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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

b73471 No.51601 [View All]

21NOV23 to 24NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 849 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b73471 No.109508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965915 (231816ZNOV23) Notable: Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

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Happy Thanksgiving fren. 🐸🐸

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b73471 No.109509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965941 (231821ZNOV23) Notable: #24511

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#24511 >>109419

>>109419, >>109420, >>109421, >>109423, >>109424, >>109425, >>109426, >>109427, >>109428, >>109429, >>109430, >>109431, >>109432, >>109433, >>109436, >>109437, >>109440, >>109442, >>109443, >>109446, >>109454, >>109455, >>109457, >>109461, >>109465, >>109470, >>109471, >>109474, >>109483, >>109484, >>109486, >>109488, >>109490, >>109492, >>109495, >>109501, >>109502, >>109503, >>109508 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

>>109494 Get Tickets: Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 3:00PM CST

>>109419 Jim Cramer has said that the economy is headed for a soft landing, per CNBC./kek hang on to yo ass

>>109434 Argentina's Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires

>>109435, >>109466 Welcome to 8kun.top Normies

>>109438, >>109439, >>109447, >>109441, >>109459 Q* denotes the optimal solution of the Bellman equation.

>>109441, >>109459 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>109444 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike.

>>109445 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

>>109448 "Pro-Palestinian protesters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>109449 Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results

>>109450 Meme of the Bread

>>109507 Kek of the Thread

>>109451 A Thanksgiving Message from President Donald J. Trump

>>109452 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>109453 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>109456 Message for Blacks that Support Trump. Own up to it! LET'S GO!!!

>>109458 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>109460 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>109462 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda.

>>109463 Top DeSantis backer resigns from super PAC amid internal turmoil: 'Untenable' environment

>>109464 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>109467 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>109468, >>109472, >>109473 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>109475 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"

>>109476 Anons Notes

>>109477, >>109479, >>109481 Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched #FF

>>109478 Elon Q*Anon Dig

>>109469 Anon Reminds, Enemy of the People is the Media

>>109480 SPAR78 G5 heading to back to Stuttgart

>>109482 Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talks about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections - YT

>>109485, >>109498 YT, >>109499 MP4, Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public

>>109487 PF Report Billy has been at Saint Lucia island since 11/17


>>109493 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious

>>109497 November’s stock-market rally gets a boost from trend-following funds and company share buybacks and hedge funds panic..cover shorts and go long

>>109504 Iowa woman convicted today for a voter fraud scheme during 2020 primary

>>109505 President Trump published his official Thanksgiving holiday greeting to the country Thursday morning.

>>109500, >>109422, >>109491, >>109496, >>109506 WORDS MATTER Listen Closely: Trump Authorized For FEMA Camps In The US? #HomelessPeople #IllegalImmigrants #MS13


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b73471 No.109510

File: ab0afb888551cbc⋯.png (33.17 KB,598x294,299:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965966 (231825ZNOV23) Notable: #24512

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#24512 https://fullchan.net/?de3dfc4f1ca543d8#4J8bHTyiVWjUb93tMXggKqxoHooTVDdQf7Kk9eQ9euFr





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b73471 No.109511

File: 11b8665b9891f26⋯.png (849.78 KB,1020x942,170:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966002 (231833ZNOV23) Notable: Dem Senate Candidate Says Israel Lobby Offered Him $20M to Run Against Rep. Rashida Tlaib

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Dem Senate Candidate Says Israel Lobby Offered Him $20M to Run Against Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Democratic Senate candidate Hill Harper revealed Wednesday that he was offered $20 million by a donor with the Israel Lobby to run against Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in Michigan.

A Michigan businessman called Democratic Senate candidate Hill Harper to offer $20 million in campaign contributions if he agreed to drop out and instead mount a primary challenge to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, according to a source with direct knowledge of the call.

The source added that Harper declined the alleged Oct. 16 offer from donor Linden Nelson - which would have split the campaign money between $10 million in bundled contributions directly to Harper’s campaign and $10 million in independent expenditures. Harper declined to comment on the record about the alleged call from Nelson, a Michigan entrepreneur and past donor to candidates in both parties, but he recounted the call in the same terms as the source in a post on X after this story’s publication.

But the episode illustrates the intensity of the blowback toward Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, in response to her outspoken criticism of the Israeli government since its war with Hamas began. More than 20 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to censure Tlaib earlier this month after she invoked a pro-Palestinian slogan that's widely seen as calling for the eradication of Israel, and pro-Israel Democrats are still searching for a candidate to primary her.

POLITICO reached Nelson briefly to seek comment on the alleged call to Harper, but he ended the call after a few seconds and did not respond to subsequent calls, texts and emails seeking comment.

[...] Nelson has also previously donated to a group seeking to unseat Tlaib and has a history of involvement with theAmerican Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has railed against her. He has donated to other Michigan Democratic candidates over the years, including Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.) this cycle and Andy Levin in previous cycles, according to FEC records, as well as former Rep. Mike Bishop (R-Mich.).

AIPAC spokesperson Marshall Wittmann said that the group "was absolutely not involved in any way in this matter. Also, our records indicate that this individual has not contributed to AIPAC in over a decade."

It's not clear if the alleged donation offer would have violated any campaign finance laws, had Harper accepted it. Saurav Ghosh, the director for federal reform at the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, said that any potential coordination between a candidate and a donor floating that amount of financing would be illegal.

"It would be illegal for a wealthy donor and a person planning to run for office to essentially coordinate and line up $20 million in financing to support that person's candidacy; this would raise serious corruption concerns about the candidate being wholly within that one donor's pocket," said Ghosh.


Muh "Foreign Election Interference" (tm). Oh, wait. It's AIPAC? Then nothing to see here. *eyeroll*

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b73471 No.109512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966016 (231836ZNOV23) Notable: #FibonacciDay is celebrated #Today, on November 23 because when the date is written like "11/23", it forms the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3).

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#FibonacciDay is celebrated #Today, on November 23 because when the date is written like "11/23", it forms the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3).

How can you celebrate it? Go out and start looking for evidence of the sequence in the world around you, especially through the Fibonacci spiral defined by the sequence.

Nov 23, 2023 · 5:50 PM UTC


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b73471 No.109513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966026 (231838ZNOV23) Notable: Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

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Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Patrick Bet-David interviews Reza Pahlavi, the Crown Prince of Iran. They discuss the seismic events of the Iranian Revolution and how it shaped Iran and the entire Middle Eastern region. Reza Pahlavi offers his unique perspective, reflecting on his family's legacy and the tumultuous events that have marked Iran's recent history.

The conversation shifts to the current situation in Iran, where Patrick and the Crown Prince discuss the ongoing challenges faced by the Iranian people, the state of governance, and the international community's role in the region. They delve into what life is like in Iran today and what hope lies ahead for its citizens.


Premiered Nov 18, 2023 2:56:16


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b73471 No.109514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966029 (231838ZNOV23) Notable: Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids

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Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids

The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks. He later gave his life to Christ and wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas.

Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.


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b73471 No.109515

File: bb83275435e5caa⋯.png (735.37 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966054 (231845ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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Some pretend-anons don't remember or care. But I'm comfy.

+Deep underground booms stopped a couple years ago (DUMBS eradicated)

+Hundreds of ankle boots/monitors for both political and entertainment figures.

+Football consistently with Trump.

+Biden's exterior WH sets showing different weather than DC.

+Plethora of doubles and masks

+Trump's presidential motorcades

+Biden's fake SS (remember the rental car fires?)

+Many, many congressional "resignations" or declinations to rerun.

+Biden never on the real AF1, but rather the diplomatic jumbo disguised as AF1.

+Biden's Military funeral gun salute.

+Fake inauguration filmed over two days.

+Hundreds of pedophiles/traffickers taken down every single week (the current phase)

Yeah, I'm comfy. Some real anons wanted high-profile perp walks. They woulda been happy with only that and the swamp return stronger than ever 4 years later.

Nah, the swamp is being taken down entirely, and this annoys some. Working from the bottom up, as Q said, this is going to be glorious.

We are being given back our Republic.

And no, CNN won't be reporting it.

Morning Schmoe, Whoopies, and Maddman all know what's coming.

It's right in our faces. Always has been.

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b73471 No.109516

File: 26f1816edbddeb2⋯.mp4 (959.68 KB,352x288,11:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966073 (231849ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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don't forget.

the media have been defeated and all the deep state can now do is bring in internet control.

and moar and moar peeps are waking up..

Anon would call that winning

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b73471 No.109517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966084 (231854ZNOV23) Notable: Niagra border explosion theory

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my Niagra border explosion theory

car accelerator is stuck (something akin to Anne Heche incident?)

car weaves to avoid collisions (viewed as reckless driving by witnesses)

he can't make the curve, no choice but to hive the angled median which launches the car

car is actually a Tesla thus a fiery display from lithium is assumed to be a terrorist attack

backtracking ensues but they are going to go completely dark on this because they dont want to affect the EV image and sales

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b73471 No.109518

File: f4ca536f035307b⋯.jpeg (100.5 KB,620x782,310:391,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966086 (231854ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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Q lives within the minds of Anons and anyone else who chooses to believe in the “drops/posts”.

Someone could be larping I guess but that doesn’t matter. What matters is how Anons perceive Q to be. He or she or it “lives” within the minds of all believers. Can a human “will” something into existence? I think you all know that answer!

Jesus exists in this Anon’s mind even though physically Jesus doesn’t exist (that I know).

Do you see how this works?

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b73471 No.109519

File: 1a578dabafb82a5⋯.png (15.06 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966089 (231854ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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Amen, brutha.

Comfy AF.

Some Anons are slow readers, please type slower next time. TY.

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b73471 No.109520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966096 (231856ZNOV23) Notable: Head of US judiciary's administrative arm to leave the bench By Nate Raymond

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Head of US judiciary's administrative arm to leave the bench

By Nate Raymond

November 20, 20237:54 PM GMT-3Updated 3 days ago

Nov 20 (Reuters) - U.S. District Judge Roslynn Mauskopf, who as the director of the federal judiciary's administrative arm oversaw the rollout of a new financial disclosure system and pushed for greater security for judges, plans to retire from the bench in early 2024.

The retirement was announced on Monday by Chief U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who appointed the Brooklyn judge to serve as director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in 2021 and will select her successor.

Roberts said that Mauskopf as the director guided the judiciary through the COVID-19 pandemic, implemented workplace conduct and ethics reforms, addressed budgetary challenges and worked to improve cybersecurity defense and technology.

"On behalf of the Judiciary, I thank Roz for her leadership and wish her all the best as she returns to New York to begin a new phase of her career," Roberts said in a statement.

The U.S. Supreme Court said a new director will be selected at a future date.

Mauskopf, 66, was appointed to the bench in 2007 by Republican former President George W. Bush, after earlier serving under him as the top federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York.

She served as the Eastern District's chief judge from January 2020 to February 2021, when Roberts tapped her to succeed retiring AO director James Duff, a privilege that Mauskopf on Monday said she was "deeply grateful" to have had.

Under her watch, the AO last year launched a new, congressionally mandated online database of judges' financial disclosure reports, though many reports remain unavailable due to delays.

She pushed Congress for increased funding for court security and cybersecurity and legislation aimed at protecting judges by shielding their personal information online after a New Jersey federal judge's son was fatally shot by a disgruntled litigant.

Read more:


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b73471 No.109521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966103 (231858ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

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ATTACK ON INNOCENCE Three kids under 6 & creche worker ‘stabbed in knife attack while queuing outside Dublin nursery’ before suspect tackled

One man said he saw 'a child on the ground, a little girl' and 'women wailing, men screaming and crying'


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b73471 No.109522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966111 (231901ZNOV23) Notable: Head of US judiciary's administrative arm to leave the bench By Nate Raymond

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>Mauskopf, 66, was appointed to the bench in 2007 by Republican former President George W. Bush

jonah valdez



Roslynn Alba Cobarrubias, a media entrepreneur, radio DJ and music promoter who advocated for Filipino American artists, such as Apldeap of Black Eyed Peas, died Sunday evening in her hometown of Walnut. She was 43. obit by me @latimes



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b73471 No.109523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966117 (231904ZNOV23) Notable: Tater' traveling to Georgia on Tuesday for a tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 96.

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CBS News



President Biden and first lady Jill Biden will travel to Georgia on Tuesday for a tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 96.






>>Mauskopf, 66, was appointed to the bench in 2007 by Republican former President George W. Bush

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b73471 No.109524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966150 (231914ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

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Live feed, wonder what is actually going on here and why?

God bless the Irish innocents.


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b73471 No.109525

File: a0b8076a1508b28⋯.png (1.38 MB,1161x936,129:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966160 (231915ZNOV23) Notable: Netherlands: New PM Geert Wilders is a threat to the WEF

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Note: No profile on the w.e.f site and found this article which is much longer than this part about Geert Wilders. Good luck to this patriot, anon will be watching and hoping for great things for you and your people. o7



Netherlands: Geert Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party has made a bold prediction for the election scheduled for March 15th 2017. Wilders attended the Republican Party Convention in July to show his support for Donald Trump. At the event, he told Politico his party had been ahead in the polls in the Netherlands for a year. Wilders said: “If this becomes reality in the elections in March next year, I could become the next prime minister.”

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b73471 No.109526

File: f09a32cf6f70e65⋯.png (53.69 KB,482x390,241:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966196 (231925ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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b73471 No.109527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966204 (231928ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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Amen. The revolution will not be televised.

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b73471 No.109528

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966206 (231928ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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b73471 No.109529

File: 0f530d64d137b57⋯.jpg (201.69 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 499ec24b13135bb⋯.jpg (201.16 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 84ad9fc47e4b590⋯.jpg (116.22 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966211 (231930ZNOV23) Notable: Bidenomics in action! 40% More Expensive Thanksgiving Dinner Under Biden Than Trump

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American Farm Bureau Federation – Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Survey


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b73471 No.109530

File: f97fbb550cf1213⋯.png (1.81 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966213 (231930ZNOV23) Notable: Yeah, we comfy.

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It's a marathon, not a sprint

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b73471 No.109531

File: 6c96926c9aaf9a8⋯.png (3.03 MB,1545x2000,309:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966214 (231931ZNOV23) Notable: Bidenomics in action! 40% More Expensive Thanksgiving Dinner Under Biden Than Trump

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Bidenomics Means 40% More Expensive Thanksgiving Dinner Under Biden Than Trump

This Thanksgiving, Americans can expect to pay 40% more for Thanksgiving dinner than they paid in 2020 under President Trump.

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, Bidenomics means shoppers can expect the following price hikes for the following Thanksgiving favorites:


>American Farm Bureau Federation – Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Survey

According to AFBF, the average updated Thanksgiving dinner for ten people cost $60.11 in the last year of President Trump's first term. This year under Joe Biden, the same dinner costs Americans $84.75—a 41% increase.

Since the AFBF began tracking Thanksgiving dinner prices in 1986, the prices have hit all-time highs under Joe Biden.

Last year, the cost of AFBF's "Classic Thanksgiving Dinner" hit the highest price point ever recorded. This year marks the second highest. In 2021—Joe Biden's first year in office—marked the third most expensive dinner cost ever.


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b73471 No.109532

File: 8a919a35384f536⋯.png (770.47 KB,1223x1011,1223:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966247 (231940ZNOV23) Notable: UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

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UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

(Allegedly) putting profit before patients? What a shock.

By Rob Thubron November 19, 2023, 9:55 AM 32 comments

A hot potato: In yet another story about the damaging effects of faulty artificial intelligence, the largest health insurance company in the US, UnitedHealthcare, is being sued over claims it is using a flawed AI model. The system is said to have wrongfully denied health coverage to critical elderly patients and disagreed with doctors' determinations.

The lawsuit filed in the US District Court for the District of Minnesota comes from the estates of two now-deceased men who needed long-term care in post-acute facilities. The families of these men were forced to pay a combined $210,000 out of pocket for their therapy and care before their deaths.

The suit alleges that UnitedHealth repeatedly and wrongfully refused to pay the healthcare claims of the two seniors, who were using the Medicare Advantage Plans. It adds that such incidents have been going on since at least 2020, when UnitedHealthcare acquired post-acute care management firm Navihealth.

The lawsuit followed an investigation by Stat News about the use of an AI algorithm called nH Predict developed by Navihealth. The algorithm is used to anticipate how long patients will stay in rehab following acute injuries, illness, or events. Post-acute care includes the likes of nursing homes and rehab centers. The algorithm reportedly does this by examining a database of medical cases from 6 million patients and estimating a patients' medical requirements and length of stay.

The lawsuit alleges that the AI system has a 90% error rate and overruled the post-acute care opinions of physicians. Furthermore, claims that nH Predict failed to take into account individual patient needs, such as comorbidities (having multiple conditions or diseases) and contracting an illness while staying at a facility.

Another damning section of the suit claims that while only a few patients appealed coverage denials that were based on nH Predict estimates, over 90% of them were reversed through internal appeals processes or federal Administrative Law Judge proceedings.

"Under Medicare Advantage Plans, patients who have a three-day hospital stay are typically entitled to up to 100 days in a nursing home," the lawsuit states, citing Stat's investigation. "With the use of the nH Predict AI Model, [UnitedHealthcare] cut off payment in a fraction of that time. Patients rarely stay in a nursing home more than 14 days before they start receiving payment denials."

Former NaviHealth employees told Stat that once UnitedHealth took over, the focus moved from helping patients to making money and keeping post-acute care times as short as possible.

The UnitedHealth executive overseeing NaviHealth, Patrick Conway, was quoted in a company podcast saying: "If [people] go to a nursing home, how do we get them out as soon as possible?"

nH Predict is still being used today. UnitedHealth's subsidiary Optum Health told Ars Technica: "The NaviHealth predict tool is not used to make coverage determinations. The tool is used as a guide to help us inform providers, families, and other caregivers about what sort of assistance and care the patient may need both in the facility and after returning home. Coverage decisions are based on CMS coverage criteria and the terms of the member's plan. This lawsuit has no merit, and we will defend ourselves vigorously."


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b73471 No.109533

File: bb27ab74783597a⋯.png (403.4 KB,972x850,486:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966281 (231948ZNOV23) Notable: #FibonacciDay is celebrated #Today, on November 23 because when the date is written like "11/23", it forms the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3).

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1, 1, 2, 3 – what do you see? It’s not just today’s date, it’s the first four numbers of the Fibonacci sequence! If you knew that right away and you’re good at recognizing patterns, you might be a good fit among our workforce here at NSA. Learn more at http://NSA.gov/Careers


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b73471 No.109534

File: 7b5d467fabdb7ff⋯.jpeg (430.24 KB,1208x625,1208:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8dfe8311d0f2c7f⋯.jpeg (490.66 KB,1615x523,1615:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ba143f08baf7fa⋯.jpeg (496.4 KB,1201x611,1201:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966322 (231958ZNOV23) Notable: PF: eastern Med activity-IAF ISR/tanker/C130 up being joined by USAF Rivet Joint ISR-Turks back to Ankara from Brussels

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PF: eastern Med activity-IAF ISR/tanker/C130 up being joined by USAF Rivet Joint ISR-Turks back to Ankara from Brussels

Busy this evening

IAF IRON G550 ISR out of Nevatim AB on what has become semi-regular north/south vector-cap 2

HOMER42 River Joint coming in to set up some trackin’ from Souda Bay, Crete

IAF 272 707 Re’em tanker up as aerial refueling and IAF 248 C130 Hercules up as well

Israel and Hamas to start four-day truce on Friday -Qatar mediators


Cap 3

Turkish AF J001 Citation 680 heading to Ankara from Brussels depart-left Istanbul yesterdaymight be Turkish FM Hakan Fidan (it is certainly from the diplomatic office) so someone told NATO to fuck off to the bar on approving Sweden by next week

Turkey tells NATO that Sweden won't join by next week's meeting -sources


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b73471 No.109535

File: bcee9b6342457d0⋯.png (215.16 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966444 (232033ZNOV23) Notable: Netherlands: New PM Geert Wilders is a threat to the WEF

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Globalist Elites Panic as Netherland’s Geert Wilders Stands Against the ‘Migration Tsunami’ – ‘The Dutch will be Number One Again’

The globalist elites continue to adjust to the fact that rightwing populist Geert Wilders won a HUGE general election victory in the Netherlands.

The Liberal MSM is reeling with what AP called ‘stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance’ – which is a disingenuous way of completely overlooking the absolute tragedy that mass migration has brought upon European populations, wreaking havoc on their standards of living and endangering the very survival of their cultures.

None of this matters to the Globalist vehicles that will shout ‘far-right’ from the rooftops after propping up actual Nazis in Ukraine and Canada for over two years now.

But it does seem that at this juncture, the European voters are beyond the reach of this repetitive propaganda.

Wilders is poised to form the next governing coalition and become the proverbial ‘first far-right prime minister of the Netherlands.’

In all this talk of Netherlands ‘beacon of tolerance’ is but a thin liberal veneer, and it forgets that it just came to light that the grandfather of the Dutch King was a card-carrying member of the Nazi party.

Associated Press reported:

“’It is going to happen that the PVV is in the next Cabinet’, Wilders said, using the Dutch abbreviation for his Party for Freedom.


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b73471 No.109536

File: 600bd2709567a0c⋯.png (28.28 KB,910x410,91:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966481 (232042ZNOV23) Notable: Delta for today. North Korea successfully launched a satellite into space yesterday. Also, yesterday all this Elon Q* stuff came out….

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Delta for today. North Korea successfully launched a satellite into space yesterday. Also, yesterday all this Elon Q* stuff came out.... Something to chew on along with your Thanksgiving meals.

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b73471 No.109537

File: 6f8b312db7c94cf⋯.jpeg (452.98 KB,828x927,92:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966501 (232046ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

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b73471 No.109538

File: a0899725ff56e77⋯.png (322.79 KB,590x580,59:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966514 (232050ZNOV23) Notable: Trump shitposting

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Trump shitposting memes over Thanksgiving, kek


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b73471 No.109539

File: 3681156716076c5⋯.jpeg (422.99 KB,719x983,719:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966602 (232111ZNOV23) Notable: China wealth manager Zhongzhi faces $37bn asset shortfall

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China wealth manager Zhongzhi faces $37bn asset shortfall

Chinese wealth manager Zhongzhi Enterprise Group has told investors that it is severely insolvent with a financial shortfall of up to 260 billion yuan ($36.7 billion), as an economic slowdown and property slump cast shadows over the country's financial sector.

In a letter issued this week to investors that was leaked on the Weibo social platform, Zhongzhi placed its liabilities at 420 billion yuan to 460 billion yuan against assets of 200 billion yuan.

The value of Zhongzhi's debt and equity investments have plunged, and only a limited amount will likely be recoverable, it said. The letter apologized for the string of essential defaults in investment products tied to the group. It did not provide specifics regarding its portfolio.

Founded in 1995, Zhongzhi is privately held and also involved in businesses like coal mining. It held a 32.99% stake in Zhongrong International Trust, a leading Chinese asset manager, as of the end of 2022.

Zhongrong has paused payments on a portion of its investment products. There is speculation on Zhongzhi's financial woes have played a role.

Zhongzhi also holds stakes in other financial institutions like Hengbang Property Insurance and Hengqin Life Insurance, stoking concern that its troubles could ripple further.


(There was some big meeting a few weeks ago that Xi attended at the PBOC-where he’s only been a few times officially-and all the insolvent property companies begged to be bailed out and extended moar “loans”-meanwhile they (PBOC) been buying up yuan so it went up in value by 2% in one week-they are getting closer to losing control of the prop markets and that is 70% of its stated GDP)

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b73471 No.109540

File: adaab8e0138679e⋯.png (448.03 KB,837x827,837:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966646 (232122ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b73471 No.109541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966673 (232126ZNOV23) Notable: #24512

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#24512 >>109510

>>109515, >>109516, >>109519, >>109526, >>109527, >>109528, >>109530, >>109518 Yeah, we comfy.

>>109511 Dem Senate Candidate Says Israel Lobby Offered Him $20M to Run Against Rep. Rashida Tlaib

>>109512, >>109533 #FibonacciDay is celebrated #Today, on November 23 because when the date is written like "11/23", it forms the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3).

>>109513 Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

>>109514 Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids

>>109517 Niagra border explosion theory

>>109520, >>109522 Head of US judiciary's administrative arm to leave the bench By Nate Raymond

>>109521, >>109524, >>109537, >>109540 LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

>>109523 Tater' traveling to Georgia on Tuesday for a tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 96.

>>109525, >>109535 Netherlands: New PM Geert Wilders is a threat to the WEF

>>109531, >>109529 Bidenomics in action! 40% More Expensive Thanksgiving Dinner Under Biden Than Trump

>>109532 UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

>>109534 PF: eastern Med activity-IAF ISR/tanker/C130 up being joined by USAF Rivet Joint ISR-Turks back to Ankara from Brussels

>>109536 Delta for today. North Korea successfully launched a satellite into space yesterday. Also, yesterday all this Elon Q* stuff came out….

>>109538 Trump shitposting

>>109539 China wealth manager Zhongzhi faces $37bn asset shortfall


nom if mist

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b73471 No.109542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966733 (232138ZNOV23) Notable: #24513

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>baker has ghosted for dinner

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b73471 No.109543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966862 (232209ZNOV23) Notable: RE: OpenAi project “Q*”

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5hrs ago

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b73471 No.109544

File: 1b66ab4505be90d⋯.png (915.85 KB,934x976,467:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966960 (232231ZNOV23) Notable: Meathead claims JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one

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Meathead claims JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one

Director Rob Reiner claims he's unearthed PROOF that JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one - and says the reason the first shot missed president's motorcade is KEY to theory'

▶ Reiner claims there were more people involved in the fatal shooting of Kennedy who he names in his 10-episode podcast titled 'Who Killed JFK?'

Kennedy was shot as his open-top motorcade rolled through Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 and he was pronounced dead after arriving at the Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Dallas resident Abraham Zapruder captured the moment Kennedy was shot on a silent 8mm color film but this was not widely available until March 1975.

'You watch the Zapruder film over and over again,' Reiner told the Sun Sentinel newspaper.

'And then when you watch that, it really becomes clear. No way that a bullet comes through Kennedy and then stops for a little while and it waits to hit Connelly.

'None of it makes sense. And Connelly himself said too until the day he died, "The bullet that hit Kennedy didn’t hit me."'


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b73471 No.109545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19966983 (232236ZNOV23) Notable: Irish kids knifed by foreign nationalist result in "Far Right Nazis" protesting mass immigration

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Irish kids knifed. Based on this expected biased reporting this claim makes me think the gov plotted this stabbing so they can blame the right. Also leaked info to incite the public.

From article: He said: "We have a complete lunatic hooligan faction driven by far-right ideology, and also then this disruptive tendency engaged in serious violence

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b73471 No.109546

File: 4eca898fe8cee77⋯.png (716.83 KB,1200x1656,50:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967033 (232246ZNOV23) Notable: Have-a-go heroes praised for tackling knifeman in mass stabbing of children

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Maybe nothing but it was reported that an American woman was on the scene.

>Irish kids knifed. Based on this expected biased reporting this claim makes me think the gov plotted this stabbing so they can blame the right.

Have-a-go heroes praised for tackling knifeman in mass stabbing of children

Ms Kearney told Irish broadcaster RTE she watched people disarm a man who she said had a knife, adding: "I looked across the road and I see the man and the stabbing motion with a load of children so I flew across the road.

"The man was after stabbing two children as far as I could make out, and we got the children up to the left with the women that were there, and the teachers I presume.

"People were trying to attack the man so me and an American lady, we formed a ring around the man, just to say that we're not savages in this country. Then we let the Garda do their duty."


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b73471 No.109547

File: bd299cf1202bddc⋯.png (702.66 KB,918x915,306:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967050 (232251ZNOV23) Notable: Melting ice exposes new petroleum reservoirs in the Arctic worth $7TRILLION

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Melting ice exposes new petroleum reservoirs in the Arctic worth $7TRILLION - in what is being dubbed a 'modern day gold rush'

90 billion barrels of oil are becoming more accessible due to melting ice

'Bitter irony' that melting ice is seen as a business opportunity


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b73471 No.109548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967080 (232258ZNOV23) Notable: Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

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Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified


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b73471 No.109549

File: 461870f48f1a620⋯.jpeg (196.94 KB,750x580,75:58,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967127 (232310ZNOV23) Notable: RE: OpenAi project “Q*”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Open Ai project “Q”


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b73471 No.109550

File: 52716cadd0ec85e⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: a76e868f5db0aab⋯.png (61.04 KB,690x856,345:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 70da012f870274c⋯.jpeg (119.04 KB,640x482,320:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967161 (232320ZNOV23) Notable: Regardless of where they serve, let's give a Hooah to our #USArmy culinary specialists

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tyb. hooah

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b73471 No.109551

File: 38fd44a25e2aef3⋯.jpg (526.19 KB,1054x2826,527:1413,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967173 (232326ZNOV23) Notable: RE: OpenAi project “Q*”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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b73471 No.109552

File: 578fd5420cf39ad⋯.png (409.22 KB,1140x760,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967187 (232334ZNOV23) Notable: UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

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UBS Bank of Switzerland was in secret collapse last night. UBS Failed to Deliver Bonds due Nov. 22 (Hal Turner)




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b73471 No.109553

File: e068957df0a1018⋯.jpeg (500.63 KB,1170x1065,78:71,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7610fa5b59730e7⋯.png (17.79 KB,204x247,204:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967225 (232349ZNOV23) Notable: Sean “Diddy” Combs was hit with a second lawsuit

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Sean “Diddy” Combs was hit with a second lawsuit in as many weeks, accusing him of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman who claims she was also a victim of alleged “revenge porn” by the music artist.


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b73471 No.109554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967252 (240007ZNOV23) Notable: Video shows how dolphins pull bait from hooks and open bait boxes off Western Australia in what experts called first-of-its kind footage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CBS News



Video shows how dolphins pull bait from hooks and open bait boxes off Western Australia in what experts called first-of-its kind footage.


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b73471 No.109555

File: ddfcd379e42e065⋯.png (1.23 MB,980x836,245:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967293 (240021ZNOV23) Notable: Irish kids knifed by foreign nationalist result in "Far Right Nazis" protesting mass immigration

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>Irish kids knifed, blamed on "far-right ideology"


It was a foreign nationalist and the mobs are "Far Right Nazis" for protesting mass immigration

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b73471 No.109556

File: e24be30a6ce4f2f⋯.png (473.03 KB,927x1064,927:1064,Clipboard.png)

File: 06f284947a08ef5⋯.png (500.42 KB,543x928,543:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 35dbce46a65997f⋯.png (296.87 KB,543x650,543:650,Clipboard.png)

File: cda122147aab5b2⋯.png (1.99 MB,1725x1188,575:396,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19967294 (240021ZNOV23) Notable: FBI has reported that now-arrested Clint Harden, who worked at Texas A&M, used the pedophile code word “pizza” in chats to discuss child porn.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: The FBI has reported that now-arrested Clint Harden, who worked at Texas A&M, used the ped*phile code word “pizza” in chats to discuss child p*rn.

Harnden is facing charges of receiving and possessing child p*rnography.

Opening the door to the infamous “conspiracy theory” “Pizzagate” to be revisited.


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b73471 No.109557

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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