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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qanon_research.jpg)

c0e820  No.10971793[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 10.07.2020

>>10970198 ————————————–——– Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. (Cap: >>10969992)

>>10967624 ————————————–——– ONLY THE ILLUSION OF DEMOCRACY.


>>10967370 ————————————–——– WOULD CHINA OWN AND CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE?


>>10967161 ————————————–——– How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?

>>10966994 ————————————–——– Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?

Tuesday 10.06.2020

>>10957834 ————————————–——– USA CHINA timeline; WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Evil surrounds us.

>>10955457 ————————————–——– Think POTUS today "No redactions!"

>>10954518 rt >>10954501 ———–––——–— RED OCTOBER

>>10954429 ————————————–——– What happens when people no longer fight back?

>>10953742 ————————————–——– How close did we come to losing it? What if ………? ..not about R vs D.

>>10953488 ——————————————— He gave up everything. He knew [knows] the consequences. Why do it? Q

>>10951320 ————————————–——– INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10951368, >>10951371)

>>10950265 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Caps: >>10950391, >>10950325)

>>10949906 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Cap: >>10950011)

>>10949783 rt >>10949642 ———–––——–— Keep charging, Midnight Riders! Nightwatch.

>>10949641 ————————————–——– Time for a change? (Cap: >>10949674)

Thursday 10.01.2020 >>10969663

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wed 09.30.2020 >>10969659

Tue 09.29.2020 >>10969627

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

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701 posts and 379 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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df716c  No.10972742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2:04 just in case my point was missed

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ff3809  No.10972743



thank you for da fish…


i member now

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a6c238  No.10972745


MOSSAD fucktards, ATTN: I am King Shit of Fuck Mountain DO NOT FUCK WITH ME.

Eat the food, dummy, and live.


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f7005a  No.10972747

File: e5712a214a0390a⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 28x56x.jpg)

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ec0222  No.10972748

File: 633101272257bcd⋯.jpeg (115.22 KB, 799x534, 799:534, C6DDE93A_2B64_427B_81D9_3….jpeg)

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88a0ee  No.10972749


heaven, basically all women no matter how bad

cuz they tainted from abuse by men, men in authority

are th problem all women,

men, not many,

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21383a  No.10972750


We're gonna win so hard and so much, you're gonna be saying:

Mr. President please, we don't want to win anymore

Please Mr. President, we can't take it anymore, please

and i'm gonna say:

I don't give a damn, we are gonna keep on winning and we're gonna Make America Great Again!

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150ad0  No.10972752


Trust the Process.

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ba99b2  No.10972753

On the Mountainside Was Our Creator's Last Message in letters of Fire.

It was very much like now…

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c94ee6  No.10972754

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23cc13  No.10972755

File: 6005fabb0d012f4⋯.jpg (91.11 KB, 947x560, 947:560, 3_letter.jpg)



Patriot Anons

If it helps

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eb4492  No.10972756

File: aebbfc97ed45e8e⋯.png (26.97 KB, 1003x239, 1003:239, due_to_bias.PNG)


'Increasingly hostile': Flynn lawyers argue Judge Sullivan must recuse from case due to bias

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93e4d8  No.10972757


Normally I’d refrain from telling someone to take their meds, but u…..

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acddd9  No.10972758



award description down about 2/3 page

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016e40  No.10972760

File: 589fb058d84d658⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB, 224x400, 14:25, V22Sky_Event_Yo_MuhBoys.mp4)

17:20 Pacific Time

Muh Own Personal Sky Event!




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4717b0  No.10972761

This bread too will end.

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2e33ac  No.10972762


He did a LONG time ago. MIL is in control. Use LOGIC. The next election will be fair…BUT because of MSM and DS, the next election sits Hiden in seat, you ALL got some fucking serious shit to go through as the Mil WILL empty the whitehouse and all family members within minutes by blood. THIS is not a fucking game. Humanity has a chance to wake….if they don't they sleep forever and shit gets reset.

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82de19  No.10972763

>>10971899 CBS: LA woman finds discarded ballots near South Los Angeles ATM

>>10972530 Anon's breakdown of POTUS's combat tactics

>>10972542 Etsy to Remove All QAnon Merchandise

>>10972437 UPDATE: New Batch of Flynn Documents Reveal Top Officials Condemned JOE BIDEN’S Idea to Use Logan Act to Go After and Prosecute Flynn

>>10972410 VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris — With Pelosi Biographer Susan Page as Moderator

>>10972422 POTUS: Obama, Biden, Crooked got caught in a Treasonous Act of Spying and Government Overthrow. How is Biden now allowed to run for President?

>>10972146 White House Security Official Reportedly Caught COVID-19 Weeks Ago, Is 'Gravely Ill'

>>10972191 Trump Says All US Troops in Afghanistan Will Be 'Home By Christmas'

>>10972237 Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>10972712HAPPY? i am posting these in the real bread

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35dfce  No.10972764

File: e2c237a768f2ead⋯.jpeg (36.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e2c237a768f2ead7063de74dd….jpeg)

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1a1e68  No.10972765


>>10972176 Trumps rapid recover emasculates left's emotional terrorism

>>10972189 Top White House Security Official gravely Ill

>>10971942 >>10971947 Comms transparency

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a1f95e  No.10972766

File: 9889a544698a547⋯.png (407.28 KB, 720x900, 4:5, fe7160cfa647c188896626cfa5….png)

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c63adb  No.10972767

File: c9c057f4c4266dc⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 474x720, 79:120, night_shift_4.jpg)

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0260a2  No.10972770

File: a2892aec2506a5a⋯.jpg (288.51 KB, 1920x816, 40:17, combat_tactics.jpg)

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan

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0f8dc1  No.10972771


he knows

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95ba8c  No.10972774

File: 5faa1334c899e78⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 320x580, 16:29, Swig_on_Twitter_This_seems….mp4)


"This seems bad."

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602ccc  No.10972775

File: f5b53fe96b2c948⋯.png (199.87 KB, 332x500, 83:125, nsrocks3.png)

File: 6e8c11439cdcc27⋯.png (250.08 KB, 486x322, 243:161, B_Bnothinghappening2.png)

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80d7cf  No.10972776

File: 6adbb44fbe87ed0⋯.png (712.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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35dfce  No.10972778

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 274534d7d1780203956040e16a….png)

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b91586  No.10972779

File: 749c5b5a317ae99⋯.jpg (327.54 KB, 794x645, 794:645, IMG_7861.jpg)




>>10972661 (op)

Best I can do. Pic taken yesterday.

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2e33ac  No.10972780

AGAIN I SAY…keep fucking with me cartel gangbanging little pussies. Fuck with my implant. PLEASE!


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c0e820  No.10972782

>>10972763 Kek


#14034 Hero Notetaker

>>10972176 Trumps rapid recover emasculates left's emotional terrorism

>>10972189 Top White House Security Official gravely Ill

>>10972566 White House Reporters encouraged to stay away because of China Virus

>>10972565 Donald Trump is Chief Law Enforcement Officer (Anon opines)

>>10972542 Etsy to remove all QAnon merchandise

>>10972486, >>10971942, >>10971947 /comms transparency

>>10972422 POTUS Tweet Obama Biden Crooked Hillary got caught

>>10972410 VP Debate moderator is Pelosi biographer

Q Research General #14036 IAO EditionBaker ID:07e19c KITCHEN IS OPEN!

Always Ahead Edition afterward.






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bef313  No.10972783

File: eb1ab0136258d43⋯.png (261.29 KB, 1230x890, 123:89, MODERN_NAZIS.png)

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1a1e68  No.10972784



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0f8dc1  No.10972786

File: 80354a87d957930⋯.png (7.2 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, 80354a87d957930cb82530bab8….png)

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b5e43c  No.10972787

File: 286f36dc198abc9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1609, 1080:1609, dunkin_45.png)

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63d1f9  No.10972788

File: 1bd755674da77b0⋯.png (415.72 KB, 959x639, 959:639, 552346345634.png)


Ok script reader.

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aa7733  No.10972789


Admit it, he's slower than Joe.

Those two on the street, preparing for a gunfight. People get tired waitng and go build a new town with a new street two miles away

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35dfce  No.10972790

File: 87186dbede1bf38⋯.png (256.54 KB, 475x367, 475:367, kjdh87ag8743tg17.png)

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a55943  No.10972791


invalidate mail–order voting.

show up or forfeit yer vote.

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f7005a  No.10972792

File: 2b1ee688bd54a95⋯.png (298.51 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 2b1ee688bd54a95bcf977fb80a….png)


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2e33ac  No.10972793


YOU have no fucking clue how long I have KNOWN

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8e190c  No.10972794

File: 613b3b09a57559f⋯.pdf (3.48 MB, Spygate_Timeline.pdf)

it is long and tailed and not mine

but if you really want the details of obama gate and HRC

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18ca1e  No.10972795

File: ff6afef4d38d7e6⋯.png (109.28 KB, 602x559, 14:13, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)


Just authorized, not ordered


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eb4492  No.10972796

File: 0dd9998b504a912⋯.png (23.19 KB, 1051x152, 1051:152, citi_grou.PNG)


Regulators Fine Citigroup $400 Million Over ‘Serious Ongoing Deficiencies’

Fed, OCC order the nation’s third-largest bank to fix its risk-management systems

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18533f  No.10972798

>>10970198 (PB Q)

So he “turned into” the torpedo to let it hit him before it could detonate?

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c63adb  No.10972799

File: 53e44a1659deee7⋯.jpg (11.47 KB, 300x200, 3:2, toots6.jpg)


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f6e413  No.10972800

File: 5bdafa3c6509f5e⋯.png (203.42 KB, 2650x763, 2650:763, MISC.png)

Euroanon here, the panic seems to be very real. I wanted to check the vp debates, but my search results seem to be suppressed. I could get some links to the first Trump-Biden debates, but nothing on the Pence-Kamala debate (other than some articles on how plexiglass was not going to do much)

Used Startpage.com (takes info from Goog) and DuckDuckGo.

Never seen anything like it since Miscgenation-gate (Goog fixed that quietly in the past few weeks)

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113641  No.10972802


You can never be ready or prepared to listen to that women. It’s just not possible without wanting to hurt yer self.

I’ll try anyway

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2e33ac  No.10972803


AND…YOU have no fucking clue what I am gonna do about it either.

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1a1e68  No.10972804


If you want me to stay on I will for next bread

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