810, >>14041869, >>14041973 How would one get rid if +100 bodies? Raise Condo's

>>14042023 Maxwell Documents Released And A Overview, Summary And Conclusion By This Anon Of The 58 Pages Released

>>14041680, >>14041718, >>14041782 Mike Pompeo Be the first to ride into battle. Join the Cavalry

>>14042180 Verified Pompeo Acct has more followers than any page on GETTR

>>14042322 CodeMonkey: Gettr has a ton of bugs

>>14042062, >>14042075, >>14042065, >>14042066, >>14042067, >>14042068, >>14042070 CodeMonkey: McAfee said his deadman switch would release 30+ terabytes of data, If he were to seed the data..

>>14041739, >>14042028, >>14042144, >>14042071, >>14042120, >>14042107, >>14042099, >>14042135 Possible Links To Kamala Harris Involved In Epstein/Maxwell Cover Up And Boies Schiller

>>14042080, >>14042080, >>14042097 Journal of the American Medical Association study confirms dangerous levels of carbon dioxide under masks

>>14042130, >>14042140, >>14042164 U.S. service members found higher rates of heart inflammation following COVID vaccine

>>14042154, >>14042186, >>14042211 On July 3, a rock 7m in diameter with a ∆v of 11m/s will pass ~ 50,000 from earth

>>14042185 Sidney Powell puts Katie Hobbs 'On Notice'

>>14042250 SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Voting Laws Dems Smeared as "Discriminatory"

>>14042274 Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Introduces 2020 Election Audit Plan

>>14042293 Navy ditches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles

>>14042319 'Eye of fire' in Mexican waters snuffed out, says national oil company

>>14042340 Russia’s Gigantic Submarine, Belgorod, Sails For The First Time

>>14042409 #17769


>>14040911, >>14040957, >>14040959, >>14041080, >>14041125 Life After Hate

>>14041002, >>14041087 Marc Elias latest tweet, copy cat = dirty rat pics have mouth, eyes, and ears covered.

>>14041003 ‘Idiotic’: Fury in Ukraine after female soldiers made to march in heels

>>14041019, >>14041158 It's time (Cap 0:20) MARTYR Tat on hand. FF setup?

>>14041114 Q1881 Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers

>>14041137, >>14041216, >>14041229, >>14041532 Karen Lorraine Jacqueline Speier. Rep. Jackie Speier

>>14041159, >>14041215, >>14041237, >>14041324 Ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies

>>14041202 Announcing the CodeMonkeyZ chat

>>14041254, >>14041274, >>14040904, >>14040895, >>14041342 'Eye of fire': Ruptured Mexican pipeline makes the ocean look like it's burning

>>14041259, >>14041506 AOC says Olympic ban on marijuana is 'instrument' of racism following Black track star's suspension

>>14041284, >>14041392 "Definitive Proof That Coronavirus Is A Globalist Bioweapon"

>>14041301 Disney removes "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" greeting from Magic Kingdom fireworks show

>>14041345 USArmy FIRE!

>>14041362 Fentanyl Seizures At Southern US Border Spike 4000%

>>14041377 Judge makes vaccine shot part of probation sentence

>>14041407 Dan Scavino Sarasota, Florida — LIVE tomorrow evening at 8pmE via 45’s

>>14041467 Noor Bin Laden: Why I choose freedom and speak up for patriots

>>14041539 #17768

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7fd458  No.14046534


>>14040095 @USNavy cruising the Indian Ocean

>>14040118 Newly unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

>>14040125, >>14040666, >>14040721 No-fly order over HAARP in Alaska during great NW heat wave

>>14040164 US National Weather Service confirms two tornadoes struck downtown Washington, DC, Thursday

>>14040175, >>14040270 Dan Scavino 24hrs prior to 45’s rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds.

>>14040204, >>14040211, >>14040216 CodeMonkeyZ Why was this data deleted from the Maricopa County Recorder’s website? and GETTR

>>14040219, >>14040200 Two Arizona ‘Republican’ State Senators Kill Election Integrity Bill Before Adjournment

>>14040221 Apache Lake has been evacuated and is closed per US Forest Service. It will remain closed until further notice.

Baker Change

>>14040157, >>14040190, >>14040311, >>14040579, >>14040588, >>14040593 Pentagon shaped underwater fire fuckery

>>14040241, >>14040425, >>14039613 pb YouTube BANS RSBN from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE

>>14040306 Copy of US Declaration of Independence 1776 - sells for £3.2m

>>14040317 University of Pennsylvania paid Joe Biden OVER $900,000 for a no-show job

>>14040372, >>14040541 Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

>>14040389, >>14040418, >>14040431 Didn’t Tucker Carlson apply to the c_a?

>>14040202, >>14040308, >>14040364, >>14040448, >>14040472, >>14040530, >>14040552, A paradise vehicle, wheel hubs melted, what kind of satellite weapon does that?

>>14040451, >>14040669 PDJT Look forward to the big Sarasota, Florida rally tomorrow night at 8PM

>>14040525 The Arab Spring was the beta test

>>14040584, >>14040758 B.C.'s heat wave likely contributed to719 sudden deaths

>>14040611 White House Dismisses ‘Anonymous Sources’ Ripping Kamala Harris Despite Frequently Using Anonymous Sources

>>14040833 #17767


>>14039323, >>14039316 Why is this dated the 5th?

>>14039333 anon opines on state of notables wrt lb post

>>14039337 What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those 'Lolita Express' Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth

>>14039352 National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election

>>14039298 World UFO Day is July 2nd.

>>14039565, >>14039568,>>14039685 New DJTs

>>14039583, >>14039528, >>14039629 North Miami Beach has ordered the immediate closure and evacuation of the Crestview Tower Condominium due to results of an inspection.

>>14039663, >>14039689 Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA @RealGenFlynn, [02.07.21 11:21]

>>14039671, >>14039613, >>14039920 YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views — BANS THEM from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE!

>>14039673, >>14039661, >>14039712, Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons

>>14039711 Sheriffs, ICE Officers Sue Biden Administration for Immigration Non-Enforcement

>>14039732, >>14039611 The Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector and the status quo makes things so easy for them to perform the constant Board Fuckery.

>>14039740 Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Senate considers Arizona-style audit into 2020 election (AP)

>>14039750 Belarus shuts down entire border with Ukraine

>>14039760 Childhood trauma (such as circumcision) and hypersensitivity of the amygdala and frontal lobe dysfunction.

>>14039770 huge blast at Romania's largest oil refinery

>>14039811 not everything is notable

>>14039812 are you stupid?

>>14039820, >>14039611 surely such an astute expert on bakin' could grab a handoff and show us all the light

>>14039849 Moments before the Roman Empire got margin called

>>14039895 All the new ghislaine maxwell docs released today by pacer and searchable!

>>14040008, >>14040000 Controlling Negroes

>>14040021 #17766

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7fd458  No.14046535


>>14038525, >>14038552 Missed LB: LinkedIn Deletes Account of mRNA Vaccine Pioneer Who Questioned Risks of COVID-19 Shots, AMA Journal: Masks Are Bad For Your Kids. Quit Forcing Them To Wear Them

>>14038540 White House Supports AG’s Halt to Federal Executions Amid Pressure to End Death Penalty for Good

>>14038550 Insider Crypto - Fed Chair Powell Met With Coinbase CEO Just Before Bitcoin's Massive Plunge

>>14038555 #Russia's IT Security Firm #Kaspersky Lab to Unveil Unhackable Mobile Device in Fall

>>14038571 ...Make sure you get the COVID vaccine to protect yourself from hurricanes this year!!

>>14038579 Sudden Shift in COVID-19 Lab Leak Narrative ‘Mysterious’: Evolutionary Biologist

>>14038583 The Iron Pentagon: The Nexus of Control, Corruption, and Suppression – How Mass Involuntary Dissentients Are Created.

>>14038591 Marvel celebrates July 4 weekend by having Captain America say American dream ‘isn’t real’

>>14038597 Clinton Era Faggotry

>>14038603 Among who? PHOTOS: Hundreds of Migrant Families Released into South Texas After Trump Visit

>>14038613 Northern Minions: 'Temperature rising': First Nations leaders condemn rash of church fires across Canada

>>14038621, >>14038638, >>14038649 Deranged OH Dems Jeer, Bang Desks Over Trans Athletes Ban. But the Rep Who Kept Her Cool Got the Last Laugh

>>14038622, >>14038639 REFERENCE 2021-07-02

>>14038623 This gets faker & faker as each day goes on... Israeli ambassador visits Surfside, meets with DeSantis to express ‘solidarity’

>>14038626 Medical Imaging Companies CEO Found Guilty of Running Massive Health Care Fraud Through the State Workers’ Comp System

>>14038634, >>14038735 CIA Director William Burns is currently meeting with top officials of the Bolsonaro regime in Brazil - This comes days after he traveled to Colombia to meet with top Iván Duque regime officials, as they massacre anti-austerity protesters

>>14038642, >>14038680 Gavin Newsom Just Pulled Every Corrupt Trick in the Book to Rig the Recall Election in His Favor

>>14038647 PEDO BUN 2 July 21

>>14038651 What Happened When I Tried to Register as Donald Trump on the New MAGA Social Network

>>14038654 Former San Francisco Building Inspection Commission President Indicted For Bank Fraud, Obstruction Of Justice, Aggravated Identity Theft

>>14038677 Moar LB Notables Bun The satanists have declared War on Christianity as it rages in Canada

>>14038691 Considering Kevin Steele's role in the Cosby setup...

>>14038694,>>14038791 Planefag Youtuber Rescue

>>14038696 The Iron Pentagon: The Nexus of Control, Corruption, and Suppression – How Mass Involuntary Dissentients Are Created.

>>14038707 Dutch court approves alleged drug syndicate leader Tse Chi Lop for extradition to Australia

>>14038708 Eric Clapton's adverse side effects from the CV19 vax. His honest experience.

>>14038709 Rumble — Sidney Powell: The American People Are Entitled To The Truth

>>14038739 Minneapolis judge orders city to hire more police officers after residents sue over crime rates

>>14038742, >>14038804, >>14038834 "These sensors can also be built into clothing and even send results to your smartphone."

>>14038744, >>14038755, >>14038844 Joe Flynn: Help this Patriot out to defeat AOC

>>14038746 Audit Media Coperations

>>14038751 Steve Bannon Spied On By NSA/FBI

>>14038763, >>14038785 Video Evidence Reveals Identity Of Capitol Police Lieutenant Who Shot Ashli Babbitt

>>14038808, >>14038815 Here are newly the unsealed docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell case. (50+ pages)

>>14038822 Wasn't the world supposed to be over according to THEM ANYWAY?

>>14038846 28+ hours before President Trump is scheduled to speak and there is ALREADY a crowd! Florida is Trump country! Flag of United States

>>14038878 Venezuela To Chop Off Six Zeros From Bolivar In 3rd Currency Redenomination In 13 Years

>>14038922 Biden

>>14038943 Metro undercover operation targets pimps on Las Vegas Strip

>>14039001 140 countries Abbott of Texas mentioned 140 countries...

>>14039051 No more Heath emergency In province of British Columbia.

>>14039053, >>14039070, >>14039099, >>14039170, >>14039218 Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire is reportedly under control now.

>>14039144 The Montauk Project is a conspiracy theory that alleges there were a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York, for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.

>>14039186 Democrats are Suspected of Being ‘Fake Canvassers’ Who Then Harass Innocent Arizonians to Give Audit a Black Eye

>>14045270 #17765

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7fd458  No.14046536

Previously Collected Notables

>>14040833 #17767, >>14041539 #17768,

>>14038370 #17764, >>14045270 #17765, >>14040021 #17766

>>14035940 #17761, >>14036613 #17762, >>14037523 #17763

>>14036235 #17758, >>14034320 #17759, >>14035088 #17760

>>14032037 #17755, >>14032021 #17756, >>14032728 #17757

>>14028754 #17752, >>14029556 #17753, >>14030257 #17754

>>14028764 #17749, >>14027030 #17750, >>14027909 #17751

>>14024734 #17746, >>14027308 #17747, >>14026943 #17748

>>14021473 #17743, >>14025458 #17744, >>14024735 #17745

>>14018863 #17740, >>14020405 #17741, >>14020685 #17742

>>14016593 #17737, >>14017418 #17738, >>14018134 #17739

>>14013425 #17734, >>14014304 #17735, >>14015051 #17736

>>14011100 #17731, >>14011833 #17732, >>14012641 #17733

>>14012531 #17728, >>14009507 #17729, >>14010285 #17730

>>14006449 #17725, >>14007115 #17726, >>14007897 #17727

>>14003830 #17722, >>14004700 #17723, >>14005463 #17724

>>14001577 #17719, >>14002303 #17720, >>14003082 #17721

>>13998995 #17716, >>13999872 #17717, >>14000530 #17718

>>13996518 #17713, >>13997788 #17714, >>14003092 #17715

>>13994094 #17710, >>13994923 #17711, >>13995230 #17712

>>13991743 #17707, >>13992545 #17708, >>13993313 #17709

>>13988927 #17704, >>13989867 #17705, >>13990882 #17706

>>13986309 #17701, >>13986999 #17702, >>13988008 #17703

>>13984455 #17698, >>13984767 #17699, >>13985521 #17700

>>13981552 #17695, >>13984329 #17696, >>13984344 #17697

>>13979126 #17692, >>13979917 #17693, >>13980700 #17694

>>13977157 #17689, >>13977572 #17690, >>13978354 #17691

>>13974254 #17686, >>13975063 #17687, >>13976926 #17688

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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7fd458  No.14046537

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>13947299 ————————————–——– Canada #21

>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13954088 ————————————–——– Germany #82

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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>>13991348 ————————————–——– UK #40

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>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

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Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a


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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>13699736 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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7fd458  No.14046538

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Twitter Video Downloader: https://www.savetweetvid.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

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Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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7fd458  No.14046540

File: 605d302f9cb7763⋯.png (550.63 KB, 617x808, 617:808, NWPOTUS3.png)



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b7c3c6  No.14046548

File: 7a0ece147c18152⋯.mp4 (260.82 KB, 220x382, 110:191, pants_bounce.mp4)

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6b88b7  No.14046549

File: 20942b490605c5c⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, secret_societies.mp4)

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f38300  No.14046552

File: 7f8543f37032ed0⋯.jpg (6.51 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7f8543f37032ed059033004be5….jpg)


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fb414b  No.14046556

File: 79ab1027c6ce440⋯.png (636.72 KB, 865x557, 865:557, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

File: e025e8c0c0db074⋯.png (522.92 KB, 798x528, 133:88, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

File: 497eb699fc7feb7⋯.png (666.87 KB, 798x673, 798:673, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

File: 85af6cc9d2698f4⋯.png (593.15 KB, 798x673, 798:673, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

File: 974dea3a66610a1⋯.png (602.4 KB, 810x760, 81:76, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)


Perhaps there is a reason why President Trump cannot acknowledge RSMN LIVE?? Both speakers I've heard so far tonight mentioned the FAKE news, but didn't say RSBN as an exception which they really should?!

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0d87b5  No.14046558

anyone been able to create a gettr acount since launch crash? tried multiple emails no luck

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c1e019  No.14046561

Maybe the whole point of Q is to show the world how easy it is to manipulate the world.

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e46c97  No.14046563

File: 5c8d21abd4fb7d2⋯.png (235.52 KB, 888x348, 74:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Skies will be clean & dry for the Rally

Rally Bread will be #17777

it should be named appropriately

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5c403d  No.14046564

File: 3235c80edaa5980⋯.png (835.84 KB, 474x648, 79:108, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14046507 pb

>buddha said he would not stop a rape because 'karma would deal with it'

sounds like the same bullcrap that's taught in the modern western "religion".

"don't worry about those who fuck you over, just be good slaves to them, and they will get their comeuppance in the afterlife, goy"

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5fec02  No.14046568

File: a0b487a17f09b45⋯.png (2.18 KB, 184x169, 184:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh boy! I wonder what they (think was) deleted this time!

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643653  No.14046572

File: 268b215e629b70d⋯.png (85.2 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Rally Bread

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075abb  No.14046577

File: 690339bf28385c6⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 401x560, 401:560, 12_blackhats.jpg)




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eb549b  No.14046583

File: e0dbb2b768dcd7c⋯.jpg (731.06 KB, 2034x1472, 1017:736, TRUMPismypotus.jpg)

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5fec02  No.14046584

File: a40765f51e11028⋯.png (413.32 KB, 959x799, 959:799, 77.png)

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798e85  No.14046585

File: 33172c19ef083ad⋯.jpg (184.68 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Polish_20210629_195626048.jpg)

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73da97  No.14046586

File: 85c141869eb481e⋯.png (32.15 KB, 850x413, 850:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aec69e4b62d990⋯.jpg (186.69 KB, 2048x1237, 2048:1237, DhVrHbsWsAYswYl.jpg)

File: da6b79dc124fcce⋯.jpg (139.16 KB, 1080x696, 45:29, da6b79dc124fcce244707b92fb….jpg)


by: WFLA 8 On Your Side Staff

Posted: Jul 3, 2021 / 04:47 PM MDT / Updated: Jul 3, 2021 / 04:50 PM MDT

SARASOTA, Fla. (WFLA) — Dozens of people are lined up and ready at the Sarasota Fairgrounds in preparation for former President Donald Trump’s visit Saturday evening.

Trump is expected to hold his “Save America” rally at 8 p.m. with a fireworks show to follow at 9 p.m.


President Trump Independence Day MAGA Rally, Sarasota Fairgrounds, Florida – 8:00 pm ET Livestream

July 3, 2021, | Sundance | 61 Comments

Today President Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, will be holding a massive Independence Day MAGA rally at the Sarasota County Fairgrounds in Sarasota, Florida. The president is expected to speak at 8:00 pm ET will festivities and speakers all day.

RSBN has been blocked by YouTube, a Google subsidiary, for broadcasting prior events of patriotism that are no longer permitted by the Big Tech industry. As a result Right Side Broadcasting is using the streaming services of Rumble to share the rally coverage. RSBN RUMBLE HERE –https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html==

Alternate Livestream Link – https://youtu.be/YthLFU_qBKo

PT News Rants and Briefs

1.22K subscribers

Join us for live coverage of the Trump Rally in Sarasota Florida. Live coverage begins at 4pm with Adam and Derek on the ground conducting interviews. At 8pm the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump will take the stage.

To watch on an unmoderated free channel, visit www.ptnewsnetwork.com/trump

Alternate Livestream Link 2 – https://youtu.be/6wcFA8K_vgo

Australian Hub

485 subscribers

Saturday, July 3, 2021: Join US for all-day LIVE coverage as President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, holds a major rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds in Sarasota, FL on Saturday, July 3, 2021, at 8:00 PM EDT.

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5c403d  No.14046587

File: 82d5fc95d933429⋯.png (61.12 KB, 1857x733, 1857:733, ClipboardImage.png)


>Rally Bread will be #17777

it is a sign. kek favoreth us on this night



focus your unfocusable powers

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d57716  No.14046589

Well, thats a new banner!

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c9e45b  No.14046590

hahaha its literally 15 posts of notables

love it, love every second of it

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56fe37  No.14046591

>>14046575 (pb)

strange that (((sanger))) was a jew behind the industrial satanism of 'planned parenthood'?

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0a7aa5  No.14046592

File: f80d9b0b61b4ff1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1174x1182, 587:591, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)


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0d87b5  No.14046593

10min grand finale by sky king! -RSBN

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6b88b7  No.14046594

File: 472f867b9d402e5⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 472f867b9d402e579e7b9ce0e5….mp4)

We are never leaving, and that's why they want us DEAD.

They know when the NPCs wake up, …… OH SHIT

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e46c97  No.14046596

File: f9c175fa72dbb61⋯.png (327.17 KB, 440x320, 11:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Spartacus failed and became the imagery for the jesus story which created more slaves than the romans ever did

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7c96a7  No.14046597

File: d46cf792a2d3edd⋯.png (918.57 KB, 1024x608, 32:19, rally.png)

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b01b1b  No.14046598

File: c63c3ce18950480⋯.png (995.08 KB, 594x904, 297:452, c63c3ce189504801c6fd621237….png)



Happy Rally Bakes

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643653  No.14046599

File: d5b618be2809fd1⋯.png (927.47 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45eb6b2872c6713⋯.png (392.23 KB, 488x556, 122:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d0f7ad98cdaf95⋯.png (470.12 KB, 495x716, 495:716, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea68d78d3b0a089⋯.png (300.7 KB, 595x728, 85:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d9edacccacc780⋯.png (191.13 KB, 495x442, 495:442, ClipboardImage.png)

Jerusalem Post Uses Photo Of White Men With Confederate Flags To Describe ‘Rise of the Moors’ Militia Movement For Black Men

Jerusalem Post uses a photo of white men to describe a black militia group called "Rise of the Moors" represented by a man named Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey

The Jerusalem Post is under fire for using a photo of white men wearing combat vests featuring Confederate battle flags in an article about the armed standoff between the “Rise of the Moors” black militia group and Boston law enforcement.

The Jerusalem Post used the image of white men with Confederate battle flag emblems for its article, “Two arrested as armed militia group stands off with police in Boston”. The image shows two men, one clearly armed with a rifle, wearing vests and camouflage. One man has what appears to be a three-percenter militia emblem crossed with a Confederate battle flag.

However, the “Rise of the Moors” militia group appears to be comprised of black men. While their belief structure is unclear at present, including whether it may revolve around Islam, it appears the militia believed they were legally exercising their Second Amendment rights to possess and carry firearms.

According to local media, a man who identifies as Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey live streamed part of the standoff on YouTube. “They specified in the news that we’re anti government, but we’re not, we’re not anti police, we’re not sovereign citizens, we’re not black identity extremists,” said Bey, who asserted that no laws were being broken by the armed group. “We haven’t violated any laws, the police seen us on the side of the road with our guns secured, we were afraid so we got out with our arms.”

Radio host Dave Reilly slammed the publication’s decision to use the image, which he said shows a man named Andrew Dobson. “The group today in Boston were BLACK people and you’re using a photo of a GOOD man @ Charlottesville who’s now DEAD because he relapsed because of hit pieces about him from ppl like you!” Reilly added, “Scum!”

Harrison Smith, the host of Infowars morning show The American Journal, added, “What a despicably deceptive image for the @Jerusalem_Post to use. Pure blood-libel.”

National File contacted the Jerusalem Post to determine if the image was used by mistake, and, if so, whether the publication intends to use a different image. National File also asked if Jerusalem Post is aware that Twitter allows individuals to rapidly change the image used in a Twitter post, if it intends to apologize to the individuals pictured in the image, and if it believes the image is a fair and accurate way to describe the “Rise of the Moors” group. National File did not receive a response in time for publication.


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4ef9c4  No.14046600


>Trump is expected to hold his “Save America” rally at 8 p.m. with a fireworks show to follow at 9 p.m.

So what's Joe doing for us on the 4th?

sleeping in?

should be interesting.

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6061f2  No.14046601

File: 057a54fba95f027⋯.png (154.97 KB, 531x665, 531:665, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b34a4dee102a2c⋯.png (288.7 KB, 534x804, 89:134, ClipboardImage.png)



Ringling Bros connection tonight

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8bfb8d  No.14046602

File: d5e4866dc055c11⋯.png (2.19 MB, 875x2179, 875:2179, ClipboardImage.png)

>Dozens Lined Up…

Methinks they've undercountered by a bit…


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635d6c  No.14046603


If ya can't be great at something, at least over compensate more of it.

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2d8300  No.14046605


That isn't taught in buddhism. Buddhists see all beings as themselves. Letting another person be harmed is letting oneself be harmed from their view.

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5b6eef  No.14046606

File: bf81e04e7c31dd5⋯.jpg (532.99 KB, 585x711, 65:79, trump37.jpg)

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56fe37  No.14046607

File: 0ec1d887c765daf⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 320x230, 32:23, Jesus.jpg)


Jesus was not waiting for 'karma' to deal with the synagogue of satan.

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5ca98c  No.14046608

File: 804f08377ec18fd⋯.png (4.27 MB, 1530x1356, 255:226, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e673c  No.14046609

File: b2b6c3b5d8a933d⋯.png (422.01 KB, 566x754, 283:377, Patriotic_Pepe_watching_Tr….png)

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643653  No.14046610

File: 89748dc9d324f4d⋯.png (650.67 KB, 643x745, 643:745, ClipboardImage.png)

Brazilian candidate comes out as gay in race against ‘proud’ homophobe Bolsonaro

A Brazilian presidential hopeful came out as gay this week in a country ruled by a self-described “proud homophobe.”

Eduardo Leite, the governor of the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, made the announcement during a TV interview Thursday with Globo TV.

“I’m gay – and I’m a governor who is gay rather than a gay governor. Just as Obama in the United States wasn’t a black president, but a president who was black. And I’m proud of this,” said Leite, 36, a member of the center-right Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB).

The announcement was treated with a huge outpouring of support in the South American country, both from politicians and LGBT activists.


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b01b1b  No.14046611

File: 4735626936c51fe⋯.png (127.65 KB, 442x334, 221:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b022612609a5211⋯.png (834.71 KB, 978x1280, 489:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 189eb0368896ada⋯.png (704.53 KB, 924x620, 231:155, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.


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b7c3c6  No.14046612

File: ab88213cc51013a⋯.png (3.45 KB, 101x78, 101:78, Screen_Shot_2021_06_13_at_….png)


>bread is flying like the old days….this might get filled before 8pm?

Pretty good considering pic related.

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e46c97  No.14046613



>filled before 8pm?

yes plus POTUS is always at least 30min late

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642a6b  No.14046614

File: 3c4ac22f6f8dfe5⋯.jpeg (25.31 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 4d37ea247f1dbd8326dccd9f2….jpeg)

File: d0cc4e76c1f241c⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d0cc4e76c1f241c9e56fb2cf90….jpg)

Biden shut down our Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore!

Trump gave it back to us in Florida!!

We're gonna have beautiful fireworks folks!!

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6b88b7  No.14046615

File: 879b9dc5c381b9d⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB, 488x610, 4:5, Proud_Jersey_Patriot.mp4)

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7bb0a5  No.14046616

File: bc9b1dc9f303ada⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 300x450, 2:3, ERUw6d3XUAE36U4.jpg)

File: 882aed876b5f903⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 882aed876b5f90368dc94a0d9f….jpg)


TYB - Rally Bread Best Bread

May God our Father in heaven please bless this most noble rally bread, through Christ my Lord & savior Yahushua I pray.

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c9e45b  No.14046617


yeah pretty much

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5b6eef  No.14046618

File: 8b272bdcd254d0a⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 700x702, 350:351, jews3.jpg)


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941da8  No.14046619

File: 20e4e7ac05d21e9⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 472x676, 118:169, Joe_screener02.JPG)

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b01b1b  No.14046620

File: c316e1f13c24e5a⋯.png (86.03 KB, 432x927, 48:103, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [03.07.21 15:39]



@RealGenFlynn, [03.07.21 15:44]

Please share this article and my comments with as many parents and/or young adults as possible looking to attend colleges and universities around the nation who are pursuing this lunatic policy.


@RealGenFlynn, [03.07.21 15:59]

Since most don’t read the entire article (which I kindly ask that you do in order to be better informed), here is a direct quote from the article:

“”There was a time that colleges and universities looked out for the welfare of their students, but now it looks like they are willingly ignoring the risk to students, blindly following the guidance of the ‘experts’ at the CDC, when even that agency does not require its own employees to be vaccinated,” said Olson. He went on to point out that the CDC has confirmed 226 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in people ages 30 and younger and are investigating 250 more reports. In fact the FDA added a warning to two of the vaccines June 25 stating that their administration can lead to heart inflammation and potentially be fatal. The letter also stated that as of June 16 the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has received reports of 326,239 adverse events of which 4,946 were deaths related to the vaccines. That number exceeds the 4,598 deaths for other deaths related to vaccines reported to VAERS as long as records are available up to Dec. 31, 2020.””


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5c403d  No.14046621

File: cd5457f9662f976⋯.png (1.35 MB, 740x1122, 370:561, ClipboardImage.png)


that was a 90s gif…. she's 50 now….

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4ef9c4  No.14046622



Never seemed real to me. Do you know they have secret teachings you can only access wit ha guru or when you attain a certain level?

Why do they take young boys from their families to study at the monastery with old men?

It's all a bunch of fucking pedophile bullshit covered by ritual.

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bc845b  No.14046623

What are the odds that President Trump says "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us" as it rains heavily on his speech, that typically don't happen in the rain

Food for thought.

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147ff9  No.14046624

File: 666d91ed7db0b0c⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 666x361, 666:361, trumpmanufacturing.jpg)

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3f6947  No.14046625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Newsmax link on youtube since the commies took down RSBN.

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06de95  No.14046627

File: 8ec4d3e98a3428c⋯.jpg (450.86 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20210617_111259.jpg)

File: 6732962ca6cdb66⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, 1624742947560.png)

File: c40b26ce927903d⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1720, 27:43, 1624743480760.png)

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fb414b  No.14046628

File: 9204163f34a4a97⋯.png (802.84 KB, 822x462, 137:77, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

Congressman Matt Waltz…nice jacket!

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6b88b7  No.14046629

File: 141998e5d356461⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Jim_Caviezel_Patriot.mp4)

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2c9ddc  No.14046631

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpeg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6984A33A_78AE_4EAA_9437_5….jpeg)


ty baker for this beautifel bred

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907285  No.14046632

File: 3dfe99eefd2dab3⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 512x368, 32:23, 0b5822a67a30ea97b12f8752d3….jpg)

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56fe37  No.14046633

>>14046059 (pb) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No. Geraldo Rivera applauds Bill Cosby’s release after being 'unjustly convicted,' suggests Weinstein could be next

(((riviera))) ofc looks after the degenerate tribe

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5c403d  No.14046634


and then watch it trend on a certain scoial media website

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4ef9c4  No.14046636


only a guilty man would applaud cosby's release.

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b01b1b  No.14046638

File: 6a37de1186e6ae5⋯.png (687.06 KB, 1078x646, 539:323, ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE: President Donald J Trump in Sarasota, FL


RSBN LIVE: President Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL


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4ef9c4  No.14046639


sometimes 45

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f2e557  No.14046640


Why do men teach children? You think that's suspicious? You want only women teachers? The West has that now, look what it's done.

If all you see are faggots everyehere, you're probably the faggot.

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aa8153  No.14046641

Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition

Great number. 1775 with a slight stutter.

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7bb0a5  No.14046642

File: 3e113850f84cbf4⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 914x718, 457:359, Shill_No_Sleep.gif)


No sleep for the shill tonight, kek

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2dc4db  No.14046643


breathe anon

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181ff3  No.14046644

The only thing joe could do for us is quit, mr. double dubs.


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26dde0  No.14046645

File: c16aaab9e0fb5cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1391x415, 1391:415, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

…Shit, missing all of the action.

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fc13ed  No.14046646


You mean exactly like catholicism, mormanism, freemasonry, islam, etc.

Just another false religion to split us.

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2c9ddc  No.14046647

File: e9535444b2b7095⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_4406.mp4)


click for full rally pump

volume up

God Bless President Trump!!!

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4ef9c4  No.14046648


that was quite an irrational rant, fucktard.

Is your name Buddhist Karen?


you're a fucking idiot.

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635d6c  No.14046649


Imagine having the two week old DV17 Hunter pawned because switching cpu didn't stop the $[a]Rs metadata virus spread instead of the one it originated, which he still has. You think that one is bad?

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b7c3c6  No.14046650

File: 5ca8fdb579ea727⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 5ca8fdb579ea727ea31f1ba810….jpg)



>that was a 90s gif…. she's 50 now….


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fc13ed  No.14046651


Again nigger, Gettr is not safe. Leave it alone for a week or two.

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f2e557  No.14046652


It's really not a religion, just a philosophy, a way of living. People who feel a need for religion make it into a religion.

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b01b1b  No.14046653



You house is full of horded and useless waste, isn't it?

Back off there is enough there already. FFS

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5c403d  No.14046654

File: 18788a00d9e46fa⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 590x258, 295:129, dalai_lama_protect_2a_gun.jpg)

File: 7890241c624f4ff⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 350x200, 7:4, dalai_lama_best.jpg)


>Buddhists see all beings as themselves. Letting another person be harmed is letting oneself be harmed from their view.

That was my understanding of Buddhism based on what the Dalai Lama has said…

I was commenting on the previous anon's take…

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6b88b7  No.14046655

File: ae0bb67daadeeb5⋯.jpg (62.67 KB, 828x991, 828:991, ae0bb67daadeeb54d20eab4468….jpg)

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c9e45b  No.14046657


nigger gettr

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941da8  No.14046658


If Trump is late it will impact my fapping schedule.

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7fd458  No.14046659


>Rally Bread will be #17777

Unless you kids spam all bread it should be the next one although I don't doubt it will run into 17778

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d57716  No.14046660

>>14046188 A prominent #Italian #cardinal was among 10 people sent to trial in the #Vatican on Saturday charged with financial #crimes.

I’m going to say this again and again, the Vatican and Cardinals are charged with child and human sex, drug traficking and human sacrifice! Financial crimes are nothing to a church that owns Billions

When the Vatican punishes itself for 100’s of years of pedophillia, sex with nuns, human slave trafficking and starting wars to kill othersfor more money and power, Only then will i be satisfied

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7c96a7  No.14046661

File: 58d7eb6fef5772b⋯.png (762.75 KB, 784x704, 49:44, anti_w.png)

File: f95119e962ca349⋯.png (861.24 KB, 1080x869, 1080:869, delta_variant.png)

File: 1b0f7e9580cb398⋯.png (898.45 KB, 784x1114, 392:557, 16cent_hotdog.png)

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7bb0a5  No.14046662

File: 2236dce98632815⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 400x225, 16:9, jiggle.gif)



That's hate speech!

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fc13ed  No.14046663

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Pathetic.jpg)


We see you for what you are.

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00fc97  No.14046664

File: 8deeeeb7f32eda6⋯.png (403.94 KB, 598x689, 46:53, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

File: 614ee89fc6fce6b⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 640x352, 20:11, tfYCDd9C9r4mWqqv.mp4)

HORRIFYING: Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot A Palestinian Child From Behind At Close Range!

The Israeli forces were kidnapping the child, in al-Khalil (West Bank), when he suddenly escaped them. Then he was punished with a bullet from behind.

How can this be done to a child?



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5b6eef  No.14046665

File: f4fa11f7a7cad8d⋯.jpg (141.11 KB, 1076x1124, 269:281, fauci.jpg)

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bc845b  No.14046666


Audibly fucking kekd good eye lad

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539128  No.14046668


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5c403d  No.14046669

File: 672b767a19c4d55⋯.png (75.48 KB, 262x216, 131:108, ClipboardImage.png)


not sure if intelligent post I don't understand, or psycho post

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6b88b7  No.14046670

File: 1873937260b845d⋯.jpg (212.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, swamp_kek2.jpg)

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098e26  No.14046671

File: dd0c0db2630532f⋯.gif (995.51 KB, 500x208, 125:52, neo.gif)

Thank you baker.









I wish I were Neo and download all the info above in a heartbeat.

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eb549b  No.14046673

File: 392a5218dbf7ae4⋯.png (5.36 MB, 2056x1524, 514:381, Screen_Shot_2021_01_04_at_….png)

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6b88b7  No.14046674

File: 09a6ee41a0a48cf⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1047x747, 349:249, 968fcce74cf66a1b0685509f3c….png)

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06de95  No.14046675

Looks like America's Voice will have live coverage.

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539128  No.14046676


I can't wait to hear all the lil' codes for us anons.

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f2e557  No.14046677

File: 96fa8329fe998a6⋯.png (321.17 KB, 638x423, 638:423, 1435628986129.png)


I get it, you want to divide me into a religion. Not going to bite. You need better bait.

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6b88b7  No.14046678

File: 387f375b92f226a⋯.png (724.01 KB, 934x515, 934:515, 754A762B_F8F3_43A0_BE1D_F3….png)

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098e26  No.14046680

File: 009c03f46adc81d⋯.jpg (134.87 KB, 697x401, 697:401, hope.jpg)

Gotta go to Staples and print this meme out,

and hang it on my door.

Love you all.

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06de95  No.14046681


Just embrace the transhumanist philosophy and wait for your neural implant and you can.

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d5a8c4  No.14046682

File: 7d91596f793cdb0⋯.png (341.9 KB, 1080x849, 360:283, 1625354473146.png)

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c1e019  No.14046683

Next bread


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6b88b7  No.14046684

File: 5d54652c46e3ddc⋯.jpg (88.71 KB, 512x504, 64:63, 5d54652c46e3ddc11d2e8bfa4b….jpg)

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5f3cb9  No.14046685

File: a72621cff8f4c8e⋯.png (274.44 KB, 759x469, 759:469, XGN290_G4_SP_from_Morristo….PNG)

File: ffa3a0e6448ba3c⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

XGN290 G4-SP on descent for Sarasota from Morristown depart

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6b88b7  No.14046686

File: 5d512837dba8c68⋯.jpg (59.39 KB, 576x768, 3:4, S_Georgia_Guidestones_22.jpg)

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5fec02  No.14046688

File: c9deff9901d2d93⋯.png (362.49 KB, 720x941, 720:941, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c403d  No.14046690

File: 4802c6230cdf8e3⋯.png (215.91 KB, 417x205, 417:205, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh there they go. There they go, every time I start talkin 'bout SLAVESTIANITY, a CHURCHGOIN DUDE got to pull THE WHIP SCENE out their ass. That's they one, that's they one. WHIP SCENE. WHIP SCENE.

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f2e557  No.14046691


What the fuck are you even talking about.

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6b88b7  No.14046692

File: e14c609990006ac⋯.jpeg (39.67 KB, 509x481, 509:481, S_Georgia_Guidestones_80_….jpeg)

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5b6eef  No.14046693

File: b59e28176943a09⋯.png (544.74 KB, 722x558, 361:279, swastika.png)

File: 2631725097d9de4⋯.jpg (134.64 KB, 960x796, 240:199, SYMBOLISM.jpg)

File: 195726b11d287c8⋯.jpg (203.58 KB, 1092x1106, 78:79, symbolism4.jpg)

File: 3af534110ff40ad⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 416x416, 1:1, symbolism5.jpg)

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eb549b  No.14046694

File: f450cad7a295b21⋯.jpg (324.97 KB, 1234x822, 617:411, Screen_Shot_2021.jpg)

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21855f  No.14046695

What Independence is there to celebrate? That America is an independent prison in the global communist prison system?

No winning has occurred. The 12 families still rule the world. Trump is just a mouthpiece for "the opposition".

The Global Reset/QFS is simply the introduction of the Anti-Christ which will rapidly depopulate the 1st world nations.

Q did nothing but show us the NWO is already here and unstoppable. Enjoy celebrating your communist overlords with your Chinese fireworks.

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6b88b7  No.14046696

File: e25e5899b300713⋯.gif (273.09 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 2zRN6HW.gif)

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6b88b7  No.14046697

File: a5c79a2ac546e73⋯.gif (773.58 KB, 260x173, 260:173, a5c79a2ac546e73ab5eeee799d….gif)

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6b88b7  No.14046698

File: e1cbcc67f379a68⋯.gif (1022.8 KB, 852x568, 3:2, e1cbcc67f379a686339a68f78c….gif)

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50b5ef  No.14046699

more and we hit 7's

who's skipping the funnies and going straight for

4th of JULY

fireworkswhite entertainerment television

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e46c97  No.14046700



GETTR Analysis

Pompeo, Bannon & others have set up verified accts and i have 3 that i have been using without major problems so far.


it is slow, it is being filled with chyna accts, CM has done tech and sees problems and

it is not POTUS's it is Jason Miller's

Jason has DJT's acct set up but can not confirm DJT will join

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b01b1b  No.14046701


The globals are a bloated waste of space. They need to be kept lean and minimalistic. Not a hot mess like how you keep your filthy house.

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635d6c  No.14046702


Who is R?

[$] indicates data derived from a parallel Linux system running simultaneously on a partitioned HD.

$Rsmetadata is a Metasploit.

Who is R?

Why would H have Rs metadata?

Is $Rsmetadata the SARS virus?

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5c403d  No.14046703

File: 24f7889530a1c79⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 911_Pentagon_crash_rare_fo….mp4)


9/11 poster trying to fill the bread to get us to #17777?

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e46c97  No.14046704




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0e673c  No.14046705

File: 82dd022ea5b40d1⋯.png (309.73 KB, 664x775, 664:775, 535_We_re_closer_than_you_….png)

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539128  No.14046706


Thank you, PF.

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941da8  No.14046707


>CM has done tech and sees problems

not that his site was/is every reliable.

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014016  No.14046708


Their desperation stinks to high heaven.

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6ddc7e  No.14046709

File: 91cf7d1f1cf696a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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3987d9  No.14046710

File: 314cd476fb6cb55⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 640x616, 80:77, 20210703_172153.jpg)

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5b6eef  No.14046712

File: 8c2841ae4efcf5f⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 599x405, 599:405, 91132.jpg)

File: a7bc2072a17442a⋯.jpg (195.41 KB, 955x960, 191:192, 91133.jpg)

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4ef9c4  No.14046713

File: 889fe0c368f1977⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1537574206.jpg)


so fucking butthurt

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222cba  No.14046714

File: c5c0def85cc0a85⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 480x270, 16:9, OA_KWxEY_OwNwZ05.mp4)


BREAKING: Antifa militants assault conservative demonstrators, reporters at LA spa protest

Antifa assaulted demonstrators and reporters at a protest Saturday outside a Los Angeles spa where a customer complained last week that a transgender individual's male genitals were exposed to women and girls in the female section.


Andy Ngô




Breaking: A mob of antifa (look at their flag if it’s not obvious enough) punch a man, then chase & assault a videographer at the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles. cc







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00fc97  No.14046715

File: e6385461988577f⋯.png (445.48 KB, 598x678, 299:339, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)




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941da8  No.14046716


yes yes

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5f3cb9  No.14046717

File: ccc81f6b50fc2c0⋯.png (422.5 KB, 654x336, 109:56, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b88b7  No.14046718


Love you friend. Just trying to provide evidence.

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64bbc3  No.14046719

File: 5ee4937248f594a⋯.jpeg (82.89 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, EyKE5iJW8AQdDxN.jpeg)

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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5b6eef  No.14046720

File: c515ef6dacbf9c0⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 599x428, 599:428, 9116.jpg)

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1431bc  No.14046721

>>14046285 [;;17774]

>First Amendment

You still won't be able to talk about jews.

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941da8  No.14046722

File: 6ca1624634606f0⋯.png (8.13 KB, 95x32, 95:32, ClipboardImage.png)


Operators active

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06de95  No.14046723

File: 6dc0a6c48ab823e⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_03072021192722.jpg)


Why didn't those dumb graffiti niggers just use pool cleaning acid???

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d57716  No.14046724


She might never be elected but she has a way withthe fuck word! Ahh, whom i kidding she could win

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50b5ef  No.14046725

urtranbakers got no good muffins

start over - learn from better bakes baker go baker land baker got ship lanes rockandroll

dive dive dive

bubbles all bubbles

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222cba  No.14046726

File: bef8583e974b799⋯.mp4 (6.03 MB, 1048x584, 131:73, fnG_CzQcvQtxSQYo.mp4)




Andy Ngô




Replying to


“Flank him on the right!” Watch as the mob of antifa coordinate their attack on a videographer at the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles.

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584da5  No.14046727


Well, I guess Trump's Rumble link can't go in the Dough because Bossman Spergo Anon says so.

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13cc4b  No.14046728

File: ec1c307ad57ad8f⋯.jpg (299.44 KB, 1651x1227, 1651:1227, 1624072116851.jpg)


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aa8153  No.14046729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c9e45b  No.14046730


new phone who dis

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56fe37  No.14046731


jews hate Jesus and Christians because Jesus was the one who spoke the clearest about the synagogue of satan

that's why jews promote atheism, buddhism, and any form of distraction from the truth of Jesus.

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eb549b  No.14046732

File: 4c9742a9f7342e8⋯.jpg (185.31 KB, 850x570, 85:57, Trump_and_Melania_REUTERS_….jpg)

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b7c3c6  No.14046733

File: e4b601e25282f2d⋯.png (515.39 KB, 820x456, 205:114, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

Who's the hottie in the top left?

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13cc4b  No.14046734

File: 6b35b91cbba4115⋯.png (36.36 KB, 793x860, 793:860, 1624072514743.png)


dis fren shark

what is up

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6b88b7  No.14046735

File: 058ad945640375d⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1617853395942.jpg)

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fba21d  No.14046736

File: d97497352190ec7⋯.jpg (87 KB, 640x616, 80:77, shark.jpg)

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222cba  No.14046737

File: 87ff242834dd2ad⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 490x270, 49:27, FWu1Uh_sndNMEUtC.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Outside the Wi Spa protest, antifa harasses and intimidates a member of the press. They throw water on him and force him away from documenting the public event. cc




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941da8  No.14046738


we call her grandma

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fc13ed  No.14046739

File: f4aca35bee57d3f⋯.png (520.02 KB, 847x1816, 847:1816, ClipboardImage.png)


Not at all safe if you can find encryption keys in the javascript.

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13cc4b  No.14046740

File: af326ee854c2ca5⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1624071508412.jpg)

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7bb0a5  No.14046741

File: ca0133c3adfec6b⋯.png (44.09 KB, 1290x318, 215:53, Q_trolls_on_Wiki.png)


Dogs bark.

People speak.


Have you checked your files lately.


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0e2e87  No.14046742

File: da5b171b5d69f1b⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Flight_175_on_911.mp4)

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64bbc3  No.14046743

File: 2f7049d05563626⋯.jpg (31.24 KB, 587x649, 587:649, 2f7049d055636267d164eb291c….jpg)

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13cc4b  No.14046744

File: 3250b97a197fd58⋯.png (85.65 KB, 667x546, 667:546, 1624073768274.png)

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584da5  No.14046745



PatchFaggot bullshit incoming.

He just dropped his callsign.

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6ec47b  No.14046746

File: 1801e3b6fe3cf57⋯.png (233.66 KB, 513x512, 513:512, Capture.PNG)

File: 7e80cad09fc26b1⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 448x848, 28:53, KjIMujFzseouL7sH.mp4)



Message from Tina


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635d6c  No.14046747


If I'm right, you can still fuck right the fuck off after saying I didn't deserve shit. I discovered it. I was dealing with this shit for a decade before you took office at least.

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d5a8c4  No.14046748

File: 398d80da0c97f48⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 631x960, 631:960, 398d80da0c97f48434d1c72584….jpg)


Logic died long ago

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f20f2e  No.14046749

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56fe37  No.14046750


>Letting another person be harmed is letting oneself be harmed from their view.

and yet, not one word from 'buddhists' against the genital mutilation of infants

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fc13ed  No.14046751


He didn't write this shit, the wheelchair faggot did, he just made it secure.

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c9e45b  No.14046752

File: 3ac08cfb8bcacdd⋯.png (623.69 KB, 645x425, 129:85, ClipboardImage.png)


oh henlo shark fren

were you the right or the left?

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222cba  No.14046753

File: 8d5b24db0ec767f⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 590x680, 59:68, E5Y_TbZUUAESjvY.jpg)



James Klüg


Los Angeles: 10 minutes in to filming and I got assaulted with a club.

Multiple fights between Antifa and religious demonstrators have broken out. Multiple reporters assaulted. Nearest police presence is blocks away.

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6b88b7  No.14046754

File: 6a7622187fabbb9⋯.jpg (296.5 KB, 594x605, 54:55, frogs.jpg)

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635d6c  No.14046755


It hasn't touched electricity since 2015.

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00fc97  No.14046756

Pepe slide is a gud slide

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5b6eef  No.14046757

File: f2a2ba721c6d8b2⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 744x592, 93:74, 9112.jpg)

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941da8  No.14046759

File: 9eecbf07f807b86⋯.png (919.39 KB, 1080x641, 1080:641, Pepe_Controls.png)

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635d6c  No.14046760

File: d636c716e459ea4⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200504_191025….png)

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d5a8c4  No.14046761

File: 104054a31113900⋯.png (362.85 KB, 1080x778, 540:389, Memeto_1618540340980.png)

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0e2e87  No.14046762

File: ddc2b97f7b6cc3b⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB, 654x480, 109:80, Q_Donald_Trump_interview_2….mp4)

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2d8300  No.14046763


If buddhists got directly involved in your abrahamic religious politics you would be much angrier, wouldn't you?

So you're welcome.

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0e2e87  No.14046764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Spiritual Meaning of 9/11


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3987d9  No.14046765

File: 0617d367255efc5⋯.jpg (234.62 KB, 720x1104, 15:23, 20210703_172953.jpg)


Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation. https://t.co/TODmHEmPsO

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b01b1b  No.14046766

File: df3470a41557ae7⋯.png (305.5 KB, 1242x606, 207:101, c466748ef9b973eeb6f232ed93….png)


Thank you

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222cba  No.14046767

File: d5d93d150392c93⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 510x680, 3:4, E5ZKoMsVEAEaUKz.jpg)

File: 28e28e8024f14c3⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 510x680, 3:4, E5ZKoMrUcAITk4e.jpg)


James Klüg


Breaking: A conservative demonstrator has been cut with a knife in LA.

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50b5ef  No.14046768


ebwahahah girls bagging on tits

either they luv em of they giv em tO CHILDREN


bake em

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64bbc3  No.14046769

File: b908405436f34bd⋯.jpeg (16.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b908405436f34bd0b039a6eb8….jpeg)

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fc13ed  No.14046770

File: 9f8db9ddae81b15⋯.png (287.9 KB, 435x475, 87:95, mostinterestingdog_2_.png)

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5b6eef  No.14046771

File: 34094ec7186e3c9⋯.jpg (261.86 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 9114.jpg)

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3987d9  No.14046772

File: 75e5240931cbc22⋯.jpg (412.41 KB, 1250x1250, 1:1, 20210703_172843.jpg)



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b01b1b  No.14046773

File: 1bcc170d5a50e2a⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 242x255, 242:255, d1f8e6f472ca36d56079b40bf6….jpg)

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d53bfb  No.14046774

File: 2f318c1e7a2b9ec⋯.png (67.87 KB, 441x322, 63:46, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

File: c72e3b078d4d098⋯.png (69.34 KB, 648x279, 72:31, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

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241117  No.14046775


so sanitized… where are the fucks?

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014016  No.14046776


Q is probably waiting for some Anons to wreck that fucking stone billboard…tick tok.

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4ef9c4  No.14046777

File: e1d4877d046e9ee⋯.png (716 KB, 830x1262, 415:631, 1552437748.png)


the fucking thick staten island accent is irritating

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5fec02  No.14046778

File: 0334cd7677c21fe⋯.png (465.72 KB, 500x730, 50:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e2e87  No.14046779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


9/11 Ground Zero Footage Released in 2010


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6ec47b  No.14046780


China Trump hat -upper R

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5b6eef  No.14046781

File: ecb7de7cdc52007⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 675x505, 135:101, 91123.jpg)

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222cba  No.14046782

File: c082f3fa69a60bc⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U4Q0PWGz8M_U06G6.mp4)



Andy Ngô


At the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles, a lone young man gets his sign ripped up by an antifa. A mob of antifa then assaults him to the ground & kicks him after he got out pepper spray.

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6b88b7  No.14046783

File: 6a307449b239a45⋯.png (400.6 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, pupper_pepe.png)

Feeling a global love moment habbening

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d57716  No.14046784


Whoever did that, good job

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13cc4b  No.14046785

File: df0f07543fc6e8b⋯.jpg (686.76 KB, 811x787, 811:787, 1600196018125.jpg)

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56fe37  No.14046786


'coming out as gay', is that how victims of sexual abuse as children try to make the abuse they suffered public?

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791dec  No.14046787

File: f3d62ad4fee31d1⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 530x640, 53:64, icrw.jpg)


fucking kikes

not good for a single thing

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222cba  No.14046788

File: 01d3de38347d501⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB, 480x270, 16:9, o9JoYKO0irxahgWn.mp4)



See new Tweets


Andy Ngô


Antifa beat a street preacher to the ground at the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles.

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d57716  No.14046789


We’re working on it, take a deep breath And join the troups

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4ef9c4  No.14046790


makes one of us

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64bbc3  No.14046791

File: d8bc352d6a2b2f5⋯.jpg (115.16 KB, 989x742, 989:742, d8bc352d6a2b2f58c2dedf1dc8….jpg)



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54c14f  No.14046792


Why are your fingers in Devil's horns?

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138904  No.14046793

File: 2de6ae7c4deddc1⋯.png (612.13 KB, 1013x572, 1013:572, 9d95ec86917a0a41b63549e568….png)

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b01b1b  No.14046794

File: 30c9985ca15e958⋯.png (182.04 KB, 420x296, 105:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70aa4786e59b359⋯.png (144 KB, 348x340, 87:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅, [03.07.21 19:36]

[ GIF ]



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f6d1ba  No.14046795

File: 8930992b8a06d4e⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210524_121056_676.jpg)

Just to get closer to #17777 in time.

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2b5427  No.14046796

File: 8e7d9073ee58587⋯.png (860.3 KB, 912x786, 152:131, ClipboardImage.png)


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241117  No.14046797

can i get a tip top? can i get a tip top!?!

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aa8153  No.14046798


First look at their new home.


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b01b1b  No.14046799

File: 310c6087cb0094f⋯.png (228.68 KB, 449x431, 449:431, ClipboardImage.png)



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56fe37  No.14046800


'buddhism' isn't real, it's just another distraction from calling out the synagogue of satan for mutilating the genitals of infants

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222cba  No.14046801

File: b651c9b27c4b644⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, AOqwRLrGr8WlNeSj_1_.mp4)



See new Tweets


Andy Ngô


Antifa assault street preachers who tried to attend the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles. Several people have been assaulted today but police don’t appear to be responding at all.

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6ec47b  No.14046802


She is in Happy 4th mode.

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5b6eef  No.14046804

File: fee947d11747e14⋯.jpg (76.83 KB, 624x500, 156:125, 91110.jpg)

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014016  No.14046805

File: 89a3eb8386e2696⋯.png (376.41 KB, 555x447, 185:149, 5DBB333D_DF03_4631_9933_FC….png)

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138904  No.14046806

File: 5b2b0c5dddac500⋯.jpg (333.41 KB, 1920x1232, 120:77, 41020rallynight.jpg)

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fc13ed  No.14046807


iirc there were pieces in the rubble that could have belonged to an old fighter jet like an A-4 or something.

If they were to have taken an old target drone they could have loaded it with explosives and flew it into the building. This way Q's statement would still be true, as it would technically not be a missile.

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7ce5d7  No.14046808


Anyone got a link?

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539128  No.14046809


Love ya, Dan!

Timestamp 7:36 pm and 1 sec gif

7+3+6+1 = 17

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90a566  No.14046810

File: 7d71e362b17bbd8⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 7d71e362b17bbd89b7d275baee….gif)


>Feeling a global love moment habbening


Love is THE Vital Synthesis


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3987d9  No.14046811

File: 0a67e245758a2a8⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 720x750, 24:25, 20210703_173728.jpg)


NEW Dan on Twitter

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b01b1b  No.14046812

File: ba6c51c382a7b3e⋯.png (229.48 KB, 448x386, 224:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden pulls out notes to answer a simple question on Russia.


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0e2e87  No.14046813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dimitri Khalezov - WTC Nuclear Demolition


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f6d1ba  No.14046814

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Big. Bigger. Biggest. Trump.

For #17777 in time.

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13cc4b  No.14046815

File: ae4b0dcfefa477b⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 655x674, 655:674, 1621209249427.jpg)


sarasota is like one hour away from me

so that's why

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941da8  No.14046816


C'mon man! It vaporized. But the papers…

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54c14f  No.14046817


she's better than AOC

That's who she's running against.

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222cba  No.14046818

File: 228bada9deaac04⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB, 480x270, 16:9, KsW_ICfF391XW56e.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Antifa attack a group of street preachers in Los Angeles. One of the antifa smashes a skateboard on the face of a preacher.

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7ce5d7  No.14046819

File: b620239e55d7f42⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1049x1059, 1049:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd458  No.14046820


muh nigg when I opened it up 10 ago it said 600K+

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3987d9  No.14046821

File: a5e66fb2483caab⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FXJHMSooZ7wZW89I.mp4)

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f9653a  No.14046822

File: b512e96c5bf934e⋯.jpeg (276.58 KB, 698x558, 349:279, EF4EEE61_BDBF_49D4_9151_D….jpeg)


==McNaughton 07-03-2021 releases Personal Letter RE painting "All-American Trump”

"Today's politics are rough. You have to push hard for everything you get. The field is mussy, and the players can get dirty. But, we have a President that has risen above the rest. The other side hates him and will do anything to destroy him. Try to take him down - think again! He's going for the goal, another touchdown, SCORE!" - Jon McNaughton 07-03-2021

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4ef9c4  No.14046823

toss the mic to mike

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686c62  No.14046824

File: 6258a877de40bbc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 913x681, 913:681, ClipboardImage.png)



Never, in our history, has a communications project such as this taken place.

>Return Power Back to the People

>Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law.

United We Stand.

July 4, 2019.


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241117  No.14046825


nice.. keep it up!

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d53bfb  No.14046826

File: 6c86d479917574c⋯.png (358.06 KB, 634x595, 634:595, DONG_01_5.png)

File: 2fa23dda5adbbbd⋯.png (488.83 KB, 635x553, 635:553, DONG_01_4.png)

File: 47adbdc1170cc43⋯.png (430.17 KB, 643x556, 643:556, DONG_01_3.png)

File: 9b1156e813e6902⋯.png (193.14 KB, 629x536, 629:536, DONG_01_2.png)

File: b068a092bd9c6ee⋯.png (139.74 KB, 634x490, 317:245, DONG_01_1.png)

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941da8  No.14046828


he also has no idea when to shut up and walk away. What an absolute shit show. Compare to DJT when he hits the stage.

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e1af62  No.14046829

File: ce36e02266865ad⋯.png (170.28 KB, 1035x329, 1035:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef9c4  No.14046830



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64bbc3  No.14046831

File: ad04633424bb68a⋯.png (562.47 KB, 513x513, 1:1, ad04633424bb68acd700d4954d….png)


What did Buddha ever do to you? Don't hate what you don't know.

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6b88b7  No.14046832

File: 15b033896c62648⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 420x425, 84:85, PepeRave.gif)

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9b230f  No.14046833

File: 5e16f9ec72c569e⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 148x281, 148:281, 5e16f9ec72c569efbece0784a5….gif)


Nice to see cover pulling 911 vids, I'm sure all the victims in their grave are crying out for justice!

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00fc97  No.14046834

File: f842e61f44f93f0⋯.jpg (574.32 KB, 2048x1804, 512:451, E5ZqawyWQAQ4zGH.jpg)

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222cba  No.14046835

File: 2f60400e2bfdd18⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 6aAGwa7XJxE69I0D.mp4)



Andy Ngô


An Asian man wearing a “Rooftop Korean” shirt near the Wi Spa protest where antifa have been beating people was assaulted on camera. He uses a bottle to defend himself from the assailant, who then runs away.

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5b6eef  No.14046836

File: 9218325dadbdab8⋯.png (774.27 KB, 1041x720, 347:240, ClipboardImage.png)


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d57716  No.14046837


Yeah seriously dude youre looking at an older woman, but then again you might be a lot older than others here

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54c14f  No.14046838


people said it was a green screen.

And he wasn't there.


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5684f8  No.14046839

File: 0c733580b20b634⋯.jpg (601.92 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 12DBJS_optimised.jpg)

Thank you Baker

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0e673c  No.14046840

File: 1ae2759fc9f269d⋯.png (515.16 KB, 1362x575, 1362:575, hello_bush_and_pepe_on_the….png)

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215efa  No.14046841

File: 459d00176d80cd5⋯.jpeg (507.73 KB, 1028x678, 514:339, 26310680_B118_4195_85DB_4….jpeg)


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6eee64  No.14046842

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)



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4f9f5e  No.14046843



we love Dan.

you, we could do without.

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e5464c  No.14046844

File: e3b8e69934170a6⋯.png (1.8 MB, 750x999, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday America!

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635d6c  No.14046845

Now, patriots, ask yourselves why masks were required, why operation warp speed wasn't initiated until after Trump lost the election, why Biden signaled 100 days only of masks? Now call me a thief and an opportunist again.

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56fe37  No.14046846


I want no schools, they are not needed, what is needed is that parents have time to raise their children in a thought-out way and in a thought-out environment.

shul noun

Definition of shul

: synagogue

Schools only exist because people are to slave for jews at the expense of humanity, sacrificing the time parents can spend with their children, so that jews instead can indoctrinate children to try to normalize the degeneracy of jews.

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c1e019  No.14046848

File: e0f8dda98017507⋯.png (504.28 KB, 610x500, 61:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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b01b1b  No.14046849

File: 2fda5f944f93c8d⋯.png (12.94 KB, 439x208, 439:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d11f930c52f9d⋯.png (433.57 KB, 517x340, 517:340, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cfc1e4b2c9ecd2⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1680x643, 1680:643, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican hails vaccinations as "one of the greatest achievements" of modern science, seeks all-out effort to combat the "myths and disinformation" that are slowing vaccinations against the coronavirus.


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0e2e87  No.14046850

File: 47e56f7d5445be5⋯.png (382.04 KB, 638x540, 319:270, f7c56e1eb48a3d7d694f946cb3….png)

File: 8525cf702612694⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Durham.mp4)


No one needs any or all Q drops to be true, because "disinformation necessary" Q drop aka everything can be lies.

If that one is false, maybe the others dropped at the same time are also false?

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2d8300  No.14046851

File: c81df95e6d06bf3⋯.jpg (80.28 KB, 500x447, 500:447, 1453989548932.jpg)


A lot of them are not completely well. They mean no real offense, just can't see very clearly and lash out in pain.

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3ea988  No.14046852

File: 4698c94d92eab71⋯.png (551.37 KB, 900x900, 1:1, groove_pepe.png)

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2526d6  No.14046854

File: 63b1241123d994e⋯.jpg (328.01 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 63b1241123d994e80de450ef3d….jpg)

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7ce5d7  No.14046855

File: fdd890c9a1873db⋯.png (114.96 KB, 192x268, 48:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e751c9383f8495⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1112x625, 1112:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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222cba  No.14046856

File: 4a706c30d9900bc⋯.jpg (97.7 KB, 577x900, 577:900, E5ZZUwCXoAI6s_i.jpg)



See new Tweets


Andy Ngô




An Asian man wearing a “Rooftop Korean” shirt near the Wi Spa protest where antifa have been beating people was assaulted on camera. He uses a bottle to defend himself from the assailant, who then runs away.


Andy Ngo helped plan the assault at Cider Riot

Andy Ngô


Replying to


You can see in the video that the assailant kicked the Asian man in the crotch first before he hit the attacker away.

Antifa accounts depend on lies and deception to legitimize their violence. #StopAsianHate

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5fec02  No.14046859

File: 8ac445ae0546f4c⋯.png (227.85 KB, 500x648, 125:162, bb31a780da1297d80d8ce9e6ce….png)

Guise, don't be shilly.

Watch da rally

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941da8  No.14046860


Why is it ok to wrap the flag around your ass, but if it touches the ground all hell breaks loose?

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1097ab  No.14046861

File: eff8ca3201f9f8b⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1402x2110, 701:1055, Screenshot_20210703_154527….png)

Issaquah, WA

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f6d1ba  No.14046862

File: 263c761ccafa73f⋯.jpg (1014.55 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210618_205835_775.jpg)

Oh Say Can You See


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c9e45b  No.14046863

lol kim got a bewb job

cuz hit the wall

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7ce5d7  No.14046865

File: c45fa5e77bbfbce⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1624010712_Copy.mp4)

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e1af62  No.14046866

File: 86af1ec0700da9d⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 842x597, 842:597, POTUS_salute.JPG)

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64bbc3  No.14046867

File: 452d6ec1cb98b2b⋯.jpeg (180.65 KB, 1026x762, 171:127, EnmFhhoVcAAvnWk.jpeg)

I'm just so excited we're hitting thread #17776 and #17777 at the most opportune times.

Couldn't have been planned better.

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6b88b7  No.14046868


We will never forget.

"They" know

They know we know

We know they know we know

It's getting fun

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4ef9c4  No.14046869


he's a fucking rapist.

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6ec47b  No.14046870

File: 7c81dbb7a6919e9⋯.png (272.05 KB, 523x368, 523:368, Capture.PNG)


Her face plant into the fence…

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b01b1b  No.14046871

File: 98cd08f70fa5dea⋯.png (185.37 KB, 444x440, 111:110, ClipboardImage.png)

Kraken Wood, [03.07.21 13:28]

[Forwarded from The Trumpist]

[ Video ]

PSAKI: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program."

PSAKI: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program."



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4f9f5e  No.14046872

File: c867498acd88e68⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2848x1428, 712:357, alldan_larger.jpg)


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eb549b  No.14046873

File: 3b9bb685dea6c16⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1202x1096, 601:548, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)


If you squint a little it looks like an ice cream orgy

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d57716  No.14046874

Are any TV stations carrying the rally tonight. Id rather watch on big screen

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fba21d  No.14046875

File: 317f1f3863435b3⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB, 255x253, 255:253, mccain_spaghetti_skull.jpeg)


>that thud

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90a566  No.14046876

File: 196de579eb4783d⋯.png (648.65 KB, 468x698, 234:349, Screen_Shot_2018_10_13_at_….png)

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b01b1b  No.14046877

LIVE: President Donald J Trump in Sarasota, FL


RSBN LIVE: President Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL


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222cba  No.14046878

File: 522e0a4f5ca7990⋯.mp4 (246.14 KB, 480x270, 16:9, kVQosjxAzfODf_ox.mp4)




See new Tweets


Andy Ngô


A person hits someone with a melee weapon at the violent antifa protest outside Wi Spa in Los Angeles.

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5684f8  No.14046879

File: 31debab8124edac⋯.jpg (904.26 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, IMG_0477.jpg)



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f79cf6  No.14046880

File: eddc07a8f891567⋯.png (832.81 KB, 800x482, 400:241, ClipboardImage.png)

It's a good line.

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014016  No.14046881


Good one. Mine now.

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c9e45b  No.14046882


did you know him?

did he rape you?

then youre simply believing something the media told you

but, i thought you were supposed to be above all that

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56fe37  No.14046883


it¨s a big club, and it's the synagogue of satan

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6ec47b  No.14046884



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642a6b  No.14046885

File: 074afd19ef812cc⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download_2_.jpg)

Praise God!!!

He brings the Sunshine!!

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64bbc3  No.14046886

File: 4ad0e85c4240661⋯.jpeg (67.27 KB, 960x651, 320:217, EWK2wvzWkAInoOu.jpeg)

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4ef9c4  No.14046887


how the fuck would you know what I believe?

fuck off, ya stupid bitch.

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222cba  No.14046888

File: 17d6bd146113c60⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 480x270, 16:9, z_UO5xEskw7JaSQw.mp4)



Andy Ngô


“You’re gonna get your ass knocked out”

Antifa threaten, follow & hit a Latino couple accused of “transphobia” at the violent protest outside Wi Spa in Los Angeles.

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6b88b7  No.14046889

File: 9f1af72b8139ca2⋯.mp4 (12.07 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 9f1af72b8139ca23c84d4c2ce3….mp4)

Fuck you

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e5464c  No.14046890

File: 773a96716c797cf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1100x618, 550:309, ClipboardImage.png)

Why not a National Rally with screens located in all 50 states!

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c9e45b  No.14046891


because you literally just said what you believe

are you mentally retarded or just have no attention span

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7fd458  No.14046892

File: 4458c928e3ceb41⋯.jpg (66.63 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Pepe_Meme_Cop.jpg)

Whoa there anon, Did you just assume their gender?


>Her face plant into the fence…

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b01b1b  No.14046893

File: 824cf14e0d0c316⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 242x520, 121:260, 824cf14e0d0c316ab288021c39….jpg)


If you spent as much time cleaning your filthy house as you do bitching about something that is neither here nor there, you would have a bigger space to know the difference between needed and not needed.

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941da8  No.14046894


it's exactly what is happening via rumble. WW in fact

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06d07c  No.14046895

File: 19262646aac8179⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1050x1368, 175:228, FLOTUS_vol39.png)

FLOTUS, volume 39

July 2021

Rally Ready.

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f79cf6  No.14046896


fancy. saved.

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2526d6  No.14046897


Never interrupt your enemy…

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7ce5d7  No.14046898

File: 2a3db3678ca2aac⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 400x224, 25:14, 1621382167_Copy.mp4)


Rally Bread !!!!

Fuck yeah

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eb549b  No.14046899

File: 5a37a70e6428b23⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 414x355, 414:355, 51LZDmWSglL_AC_SY355_.jpg)


>watch on big screen

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5aff73  No.14046900

File: 2f015ce1352ce14⋯.jpg (66.37 KB, 511x442, 511:442, 2f015ce1352ce148a6f3294078….jpg)

Full Gas Of Tank ??

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5c403d  No.14046901

File: 907e9721e2c499a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 962x722, 481:361, 911_hurricane_erin_asbesto….png)

File: deeab64e6b45b30⋯.png (904.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 911_hurricane_erin_asbesto….png)


>the victims

and most of the victims were from the asbestos dust

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222cba  No.14046902

File: 61772cb6534ad4a⋯.mp4 (869.34 KB, 320x568, 40:71, 5CpmDp_edWDfljad_1_.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Antifa surround and scream at a middle aged woman who says her glasses were stolen. The antifa have been assaulting, hitting & robbing videographers & others at the violent protest outside Wi Spa in Los Angeles. Antifa say they’re fighting transphobia.

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b01b1b  No.14046903

File: 9f44ebed145f8d1⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 652x373, 652:373, 9f44ebed145f8d1b169c123936….jpg)

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f97ad3  No.14046904

File: 5047b34c3a16c54⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 500x546, 250:273, 5047b34c3a16c54acf4eaf78c9….jpg)

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635d6c  No.14046905


Would a rapist ask the DoD OIG for assistance then allow GCHQ access to all raw data?

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0e2e87  No.14046906

File: bb7d079ea9a41c4⋯.png (804.95 KB, 922x961, 922:961, 1574096753306.png)

File: 4d758223c9b20de⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 984x654, 164:109, 1574097570840.webm)


Yes,a rapist like Brett Kavanaugh.

Trust what some women (actors?) say 15 years after the fact.

Or what parents said about Michael Jackson and then went away as soon as money was offered.

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13cc4b  No.14046907

File: 00b0e007b2f492d⋯.png (714.12 KB, 758x522, 379:261, checkem.PNG)

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941da8  No.14046908

File: 2f4cc10deb0080d⋯.png (10.34 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2526d6  No.14046909

File: 149192749734afb⋯.gif (147.59 KB, 648x456, 27:19, 149192749734afb22bca29a319….gif)

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0af16b  No.14046910

rsbn alone is over 200,000

holy crap

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b01b1b  No.14046911

File: 91943179b51341e⋯.png (949.48 KB, 784x760, 98:95, 91943179b51341e0293992c486….png)




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222cba  No.14046912

File: adeca846d61b781⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 647x900, 647:900, E5ZGpqxUcAIHDx8.jpg)



Andy Ngô


Replying to


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147ff9  No.14046913

File: c6d3632a611f934⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 572x417, 572:417, mnj67g.JPG)

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31ae31  No.14046914

File: 589c581e605c52a⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 249x255, 83:85, antifa.jpg)

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bc845b  No.14046915

This bitch screaming into the mic is really cringe wtf

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9b230f  No.14046916


Think of the 'minds' that conjured up their horrifying murderous plan, absolutely no doubt they're sickest of the sick!

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2526d6  No.14046917

File: 6b94b59f29a6f04⋯.png (501.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0c48c620cbbebe0dc456af2fcc….png)

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d53bfb  No.14046918

File: e844965447094ea⋯.png (364.29 KB, 642x572, 321:286, DONG_02_5.png)

File: 1379f45c714c2ee⋯.png (310.72 KB, 638x618, 319:309, DONG_02_4.png)

File: b43708a488c84b7⋯.png (503.42 KB, 645x830, 129:166, DONG_02_3.png)

File: f2aae9215c32764⋯.png (348.56 KB, 635x563, 635:563, DONG_02_2.png)

File: c00e3aaeb30e21e⋯.png (327.79 KB, 645x572, 645:572, DONG_02_1.png)

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f20f2e  No.14046919

File: 72beaf622436156⋯.jpg (506.21 KB, 1080x2246, 540:1123, Screenshot_20210703_194537….jpg)

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b01b1b  No.14046920

File: 571c61127a060f3⋯.png (21.58 KB, 416x458, 208:229, 571c61127a060f38155aeee122….png)

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e1af62  No.14046921

File: 73faadb2086e687⋯.png (20.16 KB, 952x186, 476:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab7cb3  No.14046922


Get'n jiggy wit it!!! Beautiful!!!

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e5464c  No.14046923

Trump living rent free inside their heads!


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b01b1b  No.14046924

File: 3db431c0ffba5c8⋯.png (817.08 KB, 954x1024, 477:512, 6a65493eed1ad8f8fa6abe3487….png)

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c9e45b  No.14046925

File: c26e328b7f1c99f⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1695x985, 339:197, ClipboardImage.png)

omg this bruh

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4ef9c4  No.14046926


blonde hair, lip fillers…nose job?

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fb414b  No.14046927

File: e322f8a265908f0⋯.png (1009.38 KB, 962x787, 962:787, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

Anyone else profiling the crowd behind the stage? kek paranoia has set in…

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7fd458  No.14046928

>>14046890 holy shit I think saw this in the beginning… I remember… who else remembers… whoa shit this is getting wild…

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d53bfb  No.14046929

File: 5cd6a2e82750955⋯.png (370.67 KB, 643x526, 643:526, DONG_03_5.png)

File: c93ef90a775f703⋯.png (461.85 KB, 640x637, 640:637, DONG_03_4.png)

File: b8a46460d7755d2⋯.png (416.97 KB, 631x571, 631:571, DONG_03_3.png)

File: a239112f411a3e5⋯.png (257.95 KB, 638x554, 319:277, DONG_03_2.png)

File: f8189e9c8ceb380⋯.png (84.4 KB, 633x279, 211:93, DONG_03_1.png)

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88a3e3  No.14046930


Whoever is playing this guy has got to be sick of this ice cream shit by now.

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febaf5  No.14046931

Hold the line! KG

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6b88b7  No.14046932

File: 54e04398ba4a78d⋯.webm (5.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 54e04398ba4a78d40bd1c5183….webm)

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635d6c  No.14046933


Lucky… my house is being used as trash storage by a roommate.

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50b5ef  No.14046934


anyone got any left for a keg>>?

askin for fren

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4ef9c4  No.14046935


she's got a frog in her throat

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d53bfb  No.14046936

File: 2a3638919667c14⋯.png (353.67 KB, 631x599, 631:599, DONG_04_5.png)

File: ba20158fb9f5af8⋯.png (284.01 KB, 639x583, 639:583, DONG_04_4.png)

File: 934bcadab12642e⋯.png (168.08 KB, 642x453, 214:151, DONG_04_3.png)

File: c097362b93d9b1c⋯.png (304.92 KB, 639x594, 71:66, DONG_04_2.png)

File: 513f4113712401a⋯.png (322.21 KB, 634x568, 317:284, DONG_04_1.png)

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e3da51  No.14046937


"diamond merchant"?

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06d07c  No.14046938

File: b02a4f9c72c14bb⋯.png (564.94 KB, 1182x810, 197:135, HTL.png)

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b01b1b  No.14046939

File: b475878ae5788e6⋯.png (339.49 KB, 606x587, 606:587, 6656183835187c506a6c84f7d1….png)

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4ef9c4  No.14046940


she should try talking instead of yelling

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90a566  No.14046941

File: 8696034927432ab⋯.png (992.85 KB, 640x851, 640:851, Screen_Shot_2020_07_01_at_….png)

Bring it Boss!!


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56fe37  No.14046942


'American' journalists, senators, congressmen and presidents:

'Do we need to justify taxxing Americans for israelis to have weapons to shoot at kids?

Nah, it's the jews, don't question anything. Do you want another 9/11?'

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31ae31  No.14046943

File: 8bc6584fdbae39b⋯.gif (7.14 MB, 500x333, 500:333, letsdothis.gif)


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31ae31  No.14046945

File: 64a60728d76527b⋯.jpg (145.74 KB, 438x422, 219:211, joe911.jpg)

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6ec47b  No.14046946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Excuse me sir!

Next time i will say "It"

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941da8  No.14046947

File: 4eeacad149f525e⋯.png (127.03 KB, 500x522, 250:261, theres_your_problem.png)

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dd2f8f  No.14046948


The flag is used to flying over assholes who don't deserve the republic for which it stands.

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138904  No.14046949

File: dfe1ad56138f2c9⋯.jpg (120.33 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 37837873783888733877888.jpg)


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6abfd2  No.14046950

Eyes on crazy days and nights (CDAN). Tommorrow is their 7/4 Blind Item Reveal Dump. Enty always drops his MAJOR bombshell blind items on 7/4, Black Friday, and 1/1.

Those days sre typically when he releases his Pedowood and Deep State related blind items.

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840298  No.14046951

File: 9b698c708c1cc02⋯.png (949.77 KB, 1375x1072, 1375:1072, cromwell_tank_flying.png)


dang i like that video

haha, hot dogs .16, gas $4

'God Save America'

PRAY/Faith/work together Quickly

when you think you see it, keep searching.

when what you see is undeniable follow the crumbs, haha

anyways, Love you Anons but you know this

Love you Normies but wake up

the house is on fire but we can still put it out but we need to get somewhere safe and work together

greatest Time in History Anons imo, honored to have come so far w (You) ALL

Happy 4th.

People, Remember the 1s who Fought and Lived for America

(insert your own video and share somewhere on the net)


The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (Must Watch Documentary 2014)

overcome evil w GOOD; Truth sets Free, SHOW ALL

know Truth, no violence; know Truth, no violence

2x for fake news to witness and report on

oh yeah they won't report on 1 or moar QR Anons typing 'no violence'

END fake news

END fake leaders



you know how, work together; Unite the People

ty Anons

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f6e48a  No.14046952

File: 494ec487c4d8171⋯.jpeg (8.52 KB, 250x275, 10:11, tinfoil.jpeg)


What is this?

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06d07c  No.14046953

File: d6d4dc5accfadfa⋯.png (737.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, POTUS_TheBoss.png)

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7ce5d7  No.14046954

File: 6a2e079b9462876⋯.png (226.55 KB, 337x248, 337:248, ClipboardImage.png)


Danwise Gamgee

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0d87b5  No.14046955

File: 707ad1f3be9e07f⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 526x789, 2:3, 202760544_165661055603412_….jpg)

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241117  No.14046956


rapidly aged clone.. he is only 5.

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4ef9c4  No.14046958

File: 9cd59870634e11d⋯.png (6.62 MB, 2916x1639, 2916:1639, ClipboardImage.png)

nothing like a monotone script and giant eyelashes to get you fired up

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2526d6  No.14046959

File: efa2012e43d1844⋯.png (263.02 KB, 613x345, 613:345, efa2012e43d184476c06a954fd….png)

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0e673c  No.14046960

File: 86b751434a2f7e8⋯.png (668.29 KB, 880x599, 880:599, Trump_MAGA_flag_Florida_hu….png)

God bless you, God bless the Great State of Florida, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA



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c23fbd  No.14046961

File: bb9213c366c207a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 995x824, 995:824, ClipboardImage.png)

Kimberly is always yelling.

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31ae31  No.14046962

File: 899db4d2c11a279⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 354x474, 59:79, trumpcard.jpg)


Love it

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7ce5d7  No.14046963

File: 055e0d7eb0cc379⋯.png (1.04 MB, 838x471, 838:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef9c4  No.14046964

File: 811d6ff2cb6b6a6⋯.png (524.58 KB, 520x628, 130:157, ClipboardImage.png)


holy shit what is it

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b01b1b  No.14046965

File: 4b5f9a6eabe9d07⋯.png (348.41 KB, 752x407, 752:407, efc5959a2369102c035b8f7f4c….png)


hahahah hah ahhhh


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3f6947  No.14046966


she got some pipes tho

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e5464c  No.14046967

File: 82ca6f0e54ff3ca⋯.png (1.16 MB, 646x720, 323:360, ClipboardImage.png)

I Have The Power

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7ce5d7  No.14046968

File: 0f72ea72484387f⋯.png (484.68 KB, 961x835, 961:835, ClipboardImage.png)

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e1af62  No.14046969

File: 5181a473a3c6a42⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 575x359, 575:359, frog_wave.jpg)

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6ddc7e  No.14046970

File: 165c6981da3222c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef9c4  No.14046971


she sounds tired

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5fec02  No.14046972


The revolution will not be televised

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00fc97  No.14046974

File: 9348362a0e228a7⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, xEDayzaDlhO7231K.mp4)

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f9a50f  No.14046975

File: ad895d5f4cfebdd⋯.png (615.16 KB, 1309x723, 1309:723, ClipboardImage.png)

Plane faggin' not my thing, but controltower out and 2 days of delayed flights for a friend of the fam.

anybody have a thought?



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3987d9  No.14046976

File: ce0c1aed4e9dac7⋯.png (1.89 MB, 892x1321, 892:1321, 1622517731542.png)

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06d07c  No.14046977


Yeah, I'm not a fan of her delivery.

Hard to listen to.

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3f6947  No.14046979

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56fe37  No.14046980


so buddhists are controlled by jews?

the only one not controlled ny jews spoke the truth about the synagogue of satan

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5fec02  No.14046981

File: e1ad428a22d774c⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 600x610, 60:61, 1624799550586.jpg)


get a new script

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4ef9c4  No.14046982


not "former First Lady" - she said First Lady

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13cc4b  No.14046983

File: c47fdcd2f0a3dc9⋯.png (830.21 KB, 1051x908, 1051:908, ClipboardImage.png)

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31ae31  No.14046984

File: 82f12f63ec5d548⋯.jpg (13 KB, 350x450, 7:9, revolutionary_2.jpg)

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941da8  No.14046985

File: 1c290d835e4dc9d⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 250x206, 125:103, pepe_interdasting.jpg)

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222cba  No.14046986

File: efae4b101a6bed3⋯.mp4 (810.04 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 7Swgjc3ToWmb8zRW.mp4)



Andy Ngô


A brawl broke out at the violent antifa protest outside Wi Spa in Los Angeles.

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d1d0de  No.14046987

File: aa3341e3112057b⋯.png (247.11 KB, 611x551, 611:551, dfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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9b230f  No.14046988


'inertial confinement fusion' w/laser watt ignition, which dissolved the towers into particle matter and NO it wasn't fucking thermite.

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4faa97  No.14046989

File: 8acafaa82c4abe1⋯.png (275.84 KB, 735x598, 735:598, Trump_Batman.png)

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3f6947  No.14046990

Jr is up!!!

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0e2e87  No.14046991

File: 30251a0d4416ba7⋯.mp4 (13.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9_11_Actor_Blooper_360p.mp4)


Actor bloopers

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241117  No.14046993


i confess to muting.

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fc13ed  No.14046994


Just passed 250k

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f3ef7f  No.14046995

File: f72607659d011f1⋯.png (71.64 KB, 280x158, 140:79, 023032c6e578c25c.png)

File: ca67dacdf6dfb71⋯.jpg (24.17 KB, 280x185, 56:37, hsring.jpg)

File: 3eb5741533d1d21⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 217x280, 31:40, 6d2b0d700f0be5426e3dad6240….jpg)

White horse.

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7fd458  No.14046996

File: 3589d7f0c447c05⋯.png (93.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, knowmo_.png)


>>14046505 Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14046556 *Clears Throat* Don't worry about it.

>>14046586, >>14046877,Rally Stream Links in case mains go down

>>14046592, >>14046767, >>14046782, >>14046788, >>14046801, >>14046818, >>14046835, >>14046856, >>14046878, >>14046888, >>14046902, >>14046912 The Rooftop Koreans Return to protect LA When they need them most.

>>14046599 Jerusalem Post Uses Photo Of White Men With Confederate Flags To Describe ‘Rise of the Moors’ Militia Movement For Black Men

>>14046601 Ringling Connection?

>>14046610 Brazilian candidate comes out as gay in race against ‘proud’ homophobe Bolsonaro

>>14046611 Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

>>14046611 CM Tweets: Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

>>14046620 MFlynn Telegrams: Please share this article and my comments with as many parents and/or young adults as possible looking to attend colleges and universities around the nation who are pursuing this lunatic policy.

>>14046635, >>14046700, >>14046739 Baker will not advise anons to GETTR until code is secure.

>>14046714, >>14046737 Is ANTIFA REALLY That Passionate about the trannies? Or are they just looking for a reason to spur more riots?

>>14046746 Tina the Fabulous Returns HAPPY 4th!

>>14046765 Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.

>>14046794 Dan Scavino Flag

>>14046871 Karken Wood Telegrams: PSAKI: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program."

>>14046890 holy shit I saw this in the beginning... I remember... who else remembers... whoa shit this is getting wild...

>>14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?


(# Notables)

>) Q Research General #17776: NULL Edition









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06d07c  No.14046997

File: 78d092a290d7e82⋯.png (669.6 KB, 919x533, 919:533, BossOnDeck.png)

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2526d6  No.14046998

File: 213c65b8e9e994e⋯.jpeg (215.32 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, 213c65b8e9e994e0c0eee0e92….jpeg)

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9361dd  No.14046999

File: a3501bbf77b2daf⋯.png (674.87 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_901.png)

File: 6a0d140cff4abcf⋯.png (521.77 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_903.png)

File: 8dbe911ebe280f8⋯.jpg (729.87 KB, 965x1440, 193:288, IMG_233.jpg)

File: a24b44764725962⋯.png (720.8 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_502.png)

File: f6fd96c1bdf557c⋯.png (745.07 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_503.png)

Hope Important

You Are (Not) Alone

Light In Darkness

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4ef9c4  No.14047000

File: 564de99a92669c9⋯.png (7.01 MB, 2905x1639, 2905:1639, ClipboardImage.png)

not donating to Surfside, Don.

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635d6c  No.14047001

File: 4d708996ed11af5⋯.jpeg (10.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_21_.jpeg)


Speak of F&G.

This is where radio host made executive decision to fuck everybody in the goatass.

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222cba  No.14047002

File: 5d58e954713ad0e⋯.mp4 (280.86 KB, 480x270, 16:9, iVnuhoiA6_uz95es.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Antifa vs conservatives brawl broke out near the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. Video by



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3f6947  No.14047003

260k watching on Rumble


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c9e45b  No.14047004

will someone please give leafy their drugs so it will shut the fuck up

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d57716  No.14047005

File: 96afee8cdedc639⋯.jpeg (287.59 KB, 1241x1688, 1241:1688, E04E502B_6B5A_4C62_A413_0….jpeg)

Look at this there’s an “Australia Hub” to watch the Trump Rally tonight


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e5464c  No.14047006

File: c41ab2f8645bf3e⋯.png (434.4 KB, 380x373, 380:373, ClipboardImage.png)

One man to rule them all!

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0af16b  No.14047007

File: ad3c44dd0937a5c⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB, 640x800, 4:5, aad3c44dd0937a5c2d4407507b….mp4)

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ab7cb3  No.14047008


Tina ain't pissed in that video. That's why she ain't let'n fly. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat. This WOMAN has bigger balls than any RINO republican puss known.

Get'm TIna!!!!!

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06de95  No.14047009

You know I'm all for forgiveness and shit, but how would you ever trust the judgment of some that not only was NOT viscerally repulsed by Gavin Newsome, but actually took his dick inside of her?

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138904  No.14047010

File: ad524523bf318ab⋯.jpg (113.99 KB, 700x767, 700:767, 37837873783888733877726726….jpg)



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31ae31  No.14047011

File: 433879f3c2c20c3⋯.jpg (270.25 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, trumpq.jpg)

File: 29fe18cc648c666⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1610x724, 805:362, trumpstar_2.png)

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00fc97  No.14047012

File: 22882c8820e8d72⋯.png (794.86 KB, 822x462, 137:77, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

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4ef9c4  No.14047013


>>>14046890 holy shit I saw this in the beginning… I remember… who else remembers… whoa shit this is getting wild…


>>>14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?


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241117  No.14047014


geez.. shit is weird. argh

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d1d0de  No.14047015

File: 164b8a685a6e2bf⋯.png (347.14 KB, 615x440, 123:88, afnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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50b5ef  No.14047016


biden yo boi? ok, lol.., somwut// .16C

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f9a50f  No.14047017

File: 24abc5894f6f6b1⋯.png (745.19 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dc139  No.14047018


Jesus spoke about the Synagogue of Satan? Really?

Where did he do that exactly?

Or did you just make that shit up?

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eb549b  No.14047019

File: ad21944bfda346c⋯.jpg (1023.61 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, SIXTEENCENTS.jpg)

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fc13ed  No.14047020

That couple behind Jr in the center look very familiar….

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222cba  No.14047021

File: 8964953dcff0231⋯.mp4 (774.26 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 7RPEeXCw86yxYfuR.mp4)



James Klüg


LA: More fights breaking out in the middle of the street. I have seen 1 arrest made so far.

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4ef9c4  No.14047022

File: ca4ee4ef9bba0cf⋯.png (6.68 MB, 2896x1639, 2896:1639, ClipboardImage.png)

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06d07c  No.14047023

File: d25b9ac27d4d292⋯.png (966.81 KB, 936x624, 3:2, RallyYet.png)

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31ae31  No.14047024

File: ca1204a408d860b⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 348x348, 1:1, gavin.jpg)


gross anon

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90a566  No.14047025

File: 94ceb7dcfc2a2b5⋯.png (257.53 KB, 464x460, 116:115, 94ceb7dcfc2a2b5e40abd7cb59….png)

God Bless America.

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0e673c  No.14047026

File: 954b7ea20a29593⋯.png (522.73 KB, 807x485, 807:485, _Space_Force_Enlist_Today_….png)

File: 2c082703928fcde⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1260x644, 45:23, _Space_Force_Starship_Troo….png)

File: 83089157be888be⋯.png (932.7 KB, 1034x678, 517:339, _Starship_Troopers_Space_F….png)

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091efd  No.14047027

File: 9b4d3b63663465f⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 1250x426, 625:213, AQ3.jpg)

Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch listed for $27.5 million

The 12-square-mile Zorro Ranch was put up for sale by Epstein’s estate and includes a 26,700-square-foot mansion and a private airstrip with a hangar and helipad, according to the listing by Neil Lyon Group at Sotheby’s International Realty Santa Fe.


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0e2e87  No.14047028

File: 2690de999008d66⋯.mp4 (10 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Power_Downs_Evacuations_St….mp4)


but it will be streamed.



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8968bf  No.14047029

(both pb, #17771\2)

>>14043581 Tippy Top?

>>14043610 City of Pella and parents address sensitive pool issue - The city started receiving complaints June 16 after a teenage swimmer at the Pella Aquatic Center went without a top, in alignment with their gender identity.

Amusing juxtaposition of titles!

<16-year-old woman decides to go topless because she's pretending to be a man.

I would imagine next someone will go "bottomless" and say it's their right.

And soon public masturbation; and fornication.

When a society goes south, they do it sexually. It's Scriptural.

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840298  No.14047030

File: a9e8e52942ca5ff⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 852x472, 213:118, antifa_history_Ngo_0512202….mp4)

>>14046888 (nice trips, you win; all i had was 2 pair, take the pot haha)

protect Andy Ngo imo

protect Andy Ngo imo


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31ae31  No.14047031

File: 2b2cfe1eb520c96⋯.jpg (203.95 KB, 533x358, 533:358, dontt.jpg)

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6ec47b  No.14047032

I just noticed this site says…

"President Donald J Trump in Sarasota, FL"


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06de95  No.14047033

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, ZomboMeme_06022021191043.jpg)

Junior: "drive 7 yards and that 16 cents is eaten up."


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4ef9c4  No.14047034

File: 57045a313ed3d78⋯.png (7.13 MB, 2892x1639, 2892:1639, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ddc7e  No.14047035

File: e6ad25836209a8b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)


He switched places.

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2526d6  No.14047036

File: 864b8c49103dc4e⋯.png (935.73 KB, 1284x1971, 428:657, cfe9297d4670fe16223c8cd474….png)

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eb549b  No.14047037

File: 43b0cef28a73e28⋯.jpg (62.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2fnn5y.jpg)

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d1d0de  No.14047038

File: 0e2d638e3cff57a⋯.png (335.33 KB, 611x418, 611:418, afnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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68a709  No.14047039


Wonder if they would do a Rent to own contract

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222cba  No.14047040

File: d019c09790ee22a⋯.mp4 (338.39 KB, 480x270, 16:9, HBvfsH_Oe5WV4ax_.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Some people fight back against the antifa at the riot in Los Angeles. Antifa had assaulted and mobbed others, accusing them of transphobia for protesting the Wi Spa where a person allegedly exposed their genitals to girls. Video by



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56fe37  No.14047041


>What did Buddha ever do to you? Don't hate what you don't know.

I don't know sexual abuse as a child, but that doesn't mean that I don't hate those who abuse children sexually.

Your question is why buddhism is fake and only a distraction, because you are told to focus on trying to find some nondescript 'nirvana' instead of fighting the jews who are trying to normalize the mutilation of infants' genitals.

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4ef9c4  No.14047042


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138904  No.14047043

File: 1ce5cfa5829bf60⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 73783839838811723378557888.jpg)

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e2f096  No.14047044

File: 598b136c13bc1c8⋯.png (357.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

my power supply just took a shit, lucky I had another one on deck.

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6b88b7  No.14047045

File: 77b06dd0c8d180c⋯.mp4 (15.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 77b06dd0c8d180c14a2233bcb2….mp4)

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941da8  No.14047046


>date fag

no, just fag

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06de95  No.14047047


Agreed. That's why I can't handle Guilfoyle.

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00fc97  No.14047048

File: ff30b1e630dbbd3⋯.png (595.59 KB, 598x664, 299:332, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_2….png)

File: c6ca45854624fb8⋯.jpg (205.07 KB, 1600x1062, 800:531, E5UHEzxXMAUWDgT.jpg)

Today, Her Majesty The Queen received the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel.

Camera with flash Flag of Germany The Audience took place in the Oak Room at Windsor Castle.




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6ddc7e  No.14047049

File: f7a701e47841118⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9e45b  No.14047050


because you cant hear yourself

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e729cc  No.14047051

File: 83864572a32c424⋯.png (502.9 KB, 784x661, 784:661, Peace.png)


>What did Buddha ever do to you?

Helped me understand Christ is each one of us.

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06d07c  No.14047052

File: 09dc5c5e3614313⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1938x1388, 969:694, q_burst.png)

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26dde0  No.14047053

File: 9d60b34f459cdd9⋯.png (664.25 KB, 819x422, 819:422, scrmcp.png)

File: 7aad0566e66540c⋯.png (737.58 KB, 816x460, 204:115, outofplace.png)

…Might just be the pots.

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b7c3c6  No.14047054

File: 95eab2f9724d102⋯.png (172.06 KB, 323x340, 19:20, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)


>Anyone else profiling the crowd behind the stage?

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7c96a7  No.14047055

I like Putin

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2b5427  No.14047056

File: bc2b44969d63d6d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1345x488, 1345:488, ClipboardImage.png)


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90a566  No.14047057

File: 1ea9558a11bc7da⋯.jpg (266.63 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1ea9558a11bc7da3d7b6808600….jpg)


That's his delivery style. Don Jr has come a long way and he's plenty good. Give some love anon.


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c9e45b  No.14047058



thats why musicians have that lil ear piece in concerts

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b3f3d2  No.14047059



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3f6947  No.14047060

283k now. youtube just THOUGHT they could censor POTUS.

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222cba  No.14047061

File: 144d0a5aa86a932⋯.mp4 (680.86 KB, 480x270, 16:9, TmIKbpUA212lxjLH.mp4)



Andy Ngô




finally respond to the scene of the antifa riot after people accused of “transphobia” were assaulted & beaten outside the Wi Spa.

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56fe37  No.14047062


'team weinstein'

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8a29ee  No.14047063

File: cc11e2daa8f8488⋯.png (9.42 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_2290.png)

Anon spotted this sticker on the window of a local vintage clothing store that closed due to lockdowns.

Gave me the tinglies knowing other anons are nearby feeling the same feels.

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8968bf  No.14047065


>Jesus spoke about the Synagogue of Satan? Really?

>Where did he do that exactly?

Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

Revelation was written by John.

Both the above verses were in letters, to two churches.

Jesus was telling the angels therein, to straighten out or they were headed for the pit.

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6ddc7e  No.14047066

File: b482dd022983f63⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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13cc4b  No.14047067

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539128  No.14047068

Don Jr. would be a cool ass President one day.

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840298  No.14047069

File: 8edf5230001d9ee⋯.png (526.53 KB, 892x831, 892:831, Jr.png)



Thank you Jr

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d1d0de  No.14047070

File: 4323f7df24f1428⋯.png (405.86 KB, 609x387, 203:129, dfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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90a566  No.14047071

File: 0586a803f1b4bb4⋯.png (479.51 KB, 699x353, 699:353, Screen_Shot_2018_10_02_at_….png)

THERE is the line….

"You know the difference between a conspiracy and the truth these days…About 6 months."



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4ef9c4  No.14047072


Exactly. brought me right back to Christ when I realized Buddhism was a sham.

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635d6c  No.14047073

File: d8a13fa1e583f6d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1080x2163, 360:721, Screenshot_20210703_190237….png)


Oh, look another 17 year old effort.


You patriots donated.

What if Kyle Rittenhouse doesn't even exist?

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06de95  No.14047074

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13cc4b  No.14047076

File: e67811940d8aa19⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 750x728, 375:364, 1600195342654.jpg)

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138904  No.14047077

File: 58e8a15224aeea6⋯.jpg (212.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2782318367355123455888.jpg)

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0e2e87  No.14047078

File: b82e1f1872f69e3⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Al_Qaeda_infiltrated_by_CN….mp4)

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941da8  No.14047079



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56af7d  No.14047080

File: 67ae6b6be3be49a⋯.png (534.16 KB, 1205x832, 1205:832, ClipboardImage.png)

UN flight back in the air

Don Jr. "Human Trafficking Connections" on the laptop from hell just now.

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907285  No.14047081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They real want to start a civil war.

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06de95  No.14047082

File: 1463f92347e5b4b⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 1020x916, 255:229, ZomboMeme_24062021195456.jpg)

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bfe51b  No.14047083


We really do not need more nepotism in this country.

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f79cf6  No.14047084

File: 7211dd1d0c910a5⋯.png (665.91 KB, 750x463, 750:463, ClipboardImage.png)


Rachel Brand is from Pella, IA.

Rachel Brand was born on May 1, 1973, in Muskegon, Michigan.

Her father and forefathers are Dutch dairy farmers. She was raised in Pella, Iowa where she attended Pella Christian High School. She played sports, edited yearbook, took part in the senior class play and played in the band. She also wrote a “Senior Will and Testament” for the yearbook.


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00fc97  No.14047085

File: e123cbc33f18cc9⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E5N3EiNUUAQ6_4g.jpg)

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d1d0de  No.14047086

File: 8be9994d897faad⋯.png (340.67 KB, 606x426, 101:71, afnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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7fd458  No.14047087


The idea is to cler the streets of people, then start destroying businesses after claiming they did or didnt do something.

Typical is typical.

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e2f096  No.14047088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3bcbf4  No.14047089


296,597 watching now

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31ae31  No.14047090

File: ee2739045b60432⋯.jpg (979.43 KB, 1664x1321, 1664:1321, putin3.jpg)

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7ce5d7  No.14047091



*Click, Click, Click, Click*


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06d07c  No.14047092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The ocean-front property is in ARIZONA.

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f6d1ba  No.14047093

File: 5770b668986e965⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210628_194923_342.jpg)


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138904  No.14047094

File: b9d224f4a68ed37⋯.jpg (208.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 278231836735512332455888.jpg)

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e1af62  No.14047095

File: ad6d8df9bad69e0⋯.png (20.04 KB, 971x179, 971:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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b7c3c6  No.14047096

File: 58690191da6f3a3⋯.png (21.93 KB, 165x134, 165:134, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)


>283k now.

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643653  No.14047097

Biden: ‘We will respond’ if Russia is at fault for massive holiday cyberattack

President Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that the US “will respond” if the Motherland was behind Friday’s mass cyberattack that hit at least 200 companies at the start of the Independence Day weekend.

“We’re not sure who it is,” Biden told reporters Saturday as he bought three fruit pies and a bag of cherry sodas at King Orchards, a family-owned cherry farm in Central Lake, Mich. — while pulling a page of notes from his jacket pocket to help him answer the question.

“The initial thinking was it was not the Russian government,” Biden said.

“But if it is Russia, I told Putin we will respond,” he said – referring to the two leaders’ summit meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, last month.

Biden specified that he has not spoken to the Russian president since being briefed on the ransomware attack, which cyber-security firm Huntress Labs has blamed on the Russia-linked REvil ransomware gang.

Biden was in Michigan as part of a tour to mark the end of pandemic restrictions — and to tout his administration’s free-spending economic plans.


=Scare event loading………..==

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3f6947  No.14047098

just broke 300k Glorious!!!

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708f4e  No.14047099

File: 150c567ce380e4b⋯.png (554.12 KB, 474x586, 237:293, ClipboardImage.png)


well, i would have picked a different character…

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4ef9c4  No.14047100


nice guy, hunting for sport is a problem. so no

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d1d0de  No.14047101

File: f24866798d9e1d8⋯.png (955.64 KB, 604x701, 604:701, dfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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81408f  No.14047102

I miss Trump so much

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50b5ef  No.14047103

just fyi, moorish refers to pilings at the end of the tie in' ,, one of any available–

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5c403d  No.14047104

File: 1c2b566ff1c7bb7⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 244x262, 122:131, zina_kavanaugh.gif)

File: 00651b99473ecf3⋯.png (530.88 KB, 1185x655, 237:131, christine_blasey_ford_kava….png)


clearly Ford is a clone of Kavanaugh, so what was the purpose of this spectacle?

To show off the technology to implant memories in the clones?

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222cba  No.14047105

File: 3a163261605c750⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 320x568, 40:71, F7ubtd8gqaZuPDUx.mp4)



Andy Ngô


Antifa started a fire on the street at their riot in Los Angeles to counter a group of people who protested the Wi Spa, a business where a person allegedly exposed their genitals to women & girls. Antifa called the protesters transphobes as they beat them.

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708f4e  No.14047106


shills post anything

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56fe37  No.14047107

File: c3a2af8884207d1⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 601x638, 601:638, unhingejaw.jpg)


did anyone actually want more of those images?

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eb549b  No.14047108

File: 569d1f128d3efeb⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 675x766, 675:766, 3a901edcf034cf1f411d70a8bc….jpg)

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13cc4b  No.14047109


my next song is called

and yet here you are why

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4ef9c4  No.14047111


why - do they owe you money?

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539128  No.14047112

"The clown Anthony Fauci"….Don Jr. loves calling him a clown.

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06de95  No.14047113

All those resources and they can't get Don Jr. Some voice lessons to learn to project his voice from the diaphragm while keeping his tone deeper.

Starting to sound like Don Knotts.

You hearing me, consulting team?

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beedc0  No.14047114

File: 6f85f094ec27b2e⋯.jpeg (102.08 KB, 500x625, 4:5, D2D6F95A_BDF1_443D_9522_8….jpeg)

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ad1b08  No.14047115

The things pedophiles in the government care about….. sick


Peter Doocy: "So does the white think that .16 cents off a barbeque ha more of an impact on peoples lives than gas being a dollar at this point…."

Psaki: "I would if you dont like hotdogs you ay not care about the reduction of cost. You dont have to like hotdogs."

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4ef9c4  No.14047116


he's not dead

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e46c97  No.14047117

File: 72125a09d38337b⋯.png (693.18 KB, 555x616, 555:616, ClipboardImage.png)


not angle ah

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d1d0de  No.14047118

File: a7c47c7b33e2d7b⋯.png (446.05 KB, 533x451, 13:11, cfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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4faa97  No.14047119




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2b5427  No.14047120



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d53bfb  No.14047121

File: 984a8c50d184003⋯.jpg (227.88 KB, 1242x901, 1242:901, wizards_warlocks.jpg)

File: 5bdca13e5553afe⋯.png (184.84 KB, 644x577, 644:577, KAVANAUGH.png)

File: b4be51ee4e19d63⋯.mp4 (376.37 KB, 654x360, 109:60, ExParteQuirin.mp4)

File: 43ce81ff8bbea1e⋯.png (351.47 KB, 318x472, 159:236, ClipboardImage.png)


Now would be a good time to lear aboutDevolutionin the USA

Also, check thee short video to understand when Kavanaugh's UNDISCOVERED STAR will shine.

And just generally, do awhole lot mo`re thinking and researchingthan speaking your opinion, or even developing your opinions because in the new world that will soon BURST upon us, facts and data will count far more than worthless opinions.


The merry go round only stops when, as they say in Arabic.SOFA COUGH

In other words, we all rise up!

United NOT Divided!

Because even hardcore socialist liberals do not want America to be run in the way it is being run.

The BRIGHT LIGHTS will shine into every dark corner, and they will be aghast. 6-8% are lost forever, but a country can THRIVE when 92% of its people are all aligned with the same dreams and the same goals.

We live in a world of RESOURCE ABUNDANCE where the Elite have suppressed us and created monopolies by hiding resources, raising their prices, and thenEVERGREENINGtheir consumption by things like planned obsolescence, war, metered electricity, carburetors that guzzle fuel, unnecessary regulations and taxes.


It never led to any arrests of powerful people or dismantling of human trafficking.

That is because it was a Cabal mind control operation to DISTRACT you from the work of a guy namedSam Pizzigati.

Read this book:


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06d07c  No.14047122

File: b7a31b1700aa50b⋯.png (405.49 KB, 616x782, 308:391, RallyReady.png)

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31ae31  No.14047123

File: bf1ae1e49ab48ec⋯.jpg (278.97 KB, 816x563, 816:563, faucicb.jpg)

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0e2e87  No.14047124

File: 23b0cf7aefe0dbe⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB, 320x214, 160:107, What_a_Gravity_Driven_Demo….mp4)


What a Gravity Driven Demolition Looks Like

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5f3cb9  No.14047125

File: 7eb9e3d4c0680b2⋯.png (900.45 KB, 581x806, 581:806, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14046685, >>14046717 45 Arrives at Rally in Sarasota

Not current enough for you?

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3db644  No.14047126


He’s still banging that psycho Guilfoyle. With judgement like that, no fucking thanks. WTF Jr. ?

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147ff9  No.14047127

"Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up!"


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635d6c  No.14047129

File: 259379163fe74eb⋯.jpg (517.98 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20190130_041700.jpg)

File: d460ffa5a821a2f⋯.jpeg (10.64 KB, 183x276, 61:92, download_13_.jpeg)

What came first?

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5f3cb9  No.14047130

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fc4f68  No.14047131

AZ anon here. I left a prayer request for rain a few breads back. We got a half an inch. Thanks, I love you prayer warriors.

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13cc4b  No.14047132

File: 961213a744985bf⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 754x1158, 377:579, 1624071407835.jpg)


retarded meme

pepe clearly isn't ded

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5c403d  No.14047133

File: f028348ce7d11b9⋯.png (214.32 KB, 598x404, 299:202, RUSSIAN_HACKER_CIA_SCOOBY_….png)


>‘We will respond’

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3bcbf4  No.14047134

File: 6d4928f9ec3b05b⋯.jpeg (139.77 KB, 1240x1133, 1240:1133, 0a08296ab6960e355942140b8….jpeg)

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0af16b  No.14047135

File: 871d146011ffc0d⋯.png (260.6 KB, 294x359, 294:359, ilSharko.PNG)


306 and change now, kek

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091efd  No.14047136

File: ed9216f86c7d5ff⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 740x268, 185:67, AQ3.jpg)

A 'Colossal' Ransomware Attack Hits Hundreds Of U.S. Companies, A Security Firm Says


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539128  No.14047137


"Sex Trafficking Connections"

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6dda13  No.14047138

File: 137b804b9389f49⋯.png (437.74 KB, 486x356, 243:178, mbsabe2.png)

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6b88b7  No.14047139

File: df892b135f8d577⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 960x720, 4:3, df892b135f8d57786d41895eb5….mp4)

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9c466b  No.14047140

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d1d0de  No.14047141

File: a638e334425f180⋯.png (146.27 KB, 600x412, 150:103, cfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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ab7cb3  No.14047142


He has always been impressed with his own voice and he loves to hear himself talk. If there was ever ANYONE who exemplified the textbook example of the Dunning Krugar syndrome it is Joe Biden. He has been a diasterous fuck up his entire life.

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90a566  No.14047143

File: f3b737678f816bf⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, af1.png)


He was just shouting out Colorado.

Jr LOVES us.


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08b3ac  No.14047144

File: ec6a99e737f32fc⋯.png (353.61 KB, 445x835, 89:167, 86d8de8871ceddf20ad3e27023….png)

The bread is #17775? I expect a happening or wasted digits.

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31ae31  No.14047145


nah, he lacks control and has poor taste in women. maybe the trumps are just protecting KG from NP and GN…

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b01b1b  No.14047146


Nice dress

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13cc4b  No.14047147

File: 4338abb4a640d0d⋯.png (318.51 KB, 721x619, 721:619, KYS2.png)

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7ce5d7  No.14047148

File: 43eada66ea36256⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 1602291701_Copy.mp4)

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2b5427  No.14047149

File: 4d2db8c70a0d620⋯.png (822.34 KB, 617x654, 617:654, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c96a7  No.14047150

File: d7473f3588536ef⋯.png (87.57 KB, 330x284, 165:142, pepef.png)

crowd cheering "Lock Him Up" for Dr. Fauci

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bc687b  No.14047151


GETTR totally comp'd

code is fucked, perhaps by design

-within hours of creating an account, users had posts that were not posted by account holder

-no way to report those non-user posts

-no way to delete those non-user posts - despite deletes these fake posts stayed on the account profile

-no way to change email on user account

-no way to terminate account

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eb549b  No.14047152

File: 4f1ca1ca6ac747d⋯.jpg (103.08 KB, 817x737, 817:737, IMG_8774_2.jpg)

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00fc97  No.14047153

File: a49c9f47186c656⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 4096x2732, 1024:683, E5Sz1uOXEAUtsPa.jpg)

File: 9d14e215c513ddf⋯.jpg (52 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 4361693678001_videoStillIm….jpg)

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0e2e87  No.14047154

File: 3cfde8949db7e56⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 211.89 KB, 960x460, 48:23, 3cfde8949db7e567bd7da4d69d….jpg)

File: f5444a9ac1ef00f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 188.2 KB, 696x364, 174:91, 60ada266e7831e15a55bdde3d2….png)

File: 7f8f38b223430a4⋯.png (97.61 KB, 357x305, 357:305, vs_Klara_H.png)

File: e8792878885ede2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 27.47 KB, 333x409, 333:409, soon.jpg)


spoiler that shit

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138904  No.14047155

File: b6ff2e2867c4c01⋯.jpg (170.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 3783737283455888.jpg)

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1097ab  No.14047156

File: e62bac4fb231886⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 640x319, 640:319, ArgyleVzn.jpg)

File: 3e6a57e911e80e5⋯.gif (78.91 KB, 600x600, 1:1, argyle2.gif)

File: 4f843408434494f⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 474x266, 237:133, argyle.jpg)

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56fe37  No.14047157


with joe, he is talking about kids to sniff in the age range of 9-11

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b01b1b  No.14047160

File: bfc1bbbfbf1b096⋯.png (780.87 KB, 1080x1053, 40:39, 7ae4b3d60c2367e474ae38667b….png)


suck it

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90a566  No.14047161

File: a69a876edbb2da5⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 720x460, 36:23, Screenshot_20180706_092351….jpg)

What's in the box?

What's up with that color?


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7fd458  No.14047162


>45 Arrives at Rally in Sarasota

>Not current enough for you?

Look at this faggot, take note so baker doesnt have to scrape for an hour before getting to current fucking bread bitch.

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ab7cb3  No.14047163


And what is psycho about KImberly?

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f79cf6  No.14047164

File: 86fa27a611438a4⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1500x1228, 375:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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539128  No.14047165


She is not psycho. Fuck off.

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beedc0  No.14047166



>do listen to Bongino and Levin and they both regularly revisit the epic 2020 election fraud.

Oh really?

When was the last time they mentioned election fraud?

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7ce5d7  No.14047167

File: 34a360c3dca51ec⋯.png (992.63 KB, 889x565, 889:565, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb549b  No.14047168


CM has been saying this on his telegram.

Totally intertwined with google and twitter

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6b88b7  No.14047169

File: 812c09f3cdc7496⋯.mp4 (646.98 KB, 288x360, 4:5, remember_when.mp4)

I love all of you

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5fec02  No.14047170

File: 8fecea507b15a0e⋯.jpeg (72.96 KB, 960x706, 480:353, 8fecea507b15a0e445a6ce1c9….jpeg)

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5c403d  No.14047171


anyone ever used a shotgun silencer?

any good?

are threaded barrels available for the standard makes?

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b7c3c6  No.14047172


>And what is psycho about KImberly?

Two X chromosomes will usually do it.

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eb549b  No.14047173

what just happened i missed it

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68a709  No.14047174


>>codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac

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4ef9c4  No.14047175


she's a gold digging sycophant imposter who was married to Gavin Newsom. Fake. Never has anything natural to say. It's always a chore to listen to her speak.

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708f4e  No.14047176

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50b5ef  No.14047177


hey psucki - you wish you looked like tythat on a good wake up from bed - day ,much less a full on make up sesh

hEy shitposting baggin like you got some cred is a big ole DUD

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635d6c  No.14047178

File: 4ef09b4217d0724⋯.png (308.07 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210605_020600….png)

File: b8bed5f1ac9cf89⋯.png (166.89 KB, 1080x751, 1080:751, Screenshot_20210701_203418….png)

File: 2fc21820bf36071⋯.png (310.8 KB, 1000x778, 500:389, Screenshot_20210620_190607….png)

File: e600d3d3059d7c2⋯.png (348.38 KB, 1000x781, 1000:781, Screenshot_20210620_192015….png)


Depends on what the definition of they is.

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e729cc  No.14047179

File: 134208e801d0ca9⋯.png (334.05 KB, 942x942, 1:1, truth_perspective.png)


All isms are shams.

You, and you alone, impute meaning into everything that comes along in your path while going from this Age; into that Age.

Truth is ineffable down here.

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3f6947  No.14047180


it was a picture frame. FLOTUS trolled them with the gift. Obama framed POTUS and she gave them a frame. kek

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13cc4b  No.14047181

File: 0b813569cec96be⋯.png (70.18 KB, 206x133, 206:133, ClipboardImage.png)


this is what your memes look like to me

and i ain't zoomin in

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2b5427  No.14047182


No silencer but all should be threaded for chokes

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c66d9d  No.14047183

File: 18a3c5a04a875e5⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 1038x699, 346:233, buzz.jpg)

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5c403d  No.14047184


the people behind look far closer than they actually are at rallies

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e46c97  No.14047185

File: c56523713eb99e1⋯.png (802.71 KB, 747x700, 747:700, ClipboardImage.png)

Ted Nugent:

"Donald Trump is the indicator of work-ethic, God, family, country, law and order, you know all that really radical controversial stuff."

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941da8  No.14047187


Full declass, Huber arrests, and [C] did come before [D]

better luck next time.

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ca561e  No.14047189


Ties back to a drop about Paytriots.. Line underneath said something about 'comms' or 'message sent'

POTUS used all his enemies… somehow using Jason Miller as comms



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88a3e3  No.14047190


That ain't either of them

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f97ad3  No.14047191

File: b5a3f655c525f9a⋯.png (100.9 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 1dd6c5c6c048f757171c349e9f….png)

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beedc0  No.14047192



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138904  No.14047193

File: 6989cbaa61397d3⋯.jpg (135.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 73838737444478378387888373….jpg)

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4ef9c4  No.14047194


You, and you alone, are retarded.

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fc4f68  No.14047195


John John's ashes were in a Tiffany blue box.

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6b88b7  No.14047197

File: 2426c5339950931⋯.mp4 (13.73 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Michael_Badnarik_discusses….mp4)

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13cc4b  No.14047198


no one is reading your shit


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7c96a7  No.14047199

880 miles

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e2f096  No.14047200

File: 5e26604aedc778f⋯.png (196.62 KB, 189x467, 189:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c266a9930d53ed⋯.jpeg (25.09 KB, 255x253, 255:253, merkelcunt.jpeg)

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5c403d  No.14047201


…which the bible actually teaches if anyone actually took the time to think about it…

But surely it's a process of ascension somehow. Still learning…

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eb549b  No.14047202

File: 7bbae3a28739f64⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 7bbae3a28739f6411f5e17188c….mp4)

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6ddc7e  No.14047203


Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?


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7fd458  No.14047204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

my own worst enemy!

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ca561e  No.14047205


its not Trumps

you go show em in your pants

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708f4e  No.14047206


my good friend before he died... you got no cents in your brain. no money at all.

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138904  No.14047207

File: 7e4a90b882be39c⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 630x636, 105:106, 27783738378388837837.jpg)

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4ef9c4  No.14047208


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06d07c  No.14047209

File: 87de5159846d55d⋯.png (310.91 KB, 607x454, 607:454, CM_Doganon_Test.png)


Official pass.

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e1af62  No.14047210

File: 5ab6b41766f54a6⋯.png (8.51 KB, 627x89, 627:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6393e1cb663b783⋯.png (5.54 KB, 507x104, 39:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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6061f2  No.14047211

File: 1588937bc410d76⋯.png (568.51 KB, 600x485, 120:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ddc7e  No.14047213

File: 7d5c1cdbd361236⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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50b5ef  No.14047214


anyone spot ashli babbits shooter?

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222cba  No.14047215


Antifa Wi Spa shit BEFORE the sun is even down on a Saturday Holiday Weekend video bun

What goes down on WILSHIRE BLVD after dark.
























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31ae31  No.14047216

File: 609d62afa405afe⋯.jpg (137.05 KB, 460x519, 460:519, joebubble.jpg)

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c24f24  No.14047217

File: 4ee6d0516e398a5⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 299x400, 299:400, Catch_You.jpg)


>how dare you don't like the Merkel bitch

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7ce5d7  No.14047218

File: 43ba7f8cbfe6ef3⋯.png (879.94 KB, 474x651, 158:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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d46124  No.14047219


Wow. Jr really found himself what a wonderful person!

TRUMP 2024,2028,2032=

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5c403d  No.14047220

File: 20bec8ef08cfb50⋯.png (527.52 KB, 784x928, 49:58, john_lennon_fangs_weaponiz….png)

File: 25c860d0230a899⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1584x1728, 11:12, prince_george_fangs.png)

File: fc8fff9bf4e24d2⋯.png (211.27 KB, 344x344, 1:1, rothschild_queen_fangs.png)


she's showing her fangs. must be low-key upset

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a74252  No.14047221

2 more to go!

Oh boy!

The excitement builds!

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13cc4b  No.14047222

File: bca8291e55581d0⋯.png (107.55 KB, 1051x635, 1051:635, youfakegay.png)

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beedc0  No.14047223


That’s a lie.

You just got caught lying.

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5ca98c  No.14047224

where art thou

my fair lady of faggotland

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635d6c  No.14047225

File: 45d45f84c5259ec⋯.jpg (5.25 MB, 4032x1908, 112:53, 20210404_234023.jpg)


I win at Q and 3301.

I must be the only player or something.

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e729cc  No.14047226

File: cc99f3dfd5d4ebf⋯.jpg (142.14 KB, 604x638, 302:319, TRUTH_IS_COMING.jpg)


>You, and you alone, are retarded.

I think you are advanced.

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b7c3c6  No.14047227

File: e30b411e41943ea⋯.png (23.86 KB, 164x145, 164:145, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

Still climbing.

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9b230f  No.14047228

File: 6ab11fcdf45e1c2⋯.png (981.13 KB, 1100x666, 550:333, Screen_Shot_2021_07_03_at_….png)

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31ae31  No.14047229

File: 502dd7cc3f5dbaf⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, blm.jpg)

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eb549b  No.14047230

File: 8efb22824b51b1e⋯.jpg (127.14 KB, 1170x1151, 1170:1151, 8efb22824b51b1ef172dfd6f1b….jpg)


So they can all go to federal prison while we MAGA

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7ce5d7  No.14047231


A monsoon is traditionally a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation

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539128  No.14047232

Don Jr. VP

Ivanka (first female President)

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138904  No.14047233

File: 7884d83ccc114e0⋯.jpg (129.11 KB, 977x962, 977:962, 7884d83ccc114e03e8b879a759….jpg)

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840298  No.14047234

File: 7546e3a630084de⋯.png (850.8 KB, 1100x616, 25:14, Montana_Moose_Monday_06282….png)



PRAY for moar Anons, ty

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222cba  No.14047235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How close is Wi Spa from Heli event??


Military Helicopters in DTLA 2/4/19

765,003 viewsFeb 5, 2019

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8d5a43  No.14047236

I tried watching the Trump rally, but I just can't. I'm tired of the cookie cutter bs. Nothing substantial will be said (Trump can't seem to be involved, right). It's just going to be more of the same. Trump rally campaigning for 2024 is a major black pill.

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7f3c7b  No.14047237

File: 55db9d07334604d⋯.png (314.99 KB, 400x295, 80:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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941da8  No.14047238


about 2 years

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5c403d  No.14047239


they use the internal thread for the silencer?

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6b88b7  No.14047240

File: 273649e42eea0a0⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB, 532x300, 133:75, On_the_Morning_of_911_The_….mp4)

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13cc4b  No.14047242

File: f04b32a5b890db9⋯.gif (729.28 KB, 383x284, 383:284, KEK2.gif)

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00fc97  No.14047243

File: 31826b1cde2ffab⋯.png (458.96 KB, 598x590, 299:295, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_2….png)

Three insane catastrophes threatening America this weekend


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56fe37  No.14047244

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4ef9c4  No.14047245

so bored. they need to move this along

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06d07c  No.14047246

File: 275cd75fe4efdc1⋯.png (1.35 MB, 758x824, 379:412, PopcornUponUs.png)

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7ce5d7  No.14047247

File: 627301e4e23f927⋯.png (431.2 KB, 501x450, 167:150, ClipboardImage.png)

Positive Enery Rising

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0ca99c  No.14047248


I know about this 911 footage shortly after 911

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15e6c4  No.14047249


>GETTR totally comp'd

>code is fucked, perhaps by design

>-within hours of creating an account, users had posts that were not posted by account holder

>-no way to report those non-user posts

>-no way to delete those non-user posts - despite deletes these fake posts stayed on the account profile

>-no way to change email on user account

>-no way to terminate account

And we STILL have "anons" demanding links be added to the dough for it. That anons arent ping flooding those cunts into oblivion is a sad mystery.

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a2ee83  No.14047250

File: e13dab230926803⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, the_rock.jpeg)

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291b62  No.14047251

File: 9d6d5d0ecd766bd⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, XRP_THE_STANDARD.jpg)

JULY 4TH 🇺🇸🚀💥 😃

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840298  No.14047252

File: 1fd99b6b4340e88⋯.png (765.47 KB, 1057x800, 1057:800, AZ_election_audit_lighteni….png)

File: 62fa7790f64c33a⋯.png (838.83 KB, 1494x1014, 249:169, az_audits_cooper_hobbs_vid.png)

File: ada7a6e63951a49⋯.png (117.39 KB, 657x596, 657:596, AZ_senate_might_adjourn_b4….png)

File: 7f0ddf9cedbf30a⋯.png (269.69 KB, 484x583, 44:53, Ben_Cartoon_05172021_1_AZ_….png)

File: daab4260d4bf5e8⋯.png (671.42 KB, 1024x688, 64:43, POTUS_waving_to_Prescott_A….png)

GOOD luck AZ!

Lead the way

Anons support/SHOW

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2b5427  No.14047253

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31ae31  No.14047254

File: 4a059c3f4ad0d14⋯.jpg (206.16 KB, 539x512, 539:512, trumppom.jpg)

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b7c3c6  No.14047255


Have you learned NOTHING about dynastic power and how it corrupts?

Neck yourself.

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88a3e3  No.14047256


Words have different meanings…frame/frame

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d57716  No.14047257


I kind of agree, he sounds anxious. I appreciate him, but he needs to stop sounding like hyperbole headlines. Help him obi-wan kenobe

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5c403d  No.14047258


>Jesus was the one who spoke the clearest about the synagogue of satan

nah that's in Revelation

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7fd458  No.14047259

File: 9a734c91d2cb3b3⋯.png (148.52 KB, 2102x654, 1051:327, punkedit.png)


>>14046505 Q Research General #17775: Prepare To Celebrate Our Independence Day POTUS RALLY! Edition





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14046556 *Clears Throat* Don't worry about it.

>>14046586, >>14046877, >>14047022, >>14047049,Rally Stream Links in case mains go down

>>14046592, >>14046767, >>14046782, >>14046788, >>14046801, >>14046818, >>14046835, >>14046856, >>14046878, >>14046888, >>14046902, >>14046912, >>14046986, >>14047002, >>14047021, >>14047061, >>14047105, >>14047227, >>14047228 The Rooftop Koreans Return to protect LA When they need them most.

>>14046599 Jerusalem Post Uses Photo Of White Men With Confederate Flags To Describe ‘Rise of the Moors’ Militia Movement For Black Men

>>14046601 Ringling Connection?

>>14046610 Brazilian candidate comes out as gay in race against ‘proud’ homophobe Bolsonaro

>>14046611 Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

>>14046611 CM Tweets: Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

>>14046620 MFlynn Telegrams: Please share this article and my comments with as many parents and/or young adults as possible looking to attend colleges and universities around the nation who are pursuing this lunatic policy.

>>14046635, >>14046700, >>14046739 Baker will not advise anons to GETTR until code is secure.

>>14046685, >>14046717 45 Arrives at Rally in Sarasota

>>14046714, >>14046737 Is ANTIFA REALLY That Passionate about the trannies? Or are they just looking for a reason to spur more riots?

>>14046746 Tina the Fabulous Returns HAPPY 4th!

>>14046765 Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation.

>>14046794 Dan Scavino Flag

>>14046871 Karken Wood Telegrams: PSAKI: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program."

>>14046890 holy shit I saw this in the beginning... I remember... who else remembers... whoa shit this is getting wild...

>>14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?

>>14047027 Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch listed for $27.5 million

>>14047048 Today, Her Majesty The Queen received the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel.

>>14047080 PF Reports

>>14047097 Biden: ‘We will respond’ if Russia is at fault for massive holiday cyberattack

>>14047136 A 'Colossal' Ransomware Attack Hits Hundreds Of U.S. Companies, A Security Firm Says

>>14047185 Ted Nugent: "Donald Trump is the indicator of work-ethic, God, family, country, law and order, you know all that really radical controversial stuff."

>>14047215, >>14047235 ANTIFA Wi BLVD Oldfag Easter Egg... "Oldfags take note that THIS IS TAKING PLACE SAME HELICOPTERS ON WILSHIRE BLVD"


(# Notables)

>) Q Research General #17776: NULL Edition









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3bcbf4  No.14047260

File: a65edb343971506⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 270x480, 9:16, Military_Helicopters_in_DT….mp4)

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e2f096  No.14047261

File: 70eeb548aa747ff⋯.png (567.29 KB, 257x1177, 257:1177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c2ca39a1a2e67e⋯.png (63.47 KB, 197x216, 197:216, ClipboardImage.png)

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222cba  No.14047262


weird that the Wi Spa event is about a sexual topic and so may be the Rainbow Cultural Center Heli's on Wilshire event.

What is going on with Tomas Girardi these days? And his real house WIFE Ericka Girardi?

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4ce024  No.14047263

File: a47425043b1a44a⋯.jpg (161.6 KB, 793x478, 793:478, ALL_AMERICAN_HOLIDAY.jpg)

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31ae31  No.14047264

File: fdc0a9007aff77c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1034x696, 517:348, daneagle.png)

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0ca99c  No.14047265

14045776 PB

I knew this footage was out there'

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1bfdbc  No.14047266



I've been fighting this battle for years before resident Trump and Q. And will keep fighting as best I can. But this board and all the bullshit that comes with it has left me with a strong disdain for most anything related to the great awakening.

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840298  No.14047267

File: 0a80f2e18156cc1⋯.jpg (315.54 KB, 1243x867, 1243:867, Expect_fireworks.jpg)

SEE something, SAY something; eyes open

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06d07c  No.14047268

File: a1c41d7214be807⋯.png (656.08 KB, 783x522, 3:2, NS_508_2.png)

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4ce024  No.14047269

File: ef3377b326ee4b4⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 855x468, 95:52, THIS_IS_WHY.jpg)

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c24f24  No.14047270

File: 7d0714a87f1258e⋯.png (592.06 KB, 621x576, 69:64, 7d0714a87f1258e01202fb2762….png)

File: c22180dfe294ab4⋯.webm (1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2019_02_04.webm)

File: 509bda622dbef8d⋯.webm (2.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 2019_02_04.webm)

File: b4494257ddfaffa⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 406x720, 203:360, 2019_02_04.webm)

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b01b1b  No.14047271

File: 11babc44d084321⋯.png (613.56 KB, 1054x595, 62:35, ClipboardImage.png)

est. 25,000 to 30,000 people in the crowd tonight, RSBN

351,770 people watching on Rumble


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222cba  No.14047272



Standard Hotel?

Adam Schiff?

ED Buck?

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26dde0  No.14047273

File: b1f02b185c44243⋯.png (152.71 KB, 752x420, 188:105, blackoutmap2.png)

File: a9ea4a1ec4be2e6⋯.png (711.47 KB, 535x933, 535:933, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_1….png)

…Fuck you, nonsensebot.

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0ca99c  No.14047274

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ab7cb3  No.14047275


So the man is standing there, this liddle WHITE ANTIFA KUNT attacks him, he defends himself by clubbing her skank ass up side the head and then what does she do? She motions and yells to the police that he attacked her? And the cops are hassling him?

That fucking piece of white trash SHIT got off lucky. Been me, her fucking head would be between two of those metal post in that fence.

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cceb88  No.14047276

Is this thing on? Am I still fake banned from my laptop?

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138904  No.14047277


Your mom just told me to tell (You) to go to bed. At least I think so. I don't know, her mouth is full.

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3648c2  No.14047278

File: d5614fcd9c5d124⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 509x510, 509:510, EyOG7UZW8AMZm9U.jpg)

File: 96d422ae99e2d37⋯.jpg (47.42 KB, 401x400, 401:400, 96d422ae99e2d37d16dc8c9988….jpg)


FUCK youtube.

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7ce5d7  No.14047279

File: b4f5289767348f0⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1026x925, 1026:925, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef9c4  No.14047280


>>>14046890 holy shit I saw this in the beginning… I remember… who else remembers… whoa shit this is getting wild…


>>>14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?



>>>14046890 holy shit I saw this in the beginning… I remember… who else remembers… whoa shit this is getting wild…


>>>14046890 National AMC Rallies coming soon?

fuck off trannime

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d57716  No.14047281

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d5a8c4  No.14047282

File: 28951954f97ac4a⋯.png (366.72 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, Memeto_1621994143168.png)

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291b62  No.14047283

File: d57d46e6b8aaa16⋯.jpg (95.07 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Cyber_Pandemic_BUY_XRP.jpg)

Dr. Evil knows best! The cyberattack that takes the world to its knees must be COMPREHENSIVE.

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0a7aa5  No.14047284

>>14047179 the truth is that the object is a beveled cylinder.

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fb414b  No.14047285

File: 097e1aa690486fb⋯.png (178.47 KB, 738x597, 246:199, Screenshot_2021_07_03_at_2….png)

meh…looks like the calm before the storm to me


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ab7cb3  No.14047287


Yes, yes you are. Chek back later. kek

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f38300  No.14047288

File: 272587cf1bc3250⋯.png (372.84 KB, 566x754, 283:377, b2b6c3b5d8a933d3851a1f7559….png)


rock on Pig

Habby Independence Weekend

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a46634  No.14047289

File: 4b295f2104297a0⋯.png (325.71 KB, 596x547, 596:547, ClipboardImage.png)


The tranny that caused it is pantifa. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1411472198531883011

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d53bfb  No.14047290

File: 6a52c63dc4869df⋯.png (801.83 KB, 471x700, 471:700, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d2a39f8802badf⋯.png (179.23 KB, 1242x437, 54:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d300947ba68698a⋯.png (64.61 KB, 321x157, 321:157, ClipboardImage.png)


The Rich Don't Always Win


The Occupy Wall Street protests have captured America's political imagination. Polls show that two-thirds of the nation now believe that America's enormous wealth ought to be "distributed more evenly." However, almost as many Americans — well over half — feel the protests will ultimately have "little impact" on inequality in America. What explains this disconnect? Most Americans have resigned themselves to believing that the rich simply always get their way.

Except they don't.

A century ago, the United States hosted a super-rich even more domineering than ours today. Yet fifty years later, that super-rich had almost entirely disappeared. Their majestic mansions and estates had become museums and college campuses, and America had become a vibrant, mass middle class nation, the first and finest the world had ever seen.

Americans today ought to be taking no small inspiration from this stunning change. After all, if our forbears successfully beat back grand fortune, why can't we? But this transformation is inspiring virtually no one. Why? Because the story behind it has remained almost totally unknown, until now.

This lively popular history will speak directly to the political hopelessness so many Americans feel. By tracing how average Americans took down plutocracy over the first half of the 20th Century, and how plutocracy came back, The Rich Don't Always Win will outfit Occupy Wall Street America with a deeper understanding of what we need to do to get the United States back on track to the American dream.


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

This is where author Sam Pizzigati can be found. Read some of his articles or chase down his other books.


Veteran labor journalist and Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow Sam Pizzigati co-edits Inequality.org, the Institute’s weekly newsletter on our great divides. He also contributes a regular column to OtherWords, the IPS national nonprofit editorial service.

Sam, now retired from the labor movement, spent two decades directing the publishing program at America’s largest union, the 2.8-million-member National Education Association, and before that edited the national publications of three other U.S. trade unions.

Sam’s own writing has revolved around economic inequality since the early 1990s. His op-eds on income and wealth concentration have appeared in periodicals all around the world, from the New York Times to Le Monde Diplomatique.

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247989  No.14047291

360k and climbing

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50b5ef  No.14047292



glad to be amongst so many Patriots

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7fd458  No.14047293


Damn that was ez.

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cceb88  No.14047294


I guess I'm not still "fake banned" from my laptop. I'm not sure why that happens, from time to time, because I've never posted anything other than research and test posts like this when things seem weird. Thanks for letting me post this crap. Now, back to business. . . .

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2b5427  No.14047296


Salvo silencer for shotguns attaches via internal barrel threading normally used to mount removable chokes

Waldron, Len. "SilencerCo Salvo 12 Gauge Suppressor Review." Guns & Ammo. March 7, 2016.

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d1d0de  No.14047297

File: 69da52bd6111c52⋯.png (613.43 KB, 612x408, 3:2, bfnbjksnjnknsoeoinvaowinal….png)

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e729cc  No.14047298

File: 7701e905b668423⋯.png (99.25 KB, 268x312, 67:78, Covfefe_KEK.png)

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50b5ef  No.14047299



storm is here

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c9e45b  No.14047300

its weird that in this bread only leafy and rsbn are ip hopping

im sure its just a coincidence

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222cba  No.14047301





any deltas or clockfag shit for today???

maybe a deeper dig on Wi Spa perhaps???

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0e673c  No.14047302

File: 66575cddc1e4398⋯.jpeg (43.13 KB, 828x445, 828:445, No_Deals_as_helicopters_f….jpeg)

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4ef9c4  No.14047303

File: 10f141fc61433f5⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 474x434, 237:217, pepe_retarded.jpg)

endless tedious chattery

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ca561e  No.14047304


OAN just had emergency broadcast test in middle of stream…

Kimberly did announce them as the current President and Vice President

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a2ee83  No.14047305

File: 4d27643aea2f6c3⋯.mp4 (882.1 KB, 848x480, 53:30, Sobre_el_incendio_registra….mp4)

File: 81d42c736fc51c2⋯.mp4 (840.69 KB, 640x352, 20:11, waterfire.mp4)

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d5a8c4  No.14047306

File: 5ec879caaffb0bd⋯.png (749.3 KB, 1080x861, 360:287, 20210630_201231.png)

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7c96a7  No.14047307

is there a stream without annoying commentary

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75bcfd  No.14047309


>fake it till ya make it

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f6e48a  No.14047310


I empathize with what you are saying. However, even DJT says waiting for 2024 is non-sense. We are at war.

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635d6c  No.14047311


Needed the twelfth cap for art math and science project and that's as close as I had to a lime.

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13cc4b  No.14047312

File: 8e8cddad3c6eadc⋯.png (95.41 KB, 600x842, 300:421, peperope.png)


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7ce5d7  No.14047313

File: f28404c4cf4e04b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c403d  No.14047314

File: 18ea03fd8abedbf⋯.png (218.38 KB, 1099x608, 1099:608, klaus_schwab_911.PNG)

File: fe6d8b4b42b7640⋯.png (542.42 KB, 986x662, 493:331, Trump_and_Scavino_with_Kla….png)

File: c26fbaf3558ed43⋯.png (266.88 KB, 860x716, 215:179, klaus_schwab_covid_great_r….png)


>The cyberattack that takes the world to its knees must be COMPREHENSIVE

and just happens to attack MEAT, GAS, and all the shit that the great reset faggots want to reduce use of.

Watch next it will be cyberattack on muh wood company. Bet it's not Koch's Georgia Pacific though

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8d5a43  No.14047315


Kys, faggot.

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5f3cb9  No.14047316

File: 76dac4ab76e7599⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB, 713x456, 713:456, POTUS_boom_nigga.jpeg)

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e729cc  No.14047317


> the truth is that the object is a beveled cylinder.


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e46c97  No.14047318

File: 3bfbc42260db890⋯.png (390.31 KB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


notice the OP low IQ meme

do not fall for the line of propaganda that TRUTH is subjective or open to different interpretations

opinions & hypotheses are guesses or propaganda

tht TRUTH is always steadfast whether you can see it or comprehend it or believe it

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12cd15  No.14047319


Looks like a vid from several months ago.

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138904  No.14047320

File: 9cee72a77a42d64⋯.jpg (258.44 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, 2763763873767888.jpg)

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2b5427  No.14047322



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0a7aa5  No.14047324

File: cf3b89315dc421f⋯.png (207.98 KB, 387x290, 387:290, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b88b7  No.14047325

File: 40317c672fdb5ac⋯.mp4 (400.52 KB, 656x360, 82:45, she_her_slap.mp4)


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ab7cb3  No.14047327


Pence there?

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0e673c  No.14047328

File: 1290cae107b2186⋯.png (677.1 KB, 778x793, 778:793, Pepe_spots_the_Q_in_the_fi….png)

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56fe37  No.14047329


genital mutilation of infants is always wrong

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00fc97  No.14047330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ef9c4  No.14047332


>fake it till ya make it

really does not work in the long run.

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31ae31  No.14047333

File: 7b18295734f804e⋯.png (245.5 KB, 819x524, 819:524, boom.png)

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6ec47b  No.14047335

365,771 watching now

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d57716  No.14047336


Was that Melania giving a Tiffany gift to Mikey, thats kind of funny

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4ce024  No.14047337

File: ef0cab5bd59e850⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 542x472, 271:236, DO_MOAR_BETTER.jpg)

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13cc4b  No.14047339

File: a432b91eb6ecf77⋯.png (56.93 KB, 1016x339, 1016:339, ClipboardImage.png)

have i told you lately that i love you?

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3bcbf4  No.14047340

File: 25af68a1eae381e⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Night_Ops.mp4)

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7c96a7  No.14047341

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b01b1b  No.14047343

File: c951d668c078c97⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a19694fd92a28b9⋯.png (246.34 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ad3512b275c56f⋯.png (305.58 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2a2767a8307fa7⋯.png (286.98 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aacca08c9feb6f2⋯.png (599.64 KB, 625x868, 625:868, ClipboardImage.png)

Schumann resonance, current post



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138904  No.14047346

File: 9b7e4d4bf704799⋯.jpg (144.09 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 12737747.jpg)


>Kys, faggot.

I will not.

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fd9530  No.14092595

File: dedbbd31a360332⋯.png (101.14 KB, 1411x657, 1411:657, 87966756413254.png)

File: 7460c73f4a68fdf⋯.png (45.74 KB, 1005x830, 201:166, 7865412453890.png)



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