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5ddb2a  No.13592877[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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5ddb2a  No.13592878


Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Donald J Trump - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit LIVESTREAM https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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5ddb2a  No.13592879

NOTABLES are not endorsements


>>13592200 Trump Launches His Version Of Twitter

>>13592207 Rantz: [De Facto WA governor] Inslee brings vaccine passports, segregation to stadiums, colleges, churches

>>13592211 Q DROP 8, 1122 REVIEW

>>13592219 Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force – Cinco de Mayo Bun

>>13592220 Symbolism will be (((their))) downfall

>>13592236 Project Safe Childhood – Cinco de Mayo Bunn

>>13592242, >>13592249, >>13592250 Election Guard, Protecting Democratic elections through secure, verifiable voting Election Guard

>>13592251 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

>>13592258 Where did theRothschildscome from and who are these crypto jews in reality?

>>13592273 CodeMonkeyZ - WasMicrosoft’s Election Guardused to FORTIFY the election?

>>13592281 CodeMonkeyZ - Can divorce be used as a tool to liquefy stocks that are otherwise not allowed to be sold?

>>13592286, >>13592290 DOJ May 5, 2021 Keywords

>>13592295, >>13592308 Good memories!!! - Clownworld

>>13592297 JUST IN: Armed man caught by police at NM Walmart store, averting ‘potentially violent incident,' police say

>>13592298 ut oh…nextdoor is scared.


>>13592316 Children Found in 'Filthy' Compound Were Allegedly Being Trained to Be School Shooters: Reports

>>13592320 Soros-Linked Arizona Sec. of State Sends Letter to Maricopa Audit Team In Another Attempt to Shut Down the Audit – What Are Democrats Scared Of?

>>13592328, >>13592425, >>13592579, >>13592589 DOD Optimizes Organizational Role of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict

>>13592333 Wish a social worker would have been there

>>13592344 "Stay out of our state!" Governor DeSantis warns protesters NOT to come to Florida or face consequences.

>>13592362 Parents, School Boards, Unions Clash over Classroom Masks Across Country: ‘Unmask Our Kids Now!’

>>13592367 Breaking Report: Biden DOJ Poised to ‘Get Involved’ in Arizona Election Audit

>>13592412 39-Year-Old Surgical Technician and Mother Dies 4 Days After Second Experimental Moderna COVID mRNA Shot

>>13592417 UK Government Changes Recommendations on Pregnant Women Getting Experimental COVID Injections Causing at Least 20 Miscarriages So Far

>>13592422 It´s Habbening!

>>13592424 This is a strange endorsement.

>>13592427 First Week of COVID Experimental Vaccines in South Korea: 7 DEAD and More than 2,800 Injured

>>13592429 new Maria Zack claims

>>13592430 Trump ban: Republicans threaten to break up Facebook after Oversight Board decision

>>13592437 Major elements of OSD (listed hierarchically)

>>13592440 Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections

>>13592451 Any brave medical professionals out there who want to save children?

>>13592469 Illuminati Insider Jesse Czebotar Explains Illuminati Hand Signs

>>13592476 U.S. Build Mysterious SR-72 Fastest Plane Ever | The SR-71’s Replacement

>>13592478 12 Residents Die After First COVID Vaccine in Wales Nursing and Dementia Care Centre

>>13592492 Forced Vaccinations ?

>>13592494 The bizarre world of billionaires: Ezra Levant on Bill Gates

>>13592495 is this true?

>>13592496 Punk Rocker John Joseph on Outdoor Concert Backlash

>>13592499 28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist DEAD 2 Days After Being Injected with COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine

>>13592502 Can't be having the truth get out about election Fraud now can we…

>>13592506 Court Authorizes Service of John Doe Summons Seeking Identities of U.S. Taxpayers Who Have Used Cryptocurrency

>>13592515 22 Elderly with Dementia Dead in 1 Week After the Experimental mRNA COVID Injection in the Netherlands

>>13592519 Former City Officials Sentenced for Accepting Bribes in Exchange for Cannabis Dispensary Permit

>>13592712 #17213 1/2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ddb2a  No.13592883


>>13592528 Move along, nothing to see here

>>13592538 Over Half of Military Families do Not Want COVID Vaccines

>>13592541 The RhoGAM shot protects the baby.

>>13592552 Wisconsin Nursing Home Believed to be First in U.S. to Fire Staff for Refusing Experimental COVID Injections

>>13592556 Disturbing list of Covid Vaccine side effects stages take by ZH commentator.

>>13592557 Carolina — with Ann Winblad, his old girlfriend.

>>13592561 A lot of song catalogs sold in the last few years.

>>13592573 Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

>>13592575 Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer and Jewish himself

>>13592601 Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public

>>13592602 Detecting Conspiracy Theories on Social Media

>>13592637 Kansas Legislature Rallies Around Election Integrity Reforms, Overrides Democrat Governor’s Veto

>>13592644 Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home Following the First Shot

>>13592655 Black Lives Matter Marxists Release New List of Demands – Includes Complete Defunding of Police and Banning Trump from Future Office, Just Because

>>13592664 Corn in the fields

>>13592666 7 Arrested After Police Find Mummified Body in Colorado Home

>>13592672 Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Suddenly Dies One Day After Being Injected with Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

>>13592687 Julianna Margulies Reveals That Her 'In-Person' Oprah Interview Was Actually Done Using Green Screen

>>13592730 28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm

>>13592744 Maricopa audit observers forced to sign non-disclosure agreements

>>13592771 What kind of psyop is this?

>>13592778 Chuck E. Cheese Oversight Board Decides To Continue To Ban Trump From The Ball Pit

>>13592801 Chipping Employees: Wisconsin Company Is First in US to Give it a Go

>>13592816 Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

>>13592828 The FBI Invaded Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege, AGAIN | Rudy Giuliani

>>13592836 39-Year-Old Medical Doctor and Son of Former Chief Justice of Trinidad Found Dead After COVID Injection in Ireland

>>13592837 BREAKING REPORT: Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots

>>13592840 Joe Biden allegedly won Maricopa County in 2020 election by 40,000 votes.

>>13592864 #17213 2/2

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5ddb2a  No.13592885

#17212 /1

>>13591405, >>13591613 CodeMonkeyZ - Words have meaning.


>>13591429 Do You Remember The 60 Minutes Vaccine Fallout From 1976? Fraud Then, Fraud Now


>>13591436 China can't stop talking about the Gates' divorce

>>13591445 Anderson Cooper Hosts ‘Jeopardy!’… Sets Record For Lowest Ratings Of Any Guest Host In Show’s History

>>13591446 Microsoft's Election Guard software on GitHub (Open Source)

>>13591457 Trump: Cheney, McConnell, Pence muffed on 2020 election fraud, turned US into 'socialist nightmare'

>>13591458 You're not allowed to use statistics.

>>13591460,Please help backup and archive these pages ASAP

>>13591464 ChinaVirus / Blood-Poisoning-Injection Protection

>>13591466 Ivanka NOOOOOOOO

>>13591469 Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor

>>13591487 Watch: Home Depot shuts down self-checkout for maskless man

>>13591492, >>13591516, >>13591519, >>13591524 Pittsburgh Man Admits Distributing Videos of Children Engaged in Sex with Adults / Soros owned companies

>>13591494 ’60 Minutes’ – Swine Flu 1976 Vaccine Warning

>>13591496 Christians Under Coronavirus Lockdown in India ‘Forgotten,’ Facing Starvation

>>13591497 Ephesians 6

>>13591499 Pelosi: Spend $1 million on museum honoring Kavanaugh's accuser

>>13591509, >>13591513 I have a theory, how many Dominion Partners are Soros owned???

>>13591512 WATCH: Biden's Reading From Teleprompter During Speech Goes Horribly Wrong

>>13591523, >>13591523 Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million for Population Control

>>13591529 DOD says it won’t shoot down falling Chinese space rocket

>>13591542 Springfield Man Pleads to Child Pornography on Day of Trial

>>13591548 Oh we're winnin' Sun~ Dank Trump Dance

>>13591551 Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal

>>13591553 Pathetic: CNN's Berman Asks CDC Dir. to 'Blame' Conservative Media for COVID Conspiracies

>>13591558 The #IRS is seeking information about #taxpayers who conducted at least $20,000 worth of transactions in #cryptocurrency from 2016 to 2020, the DOJ said in a statement.

>>13591559 Point Pleasant Man Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Trafficking Offense

>>13591568 BREAKING: Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens

>>13591583 Someone should help this dude

>>13591584 Wyoming County Man Arrested, Charged With Receipt And Possession Of Child Pornography

>>13591590 French politician Marine Le Pen acquitted in trial over breaking hate speech laws

>>13591592 I know the shills will explode, and half of you will reject RRN…but I just love this story, true or not!!!

>>13591600 World Health Organization Scientists Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

>>13591601 Union County Man Admits Receipt of Child Pornography

>>13591610 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Named 'Courage' Award Honoree for Instituting Lockdown

>>13591615 Mexican Citizen Sentenced to 21 Months for Illegally Reentering US & Failing to Register as Sex Offender

>>13591620 Fugitive QAnon Fan Runs Up $10,000 Diner Tab—and Bails

>>13591621 Anybody still remembers Murdoch's ex-wife Wendi Deng?

>>13591624, >>13591674 Print This Post Print This Post

>>13591626 Get ready Lads~

>>13591640 Did you know almost 4,000 children have been vaccinated for COVID-19 in the States?

>>13591641 Former Ukrainian prosecutor says he was fired for not investigating Hunter Biden at the request of Trump, Giuliani: report

>>13591642 Former Paraprofessional at Blue Springs High School Pleads Guilty to Producing Child Pornography

>>13591658 Honeywell fined US$13 million for sharing military specs with China

>>13591784 #17212 /1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ddb2a  No.13592893


>>13591673 Cattaraugus County Man Arrested, Charged With Possessing And Distributing Child Pornography

>>13591679 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>13591700 Dearest personalities throwing Trump/Q(America) under the bus

>>13591702 Leaked, New Law Could Upend Firearm Industry

>>13591709 Spacex Starship SN15 successfully lands

>>13591725 Ahead Of 2020, Microsoft Unveils Tool To Allow Voters To Track Their Ballots

>>13591727 Stacey Abrams' First Three Romance Novels Returning to Shelves

>>13591736, >>13591736 Dominion Voting Systems Partners

>>13591741 Q DROP 2472 REVIEW

>>13591755 Texas Moves to Stop Chinese Power Firm From Taking Land Near Military Base

>>13591760 Experimental Adenovirus COVID Injections Continuing to Kill Younger, Middle-Aged People

>>13591769 Today I had the pleasure of speaking at the CEO Council Summit with industry leaders about the importance of public-private partnerships for confronting increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats.

>>13591793 Man Ejected from CostCo over Mask Asks Workers, ‘Aren’t You Tired of this Tyranny?!’ — They Respond ‘No!’

>>13591800 GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections

>>13591811 CNN Host Says People Who Don’t Take the Vaccine Should be Socially Ostracized by Friends & Family

>>13591815 BREAKING: South Carolina lawmakers vote to add firing squad to state's execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs

>>13591818 Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens

>>13591820, >>13591821 Russian and Chinese hackers targeting U.S. vote, Microsoft warns

>>13591838 Sidebar with George Szamuely - Viva & Barnes LIVE

>>13591840 Biden administration supports waiving patent protections for Covid vaccines to raise global production

>>13591846 Bill Gates Transfers $1.8 Billion In Stocks To Melinda Amid Divorce

>>13591848 Please help backup and archive these pages ASAP - EXTENDED AND ARCHIVED

>>13591849 NEW - Google-backed RAND report recommends infiltrating & subverting "online conspiracy groups" from within.

>>13591861 LIVE NOW Starship | SN15 |

>>13591866 The Memo: The GOP's war is already over — Trump won

>>13591867, >>13591869 Microsoft will give away software to guard U.S. voting machines

>>13591873 LA County Sheriff Going Home to Home Forcibly Injecting Handicapped Adults and Children with COVID-19 Shots Against Their Will

>>13591877 Vaccine stocks nosedive after Biden administration makes global vow

>>13591884 Democrats set 117th Congress stage for godlessness

>>13591889 Q DROP 1122 REVIEW

>>13591894 Guess this dude thought he was gonna out hop the cop. Only in Houston.

>>13591895 Microsoft’s voting software is getting its first test in a small Wisconsin town

>>13591896 Biden: GOP in the midst of a 'mini-revolution'

>>13591897 The FBI Invaded Trump's Attorney-Client Privilege, AGAIN | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 134

>>13591905 ‘Worst of the worst’: Feds allege Josh Duggar had trove of child porn on computer

>>13591913 Entire Dollar General Store Closes After Staff Quits Over Lousy Pay

>>13591933 BREAKING: South Carolina lawmakers vote to add firing squad to state's execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs

>>13591936 Donald Trump’s New Blog Is Riddled With Facebook and Google Trackers, Share Buttons For Big Tech

>>13591955 Trillions of cicadas about to emerge across US

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ddb2a  No.13592901


>>13591984 QAnon GOP Are Now Looking For Bamboo In Arizona Ballots

>>13591990 Donald Trump’s New Blog Is Riddled With Facebook and Google Trackers, Share Buttons For Big Tech

>>13591993 follow the pen is back

>>13592006 NEW - Black Lives Matter published an updated set of demands on their website,

>>13592007 NEW: @ChuckGrassley letters to @SecBlinken


>>13592044 Delta from 9-11-01 to DJT's birth -year expressed as a time today (already passed) is 7176d 11h. Form of "1776 2.0""

>>13592049 insert meme — They unleashed the RAND corporation against me, so you could say it's pretty serious

>>13592051 Hasaka plunges into darkness for seventh day in a row due to power outage after Turkish regime loots Syria’s share of Euphrates River’s Water

>>13592074 Q DROP 210 REVIEW

>>13592078 Dan posting everywhere - Fakebook @~7:05pm eastern

>>13592081 Republicans: Break Up Big Tech After Facebook Board Upholds Trump Ban

>>13592085 just saw a commercial on the tele. "there's a lot of talk about good things to come. You are what is good." -ticktock (aka chicom)

>>13591966 #17212 /2

>>13591990 Donald Trump’s New Blog Is Riddled With Facebook and Google Trackers, Share Buttons For Big Tech

>>13591993 follow the pen is back

>>13592006 NEW - Black Lives Matter published an updated set of demands on their website, which includes a permanent banning on Trump from ever holding office again. @disclosetv

>>13592007 NEW: @ChuckGrassley letters to @SecBlinken


>>13592044 Delta from 9-11-01 to DJT's birth -year expressed as a time today (already passed) is 7176d 11h. Form of "1776 2.0""

>>13592049 insert meme — They unleashed the RAND corporation against me, so you could say it's pretty serious

>>13592051 Hasaka plunges into darkness for seventh day in a row due to power outage after Turkish regime loots Syria’s share of Euphrates River’s Water

>>13592074 Q DROP 210 REVIEW

>>13592078 Dan posting everywhere - Fakebook @~7:05pm eastern

>>13592081 Republicans: Break Up Big Tech After Facebook Board Upholds Trump Ban

>>13592085 just saw a commercial on the tele. "there's a lot of talk about good things to come. You are what is good." -ticktock (aka chicom)

>>13592099 Former Calexico City Officials Sentenced to Prison for Bribery

>>13592119 #17212 /3

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5ddb2a  No.13592902


>>13590665 ChinaVirus / Blood-Poisoning-Injection Protection

>>13590668, >>13590705 DIG MEME PRAY

>>13590674 Louisiana House Passes Bill to Ban Private Funding of Election Administration

>>13590681 John Kennedy Compares Big Tech to ‘Bolsheviks’ — ‘We Need to Regulate Them’

>>13590682 May 4 interview w/Sidney Powell

>>13590684 Michigan lawsuit claims to have ‘cracked’ Dominion election code

>>13590686 Schiff: Trump Is ‘Pathologically’ Continuing to ‘Endanger Our Democracy’

>>13590688 Frank Gaffney: CIA Director William Burns Must Resign for Lying to Congress About Chinese Influence Operations

>>13590690 What It Takes to Demoralize a Nation

>>13590694 Sgt. Maggie Cox, a Phoenix police spokesperson

>>13590713 HSI seeks help identifying potential victims of ex-preschool teacher convicted of child exploitation

>>13590718 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>13590729 Why is a spy plane circling the site of the Arizona election audit?

>>13590731, >>13590964 Dan Scavino poster this clock on Twitter 2020

>>13590732 Why is a spy plane circling the site of the Arizona election audit?

>>13590736 DailyStormer? Kek..

>>13590743 The Democrats - But why? Fear?

>>13590747 Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV "Bio-engineered" in Lab - Contains Strings Of Inserted HIV

>>13590751 "Hunter Biden conspiracy theory, which came from the Russians…" KEK

>>13590761 Health and FREEDOM Conference

>>13590762 Pentagon closely tracking an uncontrolled Chinese rocket set to reenter Earth's atmosphere

>>13590764 Shocking Truth About Adrenochrome And Child Trafficking "Sound Of Freedom" Jim Caviezel 4-16-2021

>>13590766 Missile of doom

>>13590767 Q on the subject of SATAN

>>13590768 This should be easier to digest Anons.

>>13590769 No number, ours? New? Is that a man in a Pirate outfit?

>>13590775 Demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States

>>13590779, >>13590811 Dan Scavino’s new banner pic on Twitter.

>>13590786 Biden Kong KEK'd

>>13590792 Jake Tapper and Tucker Carlson's Charity Roots Go Way Back

>>13590807 IDF says manhunt continuing for suspects in West Bank shooting attack


>>13590819 Dog Comms

>>13590830 I Just Broke My Airplane Wing Spar - What I Learned | Scrappy #47

>>13590845, >>13590921 CNN - Probably some moar fake bullshit

>>13590846 JUST IN: Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors Decided Not To Provide Routers Requested By Auditors Of County’s 2020 Election results

>>13590847 Microsoft, American Airlines, other big US corporations question Texas bill on voting reform

>>13590849, >>13590941, >>13590985 Maggie showed w/ Hussein.

>>13590870 McCain's Tribunal?

>>13590871 Palestinian teen shot dead by Israeli army during clashes outside Nablus



>>13590885 LIVE: Police clashing with protesters as riots continue in Colombia.

>>13590888 PF REPORT - AF2 up from NY

>>13590892, >>13590908 ANONS - always go back to the crumbs - YOU have more than you know

>>13590898 Meet Facebook's Oversight Board

>>13590907 Is it normal that a not President calls himself President while endorsing someone?

>>13590911 Sudden Destruction-1335th from 9/23/17 -5/17/21

>>13590914 Q DROP 3570 REVIEW

>>13590916 Channels that you can watch without going to Javascript-laden and ad-infested web sites

>>13590919 In the Kek Nuze - 17 year wake up call for Cicadas

>>13590922 one year delta on 05/30/21

>>13590926 Child care should be priority, women-led small business owners in RI tell Harris, Raimondo

>>13591040 #17211 /1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ddb2a  No.13592904

#17211 /2

>>13590939 Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military

>>13590940 Half way down the page, Dr Vernon Coleman.

>>13590948, >>13590961, >>13590967 Here's what happened at the Arizona election audit of Maricopa County ballots

>>13590957 Q DROP 713, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 REVIEW

>>13590970 Archegos Reportedly Files For Bankruptcy As Banks Scramble To Recoup $10 Billion In Losses

>>13590975 Pastor Greg Locke Calls Jen Psaki 'Liar,' 'Treasonous Witch'

>>13590982 Twitter Will Now Prompt Users To Review 'Potentially Harmful Or Offensive' Tweets

>>13590988 This is a must watch, 2min 20 secs

>>13590990 Maricopa County Audit Observers To Sign Nondisclosure Agreements


>>13591004 A spy plane was circling the building of the Arizona election audit.

>>13591005 Illegal???

>>13591006 2501-Nov-2017 1:34:11 AM EDTAnonymous4ch/pol

>>13591011 Inspector general: EPA 'did not fully comply with federal laws' in handling CARES Act funding

>>13591019 May 8th is 2 days ahead of schedule


>>13591030 Q DROP #4635 REVIEW

>>13591039, >>13591090 BREAKING "Either do it right, or don’t do it at all." @SecretaryHobbs

>>13591045 Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “Our Purpose Is Not to Contain China”

>>13591053 Secretary of State Antony Blinken: The 60 Minutes Interview

>>13591059 Q DROP 1341, 1350, 4109. 4215, 4217 REVIEW

>>13591060 Jenna Ellis launches election integrity watchdog group with Texas AG Paxton, Navarro, Kerik

>>13591071 Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances'


>>13591093 Texas Constitutional Carry Fails in the Senate today. Fucking Rino's !!

>>13591096 EBIL NADZIS

>>13591101 Deals between two Devils rarely turn out as planned…

>>13591109 Q DROP 1311, 1312, 1313 REVIEW

>>13591132 It's Coming: Psaki Puts Pressure on Big Tech to Censor "Untrustworthy Content"

>>13591130 CodeMonkeyZ Was MICROSOFT SQL really found hidden in a voting machine?

>>13591132 It's Coming: Psaki Puts Pressure on Big Tech to Censor "Untrustworthy Content"

>>13591150 There are stunning connections between the deep-state swamp-rats trying to take out Rudy Giuliani.

>>13591177 PCR Testkit Production

>>13591181 A brief history of the devil - Brian A. Pavlac

>>13591183 il Donaldo Trumpo

>>13591184 World heritage sites?

>>13591188, >>13591198 Why is a spy plane circling the site of the Arizona election audit?

>>13591205 U.S. Marines - Better Trained

>>13591227 How Is This Not The Biggest Story In America Right Now?

>>13591231, >>13591257 Armenia vs Azerbaijan military power comparison: Which is more powerful?

>>13591239 Interesting Graphic..

>>13591245 Tom Elliott

>>13591246 UPDATE: Intelligence Surveillance Aircraft Has Been Circling AZ Audit Location And Collecting Information On American Citizens Working For Election Integrity

>>13591247 CodeMonkeyZ - MEMORY HOLE ALERT - Please help backup and archive these pages ASAP

>>13591267 They are watching everything you do!!!

>>13591270 U.S. Air Force - VCSAF Gen David W Allvin visited various..

>>13591278 Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor

>>13591297 Let the Depositions Begin! Taking the Fight to AFT in a Baseless and Maliciously Filed Lawsuit

>>13591312 St. Louis Prosecutor Taken Off Case Of Couple Who Brandished Guns At BLM Protesters

>>13591323 Not shocked.

>>13591339 #17211 /2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ddb2a  No.13592906

#17210 /1

>>13589825 Enough Fentanyl to Kill 3 Million Americans Already Seized by Northern Border Patrol Since October

>>13589838 President Trump on Facebook Upholding Ban: “Corrupt Social Media Companies Must Pay a Political Price”

>>13589840 Israel’s president gives centrist Yair Lapid mandate to form government after PM Netanyahu misses deadline

>>13589851 Fauci tells CNN we’re ‘at least HALFWAY THROUGH’ the Covid-19 pandemic

>>13589861 Federal Judge Overturns CDC's Eviction Moratorium

>>13589869 PM Trudeau Says 'New Variants are Being Developed' When Asked About Current COVID Threat

>>13589877 New Zealand refuses to accuse China of genocide against Uighurs in break with Western allies

>>13589883 Q DROP 230 REVIEW

>>13589888 Iran Airs Disturbing Propaganda Clip Of IRGC Blowing Up Capitol Building

>>13589891 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors At It Again – Won’t Provide Routers Requested by Auditors of County’s 2020 Election Results

>>13589894 Q DROP 1751, 1871 REVIEW

>>13589896 Roy Gordon Cole: Man Shot Dead by FBI at CIA Headquarters

>>13589908 Strange Biden Image - Photoshopped?

>>13589909 FBI twats

>>13589914 Actor indicted in $230M Ponzi scheme involving bogus HBO, Netflix deals



>>13589930 New Ad Slams Abbott For Attempt To Kill Bill Banning Child Gender Transitions, Genital Mutilation, Chemical Castration

>>13589935 UNEARTHED: 1619 Project Founder Praised Cuba’s ‘Socialist’ Accomplishments, Counts Education As ‘Cornerstone Of Revolution.’

>>13589936 "Desk"

>>13589939 Nonoplets, that's 9 (NINE) Babies Born ALIVE & 'doing fine'- this Cannot be Good News for Bill Gates

>>13589951 Honeywell Fined $13 Million For Exporting Sensitive Information to Countries Including China

>>13589959 CDC: U.S. Birth Rate Sees Largest Drop in 50 Years

>>13589960 John Brakey, an official helping oversee the audit of the 2020 Arizona election, says auditors are looking for bamboo fibers

>>13589962 Twitter Re-Ups Pledge to Maintain Trump Blacklisting Forever

>>13589966 Q DROP 1028 REVIEW

>>13589967 CDC Director Urges Masks to Prevent Kids ‘Heavy Breathing’ Around a Soccer Ball

>>13589975 China Again Delays Release of Census Data; Expert Speculates Sharp Decline in Population

>>13589979 The myth of the Hippocratic Oath

>>13589980 DHS Chief: We Should Not See Borders as ‘Lines that Mark National Boundaries and Divide Us’

>>13589987 Baltimore Man Sentenced to More Than Four Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to Commit Sex Trafficking of a Minor

>>13589992 Gov. Noem Encourages Laid-Off Law Enforcement to Come to South Dakota

>>13589994 Facebook Spox Who Hailed Trump Ban Is Top Liberal Politician, Former UK Deputy Prime Minister


>>13590005 FUCK CHINA

>>13590012 DOJ Targets Journalist Investigating Biden Family Ukraine Scandals

>>13590013 62 acts of misconduct that resulted in 79 false representations

>>13590017, >>13590084 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>13590020 The Roy G. Cole Collection of Fine Japanese Sword Fittings

>>13590023 LIVE: Harris participates in women-led small business roundtable

>>13590026 House Hearing on Rules Governing Space Activities

>>13590028 Disney targets kids as homosexual ‘pride’ month approaches

>>13590045 GUNPOINT MEDICINE: Whitmer says freedom for Michiganders is contingent upon getting injected for Covid-19

>>13590055 We’re So Corrupt Now that Nobody Mentions the Head of Biden’s CIA is bought by the Chinese

>>13590057 Roy Gordon Cole, OD, FAAO (Jewish Guild Healthcare, New York, NY)

>>13590062 This massive DDoS attack took large sections of a country's internet offline

>>13590063 In honor of today's announcement that ballparks can lift capacity limits for vaccinated fans, I'm sharing some photos from the archives.

>>13590065 Mark Meadows — It’s time to break up twitter and facebook

>>13590066 This massive DDoS attack took large sections of a country's internet offline

>>13590073 Come on man!

>>13590345 #17210 1/3

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5ddb2a  No.13592907

#17210 /2

>>13590078 In my inbox: Harvard will require all students on campus this fall to be vaccinated.

>>13590079 Memos hint Zuckerberg to continue big spending on Georgia election workers, infrastructure

>>13590083 Resurfaced CNN Report Revealed How Easy Voting Machines Were To Hack In 2017 (But Only After Trump Won)

>>13590108 President Biden Delivers Remarks on COVID-19 Relief

>>13590115 Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Is It Relevant?

>>13590120 Q DROP 3599 REVIEW

>>13590141 Amazon is accused of 'appalling tax avoidance' after it emerges the company's European arm scored record sales of £38billion last year

>>13590148 WHO is Corrupt Beyond Question

>>13590151 'Castle' where Phil Spector killed Lana Clarkson sells for $3.3M

>>13590155 Monster thread on Covid Vaccines and death rates

>>13590162 Please read.

>>13590173 Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

>>13590174 Blinken Says US Is Pulling Troops Out of Afghanistan But ‘Not Withdrawing’

>>13590183 Translator addresses rumored involvement in Bill and Melinda Gates split

>>13590189, >>13590306 Cabinet of Natural Curiosities

>>13590190 NATO Prepares Azerbaijan’s Army for Its Next War

>>13590204 Q DROP 4115 REVIEW

>>13590217 Israel to extend Green Pass for the vaccinated and recovered until end of 2021

>>13590233 The Sámi - Those Who Remember

>>13590240 Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this week

>>13590251 learn or stay triggered

>>13590258 Biden’s ICE Nominee Pushed to Release Violent Felons From His Jail


>>13590264 Trump: Cheney, McConnell, Pence muffed on 2020 election fraud, turned US into 'socialist nightmare'

>>13590267 Historic Mexican church rises from the water after 40 years

>>13590270 Canada authorizes Pfizer vaccine for children 12 to 15, 100% effective in trials

>>13590273 World’s most-vaccinated nation locks down as Covid cases spike

>>13590277 Dank purp

>>13590281 Australian serial killer allegedly living a new life as a woman

>>13590292 Ex-Border Patrol agent identified as serial 'East Valley Rapist': cops

>>13590293 Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor

>>13590298 More China expansion

>>13590299 Former tennis coach gets 25 years for filming minors in shower

>>13590301 Q ROP 3905 REVIEW

>>13590303 AFL strongly opposes #bigtechcensorship and condemns Facebook

>>13590314 no one should be on Facebook

>>13590327 Psaki Says Biden Administration Wants MORE Social Media Censorship – While Also Claiming They Value First Amendment

>>13590338 PCR Swab Particles Act As Asbestos in Body

>>13590339 Criminal FBI-DOJ Began Secretly Spying on Rudy Giuliani on May 1, 2018 — THE DAY HE BECAME TRUMP’S ATTORNEY

>>13590398 Q DROP 4926, 4927, 4928 REVIEW

>>13590404 Americans Are Fleeing Major Cities

>>13590408 TSA Defends Letting Illegal Aliens Board Planes Without I.D.

>>13590416 Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor

>>13590418 Doctor Warns Shots Killing Large Numbers Of People, FDA & Big Pharma Covered Up Jab Ineffectiveness & Provides Public With Outpatient Treatment Guide (Video)

>>13590423 Occupant authorities plan to drill bore holes in Sea of Azov for fresh water

>>13590425 Conservatives Condemn Facebook’s Indefinite Suspension of Trump:

>>13590429 #17210 2/3

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5ddb2a  No.13592910

#17210 /3

>>13590432, >>13590438 Moar fucked up creepy ass symbolism

>>13590442 Former tennis coach gets 25 years for filming minors in shower

>>13590454 Joint Chiefs chairman urges greater racial diversity in the military

>>13590483 Q DROP 392 REVIEW

>>13590487 We Must Break Up Big Tech

>>13590489 'Global reset' needed to fight future pandemics, as creation of WHO research hub announced

>>13590491 Joe Biden announces support for COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver

>>13590518 Q DROP 111, 142 REVIEW

>>13590520 Memos hint Zuckerberg to continue big spending on Georgia election workers, infrastructure

>>13590544 Drug dealers in Mexico 'made to eat children's hearts' to prove their loyalty to Knights Templar leader El Chayo

>>13590551 Fuck you Baltimore!!!

>>13590563 Mexican Cartels Justify Killing Through Death Saint, Make Child Snuff Videos

>>13590586 #17210 3/3

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5ddb2a  No.13592913


>>13589073, >>13589075 donaldjtrump.com/desk

>>13589076 “Fifth International Vatican Conference: Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul,” May 6-8. incl Fauci & Sanford Health

>>13589081 Pope Francis Tells ‘Vax Live’ Concertgoers to Abandon Individualism

>>13589099 Thousands Fill SoFi Stadium For Vax LIVE Charity Concert Sunday

>>13589100 POTUS linking Bidan up with warmonger.

>>13589111 Bless the bread

>>13589112, >>13589116, >>13589286, >>13589330, >>13589338, >>13589680 Symbolism will be their downfall. bundle

>>13589132 American Greatness Fund announces Election Integrity Alliance (Jenna Ellis' big news)

>>13589214 "Mit dem Zweiten sieht man besser" (you can get a better picture when watching the second channel)

>>13589271 2020 Voter fraud: Police say Penn. women tried to cast mail-in ballots on behalf of dead people

>>13589278 UNEARTHED: 1619 Project Founder Praised Cuba’s ‘Socialist’ Accomplishments, Counts Education As ‘Cornerstone Of Revolution.’

>>13589250, >>13589217, >>13589194 Keith Reneire of NXIVM fame has patents for video insertion in live feeds

>>13589537, >>13589167, >>13589575 Anon points out terms that make us look crazy: Watch how bad this shapeshifter glitches on LIVE TV

>>13589359 HRC: There needs to be a reckoning.

>>13589365 EYES ON ARIZONA

>>13589419 Today's "Sky is Falling" installment.

>>13589430 US launch of Minuteman III ballistic missile fails, cause under investigation

>>13589431, >>13589489, >>13589538 Retrospective: Our favorite HRC gets vanned mp4

>>13589453 Vice President Kamala Harris & Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, both vaccinated, kiss outside with masks on.

>>13589477 Twitter, Google, Facebook facing new fines for refusing to remove banned content

>>13589476 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro received a samurai sword as a gift from actor Steven Seagal, who was visiting the South American country as a representative of Russia

>>13589569 Combined with the ACE2 receptor competitive occupation of nicotine, turns out menthol cigarettes offer potent protection against Covid.

>>13589659 WHISTLEBLOWER asking for our help getting the word out.

>>13589682 Second Member of Boogaloo Bois Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Hamas

>>13589688 Why has the MSM blacked out the FBI shootout at CIA headquarters?

>>13589684 Angels from Revelation 14 and D-Wave Quantum Computers, for your discernment.

>>13589711 Coca-Cola Chief Lawyer Who Demanded Race Quotas for Attorneys Resigns, Gets Rehired for $666,666 per Month


#17209 >>13589736

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5ddb2a  No.13592914

#17208 TBC

#17207 TBC

'Previously Collected Notables

>>13587359 #17206

>>13584966 #17203, >>13585749 #17204, >>13586566 #17205

>>13582568 #17200, >>13583440 #17201, >>13584166 #17202

>>13580318 #17197, >>13580999 #17198, >>13581782 #17199

>>13578289 #17194, >>13578674 #17195, >>13579933 #17196

>>13574799 #17191, >>13575584 #17192, >>13576334 #17193

>>13572406 #17188, >>13573274 #17189, >>13574006 #17190

>>13570013 #17185, >>13570815 #17186, >>13571658 #17187

>>13568390 #17183, >>13569187 #17184, >>13570014 #17185 2

>>13566121 #17180, >>13566572 #17181, >>13567691 #17182

>>13563700 #17177, >>13564493 #17178, >>13569903 #17179

>>13561383 #17174, >>13562138 #17175, >>13562934 #17176

>>13559033 #17171/1, >>13559848 #17172, >>13560625 #17173

>>13558220 #17170/2, >>13558217 #17170/1, >>13559035 #17171/2

>>13555846 #17167, >>13559200 #17168, >>13558747 #17169

>>13553569 #17164, >>13554303 #17165, >>13555266 #17166

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13320392 Q Research Notables #6

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5ddb2a  No.13592915

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13493753 ————————————–——– Germany #79

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

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>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

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>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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>>13102252 ————————————–——– Vatican #4

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5ddb2a  No.13592916

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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5ddb2a  No.13592927

File: 792c79899a50fd7⋯.jpg (257.26 KB, 1440x1397, 1440:1397, 792c79899a50fd76bc85b41466….jpg)

Drunk ass Dough


''Fixing it';'








fixing dough

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cf8e1b  No.13592947


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a59342  No.13592956

File: cdf121affb449c5⋯.png (23.64 KB, 591x229, 591:229, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 90c313e2ebee235⋯.png (268.26 KB, 666x391, 666:391, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


one year delta 4 days ago…


01-May-2020 1:27:39 PM EDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch8989185



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5ddb2a  No.13592961

File: 170f69c9c5edcb1⋯.png (699.97 KB, 1080x925, 216:185, 1a8e3a0871907cc13727a212ae….png)












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5ddb2a  No.13592964

File: bfa643768eddc46⋯.png (571.29 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 5cc21ce3219d391352701cfbca….png)

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bb416a  No.13592967

Ready when you are Q.

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5ddb2a  No.13592968


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5ddb2a  No.13592972

File: 3dd7a6e3d4449c2⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 712x720, 89:90, 3dd7a6e3d4449c2b970b6adab1….jpg)


bruh, Q is trying to enjoy the show like evevyone else.

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8bbf7f  No.13592973


The bread just started and you're already at 66 posts.

Let's see what happens.

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48ae62  No.13592974

Holding at 44,444 AU

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cf8e1b  No.13592975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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48ae62  No.13592976


Is that a Challenge?

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85cea8  No.13592977

For the ones saying "its over" - shut the fuck up.

We would hear from top officials before we knew it was actually over.

Dumb fucks.

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2155ae  No.13592978

>>13592944 PB

"may" gives permission

A cop "may" give you a ticket for speeding vs "must" give you a ticket.

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5ddb2a  No.13592979

File: 26d87ee524ec568⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 480x336, 10:7, 26d87ee524ec568aadc4498e5e….gif)


nicu, well i'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of cheese.

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a76de9  No.13592980

File: 967a1f6d5a97793⋯.png (750.99 KB, 515x922, 515:922, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks anons

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d7cad5  No.13592981

File: 5e1665dd2a51982⋯.png (63.98 KB, 400x402, 200:201, 5e1665dd2a519825fd34828d9d….png)

LIVE- Battlefield Earth ReeEEeE Stream on Odysee


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192e77  No.13592982

File: 7ffeba69ee65051⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB, 464x848, 29:53, video_2021_05_06_03_41_04.mp4)

Has Columbia started to kill their own people ?

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c664d7  No.13592983


… says the smart guy.

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5ddb2a  No.13592984

File: d073bd6f8f1ed30⋯.png (136.95 KB, 833x458, 833:458, 141e832ec9b128bf4373ef8067….png)


Nice, I'm going to get dressed and have a nice little walk.

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e1d669  No.13592985

File: 5e9a3a3a9b2a4c5⋯.png (62.89 KB, 522x318, 87:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f5b3368ba066f0⋯.png (149.39 KB, 586x393, 586:393, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13592932 lb/pb -shill commitment 64 posts, impressive retardation !!!

got to give it you shill - you have a lot of memes in your folder, it is a shame they are all the same wording, either this is all your own work, with over 64 posts now or you is a low paid chinky shekel collecting ov vey drone.

either way, you commitment is admirable albiet a little misguided!!!

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0b4035  No.13592986

File: f3dc1e2988d9387⋯.png (2.16 MB, 2078x1194, 1039:597, Screen_Shot_2021_05_03_at_….png)




smoke some cheeba while ya at it!

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72628c  No.13592987

File: ea9163fe41ff7d8⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 400x246, 200:123, 001_pish.jpg)

File: aa88ce4350a47ab⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 498x271, 498:271, 005_pish_florida.jpg)

>>13592422 (LB)



Watch the Water, New Phish.

Consider the previous age, Pisces.

The gods / rulers wearing fish hat, also visualized as fish.

The pope wearing of a similar hat on special occasions.

Out with the Old (ruler's sewer of eden), In with the New (humanity's garden of eden).

In southern Iraq, putrid water gushes out of waste pipes into marshes reputed to be home to the biblical Garden of Eden


Something fishy is happening in Miami as thousands of pricy koi fish have turned up dead


Like plague of Egypt? ‘Unprecedented’ amounts of dead fish cover lake shore in Lebanon


Iranian fish shipment was sent to Kuwait full of drugs.


-Other phish noted in memory elusive past week's breads.

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85cea8  No.13592988


I'll allow it.

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2f8672  No.13592989

(pb) >>13592942

With six you get a free egg roll. And there are no substitutions.

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6c7f86  No.13592990

File: 24b115d46047cc2⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 282x257, 282:257, 24b115d46047cc2d3388d04da6….gif)

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5ddb2a  No.13592991

File: a968d76f29da727⋯.gif (242.76 KB, 236x498, 118:249, a968d76f29da72788da82b73da….gif)


Fuck its so fucking good! i'll finish it before i head out!

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03e794  No.13592993

File: db70b506853d464⋯.jpg (15.23 KB, 247x288, 247:288, van_helsing_9781416500131_….jpg)


I'm sorry you have to take a pay cut for tonight.

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7bd4a2  No.13592994

>>13592928 ( PB )

It's cool bro, believe what you want, ignore the facts that ships were lining all 3 coasts and the EBS system went off, then got quiet and nothing happened at all… to this very day.

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430f73  No.13592995

File: 3c1a77bab393dce⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wom.png)

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c44bd7  No.13592996

File: 63b61d02c0ed314⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 667x643, 667:643, Screenshot_2021_05_05_1845….jpg)

File: eb0ab6de05695d0⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 766x853, 766:853, Screenshot_2021_05_05_1845….jpg)


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72628c  No.13592997

File: 6ef3206fe42981a⋯.png (409.72 KB, 598x675, 598:675, 004_phish_Iraq.png)

File: 4fc0c8d9b81425c⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 818x355, 818:355, 006_pish_lebanon.jpg)

File: c2af93d2bcecd98⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 482x448, 241:224, 008_pish_pope.jpg)

File: 877520b050295cc⋯.jpg (15.35 KB, 359x219, 359:219, 007_pish_kuwait.jpg)


forgot the others

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a59342  No.13592998

File: c828c9bacca0070⋯.png (560.45 KB, 684x583, 684:583, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 5eb894bbb7963fc⋯.png (501.58 KB, 767x562, 767:562, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


yeah, yeah. it's them killing themselves…

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89807d  No.13592999

File: 02b6ff9069d749e⋯.png (535.53 KB, 1105x570, 221:114, C_before_D.png)


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5ddb2a  No.13593000

File: 9e4418417194539⋯.jpg (140.26 KB, 1200x1179, 400:393, 9e44184171945393f5e69c7aec….jpg)


kek, i'll be back.

just need some food and caffiene dummy.

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6d9af7  No.13593001

File: 17fcfc4eae30d85⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 751x600, 751:600, Karl_Brandt_Nuremberg_Doct….jpg)

File: 7cd359e90dac7e3⋯.jpg (103.27 KB, 768x712, 96:89, Post_Operation_Homebound_2….jpg)

File: fc18b58b79d8b8b⋯.jpg (145.79 KB, 956x602, 478:301, pemberleyhousecarehome_Dea….jpg)





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65d018  No.13593002

File: 7a68f9ddc37cee3⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1281x764, 1281:764, 650909786435.png)

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ac89e8  No.13593003

Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care cause I'm still free

You can't take the sky from me

Take me out, to the black

Tell 'em I ain't coming back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be

Since I found serenity

You can't take the sky from me

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c664d7  No.13593004


You all allowed it because you are fucking nasty. We have nothing in common.

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9a1dd3  No.13593005

File: aec5fa3b792bafa⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 293x305, 293:305, happy_cinco.jpg)

Sombrero sighting

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8bbf7f  No.13593006


Now someone has broken out Old Glowie.

WTF is going on tonight?

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866393  No.13593007

File: 0cd903c6e406060⋯.jpg (246.72 KB, 1461x863, 1461:863, unisyn_liason.JPG)

File: 7f0b506a7b11800⋯.jpg (146.07 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Fair_Fax.jpg)

>>13592899 pb

"Hooray! They're not matching signatures! I mean, er, they would've matched anyway… but Hooray!"

very good question

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6d9af7  No.13593008


In what is becoming almost a daily report of massive nursing home deaths following injections of experimental mRNA COVID shots, a nursing home in the U.K. is reporting over one third of their residents have died after receiving the mRNA experimental COVID injections.

We are now seeing a very predictable pattern as we are reporting all over the world where the elderly are dying at a very alarming rate following mass vaccinations of the experimental mRNA injections.

And in all of these cases, the local media is quoting local officials as saying that the “vaccines” have nothing to do with the deaths. They are also stating that deaths following the experimental mRNA injections are “expected.”

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65d018  No.13593009

File: 7128b484fe2ea18⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1281x764, 1281:764, 5490129654344.png)

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3ddbd9  No.13593011

File: 213bf670fc232d0⋯.png (170.99 KB, 369x355, 369:355, fishy.png)

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5ddb2a  No.13593012

File: 1ee7c09bc34d0e6⋯.gif (60.44 KB, 230x270, 23:27, 1ee7c09bc34d0e6758b6572005….gif)


kek the balls

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a76de9  No.13593013

File: d18c1df62e82745⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 476x354, 238:177, class.gif)

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5ddb2a  No.13593014

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)


The fuck kind of meme is this?

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a59342  No.13593015

File: 050c1e2b5cc9ee7⋯.png (44.29 KB, 189x86, 189:86, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

File: b4b6fe962cc5e3b⋯.png (139.86 KB, 204x320, 51:80, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

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430f73  No.13593016

File: 4b8642086eb6553⋯.png (376.77 KB, 522x335, 522:335, Screenshot_2021_05_05_soyt….png)

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65d018  No.13593017

File: 73fbd04beef00a7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1122x857, 1122:857, 652178430754113.png)

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000000  No.13593018


hello vicar

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5ddb2a  No.13593019

File: 7f29934df94d1b0⋯.png (463.51 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 93db349ce3e64c7e3d8ff4457b….png)


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2f8672  No.13593020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

English Motherfucker. Do you speak it.

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d7cad5  No.13593022

File: 0b3ac89b236af94⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 500x389, 500:389, 0b3ac89b236af94e00ad637afa….jpg)


Early Filtered notorious cross bread spammer

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65d018  No.13593023

File: 84eec528924bdcc⋯.png (466.89 KB, 1096x874, 548:437, 547898127632465.png)

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35a489  No.13593024

>>13592939 pb

>>13592920 pb

There are readers here whose livelihood can hang on a single comma. We'll have to agree to disagree.

Speaking of anal faggots… I can read almost anything, but grieve over my own typos… milliseconds after posting them.

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65d018  No.13593025

File: e7e7242638f0b2f⋯.png (373.97 KB, 641x945, 641:945, 677890328612534.png)

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7bd4a2  No.13593026


Suddenly, two planes appear flying back and forth, leaving contrails that expand and block out the sky. Be careful what you wish for.

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65d018  No.13593027

File: b202e29d7444966⋯.png (486.91 KB, 1137x989, 1137:989, 8867439628950264.png)

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5ddb2a  No.13593028

File: fb9a3d7f8c6d03e⋯.gif (123.2 KB, 720x540, 4:3, fb9a3d7f8c6d03e1f7cfe14ffc….gif)

Oki, good song, thanks Anon!

Heading out!



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234631  No.13593029

File: edd9356b76f1b3d⋯.jpg (94.96 KB, 595x479, 595:479, geraldo_rivera_im_not_real….jpg)


Good catch

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430f73  No.13593030

File: 7f6885c31bd6101⋯.png (914 B, 169x74, 169:74, Screenshot_2021_05_05_4953….png)

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6d9af7  No.13593031

File: 3028ed61fda32be⋯.jpg (22.55 KB, 887x542, 887:542, James_CNA_Whistleblower.jpg)



James (he gives his last name in the video) is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he could not keep silent any longer.

James reports that in 2020 very few residents in the nursing home where he works got sick with COVID, and none of them died during the entire year of 2020.

However, shortly after administering the Pfizer experimental mRNA injections, 14 died within two weeks, and he reports that many others are near death.

The video is long (47 minutes), and it is clear that James is suffering from emotional stress, and he admits that he has nothing to gain from going public, and that he will probably lose his job for doing so.

But he makes it very clear that these were patients he knew and cared for (he is also a “lay pastor”), and that after being injected with the mRNA shot, residents who used to walk on their own can no longer walk. Residents who used to carry on an intelligent conversation with him could no longer talk.

And now they are dying. “They’re dropping like flies.”

His superiors are explaining the deaths as being caused by a COVID19 “super-spreader.”

However, the residents who refused to take the injections, are not sick, according to James.

James makes it very clear that as a Christian, he cannot live with his conscience anymore, and that he can no longer remain silent.

He is not anti-vaccine, but just sharing what he knows is true, regarding the people he has cared for in his profession for over 10 years now.

This is a very clear pattern now. Inject the elderly with the mRNA injections, then blame their illnesses and deaths on the COVID virus.

The only reason Big Pharma and their sponsored corporate media are getting away with this, is because more healthcare workers like James are not coming forward to speak up for the helpless.

Even many in the Alternative Media are guilty for not covering this genocide against our seniors, as James states, because people are more concerned with Donald Trump and Joe Biden political news, while people’s grandmother, grandfather, and others are being killed by these injections.

James calls upon other CNAs, nurses, and family members to go public and tell the world what is going on with these experimental mRNA COVID injections.

where is the CNN death count of vaccine deaths ?

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65d018  No.13593032

File: 0d147e414489e70⋯.png (473.72 KB, 774x1025, 774:1025, 889712786436505467812.png)

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6dd089  No.13593033

File: ad3b92ddca9f495⋯.jpeg (218.64 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, 20A6476F_75A3_45C7_A4EF_6….jpeg)

File: 6229c5cfc38e89b⋯.jpeg (165.77 KB, 750x908, 375:454, 376FE287_52E7_4BB6_ABE1_A….jpeg)

File: ba03bb95993b63d⋯.jpeg (104.98 KB, 750x546, 125:91, 594B99C9_146D_47F4_B2F8_1….jpeg)


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fd168a  No.13593034

>>13592168 "Is that supposed to be a bad thing??" DJT


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813a14  No.13593035

File: 4a9207d1acebde5⋯.png (141.94 KB, 245x250, 49:50, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

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65d018  No.13593036

File: f9dfad2f709cfab⋯.png (333.46 KB, 1344x922, 672:461, 84112645609865.png)

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a76de9  No.13593037

File: 8ec73ad81025803⋯.png (710.15 KB, 601x920, 601:920, ClipboardImage.png)

you were never born in the dank

you only adopted it

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e701cd  No.13593038

File: 904806924b3cae1⋯.jpg (859.86 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, lhfj2gdrdqj11.jpg)

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85cea8  No.13593039


What the fuck are you talking about.

Go to lunch.

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7bd4a2  No.13593040


Okay, just this once, just to see if you even have a clue of what you're posting or talking about, tell me… who are museums for?

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44af19  No.13593041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Beginnings

- Future World Music

How many feel a renewal? Ready to see this through to the end, no matter what. Make God proud he didn't pick pansies. They've all left.



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813a14  No.13593042

File: b25e8876cf6c554⋯.png (440.28 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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c664d7  No.13593043


But, but, muh surrounded by love. Notice how much better off I was without you in my life? Now you are bitter and scathing because I flat out rejected your meddling and stacked, ridiculous, set up to fail environments.

Strike at my core if you will. Facts matter.

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95739d  No.13593044

File: 37e9b49af54c050⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 700x366, 350:183, hhysdfghjkju.jpg)

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6d9af7  No.13593045

File: d7a53836bd48941⋯.jpg (152.23 KB, 960x522, 160:87, Gibraltar_Deaths_COVID_Inj….jpg)



Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people, and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock of Gibraltar.”

I have been contacted by residents in Gibraltar stating that 53 people have died in 10 days immediately following the roll out of injections of the Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and calling it a “massacre.”

Local media reports confirm the deaths, but blame them on COVID, and not the COVID injections.

However, prior to the roll out of the injections, it is reported that only 16 people in total died “from COVID” since the beginning of the “pandemic” about a year ago.

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fb4fc4  No.13593046


Hear from the "top" officials…

We're the ones who say it is over. I don't see the patriots rushing to turn in their guns. I also don't see them rushing the capitols. The so-called insurrection was a photo-op for False-Flagging. A real insurrection wouldn't have been unarmed tourists visiting the capitol.

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35a489  No.13593047


Not so much "the dank" as " the mold".

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e2b6b1  No.13593048

File: 08fd52d1021b521⋯.png (905.9 KB, 716x840, 179:210, pop_corn.PNG)

>>13592687 Julianna Margulies Reveals That Her 'In-Person' Oprah Interview Was Actually Done Using Green Screen


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813a14  No.13593049


puerto rican

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72628c  No.13593050


Thanks anon… will put that in the next time's mashup.

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65d018  No.13593051

File: 3301c2453817768⋯.png (898.87 KB, 937x993, 937:993, 543784089765.png)

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6dda08  No.13593052

File: b70b571a02faef3⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1377x860, 1377:860, cooler_than_cool.png)


FUCK literally me

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430f73  No.13593053

File: b7a84c5611d4fa4⋯.png (463.6 KB, 598x653, 598:653, Screenshot_2021_05_05_Ande….png)

There is nothing to stop the "Cyber Ninjas," recounting votes in Arizona, from arbitrarily declaring a new presidential winner for the state, says the secretary of state Katie Hobbs.

"They are not following really any kind of best practices in terms of a post election audit."


Beer at parade!

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a59342  No.13593054

File: 679d801aa199df2⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1003x661, 1003:661, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 29c24c0118d6f51⋯.png (793.92 KB, 996x668, 249:167, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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6d9af7  No.13593055

File: cb71d909ca519d0⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 1096x613, 1096:613, Hank_Aaron_Modern_Shot.jpg)



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65d018  No.13593056

File: c02b3de74a301f1⋯.png (776.26 KB, 770x809, 770:809, 6598089771269435.png)

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65d018  No.13593057

File: b6305bd5920f181⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1225x817, 1225:817, 504980217890676435.png)

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3ddbd9  No.13593058

File: 68245abe680e95c⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Diogenes_of_Sinope_Quotes_….jpg)

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6dda08  No.13593059


What did anon mean by this THESE IMAGES ARE TOO SMALL

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cf8e1b  No.13593060

File: d37afd617c210b5⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1160x856, 145:107, coas.png)

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65d018  No.13593061

File: 0ef3664a5510908⋯.png (327 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 08470120879865432.png)

File: 307596bd0c6918b⋯.png (431.48 KB, 738x863, 738:863, 4589070916328435.png)

File: 0ef3664a5510908⋯.png (327 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 08470120879865432.png)

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c9c709  No.13593062

File: d26e59497529bb6⋯.png (5.43 KB, 205x123, 5:3, NosteponSnek.png)

They step on snek.

Never go retard and step on snek

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85cea8  No.13593064


Yes - I think we are on the same side. Obviously?

Top officials as in Flynn, DJT, Monkey etc.

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259fd5  No.13593065

File: 1196c2a9fa135be⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1888x970, 944:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 131519dc2bdc37c⋯.png (726.64 KB, 1026x953, 1026:953, ClipboardImage.png)

This could be Microsoft's most important product in 2020. If it works

ElectionGuard isn't designed to make voting machines safe from hackers.

It's meant to make hacking them pointless.

Alfred Ng

Feb. 18, 2020

Building 83 doesn't stand out on Microsoft's massive Redmond, Washington, headquarters. But last week, the nameless structure hosted what might be the software giant's most important product of 2020.

Tucked away in the corner of a meeting room, a sign reading "ElectionGuard" identifies a touchscreen that asks people to cast their votes. An Xbox adaptive controller is connected to it, as are an all-white printer and a white ballot box for paper votes. If you didn't look carefully, you might have mistaken all that for an array of office supplies.

ElectionGuard is open-source voting-machine software that Microsoft announced in May 2019. In Microsoft's demo, voters make their choices by touchscreen before printing out two copies. A voter is supposed to double-check one copy before placing it into a ballot box to be counted by election workers. The other is a backup record with a QR code the voter can use to check that the vote was counted after polls close.

With ElectionGuard, Microsoft isn't setting out to create an unhackable vote no one thinks that's possible but rather a vote in which hacks would be quickly noticed.

The product demo was far quieter than the typical big tech launch. No flashy lights or hordes of company employees cheering their own product, like Microsoft's dual screen phone, its highly anticipated dual-screen laptop or its new Xbox Series X.

And yet, if everything goes right, ElectionGuard could have an impact that lasts well beyond the flashy products in Microsoft's pipeline.

ElectionGuard addresses what has become a crucial concern in US democracy: the integrity of the vote. The software is designed to establish end-to-end verification for voting machines. A voter can check whether his or her vote was counted. If a hacker had managed to alter a vote, it would be immediately obvious because encryption attached to the vote wouldn't have changed.

The open-source software has been available since last September. But Microsoft gets its first real-world test on Tuesday, when ElectionGuard is used in a local vote in Fulton, Wisconsin.

The local election will provide Microsoft an opportunity to find blind spots in the ElectionGuard system. The question is how many it will find. During ElectionGuard's first demo at the Aspen Security Forum last July, Microsoft identified some user experience flaws. A big one: Voters were confused as to why two sheets of paper were printing out.

"This is a critical, important part of why we're having this pilot next week," Tom Burt, Microsoft's corporate vice president for customer security and trust, told a group of reporters at Building 83. "To find out, does this stuff all work? Do people verify? Do they do these things?"

ElectionGuard voting touchscreen, plus printer and ballot box

You could mistake the ElectionGuard setup for office supplies, what with the printer and ballot box next to the voting touchscreen. Alfred Ng / CNET

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8bbf7f  No.13593066


Oh no Ben Carson got jabbed this sucks.

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6dda08  No.13593067


For you

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672794  No.13593068

File: 57c11e626944076⋯.png (430.75 KB, 601x695, 601:695, ClipboardImage.png)


The U.S. Department of Justice expressed concern Wednesday about ballot security and voter intimidation arising from the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate's unprecedented private recount of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

US Justice Department expresses concern about Arizona Senate recount

The U.S. Department of Justice expressed concern Wednesday about ballot security and voter intimidation arising from the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate's unprecedented private recountof the…


8:46 PM · May 5, 2021


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774a65  No.13593069

File: 5afd5ce11972032⋯.png (134.3 KB, 652x442, 326:221, 5afd5ce11972032f19339e590f….png)


dubbs chek'd

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03e794  No.13593070

File: bcd3177f29e905f⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 600x500, 6:5, please_tell_me_again_willy….jpg)


Going down to 52nd street to buy some of that shwarma, no doubt.

You keep forgetting to pretend like you are a normal Anon.

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6d9af7  No.13593071

File: 8137708bdd431e9⋯.jpg (60.72 KB, 800x537, 800:537, pfizer_covid19_vaccine.jpg)



The Norwegian Medicines Agency announced today that 23 people died after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections.

Norway’s health authorities have allegedly changed their recommendations for injecting the elderly, as all 23 deaths were among people older than 80 years old.

“If you are very frail, you should probably not be vaccinated,” Steinar Madsen at the Norwegian Medicines Agency said at a webinar on corona vaccine for journalists on Thursday.

A total of 25,000 people in Norway have received the experimental injections so far, according to media reports.

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65d018  No.13593072

File: 55fcce64fdd8c98⋯.png (546.09 KB, 943x629, 943:629, 56897809280918645.png)

File: 323f2a41df6c68d⋯.png (568.74 KB, 836x666, 418:333, 1919758549832968.png)

File: f8fa924adfca505⋯.png (758.14 KB, 1155x806, 1155:806, 459081266954.png)

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3ddbd9  No.13593073

File: f52b0226cc5cf52⋯.png (281.53 KB, 446x471, 446:471, brosnahappy.png)

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d7fe2a  No.13593074

File: 45e3ac3f3484183⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2478x2000, 1239:1000, 1613349443992.png)

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e701cd  No.13593075

File: af6b4c119ad869b⋯.jpg (22.87 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, 41mLKW5jHiL_AC_.jpg)

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000000  No.13593076


Which is proper?

hanged or hung?

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cf8e1b  No.13593077


gotta put on all those saucies

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65d018  No.13593078

File: e1154d0d56ff300⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1370x975, 274:195, 90787896843567.png)

File: c1b712a349a54eb⋯.png (784.25 KB, 1563x644, 1563:644, 8976137896345.png)

File: 1be9da73e6bbf67⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1370x975, 274:195, 37791296457867.png)

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b388bd  No.13593079

File: 7e03cbb4c83690c⋯.jpg (123.56 KB, 409x642, 409:642, 0905_005.jpg)

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259fd5  No.13593080

File: 9f6945eee0a619e⋯.png (442.85 KB, 702x585, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ed0313c05596ee⋯.png (766.85 KB, 764x609, 764:609, ClipboardImage.png)

Voting machine

Hackers at Defcon have shown how easy it is to get through voting machines' cybersecurity. Alfred Ng / CNET

Many of these machines are still being used because red tape prevents software patches or the budget isn't available to replace them.

Even if no votes had been hacked, the vulnerabilities present another thing to fret about: disinformation about the integrity of election results. US officials consider that to be more worrisome than a cyberattack. If you can be convinced that your vote was hacked, you lose confidence in the results. That's potentially as powerful as the effects of an actual hack.

Microsoft isn't alone in proposing solutions to the problem. Since 2016, many tech giants have rolled out programs aimed at buttressing trust in the system. Google's Advanced Protection Program for political campaigns protects their accounts from basic cyberattacks. Facebook has plans to take on disinformation campaigns and protect campaigns that use the social network.

Still, Microsoft is the first major tech company to directly address voting machine infrastructure, the front line of election security. But it isn't promising that ElectionGuard prevents machines from being hacked. Rather, it's promising to make it obvious if a machine is hacked.

"This is not a system that cannot be hacked by an adversary. it is a system that is pointless for an adversary to hack," Burt said. "Even if they can figure out a way to somehow influence that or change that, it would be detected by the system, and you can go to the paper ballots and do a hand count if you needed to."

Technical difficulties

Most election security experts will tell you that technology and voting tend to make a bad cocktail.

It's why lawmakers like Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, has long advocated for paper ballots to keep elections secure. There's a long history of security concerns with election technology, and Microsoft is walking a tightrope with ElectionGuard.

MIT computer science researchers, for instance, found significant security issues with the Voatz mobile voting app, including the ability to change votes. Voatz said that the researchers' information was incomplete.

We just want to test, 'How does it work? What can we learn? What we need to change and improve?'

Tom Burt, Microsoft's corporate vice president for customer security and trust

And it doesn't require an expert to tell you that technology has failed democracy in the 2020 presidential campaign. The important Iowa caucuses crumbled under the rushed rollout of a vote-tallying app that was too complicated for election volunteers.

When asked about the Iowa caucuses, Anne Johnson, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Cybersecurity Solutions Group, couldn't help but laugh at the blunder.

"Let me just say, don't test in production," Johnson joked at the company's Redmond headquarters. "That wasn't a cybersecurity issue. That was a dev issue."

Microsoft has that maxim clearly in mind with ElectionGuard's debut. It's why the software giant deliberately worked with a small Wisconsin town that has about 500 registered voters. The vote is for the town's school board and a local judge. ElectionGuard will also serve as the backup to paper ballots, rather than the primary voting method.

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2f8672  No.13593081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And 1/2 Jew to be exact. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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849843  No.13593082

File: b67d4878e77aa67⋯.png (99.85 KB, 687x489, 229:163, tjr_is_has2.png)

File: 6c6ce62a683315d⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 488x286, 244:143, stelter_underwear1.jpg)

Don Jr typo

2 min delta on correction

is > has

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6dda08  No.13593083

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a76de9  No.13593084


that makes no sense given the context

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430f73  No.13593085

File: 0f5aabc680de974⋯.png (52.7 KB, 598x554, 299:277, Screenshot_2021_05_05_Zach….png)

File: d70ccd2f817614f⋯.png (256.83 KB, 974x1016, 487:508, ffee0551587d1966a8bcb50b60….png)

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259fd5  No.13593086

File: 397c77e55ce7bf8⋯.png (453.82 KB, 718x606, 359:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81e401166c55429⋯.png (437.84 KB, 736x446, 368:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Burt said the company hopes to learn how ElectionGuard gets used by voters, election officials and poll workers. The Wisconsin elections board decided in June 2019 to work with Microsoft on the pilot, but the ElectionGuard system hasn't been certified for standard use in the state, according to a statement from the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

"We hope this pilot test will give us further insights into how the system works and whether voters like it," said Meagan Wolfe, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission. "We can use this data as we try to make elections in Wisconsin even more secure, usable and accessible."

The pilot is intended to be the first of many for Microsoft over the next few years. ElectionGuard won't be used for any major elections in 2020, the company said. With so many opportunities to bungle ElectionGuard's rollout, and so few to redeem it, Microsoft is being careful with how it presents the technology.

"We're basically trying to test in a very controlled environment where the outcome of the election is in no way dependent on the technology," Burt said. "We just want to test, 'How does it work? What can we learn? What we need to change and improve?'"

How it works

ElectionGuard works through a process known as "homomorphic encryption," a concept first introduced in 1987 by Josh Benaloh, a Microsoft Research senior cryptographer.

Your vote is meant to be private. Private votes make intimidation or bribery useless, since no one can confirm you voted a certain way.

Microsoft's encryption also keeps the vote secret by converting choices into random lines of code until they're decrypted.

Votes shouldn't be decrypted, however, since they're intended to stay private. Homomorphic encryption allows for counting votes while they remain secret, according to Benaloh.

"It's sort of structured gibberish," the cryptographer said. "Yes, it's gibberish. Yes, you can't tell what it is. But it retains enough structure that you can actually work with it rather than just ungibberishing it."

With ElectionGuard, Benaloh said, only the final tally should be decrypted, not individual votes.

At Microsoft's demo for its new system, R.C. Carter, the company's director of strategic projects, explained that ElectionGuard would run parallel to paper ballots.

After a vote is cast on the touchscreen, the digital vote is encrypted and tallied. The vote would also be printed out, verified by the voter, then placed in a ballot box next to it. The printout would come with two sheets of paper: one for the ballot box, and the other, which bears your votes and a QR code, to serve as a receipt to verify your vote later online.

ElectionGuard ballot

Once you vote, two pieces of paper are printed out – one to put in the ballot box, and one to take as a receipt to validate your vote after the polls have closed. Alfred Ng / CNET

Election officials count the paper ballots, the usual and most secure method. The counted paper ballots are the election results, not those submitted digitally. The count takes place offline, after the polls closed.

Once that happens, the encrypted votes are collected as a .ZIP file that anyone can download and use to verify the votes.

If something didn't match up, a voter could look at the encrypted vote to see if anything had been tampered with.

"If you can't stop the hack, the second-best thing is to know that you've been hacked," Carter said. "This is exactly what this does."

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65d018  No.13593087

File: 701f3d9e1a8626c⋯.png (396.69 KB, 936x859, 936:859, 65807123786457554700126.png)

File: 7626111996f34c5⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1044x859, 1044:859, 891290786450965478.png)

File: 6259d657bb5c459⋯.png (389.64 KB, 939x859, 939:859, 7127643097643636511.png)

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44af19  No.13593088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Army of Angels

- Dwayne Ford

This. We.Are.



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65d018  No.13593089

File: d203ba6b62bcc15⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1184x885, 1184:885, 987569868098.png)

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c664d7  No.13593090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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259fd5  No.13593091

File: a9652c2dcdb8a70⋯.png (766.5 KB, 722x600, 361:300, ClipboardImage.png)

ElectionGuard's obstacles

ElectionGuard addresses many voting machine security concerns. But not all of them.

It's open-source, which means that it's free and can be adapted for any machine. That helps local election officials facing budget issues. It also allows major election machine makers to implement it on their hardware across the board.

Cutting through red tape surrounding election machines, however, is another obstacle.

Different states have different regulations on complying with the Election Assistance Commission, a US agency that develops voting system guidelines. Getting the EAC's certification has become a major challenge for election security, Burt said.

Microsoft found that many election counties were using outdated Windows machines because EAC guidelines required a complete recertification process just to apply simple security patches, for example. Installing an entirely new voting system would be another hurdle for certification, Burt said.

"The process of certifying is incredibly slow and burdensome," Burt said. "What it really is going to require is a refresh of devices in the market. You can't take some old Windows 7 voting machine and download ElectionGuard and stick it in."

Another human error concern that Microsoft will have to address is that people tend to fail at verifying their own votes, or even reporting it when there's something wrong.

In a study from the University of Michigan published in January, researchers found that only 6.6% of 241 voters in a mock election told poll workers there was an issue, despite all the machines being rigged to show errors on the printed-out vote. Without any intervention, only 40% of the voters actually reported the issue to the voting officials, the study found.

And even if it were reported, election security experts don't expect much recourse over detected errors.

"Being able to verify something is not a remedy if there's no recourse," said Harri Hursti, an election security expert and co-founder of Defcon's Voter Hacking Village. "Most people don't want to do things twice. It's just human nature and human behavior."

Microsoft is hoping to address the nonreporting issue by training the poll workers in Wisconsin to prompt voters to check their ballots once they've been cast. In Wisconsin, poll workers have to sign ballots before they're cast, and that's when they'll also tell voters to verify their vote.

The University of Michigan study found that reporting errors jumped from 6.6% to 85.7% when poll workers encouraged people to check their vote.

"Being able to verify something is not a remedy if there's no recourse. Most people don't want to do things twice. It's just human nature and human behavior."

Harri Hursti, election security expert

During tests with election volunteers, Microsoft found that small adjustments like changing the color on printouts could also be effective.

"One simple thing we've done that already looks like it's working super well in Wisconsin is the ballot comes out white, the verification code is going to be printed on a piece of yellow paper, just so you have that visual difference," Burt said, referring to test runs conducted last week with election volunteers.

Human error isn't the only concern for ElectionGuard. Microsoft has put the system through a bug bounty program. It also invited NCC Group, a security research firm, to do an independent review of the software last September.

Researchers have submitted bug bounties on ElectionGuard for review, though Microsoft has yet to make any payouts, Carter said. Microsoft is also working to change ElectionGuard's core programming language from C, after NCC Group pointed to vulnerability issues.

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5fe271  No.13593092

>>13592325 (lb)

>Prion Cones

You spelled 'Pine' wrong, retard.

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d4d90c  No.13593093

File: e83215fdbd823c3⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e83215fdbd823c3891d947538c….jpg)


Oh dear Lord! Those corn kernel teeth!

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259fd5  No.13593094

File: a17cb63a84d4e3a⋯.png (63.62 KB, 1030x684, 515:342, ClipboardImage.png)

If, then

If all goes well, Microsoft and ElectionGuard could change the way votes are counted and verified around the world, introducing a new layer of security to protect democracies. The company is considering possibilities of what could go wrong and carefully rolling out ElectionGuard in pilot tests in smaller elections over the next year. But other adopters might not be so cautious.

As an open-source tool, it's available to the world, and a public failure something like the Iowa caucuses app debacle could tarnish ElectionGuard's image even if Microsoft had nothing to do with it.

"You've put your finger on a valid concern. I won't deny it," Microsoft's Benaloh said. "There is risk there. There is some subtlety to how to use it properly."

Burt said that governments around the world have been interested in using ElectionGuard, some for countrywide elections.

"We just heard from a developer in a European country who's been contracted to build the ElectionGuard system for city elections," Burt said. "And we had no idea they were doing that. That's the nature of open-source projects. You put stuff up there and say, 'It's here for anyone to use.'"

Prototype voting machine from Galois

Galois' prototype voting machine wasn't available for hackers to test at Defcon. Alfred Ng / CNET

Election machines that go perfectly right in testing and demonstrations might experience issues when used in the real world. That's whatGalois, a government contractor, learned when it brought DARPA's $10 million voting machine to Defcon to see if hackers could find issues with its security. An unexpected bug prevented the machine from working until the last day.

Microsoft worked with Galois to help develop ElectionGuard's software as well. Joey Dodds, a research engineer at Galois, said the open-source tool is still very much in a testing phase and he doesn't expect it to be used in an actual election with major consequences until 2024 at the earliest.

He acknowledged that ElectionGuard is solving for a small part of election security, and that hackers still have many ways to meddle with democracies.

"It is not a complete solution for electronic voting without a backup," Dodds said. "It is not going to have anything to say about poll books, voter registration, anything that happens prior to ballot recording and casting. That's all going to require different approaches."

Even if the technology behind Microsoft's ElectionGuard was perfect, it would have to deal with motivated disinformation campaigns mixed with human error from all sides – voters, poll workers and third-party developers using the open-source tools.

"There are still plenty of opportunities to screw it up, but ElectionGuard gives you a framework to work forward," said Tod Beardsley, director of research at security firm Rapid7. "We'll see if it's actually implemented right."


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f60647  No.13593095

File: 163c52a924443fa⋯.jpg (985.76 KB, 2350x1463, 2350:1463, Milkies_Chuck.jpg)

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a59342  No.13593096

File: 6223f57f3af6b6a⋯.png (553.23 KB, 462x616, 3:4, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 39edc289e2c0e23⋯.png (772.51 KB, 1305x664, 1305:664, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 06ad916637f146c⋯.png (170.75 KB, 706x583, 706:583, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

File: 1b703025ddddf37⋯.png (23.45 KB, 181x187, 181:187, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

File: 25dd48c94207e36⋯.png (94.94 KB, 461x522, 461:522, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

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813a14  No.13593097

File: f101e790a63e6ce⋯.png (3.85 MB, 1617x907, 1617:907, ClipboardImage.png)

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65d018  No.13593098

File: da550559b3d596c⋯.png (655.61 KB, 829x825, 829:825, 5478906854.png)

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6e55dd  No.13593099

File: bed0556c4be30d6⋯.png (115.24 KB, 250x262, 125:131, Moldy_AF_bread.png)

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6dda08  No.13593100

File: 2b2b836a65b62c9⋯.jpg (788.39 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, merlin_162530706_bc030ad3_….jpg)


You're a big guy

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6d9af7  No.13593101

File: 690bb329f6c7e2a⋯.jpg (236.49 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, The_Commons.jpg)



24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections

A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

by Adam Dick

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Things seem to be working backwards at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York. Vaccinating people is supposed to reduce or end coronavirus deaths. Right?

But, at The Commons, such deaths are reported to have occurred only after residents began receiving coronavirus vaccinations.

James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at syracuse.com that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also, Mulder’s article discloses, seven days days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents so far having been vaccinated.

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died.

Is the timing just a strange coincidence?

Governor Cuomo has so far not commented on the deaths from the vaccines of seniors

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35898b  No.13593102

File: 36e5cf2fc59a0cd⋯.jpg (658.7 KB, 2986x1680, 1493:840, barreviltraitorfink.jpg)

>>13592424 pb

He looks pale

Maybe a heart condition

Lot of people hate him now.


Not Sorry.

Must be a Mason Smirker

They love to joke and 'pull people's legs'

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5abfdb  No.13593103

File: a56f0214c7565be⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cosmic_pepe.jpg)

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35a489  No.13593104


I didn't sign up for Facebook… how did I get here?

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bfe2e6  No.13593105

Kaitlyn can identify, live, be whatever the hell she wants. She wants to be a woman. Fine with me. I care less. She says she loves this country, she's a Patriot, fiscal conservative, preached common sense. Momma loves Hannity, supports the rule of law, 100% supports the Police. I would give her serious consideration. I think she would do a good job.

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5fe271  No.13593106

File: ba0c73fd0a8985b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 679x849, 679:849, ClipboardImage.png)

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48ae62  No.13593107

You >Are< More than you have.

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259fd5  No.13593108

>>13593065, >>13593080, >>13593086, >>13593091, >>13593094 ElectionGuard isn't designed to make voting machines safe from hackers BUN

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a76de9  No.13593109

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6dda08  No.13593110


Did she actually take it? I don't know but she looks great in white

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90b4ab  No.13593111

File: cd259864f7cc92a⋯.png (311.23 KB, 400x389, 400:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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39bde7  No.13593112

File: b089ab41d8d0703⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 378x500, 189:250, 19ff7b230ded7bd38629cde347….jpg)

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d7fe2a  No.13593113

File: d83f05bc53045e5⋯.jpg (215.95 KB, 1024x598, 512:299, 1585183823270.jpg)

File: 79caea1e0378bed⋯.png (94.3 KB, 878x459, 878:459, 1601326073450.png)

File: 55df6b5d300ec5f⋯.png (38.4 KB, 901x283, 901:283, useyourmind.PNG)

File: 500a3eaaba68fc6⋯.png (396.97 KB, 1332x1949, 1332:1949, Impulse_Control.png)

Stay positive, anons.

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89807d  No.13593114

File: e12b385925e693a⋯.png (108.45 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6dda08  No.13593115

File: 1f8739dd95beffe⋯.jpg (75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yes_brother.jpg)

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e8901f  No.13593116

File: 568661471413738⋯.png (512.56 KB, 519x515, 519:515, Screenshot_2021_05_05_Sara….png)

WTF? Bill Barr endorses Sarah Sanders?


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a59342  No.13593117

File: 262cd2b68794d1d⋯.png (690.7 KB, 862x666, 431:333, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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11b85e  No.13593118

File: 6832fd1a94d29d6⋯.png (269.28 KB, 343x13995, 343:13995, Dominion_Voting_Systems_Mi….png)

>>13591874 (pb)

> Combine them or match them to these, please!

The caps around 900 pixel height sums up to 16.

If necessary will post them too.

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6d9af7  No.13593119


When will governor Cuomo on the dead after experimental vaccine at nursing homes ?

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774a65  No.13593120

File: 4c1f2acd802f86a⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1840x2560, 23:32, 4c1f2acd802f86aa802f2019f9….jpg)


I still trust him. I listened to his many interviews. He knows what's up.

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849843  No.13593122

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB, 344x350, 172:175, pepeHmmmmm.png)

File: 5245c2e59af77a4⋯.png (267.11 KB, 537x545, 537:545, tjr_is_an_isnt_typo1.png)


>is > has

now there was the is typo on the 2nd.

But 2min delta would normally indicate 5/3

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259fd5  No.13593123

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430f73  No.13593124

File: 923c2cf8c84c5dd⋯.jpg (461.36 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E0qefZyX0AIbzX1.jpg)

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a76de9  No.13593125

File: 98e2b3858bc7d6a⋯.png (527.38 KB, 637x349, 637:349, ClipboardImage.png)


the fire rises

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866393  No.13593126

File: 5a23a5067392016⋯.jpg (1020.53 KB, 1738x1781, 1738:1781, biden_muzzle.jpg)

File: 9872e1a0f647500⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 500x756, 125:189, BIDEN_19.jpg)


kek'd & sav'd

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5e8516  No.13593127

Here's the sauce on Albert Bourla being Jewish.

Too bad he decided to launch a vaccine pogrom.


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65d018  No.13593128

File: 73f8696efcfb575⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1098x619, 1098:619, 57899006834.png)

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3ddbd9  No.13593129

File: c640f5573e32f27⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, bidanteeth.jpg)



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bfe2e6  No.13593130


What you confused about anon?

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44af19  No.13593131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There Will Be Generations Because of You

- Dan Thiessen

We're not doing it for the pay, that's for sure. To fulfill all righteousness, some answer the call.



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e701cd  No.13593132

File: b69b9a9d350737c⋯.jpg (248.73 KB, 1080x1191, 360:397, Screenshot_20200615_163839….jpg)

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fb4fc4  No.13593133


Same side, yes (obv).

But there have been too many "Top Officials" that are crap so I take offense at waiting for some arbitrarily assigned "top officials."

It is up to us to push the narrative - to expose the corruption. The people that need to be convinced, wont be convinced by who you're designating as the top officials. It has to be their friends and neighbors. The steal has to be overwhelmingly obvious to the people not paying attention. It is up to us to make it obvious to them.

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000000  No.13593134


he learned to survive in the swamp and still be a conservative

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6d9af7  No.13593135



A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

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234631  No.13593136

File: 4633653830f6719⋯.png (702.48 KB, 595x479, 595:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Had to look that up and yeah, you're right.

Facts matter so, fixed.

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7bd4a2  No.13593137


Your governor decided it was mandatory for all citizens so they could spy on you and what you're doing.

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813a14  No.13593138

File: 4121cebc210659b⋯.png (1.84 MB, 888x823, 888:823, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593139

File: bd22a065e22595f⋯.jpg (91.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Real Joe Biden.

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65d018  No.13593140

File: 8e65ab81a06f1b1⋯.png (530.98 KB, 385x766, 385:766, 857780209643.png)

File: 383ce9981645a2f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1269x868, 1269:868, 457812035465.png)

File: 8e65ab81a06f1b1⋯.png (530.98 KB, 385x766, 385:766, 857780209643.png)

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774a65  No.13593141


Trump hand picked Barr.

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3ddbd9  No.13593142

File: f2c9e99e05e022c⋯.jpg (225.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, vindman_16.jpg)

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0ccea4  No.13593143


You may be right.

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65d018  No.13593144

File: 74edaf60933ec3e⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1525x1302, 1525:1302, 890328908585.png)

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217029  No.13593145

File: 6b9bf808a5d4fb8⋯.png (652.27 KB, 530x846, 265:423, a94.png)

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39bde7  No.13593146


Chow thief and the shyster

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03e794  No.13593147

File: 687ed4702ad4a58⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 75414820860cbf96f356e7ce5c….jpg)

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a81f84  No.13593148


Hanged is what HRC will be

Hung is what John Holmes was.

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65d018  No.13593149

File: a89cfd17b94bda6⋯.png (259.29 KB, 1132x841, 1132:841, 762114596634330.png)

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6d9af7  No.13593150

File: 077233776102287⋯.jpg (106.05 KB, 847x472, 847:472, Barbara_Loe_Fisher_quote.jpg)

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e701cd  No.13593151

File: 3a38c47f4e27db6⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 462x308, 3:2, 9b7450f15bffa2136c60d4283f….jpg)

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e1d669  No.13593152

File: b2eb8cd65600b5c⋯.png (594.63 KB, 719x1280, 719:1280, ClipboardImage.png)



unsourced, dropped on gab !!!

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a04217  No.13593153

File: f5f84fc7efce98b⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, f5f84fc7efce98b029d5ae1d39….jpg)

represents the network value of memetics, which may prove to be enormous.

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7bd4a2  No.13593154


Not surprised. He hand picked all the people who turned on him and let him down.

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5d3e26  No.13593155

File: 3f89cb96bc74e9e⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 460x338, 230:169, 20210324_205633.jpg)

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65d018  No.13593156

File: b8f80159547171b⋯.png (449.96 KB, 1041x821, 1041:821, 908754084329.png)

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a76de9  No.13593157

File: 198d69186eda0d5⋯.png (914.4 KB, 527x841, 527:841, ClipboardImage.png)



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3ddbd9  No.13593158

File: e9013d532b21687⋯.jpg (484.11 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, Geraldo_Rivera_at_White_Ho….jpg)

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e35383  No.13593159

File: 769cfe1725dd6af⋯.jpeg (478.18 KB, 2048x851, 2048:851, B7DF23D8_E75D_45D5_9FBF_E….jpeg)

File: c2dad4345a76013⋯.jpeg (52.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CBFBF4F3_253E_457C_A99E_B….jpeg)

File: 46f3fdcbb494eab⋯.jpeg (379.34 KB, 1029x428, 1029:428, 0817C79A_9B96_4E8A_AF21_3….jpeg)

File: 818e1d1754e5dc5⋯.jpeg (318.95 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 4EB2967D_AC8C_4BF3_A90A_8….jpeg)

File: 09bb4fbc960b242⋯.jpeg (655.99 KB, 738x1981, 738:1981, 0FAE021C_2F12_4E43_9D55_5….jpeg)

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849843  No.13593160

File: 2fef167be5bf9e3⋯.png (72.89 KB, 450x460, 45:46, Screenshot_from_2021_05_05….png)

File: 971cd54656536c8⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 226x255, 226:255, pepehmmm.jpg)



> is > has


> is > an

has an

<hassan ?

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af40bf  No.13593161

>>13592971 last bread

>Can someone explain to me the difference between hanged and hung?

Hillary Clinton was hanged a week ago Monday, at 9:05pm immediately after taps.

The Ellen video supports the premise that Big Mike is hung like a donkey.

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2f8672  No.13593162


Grammatical error or code isn't going to save the world no matter who you are. Either way. These people need to do some self reflection on how important they think they are.

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35a489  No.13593163


Ahhh, OK. So help me navigate… how do I avoid vacuous, self important imbeciles like Loli Guy?

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e701cd  No.13593164

Look to Twitter….

A copy/paste from the Trump Desk, "Ladies and Gentlemen the storm is upon us…"

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9ff779  No.13593165


Too Funny

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10ae3b  No.13593166

File: fbce0f07276dfaa⋯.jpg (443.66 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, bake.jpg)

755 LB and still this shitty banner


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813a14  No.13593167

File: 083ae190f65b91b⋯.png (626.38 KB, 888x546, 148:91, ClipboardImage.png)


followed him as a child

he was hot shit in the 70s

first to put zapruder film on TV

big dissapoint now

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774a65  No.13593168

File: 560983aef449661⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 790x444, 395:222, 560983aef4496612e74b29b991….jpg)

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48ae62  No.13593169



It's so obvious meow.

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0ccea4  No.13593170


Works both ways.

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90ae4b  No.13593171


>He knows what's up.

yep, he has had his hands right in the middle of it since Waco and Ruby Ridge. Great guy to trust if you like that kind of federal law enforcement.

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39bde7  No.13593172


When to use hanged: Hanged is the simple past and past participle form of the verb hang, in the sense of putting a noose around a person’s neck to strangle them to death, or to break their neck in the fall from the gallows.

When to use hung: Hung is also the past tense of hang. However, it should never refer to a person hanging by his or her neck. Rather, it refers to any other type of hanging.

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813a14  No.13593173

File: bd5da348daece29⋯.png (71.87 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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65d018  No.13593174

File: 753bed1a44e92d0⋯.png (4.52 MB, 1418x1450, 709:725, 07890921096843.png)

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2155ae  No.13593175


In 2012, my dad, at the age of 88, died shortly after receiving a flu shot. He was in good health before he received the shot. No major health issues. Of course, I can't prove the flu shot killed him, but I always suspected that it did.

I have never gotten a flu shot myself.

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259fd5  No.13593176

File: b05cf3946ab4926⋯.png (805.65 KB, 1020x855, 68:57, ClipboardImage.png)


What is ElectionGuard?=

Alex Thornton

Mar 27, 2020

Every election year, millions of Americans are eligible to cast their ballots to elect officials ranging from members of school boards to the President of the United States. Those millions of voters need to be confident that the democratic process is carried out without interference.

However, in recent years, technology designed to help elections run smoothly has been targeted by those seeking to influence, subvert or sabotage democracy.

That’s why Microsoft has been working with governments, NGOs, academics and industry on the Defending Democracy Program. One of the key components is ElectionGuard.

[Read more: Another step in testingElectionGuard]

What doesElectionGuarddo?

ElectionGuardis a way of checking election results are accurate, and that votes have not been altered, suppressed or tampered with in any way. Individual voters can see that their vote has been accurately recorded, and their choice has been correctly added to the final tally. Anyone who wishes to monitor the election can check all votes have been correctly tallied to produce an accurate and fair result.

Why do we need it?

There is overwhelming evidence that attempts have been made to target digital election infrastructure. For example, during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, actors sponsored by the Russian state infiltrated voter registration databases as part of a wider campaign of election interference. Fortunately, there is no evidence of any successful tampering with actual votes.

But, as Josh Benaloh, Senior Principal Cryptographer at Microsoft Research, explains, vote casting and tabulation systems are extremely vulnerable. “The challenge is asymmetric. In the U.S., elections are run locally – mostly by counties, sometimes even by townships – yet the attackers can be nation states. It’s simply not reasonable to expect a small county government can withstand an attack from a nation-state attacker.”

How does it work?

Because attacks cannot always be prevented, it is vital that they are detected, so that voters know if the result can be trusted. That requires stringent auditing.

Election monitors carry out spot checks on individual ballots in what is known as risk-limiting audits. ButElectionGuardallows for a much more comprehensive – and public – audit, by providing end-to-end verifiability.

Each vote is encrypted and given a unique identifier. The voter is given a tracking code that lets them check that their vote goes through the system unchanged and ends up in the final tally.

Not every voter needs to track their ballot to ensure the system maintains its integrity. In fact, if just 1% of voters nationally check that their ballots are correctly encrypted and tallied, it would be almost impossible for anyone to tamper with more than 100 votes out of 100 million without being caught.

At the same time, the way the encrypted votes are tallied can be checked by anyone to make sure that each candidate gets the correct number of votes.

Will anyone be able to see who I have voted for?

No. The principle of secret ballots means that not only should each person’s vote be private, it must be private, so that votes cannot be bought, sold or coerced.

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259fd5  No.13593178


ElectionGuarduses something called homomorphic encryption to ensure that nobody can tell how a person voted. In fact, even the voter cannot use the tracking code to prove to anyone else how they voted – they will only be able to prove that their vote wasn’t changed.

It is also possible to add up encrypted data so that only the final tally can be decrypted. This means that people can check the final tallies without seeing any information about the individual votes.

Will it change the way elections have to be run?

No. ElectionGuard is designed to work with current voting systems, and Microsoft has been working alongside manufacturers and vendors to incorporate it into existing infrastructure (although it won’t be available for the Presidential election in November, and won’t be widely deployed for some time). Paper ballots can be scanned and voting machines used as they are now. The only difference voters will see is the unique tracking code they are given at the end, which they can choose to use or throw in the trash.

Spot checks and administrative audits can be carried out by the members of the existing canvassing boards who currently decide on whether ballots are eligible or spoiled, with built-in safeguards to make sure no individual can either disrupt or influence the verification process.

[Read more: Protecting democratic elections through secure, verifiable voting]

How can we trust it?

The fundamental principle behindElectionGuardis that it gives the power to check whether elections are valid to individuals. Every single voter has the ability to verify their own vote – most likely on public websites set up by election boards or local authorities. And anyone can use a verification program to check the final tallies.

Nobody has to just take Microsoft’s word for it – or anyone else’s for that matter. ElectionGuard is a set of open source software components that can be accessed here. Anyone with the programming skills can create their own verification tool. In practice, this means every political party, candidate, news organization or pressure group can run their own checks and make their preferred program publicly available for others.

The first pilot has already been successfully carried out in an election in Fulton, Wisconsin.

Is this just a way of Microsoft making money off elections?

ElectionGuard is not a for-profit enterprise, and Microsoft will make no money from it. The technology is being developed and piloted with multiple stakeholders, and is freely available to anyone who wishes to use it, whether in the U.S. or in democracies around the world.


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65d018  No.13593179

File: 744caef1d2dbbf2⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1011x1027, 1011:1027, 8754198954.png)

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e89eaf  No.13593180

File: cddd6973952a670⋯.png (54.73 KB, 255x226, 255:226, covfefe.png)

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6e55dd  No.13593181


They are both past tense forms, so depends on what your trying to say. kek

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65d018  No.13593182

File: d30945dc44c17b2⋯.png (1.04 MB, 871x928, 871:928, 908631269885657.png)

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65d018  No.13593183

File: 4c3573e93298b45⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1185x875, 237:175, 08977526154687.png)

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53484a  No.13593184


Hung is what HRC will be

Hanged is what John Holmes was

appears they are interchangeable like funguses and fungi

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5d3e26  No.13593185

File: ac61b7caba98b0c⋯.jpg (340.87 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20210411_202958….jpg)

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866393  No.13593186

File: 83d274aa5f7439f⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 683x366, 683:366, richard_madcow.jpg)


she needs to read the Wake TSI .pdf

the ballots are being weighed, checked with UV-A & UV-B light and "compared to representative samples" and so forth

this is not a simple recount.

the results may well be different, but they will most likely be damning.

the consequence is not a do-over, but criminal prosecution and the eventual dsiqualification of the election

and thus the current government (the line of succession is also invalid).

EAM activist keks in RED4 (NORTHCOM, newfags)

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65d018  No.13593187

File: b09edb38c7a86f9⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1472x1032, 184:129, 7865408289075859.png)

File: a3f0944f16636ba⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1316x1682, 658:841, 197546278.png)

File: b09edb38c7a86f9⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1472x1032, 184:129, 7865408289075859.png)

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08bbd3  No.13593188


She will suicide before she'd hang.

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0ccea4  No.13593189


What does that mean in English?

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65d018  No.13593190

File: 18cfbd76619b2a2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 915x863, 915:863, 65830_7120_76543.png)

File: db7696e52e92588⋯.png (429.92 KB, 1097x825, 1097:825, 581206854.png)

File: 18cfbd76619b2a2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 915x863, 915:863, 65830_7120_76543.png)

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849843  No.13593191

File: ee5755df87c5ab0⋯.png (33.81 KB, 673x193, 673:193, Screenshot_from_2021_05_05….png)

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35898b  No.13593192


"pull peoples' legs"


I guess you are very stupid.

Why would you trust him?

He betrayed our best President?

Just as they all did.

DJTP gave him a choice, a chance to do the right thing. Barr turned away. He took another path. Now, the consequences; whether spiritual or physical

His last meeting with TrumpPOTUS on camera, Barr turned away in shame.. He couldn't look DJT in the eye

That said it all

No, he's a verified pig.

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10ae3b  No.13593193

File: b9165843fb93b26⋯.png (455.14 KB, 793x543, 793:543, jspr.png)


>he was hot shit in the 70s

He was a sleeze celebrity, comparable to Jerry Springer [who used to be the mayor of Cincinnati].

He hit the big time with his failure of Al Capone's vault fame.

Career was built on a joke. He's a joke.

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980c66  No.13593194

File: 509e24c4888bb54⋯.png (489.18 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e2bb39e05c27b5⋯.png (448.47 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13eb55852c831c5⋯.png (490.6 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2512d07120ae373⋯.png (477.48 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff847c05e685ada⋯.png (882.44 KB, 1439x2170, 1439:2170, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada-wide EBS test today, 5/5 at 12:55pm (or 1:55, 10:55, etc. depending on time zone.). Several provinces cancelled. Of note, the next round is scheduled for 11/17.


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48ae62  No.13593195

Positive energy is Gaining.

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7bd4a2  No.13593196


You don't, you now turn on your computer and are taken where they want you to be, seeing what they want you to see.

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a59342  No.13593197

File: 907b3a30742e3b1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 690x664, 345:332, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 107771e018594ea⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1181x669, 1181:669, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 556ff4d08cc62d1⋯.png (327.9 KB, 661x631, 661:631, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593198


Fucking progressive who calls himself a republican. Fuck Gerry Rivers.

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a04217  No.13593199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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774a65  No.13593200

File: 3c8092f826c1d2b⋯.jpg (308 KB, 789x459, 263:153, 3c8092f826c1d2b408c421e581….jpg)



Well maybe this was his deal to come clean? Q said some good people were forced into evil.

As of right now I trust him. He plays the bagpipes for fuck's sake.

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65d018  No.13593201

File: 68a18d01c29a045⋯.png (255.45 KB, 1050x946, 525:473, 216976004764.png)

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e1d669  No.13593202

File: a3a251ef3d06ead⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, rachel_going_nervous_on_au….mp4)


Nothing to see here, move along, PANIC PANIC PANIC

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44af19  No.13593203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Way

- Zack Hemsey

The Way you live. The Way you die.

Live honorably, die honorably.



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6e55dd  No.13593204


Not if she thought she'd never lose. kek

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35a489  No.13593205


Well, fuck…

I've never been good at following.

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c9c709  No.13593207


third time with my mom fren. She is strong and will never give up. although she watches cnn daily

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5593ab  No.13593208

File: 892fb496ab38513⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, is_it_night_shift_yet.png)


Too funny. TYB

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813a14  No.13593209

File: 209a278a7724047⋯.png (19.98 KB, 922x226, 461:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff398f98a67326b⋯.png (42.02 KB, 841x501, 841:501, ClipboardImage.png)


>When to use hanged



future tense hanged


hanged by the neck till dead

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65d018  No.13593210

File: 85995d1579d09f1⋯.png (672.48 KB, 898x899, 898:899, 1890347865412976543.png)

File: 0d54a780dce309e⋯.png (937.81 KB, 1204x1112, 301:278, 88627435004.png)

File: d719c05df2578f4⋯.png (680.85 KB, 898x899, 898:899, 5621560785398.png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593211

Good job Sean. Kaitlyn, good job.

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a81f84  No.13593212

File: 9e5be3d6ca82cb0⋯.png (855.98 KB, 720x481, 720:481, ClipboardImage.png)


So you don't know how to do a simple internet search.

You also deliberately misconstrue the answers to perpetuate what is becoming rapidly apparent as a big ghey slide.

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4f757c  No.13593213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony COVID-19

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e701cd  No.13593214

File: 26581dce40a5891⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_29012021125048.jpg)

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65d018  No.13593215

File: a2a29a7af03a8d8⋯.png (431.85 KB, 1139x969, 67:57, 12659087121132.png)

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48ae62  No.13593216







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8c57d5  No.13593217


I’m cool with that

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f8917e  No.13593218


It's just like in the WWE… all the players that Trump trusts have scripted parts, rotating in and out

of protagonist and antagonist positions as needed. Eventually the primary cast will be revealed

in this script, however, as their covers will be so obviously blown.

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259fd5  No.13593219

File: 2c81f01a66314e6⋯.png (743.72 KB, 1026x956, 513:478, ClipboardImage.png)

ElectionGuard available today to enable secure, verifiable voting, Smartmatic

Sep 24, 2019 | Tom Burt - Corporate Vice President, Customer Security & Trust

In May, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announcedElectionGuard, a free open-source software development kit (SDK) from our Defending Democracy Program.ElectionGuardis accessible by design and will make voting more secure, verifiable and efficient anywhere it’s used in the United States or in democratic nations around the world. Today we’re announcing thatElectionGuardis now available on GitHub so that major election technology suppliers can begin integratingElectionGuardinto their voting systems.

TheElectionGuardresources available on GitHub today extend across four GitHub repositories, or storage spaces, each described below.

=ElectionGuardspecification. TheElectionGuardspecification includes both “informal” and “formal” road maps for howElectionGuardworks. The informal spec is authored by Dr. Josh Benaloh of Microsoft Research and provides the conceptual and mathematical basis for end-to-end verifiable elections withElectionGuard. The formal spec contains detailed guidance manufacturers will need to incorporateElectionGuardinto their systems, including a full description of the API – which is the way voting systems communicate with theElectionGuardsoftware – and the stages of an end-to-end verifiable election.

Software code. This repository contains the actual source code vendors will use to build theirElectionGuardimplementations. It is written in C, a standard language commonly used by open-source software developers and includes a buildable version of the API. This documentation is also viewable here. This code was built together with our development partner Galois.

Reference verifier and specification. As we announced in May,ElectionGuardenables government entities, news organizations, human rights organizations, or anyone else to build additional verifiers that independently can certify election results have been accurately counted and have not been altered. The resources available on GitHub today include a working verifier as well as the specifications necessary to build your own independent verifier.

Ballot marking device reference implementation. Voting system manufacturers will be free to buildElectionGuardinto their systems in a variety of ways. At the Aspen Security Forum in July, we demonstrated a sample voting system, built with the help of industrial designer Tucker Viemeister, that we believe showcased a great way the features enabled byElectionGuardcan be used in voting systems. The ballot marking device we demonstrated included accessibility features built under the guidance of the Center for Civic Design, authors of the original “Anywhere Ballot,” and incorporated the Xbox Adaptive Controller as an optional device to mark ballots. The ballot marking device open source repository released today includes a variety of tools and visuals necessary to build or augment real-world election systems using the best ofElectionGuard.

These are exciting steps that enable individual voters to confirm their vote was properly counted, and assures those voters using anElectionGuardsystem of the most secure and trustworthy vote in the history of the U.S. As we’ve previously announced, all major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporateElectionGuardinto their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, HartInterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.

Finally, we’ve continued progress toward pilot programs, including work with Columbia University’s Columbia World Projects, that will put voting systems runningElectionGuardin the hands of voters for the 2020 elections or sooner. We look forward to sharing more on these pilots shortly.


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65d018  No.13593220

File: 268682ddf1c05d7⋯.png (419.24 KB, 979x1066, 979:1066, 447811276597634689.png)

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90ae4b  No.13593221


>he learned to survive in the swamp and still be a conservative

I think you may miss understand what it means to be a swamp creature and what it means to be a conservative. Of course if you mean a conservative politician, that is no different than a swamp creature, so then you are right. as you were

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774a65  No.13593222

File: 14a0331072ba577⋯.jpg (62.01 KB, 606x411, 202:137, 14a0331072ba5778f3460a206b….jpg)


Got it all figured out do ya? Not bad.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see and watch who wins.

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65d018  No.13593223

File: 0d787e683669fc3⋯.png (347.21 KB, 982x883, 982:883, 547890064568.png)

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b0af69  No.13593224

File: 51c63ebe2f60841⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 640x360, 16:9, snapshot.jpg)

Kek. Look what Natalie Harp just showed on OAN.


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813a14  No.13593225


>he was hot shit in the 70s

he was hot shit in the 70s

fuck off with your 90s jerry springer

if you werent there youre just a baby

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6e55dd  No.13593226


Learn to bake and take back the kitchen. IJS

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0bbb17  No.13593227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE now

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35898b  No.13593228

File: 6232b9e758de73d⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, truckrearview.png)

File: 99c0a49232a2f82⋯.png (987.24 KB, 1211x755, 1211:755, truckrearviewcrop.png)

File: 1954fc6b4b432d0⋯.jpeg (307.23 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, truckexam2.jpeg)




Oh and did I mention "coward"

Yes, and a coward.

Total hypocrite.. Gives the good talk but won't live by it.

And grins the whole way

Fuck him.

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48ae62  No.13593229

Are we the Cyber Ninjas?

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000000  No.13593230

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65d018  No.13593231

File: 2537220b8df4287⋯.png (701.15 KB, 936x744, 39:31, 654890712089643.png)

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44af19  No.13593232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Way

- Zack Hemsey

The Way you live.

The Way you die.

Live honorably; die honorably.



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65d018  No.13593233

File: 8dc9a0fdd1a7b39⋯.png (184.5 KB, 1031x424, 1031:424, 56908712908634.png)

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a59342  No.13593234

File: 3f2bb9a3af0bf0e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1178x661, 1178:661, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 4180d9b034fe9e4⋯.png (688.88 KB, 891x668, 891:668, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: b4af75fe2a350f6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1268x667, 1268:667, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 6cd2b56257b6e7f⋯.png (215.4 KB, 424x267, 424:267, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593235


No flu shot ever for me also anon. And……………I don't ever get the full blown flu.

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a81f84  No.13593236

File: 83477ac350b42c3⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GN2.jpg)


Surely you meant Defer not differ.

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75f1d1  No.13593237

File: 2337e34a1bdad6f⋯.png (18.34 KB, 336x239, 336:239, ClipboardImage.png)

check the delta

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0ccea4  No.13593238


Love all the Barr Panic.

Please, do keep it up!

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5d3e26  No.13593239

File: 97a5c152019511c⋯.gif (73 KB, 220x165, 4:3, 20210504_004453.gif)

Trust me.

It's bait

the end will not be for everyone

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2155ae  No.13593240


Did you tell her that CNN stands for Communist News Network?

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7bd4a2  No.13593241

If you're the type of person to post shit like, "Hillary was hanged a week ago" or that everyone is in gitmo and their clones are functioning now, then my best advice to you is fill a plastic bag with model glue, put it over your face, lay down and breathe deeply till you fall asleep. You do not deserve to breathe the valuable oxygen or be in our company. Seriously, for the good of humanity and preservation of the gene pool, remove yourself from it. I beg of you.

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5613fa  No.13593242

File: f1cfceb3256fa82⋯.png (83.15 KB, 667x876, 667:876, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc070c2812e67dc⋯.png (356.13 KB, 681x846, 227:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b369d924d48da4f⋯.png (332.35 KB, 701x836, 701:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 598c2e6ddf86ad8⋯.png (315.26 KB, 720x832, 45:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9df0e00bb0f68a5⋯.png (321.8 KB, 684x786, 114:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Special Interests Funded $110K-Plus of Globetrotting Lavish Travel for Democrat Ron Kind

Democrat Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) has taken more than $110,000 worth of special interest-funded lavish trips, filings with the U.S. House Ethics Committee reveal.

Documents show that between March 2001 and August 2019, Kind took at least 14 trips valued at $110,665—all funded by special interest groups. He has taken trips everywhere from Tel Aviv to Geneva to Rome to Munich to Fort Lauderdale to New Orleans to Houston to Seattle and more, funded by various different special interest groups and corporations.

The documents, while filed with the House Ethics Committee as required by congressional ethics regulations, have not been publicly reported until now. Kind’s office declined to make the congressman available for an interview to explain his high-class globetrotting on special interest groups’ dimes, and would not provide a comment in response to these revelations. It’s worth noting that instead of doing her job and answering press inquiries about her boss’s extravagant travel, Kind’s congressional office communications director, Sarah Abel, has been firing off nasty tweets and retweets about Republicans in the past two days since Breitbart News began inquiring about this with her.

Perhaps most importantly, Kind represents Wisconsin’s third congressional district—a battleground seat that Democrats are particularly worried they may lose should Kind decide against seeking reelection or should he lose if he faces the voters again. Former President Donald Trump won this district twice, both in 2016 and 2020, but Republicans did not flip it. Retired Navy SEAL Derrick Van Orden, who was the GOP nominee for the seat in 2020 and nearly defeated Kind last year, is running again against the endangered Democrat. Democrats are particularly afraid that Kind may decide to either retire after his decades in Congress, forgoing reelection and thereby all but surrendering the key seat to Republicans, or run for another office such as the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, thereby also surrendering the House seat. The pressure is building on Kind to make a move, and soon, all while scandals torment the vulnerable House Democrat.



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65d018  No.13593243

File: a00c118481f6dd2⋯.png (577.35 KB, 776x1030, 388:515, 771175078654.png)

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a76de9  No.13593244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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234631  No.13593245

File: 3460bb295205f36⋯.png (555.35 KB, 530x794, 265:397, anderson_cooper_and_gloria….png)


I feel sorry for the people who watch that and take it serious.


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48ae62  No.13593246



I'm Pulling 6g's atm

God I love you fags

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65d018  No.13593247

File: c6afaa19a9aaab4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1155x898, 1155:898, 53489721654207543.png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593248


What's going on with Sidney? She fell right off the map. btw…………..where's that fucking KRAKEN?

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e6e820  No.13593249

aye como

el daniel puta guey QEHY joto maricon

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44af19  No.13593250


wrong track…see >>13593232

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259fd5  No.13593251

File: 9a887e867d73e64⋯.png (878.64 KB, 1016x880, 127:110, ClipboardImage.png)

Microsoft pushes open-source software kit ElectionGuard to election agencies, InterCivic voting-tech vendors


Election officials around the U.S. could soon have access to an open-source software development kit from Microsoft that is intended to make voting more secure and transparent.

The software kit, calledElectionGuard, will allow third parties to validate election results and voters to ensure their ballots were correctly counted, according to Microsoft. Each voter would get a unique code to track the encrypted version of his or her vote to confirm that it was not altered.

“It will not be possible to ‘hack’ the vote without detection,” Tom Burt, a Microsoft corporate vice president, asserted in a blog post Monday. He touted the kit’s use of homomorphic encryption, which will allow votes to be counted without decrypting the data, as a feature that will protect votes individually and collectively.

The software, which will be available starting this summer to election agencies and vendors, is meant to supplement, rather than replace, paper ballots. Its code will be posted to GitHub, and can be layered onto existing voting software for added integrity.

The tech giant plans to haveElectionGuardready for piloting in the 2020 elections — a vote that federal, state, and local officials are already preparing to secure. Last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray said protecting the 2018 U.S. midterm elections from foreign meddling was a “dress rehearsal for the big show” of the 2020 presidential contest.

Some election security experts welcomed Microsoft’s decision to take the initiative on the issue.

“By providing an open-source method for voters, advocates, and researchers to verify that cast votes have been counted accurately, Microsoft has shown its corporate commitment to bringing trustworthy elections to everyone,” said Maurice Turner, senior technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology. “I hope that other companies will follow this example and push the technical envelope toward safe and secure elections.”

Aaron Wilson, senior director of election security at the nonprofit Center for Internet Security, said his organization believes “this technology has significant potential to improve the future of voting.”

It will be up to the country’s big election-equipment vendors – Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic – whether to incorporate the new software kit into their systems. Of those three, Microsoft said that ES&S and Hart InterCivic were exploring how to deploy the software. The three companies have been under increasing pressure to take more measures to improve their products for 2020 and beyond.

Steven Sockwell, vice president of marketing for Hart InterCivic, said his company would test through a pilot program with the vendor’s own voting software, Verity.

“Verity would operate the way it currently does but would also support providing individual voters with the codes needed to track and validate their ballot as described in the ElectionGuard program materials,” Sockwell told CyberScoop in an email.

An ES&S spokesperson said the company is “exploring the potential for how this new [software development kit] could be incorporated into ES&S voting systems, and we are excited to see its development and learn more about this emerging technology.”

Kay Stimson, vice president of government affairs at Dominion Voting Systems, said her company is “very interested in learning more about the initiative and being able to review the various prototypes that are being planned, along with hearing more about other federally-supported efforts in the elections space.”

Galois, an Oregon-based systems-engineering company, is helping develop code for ElectionGuard. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has given Galois a $10 million contract to build an open-source voting on secure hardware. Microsoft cast the ElectionGuard initiative as part of that quest for “end-to-end” verification of voting results.


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0ccea4  No.13593252


I believe the behemoth to be the T-Rex (strength in loins and belly, tail like a cedar swing back and forth).

The Leviathan is a bit trickier; it may be a "sea serpent" that we don't really know about anymore, or it may live so deep we never saw it.

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65d018  No.13593253

File: 92e5905e9aeccce⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1155x898, 1155:898, 09890712096843.png)

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430f73  No.13593255

File: 5eb252cdd66f74a⋯.png (138.57 KB, 398x635, 398:635, Screenshot_2021_05_05_Nico….png)

File: 0fc4ed9ca84c5d3⋯.jpg (257.54 KB, 1278x1340, 639:670, E0qvIv3VEAQ0h8t.jpg)


@CivilRights Division asking @FannKfann for answers related to "at least two issues of potential noncompliance with federal laws enforced by the Department"

@SecretaryHobbs also plans to talk to DOJ this week & lay out a list of concerns on the #AZAudit front





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cf8e1b  No.13593256

File: c8d53c9e63f2b4a⋯.png (503.41 KB, 646x494, 17:13, sm2.png)

File: 8e71eb72b8e0fb2⋯.png (857.58 KB, 976x678, 488:339, mask1.png)

File: c5b4f12250becc0⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1336x890, 668:445, debla.png)

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e6e820  No.13593257


spend more shekels on dostracting us from your gaylord poleland

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f8917e  No.13593258


Rotated out. All parts are temporary until they're not.

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e701cd  No.13593259

File: ecca72188888b9f⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 365x338, 365:338, 42c0352bc2b4e275b8ff4a0ccb….jpg)

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65d018  No.13593260

File: 0584b8d96a3fbe0⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1155x898, 1155:898, 22143507896543.png)

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0ccea4  No.13593261


Didn't fall off the map; got sued for $1.3Billion by Dominion peeps.

So, they're in bunker mode, full on war room protocols.

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5d3e26  No.13593262


Reverse this curse.


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35a489  No.13593263


Can't argue with your logic. Not yet in a position to do so, but have been trying to think of a way to change that.

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e6e820  No.13593264

double gasketed features good

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89807d  No.13593265

File: 5d68733abb12060⋯.png (885.57 KB, 978x558, 163:93, CoralnRick2.png)



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4f757c  No.13593266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Lighting Of The Olympic Covid Cauldron - 7:23

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79348a  No.13593267

File: 575a9f7a1e06e04⋯.png (137.09 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 2018_10_21_14_56_17_copy_2.png)


>Can someone explain to me the difference between hanged and hung?

>Hillary Clinton was hanged a week ago Monday, at 9:05pm immediately after taps.

>The Ellen video supports the premise that Big Mike is hung like a donkey.

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cf8e1b  No.13593268

File: 1ebf32829a23889⋯.png (1.36 MB, 960x950, 96:95, nasa1.png)

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65d018  No.13593269

File: bb879b760449226⋯.png (722.57 KB, 972x718, 486:359, 9681230376115.png)

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c9c709  No.13593270

File: aacfc5261c70eb8⋯.jpg (3.26 KB, 299x168, 299:168, cry.jpg)

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c664d7  No.13593271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everything you say and do is convenient for you, and only you. Your vapid words are irrelevant. Continue to justify so you can sleep and live with yourself. It was never all about me. Shut out what has been done to my extended family, and label it necessary and deserved. You know who it was and what has been done, but choose to do nothing because of the 'environment'. After everything… you have no one's back except your own. Our family have paid a very hefty price to learn this.

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e701cd  No.13593272

File: 3f276e98e209b74⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 965x965, 1:1, ZomboMeme_29042021171806.jpg)

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e6e820  No.13593273


>double gasketed features good

66 million double gasketed featuress

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a04217  No.13593274

File: b64f1f076f81ee3⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 720x960, 3:4, b64f1f076f81ee3ecf378b87aa….jpg)

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33b13c  No.13593275


van halen belt

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65d018  No.13593276

File: e4f5c590e01af38⋯.png (668.72 KB, 522x433, 522:433, 547878963217545.png)

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813a14  No.13593277

File: d3abbb8f31fef05⋯.png (130.07 KB, 800x640, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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53484a  No.13593278


stop crying anon… it was straightened out

hanged refers to simple past and past participle hung is also past tense… but cannot refer to present tense

both can be used to relate to future in the case of will be

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65d018  No.13593279

File: f4d1c94e08ed38d⋯.png (286.25 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 564909786543.png)

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65d018  No.13593280

File: ffc4762ddb89f03⋯.png (286.02 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 56900078932175543.png)

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cf8e1b  No.13593281

File: dc461ac30bec9a1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1140x802, 570:401, news1.png)

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5d3e26  No.13593282

(Lb) >>13592735 (lb)

The binding of "the prince of the power of the air, that workth in the children of disobedience"

-the bible

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a76de9  No.13593283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lets never forget this absolute gem

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813a14  No.13593284


with yogurt?

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866393  No.13593285

>>13593202 thank you


MSNBC Madcow broke the news that Cyber Ninjas are planning to go to Michigan

with a Q(anon) mention

msm is helping us, faggots!!!

troll level 9000

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e1d669  No.13593286

File: 5a829660ad7fbf0⋯.png (172.1 KB, 663x376, 663:376, ClipboardImage.png)



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a81f84  No.13593287


Buh Bye.

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7bd4a2  No.13593288


Leviathan is a blue whale. Behemoth is the elephant.

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849843  No.13593289

File: 09c2b2128f46211⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1790x1048, 895:524, may03_compTjr1.png)

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 0ebd88331c3f16352a1751579b….jpg)



>But2min deltawould normally indicate 5/3

so there was a 2 min delta on the 5/3

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65d018  No.13593290

File: c86303e130c47cc⋯.png (288.23 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 54789120543763.png)

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e35383  No.13593291

File: b92e326286fdaae⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1474x2044, 737:1022, 7CAA60BC_3F0E_43DF_ABE3_C….jpeg)

Never Forget

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e6e820  No.13593292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

guided three in the ass squat cobbler is hard

but double gasketed features

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35898b  No.13593293


Hes gone.

why would it be panic

It's hate.

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2155ae  No.13593294

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08bbd3  No.13593295

File: e3ea842fd0bd208⋯.jpg (356.5 KB, 2000x1126, 1000:563, maddow_bubbles.jpg)


We do not have a democracy.

We have a representative republic.

We also have an electoral college so this bitch is intentionally retarded to influence her unintentionally retarded audience.

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e89eaf  No.13593296


Holy crap, that place is amazing.

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6e55dd  No.13593297


Rebuke ye devil!

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6dda08  No.13593298

File: 08cf1c31e7d1230⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 666x360, 37:20, cheezle.jpg)

I had a dream last night. I dreamt I was a dove flying over the sea. And then I dove into the ocean… And I swam with the dolphins. I was two animals joined as one… which meant - good things are coming. Good things.

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0ccea4  No.13593299


Curious; why did you think that random post was aimed at you?

Fugazi? Fake?


Fake Promises?

Witness Protection?


Campbell? Is that you?

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65d018  No.13593300

File: 430882d8fbbbedd⋯.png (1.25 MB, 932x816, 233:204, 085497821908695.png)

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259fd5  No.13593301

File: b7c7064a40714f8⋯.png (470.5 KB, 960x935, 192:187, ClipboardImage.png)

Can Microsoft’s ElectionGuard Help The $300 Million Voting System Industry?

At a time when big tech increasingly faces scrutiny for compromising democracy, rather than protecting it, Microsoft MSFT -0.5% wants to restore trust among voters with itsElectionGuardsoftware. It was first tested during an election earlier this year in Fulton, Wisconsin as part of the company’s "Defending Democracy" project. It’s possible this new software could further reduce, and already low amount of voter machine tampering by making voting more modern and equitable for marginalized communities who are most impacted by voter fraud.

The Breakdown You Need To Know: Election season is an exciting time for most Americans, butCultureBanxfound that this time of year also brings voter suppression by way of lost votes, missing records and in some cases, mass confusion. Especially, when you consider the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report from last year that stated Black voters were the single largest demographic target of Russian trolls during the 2016 presidential election. Perhaps this is why only 55.7% of Americans voted in the 2016 election, a 20-year low. Bloomberg reported that voting machines can be compromised with little effort due to minimal governmental regulation. The outlet found that it happened on election day November 5, 2019 in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Also, it’s a bigger business than most realize, as the machines bring in $300 million in annual revenue.

Microsoft’sElectionGuardfix entails instead of using paper ballots, voters would make their selections on digital tablets. CNN reported the information is then loaded onto plastic cards outfitted with memory chips, and inserted into a card reader that saves the votes to a computer. Last but not least it’s then printed onto a paper copy so that each ballot can be easily placed in a ballot box. Voters are able to log-in after the fact to make sure their vote was accounted for.

The main pros ofElectionGuardinclude a new form of encryption to secure votes and tally them in minutes. The system is not unhackable, in fact it's only designed to make it harder for hackers, by immediately showing the system has obviously been tampered with. Votes themselves are encrypted, so that nobody can see how an individual voted.

Free Election Security?: It’s important to note the biggest problem is finding a way to secure the many parts of the election system, which can vary widely across the country. Different jurisdiction’s throughout the country, often down to the county level, can choose their own voting mechanism. Fortunately, Microsoft’s software code is free and available to the public. The company saidElectionGuardwill work with any voting system.

Another problem with the current voting system is that half of U.S. votes are made on machines manufactured by ES&S, the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the country. They operate in 4,500 localities, 42 states and two U.S. territories. ES&S has managed to maintain control of its dominant market share. Since it often takes more than $1 million to get certified as a voting machine manufacturer, and Pro Publica reported ES&S routinely sues its competitors, innovative new businesses are unlikely to enter the ring. The company told CultureBanx they have “been in many discussions with Microsoft, exploring how to incorporate its technology.”

What’s Next: Microsoft hopes ElectionGuard will be widely adopted by the 2024 presidential election, even though they don’t expect it to be a major revenue driver for the company. They’re also fully aware it won’t be used during this presidential election.


Microsoft hopes ElectionGuard will be widely adopted by the 2024 presidential election, SHIT!

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cf8e1b  No.13593302

let's just say about 50$ of Americans support Q so its like 170 million

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39bde7  No.13593303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


either way

the end is the same

something doing the hemp dance

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0b4035  No.13593304

File: db59190e442b878⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 2C3384E6_E9B9_423C_A6E7_B9….png)


ty anon

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48ae62  No.13593305


I Know something you don't know

I gotta secret

I'm not tell you.

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6e55dd  No.13593306

File: a735784edcb68ee⋯.png (641.02 KB, 599x541, 599:541, Nancy_Pelosi_Black_Power.png)

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0ccea4  No.13593307

File: 1b35c384b461f32⋯.png (81.47 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6e820  No.13593308

66 million jews invaded poleland

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e35383  No.13593309

File: 9390938a6be635a⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 975x972, 325:324, 9CDD3FFA_2E86_4581_B2C0_A….jpeg)

File: 85cab077a60e925⋯.jpeg (167.14 KB, 865x896, 865:896, 1F58B13C_B8AB_4ED9_8B3A_4….jpeg)

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5763a1  No.13593310

>>13593251 Microsoft pushes open-source software kit ElectionGuard to election agencies, InterCivic voting-tech vendors



You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.


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2d0b23  No.13593311

File: ff14c2f38bb96ee⋯.png (771.72 KB, 852x561, 284:187, china_biden.png)

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cf8e1b  No.13593312

File: 794848446167dc5⋯.jpeg (300.31 KB, 1616x1216, 101:76, van_halen_belt.jpeg)

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25206b  No.13593313

File: b845fc00d19be51⋯.png (856.9 KB, 2300x1006, 1150:503, kim55newwQ55.png)

May 5





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90ae4b  No.13593314

File: e5908076390f1de⋯.png (261.67 KB, 474x265, 474:265, ClipboardImage.png)


doesn't appear that he usually wore one.


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fd168a  No.13593316

>>13593238 Barr is a career obfuscator and fixer. His job is to inoculate the Deepstate, protecting them from prosecution..

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e6e820  No.13593317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>but double gasketed features

double gasketed features make better ass gasm squat cobblers

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44af19  No.13593318


On now…excellent. I knew it was going to be good when I saw the channel. One of my favorites. Excellent taste in genre that is really for a very select group of people. Peace to you, Anon of that group. We walk among men.

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0ccea4  No.13593319

File: d2add9208dece71⋯.png (11.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


We have neither right now.

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4313f8  No.13593320


>EAM activist keks in RED4 (NORTHCOM, newfags)

i like you

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3ddbd9  No.13593321

File: 498ba2fdf8832e3⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, darkcitykiefer.jpg)

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672794  No.13593322

File: 62f136940a4fbe0⋯.png (155.66 KB, 592x601, 592:601, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST-IN: Arizona statehouse passes ban on Critical Race Theory. The bill is now headed to the senate.

Quote Tweet

Arizona Young Republicans


· 1h

Arizona House bans Critical Race Theory! Now headed to the State Senate!

7:53 PM · May 5, 2021

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e6e820  No.13593323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>but double gasketed features

>double gasketed features make better ass gasm squat cobblers

slo-mo buttstuff

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259fd5  No.13593324

File: b4f13557b81c169⋯.png (807.41 KB, 585x731, 585:731, b4f13557b81c169f42addd9f63….png)

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33b13c  No.13593325

File: 1ae8086ca0f93fb⋯.png (617.32 KB, 480x600, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)



happy cinco de mayo

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c664d7  No.13593326


There is no justice.

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0ccea4  No.13593327


Anyone with the price of admission?

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430f73  No.13593328

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0b4035  No.13593329

File: 52774330b9087a8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ns55.png)

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39bde7  No.13593330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


play that funky music

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e6e820  No.13593331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>but double gasketed features

>>double gasketed features make better ass gasm squat cobblers

>slo-mo buttstuff

>Disclaimer: this postQEHY$$$$$ double gasketed features

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0ccea4  No.13593332

File: 9446ac73863fb3d⋯.png (144.44 KB, 253x199, 253:199, ClipboardImage.png)


Agree to Disagree.

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430f73  No.13593333

File: 59aebc390b48485⋯.png (21 KB, 300x250, 6:5, jdTqCCsmNM_8.png)

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5613fa  No.13593334

File: af00f122297db37⋯.png (410 KB, 780x472, 195:118, ClipboardImage.png)

Vaccinated Doctor Dies in India of Virus: Report

A world-renowned infectious disease expert and Rutgers professor reportedly died of the virus in India, as India faces over 18,000 CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus deaths just in the first week of May.


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65d018  No.13593335

File: fc8cc636eb59c4d⋯.png (898.76 KB, 937x993, 937:993, 689712908743568546.png)

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65d018  No.13593336

File: a493dc47f6f65ff⋯.png (425.65 KB, 1587x852, 529:284, 30786715243786.png)

File: efcfb07fd8a5ab0⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1071x977, 1071:977, 6548078621906854.png)

File: 3f002f116bcfc10⋯.png (431.81 KB, 1570x833, 1570:833, 098712908654656.png)

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a76de9  No.13593337

File: 1d4313b98818130⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1901x824, 1901:824, ClipboardImage.png)

>besides evil

let us hope

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65d018  No.13593338

File: 0fc8b62e32e232f⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 9650790121683589.png)

File: 7d6f82178b72dc8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 939x816, 313:272, 45789612984365.png)

File: 0fc8b62e32e232f⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 9650790121683589.png)

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234631  No.13593339

File: 38ae3d4c1a184ca⋯.png (254.02 KB, 398x480, 199:240, pepe_ninja_blowgun.png)



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813a14  No.13593340

File: 2950bc1db7dd75e⋯.png (830.11 KB, 888x496, 111:62, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ccea4  No.13593341


This! Well done Mexianons! Celebrate Freedom Today!

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48ae62  No.13593342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1d669  No.13593343

File: 532597ff2038f48⋯.png (176.09 KB, 663x376, 663:376, ClipboardImage.png)





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08bbd3  No.13593344


Dolphins are actually shrewd vicious hunter-killers…sooooo dove (peace) and dolphin violence combine to make what?

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89807d  No.13593345

File: 243b6bbbee7ee64⋯.png (383.86 KB, 759x513, 253:171, Screenshot_2020_12_24_1234….png)



We are stupid.

We still holding on to Q.

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e6e820  No.13593346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

double gasketed features are a must for three in the ass squat cobler gasms

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90ae4b  No.13593347


>world-renowned infectious disease expert

the irony is thick

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b39ebf  No.13593348

File: 4d6141ecbc0dffe⋯.png (355.01 KB, 631x719, 631:719, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek, thanks Baker!

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65d018  No.13593349

File: 38cc1b6c4c1aefd⋯.png (324.98 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 5408970912096534543.png)

File: 0d991c54976d939⋯.png (431.03 KB, 738x843, 246:281, 2875430620968120965.png)

File: 38cc1b6c4c1aefd⋯.png (324.98 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 5408970912096534543.png)

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bfe2e6  No.13593350


Newsmax settled with Dominion. My Pillow Guy is begging Dominion to sue him. Think Newsmax should have talked to Mike before settling.

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7bd4a2  No.13593351



The Devil is the prince of lies. anyone professing Hillary was already hanged, or that anyone has been arrested and gone to gitmo is lying, therefore, they are acting under Satan. You are protecting them, your curse will reflect back upon you, sevenfold. God will show you the error of your ways and then lead you to the light. You're following satan. I rebuke you in the name of Christ almighty who promised me that no devils shall stand before me if I call upon his name! Behold the light of the LORD you foul henchmen of Satan! Burn!

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672794  No.13593352

so who has the passwords?

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813a14  No.13593353

File: e2259d13ed3df54⋯.png (585.99 KB, 700x365, 140:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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672794  No.13593354

File: dde1ac4e5fc24cf⋯.png (431.05 KB, 550x303, 550:303, ClipboardImage.png)


>so who has the passwords?

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5593ab  No.13593355

File: fe7841865be2825⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 2014x1063, 2014:1063, fe7841865be2825dbe6ea82148….jpg)

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4421a2  No.13593356

File: 1050026de5dd3fb⋯.png (180.14 KB, 630x346, 315:173, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

What's missing in this frame??

Can they make it any more obvious??

Kamala boarding AF2 to somewhere??

What kind of plane, 767??

Angle of engine and wing in foreground suggests we should easily see the nose of the plane.

That is, unless she's walking right into the cockpit.

Pic related.

Taken from video at link.

Maybe it's just me.


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5da131  No.13593357

File: c40562b5dc0eadf⋯.png (87.29 KB, 1380x719, 1380:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d3fbd958eea0e9⋯.png (445.72 KB, 966x940, 483:470, ClipboardImage.png)


Their site is shit. Here's the current number of deaths as reported in VAERS vs what they claimed to pull from VAERS. They don't sauce their shit either.

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4313f8  No.13593358


If only we could get Mister Maddow to say

there are anons

there is Q

there is no "Qanon"

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58f96c  No.13593359

File: 402629d5fe0e413⋯.jpeg (283.58 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage_3_.jpeg)

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866393  No.13593360


how many cyber ninjas

are anons?

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6dda08  No.13593361

File: f7e2f9680911b3e⋯.jpg (844.92 KB, 2771x3632, 2771:3632, robert_kennedy_jnr_holding….jpg)


I don't know anon I was quoting a shitty movie (that I love) though in all honesty yesterday I did walk behind a white dove and today I almost stepped on a snake in the road

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5d3e26  No.13593362

File: 49c73f8543a90f1⋯.jpg (45.73 KB, 665x375, 133:75, 58g1i7.jpg)

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e701cd  No.13593363

File: 90603c69a4599e2⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 00dc0f40827190d9ab780d529f….jpg)

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774a65  No.13593364

File: 0aea47e53610752⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 888x480, 37:20, 0aea47e536107520a7e26edf5f….jpg)

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e89eaf  No.13593365

File: eb7f7a0d67e3844⋯.png (1.69 MB, 905x1042, 905:1042, POTUS_katana.png)

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89807d  No.13593366

File: 241df64a53d9219⋯.png (158.2 KB, 833x607, 833:607, ninja.png)

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35819e  No.13593367



The ccp, of course

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3ddbd9  No.13593368

File: 6b131ab996d8e31⋯.jpg (76.01 KB, 619x576, 619:576, chrissycry_2_.jpg)


> Cyber Ninjas


> Cyber Ninjas

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d7cad5  No.13593369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kung Fu Hustle- Trump vs. Deep State Meme Wars

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672794  No.13593370

File: bf9529e4a694631⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1600x1264, 100:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bd4a2  No.13593371


More than one.

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cd964f  No.13593372

Ban all anime posters.

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a81f84  No.13593373



It's what they use for AF2 or for short hop AF1

It flew earlier today.

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35898b  No.13593374

File: e6eb99eabef0525⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 430x511, 430:511, adamschiff.jpg)


people who steal elections and override the opinion of the Majority shouldn't go around blathering about "democracy"

Since they've put their lies behind despotism

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813a14  No.13593375

File: 868d4d7cfe9abbe⋯.png (569.04 KB, 680x459, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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7369bf  No.13593376

File: 94c8bb81153c6b8⋯.jpg (83.55 KB, 716x761, 716:761, 20210505_201429.jpg)


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0ccea4  No.13593377

File: 61ef9532b2c8a6e⋯.png (124.67 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f790b03f9cbe7c⋯.png (118.23 KB, 187x269, 187:269, ClipboardImage.png)



You think this looks like a cedar tree swinging back and forth?

Did you flunk Sesame Street?

And since when did blue whales have noses?


Israel Will Be Restored

In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.

Did you learn this from the Jesuits?

Israel Will Be Restored

In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.

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5613fa  No.13593378

Big Corporations Oppose Texas Election Bills

Texas lawmakers are currently looking at two bills related to election integrity. They haven’t passed the bills yet, but major corporations are already coming out against the proposed election reforms.


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a81f84  No.13593379


To clarify it flew as Callsign AF2 today.

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672794  No.13593380





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65d018  No.13593381

File: aec0f4bf9985e4f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 813x822, 271:274, 59019543.png)

File: aec0f4bf9985e4f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 813x822, 271:274, 59019543.png)

File: aec0f4bf9985e4f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 813x822, 271:274, 59019543.png)

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259fd5  No.13593382

File: 92cf3c0efaceeb7⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 480x477, 160:159, 92cf3c0efaceeb77ac9475999c….jpg)

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65d018  No.13593383

File: 9fdf28fa8c6272c⋯.png (370.92 KB, 670x846, 335:423, 940924329832.png)

File: 02c709bff4ebaac⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1250x859, 1250:859, 6590808971266435.png)

File: 9fdf28fa8c6272c⋯.png (370.92 KB, 670x846, 335:423, 940924329832.png)

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6d9af7  No.13593384


FIRST ON CNN: Feds fine unruly and maskless airplane passengers as violent incidents increase


People do not consent to wear a mask because it block oxygen and breathing co2 is harmful.

Many doctors do not want there patients wearing a mask.

People do not consent to wearing a mask


CDC is not a governmental agency like the federal reserve they are breaking the law and business forcing masks are breaking the law

The Nuremberg Code: The Universal Right of Informed Consent to Medical Interventions has been Recognized in US Law Since at least 1914

Americans should not be forced to place things on their face where they cannot breath.

there is no mask research.

The airlines cannot play doctor togo around the laws and experimental masks and force people to wear one. FASCISM.

Wearing a mask is experimental and no proof it helps ….Airlines can not practice medicine and force this up all americns its unconstitutional and a war crime.

Will the airlines tie us up next ?

Will the airlines Force Vaccination ?

They must be held liable

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48ae62  No.13593385

File: 9bbbc442437dea1⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1599405830_Copy.mp4)

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35a489  No.13593386


Fuck a ban. Burn them at the stake, slowly… a NS specialty.

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0ccea4  No.13593387



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672794  No.13593388

File: 651b15fd7128ace⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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02bd99  No.13593389


luv this place

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774a65  No.13593390

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, adff74ce2f0bc6ad836deceb3….jpeg)

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c664d7  No.13593391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Too late for surprises. De la soul is dead. Nothing will make up for a lifetime of adversity, manipulation, and pillage. You know I will attempt to deck ya if you ever try to personally give me back something that is mine, or give me some crazy award. I want your body guards to hurt me. I had dreams of doing it on live television. I don't fit that image anymore, but fantasy is all I have. Go fuck yourself.

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866393  No.13593392


you want to hear about

the filter?

it's awesome

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65d018  No.13593393

File: 8bde28c7e46b2ed⋯.png (177.89 KB, 1289x260, 1289:260, 09876311475396764.png)

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a81f84  No.13593394


Don't ban them. Free speech is universal.

Just ridicule them like they deserve.

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2f8672  No.13593395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Can someone explain to me the difference between hanged and hung?

It's from the olden days.

Hung is the past tense of to hang when it means “to suspend or be suspended.” Hanged is the past tense of to hang when it means “to kill someone by tying a rope attached from above and removing the support from beneath.”

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c9b599  No.13593396


Dr. Peter Hotez is big on vaccines. Like Albert Bourla he appears to be Jewish.


He's getting really hostile to people who don't want "COVID" jabs. As in potentially threatening.


When I say "Jewish" I think he is really "Synagogue of Satan".

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430f73  No.13593397


She´s the ninja´s daughter, take care

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0ccea4  No.13593398


That may be true.

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6dda08  No.13593399


Might as well ban Q while you're at it

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bfe2e6  No.13593400


They were damn good. I liked VH with both DLR and Sammy Hagar. Eddie was a great player.

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89807d  No.13593401

File: c4cf1de95017c6f⋯.png (39.71 KB, 1414x660, 707:330, dedpoolpepe.png)


Fck'n KEK!

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259fd5  No.13593402

File: f39023db830ae8e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 500x752, 125:188, c2c8ba33bc243db861a499a73b….jpg)


Scratch your spheres good and proper!


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3ddbd9  No.13593403

File: 833136b744f790a⋯.jpg (163.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maddoww_2_.jpg)


a new founding myth….so stupid"

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25206b  No.13593404



Received it.

Like Clockwork

:55 was just a bonus KEK for Anons

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48ae62  No.13593405


I Have a Theory.

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813a14  No.13593406

File: 8b6f5de31897829⋯.png (1019.01 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)


> anime poster

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b39ebf  No.13593407


Not even close.

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65d018  No.13593408

File: 07592df3266807f⋯.png (775.03 KB, 1564x648, 391:162, 176494075644.png)

File: f3585757341c11d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1044x859, 1044:859, 0892139087456586976.png)

File: 5c77b8716d48617⋯.png (770.6 KB, 1565x649, 1565:649, 754762764116.png)

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20b5c2  No.13593409

File: 3608dda311adbb3⋯.png (574.06 KB, 717x717, 1:1, Drew_McKissmyass.png)

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a59342  No.13593410

File: d1aae2f26f3c4da⋯.png (720.62 KB, 665x594, 665:594, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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259fd5  No.13593411

File: 6e8302943f5914d⋯.png (767.69 KB, 745x960, 149:192, 5330b8b7ffc61a1b4a66ec140e….png)


Funny cause its true


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33b13c  No.13593412


that's seriously racist

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672794  No.13593413

File: 7f3a1ffcad1761d⋯.png (195.58 KB, 400x290, 40:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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55fccc  No.13593414

Rudyard Kipling was a Freemason. His poem “If” is Freemason fodder. Patriots are part of some mass ritual. I’ve included another of his works.

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65d018  No.13593415

File: 30e7c6600529aa0⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1472x1032, 184:129, 65489889754389.png)

File: 41cd46fa1b20494⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1316x1682, 658:841, 7327891285437.png)

File: 30e7c6600529aa0⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1472x1032, 184:129, 65489889754389.png)

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e89eaf  No.13593416

File: af45dad7abe5105⋯.png (626.17 KB, 526x526, 1:1, finishhim.png)

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03e794  No.13593417

File: 8449eb4f1544a7d⋯.png (349.97 KB, 801x642, 267:214, 8449eb4f1544a7d72a1c0a41e2….png)

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2155ae  No.13593418


I'd rather have the flu and get over it naturally, than to risk being injected with God knows what.

I did get the hepatitis series of 3 shots though, when it was offered to employees where I was working about 12 years ago. It seemed like a good idea to me at the time.

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1b75e8  No.13593419


This is the sort of crap that angry teenage girls say to each other. Why do angry boomers act like teenage girls so much?

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4a78c5  No.13593420

File: 0d8edce5f8b1170⋯.png (95.72 KB, 325x113, 325:113, ClipboardImage.png)

what's that on the right

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e6e820  No.13593421


66 million retarded bigot spams

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d36b9f  No.13593422





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bfe2e6  No.13593423


Crazy motherfucker holding a Snek.

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cf8e1b  No.13593424

File: dc2f2de26c68fe3⋯.png (1.06 MB, 978x814, 489:407, cyb.png)

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6c7f86  No.13593425

File: 3178f049365744e⋯.jpg (498.97 KB, 961x1264, 961:1264, 3178f049365744e143b739be60….jpg)

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65d018  No.13593426

File: 7fc6ff1533f1795⋯.png (750.65 KB, 1399x703, 1399:703, 7809721679543.png)

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e6e820  No.13593427

66 million reasons to punch tucker

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e1d669  No.13593428

File: b787ffe3a188e40⋯.png (674.55 KB, 500x886, 250:443, ClipboardImage.png)




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65935e  No.13593429




So if I'm RH-, plus blue eyed, plus left handed, does that make me an alien?

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4c9609  No.13593430

File: b5a2591a699e787⋯.jpg (294.15 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, web_cover_10_capricorn_1.jpg)

File: de9e6196bb3c738⋯.jpg (140.97 KB, 600x906, 100:151, capricorn.jpg)

File: b0638b9ec3b4d77⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 850x1220, 85:122, CAPRICORN_low_rez_for_stor….jpg)

File: fd5580622c72edd⋯.jpg (183.23 KB, 2400x1260, 40:21, capricorn_min.jpg)




More Dagon

Same as Moloch

Baal, Baphomet ect.

Other gods the worship.

"Wormwood" is the name of a star in Revelation 8:10-11: "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the star is Wormwood.

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234631  No.13593431


Got the link for the video?

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dd3621  No.13593432


There is only ever one protagonist and one antagonist. The others are supporting characters, some static, some dynamic. Time will tell.

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35898b  No.13593433

File: 298dd9b1bbae6c2⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, carterbideninversion.png)

looks like there's no plane there

Be careful you'll get harassed for being a "no planer'

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1b75e8  No.13593434


>if you tell the truth about jews, you're a bigot


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58f96c  No.13593435

File: f3a1c3ae7b82878⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 467x371, 467:371, EJ_ONXoXYAAqIIq.jpg)

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b39ebf  No.13593436


Ban all Israeli posters.

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e6e820  No.13593437

[ ]rtificial

[ ]dolatry

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55fccc  No.13593438

File: e47802fde635360⋯.jpeg (80.59 KB, 409x285, 409:285, 72D468D7_785C_43F2_A5B5_D….jpeg)

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33b13c  No.13593439

File: 95458173aad1293⋯.png (21.42 KB, 657x527, 657:527, pepechink.png)





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65d018  No.13593440

File: 5be09d656bb16c4⋯.png (592.75 KB, 687x517, 687:517, 877642776789.png)

File: 9dc4bd40a6a1417⋯.png (479.21 KB, 496x545, 496:545, 46780215654.png)

File: 5be09d656bb16c4⋯.png (592.75 KB, 687x517, 687:517, 877642776789.png)

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4a78c5  No.13593441

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5613fa  No.13593442

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity… Are you willing to take the risk?


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7369bf  No.13593443

File: d456bf3f677a3c6⋯.gif (725.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d456bf3f677a3c6d29df9e78ac….gif)



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a76de9  No.13593444

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6dda08  No.13593445

File: 60841c6ce99ec00⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 333x500, 333:500, believe.jpg)

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e6e820  No.13593446


[ ]rtificial

[ ]diocracy

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a81f84  No.13593447


You managed that without making the MuhJoo noise.

Well done.

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7bd4a2  No.13593448


Cool story bro. Believe whatever you learned from youtube gurus making videos in mom's basement.

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e6e820  No.13593449

tucker caught banging zane in the gape

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4313f8  No.13593450

File: ac0233f30e73f0e⋯.png (31.47 KB, 909x489, 303:163, hgkjhkjhre.PNG)


>Rudyard Kipling

he was right about Afghanistan tho

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bfe2e6  No.13593451






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e6e820  No.13593453

[ ]rtificial

[ ]srael

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d5dc9a  No.13593454

File: 7d9f819b722da33⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2590x1985, 518:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f193fa1c3614b37⋯.png (96.8 KB, 1066x583, 1066:583, melinda_gates_kevin_kline_….png)

File: 42eef6443822256⋯.png (384.83 KB, 798x595, 114:85, melinda_gates_kevin_kline.png)

File: eef2d014d6b0137⋯.png (4.67 MB, 2355x3843, 785:1281, they_switched_out_melinda_….png)

File: c09bffb30478b94⋯.png (442.41 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

MSM are publishing about Bill Gates relationship and specifically mentioning that she is married to Kevin Kline's brother.

They know, and anons were right again.

I still want to know what happened to the original Melinda Gates. She used to be shorter than Bill. We should really try and pinpoint when the switch happened. By all accounts, the original Melinda came from a relatively humble background. What happened to her?

<Melinda Ann French was born on August 15, 1964 in Dallas, Texas.[9][10] She is the second of four children born to Raymond Joseph French Jr., an aerospace engineer, and Elaine Agnes Amerland, a homemaker. Melinda has an older sister and two younger brothers.[11] Melinda, a Catholic,[12][13][14][15] attended St. Monica Catholic School, where she was the top student in her class

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938ff8  No.13593455

File: cce05a093423fad⋯.jpg (408.22 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, President_Trump_s_desk.jpg)

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0ccea4  No.13593456


Simple question.

Does the tail of the elephant remind you of a cedar tree?

Why do people like you turn your brain off, when your conditioning kicks in?

Feature, not bug?

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e1d669  No.13593457

File: f86d4998f4f8880⋯.png (746.68 KB, 500x1302, 250:651, ClipboardImage.png)



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75606b  No.13593458

4.11 - think mirror - 11.4

Think Keystone. Jesus is the only way.

"He is ‘the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.’ There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved."

Acts 4:11-12

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6d9af7  No.13593459


Parents do not consent Children will no twear a mask and the children donot need a vaccine

CDC guidance on children’s summer camps has gone so far that even Anthony Fauci couldn’t keep a straight face when asked to defend it.

On NBC’s Today Show, host Savannah Guthrie asked Fauci about the absurd CDC guidance on summer camps, which says that vaccinated adults and children have to wear mask outdoors unless eating, drinking, or swimming. This even though children are at low risk for severe COVID-19, and the risk of outdoor transmission is extremely low.

“I wouldn’t call them excessive Savannah, but they certainly are conservative,” Fauci responded, having to pause so he could start chuckling. “And I think what you are going to start to see is really in real time continually reevaluating that for its practicality. Because you’re right, people look at that and they say, ‘Well, is that being a little bit too far right now?’”

When you’re losing Fauci, maybe it’s time to rethink whether you’ve gone overboard.

Dr. Fauci on CDC guidelines that turn summer camps into outdoor prisons: “I wouldn’t call them excessive, I would say they’re conservative”

Wearing a mask is Fauci experiment same as the experimentalvaccine. PArents do not consent.

We want our children breathing oxygen not their own co2. Fauci experimental mask

FAUCI is a quack.


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e701cd  No.13593460

File: 44572dc153e8c84⋯.jpg (331.22 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, ZomboMeme_05052021222923.jpg)

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3ddbd9  No.13593461

File: 30db2701650e3f4⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 600x333, 200:111, bruceleestrong.jpg)

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43424a  No.13593462

File: 89a428a384d8f24⋯.png (195.19 KB, 839x233, 839:233, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


Where's the nose of the plane?

757 boards behind cockpit.

Pic 1: Kamala boarding today.

Pic 2: Pence boarding once upon a time.

Where is the front of the plane Kamala is boarding??

$20 bucks says they'll shop the nose in on the next photo op of her getting on AF2.

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7369bf  No.13593463

File: 128534b0976271b⋯.jpg (153.47 KB, 720x889, 720:889, 20210505_202416.jpg)

File: 508b30bf7a08e8f⋯.jpg (262.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20210505_202357.jpg)


NJ woman claims McDonald's wrapper was smeared with feces

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0ccea4  No.13593464


More "hollywood magic"?

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e6e820  No.13593465

66 million josh poops

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2155ae  No.13593466


Is that Greta?

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5613fa  No.13593467

Evidence: Voting Machines Had Unauthorized Implant to Circumvent Security in Michigan

Matthew DePerno, constitutional attorney in Michigan, revealed the forensic evidence shows Dominion voting machines had an unauthorized implant installed to circumvent its own security features.

DePerno said forensic images obtained in December 2020 show machines were connected to the internet, and evidence of “even remnants of foreign connections.”

“We’re the only case in the country that’s been actually able to look at forensic images,” he told War Room, Wednesday. “Dec. 6, 2020 we went into Antrim County and collected forensic images of [Dominion’s] election management system. We’ve been studying them since that time.”

DePerno and his team say they have “proof that voting machines used in the 2020 elections can be compromised and votes easily transferred from one candidate to another.”

DePerno said they uncovered a Microsoft “implant” installed on the machines that was not authorized by the election commission, “which means the actual system itself would be decertified.”

“You can use this type of program go directly in the database and circumvent any of these terrible easy security features Dominion has and manipulate any system they have,” he said.

“We’ve shown how unsecure they are,” DePerno said.

“Dominion wants to create this narrative which is a false narrative that their system is secured,” he said.

DePerno questioned the company’s legitimacy, when their machines could be so easily compromised.

“If you are a legitimate software company…that would be used in a national election there is no way that you would ever program a system that works like this,” he said.

DePerno said “it’s a complete lie” that his case in Michigan has no traction, or evidence.

“We have plenty of traction in this case, the evidence we have is actual evidence, it’s been verified over and over again,” he said.

“We put it into the court record,” Deperno said. “It’s right there for everyone to see.”


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d7cad5  No.13593468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump is the Kung-Fu Ninja that takes on the Deep State

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e6e820  No.13593469

66 million corndog xenujews

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4313f8  No.13593470


follow the (Kevin Kline) wives


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a81f84  No.13593471


Intradasting Anon.

Didn't look at it that way.

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e1d669  No.13593472

File: 285d4e5b447833c⋯.png (554.94 KB, 606x414, 101:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Noice , snekked, !!

stealth mode, gone in 3-2-1 poof kek !!

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ac89e8  No.13593473

Is it true I can really say Nigger Faggot on this site and not get in trouble?

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e701cd  No.13593474

File: 0c7431ee712366a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1289x685, 1289:685, clownado_trailer.png)

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89807d  No.13593475

File: 05eb296b8c5ba83⋯.png (866.05 KB, 750x563, 750:563, ClipboardImage.png)


Robots are the answer.

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f8917e  No.13593476


There's a big difference between "anti vaccine" and "anti covid 'vaccine.'" The Hep vaccines are true

vaccines, and actually prevent the diseases (I have them as well). Going to Sub-Saharan Africa?

Get the Yellow Fever vaccine. But these are tested, the side effects are known, which gives you

the tools necessary to make an informed cost-benefit analysis. The same is not true of the covid

"vaccines" and they aren't really vaccines, either, so there's that.

As for the flu vaccine, why? It barely works and the flu isn't that bad if you're reasonably healthy. Meh.

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e6e820  No.13593477

66 million stfu rachel madcow

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58f96c  No.13593478

File: 3249cc46bfd769c⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 396x435, 132:145, bruce_lee_chekt.jpg)

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33b13c  No.13593479

File: fa52efdeb005651⋯.gif (520.1 KB, 244x146, 122:73, nobodyl.gif)

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e6e820  No.13593480


m00 madcow m00

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a59342  No.13593481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1 Samuel

David and Goliath

17 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Sokoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. 3 The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them.

4 A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span.[a] 5 He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels[b]; 6 on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. 7 His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels.[c] His shield bearer went ahead of him.

8 Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose a man and have him come down to me. 9 If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us.” 10 Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.”

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65d018  No.13593482

File: 3efa787d8cf8fcb⋯.png (1.34 MB, 828x903, 276:301, 0947890129763467.png)

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c9b599  No.13593483

File: 474654f78ae46b9⋯.png (145.47 KB, 851x649, 851:649, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


Over 4,000 reports of death. The VAERS system is passive meaning as low as 1% of actual totals are recorded. The vaccine likely has already killed more people than SARS-CoV-2.

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65d018  No.13593484

File: 5f087be99fa56fe⋯.png (857.86 KB, 724x855, 724:855, 4561187863206532.png)

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849843  No.13593485

File: 1064375b219a9df⋯.png (30.79 KB, 499x303, 499:303, Screenshot_from_2021_05_05….png)

File: a84b56d4cd41d90⋯.png (173.95 KB, 933x471, 311:157, Screenshot_from_2021_05_05….png)

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4a78c5  No.13593486

File: 39ad9ef6479a8ed⋯.png (275.03 KB, 375x375, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


lurk moar

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89807d  No.13593487

File: bad2406c99ea5fc⋯.png (176.34 KB, 379x348, 379:348, GretaScruchy.png)

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980c66  No.13593488

File: c54021e19b7efca⋯.png (9.62 KB, 440x116, 110:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Chek'd (sortof, u gotta assume 0 is a placeholder/ NAN)

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e6e820  No.13593489


and another 66 million watch rachel madcow stfu

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813a14  No.13593490

File: a678a0832db6f5a⋯.png (284.9 KB, 318x373, 318:373, ClipboardImage.png)

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a81f84  No.13593491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah this is Greta

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48ae62  No.13593492

File: 98acf7487e2b1c5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 739x500, 739:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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5613fa  No.13593493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Swiss billionaire reportedly helped Dems win 2020

There are new reports that a Swiss billionaire quietly donated almost a quarter billion dollars to groups aligned with the Democratic party and its leaders, raising questions about the influence of so-called dark money in US politics. So who is this billionaire? And how is he aligned with the Dems?


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e6e820  No.13593494


we should rub our peepee on the jewish comic book

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866393  No.13593495

File: f9fb48d16ac8112⋯.jpg (139.14 KB, 1574x829, 1574:829, unisyn.JPG)


We have the only digital scan voting system built with JAVA

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35819e  No.13593496

File: 23b398d1db66986⋯.jpeg (30.49 KB, 400x250, 8:5, 51EEBA03_61E5_4BED_880F_7….jpeg)


I say, are you a traveling man?

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4c9609  No.13593497


Oh reaaally?!

You trust our government and the top GOP to let us know?

I'm sorry, you should retract that statement.

Who's going to warn us, Q?

We've alrady been warned.

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f8917e  No.13593498


Of course not, the angles are different. Completely.

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e6e820  No.13593499


get your peepee touched by old dudes for shekels

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2f8672  No.13593500


He served under Bush. No problems? Now he resurfaces? Why. Because he's a good guy? To make amends? Now he's a savior? Even if he's caught in a bind and now has to perform like the righteous soul he was intended to be. You trust him? Not me baby. Given a choice. I would destroy his bag pipes and drink his whiskey.

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30ef20  No.13593501

Anons, what do, freemason stepfather turned my mother against me, she loves me but was she always against me?

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65d018  No.13593502

File: fc736be0b724d44⋯.png (231.48 KB, 673x592, 673:592, 09650_37893456.png)

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6dda08  No.13593503

File: 6ebcfb3ad3a5973⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 500x207, 500:207, harry.gif)


It's true

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c9b599  No.13593504


Amen. Most right on post I've seen in a long time.

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e6e820  No.13593505


66 million young peepee touched

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5fe271  No.13593506


>funguses and fungi

Let's leave Leaf out of this.

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866393  No.13593507

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401099  No.13593508

File: 159d91a9f7a2da0⋯.webm (4.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, xxed.webm)

File: 6531b4b2c68a224⋯.png (798.38 KB, 1296x721, 1296:721, 6531b4b2c68a2241087192063c….png)

File: 0e310198e84764a⋯.png (770.65 KB, 800x800, 1:1, jD51_WCw4DUBM1Ile0s78el5iq….png)

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6d9af7  No.13593509



Fauci and his experimental masks. Fauci and his expperimental vaccine children have a 99.99 recovery ?

Now Fauci says this willnot end.

This is not science. Where is the science in the masks ?

We have a God given right to choose freely. Children will not wear a mask get a vaccine and learn about Trannys and BLM 1619 project

Parents and Children do not consent and will SUE in class actions across the country

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65d018  No.13593510

File: 2ba1b253a1e2a45⋯.png (212.93 KB, 1011x733, 1011:733, 8975419126426076.png)

File: 4f2ecae62b27ef8⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1255x845, 251:169, 3976243073115.png)

File: db9e03dbabc76df⋯.png (233.48 KB, 1013x739, 1013:739, 8077890745078.png)

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44af19  No.13593511


Puts the epic in epic music. If there's ever a Hall of Fame for EM, I'm voting this in. I've been in this niche when it was trailer music and movie music and love hundreds, if not thousands of tracks, but some stand out. As you know.

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e6e820  No.13593512


these ashtray memes get me hard for josh's mom

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25206b  No.13593513

File: 8b02883c6598eca⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1700x2400, 17:24, sr71bandbcandc.png)


From social media

Tied into Turkey comms

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a81f84  No.13593514


Go find a shrink.

This is not the place to seek life advice.

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d948bc  No.13593515

File: 44810b33b373525⋯.png (32.98 KB, 458x387, 458:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5dc9a  No.13593516

File: 3f3a3c0eaf4fa05⋯.png (377.42 KB, 798x595, 114:85, Happy_Rockefeller_looks_li….png)

File: 05e0be253f877ab⋯.png (415.8 KB, 684x464, 171:116, Happy_Rockefeller_looks_li….png)

File: 81f2ce2d5f6849d⋯.png (55.64 KB, 168x230, 84:115, Happy_Rockefeller_looks_li….png)

File: c15166d9c193506⋯.png (41.63 KB, 195x259, 195:259, Happy_Rockefeller_looks_li….png)

File: ed66d30dafcf5b3⋯.png (56.69 KB, 160x191, 160:191, Happy_Rockefeller_looks_li….png)


Though I think the Happy Rockefeller likeness deserves a bit more attention too..

No way does a man like Gates, with his and his father's eugenics background share an 11-digit fortune with a random girl from Dallas, for just no reason.

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65d018  No.13593517

File: 10e5988cfa247cb⋯.png (994.67 KB, 913x837, 913:837, 789961297863245.png)

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104d49  No.13593518


chek'd and kek'd

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4313f8  No.13593519


good movie

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e6e820  No.13593520


those fat bastards must be coCIAne sex idols of tweaker fake church

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813a14  No.13593521


the now melinda is kevin kliens younger brother

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000000  No.13593522

I just drank 66 ounces of Kentucky bourbon

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6e55dd  No.13593523

File: f149d6756f0a2ff⋯.png (964.46 KB, 662x665, 662:665, REEEE_Pepe_Warrior.png)

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65d018  No.13593524

File: 613749717e7f7ed⋯.png (1.38 MB, 638x1020, 319:510, 324508765.png)

File: e0b3a4883c7be64⋯.png (430.92 KB, 984x859, 984:859, 5789128453787676.png)

File: 613749717e7f7ed⋯.png (1.38 MB, 638x1020, 319:510, 324508765.png)

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53484a  No.13593525


agreed… I feel so ashamed now

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5650dd  No.13593526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mister Porter is my hero.

His neighbor sucks.

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7d2b4f  No.13593527

File: ef5749913551a8c⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POTUS_Q_clip.mp4)

File: 664f9fac7950e78⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, POTUS_Q_TH.mp4)

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e6e820  No.13593528


invade our poleland already spiritual spammer

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401099  No.13593529

File: abeecab3f4da3dc⋯.jpg (355.34 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 9bedc9e35cca22bd45a7f6b950….jpg)

File: 38a57c790557958⋯.jpg (297.05 KB, 1080x602, 540:301, Screenshot_20201107_115711….jpg)

File: bb2884c6ba7ccbc⋯.png (287.07 KB, 595x601, 595:601, sasasaasasa.png)

File: cc3e0df450de6d8⋯.jpg (260.86 KB, 1846x1249, 1846:1249, cc3e0df450de6d8b803d19335a….jpg)

File: 24d5afdd5db9cac⋯.jpg (215.31 KB, 1242x1238, 621:619, 24d5afdd5db9cac080926b4227….jpg)

Barr is gonna make all you traitors pay, you faggot childfuckers hahaha

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a59342  No.13593530

File: d2b6ee9ccbcd378⋯.png (1020.3 KB, 1238x572, 619:286, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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e6e820  No.13593531


66 million catsup packages

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0bf42e  No.13593532

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

They're not wrong, God Above All Wins

It's just they want you thinking unconsciously that god = satan when you say it.

God beats satan up daily.

Angels are blood shedding machines against his hordes.

The deep [in his own shit] sweetie never stood a chance~

They're not wrong, NCSWIC

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

It's just they want you thinking unconsciously that it means satans reign when you say it.

They are attempting to hijack the momentum of these Truths.

There's a key word in there~

In the simplest example, they post a holy picture with a satanic looking face at 1% alpha embedded inside.

On the surface, how could you be against that holy picture?!

Reality: Their main focus are the beliefs you hold over time, and if you see 100 pictures like that your internal associations will be twisted.

Sick yet?

Who will you be praying to, really, the next time they ask you to send their satanic Egregore energy pray for some really sick and pitiful sounding "anon"?

Because CIA FARMers see you as a fuel source. As a battery.

(That's why the babbler keeps saying "Energy Raising")

They. Tend. The. Fields. Of. People.

Do you understand why they're here?



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25206b  No.13593533

File: 884fb84169c3a3c⋯.png (875.57 KB, 2300x1006, 1150:503, kim55newwQ55.png)


KEK willed that one

Nice 88's

Added some bonus 555s to the May 5 Graphic

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6d9af7  No.13593534


Klain: Fauci Advised Us Herd Immunity ‘a Phrase that Doesn’t Really Apply’ to COVID

Facism to have business force vaccinations and masks. We do not consent tomasksandor vaccines. Our body our choice.

Lawyers lineup we want big class actions against these clowns

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e6e820  No.13593535


we should rub our peepee on it and put it back in the little oven

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89807d  No.13593536

File: aa2410f9b1c6f53⋯.png (259.49 KB, 514x454, 257:227, FuckFlynn.png)


We lost.

Q lost.

Trump lost.

This is our world.

Accept it.

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221c06  No.13593537

Ghost Ezra on Telegram

Anons… Disinformation outlet?

Anyone know?

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d5dc9a  No.13593538

File: e2dd1901e8b22e5⋯.png (4.98 MB, 4419x2379, 1473:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad3da1b4058d94b⋯.png (1.78 MB, 2212x1540, 79:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a947eb538d8302⋯.png (534.66 KB, 1412x572, 353:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5af36383146b90a⋯.png (655.05 KB, 1172x764, 293:191, ClipboardImage.png)

reposting this Roy G Cole / Roy G Biv / USS Cole connection, from heel of PB

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58f96c  No.13593539

File: 9632eb56b165c16⋯.mp4 (331.84 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 55340314_1882570675181064_….mp4)

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65d018  No.13593540

File: d6fc90989849896⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1528x852, 382:213, 987892987596.png)

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c9b599  No.13593541

File: 796b02c832dfe7c⋯.png (52.57 KB, 716x236, 179:59, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


Hep B series in an adult MIGHT make (a little) sense for certain people. However, the reason babies in the US are given it, is to deliver so much aluminum to the infant's brain that they WILL be damaged.

SAUCE (from 2018)


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d7cad5  No.13593542

File: 1b90510c0780b5b⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 994x645, 994:645, 1b90510c0780b5b268a5e39bf3….jpg)


Early filtered for cross bread same picture and reddit text spacing spamming

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44af19  No.13593543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Victory of Life

- Future World Music

God wins. Life wins. God is Life.



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a81f84  No.13593544


>This is our world.

Interesting choice of wording.

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000000  No.13593545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Retards keep on retarding:

Biden to address vaccine hesitancy as U.S.strugglesto achieve herd immunity

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e89eaf  No.13593546

File: 4fc1005354fa4a6⋯.png (156.95 KB, 567x565, 567:565, nsPepeninja.png)


I don't remember downloading this one kek

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0bf42e  No.13593547

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)
















They have themes when they try to force your mirrored behavior to the one who babbles to himself (Whom speaks to your subconscious).


"I O"

"Watch the water"

and the high religious themes (they see themselves as an antichrist, so that's par for the course)

>drain<BIBLICAL[[[ BOOM ]]]aura:return.source

Now it's seen.

They cannot survive without your submission.

reject "inevitability" >nonsense<

God Above ALL Wins~

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65d018  No.13593549

File: e9c77699de123c7⋯.png (958.93 KB, 622x618, 311:309, 5781786446547.png)

File: 417616289dee12f⋯.png (884.88 KB, 730x875, 146:175, 45899649043.png)

File: e9c77699de123c7⋯.png (958.93 KB, 622x618, 311:309, 5781786446547.png)

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a26763  No.13593550


This band is really good but one thing I cannot stand. Everything about their costume and persona is really gay.

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6d9af7  No.13593551


Biden using Facism to give money to business and force vaccination to keep jobs and travel.

Force airlines to have masked people

and force airlines to vaccinate. Force business

to wear a mask after forced vax.

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65d018  No.13593552

File: 6737c4cb422836f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1182x825, 394:275, 13287478439086376.png)

File: f76703bb5a4b7c7⋯.png (638.39 KB, 711x917, 711:917, 6489416842.png)

File: 6737c4cb422836f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1182x825, 394:275, 13287478439086376.png)

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0bbb17  No.13593553

File: 69e2e17b5db2cf5⋯.png (48.6 KB, 1224x801, 136:89, Screenshot_2021_05_05_QRes….png)

This needs more eyes, pls.


"Remember, remember, the 5th of November"…today is a very special day.

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161b08  No.13593554

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e701cd  No.13593555



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6dda08  No.13593556

File: 21afa21851126e2⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 500x336, 125:84, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg)


They're literally performing eugenics when they give newborns that FUCKING POISON. Nothing makes me angrier than thinking about that. Nothing

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43424a  No.13593557


"We need every swinging dick in the field, and you know that."

–Sgt. Barnes, Platoon

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2f8672  No.13593558


Yup. That's not magic though just deception. They think they're cute. They're from from that.

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000000  No.13593559


Satan works for the Creator, as do we all at the end of the day.

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39bde7  No.13593560



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6d9af7  No.13593561


Klain: Fauci Advised Us Herd Immunity ‘a Phrase that Doesn’t Really Apply’ to COVID


Fauci there is no such thing as herd immunity ? flu or cold ?

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430f73  No.13593562

File: c1c70c314cf84bb⋯.png (32.73 KB, 300x250, 6:5, QRb9h5jfPr_8.png)

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33b13c  No.13593563

File: c830f6ba56efc6f⋯.gif (39.46 KB, 220x156, 55:39, te.gif)

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259fd5  No.13593564

File: 1a47d7632c586ba⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck E. Cheese Oversight Board Decides To Continue To Ban Trump From The Ball Pit

IRVING, TX—In a landmark move being felt around the world, The Chuck E. Cheese Oversight Board has upheld the controversial January decision to ban Trump from using the ball pit.

"We need to be very clear– the world-famous Chuck E. Cheese ball pit is a privilege," said CEO Charles Cheese Jr. "There is room in our ball pit for plenty of kids and colored balls, but there is no room for hate."

After January 6th, several local managers expressed concern that Trump who is a regular at the establishment may try to tell all the kids in the ball pits that the election was rigged and inspire them to start an insurrection at the Capitol. This led to a nationwide ban on Trump or any of his staff from entering the ball pit.

"The losers at Chuck E. Cheese think I care about the ball pit!" Trump responded. "I don't even care. It's a lame place full of losers and their pizza is an absolute disaster. And one time the ski ball gipped my tickets even though I got a top score. Terrible place."


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0bf42e  No.13593565


What wonderful metrics of shillery you have, you must be simply the best~

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9d23f9  No.13593566

File: 52a8c1227ab350b⋯.jpeg (276.74 KB, 661x501, 661:501, Ninjas_pirates_lasers_and….jpeg)



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672794  No.13593567


Some people use the rule of thumb that things are hung and people are hanged, but that doesn’t always work out the way it should. It is possible to suspend people without intending to hurt them—for example, to harness someone to a bungee cord and dangle them off the bridge (which may seem like tempting death, but that’s more of an opinion than a fact).

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79348a  No.13593568

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB, 190x190, 1:1, demon.gif)

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c9b599  No.13593569


FDA is in cahoots with Pfizer to create life long customers.

President Trump told us about this.


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0bbb17  No.13593570

File: a6f7d56e5d2874c⋯.png (63.22 KB, 858x995, 858:995, Screenshot_2021_05_05_QRes….png)

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d948bc  No.13593571


it ain't over til high profile public executions, one way or the other.

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65d018  No.13593572

File: b227efc45a0c00f⋯.png (179.7 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 540912896354.png)

File: 695ba86df3bbf3c⋯.png (1013.49 KB, 1216x867, 1216:867, 65489129876354.png)

File: b227efc45a0c00f⋯.png (179.7 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 540912896354.png)

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2155ae  No.13593573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These people are freaks.

Remember the movie The Stepford Wives.

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39bde7  No.13593574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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014a95  No.13593575

>>13591626 Get ready Lads~ (pb)

AFLB adding his own notables to breds, kek….

Anon's still don't realize who's been baking and behind all this kitchen fuckery?

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813a14  No.13593576

File: 1a7477724cf8932⋯.png (55.74 KB, 745x349, 745:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46b0e4d0c3633d7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 986x624, 493:312, ClipboardImage.png)


17 characters


17 characters

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595888  No.13593577


>No way does a man like Gates, with his and his father's eugenics background share an 11-digit fortune with a random girl from Dallas, for just no reason.


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0ccea4  No.13593578


satan is useful to God, until he is not.

Key to eternal life is being useful to God, forever.

And what might that look like?

God created this universe to increase the number of brothers and sisters Jesus has.

Be part of that increase, and you're a part of God's family.

Otherwise, you just became less useful to God.

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6e55dd  No.13593579

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB, 1066x600, 533:300, 8KUN_Last_place_on_earth_f….mp4)


Nice, good luck anon.

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e1d669  No.13593580

File: cc6a92905d6b88c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 992x415, 992:415, ClipboardImage.png)


with enough expose to her rants she is bound to crack and make another go off the deep end, kek,

glorious to watch, and be part of shit posting,

also helps the patriots get eyes on their efforts in AZ !!

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7bd4a2  No.13593581


Holy shit.. I made that back on half chan lol

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401099  No.13593582

File: 2c0128668c74994⋯.png (686.83 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2c0128668c749940c16db2e088….png)

File: 76b2ce108b81110⋯.jpg (432.47 KB, 2400x1529, 2400:1529, 2019_0325_william_barr_let….jpg)

File: fb2207bf5acf5d5⋯.png (425.29 KB, 831x460, 831:460, hos2emads.png)

File: 238ceed3ef553f9⋯.jpg (401.6 KB, 920x1380, 2:3, ZomboMeme_02082020211806.jpg)

File: 99e75129863c093⋯.png (400.42 KB, 750x499, 750:499, kekd.png)

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0bf42e  No.13593583

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1bd7e9  No.13593584

File: 33239254520b21b⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 683x1199, 683:1199, AOC_Filthy.jpg)


AOC is probably headed there now.

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672794  No.13593585




>17 characters


>17 characters


A LOT moar than 17 characters on this site

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89807d  No.13593586

File: c3d43427802778a⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1188x634, 594:317, ChelseaDevil.png)


Demonic Possession is a real thing.

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25206b  No.13593587

File: 8d7641ae9985320⋯.png (4.65 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JUSTIC….png)



Todays Marker

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a59342  No.13593588

File: 8c2cce09578a088⋯.png (780.8 KB, 666x677, 666:677, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: abf46236274289d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 998x669, 998:669, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)


she does?

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c2289b  No.13593589


That was the night before the great op that caused Q to leave. Forgot all about it.

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6d9af7  No.13593590

File: 1c17403a33395a1⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, joe_biden_5_3_21_getty_640….jpg)

File: 3bf2deaad3436f1⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 691x871, 691:871, Rachel_McKinney.jpg)


Joe Biden Details Vaccine Push for ‘Less Eager’ Americans

President Joe Biden announced Tuesday the next phase of his effort to get more Americans vaccinated for the coronavirus.

The president acknowledged during a speech at the White House that vaccination rates were slowing down, as the number of Americans anxious to get the vaccine was lessening.

“Now, we’re going to have to bring the vaccine to people who are less eager,” he said.

Biden said he would focus on getting more Americans vaccinated, particularly kids between 12-15, adults who had difficulty finding a shot, and Americans who remain unconvinced getting the vaccine is necessary.

He also criticized younger Americans in their twenties and thirties who believed they did not need the vaccine.

“Let me be absolutely clear, you do need to get vaccinated,” he said.

Biden reassured Americans the vaccines were safe, even noting that the first two were approved by the Food and Drug Administration under former President Donald Trump.

“Even if your chance of getting seriously ill is low, why take the risk when you have a safe, free and convenient way to prevent it?” he asked.

Biden ignored a question from a reporter who asked if he supported making the vaccines mandatory and said he is optimistic that Americans will continue to get the vaccine voluntarily.

“We know we’re going to get to a place where the doubters exist or the people, I don’t want to say lazy, just not sure how to get to where they want to go it’s going to be hard,” he said.

Biden also expressed his desire to eventually vaccinate the entire planet for coronavirus.

“As long as there’s a problem anywhere in the world … we’re going to move as quickly as we can to get as many doses of Moderna and Pfizer as possibly can be produced and export those around the world,” he said.


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c9b599  No.13593591


I think maybe the attempted launch of a "COVID" vaccine pogrom against children will be the final straw. Pfizer is "set" to get the FDA to rubber stamp them injecting 12-15 year olds in this country.

1776.2 maybe.

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5613fa  No.13593592

File: 4241454fbd92782⋯.png (116.91 KB, 609x676, 609:676, ClipboardImage.png)

Republican Senator Demands Answers From WH For Hunter Biden’s Continued Stake In Chinese Firm

Republican Montana Sen. Steve Daines sent a Wednesday letter to President Joe Biden asking him about his son, Hunter Biden, who continues to hold a minority stake in a Chinese private equity firm 100 days into Biden’s term, the Daily Caller has learned.

Hunter Biden holds a 10% equity stake in BHR Partners through his company, Skaneateles LLC, according to business records about Chinese corporations based on China’s National Credit Information Publicity System reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF).

Daines urged the president to make sure Hunter Biden is fully divested from the Chinese private equity firm and mentioned the DCNF’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s investments in BHR Partners.

“I write regarding reports of potential conflicts of interest with members of your family and foreign investments that could result in undue influence on U.S. government policy or officials. As President of the United States, it is critical to avoid any appearance of conflict of interests with foreign governments, particularly adversaries such as the People’s Republic of China,” Daines writes in the letter.

“As you know, in December you stated: ‘My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise, that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with the appropriate distance from, the presidency and government.’ Despite this pledge, recent reports have shown that Hunter Biden has maintained investments in BHR Partners, which is owned in part by the Bank of China,” he continued.

“I am concerned that these investments run contrary to your pledge and could result in undue influence on the U.S. government. I urge you to ensure your family is fully divested from such firms and honor the commitments you have made to mitigate any risk or appearance of conflicts of interest,” Daines concluded.



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430f73  No.13593593

File: 8b69ce1ee0749a0⋯.png (399.62 KB, 598x634, 299:317, Screenshot_2021_05_05_U_S_….png)

Everyone has a story…

This Soldier's began on 9/11.

Movie camera

by Staff Sgt. Christopher Stewart


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58f96c  No.13593594

File: 65e4c1697c34668⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 480x261, 160:87, moochelledamanchelle.gif)

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813a14  No.13593595

File: 753480a9d320d0b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 748x799, 44:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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08b49b  No.13593596

Anyone having problems with thumbnails being broken all day?

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6d9af7  No.13593597

File: 743112e7234a13f⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 768x595, 768:595, Midwin_Charles_DEAD_after_….jpg)

File: 60732044de19969⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 733x552, 733:552, rapper_dmx.jpg)

File: e4ba91d59a17127⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 768x471, 256:157, John_Francis_Foley_DEAD_76….jpg)

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2fc704  No.13593598

Funny…. rhogram was a shot given in the late 70s and early 80s to help women dry up from producing milk

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e701cd  No.13593599

June 6th

Godfather III

Execute Order 66


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5613fa  No.13593600

File: d0cbd3690ba1829⋯.png (422.86 KB, 596x393, 596:393, ClipboardImage.png)

Merkel receives an award from her Masonic Jewish handlers

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259fd5  No.13593601

File: 00cd567530df0b0⋯.jpg (120.39 KB, 1242x1087, 1242:1087, 00cd567530df0b05a2656e0b03….jpg)


One person can make a difference.

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6d9af7  No.13593602

File: ee0033d15166bc5⋯.jpg (81.56 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Megi_Bakradze_Nurse_Dead.jpg)

File: 4c4ab9ed59d4266⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 768x509, 768:509, Kimberly_Credit_dead_768x5….jpg)

File: 2df1b290e41e101⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 719x653, 719:653, Dr_Joshimar_Henry_with_wif….jpg)


Black Lives do not matter with experimental vaccine

HCQ ? Banned ?

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e89eaf  No.13593603

File: 0fbef1ab91be500⋯.png (455.27 KB, 514x427, 514:427, PepeTzu.png)

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af40bf  No.13593604

File: a397b033c9ed3b5⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 480x270, 16:9, bigMikeonEllan.mp4)


That is a subset of this one I was thinking about.

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c9b599  No.13593605


>were approved by the Food and Drug Administration under former President Donald Trump.

They were never approved (though you may have quoted your source properly).

The are only "emergency use authorized". Anyone taking a jab right now is essentially being placed in a clinical trial. And the vaccine makers have ZERO liability.

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0bf42e  No.13593606

File: 642ba9588c26d05⋯.jpg (574.39 KB, 800x1046, 400:523, cTKKYt.jpg)

File: 52191d24ebc503e⋯.jpg (488.55 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, KdCiAH.jpg)

File: ffdec45030a487f⋯.jpg (424.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, YuoFzjId.jpg)

File: 76170760e6712f8⋯.jpg (357.7 KB, 800x1202, 400:601, 2tkL1inlx2Q0Hk2h.jpg)

File: 1c791b47f39b57b⋯.jpg (337.5 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 2OnY71BZBMc0t9k1.jpg)


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b388bd  No.13593607

File: cf90eb1b6f0aad8⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 500x750, 2:3, i.jpg)


>Is it true I can really say Nigger Faggot on this site and not get in trouble?

No, but you can say nigger faggot if you would like.

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595888  No.13593608

File: 186a4fe7ca0a430⋯.jpg (30.9 KB, 336x222, 56:37, rockroth.jpg)

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813a14  No.13593609

File: bcd7280fd0bdb6c⋯.png (217.75 KB, 555x290, 111:58, ClipboardImage.png)


you need to trim them regularly

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6d9af7  No.13593610

File: fd3e7ac703ef1f1⋯.jpg (169.37 KB, 732x791, 732:791, adenovirus_killing_young_p….jpg)

File: a8afe005fc13dfc⋯.jpg (121.61 KB, 900x596, 225:149, 22_Elderly_with_Dementia_D….jpg)

File: d0093b697d0e7bc⋯.jpg (61.15 KB, 1051x718, 1051:718, Attorney_Fuellmich_Nursing….jpg)

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259fd5  No.13593611

File: 110c3448c7ecd53⋯.png (868.91 KB, 1197x799, 1197:799, 110c3448c7ecd53b7dc04770b9….png)

Good Evening, nice time of the day for a golden stroll.

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5593ab  No.13593612


This isnotablecomms

US Army - Everyone has a story… This Soldier's began on 9/11

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d5dc9a  No.13593613





13 pro-Barr memes, while most have deemed him traitor, including a video posted by POTUS Trump.

What's up with that

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0bf42e  No.13593614

File: 5b6f067a0289b74⋯.jpg (334.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ykiWbF9a.jpg)

File: 694af190dd2f6bd⋯.jpg (309.17 KB, 800x533, 800:533, kv4SOrLfNXGY.jpg)

File: b63573d32f22f77⋯.jpg (298.43 KB, 800x689, 800:689, oqlk8VHlhKx9XCgz.jpg)

File: b85c0fd57176b98⋯.jpg (290.18 KB, 800x671, 800:671, jQYlSmjt.jpg)

File: 3f2e599a249de53⋯.jpg (278.19 KB, 800x554, 400:277, CwxUDrp40kqlodta.jpg)

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e6e820  No.13593615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b72a1  No.13593617


Very helpful.

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e6e820  No.13593618


66 million josh puppies in little ovens

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eca78a  No.13593619

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89807d  No.13593620

File: 79f4507ae3bfaa5⋯.png (873.72 KB, 976x558, 488:279, CoralNRiCk3.png)


>it ain't over til high profile public executions, one way or the other.

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000000  No.13593621


Hello spirit animal… been looking fer ya!

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3ddbd9  No.13593622

File: 685ebfc919d9ba0⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jesus_smiling.jpg)


gnashing of teeth..kek


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0ccea4  No.13593623


Evil woman.

Evil necklace.

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c44bd7  No.13593624

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Eastern District of Texas


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Four North Texans Sentenced for Sex Trafficking Operation

SHERMAN, Texas – A Plano man has been sentenced for crimes involving firearms and sex offenses in the Eastern District of Texas, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Nicholas J. Ganjei today.

Wayne Edward Bearden, 40, pleaded guilty on Dec. 4, 2019, to being a felon in possession of firearms and to coercion, enticement and aiding and abetting, and was sentenced to a total term of imprisonment of 180 months by U.S. District Judge Amos L. Mazzant today.

“Today’s sentence takes a dangerous man off the street, and will bring a measure of closure and comfort to those he victimized,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Nicholas J. Ganjei. “While this case began as a firearms investigation, due the excellent work of our federal and local law enforcement partners we were able to uncover – and dismantle – a commercial sex trafficking operation.”

“We will work relentlessly with all of our committed law enforcement partners to identify and rescue victims of human trafficking, and bring their exploiters and consumers to justice,” said Ryan L. Spradlin, Special Agent in Charge Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Dallas. “This sentence may successfully conclude this particular operation but HSI’s efforts to eradicate sex trafficking continues.”

According to information presented in court, in August 2018, Bearden called the Plano Police Department after individuals robbed his Plano home. Responding officers observed a number of firearms in the home, and a subsequent investigation revealed that Bearden was a previously convicted felon, prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law. During the course of the investigation, Plano detectives and special agents with Homeland Security Investigations determined that Bearden was the organizer and leader of a sex trafficking operation. Specifically, Bearden employed a “booker” who coordinated the ads for sexual services, websites, and appointments for commercial sex appointments, and used other women in managerial roles, transporting the prostituted women to locations around the United States, obtaining hotel rooms, and managing cash payments. As the leader of the operation, Bearden controlled the acts the women performed, where they worked, how often they worked, how much money they made, with Bearden controlling the proceeds the prostituted women earned. As part of his plea, Bearden admitted to persuading, inducing, enticing, or coercing women to travel to other states to engage in illegal prostitution.

After his release from prison, Bearden will serve a total term of supervised release of five years. In addition to Bearden, other members of the operation were previously sentenced by Judge Mazzant for conspiracy to travel or cause another to travel in interstate commerce and to use facilities of interstate commerce to promote, manage, establish, carry on and facilitate unlawful activity, including:

Ashlynn Clark – sentenced on July 2, 2020 to five months in federal prison, five months home detention, and one year of supervised release;

Shelby Holzen – sentenced on June 4, 2020 to three years of probation;

Ashley Judith Schafer – sentenced on June 3, 2020 to six months in federal prison, six months home detention, and two years of supervised release.

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d5dc9a  No.13593625


>HCQ ? Banned ?

Nope buy some now

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e89eaf  No.13593626


Nice kek

I think that it must have been posted in a recent bread, though, too.

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2155ae  No.13593627

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128376  No.13593628


Yes i even said cumguzzler and nothing happened

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b24b31  No.13593629


https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13587352.html#q13587474 If those numbers don’t make all people stop drinking coke nothing will

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6d9af7  No.13593630

File: 20de00257b86fe5⋯.jpg (76.08 KB, 768x568, 96:71, Dan_Kaminsky_Dead_pro_vacc….jpg)

File: 57f684983da192a⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 744x653, 744:653, Ashley_Taylor_Gerren.jpg)

File: 84672f102d18a4c⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 812x617, 812:617, Alber_Elbaz_DEAD.jpg)


Should be your chocie to wear a mask

or get a vaccine

Currently it is being forced on people traveling airlines employers and forced vaccines in nursing homes … bideng givingmoney to companies to go around the laws. FACISM

censorship of HCQ

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3492e4  No.13593631


The Truth is...

There is no Truth.

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e8901f  No.13593632

File: cb20872cb7dc5c6⋯.jpeg (13.68 KB, 138x180, 23:30, alex_kline.jpeg)


This is the only picture I could find of Edward Alex Kline.


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0ccea4  No.13593633

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71f20c  No.13593634


the battle-half is VIOLENCE

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ac89e8  No.13593635



Faggot Nigger grammar Nazi!

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c13e09  No.13593637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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79348a  No.13593638

File: 83fd5ea72f48724⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 480x270, 16:9, black_mambagif.gif)


Thas a big'un

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000000  No.13593639


if'n ya wanna train yer doggies ta shit outside, ya need ta shove their noses in their OWN sheeeeit my nibba.

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30ef20  No.13593640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a26763  No.13593641


I think the truth could potentially destroy all all mankind. It is the absolute nuclear bomb.

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3492e4  No.13593642

File: b00883d4912f5f1⋯.jpg (612.21 KB, 1800x1532, 450:383, 1620145892068.jpg)



Stop being a faggot.

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44af19  No.13593643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lux Imperia

- Ivan Torrent

Lux Imperia.

Lux Aeterna.


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0bf42e  No.13593644

File: f3477260c24a490⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning04.png)

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c664d7  No.13593645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the place where you come if you don't need a shrink, but want one in the not too distant future.

Anons sacrifice their psyche, amongst other things, for some mysterious reason only war pigs have a handle on.

Remember, if you don't clean up the ship, no one will be a hero. Cooked. Stacked. Pathetic. For the autists and retards. How fucking degrading.

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d5dc9a  No.13593646

File: 367f40afaddd884⋯.png (217.21 KB, 812x612, 203:153, Breitbart_foreskin.png)

File: 203ae0495ad1d82⋯.png (426.07 KB, 1252x1072, 313:268, breitbart_ads.png)


>"even noting that the first two were approved by the Food and Drug Administration under former President Donald Trump."

Breitbart are bad people.

They never miss an opportunity to lie about our president

This is not them quoting bidan. This is editorializing

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5613fa  No.13593647

Vaccine passports the 'next step', says Scott Morrison

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is open to the idea of "vaccine passports" to allow people who have had their shots to travel more freely.

He said the topic was something his medical expert panel was "working on right now"

"I think that is the next step, but I do think that next step is some way away," Mr Morrison told 3AW.

"If you're fully vaccinated, that you would be able to travel, certainly around Australia, but maybe overseas, without the need for hotel quarantine."

Before signing off on vaccine passports, Mr Morrison said more evidence was needed that the shots protect against coronavirus transmissibility.

He would also need to be satisfied that people could reliably isolate at home.

Vaccines are now available to people older than 50.

So far, 2.4 million people have got a coronavirus vaccine first-shot in Australia.

Meanwhile, the India travel suspension is "looking good" to end on May 15 as scheduled.

Mr Morrison reiterated that the "pause" was always a temporary arrangement.

"I can tell you the pause is working. It was the right decision for Australia's health and safety," he said.

"I'm very confident that after the 15th of May, those repatriation flights are able to be restored."

Since the ban was put in place, hundreds of people in Australia have applied to go to India.


Crimes against humanity

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4c9609  No.13593648

MAYHAP joe is the antichrist?

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e1d669  No.13593649

File: 30d59b76f732b13⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 540x540, 1:1, biden_knockout.mp4)

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f8917e  No.13593650


That's actually got little to do with it besides a quasi-believable cover story. Making sure they get it right

the first time, because they only have one shot, is what we're waiting on.

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866393  No.13593651

File: 172ade3eb87eebc⋯.jpg (13.09 KB, 255x177, 85:59, ns_17.jpg)

File: a45a7fbf456cd0f⋯.jpg (149.17 KB, 1405x485, 281:97, yo_fauci.JPG)



it is 60 - 75%; less in rural areas

vaxxed + positive

200 to 250 million out of 330 million.

are we there yet?

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a59342  No.13593652

File: cbe07177faf1267⋯.png (144.83 KB, 425x244, 425:244, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 8559852996affd5⋯.png (113.74 KB, 1121x544, 1121:544, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

File: 98623ee57970fd5⋯.png (38.78 KB, 423x236, 423:236, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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e1fc00  No.13593653

Jews love to portray white men as rapists in their entertainment media. Especially white men raping black women. Which is such an unlikely real life scenario.

Black men raping white women, on the other hand, is a pandemic. But you never see anything as much as hinting at it in Jewish media.

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161b08  No.13593654



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89807d  No.13593655

File: 8c945ce3c1ad871⋯.png (381.98 KB, 612x711, 68:79, Screenshot_2020_12_25_0227….png)

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35a489  No.13593656


TY, anon. You'll know it's me when shit comes in from all sides, and they all have a point.>>13593579

^^^Gonna have to solve the random UID changes, and all the error message/refresh/dupe link fuckery that leads to them… then mitigate my fear of failing the anons.>>13593579

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259fd5  No.13593657

File: 8e132484b6b3aee⋯.png (64.16 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 66cf5083180dfa030063c29be8….png)


This anon made a meme of it.



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259fd5  No.13593659

File: 84163cefe493d49⋯.png (119.86 KB, 397x157, 397:157, b624ccbca3052c126ce88adb41….png)

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a26763  No.13593660


Just let it go. If you try to manipulate something on top of manipulation it will turn out worse. Just go away and do your thing.

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430f73  No.13593661

File: 7daa4ecf491bfca⋯.png (423.72 KB, 597x335, 597:335, Screenshot_2021_05_05_pepe….png)

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53484a  No.13593662

File: bf434a6a91b2597⋯.png (546.68 KB, 616x405, 616:405, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c7f86  No.13593663

File: 99b65cd835102c5⋯.png (200.27 KB, 540x540, 1:1, sacrificialkeks.png)

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2155ae  No.13593664


Those fros, kek

And the hotsauce in the hair!

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a59342  No.13593665

File: 356c2bef5898d1f⋯.png (35.25 KB, 441x225, 49:25, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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84a745  No.13593666



"Q" is not Barr

We reject the muh jew and the Q hater.

Why would a Q hater waste their Q is Q was as ridiculous as they pretend?

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a68ad9  No.13593667

File: 1ad5eb2b3ae1ffe⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB, 682x360, 341:180, HDg4gMM07IZMjuBd.mp4)



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595888  No.13593668

File: 928b653c5b5b737⋯.png (286.88 KB, 442x294, 221:147, fau6.png)

File: b6d8412f1bc39bb⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 675x385, 135:77, fauci_mason2.jpg)

File: 614b78d11fe3dcc⋯.jpg (94.85 KB, 639x473, 639:473, fauci_time.jpg)

File: 58fccf2d513903d⋯.png (208.78 KB, 294x420, 7:10, fauci_bill_gates.PNG)

File: dd6e3069f21f0bd⋯.mp4 (649.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Fauci_deep_state.mp4)

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89807d  No.13593669

File: 11a54505656a0ca⋯.png (104.76 KB, 267x332, 267:332, ClipboardImage.png)

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58f96c  No.13593670

File: 3c9493be485f7c0⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 440x335, 88:67, obamabanana.gif)

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259fd5  No.13593673

File: 46d9e1e96090493⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 46d9e1e96090493797986bc7bc….jpg)

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c13e09  No.13593674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get to the Broadcast Energy Transmitter.

Stop the spores.

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b39ebf  No.13593675



We reject the Israeli Jew and the Christian hater.

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c556db  No.13593676

File: 1db593cc9ea2349⋯.gif (3.55 MB, 360x360, 1:1, kitty_filing_nails.gif)

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104d49  No.13593679

File: 53653aa1d205184⋯.png (606.45 KB, 1027x569, 1027:569, ClipboardImage.png)



Not sure about the parts in red.

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d948bc  No.13593684



I meant 'one way or the other" as in, maybe a firing range for commies, OR the DS can just start killing people instead of suiciding them or disappearing them.. heck even if they were to execute Chauvin that would be a terrible sign that the narrative has defeated all reason.

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2f8672  No.13593687


It's a guy that want's be a girl and takes advantage of being a guy and and a girl. And all the fools follow this low iq liar. Tits and a Dick. What will Baphomet due when revealed.

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22acc7  No.13593688

File: 3f3ed513544446f⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 1677x747, 559:249, Capture.JPG)

American teens accused of fatally stabbing Italian cop after drug deal gone wrong


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430f73  No.13593689

File: 9f200226abd1ded⋯.png (229.3 KB, 505x293, 505:293, captain.png)

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a81f84  No.13593692


Who is 'We'?

Do you have lice?

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a26763  No.13593694


I have personal observation. No sauce. My observation is looking at pain. No matter what pain always wins. There is no philosophy or negotiation with pain. It is real and it will do what it does. I think the truth could be the same way. Man is pretty far off the rails and just getting worse. The wall of truth we will someday hit is gonna kill us. Can't argue with the truth of natures laws for long without pain.

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259fd5  No.13593696

File: a493a98c98d1537⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 405x371, 405:371, a493a98c98d15371a9f5b9f31a….jpg)

Is there a baker?

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e89eaf  No.13593700

File: 8a277d5f8295ce3⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 755x863, 755:863, pepewithsword.jpg)

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5613fa  No.13593702

File: e3cac9a03045ab8⋯.png (782.73 KB, 745x896, 745:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f56dff5bf37b0⋯.png (195.84 KB, 735x919, 735:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b2a3462cb03931⋯.png (22.27 KB, 673x411, 673:411, ClipboardImage.png)

UnitingCare cyber attack claimed by notorious ransom gang REvil/Sodin

Hackers claiming responsibility for an attack on health and community care provider UnitingCare Queensland have been revealed as one of the most notorious cyber ransom gangs in the world.

Key points:

The hackers who claimed responsibility are REvil/Sodin

They have apparently attacked major companies like Apple

UnitingCare says there's no evidence patients' health and safety has been compromised

Last week, the Queensland healthcare provider fell victim to the cyber attack, which affected its hospitals and aged care homes.

It runs the Wesley and St Andrew's Hospitals in Brisbane, St Stephen's Hospital in Hervey Bay and the Buderim Private Hospital on the Sunshine Coast, and dozens of aged care and disability services throughout the state.

A patient last week told the ABC they knew immediatly there was a problem when the wi-fi stopped working on April 25, then they noticed staff struggling with communication and accessing patient records.

The attack has led to UnitingCare Queensland being suspended from the national My Health Record system, which allows patients to view their records online.

UnitingCare Queensland has released scant information about the attack, but it is thought to involve hackers trying to take possession of systems or important information like patient records and threatening to either destroy or publish them on the dark web, unless the provider pays a ransom.

So who was behind the attack?

UnitingCare on Wednesday confirmed the hack had been claimed by REvil/Sodin.

The gang that has been linked to multiple attacks on high-profile targets across the globe and is thought to have named itself after apocalyptic science fiction horror video game-turned movie, Resident Evil.

The hackers have claimed to have made more than $100 million from their cyber attacks but confirming ransom amounts is difficult as victims do not publicise payments.

Have there been other victims?


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84a745  No.13593705

File: 6b1b5f692a9a1f6⋯.png (10.52 MB, 643x12928, 643:12928, Kentroversyeyeswideshut3.png)




people who steal elections and override the opinion of the Majority shouldn't go around blathering about "democracy"

ESPECIALLY Since IN THIS CASE they've put their lies behind despotism

Eyes Wide Shut analysis by Kentroversy

He was another good symbols decoder who came from a family of Mason; He spoke out on the side of good. Unsure if he was initiated, but I recall him writing it was in his family for some generation

Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Symbolism


I was wrong to say he died soon after this article. It was almost two years later

The last pieces he wrote were on Ron Paul


Once again, I offer my endorsement of RON PAUL for President this November – he is THE ONLY CANDIDATE who truly cares about the CONSTITUTION and saving our nation for the impending destruction that the Bush and Clinton Crime Families are so intent on bringing to our shores … "

and on the fake "War on Drugs"

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a59342  No.13593707

File: 485ab8f72887ba6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1147x651, 37:21, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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5fe271  No.13593708


Holy shit do I love this board. Kudos, anon.

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a81f84  No.13593709


Nope just a couple of AnimeFag/MuhJoo shills slapping up breads with fake notables

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b24b31  No.13593712

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3492e4  No.13593714

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89807d  No.13593718

File: 3144746611bbee0⋯.png (995.77 KB, 1321x1074, 1321:1074, 321contctgeology.png)


>Is there a baker?

I was just going to ask that same question.

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3ddbd9  No.13593719


omega 13…the end won't be for everyone.

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3492e4  No.13593724


Judeo-Maxist claws typed this..

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84a745  No.13593728

File: 4608cc48396d703⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 400x225, 16:9, clown.jpg)


You make a laughing stock out of the Christian

A real Christian hates Jews?

Don't think so. That's an OP

Also, why come to this board when you hate "Q"

Christians also refrain from lies and you're a liar.

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e2d4c3  No.13593729

File: 804cc79b35983fc⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 804cc79b35983fcce022689dcc….jpg)

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5613fa  No.13593730

Multiple Men Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material* and Related Charges

(COLUMBIA, S.C.) – May 5, 2021 – South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of William Javier Velasquez, 20, of Mount Pleasant, S.C., Anthony Ray Massey, 27, of Louisville, KY, and Christopher Alan Wilbourn, 33, of Lexington, S.C., on six total charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Mount Pleasant Police Department made the arrests in these unrelated cases. Investigators with the Attorney General’s Office and Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, both also members of the state’s ICAC Task Force, assisted with these investigations.

Investigators received a CyberTipline report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) which led them to Velasquez. Investigators state Velasquez distributed child sexual abuse material. Investigators state both Massey and Wilbourn solicited and traveled to meet a person they believed to be a minor for sex. Wilbourn also sent sexually explicit images to a person be believed to be a minor.

Velazquez was arrested on April 30, 2021. He is charged with one count of sexual exploitation of a minor, second degree (§16-15-405), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

Massey was arrested on April 30, 2021. He is charged with one count of criminal solicitation of a minor (§16-15-342), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment; and one count of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor (§16-3-655).

Wilbourn was arrested on May 4, 2021. He is charged with one count of criminal solicitation of a minor (§16-15-342), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment; one count of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor (§16-3-655); and one count of attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under age eighteen (§16-15-345), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

These cases will be prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.

Attorney General Wilson stressed all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law.


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0ccea4  No.13593732



He's catholic, though, thoroughly corrupt and evil, so he's likely an antichrist.

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5650dd  No.13593733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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259fd5  No.13593734

File: 722147b6f026789⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 722147b6f0267899b7dc99bb9….jpeg)


Self confirming baker

Baking asap

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5ddb2a  No.13593735

File: 3978077c6f51ea8⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 447:400, 3978077c6f51ea84590ab37040….jpg)




































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3ddbd9  No.13593737

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33b13c  No.13593738

for a second there i thought i was in a bread that ended a long time ago

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79348a  No.13593740

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf_over.png)


>Masonic Jewish

The world's most demonic and evil secret organization with Ashkenazi lying and cheating fake Jews as members.

How fukked up is that?

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7bd4a2  No.13593741

This is pretty fucked up if you mirror it at 180º

There's a baphomet head in the center.

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6e55dd  No.13593747

File: d091e13a6cf2afd⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1177x1325, 1177:1325, Pepe_Skater.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anons_thank_you.mp4)


Anon will support you and when animefag and crew attack you, anon will slay shills like there is no tomorrow. Don't worry about mistakes. Any time you try you are winning.

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0ccea4  No.13593748


He's not, because He said He's not, but yeah. He will utterly destroy most of mankind.

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5613fa  No.13593749

File: a20c51fbe15e6ae⋯.png (493.29 KB, 652x358, 326:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Former coach charged with sex assault of Racine student-athletes

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. - A former Horlick High School assistant wrestling coach now faces 27 charges, accused of sexually assaulting and taking nude photos of team members.

Mount Pleasant police say 60-year-old Benigno "Benny" Velasquez was trying to have sex with a 15-year-old boy he'd met online who was actually a detective. Once word of that arrest came out, some wrestlers Velasquez coaches nearly a decade ago had a lot more to tell police.

From inside the Racine County Jail, Velasquez's list of charges grew sevenfold since his Feb. 27 arrests. The charges stem from his work as a volunteer assistant wrestling coach at the Racine high school.

Charging documents filed Wednesday, May 5, say once news of his arrest was published, a pair of former wrestlers came forward with more allegations against Velasquez.

Between 2011 and 2012, one accuser told Mount Pleasant police that Velasquez grabbed him more than 100 times, and explained that it appeared Velasquez was also recording the wrestlers as they came out of the shower.

The wrestler said he told an assistant coach about the abuse at practice, but Velasquez was only away from the program for about one week before returning. That assistant coach is now on administrative leave.

In a statement to FOX6 News, the Racine Unified School District called the allegations extremely serious and disturbing. Plus, steps have been taken to ensure Velasquez cannot access any school.

A criminal complaint states a second accuser claims Velasquez groped him and kissed his neck while trying to photograph him in his underwear.

Based on both accounts, police searched Velasquez's home. They found an SD card with 16 images of former high school wrestlers posing naked.

Velasquez now faces the following charges:

1 count: Use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime

1 count: Child enticement

3 counts: Sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children

16 counts: Capturing a nude picture without consent

6 counts: Child porn possession.

Velasquez's bond was set at $25,000 with a preliminary hearing scheduled for May 13.


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430f73  No.13593751






not mine


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