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292fd5 (23) No.149176 [View All]>>149426 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

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22ef84 (11) No.149387>>149388 >>149389


not worried. sed itz gonna drop to cat 1 pretty quick. that’s a bad storm at a 45 rally kek


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292fd5 (23) No.149388



g1 be out playin golf in it if no rain


loosen ties on the boat bit

nothin else to do

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292fd5 (23) No.149389>>149390


you had cat 4 pics you smooozer

I wasn't fooled one bit


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22ef84 (11) No.149390>>149392


>cat4 pic

kek… go big or go home

gott clean up rooftop liv’n in the morn. not much up dhere right nao so that’s guud. wind direct will be in muh favor.

bring dis fugger. let’s git it on

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b738dd (12) No.149391>>149393 >>149395 >>149426

File (hide): 3ea2b7dbdf66e47⋯.png (137.16 KB,231x261,77:87,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a000c0291d7d13a⋯.png (304.72 KB,842x528,421:264,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

The major tell for this storm is gonna be when they start moving ACs outta MacDill-they usually wait until it gets closer so if/when that habbens it should start at some point tomorrow afternoon EST

They not in a big hurry it appears as a coupla US Army Beech Super Kings went from Opa-Locka Airport into MacDill about an hour ago WING78 and 82-those three Hurricane Hunters TEAL72,81 and 82 are back at Biloxi >>149376 and SAM080 >>149370 had a ground stop at Fort Sill, OK of about one hour and heading back to JBA

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292fd5 (23) No.149392>>149394 >>149426


yeah, loose stuffs in the yard cleaned up, some patio furniture brought in

figured I'd fix that screen rip after Nov 1, glad I waited


not expecting any problems

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22ef84 (11) No.149393>>149396


literal eyez on

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22ef84 (11) No.149394


blew the dust off the 2 100gal waterbobs jic

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292fd5 (23) No.149395


and dis just nother reason why we lubs our planefag, cauze he nose sheitz and he shares

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b738dd (12) No.149396>>149397 >>149398 >>149426

File (hide): 85e027f24ca53c2⋯.png (359.99 KB,708x593,708:593,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Got yo backs nizzas-at least what I can see

Don't see much of a hurry..yet

They lubs the fear pron with these.

You smart to stay put-moar dangerous exposed leaving imo-it's gonna rain and be windy..it's Florida in September.....:p

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292fd5 (23) No.149397>>149398 >>149426


we waitin on Cuba, that the tell

wakers and I and polk county anon will argue till then


thanks for watchin for us

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22ef84 (11) No.149398>>149399



gonna a real show

yep… they freak pr0n’n dis one up. gotta clog dat news cycle

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292fd5 (23) No.149399


no shit right


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b738dd (12) No.149400>>149401 >>149426

File (hide): b101183930bd37e⋯.png (340.86 KB,916x451,916:451,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Potato ain't going to Ft. Lauderdale or Orlando tomorrow either they canceled that to amp it all up

Mebby some starting nao-two tankers outta MacDill AFB north ASSET02 and 08-was two earlier ASSET03 and 12 earlier today and think they went to Bangor but it's when you see a lot at once is when they serious about it-this barely a trickle-and another 2 Super King Airs PAT320 and WING64 from Opa Locka-

Still got some pretty normal activity up around Eglin too

WING82 leaving now heading east-din't stay long

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22ef84 (11) No.149401>>149402 >>149403 >>149426


they’re calling for cat 1 at landfall

big yawner.

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b738dd (12) No.149402>>149404 >>149405


B-B-but Muh storm surge!!

Some shit gonna get wet and a few places flooded out-living there if you don't count on that every year or almost every categorized storm.

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292fd5 (23) No.149403>>149406


wait for Cuba, it'll go NO

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22ef84 (11) No.149404>>149412


gonna get deep in sum spots here fer sure. typical summer storm does that. muh vehicle lubs the water. can get thru 3 to 4ft deep of it.

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292fd5 (23) No.149405


2-4 ft, mabbe

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22ef84 (11) No.149406>>149407


will lose a lot of power going thru cuba

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292fd5 (23) No.149407>>149408


and change direction, speed and velocity, tried to tell em next door

no clue

memes of tornados


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22ef84 (11) No.149408>>149409


models look like it may shift further west. when at the keys latitude will the the real tell. luuks like it could be luuk’n at westie too

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292fd5 (23) No.149409>>149410


would make sense warm water on the coast would draw it in, immediately, everglades hit would be perfect

shakez up the gaties n sheitz

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22ef84 (11) No.149410>>149411

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292fd5 (23) No.149411


mabbe not that one

we keepz him

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b738dd (12) No.149412>>149413


yeah all that area in Tampa like a boat ramp coming off the bay


been there during that- it's not ideal but regular occurrence and fugs up some streets and low level areas-was in Tampa one year for a TS..97 or 98 it got messy a bit but that is life living in a bowling alley

this is for everyone who doesn't live there or doesn't know any better

bet the nightly 'chatty' group we pass will have moved on from gettin' nuked by muh russians and on this hard-you should habs heard them when we had that one sent up this way-and they don't habben here very often but was not worried one bit but boy they sure were...it was a total nuffinburder

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292fd5 (23) No.149413

File (hide): 9792e247243848d⋯.png (3.86 MB,3247x3364,3247:3364,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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292fd5 (23) No.149414

all grilled bro

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b738dd (12) No.149415>>149426

File (hide): d968462cec504ad⋯.png (313.61 KB,641x417,641:417,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


some PF Housekeeping-that FIAT21 DC-10 Extender went to RAF Mildenhall

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2bfe77 (2) No.149416>>149417 >>149418

File (hide): 9e015bc66272a89⋯.gif (1.2 MB,260x269,260:269,HurricaneSupervisor.gif) (h) (u)

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292fd5 (23) No.149417>>149420



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22ef84 (11) No.149418


kermit git’n it

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2bfe77 (2) No.149419

File (hide): c793a18b06c3ecb⋯.gif (189.66 KB,603x414,67:46,PicklePepe.gif) (h) (u)

Sums up muh day, not eben Vlasic.

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83fd5e (1) No.149420>>149422


new veep too

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b738dd (12) No.149421>>149423 >>149425 >>149426

File (hide): 3b1a53d050ecd8a⋯.png (33.91 KB,763x537,763:537,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd9492ee2cf7560⋯.png (45.1 KB,754x526,377:263,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>148867 BoJ announces unscheduled bond buying operation (from 0921)

Moar Yen vaporization a comin' and they got the 10y back to 0.25% as well

Japan’s 20-Year Yield Rises Above 1% for First Time Since 2015

Japan’s 20-year bond yields rose to the highest level since 2015 as global debt markets come under pressure from expectations for further monetary tightening. Yields on the securities climbed by 2.5 basis points to 1.015%. So-called super-long JGBs are more vulnerable to moves in overseas bonds as they are outside the Bank of Japan’s curve control policy aimed at capping benchmark 10-year yields at an upper limit of 0.25%. The rising yields are boosting speculation the BOJ will announce an unscheduled bond-buying operation for longer maturities, or increase the amount of its planned purchases. The BOJ has announced unlimited debt-purchase operations at fixed rates for 10-year bonds, but not for super-long debt.




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292fd5 (23) No.149422


yet again

connection wonky tonight

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b738dd (12) No.149423>>149426

File (hide): 38205652badc47c⋯.gif (1.52 MB,480x202,240:101,godzilla_really_nigga.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d5e3ff82bb8d94⋯.png (76.02 KB,965x543,965:543,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


They are in dreamland...right back up towards ¥145 already

Japan likely spent record $21bn to prop up yen

Japan's intervention in the currency market last week cost roughly 3 trillion yen ($20.9 billion), making it the country's largest single-day action on record, new Bank of Japan data suggests. The BOJ and the Japanese government intervened for the first time in 24 years to buy the yen and sell the dollar Thursday, but it takes two business days for the settlements to show in the central bank's accounts. Friday was a national holiday, so the scope of the intervention will become apparent Tuesday.

On Monday, the BOJ posted projected sources of changes for Tuesday's current-account balances. The numbers show the balances decreasing by 3.6 trillion yen for "treasury funds and others," a category that reflects foreign exchange intervention.

Without the currency intervention, the category would decline by only zero to 700 billion yen on Tuesday, according to an estimate by a money market dealer. This would place the price tag of the intervention somewhere between 2.9 trillion and 3.6 trillion yen.Any figure in that range would trounce Japan's previous record for intervening in the currency market, set on April 10, 1998, at 2.62 trillion yen. The Ministry of Finance will announce the official numbers later. Given the limited funds to buy the yen, the size of the previous intervention provides a major clue to Japanese financial officials' next steps. The balance of Japan's foreign exchange reserves the war chest for currency intervention stands at $1.29 trillion. Of this, $136.1 billion is in deposits that can be used immediately to intervene. After Thursday's intervention, the Japanese currency strengthened briefly from the range of 145 per dollar to the 140 range. But now it is once again trending weaker. Currency speculators are selling the yen to take advantage of how the BOJ's ultraloose policy is not in line with the Finance Ministry's efforts to rein the weak yen in. Speaking to reporters late Monday, BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda called the intervention "highly appropriate" and reiterated how the intervention quickly strengthened the currency by about 5 yen. "Even now, [the yen] is moving at about 143 yen, so the effect has not run out," Kuroda said after meeting with business leaders in Osaka. "The intervention was meaningful," said Masayoshi Matsumoto, chairman of the Kansai Economic Federation. Matsumoto is chairman and CEO of Sumitomo Electric. Many in the market question the sustainability of the yen intervention's positive impact if the BOJ maintains its expansive monetary easing that has contributed to the yen's depreciation. Speaking to reporters Monday after a cabinet meeting, Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki pledged to "take the necessary response" to further weakening by the yen."There's no change to our stance," Suzukisaid.


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b738dd (12) No.149424>>149426

File (hide): 9b85022f13d58c8⋯.png (721.07 KB,654x436,3:2,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54de9f5084b033e⋯.png (70.94 KB,888x725,888:725,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): acf6128ce755620⋯.png (84.09 KB,955x652,955:652,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b3860e2f06b2b4⋯.png (84.24 KB,955x641,955:641,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bb3cc2338621910⋯.png (62.18 KB,525x838,525:838,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Just have to put this here...how you think you have ANY semblance of credibility when you are manipulating the bond market on a MASSIVE scale by "lending" $40-50B EVERY SINGLE DAY is priceless-they will be sending out these clowns all week too

Fed’s Bostic says central bank hasn’t lost credibility with the public

The Federal Reserve hasn’t lost credibility with the broader public beyond Wall Street, Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said Monday. “I’m heartened as I go around [my] district [that] people … have faith that what we’re doing is going to be effective,” Bostic said during an interview streamed online by the Washington Post.

Bostic said that the public’s long-term expectations for inflation are at or near the central bank’s 2% target.

Bostic said he hears encouragement from the public.

But some noted Fed watchers, including Wharton Professor Jeremy Siegel, have become highly critical of the central bank. They worry that it was late to recognize high inflation and now will raise rates too fast and cause a recession.

“The Fed is just way too tight,” Siegel said on CNBC on Friday.

Read: Fed is making one of biggest mistakes, says Wharton’s Siegel

Last Wednesday, the Fed hiked its benchmark interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point --- its third straight supersized move — and said it expects interest rates to climb to 4.5%-4.75% by next year. “We’ve got to get inflation behind us. I wish there were a painless way to do that,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said at the press conference that followed the rate decision. Translated: We have to take these rate hikes off as the system is so tightly wound together it can't hack the extra interest payments it has to make-but we don't care if we kill off the housing market at the same time we are trying to look like we are fighting inflation) In an interview on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Bostic said the Fed would do all it could “to avoid deep, deep pain.” New Boston Fed President Susan Collins also spoke on Monday, saying she was hopeful the U.S. economy could avoid a “significant downturn.”

During the Washington Post interview, Bostic stressed that the Fed needed to get inflation under control, adding that extreme views regarding the Fed are driven by the fact that inflation is too high.


'''The largest chunks of the daily NYFRB Securities Lending Facility continue to target the 5 year and below portion of the curve with today largest at $2.902B-a 2 year Note these were issued on August 31st, 2022


This goes on day in and day out between the aforementioned $40-$50B level-they have really been targeting the 2 year lately as you can see the rise in the later half of cap#3 with the YTD chart-the other one they "lend" (i.e. create out of thin air) is the 5 year-today was $2.269B-same story here...so as they "lend these on a nightly basis tot eh Primary Dealers the result they want is achieved....yeah sure breh you all just OOZE credibility....oh and don't forgot the over $2T that gets parked at the NYFRB every single day too ($2.299T today) this is "cash" that gets parked here for whatever the agreed upon form of collateral is (usually moar debt notes and the cycle repeats itself every single day here as well..can't forget that with your 'credibility' statement because if you have to say that you have not lost credibility...you never had it in the first place....all of you can GFYs





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b738dd (12) No.149425>>149427


Ima gonna go soon-I'll drop the bun and if you have time afore you go can you bake it?

>had ta get dhat (fed shit) off muh chest just ridiculous BS dhere

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b738dd (12) No.149426

>>149176 (OP)





>>149186 Elon Musk is activating Starlink in Iran Q drop #1943 "Watch Iran"

>>149195, >>149196, >>149197, >>149199, >>149200, >>149255 Rumor news- The PLA has taken control of China. Xi put under house arrest. General #LiQiaoming is the new president.

>>149198 Planefag CONUS activity: SAM194 G5 west from JBA-going to Wichita, KS 16-3025 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound departed Miami Int'l SE (after arriving back from it's South American jaunt yesterday)...and Potato bailed to Delaware already with WINK21 USAF KC-135 tanker in the 'at Delaware' position-Paraguay AF FAP01 (kek) C680 departed Miami and stopped at Trinidad/Tobago for about an hour and SE

>>149202, >>149209 German AF GAF918 A340 departed Jeddah Int'l, SA after meeting with MbS and heading east to UAE and then will go to Doha, Qatar tomorrow-C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed Naples and heading to Bahrain Int'l Airport in Manama-left after 90 minutes and went to Dubai

>>149202 Germany's Olaf Scholz in Gulf to boost energy security

>>149207 China’s CCB to Set Up $4.2 Billion Fund to Buy Properties

>>149211 Got a mini elephant walk with some T-38 trainers from Dane County Airport, Madison-WI to Sioux Falls, S.D-SHOOT 44 on descent for Sioux Falls,28,69,55,33 en route and17just departing

>>149217 AE6893 US Navy P-8 Poseidon over the Baltic Sea-looking for doze 'ebil' Russian Navy boats/subs outta St. Petersburg-Austrailian AF ASY599 C-17 Globemaster departed Rzesow Airport after a load out-Italian AF 1449 KC-767 back at Rome from Karachi, Pakiland stop of about 2h30m-Italian AF IAM1441 KC-767 also to Rzesow Airport, Poland..load out (clean socks from the Italians for Zelensky) and back to Rome

>>149218 SAM194 USAF G5 did some roundies at Wichita-Eisenhower National Airport for about 1h 45m and then went to Oklahoma City-Will Rogers Airport for just under 2 hours (on ground) and is nao at Lake Tahoe Airport, CA

>>149220 Beto O’Rourke Says US Guest-Worker Program Would Help Slow Inflation...cause this wouldn't be abused and would have zero impact on inflation-has no concept of economics

>>149230 Russian AF RSD008 Ilyushin 96-II Lavrov mic drops and outta here departs JFK Int'l a few hours ago after arriving on 0921 (weds)-‘Read Putin More Often and Carefully,’ Lavrov Tells UN Reporters

>>149232, >>149246 Smart Kid: Student 'schools' and calls out School Board about division, racism and sheer stupidity as an official policy "EVERYONE has value" from June 2021..Bravo young man...muh dick on it's logo

>>149255 Agent POS- "You guys I heard Xi Jinping got overthrown by a powerful yet chubby panda bear who knows kung fu and five other animals. For some reason the panda's father is a goose. CIA is hard at work cracking the case"

>>149261, >>149289, >>149296 Not AF2 Kneepads heading to Japan-SAM788 and SAM071 USAF C-32As WN from JBA and heading to Anchorage-SPAR21 USAF C-40B west from Ted Stevens Int'l Anchorage while kneepads in SAM788 and SAM071 stop for fuel-and still NOT AF2 departed for Yokota AB after a fuel stop as SPAR21 left earlier...QUIZ44 C-17 left MCAS Miramar

>>149276 SPAR70 USAF G5-NATO weenie coming over from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) departure-RCH3217 USAF C-17 Globemaster departing Quantico taking equipment to Orlando/Ft Lauderdale for Potato visit-Kuwait AF C-17 left Dulles with moar "toys"

>>149280 AE57CB US Navy P-8 Poseidon with some patrol werk in the Gulf, Hormuz Straight and Gulf of Oman and then back to Isa Air Base, Bahrain

>>149281 German AF GAF918 A-340 PM Olaf Scholz and he din't do so well-departed Doha Int'l Airport after about 4 hours-Germany Secures Just One Tanker of Gas During Scholz’s Gulf Tour

>>149282 Planefag Europe-just after sunset and Med: Czechs left Baghdad after 3 hours, Hungarians left Brussels after 30m, Italians fergot Zelensky's man-girdles yesterday so back again

>>149284 KANGZZZ!! Nigerian AF NGR001 737 departed JFK Int'l after arriving on 0918 dropped off and then went to Dover AFB where it started from earlier today

>>149294 Canadian PM Trudeau cancels trip for Abe's state funeral

>>149304 for the keks: Vagene flavored chips..what will they think of next?

>>149308, >>149311, >>149313, >>149314, >>149315 Sterling plunges to all-time low as fiscal plan spurs investor exodus EURO with another 52 week low and dollar with 52 week high..and on it goes-US $ all time high (numerically speaking) is $160.xxx in Feb 1985 and most recent high is $120.xx in Jan 2002-Yen convos

>>149317 SPAR21 UASF C-40B on it's descent phase to Yokota with kneepads SAM788 and support AC SAM071 a bit behind-got two Clippers (C-40As) NE from Kadena AB, Okinawa (Navy brass) heading to Yokota AB too (some background on AF2 and the lack of it on Int'l trips for kneepads)

>>149319 SAM158 USAF C-40B arrived at London Stansted several hours ago from JBA depart-a State Dept AC-also Janet Yellen has used this a few times too

>>149343, >>149363 PlanefagEurope Activity: Belgian AF BAF642 A400m departing Rzesow Airport after a load out of about 2h10m with DUKE28 USAF C-12 Huron west from Rzesow (clean shirts for Zelensky) 1h at Rzesow and 1h at Constanta, Romania earlier) back to Weisbaden, Turkish AF TURAF42 E-7A Wedgetail-Cap #2 (eventually replace AWACS-be a while though and usually not see this too far north-Aussies also have a handful of these) with NATO06 E-3A Sentry AWACS SW over Germany-both were over Estonia and Latvia-JAKE 11 harassing Kakiningrad

>>149345 Housing September 26th Update: Inventory Increased 0.9% Last Week; Hits New Peak for 2022

>>149346 Prime Minister Morawiecki blasted Ursula von der Leyen for suggesting Brussels has tools to punish member states

>>149350, >>149351, >>149354, >>149356, >>149357, >>149358 Putin grants Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden-Q drops containing Snowden

>>149359, >>149415 SAM080 USAF G5 SW fromm JBA and some interdasting callsigns relating to currency and markets ASSET12 USAF KC-135 tanker and FIAT21 DC-10 extender NE-FIAT 2=B 1=A Bank of America? and the went to Mildenhall

>>149369 "The first presidential visit to NSA took place #OTD in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan dedicated Operations Buildings 2A and 2B..." Q drop #915 NSA Edward Snowden

>>149370 SAM080 USAF G5 on descent for the vicinity of Dothan AL, Ft. Rucker to the west and about 7 possibruh Airports this can go to-TEAL81 and 82 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunters' NW from St. Croix depart-heading back to Biloxi, MS and ASSET03 USAF KC-135 tanker NE after leaving MacDill AFB-some roundies just SE and then north

>>149371 Down $29 Trillion Since November (2021)-How much has the Fed's epic "inflationary is transitory" policy error cost the world?

>>149372 Hurricane #Ian Advisory 14A: Ian Continues to Intensify. Conditions in Western Cuba to Deteriorate This Evening and Tonight With Significant Wind and Storm Surge Impacts Expected

>>149376 TEAL72 USAF WC-130J Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' was down by the Cayman Islands earlier and back to Biloxi

>>149385 Got a train of 4 KC-135 tankers over Yerp from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) departure earlier today: 58-0066, 62-3498,RCH850 and RCH879 heading SE..that US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading NE in the Baltic Saturday went to Sigonella AB and FORTE10 back to saem from Black Sea

>>149392, >>149391, >>149396, >>149397, >>149400, >>149401 Stormpocalypse!! hype-watch fer the AC movements outta MacDill that'll tell you what is going on with this-not expecting much from the vets-just don't turn on the TV d'oh kek!

>>149421 Japan’s 20-Year Yield Rises Above 1% for First Time Since 2015-Moar Yen vaporization a comin' and they got the 10y back to 0.25% as well

>>149423 Japan likely spent record $21bn to prop up yen ."There's no change to our stance,"-it's already headed back to ¥145 Rotsa Ruck!!

>>149424 Fed’s Bostic says central bank hasn’t lost credibility with the public (if you have to say that you have not lost credibility...you never had it in the first place) Summary of todays NYFRB 'not losing credibility' operations of well over $2T

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292fd5 (23) No.149427>>149428


will bakez it tonight


had a prollem baker next door

g'nite G mang

will grillz the rest too

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b738dd (12) No.149428>>149430

File (hide): ef790b119f52d9d⋯.png (569.03 KB,709x512,709:512,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


not a problem at all muh fren

It so slow casue it's all about Muh Storm

noes you got things that go wrong ober there and you gotta 'feex' or they fester

like over-stimulated chilluns they are

been in and out muhself

habs a good rest of your morning and I'll ttyitm


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c45feb (2) No.149429>>149431

File (hide): 791eb8038746395⋯.jpg (417.08 KB,678x1024,339:512,20220926_212027.jpg) (h) (u)


ıт đœs

the prince holds Sinai.

one holds no particular trust for michele...


if hister is hitler

mabus is #MbS


so many bad jœx...

so liddl x

desantis got fla haarpd

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292fd5 (23) No.149430


all grilled now

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292fd5 (23) No.149431>>149436


was makin sure aei

between you and nostradamus, Q and all kinds of sheitz I readz daily, needs check sumtimes

we are all waiting to see what habbens @ Cuba, they had a counter if i member correctly, same in Jacksonville so will see where this baby goes

never the less, prepped here for the worst, will prolly sit out side and watch it go by


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292fd5 (23) No.149433


>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty good coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

>>149057, >>149061 UK anon: Washington Crossing the Delaware painting- It doesn’t seem to show any stars...Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag-They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash

>>149079 PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes Retruth time 01:57:17

>>149081, >>149123 Planefag: Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk-and went to Naples, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

>>149086 JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop off PM Kishida-Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

>>149094 SAM771 USAF C-40B WH NSO AC returning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921-Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnight-RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

>>149100 Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits” DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

>>149099, >>149124, >>149145 RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday-Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan-RCH4593 on it's way to Yokota AB in Japan as SAM102 left a few hours prior and then went to Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149101 you are watching a movie MOVIE22 C-17 roundies at McGuire

>>149104 FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

>>149105 PDJT rally at Wilmington, N.C. today (friday Sept 23rd at 7pm)

>>149109, >>149113 The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring-The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't (the start of) hyperinflation fun?

>>149114, >>149122 16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia-ground stop/refuel at San Juan

>>149115 Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

>>149116 SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA

>>149121 Netflix chief accounting officer gives up $2.4 million position after just 4 months on the job- Great look dhere.../s

>>149127 SAM061 USAF G5 departed Langley AFB after an overnight-back to JBA

>>149136 China’s former top security official gets suspended death sentence for graft

>>149157 HOTROD88 USAF E-4B Nightwatch from Robbins AFB, GA to Lincoln Muni 'They Live' released in 1988-Special Ops Wolfhound went to Miami Int'l and SAM917 back to JBA from Laguardia (UN shit)

>>149165 Hungarian AF HUAF669 Falcon 7X (shows as ZD545 on satellite) FM Peter Szijjarto left Teterboro N.J-Trump second term would bring back 'best-ever' relationship with Hungary, foreign minister says Pakis left and Chilean President about to depart

>>149169, >>149173 45 in EJM473 G650 departed Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C and on descent for Palm Beach Int'l


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292fd5 (23) No.149434


>>148766 Putin To Give Major Speech On Ukraine Referendums, Possible National War Mobilization

>>148774 Television viewers were 'creeped out' by a ghostly whisper during live coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral procession. A female voice can be heard saying "The death is irreversible...the fact that she's trapped..." during the British broadcasters' live coverage

>>148776 Putin talkin’ about a storm-Now reports of Putin and Russian Defense Minister addressing the nation tonight!

>>148787 Don’t cook chicken in NyQuil: FDA warns about dangerous social media challenges...that you habs to say this...

>>148827, >>148830 REP. SPEIER: "We have 128 [military] bases and installations in red states, in these states that ban abortion. Maybe we should just move these bases!”

>>148867 BoJ announces unscheduled bond buying operation-Basically is breaks down to this: all the "lines in the sand" are being breached on most Japanese Bond issues

>>148868 Swiss Imports of Russian Gold Climb to Highest Since April 2020

>>148869 Sylvamo Corp sold by Citigroup (CNAI) $167.27m-Sept 13th, 2022-Citigroup sets new diversity goals for workforce by 2025

>>148870 Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Have Mysteriously Disappeared from this Week’s Senate and House Banking Hearings

>>148871 Very High COMEX December contract activity Friday 0916 and Monday 0919

>>148872 Russian AF RSD028 Rossiya -Special Flight Detachment Ilyushin 96 II landed at JFK-dropped off Lavrov and has departed heading WS and arrived at Dulles Int'l-Lavrov's flight crew got the Visas they were waiting for

>>148873 GDPNOW---Latest estimate: 0.3 percent --- September 20, 2022 mebby do 100bp so they can say "we're on top of this"-they aren't

>>148875 Five Eyes spy meeting took place at Queenstown resort-SAM806 USAF G5 returned to Hickam AFB yesterday morning (local) after a trip to New Zealand for "secret*" meeting-Prolly C_A Director William J. Burns

>>148878 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 from Malmstrom AFB, MT to JB Lewis-McChord on Monday night-Something ya don't see at all on ADS-B B-1 Lancer aka as "the Bone" came out of Dyess AFB yesterday-did some roundies and went back to Dyess-based there

>>148884, >>148901 US Treasury 10 year note solidly above 3.50% (and the 2 year surpasses 4% again) and hits a new 52 week high-got to 4.001% yesterday (4.019% HOD today)..totally normal that../s 3-year rate rises to 3.99%

>>148886 Planefag:CONUS Activity- Japanese sending in ACs for Kishida, RICO28 Global Hawk drone to Grand Forks from Sigonella SAM051 WN from JBA French AF A330 (Macron's AC on Monday) on at Dulles

>>148891 Highly suspect': DARPA tried to hire executive at Wuhan lab funder as COVID emerged, he says

>>148895 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.80 million SAAR in August

>>148897 JASDF JF01 and 02 777 going to Dulles Int'l to wait-SAM058 USAF G5 WS from JBA depart-French AF CTM001 A330Macron's AC switched to it's callsign for him-he may not be hanging around NY for very long

>>148902 WATCH: This Kamala meme triggered a lib so hard that he demolished the projector during Benny Johnson's speech at the University of Iowa

>>148904 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 east from JB Lewis-McChord overnight

>>148906 Reverse Repos: $2,315.900T today as well as the Securities Lending (which is why yer getting these massive inversions the short end) $47.567B in that today

>>148909, >>148922 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement-raises by 75bp points-markets drop initially but once he starts yapping up dhey go

>>148913, >>148920 ENRGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 heading to Minot AFB, ND from it's stop at McChord-Quite a list of destinations last 48 hours..including Pantex Plant in Amarillo on 0919

>>148923 ATOM01 USAF WD-135R Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' also up from Lincoln Muni as SAM051 USAF G5 returns to JBA from Omaha-Eppley Field after about 1 hour on ground and French AF CTM001 A330 departs Dulles to go get Merde Boi in New York

>>148930 Planefag:CONUS Update ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 done with muh dick measuring exercise and back at Augusta Regional, GA (U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site used to refine nuclear materials for deployment in nuclear weapons) SAM058 east from PSFB, SAM047 west from JBA, GAF906 went to JFK to p/u PM Scholz, C-17 back with Potato equipment at JBA,Bolivians left JFK

>>148931 Italian AF IAM9002 A319 departed New York Stewart Airport Mario Draghi after his last (I hope for the Italian people's sake) major public appearance at the UN


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c45feb (2) No.149436>>149439

File (hide): 24fd0201384dbc7⋯.gif (542.97 KB,500x375,4:3,20220926_215810.gif) (h) (u)


enjoying the ongoing twilight of the west.

awaiting the true depth of the fall ensuing...

for conus at least.

the rest of the world is on its own.

the pattern remains.

those the monkeigh think their enemy are masques.

your enemy does not show its face.

even the redshields are just that...


if the uppance which comes ends at names you know,

know your enemy predates your young still.

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292fd5 (23) No.149438

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292fd5 (23) No.149439


enemy haz many names

pleased to meet you, hope you guess it


realized early on just how many layers of people hide him, redshields being high up there but not the "one"

just like humans to point fingers at sumthing they can see and feel comfy, some mysteries can't be handled

think there is a lot of that to come

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