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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

3224d7 No.51593 [View All]

28OCT23 to 31OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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3224d7 No.103500

File: 29d881d90b13b2f⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB,898x628,449:314,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832846 (302233ZOCT23) Notable: Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

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Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

* In a closely watched announcement Monday afternoon, the Treasury Department said it will be looking to borrow $776 billion.

* The Treasury said it expects to borrow $816 billion between January and March.

* The announcement comes 10 days after the government said the fiscal 2023 budget deficit would be about $1.7 trillion.

The U.S. government’s borrowing needs will decline slightly in the final three months of 2023 from the prior quarter, a potentially important development during a turbulent time for the global bond market.

In a closely watched announcement Monday afternoon, the U.S. Department of the Treasury said it will be looking to borrow $776 billion, which is below the $1.01 trillion in privately held marketable debt the department borrowed in the July-through-September period, the highest ever for that particular quarter. The Treasury said it expects to borrow $816 billion during the January-through-March period, which is the government’s fiscal second quarter. That number appeared above Wall Street estimates, as JPMorgan said it was looking for $698 billion. The record for quarterly borrowing happened in the April-through-June stretch in 2020, when borrowing hit nearly $2.8 trillion during the early Covid-19 pandemic days. Markets will be watching a Wednesday refunding announcement from the Treasury, which will detail the size of auctions, the duration being issued and their timing. Later that day, the Federal Reserve will conclude its two-day policy meeting, with markets overwhelmingly expecting the central bank to hold interest rates steady.


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3224d7 No.103501

File: b80e58a7ec73e87⋯.png (473.93 KB,870x963,290:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832847 (302233ZOCT23) Notable: The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show. Politico

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Trump has curtailed his media exposure, eschewed the stadium rallies that marked his earlier campaigns and refused to participate in either primary debate. His appearance at the RJC forum was notable not just because it came after his praise of Hezbollah’s fighting abilities but because he has so rarely been at events attended by his fellow candidates.

For Trump’s rivals, the confab was perhaps the last chance they would have to share a stage with the former president before the Iowa caucuses in January. And in the lead-up to it, there was anticipation of fireworks.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who has emerged as one of Trump’s main rivals, took the hardest swings.

“As president, I will not compliment Hezbollah,” she said. “Nor will I criticize Israel’s prime minister in the middle of tragedy and war.”

Haley said the country couldn’t afford “four years of chaos, vendettas and drama” and implied that Trump wouldn’t be the party’s strongest general election candidate.

“Republicans,” she said, “need a candidate who can actually win.”

But others only took swipes more obliquely.

“We’re going to continue to have bad outcomes unless we change horses and have new people elected to leadership,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, another Trump rival.

But there seemed to be little appetite in the room for attacks on the frontrunner. When former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has been the most outspoken in criticizing Trump, took the stage, he was booed.

Trump, for his part, stayed above the fray and did not hit his opponents. Instead, he used his speech to promote his record on defending Israel and to assail President Joe Biden’s Middle East policies, occasionally with blemishes and bravado. He said his administration had given Israel “sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” in reference to a proclamation he’d issued saying that the U.S. recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the area. He claimed he would have brought Iran into the Abraham Accords, the diplomatic framework he had used to normalize Arab nation relations with Israel, glossing over his record decrying diplomacy with the country.

The RJC gathering, held at the Venetian resort on the Las Vegas strip, comes at a critical time in the GOP primary. The non-Trump campaigns, predominantly DeSantis’, had looked at the period between Labor Day and the Iowa caucuses in mid-January as the time when ground could be gained on the former president.

But Trump’s lead has remained both steady and daunting. And his decision to avoid the debate stage had deprived his rivals of opportunities to directly challenge him.

The hope, among the non-Trump campaigns, has been that the field would winnow, allowing for a two- or three-person race. For that reason, Pence’s departure is likely to be seen as a positive development in some circles.

“They’ve got to beat each other before they can beat Trump. Trump is far and away in the lead, and so only one person will be challenging Trump, I presume, in a runoff. And so they need to get rid of their real competition before they face Donald Trump,” said Fred Zeidman, a major GOP donor in attendance who is backing Haley.

He added, “Pence is a tremendous friend of Israel but it was time to start consolidating the field. Nikki is the only candidate that can beat the Democrats in a general but for now, Trump is holding the primary — with Nikki climbing closer behind.”

But the former vice president had very little share of the primary vote, according to the polls. And it’s unclear who will benefit from the suspension of his campaign. At least one prominent Republican used the announcement not to celebrate the possibility of a narrower field but to call on everyone else not named Trump to follow suit.

“I was surprised, but I think that’s the right move,” said Montana Sen. Steve Daines, the National Republican Senatorial Committee chair, who has endorsed Trump. “Because it’s clear President Trump is going to be the nominee for Republicans for president, and the sooner we coalesce around him the better it’s going to be.”


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3224d7 No.103502

File: e9642f1d49b2b59⋯.png (57.75 KB,873x392,873:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832851 (302234ZOCT23) Notable: The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show. Politico

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Donald J. Trump



The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show.

The former president found a supportive audience at the Republican Jewish Coalition gathering even after his Hezbollah comments.






Oct 30, 2023,5:55PM


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3224d7 No.103503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832899 (302243ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden pseudonym emails; Disclosure made little-notice status briefing FOIA litigation advances. Here's filing

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Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

Disclosure made in little-notice status briefing as FOIA litigation advances

Here's the filing


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3224d7 No.103504

File: 459884bf56f636b⋯.png (554.36 KB,641x680,641:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832909 (302245ZOCT23) Notable: The American Bar assoc currently in process of revoking licenses of all of Trump's attorney's?

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Are you guys not paying attention?

There's others - these are the two I'm following

Sauce -

John Eastman disbarment trial in CA.

Its in like week 5 or 6. Even John Yoo testified.


Jeff Clark - former DOJ, being disbarred.


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3224d7 No.103505

File: 185598040ae4e2a⋯.png (71.12 KB,717x563,717:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832910 (302245ZOCT23) Notable: "F*ck Regulators": In Cross Exam, SBF Admits To Calling Some Customers "Dumb Motherf*ckers"

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"F*ck Regulators": In Cross Exam, SBF Admits To Calling Some Customers "Dumb Motherf*ckers"

Cross examination of Sam Bankman-Fried began on Monday, led by prosecutor Danielle Sassoon, who clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia and has a law degree from Yale and a bachelor's degree from Harvard.

Earlier in the day Monday, direct examination concluded with SBF trying to explain why he promised FTX was "fine" in a Tweet on the morning of November 7th, according to CNN. SBF explained away his tweet by saying it wasn't until the the evening that the market crashed and the company was "risking a solvency crisis".

And that wasn't even the best thing he said on Monday indicating he thought everyone else in the world was an idiot other than him...


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3224d7 No.103506

File: e1bdece0885449a⋯.png (8.55 KB,506x444,253:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832944 (302252ZOCT23) Notable: #24350

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FINAL @715


#24350 >>103446

>>103447 IDF Tanks Reach Outskirts Of Gaza City, Cut Key N-S Hwy, After Netanyahu's Chilling War Message To "Smite Amalek"

>>103448 Trump's Lawyer Confronts Eric Swalwell With His Own Tweets Calling To 'Fight' During Landmark Trial

>>103449, >>103450 Anon thoughts on POTUS TRIAL. Verbage used by Judge might be helpful to POTUS T?

>>103451, >>103453, >>103457 Ron Desantis confronted about whether or not he wore heels hidden w/in shoes on Maher

>>103452 5:30 PM EDT: President Biden and The First Lady Host Halloween at the White House

>>103454, >>103458 Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7?

>>103455, >>103459, >>103461, >>103466, >>103467, >>103470, >>103468, >>103476 wtaf is going on, any one that is super familiar with WH protocol, wanna shed some light? I was of impression only Marines pull sentry duty

>>103456 Social worker, 24, accused of having sex with boy, 13, backed DEATH PENALTY for pedos

>>103460, >>103463, >>103464, >>103496 U.S. announces new nuclear bomb 24X more powerful than Hiroshima, Japan

>>103462, >>103465, >>103469, >>103472 Found man dead at amusement park he was heavily armed w/guns, IED's

>>103471, >>103473 @elonmusk; The great wakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization

>>103474, >>103475, >>103477, >>103486, >>103494 82,000 pgs Joe Biden pseudonym emails, dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>103478, >>103480, >>103481, >>103483 Mike Pence Makes a Gracious Exit, leaves presidential race

>>103479 "There is only one solution! Intifada revolution!" Palestinian Youth Movement, Cornel West marched on Sat LA

>>103482, >>103491 Jim Watkins: This is not a larp. Larps are games. People are getting hurt

>>103484 Air Force, Space Force raise max enlistment age to 42

>>103485 Saudis On High Alert After Yemen's Houthis Fire Another Missile At Israel, Fresh Clashes Erupt

>>103487 Switzerland Mails Iodine Tablets 5M Residents in Case Nuclear Disaster: Take 'at Request of Authorities'

>>103488 "They'll Bankrupt Us": Rand Paul Rages Dems & GOP "Want To Send $100B To Everyone” In Foreign Countries

>>103489, >>103504, The American Bar assoc currently in process of revoking licenses of all of Trump's attorney's?

>>103490 Cosmonauts on ISS spacewalk encounter coolant 'blob' while inspecting leaky radiator

>>103492 When is DOJ going to start upholding laws of country & prosecuting those who willfully violate our rights?

>>103493, >>103495 PLANEFAG REPORTS: N71KM US Civilian C-130. Ownership hidden of course. Must DIG this one

>>103497 DeSantis Warns China 'Key Player' Behind Ukraine, Israel Wars


>>103499, >>103501, >>103502 The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show. Politico

>>103500 Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

>>103503 Joe Biden pseudonym emails; Disclosure made little-notice status briefing FOIA litigation advances. Here's filing

>>103505 "F*ck Regulators": In Cross Exam, SBF Admits To Calling Some Customers "Dumb Motherf*ckers"


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3224d7 No.103507

File: 4fcd8f9181bb580⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832975 (302256ZOCT23) Notable: #24351

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Thank you anons





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3224d7 No.103508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832999 (302303ZOCT23) Notable: Starlink Mission - A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff

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7:20 PM EDT

Starlink Mission - A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff






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3224d7 No.103509

File: f3a90925fff1da6⋯.png (409.73 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: cc58271fbff6509⋯.png (185.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: c986777bb453057⋯.png (180.71 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 03f063ffb73c8be⋯.png (191.68 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833017 (302307ZOCT23) Notable: Stock Market? October has a bad record

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Patterns don't lie yall


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3224d7 No.103510

File: 950a0eed2350137⋯.png (450.01 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833019 (302307ZOCT23) Notable: 'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

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'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

Dror Eydar, the former Israeli ambassador to Italy from 2019 to 2022, told Italian TV on Wednesday that "we in Israel" are not interested in "rational Palestinian talks" and only have "one objective: to destroy Gaza."

"We in Israel, at least the population, are not interested in the rational discussion ... for us there is only one objective: to destroy Gaza, to destroy this absolute evil," Eydar said.

He went on to cite the Holocaust as justification for Israel's war of destruction.

"There is no chance that after the Holocaust Jewish people will live a similar experience as they were 80 years ago," he said.

"After Oct 7, every person in the world who threatens a Jew, every person in the world who threatens a Jew, or kills a Jew has to die," Eydar said.


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3224d7 No.103511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833053 (302313ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

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Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has delivered a televised address, sending a message to terror group Hamas and declaring "this is a time for war" as soldiers reportedly advance on a Gaza city.


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3224d7 No.103512

File: 453a1a7adc175d7⋯.png (253.79 KB,839x767,839:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833075 (302317ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Regime Announces New Nuclear Weapon MORE THAN 20 TIMES More Powerful Than the One Dropped on Hiroshima

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WORLD WAR III WATCH:Biden Regime Announces New Nuclear Weapon MORE THAN 20 TIMES More Powerful Than the One Dropped on Hiroshima– Comes Just Days After China Announces They Are Doubling Nuclear Warheads by 2030

The Biden regime on Monday announced plans to develop a nuclear weapon 20 TIMES more destructive than the one President Harry Truman ordered dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

This comes just days it was revealed China planned to double its nuclear warheads by 2030. China currently possesses at least 500 nuclear warheads so doubling its arsenal would mean more than 1,000.

Sadly, Joe Biden is no Truman so the thought of him getting America into a nuclear arms race and potential war with China is scary to say the least.

To make matters worse, this announcement also comes as Russia was largely expected to announce it was pulling out of the 1966 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as Fox News notes. This was designed to ban nuclear explosions anywhere in the world though it was never ratified by China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, Iran, and Egypt.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb said in a press release that the Regime is seeking congressional approval and funding to pursue a modern variant of the B61 nuclear gravity bomb, which will be designated the B61-13.

How To Join The "Secret Boycott" Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations

Today’s announcement is reflective of a changing security environment and growing threats from potential adversaries. The United States has a responsibility to continue to assess and field the capabilities we need to credibly deter and, if necessary, respond to strategic attacks, and assure our allies.

The release notes the bomb will have a maximum yield of 360 kilotons. This is 24 times more mighty that the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on Aug 6, 1945, which was roughly 15 kilotons.

The bomb dropped on Nagasaki three days later had a yield of about 25 kilotons.

Unlike previous gravity bombs, this one would have a tail kit helping it with targeting. If this bomb were successfully dropped on a city, one million people could die.

Credit: The Daily Mail

The DOD release also says new bomb will be deliverable by modern aircraft and is designed to give the president options to strike at hard and large-area military targets. This last part should no doubt prove comforting given the current White House occupant’s mental state.

The release neglected to mention the disturbing development coming out of China nor the expected announcement to come from Russia. This of course is just another example of the Regime attempting to obfuscate the full story from the American people.

Despite the grave potential danger lurking, The Daily Mail reports some Republican war hawks are on board with the Regime producing this mother of all bombs. When the Uniparty is united on a policy, alarm bells better be going off.


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3224d7 No.103513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833097 (302321ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza horror can’t be justified - Putin

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Gaza horror can’t be justified – Putin

There’s no excuse for Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, the Russian president has said

“The horrible events currently unfolding in the Gaza Strip, when hundreds of thousands of innocent people are getting indiscriminately annihilated, have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from bombardment, cannot be justified by anything,” Putin stated.

Israel’s actions in the Palestinian enclave only invoke rage, Putin argued, adding, however, that one should not be led by “emotions” in properly addressing the situation in the Middle East.

“When you’re watching bloodied children, dead children, suffering of the elderly, death of medics – fists are clenching and tears are welling up. Yet we should not, we cannot allow ourselves to be led by emotions,” the president said.

The ongoing crisis in the Middle East started with a “terrorist attack” on Israeli civilians, Putin noted. However, instead of “punishing” those behind it, Israel “unfortunately” opted for “vengeance” and assigned “collective responsibility” for it, Putin added.


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3224d7 No.103514

File: ac64ac1ceffe8fc⋯.mp4 (10.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5a0184ee7204d5b⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833115 (302326ZOCT23) Notable: 'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

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3224d7 No.103515

File: a091bf1b10cc2a9⋯.png (251.35 KB,928x753,928:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833121 (302327ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

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Just the News



Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

Disclosure made in little-notice status briefing as FOIA litigation advances




Replying to @justthenews

Probably just talking about the weather. The FBI will review these 82,000 emails in about an hour and conclude there is nothing to them and will delete them all.

51 ReTruths


Oct 30, 2023, 5:09 PM


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3224d7 No.103516

File: a091bf1b10cc2a9⋯.png (251.35 KB,928x753,928:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833127 (302329ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill. Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz


When Kevin McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill.

Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours.

We finally have a Speaker who is not totally owned by the lobbyist-driven system that fuels massive federal spending.

🎙️: The Drive with Trey Radel


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3224d7 No.103517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833132 (302330ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council.

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The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council. They say they will wear the badges until the council condemns Hamas and demands the release of Israeli hostages.

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3224d7 No.103518

File: e7c965544d96446⋯.jpg (41.83 KB,680x395,136:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833167 (302338ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council.

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JUST IN - Israeli UN delegation wears Nazi

6:28 PM · Oct 30, 2023


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3224d7 No.103519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833169 (302338ZOCT23) Notable: #24349

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last bread notables

#24349 >>103407

>>103408 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

>>103409 Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal Says He Expects Trump to be Jailed for Violating Gag Order

>>103410, >>103424, >>103436 President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver PANIC on Artificial Intelligence

>>103417, >>103418, >>103445, >>103434, >>103433 Additional White House Briefings

>>103411 KAMALA HARRIS: "The challenge

>>103412 Pro-Russia Politician Oleg Tsaryov Is Shot Twice in Crimea

>>103413 AG Platkin: Paterson City Council President Facing New Charges in Election Fraud Case

>>103414 Heidi Klum's instagram Nice Art behind her.

>>103415 For the first time in 1,000 years you have the Shiites and Sunnis who are united with one purpose, to STOP Israel.

>>103416, >>103427, >>103426 Wonder why this 14thamdendment substack was shoahed - Noam Cohen dig

>>103419 Chinese Parent Of US Battery Maker Has Business Ties With Blacklisted CCP Paramilitary Group

>>103420 Kremlin Claims Ukraine ‘Interference’ Responsible for Jew Hunting Muslim Mob at Dagestan Airport

>>103421 Canada: State-Sanctioned Euthanasia Accounted for over 4% of All Deaths in 2022

>>103422 Australian Banks and ATMs Close as It Is Set to Go Completely Cashless within 5 Years

>>103423 Israel Expands Ground War in Gaza. 8,000 People in Gaza and 1,400 Israelis Dead

>>103425 Hunter Biden got $250k loan from Chinese exec during 2020 election, later his lawyer assumed debt

>>103428 Russia says downed 36 Ukrainian drones over Black Sea, Crimea

>>103429 Russian Air Defense Downs 8 Ukraine's Storm Shadow Missiles Over Crimea - MoD

>>103430 The FDA is warning parents to test their children after lead is found in WanaBana fruit puree pouches

>>103431 @NATO allies and partners for a crucial mission in Hohenfels, Germany.

>>103432 Harvard president announces advisory council to combat antisemitism on campus: 'No longer'

>>103435 The Satanic West Cheers On And Participates In Israel’s War Crimes

>>103437 @RepThomasMassie If Congress sends $14.5 billion to Israel, on average we’ll be taking about $100 from every working person in the United States.

>>103438 Ex-North Dakota lawmaker charged with flying to Prague with intent to rape a minor

>>103439 "War Is A Racket" For These 25 'Defense' Companies

>>103440 Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years

>>103441 An interesting document in the Clinton Library files that (You) might like to dig on

>>103442 Bizarre Moment Newsom Falls Right Into Chinese Child, Then Grabs and Spanks Him

>>103444, >>103443 DIG THIS! Shady Ukrainian charity partnered with the taxpayer-funded U.S. Agency in 'for-profit' business


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3224d7 No.103520

File: 91d336e9e976a16⋯.png (284.41 KB,600x586,300:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 92c9dcf73e803a0⋯.jpg (83.19 KB,760x507,760:507,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833172 (302339ZOCT23) Notable: @TeamTrump Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

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Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)




Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

Here's a look at their friendship…


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3224d7 No.103521

File: afdaf11797a2296⋯.png (600.41 KB,914x735,914:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833187 (302342ZOCT23) Notable: @TeamTrump Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

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3224d7 No.103522

File: 7fe4bdf2e214f08⋯.png (1.16 MB,770x635,154:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833197 (302343ZOCT23) Notable: Stock Market? October has a bad record

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Think about this way…everyone and their grandma has been calling for it for how long?

In 2008 they dint and the feds went out of way to tell you it was “contained”.


They will allow it for about 2 days of bigger down day otherwise they risk margin calling each other and that starts the feedback loop of selling.

They had the Friday “ we’ve had the 10% correction” story so even though most eco indicators are worse than in 2008 and deteriorating-everything except housing prices roughly. Those GDP #s are a complete fantasy but people believe it coming from “experts”


Not against that “paper trading” to learn basic mechanics but you make completely different decisions when it’s real money. Never use a market order and the downfall of most day traders is when they find the “enable options trading” button.

And don’t play with leverage especially in FOREX unless you don’t like sleep

Retail trading lags anywhere from 5-10 seconds as a rule of thumb(as a built in lag and if you are a big boi you can pay big bucks to collocate your server in the same room as the exchanges) moar if you have shitty inlet.

Once you get comfy and realize you will always be reacting you can still scalp and make $. You must have 2 things defined before entering any trade….an entry and exit point. You may leave some on the table but if you stick to that (always things you must adjust to during day of course) you can do it

However having said all that now is not the time to be learning this. They trade in milliseconds and a lot of it isn’t even visible on a common chart.

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3224d7 No.103523

File: 98d29f16c69b64a⋯.png (59.66 KB,978x268,489:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833204 (302345ZOCT23) Notable: Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide

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BREAKING: Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide, Authorities Say

Oct. 30, 2023 5:40 pm

The Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in Colorado came perilously close to becoming the site of a calamitous act of violence this past weekend.

A 22-year-old man, heavily armed and carrying a cache of explosives, was found dead at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park on Saturday morning before the park opened to the public, ABC reported.

“This morning shortly after 9:00 AM, the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park for a death investigation. Several First Responders arrived on scene and the investigation ensued. The Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park has been closed to the public in order to preserve evidence and in the best interest of public safety. The public is reminded to stay clear of this area to allow for the necessary road traffic of the first responders and allow them to do their job,” the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement on Saturday.

According to authorities, this incident could have led to a large-scale tragedy had the man carried out what appeared to be a planned attack.

The man was discovered in the women’s restroom of the mountaintop park, located above the Colorado River in western Colorado. Authorities reported he was dressed in tactical clothing and body armor. His arsenal included an AR-style rifle, a handgun, multiple loaded magazines for each weapon, and explosives.

Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario said that a message was written on a wall of the restroom where the man was found, stating, “I am not a killer, I just want to get into the caves.” However, Vallario could not confirm if the message was left by the suspect.

Multiple improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were also found in his vehicle, according to police. A thorough search of the park for additional explosives yielded no further discoveries.

The police were investigating the man’s death as a possible suicide.

“While this investigation is still ongoing and very active it is important to realize that given the amount of weaponry, ammunition, and explosive devices found, the suspect could have implemented an attack of devastating proportions upon our community and first responders,” said Garfield County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Walt Stowe.

Read the full press release from Garfield Country Sheriff’s Office:

On the morning of October 28, 2023, the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a deceased male at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park. The deceased had been located prior to the park opening to the public and was not related to any of the rides or exhibits at the park. Based upon a preliminary investigation it appeared that the suspect illegally entered the park after hours, when no employees or patrons were present.

The investigation, which spanned the days of October 28 and 29*, involved a 22-year-old male from the Carbondale area. He was dressed in black colored tactical clothing, bearing patches and emblems that gave the appearance of being associated with law enforcement. The suspect had been heavily armed with a semiautomatic rifle and semi-automatic handgun and multiple, loaded magazines for both weapons. He was wearing body armor and what appeared to be a ballistic helmet. Additionally multiple improvised explosive devices, (IEDs), were discovered with the suspect and in a vehicle associated with the suspect. At the request of the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office, the Grand Junction Bomb Squad responded to the scene and with their expertise were able to render the devices safe.

The Glenwood Adventure Caverns property was then swept by members of the bomb squad as well as operators from the Garfield County All Hazard Response Team (AHRT) to ensure no other IED’s had been planted around the park or rides. Our investigation has so far indicated that nobody in the public was at risk; it would appear that the suspect’s actions were limited to the property of the Glenwood Caverns. The initial two days of the investigation have been carried out in a slow, methodical manner in order to search the property, as well as the suspect’s residence to ensure the safety of the public and to begin to determine the extent of his criminal activity. The safety of the public, bomb disposal personnel, law enforcement and other first responders was the priority as well as making sure the Caverns were safe to reopen.

While this investigation is still ongoing and very active it is important to realize that given the amount of weaponry, ammunition, and explosive devices found, the suspect could have implemented an attack of devastating proportions upon our community and first responders.


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3224d7 No.103524

File: ae3a70f5e31cbd3⋯.png (237.08 KB,902x570,451:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833220 (302349ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

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Donald J. Trump



“Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal”


Oct 30, 2023, 7:34 PM


Q team do read the breads!


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3224d7 No.103525

File: 918947cdfa8b332⋯.png (171.07 KB,1203x956,1203:956,Clipboard.png)

File: 11d098f7feb49ac⋯.png (154.83 KB,1078x929,1078:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 4780e771349cf2f⋯.png (183.58 KB,1037x950,1037:950,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833233 (302351ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

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Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

Disclosure made in little-notice status briefing as FOIA litigation advances

By John Solomon

Published: October 30, 2023 4:51pm

Updated: October 30, 2023 6:56pm


Dig Deeper

Under legal pressure, the National Archives has located 82,000 pages of emails that President Joe Biden sent or received during his vice presidential tenure on three private pseudonym accounts, a total that potentially dwarfs the amount that landed Hillary Clinton in hot water a decade ago, according to a federal court filing released Monday.

The total of Biden private email exchanges was disclosed Monday in a little-noticed status report filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the National Archives and Records Administration by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The foundation brought the lawsuit seeking access to the emails after Just the News revealed a year ago that Joe Biden had used three pseudonym email accounts - robinware456@gmail.com, JRBWare@gmail.com, and Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov – during the time he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president.

The status report filed Monday in a federal court in Atlanta was the first to provide an estimate of the size and scope of possible government business conducted through Joe Biden’s private email accounts.

“NARA has completed a search for potentially responsive documents and is currently processing those documents for the purpose of producing non-exempt portions of any responsive records on a monthly rolling basis,” the status report stated. “Given the scope of Plaintiff’s FOIA request, which seeks copies of all emails in three separate accounts over an eight-year period, the volume of potentially responsive records is necessarily large.

“NARA has identified approximately 82,000 pages of potentially responsive documents, and it is currently processing those documents and preparing any non-exempt responsive documents for production on a rolling basis,” the filing added.

You can read the full court filing here.



The court filing added that the foundation and NARA are discussing ways to narrow the request for records to get copies of the emails out in a more expeditious manner.

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3224d7 No.103526

File: 96063d53fe289a2⋯.png (349.18 KB,1130x763,1130:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833242 (302353ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

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Government officials' use of private email for official business is discouraged under the law, and officials like Biden are required to preserve all government-related emails conducted on their private accounts under the Federal Records Act. The fact that NARA has such a large collection suggests Biden gave those emails to the nation’s history-preserving agency.

The total revealed by the Archives, however, is stunning in size, even dwarfing the total from the most infamous private email scandal in American history involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which also involved government business on Obama’s watch.

A State Department inspector general report in summer 2016 found Mrs. Clinton improperly used a private email server stored in her family’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., to regularly conduct government business and later deleted many of the emails she considered to be private.

“Secretary Clinton produced to the Department from her personal email account approximately 55,000 hard-copy pages, representing approximately 30,000 emails that she believed related to official business,” the final report noted. Those totals are significantly smaller than the amount of pages the National Archives says it has from Biden’s personal account.

The IG noted there was a lax record-keeping system at State and across government that needed modernizing and impacted several prior secretaries.

You can read that full report here.



Internal investigations concluded that about 100 emails Clinton moved through her private server contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails at the "Secret" level and 22 at "Top Secret" security clearance.

Eventually, the government recovered even Mrs. Clinton's personal emails that had been deleted and released all of them under FOIA, totaling about 52,000.

To date, there is no indication from the National Archives in the court case that any of Biden’s email contain classified information. However, the president is under criminal investigation by Special Counsel Robert Hur for taking classified documents from his time as vice president and as a senator and storing them improperly in insecure locations in the garage of his Delaware home and a think tank office he kept in Washington D.C.

Hur recently spent two days interview Biden in that investigation.

President Donald Trump has already been indicted by Special Counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents the FBI recovered from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida or that Trump returned to the Archives belatedly.


State Dept completes Clinton email release, more than 52k out including 2,100 with info now deemed classified

Feb. 29, 2016, at 7:18 p.m.


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3224d7 No.103527

File: cd6ff1fb203b1fd⋯.jpg (26.31 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833266 (302357ZOCT23) Notable: Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

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Didn't that dude vaxxicide himself too?

Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

Richard Moll

Richard Moll, shown arriving at the 2010 TV Land Awards in Culver City, died Thursday at age 80 at his home in Big Bear Lake. (Kathy Hutchins via Associated Press)


OCT. 28, 2023 1 PM PT



Show more sharing options

Actor Richard Moll, best known for playing bailiff Nostradamus “Bull” Shannon in the original “Night Court” sitcom, died Thursday at home in Big Bear Lake. He was 80.

Moll’s death was confirmed through a family representative. The cause of death was not disclosed.

Moll became a beloved TV fixture as Bull, who appeared in nearly every episode of “Night Court,” which aired from 1984 to 1992 on NBC. (The series was recently revived with John Larroquette, who starred in the original version).

Standing 6-foot-8 with a shaved head, Moll’s menacing look provided a humorous contrast to his genial persona on the series set in a late-night shift of a Manhattan municipal courtroom.

Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

Richard Moll

Richard Moll, shown arriving at the 2010 TV Land Awards in Culver City, died Thursday at age 80 at his home in Big Bear Lake. (Kathy Hutchins via Associated Press)


OCT. 28, 2023 1 PM PT



Show more sharing options

Actor Richard Moll, best known for playing bailiff Nostradamus “Bull” Shannon in the original “Night Court” sitcom, died Thursday at home in Big Bear Lake. He was 80.

Moll’s death was confirmed through a family representative. The cause of death was not disclosed.

Moll became a beloved TV fixture as Bull, who appeared in nearly every episode of “Night Court,” which aired from 1984 to 1992 on NBC. (The series was recently revived with John Larroquette, who starred in the original version).

Standing 6-foot-8 with a shaved head, Moll’s menacing look provided a humorous contrast to his genial persona on the series set in a late-night shift of a Manhattan municipal courtroom.


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3224d7 No.103528

File: 129ccbf5aa74976⋯.png (391.2 KB,600x583,600:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d01a1bc4a03162⋯.png (25.41 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

File: aa15f03c0896711⋯.png (1021.25 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833330 (310007ZOCT23) Notable: Today, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation./watermark and clearly label AI-generated content

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The White House



Today, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation.

It’s the most significant action any government in the world has ever taken on AI.


The White House



Under President Biden’s new Executive Order on AI, the federal government will help develop standards to watermark and clearly label AI-generated content – so people can identify what’s real and what’s not.


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3224d7 No.103529

File: 9891ee22073b5bd⋯.png (270.76 KB,600x411,200:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833363 (310011ZOCT23) Notable: Top Marine Corps general hospitalized

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The Hill



Top Marine Corps general hospitalized




>Q Research General #24351: This is not a larp. Larps are games. People are getting hurt Edition

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3224d7 No.103530

File: ea59368488b8444⋯.png (306.64 KB,600x532,150:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833420 (310018ZOCT23) Notable: Top Marine Corps general hospitalized

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The Hill



3-star general sent to advise Israeli military returns to US




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3224d7 No.103531

File: f87c523a3f05d43⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833504 (310029ZOCT23) Notable: JW: It really isn’t a larp.

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I’ve been deeply affected.

My family has been hurt.

My friends have lost everything over this.

It really isn’t a larp.

We are in a bad position, friends.

Be charitable.

Be solid.

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3224d7 No.103532

File: 5e95fcf2b8fc3da⋯.png (266.17 KB,579x355,579:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833529 (310032ZOCT23) Notable: Trial begins in Colorado to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 ballot

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Trial begins in Colorado to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 ballot

The lawsuit claims that Trump is disqualified from attaining higher office due to having incited an 'insurrection' on January 6, 2021. Trump has called the legal challenge 'election interference' and compared it to the workings of a 'banana republic.'


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3224d7 No.103533

File: 86281a2a4484e64⋯.png (58.43 KB,725x341,725:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 1920c2a18f0cd4d⋯.png (387.58 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

File: d43cd5758fa09c6⋯.png (105.96 KB,634x314,317:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 827021340ee6969⋯.png (746.69 KB,634x503,634:503,Clipboard.png)

File: bdeac63f27e5082⋯.png (840.55 KB,634x578,317:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833531 (310033ZOCT23) Notable: Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy

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Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy that seeks and destroys lingering pieces of virus

UPDATED: 18:35 EDT, 30 October 2023

After four decades and over 700,000 Americans dead, gene editing experts believe they are on the cusp of curing HIV.

Three patients in California have just been injected with genetic material along with an enzyme called CAS9 that early studies suggest can splice sections of the virus’ DNA that become lodged in human cells, eliminating it entirely.

Using the gene-editing technology CRISPR, a cure for the AIDS-causing virus could be closer on the horizon than ever thought before.

The current trial aims to prove the treatment is safe, but data on how well it work is expected next year.

HIV was a near-certain death sentence until the mid-90s, when antiviral medications turned it into a chronic disease that people can live with.

In total 1.2 million Americans have HIV and, even with access to medicine, have a risk of seeing their dormant infection resurface and potentially progress to AIDS.

Treatment options have evolved considerably since HIV was first identified in the early 80s. The course of treatment went from patients having to take several pills a day that might not even work well to start, to taking just a single daily pill that combines all of the best known therapies into one.

These are known as antiretroviral therapies, or daily medications that tamp down the amount of virus in the blood to undetectable levels. These medications are effective, they are not a cure.

A cure for HIV has eluded scientists for decades because of the unique way in which the virus hijacks the body's own cells.

HIV hides in immune cells in the body, where they can shield themselves from being destroyed by other immune cells. This makes hunting and killing HIV in the body difficult, because there is a risk of damaging healthy cells as well.

CRISPR technology is especially promising for situations such as this, because the therapy is extremely targeted to highly specific sections of genetic material within cells.

CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. It was adapted from a naturally occurring genome editing system used by bacteria as an immune defense.

Researchers create a small piece of 'guide' RNA which binds to specific targets on DNA strands within a cell. Guide RNA, is its name implies, guides the enzyme CAS9 to those targets on DNA.

CAS9, like a pair of microscopic scissors, cuts those designated sections of DNA. Once cut and without its key ingredients, the virus can no longer replicate and infect cells.

While extremely promising in the field of chronic disease treatment, CRISPR therapy would be exhorbitantly expensive without guarantee of insurance coverage. Novartis, for instance launched a gene therapy for an inherited muscle wasting disease that costs $2.125 million per treatment.

Researchers from San Francisco-based biotech firm Excision BioTherapeutics developed the treatment called EBT-101 to be administered to people with HIV who would be followed for about a year.

The technology has been injected into three people with HIV so far, with another six to follow, and has been shown to be safe. However, the trial is still in such early stages and efficacy data is expected to come out next year.

The three people had been taking an antiretroviral medication to reduce the amount of detectable virus in a person’s blood. They were instructed to stop taking it before the experiment.

Excision's injectable gene therapy contained guide RNA that directed CAS9 to the three specific segments of the HIV DNA to be cut. Once those segments are cut, HIV cells lose their ability to replicate and thus become unable to cause infection.

Interest in CRISPR technology has resulted in breakthrough research into curing sickle cell anemia, the most common form of inherited blood disorder, and paved the way for the development of treatments for other crippling diseases such as types of cancer.

Dr William Kennedy, Senior Vice President of Excision, said the the CRISPR gene therapy did not cause any severe negative side effects. Any side effects that resulted were then resolved on their own.

Dr Kennedy told DailyMail.com seperately that the team is 'encouraged by the initial results' which support their ability to advance to the next level where they will trial higher doses of the gene therapy.

He said: 'Importantly, these data build on the findings from multiple preclinical studies underscoring the potential of our novel approach in treating chronic latent viral diseases beyond HIV.

'Our pipeline includes investigational therapies for Herpes and Hepatitis B.'


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3224d7 No.103534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833533 (310033ZOCT23) Notable: Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy

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But the team faces an uphill battle because of the specific way in which HIV lurks in the body and infiltrates healthy cells, using them as shields.

The company has yet to report any efficacy data, instead revealing that, at least in early stages, the treatment has been proven safe. Participants are followed for nearly a year, and the trial only began in January 2022.

The research team also plans to expand its trial to include administering higher doses of the treatment, which will yield results in 2024.

This is also one of the relatively few applications of CRISPR technology to infectious diseases.

More often than not, gene editing has been studied to remedy chronic illnesses such as cancer and inherited disorders like sickle cell, and most have entailed removing genetic material to manipulate before reinserting it, making their research unique.

A handful of people with HIV have been 'effectively cured'.

One such person is a 53-year-old man — known by scientists as the Dusseldorf Patient — who has been off anti-retroviral drugs — tablets usually required daily to keep the virus at bay — for four years without relapse thanks to a risky stem cell transplant.

The patient underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in February 2013, overseen by an international research team, headed by medics at Dusseldorf University Hospital.

Before that, American Timothy Ray Brown, dubbed the 'Berlin patient' because of where he was treated, was declared HIV-free in 2007 after two bone marrow transplants.

Mr Brown, who died in 2020 from terminal leukemia, was from Seattle but lived in Germany, was diagnosed with HIV in 1995.

In 2006, after more than a decade on standard anti-retroviral therapy to suppress his disease, he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells.

His doctor at the Charite Hospital in Berlin said his best bet at survival was a bone marrow transplant, which replaces a sick person's immune system with stem cells from the bone marrow of a healthy person.

Brown survived his first transplant, and stopped taking his HIV medication that day. He had another transplant in early 2008. On February 2008, he was declared HIV-free at the CROI Conference in Boston.

He died at 54 mere days after announcing that he had been battling an aggressive blood cancer for months.

And in the UK, the 'London patient', now known to be Adam Castillejo, became the second person ever to be cured of HIV.

The patient was diagnosed with HIV in 2003. He started taking anti-retroviral therapy (or, ART, which are virus-suppressing drugs) to control the infection in 2012. Ever since 1996, when ART was discovered, it has been recommended as immediate treatment post-diagnosis. The researchers do not elaborate on why the London patient went nine years before starting on ART.

He developed Hodgkin lymphoma that year. In 2016, he agreed to a stem cell transplant to treat the cancer.

As with the Berlin patient, the London patient's doctors found a donor with a CCR5 mutation.

The transplant changed the London patient's immune system, giving him the donor's mutation and HIV resistance.



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3224d7 No.103535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833634 (310051ZOCT23) Notable: Son of Former WEF Honcho Calls For the Arrests of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Other Globalist Leaders

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Son of Former WEF Honcho Calls For the Arrests of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Other Globalist Leaders

The son of former WEF official Hussain Najadi is calling for the arrests of the leaders of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), Big Pharma, and Big Tech for crimes against humanity.

In a video titled “Cutting Off the Head of the Snake In Geneva,” retired Swiss banker Pascal Najadi accused the heads of those institutions of advocating for the global distribution of a dangerous bioweapon, “injecting nano-lipids into 5.7 billion people.” GAVI, founded by Billionaire “philanthropist” Bill Gates in 1999; the WEF, headed by German economist Klaus Schwab; and the WHO, currently directed by the corrupt Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, are all located in Geneva, Switzerland.


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3224d7 No.103536

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833689 (310059ZOCT23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

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Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 10/30/2023



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3224d7 No.103537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833721 (310103ZOCT23) Notable: #24351

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#24351 >>103507

>>103508 Starlink Mission - A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff

>>103509, >>103522 Stock Market? October has a bad record

>>103510, >>103514 'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

>>103511 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

>>103512 Biden Regime Announces New Nuclear Weapon MORE THAN 20 TIMES More Powerful Than the One Dropped on Hiroshima

>>103513 Gaza horror can’t be justified - Putin

>>103515, >>103524, >>103525, >>103526 @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>103516 McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill. Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours.

>>103518, >>103517 The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council.

>>103520, >>103521 @TeamTrump Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

>>103523 Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide

>>103527 Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

>>103528 Today, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation./watermark and clearly label AI-generated content

>>103529, >>103530 Top Marine Corps general hospitalized

>>103531 JW: It really isn’t a larp.

>>103532 Trial begins in Colorado to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 ballot

>>103533, >>103534 Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy

>>103535 Son of Former WEF Honcho Calls For the Arrests of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Other Globalist Leaders

>>103536 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy


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3224d7 No.103538

File: 4533e6f2c348db3⋯.jpg (7.01 KB,255x153,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 445b50777ecc4d0⋯.gif (1.58 MB,368x210,184:105,Clipboard.gif)

File: ab3c5c1f0800612⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x963,400:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833759 (310106ZOCT23) Notable: #24352

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Baker can continue or defer

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3224d7 No.103539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833813 (310115ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Throws $45 Billion In Federal Funds To Convert Offices Into Homes

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Biden Throws $45 Billion In Federal Funds To Convert Offices Into Homes

To ease the housing crisis, White House Opens $45 Billion in Federal Funds to Convert Offices Into Homes

Taking aim at the nation’s housing crisis, the White House kicked off a multiagency push on Friday to help real-estate developers convert more office buildings emptied by the pandemic into affordable housing.

The initiative aims to harness $35 billion in low-cost loans already available through the Transportation Department to fund housing developments near transit hubs, folding the initiative into the Biden administration’s clean-energy push.

It also opens up additional funding sources and tax incentives and offers a new guide to 20 federal programs that developers can tap and that offers technical assistance in what can be tricky and expensive conversions.

A third part of the program will see the federal government draw up a public list of buildings it owns that could be made available for sale to help bolster development.

The federal government owns about 1,500 office buildings nationally and had leases on almost 200 million square feet of additional space as of April, according to Barclays analysts, who said in a recent report that much of that office space was underused.


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3224d7 No.103540

File: f808e570f396ed5⋯.png (140.72 KB,987x583,987:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833841 (310120ZOCT23) Notable: Bank Insider Charged with Accepting Bribes to Facilitate Millions of Dollars of Money Laundering

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Bank Insider Charged with Accepting Bribes to Facilitate Millions of Dollars of Money Laundering


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3224d7 No.103541

File: cdfa0c3fcd7307a⋯.jpeg (533.64 KB,1355x625,271:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833853 (310121ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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SAM283 back to JBA from a stop at Peterson SFB and this usually a State Dept AC

Departed earlier today from JBA

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3224d7 No.103542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833865 (310123ZOCT23) Notable: Historical Revisionism: Fact or Fiction - John B Wells LIVE

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Live at the bottom of the hour. This should be interesting.

Historical Revisionism: Fact or Fiction - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

142K subscribers

185 watching now

Started streaming 26 minutes ago UNITED STATES

#CTM Tonight

Topic: Historical Revisionism: Fact or Fiction

Start: 8:30pm CDT

• Jim Rizoli

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHB...

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



Speak Free Radio













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3224d7 No.103543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833888 (310125ZOCT23) Notable: Traffickers sentenced

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Martinsburg woman sentenced to 40 years for trafficking a teenager


Colonie Man Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking Minors


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3224d7 No.103544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833899 (310127ZOCT23) Notable: Georgia Sheriff Announces 11 Arrests on Charges Involving Soliciting Minors for Sex Online

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Georgia Sheriff Announces 11 Arrests on Charges Involving Soliciting Minors for Sex Online

Eleven people have been arrested in Georgia on a variety of charges connected to online solicitation of juveniles for sex

Eleven people were arrested in Georgia on a variety of charges connected to online solicitation of juveniles for sex, and five other suspects were being sought, authorities said Monday.

The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office said the list of those arrested included a 33-year-old man with a Lawrenceville address who allegedly claimed to be a missionary from Guatemala selling bibles. Another suspect, from Lilburn, was convicted in 2014 in Florida on charges including using a computer to lure a child into sexual conduct.

The arrests were made during a three-day operation that included the Forsyth sheriff and district attorney offices, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Alpharetta police and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the sheriff's office said in a statement.

The office said a similar operation in 2019 led to arrests of 24 people, all of whom pleaded guilty or were found guilty.


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3224d7 No.103545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833910 (310129ZOCT23) Notable: Halloween curfew to be enforced for sex offenders in South Carolina

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Halloween curfew to be enforced for sex offenders in South Carolina

The South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services (SCDPPPS) will again enforce a statewide curfew for some registered sex offenders on Halloween.

The curfew will be in place from 5:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31, according to officials. It applies any person on probation, parole, or another form of community supervision for a sex offense whose crime is against a child, according to officials.


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3224d7 No.103546

File: c276ee8a1849f11⋯.png (377.67 KB,549x437,549:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833937 (310135ZOCT23) Notable: Ex-Director of the DIA Gen. Mike Flynn Alleges Some U.S. Legislators Compromised by Globalists Due to their Trips Overseas Where They “Sleep with Children”

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EXPLOSIVE CLAIMS: Ex-Director of the DIA Gen. Mike Flynn Alleges Some U.S. Legislators Compromised by Globalists Due to their Trips Overseas Where They “Sleep with Children”

In a recent no-holds-barred conversation with political commentator Joy Thayer, ex-Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), General Michael Flynn, unveiled a shocking narrative surrounding the moral integrity of certain members within the U.S. legislature.

He alleged that the hold of globalist agendas over these officials stems from compromising situations they find themselves in during official overseas trips.

He expressed his disdain for what he described as a “totally, completely broken” House of Representatives, which he alleges is under the thumbs of corporate lobbyists and globalists. According to Flynn, these external entities have managed to ensnare some legislators through compromising situations during Congressional Delegation (CODEL) trips overseas.

The former DIA chief’s narrative took an even darker turn as he alleged that some of these trips saw members of both the Senate and the House being compromised through sleeping with children.



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3224d7 No.103547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833944 (310137ZOCT23) Notable: ADL drops Jewish activist from ‘list of extremists’

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ADL drops Jewish activist from ‘list of extremists’

‘Libs of TikTok’ owner had threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League for defamation

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has removed Chaya Raichik, a conservative influencer who runs a web of ‘Libs of TikTok’ social media accounts, from its list of extremists. Raichik, who is herself Jewish, said the move came in response to weeks of legal threats.

“The ADL finally caved after immense pressure and threats of legal action and REMOVED my name from their Glossary of Extremism!” the activist wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday.

“Just goes to show that the ADL knows I’m not a violent extremist. The decision to put me on their 'Glossary of Extremism' was all political theater,” Raichik wrote, describing ADL as “a propaganda tool of the radical Left.”

The “Glossary of Extremism” is one of several blacklists hosted on the ADL’s site. Raichik had previously given the group a deadline of October 31 to remove her name and accompanying profile, arguing that her inclusion in the list alongside “terrorist” groups like Hamas amounted to defamation.

In an op-ed for Human Events last month, she claimed she was being unfairly targeted for “speaking out against wokeness, far-left indoctrination of children, and the medical mutilation of minors under the guise of gender ideology.”

Raichik’s name appeared on the ADL’s blacklist last September, in response to her viral exposé on Boston Children’s Hospital and other prestigious medical institutions advertising and performing transgender surgeries on minors

The ADL’s profile of Raichik accused her of “attempts to generate outrage and stoke anti-LGBTQ+ hostility by reposting selected out-of-context social media content created by LGBTQ+ people and liberals,” claiming the accounts whose content she reposts without comment are “frequent targets of harassment, threats and violence.”

Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC was reportedly deluged with threats after Raichik posted audio of a phone call in which hospital staff told her they perform “gender-affirming hysterectomies” on kids aged 16 and younger, according to the Washington Post. The hospital would later deny offering such procedures.

X owner Elon Musk claimed last month that the ADL was pressuring his platform to shut down Raichik’s accounts and teased a “giant data dump” of internal communications between the advocacy group and X.

The billionaire had also threatened to sue the ADL, accusing the group of “trying to kill” X by burying it – and by extension Musk himself – in false allegations of anti-Semitism. Companies were being directly pressured by the group to pull their ads from the platform, he said.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt denied the allegations even as he admitted to asking corporations to “pause” their ads on X following Musk’s acquisition of the platform last year. Musk and Greenblatt appeared to bury the hatchet earlier this month, when the ADL released a statement suggesting it was “preparing” to return to advertising on X in order to “bring our important message on fighting hate to X and its users.”


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3224d7 No.103548

File: d851c4f2ec0421d⋯.png (824.5 KB,1916x928,479:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833968 (310140ZOCT23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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NOVA62 E3TF circling close to Pyramid Lake, NV up and out of Fallon NAS maybe?

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3224d7 No.103549

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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