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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,canada.png)

93e00e No.42372 [View All]

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

139 posts and 155 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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93e00e No.43776

File: 6c9ea801ef68480⋯.png (315.48 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a34de0a53ca893⋯.png (139.57 KB,541x746,541:746,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835805 (121630ZMAY23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson Attacks Legacy Media ‘Scumrats’ for ‘Lying’ About Slavery

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Jordan Peterson Attacks Legacy Media ‘Scumrats’ for ‘Lying’ About Slavery


Canadian academic Jordan Peterson has lashed out at “scumrats” within the legacy media for “lying” about slavery.

The psychologist has taken issue with a report on slavery published in the UK media on Wednesday, calling those responsible for the article “scumrats” who were “lying” about the UK’s role in slavery.

Published in The Guardian, the article called on newly-crowned King Charles III to focus more on the role of both the monarch and the United Kingdom in slavery and other so-called “legacies of racism”.

Peterson however has taken serious issue with such a characterisation, with the Canadian seemingly being particularly upset that the role the UK’s Royal Navy played in ending the international slave trade worldwide was ommitted entirely. “You absolute scumrats,” Peterson wrote online. “You are literally standing the truth on its head.” Continue…

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93e00e No.43777

File: 7d0f76bd44b5159⋯.png (376.83 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835849 (121637ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Children’s charity teams up with Ontario Pride group to promote two weeks of Drag Queen Storytime

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Children’s charity teams up with Ontario Pride group to promote two weeks of Drag Queen Storytime


The Durham Children’s Aid Society has teamed up with Durham Youth Pride to promote Drag Queen Storytime events at libraries across the region for a period of two weeks in May and June.

According to a statement on the Youth Pride Facebook page, public libraries in the Durham region have been partnering with the Children’s Aid Society and Youth Pride for the past five years to bring the “family-friendly community event” to local families. Continue…

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93e00e No.43778

File: d4ca4fc2069f99f⋯.png (418.28 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fb8243e53e93e8e⋯.png (278.52 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

File: e7f67da4d9ecb40⋯.png (442.88 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835881 (121643ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans-identified male author who said a woman is 'an open mouth, an expectant a**hole' wins Pulitzer Prize

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Trans-identified male author who said a woman is 'an open mouth, an expectant a**hole' wins Pulitzer Prize


A trans-identified male who once described “femaleness” as “an open mouth [and] an expectant a**hole” has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize in the category of Criticism.

Andrea Long Chu, critic for New York Magazine, has been recognized for five essays, including a review of Ottessa Moshfegh’s works, which at first glance bring to mind the writing of the Marquis de Sade. “The author has been hailed as a high priestess of filth. Really, she wants to purify her readers,” writes Long Chu, of Moshfegh’s writing. Continue…

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93e00e No.43779

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18836049 (121713ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Plandemic 3 and Beyond -Mikki Willis, Filmmaker (video)

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[INTERVIEW] Plandemic 3 and Beyond -Mikki Willis, Filmmaker


Mikki Willis gives a sneak peak into his highly anticipated Plandemic 3, premiering June 3 (www.plandemicseries.com), and insights into the mindset that allowed globalist interests to perpetrate the plandemic and how we can right the course of humanity.

Thanks to dedicated independent journalist, Aga Wilson, for collaborating on this interview.

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93e00e No.43780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18836175 (121742ZMAY23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Campaign Life Coalition forced to remove imagery boards at annual March for Life in Ottawa press conference (video)

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Campaign Life Coalition forced to remove imagery boards at annual March for Life in Ottawa press conference


On the same day of the press conference, Justin Trudeau tweeted: 'We’re pro-choice. And that means we’ll always stand up for your right to choose – and stand up to Conservative politicians who want to take us backwards.'

On May 10, Campaign Life Coalition hosted a press conference to speak about the National March for Life taking place on May 11, in Ottawa, and to highlight how pro-life Canadians are standing firm on issues like life being created at the moment of conception. Their press conference covered the main battles that pro-life advocates have faced in Canada over the past year. Continue…

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93e00e No.43781

File: 80c529997a8fae9⋯.png (2.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c1c397989ca9b⋯.png (381.34 KB,607x743,607:743,Clipboard.png)

File: a497cf538faf784⋯.png (352.93 KB,604x764,151:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18836956 (122040ZMAY23) Notable: Final China Bun / Canada Pension Plan board lauds China as 'good investment'

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Canada Pension Plan board lauds China as 'good investment'


According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the CPP Investment Board has invested $539 billion globally — China accounts for 10% of those investments.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Board called China a “good investment” despite ongoing allegations of foreign interference, an intimidation campaign against a member of Parliament, and many human rights atrocities.

“We are exceedingly cautious,” testified Michel Leduc, senior managing director with the Board, at a Commons special committee on Canada-China relations.

Though Chinese companies paid attractive dividends and bolstered Canadian access to the “world’s largest and fastest-growing economies,” he acknowledged the importance of human rights compliance when investing in companies. Continue…

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93e00e No.43782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18837063 (122103ZMAY23) Notable: Final China Bun / Canadian Senator defends organizations allegedly harboring Chinese police stations: 'There is no need to stigmatize' (video)

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Canadian Senator defends organizations allegedly harboring Chinese police stations: 'There is no need to stigmatize'


A document published in 2022 by the Spain-based human rights group Safeguard Defenders showed that more than 50 Chinese police stations exist worldwide, and thereafter the RCMP launched an investigation into three Chinese police stations in the Greater Toronto Area.

On May 5, Senator Yuen Pau Woo came to Montreal to hold a press conference to show his support for the Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal and Centre Sino-Québec, two organizations allegedly harboring Chinese state-backed police stations.

Right at the beginning, Mr. Woo talked about the allegations against the two organizations:

“It is extremely important that these allegations are supported by evidence, that the allegations do not go any further than are absolutely necessary for investigative purposes, that the allegations are made known to the individuals and organizations involved, and that every effort is made to avoid the collateral damage that comes with allegations that may prove to be false.” Continue…

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93e00e No.43783

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18838372 (130121ZMAY23) Notable: Press for Truth: Bilderberg 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal (video)

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The annual Bilderberg conference is set to take place this year in Lisbon Portugal and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth will be there to provide extensive coverage, documenting attendees to look for discrepancies on the list, questioning them about their nefarious agendas and also breaking down what the agenda topics will potentially mean for society.

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93e00e No.43784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18839150 (130451ZMAY23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Josh Alexander harassed by police while trying to enter Parliament Hill at Canadian March for Life

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Josh Alexander harassed by police while trying to enter Parliament Hill at Canadian March for Life


Footage from Thursday's March for Life shows police attempting to bar the Catholic high school student from joining the rally.

Pro-life and pro-family Catholic high school student Josh Alexander was recently hassled by police at the National March for Life while trying to join the rally on Parliament Hill.

In video footage released Thursday, Alexander — who was infamously suspended from his Catholic high school and arrested after refusing to compromise on the reality of biological sex — can be seen trying to enter Parliament Hill in downtown Ottawa to join fellow pro-lifers at the annual march, when he is temporarily held up by officers of the Parliamentary Protective Service. Continue…

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93e00e No.43785

File: 3dbea87b3a9e68d⋯.png (480.51 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840282 (131407ZMAY23) Notable: Final China Bun / Former CSIS chief says Chinese election interference “close to treason”

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Former CSIS chief says Chinese election interference “close to treason”


A former senior intelligence official has called for jail time for those involved in Chinese interference in Canadian elections and democracy, saying their actions amount to treason.

Yesterday, the former chief of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) with the Asia-Pacific desk, Michel Juneau-Katsuya, testified before the House of Commons house affairs committee that the allegations detail actions that are “close to treason.”

“(There needs to be) jail time because we’re close to treason here, literally. So I say jail time now, the size of the jail time would be judged by jurisprudence and by our system but definitely jail time,” said Juneau-Katsuya. Continue…

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93e00e No.43786

File: 6e4ce62aa7f753d⋯.png (965.05 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840318 (131412ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / The capture of Canadian drug regulation by pharmaceutical lobbyists

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The capture of Canadian drug regulation by pharmaceutical lobbyists


Political influence of drug regulators suspected as resignations plague agency accusing Health Minister Duclos of prioritizing pharma interests over the well-being of Canadians. Continue…

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93e00e No.43787

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840477 (131447ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Eye-opening doc shines a light on BC's lingering COVID mandates for health workers (video)

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Eye-opening doc shines a light on BC's lingering COVID mandates for health workers


The film, which was produced by two prominent activists in Vancouver’s freedom movement, is a collaborative effort with the Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in medicine that sheds light on the damage the province's ongoing vaccine mandates imposed on health-care workers has caused citizens. Continue…

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93e00e No.43788

File: 5a70cc1426e5be1⋯.png (393.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840704 (131547ZMAY23) Notable: New regulations force biggest crypto exchange out of Canada

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New regulations force biggest crypto exchange out of Canada


Binance is exiting the country, citing new rules governing stablecoins and investor limits

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume, announced in a tweet on Friday its intention to cease operations in Canada. The exchange cited as the reason a new set of regulations governing the crypto industry in Canada, which complicates its operations in the country.

“Today we are announcing that Binance will be joining other prominent crypto businesses in proactively withdrawing from the Canadian marketplace… We had high hopes for the rest of the Canadian blockchain industry. Unfortunately, new guidance related to stablecoins and investor limits provided to crypto exchanges makes the Canada market no longer tenable for Binance at this time,” Binance tweeted.

The exchange noted that it had been putting off the decision to quit Canada for some time, due to its “sentimental value” as the home country of Binance founder, Changpeng Zhao. However, it stated that the new guidance has left Binance without “reasonable avenues to protect our Canadian users.” Continue…

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93e00e No.43789

File: ad117b31cfb35eb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840751 (131602ZMAY23) Notable: Canadian dog park bans BARKING

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NOT A REAL COUNTRY: Canadian dog park bans BARKING


The sign states that "it is forbidden to let your dog bark"

A sign posted in a dog park in Montreal, Canada, outlawing barking has sparked controversy and ridicule.

The sign forbids dogs from barking while in the park. This illogical and unreasonable demand has unleashed a wave of fury from pet owners who frequent the park.

Culprits whose dogs disobey the sign could be fined between $500 and $2,000. The sign states that "it is forbidden to let your dog bark, whine, or howl." Continue…

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93e00e No.43790

File: 6491f673b3ac425⋯.png (784.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 460738f6c77ee06⋯.png (117.12 KB,1121x320,1121:320,Clipboard.png)

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File: 79912eaec4af4a3⋯.png (862.56 KB,590x834,295:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18840852 (131630ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Secrets of Manufactured Consent

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Secrets of Manufactured Consent


Danger: Arch criminals Gates and Tedros buying influence in African health

Thanks to Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. The last few weeks have seen WHO director-general Tedros and vaccine profiteer Bill Gates surface prominently in South Africa, where a controversial mRNA production hub was recently launched. While Tedros received a controversial honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria, Gates is reportedly funding a secretive maternal and newborn conference to the volume of at least $9 million.

The conference, which launches 8 May 2023, is described on its website: “For the first time in more than eight years, the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) 2023 will bring together the maternal newborn health communities in Cape Town, South Africa. More than 1,500 stakeholders from around the world will come together to accelerate solutions to improve maternal and newborn survival and prevent stillbirths as we strive to achieve the ambitious targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.” Interestingly, this mega-conference is not listed on the CTICC website.

A whistle-blower alerted CHD Africa executive director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed about the conference. She shared “They called it the maternity event, they are keeping it quite, they are not advertising it. Last week, WHO people were there, and Tedros received honours from Tuks university. Doctors from America, Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand etc are attending this conference, it’s more than 10 000 doctors, I’m really scared for the future and mRNA vaccines for babies.”

This well referenced article from the Africa Chapter of Children’s Health Defense is well worth the read: Manufactured Consent – https://childrenshealthdefense.co.za/home-page/manufactured-consent-gates-and-tedros-buy-influence-in-african-health/

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93e00e No.43791

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845394 (141529ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Brave Miss Universe Philippines Contestant Wows Crowd After Answering Question About Trans Men in Female Sports (video)

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Brave Miss Universe Philippines Contestant Wows Crowd After Answering Question About Trans Men in Female Sports (VIDEO)


MANILA, PHILIPPINES – A brave Ms. Universe Philippines contestant wowed the crowd with her bold answer after being asked a tough question about transgender athletes.

On Saturday night, Miss Universe Philippines 2023 chose from its 38 candidates the next woman to represent the country at this year’s Miss Universe competition in El Salvador.

R’Bonney Gabriel of the United States, the reigning Miss Universe, and Chakrapong “Anne” Chakrajutathib, the new owner of the Miss Universe Organization – a biological man – were both in attendance. Continue…

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93e00e No.43792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845447 (141552ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & Byram Bridle - press conference after the International Covid Summit III (video)

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MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & Byram Bridle - press conference after the International Covid Summit III


Four members of the European Parliament as well as prestigious doctors gave a short highlights summary in a press conference, on May 4, 2023, of the 3rd International Covid Summit which was held in the European Parliament the previous day.

00:00 – MEP Cristian Terhes

00:40 – Dr. Robert Malone

06:43 – MEP Christine Anderson

07:56 – MEP Ivan Sincic

08:56 – MEP Cristian Terhes

09:35 – MEP Mislav Kolakušić

11:04 – MEP Cristian Terhes

12:50 – Q&A

16:03 – MP George Simion (Romania)

17:00 – Q&A

18:19 – MEP Christine Anderson

20:00 – Dr. Byram Bridle

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93e00e No.43793

File: 436e644e52a0a9e⋯.png (398.56 KB,1078x808,539:404,Clipboard.png)

File: bd169fd0d9f4730⋯.png (2.03 MB,1456x1240,182:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ee752cb9eae0d9⋯.png (476.27 KB,796x629,796:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845467 (141558ZMAY23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Pilot Died - United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home on May 9, 2023

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Pilot Died - United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home on May 9, 2023


Reno, NV - Col. Michael Fugett, commander of the Nevada Air Guard’s 152nd Operations Group, died on May 9, 2023 (click here)

3 recent Pilot deaths:

Pilot death - April 13, 2023 - Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

Pilot death - March 17, 2023 - 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary

Pilot death - March 11, 2023 - British Airways pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

10 other recent Pilot incapacitations in-flight: Continue…

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93e00e No.43794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845623 (141639ZMAY23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Toronto’s ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Cafe Closing Down After Just a Year in Business (video)

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Toronto’s ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Cafe Closing Down After Just a Year in Business


In a “nobody saw that coming” moment, a Toronto cafe that describes itself as an “anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop and radical community space on stolen land,” announced that it would be shutting down permanently by the end of the month.

To counter the idea that the business was itself a capitalist enterprise, the cafe introduced a “pay what you can” coffee, which the owner said cost the business money, but was supposedly subsidised by more expensive drinks on the menu.

Yet, this was seemingly not enough to keep the coffee shop afloat, with owner Gabriel Sims-Fewer writing this week: “Unfortunately, the lack of generational wealth/seed capital from ethically bankrupt sources left me unable to weather the quiet winter season, or to grow in the ways needed to be sustainable longer-term.” Continue…

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93e00e No.43795

File: 265b110707fa0b8⋯.png (546.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b6303ff429c9053⋯.png (250.89 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dfde73055ba14e⋯.png (270.69 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845642 (141645ZMAY23) Notable: Final China Bun / Who is behind Canada’s state-level Sinophobia?

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Who is behind Canada’s state-level Sinophobia?


Ottawa has kicked out a diplomat for ‘foreign interference,’ but its constant spats with Beijing are themselves instigated from abroad

On Tuesday, China and Canada engaged in a tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats. The row was triggered by allegations that Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei had “interfered” in Canadian politics, apparently targeting anti-China Conservative MP Michael Chong.

The claims created a media firestorm in Ottawa after the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS) reportedly accused “an accredited Chinese diplomat” of targeting Chong. Justin Trudeau’s government, under political pressure from the opposition, subsequently decided to act.

This row isn’t the first to derail relations between China and Canada. It’s one of many, including Ottawa’s decision to arrest Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018, China’s retaliatory arrest of Canadian nationals Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, Ottawa’s sporadic allegations of Chinese interference, and then Xi Jinping’s harsh rebuke of Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit last November. It’s fair to say that relations between the two countries are in a state of freefall. But the question might be asked, who is the real culprit here? Or more to the point, who governs Canada? Continue…

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93e00e No.43796

File: a7300a94d5b0527⋯.png (350.06 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845661 (141649ZMAY23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Canadian judges use race as a reason to reduce criminal sentences—though a defendant claims he used it to exploit the system

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Canadian judges use race as a reason to reduce criminal sentences—though a defendant claims he used it to exploit the system


Race-based ideology is increasingly contaminating Canada's justice system. It's racism in a new form, where being non-white can actually help you justify the commission of a crime and reduce consequence sentencing.

According to an article from Rupa Subramanya of The Free Press, Canadian judges are using race as a mitigating factor in assessing and punishing crimes.

All an accused has to do is submit an Impact of Race and Culture Assessment, or IRCA – a pre-sentencing document available to "Black and racialized Canadians" who can then attempt to prove how system racism was a reason they broke the law. Continue…

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93e00e No.43797

File: 398238d1643eadc⋯.png (442.53 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845684 (141655ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / MIA ASHTON: Defending women, children and the LGB community from the harm of gender ideology is not hate

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MIA ASHTON: Defending women, children and the LGB community from the harm of gender ideology is not hate


In a recent op-ed in the Toronto Star, Fae Johnstone, a prominent Canadian trans activist, warned Canadians that we are witnessing "a staggering rise in anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate." The examples Johnstone gives are "efforts to roll back inclusion in our schools," and drag events being targeted by protests, as well as his own personal experiences online.

Johnstone, a trans-identified male who was one of the faces of Hershey Canada’s International Women’s Day campaign, says he has personally felt the impact of "rising anti-2SLGBTQIA+ rhetoric" after experiencing backlash on social media for taking a woman’s spot on a day intended to celebrate women.

Anyone speaking about controversial issues online can attest to the fact that vile abuse sadly comes with the territory. Any woman who has the audacity to say that there’s no such thing as a woman with a penis is likely to face a torrent of death threats from trans activists. Such abuse should be condemned, no matter at whom it is directed. Continue…

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93e00e No.43798

File: 43055465d2078cc⋯.png (265.53 KB,1024x570,512:285,Clipboard.png)

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File: 98aa846300a2e52⋯.png (458.88 KB,1024x707,1024:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845696 (141658ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Mothers’ Day Gift: Honest Healthcare For Canadian (video)

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Mothers’ Day Gift: Honest Healthcare For Canadian


A Special Announcement from Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Dr William Makis, Dr Julie Ponesse, and Dr Mark Trozzi; the Wellness Company Canada launches today!

On March 16th, 2023 we presented the emergence of The Wellness Company in the USA. The post was titled: New Health Care for Smart Patients and Good Doctors – Doctors Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, Richard Amerling, Heather Gessling and others join Canadian visionary Foster Colson in building a legitimate new health care system

Many of you wrote asking “when or if The Wellness Company could come to Canada?”

Bringing legitimate health care into Canada now, is as challenging as it once was to smuggle bibles into the Soviet Union. Despite that, myself and other covid truth leaders, have been in meetings for months with The Wellness Company. Today, I am pleased to announce the launch of The Wellness Company Canada.

TWC Canada’s Chief Medical and Scientific Board is composed of a short list of people whom you’ve rightly come to trust over the past three years. We are Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Dr Julie Ponesse, Dr William Makis, and myself Dr Mark Trozzi. Continue…

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93e00e No.43799

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18845706 (141659ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Mothers’ Day Gift: Honest Healthcare For Canadian (video)

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Mother's Day Message from The Wellness Company Canada


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93e00e No.43800

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846261 (141902ZMAY23) Notable: Final Christine Anderson EU MEP Bun / Forwarded by Gordon. MEP Christine Anderson

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Toronto Mayoral candidate Chris Saccoccia is assaulted with a weapon by police after being invited by HUNDREDS of supporters to an event! Look at that crowd! The power of the people!!

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93e00e No.43801

File: d6be50e3a6a652c⋯.png (528.28 KB,680x486,340:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847854 (150043ZMAY23) Notable: Final Christine Anderson EU MEP Bun / Forwarded by Gordon. MEP Christine Anderson

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Here you go.



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93e00e No.43802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18850791 (151543ZMAY23) Notable: Final Prairie Provinces Bun / The Alberta Roundup | Smith fights fires while Notley goes negative (video)

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The Alberta Roundup | Smith fights fires while Notley goes negative


With week two of the 2023 Alberta provincial election campaign coming to a close, Rachel Emmanuel is joined by Canadian Taxpayers Federation Alberta Director Kris Sims, Crestview Strategies Senior Campaign Strategist Evan Menzies, and UCP Senior Campaign Advisor Erika Barootes to discuss the top campaign moments of the week.

UCP leader Danielle Smith was noticeably absent this week to respond to the wildfires in the province’s north, while Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley used the crisis to launch partisan attacks at her opponent. Continue…

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93e00e No.43803

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18850837 (151555ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Library story time for children now features plump bearded men wearing dresses

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Library story time for children now features plump bearded men wearing dresses


Two bearded men wearing drag are going to be featured at the Wasaga Beach Public Library reading stories to children.

Story time at the Wasaga Beach Public Library will feature two plump, bearded men wearing wigs, grotesque makeup, and dresses, in a display of what was once customarily reserved for adult entertainment. Continue…

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93e00e No.43804

File: 0775d1ff22ae378⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18850964 (151626ZMAY23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Waterloo Catholic trustee calls Christian males “threats,” concerned parents speak out (video)

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Anti-Christian school board trustee Wendy Ashby resigns


Despite receiving protection from the Waterloo Region District School Board, Ashby has now tendered her resignation. Continue…

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93e00e No.43805

File: 472db6fd834cbed⋯.png (39.1 KB,480x300,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18851073 (151650ZMAY23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Is this the End of Press Freedom in Canada? • Ottawa requiring all information posted online to be government-approved should be concerning to all citizens

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Is this the End of Press Freedom in Canada? • Ottawa requiring all information posted online to be government-approved should be concerning to all citizens


Canada remarkably blipped up slightly in this year’s press freedom rankings released by Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) last week to celebrate World Press Freedom Day. We still languish in RSF’s yellow “Satisfactory” category with a score of 83.53, however, while the green “Good” category starts at 85/100. That puts us 15th in the world, behind such nations as Lithuania, Estonia and East Timor, but at least we’re doing better than the UK (26) and the US (45). The rankings as usual were dominated by the Scandinavian nations, with Norway again taking top spot with a score of 95.18, far surpassing second-place Ireland, which has shot up in recent years to 89.91. Continue…

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93e00e No.43806

File: 2c5a5a78cd8d1ed⋯.png (924.17 KB,994x1408,497:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a3a3722710471a⋯.png (819.82 KB,1048x1408,131:176,Clipboard.png)

File: d150c0fc73ae266⋯.png (1.06 MB,994x1408,497:704,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c4b00262346f8e⋯.png (981.05 KB,1200x987,400:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18851224 (151723ZMAY23) Notable: Final Prairie Provinces Bun / Alberta NDP candidate called for communist revolution

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EXCLUSIVE: Alberta NDP candidate called for communist revolution


Alberta NDP candidate Gurinder Brar (Calgary-North East) shared posts on Facebook supporting communist leaders.

"It’s unsurprising to see that so many NDP candidates openly support communist dictators and call for violent revolution,” said Alberta United Conservative Party candidate Jason Nixon (Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre) in a Saturday statement.

“Many people across Alberta escaped communism and cherish the freedoms we have in this province.”

Brar shared a since-deleted Facebook post honouring former Chinese president Mao Zedong in 2016.

“Those who say armed war is not the solution, read carefully,” he said.

The post had a photo of Mao and a quote of him saying as far as people’s desires are concerned, they do not want to fight for one day.

“However, if circumstances force us to fight, we can fight to the finish,” he said. Continue…

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93e00e No.43807

File: 67c6fc6ba25814d⋯.png (418.71 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18851309 (151741ZMAY23) Notable: MASSACRE OF CANADIAN COPS: Police 'scared to go to work right now'

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MASSACRE OF CANADIAN COPS: Police 'scared to go to work right now'


Since September 2022, nine Canadian police officers have been murdered, changing a trend that had seen only an average of two Canadian cops killed per year dating back to 1990.

President of the Ottawa Police Association Matthew Cox said to the Epoch Times, "It's as if there is an actual attack on the policing community. We have never seen this before in Canada."

Canada has seen an increase in violent crime since 2020 and Cox said many police are scared to go to work right now, according to the Epoch Times.

Cox added, "I think that the government needs to get itself involved and start toughening up on the crime bills."

According to the National Post, the acting deputy chief of Edmonton Police Service’s community policing bureau, "Tragic, senseless deaths like these set off a wide range of emotions for all of us. We are all human. So many things go through a police officer's mind when the unthinkable happens."

On May 11, 39-year-old Sgt. Eric Mueller out of Ontario was killed during a house call in Bourget, Ontario. He and three other officers were ambushed and shot at by the suspect, who was charged with first-degree murder for Mueller's death. Two other officers were shot and sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

On March 27, 42-year-old Sgt. Maureen Breau out of Quebec, a mother of two, was stabbed to death in Louiseville, Quebec during an arrest. She was four days out from a new role as investigator.

On March 16, 30-year-old Brett Ryan and 35-year-old Travis Jordan, two Edmonton officers, were gunned down by a 16-year-old male who later shot and killed himself.

On December 27, 28-year-old Grzegorz Pierzchala, an Ontario provincial officer, was shot while responding to a call over a vehicle being stuck in a ditch. Two were arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

In Burnaby, BC, 31-year-old Constable Shaelyn Yang was serving an eviction notice to a vagrant living in a tent in a park when she was stabbed to death.

On October 11, Morgan Russell, 54, and Devon Northrup, 33, were gunned down during a disturbance call at a Innisfil, Ontario home.

On September 12, 48-year-old Constable Andrew Hong was ambushed and gunned down while getting coffee at a Mississauga, Ontario Tim Hortons.

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93e00e No.43808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18851326 (151745ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / International Covid Summit 3, Brussels (video)

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International Covid Summit 3 Presentations -EU Parliament, Brussels


Leading international experts share scientific, academic and legal data on the catastrophic harms caused by global Covid mandates and mRNA “vaccine” campaigns at International Covid Summit 3. European Union MEPs Cristian Terhes (Romania), Ivan Sincic (Croatia), Francesca Donato (Italy), Mislav Kolakusic (Croatia) and Christine Anderson (Germany) hosted the historic event.

The presentations are divided into 2 video sessions below. Continue…

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93e00e No.43809

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18851409 (151809ZMAY23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / “King” Charles Threatens Military Style Climate Campaign

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“King” Charles Threatens Military Style Climate Campaign


These predators are clearly planning something awful

With Jimmy Savile’s friend Charlie now crowned as “king of England” and threatening a “military style campaign” to fight carbon-dioxide (without commenting on his own collection of castles, private jets, limousine entourages, and decadent carbon-spewing, self-aggrandizing, tax-payer-funded events); we should be very concerned as to what these global predators are planning next, and find a way to stop them for good.

Here's Charlie calling for a "military style campaign" to stop climate change: Continue…

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93e00e No.43810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18853041 (152330ZMAY23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau is LOSING in Toronto! (video)

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Ratio’d | Justin Trudeau is LOSING in Toronto!


Recent polling data is absolutely devastating for Justin Trudeau. For the first time since becoming prime minister, Toronto, the safest region for the Liberals is now electorally in play. A major loss for Trudeau in Toronto would mean the end of Trudeau’s government. The other key voting block that Trudeau used to always be able to rely on was female voters. But just like the city of Toronto, women voters in Canada seem to be turning their back on the once-beloved prime minister.

If polling from the legacy media won’t convince you, don’t worry. All you have to do to see how the people view Trudeau is to head down to your local Canadian Tire parking lot on a Saturday night. A new F*** Trudeau party might be planned at a Canadian Tire near you!

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93e00e No.43811

File: 52f3546faeadd66⋯.png (3.6 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a442588a07f589f⋯.png (721.33 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18853099 (152339ZMAY23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / World Economic Forum pushing 'Urban Mobility Scorecard' for 'sustainable, equitable, innovative' transit

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World Economic Forum pushing 'Urban Mobility Scorecard' for 'sustainable, equitable, innovative' transit


Three cities tested out the WEF's new scorecard, seemingly part of its agreement with the United Nations to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Economic Forum has partnered with three cities in a new program called the “Urban Mobility Scorecard”. The project aims to create cities where “mobility is sustainable, equitable and innovative.”

Pointing to statistics suggesting that transportation makes up around 45% of greenhouse gas emissions, the WEF says metro areas need to develop transit systems that “reduce emissions and improve air quality” and pushes for a “re-balancing of transport away from private car use.” Continue…

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93e00e No.43812

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857387 (161942ZMAY23) Notable: Press for Truth: Bilderberg 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal (video)

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The annual Bilderberg conference is about to start in Lisbon Portugal and PFT is already there to provide the extensive coverage that the MSM is not willing to do!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth scopes out the location and the inside of the hotel before it is sealed off and welcomes some of the world’s most powerful and influential people to have a secret closed door meeting to discus the fate of the world! Stay tuned!!

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93e00e No.43813

File: b0e6448ad926992⋯.png (2.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857743 (162039ZMAY23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Freeland paid speaker $250 for a moment of silence

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Freeland paid speaker $250 for a moment of silence


The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions approved a speaking fee to an Indigenous knowledge keeper for a virtual moment of silence in June 2021.

The moment of silence by Lyndon Linklater, whose professional speaker's biographer on the Office of the Treaty Commissioner's website lists him as a knowledge keeper and storyteller, was to commemorate the alleged discovery of what the media initially reported as 215 bodies of children in a mass grave at the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

The data on the speaker's fee to not speak was revealed as part of a broader government inquiry about paid speaking gigs.

No forensic excavations have been done at KIRS. Continue…

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93e00e No.43814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857790 (162047ZMAY23) Notable: Final China Bun

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Final China Bun

>>43512 Chinese Aircraft Carrier 'Seals Off' Taiwan, Sends 58 Planes To Buzz Island

>>43520, >>43521 Trudeau Foundation CEO and board resigns

>>43561 Why was Justin Trudeau’s brother the acceptor of a sizeable ‘donation’ from China? (video)

>>43650 Canadian House committee votes unanimously to investigate Trudeau Foundation funding

>>43680 Canadian PM’s brother to testify about Trudeau Foundation’s alleged links to Communist China

>>43682 Family of Conservative MP 'targeted' by Chinese diplomat as part of 'intimidation campaign'

>>43711 Justin Trudeau’s brother denies Chinese-linked donation to dad’s foundation amounts to ‘foreign interference’

>>43748 Polls indicate that Olivia Chow leads the pack in Toronto’s mayoralty race… but disturbing questions linger regarding her charity, Institute for Change Leaders (video)

>>43750 Olivia Chow accused of meeting with group allegedly linked to Chinese police stations

>>43781 Canada Pension Plan board lauds China as 'good investment'

>>43782 Canadian Senator defends organizations allegedly harboring Chinese police stations: 'There is no need to stigmatize' (video)

>>43785 Former CSIS chief says Chinese election interference “close to treason”

>>43795 Who is behind Canada’s state-level Sinophobia?

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93e00e No.43815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857792 (162047ZMAY23) Notable: Final Christine Anderson EU MEP Bun

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Final Christine Anderson EU MEP Bun

>>43688 Christine Anderson: “The interest of the EU, the WHO and Big Pharma in public health is as big as the interest of the arms industry in world peace - namely not at all!” (video)

>>43689 Christine Anderson: If You Want to Know How 1930s Germany Happened, Just Look at the Past 3 Years (video)

>>43759 Do NOT trust your government: A Wake-Up Call from EU MEP Christine Anderson (video)

>>43761 MEP Christine Anderson Reveals Where She Gets Her Courage From (video)

>>43800, >>43801 Forwarded by Gordon. MEP Christine Anderson

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93e00e No.43816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857796 (162047ZMAY23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>43511 A lousy budget and a carbon tax hike, all in one week (video)

>>43534 Ford to Convert Ontario Plant Into Electric Vehicle Complex

>>43576, >>43577 Dr. Theresa Tam lists climate change and capitalism as drivers of negative health

>>43583 Environmentalists Pissed After G7 Leaves 'Gas' Loophole In Latest Climate Pledge

>>43584 Rice Is Now Killing The Planet, Apparently

>>43592 The world has woken up to the Climate Scam

>>43614 Digital Open-Air Prisons • 15 Minute Cities

>>43616 Climate change is the new Covid (video)

>>43623 Committee recommends gov “not proceed” with mandatory fertilizer emission reductions

>>43639 Canadian Government Report Unveils Anti-Capitalist Agenda

>>43663 Trudeau meets with Alex Soros- son of George Soros- and fellow 'globalists' to discuss climate aid for poor countries

>>43696 EU Backs Controversial Dutch Plans To Shut Down Farms In Bid To Reduce Nitrogen Emissions

>>43704 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. • Climate-related issues are being exploited by wealthy individuals in a bid to enact totalitarian controls over society

>>43754 Liberals propose a climate social credit scheme for Canadian banks (video)

>>43809 “King” Charles Threatens Military Style Climate Campaign

>>43811 World Economic Forum pushing 'Urban Mobility Scorecard' for 'sustainable, equitable, innovative' transit

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93e00e No.43817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857803 (162048ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

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Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

>>43513 Us Attorney Has Given Dr. Kirk Moore The Right To Request The State And Federal Public Health Records • Which Can Expose The Corruption And End The Covid Vaccination In The US And Worldwide

>>43527 B.C. ends mandatory masking, continues COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

>>43544 Ontario bureaucrat embezzled $47.4 million from taxpayers in 'fee-for-service' and COVID aid schemes

>>43547 RFK Jr Going Scorched Earth On the CIA's Culpability for the Covid-Crime Against Humanity (video)

>>43562 Contentious COVID-19 Drugs Are All Antimalarial: May Not Be a Coincidence

>>43591 WCH Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Public Health (with pdf)

>>43599 International Experts to Speak in EU Parliament on Covid Response and mRNA ‘Vaccines’ | ICS3 May 3

>>43600 BC mayor demands rehiring of unvaccinated healthcare workers amid 10th ER closure

>>43602 FDA removes monovalent COVID-19 vaccines from the market

>>43606 New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception

>>43619, >>43747 The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed (video)

>>43630 Global Digital Health Certification Network (video)

>>43631 Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford file federal appeal in COVID travel mandate case

>>43640 Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline – In Kids

>>43641 WHO is forging ahead with plans to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate

>>43642 Canadian Govt to Rush Novel Drugs to Market Before Proven Safe -Dr. Susan Natsheh, MD, & Judy Stinson, Former CBC Journalist (video)

>>43644 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>43645 Lawyer weighs in on BC case seeking lawsuit against Dr. Bonnie Henry’s declaration of a COVID emergency

>>43651 Judge rules in favor of Air Canada passenger arrested after removing mask over health issue

>>43654 Canada’s health officials knew COVID jabs would not prevent transmission before gov’t mandates

>>43668 Ontario Court Rules Patients’ Medical Records Not Private During Doctor Investigations (video)

>>43669 Police on Guard call on the RCMP to do their duty and enforce the law (video)

>>43670 McCullough & Zelenko: Here’s What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want you to Know

>>43678 Turbo Cancer Leukemia - children from ages 11 to 21 are dying within hours or days of cancer diagnosis (new case: 16 year old Kyle Limper)

>>43693 “We Can Never Forget What They Inflicted on Us” – Sky News Star Host Rita Panahi Fires Off on Kamala, Fauci, and Trudeau (video)

>>43694 Top WHO Scientist Who Dismissed Covid Lab Leak Theory Fired for Sexual Harassment

>>43702 WHO (Finally) Declares COVID Pandemic "Global Health Emergency" Over

>>43709 Democratic Govts Are Violating Fundamental Rights -Cristian Terhes, MEP Romania (video)

>>43710 Dr Patrick Phillips Reports From Brussels

>>43721 How We Allowed Politicians to Sell Us The Pandemic -Dr. David Martin | Brussels, Belgium (video)

>>43727 Parents More Likely To Question Routine Childhood Vaccinations Post-COVID: Research Report

>>43737, >>43738, >>43808 International Covid Summit 3, Brussels (video)

>>43738 Govts Won't Allow Nuremberg 2 -Dr. Robert Malone (video)

>>43749 British Columbia woman commits suicide after COVID vaccine mandate becomes unbearable (video)

>>43753 Big Pharma's new push to mass vaccinate kids (video)

>>43764 Doctors Chris Shoemaker and Mark Trozzi uncensored (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93e00e No.43818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857808 (162049ZMAY23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

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Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

>>43765 Covid Mandates Led To A Gradual Shift Towards Authoritarian Policies -Dr. Louis Fouche (video)

>>43779 Plandemic 3 and Beyond -Mikki Willis, Filmmaker (video)

>>43786 The capture of Canadian drug regulation by pharmaceutical lobbyists

>>43787 Eye-opening doc shines a light on BC's lingering COVID mandates for health workers (video)

>>43790 Secrets of Manufactured Consent

>>43792 MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & Byram Bridle - press conference after the International Covid Summit III (video)

>>43798, >>43799 Mothers’ Day Gift: Honest Healthcare For Canadian (video)

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93e00e No.43819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857816 (162049ZMAY23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

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Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>43535 Canadian students REJECT drag queen event at high school (video)

>>43523 Ottawa public school official claims Jesus was a drag queen

>>43526 Non-binary CBC News writer sends sadistic death message threatening detransition activist Oli London

>>43550 Elon Musk calls for life sentences for those approving sex-change procedures on minors

>>43554 Viral video of man taking dog for ‘gender transition’ proves how disgusting and wrong child sex changes are (video)

>>43556 Detransitioners are trying to warn us - this is the living hell they are going through (video)

>>43564 Canadian Teen Suspended From Catholic High School for Opposing Transgender Ideology Files Human Rights Complaint

>>43595 Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids

>>43596 Police identify trans-identified male who assaulted resident at Ontario women's shelter as Cody D'Entremont

>>43598 Trans-identified male accused of spying on girls in changing room at Nanaimo, BC pool is a convicted pedophile (video)

>>43601 CBC promotes “Drag Queen Baby” book to 12 year olds

>>43603 This activist teacher who exposed kindergartners to drag queen story time without parental consent must be fired! (video)

>>43609 Quebec trans-identified sex offender tried to cut off own penis and testicles on eve of sentencing

>>43610 Ontario school board cites 'human rights' when allowing explicit book 'Gender Queer' to remain on library shelves against parents' wishes

>>43617 Grooming In Canada

>>43618 Leaked training videos reveal Toronto police officers are being indoctrinated in gender theory (video)

>>43621 Trans teen died from vaginoplasty complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes (video)

>>43643 Elon Musk reiterates stance on transgender treatments for minors, calls to imprison perpetrators

>>43647 Fire Fae Johnstone! YWCA Regina hires trans speaker for 'Women of Distinction Awards' event (video)

>>43660 Pope Francis denounces gender ideology and abortion rights, urges Europe to embrace family values

>>43691 YWCA Regina received 3 million in funding from the Saskatchewan government (video)

>>43692 Quebec music festival taps children’s drag show performer as spokesperson

>>43717 The harsh side effects of gender hormone therapy (video)

>>43725 Man trolls Woman's Poker Tournament & wins; Dee Snyder branded transphobic is "not gonna take it" (video)

>>43740 Parents of Catholic student who spoke out against gender neutral bathrooms in Ontario school put on leave from teaching positions

>>43766 School board trustee resigns in protest of policies violating parental rights in Prince Edward Island

>>43775 Elliot Page Pushes ‘Gender Affirming Care’ With Latest Shirtless Photo

>>43777 Children’s charity teams up with Ontario Pride group to promote two weeks of Drag Queen Storytime

>>43778 Trans-identified male author who said a woman is 'an open mouth, an expectant a**hole' wins Pulitzer Prize

>>43791 Brave Miss Universe Philippines Contestant Wows Crowd After Answering Question About Trans Men in Female Sports (video)

>>43797 MIA ASHTON: Defending women, children and the LGB community from the harm of gender ideology is not hate

>>43803 Library story time for children now features plump bearded men wearing dresses

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93e00e No.43820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857821 (162050ZMAY23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Media & Censorship Bun

>>43525 CBC admits contacting social media companies to censor online user content

>>43529 "You Just Lied!": Elon Crushes BBC Reporter's Claims About 'Hate Speech' On Twitter

>>43552 Extreme Censorship of Truth by Fascist Government and Private Partnerships: A Death Warrant to Freedom

>>43565 CBC fuming after Twitter labels the broadcaster “government-funded”

>>43566 “Blew My Mind”- Elon Musk Reveals Disturbing New Details Regarding Government Access to Twitter in Upcoming Interview with Tucker Carlson

>>43567 ‘Reign’: New Israeli Spyware Targeting Journalists All Over the World

>>43569 They Fear You

>>43571 Evil By Invitation Only

>>43581 Elon Musk Tells Tucker Carlson Google Co-Founder Larry Page Wants to Build a Digital God

>>43582 Elon Musk Confirms Development Of Non-Woke AI Bot "TruthGPT" To Rival Microsoft And Google

>>43586 Conservatives call for emergency debate on internet bill after reports of Trudeau gov’t censorship

>>43589 Trudeau complains that CBC is not fully publicly funded so Elon changes label to '69% government-funded'

>>43594 Trudeau’s cabinet confirms in letter to MPs his ‘commitment’ to appointing ‘internet censors’

>>43620 Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News as they 'agree to part ways'

>>43655 Bill C-11 passes Senate

>>43674 Ratio’d: Trudeau SEIZES the Internet! Goes full TYRANT! (video)

>>43675 ‘Godfather of A.I.’ Reverses Course, Quits Google to Preach About “Dangers” of Artificial Intelligence

>>43679 Catholic school board bars conservative media critical of trustee’s anti-Christian tweets

>>43684 Survey Shows Media’s Incredible Influence On People’s Opinions Which Are Based Upon Gross Ignorance!

>>43701 BREAKING: CBC threatened to sue Twitter if it refused to censor its enemies

>>43703 Soros And Fortress To Acquire Vice Media Out Of Bankruptcy

>>43707 Fox News could be banned from Canadian television after complaint by Trudeau-funded LGBTQ group

>>43719 Pentagon-Funded Censorship Firm Graphika Began Monitoring Covid “Disinformation” On Dec. 16, 2019 • Two Weeks Before WHO Supposedly Knew Covid "Existed"

>>43720, >>43723 Canada’s Liberals discuss proposal to censor news websites whose sources can’t be ‘traced’ (video)

>>43742 Press for Truth: What pisses me off about the Texas mall massacre & SUV migrant attack (video)

>>43743 Meta prepared to take a stand against Bill C-18

>>43752 CBC News comes crawling back to Twitter after rage quitting

>>43771 Tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars awarded to social media influencers for misinformation workshops for academics

>>43773 It's Official: Top NBCUni Ad Exec And World Economic Forum Taskforce Chair Is Twitter's New CEO

>>43776 Jordan Peterson Attacks Legacy Media ‘Scumrats’ for ‘Lying’ About Slavery

>>43780 Campaign Life Coalition forced to remove imagery boards at annual March for Life in Ottawa press conference (video)

>>43805 Is this the End of Press Freedom in Canada? • Ottawa requiring all information posted online to be government-approved should be concerning to all citizens

>>43813 Freeland paid speaker $250 for a moment of silence

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93e00e No.43821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857824 (162050ZMAY23) Notable: Final Prairie Provinces Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Prairie Provinces Bun

>>43516, >>43534, >>43538, >>43539 Moe, Smith 'outraged' Ottawa might rescind provincial control over natural resources

>>43536 Lametti said “no such thing” when promising to review natural resource rights: Trudeau

>>43524 Prairie provinces sign MOU to boost economic growth in Western Canada

>>43534, >>43538, >>43539 Peterson tells Alberta to separate rather than forfeit resource development

>>43551 Law-abiding firearms owners are standing up to Trudeau (video)

>>43578 Alberta NDP want to hire more police after candidates trashed police for years

>>43579, >>43604 Notley kicks reporters out of press conference after criticizing Smith for limiting media questions

>>43741 Satellite images capture smoke from out-of-control wildfires in Alberta

>>43763 Wildfires to take 145,000 barrels of oil and gas offline per day

>>43802 The Alberta Roundup | Smith fights fires while Notley goes negative (video)

>>43806 Alberta NDP candidate called for communist revolution

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93e00e No.43822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857826 (162050ZMAY23) Notable: Final Protests Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Protests Bun

>>43515 Franklin Graham Defends Canadian Pastor Jailed for Drag Queen Protest

>>43519 "No evidence of a threat" Freedom Convoy lawyer says Trudeau unlawfully invoked Emergencies Act

>>43549 $150,000 lawsuit launched against RCMP after excavators sabotaged during Coutts blockade (video)

>>43590 Freedom Convoy protester acquitted of all charges

>>43661 PSAC hypocrites condemned the Freedom Convoy while doing much worse to inconvenience Canadians (video)

>>43681 Judge finds Pastor Artur Pawlowski guilty of violating Alberta Critical Infrastructure Defence Act

>>43690 Artur Pawlowski: "Our freedom is under attack from the very people that swore to protect our rights and freedoms" (video)

>>43698 Catholic school board cancels student trip to Canadian March for Life

>>43714 14 truckers involved in the Coutts demonstration are exonerated from charges in TDF win

>>43715 Ontario councillor faces criminal charges for alleged involvement with the Freedom Convoy protest, 15 months later

>>43751 Dutch MEP compares Trudeau freezing bank accounts to “social credit system”

>>43772 Judge sentences former PPC riding president to 90 days of house arrest for throwing gravel at Trudeau

>>43784 Josh Alexander harassed by police while trying to enter Parliament Hill at Canadian March for Life

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93e00e No.43823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857829 (162051ZMAY23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Trudeau Bun

>>43573 Justin Trudeau tells student critical of abortion to do more ‘praying’ on the topic (video)

>>43626 Ratio’d: Did Justin Trudeau STAGE this viral video? (video)

>>43635 Trudeau's staff were concerned about his 'out there' anti-convoy statements (video)

>>43672 Redacted: WTF Did Justin Trudeau Just Say??? (video)

>>43745 Ratio’d | Justin Trudeau has LOST THE PLOT! (video)

>>43757 Trudeau promises millions more in federal funding for abortions on eve of Canadian March for Life

>>43760 Canada's Justin Turdu gets yelled at by angry Canadians again [pay attention to the big potato nose cop] (video)

>>43810 Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau is LOSING in Toronto! (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93e00e No.43824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857833 (162051ZMAY23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Vaccine Injury Bun

>>43514 Hemorrhagic Strokes (Brain Bleeds) In Young People • Brain Blood Vessel Damage Caused By COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Or Turbo Cancer

>>43518 The COVID Vaccines Were Never Tested For Safety

>>43528 The Japanese Substance In The “Top Position” As Therapy For Post-Vaccine and Post-COVID Syndromes — Dr. Peter McCullough (video)

>>43530 BBC Complicit in mRNA Vaccine Related Deaths

>>43531 Study confirms development of oral mRNA "vaccine" that's produced in cow's milk

>>43563 What effect do mRNA “vaccines” have on human consciousness?

>>43568 Healthy People are Dying of Myocarditis – What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe (video)

>>43574 Canadian nurse cleared of ‘unprofessional conduct’ for posting about COVID jab injuries online

>>43587 Canadian mother suffers ‘severe’ injury after employer forced her to take COVID shots

>>43597 AstraZeneca Covid vax could be added to death certificate of psychologist who died from a blood clot 10 days after receiving jab

>>43607 Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics

>>43608 Genomics expert discovers concerning contents in COVID vaccine vials

>>43627 Police stop livestream hearings of detective who probed unexplained baby deaths and potential COVID-19 vaccine connection

>>43629 Died suddenly - Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently

>>43632 Russians are also “dying suddenly”

>>43648 Mixed Martial Arts and UFC fighters are collapsing and dying suddenly - some of these deaths are very suspicious

>>43657 Central Alberta doctor testifies to adverse COVID reactions at NCI hearings in Red Deer

>>43658 Senior public health official, lawyer and media conspire to supress detective investigating COVID vaccine connection to SIDS (video)

>>43665 Blood clots: Pulmonary emboli in young women, a not-so-rare and often fatal complication of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: 14 cases of sudden death from pulmonary emboli

>>43666 Pfizer’s Jab Contains the SV40 Sequence Which Is Known as a Promoter of the Cancer Virus

>>43667 Poster Boy for Vax Campaign Dies at 4 Years Old, Experts Say Not Caused by Vaccines

>>43685 Prosecution for MURDER: Holding Suspect Doctors and Hospitals Accountable

>>43683 Neurological Injuries: Alberta doctor with rarest disease in the world: 1 in 500 million neurological autoimmune disorder, Celine Dion with 1 in million vax injury

>>43687 The Battle for Ethical Medicine in Ontario (video)

>>43697 Turbo cancer - brain cancer (glioblastoma) in young people on the rise - 15 cases explored

>>43705 Children 5-12 years old who were injured or permanently disabled by Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines - 25 horror stories every parent should have in their legal files

>>43732 Latest New American: Dr Trozzi Interview (video)

>>43734 Liberal Party Of Canada Re-Election Platform - Mandatory Vaccination (video)

>>43735 Analysis of obituaries shows a 40% increase in deaths of younger pilots during 2021

>>43755 'My life was turned into a living hell': Dr. Byram Bridle on questioning prevailing COVID-19 vaccine narratives (video)

>>43793 Pilot Died - United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home on May 9, 2023

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93e00e No.43825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857835 (162051ZMAY23) Notable: Final Woke Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Woke Bun

>>43532 Trudeau gov’t 2023 budget includes $36 million for abortion, slams overturning of Roe v. Wade

>>43533 Trudeau Liberals' $48-million study finds 'whiteness' of gunman facilitated Portapique, NS massacre

>>43548 Accused traffickers released despite being found with 22 kg of fentanyl

>>43555 ‘Wokeism on steroids’: Male blood donor turned away for refusing to say whether he was pregnant (video)

>>43558 CEO of Anheuser-Busch is former CIA Operative now reeling over wokeism Bud Light hangover (video)

>>43559 UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children (video)

>>43560 Leftists triggered by Bud Light target practice joke sign at BC business

>>43570 Evil By Invitation Only

>>43575 Socialism’s harmful impacts on women (video)

>>43588 Ontario school trustee files court motion after being censured for questioning race, gender policies

>>43593 The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own • The 12 Dirtiest and Most Offensive Words in the English Language

>>43612 Petition to oust woke Chilliwack school board chair surges

>>43615 Canadian MPs prance about in hot pink high heels to raise awareness about domestic violence against women

>>43622 J.K. Rowling calls out Canadian male politicians for prancing around in high heels

>>43624 Parent chews out woke school board’s “divisive and harmful agenda” in letter

>>43625, >>43633, >>43746, >>43804 Waterloo Catholic trustee calls Christian males “threats,” concerned parents speak out (video)

>>43628 BlackRock: The Company That Owns The World

>>43646 Ezra Levant joins Alex Stein to discuss the current state of affairs in dystopian Canada (video)

>>43649 Former student delivers powerful speech against LGBT agenda at Catholic school board meeting (video)

>>43656 TD Bank on verge of collapse, world's most shorted bank stock going from woke to broke (video)

>>43686 Trudeau gov’t to remove religious symbols from Canadian Coat of Arms

>>43700, >>43708 Vancouver man opens illegal store selling '100% fentanyl free' hard drugs in British Columbia, gets arrested

>>43713 Censorship, 15-min cities, and Hillary Clinton: looking at the Trudeau Liberals' policy convention (video)

>>43724 Controlled burn in Banff National Park blazes 'out of control'

>>43744 Liberal convention votes in favour of further internet regulation, universal basic income

>>43794 Toronto’s ‘Anti-Capitalist’ Cafe Closing Down After Just a Year in Business (video)

>>43796 Canadian judges use race as a reason to reduce criminal sentences—though a defendant claims he used it to exploit the system

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