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File: b66ae359f467a1a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, 00.png)

163665  No.13592142[View All]

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0b511a  No.13592911

File: 1b1b972cd4d5f3c⋯.png (443.55 KB, 753x546, 251:182, bruh.png)

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b2646e  No.13592912

File: 468aded1b897abf⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 200x355, 40:71, butt2.gif)


i was in two convos so you get my favorite gif in apology

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7009b9  No.13592917

File: 4ac58573afac55c⋯.jpg (252.71 KB, 1079x1122, 1079:1122, Screenshot_20210214_132114….jpg)

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287db8  No.13592918

File: cc3eaa69af0407f⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB, 852x412, 213:103, cnn_nar_liz_05052021.mp4)

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1e852c  No.13592919

The whole reason Bruce Jenner is running for governor is so that every night on the local news you can hear repetitively a man referred to as she or her.

And the can run slobbering stories about him every night.

The mask wearers will be mimicking the behavior by fall 2021.

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a2006c  No.13592920


Spelling and punctuation are important.

Incorrect spelling and punctuation can change the meaning of something.

I believe on legal documents it can actually make big differences.

I remember a lawyer telling me one time that they pay close attention to the word "may" vs the word "must"

Big, big difference.

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504901  No.13592921


No… I cannot, it is forbidden. It would be the end of you and mankind when it spread. Trump told you even, there are certain truths that can never be released. Mankind could not handle them as a collective. Wish to know? Become a Freemason, if they'll accept you.

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6a85d6  No.13592922

File: 9c4d3f87e03a16c⋯.png (450.86 KB, 709x575, 709:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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a90468  No.13592923



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2694a3  No.13592924

File: cf90eb1b6f0aad8⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 500x750, 2:3, GrammarKitty.jpg)


>Your stupid, It’s embarrassing.

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e487de  No.13592925

Trump The Pacification Psy Op Artist Says Make Sure And Get Your VaXXXination Poison. Millions Of Deaths Will Be ON His Hands, Yet He Didn't Like The Poor Optics Of Fighting Evil Directly,,,,,,: D lol

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000000  No.13592926



need sympathy?

arrange attacks against the… whatever box you need chequed here.

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4f26b9  No.13592928

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c712e3  No.13592929


Got the wrong anon… this was my first interaction with you (at least in this bread).

BTW… don't feel too dumb… the competition here is stiff.

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2854b1  No.13592930


Awwww such a cute lil defeatistfag.

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f2f0f1  No.13592931

File: 4536457d413df3a⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, millerfuggg.jpg)


>Is that you @jack

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b49c59  No.13592932

File: d5d2b1d6d8120e2⋯.png (203.25 KB, 859x838, 859:838, 44444341456008776.png)

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51d59a  No.13592933


He's smart. He picked up a Trump/Populist agenda.

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50df7a  No.13592934


Good, maybe she'll panic off that fucking chair her dyke ass sits on and break her damn dick/neck.

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710602  No.13592935

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4cfa56  No.13592936

File: b97675f4b0a4110⋯.png (873.74 KB, 633x904, 633:904, ClipboardImage.png)



Endaly aribba aribba

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ed2be1  No.13592937

File: ba6f21e048223dc⋯.png (266.9 KB, 792x464, 99:58, 2021_05_05.png)

File: 2eea0aa2e4071ba⋯.png (159.16 KB, 604x452, 151:113, 2021_05_051.png)

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163665  No.13592938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition










Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition










Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition










Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition

Q Research General #17214: Cheeseburger Kingdom Edition





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b2646e  No.13592939


which is why i said ambiguous

youre can only mean one thing

well and we'll are two different things and need to have punctuation

i respect accuracy, i dont respect the reader being an anal faggot

which is why we created l33t speak to begin with

as a cipher

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b49c59  No.13592940

File: ea9512686c25a02⋯.png (1.21 MB, 781x842, 781:842, 54762897543.png)

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b49c59  No.13592941

File: fb3894506272114⋯.png (512.18 KB, 1157x867, 1157:867, 653145768967.png)

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a88683  No.13592942

File: b80e706ff631039⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1058x1200, 529:600, 3bewbsprojct.png)

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c0eec6  No.13592943

File: f5c6ff59ddf5959⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 550x322, 275:161, f5c6ff59ddf5959f8c08d7fbd3….jpg)

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51d59a  No.13592944


>I remember a lawyer telling me one time that they pay close attention to the word "may" vs the word "must"

Must removes all discretion. So does shall. Imperative. Will be that way, no other way is possible.

May is literally nothing.

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85005b  No.13592945

File: fc406c03675e666⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2498x1062, 1249:531, Screen_Shot_2020_09_16_at_….png)

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b49c59  No.13592946

File: 83d9b1124c0c106⋯.png (627.48 KB, 947x901, 947:901, 281047852856.png)

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b49c59  No.13592948

File: 307304baa07c150⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1207x786, 1207:786, 04897612069734.png)

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f2f0f1  No.13592949

File: 12d48d6815dcb93⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, karlanjcoup.jpg)


> lawyer telling me one time that they pay close attention to the word "may" vs the word "must"

>Big, big difference.

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51d59a  No.13592950


Show me on the doll where the masons buggered you.

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000000  No.13592951


Fuck that prison avoiding murderess Jenner guy

Sarah Stephens for Cali Governor, just ask MAGA Hulk!

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7009b9  No.13592952


Would also be a way to expose MK Ultra brainwashing in a way that can't be ignored by the media

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29f5a4  No.13592953

Leadership mantra.

Repeat daily.

I would would rather lie, cheat, steal, shift blame, and cover up, as opposed to being held accountable. Shred everything.

I would would rather lie, cheat, steal, shift blame, and cover up, as opposed to being held accountable. Shred everything.

I would would rather lie, cheat, steal, shift blame, and cover up, as opposed to being held accountable. Shred everything.

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504901  No.13592954


Reuters actually fact checked this and said, "No a demon wasn't present at Biden's addressing of Congress." Seemed a little odd for Reuters to fact check it so quickly.

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6ace5b  No.13592955


Clear and Present Danger

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dce845  No.13592957


I gotta see this thing, sauce?

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b49c59  No.13592958

File: 873202972ee5f73⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1178x1108, 589:554, 456082890643.png)

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5ba08b  No.13592959


Saw the Regeneron commercial for the first time. Deep state slipping?


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602427  No.13592960


I think this common nutritional supplement could be useful against SARS-CoV-2 infection, but I also wonder if it could be helpful in treating/preventing "spike protein disease" in vaccinated people.

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478a0f  No.13592962

For the ones saying "its over" - shut the fuck up.

We would hear from top officials before we knew it was actually over.

Dumb fucks.

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476444  No.13592963

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60b7e8  No.13592965


The longer we go without an international incident the better we are. That's a win. Underwound is the protection for above ground war. If they they have no where to go they have to hang with me. Above ground. 😉

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b49c59  No.13592966

File: c16c9006d1f1341⋯.png (944.93 KB, 846x845, 846:845, 88129948755.png)

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14c3fc  No.13592969

File: 3d08f57271ec8fd⋯.png (507.23 KB, 909x564, 303:188, ClipboardImage.png)

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2694a3  No.13592970

File: 74b8a416d5e3138⋯.png (345.8 KB, 629x620, 629:620, AntiCommAction.PNG)


>Good memories!!!

Three important words: Thirty. Round. Mags.

It's a lot cheaper than helicopter rides.

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000000  No.13592971



your and you're is constant these days

Can someone explain to me the difference between hanged and hung?

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