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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, working_template2.png)

0a0499  No.11589192[View All]

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3d215b  No.11590061

File: ba67fab6f6d47c0⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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68fee8  No.11590062


>The term is from the Greek stéar (στέαρ), meaning "tallow", and pugḗ (), meaning "rump".

So Lardass is a proper translation then?

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0a0499  No.11590063

File: 17a74c412713300⋯.png (82.03 KB, 420x420, 1:1, tel_aviv_anime.png)



well your a kike-nigger faggot

so I guess were even


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e5b6bc  No.11590064


Yup I'm not your daddy.

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de1263  No.11590065


Yes. And there is more to come. Q drops have more than one dimension. Many layers in it, mostly short term, middle term and long term unlocking.

What i'm really curious about is who wrote them this way? I keep on wondering if it's an AI. You input the data and the AI formulates it into sentences.

This is like shooting a bow. Some can do it short distance and others can do it long distance. You managed to do the long distance shot, since you decoded what was written almost 3 years ago.

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3e7520  No.11590066


It should also be noted if the parasites spike the fever too high it will fry your brain before your body kills them all. Bring the fever down enough to give the body a chance to fight.

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e99afc  No.11590067

File: bb5026584355fc4⋯.png (776.51 KB, 912x960, 19:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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531c40  No.11590068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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93c0e4  No.11590069

File: 43f6f7bd5ae78f4⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_1_.jpg)

File: 4ff39422c70bbd8⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AJ11.jpg)

File: c08b415f340017d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1084x840, 271:210, AJ13.png)


I cannot wait until you are completely exposed.

Oh its coming!

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e5b6bc  No.11590070


I get paid nothing to post here.

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8650ff  No.11590071

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b25c9e  No.11590072


The occupation administration is just that, they don't actually have power and they can be removed at any time.

>So you act now like there is no corruption and simply trust them?

What is that even supposed to mean?

Germany has been occupied for 102 years now, since the "end" of WW1. Of course there is tons of corruption, they are all enriching themselves. You can not clean that up. You have to SWITCH IT OFF.

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c5cbec  No.11590073

File: 20e09c856fafd06⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 1128x851, 1128:851, 92186fba6e09d78c8295d540a7….jpg)


SA anons mention the Norval as a locus of satanic pedo 'art' activities, trafficking. They will also use muti as African witchcraft / transdimensional communication.

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a9ecf4  No.11590074


but everything youve said is known by most anons.. I feel you have more to say.

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6818ee  No.11590075


I Picked the wrong day to Quit Cocaine

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5d1159  No.11590076

such concern for souls

you imagine being Catholic and hiding the problem from your fellow Catholics?


you'll answer for this.

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7ed3d6  No.11590077


The CBD cream for pain does not work as well as the cream with CBD and THC.

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214c06  No.11590079

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB, 253x254, 253:254, pepe_milk_kek.png)

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fa4e99  No.11590080


At least you didn't pick the wrong day to start!

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b25c9e  No.11590081

File: 00319a3cee63acd⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 950x526, 475:263, w950_h526_x1500_y1031_DPA_….jpg)


pic related

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2d4513  No.11590082


There have been fake E accounts. I've kept an eye on the real E's posts and not once has there been violence or inciting posts, on the contrary.

It's an exemplary use of twit for the purpose it's served to calm unrest and anxiety while also cautioning all to think for themselves and be careful who they follow.

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f04356  No.11590083


Mornin' Sam.

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b36bbe  No.11590084


Is this why a cold wet towel is applied to the forehead?

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667b51  No.11590085


ECW too you g to remember Thundercats or Dink

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7ed3d6  No.11590086

>>11589890 Good morning friend.

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6b05d1  No.11590087


When you consider corruption going all the way up, than you have to consider that EU is corrupt as fuck. To think there is no problem and can easily be shut down, is actually something only a schizo would do.

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8650ff  No.11590088


No no no… youre not hearing what Im saying.

The Q code is solved. Hes been talking to us in detail every day this month and the next days too.

Hes detailed every event every day this election, in order.

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6818ee  No.11590090


Think I'll Try Bath Salts today

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352795  No.11590091



What is the keystone?

What Nation dominates all others?

What Nation has influence over most others?

What is the keystone?


The central supporting element of a whole.

Something that is necessary to connect or support a number of other related things

Something on which associated things depend; foundation.


If AMERICA FALLS so does the world.

If AMERICA FALLS darkness will soon follow.

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b36bbe  No.11590092


The cream is good for skin aliments like eczema Ive heard.

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0a0499  No.11590093


>The CBD cream for pain does not work as well as the cream with CBD and THC


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e5b6bc  No.11590094


> Alex Jones only job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not a child rape and murder cult.

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e99afc  No.11590095

File: 7b8524e50fda17f⋯.png (239.17 KB, 354x270, 59:45, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec80ff  No.11590096


Switch it off.

Tee shirt calibre

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e5b6bc  No.11590098

Alex Jones only job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not a child rape and murder cult.

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cc12f0  No.11590099


>That was the last post ever

Cya Q. You did well.

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e99afc  No.11590100

File: 88bfff90a5cb286⋯.png (394.22 KB, 474x384, 79:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.11590101


Skip that shit

Go straight to Tide Pods

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b126bb  No.11590102

Alan Levin from South Africa is the one linked to the one eye symbolism company. Sunesi.com


Here they mention "love at first sight" (puke….puke some more).


Very pro Biden!

Linked to the snake cultists (Sunesi.com). - Snake logos and SA cabal.

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b25c9e  No.11590103


Of course the EU is corrupt, but it's a company construct.

The occupation administration is also a company construct.

They are not even a real government.

The police in Germany is also a company.

The allies can switch all of that off simply by signing a peace treaty.

>To think there is no problem and can easily be shut down

When the German people find out the truth, they are all fucked. Simple as that.

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94716a  No.11590104


The schism inside these people's minds, perfectly illustrated.

Calmly becoming greater in evil than anything they profess to oppose.

And undermining everything that makes America great while completely at ease.

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8650ff  No.11590105



I have the answer to the keystone.

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6818ee  No.11590106


Mmmmm, Pods…

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000000  No.11590108


Right. Don't know why, but I always thought 'X' was Dan for that reason. He's about the right age; lol.

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b126bb  No.11590109

File: 8f10941033ff21c⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 259x195, 259:195, SUNESI2.jpg)

File: 82a62b88d268fd1⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 200x134, 100:67, sunesi.jpg)

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e5b6bc  No.11590113

Alex Jones rapes kills and eats children.

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0a0499  No.11590114

Q Research General #14798: Through The Darkest Of The Night Anons Shine The Light Edition

Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:e433d2

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Baker seeking handoff next bread

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3acf03  No.11590115

File: 62bfac625980472⋯.png (1.4 MB, 989x692, 989:692, Star_Spangled_Banner.png)

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46d68d  No.11590116

File: f7547c5fd0efc77⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 552x430, 276:215, 3anum329oee01.jpg)

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6b05d1  No.11590117


See, there is a problem with your way of thinking, it seems like you know all and therefore you make asumptation out of nowhere.

First you say something like, "it will be easily shut down" and now you acknowledge the fact of corruption. And yet you down play it like nothing.

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