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File: b66ae359f467a1a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, 00.png)

5ddb2a  No.13592877[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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259fd5  No.13593659

File: 84163cefe493d49⋯.png (119.86 KB, 397x157, 397:157, b624ccbca3052c126ce88adb41….png)

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a26763  No.13593660


Just let it go. If you try to manipulate something on top of manipulation it will turn out worse. Just go away and do your thing.

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430f73  No.13593661

File: 7daa4ecf491bfca⋯.png (423.72 KB, 597x335, 597:335, Screenshot_2021_05_05_pepe….png)

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53484a  No.13593662

File: bf434a6a91b2597⋯.png (546.68 KB, 616x405, 616:405, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c7f86  No.13593663

File: 99b65cd835102c5⋯.png (200.27 KB, 540x540, 1:1, sacrificialkeks.png)

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2155ae  No.13593664


Those fros, kek

And the hotsauce in the hair!

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a59342  No.13593665

File: 356c2bef5898d1f⋯.png (35.25 KB, 441x225, 49:25, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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84a745  No.13593666



"Q" is not Barr

We reject the muh jew and the Q hater.

Why would a Q hater waste their Q is Q was as ridiculous as they pretend?

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a68ad9  No.13593667

File: 1ad5eb2b3ae1ffe⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB, 682x360, 341:180, HDg4gMM07IZMjuBd.mp4)



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595888  No.13593668

File: 928b653c5b5b737⋯.png (286.88 KB, 442x294, 221:147, fau6.png)

File: b6d8412f1bc39bb⋯.jpg (82.75 KB, 675x385, 135:77, fauci_mason2.jpg)

File: 614b78d11fe3dcc⋯.jpg (94.85 KB, 639x473, 639:473, fauci_time.jpg)

File: 58fccf2d513903d⋯.png (208.78 KB, 294x420, 7:10, fauci_bill_gates.PNG)

File: dd6e3069f21f0bd⋯.mp4 (649.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Fauci_deep_state.mp4)

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89807d  No.13593669

File: 11a54505656a0ca⋯.png (104.76 KB, 267x332, 267:332, ClipboardImage.png)

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58f96c  No.13593670

File: 3c9493be485f7c0⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 440x335, 88:67, obamabanana.gif)

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259fd5  No.13593673

File: 46d9e1e96090493⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 46d9e1e96090493797986bc7bc….jpg)

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c13e09  No.13593674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get to the Broadcast Energy Transmitter.

Stop the spores.

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b39ebf  No.13593675



We reject the Israeli Jew and the Christian hater.

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c556db  No.13593676

File: 1db593cc9ea2349⋯.gif (3.55 MB, 360x360, 1:1, kitty_filing_nails.gif)

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104d49  No.13593679

File: 53653aa1d205184⋯.png (606.45 KB, 1027x569, 1027:569, ClipboardImage.png)



Not sure about the parts in red.

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d948bc  No.13593684



I meant 'one way or the other" as in, maybe a firing range for commies, OR the DS can just start killing people instead of suiciding them or disappearing them.. heck even if they were to execute Chauvin that would be a terrible sign that the narrative has defeated all reason.

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2f8672  No.13593687


It's a guy that want's be a girl and takes advantage of being a guy and and a girl. And all the fools follow this low iq liar. Tits and a Dick. What will Baphomet due when revealed.

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22acc7  No.13593688

File: 3f3ed513544446f⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 1677x747, 559:249, Capture.JPG)

American teens accused of fatally stabbing Italian cop after drug deal gone wrong


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430f73  No.13593689

File: 9f200226abd1ded⋯.png (229.3 KB, 505x293, 505:293, captain.png)

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a81f84  No.13593692


Who is 'We'?

Do you have lice?

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a26763  No.13593694


I have personal observation. No sauce. My observation is looking at pain. No matter what pain always wins. There is no philosophy or negotiation with pain. It is real and it will do what it does. I think the truth could be the same way. Man is pretty far off the rails and just getting worse. The wall of truth we will someday hit is gonna kill us. Can't argue with the truth of natures laws for long without pain.

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259fd5  No.13593696

File: a493a98c98d1537⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 405x371, 405:371, a493a98c98d15371a9f5b9f31a….jpg)

Is there a baker?

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e89eaf  No.13593700

File: 8a277d5f8295ce3⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 755x863, 755:863, pepewithsword.jpg)

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5613fa  No.13593702

File: e3cac9a03045ab8⋯.png (782.73 KB, 745x896, 745:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f56dff5bf37b0⋯.png (195.84 KB, 735x919, 735:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b2a3462cb03931⋯.png (22.27 KB, 673x411, 673:411, ClipboardImage.png)

UnitingCare cyber attack claimed by notorious ransom gang REvil/Sodin

Hackers claiming responsibility for an attack on health and community care provider UnitingCare Queensland have been revealed as one of the most notorious cyber ransom gangs in the world.

Key points:

The hackers who claimed responsibility are REvil/Sodin

They have apparently attacked major companies like Apple

UnitingCare says there's no evidence patients' health and safety has been compromised

Last week, the Queensland healthcare provider fell victim to the cyber attack, which affected its hospitals and aged care homes.

It runs the Wesley and St Andrew's Hospitals in Brisbane, St Stephen's Hospital in Hervey Bay and the Buderim Private Hospital on the Sunshine Coast, and dozens of aged care and disability services throughout the state.

A patient last week told the ABC they knew immediatly there was a problem when the wi-fi stopped working on April 25, then they noticed staff struggling with communication and accessing patient records.

The attack has led to UnitingCare Queensland being suspended from the national My Health Record system, which allows patients to view their records online.

UnitingCare Queensland has released scant information about the attack, but it is thought to involve hackers trying to take possession of systems or important information like patient records and threatening to either destroy or publish them on the dark web, unless the provider pays a ransom.

So who was behind the attack?

UnitingCare on Wednesday confirmed the hack had been claimed by REvil/Sodin.

The gang that has been linked to multiple attacks on high-profile targets across the globe and is thought to have named itself after apocalyptic science fiction horror video game-turned movie, Resident Evil.

The hackers have claimed to have made more than $100 million from their cyber attacks but confirming ransom amounts is difficult as victims do not publicise payments.

Have there been other victims?


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84a745  No.13593705

File: 6b1b5f692a9a1f6⋯.png (10.52 MB, 643x12928, 643:12928, Kentroversyeyeswideshut3.png)




people who steal elections and override the opinion of the Majority shouldn't go around blathering about "democracy"

ESPECIALLY Since IN THIS CASE they've put their lies behind despotism

Eyes Wide Shut analysis by Kentroversy

He was another good symbols decoder who came from a family of Mason; He spoke out on the side of good. Unsure if he was initiated, but I recall him writing it was in his family for some generation

Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Symbolism


I was wrong to say he died soon after this article. It was almost two years later

The last pieces he wrote were on Ron Paul


Once again, I offer my endorsement of RON PAUL for President this November – he is THE ONLY CANDIDATE who truly cares about the CONSTITUTION and saving our nation for the impending destruction that the Bush and Clinton Crime Families are so intent on bringing to our shores … "

and on the fake "War on Drugs"

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a59342  No.13593707

File: 485ab8f72887ba6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1147x651, 37:21, Screen_Shot_2021_05_05_at_….png)

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5fe271  No.13593708


Holy shit do I love this board. Kudos, anon.

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a81f84  No.13593709


Nope just a couple of AnimeFag/MuhJoo shills slapping up breads with fake notables

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b24b31  No.13593712

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3492e4  No.13593714

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89807d  No.13593718

File: 3144746611bbee0⋯.png (995.77 KB, 1321x1074, 1321:1074, 321contctgeology.png)


>Is there a baker?

I was just going to ask that same question.

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3ddbd9  No.13593719


omega 13…the end won't be for everyone.

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3492e4  No.13593724


Judeo-Maxist claws typed this..

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84a745  No.13593728

File: 4608cc48396d703⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 400x225, 16:9, clown.jpg)


You make a laughing stock out of the Christian

A real Christian hates Jews?

Don't think so. That's an OP

Also, why come to this board when you hate "Q"

Christians also refrain from lies and you're a liar.

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e2d4c3  No.13593729

File: 804cc79b35983fc⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 804cc79b35983fcce022689dcc….jpg)

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5613fa  No.13593730

Multiple Men Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material* and Related Charges

(COLUMBIA, S.C.) – May 5, 2021 – South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of William Javier Velasquez, 20, of Mount Pleasant, S.C., Anthony Ray Massey, 27, of Louisville, KY, and Christopher Alan Wilbourn, 33, of Lexington, S.C., on six total charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Mount Pleasant Police Department made the arrests in these unrelated cases. Investigators with the Attorney General’s Office and Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, both also members of the state’s ICAC Task Force, assisted with these investigations.

Investigators received a CyberTipline report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) which led them to Velasquez. Investigators state Velasquez distributed child sexual abuse material. Investigators state both Massey and Wilbourn solicited and traveled to meet a person they believed to be a minor for sex. Wilbourn also sent sexually explicit images to a person be believed to be a minor.

Velazquez was arrested on April 30, 2021. He is charged with one count of sexual exploitation of a minor, second degree (§16-15-405), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

Massey was arrested on April 30, 2021. He is charged with one count of criminal solicitation of a minor (§16-15-342), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment; and one count of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor (§16-3-655).

Wilbourn was arrested on May 4, 2021. He is charged with one count of criminal solicitation of a minor (§16-15-342), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment; one count of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor (§16-3-655); and one count of attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under age eighteen (§16-15-345), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

These cases will be prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.

Attorney General Wilson stressed all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law.


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0ccea4  No.13593732



He's catholic, though, thoroughly corrupt and evil, so he's likely an antichrist.

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5650dd  No.13593733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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259fd5  No.13593734

File: 722147b6f026789⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 722147b6f0267899b7dc99bb9….jpeg)


Self confirming baker

Baking asap

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5ddb2a  No.13593735

File: 3978077c6f51ea8⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 447:400, 3978077c6f51ea84590ab37040….jpg)




































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3ddbd9  No.13593737

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33b13c  No.13593738

for a second there i thought i was in a bread that ended a long time ago

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79348a  No.13593740

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf_over.png)


>Masonic Jewish

The world's most demonic and evil secret organization with Ashkenazi lying and cheating fake Jews as members.

How fukked up is that?

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7bd4a2  No.13593741

This is pretty fucked up if you mirror it at 180º

There's a baphomet head in the center.

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6e55dd  No.13593747

File: d091e13a6cf2afd⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1177x1325, 1177:1325, Pepe_Skater.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anons_thank_you.mp4)


Anon will support you and when animefag and crew attack you, anon will slay shills like there is no tomorrow. Don't worry about mistakes. Any time you try you are winning.

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0ccea4  No.13593748


He's not, because He said He's not, but yeah. He will utterly destroy most of mankind.

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5613fa  No.13593749

File: a20c51fbe15e6ae⋯.png (493.29 KB, 652x358, 326:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Former coach charged with sex assault of Racine student-athletes

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. - A former Horlick High School assistant wrestling coach now faces 27 charges, accused of sexually assaulting and taking nude photos of team members.

Mount Pleasant police say 60-year-old Benigno "Benny" Velasquez was trying to have sex with a 15-year-old boy he'd met online who was actually a detective. Once word of that arrest came out, some wrestlers Velasquez coaches nearly a decade ago had a lot more to tell police.

From inside the Racine County Jail, Velasquez's list of charges grew sevenfold since his Feb. 27 arrests. The charges stem from his work as a volunteer assistant wrestling coach at the Racine high school.

Charging documents filed Wednesday, May 5, say once news of his arrest was published, a pair of former wrestlers came forward with more allegations against Velasquez.

Between 2011 and 2012, one accuser told Mount Pleasant police that Velasquez grabbed him more than 100 times, and explained that it appeared Velasquez was also recording the wrestlers as they came out of the shower.

The wrestler said he told an assistant coach about the abuse at practice, but Velasquez was only away from the program for about one week before returning. That assistant coach is now on administrative leave.

In a statement to FOX6 News, the Racine Unified School District called the allegations extremely serious and disturbing. Plus, steps have been taken to ensure Velasquez cannot access any school.

A criminal complaint states a second accuser claims Velasquez groped him and kissed his neck while trying to photograph him in his underwear.

Based on both accounts, police searched Velasquez's home. They found an SD card with 16 images of former high school wrestlers posing naked.

Velasquez now faces the following charges:

1 count: Use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime

1 count: Child enticement

3 counts: Sexual assault of a child by a person who works or volunteers with children

16 counts: Capturing a nude picture without consent

6 counts: Child porn possession.

Velasquez's bond was set at $25,000 with a preliminary hearing scheduled for May 13.


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430f73  No.13593751






not mine


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