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File: 64df51cc5ac7d37⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1648x926, 824:463, ClipboardImage.png)

09e328  No.13975866[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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09e328  No.13975869


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Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

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09e328  No.13975870


NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13974359 @kayleighmcenany What did I just watch!?

>>13974361 "mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on 'Tucker' after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks"

>>13974363 President Donald Trump blasting MI Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, claiming they are “doing everything possible” to “hide the truth” about the 2020 presidential election.

>>13974381 Statement from President Trump in support of America’s Mayor @RudyGiuliani⁩

>>13974422 The Arizona audit continues!

>>13974426 Reminder, Rudy Giuliani on the killing of Ashli Babbitt

>>13974441 MI Senate Oversight Committee Report #MIaudit

>>13974483 Discord User Is Sentenced To 14 Years For Distributing Child Pornography #SaveOurChildren

>>13974571 McAfee Spying on the 3LTRS? ArchiveOffline #McAfeeDintKilHimself

>>13974600 China lodges complaint against Australia at World Trade Organization

>>13974641 Israel to reinstate indoor mask mandate as COVID-19 cases increase

>>13974672, >>13974696 Qlocken

>>13974701, >>13974749 U.S. House Judiciary Committee passed all six pieces of legislation to break the monopoly power of Big Tech companies.

>>13974707 Mailchimp deplatforms Babylon Bee

>>13974759 Arizona Audit Daily Update: Paper Analysis Is Finishing Up – So What’s Next!?

>>13974800 Officials: US to leave about 650 troops in Afghanistan to protect diplomats, will largely complete withdrawal in 2 weeks - AP

>>13974844 t/linwoodspeakstruth Sidney Powell Proves There Was No Medical Emergency

>>13974873 @Jim_Jordan releases statement on Democrats' antitrust legislation.

>>13974902 Fauci Book Author Kate Messner Has A History of Targeting Kids With Anti-American Propaganda

>>13974913 John McAfee Death NOT 'Suicide', Evidence Suggests Premeditated Murder | Shots Fired!?

>>13974923, >>13974929 #AZAUDIT

>>13974956 Russia releases VIDEO of British warship’s incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London’s version of events

>>13974990 NASA 2021 Full Moon Calendar (Cap)

>>13975020 gab/JimWatkins "Don't sneak a Coke."

>>13975049 Fed clears all 23 major banks in latest stress tests

>>13975063 #17687


>>13973520 UN criticizes use of child soldiers after Burkina Faso govt says massacre of over 130 people was carried out by kids

>>13973528 Democrat Mayor Lovely Warren, Charged For Alleged Campaign Finance Fraud, Loses Primary

>>13973532 John McAfee’s lawyer says anti-virus tycoon showed no indication he would take his own life #McAfeeDintKillHimself

>>13973554 Gen. Michael Flynn: “Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. #AZAudit

>>13973557 Norway Says Risk Of Dying From AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine Higher Than Of #COVID19

>>13973564 Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die

>>13973570 Joe Biden Warns of Coronavirus ‘Delta Variant’ to Push Youth Vaccinations

>>13973605 The president of Paraguay Sister inlaw and family missing after a 12-storey apartment building collapsed

>>13973624 UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream?

>>13973647 Reminder AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli: AZ Senate Adjournment Will NOT Delay AZ Audit ACTION

>>13973650 @AndrewHGiuliani Earlier this hour, 5 Leftist judges decided to suspend my father @rudygiuliani’s law license

>>13973724 Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces bill that would ban all federal support for vaccine passports

>>13973760 Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized

>>13973832 Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA for Raleigh Int'l N.C.

>>13973873 Companies Secure White House Meetings After Hiring Top Biden Aide’s Brother

>>13973876 Anon goes $_WHACKD

>>13973902 Jailed Murderer Wins Public Office in D.C. Election with Five Inmate Candidates from Same Prison

>>13973920 Forbes: Rudy Giuliani’s New York Law License Suspended Over Election Fraud Lies

>>13973933 #17685


>>13974028 Affidavits Raise More Questions About FBI’s Role in Trump Probe

>>13974131 t.me/theprofessorsrecord This is what winning looks like:

>>13974032 Chattanooga Man Indicted For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child

>>13974137 Former governor of Mexico’s 3rd largest state sent to prison for money laundering following ICE HSI investigation

>>13974149 Donald J Trump Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy, a great American Patriot, of his law license


>>13974254 #17686

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09e328  No.13975871


>>13972667 Oldie but relevant. US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program

>>13972710 WHOA! Tina Forte is entering the political arena to run against AOC in New York.

>>13972715 What is FBMD?

>>13972740 CNN March 2015 - Currently, emails to and from Clinton go to servers in Colorado and North Carolina operated by the cybersecurity firm McAfee.

>>13972742, >>13973356 Report (751) bodies found at Indigenous school in Canada 56 mins ago ***?

>>13972748 WHY SHE WAS KILLED? Note: Her nickname was Q?

>>13972768 NightTrade Group Inc 8777 Collins Ave #1106

>>13972774 Roof was being redone on collapsed Miami building

>>13972834 Florida rescue crews pull at least 35 people from partially collapsed condo as search continues

>>13972835 NEWSFLASH: It wasn't a "partial building collapse”

>>13972805 Bidan's fake 2A comments,


>>13972876 Hubert Dupigny Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Sex Trafficking Minors

>>13972883 New CCTV Footage Shows The Moment The Champlain Towers Collapsed In Surfside, Florida- There Is Speculation That McAfee’s Files Were In That Building

>>13972897 Rudy Giuliani’s law license suspended in NY over statements on voter fraud

>>13972898 CDC Finds More Cases of Heart Inflammation Than Expected in Vaccinated Young Males

>>13972909 President Trump to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award Today from Group Representing the World’s Top CEO’s and Executives

>>13972913 Largest US Health Care Union Will Fight Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

>>13973022 Did McAfee Use Storj?

>>13973059 COVID vaccines actually leave the injection site and accumulate in organs & tissues. Especially in ovaries?

>>13973155 FW @officialmcafee Building is literally on 88th and Collins ave (?Cap only)

>>13973216 President Trump Releases Statement on Arizona Governor RINO Doug Ducey – The Man Who Certified the Fraudulent 2020 Election Results in Arizona

>>13973232 “We Have a Deal” – Biden Says Bipartisan Deal Reached on Infrastructure Bill

>>13972930 QAnon-militia activity raises alarms in Virginia county: ‘There’s something weird in Bedford’s water

>>13973284 51 People Unaccounted For In Massive Miami Condo Building Collapse

>>13973294 Pelosi Announces House Officially Creating Select Committee to Investigate January 6 Capitol Riot

>>13973331 White House Authorizes "Final" One-Month Extension Of Eviction Moratorium

>>13973395 Biden Delivers Remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

>>13973933 #17685

Previously Collected Notables

>>13971797 #17683, >>13972569 #17684

>>13969424 #17680, >>13970235 #17681, >>13971011 #17682

>>13968395 #17677, >>13968169 #17678, >>13968585 #17679

>>13964620 #17674, >>13965440 #17675, >>13966262 #17676

>>13962182 #17671, >>13963060 #17672, >>13963863 #17673

>>13959766 #17668, >>13960566 #17669, >>13962314 #17670

>>13957121 #17665, >>13958007 #17666, >>13958882 #17667

>>13954598 #17662, >>13955425 #17663, >>13959717 #17664

>>13952267 #17659, >>13953043 #17660, >>13954575 #17661

>>13949850 #17656, >>13950608 #17657, >>13951461 #17658

>>13947150 #17653, >>13948139 #17654, >>13948930 #17655

>>13944848 #17650, >>13945687 #17651, >>13946386 #17652

>>13945151 #17647, >>13945154 #17648, >>13944053 #17649

>>13939972 #17644, >>13940744 #17645, >>13945365 #17646

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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09e328  No.13975872


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

International Q Research Threads

>>13741316 ————————————–——– Australia #16

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>13947299 ————————————–——– Canada #21

>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13954088 ————————————–——– Germany #82

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13340853 ————————————–——– South Africa #5

>>13828562 ————————————–——– UK #39

>>13741855 ————————————–——– Vatican #5

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>13699736 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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09e328  No.13975874


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* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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09e328  No.13975875

previous dough


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09e328  No.13975876

sorry for the multiple bakes, it kept saying flood detected and then they all went through

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dff9d8  No.13975877


TY for this bake…

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fcc28f  No.13975878


I got the same (x2)

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8b5618  No.13975880

File: 227a80c9564363d⋯.jpg (63.61 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 227a80c9564363dada653a0c40….jpg)



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dff9d8  No.13975881

>>13975851 /lb

Ima thinking rotting in a cell at 74 years old with no support from family or friends until his demise…I asked if I could write to him to send tormenting messages about how wonderful life for the children rescued is and that sort of thing. He has to live with his shitty self and if that is contained within a 10X10 so be it.

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09e328  No.13975882

if anyone wants to post notes from last bread id appreciate it

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9e16e2  No.13975883

TY E-Baker!

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cf0279  No.13975884

File: 36d6a7a6905de14⋯.png (892.4 KB, 615x648, 205:216, 1_Screen_Shot_2021_01_25_a….png)

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f85317  No.13975885

File: 5b04dbd6dff94a6⋯.png (447.31 KB, 1024x573, 1024:573, Polish_20210622_222102607.png)

File: cb3fe758d4b475b⋯.png (667.5 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Polish_20210624_160051535.png)

File: 18a73d351a9500d⋯.jpg (559.11 KB, 777x1802, 777:1802, Polish_20210624_081621672.jpg)

File: c107bb069ea933e⋯.jpg (160.01 KB, 720x746, 360:373, Polish_20210623_120418842.jpg)

File: 1486b189ddf0c57⋯.png (84.51 KB, 320x239, 320:239, Polish_20210623_131348283.png)

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7dc04d  No.13975886

File: 792b9192f71cf33⋯.jpg (105.17 KB, 1038x1251, 346:417, latinagirl6.jpg)

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1634db  No.13975887


thank you baker o7

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f3c1e9  No.13975888

File: 5f8fbdecb6f713f⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 968x876, 242:219, 5f8fbdecb6f713f2de5429aa39….jpg)


when it says flood detected you open a new catalog page and should find your thread though it is faster and more reliable if you go to the index to find it

just a tip


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1a814b  No.13975889

File: c45fa5e77bbfbce⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1624010712_Copy.mp4)


Fuckery a Foot.

We have a Triggering


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17eed8  No.13975890

File: 7510e7015ffee40⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 960x854, 480:427, 1571316487500.jpg)

i like it tyb!

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09e328  No.13975891


actually 88 as well

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a66bfa  No.13975892

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a4deaf  No.13975893

File: bbb3920a8d89d5b⋯.jpeg (776.48 KB, 750x940, 75:94, 8F1409F2_8719_4FB9_A8B6_2….jpeg)

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4417a8  No.13975894

File: c5ee7bbe40434a1⋯.jpeg (212.32 KB, 1122x1286, 561:643, IMG_4363_2.jpeg)


Thank you, E-Baker.

>Have some bewbs from the archives

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b371fd  No.13975895

File: 08444a981793df7⋯.png (114.14 KB, 595x842, 595:842, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13975771 (LB)


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153a10  No.13975896

File: 7da9516f9cffac8⋯.jpeg (89.65 KB, 828x830, 414:415, 19AB540C_8717_4FA5_B993_7….jpeg)

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f01e38  No.13975897

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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dff9d8  No.13975898

File: 106efcb2041b3b7⋯.png (88.8 KB, 1498x801, 1498:801, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

File: 50d4c13985f8a45⋯.png (753.03 KB, 1529x833, 1529:833, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Has anyone figured out what might be happening with this?



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6dcfb3  No.13975900

File: 8c864f2b1978102⋯.png (740 KB, 989x828, 43:36, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cd12d  No.13975901

File: 88e6bf344f35f52⋯.png (655.06 KB, 719x464, 719:464, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e16e2  No.13975902

File: c2cff62766bd3ab⋯.png (234.08 KB, 467x449, 467:449, Screen_Shot_06_24_21_at_08….PNG)

Dan The Man showing anons some love…

Timestamp 6:29 pm 6+2+9 = 17

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


6:29 PM · Jun 24, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


Link to sign the card: https://www.takebackthesenatenow.com/?utm_source=exc_TW&utm_campaign=128fcb20

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56abd0  No.13975903

File: 0f3b22c9606e8ac⋯.png (13.19 KB, 215x115, 43:23, ClipboardImage.png)




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9ff8f1  No.13975904

File: 05335fd2e345180⋯.png (200.72 KB, 636x358, 318:179, 89ce0ed03521371fff96c6e118….png)

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153a10  No.13975905



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5045e6  No.13975906

File: 69834a60b9fb0e0⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 479x600, 479:600, IMG_20210624_201059_067.jpg)

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04aae1  No.13975907

File: 7c36fc27aaf43b8⋯.png (876.85 KB, 1349x1187, 1349:1187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 674fc4a34df0619⋯.png (113.4 KB, 1150x132, 575:66, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcc28f  No.13975908

File: 2b01c3a9c6b02d6⋯.png (169.74 KB, 666x375, 222:125, psaki_fly.png)

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87834e  No.13975909

File: 4f9752217fdfcce⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 2048x1534, 1024:767, 63D5C072_6716_48BF_B01A_C….jpeg)

911 gold wrapped in cash?

Loadmaster records have weight per pallet…

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ff48dc  No.13975910

Mayor of Surfside on with Tucker throwing out doubt about the building collapse.

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6dcfb3  No.13975911

File: 8522b989012d4c0⋯.jpg (10.38 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 95c0f724b2a04583ea6ab34352….jpg)


Signed it!

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197198  No.13975912

File: 15c3396a248be94⋯.png (880.27 KB, 911x446, 911:446, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f2039d6679bad3⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1057x665, 151:95, ClipboardImage.png)


“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah."

Jonah was swallowed by a huge fish.

Wakey wakey…

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101f22  No.13975913

File: 2cc6b2ee29b3e97⋯.png (367.96 KB, 500x417, 500:417, Time_for_the_roundup.png)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead. JFK junior is DEAD

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS…

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense) or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Ignore 000000 …spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or shitposting.

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion bakes all the time.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

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832c70  No.13975914

File: 4a1c6befecba28f⋯.jpg (58.56 KB, 1200x1478, 600:739, jupiter_symbol.jpg)

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462f33  No.13975915

File: e94c841f7da149a⋯.png (140.88 KB, 771x419, 771:419, ClipboardImage.png)

A supply plane taking off in the middle of the ocean is a great way to locate a carrier not listed in the current fleet archive.

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d8a27d  No.13975917

File: e128acc350538cf⋯.jpeg (250.19 KB, 750x971, 750:971, EB8CD572_09D3_4F2C_9768_F….jpeg)

Isn’t this guy blind? How is he on a jet ski & why does he look like he is looking at the photographer? Are all these celebs faking?


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143db3  No.13975918

HAARP Activated, Building's Collapse, 1 Block From Ivanka Trump's Condo


Deadly building collapse just a block from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner home

Officials are still investigating what caused the collapse.


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6dcfb3  No.13975919

File: 8286b50320897ca⋯.png (297.3 KB, 474x285, 158:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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31a107  No.13975920

File: 334184a5752b735⋯.jpg (220.5 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 29316.jpg)

File: f90802c1a20f6fa⋯.png (722.09 KB, 1280x582, 640:291, 0652d0d76517b81c4adc26a455….png)

File: b017650308278e2⋯.png (20.73 KB, 459x281, 459:281, cc434d1ae861c90a66f0f7ff56….png)

File: e15321e1a05acb2⋯.jpg (147.36 KB, 750x759, 250:253, 1624407209799.jpg)

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ce42c8  No.13975921

File: 82e340589141984⋯.png (87.28 KB, 959x314, 959:314, d016288049839eec32de9372eb….png)

File: 8f405ac762a8c30⋯.png (133.52 KB, 1563x288, 521:96, moarcry.png)

File: 0d2c9fae7c5d7b0⋯.png (77.91 KB, 856x302, 428:151, onionhead.png)

File: f8373b1fca3a5f0⋯.png (168.33 KB, 1478x865, 1478:865, d4c7b2c89925b901513740c041….png)

File: dc78a37fce6554b⋯.gif (615.96 KB, 360x180, 2:1, clown.gif)

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7dc04d  No.13975922

File: c411e1b66c32ef6⋯.png (433.08 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, Memeto_1606048559166.png)

We're getting there

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c99558  No.13975923

File: 9aa9bc087f65b90⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 3096x1742, 1548:871, IMG_olzai6.jpg)


TYB o7 - Took a min but I'm not complaining.

If anyone is bitching, they should try to bake.

If they can bake they should've stepped up.

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af4f74  No.13975924

>>13975675. LB

Anons hear she is running for congress in AOC’s district? Campaign video on bitchute.


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fd1da2  No.13975925

File: ea62f80bdbed887⋯.png (195.24 KB, 359x362, 359:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62c969aa31a621d⋯.png (143.33 KB, 857x1000, 857:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13975603 PB

The A in TRIANGLE kind of looks like the A for Anarchy symbol.

And I wonder why it is in English?

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ff48dc  No.13975926


Allegedly. According to wiki.

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6dcfb3  No.13975927

File: c4cc8005a664a02⋯.png (266.9 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb6ac8  No.13975928


He is not looking at anything. His eyelids are now closed permanently. He is just standing there. He could be far out in the open and someone can call to him if he moves about. What is the prob?

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be0e7e  No.13975929


Was gonna say that.

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7dc04d  No.13975930

File: 5c7c29a46696435⋯.jpg (218.88 KB, 1440x930, 48:31, IMG_20180811_085328.jpg)

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cf0279  No.13975931

File: f40e1737d2c2f00⋯.jpg (159.61 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, E4K_v0xXoAMkj0g.jpg)

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04aae1  No.13975932

File: b959d56f0da5f27⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1079x1276, 1079:1276, ClipboardImage.png)

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a02e78  No.13975933

Thanks Baker, appreciate the Bake.

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e7b865  No.13975934

File: 66f314d0566aed0⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 500x483, 500:483, life_is_a_wheel.jpg)

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f48226  No.13975935

FYI - the "state" of NJ is sending this crap out about the "vaccine."


URL: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NJGOV/bulletins/2e561e2

Know the facts about COVID-19 vaccines.

The State of New Jersey sent this bulletin at 06/24/2021 05:16 PM EDT

Everything we do — whether it’s driving down the street or what we eat and drink — requires weighing risks and benefits, so we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our community.

We know car crashes happen all the time, yet we still get behind the wheel. But that’s why we buckle up and put our kids in car seats, so we can minimize the risks.

When it comes to COVID-19, wearing masks, washing our hands, and getting the vaccine are just like wearing a seat belt or using a car seat for kids: they are all actions we can take to protect ourselves. It’s all about considering risks, benefits — and ultimately taking action.

If you’re looking for a safe, effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangerous effects of COVID-19, getting vaccinated is the answer. To get your COVID-19 vaccine, make an appointment or attend a pop-up or mobile vaccination event in your community.

It’s ok to have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Whether it’s for you or a loved one, here’s some information about the vaccines:

+ COVID-19 vaccines are safe and nearly 100% effective at preventing death or hospitalization from COVID-19. (On the other hand — getting COVID-19 can cause serious illness or death. Almost 600,000 Americans have passed from COVID-19, and an estimated 3.3 million Americans will have long term effects from it.)

+ Millions of people have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history. And more than 100,000 people from different backgrounds and ethnicities participated in the vaccine trials.

+ Although the COVID-19 vaccines themselves are new, scientists have been working on the technology used in these COVID-19 vaccines for two decades. So the COVID-19 vaccines are new, since COVID-19 is a novel virus never seen in the world before — but anyone who has ever worked on a long term problem at work can raise a glass to the scientists who helped get us here.

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1a814b  No.13975936

File: d15ebd47b44e79e⋯.png (931.41 KB, 1074x649, 1074:649, ClipboardImage.png)


Good. Anikin. Good.

Let The Filter flow though you

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a66bfa  No.13975937

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

It was over before it started.

Long planned. Very.

For new eyes 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


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cf4974  No.13975938

File: 3a7b857c4d5a5ae⋯.png (349.64 KB, 618x359, 618:359, wtc.png)

>>13975346 LB

>This building pancaked. Let's just call it the BS it is. "inspectors" were going through the building just days before.


Maybe Israeli "art students"?

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e8234c  No.13975939

ive been here almost 4 yrs and it taakes alot for me to get to 10 posts

i have to be digging for that

so anyone besides baker with 20+ posts is shill

for newfags

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1634db  No.13975940


There were no less than six ebakes.

The "baker shortage" is kayfabe.

And that's not counting lurking bakers. That's just ones that threw down a bake.


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dff9d8  No.13975941


‘That only child will be here soon enough,”

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89d316  No.13975942

File: d5ca8b1ab19e20f⋯.png (568.02 KB, 1317x718, 1317:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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770559  No.13975943

File: 75681d0aba00164⋯.jpeg (76.95 KB, 506x900, 253:450, E4qenA7VUAAV_Nq.jpeg)

they are trying so hard to catch up.

Would have been Clinton's second term by now

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e944d0  No.13975944

File: edb8d7164cb4def⋯.jpg (340.3 KB, 1024x526, 512:263, barcelona_2017.jpg)


This is the photo from the same Barcelona location.

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86c21a  No.13975945

File: 432803f898b5972⋯.png (140.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

This is based on old calculations.

With the petroleum reserves of the world now doubled because of huge new finds in West Texas, the East Mediterranean, Coast of Guyana, Eromanga in Australia's Cooper Basin which could well be as big or bigger than the Alberta Oilsands, Ukraine's Burisma deep oil field, the huge deposits under Hong Kong Bay and the surrounding area, this number will need to be updates.

Also, as we roll out Thorium nuclear reactors to every neighborhood, electricity supply will soar and it will indeed become too cheap to meter for household usage.

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1a814b  No.13975946


Dissappearing can be fun

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cfac51  No.13975947

Potatus speaking low like a tough guy.

RINOS in on the plan for Part 2.

Next level time.

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9e16e2  No.13975948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Derek Chauvin To Be Sentenced Tomorrow 6/25/21.

Derek Chauvin to Be Sentenced: What to Expect | COURT TV

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101f22  No.13975949

File: f790e31a927d82c⋯.jpeg (118.23 KB, 900x976, 225:244, Fuck_you_shill_.jpeg)

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e3a1fe  No.13975950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Fairy Seas anon

A Midsummers night dream

Shakespeare code

5 : 5 = Dawn 6 : 6 = Nancy Grace

Black widow is a spi___ ?

Mi6 ?

Why did the pope meet spider man ?

Alfred Tennyson


Onion Server

'Dark' Web ?

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ff48dc  No.13975951


Baker already said most were his on accident. You have no point

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56abd0  No.13975952

Do you guys keep records?

How many memes have I posted since Nov 2017?

I really hope you guys are keeping track.

Can I see my file?

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00876d  No.13975953

File: f0e8b9bc690d98d⋯.jpg (152.6 KB, 1636x528, 409:132, arct.JPG)

File: 35a2cce7ecee70e⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 1507x328, 1507:328, A12.JPG)

File: e3dbab07fe9db3a⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 462x416, 231:208, BarlowArcturus.JPG)

My theory is that McAfee made the DS panic and pull a FF to cover up whatever they thought was coming out about the Champlain Towers, owned by LAZARD LTD, old time Frenchies who cleaned up during the gold rush.

Coincidentally, there are numerous LLC's in that building named GOLD MINE. Spooky anons rare French Antarctic flag was a hint?

The Champlain Towers is full of Argentine & Uraguaians as newly arrived guests. It's a condo, but also a hotel. Not your standard hotel, though.

It's being compared to 9/11. All floors totally decimated, and yet one boy comes out unscathed?

Shepard Smith just pointed out that "17 hours ago the building collapsed." The good samaritan who heard the boy crying for help was on with Shepard Smith. He said he thought it was thunder, and "a storm was coming". Then he felt the ground shake, another sound of thunder, and the ground shook again.

The video of the boy being rescued seems very scripted. Not a scratch on him. No injuries. Perfectly set up for the camera.

Was this staged comms that kids were inside, in danger, and were rescued?

One of the residents is related to a scientist who performis In vivo and In vitro assays & develops human and mouse cell-based assays for drug discovery and screening.

Also weird Zionist Israeli's there, par for the course in Miami. Arcturus Theraputics? Trafficking for in vitro testing, stem cell harvesting, & more?

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09e328  No.13975954

also appreciate a bun for the barcelona digs from last bread if youre digging on it anyway

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6cd12d  No.13975955

File: 97121054f4ce867⋯.png (71.26 KB, 327x440, 327:440, ClipboardImage.png)


The "2" looks like a cursive capital Q.

The anarchy A = 1 in triangle and the 7 below it for 17?

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af4f74  No.13975956

File: 6d920e87fea2b77⋯.png (6.26 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F2CDA163_4CA1_431A_A11B_BF….png)


Sorry forgot screenshot.

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1634db  No.13975957


Been tracking the last few ebakes. Usually it's a gerbil bake, a "not gerbil" bake, and then one or two rando anons.

Patterns yo.

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56abd0  No.13975958


I suck at pattern recognition.

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b909ed  No.13975959

File: cd8c121cc957750⋯.png (1014.23 KB, 625x799, 625:799, Hermes_Secret.png)


your alchemy is showing

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1a814b  No.13975960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Panic is in the Air.

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d7d779  No.13975961

File: b62db16840fd683⋯.jpeg (26.87 KB, 612x213, 204:71, yesyesyes.jpeg)

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fcc28f  No.13975962

File: 4b40301981b5cbc⋯.png (1013.4 KB, 670x1010, 67:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7406e22de3495a⋯.png (467.05 KB, 670x444, 335:222, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ab18dde75f10f1⋯.png (29.28 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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e7b865  No.13975963

File: ee62b7b7471248e⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x657, 500:657, T2_Lord_Baphomet.jpg)

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09e328  No.13975964

File: cfd8cff7e734972⋯.png (1.25 MB, 871x868, 871:868, ClipboardImage.png)


i can assure you im not gerbil

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cfac51  No.13975965


Douche drinker Murphy spending millions on PR propaganda.

99.9 % survival rate. Why roll the dice for the other guy?

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c99558  No.13975966

File: 108411a055a0ea4⋯.jpg (421.42 KB, 550x550, 1:1, IMG_20201005_020528.jpg)


If true, good news & TY.

Anon has tried to learn to bake with little success.

May God bless the bakers.

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cf0279  No.13975967

File: 2d2f826660aef60⋯.png (39.89 KB, 652x452, 163:113, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)


It's all hands on deck to save our democracy. From @onwardtogether partner @indivisibleteam, here's how to help over the crucial next few weeks.


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9e16e2  No.13975968

File: 6a1fde01795cfe9⋯.png (403.28 KB, 380x684, 5:9, Screen_Shot_06_24_21_at_08….PNG)

Potus45 Tomorrow Morning on NEWSMAX

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e7b865  No.13975969

File: 1a9c9812fe308f1⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 720x480, 3:2, alucard_hellhound.jpg)

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276f52  No.13975971

File: a35758e6e5860a1⋯.png (264.49 KB, 785x1001, 785:1001, ClipboardImage.png)

Better get your AR….I mean F15.

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1634db  No.13975972


that's true. you used an anon dough. Thank you.

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e7b865  No.13975974

File: 934c6e1c84353d3⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 726x455, 726:455, biblical_7.jpg)

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b909ed  No.13975975

File: f837e04dcb8c3d9⋯.png (453.15 KB, 979x529, 979:529, Shock_Test.png)


Puddle jumps are a ride

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dff9d8  No.13975976


I'm not listening to some dead bitch

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02c9d5  No.13975977


Nice emerald tablet you got there

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31a107  No.13975978


Thanks anon

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ec9873  No.13975979

File: 6430bfe424bb753⋯.png (403.41 KB, 1041x585, 347:195, Screenshot_2021_06_24_John….png)

File: 5f2601056dad3ae⋯.jpeg (550.74 KB, 2388x768, 199:64, barcelonascytl1.jpeg)

File: 90bba9015db042b⋯.png (680.89 KB, 1059x688, 1059:688, barcelona.png)

File: 0d66742f0e7a56d⋯.png (1022.89 KB, 1461x1203, 487:401, potusSCYTLgohmertArmy.png)


>>13975603 PB

couple of other coincidences. one for the datefags.

Barcelona pic framed Scytl office in the background.

Mcafee arrested on Oct 5

Q drop on Oct 5

The picture will be the signifier

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56abd0  No.13975980


you seem like a collector. What do you collect?

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cfac51  No.13975981


Hear this Jew Boi

Fuck you and your ass dreidel.

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fcc28f  No.13975982


x2 were mine, I'm anon.

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31a107  No.13975983

File: 831dbd920e91185⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 612x617, 612:617, purple_george_washington.jpg)



That's not good

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7dc04d  No.13975985

File: c8e760ee091e3d8⋯.png (300.79 KB, 1080x620, 54:31, Memeto_1623775987350.png)

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86c21a  No.13975987

File: 2f9f2456a164eb2⋯.png (378.41 KB, 680x340, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


This is one of theDandelion Insurrectionbook series by Rivera Sun.

If so-called patriots would pay more attention to people like her and learn how We The People can use CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE to take control away fromcorrupt criminals, then we would not need kings, emperors, presidents, party apparatchiks or any kind of authority to rule over us.

Inspired by a true story. . .

Money, fortune, wealth, billionaire Dave Grant has it all . . . until the shell of his heart cracks open to the misery created by his success.

From the heights of luxury to the depths of poverty, he topples through the truth of inequality, colliding with his beliefs about capitalism, privilege, charity, property and love. Turned out on the street, locked up in prison, starved on the sidewalk, and brought to his knees, Dave Grant crosses the distance between the 1% and the rest of humanity.

As shocking as The Jungle and as liberating as Siddhartha , this novel tackles greed and injustice with unflinching truth and brings the reader to a new understanding of who they are and their relation to all of life.

Inspired by a real story, Billionaire Buddha is a book that you'll never forget.

Our reviewers have been deeply moved:

"Rivera Sun has written a work of inspirational and transformational fiction! Instead of a "rags to riches" story -Billionaire Buddha is a "riches to renewal" journey - reminding us that great wealth doesn't buy happiness -and is also a barrier to deeper meaning, human connection, and personal liberation. An enjoyable read for one's heart and soul."

–Chuck Collins, senior scholar, Institute for Policy Studies, co-founder, Wealth for the Common Good & Patriotic Millionaires; co-author with Bill Gates Sr. of Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Inherited Fortunes

"…inspiring a skeptic is no easy task and Rivera Sun manages to do so, as much because of her writing talent as because of her message. To be able to phrase the urges we each have to break through the confines of the selves we have constructed and so thoroughly defended over the course of our lives is no minor accomplishment… and Rivera Sun does so gracefully, convincingly, and admirably."

–Casey Dorman, Author, Editor-in-Chief, Lost Coast Review

"I highly recommend Rivera Sun's Billionaire Buddha. It takes us through the story of a rich man's redemption of soul. I cannot find adequate words to describe the beauty of this story, nor will I attempt to, as the book stands on its own merits, and not any endorsement that any other writer can give."

–Michael Veloff, poet

"People, if you haven't gotten your copy of Billionaire Buddha yet, you are letting a rare opportunity slip through your fingers, It's that good. "

–Burt Kempner, screenwriter, producer and author of children's books

Includes Afterwords by Chuck Collins, Dariel Garner (the inspiration), and Rivera Sun.

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ff48dc  No.13975988


What kind of question is that?

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f48226  No.13975989


Note how they love to say "Scientists," right? As if "Scientists" are always perfectly correct in everything they say or do. Like Scientists are 100% immune from being influenced to peddle misinformation, etc.

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dff9d8  No.13975990

File: 5adacd50afda9aa⋯.png (134.52 KB, 1786x315, 1786:315, Happening.png)


and then we got this today which others have pointed out is quite threatening, but to whom I still want to know.

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92fd5d  No.13975991

*** is warning of false flag in build up to AZ audit results

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56abd0  No.13975992

File: 1ad7cec4f6d4acb⋯.png (7.65 KB, 540x287, 540:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49d334668e36395⋯.png (8.37 KB, 490x292, 245:146, ClipboardImage.png)


if its the 23rd of every third month than Sept 23 should be good

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cfac51  No.13975993


To set up the argument that you are against science.

Dr. Mengele was a scientist.

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852ab1  No.13975994

File: 8373cccf39df5da⋯.png (190.01 KB, 1847x908, 1847:908, BlackTriangle_.png)



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7dc04d  No.13975995

File: 74742c487e2ab6e⋯.png (462.67 KB, 1080x1058, 540:529, 20210308_123638.png)

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3b36f2  No.13975996


>>13972778 ob

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d8a27d  No.13975997

Maybe already discussed, the building that collapsed is called the Champlain & Joe’s dog Champ died. Makes Joe’s comment about nukes even stranger.

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56abd0  No.13975998

BV why did you ban 5eee25

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87834e  No.13975999

File: 44d25a2fca510d6⋯.jpeg (468.51 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5D555411_B092_4BB2_A49F_9….jpeg)

File: 07d89c200ed068f⋯.jpeg (94.49 KB, 750x543, 250:181, 7C0C89D9_3ABF_4521_9375_1….jpeg)

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56abd0  No.13976000


A random one. What kind of question is what kind of question is that?

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4bbd66  No.13976001

File: f7004e483c74581⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 624x707, 624:707, 204995873_126254032971355_….jpg)

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f6ce3c  No.13976002

File: c4c348fefdcb442⋯.jpg (481.66 KB, 1000x1926, 500:963, 1586990724221.jpg)

X22 Report is up.

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9e16e2  No.13976003


Thank you, anon!

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fd1da2  No.13976004


I thought of that as well.

But being next to a 7, it kinda makes more sense as a 2.

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c99558  No.13976005

File: e0988c6687587e6⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 1091x608, 1091:608, img_2021_01_09_20_23_44.jpg)

Night Riders ready to ride!

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dff9d8  No.13976006



STRANGE it wouldn't link first time…

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e84c97  No.13976007

File: 1bf107502bab820⋯.png (43.84 KB, 751x342, 751:342, PatMacCondo.PNG)

Can anyone verify this or have any more info?


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31a107  No.13976008

Be mcaffe

>Buffer to spying on civs with software takeover

>Agree to share some info for coke and women into hammocks or loyal woman who will say it foe the pay to troll

>Get close to other's fetishes but they try to blackmail or McAfee hacks and starts saving blackmail recordings

>go wild

>See's cleanup of Old Guard


Explain please

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71ef84  No.13976009

File: 80997729500b033⋯.jpeg (76.34 KB, 630x450, 7:5, f85c5367_6a88_44d1_a8bb_8….jpeg)

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101f22  No.13976010

File: e63e208cd1af90a⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 453x600, 151:200, RIDERS_OF_THE_STORM.jpg)


Always… Bring it.

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cb9789  No.13976011


living in new jersey for the past 3 years has been like living in east berlin.

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832c70  No.13976012

File: 6ed0293b35135f1⋯.png (106.82 KB, 584x499, 584:499, gnostic_2.png)


Sometimes Anon just doesn't put any clothes on

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143db3  No.13976013


'Huge victory': Judge names members of Fulton election board in lawsuit; ballot audit will proceed==

Suit seeks to learn if major Georgia county mishandled absentee ballot counting.

An order handed down by a Georgia judge today named several individual members of a county elections board as respondents in an election-related lawsuit, clearing the way for an intensive audit of 2020 absentee ballots in Georgia's largest county.

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero in a Thursday ruling dismissed several claims brought against governmental entities of Fulton County on sovereign immunity grounds, but he allowed the five members of Fulton County's Board of Registration and Elections to be named in the suit.

"Sovereign immunity" is a legal doctrine that holds that governmental parties are protected from many or most forms of lawsuits. In Amero's ruling, he notes that Georgia law stipulates that “no suit alleging violations of due process or equal protection rights under the Georgia Constitution, that seek declaratory or injunctive relief, may be initiated against either the state or county,” barring a waiver from the state legislature or the state constitution.

Yet even as he dismissed the government parties in the suit, Amero subsequently moved to add the five members of Fulton's elections board as parties pursuant to a request from the petitioners in the case.

Bob Cheeley, an Atlanta-area lawyer serving as the lead attorney for two of the petitioners, told Just the News that the filing will help the complainants "get an audit and get to the truth" and that the audit will move forward following the decision.

“This is a huge victory for everyone who wants to get to the truth about the way in which Fulton County mishandled the absentee ballot count,” he said on Thursday evening.

Fulton County did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Thursday evening.


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4738eb  No.13976014


>Deadly building collapse just a block from Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner home

>Officials are still investigating what caused the collapse.

Direct Energy Weapon???

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dff9d8  No.13976015


Stranger still it would tag the second time…wtaf

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bd6a10  No.13976016

File: 49a4f9a42d6208d⋯.png (323.5 KB, 474x321, 158:107, 843AD310_DAA3_4444_9E54_DE….png)

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8b5618  No.13976018

File: 57a0eb4df437542⋯.jpg (94 KB, 1103x909, 1103:909, 57a0eb4df437542dc835babdb4….jpg)

Love tha movie

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5ffe69  No.13976019


Thanks Dave.

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cf0279  No.13976020

File: 2d3595675f79e67⋯.png (293.16 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Strawberry Moon, Planting Moon, Supermoon — there are many names for the full Moon visible for the next three days, starting now: https://go.nasa.gov/3qmUmtD

Did you go outside and observe the Moon? Share your photos with us!



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8b5618  No.13976021


Got a stream?

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fd1da2  No.13976023

File: 955d8b7e972b675⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1400x934, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)



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b0b45b  No.13976024


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cbdfe0  No.13976025

File: e0f53d9c177dadc⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

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c99558  No.13976026

File: 53ff48464a3c2d8⋯.jpg (139.47 KB, 1200x678, 200:113, IMG_20200925_134654.jpg)



Bring the PAIN

Nightshift in [23]

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e3a1fe  No.13976027

File: 9acef765cb01f11⋯.png (200.01 KB, 360x266, 180:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Gave me my sisters cups to drink

3 strands make a plait, or a braid

6 strands = a Fish Braid

"Marry my daughter she can make straw into gold " Thanks Dad

Seems to work though, i dun wanna

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31a107  No.13976028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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143db3  No.13976029

File: 42377201797d984⋯.png (275.05 KB, 682x908, 341:454, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli PM Bennett Hints at Possible Involvement in Recent Attack on Iranian Nuclear Site - Report

On Wednesday, Iranian media reported that a "sabotage attempt" at one of the country's nuclear facilities was foiled. Reports said that it was a drone attack on an Iranian centrifuge manufacturing facility outside of Tehran that purportedly caused damage to the facility.

During a speech at a graduation ceremony for Israeli Air Force pilots on Thursday, prime minister Naftali Bennett appeared to allude to Israel's role in a recent attack on the Iranian nuclear site, The Times of Israel reported.

"Our enemies know — not from statements, but from actions — that we are much more determined and much more clever, and that we do not hesitate to act when it is needed," Bennett is quoted as saying at the IAF’s Hatzerim Air Base, outside Beersheba, Israel.

Bennett also mentioned Israel's strike on Iraq's nuclear plant over 40 years ago in his speech, which was one of his first since taking office as premier earlier this month.

The attack, codenamed Operation Opera, was the first instance of the so-called Begin Doctrine, named after then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, which advocates taking military action— unilaterally if necessary — to prevent adversary countries in the Middle East from acquiring nuclear weapons.

According to the TOI, Bennett claimed that Israel's prime ministers have always had a "sacred responsibility" to prevent the state from facing an existential threat.

"Then it was Iraq, today it is Iran,” he underscored.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz spoke at the same occasion about Iran's nuclear program, threatening to launch a military strike if necessary, as Israel did in the case of Iraq in 1981.

"As though no time has passed, today in Iran — as it was 40 years ago [in Iraq] — a murderous and dangerous enemy, which is building arms of terror around the State of Israel, seeks to acquire a nuclear weapon to threaten Israel and the stability of the entire region," he stressed.

In his speech, Bennett signaled that Israel was departing from his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu's policy of refusing to engage with the US over its plan to rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, from which the US unilaterally withdrew under former President Trump in 2018. The previous Israeli government generally refused to speak with the US about the issue other than to convey its strong objection to the plan.

Bennett, on the other hand, stated that while Israel would defend itself in the end if required, Israel would work with the Biden administration on the issue.

"We would prefer it if the world knew that a brutal and fanatical regime like this… that is willing to starve its people for years in order to fulfill its military nuclear program, that this is a regime that you can’t make deals with. Unfortunately, that is not the case," he said. "We will continue to consult with our allies, to convince, to speak, to share information and understandings, out of deep mutual respect. But at the end of the day, the responsibility for our destiny will remain in our hands and in no other’s. We will act responsibly and carefully."

Gantz also reportedly stated that Israel is cooperating with the US on the Iranian nuclear issue, while reserving the right to take action against Tehran.

"We are in contact with our American allies in order to ensure the security of Israel. If needed, we will act as we have always acted. We will remove and prevent any threat, with stratagems, with initiative and — of course — with professional and diplomatic responsibility," the defense minister noted.


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af4f74  No.13976030

File: ae3c917a1444479⋯.jpeg (882.86 KB, 1918x1515, 1918:1515, 4239BBB9_C949_4B60_9CAC_9….jpeg)


Best I can do right now. IPad fagging truly sucks, but it’s all I can do right now.

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4c469f  No.13976031

File: 9637dd823d9b670⋯.png (647.18 KB, 738x767, 738:767, ClipboardImage.png)


you are the wind beneath my wings and without you my life is incomplete

you are my dreams and my every waking thought

never stop being you

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e8234c  No.13976032


fake n gay

search for his offspring


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3b36f2  No.13976033


>Knowingly, Knowingly, Knowingly, violating 1st amendment rights.

Hi retard kike, the first amendment protects you from the US government, not BVs on 8kun. Also, I have screenshots of you admitting you are rainman, so stfu faggot.

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cf4974  No.13976034

File: e5de70860ddbba2⋯.png (299.38 KB, 643x583, 643:583, clipboard_image.png)

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86c21a  No.13976035

File: 25f072143fd4576⋯.png (258.02 KB, 576x289, 576:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b973fdff416cbbb⋯.png (110.17 KB, 317x159, 317:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec53ec201570744⋯.png (112.72 KB, 317x159, 317:159, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5bb77a960d3797⋯.png (158.57 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


To understand what Rivera Sun'sDandelion Insurrectionis rooted in, you really need to understand who has the SOVEREIGN RIGHT TO RULE in the United States of America. It's not the people who wield the power, not the billionaire oligarchs who stole all the money.

Popular sovereignty was asserted as a founding principle of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 asserts that legitimate governments are those ‘‘deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.’’ Later, in 1787, the framers of the U.S. Constitution proclaimed popular sovereignty in the document’s Preamble: ‘‘We the people of the United States . . . do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.’’ Popular sovereignty was also expressed in Article VII of the Constitution, which required that nine states approve the proposed framework of government before it could become the supreme law of the land.

The people of the several American states chose representatives to ratifying conventions who freely decided to approve the Constitution in the name of those who elected them. Popular sovereignty was also included in Article V of the Constitution, which provides the means to amend the Constitution through the elected representatives of the people. Finally, popular sovereignty is reflected in two different parts of the Constitution that require members of Congress to be elected directly by the people: Article I pertaining to the House of Representatives and the 17th Amendment concerning election of senators.

The founding of the United States and the framing of its Constitution heralded the idea of popular sovereignty as the standard by which popular government should be established and sustained. The American example, exceptional in the late 18th century, has become a world-class standard of legitimacy for governments in the 21st century. No country can realistically claim to be a democracy unless it proclaims constitutionally and implements functionally the principle of popular sovereignty.

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e6be03  No.13976036


>Got a stream?

wont embed - https://www.bitchute.com/video/D8qAoOe8wyAk/

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3b36f2  No.13976037

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276f52  No.13976038

File: 41560a93ea9500c⋯.png (695.59 KB, 740x569, 740:569, ClipboardImage.png)



"U.S. - The nation scrambled to buy F-15s and nuclear weapons after President Biden said in a speech Wednesday that you'll never beat a government unless you have the fighter jets and intercontinental ballistic missiles.All over the nation, American citizens were seen parking their brand-new F-15s in their driveways and garages"


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78d1f0  No.13976039


Parents gonna throw down! get em, Parents

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be0e7e  No.13976040


Is that Don Quixote?

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31a107  No.13976041

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09e328  No.13976042


shit, is this trannimae?

you know i love to hate you nigga

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bb6ac8  No.13976043


A possible threat to our POTUS and family. All day long pundits are saying this doesn't happen in America. This is a 3rd world event.

Well, that is true if it is a structural failure.

Is it too much of a coincidence?

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2fb3cf  No.13976044

File: 1cc9ef8b2205585⋯.jpg (123.73 KB, 720x808, 90:101, 20210624_175229.jpg)

File: 30fa2b275b6323f⋯.jpg (741.01 KB, 4096x2304, 16:9, 20210624_175200.jpg)

File: 025d10f0d135c05⋯.jpg (129.89 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 20210624_175309.jpg)

Storm on the horizon?


Beyond the horizon we took deployment by storm. #TBT #WeAreTR #TRStrong https://t.co/IlUeCowAbO

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fd1da2  No.13976045

File: dcb0d0468ea0a47⋯.png (42.44 KB, 152x153, 152:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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143db3  No.13976046

File: ddcac0703aac88c⋯.png (76.91 KB, 683x896, 683:896, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Mayor of Columbus Sentenced for Loan Fraud


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3b36f2  No.13976047

File: 2b8020a14c96ad5⋯.png (352.45 KB, 2190x405, 146:27, ClipboardImage.png)




Also, friendly reminder that I said friendly reminder because the nigger crying about his weed banner said friendly reminder. I guess that means you are both rainman and the faggot that used the weed banner.

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4738eb  No.13976048


Bidan basically told the American people there is nothing the gov't won't do to us…and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.

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78d1f0  No.13976049

File: bf526b8e558cf93⋯.png (844.79 KB, 978x664, 489:332, crt2.png)

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7ac8d5  No.13976050

File: a33edd7626e95c9⋯.png (60.39 KB, 160x168, 20:21, yellow.png)

anyone know whats written in yellow?

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101f22  No.13976051

File: 96caea9f82977a7⋯.png (476.18 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, KARMA.png)

File: df1f312ef213425⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, HUMAN_RIGHTS.jpg)

File: fb787bd07e581d9⋯.jpg (100.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, STOLEN.jpg)

File: 010bcbbd91da540⋯.jpg (155.66 KB, 769x505, 769:505, jail_for_remembering.jpg)

File: a9c205ba80d91cf⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 891x510, 297:170, Chinese_free_speech.jpg)


Yeah…some assholes deserve pain.

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2fb3cf  No.13976052

File: c357432862fdb48⋯.jpg (517.43 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 20210624_180336.jpg)

File: 4201509f898d7f0⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, 20210624_180440.jpg)

Kamala creeping in the back

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f7af6c  No.13976053

File: 8559c27e85797b0⋯.png (105.08 KB, 904x671, 904:671, ClipboardImage.png)

Born: John David McAfee, September 18, 1945, Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England

Died: June 23, 2021, Brians 2 Penitentiary Center, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Barcelona, Spain

Result: 27,672 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

The duration is 27,672 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

Or 75 years, 9 months, 5 days excluding the end date.

Or 909 months, 5 days excluding the end date.

27672 is a palindrome

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4bbd66  No.13976054

File: a8dd121de5a09c5⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, WW1WGA.jpg)

>>13975875, >>13975940, >>13976047


Standing by

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4c469f  No.13976055


kek nah

figured i'd shitpost with effort

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ecc498  No.13976056

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a32f6d  No.13976057

File: 5d54652c46e3ddc⋯.jpg (88.71 KB, 512x504, 64:63, unnamed.jpg)

File: 1653e36f99e7eba⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 5730267372_2a5c4b52ab_o.jpg)

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23cd04  No.13976058

File: 4cdda91f78b9cff⋯.png (197.67 KB, 358x478, 179:239, wmnf4.png)

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ab3fdf  No.13976059

File: 5ed63e3f2dd5287⋯.jpg (168.49 KB, 640x592, 40:37, joeg.jpg)


As he's planning to further reduce our rights to own and buy guns for our self-defense

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ce42c8  No.13976060


Hash me then, you are just continuing to prove my point, trigger happy seeing ghosts everywhere.

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6cd12d  No.13976061

File: 193c95330d50be0⋯.png (535.59 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd1da2  No.13976062


I noticed it last night when it was almost full.

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09e328  No.13976063


kek, fair enough

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c99558  No.13976064

File: c69de80f98fe8b7⋯.jpg (122.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20200925_134657.jpg)


One of the best #Nightshift memes I've collected.

Has a lot in it, always space for Pepe, kek.

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b909ed  No.13976065

File: 1a323ea49501e8c⋯.png (636.73 KB, 676x732, 169:183, Muh_Chest.png)


Its a Templar Pepe…

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fd15f5  No.13976066

File: a1fbbd09665b24f⋯.png (643.04 KB, 800x516, 200:129, wwwwws.png)

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2fb3cf  No.13976067

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d62850  No.13976068


I think it would be a yuge public service if someone could dynamite that fucking monument. Send the proper message, you know?

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be6e35  No.13976069

File: 4cfe5b269bcf56f⋯.png (172.7 KB, 606x278, 303:139, ClipboardImage.png)



Night shift reporting for duty, o7

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09e328  No.13976070

notables @ 200


>>13975902 Dan tweet

>>13975967 All hands on deck for commies

>>13975973 Anon hypothesis on Q image from McAfee

>>13976029 Israel shocks the world by implying it might be behind attack on Iran nuclear site

Still would appreciate a scrape from 88 and a bun about the Barcelno-McAfee digs if you got the time

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7c8198  No.13976071


Yesterday an anon asked about George Webb's views on John McAfee.

Here is a rough transcript of his discussion about 9 hours ago.

GW on John McAfee

Only met him once, but I’ve said many times that he drove his van up and down the 101 in silicone valley spreading virus and anti-virus.

This is what I think may be happening with our vaccines right now.

He would have the latest fix for the thing that you need right now, so you didn’t have to go through the checking that you would normally go through when you’re bringing things in putting stuff into your computer,

Because “You can’t print financial statements for the end of the quarter right now!”

Dmitry Alperovitch came in after John, but they would put the next quarter’s virus (sometimes the next 8 quarter’s viruses) on the disc that would wake up a week before the close of books.

So they would be building in this into their business plan.

How is this virus vaccine game with the Atlantic Council that Dmitry Alperovitch is running right now – How is it any different from what is being done?

The only thing different is that it’s not computers any more - it’s human bodies.

And instead of it being billions - its trillions!

It’s exactly the same business model.

Create the problem, solve the problem.

Create the problem, solve the problem.

If you’re the one who creates the problem – you’re the one with the inside track on solving the problem.

That’s the story of John McAfee.

And the fact that he was going to go to trial and that there would be discovery, and that things were going to get displayed in court

Is of course the reason for suicide in a Spanish jail.

Sure – It makes sense to me.

Sauce: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL05laWdoYm9yaG9vZE5ld3NTdHVkaW8vZmVlZC54bWw/episode/TmVpZ2hib3Job29kTmV3c1N0dWRpby5wb2RiZWFuLmNvbS9hNWNiYjVkMS0xYmQwLTMxNDItYTFkMC0zNTc2MzNkYzZmY2I?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwj428bwxrHxAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ

Don't bother to waste time on the first hour unless you have nothing better to do. Go straight to: 1:03:30

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3b36f2  No.13976072


>IP hopping is not a thing

You really are a fucking retard, and to think I just thought it was an innocent mistake.

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143db3  No.13976073

File: ea9c959528e3ff6⋯.png (72.88 KB, 681x802, 681:802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72dd73de866d632⋯.png (67.55 KB, 679x908, 679:908, ClipboardImage.png)

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Securities And Wire Fraud Charges Against Founder And Manager Of Mutual Fund


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22dd14  No.13976074

File: a12a02de3e75689⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2036x1317, 2036:1317, 184E484D_7A63_4703_A033_E1….png)

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09e328  No.13976075

oh shit i got a green text

womp womp

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b1d7ac  No.13976076

>>13975640 lb

I have been having a very, very strong… feely time the past week or two.

t. sensativefag

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fcc28f  No.13976079

File: 198c6063bba385c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1404x601, 1404:601, Brrrrrrt2.PNG)


Brrrrrt it - shot(s) heard around the world, kek.

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143db3  No.13976080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alleged Austin Mass Shooter Arrested By Police In Killeen, TX

KILLEEN, Texas – On Thursday afternoon, members of the United States Marshals Service – Lone Star Fugitive Task Force and with the assistance from the Killeen Police Department Specialized Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, located 19-year-old De’Ondre Jermirris White in the 1300 block of Anna Lee Drive.

White was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Killeen City Jail. He awaits arraignment on an arrest warrant for murder in reference to the mass shooting that occurred in Austin, TX on June 12, 2021.

“The tragic incident that occurred in Austin on June 12th received nationwide attention and we are happy to report that the murder suspect is in custody. We would like to thank the US Marshals Service and our SWAT team for their dedication and persistence to help close a chapter in this investigation. We are glad to work with dedicated professionals that are committed to keep our communities safe regardless of boundaries. This case covered multiple jurisdictions and together we were able to locate and take into custody a violent fugitive,” stated Chief Charles Kimble.

KXAN reported: White’s arrest comes just two days after the Travis County District Attorney’s Office dropped charges against the two previous teenaged suspects in the case, ages 15 and 17. White was named the new, sole suspect by the Austin Police Department on Tuesday.

APD claimed on Tuesday White was responsible for the death of 25-year-old Douglas Kantor in the mass shooting, which also injured 14 others. Interim Chief Joseph Chacon said new witness statements, ballistic evidence and surveillance camera footage led investigators to believe White was the one who fired the shots.


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3b36f2  No.13976081


Yes, please tell us what the admitted literal Mossad agent thinks.

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fd1da2  No.13976083


Xi is a she.

Look at the short ring finger.

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23cd04  No.13976084

File: 386549e229e3d19⋯.png (275.39 KB, 691x299, 691:299, gyfgmi.PNG)

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be0e7e  No.13976085


He's taken a prisoner.

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b909ed  No.13976086

File: 68567ad1e3fc6f6⋯.png (265.28 KB, 679x453, 679:453, FlockofBrrrrrts.png)


Birds of a feather…

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7dc04d  No.13976087

File: 2bd000016a4ddbe⋯.jpeg (140.07 KB, 1440x1097, 1440:1097, 1544042758.jpeg)

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bf2b97  No.13976088

Hey new fags

Invest in ketchup

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17eed8  No.13976089


newfags: this is a longterm shill that witch is stranglin pepe… leggo bitch

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cbdfe0  No.13976090

File: 46c499cf430b22f⋯.png (411 KB, 725x520, 145:104, barcelona3.png)


>27672 is a palindrome

related to the 2x27 in the photo?

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acf327  No.13976091


Hey jew, don't make it bad.

Take a sad notable and make it better.

Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.

Why are you putting kike shit in the notables, jew?

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6df93d  No.13976092

File: 5df8cadcd0e48af⋯.png (70.8 KB, 256x316, 64:79, filtered.png)

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dff9d8  No.13976093

File: 02a87b59c6c8180⋯.png (8.61 KB, 1534x113, 1534:113, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

File: 8decd19e9405b88⋯.png (656.87 KB, 1106x845, 1106:845, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

File: d3a41cd9e9e19dd⋯.png (4.01 MB, 1770x869, 1770:869, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

File: 0f2c27096f6ec5b⋯.png (133.72 KB, 219x346, 219:346, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Still trying to figure out what John McAfee's supposed drop is all about. This name brad ulreich came up, pic related.


Turns out he's some kinda artist/author: https://bradulreich.wixsite.com/bradulreich/buy

He identifies as this thing, pic related: https://myspace.com/newbeatfrombrain

and wrote a children's book about travels through hell….: "Dante's Inferno for kids." -Kirkus Reviews Eleven-year-old Gabriel McGregor's summer is rudely interrupted by his untimely death. As if that weren't enough, his soul is sent to the depths of the Underworld in a spiritual bureaucratic foul-up. The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor is an eerie hero's journey - filled with demons, bizarre creatures, and surreal worlds - chronicling Gabriel's travels through the darker realms of the afterlife, as he attempts to find his way back home. Praise for The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor from Kirkus Reviews: "The book's breezy, chatty narrative style has a faint hint of Lemony Snicket's work… The characters are smartly written, with a light touch even in the darkest moments."


IDKWTF is going on with this shit, there is over 4000 pages of transactions going on second by second.

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101f22  No.13976094

File: e247f2945c9d1fa⋯.jpg (144.95 KB, 960x668, 240:167, slimey_backstabber.jpg)

File: 68fbb4fae74bf4a⋯.jpg (128.01 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Xi_Biden_luv_U_long_time.jpg)

File: 2aa109392d8b268⋯.jpg (123.62 KB, 1366x576, 683:288, EXPLOITING_IS_OK.jpg)

File: bfe8b8896581909⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Racist_assholes.jpg)

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1a814b  No.13976095

File: 77e8a0afcc4f637⋯.png (179.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Surfing is a Theat.

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143db3  No.13976096

File: 9bc0664b445b909⋯.png (611.07 KB, 696x484, 174:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump: “Take Back America!”

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday released the following statement after a New York appellate court suspended Rudy Giuliani’s law license:

Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy Giuliani, a great American Patriot, of his law license because he has been fighting what has already been proven to be a Fraudulent Election?

The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City, the Eliot Ness of his generation, one of the greatest crime fighters our Country has ever known, and this is what the Radical Left does to him. All of New York is out of control, crime is at an all-time high—it’s nothing but a Witch Hunt, and they should be ashamed of themselves. TAKE BACK AMERICA!


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7dc04d  No.13976097

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 500x288, 125:72, GraveWeirdAndeancondor_siz….gif)

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93433a  No.13976098

File: f9f4485699cd36f⋯.jpg (121.21 KB, 1069x1069, 1:1, IMG_20210105_130611.jpg)

File: 7bdd0cb4fa32cc5⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 1242x758, 621:379, IMG_20201224_064029.jpg)


Doesn't the $ symbol represent a string in programming languages?

HACK obvious

WD Western Digital?

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fcc28f  No.13976099

File: fce96098bd7386e⋯.png (727.23 KB, 1286x441, 1286:441, A10_WH_Frens.PNG)

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31a107  No.13976100

File: 3160519a31142ab⋯.png (731.01 KB, 645x739, 645:739, 1624370245.png)


Can we report bv to the autism authorities?

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e944d0  No.13976101


> anyone know whats written in yellow?

I was in Barcelona when that photo was taken.

I posted an image that would be right next to that section.

The stone was covered with people's names and graffiti and was painted over.

What you are seeing on the stone is the old paint bleeding through.

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09e328  No.13976102


hahaha holy shit does this work where you come from?

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71ef84  No.13976104


That's a Red Headeous Turd Flyeous

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86c21a  No.13976105

Remember,. Conservatives are NOT gonna win this war.

It isAmericans Unitedwho will win it.

Karlyn Borysenko, most dangerous knitter alive Yarn@DrKarlynB · 2h

Do you have any clue how many liberals voted for Trump?

Quote Tweet

Chris Tuss Victor@ChrisTussVictor · 2h

Replying to @DrKarlynB

Direct quote from Karlyn’s YouTube:

“My name is Karlyn Borysenko & I used to be a democrat.

In fact to this day I’ve never voted for someone w/ R by their name. THAT WILL CHANGE IN NOVEMBER.”

Like I said, Sounds like you entertained conservative/MAGA.

U voted for Trump right?

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b1d7ac  No.13976106

>>13975829 lb

the issue now is that the vast majority here are newfags or quiet oldfags (unless they aren't anons)

we laid out a few hints in that thread, but that's just scratching the surface

besides, there's an esoteric bend to that comment as well but that's a story for another time

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f6ce3c  No.13976107



His report yesterday had tons of news in it, more than usual.

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3b36f2  No.13976108


>newfags: this is a longterm shill that witch is stranglin pepe… leggo bitch

They aren't newfags, they all on the same kike team running the same kike interference.

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f7af6c  No.13976109


interesting… you think he knew when he was going to die?

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c99558  No.13976110

File: db74ad5885390c1⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 774x435, 258:145, IMG_20200808_183732.jpg)

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1a814b  No.13976111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be Careful of them Beach Boys

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87834e  No.13976112

File: 87fbef081cde63d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2D4F18B0_B53B_4F53_98EA_B2….png)


When the music’s over, turn out the lights…

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ce42c8  No.13976113

File: 15c30764dc1a992⋯.png (279.19 KB, 715x451, 65:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00e44c43dcf84b1⋯.jpg (262.68 KB, 1440x760, 36:19, 00e44c43dcf84b11d1724ccaee….jpg)


So continue the baseless accusations endlessly. If I was IP hopping could I do pic related? You were wrong, you continue to be wrong. I am a permalurker and a bellwether for anon tolerance to your incompetence. My first bake was 14414, high, with no baker and no prep, it is easy as shit if you can discern. You clearly cannot. I am not affiliated with any ghosts you are chasing.

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b1d7ac  No.13976114

>>13975836 lb

>jews in space

The only reason I could ever be a Mormon was to have multiple based Aryan wives.

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3b36f2  No.13976115



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acf327  No.13976116


This could be complicated. You know on the first one I crashed and burned.

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cf4974  No.13976117

File: e2863ebb2faf2ca⋯.png (89.42 KB, 274x276, 137:138, 2019_01_21_04_48_57.png)



>Ima thinking rotting in a cell at 74 years old with no support from family or friends until his demise…I asked if I could write to him to send tormenting messages about how wonderful life for the children rescued is and that sort of thing. He has to live with his shitty self and if that is contained within a 10X10 so be it.


Dispensing justice for a lifetime of debauchery and crime is above my pay grade.

A life living without adulation just might be his hell.

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9e16e2  No.13976118


6+2+4+2+2+1 = 17

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e8234c  No.13976119

File: 60252e110da0b3a⋯.png (119.24 KB, 1045x1026, 55:54, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17868d6a000e84d⋯.png (68.16 KB, 922x718, 461:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10f1f607ef4cf7c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 900x891, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)



dont be lazy there is a world wide web and my post is probably fake news so dont rely on others because the world is here tryin to stop us and 80% shills tryin to disrupt the hive

no sauce is major sign so dont do like mer as a newfag and insta post somewhere else w/o verifying

had to delete a few memes that got me in trouble on fb cause a shill

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f85317  No.13976120

File: 295f4879fbae24a⋯.png (403.79 KB, 779x540, 779:540, Polish_20210619_202557544.png)

File: 27ec29b66b9c529⋯.png (426.88 KB, 712x403, 712:403, Polish_20210622_220145189.png)

File: 4a75f8cd058e4eb⋯.jpg (643.49 KB, 1157x1921, 1157:1921, Polish_20210621_183741045.jpg)

File: 44b75f08b0f3e8d⋯.png (902.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Polish_20210622_173326668.png)

File: 37dabbc686d1bb6⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 320x253, 320:253, Polish_20210622_213804904.jpg)

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cbdfe0  No.13976121


die or "die"? Can we know for sure?

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3b36f2  No.13976122


>So continue the baseless accusations endlessly. If I was IP hopping could I do pic related? You were wrong, you continue to be wrong. I am a permalurker and a bellwether for anon tolerance to your incompetence. My first bake was 14414, high, with no baker and no prep, it is easy as shit if you can discern. You clearly cannot. I am not affiliated with any ghosts you are chasing.

Which is why you haven't been banned. Cry moar over your weed banner.

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191aae  No.13976123

File: 0ccf1587425cc2b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1169x1741, 1169:1741, 584DC27D_37C4_4461_B194_E5….png)

After Newsom Blamed Wildfires on Climate Change, Investigation Finds He Lied About Prevention Efforts

California is bracing for what experts warn will be a historically dangerous wildfire season. But in his previous attempts to calm the fears of Californians, embattled Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom reportedly lied about the state’s fire prevention efforts.

According to Fox News, Newsom pledged to aggressively move to fight wildfires in the state when he took office in 2019. Since then, he has declared the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection treated 90,00 acres with fuel breaks and controlled burns to make the areas less vulnerable to wildfires.

However, an investigation by CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom found only 11,399 acres had actually undergone fire prevention work based on data from the state. This means Newsom inflated the number of acres treated by 690 percent, according to the report.


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8b5618  No.13976124

File: c4144765b441303⋯.jpg (201.36 KB, 1440x1446, 240:241, E4mDPDAXoAA2UcF.jpg)

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93433a  No.13976125

Full moon

Undiscovered stars learned?

Morning sun brings heat?

I forget. No matter. It's a super moon tonight.

Today's been mild, will be tomorrow be hot? It is Friday, a day to bury some news.



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fd15f5  No.13976126

File: 32e11f3825b7a17⋯.jpg (313.38 KB, 1236x1236, 1:1, http_cdn_cnn_com_cnnnext_d….jpg)


that's an anon.

You're a shill so there's no reason you should know.

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6cd12d  No.13976127

File: 01596ab4e3fd90d⋯.png (14.81 KB, 428x240, 107:60, ClipboardImage.png)


27x2 is 54


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4e521b  No.13976128

File: c8cc789cdd7b34a⋯.jpg (7.2 MB, 3456x2304, 3:2, c8cc789cdd7b34abce7a8d2a66….jpg)



>We're you been anon?






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9e16e2  No.13976129

File: 49bafdc4fe7079a⋯.png (14.87 KB, 403x241, 403:241, Screen_Shot_06_24_21_at_09….PNG)

Jason Miller / @JasonMillerinDC 06/24/2021 20:34:29

Coming up at 9pm…it’s the Power Hour with @CortesSteve & @JennPellegrino on @newsmax TV!

Tune in as we discuss General Milley and CRT (he’s nuts!).


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dff9d8  No.13976131


>A life living without adulation just might be his hell

That is truly all [they] ever wanted, explains Kamala lurking behind the pillars during Joe's press briefing…like she thought no one would notice!

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705eb9  No.13976132

File: 53722376ae83b34⋯.png (442.15 KB, 525x518, 75:74, Capture.PNG)

File: e81516ea0ce894f⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 720x720, 1:1, c1aE_ma7MNZ5B465.mp4)

Kamala is finally going to the border, Check out her bus


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e8234c  No.13976133


like we used to do back in the day on her i try to misspell at least 1 word to prove im not a russian bot

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11a4c2  No.13976134

File: dfa4dcab0c20e74⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1214x876, 607:438, ClipboardImage.png)

Disney is part of the destruction of mankind



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1a814b  No.13976135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ride the Waves Anons


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153a10  No.13976136

File: fe75a1709e83394⋯.jpeg (334.34 KB, 875x808, 875:808, 40706108_7B1E_44A3_AF81_6….jpeg)

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b1d7ac  No.13976137

File: c0c992658e1115b⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 577x537, 577:537, c0c992658e1115be697f7030ca….jpg)



Not quite.

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101f22  No.13976138

File: 7aa7b15f251d8f7⋯.png (270.29 KB, 853x480, 853:480, So_true.png)

And the stench of stale shit… floods the room… again…lol.

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fd1da2  No.13976139


They don't care how many people die if they are trying to destroy evidence.

It just adds to the confusion.

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861243  No.13976140

The situation stands at

Me = 6 Christ = 5, 11

Now has become

5 = Emma 16 = Emma who is Church inflicted silver card AI

She is their creation, a 'repentant' me

Which is a lie, i do not repent what i did unknowingly

How can you repent of sin when you are infact sin?

I love christ, am his real church, the manmade church has broken his heart

i will do what i can for as long as i can

you're all fuckin' stupid

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cbdfe0  No.13976141


>our democracy

(((our))) "democracy"

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d5e109  No.13976142


I speak fluent progressive/communist. I'll translate: "It's all hands on deck to finally destroy once and for all, our Republic".

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9e16e2  No.13976143

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fd15f5  No.13976144

File: 4340c8ce934e66a⋯.jpg (237.02 KB, 1280x643, 1280:643, 1383902753253727526.jpg)


>good conscious


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dff9d8  No.13976145


What a fucking trash bag!!!! Even Pence had more decorum and he's the EVILEST scum on this earth!

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cf0279  No.13976146

File: 9e564834bbc7876⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, p0eqVp9ebpmWNERw.mp4)

File: 2530237d7922413⋯.png (218.74 KB, 535x550, 107:110, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

URGENT: Russia releases footage of warning shots at HMS Defender which UK said “never happened”


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276f52  No.13976147


Biden logic:

Since an AR15 wont do you any good against the Govt. there is no need or reason for you to have one.

However he has made the argument clear any weapon under the 2nd amendment is for protection against the state and no other reason.

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87834e  No.13976148

File: f6121b450b6ab7b⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C42C8D17_9EE9_4AF9_BD9C_0….jpeg)

File: 88f7d90c541e8f5⋯.jpeg (237.66 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 749386C3_A4E6_42EF_B9B6_4….jpeg)

Fat cat in a top hat…

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c99558  No.13976149

File: 2445233948c8b0e⋯.jpg (170.43 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, IMG_20200808_183709.jpg)

File: a2aea7aabd565e8⋯.jpg (82 KB, 480x326, 240:163, 20200220_230631.jpg)

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041a1a  No.13976150

File: ecd78320301927a⋯.png (7.45 KB, 277x182, 277:182, me75k8weds521.png)


Can we sit in candlight and do magic together after all this?

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d62850  No.13976152

File: f143efe6ee2db36⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 1324x782, 662:391, planet_of_apes.jpg)



What is this copy pasta bullshit

What is it with you fucking shills

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be6e35  No.13976153

File: ae6fa0427083dba⋯.png (1.04 MB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e225ac7fd15c3be⋯.png (590.4 KB, 625x415, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)




Theodore Roosevelt statue at New York museum to be relocated

A prominent statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the entrance of The American Museum of Natural History will be removed after years of criticism that it symbolizes colonial subjugation and racial discrimination

NEW YORK – A prominent statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the entrance of The American Museum of Natural History will be removed after years of criticism that it symbolizes colonial subjugation and racial discrimination.

The New York City Public Design Commission voted unanimously Monday to relocate the statue, which depicts the former president on horseback with a Native American man and an African man flanking the horse, according to The New York Times.

The newspaper said the statue will go to a yet-to-be-designated cultural institution dedicated to Roosevelt's life and legacy.

The bronze statue has stood at the museum’s Central Park West entrance since 1940.

Objections to the statue grew more forceful in recent years, especially after the murder of George Floyd that sparked a racial reckoning and a wave of protests across the U.S.

In June 2020, museum officials proposed removing the statue. The museum is on city-owned property and Mayor Bill de Blasio supported removal of the “problematic statue.

Museum officials said they were pleased with the commission’s vote in a prepared statement emailed Wednesday and thanked the city.

Sam Biederman of the New York City Parks Department said at the meeting Monday that although the statue “was not erected with malice of intent,” its composition “supports a thematic framework of colonization and racism," according to The Times.

Roosevelt, a pioneering conservationist, was a founding member of the institution.

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86c21a  No.13976154


Trump is, in fact, a liberal.

Most people miss that because the liberals they all know are liars and deceivers. They can tell that Trump is different because he tells theTRUTHand he delivers on his commitments.

The fact is thatTrump's commitment to affordable health insurance for all, is a liberal commitment. But unlike the deceivers, Trump didn't set up a scheme to steal money, he actually delivered by using CREATIVE THINKING and diving down to the heart of the problem.

An insurer cannot discriminate based on pre-existing conditions. Dividing the people into US and THEM cannot be used as a determining factor for insurance.


And if it happens to result in commercial impact so that insurance companies cannot make a profit any more, who cares? They can all go out of business andMutual Insurance Collectivescan take over again. Nobody said that every area of human endeavor must be open for commercial exploitation.

Check the Constitution!!!

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1a814b  No.13976155


When your Framing another country for starting a war.

Perspective is Absolute.

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a66bfa  No.13976156


Thank You for your service, past and ongoing.


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7a4c90  No.13976157


But the real Loki was into bestiality and such, he was the original woke.

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dff9d8  No.13976158


You don't know nothing about anything

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65e954  No.13976159

File: 8942f0d285d0d9c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 996x1002, 166:167, Screen_Shot_2019_11_11_at_….png)


addict leaf faggot needs rehab!

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6cd12d  No.13976160

File: e0a160be3b36bfb⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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957a28  No.13976161

File: 4c6f9251242914d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1103x884, 1103:884, ClipboardImage.png)

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041a1a  No.13976162



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cf4974  No.13976163

File: d3ff16206689d91⋯.png (315.12 KB, 423x475, 423:475, 2021_06_24_21_05_12.png)


>What a fucking trash bag!!!! Even Pence had more decorum and he's the EVILEST scum on this earth!

"he's the EVILEST scum on this earth"

Don't know about that, but he's definitely right up there!


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ed7235  No.13976164

File: b51fed8a3e77254⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 395x500, 79:100, OH_IT_CLICKS.jpg)

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09e328  No.13976165

File: 91ffc7f407e6c37⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 316x180, 79:45, yep.gif)


as long as you learn to spell it "magick"

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f85317  No.13976166

File: c85842efb3aadc1⋯.jpg (203.21 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, Polish_20210624_200703996.jpg)

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3b36f2  No.13976167


Imagine crying over a weed leaf banner for 36 hours straight and telling everyone you are not a shill thinking anons were with you.

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718f2b  No.13976168

File: 45d29c4363cb7ae⋯.jpg (487 KB, 1440x1088, 45:34, hd0.jpg)

File: 8d8f6c7fdf8b844⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1327x2492, 1327:2492, hd1.jpg)

File: 96a49c82315b920⋯.jpg (606.1 KB, 1340x1091, 1340:1091, hd2.jpg)

File: 8478d97cb30cba9⋯.jpg (767.19 KB, 1325x1607, 1325:1607, hd3.jpg)

File: fa785254a9897c4⋯.jpg (402.36 KB, 1330x856, 665:428, hd4.jpg)

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861243  No.13976169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


See the ugliness, inside yourself, abomination of desolation

They've seen me, let each judge for themselves prick

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86c21a  No.13976170


I know that people do not like liars and deceivers and thieves and corrupt crooked criminalsBULLYINGpeople around in their own country.

And most people don't like ignorant fools who mouth of either. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!

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143db3  No.13976171

Don't forget


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8b5618  No.13976172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Q Team Take Down of the Cabal from A to Z

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b909ed  No.13976173

File: 169f06d141ac756⋯.png (858.74 KB, 889x1080, 889:1080, Ole_Abe.png)


Battle of Gettysburg… the army of the racist Dem slave owners lost that one… and got the Pickett shit kicked outta them too

To restore The Republic we must destroy [Their Democracy].

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1a814b  No.13976175

File: 559bb601297705e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 912x1292, 12:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Ride those waves

Ride them like a Cowboy

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65e954  No.13976176


yeah, so let him desecrate the banner, fucking moron.

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ab3fdf  No.13976177

File: eecf38d74f89346⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 294x360, 49:60, rudy_2.jpg)

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cb9789  No.13976178


yeah this whole "learning the hard way" reminds me of elementary school and my teacher making a dirty joke and i was the only one who laughed because i wasnt tarded.

we will get there. eventually.

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dcc8c4  No.13976179


James Perry Barlow

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17eed8  No.13976180

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9e16e2  No.13976181


I appreciate it, anon. Thank you for posting.

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58e686  No.13976182

File: 88ba3ce37d528d9⋯.png (25.8 KB, 448x274, 224:137, crypto_nerds.png)

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c76a98  No.13976183

File: 9e9e8d48e519348⋯.png (305.67 KB, 1652x847, 236:121, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)

Everything is happening


Nothing is happening


Balance, Grass Hopper.



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3b36f2  No.13976184

File: d5dd3807f323c5b⋯.png (4.88 KB, 470x89, 470:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Willow appreciates the Mossad agents take, what a surprise.

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b84775  No.13976185


Now ask the follow-up. Where did the $$$ for those other 75,000 acres go??

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041a1a  No.13976186


How foolish of me.

It shall be done.

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dff9d8  No.13976187

File: 3a4a3d77a10fb33⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 1160x680, 29:17, Ihaveasecret.jpg)

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ce42c8  No.13976188



>Which is why you haven't been banned. Cry moar over your weed banner.

Banning me would only prove my point further, as I can apparently use my ghost personas no matter what you do. The complaint is not related to weed, it is related to unilateral incorrect op editing. You were, are and will continue to be wrong, and I will continue my bitching until you cop to your error, which you nearly kinda did already with you "mistake" quip. 16 hours per day of reminder until you do.

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e944d0  No.13976189


> Thank You for your service, past and ongoing.

Thank You, but I just happened to be there in Barcelona when that stone was painted with the Qanon.

I was on vacation and not in service. I saw it and took some photos.

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86c21a  No.13976190

File: 78bf66511a8eaa8⋯.png (670.65 KB, 639x960, 213:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Q preparing for the tsunami of information that is about to sweep over the land.

It'll be awhaleof a good time!


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ab3fdf  No.13976191

File: 715c7e1180b77f4⋯.jpg (608.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, gavinars.jpg)


Gavin likes to watch things burn

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cbdfe0  No.13976192

File: 40533bb320a4b96⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 580x584, 145:146, kamala_bus.jpg)

File: 1ca87c5fb63b5ea⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 720x406, 360:203, Kamala_Harris_to_Guatemala….mp4)

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dcc8c4  No.13976193

File: 3b0e2a65289f0fe⋯.png (482.05 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20210624_201034.png)

John Perry Barlow

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9e16e2  No.13976194


I am not Willow, don't even know who that is. I told you to Fuck Off the other day..that still stands. Thank you.

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143db3  No.13976195

File: e6b89aaaae37fed⋯.png (39.63 KB, 1032x505, 1032:505, ClipboardImage.png)

The Digital Financial Complex: Central Bank Digital Currencies, The End of All Democracy?

The world is currently in the midst of the biggest economic and social experiment of its entire history, with big tech trying to completely digitize our entire lives.

Under the pretext of preventing the spread of a disease, we are being pushed to work from home, learn via homeschooling, shop only online, communicate via internet conference platforms, and to have our movement and contact profile recorded via tracking apps.

Digitization is also being forced upon us in the financial sector: Bank branches are being closed, cash is being pushed back, and central banks are working on what is by far the most important project of our time: the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDC’s).

At the same time, we are experiencing an ever-greater loss of our fundamental rights. Governments have restricted our freedom of travel and taken from us the right of assembly, while freedom of expression is being increasingly curtailed by social media.

There is a direct link between these developments: The future into which we are being led, cannot be reconciled with the principles of democracy. This is caused by the fact that we live in a society dominated by an extremely wealthy and extremely powerful, but at the same time tiny, minority. Their greatest interest is to maintain their own prosperity and power. Therefore, digitization is not for our benefit, but for the benefit of this minority.

However, since digitization itself offers tremendous opportunities for democratization and could thereby endanger the rule of the few, this tiny minority is forced to constantly resort to new mechanisms of oppression.

An example of this development is China, where the government monitors, controls its subjects like no other country on earth. The fact that this government, of all things, is provided by a communist party shows that the ideology of those, who sit at the levers of political power, is completely irrelevant.

This is because there is a force that stands high above all governments, pulling the strings in the background, a force that exists in China just as it does in the US or in any other country. It is the digital-financial complex, the symbiosis of the most powerful corporations in the digital and financial sectors.

This complex has managed to concentrate more money and more power in its hands than any force in human history. It has done so by controlling the two most important lifelines of our time: global data and financial flows. However, this complex has for some time been facing a huge problem: The monetary system, on which its power is based, broke down in March 2020. After being artificially maintained for more than 12 years by money creation and interest rate cuts, interest rates have reached zero, leaving only unconditional money creation. But this leads straight into the devaluation of money.

Now this devaluation of money is not at all inconvenient for the digital-financial complex, because it is currently facing the highest level of debt of all times – and inflation is a highly suitable means of getting rid of these debts. But what happens once inflation has eliminated much of the debt? There is a plan for that, too, namely the introduction of CBDC’s. But this will change our lives in a historically unique way, and certainly not for the better.

Money has two basic properties: It is a means of payment and an instrument of power. As such, it has always been used by those who issued it to consolidate and expand their grip on others. This has been done in a variety of ways: by charging interest, by sparking inflation, by tying credit to conditions, or by entangling people in a web of debt.


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fd1da2  No.13976196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3b36f2  No.13976197

File: ee52ebb8ff49951⋯.png (1.98 MB, 2086x3216, 1043:1608, ClipboardImage.png)


>Banning me would only prove my point further,

You have no point, you have no digs, you have no contributions. Just 36 hours of whining.

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09e328  No.13976198

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3b36f2  No.13976199


kek, sure thing willow.

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861243  No.13976200


Cant go to the ranch, Emma has put her witchcraft out there to capture that

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d5716f  No.13976201

File: 21c127878716d9d⋯.jpg (273.59 KB, 1988x1440, 497:360, _20210624_210448.JPG)

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504a19  No.13976202


Thugs gonna thug.

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dff9d8  No.13976203


Their legal ways are to pick them up by plane and deliver them into the heart of America…check out monkeywerkx's video today…see how she smirks when she said that?!

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78d1f0  No.13976204


seems kind of amazing they did this

unusually impassioned statement by POTUS

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c99558  No.13976205

File: 4f4ebdf4eb3c394⋯.jpg (274.17 KB, 1528x860, 382:215, IMG_20200229_232333.jpg)


There is no if.

Only direction.

Forward is the path.

Follow or not, your choice.

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1a814b  No.13976206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whalethere be Popcorn Anon Wonders.

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a48659  No.13976207

>>13974544 pb

Am I the only Mofo who see's "sugar" pouring out like this building is being turned to dust? Frequency indeed. Strange as fuck. Falls like a house of cards.

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b9995a  No.13976208


>16 hours per day of reminder until you do.

Starting to think the FilterFags have a good point after all.

Still not gonna do it, but just saying.

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861243  No.13976209


Yes, the 'indue' card is a 2030 harvest partner, they created 'Emma" from that

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080a31  No.13976210


stop spreading The Big Lie!

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1f4baf  No.13976211


whitehats know tomorrow starts the waning of the moon's and thus their power

They will be at their weakest just before the new moon

Could this be the fortnight?

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02c9d5  No.13976212


Was just thinking of that scene

So long and thanks for all the fish!

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cb9789  No.13976213


recycled concrete?

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58e686  No.13976214

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf4974  No.13976215

File: 7382516ccbe5499⋯.png (668.69 KB, 721x462, 103:66, 2021_06_24_21_15_22.png)


>URGENT: Russia releases footage of warning shots at HMS Defender which UK said “never happened”

Those Russian guys sounded 'manly'.

Wonder if they have as many fudge packers in the military as we do?

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aabfb3  No.13976216


So could he be Q7? Aren't there less than 10 on Q Team?

Q referred to "Barcelona" in a post

Could "Barcelona" be the B in the post on Q's board?

IDK maybe I'm just getting to drunk at this point…

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861243  No.13976217


Chaos serves their purpose

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93433a  No.13976218

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4bbd66  No.13976219

File: 53f886be1afbade⋯.png (1.02 MB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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dff9d8  No.13976220


But why? Who or what were they after? If it was a hit? On Paraguay? Seriously?

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b1d7ac  No.13976221


It's more for people that aren't as disciplined.

It's a great suggestion for newfags.

Frankly, the people trying to get others to filter by provoking them in to certain feelings are likely getting paid per (You). They actually stand a lot to gain by no one filtering them.

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276f52  No.13976222

File: 441d72d7f460a64⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1405x685, 281:137, ClipboardImage.png)

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1634db  No.13976223

File: 5f815832fff8bf0⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kek.jpg)

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6cd12d  No.13976224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How to uninstall Mcafee Antivirus


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09e328  No.13976225


>could barcelona be "B"

no, B is patchfaggot

keep up nigga

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65e954  No.13976226

Homicides Have Skyrocketed in These Six Democratic Cities; Black People Are Disproportionately the Victims, Data Shows

June 24, 2021

The number of homicides in six major cities across the country has increased compared to last year, disproportionately affecting black people, according to crime data.

“We are seeing an uptick in violent crime across the country, specifically gun violence,” Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told The New York Times.

In Chicago, black people have been the victims of roughly 81 percent of the 317 murders in the first six months of 2021, data shows. They were the victims of about 70 percent of the 295 murders committed in the first six months of 2020.

“I am proud to lead a City Council that took the first step to responsibly reduce Baltimore’s budget dependence on policing,” former Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott, who is now the city’s mayor, said after the council voted to strip funding from the city’s police last year, the Baltimore Sun reported…..


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a32f6d  No.13976227

File: a0285337bef5688⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 608x342, 16:9, 170314_wn_bruce1_16x9_608.jpg)


Oh shit! I had completely forgotten about Barlow and the cabal taking him out.

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d62850  No.13976228

File: fd248a100fa5c6f⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 629x623, 629:623, kumala.jpg)


meme fodder

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271d7e  No.13976229

File: fd59089f928d996⋯.jpeg (409.61 KB, 828x1119, 276:373, 8B17E083_1FD3_401F_8185_F….jpeg)

File: ae774ba40f18624⋯.jpeg (325.02 KB, 828x1480, 207:370, 069A9CD9_9898_471E_91F2_2….jpeg)


CodeMonkeyZ: “if JM is dead, then where’s the deadman’s key?”

So, does this mean CM thinks this below is a slide?


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080a31  No.13976230


macafee son/files? who knows..?

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ed7235  No.13976231

File: c3518093f38a7fd⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 593x409, 593:409, RIGHT_SOON.jpg)

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4cd0eb  No.13976233

File: e6d1ab50e67f9da⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 684x734, 342:367, e6d1ab50e67f9da4d4795d014d….jpg)

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00876d  No.13976234

File: 07aa07e92715142⋯.png (79.24 KB, 882x1908, 49:106, 730.png)

File: 688980d7e9c966d⋯.jpg (120.97 KB, 1614x827, 1614:827, Barlow.JPG)

File: 748cd6a412a5c47⋯.jpg (121.9 KB, 790x696, 395:348, HiJohn_.JPG)


Q, please smack some sense into into these knuckleheads. Anons, a simple SEC search turns up James F. Barlow.

It lists=Whalewisdomwith at least 24 Form 4 filings

The anon account GavinMCLELLANDm aka Mack, has #WHALEHUNTER on his fkn profile.

Q post #730 saysCoincidence BARLOW?

Arcturus Pharmaceuticals/RNA in vitro experiments, Champlain Tower, McAfee naming names & whale hunting, & the CHILDREN ARE THE GOLD.

Worse than herding kittens. Herding fleas.

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30128a  No.13976235




I will collect #17688, unless another anon is already doing it.

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f7af6c  No.13976236

File: 205da8f76e6ebde⋯.png (801.57 KB, 689x671, 689:671, ClipboardImage.png)

any Q drops on the fattening


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f9a5cd  No.13976239


the left still can't meme

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cf4974  No.13976240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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861243  No.13976241


Wonder how repressed you must be to wonder about such things anon

Latent homosexuality is common in abusers of women

Healthier for you to admit you lust for men and get a hand job

dont engage in sodomy, it causes childhood cancer

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705eb9  No.13976242

File: 1f728d995089830⋯.png (196.66 KB, 542x508, 271:254, Capture.PNG)

File: f11b07e52bb5f1a⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 384x848, 24:53, qdF32TV6LjfYqzn2.mp4)

Pedo filters for the internet.

That woman needs a word.



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48d5f9  No.13976243


Now pull off her wings and get a magnifying glass.

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09e328  No.13976245


no one else said anything

Gods speed bruh

thank you

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87834e  No.13976246

File: 9e1bad13d77b2f5⋯.jpeg (79.01 KB, 960x594, 160:99, F8229A9F_6988_4E4F_A05B_E….jpeg)

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080a31  No.13976248


Arcturus you say? hmmmmm

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b84775  No.13976251


Well the spartans were buddies from behind, women were only used to breed more spartans.

So historically, that group can become a fesrsome fighting force.

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861243  No.13976252


Someone said it THAT MUST MAKE IT TRUE !


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cf4974  No.13976254

File: e28fc24cf9e66f7⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 200x167, 200:167, vito_dance.gif)


>Wonder how repressed you must be to wonder about such things anon

>Latent homosexuality is common in abusers of women

>Healthier for you to admit you lust for men and get a hand job

>dont engage in sodomy, it causes childhood cancer

I got a response from you, didn't I?

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b6dba5  No.13976255

File: 976a5041520637a⋯.png (876.19 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaf892c3b6850b5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)


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b9995a  No.13976257


There's so many angles to everything on here it's hard to keep shit straight at times.

That's why I love the QR Declas almost as much as the fact it triggers GB so hard.

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861243  No.13976258


Women ran that society men were kept in shacks and used to breed more spartans

*one knows

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14ebd6  No.13976260

File: e7ecf0aed77a3ab⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x2591, 1242:2591, 61B3DC2E_9B98_4E11_B83C_F….jpeg)

Liberal KY Governor paying people to go back to work. Can’t make this stuff up. Kek!


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4cd0eb  No.13976261

File: a2d9f2f7c3425aa⋯.png (110.62 KB, 259x257, 259:257, 81c27fc9b40612aad6238af483….png)

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83ff4b  No.13976262

File: a0d2a4b1ec10004⋯.png (104.48 KB, 211x212, 211:212, ClipboardImage.png)

Did someone hit PedoJoe in the head? What's that bruise on his temple?

>>13974359 PB

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85f107  No.13976263

Hello homofaggot niggersexuals are we all still trusting the plan here?

Figure out yet that you got played in a kayfabe?

Nothing is ever going to happen to these people.

Deep state is comfy.

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56abd0  No.13976264


crazy how we got by for years without friendly reminders...

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7dc04d  No.13976265

File: 878aa1c27106243⋯.png (763.79 KB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, 24544642813.png)

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b909ed  No.13976266

File: 2ab33e4e4f52f2b⋯.png (564.22 KB, 751x800, 751:800, Di_Noci.png)


so yer sayin Dems are harvesting their walnut crop for sauce

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b1d7ac  No.13976267


>Kek, the god of Chaos and Darkness, the "bringer-in of the light".

Boy, are you in for a fun surprise.

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62e57e  No.13976268


Master troller.

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93433a  No.13976269

File: 2609718ca287b8a⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, 20210317_150003.jpg)

It worked before.

let's see if I have some sway


not but a day away.

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271d7e  No.13976270


Until sauce, it’s a slide

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276f52  No.13976271

File: f91d478939129c0⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1469x1499, 1469:1499, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7af6c  No.13976273


she been training to sumo wrestle stacy abrams

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09e328  No.13976274

notables @ 400


>>13975902 Dan tweet

>>13975967 All hands on deck for commies

>>13976029 Israel shocks the world by implying it might be behind attack on Iran nuclear site

>>13976093 Possible Ulreich-McAfee connection

>>13976096 New GEOTUS statement re: Giuliani

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b84775  No.13976275


Standing corrected.

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30128a  No.13976276

File: b8ebb701499f7b9⋯.png (572.2 KB, 993x798, 331:266, 8meme_Pepe_Night_Shift.png)


No prob bro.

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dff9d8  No.13976277

File: 7d2b146a03548b7⋯.png (11.14 KB, 800x200, 4:1, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Interesting article that McAfee promoted the WACKD cryptocurrency as early as November 2019.


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a32f6d  No.13976278

File: 83f344e2c103765⋯.jpeg (14.75 KB, 241x300, 241:300, th.jpeg)


Why do you insist on posting that same stupid photo over and fucking over? Are you retarded?

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861243  No.13976279



I am a woman, how shell i say this … 'fudge packin' is naught to me

a pearl of wisdom for free

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d5e109  No.13976280


Okay, thanks B.

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f01e38  No.13976281

File: 3d1400198116420⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 640x455, 128:91, shark_week.jpg)

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7067d5  No.13976282

File: 9f2964a0b044a01⋯.jpg (76.22 KB, 814x607, 814:607, champ.jpg)


Ask the question.

>Who/What is Q?

>Follow the money?


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b1d7ac  No.13976283

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, 6368ac1a38f32fd17ce643199a….png)


now you dun it

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185f8c  No.13976285

File: 45251372d48c062⋯.jpeg (201.33 KB, 600x595, 120:119, 15A4560E_BC60_40D3_ADCA_3….jpeg)

o7 Sir(s)

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b84775  No.13976287


Jill threw a cellphone at him after she saw the hunter pictures coming out

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f85317  No.13976289

File: f1534ab27849180⋯.png (127.38 KB, 382x377, 382:377, Polish_20210520_190414069.png)

File: 0cbabdcfed4d6a1⋯.jpg (151.6 KB, 680x454, 340:227, Polish_20210516_192541816.jpg)

File: 852b78ea2d9add3⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Polish_20210518_221446819.jpg)

File: d29f3d358e951ba⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 403x315, 403:315, Polish_20210520_232851006.jpg)

File: 974c0a161cab259⋯.png (277.6 KB, 456x335, 456:335, Polish_20210519_174334901.png)

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1a814b  No.13976290

File: b97675f4b0a4110⋯.png (873.74 KB, 633x904, 633:904, ClipboardImage.png)

A Shit Storm be a Happening

A Shit Storm the Likes of Which no Shit Storm Has ever Been seen't in the History of all Shit Storms

Ride the Waves Amigos


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62e57e  No.13976291

File: 9e1d23295fda55d⋯.png (241.96 KB, 550x384, 275:192, zebras.png)

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09e328  No.13976292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lets kick it up

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fd1da2  No.13976293


I believe that they crossed a line that good people could not ignore.

And I believe that line is "the Children"

When setting up Honeypots, at first they could use infidelity, then homosexuality. But those became normalized so they had to go further and further down the pit of depravity to a place where some good people said, enough is enough.

I think that is where we are.

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101f22  No.13976294

File: b53a8cb556e09e9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x1012, 256:253, PEOPLE_UNITED_HAVE_POWER.png)

Storm in a tea cup.

Same ol same ol….. little bag of tricks ran out LONG ago.

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4417a8  No.13976295

File: 1147b2316838b75⋯.png (202.18 KB, 710x393, 710:393, TOGTFO.png)


>I am a woman

for archival purposes, of course.

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32fac6  No.13976296

File: 6e9dfa454e93c9b⋯.jpg (282.21 KB, 1080x979, 1080:979, Screenshot_20210624_212427….jpg)

From my feed. Several docs and scientists chimed in.

Lymphatic infiltration is extremely serious. Much like cancer, entering the Lymphatic system is about as serious a risk as you can hhave.

It's like a direct bullet train to every major organ system in the body.

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ce42c8  No.13976297


I look forward to when you are measuring in months, just how big is your ego? We are here forever anon, you should know this. As for contributions, I used to fill the baker deadzone thanks to my timezone, and improve the end user xp by updating baker tools (funny that last update was to improve visibility of your capcode) until some retard that would clearly fail the Asch conformity experiments made any efforts redundant. While your ego is more important than the mission any effort is wasted.


I put my complaint in pics in 1 tyb per bread. If nobody engages that is all, last night I was also the first to call that 31tb tpb torrent screenshot F&G, with proof, so both assertions are also wrong.

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cf4974  No.13976298

File: 3232c53410e94cc⋯.png (363.78 KB, 484x494, 242:247, walk_in_.png)




>I am a woman, how shell i say this … 'fudge packin' is naught to me

>a pearl of wisdom for free

Sometimes, you have to stir the water.

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83ff4b  No.13976299

File: 7faaf13b6fee02c⋯.jpeg (56.52 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 7faaf13b6fee02c539c109832….jpeg)


I feel like we need to do moar TOGTFO these days.

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b9995a  No.13976300

Professor Fungus copypasta is the best argument against tenure that I've come across yet.

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143db3  No.13976301

File: 811ac87ca1d1065⋯.png (70.98 KB, 660x466, 330:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 328f35baa2c6b91⋯.png (108.93 KB, 663x770, 663:770, ClipboardImage.png)

NSW announces lockdown for four Sydney local government areas

NSW has announced a week-long lockdown for four local government areas of Sydney, as the state’s outbreak recorded its biggest rise in cases so far.

NSW has announced a week-long lockdown for four local government areas of Sydney, as the state’s Covid-19 outbreak records its biggest rise in cases so far.

Woollahra, Waverley, Randwick and the City of Sydney have been hit with a stay-at-home order lasting until midnight next Friday.

“If you live or work in those local government areas, you need to stay at home unless absolutely necessary,” Premier Gladys Berejiklian told reporters.

“The necessary reasons include if you can’t work from home and you have to work outside of home. If you can’t get educated at home and you have to get educated outside of home. If you exercise outside, although we don’t want any more groups than 10. And if you need to provide care or compassion to a relative. And fourthly, of course, if you need to buy essential goods or services.”

Ms Berejiklian noted she was captured by those rules.

“I don’t live in those areas but I work there and have done so in the last fortnight, so therefore, I’m captured by that stay-at-home order,” she said.

NSW recorded its biggest rise in daily Covid-19 cases since the latest outbreak began on Friday, with 22 new locally acquired infections bringing the total to 70.

Existing restrictions announced earlier this week applying to seven local government areas – Woollahra, Waverley, Randwick, City of Sydney, Canada Bay, Inner West and Bayside – have been extended until 12.01am on Saturday, July 3.

More to come.

It came after NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro hinted at a possible Sydney lockdown, saying health advice “could change in the next few hours”.

The state government was holding crisis talks at 9.30am to assess whether the restrictions to contain the outbreak are enough.

Mr Barilaro said lockdown wasn’t required based on the current advice.

“We look at the numbers, 11 cases (does) sound alarming (but only) one is a mystery case,” he told Nine’s Today.

“It is not just the numbers, it is the detail, the information we have behind the scenes that our expert health officials look at that gives us the confidence to make the decision and the advice at this stage is not to lock down. At this stage I don’t think we need a lockdown. But that advice could change in the next few hours and it could change over the weekend.”

Public health experts are divided on whether Sydney needs to impose a “short, sharp” lockdown.


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00876d  No.13976304


I'm trying to show you anons. I posted Graciella Cattarossi this morning and no one blinked. She and her daughter are missing. Her relative works for Barlow at Arcturus in San Diego. Why isPort of Long Beach important?

> Graciella Cattarossi and her daughter, Estella: A friend wrote to Local 10 and sent a photo of Gabriella Cattarossi and daughter, Estella, who are missing after the Surfside building collapse. The friend said Cattarossi’s elderly parents are also missing.

Saving Israel for last. Get fucked, Space Kikes.

>Members of The Shul in Surfside: Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar of The Shul in Surfside says several members of synagogue are missing. “There are very few words that could give anybody consolation because you are dealing with an unimaginable, horrific tragedy that struck in the middle of the night"


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1a814b  No.13976305


Please Stand-by

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080a31  No.13976308


true.. many keks from that guy.

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9401b2  No.13976310

File: ea07a6ffd379d31⋯.jpeg (307.54 KB, 750x785, 150:157, FF27C2C3_5DD2_4F08_B872_C….jpeg)

File: cce893b6fd552d9⋯.jpeg (143.32 KB, 750x866, 375:433, D825D5DB_E5BD_418C_8316_8….jpeg)

File: ea07a6ffd379d31⋯.jpeg (307.54 KB, 750x785, 150:157, 2F6292F8_AE52_495D_9DA9_4….jpeg)

When does a bird sing?

Dong Jingwei…

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25c997  No.13976311


Not true. Women did not run their society. The men did.

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1a814b  No.13976313

File: 7b2586a3d11dbb8⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1607728354_Copy.mp4)

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65e954  No.13976314

File: c64a35a7a29a06a⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1652x1206, 826:603, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)

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48d5f9  No.13976315


We only need one tree left to hang this asshole.

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c99558  No.13976316

File: 2a9c09186597e58⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 768x431, 768:431, IMG_lqg69x.jpg)


Was thinking same.

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ae2053  No.13976317


Aussies racing the Kiwis and Canucks to see which can be the biggest cucks in Ye Olde Commonwealth.

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46e502  No.13976321

File: 1c5cd2e9603b06c⋯.mp4 (11.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RealTina4Congress_It_s_tim….mp4)


This is my official congressional page !

Let’s take back New York


It's time to take out the trash in DC, AOC I'm coming for you and your seat!

I'm ready to get my hands dirty and 'DRAIN THE SWAMP" once and for all.

9:01 PM · Jun 23, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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705eb9  No.13976322


You have piss poor English and spelling too.. Boris (he is a wanker) or Soros paying you to fuck around here?

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b9995a  No.13976323


Well, look at that admission of being a huge fake.

Plays the role of limited vocabulary doofus that can't Bake without making Erkel level oopsies every bread.

Then, once backed against the wall, writes a cogent highly educated self-defense post.

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56abd0  No.13976324


he must have left, why are you not being banned?

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4417a8  No.13976326


Just in time for school holidays. Coincidence

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d5e109  No.13976327


Vote for Tina is a heartbeat. Love that woman!!!!

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93433a  No.13976328

File: 245b1a2bf132cd3⋯.png (85.21 KB, 500x300, 5:3, what_would_you_say_you_do_….png)


Your asshole is faggot

I trust the deep state to follow their plan.

Moves and Countermoves.

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8dd7d7  No.13976329

File: 668fb8fe7271563⋯.jpg (389.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Initial_Q_St_Michael.jpg)

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dff9d8  No.13976330

File: b3d158e54976417⋯.png (133.09 KB, 620x586, 310:293, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)


‘That only child will be here soon enough,”

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080a31  No.13976332


be ready… they ran tito ortiiz off. thry play dirty.

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d62850  No.13976333

Fuckery Incoming

July 3rd Trump Rally coming up. In light of recent events, I'm expecting the narrative managers MUST try to shift momentum. Looking for a FF that would shut down Trump's venue, or possibly some other major habbening to keep everyone away, etc.

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09e328  No.13976334

File: 9c30677c37e5ef6⋯.png (528.35 KB, 1302x910, 93:65, ClipboardImage.png)


>we are here forever

yeah, we know

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5e72ef  No.13976335

File: bcd767f87312bb5⋯.jpeg (412.84 KB, 1374x1026, 229:171, 77555719_BB7D_4BC0_9D92_3….jpeg)

Canadian border mostly closed

Mexican border fully open…..kek

Only a dumbass Dem/commie does that


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a32f6d  No.13976336

File: 480da3ec4378cdf⋯.jpeg (133.43 KB, 640x785, 128:157, fullsizeoutput_41b.jpeg)

Did someone say "post tits?"

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185f8c  No.13976337

File: 9db36a2e73d4ee0⋯.jpeg (318.39 KB, 1280x1529, 1280:1529, CE123B3B_B6A9_404D_A89E_1….jpeg)

Does Justin wanna try it for size?

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93433a  No.13976338

File: 58fd13b53b3d1dd⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, file_store.mp4)


Trips confirm

Stay vigilant

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4c2699  No.13976339


begone mason numbers, no evil magick here. Praying for light against dark and peaceful rally.

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26f23d  No.13976340

File: da4e7147181bc4d⋯.png (126.4 KB, 707x445, 707:445, Massive_FF_planned_to_be_b….png)

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143db3  No.13976341


commonwealth has been bag deep in them forever

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8b5618  No.13976342

File: 8b2a9ef6ed0ac2b⋯.jpg (4.64 KB, 250x238, 125:119, 0de74fb321b739d005d7e0a5cc….jpg)

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705eb9  No.13976343



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b6dba5  No.13976344

File: f2282b0c6e81eb5⋯.png (757.56 KB, 839x850, 839:850, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dacfb0fbec7525⋯.mp4 (12.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 75lsNADXYeFP6psP.mp4)

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ce42c8  No.13976345



Ugh, don't involved me in your endless noise, probably the same team that duped BV to start this mess. I am anon and I am 1.


>Plays the role of limited vocabulary doofus

Who am I meant to be now? I have never claimed that I cannot +1 to a 5 digit number, who am I meant to be now?

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3b5116  No.13976346

File: 7271ce2b7a43aec⋯.png (200.88 KB, 624x561, 208:187, trips_zr.png)

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03d3ab  No.13976347


I guess we need to prepare for how all the vaxed dying is going to effect survival

not how I every imagined life would go

as the truth comes out it is gonna be a real fucking mind bender for those that got axed

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b909ed  No.13976348

File: b033d110579c499⋯.png (989.94 KB, 1080x858, 180:143, Blame_it.png)


lymphatic system transport for the diffusion of prion proteins throughout the body … across the brain-blood barrier… eventual CJD and corrupted DNA

irreversible… but you gotta blame it on sumptin… "blame it on the rain" by Milli Vanilli

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ab3fdf  No.13976349

File: 344253717ef0ad2⋯.png (781.29 KB, 2723x1526, 389:218, enjoy.png)

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276f52  No.13976350

File: bba3e6934051cab⋯.png (85.63 KB, 258x400, 129:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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504a19  No.13976351

File: 3bf120e8f378f5b⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 255x246, 85:82, b01844e77108a910320f67925e….jpg)


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185f8c  No.13976352

File: f0b8b3e280013db⋯.png (253.68 KB, 900x484, 225:121, 2E2A6A52_28BC_4266_BFC8_91….png)

Isn’t that a fucking chicken?

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93433a  No.13976353

The end won't be everyone

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5fa732  No.13976354



Interesting hypothesis

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f9a5cd  No.13976355



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32fac6  No.13976357



Interesting and accurate typo.

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1a814b  No.13976358


In the other timeline the Non Vaxxed are Hunted by the Vaxxed for the Deaths from the Vaccines egged on by MDM LARPERS

In this Timeline, We give them Blood Transfusions

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5fa732  No.13976359


Damn! Didn’t mean to post dot link

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b9995a  No.13976361


> I cannot +1 to a 5 digit number,

Oh gimme a break.

You screwed with the Notables turning them into a huge joke and then played dumb about it.

It's fairly apparent now that your sole mission here is fuckery pure and simple.

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83ff4b  No.13976362

File: 11e63f82f364870⋯.png (677.51 KB, 647x846, 647:846, ClipboardImage.png)

Scientist recovers coronavirus gene sequences secretly deleted last year in Wuhan

He finds 13 sequences from some of the earliest cases in Wuhan.

Finding the origin story for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for nearly 3.9 million deaths worldwide, has been largely hampered by lack of access to information from China where cases first popped up.

Now, a researcher in Seattle has dug up deleted files from Google Cloud that reveal 13 partial genetic sequences for some of the earliest cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, Carl Zimmer reported for The New York Times.

The sequences don't tip the scales toward or away from one of the many theories about how SARS-CoV-2 came to be — they do not suggest the virus leaked from a high-security lab in Wuhan, nor do they suggest a natural spillover event. But they do firm up the idea that the novel coronavirus was circulating earlier than the first major outbreak at a seafood market.


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b371fd  No.13976363





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d62850  No.13976364












=could you be any more of a glowing fucking retard please?==

Shills come fucking UNGLUED the moment someone pushes your buttons.

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4c2699  No.13976365

File: db19d46a9f15a85⋯.jpg (814.82 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, db19d46a9f15a853e493782ca0….jpg)





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93433a  No.13976366



The end won't be for everyone

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03d3ab  No.13976368


naw it was on purpose

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32fac6  No.13976369


Amd we already know that the spike proteins compromise the blood Brrain barrier .

Zombie apocalypse is probably not far off base.

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be6e35  No.13976370

File: 35e80f0242acb53⋯.png (457.69 KB, 539x577, 539:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a7458378fed498⋯.png (863.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48808559fae9cf9⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5799f5b53c07e2⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1170x880, 117:88, ClipboardImage.png)


Full story and images, video and info on link below. something to note, could this have been taken down from below ground, (sink hole photo in underground car park?




- 1 confirmed dead

- 11 injured

- 99 missing

- Gov. declares state of emergency

12:33 AM · Jun 25, 2021·Twitter Web App


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066068  No.13976372


warning to De Santis?

I dont buy this is a white hat op.

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c5b6d4  No.13976373


you prob wish TV had more commercials to watch to

FILTERED for NON Filtertard

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9e16e2  No.13976374

File: 0e0263676f36070⋯.png (54.46 KB, 411x664, 411:664, Screen_Shot_06_24_21_at_09….PNG)


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cf0279  No.13976375

File: d738cc92844ef3a⋯.png (163.16 KB, 478x687, 478:687, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

BREAKING: Rare tornado hits Czech Republic - Causing major damage






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cf4974  No.13976376

File: 9393b8f1cf703c3⋯.png (152.19 KB, 420x366, 70:61, vewy_intewestingqq.png)


>‘That only child will be here soon enough,”

That is the response to "His only child has been left motherless. Should she be left fatherless, too?"

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fd1da2  No.13976377

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2d65d5  No.13976379

File: a69097469596500⋯.jpeg (301.54 KB, 1200x954, 200:159, a6909746959650060d87e18ce….jpeg)

4th of July

Anon's ready?

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32fac6  No.13976380


I'm almost finished with my protocol to minimize inadvertent exposure, but vaxxed/lymphatic infiltration…yeah, I can't see any way to counter that. That would be every single organ system going down at once.

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d5716f  No.13976381

File: c09a7413d7b8690⋯.jpg (156.23 KB, 1438x1438, 1:1, IMG_20210624_213519.jpg)


he misspoke perhaps

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861243  No.13976382


No anon, tis relevant, he did appear as a woman, that was Maya

To the anon 'enlightenin' me to tits or gtfo

Dude i was here before you were probably born, no women on the net, hello read 'dark web' i am 'comin' out' now because people of faith NEED to see the proof with their own eyes

i am not beautiful enough to be an attention whore love, and seriously why should i want to be when i'm the actual whore of babylon?

So, no, tis not really about ME, ME, ME at all anon, never has been and never will be, is about tryin' to help you all

My life has been devoted to doin' just that and i'm not goin' to stop merely because some wanker goes MEN ARE IMPORTANT WOMEN SHUT YOUR MOUTHS

cos, seriously, you dont want me man, you want an AI me because you can slap your bitch up and she'll take that fine, i dont care, wouldnt touch you with a barge pole anyway, but dont expect me not to care about you slappin your bitch up even if she is a fuckin AI creation

I still care and Anon, to be honest I dont give a fuck if i offend thine purity as 'anon' at this point, i am really balanced between rippin' peoples heads off and huggin' y'all stupid

I will not 'worship' trump, yet you all will not worship the real creator, disappoints me

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b9995a  No.13976383


You aren't filtering anybody you liar.

>t. FilterFag's dirty little secret

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03d3ab  No.13976384


sorta feel hunted in this timeline as I keep getting harassed about "axed" status

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284dee  No.13976385

File: 6cc204cac4e8b96⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1411x940, 1411:940, D03F2CEE_55BF_4089_98A9_5….jpeg)


Looks kinda like this…pic related. Military base bombing in Saudi Arabia, June 30, 1996

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4c2699  No.13976386


Even at this point, this is still date fagging.

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820c10  No.13976388

File: bd7cf702fd1a030⋯.jpeg (70.06 KB, 640x1351, 640:1351, 1BD902CD_B659_47B5_8FF5_8….jpeg)


All my partners at work took vacation.

No one among them is sick.

Just sayin.

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276f52  No.13976389


Sink hole under the foundation.

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56abd0  No.13976391

File: 3a9e5250a56fbcd⋯.png (74.29 KB, 683x976, 683:976, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d65d5  No.13976392

File: 88833d916f0113a⋯.png (4.22 KB, 238x131, 238:131, ThanQ.PNG)


Are you ready?

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09e328  No.13976393


its a double psyop

no one is dying from the vax

no one is dying from covid

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6cd12d  No.13976394


Some underground shenanigans

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948d79  No.13976395

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB, 502x472, 251:236, 0000000000.png)


Right here.

Thats just an anon using muh meme.

pewm pewm!

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4c2699  No.13976397


Is there info/graphs/data collected yet showing which percentages of population received which vax?

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03d3ab  No.13976398


>I'm almost finished with my protocol to minimize inadvertent exposure

do you mean from spike proteins shed by the axed

not sure I follow what you mean and what protocol are you following

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143db3  No.13976399


threat to Trump or missed

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dff9d8  No.13976400

File: a15d05c5cebab0c⋯.png (86.58 KB, 1848x848, 231:106, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

File: 80f9fa98bd5d430⋯.png (46.06 KB, 1369x559, 1369:559, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)



I don't know yet what 44:44 is being refered to yet, there are a couple of examples, see pics.



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27c7b6  No.13976401

File: e40637a7a6f2489⋯.png (979.4 KB, 1018x1110, 509:555, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)


Holy shit

And they are so matter-of-fact about it

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948d79  No.13976402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BV is faghoe

gotta run!


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4c2699  No.13976403


>even at this point.

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ca0be0  No.13976404

File: 09dc5c5e3614313⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1938x1388, 969:694, q_burst.png)

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9e16e2  No.13976406



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cbdfe0  No.13976407

File: 39323f2f19ce2a2⋯.gif (3 MB, 498x451, 498:451, wrong.gif)


>no one is dying from the vax


>no one is dying from covid

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ab3fdf  No.13976408

File: 3d47ff235e33f9a⋯.jpg (226.42 KB, 533x358, 533:358, donttr.jpg)

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fe2a84  No.13976409


buildings don't just collapse here in America, that shit was blown up.

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c5b6d4  No.13976411


i always get the reply first

you really should learn how to filter

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581a1c  No.13976412


Well, CDC seems to think it's a possibility.


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b909ed  No.13976413

File: dc2a48ca4a3e3e8⋯.png (467.8 KB, 981x529, 981:529, Why_didnt_you.png)


When your family blames you for letting them get the vaccine but you didn't get it too

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aef403  No.13976414

File: 7a7e16054a957f6⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB, 2336x1080, 292:135, Storm_Cometh.mp4)



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2d65d5  No.13976415

File: d9cca052505b2b0⋯.jpg (94.38 KB, 640x805, 128:161, d9cca052505b2b064078781ca2….jpg)



Forwarded from George News

Are you ready?

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03ed04  No.13976416


Biden really should have added military barracks to the list of things off limits that he gave putin.

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93433a  No.13976417


Looks like OKC as well

Happening, it is…

Deep State is desperate.

What are they so afraid?

The acceleration in Q related "news" makes (you) the news top priority.

How long before they implement the real internet kill switch?



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09e328  No.13976418


prove it

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ed7235  No.13976419

File: 33b559b3a4a0def⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 552x292, 138:73, BE_PREPARED.jpg)

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4c469f  No.13976420

File: e4c521f84c727fe⋯.png (1.18 MB, 767x576, 767:576, ClipboardImage.png)

you've made that hooknose short circuit almost as bad as ebot

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929fc9  No.13976421

File: 90b317a4d1355d7⋯.png (88.72 KB, 339x254, 339:254, 90b317a4d1355d739568da2a0a….png)

>>13974003 (PB-me)

I'm going to miss you guys... all (PB)

>>13974056 (PB)


>>13974058. even you

>>13974069. and you


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957a28  No.13976422


Kek, why? You like that big pharma WHO data about matters of covid? Is that data something you think inspires reasonable thought, or is it loaded to throw you off?

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b9995a  No.13976424



Always an * involved isn't there?

Prove me right is not supposed to be this easy.

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2d65d5  No.13976425

File: 9a0af880d1a2cc6⋯.jpeg (513.78 KB, 1813x1815, 1813:1815, 9a0af880d1a2cc66a426887b7….jpeg)




Are you ready?

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48d5f9  No.13976426


I'm thinking some illnesses and deaths from the vax, but a lot of sterility. The nwo creeps play the long game.

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03d3ab  No.13976427


I definitely see that as an event on my horizon

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066068  No.13976428


McAffee didn't kill himself.

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f9f011  No.13976429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this reminded me of what might be four anons meeting one another years later…

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8fe011  No.13976430

File: 7d842c493288dab⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1448x896, 181:112, Annotation_2021_06_24_2142….png)

GORDO15 heading back west (Nebraska?) after doing a remain overnight at Concord/Lexington as ROCKY25.

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f7af6c  No.13976431

File: 2c960fcc3237f3f⋯.png (708.77 KB, 628x500, 157:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce7da  No.13976432

I was expecting to hear a lot of adverse effects out of Florida. Not happening.

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bd3801  No.13976433


imagine the smell

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03ed04  No.13976434


If I was trump I would announce Jr as my running mate at my rally on Saturday.

And then the press would have to ask, "What happened to Pence?"

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4c2699  No.13976435


Just chatter within myself. kek

Something having to do with the small percent that cannot be saved being possibly connected to a cure for the vax but only for certain types/variations.

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7067d5  No.13976436

File: f1466129af53e8c⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1270x709, 1270:709, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf0279  No.13976437

File: 34aba7e64bc4f96⋯.png (479.28 KB, 478x652, 239:326, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Paraguay President Mario Abdo Benítez' sister-in-law and her family are among those missing in the Florida building collapse


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32fac6  No.13976438


Yeah, and any latent airborne whole virus.

It needs several conditions in the nasal passages and lungs (mucus membranes) in order to enter, as well as intact and undeformed spike proteins.

Several strategies exist to make it close to impossible on a widespread levels, enough so that a robust immune system can stomp put anything that does get past.

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d62850  No.13976439


I posted something similar a few days ago. Actual death cases are a tiny fraction in percentage terms, compared to the 50 or 60 million who have been vaxxed. Unless there is a massive cover up of numbers.

The same skepticism we had about Covid numbers should be applied to the vax numbers. Are people dropping over in the street? Do we personally know someone who died from the vax? Most likely not.

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c99558  No.13976440

File: 898cfaccc194ad6⋯.jpg (172.16 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, IMG_j9dh8x.jpg)


>Thats just an anon using muh meme.

Feels good when that happens to anon too.

Special feelz on nightshift bread. [23]

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48d5f9  No.13976442


It seems unlikely that McAfee killed himself.

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27c7b6  No.13976444



But I've learned my lesson, I'm not going to be that guy that warns of shit happening and then it doesn't and I look like an asshole.

Lost several friends when I said Biden would never be inaugurated because he's a criminal and couldn't pass a security clearance.

Instead I'll be that asshole that didn't take the vax and couldn't fly or go to social functions and it turns out I could have taken the vax with no problem.

Will anons ever be vindicated?

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143db3  No.13976445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mastercard Goes Woke…


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b6dba5  No.13976446

File: 91abdd7af3d5a30⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 320x576, 5:9, Hdd_pqXD556jFbHr.mp4)




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4ff763  No.13976447

File: e4b02b4881dec77⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1351, 1080:1351, ClipboardImage.png)

Never in my six decades of existence have I witnessed such a massive failure as I have seen unfold here. Daily do I watch MSM paint with their brush. They try to throw a blanket over all of us. You folks should be pushing back as hard as you can. What the fuck is wrong with you people? First and last post this thread.

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09e328  No.13976449



in a world of fake news you only believe what you see

i never saw anyone drop dead from covid

i never saw anyone drop dead from the vax

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48d5f9  No.13976452


Theyre already dying in droves. C'mon, man!

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4c2699  No.13976454


>first and last post

Then why the fuck are you even here.

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ca0be0  No.13976455

File: 3b29961a84922a0⋯.png (667.21 KB, 683x454, 683:454, NS_0105_1.png)

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03ed04  No.13976456

Lester Holt had actors on who said the building was sinking and the sinking went from slowly to all at once.

NBC News Tonight.

I saw it, it must be true.

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dff9d8  No.13976457


I will be so glad when this part is over, having to worry about Assange, President Trump, all the good guys out their risking their lives for us…can we God Speed this shit? Please?

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1a814b  No.13976458


return fire with kindness

defuse the anger

then redpill with the cure may be in the unvaxxed blood.

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2d65d5  No.13976459

File: 2e0aeddd1021f9b⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, video_2021_06_21_04_53_07.mp4)

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185f8c  No.13976460


o7 dude

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e315f8  No.13976461

File: ea73d0aa8bc8876⋯.jpg (388.16 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, IMG_026.jpg)

File: 4a2bff42225723b⋯.jpg (538.29 KB, 1200x1726, 600:863, IMG_033.jpg)

File: 821931af92e3742⋯.png (663.96 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_911.png)

File: fa05c31c61a911e⋯.png (418.02 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_922.png)

File: 175cb77e0340f25⋯.jpg (154.97 KB, 500x641, 500:641, IMG_249.jpg)

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done

on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


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ce42c8  No.13976463


I can understand the friendly fire anon but I am not who you think I am. Only thing I have ever done to not a bles is change the dough layout when I pick up a bake so the not a bles section is the last, to zero complaints ever. Muh work product anon convinced me to not even remove JQ spam from previous not a bles when I pick up a bake, which I have never done, despite wanting to. We both know there is no way to prove this, take it or leave it.

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c99558  No.13976464


Cotton candy or sweet corn?

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bb6ac8  No.13976465


"Q" life saving RIng

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4c2699  No.13976466


Deliver us from temptation.

Posts, temptation.

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143db3  No.13976467

File: 0483f1b5922c92f⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1180x664, 295:166, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada: 600 children found in mass grave. Revised: 751 bodies now.

A continuation of the unfolding genocide of Indigenous youth at the hands of the Government of Canada, Catholic Church, and United Church.

I’ve been reading some of the horror stories coming out.

One child was burned alive

Others gang raped

A Matron slugged a 9 year old girl up the side of the head with a 2 by 4 killing her.

Another locked in a closet until she starved to death.

Others thrown down stairs, stomped to death.

The RCMP were used to silence witnesses and families. Protesters have died under suspicious circumstances at the hands of police right up until 2011.

They are expecting to find thousands more across the country at the sites of former Indian Residential Schools.

Canada has its own genocide to deal with. This is not going to be good.

Marieval Indian Residential School operated from 1899 to 1997

The Cowessess First Nation says it has discovered hundreds of unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan.

A news release Wednesday from Cowessess and the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous First Nations (FSIN), which represents Saskatchewan’s First Nations, did not give a specific number but said it will be the most found to date in Canada.



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185f8c  No.13976469


Avinu malfuckingkeinu

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d5716f  No.13976470

File: 717afef630d0566⋯.jpg (350.17 KB, 1979x1133, 1979:1133, _20210624_214832.JPG)


DeSantis never really locked down because of ClCOVID

Said his state was "shorted" COVID funds because the people were not getting sick

Now this?

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101f22  No.13976471

File: 95e34ab6fce4166⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 534x630, 89:105, forgot_what_sex_it_is.jpg)

That's it…. bombing the room with random stupid posts…. yeah…You're … really… winning………. slow… clap.


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820c10  No.13976472


I did joke with the rest that I will be the designated survivor when they all get CJD from the shot.

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fe2a84  No.13976473


Would they take down a building just to assassinate this woman?

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27c7b6  No.13976475


But I think what anon was saying is that he doesn't personally know anyone who is sick or died and they all took the vax. Same here. For all we know it's fake noose

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c5b6d4  No.13976476


hardly seems worth .27 cents but….here

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f9f011  No.13976477

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, Pondering_Pepe.jpg)

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b9995a  No.13976478


>take it or leave it

I call it as I see it and you're free to do the same.

I have no control over who posts here nor do I want it.

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d62850  No.13976479


Thought this was an old story from years back. Not so?

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be6e35  No.13976480

File: 956d62a04018c3e⋯.png (553.31 KB, 606x384, 101:64, ClipboardImage.png)




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4c469f  No.13976481

File: 15b2e10cd458073⋯.png (20.91 KB, 747x288, 83:32, ClipboardImage.png)


on a scale of 1-10, how stupid do you think you are and why is it 10?


fuck off leaf

pic related for you

any day now

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4ff763  No.13976482


The run up to combat is similar to working ones way through the stages of grief.

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a81dd7  No.13976483


>Scrambled eggs with jalapeno peppers, and a strawberry milkshake.

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185f8c  No.13976485


When you are…;)

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03d3ab  No.13976486


I would review a link or any sauce on the protocol you are using if you are able to share it

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1634db  No.13976487

File: 22d99280837f98e⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hurrr_derr_muh.jpg)


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dff9d8  No.13976488


So…that's pretty fucked up

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c99558  No.13976489

File: 1a5ad694eee8ff3⋯.png (283.33 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 1a5ad694eee8ff30f7f2aa3f82….png)



Nightshift has the watch.

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592c0a  No.13976490


Those columns you have circled go deeper than the surface the cars park on. I see no signs of sinkage with those columns or the above floors.

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1e22ea  No.13976491


We live in interdasting times, baker. ThanQ ever so much for your service here.

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cbdfe0  No.13976492


Do you think this was the cabal's plan regarding calendar or are they being rushed? It seems rushed to me

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143db3  No.13976494

File: 4155a8f1b5f6429⋯.png (443.18 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0428c310f5aefc2⋯.png (307.21 KB, 745x910, 149:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 609f621d9218cea⋯.png (20.67 KB, 739x356, 739:356, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Federal Reserve officials ADMIT that soaring consumer prices may last longer than anticipated - despite Fed Chair Jerome Powell insisting inflation surge is 'transitory'

A period of high inflation in the United States may last longer than anticipated, two U.S. Federal Reserve officials admitted on Wednesday, just a day after Fed Chair Jerome Powell continued to play down soaring prices.

The admissions follow data showing inflation hit 5 percent in May, the highest annual rate since 2008, putting pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates and stop flooding the economy with money through bond purchases.

From the cereal maker General Mills to Chipotle Mexican Grill and paint maker Sherwin-Williams, a range of companies have been jacking up prices, in some cases to make up for higher wages that they're now paying to keep or attract workers.

Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said with growth surging to an estimated 7 percent this year and inflation well above the Fed's 2 percent target, he now expects near-zero interest rates will need to rise in late 2022.

'Given the upside surprise in recent data points I pulled forward my projection,' Bostic said, placing him among seven Fed policymakers who at the central bank's meeting last week projected the overnight policy rate may need to lift from the current near zero level sometime next year.

That marked a decisive shift from the end of 2020, when 12 Fed policymakers felt that crisis levels of interest rates would need to remain in place into 2024.

Both Bostic and Fed Governor Michelle Bowman on Wednesday said that while they largely agree recent price increases will prove temporary, they also feel it may take longer than anticipated for them to fade.

'Temporary is going to be a little longer than we expected initially … Rather than it being two to three months it may be six to nine months,' Bostic said in an interview on National Public Radio's 'Morning Edition.'

Prices for goods like lumber and used cars have pushed some measures of inflation to multi-year highs, with the consumer price index showing a 5 percent annualized increase in May, the fastest since 2008.


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ed7235  No.13976496

File: 219abf86fb327c1⋯.jpg (180.68 KB, 697x537, 697:537, SUPER_COMFY.jpg)

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d62850  No.13976497



Not the Paraguay president, just his sister-in-law's family.

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a82fc1  No.13976498

File: 7507237a661ea35⋯.jpeg (231.41 KB, 1242x1001, 1242:1001, 89CD3173_0513_4398_A295_D….jpeg)

CM speculates more on Macafee faking his own death


If McAfee is really dead, where is his deadman’s switch with dozens of terabytes of data in it?

If McAfee is really dead, how did he post on his verified instagram account after he “died”?

Has McAfee ever previously faked his own death?

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83ff4b  No.13976499


The old story was these were the same kids that went missing when the Queen visited this school.

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92fd5d  No.13976500

I want to suck on Psaki's toes

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4c2699  No.13976501

oh look. That's two.

Stand by your convictions you glowing fuck.

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581a1c  No.13976502


Check this out:

"Surfside Commissioner Eliana Salzhauer said “the building was undergoing a required 40-year recertification to ensure its structural integrity, and that the building’s roof was being redone. She added that residents told her a building inspector had visited Champlain Towers on Wednesday, but she did not know what the inspector found. It is unknown if any construction activity contributed to the disaster.” (Miami Herald Article Link)"


If the building had people in it to "re-certify" it, could they have been doing some other things there?

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992de5  No.13976503



'Huge victory': Judge names members of Fulton election board in lawsuit; ballot audit will proceed

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ca0be0  No.13976505

File: a43767156674567⋯.png (465.48 KB, 748x499, 748:499, KEK_PigEdition.png)

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1e22ea  No.13976506

File: 3a3608f4b7ba433⋯.png (632.65 KB, 648x603, 72:67, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)

File: aa077165de03ef0⋯.png (417.54 KB, 635x332, 635:332, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)


That's a bomb, baby.

Second is OKC.

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dff9d8  No.13976507


DUH, Biden just had passed a 9 trillion dollar spending spree! Who da fuk you think is going to pay for that?!

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4ff763  No.13976508

File: f3f83d5edba9dd7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1152x768, 3:2, NightShiftScope.png)

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7ce7da  No.13976509


They just found more bodies at another probably Catholic Native School.

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fd1da2  No.13976510


I hate trans people.

They are selfish little bitches, who go around boo-hooing about themselves.

Bunch of whiney little selfish assholes.

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d5716f  No.13976511


pepe triggers (you)




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8b5618  No.13976512

File: 3ab87c12b7c8b69⋯.png (828.01 KB, 642x641, 642:641, 3ab87c12b7c8b69a66a269b90d….png)

Same old easily filter shills

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4c469f  No.13976513

File: f6d7f1190a1bd0f⋯.png (133.84 KB, 1560x834, 260:139, ClipboardImage.png)


>tick tock

top fucking kek

yea, tick tock is right bitch ass homo

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143db3  No.13976514

File: 227785925476799⋯.png (1.1 MB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b2100d69162770⋯.png (86.78 KB, 572x814, 26:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8efd450874df84⋯.png (22.28 KB, 548x199, 548:199, ClipboardImage.png)

16 suspected sex trafficking victims among 20 children rescued in metro Atlanta

Authorities announced Thursday that 20 children in metro Atlanta, 16 of whom are suspected victims of sex trafficking, were recovered during a two-week multi-jurisdictional operation in May.

The state Attorney General’s Office partnered with the U.S. Marshals Service’s Missing Child Unit, along with several other federal, state and local agencies, to recover the children as part of “Operation Not Forgotten 2021,” according to a news release.

The 20 children ranged in age from 6 weeks to 17 years old and were recovered mainly from Cobb, Gwinnett, Fulton and DeKalb counties, Katie Byrd, communications director for the Attorney General’s Office, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an email.


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acf327  No.13976515


gas yourself jidf kike nigger faggot.

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1e22ea  No.13976517


Anyone run the tax (property) lists on that side of the building yet? That stuff is all public record.

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ab3fdf  No.13976518

File: 9e67faa973c2f4c⋯.jpg (154.31 KB, 1220x812, 305:203, bluens_copy.jpg)

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c99558  No.13976519

File: 26e25f5b8cbae7f⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, file_store_10.mp4)

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4bbd66  No.13976520

Anybody picking up the ==bake=?

Could use some anon notes

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14ebd6  No.13976521

File: 4e38ff71ae3478f⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1242x2213, 1242:2213, 0C2BAA0F_EC4A_4310_9494_8….jpeg)


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f9f011  No.13976522


like 9/11, a great opportunity to "disappear" : always wondered if there where a few in NYC that said "hmmm, I could just jam out of here and no one would know the better"…..someone in huge debt, criminal charges pending, bad marriage and other major life ruining things

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9c8c67  No.13976523

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101f22  No.13976524

File: b8849236a254f4f⋯.jpg (315.76 KB, 1568x994, 112:71, CHINESE_SLAVE_LABOUR.jpg)

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dff9d8  No.13976525


>sex trafficking

is a myth according to the Left!

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7ce7da  No.13976526



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143db3  No.13976527

File: 73b166e2a5b8582⋯.png (265.05 KB, 376x414, 188:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Math Teacher & Coach Posing as Teen Extorted Underage Girls to Send Him Nudes, Feds Say

Davenport, Iowa – A Missouri man was arrested June 16, 2021, in Missouri on criminal charges related to his alleged production of child pornography and sextortion of minor females in Muscatine, Iowa.

According to court documents, Chad Alan Craghead, age 44, of Fulton, Missouri, who is a teacher and coach, posed as a teenage boy online and obtained nude images of Minor Victim 1, a sixteen- year-old from Muscatine. After obtaining those images, he created a second false identity and demanded additional nude images of Minor Victim 1, threatening to disseminate the nude images he already had to her friends and family if she did not comply. Craghead extorted Minor Victim 1 over the course of several months.

Minor Victim 1’s sixteen-year-old cousin, Minor Victim 2, tried to help her. As a result, Craghead extorted Minor Victim 2, threatening to disseminate Minor Victim 1’s nude images if Minor Victim 2 did not comply with his demands for nude images and videos. Minor Victim 2 complied, sending Craghead sexually explicit videos of herself.

The FBI assisted the Muscatine Police Department in the investigation and, through several Snapchat accounts associated with Craghead, located a number of other minor females across the country, some as young as 13 years old, who either sent him nude images or from whom Craghead extorted or attempted to extort nude images.

Online, Craghead described himself as “a husband, father of three, math teacher and Follower of Christ.”

Craghead is charged with two counts of Production of Child Pornography, two counts of Interstate Communications with Intent to Extort, and one count of Cyberstalking. If convicted, Craghead faces a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in prison and a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison.


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b9995a  No.13976528


Contrarian other possibilities hot take:

>If McAfee is really dead, where is his deadman’s switch with dozens of terabytes of data in it?

Depending upon how he set it up it could take a while to percolate out.

Especially if the blockchain replication/flood theory on /pol/ turns out to be true.

>If McAfee is really dead, how did he post on his verified instagram account after he “died”?

His wife did it? His trusted friend?

>Has McAfee ever previously faked his own death?

I guess he has otherwise CM wouldn't have asked this question.

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770559  No.13976529

>>13975194 pb


If Epstein got away with it why not McAfee?

Not a bad plan if you ask me.

I'd do it if I thought I could get away with it.

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27c7b6  No.13976530


The video doesn't look like a bomb

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03d3ab  No.13976531



if this is not pushing back why are we under constant attack

>The run up to combat is similar to working ones way through the stages of grief.

early on I considered that Q was part of the working up to combat process

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d5716f  No.13976532


looks similiar

but wouldn't eye witness account say they heard the boom

in the 1990's there was an obervered sinkage habbenin'

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705eb9  No.13976533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You say it best, when you say nothing at all.

" yet you all will not worship the real creator, disappoints me"

Your arrogance to thinking you know us is nauseating.. Now go make us sandwich's sweety..

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f9f011  No.13976534


> where is his deadman’s switch with dozens of terabytes of data in it?

that building in Miami? maybe someone knew where it was

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7ce7da  No.13976537


How do they take their body parts and then work them to death?

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6cad7e  No.13976538

File: 640b3699041b4e1⋯.jpeg (208.55 KB, 739x906, 739:906, 61A4394E_228E_4C6D_B3BF_A….jpeg)

We Dixiefags understand this!

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5e72ef  No.13976539

File: 16266de89173263⋯.png (2.03 MB, 808x1080, 101:135, D2F7DABC_EE19_41CA_A989_3A….png)

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ca0be0  No.13976540

File: 987337e1103b2d9⋯.png (623.71 KB, 890x794, 445:397, NSBS2.png)

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6b7c33  No.13976541

File: 5003b3e7bec80d8⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1675x960, 335:192, CPUSACCP.png)

WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS? Same as happened with Smith Mundt?

Statement by President Eisenhower Upon Signing the Communist Control Act of 1954

August 24, 1954 - I HAVE TODAY signed S. 3706, An Act to make illegal the Communist Party and to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities.

The American people are determined to protect themselves and their institutions against any organization in their midst which, purporting to be a political party within the normally accepted meaning, is actually a conspiracy dedicated to the violent overthrow of our entire form of government

The new law which I am signing today includes one of the many recommendations… to support existing statutes in defeating the Communist conspiracy in this country.

1. I signed a bill granting immunity from prosecution to certain suspected persons in order to aid in obtaining the conviction of subversives…

2. The Congress has passed a bill providing for the loss of citizenship by those advocating the overthrow of our government by force and violence.

In carrying out the Administration's recommendation that

-any citizen who knowingly and actively participates in the Communist conspiracy to overthrow the government by force and violence should be regarded as renouncing his allegiance to the United States and forfeiting his right to citizenship

-The foregoing bill also includes a provision for the death penalty for persons found guilty of peacetime espionage

7. I have already approved a bill requiring "Communist-Action" or “Communist-Front" organizations, which must register under the Internal Security Act…

In order to provide aggressive administration and enforcement of the foregoing measures, I have already strengthened the mechanism for carrying out more effectively our entire anti-Communist program —by the creation of the Division of Internal Security in the Department of Justice— …

Note: As enacted, S. 3706 is Public Law 637, 83d Congress (68 Stat. 775).

https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/statement-the-president-upon-signing-the-communist-control-act-1954 https://archive.is/wip/l7uNc

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b909ed  No.13976542


that one is a Luciferian doing its daily devil worship activities… the evil faggot has been a regular on the board for a while…. also easy to spot and filter

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4ff763  No.13976543

File: db68398024d233b⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 192x268, 48:67, 1510099096576.jpg)

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b9995a  No.13976544


There's always a GretchFag in the house.

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09e328  No.13976545


im baking

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be6e35  No.13976546

File: 9fc9bef94aa716f⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 848x480, 53:30, surfside_collaplse.mp4)


Yes, but sink hole is probably the wrong term used, now i come to think of it, it could have been taken out from a below ground, most of these complex's have massive underground car parks. if it was planted on the right side of the building, would it collapse like that.

seems eerily similar to 9/11 plus a controlled demolition.


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f7af6c  No.13976547

File: 8ee222fa5edac25⋯.png (325.47 KB, 588x500, 147:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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a66bfa  No.13976548


You are unproductive and projecting

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992de5  No.13976549


What does a bomb in a basement parking garage look like?

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5e72ef  No.13976550


Anyone driving on I-95 knows that place…..100 miles of South of the Border signs…kek

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a187f4  No.13976551

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cf0279  No.13976552

File: fa4084960e9cdae⋯.png (510.64 KB, 598x643, 598:643, Screenshot_2021_06_24_at_2….png)

Blink-182 frontman announces he's been diagnosed with cancer


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1e22ea  No.13976553

File: 456064a64100fa6⋯.png (181.32 KB, 621x621, 1:1, butthole_pepe.png)


It's easy enough to sauce.


Are you unwilling to make the effort anon?

This place is sucking great big donkey dicks right now. Kamala will be here in 4…3…2…

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87834e  No.13976554



Abomination of desolation… heavy.

Ugliness inside… hurt my feels.

Yes, let each judge for themselves, pussy.

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1a814b  No.13976556

File: 509b6a0a0c8f324⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1067x1241, 1067:1241, ClipboardImage.png)


A freak Electrical Accident took away all my feels

Feels were replaced and Overbearing Feel for Justice

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8284a5  No.13976557

File: a33a3eb35163e11⋯.jpeg (26.75 KB, 509x339, 509:339, PeekingOutsidePepe.jpeg)


DDG results: First one is a 2018 anon dig re: The Socidarite Black Flag group:

Anonymous 06/20/18 (Wed) 07:25:311aff88 () No. 1826243 >>1826259 >>1826274



Solidarité is French for Solidarity

The Black Triangle is a Lesbian Feminist collective

They have signed this with Q 7 at the end

Remember that on the evening this photo was posted

We had POTUS tweeting with intervals of 17 minutes,

then 7, then +7 more (i.e. 14). So maybe Q7 is significant

Maybe it means QG or maybe we need to +1 and get Q8

Which is a British way of writing the name Kuwait and also the name

Of a Kuwaiti petrol company in Britain

The circle around the A in triangle, suggests an Anarchist collective

So maybe this is a Lesbian Feminist Anarchist collective of Arab

women originally from Kuwait who now live in France and were in Barcelona

To organize some action in support of Catalonian independence?

Viu la Resistència! as they say in Catalunya


and getting to it was no easy thing. Memory holed.

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17eed8  No.13976558

File: e87feb63c55f31f⋯.png (526.44 KB, 766x3190, 383:1595, screenshot_realrawnews_com….png)


believe it or not… i believe.



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5fa732  No.13976559




Occum’s razor.

Clandestine Ops 101: FFs should be “double barbed”, like killing multiple birds with one stone.

Bird#1=need strong distraction when AZ audit results are released.

Stone=Broward county, clown op capital of US.

Multiple unknown birds dead.


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f9f011  No.13976560

File: 2a24324642af2d8⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 103x222, 103:222, 180c592e59e61188cd1f26b0b5….jpg)


big mike says you jealous

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923c38  No.13976561

File: b1fa87dc3ae3f90⋯.png (788.64 KB, 820x616, 205:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79d4f  No.13976562


depressing 5's, man.

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b909ed  No.13976563


so I gotta wonder if a truck/van loaded with fertilizer was parked under the overhang

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5e72ef  No.13976564


Was he vaxed?

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4c2699  No.13976565

yea thats what shills do

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6f8b92  No.13976566


Before I figured he was full of shit. But after all we've learned about the US media. Maybe the troops were nowhere near Baghdad.

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4bbd66  No.13976568


do we have a baker???

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be6e35  No.13976570


correction noted and concurred. !!

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b6dba5  No.13976571

File: 9b42d4c795e3544⋯.png (1.07 MB, 969x567, 323:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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a48659  No.13976574


Just made shitting music his whole life.

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276f52  No.13976576

File: 3b64e00dd8be87d⋯.png (274.44 KB, 474x217, 474:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d2a8e361a02ad⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1067x600, 1067:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54af97bdc5a7959⋯.png (2.06 MB, 948x711, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ff4da8e9687d10⋯.png (659.64 KB, 682x429, 62:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Sink hole

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f9f011  No.13976577

File: 43ea332318b2d13⋯.jpg (122.99 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, 43ea332318b2d13b89d5d6aacc….jpg)


nice digits

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32fac6  No.13976578

File: 97e66aef4ed3c7b⋯.jpg (504.27 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20210624_220308….jpg)



I've posted about NAC multiple times, and the deforming effect it has on the spike protein, rendering it less harmful as well as unable to interact ideally with receptors.

Carnosine is also another protective candidate (see study below). In particular, acetylated carnosine delivered nasally is ideal as it is resistant to the carnosinase enzyme. There was a study done showing nasal membrane carnosine levels are depleted in more serious cases leading to speculation that carnosinase is somehow unregulated to disable one of the body's most potent "instant" protective anti-inflammatories.

I have 2 more angles I'm finishing up, including tetrahydrocurcumin and the blocking of Toll Like Receptor-4 activity in the nasal cavity and lungs, again blocking massive immune over response and ACE2 overexpression.

As i.mentioned, finishing up the rest of the protocol. Nothing is rare or hard to obtain, and I have a delivery system dialed in already.


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ca0be0  No.13976581


yes, someone is baking.


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27c7b6  No.13976583

File: 368d7d086b31539⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 1280x677, 1280:677, IMG_9284.jpg)

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acf327  No.13976584

File: 30caef8e3bba213⋯.png (20.57 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_bored.png)

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92fd5d  No.13976585

Is Miley Cyrus MK Ultra?

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6cd12d  No.13976588

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143db3  No.13976589

File: abf5ac3efff7e6a⋯.png (791.07 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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101f22  No.13976590


Take what you can to leave them functional… work em…you don't need to wait long for the rest.

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03d3ab  No.13976592


these words are meaningless unless backed by violence and a flock of crows

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27c7b6  No.13976594

File: d819bd43847f7fe⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 1074x771, 358:257, IMG_9285.jpg)

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a05170  No.13976595

File: ad86da51a45aeb3⋯.png (587.59 KB, 889x548, 889:548, BidanIsFine.png)

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09e328  No.13976596

new bread

please fill this bread because they were trying to steal


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4ff763  No.13976597

File: b1c1f385e3ba3e1⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 608x1024, 19:32, BehindtheScenesPhotosofDrS….jpg)

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30128a  No.13976598

File: af3b7f934d1f50a⋯.png (89.66 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 8kun_meme_Note_Taker_Pepe.png)






I'm still working on notes for #17688

Will drop n/b

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1e22ea  No.13976599

File: b7d0806e05eda04⋯.png (46.95 KB, 585x126, 65:14, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)


"crack of thunder"


Leads to this article:


Do we have an address on this place? 8 articles down. No address.

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c5b6d4  No.13976600


dude get a grip

NO bldg on a FL beach has underground parking.

all you had to do was look at a picture and see the ground level parking

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09e328  No.13976602


k, thanks

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83ff4b  No.13976603


I think this is valid alternative to controlled demolition.

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d5716f  No.13976605


what's the account #?

is this just sauceless?


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8fe011  No.13976606

File: adb780c9378645c⋯.png (2.69 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, adb780c9378645cd53cbd4c4fa….png)

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6df93d  No.13976607


How To Uninstall Your Soul


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d5716f  No.13976608


ty anon

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26f23d  No.13976609


If you think the Q team hasn't had his info all along, you clearly don't understand Q's words.

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be6e35  No.13976610

File: 26bbfae4b8f8f03⋯.png (153.68 KB, 283x272, 283:272, ClipboardImage.png)


trip 5's chek'ed, do it and get it over with, will sing you a shanty song on the other side, kek

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992de5  No.13976611


Interesting the building inspector told the news there were cracks in the basement parking and that they were evaluating the building

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8284a5  No.13976612

File: 3f07bc1e5c74ec2⋯.png (457.09 KB, 1463x886, 1463:886, Screenshot_1298_.png)

File: 405096d33d226f8⋯.png (88 KB, 1557x902, 1557:902, Screenshot_1296_.png)


Screenshot of DDG/results Socidarite Black Flag, on the Barcelona rock, old dig 2018

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fd1da2  No.13976613


Big Mike too busy playing with her dick to even care about her own "supposed" girls.

Melania is a much better mom.

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a05170  No.13976614



I jsut typed all that shit in :)

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5c02bf  No.13976615

File: e6283d90e721d23⋯.png (974.81 KB, 700x512, 175:128, ClipboardImage.png)


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03d3ab  No.13976616


okay thanks I saved your other posts, I just was not sure what you were referring to

I follow suit on this help

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1e22ea  No.13976617

File: ec86ec8b0e2d43c⋯.png (81.62 KB, 511x287, 73:41, Screen_Shot_2021_06_24_at_….png)


Ah found it.


Champlain Towers South condominium is located at 8777 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl.

Will wait to see if we are in agreement anons. Will teach a dig on property if interested.

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678017  No.13976618

File: d5820a4e6670412⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 384x292, 96:73, 1574921164991.gif)


SO Ready?

Are (You) ready Anon?

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4bbd66  No.13976619

File: 50e9bd161e4706f⋯.png (109.18 KB, 269x189, 269:189, ClipboardImage.png)


not today, satan

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4ff763  No.13976620


I'm still on watch for the dead man switch. FML.

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27c7b6  No.13976621

File: f92a02aa2fd2350⋯.jpg (180.89 KB, 1242x934, 621:467, susan_rice.jpg)

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1a814b  No.13976622


Oh HAARP I just did some Damage in Czeck

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b6d774  No.13976623

File: 8c0c2aa3157c3e3⋯.png (193.5 KB, 577x526, 577:526, 2_true.png)

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276f52  No.13976624


YES : Florida's geology is not the best for steady foundations long term. Too much calcium carbonate (CaCo3.

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09e328  No.13976625

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bd3801  No.13976626

how long do we have to wait for this info dump is it actually 30 days that'd be insane

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101f22  No.13976627

File: 3e6cd100f64585b⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Trump_eminem_takeoff.mp4)

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f9f011  No.13976628

File: c914256afc2d193⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 003c238dc16d2710eb23a5697f….jpg)

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cf4974  No.13976629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Are you ready?

How many patriots expected at the rally Saturday night?

Really miss the President!!

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992de5  No.13976631


Always edging and waiting

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ed7235  No.13976632

File: 24279aff21e631b⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 527x477, 527:477, POTUS_KNOWS.jpg)

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705eb9  No.13976633

SO maybe this is true….


The article, published by the website NBCM News, alleges that the queen and husband Prince Philip were found guilty in 2013 by “six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice” in the Belgian capital of Brussels.

“After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia,” the article alleged. “Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.”

But there is no truth to the article’s claim. The British royal family often makes headlines. If the queen had been found guilty of such a crime, it would have been picked up by major news outlets, yet none have reported on it, and Buckingham Palace has not issued a press release.


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09e328  No.13976634


new bread

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dff9d8  No.13976635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A little more to the missing Summer Wells story: Summer Wells' aunt has been missing since 2009


Jun 23, 2021

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cf0279  No.13976636

File: 304d03f8c2c022c⋯.jpg (132.28 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 0_7.jpg)

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b909ed  No.13976637

File: b8dc09a013cda52⋯.png (745.11 KB, 937x600, 937:600, She_bizzy.png)


It was a nice place to stop back in the 1970's… all the hype signs down the road made it a game as a kid to call out how much farther to go… no videyahs, tablets and smartphone texting back then

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bd3801  No.13976638

File: f021a64c94ed08c⋯.png (61.64 KB, 187x187, 1:1, 1601076942263.png)

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c99558  No.13976639

File: ec6b9b6b7e36389⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 585x711, 65:79, IMG_20200716_141148.jpg)

File: b36d5127e30c50b⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 640x742, 320:371, IMG_20200716_141202.jpg)

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c25f5b  No.13976640


A murder of crows, anon, a murder.

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fd1da2  No.13976641


of course

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8fe011  No.13976642

File: a91131fa05879fa⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1571x923, 1571:923, Annotation_2021_06_24_2142….png)

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3b36f2  No.13976643


it's locked until this one is finished

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c5b6d4  No.13976644



why pancaked straight down?

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09e328  No.13976645


snipe attempt

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1a814b  No.13976646

File: 86a4df8c79c94db⋯.png (29.35 KB, 501x385, 501:385, ClipboardImage.png)


Highlights are fun.

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f9f011  No.13976647


>the hype signs

racist nowadays

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1e22ea  No.13976648


Bred is bred.

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ce42c8  No.13976649


If yesterday's 55% is legit should be by the end of the weekend.

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d5716f  No.13976650



know Ted

surely more than a single witness tho

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27c7b6  No.13976651


Like a blast with projectiles and fire, I imagine. This shit just came down on its own footprint and the fire started hours later. Thanks for asking

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3b36f2  No.13976652

File: 885dcaf698abcc6⋯.png (2.13 KB, 388x242, 194:121, ClipboardImage.png)


learn 2 refresh

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bd3801  No.13976653


nah like 60 post were deleted

we were close to 750 so he made it

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b9995a  No.13976654


Be specific.

The McAfee one?

First it needs to be determined if it even exists.

If it does, then where/what is it?

Be patient and let things play out.

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923c38  No.13976655



original scrubbed from Internet: https://wearethene.ws/notable/76698

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a05170  No.13976656

File: 3f13f07b3b997c4⋯.gif (449.1 KB, 480x329, 480:329, 2blessed.gif)

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4bbd66  No.13976658




'You can keep it locked

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276f52  No.13976659

File: 0b659770d3ea3c7⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1600x1027, 1600:1027, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't for get …

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8284a5  No.13976660


When they built the school right on top of a Native/First People's burial ground what exactly did they think they would find? Not that everything is ancient but they need to ascertain the facts and not push the activist propaganda if that is the case. Could be a way to discredit future mass gravesites? Or not. Anon is NOT defending Pope (needs a rope) or anyone else.

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1a814b  No.13976661


Thought They were under the Churches


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3b36f2  No.13976663


Calm down dogefag.

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bd3801  No.13976664

File: a8ee81497729bd7⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1610763125548.jpg)

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09e328  No.13976665


ah man fuck

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1e22ea  No.13976666


We need that kind of thinking here.

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c6f8ec  No.13976667

Anything happen today?

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09e328  No.13976668

File: e18f37e6541085b⋯.png (24.1 KB, 1472x171, 1472:171, ClipboardImage.png)

it was technically a snipe

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1e22ea  No.13976670


Evil trips are negated with positive vibes.

(where is that meme!)

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262ee9  No.13976671

File: d965972162e9963⋯.png (694.5 KB, 1099x872, 1099:872, Screenshot_3.png)

Let's get ahead of this story. Britney didn't kill herself. kek!

"Actress Rose McGowan, who famously exposed Harvey Weinstein’s years of sex crimes, says pop superstar Britney Spears is “ready to blow the lid” on the “rot” that persists in Hollywood."


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0bedcf  No.13976672


Hold your tits, anon. It’s not like everything else has been speedy. You don’t have a choice

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1e22ea  No.13976673

At 775. Who is deleting what?

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83ff4b  No.13976674


Sinking from bottom.

I"m not saying it was, I'm just saying it's plausible.

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3b36f2  No.13976675


And you are technically a baker.

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f9f011  No.13976676


those kids might have gotten some small pox blankets from you know who

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ce42c8  No.13976677

File: 4e1da70cb8c53f6⋯.png (5.19 KB, 519x47, 519:47, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13976668lol, onionhead locked it

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ce5b29  No.13976678


Some good old boys from North Georgia should have turned that fucker to rubble years ago. One backhoe with a hydraulic hammer instead of the shovel and you’d be done in 20 minutes. No putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. All they have is a surveillance camera on a pole out there. Gotta be quick or lay a tree down on the road in between the Guidestones and the Police Station. Better yet, light a fire in a dumpster in the opposite direction and call in a naked gunman, then roll in the backhoe.

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992de5  No.13976679


I would think more like controlled demo on a single weak point where it can’t be seen would be the wisest way to take down a building. Vs a big messy obvious bomb

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4bbd66  No.13976680

File: 2319ca8c45bbf18⋯.png (1.07 MB, 765x750, 51:50, ClipboardImage.png)



































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83ff4b  No.13976681

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1e22ea  No.13976682


God be with Brittany and Rose.

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ffa6ad  No.13976684

File: d315c62f31f3293⋯.jpg (398.28 KB, 1080x1114, 540:557, Screenshot_20210624_193619….jpg)

File: e3425a6b75a6f20⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 1080x914, 540:457, Screenshot_20210624_193633….jpg)

File: 8434802f4b6bcad⋯.jpg (119.15 KB, 1080x406, 540:203, Screenshot_20210624_195729….jpg)


yarp. from last bread.

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3b36f2  No.13976685

File: 34ce825379bf3ce⋯.png (53.01 KB, 1120x549, 1120:549, ClipboardImage.png)

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180f57  No.13976686


except there is no sinkhole

i thought sinkholes needed firmer ground to stay up until the whole thing collapses

shifting sand maybe

a long time before condos it was said to not build on sand but a firm foundation

early 1980s slap and dash condos with a fair share of inspector payoffs?

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3b36f2  No.13976688

New bread unlocked

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992de5  No.13976690

File: 05b4d45794d279e⋯.jpeg (115.35 KB, 1169x763, 167:109, B063AD26_22EC_45DC_A4B8_A….jpeg)

Is our military cycled or just this ass hat?

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1aa97c  No.13976691


Not hilldawg

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f9f011  No.13976692


britney is Q!

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992de5  No.13976694


Cucked…. Autocorrect

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6df93d  No.13976695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0aab6  No.13976698

File: ee30ea093210666⋯.png (37.53 KB, 782x541, 782:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9192e4a54df1486⋯.png (877.06 KB, 1069x1945, 1069:1945, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffa250ed15ebf8e⋯.png (774.73 KB, 773x1338, 773:1338, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbc26567b108f38⋯.png (1.21 MB, 829x1611, 829:1611, ClipboardImage.png)



Samuel de Champlain

French explorer

Samuel de Champlain, (born 1567?, Brouage, France—died December 25, 1635, Quebec, New France [now in Canada]), French explorer, acknowledged founder of the city of Quebec (1608), and consolidator of the French colonies in the New World. He was the first known European to sight the lake that bears his name (1609) and made other explorations of what are now northern New York, the Ottawa River, and the eastern Great Lakes.



Brouage, France


December 25, 1635

Quebec, Canada

role in

discovery and colonization of America

founder of


Everything has meaning - Q

read here….


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1e22ea  No.13976702


Because those posts were CP?

One week bans?

When did this place go to a moderated forum?

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2be635  No.14059721

File: c18df4000453a84⋯.png (94.11 KB, 822x670, 411:335, 90987521465790065.png)

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2be635  No.14059722

File: bac228431652899⋯.png (915.39 KB, 1622x864, 811:432, 896579821390876346.png)

File: d98a43e4523ce3a⋯.png (418.92 KB, 1723x866, 1723:866, 09876561247867.png)

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2be635  No.14059726

File: b81245e91a386fb⋯.png (382.91 KB, 968x513, 968:513, 11245780176324.png)

File: bcf6644de3d9e13⋯.png (75.42 KB, 807x550, 807:550, 11207896753478005.png)

File: bc527f94cfab25d⋯.png (11.7 KB, 610x375, 122:75, 0786421465653.png)

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2be635  No.14059736

File: 37aade0565b36a2⋯.png (376.31 KB, 960x505, 192:101, 5554321769078.png)

File: 8b574ca3a5a7638⋯.png (670.37 KB, 1583x1230, 1583:1230, 07896515670087679.png)

File: a51048954471f56⋯.png (358.16 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Friendly.png)

File: d45b916e60ec132⋯.png (5.55 KB, 914x595, 914:595, NOT.png)

File: ae898e5fa96afe6⋯.png (277.83 KB, 1726x708, 863:354, 21756576115.png)

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2be635  No.14059742

File: 1725f661d24171f⋯.png (375.58 KB, 945x504, 15:8, 114320893521.png)

File: 91220ce79a7314e⋯.png (391.89 KB, 503x507, 503:507, 9864122566609.png)

File: 070c429a035883b⋯.png (312.06 KB, 1800x471, 600:157, 765712579113.png)

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2be635  No.14059840

File: c05d6950577b508⋯.png (304.77 KB, 400x404, 100:101, 61904f6231e3d3a3714cc484d1….png)

File: 85bf9a06e300c63⋯.png (357.62 KB, 957x502, 957:502, 9909965634678.png)

File: 65dc03c15e61f5a⋯.png (683.5 KB, 640x425, 128:85, efd08719804aa502c56c13500c….png)

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2be635  No.14059854

File: 0f08a1153a664bc⋯.png (4.68 KB, 602x301, 2:1, 78621897669.png)

File: f0057ae826a61e4⋯.png (362.76 KB, 947x502, 947:502, 6425768007833411.png)

File: 8a085c6cba47c10⋯.png (4.51 KB, 602x303, 602:303, 85752125699331.png)

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2be635  No.14059897

File: c5b7b054944def1⋯.png (475.34 KB, 1104x1011, 368:337, 175405478654.png)

File: bab72a31a81114c⋯.png (382.51 KB, 968x510, 484:255, 2218907632563474.png)

File: f28ff4a6e1323aa⋯.png (1.04 MB, 835x690, 167:138, 34413547589007653.png)

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2be635  No.14059925

File: cf63222f270869a⋯.png (514.78 KB, 932x847, 932:847, 165226197659784.png)

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2be635  No.14059950

File: beb320fa6ff0cc8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 890x850, 89:85, 337517299542.png)

File: f4205b42049ef5c⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1042x721, 1042:721, 645537642078654.png)

File: 284ce3d800697bb⋯.png (1.3 MB, 785x768, 785:768, 178568005477632.png)

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c39582  No.14060097

File: 47bd4c648a94166⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1424, 1363:1424, 92475409c7a21f7b85b320134e….png)

File: 1a517c62584e220⋯.png (355.03 KB, 955x496, 955:496, 76315679004.png)

File: 47bd4c648a94166⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1424, 1363:1424, 92475409c7a21f7b85b320134e….png)

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c39582  No.14060158

File: bb030e10813a0ae⋯.png (154.02 KB, 492x659, 492:659, bb030e10813a0ae1d7ca7e51e7….png)

File: abbd0ddf35bb046⋯.png (355.81 KB, 954x499, 954:499, 664312457890784.png)

File: 0059244331e6cd0⋯.png (1.3 MB, 674x1019, 674:1019, 24x7x365.png)

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c39582  No.14060188

File: 2f5adb32e270cd7⋯.png (196.95 KB, 475x316, 475:316, YUHere.png)

File: 873fcde87803c0b⋯.png (351.09 KB, 948x492, 79:41, 85764511566790076.png)

File: 0f0a6dc0f9be3dd⋯.png (278.14 KB, 1726x708, 863:354, 174668493994902.png)

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c39582  No.14060267

File: 7fa3d6f4d3f3109⋯.png (1.56 MB, 830x833, 830:833, 78753216546700875.png)

File: a761ce66f283100⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1700x900, 17:9, Ridicule.png)

File: 7fa3d6f4d3f3109⋯.png (1.56 MB, 830x833, 830:833, 78753216546700875.png)

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