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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

1dbd4f No.51594 [View All]

31OCT23 to 03NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 685 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1dbd4f No.104251

File: c3228d3b675de4c⋯.png (764.09 KB,1915x931,1915:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850640 (022229ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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NOVA14 E3TF up out of Tinker AFB starting the night shift

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1dbd4f No.104252

File: 8a1b29fb2ddf772⋯.png (399.59 KB,591x873,197:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850651 (022230ZNOV23) Notable: @RepThomasMassie Seems like a call for war on Iran. I voted No

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Thomas Massie


We should remember the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which midwifed the disastrous Vietnam War. Yesterday’s Congressional Iran Resolution is eerily reminiscent of that resolution as well as the claims of WMDs that were used justify the second Gulf War.






Thomas Massie




Yesterday Congress passed a resolution (354 to 53) that claims Iran possesses all it needs for a nuclear weapon.

The same resolution says the U.S. should “use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

Seems like a call for war on Iran. I voted No.

Show more



7:11 AM · Nov 2, 2023




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1dbd4f No.104253

File: 2be3eb041131b3f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1910x924,955:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850664 (022232ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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Lots of C30J up today all around the country.

I have heard that many Palestinian refugees have been brought in and dispersed but don't have the sauce nor have I personally tracked any myself.

Keep your head on a swivel out there.

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1dbd4f No.104254

File: 4a3aca3a3f9a241⋯.png (396.36 KB,595x593,595:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850675 (022232ZNOV23) Notable: Here’s a woman stuffing the ballot box in broad daylight in Gwinnett County, Georgia in the November 2020 Election

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


All of this is on tape


Liz Harrington



Apr 11, 2022


Here’s a woman stuffing the ballot box in broad daylight in Gwinnett County, Georgia in the November 2020 Election

7:06 AM · Nov 2, 2023




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1dbd4f No.104255

File: 016f3f25f98d03a⋯.png (386.96 KB,822x654,137:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850695 (022234ZNOV23) Notable: Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid homosexuality schism

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Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid

homosexuality schism

Christian Post, by Michael Gryboski

Posted By: Beardo, 11/2/2023 2:20:54 PM

Nearly 100 congregations in Ohio have left the United Methodist Church amid the denomination's ongoing debate over homosexuality, joining thousands of other churches in the United States that have done the same. At a special session of the UMC West Ohio Conference held last weekend, 96 churches were granted their request to disaffiliate from the mainline Protestant denomination. (snip) In June, the West Ohio Conference voted to allow 172 congregations to disaffiliate from the UMC, having allowed 80 churches to leave the denomination last year. It is estimated that, at present, the regional body covering over 50 counties has a little over 600 member congregations remaining.

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1dbd4f No.104256

File: 372309a9b3d132b⋯.png (326.46 KB,594x457,594:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850700 (022235ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary Clinton’s Week Goes From Bad to Worse After Columbia University Students Walk Out on Her Lecture via @gatewaypundit

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Hillary Clinton’s Week Goes From Bad to Worse After Columbia University Students Walk Out on Her Lecture via @gatewaypundit

6:49 AM · Nov 2, 2023




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1dbd4f No.104257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850708 (022236ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Our prisoners are refined, wonderful people, even if they were murderers, compared to the people that are coming out some of these cells form MS-13, from, South America, from Africa; they're destroying our country, and we have to get 'em out. And we have to get 'em out fast.

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President Trump: Our prisoners are refined, wonderful people, even if they were murderers, compared to the people that are coming out some of these cells form MS-13, from, South America, from Africa; they're destroying our country, and we have to get 'em out. And we have to get 'em out fast.

[jail cells, or terrorist cells?]

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1dbd4f No.104258

File: 742aa6b80cb8c91⋯.png (753.04 KB,590x867,590:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850711 (022236ZNOV23) Notable: @NotAlexSheppard Today I turn myself in to federal prison for the 19 month sentence I received for peacefully protesting inside the People’s House on January 6th, 2021.

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Alexander Sheppard 🇺🇸


Today I turn myself in to federal prison for the 19 month sentence I received for peacefully protesting inside the People’s House on January 6th, 2021.

I was 21 years old at the time, and I have been fighting these charges for the last 3 years.

It is my great honor to be held hostage as a political prisoner in these United States of America.

Goodbye, for now…


7:06 AM · Nov 2, 2023




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1dbd4f No.104259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850734 (022239ZNOV23) Notable: #24372

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#24372 >>104212

>>104217, >>104218 President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks in Houston, Texas - 11/2/23

>>104219 President Trump: They should remove a judge from the bench after a certain amount of overturned appeals….

>>104229 President Trump: You look at what's happened to our country, and I want to tell you it's hard to believe, but we're going to make it greater than ever before. We're going to have to have a massive deportation effort, because we can't have this.

>>104232 President Trump: If Biden gets his way, the United States will be reduced to an impoverished, third-world, crippled, black-outs; we're going to have crippling blackouts

>>104233 President Trump: With your vote, we will fire Crooked Joe Biden, and we will reclaim America's destiny as the greatest energy superpower on the face of the earth.

>>104234 President Trump: The day I take office, I will cancel Crooked Joe's electric vehicle mandate….the first hour, after the speech…I will sign the papers…we won't even wait until I get to the office.

>>104237 President Trump: They've destroyed the manufacturing base of our country. You look at shipbuilding, how few ships we build…During the second World War, we were building a ship a day. Today, you can't build a ship in four years. It took us ten years to build the Gerald Ford Aircraft Carrier.

>>104240, >>104239 President Trump: Who is the architect? Have you ever designed a ship before?

>>104241 President Trump: You remember the Biden Crime Family took millions and millions of dollars from China to sell off American energy, and the industry, a lot of it, went to the Chinese, the Communist Party.

>>104245 President Trump: It was just proven by House Republicans that Joe Biden personally received vast sums of money funneled from China, directly into his pockets.

>>104257 President Trump: Our prisoners are refined, wonderful people, even if they were murderers, compared to the people that are coming out some of these cells form MS-13, from, South America, from Africa; they're destroying our country, and we have to get 'em out. And we have to get 'em out fast.

>>104230, >>104231, >>104242, >>104247, >>104249, >>104251, >>104253 PF

>>104252 @RepThomasMassie Seems like a call for war on Iran. I voted No

>>104213, >>104248 FBI just raided the home of NY City Mayor Adams’ top fundraiser, Brianna Suggs.

>>104214 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to have received such a powerful Endorsement from Senator Rick Scott of Florida. Rick is tough and smart, and he knows what America needs, especially in these troubled (By Biden!) times. Thank you Rick! DONALD J. TRUMP

>>104215 Largest Christian university in US fined record amount


>>104220 Full List of Republicans Who Refused to Censure Rashida Tlaib

>>104222 NASA Welcomes Netherlands as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory

>>104224 AFP blocks 10 child abuse websites and tracks thousands of predators who accessed them

>>104225 Bank Of Japan Is Brewing A Storm In Global Markets

>>104226 US regime change activist named Web Summit CEO after founder forced out for condemning Israeli ‘war crimes’

>>104227 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000157

>>104228 Israeli Jets Strike Turkish-run Cancer Hospital in Gaza Strip

>>104236 IRS has announced 2024 retirement account contribution limits

>>104238 The CEO of the National Association of Realtors has stepped down.

>>104243 House PASSES bill to give $14 billion in aid to Israel by cutting IRS funding: 12 Democrats join Republicans to push through plan Biden has ALREADY said he will veto

>>104244 Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence

>>104246 Israel as a corporation has expired. China has removed Israel from their maps. The last thing left for Israel to do is wage a Great War.

>>104250 Taxpayers are forced to subsidize the Eat The Bugs industry while we’re $34 trillion in debt

>>104254 Here’s a woman stuffing the ballot box in broad daylight in Gwinnett County, Georgia in the November 2020 Election

>>104255 Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid homosexuality schism

>>104256 Hillary Clinton’s Week Goes From Bad to Worse After Columbia University Students Walk Out on Her Lecture via @gatewaypundit

>>104258 @NotAlexSheppard Today I turn myself in to federal prison for the 19 month sentence I received for peacefully protesting inside the People’s House on January 6th, 2021.

>>104221, >>104223 Check em


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1dbd4f No.104260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850753 (022242ZNOV23) Notable: #24373

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>baker shall continue or defer

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1dbd4f No.104261

File: a79e1e8ad1be68b⋯.png (65.65 KB,499x622,499:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850790 (022247ZNOV23) Notable: 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.Q

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1dbd4f No.104262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850793 (022248ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: If you would have had Hillary Clinton, you would have had a nuclear war. If there was a way of extending Obama, which fortunately there wasn't, you would have had a nuclear war with North Korea.

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President Trump: If you would have had Hillary Clinton, you would have had a nuclear war. If there was a way of extending Obama, which fortunately there wasn't, you would have had a nuclear war with North Korea.

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1dbd4f No.104263

File: 25ecf1c7a122b6b⋯.png (532.44 KB,600x638,300:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850928 (022311ZNOV23) Notable: 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.Q

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National Guard



100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend. The Guardsmen will provide aerial refueling capabilities, which allows pilots to stay airborne longer, to accomplish their missions anytime, anywhere.


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1dbd4f No.104264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850945 (022315ZNOV23) Notable: Trump's Lawyer Rips Letitia James After Donald Trump Jr. & Eric Trump Took Stand At Trial

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Trump's Lawyer Rips Letitia James After Donald Trump Jr. & Eric Trump Took Stand At Trial

Alina Habba, former President Trump's lawyer, slammed NY AG Letitia James after Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump testified today in court.


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1dbd4f No.104265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850954 (022316ZNOV23) Notable: 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.Q

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Anyone got sauce for NG deployments starting ??

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1dbd4f No.104266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851020 (022326ZNOV23) Notable: PSA: This bread is invisible on the catalog (glitch) NEWBIES: learn to use the index instead

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Catalog bork reported to 8kun admins.

This bread is invisible on the catalog, same is true for all new threads.

(CAN be viewed on BV server, possibly on the Reporter server as well, so bakers might not know it's invisible)


learn to use the index instead -


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1dbd4f No.104267

File: 6243766a65b1b88⋯.png (1.46 MB,4096x2725,4096:2725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851029 (022327ZNOV23) Notable: 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.Q

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1dbd4f No.104268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851042 (022330ZNOV23) Notable: Col. Douglas Macgregor: Israeli self-destruction in Gaza

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1dbd4f No.104269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851061 (022334ZNOV23) Notable: Shame cops are so busy handing out traffic tickets they have no time to investigate and arrest pedophiles.

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I like the part where cops are so busy handing out traffic tickets they have no time to investigate and arrest pedophiles.

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1dbd4f No.104270

File: a4bdba27bb97097⋯.png (98.98 KB,1322x628,661:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851069 (022335ZNOV23) Notable: 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.Q

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1dbd4f No.104271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851073 (022336ZNOV23) Notable: Shame cops are so busy handing out traffic tickets they have no time to investigate and arrest pedophiles.

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Freemasons don't arrest freemasons

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1dbd4f No.104272

File: 1a07ea2b5c4d3dd⋯.jpg (534.11 KB,1079x1518,1079:1518,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851089 (022340ZNOV23) Notable: Runaway container barge was drifting toward the Great Wheel and the Seattle Aquarium when a King County Water Taxi intercepted the vessel.

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A fully loaded container barge was drifting toward the Great Wheel and the Seattle Aquarium when a King County Water Taxi intercepted the vessel.


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1dbd4f No.104273

File: 13572457dbca72b⋯.png (493.45 KB,600x567,200:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851100 (022343ZNOV23) Notable: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., met with Saudi Arabia Chief of General Staff Gen. Fayyad Al-Ruwaili yesterday

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The Joint Staff 🇺🇸



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., met with Saudi Arabia Chief of General Staff Gen. Fayyad Al-Ruwaili yesterday at the Pentagon. This was their first meeting since Gen. Brown became Chairman last month.


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1dbd4f No.104274

File: f0c83963b4ad6e3⋯.jpeg (299.16 KB,805x1409,805:1409,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c1ed8d3f247ed4f⋯.jpeg (360.9 KB,1826x1343,1826:1343,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7602f3da52ce5d⋯.jpeg (652.5 KB,1786x1383,1786:1383,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851164 (022353ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

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Any planefags about?

Text from friendanon in NM

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1dbd4f No.104275

File: e7093911ac0eacc⋯.png (985.41 KB,1440x982,720:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851200 (030000ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

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Busy evening.

Lots of choppers up.

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1dbd4f No.104276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851279 (030018ZNOV23) Notable: Nursing Home Killer Still Stalks Streets

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Nursing Home Killer Still Stalks Streets

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1dbd4f No.104277

File: 59b6c1804da389b⋯.png (630.77 KB,1808x850,904:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851368 (030036ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

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58 H60's up over CONUS atm. That's a lot. 200 total .mil birds at 2030 hrs is a lot, but not crazy compared to daytime.

Those H60s bear watching, that's a lot of night ops training.

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1dbd4f No.104278

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851377 (030039ZNOV23) Notable: MAX IGAN - THE TRUE FACE OF ISRAEL

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627 views? jfc

the absolute state

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1dbd4f No.104279

File: 635fe1da4d54589⋯.png (752 KB,1282x1988,641:994,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851390 (030042ZNOV23) Notable: Feds send Tacoma Port $54.2 million for terminal expansion project

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Feds send Tacoma Port $54.2 million for terminal expansion project

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1dbd4f No.104280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851396 (030043ZNOV23) Notable: New Jersey Parents File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Challenging State’s Secret Retention of Newborn Blood for 23 Years

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"New Jersey Parents File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Challenging State’s Secret Retention of Newborn Blood for 23 Years

The state can currently use the DNA from the blood samples for any reason, without informed consent from parents"


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1dbd4f No.104281

File: efd022de0cc0c78⋯.png (321.37 KB,600x534,100:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851440 (030052ZNOV23) Notable: Florida babysitter who attempted to circumcise 2-year-old boy charged with child abuse

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Florida babysitter who attempted to circumcise 2-year-old boy charged with child abuse



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1dbd4f No.104282

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851451 (030056ZNOV23) Notable: Tim Burchett Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Need For Americans To Call Their Elected Officials

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Tim Burchett Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Need For Americans To Call Their Elected Officials. The media are freaked out about Mike Johnson they have investigative teams trying find dirt to tear him, his wife, family and life apart

Burchett is smart and really funny!



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1dbd4f No.104283

File: fac223486b68eb8⋯.png (34.81 KB,702x234,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d528ece3ceded97⋯.mp4 (11.98 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f0b344e7fc29608⋯.png (914.19 KB,634x639,634:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 21e0ef98b6acdf4⋯.png (699.79 KB,634x639,634:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851473 (030100ZNOV23) Notable: More than 12 people are injured, some critically, after gas explosion causes home to collapse in Wappingers Falls'''

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More than 12 people are injured, some critically, after gas explosion causes home to collapse in Wappingers Falls

UPDATED: 18:26 EDT, 2 November 2023

- Some of the victims have been critically injured during the ordeal

- Officials have requested helicopters to transfer the wounded to the hospital

- The public has been asked to avoid the area

An explosion has left at least 12 people injured - some critically - after a construction crew reportedly ruptured a natural gas line in Wappingers Falls, New York.

The explosion damaged a family home, which half collapsed.

At least two victims have been found in the rubble, according to the Poughkeepsie Journal. The injured reportedly include children.

A heavy equipment operator is reportedly trapped in his machine as first responders try to reach him.

One of the injured is a state trooper who was one of the first to respond to the scene.

Officials have requested helicopters to transfer the wounded to the hospital.

News 12 Westchester reports that witnesses saw a mother and her two children come out of the home 'badly hurt.'

The public has been asked to avoid the area of Main Street, Mesier Park, Mill Street and High Street while firefighters work.

One witness, Floriant Shabanaj, told CBS: 'So we hear the explosion. It shakes the building and then we run, with my brother over here, to help the people.

'The firefighter was trying to pull him [a victim] up, take him from the bricks, because the bricks after the explosion fall over on him.'

Chrissy Bell, who lives in the house across from the one that was destroyed, said: 'Oh my God, we're so lucky it wasn't worse on our side. My mom was home. The windows were blown out. She heard a shake.

'The door blew open. She looked out and the other building was gone.'

Resident Marcia Ward added: 'I thought maybe something hit the house or the kids, so I'm running through the house.

'I didn't know what it was, so we came running out here and we saw that it was awful.'

People who have been left homeless because of the explosion will be housed and receive food vouchers by Central Hudson Utilities.

The Dutchess County Emergency Management said: 'Be advised that EAST and WEST MAIN ST are CLOSED in the V/Wappingers between SOUTH AVE and DELAVERGNE AVE due to extended fire department activity at a building collapse. Please AVOID THE AREA until further notice.'

Governor Kathy Hochul issued a statement about the incident.

She wrote: 'I have been briefed on the building collapse in Dutchess County and have deployed State emergency services personnel to assist in response efforts. New Yorkers: please follow directions from law enforcement and other first responders working to keep the community safe.'

A spokesperson for Central Hudson said a contractor struck a 3/4-inch gas service line and the dig caused a fire and explosion, as reported by ABC 7.

The explosion happened at around 12.22pm on Brick Row.

Electric and natural gas services were cut in the area at 1.30pm.

Gov Hochul added: 'I join all New Yorkers in praying for the Village of Wappingers Falls.'

Wappingers Falls is about an hour north of Westchester County.


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1dbd4f No.104284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851530 (030111ZNOV23) Notable: #24373

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#24373 >>104260

>>104266 PSA: This bread is invisible on the catalog (glitch) NEWBIES: learn to use the index instead

>>104262 President Trump: If you would have had Hillary Clinton, you would have had a nuclear war. If there was a way of extending Obama, which fortunately there wasn't, you would have had a nuclear war with North Korea.

>>104263, >>104270, >>104261, >>104265 100+ Airmen and several KC-135s from the @121ARW departed for a preplanned deployment in support of @CENTCOM over the weekend.

>>104264 Trump's Lawyer Rips Letitia James After Donald Trump Jr. & Eric Trump Took Stand At Trial

>>104269, >>104271 Shame cops are so busy handing out traffic tickets they have no time to investigate and arrest pedophiles.

>>104273 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., met with Saudi Arabia Chief of General Staff Gen. Fayyad Al-Ruwaili yesterday

>>104272 Runaway container barge was drifting toward the Great Wheel and the Seattle Aquarium when a King County Water Taxi intercepted the vessel.

>>104268 Col. Douglas Macgregor: Israeli self-destruction in Gaza

>>104274, >>104275, >>104277 PF Reports

>>104276 Nursing Home Killer Still Stalks Streets


>>104280 New Jersey Parents File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Challenging State’s Secret Retention of Newborn Blood for 23 Years

>>104279 Feds send Tacoma Port $54.2 million for terminal expansion project

>>104281 Florida babysitter who attempted to circumcise 2-year-old boy charged with child abuse

>>104282 Tim Burchett Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Need For Americans To Call Their Elected Officials

>>104283 More than 12 people are injured, some critically, after gas explosion causes home to collapse in Wappingers Falls

le final

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1dbd4f No.104285

File: 6585919cf34f676⋯.png (2.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851567 (030116ZNOV23) Notable: #24374

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>baker seeking handoff

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1dbd4f No.104286

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851580 (030119ZNOV23) Notable: osh Brecheen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Congressional Spending And What Needs To Change

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Josh Brecheen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Congressional Spending And What Needs To Change



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1dbd4f No.104287

File: ccd5bae6210de1d⋯.png (257.31 KB,656x511,656:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851613 (030127ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump If you don’t have ENERGY, and if you don’t have BORDERS, and if you don’t have FAIR ELECTIONS, you don’t have a COUNTRY…

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seeing some interesting CAPS in dis one.

feelin' tingles.

Donald J. Trump

If you don’t have ENERGY, and if you don’t have BORDERS, and if you don’t have FAIR ELECTIONS, you don’t have a COUNTRY…and we’re close to having no COUNTRY!



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1dbd4f No.104288

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851639 (030132ZNOV23) Notable: Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot - With Video Evidence

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>>104244 Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot - With Video EvidencePN

Full Video and most of the article;

Enormous Development: Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence

by Jim Hoft Nov. 2, 2023

Democrats were up to their old tricks again on Monday.

The Democrat Party’s radical far-left attorneys in Colorado delivered their opening statement to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state.

During their opening remarks, the Trump-hating attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million supporters on January 6, 2021.

They insist President Trump started a violent riot. But they refused to play video of his statement calling on his supporters to peacefully march to the US Capitol.

But that’s not all.

Theprosecuting attorneys also lied about their timeline of eventsthey showed the court on Monday.

The attorneysmisrepresented the time stamps on the videos they played in court – not be minutes but by hours!

The prosecutors claimed the speech by Treniss Evans on the US Capitol Steps took place at 2:24 PM on Jan. 6.

The speech by J6 defendant Treniss Evans actually took place at 4:22 PM not at 2:24 PM! — TWO FULL HOURS LATER!

The Democrats are trying everything to get President Trump thrown off of the ballot in Colorado.

They are even falsifying video footage and timestamps! This is perjury– and it took place in their opening statements!


J6 defendant Treniss Evans wrote the response to the latest set of lies by the Colorado prosecuting attorneys in their opening statement!

Treniss Evans has already been bludgeoned by the January 6th “Un-Select” Committeein Washington DC. During their hearings, they slandered his image and actions, implying he was involved in what they call an “insurrection.”

The committee played video footage showing Evans repeating a tweet posted by President Trump over his megaphone at the steps of the US Capitol. This footage provided a time stamp that was falsified in order to push the narrative of unhinged Democrats and Liz Cheney.

This suffering of character assassination came during a time when Evans was worried about the safety of his family and dealing with the struggles of his 13-year old son who had been held at gunpoint by the FBI in an early morning raid on the Evans household.

Now this week, Evans is again being used in falsified video for the propagated lies prosecutors are pushing in Colorado against President Trump. These videos are the same debunked videos that the J6 committee used.The time stamps are again fraudulent, not by seconds or minutes, but by hours. This case is unprecedented as it is the first time the 14th Amendment has been used to try and keep a candidate for President off the ballot. Colorado prosecutors are seemingly not above using falsified evidence to get this agenda of the left completed….

There is no time like right now to help Evans and CondemnedUSA.com in this fight. The corrupt DOJ is now coming after you too. When they come knocking on, or in many cases breaking down your door, who will be there to help you? Who will fight these prosecutors who have no problem falsifying evidence and outright lying? Evans and CondemnedUSA.com might be the only one standing up for you. Be aware they ARE coming for you. Treniss Evans, the J6 defendants, and President Trump were only the beginning, and it is naive to think that they haven’t moved to the middle of their plan…You.

To support Treniss, J6ers, and other wronged and persecuted Americans, please go toCondemnedUSA.comand become a sponsor.



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1dbd4f No.104289

File: 1e33d021cb46b88⋯.png (56.65 KB,950x361,50:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d98e46b271e482⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,828x473,828:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1a12a7bffe4656b⋯.jpeg (73.53 KB,828x443,828:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851712 (030143ZNOV23) Notable: Confirming he is CIC.

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Comms from the boss.

Confirming he is CIC.

It’s funny how these truths from POTUS are bringing us back to the beginning of the drops.

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1dbd4f No.104290

File: 882f3cc5934d06b⋯.png (304.9 KB,550x532,275:266,Clipboard.png)

File: 74030d673009bae⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851770 (030153ZNOV23) Notable: DeSantis questions whether Trump can “summon the balls” to show up and debate; laughs off Team Trump’s weird interest in men’s feet.

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#Bootgate vs. #FootFetish

DeSantis War Room 🐊


WATCH — DeSantis questions whether Trump can “summon the balls” to show up and debate; laughs off Team Trump’s weird interest in men’s feet.

"This is no time for foot fetishes. We've got serious problems as a country.”

8:19 PM · Nov 2, 2023


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1dbd4f No.104291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851774 (030154ZNOV23) Notable: The administrative judge (Yvette D. Roland) in Trump lawyer John Eastman's California State Bar action seeking to strip his law license

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The administrative judge (Yvette D. Roland) in Trump lawyer John Eastman's California State Bar action seeking to strip his law license made a "preliminary finding of culpability" spontaneously from the bench today (Nov. 2) minutes after Dr. Eastman finished testifying today - apparently before the case had been submitted and well before closing arguments.

Judge Roland has excluded most of Dr. Eastman's expert testimony witnesses and a lot of his exhibits. She often objected on the record to his attorney's form(s) of the questions and his lines of inquiry, not waiting for state bar counsel to object. (If you don't object in real time, you usually lose that evidentiary argument on appeal.)

A final witnesses on rebuttal and "aggravation" and another issue will be presented next (still today) and I believeclosing arguments are tomorrow, November 3, 2023, starting (usually late) at 9am PST.

The rest of the hearing can be heard (live only, no recordings allowed) at:



Some background articles:



All of Rachel Alexander's articles are good on the subject. Here is one: https://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2023/09/05/no-jennifer-rubin-john-eastmans-defense-is-not-doing-poorly-n2627940. (Her X: https://X.com/rach_ic)


This ischillingto every Constitutional adherent, every free speech and free thinking advocate, every lawyer making "tenable" claims (i.e., ones that have a basis in fact and law) on behalf of their clients, ...everyone.

Message: Defend your Constitution and call out facts pointing to possible fraud on the election that should, at the very least, pause the electoral count until they sort out, and lose your livelihood, the reputation you've developed and cultivated for 4 decades, and your time and life savings defending yourself in state courts in administrative and legal (RICO-Georgia) actions.

At least that's what they're trying to do to him. Dr. Eastman is a more of a HERO than ever to this anon.


Fundraising for legal defense funds and updates with links to articles:



See also a WEALTH of election integrity information and researchfrom another excellent witness) in the Eastman state bar case (and his colleagues).

John Drous(sp) physicist. Mensa.



https://election-integrity.info/ (REPORTS)


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1dbd4f No.104292

File: 83bc61b494f05bf⋯.png (38.19 KB,908x490,454:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 64240ac2e0b5553⋯.png (50.06 KB,950x361,50:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851849 (030207ZNOV23) Notable: Confirming he is CIC.

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Not sure how you got ##40 & ##42 out of that... sorry, anon.

I saw this tho'...

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1dbd4f No.104293

File: b1fbccffc581282⋯.jpeg (565.16 KB,1189x610,1189:610,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 29faa613cf070f0⋯.png (383.98 KB,720x401,720:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851862 (030208ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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SAM600 C32A across Atlantic (most likely Blinken) departed JBA earlier

Blinken In Israel Today, Seeks "Concrete Measures" To Stop Civilian Deaths


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1dbd4f No.104294

File: f027aa2cc8e2f46⋯.gif (1.56 MB,700x473,700:473,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19851955 (030225ZNOV23) Notable: Major Japanese Banks Begin to Raise Time Deposit Rates

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>>104225 pb

Major Japanese Banks Begin to Raise Time Deposit Rates

(They know wut coming….put this off too long)

Major Japanese banks are beginning to raise interest rates on time deposits, reflecting a rise in long-term government bond yields following monetary policy tweaks by the Bank of Japan. Time deposit rate hikes were announced by MUFG Bank on Wednesday and by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank on Thursday. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. and Mizuho Bank also plan to raise their rates.


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1dbd4f No.104295

File: b1afb6a0087b1ad⋯.png (375.99 KB,644x453,644:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19852046 (030242ZNOV23) Notable: Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children

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Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children

A horrific child sex abuse ring operated in a drugs den surrounded ‘by witches and wizards’, a court has heard.

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1dbd4f No.104296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19852067 (030245ZNOV23) Notable: Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children

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Witchcraft charges dropped in Glasgow child abuse case

Allegations of witchcraft have been withdrawn in the trial of 11 people accused of sexually abusing children in Glasgow.

Prosecutors dropped eight of the original 32 charges but allegations of rape and sexual abuse remain against all the accused.

Five are also charged with attempting to murder a young girl.

All 11 accused have denied the allegations at the High Court in Glasgow.

A charge that adults made children participate in classes involving witchcraft and seances was withdrawn when the Crown finished presenting its case on Friday.

The allegation had also stated that they used a Ouija board in order to communicate with spirits and demons.

Iain Owens, 45, Elaine Lannery, 39, Lesley Williams, 41, Paul Brannan, 41, Marianne Gallagher, 38, Scott Forbes, 50, Barry Watson, 47, Mark Carr, 50, Richard Gachagan, 45, Leona Laing, 51, and John Clark, 47, deny all of the allegations against them.

The trial continues and is expected to resume on 23 October when defence lawyers will present their case.

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1dbd4f No.104297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19852070 (030245ZNOV23) Notable: Admiral Lisa Franchetti Confirmed to Navy’s Top Ranking Position

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Admiral Lisa Franchetti Confirmed to Navy’s Top Ranking Position

Mike Schuler November 2, 2023

The Senate confirmed Adm. Lisa Franchetti as the 33rd Chief of Naval Operations, the Navy’s high ranking position, on Thursday.

This historic appointment makes her the first woman to hold the Navy’s top military leadership position, as well as the first woman member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

President Biden nominated Adm. Franchetti for the role in July, but her confirmation remained on hold due to Senator Tommy Tuberville’s ongoing blockade of military nominations. Nevertheless she assumed the responsibilities of CNO in August, while serving as Vice Chief of Naval Operations. Adm. Mike Gilday, the previous CNO, concluded his four-year tenure and handed over the position in a ceremony at the United States Naval Academy on August 14, 2021. Gilday became the 32nd CNO in August 2019.

During the ceremony, Gilday expressed his confidence in Adm. Franchetti’s qualifications and leadership abilities.

“I am proud that she will be my CNO,” said Gilday. “She is a Fleet Sailor, an operator, a warfighter. She has already made the Navy better as our Vice Chief of Naval Operations, the Navy is in good hands with her at the helm.”

As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CNO serves as an advisor to the President of the United States, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense. The CNO is responsible for the command, resource utilization, and operational efficiency of naval forces and shore activities, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy.

The Senate confirmed Adm. Franchetti with a vote of 95-1, with Senator Doc Marshall of Arkansas casting the only dissenting vote. Four other Republican Senators, Lee (R-UT), Scott (R-FL), Scott (R-SC), and Tillis (R-NC), did not vote.

Adm. Franchetti, a native of Rochester, New York, received her commission in 1985 through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program at Northwestern University. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University, attended the Naval War College, and has a master’s degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix. She has served in various operational roles on different naval vessels, including as an officer on USS Shenandoah and USS Monongahela, operations officer on USS Moosbrugger, and executive officer of USS Stout. She has also commanded USS Ross and DESRON-21, and served as commander of Pacific Partnership 2010.

Franchetti has held various assignments throughout her career, including commander of Naval Reserve Center Central Point, aide to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, and deputy director of International Engagement. She has also served in flag assignments such as commander of U.S. Naval Forces Korea, chief of staff of Strategy, Plans and Policy (J-5) Joint Staff, and director for Strategy, Plans and Policy (J-5) Joint Staff. Franchetti assumed the role of Vice Chief of Naval Operations on September 2, 2022.


Check that last paragraph again. Strategy, Plans and Policy = Woke Shit Generator

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1dbd4f No.104298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19852090 (030248ZNOV23) Notable: Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children

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A WOMAN accused of being part of an 11-strong child sex abuse gang told a court the allegations were "horrendous" and "untrue".

Ms Harper asked: "It's your position that they are nice kids but they are barefaced liars?"

Lannery: "Yes "

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1dbd4f No.104299

File: 7f62b4a5be3c1e1⋯.png (1.48 MB,925x3350,37:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19852112 (030252ZNOV23) Notable: Satanic sex ring of ‘witches and wizards’ behind horrific abuse of children

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1dbd4f No.104300

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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