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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

0a014c No.51529 [Last50 Posts]

17MAY23 to 19MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

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0a014c No.54735

File: 4cf556066ffb311⋯.png (22.98 KB,590x246,295:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 55124afa2bbceb0⋯.png (257.93 KB,598x504,299:252,Clipboard.png)

File: ce77ea913420e9c⋯.mp4 (356.37 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861595 (171636ZMAY23) Notable: Buckewheat fled the podium/Trending

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TRENDING: Karine Jean-Pierre




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0a014c No.54736

File: 5a81e92315e1dc4⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861600 (171637ZMAY23) Notable: Buckewheat fled the podium/Trending

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oops wrong one

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0a014c No.54737

File: 96cd2d865b76920⋯.png (1.1 MB,906x909,302:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861604 (171637ZMAY23) Notable: SPEAK UP FORASSANGE

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got 13 min to give to the man who has given the past 13 yrs of his life to the cause of free speech?

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0a014c No.54738

File: 1d5517210f5d8f8⋯.png (351.9 KB,925x433,925:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 05b475b98547027⋯.png (550.45 KB,842x445,842:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861609 (171639ZMAY23) Notable: PF GRIMM99 E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB to accompany Potato on the trip to Japan-this is S.O.P.

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>>54729 lb

GRIMM99 E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB to accompany Potato on the trip to Japan-this is S.O.P.

>Could go to Okinawa or Singapore

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0a014c No.54739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861622 (171643ZMAY23) Notable: American National Security and the Russian-Iranian War on Ukraine: A Conversation with Senator Ted Cruz Hudson Institute

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1:00 PM EDT

American National Security and the Russian-Iranian War on Ukraine: A Conversation with Senator Ted Cruz

Hudson Institute



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0a014c No.54740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861624 (171645ZMAY23) Notable: Strengthening Public Health Through People, Trust, and Connection, NIH, HHS

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1:00 PM EDT

A Virtual Conversation With Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy and New York City Former Commissioner of Health Dr. Dave A. Chokshi: Strengthening Public Health Through People, Trust, and Connection

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services



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0a014c No.54741

File: aa5a15209a6054a⋯.png (433.53 KB,724x575,724:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861640 (171650ZMAY23) Notable: US Senate has the Approved & Passed House Budget Bill that Raises Debt Ceiling By $1,5 Trillion What is the Senate Waiting for?

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US Senate has the Approved & Passed House Budget Bill that Raises Debt Ceiling By $1,5 Trillion

Senate could vote on it Today

But chooses to Virtue Signal about anything else

Why doesn't the Senate Vote on the Budget Bill?

What is the Senate Waiting for?

Who is in charge of Putting the Bills up for a Vote?

Who's Desk does the Budget bill Sit upon?

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0a014c No.54742

File: b28e041df62f082⋯.pdf (1.71 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861652 (171653ZMAY23) Notable: Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins resigning — ‘in disgrace’ . . .

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>>54560 (pb)

>>54561 (pb)

>>54550 (pb)

Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins resigning — ‘in disgrace’ . . .

The Office of Inspector General's 161 page-long report into that filthy Communist named Rachael Rollins has been published and archived, lads. So Garland refused to prosecute her, but the statute of limitations will not have passed by the time President Trump returns to office. Buckle up, Rollins, and start practicing how not to drop the soap. . . .

Type out the following links in standard form and you'll be taken right to the archives and live linked document. (Had to gum up the links so I could upload here)

LINK - https : // tinyurl-dot-com/h3uhrut2

ARCHIVE - https : // archive-dot-ph/ldsWl

INTERNET ARCHIVE - https : // tinyurl-dot-com/3873mwkk

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0a014c No.54743

File: 5ae6a0513db64d1⋯.png (383.02 KB,1098x830,549:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861665 (171656ZMAY23) Notable: Durham report to indict or show DOJ coup?

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0a014c No.54744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861683 (171702ZMAY23) Notable: Durham report to indict or show DOJ coup?

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NOBODY is asking the question - Why didn't Durham indict anybody when he clearly had all the receipts?

How do you prosecute and punish (FBI/DOJ/President/Vice President) those that are in charge of prosecuting and punishing?


Step 1

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0a014c No.54745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861687 (171704ZMAY23) Notable: Durham report: Barr touts special counsel investigation into Trump inquiry as 'success’

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Durham report: Barr touts special counsel investigation into Trump inquiry as 'success’

May 16, 2023

Former Attorney General William Barr touted special counsel John Durham's investigation as a "success."

In an appearance on Fox News, Barr hailed Durham's final report as vindicating former President Donald Trump and accomplishing what it set out to do. He stressed that the investigation, which he commissioned in 2019, wasn't intended to find criminal wrongdoing but only to get to the bottom of the FBI'shandling of its investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russian government.

"I take away from [the Durham report] that it was a success in that its purpose from the very beginning was to get to the truth," Barr answered when asked what his main takeaway from the final report was.

"It was not launched as a criminal investigation, and people who compare it to the Mueller investigation are simply wrong. I asked [Durham] to get to the bottom of it, to get his arms around the truth. If he found crimes, we could prosecute them. But I think that’s what he has done; he has dug into it, andI think he has gotten as close to the bottom as anyone is going to get to this," Barr continued.

Barr also accused the FBI of abandoning "any semblance of professionalism," saying the agency took up the cause with a vengeance.

"I think the real story here, from the FBI’s perspective, is what an abomination this was," Barr said. "This so-called investigation, you know, if it wasn’t a witch hunt, it’s a damn good imitation of one."

Barr also condemned the FBI and those who encouraged the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion as having "ruined the country through their conspiracy-mongering."

However, Barr also offered a defense of the FBI as it stands currently, arguing that the issues in the Russian collusion investigation came from the top so don't necessarily indict the FBI as a whole.

"This was not necessarily institutional rot," he said. "This was from the top."

Barr said the reforms initiated by himself and FBI Director Christopher Wray largely solved the problems that led to the Russia investigation.

Durham's final report was released on Monday. Though not recommending any criminal charges, the special counsel issued a scathing indictment of the agency, writing that its handling of the investigation was "seriously deficient" and caused "severe reputational harm."

(Barr takes credit for the big dud of Durham reports, and admits he set up Durham to fail to prosecute anyone. I’m sure Garland was the cherry on top when Barr pushed his SC full authority issued on Dec. 21, 2020, the day he resigned; and Durham had to work under the new AG. Barr can now collect his bribe money!)


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0a014c No.54746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861697 (171707ZMAY23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel Department of State

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State




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0a014c No.54747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861712 (171711ZMAY23) Notable: Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18861144

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe

by Jim Hoft May 17, 2023

Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice was arrested this week for accepting a $2.7 million bribe. Vsevolod Kniaziev is the Chief Justice of the Ukrainian Supreme Court – a true man of integrity.

Before the War with Russia started Ukraine was considered the most corrupt nation in Europe. Obviously, not much has changed.

The Biden regime has gifted Ukrainian leadership with over $110 billion in US dollars and weapons. The whereabouts of the money has not been audited.

In January The Gateway Pundit reported on Ukrainian officials blowing millions in US dollars on sports cars, mansions, and luxury vacations.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has accused the head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Vsevolod Kniaziev, of receiving a large bribe.

The Ukrainian media reported that the chairman of the Supreme Court had been detained while taking a bribe of $2.7 million. pic.twitter.com/jyzjtvyRm5

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2023

Kniaziev has been detained.

NEW: Vsevolod Kniaziev, the chief justice of Ukraine's Supreme Court, has been detained for allegedly accepting a $2.7 million bribe.#SupremeCourt #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/eujsIVdhri

— POLETICO 🇺🇸 (@Poletico_News) May 16, 2023

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has accused the head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Vsevolod Kniaziev, of receiving a large bribe.

The Ukrainian media reported that the chairman of the Supreme Court had been detained while taking a bribe of $2.7 million. pic.twitter.com/jyzjtvyRm5

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 15, 2023

Reuters reported:

Ukrainian anti-graft authorities said on Monday they were investigating large-scale corruption in the country’s Supreme Court system and shared a photograph of piles of dollars neatly lined up on a sofa.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) did not name anyone accused of corruption, but two local media organizations reported Supreme Court Chief Justice Vsevolod Kniaziev had been detained on suspicion of receiving a $3 million bribe.

Reuters could not independently verify the reports.

The country’s anti-graft authorities displayed the photograph on its Facebook page, which said the discovery followed investigations by NABU and the office of the Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor (SAP).


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0a014c No.54748

File: 909059010354684⋯.png (45.52 KB,677x495,677:495,Clipboard.png)

File: cf8785765762535⋯.png (411.8 KB,677x726,677:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861716 (171712ZMAY23) Notable: Any questions as to who dictates policy and research?/NIH director Monica Bertagnolli

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Any questions as to who dictates policy and research? It rhymes with HARMA and we are PF—KD!



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0a014c No.54749

File: a35366b66a0ea19⋯.png (251.13 KB,400x281,400:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861720 (171713ZMAY23) Notable: Non-Profit Hospitals Made Huge Profits During Pandemic While Receiving $23 Billion In Federal COVID-19 Aid

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Non-Profit Hospitals Made Huge Profits During Pandemic While Receiving $23 Billion In Federal COVID-19 Aid

Federal officials gave more than $23 billion COVID-19 aid to the nation’s top 20 ‘nonprofit’ hospitals while at the same time the hospitals had a 62% increase in their net assets, total profits and revenues during the 2018-2021 time period. According to a new report, “The 20 largest nonprofit hospitals in the country continued making massive profits while their cumulative net assets soared to $324.3 billion in 2021, up from $200.6 billion in 2018.” The year 2021 is the latest year available for cross-comparison purposes. The top recipients of most COVID-19 aid were San Francisco-based CommonSpirit Health with $3.6 billion, followed by Providence St. Joseph Center with $3 billion, Ascension Healthcare with $2.7 billion, Michigan-based Livonia Health with $2.3 billion, and Sutter Health, based in Sacramento, California, with $1.7 billion.



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0a014c No.54750

File: f00810653c4f67e⋯.png (318 KB,541x350,541:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861726 (171715ZMAY23) Notable: Illegal Alien Tracking Map Shows Movement Across the US -- 71% End Up in Republican Districts

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Illegal Alien Tracking Map Shows Movement Across the US – 71% End Up in Republican Districts

In December 2022, the Heritage Foundation released a study tracking the movement of illegal aliens through their government-issued cell phones from their launching point to destinations across the United States. Of the 52 congressional districts with the highest density of the cell phones provided by Biden, 71% were Republican congressional districts. Texas had the highest density of illegals followed by Oklahoma. At least 5 million illegals have crossed the open border into the United States mainland since Joe Biden took office and immediately repealed all of President Trump’s border policies.



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0a014c No.54751

File: 0f72660e68de979⋯.png (473.45 KB,598x697,598:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861828 (171736ZMAY23) Notable: Trending: Owlon

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OWL comms

Trending: Owlon


Meet the mysterious Pacific screech owl, a master of nocturnal hunting and a true marvel of nature! With its piercing yellow eyes and distinct hooting call, this small owl roams the forests of western North America. #owlon safe hands of rescue.


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0a014c No.54752

File: 06fb726454878fd⋯.jpg (52.88 KB,500x671,500:671,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861857 (171745ZMAY23) Notable: CALL TO MEMES FBI IS MF LYING AND HIDING

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kek, fbi fags flooding town market with royalty crash to hide durham report

look here: Royalty Crash

not here: Durham report



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0a014c No.54753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861864 (171746ZMAY23) Notable: A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hears oral argument in a case concerning the abortion medication, mifepristone.

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2:00 PM EDT

Fifth Circuit Court Hears Abortion Pill Case

A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hears oral argument in a case concerning the abortion medication, mifepristone.




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0a014c No.54754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861871 (171748ZMAY23) Notable: Erdogan Says Black Sea Grain Deal Extended for Two Months

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Turkish President Erdogan Says Black Sea Grain Deal Extended for Two Months

Reuters May 17, 2023

ANKARA/UNITED NATIONS, May 17 (Reuters) – The Ukraine Black Sea grain deal has been extended for two more month, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, one day before Russia could have quit the pact over obstacles to its grain and fertiliser exports.

The flow of ships through the corridor had been grinding to a halt during the last few days with the deal apparently set to expire on Thursday.

Earlier on Wednesday, the last remaining ship registered to travel through the corridor had left a Ukrainian port.

U.N. data showed that the DSM Capella had left the Ukrainian port of Chornomorsk carrying 30,000 tonnes of corn and was on its way to Turkey.

“The Black Sea grain corridor deal has been extended by two months with the efforts of Turkey,” Erdogan said in a televised speech, also thanking the Russian and Ukrainian leaders and U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres for their help.

A spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry said they would be commenting later on the reported extension.

The United Nations and Turkey brokered the Black Sea deal for an initial 120 days in July last year to help tackle a global food crisis that has been aggravated by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, one of the world’s leading grain exporters.

Moscow agreed to extend the Black Sea pact for a further 120 days in November, but then in March it agreed to a 60 day extension – until May 18 – unless a list of demands regarding its own agricultural exports was met.


To convince Russia in July to allow Black Sea grain exports, the United Nations agreed at the same time to help Moscow with its own agricultural shipments for three years.

“There are still a lot of open questions regarding our part of the deal. Now a decision will have to be taken,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday.

Asked on Wednesday about how the talks were progressing, Peskov told a briefing he would not enter into “hypothetical discussions” on what Russia would do if the grain deal lapsed.

Senior officials from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the U.N. met in Istanbul last week to discuss the Black Sea pact.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said last week he thought the deal could be extended for at least two more months.

While Russian exports of food and fertilizer are not subject to Western sanctions imposed following the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Moscow says restrictions on payments, logistics and insurance have amounted to a barrier to shipments.

The United States has rejected Russia’s complaints. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said last week: “It is exporting grain and fertilizer at the same levels, if not higher, than before the full scale invasion.”

Officials from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the U.N. make up a Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul, which implements the Black Sea export deal. They authorise and inspect ships. No new vessels have been authorised by the JCC since May 4.

Authorised ships are inspected by JCC officials near Turkey before traveling to a Ukrainian Black Sea port via a maritime humanitarian corridor to collect their cargo and return to Turkish waters for a final inspection.

In an excerpt of a letter seen by Reuters last month, Russia told its JCC counterparts that it would not approve any new vessels to take part in the Black Sea deal unless the transits would be done by May 18 – “the expected date of … closure”.

It said this was “to avoid commercial losses and prevent possible safety risks” after May 18.

Some 30.3 million tonnes of grain and foodstuffs has been exported from Ukraine under the Black Sea deal, including 625,000 tonnes in World Food Programme vessels for aid operations in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Yemen.


More sauce:

Turkey says Black Sea Grain deal extended for 60 days


Black Sea Grain Initiative extended on deadline day


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0a014c No.54755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861887 (171752ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason

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I hope, I hope....


BREAKING: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason against the United States.

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0a014c No.54756

File: a1bf1068dcfb375⋯.png (48.86 KB,810x314,405:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861902 (171755ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason

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0a014c No.54757

File: 1c3066e5d70441c⋯.jpg (123.54 KB,513x577,513:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861904 (171755ZMAY23) Notable: Full Committee Business Meeting to Consider the Public Release of a Committee Event Unclassified Transcript

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2:00 PM EDT

Full Committee Business Meeting to Consider the Public Release of a Committee Event Unclassified Transcript

House Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee



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0a014c No.54758

File: af2db698aee481b⋯.png (352.97 KB,582x605,582:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861925 (171758ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason

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Rep. @AdamSchiff : You're just going to have to trust me about the "evidence" I have proving Trump colluded w/ Russia

12:19 PM · May 16, 2023 114.2K Views

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0a014c No.54759

File: d97579279f3151f⋯.jpeg (102.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861930 (171759ZMAY23) Notable: Estonia denies entry to Russian homeowners

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17 May, 2023 11:05

EU state denies entry to Russian homeowners

Estonian lawmakers have refused to overturn travel restrictions, despite owners complaining that they cannot take care of their properties

Owning real estate in Estonia does not give Russian citizens an exemption from travel restrictions, the Baltic nation’s lawmakers have insisted.

On Tuesday, the Estonian parliament’s Constitutional Commission rejected a collective plea by more than 1,100 people, who said they cannot take care of their properties in the country as the government is denying them entry.

Estonia last year imposed a ban on Russian nationals entering via the countries’ shared border, even if they hold valid Schenghen visas, with exceptions made for those who have EU residence permits or family members in Estonia. Other EU countries bordering on Russia imposed similar restrictions.

Tallinn claimed the ban, which came into force last September, was necessary to defend its national security amid the armed conflict in Ukraine. Critics, including some within Estonia, have argued that the restrictions are discriminatory and contrary to EU values.

Russian citizens who own homes in Estonia, but have no residence permits, asked for a special exemption. They saidwithout in-person visits it was difficult for them to pay their bills and ensure that their properties do not degrade.

The petition was rejected by MPs, with commission chair Igor Taro stating that the problem is not a constitutional matter, as the country’s fundamental law does not spell out the right for Russian nationals to own real estate on Estonian soil. However, if mounting debt and dilapidated buildings “start causing problems to the residents of Estonia, we should consider options to address that,” he said.

The commission claimed that it was Russia’s fault that its citizens were unable to enter the country, and urged people behind the petition to address their grievances to Moscow.

“Internal pressure on the Russian regime, which unleashed this war [in Ukraine], needs to be increased,” lawmakers reasoned in their formal response.

As the Estonian government took efforts to restrict the inward flow of Russian nationals last year, Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu argued thatthe policy was morally justified and would nudge Russians to oppose their government, some with “cobblestones in their hands.” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted at the timethat the top Estonian diplomat was openly advocating violence.

Moscow has described the campaign to restrict its nationals from entering the EU, promoted by several members of the bloc including Estonia, as “openly chauvinistic” and aimed at “canceling everything Russian.”

(This strategy will have the opposite effect on what Estonia wants.)


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0a014c No.54760

File: b14bd4bb5afe600⋯.png (672.05 KB,1080x1630,108:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861939 (171800ZMAY23) Notable: Adida joins woke

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I guess Adidas decided it wanted someone to hold its Bud Light.

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0a014c No.54761

File: d80579c5f25bc28⋯.jpeg (149.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861951 (171805ZMAY23) Notable: Russia froze the accounts of Finland’s diplomatic missions on its territory

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17 May, 2023 10:43

KEKEU state accuses Moscow of freezing its assets

Russia’s action is being interpreted as a response to seizures of its property in the EU

Russia froze the accounts of Finland’s diplomatic missions on its territory, the Finnish foreign minister said on Wednesday.

Accounts belonging to the Finnish Embassy in Moscow and to the Consulate General in St. Petersburg were frozen on April 27, Pekka Haavisto told a press conference, adding that in early May Finland contacted Russian authorities about the matter but no explanation has yet been received.

Finland’s diplomatic missionwill now have to settle its payments such as rent and bills in cash or through a Russian bankthat would agree to remove the restrictions.

Salary payments to employees have not been affected and the Finnish embassy and consulate will continue operations in Russia despite difficulties with money flows, Haavisto added.

According to Finland’s most senior diplomat, Russia’s actions are related to EU sanctions against Russia and its banking sector. (So EU countries do not like what they have been doing to Russia for 6 months. Thats odd)

The freezing of the Finnish diplomatic accounts in Russia was reported earlier by newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. The outlet cited an email from the foreign ministry in Helsinki which described the situation as “serious.”

The Finnish diplomatic mission has had its access to banking services restricted on a reciprocal basis, news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing the Russian embassy in Helsinki. According to Russian diplomats, Moscow has repeatedly warned its neighbor of a possible retaliation, afterFinland froze the account of the Russian Center for Science and Cultureat national bank Nordea in March.

In late April President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing a mechanism for temporarily taking over foreign assets in Russia in the event of other countries seizing Russian private or government property based in their jurisdictions, or of a threat to the national, energy, or economic security of Russia.

Billions of euros worth of state assets and property belonging to Russian business people and officials have been frozen in the EU since last year, as part of a sanctions campaign against Moscow over its military operation in Ukraine.

In January the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs was reported to havefrozen €187 million (over $202 million) worth of Russian assets such as real estate, shares, cars, yachts, and aircraft.

Last weekRussian border controls reportedly started to cancel the visas of Finnish citizenstrying to enter Russia to go shopping and buy cheaper fuel for their cars.


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0a014c No.54762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861954 (171806ZMAY23) Notable: Buckwheat and Sullivan on AF1

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live now, early

2:30 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Anchorage, Alaska

The White House



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0a014c No.54763

File: de1705df6cd1833⋯.png (58.62 KB,670x285,134:57,Clipboard.png)

File: a7e7e65ccf26af2⋯.png (73.61 KB,682x400,341:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861965 (171809ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason

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BREAKING: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason against the United States.

“It raises the question about Adam Schiff,” McCarthy said after reviewing Durham’s bombshell report.

“Remember when Adam told the American public he had proof?

“Remember when he said he didn’t know the whistleblower?

“What he put America through when he openly lied to us.

“It raises questions about his character and whether he should be in Congress.”


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0a014c No.54764

File: a67ba4d32fc45bb⋯.png (65.51 KB,320x256,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861973 (171811ZMAY23) Notable: NEXT CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS WANTS WHITE MALE OFFICERS TO BE A MINORITY

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Daniel Greenfield May 14, 2023

When I was working on the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s ‘Disloyal Military’ investigation, I predicted that Air Force Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr. would be selected as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The media is now reporting that Biden will indeed pick Brown to replace Milley. And as bad as Milley was, expect Brown to be much worse.

Under Gen. Brown, the Air Force has become the most woke of the major service branches.

Brown disgraced himself and his uniform during the Black Lives Matter race riots by releasing a video in which he “seemed to barely contain his rage” while ranting “that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution ‘that I’ve sworn my adult life to support and defend’ have not always delivered ‘liberty and equality’ to all.”

What horrible acts of oppression did one of the most powerful men in the military experience that made him turn on America? In his own words to People Magazine, “When you get to senior levels, you have reserved parking spots around the base. I was in civilian clothes, I parked in a spot and someone came out and said, ‘That slot is reserved for the Pacific Air Force’s Commander.’ And I go, ‘Yeah, I know, because I am the Pacific Air Force’s Commander.’”

Someone questioned Brown’s parking space once and all the white male officers must pay.

What should we expect from Brown if he becomes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

Last year, Brown, alongside Undersecretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones, the first

gay and Filipino woman in her role, and other leaders, signed their names to one of the most shocking and destructive racist documents ever produced by the modern military.

The topic of the Air Force memorandum was officer quotas set by race and gender.

Similar quotas had been issued by political appointees in a politically correct military, but they had focused on slowly boosting minority officers rather than calling for a purge of white men.

The 2014 quotas had looked for an 80 percent white, 10 percent black and 8 percent Asian officer corps. While choosing officers by any racial category rather than merit is racist, wrong and illegal under civil rights legislation, this fell short of Brown’s proposed racist purge.

Brown’s quotas limit the number of white officers to 67% and cut white men down to 43%.

The Air Force officer corps is currently 77% white: getting it down to 67%, a reduction of 10%, would require serious effort to purge white officers and bar the doors to any new ones.

Reducing the number of white men in the officer corps to a minority, 43%, would cripple the service and wipe out generations of talent: especially when 86% of pilots are white men.

What do you do with those 86% of white male pilots?

Gen. Brown and his radical allies who are destroying the Air Force and endangering national security claim that their racist and illegal policy is necessary because “diversity and inclusion” are the “key to the success of any organization”. And that requires 7% multiracial officers.

But if that’s the case then why have Air Force readiness rates continued to drop even as the service became more diverse? Brown’s focus on “diversity and inclusion” has been a disaster.

The Air Force has not hit its aircraft readiness rates and the mission critical rates for fighter jets are catastrophic. The F-35A rate fell from 76% to 68% from 2020: the year that the Air Force went woke, endorsed Black Lives Matter and forced racial struggle sessions on its officers.

That was also the year that the White House nominated Brown as Chief of Staff.

In 2022, the rates fell to an outrageous 54%. That’s barely 1 in 2 available planes. In a major war, rates like these mean we would lose and hundreds of thousands of our people could die.

An Air Force Chief of Staff who presided over such a disaster should have been shown the door, unwelcome to work for even the worst and sleaziest defense contractors. Instead, in a triumph for ideology over national security, Biden reportedly wants Brown to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Considering how much damage he’s already done, imagine how much more devastation he will be able to wreak on the military in an even more senior position.

A recent wargame predicted that we could lose 900 planes in a clash with China over Taiwan with the Air Force losing as much as a third of its fighter/attack strength. Readiness rates like those on Brown’s watch and the loss of the talented pilots he wants to see gone because of the color of their skin and their sex would be the margin between victory and catastrophic defeat.

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0a014c No.54765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861974 (171811ZMAY23) Notable: California Officials Trying to Track Down Missing 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals

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California Officials Trying to Track Down Missing 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals

‘The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit.’ Dyno Nobel press statement

Some 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, a chemical used as both fertilizer and a component in explosives, went missing as it was shipped by rail from Wyoming to California last month, prompting four separate investigations.

A railcar loaded with 30 tons of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming, on April 12. The car was found to be empty after it arrived two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, according to a short incident report from the explosives firm that made the shipment.

The company, Dyno Nobel, made the report May 10 to the federal National Response Center, or NRC. The report also appeared last week in an NRC database of California incidents managed by the state office of Emergency Services last Wednesday.

Ammonium nitrate is commonly used as fertilizer. It’s also an ingredient in high explosives and was used in the homemade bomb detonated in the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Dyno Nobel says it believes the material — transported in pellet form in a covered hopper car similar to those used to ship coal — fell from the car on the way to a rail siding called Saltdale, about 30 miles from the town of Mojave in eastern Kern County.

“The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit,” the company said through a spokesperson.

A Federal Railroad Administration representative, though, says the investigation points to one of the hopper car gates not being properly closed.

Dyno Nobel says the trip lasted two weeks and included multiple stops. The company says it had “limited control” over the railcar as Union Pacific moved it through the country. It says the railcar is being transported back to Wyoming for inspection. And it says it hopes to understand how the shipment was lost and will work to prevent something similar happening again.

The Federal Railroad Administration, the California Public Utilities Commission, Union Pacific and Dyno Nobel are investigating the incident, according to their representatives.

Congress passed a law in 2007 to regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate to prevent its use in acts of terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security issued proposed regulations in 2011 (PDF) but stopped short of formally adopting them.

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0a014c No.54766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861982 (171812ZMAY23) Notable: NEXT CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS WANTS WHITE MALE OFFICERS TO BE A MINORITY

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A recent wargame predicted that we could lose 900 planes in a clash with China over Taiwan with the Air Force losing as much as a third of its fighter/attack strength. Readiness rates like those on Brown’s watch and the loss of the talented pilots he wants to see gone because of the color of their skin and their sex would be the margin between victory and catastrophic defeat.

When taking office, Gen. Brown unveiled his “Accelerate Change or Lose” program. He accelerated change and the Air Force lost. And it’ll go on losing until it cleans house. Brown doesn’t have a vision for beating China, he has a vision of an Air Force with 4.5% male multiracial officers, 3.5% female Asian officers, and only 43% white male officers.

That’s not a plan to win a foreign war with the best people, but to win a domestic identity politics war while perhaps securing some payback over his long-lost parking space.

Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. has overseen a service dominated by high-ranking racists with little to show for their time except for racial division and a service branch in even worse shape.

“I am a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force,” Kaleth Wright, now retired, had tweeted “You don’t know the anxiety, the despair, the heartache, the fear, the rage and the disappointment that comes with living in this country… every single day.”

Anthony Cotton, the Commander of US Strategic Command, had claimed that “when I see what happened to Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks—and the list goes on and on… that could be me.”


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0a014c No.54767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861985 (171813ZMAY23) Notable: NEXT CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS WANTS WHITE MALE OFFICERS TO BE A MINORITY

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Last year, Cotton claimed that “diversity, and inclusion are tools for national defense” and that diversity is a “warfighting imperative”. Earlier this year, six Air Force officers were fired over failed safety nuclear inspections, but Cotton got promoted.

“Shame on us if we miss this opportunity to make a change that’s required across our Air Force to make it better,” Brown had berated because the racial composition of personnel was still at least somewhat based on merit and ability rather than on his own racial preferences.

Is the Air Force going to be somehow better when it meets Brown’s quota of .5% Hawaiian female officers?

Will it be stronger than the WWII Air Force whose men broke the aerial forces of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan?

The newly woke Air Force is struggling with recruitment, with readiness rates, and couldn’t even manage to spot China’s spy balloons.

Gen. Brown has overseen a national security crisis at one of the crown jewels of national defense and as a reward, Biden would like to make this failed racist the nation’s highest-ranking military officer. Gen. Milley talked about studying white rage, Gen. Brown is suffused with his own racist rage that has led him to wreck the Air Force and, before long, the entire military.

Brown had decided that white male officers should be a minority in the Air Force. Is there any doubt that he would want to see a similar purge of white men across the whole military?

With recruitment already an uphill battle, the military cannot afford a woke push to drive away the fighting men who have traditionally given their lives and fought for their country.

Nor can it risk putting woke racism ahead of competence and merit.


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0a014c No.54768

File: d48f37596d58cd2⋯.png (106.33 KB,320x308,80:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861989 (171814ZMAY23) Notable: NEXT CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS WANTS WHITE MALE OFFICERS TO BE A MINORITY

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Republicans failed to take a stand against Brown’s elevation to Air Force Chief of Staff. If they do not stand up against his elevation to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they will have no one to blame for the damage and lives lost that will follow from Chairman Brown’s tenure.



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0a014c No.54769

File: e7a73a0f634931c⋯.jpeg (178.82 KB,1104x609,368:203,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a28f8a59e48848⋯.jpeg (95.15 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18861998 (171816ZMAY23) Notable: South Africa’s army chief visits Moscow

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17 May, 2023 14:31

South Africa’s army chief visits Moscow

The bilateral meeting with Russian counterparts includes a visit to prestigious army and artillery military academies

(This picture of the African Commander looks very familiar…Reeeee)

The commander of South Africa’s ground forces has visited Moscow for bilateral talks with his Russian counterparts, in the wake of Washington’s accusations that Pretoria has covertly supplied arms to Russia.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) said on Monday that Lieutenant General Lawrence Mbatha received an invitation from the Russian army “for a goodwill visit,” which “includes a call to the higher combined Army Academy and the Artillery Military Academy.” The SANDF added that the trip had been “planned well in advance,” emphasizing that the bilateral encounter is a “longstanding arrangement.”

South Africa, as a member of the BRICS alliance, has declined to impose sanctions on Moscow, despite pressures from Western countries. President Cyril Ramaphosa has emphasized that South Africa’s neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine conflict allows it to engage in dialogue with both sides.

Last week, US Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety alleged that Pretoria had shipped weapons to Russia in December, loading them onto a cargo ship at Simon’s Town Naval Base in Cape Town. The South African government has denied the claims, which Ramaphosa said “undermine the spirit of cooperation and partnership” between Pretoria and Washington.

Brigety later allegedly admitted that he’d “crossed the line and apologized unreservedly”after he was summoned to South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation on Friday for a talk with Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor.


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0a014c No.54770

File: f6204c67a66a46c⋯.png (205.19 KB,1170x560,117:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862018 (171822ZMAY23) Notable: Open Society Foundations’ own website says that Soros has contributed $32 BILLION. How much of our social decay is the legacy of one man?

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Stephen Miller

Open Society Foundations’ own website says that Soros has contributed $32 BILLION. How much of our social decay is the legacy of one man?

1:26 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54771

File: 63f9cc270eec5fd⋯.jpeg (50.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862020 (171822ZMAY23) Notable: Majority of Brits have negative view of Sunak

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17 May, 2023 14:16

Majority of Brits have negative view of Sunak – poll

The opposition Labour Party would be voted into government if a general election were held tomorrow, data suggests

Polling data published on Tuesday by market research firm YouGov has found that almost60% of UK citizens have an unfavorable view of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.(Well he and his wife are both billionaires, he ran a hedge fund and made billions from Moderna, so I agree with the people)

The results of the YouGov survey, which was conducted on May 14 and 15 and featured 2,012 respondents, suggested thatjust 6% of respondents had what was described as a “very favorable” opinion of the Conservative Party leader.

Another 25% described their stance on Sunak as “somewhat favorable,” while 59% of respondents had a negative view of Sunak’s premiership, the poll found. The latter figure included 34% who described their opinion of the premier as “very unfavorable.”

Keir Starmer, leader of the opposition Labour Party, marginally outperformed Sunak in key poll metrics, YouGov reported. Of the respondents, 35% said they had a “favorable”opinion of Starmer compared to 51% who stated the opposite, while 15% didn’t offer an opinion either way.

YouGov’s data reflects similar recent polling which has indicated a swell in support for Labour. Per analysis by Statista this month, 43% of the British public would vote for the Labour Party if a general election were held tomorrow. Just 26% would vote for the Conservatives, who have been the primary governing party in the UK since 2010.

The Tories have trailed Labour in most polls since 2022. The turbulent 44-day prime ministership of Liz Truss opened a large gap in support between both parties, Statista noted, as the government struggled to transition away from the scandals which plagued the final weeks of Boris Johnson’s leadership.

While Tory polling has rebounded somewhat under Sunak, Statista’s data suggests that the Conservatives would lose any upcoming general election in the current political climate.

British voters have consistently identified the economy as a key issue, according to extended data trends cited by Statista. Public health, as well as the successful operation of the National Health Service (NHS), immigration reform, and the environment are also considered to be the most important issues facing the UK, polling indicates.


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0a014c No.54772

File: 55dc37871ea2340⋯.png (458.87 KB,586x893,586:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862031 (171824ZMAY23) Notable: Open Society Foundations’ own website says that Soros has contributed $32 BILLION. How much of our social decay is the legacy of one man?

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PM Sunak tweets If you come to the UK illegally you will be "denied access to the UK's modern slavery system."



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0a014c No.54773

File: e354f6dada44359⋯.png (436.57 KB,558x697,558:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 85b278c61068730⋯.png (501.55 KB,559x777,559:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 65bfa8e8edb599f⋯.png (203.17 KB,550x412,275:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862057 (171831ZMAY23) Notable: Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins resigning — ‘in disgrace’ . . .

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Biden US Attorney Resigns After DOJ IG Investigation Into Ethics Issues – Merrick Garland Declined to Prosecute!

Biden-appointed Massachusetts US Attorney Rachael Rollins resigned after a Justice Department watchdog investigation into ethics issues.

Rachael Rollins, a Soros-backed radical leftist, submitted her resignation letter to Joe Biden and her last day will be Friday at the close of business.

Rollins attended a Democrat fundraiser featuring Jill Biden in July 2022 without required Department approval and contrary to ethics advice she received, according to DOJ IG Michael Horowitz.

Rollins was also in cahoots with the media and a Boston-area law professor (believed to be Daniel Medwed, a far-left Northeaster University professor) to do the DOJ’s dirty work in smearing a political rival.

Of course US Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to prosecute Rollins.

“On December 26, 2022, pursuant to the Inspector General Act…. the OIG referred the false statements allegation to the Department for a prosecutive decision. On January 6, 2023, the Department informed the OIG that it declined prosecution,” the IG report stated.

AP reported:

Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins will resign following a monthslong investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general into her appearance at a political fundraiser and other potential ethics issues, her attorney said Tuesday.

The Justice Department’s watchdog has yet to release its report detailing the findings of its investigation, but an attorney for Rollins told The Associated Press that she will be submitting a letter of resignation to President Joe Biden by close of business Friday.

Recall, Rachael Rollins completely melted down when 25 investigates confronted her in 2021.


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0a014c No.54774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862061 (171832ZMAY23) Notable: Review of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and 2025 Advance Appropriations Requests for the Department of Veterans Affairs

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3:00 PM EDT

Review of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and 2025 Advance Appropriations Requests for the Department of Veterans Affairs

Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee




The Honorable Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs



Morgan Brown, National Legislative Director, Paralyzed Veterans of America


Shane Liermann, Deputy National Legislative Director, Disabled American Veterans


Patrick Murray, Director, National Legislative Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars





Veterans Affairs Secretary & Veterans Groups Testify on President's 2024 Budget Request

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough and veterans' groups testify before the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee on President Biden's 2024 budget request.


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0a014c No.54775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862075 (171836ZMAY23) Notable: A total of 15 babies -- 10 in Wales, five in England – presented with the condition during this period, ‘unusual’ cluster of heart infections

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Baby dies and nine more admitted to hospital in ‘unusual’ cluster of heart infections

One baby died and a further nine were admitted to hospital in an “unusual” cluster of heart infections in south Wales and southwest England, according to health officials.

Late on Tuesday night, the World Health Organisation said there had been a rise in severe myocarditis – a potentially deadly inflammation of the heart – in newborns and infants between June 2022 and March 2023.

A total of 15 babies – 10 in Wales, five in England – presented with the condition during this period, the WHO said. Of these, nine tested positive for an enterovirus – a common pathogen which can cause respiratory illness, hand, foot and mouth disease, and viral meningitis. In very rare instances, young babies can develop myocarditis.

The prevalence of cases in the UK peaked in November, the WHO said, adding that the risk to public health remains low.

“The reported incident represents an increase in both the number and severity of enterovirus infections in infants under the age of one month,” the WHO said in Tuesday’s announcement. Only one case had been identified in Wales in the six years prior to 2022.


Is not the vaxxed parents that are causing the issues, honestly guv.

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0a014c No.54776

File: 5c53e40dea09015⋯.png (340.53 KB,565x519,565:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862090 (171839ZMAY23) Notable: NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA

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NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced on Monday that enrollment for volunteers has begun for a Phase I clinical trial testing of universal flu vaccine based on mRNA technology.

Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is the same technology behind the widely used Covid shot from Moderna and Pfizer.

“A clinical trial of an experimental universal influenza vaccine developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) Vaccine Research Center (VRC), part of the National Institutes of Health, has begun enrolling volunteers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina,” according to the news release.

“This Phase 1 trial will test the experimental vaccine, known as H1ssF-3928 mRNA-LNP, for safety and its ability to induce an immune response.”

Researchers are hoping that this vaccine would provide long-lasting protection against many flu strains, eliminating the need for annual vaccinations.

The clinical trial is open to 50 healthy participants ages 18 to 49.

“Three groups of study participants (10 participants each) will be vaccinated with 10, 25 and 50 micrograms of the experimental vaccine, respectively. After evaluation of the data to determine an optimum dosage, an additional 10 participants will be enrolled to receive the optimum dosage. The study also will include a group of participants who will receive a current quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine.”

According to CDC, a quadrivalent influenza (flu) vaccine is designed to protect against four different flu viruses, including two influenza A viruses and two influenza B viruses.

“A universal influenza vaccine would be a major public health achievement and could eliminate the need for both annual development of seasonal influenza vaccines, as well as the need for patients to get a flu shot each year,” said Acting NIAID Director Hugh Auchincloss, M.D. “Moreover, some strains of influenza virus have significant pandemic potential. A universal flu vaccine could serve as an important line of defense against the spread of a future flu pandemic.”


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0a014c No.54777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862102 (171842ZMAY23) Notable: The Transition Assistance Program: Steps to Ensure Success for Servicemembers as they Enter Civilian Life

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3:00 PM EDT

The Transition Assistance Program: Steps to Ensure Success for Servicemembers as they Enter Civilian Life

House Veterans' Affairs Committee




Mr. Alex Baird

Acting Director of the Defense Support Services Center, Department of Defense


Ms. Margarita Devlin

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Labor


Ms. Dawn Locke

Director, Strategic Studies, Government Accountability Office


Ms. Cheryl J. Rawls

Executive Director, Outreach, Transition and Economic Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs



Ms. Brittany Dymond

Associate Director, National Security and Foreign Affairs Directorate, Veterans of Foreign Wars


Dr. Abby Kinch PhD

Chief of Staff, Student Veterans of America


Mr. Jim Lorraine

President and CEO, America's Warrior Partnership


Mr. Hernán y Prado

Founder and CEO, Workshops for Warriors


Mr. Michael Quinn

Chief Executive Officer, Hire Military & Tenova LLC






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0a014c No.54778

File: 7b0302a20ad265c⋯.png (271.45 KB,560x454,280:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f34230c2ea9c06⋯.png (36.12 KB,1034x255,1034:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862111 (171845ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges

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Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges

On Tuesday, a group of Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House reintroduced legislation that would pack the U.S. Supreme Court from nine to thirteen justices.

The court is currently made up of six conservative justices that include justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett (appointed by President Donald Trump), and three liberals, after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg — and the liberals are not very happy about it.

Democratic lawmakers held a press conference outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday to reintroduce the Judiciary Act of 2023, which would add four more seats to create a 13-Justice bench. This bill will delegitimize the Supreme Court.

The bill was introduced by Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

“Republicans have hijacked the confirmation process and stolen the Supreme Court majority—all to appeal to far-right judicial activists who for years have wanted to wield the gavel to roll back fundamental rights,” said Senator Markey in a press release.

“Each scandal uncovered, each norm broken, each precedent-shattering ruling delivered is a reminder that we must restore justice and balance to the rogue, radical Supreme Court. It is time we expand the Court,” he added.

Markey also called Justice Clarence Thomas to resign. The Democrats ramp up their harassment campaign against Justice Thomas because the ultimate goal is to expand the Supreme Court.

“Justice Thomas should resign from the Supreme Court of the United States,” Markey said during the press conference. “We have to remind him that we have a system of constitutional checks and balances, not checks for balances. That is what we must now fight to ensure happens in our country. The Court has put all these rights of all Americans, but especially those of people of color, women, immigrants, and LGBTQ, rural and low-income communities at risk.”

“Let’s start with undoing the Republican thievery and adding four seats to the Court. Congress can do it by passing the Judiciary Act. Expanding the court is constitutional. Congress has done it before, and Congress must do it again now.


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0a014c No.54779

File: 6513ec74791a529⋯.png (334.81 KB,687x606,229:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862120 (171847ZMAY23) Notable: Middle school teacher offers LBGTQ book for students, parents file police report, teacher placed on leave, resigns

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Middle school teacher offers LBGTQ book for students to read in class; parents file police report against her for child endangerment; teacher placed on leave, resigns

A veteran Illinois middle school teacher offered an LBGTQ book for students to read in class a few months back — and when parents found out, they filed a police report against her for child endangerment, Today reported.

A day later Sarah Bonner was placed on administrative leave — after which she resigned, the outlet added.

What are the details?

Bonner, 42, told TODAY that on March 13 she held a “book tasting" for students.

“I wanted to give them a smattering of fiction and nonfiction to choose from on a day that we call ‘Reading Monday,” she added to the outlet. “We just read and celebrate books.”

Among those books was Juno Dawson’s "This Book Is Gay," which Today said is a best-selling nonfiction work billed by its publisher as an "instruction manual" for those coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans.

“By Wednesday, I received notice that parents had gotten ahold of pictures from that book that their child had taken in class,” Bonner revealed to the outlet. “By Friday, I was told that parents had filed a police report against me for child endangerment.”

Today said the local chief of police confirmed the report but declined to comment further.

“The notion that I was putting children in danger because of books — I didn’t feel safe,” Bonner added to the outlet. “I knew I couldn’t go back.”

She wouldn't have to.

The next day Bonner received a letter from her school district informing her that she'd been placed on paid administrative leave, Today said.

The outlet noted that it reviewed a copy of the letter, which said in part that the district "recently became aware of certain allegations" against Bonner and was "currently investigating" and that until the investigation was complete, Bonner was told "not to perform any duties for the school district."

Today said it reached out to the district for comment but hadn't heard back at the time of publication.

With that, Bonner told the outlet she chose to resign.

Soon the district held a special board meeting and voted unanimously to accept Bonner’s resignation, Today said.

"If I am a safe place, and I'm leaving, what does that do for our students?" Bonner asked the outlet. "'What about the kids?' has always been a question rooted in everything I do. Thinking about what happens to them was definitely hard."

WGLT-FM wrote about the special meeting in Heyworth where Bonner's resignation was accepted, and the station noted that "This Book Is Gay" also offers "brief descriptions of some sex acts. Along with two cartoon diagrams of sexual anatomy, this gave rise to a wave of parental anger and online harassment culminating in Thursday's meeting."

Heyworth is a small village in the central part of the state, just 20 minutes south of Bloomington.

Bonner added to Today that she understands parents "know their children best" and believes both parents and teachers have that "love and care" in common.

"The difference is that I have that love and care for all students, not just a singular student," she told the outlet. "In regards to the book that was challenged in my classroom, it was a message to the LGBTQ+ community in my room and in my district that they're 'less than.'"


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0a014c No.54780

File: 5a0cd054134b0f8⋯.png (557.71 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: e7ba64220897107⋯.png (255.06 KB,582x449,582:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862139 (171852ZMAY23) Notable: Boys Must Be Allowed In Girls’ Sports To Protect Kids From ‘Elected Bullies’, Biden’s Education Sec Says

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Boys Must Be Allowed In Girls’ Sports To Protect Kids From ‘Elected Bullies’, Biden’s Education Sec Says

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said during an interview at Howard University that expansions to Title IX to permit male athletes in female sports are necessary to protect kids from “elected bullies,” NBC4 Washington reported on Wednesday.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits federally funded schools from discriminating on the basis of sex, but a new proposal released by the Biden administration in June 2022 would broaden its scope to include transgender students and prohibit schools from enforcing a “categorical ban” on transgender athletes, according to the Department of Education (DOE) website. More than two dozen states have enacted laws or policies that prohibit athletes from competing on teams that do not align with their biological sex, which Cardona said during the interview is a form of bullying, according to NBC4 Washington.

“The Title IX proposed rule: I want to make sure all kids can go to school free from discrimination, period,” Cardona said. “We have elected bullies right now going after kids. Look, it’s not a black-and-white issue: It’s very difficult; it’s very nuanced — and our proposal just ensures that all students have a fair shake.”

The proposal concluded its public comment phase on Monday during which proponents and critics submitted more than 130,000 comments to express their opinions of the ruling, NBC4 Washington reported. Those opposed to the proposal allege that it will negatively impact safety and fairness to female students.

“I don’t want to go too much in the weeds of where it’s going to end up,” Cardona said during the interview. “But we’re asking for input on what folks think we should be considering. Part of the flexibility is ensuring that we have input from athletic councils…[and] the NCAA, which oversees college sports. We want to listen to their input to see what they think could be done, to make sure that all students are protected and all students have access to sports.”

The DOE released additional guidance in April about how the proposed rule would apply to athletics. While schools could not enforce a complete ban, the guidance suggests that exceptions could be made considering the level of competition and age of the athletes.

“We’re taking into account the students who are transgender, but we’re also taking into account perspectives of our students who are competing and are concerned that they might not be able to compete because of the rules,” Cardona said. “All students should be able to connect in all parts of public schools and athletics, extracurricular activities. Those are part of the experience.”

The DOE did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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0a014c No.54781

File: a3e14c28bd556fa⋯.png (197.72 KB,652x853,652:853,Clipboard.png)

File: b3b0da425577c2d⋯.png (147.17 KB,659x761,659:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862162 (171857ZMAY23) Notable: A total of 15 babies -- 10 in Wales, five in England – presented with the condition during this period, ‘unusual’ cluster of heart infections

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One baby dies and eight are left in intensive care after being struck down in 'unusual' cluster of usually-harmless infection

15 UK newborns diagnosed with myocarditis from June 2022 to March 2023

Further testing of nine of the cases confirmed they had common infection

One baby has died and eight have been admitted to intensive care in a mysterious cluster of infections thought to be caused by a typically harmless virus.

In total, 15 newborns in Wales and south-west England have been struck down with severe Myocarditis — inflammation of the heart — since June 2022.

One of them is still in hospital, according to an alert issued last night by the World Health Organization.

Health chiefs were spooked by the 'unusual' spike in cases over such a short space of time, prompting a thorough investigation.

Nine of the cases tested positive for a type of enterovirus, which usually causes no symptoms or flu-like signs.

However, experts are baffled as to what has caused the sudden spike. Health chiefs in Wales are probing the reasons behind the cases and will investigate any further cases that are reported in the coming weeks.

Previous outbreaks among children, including panic around Strep A last winter, were blamed on lockdowns weakening immunity against the usually harmless bugs.

No cases of severe myocarditis have been spotted since March. However, cases appear to have peaked last November.

Ten cases have been detected in Wales, compared with just one in the previous six years.

The WHO, which issued the alert last night, labelled the cluster 'unusual' and said it may be recommended that childcare facilities and schools are closed if cases surge.

Out of the affected babies, one has died. Eight were treated in intensive care, where they were intubated, put on a ventilator and received circulatory support.


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0a014c No.54782

File: 30eee56b10ec17b⋯.png (171.88 KB,598x499,598:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 42443f1a658cbd7⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,632x270,316:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862202 (171903ZMAY23) Notable: @Scavino vid

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new Dan


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0a014c No.54783

File: 80476503638a2d3⋯.png (1.04 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862251 (171915ZMAY23) Notable: Q DAYYYYYYYY

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>5/27/23 (Wed)


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0a014c No.54784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862275 (171923ZMAY23) Notable: #23153

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#23153 >>54731

>>54732 LIVE: Kari Lake returns to court to challenge election results

>>54733 TRENDING: Impeachment

>>54735, >>54736 Buckewheat fled the podium/Trending


>>54738 PF GRIMM99 E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB to accompany Potato on the trip to Japan-this is S.O.P.

>>54739 American National Security and the Russian-Iranian War on Ukraine: A Conversation with Senator Ted Cruz Hudson Institute

>>54740 Strengthening Public Health Through People, Trust, and Connection, NIH, HHS

>>54741 US Senate has the Approved & Passed House Budget Bill that Raises Debt Ceiling By $1,5 Trillion What is the Senate Waiting for?

>>54742, >>54773 Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins resigning — ‘in disgrace’ . . .

>>54743, >>54744 Durham report to indict or show DOJ coup?

>>54745 Durham report: Barr touts special counsel investigation into Trump inquiry as 'success’

>>54746 Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel Department of State

>>54747 Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe

>>54748 Any questions as to who dictates policy and research?/NIH director Monica Bertagnolli

>>54749 Non-Profit Hospitals Made Huge Profits During Pandemic While Receiving $23 Billion In Federal COVID-19 Aid

>>54750 Illegal Alien Tracking Map Shows Movement Across the US – 71% End Up in Republican Districts

>>54751 Trending: Owlon


>>54753 A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hears oral argument in a case concerning the abortion medication, mifepristone.

>>54754 Erdogan Says Black Sea Grain Deal Extended for Two Months

>>54756, >>54755, >>54758, >>54763 McCarthy has called for the immediately expulsion and prosecution of Rep. Adam Schiff for committing crimes of treason

>>54757 Full Committee Business Meeting to Consider the Public Release of a Committee Event Unclassified Transcript

>>54759 Estonia denies entry to Russian homeowners

>>54760 Adida joins woke

>>54761 Russia froze the accounts of Finland’s diplomatic missions on its territory

>>54762 Buckwheat and Sullivan on AF1


>>54765 California Officials Trying to Track Down Missing 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals

>>54769 South Africa’s army chief visits Moscow

>>54770, >>54772 Open Society Foundations’ own website says that Soros has contributed $32 BILLION. How much of our social decay is the legacy of one man?

>>54771 Majority of Brits have negative view of Sunak

>>54774 Review of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and 2025 Advance Appropriations Requests for the Department of Veterans Affairs

>>54775, >>54781 A total of 15 babies – 10 in Wales, five in England – presented with the condition during this period, ‘unusual’ cluster of heart infections

>>54776 NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA

>>54777 The Transition Assistance Program: Steps to Ensure Success for Servicemembers as they Enter Civilian Life

>>54778 Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges

>>54779 Middle school teacher offers LBGTQ book for students, parents file police report, teacher placed on leave, resigns

>>54780 Boys Must Be Allowed In Girls’ Sports To Protect Kids From ‘Elected Bullies’, Biden’s Education Sec Says

>>54782 @Scavino vid



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0a014c No.54785

File: cb0c99ad66518ac⋯.jpg (131.35 KB,1075x708,1075:708,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 64c627765c8f66c⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x939,944:939,Clipboard.png)

File: e784778a759fc06⋯.jpeg (467.25 KB,953x790,953:790,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 783fa18e691846d⋯.png (308.9 KB,720x346,360:173,Clipboard.png)

File: d186ee8e25d95e6⋯.webp (145.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862291 (171926ZMAY23) Notable: #23154

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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0a014c No.54786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862334 (171934ZMAY23) Notable: George Soros’ Investment Fund Sells Off Entire Investment in Elon Musk’s Tesla

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George Soros’ Investment Fund Sells Off Entire Investment in Elon Musk’s Tesla

Soros Fund Management — the principal asset manager for the Open Societies Foundations, founded by left-wing billionaire and Democrat donor George Soros — has sold all of its stock in Elon Musk’s Tesla.

Soros Fund Management’s first-quarter holdings report with the SEC reveals that it no longer has any stock in Tesla, according to a report by Barron’s.

The foundation previously had roughly 130,000 shares, as well as some call options. But they are now nowhere to be found on its portfolio.

While sales from famous investors or large shareholders can move stock prices, this did not appear to have happened with Tesla, as the company’s stock is up about 0.4 percent in premarket trading, with futures on the S&P 500 being down 0.2 percent, the report noted. In morning trading, Tesla shares are actually up by about one percent.

The sale might have elicited a response from Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who on Monday tweeted that Soros “hates humanity.”

“You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity,” Musk wrote.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO was responding to a leftist Twitter user who likened the billionaire Democrat donor to the Marvel Comics X-Men villain Magneto, but nonetheless defended Soros by claiming that he has “good intentions.”

Tesla’s stock has been volatile since it reported its first-quarter numbers on April 19, Barron’s reported.

Additionally, in 14 of the 18 trading days since then, Tesla shares moved more than one percent up or down with 10 days of losses and eight days of gains.

When looking at Tuesday’s trading, stock in Musk’s electric vehicle company is up about 35 percent so far this year, making a comeback after falling about 65 percent last year.


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0a014c No.54787

File: 91ae851c7995afa⋯.png (314.28 KB,598x604,299:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862335 (171934ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): "You're going to have vegetables rotting in the fields (because Ron DeSantis banned corporations from hiring illegal aliens.)"

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Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): "You're going to have vegetables rotting in the fields (because Ron DeSantis banned corporations from hiring illegal aliens.)"

2:25 PM · May 17, 2023



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0a014c No.54788

File: daa9be62f3508ea⋯.png (36.88 KB,551x257,551:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 79e06a1a17aae20⋯.jpg (416.38 KB,2234x968,1117:484,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862338 (171935ZMAY23) Notable: Davis didn't endorse MAGA.

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This is absolutely true. Davis is currently the president of the Jax Chamber of Commerce.

Big red flag

He didn't endorse MAGA.

Big red flag

His Dem opponent wouldn't have had a chance if Davis wasn't so establishment. He blew it BIGLY!!!

Jacksonville has NOT turned blue. Davis just did not support POTUS...and he lost. Very low turnout.

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0a014c No.54789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862339 (171935ZMAY23) Notable: PBS Gets Defunded Over Drag Queen Story Hour by Oklahoma Governor

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PBS Gets Defunded Over Drag Queen Story Hour by Oklahoma Governor

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has made a courageous decision to defund the state’s PBS station, sending a clear message that he will not tolerate the indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children through LGBTQ content.

By vetoing a bill that would have extended funding for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) until 2026, Governor Stitt has boldly asserted that this publicly funded station no longer aligns with the core values of Oklahoma.

Governor Stitt has specifically called out OETA for its broadcasting of shows like “Sesame Street” and “Clifford the Big Red Dog,” which have shamelessly introduced LGBTQ themes and characters in recent years.

Additionally, he expressed his concerns about a segment titled “Let’s Learn,” where a drag queen named Lil Miss Hot Mess read a book called “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.” Stitt rightly argues that these programs do not serve an educational purpose and should not be allowed on public television.

Furthermore, the governor believes that taxpayer dollars allocated to fund OETA could be put to far better use elsewhere. If these programs were genuinely popular, Governor Stitt points out that major networks such as CBS, NBC, or ABC would be more than willing to pick them up. Nevertheless, critics of the governor’s decision have accused him of attacking public education and marginalized communities in Oklahoma, attempting to divert attention from the real issue at hand.

In a society where the media incessantly pushes its own agenda, it is refreshing to see Governor Stitt take a bold stance against the indoctrination of our children. By defunding the state’s PBS station, he is championing traditional values and putting an end to the inappropriate sexualization of our youth. Taxpayers should not be forced to support a media outlet that promotes ideologies that contradict their own beliefs.

Governor Stitt is standing up for the people of Oklahoma and ensuring that their hard-earned money is used more effectively elsewhere. Why should taxpayers continue to fund an outdated system when popular programs can easily find a home on other networks?

The criticism surrounding this decision merely underscores the left’s relentless pursuit of imposing its progressive agenda on the entire nation. Instead of acknowledging Governor Stitt’s efforts to protect Oklahoma values and redirect taxpayer dollars to essential services, critics unjustly attack him for their own political gain.

The decision to defund the statewide PBS station is a resolute statement against the indoctrination of our children and the misuse of public funds.

Governor Stitt’s bold move serves as an inspiration for conservative leaders across the country to take a stand against the encroachment of liberal ideologies in our communities. It is high time that common sense prevails, and taxpayers have a say in where their hard-earned money is allocated.

The people of Oklahoma, as well as all Americans, deserve better than to be subjected to the relentless agenda of the left. Governor Stitt is fearlessly fighting for the values that have made this country great, and it is incumbent upon us to support leaders who prioritize the well-being of our children over the promotion of divisive and destructive ideologies.


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0a014c No.54790

File: ff35a63221ccdeb⋯.jpg (115.26 KB,720x756,20:21,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a08a17baa45fe3⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862343 (171935ZMAY23) Notable: People chanting 'F**k Joe Biden' at University of Pennsylvania

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People chanting 'F**k Joe Biden' at University of Pennsylvania


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0a014c No.54791

File: dcd882003b483eb⋯.png (80.96 KB,627x691,627:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bd3027e7e93791⋯.png (197.07 KB,691x770,691:770,Clipboard.png)

File: ea200ecb6f681e2⋯.png (191.34 KB,685x832,685:832,Clipboard.png)

File: f990d9b9ea27d50⋯.png (200.32 KB,669x825,223:275,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f3fd6668d3753⋯.png (175.57 KB,691x808,691:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862351 (171937ZMAY23) Notable: Reverse Engineering the Propaganda Machine - Dr. Joseph Mercola

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They’re using indoctrination tools on you right now, today. And it’s only going to get worse

We fight against a truly unprecedented disinformation campaign, where the liars are claiming that everyone else is giving out misinformation, basically turning truth on its head.

While propaganda takes many forms, mainstream corporate media play a crucial role. The good news is that people are starting to catch on and trust in corporate media has dropped to an all-time low.

By the early 1900s – literally a century ago – American journalists like Upton Sinclair and George Seldes were discussing the corruption of the media, how they were owned by big business with a profit agenda, and how they were not dealing squarely with investigative reporters.

For propaganda to be effective, there needs to be central coordination of narratives, and that’s where public relations (“PR”) agencies come in. Few appreciate the power that these companies have. Two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms, so most of the so-called “news” is actually brainwashing propaganda.

Other common PR tools include “public protests” – which are actually made up of people hired by the PR company, and media will of course be sent there to cover it – and front groups, which are paid by industry to promote a particular view that benefits that industry.

Last month, Dr. Joseph Mercola interviewed Michelle Stiles who is a physiotherapist and author from Arizona, USA. Published last year, her book ‘One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda’ discusses how the roots of stagecraft and story narrative have displaced an objective search for truth and why this abuse of language is always the first sign of tyranny. In her interview, briefly summarised in the paragraphs above, Stiles discussed some of the basic tools used for propaganda.

Reverse Engineering the Propaganda Machine

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In the interview above, Michelle Stiles reviews some of the basic tools of propaganda, which is the topic of her book, “One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.” It’s a pertinent and apt topic in light of what’s been going on over the last few years, as we attempt to understand how we’ve been manipulated and brainwashed.

If you can understand that, then you can prevent it from happening again in the future, and you can help other people to break free from indoctrination as well. Stiles includes the following quote from George Orwell in the book:

“In the age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

That’s really our battle today, as we fight against a truly unprecedented disinformation campaign, where the liars are claiming that everyone else is giving out misinformation, basically turning truth on its head.

Most of you are aware that I was given top billing on the Centre for Countering Digital Hate’s (“CCDH”) “disinformation dozen” list, which is a true testament to the credibility I’ve built over the past 25 years. They see me as a real threat to their propaganda machine, and it’s no small honour to be recognised as someone who’s telling the truth in this age of misinformation.


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0a014c No.54792

File: 9f9513d30124b40⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862353 (171938ZMAY23) Notable: FBI’s tweet on the Durham report achieves all-time brutal ratio

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FBI’s tweet on the Durham report achieves all-time brutal ratio

Here’s a small sampling of some of responses from folks online:

“DEFUND this criminal organization of progressive thugs.”

“You called me a domestic terrorist, put me in prison, and tried to ruin my life, but it was you who betrayed our country.”

“I will never respect the FBI again. Y’all are nothing but bullies for the Democratic Party. It’s a true shame what you’ve done.”

“You’re never going to change. People belong in jail for what you’ve done. You should be defunded and dismantled.”

“Humor us: what “reforms” fix a completely politicized FBI?”

“Missteps”. Interesting way to spin election interference.”

“You’re so full of crap. So you instituted some policies to prevent opening a full investigation when you shouldn’t have! Instead you cover for people you should be investigating. When you find crimes and find to they are named Biden, you cover-up the story! ”

“CORRUPTION, SEDITION AND TREASON IN ALL AGENCIES. THIS IS TYRANNY AGAINST THE PEOPLE. I haven’t seen any officials relieved of duty nor any wrongdoing corrected. If you people want this then stop going about in a dishonest cowardly way…”


“Oops, we got caught. We already fixed it, we promise. Trust us, we aren’t lying – this time.”

“The FBI fell on it’s sword to protect Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden… Congress needs to ratchet up the oversight and the next President needs to break up the FBI, that’s why we demand no new office near DC.”

“You’re worse than the KGB ever was. You’re nothing but political tools for persecuting enemies of the regime.”

“You not only do not stop criminals; you are criminals.”

“The FBI thinks you’re stupid.”


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0a014c No.54793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862355 (171938ZMAY23) Notable: Thomas J. Murphy Steps Down From New York Fed Board of Directors

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Thomas J. Murphy Steps Down From New York Fed Board of Directors

May 16, 2023

NEW YORK—The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today announced that Thomas J. Murphy has stepped down from its Board of Directors, effective May 15, 2023.

Until May 12, 2023, Mr. Murphy was the president and chief executive officer of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company (GFNB). He was also the president and CEO of Arrow Financial Corporation, the Glens Falls, New York-based parent company of GFNB and Saratoga National Bank and Trust Company.

Mr. Murphy joined the New York Fed’s Board of Directors in January 2021 as a Class A director, representing Group 3, which consists of banks with capital and surplus of less than $40 million.

About the Reserve Banks’ Boards of Directors

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 requires each of the Reserve Banks to operate under the supervision of a board of directors. Each Reserve Bank has nine directors who represent the interests of their Reserve District and whose experience provides the Reserve Banks with a wider range of expertise that helps them fulfill their policy and operational responsibilities. The nine directors of each Reserve Bank are divided evenly by classification: Class A directors represent the member banks in the District; Class B directors and Class C directors represent the interests of the public. The directors of the Reserve Banks act as an important link between the Federal Reserve and the private sector, ensuring that the Fed's decisions on monetary policy are informed by actual economic conditions.


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0a014c No.54794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862357 (171939ZMAY23) Notable: New York Fed President John Williams to Visit the U.S. Virgin Islands on May 15-16

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New York Fed President John Williams to Visit the U.S. Virgin Islands on May 15-16

May 04, 2023

Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John C. Williams will travel to the U.S. Virgin Islands on May 15 and 16 to meet with leaders in government, business, education, and community development. These meetings serve to inform President Williams on regional issues and are part of the New York Fed's ongoing efforts to assess economic conditions across the Federal Reserve's Second District, which includes the U.S. Virgin Islands, along with New York State, northern New Jersey, southwestern Connecticut, and Puerto Rico.


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0a014c No.54795

File: a662477f8d9cb62⋯.jpg (638.37 KB,1079x1653,1079:1653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b8e604e4cfc5ed⋯.jpg (417.93 KB,1080x1205,216:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862359 (171940ZMAY23) Notable: NYPD say no collisions, injuries or arrests in alleged chase

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NYPD say no collisions, injuries or arrests in alleged chase


Prince Harry, his wife the Duchess of Sussex, and her mother say they were involved in a "near-catastrophic chase" in New York on Tuesday night

They issue a statement blaming "a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi", claiming the pursuit lasted over two hours and resulted in multiple near-collisions

New York police say a number of photographers made their journey "challenging", but there were no reported collisions, injuries or arrests

The group were in New York for an awards ceremony, and say the incident took place after leaving the event in Manhattan

A taxi driver who drove Harry and Meghan for about 10 minutes says he did not feel in danger, but Harry and Meghan appeared nervous

The city's mayor, Eric Adams, says even a short chase would have been extremely dangerous, recalling how Prince Harry's mother Diana died


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0a014c No.54796

File: fc97e0a45e4ff6e⋯.png (35.24 KB,674x225,674:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e94de88a4f63e7⋯.png (98.83 KB,780x884,15:17,Clipboard.png)

File: e60caa519a2777c⋯.png (92.88 KB,795x800,159:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 0261ab7b94afdfa⋯.png (88.79 KB,793x833,793:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e04ed7804b38da⋯.png (85.88 KB,806x828,403:414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862363 (171941ZMAY23) Notable: PNG Prime Minister Had Undisclosed Ties to Figure at Center of Ports Criminal Probe

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PNG Prime Minister Had Undisclosed Ties to Figure at Center of Ports Criminal Probe

Papua New Guinea police have launched an international bribery probe after OCCRP and partners revealed questionable offshore dealings by Australian businessman Don Matheson. The country’s prime minister has sought to distance himself from Matheson. But reporters found evidence that both the PM and a key minister had closer ties to the Australian than previously disclosed.

The prime minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG), James Marape, claims he barely knows Don Matheson, an Australian consultant at the center of a multi-million-dollar scandal involving the country’s ports. However, documents and interviews show Marape and Matheson appear to have made introductions for each other to high-level political figures in both PNG and Australia.

In one instance, Marape introduced Matheson to a key government minister who helped Matheson pitch for business from a state company.

That same minister has been assigned by Marape to lead a government review of Matheson’s dealings.

Police are investigating a number of other contracts previously obtained by Matheson in PNG. OCCRP and partners found irregularities in one of those contracts.

In public, Papua New Guinean Prime Minister James Marape has taken a hard line on Don Matheson, an Australian consultant at the center of a multi-million-dollar offshore payments scandal that caused an uproar in the Pacific country.

A joint investigation by OCCRP and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in March revealed that Matheson played a central role in suspicious offshore payments to senior officials at the time they awarded major international contracts to operate the country’s biggest ports.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape

Credit: Sipa US/Alamy Stock Photo

PNG Prime Minister James Marape.

The report made headlines in Papua New Guinea (PNG), and prompted Marape to order official probes of the state-owned PNG Ports. Under pressure, the prime minister also denied claims made by Matheson that he enjoyed close ties to Marape and his family.

Asked by the country’s opposition leader in March about his links to Matheson, Marape told parliament that he had merely played “one or two rounds” with the Australian businessman at a golf course in the capital, Port Moresby.

“[I] play anyone who walks into that club, who’s a visitor or new person, I invite them. ‘You wanna have a golf with me?’ I invite everyone [to] come for a walk at the golf course. Part of my health regimes anyway. So Mr. Matheson plays one or two rounds of golf with me,” Marape said.

But new evidence shows the relationship was closer than the prime minister has claimed. Marape and Matheson appear to have made high-level introductions for each other in both PNG and Australia, according to interviews and official documents obtained by OCCRP, the ABC, and Inside PNG.


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0a014c No.54797

File: d5ca9cef0fd8e91⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,500x608,125:152,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862374 (171944ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

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Trump stepping on DeSantis to get to the top isn't helping him. Jews are more afraid of DeSantis.

Remember, Trump is pro-LGBTQPRTSUVX

DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms


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0a014c No.54798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862377 (171944ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa County Attorneys are trying so very hard to not allow this video to be entered in as evidence in the #KariLake Trial.

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Gail Golec

Maricopa County Attorneys are trying so very hard to not allow this video to be entered in as evidence in the #KariLake Trial.

Desperation is ensuing.

Multiple Maricopa County attorneys stood up stating that they could not authenticate the video. They even suggested that this video may have been copied and pasted. (I guess they know how to do that!)

So far the video has not been entered into evidence, but we are getting close, with the exceptional questioning by Kari Lakes Attorney, Kurt Olsen.

May 16

We, in AZ, have the proof that there was mass corruption and intentional fraud as it relates to the signature verification process.

If there is any Justice left in AZ or America for that matter, the Judge will rule that the Laws were not followed and we need a new election.

This election must be held by hand counts, with ID on Election Day only.

ARS 16-442. In order to use machines in AZ elections you must comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

We must ban the machine counts altogether.


2:43 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862382 (171945ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

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DeSantis cancels 'pronoun olympics' for students, teachers and says it's 'not happening' in Florida


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0a014c No.54800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862391 (171948ZMAY23) Notable: “Alternate Voting Methods:” The Left’s Radical Models for Cementing Political Control

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Trent England:

“Alternate Voting Methods:” The Left’s Radical Models for Cementing Political Control

When public policy expert Trent England saw election integrity undermined by progressive policies in his home state of Washington, he took action that has an impact at the national level. That action came in the form of an organization called Save Our States, and its newest project STOPRCV (Ranked Choice Voting.)

Save Our States was created to protect the Electoral College and prevent this beacon of American freedom and states’ rights from being hijacked by leftwing interests using the National Popular Vote as a tool to consolidate their own power at the federal level while leaving local voters with little or no political voice and eschewing minority rights. (See the trailer for the SOS movie about the EC “Safeguard” here.)

As Trent discusses with Cleta, his working in protecting the Electoral College led him to uncover other “alternative voting methods” leftwing billionaires are pushing in our country that flaunts their disregard for the Constitutional and Rule of Law, tacitly destroys both political parties’ ability to choose their own candidates, and makes voting so cumbersome and complicated that voters become discouraged and alienated from the process.

These methods include Ranked Choice Voting (also known as Instant Runoff and Final Five,) Approval Voting and STAR (Score Then Automatic Runoff.) Cleta and Trent unpack each one of these dangerous methodologies that range from suppressive and unconstitutional to patently absurd.

And guess what? Any one of them may be coming to your state SOON. Trent and his team are dedicated to educating the public about how each one of these schemes – and the abolition of the brilliant Electoral College – rip at the very fabric of our country, our voting rights, and our ability to choose our elected officials and form of governance.

Who's Counting With Cleta Mitchell

May 17, 2023 1-hour


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0a014c No.54801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862400 (171954ZMAY23) Notable: George Soros-backed Pittsburgh district attorney candidate wins Democratic primary

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George Soros-backed Pittsburgh district attorney candidate wins Democratic primary

Matt Dugan received more than $700,000 in backing from Soros


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0a014c No.54802

File: d59c47d7d12c08a⋯.png (684.58 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862404 (171956ZMAY23) Notable: Australian school imposes a mask mandate after a Covid outbreak

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Australian school imposes a mask mandate after a Covid outbreak among students - sparking outrage from parents and top doctor: 'No child should be compelled to wear one'

A Sydney high school has reintroduced Covid mask rules

Dr Nick Coatsworth said students shouldn't need to wear them

A high school has brought back a Covid mask mandate more than six months after they were entirely scrapped across the country, sparking backlash.

Liverpool Girls' High School in Sydney's southwest announced on Tuesday that Year 9, 10 and 11 students would have to work from home immediately, while all staff and students still in school would have to wear masks.

The school initially announced a five-day mask mandate for all pupils amid a small outbreak in Covid cases, before sending some students home when numbers increased.

The last remnants of widespread mask rules, requiring them to be used on international flights and on public transport, were removed in Australia in September last year.

Dr Nick Coatsworth, who is well known as the face of the government's Covid vaccine rollout, told Daily Mail Australia that mask rules being reintroduced at the school was worrying.

'That is a problem. No child at an Australian school should be compelled to wear a mask,' the former Australian deputy chief health officer said.

Liverpool Girls' High School introduced the measures after recently having a high number of students test positive to Covid.

They initially advised that as of Monday this week all students, staff and visitors to the school would need to wear masks for the next five days.

But on Tuesday afternoon, when more students tested positive, they asked years 9, 10 and 11 to learn from home from Wednesday until Friday.

Years 7, 8 and 12 are still attending school in person and are required to wear masks.

One parent who asked to remain anonymous told Daily Mail Australia that she doesn't want to see a return to the draconian restrictions imposed during the Covid pandemic.

'There was no consultation with parents at all,' she said.

'No one else in the community is being forced to wear masks again so it doesn't seem fair our kids are.'

She added that she was told students who refuse to wear masks would be sent to the deputy principal's office and their parents will be called .

'It's quite frustrating as my daughter is in year 10 and doesn't like home schooling,' she said.

'We're just hoping it doesn't get worse over the winter period and result in all the kids learning from home again.

'I think we need to learn to live with it and treat it as we would a cold or flu. I'm not angry, I just find it frustrating because it makes it hard for the kids.'


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0a014c No.54803

File: d06ef6fcad5ce47⋯.png (265.39 KB,534x516,89:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862405 (171956ZMAY23) Notable: US Army Pacific tweet re fighting in urban terrain

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Are we ready for the strategic shock of fighting in a mega city?

Lt. Gen. Willard Burleson,


commanding general, discusses the challenges of fighting in urban terrain as part of the Increased Urbanization and other Demographics Trends panel during #LANPAC23.


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0a014c No.54804

File: fa33ddd0adec5db⋯.png (405.7 KB,772x1078,386:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862413 (171958ZMAY23) Notable: Pulitzer board concluded Trump-Russia stories were NOT 'discredited'

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Washington Post STANDS BY its reporting and says

Pulitzer board concluded Trump-Russia stories were NOT 'discredited'

- as calls grow for awards to be swiped after Durham report

* The paper, owned by Dem donor Jeff Bezos, rejected calls to return its 2018 award

* Durham report rubbished fictional claims pushed by ex-British spy Christopher Steele

* It comes after America's most prestigious journalism school criticized reporting

A Left-wing Trump-bashing newspaper has refused to return its 2018 Pulitzer Prize over the now-debunked theory that the ex-president conspired with Russia.

The Washington Post and New York Times picked up the most-vaunted award in American journalism for its 'deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage.'

But the DC-based outlet, which is bankrolled by Democrat-donating Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, insists it will not give up its National Reporting honor.

'The Post stands by its reporting,' a Washington Post spokeswoman said.


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0a014c No.54805

File: 4bf864f1ea55435⋯.png (293.3 KB,634x328,317:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862419 (171959ZMAY23) Notable: Daniel Andrews hosts a drag queen storytime event for kids at Parliament House in Victoria

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Daniel Andrews hosts a drag queen storytime event for kids at Parliament House - after fears of violence forced libraries to shut them down

Victorian Government hosted drag queen story-time

Libraries cancel similar events over fears of violence

Daniel Andrews has hosted a drag queen story-time event for kids at Parliament House to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

Young children sat on the floor and on their mothers' laps as drag queens read out children's books at the event on Wednesday.

Mr Andrews was seen smiling as he watched on.

The state government also pledged $1.8 million to Rainbow Health Australia - a program supporting LGBTIQA+ health and wellbeing.

'Equality in Victoria is not negotiable – we're building a state that is inclusive for everyone, because every space should be a safe one for LGBTIQA+ Victorians,' Premier Daniel Andrews said.

ABC reporter Bridget Rollason shared a picture of the event on Twitter, explaining that no Liberal MPs were in attendance.

The drag queen story-time was moved to Parliament House following Monash City Council's decision to cancel the event at Oakleigh Library.

The council backflipped on its controversial decision to hold the drag story-time after protesters stormed the Council chambers in Melbourne's southeast on May 3.

Tensions boiled over as protesters yelled abuse at pro-drag and LGBTIQA+ community supporters, banged on glass walls and screamed 'shame on you' at councillors.

Drag queen performer Sam T was set to feature at the sold-out event for babies and preschool children.

Monash CEO Dr Andi Diamond issued a statement announcing the decision to cancel the upcoming Drag story-time event in May.

Dr Diamond cited the reason for the cancellation was safety concerns and the threats of violence against councillors, families attending, performers and staff.

'It is incredibly disappointing to have to cancel an event designed to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, but we were left with no choice after Victoria Police advised Council of the risks associated with holding the event,' Dr Diamond said.

'We understood this was not for everyone and scheduled it outside our regular library programs so that parents planning to bring their children were making a deliberate choice to attend.

'Unfortunately, some in our community were not willing to allow that choice. In the end, we were unable to guarantee that we would be able to hold the event safely.'


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0a014c No.54806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862446 (172006ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins to resign following DOJ IG probe, But, again, no jail for lawyers, judges, DA's and politicians

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U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins to resign following DOJ IG probe

Republicans had adamantly opposed Rollins' appointment and it took the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris to advance her nomination.

U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins will resign from her post following the conclusion a review by the Department of Justice inspector general of her appearance at a political fundraiser.

The review was prompted by Rollins' appearance at a Democratic fundraising event in Massachusetts that featured first lady Jill Biden, the Associated Press reported. Rollins indicated that she had secured proper "approval" to meet the first lady, though other sources indicated that the permission she obtained was "limited."

The investigation reportedly looked into other ethics issues, including her possible use of a personal phone for official business and a trip she took to California that an outside entity financed.

While the final report remains unpublished, Rollins' attorney informed the AP that she would submit a letter of resignation by the of the week. That attorney indicated that Rollins "understands that her presence has become a distraction."

She is facing a separate investigation from the Office of Special Counsel related to her attendance at the Democratic fundraiser and whether it violated the Hatch Act.

Republicans had adamantly opposed Rollins' appointment and it took the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris to advance her nomination, the AP noted.

She was the first black woman to be U.S. attorney for Massachusetts.


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0a014c No.54807

File: d5085423eadc559⋯.png (620.08 KB,599x641,599:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862463 (172008ZMAY23) Notable: The Jews are the Keystone, in this picture

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The Jews are the Keystone.


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0a014c No.54808

File: 0a06b06d95e1bae⋯.png (504.09 KB,1256x1631,1256:1631,Clipboard.png)

File: fe315687e530a16⋯.png (1.46 MB,998x670,499:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862493 (172014ZMAY23) Notable: The Jews are the Keystone, in this picture

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0a014c No.54809

File: 2f67261cd43f39d⋯.png (366.5 KB,500x535,100:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862503 (172018ZMAY23) Notable: The Jews are the Keystone, in this picture

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0a014c No.54810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862508 (172019ZMAY23) Notable: BAE Systems Kicks Off $200 Million Upgrade Project at Jacksonville Ship Repair Yard

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Anons, old Mayport sailor here

Must have dems to wreck it, make potential into Money-hole. Must Fail situation

BAE Systems Kicks Off $200 Million Upgrade Project at Jacksonville Ship Repair Yard


Throw money in, make it go splat, blame the locals

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0a014c No.54811

File: 1db3f1cf405d95f⋯.png (50.06 KB,605x678,605:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862518 (172020ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui are releasing a film about child trafficking

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui are releasing a film about child trafficking

A true story

Sound of Freedom


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0a014c No.54812

File: f48db9899a7d687⋯.png (202.8 KB,418x495,38:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862520 (172021ZMAY23) Notable: Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell Interfered in the 2016 and 2020 Elections - nationalfile

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News:📜Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell Interfered in the 2016 and 2020 Elections


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0a014c No.54813

File: ba2bc3912e0ff82⋯.png (145.3 KB,426x428,213:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862527 (172022ZMAY23) Notable: Every corrupt career politician and liar involved must be held accountable, starting with Hillary Clinton

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The Durham Report confirms the greatest political scandal in history.

Every corrupt career politician and liar involved must be held accountable, starting with Hillary Clinton. #Trump2024


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0a014c No.54814

File: 0ca5e51a7a2e676⋯.png (459.2 KB,600x503,600:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862536 (172024ZMAY23) Notable: F**k Joe Biden chants at Univ of Pennsylvania on Monday.

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Citizen Free Press


F**k Joe Biden chants at Univ of Pennsylvania on Monday.


il Donaldo Trumpo

7:23 AM · May 17, 2023




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0a014c No.54815

File: 9650f040711d82b⋯.png (33.3 KB,271x515,271:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862537 (172025ZMAY23) Notable: The Jews are the Keystone, in this picture

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0a014c No.54816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862539 (172025ZMAY23) Notable: Every corrupt career politician and liar involved must be held accountable, starting with Hillary Clinton

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Let's see...

Diane Feinstein - Mentally unfit to serve in the Senate. Most are seeing that now.

John Fetterman- Also mentally unfit to serve in the Senate. Most are seeing that now.

Adam Schiff - Treason! Exposed. Perhaps the beginning of the end for him.

Looks like a senate Majority no more to me!

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0a014c No.54817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862549 (172027ZMAY23) Notable: Ronny Jackso "Joe Biden is the trafficker-in-chief!!"

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Ronny Jackson

This White House is working hand-in-hand with the cartels. Child trafficking, drug smuggling, and VIOLENT CRIMINALS are surging over our border.

Joe Biden is the trafficker-in-chief!!

4:17 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862566 (172031ZMAY23) Notable: Supreme Court Declines To Block Illinois’ So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

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Supreme Court Declines To Block Illinois’ So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

The Supreme Court denied the National Association for Gun Rights’ request for an emergency injunction against Illinois’ “assault weapons” ban.

Illinois passed a ban on semiautomatic firearms and magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for handguns in January, shortly after the City of Naperville’s similar ban on the sale of “assault weapons” took effect, prompting swift legal action from gun store owners and gun rights groups. The National Association for Gun Rights, along with a gun shop owner, filed an emergency application for an injunction pending appeal on April 26 with Justice Amy Coney Barret, who oversees petitions from the Seventh Circuit.

Following the Supreme Court’s order, the law will remain in place for now while legal challenges continue.

Citing New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, a Supreme Court decision issued last summer that struck down New York state’s concealed carry law, the groups argue that the case is “exceedingly simple”: Illinois’ law is clearly unconstitutional.

“This is an exceedingly simple case,” the National Association for Gun Rights wrote in its application. “The Second Amendment protects arms that are commonly possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, especially self-defense in the home.”

“In the teeth of this Court’s precedents, the district court refused to address the evidence that the arms banned by the challenged laws are held by millions of law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes,” the groups continued.

Bruen found that all gun regulations must be “consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation” in order for a court to determine it is acceptable under the Second Amendment. The district court’s decision shows “many of the lower courts did not get the [Supreme Court’s] message” in Bruen, the groups argue.

The Seventh Circuit and district court previously denied the applicants’ request for an injunction pending appeal.

In their response to the application requested by Barrett, Illinois told the Court that the groups have not demonstrated that they are likely to prevail on their Second Amendment violation claim and have “failed to show that crucial or exigent circumstances exist that would require this Court’s immediate intervention.”


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0a014c No.54819

File: 2ef87425fefdb08⋯.png (528.41 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: e746457189919e8⋯.png (375.98 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862580 (172033ZMAY23) Notable: PF: Looks like c130 landing

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Is there a PF

Looks like c130 landing

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0a014c No.54820

File: 2dc8e2363289aa4⋯.png (17.2 KB,473x246,473:246,Clipboard.png)

File: f1c3a4875edbebb⋯.png (46.93 KB,598x280,299:140,Clipboard.png)

File: 3869e42c8a6ac2e⋯.png (21.97 KB,598x138,13:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 759041010a9e70a⋯.png (416.4 KB,598x657,598:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f5cdcc8eea321⋯.png (317.77 KB,598x544,299:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862582 (172033ZMAY23) Notable: TRENDING: DO SOMETHING

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0a014c No.54821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862583 (172034ZMAY23) Notable: Full Durham report. Both web Link and PDF. ICYMI

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Probable already posted. Here's the Bull Durham report. Both web Link and PDF.



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0a014c No.54822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862651 (172043ZMAY23) Notable: Africa to send six presidents to Moscow and Kiev

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Africa to send six presidents to Moscow and Kiev

The leaders will go to Russia and Ukraine hoping to create conditions for peace negotiations, South Africa’s Foreign Ministry said

South Africa’s foreign ministry has announced that six African presidents are soon expected to jointly travel to Moscow and Kiev in hopes of facilitating negotiations between the two countries. Details of the endeavor are still being finalized but their mission could take place in early June, Bloomberg reported.

“The six heads of state will be shuttling between the two capitals to engage in the facilitating of peace talks, to at least get toward a cease-fire,” said Department of International Relations and Cooperation Director-General Zane Dangor.

In a virtual meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday, Dangor stated that the initiative has already been shared with the UN secretary-general, who is supporting it. “We have also engaged with other actors, including the US. There is general support for this initiative that President Ramaphosa announced,” he said.

Dangor also noted that Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s foreign minister, will meet her Ukrainian counterpart in Portugal in the coming days to discuss the African initiative.

The official’s statement comes after South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday that the leaders of Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Senegal and the Republic of the Congo had expressed their willingness to take part in the peace initiative and that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky had agreed to host the mission.

South Africa –a member of the BRICS group along with Brazil, Russia, India and China– is among the countries that have refused to take part in the US-led campaign to sanction Moscow over the ongoing situation in Ukraine. Ramaphosa has repeatedly stressed that his country has a tradition of non-alignment and insisted that South Africa “has not been, and will not be, drawn into a contest between global powers.”

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stated that Moscow is prepared to consider proposals put forth by African and Latin American nations. He noted, however, that Western nations don’t appear to be as open-minded and only seem to acknowledge President Zelensky’s ten-step ‘peace plan,’ which involves the “capitulation of Russia,” a tribunal against the Russian leadership, and reparations for Ukraine.

“The West claims that this is the only plan that is currently on the table and which it supports,” Lavrov surmised, noting that Zelensky has repeatedly declined to hold any talks with Moscow and has officially outlawed negotiations with Russia so long as Putin remains president.


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0a014c No.54823

File: 85308ecd2f1575c⋯.png (231.76 KB,1005x810,67:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862664 (172046ZMAY23) Notable: Former Chief Financial Officer of $21 Billion Biopharmaceutical Company Admits Insider Trading

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Former Chief Financial Officer of $21 Billion Biopharmaceutical Company Admits Insider Trading


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0a014c No.54824

File: ec32d4c9aa428f2⋯.png (301.8 KB,1437x620,1437:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862713 (172055ZMAY23) Notable: It took SC Rep. Nancy Mace 25 years to share she was raped

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>Nancy Mace is on CNN to respond to SC abortion law in process of being passed.

>She said that she was a rape victim.


It took SC Rep. Nancy Mace 25 years to share she was raped. She never expected this.

By Caitlin Byrd cbyrd@postandcourier.com

May 14, 2019 Updated Jan 7, 2021

When state Rep. Nancy Mace decided to share her personal story of being raped at 16, she thought the speech would make her fellow Republicans think twice about an abortion bill.

Weeks later, she felt targeted instead.

On Monday, the House Republican Caucus will decide how to respond to the recent actions of Rep. Josiah Magnuson, who last week distributed a postcard and a letter to lawmakers that described rape as a “misdeed of the parent.”

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0a014c No.54825

File: 93df354a5bd3c5e⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862725 (172057ZMAY23) Notable: The FDA has approved a fake meat company's lab-grown chicken even though it has ties to China's biowarfare programs.

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The FDA has approved a fake meat company's lab-grown chicken even though it has ties to China's biowarfare programs.



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0a014c No.54826

File: 74cf22a975132ca⋯.png (130.58 KB,427x427,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862743 (172101ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui are releasing a film about child trafficking

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BREAKING: Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui are releasing a film about child trafficking based on Tim Ballard

A true story

Sound of Freedom

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0a014c No.54827

File: e016e2f46fe5fb4⋯.png (63.58 KB,569x193,569:193,Clipboard.png)

File: bd4c5f8756da2dc⋯.png (21.93 KB,696x393,232:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862747 (172102ZMAY23) Notable: Australia's rental market tightens further as rental price increases reach 30 per cent in some areas

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Australia's rental market tightens further as rental price increases reach 30 per cent in some areas

Inner city landlords pushing for increases of up to 30 per cent

Australia's incredibly tight rental market tightened even further in April, according to the latest PropTrack Market Insight report.

PropTrack is a division of the REA Group, which is an online real estate advertising company.

The report found the number of new rental listings on realestate.com.au nationally was down 18.9 per cent month-on-month in April, the largest decline since 2017.

The total rental stock, the report added, remains significantly lower than at the start of the pandemic in both capital cities (down 40.2 per cent) and regional areas (down 36.1 per cent).


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0a014c No.54828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862750 (172103ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins to resign following DOJ IG probe, But, again, no jail for lawyers, judges, DA's and politicians

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But, again, no jail for lawyers, judges, DA's and politicians. Same ol same ol

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0a014c No.54829

File: 07cf227f5e1e885⋯.png (189.33 KB,425x542,425:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862762 (172106ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Naomi Wolf: Lipid Nanoparticles, Used in Pfizer's Vaccine, Were Known to Affect Fertility and Sexual Behavior as Early as 2017

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Dr. Naomi Wolf: Lipid Nanoparticles, Used in Pfizer's Vaccine, Were Known to Affect Fertility and Sexual Behavior as Early as 2017

“… if they inject people with lipid nanoparticles… they will not grow up to be normal adult, sexual healthy people, capable of forming families and reproducing themselves… This is the smoking gun in my view.”



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0a014c No.54830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862821 (172120ZMAY23) Notable: Russia and Iran to expand rail ties as alliance strengthens

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Russia and Iran to expand rail ties as alliance strengthens

Putin attended the signing via video link while Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attended in person.

Russia and Iran have agreed to a deal to begin a rail construction project that will fill in a key gap in the railroad path from the Persian Gulf to St. Petersburg, a move that could prove a boon in Moscow's bid to cope with western sanctions.

The project, which will involve the construction of a 100-mile railway between two Iranian cities, will form a key component of a broader infrastructure system that aims to connect Russia, Iran, India, and Azerbaijan and present an alternative to the Suez Canal as a trade route, Reuters, reported.

"This is indeed a great event for the region, for the entire world transport infrastructure (and) for our countries," Russian President Vladimir Putin said, according to the Washington Times.

The project will take an estimated four years to complete, though Russian authorities believe the project could finish ahead of schedule. The completed stretch of railroad will be part of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

Putin attended the signing via video link while Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attended in person. The transportation ministers of both countries signed the $1.6 billion deal.

Raisi hailed the railway project as a key advancement in the growing alliance between Moscow and Tehran as both nations seek to circumvent strict sanctions from western powers.

"Without a doubt, this agreement is an important and strategic step in the direction of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow," he said, per Reuters.

The two nations have increasingly tightened both economic military ties, with Iran supplying its Shahed drones to Russia for use in its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.


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0a014c No.54831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862852 (172126ZMAY23) Notable: Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein moved $270,000 for Noam Chomsky and paid $150,000 to Leon Botstein — WSJ

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Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein moved $270,000 for Noam Chomsky and paid $150,000 to Leon Botstein — WSJ


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0a014c No.54832

File: 3f1dfe7418b13a7⋯.png (41.41 KB,471x300,157:100,Clipboard.png)

File: cad57e22c35c9e6⋯.png (85.03 KB,767x555,767:555,Clipboard.png)

File: dea9db59fde97b4⋯.png (359.21 KB,620x608,155:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bab58157cd1d74⋯.png (305.81 KB,603x474,201:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862866 (172129ZMAY23) Notable: [Ascension] reported by Thomas Renz at about minute 32 in video to be the hospital system where the possible "intentional" murders occurred.

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Has this been NOTABLE yet. Ascension.


Ascension reported by Thomas Renz at about minute 32 in video to be the hospital system where the possible "intentional" murders occurred. Incident seems to have been in Alabama but Ascension is apparently headquartered in St. Louis. Thomas Renz wonders about the possibility that this is related to the resistance in Missouri to pass legislation regarding informed consent for products that can alter human genes. Big Pharma friendliness in St. Louis seems to be the sentiment.

https://twitter.com/RenzTom/status/1658910279995101184 Seems there is an interview today that might provide more information.

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0a014c No.54833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862892 (172134ZMAY23) Notable: SC GOP Rams $1.3 Billion for Woke Foreign Car Company Through Legislature

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SC GOP Rams $1.3 Billion for Woke Foreign Car Company Through Legislature

The South Carolina GOP is giving woke foreign car company Volkswagen $1.3 billion to make electric vehicles.

South Carolina’s Republican legislature has rushed through a bill giving woke German car company Volkswagen $1.3 billion in incentives, so they can make electric vehicles in the state by the end of 2026. The deal, however, has been called out as highly corrupt.

The South Carolina General Assembly has hurried a bill through appropriating $1.3 billion dollars in taxpayer money to Volkswagen affiliate Scout through an incentives package, for the purpose of making electric vehicles in a South Carolina factory by the end of 2026. Introduced on March 6th of this year by house speaker Murrell Smith, the bill (H.4088) cleared both chambers within two weeks.

This massive spending was not debated by either chamber of the General Assembly and was rammed through at breakneck speed.

The argument for the allocation is that it will bring revenue to the state with Governor Henry McMaster saying “You have to spend money to make money.”

Despite McMaster’s remarks, electric vehicle sales are down and it’s being widely questioned whether or not the deal can actually help South Carolina’s economy.

The $1.3 billion Volkswagen bill has been criticized as a corrupt bargain helping out a woke corporation at the expense of the South Carolina taxpayer.

Some groups, including the Small Business advocacy group Mom & Pop Alliance of South Carolina, have questioned why the assembly is helping major corporations and not small businesses and why it was rushed through with little to no debate.

The project will be managed by the SC Department of Commerce, which has a long history of mismanagement. Likewise, Volkswagen has a history of scandals for which they were sued by the EPA for environmental fraud.

Volkswagen is also a major proponent of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and has a close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party.

The German car producer’s official website states, “The importance of ESG is also growing continuously within our organization and is fully embedded in our decision-making processes…nevertheless, we are fully aware that much more needs to be done.”

With this commitment to social credit scores and fealty to the CCP, it is curious why establishment Republicans in Columbia would give over a billion dollars in incentives, including millions in taxpayer money, instead of helping small businesses based in South Carolina.


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0a014c No.54834

File: 3b076adc84c6c62⋯.png (225.54 KB,838x696,419:348,Clipboard.png)

File: 770469d92af0b04⋯.png (397.66 KB,872x898,436:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862930 (172141ZMAY23) Notable: Taxpayers Fleeced Again? Big Banks Push New FDIC Re-Funding 'Trick'

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Taxpayers Fleeced Again? Big Banks Push New FDIC Re-Funding 'Trick'

Not satisfied with the billions in interest they're earning on excess reserves, or the unlimited facilities The Fed opened up with the BTFP to bail out regional banks' losses on their bond portfolios, The Wall Street Journal reports that banks have spent the past week or so testing a cunning plan to push more losses on to the US taxpayer.

Instead of paying the billions of dollars they collectively owe to replenish the federal deposit insurance fund, they want to use Treasurys instead of cash.

Sounds good right...

...except those Treasuries are trading notably below par and the government will accept them as par, implicitly paying a premium for the bonds.

As a reminder, US banks are sitting on $620 billion in unrealized paper losses on government bonds...


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0a014c No.54835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18862966 (172149ZMAY23) Notable: NYPD officials and taxi driver play down 'near catastrophic' car

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Spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle claim they were in 'near catastrophic' car chase but NYPD officials and taxi driver play down incident

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex alleged they were in a "near catastrophic" car accident when being chased by photographers for two hours in New York City after attending an awards show.

A spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle claim they were in a "near catastrophic" car chase with paparazzi in New York City.

The Duke and Duchess were in the Big Apple on Tuesday night with Meghan's mum Doria Ragland to attend the Foundation Women of Vision Award.

But as the show wrapped up, the three left the Ziegfeld Ballroom and were escorted by several private security guards into a waiting car as photographers surrounded them.

Prince Harry and Meghan have claimed they were pursued throughout the streets of the famous city for "two hours" which "resulted in multiple near collisions".

"Last night, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms Ragland were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi," a spokesperson said in a statement following the incident.

"This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers.

"While being a figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone's safety.

"Dissemination of these images, given the ways in which they were obtained, encourages a highly intrusive practice that is dangerous to all involved."

The New York Police Department released a statement saying it had assisted the private security team in protecting Meghan and Harry but there were "no reported collisions".

"There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries or arrest in regard," they said in a statement.

Two New York police officials who were reportedly almost struck by a car played down the incident by describing it as a "bit of a chaotic scene".

Harry and Meghan were later dropped off at the New York City Police Department's 19th Precinct and were picked up by a taxi driver named Sukhcharn Singh.

He argued it was not a chase but they were followed by two cars on their short journey, a black Honda Accord and a grey Honda CR-V.

"They kept following us and were coming next to the car," he told The Washington Post.

"They took pictures as we stopped and were filming us."


did they attempt another Diana death?

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0a014c No.54836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863049 (172206ZMAY23) Notable: #23154

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notables are not endorsements

#23154 >>54785


>>54813, >>54816 Every corrupt career politician and liar involved must be held accountable, starting with Hillary Clinton

>>54791 Reverse Engineering the Propaganda Machine - Dr. Joseph Mercola

>>54786 George Soros’ Investment Fund Sells Off Entire Investment in Elon Musk’s Tesla

>>54787 Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): "You're going to have vegetables rotting in the fields (because Ron DeSantis banned corporations from hiring illegal aliens.)"

>>54788 Davis didn't endorse MAGA.

>>54789 PBS Gets Defunded Over Drag Queen Story Hour by Oklahoma Governor

>>54790 People chanting 'F**k Joe Biden' at University of Pennsylvania

>>54792 FBI’s tweet on the Durham report achieves all-time brutal ratio

>>54793 Thomas J. Murphy Steps Down From New York Fed Board of Directors

>>54794 New York Fed President John Williams to Visit the U.S. Virgin Islands on May 15-16

>>54795 NYPD say no collisions, injuries or arrests in alleged chase

>>54796 PNG Prime Minister Had Undisclosed Ties to Figure at Center of Ports Criminal Probe

>>54797, >>54799 DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

>>54798 Maricopa County Attorneys are trying so very hard to not allow this video to be entered in as evidence in the #KariLake Trial.

>>54800 “Alternate Voting Methods:” The Left’s Radical Models for Cementing Political Control

>>54800“Alternate Voting Methods:” The Left’s Radical Models for Cementing Political Control

>>54801 George Soros-backed Pittsburgh district attorney candidate wins Democratic primary

>>54802 Australian school imposes a mask mandate after a Covid outbreak

>>54803 US Army Pacific tweet re fighting in urban terrain

>>54804 Pulitzer board concluded Trump-Russia stories were NOT 'discredited'

>>54805 Daniel Andrews hosts a drag queen storytime event for kids at Parliament House in Victoria

>>54806, >>54828 U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins to resign following DOJ IG probe, But, again, no jail for lawyers, judges, DA's and politicians

>>54807, >>54808, >>54809, >>54815 The Jews are the Keystone, in this picture

>>54810 BAE Systems Kicks Off $200 Million Upgrade Project at Jacksonville Ship Repair Yard

>>54811, >>54826 Jim Caviezel and Eduardo Verástegui are releasing a film about child trafficking

>>54812 Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell Interfered in the 2016 and 2020 Elections - nationalfile

>>54814 F**k Joe Biden chants at Univ of Pennsylvania on Monday.

>>54817 Ronny Jackso "Joe Biden is the trafficker-in-chief!!"

>>54818 Supreme Court Declines To Block Illinois’ So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

>>54819 PF: Looks like c130 landing

>>54821 Full Durham report. Both web Link and PDF. ICYMI

>>54822 Africa to send six presidents to Moscow and Kiev

>>54823 Former Chief Financial Officer of $21 Billion Biopharmaceutical Company Admits Insider Trading

>>54824 It took SC Rep. Nancy Mace 25 years to share she was raped

>>54825 The FDA has approved a fake meat company's lab-grown chicken even though it has ties to China's biowarfare programs.

>>54827 Australia's rental market tightens further as rental price increases reach 30 per cent in some areas

>>54829 Dr. Naomi Wolf: Lipid Nanoparticles, Used in Pfizer's Vaccine, Were Known to Affect Fertility and Sexual Behavior as Early as 2017

>>54830 Russia and Iran to expand rail ties as alliance strengthens

>>54831 Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein moved $270,000 for Noam Chomsky and paid $150,000 to Leon Botstein — WSJ

>>54832 [Ascension] reported by Thomas Renz at about minute 32 in video to be the hospital system where the possible "intentional" murders occurred.

>>54833 SC GOP Rams $1.3 Billion for Woke Foreign Car Company Through Legislature

>>54834 Taxpayers Fleeced Again? Big Banks Push New FDIC Re-Funding 'Trick'

>>54835 NYPD officials and taxi driver play down 'near catastrophic' car

last call

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0a014c No.54837

File: 4e54abcf8ad22aa⋯.jpg (160.83 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863070 (172211ZMAY23) Notable: #23155

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>can continue for 1 or defer

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0a014c No.54838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863086 (172214ZMAY23) Notable: Pelosi: 'An Attack On The Whistleblower Is An Attack On The Integrity Of Our System' - 3 years ago

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3 years ago Pelosi: 'An Attack On The Whistleblower Is An Attack On The Integrity Of Our System' | NBC News


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0a014c No.54839

File: 8428e7279d8a624⋯.png (561.41 KB,1042x985,1042:985,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863105 (172219ZMAY23) Notable: Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

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Could Pencil Neck can't be the First!

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0a014c No.54840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863136 (172224ZMAY23) Notable: Elon consulting his neuralink @2:33 in the interview, KEK

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Did anyone watch this interview??

Long long long pause. Almost as if he was consulting his neuralink.


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0a014c No.54841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863157 (172229ZMAY23) Notable: If you make comic books, books, radio, movies and TV shows about yourself, you might be federal reserve gangsters

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>>>/qresearch/18863015 lb

This is your FBI Old Time Radio Researchers Propaganda Unit


If you make comic books, books, radio, movies and TV shows about yourself, you might be federal reserve gangsters. If you also advertise on pornhub, you probably hired David Brock.

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0a014c No.54842

File: 71277854a2aff8d⋯.png (378.76 KB,1211x634,1211:634,Clipboard.png)

File: a0be2012d738a4d⋯.png (520.61 KB,493x560,493:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 13cdf995d9fb4f7⋯.png (259.35 KB,602x335,602:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863170 (172232ZMAY23) Notable: PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

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PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

SAM007 G5 departed Valdosta, Regional Airport after a ground stop and back to JBA

SAM836 G5 east from Peterson SFB depart and C101 US Coast Guard G5 west from Groton-New London, CT departure

PAT928 C-12V Huron departed Miami Int'l after a ground stop-departed San Juan PR earlier today

>>54729 pb

Looks like Potato is on ground @ JB Elmendorf-ACs are still frozen in these positions and 92-9000/82-8000 are transmitting and below 10k ft-see cap#3-Potato in 92-9000 shows as 'on ground' with 82-8000 @5525ft and descending

Schedule sez about a 90m stop then on to Hiroshima-where a C-17 dropped equipment yesterday


SAM033 G5 landed about 2.5 hours ago at Elmendorf

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0a014c No.54843

File: 78f78d1b3b7818e⋯.png (487.43 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ef87425fefdb08⋯.png (528.41 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863186 (172235ZMAY23) Notable: PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

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First we got gitmo 842. Dropping call sing before vanishing over Bermuda

Then we got a c130

Followed by gtmo 844

Into gitmo

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0a014c No.54844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863229 (172244ZMAY23) Notable: Federal prosecutet for Mass Rachel Rollins braced

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Pedovore down

Federal prosecutet for Mass Rachel Rollins braced


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0a014c No.54845

File: 94449ec929c3206⋯.png (446.13 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

File: fa4c8cfd0242a95⋯.png (317.57 KB,641x527,641:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 1db94dbb0a842be⋯.jpg (312.89 KB,583x664,583:664,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9d33781c85c4ffc⋯.png (49.71 KB,1055x253,1055:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 50c99074a42348a⋯.png (46.73 KB,739x170,739:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863230 (172245ZMAY23) Notable: America's largest children's hospital is still mutilating including puberty blockers for young as 11 despite publicly stating they would stop

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America's largest children's hospital is 'still performing trans medical interventions' including puberty blockers on children as young as 11 despite publicly stating they would stop amid claims of 'child abuse'

Purportedly leaked documents were released by City Journal on Tuesday

The documents include image grabs of a slide deck that was presented in January 2023 titled 'Medical and Psychological Care of Gender-Diverse Youth'


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0a014c No.54846

File: 7ca38e85677a087⋯.png (942.91 KB,873x1175,873:1175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863246 (172249ZMAY23) Notable: Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

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This should help

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0a014c No.54847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863253 (172251ZMAY23) Notable: The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller and Durham – Why They Matter and What Can Be Done

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The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller and Durham – Why They Matter and What Can Be Done


May 17, 2023

“I’m not being arbitrary; I’m just not going to pretend. These people know exactly what is going on. Their action is not an outcome of some esoteric thought process. They are corrupt & acting to retain the corruption with specific intent & full understanding of the consequence.” ~ Sundance

Now, let us get down to the business of understanding; let us uncomplicate the complex; and, more importantly, let me propose the outline of a solution.

♦ SILO #1 – Inspector General Michael Horowitz was given instructions by outgoing President Barack Obama, to review the internal decision-making inside the FBI, Main Justice, and DOJ-NSD as it pertained to the Hillary Clinton classified document scandal.

In early January 2017, IG Horowitz was tasked to review the FBI decisions during the Clinton exoneration and deliver a report on his findings.

First, it is important to remember the DOJ inspector general can only review internal government conduct. The IG does not review or investigate outside involvement and has no authority to compel investigative compliance from outside parties. The Office of Inspector General is an internal review agency.

Second, it is important to remember the DOJ inspector general was not authorized to conduct any oversight of the Dept of Justice National Security Division, DOJ-NSD. During the Obama era, when the DOJ-NSD was created by Attorney General Eric Holder, through the entirety of the Obama era, there was no inspector general oversight into any operations conducted by the DOJ-NSD; that included the FISA process. It was not until later in 2017 that the Trump administration granted the OIG authority to conduct oversight into the DOJ National Security Division.

Think of IG Michael Horowitz as an investigative silo. You will see why this matters.

♦ SILO #2 – Robert Mueller (truthfully Andrew Weissmann) was appointed in May of 2017 by Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, as Special Counsel to investigate Trump-Russia and the reports of prior Russian influence in the 2016 election. Robert Muller was a figurehead, a person in name only to give credibility to the purpose and intent of the group who assembled under his shingle. Andrew Weissmann was the actual manager of the investigation, events, and details of the Mueller probe.

On the outward face, in the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey being fired, the Mueller investigation was created to look at Russian interference in the 2016 election; against the background that Comey’s firing by President Trump was related to an intent to impede the ongoing Crossfire Hurricane investigation. However, on the internal dynamic, inside the mechanics of how DC silos are created, the Mueller probe existed to hide the DOJ and FBI weaponization of the government that was deployed under the justification of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation.


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0a014c No.54848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863257 (172252ZMAY23) Notable: The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller and Durham – Why They Matter and What Can Be Done

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Sometime around June of 2017 while conducting his review of the FBI's conduct in the Clinton investigation, Inspector General Michael Horowitz discovered troubling internal communications between FBI agent Peter Strzok and DOJ-NSD assigned lawyer to the FBI, Lisa Page. Silo #1 now intersects Silo #2.

Lisa Page was the DOJ lawyer advising FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Peter Strzok was the lead FBI counterintelligence agent working on the Clinton email investigation. Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe were the core of the Clinton investigation and intrinsically linked to the Clinton exoneration as announced by FBI Director James Comey.

IG Horowitz knew of the Clinton investigation and was investigating the details therein. Horowitz did not initially know about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation which, by June of 2017, had subsequently morphed into the Special Counsel Mueller investigation.

Horowitz's 2017 task only pertained to the Clinton classified documents and decision-making. However, it was the exact same FBI and DOJ people who investigated then exonerated Hillary Clinton, who then opened an investigation of Trump, who then transferred into an expanded Robert Mueller probe.

Horowitz (Silo 1) was bound by the requirements of his office to inform Robert Mueller that individuals inside his investigation (Silo 2) were under investigation.

This presented a problem for Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann who were conducting a coverup and targeting operation.

Essentially, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were a threat, as they were bringing an IG review into the security of the Mueller Silo. Almost immediately, Strzok and Page were removed by Mueller/Weissmann to purge the problematic window they represented.

Mueller and Weismann then continued their operation, absorbing any Main Justice information that had anything to do with Trump-Russia. Simultaneous to their unilateral empowerment, Weissmann and Mueller continued to fabricate a false premise of Russian interference in the 2016 election. This ‘Russia narrative’ was supported as the justification for their continued operation throughout 2017, 2018, and into 2019.

It is important to remember that Mueller/Weissmann had full control over everything that had anything to do with the Russian interference narrative or the Trump-Russia narrative. Any ancillary investigation from any government office that touched on these issues was subsequently absorbed by Weissmann and the team.

As an example, this Weissmann/Mueller absorption and control included the FBI case against SSCI Security Director James Wolfe, the man who leaked the Title-1 surveillance warrant (FISA application) deployed by the Crossfire Hurricane team against Carter Page. The Wolfe investigation (April ’17 through January ’18) was conducted by FBI Washington Field Office agent Brian Dugan. James Wolfe was indicted by USAO Jessie Liu for leaking the FISA application to journalist Ali Watkins. However, the evidence file was reviewed by the special counsel, and after threats by the defense team to subpoena Senate Intelligence Committee members, the specific charge of leaking the FISA was dropped from the criminal case.

Because Weissmann/Mueller controlled everything that touched the Trump-Russia issues, in June of 2018 when the Carter Page FISA application was made public it came from the Weissmann/Mueller team release. This was one of the lesser-discussed revelations from Rod Rosenstein's June 2020 testimony about the Mueller probe.


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0a014c No.54849

File: 92af55d39439056⋯.png (268.17 KB,554x511,554:511,Clipboard.png)

File: d01c1a6c42ce410⋯.png (102.92 KB,577x578,577:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863258 (172252ZMAY23) Notable: Ballots Stolen In Philadelphia On Election Day

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Ballots Stolen In Philadelphia On Election Day

A local report by ABC 6 Action News in Philadelphia has revealed a total of eight mail-in ballots, along with other mail, were stolen on Election Day in Philadelphia.

On Tuesday, Philadelphia police charged Jabrie Scott, 20, with “theft, receiving stolen property, fleeing or attempting to elude police, and evading arrest.”

Scott, along with other suspects, was spotted taking mail from mailboxes in the neighborhood of Northern Liberties.

After police were called to the scene, a pursuit occurred which ended when Scott crashed his car and the other suspects in Scott’s Charger fled the scene.

Philadelphia’s commissioners office were able to confirm 8 mail-in ballots were found inside of Scott’s car along with other pieces of stolen mail.

Per ABC 6 Action News:

Action News has learned that eight mail-in ballots were found with a batch of stolen mail on Tuesday. Philadelphia police came across the mail thieves removing items from a mailbox in Northern Liberties.

Jabrie Scott, 20, has been charged with theft by unlawful taking, receiving stolen property, fleeing or attempting to elude police, and evading arrest. This comes after police say they observed a Dodge Charger parked on the 1200 block of Fairmount Avenue directly next to a mailbox.

In the most recent Democratic primary for the mayoral race in Philadelphia Charelle Parker was able to defeat the AOC and Bernie Sanders endorsed progressive Helen Gym.

Parker was the only Democrat candidate to campaign against drug injection sites popping up in Philadelphia.


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0a014c No.54850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863262 (172253ZMAY23) Notable: The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller and Durham – Why They Matter and What Can Be Done

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♦ SILO #3 – After taking office in February 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr received the Mueller report in March and a debate with Mueller/Weissmann about the content and report release began. In May 2019, AG Barr appointed Special Counsel John Durham to review the FBI operations that initiated the Trump-Russia probe.

It is important to note that John Durham was appointed *after* Bill Barr received the Mueller report from Andrew Weissmann. It is also important to note that despite the originating mandate of Weissmann/Mueller being predicated on their obligation to look into the accusations of Trump-Russia, the Clinton campaign organization of the Trump-Russia narrative does not appear in the Mueller report.

There is nothing about Clinton’s work with the Perkins Coie law firm and lawyer Michael Sussmann to work as a cut-out for the Clinton campaign contacts with Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, or any other substantively manufactured system that was used to create the illusion of the Trump-Russia connections. The absence of that information inside the Mueller report begged the obvious question: How could Mueller investigate Trump-Russia for two years and never find the origin of Trump-Russia?

After realizing the Mueller report contained none of this information, in May of 2019 Bill Barr appointed John Durham and Silo #3 was created.

Each of the silos, purposefully created by those who operate within the DC systems of political power, was created to have specific usefulness and function. This is how the system operates.

We hear things like “ongoing investigation” as sunlight blocks; or “potential interfering with an investigation” as another technique. Each time a silo is created, the purpose of the silo is to control information and isolate the larger system from scrutiny.

When Robert Mueller (silo 2) appeared before a congressional committee in June 2019 to answer questions about his report, he was asked about the origination of Trump-Russia. Mueller’s jaw-dropping response was “That was not in my purview.”

Robert Mueller was only able to avoid the scrutiny of never having investigated the origin of Trump-Russia because there was another silo, John Durham (silo 3) to take the heat off him. Each silo is sequentially created to deflect and distract from questioning. Bill Barr created Silo #3 (Durham), for exactly this reason.

John Durham finishes up Silo-3 operations, delivers a report and now we have Silo #4 in operation via the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Additionally, each silo creates an internal defense system allowing media to deflect, ignore and distract. However, in the Trump-Russia narrative, you will note there is a flow to the silos. The silos are designed to absorb information, deflect sunlight and keep accountability away. The silos are constructs, preservation systems, for the DC administrative state.

♦ SOLUTION – There is a way to destroy the silo system by using the inertia of the construct against itself. Obviously, I hope you can understand why it would be imprudent to go too deep into this right now. However, suffice it to say – here are the broad strokes.

In front of you sits a panel of SEVEN people:

Barr, Rosenstein, Horowitz, Mueller, Weissmann, Durham and Wray.

You do not deconstruct the silos by questioning them separately. Each silo will avoid sunlight by deflecting inquiry to the mechanism of the other.

Instead, you rain sunlight down upon the silos by questioning each of the participants individually while located together.

All prior guidelines remain valid.

You use very granular and specific questions that pertain to the flow-through details that each silo was created to hide.

The usefulness of the silo process is dependent on its ability to stand alone.

When you put direct questions to the assembly of silos there is nowhere to deflect.

Two days. Eight hours each day. Five rounds of questions. No one reading statements; only questions.

Very, very specific questions.

The goal is sunlight. Rip the Band-Aid off, call the baby ugly, and start the process to fix this crap by exposing it. Restore the First and Fourth Amendments and heal the injury. What we need is a full, uncensored, brutally honest expose’ of how bad things have become and how that system can be dismantled. The existing constitution is the protection, just remove the stuff that is violating it.


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0a014c No.54851

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863267 (172253ZMAY23) Notable: Nunes reacts to release of Durham report

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Nunes is Fucking Pissed, really, really pissed. Good! We all need to be pissed.

BREAKING: Nunes reacts to release of Durham report


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0a014c No.54852

File: 75e6c2f5ce7a21a⋯.png (1000.57 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863273 (172255ZMAY23) Notable: Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

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BREAKING: GOP Representative Anna Paulina Luna Submits House Resolution to Expel Serial Liar Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

The Gateway Pundit reported that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy considered removing Russia hoaxer and serial liar Adam Schiff (D-CA) from Congress as well as pursuing possible criminal charges following the release of the Durham Report.


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0a014c No.54853

File: 36fa752c83f216e⋯.png (709.77 KB,842x698,421:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863277 (172256ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Lawmakers Consider Creating Gold-Based Digital Currency for Use by Anyone Anywhere

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Texas Lawmakers Consider Creating Gold-Based Digital Currency for Use by Anyone Anywhere

May 17, 2023

Texas could become the first state in the nation to issue its own digital currency based on gold and silver.

The Texas Senate could vote on Senate Bill 2334 this week. A similar bill in the Texas House, House Bill 4903, did not advance.

If the Texas digital currency proposal becomes law, money could be spent with a debit card by people anywhere in the world, not just within Texas.

The measure would create an alternative to a federal digital dollar, an idea currently being considered by the federal government because of a directive by President Joe Biden.

Some conservatives have said they fear a federal digital dollar could be manipulated by the U.S. government and used to spy on account owners, possibly controlling how and when they can spend their money.

Under the proposed law, the Texas comptroller would create a digital currency based on gold or silver and would be given the authority to mint pure gold or silver coins based on weight.

The coins and the digital currency would be considered legal tender to pay debts and would be “readily transferable … to another person,” according to the bill.

Under the plan, the digital money debit card could be used anywhere debit cards are accepted.

There is no provision to eliminate the use of the federal dollar in Texas. The use of the state’s digital currency would be optional and in addition to using U.S. legal tender.

Under the proposed bill, people outside of Texas could create accounts and use the system wherever they live in the world as long as it’s legal.

How It Would Work

Under the Texas law now under consideration, the Texas comptroller would be required to create a mechanism to use the new gold-or-silver-based digital currency in everyday transactions for goods and services.

The state comptroller, or a trustee hired to oversee the program, would purchase and hold enough gold or silver to cover the units of digital currency set aside for each account holder.

The value of the digital currency account would fluctuate, depending on the current value of gold, which is now hovering around $2,000 per ounce.

So if a user opens an account by purchasing an ounce of gold on a day when gold is valued at $2,000 per ounce, the account value would start at $2,000. As purchases are made, the amount of gold owned by the account holder changes, based on the current value of gold.

If a purchase of $1,000 is made when gold is valued at $2,000 per ounce, the amount of gold held in that user’s name would drop to a half-ounce. The account value also would rise and fall with the changing value of gold.

Users could redeem their digital currency from the state for cash, bullion, or coins of gold or silver, based on the metals’ market rate on the date of redemption.

All the gold and silver purchased would be pooled into a depository account and held at the Texas Bullion Depository (TBD), a state-run agency already in existence where the public can store precious metals in a secure facility vault. It’s located on a 10-acre campus in Leander, just north of the capital city of Austin.


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0a014c No.54854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863279 (172256ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Lawmakers Consider Creating Gold-Based Digital Currency for Use by Anyone Anywhere

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In today’s society, gold is not always easy to trade for cash.

But Lone Star Tangible Assets, the operator of the TBD, has relationships with well-known commercial bullion banks and investment banks that are capable of providing liquidity for gold owners, according to the company’s website.

TBD offers liquidity on the scale of COMEX, the Commodity Exchange Inc., a major platform for metals trading, according to its website.

The legislation would allow the state to charge transaction fees, similar to those charged by credit card companies and banks. Any profit from those fees would go into the Texas general fund.

Why It’s Legal

The U.S. Congress has the power to coin money and regulate its value. But states also can make their own gold and silver coins, as authorized by Section 10, Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

The Texas bill’s sponsor, Republican Sen. Bryan Hughes, said that inflation, bank failures, and the specter of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) are financial issues that worry Texans.

“We know that the dollar, of course, lost more value last year—in 2022—than any year since 1980,” Hughes said during a hearing on the bill.

The proposed plan for digital currency in Texas based on gold and silver is “a hedge against inflation, a signal to the Feds that their digital dollar will not control us, and another way to pay at a very basic level,” Hughes said.

Kevin Freeman, an investment expert for 40 years who spoke during an April hearing on the bill, said Texas could dominate the digital currency market, if it becomes the first state to create a workable plan.

Freeman, the host of the Economic War Room podcast, told The Epoch Times that the Texas plan would operate in a way similar to Glint Pay, a London-based payment platform.

Glint Pay purchases gold and holds it in Switzerland for users. The gold owned by each user is tied to a debit card.

When the debit card is used to make a purchase, Glint converts the money, based on the current value of the gold in the user’s account, into the merchant’s local currency and deducts the total from the user’s account balance.

As the value of the held gold fluctuates, so does the value of each user’s account.

Tax and Privacy Implications

The downside to Glint Pay is that people must report and pay taxes on capital gains on gold transactions because those associated with the program are considered private sales of gold, Freeman said.

The Texas bill would allow the state to make its digital currency and coins legal tender, eliminating the need to pay capital gains taxes, he said.

Other states have made silver coins as legal tender, but the coins didn’t function as money that could be used in transactions.

“This is the first bill in modern times that addresses all of the issues and problems,” Freeman said.



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0a014c No.54855

File: f1a0f851a3f996d⋯.png (357.62 KB,490x567,70:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 6565bf09084c658⋯.png (109.85 KB,911x470,911:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863284 (172257ZMAY23) Notable: Charles Schwab to raise $2.5 bln in long-term debt (because we are not in trouble at all../s)

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Charles Schwab to raise $2.5 bln in long-term debt (because we are not in trouble at all../s)

Charles Schwab Corp is looking to raise $2.5 billion in long-term debt, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter. The financial services firm will issue $1.2 billion in debt due in 2029 and $1.3 billion due in 2034, the report added. The company declined to comment on the matter. Charles Schwab said it intends to use the net proceeds for "general corporate purposes", and did not disclose the pricing for the offering in its filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Shares of the company, which have lost about 38% of their value so far this year, fell 1.5% in extended trading.

BofA Securities, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, J.P. Morgan and Wells Fargo Securities are the joint book-running managers for the offering.



Seriously...you need $2.5B for "general Corporate Purposes"...kek!! hilarity..I could see a coupla hundred million as an excuse they own TD Ameritrade (bought in 2020) and were on the list of one of the next ones to need a yuge bailout-if they don't get the debt sold they can always go raid the brokerage side of the business...go ask John Corzine all about that (MF Global)

Schwab got upgraded on Monday too

Raymond James upgrades Schwab to outperform from perform


>>54834 pb Taxpayers Fleeced Again? Big Banks Push New FDIC Re-Funding 'Trick'

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0a014c No.54856

File: 6fc60bb9d98c660⋯.png (473.53 KB,946x1280,473:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863285 (172257ZMAY23) Notable: Wind energy companies want to kill thousands of eagles without legal consequence.

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Death cult

'Criminal cases brought by U.S. wildlife officials for killing or harming protected bald and golden eagles dropped sharply in recent years, even as officials ramped up issuing permits that will allow wind energy companies to kill thousands of eagles without legal consequence.'



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0a014c No.54857

File: 50ac61d10d43969⋯.png (400.02 KB,1024x540,256:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863290 (172259ZMAY23) Notable: Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Considers Removing Serial Liar Adam Schiff from Congress After Durham Report Released

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy considered removing Russia hoaxer and serial liar Adam Schiff (D-CA) from Congress as well as pursuing possible criminal charges following the release of the Durham Report.

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report concluding the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016.

“Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” Durham wrote in a 300-plus page report sent to Congress, adding their investigation of Trump’s campaign was based on “raw,


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0a014c No.54858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863315 (172307ZMAY23) Notable: Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Schiff will step down Friday.

He has been told to do so or be voted out, and he has been shown the proof of his crimes against children.

His handlers, namely Pelosi and Pooh, have instructed him to fight it.

— Little Bird Anon

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0a014c No.54859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863316 (172307ZMAY23) Notable: The House voted to send resolution on Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to the Ethics Committee by a 221-204 vote with 7 Democrats voting present.

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U.S. House of Representatives

House Session, Part 2

The House voted to send resolution on Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to the Ethics Committee by a 221-204 vote with 7 Democrats voting present.


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0a014c No.54860

File: 3da01183031d2bf⋯.jpg (57.32 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66088b66789d82e⋯.png (405.75 KB,561x855,187:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863392 (172324ZMAY23) Notable: On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia we call for an end to harmful conversion therapy practices

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Secretary Antony Blinken


On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia we call for an end to harmful conversion therapy practices, including those that attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics. #IDAHOBIT

4:10 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54861

File: eb0ac9986b5e771⋯.png (266.47 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863415 (172330ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report

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FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report

Remember the Clinton Foundation? Which, took millions in foreign donations when everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 US election, only to see donations plummet by 90% after she lost?

Now we learn, thanks to the Durham report, that the FBI had three concurrent investigations into the Clinton Foundation, which were shut down during the 2016 election year by top brass.

As attorney and political commentator Techno Fog notes at The Reactionary (emphasis ours);

Durham’s scope included the FBI investigations “directed” at the Hillary Clinton campaign. It seems the purpose of that review was to assess and compare the favorable treatment received by Clinton to the targeting of Trump.


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0a014c No.54862

File: 588fabd29d4b32e⋯.png (290.33 KB,610x524,305:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863418 (172331ZMAY23) Notable: @RonPaul New Study: 4.5 Million Died In Post-9/11 Wars

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Ron Paul


New Study: 4.5 Million Died In Post-9/11 Wars

Watch today's Liberty Report here:


7:00 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54863

File: 7d870abf871a9a7⋯.png (263.2 KB,834x463,834:463,Clipboard.png)

File: da4a44667d223fa⋯.png (237.39 KB,485x325,97:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f31016b533ce9c⋯.png (197.86 KB,733x418,733:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863500 (172345ZMAY23) Notable: PF: Brazil AF BRS01 A319Lulaheading to G7 meeting after a refuel/stop in Mexico City-departed Brasilia earlier

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PF: Brazil AF BRS01 A319Lulaheading to G7 meeting after a refuel/stop in Mexico City-departed Brasilia earlier

Mexi AF 737 FAM3527 at Brasilia and that left for Rio about 4 hours ago-it arrived from Mex City yesterday'-cap#3 at Rio

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0a014c No.54864

File: 5caf92d7fe9c322⋯.png (397.34 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863516 (172351ZMAY23) Notable: Wright-Patterson AFB to host 76th ISR Squadron

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Wright-Patterson AFB to host 76th ISR Squadron

May 17, 2023

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is expected to host the 76th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron after an environmental impact analysis, scheduled for completion in summer 2023.

The 76 ISRS will improve and integrate intelligence capabilities that will enable comprehensive military advantage in space.

76th ISRS primary tasks include:

Executing ISR data exploitation mission across all orbital regimes and terrestrial environments, fusing multi-intelligence data from all fielded sensors in the current and future space surveillance network to identify adversary capability, predict and define intent, and deliver enhanced threat warning to the Department of Defense, inter-agency, and civil allies and partners operating in space

Coordinating with designated Space command and control nodes, orbital analysis elements, and other space operations Deltas to provide on-orbit operations with threat warning

The squadron will bring almost 90 additional personnel to Wright-Patterson AFB and is expected to reach full operational capability in 2025.

The Department of the Air Force decision to host the 76th ISR Squadron at Wright-Patterson AFB came after conducting a site survey, which assessed the location’s ability to facilitate the mission and infrastructure capacity while accounting for community support, environmental factors and cost.


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0a014c No.54865

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863543 (180000ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report

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The Plot Against the President- FULL




Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Nice to see the #DurhamReport catch up to the hit movie I was in in 2020!

Don’t have time to read 300 pgs? Get it ALL in a 90 min ENTERTAINING movie that will have you both on the edge of your seat & mad as ****

The Plot Against the President


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0a014c No.54866

File: 7455727c0025870⋯.jpeg (36.48 KB,810x450,9:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863547 (180001ZMAY23) Notable: FRANCE ISSUES DIGITAL CLERGY ID TO FIGHT ABUSER PRIESTS

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Victims mock new plan as Catholic bishops' 'top three most stupid ideas'

PARIS (ChurchMilitant.com) - Clerics in France are being issued electronic identity cards that can be scanned to check if the priest has been charged with sexual abuse or stripped of his clerical status.

Bishops, priests and deacons will be required to produce the wallet-sized plastic swipe cards on public demand to ascertain they are not potential sex abusers, a move that clerical sex abuse victims have derided as a public relations stunt.

A QR code embedded in the card will use a traffic light system to indicate the cleric's eligibility to celebrate the sacraments: green if the priest has no restrictions, orange if the cleric is barred from being with children and red if the cleric is banned from ministry.

Bishop Alexandre Joly, spokesperson for the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) told a press conference on Wednesday that the ID card would modernize the celebret — an ecclesiastically authorized document certifying that the holder is a validly ordained priest.

The celebret traces its origin to the Council of Trent (1545–1563), which ruled that "no foreign cleric may, without a commendatory letter from his own Ordinary, be admitted by a bishop to celebrate the Divine Mysteries."

By 1917, the celebret had become institutionalized as the priest's identity card and was used at the time to fight clerical sex abuse, particularly abuse perpetrated by priests in the confessional.


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0a014c No.54867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863591 (180017ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications

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FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications


The FBI conducted thousands of queries on digital data collected on U.S. citizens in 2021 and 2022 despite having no warrant and no justification under the FBI’s own rules, according to an internal report released on May 10.

The audit, conducted by the FBI Office of Internal Auditing (OIA), was intended to examine the agency’s compliance with rules for querying data the government routinely collects on U.S. citizens under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA).

FISA allows the government to collect electronic data, including phone calls, text messages, and emails of foreigners overseas, even if the communications involve a U.S. citizen. U.S. agencies can then search that data in connection with national security investigations.

Under rules approved by the FISA court, any search of that data involving a U.S. citizen must meet three criteria.

It must be for the purpose of retrieving foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime, reasonably designed to avoid unnecessarily retrieving information not related to the purpose, and justified by a specific factual basis indicating that it’s likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime.

Probably a few anons getting the search?

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0a014c No.54868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863635 (180029ZMAY23) Notable: $8.8 Billion Updated Expansion Plan for Washington DC’s Union Station Unveiled

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$8.8 Billion Updated Expansion Plan for Washington DC’s Union Station Unveiled

The Federal Railroad Administration has just released a revised version of a proposal for expanding and modernizing Washington D.C.’s Union Station, the nation’s second-busiest rail hub.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) this week released a revised concept for the redevelopment of Washington D.C.’s historic Union Station, which was first completed more than a century ago, in 1908. The proposed multi-billion-dollar expansion of the U.S. capital city’s historic multi-modal transit hub would represent its first major infrastructure improvement project since the 1990s.

As the lead federal agency on the project, the FRA released a nearly 300-page Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) late Friday, revealing the impact of the newly updated Preferred Alternative (Alternative F), and moving the requisite federal environmental studies and review processes closer to completion.

If approved, the Washington Union Station Expansion Project (WUSEP) would represent a massive undertaking that wouldn’t reach completion for close to two decades. Construction costs alone are estimated to come in at around $8.8 billion, and that’s not even including the assessment, approval and design phases, which alone are anticipated to take several years.

Ultimately, the proposed modernization project would see what is currently the country’s second-busiest intercity rail hub extensively transformed by the year 2040. Infrastructural enhancements would involve the addition of 30-foot-wide passenger platforms, a new train hall, updated concourses lined with retail outlets and eateries, and an integrated bus terminal, among other improvements. However, the station’s 115-year-old main hall, which was designated a historic landmark in 1964, would be preserved in its entirety.


>$8.8b is a funny-looking number...

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0a014c No.54869

File: f87a69a68969f5f⋯.png (440.56 KB,816x816,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863763 (180054ZMAY23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr Duel Wielding (you)'s

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 Retweeted

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


2:07 PM· May 17, 2023



Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


2:07 PM· May 17, 2023



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0a014c No.54870

File: 24a9cb11e0d0d41⋯.png (29.57 KB,998x243,998:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863767 (180055ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report

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Durham report: FBI defenders misrepresent

2019 watchdog findings in attempt to discredit

special counsel

Washington Examiner, by Sarah Westwood

Posted By: Imright, 5/17/2023 7:56:06 PM

Democrats and commentators reacted dismissively to the conclusion this week of a long-awaited investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion inquiry, with some critics of special counsel John Durham citing a 2019 inquiry to claim the matter had already been settled. The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, did indeed examine FBI conduct in the Russia investigation during the Trump administration. Horowitz’s findings were highly critical of the FBI and came with a list of recommendations for sweeping changes to the bureau, many of which its leaders adopted.

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0a014c No.54871

File: ebfa14d386de6a3⋯.png (714.41 KB,1173x835,1173:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863774 (180057ZMAY23) Notable: Dan Scavino Jr Duel Wielding (you)'s

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Duel Wielding (you)'s

Double (you)



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0a014c No.54872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863795 (180101ZMAY23) Notable: #23155

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notables are not endorsements

#23155 >>54837

>>54838 Pelosi: 'An Attack On The Whistleblower Is An Attack On The Integrity Of Our System' - 3 years ago

>>54861, >>54865, >>54870 FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations: Durham Report

>>54839, >>54846, >>54857, >>54852, >>54858 Hey Pencil Neck. You're fired!

>>54840 Elon consulting his neuralink @2:33 in the interview, KEK

>>54841 If you make comic books, books, radio, movies and TV shows about yourself, you might be federal reserve gangsters

>>54843, >>54842 PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

>>54844 Federal prosecutet for Mass Rachel Rollins braced

>>54845 America's largest children's hospital is still mutilating including puberty blockers for young as 11 despite publicly stating they would stop

>>54849 Ballots Stolen In Philadelphia On Election Day

>>54847, >>54848, >>54850 The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller and Durham – Why They Matter and What Can Be Done

>>54851 Nunes reacts to release of Durham report

>>54853, >>54854 Texas Lawmakers Consider Creating Gold-Based Digital Currency for Use by Anyone Anywhere

>>54855 Charles Schwab to raise $2.5 bln in long-term debt (because we are not in trouble at all../s)

>>54856 Wind energy companies want to kill thousands of eagles without legal consequence.

>>54859 The House voted to send resolution on Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to the Ethics Committee by a 221-204 vote with 7 Democrats voting present.

>>54860 On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia we call for an end to harmful conversion therapy practices

>>54862 @RonPaul New Study: 4.5 Million Died In Post-9/11 Wars

>>54863 PF: Brazil AF BRS01 A319Lulaheading to G7 meeting after a refuel/stop in Mexico City-departed Brasilia earlier

>>54864 Wright-Patterson AFB to host 76th ISR Squadron


>>54867 FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications

>>54868 $8.8 Billion Updated Expansion Plan for Washington DC’s Union Station Unveiled

>>54869, >>54871 Dan Scavino Jr Duel Wielding (you)'s


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0a014c No.54873

File: f77e03acc260e8c⋯.png (1.2 MB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863828 (180106ZMAY23) Notable: #23156

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>baker seeks handoff

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0a014c No.54874

File: c50d99ed3144af1⋯.jpeg (76.52 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863848 (180110ZMAY23) Notable: El Salvador President goes to war against terrorist gangs while Biden Admin and his media condemns him for it

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17 May, 2023 18:59

President blasts ‘human rights’ NGOs after police death

El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele vowed to wipe out gangs no matter what the “international community” says

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador on Wednesday condemned Western nonprofits voicing concerns over his government’s crackdown on criminal gangs, after a police officer was killed in an ambush.

Let all the ‘human rights’ NGOs know that we are going to wipe out these bloody murderers and their collaborators. We will put them in prison and they will never get out,” Bukele saidon Twitter.

“We don't care about your sorrow-filled reports, your paid journalists, your puppet politicians, or your famous ‘international community’ that never cared about our people,” the president added. “We will heal our country and eliminate this plague completely. Take your failed prescriptions elsewhere.”

His comments came in the wake of an ambush on Tuesday in which one member of the National Police was killed by members of a criminal gang in Nueva Concepcion, a town in the northern province of Chalatenango.

Furious after the death of “one of our heroes,”Bukele called out the “human rights” crowd for saying nothing, because they only care about the rights of criminals.

“This cowardly murder will not go unpunished. We will make them pay dearly for what they did,” he tweeted, vowing to continue the state of emergency until the plague of gangs is“completely eliminated.”

Just last week, Bukele had celebrated a full 365 days with zero homicides in El Salvador, a nation of 6.5 million on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The streak was not contiguous, but cumulative over the four years of his presidency – but was nonetheless considered a massive achievement, considering that in the 15 years before he took office in 2019, there had only been two murder-free days in the Central American country.

Due to the gang violence, as late as 2016 El Salvador was considered the world’s most violent country not actually at war.Bukele declared a state of emergency in March 2022, launching a war on “terrorist” criminal gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18.His government has jailed over 65,000 suspected gang members, most of whom are awaiting trial. Bukele also commissioned a maximum security mega-prison that can hold up to 40,000, with the intent of removing the most violent gang members from society for life.

Western governments and NGOs have criticized the crackdown as violating the human rights of suspected criminals and turning El Salvador into a “police state.”

(Good for him, someone had to say it)


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0a014c No.54875

File: b1c9248c7c29ce4⋯.png (238.54 KB,424x620,106:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863858 (180112ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Ana Mihalcea discusses her latest findings in hydrogel's role in synthetic biology

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Uncensored AIRING NOW:

Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins us to discuss her latest findings in hydrogel's role in synthetic biology, warning of a human extinction level event unfolding before our very eyes. Dr. David Nixon also joins on today's show to discuss his findings in detail regarding nanotechnology in dental anesthetics.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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0a014c No.54876

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863868 (180115ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Everyone needs to understand this is the will of our base"

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Excellent video about Joe Bidan and their reverse attack on Trump

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Everyone needs to understand this is the will of our base"


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0a014c No.54877

File: 40b8109cb296884⋯.png (18.52 KB,551x223,551:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863883 (180117ZMAY23) Notable: Biden Tweets

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Lord have mercy.

President Biden


Today – on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia – I stand with LBGTQI+ people around the world.

Everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity – no matter whom they love, or how they identify.

9:15 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54878

File: f80a4f3687ffd6d⋯.png (14.41 KB,551x203,19:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863905 (180120ZMAY23) Notable: Biden Tweets

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President Biden


Defaulting on America’s debt could send us into recession and cost millions of jobs.

I won’t let it happen.

5:15 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54879

File: 965011089779cfa⋯.png (260.57 KB,849x910,849:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863939 (180124ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications

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FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications

The FBI conducted thousands of queries on digital data collected on U.S. citizens in 2021 and 2022 despite having no warrant and no justification under the FBI’s own rules, according to an internal report released on May 10.

The audit, conducted by the FBI Office of Internal Auditing (OIA), was intended to examine the agency’s compliance with rules for querying data the government routinely collects on U.S. citizens under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA).

FISA allows the government to collect electronic data, including phone calls, text messages, and emails of foreigners overseas, even if the communications involve a U.S. citizen. U.S. agencies can then search that data in connection with national security investigations.

Under rules approved by the FISA court, any search of that data involving a U.S. citizen must meet three criteria.

It must be for the purpose of retrieving foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime, reasonably designed to avoid unnecessarily retrieving information not related to the purpose, and justified by a specific factual basis indicating that it’s likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime.


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0a014c No.54880

File: c8e0ab58131e424⋯.png (228 KB,421x528,421:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863946 (180125ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Ana Mihalcea discusses her latest findings in hydrogel's role in synthetic biology

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The CDC halts Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines in the U.S. orders all remaining doses to be destroyed.


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0a014c No.54881

File: d71c2de2a310083⋯.png (162.89 KB,811x751,811:751,Clipboard.png)

File: e02ba8c35b77692⋯.png (211.89 KB,793x901,793:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b3ea41b84837c6⋯.png (85.16 KB,817x410,817:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863955 (180127ZMAY23) Notable: Top State Judge Handling Climate Lawsuit Worked With Environmental Group Tied To Plaintiffs’ Lawyers

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Top State Judge Handling Climate Lawsuit Worked With Environmental Group Tied To Plaintiffs’ Lawyers

The Chief Justice of Hawaii’s Supreme Court, who is hearing Honolulu’s lawsuit against oil and gas companies for climate damages, has worked with a D.C-based environmental group that has close ties to the plaintiff’s attorneys.

Honolulu’s lawsuit against Sunoco, Shell, Chevron and other companies is one of many lawsuits cities have filed against energy companies in an effort to extract alleged damages for the firms’ contributions to climate change; the Supreme Court declined to hear these lawsuits in April, pushing them back to state courts—meaning Honolulu’s case is now squarely before Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald. However, on May 9, Recktenwald disclosed that he engages in “educational presentations relating to environmental, energy, and natural resource issues” and has worked with the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), a group which routinely collaborates with environmental activists.

ELI co-founded the Climate Judiciary Project, which developed a climate science and law curriculum for judges handling environment litigation, and has worked closely with individuals who have consulted for or been employed by the environmental activist legal firm representing Honolulu in its lawsuit, Sher Edling LLP.

“Judges are supposed to not only be impartial, but to maintain the appearance of impartiality so that the public can have faith in their rulings,” Rob Schilling, Executive Director of Energy Policy Advocates, a nonprofit that works for transparency in energy policy, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It appears that the judge may have attended (or even presented at!) seminars organized for those on one side of this type of case. Those on the other side were not permitted to present their view, and the seminar took place outside of the courtroom and outside the protections provided by the rules of evidence.”

Recktenwald presented a remote course, “Rising Seas and Litigation: What Judges Need to Know About Warming-Driven Sea Level Rise,” in collaboration with the Environmental Law Institute on April 4, according to his disclosure. Recktenwald also presented at a December 2022 ELI webinar on “Hurricanes in a Changing Climate and Related Litigation and a 2020 symposium on “Judiciary And The Environmental Rule of Law: Adjudicating Our Future,” which was also in collaboration with ELI but was omitted from his May 9 disclosure.

Moreover, those connected to ELI and the CJP curriculum’s development have direct links to Sher Edling.

Ann Carlson, President Joe Biden’s nominee for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) administrator who served on the board of directors for the Environmental Law Institute from 2016 to 2020, previously consulted for Sher Edling and solicited donations on behalf of the firm, according to Fox News.

Carlson, who is a professor at UCLA Law School’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Center, which previously hosted events supporting the cause of climate lawsuits, was also an advisor for ELI’s curriculum instructing judges on how to examine climate-based cases.

She also used money from funds she had access to at UCLA, titled the “Ann Carlson Discretionary Fund,” to help fund a 2019 trip that allowed her to “encourage Hawaii to consider a nuisance lawsuit,” according to emails obtained by Climate Litigation Watch. Honolulu filed its lawsuit in March 2020.


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0a014c No.54882

File: 1ed05902760126e⋯.png (314.39 KB,815x804,815:804,Clipboard.png)

File: 56da91705687d5d⋯.png (309.76 KB,644x908,161:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863963 (180128ZMAY23) Notable: Ari Fleischer: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign was the dirtiest in history - she fabricated information about Trump and collusion

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John Ratcliffe Retweeted

Ari Fleischer·12h

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign was the dirtiest in history. She fabricated information about Trump and collusion, then duped the FBI into investigating it. Comey and McCabe were happy to oblige and the MSM fell for it.

THIS is how a democracy dies.

8:22 AM · May 17, 2023·136.9K Views


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0a014c No.54883

File: 985f4dd4b080cd9⋯.png (551.69 KB,966x941,966:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863981 (180131ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa County Whistleblower Reveals Problems Found on Ballots During Curing

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Maricopa County Whistleblower Reveals Problems Found on Ballots During Curing:

'How Did This Happen?'

May 17, 2023 at 6:10pm

A whistleblower testified Wednesday at Arizona Republican Kari Lake’s election challenge trial about problematic practices Maricopa County officials employed during the mail-in ballot voter verification process.

By the official tally, Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs prevailed in the contest by approximately 17,000 votes, or 0.7 percent of the more than 2.5 million ballots cast statewide, but Lake is questioning the legitimacy of tens of thousands of those ballots.

The process in the county is that ballots rejected by Level 1 reviewers go to Level 2 reviewers, who either decide the signatures match and send the ballots through for counting or determine the signatures do not match and seek to contact the voter to confirm identity. This is called curing.

The whistleblower testified that the county turned down reviewers’ offer to cure ballots identified as having mismatched signatures in the days after the election.

“We didn’t understand why we were leaving early when there was ballots left in the bins. And we had asked the manager, ‘Are you sure that you wanted us to go home? Would you like us to, you know, keep trying to call these voters to get these ballots cured?’ And they said, ‘no,’” the whistleblower testified. ...


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0a014c No.54884

File: 1a23da73d491a73⋯.png (77.17 KB,527x397,527:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863982 (180131ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’

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‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has drawn angry reactions for commenting that children “belong to all of us” at an award ceremony held by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Jean-Pierre made the comments during an interview with Jezebel magazine at the 2023 GLAAD awards, weeks after President Joe Biden said there’s, “[n]o such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.” She was advocating for children to have increased access to sex change operations, procedures which are banned or restricted in many countries.

The activist organization Catholic Vote accused the Biden Administration of “working to destroy the role of parents at every turn,”

In a comment provided to the Daily Caller, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Board Chairman of the medical group Do No Harm said that children can’t “make informed judgements” about these sorts of treatments.

“Miss Jean-Pierre is correct that the state plays an important role regarding children,” Dr. Goldfarb said. “That role is to protect children from child abuse and from their own inability to make good judgments. That is why children cannot drive, cannot smoke, and cannot vote.”

“The idea that children can make informed judgments about altering their body and their reproductive future suggests that adults, particularly those in healthcare, who support so-called gender, affirming care, are betraying these children.”

Pro-life advocacy group Protect Women Ohio commented that, “No parent wants to hear the government tell them their kids are not theirs.”

“Democrats, from the president to the local level, are fighting to prevent parents from being able to protect their own children,” another pro-life group, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, tweeted.

“Biden Admin Says Your Kids Belong to the Them. Guess what? NO THEY DON’T. We the Parents won’t let Big Government and their schools along with the ACLU & URGE remove our rights/responsibilities as parents so they can destroy our kids and our future,” the conservative group Eagle Forum said.


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0a014c No.54885

File: 672545798971885⋯.png (146.82 KB,587x466,587:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18863990 (180136ZMAY23) Notable: Sidney Powell: Covid-CCP Truths Leak Out

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

May 17, 2023

Covid-CCP Truths Leak Out

Dear Patriots,

There are numerous side stories going on in the world about the reaction to Covid-CCP and related issues.

Here are updates on a few of these issues.

As so often happens in these tumultuous times, there is Breaking News by the hour. It is our policy to give such events a day or so to settle out before commenting.

1- We have a right to know this information in a timely fashion. They have an obligation to produce it.

The Epoch Times

Judge Orders FDA to Speed Up Release of COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data From 23.5 Years to Just 2

2- At least once a week we see a political leader denying the edicts they forced on us during the Covid-CCP siege. We need to always remember what they did to the world with their completely wrong policies. These policies were clearly ill-advised, proven to be so by the backpeddling we are witnessing from everyone involved.

The Epoch Times

Top Officials Who Pushed Aggressive COVID-19 Policies Now Try to Rewrite History

3- For all the injury from the injections, it seems they did little to no good in protecting anyone from Covid-CCP deaths.

The Epoch Times

Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines Had No Effect on Overall Mortality: Trial Data Reanalysis

4- More countries are now quietly compensating their citizens who have been injured by forced injections.

Daily Mail Online

The $1billion battle for Covid jab justice: How 90 British families left bereaved or disabled after getting AstraZeneca’s vaccine are fighting for compensation to avoid financial ruin… and they insist they are NOT anti-vax

5- Here is an article full of studies that show the lowly aspirin may have been a life saver during Covid-CCP. It was maligned and ignored by “the experts” along with other tested, easily accessible and inexpensive treatments.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Could Aspirin Have Cut COVID Deaths in Half?

6- Ending on a positive note, it took two years for three teachers to be made whole after being fired for refusing the injection based on religious exemption.

East Bay RI

Fired Barrington teachers settle with School Committee, offered their jobs back



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0a014c No.54886

File: 45f1efcacfb85d8⋯.png (427.01 KB,615x621,205:207,Clipboard.png)

File: e612f6cb0011218⋯.png (277.8 KB,362x354,181:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864009 (180143ZMAY23) Notable: Karli Bonnita

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Ed Henry


Wait what did i miss

Quote Tweet

Grace Chong 🇺🇸




“@edhenry wants this hair.” -Steve Bannon



1:08 PM · May 17, 2023




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0a014c No.54887

File: 308393da41dbc62⋯.png (300.84 KB,583x678,583:678,Clipboard.png)

File: b1eb01a74849f4b⋯.png (58.55 KB,1057x421,1057:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864010 (180144ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. MTG Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

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Rep. MTG Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

On Wednesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

“Our Southern border is being invaded, overrun & ignored. 1000s of illegal aliens, tons of drugs & even terrorists cross our border every day. Secretary Mayorkas is responsible,” Greene tweeted.

“Today, I’m introducing articles of impeachment to remove him from office.”

According to the resolution, “Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas has failed to maintain operational control of the border, thereby violating the Secure Fence Act of 2006.”

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109–367) requires that the Secretary of Homeland Security ‘‘maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States’’.

“Secretary Mayorkas has aided and abetted the complete invasion of our country by deliberately flooding our nation with drugs, terrorists, and illegal aliens,” Greene said in a press release.

“He stated under oath that we have operational control of our borders, while also under oath, he stated that no one has ever achieved operational control of the border. He lied to the American people, he lied under oath, and he has blatantly violated his oath of office,” she added.

More from the press release:

Under Mayorkas’s watch, he has allowed approximately 6 million illegal border encounters, a record amount of fentanyl seized at the border, totaling approximately 40,000 pounds, more than 193 people on terrorist watchlists caught while attempting to cross the border at ports of entry, approximately 1.4 million known “gotaways” who have evaded U.S. authorities, approximately 1,424 deaths of illegals at the Southern border (853 dead illegals – the most ever in a 12-month period—died trying to cross the Southern border in 2022), and an approximate 870% increase in border encounters in just one sector of the Northern border.

During his reign, the annual number of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) referred to HHS custody after crossing illegally has more than tripled over the past two years. There have been more than 348,812 unaccompanied illegal children encountered at the Southern border, with at least 85,000 of these children being missing, and his policies have forced tens of thousands of illegal children into slave labor.

Secretary Mayorkas has repeatedly pulled over 50% of border agents from guarding the border wall and moved them to processing, caring for, and transferring illegals, leaving huge gaps for cartels and smugglers to exploit.

The Secretary provided copious amounts of baby formula to illegal aliens at one of the largest processing centers in the country, all while American mothers and infants were intensely suffering from severe shortages. He flooded a hospital’s maternity unit with illegal aliens, so much so, that American mothers were forced to delay inductions.


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0a014c No.54888

File: 47f25bf398607cf⋯.png (32.3 KB,657x260,657:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864013 (180144ZMAY23) Notable: Laxalt / DeSantis

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mr sixteen to one @OregonMapGuy

I think Laxalt and DeSantis were MORE than just roomates

8:29 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54889

File: a115361bc6594e0⋯.png (341.05 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864018 (180145ZMAY23) Notable: Codex Sassoon, oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible, purchased for $38.1 million

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Codex Sassoon, oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible, purchased for $38.1 million

Rare, 1,100-year-old manuscript to be displayed at ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv afterformer US envoy to Romania submits winning bid

A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible that is one of the world’s oldest surviving biblical manuscripts sold for $38 million in New York on Wednesday, becoming among the most expensive books ever bought.

The Codex Sassoon, a leather-bound, handwritten parchment volume containing a nearly complete Hebrew Bible, was purchased by former US Ambassador to Romania Alfred H. Moses on behalf of the American Friends of ANU and donated to ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, where it will join the collection, the Sotheby’s auction house said in statement.

The manuscript is the world’s oldest nearly complete copy of the Hebrew Bible. It was handwritten roughly 1,100 years ago on 792 pages of sheepskin, includes all 24 books of the Bible and is missing only about eight pages. Its writing and layout recall those of Torah scrolls read in synagogue.

The seller, Swiss financier and collector Jacqui Safra, had owned the volume since 1989. Speculation about where the book would end up led to anxiety that it might be sold to a private collector rather than a public institution that could put it on display.

Those doubts were put to rest when the museum, formerly the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, said the book would be part of its core exhibition.

“The Hebrew Bible is the most influential book in history and constitutes the bedrock of Western civilization. I rejoice in knowing it belongs to the Jewish people,” Moses said in a statement. “It was my mission, realizing the historic significance of Codex Sassoon, to see that it resides in a place with global access to all people.”

ust a handful of buyers competed for the book — in person at Sotheby’s in New York and by phone — and the auction took less than six minutes. Ahead of the auction, Sotheby’s estimated that the item would sell for anywhere from $30 million to $50 million. The “gavel price” was $33.5 million, but with fees and premiums, the final price tag reached $38.1 million.

Since no book or historical document quite like it has been sold at auction for decades, the Codex Sassoon has earned comparisons to other foundational texts of civilization that have also commanded tens of millions of dollars. A copy of the first printing of the US Constitution’s final text sold for $43.2 million in 2021. The Codex Leicester, a journal with writings by Leonardo Da Vinci, fetched $30.8 million in 1994, or around $60 million in today’s dollars. And a copy of the Magna Carta sold for $21.1 million in 2007.

Sotheby’s Judaica specialist Sharon Liberman Mintz said the $38 million price tag “reflects the profound power, influence, and significance of the Hebrew Bible, which is an indispensable pillar of humanity.”

Mintz said she was “absolutely delighted by today’s monumental result and that Codex Sassoon will shortly be making its grand and permanent return to Israel, on display for the world to see.”


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0a014c No.54890

File: 9b62aa7d4035fcc⋯.png (13.49 KB,555x171,185:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864022 (180145ZMAY23) Notable: Karli Bonnita

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0a014c No.54891

File: 39503ca024b7bc7⋯.png (30.41 KB,750x248,375:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 670b22e5864ba6d⋯.png (47.55 KB,471x301,471:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864028 (180147ZMAY23) Notable: Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

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0a014c No.54892

File: 14a065eeef9746c⋯.png (405.24 KB,1028x540,257:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 50424c2b646b288⋯.png (409.92 KB,588x373,588:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864037 (180149ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports

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PF: German AF GAF906 A350 departed Berlin heading for G7 summit in HiroshimaPM Scholzalong with GAF607 Global Explorer who is at Doha, Qatar for a refueling stop-this is the support AC for PM Scholz' trip

>German AF loves it's Porsche model #s for VIP call signs-many examples

German Chancellor to Partcipate in G7 Summit in Japan

>Following the G7 summit, the German Chancellor will visit South Korea on May 21


NORSE61 NATO E-3B Sentry AWACS will be getting a tank of gas from HOBO19 KC-135 tanker over eastern Poland and RAF RRR6685 C-17 left Rzsesow Airport and went back to RAF Brize Norton after about 2h on the ground

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0a014c No.54893

File: fa16ad6b54ce46f⋯.png (63.15 KB,543x320,543:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 170a28bf00c0769⋯.png (216.31 KB,543x439,543:439,Clipboard.png)

File: c64f3997413acb6⋯.png (3.99 KB,350x50,7:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864060 (180153ZMAY23) Notable: 'shock'

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BOLO for "The truth" in tweets and ts's

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0a014c No.54894

File: ad925ff4be0110e⋯.png (269.59 KB,592x563,592:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864063 (180153ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa’s log file data shows 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

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Sidney Powell



Kari’s attorney Kurt Olsen: “Maricopa’s log file data shows that 11 of these signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of between 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating. That’s not signature review, Your Honor.”

credit: https://t.me/s/WeTheMedia

May 17, 2023, 10:30 AM



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0a014c No.54895

File: cfc3c7dc3c358ec⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864073 (180155ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa’s log file data shows 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

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Kurt Olsen — the attorney representing Arizona Republican Kari Lake in her challenge of Democrat Katie Hobbs’ victory in November’s governor’s race — said in court Wednesday that a review of data from Maricopa County showed at least 334,000 mail-in ballots were in effect not verified.

By the official tally, Hobbs prevailed in the contest by approximately 17,000 votes, or 0.7 percent of the more than 2.5 million ballots cast statewide, but Lake is questioning the legitimacy of tens of thousands of those ballots.

“Maricopa’s own log data shows that over 264,000 ballots were reviewed [for vote signature matches] at a rate less than 3 seconds [and] 70,000 at a rate of less than 2 seconds,” Olsen told Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson.

“In addition, testimony that Level 2 reviewers were so overwhelmed that they simply didn’t look at the signatures that were piling up on their desk. They simply kicked them back for the Level 1 reviewers to take another look at,” the lawyer said.

“That’s not signature review, your honor,” Olsen said.

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0a014c No.54896

File: f4ff94609ba71ab⋯.jpg (25.73 KB,474x322,237:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864078 (180156ZMAY23) Notable: The FBI - The New Praetorians

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The FBI - The New Praetorians

Sam Faddis

May 16, 2023

The Praetorian Guard was an elite unit charged with safeguarding the body of the Roman Emperor and guaranteeing national security. Over time the Praetorians lost their way. They went from guarding the Emperor to deciding who would rule – even in one celebrated case auctioning off the throne to the highest bidder.

In 313 A.D. Emperor Constantine decided the time had come to take decisive action. He dissolved the Praetorian Guard and dispersed its members to the far reaches of the empire. The men whose job it had been to safeguard the empire had become a threat to its continued existence.


Let’s be clear because, after years of lies and distortion, a little clarity is in order.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign cooked up a story about Donald Trump and Russian collusion to divert attention from the heat she was taking for having boatloads of classified material on an unsecured private server. They hired a washed-up British spy to dig up dirt on Trump, and that spy, Christopher Steele, dutifully created his infamous “dossier” filled with rumors, innuendo, and salacious unsubstantiated garbage. Hillary’s campaign then fed that stack of nonsense to the FBI which, instead of rejecting it out of hand, used it to start a massive investigation of Trump and attempt to destroy his campaign.


They were not, and this was not because of FBI incompetence. This was not because the FBI needs to reevaluate its procedures or require new forms to be filled out or send everyone to a refresher course on how to conduct investigations.

This was not a mistake. It was deliberate.

The people at the heart of all this, including senior FBI officials, knew exactly what they were doing and why. They were pulling out all the stops to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President and to install Hillary Clinton on the throne.

Like the Praetorians before them, the FBI agents in this case had decided that they now had the right to decide who would rule. Having sworn oaths to defend the Constitution and serve the American people, these “guardians” of democracy now believed they were justified in subverting it.

People need to go to jail, and this must never be allowed to happen again. At a minimum, the FBI needs massive reform. We may be past that. It may be time for the new Praetorians to go the way of the old.

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0a014c No.54897

File: 83318abc2623fb0⋯.png (23.05 KB,560x268,140:67,Clipboard.png)

File: cf54e4c2d511eb1⋯.png (20.08 KB,560x230,56:23,Clipboard.png)

File: e0ad71274282c91⋯.png (4.83 KB,305x106,305:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864101 (180159ZMAY23) Notable: 'shock'

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And need the word "truth" to complete this one

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0a014c No.54898

File: 3cca14b1d1151c9⋯.png (953.91 KB,783x1125,87:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864123 (180203ZMAY23) Notable: Putin respects only two people in power - Erdogan, and Xi Jinping

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Mike @Doranimated

I believe this | Ex-KGB officer:

Putin respects only two people, one of them is Erdogan.

| Sergei Zhirnov, a former employee of the KGB and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, believes that there are only two leaders for Putin in world politics. One of the few people respected by the President of Russia, he says, is Turkish leader Erdogan.

Putin's respect for Erdogan reached its highest point in November 2015, when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. At the same time, according to Zhirnov, there is not a single person in the West whom the Russian president does not despise.

The ex-KGB officer added that apart from Erdogan,

Putin fears and respects only Xi Jinping.

Putin is more jealous of the leader of China, because the PRC is a large country with a large population.

China “is a country that plays its own game, and it is quite difficult for Putin to play this game,” Zhirnov said.

9:42 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54899

File: 333ac3afe73d687⋯.mp4 (5.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864127 (180204ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa’s log file data shows 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

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🦍📡🇺🇸 “They speak of how they were rejecting tens of thousands of signatures, up to the tune of maybe 130,000 ballots. And then somewhere above them in the chain of command, they were just being sent on through."


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0a014c No.54900

File: 06e49eaaa51de04⋯.png (377.63 KB,771x403,771:403,Clipboard.png)

File: ea669e900515964⋯.png (530.34 KB,637x413,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864144 (180206ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports

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PF: C101 US Coast Guard G5 arrived at Oakland Int'l about 1h ago-this is not a usual destination for this/these ACs

There are three of these that I know of C101, C202 and the most recent addition, last July, C102

The speculation in the past is that these are Navy Ops using the USCG ACs for cover-one of these ACs was used last year to transport a narco arrest from Honduras by the DoJ-so it's not just Navy stuff

They are always out of Reagan National Airport

Sometimes these Coast Guard ACs will shadow a VIP so we'll see if this is just a stop on the way to Asia or not

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0a014c No.54901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864162 (180209ZMAY23) Notable: C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis

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C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.

Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using an inclusive, science-based and collaborative approach to cut their fair share of emissions in half by 2030, help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C, and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. C40 supports mayors to do this by:

Raising climate ambition through 1.5°C climate action plan support, high-impact accelerators and fostering innovation.

Building equitable and thriving communities via global and regional programmes.

Building a global movement through robust international advocacy and diplomacy.

Scaling up climate action and sharing best practices across high-impact sectors.

Facilitating access to finance for investment in green jobs and projects that improve resilience in cities.


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0a014c No.54902

File: 2385a1808b8d0f2⋯.png (520.27 KB,873x878,873:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864163 (180209ZMAY23) Notable: Biggs: In light of Durham Report we should ‘defund and dismantle FBI’

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Biggs: in light of Durham Report we should ‘defund and dismantle FBI’

Representative Andy Biggs tells One America News that the FBI should probably be defunded and dismantled in light of the report by special counsel John Durham. One America’s John Hines has more from Capitol Hill.


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0a014c No.54903

File: a51c9728fcbd8af⋯.png (208.91 KB,948x772,237:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864175 (180210ZMAY23) Notable: Biggs: In light of Durham Report we should ‘defund and dismantle FBI’

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0a014c No.54904

File: 10af9fac5a8edc1⋯.png (183.41 KB,525x747,175:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864186 (180212ZMAY23) Notable: MTG: Major announcement tomorrow @ 9am on #Impeachment Week

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Major announcement TOMORROW

I’m holding a press conference tomorrow at 9AM to make a major announcement on #ImpeachmentWeek.


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0a014c No.54905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864207 (180216ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Hanks says he could star in movies after death using AI

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Tom Hanks says he could star in movies after death using AI

"Anybody can now recreate themselves at any age they are, by way of AI or deep fake technology," Hanks said.

With the help of artificial intelligence, you might see Tom Hanks on the big screen long after he's died.

The two-time Academy Award-winning actor said on an episode of The Adam Buxton Podcast released Sunday that the power of AI will play a significant role in the future of filmmaking.

"This has always been lingering," Hanks said. "The first time we did a movie that had a huge amount of our own data locked in a computer — literally what we looked like — was a movie called The Polar Express," he said of the 2004 film.

"We saw this coming," the Forrest Gump and Cast Away star continued. "We saw that there was going to be this ability in order to take zeros and ones inside a computer and turn it into a face and a character. Now, that has only grown a billionfold since then and we see it everywhere."

Hanks, 66, continued: "I can tell you that there [are] discussions going on in all of the guilds, all of the agencies, and all of the legal firms in order to come up with the legal ramifications of my face and my voice — and everybody else's — being our intellectual property. What is a bona fide possibility right now, if I wanted to, [is] I could get together and pitch a series of seven movies that would star me in them in which I would be 32 years old from now until kingdom come."

"Anybody can now recreate themselves at any age they are, by way of AI or deep fake technology… I could be hit by a bus tomorrow and that's it, but my performances can go on and on and on," he said. "Outside of the understanding that it's been done by AI or deep fake, there'll be nothing to tell you that it's not me and me alone, and it's going to have some degree of lifelike quality."

AI has been used by Holocaust survivors to keep stories alive

While Hanks's claims sound futuristic, Holocaust survivors have set a precedence for the technology he discusses.

Nineteen Israelis have so far used AI to record their memories of the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed, for a project run by the Chasdei Naomi organization which supports the survivors. The AI service generating images will leave an enduring record of their trauma for future generations.


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0a014c No.54906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864222 (180217ZMAY23) Notable: Biden leaves on trip to Asia as debt ceiling deal deadline looms

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Biden leaves on trip to Asia as debt ceiling deal deadline looms

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has repeatedly warned of a June 1 deadline for the government to reach a deal in order to avert a default and Biden's trip has generated criticism from Republicans.

President Joe Biden departed Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to attend a meeting of the G7 in Japan amid an ongoing negotiation between congressional Republicans and the White House over raising the debt ceiling.

Biden had originally intended to visit Papua New Guinea and Australia, but has canceled those portions of the trip to resume negotiations, The Hill reported. Biden's departure follows a Tuesday meeting between him and congressional leaders that failed to produce a deal to resolve the matter.

House Kevin McCarthy, however, sounded an optimistic tone after that gathering and opined that a deal remained possible. Nonetheless, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has repeatedly warned of a June 1 deadline for the government to reach a deal in order to avert a default and Biden's trip has generated criticism from Republicans.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott said Biden "should not leave, and he should worry about the debt limit here at home," per the outlet.

He was joined by West Virginia GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, who had harsher words for Biden.

"Here we are on the brink of a Biden default. And I think we saw the helicopters going across here, and I said I think he’s leaving now to go to Japan. I’m like stop, stop," she said Wednesday.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has defended Biden's trip, contending that the cancellation of its second leg signaled his commitment to the negotiation.

"As we were getting prepared to take off on this trip, he... made the determination that in the balance of his time, he needed to be back in Washington for the closing days before the deadline to ensure the United States does not go over a cliff. The president is confident that we can avoid default, but the reason he’s going back is to make sure that happens. So what he will tell [allies] is he is going home to do what a president does," Sullivan said.

The nation hit its $31.38 trillion spending limit in January, prompting Yellen to implement "extraordinary measures" to keep the government running. Republicans have sought to pair any increase in the debt limit with caps on spending in order to address the mounting national debt whereas Democrats favor a clean increase.


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0a014c No.54907

File: 79b1e1dfa091e5c⋯.png (462.72 KB,902x765,902:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ebd42858264491⋯.png (543.6 KB,1179x784,1179:784,Clipboard.png)

File: 075d2dbf046ac4b⋯.png (1.52 MB,1241x828,1241:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864228 (180219ZMAY23) Notable: Kash Patel: Here you go - Steele who got paid by the FBI to launch the bs russia gate saga, with his prime pumper Schiff… still lying to the world

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Kash Patel



Here you go: Steele who got paid by the FBI to launch the bs russia gate saga, with his prime pumper Schiff… still lying to the world. There was zero justification to launch it and his Dossier was the lillypad- they destroyed our system of justice and got paid for it. Thanks fake news.

Hey congress,Subpoena them NOW

May 17, 2023, 8:42 PM


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0a014c No.54908

File: e82710bef0c1e80⋯.png (111.69 KB,1042x426,521:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864231 (180219ZMAY23) Notable: Laxalt / DeSantis

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Laxalt has quite a pedigree.

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0a014c No.54909

File: e45b5d7facf737f⋯.png (793.56 KB,963x1065,321:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864233 (180220ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr.: At this rate the only ones not involved in Russia / Trump collusion were Russia and Trump

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Donald Trump Jr.




Fact Check: TRUE


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0a014c No.54910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864251 (180223ZMAY23) Notable: 'shock'

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Trump used the word 'shock' a lot today.


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0a014c No.54911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864262 (180224ZMAY23) Notable: FoiaFan: I received 114 pages from DOJ today about Acting DAG Donoghue’s monitoring of election fraud allegations in the 2020 race

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18/ I received 114 pages from DOJ today about Acting DAG Donoghue’s monitoring of election fraud allegations in the 2020 race.

Interesting stuff. Dunno & won’t guess what’s in the 79 pages DOJ declined to include. h/t .@walkafyr for uploading the docs.


9:14 PM · May 17, 2023


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0a014c No.54912

File: a17e30123c4caf9⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,1280x714,640:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864271 (180225ZMAY23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy says “there has to be” accountability for the Durham report

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Kevin McCarthy says “there has to be” accountability for the Durham report.

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0a014c No.54913

File: 137b87fe002bade⋯.png (73.65 KB,741x873,247:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 7543b4857c852b8⋯.png (66.64 KB,724x865,724:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 637a4ddc9036a84⋯.png (62.44 KB,704x862,352:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 21397a4dcf92bdc⋯.png (50.73 KB,685x848,685:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864300 (180231ZMAY23) Notable: Archive: Clinton Health Access Initiative Donor List 2010-2017 | 146-page Document containing evidence Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya

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Clinton Health Access Initiative Donor List 2010-2017


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0a014c No.54914

File: 6f566b5eedc29a0⋯.png (121.12 KB,732x862,366:431,Clipboard.png)

File: aa74b7b7f4cdcca⋯.png (107.11 KB,668x857,668:857,Clipboard.png)

File: e7212009a6899ab⋯.png (81.7 KB,675x704,675:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 39962465e343839⋯.png (89.1 KB,669x771,223:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c1f26de1e12987⋯.png (174.5 KB,680x817,680:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864325 (180234ZMAY23) Notable: Archive: Clinton Health Access Initiative Donor List 2010-2017 | 146-page Document containing evidence Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya

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Barack Hussein Obama

146-page Document containing evidence by Dr. Orly that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya. Additional documents reflecting college years, where he actually lived, social security numbers, alias’s, tax returns and more!


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0a014c No.54915

File: 30d898a614880f7⋯.png (605.04 KB,1503x966,501:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864327 (180235ZMAY23) Notable: Laxalt / DeSantis

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>Laxalt and DeSantis

Both Laxalt and DeSantis were Navy judge advocate generals and served in Iraq.


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0a014c No.54916

File: 5933649d97210d5⋯.png (162.54 KB,1439x825,1439:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864334 (180236ZMAY23) Notable: Archive: Clinton Health Access Initiative Donor List 2010-2017 | 146-page Document containing evidence Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya

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Clinton Foundation Documents Plus MORE!

This is a fantastic spreadsheet in chronological order, dating back to 1997, which contains all information pertaining to the Clintons’ financials with their foundations. Each date has a direct link to source. It also includes links to all of Charles Ortel’s video interviews and articles.


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0a014c No.54917

File: 461366c1b62513e⋯.png (434.62 KB,1052x853,1052:853,Clipboard.png)

File: c6a20ea5c3c61b9⋯.png (110.88 KB,691x654,691:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864383 (180243ZMAY23) Notable: Weapons detection systems considered in Denver Public Schools safety plan

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Do anons remember re: Vegas: a theory for a motive to shoot up a concert (secondary benefit) was to sell scanners to the casinos in order to enrich the scanner owners?

Weapons detection systems considered in Denver Public Schools safety plan

by: Vicente Arenas

Posted: May 17, 2023 / 06:14 PM MDT

Updated: May 17, 2023 / 06:14 PM MDT

DENVER (KDVR) — There appears to be interest in the possibility of placing weapons detection systems on Denver Public Schools campuses.

Parents who met with the Denver Public Schools superintendent in a teleconference town hall on Wednesday said it’s a strategy they’d like to see the district focus on. The superintendent wanted to hear what parents are thinking about the district’s long-term safety plan.

It’s the third town hall Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero has hosted.

A district spokesperson said 1,200 people participated in the latest town hall. Another 7,000 participated in meetings last week, the district said.

The final meeting is planned for Wednesday evening.

East High School was referenced several times during the tele-town hall because of the shooting there in March. The shooting at East High left two deans wounded. The student shooter took his own life.

Many parents and students have been saying more must be done to protect their kids in Denver Public Schools.

Mental health, SROs, weapons detection

During the town hall Wednesday, the superintendent asked parents about mental health strategies being proposed. They were also asked about school resource officers and whether they should be present in school buildings.

The district is recommending conversations be held about possibly posting SROs at schools. The safety plan also calls for discussions about weapons detection systems.

Parents participating in a survey during the town hall said the district should focus on those kinds of systems.

Here’s what an East High School mother said during the town hall.

“I also really support the idea of low-profile weapons detection systems. The goals are not just to keep just weapons out of the schools, but for us having something in place that can identify something external to the school to protect us,” she said.

The district said Wednesday it would consider using weapons detection systems like the kind placed in Boston Public Schools.

Under the proposed plan, individual schools would decide if they need weapons detection systems. School resource officers came in second in the survey.

The superintendent has until the end of June to produce a final long-term safety plan.

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0a014c No.54918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864387 (180243ZMAY23) Notable: Weapons detection systems considered in Denver Public Schools safety plan

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0a014c No.54919

File: 05b00ff5e70188c⋯.png (377.24 KB,576x653,576:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864405 (180246ZMAY23) Notable: 24 Republican Governors Offer to Help Texas Defend Its Southern Border

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24 Republican Governors Offer to Help Texas Defend Its Southern Border

Texas Governor Greg Abbott put the word out that Texas needs help handling the situation at their southern border.

24 Republican governors stepped up and answered the call.

This is the job of the federal government, but Joe Biden is MIA so someone has to fill the void.

Just The News reports:

24 Republican governors commit to help Texas defend its border

Twenty-four Republican governors have responded to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s call for help to secure its border with Mexico.

“The federal government’s response handling the expiration of Title 42 has represented a complete failure of the Biden Administration,” the governors said in a joint statement, referring to the end of the public health authority, Title 42, which expired at midnight on May 11.

Title 42 allowed for the quick expulsion of foreign nationals who’d entered the U.S. illegally during the COVID-19 pandemic. With its end, an estimated 150,000 foreign nationals from all over the world are waiting in Mexico to illegally enter the U.S. at any moment, border officials say.

This is after at least more than 7 million people have been apprehended or reported evading capture by law enforcement since President Joe Biden’s been in office.

The Biden administration recently sent 1,500 military personnel to the border and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent several thousand federal employees to help Border Patrol agents expedite processing of foreign nationals into the U.S., not to block their entry, administration officials have explained…

The governors pledging support in addition to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is deploying troops and resources in the next 24 hours, include those of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


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0a014c No.54920

File: c6969baa7b4cb90⋯.png (853.05 KB,951x1280,951:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864406 (180246ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

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This evening, Rep. Luna filed a resolution, H. Res. 412, to expel Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) from the United States House of Representatives.

“Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives,” Rep. Luna stated.

“The Durham Report makes clear that the Russian Collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country.”


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0a014c No.54921

File: c355691b13b7b42⋯.jpeg (321.51 KB,828x752,207:188,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e94f6c48baf7d96⋯.jpeg (146.08 KB,828x644,9:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 111116f985a4c79⋯.jpeg (85.34 KB,828x414,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864422 (180248ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode

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deep state is definitely panicking trump post at 6:23pm today says False flag imminent for the second time this week in the decodes

326 is mirror

18:23 and 22:23 are the other numbers if anyone wants to look them up,I’m phonefaggin

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0a014c No.54922

File: b72b153b0e5a318⋯.png (226.35 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: b838335e11f0e34⋯.png (222.29 KB,843x589,843:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864423 (180248ZMAY23) Notable: Deutsche Bank Settles Epstein Lawsuit For Up To $75 Million

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Deutsche Bank Settles Epstein Lawsuit For Up To $75 Million

Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay up to $75 million to settle a lawsuit brought by an Jeffrey Epstein victim who claimed that the bank had benefited from human trafficking by retaining Epstein as a client, the Financial Times reports.

The lawsuit is one of three ongoing cases involving lenders to Epstein - the two others being a combined case against JPMorgan Chase, which is being sued by a different alleged victim and the US Virgin Islands, where Epstein owned property.

The Deutsche Bank lawsuit was filed as a proposed class action in November, based on a New York law which temporarily allowed abuse claims to be brought beyond the statute of limitations.

Jane Doe, the accuser, claimed the German bank "chose profit over following the law," and knowingly engaged in business that would "earn millions of dollars from facilitating Epstein’s sex trafficking."

Judge Jed Rakoff stated in his order denying in part Deutsche's attempt to dismiss the case, said Epstein "solicited Deutsche Bank’s advice about how to structure his withdrawals so as to evade notice . . . and he was shielded by Deutsche Bank’s failure to file suspicious activity reports."

Rakoff added that it was "plausible" that the bank had directly benefited from human trafficking in his order to allow the case to proceed to trial.

According to the Times, dozens of victims may ultimately share the damages award, which will be distributed by an administrator that will assess individual claims. Each accuser could receive as much as $5 million according to the plaintiff's lawyer.


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0a014c No.54923

File: a0f463128802a7d⋯.png (623.95 KB,773x1035,773:1035,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864436 (180250ZMAY23) Notable: Soros-backed Boston federal prosecutor to resign

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May 17, 2023


Soros-backed Boston federal prosecutor to resign

after ethics report reveals 'egregious' misconduct

Tom Cotton said she was not "only a pro-criminal ideologue," but also had a "history of poor judgment and ethical lapses."

A high-ranking federal prosecutor in Massachusetts is stepping down after watchdog reports published Wednesday revealed she broke numerous Department of Justice (DOJ) policies by attempting to meddle in a local electoral race, joining a Democrat Party fundraiser where Jill Biden appeared, among other things.

In the 161-page report on Rachel Rollins' alleged violations, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s office said that she "fell far short of the standards of professionalism and judgment that the Department should expect of any employee, much less a U.S. Attorney." ...


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0a014c No.54924

File: a9f19511e83eda1⋯.png (1000.37 KB,1287x681,429:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864437 (180250ZMAY23) Notable: Magneto Capital - Unique Market Solutions

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Magneto Capital


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0a014c No.54925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864441 (180251ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

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Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress


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0a014c No.54926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864455 (180253ZMAY23) Notable: Soros-backed Boston federal prosecutor to resign

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TUCKER on Rachel Rollins - 2021 CLIP


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0a014c No.54927

File: 00c318ecb22a108⋯.png (877.15 KB,828x446,414:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864475 (180256ZMAY23) Notable: (July 5, 2001) President George W. Bush names Mueller, 56, as his choice to become the new director of the FBI

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did they find that fertilizer?

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0a014c No.54928

File: 4f7cc1b5a4c3458⋯.png (883.64 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864509 (180301ZMAY23) Notable: (July 5, 2001) President George W. Bush names Mueller, 56, as his choice to become the new director of the FBI

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In a White House Rose Garden ceremony on July 5, 2001, President George W. Bush names Mueller, 56, as his choice to become the new director of the FBI.

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0a014c No.54929

File: d314aa09c545d98⋯.png (41.64 KB,718x373,718:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864510 (180302ZMAY23) Notable: 'shock'

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0a014c No.54930

File: a7ae0d1ae912b2f⋯.png (2.4 MB,1280x871,1280:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864530 (180305ZMAY23) Notable: (July 5, 2001) President George W. Bush names Mueller, 56, as his choice to become the new director of the FBI

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>fbi ceremony 7/5/01, 7 weeks before 9/11

here's larry silverstein getting the keys to the WTC 6 weeks prior to 9/11


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0a014c No.54931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864554 (180310ZMAY23) Notable: #23156

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#23156 >>54873

>>54874 El Salvador President goes to war against terrorist gangs while Biden Admin and his media condemns him for it

>>54875, >>54880 Dr. Ana Mihalcea discusses her latest findings in hydrogel's role in synthetic biology

>>54876 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Everyone needs to understand this is the will of our base"

>>54877, >>54878 Biden Tweets

>>54879 FBI Audit Reveals 8,000 Unjustified Searches Of Americans' Communications

>>54881 Top State Judge Handling Climate Lawsuit Worked With Environmental Group Tied To Plaintiffs’ Lawyers

>>54882 Ari Fleischer: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign was the dirtiest in history - she fabricated information about Trump and collusion

>>54883 Maricopa County Whistleblower Reveals Problems Found on Ballots During Curing

>>54884 ‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’

>>54885 Sidney Powell: Covid-CCP Truths Leak Out

>>54886, >>54890 Karli Bonnita

>>54887 Rep. MTG Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

>>54888, >>54908, >>54915 Laxalt / DeSantis

>>54889 Codex Sassoon, oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible, purchased for $38.1 million

>>54891 Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

>>54892, >>54900 PF reports

>>54893, >>54910, >>54929, >>54897 'shock'

>>54894, >>54895, >>54899 Maricopa’s log file data shows 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

>>54896 The FBI - The New Praetorians

>>54898 Putin respects only two people in power - Erdogan, and Xi Jinping

>>54901 C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis

>>54902, >>54903 Biggs: In light of Durham Report we should ‘defund and dismantle FBI’

>>54904 MTG: Major announcement tomorrow @ 9am on #Impeachment Week

>>54905 Tom Hanks says he could star in movies after death using AI

>>54906 Biden leaves on trip to Asia as debt ceiling deal deadline looms

>>54907 Kash Patel: Here you go - Steele who got paid by the FBI to launch the bs russia gate saga, with his prime pumper Schiff… still lying to the world

>>54909 Donald Trump Jr.: At this rate the only ones not involved in Russia / Trump collusion were Russia and Trump

>>54911 FoiaFan: I received 114 pages from DOJ today about Acting DAG Donoghue’s monitoring of election fraud allegations in the 2020 race

>>54912 Kevin McCarthy says “there has to be” accountability for the Durham report

>>54913, >>54916, >>54914 Archive: Clinton Health Access Initiative Donor List 2010-2017 | 146-page Document containing evidence Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya

>>54917, >>54918 Weapons detection systems considered in Denver Public Schools safety plan

>>54925, >>54920 Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

>>54919 24 Republican Governors Offer to Help Texas Defend Its Southern Border

>>54921 Trump Truth decode

>>54922 Deutsche Bank Settles Epstein Lawsuit For Up To $75 Million

>>54923, >>54926 Soros-backed Boston federal prosecutor to resign

>>54924 Magneto Capital - Unique Market Solutions

>>54927, >>54928, >>54930 (July 5, 2001) President George W. Bush names Mueller, 56, as his choice to become the new director of the FBI


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0a014c No.54932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864586 (180317ZMAY23) Notable: (2010) The Greening of America turns 40

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0a014c No.54933

File: 035e83ab4f3623b⋯.png (200.2 KB,457x554,457:554,Clipboard.png)

File: e7b3027eb971c0c⋯.png (204.38 KB,1134x756,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864604 (180320ZMAY23) Notable: ‘I Just F***ed Up’: Court Reform Group Accidentally Leaks Donor List

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‘I Just F***ed Up’: Court Reform Group Accidentally Leaks Donor List

A group advocating for an overhaul of the Supreme Court may have torpedoed its own organization after one of its staffers accidentally emailed its donor list to the press.

Gabe Roth, executive director of Fix the Court, an activist organization linked to ongoing efforts to reform the Supreme Court, sent confidential tax forms to the Washington Examiner after an inquiry into a previous failure of the organization to file its Form 990 in 2021. Roth said that he had “misunderstood the filing instructions” and sent the outlet copies of the organization’s Schedule B 2021 and 2022 forms.

Almost immediately, Roth realized his mistake.

“S***, I’m not legally allowed to send you those,” Roth replied one minute later. “I really messed up. Can you call me now?”

According to several tax lawyers, it is not, in fact, illegal to disclose donor lists to the public.

“It’s a mistake,” Alan Dye, an attorney who has specialized in nonprofit tax law since 1975, said. “It’s been made before by a lot of organizations. Overdisclosure is not a crime.”

According to their website, Fix the Court advocates for 18-year term limits for Supreme Court Justices and for greater transparency and accountability at the highest court in the land. The organization circulated spurious sexual assault claims against then-prospective Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, and reportedly purchased the domain names Brettkavanaugh.com and Brettkavanaugh.net for that purpose. Fix the Court has also blasted Justice Clarence Thomas for not formally disclosing certain gifts he received from billionaire Harlan Crow.

The forms revealed that the group brought in $290,000 in revenue in 2021, primarily from two other left-leaning non-profit organizations: the New Venture Fund and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

“As you can see if you’ve reviewed the forms, I’m not a good fundraiser,” Roth said. “I’m not a good CPA. I’m a klutz.”

Roth was paid $162,138 by Fix the Court in 2022.

“I have only two foundations that give me money, and if their names become public, they’re never going to talk to me again,” Roth lamented. “Fix the Court is over. My screwup this morning probably cost me my job.”

Roth also told the Examiner that he “wanted to fix the mistake as soon as possible” as his “donors don’t want their names out there.”

Parker Thayer, investigative researcher at Capital Research Center, a conservative think-tank, said that Roth’s reaction reveals that his group is “not serious about transparency.”

“They have attempted to smear honorable men like Justice Thomas over his own financial disclosures but are apparently terrified at the thought of someone obtaining their own,” Thayer said.




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0a014c No.54934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864613 (180323ZMAY23) Notable: Canadian Police Arrest Teenager Handing Out Bibles During Altercation With ‘Pro-Transgender’ Activists

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Canadian Police Arrest Teenager Handing Out Bibles During Altercation With ‘Pro-Transgender’ Activists: Report

Today I was handcuffed and put in a paddy wagon for offering students bibles on a public sidewalk in Calgary.

I was released and told if I returned I would be arrested and charged.

I continued handing out bibles.

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.


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0a014c No.54935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864618 (180324ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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P = Podestas? = C = Clintons?

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0a014c No.54936

File: ceb38c318678b74⋯.png (145.16 KB,634x451,634:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864619 (180324ZMAY23) Notable: Revealed: How the sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard researchers to say fat (not sugar) caused heart disease

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Revealed: How the sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard researchers to say fat (NOT sugar) caused heart disease

Newly-unveiled papers reveal sugar industry bribed Harvard scientists

It was in the 1960s - before conflict of interest had to be reported

After 'bad press' for sugar, industry chiefs commissioned a new review

They told Harvard professors to say fat was a worse cause of heart disease

The finding shaped public views of nutrition for years

The sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard scientists to publish research saying fat - not sugar - was a key cause of heart disease, newly unveiled documents reveal.

At the time, in the 1960s, conflict of interest disclosure was not required.

It meant sugar chiefs could work closely with researchers to re-draft and re-draft their paper until it was 'satisfactory' - without having to report their involvement.

The result shaped public health approaches to nutrition for years.

The findings, revealed today in a special report in JAMA Internal Medicine, has sent shockwaves through the research community.

'I thought I had seen everything but this one floored me,' said Marion Nestle of New York University, who wrote an editorial on the new findings.

'It was so blatant. And the "bribe" was so big.'

'Funding research is ethical,' Nestle said.

'Bribing researchers to produce the evidence you want is not.

The warped research appeared in a 1967 literature review in The New England Journal of Medicine.

It pointed to fat and cholesterol as the dietary culprits of heart disease, glossing over evidence from the 1950s that sugar was also linked to heart disease.

According to the new report, the NEJM review was sponsored by the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF), which is today the Sugar Association.

Its role in the study was not disclosed until 1984.

Harvard professor of nutrition Dr Mark Hegsted co-directed the SRF's first heart disease research project from 1965 to 1966.

In the new report, Laura A. Schmidt of the University of California, San Francisco and colleagues have uncovered correspondence that shows how Dr Hegsted was commissioned by the SRF to reach a specific conclusion.

Archives from the University of Illinois and the Harvard Medical Library reveal that the foundation set the objective for the literature review, funded it and reviewed drafts of the manuscript.


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0a014c No.54937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864633 (180328ZMAY23) Notable: [They] want you to follow the rats / star(s)

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0a014c No.54938

File: 120237e13a2710e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864640 (180330ZMAY23) Notable: Byron Donalds mentally lapping Gary Gensler

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0a014c No.54939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864641 (180330ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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Podesta (Roths) = first arrest = 11.3 = Puppetmaster of Soros

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0a014c No.54940

File: d9a89cef1500772⋯.png (376.2 KB,604x652,151:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864647 (180332ZMAY23) Notable: A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible became the most expensive book ever sold Wednesday when it drew a price of $38.1 million at auction at Sotheby’s in New York City

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The Jerusalem Post


BREAKING: A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible became the most expensive book ever sold Wednesday when it drew a price of $38.1 million at auction at Sotheby’s in New York City.

#CodexSasson | #auction | #NYC


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0a014c No.54941

File: fc823cd2e9d8273⋯.png (537.83 KB,716x709,716:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864653 (180336ZMAY23) Notable: [The Walls Are Closing In]

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The Walls are Closing in

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0a014c No.54942

File: a17f02e63b204be⋯.png (204.42 KB,331x500,331:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864656 (180336ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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Perhaps the most important of these "whistle blowers" are David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Their book"The Shadow Party"outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel. Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration.

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0a014c No.54943

File: cb46b3b15e6418a⋯.png (2.95 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864659 (180338ZMAY23) Notable: Andrew Lownie found FBI file claiming Mountbatten had 'lusting for young boys'

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US authorities destroyed dossiers on Lord Mountbatten at the request of the British Government after discovery of wartime FBI file accusing aristocrat of having a 'perversion for young boys', historian claims


- Andrew Lownie found FBI file claiming Mountbatten had 'lusting for young boys'

- He says he was told other files on the Earl were destroyed after he asked for them

The US destroyed FBI dossiers on Lord Mountbatten at the request of the British Government after the discovery of a wartime file accusing the royal of being a paedophile, his biographer has claimed.

Writing for The Mail's new Royals section, Andrew Lownie expanded on his 2019 discovery of a Second World War-era file which contained the claim that the Earl was a 'homosexual with a lusting for young boys'.

When he made a request to the FBI for other files the agency held on Mountbatten, he was told they had been destroyed 'after you asked for them'.

Dr Lownie, the author of The Mountbattens: their Lives & Loves, claimed this had been 'clearly' carried out at the 'request of the British Government'.

The historian also lamented the 'absurd' difficulty faced by biographers in getting access to royal archives in the UK after finding that files on King Edward VIII and his American wife Wallis Simpson were 'mysteriously' withdrawn from public view.


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0a014c No.54944

File: 6e0bc7144f48e84⋯.jpeg (796.41 KB,828x1666,414:833,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864664 (180340ZMAY23) Notable: Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?

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>>>/qresearch/18864606 LB

Can’t forget Christopher Wray, post 911.

Mr. Wray was a member of the President’s Corporate Fraud Task Force, supervised the Enron Task Force, and served as a leader in DOJ’s post-9/11 efforts to combat terrorism, espionage, and cybercrime with domestic and foreign government partners.


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0a014c No.54945

File: 2edf94a5d57babd⋯.jpg (53.72 KB,634x414,317:207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864669 (180342ZMAY23) Notable: [The Walls Are Closing In]

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0a014c No.54946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864676 (180343ZMAY23) Notable: Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?

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Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?


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0a014c No.54947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864691 (180347ZMAY23) Notable: [The Walls Are Closing In]

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Best part is the walls are all they think of closing in. It's Anons they are up against, shit they never saw coming. Walls closing in, ceiling is coming down, floor is coming up. They own fuckers that run nations, and get their ass handed to them by volunteers with memes.

Spoiled by having it their way for generations, now there's frogs against them even their far wiser ancestors could not have dealt with.

Could have been doing space travel beyond the Solar System by 1980, but they chose Control instead. Nice, only one planet to hide on rather than the infinite number of directions they could have escaped to.

They best is yet to come anon, they will have to go all in, and make thing as bad as they can. Anons will be there, to get the normies through it, to be there for each other. Love is something they say, but don't really understand. Anons Know

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0a014c No.54948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864701 (180349ZMAY23) Notable: [The Walls Are Closing In]

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>the walls are all they think of closing in

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0a014c No.54949

File: 45e79ea2f92bcbd⋯.png (103.76 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,Clipboard.png)

File: d3aa5020e64dd5b⋯.png (107.76 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,Clipboard.png)

File: 16f8ffc47f74845⋯.png (114.37 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bd5411b6d9da11⋯.png (108.48 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c354d1ce446a35⋯.png (111.24 KB,1654x2339,1654:2339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864712 (180353ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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Soros, One Evil Human

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0a014c No.54950

File: 069ef5d8e9e479b⋯.jpeg (608.44 KB,1242x2000,621:1000,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864732 (180359ZMAY23) Notable: Five people have pleaded guilty in South Florida to participating in a wire fraud scheme that created an illegal shortcut for aspiring nurses to get licensed and find employment

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5 plead guilty in fake nursing diploma scheme in Florida

Five people have pleaded guilty in South Florida to participating in a wire fraud scheme that created an illegal shortcut for aspiring nurses to get licensed and find employment

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0a014c No.54951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864776 (180416ZMAY23) Notable: The first 2 days of the Annual Kansas Wheat Tour are over - final day tomorrow

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the first 2 days of the annual kansas wheat tour are over

final day tomorrow

today calculated wheat yield was 27.5 bushels per acre but only for fields that were not abandoned

many on the tour thought that estimate was too high

last year was 39 bu per acre

down 42 million total bushels this year from last year

day one

34% very poor condition

34% poor

22% fair

9% good

1% excellent

19% of wheat planted will not be cut for grain

oklahoma wheat commission report was worse than kansas

wheat price down today over black sea reopening

very dry watch for farm financial troubles

already have sale barns advertising " special drought sales" of cattle

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0a014c No.54952

File: 8da52111ece5585⋯.mp4 (10.27 MB,360x204,30:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864786 (180418ZMAY23) Notable: HR2 is the strongest border security package that has ever been brought to the House floor | Qpost 1433 (Wray)

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Our border security bill is the most aggressive legislation ever brought to the House floor…


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0a014c No.54953

File: 54ec5755919bfec⋯.png (235.67 KB,1086x966,181:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 24bee539d81ffd0⋯.png (179.99 KB,1068x1068,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864795 (180421ZMAY23) Notable: PEPFAR / COP23

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PEPFAR = the linguistics of globalist eugenicists

Meanwhile . . . 20 years of AZOV nazi bio VLP's with state department and National Guard.

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0a014c No.54954

File: 58456b1eeb8ed8e⋯.png (45.22 KB,304x464,19:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864803 (180424ZMAY23) Notable: PEPFAR / COP23

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NOTABLE: COP 23 is in there.. the lunatics that bring you COP *.*

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0a014c No.54955

File: fef2004b2131fa2⋯.png (313.01 KB,790x963,790:963,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864814 (180427ZMAY23) Notable: PEPFAR / COP23

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When they say CLIMATE CHANGE

they mean they putting Virus Like Particles in the Johnson controls


"patented DNA-tagged bioaerosol tracers"

everyone in COP or Great Reset or climate change has conspired in Genocide.

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0a014c No.54956

File: 7c07bfc5f81c376⋯.jpeg (76.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864831 (180430ZMAY23) Notable: CIA ‘wasting American taxpayers’ dollars’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 May, 2023 02:55

CIA ‘wasting American taxpayers’ dollars’ – ambassador

The attempts to divide the Russian society from abroad won’t work, Moscow’s senior diplomat has said

Washington’s campaign to lure Russian citizens into becoming spies is doomed to fail because the Russians will not allow a foreign power to stir up confusion at home, Anatoly Antonov, the country’s ambassador to the US, has said.

His statement came after the CIA released a new ad urging Russians to share information with the agency. Antonov said the move was part of “the hybrid war” unleashed against Moscow.

“The ill-wishers in the West, ever since the defeat of Napoleon, realized the steadfastness of our country against attacks from outside,”Antonov said in a statement on the embassy’s Telegram channel on Thursday, referring to the failed French invasion of 1812.

“And now, having failed to impose their sanctions blitzkrieg and realized the impossibility of inflicting a military defeat on us, they are trying to sow confusion in the Russian society,” the ambassador said.

I firmly believe that this provocation won’t work. Russian people have learned the lessons of history well and will not allow [anyone] to split our unity.

The diplomat added that Moscow’s ongoing military operation in Ukraine “enjoys consensus support” in Russia and that the US authorities were “wasting American taxpayers’ dollars on futile projects.”

The CIA ran several ads on social media in recent years that were aimed at coaxing Russians into becoming informants. In a video released on Tuesday, actors portrayed Russian citizens who had decided to contact the agency. “The CIA wants to know the truth about Russia, and we are looking for reliable people who know and can tell us this truth,”the agency said.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday thatMoscow would retaliate against the “malicious activities” of the US.


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0a014c No.54957

File: f9b55d37254f108⋯.png (484.04 KB,1730x1614,865:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864853 (180437ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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0a014c No.54958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864858 (180437ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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P = Pope?

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0a014c No.54959

File: ad7af10c075e3b2⋯.png (374.18 KB,546x406,39:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864875 (180442ZMAY23) Notable: Getting to Know the Shadow Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They are S.E.S. Senior Executive Service (is part of the missing puzzle that's confusing you)

Robert Mueller James Comey Andrew McCabe Peter Strzok Lisa Page Rod Rosenstein Jeff Sessions John Huber

Michael Horowitz James Baker Stefan Halper Andrew Marshall Bill Preistap

James Rybicki Christopher Wray

sauce: https://patriots4truth.org/2018/03/14/getting-to-know-the-shadow-government/

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0a014c No.54960

File: 3c4c06b71a1e272⋯.jpeg (588.8 KB,2048x1472,32:23,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864905 (180452ZMAY23) Notable: Getting to Know the Shadow Government

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.54961

File: 53761e471583b00⋯.png (80.73 KB,276x170,138:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864908 (180455ZMAY23) Notable: Getting to Know the Shadow Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


that the same OPM that gave my ID to the CCP thru a so-called data breech while the State Department (in past 20 years) who I repeatidly say has been rubber stamping national security background checks for commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds.

No fuk OPM and their CCP /smith Mundt modernization act lies.





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0a014c No.54962

File: 5596342cff413b9⋯.jpeg (609.62 KB,2048x1128,256:141,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8cec4335d7a3bc0⋯.jpeg (316.53 KB,2048x716,512:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864930 (180502ZMAY23) Notable: Getting to Know the Shadow Government

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0a014c No.54963

File: dec61c912365565⋯.png (283.01 KB,598x605,598:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864954 (180514ZMAY23) Notable: To reduce security risks, Google will delete inactive personal accounts, including some Gmail, Google Drive and Docs, photos, calendars and YouTube

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The swamp runs deep


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0a014c No.54964

File: e0b742ea9f8aa42⋯.png (117.29 KB,552x1074,92:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864957 (180515ZMAY23) Notable: HR2 is the strongest border security package that has ever been brought to the House floor | Qpost 1433 (Wray)

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The green folder flash @ 1:23.

Qpost 1433 (May 21 upcoming Delta)

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0a014c No.54965

File: 19c9529b652f5fb⋯.png (1.05 MB,931x656,931:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864972 (180520ZMAY23) Notable: The day of the mosque shooting, the NZ Police were having a live fire training session just down the road

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just in case you didn't know....

The day of the chch mosque shooting, the NZ Police were having a live fire training session just down the road, then they came into town for lunch.

They arrived at the restaurant just before the shooting started.

Ain't that a coincidence?

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0a014c No.54966

File: c23710c13824b34⋯.png (861.74 KB,1915x1083,1915:1083,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864978 (180522ZMAY23) Notable: Soros refuting heart attack rumor hits multiple Qdrops clearly

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Soros Tweet Decode, May 15.

SOROS REFUTING HEART ATTACK RUMOR - hits multiple Drops clearly.

'RUMORS' - 1 Drop only.

'HEALTHY' - 3 Drops, 1 is a DELTA!

Drop 4694 - a perfect hit!

Seen Cabal Tweets Decode before - White Hats controlling accounts.

Patriots in 'FULL CONTROL'.


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0a014c No.54967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864979 (180522ZMAY23) Notable: The first 2 days of the Annual Kansas Wheat Tour are over - final day tomorrow

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Yes, was to run out on May 18th, Erodagan televised it was extended. I think it was notabled, might have been bread before last

Turkish President Erdogan Says Black Sea Grain Deal Extended for Two Months

Reuters May 17, 2023

ANKARA/UNITED NATIONS, May 17 (Reuters) – The Ukraine Black Sea grain deal has been extended for two more month, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, one day before Russia could have quit the pact over obstacles to its grain and fertiliser exports.

The flow of ships through the corridor had been grinding to a halt during the last few days with the deal apparently set to expire on Thursday.

Earlier on Wednesday, the last remaining ship registered to travel through the corridor had left a Ukrainian port.

U.N. data showed that the DSM Capella had left the Ukrainian port of Chornomorsk carrying 30,000 tonnes of corn and was on its way to Turkey.

“The Black Sea grain corridor deal has been extended by two months with the efforts of Turkey,” Erdogan said in a televised speech, also thanking the Russian and Ukrainian leaders and U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres for their help.

A spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry said they would be commenting later on the reported extension.

The United Nations and Turkey brokered the Black Sea deal for an initial 120 days in July last year to help tackle a global food crisis that has been aggravated by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, one of the world’s leading grain exporters.

Moscow agreed to extend the Black Sea pact for a further 120 days in November, but then in March it agreed to a 60 day extension – until May 18 – unless a list of demands regarding its own agricultural exports was met.


To convince Russia in July to allow Black Sea grain exports, the United Nations agreed at the same time to help Moscow with its own agricultural shipments for three years.

“There are still a lot of open questions regarding our part of the deal. Now a decision will have to be taken,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday.

Asked on Wednesday about how the talks were progressing, Peskov told a briefing he would not enter into “hypothetical discussions” on what Russia would do if the grain deal lapsed.

Senior officials from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the U.N. met in Istanbul last week to discuss the Black Sea pact.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said last week he thought the deal could be extended for at least two more months.

While Russian exports of food and fertilizer are not subject to Western sanctions imposed following the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Moscow says restrictions on payments, logistics and insurance have amounted to a barrier to shipments.

The United States has rejected Russia’s complaints. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said last week: “It is exporting grain and fertilizer at the same levels, if not higher, than before the full scale invasion.”

Officials from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the U.N. make up a Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul, which implements the Black Sea export deal. They authorise and inspect ships. No new vessels have been authorised by the JCC since May 4.

Authorised ships are inspected by JCC officials near Turkey before traveling to a Ukrainian Black Sea port via a maritime humanitarian corridor to collect their cargo and return to Turkish waters for a final inspection.

In an excerpt of a letter seen by Reuters last month, Russia told its JCC counterparts that it would not approve any new vessels to take part in the Black Sea deal unless the transits would be done by May 18 – “the expected date of … closure”.

It said this was “to avoid commercial losses and prevent possible safety risks” after May 18.

Some 30.3 million tonnes of grain and foodstuffs has been exported from Ukraine under the Black Sea deal, including 625,000 tonnes in World Food Programme vessels for aid operations in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Yemen.


More sauce:

Turkey says Black Sea Grain deal extended for 60 days


Black Sea Grain Initiative extended on deadline day


US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

Reuters May 14, 2023

May 14 (Reuters) – South African Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said his country had resolved a dispute with the U.S. over allegations that Pretoria supplied weapons to Russia, and South Africa is unlikely to face U.S. repercussions, Bloomberg News reported Godongwana said in an interview on Sunday.

“A number of actions were taken in order to ensure that our relationship with the US remains and that relationship should be normal and cordial,” the minister told Bloomberg in an interview in Cape Town on Sunday. “The Americans are not likely to respond with any anger tomorrow.”

U.S. Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety said last week he was confident that a Russian ship had picked up weapons in South Africa in December, in a possible breach of Pretoria’s declared neutrality in the Ukraine conflict.

South Africa’s government denied the claims. After a meeting between Brigety and South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor on Friday, the ambassador “admitted that he crossed the line and apologized unreservedly,” a South African government statement said on Friday.

A finance ministry statement on Saturday said, “Action was taken long ago once this matter was brought to the attention of South African officials” when U.S. Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen met with Godongwana in February.

When asked for comment, the U.S. State Department referred to a tweet by Brigety on Friday that said he had corrected “any misimpressions left by my public remarks.”

South Africa’s Finance Ministry did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.


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0a014c No.54968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864981 (180523ZMAY23) Notable: NY anons: eyez on your meat

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New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions


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0a014c No.54969

File: 3cfc4e940a59f73⋯.png (1.88 MB,868x2272,217:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 77aa8342e23411c⋯.png (909.43 KB,685x1906,685:1906,Clipboard.png)

File: ad20ad8da1c5896⋯.png (1.75 MB,685x2757,685:2757,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dba41b8386ebf0⋯.png (838.52 KB,888x2145,296:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864982 (180523ZMAY23) Notable: The Hellfire Club

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The Hellfire Club, an 18th-Century Ritual Cult for the Famous and Powerful

The history of the Hellfire Club dates back to the 1700’s when it was originally a British secret society designed for high standing individuals of a certain persuasion.

The purpose of the club was to provide a place for fun, like-minded, intelligent people who wanted a place to be themselves.

Read more.... https://historyhustle.com/the-hellfire-club/

What Really Went On In The Hellfire Club

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/141275/what-really-went-on-in-the-hellfire-club/

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0a014c No.54970

File: 13b10f88e86a69c⋯.png (906.25 KB,1969x1053,1969:1053,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864983 (180523ZMAY23) Notable: Dan Scavino Truth decode

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Scavino Tweet Decode, May 11.

"SIT DOWN" video with dogs - 1 Drop with 'SIT DOWN'.

Another with matching 12:17: timestamp + 'TO SIT THRU'.

Points to 'CRITICAL FACTS' being exposed on TRUMP'S CNN TOWNHALL.

'Watch what happens next.'

Trump still massively 'influential'.

And perhaps most importantly - 'FOCUS ON HOUSE' - no doubt.

Pinpoint comms here - the 2 Drops being picked out have VERY specific connects.





May 12, 2023, 3:16 PM


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0a014c No.54971

File: 27d7ca0b76d9c26⋯.jpeg (294.08 KB,828x1386,46:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 76e7a5a4edb8f0d⋯.jpeg (183.44 KB,828x868,207:217,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18864984 (180523ZMAY23) Notable: Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?

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<Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?

IDK but I have noticed something interesting about Wray...

Picture(s) related

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0a014c No.54972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865017 (180531ZMAY23) Notable: The three simple electric charge characteristics as it relates to a dipole antenna

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The three simple electric charge characteristics as it relates to an antenna specifically a dipole antenna are:

- Charged particles have an electric field at all times

- Charged particles create a magnetic field when moving at a constant speed.

- Charged particles create an electromagnetic field when accelerating or reversing

Half wavelength antennas at resonance have characteristics of a capacitor in that the current leads the voltage by 90 degrees within the antenna. Standing waves of voltage and current occur and each form their own distinct half sine wave over the antenna whereby the current is maximum whenever the voltage is minimum. The ends are voltage loops and the center is the current loop.

When a reversing current interacts with a resonant antenna it allows part of the antenna's collapsing electric field lines of force to be isolated from the antenna and loop on themselves and be propelled away from the antenna by the antenna electric field since the fields repel each other. The newly isolated moving looped electric field lines of force create magnetic lines of force that are in phase and have the same sign of magnitude. In the electromagnetic field the electric and magnetic fields are combined and in phase but 90 degrees apart or perpendicular to each other in space.

The local antenna electric and magnetic fields are called near field which along with properly timed new incoming charges allow for this creation of electromagnetic radiation which becomes the far field. The voltage versus current 90 degree phase relationship in the antenna and new charge timing allow this far field radiation to occur.

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0a014c No.54973

File: 710aa3967e98d2c⋯.png (442.94 KB,1040x693,1040:693,Clipboard.png)

File: b9ad60753987095⋯.png (253.72 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 165037ae4f6d493⋯.png (323.53 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: c80b86b4e6ba613⋯.png (418.03 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865028 (180534ZMAY23) Notable: Mapographics

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0a014c No.54974

File: 45fcac50eb6a3d9⋯.png (21.95 KB,538x190,269:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865033 (180535ZMAY23) Notable: Full Moon Coming

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>>>54925, >>54920 Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress


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0a014c No.54975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865067 (180546ZMAY23) Notable: moar on Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

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>>54891 lb

>Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

this is ackshually quite the read

here is the original sauce:


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0a014c No.54976

File: 45b41f72a6f20c5⋯.png (540.27 KB,1364x1250,682:625,Clipboard.png)

File: dccd9d35564ac6b⋯.png (232.73 KB,474x862,237:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865072 (180548ZMAY23) Notable: The three simple electric charge characteristics as it relates to a dipole antenna

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0a014c No.54977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865073 (180548ZMAY23) Notable: moar on Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>54975 me

here is a scientific article

Detection of human DNA in the air


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0a014c No.54978

File: fcd409acf509034⋯.png (437.16 KB,600x513,200:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 5151580c3afd677⋯.png (651.43 KB,624x496,39:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 9042ef98021e9cb⋯.png (451.87 KB,624x742,312:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865083 (180550ZMAY23) Notable: The Hellfire Club

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The Hellfire Caves of West Wycombe


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0a014c No.54979

File: b00d46faa2e3185⋯.png (226.45 KB,1160x739,1160:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 8475a23b524130c⋯.pdf (2.68 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865090 (180551ZMAY23) Notable: Virus-Like Particles

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This ain't a game. The people attacking me are DEFENDING GENOCIDE.

(all you fuckers attacking are getting filtered. If you dont' have a real question without the attitude/drama your fucking gone)

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0a014c No.54980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865091 (180552ZMAY23) Notable: moar on Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



and here is a decode genetics company from Iceland that has sequenced more whole genomes than any other institution in the world


Headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, deCODE is a global leader in analyzing and understanding the human genome. Using our unique expertise and population resources, deCODE has discovered key genetic risk factors for dozens of common diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.

deCODE genetics is a subsidiary of Amgen.

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0a014c No.54981

File: 06e5f69d2ee3910⋯.png (1.36 MB,1284x1838,642:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 022cbab28136e79⋯.png (347.13 KB,1381x1062,1381:1062,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f3938df7271836⋯.pdf (4.39 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865095 (180554ZMAY23) Notable: Virus-Like Particles

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New thing to learn for today anons: VLP's

Virus Like Particles.

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0a014c No.54982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865112 (180603ZMAY23) Notable: Virus-Like Particles

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This probably gets you up to speed quick (I know 2 hrs isn't quick) but maybe if you don't do homework your just not going to understand things.

I just picked that video, because I think it brings you up to speed, it might not. and 2 hours really isn't enough time to cover the broad spectrum of where all this shit is at where it came from, and where it's going


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0a014c No.54983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865129 (180608ZMAY23) Notable: The three simple electric charge characteristics as it relates to a dipole antenna

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3 weeks ago

Ken thank you for your practical illustration of building a Yagi antenna. My first practical question, what is the distance between the 15” driver and the 28” reflector, about 5”?

My second question is about proportionality, as in Fibonacci? 13” by 34” (with 5” distance between reflector and driver). Or as in your example 1.9% larger will be just fine (15” – 28”)?


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0a014c No.54984

File: ce3f1a77cd5df19⋯.png (102.93 KB,342x342,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 617dd1c423cd4b0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1029x606,343:202,Clipboard.png)

File: baf01bf411c36c5⋯.png (211.79 KB,260x342,130:171,Clipboard.png)

File: af2f37023076aad⋯.png (117.24 KB,300x400,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865157 (180616ZMAY23) Notable: The Hellfire Club

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0a014c No.54985

File: 275ea54e480f37d⋯.jpg (124.88 KB,1154x1122,577:561,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865179 (180621ZMAY23) Notable: The day of the mosque shooting, the NZ Police were having a live fire training session just down the road

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with trainers from the peeps that pulled off 911, and 7/7 no doubt... prolly sandy hoax too... oh can't forget Bataclan...

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0a014c No.54986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865181 (180622ZMAY23) Notable: The Hellfire Club

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...That got anon thinking of some sort of underground 'anatomic dissection' club. Having to gather cadavers for medical study. Wildly speculating highly high.

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0a014c No.54987

File: a3ab0ad127ff0c3⋯.png (295.32 KB,620x480,31:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865194 (180627ZMAY23) Notable: The Hellfire Club

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0a014c No.54988

File: 1299a117578b9f6⋯.png (74.96 KB,1025x300,41:12,Clipboard.png)

File: da736c6813abbef⋯.png (37.37 KB,608x307,608:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ed1e47b394b58e⋯.png (100.82 KB,530x775,106:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865200 (180629ZMAY23) Notable: The definitions of Pandemic (2020), and Vaccine (2021), were both changed

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ccp->xi->WEF->billgates->WHO/CDC/NIH/DHS/DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA all downstream hospitals, media, law enforcement, judges are tainted

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0a014c No.54989

File: a58154d1195b622⋯.gif (2.51 MB,640x522,320:261,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865205 (180631ZMAY23) Notable: P = C | [Pope] Mayday

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P = C

Pirates of the Caribbean

Caribbean = Epstein

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0a014c No.54990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865234 (180642ZMAY23) Notable: The definitions of Pandemic (2020), and Vaccine (2021), were both changed

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"Pandemic" as well...


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0a014c No.54991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865246 (180647ZMAY23) Notable: Virus-Like Particles

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Anon must Learn what "L 50" means.


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0a014c No.54992

File: e25577f90678e1b⋯.png (139.25 KB,810x427,810:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865262 (180656ZMAY23) Notable: George Webb: Hunter Biden May 2017 Disclosures, Lots Of Unfinished Business

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.54993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865263 (180657ZMAY23) Notable: The definitions of Pandemic (2020), and Vaccine (2021), were both changed

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CDC emails: Our definition of vaccine is "problematic"

The CDC caused an uproar in early September 2021, after it changed its definitions of "vaccination" and "vaccine." For years, the CDC had set definitions for vaccination/vaccine that discussed immunity. This all changed on September 1, 2021.


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0a014c No.54994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865273 (180700ZMAY23) Notable: Bilderberg meeting 2023 starts in Lisbonin Pestana Palace Lisboa from 19th to 21st of May 2023

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>>>/qresearch/18865258 (me)

translation of Portugese news:

Bilderberg group meets in Lisbon

Annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group takes place this week at the Pestana Palace Lisbon.

After 24 years, and for the third time, the Bilderberg Group will meet again in Portugal.

The meeting, one of the most exclusive events in the world, will take place between May 19 and 21, at the Pestana Palace hotel, in Alto de Santo Amaro, Lisbon.

Record TV knows that the hotel will be fully booked for this meeting.

All guests will have to leave the hotel tonight, and will only be able to return on Monday.

The area near the hotel, between Ajuda and Alcântara, will be restricted to traffic and under heavy security measures.

The authorities expect demonstrations to take place.

The last meeting of the group [in Portugal] took place in 1999, at the Penha Longa resort, in Sintra.

Francisco Pinto Balsemão and Durão Barroso are the only Portuguese to have integrated the Bilderberg Group's management structure.

The group includes around 130 elite political leaders and important figures from industry, finance, and the media.

original sauce:


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0a014c No.54995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865313 (180716ZMAY23) Notable: George Webb: Hunter Biden May 2017 Disclosures, Lots Of Unfinished Business

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2:05:19 TRT

Bob Malone's 9/11 Boss - and his big MI6 Art Haul of July 2020

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658925293636132867

3:23:58 TRT

Bob Malone's Boss and the British Spy connection

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658831082043633666

3:10:49 TRT

May 16th 2023

Hunter biden May 2017 Disclosures, Lots of Unfinished Business

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658429268693590018

* anyone who arrogantly or playfully reply's to this hates America and should be filtered. I have Zero tolerance for your stinking commie globalist ass.

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0a014c No.54996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865341 (180733ZMAY23) Notable: #23157

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>>54932 (2010) The Greening of America turns 40

>>54933 ‘I Just F***ed Up’: Court Reform Group Accidentally Leaks Donor List

>>54934 Canadian Police Arrest Teenager Handing Out Bibles During Altercation With ‘Pro-Transgender’ Activists

>>54935, >>54939, >>54942, >>54949, >>54957, >>54958, >>54989 P = C | [Pope] Mayday

>>54936 Revealed: How the sugar industry paid prestigious Harvard researchers to say fat (not sugar) caused heart disease

>>54937 [They] want you to follow the rats / star(s)

>>54938 Byron Donalds mentally lapping Gary Gensler

>>54940 A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible became the most expensive book ever sold Wednesday when it drew a price of $38.1 million at auction at Sotheby’s in New York City

>>54943 Andrew Lownie found FBI file claiming Mountbatten had 'lusting for young boys'

>>54944, >>54946, >>54971 Is Christopher Wray the whistle blower?

>>54941, >>54945, >>54947, >>54948 [The Walls Are Closing In]

>>54950 Five people have pleaded guilty in South Florida to participating in a wire fraud scheme that created an illegal shortcut for aspiring nurses to get licensed and find employment

>>54951, >>54967 The first 2 days of the Annual Kansas Wheat Tour are over - final day tomorrow

>>54952, >>54964 HR2 is the strongest border security package that has ever been brought to the House floor | Qpost 1433 (Wray)

>>54953, >>54954, >>54955 PEPFAR / COP23

>>54956 CIA ‘wasting American taxpayers’ dollars’

>>54968 NY anons: eyez on your meat

>>54959, >>54960, >>54961, >>54962 Getting to Know the Shadow Government

>>54963 To reduce security risks, Google will delete inactive personal accounts, including some Gmail, Google Drive and Docs, photos, calendars and YouTube

>>54965, >>54985 The day of the mosque shooting, the NZ Police were having a live fire training session just down the road

>>54966 Soros refuting heart attack rumor hits multiple Qdrops clearly

>>54969, >>54978, >>54984, >>54986, >>54987 The Hellfire Club

>>54970 Dan Scavino Truth decode

>>54972, >>54976, >>54983 The three simple electric charge characteristics as it relates to a dipole antenna

>>54973 Mapographics

>>54974 Full Moon Coming

>>54975, >>54977, >>54980 moar on Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

>>54981, >>54982, >>54979, >>54991 Virus-Like Particles

>>54988, >>54990, >>54993 The definitions of Pandemic (2020), and Vaccine (2021), were both changed

>>54994 Bilderberg meeting 2023 starts in Lisbonin Pestana Palace Lisboa from 19th to 21st of May 2023

>>54992, >>54995 George Webb: Hunter Biden May 2017 Disclosures, Lots Of Unfinished Business


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0a014c No.54997

File: fc823cd2e9d8273⋯.png (537.83 KB,716x709,716:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865350 (180736ZMAY23) Notable: #23158

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Baker can continue or defer

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0a014c No.54998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865363 (180744ZMAY23) Notable: moar on the upcoming Bilderberg Group meeting

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regarding >>54994 lb

>Bilderberg meeting

as for the attendees I found another Portugese news article (paywalled) written by Ricardo Costa, the half-brother of the current Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa (how convenient)

Here is translation of the part I'm able to see since there is a paywall, it's not much but at least sth

Bilderberg: Stoltenberg, Metsola, Rutte, the CEOs of Galp and EDP, and Sillycon Valley tycoons at the meeting in Lisbon

May 17th, 2023

Some of Europe's top leaders as well as many of Silicon Valley's 'tycoons' will be in Lisbon in the next few days to attend the conference of the Bilderberg Group, which represents the world's political and financial elite.

The names of the speakers at this annual meeting that usually brings together heads of state, bank presidents or multinationals from around the world have been kept secret as usual. The Bilderberg Club binds participants to a confidentiality agreement and not to disclose in advance their presence at the meeting. The official site of the Bilderberg Group does not even reveal the location of the meeting or the guests who will be at the Pestana Palace Lisbon. ...


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0a014c No.54999

File: d4462626b00fafa⋯.png (1.39 MB,1536x889,1536:889,Clipboard.png)

File: ca3471261e1d882⋯.png (1.44 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: da342a37c348e18⋯.png (957.79 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cc092ab844b518a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865383 (180753ZMAY23) Notable: Titanic revealed: Stunning full-size images show shipwreck like never before

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865384 (180753ZMAY23) Notable: Titanic revealed: Stunning full-size images show shipwreck like never before

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55001

File: f44b348178a8de0⋯.png (184.35 KB,700x515,140:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 608056f4dc52337⋯.png (238.9 KB,700x428,175:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 4398b0002e94d16⋯.png (117.84 KB,700x391,700:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865407 (180801ZMAY23) Notable: Titanic revealed: Stunning full-size images show shipwreck like never before

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1. Titanic

2. Olympic

3. Britannic

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0a014c No.55002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865432 (180815ZMAY23) Notable: Jesse Watters: Soros is behind this

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Jesse Watters: Soros is behind this



256,368 views Premiered 7 hours ago

Fox News host Jesse Watters reacts to the rise in crime nationwide and the alleged censorship of Elon Musk on 'Jesse Watters

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0a014c No.55003

File: 02a6ce57cf30f1b⋯.png (3.1 MB,1151x2551,1151:2551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865440 (180819ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

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0a014c No.55004

File: c2ab96c57215a3c⋯.png (443.67 KB,1847x1173,1847:1173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865453 (180824ZMAY23) Notable: (14 Jan, 2023) @TheOriginalSai: The truth about the Covid-19 Pandemic from within the NHS (Ex Director of one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK)

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Sums it up..

76. Patients are seen as money, even upon death, hospitals receive money for each death. Is there an actual concern for patient health and safety? I know numerous doctors who are driven primarily by money and monetary gain.



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0a014c No.55005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865457 (180825ZMAY23) Notable: Capture of key Donbass city ‘days away’

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Overnight Attacks Rock Kyiv And Odesa


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0a014c No.55006

File: 0aff1770e0fb76d⋯.png (255.86 KB,1245x987,415:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865489 (180839ZMAY23) Notable: Dasting thread on Antifa and their website

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> >>55002

> >>>/qresearch/18865443

> >>>/qresearch/18865460

>try it, any search engine.

>type in antifa.com and it will redirect you to whitehouse.gov with image attached.

>after all these years, how is that still habbening.?

>We know antifa is funded by George Soros.

good question

neat rabbit hole anon fell down a few years back


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0a014c No.55007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865505 (180849ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Defense Intelligence Agency - Quantum Reports

Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions


Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology


Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum


Concepts for Extracting Energy From the Quantum Vacuum


The Space-Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality


State of the Art and Evolution of High-Energy Laser Weapons


Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy


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0a014c No.55008

File: 59467b769d05702⋯.png (311.32 KB,589x703,31:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865511 (180857ZMAY23) Notable: 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate went missing from a rail car

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60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate went missing from a rail car

Anon senses a false flag incoming.


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0a014c No.55009

File: 13c85acae110807⋯.jpeg (57.64 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865523 (180906ZMAY23) Notable: Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

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Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

An artist has defended his work after visitors to an art exhibition were shocked to see a painting of newly coronated King Charles wearing a Jim’ll Fix It medal.

The portrait, dubbed The Company One Keeps, depicts Charles wearing the medal - alluding to the King’s previous relationship with the notorious paedophile.

Art fans visiting the Artists Open House displays said they were “upset” by the “disrespectful” portrait. The artist behind the piece has stood up for his work, adding it is the job of the artist to “provoke debates”.

Saltdean-based artist Jake Fern said: “No one is talking about the fact that he [then Prince Charles] was friends with one of the worst paedophiles in history. Or that his brother [Andrew]was friends with [paedophile] Jeffrey Epstein.


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0a014c No.55010

File: 44fc3d43eb4a5ed⋯.png (379.27 KB,522x1253,522:1253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865556 (180929ZMAY23) Notable: [Time]ing is important

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May 18 Deltas | Focus WW1/WW2 | FISA = Start


FISA = Start | Durham | Barr | Timing is everything


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0a014c No.55011

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865579 (180950ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55012

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865582 (180950ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55013

File: 36b2099d7e15705⋯.png (771.77 KB,870x933,290:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865583 (180951ZMAY23) Notable: Durham Finds the Importance of Nellie Ohr

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Durham Finds the Importance of Nellie Ohr

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/17/2023 10:38:08 PM

Paul Sperry at RealClearPolitics has an article today citing one part of the Durham report that deserves a little CTH attention. I hope you will forgive my indulgent snickers, as the graphic you see below was created by me in early 2018, a full five years before the release of this Durham report. I even referred to the Steele Dossier as the Nellie Ohr Dossier. lol As noted by Sperry, “According to the 306-page report, former Justice Department prosecutor Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr first plowed the ground for the dossier with a series of research reports she wrote for Fusion GPS,

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0a014c No.55014

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865588 (180952ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55015

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865591 (180953ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55016

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bbac18cbb5c6c6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865592 (180953ZMAY23) Notable: Potent info to archive / share

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865604 (180958ZMAY23) Notable: Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States (Disclaimer: Yuck)

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Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States,

Contagious and drug resitant.

Tinea, that do not respond to traditional first-line treatments

Many are freaking out and confusing with shingles, so many will line up for shinglles RX and other vaccines.

No one gives a crap about Morgellons.

Ringworm, unlike Morgellons, does not involve actual worms.

I think this is related to all the illegal aliens as well as timely scare tactic to get shingles vaccines numbers up. Then the n3xt weird thing. Covid vaxxed and boosted peeps will be first in line. Wonder whar kind of zombie skin thing will be the outcome of all the mixes of creams, steroids, anti-fungals, vaccine combos.


First Cases of Drug-Resistant Ringworm Found in the U.S.

The two patients—both in New York City—developed itchy rashes that did not go away with typical antifungal medications

May 17, 2023



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0a014c No.55018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865615 (181003ZMAY23) Notable: Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States (Disclaimer: Yuck)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



York City infections stemmed from a species of fungus named

Trichophyton indotineae.

Though infections caused by T. indotineae have been on the rise in South Asia during the last ten years

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0a014c No.55019

File: 7806a2eb26e7387⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB,1280x670,128:67,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 23e921c94acc097⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,736x1280,23:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865638 (181017ZMAY23) Notable: A 60-year-old Chinese woman swam from Mexico to the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A 60-year-old Chinese woman swam from Mexico to the United States. Due to her low social rating and debt of 150,000 yuan (1,700,000 rubles), she can no longer survive in China. Having flown to Ecuador, I went on foot from Ecuador to Mexico. In China, she fought back against a man after he broke into her house and attacked her. With a blow to the eye, she detached his retina. She was sentenced to six months in prison and fined 150,000 yuan, lost her job and pension. The authorities also blacklisted it in the social credit system


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0a014c No.55020

File: ff5479fccfd6f0a⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB,231x218,231:218,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ff5479fccfd6f0a⋯.jpeg (7.69 KB,231x218,231:218,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70a154992ee5fda⋯.jpeg (6.86 KB,279x180,31:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d20ac4d78e1db5f⋯.jpeg (5.58 KB,237x213,79:71,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3c1104b74587c22⋯.jpeg (4.66 KB,208x242,104:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865663 (181025ZMAY23) Notable: Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States (Disclaimer: Yuck)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/18865644 yes NOW as its getting zombie creepy and people are gross


Many illegals have this.

Trichophyton indotineae

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0a014c No.55021

File: 36e1e59d38bd37a⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8894cfa4dd28216⋯.png (277.17 KB,504x832,63:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865670 (181027ZMAY23) Notable: A 60-year-old Chinese woman swam from Mexico to the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


((('a.i.'))) induced migration = as bad as possible

TikTok Lookalike Guides Illegal Chinese Immigrants to Swarm Into US Through Southern Border


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0a014c No.55022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865673 (181029ZMAY23) Notable: Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

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There's the word 'shock/ed' again.

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0a014c No.55023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865688 (181037ZMAY23) Notable: Repudiate the Debt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Repudiate the Debt

Murray Rothbard


Although largely forgotten by historians and by the public, repudiation of public debt is a solid part

of the American tradition. The first wave of repudiation of state debt came during the 1840's, after

the panics of 1837 and 1839. Those panics were the consequence of a massive inflationary boom

fueled by the Whig-run Second Bank of the United States. Riding the wave of inflationary credit,

numerous state governments, largely those run by the Whigs, floated an enormous amount of debt,

most of which went into wasteful public works (euphemistically called "internal improvements"),

and into the creation of inflationary banks. Outstanding public debt by state governments rose from

$26 million to $170 million during the decade of the 1830's. Most of these securities were financed

by British and Dutch investors.

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0a014c No.55024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865705 (181044ZMAY23) Notable: (14 Jan, 2023) @TheOriginalSai: The truth about the Covid-19 Pandemic from within the NHS (Ex Director of one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK)

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The Enterprise Fraud Construct


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0a014c No.55025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865708 (181045ZMAY23) Notable: Repudiate the Debt

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The case for repudiation stands on the desire to reduce the power and size of government. The disgrace of repudiating the debt would fall on our government, drastically reducing the government’s ability to continue such spending behavior. Historically, repudiation brought a widening circle of benefits. Governments became wary in investing and spending money, investors are cautious to deal with government borrowing. Negative consequences to repudiation certainly exist but tend to be short lived as the market, if allowed to operate, would sort these out relatively quickly.

Repudiation, however, could be called a breach of contract and therefore unjust. But if we wish to pay back the debt we have two options. The first is to increase taxation and the second is to cut spending. Certainly we could achieve this through a mix of the two but the former is inconsistent with classical liberalism. Why? Taxation is coercive and the tax money is being taken from individuals who have a legitimate claim over the money. Cutting spending is perfectly consistent, albeit difficult, means of paying back the debt.

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0a014c No.55026

File: 9cc017fdee359f2⋯.jpeg (393.36 KB,1129x1553,1129:1553,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5aa276132e9890f⋯.jpeg (210.66 KB,869x1158,869:1158,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc9faf322698d4d⋯.jpeg (110.17 KB,899x761,899:761,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865737 (181056ZMAY23) Notable: Chief Executive Of America’s Largest Oil Port Unexpectedly Resigns

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0a014c No.55027

File: 1cf311ac9bc3b31⋯.png (387.94 KB,964x699,964:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865749 (181100ZMAY23) Notable: Jay and Not So Silent Bob Strike Back with Journalist George Webb: CoronaVirus and the deep state players involved throughout the process / Durham Report

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Looks like ANTIFA's Arrows.

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0a014c No.55028

File: 6cd4077d6473971⋯.png (404.94 KB,1257x782,1257:782,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865769 (181112ZMAY23) Notable: Chief Executive Of America’s Largest Oil Port Unexpectedly Resigns

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>Sean Strawbridge

A veteran of world-class organizations such as the Port of Long Beach, Ports America Group, Oxbow Energy, and Sea-Land Service, Sean has written extensively on the evolving marine terminal and vessel shipping paradigms and has been globally recognized for his industry knowledge and large network of professional relationships.

Sean is an active member of the South Texas Military Task Force, as well as the USCG Area Maritime Security Committee. He is committed to his community and serves on the Buccaneer Commission, United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, USS Lexington Board of Directors, and the Art Museum of South Texas Board of Directors,


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0a014c No.55029

File: 1f74f643e643e91⋯.png (325.55 KB,614x624,307:312,Clipboard.png)

File: a79fe752e046dbe⋯.png (547.75 KB,1137x580,1137:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e04e92cbb75564⋯.png (1.25 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 09bfe60ad79910d⋯.png (576.84 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865783 (181121ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

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From17th tee

on the17th



Donald J. Trump




ARAMCO Ladies Championship at Trump International Golf Club, Palm Beach County, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Best Female Players in the World. Big Crowds, Great Excitement!

May17, 2023, 6:28 PM

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0a014c No.55030

File: e756dff5d1289e8⋯.png (285.63 KB,613x307,613:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cace838fe56478⋯.png (298.27 KB,534x356,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865791 (181124ZMAY23) Notable: Hawk / bird comms

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FILE - Pale Male, a red tailed hawk, leaves his nest with a rat he just caught hanging from his beak, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005, in New York. Pale Male, who brought a touch of the wild to swanky Manhattan as he nested above Fifth Avenue with a succession of mates for more than 30 years, died late Tuesday, May 16, 2023, after being found ill and grounded in Central Park, wildlife rehabilitator Bobby Horvath posted on Facebook. The hawk was believed to be 33 years old. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, File)

© Provided by The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Pale Male, a red-tailed hawk who brought a touch of the wild to swanky Manhattan as he nested above Fifth Avenue for three decades, has died.

Pale Male died late Tuesday after being found ill and grounded in Central Park, wildlife rehabilitator Bobby Horvath posted on Facebook. The hawk was believed to be 33 years old.

Horvath posted that he picked Pale Male up and took him to his rehab group's veterinarian, who did bloodwork and X-rays. The hawk later ate a small meal but remained weak and lethargic, Horvath said. “We hoped for any improvement, but sadly it was not meant to be,” he said.

Pale Male, so named because of his whitish plumage, was first spotted in Central Park as a juvenile in 1991 and began nesting on Fifth Avenue across from the park in 1993.

Bird lovers crowded inside the park to watch as Pale Male and his succession of mates hatched and raised their young each spring.

The birders were outraged in 2004 when Pale Male's nest with then-mate Lola was ripped from its ledge on the 12th floor of a ritzy apartment building whose residents included actor Mary Tyler Moore and CNN anchor Paula Zahn. Moore publicly opposed the nest removal.

The co-op board, which had voted to remove the nest as a hazard, quickly reversed itself and restored a row of anti-pigeon spikes that the hawks had used to anchor their nest, and even added a new metal “cradle” on the ledge. Pale Male and Lola rebuilt their nest.

As his legend grew, Pale Male was the subject of a 2009 documentary, “The Legend of Pale Male,” and at least three illustrated children's books.

Horvath wrote in his post that Pale Male inspired bird lovers and photographers around the world. Some took up bird photography professionally, he wrote, but "most were just local residents or tourists who just wanted an opportunity to get a glimpse of this famous hawk.”

David Barrett, who runs birding Twitter accounts including Manhattan Bird Alert, said that for much of Pale Male's life “he was not only the world’s most famous red-tailed hawk, but he was probably the world’s most famous bird, one that people knew by name.”

Barrett said the hawk's fame “shows that even in an intensely urban place like Manhattan, there are many people who have a fondness for wildlife and feel a connection to it.”

It is difficult to know with 100% certainty that the hawk that died Tuesday was Pale Male, since Pale Male was never banded.

Some observers began wondering around 2021 if Pale Male had died and been replaced in the Fifth Avenue nest by another hawk who resembled him.

No eggs were observed in the nest in recent breeding seasons, which Barrett said points toward the likelihood that the resident male hawk was in fact an elderly Pale Male, no longer interested in propagating.

Horvath said he believes the hawk whose final hours he witnessed Tuesday was Pale Male, a bird he has been following for 20 years.

“I've rescued babies of his that were poisoned,” Horvath said in an interview. “I have a history with his family.”

If Pale Male did live past 30, his life was one of the longest ever recorded for a red-tailed hawk. He survived several mates including Chocolate, Blue, Lola and Lima. His most recent mate was Octavia.

He is survived by an unknown number of descendants.

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0a014c No.55031

File: d14363133bc9b77⋯.png (221.09 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: e8c51f14f649d9d⋯.png (26.28 KB,811x143,811:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f36a33d9209bd1⋯.jpg (157.55 KB,585x480,39:32,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865793 (181125ZMAY23) Notable: The ‘Mystery’ Of The 20% Fall In US Birth Rate Since 2007

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The ‘Mystery’ Of The 20% Fall In US Birth Rate Since 2007

'Professors' cannot figure out why the birth rate has fallen so dramatically, claiming there is no good demographic, economic, or policy reason for it.

Since 2007, people may have changed life priorities, they suggest, arguing that young adults now prefer to put off parenthood or reject it completely - but other factors, like greater take-up of contraception, child-rearing costs, and more women in the workplace do not play a significant role.

The pandemic is acknowledged as a factor, as it “added another layer of uncertainty to childbearing trends,” the authors write.

The paper ends with a stark warning that “the US is likely to see a sustained decline in birth rates and a decline in fertility for the foreseeable future. This has consequences for projected US economic growth, and fiscal sustainability of current social insurance programs.”

Full Article: https://econofact.org/the-mystery-of-the-declining-u-s-birth-rate



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0a014c No.55032

File: 9a16f5510f5db83⋯.png (270.25 KB,595x834,595:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865810 (181133ZMAY23) Notable: Elon: Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run

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Safe to say the ADL goon squad is in for a rough time of it as they try the usual gaslighting techniques to get Musk to retreat.

He's not going to retreat.


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0a014c No.55033

File: 9045999b0b35215⋯.png (77.05 KB,388x1035,388:1035,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865832 (181145ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

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>From17th tee

>on the17th


>May17, 2023, 6:28 PM

top kek


Aug 09, 2018 10:27:00 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 000000 No. 126


[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.


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0a014c No.55034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865857 (181157ZMAY23) Notable: Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States (Disclaimer: Yuck)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is something going around that is for sure. Weakened immune systems have been brewing some shit inside people either from poor hygiene, diet, vaccines, or a death-combo of the aforementioned.

Castor Oil, preferably Organic cold-pressed, is super powerful against any surface-skin fungus (athlete's foot, jock itch, dandruff, etc) and is natural. Cures Athlete's Foot for example basically the next day but still apply for 1-2 weeks just to make sure.

Ricin is the active acid within Castor Oil that works the magic. Trump mentioned a General Ricin a many times during the Kung Flu Saga and I always had the feeling he was giving clues for Castor Oil being a useful natural cure for all sorts of things (can ingest it too), even for parasites.

And then there is the super-duper options of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, don't forget.

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0a014c No.55035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865870 (181203ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In April 2015, he was appointed advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques with the rank of minister. He was the son of Prince Muqrin, former Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He was killed in mysterious circumstances when his helicopter crashed on 5 November 2017, hours after a major purge of the kingdom's political and business leadership.

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0a014c No.55036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865888 (181212ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky gives Pope Frances a blasphemous icon with a blacked out Jesus during his meeting (@3:00)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Zelensky gives Pope Frances a blasphemous icon with a blacked out Jesus during his meeting

He is closing the Russian Orthodox monasteries and churches. He is a Jewish Hitler and a sloppy thug.

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0a014c No.55037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865889 (181213ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Vegas Shooting pol thread from 11/17

Supplemental posts





Didn’t Q ask us if AF1 landed in Vegas that day?

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0a014c No.55038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865891 (181214ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

May 18, 2023

8:30 AM EDT

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee 181st Meeting

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)



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0a014c No.55039

File: 41e8e17391c7d30⋯.png (2.96 MB,2374x1583,2374:1583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865899 (181217ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55040

File: 21bc245791d95c5⋯.png (231.22 KB,591x1178,591:1178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865900 (181217ZMAY23) Notable: The ‘Mystery’ Of The 20% Fall In US Birth Rate Since 2007

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55041

File: febfc149c087591⋯.jpeg (290 KB,1071x1015,153:145,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865905 (181218ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Drop #92

Too long to capture on my iphone, but it is a fucking WHOPPER.

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0a014c No.55042

File: 8ae8d5f2e424092⋯.jpeg (119.42 KB,572x351,44:27,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865910 (181220ZMAY23) Notable: ICYMI: Maricopa’s log file data shows that 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



“Maricopa’s log file data shows that 11 of these signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of between 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating. That’s not signature review, your Honor.”


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0a014c No.55043

File: 53f91ec1c77f1d3⋯.jpeg (402.21 KB,1170x904,585:452,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865922 (181223ZMAY23) Notable: Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


House Judiciary and Weaponization Committee News Conference on FBI Whistleblower Report

Members of the House Judiciary Committee and Weaponization of Congress Select Subcommittee speak with reporters prior to a hearing on the FBI whistleblower report.


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0a014c No.55044

File: be0eaa4a7dfd47d⋯.png (154.69 KB,784x520,98:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7352d520cf69d⋯.png (44.32 KB,366x510,61:85,Clipboard.png)

File: b33a99bd4a5c288⋯.png (187.82 KB,731x526,731:526,Clipboard.png)

File: a1b8d89ddfc4fc9⋯.png (179.64 KB,712x535,712:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865923 (181224ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

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anon posted on Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/18857411 lb

>Here's a summary of the Durham Report Executive Summary.

>Weird how it's dated August of 2018


>Aug 09, 2018 10:27:00 PM EDT

>Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 000000 No. 126



> 6:28 PM




Jun 28


Jun 28, 2018 12:33:42 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3831d8 No. 1940910

We remember you, Mr. VIP!



Where did the Storm derive from?

Some things leave lasting impressions.

Listen carefully.


When did POTUS make the statement?

When did we arrive to start the awakening?

You have more than you know.




Q Posted 17 times out of 23 drops on May 17, 2020

>Where did the Storm derive from?

Crossfire Hurricane (Durham Report)

>Some things leave lasting impressions.

>Listen carefully.


White Squall Trailer

1:06 - "The Calm Before the Storm"

>When did POTUS make the statement?


10-06 in the news

>When did we arrive to start the awakening?

10-28 - Durham same day

>You have more than you know.

Interdasting caption glitch.

"the Calm" replaced with

"Oh Donald"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55045

File: 61119dfae69afce⋯.png (300.11 KB,576x794,288:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865925 (181224ZMAY23) Notable: Bill Burns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Typed "CIA Director" into Google

I get the name, Bill Burns and his picture

He sure is pretty

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55046

File: f2ccd0988c93d67⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1170x1144,45:44,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865929 (181225ZMAY23) Notable: Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




FBI employees had security clearances revoked after speaking out against 'politicized rot': House report

FBI defends suspensions, saying one employee refused to participate in an arrest and another took part in unapproved interviews with a Russian government news outlet


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0a014c No.55047

File: 2fcf1b12ece52fc⋯.jpeg (81.48 KB,1080x736,135:92,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865941 (181229ZMAY23) Notable: Elon: Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55048

File: 64ea026d13cc205⋯.png (82.58 KB,808x421,808:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 48b3e8453e03cfb⋯.png (158.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 3345d779478fcc3⋯.png (150.32 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: f6d13278c885468⋯.png (31.99 KB,439x253,439:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 91abedbacac31fa⋯.png (203.59 KB,733x480,733:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865947 (181231ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> 6:28 PM





40 seconds into White Squall

kek "A team"

>Q Posted 17 times out of 23 drops on May 17, 2020

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0a014c No.55049

File: 0e56150d8901c96⋯.png (227.15 KB,448x573,448:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 190d2219cce1c58⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865948 (181231ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Disgusting’ NY Health Committee passes Minor Consent Bill, which aims to allow minors to consent to STD-related vaccines without parental knowledge or consent

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Children’s Health Defense


‘Disgusting’ NY Health Committee Passes Minor Consent Bill for STD-Related Vaccines

The passing of NY A276B

by the NY Health Committee and its proposed companion senate version S762A has sparked controversy and raised concerns among parents.

The bill, which aims to allow minors to consent to STD-related vaccines without parental knowledge or consent, has drawn criticism for potentially infringing on parental rights. A276B was strategically placed on the agenda just before Mother’s Day weekend, a move believed to suppress opposition and limit public backlash.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55050

File: 2d846d744770b6c⋯.jpeg (311.58 KB,1140x706,570:353,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865949 (181231ZMAY23) Notable: Elon: Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run, which has happened more than once.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865954 (181233ZMAY23) Notable: Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Live: Rep. Jim Jordan, House judiciary lawmakers hold presser on new whistleblower report


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865961 (181235ZMAY23) Notable: Bill Burns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I didn't follow your link. I went to cia.gov from a search engine and found this page of portraits of former directors. It stopped at panetta. That was from clinton admin. No more resent portraits are listed.

That is very strange.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55053

File: 00af06aee306389⋯.png (193.48 KB,816x1056,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ae4dd9299b08ec8⋯.pdf (794.91 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865963 (181235ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Whistleblower Testimony Highlights Government Abuse, Misallocation of Resources, and Retaliation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865967 (181239ZMAY23) Notable: Bill Burns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


found this on burns. installed in 2021


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55055

File: b4e8e5da4aafba4⋯.png (21.54 KB,372x333,124:111,Clipboard.png)

File: c5dbefaec1828e5⋯.png (817.67 KB,863x1453,863:1453,Clipboard.png)

File: a63266c136d2b64⋯.png (118.4 KB,396x354,66:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d83b3a79665313⋯.png (1.3 MB,988x2432,13:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865975 (181241ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>Jun 28

Q+ points to Jun 28

Also Jun 28

Q linking to the Time article listing

Q and Potus 25 most influential.

Just like onMar 17=

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0a014c No.55056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865976 (181241ZMAY23) Notable: Bill Burns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


and this when searching the cia site for gina haspel


ICYMI: CIA Introduces Gina Haspel to the American People - CIA

Stories ICYMI: CIA Introduces Gina Haspel to the American People March 23, 2018 News...CIA Director Gina Haspel Speaks at Auburn University Read More CIA Pays...23 March 2018 Wall Street Journal: CIA Fills in Some Blanks on Gina Haspel’s Secret Life (Nancy


Get to Know our Deputy Director - CIA

Gina Haspel joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the waning days of the Cold War, and for...didn’t get any better than that.” Making (Secret) History Gina Haspel arrived during the closing...named Deputy Director of CIA in 2017, Gina Haspel held a series of senior jobs, including Chief of Staff


Gina Haspel Assumes Role of Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - CIA

Stories Gina Haspel Assumes Role of Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency April 26...State, Deputy Director Gina C. Haspel assumed the role of Acting Director of the Central Intelligence...CIA Director Gina Haspel Speaks at Auburn University Read More CIA Pays


Director Haspel Announces Leadership Team - CIA

, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer CIA Director Gina Haspel welcomed...: press release women in intel Related Stories CIA Director Gina Haspel...Stories Director Haspel Announces Leadership Team August 22, 2018 News 22


Gina Haspel Sworn in as First Female CIA Director - CIA

Stories Gina Haspel Sworn in as First Female CIA Director May 25, 2018 People and Culture News...On Monday, May 21, Gina Haspel was sworn in as the first woman to serve as CIA Director in our...workforce in government,” Director Haspel said. “It has been nearly 50 years since an operations officer


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0a014c No.55057

File: a17e30123c4caf9⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,1280x714,640:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865977 (181241ZMAY23) Notable: An Investigation of Alleged Misconduct by United States Attorney Rachael Rollins

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55058

File: 0528b2a41f57894⋯.png (307.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b6bfd7bc18b141⋯.png (1.01 MB,899x1259,899:1259,Clipboard.png)

File: d85e8d4ed5dcbc8⋯.png (70.92 KB,401x527,401:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865995 (181249ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>Just like onMar 17=

Any anons have this Truth vid from March 17?

I named the pic of it:


Presumably because he said that in the vid.

Also truthed a pic of the same thing yesterday with a RED ARROW pointing at the 17

Can someone resurrect QAGG?

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0a014c No.55059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866004 (181252ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:00 AM EDT

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government



Garret O’Boyle, Whistleblower; FBI Special Agent


Steve Friend, Whistleblower; former FBI Special Agent


Marcus Allen, Whistleblower; FBI Staff Operations Specialist


Tristan Leavitt, President, Empower Oversight; former Member of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board







FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee

FBI whistleblowers testify before the Select Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee on alleged abuses of power by FBI leadership.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866006 (181253ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:00 AM EDT

Putting the 'Stable' in 'Stablecoins:' How Legislation Will Help Stablecoins Achieve Their Promise

House Financial Services Committee



H.R. ____, To provide for the regulation of payment stablecoins, and for other purposes.



H.R. ____, To provide requirements for payment stablecoin issuers, research on a digital dollar, and for other purposes.




Ms. Fennie Wang, Founder and CEO, Humanity Cash


Mr. Matt Homer, Managing Member, The Department of XYZ; former Executive Deputy Superintendent of Research and Innovation, New York Department of Financial Services


Mr. David Portilla, Partner, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP


Mr. Robert Morgan, CEO, USDF Consortium





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866010 (181254ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:00 AM EDT

HFAC Subcommittee Hearing on China's Economic Aggression and Predatory Practices

House Foreign Affairs Committee



Mr. Alon Raphael




Dr. Derek Scissors

Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute


Mr. David Feith

Adjunct Senior Fellow

Center for New American Security


Mr. Matthew Reynolds

Fellow, Economics Program

Center for Strategic and International Studies





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0a014c No.55062

File: 1db5199dcf5f28e⋯.png (417.29 KB,1178x864,589:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866013 (181256ZMAY23) Notable: Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866014 (181256ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9:00 AM EDT

Fiscal Year 2024 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Bill



FY24 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration - Subcommittee Mark






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0a014c No.55064

File: b89e7427aea450b⋯.jpeg (263.01 KB,1170x638,585:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866033 (181305ZMAY23) Notable: (9:00am EDT) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene News Conference on Impeachment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAY 18, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene News Conference on Impeachment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) makes an announcement regarding impeachment.


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0a014c No.55065

File: 22764e0bfd466d6⋯.png (473.78 KB,827x762,827:762,Clipboard.png)

File: 085ea8ad1465eb1⋯.png (1.26 MB,626x1191,626:1191,Clipboard.png)

File: a2527b93e53e5b5⋯.png (173.02 KB,561x527,33:31,Clipboard.png)

File: c212a9d19e61052⋯.jpg (88.84 KB,896x1024,7:8,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 819170848f1aaa7⋯.png (58.6 KB,373x701,373:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866035 (181305ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>Just like onMar 17=

>Any anons have this Truth vid from March 17?

For the clockfag skeptics,

Mar 17 > May 17 = 1 revolution + 1 minute

Unless sometimes February


>Q linking to theTimearticle listing


Feb 17, 2019 6:47:31 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6ab280 No. 5230708

Feb 17, 2019 6:45:57 PM EST

Anonymous ID: d2a676 No. 5230665


New POTUS Tweet

[1] minute delta




(3) today?

What are the odds of that?



> Timing is everything

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0a014c No.55066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866038 (181306ZMAY23) Notable: Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55067

File: cd9b85dd36f73e9⋯.png (19.64 KB,499x178,499:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 74394b6235ff564⋯.png (48.38 KB,901x246,901:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866045 (181310ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>For the clockfag skeptics,

2 months is sometimes 1 revolution + 1 min

>Mar 17 > May 17 = 1 revolution + 1 minute

>Unless sometimes February throws it off by a minute or two

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866058 (181315ZMAY23) Notable: Ecuadorian president ends impeachment proceedings by dissolving National Assembly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ecuadorian president ends impeachment proceedings by dissolving National Assembly

The opposition-led National Assembly had accused President Guillermo Lasso of embezzlement.

Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso on Tuesday put an end to impeachment proceedings against him by dissolving the opposition-led National Assembly, which had accused him of embezzlement.

The right-wing president, who has denied any wrongdoing, can govern for up to six months by decree under the South American country’s constitution.

The National Electoral Council now has seven days to call presidential and legislative elections, which must be held within 90 days. Those elected will finish the terms of Lasso and the lawmakers he ousted, which had been set to end in May 2025.

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0a014c No.55069

File: 05f7cec6cb0c570⋯.jpeg (51.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866070 (181318ZMAY23) Notable: Capture of key Donbass city ‘days away’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 May, 2023 11:49

Capture of key Donbass city ‘days away’ – official

The battle for Artyomovsk may soon end in Moscow’s favor, local authorities and media believe

Russia appears set to take full control of the Donbass city of Artyomovsk, which Ukraine calls Bakhmut, according to officials, media reports and the boss of the private military company Wagner Group.

“Wagner is pushing forward for real, day and night,”acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

He acknowledged that the situation remained tense and that the Ukrainian military was sending reserves into battle, but described the full capture of the city by Russia as “potentially very close.”

Russia’s recent advances were also confirmed by German newspaper Bild on Wednesday. It reported that Ukrainian forces were in control of around 20 buildings in the west of Artyomovsk, or1% of the city’s total area.

The article claimedthat pro-Ukrainian media operatives were engaged in damage control ahead of the imminent loss of the city, which President Vladimir Zelensky declared a fortress several months ago. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military hopes to push back on the flanks, putting Wagner troops at a disadvantage after they fully seize the settlement.

The head of the company, Evgeny Prigozhin, expressed concern about the tactics in a statement on Thursday, in which he urged regular troops supporting his unit “to hold on as hard as you can for a few more days,”complaining about asetback at one locationto the north of Artyomovsk.

Wagner troops have been on the forefront of the battle, which has been underway for some eight months, becoming one of the bloodiest episodes of the wider armed conflict in Ukraine. Earlier in the week, Kiev claimed to have turned the tide, but its reported momentum apparently did not last.

The Zelensky government has attached a symbolic significance to the standoff in Artyomovsk and rejected the advice of Western officials, who urged the president to pull back troops and prepare for a counteroffensive. The Ukrainian military reportedly lost some of its most experienced troops as it clung to the city, while its promised major pushback against Russiahas so far failed to materialize.

(Interesting I heard a report the other day Russia was getting crushed. Both spread propaganda, but I trust Russia has more munitions and Ukraine ruins expensive equipment in a couple of days of use. Ukraine is becoming a pariah to all nations supporting them and their whining and threats are getting old)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866086 (181326ZMAY23) Notable: Mil tweets / decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mil tweets / decodes

>>>/qresearch/18865448 PAIN IS COMING

>>>/qresearch/18865469 STRATCOM

>>>/qresearch/18865491 STORM

>>>/qresearch/18865507, >>>/qresearch/18865619 Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire

>>>/qresearch/18865533, >>>/qresearch/18865547 Pointing to No Name / FISA

>>>/qresearch/18865561 EXIT SIGN

>>>/qresearch/18865571 FROGCOPTER + NIGHTSHIFT

>>>/qresearch/18865652, >>>/qresearch/18865692, >>>/qresearch/18865699 PEDOBAMA

>>>/qresearch/18865692, >>>/qresearch/18865699, >>>/qresearch/18865746 Charlotte's Web / Spider Web / Web Shutdown

>>>/qresearch/18865744 HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED

>>>/qresearch/18865761 America First

>>>/qresearch/18865776 KNOWINGLY

>>>/qresearch/18865792 DECLAS

>>>/qresearch/18865806, >>>/qresearch/18865865 IT'S TIME

>>>/qresearch/18865847 PAIN

>>>/qresearch/18865865 SHIELD OF FAITH + JEFFERSON

>>>/qresearch/18865882 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

>>>/qresearch/18865894 Looks like BIBLICAL on the notepad

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55071

File: 0f4b6e53676e908⋯.jpeg (41.4 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866105 (181330ZMAY23) Notable: US blocks European F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 May, 2023 11:39

US blocks European F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots – NYT

Without Washington’s approval, Kiev’s air force could only receive lessons on language and tactics, an official has told the outlet

The US has forbidden its European allies from providing Ukrainian pilots with training on F-16 fighter jets, the New York Times has reported, citing a high-ranking official in Kiev.

Without approval from Washington, the best that Ukrainian airmen can hope for are lessons on technical language and tactical training on the ground, the outlet said on Wednesday.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has beenpressing his Western backers for fourth generation F-16 warplanes for months, arguing they are crucial for defending the country’s airspace amid a massive Russian missile campaign targeting military facilities and energy infrastructure.

The Ukrainian leader appeared to achieve limited progress during a recent European tour, with the UK and the Netherlands announcing on Tuesday that they would work on building an “international coalition” toprovide Kiev “with everything from training to procuring F-16 jets.” London announced that training will begin this summer, while Zelensky’s office claimed that Belgium was also eager to help prepare Ukrainian pilots.

The unnamed Ukrainian official told the NYT that four nations, including the Netherlands and Norway, have “quietly signaled” that they are ready to supply Ukraine with the warplanes produced by Lockheed Martin.

F-16s contain classified technology and Washington’s allies must obtain special “releasability” permissionfrom the Pentagon to even discuss it with outside partners such as Ukraine, a senior US Defense Department official explained to the paper.

Another American official told the NYT that the administration of US President Joe Biden is sticking to its stance of not sending its own F-16s to Kiev. Washington is said to be concerned that the expensive jets would absorb too much of the funding allocated by the US to help Kiev, and in any case the planes would not reach the battlefield in time for Ukraine’s long-expected counteroffensive.

However, the source did not rule out the possibility of the White House eventually issuing re-export licenses for the F-16s to European allies, which would enable them to supply the aircraft to Ukraine.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that deliveries of more sophisticated weapons to Ukraine by the US and its allies could cross ‘red lines’, leading to a major escalation in the hostilities. Russia argues that the provision of arms, intelligence sharing, and training to Kiev’s troops already means that Western nations are de facto parties to the conflict.

(Ukraine is becoming a pariah to all nations supporting them, their whining and threats are becoming oldThese jets are easily a $100 million each, Ukraine are cavemen with technology. Scott Ritter they were incapable of servicing them and ruin all equipment from extreme overuse. Further giving an F16 to them, will give Ukraine the ability of travelling into Russia creating WWIII with US and EU. Its a stupid idea, so Joe will ultimately do it.)


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0a014c No.55072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866121 (181334ZMAY23) Notable: #23158

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23158 >>54997

>>55066, >>55043, >>55046, >>55051, >>55062 Live: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>55053 FBI Whistleblower Testimony Highlights Government Abuse, Misallocation of Resources, and Retaliation

>>55064 (9:00am EDT) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene News Conference on Impeachment

>>55038, >>55059, >>55060, >>55061, >>55063 Presser bun

>>54998 moar on the upcoming Bilderberg Group meeting

>>54999, >>55000, >>55001 Titanic revealed: Stunning full-size images show shipwreck like never before

>>55010 [Time]ing is important

>>55002 Jesse Watters: Soros is behind this

>>55004, >>55024 (14 Jan, 2023) @TheOriginalSai: The truth about the Covid-19 Pandemic from within the NHS (Ex Director of one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK)

>>55006 Dasting thread on Antifa and their website

>>55009, >>55022 Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

>>55008 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate went missing from a rail car

>>55017, >>55018, >>55020, >>55034 Drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm infections has spread to the United States (Disclaimer: Yuck)

>>55013 Durham Finds the Importance of Nellie Ohr

>>55019, >>55021 A 60-year-old Chinese woman swam from Mexico to the United States

>>55023, >>55025 Repudiate the Debt

>>55026, >>55028 Chief Executive Of America’s Largest Oil Port Unexpectedly Resigns

>>55027 Jay and Not So Silent Bob Strike Back with Journalist George Webb: CoronaVirus and the deep state players involved throughout the process / Durham Report

>>55029, >>55033, >>55044, >>55048, >>55055, >>55058, >>55065, >>55067 Trump Truth decode: From 17th tee on the 17thv

>>55030 Hawk / bird comms

>>55031, >>55040 The ‘Mystery’ Of The 20% Fall In US Birth Rate Since 2007

>>55036 Zelensky gives Pope Frances a blasphemous icon with a blacked out Jesus during his meeting (@3:00)

>>55042 ICYMI: Maricopa’s log file data shows that 11 signature verification workers approved 170K signatures at a rate of 0 - 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating

>>55050, >>55047, >>55032 Elon: Does the public realize that Soros wants open borders? Literally not even checking to see if they’re convicted serial killers on the run

>>55049 ‘Disgusting’ NY Health Committee passes Minor Consent Bill, which aims to allow minors to consent to STD-related vaccines without parental knowledge or consent

>>55045, >>55052, >>55054, >>55056 Bill Burns

>>55057 An Investigation of Alleged Misconduct by United States Attorney Rachael Rollins

>>55035, >>55037, >>55039, >>55041, >>55003 Refresher: Mansour bin Muqrin Al Saud | Dasting drop on /pol/ from 2017

>>55068 Ecuadorian president ends impeachment proceedings by dissolving National Assembly

>>55069, >>55005 Capture of key Donbass city ‘days away’

>>55071 US blocks European F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots

>>55070 Mil tweets / decodes

>>55011, >>55012, >>55014, >>55015, >>55016, >>55007 Potent info to archive / share


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0a014c No.55073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866138 (181337ZMAY23) Notable: #23159

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Baker can continue but prefers offhand

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0a014c No.55074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866168 (181344ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Marcus Allen [whistleblower; FBI]: The FBI suspended my security clearance, accusing me of actually being disloyal to my country. This outrageous and insulting accusation, is based on unsubstantiated accusations that I hold conspiratorial views regarding the events of January 6th, 2021, and that I allegedly sympathize with criminal conduct...it appears that I was retaliated against because I forwarded information to my superiors, and others, that questioned the official narrative of January 6th.

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0a014c No.55075

File: a4bc2917d9bfbed⋯.png (814.72 KB,1274x1420,637:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e763931d64aa06⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1068,90:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 57a56fe99435770⋯.png (583.41 KB,1154x1085,1154:1085,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866170 (181344ZMAY23) Notable: LB Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast

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Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast:

“Sadly, what we will see from the Democrats will not be a focus on the substance of what these brave men have exposed, or a discussion of how to defend our Constitutional rights and institutions from the tyrants who are running these agencies. Instead what we will see is a deflection. They will call our witnesses names. They will scream MAGA & extremist at the top of their lungs. They will pound the tables. They will continue to gaslight us about Russia Russia Russia, because that’s all that Adam Schiff knows what to say. But make no mistake, they are simply trying to cover up the unforgivable and the indefensible."




"MAGA Republicans are a threat to the rule of law in America.”


These people are sick!


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0a014c No.55076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866182 (181348ZMAY23) Notable: LB Weaponization Report | FBI Response

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>>55043, >>55062, >>>/qresearch/18866015

You missed two different pdf's attached to that post



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0a014c No.55077

File: 23b9bbc9a9c2cf6⋯.mp4 (7.46 MB,480x640,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866188 (181352ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / The FBI continues to wage war against We the People

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The FBI continues to wage war against We the People, The Gateway Pundit reports; “FBI Agents Show Up at Childhood Home of Pro-Life Activist (VIDEO) — FBI agents Ashley Roberts and Kathleen Brown showed up at the childhood home of pro-life activist Elise Ketch on April 18 around 2:45 pm. Ketch is a member of PAAU, a progressive anti-abortion group.”

(Thank God for Ring Door Bells)


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0a014c No.55078

File: 8d790bb7913174a⋯.png (463.09 KB,756x569,756:569,Clipboard.png)

File: e1caa5ac8573ebc⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 009e3dfac8b55f8⋯.png (450.41 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866197 (181355ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / Four kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

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4 kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

May 17, 2023

Four children, including an 11-month-old baby, were found alive in the Colombian jungle more than two weeks after their plane crashed and killed every adult on board.

The miraculous news was shared by President Gustavo Petro following an intense search carried out by the country’s military, firefighters and civil aviation authority officials.

The doomed plane crashed into the thick jungle on May 1, killing the pilot and two other adult passengers aboard.

The three adults were found dead inside the Cessna 206.

The four surviving children from the country’s Indigenous community are ages 13, 9, 4, and the infant.

Officials believe they escaped the plane and set out on foot to find help before they were found in the Caqueta province.

“After arduous searching by our military, we have found alive the four children who went missing after a plane crash in Guaviare,” Petro said in a tweet. “A joy for the country.”

The plane issued an urgent mayday alert as it was traveling from the Amazonas province to a city in the Guaviare province.

The search for the wreckage included dogs, as well as airplanes and helicopters from Colombia’s army and air force.

Rescuers found discarded fruit consumed by the children and improvised shelters made from jungle vegetation during their rescue effort.


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0a014c No.55079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866200 (181355ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Hageman: [citing testimony from retired FBI agent Thomas Baker]: Mr. Baker explained, that in the aftermath of 9/11, that upon being embarrassed by being scolded by President Bush for not being able to stop it from happening, then FBI Director Robert Mueller made the decision to fundamentally change the FBI from a law enforcement body, to an intelligence-driven one...centralizing it's power in Washington DC, while placing less emphasis on the field offices.

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0a014c No.55080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866212 (181359ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Plaskett complaining that they don't have testimony from one of the whistleblowers; republicans are protecting him from democrats desire to destroy them.

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0a014c No.55081

File: 97901aa745af107⋯.png (787 KB,1228x1090,614:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866213 (181359ZMAY23) Notable: Mayor Adams bragged and gloated endlessly about his 'sanctuary city', now complaining that 50% of hotel capacity being occupied by migrants

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This bastard bragged and gloated endlessly about his failing city being a 'sanctuary city'.

Now he's complaining that50% of all hotel capacity as being occupied by migrantsis bad for the NYC economy.



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0a014c No.55082

File: 3a5533946519675⋯.jpeg (136.26 KB,746x551,746:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e427c4ef0167586⋯.jpeg (118.72 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5a5b12ca438faee⋯.jpeg (136.24 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866216 (181359ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / DeSantis Loses Hometown Election to Democrat - Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

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DeSantis Loses Hometown Election to Democrat – Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

May 17, 2023 | Sundance |

Perhaps it’s the Ron DeSantis national pretending 2024 campaign driven by a “book tour.” Perhaps it’s the international travel that distracts a sitting governor from supporting a Republican candidate in the largest geographic metropolitan area in the state. Whatever the reason, the Jacksonville Florida mayoral contest was won by a Democrat, Donna Deegan

I have warned, against some of the most vitriolic pushback, that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is setting up the state of Florida for some major problems in the future. There are lots of granular points that I can reference, but the bigger picture they create is one that will be very damaging in the future.The class division in Florida, the distance between the haves and have-nots, is growing exponentially.

Lower and middle-income Floridians are being crushed as the ‘Instagram selfie-my-lunch’ crowd, the largest coalition of support for Ron DeSantis, ignores it.

Believe me on this,DeSantis Republicans representing the financially elite and being condescendingly dismissive of the non-elite, is not a path to future Republican electoral victory. From my perspective the backlash is visible. It only takes a few thousand voters staying home in protest to make a difference.

Those same enforcement police, newly empowered with tools against ANTIFA woke protests, will hold those same tools when it’s Joe the plumber protesting his economic status.

JACKSONVILLE – Democrat Donna Deegan won the Jacksonville mayor’s race Tuesday night, a shocking upset that hands Florida Democrats a major shot of energy less than six months after they were trounced in the 2022 midterms and considered left for dead by the national party.

Deegan came into Election Day as the decided underdog against Republican Daniel Davis, who is the head of the city’s Chamber of Commerce and had a significant fundraising advantage. He was endorsed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, but that support was lukewarm. DeSantis did not do events with Davis or put his political muscle behind his candidacy.

With all of the city’s 186 precincts reporting, Deegan had a 52% to 48% advantage over Davis, who was vying to replace current Republican Mayor Lenny Curry, who was term-limited. “Everyone said it could not be done in Jacksonville, Florida,” Deegan said, according to video of her victory speech. “We did it because we brought the people inside.” (read more)

Ron DeSantis has checked-out of his job in Florida. A tiara dreaming Casey DeSantis is measuring the drapes in the White House. The billionaire donors are pumping them both up.

The Florida middle class is being destroyed at the fastest rate in the state’s history. The lower socioeconomic group is looking for snorkel extensions, and the illegal alien workers, who support the lifestyle indulgences of the affluent class, are being targeted for removal.

The class divide in the state has grown more in the past three years than the quarter century that preceded it.Wokeism is not a priority when you are struggling paycheck to paycheck to survive.

Keep in mind, Donald Trump is a major employer in the state. President Trump, a very generous employer to all of his people, can see the struggle and pain on the face of his Trump Inc. employees. This is not some esoteric political issue for those being impacted.


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0a014c No.55083

File: c00fa43cf353924⋯.png (399.09 KB,761x499,761:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866223 (181401ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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>do you truly think adam schitt will be held to account for anything?









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0a014c No.55084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866226 (181401ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Sanchez: Make no mistake, this hearing is a vehicle to legitimize the events of January 6th, and the people who perpetrated it. And why? Because Donald Trump is running for president again. And if you normalize the events of January 6th, if you repeat his election fraud lies, then maybe he doesn't seem so extreme. Maybe it will be easier to overturn a free and fair election the next time.

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0a014c No.55085

File: fc85f47787cf8f0⋯.png (277.61 KB,612x407,612:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866236 (181403ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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Ditto that for FBI




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0a014c No.55086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866241 (181404ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Sanchez is obviously a state criminal in total panic. She is attempting to pin a twitter account on whistleblower Allen that is not even his.

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0a014c No.55087

File: e611396f1b2b017⋯.jpeg (51.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866245 (181405ZMAY23) Notable: Chinese special envoy meets with Zelensky

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18 May, 2023 12:29

Chinese special envoy meets with Zelensky

Li Hui visited Kiev to share Beijing’s views on a political settlement to the Ukraine crisis

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has met with China’s newly appointed special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, who traveled to Kiev to convey Beijing’s views on a diplomatic resolution to Ukraine’s conflict with Russia.

According to a statement published on Thursday by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Li held talks with Zelensky as well as the head of the Ukrainian President’s Office, Andrey Yermak, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, and representatives from several other ministries.

Beijing said both sides had agreed that the recent phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Zelensky had outlined the direction for future relations between their two nations, which it stated should be built on mutual respect and sincerity.

During his trip, Li reiterated that Beijing is willing to serve as a peace broker to help reach a political resolution to the conflict with Russia, based on the principles outlined in a 12-point roadmap published by China in late February.

There is no panacea in resolving the crisis. All parties need to start from themselves, accumulate mutual trust, and create conditions for ending the war and engaging in peace talks,” Li said, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s statement.

The special envoy’s two-day trip to Ukraine is the first leg of a wider European tour, during which he is expected to visit Poland, France, Germany, and Russia. Beijing has explained that the trip aims to promote communication toward “a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.”

China’s peace efforts have been welcomed by Russia as well as some European nations such as Hungary, and have been praised for acknowledging the national interests of both parties.

The roadmap, however, has been criticized by some in the West. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg claimed that China lacked “credibility” as it has refused to condemn Russia’s actions in Ukraine. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell insisted that “the only thing that can be called a peace plan is Zelensky’s proposal.”

The Ukrainian president has demanded that Russia must withdraw from territories that Kiev claims as its own, as well as pay war reparations and face an international tribunal. The Kremlin has dismissed the initiative, claiming it does not take into consideration “the realities on the ground,” including the new status of four former Ukrainian regions as part of Russia.

(NATO war machine must be dismantled. No war, no NATO, that is what they are afraid of)


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0a014c No.55088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866247 (181405ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Wasserman-Schultz: My understanding is that the minority, under the rules, is entitled to the same testimony, information, documents, that the majority is entitled to.

Chairman Jordan: When it comes to whistleblowers, you're not.

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0a014c No.55089

File: 3ed1710dfd1df31⋯.png (205.18 KB,862x418,431:209,Clipboard.png)

File: c7a2874d869c481⋯.png (319.32 KB,578x399,578:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866252 (181407ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / PF reports

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>>54842 PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

PF: 92-9000 (Potato) and 82-8000 747s (VC-25) arrived at Hiroshima (finally updated from the frozen positions not long after depart from JBA) with German AF GAF906 A350 arriving at Osaka Int'l after dropping offPM Olaf Scholz@ Hiroshima landed about 3h ago >>54892 pb

Kishida and Biden hail ‘evolution’ of alliance as leaders meet in Hiroshima


Germany’s Scholz leaves for G7 Summit in Hiroshima

Mr Scholz only had a six-hour layover in Berlin after returning from the Reykjavik summit, which focused on Russia’s war against Ukraine.


>>54673 pb Council of yerp departures yesterday

>>54863 pb

Brazilian AF BRS01 A319President Lulainbound from an Anchorage, AK-Ted Stevens Int'l stop/refuel prior stop at mexico City Int'l for a refuel-Brasilia depart

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0a014c No.55090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866253 (181407ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Wasserman-Schultz: These are not whistleblowers. They have been determined by the agency [FBI] to not be whistleblowers.

[democrats are scared to death]

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0a014c No.55091

File: a1608fa18632517⋯.png (216.6 KB,680x346,340:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866256 (181407ZMAY23) Notable: Deutsche Bank will pay $75 million to settle litigation alleging the German lender financially benefited from supporting Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme

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Deutsche Bank will pay $75 million to settle litigation alleging the German lender financially benefited from supporting Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme

Deutsche Bank will pay $75 million to settle litigation alleging the German lender financially benefited from supporting Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme, according to a report Wednesday.

The settlement concerns an unnamed defendant who launched a proposed class-action suit in November 2022, alleging Deutsche Bank did business with Epstein while knowing he used funds in the account to support sex-trafficking activity, the Wall Street Journal said Wednesday.

The Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, said Deutsche Bank did not admit wrongdoing.

A Deutsche Bank spokesperson declined comment.

Deutsche Bank benefited financially by supporting Epstein’s “sex trafficking organization to successfully rape, sexually assault and coercively sex traffic Plaintiff Jane Doe 1 and the numerous other members of the Class,” said the original complaint, which was filed in US court in New York.

Epstein, an American financier who killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial for sex crimes, began banking with Deutsche Bank in 2013 after JPMorgan Chase closed his accounts, the Journal reported.

An unidentified woman — apparently the same as in the Deutsche case — and the US Virgin Islands brought separate suits against JPMorgan late last year, accusing the bank of facilitating Epstein’s crimes by ignoring warnings and continuing to keep him as a client until 2013.

According to court documents, subpoenas in those cases have targeted multiple well-known people whom Epstein possibly referred to JPMorgan as clients, including Elon Musk and Google co-founder Larry Page.

The bank has denied the allegations, and has filed its own suit against a former executive for his ties to Epstein.

Deutsche Bank in July 2020 agreed to pay $150 million to settle allegations brought by the New York Department of Financial Services for compliance failures connected to the bank’s work for Epstein.

“We acknowledge our error of onboarding Epstein in 2013 and the weaknesses in our processes, and have learnt from our mistakes and shortcomings,” Deutsche Bank said in July 2020.

Epstein was convicted in Florida in 2008 of paying young girls for massages, but served just 13 months in jail under a secret plea deal.

Later facing charges of trafficking underage girls for sex, he killed himself in a New York jail in August 2019.

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0a014c No.55092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866279 (181414ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Gaetz: Did they [Washington Field Office of FBI] ever try to get you to do something that was outside the normal order of law enforcement activity?

O'Boyle: Yes, sir.

Gaetz: What did the Washington Field Office try to get you to do that violated the law and regulations?

O'Boyle: They tried to get me to serve a federal grand jury subpoena when there was no proper predicate to do so.

Gaetz: And the reason there was no predicate was because it was based on an anonymous tip, right?

O'Boyle: That's correct.

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0a014c No.55093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866280 (181414ZMAY23) Notable: LIVE: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee

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0a014c No.55094

File: 6837de63160bcde⋯.jpg (96.4 KB,954x500,477:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866281 (181414ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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TY, baker.

whew. quite a show.

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0a014c No.55095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866284 (181415ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Goldman was totally shut down by Jordan. kek

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0a014c No.55096

File: 4765d15811e56d5⋯.png (449.24 KB,500x571,500:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866288 (181416ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55097

File: e0d73b69cd6bfd3⋯.png (217.58 KB,500x523,500:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866289 (181416ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866292 (181418ZMAY23) Notable: Rachael Rollins committed ‘an extraordinary abuse of her power,’ US Office of Special Counsel wrote to Biden

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Boston Herald Headline:

"Rachael Rollins committed ‘an extraordinary abuse of her power,’ US Office of Special Counsel wrote to Biden "


"OSC, an independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency, ruled that Rollins should be disciplined for her repeated abuse of her official authority as U.S. Attorney for political purposes in violation of the Hatch Act.

However, because Rollins announced that she will be resigning later this week, she will get off scot-free without any discipline from the feds."

In our current political environment

some people can do whatever damage they like to their political rivals without any chance of being brought up to trial.

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0a014c No.55099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866311 (181424ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Cammack: I think it's clear we have a pattern here; if you speak up about the abuses, you are seen as an agent, or are sharing information that may not fall in line with the FBI's political narrative, you will be suspended without pay, have your security clearance revoked, and your life will be turned upside down.

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0a014c No.55100

File: 2c483ef8284d696⋯.png (317.37 KB,833x420,119:60,Clipboard.png)

File: e5dc2032afaf72a⋯.png (376.03 KB,485x603,485:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866316 (181425ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / PF reports

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PF: French AF CTM0001 A330Macroneast from Paris (Orly Airport) depart over Azerbaijan heading to G7 meeting in Hiroshima with CTM0007 Falcon 7X heading for a stop/refuel and on descent

World leaders land in Hiroshima for G-7 meeting, with Ukraine war high on agenda


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0a014c No.55101

File: 681e9f7c93de4c8⋯.png (96.7 KB,247x354,247:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866328 (181429ZMAY23) Notable: Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

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Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

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0a014c No.55102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866342 (181431ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Steube: The FBI has been turned into the enforcement arm of the democratic party.

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0a014c No.55103

File: 0bf7b775a10be99⋯.png (825.78 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866349 (181432ZMAY23) Notable: Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

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0a014c No.55104

File: f50e38a2221a4d2⋯.png (514.93 KB,1358x584,679:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866356 (181433ZMAY23) Notable: Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer To Be Found

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Wasserman Schultz used a televised May 18 congressional hearing on the Capitol Police budget to threaten “consequences” if Chief Matthew Verderosa did not give her the laptop.

“If a member loses equipment,” it should be given back, she said.

Verderosa told her the laptop couldn’t be returned because it was tied to a criminal suspect. Wasserman Schultz reiterated that, while Awan was a suspect, the computer should be returned because it is “a member’s … if the member is not under investigation.”

She changed her story two months later, saying it was Awan’s laptop—bought with taxpayer funds from her office—and she had never seen it. She said she sought only to protect Awan’s rights.


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0a014c No.55105

File: a1eb3e6eb42fa43⋯.jpeg (124.63 KB,401x1182,401:1182,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866359 (181434ZMAY23) Notable: Joe Biden is expected to appoint Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as his next Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman

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President Joe Biden is expected to appoint Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as his next Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, as Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley's four-year term approaches an end.

Biden hasn’t given Brown the official title, and an announcement is expected to be made soon, according to Politico.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Biden has also interviewed Gen. David Berger, the 38th commandant of the Marine Corps, for the position.

"When President Biden makes a final decision, he will inform the person selected and then announce it publicly," the White House told the newspaper. "That hasn’t happened yet."

If appointed, Brown would be sworn into office on Oct. 1.


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0a014c No.55106

File: 9bcda325882e424⋯.png (607.82 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866366 (181436ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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0a014c No.55107

File: 246feeb07e25d23⋯.png (417.73 KB,869x500,869:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866371 (181437ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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0a014c No.55108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866376 (181437ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Friend: Typically you would investigate January 6th as one case with lots of subjects, but instead, the decision was made to open up a separate case for every single individual there, and instead of investigating them from the Washington Field Office, spreading and disseminating those to the field offices around the country...in effect, made it look like there was domestic terrorism cases and activities that were going on around the fifty-six field offices, when in fact, the cases were all from Washington DC, and Washington Field Office had a task force responsible for calling the shots on all those cases.

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0a014c No.55109

File: 2a52bad0f4e1cca⋯.png (764.2 KB,1079x528,1079:528,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866380 (181439ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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Just don't make him angry

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0a014c No.55110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866386 (181440ZMAY23) Notable: Ga. county commissioner arrested by GBI on child molestation charges

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Ga. county commissioner arrested by GBI on child molestation charges

An Effingham County Commissioner accused of child molestation was arrested this week.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation officials announced the arrest of 84-year-old Reginald “Reggie” Loper of Springfield. Loper is the commissioner for District 4 in Effingham County.

The investigation began on Jan. 9 when the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office asked the GBI to investigate allegations of child sexual abuse.

Loper was charged with child molestation and sexual battery. He was booked into the Effingham County Jail.

Authorities did not provide specifics surrounding Loper’s arrested.

The investigation remains ongoing.


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0a014c No.55111

File: 68f963396565566⋯.png (10.82 KB,255x212,255:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866387 (181441ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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0a014c No.55112

File: fc7541c177723da⋯.png (415.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866401 (181443ZMAY23) Notable: County commissioner charged with child molestation in southeast Georgia

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County commissioner charged with child molestation in southeast Georgia

An 84-year-old county commissioner in southeast Georgia was arrested and charged with child molestation and sexual battery on Wednesday after a four-month investigation, authorities said.

Reginald Loper has served nearly two decades as a commissioner in Effingham County, west of Savannah. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said the county sheriff asked the bureau in January to investigate allegations of child sex abuse involving Loper.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation statement gave no other details on what prompted Loper’s arrest.

“He has served the county and his constituents well for nearly two decades,” Loper’s fellow commissioners said in statement, “and we pray for him and his family as they deal with this situation.”


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0a014c No.55113

File: 1e8838f88e0153f⋯.png (410.98 KB,472x559,472:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866426 (181449ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Ascension Day!

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Happy Ascension Day!


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0a014c No.55114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866431 (181450ZMAY23) Notable: Admiral Ace Lyons speaks at a private meeting held in Washington DC on February 11, 2015

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The Video This Administration DOESN'T want America to see. Retired US Admiral James Lyons 2/11/2015

Admiral Ace Lyons speaks at a private meeting held in Washington DC on February 11, 2015. Those that asked him to speak probably regret doing so.


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0a014c No.55115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866436 (181450ZMAY23) Notable: OPTICS LIST

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0a014c No.55116

File: 93c07ce7b1e7a4e⋯.png (352.69 KB,501x498,167:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866442 (181451ZMAY23) Notable: Dank Memes of the Thread

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0a014c No.55117

File: 709b693d062f13e⋯.png (354.15 KB,685x490,137:98,Clipboard.png)

File: 42c51b50be87093⋯.jpg (805.97 KB,1929x1452,643:484,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866444 (181452ZMAY23) Notable: Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

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>Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

>>55033 lb

>>55029 lb


Aug 09, 2018 10:27:00 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. No. 126


[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.


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0a014c No.55118

File: 0d5cc9066c4a1c1⋯.png (699.28 KB,799x624,799:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866451 (181453ZMAY23) Notable: An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election

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An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election.

The storage space is being bought up by the Alliance for Election Excellence (AEE).

The AEE is led by Tiana Epps-Johnson and the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and started with almost $100 million in April 2022.

CTCL is a nonprofit organization that controvertibly utilized hundreds of millions of dollars of Mark Zuckerberg’s money, dubbed “Zuckerbucks,” to boost Democrat voter turnout in the 2020 election.

According to reports, the CTCL disobeyed local election officials and used mail-in voting in the 2020 campaign.

The efforts increased voter turnout in districts that were virtually entirely Democrat.

The CTCL allegedly used hundreds of millions of dollars from the founder of Facebook’s Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

The “Zuckerbuck” were used to get mail-in votes before the election.

The operation demonstrated the partisan conflict of interest by supporting the conversion of many election offices to vote-by-mail.

The AEE is now using its cast funding resources to buy up space to store equipment ahead of the 2024 election.


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0a014c No.55119

File: df154524da78295⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x1348,320:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866459 (181455ZMAY23) Notable: ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO

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0a014c No.55120

File: e82661f581baa28⋯.png (29.4 KB,553x474,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866463 (181456ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Ascension Day!

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0a014c No.55121

File: e92e2016bb54382⋯.png (149.75 KB,554x526,277:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866473 (181458ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Ascension Day!

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Mirror qpost #3694

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0a014c No.55122

File: 17c10b595c5b1e8⋯.png (797.25 KB,1124x949,1124:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866490 (181502ZMAY23) Notable: Banner plane crashes, bursts into flames near Memorial Regional Hospital; pilot dead, hailed as hero

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Banner plane crashes, bursts into flames near Memorial Regional Hospital; pilot dead, hailed as hero

May 17, 2023

HOLLYWOOD, FLA. (WSVN) - One person has died after a banner-towing plane crashed on a road adjacent to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood and burst into flames.

Video from 7Skyforce showed the aircraft flying low to the ground, at around 12:30 p.m., Wednesday.

Moments later, the plane plummeted and crashed on South Park Road, just north of Hollywood Boulevard, and ignited.

“It was pretty crazy to see,” said witness Maddie Bracy.

The aircraft, a yellow Piper PA-25 Pawnee that was headed toward the beach from North Perry Airport, was owned by Aerial Banners, Inc.

In a distress call to air traffic control, the pilot reported encountering difficulties shortly after takeoff and expressed the need to release the banner being towed.

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to drop this banner. I’m not climbing,” he said.

Moments later, he made the decision to release the banner.

“I’m at 400 [feet], I’ve got to drop this over a lake,” he said.

But the pilot was unable to regain control of the aircraft and fell from the sky.

In video captured by 7Skyforce, the plane was seen veering erratically through the air before ultimately crashing.

“We thought it was a car accident. We looked out of our windows, and we saw a huge flame,” said Bracy. “It sounded like two trucks just colliding together.”

Bracy said she was working nearby when she saw the plane engulfed in flames.

“Where it landed, it just missed a car, 20 feet from it,” she said, “so it was really insane to physically watch it, especially being so close, my job, I can see it out the window. It’s unreal, unbelievable.”

Witness Karen Schiff said she could tell the pilot was doing all he could not to hit anyone on the ground.

“Whoever it was, he made every attempt to not hurt anybody else,” she said. “There were people on both sides of the road, but [he was maneuvering the plane] to avoid people.”

Schiff said she was just feet away from where the Piper exploded.

“With another gentleman from across the street, and we were trying to see if we could get anybody out, but the flames were too hot,” she said.

The pilot was the only person on board.

It’s a tragedy that, Schiff said, the pilot prevented from being even worse.

“He’s truly a hero, whoever it was, and his family needs to know that,” she said.

Emergency services, including Hollywood Police and Fire Rescue, promptly responded to the scene to put out the flames. Despite their best efforts, the pilot could not be saved and was pronounced dead at the crash site.

Authorities have shut down South Park Road between Hollywood Boulevard and Johnson Street. Hollywood Police said it will remain closed until at least Thursday morning.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating to determine the sequence of events and factors contributing to this incident.

7News is working to learn the identity of the pilot.


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0a014c No.55123

File: 2e54e67efb36b2d⋯.png (433.15 KB,770x938,55:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866506 (181505ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Nora Volkow is great granddaughter of Leon Trotsky

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Dr. Nora Volkow is great granddaughter of Leon Trotsky

Director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, descendant of head of Red Army in Bolshevik Revolution

Felize @Vigilantefilly2

"What are the chances that Leon Trotsky (one of the masterminds behind the Bolshevik Revolution and head of the Red Army) had a great granddaughter who happens to be the director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (under Fauci's NIH)? Meet Dr. Nora Volkow. It makes you want to dig deep into the CDC (which operates as an independent entity just like the Federal Reserve). How many people have died of drug overdose (fentanyl) on her watch? Question everything."

- Mel Hostalrich

7:48 AM · May 14, 2023


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0a014c No.55124

File: 184139a60c76afd⋯.png (1.98 MB,1024x1536,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866526 (181509ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Nora Volkow is great granddaughter of Leon Trotsky

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0a014c No.55125

File: 1f0b927a0b68c9b⋯.png (230.83 KB,856x489,856:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ee8575b810f6fc⋯.png (347.37 KB,733x253,733:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866532 (181510ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / PF reports

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

SAM997 G5 (brand new AC this year #20-1941) and FORGE53 C560 west from JBA

VM714 USMC C560 also west from JBA

PAT94 US Army G5 NW

PAT400 C-12U Huron ES from Key West NAS

Mexi AF FAM3528 737 EN from Santa Lucia AB

F35LTNG2 departed Tyndall AFB, and heading into the Gulf 'o Mexico

KBAR8 USMC UC-12W Huron south from MCAS Beaufort-probably going to Homestead ARB

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0a014c No.55126

File: 22f7f901fe80d56⋯.png (1.79 MB,1170x1312,585:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866559 (181517ZMAY23) Notable: Pepe Classification: Which Pepe are (You)

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Best MEME ever!

9:26 AM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55127

File: 644bac996c31dcb⋯.png (341.7 KB,1159x470,1159:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b928f43037a951⋯.png (97.11 KB,516x958,258:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866566 (181519ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezel dropping red pills on Warroom

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Jim Caviezel dropping red pills on Warroom

talking his new movie

Mel Gibson




Doing a movie involvingTim Ballard

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0a014c No.55128

File: 5560310fbf69a65⋯.jpeg (57.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ee3d0ed54ecea2c⋯.jpeg (45.78 KB,474x359,474:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866571 (181520ZMAY23) Notable: Kissinger changes stance on Ukraine joining NATO

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18 May, 2023 07:59

Kissinger changes stance on Ukraine joining NATO

Kiev has a large amount of Western-supplied arms and the least experienced leadership in Europe, the veteran US politician warns

Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger has signalled a U-turn in his views on Ukraine’s prospective NATO membership. The veteran politician told The Economist that he now believes peace in Europe cannot be achievedwithout Ukraine joining the US-led military bloc.

Last fall, Kissinger insisted that “it was not a wise American policy to attempt to include Ukraine into NATO.” He said the bloc’s eastward expansion since the fall of Soviet Union in 1991 had essentially removed Russia’s historic “safety belt,” but insisted that was no justification for Russia’s “surprise attack” on Ukraine.

However, in his interview on Wednesday with the British outlet, the politician,who turns 100 on May 27, suggested that “for the safety of Europe, it is better to have Ukraine in NATO.”

He acknowledged that he currently finds himself “in the weird position that people say, ‘Look at him, he’s changed his mind. Now he’s for membership of Ukraine in NATO.’”

The reason for such shift is “twofold,”Kissinger said. “One, Russia is no longer the conventional threat it used to be. And, secondly, we have now armed Ukraine to a point where it will be the best-armed, most modern country and with the least experienced leadership in Europe,” he explained.

According to the former US Secretary of State, the position taken by European countries towards Kiev’s membership is “madly dangerous.”

“The Europeans are saying we don’t want them in NATO because they’re too risky and therefore we’ll arm the hell out of them and give them the most advanced weapons. How can that possibly work?” he asked.

Back in 2008, NATO declared that Kiev would join the bloc, but did not specify a date for that to happen. “The decision to leave open the membership of Ukraine in NATO was very wrong, and unwise,” Kissinger said.

The possibility of Ukraine, which the Russians consider “the little brother closest to them organically, or historically,” being accepted into the US-led alliance became “a final turning point” for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin when he decided to send troops to the neighboring country in February 2022, he explained.

Last month, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius suggested that “this is not the time to decide” about Ukraine’s place in NATO. He was backed by Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nauseda, who said it “would be too difficult” to make Kiev a member of the bloc while the conflict with Moscow continues.

Russia, which sees NATO’s eastward expansion as a major security threat, had singled out Kiev’s push to join the bloc as among the main reasons for launching its military operation in Ukraine more than a year ago.

Writing on Telegram, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed that despite Kissinger’s vast experience, he was “totally wrong” to suggest that Ukrainian membership in NATO would somehow guarantee peace. Instead, it would only lead to a direct confrontation between Russia and the bloc, Medvedev insisted.

If the “dull-witted” NATO leadership decides to welcome Kiev into the bloc, “the Ukrainian nationalist regime won’t give up on attempts to regain lost territories,” added Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy head of Russia’s Security Council.

In response, Moscow “would have to reply harshly with all available means,” likely triggering NATO’s Article 5, which states that an attack on one member equates to an attack on the entire bloc, Medvedev explained.

(Kissinger has not ruined enough countries or continents before he dies. Jabba the Hut wants to start WWIII with Russia, because thats what will happen. He should be checked for dementia.)


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0a014c No.55129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866581 (181522ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Goldman: I would move for the chairman to agree to order that all materials, notes and otherwise, related to these witnesses before us, be provided to the minority according to the rules of the House.

Chairman Jordan: Overruled.

[vote in progress]

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0a014c No.55130

File: f6b67774eef1bad⋯.png (198.87 KB,723x492,241:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e685d0304e51fa⋯.png (231.53 KB,775x538,775:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 143a8359fc72376⋯.png (88.03 KB,774x684,43:38,Clipboard.png)

File: 67511eefba690ff⋯.png (649.95 KB,816x408,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866586 (181523ZMAY23) Notable: NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

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NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

Existing-home sales decreased in April, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. All four major U.S. regions registered month-over-month and year-over-year sales declines. Total existing-home sales – completed transactions that include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops – slid 3.4% from March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.28 million in April. Year-over-year, sales slumped 23.2% (down from 5.57 million in April 2022).


Total housing inventory registered at the end of April was 1.04 million units, up 7.2% from March and 1.0% from one year ago (1.03 million). Unsold inventory sits at a 2.9-month supply at the current sales pace, up from 2.6 months in March and 2.2 months in April 2022. The sales rate was slightly below the consensus forecast. Existing home sales, on a Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) basis since 1993. Sales in April (4.28 million SAAR) were down 3.4% from the previous month and were 23.2% below the April 2022 sales rate. Sales declined 23.2% year-over-year compared to April 2022. This was the twentieth consecutive month with sales down year-over-year.



>>54681, >>54692 MBA: Mortgage Applications (and refinance apps -8%) Decreased in Weekly Survey

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0a014c No.55131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866588 (181524ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Goldman was overruled. He loses once again. kek

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0a014c No.55132

File: 2506b2ef6c9f97e⋯.png (166.96 KB,1304x709,1304:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b0d9174186d6ad⋯.png (150.8 KB,1312x706,656:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866599 (181525ZMAY23) Notable: Rachael Rollins committed ‘an extraordinary abuse of her power,’ US Office of Special Counsel wrote to Biden

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>>55057 (pb) - Investigation into U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins

Guise, I'm very excited that Rachael Rollins, the criminal who was the U.S. Attorney in the state of Massachusetts, resigned in disgrace this week. She resigned after being investigated and found guilty of egregious acts of misconduct that appear to be criminal in nature. This shows me that even in these troubled times there are still some good people in our federal government who are willing to document criminal conduct after they investigate allegations of egregious criminal conduct.

Am I disappointed that Merrick Garland (the purported United States Attorney General) chose to not prosecute? Not really, because this is what we expect in this TWO-TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. This non-prosecution is necessary to show the normies that the bad guys don't have to account for their crimes (so far). But guys, by the time President Trump is officially back in office, there will still be time to prosecute Rachel Rollins and every other shitstain whom we are diligently exposing.

As you all probably know, there were two reports issued:

1. The United States Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General Report - 161 pages in length. This report is available at the following links:

LINK - https:// tiny url . com /h3uhrut2

ARCHIVE - https:// archive . ph /ldsWl

INTERNET ARCHIVE - https:// tiny url . com /3873mwkk

2. The United States Office of Special Counsel's report sent directly toTHE PRESIDENTonMay 17, 2023, which was signed Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner.

LINK - https:// tiny url . com /bdenj5bh

ARCHIVE - https:// archive . ph /IJeF5

INTERNET ARCHIVE - https:// tiny url . com /79nxv57b

I'm want to draw your attention to Special Counsel Kerner's report. Why did he address his May17, 2023, cover letter toTHE PRESIDENTrather than toPresident Joseph R. Biden???

Is this because, as we all know, Biden is not the legitimate President? I have never seen a letter from one official United States agency written to the President that did not even include the name of the President, have you?

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0a014c No.55133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866601 (181526ZMAY23) Notable: Four kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

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plane crashed into the thick jungle on May 1


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0a014c No.55134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866605 (181527ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Garcia is yet another democrat career criminal who is terrified of being exposed and locked away.

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0a014c No.55135

File: cf13f1787ffb52f⋯.png (724.56 KB,1181x552,1181:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866608 (181528ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / Garcia flat out lying

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Garcia flat out lying


Garret O’Boyle, Whistleblower; FBI Special Agent - testimony


Steve Friend, Whistleblower; former FBI Special Agent - testimony


Marcus Allen, Whistleblower; FBI Staff Operations Specialist - testimony


Tristan Leavitt, President, Empower Oversight; former Member of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board - testimony


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0a014c No.55136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866611 (181529ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Democrats are becoming totally unglued.

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0a014c No.55137

File: ab3d61b75133a0d⋯.png (64.35 KB,580x398,290:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 84f563fc559089f⋯.jpg (24.87 KB,500x350,10:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 948376a262d54eb⋯.png (484.77 KB,1200x1218,200:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866622 (181532ZMAY23) Notable: Four kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

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actual date of the eclipse which fell around the time of Lord Savior 's arrest?

also for the record and for the appreciation of the alleged Jew-hating Romans; all early paintings show the Savior was what we could call now a ethnic Jew.

"the Jews did it " right? what the pedos all claim, I wonder why?

Wonder why they picked that Solar calendar day for a sacrifice?

All the others are on cross-quarter days?

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0a014c No.55138

File: 9a3a0bb7a65ca4b⋯.png (457.69 KB,969x564,323:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866626 (181533ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezel dropping red pills on Warroom

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Sound of Freedom

trying to sell 2 million tickets

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0a014c No.55139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866636 (181536ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Connoly: I don't know where this concern for whistleblowers, and protecting whistleblowers, was, in the Ukraine episode in that perfect phone call Donald Trump had with President Trump, in which a whistleblower, Colonel Vindman, was subsequently punished for reporting on that phone call, which led to the impeachment of the president of the United States.

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0a014c No.55140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866643 (181538ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Connoly, suggesting there is no deep state, " I don't know what it means...I think it's kind of made up, like a boogeyman, so that we can use it as a catch-all."

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0a014c No.55141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866644 (181538ZMAY23) Notable: FBI whistleblower says many in agency creating 'Orwellian' atmosphere that 'silences opposition'

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FBI whistleblower says many in agency creating 'Orwellian' atmosphere that 'silences opposition'

"Too many in the FBI aren't willing to sacrifice the hard right over the easy wrong," O'Boyle said during his opening statement.

FBI whistleblower Garret O'Boyle said during the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing Thursday that the organization has created an "Orwellian atmosphere."

"Too many in the FBI aren't willing to sacrifice the hard right over the easy wrong," he said during his opening statement. "They see what becomes of whistleblowers — how the FBI destroys their careers, suspends them under false pretenses, takes away their security clearances and pay with no true options for real recourse or remedy."

"This is by design," he continued. "It creates an Orwellian atmosphere that silences opposition and discussion."

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan secured the in-person testimony of former FBI officials Garret O'Boyle, Steve Friend and Marcus Allen, who have been suspended for vocalizing concerns about politically-motivated weaponization in the FBI and treatment of whistleblowers who come forward.

The whistleblowers allege that the FBI has inflated statistics on "domestic violent extremism."


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0a014c No.55142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866650 (181540ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Chairman Jordan: Mr. Vindman was not the whistleblower. The whistleblower remained anonymous, and unlike Mr. Allen, we never saw the transcript from the anonymous whistleblower.

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0a014c No.55143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866664 (181542ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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O'Boyle: When citizens in this country get to a point where they can call the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world on their neighbor just because they disagree with them, that is chilling to the First Amendment rights of the people that are getting the FBI called on them.

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0a014c No.55144

File: b43e00d92a53a5a⋯.png (595.5 KB,840x676,210:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 4316bf996d74733⋯.png (504.69 KB,693x691,693:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866680 (181545ZMAY23) Notable: Testimonial PDF's, Testimonial PDF's Links , Transcription - (WEAPONIZATION OF THE FBI)

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The FBI stops whistle blowers from earning a living, once suspended, they can only earn $7500 in a calendar year

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0a014c No.55145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866690 (181546ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Mike Johnson: Isn't it true that once the FBI found out you spoke to congress, your security clearance was then suspended?

O'Boyle: Yes, I believe that's what happened...I've since had to rely on charity, because the FBI stopped paying me. There's no other way for me to make a living. I know from other whistleblowers, that the FBI routinely denies them the ability to get outside employment, and then as a special agent, you can only make seventy-five hundred dollars a year outside your government salary.

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0a014c No.55146

File: 4c68caab898e9af⋯.pdf (65.31 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 0aa5fb4b03fa052⋯.pdf (86.51 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 7c5f1b7b3c185d3⋯.pdf (57.15 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866701 (181548ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN / Allen, O’Boyle, Friend Testimony docs

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Allen, O’Boyle, Friend Testimony docs


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0a014c No.55147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866702 (181548ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Garcia totally shut down by Jordan.

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0a014c No.55148

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866712 (181551ZMAY23) Notable: Impeachment Week Begins with Over ⅓ of Democrats Believing Joe Biden Committed Crimes

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Impeachment Week Begins with Over ⅓ of Democrats Believing Joe Biden Committed Crimes


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0a014c No.55149

File: 0e0dc47b86007cd⋯.png (75.86 KB,678x316,339:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 66d00b80ee8953c⋯.png (92.44 KB,677x451,677:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866715 (181552ZMAY23) Notable: ALL LB MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

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so... then, is all this true??


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0a014c No.55150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866721 (181553ZMAY23) Notable: ALL LB MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

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with timestamp

BREAKING: Majorie Taylor Greene introduces articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.

7:05 AM · May 18, 2023





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0a014c No.55151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866736 (181556ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Bishop: The things that have been attempted as impeachment of credibility here, no court in the country would allow, because there are not fair mechanisms for attempting to do that.

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0a014c No.55152

File: 8ea0b09df0318c0⋯.jpeg (695.93 KB,1272x901,24:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 371861bf870eea5⋯.jpeg (679.47 KB,1305x1315,261:263,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9ab5259278e023f⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866740 (181557ZMAY23) Notable: ALL LB MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

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Today, I’m introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.


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0a014c No.55153

File: 29d69595933dfee⋯.png (693.37 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 787c051ef3ca859⋯.png (283.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866765 (181601ZMAY23) Notable: Councilman Matthew Reilly resigns as chairman of Cranston Republican Party, says mayor

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Councilman Matthew Reilly resigns as chairman of Cranston Republican Party, says mayor

May 16, 2023

CRANSTON, R.I. (WLNE) — Cranston’s Mayor Kenneth Hopkins announced Councilman Matthew Reilly resigned from his position of chairman of the Cranston Republican Party.

The mayor made the announcement in his first public comment following Reilly’s arrest Monday.

“My hope is Matt will get whatever care and attention he needs for his own well-being,” the mayor said in a release.

“I agree with Council President (Jessica) Marino that everyone should allow the court system and judicial process to work towards an appropriate resolution,” he continued.

Marino also issued a statement on Tuesday, saying in part, “The news of Cranston Republican Party Chairman Matthew Reilly/ Ward 6 Councilman Matthew Reilly’s arrest and criminal charges are very concerning and disappointing.”

Reilly remains on the city council at this time.

Police said at about 11:30 a.m. Monday, someone signaled to an officer in the area of Pontiac Avenue and Marine Drive about a man who looked like he was choking.

The officer saw the man, later identified as Councilman Matthew Reilly, appearing to have a medical episode. The officer noticed Reilly, 41, was holding a glass pipe and a lighter

Reilly was charged with one count of drug possession and was arraigned by a bail commissioner and released pending a court appearance on June 15.


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0a014c No.55154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866769 (181602ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Some democrat gave all his time to Goldman. He has been in office for only four months. His work to overthrow the Trump administration has apparently made him quite powerful.

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0a014c No.55155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866773 (181603ZMAY23) Notable: Anonymous Image Host https://postimages.org/

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0a014c No.55156

File: d92b1908beb824a⋯.png (306.14 KB,531x479,531:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866789 (181605ZMAY23) Notable: ALL LB Major Supreme Court announcement

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Major Supreme Court announcement!



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0a014c No.55157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866793 (181605ZMAY23) Notable: ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO

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grab it


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0a014c No.55158

File: a4cb8f1da6c933e⋯.png (11.34 KB,530x143,530:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866807 (181607ZMAY23) Notable: The IRS has said that Black taxpayers are significantly more likely to face an IRS audit, per CNBC

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The IRS has said that Black taxpayers are significantly more likely to face an IRS audit, per CNBC.


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0a014c No.55159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866811 (181608ZMAY23) Notable: ALL LB Major Supreme Court announcement

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Opinions of the Court


5/18/23&#09;21-1333&#09;Gonzalez v. Google LLC&#09;PC&#09;598/2


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0a014c No.55160

File: 5b7a415bffb9811⋯.png (297.94 KB,585x670,117:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866819 (181609ZMAY23) Notable: Biden Admin to Ban Bank Withdrawals Amid Decline in M2 Money Supply, Hugh Hendry Warns

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Biden Admin to Ban Bank Withdrawals Amid Decline in M2 Money Supply, Hugh Hendry Warns


ICE9 coming

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0a014c No.55161

File: d3d34558838ff00⋯.png (305 KB,529x532,529:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866836 (181611ZMAY23) Notable: @USNacy: Surface for supplies. ⚓

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Surface for supplies. ⚓ 🇺🇸


The #USSMaine (SSBN 741) surfaces to receive a vertical replenishment from


, Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) 462, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, III Marine Expeditionary Force, in the Philippine Sea, May 9, 2023.


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0a014c No.55162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866860 (181614ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

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Goldman: If you make a suggestion to a [FBI] supervisor and your supervisor overrules you, that's the nature of the business, isn't it?

O'Boyle: Not if it's a violation of s law.

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0a014c No.55163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866878 (181615ZMAY23) Notable: #23159

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>>55083, >>55085 , >>55094, >>55096, >>55097, >>55106, >>55107, >>55109,>>55111, >>55116 Dank Memes of the Thread

#23159 >>55073

>>55146 Testimonial PDF's, >>55135 Testimonial PDF's Links , >>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55099, >>55129, >>55143, >>55144, >>55145 Transcription - [WEAPONIZATION OF THE FBI]

>>55093 LIVE: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee


>>55119, >>55157 ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO


>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People MP4

>>55078 4 kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

>>55082 Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

>>55089 PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

>>55100 PF: French AF CTM0001 A330Macroneast from Paris

>>55110 Ga. county commissioner arrested by GBI on child molestation charges

>>55113 Happy Ascension Day!

>>55125 SAM997 G5 (brand new AC this year #20-1941) and FORGE53 C560 west from JBA

>>55126 Pepe Classification: Which Pepe are (You)

>>55130 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

>>55155 Anonymous Image Host https://postimages.org/


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866879 (181615ZMAY23) Notable: #23159

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notes @ 690

quick check

#23159 >>55073

Weaponization Hearing

>>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55095, >>55099, >>55102, >>55108, >>55129, >>55131, >>55134, >>55136, >>55139, >>55140, >>55142, >>55143, >>55145, >>55147, >>55151, >>55154, >>55162


>>55075 Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast

>>55076 Weaponization Report | FBI Response

>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People

>>55078, >>55133, >>55137 Four kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

>>55081 Mayor Adams bragged and gloated endlessly about his 'sanctuary city', now complaining that 50% of hotel capacity being occupied by migrants

>>55082 DeSantis Loses Hometown Election to Democrat - Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

>>55087 Chinese special envoy meets with Zelensky

>>55089, >>55100, >>55125 PF reports

>>55091 Deutsche Bank will pay $75 million to settle litigation alleging the German lender financially benefited from supporting Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme

>>55098, >>55132 Rachael Rollins committed ‘an extraordinary abuse of her power,’ US Office of Special Counsel wrote to Biden

>>55104 Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer To Be Found

>>55105 Joe Biden is expected to appoint Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as his next Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman

>>55110 Ga. county commissioner arrested by GBI on child molestation charges

>>55112 County commissioner charged with child molestation in southeast Georgia

>>55113, >>55120, >>55121 Happy Ascension Day!

>>55114 Admiral Ace Lyons speaks at a private meeting held in Washington DC on February 11, 2015

>>55101, >>55103, >>55117 Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

>>55118 An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election

>>55122 Banner plane crashes, bursts into flames near Memorial Regional Hospital; pilot dead, hailed as hero

>>55123, >>55124 Dr. Nora Volkow is great granddaughter of Leon Trotsky

>>55127, >>55138 Jim Caviezel dropping red pills on Warroom

>>55128 Kissinger changes stance on Ukraine joining NATO

>>55130 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

>>55135 Garcia flat out lying

>>55141 FBI whistleblower says many in agency creating 'Orwellian' atmosphere that 'silences opposition'

>>55146 Allen, O’Boyle, Friend Testimony docs

>>55148 Impeachment Week Begins with Over ⅓ of Democrats Believing Joe Biden Committed Crimes

>>55152, >>55149, >>55150 MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

>>55153 Councilman Matthew Reilly resigns as chairman of Cranston Republican Party, says mayor

>>55156, >>55159 Major Supreme Court announcement

>>55158 The IRS has said that Black taxpayers are significantly more likely to face an IRS audit, per CNBC

>>55160 Biden Admin to Ban Bank Withdrawals Amid Decline in M2 Money Supply, Hugh Hendry Warns

>>55161 @USNacy: Surface for supplies. ⚓


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866896 (181618ZMAY23) Notable: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23160 https://fullchan.net/?bd8817993a8c002d#96VWx3mAcygS8NPUviEosa1Ep7orbq9xdPaExFyEtjLb

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866908 (181625ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:25:37 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I’m glad we have someone deleting the spam.

We are retarded and cannot use the filter

Thank you for deleting

We 100% trust you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55167

File: 3744dccaa151c85⋯.png (474.44 KB,395x708,395:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866913 (181626ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:26:03 ID d3ceb1 Muh joo "The hidden hand tells us all we need to know."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today at 1 p.m. ET, Adam D. Mendelsohn draws for the first time upon the vast database of verified listings of Jewish soldiers serving in the #CivilWar as well as letters, diaries, and newspapers to examine the collective experience of Jewish soldiers.



The hidden hand tells us all we need to know.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866930 (181628ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 ANON LB BUN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23159 >>55073

Weaponization Hearing

>>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55095, >>55099, >>55102, >>55108, >>55129, >>55131, >>55134, >>55136, >>55139, >>55140, >>55142, >>55143, >>55145, >>55147, >>55151, >>55154, >>55162


>>55075 Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast

>>55076 Weaponization Report | FBI Response

>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People

>>55078, >>55133, >>55137 Four kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

>>55081 Mayor Adams bragged and gloated endlessly about his 'sanctuary city', now complaining that 50% of hotel capacity being occupied by migrants

>>55082 DeSantis Loses Hometown Election to Democrat - Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

>>55087 Chinese special envoy meets with Zelensky

>>55089, >>55100, >>55125 PF reports

>>55091 Deutsche Bank will pay $75 million to settle litigation alleging the German lender financially benefited from supporting Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme

>>55098, >>55132 Rachael Rollins committed ‘an extraordinary abuse of her power,’ US Office of Special Counsel wrote to Biden

>>55104 Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer To Be Found

>>55105 Joe Biden is expected to appoint Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. as his next Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman

>>55112 County commissioner charged with child molestation in southeast Georgia

>>55113, >>55120, >>55121 Happy Ascension Day!

>>55114 Admiral Ace Lyons speaks at a private meeting held in Washington DC on February 11, 2015

>>55101, >>55103, >>55117 Wasserman Schultz mickey mouse

>>55118 An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election

>>55122 Banner plane crashes, bursts into flames near Memorial Regional Hospital; pilot dead, hailed as hero

>>55123, >>55124 Dr. Nora Volkow is great granddaughter of Leon Trotsky

>>55127, >>55138 Jim Caviezel dropping red pills on Warroom

>>55128 Kissinger changes stance on Ukraine joining NATO

>>55130 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

>>55135 Garcia flat out lying

>>55141 FBI whistleblower says many in agency creating 'Orwellian' atmosphere that 'silences opposition'

>>55146 Allen, O’Boyle, Friend Testimony docs

>>55148 Impeachment Week Begins with Over ⅓ of Democrats Believing Joe Biden Committed Crimes

>>55152, >>55149, >>55150 MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

>>55153 Councilman Matthew Reilly resigns as chairman of Cranston Republican Party, says mayor

>>55156, >>55159 Major Supreme Court announcement

>>55158 The IRS has said that Black taxpayers are significantly more likely to face an IRS audit, per CNBC

>>55160 Biden Admin to Ban Bank Withdrawals Amid Decline in M2 Money Supply, Hugh Hendry Warns

>>55161 @USNacy: Surface for supplies. ⚓

>>55164 #23159

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55169

File: 13eb17f32750788⋯.png (239.01 KB,439x320,439:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866949 (181633ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:33:25 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish logic"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866950 (181634ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:34:08 ID 16ec88 Attack on Baker "How do I impeach this baker?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How do I impeach this baker?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866952 (181634ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:34:09 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions, attack on all anons But when you delete, you can talk back? Is everyone retarded now?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>And if you filter you can't talk back

But when you delete, you can talk back?

Is everyone retarded now?

Was it the Vax?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866960 (181635ZMAY23) Notable: Ronna McDaniel The Durham report showed institutions were weaponized to target a president.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GOP Chairwoman chimes in

>Q Research General #23160: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Edition

Ronna McDaniel

The Durham report showed institutions were weaponized to target a president.

Today, the @Weaponization Committee is showing the Biden administration is targeting Catholics, parents, and pro-life Americans.

9:56 AM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55173

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,581x430,581:430,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866963 (181636ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:36:18 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "suck it rabbi"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55174

File: c10de8881fa1be7⋯.jpg (389.67 KB,1080x1656,15:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866971 (181637ZMAY23) Notable: What is Sound of Freedom?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

spread this around please



What is Sound of Freedom?

>Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

>The Sound of Freedom movie is expertly acted and produced, boasting a catalog of stars including Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard.

**caviezel is in a rough spot choking down redpills and could use Anon.support

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866974 (181638ZMAY23) Notable: Gaetz/O'Boyle TRNSCRPT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gaetz: That guide [FBI's Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide On Militia/Violent Extremists] identified certain things that made people more likely to be deemed a threat, or a terrorist..wasn't one of those things the number '2' and the letter 'A' next to each other?

O'Boyle: Yes it was.

Gaetz: The Betsy Ross Flag. Was the Betsy Ross Flag in the terrorism symbol guide?

O'Boyle: It was.

Gaetz: And what about the Betsy Ross Flag makes someone more likely to be a violent extremist?

O'Boyle: I wish there was a reasonable explanation for that.

Gaetz: There isn't. And people blew the whistle and said this stuff is crazy; Americans are being targeted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55176

File: 87cf9788d8983ae⋯.jpg (76.4 KB,666x499,666:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866976 (181638ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:38:29 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish corruption"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55177

File: 62eab74e07f3190⋯.png (207.81 KB,226x480,113:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866982 (181639ZMAY23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866997 (181642ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:42:21 ID f26bbe Attack on BV Dart, muh deletions "No, I don't trust him. He deletes people just to be a bitch."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


use of 'we' here is always suspect, and usually used to express a false consensus.

who is deleting?


No, I don't trust him. He deletes people just to be a bitch.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18866999 (181642ZMAY23) Notable: IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: O'Boyle: The FBI will crush you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

O'Boyle: The FBI will crush you. This government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867013 (181645ZMAY23) Notable: 1:15 PM EDT Department Press Briefing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State



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0a014c No.55181

File: 0f166ad943040fc⋯.png (48.21 KB,498x216,83:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867031 (181648ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:48:16 ID 16ec88 Attack on Admin "Board Management and bakers here are absolutely, no joke, pic related. No idea how we made it this far or how we're making it in general."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Shills are the least of our worries. Board Management and bakers here are absolutely, no joke, pic related. No idea how we made it this far or how we're making it in general.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55182

File: 946d1b5f3a51578⋯.png (35.65 KB,1280x674,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867033 (181648ZMAY23) Notable: Is America Gone?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


America is gone.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55183

File: e55bf2f9b6d9d72⋯.mp4 (10.49 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867037 (181649ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:49:58 ID f09c13 Muh joo "Kikes big mad that the goyim know"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kikes big mad that the goyim know.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55184

File: b41b83dad22b8ae⋯.jpg (72.03 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867044 (181652ZMAY23) Notable: 1PM ET Senator Sanders News Conference on the Debt Limit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Senator Sanders News Conference on the Debt Limit

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chair Senator Bernie Sanders holds a news conference on raising the debt limit


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867046 (181652ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:52:26 ID 788238 Incitement "There's only one way to fix America now."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There's only one way to fix America now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867062 (181654ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:54:20 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "so all the Jewish pedophiles celebrating the Sabbat Dinner can fuck little kids"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I wonder if Davos has an Eruv around it so all the Jewish pedophiles celebrating the Sabbat Dinner can fuck little kids and God can't see it because of a tiny wire.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867066 (181655ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:55:10 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "This baker is absolutely brain dead."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This baker is absolutely brain dead.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867073 (181656ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:56:30 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "'Gerbs' should be dishonorably discharged and possibly banned from the Internet"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Gerbs' should be dishonorably discharged and possibly banned from the Internet. Holy fuck what a disgrace.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867084 (181658ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:58:01 ID 4a0eba Muh joo "jews sunk the Titanic to kill off opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve. The jews didn't care if innocent people got in the away. Just like 9/11.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>54999, >>55000, >>55001 Titanic revealed: Stunning full-size images show shipwreck like never before

The jews sunk the Titanic to kill off opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve. The jews didn't care if innocent people got in the away. Just like 9/11. Nothing's changed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867091 (181658ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 12:58:30 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "Wouldn't hire that guy to fold paper in half let alone bake here"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wouldn't hire that guy to fold paper in half let alone bake here. Wtf.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55191

File: 7af5df5989867a8⋯.jpeg (550.45 KB,828x1151,828:1151,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 242bca4c64949a6⋯.jpeg (493.89 KB,828x1093,828:1093,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ae60047b5c4bebe⋯.jpeg (248.79 KB,828x719,828:719,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 770353a7a5ccf22⋯.jpeg (235.35 KB,813x470,813:470,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867099 (181659ZMAY23) Notable: Trump posted twice today at 12:19 - CIA/Hunter Biden laptop #CIA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

trump posted twice today at 12:19 - Talks shit about CIA with Hunter Biden laptop and says Think Sessions and why are they trying to normalize pedophilia?

They want to normalize pedophilia to make the future exposed criminals seem like victims

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867101 (181700ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:00:03 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "Sucks when you get such a trash baker. Makes the board look bad ."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sucks when you get such a trash baker. Makes the board look bad .

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867107 (181701ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:01:02 ID bba365 Attack on Baker "so called notes from lb is a good clue"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


so called notes from lb is a good clue

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867115 (181701ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:01:59 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "Notes are brutal. Wrong format. Double posted notes, ignored notable calls from anon"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Notes are brutal. Wrong format. Double posted notes, ignored notable calls from anon. Refused to communicate about anything other than a meme folder they were trying to upload somewhere. Just loads of trash.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55195

File: fd082417ca29125⋯.png (241.99 KB,440x324,110:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867119 (181702ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:02:37 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish logic"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867126 (181703ZMAY23) Notable: Feast of the Ascension

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Feast of the Ascension


2023 date&#09;

May 18[1] (Western)

May 25 (Eastern)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867129 (181704ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:04:23 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "When half the notables are faggot ass "memes of the day" or whatever "gerb" called them, thats a problem."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


When half the notables are faggot ass "memes of the day" or whatever "gerb" called them, thats a problem.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867137 (181705ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:05:25 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions They can use you as an excuse to delete real anon digs etc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why don’t they just ban you instead of deleting your shit?

They can use you as an excuse to delete real anon digs etc.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867142 (181705ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:05:49 ID 753339 Attack on Baker & Admin "Dayshift is run by morans, ironically the bakers and management appear to not even understand Q aside from 1 or 2.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dayshift is run by morans, ironically the bakers and management appear to not even understand Q aside from 1 or 2. They should go back to being mods on some shit Reddit board.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867161 (181709ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:09:04 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "And Gerbs is a BV on top of that? The akshual fook? Gongshow"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And Gerbs is a BV on top of that? The akshual fook? Gongshow.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867164 (181709ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:09:41 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "Fix Dayshift, they deserve better"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Fix Dayshift, they deserve better.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867172 (181710ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake returns to court to challenge election result

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE DAY TWO: Kari Lake returns to court to challenge election result

Started streaming 9 minutes ago



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0a014c No.55203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867174 (181711ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:11:07 ID ad67d2 Attack on Bakers "Just a desperation for bakers so quality becomes a second thought, or not a thought at all apparently."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No not infiltration. Just a desperation for bakers so quality becomes a second thought, or not a thought at all apparently.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867178 (181711ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:11:50 ID 4ebe2a muh joo, attack on Admin "Good job making those kikes earn their shekels. They thought they could ban the truth by banning your posts…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Good job making those kikes earn their shekels. They thought they could ban the truth by banning your posts...lol.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867195 (181713ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:11:40 ID 4ebe2a muh delettions, muh joo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anon is posting articles with sauce..

Your definition of spam is Jewish.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55206

File: 3a68e75cc0e5e7f⋯.png (75 KB,720x510,24:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cde161630984ab⋯.png (25.92 KB,449x121,449:121,Clipboard.png)

File: cc90c627026e849⋯.png (152.95 KB,438x480,73:80,Clipboard.png)

File: e9fda203babd8b2⋯.png (95.97 KB,449x325,449:325,Clipboard.png)

File: e0849cd241128bb⋯.png (15.85 KB,442x96,221:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867199 (181714ZMAY23) Notable: Anons chq'n QDeltas - BQQM!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Since the Durham report was dated May 12, 2023, I decided to see if any Q posts are in alignment, I think we have a boom!The same Meme with 'Comey with Bomb coming down', was also released on May 11, 2020 and Q said

'listen closely"


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0a014c No.55207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867202 (181714ZMAY23) Notable: #23159 Posted in #23160

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23159 >>55073

>>55146 Testimonial PDF's, >>55135 Testimonial PDF's Links , >>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55099, >>55129, >>55143, >>55144, >>55145 Transcription - (WEAPONIZATION OF THE FBI)

>>55093 LIVE: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee


>>55119, >>55157 ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO


>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People MP4

>>55078 4 kids found alive two weeks after plane crashes in Colombian jungle

>>55082 Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Flips Jacksonville from Red to Blue

>>55089 PF: Potato arrived at Elmendorf and CONUS activity

>>55100 PF: French AF CTM0001 A330Macroneast from Paris

>>55110 Ga. county commissioner arrested by GBI on child molestation charges

>>55113 Happy Ascension Day!

>>55125 SAM997 G5 (brand new AC this year #20-1941) and FORGE53 C560 west from JBA

>>55126 Pepe Classification: Which Pepe are (You)

>>55130 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.28 million SAAR in April; Median Prices Declined 1.7% YoY

>>55155 Anonymous Image Host https://postimages.org/

>>55083, >>55085 , >>55094, >>55096, >>55097, >>55106, >>55107, >>55109, >>55111, >>55116 Dank Memes of the Thread

>>55163 #23159

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0a014c No.55208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867221 (181718ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun / 13:18:16 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Now go tell that to the Jews who chant over and over and over the same shit and carry out the same "celebrations" 50 times a year and dance like fags with braids and wear all black.

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0a014c No.55209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867247 (181723ZMAY23) Notable: Anon calls for memes Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey,Wray #FBI #DOJ #DURHAM #TREASON

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Treason !!!!!!

Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey,Wray

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0a014c No.55210

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867267 (181725ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Whistleblower Confirms Undercover Agents on Jan 6 #J6 #HEROES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI Whistleblower Confirms Undercover Agents on Jan 6




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0a014c No.55211

File: 9243a2384f78899⋯.png (389.69 KB,781x925,781:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867278 (181726ZMAY23) Notable: FBI WHISTLEBLOWER SLAMS ‘ORWELLIAN ATMOSPHERE’ AT THE BUREAU

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FBI whistleblower Special Agent Garret O’Boyle offered testimony on Thursday to the House Judiciary Committee, sharing his experience with the dark side of the bureau after making protected disclosures to Congress.

During his testimony on Thursday, O’Boyle noted that the FBI was squashing whistleblower testimony “by design,” describing the bureau as “an Orwellian atmosphere that silences opposition and discussion.”

O’Boyle also said that “too many in the FBI aren’t willing to sacrifice for the hard right over the easy wrong.”

FBI retaliated against whistleblower Garret O'Boyle and his family:

"Bad guys have begun running parts of the government, making it difficult to continue serving this nation and protecting the innocent." pic.twitter.com/wQ97tkh0ql

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 18, 2023

According to the committee’s report on the FBI whistleblower’s testimony, O’Boyle described the “weaponization of the security clearance process.”

Via the report:

“He described how the FBI suspended him right in the middle of his transfer and two weeks before his wife gave birth to their fourth child, causing their personal belongings—clothes, toys, furniture—to be stuck in an FBI-controlled storage unit for an extended period of time.”

Before the committee, Special Agent O’Boyle added, “I swore to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic, even if that means sacrificing my life. I’ve lived that oath out since enlisting in the Army, consistently saying, here am I, send me. My oath, however, did not include sacrificing the hopes, dreams, and livelihood of my family.”

His testimony was one of three that was presented on Thursday. RSBN reported that Special Agent Stephen Friend and Staff Operations Specialist Marcus Allen also testified before the committee.

Friend sounded the alarm on the FBI’s departure from case management rules and the FBI’s use of SWAT teams against American citizens who had been accused of non-violent crimes. Friend stated that he had been concerned that these departures could have “undermined potentially righteous prosecutions.”

Following his decision to voice his concerns over these matters, the FBI suspended Friend without pay.


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0a014c No.55212

File: 3c02ede125a94c3⋯.png (547.43 KB,1018x930,509:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867304 (181732ZMAY23) Notable: The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing

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The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing

MAY 18, 2023


Yesterday in these pages Margot Cleveland rightly noted that the most damning finding in the 306-page report from Special Counsel John Durham is not necessarily the FBI’s scandalous Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016, but that the egregious abuses of power detailed in the report cannot be remedied “absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”

For all the FBI’s blatant partisanship, its disregard of exculpatory evidence, and its outright deception to secure FISA warrants on Trump campaign associates, writes Cleveland, “what should terrify the country is not the catalog of malfeasance the special counsel recited — for mistakes and even gross failures can be corrected — but that Durham warned of corrupted hearts and minds, unfaithful to the people and their Constitution.”

For his part, Durham didn’t recommend any changes to FBI guidelines or policies, because no amount of reform will be sufficient if the people in charge feel free to disregard guidelines and policies whenever they see fit to do so. As such, wrote Durham, “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old. The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of ‘Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity’ are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’s mission of ‘Protect[ing] the American People and uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States.’”

Durham is right, as is Cleveland. The abuse of power laid out in the report is terrifying, not just because what the FBI undertook in 2016 amounted to an attempted coup, but because it’s unclear how to prevent it from happening again. Indeed, we saw the same kind of abuse of power at play in 2020 when active and former CIA officials saw fit to interfere in the election by soliciting signatures for a letter designed to quash the Hunter Biden laptop story. There is every reason to believe that these kinds of abuses will happen again in 2024, and in every future presidential election.

As I wrote earlier this week, such abuse in our law enforcement and intelligence agencies represents a mortal threat to the republic, and we should understand the Durham report in that light.

But Durham’s damning indictment of the DOJ and FBI goes beyond those particular agencies, and indeed beyond the federal government. That people like former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey, along with the entire cast of villains and liars in the Durham report, rose to positions of such power, and then proceeded to abuse that power by arrogating to themselves the right to decide who should be president — a right that belongs solely to the American people — says something about the state of our republic.

What it says is this: We have produced, and are still producing, a totally corrupt elite bereft of any sense of “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity,” to say nothing of moral virtue or the common good.

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0a014c No.55213

File: 022dcb39865c11a⋯.png (385.51 KB,901x685,901:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867312 (181733ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT Gee, Rupert Murdoch used to like me a lot when I was President! #DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Gee, Rupert Murdoch used to like me a lot when I was President!

May 18, 2023, 12:18 PM


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0a014c No.55214

File: e06e142ab0e1e95⋯.png (25.07 KB,438x149,438:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867318 (181734ZMAY23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan God Bless our brave whistleblowers. #PRAY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Jim Jordan


God Bless our brave whistleblowers.

1:03 PM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867330 (181737ZMAY23) Notable: Anons chq'n QDeltas - BQQM!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NOTABLEbecause this diligent Anon took the time to note that the Durham Report was dated May 12, 2023, and then checked to see whatQposted around that time, and noticed that on May 11, 2020,Qsaid "LISTEN CLOSELY."

Also note that the May 12, 2019,QPost said, "TRUTH TO LIGHT. NO SLEEP IN DC."


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0a014c No.55216

File: ca8848a774e7a60⋯.webp (85.09 KB,1115x646,1115:646,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867339 (181738ZMAY23) Notable: GP - FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI – AMAZING VIDEO

The House Weaponization Committee is holding a hearing today on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI are testifying before Congress on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday.

FBI agents Marcus Allen, Brett Gloss, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives.

Democrats on the Committee are running interference for the FBI. The Democrat members are openly hostile to the witnesses and attacking them continuously.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations &ndash; Here Is One Way To Do It

Here are the members of the Weaponization Committee.

This is an explosive hearing. It was also reported that the whistleblowers will release more information today.

These Democrats are as nasty, offensive and dishonest as you would expect.

Here is the live stream video from today’s hearing.


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0a014c No.55217

File: 61fa1fbc3c69a08⋯.jpeg (932.05 KB,1170x1411,1170:1411,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867379 (181744ZMAY23) Notable: SAM BRINTON ARRESTED *AGAIN*!

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0a014c No.55218

File: a0820a2835ce670⋯.png (57.08 KB,686x260,343:130,Clipboard.png)

File: e8dfc3546d2dd1d⋯.jpg (309.45 KB,900x599,900:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867380 (181744ZMAY23) Notable: Ascension? Church of Ascension in Crimea

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


just realized today'S

Ascension Day?


Church of Ascension in Crimea, near the water, is allegedly near the cave where King Savior was born. (as opposed to manger). Allegedly on the run, since Despot ruler planned to kill him; he was heir; They do that.

Tudors did that, that's how they gained it.

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0a014c No.55219

File: 0266856fb3c03a9⋯.png (313.66 KB,833x589,833:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867381 (181744ZMAY23) Notable: Senate still has the $1.5 Trillion Default Avoiding Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senate stil has the $1.5 Trillion Default Avoiding Bill

Sent to them From the House 2 MONTHS Ago

Senate has been sitting on the House Budget Bill for 8 WEEKS

Chuck Schumer Hates America

It's the only reason

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0a014c No.55220

File: 52020e44894f1e3⋯.png (486.17 KB,703x524,703:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867395 (181748ZMAY23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867420 (181757ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI

The House Weaponization Committee is holding a hearing today on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI are testifying before Congress on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday.

FBI agents Marcus Allen, Brett Gloss, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives.

Democrats on the Committee are running interference for the FBI. The Democrat members are openly hostile to the witnesses and attacking them continuously.

Here are the members of the Weaponization Committee.

This is an explosive hearing. It was also reported that the whistleblowers will release more information today.

These Democrats are as nasty, offensive and dishonest as you would expect.

Here is the live stream video from today’s hearing.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867430 (181759ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's Kun Attack Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

See them now? Just one hour's worth, see the cycles?

#23160 18 May 2023 Times EDT

12:25:37 >>55166 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions

12:26:03 >>55167 ID d3ceb1 Muh joo "The hidden hand tells us all we need to know."

12:33:25 >>55169 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish logic"

12:34:08 >>55170 ID 16ec88 Attack on Baker "How do I impeach this baker?"

12:34:09 >>55171 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions, attack on all anons But when you delete, you can talk back? Is everyone retarded now?

12:36:18 >>55173 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "suck it rabbi"

12:38:29 >>55176 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish corruption"

12:42:21 >>55178 ID f26bbe Attack on BV Dart, muh deletions "No, I don't trust him. He deletes people just to be a bitch."

12:48:16 >>55181 ID 16ec88 Attack on Admin "Board Management and bakers here are absolutely, no joke, pic related. No idea how we made it this far or how we're making it in general."

12:48:46 >>55182 ID 788238 Demoralization "America is gone"

12:49:58 >>55183 ID f09c13 Muh joo "Kikes big mad that the goyim know"

12:52:26 >>55185 ID 788238 Incitement "There's only one way to fix America now."

12:54:20 >>55186 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "so all the Jewish pedophiles celebrating the Sabbat Dinner can fuck little kids"

12:55:10 >>55187 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "This baker is absolutely brain dead."

12:56:30 >>55188 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "'Gerbs' should be dishonorably discharged and possibly banned from the Internet"

12:58:01 >>55189 ID 4a0eba Muh joo "jews sunk the Titanic to kill off opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve. The jews didn't care if innocent people got in the away. Just like 9/11.

12:58:30 >>55190 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "Wouldn't hire that guy to fold paper in half let alone bake here"

13:00:03 >>55192 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "Sucks when you get such a trash baker. Makes the board look bad ."

13:01:02 >>55193 ID bba365 Attack on Baker "so called notes from lb is a good clue"

13:01:59 >>55194 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "Notes are brutal. Wrong format. Double posted notes, ignored notable calls from anon"

13:02:37 >>55195 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo "jewish logic"

13:04:23 >>55197 ID ad67d2 Attack on Baker "When half the notables are faggot ass "memes of the day" or whatever "gerb" called them, thats a problem."

13:05:25 >>55198 ID 8362e2 Muh deletions They can use you as an excuse to delete real anon digs etc.

13:05:49 >>55199 ID 753339 Attack on Baker & Admin "Dayshift is run by morans, ironically the bakers and management appear to not even understand Q aside from 1 or 2.

13:09:04 >>55200 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "And Gerbs is a BV on top of that? The akshual fook? Gongshow"

13:09:41 >>55201 ID 753339 Attack on Baker "Fix Dayshift, they deserve better"

13:11:07 >>55203 ID ad67d2 Attack on Bakers "Just a desperation for bakers so quality becomes a second thought, or not a thought at all apparently."

13:11:50 >>55204 ID 4ebe2a muh joo, attack on Admin "Good job making those kikes earn their shekels. They thought they could ban the truth by banning your posts…"

13:11:40 >>55205 ID 4ebe2a muh delettions, muh joo

13:14:45 >>>/qresearch/18867201 ID TOR Muh joo "verifiable facts" bs

13:17:26 >>>/qresearch/18867218 ID TOR Muh joo, Attack on anon

13:18:16 >>55208 ID 4ebe2a Muh joo

13:18:57 >>>/qresearch/18867227 ID TOR Muh joo, Attack on anon

13:20:17 >>>/qresearch/18867230 ID TOR Muh joo

13:22:44 >>>/qresearch/18867243 ID TOR Muh deletions, Muh joo

13:23:12 >>>/qresearch/18867246 ID TOR Muh deletions, Muh Joo

13:23:28 >>>/qresearch/18867249 ID TOR Muh deletions, Muh joo

One of the shills will get a Ban & Delete, runs to Tor so as to not get banned, gets deleted individually, keeps at it to waste bread

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0a014c No.55223

File: b31d4d77992c87b⋯.png (564.28 KB,928x540,232:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867436 (181801ZMAY23) Notable: “That Is Not My Account, Maam”

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“That Is Not My Account, Maam” – EMBARRASSING. Idiot Democrat Makes Fool of Herself by Accusing Whistleblower of Running Twitter Account – But It’s Not His!

The House Weaponization Committee is holding a hearing today on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI are testifying before Congress on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday.

FBI agents Marcus Allen, Brett Gloss, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives.

Democrats on the Committee are running interference for the FBI. The Democrat members are openly hostile to the witnesses and attacking them continuously.

At one point in the hearing Rep. Linda Sanchez accused whistleblower Marcus Allen of tweeting out an angry rant against Nancy Pelosi.

Mr. Allen told her, “That is not my account, Maam.”

Sanchez went ahead and read the tweet anyway.

What an dope. Nice work preparing for the hearing, Maam.


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0a014c No.55224

File: ccf6549e1890bb4⋯.png (546.91 KB,461x1165,461:1165,Clipboard.png)

File: deeed7d32888c91⋯.png (240.14 KB,624x857,624:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867447 (181804ZMAY23) Notable: Anons chq'n QDeltas - BQQM!

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Umm guys, this May 12, 2019 Qpost seems to fit too!

"Now comes the pain."


Q sure liked posting in May!

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0a014c No.55225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867457 (181807ZMAY23) Notable: REMINDER: Know Your Bunker

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0a014c No.55226

File: 440c2375b433778⋯.png (81.67 KB,997x903,997:903,Clipboard.png)

File: b0d3478930ffb06⋯.png (78.5 KB,1030x797,1030:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867463 (181809ZMAY23) Notable: NIH Finally Cuts Off Funding to Wuhan Biolab But 27 Chinese Labs Still Make the List

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NIH Finally Cuts Off Funding to Wuhan Biolab But 27 Chinese Labs Still Make the List

The National Institute of Health (NIH) finally cut off funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, widely believed to be the source of the COVID-19 global pandemic that killed millions of people around the globe.

Dr. Tony Fauci and the US government funded the lab linked to the Chinese Communist Party for decades. Robert Kennedy, Jr. recently asked, “Why is nobody asking Dr. Anthony Fauci about why he funded the controversial Wuhan Lab at the epicenter of COVID-19?”

The pharma-funded mainstream media was never interested in investigating this dangerous program funded by Dr. Tony Fauci and the Department of Defense for decades.

The Wuhan Biolab was still on the donations list last month in April.

The National Institute of Health was donating US dollars to the Wuhan Biolab and 27 other Chinese research facilities in April 2023.

It’s as if the COVID-19 pandemic never happened.


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0a014c No.55227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867464 (181809ZMAY23) Notable: CALL FOR MEMES

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Narratives are Imploding

Jan 6th


Russia Russia Russia

Orange man Bad

2020 Election was safe & Secure

Hunter Laptop


Clinton Email Scandel

It's all Collapsing into itself like a Wormhole

Soon the only thing that'll be left is the Truth

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0a014c No.55228

File: 07be6a2e2cb0594⋯.png (44.08 KB,128x135,128:135,Clipboard.png)

File: c4037688166fcc1⋯.png (48.04 KB,159x135,53:45,Clipboard.png)

File: d77095082a59988⋯.png (48.29 KB,135x127,135:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867525 (181820ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Whistleblower Confirms Undercover Agents on Jan 6 #J6 #HEROES

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0a014c No.55229

File: 7567eed96409a1b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x827,1024:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867534 (181822ZMAY23) Notable: SAM BRINTON ARRESTED *AGAIN*!

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Non-binary ex-Biden nuclear official Sam Brinton arrested for being ‘fugitive from justice’

The former Biden administration nuclear official who was axed late last year after they were caught red-handed in a string of luggage thefts was arrested at home this week, police confirmed.

Samuel Brinton, 35, was taken into custody at their home in Rockville, Maryland, at 10 p.m. Wednesday, the Montgomery Country Police Department told The Post Thursday.

Arrest records show that Brinton — who is non-binary and uses they pronouns — was arrested on the 700 block of College Parkway as a fugitive from justice.

“They are being held at the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit on a no-bond status as they await an extradition hearing,” an MCPD spokesperson explained.

The investigation is being spearheaded by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police.

Someone claiming to be a neighbor of Brinton and Reike told the Daily Wire on Thursday that “four unmarked police showed up” at their residence last night and escorted Brinton away in handcuffs an hour later.

News of Brinton’s alleged arrest comes one month after they pleaded no contest to charges stemming from the theft of a woman’s luggage at Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport in July 2022.

In exchange for the plea deal, Brinton was ordered to pay the woman back and given a 180-day suspended jail sentence.

Days later, Brinton agreed to undergo a mental health evaluation as part of an adult diversion program at a hearing stemming from similar charges related to a theft at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in September 2022.


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0a014c No.55230

File: b1a69fc5afe661b⋯.png (681.71 KB,1140x570,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867542 (181823ZMAY23) Notable: Fairfax County Schools Peddle Deviant Porn to Kids; #CallTheSheriff #SaveOurChildren

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Fairfax County Schools Peddle Deviant Porn to Kids; Mom Tells Youngkin, Miyares to ‘DO SOMETHING!’

Fairfax County Public Schools, like those in neighboring Loudoun County, have a long and disgusting history of grooming and abusing children, as National File has extensively reported.

A mom in Fairfax County, Virginia is blowing the whistle on the deviant porn being peddled to kids by their local public schools while calling on GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares to “do something” about rampant public school grooming.

Fairfax County mom Stacy Langton joined the Stew Peters Show to blow the whistle on pedophilic school materials on a national stage and even exposed her local district’s assistant superintendent for admitting that she’s grooming her own children.

Langton attended a recent meeting of the Fairfax County School Board and brought with her a copy of the book Queer: A Graphic History, which is available in Fairfax County Public School libraries. At the meeting, Langton tore into the left-wing school board, and footage of her speech aired during her Stew Peters Show appearance.

In the speech, Langton blasted not just the school board for their grooming of children and laissez-faire attitude about cleaning up their school district, but also blasted Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin and AG Jason Miyares, both of whom were elected in a pro-parental rights wave election in 2021, only to fail to combat widespread grooming practices, which parents in Virginia say have only gotten worse.

“For tonight’s porn book story hour, I brought a selection from my son’s school, Fairfax High School,” Langton told the Fairfax County School Board.

“The book, called Queer: A Graphic History by author Meg-John Barker, is indeed graphic. It has illustrations of sex acts, some of which are deviant, but this book teaches that there are no good or bad kinds of sex, only a diverse range of practices and attractions.”

In one portion of the book, which Langton publicly showed to the school board, there’s an illustration of a mom and a dad having sex.

“Except in this case, the dad is on all fours on the bed, while mom is wearing a strap-on dildo and is screwing dad anally from behind.”

The book goes on to claim that “heterosexuality is unfair and oppressive,” and even claims that heterosexuality is unnatural.

“You guys won’t remove this stuff and the assistant superintendent said these books are bedtime stories for her children,” Langton told the board.

“I’m calling on Governor Youngkin and AG Miyares to DO SOMETHING! This was your platform for the last five weeks of your campaign and we the parents put you in office largely to go and fix this. It’s been 18 months. It’s time!”


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0a014c No.55231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867549 (181824ZMAY23) Notable: RI council member Matthew R. Reilly passed out in car before crack arrest

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The shocking moment cops found RI council member Matthew R. Reilly passed out in car before crack arrest

A Republican city councilman from Rhode Island is facing calls to resign after police found him Monday passed out and seemingly “choking” in his car with a crack pipe in his hand.

Cranston City Council member Matthew R. Reilly was found sleeping in the vehicle just before noon, according to a police statement and bodycam footage of the incident.

Video shows Reilly, 41, being shaken awake by an officer who says: “You were literally choking in your sleep. Someone was flagging me down about it.”

“I have sleep apnea. I’m sorry,” Reilly says, to which the officer replies: “Well, you have a crack pipe in your hands.”

Reilly initially denied having drugs in his car, telling officers he smoked “earlier” and was heading to work at Family Court.

After police found crack cocaine in the vehicle’s center console, Reilly admitted to having relapsed after 13 years of sobriety, in part because of a “really bad divorce.”

The councilman admitted he had a problem and was getting help.

“If you’re getting help, what happened?” one of the officers asked.

In the video, police can be seen testing the crack found in Reilly’s vehicle, which contained fentanyl.

The driver’s seat of the car was coated in white residue, and officers in the video mentioned a burning smell.

“This is a terrible situation, we’re all in a tough spot, but we gotta do what we gotta do by the numbers. It’ll help you in the end, … and you’ll say to us a month from now, ‘Best thing that ever happened to me,’” one of the officers said to Reilly.

“I look at you, you’re not the Matt Reilly we know,” the officer added. “Your health and your well-being is worth more than your political career.”


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0a014c No.55232

File: a7fb561bd1d310d⋯.png (76.96 KB,647x903,647:903,Clipboard.png)

File: 8290410676964c1⋯.png (82.04 KB,730x893,730:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be2f6515e6c85f⋯.png (79.65 KB,661x897,661:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c2a17aaeb433f6⋯.png (80.7 KB,671x903,671:903,Clipboard.png)

File: 71ecdc36f4354ff⋯.png (45.12 KB,690x480,23:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867571 (181829ZMAY23) Notable: AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

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AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will attend the secretive Bilderberg Meeting, an annual gathering of over 100 political and corporate leaders from Europe and North America, which has announced AI as a key item on its agenda this year.

Altman isn’t the only Big Tech figure in attendance. Other participants include Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Google DeepMind head Demis Hassabis.

Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will also attend. As noted in a congressional hearing last week, CISA played a key role as a source of government pressure in the Big Tech censorship regime that harmed President Trump’s chances in the 2020 election.

The meeting will take place from 18 to 21 May in Lisbon, Portugal. The list of items up for discussion, published by Bilderberg here, is as follows:


Banking system


Energy transition


Fiscal challenges


Industrial policy and trade



Transnational threats


U.S. leadership

The corporate legacy media also has a presence at this year’s Bilderberg, with notable members including Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum, the CEO of Axel Springer (a key force behind last year’s failed effort to create a media cartel in the U.S.), and representatives of other establishment media companies including the Economist and the Financial Times.

Other notable attendees include the CEO of Pfizer, the president and COO of Goldman Sachs, and failed Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

A small number of American conservatives are listed as participants: two members of the Hoover Institution, one fellow of the Hudson Institute, conservative historian Niall Ferguson, and tech entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel.

A full list of participants at this year’s meeting can be found here.



Lisbon, 18 - 21 May 2023


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0a014c No.55233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867581 (181832ZMAY23) Notable: YT - MTG Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden #ImpeachmentWeek

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MTG Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden during a Thursday press conference.

The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the articles of impeachment, saying Biden is trying to “systematically destroy” the U.S. In 2o21, Greene introduced articles of impeachment against Biden, citing Biden’s alleged involvement with Ukraine while serving as vice president.

“It is with the highest amount of solemnity that I announce my intention to introduce articles of impeachment today on the head of this America-last executive branch, that has been working since Jan. 20, 2021, to systematically destroy this country, the president of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden,” Greene said.



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0a014c No.55234

File: ecd0ea004705ea7⋯.png (150.48 KB,543x429,181:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e49b874b7abcf0⋯.png (45.5 KB,664x343,664:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867585 (181833ZMAY23) Notable: Kyiv Residents Who Posted Footage of Russian Air Attack on Social Media Threatened With Jail

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Kyiv Residents Who Posted Footage of Russian Air Attack on Social Media Threatened With Jail

Six Kyiv residents who posted shocking night-time footage of missiles flying through the air which quickly went viral could face up to eight years in prison if charged with breaking wartime censorship rules.

While in an age of social media saturation, it may seem natural to record and post something extraordinary happening outside your bedroom window, that is presently illegal in Ukraine, as six locals — including a locally famous Instagram model — are finding out.

Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency, The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office have launched “comprehensive measures” to “establish all the circumstances of the crime and bring the guilty to justice” after footage showing the night-time sky of Kyiv during Tuesday’s “exceptional ” air raid was published online. Russian ‘hypersonic’ missiles and suicide drones were among the 18 incoming shot down in the raid, according to the Ukrainian government.

The spectacular footage showing the night sky lit up by repeated flashes of anti-air defence missile launches quickly went viral and was featured in news reports around the globe. Yet the videos, taken on mobile phones and building security cameras, revealing the horrendous truth of air raids against a European capital city could see their creators jailed for up to eight years.

Sharing any information about the operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a criminal offence under rules enacted under the state of martial law presently in force in the country, and the SBU claims the videos risk revealing the locations of the country’s anti-air defences to attackers. A statement by an SBU spokesman said: “The Security Service of Ukraine has established the identities of six residents of the capital who illegally disseminated information about the work of air defence forces during the massive Russian attack on Kyiv.

“On the night of May 16, they took unauthorized photos and videos of the work of Ukrainian air defence and posted relevant materials on social networks… The information obtained in this way could be used by the occupiers to adjust repeated airstrikes on the capital of Ukraine.”

The intelligence agency reminded citizens to not post images of military activity to social media, saying: “The Security Service once again emphasizes the prohibition of shooting and publishing video and photo materials regarding the activities of the Defense Forces, as well as the consequences of enemy shelling.

“The publication of such photo and video materials on the Internet is considered to be the correction of enemy fire [BBN: artillery spotting or forward observation] and is a crime punishable by law.”


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0a014c No.55235

File: c9ca1aab029a639⋯.png (178.07 KB,600x923,600:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867596 (181836ZMAY23) Notable: Record Number of Chinese Nationals Showing Up at U.S. Borders

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Record Number of Chinese Nationals Showing Up at U.S. Borders

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 10,000 migrants who entered the U.S. between ports of entry during the first seven months of Fiscal Year 23. Of those, more than 8,000 were single adults. The single adult apprehensions exceed the total of all Chinese migrants apprehended during the past six fiscal years combined.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Nationwide Encounters report for April shows an explosion in the number of Chinese migrants apprehended by Border Patrol agents this year. In April alone, agents apprehended 3,195 Chinese nationals. This brought the seven-month total for Chinese migrants apprehended in FY23 (which began on October 1, 2022) to 9,753. Of those, CBP reported that 8,207 (84) percent were single adults. Neary 5,200 of these migrants entered the U.S. in the Rio Grande Valley Sector in southeast Texas.

A source operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Breitbart Texas that most of the Chinese migrants are military-age males who are paying up to $55,000 each to be smuggled from China to the United States. Of the 9,753 migrants that entered the U.S. this year, almost all crossed through the southwest border with Mexico.

During interviews with the migrants, the source said most of the migrants appeared to recite a canned response to the questions which determine their eligibility for an asylum hearing. They said they left China because of living conditions and harsh policies from the country’s leadership.

The source explained that gathering accurate, detailed information from the Chinese migrants during interviews is problematic. “We have too many migrants in processing facilities and using telephonic interpreters does not make for ideal debriefings”.

“Nearly all of the Chinese migrants are released,” the source told Breitbart. The report from CBP shows that of the 9,753 migrants apprehended, only 14 were expelled under Title 42. The remaining 9,783 were processed under Title 8 which allows the migrants to be released with a notice to appear for an asylum hearing at some point years into the future.

The apprehension of 9,753 Chinese migrants nearly equals the total number of apprehensions during the past seven years combined, according to a Border Patrol Nationwide Apprehensions by Citizenship report. The number of single adults apprehended (8,207) exceeds the past six-year total of all Chinese migrants apprehended. The number of single adults apprehended in prior years was not available in published reports.



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0a014c No.55236

File: d45ca28c1652dd4⋯.png (597.53 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867636 (181845ZMAY23) Notable: UK #50 Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles

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UK #50 >>42438

Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

An artist has defended his work after visitors to an art exhibition were shocked to see a painting of newly coronated King Charles wearing a Jim’ll Fix It medal.

The portrait, dubbed The Company One Keeps, depicts Charles wearing the medal - alluding to the King’s previous relationship with the notorious paedophile.

Art fans visiting the Artists Open House displays said they were “upset” by the “disrespectful” portrait. The artist behind the piece has stood up for his work, adding it is the job of the artist to “provoke debates”.

Saltdean-based artist Jake Fern said: “No one is talking about the fact that he [then Prince Charles] was friends with one of the worst paedophiles in history. Or that his brother [Andrew]was friends with [paedophile] Jeffrey Epstein.


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0a014c No.55237

File: fc704f0e4111346⋯.jpeg (655.25 KB,1583x2210,1583:2210,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867646 (181847ZMAY23) Notable: General Flynn comms to Elon?

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General Flynn comms to Elon

CALL FOR AUTISTSSee any further connections?

Flynn misspelled the character’s name Indigo instead of Inigo. His edited timestamp syncs to drop #1414 “Messages sent.”

The tweet contains two colors,Brown(brownie) andIndigo. Both colors were used as war plans in WW2, Brown referring to the Philippines and Indigo to Iceland, collectively referred to as Rainbow.

On September 11, 1941, President Roosevelt initiated plans Rainbow 5 and Indigo 3, the Philippines and Iceland.

What do it all mean? Not a clue, but it seems too much for a simple misspelling or coincidence.




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0a014c No.55238

File: 1559271b28ee3df⋯.png (12.95 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 62940fc1943b4ff⋯.png (12.86 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 525d18ab8ed7496⋯.png (11.93 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e3c8c6238f2113⋯.png (14.48 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: aba9e86f915f1f2⋯.png (13.59 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867650 (181848ZMAY23) Notable: TRENDS: Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers

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Kash Patel

Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon)

Marjorie Taylor Greene


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0a014c No.55239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867652 (181848ZMAY23) Notable: Chicago Mayor Releases Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’

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BEYOND PARODY: Allies of New Chicago Mayor Release Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’

The political allies of Brandon Johnson, the far-left mayor elect of Chicago, have released an economic plan for the city and it’s called ‘First We Get the Money.’

You couldn’t make this up.

Naturally, the plan involves the implementation of new taxes.

Progressive allies of Mayor Brandon Johnson have released a financial blueprint titled – and I'm not joking – "First We Get the Money" calling for $12 billion in new taxes, including:

"Head tax" of $33 per worker for companies with 50+ employees

Quadrupling the tax on jet fuel.… pic.twitter.com/lRoQOZP58a

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) May 17, 2023

Stephen Green of PJ Media has more:

Insanity Wrap: Who Wants to Help Me Watch Chicago Commit Suicide?

You’ve got to appreciate brand-spankin’ new Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson for being so forthright about what he intends to do to his struggling city. Johnson promised at his inauguration on Monday to “build a Chicago that means our economy gets to grow by rerouting the rivers of prosperity to the base of disinvestment,” whatever that means, “So that no one goes thirsty.”

What it really means is new and higher taxes, and Johnson’s “progressive” allies, Saqib Bhatti and Gabriela Noa Betancourt, stepped immediately into action, releasing a fiscal blueprint for the city called “First We Get the Money.”

The name was chosen by the Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE) policy organization after “Pay Up, Sucka” scored slightly lower with focus groups.

The package includes a metric butt-ton of new spending, naturally, but it’s the $12 billion in new taxes that will make people scream in agony. For reference, Chicago’s “historic” “recovery” budget last year was “just” $16.7 billion.

How is this real?

Love the inadvertently perfect graphic of a pile of crumpled bills just waiting to be set on fire https://t.co/geSei65q8O

— Nan Hayworth, M.D. (@NanHayworth) May 17, 2023

Will the last person to leave Chicago please turn out the lights?


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0a014c No.55240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867657 (181848ZMAY23) Notable: Anon CAll for FBI whistleblowers Twitter #Support

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FBI whistleblowers

Garret O'Boyle


Stephen Friend


Tristan Leavitt


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0a014c No.55241

File: 72de0581cd13a79⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,240x255,16:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867664 (181849ZMAY23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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0a014c No.55242

File: 3494497d6ac0070⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,750x517,750:517,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867682 (181853ZMAY23) Notable: What is the Looking glass? How to see the Future?

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Looking glass.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55243

File: c13c6c9875d3fcc⋯.png (306.48 KB,737x708,737:708,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a083c29ee844df⋯.jpeg (176.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 703b27143051163⋯.png (653.95 KB,640x960,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 29f73f1a1fcf3a1⋯.jpeg (3.54 MB,2883x2781,961:927,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 11d7aa41c6310d2⋯.png (601.04 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867687 (181854ZMAY23) Notable: CAPS Anon Reminder, Have Faith.

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Love y’all anons

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867691 (181855ZMAY23) Notable: #23160

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23160 >>55165

>>55165 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>55238 TRENDS: Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers

>>55240 Anon CAll for FBI whistleblowers Twitter #Support

>>55179 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: O'Boyle: The FBI will crush you.

>>55168 #23159 ANON LB BUN

>>55075 LB Rep. Harriet Hageman puts Schiff & the corrupt Dems on blast

>>55076 LB Weaponization Report | FBI Response

>>55152, >>55149, >>55150 ALL LB MTG: Today, I'm introducing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden

>>55233 YT - MTG Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden #ImpeachmentWeek

>>55156, >>55159 ALL LB Major Supreme Court announcement

>>55172 Ronna McDaniel The Durham report showed institutions were weaponized to target a president.

>>55175 Gaetz/O'Boyle TRNSCRPT

>>55174 What is Sound of Freedom?

>>55180 1:15 PM EDT Department Press Briefing

>>55182 Is America Gone?

>>55184 1PM ET Senator Sanders News Conference on the Debt Limit

>>55191 Trump posted twice today at 12:19 - CIA/Hunter Biden laptop #CIA

>>55196 Feast of the Ascension

>>55202 Kari Lake returns to court to challenge election result

>>55209 Anon calls for memes Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey,Wray #FBI #DOJ #DURHAM #TREASON

>>55210, >>55228 FBI Whistleblower Confirms Undercover Agents on Jan 6 #J6 #HEROES


>>55212 The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing

>>55213 PDJT Gee, Rupert Murdoch used to like me a lot when I was President! #DIG

>>55214 @Jim_Jordan God Bless our brave whistleblowers. #PRAY

>>55206, >>55215, >>55224 Anons chq'n QDeltas - BQQM!

>>55216 GP - FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI

>>55217, >>55229 SAM BRINTON ARRESTED *AGAIN*!

>>55218 Ascension? Church of Ascension in Crimea

>>55219 Senate still has the $1.5 Trillion Default Avoiding Bill

>>55221 FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI

>>55223 “That Is Not My Account, Maam”

>>55225 REMINDER: Know Your Bunker

>>55226 NIH Finally Cuts Off Funding to Wuhan Biolab But 27 Chinese Labs Still Make the List


>>55222 Anon's Kun Attack Bun

>>55230 Fairfax County Schools Peddle Deviant Porn to Kids; #CallTheSheriff #SaveOurChildren

>>55231 RI council member Matthew R. Reilly passed out in car before crack arrest

>>55232 AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

>>55234 Kyiv Residents Who Posted Footage of Russian Air Attack on Social Media Threatened With Jail

>>55235 Record Number of Chinese Nationals Showing Up at U.S. Borders

>>55236 UK #50 Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles

>>55237 General Flynn comms to Elon?

>>55239 Chicago Mayor Releases Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’

>>55177, >>55220, >>55241 Memes of the Thread

>>55242 What is the Looking glass? How to see the Future?

>>55243 CAPS Anon Reminder, Have Faith.


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0a014c No.55245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867708 (181857ZMAY23) Notable: #23161

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#23161 https://fullchan.net/?bf5aa4b234b7ff88#C8hWHTrjRaVKoWwvuNUqrfD3mNN5GARig7aZNabX4N5p

LIVE DAY TWO: Kari Lake returns to court to challenge election results - May 18, 2023



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0a014c No.55246

File: 212b75875170c92⋯.png (517.83 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: b0dfbf311c4591b⋯.png (242.8 KB,836x326,418:163,Clipboard.png)

File: e0360cfc696a2ca⋯.png (526.63 KB,550x639,550:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867725 (181901ZMAY23) Notable: At Jerusalem Flag March, chants of ‘Death to Arabs’ and assaults on Palestinians

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At Jerusalem Flag March, chants of ‘Death to Arabs’ and assaults on Palestinians

Still, contentious event ends without major incident as thousands of religious nationalists participate; some attack Palestinians and reporters, sing ‘May your village burn’

Thousands of Israelis took part in the Jerusalem Flag March on Thursday, with the highly controversial annual event again featuring racist chants and scuffles with Palestinian residents as the largely teenage, religious nationalist participants made their way through the Old City’s Muslim Quarter.

But despite several dozen instances of violence and harassment by Jewish participants, and pre-march threats by Gaza terror groups, the rally managed to conclude without a major incident. Two years ago, Hamas fired a barrage of rockets at Jerusalem to coincide with the march, leading to an 11-day war between Israel and Gaza.

The annual parade to the Western Wall is meant to mark Israel’s reunification of East and West Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War, but has gained notoriety over the years as it is often marred by hate speech and violence by far-right Jewish participants toward Palestinians and their property.

The particularly charged aspect of the Flag March is its route through the Damascus Gate and Muslim Quarter, which are overwhelmingly used by Palestinians. Critics say the rally is designed to provoke Palestinians, who are forced by the Israel Police to shutter their shops to allow for the demonstration.

As it did in the past two years, the Biden administration ahead of Thursday urged Israel to reroute the march away from the Muslim Quarter. It was an uphill battle though, given that the more moderate previous government had bucked the request last year, and Netanyahu ultimately followed suit.

Different groups of Flag March participants clashed and beat Palestinian locals and harassed journalists. They also sang racist chants such as “Death to Arabs,” “May your village burn” and “An Arab is a son of a b**ch,” as they danced near the Damascus Gate both before and during the rally on Thursday afternoon.

Among the marchers were over a dozen coalition members, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir — a longtime participant in the rally. Thursday was the first time he did so as a cabinet minister, offering an additional stamp of legitimacy to the lightning rod event. Some 3,000 officers of the police, which Ben Gvir oversees, were deployed in and around the Old City to secure the march.

Police said they arrested 10 people even before the formal start of the rally at 4 p.m., including several left-wing activists who temporarily blocked a West Bank highway outside of Jerusalem while attempting to prevent settlers from attending the march. Several other people were detained for provoking Palestinians, police said.

Most of the participants were religious teens, many of whom were bused in from seminaries. Separate routes were designated for men and women to avoid mixed dancing.


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0a014c No.55247

File: 8f4514c4973b170⋯.png (616.29 KB,1042x647,1042:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 67fdf8971fd6fee⋯.png (533.78 KB,763x827,763:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d2b12112e2fc36⋯.png (175.41 KB,784x878,392:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867752 (181906ZMAY23) Notable: Israeli Survey Shows the Pfizer Vaxx Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe

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The Israeli Survey That Shows the Pfizer Vaccine Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe – and How it Was Downplayed

Downplaying. That has been a handy weapon against anything that threatened the official Covid narrative. Downplaying sceptical voices, downplaying uncertainties, downplaying contradictory data.

I recently described a typical example of the latter from Denmark. Here is another one, from Israel, which gives us a dual opportunity: first, to look at the rate of significant adverse events after the booster dose, as reported in a Government-initiated survey. Second, to observe the language the anonymous authors used to describe the data. Released long ago but not published in a medical journal (yet?), the summary was written in Hebrew and contained 26 slides. I have tried to offer below a precise translation of the text.

The topic of the survey is called “reported phenomena”, which is not a complete phrase for “reported side-effects”, since, just like in English, an adjective is usually added to indicate the presumed link to a drug or a vaccine.

The authors are aware of under-reporting of side-effects, since they state “it appears that there is under-reporting”, though it is not clear how they infer that from reported data.

The aims of the survey are clearly stated (Figure 1). In brief, it was a random sample from the database of the Ministry of Health, excluding people without a listed phone number (understandable) and those who had had Covid (why?). Participants were vaccinated 21-30 days before a structured phone interview, conducted 2-3 months into the booster campaign.

Slightly over 2,000 people completed the interview, evenly split by sex. I am not sure why the sample size was not much larger, say, 20,000, closer to the vaccine trials. Lack of importance of the topic? Lack of resources in a country that served as a Pfizer laboratory? Downplaying unfavourable rates as imprecise (due to a small sample)?

Sampling ensured three equal-size age groups, which means that the age distribution of the sample did not necessarily match the age distribution of the vaccinated population. Although age-specific rates were sometimes presented, a weighted rate for the entire population was not.

Two to three months later, a follow up interview was conducted with 45 of 59 women who reported changes in menstruation after the booster. We’ll return to this part later.

Survey results are influenced not only by reporting accuracy but also by the response rate, which can be defined in more than one way. It was around 50% by one definition.

To estimate a range for the rate of selected side-effects, I will make two opposite assumptions about non-participants, which favour the vaccine. The first one is extreme.

No side-effects would have been reported by non-participants, so any observed frequency should be divided by 2. You may also view this ‘correction’ as accounting for coincidental events.

Unobserved rates in non-participants would have been identical, so any observed frequency is correct.



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0a014c No.55248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867755 (181907ZMAY23) Notable: John Fetterman speaks at a press conference on the debt ceiling negotiations.

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Greg Price


John Fetterman speaks at a press conference on the debt ceiling negotiations.

1:50 PM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55249

File: 43dca10c7d495fd⋯.png (14.66 KB,547x175,547:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867756 (181908ZMAY23) Notable: @POTUS The United States-Japan partnership will help guarantee a more peaceful and stable world

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17 words and 14:30 = 17

President Biden


The United States-Japan partnership will help guarantee a more peaceful and stable world for future generations.

2:30 PM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55250

File: ca2f845e6bc5c20⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,1284x720,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867757 (181908ZMAY23) Notable: John Fetterman speaks at a press conference on the debt ceiling negotiations.

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0a014c No.55251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867766 (181910ZMAY23) Notable: JusttheNews: SC rules in favor of Google and Twitter, but doesn't rule on protections from lawsuits

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Supreme Court rules in favor of Google and Twitter, but doesn't rule on protections from lawsuits

The justices unanimously rejected a lawsuit that alleged that the corporations allowed their platforms to be used to aid an attack at a Turkish nightclub.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Google, Twitter and Facebook in lawsuits seeking to hold the companies liable for terrorist attacks Thursday, but avoided ruling on their broad protection from lawsuits.

The justices unanimously rejected a lawsuit that alleged that the corporations allowed their platforms to be used to aid an attack at a Turkish nightclub in 2017 where 39 people were killed.

Another lawsuit having to do with an American college student being killed in Paris in an Islamic State terrorist attack in 2015, accused Google of not doing enough to stop its platform from being used by extremist groups to radicalize and recruit people.

That lawsuit was returned to the lower court, according to the Associated Press.

“We therefore decline to address the application of Section 230 to a complaint that appears to state little, if any, plausible claim for relief,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.

Section 230 is part of a 1996 law that is intended to provide a legal shield for these types of tech companies from liability for the social media posts of others.

Regarding the Paris attack, the family of the victim is determined to sue Google for YouTube videos they said helped attract IS recruits and radicalize them. According to them, Google is responsible since they own YouTube.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the majority of the claims were protected by Section 230, the internet immunity law.


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0a014c No.55252

File: c7ab93bc564da5b⋯.png (20.56 KB,557x241,557:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867776 (181912ZMAY23) Notable: @POTUS: 5yrs. ago the lives of 8 young people and 2 teachers were stolen in one of the deadliest school shootings in history

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Deep in there....there is a 17.

President Biden


Five years ago, the lives of eight young people and two teachers were stolen in one of the deadliest school shootings in history.

Jill and I keep them close in our hearts today.

Congress must act. Our kids, educators, school officials – and all Americans – deserve nothing less.

2:59 PM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867781 (181913ZMAY23) Notable: Meme Warfare call to action

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Jan 6th


Russia Russia Russia

Orange man Bad

2020 Election was safe & Secure

Hunter Laptop


Clinton Email Scandel


Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers





Rod Rosenstein











>>55083, >>55085, >>55094, >>55096, >>55097, >>55106, >>55107, >>55109, >>55111, >>55116


>>55165 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>55146 Testimonial PDF's, >>55135 Testimonial PDF's Links , >>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55099, >>55129, >>55143, >>55144, >>55145 Transcription - (WEAPONIZATION OF THE FBI)

>>55238 TRENDS: Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers

>>55240 Anon CAll for FBI whistleblowers Twitter #Support

>>55179 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: O'Boyle: The FBI will crush you.

>>55076 LB Weaponization Report | FBI Response

>>55175 Gaetz/O'Boyle TRNSCRPT

>>55191 Trump posted twice today at 12:19 - CIA/Hunter Biden laptop #CIA

>>55209 Anon calls for memes Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey,Wray #FBI #DOJ #DURHAM #TREASON


>>55214 @Jim_Jordan God Bless our brave whistleblowers. #PRAY

>>55221 FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI


>>55093 LIVE: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee


>>55119, >>55157 ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO


>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People MP4

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0a014c No.55254

File: 4aa46fc70dbc758⋯.jpg (381.39 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a3b9f8024fc6ee⋯.png (689.97 KB,581x1009,581:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 8925bdcf3ec7bc5⋯.png (24.06 KB,114x138,19:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d81a5a282716a2⋯.png (32.39 KB,138x147,46:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac685db7e10da2⋯.png (123.36 KB,318x281,318:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867788 (181914ZMAY23) Notable: @HHS_ASH: Wierdo Rachel Levine in weird office getting vaxxed. again.

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ADM Rachel Levine


Now that I am 65, I followed @CDCgov’s new recommendation allowing an additional updated (bivalent) vaccine dose for adults ages 65 years and older. This also allows more flexibility for healthcare providers to administer additional doses to immunocompromised patients as needed.

12:55 PM · May 18, 2023


baaaaa they think of you as sheep

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0a014c No.55255

File: 6c396558de29de7⋯.jpeg (366.14 KB,1997x1089,1997:1089,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867795 (181915ZMAY23) Notable: Woman imprisoned for excessive force after strangling her rapist

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Fucking animals


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0a014c No.55256

File: 7cb881d0e26a3e9⋯.png (121.9 KB,1016x869,1016:869,Clipboard.png)

File: f76417df5ed831c⋯.png (479.97 KB,1012x882,506:441,Clipboard.png)

File: e290617b4e2408c⋯.png (116.53 KB,1010x833,1010:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c42947aff89845⋯.png (153.54 KB,1032x826,516:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e3e8e6335dbe82⋯.png (23.69 KB,1009x259,1009:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867798 (181916ZMAY23) Notable: Biowarfare through the food supply

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Biowarfare Through the Food Supply

Dr. Peter Lurie, president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and Beth Ellikidis, vice president of agriculture and environment at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), argue for the genetic engineering of food. Both are connected to Bill Gates and other Great Resetters that are pushing to replace all natural foods with patentable, genetically modified foods

BIO, the world’s largest GMO trade organization, represents more than 1,000 pesticide, pharmaceutical and biotech companies in more than 30 countries. BIO claims genetic engineering is the solution to heal, fuel and feed the world, and to that end, it lobbies 15 different policy areas, including food, agriculture, and health care policy.

In 2004, BIO launched BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH), a nonprofit organization that “develops and manages programs across the for-profit and non-profit sectors to accelerate research and development for poverty-related diseases.” BVGH was launched with a $1 million start-up grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spun off a nonprofit subsidiary to the foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute (Gates MRI), which develops biotechnologies to address health problems in poor countries.

BIO is partnered with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), and the DOD specifically funds and provides technology transfers for the diseases that Gates MRI and BVGH are focused on: malaria, tuberculosis and Ebola.


In an April 17, 2023, opinion piece in STAT News,1 Dr. Peter Lurie and Beth Ellikidis argue for the genetic engineering of food, claiming “newer technologies can make highly targeted changes at the base-pair level — one specific rung on the DNA ladder — enhancing precision and reducing the likelihood of ‘off-target effects’ in which the base pairs are unintentionally added to or deleted from the genome.”

While targeted genetic engineering is indeed possible, and modern technology lowers the likelihood of unintentional additions or deletions, this precision does not guarantee there won’t be adverse effects. One of the reasons for this is because many genes are multifunctional and can have multiple downstream effects.2,3

By altering a single gene, you can inadvertently affect the expression of hundreds of others. What’s more, the multifunctionality of genes is rarely intuitive. So, while it may seem convenient to genetically engineer cows without horns to prevent injury to other cows and farmhands, as suggested by Lurie and Ellikidis, there’s no telling what that tweak might do to internal organs or biological pathways.

In turn, there’s no guarantee that cascading effects will not alter the nutrition of the meat or dairy that comes from that cow. Maybe it’ll be fine, maybe it won’t. The problem is that, oftentimes with genetically engineered foods, safety testing is minimal or absent.


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0a014c No.55257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867820 (181919ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Former VP Pence Speaks with Voters at New Hampshire Homebuilders Event

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4:01 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Former VP Pence Speaks with Voters at New Hampshire Homebuilders Event

Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks to voters at the New Hampshire Home Builders Association’s Lumber & Lobster reception, held in Dover, NH.


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0a014c No.55258

File: 38f3cdc4c78da15⋯.png (216.39 KB,1006x790,503:395,Clipboard.png)

File: f2f51853a26abb2⋯.png (79.84 KB,361x904,361:904,Clipboard.png)

File: b445fbe4639bc45⋯.png (61.03 KB,368x668,92:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 39831cfca5eee87⋯.png (209.01 KB,1002x683,1002:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867864 (181928ZMAY23) Notable: 44 Individuals Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Multimillion-Dollar Scheme to Obtain COVID-19 Relief Funds

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44 Individuals Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Roles in a Multimillion-Dollar Fraudulent Scheme to Obtain COVID-19 Relief Funds


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55259

File: 3145a602806cf3c⋯.png (716.21 KB,820x514,410:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867876 (181931ZMAY23) Notable: For the second time, Father of Deputy Israeli Minister Under Investigation for Sexually Abusing Yeshiva Students

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Father of Deputy Israeli Minister Under Investigation for Sexually Abusing Yeshiva Students

Following a Haaretz investigation, Israeli police have opened a case against Rabbi Efraim Tessler, the former head of the Damesek Eliezer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, on suspicion of sexually assaulting students there

Israeli police are investigating Rabbi Efraim Tessler, father of Deputy Culture Minister Yaakov Tessler and former head of a Jerusalem yeshiva, on suspicion of rape and sexual offenses against students.

The investigation follows a January Haaretz report detailing the sexual abuse suffered by high school-aged students at Damesek Eliezer Yeshiva of the Vishnitz Hasidic community.

Yaakov Tessler, the deputy minister and the rabbi's son, has not been summoned for questioning or as a witness by the police, even though he was involved in the agreement to exchange 100,000 shekels for a victim's silence.

Police are unsure of how to proceed regarding the deputy minister, and told Haaretz that the Jerusalem District of the State Prosecutor’s Office is now weighing the issue. The prosecution said it is unfamiliar with the matter.

Efraim Tessler was questioned last week on suspicion of sexual offenses against his students, including one known as Aryeh (a pseudonym), who filed a detailed criminal report with the police. Tessler denied the accusations, and was conditionally released after several hours of questioning.

The police have also not gathered testimony from other central figures in the case, including a rabbi from the south who was involved in the hush money agreement and others whom Aryeh had told about the abuse years earlier.

A police official said that the investigation is ongoing, despite a lack of cooperation from a number of figures involved in the case. This was the second time that police have questioned Efraim Tessler on the matter; he had been investigated in 2017 on suspicion of committing indecent acts against four of his students, but the case was closed due to lack of evidence.

In February, Aryeh told police about how Tessler, the head of his yeshiva, had sexually abused him for a year and a half, from age 14 to 16. Aryeh, who is now in his late 20s, described how from 2009 through 2012, when he was a student at the yeshiva, his father paid Tessler for private lessons. These lessons quickly evolved into severe sexual assault a number of times a year during that period, most of the time in Tessler’s office.


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0a014c No.55260

File: 716fb69f2fcf9c0⋯.png (247.39 KB,592x458,296:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867880 (181933ZMAY23) Notable: Tampa Man: We have to put white people on notice that we want our reparations!

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TAMPA MAN: “Homelessness and all this other garbage y'all talk about — police violence and all this stuff — don't nobody care about that. [...] We care about our reparations & we have to put white people on notice that we want our reparations! [...] $3 million per person!”


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0a014c No.55261

File: fa690571effff17⋯.png (551.67 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: b556f687c5c80ab⋯.png (574.21 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 521facc762f921b⋯.png (845.49 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867927 (181943ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

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Avon park is restricted air space

What or who is this

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0a014c No.55262

File: 7466d2e5cd831db⋯.png (349.33 KB,730x551,730:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867938 (181947ZMAY23) Notable: Anon: What Durham did and did not investigate - focus very narrow

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Think about this, Durham did not investigate

•&#09;Anything to do with HRC use of private server

•&#09;The Huber investigation, FBI surveilling Page and HRC ties to Uranium, (didn’t Huber and team fly to Arkansas and carry 1500+ boxes out on Clinton Foundation?)

•&#09;The Investigation into President Trump opened by the FBI on May 16, 2017

•&#09;Nor did we investigate “Russian Inteference with the 2016 presidential election” & related matters with SC Mueller

•&#09;Nor did we investigate the matters related to US Attorney of the Eastern District of Missouri, Review of Michael Flynn

And Durham and Team documented 310 pages of the crimes just related to the 2016 campaign, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals but not limited to Crossfire Hurrican and investigation of Special Cousel Robert S. Mueller(6)

So Mueller’s Russian Interference investigation was left un-investigated, really can’t reveal they spent close to $40 million dollars trying to turn over any small dirt they could prosecute Trump and actually not just impeach him but put him in Jail Forever

This is just weird a really narrow focus! So Barr didn’t want Durham to expose the multiple co-conspiracies all related to taking down Trump, and not lay a hand on HRC. He really didn’t want his other buddies accused of what the FBI and their CHS’s did, along with the co-conspirators.


I really hope William Barr is happy with his Judas Iscariot payment, but knowing him, he’s never let crime get in the way of making more money!

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0a014c No.55263

File: 35fdfca558a8da9⋯.png (383.01 KB,748x650,374:325,Clipboard.png)

File: f76f51b85126e31⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867939 (181948ZMAY23) Notable: BREAKING: F.B.I. Whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle just ended today’s hearing with a chilling warning for future F.B.I Whistleblowers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



BREAKING: F.B.I. Whistleblower, Garrett O’Boyle just ended today’s hearing with a chilling warning for future F.B.I Whistleblowers


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0a014c No.55264

File: cd61f1bf017e21e⋯.png (70.16 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867941 (181948ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Malibu Airways LLC of San Antonio, Flirda

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0a014c No.55265

File: e6538cee0bd4fd0⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1170x1404,5:6,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867949 (181950ZMAY23) Notable: Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



EXCLUSIVE: Clintons in the crosshairs...again!

Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations and speaker fees


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0a014c No.55266

File: 8794a0d4d80925d⋯.png (68.79 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 19d7d765cfe3cb5⋯.png (69.53 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867952 (181951ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>55261 (me)


Flexjet (IIRC a charter outfit)



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0a014c No.55267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867965 (181953ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Cirrus landed

Avon park

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0a014c No.55268

File: de1aaf3ee478874⋯.jpg (63.31 KB,960x446,480:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18867988 (181958ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

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Some dickhead just drew the order of the eastern star above Springfield IL. Wonder what they're planning for Springfield!

Fuck 'em all, expose their bullshit, show the public their plans beforehand to avert!

God Bless

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0a014c No.55269

File: 6468ed6e237bebf⋯.png (133.75 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 82cc143905f74cf⋯.png (122.74 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

File: a72172c31913116⋯.png (156.28 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868005 (182001ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Born to Aid

MALIBU AIRWAYS was born as a volunteer charity organization to help those in need. Malibu Airways fulfills different types of missions, from the transportation of patients to pet relocations.



11729 DRIVER LANE, LLC is a Florida Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on April 22, 2021. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is L21000175019.


Hmm, what would a "charity" airline be doing in Avon Park?

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0a014c No.55270

File: abf8e5fef338e68⋯.mp4 (14.21 MB,1280x704,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 39daa92a0117910⋯.png (118.29 KB,687x663,229:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868036 (182011ZMAY23) Notable: Dem tries to set up FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen by showing him as tweet he did NOT post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

((('a.i.'))) incrimination/CCP 'justice'

This is hilarious. Deranged Democrat tries to set up the FBI whistleblower, Marcus Allen, by showing something he retweeted.

Only 1 problem… it’s not his Twitter account!

“Is your account marcusa97050645?”

Allen: “That is absolutely NOT my account.”

She proceeds to show the tweet anyway 🤣


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0a014c No.55271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868041 (182011ZMAY23) Notable: Avon Park PF reports &ndash; who is flying in restricted air space?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dunno, I think if you radio the tower and ask, if they are not busy they permit overflight

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0a014c No.55272

File: 099353a3705af83⋯.jpg (76.36 KB,1200x569,1200:569,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 122f78d0698b515⋯.png (56.06 KB,382x496,191:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f67d7b8cf69f3c⋯.png (29.29 KB,647x306,647:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 666d86287d99428⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB,255x224,255:224,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 152c85844a6067d⋯.png (520.76 KB,794x2383,794:2383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868046 (182013ZMAY23) Notable: Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations

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Looks like

Clinton Foundation is back on the menu


May 18, 2020 1:59:49 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df912a No. 9226447



"I have today." - Barr



Catherine Herridge


#Pensacola News Conf Q + A w/AG Barr “As to President Obama and VP Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don't expect Mr. Durham's work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man. Our concern...is focused on others.@CBSNews

1:54 PM · May 18, 2020

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0a014c No.55273

File: 35f20cd91e6d08c⋯.jpeg (184.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868051 (182014ZMAY23) Notable: George Orwell gets street in Kiev

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18 May, 2023 19:24

Orwell gets street in Kiev

Ukraine’s capital is changing the “Russia-linked” names of streets and subway stations

The Kiev city council on Thursday approved the renaming of 26 streets, lanes and subway stations whose names were deemed “linked to Russia or its satellites,” Ukrainian media have reported.

The Druzhby Narodov (Friendship of Peoples) station on the green line will now be Zverinetskaya, while Leo Tolstoy Square on the blue line will be Ukrainian Heroes Square. The Prospekt Pravdy (Truth Boulevard) station, which is under construction, has been renamed Varshavskaya, after Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

Almost two dozen streets and lanes have also been included in the renaming spree. WWII Soviet super-spy Richard Sorge and legendary radio announcer Yuri Levitan have been scrubbed, along with Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov and Marshal Alexander Suvorov.

Proletariat Street and Proletariat Lane are likewise no more.

Krasnotkatskaya (Red Weavers) Street – referring to Kiev’s Darnitsky Silk Weaving factory – is being renamed after former British PM Winston Churchill. Orlovsky Lane, honoring the city of Orel in Russia, willhenceforth bear the name of George Orwell, the author of ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984.’

Last month, after purging the name of 19th-century Russian explorer Nikolay Przhevalsky, Kiev authorities tried to rename it after Vladimir Kubiyovich, aco-founder and officer in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the ‘Galizien.’ Kubiyovich got the most votes in a public poll, but Mayor Vitaly Klitschko canceled the plans after objections from the embassy of Israel.

In October 2022, the street previously honoring Soviet Marshal Rodion Malinovsky was renamed ‘Heroes of the Azov Regiment,’ with the neo-Nazi founder of the notorious unit, Andrey Biletsky, as a guest of honor at the ceremony. Malinovsky was an Odessa native who commanded the liberation of much of Ukraine from Nazi Germany in WWII.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a “decolonization” law last month, giving a six-month deadline for erasing all references to Russian history or culture in Ukraine. The campaign to replace Russian-related toponyms was first launched in 2015, by the nationalists who seized power in the US-backed coup the year prior. Since then, more than 50,000 streets have been renamed, along with 900 towns and villages.

(Pretty Much what Nina Jancowicz taught them to do)


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0a014c No.55274

File: 1c11f58f3b35a7e⋯.png (698.24 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868099 (182026ZMAY23) Notable: More PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seen 3

With nuked call sign earlier

29. .....37.....44

Harding ...nixon..obummer

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0a014c No.55275

File: 72934603971cf9f⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x1043,1280:1043,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868223 (182104ZMAY23) Notable: China Surpasses Japan as World's Top Auto Exporter

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China Surpasses Japan as World's Top Auto Exporter

China overtook Japan as the world's top auto exporter in the first quarter, spurred by rising demand for electric vehicles and increased deliveries to Russia.

🔗 https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/China-surpasses-Japan-as-world-s-top-auto-exporter#:~:text=CHONGQING%2C%20China%20&ndash;%20China%20overtook,and%20increased%20deliveries%20to%20Russia.



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0a014c No.55276

File: 780a8739aa008b0⋯.png (492.02 KB,650x391,650:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 20b8f122e345819⋯.png (238.22 KB,941x524,941:524,Clipboard.png)

File: f30a7557d3130c2⋯.png (278.36 KB,948x537,316:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 026abe5ef1489f6⋯.png (153.95 KB,821x347,821:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868238 (182108ZMAY23) Notable: Fed Emergency Bank Bailout Facility Hits Record High; Money Market Inflows Suggest Deposit Run Not Over Yet

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markets are right back up at the top of a many week range (SP500 4100-4200 and the only real thing sortof left for the indicies) so until that breaks out it's still sideways city.

NAS is just one big short squeeze after another

Fed Emergency Bank Bailout Facility Hits Record High; Money Market Inflows Suggest Deposit Run Not Over Yet

With regional bank stocks squeezing higher, one could be forgiven for thinking everything's awesome again (if you memory or charts only go back a week or so) except last week's deposit flows did not support that narrative and tonight's ongoing inflows into money market funds suggest banks are still struggling to keep hold of their deposits.

Money Market Funds saw $13.6 billion of INFLOWS, pushing the aggregate to a record high of $5.341 trillion. That is over $520 billion of inflows in the last three months. Retail funds saw over $14 billion of inflows while institutional funds actually saw a small outflow. This surge in money market fund inflows strongly suggests tomorrow's H8 deposit report will show the bank walk/run is continuing. After last week saw a tiny drop in the Fed's balance sheet, The Fed's infamous H.4.1 report shows that it dropped $46.3 billion last week - the 8th straight week of declines.As far as QT is concerned, after last week saw an increase of $461 million, the Total Securities Held Outright dropped $29.89 billion last week as QT started up again. The total size of the Fed's backstopping facilities remained extremely high at around $305 billion with the Fed's Bank Term Funding Program-cap#4(which is run out of the US Treasury's' Exchange Stabilization Fund) rising yet again to a new record high (up from $83.1 to $87.0 billion. The US central bank had $96.1 billion of loans outstanding to financial institutions through two backstop lending facilities in the week through May 17, compared with $92.4 billion the previous week. US Bank reserves at The Fed rose for the second week in a row.

Tomorrow we get the big one - more answers after the bell when The Fed releases its H8 report on bank deposit flows and whether the seasonal-adjustments are total bullshit or not.


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0a014c No.55277

File: 0c519c18ceccb3b⋯.jpeg (590.46 KB,1170x1238,585:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868267 (182117ZMAY23) Notable: GENERAL FLYNN TWEETS VIDEO OF JIM CAVIEZEL SAYING QANON IS A GOOD THING!

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Can someone PLEASE scrape and drop this clip in the bread?

Also - might be worth checking for Deltas.

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0a014c No.55278

File: e9cdfb4aca215c6⋯.mp4 (879.41 KB,464x270,232:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868276 (182119ZMAY23) Notable: GENERAL FLYNN TWEETS VIDEO OF JIM CAVIEZEL SAYING QANON IS A GOOD THING!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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0a014c No.55279

File: a2dd5a77871da02⋯.jpg (63.61 KB,810x450,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868293 (182127ZMAY23) Notable: Fr. Pierre de Maillard's criminal trial to take place in Vendée, France

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fr. Pierre de Maillard's criminal trial to take place in Vendée, France

VENDÉE, France (ChurchMilitant.com) - A priest of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) will be put on trial in France after being indicted for abusing 19 children.

Church Militant has confirmed the trial begins May 22 in the Cours d'Assises (Court of Assizes) at la Roche-sur-Yon, in the Vendée in western France, and will continue for two weeks until June 2.

While trials are normally public in France, a source has confirmed with Church Militant that the SSPX has insisted on secrecy, and that this trial will be closed to the public.

Maillard is being charged for "rape of a minor under 15 years of age, rape committed by a person abusing his authority ... attempted rape ... sexual aggression on a minor over 15 years of age by a person with authority over the victim ... corruption of minors."

The crimes are believed to have taken place over the course of more than a decade, from January 2006 to May 31, 2020, in the Vendée and Charente-Maritime.


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0a014c No.55280

File: 079c76ae53b5e05⋯.jpg (112.47 KB,800x570,80:57,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868308 (182132ZMAY23) Notable: Largest Dam Removal in U.S. History Under Way

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Largest Dam Removal in U.S. History Under Way

'''The Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) is leading the historic dam removal project. Kiewit is serving as the prime contractor on the record-breaking construction project. (KRRC photo)


Construction to start the removal process of the Klamath River dams has begun and all four dams are scheduled to be removed from the river by the end of 2024, according to the latest report from KDRV.'''

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved this project — the largest dam removal in American history — in November 2022, a project valued at $450 million.

The Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) is leading the historic construction project. Omaha, Neb.-based Kiewit is the prime contractor on the job while Knight Piesold, headquartered in South Africa, is the civil prime design partner on the project. KRRC took over ownership of the dams from Pacific Power in July 2021. The project is expected to wrap in 2024.


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0a014c No.55281

File: cbc716838812992⋯.png (455.04 KB,888x645,296:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868386 (182157ZMAY23) Notable: Biden State Dept. Mandates Pronouns, Gets Nailed Messing up Their Own Woke Rule

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Watch: Biden State Dept. Mandates Pronouns,

Gets Nailed Messing up Their Own Woke Rule

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Imright, 5/18/2023 5:54:02 PM

How woke is too woke? On Thursday, even the Biden team got tripped up by their own wokeness. The State Department Deputy Spokesperson, Vedant Patel was doing a briefing when he got a rather aggrieved question from AP reporter Matt Lee. Lee is an old-school journalist who’s had the same job for about 16 years, and he isn’t shy about asking questions that they may not like. He’s nailed the Biden team on their nonsense in the past.Lee asked Patel if he knew about the new addition to emails the State Department sends. Patel confessed ignorance. Lee said they included mandatory pronouns now on the emails’ “from” line,

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0a014c No.55282

File: 69fbcd45a250001⋯.png (295.3 KB,550x378,275:189,Clipboard.png)

File: be35ab508b0b0a1⋯.png (437.75 KB,1049x821,1049:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 03846846f901ce8⋯.png (297.5 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868403 (182202ZMAY23) Notable: Maricopa County Scandal con't.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maricopa County Claims Employee Was Removed After Kurt Olsen Plays BOMBSHELL Video of Signature Reviewer “Verifying” Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds Each – Employee Seen Working Until The End of Signature Review

Maricopa County attorney Tom Liddy and Election Director Rey Valenzuela misstated the facts yesterday claiming that they relieved an incompetent level one Maricopa County signature reviewer in Kari Lake’s trial against the stolen election.

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit shared damning evidence of at least one Maricopa County signature verifier simply clicking through signature checks significantly faster than their colleague seated next to them. In the video, you can see the ‘cyclic clicker’ blasting through images on their screen without even scrolling down, as the computer next to them can be seen doing. According to trial testimony by Jacqueline Onigkeit, signature reviewers “were told to scroll down and make sure that we verify the present green affidavit with the past history affidavits.”

The person in the video from that article, seen at the left cubicle below, “verified” almost 27,000 signatures alone, which is 10,000 more than the margin of victory. As Brian Lupo of The Gateway Pundit reported, the defense claimed that the individual was fired after Lake attorneys presented it in court. The video was taken on November 10.

This morning, The Gateway Pundit reported on another video showing the same Maricopa County employee failing to verify signatures and likely approving over 5,600 signatures in about two hours.

Over 274k ballot signatures were approved by multiple individuals in less than 3 seconds each. At least one individual had a 100% acceptance rate.

Liddy responded to this video, telling the Judge in his opening statement, that “if, in fact, the individual on the left was not doing his job and as you’ve heard from counsel in his opening that all 155 level one signature reviewers were being monitored by the supervisor, that individual would have been taken off the line. And, Your Honor, you’re going to hear that that individual was taken off the line.”

However, this is apparently not true.

As seen in the tweet below, the reviewer, who was clicking his mouse like a woodpecker and not authenticating signatures, is seen again and appears to be curing ballots on November 15, the last day of signature verification. The timestamp on the photo below confirms this.

Not only was he not “taken off the line,” as Liddy claims, but he was also boosted from level one work to curing ballots!

Maricopa County Election Director Rey Valenzuela also testified under oath that “he was removed from the process of signature verification, reassigned from the process.” To be fair, Valenzuela also stated, “there’s a skill set that’s required to perform this function, and if you are not meeting those marks, then we’ll move you to another task, whatever that may be, curing as an example.”

However, the same individual was seen reviewing signatures as a level one employee as early as October 17, and he was seen verifying signatures until November 11, when everybody else was only curing ballots.


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0a014c No.55283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868412 (182205ZMAY23) Notable: Farmers warn crops will die after water cutbacks in Klamath Basin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





this is why

Farmers warn crops will die after water cutbacks in Klamath Basin

Federal agency reduced water for irrigators as region navigates third year of drought

The head of the Klamath Irrigation District said Monday that recent federal cutbacks in water availability will have dire consequences for crops and farmers in the region.

“If they have onions in the ground‚ those onions are probably going to die and wilt,” Gene Souza, executive director of the Klamath Irrigation District, told OPB’s Think Out Loud®.

He added: “I looked at the potato fields, and most of the potatoes are under the size of a AA battery, and that’s not going to meet their contractual requirements.”

With the Oregon-California border region mired in a third consecutive year of drought, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced on Aug. 18 that it would limit water releases from Upper Klamath Lake. The agency said the shut-off was necessary to keep enough water in the lake to



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0a014c No.55284

File: 725a4c76a9d7a50⋯.png (124.16 KB,1080x607,1080:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c91cdd1ab1e2d7⋯.png (139.35 KB,804x1650,134:275,Clipboard.png)

File: a7be5634cbf1886⋯.png (500.78 KB,804x2252,201:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 84cd8d746acee6f⋯.png (524.94 KB,804x2794,402:1397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868416 (182207ZMAY23) Notable: BREAKING 🚨 Car rushes gate into Vatican City

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BREAKING 🚨 Car rushes gate into Vatican City, reaches palace courtyard, police fired at the car, suspect detained.

3:45 PM · May 18, 2023


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0a014c No.55285

File: b03217411101dd7⋯.png (755.57 KB,1080x1187,1080:1187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868422 (182210ZMAY23) Notable: WATCH: Trump tells a group of Jews, 'I gave you GThe 2023 Bilderberg Members Have Arrived in Lisbon & PFT

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>>55284 (me)


WATCH: Trump tells a group of Jews, 'I gave you Golan Heights


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0a014c No.55286

File: 4269a9f6914b7aa⋯.png (394.82 KB,665x445,133:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868442 (182221ZMAY23) Notable: Livestream of the SubCommittee on the Weaponization of the USG

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Streamed on: May 18, 8:56 am EDT

Livestream of the SubCommittee on the Weaponization of the USG


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0a014c No.55287

File: 3d33e76d2711663⋯.jpeg (317.13 KB,1170x659,1170:659,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868448 (182224ZMAY23) Notable: Trump tells former adviser Michael Flynn: "We're going to bring you back"

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0a014c No.55288

File: 566a5631d991b26⋯.png (1001.5 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e6d0a47f735dceb⋯.png (97.34 KB,953x541,953:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868459 (182228ZMAY23) Notable: JUST IN: Fire Marshal Determines Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed 18,000 Cows

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2300*18000 = 41 400 000

JUST IN: Fire Marshal Determines Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed 18,000 Cows

DIMMITT, Texas – A massive fire and explosion occurred at a dairy farm in the Texas Panhandle on April 10th, resulting in one person being injured and approximately 18,000 cattle being burned alive.

State investigators have determined that the incident was an accident, originating from an engine fire in a manure vacuum truck that was being used to clean a section of the large barn.

The State Fire Marshal’s report stated that the cause of the engine fire could not be determined, but no deliberate actions were found to have caused the failure.

According to the truck driver who was operating the vehicle inside the 2 million-square-foot barn, he ini

arn, which had previously experienced a fire. Burn marks near the engine compartment of the second truck supported the findings of the fire investigation conducted within the barn.

The investigation into the incident has been closed.


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0a014c No.55289

File: 7544481463aef53⋯.png (718.19 KB,689x670,689:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 365325f5813e354⋯.png (229.51 KB,487x296,487:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868460 (182228ZMAY23) Notable: AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

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AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

Breitbart Tech, by Allum Bokhari

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 5/18/2023 4:28:49 PM

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will attend the secretive Bilderberg Meeting, an annual gathering of over 100 political and corporate leaders from Europe and North America, which has announced AI as a key item on its agenda this year. Altman isn’t the only Big Tech figure in attendance. Other participants include Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Google DeepMind head Demis Hassabis.Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will also attend. As noted in a congressional hearing last week, CISA played a key role as a source of government pressure in the Big Tech censorship regime that harmed President Trump’s chances

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0a014c No.55290

File: 2e5c00d8f4cffb6⋯.jpg (216.67 KB,794x975,794:975,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868497 (182243ZMAY23) Notable: #23162

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Dough is same ole


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0a014c No.55291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868503 (182244ZMAY23) Notable: Int’l Economic Forum Russia &ndash; Islamic World kicks off with participation of Syria

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Inte’l Economic Forum Russia – Islamic World kicks off with participation of Syria

With the participation of Syria, the 14th International Economic Forum, ‘Russia – Islamic World: Kazan Forum’ 2023, was launched on Thursday in the Russian city of Kazan .

“I welcome you on the occasion of the opening of the 14th International Economic Forum in Kazan,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a message , adding that the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan warmly welcomes guests from many countries and affirms its position as a reliable and sought-after place for large-scale business activities.

Putin said that Russia traditionally enjoys close relations with Islamic countries on a bilateral basis and within the framework of interaction with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, stressing that these relations are based on partnership and respect for each other’s sovereignty and civilizational identity.

Putin said that Islamic countries are actively developing today and gaining tangible achievements in trade, the financial sector, innovation, and scientific and applied research, and Russia is open to the largest possible commercial and humanitarian cooperation with them.


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0a014c No.55292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868510 (182244ZMAY23) Notable: Barr: Durham report clears Trump, investigation an 'abomination'

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Former AG Barr: Durham report clears Trump, investigation an 'abomination'

"Both the press and the FBI abandoned any semblance of professionalism and took up the cause with a vengeance," Barr added.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr excoriated the FBI in the aftermath of Special Counsel John Durham's report, which revealed that the bureau began its investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign without predicating evidence.

"I think the real story here—from the FBI’s perspective—is what an abomination this was, this so-called investigation. If it wasn’t a witch hunt, it’s a damn good imitation of one," Barr said on Fox News this week. The investigation, he said, was "one of the greatest injustices done to a presidential candidate and a president."

The report largely addressed the origins of the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation, during which agents sought potential links between Trump, his campaign officials, and the Russian government.

"Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation," Durham wrote. Moreover, he further highlighted that key intelligence officials such as FBI Director James Comey and CIA Director John Brennan were aware of the Clinton campaign's plan to fabricate a story about Trump-Russia collusion as early as August of 2016.

"Both the press and the FBI abandoned any semblance of professionalism and took up the cause with a vengeance," Barr added.

The former attorney general broke with Trump following the 2020 presidential election and does not intend to support him in 2024, though he conceded that the report's findings would benefit Trump in the short term.


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0a014c No.55293

File: c618b6852421faa⋯.png (294.55 KB,498x417,166:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a004bce43fff6d⋯.png (231.16 KB,522x446,261:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d1acd098dfefad⋯.png (253.48 KB,528x588,44:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868516 (182247ZMAY23) Notable: Int’l Economic Forum Russia &ndash; Islamic World kicks off with participation of Syria

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Assad Arrives To Red Carpet Treatment In Saudi Arabia, Historic 1st Since War Began

These are images that Washington never wanted world to behold, following more than a decade-long regime change proxy war aimed at Damascus...

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has in a historic visit arrived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Thursday in his presidential plane.

The Syrian head of state, long under severe US sanctions, triumphantly exited the plane in what many supporters are calling a 'victorious' moment - with one regional commentator remarking "the Lion has landed".

This year's summit in Jeddah, set to begin Friday, will witness Syria's formal readmittance to the 22-member Arab League after a 12-year suspension

In November 2011 the Arab League kicked Syria out of the organization, citing the crackdown by Damascus on opposition protests, but which immediately turned into an armed insurrection. Syria had maintained the move was "illegal and a violation of the organization’s charter."

The Biden administration has meanwhile been urging regional allies to not pursue normalization with Assad. Despite this, UAE was the first to do so - and as of March Saudi Arabia and Syria agreed to reopen their respective embassies after more than a decade.

Even Saudi media has done a dramatic about-face on Assad...



Assad Arrives To Red Carpet Treatment In Saudi Arabia, Historic 1st Since War Began

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, May 19, 2023 - 07:20 AM

These are images that Washington never wanted world to behold, following more than a decade-long regime change proxy war aimed at Damascus...

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has in a historic visit arrived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Thursday in his presidential plane.

The Syrian head of state, long under severe US sanctions, triumphantly exited the plane in what many supporters are calling a 'victorious' moment - with one regional commentator remarking "the Lion has landed".

This year's summit in Jeddah, set to begin Friday, will witness Syria's formal readmittance to the 22-member Arab League after a 12-year suspension

In November 2011 the Arab League kicked Syria out of the organization, citing the crackdown by Damascus on opposition protests, but which immediately turned into an armed insurrection. Syria had maintained the move was "illegal and a violation of the organization’s charter."

The Biden administration has meanwhile been urging regional allies to not pursue normalization with Assad. Despite this, UAE was the first to do so - and as of March Saudi Arabia and Syria agreed to reopen their respective embassies after more than a decade.

Even Saudi media has done a dramatic about-face on Assad...

It must be recalled that Saudi Arabia worked "hand and glove" (in the words of then Vice President Biden years ago) with the US and NATO countries to train, equip, and fund hardline jihadist insurgents who waged war against the Syrian state and its people...


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0a014c No.55294

File: 41164a3b71e0156⋯.png (215.69 KB,608x590,304:295,Clipboard.png)

File: e9cdfb4aca215c6⋯.mp4 (879.41 KB,464x270,232:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868518 (182248ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Jim Caviezel speaks out.

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From last bread

Mentions Q

Jim Caviezel speaks out.


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0a014c No.55295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868520 (182249ZMAY23) Notable: DoJ and Dept. of Homeland Security account for ~67% of all Dyno Nobel contracts for all FYs.

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Railcar carrying 30 tons of explosive chemical pellets arrives at destination empty — officials say railcar 'leak' may be to blame

A railway carrying 30 tons of explosive chemicals arrived at its final destination empty, according to KQED.

The train car was loaded in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on April 12 with 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, which is often used to make explosives, matches, and fertilizers. In this instance, the chemicals on the train car belonged to Dyno Nobel, a commercial explosives firm.

After a two-week-long trip to California that made several stops, the railcar previously loaded with the chemicals was found empty.

While the shipment went missing in April, the explosives company filed a short incident report to the federal National Response Center on May 10. Dyno Nobel stated that it suspects the chemicals fell from the train car when moving from the main track to a rail siding. It added that the shipment was transported in pellet form in a covered hopper railcar, similar to cars used to haul coal.

A spokesperson for the company told KQED, “The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit.” Dyno Nobel noted that it had “limited control” over its shipment while it was transported by Union Pacific.

A spokesperson for the Federal Railroad Administration believes that one of the gates on the hopper car may not have been closed properly.

The railcar is on its way back to Wyoming to be inspected. The incident is being investigated by the Federal Railroad Administration, the California Public Utilities Commission, Union Pacific, and Dyno Nobel.

On Thursday, Dyno Nobel announced that it had been awarded the Union Pacific Railroad’s 2022 Chemical Transportation Safety Pinnacle Award.

“This award recognizes companies with zero Non-Accident Releases for shipments of regulated hazardous material moving in tank cars in 2022,” the firm wrote on its Twitter account.


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0a014c No.55296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868525 (182250ZMAY23) Notable: High Sierra Snow Report! 17 May 2023

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High Sierra Snow Report! 17 May 2023 Nevada County, CA


365K subscribers

4,251 views May 18, 2023

Record Snow Pack to Date!

1997 Aviat Husky A-1


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0a014c No.55297

File: f01900740f7dd80⋯.png (243.73 KB,588x416,147:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868532 (182252ZMAY23) Notable: REP. CHIP ROY: "If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is — in fact — a dude.”

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REP. CHIP ROY: "If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is — in fact — a dude.”


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0a014c No.55298

File: 70a45a5ff44dca0⋯.png (221.5 KB,1007x734,1007:734,Clipboard.png)

File: 293155c7012d836⋯.png (215.32 KB,987x654,329:218,Clipboard.png)

File: c98d87bfdaeeb0d⋯.png (156.81 KB,991x822,991:822,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f81a0b46468e12⋯.png (46.6 KB,797x378,797:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868544 (182255ZMAY23) Notable: Former President Of The New York Building And Construction Trades Council And 10 Other Union Officials Sentenced For Accepting Bribes

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Former President Of The New York Building And Construction Trades Council And 10 Other Union Officials Sentenced For Accepting Bribes And Illegal Payments


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0a014c No.55299

File: f88c8c1522fe1d1⋯.png (292.84 KB,646x601,646:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868554 (182257ZMAY23) Notable: China launches BeiDou navigation satellite to orbit

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China launches BeiDou navigation satellite to orbit

May 18, 2023

China launched a satellite for its BeiDou navigation system system on Tuesday night (May 16), the first time it had done so in nearly three years.

The BeiDou satellite lifted off atop a Long March 3B rocket from Xichang Satellite Launch Center, in southwest China's Sichuan Province, on Tuesday at 10:49 p.m. EDT (0249 GMT and 10:49 a.m. local time on May 17).

The spacecraft is the 56th BeiDou satellite China has lofted to date, and the first to take flight since June 2020.

The newly launched satellite is bound for geostationary orbit, about 22,200 miles (35,700 kilometers) above Earth.

Once it's up there and fully checked out, the spacecraft will serve as the first-ever backup for the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3), according to China's state-run Xinhua news service.

"The satellite will expand the communication capacity of the system's regional short-messaging function, enhance positioning accuracy and promote the network's availability and stability," Xinhua wrote on Wednesday.

BDS-3 came online in July 2020, making China the third country, after the United States and Russia, to have its own independent satellite-navigation system. (China began launching BeiDou satellites in 2000, but the constellation didn't achieve full operational capability until BDS-3.)

Tuesday night's launch is part of a busy year for China, which has been ramping up its spaceflight activities and capabilities for the last decade or so. The nation plans to launch more than 200 spacecraft on at least 60 launches during 2023, and private companies based in the country could add more than 20 missions to that total.


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0a014c No.55300

File: e4db243f2a6ac88⋯.png (257.24 KB,612x599,612:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 2608668ebbf62b5⋯.mp4 (308.59 KB,486x270,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868559 (182300ZMAY23) Notable: REP. CHIP ROY: "If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is — in fact — a dude.”

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: "If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is, in fact, a dude...Everybody knows it!"


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0a014c No.55301

File: 59942cbf913838c⋯.png (55.41 KB,1046x483,1046:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868560 (182300ZMAY23) Notable: Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers

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Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers Before Congressional Testimony – But 51 Signatories of Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Still Have There’s

The House Weaponization Committee held a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI testified before Congress on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday.

FBI agents Marcus Allen, Garrett O’Boyle, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives.

Democrats on the Committee ran interference for the FBI. The Democrat members were openly hostile to the witnesses and attacking them continuously.

At the end of the Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) asked witness and FBI whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle if he would advise his colleagues to come forward. Agent O’Boyle offered this dire assessment.

Garrett O’Boyle: I would tell them first to pray about it long and hard. And I would tell them I could take it to Congress for them, or I could put them in touch with Congress, but I would advise them not to do it… The FBI will crush you. This government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong.

The FBi took O’Boyle’s income and his security clearance after he spoke out about the FBI targeting parents at school board meetings.

But guess who have not had their security clearances revoked?

During the second presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden and hack reporter Kristen Welker teamed up against President Trump.

At one point, Joe Biden interrupted Welker for his planned response to the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell scandal. Joe Biden told the audience 50 intelligence leaders signed a letter saying the laptop was “Russian propaganda.”


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0a014c No.55302

File: b754d3ac0c43078⋯.png (361.08 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868588 (182308ZMAY23) Notable: Top 10 Confraternities (Cults) In Nigeria

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Top 10 Confraternities (Cults) In Nigeria


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0a014c No.55303

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868591 (182309ZMAY23) Notable: Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers

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=Episode 107: FBI Whistleblowers – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz==

May 18, 2023

Today on FIREBRAND: Congressman Matt Gaetz recaps a huge day in the House Judiciary Committee, where a group of whistleblowers gave explosive testimony on the weaponization and politicization of the FBI against regular Americans.


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0a014c No.55304

File: 32f4862442f05bd⋯.png (264.42 KB,1033x920,1033:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868629 (182319ZMAY23) Notable: Defeat the WHO treaty

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0a014c No.55305

File: 948758907840cc3⋯.png (220.65 KB,436x522,218:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868630 (182319ZMAY23) Notable: Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers

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The FBI distributed a memo titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide” that said support for the Second Amendment and displaying the Betsy Ross flag are indications of violent extremists.

The FBI sent agents to track and report on the license plates of parents attending school board meetings.

The FBI forced Special Agent Garret O'Boyle to beg and borrow warm coats for his children because the family’s belongings were locked in an FBI-controlled storage facility.

These FBI whistleblowers swore an oath to the Constitution, not the FBI – and that is exactly why they are being targeted.


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0a014c No.55306

File: dc129d5937adb3a⋯.png (48.97 KB,557x520,557:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868661 (182329ZMAY23) Notable: House Republicans did our job on debt ceiling. It's time for President Biden and Senate Democrats to do theirs and pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act.

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House Freedom Caucus

House Republicans did our job on debt ceiling.

It's time for President Biden and Senate Democrats to do theirs and pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act.

No more discussion on watering it down. Period.

2:38 PM · May 18, 2023·165.1K Views


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0a014c No.55307

File: 79cc3976ae6348b⋯.png (327.85 KB,926x586,463:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868683 (182339ZMAY23) Notable: Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.

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Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.

Speaking to CBS News on Tuesday, Obama warned that the mainstream media has lost its control over the narrative and said the only solution is for the U.S. government to step in and take drastic action.

“The thing that I’m most worried about is the degree to which we now have a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media, right?” Obama told Nate Burleson.

“I’m much older than you… when I was coming up, you had three TV stations and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”

“Today, what I’m most concerned about is because of the splintering of the media, we almost occupy different realities,” Obama said, adding “If something happens, in the past, everybody could say, all right, we may disagree on how to solve it, but at least we all agree that, yeah, that’s an issue.”

“Now people will say, well, that didn’t happen, or I don’t believe that,” he complained, asserting that “one of, I think, the goals of the Obama Foundation, and one of the goals of my post-presidency, is how do we return to that common conversation? How can we have a common set of facts?”

Obama went on to talk about gun control as an example of one issue he wants to see Americans accept a “common set of facts” on.

“We may disagree on gun violence in terms of what the best prescriptions are, but we can’t deny the data that says the United States has levels of gun violence that are 5, 10, 15 times more than other countries,” he stated, adding “So if we say it is just a mental health problem, well, it’s not like there aren’t people with mental health problems in those other countries. What’s the difference? This is probably the difference. Now, we can have a debate. But at least we’ve agreed on some facts.”


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0a014c No.55308

File: a38ddb386b0df8e⋯.png (272.1 KB,579x521,579:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868690 (182342ZMAY23) Notable: @Amanpour, of CNN and PBS, says CNN shouldn’t have given Trump the Town Hall and points to blacklisting of Joseph McCarthy as model for suppressing him.

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Future journalists at Wednesday’s


commencement applaud when Christiane


, of CNN and PBS, says CNN shouldn’t have given Trump the Town Hall and points to blacklisting of Joseph McCarthy as model for suppressing him.


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0a014c No.55309

File: 45ba595f2dd5181⋯.png (743.85 KB,1242x1208,621:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868730 (182351ZMAY23) Notable: Supremes void ruling on law shielding inet co's from bein sued

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...It's the best anon could find, on short notice. https://lancasteronline.com/news/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-google-twitter-but-avoids-ruling-on-their-broad-protections-from-lawsuits/article_6a3aa7ed-bd13-53a3-ba91-2a997baa8af5.html

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0a014c No.55310

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868748 (182356ZMAY23) Notable: 'The Sound Of Freedom': A Spotlight on the Global Movement to End the Trafficking of Minors

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Watch 'The Sound Of Freedom': A Spotlight on the Global Movement to End the Trafficking of Minors

Extremely meaningful interview with Jim Caveziel. You can tell he’s tormented they have been blocked from getting the movie & truth out for 3 years. It’s on the WW child trafficking and the horror these children endure. He mentions the whistleblower in Congress, Rojas revealed 85,000 children that came across the border cannot be found by DHS, HHS, Medicare and Medicaid services, they have lost 85,000 freakin innocent children and no one in government is doing anything about it.

44 minutesreview of the movie and interview of Jim Caveziel, the movie is about a hero that finds children & child trafficking, and the how we have to stop it.

The movie was completed 3 years ago and the industry has intentionally held it up for three years (like the Passion if the Christ) because theaters and Hollywood do not want it shown and Disney bought the studio.

Its opening on July 4th and the only way the theaters will allow it is to sell 2,000,000 tickets for saving 2,000,000 children. Buy tickets at Angel.com/warroom and on check out put in Angel10 for 10% discount. Buy tickets for people that are unaware of this horrible scourge.

Anon recommends all Christians or spiritual and even non spiritual people, watch this interview and see the movie.God will save the children if we step up, and anons are soldiers to save the children


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0a014c No.55311

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868769 (182359ZMAY23) Notable: Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers

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This is unbelievable. Darren Beattie Explains Why An FBI Agent Lost His Security Clearance For Reading Revolver.news


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0a014c No.55312

File: 1e4353847a38e16⋯.png (1.12 MB,1919x1009,1919:1009,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868812 (190009ZMAY23) Notable: PF All H60s up over the US. There is nothing that unusual here.

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>There are Blackhawks all over hell

All H60s up over the US. There is nothing that unusual here. You have to keep in mind that a lot of these are Coast Guard, not Army.

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0a014c No.55313

File: b2f0e53cde651f0⋯.png (210.83 KB,809x915,809:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 8977afc4d73a704⋯.png (112.9 KB,630x801,70:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 65a30be6be77d80⋯.png (106.12 KB,630x783,70:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ab525967a57768⋯.png (105.27 KB,634x786,317:393,Clipboard.png)

File: a222fc98deeba46⋯.png (109.18 KB,620x776,155:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868826 (190012ZMAY23) Notable: Rubio Publishes Vast COVID-19 Report: ‘Beijing Hid the Truth’

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Rubio Publishes Vast COVID-19 Report: ‘Beijing Hid the Truth’

A new report by Sen. Marco Rubio concludes that “a serious biosafety incident” in China most likely caused the coronavirus pandemic. But the exhaustive study, which took two years to complete and includes vast translations of original Chinese language source material, reaches another, perhaps more troubling, verdict: They knew.

The document obtained early by RealClearPolitics paints a picture of a Chinese Communist Party so eager to make advancements in bioscientific research that officials in Beijing willfully and repeatedly ignored known safety shortcomings at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as early as July 2019. Then, once the pandemic that would eventually kill 7 million people started, they launched a “cover-up.”

Chinese officials have consistently called the lab leak hypothesis a lie, insisting that the theory is politically motivated and has no scientific basis. The Rubio report details, however, that as early as February 2020 China had launched a comprehensive effort to strengthen biosafety measures at the Wuhan lab and facilities around the country through new, stricter regulations.

“Just as Beijing was denying the possibility that COVID-19 came from a lab on the world stage,” according to the document authored by the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, “it was warning its own officials of such risks and rolling out new measures to prevent lab accidents.” Additionally, as China downplayed the danger, or even took steps to hide it and its origin from the world, they were quietly moving to protect themselves.

Scientists associated with the People’s Liberation Army filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine in February of 2020. According to research methodology reviewed by Rubio, they began work four months earlier in November of 2019. Beijing did not alert the World Health Organization of the outbreak of a virus “of unknown etiology” until January of 2020.

“The implications are impossible to ignore,” Rubio said in a statement. “Beijing hid the truth. This report reinforces the need to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable.”

The White House has repeatedly voiced frustration with China for its lack of transparency, and early in his tenure, President Biden ordered the director of national intelligence to conduct a 90-day inquiry into the origins of the virus. The intelligence community, however, was divided on the question when they turned in their findings in August of 2021, concluding that “a more definitive explanation” of the origin of the virus would “most likely” not be possible without cooperation from China.

The administration, as well as the World Health Organization, have repeatedly called on China to share health data from the early days of the pandemic that would further scientific investigation into the COVID-19 origins. The Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did upload some data related to samples taken at the nearby Wuhan wet market to the global virus database but removed it shortly afterward.

A classified report by the Department of Energy, which oversees numerous biological research labs in the U.S., concluded “with low confidence” in February of this year that the virus most likely came from the lab in Wuhan.

Until that assessment was made public, Republican lawmakers including Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton were widely derided for spreading misinformation when they entertained the possibility that the pandemic could’ve begun anywhere other than the animal “wet market” in Wuhan. The Washington Post, for instance, reported in February of 2020 that Cotton was spreading a “debunked” and “fringe” “conspiracy theory.”

Behind the scenes that month, Chinese officials were implementing new directives governing research facilities with the stated goal being to “earnestly advance the biosecurity of the state, and further strengthen the biosafety management of laboratories.”






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0a014c No.55314

File: 74b726622fa2b0c⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB,1427x1801,1427:1801,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868843 (190014ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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Anons, let me get your opinions. Does this image seem like he’s sending a warning message, with the police “sound the alarm” shirt plus the caution sign in the background?


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0a014c No.55315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868845 (190015ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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eating pizza

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0a014c No.55316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868853 (190018ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Jim Caviezel speaks out.

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based patriot and child of GOD

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0a014c No.55317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868854 (190019ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Jim Caviezel speaks out.

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Blessings and anointing on this man - literally

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0a014c No.55318

File: 617164c59feaf1d⋯.png (264.19 KB,500x373,500:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868855 (190019ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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kid eating pizza with sound the alarm shirt with police on it with "road work ahead" sign in back?

feels sketchy andnotable

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0a014c No.55319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868865 (190022ZMAY23) Notable: In a rare judicial defeat for President Joe Biden, Michael Delaney is withdrawing his nomination for the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

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Federal appeals court nominee withdraws in rare judicial defeat for Biden


WASHINGTON (AP) — In a rare judicial defeat for President Joe Biden, Michael Delaney is withdrawing his nomination for the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, according to a letter he sent to the White House on Thursday.

“At this time, I believe it is appropriate for me to withdraw my name from consideration for this position to advance the important work of the federal judiciary,” he wrote in the letter, obtained by The Associated Press.

In a statement, White House spokesman Andrew Bates said the White House would consult with New Hampshire’s two senators, Democrats Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, to find a new nominee. Both had strongly supported Delaney.

“President Biden put forward a deeply qualified nominee, with a long and distinguished career in public service,” Bates said.

Delaney’s nomination lacked the needed votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee, said two people familiar with the confirmation process who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe internal dynamics.


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0a014c No.55320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868894 (190027ZMAY23) Notable: #TwitterFiles On Taylor Lorenz w/ Paul Thacker

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#TwitterFiles On Taylor Lorenz w/ Paul Thacker


twitter space on the twitter files that dropped earlier

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0a014c No.55321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868904 (190029ZMAY23) Notable: Find your rep & their phone number here, call them and tell them schiffty must go

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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna discusses her resolution to expel Adam Schiff from Congress

Find your rep & their phone number here


call them and tell them schiffty must go

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0a014c No.55322

File: 2006d31b649a915⋯.png (174.79 KB,273x399,13:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868912 (190031ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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0a014c No.55323

File: 8b3599957b631ae⋯.jpg (491.43 KB,1080x1153,1080:1153,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d7ae83ebff4d4cd⋯.jpg (612.57 KB,1080x1638,60:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2b9a12dffa7c56⋯.jpg (764.22 KB,1080x1996,270:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868925 (190032ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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stellina pizzeria

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0a014c No.55324

File: 5bb306797600458⋯.png (327.5 KB,985x554,985:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868932 (190034ZMAY23) Notable: NASA’s Spitzer, TESS Find Potentially Volcano-Covered Earth-Size World

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NASA’s Spitzer, TESS Find Potentially Volcano-Covered Earth-Size World

May 17, 2023

Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size exoplanet, or world beyond our solar system, that may be carpeted with volcanoes. Called LP 791-18 d, the planet could undergo volcanic outbursts as often as Jupiter’s moon Io, the most volcanically active body in our solar system.

They found and studied the planet using data from NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and retired Spitzer Space Telescope, as well as a suite of ground-based observatories.

A paper about the planet – led by Merrin Peterson, a graduate of the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) based at the University of Montreal – appears in the May 17 edition of the scientific journal Nature.

“LP 791-18 d is tidally locked, which means the same side constantly faces its star,” said Björn Benneke, a co-author and astronomy professor at iREx who planned and supervised the study. “The day side would probably be too hot for liquid water to exist on the surface. But the amount of volcanic activity we suspect occurs all over the planet could sustain an atmosphere, which may allow water to condense on the night side.”

LP 791-18 d orbits a small red dwarf star about 90 light-years away in the southern constellation Crater. The team estimates it’s only slightly larger and more massive than Earth.

Astronomers already knew about two other worlds in the system before this discovery, called LP 791-18 b and c. The inner planet b is about 20% bigger than Earth. The outer planet c is about 2.5 times Earth’s size and more than seven times its mass.

During each orbit, planets d and c pass very close to each other. Each close pass by the more massive planet c produces a gravitational tug on planet d, making its orbit somewhat elliptical. On this elliptical path, planet d is slightly deformed every time it goes around the star. These deformations can create enough internal friction to substantially heat the planet’s interior and produce volcanic activity at its surface. Jupiter and some of its moons affect Io in a similar way.

Planet d sits on the inner edge of the habitable zone, the traditional range of distances from a star where scientists hypothesize liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface. If the planet is as geologically active as the research team suspects, it could maintain an atmosphere. Temperatures could drop enough on the planet’s night side for water to condense on the surface.

Planet c has already been approved for observing time on the James Webb Space Telescope, and the team thinks planet d is also an exceptional candidate for atmospheric studies by the mission.

“A big question in astrobiology, the field that broadly studies the origins of life on Earth and beyond, is if tectonic or volcanic activity is necessary for life,” said co-author Jessie Christiansen, a research scientist at NASA’s Exoplanet Science Institute at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. “In addition to potentially providing an atmosphere, these processes could churn up materials that would otherwise sink down and get trapped in the crust, including those we think are important for life, like carbon.”

Spitzer’s observations of the system were among the last the satellite collected before it was decommissioned in January 2020.

“It is incredible to read about the continuation of discoveries and publications years beyond Spitzer’s end of mission,” said Joseph Hunt, Spitzer project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “That really shows the success of our first-class engineers and scientists. Together they built not only a spacecraft but also a data set that continues to be an asset for the astrophysics community.”



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0a014c No.55325

File: c620d9ae8bda3e1⋯.png (20.28 KB,444x233,444:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868937 (190035ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55326

File: 6c3973308e52ce3⋯.png (276.24 KB,548x604,137:151,Clipboard.png)

File: d230bb0283ce303⋯.png (213.36 KB,321x776,321:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868957 (190038ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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>>55314 >>55315 >>55318 >>>/qresearch/18868861 >>>/qresearch/18868875 >>>/qresearch/18868879 >>>/qresearch/18868884 >>55322 >>55323




I'M 6



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0a014c No.55327

File: 6dbe2dfebab5f3c⋯.png (383.52 KB,606x582,101:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868958 (190039ZMAY23) Notable: Feinstein's primary caregiver: Pelosi's daughter

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Lauren McKenzie


Fun reminder that we’ve had all the technology we need for a literal direct democracy for decades


Feinstein's primary caregiver: Pelosi's daughter

A quiet caretaking arrangement has raised questions about whether Nancy Pelosi has the ailing senator's personal interests at heart.

2:41 AM · May 18, 2023




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0a014c No.55328

File: 9382d3e777468f3⋯.png (471.04 KB,522x477,58:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cab310471299db⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 736a6938169f813⋯.jpg (547.78 KB,942x990,157:165,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868964 (190040ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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this means "little stars"

so many pizza places are names with fucked up names


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0a014c No.55329

File: faef4be423a6da0⋯.png (494.17 KB,810x832,405:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868973 (190042ZMAY23) Notable: Trudeau’s strange wide stance with Korean official confounds Canadians

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18868739

Trudeau’s strange wide stance with Korean official confounds Canadians

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa May 18, 2023

A photo of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau standing with his legs wide open while shaking the hand of a Korean official has some Canadians accusing Trudeau of embarrassing Canada while abroad once again.

Many have attributed Trudeau’s wide stance to the height difference between the six foot prime minister and the Korean Speaker of the National Assembly, Kim Jin-pyo.

Why the hell is @JustinTrudeau standing like that? pic.twitter.com/s21DRrg2DG

— Cosmin Dzsurdzsa 🇷🇴 (@cosminDZS) May 17, 2023

The photo originated in a Korean media outlet while Trudeau visits South Korea to shore up relations with the east Asian ally.

“I’m guessing it’s so that he doesn’t tower over the other guy in a close up photos. But it looks dumb in every other way. There are better ways but like everything else he goes with the way it looks good from one strict point of view, but is actually bad in every other way,” wrote Twitter user Christi.

I’m guessing it’s so that he doesn’t tower over the other guy in a close up photos. But it looks dumb in every other way. There are better ways but like everything else he goes with the way it looks good from one strict point of view, but is actually bad in every other way.

— Christi (@Christi79494602) May 18, 2023

Some have pointed out the practice of “Korean manner legs,” a stance often used by taller Korean pop or drama stars when taking photos with fans or posing for interviews.

“In Korea, it isn’t unusual for drama and music stars to tower at six feet and over. ‘Korean Manner Legs’ have thus been developed in order to assist these acting and musical (and literal) giants when interacting with other people,” writes the cultural outlet Pop!.

Others on Twitter called the move embarrassing and insulting.

“He’s experimenting with new ways to make us look like a joke of a country,” tweeted Amy Eileen Hamm.

Twitter user Melissa Mbarki commented that she’s never had anybody taller than her hunch over to match height.

“I’ve never had anyone hunch over so we could be the same height,” said Mbarki.

I've never had anyone hunch over so we could be the same height.

— Melissa Mbarki (@MelissaMbarki) May 18, 2023

Photos of other political leaders with Korean officials do not depict them doing the same stance. A shot of Prime Minister Stephen Harper shaking former president Park Guen-hye’s hand at Parliament Hill shows the former prime minister standing normally.


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0a014c No.55330

File: dff0f93225971ba⋯.png (157.44 KB,1856x902,928:451,Clipboard.png)

File: efae75c37fe3c3d⋯.png (138.46 KB,1856x902,928:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f31e5c28ac1c2f⋯.png (666.33 KB,1856x4395,1856:4395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868982 (190043ZMAY23) Notable: DoJ and Dept. of Homeland Security account for ~67% of all Dyno Nobel contracts for all FYs.

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>Dyno Nobel

Here's the Department of Justice contracting w/Dyno Nobel for explosives and explosive supplies in Jan.- April of this year. The DoJ and Dept. of Homeland Security account for ~67% of all Dyno Nobel contracts for all FYs.



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0a014c No.55331

File: 5c120e7391d8ce6⋯.png (88 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868995 (190046ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55332

File: 6a4b5a9e7abb377⋯.jpeg (26.93 KB,103x129,103:129,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 50189406e8fc960⋯.jpeg (23.7 KB,103x172,103:172,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868998 (190047ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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This is from their bathroom (via Google map page)

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0a014c No.55333

File: 2d5f7c1ab61b83a⋯.png (318.36 KB,604x584,151:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869009 (190049ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Jim Caviezel speaks out.

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Green Lives Matter


Jim Caviezel dropping truth bombs.

He says you can't say the word andrenochrome without being canceled, you can't criticize George Soros, selections not elections, the pope is controlled by the Rothschilds, and he would lose his head for Christ speaking truth.



5:11 AM · May 18, 2023




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0a014c No.55334

File: 22498c139a231a6⋯.jpg (387.85 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869029 (190053ZMAY23) Notable: Feinstein's primary caregiver: Pelosi's daughter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senator Dianne Feinsteins team has confirmed that the Senator lied when she said she only had shingles.

They’ve now disclosed that she actually had Ramsay Hunt syndrome and encephalitis. Encephalitis is a very rare disease that causes inflammation of the brain which can cause severe headaches and confusion.

The symptoms can last for years.

Is this really someone who should be serving in the United States Senate?

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0a014c No.55335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869040 (190054ZMAY23) Notable: Swalwell comms bun

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BakerSwalwell comms bun

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0a014c No.55336

File: 81a3378e6e50b81⋯.png (972.95 KB,1856x5033,1856:5033,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869086 (190104ZMAY23) Notable: DoJ and Dept. of Homeland Security account for ~67% of all Dyno Nobel contracts for all FYs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Dyno Nobel

Safety Inspections for the past two years per the DOT - picrel


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0a014c No.55337

File: 7783e97cdf70b41⋯.png (447.78 KB,595x575,119:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869095 (190107ZMAY23) Notable: Conservatives Boycott Target Over Sales of Chest Binders and ‘Tuck-Friendly’ Bathing Suits for ‘Transgender’ Children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Conservatives Boycott Target Over Sales of Chest Binders and ‘Tuck-Friendly’ Bathing Suits for ‘Transgender’ Children via @gatewaypundit


Conservatives Boycott Target Over Sales of Chest Binders and 'Tuck-Friendly' Bathing Suits for...

Conservatives have launched a boycott of Target after it was revealed that the retail giant is selling “tuck-friendly” bathing suits and chest binders for “transgender” children.

1:00 AM · May 18, 2023




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0a014c No.55338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869101 (190109ZMAY23) Notable: Feinstein's primary caregiver: Pelosi's daughter

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55339

File: d70a52ebe5a62e4⋯.png (136.77 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869107 (190110ZMAY23) Notable: Supremes void ruling on law shielding inet co's from bein sued

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869108 (190110ZMAY23) Notable: #23161

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

lb notables

#23161 >>55245

notetaker 1

>>55248, >>55250 John Fetterman speaks at a press conference on the debt ceiling negotiations.

>>55249 @POTUS The United States-Japan partnership will help guarantee a more peaceful and stable world

>>55251 JusttheNews: SC rules in favor of Google and Twitter, but doesn't rule on protections from lawsuits

>>55252 @POTUS: 5yrs. ago the lives of 8 young people and 2 teachers were stolen in one of the deadliest school shootings in history

>>55253 Meme Warfare call to action

>>55254 @HHS_ASH: Wierdo Rachel Levine in weird office getting vaxxed. again.

>>55256 Biowarfare through the food supply

>>55255 Woman imprisoned for excessive force after strangling her rapist

>>55257 Campaign 2024: Former VP Pence Speaks with Voters at New Hampshire Homebuilders Event

>>55247 Israeli Survey Shows the Pfizer Vaxx Hospitalised Hundreds of Times More People Than is Safe

>>55258 44 Individuals Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Multimillion-Dollar Scheme to Obtain COVID-19 Relief Funds

>>55259 For the second time, Father of Deputy Israeli Minister Under Investigation for Sexually Abusing Yeshiva Students

>>55260 Tampa Man: We have to put white people on notice that we want our reparations!

notetaker 2

>>55246 At Jerusalem Flag March, chants of ‘Death to Arabs’ and assaults on Palestinians

>>55261, >>55264 , >>55266, >>55267, >>55268, >>55269, >>55269, >>55271 Avon Park PF reports – who is flying in restricted air space?

>>55274 More PF

>>55262 Anon: What Durham did and did not investigate - focus very narrow

>>55263 BREAKING: F.B.I. Whistleblower Garrett O’Boyle just ended today’s hearing with a chilling warning for future F.B.I Whistleblowers

>>55265, >>55272 Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations

>>55270 Dem tries to set up FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen by showing him as tweet he did NOT post

>>55273 George Orwell gets street in Kiev

>>55275 China Surpasses Japan as World's Top Auto Exporter

>>55276 Fed Emergency Bank Bailout Facility Hits Record High; Money Market Inflows Suggest Deposit Run Not Over Yet


>>55279 Fr. Pierre de Maillard's criminal trial to take place in Vendée, France

>>55280 Largest Dam Removal in U.S. History Under Way

>>55281 Biden State Dept. Mandates Pronouns, Gets Nailed Messing up Their Own Woke Rule

>>55282 Maricopa County Scandal con't.

>>55283 Farmers warn crops will die after water cutbacks in Klamath Basin

>>55284 BREAKING 🚨 Car rushes gate into Vatican City

>>55285 WATCH: Trump tells a group of Jews, 'I gave you GThe 2023 Bilderberg Members Have Arrived in Lisbon & PFT

>>55286 Livestream of the SubCommittee on the Weaponization of the USG

>>55287 Trump tells former adviser Michael Flynn: "We're going to bring you back"

>>55288 JUST IN: Fire Marshal Determines Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed 18,000 Cows

>>55289 AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55341

File: 968a7a001bf6c64⋯.png (199.87 KB,420x571,420:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869111 (190111ZMAY23) Notable: FDA now recommends only a single bivalent mRNA injection, rather than multiple doses of the original monovalent injection, for "most unvaccinated individuals."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - FDA now recommends only a single bivalent mRNA injection, rather than multiple doses of the original monovalent injection, for "most unvaccinated individuals."



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0a014c No.55342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869120 (190113ZMAY23) Notable: FDA now recommends only a single bivalent mRNA injection, rather than multiple doses of the original monovalent injection, for "most unvaccinated individuals."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





from one month ago

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0a014c No.55343

File: d2fcdb6ead4258b⋯.png (248.58 KB,594x633,198:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 9de3ccbae575194⋯.jpg (115.84 KB,680x578,20:17,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8968429abf10ece⋯.jpg (51.65 KB,508x680,127:170,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869135 (190116ZMAY23) Notable: Nevada Democrats just took the first step in DISMANTLING the electoral college in Nevada by voting in favor of the National Popular Vote Compact

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Courtney Holland


🚨BREAKING🚨 Nevada Democrats just took the first step in DISMANTLING the electoral college in Nevada by voting in favor of the National Popular Vote Compact. This could potentially impact who becomes the President of the United States in the future.

Every single Nevadan needs to read this and if you don’t live in Nevada, send this to everyone you know who lives here.

3:54 PM · May 18, 2023



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0a014c No.55344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869143 (190117ZMAY23) Notable: Nevada Democrats just took the first step in DISMANTLING the electoral college in Nevada by voting in favor of the National Popular Vote Compact

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


National Popular Vote Bill Passes Nevada Legislature

May 18, 2023 Updated 3 hrs ago

The Nevada Senate joined the Nevada Assembly in passing AJR 6, which would add the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to the Nevada State Constitution.

The legislature will have to vote on Assembly Joint Resolution 6 again during the 2025 legislative session. If it passes there, it would then be placed on the Nevada ballot for voters to decide.

The legislation would make it so Nevada's Electoral College votes go to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote.




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0a014c No.55345

File: f98d1c15d70fd3f⋯.png (208.31 KB,423x487,423:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869163 (190124ZMAY23) Notable: Deutsche Bank agreed to pay $75 million to settle a proposed class-action lawsuit alleging it facilitated Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Breaking: Deutsche Bank agreed to pay $75 million to settle a proposed class-action lawsuit alleging it facilitated Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring


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0a014c No.55346

File: 03db62fcea97b3e⋯.png (124.8 KB,425x482,425:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869170 (190126ZMAY23) Notable: #TwitterFiles On Taylor Lorenz w/ Paul Thacker

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[ Album ]

Spicy #Twitterfiles release highlighting Wayback Machine nepotism in addition to the usual legacy Twitter censorship 👀🔥


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0a014c No.55347

File: 11c62b22e9c0b83⋯.png (397.39 KB,606x758,303:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869184 (190130ZMAY23) Notable: #TwitterFiles On Taylor Lorenz w/ Paul Thacker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




See new Tweets


Paul D. Thacker




1. Twitter Provided Privileged Access to Banning Queen, Taylor Lorenz #TwitterFiles

Twitter engineer walking me through their reporting system, "Wow! She's a heavy user."


Steve Deace and Bret Weinstein

Paul D. Thacker




2. Shortly after @elonmusk

bought Twitter, @TaylorLorenz

got apoplectic, writing that Twitter was "opening the gates of hell" by letting banned accounts back.

(Take a wild guess what Taylor did the month prior....)


Paul D. Thacker




3. The month prior, Taylor Lorenz got this tiny account banned. Surprise!

The account detailed Lorenz as a Manhattan rich girl, who attended Swiss boarding school, and whose uncle owns Internet Archive, thus erasing her past.


Elon Musk


Her uncle owns the Wayback machine & you’re saying he deleted information for nepotism? That’s a big deal.

6:47 AM · May 18, 2023




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0a014c No.55348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869245 (190144ZMAY23) Notable: #23162

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23162 >>55290

>>55291, >>55293 Int’l Economic Forum Russia &ndash; Islamic World kicks off with participation of Syria

>>55292 Barr: Durham report clears Trump, investigation an 'abomination'

>>55294, >>55316, >>55317, >>55333 Gen Flynn: Jim Caviezel speaks out.

>>55296 High Sierra Snow Report! 17 May 2023

>>55297, >>55300 REP. CHIP ROY: "If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is — in fact — a dude.”

>>55298 Former President Of The New York Building And Construction Trades Council And 10 Other Union Officials Sentenced For Accepting Bribes

>>55299 China launches BeiDou navigation satellite to orbit

>>55301, >>55303, >>55305, >>55311 Dirty FBI Revokes Security Clearances of Whistleblowers

>>55302 Top 10 Confraternities (Cults) In Nigeria

>>55304 Defeat the WHO treaty

>>55306 House Republicans did our job on debt ceiling. It's time for President Biden and Senate Democrats to do theirs and pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act.

>>55307 Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.

>>55308 @Amanpour, of CNN and PBS, says CNN shouldn’t have given Trump the Town Hall and points to blacklisting of Joseph McCarthy as model for suppressing him.

>>55310 'The Sound Of Freedom': A Spotlight on the Global Movement to End the Trafficking of Minors

>>55312 PF All H60s up over the US. There is nothing that unusual here.

>>55313 Rubio Publishes Vast COVID-19 Report: ‘Beijing Hid the Truth’

>>55319 In a rare judicial defeat for President Joe Biden, Michael Delaney is withdrawing his nomination for the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

>>55320, >>55347, >>55346 #TwitterFiles On Taylor Lorenz w/ Paul Thacker

>>55321 Find your rep & their phone number here, call them and tell them schiffty must go

>>55324 NASA’s Spitzer, TESS Find Potentially Volcano-Covered Earth-Size World

>>55327, >>55334, >>55338 Feinstein's primary caregiver: Pelosi's daughter

>>55329 Trudeau’s strange wide stance with Korean official confounds Canadians

>>55330, >>55336, >>55295 DoJ and Dept. of Homeland Security account for ~67% of all Dyno Nobel contracts for all FYs.

>>55335 Swalwell comms bun

>>55339, >>55309 Supremes void ruling on law shielding inet co's from bein sued

>>55337 Conservatives Boycott Target Over Sales of Chest Binders and ‘Tuck-Friendly’ Bathing Suits for ‘Transgender’ Children

>>55341, >>55342 FDA now recommends only a single bivalent mRNA injection, rather than multiple doses of the original monovalent injection, for "most unvaccinated individuals."

>>55343, >>55344 Nevada Democrats just took the first step in DISMANTLING the electoral college in Nevada by voting in favor of the National Popular Vote Compact

>>55345 Deutsche Bank agreed to pay $75 million to settle a proposed class-action lawsuit alleging it facilitated Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring


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0a014c No.55349

File: bd9b75b51cc50e1⋯.jpg (7.91 KB,255x161,255:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c67306eb6953a86⋯.png (153.15 KB,434x434,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2527dfdfcd3c207⋯.png (640.6 KB,725x592,725:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869263 (190148ZMAY23) Notable: #23163

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Baker needs off hand, Looking for Vader Baker

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0a014c No.55350

File: cddbc1d534bb230⋯.png (274.49 KB,457x375,457:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869281 (190151ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezal

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Jim Caviezel part 1

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0a014c No.55351

File: 30a4f0852b4d583⋯.png (280.94 KB,450x371,450:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869288 (190152ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jim Caviezal part 2

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0a014c No.55352

File: 684257198ae76d2⋯.png (214.64 KB,449x406,449:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869291 (190152ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A question will be asked of you what did you do

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0a014c No.55353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869299 (190155ZMAY23) Notable: Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios | Jim Caviezal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios

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0a014c No.55354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869361 (190211ZMAY23) Notable: WWII 101st Airborne Paratrooper Vincent Speranza’s Story of Combat and his Famed Bastogne Beer Run

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"With Respect, Honor, and Gratitude.

Your sacrifice(s) will never be forgotten.

Thank you and God Bless, Veterans!"

Q post #2480


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0a014c No.55355

File: 6bc4f9def12c3a3⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1170x1750,117:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869381 (190216ZMAY23) Notable: Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI shut down 4 criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXCLUSIVE: Clintons in the crosshairs...again! Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations and speaker fees


- Florida Republican Matt Gaetz and former GOP congressman Jason Chaffetz are calling for criminal investigations into the Clintons to be reopened

- Three of the probes were launched in early 2016 by FBI field offices in Arkansas, New York, and DC into 'possible criminal activity' by the Clinton Foundation

- An investigation was also opened in late 2014 into claims that foreign governments were trying to make illegal donations to buy influence with Hillary

(Read the Durham report in FULL - and the investigation timeline that led him to conclude the FBI should NEVER have investigated) Trump-Russia collusion

The FBI had at least four criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton that were ultimately shut down months before the presidential election in 2016, a new Justice Department report reveals – and Republicans want to reopen those probes.

A long-awaited report by Special Counsel John Durham released on Monday shows the FBI began investigating claims in late 2014 from a 'well-placed' confidential source that two foreign governments were trying to make illegal donations to buy influence with Hillary during her presidential campaign.

Investigators were even offered documents of one alleged $2,700 illegal contribution that led to a 'substantial' further donation.

The bombshell report also reveals three different FBI field offices, in Washington, D.C., Little Rock, Arkansas, and New York, launched investigations into the Clinton Foundation in early 2016 for 'possible criminal activity.'

One of the investigations was partly based on statements made in journalist Peter Schweizer's 2015 book, Clinton Cash, claiming the Clintons' charity was taking millions in donations from foreign governments trying to change US foreign policy while Hillary was Secretary of State.

But despite making progress, all four criminal investigations were shut down by senior officials, Durham found.


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0a014c No.55356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869421 (190226ZMAY23) Notable: 'I Will Name Names!': Harriet Hageman Outright Alleges That 'Tyrants' Wray And Garland Are Corrupt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Conservative Wyoming Rep. Harriet Hageman Goes Off on ‘Corrupt’ FBI and DOJ at Whistleblower Hearing: ‘I Will Name Names’

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0a014c No.55357

File: 4efd2c760f6ddcf⋯.jpeg (57.31 KB,803x267,803:267,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c7740fd53a77e02⋯.jpeg (326.15 KB,828x710,414:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869423 (190226ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q hasn’t been posting here because the ability to use a Trip Code has been disabled and therefore Q can not confirm Q

Proto fuckery must be the culprit

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0a014c No.55358

File: f3b4980b801a2a8⋯.png (343.64 KB,598x594,299:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f3c49cb8412564⋯.png (265.5 KB,490x367,490:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869432 (190227ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower



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0a014c No.55359

File: 51cbbea42f4c7e8⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB,1170x1923,390:641,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869435 (190228ZMAY23) Notable: Bill Gates’ daughter got her Masters degree in public health

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Not really notable, but interesting that Bill Gates’ daughter got her Masters degree in public health


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0a014c No.55360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869445 (190230ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Caviezal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is a link for all Jim Caviezel interviews on rumble


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0a014c No.55361

File: eae4e88f8eac4b1⋯.png (59.08 KB,598x606,299:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869464 (190234ZMAY23) Notable: Dmitry Medvedev, Russia Deputy Security Council: "Henry Kissinger called for Ukraine to join NATO"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dmitry Medvedev


Henry Kissinger called for Ukraine to join NATO.

True, he will celebrate his 100th birthday in 10 days, and he also met with Brezhnev. However, he is completely wrong here.

He called the conflict between the United States and China the main threat to humanity. I have always believed that it is important to consider direct and obvious threats, not hypothetical ones, to correctly assess the situation. Imagine that Ukraine is admitted to the North Atlantic Alliance by the current dull-witted leaders:

1) NATO is already waging a hybrid war against Russia;

2) the Ukrainian nationalist regime will not stop trying to regain the lost territories;

3) we will have to respond harshly to this with all possible means, and...

4) here is Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.

Subtle arguments about preventing existential threats do not work during bloody conflicts. This should be clear even to those who are approaching their centenary.

Best wishes on the upcoming centenary! Keep the clarity of mind that Sleepy Joe has lost.


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0a014c No.55362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869468 (190234ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Seems like an easy fix for Jim Watkins and or Code Monkey, sure that is the reason.

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0a014c No.55363

File: c7740fd53a77e02⋯.jpeg (326.15 KB,828x710,414:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5e474ddf520d94f⋯.jpeg (193.93 KB,828x668,207:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 107d04823a49ded⋯.jpeg (59.41 KB,828x288,23:8,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 50a17e10f7c89a0⋯.jpeg (100.96 KB,828x317,828:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869483 (190238ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


also brought up by trumps post at 9:57 and 10:00pm are 2157 and 2200 military time

Baker Testified against Comey

Panic in DC x2

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0a014c No.55364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869491 (190239ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes, and the trips not working has come up several times in the decodes the last week or so, seems to be a common theme as well as trump having confirmed the board was comped

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0a014c No.55365

File: 231812d4d70e6fd⋯.png (427.84 KB,605x746,605:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869516 (190244ZMAY23) Notable: RussiaToday with the kek: What are the oldest animals on Earth? Dinosaurs? No, think older. Joe Biden? Think older. It’s actually a big, stupid jellyfish

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



What are the oldest animals on Earth? Dinosaurs? No, think older. Joe Biden? Think older. It’s actually a big, stupid jellyfish


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0a014c No.55366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869521 (190245ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

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Saw that decode last week, is there a Global that keeps the most recent decodes in one place?

> Trump having confirmed the board was comped

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0a014c No.55367

File: d21e2270b131f1a⋯.png (39.83 KB,562x275,562:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869567 (190257ZMAY23) Notable: Former Trump Officials Sound Alarm Over Biden Family’s National Security Risk

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Former Trump Officials Sound Alarm Over Biden Family’s National Security Risk

Former Trump national security officials issued warnings over allegations that the Biden family funneled $10 million from foreign contacts while Joe Biden was vice president, telling the Daily Caller that the alleged money scheme could pose a “risk” for the U.S.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee released a report on May 10 alleging that the Bidens enriched themselves off of Romanian and Chinese assets through influence-peddling. The report includes bank records allegedly showing money transfers to nine different Biden family members through a chain of various LLCs. One corporation that allegedly delivered funds to Hunter Biden had ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Daily Caller News Foundation found

The investigation is continuing and the committee’s mission is to determine whether the alleged Biden family money trail poses a risk to national security.

Kash Patel, former chief of staff to the acting Secretary of Defense, told the Caller that “anyone doing business with the CCP is a national security risk on steroids.”

“The House Oversight Committee continues to uncover the crime of the century that is scandal in the Biden family Syndicate. [Ten million dollars] from foreign nationals are alleged to have gone to nine members of President Biden’s family. Hunter Biden is a recipient of these foreign funds and his alignment with foreign nationals should concern every American,” Patel continued.

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: bank statements, bank statements, bank statements. Follow the money and we will hold them accountable, since our two-tier system of justice won’t,” he added.

The committee’s findings warrant greater investigation, former acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell told the Daily Caller.

“There should be a full investigation from the DOJ,” Grenell said.

Former Deputy Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Ken Cuccinelli also warned of the alleged ties to the CCP and the need for a thorough investigation.

“Certainly if the Chinese Communist Party was funding the Biden family, including Joe Biden himself, that has very significant national security implications. And given the extensive efforts to obscure, hide, and lie about these arrangements that Joe Biden himself, along with at least Hunter Biden, have gone to should lead to further concern and investigation,” Cuccinelli said.

The White House has pointed out that the House Oversight Committee’s findings do not specifically tie President Joe Biden to the money, as he is not listed as one of the recipients.

House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee chairman James Comer has not offered “evidence of any wrongdoing by POTUS” and “no examples of any influence on [government] decisions. This is getting really desperate and sad,” Ian Sams, White House Counsel senior adviser, said.

Sams did not immediately respond to an inquiry from the Daily Caller.


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0a014c No.55368

File: dc76942522e45c9⋯.png (193.04 KB,806x907,806:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 27d9541d6831f4a⋯.png (608.3 KB,814x838,407:419,Clipboard.png)

File: c25f8e9471417cd⋯.png (57.43 KB,805x310,161:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869575 (190259ZMAY23) Notable: University Housing Biden Center Took Funds From Firm Controlled By China’s ‘Supreme Organ Of State Power,’ Docs Show

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University Housing Biden Center Took Funds From Firm Controlled By China’s ‘Supreme Organ Of State Power,’ Docs Show

The University of Pennsylvania received over $500,000 from a company that serves as an investment arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after it opened Joe Biden’s think tank in 2018, according to the university’s foreign gift reporting records.

Between 2018 and 2020, China Everbright Group, a “state-owned financial conglomerate,” donated $523,840 to the University of Pennsylvania following the February 2018 launch of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, according to UPenn’s foreign gift reporting records. China Everbright Group was founded in 1983 with the backing of the State Council, which is composed by the heads of each Chinese government ministry and is China’s “supreme organ of state power,” according to the Chinese government.

Moreover, China Everbright Group also appears to have ties to Hunter Biden’s Chinese business ventures, according to multiple financial disclosures.

At the time of the donations, state-owned Central Huijin Investment Ltd. held a majority of China Everbright Group’s shares, according to Chinese state-owned bank records for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The State Council appoints the board of directors and supervisors for Central Huijin Investment, which invests “in accordance with authorization by the State Council,” Huijin’s website states.

In October 2018, China Everbright Group donated $18,140 to UPenn, according to foreign gift reporting records released by Fox News Tuesday, which were obtained by Americans for Public Trust.

Two months later, China Everbright Group made another $314,110 donation to UPenn in December 2018, foreign gift reporting records show.

The following year, China Everbright Group made a third donation of $191,590 to UPenn in September 2019, according to the records.

China Everbright Group also has links to Hunter Biden’s business dealings, according to financial disclosures.

China Everbright Group was listed as “parent company” of China Everbright Bank in 2014, according to multiple reports.

In turn, 2014 SEC filings show that China Everbright Bank was a “major investor” for Bohai Harvest RST, where Hunter Biden served as “board member” at the time.

Meanwhile, China Everbright Bank’s former “international business department” head, Hua Zhixiang, has been listed as an “investment partner” on Bohai Harvest’s website since 2015 and remains currently listed as such.

In addition to China Everbright Group’s donations to UPenn, on May 16, Fox News identified over $7 million that UPenn received from Chinese sources linked to Hunter Biden after the Penn Biden Center was established.

Based in Washington, D.C., the Penn Biden Center aims to “develop and advance smart policy and strengthen the national debate for continued American global leadership in the 21st century,” according to its website.


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0a014c No.55369

File: 825fd469de08cf5⋯.jpeg (92.79 KB,828x381,276:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 71c3142743b4d8a⋯.jpeg (590.12 KB,828x1271,828:1271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869593 (190305ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

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Let me find it

straight from my photo album

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0a014c No.55370

File: 49d172a420c138a⋯.png (66.45 KB,877x456,877:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869603 (190307ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: The American people believe Joe Biden should be impeached

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene



The American people believe Joe Biden should be impeached.

71% of Republicans

53% of ALL Americans.

But the damning number is that 35% of Democrats believe Biden should be impeached.


May 18, 2023, 6:55 PM


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0a014c No.55371

File: 7820380d2351621⋯.png (570.21 KB,873x959,873:959,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869626 (190312ZMAY23) Notable: Stunning January 6th Testimony: D.C. FBI Office Told Whistleblower That Assets, Informants, Undercover Officers Were In The Capitol Riot

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What are you searching for?

Stunning January 6th Testimony: D.C. FBI Office Told Whistleblower That Assets, Informants, Undercover Officers Were In The Capitol Riot

During the testimony of FBI whistleblowers to the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday, retired FBI National Security Intelligence supervisor George Hill revealed that according to the Washington D.C. field office, there may have been undercover federal officers and confidential human sources in the Capitol Riot on January 6th.

While questioning FBI whistleblowers Marcus Allen and Garret O'Boyle, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) offered video testimony from Hill outlining an interaction he witnessed between the Boston field office and the Washington D.C. field office.

BREAKING: The Washington, D.C. FBI Field Office CONFIRMED that undercover officers, confidential informants, and FBI assets were present at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, despite FBI Director Wray testifying to the contrary! pic.twitter.com/AzBhilAsZ3

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) May 18, 2023

According to the subcommittee's Interim Staff Report, Hill explained, "two individuals organized a bus trip from Massachusetts to Washington, D.C., to attend a political rally in support of President Trump on January 6, 2021. The group included a total of 140 people on two buses. The two organizers of the trip entered restricted areas in the United States Capitol that day and, as a result, the FBI’s Boston Field Office (BFO) opened cases against them for potentially violating federal law. Rather than limiting the investigation to just the two people who entered restricted areas of the Capitol, however, the WFO instructed the BFO to open cases on all 140 individuals who attended the political rally."

Hill told House investigators, "WFO wanted us to open up a case on each and every one of those 140 individuals, to which the [Supervisory Special Agent] in Boston said, 'They were going to a political rally, which is First Amendment-protected activity. No, we’re not starting cases on these people.' To which they said, 'Well, we’re going to call your SAC.' And the SSA said, 'Go right ahead.'... [T]o his credit, [the SSA] said, no, we’re not opening up cases on people who went to a rally."

What Hill said next offered the first true confirmation of FBI assets on the ground at the January 6th Capitol Riot.

The retired NatSec Supervisor told the investigators, "I forgot a key part. The SSA for CT2 said, 'Happy to do it. Show us where they were inside the Capitol, and we’ll look into it.' To which WFO said, 'We can’t show you those videos unless you can tell us the exact time and place those individuals were inside the Capitol.'"

"To which the SSA responded back – and I was privy to these conversations firsthand – 'Why can’t you show us – why can’t you just send us the – give us access to the 11,000 hours of video that’s available?' 'Because there may be' – may be – 'UCs,' undercover officers, 'or CHSes,' confidential human sources, 'on those videos whose identity we need to protect.'”

Rep. Gaetz asked both O'Boyle and Allen if they were retaliated against for their own revelations confirming Hill's testimony, and both replied in the affirmative.

FBI involvement in the January 6th Capitol Riot is no longer in question, what remains to be determined is its extent.


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0a014c No.55372

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869630 (190313ZMAY23) Notable: Stunning January 6th Testimony: D.C. FBI Office Told Whistleblower That Assets, Informants, Undercover Officers Were In The Capitol Riot

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Whistleblower Says The FBI Created A 'Orwellian Atmosphere That Silences Opposition And Dissent'




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0a014c No.55373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869636 (190314ZMAY23) Notable: Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Findings

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Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Finding


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0a014c No.55374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869638 (190315ZMAY23) Notable: The Dodgers and Major League Baseball are under fire their decision to disinvite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the team Pride Night

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S.F. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence disinvited to L.A. Dodgers Pride Night

>552 views 2 hours ago

The Dodgers and Major League Baseball are under fire their decision to disinvite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the team Pride Night. (5-18-23)




24 seconds ago

Oof well that is questionable. I get the religious persecution, but perpetuation isn't exactly the right thing to do


Lance Goerner

Lance Goerner

12 minutes ago

Yes! Proud to be Catholic today!



la cha

la cha

22 minutes ago

This is so ironic. Let's see, who poses more of a danger to society? A religious institution whose authority figures have spent centuries r*ping and molesting children, depriving women of human rights, self determination and equality and persecuted gay, lesbian and bis*sexual people, and engaged in all manner of historical atrocities (against indigenous communities across the Americas, the Spanish inquisition, harboring and giving safe passage to Nazi war criminals, etc,) or the people who dress up in silly costumes and mock them? Hey, I'll stick with the mockers any day.




1 hour ago

THE ARE " JESUIT DEMONS "🖤🖤💛💛💜💜🥀🥀!SAN'KOFA🥀🥀💜💜💛💛🖤🖤


El Rafa

El Rafa

2 hours ago

The Sisters are a group that generates money for charity


2 replies

Reality Check

Reality Check

2 hours ago

Dodgers are So in the Closet.

Just be who y'all really iz.


Andres Chang

Andres Chang

2 hours ago

First, the Catholic League doesn't disclose how it's financed nor does it disclose how many members it actually has yet they often appear in the media.

Second, the SF Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have openly disrespected the Catholic Church with "condom masses". I don't know if they still do that but they're not a gay rights group. They're an anti-Catholic group. Even Gavin Newsom said that they were wrong to mock the Catholic Church.

Of course, they have the legal right to mock the Catholic Church.




2 hours ago

No one even watches baseball anymore so even if you didn’t like it, no one would’ve saw it



Brian P

Brian P

2 hours ago

The sisters are a hate group by mocking religion.




2 hours ago

Hey SF Giants, this is a prime opportunity!



1 reply



2 hours ago

Groomers 🤮



3 replies

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0a014c No.55375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869648 (190318ZMAY23) Notable: The future of the US-Brazil relationship

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On BRICS: "When international organizations decide to expand, it's because things aren't working very well." - some fucking libtard wonk actually admitting the truth

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0a014c No.55376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869649 (190318ZMAY23) Notable: Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Findings

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The Durham Report Leaves No Doubt: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy


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0a014c No.55377

File: f2c81d2b376cabf⋯.png (266.85 KB,415x890,83:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869669 (190322ZMAY23) Notable: Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Findings

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Sebastian Gorka



Haven’t read the #DurhamReport?

OK. Here’s the CliffNotes:

- The FBI and CIA KNEW Hillary was about to frame candidate Trump.

- Comey and Brennan BRIEFED Obama and Biden on her plot Summer 2016

- There never was ANY evidence of “Russian collusion”

- The US Government nevertheless illegally spied on the Trump campaign and the Trump White House

CONC: The Deep State is real, but Durham didn’t have the balls to arrest any of its leaders or their masters, Hillary, Obama, or Biden.


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0a014c No.55378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869670 (190322ZMAY23) Notable: Secret Service officer recalled from Bill Clinton's Bulgaria trip after off-duty altercation, agency says

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Secret Service officer recalled from Bill Clinton's Bulgaria trip after off-duty altercation, agency says

Former President Bill Clinton was in Bulgaria for a CGI event.

A Secret Service officer was recalled from Bulgaria after there was "an off-duty altercation with hotel staff," according to an agency spokesperson.

Former President Bill Clinton was scheduled to visit Bulgaria this month "for a convening of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)," the Clinton Foundation announced last month.

"On May 10, a Secret Service officer assigned to support protective functions on an overseas trip to Sofia, Bulgaria was recalled to the United States by the Secret Service after an off-duty altercation with hotel staff," a Secret Service spokesperson said. "A second employee who witnessed this incident was also recalled. The individuals were removed prior to the arrival of the protectee, and our Office of Professional Responsibility has opened an internal investigation into the incident."

The Secret Service made headlines this week after it was reported that an unidentified man entered national security adviser Jake Sullivan's Washington, D.C., home in late April. The alleged incident prompted a Secret Service investigation into how it could happen with agents supposedly on guard, according to an agency spokesperson. The news came to light this week.

As for the incident on President Clinton's trip, the Secret Service says it has "extremely strict codes of conduct governing employee behavior and should this investigation reveal any policy violations or misconduct, individuals will face disciplinary action."

"All employees involved in this incident have been placed on administrative leave and access to Secret Service sites, facilities and computer systems has been suspended pending the results of this investigation," the federal law enforcement agency said.


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0a014c No.55379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869732 (190337ZMAY23) Notable: AZ election fraud dig on /pol/

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4chan going hard on the AZ elections... seems like there was a lot of damage towards the corruption in AZ.


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0a014c No.55380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869744 (190339ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decodes

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Might not be the board is comp'd but that the tripcode is comp'd meaning anyone can access it to post as Q so better not let anyone post with that trip code. AI is getting whack lately so it's harder to secure things. That's my 2 cents anyways.

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0a014c No.55381

File: 8aad128114aadaf⋯.png (29.25 KB,817x264,817:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869746 (190340ZMAY23) Notable: Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Findings

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FBI dropped 4 probes into Hillary Clinton,

family’s non-profit ahead of 2016 election:

Durham report

New York Post, by Katherine Donlevy

Posted By: FlyRight, 5/18/2023 10:52:39 PM

The FBI had at least four open criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton that were suddenly dropped in the months before the 2016 presidential election, special counsel John Durham’s recently released report shows. The bombshell report released by Durham — which concluded that the bureau’s probe into former President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia was “seriously flawed” — also shed light on the quashed probes. The feds had been looking into claims that foreign countries and other individuals were trying to influence the Clintons through donations to their namesake non-profit and Hillary’s presidential campaign.

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0a014c No.55382

File: a94e1b4947ad222⋯.png (309.47 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869763 (190342ZMAY23) Notable: @SLDelta45: Space Launch Delta 45

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Space Launch Delta 45



SLD 45 will support the Falcon 9 Starlink 6-3 launch, with the window opening at 00:00 EDT (04:00 UTC) tomorrow, May 19.

Please check our closure areas at https://patrick.spaceforce.mil prior to taking off or setting sail.



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0a014c No.55383

File: 9ac714446cc564c⋯.png (39.38 KB,728x355,728:355,Clipboard.png)

File: eec1c02b800b448⋯.png (703.93 KB,886x737,886:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869781 (190346ZMAY23) Notable: M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (possible comms?)

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M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19 02:57:06 (UTC)23.229°S 170.694°E37.7 km depth


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0a014c No.55384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869796 (190348ZMAY23) Notable: M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (possible comms?)

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Earthquake comms

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0a014c No.55385

File: 2489c0363e2e354⋯.png (725.18 KB,871x663,67:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869819 (190354ZMAY23) Notable: M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (possible comms?)

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0a014c No.55386

File: 24c06499868f186⋯.jpg (82.02 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869830 (190355ZMAY23) Notable: M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (possible comms?)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55387

File: dc1e57d6cf6cf89⋯.png (332.56 KB,598x599,598:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869831 (190356ZMAY23) Notable: @NCSCgov: Don’t be a pawn

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Don’t be a pawn. Foreign intelligence entities of repressive regimes have sought to use US-based persons, including private investigators, local police officers and members of diaspora communities, to help them target dissidents in the US.


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0a014c No.55388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869846 (190359ZMAY23) Notable: "Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor

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"Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor


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0a014c No.55389

File: e30cc54dfd6ba70⋯.png (86.25 KB,712x281,712:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869857 (190403ZMAY23) Notable: @SLDelta45: Space Launch Delta 45

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0a014c No.55390

File: e330481876a07fd⋯.png (676.15 KB,1197x870,399:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d3a30e43919dfe⋯.png (218.09 KB,360x600,3:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869914 (190420ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Rep Dan Goldman attacks Kash Patel for supporting brave FBI whistleblowers through his foundation

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Democrat Rep Dan Goldman attacks Kash Patel for supporting brave FBI whistleblowers through his foundation

NY congressman Dan Goldman has baselessly accused FBI whistleblowers of being "bought and paid for" by Kash Patel. This vile insinuation was made during a hearing for the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday, helmed by Ohio's Jim Jordan.

In fact, the FBI whistleblowers named by Goldman, Garret O'Boyle and Stephen Friend, had their entire lives destroyed after speaking out against Jan 6 witch hunts and the political weaponization of the FBI. They did not take their concerns public, but to their direct supervisors, and testified that they were punished for broaching their concerns.

These men were simply financially supported by The Kash Foundation in the form of grants after they found themselves jobless and in dire straits.

Indeed, as Friend told Goldman, "I was an unpaid, indefinitely suspended man trying to feed his family. And [Kash] reached out to me and said he wanted to give me a donation."

Patel fired back against the outrageous insinuation in a statement provided to Human Events and later posted to social media: "The Kash Foundation is Mission First, all day every day. We provide support to brave Patriots who protect our nation while the radical left and government gangsters destroy the essence of our republic with their two tier system of justice. Having a charitable foundation is not a monopoly they own. We are committed to the truth and give financial assistance to those in need, especially the courageous Americans who shed sunlight on government corruption. We will never stop our Mission, join us."

This is not the first time the partisan machine has come for Patel. In March, ABC News tried to discredit him by saying that he believed the "deep state" targeted Trump with the Russia collusion hoax surrounding the 2016 presidential election. The just released Durham Report shows that yes, Trump's campaign was targeted by the FBI with absolutely no basis or probable cause, that Clinton's faked opposition research—over which she was fined on falsification of documents charges—was used as probable cause for a politically motivated investigation, and that the FBI used false information to obtain FISA warrants.

On Thursday night, the whistleblowers spoke to the ridiculousness of Goldman's insinuation on Jesse Watters Primetime, pointing out the absurdity of the notion that they would give up a lucrative FBI career for a one-time donation to provide for their families.

Keep in mind, this is the same Goldman who was just thoroughly humiliated by Townhall journalist Julio Rosas after he tried to run cover for Antifa during these same Weaponization hearings.

Goldman, predictably, had left the room by the time of Rosas' response.

"Whistleblowers" on the left, are propped up by the mainstream media, the Democrats, and the entire establishment. Conservative whistleblowers, however, speak up despite the inevitability of financial and social punishment.

Compare and contrast, for example, the media treatment of dopey Trump "whistleblower" Alexander Vindman who was given hagiographic front page coverage, got to guest star on Curb Your Enthusiasm, and has most recently been pitching the government of Ukraine to obtain lucrative defense contracts, with the treatment of Friend, who had his security clearance stripped, his pay suspended, and found himself struggling to feed his family — he's labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by Democrats and their corporate press lackeys for daring to challenge abuses of power.

Meanwhile, what did Vindman do? He "exposed" Trump for asking Ukraine's President Zelensky—the Democrats' latest darling—why Biden during his VP days threatened to withhold funding if a prosecutor who was allegedly looking into allegations of corruption against gas giant Burisma, on whose board Biden's son sat, wasn't fired. Biden threatened to withhold funding. Trump wanted to know why. Vindman was praised as a hero and Biden's likely misdeeds were forgotten because orange man bad.

"The FBI denied my request to seek outside employment, in an obvious attempt to deprive me of the ability to support my family. Finally, the FBI Inspection Division imposed an illegal gag order in an attempt to prevent me from communicating with my family and attorneys," Friend told congress on Thursday.

The other whistleblower smeared by Goldman told a similar story.

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0a014c No.55391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869916 (190420ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Rep Dan Goldman attacks Kash Patel for supporting brave FBI whistleblowers through his foundation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Garret O’Boyle testified that that the FBI had allowed him to accept new orders to a position across the country, sell his family’s home; he then reported to the new unit just two weeks after his youngest daughter was born, only to effectively ruin his life:

"Then, on my first day on the new assignment, they suspended me, rendering my family homeless and refused to release our household goods, including our clothes, for weeks," he said.

His crime? He filed a complaint saying that the FBI was exaggerating the "domestic terrorism" threat — an observation that basically all conservatives and anyone with grey matter would agree with.

"All I wanted to do was serve my country by stopping bad guys and protecting the innocent. To my chagrin, bad guys have begun running parts of the government making it difficult to continue to serve this Nation and protect the innocent. But I for one, will never stop trying. And I’ll never forget my oath" O'Boyle.

The FBI forced O'Boyle to beg for warm coats for his children after the family’s belongings were locked up for weeks.

Privileged crybaby congressman Dan Goldman's response to Patel's foundation providing aid to conservative whistleblowers and their families in their time of need was to insult these men and smear Patel.

As Charlie Kirk so eloquently put it, "Kash Patel is a patriot who ensured FBI whistleblowers, who had their lives destroyed by their own government, were able to feed their families and keep a roof over their kids' heads. They weren't "bought and paid for" witnesses, many have lost everything to speak out."

Thankfully, Kash and the whistleblowers have the truth on their side. Goldman should hang his head in shame.


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0a014c No.55392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869933 (190427ZMAY23) Notable: Maydays Meme Warfare Briefing

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Jan 6th


Russia Russia Russia

Orange man Bad

2020 Election was safe & Secure

Hunter Laptop


Clinton Email Scandel


Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers





Rod Rosenstein











>>55083, >>55085, >>55094, >>55096, >>55097, >>55106, >>55107, >>55109, >>55111, >>55116


>>55165 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>55146 Testimonial PDF's, >>55135 Testimonial PDF's Links , >>55074, >>55079, >>55080, >>55084, >>55086, >>55088, >>55090, >>55092, >>55099, >>55129, >>55143, >>55144, >>55145 Transcription - (WEAPONIZATION OF THE FBI)

>>55238 TRENDS: Kash Patel, Jim Jordan (Gym Jordon), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Whistleblowers

>>55240 Anon CAll for FBI whistleblowers Twitter #Support

>>55179 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: O'Boyle: The FBI will crush you.

>>55076 LB Weaponization Report | FBI Response

>>55175 Gaetz/O'Boyle TRNSCRPT

>>55191 Trump posted twice today at 12:19 - CIA/Hunter Biden laptop #CIA

>>55209 Anon calls for memes Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey,Wray #FBI #DOJ #DURHAM #TREASON


>>55214 @Jim_Jordan God Bless our brave whistleblowers. #PRAY

>>55221 FBI Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee – Democrats Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI


>>55093 LIVE: FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before Weaponization Committee


>>55119, >>55157 ADAM SCHIFF MEME AMMO


>>55077 The FBI continues to wage war against We the People MP4

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0a014c No.55393

File: b99e59e848a4043⋯.jpg (56.57 KB,551x411,551:411,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869959 (190439ZMAY23) Notable: Chris Christie to Run for President in 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Report: Chris Christie to Run for President in 2024


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0a014c No.55394

File: 1772f17dfda6b0d⋯.png (87.09 KB,1219x365,1219:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18869997 (190453ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: After campaigning for five months, and going nowhere but down, it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious will soon be entering the race - he has ZERO chance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




After campaigning for five months, and going nowhere but down, it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious will soon be entering the race. He has ZERO chance, and MAGA will never forget!

May 19, 2023, 12:43 AM


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0a014c No.55395

File: 0bd77f17a24595c⋯.png (76.45 KB,1132x393,1132:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d11b080e243fdc⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,828x818,414:409,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870000 (190454ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Former Federal Agents, and others, claim retaliation by the FBI and DOJ. Gee, who would ever think such a thing could happen? ELECTION INTERFERENCE anyone?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Former Federal Agents, and others, claim retaliation by the FBI and DOJ. Gee, who would ever think such a thing could happen? ELECTION INTERFERENCE anyone?

May 19, 2023, 12:30 AM


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0a014c No.55396

File: 0bd77f17a24595c⋯.png (76.45 KB,1132x393,1132:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870003 (190456ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue - Bore News

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed




#AdamSchiff #FJB #impeachmentweek #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything #savethechildren #whistleblowers #soundoffreedom #SaveAmerica #Truth #Adidas #MAGA #Trump2024 #impeachbiden #GodWins #schiff #politics #shiftyschiff #GoWokeGoBroke #Trump #joebiden


Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue - Bore News

==President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deci

May 18, 2023, 11:21 PM

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0a014c No.55397

File: 643c934f583dc78⋯.png (339.21 KB,1073x953,1073:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870007 (190456ZMAY23) Notable: Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

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Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump.

From CNN: The Supreme Court held on Tuesday that the government can detain — without a bond hearing — immigrants with past criminal records, even if years have passed since they were released from criminal custody.

The case centered on whether detention without a bond hearing must occur promptly upon an immigrant’s release from criminal custody or whether it can happen months or even years later when the individual has resettled into society. The statute says simply that the detention can occur “when the alien is released” from custody.

The court voted 5-4 in favor of the government.

In his opinion for the court, Justice Samuel Alito said that the immigrants in the case had argued they were “owed bond hearings” in order to argue for their release. Alito said that the law did not support their argument.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote separately to say that the ruling was based entirely on the language of the statute at hand. He said it would be “odd” to interpret the statute as mandating the detention of certain “non citizens” who posed a serious risk of danger of flight, but “nonetheless” allow them to remain free during their removal proceedings if the executive branch failed “to immediately detain them upon their release from criminal custody.”

“The court correctly holds that the Executive Branch’s detention of the particular non citizens here remained mandatory even though the Executive Branch did not immediately detain them.”

From Reuters:

The court ruled 5-4, with its conservative justices in the majority and its liberal justices dissenting, that federal authorities could pick up such immigrants and place them into indefinite detention anytime, not just immediately after they finish their prison sentences.

The ruling, authored by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, left open the possibility of individual immigrants challenging the 1996 federal law involved in the case, called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, on constitutional grounds – their right to due process – if they are detained long after they have completed their sentences.

The law at issue states that the government can detain convicted immigrants “when the alien is released” from criminal detention. Civil rights lawyers for two groups of plaintiffs argued that the language of the law shows that it applies only immediately after immigrants are released. The Trump administration said the government should have the power to detain such immigrants anytime.

It is not the court’s job, Alito wrote, to impose a time limit for when immigrants can be detained after serving a prison sentence. Alito noted that the court repeatedly has said in the past that “an official’s crucial duties are better carried out late than never.”

Alito said the challengers’ assertion that immigrants had to be detained within 24 hours of ending a prison sentence is “especially hard to swallow.”

In dissent, liberal Justice Stephen Breyer questioned whether the U.S. Congress when it wrote the law “meant to allow the government to apprehend persons years after their release from prison and hold them indefinitely without a bail hearing.”


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0a014c No.55398

File: 20dd8ae1fa4a917⋯.png (86.67 KB,875x496,875:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870013 (190458ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: TWO GREAT WOMEN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump







#AdamSchiff #FJB #impeachmentweek #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything #savethechildren #whistleblowers #soundoffreedom #SaveAmerica #Truth #Adidas #MAGA #Trump2024 #impeachbiden #GodWins #schiff #politics #shiftyschiff #GoWokeGoBroke #Trump #joebiden


May 19, 2023, 12:50 AM


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0a014c No.55399

File: 6736dca9587d977⋯.png (123.56 KB,731x632,731:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870024 (190501ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: TWO GREAT WOMEN!

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Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway’s Cause of Death Revealed

Diamond’s Cause of Death Revealed As Death Certificate Details Are Released

Lynette Hardaway, part of the social media influencer duo, “Diamond and Silk,” sparked a series of controversies over the years.

Her ardent support of former President Donald Trump, during and after his presidency, and her vocal opposition to vaccine mandates led her to be deplatformed by several social media sites but picked up as a guest contributor on Fox and Newsmax.

Her unexpected death on Jan. 8 at age 51 prompted her sister, Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, to reach out to former President Donald Trump, who promoted, attended and covered expenses for Hardaway’s funeral and memorial service.

During the “celebration of life ceremony,” Richardson praised Trump for his support, saying:

“When I told him that Diamond had passed, he said, ‘ohhh,’ he was heartbroken. He said, ‘OK, we’re going to have a nice gathering for her, a nice funeral,’ and I said oh no, we don’t have a body. We followed her wishes, and we cremated her.”

Richardson continued: “[Trump] said, ‘OK, I want you to do whatever you want, I want you to have the best of whatever you want, and whatever you want Diamond would have, and I don’t want you to worry about paying for nothing.’”

Richardson also revealed her suspicion that her sister’s death was connected to her recent COVID-19 vaccination. She said:

“What I want to say to everybody is don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist because I saw it happen. I saw how it happened. I was there when it happened. And it happened suddenly. I want America to wake up and pay attention.”

“Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here and get some answers to why are people falling dead suddenly.”

On Monday, the Associated Press noted that Hardaway’s death certificate indicated the cause of death was “heart disease due to chronic high blood pressure.”

Advocates of COVID-19 vaccinations noted that the death certificate did not list COVID or the COVID vaccine as a cause or contributing factor in Hardaway’s death.

Some, however, believe the death certificate’s notation of a heart issue could indicate myocarditis, which has been featured prominently in media as linked to COVID vaccinations.

Notably, the death certificate issued by the Hoke County Register of Deeds was signed by a local doctor, not a coroner, and no autopsy was performed.


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0a014c No.55400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870040 (190506ZMAY23) Notable: #23163

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#23163 >>55349

>>55350, >>55351, >>55352, >>55360 Jim Caviezal

>>55353 Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios | Jim Caviezal

>>55373, >>55376, >>55381, >>55377 Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Findings

>>55354 WWII 101st Airborne Paratrooper Vincent Speranza’s Story of Combat and his Famed Bastogne Beer Run

>>55355 Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after report reveals FBI shut down 4 criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations

>>55356 'I Will Name Names!': Harriet Hageman Outright Alleges That 'Tyrants' Wray And Garland Are Corrupt

>>55357, >>55363, >>55369, >>55362, >>55364, >>55366, >>55380 Trump Truth decodes

>>55358 FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower

>>55359 Bill Gates’ daughter got her Masters degree in public health

>>55361 Dmitry Medvedev, Russia Deputy Security Council: "Henry Kissinger called for Ukraine to join NATO"

>>55365 RussiaToday with the kek: What are the oldest animals on Earth? Dinosaurs? No, think older. Joe Biden? Think older. It’s actually a big, stupid jellyfish

>>55367 Former Trump Officials Sound Alarm Over Biden Family’s National Security Risk

>>55368 University Housing Biden Center Took Funds From Firm Controlled By China’s ‘Supreme Organ Of State Power,’ Docs Show

>>55370 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: The American people believe Joe Biden should be impeached

>>55371, >>55372 Stunning January 6th Testimony: D.C. FBI Office Told Whistleblower That Assets, Informants, Undercover Officers Were In The Capitol Riot

>>55374 The Dodgers and Major League Baseball are under fire their decision to disinvite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the team Pride Night

>>55375 The future of the US-Brazil relationship

>>55388 "Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor

>>55378 Secret Service officer recalled from Bill Clinton's Bulgaria trip after off-duty altercation, agency says

>>55379 AZ election fraud dig on /pol/

>>55382, >>55389 @SLDelta45: Space Launch Delta 45

>>55383, >>55385, >>55384, >>55386 M 7.7 Earthquake - Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (possible comms?)

>>55387 @NCSCgov: Don’t be a pawn

>>55392 Maydays Meme Warfare Briefing

>>55390, >>55391 Democrat Rep Dan Goldman attacks Kash Patel for supporting brave FBI whistleblowers through his foundation

>>55393 Chris Christie to Run for President in 2024

>>55394 DJT: After campaigning for five months, and going nowhere but down, it looks like Ron DeSanctimonious will soon be entering the race - he has ZERO chance

>>55395 DJT: Former Federal Agents, and others, claim retaliation by the FBI and DOJ. Gee, who would ever think such a thing could happen? ELECTION INTERFERENCE anyone?

>>55396 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue - Bore News

>>55397 Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue

>>55398, >>55399 DJT: TWO GREAT WOMEN!


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0a014c No.55401

File: 3df99eeede1af33⋯.png (117.72 KB,736x1104,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870050 (190508ZMAY23) Notable: #23164

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0a014c No.55402

File: b02df2aa5097940⋯.png (1018.95 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870059 (190510ZMAY23) Notable: Former Joondalup Health Campus CEO Kempton Cowan pleads guilty over child sex abuse videos

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Former Joondalup Health Campus CEO Kempton Cowan pleads guilty over child sex abuse videos

The former head of one of Western Australia's largest hospitals is facing a jail term after pleading guilty to accessing, soliciting and transmitting child abuse material.

Kempton Cowan, 56, the one-time chief executive officer of the Joondalup Health Campus, today appeared in the Magistrates Court and pleaded guilty to a total of 11 charges.

He was first arrested by Australian Federal Police (AFP) in March last year after videos of girls being sexually abused were found during a search of his home in the western Perth suburb of Mosman Park.

A record was also discovered of an online request for child abuse material.

The search of Cowan's home followed a referral from Interpol about a teenager in the United Kingdom who had told police she had online communications with an Australian-based man.


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0a014c No.55403

File: 2f67de1e3b43476⋯.png (94.41 KB,1219x365,1219:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 44d326147893b2c⋯.png (81.35 KB,195x258,65:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 56d80736cab894c⋯.png (11.11 MB,3000x2400,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870084 (190514ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode | 43 Bush | Ground Zero

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>55401 TYB!

Bush Up?





Ground Zero?

btw i do more than just bake and Meme warfare



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0a014c No.55404

File: 85cfce22884cdf0⋯.jpg (130.77 KB,720x1070,72:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0fed820f8608e44⋯.mp4 (9.08 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870120 (190524ZMAY23) Notable: Left-wing lawmakers press for federal reparations for Black Americans: 'We're here to demand it'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Left-wing lawmakers press for federal reparations for Black Americans: 'We're here to demand it'


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0a014c No.55405

File: a0067b8131e6599⋯.png (347.38 KB,598x588,299:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870126 (190526ZMAY23) Notable: James Woods: The Bond villains meet in their mountain retreat to plot world domination yet again…

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James Woods


The Bond villains meet in their mountain retreat to plot world domination yet again…


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0a014c No.55406

File: bc25b60029f0755⋯.png (36.97 KB,462x323,462:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870161 (190535ZMAY23) Notable: Former FBI Official Tells House Republicans Bureau Denied Agents J6 Riot Footage To Protect Assets, Informants Present At U.S. Capitol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 May 2023

(Your Destination)

Former FBI Official Tells House Republicans Bureau Denied Agents J6 Riot Footage To Protect Assets, Informants Present At U.S. Capitol


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0a014c No.55407

File: efe2f15782b97a0⋯.png (752.21 KB,1157x946,1157:946,Clipboard.png)

File: 544f936b286ada5⋯.png (266.24 KB,598x515,598:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870188 (190543ZMAY23) Notable: Republican Councilman Arrested For Crack And Fentanyl

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0a014c No.55408

File: ccb2552236c2b4c⋯.png (72.57 KB,651x368,651:368,Clipboard.png)

File: a082257aa2757ae⋯.png (93.86 KB,625x482,625:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 19dabf3704960eb⋯.png (1.42 MB,1566x881,1566:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870213 (190550ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump v. Twitter, Inc. (22-15961)

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Donald Trump v. Twitter, Inc. (22-15961)

Anybody with Pacer should be following this one. They've got Twitter by the fookin balls. Everything Musk exposed played right into Trump's lawsuit.. Wonder what the settlement gonna be?

X Corp?


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0a014c No.55409

File: 4ca40299566fb76⋯.png (109.96 KB,707x655,707:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870240 (190556ZMAY23) Notable: So here's something they don't tell you bout transgenders

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It’s funny how everyone wants to call me transphobic for this post.

Transgender surgery is incredibly invasive, incredibly risky and not the right testament for the mental disease known as gender dysphoria.

One day, we will look back at this type of medicine the same way we look at lobotomies today.

Frankly, lobotomies at least we’re done for valid reasons. These transgender surgeries are just done as a cash grab and to take people out of the baby-producing field.

It’s a gigantic scam but real people get their lives destroyed.

If you liberals want to keep doing it to yourselves, you have to live with yourselves not me. But stay the FUCK away from our children.


Had an uncle who got a lobotomy in the 1930s, paranoid schizophrenic before there were drugs to address extreme cases. Sad but at least it was well intentioned.

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0a014c No.55410

File: 0827b6b1f0c2134⋯.png (11.07 KB,474x116,237:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 58e0f447316010f⋯.png (1.35 MB,800x1024,25:32,Clipboard.png)

File: f8cabd4b24e635d⋯.png (1.64 MB,1457x816,1457:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870275 (190607ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode | 43 Bush | Ground Zero

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>ok back to bed

when ur trying to sleep and u cant...

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0a014c No.55411

File: 481eb41a3158500⋯.png (352.42 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870299 (190616ZMAY23) Notable: So here's something they don't tell you bout transgenders

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Gov. of Illinois, JB Pritzker, of the Jewish Pritzker Crime family, is up to his eyeballs in the gender reassignment surgical centers.

Just like he was up to his eyeballs in the covid PCR test kits.


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0a014c No.55412

File: e9d6f70c25fcbe4⋯.png (165.53 KB,896x954,448:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870309 (190619ZMAY23) Notable: So here's something they don't tell you bout transgenders

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0a014c No.55413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870327 (190626ZMAY23) Notable: So here's something they don't tell you bout transgenders

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Activist K Yang, who worked at an LGBT center in upstate New York in 2012, said she traced the early gender ideology funding at the center, some of which paid for her job, to groups like GLAAD, one of the many left-wing gay rights groups that Jennifer Pritzker’s foundation has long donated to. Yang said she eventually quit her position, which she claims entailed going into high schools and middle schools to indoctrinate students in gender ideology before there was much national awareness of it, and now runs a site called StopFemaleErasure.

“The Pritzkers are teaching children and adults they can be opposite sex and these surgeries can be safe and effective,” Yang, 36, told The Post. “They are in the business of social change. There is a lot of money from gender ideology but they are erasing women and medicalizing children in the process. The Pritzker family exemplifies how private interests can weaponize numerous industrial complexes — medical, military and nonprofit complexes. They are weaponizing them on a local, national and international level.”

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0a014c No.55414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870336 (190630ZMAY23) Notable: SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 19 at 12:41 a.m. ET for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 second-generation Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 19 at 12:41 a.m. ET (04:41 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 second-generation Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched CRS-26, OneWeb Launch 16, Intelsat IS-40e, and one Starlink mission. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.



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0a014c No.55415

File: bfcb66941f7f0f6⋯.jpg (161.93 KB,720x1203,240:401,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 656afeb4a6d4cdb⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,352x640,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870337 (190631ZMAY23) Notable: Just some casual child trafficking in broad daylight

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Warning Graphic Video🚨



Join General Patton

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0a014c No.55416

File: c52d58b63e9db79⋯.png (324.22 KB,1192x702,596:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 296afd1d861a3c2⋯.png (414.19 KB,672x603,224:201,Clipboard.png)

File: ec3ece9a8a36685⋯.png (13.62 KB,443x223,443:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870342 (190632ZMAY23) Notable: Loyalty (Lolitta?) Island

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Something strange on Loyalty Island.

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0a014c No.55417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870344 (190633ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth decode | 43 Bush | Ground Zero

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May 19 | 91

Maybe you'll find something in the deltas:


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0a014c No.55418

File: 90df42370956f64⋯.webp (445.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870362 (190642ZMAY23) Notable: Rare White Bison Born At Wyoming’s Bear River State Park

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Rare White Bison Born At Wyoming’s Bear River State Park

A 30-pound rare white bison calf hit the ground at the Bear River State Park near Evanston, Wyoming, at about 6:30 a.m. Tuesday.


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0a014c No.55419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870370 (190648ZMAY23) Notable: Clinton / Obama / U1

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(pb) >>55209

>Anon calls for memes Obama, Biden, Schiff, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, Wray #FBI #DOJ #DURHAM #TREASON

(lb) >>55355

>Republicans demand new probe into Bill and Hillary after [Durham] report reveals FBI shut down 4 criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations

Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration find themselves at the center of an explosive scandal involving the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia via the sale of the Uranium One company,


As federal investigators continue to look into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, prosecutors are also probing an Obama-era sale of a uranium mining company.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year directed federal prosecutors to look into the sale of Uranium One to a Russian company – a transaction that President Trump has called the “real Russia story.”

an FBI informant recently told congressional committees that Russia paid millions to a U.S. lobbying firm in an effort to influence then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make sure the deal was successful

"That's your real Russia story. Not a story where they talk about collusion and there was none. It was a hoax. Your real Russia story is uranium," Trump has said.

Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the probe into alleged Russian interference in the election, was the head of the FBI when it investigated Rosatom officials’ extortion and corruption

And the investigation was led by then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, then- U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein

“The closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump associates and real Russians ... the more they want to just throw mud on the wall,” she said. “I’m their favorite target, me and President Obama.”


Through Uranium One Deal, $145 Million Flowed to the Clinton Foundation


Uranium One's assets included significant holdings in Utah and nearby states. Prosecutors—and the media, so transfixed by the Mueller probe that they decline to look elsewhere—should follow the Uranium One money in Utah and the rest of the West.

In a July 27, 2017 letter, GOP leaders had called on Mr. Sessions to “appoint a second special counsel to investigate a plethora of matters connected to the 2016 election and its aftermath.” These included actions by Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and others, email controversies, mishandling of classified information, Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier, FISA warrants, wire taps, leaks, grand juries, the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal.

Mr. Sessions needs someone who knows Utah.

One part of Mr. Huber’s mandate, as outlined in the GOP letter, is the “purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of the sale.”

April 10, 2018


On Oct. 29, 2007, U.S. Energy Corp. announced the sale of the Ticaboo Townsite to Uranium One Inc. for approximately $[2.7] million in cash. The Ticaboo Townsite is located approximately 5 miles from Uranium One Inc.'s Shootaring Canyon Uranium Mill in southeastern Utah, which was purchased from U.S. Energy Corp. on April 30, 2007.


By year's end, the Russian mining company Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) will have a controlling stake in the Canadian company Uranium One. When that happens, the town itself, the Shootaring Canyon uranium mill a few miles up the highway, more than 10,000 acres of uranium claims in Utah and holdings in South Dakota, Wyoming and Texas — all of it …

October 10, 2010


What did we learn this week?

1. Durham 'true' start?

2. Durham 'take-over' Huber [select parts re: CF-i]?

What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?



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0a014c No.55420

File: 305cc81a64ff19f⋯.png (416.16 KB,636x431,636:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870384 (190659ZMAY23) Notable: Biden arrives at the G7 summit in Hiroshima

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Lost in Japan! Confused-looking Biden, 80, is directed to his spot by Japanese PM Kishida as he kicks off G7 summit in Hiroshima


Just another year to go Anons...

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0a014c No.55421

File: b398364861a729c⋯.png (441.04 KB,700x368,175:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870393 (190706ZMAY23) Notable: Rare White Bison Born At Wyoming’s Bear River State Park

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0a014c No.55422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870407 (190717ZMAY23) Notable: Vanguard / Blackrock Godfather III connection

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Vanguard and Blackrock are somehow Godfather III.


International Immobiliare was a European real estate company. Its properties were worth over $6 billion by the 1970's, making it the largest landowner in the world. The Vatican owned a 25 percent interest.

Michael Corleone bought a large block of stock during the 1970s, eventually becoming the company's largest single shareholder. In 1979, he expressed interest in buying the Vatican's stake for $600 million in the form of a deposit in the Vatican Bank, which would have given him controlling interest. He had plans to turn it into an international conglomerate. Despite fierce opposition to the Corleone family's aquisition of this company, the company's American directors voted to accept Michael's tender offer.

However, the Immobiliare deal was really an elaborate swindle concocted by company chairman Licio Lucchesi. He had stolen a fortune from the Vatican Bank with the help of bank head Archbishop Gilday and accountant Frederick Keinszig, and intended to use Michael's "investment" to cover his tracks. When it looked like the deal might actually succeed, Lucchesi tried to stall the deal by making Michael promise to do business with him in return for his support. His stalling was inadvertently helped by Pope Paul VI's illness; under the provisions of the Lateran Treaty, the Pope had to personally approve the deal. Lucchesi also conspired with Corleone caporegime Joey Zasa and Don Altobello to have Michael assassinated. The plan was temporarily delayed when Zasa was murdered by Vincent Mancini.

Michael eventually caught wind of the swindle, but didn't know that Lucchesi was also trying to have him killed until Vincent, while spying on Altobello, was introduced to Lucchesi. Vincent is named head of the Corleone family, and as his first official act has the conspirators wiped out&ndash; but not before his cousin Mary was killed by Don Altobello's assassin, Mosca.

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0a014c No.55423

File: 7c9e77e94cb75c3⋯.jpg (207.36 KB,1343x866,1343:866,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d8ffe88977103c⋯.jpg (1001.53 KB,1079x1778,1079:1778,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bfbb2f874f659a4⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1876x1448,469:362,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd3f9ebfbe628d5⋯.png (1.24 MB,1055x1007,1055:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870525 (190825ZMAY23) Notable: Two threads on halfchan discussing the timeline about Kryptos 4 being solved

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There's 2 threads on halfchan discussing the timeline about krytos 4 being solved.



The 4th 30 year unsolved CIA Kryptos cypher solution.

The decrypted message is:

"did you dig down two meters northeast of the wall at clock time in Berlin, Kryptos?"

This is in reference to the The Mengenlehreuhr. Converting using the Mengenlehreuhr system gives you 186 degrees.

The compass is a clue as well. "NORTHEAST". Measure 186 clockwise (since this is how a CLOCK works) this gives you direction.

"Did you dig down 2 meters?"

2 meters northeast at 186 degrees.


WW is William Webster director of the CIA at the time of installation.

William Webster hid something at 186 degrees northeast "clockwise" 2 meters from the "wall".

Confirmed via email with the creator's sec.

As far as i know, kryptos anon was heading out there but havent heard back since.

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0a014c No.55424

File: b1390ad8c036ae5⋯.jpg (85.12 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870576 (190847ZMAY23) Notable: Alarm grows over whistleblower claims that FBI scooped up American's bank records without subpoena

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Alarm grows over whistleblower claims that FBI scooped up Americans’ bank records without subpoena

Brett Tolman, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah, argued that obtaining these bank records without due process was unconstitutional.

Legal experts are criticizing the FBI for allegedly obtaining the financial records of U.S. customers with Bank of America "without any legal process" following the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

They spoke Thursday hours after several FBI whistleblowers made the allegations in testimony before the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

The allegations about subpoena-less bank-records gathering were included in a staff report from the full, GOP-led House Judiciary Committee that was released about an hour ahead of Thursday's hearing.

"Just like FBI whistleblowers ... retired FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill provided the Committee with detailed allegations of FBI civil liberties abuses," the report states. "Specifically, he testified that following the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Bank of America (BoA) gave the FBI’s Washington Field Office a list of individuals who had made transactions in the D.C., Maryland, Virginia area with a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021.

"He also testified that individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA product were elevated to the top of the list provided by BoA."

The gathering of the transactions appears to have been a way for federal investigator to learn the identity of rioters.

Bank of America was not available for comment before this story was published.

Brett Tolman, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah from July 2006 to December 2009, argues that obtaining the bank records without due process was unconstitutional.


One for the law faggots!

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0a014c No.55425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870598 (190856ZMAY23) Notable: Two threads on halfchan discussing the timeline about Kryptos 4 being solved

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1. Convert the clock time in Berlin to an angle and degree using the Mengenlehreuhr system. It's not the world clock it's the mengenlehreuhr clock!!! The angle is given by the number of lit fields in the third row (five-minute intervals) times 30 degrees, plus the number of lit fields in the bottom row (one-minute intervals) times 6 degrees. The degree is given by the number of lit fields in the first row (five-hour intervals) times 30 degrees, plus the number of lit fields in the second row (one-hour intervals) times 15 degrees. In this case, the angle is 6 * 30 + 1 * 6 = 186 degrees, and the degree is 2 * 30 + 0 * 15 = 60 degrees.

2. Find the coordinates of the wall near the Kryptos sculpture using Google Maps (38.95227° N, 77.14573° W. according to jewgle)

3. Use a compass or a protractor to measure 186 degrees clockwise from north at the wall location. This is the direction of northeast according to the clue of the compass that another anon posted (bless up to that anon that posted the compass it made it really click)

4. Measure 2 meters from the wall northeast at 186 degrees


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0a014c No.55426

File: dfb5d89fdce8372⋯.webp (29.14 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870620 (190917ZMAY23) Notable: Investigators Reveal Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed Nearly 20,000 Cows

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Investigators Reveal Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed Nearly 20,000 Cows

Authorities on Thursday revealed the cause of a Texas dairy farm explosion that killed nearly 20,000 head of cattle.

A large explosion at South Fork Dairy in Dimmitt, Texas last month killed more than 18,000 cows and injured one person.

The smoke from the explosion could be seen up to 80 miles away.

Investigators said an engine fire in the manure hauler caused the explosion.

It is unclear what caused the engine fire but, according to authorities, there was “no intentional act to cause a failure.”


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0a014c No.55427

File: 4daa98e35556c7a⋯.webp (57.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870623 (190920ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Agents Show Up at Childhood Home of Pro-Life Activist

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FBI Agents Show Up at Childhood Home of Pro-Life Activist (VIDEO)

FBI agents Ashley Roberts and Kathleen Brown showed up at the childhood home of pro-life activist Elise Ketch on April 18 around 2:45 pm.

According to the Ring cameral footage obtained by the Daily Signal, the agents asked to speak with Elise Ketch.

Ketch is a member of PAAU, a progressive anti-abortion group.

“We are both with the FBI,” Ashley Roberts told Ketch’s mother. “We just need to speak with her regarding some information that was sent to us.”

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

“We would tell you all the information because, like I said, she’s not in any trouble, but just out of respect for her, we’d like to speak with her first,” Roberts said.

It is unclear what the FBI agents wanted from Elise Ketch.


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0a014c No.55428

File: c403a677c89359a⋯.png (127.26 KB,1023x1022,1023:1022,Clipboard.png)

File: ce904bd00878487⋯.png (593.31 KB,897x605,897:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870636 (190927ZMAY23) Notable: Doomsday Clock

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The clock's setting was left unchanged in 2021 and 2022. In January 2023, it was moved forward to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30 seconds) before midnight. Since 2010, the clock has been moved forward four minutes and thirty seconds, and has changed by five minutes and thirty seconds since 1947.


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0a014c No.55429

File: 7f253054918ebfe⋯.png (80.83 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870655 (190952ZMAY23) Notable: Attorneys general want Congress to act on drug tied to fentanyl overdoses

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Attorneys general want Congress to act on drug tied to fentanyl overdoses

The drug is not an opioid, so even when combined with fentanyl, it doesn't respond to naloxone, which reverses an overdose.

Thirty-nine attorneys general are asking Congress to classify xylazine as a controlled substance for its ties to drug overdoses.

Veterinarians use the drug to sedate large animals, but the Drug Enforcement Agency has found it mixed with fentanyl in recent overdose deaths.

The largest increase is in the southern states, where overdose deaths linked to xylazine increased 1127% from 116 in 2020 to 1,423 in 2021, according to DEA statistics.

The drug is being purchased online by people with no ties to veterinary medicine, the attorneys general said in a letter to Congress. It's known on the street as "trang" or "zombie drug," and it slows breathing, heart rate and blood pressure.

The drug is not an opioid, so even when combined with fentanyl, it doesn't respond to naloxone, which reverses an overdose.

The bipartisan group of attorneys general said xylazine is also easy to get.

"In a recent intelligence report, the DEA noted, '[a] kilogram of xylazine powder can be purchased online from Chinese suppliers with common prices ranging from $6-$20 U.S. dollars per kilogram,'" they said. "Given the low price, the DEA has warned that xylazine's use as an adulterant for other illicit drugs is growing to allow traffickers to increase their profits."

The DEA updated its public safety alert on the combination of xylazine and fentanyl in November.

"Xylazine is making the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, fentanyl, even deadlier," said DEA Administrator Ann Milgram. "DEA has seized xylazine and fentanyl mixtures in 48 of 50 States. The DEA Laboratory System is reporting that in 2022 approximately 23% of fentanyl powder and 7% of fentanyl pills seized by the DEA contained xylazine."

The attorneys general are asking Congress to classify it and all forms of xylazine used illicitly as a Schedule III offense. They also want the DEA to track xylazine's manufacturing and sales.

The U.S. House and Senate introduced bipartisan bills called the "Combating Illicit Xylazine Act." The House version is assigned to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health. The Senate version is assigned to the Judiciary Committee.


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0a014c No.55430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870669 (190959ZMAY23) Notable: Very Large M7.7 (M8.0) Earthquake strikes West Pacific -- Tsunami Threat Warning issued

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0a014c No.55431

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870686 (191008ZMAY23) Notable: Glenn Beck, The Biden Crime Family

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Glenn Beck, The Biden Crime Family

This is excellent to send to your normie dem friends and family! Share it around. Post it everywhere.

Impeachment coming, do your part!


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0a014c No.55432

File: 56c24ff6185a983⋯.jpg (174.3 KB,1232x1068,308:267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870687 (191010ZMAY23) Notable: Glenn Beck, The Biden Crime Family

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it's the Glenn Beck hour.


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0a014c No.55433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870699 (191014ZMAY23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad - 3 Questions with Bob Evans

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>>55401, >>>/qresearch/18870691


Sound of Freedom,

based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places.

~ source: Tim Ballard

FOX 13 News Utah

{ runtime 31:04 }

1,998,425 views May 27, 2018

Actor Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad joined Bob Evans for 3 Questions



The ROOT CAUSE Of Human Trafficking & How To SAVE CHILDREN From It! | Tim Ballard & Lewis Howes

310,650 views Dec 26, 2022 The School Of Greatness

https://lewishowes.com/gmyo - Get my NEW book The Greatness Mindset today!

https://www.ourrescue.org/give-now - Learn more aboutTim's organization Operation Underground Railroad!

Tim Ballard has worked every type of case imaginable in the fight to dismantle child trafficking rings.

He spent over a decade working as a Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security to infiltrate child trafficking organizations.

He successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued children from slavery and exploitation.

Tim and a team of former government operatives left the security of their careers to go about the work of rescuing children as a private foundation

- Operation Underground Railroad.

In this episode you will learn,

About how the U.S. plays a major role in the global human trafficking crisis.

Ways to get involved with O.U.R.’s mission and how you can help.

The truth behind what it takes to fight modern slavery.

To unlock the underestimated power of service.

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0a014c No.55434

File: 874d3d1c17317a4⋯.png (386.55 KB,591x560,591:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870722 (191024ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Chip Roy: If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is, in fact, a dude - everybody knows it!

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Rep. Chip Roy drops hilarious truth on House floor:

"If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is - in fact - a dude

Everybody knows it!”

May 18, 2023, 10:46 AM

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0a014c No.55435

File: 1896510c66ae008⋯.png (266.46 KB,581x754,581:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870725 (191027ZMAY23) Notable: X22: How Do You Set The Stage? Public Opinion, Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street

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Truth Details


X22 Report





May 18, 2023, 9:34 AM

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0a014c No.55436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870763 (191044ZMAY23) Notable: Ted Cruz issues massive warning against 'secretary' Blinken after dirty 'begging' to Putin

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Id like to bring attention to something Ive noticed in my youtube feed. This is an example of what I am talking about.

Up until a few weeks ago, this channel Tasty Kitch has been a lonely cooking channel with a few thousand subscribers. But suddenly, just days ago, all it spews is conservative (what I assume to be propaganda).

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0a014c No.55437

File: e00991ada7bd431⋯.png (271.29 KB,540x607,540:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870777 (191048ZMAY23) Notable: Deltas

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55438

File: 137b4ea1352e82a⋯.png (425.63 KB,675x680,135:136,Clipboard.png)

File: f43b18255b3aa8c⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 42a34884173dc97⋯.png (1.62 MB,3060x1203,1020:401,Clipboard.png)

File: e83729c8585d7d1⋯.png (578.54 KB,492x413,492:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 2187d7d84c02f73⋯.png (1.33 MB,1319x913,1319:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870792 (191052ZMAY23) Notable: Zelenskyy Gives Highly Repulsive 'Gift' to Pope Francis

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(((inbred))) = devoid of God

Zelenskyy Gives Highly Repulsive 'Gift' to Pope Francis - This Should Offend Every Christian

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, met with Pope Francis last week, but now we are learning of the dubious “gift” the wartime leader bestowed on the pontiff, and it is one that many Catholics have found to be extremely insulting.

Zelenskyy met with Pope Francis on May 13 and, as is the common practice, the two exchanged gifts that they hoped would be meaningful one to another. For his part, the pope gave the Ukrainian leader a bronze olive branch as a symbol of the peace he hopes will soon return to the people of Ukraine, Catholic Courier reported Monday.

Zelenskyy also had a gift to deliver. The Ukrainian president reportedly gave the pope a painting entitled “Loss 2022-58” which is fashioned after a religious icon image of the Virgin Mary holding an infant Christ in her arms.

As Catholic Courier describes it, “The work commemorates the 243 children who died in the first 58 days of Russia’s full-scale invasion Feb. 24, 2022, which continued attacks launched by Russia in 2014.”

But that description fails to really encapsulate this “gift.”


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0a014c No.55439

File: 730dd9bc137b74f⋯.png (440.3 KB,587x819,587:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870805 (191058ZMAY23) Notable: Deltas

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The Independent

Trump shares QAnon conspiracy about himself

Gino Spocchia

May 17, 2022


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0a014c No.55440

File: 6dac65884943bec⋯.png (543.89 KB,613x949,613:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870807 (191059ZMAY23) Notable: Deltas

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870811 (191100ZMAY23) Notable: Mil / gov tweet decodes

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Mil / gov tweet decodes

>>>/qresearch/18870592 Phone Alert

>>>/qresearch/18870604 HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED

>>>/qresearch/18870625 5:5, o7, 1051

>>>/qresearch/18870639, >>>/qresearch/18870641 Japan = LAND OF THE RISING SUN

>>>/qresearch/18870651, >>>/qresearch/18870658, >>>/qresearch/18870798 Thunder Approaching

>>>/qresearch/18870698 RED FLAG

>>>/qresearch/18870755 START / FIRE

>>>/qresearch/18870778, >>>/qresearch/18870787 FLAGS OUT

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0a014c No.55442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870817 (191103ZMAY23) Notable: #23164

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#23164 >>55401

>>55402 Former Joondalup Health Campus CEO Kempton Cowan pleads guilty over child sex abuse videos

>>55403, >>55410, >>55417 Trump Truth decode | 43 Bush | Ground Zero

>>55404 Left-wing lawmakers press for federal reparations for Black Americans: 'We're here to demand it'

>>55405 James Woods: The Bond villains meet in their mountain retreat to plot world domination yet again…

>>55406 Former FBI Official Tells House Republicans Bureau Denied Agents J6 Riot Footage To Protect Assets, Informants Present At U.S. Capitol

>>55407 Republican Councilman Arrested For Crack And Fentanyl

>>55408 Donald Trump v. Twitter, Inc. (22-15961)

>>55412, >>55409, >>55411, >>55413 So here's something they don't tell you bout transgenders

>>55414 SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 19 at 12:41 a.m. ET for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 second-generation Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit

>>55415 Just some casual child trafficking in broad daylight

>>55416 Loyalty (Lolitta?) Island

>>55418, >>55421 Rare White Bison Born At Wyoming’s Bear River State Park

>>55419 Clinton / Obama / U1

>>55420 Biden arrives at the G7 summit in Hiroshima

>>55422 Vanguard / Blackrock Godfather III connection

>>55423, >>55425 Two threads on halfchan discussing the timeline about Kryptos 4 being solved

>>55424 Alarm grows over whistleblower claims that FBI scooped up American's bank records without subpoena

>>55429 Attorneys general want Congress to act on drug tied to fentanyl overdoses

>>55426 Investigators Reveal Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed Nearly 20,000 Cows

>>55427 FBI Agents Show Up at Childhood Home of Pro-Life Activist

>>55428 Doomsday Clock

>>55430 Very Large M7.7 (M8.0) Earthquake strikes West Pacific &ndash; Tsunami Threat Warning issued

>>55431, >>55432 Glenn Beck, The Biden Crime Family

>>55433 Actor Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad - 3 Questions with Bob Evans

>>55434 Rep. Chip Roy: If you have eyes, Lia Thomas is, in fact, a dude - everybody knows it!

>>55435 X22: How Do You Set The Stage? Public Opinion, Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street

>>55436 Ted Cruz issues massive warning against 'secretary' Blinken after dirty 'begging' to Putin

>>55438 Zelenskyy Gives Highly Repulsive 'Gift' to Pope Francis

>>55441 Mil / gov tweet decodes

>>55437, >>55439, >>55440 Deltas


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0a014c No.55443

File: 1e5cfb8c4df6e85⋯.png (190.43 KB,1280x979,1280:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870830 (191106ZMAY23) Notable: #23165

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Will stick around until offhand

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0a014c No.55444

File: 272d046d0dc6820⋯.png (338.68 KB,466x550,233:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870867 (191115ZMAY23) Notable: Easy Healthcare has been sharing this private info with Google as well./ genetic data

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Not only has China been collecting genetic data of millions of women around the world via pre-natal tests that were developed by BGI and the Chinese Military, it’s also been collecting fertility and health information from an app called Easy Healthcare.

Easy Healthcare has been sharing this private info with Google as well.

Quote Tweet

The Washington Times




FTC accuses fertility tracking app with sharing data with China, Google



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0a014c No.55445

File: c2ebb10e94cf1d8⋯.png (1.29 MB,1170x1272,195:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870889 (191125ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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0a014c No.55446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870893 (191125ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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0a014c No.55447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870907 (191131ZMAY23) Notable: While VP, private phone belonging to Joe Biden was paid for by Rosemont Seneca

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Peter Schweitzer: “I think the investigation is going to take a very interesting turn…”


He says they discovered a private phone belonging to Joe Biden, which was paid for by Rosemont Seneca.

The House Oversight Committee is apparently subpoenaing those phone records, which will show who Joe was talking to and when he was talking to them.

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0a014c No.55448

File: 290d89c9d49089d⋯.png (146.79 KB,666x353,666:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870912 (191132ZMAY23) Notable: Easy Healthcare has been sharing this private info with Google as well./ genetic data

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eDNA, too.


Environmental DNA (eDNA) is organismal DNA that can be found in the environment. Environmental DNA originates from cellular material shed by organisms (via skin, excrement, etc.) into aquatic or terrestrial environments that can be sampled and monitored using new molecular methods. Such methodology is important for the early detection of invasive species as well as the detection of rare and cryptic species.

Protocols using eDNA may allow for rapid, cost-effective, and standardized collection of data about species distribution and relative abundance.

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0a014c No.55449

File: 3380af52064944a⋯.jpg (366.44 KB,1080x1214,540:607,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870924 (191138ZMAY23) Notable: Decoded Kryptos

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Decoded Kryptos

This is the decoded Kryptos text, available many other places as well!

Bold are typos. The '_' indicates a character that Jim Sanborn did not include. The italics are portions Jim Sanborn quoted. Line breaks are where Jim Sanborn intended them (plus where I saw fit for the quoted section).




















K3 - With Missing Pieces

NOTE: Changes to the original passage include changing "desparately" to "DESPARATLY" ('E' changed to '_' here), "were" to "WAS" (in bold here), and "causing" to "CAUSED" (in bold here).


it seemed to us as we watched,


until at last we had the whole door clear before us. The decisive moment had arrived.


Darkness and blank space, as far as an iron testing-rod could reach, showed that whatever lay beyond was empty, and not filled like the passage we had just cleared. Candle tests were applied as a precaution against possible foul gases,


Lord Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn and Callender standing anxiously beside me to hear the verdict. At first I could see nothing,


as my eyes grew accustomed to the light,




strange animals, statues, and gold - everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment - an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by - I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously,



it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.' Then widening the hole a little further, so that we both could see, we inserted an electric torch.

Morse Code

The morse code pieces are separate, with no clear order of the sections. In some sections there are extra "E's" ('E' being a single dot in Morse Code), so it could be used to clearly separate between words (which would not be done in real Morse Code), or could be part of the words (e.g. "MEMORYE"). Below, I use a lowercase 'e' to represent where I believe the 'e' is not part of a word.






RQ (or YR)



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0a014c No.55450

File: 5b21e16369c0c5b⋯.png (255.44 KB,599x662,599:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870939 (191147ZMAY23) Notable: Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants', “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE)

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Amy Mek


This is HUGE!

Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants' (Huge Cover-Up)

Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE)

READ: https://rairfoundation.com/bombshell-nobel-prize-winner-reveals-covid-vaccine-is-creating-variants/

11:56 AM · May 18, 2021


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0a014c No.55451

File: 602330c59db12b1⋯.png (1.11 MB,710x1656,355:828,Clipboard.png)

File: d3f8e68dc64d4e0⋯.png (1.1 MB,708x1726,354:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 83850eab8b3f76c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1170x1138,585:569,Clipboard.png)

File: c27731261202f07⋯.png (311.88 KB,620x376,155:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 80fca8369c6b03d⋯.png (1.11 MB,1156x1092,289:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870953 (191153ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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A lot from 7th Fleet

76's / Love for the Kitchen / Night Shift / Amphibious

Task Force 70(=o7), 45 hands

[Z] on the door -> FINISH

John [Finn] -> FINISH










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0a014c No.55452

File: 7da7e0aed5e4cf7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1168x1096,146:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870978 (191203ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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0a014c No.55453

File: 6fa49c1d1110301⋯.png (1.06 MB,1066x1104,533:552,Clipboard.png)

File: d8f78d6f0bbee9b⋯.png (549.89 KB,1060x1356,265:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 94141e7d9ec6715⋯.png (2.18 MB,3616x1672,452:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870990 (191209ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


17 timestamps

[711] HPW -> 17 / 18(Q+)

1935 -> 18(Q+)

Qalerts 1935 ->PANIC

Links contain 89 45 17 8176



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0a014c No.55454

File: 9166b42bc83aad9⋯.png (696.63 KB,786x743,786:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18870996 (191212ZMAY23) Notable: The Past Week Proves It --- Democrats Are The Brainless Party

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The Past Week Proves It — Democrats

Are The Brainless Party

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 5/19/2023 6:30:37 AM

If Republicans are the stupid party – and you will get no argument from us here about that – perhaps the correct label for today’s Democratic party is “brainless.” Witness what it did in just the past few days: President Joe Biden showed up at the pro-abortion EMILY’s List gala, where he said “I also want to thank my buddy Kamala who I work for up in the White House for leading on this issue.” This is not the first time Biden has mistaken Harris as president. The fact that she could be president is worse, since there are few in public office as dimwitted as she.

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0a014c No.55455

File: faf314135e6e198⋯.png (139.54 KB,1948x808,487:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871005 (191215ZMAY23) Notable: 2023 Bilderberg Meeting Attendees…

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Bilderberg Meeting Attendees...


Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production

Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chair, Global Advisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

Agrawal, Ajay (CAN), Professor of Economics, University of Toronto

Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs

Altman, Sam (USA), CEO, OpenAI

Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder, zhero.net; CEO TES

Andersson, Magdalena (SWE), Leader, Social Democratic Party

Applebaum, Anne (USA), Staff Writer, The Atlantic

Arnaut, José Luís (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut

Attal, Gabriel (FRA), Minister for Public Accounts

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto (PRT), Chair, Impresa Group

Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS

Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair, International Advisors, Goldman Sachs

Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA

Beaune, Clément (FRA), Minister for Transport

Benson, Sally (USA), Professor of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University

Beurden, Ben van (NLD), Special Advisor to the Board, Shell plc

Borg, Anna (SWE), President and CEO, Vattenfall AB

Borrell, Josep (INT), Vice President, European Commission

Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA

Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.

Braathen, Kjerstin (NOR), CEO, DNB ASA

Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum

Brink, Dolf van den (NLD), CEO, Heineken NV

Brudermüller, Martin (DEU), CEO, BASF SE

Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA SA

Byrne, Thomas (IRL), Minister for Sport and Physical Education

Carney, Mark (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management

Cassis, Ignazio (CHE), Federal Councillor, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne

Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe

Ceylan, Mehmet Fatih (TUR), President, Ankara Policy Center

Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council

Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia

Debackere, Koenraad (BEL), Chair, KBC Group NV

Deese, Brian (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council

Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup

Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE

Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Economy, Elizabeth (USA), Senior Advisor for China, Department of Commerce

Ehrnrooth, Henrik (FIN), Chair, Otava Group

Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General for External Security, Ministry of the Armed Forces

Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po

Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA

Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA

Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University

Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Former Director, GCHQ

Frederiksen, Mette (DNK), Prime Minister

Freeland, Chrystia (CAN), Deputy Prime Minister

Garijo, Bélen (DEU), Chair and CEO, Merck KGaA

Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), Commissioner for Economy, European Commission

Gonzáles Pons, Esteban (ESP), Vice Chair, European People's Party

Gosset-Grainville, Antoine (FRA), Chair, AXA

Goulimis, Nicky (GRC), Board Member and Co-Founder, Nova Credit Inc.

Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel LLC

Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Anchor, La7 TV

Gürkaynak, Refet (TUR), Professor of Economics, Bilkent University

Haines, Avril D. (USA), Director of National Intelligence

Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University

Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, DeepMind

Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation

Hofreiter, Anton (DEU), MP; Chair Committee on European Affairs

Holzen, Madeleine von (CHE), Editor-in-Chief, Le Temps

Jensen, Kristian (DNK), CEO, Green Power Denmark

Joshi, Shashank (GBR), Defence Editor, The Economist

Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister of Finance; Deputy Prime Minister

Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.

Kasparov, Garry (USA), Chair, Renew Democracy Initiative

Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery Poland

Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS

Kolesnikov, Andrei (INT), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Kostrzewa, Wojciech (POL), President, Polish Business Roundtable

Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman, KKR & Co. Inc.

Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art

Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA

Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871006 (191215ZMAY23) Notable: 2023 Bilderberg Meeting Attendees…

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Lammy, David (GBR), Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, House of Commons

Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, Umicore and Mediahuis; Chair DSM-Firmenich AG

Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees

Looney, Bernard (GBR), CEO, BP plc

Marin, Sanna (FIN), Prime Minister

Metsola, Roberta (INT), President, European Parliament

Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP

Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist

Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Zeno Partners

Moyo, Dambisa (GBR), Global Economist; Member, House of Lords

Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates LLC

Nadella, Satya (USA), CEO, Microsoft Corporation

O'Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group

Orida, Deborah (CAN), President and CEO, PSP Investments

Özel, Soli (TUR), Professor, Kadir Has University

Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group; Treasurer Bilderberg Meetings

Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre

Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution

Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE

Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times

Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español

Rappard, Rolly van (NLD), Co-Founder and Co-Chair, CVC Capital Partners

Reynders, Didier (INT), European Commissioner for Justice

Röttgen, Norbert (DEU), MP, German Bundestag

Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister

Salomon, Martina (AUT), Editor-in-Chief, Kurier

Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.

Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Schallenberg, Alexander (AUT), Minister for European and International Affairs

Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google LLC

Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks

Sebastião, Nuno (PRT), Chair and CEO, Feedzai

Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), MEP, European Parliament

Silva, Filipe (PRT), CEO, Galp

Stilwell de Andrade, Miguel (PRT), CEO, EDP

Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO

Subramanian, Arvind (INT), Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Brown University

Tellis, Ashley J. (USA), Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs, Carnegie Endowment

Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC

Tsu, Jing (USA), Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University

Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), Minister of State for Security

Vadera, Shriti (GBR), Chair, Prudential plc

Vassilakis, Eftichios (GRC), Chair, Aegean Group

Waldron, John (USA), President and COO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB

Wennink, Peter (NLD), President and CEO, ASML Holding NV

Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, National Security Council

Yang, Yuan (GBR), Europe-China Correspondent, Financial Times

Yergin, Daniel (USA), Vice Chair, S&P Global

Yinanç, Barçin (TUR), Journalist, T24 News Website

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55457

File: 6d02cc28e25171f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1072x1042,536:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 03c856d91f2cbcb⋯.png (1.36 MB,2776x1550,1388:775,Clipboard.png)

File: ccdb7035c1fa629⋯.png (41.55 KB,198x154,9:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ab11ab3157a568⋯.png (1.1 MB,2808x1710,156:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871008 (191215ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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1957 -> Qalerts 1957 -> MUELLER / BARR / WWG1WGA!!! / NCSWIC / SUNLIGHT

6512 on the train -> Qalerts 6512: NCSWIC / SUNLIGHT +



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0a014c No.55458

File: 6a3a3775299310c⋯.png (198.44 KB,2430x1436,1215:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871021 (191221ZMAY23) Notable: 2023 Bilderberg Meeting Attendees…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hmmm...interesting topics

69th Bilderberg Meeting to take place 18 - 21 May in Lisbon, Portugal

LISBON, 18 May 2023 – The 69th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 18 – 21 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. About 130 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia, labour and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on bilderbergmeetings.org.

The key topics for discussion this year are:


Banking System


Energy Transition


Fiscal Challenges


Industrial Policy and Trade



Transnational Threats


US Leadership

Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media are invited to take part in the Meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

The Bilderberg Meeting is a forum for informal discussions about major issues. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.

Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued.

Media contact: media[@]bilderbergmeetings.org

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0a014c No.55459

File: ecbb26b293268b1⋯.png (40.65 KB,424x581,424:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871035 (191229ZMAY23) Notable: Steering Committee re Bilderberg Annual Meeting (PB)

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In some other Deepstate news today The annual Bilderberg meeting has started in Lissabon Portugal 🇵🇹

See here the participants list



List of Participants 2023

Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production

Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chair, Global Advisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

Agrawal, Ajay (CAN), Professor of Economics, University of Toronto

Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs

Altman, Sam (USA), CEO, OpenAI

Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder, zhero.net; CEO TES

Andersson, Magdalena (SWE), Leader, Social Democratic Party

Applebaum, Anne (USA), Staff Writer, The Atlantic

Arnaut, José Luís (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut

Attal, Gabriel (FRA), Minister for Public Accounts

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto (PRT), Chair, Impresa Group

Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS

Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair, International Advisors, Goldman Sachs

Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA

Beaune, Clément (FRA), Minister for Transport

Benson, Sally (USA), Professor of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University

Beurden, Ben van (NLD), Special Advisor to the Board, Shell plc

Borg, Anna (SWE), President and CEO, Vattenfall AB

Borrell, Josep (INT), Vice President, European Commission

Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA

Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.

Braathen, Kjerstin (NOR), CEO, DNB ASA

Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum

Brink, Dolf van den (NLD), CEO, Heineken NV

Brudermüller, Martin (DEU), CEO, BASF SE

Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA SA

Byrne, Thomas (IRL), Minister for Sport and Physical Education

Carney, Mark (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management

Cassis, Ignazio (CHE), Federal Councillor, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne

Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe

Ceylan, Mehmet Fatih (TUR), President, Ankara Policy Center

Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council

Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia

Debackere, Koenraad (BEL), Chair, KBC Group NV

Deese, Brian (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council

Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup

Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE

Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Economy, Elizabeth (USA), Senior Advisor for China, Department of Commerce

Ehrnrooth, Henrik (FIN), Chair, Otava Group

Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General for External Security, Ministry of the Armed Forces

Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po

Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA

Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA

Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University

Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Former Director, GCHQ

Frederiksen, Mette (DNK), Prime Minister

Freeland, Chrystia (CAN), Deputy Prime Minister

Garijo, Bélen (DEU), Chair and CEO, Merck KGaA

Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), Commissioner for Economy, European Commission

Gonzáles Pons, Esteban (ESP), Vice Chair, European People's Party

Gosset-Grainville, Antoine (FRA), Chair, AXA

Goulimis, Nicky (GRC), Board Member and Co-Founder, Nova Credit Inc.

Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel LLC

Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Anchor, La7 TV

Gürkaynak, Refet (TUR), Professor of Economics, Bilkent University

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55460

File: 4c2cfa958a262b3⋯.png (902.22 KB,1062x1070,531:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c0fdca00b999ae⋯.png (7.51 KB,58x318,29:159,Clipboard.png)

File: ffb2bc649f073e7⋯.png (666.76 KB,2806x1708,23:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871047 (191235ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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Day or [Night] -> Dark to Light

Descending alphabet -> aptto -> 116202015 -> 1162 02015(=17)


Nothing can stop this

Link contains 76...17


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0a014c No.55461

File: d0c74a98e8e2829⋯.png (589.45 KB,792x611,792:611,Clipboard.png)

File: b815b2e972a6828⋯.png (484.83 KB,619x518,619:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871055 (191240ZMAY23) Notable: QAnon overseas: Even Israelis are getting into the act

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QAnon overseas: Even Israelis are getting into the act

By Tony Ortega | May 18, 2023


Arieh Kovler


An Israeli QAnon group held a meetup on Caesarea beach yesterday. This particular group has its own 'Q', who goes by Q17 and joins online chats with group members in both English and Hebrew.





8:40 PM · May 17, 2023




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0a014c No.55462

File: bf479f1e9c202d4⋯.png (932.15 KB,1056x1070,528:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871059 (191242ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Decodes

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Time to get focused. = 17 char no space

Go win the day! 💯 = 17 char with space

Link contains 32[45]

Link ends o7


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0a014c No.55463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871097 (191258ZMAY23) Notable: Iridium-9 & OneWeb 19 Falcon 9 Block 5

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May 19th, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Iridium-9 & OneWeb 19 Falcon 9 Block 5

SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 19 at 6:19 a.m. PT (13:19 UTC) for launch of the Iridium OneWeb mission to a low-Earth orbit



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0a014c No.55464

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871123 (191307ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/19/2023


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0a014c No.55465

File: 3ac515da71195c9⋯.jpeg (341.5 KB,828x687,276:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ab39d17944eea2c⋯.jpeg (598.25 KB,828x958,414:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b4e311bd9d092a⋯.jpeg (131.88 KB,788x483,788:483,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a096125d0b7b77c⋯.jpeg (224.76 KB,828x599,828:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3c2358c61f59aa7⋯.jpeg (150.44 KB,828x428,207:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871129 (191309ZMAY23) Notable: 2015 Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info -- as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

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trump post at 8:12 am mirror 218 points out Google and cia keyhole.co

It also points us to Obama and Maggie Haberman who is a sec slave but also now a reporter. They keep the kids silent by maintaining them as slaves as adults

Honorable mention today is the post showing Snowden pushing a poll that Hillary has a 93% chance of winning Vs trump in 2016

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0a014c No.55466

File: 74de84f3f1afecf⋯.png (224.61 KB,422x504,211:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871141 (191313ZMAY23) Notable: possible??? Earthquake rattles New York: Magnitude 2.2 tremor 'shakes houses' in the early hours in parts of state

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Earthquake rattles New York: Magnitude 2.2 tremor 'shakes houses' in the early hours in parts of state


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0a014c No.55467

File: c72cb684a4210a7⋯.png (49.92 KB,1117x326,1117:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871147 (191316ZMAY23) Notable: possible??? Earthquake rattles New York: Magnitude 2.2 tremor 'shakes houses' in the early hours in parts of state

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In An Artificial Cave 200' Beneath Central Park with Michael Bloomberg


Geoff Manaugh

PublishedOctober 16, 2013

Comments (184)

At 5pm today, the complete Manhattan section of City Water Tunnel No. 3 became operational, sending drinking water through this colossal piece of subterranean infrastructure—under construction since 1970—for the very first time.

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0a014c No.55468

File: 8398dae85c63b5a⋯.png (1.18 MB,1863x930,621:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871151 (191318ZMAY23) Notable: possible??? Earthquake rattles New York: Magnitude 2.2 tremor 'shakes houses' in the early hours in parts of state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The subterranean battlefield: Warfare is going underground, into dark, tight spaces

By Todd South

Feb 26, 2019

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0a014c No.55469

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871152 (191318ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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part 2

Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/19/2023


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0a014c No.55470

File: 5b2e4c7329df123⋯.jpeg (958.18 KB,1170x1941,390:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871189 (191331ZMAY23) Notable: Michelle Obama's juice brand fails her own health standards

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Michelle Obama's juice brand fails her own health standards, experts reveal


The former First Lady announced a new juice brand to combat childhood obesity

Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s touted health drink Plezi would fail the health standards set by the Obama administration, a new Bloomberg report found.

After discussing with 12 independent health professionals and organizations, the news organization found that Plezi’s current flavors released earlier this month would not meet the requirements to be served at elementary and middle schools.

"Under the Obama-era school-meal regulations currently under review, US elementary and middle schools may only serve water, milk, or 100% fruit or vegetable juice with no added sweeteners (the regulations do permit schools to dilute juices with water) — and none of Plezi’s four current flavors meet these criteria," the article read.

According to experts, there was concern over the "non-nutritive sweeteners" in the drink such as stevia leaf and monk-fruit extracts that could still be considered unhealthy. The World Health Organization previously published its own report on Monday advising against the use of sweeteners like stevia to control body weight.


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0a014c No.55471

File: 9fc959ec7746711⋯.png (276.51 KB,501x352,501:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871197 (191333ZMAY23) Notable: possible??? Earthquake rattles New York: Magnitude 2.2 tremor 'shakes houses' in the early hours in parts of state

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55472

File: d3e3be91ecd1bac⋯.jpg (551.61 KB,1080x1303,1080:1303,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871236 (191346ZMAY23) Notable: 2015 Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info -- as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

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13 Aug 2015

Revealed: Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info – as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

Intelligence community's inspector general tells Congress two emails on Hillary's private server were later classified 'TOP SECRET//SI/TK//NOFORN'

His letter spells out that the information came from keyhole satellite data and signal intercepts in 2006 and 2008

Intelligence originally was from the CIA and the Pentagon's National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Clinton camp posted a 4,000-word treatise insisting she did nothing wrong

Democrats inside the presidential campaign world's bubble are panicking as their front-runner faces multiple investigations and the possibility of criminal prosecution

As Clinton splits hairs over when the top-secret information was classified, Republicans on Capitol Hill complain her spin 'doesn't pass the smell test'

At least two classified messages on Hillary Clinton's home-brew email server contained top-secret intelligence including signal intercepts and information from keyhole satellite conducted by the CIA and the Pentagon's satellite-spying National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

U.S. Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough reported to Congress on Wednesday that the sensitive information dated from 2006 and 2008, and was 'classified up to "TO.PSECRET//SI/TK//NOFORN".'

Video shows e-scooter explodeinto flames in kitchen

The last three designations refer to 'Special Intelligence,' 'Talent Keyhole' – a kind of satellite – and a prohibition on any non-Americans seeing the information.

The new revelation led the Clinton camp to post and distribute a 4,000-word treatise on Wednesday defending the former secretary of state as her White House ambitions drift dangerously close to the rocks.

Part of that document is a stern denial that she handled classified information on her private email account – a claim that is at odds with McCullough's report.

'Clinton only used her account for unclassified email,' that claim reads in part. 'No information in Clinton's emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them.'

The campaign is leaning heavily on a technicality, insisting that if emails 'did not contain any classified markings and/or dissemination controls' when Clinton saw them, she's not responsible for securing the information even though they 'should have been classified at the time they were sent.'

That explanation isn't sitting well on Capitol Hill.

'So we're supposed to think the secretary of state, and a former senator in this case, thought signal-intercepts and descriptions of satellite intelligence were okay things to send around the ordinary Internet as long as no one had marked them classified?' a senior Republican Senate aide asked DailyMail.com on Thursday.

'That just doesn't pass the smell test. Either Secretary Clinton was derelict and thought she was above national security rules, or she was just aloof and careless. Either way she has lots of explaining to do.'

A veteran GOP campaign aide working for a middle-tier presdiential candidate added: 'She's toast. It's just a matter of how burned she's going to be before she pops up.'


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0a014c No.55473

File: 39bebea3a4f48fd⋯.jpg (612.26 KB,1071x1506,357:502,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00615aa78aa80f5⋯.jpg (984.88 KB,1080x1912,135:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8c98c9fa79614c7⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1080x1891,1080:1891,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fcadd5778e18e22⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1080x1890,4:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d86e1e0c79a4eec⋯.jpg (871.08 KB,1080x1597,1080:1597,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871269 (191357ZMAY23) Notable: 2015 Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info -- as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

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Hillary Clinton's email troubles began when her private address was exposed by a Romanian hacker. Now the resulting scandal threatens to torpedo her presidential ambitions.

2008 – Hillary Clinton acquires a personal email server for her use in running for president, and has it installed in her Chappaqua, New York home

January 13, 2009 – Internet records show that the domain 'clintonemail.com' was created

January 21, 2009 – Clinton is confirmed by the U.S. Senate as President Obama's secretary of state

February 1, 2013 – Clinton leaves the State Department

March 20, 2013 – Clinton's private email address, hdr22@clintonemail.com, is made public when a Romanian hacker named 'Guccifer' (whose real name is Marcel Lazăr Lehel) hacks into longtime Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal's AOL email account and leaks images of his inbox – including emails from Clinton

June 2013 – Hillary's team shifts control of the email domain to an outside IT contractor in Denver called Platte River Networks, and sends the original server hardware to a data center facility in New Jersey, where it is erased

August 11, 2014 – Following a congressional subpoena and more than a year of delays, the State Department hands over a small number of Clinton's private emails, 10 in all, to a House committee investigating the 2012 terror attack on a State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya – including some emails from the hdr22@clintonemail.com address

November 2014 – The Benghazi committee asks the State Department for a larger batch of Clinton's emails and receives about 300 that relate to the Libya saga, amounting to 850 printed pages

December 5, 2014 – Clinton's aides say that in response to a request from the State Department, they have handed over about 55,000 pages of her work-related emails, comprising 30,490 messages

February 13, 2015 – The State Department sends the Benghazi committee another 850 pages of Clinton's emails, including some from two different accounts on the private 'clintonemail.com' server

February 27, 2015 – State Department staffers tell Benghazi committee aides that Clinton had used her private address exclusively during her tenure at the agency, and that they don't have any of her emails other than those she provided voluntarily

March 4, 2015 – The Associated Press reports that it has traced Clinton's private email address back to a private server at her Chappaqua, New York home, and that the server was registered under a fake name

March 10, 2015 – In a contentious press conference following a speech at the United Nations, Clinton admits that she deleted more than 30,000 emails that she says were personal in nature, and says she turned over everything work-related to the State Department, while insisting that 'I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email; there is no classified material'

March 11, 2015 – The Associated Press sues the State Department to force the release of Clinton's emails and other documents that the agency has failed to turn over following a Freedom Of Information Act request

April 12, 2015 – Clinton launches her second presidential campaign with an online video and begins two months of low-key campaigning marked by a lack of interaction with reporters

May 22, 2015 – The first 300 of Clinton's emails are made public by the State Department, revealing a close relationship with Blumenthal in the weeks following the Benghazi terror attack; one of them has been retroactively classified by the FBI as 'secret' but Clinton insists it was 'handled appropriately'

May 27, 2015 – A federal judge orders the State Department to begin releasing all of Clinton's emails in installments every 30 days, setting monthly targets for the agency so the work is completed by January 29, 2016

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0a014c No.55474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871270 (191357ZMAY23) Notable: 2015 Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info -- as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

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July 23, 2015 – Charles McCullough, the inspector general for the U.S. intelligence community tells members of Congress in a letter that a random sampling of 40 Clinton emails turned up four that contained material classified as secret

July 24, 2015 – Andrea Williams, spokeswoman for the McCulloush, says that the emails 'were classified when they were sent and are classified now.'

July 25, 2015 – During a campaign appearance in Iowa, Clinton modifies her position and tells reporters in Iowa that 'I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classifiedat the time it was sent and received'

July 31, 2015 – The second State Department release of Clinton's emails, more than 1,300 in all, includes 41 that were marked 'classified' before they were made public

August 4, 2015 – Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill says in a statement that the candidate 'did not send nor receive any emails that were marked classified at the time'

August 11, 2015 – McCullough revises his statement to Congress, saying that two of the four emails in question should have been classified 'top secret' – but were not marked that way – and contained information from signal intercepts and keyhole satellite data; he adds that the other two emails are still being evaluated

August 11, 2015 – The FBI takes possession of Clinton's server hardware and three thumb drives in her lawyer's possession, which are said to contain copies of everything she turned over to the State Department

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a014c No.55475

File: 6f36b96f61a0e05⋯.png (24.28 KB,384x453,128:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 9665f354484ed8e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1163x726,1163:726,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c2c7fc8756f52f⋯.png (879.41 KB,1582x692,791:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a3743befbc260f⋯.png (861.65 KB,1599x906,533:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 99a7a788dfee51c⋯.png (1.24 MB,1555x4566,1555:4566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871274 (191400ZMAY23) Notable: Iridium-9 & OneWeb 19 Falcon 9 Block 5

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Iridium OneWeb

"ONE WEB to Rule Them ALL." >>>/qresearch/18871156

~ SpiderWEB.


>Q Clock "Today" [ Minute: 09 | :25/:55 Mirror: 41 | 180 Mirror: 39 | :35/:05 Mirror: 01 ]

Total Q Drops: 12

441 (9) (9)

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/23/2017, 1:49:14 AM ID: 78f9ff

8chan/cbts: 154535

<Q Clock [ Min: 16 | :25/:55 Mir: 34 | 180 Mir: 46 | :35/:05 Mir: 54 ]

Delta to Reply: 00:3:57 (seconds total: 237) (12) (3)

Anonymous null 12/23/2017, 1:45:17 AM ID:b04d48




Future news will unlock more of the message.

Missing [i] confirmed. { eYe and/or _i_ 'in the sk_ ? control n harvest the A_i_Rwaves ? }


ARRRRGH ShipMates:


Industry-leading provider of satellite tracking and communication solutions for aviation, land mobile, and marine industries.

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Cyber-SHIP Lab is a unique, hardware-based maritime cyber security research and development platform.



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Iridium GMDSS enhances your safety at sea, offering reliable coverage where no other options exist.

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The inaugural Iridium Connected GMDSS terminal from Lars Thrane supplies all three (3) satellite GMDSS

services at about 25 percent of the cost of the current equipment requirements.



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0a014c No.55476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871275 (191400ZMAY23) Notable: 2015 Hillary's emails contained secret CIA intelligence and satellite info -- as panic hits Democrats and campaign issues 4,000-word explanation of why she's innocent

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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 35a7f2 No.2771818 📁

Aug 28 2018 17:05:08 (EST)


Trending Non-MSM…

China hacked HRC server?


Access was granted.

You have more than you know.


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0a014c No.55477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871347 (191426ZMAY23) Notable: Decoded Kryptos

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0a014c No.55478

File: 45551cd23b634b3⋯.png (23.11 KB,624x496,39:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871348 (191426ZMAY23) Notable: Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action with former employee of Ally Bank

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Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action with former employee of Ally Bank


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0a014c No.55479

File: 2137fc0b2337994⋯.mp4 (590.43 KB,652x370,326:185,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871378 (191433ZMAY23) Notable: A Florida teacher riled up parents after she says that parents give up their rights when they send their kids to public schools.

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Expert blasts Fla. teacher for response after backlash for showing Disney movie to class

WASHINGTON (TND) — A Florida teacher riled up parents after she says that parents give up their rights when they send their kids to public schools.

Director of the Leadership Institute's school board programs Bridget Ziegler joined The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat Friday to discuss the issue.

“What I do know from the issue is that there was a video shown and that parents were unhappy and unhappy with some of the content, but really the conversation really is about the response this teacher made the way you just filmed that the parents’ rights are relinquished when they drop their child off at public education at a public school. That is not correct,” she said. “In order for parents to be for it for schools to be successful for academic excellence, they need to partner with parents so that they that child can thrive and there needs to be transparency. That is all that parents are fighting for.”

First-year teacher Jenna Barbee played the animated movie “Strange World” for her class which raised concerns for parents in Hernando County’s Winding Waters school.

Comment bubble




“As we see across the country, there are more and more incidences where there are intentional barriers being put up between a parent and their minor child when it comes to the public education institution and that is a big problem.” https://news4sanantonio.com/news/nation-world/expert-blasts-fla-teacher-for-response-after-backlash-for-showing-disney-movie-to-class-gay-character-in-film-strange-world-jenna-barbee-parents-give-up-rights-when-they-send-their-kids-to-public-schools-investigation-education

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0a014c No.55480

File: 0122d8d3cf256fc⋯.png (946.12 KB,1024x688,64:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871384 (191434ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Curly Spiral Galaxy M63

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 19, 2023

Curly Spiral Galaxy M63

A bright spiral galaxy of the northern sky, Messier 63 is nearby, about 30 million light-years distant toward the loyal constellation Canes Venatici. Also cataloged as NGC 5055, the majestic island universe is nearly 100,000 light-years across, about the size of our own Milky Way. Its bright core and majestic spiral arms lend the galaxy its popular name, The Sunflower Galaxy. This exceptionally deep exposure also follows faint, arcing star streams far into the galaxy's halo. Extending nearly 180,000 light-years from the galactic center, the star streams are likely remnants of tidally disrupted satellites of M63. Other satellite galaxies of M63 can be spotted in the remarkable wide-field image, including faint dwarf galaxies, which could contribute to M63's star streams in the next few billion years.


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0a014c No.55481

File: 385e7a9849f83d4⋯.png (27.92 KB,1430x705,286:141,Clipboard.png)

File: fce4b4eee0103fc⋯.png (21.45 KB,1421x439,1421:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 0120454604ee912⋯.png (590.15 KB,640x512,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871387 (191435ZMAY23) Notable: Decoded Kryptos

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why does KRYPTOS allude toQ?

CIA November 3, 1990

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0a014c No.55482

File: 9b18039b9d91b7f⋯.png (152.1 KB,510x1414,255:707,Clipboard.png)

File: e86acc03046c84d⋯.jpg (49.16 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b3bb26a5d8045e⋯.png (476.86 KB,576x591,192:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b582a72704908⋯.png (543.06 KB,925x541,925:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b8881b53d708db⋯.jpg (265.36 KB,1080x1068,90:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871393 (191436ZMAY23) Notable: "Oppose Bill S-233"–CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians!!!

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"Oppose Bill S-233"&ndash;CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians

full cap:

The Canadian Uprising

Forwarded from YAG


"Oppose Bill S-233"&ndash;CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians!!!

Senate is about to pass the 3rd reading of this bill which will ban payments of CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians!!!

Share this widely, of course, but we need to figure out other things to do to stop this.

Bill S-233 is currently waiting for third reading in the SENATE, if passed it will be made law

which means if you are not vaccinated you will not receive EI, CPP, OHS, Social Services or Pension that YOU PAID INTO.

This is part of the New Social Bank Credit System.

Also c-273 is aimed at SENIORS who are not vaccinated, even if they can't for any reason,

they will not receive any benefits that they worked all their lives for.

Copy and paste all the Senate emails plus add your local MP and send one broadcast email.

The government is trying to sneak this in while folks are distracted with the Ukraine situation.

People need to immediately write their local Federal MP and all the senate members a broadcast email

Subject line: "Oppose Bill S-233" as it violates a ~democratic~ society.

'''Do you have an anonymous email account? anons do what do is due, meme warfare:

Here is the list of all the Senate email addresses:

MargaretDawn.Anderson@sen.parl.gc.ca, David.Arnot@sen.parl.gc.ca,

salma.ataullahjan@sen.parl.gc.ca, Michele.Audette@sen.parl.gc.ca,

denise.batters@sen.parl.gc.ca, diane.bellemare@sen.parl.gc.ca,

WandaThomas.Bernard@sen.parl.gc.ca, robert.black@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Peter.Boehm@sen.parl.gc.ca, pierre-hugues.boisvenu@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Gwen.Boniface@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patricia.Bovey@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Yvonne.Boyer@sen.parl.gc.ca, Patrick.Brazeau@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Bev.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, larry.campbell@sen.parl.gc.ca,

claude.carignan@sen.parl.gc.ca, daniel.christmas@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Bernadette.Clement@sen.parl.gc.ca, jane.cordy@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Rene.Cormier@sen.parl.gc.ca, Brent.Cotter@sen.parl.gc.ca,

Mary.Coyle@sen.parl.gc.ca, jean-guy.dagenais@sen.parl.gc.ca,

PierreJ.Dalphond@sen.parl.gc.ca, Donna.Dasko@sen.parl.gc.ca,

dennis.dawson@sen.parl.gc.ca, colin.deacon@sen.parl.gc.ca



May 17 at 18:24

"Its not about 'GubberMint$ Corruption'"

It's about making sure you don't find out about Their Corruption$.'

{ the gubbermeint has already pilfered the taxes, treasury, investments, and pensions to live lavishly

{ screw the lower peasants, scare the middle class to 'work harder to achieve' perhaps a gubbermeint job w/Benefits

{ ^=~ they just will distract and hide this from (you)(s)

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0a014c No.55483

File: d6e3b4a03b672c4⋯.png (343.03 KB,528x479,528:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871394 (191436ZMAY23) Notable: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Take a bit of time to think about the factors contributing to your mental health & anyone in your life who may need support.

For more resources, visit: http://health.mil/phrc or http://mentalhealth.va.gov


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0a014c No.55484

File: 3ffea3373ba5da1⋯.png (342.67 KB,947x427,947:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dcf797225102e4⋯.png (314.42 KB,581x393,581:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18871401 (191438ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe/Med activity

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PlaneFag Europe/Med activity

Russian AF RSD135 Tupolev T204 Special Flight Detachment arrived at Vladikavkaz from a Moscow-Chkalovsky AB depart

Rzsesow Airport departs/arrivals

RAF RRR2419 A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) departed Rzsesow with Dutch AF MMF64 A330 MRTT just left as HKY634 C-130 Hercules arrived from a Ramstein AFB depart (sorry that one dropped off scope before catching it but he just arrived)

Swedish AF SVF670 G4 back to Stockholm from RAF Farnborough

Hungarian AF HUAF579 Falcon 7x dropped at Budapest and then to Kecskemet AB-inbounf from Almaty Kazakhstan overnight-the Hungarians are set up to process Urals crude via MOL and have spent billions building up that infrastructure so any price movements for anyone else that processes it affects them as well

Premium for Kazakhstan's KEBCO oil to Urals fell by 38% in May/April


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0a014c No.55485

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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