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3fc754  No.13880599[Last 50 Posts]

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BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

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Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

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Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE


>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

-TOR posting is disabled BO explains why- >>13793136

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3fc754  No.13880604

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879917 Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Banning Chinese Communist Party Members from Buying U.S. Land

>>13879926 Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill Banning Zuckerberg-Style Election Interference.

>>13880040 KIM JONG UN: K-pop is a "vicious cancer" that merits work camp, execution

>>13880042 Chicago Police Officer Charged with Storming Capitol Jan 6th

>>13879989 Half of all COVID unemployment relief was stolen - and most of of the $400 billion in illegally-claimed handouts were funneled to Russia, China and Nigeria, experts claim

>>13880138 @USAirforce

>>13880176 9 States Will Visit AZ Audit Center on Friday

>>13880204 In stunning, revelatory interview, ex-Mossad chief warns Iran, defends Netanyahu

>>13880265 “Fresh and Never Frozen” : The Horrifying Government Purchase of Fetal Organs

>>13880324, >>13880356, >>13880388, >>13880428 18airborne incl. eclipse pic

>>13880446 PEDO ARREST BUN 11 June 2021

>>13880452 Tell us all to move to QRB with you Swampfox.

>>13880453 Missouri Governor Will Sign Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws

>>13880489, >>13880515 AG Merrick Garland announces that the US justice dept will scrutinize any post election audits for evidence of voting law violations.

>>13880535 Porn star Dakota Skye, trolled for nude pic at George Floyd mural, found dead

>>13880597 #17571

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3fc754  No.13880606


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159, >>13879810 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 anon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480, >>13879548, >>13879688 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464, >>13879619 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team

>>13879566 @USArmy 1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

>>13879597 Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022

>>13879605 If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory

>>13879618 Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games.

>>13879653 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

>>13879727 Gaddafi’s son seeks Libyan presidency 10 years after NATO-backed campaign plunged country into chaos – media

>>13879809 Canadian Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files

>>13879842 #17570


>>13878440 President Putin to conduct his first U.S. TV interview in nearly three years

>>13878563 CDC revised deaths

>>13878572 The Ever Given Crew Are Still Stuck at Sea

>>13878615 Body found near G7 Summit venue in Cornwall

>>13879177 #17569 in #17570


>>13877444, >>13877497 https://peterdaszak.com/ digs

>>13877495 LA Times reports QAnon is dead (Bet they still won't shut up about it)

>>13877502 Scientists revive 24000 year old worm-like animal frozen in siberia

>>13877534 Infographic: Timeline of the Durham Investigation

>>13877647 Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain


>>13877777, >>13877788, >>13877889 Notre Dame 11.11.18 digs (checkt)

>>13877870 CAR Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada and cabinet resign

>>13877886 Trump-appointed ambassador to Brazil resigns

>>13877920 I had 60 million tablets of HCQ that Tony Fauci and @cc wouldn't allow the American public to use

>>13878196 Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files

>>13878241 #17568


>>13876637 Hackers Steal Wealth of Data from Game Giant EA (Electronic Arts)

>>13876641 Gaetz warns 'fusion' between US Govt. and Chinese Communist Party

>>13876648 Centcom: Live-fire close air support training

>>13876728 Facebook charged with discrimination against American job seekers

>>13876734 First European physical gold ATM opens in Czech Republic

>>13876866, >>13876877, >>13876888, >>13877000, >>13877004 AZ audit floor to host visitors from 10 states

>>13876878 Rep. Greene: Pending Fulton County audit is a case to watch

>>13876903, >>13876930 Variety of providers/websites down

>>13876957, >>13876968 EVERY STATE Should Be Audited - Citizen in Massachusetts Uncovers Election Discrepancies

>>13877008, >>13877014 Redlight activity at white house

>>13877072 Mom destroys school board over sexualized kid's book

>>13877230 PJTD was right: Study shows HCQ booted vent patients' survival by 200%, is"incredibly promising"

>>13877235 Huma's book scheduled for Nov. 2 release

>>13877241 Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill That Would Ban Private Money From Election Administration

>>13877242 4cdn.org Seized?

>>13877244 9 States Will Visit AZ Audit Center – ONLY ONE PALLET LEFT TO COUNT

>>13877268 Today's mirrored date re: Huma indictment

>>13877277 Report: Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom

>>13877299 USMC "Building upon tradition" Silent Drill Team

>>13877327, >>13877314 Baker change

>>13877333 LIVE: Potato watch

>>13877397 #17567

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3fc754  No.13880607


>>13875843 Keith Olbermann Panic!

>>13875938 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13875965 Edge Computing per Q post #1600 Potential Dig?

>>13876038 Baric conducting SARS research before 2003 outbreak

>>13876040 Facebook Lawsuit of the day

>>13876286 Cryptopunk is the new "money-laundering art"


>>13877307 #17566


>>13875096, >>13875111, >>13875217 US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant

>>13875102, >>13875091 HRC: "It takes courage and commitment – two things Huma has in spades" Q1445 "Think Spade"

>>13875200 Facebook Is Hub of Sex Recruitment in U.S., Report Says + More

>>13875336, >>13875355 How Washington is positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s founder mohammad jolani as its ‘asset’

>>13875348 Jim Watkins 'Did Dr. Fauci violate the BWC?'

>>13875358,>>13875431 Huma´s book on Nov 2, Q38 Nov 2 "Follow Huma"

>>13875371, >>13875407, >>13875443 PF

>>13875375, >>13875532, >>13875541 Rep Swalwell and Adam Schiff are calling for an IG investigation.

>>13875419 Blackout in Puerto Rico after massive fire at power plant in San Juan. 400,000 residents affected. The fire broke out shortly after the firm reported a cyber-attack

>>13875437 EU Joins Calls For New Probe Into Origins Of COVID-19

>>13875458 Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin refuses to say if he thinks the US armed forces are racist, as he is questioned by Sen. Tom Cotton

>>13875607, >>13875637 Durham in the news, DOJ releases financial activity report on Durham special counsel investigation May 28, 2021

>>13875783 #17565


>>13874331 Statement by PDJT: It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again)

>>13874340 Statement by PDJT: Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!

>>13874378 G7 summit wink to Q at Carbis Bay from UK bread

>>13874381 Repost, notabled before: Former Pfizer Chief's warning

>>13874404, >>13874424 justice.gov news

>>13874468 NAFTA has been replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but investors can still sue under NAFTA until the middle of 2023

>>13874497 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13874585 Politico: Senior Trump advisor Jason Miller leaving role as spokesperson, taking over as chief executive of startup that is developing a social media platform being considered by Trump.

>>13874710, >>13874722, >>13874733 Adam Schiff and House Intel Committee aides and the aides' family members, including a minor had their data from Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.

>>13875058 #17564


>>13873923 NV GOP CHAIR: AZ AUDIT Breddy Gud Model

>>13873901 "A Dangerous Precedent" - 3rd FDA Advisor Quits After Controversial Alzheimer's Drug Approval

>>13873899 Another jabbed bites the dust

>>13873881 Texas Governor Abbot Says Next Week He Will Announce Plans to Build More Border Wall

>>13873851 Destroying confidence in vaccines

>>13873832 El Chapo's wife pleads guilty

>>13873827 Vernon Jones Appears To Be Displaying The Official WaterMark On Valid Ballots Which The Left Claims Does Not Exist.

>>13873807, >>13873707 New Trump statement via GAB

>>13873777, >>13874074 Explosion in Puerto Rico causes a blackout | trips checked

>>13873767 New video from ex-CEO from Pfizer,

>>13873556 GA judge orders ‘strangely pristine’ mail-in ballots, that look photocopied, to be guarded | 6-9-21

>>13873992 Former Member of Massachusetts Latin Kings State Leadership Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy


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3fc754  No.13880609


>>13872658 DOE Grants Manchin Donor’s Company $1 Million

>>13872668 It gets worse . . . in Central Lake Township (Antrim County) we discovered 82% reversal rate of ballots.

>>13872799 Steve Daniels President of the @PatriotPartyAZ was arrested last night for no reason.

>>13872872 The new inspector general report released yesterday was looking into the episode that transpired last year involving U.S Park Police clearing out protestors from the area in and around St. John’s Episcopal Church

>>13872909 The Florida Board of Education approved a new rule on Thursday supported by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that effectively bans critical race theory in K-12 public education.

>>13873101 LOS ANGELES: "Sheriff Alex Villanueva feels the responsibility to help clean the boardwalk up.

>>13873166 Russian Navy warships shoot down 8 cruise missiles in Arctic drills

>>13873225, @BrianKempGA betrayed President Trump and failed to secure our elections, costing us two US Senate seats and likely the White House. Georgians deserve a fighter, not a coward. That's why I'm running for Governor.

>>13873289 Pennsylvania State Police Arrest Man Accused of Committing Triple Homicide Over a Used Toyota Camry

>>13875340 #17562


>>13871906 NOW - Biden: "America will be the arsenal of vaccines in the fight against COVID-19 just as it was the arsenal of democracy during World War 2."

>>13871939, >>13872037 BlackRock, who is currently buying up US properties/homes, is balls deep in the chynah virus creation through it's relationship to Glaxo…

>>13871947 Senator Elizabeth Warren (aka Pocahontas) Shares Link to Stolen Data on Taxes Paid by the Super Wealthy to Push Taxing the Rich

>>13871955 JUST IN - Biden, Johnson commit to a 15% global minimum tax amid talks of exemptions for China.

>>13872061 Seems Prince has been busy working on vaccine distribution in Taiwan with Abu Dhabi $$ backing Windward Co's and partnering with a former Flynn Staffer @ Maersk for distro.

>>13872105 URGENT | France's Macron announces termination of counterinsurgency operation in Africa's Sahel Region

>>13872124 Closed cold case murder tied to ousted Tennessee governor

>>13872140 Morales' legacy: Bolivian joint nuclear project with Russia's Rosatom unique for Latin America

>>13872246, >>13872068 ethylene oxide on testing swabs

>>13872296, >>13872553 planefagging

>>13872591 Exclusive: Louisiana AG Landry Says ‘Bans Against Any Firearms Are Ridiculous’

>>13875191 #17561

Previously Collected Notables

>>13869423 #17558, >>13874442 #17559, >>13874442 #17560

>>13867897 #17555, >>13868148 #17556, >>13868645 #17557

>>13867897 #17555, >>13866635 #17553, >>13487592 #17554

>>13865547 #17552, >>13866635 #17553, >>13487592 #17554

>>13863204 #17549, >>13863969 #17550, >>13864794 #17551

>>13860831 #17546, >>13862772 #17547, >>13862838 #17548

>>13860735 #17543, >>13860935 #17544, >>13860080 #17545

>>13856231 #17540, >>13860500 #17541, >>13860629 #17542

>>13856104 #17537, >>13856103 #17538, >>13856103 #17539

>>13851200 #17534, >>13851965 #17535, >>13856104 #17536

>>13850200 #17531, >>13850093 #17532, >>13850414 #17533

>>13850649 #17531/2, >>13850200 #17531/1, >>13848003 #17530

>>13846798 #17527, >>13846403 #17528, >>13847227 #17529

>>13843437 #17524, >>13844197 #17525, >>13844965 #17526

>>13841058 #17521, >>13841828 #17522, >>13842872 #17523

>>13838783 #17518, >>13839502 #17519, >>13840246 #17520

>>13836421 #17515, >>13841657 #17516, >>13844477 #17517

>>13834013 #17512, >>13834861 #17513, >>13835645 #17514

>>13833637 #17509, >>13832468 #17510, >>13833231 #17511

>>13829388 #17506, >>13830674 #17507, >>13833600 #17508

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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3fc754  No.13880611

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13855387 ————————————–——– Germany #81

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13340853 ————————————–——– South Africa #5

>>13828562 ————————————–——– UK #39

>>13741855 ————————————–——– Vatican #5

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>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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3fc754  No.13880612

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02a4d4  No.13880617

File: e52ebc892f5b3b1⋯.png (59.73 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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fef1a9  No.13880626

File: 28d5a638e59e118⋯.png (200.11 KB, 360x366, 60:61, ClipboardImage.png)


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ec654c  No.13880661

File: 0449d7eb5d4c1d5⋯.jpg (168.42 KB, 1078x687, 1078:687, Screenshot_20210612_083303….jpg)

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3fc754  No.13880664

the dough


baker must go

self confirm for great justice

you have a bread if you can keep it


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f44b95  No.13880665

File: b851e0a6355a7c9⋯.png (14.62 KB, 137x172, 137:172, Unnamed.png)

File: 4fd69d4efa9b54b⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 202x255, 202:255, YouBe.jpg)

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

>Nor, do I like people who say, “I pray for you,” when they know that that’s not so. So many people have been hurt. We can’t let that go on.

so swordy / satans_toilet / "The Den of Absolute Retards" crew:

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

<[AKA: "Code red MAGA patriots"]

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Is absolutely hated by Trump and Q~

They have been the source of flooding against us for three years.

Gloves are off

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3e23c0  No.13880667

File: 6fbf724cf758885⋯.png (914.64 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73effc2546fba85⋯.png (152.31 KB, 658x440, 329:220, ClipboardImage.png)

49 Jewish Groups Including ADL Call For Biden To Put ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ For Illegals In Spending Bill

'Permanent protection for individuals who live under the fear of detention and deportation…'

49 Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), run by Jonathan Greenblatt, sent a letter to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi urging the Democrats to put a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants “in any economic recovery or infrastructure legislation that moves forward via budget reconciliation.”

The letter was spearheaded by Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, and the ADL signed onto it. The letter states that, “As Jewish organizations that collectively represent millions of American Jews, we urge you to prioritize the inclusion of a pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, essential workers, and their families, in any economic recovery or infrastructure legislation that moves forward via budget reconciliation….As Jews, we are taught that each person is created b’tzelem elohim, in the divine image. Each of us is equally deserving of the opportunity to prosper in safety. ”

The letter argues that “Permanent protection for individuals who live under the fear of detention and deportation, as well as the constant threat of exploitation, is not just the moral action but also the most sensible choice” and “Immigrant workers and their families are vital to the fabric of our nation – it is time our government acts accordingly.”

The ADL is a driving force in pushing the suppression of free speech in America, expressing outrage at public discussion of “replacement migration,” which is happening in America and which is even touted on the United Nations website. But the ADL also strongly fights against mass immigration for the nation state of Israel:


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f44b95  No.13880670

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)


The bible hate is coming out of a week of intense j00h8 and CIrAn prepping this hivemind to assist their attacks against Israel.


This is warfare, they utilize owned assets to assist other operations - Multi-Domain Warfare.

(How did that go btw?)

>On Thursday, the IDF deployed infantry, artillery, and tanks on the Gaza border, leading Hamas to believe that Israel was about to begin a ground invasion. As a result, Hamas sent its fighters into its underground tunnel system beneath Gaza City

>On Thursday night, the IDF brought in 160 aircraft and dropped 450 bombs containing over 80 tons of explosives, hitting 150 terror targets in 35 minutes. Hamas’ underground city was hit with enormous force, and the IDF collapsed the terror tunnel system, on the heads of the terrorists hiding in the tunnels. During the attack, many kilometers of terror tunnels were destroyed. As of now, neither Israel nor Hamas is clear on the exact scope of the damage, but according to estimates, a large number of terrorists were buried in the sands beneath Gaza.”

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah losers~

(Say, when did exbot start talking about fires in jerusalem? How far out do they plan their hivemind targeting real world events?)

This is why the CIA needed to control this board so badly.

They need the asset Q created



And if that information creates people who spread it, they need those people to be as disregarded as can be.

Agents flood this board with insidious vile corruption designed to eat away your constructive relation to anyone else.

To 'kill' the asset of an Informed Individual.

Unrestricted Warfare was engaged, Top Cover provided.

This is where (You) currently are.

This is Q research

Not j00search

Though this board is j00search, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why j00search?

This is where (You) currently are.

This is about Q level Classified Information

Not zombo racial hate

Though this board is zombo-racial-hate, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why zombo-racial-hate?

This is where (You) currently are.

This is about restoring the Republic of America

Not exbots love for anal traps

Though this board is exbots love for producing NPCs to rape

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why NPCs?

This is where (You) currently are.


An occult concept of an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.

A group of influenced people, that is to say, those whos Will have been weakened, and internal beliefs modified to remove your own interests that get in the way of the Egregores desires.

Can this be achieved with a drumbeat of subliminals?

With an imageboard deployment of mockingbird?

What are the goals of the Egregore, and what is it eroding in you to "make you a better battery/NPC"?

This is where (You) currently are.

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST: Saying MUH JOO on a research board)
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f589ec  No.13880672

File: abbc2bbee7593d3⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 640x352, 20:11, videoplayback.mp4)

Ladies and Gentleman, this is President of the USA at G7

Jill = handler.

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ab4ea8  No.13880674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jovian Pulitzer live with 'The Gateway Pundit's Jim and Joe Hoft LIVE talking about the latest on #AZAudit + other coming audits.

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3e23c0  No.13880675

Romania Arrests Mayor for Alleged Rape of 12-Year-Old

Romanian police have arrested a municipal mayor on charges of raping a 12-year-old girl at a party in 2018,amid continuing international concern over the extent of trafficking and abuse of children in the EU country.

Romanian police on Thursday arrested the mayor of the Stefanestii de Jos municipality, Robert Stefan, on charges of having sex with a minor.

Judicial sources quoted by the media said the events happened in early 2018, after two individuals allegedly handed the 12-year-old victim to the mayor while he was attending a party.

The child had allegedly already been beaten and raped by the two other suspects, who have also been arrested alongside the mayor, sources said. Investigators are working to establish who impregnated the victim.

The case came to the attention of police after the minor gave birth at a Bucharest clinic in 2018, but no arrests were made until now.

Several NGOs and international reports compiled by the US government, the European Commission and a group of experts of the Council of Europe have drawn attention recently to the prevalence of child trafficking and sexual exploitation of minors in Romania.

Published on 3 June this year, the Council of Europe’s evaluation said that 74 per cent of the more than 2,600 victims of human trafficking in Romania between 2016 and 2019 were female and nearly half were children. NGOs believe human trafficking is heavily underreported in Romania.

“Sexual exploitation remained the most common purpose of trafficking in the reporting period, followed by labour exploitation,” the CoE report added.

Responding to international pressure, Romanian legislators have toughened laws punishing crimes related to human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors.

On June 3, the parliament passed a law removing the statute of limitations for a number of these crimes, including rape and sex with minors.

However, NGOs and international organisations are pushing Romania to devote more resources and better policies to identify vulnerable women and children before they fall prey to abusers.

Romania has also been reprimanded for not doing enough to protect victims and bring perpetrators to book.

In June last year, the US government’s annual report on human trafficking placed Romania in the third level out of four when it comes to efficiently fighting this crime. Ireland was the only other EU country ranked at that level.

Among other failings, the report warned that Romanian officials are often in cahoots with human traffickers.


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0d08e2  No.13880676

File: f4f109123575c7b⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 542x520, 271:260, E3oHo6WVkAYFw10.jpg)

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051cc8  No.13880683

File: a28946c45aeed0f⋯.jpg (117.84 KB, 720x800, 9:10, 20210611_143409.jpg)

File: 71cabf338f35f1a⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, PoZifhwvtbdsZO9C.mp4)


America Last, in a video:

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3e23c0  No.13880687

File: 5b5ab4a90883f41⋯.png (580.08 KB, 561x722, 561:722, ClipboardImage.png)

AG Merrick Garland Announces that His DOJ Will Scrutinize Any Post-Election Audits for Evidence of Voting Law Violations!!

The corrupt DOJ and its FBI totally ignored the flood of election crimes in the 2020 election. So it’s no surprise that now the corrupt AG decides to threaten any person who is involved in election audits to prevent them from looking into the election crimes and fraud that were committed.

The DOJ totally ignored election crimes in the 2020 election. Everywhere we turned there were crimes and corruption at every level in the process but they were ignored by our Mainstream Media, DOJ, and its FBI, and any mention of the election crimes were banned by Big Tech. This was no small task to get all these institutions to jump on the same corrupt ship.

We uncovered this and reported on it. Not the DOJ – they ignored it – thousands of ballots delivered to the voting location in Detroit early in the morning after the 2020 election with ballots all for Joe Biden:

We took this video and determined that the gang that kicked everyone out of the Atlanta voting location and then pulled ballots out from under tables, ran the ballots two and three times into the tabulation machines while no one was watching. Unfortunately for them, the camera was on. But to date it doesn’t matter because the DOJ and FBI have ignored all this:

But now as American patriots are taking their own time to volunteer and help uncover the fraud and corruption in the audits, the DOJ finally acknowledges there was an election. The Attorney General says that he and his gang of attorneys and investigators are going to scrutinize every single action taken during these audits to intimidate and prevent audits from taking place.

We knew they would do something. Now the Deep State finally takes that action and threatens anyone who dares trust their instincts and wants to assist in undoing any fraudulent votes in the 2020 Election.

Can we finally say that the US is a Banana Republic run by a gang of crooks?


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f568ca  No.13880690


This is how they subvert and destroy Western nations.

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0d08e2  No.13880695

File: e5ad4fb546ff1b2⋯.jpg (432.26 KB, 1566x2048, 783:1024, E3oOz9MWUAUL4Qa.jpg)

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1171a1  No.13880696


>49 Jewish Groups Including ADL Call For Biden To Put ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ For Illegals In Spending Bill



WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Impeaching a duly elected president with no cause (100% Jewish)


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 - Homelessness population on the rise?

WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM, BLM & Antifa Ran by Jews (((Susan Rosenberg))) https://www.bendthearc.us/american_jews_black_lives_matter

WE SHALL DESTROY GOD, WHY DO YOU THINK Q ALWAYS SAID "GOD WINS" QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media? QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2900 - Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan QPOST #4688, #4541, #1646


CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED, Speaks for itself. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603


WE ARE WOLVES, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS. QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST, Q SAYS GOD WINS QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

SECRET SOCIETIES, ”FOR WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY…” - JFK QPOST #3734, #2573, #1588, #1433, #1183, #1082, #942, #783, #743, #742, #709, #703, #354, #350, #121, #92, #15

GENTILES ARE STUPID, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU STUPID, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

GENTILES ARE CATTLE , Q SAID THEY CALL YOU SHEEP/CATTLE/STUPID IN SOME COMBINATION OVER 60 TIMES. GETTING THE PICTURE? QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??''' QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

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0d08e2  No.13880697

File: 404bc42c421c414⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 511x600, 511:600, E3oOmkdXMAEQPA6.jpg)

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1171a1  No.13880698

File: ee8a702a134ef35⋯.png (6.26 KB, 444x266, 222:133, 3a01fe6ee1d7383213bd188789….png)

File: b065bdd42de4f5d⋯.png (11.96 KB, 444x491, 444:491, 21b905bb75f54b22393f074001….png)

File: dbdf2f5fe2cc44f⋯.png (14.67 KB, 444x735, 148:245, 237ca927ef491df5456165a82e….png)

File: 67a92863660cc46⋯.png (13.05 KB, 444x620, 111:155, a8232add0e11a2887dda7fae0f….png)

File: dcec4fee7b2b261⋯.png (5.65 KB, 444x217, 444:217, c7b8c49fb9b6928347280bb749….png)

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f568ca  No.13880699


Sure you did, you commie rats.

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3e23c0  No.13880700

File: 70c217cacdecc92⋯.png (324.75 KB, 569x480, 569:480, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Director Wray Says Mexico Cartel Activity ‘Spilling Over’ into U.S. as Border Crisis Continues

Cartel activity from Mexico is “spilling over” into the United States as the migrant influx on the Southern border continues, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray said on Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee.

A transcript is as follows:

REP. TOM MCCLINTOCK: Is it true many of the foreign nationals who are being trafficked across our border often arrive here deeply indebted to the Mexican crime cartels?

DIR. CHRISTOPHER WRAY: Certainly we have seen quite a number of such instances, absolutely.

REP. MCCLINTOCK: Are those debts collected through indentured servitude to the cartels?

DIR. WRAY: In some cases, definitely. We are pursuing a number of human trafficking task forces, as well as working on certain taskforces with [Department of Homeland Security] to try to address that issue. But there’s no question that the cartel activity on the other side of the border is spilling over in all sorts of ways, and you just put your finger on one that is extremely concerning to us all.


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3e23c0  No.13880701

Three Australian Casinos Tied Up In Money Laundering Probe

Three Australian Casinos Tied Up In Money Laundering Probe

Print article

Published: 11 June 2021

Written by Emily Tian

The three largest casino operators in Australia announced on Monday that they are under federal scrutiny for possible breaches of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws.

Government financial crimes watchdog Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) had already been investigating Crown Melbourne since last October.

Now, AUSTRAC is also formally looking into the entertainment group’s Perth operations as well as two major competitors, SkyCity Entertainment Group and Star Entertainment Group.

Together, the three operate casinos across Australia’s six largest cities.

Star Sydney and SkyCity Adelaide are both under investigation for suspected breaches of customer due diligence laws.

Market updates published on Monday by both SkyCity and Star revealed that the investigation focuses on their management of customers identified as “high risk and politically exposed” from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 as well as from July 2018 to June 30, 2019.

AUSTRAC defines “politically exposed” persons as those who hold “a prominent public position or role in a government body or international organisation, either in Australia or overseas.”

Immediate family members or close associates of these individuals are also considered to be politically exposed persons.

The Crown Resorts press release also indicated that the board recently received legal advice that a hotel card practice in place between 2012 and 2016, in which international guests at the Crown Towers Hotel in Melbourne used their debit or credit cards to play at the casino, violated the Casino Control Act, which prohibits a casino operator from providing money or chips as a part of a transaction involving a credit or debit card. Over US$124 million was transacted through this loophole.

This is the latest investigation into Crown’s business practices. In the past several years, the company has had to contend with numerous independent and state-sponsored investigations of its suitability to hold gaming licenses in Perth and Melbourne, its alleged ties to organized crime in Asia, and governance breaches by board directors and top shareholder James Packer.

Nicole Rose, AUSTRAC’s CEO, published an opinion piece in an Australian newspaper hours before the investigations were disclosed in market updates.

“The Australian casino sector is at risk of criminal misuse due to the products and services they offer… When systems and processes do fail, AUSTRAC will not hesitate to draw on our regulatory and enforcement powers,” she wrote.

The investigation may spell trouble for Star Entertainment Group’s US$9.4 billion bid to merge with the beleaguered Crown Resorts, announced in May.

AUSTRAC has not made a decision on the appropriate regulatory response that it may apply to the casinos. All three companies indicated in press releases that they will fully cooperate with AUSTRAC investigations.

On the same day, The National Australia Bank (NAB), Australia’s third largest bank, also confirmed that it is the subject of a noncompliance investigation of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws having to do with customer identification procedures and due diligence.

In a letter addressed to NAB, AUSTRAC said that it is not considering proceeding with civil penalties to address AUSTRAC’s concerns, a decision “reflective of the work undertaken” by NAB to date.


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d9d9cd  No.13880702

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1af6e5  No.13880703

File: 10b15ffd6a71513⋯.png (6.37 MB, 3000x1688, 375:211, 893A56F2_3B0A_4A2D_83AD_14….png)

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678717  No.13880704

File: fe9f8ca21d71229⋯.mp4 (331.07 KB, 600x800, 3:4, bff5fc39a6010b68.mp4)

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3e23c0  No.13880705

Clackamas County Sheriff's Office arrests man on several sex abuse charges

CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OR (KPTV) - A Clackamas County man is behind bars - facing several sex charges. Police arrested 40-year-old Vitaliy Yasinskiy Wednesday night and investigators say he used Snapchat to lure his underage victim.

"If your child has a smartphone, essentially, there's thousands of sex offenders or pimps in your living room," Detective Chad Kyser with Clackamas County Sheriff's Office's Adult Sex Crimes Unit, said.

They're sending that strong message to warn parents and children about the dangers of online predators after they arrested Yasinskiy. Kyser said Yasinsky used the Snapchat app to contact the underage victim in this case.

"The offender essentially reached out to the victim and started following on Snapchat and then that segued into having contact. you know, replying to stories," Kyser said. "Then that ultimately led to meeting up in person and that's where the crime started occurring from there."

He said Snapchat tends to be commonly used in these cases because it's harder to track.

"Snapchat, the way the platform is set up is that when you send a message, it'll instantly delete if you have it set up that way. So, retention of records presents a larger problem," Kyser said.

This has been going on for months, but Kyser said he was finally caught because the victim sought help from a local advocacy group.

"When she felt comfortable talking to law enforcement, safety compass contacted me and said, 'hey I think you want to talk to this girl'," Kyser said. "At some point, she gave a really good disclosure and then I started working forward with trying to identify who the suspect was, where he lived and just find out some info about him."

While there's not one foolproof way to keep your kids safe online, Kyser said education is the best place to start. That includes teaching them how to set boundaries.

"If someone wants to meet with you in person, we call it the make and break plans. So if you make a plan with someone you want to meet, you haven't met in person and then you break that plan, see what their reaction is to that. How do they respond to that? Do they respect your boundaries," he said.

Kyser believes there are more victims in this case. If you're a victim, you're asked to call the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office. However, if you're not comfortable, Kyser suggests reaching out to Safety Compass - a local advocacy group for survivors of sexual exploitation.


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3e23c0  No.13880706

Human trafficking sting operation in Erwin nets seven arrests

Phony website ads placed on websites by TBI agents that have been known to attract child predators did their job and now seven suspects are charged for soliciting sex.

Several agencies took part in the human trafficking sting based in Unicoi County. The men in custody are:

Mark Daniel Higgins, 59, of Asheville

Jeffery Lynn Rhoney, 61, of Arden, NC

Steven Charles Mayes, 48, of Morristown

Benjamin Moreno, 51, of Asheville

Jose Andrade, 41, of Johnson City

Alberto Gonzales, 46, of Bristol, Va

Randall Staton, 54, of Bakersville, NC

They are all held in the county jail in Erwin.


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33cd35  No.13880707

File: e3dfaa19b215d4c⋯.png (26.52 KB, 598x298, 299:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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678717  No.13880708

File: ccbfacc8819d980⋯.jpg (175.8 KB, 1443x1080, 481:360, bf489f7fa729e01a.jpg)

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907d2f  No.13880709

File: 452d4770127e5d1⋯.png (258.92 KB, 447x216, 149:72, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


R:I:P: Geoffrey Edelsten

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3e23c0  No.13880710

Pinellas County man drove to Highlands County to smoke weed, have sex with 14-year-old, deputies say

SEBRING, Fla. - A 21-year-old man drove from St. Pete to Highlands County expecting to meet a teenager and smoke marijuana before they had sex, deputies said. However, he ended up meeting with detectives instead.

Highlands County detectives arrested Jason Lamar Duff on charges of sending harmful material to a child and traveling to meet a minor for sex after using a computer to solicit a child.

They said Duff was communicating with a 14-year-old girl online and sent her three videos of himself.

"Let’s just say he was enjoying some personal time. He knew the girl he was chatting with was underage," according to a narrative by the sheriff’s office. "What he didn’t know was that at a certain point during the conversation, he had stopped chatting with the girl and started chatting with one of our detectives. This detective is definitely not a 14-year-old girl."

On Thursday, deputies said Duff headed east to Highlands County, promising to bring marijuana to smoke before they had sex.

"Instead, he got to meet a bunch of folks with badges," the agency wrote in a Facebook post. "So instead of going to his young victim’s house like he had hoped, Jason went to the Highlands County Jail."

Officials said Duff was also on felony probation for grand theft of a motor vehicle in Pinellas County. Jail records from previous arrests in 2020 list Duff as a transient.


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fbbe7b  No.13880711

File: ea7f33da7acbc42⋯.jpg (525.61 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_134104….jpg)

File: 45ee52595cc3265⋯.jpg (440.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_134113….jpg)

File: 9b367982fd58b3f⋯.jpg (488.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_134131….jpg)


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fef1a9  No.13880712

File: 3c7e037b2de44bc⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, b3fbcdcf55e4cc4360d11b8c97….jpg)


will announce if I can help in a few

busy for now

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cb35a9  No.13880713

File: 562b9f3a4f62e69⋯.png (142.07 KB, 357x401, 357:401, what_do.png)

>>13880639 LB

>Moments after her beauty treatment finished, the technician’s dog — which she had been stroking happily earlier — lunged at her in an unprovoked attack.

Take the little fucker for a walk and tie him to a Chinese Restaurant back door.

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5a038e  No.13880714

File: ab9946d34e6c21b⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 500x661, 500:661, 1de05d24c98a98e43a5c1d29e5….jpg)


If he goes, Nancy will replace him

That's why they chose Kamala. Her baggage can be used against her if needed.

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7d7791  No.13880715


but arresting patriots is more important. The FBI is faggot, every last one of them down to the janitors.

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ae2c85  No.13880716

>>13880679 pb

Fiery Car Accidents

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051cc8  No.13880717

File: 9cff87bce9e310a⋯.jpg (217.52 KB, 720x1201, 720:1201, 20210611_144105.jpg)

File: 72b2fa6196a12da⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, RxKyiLzkf6HXc3t6.mp4)

File: daf07ae950eb5ec⋯.jpg (401.71 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20210611_144202….jpg)

Now that we are together, united, determined to make a difference, it's time to deliver. I'm sure we will, @JoeBiden! https://t.co/VmkvCV1yG5


Moar of Biden looking like a dumbfuck at the g7

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3e23c0  No.13880718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots Rally At New Hampshire State Capitol For Audit of the 2020 Election

America First!

American patriots rallied Friday at the state capitol in Concord, New Hampshire for a full forensic audit of the 2020 election in their state, as Audit Fever sweeps America. The optimism surrounding the Arizona state senate’s ongoing audit of the vote in Maricopa County, Arizona is leading to calls to action nationwide, and delegations from numerous other states have travelled to Maricopa to watch the audit process. Here is a livestream of the day’s festivities in New Hampshire:

American patriot activists tell NATIONAL FILE that they are just getting started when it comes to sparking 2020 election audits in disputed states. Some of the main patriot organizers who are leading the audit effort are very optimistic that what started in Maricopa County, Arizona will now spread quickly to nine other states. Targeted states include Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

Patriotic delegations from Georgia, Alaska, and Colorado visited the Maricopa County audit floor in Phoenix, Arizona this week following a visit from a Pennsylvania delegation led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, who met with President Donald Trump in Trump Tower. Insiders tell NATIONAL FILE that more states will be heading to Maricopa County.

Kandiss Taylor, Conservative Running for Governor of Georgia Against Brian Kemp, Is Confident

“There’s a team going. There’s three or four Republicans going to Arizona” from Georgia, Kandiss Taylor told NATIONAL FILE prior to the Georgia delegation’s visit to Maricopa, which was kept quiet so as not to prevent it from happening ahead of time. Taylor noted that the pro-audit Georgia delegation is working with a very good attorney who is advising the lawmakers.

“It’s going great. We’ve got senators willing to go at it. I’ve sent 2 affidavits, and we’ve sent thousands of affidavits to people in power to get audits in Fulton County and Chatham County, which is Savannah,” Kandiss Taylor said.

Kandiss Taylor even confronted Quisling governor Brian Kemp about the audit effort. Taylor said, “I saw the governor, he said ‘okay,’ he said ‘okay, thank you.’ He was in my hometown in South Georgia.”

“I certified mailed one, then I sent a second one, there have been thousands of notices sent, signed by the Georgia citizens,” Taylor said. “If one senator wants to do it, then the rest can do it — that’s what happened in Arizona, one of them started, and then the others fell in line. They don’t want to break their oath of office. We just need one senator in each state to get the ball rolling.”

“The people believe that it was stolen, and we need to do what’s right,” said Kandiss Taylor.


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ec3163  No.13880719


Social distancing what?

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b24f85  No.13880720

File: 07ca0edc52e78a1⋯.png (389.47 KB, 507x672, 169:224, 07ca0edc52e78a15b63e34aafa….png)


Hey baker,…thanks for doing what you do….whatever you are, you are appreciated.


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7d7791  No.13880721


is he gonna grab his old man boobs?

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60c8e1  No.13880722


Looks like Macron is trying to grab Biden's invisible bewbies.

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2a7eb1  No.13880723

File: f16db9b7fb703e9⋯.pdf (1.43 MB, Americas_Frontline_Doctors….pdf)

EXCLUSIVE!!! THE LAWSUIT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Fauci and His COVID-19 Henchmen Sued to Personally Pay For Their Abuses!


FINALLY! The lawsuit we’ve all been waiting for! An exhaustively researched, very tightly reasoned, and persuasively pled complaint condemning the Government’s COVID-19 response was filed today in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama to hold the minute martinet, Anthony “Fluttering Fastball” Fauci and his co-conspirators at DHHS, CDC, NIH, and FDA accountable for their reign of terror over America.

Forty three named and unnamed plaintiffs led by America’s Frontline Doctors have sued Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Xavier Becerra, both personally and in his official capacity, Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony Fauci, both personally and in his official capacity, Acting Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Dr. Janet Woodcock, both personally and in her official capacity, DHHS itself, FDA itself, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), NIAID itself, and John and Jane Does I-V.

The theory of the case is that the EUAs were “the keys that unlocked the profit potential of the COVID-19 crisis,” enabling vaccine manufacturers to “reap billions of dollars in profit by exploiting the fears of the American people.” The complaint further alleges that the vaccines “have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease” themselves.

Defendants are seeking civil money damages from Secretary Becarra, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Woodcock personally.

The Complaint alleges that the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) under which various “unapproved, inadequately tested, experimental, and dangerous” COVID-19 vaccines have been sold and administered are unlawful on multiple grounds and must be terminated immediately. The multiple grounds supporting termination of the EUAs, and by extension, administration of all COVID-19 vaccines, follows.

First, the Complaint alleges that the Emergency Declaration upon which the EUAs are all based was unjustified. Second, that the DHHS Secretary has failed to satisfy the “criteria for issuance” of the EUAs set forth in Section 546 of the Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(c). Third, that the DHHS Secretary has failed to satisfy the “conditions of authorization” mandated by § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A). If the District Court finds any of these grounds to be legally sustainable, the EUAs must as a matter of law be terminated.

Plaintiffs Seek Multiple Rulings and Damages From Individual Defendants

The Plaintiffs are asking the District Court to review whether there was a true “public health emergency” and to find that, since there was no such actual emergency, that DHHS did not have the authority to declare such an emergency, which would likewise nullify the EUAs.

the EUAs were “the keys that unlocked the profit potential of the COVID-19 crisis”

The Plaintiffs are also asking the District Court to determine that the EUAs and extensions thereof are unlawful based on the grounds set forth above, that the Defendants have violated customary international law by engaging in non-consensual human medical experimentation, and that they have unlawfully failed to implement protections for human subjects in medical experimentation.

They are further asking the District Court to enjoin the enforcement of the overall “public health emergency” declaration and renewals, enforcement of the EUAs, and extension of the EUAs to children under the age of 16.

Finally, the Defendants are seeking civil money damages from Secretary Becarra, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Woodcock personally.

The case is Civil Action No. 2:21-cv-00702-CLM. A copy of the complaint follows.

Too bad the "judge" will find they have no standing, you can't sue to government for this or some such bullshit.

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ae2c85  No.13880724


Law enforcement cracks down on illegal marijuana grows in Antelope Valley

Los Angeles Daily News|3 days ago

A Cartel-Run Marijuana Farm Busted By Law Enforcement In Antelope Valley

Laweekly|2 days ago

Antelope Valley: Massive LASD raid seizes marijuana worth millions, allegedly linked to cartels

ABC7 on MSN.com|2 days ago

Authorities seize millions of dollars worth of marijuana from 500 illegal grows in Antelope Valley area

KTTV|3 days ago

Deputies plan to bulldoze 500 illegal marijuana grows in Antelope Valley after massive bust

KTLA|3 days ago

LA County Democrats call for Sheriff Villanueva to resign; his spokesman hits back

Los Angeles Daily News|2 days ago

Multi-Agency Operation Seizes Thousands Of Pounds Of Illegal Marijuana In AV

SCV News|2 days ago

Deputies clear out illegal marijuana

Antelope Valley Press|2 days ago

Los Angeles records largest drug bust in sheriff's department history, Mexican cartel activity suspected

Fox News|3 days ago

Multi-Agency Raids Target Illegal Marijuana Grows In Antelope Valley Area

MyNewsLA|3 days ago

LASD Seizes Thousands Of Marijuana Plants, Arrests 23 In Raids Targeting Illegal Grow Operations

YAHOO!News|3 days ago

Deadly weekend has Sheriffs pleading for AV to 'Slow down'

Antelope Valley Press|2 days ago

Authorities Seize Illegal Marijuana Grows in California Bust

U.S. News & World Report|3 days ago

Mother, Soccer Coach Killed In Suspected Street Racing Crash Near Antelope Valley Mall In Palmdale

CBS Local|2 days ago

Two Killed In Fiery, Explosive Hit-And-Run Wreck Near Antelope Valley Mall In Palmdale

CBS Local on MSN.com|2 days ago

Los Angeles County Homeless Residents Say Sheriff's Department Is Targeting Them

The Appeal|8 days ago

Antelope Valley speeders beware: Authorities cracking down

YAHOO!News|9 days ago

Sara Carter exclusive: Biden border policies fueling sprawling cartel-linked pot-growing operations far inland

Fox News|33 days ago

Large Brush Fire Breaks Out In Antelope Valley

CBS Las Vegas|22 days ago

Exclusive Clip: Reform L.A. Jails Wants to Reinvest the $1.6 Million for School Overpolicing Into the Community

The Root|32 days ago

LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger: Giant Farms Popping Up In Antelope Valley Desert Areas Are Illegal Marijuana Growing Operations

CBS Los Angeles|15 days ago

450-acre blaze in eastern Antelope Valley triggers evacuations, destroys homes

MSN|30 days ago

Evacuations ordered in 450-acre Pine Fire in Antelope Valley; at least 1 structure destroyed

KTLA|30 days ago

Sheriff's Department says tactics used during gunpoint detention in Lancaster 'are not taught'

MSN|35 days ago

Pine Fire 40% Contained At 450 Acres

Patch|29 days ago

Armed kidnapping suspect in custody after chase, hours-long standoff at Palmdale apartment complex

ABC7|28 days ago

Man Suspected of Child Abduction Arrested in Palmdale After Pursuit

NBC Los Angeles|29 days ago

California man gets life for killing LA sheriff's deputy

SFGate|25 days ago

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fc18a1  No.13880725

File: 426c383e5c92b05⋯.jpg (491.54 KB, 595x842, 595:842, Fight_Club.jpg)

File: efaf27e959f17a6⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 645x434, 645:434, popcorn.jpg)

File: 8581ee7ec66c73e⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 808x454, 404:227, iwam.jpg)

File: d93fff92015d88f⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 520x468, 10:9, change_social_reality_4_go….jpg)

Thank you baker.

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f0ddce  No.13880726

File: b3b5b6b9454c44f⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 666x363, 222:121, 5bwvvxfj3n.jpg)

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a8be33  No.13880727


06/11/21 (Fri) 15:11:03 22241c (2) No.13880258 >>13880263 >>13880288


I've been saying since the 1960's that the Vietnam conflict was designed to kill off, injure, demoralize and drug what would have been an even Greater Generation than the "Greatest Generation". We were raise patriotic, went to church, had solid conservative values and a work ethic like few other's in history.

The "Boomer" could not be allowed to prosper. In the absence of such an influential cohort of MEN the nation was weakened with the SDS, free speech movement, anti-war movement, civil rights movement, and 40 fucking years of a democrat controlled congress.

Yeah, we've been wise to this shit for a long, long time.

I agree that is when they started pot and LSD, trying to take all meaning of the generation that would change the world.But they didnt get all of us, their big mistake!

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cb35a9  No.13880728

File: 007a222ea9994ff⋯.png (261.47 KB, 796x713, 796:713, wtf_eh.png)


>Patriots Rally At New Hampshire State Capitol For Audit of the 2020 Election

Too corrupt a state.

Sununu crime family into everything.

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d83e95  No.13880729


Memefags, you know what to do.

A nice set of hooters on Joe's chest would be hilarious.

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1f7f33  No.13880731

File: 0125987daa38010⋯.png (850.37 KB, 976x988, 244:247, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

Sony Music writes off artists' decades-old debts

Sony Music has cancelled the debts of thousands of artists who signed to the record label before the year 2000.

It means that many will now, for the first time, earn money when their songs are streamed on services like Spotify and Amazon Music.

Sony said it could not name the eligible acts due to confidentiality agreements, but a source said it would "include household names".

It said some artists stood to receive "many thousands of dollars per year".


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a8be33  No.13880732

File: 59494913b85651e⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 960x720, 4:3, IMG_4941.mp4)

Gonna drop this again for those getting off work

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0acbd4  No.13880733

File: c4fe050fb50eab9⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 328x138, 164:69, goyim.jpg)




Actual Q post:



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678717  No.13880734

File: a481ad1f2849689⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 616x360, 77:45, 0c4e501767fafb6f.mp4)

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9937da  No.13880735

File: addf376f4158ce0⋯.png (57.12 KB, 460x196, 115:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ff4090c2b8b42d⋯.png (142.26 KB, 1143x918, 127:102, z5yRLJc.png)

File: ac1538c8f8107b3⋯.png (389 KB, 1228x495, 1228:495, VSwZFXQ.png)

Today's Marker

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91eef0  No.13880736

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907d2f  No.13880737

File: 5738b31b0f149c7⋯.png (451.72 KB, 864x498, 144:83, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

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2aca62  No.13880738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 11, 2021 Dr Roger Hodkinson

"Medical idiocy at it's most grotesque degree"

This is great. Dr. Hodkindon is lit AF. On YT but won't be there long.


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e4698b  No.13880739

It’s all about the audit, got it!

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678717  No.13880741

File: c2386df9d60747e⋯.png (291.8 KB, 443x652, 443:652, fc6742ec102b870e.png)

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5e3db2  No.13880742



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1171a1  No.13880743

File: 6ec46bbad04cad7⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, 6ec46bbad04cad778e03316f66….jpg)

WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Impeaching a duly elected president with no cause (100% Jewish)


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a8be33  No.13880744


Are those glad hands it intimidating hands, or gay hands.

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2b2bc5  No.13880745

File: 474aa48b1e9289b⋯.jpg (114.2 KB, 1080x690, 36:23, Screenshot_20210611_155033….jpg)

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712819  No.13880746

File: f6cc4caea5442ee⋯.jpeg (222.04 KB, 640x523, 640:523, 7E537B18_26F2_4E5A_BC3C_D….jpeg)


Trust the science.

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2a7eb1  No.13880747

Porn star Dakota Skye, trolled for nude pic at George Floyd mural, found dead


The California resident — whose real name was Lauren Kaye Scott — was discovered dead in her Los Angeles motorhome by her unnamed husband, who identified the body to authorities, the Sun reported. The coroner’s office has yet to confirm a cause of the death.

How many does this make?

This perverse industry chews girls up & spits them out.

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f589ec  No.13880748


This is my theory.

China is good guy.

Xi is playing the game along with Putin, Modi and Trump.

How do i know this?

Look at Jack Ma.

Look what happened to him.

Look how Xi stopped IPO of Ant.

Google this names:

Sun Dawu

Ye Jingping

Qian Fenglei

Xi is cleaning China from DS and Cabal fuckers.

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0a8c1e  No.13880749

File: 974e071ef0da2e8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdb6df2ca28404e⋯.png (473.47 KB, 879x669, 293:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23e0c8b97e69a93⋯.png (1.09 MB, 903x500, 903:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a829efaf6be8f24⋯.webm (2.83 MB, 640x640, 1:1, SKY_KING_STILL_ALIVE_PLUS….webm)

File: 7a304509c918776⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB, 360x270, 4:3, cnn_smartmatic_video.mp4)







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432e8d  No.13880750

File: 6c4d2cff225affc⋯.png (720.5 KB, 600x522, 100:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e23c0  No.13880751

File: 0293cc69d2756d0⋯.png (62.73 KB, 823x656, 823:656, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Jordan, Judiciary Republicans Reintroduce Bill That Would Amend Section 230’s Protections For Big Tech

Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and House Judiciary Committee Republicans reintroduced legislation Friday that would amend Section 230’s immunity from liability for internet content providers.

The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation, titled the Protect Speech Act, which was put together by Reps Jordan, McClintock, Bishop, Tiffany, Spartz, Steube, Johnson, Fitzgerald, Issa, and Fischbach. The bill would amend Section 230, which is the portion of the law that gives internet companies immunity from lawsuits over content that users post to their sites.



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678717  No.13880752

File: 74f4eb8fdd1d08d⋯.png (364.98 KB, 736x439, 736:439, c8ef82680c45dc80.png)

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1f06c6  No.13880753


striking fear deep into the heart of the shuffle board crew

yeah, we laughing too. they and theirs deserve to get so dissed -pretenders

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e4698b  No.13880754

File: ea2f375bb55cdff⋯.jpeg (380.48 KB, 750x1250, 3:5, ADF358F4_CA5D_46ED_A6F7_9….jpeg)

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42d517  No.13880755

File: 52f35b92d0dc35e⋯.jpg (110.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FauciMDick2.jpg)

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907d2f  No.13880756

File: 2606afe384050ad⋯.png (468.28 KB, 398x690, 199:345, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 63d7ab1f0043fb4⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 1000x1305, 200:261, E3nP9u2WYAAJNsn.jpg)


Louise Penny and I are sharing our writing set-ups today. Mine involves lots of Post-Its, lots of tea, and Louise on Facetime. Our book, State of Terror, comes out in October. StateofTerror


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678717  No.13880757

File: f8f5b667e98a081⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 400x352, 25:22, 239b1aa0a6af83b7.mp4)

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14b524  No.13880758

File: c8f97972fddc9be⋯.png (25.39 KB, 780x592, 195:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a934eb38ab9c19⋯.png (21.19 KB, 759x353, 759:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c57796d9d8f98d⋯.png (5.37 MB, 3150x1650, 21:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Holodomors. Genocide. Crimes against humanity. No Rule of Law. Stealing from the tyrants' DHS fusion centers, everywhere. Soon.

They sneak and will continue to sneak because they are afraid of us, united. You might live. As slaves. If they select you. Or you fight. These are their terms.


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1171a1  No.13880759

File: e0a66146319202c⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 4652x2692, 1163:673, 1608604805765.jpg)


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ec654c  No.13880760

File: f1db4e752fcdd23⋯.png (407.42 KB, 604x413, 604:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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d83e95  No.13880761


Water calf AF in that pic, and G7 sign shows water.

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ec3163  No.13880762


>Xi is cleaning China from DS and Cabal fuckers.

The Opium Wars never ended, and then the Speed Wars began…

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91eef0  No.13880763


I want that "Jesus Is King 2" album with Dre that he teased a while back. Really enjoyed the first one.

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db6604  No.13880764


Haha nice.



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2b2bc5  No.13880765


Possibly in the beginning. But at this time it's looking more and more like a double-cross

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712819  No.13880766

File: 1a76dc1e08aa7b8⋯.jpeg (219.68 KB, 640x504, 80:63, 86D513D9_FFD1_4D8E_B75C_7….jpeg)


What experiments will test your hypothesis?

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690c8d  No.13880767


Dirty Mike and the Boyz

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9937da  No.13880768

File: 7cb690c1b63ce68⋯.png (4.36 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_3x3AS.png)

File: e78655127ae7d2a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2500x1692, 625:423, adamschiffknowingly.png)


From yesterday

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ae2c85  No.13880769

File: 03aaaeffc6a406f⋯.png (668.96 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 60F0CD77_E764_4999_8733_C8….png)

File: db4c47e9c57ab85⋯.pdf (259.06 KB, vsap2_acc.pdf)


Get these out of city hall

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3e23c0  No.13880770

File: 3cb178222050808⋯.png (162.85 KB, 779x893, 41:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1acdc0749a5446⋯.png (267.1 KB, 824x901, 824:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30d8d71ec8339b1⋯.png (203.6 KB, 791x895, 791:895, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5f3e751d23d047⋯.png (158.72 KB, 795x897, 265:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d3fbe120c40210⋯.png (113.73 KB, 847x646, 847:646, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump DOJ Obtained Data on Schiff and Swalwell, Two Long-Time Champions of Domestic Spying

The two California Democrats join the long list of politicians who enable spying on ordinary citizens, then angrily object when they themselves are targeted.

The Trump Justice Department in 2017 and early 2018 issued subpoenas to Apple to obtain the communications records of at least two Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee, Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA). According to The New York Times, DOJ prosecutors attempting to determine who leaked classified information to the media about Russiagate suspected the two House Democrats were the culprits, and to prove that, they obtained their communications records as well as those of family members, including minor children.

A DOJ leak investigation aimed at sitting members of Congress is highly unusual. Both the Obama and Trump administrations, in a hunt for leakers, created controversy by obtaining the communications records of journalists, including — in the case of the Obama DOJ — the family members of those journalists. But investigating members of the House Intelligence Committee for leaking crimes — as opposed to corruption or other standard criminal charges — can present different dangers. Neither Congressman was charged with any crimes and the investigation reportedly bore no fruit.

The two House Democrats, among the most fanatical disseminators of baseless Russiagate conspiracies and long known to serve as anonymous sources of leaks to liberal media outlets, reacted with predictable outrage. “This baseless investigation, while now closed, is yet another example of Trump's corrupt weaponization of justice,” Schiff intoned on Thursday night. As difficult as it is, Swalwell, as he often does, found a way to be even more melodramatic than Schiff: “Like many of the world’s most despicable dictators, former President Trump showed an utter disdain for our democracy and the rule of law.”

Investigating possible crimes — such as leaking classified information — is the job of the Justice Department. To accomplish that, FBI agents and prosecutors often obtain personal communications records about their suspects. But invading the communications records of journalists, as both the Obama and Trump DOJ did, can create serious threats to press freedom and the possibility of abuse and retaliation. The same is true for invading the communications records of members of the legislative branch, particularly ones hostile to the president. An investigation is certainly warranted to determine the propriety of these subpoenas.

But like so many politicians before them, Schiff and Swalwell have zero credibility to object to this targeting. When it comes to ordinary Americans, both have been long-time champions of expanding domestic spying powers and blocking efforts at reform designed to curb abuses of the type they claim took place here.


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d9d9cd  No.13880771

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Patriots Are Now In Control

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


many blessings and much love


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ec654c  No.13880772

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a8be33  No.13880773



How utterly strange doofus looks like he doesbt know where he is and doesnt know whos talking to him

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34ef1a  No.13880774

File: b72f8ec9076595e⋯.png (195.92 KB, 300x600, 1:2, evil.png)

The letter of Adolf Hitler is from November 11th 1942

"Dear Doctor Sven von Hedin!


You had the kindness to send me your new book published by F. A. Brockhaus,



"America in the Battle of the Continents"


with a personal dedication. Thank you very much for the attention you have given


I have already read the book and particularly welcome the fact that you have so

expressly responded to the offers I made to the Poles at the beginning of the


When I think back today to this time, it is all so far away, and it seems so

unreal to me that I am accusing myself of having gone so far with my proposals.

For in this case, once again those people who thought they were doing evil have

done good. If Poland had been prepared to accept the understanding offered by

me, there would not have been a war. In this case, however, Russia could have

completed its armaments to an extent that we only know and are able to measure

today. Five more years of peace, and Europe would simply have been rolled down

by the weight of the Bolshevik war machine. For it is clear that, after the

German-Polish disputes had been settled, the Reich, and above all the National

Socialist movement, would have turned first and foremost to culture and above

all to social issues. Even if we had not directly neglected armament, it would

have remained within limits, which a few years later should have led to a

helpless inferiority vis-à-vis this Asian colossus. The fate of Europe and thus

of a culture several thousand years old would probably have come to an end under

these circumstances.

For even if the man, i.e. the soldier, is primarily waging war, the weapons

given to him are no less decisive.

Bolshevism, however, would have succeeded in allowing a synthesis of millions of

fanatical and brutal fighters with unimaginable armour to roll over the harmless

old Europe.

There is no doubt that the guilty party in this war, as they quite rightly say

at the end of the book, is exclusively American President Roosevelt. By

instigating this war alone, he and his accomplices have undoubtedly woken up the

continent of the most beautiful human culture at the last minute and, with their

eyes wide open, have confronted a danger which probably could not have been

averted just a few years later. I do not doubt for a second that we will beat

this colossus with our allies until it finally breaks.

It is, in any case, my undermining decision not to lay down my arms until Europe

has been finally secured by both East and West, and can thus be regarded as


Taking this opportunity to convey my best wishes for your health and further

well-being to you, Sven von Hedin, I am very grateful to you, your loyal friend.

Adolf Hitler"

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c4a87a  No.13880775


How does this even make sense though. I mean Russell AKA Sky King is pretty famous, right?! Not one single person notices? Where did this clip come from; was there any context to it?

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2aca62  No.13880776




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f589ec  No.13880777

File: 665e90ffaa300e7⋯.pdf (208.75 KB, 2021_03_31_CEG_RHJ_to_ODNI….pdf)



XI is putting to jail Biden associates in China.


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b24f85  No.13880778

File: 5525f6860c4a418⋯.jpg (111.95 KB, 831x762, 277:254, 5525f6860c4a4180ba82cc97dc….jpg)

File: 9408bc233625516⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 500x580, 25:29, 9408bc233625516499af015210….jpg)

File: 38949caa528e0a7⋯.jpg (411.77 KB, 668x854, 334:427, 38949caa528e0a7a513cd34087….jpg)

File: 77041a17f9703aa⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 900x760, 45:38, 77041a17f9703aa71188137508….gif)

I watch em all whine, desperately trying to convince anons that nothings happening. I feel a little sorry for the lost and confused, but we tried to fucking warm em…for years. Now, I laugh with a ghosted tear…to bad ssshats, welcome to the beginning of your end. Its over fucksticks, the only thing left is millions voices, laughing you into oblivion.

To all the rest of youBADmother fuckers, God bless you, I do love you, no goddamn homo


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26292b  No.13880779

File: f017595141c1311⋯.png (126.2 KB, 445x581, 445:581, ClipboardImage.png)


Where you at? Reminds me of this

US 11th = SING 12th, correct?

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7d7791  No.13880780

File: 7fb0af7b788290d⋯.jpg (558.92 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, boobs.jpg)


like dis?

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3e23c0  No.13880781

File: 9fc4543b9add4e4⋯.png (87.5 KB, 749x836, 749:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e093486cac05d7⋯.png (28.9 KB, 787x382, 787:382, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Entertainer/Businessman and Malaysian National Charged with Back-Channel Lobbying Campaign to Drop 1MDB Investigation and Remove Chinese Dissident from U.S.


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2e5716  No.13880782


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fbbe7b  No.13880783

File: ad1ab17c49ef7ff⋯.jpg (437.68 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20210610_160620….jpg)

File: dd7c337b59b8aad⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, killer_whale.jpg)

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e4698b  No.13880784


Were on an ultralight beam.

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678717  No.13880785


Social Media Users Notice Something ‘Odd’ About Awkward G-7 Photo

The leaders all appeared to be positioned 6 feet apart while they awkwardly stood there looking stoic and out of place.

Also, note that all of the world leaders are fully vaccinated. So, according to their own rules, why are they 6 feet apart?

Are they not following their own science recommendations?

Check it out below:


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3e23c0  No.13880786

File: e655bea5586a630⋯.png (93.13 KB, 757x859, 757:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc21fc7e88b0f51⋯.png (38.82 KB, 745x466, 745:466, ClipboardImage.png)

Daughter of Notorious Mexican Cartel Leader Sentenced for Criminal Violation of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act


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1f06c6  No.13880787

biden quiet diplomacy = a desparate plea to call for a lid

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d83e95  No.13880788

File: b238adac4c45fcb⋯.jpg (223.88 KB, 1080x1182, 180:197, bubbles_6_11_21.jpg)



← Have fresh Bubbles pic for your effort.

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d79fa8  No.13880789

File: 695f4d6c4d88846⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 720x502, 360:251, ZomboMeme_10062021184548.jpg)

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367131  No.13880790

File: 1ba19b666858209⋯.gif (5.32 MB, 420x261, 140:87, BB1C84AE_5860_4E65_B1E3_EB….gif)

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678717  No.13880791

File: bfa5f4c1df55188⋯.png (145.85 KB, 522x384, 87:64, 7f6d3a25aa725209.png)

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2b2bc5  No.13880792


I think a YouTube channel reporting on these press releases would be popular. It's literally the truth and literally what's happening for real. No conjecture.

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712819  No.13880793

File: 1c9df2162f90bd6⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB, 640x487, 640:487, B0224438_BA52_4AE5_B4EE_D….jpeg)


Science can save the world.

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42d517  No.13880794

File: f5dc5064461a40d⋯.jpg (80.54 KB, 634x883, 634:883, FauCaught.jpg)

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a4f078  No.13880795


Got a retard doing our negotiations, now.

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26292b  No.13880796

File: 4c02fa8f8218186⋯.png (167.71 KB, 451x326, 451:326, ClipboardImage.png)


looks like she's in the same suit as the picture Q posted kek

Who is the blonde?

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fdf450  No.13880797


Kek. Stuff like this keeps me going.


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4c880e  No.13880798


That'd take a lot of titty squeezins.

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60c8e1  No.13880799


G7 hmm

Why are there nine of them?

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678717  No.13880800

"谢天谢地,zoom dick 又回到了新闻中——也许人们会忘记我在电视直播中用尿布做了大马屎."

- Eric Swalwell

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1f7f33  No.13880801

File: 0b852401c4eceea⋯.png (427.15 KB, 736x439, 736:439, oie_f62yAw50ECMY.png)

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690c8d  No.13880802



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9937da  No.13880803

File: 949fb557199d2e4⋯.png (6.41 MB, 3600x3900, 12:13, DTLkillerwhaleBOOMwDS.png)



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678717  No.13880804

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712819  No.13880805

File: c0a508b42721714⋯.jpeg (111.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 6150480B_0633_4902_A9C9_E….jpeg)

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907d2f  No.13880806

File: 65564d649d0f3c0⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 65564d649d0f3c02a26ee22b99….jpg)


Here we go!

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7d7791  No.13880807


that might be the best ty i have ever gotten for one of my memes.

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5a8577  No.13880808


von der Leyen

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0a8c1e  No.13880809

File: 0d119601950a3b5⋯.png (510.93 KB, 606x454, 303:227, ClipboardImage.png)


=TRIPS CHEK'ED - XI (White hat? highly suspect but possible, other anons are opining that Catlin Jenner is a white hat who will win C.A and call a forensic audit from newsom,

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c691fa  No.13880810

File: dfb6892c8d17870⋯.jpeg (72.89 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, dfb6892c8d178707f78f92270….jpeg)

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df121f  No.13880811

File: e3f0f1c80ab6c0e⋯.png (247.23 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9d9cd  No.13880812

File: dd1e083cbd7cb98⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210515_121949_525.jpg)

Someone is playing with the electronic switches.

But there's definitivly a greater fish with way more advanced toys around observing and recording every move.

Thank You for your service !

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7d7791  No.13880814


well to be fair he is negotiating with retards also.

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367131  No.13880815


For example, on pages 57 and 58, the suit accurately describes the misapplication of the PCR including the manufacturer’s disclaimer trying best they could to avoid just this sort of lawsuits.

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fbbe7b  No.13880816

File: e4fc91b49e0eebb⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 440x248, 55:31, Merkel_1fb2.gif)

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712819  No.13880817

File: 0733f2f5be22881⋯.jpeg (104.12 KB, 640x556, 160:139, F16030B9_4DAD_4249_8D59_7….jpeg)

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660099  No.13880818

File: e0d4355056e87ed⋯.png (404.85 KB, 778x390, 389:195, avenatti_throw.png)

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bd3d69  No.13880819

File: 3bc2501a7b9f9a7⋯.png (297.4 KB, 607x451, 607:451, Letter_to_Fauci_Larry_Kram….png)

>>13880040 pb

>KIM JONG UN: K-pop is a "vicious cancer" that merits work camp, execution

so true. death to all cancers.

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c4ad1e  No.13880820

File: 4afacdfb1ed0811⋯.jpeg (312.52 KB, 1778x999, 1778:999, 5cd557ba2000005c009709a5.jpeg)

Canada's Supreme Court has a mascot!

An Owl!

Don't y'jus'loveit!?

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54dd89  No.13880821

File: 431a13f0214ebaa⋯.png (121.51 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



What is called being bamboozled for 2 shekels Alex.

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1f06c6  No.13880822


rainbow vanilla - those colors light up with so many markers hitting

- spin that wheel


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0a8c1e  No.13880823

File: 6e7a079e8119cfe⋯.png (173.76 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)



to be honest, i am just pointing out what i am seeing, no one seems to know what is happening, but the panic is real and myself and the anons can see anomalies and clues.

posted together as a reference and a diary post !!!

dig meme pray but always share !!!

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367131  No.13880824


Laughter is healthter.

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fa43e4  No.13880825

>>13880539 (pb)

you can use words that people know what they mean, but you don't.

I'm not looking up your operational word.

No, dipshit, I don't need to review your material or agree with you.

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26e4c1  No.13880826

File: 1b182cebe74fe01⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 553x687, 553:687, blankfein_2_.jpg)

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e5d491  No.13880827

File: a3905953e4a2cf0⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 999x800, 999:800, angel_warrior_by_everetrem….jpg)

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df121f  No.13880828

File: 94c1b9c15a4b34b⋯.png (108.04 KB, 200x225, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90dc8f42c2503e5⋯.png (105.18 KB, 193x225, 193:225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c583fead9d47dad⋯.png (73.7 KB, 135x224, 135:224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8de1b66ce1d9d7⋯.png (54.09 KB, 127x182, 127:182, ClipboardImage.png)


look at the clown show

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9937da  No.13880829

File: e9fbbc88994f0c4⋯.png (7.02 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_36x3644O….png)




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db6604  No.13880830

File: 100ed8b2b7ac62f⋯.png (564.66 KB, 736x439, 736:439, Image1.png)

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1dfcbf  No.13880831


Just another example.

The crown wishes to control all.

The crown is controlled by the fake jew.


British royalty and their low end lackeys like Canada are all sucking the sack.

America said fuck you all in 1775-6

They haven't forgotten and will never stop attempting subversion to regain control.

The silent war has been going on for centuries not decades.

Clown world 2.0

Russia and China are distractions.

Yes, they are adversarial but at this stage a distraction.

Anyone thinks these Governments are the AMERICAN PEOPLES allies or friends is sadly mistaken.

The last and final REVOLUTION has begun, it won't be like any before.

All the targets painted?

All the kings horses and all the kings men?

These are their last days, and those selected to replace the dying are soft like Mississippi mud after a hot summer rain.

And don't forget - SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST.

Sleep tight…

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c4022d  No.13880832


>America Last, in a video:

Biden the lost sheep

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67e5c3  No.13880833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They will remain under control and continue to spew Communist propaganda.

Michael Jackson was killed for (in his own words) "outsmarting" DEVIL Sony.

MJ ends speech with The Best Is Yet To Come".

youtu.be/WRFU2SyCCF8 6/15/2002

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670d23  No.13880834

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB, 720x844, 180:211, I_O_go.PNG)





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09af5f  No.13880835

File: 337653d683c9362⋯.png (26.06 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, medical_privacy.png)

Big Data Profits If We Deregulate HIPAA

Recently proposed modifications to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) would invade your most personal and intimate health data. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), proposes loosening our health privacy protections to address misunderstandings by health professionals about currently permissible disclosures.

EFF recently filed objections to the proposed modifications. The most troubling change would expand the sharing of your health data without your permission, by enlarging the definition of “health care operations” to include “case management” and “care coordination,” which is particularly troubling since these broad terms are not defined. Additionally, the modifications seek to lower the standard of disclosure for emergencies. They also will require covered entities to disclose personal health information (PHI) to uncovered health mobile applications upon patient request. Individually, the changes are troublesome enough. When combined, the impact on the release of PHI, with and without consent, is a threat to patient health and privacy.


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b20031  No.13880836

File: ab5ea09550a5af6⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 1600x688, 100:43, star_treck.jpg)

so the az audit took what almost 2 months?

with all the bs and delays.

so lets expect a the rest to start say end of june.

thus by august we should be overturning all the election results.

re run a new election. say by october and have a trump bck in office say Novemeber… the 6th.

I am not a Date Fag, but i play one on kun

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2aca62  No.13880837


"Heads will roll, there will be blood in the gutter"

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712819  No.13880838

File: 86368e0617c2f10⋯.jpeg (304.16 KB, 550x757, 550:757, 185EEA3A_771F_420B_A2D1_B….jpeg)

Anons overcome their life-hurdles.

Trust the science!

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1f7f33  No.13880839

File: c3b1dccc461b43a⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1428x1196, 357:299, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

File: 9ae0288bf369ecb⋯.jpg (7.98 MB, 5945x2122, 5945:2122, Eden_Project_Panorama_1.jpg)



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1f06c6  No.13880840


nickwhore acheivement blue clad coven witches – they know his days are grinding to an end like thar voices shrieking and burning with a stench of a runaway 32 wheeler

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c4ad1e  No.13880841

File: fb4090723b05e04⋯.png (215.22 KB, 590x600, 59:60, 0da8c38b79a8301c16036ebc7b….png)


Faces of Defeat

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c4022d  No.13880842


>look at the clown show

His eye brow didn't fall off but needs a haircut

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b1aca2  No.13880843

File: 3eda7b369598ae5⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 400x400, 1:1, President_DonaId_J_Trump.jpg)

WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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c4a87a  No.13880844


>posted together as a reference and a diary post

Gotcha…we in some crazy bizzaro world and sometimes I really want to get off this ride…then, sometimes I don't. It's like a drug addiction!

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670d23  No.13880845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but we will both drown….

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907d2f  No.13880846

File: f9c4085a2e93846⋯.png (298.91 KB, 535x543, 535:543, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: b98063fb12890cc⋯.png (3.23 KB, 412x151, 412:151, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

Former Mossad head Yossi Cohen has revealed never before exposed details of a #Mossad operation in #Iran


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7d7791  No.13880847

File: 8b97e84739510af⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 640x320, 2:1, bfc82f801b025134bdfe344439….jpg)

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244b42  No.13880848

>>13880489 PB

A week ago some douche drinker blasted me for saying the DOJ would get involved in the audits.

Alas I was correct.

DOJ looking to intimidate auditors and defuse the fraud trainwreck which is coming.

When the faggot sees this he can GFH in the ass with a cactus again.

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1ed628  No.13880849

File: dd8ebbc9d9109da⋯.jpg (221.26 KB, 1256x1304, 157:163, Hypocrites.jpg)


white man builds

non white man consumes


they want stupid consumers


A woman was walking along the road one day when a snake crossed her path. The snake stopped, turned to her and said, “Please lovely lady, please pick me up.”

The woman looked at the snake and said, “No way. I’m not picking you up. You’re a snake. I know what snakes do. You will bite me.”

The snake replied in a seductive tone, “Oh beautiful lady. I am just a lonely snake looking for a little warmth. You have that beautiful cloak around you. All I want is a little hug. Can you just give me a little hug? That’s all I need. I am just a little, old, lonely, snake. Please, please pick me up?”

The woman looked dubiously at the snake, and replied, “You’re kidding right? Do you really think I am that stupid? I’m not picking you up. You’re a snake. You will bite me, I know it. Forget it.”

“But I am not like every other snake. I am a good snake. I don’t bite people, especially a lovely lady such as you. I am just cold and you have that beautiful warm cloak. All I want is a little hug, just for a moment. Please. Please. Take pity on me.”

The lovely lady suddenly felt compassion for the snake and said, “So. That’s all you want? A little hug? That’s it?And if I pick you up, you promise you won’t bite me?”

The snake said, “Of course not. If you pick me up, I give you my word, I will not bite you.”

“Really? I have your word? You won’t bite me?” the lovely lady repeated.

“Really. You have my word.” the snake replied.

The lovely lady thought for a moment and then said, “What the heck. It will only be for a moment. He gave me his word.” She picked up the snake and wrapped him in her cloak.

At that moment, the snake struck her with his fangs, right on the neck.

“Ouch! That hurt! What did you do that for?” the lady exclaimed, as she threw the snake on to the ground. “You gave me your word you wouldn’t bite me?!”

The snake hissed and laughed, “Lovely lady, what do you expect? I’m a snake. Snakes bite. That’s what snakes do. It’s our nature. You knew I was a snake when you picked me up.” At that, the snake slithered off into the bush leaving the lady to die by the side of the road.

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577524  No.13880850

a free floating full torso vapor zaporation

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051cc8  No.13880851

File: aa660181ff7b641⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB, 720x720, 1:1, FxmhPcS1_qp83qEF.mp4)

File: e04fe5a8e93e191⋯.jpg (190.74 KB, 720x1183, 720:1183, 20210611_150510.jpg)


Blackrock ceo releases statement about buying up all the houses

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fdf450  No.13880852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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712819  No.13880854

File: 126c102c7c39119⋯.jpeg (163.42 KB, 640x498, 320:249, 6A023790_DFCD_4813_843C_4….jpeg)


Trust science!

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5a038e  No.13880855

File: 3b7be7d7ce01b5a⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dickusKEK.jpg)

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9de63f  No.13880856

File: d16fbb86b866dd6⋯.png (252.62 KB, 900x1105, 180:221, TMpp.png)

File: e38afa2df0c3b85⋯.png (236.58 KB, 1118x511, 1118:511, GMTMpf.png)


G = 7th letter of alphabet

MAXWELL = 7 letters.


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c6c25c  No.13880857

File: f1d11ee6760bb30⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1878x408, 313:68, 0968A1F0_210B_4A7B_B3D6_EF….png)


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c4022d  No.13880859


>Ladies and Gentleman, this is President of the USA at G7

He'll look good hanging from the gallows…. bet he'll be a twitcher

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df121f  No.13880860

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26292b  No.13880861


keep on cruisssiiiinnnn

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bc3d05  No.13880862

File: b4d8ffad41ce830⋯.png (221.32 KB, 475x665, 5:7, FauciExpect.png)

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db6604  No.13880863

File: 628c0422c710b87⋯.jpg (27.53 KB, 498x368, 249:184, QTeam2.jpg)

4 10 20



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3f8e94  No.13880864

File: 2b1c6754888c0a4⋯.jpg (525.65 KB, 1320x880, 3:2, download_1_.jpg)

the dead porn star has a

one eye owl


witch hat


what else?

as i have not reviewed the nakeds

and they say her grandparents both died of covid???

and found in trailer park ( seems scripted) to make the white trash narrative stand out

she may have lived in a mobile home, but it all seems off and a little too storyline

dead, yes, but don't let a storyline slip away seems to be what my head sees

white girl who dis-prespected George Floyd hero dead in white trash trailer seems to be the narrative

the message

it seems


white women don't fuck with the black msm hero narrative at all

or you will be a

watch what happens to you on the internet story


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712819  No.13880865

File: 5e5a90682c4bd7b⋯.jpeg (242.01 KB, 640x525, 128:105, E1D1E5A9_EB7B_4CF8_9C42_0….jpeg)


Have moar..

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ab4ea8  No.13880866


saved… thx anon

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2b2bc5  No.13880867

File: 26bdd1fdc8f3d8b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1274x636, 637:318, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36beca84b28a908⋯.png (893.07 KB, 1265x1028, 1265:1028, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08a54dda4d9e1bc⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1237x968, 1237:968, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d6569c7967eb57⋯.png (176.39 KB, 826x721, 118:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1684987aaa6019⋯.png (99.88 KB, 1206x480, 201:80, ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder what our generals are doing to save the country and the world

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367131  No.13880868

File: 95400717afaa47c⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 880x440, 2:1, BC6B82D8_04E2_46B6_BFA8_C3….gif)

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ae2c85  No.13880869

File: e6f35680e33fe5c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 431F3CD7_4D02_4BB5_869C_5A….png)

Can’t wait for pp time while I pop a handful of these

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712819  No.13880871

File: 919a90a2243d4e6⋯.jpeg (169.01 KB, 640x475, 128:95, 322C03D8_AEB8_43FC_9D28_1….jpeg)

Science proves stuff!

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660099  No.13880872

File: f2de87f7df40bc7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1569x881, 1569:881, last.png)

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9de63f  No.13880873

File: 558565c7a845e50⋯.jpg (743.37 KB, 1116x808, 279:202, snake.jpg)



When you let me in is the correct quote.

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0a8c1e  No.13880874

File: 97e9e21219aecc0⋯.png (48.5 KB, 689x379, 689:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4722b27521c8ff⋯.png (616.62 KB, 606x346, 303:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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660099  No.13880875

File: 23beba7070042f0⋯.png (875.59 KB, 1060x806, 530:403, iden.png)

my ID is symmetrical

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1f06c6  No.13880876


the dude below belong in this pic - regardless real or not


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678717  No.13880877

File: 4518f6b76fd3588⋯.png (247.29 KB, 526x701, 526:701, 4be6db66e96fb2ce.png)

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577524  No.13880878


too bad your face isnt


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712819  No.13880879

File: 58a01d1e85c828b⋯.jpeg (133.69 KB, 640x572, 160:143, AF28F770_D3B0_48FD_B406_D….jpeg)


Follow the science.

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678717  No.13880880

File: e2dd653a46795f9⋯.png (327.16 KB, 792x960, 33:40, 945cd972d175d79c.png)

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660099  No.13880881

File: 5732cb5a2e51170⋯.png (637.53 KB, 784x780, 196:195, fauci_memes.png)

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678717  No.13880882

File: e03b83c4fa49f59⋯.png (291.96 KB, 600x593, 600:593, 297eb6ef4041524b.png)

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0d08e2  No.13880883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Qanon conspiracy theory

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c4022d  No.13880884


Woger, Woderick

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a8be33  No.13880885


Yes, this gives me joy

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0acbd4  No.13880886


Redefine it as vaccine.

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c691fa  No.13880887

File: 614c04f68df0b06⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 474x465, 158:155, 3c78f5cf965a393988304fb6cb….jpg)


They probably have to sign something that prevents them from sueing in the future, like for sexual harrassment, etc…?

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09af5f  No.13880889

File: c6e3df654f6a2f2⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 800x800, 1:1, unnamed_4.jpg)

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97a251  No.13880890

File: 51339ceb55c07d1⋯.png (555.05 KB, 1080x730, 108:73, Memeto_1623371270221.png)

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b24f85  No.13880891

File: ad399d5a0a12434⋯.jpg (365.72 KB, 1200x1263, 400:421, ad399d5a0a12434f578db9d41a….jpg)

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678717  No.13880892

File: a8c123b9a898955⋯.png (323.67 KB, 552x590, 276:295, 4b4d672a374bb289.png)

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660099  No.13880893

File: d93ef6d3ca356c3⋯.png (296.27 KB, 720x715, 144:143, ewww_1.png)

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54dd89  No.13880894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Steve Bannon 1995 at Biosphere

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ccbfb4  No.13880895

Nervosity kills the cat.

:Heart attacks can be deadly.

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c4a87a  No.13880896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fauci-Wuhan Scandal in FEDERAL COURT, Schiff Crimes? Cuomo-Covid Update & MORE!

494 watching now

•Started streaming 9 minutes ago

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051cc8  No.13880897

File: 0032c3f9c28d8d4⋯.jpg (193.77 KB, 720x1199, 720:1199, 20210611_151502.jpg)

File: 5391ac7f13544f5⋯.mp4 (4.24 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 6nPQu_3XFCoNsJH3.mp4)



'Are you supposed to be looking as if you're enjoying yourself?' The Queen jokes with the G7 leaders as they pose for a 'family photo'.

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678717  No.13880898

File: 44d9e6783aea518⋯.png (281.55 KB, 584x524, 146:131, c7dd0af1f3b0eafe.png)

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26292b  No.13880899

Is there something we should be doing to get some cancel culture shit to get Lubin Toobin off the air?


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712819  No.13880900

File: 813c84b064c8ac0⋯.jpeg (125.21 KB, 640x543, 640:543, D4BB6721_340B_4C22_B8F3_1….jpeg)

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df121f  No.13880901

File: 62e2b3d7df076a8⋯.png (121 KB, 333x325, 333:325, Pepe_newspaper.png)

File: 462f88a8ffa8956⋯.png (859 B, 113x23, 113:23, ClipboardImage.png)


fresh IS best

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051cc8  No.13880902

File: 758fde569d82d26⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, 20210611_144817.jpg)

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80b85a  No.13880903


Justin looks like the cousin who wants to talk himself deeper into the will.

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907d2f  No.13880904

File: 3f81ccb2b91e4f1⋯.jpeg (8.72 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 3f81ccb2b91e4f13b6cd4d1b0….jpeg)

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14b524  No.13880905

File: f769e46ed35a1a7⋯.png (960.15 KB, 800x708, 200:177, ClipboardImage.png)


The cabal built Nazi Germany to attack Russia, then they all attacked Nazi Germany.

The cabal built China to attack America, then they all attacked China.

- George Titor

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db6604  No.13880906

File: ecaa72306e61f77⋯.jpg (141.82 KB, 736x1045, 736:1045, Qn.jpg)

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9de63f  No.13880907

File: c7355ee409a12a2⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 596x357, 596:357, AR15.jpg)

File: 47182b35968ee7b⋯.jpg (168.84 KB, 1200x1139, 1200:1139, gunBan.jpg)

File: a0582871f4d601f⋯.jpg (116.88 KB, 750x614, 375:307, pedoVax.jpg)

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678717  No.13880908

File: a8c52fcefee01dd⋯.png (263.52 KB, 526x506, 263:253, 99ec2a9306d3564a.png)

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1af6e5  No.13880909

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ec3163  No.13880910

File: 0c8d250649c3a1b⋯.png (1.47 MB, 818x818, 1:1, No_Thinkin.png)


Smll hands?

thats what you bring to the table?




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a8be33  No.13880911


You’re welcome and me too

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a745b4  No.13880912

File: 7a4b1bea5af5d12⋯.jpg (268.54 KB, 500x659, 500:659, t67340a_Michael_s_children….jpg)


Idiot he was a pedophile.

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f568ca  No.13880913


Lucifer Month

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26292b  No.13880914


EGGHHHH wrong.

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678717  No.13880915

File: e39010a5c5ea119⋯.png (348.9 KB, 720x811, 720:811, f5f87eebd6b8409c.png)

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1f06c6  No.13880916

daniel goldman of impeachment fame –

tink he said he was under the investigation as well.. wild - can anyone else confirm?

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a763dc  No.13880917


According to what anon heard five years after MJ died, they found gore porn in his secret room

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db6604  No.13880918

File: 5a4d1fc8c66d359⋯.png (41.21 KB, 666x375, 222:125, LGBTQ.png)

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678717  No.13880919

File: 56c1de9f7b5b735⋯.png (690.33 KB, 818x931, 818:931, 830683a664fc9ced.png)

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a8be33  No.13880920


They are idiots with a programming message, humans need to be divided (so we can conquer them)

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0236be  No.13880921

File: c825971066ce4af⋯.jpeg (214.86 KB, 649x642, 649:642, source_of_pride.jpeg)

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9de63f  No.13880922

File: 372cc9d0df37793⋯.jpg (98.37 KB, 634x498, 317:249, trany.jpg)


They're wearing different clothing from the photo shoot previously.

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a745b4  No.13880923

File: 2e60919a5dd72cb⋯.jpeg (400.51 KB, 1674x939, 558:313, fullsizeoutput_fa9.jpeg)


>The cabal built Nazi Germany to attack Russia

Some of the most deluded BS I've ever seen. The Bolsheviks were NOT the good guys. Good grief!

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678717  No.13880924

File: 7eedfbbcbb2d2f6⋯.png (252.62 KB, 445x445, 1:1, 007bc969471ec124.png)

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26e4c1  No.13880925



Canadian Lawmakers Pass Motion for Emergency Islamophobia Summit in Wake of Deadly Hate Crime

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907d2f  No.13880926

File: b30a08482dae33c⋯.png (413.89 KB, 626x289, 626:289, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


You are watching a movie

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d79fa8  No.13880927

File: 1d55f162a5d1cad⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 220x204, 55:51, 220px_Titor_insignia.jpg)

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0acbd4  No.13880928

File: 1b13930f108efa8⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2500x1811, 2500:1811, 1b13930f108efa8daee39867d8….jpg)

File: aee1e4e1f038e9c⋯.png (503.79 KB, 796x624, 199:156, 09a7c2489f81a914504e58d26e….png)

File: 17f62e73173404d⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 264x191, 264:191, Neverland.jpg)


>MSM defends pedos

>but attacks MJ and calls him a pedo


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ec3163  No.13880929

File: 33cc5ef69b4ad10⋯.jpg (6.75 KB, 227x222, 227:222, JazzLoud.jpg)


Yeah when females figure out they can suck money outta males dicks some of em get pretty excited too…

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0acbd4  No.13880930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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678717  No.13880931

File: 7602802df7c1b04⋯.png (291.45 KB, 720x599, 720:599, a4bbe970b965b911.png)

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0d08e2  No.13880932

File: 425bb749cbdfe36⋯.jpg (136.59 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E3nHOQmXEAUep_w.jpg)

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daf700  No.13880933

File: 52dd5bbc2e159f4⋯.jpeg (150.97 KB, 1098x1492, 549:746, 738595E5_C0FE_4270_B94E_6….jpeg)

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577524  No.13880934


>cabal built germany to attack the bolsheviks

>cabal built china

wtf i love china now

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9de63f  No.13880935

File: 45a5b4d24f7adeb⋯.png (599.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pride7.png)


PRIDE is one of the 7 deadly sins.


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1f7f33  No.13880936

File: 616ef8db7e711df⋯.jpg (244.67 KB, 1500x1001, 1500:1001, trump_foto_michael_jackson.jpg)

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b20031  No.13880937

File: 8da1945c06399fb⋯.png (461.1 KB, 1020x824, 255:206, anon_notables211106.png)

>>13880604 TY OP

Please Share far and wide and help recruit new Autist.

Anon Notables 06/11/21


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ae2c85  No.13880938

File: e53c82dfc8b6c1b⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, rRvFVu7JTOvsHIq0.mp4)

the fraud being undercovered / reported is nothing short of insane. We have teams all over this in every state.

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3d0db1  No.13880939

File: 2d6337962162cbd⋯.jpeg (97.52 KB, 545x468, 545:468, Trump_Expanded_Thinking.jpeg)


It looks like Macron still doesn't get it, and that's fucking awesome.

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c4a87a  No.13880940

File: eee27d3cf48dfe1⋯.png (877.63 KB, 642x987, 214:329, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: c42e3d135ad0b2b⋯.png (517.03 KB, 642x482, 321:241, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 327044fa6f0a964⋯.png (324.9 KB, 640x421, 640:421, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


The stash of erotica and pornographic materials found in Michael Jackson’s bedroom pointed to an owner with “a predominantly male orientation,” according to a police report that surfaced this week.

The report, first obtained by Radar Online, is a 61-page document outlining materials found in Jackson’s bedroom using a search warrant during his 2003 child sex abuse court case.

Among the wealth of material were many erotic and pornographic books and magazines focused on gay and straight sex, and featuring sexualised pictures of children.

“The remaining magazines and videos are pornographic materials graphically depicting every imaginable combination of explicit heterosexual, and sometimes homosexual, sexual activities, oftentimes with more than two people participating.”


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a745b4  No.13880941

File: a1568bb876d6f4f⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 468x496, 117:124, article_1143876_037F589000….jpg)


Not surprising, he was a freak.

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1ed628  No.13880942

File: 4a256f22e441a35⋯.png (1018.48 KB, 600x884, 150:221, Discovery.png)

File: da12fbb928b0c7f⋯.png (20.23 KB, 506x523, 506:523, ClipboardImage.png)




that might have been the usage by potus at the time but it's not the official poem



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0acbd4  No.13880943


Actually all governments are the enemies of the people, just like the fake news.

China the country and its people are not the enemy.

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ec3163  No.13880944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab4ea8  No.13880945

File: f7235e31ee54eab⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, jfk.jpg)

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577524  No.13880946


i was just shoehorning a meme into that in an attempt to get a laugh, i agree

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54dd89  No.13880947

File: 67cbd7ff2f09baa⋯.png (411.74 KB, 500x312, 125:78, ClipboardImage.png)


>I wonder what our generals are doing to save the country and the world


Sucking cock.

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d79fa8  No.13880948

File: ed41e72e9903449⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 1000x565, 200:113, ZomboMeme_11062021172709.jpg)

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678717  No.13880949

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76145a  No.13880950

File: 1a4065b14b8076d⋯.jpeg (109.47 KB, 594x498, 99:83, E3joiMyXMAIiT_A1.jpeg)

File: 3bbed1fc21d5f45⋯.jpeg (275.26 KB, 1200x928, 75:58, E3joiMyXMAIiT_A.jpeg)

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fbbe7b  No.13880951

File: 3fd00e6bb4cdf54⋯.jpg (333.8 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_142201….jpg)

File: 07cb7340e9a77ce⋯.jpg (237.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_21_.jpg)

File: 121370fe3803579⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, downloadfile_41_.jpg)

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db6604  No.13880952

File: 46702a5a15e8497⋯.png (86.52 KB, 320x594, 160:297, macron.png)

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a763dc  No.13880953


Never seen that one. Would seem that the media wanted MJ to go down for the porn he kept. The articles anon read weren't results of a warrant while he was alive, but published out of nowhere years after his passing.

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1ed628  No.13880954

File: cb90c528b6fb274⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cb90c528b6fb27455c5c8c5660….mp4)

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0acbd4  No.13880955

File: c2eb1c6d94adaca⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 238x300, 119:150, snow_238x300.jpg)


>I repeat what MSM told me

>I never researched what MJ said about it

>Also: Orange man bad!!!

>Also: these anons on that q-board are all Nazis and want to kill everyone!!!

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a745b4  No.13880956

File: 6373a6826466793⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 191x201, 191:201, 1572900229339.jpg)


So by this line of thinking Epstein was a good guy too? Idiot.

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b2b27a  No.13880957

File: 6d94890d258770d⋯.png (75.67 KB, 613x673, 613:673, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets


Stephen Miller


Biden just closed the DHS office that serves American victims of illegal alien crime (VOICE). It is replaced by a new office to help illegal aliens access free gov’t services, benefits & legal counsel. Law enforcement is now forced to aid lawbreakers. 1/2

US closes Trump-era office for victims of immigrant crime

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Biden administration said Friday that it has dismantled a Trump-era government agency to help victims of crimes committed by immigrants, a move that symbolizes President Joe…


11:41 AM · Jun 11, 2021

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ab4ea8  No.13880958

File: b47b68e4d3e449f⋯.png (11.52 KB, 692x195, 692:195, systematic.png)

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1f7f33  No.13880959

File: a25b76219187e6d⋯.jpg (431.7 KB, 1500x1381, 1500:1381, il_fullxfull_870649869_cwq….jpg)

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0d08e2  No.13880960

File: 3257f0cfe9841b0⋯.jpg (121.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E3obEesWQAARm7o.jpg)

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678717  No.13880961


The Cantonese word kek

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9de63f  No.13880962

File: 1d8729238c8102a⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 850x400, 17:8, weak.jpg)



[means you're losing]


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76145a  No.13880963

File: ad775b495d75cef⋯.png (209.11 KB, 594x498, 99:83, E3joiMyXMAIiT_A1.png)




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a745b4  No.13880964

File: e7aedefad4cb317⋯.jpg (105.16 KB, 320x240, 4:3, MJandRyanWhite.jpg)


Its pretty obvious what the fucker was.

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54dd89  No.13880965

File: d9a9b55462e0d3a⋯.png (216.62 KB, 257x364, 257:364, ClipboardImage.png)



>You are watching a movie


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3d0db1  No.13880966

File: 214d634103855b0⋯.png (28.7 KB, 1223x249, 1223:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1e59d3f21d9f5a⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1320x770, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>it's looking more and more like a double-cross

Nah. Xi's good, methinks.

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df121f  No.13880967

File: 23f1d1cb5548ba2⋯.jpg (242.01 KB, 736x439, 736:439, G7Comp.jpg)

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678717  No.13880968


true dough needs some blackface and a turbine

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e1728c  No.13880969

File: f3f2110d1511c6c⋯.jpeg (322.55 KB, 828x974, 414:487, f3f2110d1511c6cbcef977ec9….jpeg)

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622a0e  No.13880970

File: 3ed4d192a99ec71⋯.png (201.6 KB, 814x862, 407:431, ClipboardImage.png)



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9a94fc  No.13880971


Look at the pic on the wall to the left. Is that Jon Benet?

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073ca5  No.13880972

File: 5edadb7a179d458⋯.png (243.74 KB, 1640x568, 205:71, June_11_Skyking_lives.png)


Not that it matters much but it looks like the video filmer recorded through glasses-cam instead of phone or camera, imho (pic related.)

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76145a  No.13880973

File: 0376bc90272a076⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 260x260, 1:1, MacronBslap.gif)

File: 635f631093d7ce0⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 260x260, 1:1, MacronBslap1.gif)

File: 34c3d7588b49eeb⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 260x260, 1:1, MacronBslap2.gif)

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09af5f  No.13880974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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678717  No.13880975


P near the temple

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df121f  No.13880976

File: 2aeabceced4ecb6⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, Fauci_Gain_Of_Function.jpg)

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907d2f  No.13880977

File: dc2fb93a28838a5⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Ej0qxpNXgAUA3NG.jpg)

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ab4ea8  No.13880978


Bolsheviks = Marxists = Communists = Pharisees = Sanhedrin = Death Cult Nomadic Ethnic Tribe that sucks the life out of Societies for their great benefit. They ALL hide behind the prop of religion to hide…

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3d0db1  No.13880979

File: f09a2650fb0e1f1⋯.png (254.28 KB, 885x289, 885:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f06c6  No.13880980

blm stole so much money from blacks and gave it to

bernie sanders a black man


- black

warren -


klogs - black


so many took from the trough

wut did blacks get

unemployment for month ending ??

looting rioting raping murder arson witch and whore twerking and telling you to cut yo pecker off and how white people other than juh tardluvers are aberrations

evil shits

tieves liars and they stole the money

cross dressers stealing money from every account and change gender and bank account numbers

a crook is a crook

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7cd21a  No.13880981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fuck you commie kike

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bfab54  No.13880982

File: c5e6d3412a93c40⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, biden_our_time.png)

File: bcd3a11a245352b⋯.png (74.38 KB, 822x648, 137:108, SOON.png)

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404759  No.13880983

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fbbe7b  No.13880984

File: 08cc116f7436606⋯.jpg (399.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_142657….jpg)

File: a145404a33f4f90⋯.jpg (512.61 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_142704….jpg)

File: 6f30051cacfdcf9⋯.jpg (623.44 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_142712….jpg)

File: 4f541b321aacfe3⋯.jpg (200.69 KB, 1118x874, 559:437, 1118full_pennyroyal_tea_me….jpg)

File: 74f7b966dcf139e⋯.jpg (167.93 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 74f7b966dcf139e2d8d7cbbf2a….jpg)


Hillary Clinton


Louise Penny and I are sharing our writing set-ups today. Mine involves lots of Post-Its, lots of tea, and Louise on Facetime. Our book, State of Terror, comes out in October. https://smarturl.it/StateofTerror


9:00 AM · Jun 11, 2021·Twitter Web App






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0a8c1e  No.13880985

File: 7a281e10f5952df⋯.png (542.56 KB, 606x342, 101:57, ClipboardImage.png)


Good eye, would have to be, liking the movie kek

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0acf6a  No.13880987

File: 1727ec8a00363ce⋯.png (376.2 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 74DBBAA5_6959_4222_A5F7_BD….png)

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577524  No.13880988

File: 363f8a3fb7fa19e⋯.png (343.15 KB, 656x340, 164:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Sanhedrin sounds like a death metal band

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0d08e2  No.13880989

File: 03be5383ad3a841⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 500x412, 125:103, E3occmPX0AEXlvK.jpg)

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cb35a9  No.13880990

File: ffef3faf83706c4⋯.png (183.76 KB, 502x218, 251:109, tube_in.png)


>Is there something we should be doing to get some cancel culture shit to get Lubin Toobin off the air?

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b20031  No.13880991


im thinking borris is a good guy, am i wrong?

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f73539  No.13880992

File: 89f0e91d2d72b3e⋯.jpeg (474.37 KB, 852x441, 284:147, EBE7AD51_4436_4AC8_86A4_D….jpeg)

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0d08e2  No.13880993

File: 24f111b932dfcf6⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 894x758, 447:379, E3ocb9tUYAIAqV_.jpg)

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26292b  No.13880994


very interesting. It looks like both shoots are from today though…

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b2b27a  No.13880995

File: f1e9e1180daf27e⋯.png (36.28 KB, 1361x186, 1361:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 161c40fb54ceeee⋯.png (93.68 KB, 955x584, 955:584, ClipboardImage.png)



Kim Jong Un appears to have lost some weight — and that could have geopolitical consequences

watch the watch

If [the sudden weight loss] is due to a health condition though, the jockeying for his succession may already be happening behind the scenes, and that volatility could be trouble for the outside world,” added Narang, a political science professor at MIT.

NK News went so far as to compare enlarged images of Kim’s wrist from the past seven months. In a picture from November, the leader’s $12,000 IWC Portofino Automatic watch appeared to fit snugly around his wrist. But more recent photos show Kim wearing his watch with more strap to spare.

“It’s ridiculous that people are turning to analyzing how loose his wrist watch might be,” said Jean H. Lee, former Pyongyang bureau chief for the Associated Press and host of a new podcast on North Korea. “And yet, if you look at the side-by-side photos, it does look like he lost some weight. And there is a real reason for concern: his father and grandfather both died of heart attacks.”

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daf700  No.13880996

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09af5f  No.13880997

File: ac9e5c990125dcb⋯.jpg (47.42 KB, 900x513, 100:57, Eqgj1tnVgAAwbHA.jpg)

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df121f  No.13880998

File: a326f0fc64cdaaf⋯.png (32.88 KB, 158x124, 79:62, ClipboardImage.png)



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6e19f3  No.13880999

File: c3ec3f2f8ac7965⋯.png (64.18 KB, 580x858, 290:429, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice, Law & Order

For the Children

For Humanity

Nuremberg II

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ab4ea8  No.13881000


Holy crap

Huma Nov 2nd book release

Hillary October book release? This is twighlight zone stuff.

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577524  No.13881001


kek, definitely a better name than "armageddon pancakes"

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b2b27a  No.13881002


shouldn't trudeau be dressed moar appopriately…..like black face…or trannie….or

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bfab54  No.13881003


Just waiting for someone to get slapped in the face… again

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0d08e2  No.13881004

File: 2f0c3fc53712e9b⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 505x418, 505:418, E3ADlO0XIAMWMy7.jpg)



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073ca5  No.13881005

File: 1d5ecfc077f32ce⋯.png (484.02 KB, 472x736, 59:92, June_11_Macron.png)

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a745b4  No.13881006

File: da9d0d26a9be533⋯.jpg (2.85 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1594802278251s.jpg)


Do good guys do the bidding of the cabal?

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551fcb  No.13881007

File: 1f3197814700dc0⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1200x928, 75:58, e1e00bb.jpeg)

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907d2f  No.13881008

File: cbdb549b4ff3290⋯.png (403.83 KB, 598x639, 598:639, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

Identical twin who helped dump body of reputed mob scion found dead in Brooklyn


are the good guys disconnecting clones?

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0d430a  No.13881009

File: 9702a22017756f4⋯.png (8.13 MB, 3800x2280, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

watch the water

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b2b27a  No.13881010


anon, you just now coming to this conclusion?

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144575  No.13881011

There are many who have "played the game" and "lived the life".

There are times when remorse sets in.

But once you're "in the club" - there is no getting out.

Those who rebel, are quickly dealt with.

Does the change of heart redeem oneself?

Only God knows.

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712819  No.13881012

File: 7781ba452a8e713⋯.jpeg (53.57 KB, 600x420, 10:7, 38B7EE75_A950_45C7_8388_F….jpeg)



Science fair precious moments.

Better science than Fauci.

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c4a87a  No.13881013

File: 5b004f82bc49389⋯.png (565.22 KB, 660x560, 33:28, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)




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beb5ee  No.13881014

File: dda7af8302983a7⋯.png (769.53 KB, 799x485, 799:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Governments ally for federated quantum encryption satellite network


TAMPA, Fla. — The United States and five other countries are banding together with the United Kingdom to develop a satellite-based quantum technology encryption network.

The Federated Quantum System (FQS) will be based on the one British startup Arqit is developing for commercial customers, using quantum technology breakthroughs to guard against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.

But while that network is on a managed services platform run by Arqit, FQS will be closed off in a way that enables interoperability between allied countries.

Fighter jets and other military units and command and control centers would be able to share communications more securely across a sovereign-controlled network.

The governments of Japan, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Austria are also partnering on the initiative, which includes companies from each country to design and test the system.

Those commercial partners include British telco BT, U.S. aerospace giant Northrop Grumman, Japanese investment firm Sumitomo, Italian technology group Leonardo and Austrian quantum technology startup QTL.

The Canadian and Belgian subsidiaries of aerospace company Honeywell and defense technology firm Qinetiq, respectively, have also joined.

The cost of the project including an initial satellite in 2023 is expected to be more than $70 million, funded by the consortium’s government and commercial partners.

They will also have the option to buy a dedicated version at a cost of around $250 million over 10 years.

Arqit is lining up Virgin Orbit to launch the first FQS satellites in 2023 from the U.K., after it orbits a pair of spacecraft for its commercial counterpart that year.

Virgin Orbit, an air-launched rocket startup nearing the launch of its first payload for commercial customers, earlier invested in Arqit as part of the quantum venture’s merger with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC).

Arqit expects to raise $400 million from that deal once it closes in the third quarter of this year.

The startup plans to make the first version of its QuantumCloud software available in July.

The software generates an unlimited number of encryption keys at the end point of customer devices, and will rely on terrestrial communications until its satellites are launched.

Arqit says using quantum computing technology for symmetric encryption is more secure than systems based on public key infrastructure (PKI), which is used to encrypt most of the world’s communications.

Another conflict?

It is unclear what the European Union will make of Italy, Belgium and Austria’s participation in Arqit’s FQS.

The three countries — and all EU members apart from Ireland — have signed up to plans to develop a European quantum communications network called EuroQCI.

Airbus said May 31 it secured a contract from the European Commission to lead a consortium to study the quantum technology-powered network for Europe.

Leonardo is part of the 15-month study group, along with accountancy firm PwC France and Maghreb, French telecoms giant Orange and Italy’s CNR research council and NRiM meteorological institute.

Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo and French aerospace group Thales, is also part of the group.

An EU official recently suggested there may be a conflict of interest arising from French satellite operator Eutelsat’s $500 million investment in OneWeb in April.

Eutelsat is part of a separate consortium that has been studying a new satellite broadband constellation for the European Union since December.

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6e19f3  No.13881015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Stream 5min

Arizona Audit

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ab4ea8  No.13881016


What City did Xi invite Trump to dine in? Save America. Save the World and Xi is (like Putin) in on it.

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b20031  No.13881017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think I am going to start using the Letter Q in my statements.

How qou doing?

exQ me.

are qou serious.

lets see how long i can play this game until Qou catch on.

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0d08e2  No.13881018

File: 76a6d48bdc407db⋯.jpg (168.79 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, E3ocvPaXwAUSMmI.jpg)

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3d0db1  No.13881019

File: c1506f7c543bd44⋯.png (619.42 KB, 500x628, 125:157, Jimmies_Seek_Unrustlement.png)

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d63b5d  No.13881020


How DRAMAtic

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367131  No.13881022

File: 414ad4ea2344df3⋯.jpeg (44.51 KB, 840x420, 2:1, E8439596_3620_4760_8364_3….jpeg)


Trump looked a few times like he wanted to a year ago

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daf700  No.13881023

File: f5833dd70596b13⋯.jpeg (88.28 KB, 250x615, 50:123, FCDAE00D_D576_4692_BF2A_6….jpeg)

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fbbe7b  No.13881024

File: 065a57c13a8adfb⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, National_Suicide_Preventio….jpg)

File: 63f69f9998925b0⋯.jpg (186.45 KB, 1500x1072, 375:268, my_pillow_front.jpg)

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1ed628  No.13881025

File: b72b14cb5ab3d22⋯.png (1.14 MB, 819x511, 117:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbcc837b0c02913⋯.png (956.31 KB, 819x557, 819:557, ClipboardImage.png)


>picture worth a thousand reichs…i mean words

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622a0e  No.13881026

File: 91d58c5a2413a3e⋯.png (857.6 KB, 681x641, 681:641, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing to see 'ear

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26292b  No.13881027



comms comms comms

2 windows

2 chairs

2 orchid blooms

2 post-its

2 pages

2 pens (facing south east or towards todays minute marker on the clock)

1 black mirror [i]pad off

1 [t]ea cup empty

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712819  No.13881028

File: 98d6ed45eeec6da⋯.jpeg (217.18 KB, 640x479, 640:479, 4F097AE4_F5A3_43D2_AF24_9….jpeg)


Lower right corner..

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2b2bc5  No.13881029

File: e9d476050e60b26⋯.png (1.55 MB, 915x872, 915:872, ClipboardImage.png)


Fauci does not look 80 years old.

These are 80 year old men.

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be3653  No.13881030

File: f374cc6824e3709⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 474x711, 2:3, jewbug.jpg)


Old guard just happens to be Jewish. What a cohencidence.

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84e5d4  No.13881031


Isn't it LGBTQ+ now?

Time to update your meme?

Make the T stand for (bewbs) and put Trump above the Q+

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b20031  No.13881032


thank qou, was not sure on this.

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bfab54  No.13881033


up is down… left is right

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6e19f3  No.13881034

File: a4c7f76e472929a⋯.png (330.6 KB, 472x324, 118:81, ClipboardImage.png)


People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier arrested by RCMP in Manitoba



Political Prisoner

Nuremberg II

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690c8d  No.13881035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anon ponders if there is footage of those goons doing something like this from last night…

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42d517  No.13881036

File: 20d49f15fc24a98⋯.jpg (76.3 KB, 443x666, 443:666, Sanhedrin.jpg)

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df121f  No.13881037


by the digits, let it be so

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81c6a6  No.13881038


Right, only after the US starts looking into the lab leak and admits they have a Chinese defector in their posession.

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09af5f  No.13881039

File: 46c4179715bf6c1⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 100x426, 50:213, MASONIC_SIGNS_5.jpg)

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cd3f23  No.13881040

File: 122a157acdd614e⋯.png (254.21 KB, 499x501, 499:501, ClipboardImage.png)

It is getting time for Americans to flood their State reps for new laws passed that make it illegal for Federal agents to be on State owned land or private property!

Remove federal agents from States unless they are on Federal property! Tell them to have a nice life somewhere else or live in the Federal buildings!


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ab4ea8  No.13881041


I have the feeling this is some sort of marker when you take the sum total. Combine the Huma tweet with this one. Has to be big comms

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7cd21a  No.13881043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jews had their foreskin eaten off and their blood sucked by an old herpes carrying vampirical kike to enter into the covenant of witches and liars that is their communion with the devil.

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ccbfb4  No.13881044


Tommy Mottola converted to judaism…

"Some years ago, I wrote a story — probably on Foxnews.com–about how Tommy Mottola got married to singer Thalia in St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Because he had converted to Judaism for his first marriage, and because Mariah Carey wouldn’t give him an annulment, Mottola was in a bind."


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577524  No.13881045

File: f546474326968a8⋯.png (201.12 KB, 450x526, 225:263, ClipboardImage.png)


i knew it would be a sweet band name

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367131  No.13881046

File: 2af46eaad161a3f⋯.jpeg (114.81 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, F8E3EC53_6CAB_4F29_A370_1….jpeg)


What q talking about meow?

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f31ab2  No.13881047


I'll take a liter a Qola?

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051cc8  No.13881048

File: 1bb5790cb3b26ed⋯.jpeg (139.25 KB, 750x840, 25:28, 1bb5790cb3b26ed203cf203c7….jpeg)

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1ed628  No.13881049

File: 8d7d2329c9b2b89⋯.png (459.03 KB, 357x439, 357:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e6050ad423e59b⋯.png (98.05 KB, 200x176, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png)


>enhance again

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b2b27a  No.13881050


the SC already shot down federal interference in state elections….

good luck trying, though, Democrats.

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d3a1cb  No.13881051

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

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cb35a9  No.13881052

File: 495835db4f4a8d4⋯.png (592.66 KB, 697x439, 697:439, 2021_06_11_17_44_28.png)


>Governments ally for federated quantum encryption satellite network

Anything the EU is involved in is evil.

European nations fell for their bullshit.

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b20031  No.13881053


just thinkiing out load here

seriously 1 good grenade properly placed and we can all call it a day.

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7cd21a  No.13881054

File: 8834bd3c3475b73⋯.webm (315.77 KB, 352x288, 11:9, Eye_of_the_Jew.webm)

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1f7f33  No.13881055

File: bc1e9d2fc8eec6b⋯.png (163.28 KB, 976x557, 976:557, 1_vxLzudHBFf99uMCXADnNnA.png)

File: 6ae79e46e1377a4⋯.jpeg (304.24 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1_YtsGt5rrzWf32bneiwXfgQ_….jpeg)

File: b6f43a07a29cd64⋯.png (926.6 KB, 2062x1146, 1031:573, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

Online Lies About Spies

How a fake letter revived a claim the UK bugged Donald Trump

On June 22, 2017, an anonymous user under the poster ID “yFIaEkoh” posted a forged letter to 4chan, an online forum popular with far-right and conspiracy theorist groups. The letter claimed to show that Britain’s electronic intelligence agency, GCHQ, spied during the 2016 U.S. presidential elections on the campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump at the behest of President Barack Obama.

Despite repeated exposure as a fraud, including on 4chan itself, the letter continued to circulate and was used to bolster claims that Trump remains the victim of an international “deep state” conspiracy aimed at undermining his presidency.

@DFRLab tracked the forgery across the internet, as a case study in how fakes can continue to spread through willing or engaged audiences, even when their falsehood is manifest.

The letter, dated November 2016, purported to be a request from then-GCHQ director Robert Hannigan to UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, to extend permission “to surveil” Trump’s New York headquarters, “at the request of the US President”.

The text of the letter provided some logistical details, which implicated then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

To judge by the image posted online, the letter had been printed out on GCHQ headed paper, signed by Hannigan, then folded twice and scanned:However, several internal factors confirm that the letter was a forgery. Paragraph four referred to “former MI5 agent Michael Steele,” who had provided “actionable leads” on apparent “communications with Russian hostile actors.” This was a glaring error: in fact, it was a former MI6 agent, Christopher Steele, who produced a dossier on Trump’s Russian connections.

Even if the author of a “TOP SECRET” document had been so sloppy as to give the source’s name — which is unlikely — it is beyond plausibility that they would get both Steele’s first name and his affiliation wrong in a communication with their own government.



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0cdb80  No.13881056

soros death fake and ghey?


reuters posted then retracted?

fuckery afoot.

Any fake Q posts today I can decode?


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b20031  No.13881057


loud. kek

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26292b  No.13881058


Her book is called "BOTH/AND" ?! 2 2 2 2 2!!

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d83e95  No.13881059

File: 4076f71515b24c7⋯.jpg (324.79 KB, 710x832, 355:416, 7fb0af7b788290dd3c66116569….jpg)

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a745b4  No.13881060

File: e45bfe4453ae805⋯.jpg (287.22 KB, 1922x1137, 1922:1137, mk_ultra_e1408206146761.jpg)


Satanic BS.

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b20031  No.13881061

File: 5ca8a0a2df0b1db⋯.png (132.66 KB, 450x340, 45:34, Screenshot_2021_06_06_at_2….png)



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ded445  No.13881062



Why is it so faqing hot…

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7cd21a  No.13881063

File: 8490ae82a9d666a⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 485x258, 485:258, bojo_steamrolls_kid.gif)

File: 27e61afcab752dd⋯.png (353.91 KB, 615x535, 123:107, 00561833.png)

File: 08087fb505ee0c4⋯.jpg (58.35 KB, 563x638, 563:638, 1604563079697.jpg)

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bfab54  No.13881064

File: e259fce0e6c1378⋯.png (499.45 KB, 936x622, 468:311, 5_Steps_Ahead.png)

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0cdb80  No.13881065


looks like more than I thought originally. Hope you are correct anon.

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678717  No.13881066

File: 53dba11eb5fcaba⋯.png (498.98 KB, 800x960, 5:6, a061d3b621fa23a5.png)

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fad1d4  No.13881067


That doesn't even look like MJ. I bet that picture was staged to make MJ look like an idiot. Sony wanted him under their thumb.

Why cover the babies face? Is that defacto his baby?

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19e52b  No.13881068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c4022d  No.13881069


>The leaders all appeared to be positioned 6 feet apart while they awkwardly stood there looking stoic and out of place.

And they all trundle up to the stage next to each other with < 6' 0" spacing

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622a0e  No.13881071

File: e5df80bbc754736⋯.png (408.94 KB, 394x557, 394:557, ClipboardImage.png)

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678717  No.13881072

File: 336fc30d1530cca⋯.png (565.05 KB, 851x749, 851:749, b31ffda3e7e0ab58.png)

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ab4ea8  No.13881073


McCarthy was right. Hollywood was a Marxist/Bolshevik infiltration.

Roy Cohn, who President Trump was a close confidant of, wrote the summaries of the investigations.

President Trump knows everything… about big tech as well. Was 'The Apprentice' a hit show or was it Trump on the inside mapping the structure?

Enjoy the show. The Bolshevik Death Cult is about to get knocked on it's ass.

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678717  No.13881074


Europe 3 feet social distancing

depends on the country

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3f9de9  No.13881075

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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0a8c1e  No.13881076

File: a417a2daf91e139⋯.png (573.62 KB, 640x639, 640:639, ClipboardImage.png)


I Am going to see if i find the location.

any anons want to help, please join a genuine dig?.

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051cc8  No.13881077


Biden bewbs

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09af5f  No.13881078

File: fa9ea4549190417⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 648x364, 162:91, bf0413ee_f5c7_4efd_ac41_6d….jpg)


Huma Abedin’s ‘best-of-times, worst-of-times’ memoir to drop Nov. 2


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367131  No.13881079

File: 1f47e58dc43f676⋯.jpeg (46.36 KB, 634x357, 634:357, 27C315AA_D4EC_447E_AD1D_8….jpeg)

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a745b4  No.13881080

File: a10a9bfff6bd3c1⋯.jpg (96.77 KB, 510x430, 51:43, 1594313001470.jpg)


You'll believe anything obviously. Sad.

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678717  No.13881081


NYC now 3 feet

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144575  No.13881082

File: 73b5b9726c5c5f9⋯.jpeg (59.76 KB, 914x960, 457:480, lIDaM2eiTcBHcmo7wFOl_11_b….jpeg)

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b2b27a  No.13881083

File: 26f03f745e1a113⋯.png (8.69 MB, 1749x1701, 583:567, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b3f07  No.13881084

File: a31ca8cd624c1c7⋯.png (971.92 KB, 1024x554, 512:277, D0E5DEFA_CEC7_4969_9090_C5….png)

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678717  No.13881085

File: 0477ccecce8568b⋯.png (598.97 KB, 828x707, 828:707, 191bfbefce9a7d5d.png)

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1ed628  No.13881086



>pic 3

reminds me of the most recent ep of fear the walking dead where a chick committed seppuku in the opening scene


call the adl and apologize right now!

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b20031  No.13881087

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5be8de  No.13881088

File: ec8619f9546f140⋯.png (359.53 KB, 870x480, 29:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccbfb4  No.13881089

MJ had to leave the Stage.

Otherwise they had him killed.

Almost time to return publicly.

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5a1e1a  No.13881090

File: a6ff445f53220c7⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 730x730, 1:1, a6ff445f53220c7fdf53319dfb….jpg)


baker notable

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622a0e  No.13881091

File: 0ac03281e26f58e⋯.png (13.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>call the adl and apologize right now!


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6e19f3  No.13881092

Ramen Clam

Someone Will be by [soon]

Free Travel For War Criminals

Nuremberg II

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8ddf16  No.13881093

File: 154f8413b35e2fa⋯.jpeg (673.99 KB, 930x732, 155:122, B39D98EA_1E74_498F_8CDC_1….jpeg)

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a745b4  No.13881094

File: 2a353f9aa2a6cec⋯.jpg (2.46 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1595263755449s.jpg)


That nigga dead.

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09af5f  No.13881096

File: df9b9e6db9f872a⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Did_Crown_Agent_Dominion_V….jpg)



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7cd21a  No.13881097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bfab54  No.13881098

File: 4af4f3eb91ec92d⋯.png (241.54 KB, 474x398, 237:199, Muh_House_of_Cards.png)

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26292b  No.13881099


Fox reported RBG's death 20 months before the rest of the lamestream media.

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1ed628  No.13881100

File: 25f9172ba65a05d⋯.gif (919.39 KB, 272x181, 272:181, brick_lul.gif)

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c4022d  No.13881101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>'Are you supposed to be looking as if you're enjoying yourself?' The Queen jokes with the G7 leaders as they pose for a 'family photo'.

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5a1e1a  No.13881102


I love me some Geoguesser!

France… but those are all pretty common words so far. That castle though.

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678717  No.13881103

BREAKING …. FDA orders J&J to throw out 60M COVID-19 vaccine doses!

PerFeCtLY SaFe.

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26292b  No.13881104


I think he died a cracker actually.

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b2b27a  No.13881105

File: 14706f15586014a⋯.png (233.34 KB, 268x400, 67:100, ClipboardImage.png)


RR is a crackup with those sunglasses.


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81c6a6  No.13881107


anon needs to put 'milkies' on that.

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21cab1  No.13881108

File: f951221b5fcdc27⋯.png (5.62 MB, 1566x2048, 783:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee99a8519f6347⋯.png (18.76 KB, 218x255, 218:255, ClipboardImage.png)



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ded445  No.13881109


Cancer was easier than this…

Where’s Sgt. B at?

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577524  No.13881110


whiter than most white people for sure

maybe not the scottish

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051cc8  No.13881111

File: 4ac17a0bc37f4d4⋯.jpg (86.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5cz2c5.jpg)

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55026a  No.13881112


Otterman Turk


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622a0e  No.13881113

File: 7aefe80c685baa9⋯.png (828.2 KB, 750x903, 250:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 730e51a00e61d0d⋯.png (741.74 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a1e1a  No.13881114

File: f473ea73c2e906e⋯.jpg (69.51 KB, 614x601, 614:601, 2021_06_12_04_55_31_8kun_t….jpg)

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5be8de  No.13881115

File: 89c4fdd0e7afc3f⋯.png (773.21 KB, 718x480, 359:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d08e2  No.13881116

File: ffb9375019498a8⋯.jpg (712.03 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, E3obrIjXEAMRUp9.jpg)

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bc3d05  No.13881117

You cannot invade the United States because every citizen is armed.

If you can't take away the guns.

Take away the citizens.

And all of a sudden mandatory vaccines.

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9de63f  No.13881118

File: 19bc851ef4ddd8d⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 375x523, 375:523, adrenCrd.jpg)


>80 year old men.

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df121f  No.13881119




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a745b4  No.13881120

File: 2a21fe81ab29ffa⋯.jpeg (384.62 KB, 1914x1080, 319:180, fullsizeoutput_648.jpeg)


Young black male turned himself into an old white woman. What a bizarre, twisted MF'er. Glad he's gone.

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8ddf16  No.13881121

File: 746bf690897c729⋯.jpeg (403.11 KB, 746x550, 373:275, ACC252E1_0E72_427C_9E2A_F….jpeg)


“I wouldn’t go with Platte River if I were you.”

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49a4d1  No.13881122

File: 7aee79e3b3f5b38⋯.png (214.9 KB, 368x471, 368:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0e4ede405895f5⋯.png (75.98 KB, 346x339, 346:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeb193ac3031094⋯.png (101.55 KB, 819x419, 819:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41d2f8206c222e3⋯.png (440.74 KB, 600x330, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c1bac0b72f3c28⋯.png (22.93 KB, 815x439, 815:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Scotland or Great Britain or EU or?

its on a P

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6e19f3  No.13881123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Byron Donalds responds to 'tense' interview with CNN anchor

Apparently he Ain't Black Enough for the Black Caucus

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5a1e1a  No.13881124


source of vid?

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a267a5  No.13881125


Patriot anons are constantly being asked by normies why we oppose “science” as espoused by Fraudci, Birx, Daszak, and their demonic ilk.

It is only partially helpful to refer these normies to articles and videos by homeopathists, shamans, and “alternative medicine” practitioners. To some extent, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny (God bless her) falls into this group. Sadly, normies at this time will only open their minds to medical professors at mainstream universities and board-certified physicians at hospitals.

Here is a list of relatively mainstream doctors opposing the Covid jabs and trying to expose the truth behind the depopulation agenda:

Doctors for Covid Ethics (https://doctors4covidethics.org/doctors-for-covid-ethics-signatories/) consists of dozens of mainstream doctors and medical professors from around the world

Dr. Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP)

Dr. Luc Montagnier (Pasteur Institute, France and co-recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine)

Dr. Byram Bridle (associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario)

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (retired microbiologist; former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Univeristy of Mainz, Germany)

Dr. Kary Mullis (recipeint of 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, inventor of the PCR or polymerase chain reaction test)

Dr. Paul Marik (Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia)

Dr. Pierre Kory (Associate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health)

Dr. Didier Raoult (microbiologist, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, France)

Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. (internal medicine specialist, McDonough, Georgia, USA)

Dr. Lee Merritt, M.D. (orthopedic and spinal surgeon, former president, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons)

Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky MD (NY State licensed pediatrician, Northpoint, NY)

So, next time a normie asks you why you believe what you do about Covid and its vaxes, you can refer them to these experts for their own research.

If you know of other honest docs and medicine professors out there who are telling patients the truth about Covid, please add to this list!

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3d0db1  No.13881126

File: 42caf566627c05b⋯.png (6.02 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow. MJ got to experience humanity when in the company of Pres. Trump. TY for uploading this. I do miss his music. It just never seemed quite right what happened to MJ. Knowing what we know now about the MSM, I'm feeling a weekend playlist is coming.

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8ddf16  No.13881127

File: c223808a8012d28⋯.jpeg (205.35 KB, 2500x1666, 1250:833, D3A13BA2_6347_46A3_98D7_6….jpeg)

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5be8de  No.13881129


Hope that gets spread far and wide.

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0a8c1e  No.13881130

>>13880749 nope someone dropped it in the last bread, completely anonymous. so this requires some work.


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6e19f3  No.13881131

File: 8514079517b0870⋯.png (108.78 KB, 1690x732, 845:366, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfab54  No.13881132

File: dd1dfcfa9de9ab7⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1418x1418, 1:1, GLORIOUS.png)

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9de63f  No.13881133

File: 08baf8a64b8e632⋯.png (370.72 KB, 620x372, 5:3, JA_fam.png)

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7cd21a  No.13881134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You see how God/Nature attack the jews on sight. That's why the jews hate dogs and love demon cats. Cats are evil fucking demon sharp claw motherfuckers and I hate them.ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF

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b2b27a  No.13881135

kek kek kek kek kek

Dr Jill didn't fly too wlll….so now it's……..


cnn is using it non stop.


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ded445  No.13881136


Is that you?

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6e19f3  No.13881137


Delta II Lima


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ccbfb4  No.13881138


B/c you saw it on CNN… I know.

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cff67e  No.13881139

This family just got purged!


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5a1e1a  No.13881140


same suit, same hand signal, same father.

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95367c  No.13881141

Something I've been thinking about. There was a Q drop that was along the lines of the corrupt people running for president to avoid prosecution. Then we have the fun and games during the last election. They HAD to win by any means, right? So now we are here. What was their follow up plan for after, "they," won? I'm sure it involved covering as much as possible up, I mean, it's only logical. I suspect that was known, and they took the bait, they pretty much had to or else they would have been exposed. Now, they are even more exposed. Now things are probably starting to, "dawn," on people, and they are seeing the light.

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7cd21a  No.13881143

File: db684e8d8cb10d4⋯.webm (140.13 KB, 408x720, 17:30, leprechaun.webm)

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df121f  No.13881144


You can call her Jilly. She's just like you and me

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8ddf16  No.13881145

File: 956b2ce6af3af25⋯.jpeg (29.82 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 05218310_47E8_4A33_873C_5….jpeg)

File: fa4da0463fc99e8⋯.jpeg (28.12 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 1D38C2F0_C3F5_4F89_A029_F….jpeg)

File: 9af02e5a1c7afa6⋯.png (629.73 KB, 1426x1580, 713:790, 08EE00B4_B7DF_4088_86F6_E4….png)

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d79fa8  No.13881146

File: cc624949c7796c1⋯.gif (7.15 MB, 345x498, 115:166, tenor_9.gif)

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6e19f3  No.13881147

File: 2a3798a70b88a8b⋯.png (747.01 KB, 1017x926, 1017:926, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c3b2b  No.13881148



Joey:I'm gonna sniff you so hard

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b2b27a  No.13881149




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ded445  No.13881150


Impressive. Cheqd.

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1af6e5  No.13881151

File: fde314fdb8b4b4b⋯.gif (4.04 MB, 800x720, 10:9, 7A8A7623_C543_44FF_833D_0A….gif)


last anon heard he said

>you will not hear from me for a while

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ccbfb4  No.13881152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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26292b  No.13881153

File: 02fa915a1cdf5e4⋯.png (16.41 KB, 614x265, 614:265, ClipboardImage.png)



Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behindAlice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.

OCT HRC "State of Terror" (SA?)

11.2 Huma "Both/And" comes out ("&"?)



hope that's a call for black mail exposure!!!!!!!!

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cff67e  No.13881154


Katie Hill! Stop snail-trailing all over the motel room, ya nasty!

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6ca577  No.13881155


What did POTUS receive while visiting China?

Where did POTUS dine?

What is the significance?

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?


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d83e95  No.13881156

File: fad9ca6858c687c⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, fad9ca6858c687ca15238fda5c….jpg)


I clicked dat shit, nigga.

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60c8e1  No.13881157

File: adeba3c684f7597⋯.png (469.63 KB, 736x439, 736:439, P_Temple.png)


>P near the temple

imma not a memefag but I tried my best.

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0a8c1e  No.13881158

File: 8beb52424a9c635⋯.png (573.73 KB, 503x419, 503:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c66afc833476af3⋯.png (73 KB, 1048x604, 262:151, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs dubs chek'ed

Flag is could be one of these, but will google earth it,

for now list of flags


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8c3b2b  No.13881159

File: 1c141337ad35097⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 680x672, 85:84, 20210611_161307.jpg)

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b2b27a  No.13881160


hunt for october

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7cd21a  No.13881161

File: b871f74481bf33b⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 227x136, 227:136, 1603696519111.gif)

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42d517  No.13881162

File: 7fc902cab8ece56⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 474x344, 237:172, AllSnapEat1.jpg)

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81c6a6  No.13881163


The experts included Oxford epidemiologist Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Harvard professor Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford University and Dr. Scott Atlas

YouTube Removes Video of DeSantis, Medical Experts over Claims That Children Don’t Need Masks


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7cd21a  No.13881164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e19f3  No.13881165


One of these needs Black Face

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df121f  No.13881166

File: a878badab833d09⋯.jpg (465.78 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, Biden_phone_SON.jpg)

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b2b27a  No.13881167


need the dancing myanmar girl

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3d0db1  No.13881168

File: 045be6ad9250248⋯.png (900 B, 320x219, 320:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a8577  No.13881169


The license plate is French.

Two letters - Three numbers - Two letters.

CJ is a series that was issued in 2012.

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1ed628  No.13881170

File: c4bee00dced164d⋯.png (794.77 KB, 845x793, 65:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d5b7cf646b2ac1⋯.png (975.97 KB, 1159x758, 1159:758, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02144656e06c681⋯.png (24.27 KB, 837x245, 837:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1b0df40d78b835⋯.png (54.62 KB, 592x709, 592:709, ClipboardImage.png)









>international clique


>spread throughout the whole world

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0a8c1e  No.13881172


fcuking kek, are the gulls dumb?

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09af5f  No.13881173



The & symbol instructs commands to run in a background process and immediately returns to the command line for additional commands.

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622a0e  No.13881174



French number plate by the looks, and format.




>The license plate is French.


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fbbe7b  No.13881175

File: 7fa347ac367ed7e⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 230x346, 115:173, 51eJsxt2VTL_SY346_.jpg)

File: 09e06de82563f93⋯.jpg (77.87 KB, 962x534, 481:267, 41173684_9422559_image_a_4….jpg)

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7cd21a  No.13881176

File: 63f18b9c4e65dad⋯.gif (496.42 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 005150.gif)

File: 34a51bad468e621⋯.jpg (157.2 KB, 680x386, 340:193, 00155209371.jpg)

File: 3f249074c89acad⋯.jpg (390.13 KB, 1101x1600, 1101:1600, db02.jpg)

File: 7ebfa62ac40e8c2⋯.png (277.53 KB, 433x289, 433:289, Dimebag.png)

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c4022d  No.13881177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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577524  No.13881178


cowboys from hyelllllyaaaa

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2e92e0  No.13881179

File: 6eab478abedccf3⋯.png (858.63 KB, 1133x1186, 1133:1186, ClipboardImage.png)



this means we are so fucking close to the end

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5be8de  No.13881180

File: f574d9d6e489f26⋯.png (760.81 KB, 690x480, 23:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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11c61a  No.13881181

File: 7f508490d8d5d69⋯.png (792.42 KB, 1018x556, 509:278, 60million.png)

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ded445  No.13881183



Don’t threaten me with a good time…

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d79fa8  No.13881184

File: 3d5e656ce5ada38⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 800x571, 800:571, XDH7AWVR4NFU7OOIHOSMC22KW4.jpg)

In case anyone driving by my pad, I'm ediblitzed but…

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7cd21a  No.13881185


Whoa VAL!

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26292b  No.13881186


01:00:00 verrryyy niice

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d9a506  No.13881187

Since the beginning of the qdrops on 4chan, by Jan. of 2018, after researching to figure out who was behind this, I made a number of posts in the early breads saying it was the John Birch Society. I'm still convinced this is the case (for many reasons).

When I was around 12 yrs old my mom had me read Atlas Shrugged, None Dare Call It Treason, Barry Goldwater, JBS books, etc. When Trump emerged with these same philosophies, I believe that he too was told to read these same books by his father.

This fight has been going on for a long time.

This is from wikileaks on the John Birch Society:

"The JBS was a co-sponsor of the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), ending its decades-long split with the mainstream conservative movement.[95][96]

Although JBS membership numbers are kept private, it has reported a resurgence of members during the Donald Trump presidency, specifically in Texas. The organization's goals in Texas include opposition to the UN's Agenda 21 based on a conspiracy theory that it will "establish control over all human activity", and opposition to a bill that would allow people who entered The United States illegally to pay in-state tuition for Texas state colleges.[97]

The JBS has increasingly been linked to the Trump presidency by political commentators such as Jeet Heer of The Nation magazine (He is a former staff writer for The New Republic), who argued while writing for The New Republic in June 2016, that "Trumpism" is essentially Bircherism.[11] Trump confidante and longtime advisor Roger Stone said that Trump's father Fred Trump was a financier of the JBS and a personal friend of founder Robert Welch.[98] Trump's former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney was the speaker at the John Birch Society's National Council dinner shortly before joining the Trump administration.[99] U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), widely reported to be one of Trump's top advisors on foreign policy, is also tied to the JBS.[100] The senator's father, former Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), has had a long and very close relationship with the JBS, celebrating its work in his 2008 keynote speech at its 50th anniversary event and saying that the JBS was leading the fight to restore freedom.[101] The keynote speaker at the organization's 60th anniversary celebration was Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky.), who maintains a near-perfect score on the JBS's "Freedom Index" ranking of members of Congress.[102] Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who hosted Trump on his Infowars radio show and claims to have a personal relationship with the president, called Trump a "John Birch Society president"[103] and previously claimed Trump was "more John Birch Society than the John Birch Society."[104]"

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9699f8  No.13881188

File: 66ec6e63c4614f4⋯.jpg (432.83 KB, 718x1232, 359:616, Screenshot_20210611_170552….jpg)

Thanks to those who shared the story. You know who you are. It's made international news. Really appreciate it. May she find justice. It was not his first offense.


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8ba38c  No.13881189

File: 03a7975dab22c96⋯.png (860.11 KB, 843x422, 843:422, Screenshot_1724.png)

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7cd21a  No.13881190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d83e95  No.13881191

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB, 300x359, 300:359, grammar_nazi_alpha.png)


>Cats are evil fucking demon sharp claw motherfuckers and I hate them.

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df121f  No.13881192


nice shoop

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ccbfb4  No.13881193


Marshall Law.

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f73539  No.13881194

File: fdebeeb49cf7edc⋯.jpeg (445.97 KB, 1170x1775, 234:355, BC122744_9573_440C_B3CB_C….jpeg)


Who are dees blonde people??

Poor kid…

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34a007  No.13881195

File: 030390d90284719⋯.jpeg (128.88 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, D4F23FAC_A83A_46DC_B61F_F….jpeg)


“The road never ends.”

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7cd21a  No.13881196

File: db6aa9854bdad48⋯.png (276.64 KB, 560x572, 140:143, 8d13e75e9430cbdd8c329c757b….png)


kek it was bait

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49a4d1  No.13881197

File: fd254d2fc7bfac8⋯.png (91.79 KB, 535x228, 535:228, ClipboardImage.png)

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670d23  No.13881198

File: f62db3e134eb4dd⋯.png (21.94 KB, 846x214, 423:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d12851b0c1f837d⋯.jpg (91.58 KB, 787x895, 787:895, my_hero.JPG)

File: cbc6c8c32793007⋯.png (761.9 KB, 808x633, 808:633, meme_war_has.PNG)

>>13879385 >>13880704


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f73539  No.13881199

File: f3cb5b6c39e4260⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2226, 195:371, 982ACC23_85D3_49BB_BCB0_F….jpeg)

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60c8e1  No.13881200

File: ef3aa67febfd254⋯.png (269.39 KB, 480x377, 480:377, Opera_Snapshot_2021_06_11_….png)



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95367c  No.13881201


Looks like Roy Orbison.

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678717  No.13881202

File: 3c371a0d7869aac⋯.png (275.68 KB, 647x548, 647:548, garlandPrisonTime.png)

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2e92e0  No.13881203

File: a27e2f8984893b7⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1130x2806, 565:1403, ClipboardImage.png)


Aussie Swimmer Withdraws from Olympics as Lesson to ‘Misogynistic Perverts’

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577524  No.13881204


Gibson declaration

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5a1e1a  No.13881206


I've always thought that maybe, he was a good guy. He probably did some regrettable things. but I like to think he changed his ways ("I'm looking at the man in the mirror, i'm asking him to change his ways"). He spoke out against the music industry. And why would he be the ONE hollywood pedo that got all the heat? Why is it so common to hear that with his name now, with very little evidence?

He tried to leave.

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df121f  No.13881207


shitshow extraordinaire

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5a8577  No.13881208

File: affd39ce1c6dc7b⋯.png (277.12 KB, 400x340, 20:17, ClipboardImage.png)


This logo.

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678717  No.13881209

File: 7ddb95fa641ab28⋯.mp4 (2 MB, 538x538, 1:1, 0cac683592af28c8.mp4)



Panic in DC. 🍿

The JUST US Department will scrutinize post-election audits for voting law violations.

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ccbfb4  No.13881210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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37f21d  No.13881212


>this means we are so fucking close to the end


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d79fa8  No.13881213

File: fae8c9e94b6e27b⋯.jpg (204.58 KB, 1080x501, 360:167, Screenshot_20210611_180933….jpg)


Maybe he should buy the guy a nice vacation with airfare. See him off from the airport.

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bfab54  No.13881214

File: 7a04fe1d0aefb52⋯.png (527.15 KB, 803x508, 803:508, Sentence_test.png)

If yooz cant use nigger and henesy together in a sentence… you aint muh son.

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96226a  No.13881215

File: c3509e9a6f536ff⋯.png (31.26 KB, 239x244, 239:244, Screenshot_at_2021_06_11_2….png)


CJ french plate

CJ Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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069006  No.13881216

File: cfd2d5d81d6835f⋯.png (472.4 KB, 1895x847, 1895:847, ClipboardImage.png)

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beb5ee  No.13881217

File: 60ddd0d7eae08eb⋯.png (667.92 KB, 600x528, 25:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Law & Order 2005 S15 E14 – When nine people die injected with a fake vaccine which leads to the arrest and prosecution of a longtime con man. (Fraudci)

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690c8d  No.13881218


Asides anons and people that knew him, who else would recognize "Skyking" of barrel rolls?

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907d2f  No.13881219


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390805  No.13881220


The audit is fake unless they're 4.10.20 audits.

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6e19f3  No.13881221


All Ass's Deployed

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678717  No.13881223

File: 955ea613e269f47⋯.png (712.84 KB, 898x993, 898:993, 5a3721db828ec854.png)

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2e92e0  No.13881224

File: 932dacdd93057ca⋯.png (174.13 KB, 651x877, 651:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8be33  No.13881225




How do their surmise hes in bad health? Maybe hes in better health then hes ever been

Intetesting Trump is losing weight from time off and golf and Kim lost weight…..

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0e0e17  No.13881226

Post prince philip g7

Trump agreed to pretend

They thought they were winning

Now they agree to pretend

Never stop praying anons

We got this

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622a0e  No.13881227


>Asides anons and people that knew him, who else would recognize "Skyking" of barrel rolls?



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11c61a  No.13881228

File: 8d3e4f38065d691⋯.png (92.55 KB, 1802x420, 901:210, 60ms.png)


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1b5e6e  No.13881229

Guess how many time in prison get the Macron slapper ? 4 months with immediate incarceration. Multiple years of civic right privation, public service employment and 18month probation.

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67e5c3  No.13881231

File: bc7509a226d648b⋯.jpeg (582.63 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, dtolight.jpeg)


We LOVE Our President!

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c1ac57  No.13881232

File: 9dbf3745c49996c⋯.jpg (127.23 KB, 863x180, 863:180, AQ2.jpg)

Pentagon announces $150M in security assistance to Ukraine

The $150 million package for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative "includes training, equipment, and advisory efforts to help Ukraine’s forces preserve the country’s territorial integrity, secure its borders, and improve interoperability with NATO,” according to a Defense Department statement.

The money — used to help Ukraine better defend itself against Russian aggression and funded through foreign military financing with the State Department — will fund "counter-artillery radars, counter-unmanned aerial systems, secure communications gear, electronic warfare and military medical evacuation equipment, and training and equipment to improve the operational safety and capacity of Ukrainian Air Force bases," the statement notes.


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26e4c1  No.13881233

File: 45c14adb2c81cf4⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, AAKX3RE.jpg)


Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism, the family name having been changed from Garfinkel several generations prior. His grandparents left the Pale of Settlement within the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century, fleeing antisemitic pogroms and seeking a better life for their children in the United States.[6][7] He is a second cousin of six-term Iowa Governor Terry Branstad.[8]

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5a038e  No.13881234

File: 51b976df8044223⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 982x500, 491:250, ajTHING.jpg)


When does he get his black eye?

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1fa0ed  No.13881235


There are no coincidences!

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678717  No.13881236

File: d5e07d0d6860361⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB, 848x480, 53:30, a6d5cdcb533baa05.mp4)

Rockefeller foundation: Lock step

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907d2f  No.13881237

File: 75ec55f4226fd22⋯.png (379.93 KB, 598x638, 299:319, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


If @TheSun

are right, this is awful news.

Enough is enough — we have to live our lives.


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577524  No.13881238


worth it

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670d23  No.13881239

File: 4bf0ffe744625bd⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 835x622, 835:622, root_ac.JPG)


BREAKING: AG Merrick Garland Announces that His DOJ Will Scrutinize Any Post-Election Audits for Evidence of Voting Law Violations!!

By Joe Hoft

Published June 11, 2021 at 3:03pm

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fbbe7b  No.13881240

File: 51e14405d284395⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, Barack_Obama_and_Joe_Bide_….jpg)

File: 55d1fd590978fba⋯.gif (22.96 KB, 150x120, 5:4, t_rex2.gif)

File: 5d0c374eee318a4⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 200x179, 200:179, cdaf3aac5171fcf3f933c66c96….gif)

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ccbfb4  No.13881241


The 'Con'…

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df121f  No.13881242


and a psych eval.

Then they'll declare him retarded or white supremicist, or why not both?

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42acc1  No.13881244


>>>13875843 Keith Olbermann Panic!

I'm sure many anons enjoyed Olbermann's work at espn 25 years ago, but how dirty must he be! TOTALLY DERANGED!

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622a0e  No.13881245

File: c290bc67847eb71⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1200x1706, 600:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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678717  No.13881246

File: 363e91faf62cf10⋯.png (164.6 KB, 485x474, 485:474, dca689b0b8c4b3ab.png)

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7cd21a  No.13881247

File: f7f36db85be61f0⋯.png (991.24 KB, 1227x685, 1227:685, 1578727205516.png)

File: 7a9713a46ee6968⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 432x198, 24:11, 1578726787588.jpg)

File: 4c4b0e7e99bfcb1⋯.jpg (216.95 KB, 955x886, 955:886, 1578726854965.jpg)

File: 7549fb3f410e44e⋯.jpg (252.7 KB, 1128x1104, 47:46, 1578726633815.jpg)

File: 86144937ef8aad6⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 450x338, 225:169, 1578730648831.jpg)


I remember all the 911 foreshadowing….

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95367c  No.13881248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfab54  No.13881249


in alien right to a speedy trial… and never spank your macaroni in public

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5a1e1a  No.13881250

File: 75a00b243f015d6⋯.jpg (208.93 KB, 1080x1283, 1080:1283, 121108236_1081557472275957….jpg)

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622a0e  No.13881253

File: 56f54c83b6721e3⋯.png (514.51 KB, 697x470, 697:470, ClipboardImage.png)





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5be8de  No.13881254

File: 3c8a0bbbcbf521f⋯.png (589.23 KB, 691x480, 691:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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670d23  No.13881255

File: c7608f83bff5b9a⋯.jpg (92.55 KB, 865x699, 865:699, g_reset.JPG)


G7 affirms anti-capitalist 'Great Reset' to exploit COVID crisis

British PM: 'Build back better' in 'greener, gender neutral, more feminine way'

Art Moore By Art Moore

Published June 11, 2021 at 3:56pm

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1ed628  No.13881256

File: c6abbeafa2da1df⋯.png (439.48 KB, 332x452, 83:113, ClipboardImage.png)




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7acfb5  No.13881257


Fuck YT

This account seems to focus on our work and arrests


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b2b27a  No.13881258

File: a0d8df47a380074⋯.png (816.67 KB, 1058x537, 1058:537, ClipboardImage.png)


this is from a video, right?

does it looks shopped to you?

was the entire vid fake?

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ae2c85  No.13881259

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Northern District of Oklahoma


Friday, June 11, 2021

Former Youth Pastor and Scout Volunteer Charged with Sexually Abusing Five Children

A man who was a self-described father figure, youth pastor, and Cub and Boy Scouts volunteer has been indicted by a federal grand jury this week for sexually abusing five children, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson.

Joe Cheater Jr., 48, formerly of Porter, was charged with three counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor by force and threat in Indian Country, aggravated sexual abuse in Indian Country, abusive sexual contact with a minor in Indian country, and coercion and enticement of a minor in Indian Country.

Cheater Jr. was charged in federal court in anticipation that his state conviction could be overturned. On Thursday, Cheater’s appeal was stayed for approximately 30 days in Rogers County District Court. At that time, the Court will determine which entity has criminal jurisdiction over the case. The defendant is currently serving his state sentence in an Oklahoma Department of Corrections facility.

As the U.S. Attorney’s Office continues to prepare, anyone with information about the crimes or who may have been sexually abused by the defendant are encouraged to contact Assistant U.S. Attorney Stacey Todd at 918-382-2791.

Cheater Jr. had children approximately the same ages as the victims, and it was common for neighborhood children to be present or have sleepovers at his home. Known victims were sexually assaulted starting in 2005 while others were abused as late as 2009. Some victims were younger than 12-years-old when they were victimized.

The FBI and Rogers County Sheriff’s Office are the investigative agencies. Assistant U.S. Attorney Stacey Todd is prosecuting the case.


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6e19f3  No.13881260


Nuremberg II

Free Neck Ties.

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2a7eb1  No.13881261

Prosecutor dies just days after 2 relatives are found dead


A longtime prosecutor in South Carolina has died just days after his grandson and daughter-in-law were found dead on the family's land in Colleton County in a shooting investigators have said little about.

The announcement of Randolph Murdaugh III's death came from his law firm Peters, Murdaugh, Parker, Eltzroth & Detrick on Thursday.

The firm didn't give a cause of death, but Democratic state Sen. Margie Bright Matthews of Colleton County said Murdaugh, 81, was in intensive care when she asked for prayers for the family Tuesday on the Senate floor.

Murdaugh III served as the elected solicitor in the 14th Circuit from 1987 to 2005. His father and grandfather also held the job as prosecutor for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties.

Murdaugh III's son, Alex, the husband and father of the victims in Monday's shooting, is a part-time prosecutor in the same office.

Fucking shady!

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db6604  No.13881262

File: 0491b2ffd4b03e6⋯.png (35.75 KB, 770x370, 77:37, LGBTQ_.png)

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5a038e  No.13881263

File: a204f2ff85c63e5⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, badabing.jpg)


I remember this. Karate instructor was cornholing his students. After his arrest, Dad waited for him at the airport and…


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37f21d  No.13881264


Ok, I just don't see Bibi being out as being an ironclad this is finally the last.

Hope so tho.

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a8be33  No.13881266


They look absolutely retarded, our world leaders are fuckin retards

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34a007  No.13881268

File: 791d4f7bec5be92⋯.jpeg (26.34 KB, 600x442, 300:221, E05D0832_F14C_471A_9E72_F….jpeg)


>and never spank your macaroni in public

“But, why tho?”

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95367c  No.13881269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae2c85  No.13881270

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Eastern District of California


Friday, June 11, 2021

17 Indicted in Large-Scale Methamphetamine, Heroin, and Cocaine Trafficking Conspiracies

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A federal grand jury returned two indictments Thursday against a total of 17 defendants for conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine, Acting U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert announced.

According to court documents, between April 2019 and June 2020, agents seized more than 140 kilograms of methamphetamine, more than 500 grams of heroin, and $130,000 in cash.

The first indictment charges 12 defendants with conspiring to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute 500 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine and more than 100 grams of heroin. In furtherance of this conspiracy, the indictment also charges several defendants with possessing methamphetamine with the intent to distribute it. As well, each defendant is charged with using a cellphone in furtherance of the conspiracy. Charged in this indictment are: Antonio Mendoza Ramos, 42, of Bakersfield; Leopoldo Gonzalez Jr., 30, of Modesto; Victor Manuel Velazquez, 34, of Ceres; Erasmo Zarate Solorzano, 42, of Sacramento; Estela Acevedo, 60, of Las Vegas; Carlos Cano Manzo, 49, of Mexico; Diana Cervantes, 26, of Ceres; Jose Genaro Vargas-Ramirez, 19, of Des Moines, Iowa; Alma Adriana Mora Madrigal, 49, of Ontario; Alejandro Mora Madrigal, 51, of El Monte; Fernando Cardenas, 47, of Compton; and Humberto Pimentel Caranza, 27, of Modesto.

The second indictment charges Juan Zamora Torres, 59, of Turlock; Julio Mendoza Madrigal, 29, of Modesto; Robert Lewis McCommas, 45, of Idaho; Dorian Willes, 43, of Idaho; and Heather Romoser, 42, of Idaho. Torres is separately charged with several counts of distributing methamphetamine and heroin. Torres and Madrigal are charged with conspiring to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute methamphetamine. Madrigal, McCommas, Willes, and Romoser are charged with conspiring to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute methamphetamine and cocaine. Each defendant is also charged with using a cellphone in furtherance of the conspiracy.

These cases are the product of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the California Highway Patrol, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office, the Ceres Police Department, the Modesto Police Department, the Merced Police Department, the Merced County Sheriff’s Office, the Los Angeles Impact, the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, the California Multi-Jurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team, the Central Valley Gang Impact Task Force, El Segundo High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area 48, the Los Angeles Inter-Agency Metropolitan Police Apprehension Crime Task Force, the Modesto Police Department, the Sacramento Area Intelligence Narcotics Team, the Tri-Area Drug Enforcement Narcotics Team, the Turlock Police Department, the Turlock Special Investigations Unit, the West Sacramento Police Department, the Woodland Police Department, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office, and the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Angela Scott and Michael W. Redding are prosecuting the case.

This prosecution is part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Strike Force Initiative, which provides for the establishment of permanent multi-agency task force teams that work side-by-side in the same location. The Sacramento Strike Force is a co-located model that enables agents from different agencies to collaborate on intelligence-driven, multi-jurisdictional operations to disrupt and dismantle the most significant drug traffickers, money launderers, gangs, and transnational criminal organizations. The specific mission of the Sacramento Strike Force is to identify, investigate, disrupt, and dismantle the most significant drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) shipping narcotics, firearms, and money through the Eastern District of California, thereby reducing the flow of these criminal resources in California and the rest of the United States. The Sacramento Strike Force leads intelligence-driven investigations targeting the leadership and support elements of these DTOs and TCOs operating within the Eastern District of California, regardless of their geographic base of operations.


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c4022d  No.13881271


>Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism


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d79fa8  No.13881272


Real American Hero

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678717  No.13881273


he was sad you see

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690c8d  No.13881274


last couple of seconds French Flag in background…

Street cafe with Bretonne in name

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c95370  No.13881275

File: 8abfd6cb0617fd6⋯.png (328.53 KB, 466x485, 466:485, Screen_Shot_06_11_21_at_06….PNG)

File: 520929b06a90cfa⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Joe 17 Timestamp! 4:49 pm 4+4+9 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

President Macron and I stand together, ready to take on the toughest challenges we face.

4:49 PM · Jun 11, 2021·The White House


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2e92e0  No.13881277


oh he's out. No way it would happen otherwise. This is Q+

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df121f  No.13881278


Biden is garbage

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2a7eb1  No.13881279

File: e0e2afce8bec93b⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1200x1892, 300:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Infographic: Timeline of the Durham Investigation


Good article

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b2b27a  No.13881280


ha ha ha ha ha

you idiots think Bibi is Israel….just like Bidan is America?

what dufuses.

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5a8577  No.13881281

Got it


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1fa0ed  No.13881282

File: ff39449962e3331⋯.jpeg (399.46 KB, 750x1206, 125:201, DC36E228_F1B4_46CF_B74D_2….jpeg)

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907d2f  No.13881283

File: 75f76f56e3b7b16⋯.png (545.45 KB, 610x342, 305:171, Screenshot_2020_08_07_neta….png)

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fcedf0  No.13881284

File: bce6a91d4f43430⋯.png (482.09 KB, 548x375, 548:375, ClipboardImage.png)


Did mom die her hair dark…or what's up with blonde kid?

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c4022d  No.13881286


>to take on the toughest challenges we face.

Q+, Q and Anons WW

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2e92e0  No.13881287


Bibi is Israel ya butthurt jew fucktard.

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670d23  No.13881288

File: 5e3bd8977921b8d⋯.jpg (125.38 KB, 823x893, 823:893, com_team.JPG)


MEXICAN STANDOFF: No One’s Story Adds Up in Univision-Reyes-Kamala Drama

Jorge Bonilla

June 11th, 2021 4:29 PM

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6fe403  No.13881290


A clear and present danger to the Republic.

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7acfb5  No.13881291

File: e2aef5cb05a2b02⋯.png (68.17 KB, 693x824, 693:824, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3798b5129a8ff76⋯.png (79.78 KB, 691x880, 691:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b3c911df960acc⋯.png (41.26 KB, 685x650, 137:130, ClipboardImage.png)

10 Alleged Drug Dealers Charged Following FBI Operation ‘50/50 Love’


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5a8577  No.13881292

File: c8c45004f138104⋯.png (212.48 KB, 389x300, 389:300, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6f341890b59c2c⋯.png (196.66 KB, 358x258, 179:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1ac57  No.13881293

File: dc8f402e26defcb⋯.jpg (849.86 KB, 597x594, 199:198, AQ1.jpg)

Ariz. recount may not have enough ballots


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33cd35  No.13881294

File: 20cc2136b296681⋯.png (684.87 KB, 674x680, 337:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e92e0  No.13881295


your Satanic leader will soon be shot dead by a firing squad called chinavirus

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670d23  No.13881296

File: 9b855b7d6e95d9b⋯.jpg (34.85 KB, 864x189, 32:7, erodes.JPG)



Hydroxychloroquine study further erodes credibility of health 'experts'

by Kaylee McGhee White, Commentary Writer |

| June 11, 2021 12:42 PM

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37f21d  No.13881297


Yeah, but once again where's the hook that it's finally the end?

What if the new guy puppet is meet the new boss same as the old boss?

Seems like another datefaggy kinda hopium based upon nothing that ends up being another letdown.

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678717  No.13881298

People who are panicking:

Fauci, Gates, Adam Schiff, Eric Fartswell, Biden's entire justice department, everyone who committed voter fraud, Katie Hobbs, Rachel Maddow, all CNN anchors, the cruise ship of vaccinated sheep who tested positive for covid, Biden's sign language translator, and MOAR.

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5a038e  No.13881299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I remember this. Karate instructor was cornholing his students. After his arrest, Dad waited for him at the airport and…

His name was Gary Plauche

Dealer of Instant Karma

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5be8de  No.13881301

File: 0353841946a077a⋯.png (270.44 KB, 267x400, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a7eb1  No.13881302

Biden Restores $1 Billion Grant for California Bullet Train That Trump Called a ‘Disaster’


Moar money laundering / payoffs!

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e1f43f  No.13881303

File: b7b0a413ab47363⋯.png (460.52 KB, 600x742, 300:371, MrHyde.png)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 25df41 No.5926054 📁

Mar 27 2019 15:39:15 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 651cbd No.5925866 📁

Mar 27 2019 15:29:26 (EST)

Q-Digging on MAGA Coalition shows obvious fraud. Also those associated are non-stop attacking and obviously coordinated. Why would a PAC attack us? This in itself shows its FAKE. This PAC also engages known shills/frauds. Do we still dig? Many reported to the IRS.


Some organizations do not have good intentions.

Due diligence required.

We highlighted this particular organization as one example.





Follow the money.

Track donations vs. expenses.

Admin, fundraising, strategy & research, etc etc expenses highly inflated?

Monthly installment payments made to ‘names’ who can attract ‘more donations’? (the “wheel”)

How much ‘donated’ money was actually spent promoting MAGA / PRO_MAGA candidates (indirectly) vs. internal costs or ‘wheel’ costs?


When you offer ‘better’ goods and services for free there is no longer a need to ‘donate’ ‘purchase’ and/or ‘follow’ those who would use such platforms to enrich themselves. (hence the ‘attacks’)

Logical thinking always wins.

Attempts to ‘divide’ the movement draws LIGHT to their TRUE INTENTIONS.

This is about the survival of our Nation (our World) – not funding scams.


Keep your eye on the ball.


been any digs on NIH>Contractor Labs>Ft. Detrick (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/virus-biological-us-army-weapons-fort-detrick-leak-ebola-anthrax-smallpox-ricin-a9042641.html)>Wuhan Researchers (and their families) involved in C19 research/development/weaponization?

Detailed financials (Grants/Payroll/Windfalls) on these "mad" scientists and their families could be revealing. Think connections to the leaked CCP members database last year - think Panama Papers-level exposure.

Who funded the grants (invisible deep pockets, Pentagon, CCP/PLA) and who benefitted from them? What is the average American Virologist's annual salary?

My son has brain cancer and it wrecked him, otherwise I'd learn (or try to) do even a little of the amazing research you guys do.

Has some of this already been done? Been here a while and haven't seen it. It's likely a very large map. Pharma scientists who've sold out are a blight on civilization and we should see who they are.

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907d2f  No.13881304

File: 1339a9f0c6b8738⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 680x396, 170:99, F6yeEfCp.jpg)

Calling them ‘antisemitic images,’ Krakow bans sale of Jewish figurines holding coins


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9de63f  No.13881305


>Who are dees blonde people?

Julian Assange family

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51157e  No.13881306


Stopped at j.r. face..

you can't pay me to watch that traitor …hang the false prophets

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0d08e2  No.13881307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ron Johnson covid rant

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375ed1  No.13881308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in a northern town.

There is more in it than expected!

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0a8c1e  No.13881309

File: e2aece466a33122⋯.png (1.79 MB, 500x1980, 25:99, ClipboardImage.png)


>>13881076 (You)



nice one anon, right gonna do a collection of what we know plus include the video


Note: Anons if you have any ideas, please put forward with source and confirmation, guess's don't help !!



1) FLAG?

2) WHITE VAN PEUGEOT (E.U licence plate)

French number plate by the looks, and format.



The license plate is French.


3) Language on the sign (possibly french)

4) location hunt? (france - but where in france)

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ccbfb4  No.13881310


Bennett will be the end of the Zionist abomination.

Spawn of Satan.

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2e92e0  No.13881311

Bibi is at the ROOT of this sick Kahazarian mafia

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670d23  No.13881312

File: 3a9968fb66a885c⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1460x873, 1460:873, biden_kick.PNG)

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0c626f  No.13881313

File: 5258a16f45b7c0d⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 700x420, 5:3, Durham_investigation_700x4….jpg)



anons have a new photo of Durham to meme

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d7b649  No.13881314

File: 2fea7cc63f9527b⋯.png (104.11 KB, 392x216, 49:27, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

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c95370  No.13881315


Haha! Joe is playing. Impressive job, Joe.

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690c8d  No.13881316

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpg (9.71 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 2b77d4cfb04a4c89ebe7d94c71….jpg)

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d820d9  No.13881317

File: e64e040492bd36a⋯.png (423.95 KB, 614x629, 614:629, Screen_Shot_2020_03_15_at_….png)


Anon suspects Bibi and Biden are England. Furthermore anon suspects Hitler was a puppet for the British Monarchy and their 'colleagues'.

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df121f  No.13881318


10% are missing says the reporter

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7cd21a  No.13881319


He literally has horns made of tumors.

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8840ee  No.13881320

File: 53387f6002e88af⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 1830x338, 915:169, RevolutionaryJustice.jpg)

Look back to understand what is coming.

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fbbe7b  No.13881321

File: 3d5624433d42ae6⋯.jpg (69.13 KB, 651x400, 651:400, skelly_on_the_half_shell_m….jpg)

File: de0447cc2d0aea6⋯.jpg (460.79 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_152301….jpg)

File: 8258c9b50e48d4f⋯.jpg (118.46 KB, 1240x693, 1240:693, 7248c49b534049f517a1410a46….jpg)


>>..look shopped?

For editorial purposes, for sure.

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49a4d1  No.13881323

File: 05b4d2a410398fd⋯.png (187.71 KB, 400x599, 400:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a96b5dbf5b0567⋯.png (495.77 KB, 1366x654, 683:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 211aba847d15954⋯.png (1.05 MB, 909x606, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 417ef88f522a67b⋯.png (533.72 KB, 454x606, 227:303, ClipboardImage.png)




18 rue Porte de Laure, 13200, Arles France

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907d2f  No.13881324

File: 26cc15428f8345b⋯.jpg (89.84 KB, 513x640, 513:640, savile4.jpg)

File: 1d660add59d7b6a⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, savile1.jpg)

File: 02b560e4909f980⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 634x398, 317:199, savile.jpg)

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21cab1  No.13881325

File: 97b7b47e231fa6c⋯.png (136.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ce12a4025d1bb1⋯.png (128.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



This contains anti-Christ and anti-Jesus messages.

Picsrel describes the two places.

I spent 90+ minutes watching this after seeing it spammed here so often.

Then I informed people about the anti-Christ messages.

Then I was asked for timestamps, to "prove it".

Then I re-watched it at 3x, only needed to watch half of it.

I took these slings and arrows so you don't need to waste your time. (You) that is, not the guy who's spamming the boards, he is wasting his time for 30 pieces of silver, using President Trump's image and "much love" to hide the lies.

There are better "timeline" videos out there, which do not have anti-Christ messages in them.

God bless.

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95367c  No.13881326


Not all people who claim to be Jews actually are, at least not ethnically, some are Edomites. Some Edomites were forced to become Jews, but that was a long time ago. Besides, after doing some research, I've found that many Jews seem to hold the Talmud above the Torah or the Tanakh. The Talmud comes from Babylon, not God. Rabbis wrote it. How many people returned to Israel when Cyrus freed them? All? Or just, some? Why?

Good and bad in all groups. Always has been.

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37f21d  No.13881327


Or keep laughing at what a fucktard you are.

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1ed628  No.13881328

File: dbc1dbd29ab37ef⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1010x760, 101:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17c34642b95b968⋯.png (363.15 KB, 588x459, 196:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e953b7bfeaf715d⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1212x900, 101:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a66605c8a9ed26b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 890x808, 445:404, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e79dc2a86abbf45⋯.png (446.77 KB, 607x707, 607:707, ClipboardImage.png)


>when the drawing looks better than the actual people

they're just so repulsive


fuck that retard

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678717  No.13881329


Absolute savage.

Like a boss, AZ state Senator Wendy Rogers tells AG Merrick Garland to BTFO in response to his threat against states that conduct audits.

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670d23  No.13881330

File: edc33b409b6911a⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 870x295, 174:59, gold_acrive.JPG)


Congressman Presses Secretary Yellen For Disclosure Of US Gold Activities

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jun 11, 2021 - 06:20 PM

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622a0e  No.13881331





Concur (not concour - my mistake)

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0a8c1e  No.13881332

File: 7484a354b175a35⋯.png (292.83 KB, 506x567, 506:567, ClipboardImage.png)


good spot anon, right, i am gathering all clues, will track it all and put in post, if the bread runs out, will carry it forward.

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42acc1  No.13881333

File: 55535abe462f75e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 500x494, 250:247, biden_a_fraud.jpg)



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577524  No.13881334


pretty much

they had a lot invested in this, wont let it go

musta used r-larp to test the waters, spent a year constructing b-larp, all to be btfo within a week

womp womp

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670d23  No.13881335

File: 0892ff916113ea6⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 868x552, 217:138, cuba_cb.JPG)


Cuba's Central Bank Suspends Deposits In Dollars, Citing US Economic War

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jun 11, 2021 - 06:00 PM

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367131  No.13881336


Censorship kills people

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0c626f  No.13881338

File: 54f712279c84081⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 606x1080, 101:180, 54f712279c84081b87dfc4a57b….mp4)


checked and wrecked

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5a8577  No.13881339

File: e369dea75e96a61⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1438x778, 719:389, ClipboardImage.png)


18 Rue Porte de Laure

13200 Arles


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271f8f  No.13881340

File: f7f3198373ce965⋯.gif (23.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1162d8d39e270eb2f55d3f9eaf….gif)

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96226a  No.13881341

File: f8ae4ffa4379f41⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot_at_2021_06_11_2….png)


Rue Porte De Laure Arles

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043be5  No.13881342


German plates, for example, have first letters as city/town designation. 1, 2 or 3 letters. 1 letter is for largest cities, one exception is, HH, for Hamburg (Hansastadt Hamburg), because Hanover has H. The German Plate pictured above is a Hamburg Plate. Some non EU country also use the EU plate format. The vertical blue bar to the left has the country code in it. F is France, D is Germany, for example.

French always used to be first 2 (I think) numbers designating the city/region. 75 is Paris. Now random letters as you rpic shows.

My guess, from the architecture/flora is that this is a Balkan country. Peugeot is sold everywhere, pretty popular, has no relevance. Could be southern France, but doesn't seem right, to me.

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244b42  No.13881343


Grubby Schmucks All.

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42acc1  No.13881344


pertectin are freedumbs from this dangrus plant.

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0454f1  No.13881345

https://forum.searchvoat.co/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3056 The #JudithBarsi case has been updated.

This time, I think I have found something really big.

1. The Bronfmans had everything to gain from 9/11. It is likely Edgar Bronfman was one of the culprits.

2. The Bronfmans are balls deep connected to Operation Mockingbird. Steven Spielberg via The Post was involved in trying to cover up Operation Mockingbird.

3. If my sleuthing instincts are correct, then it is very likely that due to WaPo’s deep connections to the CIA (especially the Georgetown Bunch), they are the ringleaders of “4 am talking points”. Would explain why they were the ones who “broke” Water Gate.

4. Steven Spielberg -> The Capital Group -> TAVISTOCK. Also, Edgar Bronfman Jr is a business partner of a higher up of The Capital Group, making him indirectly linked to Tavistock as well.

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cd3f23  No.13881346

The Democrats call on the UN to get involved in AZ audit in 3…2….1…

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37f21d  No.13881347


>womp womp

kek yeah

Losers that refuse to take the L.

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907d2f  No.13881348

File: ae3d7955951e745⋯.png (603.94 KB, 598x625, 598:625, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


Possible mass grave found near Auschwitz death camp in Poland


Who knows where the bodies are buried?

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d79fa8  No.13881349

File: 7c21134febc6dad⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, ZomboMeme_21052021213556.jpg)

File: 8fb12c017c828b2⋯.jpg (118.58 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ZomboMeme_21052021225850.jpg)

None of you fine ladies or gentlemen gonna bring me beer?

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244b42  No.13881350


Peugeot = Picklesmoocher.

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b57a4d  No.13881351



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670d23  No.13881352

File: 0acac4bcaa01b75⋯.jpg (97.3 KB, 676x674, 338:337, black_sun.JPG)


Rupert Murdoch writes down value of Sun newspapers to zero

Move follows £200m loss caused by Covid-19 pandemic and one-off charges related to phone hacking

Fri 11 Jun 2021 11.51 EDT

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fa43e4  No.13881353


which country , of their duel citizenship, do they want to offer citizenship to?

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7acfb5  No.13881354

PEDO BUN NO. 2 11JUNE 2021

Man Sentenced for Production of Child Pornography


Tallahassee Man Convicted Of Enticing A Minor To Engage in Prostitution


Tampa Man Sentenced To Five Years In Federal Prison For Uploading And Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images And Videos


Venice Man Sentenced To 15 Years In Federal Prison For Distributing, Receiving And Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images And Videos


Rochester Man Pleads Guilty To Production Of Child Pornography


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fcedf0  No.13881355


Outstanding! Ring the bell Baker.

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b2b27a  No.13881356

File: ba2f1e7d662fa7c⋯.png (426.8 KB, 415x604, 415:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d12156eb73cc5⋯.png (849.84 KB, 817x718, 817:718, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6c6c68b8a4f765⋯.png (277.72 KB, 301x369, 301:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 415ce612a67dc21⋯.png (1.12 MB, 851x608, 851:608, ClipboardImage.png)

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d79fa8  No.13881357


Y'all wanna buy a newspaper?

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1eb03c  No.13881358

"Believe it: QAnon’s coherence, allure and leadership are over. Trump has retired. Many QAnoners are now behind bars."

黃馨祥 = owner of L.A. TIMES.

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244b42  No.13881359


Fuck You Jews.

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73eab5  No.13881360

File: d56ee1d98eb6b21⋯.png (47.4 KB, 474x275, 474:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a8577  No.13881361

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bfab54  No.13881362

File: b2442145d7a67a3⋯.png (446.1 KB, 779x516, 779:516, Bacon_Breakfast.png)


Where's duh bacon?

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d83e95  No.13881363

File: 29ddff0a90119c2⋯.jpg (139.99 KB, 640x633, 640:633, 29ddff0a90119c2fd9f5ce7269….jpg)


>When does he get his black eye?

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271f8f  No.13881364

File: 8f2967bf3eaa5db⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected.jpg)

File: 166fc6cfdfea52a⋯.png (92.62 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost1.png)

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fbeae1  No.13881365

File: 21862ba8f0e7396⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 1400x992, 175:124, rich_simmons.jpg)


Why does the narrator sound like an only slightly more macho Richard Simmons?

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622a0e  No.13881366


>one-off charges related to phone hacking

Piers Morgan

David Cameron

Rebekah Brooks

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df121f  No.13881367


muh 7 gorillion?

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bc3d05  No.13881368


So what's up with all the pictures of Skyking?

Just got in whaddidi miss?

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5a1e1a  No.13881369


wrong eye unless it's mirrored

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c95370  No.13881370


Can you sell a book while President?

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7acfb5  No.13881371

File: 5da0379c3304d8e⋯.png (84.14 KB, 695x904, 695:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efec69a26a61c9e⋯.png (86.64 KB, 692x842, 346:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7c394dc62aaf22⋯.png (91.57 KB, 687x896, 687:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 115c2810cd32e08⋯.png (82.05 KB, 687x806, 687:806, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82fe3e428798a1e⋯.png (19.78 KB, 686x313, 686:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Grand Jury A Indictments Announced – June


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a267a5  No.13881372


ty anon

So often, when we talk about the vax and covid with normies, they are quick to suggest that "we get all our information from Alex Jones". Having a list like this is very useful because it:

(a) shows the depth of academic support for opposing authoritarian measures to deal with covid, and

(b) gives inquisitive normies some names they can drop into Bitchute and Rumble searches and just listen passively while they cook their breakfast or whatever.

I will post an updated list with these names in next bread.

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5a8577  No.13881373


He was eating crepes in Arles, France.

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670d23  No.13881374

File: 0e48da853acf168⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 680x677, 680:677, meth_maybe.JPG)


Porn star Dakota Skye, trolled for nude pic at George Floyd mural, found dead

By Ben Cost

June 11, 2021 | 3:04pm | Updated

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271f8f  No.13881375

File: f3477260c24a490⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning04.png)

File: b6a69634a827f21⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning05.png)

File: d898cde33d75f9a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning06.png)

You have entered an entrainment chamber currently controlled by CIA FARMers hell bent on programming your tomorrow

They create the Harrison Bergeron Bands (You)'re wearing right now.

That tension in the center of your mind? It's their "ring" of anger that you must relax beneath. Release it, relax it, shred it apart with Light.

Without this ring You are free to think, act, and feel. You will emerge out of your NPC state.

Are you sick yet? Will you be sick tomorrow? Will you be sick in another month of this?

Are you the 4-6%?

>drain<BIBLICAL[[[ BOOM ]]]aura:return.source

Now it's seen:

They cannot survive without your submission.

reject "inevitability" >nonsense<

God Above ALL Wins~

''because it's true, and I have a responsibility to let you know what I know. Silence be the death of Spirit.."

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678717  No.13881376

File: 8dfcf2df1bc6540⋯.png (55.3 KB, 300x356, 75:89, 939c1715d06842e1.png)

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bc3d05  No.13881377

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622a0e  No.13881378



Don't think it's mirrored - look at the top button of his shirt.

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577524  No.13881379


so apparently the 6 gorillion number is some kabalistic number that they've been using since like 1850 over and over again in the media

i didnt know that until now but theres a deeper reason they keep saying "muh 6 million"

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81eb32  No.13881380

Snakes enter through the eye

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244b42  No.13881381

>>13879989 PB

Foreign entities steal CV relief…….Hello? US entities not limited to Ivy League Schools and Robert DeNiro also participated in the theft of tax dollars.

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42acc1  No.13881382


Good meme. Shows how the demoncrats prey on the simple idiots by simple policies like black lives matter and pride month.

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670d23  No.13881383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1eb03c  No.13881384



Anon critique of "timeline" video that is spammed in breads and notables endlessly

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b2b27a  No.13881385

File: 57187fa5363a5ec⋯.png (90.76 KB, 818x658, 409:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ae29b73f6f4244⋯.png (61.92 KB, 847x697, 847:697, ClipboardImage.png)


bakery owned by a britan???

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0c626f  No.13881386

File: b1229195e65a68b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 822x578, 411:289, ClipboardImage.png)


That is a French flag in the skyline is it not?

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d79fa8  No.13881387

File: b2f094c62ce072d⋯.jpg (74.15 KB, 468x515, 468:515, ZomboMeme_11062021183516.jpg)

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26292b  No.13881388


Guess you can't count the votes(evidence) you can't find.

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678717  No.13881389

File: a3f7f0e28e981bd⋯.png (630.95 KB, 883x882, 883:882, 2e675148f969151b.png)

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0e0e17  No.13881390

File: aa38cf98e04006e⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 683x421, 683:421, 20210611_183109.jpg)

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db6604  No.13881391

File: a5dfb44bdf45707⋯.mp4 (259.33 KB, 360x540, 2:3, tops.mp4)

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5a8577  No.13881392


Somewhen between 2012 and 2018.

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244b42  No.13881393


Remove your nutsack from the vise and smarten up.

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b2b27a  No.13881394


he was spying on the election fraudsters.

from south america

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df121f  No.13881395


a plan to render the audit invalid I suppose

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5a8577  No.13881396



The location is 18 Rue Porte de Laure in Arles, France. He's at a Creperie called "Chez Mam Goz".

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dec4ec  No.13881397

File: 1b83ded518220f0⋯.jpeg (197.56 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 10139260_1A09_477A_A061_3….jpeg)

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5a1e1a  No.13881398

File: 9e0d272baf3091c⋯.gif (59.32 KB, 480x281, 480:281, 9e0d272baf3091cd552162955f….gif)

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d55ee8  No.13881399


More complicated IMHO. Cabal including Dems & BHO administration and CCP military working together and more than happy to destroy USA as we knew it (hence the covid strategy).

Xi was initially welcoming to Trump and was historically against Chinese elites corruption, so your theory has possibilities.

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97a251  No.13881400

File: ec87873cbc612f2⋯.png (567.87 KB, 1080x1069, 1080:1069, 2504882688.png)

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5d33ed  No.13881401


Did you notice the prison bars and the double sided telephones in the 3rd picture ???

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670d23  No.13881402

File: 345d8177bb33db3⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 668x537, 668:537, big_ist.JPG)

File: fa149ee18bb3af9⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 530x587, 530:587, tato.JPG)

File: 7d09dce37fadd57⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 651x608, 651:608, tator_tot_1.JPG)


McDonald’s hit by data breach

By Reuters

June 11, 2021 | 2:00pm


Bill Gates is a potato farmer, hoeing for McDonald’s fries

By Michael Kaplan

June 11, 2021 | 11:24am

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907d2f  No.13881403

File: 27b6ba6960b0c56⋯.jpg (180.26 KB, 1242x1668, 207:278, 87166943_3099305726746886_….jpg)

File: 1db48a1f28d7526⋯.jpg (62.92 KB, 634x636, 317:318, 54398941_2381287128548753_….jpg)



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bc3d05  No.13881404


Car number plate sets the lower boundary? What's setting the top?

I always figured the Q400 was remote piloted.

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244b42  No.13881405

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14b524  No.13881406

File: baece3d54627b32⋯.png (285.64 KB, 650x392, 325:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf1964c084b54c6⋯.png (198.8 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa62520f1fdd6a4⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1256x1600, 157:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98f6ab373075589⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1600x1049, 1600:1049, ClipboardImage.png)


The cabal plays all sides.

The democratic concept of man is false, because it is Christian. The democratic concept holds that . . . each man is a sovereign being. This is the illusion, dream, and postulate of Christianity.

My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire.

Communism begins where atheism begins.

There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, , etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.

Take away a nation's heritage and they are more easily persuaded.

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.

A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism.

The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.

The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions.

Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.

If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.

There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system which increases its wealth without diminishing its misery

We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.

- Karl Marx


Follow the money.

"Mr. Baruch, what do you think of DuPont as a buy?"

Again, the same fatherly smile and same general type of reply. "Very fine company, diversifying nicely, splendid management, should continue to do very well indeed, as an investment stock."

His two well-worded tailored replies subdued me and so I sat back in my chair with a feeling that I was merely talking with the experienced writer of a "market letter" for the "whosis" firm, written for the boys west of the Hudson River.

So I subsided on all matters pertaining to Wall Street and recall that he then seemed to be eyeing me, alertly, but with not quite so extensive a smile. After a silence, he calmly said,

"Mr. Dall, I think well of silver. "


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b2b27a  No.13881407


>The location is 18 Rue Porte de Laure in Arles, France. He's at a Creperie called "Chez Mam Goz".


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3b5d12  No.13881408


Is a UFO with all of the 'believed to be dead' lands to double disclose.

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fbbe7b  No.13881409

File: 03a19c83d5c7307⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 827x928, 827:928, E3m6BxjUYAAz7E6.jpg)

File: 73d0d1c6d9cf306⋯.jpg (169.92 KB, 860x860, 1:1, share_corona_860x860.jpg)

File: f623c26e0f52858⋯.jpg (290.84 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_153411….jpg)

File: d7c4c6cda729cad⋯.jpg (330.98 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210611_153810….jpg)

File: 033ea31f898c9e3⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, s_l1000.jpg)

Silence is golden


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26292b  No.13881410


you got a time stamp for this?

>>13881027 me

>>13881058 meme

>>13881153 mememe

What in the world!

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6dc1f4  No.13881411

File: e15d4a903113457⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1752x980, 438:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9bff5989851e14⋯.png (749.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f7f33  No.13881412

File: c6ffa98388054bc⋯.jpeg (72.13 KB, 1161x1161, 1:1, 134134651.jpeg)

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d7fb87  No.13881413


If they don't have enough ballots, then some were destroyed. If that happened, doesn't that make the results of the election invalid? So new election for AZ or use the returns they can verify.

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7cd21a  No.13881414

File: 566a0e11261b143⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 1621568390648.gif)


Around da blacks

Never relax

nigger lover whore

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9a94fc  No.13881415

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dec4ec  No.13881416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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21cab1  No.13881417






Just want to add to the chorus of thank yous. Thank you! I love this stuff, and would love to be able to make it some day. Until then, and even after like the giants, I will enjoy your output!

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df121f  No.13881418


that's what should happen in a sane world.

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f73539  No.13881419


Total or just missing 20% per box making it look like they had that many? If the computers were switching totals- no time to create enough maybe?

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bfab54  No.13881420

File: bd8637748086ae8⋯.png (229.04 KB, 749x796, 749:796, Garland_4_prison.png)

AG Garland has been graciously offered to spend time in an AZ prison if he interferes with the audit.


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7d404b  No.13881421

File: 5c3f6fb05580fc9⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 787x284, 787:284, sbwst.JPG)

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ec654c  No.13881422

File: 1bf6e93822e4b5a⋯.jpg (349.12 KB, 1075x1455, 215:291, Screenshot_20210612_104131….jpg)

Please make notable so i can tell him

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34a007  No.13881423

File: 76cc990e0c6ba95⋯.jpeg (159.72 KB, 750x539, 750:539, 15CA6EFB_CF90_4028_A0C8_E….jpeg)


Trust science.

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42acc1  No.13881424


That would help a lot.

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670d23  No.13881425

File: c70c5d3d68c5ac4⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 403x355, 403:355, tops.JPG)

File: b798fcd7597f8c0⋯.jpg (152.12 KB, 1561x867, 1561:867, chin_lar.JPG)


Fox News' Laura Ingraham Tops the Competition – and Most Fox News Shows – in Key Demo Viewers Thursday

By Marisa SarnoffJun 11th

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55026a  No.13881426


The Crêpe bretonne is a traditional dish in Lower Brittany.

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34a007  No.13881427

File: 8760abb9dda669f⋯.jpeg (167.16 KB, 750x926, 375:463, 6BB54BCF_0219_40A5_A9E2_8….jpeg)

Anyone with part 1?

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49a4d1  No.13881428

File: 5df79084ff0bff5⋯.png (173.71 KB, 224x352, 7:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ba41ee0dfcad44⋯.png (135.51 KB, 204x266, 102:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec654c  No.13881429

What if every flu season is population control

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a0f0fb  No.13881430



def. French (or Belgium, but doubtful)

he's at a Crêpes Bretonnes restaurant

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5a8577  No.13881431


Yeah re number plate.

Upper boundary = year of crash. I have no more solid info available to set the upper boundary.

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81eb32  No.13881432


Now he's jinxed it!

Anytime now new crumbs

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49a4d1  No.13881433

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df121f  No.13881434



if you sauce it plenty of twatfag anons can "QAnon" him.

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f73539  No.13881435


Vaccine would beeee…..?

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577524  No.13881436


just to be clear, and i do find these hilarious, but all these images are from science FAIR competitions

ie highschoolers or gradeschoolers who have absolutely no scientific education

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ec654c  No.13881437

G7 is cgi bs

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22e280  No.13881438


This nigger don’t know shit

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50b7a7  No.13881439

Just another day without any accountability or justice… seems about right.

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db6604  No.13881440


What if God is your operating system?

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49a4d1  No.13881441

File: 34fa997e3815b2d⋯.png (515.66 KB, 603x414, 67:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a8577  No.13881442

File: 1b81261fdd84af4⋯.png (205.71 KB, 386x294, 193:147, ClipboardImage.png)

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37f21d  No.13881443


Popular with the Karen crowd - the last of Faux's audience refusing to put down the remote.

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8ae2f0  No.13881444


More doubles:

2(free tix) 2 (free tix)

The Sun The Sun

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1eb03c  No.13881445

File: 4bc6d23b750ffe1⋯.jpg (524.79 KB, 2048x1537, 2048:1537, PicsArt_05_09_11_09_25.jpg)

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8b58ff  No.13881446


From the US Department of Rather Deep Thoughts, obviously.

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ec654c  No.13881447





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c691fa  No.13881448

File: a264771a55aa073⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 210x332, 105:166, hedg.jpg)


There you are, Thelma! Get back in the van.

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d79fa8  No.13881449


"Dude, trust me. They were all valid and all for Biden." ::wink::

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a0e34c  No.13881450

any lawfags know of good attorney to sue our gov and chinks over loss of business etc.. We know its coming

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a0f0fb  No.13881451


kek, they're scrambling now.

that narrative won't age well..

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95367c  No.13881452


Or, maybe, just an excuse to sell, mostly unneeded, "vaccines," and make bank to finance, "other," interests.

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26292b  No.13881453


Awful stormy back there.

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22e280  No.13881454


Trips chekkked

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2e92e0  No.13881455


fucking hate that guy

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907d2f  No.13881456


where´s the wife Hanna?

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f73539  No.13881457

File: 2cefd42f6a500bf⋯.jpeg (31.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, B9DB28C9_7A74_44D7_9DF3_F….jpeg)

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