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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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deaba1 No.116917 [Last50 Posts]

05JUN23 to 11AUG23

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

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deaba1 No.122359

File: 895ea156d5a9470⋯.png (1.07 MB,2000x1079,2000:1079,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18956379 (051632ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Government Adjusting For Round 2

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Government Adjusting For Round 2


Our governments have learned from plandemic #1 the re-naming of the flu also known as Covid-19, and are adjusting for the next round. It is not over, if it were they would not be scheming so fervently.

This time will probably be a fake pandemic caused by fake climate change.

They are busy making their pandemic treaties and forming government censorship boards, so called "ministries of truth" to get ready to implement the next lockdown with more force and censorship than the last. With the eventual plan to put UN boots on faces around the world, in order to force vaccinated and get us all to conform in lockstep with their insane ideas. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122360

File: a486eb154c60fd3⋯.png (2.81 MB,2300x1536,575:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18956436 (051647ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / Pilot Shortages: Died Suddenly Due To Covid Vaccines Is Now Considered "Normal"

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Pilot Shortages • Died Suddenly Due To Covid Vaccines Is Now Considered "Normal"


Recent News on Pilots: Co-pilots Dying Suddenly Is Now “Normal”, Top EU Court Ruled

Did the co-pilot die before your flight? You can be compensated, EU’s top court rules.

Airlines should be forced to pay compensation for a canceled flight when a co-pilot dies, the EU’s top court ruled Thursday, May 11, 2023.

Under previous EU rules, airlines could refuse to pay compensation to travelers if a flight was canceled due to “extraordinary circumstances.”

The case in question involves a 2019 flight to Lisbon which was due take off from Stuttgart at 6:05am but at 4:15am the co-pilot was found dead in his hotel bed and the flight was cancelled. The airline refused to pay compensation, arguing that the co-pilot’s unexpected death qualified as an “extraordinary” circumstance.

But the EU top court disagreed, saying that “whilst tragic,” the death was not extraordinary “since any person may, at any time, unexpectedly fall ill or die.” (Source)

Brace yourselves: AI could co-pilot planes, reveals Emirates Airline president Continue...

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deaba1 No.122361

File: 09ae02ac1639110⋯.png (789.02 KB,1000x499,1000:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 206ea09e7029fdb⋯.png (354.81 KB,412x753,412:753,Clipboard.png)

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File: bdcf490b1d006be⋯.png (301.12 KB,541x669,541:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18956641 (051732ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Canadian elementary school brings drag performance for student Pride celebration

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Canadian elementary school brings drag performance for student Pride celebration


A Canadian elementary school hosted a wild Pride celebration on Friday featuring, among other things, a drag queen. St. Matthew's School in St. John's, Newfoundland invited the rainbow-clad entertainer to perform in front of students from kindergarten to grade seven.

Footage of the event was shared to social media, and backlash ensued, with many questioning why children were made to participate in Pride celebrations. The inclusion of the drag queen also sparked criticism. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122362

File: bff78f27767a6ee⋯.png (399.33 KB,606x636,101:106,Clipboard.png)

File: 1250bbf97af8527⋯.png (335.86 KB,606x724,303:362,Clipboard.png)

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File: ee262a918998b0a⋯.png (327.46 KB,611x651,611:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18956864 (051817ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / 'WE ARE HERE': Torontonians gather for Tiananmen Square vigil as crackdowns continue in Hong Kong

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'WE ARE HERE': Torontonians gather for Tiananmen Square vigil as crackdowns continue in Hong Kong


2,500 Torontonians gathered at Mel Lastman Square on Sunday evening to hold a vigil marking 34 years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

The event comes as the Chinese Communist Party banned what was once the world's largest vigil remembering the massacre for the 4th consecutive year amid ongoing crackdowns and reports that its former location in Victoria Park would host a pro-China carnival instead.

MC Amanda said, "We are here to make sure that the truth and the history will never be forgotten, erased, or rewritten."

Winnie Ng, chairperson for the Toronto Association for Democracy in China, said "From Tiananmen Square to Victoria Park. From Victoria Park to Mel Lastman Square, WE ARE HERE!" Continue...

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deaba1 No.122363

File: d9fc9a928015ef3⋯.png (736.76 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18957694 (052153ZJUN23) Notable: Canadian soldiers pay out of pocket for their own equipment in Latvia

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Canadian soldiers pay out of pocket for their own equipment in Latvia


Canadian soldiers deployed in Latvia as part of a NATO mission have been spending their own money on helmets and other equipment due to outdated supplies provided by the Canadian Armed Forces.

The soldiers have been forced to buy upgraded helmets with built-in hearing protection and headsets from online retailers white training abroad. They have also had to acquire their own rain gear, tactical vests and ammunition in the same way.

The private purchases reflect the frustration of the soldiers with the outdated and inadequate equipment they have been given by the army. Some of the gear, such as the CG634 helmet, dates back to the 1990s and does not meet the current standards of ballistic protection or ergonomics.

Lt.-Col. Jesse van Eijk, the Canadian battle group commander in Latvia, expressed his concern about the disparity in equipment between his troops and their allies in an email obtained by CBC News.

He wrote that it was “concerning verging on embarrassing” to see the differences in issued soldier equipment between the Canadians and the Danes. He added that most of the systems his soldiers lacked were “easily available on the open market” and not some kind of secret technology. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122364

File: 03ffbeed58d3207⋯.png (1.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c18cb37bf43c3⋯.png (373.22 KB,610x731,610:731,Clipboard.png)

File: ecaf7552e869e02⋯.png (269.65 KB,650x685,130:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 11f189f194e614b⋯.png (243.21 KB,644x696,161:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18959221 (060313ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Manitoba man pleads guilty in hit-and-run on Covid-19 protesters

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Manitoba man pleads guilty in hit-and-run on Covid-19 protesters


43-year-old David Alexander Zegarac admitted to ramming his vehicle into a group of protesters demonstrating against Covid-19 restrictions last year in Winnipeg.

A man was sent to the hospital on February 4, 2022, in Winnipeg after a Jeep plowed through a crowd of protesters who were voicing their concerns about Covid-19 mandates.

As reported by the Winnipeg Free Press, 43-year-old David Alexander Zegarac pleaded guilty on Friday to “two counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing bodily harm and one count of failing to stop at the scene of an accident causing bodily harm.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963189 (062306ZJUN23) Notable: WHO Bun / Digital Vaccine Passports to “Facilitate Global Mobility” and “Better Protect Citizens”

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The Andrew Lawton Show | WHO wants a global vaccine passport to “make travel easier”


Among the World Health Organization’s plans to “better protect citizens” is to globalize the European Union’s vaccine passport, making an international standard for proving vaccination status as a ticket to board plans and visit other countries. This comes as the World Health Assembly continues to move towards a global pandemic treaty, which it hopes to finalize next year. True North’s Andrew Lawton talks about what’s at stake with former congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.

Also, the federal government is leaning into carbon capture to meet its lofty “net zero” ambitions. Will it work? Fraser Institute senior fellow Dr. Kenneth Green joins the show to weigh in.

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deaba1 No.122366

File: 1d2297966c6171c⋯.png (610.29 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 333753045ec293a⋯.png (128.96 KB,757x874,757:874,Clipboard.png)

File: e10788fa0f5ad59⋯.png (135.27 KB,770x844,385:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963248 (062314ZJUN23) Notable: Major companies call digital identity a “necessary evolution” towards Agenda 2030

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Major companies call digital identity a “necessary evolution” towards Agenda 2030


Several major Canadian corporations have co-authored a plan outlining their vision towards the adoption of global digital identity – a step which they call a “necessary evolution” towards digital citizenship that’s rooted in the ideals of equality and inclusion. The plan also cites the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Insurers Desjardins, Beneva, as well as KPMG, Telus and Vidéotron all contributed to the creation of the Digital Identity White Paper which was published with the support of the Digital Identity Laboratory on May 25.

“Most countries are moving toward digital ID. It will be implemented in tandem with governments, businesses and the public. Digital ID is a necessary evolution for society,” claims the white paper.

“We must educate people and raise awareness about digital citizenship in order to garner broad support for digital ID. Only then will we be able to create the best possible conditions to achieve this desirable and inevitable evolution of the way we enter into relationships with public and private organizations.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122367

File: 061235a474b75fc⋯.png (685.37 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963408 (062335ZJUN23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Calgary city council amends bylaw to restrict pro-life material

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Calgary city council amends bylaw to restrict pro-life material


Calgary city council has approved a bylaw amendment to fine those handing out pro-life material $1,000 — unless they hide images of aborted babies inside an envelope.

In a bylaw amendment passed last month, city council ruled that images depicting abortion victims must be hidden inside an opaque envelope with a warning about its contents. The envelope must also show the name and address of the sender.

Richard Dur, executive director of the political party Prolife Alberta, says the bylaw indicates that abortion itself should be outlawed.

“​​If the images are ‘too graphic’ for public consumption then perhaps the act of abortion, which brings about these horrific images in the first place, ought itself to be further regulated/outlawed,” Dur told True North. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122368

File: df1e71bd8fc9490⋯.png (2.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963587 (070000ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Ottawa released a 'fake' security bulletin against Freedom Convoy, refuses to disclose source

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Ottawa released a 'fake' security bulletin against Freedom Convoy, refuses to disclose source


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland asked government bureaucrats to find evidence linking the convoy to acts of terrorism. They found no evidence. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963680 (070016ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / A win for justice: health worker heads back to EI tribunal to have case heard (video)

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A win for justice: health worker heads back to EI tribunal to have case heard


Civil liberties litigator James Kitchen has successfully appealed the employment insurance tribunal's attempt to summarily dismiss the claim of a healthcare worker who made a medical decision that ran contrary to the COVID regime.

An Alberta Health Services worker will have her case heard by the appeal division after her employment insurance (EI) benefits were arbitrarily denied.

Civil liberties litigator James Kitchen has won the case to have his client’s appeal heard by the General Division of the Social Security Tribunal of Canada after the tribunal summarily denied to hear the case.

Kitchen’s client, Amanda Michaud, seeks justice for those affected by indiscriminate mandates after the government thrust risky medical procedures onto the general population through divisive and unethical policies like vaccine passports. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122370

File: 3c14f9802ae2f60⋯.png (1.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cd4a2a86c3629f⋯.png (259.68 KB,537x781,537:781,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7927defb3efe9c3⋯.png (269.97 KB,602x690,301:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963709 (070022ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / Trudeau's 'special rapporteur' considers China his 'home away from home'

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Trudeau's 'special rapporteur' considers China his 'home away from home'


David Johnson has made more than a dozen trips to China, saying he became 'attached to Nanjing' during his 40 year relationship with the Communist nation. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122371

File: be6d1b80b4d38b0⋯.png (885.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18963749 (070029ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Nova Scotia RCMP blame arson for multiple wildfires

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Nova Scotia RCMP blame arson for multiple wildfires


Those caught lighting a fire in Nova Scotia will be fined a whopping $25,000.

Nova Scotia RCMP have determined arson was the cause of three wildfires in the province, prompting the government to stiffen fines for residents who violate its ongoing burn ban. Those caught lighting a fire in Nova Scotia will be fined a whopping $25,000 to avoid new wildfires.

The Mounties are investigating three separate arsons in Pictou County, including a commercial blaze and two fires along rural roadways on Friday. Firefighters and local law enforcement managed to put each fire out, including those along Granton Abercrombie Road and Mount William Road.

"Initial investigation has determined that all three fires were the result of arson," said Nova Scotia RCMP in a statement. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18964130 (070130ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Tucker Carlson Releases Episode 1 of His ‘Tucker on Twitter’ Program – On the Explosion of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine that Was Blown Up Earlier Today

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Tucker Carlson Releases Episode 1 of His ‘Tucker on Twitter’ Program – On the Explosion of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine that Was Blown Up Earlier Today (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson released Episode 1 in his “Tucker on Twitter” program.

On Tuesday night Tucker Carlson took on the Ukraine Dam that was blown up on Tuesday. Tucker suggests the Kakhovka Dam explosion was likely a Ukrainian attack.

Tucker Carlson started his program: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122373

File: 49be7677ec631fd⋯.png (700.59 KB,1219x744,1219:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18964698 (070329ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / Doctors who poisoned themselves and their families, including small children, with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

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Doctors who poisoned themselves and their families, including small children, with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines


Image: Former Canadian Medical Association President Dr.Gigi Osler posted pictures of vaccinating herself and her teenage daughter with Moderna. “We believe in Moderna…my daughter got it. But did not get magnetized”

Every day I hear stories about young doctors who are closing their practice and retiring because they had a heart attack or a stroke or a neurological injury and they can’t practice medicine anymore. Every other day a Canadian doctor dies suddenly.

They were all COVID-19 vaccinated. And most of them convinced their family members to take COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and forced them on their children.

Why are doctors the most brainwashed group?

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deaba1 No.122374

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18964783 (070403ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle (video)

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WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle


Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, the former Senator John Kerry, has declared that it’s time to follow in the Netherlands’ footsteps and crackdown on privately owned farms to fight climate change.

According to Kerry, the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).

But most people are still refusing to understand the real depths of this mission – and who exactly is pulling Kerry’s puppet strings.

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deaba1 No.122375

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18966355 (071409ZJUN23) Notable: Project Aurora exposed: the AI Bank that will facilitate the cashless society

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The Bank of International Settlements is currently working on multiple projects designed to centralize all international banks and central banks into a single umbrella network that allows for quick cross-border transactions using digital currencies…Or in other words, a cashless society.

The focus is now shifting to Artificial Intelligence which will be used as a tool to combat “money laundering” according to the BIS.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explores what the true motives of the IMF and BIS are when it comes to creating a single, globalized digital currency while most importantly discussing what you can do about it today to protect your assets from being stolen by the government.

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deaba1 No.122376

File: 95f02b38116f894⋯.png (328.58 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18966714 (071536ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the number of cars by 2050

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WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the number of cars by 2050


The World Economic Forum is urging cities to 'contain growth of private car use' in a new white paper published with Visa.

The globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) is encouraging cities to “contain growth of private car use” and aims to drastically reduce the number of cars by 2050, according to a recently published white paper. The document relies on the usual falsified climate change data and dishonest models and ignores the looming population collapse which many have been warning the world is facing.

The briefing paper titled “The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility” was published by the WEF in collaboration with Visa in May 2023. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122377

File: 9a720335dae8d8d⋯.png (762.6 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18966735 (071543ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Canadian parents urged to keep children home from school on June 1 to protest ‘Pride Month’

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‘Huge success’: Thousands of students absent from schools across Canada in protest of ‘Pride Month’


While schools were unwilling to report specific figures, many admitted that large numbers of pupils were missing on June 1, with parents alleging that one Windsor, Ontario school had a 75 percent absence rate.

Thousands of students across Canada stayed home on June 1 to protest the promotion of “Pride Month” in the public education system, with one school missing 75 percent of its students, according to a top pro-family group.

As Canadian schools celebrated the June 1 beginning of so-called “Pride Month,” thousands of students were absent nationwide, taking part in the first annual “National ‘Pride’ Flag Walk-Out Day” initiated by pro-life and pro-family organization Campaign Life Coalition (CLC).

“The first ever National ‘Pride’ Flag Walk-Out Day was a huge success,” CLC’s director of political operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews. “The parent participation and student absence rates in many schools and parts of Canada was much higher than we had even dreamed of achieving.”

“For instance, we’ve heard from local parents that Windsor, Ontario’s Northwood Public School saw 600 out of its 800 students stay home on June 1st. That’s a staggering 75% walk-out.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122378

File: af9f99368ed345a⋯.png (551.13 KB,1000x501,1000:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18966817 (071604ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Canadian LGBTQ2S+ Pride events get $1.5 MILLION for increased security from Trudeau government

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Canadian LGBTQ2S+ Pride events get $1.5 MILLION for increased security from Trudeau government


The federal government is set to provide $1.5 million in funding to help ramp up security at Pride events across Canada. LGBTQ advocacy organization Fierté Canada Pride will receive the funds, and distribute them as needed to local event organizers who apply for assistance.

The move, which is in line with the Trudeau Liberals' LGBTQ2S+ Action Plan, comes events in many of the nation's largest cities struggle to keep pace with growing crowd sizes and potential threats. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122379

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18968529 (072257ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Innovative healthcare initiative born from oppressive government health policies launches in Canada (video)

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Innovative healthcare initiative born from oppressive government health policies launches in Canada


The Wellness Company has launched in Canada with a focus on providing patients with empowering health advice and supplement offerings to help Canadians break free from the Big Pharma-captured publicly funded system.

his innovative healthcare-centred company will offer empowering, informed consent care and supplements to Canadians, as more become disgruntled with the publicly funded system in disarray.

The Wellness Company (TWC) was founded and chaired by entrepreneur Foster Coulson, who says his vision was born from oppressive government health policies and a lack of appreciation for natural approaches to cure illnesses. TWC offers a way to break free from Big Pharma through informed choice and tailored membership programs.

Recently, chief scientific advisor Dr. Paul Elias Alexander joined Rebel News to discuss TWC initiatives and expand on their offerings. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122380

File: 72aeb57014add4b⋯.png (1.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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File: 39c31c4d5d0e8aa⋯.png (61.83 KB,603x514,603:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18968668 (072318ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Principled Ontario physician has medical license revoked after standing up to the COVID regime

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Principled Ontario physician has medical license revoked after standing up to the COVID regime


Dr. Phillips upheld an unwavering and principled stance that COVID-related public health measures were harming patients; his advocacy has ultimately led to the revocation of his medical license.

Former emergency room physician Dr. Patrick Phillips has had his license to practice medicine in Ontario stripped by his regulator, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).

“Yesterday, I had the privilege of finally entering a plea of no contest in my case with the CPSO,” Phillips took to Twitter to explain.

A plea of no contest is made when the defendant does not want to admit guilt, yet does not dispute the charges.

Phillips was charged with multiple counts of professional misconduct and was ultimately declared incompetent by the same regulator that compelled the speech of medical professionals and held firm that all licensed physicians must unquestionably cling to COVID-related public health measures. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122381

File: 37855802be8ba30⋯.png (587.98 KB,667x678,667:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18973879 (082246ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Are Canadian Wildfires Caused by Energy Weapons?

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Are Canadian Wildfires Caused by Energy Weapons? Are “UFOs” Behind This?


A video published by Greg Reese today shows dramatic satellite footage suggesting that the wildfires in Canada that are affecting over 100 million people across 18 states in the U.S. and closing down major airports due to heavy smoke, all started almost simultaneously.

Here is the video:

This begs the question: Are we entering into a new phase of weapons of mass destruction that are energy-based?

These questions were also asked earlier this year, back in February, with the deadly earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria. Those earthquakes had no epicenter, and were preceded by footage shot by people on the ground of strange lights and objects overhead.

I produced a video that is on our Bitchute channel that highlights some of the evidence that earthquakes can be caused by energy weapons.

There were alleged UFO sightings at the time this happened, which led me to pose the question: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122382

File: 176c13a84210a26⋯.png (352.5 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18974075 (082328ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Ontario students tear down LGBT ‘pride’ flag: ‘Put it in the garbage!’

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Ontario students tear down LGBT ‘pride’ flag: ‘Put it in the garbage!’


The incident is part of a larger movement by students fighting the promotion of the LGBT agenda in Canadian schools.

Ontario high school students tore down a rainbow “pride” flag amid growing protests against the celebration of “pride month” in schools.

On June 6, students at Sir Frederick Banting high school, in London, Ontario, cheered as a male student tore the “pride” flag from the school’s flag pole, according to a video obtained by the London Free Press.

Students can be heard shouting, “Take it off! Take it off!”

The video shows a student shout, “Put it in the garbage! Put it in the garbage!” as the flag lies on the ground. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122383

File: 7dfae2a5ad52691⋯.png (315.84 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 61725b08acc059f⋯.png (127.91 KB,804x731,804:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 449ffc1d9c4e1f4⋯.png (84.65 KB,806x544,403:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18974590 (090047ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Trudeau government wants higher carbon tax to fight wildfires, claim climate change is the cause

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Trudeau government wants higher carbon tax to fight wildfires, claim climate change is the cause


The Trudeau government continues to insist that wildfires in Canada are the direct result of climate change. This is despite indications that forest mismanagement, or even arson in some cases, could have played a role.

Trudeau has suggested that another hike in the carbon tax is going to help stop those fires, as though Canadians paying more for energy will ease the smoke grounding planes as far south as New York City and Washington, DC.

Despite Trudeau and his environmental minister's assertion that wildfires are simply another catastrophic consequence of the public refusal to due penance to the climate religion despite the fact that it's basically impossible to prove a causal relationship between climate change and wildfires. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18976715 (091202ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Bun / The Andrew Lawton Show: Has Maxime Bernier been to WEF? (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | Has Maxime Bernier been to WEF?


People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier and his Conservative opponent in Portage–Lisgar, Branden Leslie, sparred on Twitter yesterday as to where they stand on the World Economic Forum – and specifically whether Bernier has ever been to the WEF’s annual meeting.

True North’s Andrew Lawton chimed into say that despite Bernier’s claim of never having attended the WEF, the record shows he did. Bernier disputes this, so in this bonus edition of The Andrew Lawton Show, Lawton and Bernier have it out on air.

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deaba1 No.122385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18976782 (091226ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Ratio’d: The truth about the Canadian wildfires (video)

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Ratio’d | The truth about the Canadian wildfires


As wildfires burn across the country, the Trudeau government is once again jumping at the opportunity to use a tragedy to advance their political agenda.

Despite the fact that provincial governments have not concluded why these wildfires were started, the federal government along with the activist legacy media already know the culprit – it’s the invisible gods of climate change, of course. The reality is climate change has nothing to do with it.

In Canada, wildfires have been decreasing since 1990. Further, numerous wildfires in Canada this year alone have already been determined to be the cause of humans intentionally setting forests ablaze. Arson charges are coming thick and fast for these people across the country. In Quebec, the provincial police are investigating arson as the cause of the Quebec wildfires which have been the focus of most of the world’s media.

All of a sudden, things look awfully similar to how they looked back in 2021. Masks are being recommended. School boards are shutting down outdoor extracurriculars and Premiers are delivering daily press conferences to give the media their marching orders.

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deaba1 No.122386

File: 122914cf95150c2⋯.png (346.04 KB,1000x575,40:23,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18976821 (091240ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / 1884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues • 1310 of Them Dead Since COVID Injection

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1884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues • 1310 of Them Dead Since COVID Injection


This count was updated as of June 7, 2023. Beyond from the introduction, it is a full list of the 1,884 athletes who have had serious health events and/or death since the rollout of the mRNA shots. As the authors clearly state, this is only a partial list given the level of secrecy around vaccine involvement.


It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

Important Notes: The number of dead are included in the total number. There are also dozens of reports that are not included in the total number shown in the headline because they are not or may not be vaccine-related, in our judgement.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

In response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122387

File: f37824e16f75eb2⋯.png (587.06 KB,1100x654,550:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18978768 (091935ZJUN23) Notable: Medically Assisted Suicide Bun / Canadians just dying to commit suicide

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Canadians just dying to commit suicide


The number of Canadians who died by medically assisted suicide increased year-over-year by more than a third in 2022, said the Ontario-based Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC).

That projected hike to 13,500 last year from 10,064 in 2021 is shocking.

But if one disturbing reason attributed to the steep escalation is accurate, then an investigation into how the sick are being preyed on is critically urgent. And someone must step up and stop this disgusting and immoral travesty.

Are paid morons with ice water flowing through their veins being given free rein to push death on vulnerable people who don’t want to die?

EPC says this is so. Teams of them. Across Canada.

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) teams nationwide “promote and normalize” death by suicide, EPC Executive Director Alex Schadenberg told the Western Standard.

Every major medical institution has a MAiD team tasked with approaching people who may qualify to ask them if they want to die that way, said Schadenberg. What’s worse, it appears if someone says no to the lethal injection, some MAiD team members won’t take no for an answer and aggressively ramp up the pressure.

EPC received numerous complaints from people whose suffering is compounded because they say they’re “constantly” asked ‘Do you want MAiD?’”

“They say, ‘We’ve already told you five times, no. Why do you have to ask again? Why are you constantly asking? How many times do we have to say no?’” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18979222 (092050ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’

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There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’


Massive wildfires have rapidly spread across the Canadian province of Quebec, fueled by dry and hot weather conditions and multiple lightning strikes. The number of fires escalated from 36 to over 100 following a thunderstorm on June 1st, catching authorities off guard. As of Thursday, that massive conflagration has gotten worse. Much, much worse. And the flames are spreading.

Trace Gallagher of Fox News gave a sobering update on Thursday about the unprecedented scale of the wildfires in Canada, which have ravaged through the forested countryside and has dealt severe damage to air quality throughout the northeast.

“While most fires in the Western provinces are under control, the fires have now opened new fronts spreading to eastern provinces of Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario. Right now, there are 437 active fires with about 250 out-of-control. About 26,000 Canadians have evacuated their homes because of the fires. And experts say the hazardous conditions in New York City are the worst on record.”

A Tik Tok user named Al Vanchon had his own beliefs about why the raging wildfires may be suddenly spreading throughout the Canadian wilderness. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122389

File: 6d704a233c6fecb⋯.png (2.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18979541 (092201ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Protesters, counter-protesters gather for rally against radical gender ideology

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HAPPENING NOW: Protesters, counter-protesters gather for rally against radical gender ideology


A pair of activists and their supporters who oppose gender ideology being forced on kids in school are being met by black-clad Antifa counter-protesters at a demonstration in Ottawa.

Protesters for and against gender ideology being taught in Canadian schools are gathered in Ottawa today, with “Billboard Chris” Elston and teen activist Josh Alexander hosting a rally in the nation's capital.

Billed as the “Education Over Indoctrination” rally, Elston and Alexander are planning a march not far from the city's downtown core. In response, counter-protesters, which received support from the government-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network, are hosting a counter-protest dubbed “Drown Out Hate”.

Rebel News is on the ground in Ottawa covering the events as they happen. Follow along for updates below.

Before both groups arrived, counter-protesters had written a number of messages on the sidewalk in chalk. “Trans kids are joy,” read one message. “No TERFs on my turf,” says another. The term “TERF” is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist, a derogatory term used by those on the far-left to insult women who are unsupportive of radical trans ideology.

A large group of counter-protesters, some wearing the popular all black attire of Antifa and carrying various rainbow flags, formed to block an intersection where Elston, Alexander and their supporters plan to march. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122390

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18980031 (092340ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Trudeau Can Barely Contain His Smirk While Lieing To Your Face About The Canadian Arson "Wildfires" (video)

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Trudeau Can Barely Contain His Smirk While Lieing To Your Face About The Canadian Arson "Wildfires"


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deaba1 No.122391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982909 (101457ZJUN23) Notable: Medically Assisted Suicide Bun / Redacted: Justin Trudeau just set a new AWFUL record (video)

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Justin Trudeau just set a new AWFUL record | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


Canada is breaking records! Justin Trudeau's government now leads the world in assisted death under the MAID law. Worse still is what's happening to Canada's prisoner population. Under the mental health provision prisoners are asking to be put to death by the state. Wait, didn't Canada abolish the death penalty in 1998? Guess they found a loop hole.

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deaba1 No.122392

File: 12ba9396fdf1c50⋯.png (818.89 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982967 (101510ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / “Leave our kids alone” Ottawa’s Muslim community joins protest against gender ideology

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“Leave our kids alone” Ottawa’s Muslim community joins protest against gender ideology


Members of Ottawa’s Muslim community joined a diverse group of people protesting gender ideology in schools alongside parental rights advocate Chris Elston (Billboard Chris) and student activist Josh Alexander on Friday.

The protest’s diverse attendance challenged narratives from left-wing trans activists, who had claimed that those supporting Alexander and Elston would be “christo-fascists,” “nazis” and “white supremacists”

Speaking to True North’s Rupa Subramanya, one young Muslim woman noted, “our kids are learning stuff they’re not supposed to be learning at this age. I have a brother that is in kindergarten and learning about this stuff, this is just not appropriate.”

The mother of the young woman, who was also in attendance, added “I don’t want to send (my kids) to the school anymore.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122393

File: 3e3e1e46a2943e3⋯.png (388.71 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 56d4957f6f7bef1⋯.png (427.68 KB,645x802,645:802,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982999 (101515ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / All-ages drag show held on Parliament Hill

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All-ages drag show held on Parliament Hill


Liberal cabinet ministers attended an all-ages drag show on Parliament Hill this week.

Women and gender equality and youth minister Marci Ien shared pictures of the drag event Thursday, which was held following the raising of the progress pride flag to kick off what the government calls “2SLGBTQI+ Pride Season.”

“Let’s embrace the beauty and power of this art, recognizing its rich history and its ability to foster acceptance and unite us.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983066 (101527ZJUN23) Notable: The Andrew Lawton Show | Religious freedom and academic freedom are under threat (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | Religious freedom and academic freedom are under threat


As religious liberties face unprecedented challenges in Canada, many Christians are starting to collectivize and take political action to protect their rights and freedoms. True North’s Andrew Lawton discusses the concerning state of religious liberty, and how some groups are pushing back, with Pastor Jacob Reaume of the Trinity Bible Chapel.

Plus, a free speech event was cancelled last month by the London Public Library, despite its stated commitment to “intellectual freedom.” Chiang Mai University visiting professor and C2C Journal contributor Patrick Keeney joins to discuss the erosion of academic freedom in Canada, and the potential long-term consequences for academia and society as a whole.

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deaba1 No.122395

File: 993735ac354683a⋯.png (585.94 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983087 (101533ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / David Johnston resigns as “special rapporteur” on Chinese election interference

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David Johnston resigns as “special rapporteur” on Chinese election interference


Former governor general David Johnston resigned as the Trudeau government’s controversial “special rapporteur” on Chinese election interference late Friday.

Citing a “highly partisan atmosphere,” Johnston admitted that his role did not help build trust in Canada’s democratic institutions.

“I have concluded that, given the highly partisan atmosphere around my appointment and work, my leadership has had the opposite effect. I am therefore tendering my resignation, effective no later than the end June 2023, or as soon as I deliver a brief final report, which I hope to be earlier,” Johnston wrote in his resignation letter.

The former governor general urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to appoint someone with a national security background to continue the role.

“I encourage you to appoint a respected person, with national security experience, to complete the work that I recommended in my first report. Ideally you would consult with opposition parties to identify suitable candidates to lead this effort,” Johnston wrote. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122396

File: 857020e90cd9b74⋯.png (690.58 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983150 (101549ZJUN23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Governor General refuses to condemn vandalism of Queen Elizabeth II statue

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Governor General refuses to condemn vandalism of Queen Elizabeth II statue


Governor General Mary Simon refused to condemn the vandalism of a Queen Elizabeth II statue last week despite being mandated to represent the monarchy in Canada.

In response to reports that the statue of the late monarch was defaced with the words “killer” and “colonizer” in Winnipeg, shortly after it was re-erected in the province’s capital, Simon claimed she “can’t say” whether the criminal actions were wrong.

“I think it’s really important for Indigenous people to express themselves in whichever form they want, but it’s also very important for us to recognize that the effects of colonization and residential schools have had such a devastating impact on the cultures and identity of Indigenous people, that there are frustrations. There’s anger,” said Simon.

“And they will, from time to time, express that anger and the frustrations. For me, as a representative of the King, my role is to help understand what’s going on. So in a way, I can’t say whether it’s right or wrong. It’s right for the people maybe who are doing it but wrong for the people that want the history to continue as it was.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122397

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983180 (101558ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Legal protesting in the face of government overreach: Insights from a seasoned lawyer (video)

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Legal protesting in the face of government overreach: Insights from a seasoned lawyer


The Democracy Fund's litigation director sheds light on how activists can avoid legal trouble with more restrictions being placed on protesting in Canada.

Closed churches, vaccine mandates, and state-funded drag queen story times— are just some examples of how new forms of government overreach have given rise to new types of protests.

But is there a smarter way to protest?

In today's report, I bring you a sit-down interview with Alan Honner, an Ontario-based lawyer with a wide breadth of experience representing clients in trials, appeals, and judicial reviews.

Since March 2022, Honner has been serving as the litigation director of The Democracy Fund, a charity that has championed many legal battles for the underdogs of Canada.

Whether it's pastors like Artur Pawlowski or Phil Hutchings, who were thrown in jail for keeping houses of the Lord open during lockdowns, or prominent leaders of Canada's freedom movements like the Freedom Convoy's Tamara Lich, the Democracy Fund and the generous donors behind them have helped those who’ve stood in the gap to protect for our freedoms.

I caught up with Honner in Victoria at the recent Reclaiming Canada Conference where he was invited as a speaker. For those concerned about the state of Canada and wanting to know how best to take action, I decided to get Honner's tips on legal protest. Watch my discussion with Honner to hear what he had to say.

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deaba1 No.122398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983219 (101608ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / Ezra Levant: ‘In Canada, so many senior politicians make ties with the Chinese Communist Party when they're in office’ (video

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Ezra Levant: ‘In Canada, so many senior politicians make ties with the Chinese Communist Party when they're in office’


Ezra welcomes Rebel News’ newest contributor, Andy Lee. ‘I have created a very good network, and a lot of them are Chinese Canadians who are within that diaspora,’ said Lee.

"Well, the national media is seized with the issue of Chinese interference in the Canadian political system," said Ezra. "But it wasn't always that way, even though the news many of the facts have been out there for years. It really wasn't something that the Media Party dug into. You may recall that three years ago I actually wrote a bestselling book about it called 'China Virus.'"

"But all this time, my interest in this subject, my own small book on this subject, were limited by the fact that I do not know Chinese, and I found it difficult to find someone out there who could understand, read, research in the Chinese language, and yet who was not afraid to come on TV to talk about it. Over the years, I'd spoken to democracy activists, but they were terrified that they would be punished, both here in Canada and their family back in China."

Ezra added that he is delighted to say that after a long search, he found someone who was doing the kind of work that we were looking to do for years.

She's been doing it on Twitter, tweeting up a storm about it, but not just her opinions. This is the most important thing, rooted in fact, rooted in evidence, often taken from Chinese language media, not just media, but social media apps like WeChat that are controlled and run by Beijing, where the pro CCP messaging is spread to the Chinese diaspora here in Canada.

Rebel News welcomes Andrea Lee, better known on Twitter as @RealAndyLeeShow.

Andy Lee said: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122399

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983325 (101629ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ontario regulator continuing its witch hunt for COVID-contrarian doctors

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Ontario regulator continuing its witch hunt for COVID-contrarian doctors


With Ontario's health-care system crumbling, is it appropriate for the College of Physicians and Surgeons to be targeting doctors who deviated from the COVID narrative?

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has left thousands of patients without access to a family physician amid a worsening family doctor shortage due to ongoing persecutions of doctors who refused to bend the knee to COVID enforcers.

Morally inclined doctors who attempted to treat their patients and offer individualized care, instead of unquestionably following Big Pharma-centric public health whims, continue to be persecuted by their regulator.

One of them is Ontario physician Dr. Mark Trozzi who has upcoming hearings with the CPSO regarding misconduct allegations in which he is referred to as “ungovernable.”

In a post on Trozzi’s website, the hearing schedule includes opening submissions on June 13 followed by expert testimonies from June 13–16, 19 and 20, with legal arguments concluding on July 17.

Expert witnesses will include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Alexander, and independent clinical reviewer Deanna McLeod. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122400

File: e6c14fe14997f7b⋯.png (2.49 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e4506905715cb39⋯.png (309.03 KB,608x775,608:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983414 (101646ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Department of National Defence has spent $22,000 on carbon offsets since 2016

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Department of National Defence has spent $22,000 on carbon offsets since 2016


It's not entirely clear how a net-zero military could better safeguard Canada from external threats.

The information comes just days after it was reported that Canadian soldiers deployed to Latvia are purchasing their own helmets due to an embarrassing equipment shortfall.

The data about federal carbon offset purchases comes in response to an inquiry of ministries posed by Saskatchewan Conservative MP Warren Steinly about the nature, amount and companies contracted in the sale of the climate tithes.

Farm Credit Canada has purchased $60,378.27 worth of carbon offsets, most of which from Bullfrog Power, since 2016. The Department of National Defence has spent $21,949.35 on carbon offsets in seven years.

Environment Canada, meanwhile, has spent $9,473.94 on carbon credits in seven years, however the agency has no idea how many tonnes of CO2 that purchase has offset.

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deaba1 No.122401

File: 9f16dbfc9364f55⋯.png (164.16 KB,624x317,624:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983461 (101656ZJUN23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / For the keks: “Enjoy Your Cats!”- Woke, Entitled Female Gets Destroyed After Whining that She Cannot Find a Masculine Man Who is Not Conservative

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“Enjoy Your Cats!”- Woke, Entitled Female Gets Destroyed After Whining that She Cannot Find a Masculine Man Who is Not Conservative (VIDEO)


A woke female Tiktok user went viral after posting a video whining she cannot find a masculine man who is “not conservative” and got destroyed in the comments section. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983487 (101705ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Global Elites Dust Off Al Gore’s Stunningly Inaccurate Arctic Ice Lie and Start Pushing It Again 15 Years Later

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Global Elites Dust Off Al Gore’s Stunningly Inaccurate Arctic Ice Lie and Start Pushing It Again 15 Years Later – VIDEO


On December 13, 2008, junk scientist Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice-free in five years.

And, with this lie, the global warming hysteria began.

Gore made the prediction to a German audience on December 13, 2008. Al warned them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” The Gateway Pundit reported on this at the time.

This wasn’t the only time Al Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore had been predicting the dire scenario since 2007. That means that the North Pole should have melted completely over a decade ago by now

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations – Here Is One Way To Do It

Junk scientist Al Gore also made the same prediction in 2009.

From the video:

Former Vice President Al Gore references computer modeling to suggest that the north polar ice cap may lose virtually all of its ice within the next seven years. “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” said Gore.

Of course, this turned out to be nothing more than another lunatic conspiracy to push global control of the people.

At least 8 Dire Predictions from Al Gore’s movie never occurred – not even close.

But old media conspiracy theories NEVER die.

The legacy media dusted off this old conspiracy and pushed the same line again last week. According to “scientists” the arctic will now be completely ice free by the summer of 2030.

They don’t even care that they pushed this same BS 16 years ago!

Axios reported: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122403

File: 12060319e4a6e7a⋯.png (729.44 KB,1024x1003,1024:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 3360263550bc15a⋯.png (44.04 KB,1062x308,531:154,Clipboard.png)

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File: b8997e680d162f6⋯.pdf (2.62 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983609 (101745ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the number of cars by 2050

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Klaus Schwab’s WEF Sets Authoritarian Goal: Limit 76% of Private Cars by 2050


In a push to counter the so-called ‘climate change,’ the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), under the leadership of its founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, has proposed a comprehensive plan aiming to limit 76% of private cars by the year 2050.

The authoritarian objective is a part of WEF’s broader vision for a ‘sustainable and low-carbon future,’ as outlined in its Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility in collaboration with Visa in May 2023.

According to WEF’s recently published white paper, by 2050, people are likely to travel twice as much within cities as they do now. If people don’t change anything, this would mean that there would be 2.1 billion cars, buses, and other vehicles on the road, emitting 4.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122404

File: 006ccc1612d1c13⋯.png (307.9 KB,500x390,50:39,Clipboard.png)

File: 33d39fd73244605⋯.png (289.56 KB,500x414,250:207,Clipboard.png)

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File: b085b8b3019f53f⋯.png (180.15 KB,500x362,250:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 58f608a78477b48⋯.png (127.54 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983693 (101810ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Bun / Moving Toward A Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison & A Digital Gulag

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Moving Toward A Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison & A Digital Gulag


COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.”

Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum

Using the fake “COVID virus” narrative as cover, the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world’s wealth have sharply accelerated their longstanding plan to create a single global empire that is completely under their command.

This single global empire will ultimately employ the services of all the transnational institutions on the planet in order to regulate and control every aspect of human life.

It is a global empire run by an exclusive club, perhaps 8,000 to 10,000 strong, whose members do not pledge allegiance to any national flag, who snobbishly view themselves as superior to their countrymen, and who are indifferent to political ideology so long as they can control the political structure from within. They aim to erase all national borders and are well on their way to shredding the constitutions of every nation-state.

It is a global empire that, unlike days of yore, needs no standing army to wage war on a battlefield against an opposing empire. For, in this era of the single global empire, the enemy being subdued is each and every one of us.

That mission is being accomplished through a sophisticated information warfare campaign, which is designed to monitor and manipulate our every thought, word, and deed.

Importantly, this offensive attack on us is intended to suppress and stamp out freedom in every aspect of our lives—economic freedom; political freedom (particularly the freedom to impart and receive information and to accept or reject information); physical movement freedom; healthcare decision freedom; and, above all, the independence to think for ourselves—what can be called mental freedom.

Before I expose this global empire in more detail, I would like to share with you, dear reader, a story about my parents. It serves to contrast the 1950s’ version of mass surveillance and harsh restrictions on individual freedoms in certain parts of the world with the 2020s version of repression, wherein all of humanity—regardless of where one lives—is steadily and surreptitiously being herded into an omnipresent totalitarian control grid. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122405

File: 5cafbf637e5192a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x753,1024:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983773 (101830ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / No One More Responsible For LGBT-Pride Backlash Than Trudeau

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No One More Responsible For LGBT-Pride Backlash Than Trudeau


n no way is it a unique phenomenon. The modus operandi goes like this:

First, create the circumstances which assure a maximization of social consternation. Next, position government as the remedy for the problem. Utilize media to position all forms of questioning or push-back as acts of “hate.”

No one in Canada plays this game better than PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122406

File: e91f7472f29f6fa⋯.png (833.75 KB,1092x702,14:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8abc6656140aeb6⋯.png (367.31 KB,640x384,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983901 (101856ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Electromagnetic Radiation + Horse Deaths at Churchill Downs

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Electromagnetic Radiation + Horse Deaths at Churchill Downs


Decades of peer-reviewed published research has determined that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) – including wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation and 5G – is harmful to humans and animals. In fact, manufacturers are required to issue warnings about radiation emissions from devices. Additionally, in 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of petitioners who sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for NOT updating wireless guidelines (including 5G) since 1996 (see 1, 2) and the agency has done nothing yet to address this.

In the meantime, many have also been trying to figure out what led to the unexpected deaths of 12 horses at renowned Kentucky horse track, Churchill Downs. Arthur Firstenberg from Cell Phone Task Force did some investigating of his own which suggests exposure to various sources of radiation may have at least played a role. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122407

File: 49d7c6f045ceda4⋯.png (306.31 KB,539x877,539:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984165 (101940ZJUN23) Notable: WHO Bun / Digital Vaccine Passports to “Facilitate Global Mobility” and “Better Protect Citizens”

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Didn’t Take Long • WHO Global Vaccine Passports Go Live In Europe


As borders in Europe are now controlled by the World Health Organization, anti-vaxxers and other naysayers will be banned from movement between countries. This will spread rapidly around the world. Expect other add-ons to the passport that may or may not relate to health, such as certain co-morbidities or carbon footprint. The universal ID will also dovetail to Internet access and use of Central Bank Digital Currencies. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood


Ben Bartee | PJ Media

As the World Health Organization pandemic treaties bear fruit, the mark of the beast has arrived in Europe. Everything the Public Health™ experts have done since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to this moment of triumph for the global technocracy.

“WHO & EU_Commission launch landmark digital health initiative to help protect people across the world from on-going & future health threats,” WHO tweeted out on June 5. “This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better #HealthForAll.”

Orwellian digital social control grids are loving, and liberal. #HealthForAll.

Via World Health Organization (emphasis added): Continue...

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deaba1 No.122408

File: 741a0cc78a086ad⋯.png (168.09 KB,600x394,300:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984210 (101948ZJUN23) Notable: Farmers and Food Crisis Bun / Genetically Engineered Salad Greens Coming To Grocery Stores And They Won’t Be Labeled

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Genetically Engineered Salad Greens Coming To Grocery Stores And They Won’t Be Labeled


Pairwise, an agricultural biotechnology company, created Conscious Greens Purple Power Baby Greens Blend, the first CRISPR-edited food available to U.S. consumers.

(Article by Dr. Joseph Mercola republished from ChildrensHealthDefense.org)

Story at a glance:

- Pairwise, an agricultural biotechnology company, created Conscious Greens Purple Power Baby Greens Blend, the first CRISPR-edited food available to U.S. consumers.

- The company used CRISPR, or clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat, to edit mustard greens’ DNA, removing a gene that gives them their pungent flavor.

- The greens are first being rolled out in restaurants in St. Louis, Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, before heading to U.S. grocery stores — beginning in the Pacific Northwest.

- In 2022, researchers with Boston Children’s Hospital revealed that using CRISPR in human cell lines increased the risk of large rearrangements of DNA, which could increase cancer risk.

- Because regulators don’t consider gene-edited foods to be genetically modified organisms (GMOs), they don’t have to be labeled.

Mustard greens are a nutrient-dense source of vitamins and minerals, but their bitter flavor makes them unpalatable to many. To remedy the problem, Tom Adams, cofounder and CEO of Pairwise, told Wired, “We basically created a new category of salad.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122409

File: c73cfcf6fdd6f84⋯.png (626.95 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984536 (102054ZJUN23) Notable: WHO Bun / WHO says it’s one step closer to passing “legally binding” Pandemic Treaty for global authoritarian control over next “health emergency”

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WHO says it’s one step closer to passing “legally binding” Pandemic Treaty for global authoritarian control over next “health emergency”


The World Health Organization (WHO) wrapped up its 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) event last week, and one major point of discussion was the next “covid,” which Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned is soon to come.

The WHO is readying its so-called “Pandemic Treaty” in preparation for the next global “health emergency,” which Ghebreyesus told members will probably be “another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”

Once the Pandemic Treaty is in place, all member nations, including the United States, will be legally bound by its stipulations. The WHO will be in charge of the entire prevention, preparedness, and response effort, overriding all national laws and even the Constitution in the process.

Think Global Health says that those arguing in favor of this Pandemic Treaty “have variously argued that it should address – among other things – surveillance, outbreak notification, the sharing of pathogen samples and genetic sequence information, zoonoses, pandemic prevention, trade, and travel measures, equitable access to health countermeasures, health capacities in low-income countries, universal health coverage, social determinants of health, intellectual property rights, misinformation and disinformation, financing for pandemic preparedness and response, human rights, and strengthening the WHO.”

The next “pandemic” will be the LAST pandemic to usher in a globalist new world order Continue...

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deaba1 No.122410

File: c2e4e3159d02b6f⋯.png (1.55 MB,1780x880,89:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984625 (102124ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Nike launches 2023 Pride Month with “doctor” who performs transgender mutilations on CHILDREN

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Nike launches 2023 Pride Month with “doctor” who performs transgender mutilations on CHILDREN


A leaked email has revealed that the Nike corporation is promoting a surgeon for this year’s “pride” month who says he has performed many “gender affirming mastectomies” on minors – and is apparently proud of it.

The email starts off by stating that “This year’s theme is Together We Are Undeniable,” adding that “The LGBTQIA+ community continues to fight for equality – their fight to be themselves.”

Nike’s “Together We Are Undeniable” theme, according to the same email, “centers around determination; celebrating icons of the community and the progress we have and will continue to make in light of recent attacks and restrictions on the community and their allies.”

Based out of Portland, Nike will host a panel discussion featuring Dr. Blair Peters, a surgeon at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), who has mutilated children’s bodies for cash.

“Join the Human Rights Campaign, Portland Community Football Club’s Kaig Lightner, and OHSU Trans Health Program’s Dr. Blair Peters for a panel and Q&A to discuss policies impacting the transgender community,” the email further states, advertising the July 11 event. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122411

File: fb34eb01da57149⋯.png (134.52 KB,959x561,959:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a3361928faa615⋯.png (407.55 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984627 (102131ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Surprise! Canada Smoke Causes 50% Reduction in Solar Power Production in the Northeastern US

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Surprise! Canada Smoke Causes 50% Reduction in Solar Power Production in the Northeastern US


Solar power generation in parts of the northeastern United States has taken a significant hit in recent weeks, primarily due to smoke from wildfires in Canada. A thick shroud of smoke has caused solar power production in these areas to plummet by more than 50%.

Solar farms that power New England, for example, were generating 56% less energy at peak demand times compared to just a week before, according to data from ISO-NE per Bloomberg.

ISO New England is a non-profit, independent regional transmission organization that provides services to the six states of the New England region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Moreover, power generation across the areas serviced by PJM Interconnection LLC, which extends from Illinois to North Carolina, decreased by about 25% compared to the previous week.

“With a situation like this, it’s really unprecedented” in the Northeast, said Matt Kakley, a spokesperson for ISO-New England. “We don’t have a lot of historical data to look back on. There is some learning in real-time.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on Wednesday that the northeastern United States was engulfed yesterday with a massive blanket of smoke from wildfires burning in Quebec. New York City quickly all but disappeared behind the orangish haze.

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deaba1 No.122412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984666 (102149ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Climate Engineering Or Weather Warfare? Testimony From Top Experts

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Climate Engineering Or Weather Warfare? Testimony From Top Experts


Top geoengineering scientists claim climate engineering is just a dangerous proposal and not an ongoing devastating reality. Are we to believe what they tell us? Or, should we believe what we can see with our own eyes in skies all over the world? Please view this hard hitting 7 minute video with damning testimony from the world’s most recognized climate engineers. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington

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deaba1 No.122413

File: 432d8963f7779c1⋯.png (488.42 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: f0b6a23dc606976⋯.png (2.95 MB,1920x1373,1920:1373,Clipboard.png)

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File: e98567a75d11bfc⋯.png (343.49 KB,650x756,325:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984853 (102236ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau to the Rescue? Justin Flies to Kyiv to Meet with Zelensky as Canada Burns

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Trudeau to the Rescue? Justin Flies to Kyiv to Meet with Zelensky as Canada Burns


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a surprise visit to Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday despite political scandals and raging wildfires at home.

The leftist Canadian leader, alongside progressive Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, touched down in the Ukrainian capital on Saturday to recommit to Ottowa’s continued military and financial support for Zelensky’s war effort against Russia amid rumours of the long-awaited and much-hyped counter-offensive.

In a joint statement, Zelensky and Trudeau said: “The people of Ukraine can count on Canada to continue its political, financial, humanitarian and military support for as long as it takes – individually and through international cooperation within the G7, NATO, the United Nations and any other forum where Canada can bring its weight to bear.”

The statement stated that since the Russian invasion last year — dubbed a “special military operation” by the Kremlin — the Canadian government has committed to over $8 billion in “wide-ranging” aid to Ukraine.

“Canada is providing unprecedented military support, including tanks, air-defence systems and artillery, and continues to develop new assistance measures based on Ukraine’s needs,” the statement read. The Canadian PM announced that another $500 million would be sent to Ukraine in weapons and to train pilot fighters.

In a post on Twitter, Trudeau said: “Canada stands united with Ukraine. I’m in Kyiv to reaffirm that commitment to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people as they maintain their resistance against Russia’s brutal war.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122414

File: b3d488512f66e86⋯.png (261.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984875 (102241ZJUN23) Notable: Medically Assisted Suicide Bun / Medical suicides surge in Canada – activists

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Medical suicides surge in Canada – activists


The number of euthanasia deaths rose by 34% last year, critics told the Daily Mail

There were at least 13,500 cases of medically assisted suicide in Canada in 2022 fiscal year, up from just over 10,000 the year before, activists from the group Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) have revealed.

Euthanasia rates are “skyrocketing,” the group’s director Alex Schadenberg told the Daily Mail on Wednesday, because the procedure has been normalized by a “heavy promotion of MAiD in our medical system.” MAiD stands for “medical assistance in dying.”

“Every major healthcare institution has a MAiD team which will literally approach everyone who may qualify for MAiD and ask them if they want to die,” Schadenberg said. “If you’re going to pay people to be on a MAiD team, they will sell what they are offering.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122415

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18984921 (102250ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Over a thousand people attend 'interfaith coalition' against woke gender ideology in Ottawa (video)

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Over a thousand people attend 'interfaith coalition' against woke gender ideology in Ottawa


The gathering drew in concerned parents, children, and allies from a variety of faiths.

On Friday, over one thousand concerned parents, children, and allies gathered in Ottawa to take part in the Education over Indoctrination protest against the promotion of LGBTQ content in schools.

Organizers Josh Alexander and Chris Elston, better known as "Billboard Chris," managed to draw in a diverse group of supporters, including many Muslims who joined their Christian neighbors.

The interfaith coalition was celebrated by Elston, who said he was pleased with the turnout considering he hadn't reached out to the Muslim community beforehand. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122416

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18985042 (102315ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr Tess Lawrie: The WCH Full Scope Mission (video)

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Dr Tess Lawrie | The WCH Full Scope Mission


The Great Freeset, and The Better Way

Drugs, Food, AI, Transhumanism, Electrosmog, Climate Change, Thought Control, Health Sovereignty, Human Rights, and Abundance: these were all subjects tackled at the 2023 Better Way Conference. Here on the sidelines as the conference opened, Dr Lawrie speaks about the current goals of The World Council For Health and the evolution of our mission; it began with the advocacy for Covid early treatments and has expanded to counteract the entire Great Reset agenda, and the enslavement of mankind. 11 minutes.

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deaba1 No.122417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18986213 (110210ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Redacted: TRUDEAU is at it AGAIN! (video)

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TRUDEAU is at it AGAIN! | Redacted with Clayton Moriss


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not learn his lesson about lecturing European countries about gay rights. That's why he said he'll keep standing up for LQBT2QLGBTT2Q2TQLLGB rights. Okayyyy. This time he took it upon himself to lecture Poland on the topic. But according to his definition, Poland is an extremist country since it stopped all Covid vaccines. This guy....!

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deaba1 No.122418

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18987786 (111352ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Climate Lockdowns are here but what caused the fires? Press For Truth delves "Into The Fire" (video)

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With virtually every problem we’ve seen in Canada the blame always seems to rest on state control and the current fires raging all across Canada are certainly no exception.

While the Alberta government looks into arson as a possible explanation, the so called experts are more worried about misinformation regarding climate change than anything else.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the 2023 Canadian fires that are raging out of control while also finding a lot of similarities to the 2016 Canadian fires showing how this now appears to be either a MIHOP or LIHOP situation!

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deaba1 No.122419

File: 6d883d18f2cd790⋯.png (878.7 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ab0c55a04c432⋯.png (183.27 KB,604x846,302:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18987821 (111400ZJUN23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Ontario Tech holding segregated STEM clubs for black youth

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CAMPUS WATCH: Ontario Tech holding segregated STEM clubs for black youth


Oshawa’s Ontario Tech University is holding segregated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) clubs for black youth – with funding from the Government of Canada.

The university also ran workshops dedicated to those who identify as black girls. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18987881 (111421ZJUN23) Notable: The state of Canada’s pro-life movement (video)

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The state of Canada’s pro-life movement (feat. Alissa Golob)


Canada is one of few countries to have no laws on abortion, amid the majority of Canadians being pro-choice. Even Parliament is so pro-abortion, they’re unwilling to pass legislation to protect pre-born girls from sex-selective abortion.

This has led some to wonder if Canada’s pro-life movement should shift its focus to advancing pro-family initiatives and policies, rather than try and restrict abortion.

True North’s Elie Cantin-Nantel spoke about the matter, as well as the current state of Canada’s pro-life movement, with RightNow co-founder Alissa Golob.

RightNow describes itself as an organization which “exists to nominate and elect pro-life politicians by mobilizing Canadians on the ground level to vote at local nomination meetings, and provide training to volunteers across the country to create effective campaign teams in every riding across Canada.”

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deaba1 No.122421

File: baa371910f23eb6⋯.png (353.64 KB,410x812,205:406,Clipboard.png)

File: d19e2e5ceed91e0⋯.png (154.71 KB,412x775,412:775,Clipboard.png)

File: ab316cd6d49b3bf⋯.png (223.6 KB,409x637,409:637,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d94b2cb336ae2⋯.png (238.02 KB,276x765,92:255,Clipboard.png)

File: b07b73c8c078e37⋯.png (213.89 KB,408x724,102:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18987954 (111438ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Trudeau meets with Holocaust denier during Kyiv visit

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Trudeau meets with Holocaust denier during Kyiv visit


Melnyk was recalled in July 2022 by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after he defended Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator.

Andrij Melnyk, a high-profile Nazi sympathizer and the former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, greeted Justin Trudeau during the Canadian Prime minister's unannounced visit to Ukraine.

Melnyk was recalled in July 2022 by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after he defended Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator. Melnyk claimed that "Bandera was not a mass murderer of Jews and Poles."

Bandera was assassinated in 1959. He led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany, killing thousands of Jews and Poles.

Team Trudeau has a blind spot for the Nazi-collaborating Bandera movement.

In February 2022, Trudeau's deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, was seen holding a scarf with the colours of the paramilitary Bandera movement at a rally in solidarity with Ukraine.

Freeland's grandfather was a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who published Nazi propaganda.

Freeland claimed the historically accurate description of her grandfather's past was Russian propaganda targeting her for her support of an independent Ukraine.

Melnyk has recently argued that the genocidal state of China could act as a peace broker in the war between Russian and Ukraine.

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deaba1 No.122422

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988133 (111531ZJUN23) Notable: Final Canada National Citizens Inquiry Bun / Economist and Centre for Research on Globalization director Michel Chossudovsky testifies at the NCI in Quebec (video)

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Economist and Centre for Research on Globalization director Michel Chossudovsky testifies at the NCI in Quebec


'The lockdown under no circumstances could be considered as a means of containing an epidemic because when you want to contain an epidemic, you must make sure that your economy is functioning,' said Mr. Chossudovsky at the National Citizens inquiry.

Michel Chossudovsky is a Canadian economist and author, who is also professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa and the president and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Michel Chossudovsky holds a controversial but strong position on how the pandemic response has impacted the economy.

"The lockdown under no circumstances could be considered as a means of containing an epidemic because when you want to contain an epidemic, you must make sure that your economy is functioning. So, in other words, closing down an economy simply weakens the whole fabric of society.”

Shutting down the economy is the worst thing to do during a pandemic according to Mr. Chossudovsky. But the economic side is only one of the repercussions of the lockdowns, these harsh measures also had a great impact on mental health.

“This is not a public health crisis. It's a much broader crisis which triggers a public health crisis. But the crisis is more than that. It triggers a crisis in mental health and drug overdose and alcoholism.”

Mr. Chossudovsky exposed the massive transfer of wealth the pandemic has created, making big institutions and corporations richer and everyday citizens poorer.

“Broadly speaking, it's the financial establishment. It's very powerful financial interests. We call them Wall Street. But it's broader than that. It's the powerful banking institutions, but it's also the portfolio companies like BlackRock and so on, which will acquire real economic wealth.”

Canada raised the national debt ceiling by 57% to $1.4 Trillion under Trudeau's power. Mr. Chossudovsky explained the consequences of having a high national debt, and the impact of the creditors on the decision to raise the debt ceiling.

“Essentially what's happening now is that all these governments are heavily indebted and they are taking the instructions from creditors.”

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deaba1 No.122423

File: 171fda2b07aa7ae⋯.png (126.93 KB,435x245,87:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988186 (111546ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

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Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”


The push to replace real beef with other forms of protein has been ramping up in recent weeks. The powers-that-be want us to stop eating steaks and instead eat cricket burgers or lab-grown meat replacements as our protein. Ireland is even considering culling 200,000 cows to meet their climate change virtue signaling goals.

But their climate change argument is patently false. Recent studies have shown growing meat in a lab is actually as much as 25-times worse for the environment than producing the same amount of real beef. Corporate media is barely reporting on it, but they’ve been forced to mention it over the past couple of weeks thanks to the persistence of those championing the truth.

One such champion is Dr. Joseph Mercola who recently noted: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122424

File: a1f3421ebcf7c47⋯.png (988.9 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: a86a8b07cbb3219⋯.png (560.61 KB,882x764,441:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988224 (111556ZJUN23) Notable: Iran Named Vice President of UN General Assembly After Securing Another Position to Promote Human Rights

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Iran Named Vice President of UN General Assembly After Securing Another Position to Promote Human Rights


In a move that has left the international community abuzz, Iran, a country scrutinized for its stringent restrictions on civil liberties, has secured two critical positions within the United Nations.

After assuming leadership in a U.N. forum on the promotion of human rights through technology, Iran has now been elected as Vice President of the General Assembly, solidifying its expanding influence within this key international body, JNS reported.

Advocates of human rights are voicing concerns due to Iran’s track record of strict penalties for dissenting voices, which are based on its interpretation of Sharia law, an Islamic legal system. This contrasts with the forum’s stated mission of enhancing human rights through technology. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122425

File: b9e6d24bd85c2e7⋯.png (202.86 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988242 (111601ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Zelensky Belatedly Confirms That Major Ukraine Offensive Has Begun

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Zelensky Belatedly Confirms That Major Ukraine Offensive Has Begun


Days after Ukraine's counteroffensive was widely reported to have begun in international press reports, currently concentrated in four areas of the east and south, President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared to give belated confirmation that it is indeed in progress for the first time in Saturday statements.

"Counteroffensive and defensive actions are being taken in Ukraine," Zelensky said from the Ukrainian capital while standing alongside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The Canadian leader had made a "surprise" visit to the war-ravaged country. "I don’t comment on the scale. I am in touch with our commanders. Everyone is in a positive mood. Pass this on to Putin."

Canada has pledged another $375 million in defense aid, and Trudeau along with other NATO heads of state will attend a big NATO annual meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania early next month. Zelensky is pushing for full membership in the alliance, or at least to receive strong security guarantees. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122426

File: dd411e10a59f6b1⋯.png (387.6 KB,500x600,5:6,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b43b0dec8e7cde⋯.png (382.38 KB,500x799,500:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988273 (111613ZJUN23) Notable: Visualizing The State Of Economic Freedom Around The World In 2023

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Visualizing The State Of Economic Freedom Around The World In 2023


The concept of economic freedom serves as a vital framework for evaluating the extent to which individuals and businesses have the freedom to make economic decisions. In countries with low economic freedom, governments exert coercion and constraints on liberties, restricting choice for individuals and businesses, which can ultimately hinder prosperity.

As Visual Capitalist's Avery Koop and Joyce Ma show in the map below, using the annual Index of Economic Freedom from the Heritage Foundation, showcases the level of economic freedom in every country worldwide on a scale of 0-100, looking at factors like property rights, tax burdens, labor freedom, and so on.

The ranking categorizing scores of 80+ as free economies, 70-79.9 as mostly free, 60-69.9 as moderately free, 50-59.9 as mostly unfree, and 0-49.9 as repressed.

Measuring Economic Freedom

This ranking uses four broad categories with three key indicators each, both qualitative and quantitative, to measure economic freedom.

Rule of law: property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity

Size of government: tax burdens, fiscal health, government spending

Regulatory efficiency: labor freedom, monetary freedom, business freedom

Open markets: financial freedom, trade freedom, investment freedom

The 12 indicators are weighted equally and scored from 0-100. The overall score is then determined from the average of the 12 indicators.

Here’s a closer look at every country’s score: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122427

File: 6c8158ff6b4cefb⋯.png (295 KB,1024x418,512:209,Clipboard.png)

File: a41ad0d442ffb6f⋯.png (1.46 MB,2000x1111,2000:1111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988313 (111624ZJUN23) Notable: Iris Biometrics Coming to Three National ID Programs

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Iris Biometrics


Iris Biometrics Coming to Three National ID Programs

Iris biometrics are being added to Pakistan’s national ID system with support from Iris ID, Jordan’s via IrisGuard, and are among the three modalities Idemia and Atos will support for Togo’s, in a handful of major deals among the most-read articles of the week on Biometric Update. Scale is also a central motivating factor in a partnership connecting Yoti and Mitek through Synectics’ platform to fight fraud, while Jumio shows research into consumer perception and ID R&D explained a new PAD metric.

Top biometrics news of the week Continue...

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deaba1 No.122428

File: 42361fb76b1c502⋯.png (269.98 KB,610x406,305:203,Clipboard.png)

File: bf97d27b8d493f7⋯.png (80.11 KB,655x431,655:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988392 (111642ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Mainstream Media Ministries Of Propaganda Continue To Blame Canada Wildfires On ‘Enviro Change’ • Despite Multiple Arson Arrests

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Mainstream Media Ministries Of Propaganda Continue To Blame Canada Wildfires On ‘Enviro Change’ • Despite Multiple Arson Arrests


The Liberty Beacon

While the mainstream media continues to point to ‘climate change’ as the source of the wildfires, reports show that multiple people have been arrested in connection with dozens of intentionally set fires in the country.

Lifesite News

Despite the arrest of multiple arsonists, the mainstream media in Canada seems intent on attributing the nation’s recent wildfires to “climate change.”

As wildfires continue to spread across western, and now central and eastern Canada, burning forestland and homes, the mainstream media continues to imply that climate change is the main culprit, despite a growing number of reports showing that arsonists have been arrested for allegedly setting dozens of fires.

“Several arsonists have been arrested in the past weeks in different provinces for lighting forest fires,” People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted. “But the lying woke media and politicians keep repeating that global warming is the cause.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988576 (111726ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Canadian fires are being set deliberately (arson) - many recent Quebec and Alberta fires started simultaneously - videos and articles

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Canadian fires are being set deliberately (arson) - many recent Quebec and Alberta fires started simultaneously - videos and articles


Quebec Fires started simultaneously across entire province on June 2, 2023 (source)

Alberta fires started simultaneously on June 7, 2023:

Fires in Edson, Alberta:

Fires in British Columbia (Jun.8, 2023, New York Times)

Fires in Nova Scotia (May 28, 2023)

Smoke at George Washington Bridge running from Manhattan, New York to New Jersey (Jun.7, 2023)

Smoke in Times Square, New York (Jun.7, 2023)

Nova Scotia - Retired firefighter offered a team to help the provincial government fight fires and was rejected


June 8, 2023 - Alberta Premier Danielle Smith pledges arson investigation into 175 wildfires with no known cause

June 8, 2023 - Satellite footage raises possibility that arson, not climate change theory, to blame for Quebec fires (Lifesitenews)

June 8, 2023 - There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’ (Kyle Becker)

June 7, 2023 - Media blames ‘climate change’ for Canadian wildfires despite arrest of multiple arsonists

June 5, 2023 - Police in NS say some fires deliberately set

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deaba1 No.122430

File: d46aad5855d596c⋯.png (804.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 9993d4b91caf278⋯.png (524.41 KB,804x843,268:281,Clipboard.png)

File: fa1de7922ee4025⋯.png (542.17 KB,539x814,49:74,Clipboard.png)

File: d11c3aff6ebf198⋯.png (333.95 KB,541x760,541:760,Clipboard.png)

File: 4020ebc85a8276e⋯.png (280.2 KB,609x711,203:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988867 (111833ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Rockefeller Center Replaces World Flags With Pride Flags

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Rockefeller Center Replaces World Flags With Pride Flags


The Rockefeller Center in NYC has replaced 193 world flags with pride flags.

The outside courtyard of the Rockefeller Center usually attracts tourists from all over the world and has become an iconic place to take photos.

Take a look: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122431

File: b076ea194eaa360⋯.png (448.96 KB,800x438,400:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988943 (111849ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Bun / WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

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WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’


A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.”

Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.”

Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the “future of humanity.”

According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism.

Speaking with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari told the elitist audience:

“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas.

“You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind.

“They cannot create a new idea.

“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.

“It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”

Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.

“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared.

“Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added.

“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI.

“That could be a reality in a few years.”


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deaba1 No.122432

File: 11dfafc3e66812e⋯.png (233.54 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a6d167d94fe48e5⋯.png (258 KB,646x791,646:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d932d633dbc4a6⋯.png (641.26 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989004 (111901ZJUN23) Notable: Succession: George Soros Hands Son Alex Control of His $25 Billion Empire

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Succession: George Soros Hands Son Alex Control of His $25 Billion Empire


Billionaire left-wing Democrat donor George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion financial empire to his younger son Alex who has vowed to pursue even more ultra-liberal causes.

The newly crowned 37-year-old heir told the Wall Street Journal he will broaden his father’s famously woke interests to include issues like voting and abortion rights as well as “gender equality.”

He also feels bound to inject himself into the day-to-day political affairs of the nation ahead of the 2024 election.

“I’m more political,” Alex observed when comparing himself to his Hungarian-born financier father.

He has already visited the White House 17 times in just over a year and met with big-name Democrats, as Breitbart News reported.

He also recently tweeted a picture of himself with Vice President Kamala Harris.

Open Society Foundations, the Soros family non-profit, currently directs about $1.5 billion a year to causes all around the planet. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122433

File: 3c29d5234cc3a35⋯.png (394.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989047 (111910ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Canada to give stolen Russian cargo plane to Ukraine

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Canada to give stolen Russian cargo plane to Ukraine


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also pledged more military aid to Kiev

The Canadian government has confirmed its plans to seize and transfer to Kiev an Antonov-124 transport aircraft, owned by Russia’s Volga-Dnepr airline. The announcement comes amid Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s surprise visit to Ukraine.

The seizure of this “important asset” is the “first step of the Government of Canada’s action under the asset seizure and forfeiture regime and is designed to put additional pressure on Russia,” Ottawa said in a press release on Saturday.

The An-124 Ruslan had been chartered by the Canadian government from the Russian carrier to deliver a cargo of Covid tests from China back in 2022. It landed in Toronto on February 27, mere hours before Canada closed its airspace to all Russian aircraft, and has been grounded ever since.

“From the beginning we have stood on the side of the Ukrainian people, and implemented a NOTAM against all Russian-owned and operated flights into Canada,” Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said in a statement. “We stand with Ukraine and will take any and all necessary actions, including this seizure, to put pressure on President Putin.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122434

File: 9373bcf8e2ec0af⋯.png (189.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989303 (112006ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Canada sanctions ex-Ukrainian president

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Canada sanctions ex-Ukrainian president


Ottawa also blacklisted Russian museums and education ministries to “protect” Ukrainian culture

The Canadian government added former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and his son Aleksandr to its sanctions list on Saturday, accusing them of being connected to the “theft” of Ukrainian cultural objects and the Kremlin’s alleged efforts to “Russify” Ukrainian culture.

In addition to Yanukovich, the list of sanctioned individuals includes the culture minister of the Kherson region, Alexander Kuzmenko, the former deputy information minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Daniil Bezsonov, and Ukrainian blogger Yury Podolyaka.

Among the blacklisted entities are the culture ministries of Crimea and Kherson Region, the education and science ministries of the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions, and multiple museums and media outlets.

“The list of individuals being sanctioned includes Ukrainians who work at museums and other cultural centers who collaborate with Russia. It also includes newly created entities in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, such as the so-called ministries of education and culture,” the Canadian government said in a statement on Saturday. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122435

File: d60ba70e00c0b51⋯.png (1.37 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

File: f17d18575d526c7⋯.png (586.13 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 544d3c75ed6cbc0⋯.png (737.83 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 32c430206ac460e⋯.png (618.66 KB,1240x695,248:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989339 (112015ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / A petri dish for fascism: How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis

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A petri dish for fascism: How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis


The war-torn east European country is a mecca for some of the most odious people on earth. What sort of threat does this pose to their home countries?

At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis – Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni – who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media. However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally.

This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known far-right extremists.

It’s not just Paris that will soon face the prospect of militant neo-Nazis returning home. Observers note that the number of volunteer foreign fighters in Ukraine has reached thousands. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122436

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989456 (112044ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr Trozzi with the New American on the sidelines of the Better Way Conference 2023 (video)

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Current Crisis: Danger and Opportunity


Dr Trozzi with the New American on the sidelines of the Better Way Conference 2023

Thanks to Veronika Krylenko and her team for holding many important interviews on the sidelines of the Better Way Conference 2023, including this one. Today we have a big-picture, solutions-dense, 16 minute interview to share; about which the New American wrote:

Covid policies and mandates unleashed on the world constitute crimes against humanity. Yet those are only a single aspect of the global attack on individual health, freedom, and sovereignty, says Dr. Mark Trozzi of the World Council for Health.

In this interview with The New American, Dr. Trozzi describes how Covid policies, particularly vaccination program and introduction of Covid passes, parallel historic atrocities of Nazis, and how the WCH is working to prevent them from ever happening again. There are other alarming totalitarian and deeply inhumane agendas that are being pushed on people, such as CBDC, 15-minute cities, fake foods, transhumanism, and more. Luckily, there is a better way, as detailed by the doctor.

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deaba1 No.122437

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989521 (112056ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Canadian Parliamentarian FABRICATES Hate Crime HOAX? (video)

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Canadian Parliamentarian FABRICATES Hate Crime HOAX? Viva Frei Vlawg


Hate crimes are so prevalent in Canada parliamentarians need to fabricate them…

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deaba1 No.122438

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18990111 (112306ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Reese Report: Arson driven wildfires being used as catalyst for Canadian FEMA

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Right on, the fires in Canada are clearly arson, and have been since 2021, when Lytton was burned down by a fire spewing arson train. Funny they still deny there was any train there, yet the people seen that train.

Wonder if they dropped an accelerant from a plane? Several lines that look like drops from a plane back and forth. They need to scan that area for air travel shortly before the fires became visible.

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deaba1 No.122439

File: 0a1fee5f811424f⋯.png (132.58 KB,500x357,500:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a38c2ad673d789⋯.png (124.54 KB,500x360,25:18,Clipboard.png)

File: c3a0688e77ed819⋯.png (55.88 KB,500x359,500:359,Clipboard.png)

File: e84f9c159d122b3⋯.png (212.61 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 57017cbf7e868b9⋯.png (133.82 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18993047 (121510ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Canadian Officials Warn Wildfires Could "Last All Summer"

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Canadian Officials Warn Wildfires Could "Last All Summer"


Last week we shared new troubling forecasts that showed wildfire risks are set to explode to "above normal" conditions across portions of the Northeast this summer. This could be due to the emerging El Nino weather phenomenon.

Axios reported 435 wildfires were burning across Canada this past weekend. As of Monday morning, most Mid-Atlantic and Northeast cities recorded air quality levels at "unhealthy" levels despite some relief from the wildfire smoke in recent days.

Wildfire smoke still blankets many states on the East Coast. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122440

File: 3f139bfb226d838⋯.png (299.28 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: cc3ca6c2bcf161e⋯.png (127.93 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

File: f96c84fcda7f5a3⋯.png (451.42 KB,500x424,125:106,Clipboard.png)

File: e2b531c2f708d59⋯.png (52.21 KB,738x405,82:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e32a448c5ebcaa⋯.png (72.46 KB,733x512,733:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18993155 (121537ZJUN23) Notable: Succession: George Soros Hands Son Alex Control of His $25 Billion Empire

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George Soros Skips Former 'Heir Apparent' – Hands Reins Of Empire To 'More Political' Son Alex


George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex - who in recent years has been seen flying around the world to conduct business on behalf of his family's Open Society Foundation.

In doing so, the 92-year-old Soros is passing over the family's one-time 'heir apparent,' Jonathan Soros, 52 - the third child from George's first marriage, and a Harvard-trained lawyer who stabilized the Soros investment firm after a tumultuous period saw several investment chiefs come and go.

"I expected Jonathan to be the one," said former Open Society Foundation president Aryeh Neier, who ran the organization from 1993 to 2012.

Jonathan Soros thought he was the one as well, telling the Wall Street Journal; "I always knew he could change his mind," adding "As a trader, it’s the thing he’s most famous for." Continue...

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deaba1 No.122441

File: 95b9c1c0a4e637e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1064x830,532:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 72f1324b070baa5⋯.png (582.02 KB,597x885,199:295,Clipboard.png)

File: d03267d597622b5⋯.png (670.44 KB,932x1030,466:515,Clipboard.png)

File: f25594eee7d937a⋯.png (324.06 KB,1304x732,326:183,Clipboard.png)

File: e710a3dd23a7516⋯.png (702.31 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18993502 (121638ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun / Canadian Fires • Missing Ammonium Nitrate • Reddish Orange Gas When Burned • New York City In Orange Haze

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Canadian Fires • Missing Ammonium Nitrate • Reddish Orange Gas When Burned • New York City In Orange Haze


So did they use the missing tons of Ammonium Nitrate to start the fires? It burns and give of an orange smoke when it does so. Forest fires are not orange in color by the way.

What this poor guy [in the video below] does not understand is that the politicians are the ones doing this for their satanic masters. They don't want to fix this. The are not inept, incompetent or stupid. Quite the opposite. They are criminals doing this for an evil reason for purposes most do not understand. They don't want to put the fires out THAT THEY STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Those in charge wanted this to happen and made it so. They have no intention of trying to fix it.

Article continues...

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deaba1 No.122442

File: e19aef24ad2bc21⋯.png (226.39 KB,639x359,639:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 86e6a6866ae94d7⋯.png (241.08 KB,639x453,213:151,Clipboard.png)

File: a9e7fc16657a671⋯.png (180.61 KB,639x502,639:502,Clipboard.png)

File: ff3cf53cf02cdd6⋯.png (129.41 KB,765x439,765:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18993657 (121711ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately

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The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately


Thomas Binder, a Swedish medical doctor, warned in a video he tweeted yesterday that the pharmaceutical is currently working on transferring all vaccinations onto using the mRNA platform. “Even having a trace of intelligence, is enough to realise that the modified RNA vaccine platform is totally nonsensical and life-threatening,” he said. “The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122443

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18994835 (122105ZJUN23) Notable: Parrhesia, The Solution to Mass Formation Psychosis -Mattias Desmet, PhD (video)

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[INTERVIEW] Parrhesia, The Solution to Mass Formation Psychosis -Mattias Desmet, PhD


(Bath, England) Mattias Desmet, PhD, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, wrote that our current post-Covid situation and diminishing freedoms is due to “mass formation…a kind of group hypnosis that destroys individuals’ ethical self-awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically.”

In this interview, Desmet discusses the cause and solution to totalitarianism and mass formation psychosis: parrhesia.

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deaba1 No.122444

File: 62271e587931dd3⋯.png (531.41 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: dd49f8a5f1767bd⋯.png (242.35 KB,539x889,77:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 258d0e0f424e892⋯.png (286.97 KB,912x649,912:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18994988 (122132ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Military claims officer wasn’t involved in Ottawa counterprotest with Antifa despite video

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Military claims officer wasn’t involved in Ottawa counterprotest with Antifa despite video


The Department of National Defence (DND) is claiming that a senior Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) officer “wasn’t participating” in an Ottawa pro-gender ideology protest alongside far-left Antifa extremists despite videos suggesting otherwise.

Livestream footage shows Engineering Officer Pete Davidson, who is also a Joint Task Force 2 operator, standing in a crowd of masked pro-gender ideology protestors at Friday’s demonstration.

Various clips show Davidson, who is wearing a white tee and shorts, pointing at and shouting at demonstrators who were there to oppose gender ideology in schools. Masked Antifa protestors can be seen in the video nearby holding anarchist symbols and insignia. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122445

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995067 (122145ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / This infectious diseases expert and former WHO advisor was attacked and censored during the pandemic

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This infectious diseases expert and former WHO advisor was attacked and censored during the pandemic


'I realized not at the very beginning, but progressively, that now [the] WHO is completely under control of the pharmaceutical companies, major sponsors,' says Dr. Christian Perronne. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122446

File: 05313b7dbaa7968⋯.png (1.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995135 (122153ZJUN23) Notable: WHO Bun / WHO says it’s one step closer to passing “legally binding” Pandemic Treaty for global authoritarian control over next “health emergency”

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WHO pandemic treaty, 'universal vaccine passports' expected for 2024: report


Though Canada has not stated its official position on the proposed treaty, it committed $50 million to the WHO's Pandemic Fund last November and held 'public consultations' in Ottawa this March. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995234 (122207ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Quebec Minister doubles down on cancellation of Christian event she labelled 'pro-life' (video)

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Quebec Minister doubles down on cancellation of Christian event she labelled 'pro-life'


On June 5th, the Centre as well as Minister Proulx were issued a demand letter formally requesting the centre to abide by the contracted agreement with Harvest Ministries that would allow up to 1500 people to attend the Christian event at the end of this month.

Recently, Rebel News informed you that the lead pastor for BC-based Harvest Ministries International, Art Lucier, learned via a CBC article, that the Minister of Tourism Caroline Proulx pushed to have the venue for his ministry’s Christian Battle for Canada event called “Faith, Fire Freedom” cancelled after deeming it a pro-life gathering. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122448

File: 311c378874ae4e8⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e2ac4a7ded7d926⋯.png (859.93 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 448e952ddc48de7⋯.png (281.85 KB,543x722,543:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995316 (122220ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Bun / WEF wants to remove one billion personal vehicles from roadways by 2050: report

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WEF wants to remove one billion personal vehicles from roadways by 2050: report


The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published a blueprint to aid in its 'Green Reset.'

According to a WEF briefing document, the globalist entity is demanding a 75% global reduction of cars from 1.45 billion to 500 million by the year 2050.

“By 2050, almost 70% of people will live in urban areas, with towns and cities expected to grow by 2.5 billion people over that period. In an increasingly urbanized world, delivering healthy, inclusive, sustainable and vibrant cities is vital for both people and the planet,” reads The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility.

The brief calls transport “the lifeblood of cities” that connects people to their communities and loved ones and the goods and services they rely on daily. “As cities grow and evolve, so must our transport systems,” wrote the WEF.

The document also added that WEF projects upwards of 2.1 billion vehicles by 2050 without adjusting the current trajectory, emitting 4.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995364 (122230ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity, offical trailer (video)

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Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity (OFFICAL TRAILER)


Watch the first official trailer for our upcoming documentary.

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new documentary “Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity” is set to embark on a nationwide tour in July. This groundbreaking film sheds light on the challenges faced by Christian communities in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic and their struggle to uphold faith during a time of great adversity.

The tour promises to be an enlightening and thought-provoking experience, providing audiences with a deep understanding of the issues at hand, and we're inviting you to be a part of this journey by attending one of our screenings.

You can find the full schedule and book your tickets on our tour page: SaveTheChristians.com.

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deaba1 No.122450

File: 0711077b4815397⋯.png (932.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 501b208eb7d9f41⋯.png (313.13 KB,610x757,610:757,Clipboard.png)

File: d53026d88ae05d2⋯.png (347.29 KB,606x739,606:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fa81ddd334763c⋯.png (394.76 KB,647x711,647:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 5439437feaa6755⋯.png (66.64 KB,806x543,806:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995422 (122243ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / David Suzuki Foundation wants fewer urban beekeepers, claims they have 'negative impact' on wild bees

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David Suzuki Foundation wants fewer urban beekeepers, claims they have 'negative impact' on wild bees


As part of its crusade against ‘climate change,’ the David Suzuki Foundation is on a warpath with everyone’s favourite pollinator — the honeybee.

According to the Western Standard, the controversial environmental group, in a bizarre turn of events, wants them to buzz off.

A study out of Concordia University concluded that urban bees have an ‘invasive’ impact on more than 150 species of wild bees.

The foundation’s Rewilding Communities program manager, Jode Roberts, agreed with its findings, despite also being an urban beekeeper.

“Over the past several years, study after study has painted an alarming picture: insect populations have declined by 45% in the past four decades,” he wrote in a Toronto Star op-ed.

“From monarch butterflies to fireflies, insects are in trouble. Yet, human-managed honeybees have remained at the centre of the public’s attention.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122451

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995499 (122257ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / Top Bureaucrats sought to cover up COVID vaccine injuries to protect 'safe and effective' campaign

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Top Bureaucrats sought to cover up COVID vaccine injuries to protect 'safe and effective' campaign


The Privy Council Office (PCO) sought 'behaviourally sound messaging' to downplay vaccine injuries, effectively suppressing anything that went against the COVID regime.

The central agency of the federal government – tasked with governmental vision implementation, goals and decisions – had private internal communication that stipulated the need for “winning communications strategies” to ensure COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Canada.

Blacklock's Reporter revealed the access to information request that exposed a Privy Council Office (PCO) memo from May 2021, titled, Testing Behaviourally-Informed Messaging In Response To Severe Adverse Events Following Immunization, as detailed below: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122452

File: 515af960f539eac⋯.png (323.03 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 65df8f74784490b⋯.png (204.34 KB,740x430,74:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 01016a1b68bcb43⋯.png (141.29 KB,646x369,646:369,Clipboard.png)

File: f217f7366bc85a1⋯.png (442.96 KB,795x798,265:266,Clipboard.png)

File: 3571e5ae72a94c2⋯.png (882.2 KB,935x773,935:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995668 (122324ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / “TRANTIFA: UN Investigator and Republican Lawmakers Warn Of New Violent Extremist Group

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“TRANTIFA”…UN Investigator and Republican Lawmakers Warn Of New Violent Extremist Group [VIDEO]


On March 27, nine innocent people, including six children, were shot and killed in their Christian elementary school in Nashville, TN, by a violent young woman pretending to be a man.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – To date, the shooter’s manifesto has not been released. The key to the reason for the mass murder of nine innocent people may never be known to the public, as it may cause the public to look at transgenderism as a mental illness instead of perfectly normal mainstream behavior. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18995996 (130027ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / Notes From The Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist

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Notes From The Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist


Few health figures have been more visible during the pandemic than Dr. Peter Hotez. Interviews by the Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development are a master class in modern day branding, as the good doctor seldom appears without an instantly recognizable ensemble of lab coat, specs, and bow tie. (If cable TV had a Halloween Party, Hotez-in-a-bag would surely have been one of the most popular get-ups from 2020 on.) Hotez advertises his marketing acumen, making sure every time he appears on air that the shot is crammed with posed copies of his books. He’s become a legit pop culture phenom, appearing with Trevor Noah, TMZ, CNBC, CNN, Fox and beyond. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122454

File: 45d5d24c5d0c052⋯.png (623.43 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18996447 (130142ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun / Trudeau gov’t offers $1.5 million in ‘emergency’ funds for more security at ‘pride’ parades

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Trudeau gov’t offers $1.5 million in ‘emergency’ funds for more security at ‘pride’ parades


The government claims that '2SLGBTQI+ communities are facing an alarming rise in hate, and Pride organizations are working hard to make sure that their festivals are safe and secure.'

The federal Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged $1.5 million in what it claims is “emergency funding” for “pride” month to organizations running parades for increased security at such events.

The announcement was made last week by Canadian Minister for Women and Gender Equality Marci Ien, who said, “Now more than ever, as allies, as leaders, as parents, as friends, and as Canadians, we need to wake up to the reality that 2SLGBTQI+ people are facing today.”

“The Government of Canada heard the community’s concerns, and we are putting forward emergency funding that will go directly to Pride organizations to help them cover increased security costs and continue to host events,” she added.

The federal government claims that “2SLGBTQI+ communities are facing an alarming rise in hate, and Pride organizations are working hard to make sure that their festivals are safe and secure.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122455

File: 891bf07c3348bfe⋯.png (941.76 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18996537 (130156ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trudeau gov’t offers $1.5 million in ‘emergency’ funds for more security at ‘pride’ parades

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Canadian Province Changes School Gender Policy To ‘Recognize Role Of Parents’


The new policy takes effect on July 1.

The Canadian province of New Brunswick last week changed its gender identity policy for schools to “recognize the role of parents” in their children’s well-being.

The previous policy was implemented in 2020 and required teachers to use a child’s preferred names and pronouns, no matter the child’s age, and not to inform parents about their child’s new gender identity unless the child gave permission.

New Brunswick Education Minister Bill Hogan announced the policy change Thursday.

Under the new policy, children under 16 must have parental consent to change their names and pronouns at school.

The new policy also requires gender-neutral bathrooms to be private. It also removes a reference to students being allowed to participate in school activities “consistent with their gender identity.”

The new policy takes effect on July 1. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122456

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18997268 (130339ZJUN23) Notable: Final Canada National Citizens Inquiry Bun / Episode 445 - James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry (video)

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Episode 445 - James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry


On May 18, 2023, James Corbett testified to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa on the subject of the WHO's looming global pandemic treaty, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the One Health approach that is being used to justify an even greater centralization of power in the hands of unaccountable institutions in the name of "global health." The presentation also includes information on the prospect of Canada or other member states withdrawing from the WHO, information on the technocratic roots of the One Health agenda, how states of exception are used to undermine constitutional rights, and much, much more.

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deaba1 No.122457

File: 720f37d26e4642d⋯.png (675.94 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18998771 (131332ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Taxpayer funded drag queen camp for 13-year-olds in Winnipeg

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Taxpayer funded drag queen camp for 13-year-olds in Winnipeg


A youth theater that receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding from taxpayers is hosting a “drag camp” for kids as young as 13.

The Manitoba Theatre for Young People (MTYP) will hold the camp from Aug. 21 to 25 for teens aged 13 to 18.

According to the camp description, kids will be able to become “Drag Things” by being instructed in make up, wigs and drag performances. The camp costs $350 for registration.

“Do you love the idea of being a Drag King, Drag Queen, or Drag Thing but don’t know where to start? Explore the fun of drag through this week-long introduction to the art form,” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18998800 (131337ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: This is a REALLY BAD LOOK for Justin Trudeau (video)

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Ratio’d | This is a REALLY BAD LOOK for Justin Trudeau


On Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland’s latest surprise visit to Ukraine over the weekend, they decided to meet with and shake the hand of an alleged Holocaust denier and Stepan Bandera supporter and apologist.

And of course – typical of the legacy media in Canada, they let them both off the hook and have been silent over this.

This is not the first time this has happened to both Freeland and Trudeau. In 2019, they met with a far-right Ukrainian politician who had co-founded a Ukrainian fascist party. Also, Freeland famously posed with a ‘Blood and Soil’ Bandera-movement scarf before quickly deleting the picture from social media.

Despite all of this, Trudeau gave another $500 million taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, bringing Canada’s total contributions to Ukraine since the war began to over $8 billion. Meanwhile, our people are struggling in Canada, our soldiers have to buy their own helmets and military equipment while on deployment and our veterans have to beg for services.

The question has to be asked – who is Justin Trudeau prioritizing more? The Canadian people or the Ukrainian war effort?

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deaba1 No.122459

File: 947ff8c98c75957⋯.png (483.53 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18998894 (131350ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Covid zealot stripped of teaching license over sexual misconduct with students

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Covid zealot stripped of teaching license over sexual misconduct with students


Lockdown zealot Ryan Imgrund, a former teacher and basketball coach at York Catholic District School Board, has lost his teaching license after being found guilty of sexual misconduct by the Ontario College of Teachers.

He was accused of sending inappropriate text messages, including naked pictures of himself, to six young women, five of whom were high school students.

The incidents spanned from 2005 to 2019 and continued even after he was warned by a school superintendent to stop contacting students outside of school hours.

Imgrund became a public figure during the pandemic as a self-proclaimed biostatistician who shared Covid-19 data and advocated for lockdowns as well as masking on his Twitter account. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122460

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18998936 (131355ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun / Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

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Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects


In a landmark development, BioNTech SE, the German biotechnology company that partnered with Pfizer Inc. to produce one of the first COVID-19 vaccines, is now facing its first legal challenge in Germany over vaccine side effects.

In an unprecedented case that could potentially spark hundreds of similar claims across Germany, the plaintiff – a woman who has chosen to remain anonymous due to Germany’s privacy laws – is suing BioNTech for a minimum of €150,000 ($161,500) in damages.

According to Reuters, she cites “damages for bodily harm as well as compensation for unspecified material damage,” as detailed by Hamburg’s regional court and the law firm representing her, Rogert & Ulbrich.

Side effects listed in the suit include upper-body pain, swollen extremities, fatigue, and sleeping disorders attributed to the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine.

The landmark case’s first hearing will take place on Monday. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122461

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999049 (131421ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Love Wins. Totally Stable Trans Activist Seen Dragging Woman By Her Hair Through Weekend Protest

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Love Wins. Totally Stable Trans Activist Seen Dragging Woman By Her Hair Through Weekend Protest (VIDEO)


This is trans activist Diana Sherif.

She seems nice. And stable.

Human Rights activist and reporter Billboard Chris posted video this weekend of pro-Trans activist Deana Sherif at a rally on Friday.

Diana was revved up.

At one point she is seen dragging a woman her her hair through the rally.

Love wins. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122462

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999115 (131434ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / The Truckers Won. Everything

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The Truckers Won. Everything.


I keep encountering this misconception from people who don’t follow Canadian politics…

That somehow the Trucker convoy was defeated.

The Freedom Convoy was the most wildly immediately successful protest in Canadian history, maybe WORLD history.

People remember Trudeau’s crackdown, old ladies having their skulls cracked with batons, Disabled indigenous grandmothers trampled by police horses, Bank accounts frozen and public employees investigated for mere donations…

And there’s a big reason people remember this… It was dramatic, and the media and the regime certainly wanted you to think resistance was futile…

What people don’t remember is what happened in the immediate aftermath: The government caved on absolutely everything within a week for the most important things, and then a month or so for the rest.

First off there was the massive political shift that happened as the convoy was occurring: Continue...

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deaba1 No.122463

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19000931 (132000ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / CPSO v. Trozzi spectacle begins today (video)

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CPSO v. Trozzi spectacle begins today


Dr Charles Hoffe 1 minute covid "vacccine" reality. James Roguski's international support for Ontario's struggle. Details for attending CPSO/Trozzi spectacle starting today.

The CPSO is weaponized against the people of Ontario and all the good doctors who have served us ethically and truthfully through the covid era; often at great personal sacrifice.

The CPSO’s agenda denies Ontarians access to trustworthy physicians; rather, it places their lives only in the hands of physicians who will follow orders, process people, and violate human rights, ethics and science, right down to committing assault with coerced misrepresented injections. The WHO is planning 500 new genetic “vaccines” for everone by 2030, so this is a persistently dangerous situation.

Today is the first day of the CPSO vs Trozzi “hearing”, which is perversely presided over by the CPSO. It starts at 9 a.m. You can receive a link to witness this spectacle by emailing a request for a link to: tribunal@opsdt.ca

We are witnessing an unrepentant CPSO continuing to persecute all good doctors who have protected people by discussing and criticizing the misrepresented forced covid injections.

How to get around bug with Tribunal auto-reply email for hearing link

Here in 1 minute Dr Charles Hoffe shows how right we have been from the start, and how guilty the CPSO continues to be.

Here is James Roguski’s new article supporting Ontario in our quest to return human rights, health, and justice.

Lastly, here is a short Bright Light News interview with Dr Trozzi held the night before these hearings begin.'''

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deaba1 No.122464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003770 (140221ZJUN23) Notable: Final Canada National Citizens Inquiry Bun

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Final Canada National Citizens Inquiry Bun

>>122158 National Citizen's Inquiry hears of harmful side effects couple faced after Covid-19 vaccination (video)

>>122172 ‘I was de-banked by the RBC': National Citizen’s Inquiry hears passionate testimony on day one in Ottawa

>>122180 CBC put under the microscope at National Citizen's Inquiry in Ottawa

>>122186 Constitutional lawyer discusses the politicization of Covid-19 vaccine approval at the National Citizen’s Inquiry (video)

>>122229 Researcher warns NCI of a “power grab” by the WHO

>>122234 Professor at Laval University and mRNA researcher shares his story at the NCI in Quebec (video)

>>122235 'Safe and Effective' narrative challenged at National Citizen's Inquiry in Ottawa (video)

>>122317 Research Scientist Denis Rancourt: 'We’re absolutely convinced that this was not a viral respiratory disease pandemic that caused death' (video)

>>122331 Sky News Australia host heaps praise on Canada's 'professional' National Citizen's Inquiry into COVID-19 response

>>122422 Economist and Centre for Research on Globalization director Michel Chossudovsky testifies at the NCI in Quebec (video)

>>122456 Episode 445 - James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry (video)

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deaba1 No.122465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003774 (140221ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun

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Final China Bun

>>122149 Former CSIS officer says Chinese agents have 'compromised' federal government

>>122184 Liberals gave $200K to group being investigated for hosting Chinese police station

>>122192 MP Michael Chong says he had to call police after getting direct threats from Communist China agents

>>122194 MPs call for release of Trudeau Foundation’s tax records after alleged donation from China raises questions

>>122232 Gordon G Chang on how much Canada has succumbed to China

>>122233 Ottawa took months to approve CSIS surveillance of Liberal organizer: report

>>122237, >>122238 David Johnston has recommended against a public inquiry as to extent of China’s interference

>>122246 Ratio’d: The least surprising thing just happened (video)

>>122248 B.C. Senator claims Canada pushes 'extreme anti-China sentiment'

>>122273 Group reveals lawyer with Liberal Party ties assisted with China election meddling investigation

>>122310 Trudeau appointee investigating Chinese election meddling refuses to testify before MPs

>>122311 Five countries secretly sharing intelligence say China is the No.1 threat (video)

>>122349 Chinese Warship Nearly Collides With US Destroyer In Taiwan Strait (video)

>>122362 'WE ARE HERE': Torontonians gather for Tiananmen Square vigil as crackdowns continue in Hong Kong

>>122370 Trudeau's 'special rapporteur' considers China his 'home away from home'

>>122395 David Johnston resigns as “special rapporteur” on Chinese election interference

>>122398 Ezra Levant: ‘In Canada, so many senior politicians make ties with the Chinese Communist Party when they're in office’ (video

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deaba1 No.122466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003777 (140222ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>122189 The Club Of Rome: How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance (video)

>>122199 Feds clean electricity standard an “absolute infringement” on Saskatchewan’s rights

>>122209 “Global warming” is not global; the northern hemisphere is cooling

>>122253 France Bans Short-Haul Domestic Flights To Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

>>122270 Rockefeller partners with WHO to control the world in the event of “pandemics” caused by “climate change”

>>122291 Climate Change Alarmist Leonardo DiCaprio Parties on Super Yacht in Sardinia

>>122337 Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’

>>122350 The First PHEIC Will Be A Climate Emergency • Nullification and The Anti-Commandeering Doctrine

>>122352 Public Must Reduce Standard of Living by 75% to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns

>>122374 WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle (video)

>>122376, >>122403 WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the number of cars by 2050

>>122400 Department of National Defence has spent $22,000 on carbon offsets since 2016

>>122402 Global Elites Dust Off Al Gore’s Stunningly Inaccurate Arctic Ice Lie and Start Pushing It Again 15 Years Later

>>122412 Climate Engineering Or Weather Warfare? Testimony From Top Experts

>>122423 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

>>122450 David Suzuki Foundation wants fewer urban beekeepers, claims they have 'negative impact' on wild bees

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deaba1 No.122467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003780 (140222ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

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Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>122201 Violence is up in Ontario schools and academics are down. What is going on in the public school system? (video)

>>122204 Don’t Let Them Rewrite History • Ventilators Killed People And It Was No Accident • It Was Deliberate Policy

>>122215 (from General #23184) Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

>>122220 How We Were Psychologically Manipulated -Jason Christoff, Self-Sabotage Coach (video)

>>122223 Former Global News director accuses outlet of peddling pandemic propaganda

>>122225 Founding Member of the CAQ speaks out on Legault's pandemic management (video)

>>122226 Here We Go Again: WHO Chief Warns of Potential Deadlier Disease than COVID, Urges Global Preparedness

>>122261 Bonokoski: Is the pandemic over?

>>122262 Excess Deaths for Canadians under 45 jumped 27% since August 2022: StatsCan

>>122279 Canada’s Chief Justice disavowed objectivity and impartiality when he publicly announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the Supreme Court

>>122286 Plandemic I, Vaccine Genocide Continues + Plandemic II

>>122287 Clinical Trial of Bill Gates-Funded “Microneedle” Vaccine Patch Is “Successful”

>>122292 The Amish Rejected Covid Vaccines, Lockdowns and Masks. The Result? 30X Less Deaths

>>122299 Class-action lawsuit launched against arbitrary COVID-related travel restrictions (video)

>>122300 Labour board grants hearing to suspended gov’t worker denied religious exemption from COVID vaccine

>>122303 Dr Bridle: Parents guide to Covid-19 “Vaccines” & Children

>>122313 Vigilant Fox: Embarrassing CDC Outbreak Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the “Safe and Effective” Narrative

>>122319 "They're prepping us for the next pandemic, Covid was a rehearsal" - Dr. Kat Lindley | Redacted News (video)

>>122321 Maxime Bernier says he has no regrets after being found guilty of 2021 charges for violating COVID rules

>>122323 Canadian gov’t official finds Trudeau’s COVID orders were justifiable, tosses out all complaints

>>122326 Dr Makis on Smith’s Win and Alberta’s Healthcare Mafia

>>122332 Federal employee working from home challenges COVID-19 mandate in court

>>122359 Government Adjusting For Round 2

>>122369 A win for justice: health worker heads back to EI tribunal to have case heard (video)

>>122379 Innovative healthcare initiative born from oppressive government health policies launches in Canada (video)

>>122380 Principled Ontario physician has medical license revoked after standing up to the COVID regime

>>122399 Ontario regulator continuing its witch hunt for COVID-contrarian doctors

>>122406 Electromagnetic Radiation + Horse Deaths at Churchill Downs

>>122416 Dr Tess Lawrie: The WCH Full Scope Mission (video)

>>122436 Dr Trozzi with the New American on the sidelines of the Better Way Conference 2023 (video)

>>122445 This infectious diseases expert and former WHO advisor was attacked and censored during the pandemic

>>122449 Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity, offical trailer (video)

>>122459 Covid zealot stripped of teaching license over sexual misconduct with students

>>122463 CPSO v. Trozzi spectacle begins today (video)

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deaba1 No.122468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003783 (140222ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

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Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>122155, 18863177 Calgary police arrest teen Josh Alexander after confrontation with trans activists (Video)

>>122187 Billboard Chris mobbed by trans activists in Oxford (video)

>>122203 Where 'Conversion Therapy' Is Still Legal

>>122245 Catholic dad urges Ontario school board to abandon pride flag, ‘take up the cross’ as symbol of love (video)

>>122256 Durham children’s aid society holds multi-week drag queen shows for kids

>>122258 A controversial family exhibition in Quebec that promotes gender ideology and more! (video)

>>122260 Councillor under fire for proposing age limit on drag queen events

>>122293 Now LEGO turns trans featuring transgender building sets for kids 5+

>>122298 Niagara United Church running “Queer Kid Bible Camp”

>>122324, >>122304 Blue Jays’ Anthony Bass Booed After Posting Video Endorsing Target, Bud Light Boycotts

>>122325 Canadian school district says teachers, administrators must hide students' 'trans identities' from parents

>>122330 University professor organizes drag and gender play workshops for children

>>122335 Controversial Medical Transition Case: Father’s struggle against going back to jail continues in BC court of appeal (video)

>>122353 ‘It means castration’: Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk SLAM those who call child sex changes ‘gender affirming care’

>>122361 Canadian elementary school brings drag performance for student Pride celebration

>>122393 All-ages drag show held on Parliament Hill

>>122437 Canadian Parliamentarian FABRICATES Hate Crime HOAX? (video)

>>122455 Trudeau gov’t offers $1.5 million in ‘emergency’ funds for more security at ‘pride’ parades

>>122452 “TRANTIFA: UN Investigator and Republican Lawmakers Warn Of New Violent Extremist Group

>>122457 Taxpayer funded drag queen camp for 13-year-olds in Winnipeg

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deaba1 No.122469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003787 (140222ZJUN23) Notable: Farmers and Food Crisis Bun

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Farmers and Food Crisis Bun

>>122157 Federal government abandons safety assessments and transparency for new gene-edited foods (video)

>>122176 Investigators Reveal Cause of Texas Dairy Farm Explosion That Killed Nearly 20,000 Cows

>>122285 Toxic Contagion • Funds, Food and Pharma • The link between poor food and bad health is good for profit

>>122374 WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle (video)

>>122408 Genetically Engineered Salad Greens Coming To Grocery Stores And They Won’t Be Labeled

>>122423 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

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deaba1 No.122470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003788 (140223ZJUN23) Notable: Immigration Bun

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Immigration Bun

>>122188 Northern US Border Encounters With Illegals More Than Double In 7 Months

>>122211 Biden's border crisis migrates north as record number of illegal immigrants enter US

>>122243 Migrants Arrested with Drugs, Loaded Pistol, Money at Canadian Border in Montana

>>122334 Annual asylum claims to Canada quadrupled between 2016 to 2022 to over 92 thousand

>>122342 Ottawa is renting 250 hotel rooms to house six migrants in Québec: Immigration Canada

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deaba1 No.122471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003796 (140223ZJUN23) Notable: Medically Assisted Suicide Bun

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Medically Assisted Suicide Bun

>>122175 Ratio’d: Is Canada trying to ELIMINATE the Homeless? (video)

>>122218 Woman promotes euthanasia in Canada with video of grandmother saying she's 'looking forward' to scheduled suicide (video)

>>122219 Growing number of Canadians welcome euthanasia on demand for non-medical reasons

>>122341 Pro-life researcher exposes Trudeau gov’t for giving euthanasia group more than $3 million

>>122387 Canadians just dying to commit suicide

>>122391 Redacted: Justin Trudeau just set a new AWFUL record (video)

>>122414 Medical suicides surge in Canada – activists

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deaba1 No.122472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003798 (140223ZJUN23) Notable: Pride Month Bun

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Pride Month Bun

>>122239 North Face Unveils New Ad Featuring Drag Queen For Pride Month

>>122272 Quebec students tear down, trample school ‘pride’ flag in protest of LGBT agenda

>>122274, >>122377 Canadian parents urged to keep children home from school on June 1 to protest ‘Pride Month’

>>122322 Canadian bishop supports Catholic school boycotting ‘Rainbow Tent’ at children’s festival

>>122345 Top Major League Baseball Team Refuses to Host LGBTQ Pride Night

>>122356 Iconic Children’s Show Shoving ‘Pride Month’ Down Kids’ Throats: ‘Happy Pride! Elmo Loves You’

>>122378 Canadian LGBTQ2S+ Pride events get $1.5 MILLION for increased security from Trudeau government

>>122382 Ontario students tear down LGBT ‘pride’ flag: ‘Put it in the garbage!’

>>122410 Nike launches 2023 Pride Month with “doctor” who performs transgender mutilations on CHILDREN

>>122430 Rockefeller Center Replaces World Flags With Pride Flags

>>122454 Trudeau gov’t offers $1.5 million in ‘emergency’ funds for more security at ‘pride’ parades

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.122473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003800 (140224ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun

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Final Protests Bun

>>122170 RCMP’s million-dollar fortnight sees bulldozer strategies and civilian complaints: Access to Information Requests Reveal (video)

>>122171 Far-left activists 'rough up' conservative teen, rip and burn Bibles

>>122206 Resisting And Revealing The Plutocratic Occupation

>>122213 Josh Alexander detained for 'peacefully exercising' Charter rights outside Calgary high school (video)

>>122228 Canadian cop who gave $50 to Freedom Convoy ordered to work 80 unpaid hours as punishment

>>122316 From Protest to Persecution? Freedom Convoy co-organizer Chris Barber gives update on legal battle (video)

>>122364 Manitoba man pleads guilty in hit-and-run on Covid-19 protesters

>>122368 Ottawa released a 'fake' security bulletin against Freedom Convoy, refuses to disclose source

>>122389 Protesters, counter-protesters gather for rally against radical gender ideology

>>122392 “Leave our kids alone” Ottawa’s Muslim community joins protest against gender ideology

>>122397 Legal protesting in the face of government overreach: Insights from a seasoned lawyer (video)

>>122415 Over a thousand people attend 'interfaith coalition' against woke gender ideology in Ottawa (video)

>>122444 Military claims officer wasn’t involved in Ottawa counterprotest with Antifa despite video

>>122447 Quebec Minister doubles down on cancellation of Christian event she labelled 'pro-life' (video)

>>122461 Love Wins. Totally Stable Trans Activist Seen Dragging Woman By Her Hair Through Weekend Protest

>>122462 The Truckers Won. Everything

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deaba1 No.122474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003827 (140227ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

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Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>122152 Your Tax Dollars at Work: Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe

>>122161 Kissinger changes stance on Ukraine joining NATO

>>122177 Zelensky Addresses Saudi-Hosted Arab League Summit On Why They Should Stand Against Putin

>>122178 Accounting Error In Zelensky's Favor: Collect $3 Billion In Extra Weapons

>>122190 NATO To Draw Up Russia War Plans For First Time Since Cold War

>>122207 Western Weapons to Ukraine: Black Market for Terrorists “On Command”

>>122240 Ukrainian Intelligence Says It's Trying To Kill Putin

>>122251 These Are All The Countries That Use F-16 Fighter Jets

>>122252 Ron Paul: Biden's Running Out Of Ukraine Money? Good!

>>122263 Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons

>>122264 Ukraine Claim of Attack on Russian Ship, the Ivan Khurs, Debunked (video)

>>122266 Special Counsel John Durham Will Testify Before Congress on June 21 on the Greatest Political Scandal in US History – Obama and Hillary’s Trump-Russia Hoax

>>122267, >>122268 Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops General Lieutenant Igor Kirillov on U.S. military-biological activity May 26, 2023

>>122269 Will Ukraine sink Citigroup? Alex Krainer

>>122280 Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine

>>122294 Ukraine’s Promised Spring Offensive Ain’t D-Day

>>122347 New Cross-Border Raid In Russia's Belgorod On Sunday, Fighting Ongoing

>>122357 Successful Attack and Repelled Ukrainian Counterattack Overshadowed by PMC Wagner Infighting With Ministry of Defense – Mercenary Forces Arrest Russian Brigade Commander for Firing on Their Troops

>>122372 Tucker Carlson Releases Episode 1 of His ‘Tucker on Twitter’ Program – On the Explosion of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine that Was Blown Up Earlier Today

>>122421 Trudeau meets with Holocaust denier during Kyiv visit

>>122425 Zelensky Belatedly Confirms That Major Ukraine Offensive Has Begun

>>122433 Canada to give stolen Russian cargo plane to Ukraine

>>122434 Canada sanctions ex-Ukrainian president

>>122435 A petri dish for fascism: How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.122475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003830 (140227ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun

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Final Trudeau Bun

>>122174 Trudeau’s strange wide stance with Korean official confounds Canadians

>>122183 Trudeau lectures Italy’s Meloni on her opposition to gender-ideology

>>122221 Ratio’d: Trudeau won’t stop EMBARRASSING Canada on the world stage (video)

>>122230 Trudeau says pandemic “showed us what we’re capable of” in adopting Agenda 2030

>>122259 Trudeau on track to spend well over $100k on groceries at personal residence in 2023 (video)

>>122276 Justin Trudeau Championing "2SLGBTQI+" Rights

>>122307 On Agenda 2030, Trudeau tells UN panel that global challenges are not caused by 'one person in one government somewhere'

>>122308 Trudeau claims his endless vacations have only cost the taxpayer $75,000 since 2015

>>122314 Amid spike of violent crime, Trudeau marks first National Day Against Gun Violence

>>122327 Poilievre Goes NUCLEAR on Trudeau! The Student Sex-Scandal Rumour EXPLAINED (video)

>>122329 Trudeau blames Harper government for rising gun violence

>>122405 No One More Responsible For LGBT-Pride Backlash Than Trudeau

>>122413 Trudeau to the Rescue? Justin Flies to Kyiv to Meet with Zelensky as Canada Burns

>>122417 Redacted: TRUDEAU is at it AGAIN! (video)

>>122458 Ratio’d: This is a REALLY BAD LOOK for Justin Trudeau (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.122476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003835 (140227ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun

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Final Vaccine Mandates & Injury Bun

>>122156 How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System

>>122159 "Oppose Bill S-233"–CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians

>>122167 Dr Trozzi: Does DNA in the vials proves it is a bioweapon? (video)

>>122168 Dr Trozzi: DNA in the Vials Proves It’s a Bioweapon (video)

>>122179 Health-care worker arbitrarily denied employment insurance seeks judicial review (video)

>>122191 WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies

>>122193 Airline workers who refused COVID shots launch lawsuit against Canadian gov’t

>>122195 Excess deaths in Canada, May 2023 (video)

>>122197 “Genetically Transformed Forever” – Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (video)

>>122202 Anti-Vaccine Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died

>>122205 Health Authorities Ignore The Risks Associated With mRNA Gene Therapy Injections And Are Avoiding The Proof

>>122210 Documents Prove That Now Hospitals Can Use Eugenics To Kill You Without Your Consent (video)

>>122212 Pfizer Data Shows Serious Vaccine Adverse Events in Babies & Fetuses (video)

>>122214 Quebec freedom fighter François Amalega on resisting masking, receiving $98K in COVID fines (video)

>>122217 Covid Vaccines As The Cause Of Myocarditis In Newborns

>>122227 Canadian doctor blasts COVID jab impacts on children, pregnant women in citizen-led inquiry

>>122265 Celine Dion Cancels ALL Concerts Due to Worsening Neurological Disorder “Stiff Person Syndrome”

>>122301 Canadian man injured from COVID shot sues AstraZeneca, federal and provincial gov’ts, pharmacy

>>122302 Japanese Prof. Murakami weighs in on Pfizer’s DNA Plasmids (video)

>>122336 Hohmann: Death by Injection – Top insurance researcher provides data showing staggering numbers

>>122338 Bad Batches (“Hot Lots”) of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: 4.2% of Pfizer Vaccine Doses Are Deadly• 64% of Pfizer doses had intermediate levels of adverse events

>>122340 Let's Talk COVID Vaccine Injury - Interview with Dr. William Makis M.D. (video)

>>122346 US FDA Revokes Emergency Use Authorization of J&J COVID-19 Vaccine

>>122360 Pilot Shortages: Died Suddenly Due To Covid Vaccines Is Now Considered "Normal"

>>122373 Doctors who poisoned themselves and their families, including small children, with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

>>122386 1884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues • 1310 of Them Dead Since COVID Injection

>>122442 The entire modified RNA platform must be banned immediately

>>122453 Notes From The Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist

>>122451 Top Bureaucrats sought to cover up COVID vaccine injuries to protect 'safe and effective' campaign

>>122460 Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

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deaba1 No.122477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003838 (140227ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Bun

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>>122312 WEF Klaus Schwab 2016 Planned brain Chips by 2026

>>122374 WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle (video)

>>122376, >>122403 WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the number of cars by 2050

>>122384 The Andrew Lawton Show: Has Maxime Bernier been to WEF? (video)

>>122404 Moving Toward A Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison & A Digital Gulag

>>122431 WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

>>122448 WEF wants to remove one billion personal vehicles from roadways by 2050: report

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deaba1 No.122478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003842 (140228ZJUN23) Notable: WHO Bun

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>>122244 WHO’s Tedros Fearmongers Next ‘Pandemic’, Pushing Pandemic Accord (video)

>>122355, >>122365, >>122407 Digital Vaccine Passports to “Facilitate Global Mobility” and “Better Protect Citizens”

>>122409, >>122446 WHO says it’s one step closer to passing “legally binding” Pandemic Treaty for global authoritarian control over next “health emergency”

>>122191 WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies

>>122226 Here We Go Again: WHO Chief Warns of Potential Deadlier Disease than COVID, Urges Global Preparedness

>>122244 WHO’s Tedros Fearmongers Next ‘Pandemic’, Pushing Pandemic Accord (video)

>>122229 Researcher warns NCI of a “power grab” by the WHO

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deaba1 No.122479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003845 (140228ZJUN23) Notable: Wildfires Bun

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Wildfires Bun

>>122371 Nova Scotia RCMP blame arson for multiple wildfires

>>122381 Are Canadian Wildfires Caused by Energy Weapons?

>>122383 Trudeau government wants higher carbon tax to fight wildfires, claim climate change is the cause

>>122385 Ratio’d: The truth about the Canadian wildfires (video)

>>122388 There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’

>>122390 Trudeau Can Barely Contain His Smirk While Lieing To Your Face About The Canadian Arson "Wildfires" (video)

>>122411 Surprise! Canada Smoke Causes 50% Reduction in Solar Power Production in the Northeastern US

>>122418 Climate Lockdowns are here but what caused the fires? Press For Truth delves "Into The Fire" (video)

>>122428 Mainstream Media Ministries Of Propaganda Continue To Blame Canada Wildfires On ‘Enviro Change’ • Despite Multiple Arson Arrests

>>122429 Canadian fires are being set deliberately (arson) - many recent Quebec and Alberta fires started simultaneously - videos and articles

>>122438 Reese Report: Arson driven wildfires being used as catalyst for Canadian FEMA

>>122439 Canadian Officials Warn Wildfires Could "Last All Summer"

>>122441 Canadian Fires • Missing Ammonium Nitrate • Reddish Orange Gas When Burned • New York City In Orange Haze

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deaba1 No.122480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19003848 (140228ZJUN23) Notable: Final Woke Bun

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Final Woke Bun

>>122154 LEVY: Woke Toronto Catholic teacher gets the boot

>>122198 Calgary brewery says beer drinkers need to confront toxic masculinity

>>122242 Ontario mom asks Catholic school board why fourth graders are playing ‘sexual grooming’ games in class (video)

>>122247 Study links left-wing extremism with narcisissm and psychopathy

>>122249 Durham District School Board solidifies its ranking as Ontario’s WORST school board by BANNING parents and media from its meetings (video)

>>122271 Ontario parents demand Catholic school board host by-election to replace anti-Christian trustee

>>122275 “Schools must equip children to have sexual partners”

>>122278 “Anti-racist” professor claims “whiteness institutionalizes lies”

>>122281 All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All (Warning on Content)

>>122284 Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People

>>122288 York University claims Christianity fuels colonialism

>>122295 Anthony Furey “exposes” City of Toronto branded crack, meth pipes given to shelters

>>122296 Former UCP candidate turfed for gender ideology comments wins riding

>>122305 Alberta Parents’ Union says new ‘2SLGBTQIA+’ course confirms fears that education is ‘overly politicized’

>>122315 Ratio’d: I just EXPOSED Toronto’s insane “harm reduction” strategy (video)

>>122343 Up to 40% of Canadian workers ages 18-22 say their mental health is at a breaking point — why? (video)

>>122344 Curious: Multinational Corporations Celebrate Pride Month in America, But No Rainbows to Be Found in Middle East Marketing

>>122348, >>122351 Boycotts Reveal 'Racketeering Scam' Behind Corporations That Go Woke: James Lindsay

>>122367 Calgary city council amends bylaw to restrict pro-life material

>>122396 Governor General refuses to condemn vandalism of Queen Elizabeth II statue

>>122401 For the keks: “Enjoy Your Cats!”- Woke, Entitled Female Gets Destroyed After Whining that She Cannot Find a Masculine Man Who is Not Conservative

>>122419 Ontario Tech holding segregated STEM clubs for black youth

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deaba1 No.122958

File: a71aa159fce4807⋯.png (497.41 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: bf8cb7079344833⋯.png (271.88 KB,545x823,545:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005724 (141248ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / BC district to provide free tampons in men’s washrooms

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BC district to provide free tampons in men’s washrooms


The District of Saanich has announced that it will offer free menstrual products at all public washrooms, including men’s rooms, by the end of the month.

Councillors who supported the initiative claim it will benefit “people who menstruate” and those who cannot afford such products.

The district has 281 public bathrooms, including women’s, men’s and gender-neutral facilities, where menstrual product dispensers will be installed.

The move follows an earlier decision to make the products available at Saanich Municipal Hall.

According to estimates, the initial cost of the project will be around $20,000. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122959

File: 735d60ff958b64e⋯.png (899.72 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 592fd0f85d4e5aa⋯.png (427.97 KB,647x800,647:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005739 (141255ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Trudeau spent over $12 million on Pride events during Covid

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Trudeau spent over $12 million on Pride events during Covid


Despite severe lockdowns that resulted in many in-person events turning into online events, the Trudeau government issued $12,021,707 worth of grants to dozens of non-profit organizations in order to fund Pride events between 2020 and 2022.

The grants ranged from a few hundred dollars to over $500,000, according to Access to Information documents obtained by “Run with Life” blogger Patricia Maloney. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122960

File: 839dd08c2f1d1ad⋯.png (573.75 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 89b5fd543fc0be0⋯.png (113.5 KB,729x663,243:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 31b2673a8404d68⋯.png (185.69 KB,412x703,412:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005755 (141300ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Trudeau and legacy media’s wildfire fear mongering not grounded in evidence

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FACT CHECK: Trudeau and legacy media’s wildfire fear mongering not grounded in evidence


Canada’s political leaders and the legacy media have used a particularly severe wildfire season to further their political climate change narrative contrary to the facts.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly claimed that the wildfires raging across the country are caused by climate change.

“We’re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change. We’ll keep working – here at home and with partners around the world – to tackle climate change and address its impacts,” tweeted Trudeau on June 7.

Coalition partner and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has also made the misleading claim that Canada has “never seen wildfires” like those currently raging and linking them to climate change.

“We’re seeing the clear trend in the face of what is clearly the result of a climate crisis which is exacerbating an existing problem,” said Singh. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122961

File: 23fa806b26aa14f⋯.png (281.37 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: c190027453d6b05⋯.png (260.6 KB,402x861,134:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005782 (141311ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Facebook labels drag queen story time reporting “adult content”

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Facebook labels drag queen story time reporting “adult content”


The social media platform Facebook has blacklisted two True North reports on a drag queen story time in Winnipeg and a Nova Scotia program that hands out fake breasts and prosthetic penises to youth as “adult content” that violates the company’s policies.

A notification by the platform claimed that the stories in question were not eligible for advertising because they did not comply with Facebook’s “Adult Content policy.”

“Ads must not contain adult content including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative,” states the policy.

“We used either technology or a review team to detect this violation and carry out this decision.”

Neither of the two stories published by True North contained any nudity and all attempts were made to blur out explicit materials. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122962

File: 7e5908189cc2188⋯.png (362.64 KB,725x763,725:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dc2a7e8051db61⋯.png (415.08 KB,607x767,607:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 9789efe0ae38b8c⋯.png (271.74 KB,543x723,181:241,Clipboard.png)

File: a3013dbb624e5fe⋯.png (231.19 KB,544x653,544:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e3b8769158a15a⋯.png (372.13 KB,650x766,325:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005815 (141325ZJUN23) Notable: Parliament ends five-week-long 'filibuster' attempt by Conservatives of Budget 2023

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Parliament ends five-week-long 'filibuster' attempt by Conservatives of Budget 2023


Parliament has not balanced a budget since 2007, according to Blacklock's Reporter.

The House of Commons passed Budget 2023 Thursday, ending a five-week-long 'filibuster' by Pierre Poilievre and the Opposition Conservatives. A thrilling 177 to 146 vote passed the cabinet's half-trillion budget bill.

"We have seen a massive, possibly unprecedented mounting of public and private debt," Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre told MPs in the Third Reading debate.

According to Blacklock's Reporter, Poilievre spoke for three hours and 35 minutes, likening deficit spending to a 'ticking time bomb.'

"If someone had a time bomb ticking away under their home, what would they do about it?" he told the Commons.

"Well, if the person did not know it was there, they would not do anything because they would have no reason to respond. Assuming the person survived its detonation, they would have to scramble to rebuild their lives."

Bill C-47, the Budget Implementation Act, introduces $496.6 billion in spending, with debt interest charges amounting to $43.9 billion this fiscal year.

The federal deficit is expected to reach $40 billion in 2023, almost $10 billion higher than forecast in the fiscal update. It projected a $4.5 billion surplus for 2027, but the recent budget now forecasts a $14 billion deficit that year.

Parliament has not balanced a budget since 2007, according to Blacklock's Reporter.

Debt costs will continue to rise yearly through 2028. The federal debt will total $1.2 trillion by the end of 2023. Debt interest charges will cost taxpayers almost $44 billion in 2023 and reach $50 billion in 2027. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122963

File: f644e71ed0e6101⋯.jpeg (865.07 KB,1242x1393,1242:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005849 (141333ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Arson charges laid in Inglewood area rush fire

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Global Warming IS CAUSED BY - ARSON!!

[Liar liar - Your ARSE - on fire]

Hey Alex Soaras how many fires you paid for you Rainbow Colored Flaggit?


The 33-year-old man is now charged witharson,and police say he will appear in court on July 7.


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deaba1 No.122964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005852 (141333ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Protest erupts to denounce policy allowing violent biological male sex offenders in women’s shelters

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Transanity! Protest erupts to denounce policy allowing violent biological male sex offenders in women’s shelters


Last Saturday, the founder of Canadian Women's Sex-Based Rights, Heather Mason, organized a protest outside the Toronto Parole Office. The message conveyed by Heather and her fellow demonstrators: enough is enough! Continue...

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deaba1 No.122965

File: 051cd04a4fc0231⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: dc90961de6e3191⋯.png (516.51 KB,647x786,647:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7daaad8e8cdf6⋯.png (310.48 KB,537x736,537:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005922 (141354ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / In a heated mayoral race, one Chinese candidate with a mysterious background and ties to Justin Trudeau is being overlooked

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In a heated mayoral race, one Chinese candidate with a mysterious background and ties to Justin Trudeau is being overlooked


A Chinese immigrant who came to Canada in 2002, Gong, a businessman who established Edward International Group, is also the owner and founder of Markham-based Chinese-language media outlets Canada National Television (CNTV) and Canadian National Chinese Television. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122966

File: d840b9374194dce⋯.png (395.24 KB,742x1180,371:590,Clipboard.png)

File: f868b5146970a47⋯.png (252.36 KB,768x436,192:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19005970 (141405ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”

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Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”


Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in the Boston suburb town Burlington, Massachusetts revolted against the school’s “Pride” month spirit day indoctrination on Friday June 2, glaring at teachers, tearing down posters and chanting “U.S.A. are my pronouns!” while wearing red, white and blue clothing and face paint. The protest was reported to be in part a response to the school ignoring Memorial Day two weeks ago while going all in on LGBTQI+ indoctrination. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122967

File: cda5c2f7fe0d37c⋯.png (867.21 KB,2000x1118,1000:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f428627cf962ca⋯.png (596.53 KB,1275x712,1275:712,Clipboard.png)

File: 512044b096a1349⋯.png (691.43 KB,931x790,931:790,Clipboard.png)

File: 3741b44be554df1⋯.png (1.68 MB,1075x1200,43:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ccca0bb394d09d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1080x1122,180:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006212 (141500ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / mRNA & Pregnancy • Infants Who Died Shortly After Delivery, Born to Mothers Who Were COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated During Pregnancy

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mRNA & Pregnancy • Infants Who Died Shortly After Delivery, Born to Mothers Who Were COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated During Pregnancy


Pregnant women who took toxic, experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been suffering all kinds of complications, from miscarriages, stillbirths to sudden deaths.

My Take

Were pregnant women warned about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines causing premature labor? NO.

Were pregnant women warned about the risks of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines causing infant deaths shortly after delivery? NO.

It is clear that both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are causing premature labor. When the fetus is too premature (i.e. under 22 weeks), its chances of survival are low. By 24 weeks, chances of survival rise to 60-70%.

But what about infants of COVID-19 vaccinated mothers who die days, weeks or months after delivery?

Do these cases simply get buried as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)?

One of the sudden infant death cases described above had a very rare heart tumor (caused by mother’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines?)

But what about the case of 2 month old baby Dexter Khan-Barnes? His mother had blood clots and died at 32 weeks pregnancy. Her baby then died at 2 months of age of “unknown causes”? Pathologist had no idea why baby died? That’s not acceptable.

I have written a substack about infants of COVID-19 vaccinated mothers coming down with myocarditis, two of them have died from it (click here).

mRNA vaccinated mothers deliver LNPs with COVID-19 spike protein mRNA to their unborn children through the placenta. The consequences of this were never studied by Pfizer or Moderna.

This trans-placental delivery of LNP/mRNA is causing miscarriages, stillbirths, premature labor and sudden deaths of newly born infants.

All of which are being ignored by the medical establishment.

Was baby Dexter producing COVID-19 mRNA vaccine spike protein? We will never know as the pathologist closed the case with the conclusion “cause of death unknown”.

In this article, I will examine the sudden deaths of live-born infants of COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated mothers, who died shortly after birth.

CASE 1 – UK – Young mother Laura Barnes had fatal blood clots at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Her infant died at 2 months of age on July 30, 2022 of “unknown causes”. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122968

File: d80ccf6a4d642bd⋯.png (153.81 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006249 (141509ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”

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Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”


Internationally wanted man George Soros is celebrated by the American Marxists as some kind of hero. They are cheering on their very own demises.

Soros also has the ignominious distinction of being a bonafide Nazi war criminal.

His playboy son has been indoctrinated by his father, his father’s many One World Government handlers, and by his “liberal” schooling.

When his father finally passes, Alex Soros will take over the helm and attempt to accelerate the destruction of America that his father so diligently worked on over many decades.

Do not fear, the deranged trust fund kid will fail.

Alex Soros vows to completely eradicate conservatives from the internet

Alex Soros has vowed to censor conservatives and independent journalists online “100 times more aggressively” than his father George Soros. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006273 (141514ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / ‘Leave our kids alone’: Muslim families protest gender ideology outside Ottawa school board HQ

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‘Leave our kids alone’: Muslim families protest gender ideology outside Ottawa school board HQ


'We wish to draw a separation between their ideologies, and the teachings and values of our religion, and to be sure that it is not being infiltrated among our brothers and sisters,' said one Muslim mother at the protest. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122970

File: e7ebfa9a6d3cfb7⋯.png (245.66 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006301 (141521ZJUN23) Notable: Canadian companies back digital identities as a ‘necessary evolution’ to fulfill UN Globalist Agenda 2030

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Canadian companies back digital identities as a ‘necessary evolution’ to fulfill UN Globalist Agenda 2030


The United Nations' 2030 Agenda includes promoting 'universal access' to abortion and contraceptives, so-called sex education and the 'need to promote so-called gender equality.'

Using the United Nations Globalist Agenda 2030 as a source, big-name Canadian companies have co-authored a white paper calling for the federal government to assist businesses in the creation of a “Digital ID” as part of a global digital identity plan, saying it is a “necessary evolution” for the future.

The companies listed as co-authors for the Digital Identity White Paper, and which was published on May 25 through the Digital Identity Laboratory, include telecommunications giant Telus, insurers Desjardins and Beneva, along with KPMG and Vidéotron.

“In this paper, several private companies serving millions of individuals and businesses in Canada present a shared vision of digital identity and how it fits into everyday life,” the white paper preamble reads.

“The goal is to develop a common understanding of digital identity (digital ID), answer basic questions that citizens, consumers, and business leaders may have, foster collaboration among the stakeholders involved in implementing digital ID, and help create an environment conducive to adopting digital ID in Canada.”

The white paper is 27 pages long and focuses heavily on promoting Digital ID as the way of the future. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122971

File: 248c49e4fb35626⋯.png (264.67 KB,451x793,451:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006358 (141536ZJUN23) Notable: Dads’ ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Protects Kids From Pedophiles

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Dads’ ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Protects Kids From Pedophiles


In an Instagram post on Thursday, Green Beret combat veteran and dad of three Nick Freitas shared with his followers a 2017 WRTV Indianapolis interview with Jack Reynolds, a pedophile who targeted children in the 1980s and spent 12 years in prison for it.

In the interview, Reynolds was asked what “characteristics” he “looked for in children before molesting them.” Reynolds responded by saying it was a child’s family that mattered more than the actual child. “If I thought the father was a threat, I would not approach the child,” he said.

“And I would say it tells us one more thing that’s very interesting,” Freitas continued. “There’s a lot of people right now that seem hellbent to have sexual conversations with our children without our knowledge. Those are the same people telling us that the very things that make you a threat are manifestations of toxic masculinity. So maybe we shouldn’t listen to those people.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122972

File: c7f997d4f0907d8⋯.pdf (771.68 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006378 (141541ZJUN23) Notable: Is Natural Healthcare Finished in Canada? (with .pdf)

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Is Natural Healthcare Finished in Canada?


All the things that we didn’t want to have happen to the natural health product industry are now happening—all at once.

Some industry members have thought NHPPA’s warnings were exaggerated for nearly 16 years. Now, in what feels like one fell swoop, Health Canada is moving forward with multiple initiatives that will assault the natural health industry and consumer access to natural health products and practices. We feel vindicated and horrified at the same time. If Canadians allow these changes to occur, it will be the end of the natural health product industry as we know it.

This is happening now.


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deaba1 No.122973

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19006391 (141544ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Canada’s Instant Forest Fires (video)

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Canada’s Instant Forest Fires


How and Why?

Is there anything odd about the unprecedented forest fires across Canada? They come following a early summer which has been abundant with rain. Might this connect to the climate agenda being used to coral mankind into smaller boxes and surrender our inalienable rights? Do you recall “king” Charles call for “military style action” to combat climate change?

Beware of the diverse practice of false flags by the global predators; they are the same people who are pushing the climate change agenda, and by far, they consume the most resources and create the most carbon dioxide per person on Earth. Please watch and share this 2 minute video of satellite footage.

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deaba1 No.122974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19008771 (142330ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / (from General Research) Danielle Smith banned from posting on Facebook

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Hat Tip to General Research #23339 >>63580

Danielle Smith banned from posting on Facebook

In Trudeau’s Bill C-11 Canada, Conservative Premiers are already getting silenced

By Keean Bexte June 14, 2023

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced that she has been temporarily banned from using Facebook.

“Big tech and government censorship is becoming a danger to free speech around the world,” she tweeted.

“My Facebook account has been banned from posting content for a ‘few days’. As the Premier of a province of 4.6 million Albertans- if they can prevent me from communicating with you, imagine what they can do to any one of us,” Smith said.

“Regardless of our political leanings, we must all stand against censorship.”

Smith didn’t say why she was temporarily banned from using the platform where she has 91 thousand followers.

Many conservatives who get restricted by social media giants are often left confused as to the reason.

Her most recent post showing on her Facebook account is dated June 12, where she acknowledged Philippines Independence Day.

This development comes just two weeks after Smith was elected Premier of Alberta with a majority United Conservative Party government.

In April, it was revealed that Trudeau Liberals asked Twitter and Facebook to censor a 2021 news article on immigration, but the social media companies denied the request.



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deaba1 No.122975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011311 (151340ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Do cross-dressing drag performers need to provide vulnerable sector checks before singing and dancing with children? (video)

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Do cross-dressing drag performers need to provide vulnerable sector checks before singing and dancing with children?


If parents have to provide vulnerable sector checks to accompany their children on school class trips, then society should demand the same for cross-dressing adults who have easy access to minors by way of drag story and dance time. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122976

File: 64bcc5f371f10a9⋯.png (1.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a821308b8f1e5e⋯.pdf (407.06 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011349 (151351ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Canadian government allowed 30 million vaccine doses to expire after purchase (with .pdf)

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The Canadian government allowed 30 million vaccine doses to expire after purchase


Nearly half, 13.6 million of those doses were promised to another country but never delivered.

The data regarding the negligent spoilage of millions of COVID vaccine doses purchased by the Canadian government was admitted in response to an inquiry of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) posed by Saskatchewan Conservative MP Kelly Block.

PHAC admitted the negligent spoilage of over 30 million doses of COVID vaccines.

According to the documents tabled in the House of Commons:

As of April 25, 2023, a total of 17,359,190 doses of COVID-19 vaccine expired while stored in the Federal Central.

Inventory as set out below by manufacturer:

- AstraZeneca: 4,900 doses.

- Moderna: 11,024,368 doses

- Novavax: 6,301,270 doses

- Pfizer: 28,652 doses

An additional,13,626,000 doses of the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine identified for donation through GAVI-COVAX expired offshore while in the manufacturer’s possession awaiting confirmation from a recipient country.

The PHAC also admitted to losing track of one vial, 6 doses, of Pfizer vaccine in July 2022 en route to a Shopper's Drug Mart in Ottawa.

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deaba1 No.122977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011361 (151357ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / FIRE NILI Update: We caught the mask-obsessed school board trustee to deliver your petition! (video)

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FIRE NILI Update: We caught the mask-obsessed school board trustee to deliver your petition!


Nili Kaplan-Myrth screamed, slammed a door, called security to block Rebel News, and hid inside the building while another school board member allowed a CTV video journalist to enter because he was a 'good guy.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.122978

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011384 (151403ZJUN23) Notable: 'More oil by 2030': Saskatchewan premier condemns Trudeau's 'just transition', advocates for selling more energy to Europe and joins forces with Alberta (video)

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'More oil by 2030': Saskatchewan premier condemns Trudeau's 'just transition', advocates for selling more energy to Europe and joins forces with Alberta


The premier caught up with Rebel News during his visit to the Global Energy Show in Calgary. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122979

File: 4537312ec73d419⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011548 (151505ZJUN23) Notable: Federal public service executives earned $1.3 billion in bonuses since 2015, says internal documents

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Federal public service executives earned $1.3 billion in bonuses since 2015, says internal documents


The $202 million in bonuses from last year — which could still increase — marks a noticeable increase from the $171 million given to public workers in 2020. During the COVID pandemic, they earned over half a billion dollars in bonuses.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) continues its mission to uncover government waste, revealing that federal executives took home $1.3 billion in bonuses between 2015 and 2022.

In an access-to-information request, the CTF obtained documents that list average annual bonuses for executives, ranging from $15,550 to $18,252.

"Bonuses are for when you do a good job. They shouldn't be handed out like participation ribbons," Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director, told Rebel News.

"Taxpayers can't afford to bankroll big bonus cheques yearly for highly paid government executives," he added.

"The real question is what does a government executive have to do to miss a bonus?" Continue...

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deaba1 No.122980

File: c4315a8362d6b44⋯.png (256.46 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011617 (151527ZJUN23) Notable: Pro-lifers launch ‘Faces of Abortion’ tour to change hearts, minds across Canada

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Pro-lifers launch ‘Faces of Abortion’ tour to change hearts, minds across Canada


Staff and summer interns from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) are traveling across all ten provinces.

Pro-life activists have launched a “Faces of Abortion” tour across Canada to “confront Canadians with the faces of abortion victims.”

This summer, staff and summer interns from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) are traveling across all ten provinces, hosting presentations and engaging in street activism to change hearts and minds in the nation.

“Every day in Canada, nearly 300 children are killed by abortion – faceless and nameless,” reads a CCBR press release.

“To bring an end to the killing and spare women the trauma of abortion, CCBR is committed to making the victims of abortion visible, to rehumanize those who have been dehumanized — to bring the culture face to face with the victims of abortion,” it continued.

On the tour, CCBR will use cube van “Truth Trucks”, featuring photographs of murdered babies on their sides, a video truck, and hand-held street signs to show Canadians the truth of abortion through abortion victim photography.

The tour aims to show Canadians what an abortion does: murder an innocent human being with a developing face. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122981

File: e5c6d557b6b70f3⋯.png (587.23 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011654 (151537ZJUN23) Notable: Canadian BLM president charged for hate crimes against Catholic School

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Canadian BLM president charged for hate crimes against Catholic School


Adora Nwofor, 47, the president of Black Lives Matter Calgary, has been charged with criminal mischief.

The president of a Black Lives Matter chapter in Canada has been charged with a hate crime over an alleged incident that occurred at a Catholic school in Calgary, Alberta.

Adora Nwofor, 47, has been charged with criminal mischief for allegedly "wilfully obstructing and interfering" with the use of a property "primarily used for religious worship and educational purposes," according to Calgary Herald. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122982

File: af9f99368ed345a⋯.png (551.13 KB,1000x501,1000:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011776 (151607ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Majority of Canadians oppose Trudeau, say teachers should inform parents of children’s gender change at school: poll

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Majority of Canadians oppose Trudeau, say teachers should inform parents of children’s gender change at school: poll


Most Canadian parents side with New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs against Justin Trudeau.

A clear majority of Canadians agree with New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs in believing that parents should be told if their children have expressed a want to change their gender identity or pronouns at school.

A Leger poll commissioned by SecondStreet.org found that 57 percent of those asked agree with Higgs.This indicates that most Canadians disagree with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s depiction of parents as "far-right" for expecting to be informed of these consequential decisions.

Only 18 percent of those surveyed said parents should not be informed about their children potentially transitioning their gender.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs has reversed a provincial policy that would have allowed children under 16 to change genders without telling their parents. Higgs told reporters he won’t budge from the policy because it is "taking a strong position for families."

The poll appears to be a public endorsement of that policy. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122983

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19011804 (151616ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Nurses Who Spoke Out Against Unscientific Covid Mandates Face $250K in Legal Fees -Canadian Frontline Nurses (video)

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Nurses Who Spoke Out Against Unscientific Covid Mandates Face $250K in Legal Fees -Canadian Frontline Nurses


“When the medical industry turns against the people, our job is to agitate and advocate for what is right for our communities.” This is what registered practical nurse, Sarah Choujounian, said she learned in her professional ethics classes. And for keeping this ethical stance to advocate for her patients during Covid along with fellow Canadian Frontline Nurses cofounder, Kristen Nagle, RN, the two now face at least $250,000 in legal fees and counting to defend their names, licences and stances against the harmful and unscientific measures implemented by the College of Nurses of Ontario.

Join us and support Sarah and Kristen, two of Canada’s vanguards for patient rights and democratic freedoms, as they update us on their seemingly uphill legal challenges against a corrupt medical organization.

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deaba1 No.122984

File: 95541c06f42d8e0⋯.png (177.86 KB,1858x928,929:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19013362 (152237ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Canadian Government KNEW • Privy Council Advocated Downplaying COVID Vaccine Injuries Or Deaths

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Canadian Government KNEW • Privy Council Advocated Downplaying COVID Vaccine Injuries Or Deaths


They KNEW and KNOWNGLY lied to the unsuspected public. This applies to ALL the puppet governments who pushed the CV19 Nanoparticle Bioweapon on their citizens disguising it as a “safe and effective” vaccine.

Privy Council advocated downplaying COVID vaccine injuries or deaths

The Privy Council memo was obtained under Access to Information

Postmedia News

A secret Privy Council office memo recommended that any COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths be carefully managed with “winning communication strategies” as to not “shake public confidence,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The May 2021 memo released through access-to-Information legislation came five months after the Department of Health licensed the first Pfizer-BioNTech pandemic vaccine.

“Events related to a COVID-19 vaccine may be minor or severe,”

said the memo called “Testing Behaviourally-Informed Messaging In Response To Severe Adverse Events Following Immunization.” (psychological manipulation)

“News reports of adverse events following immunization and the government’s response to them have strong potential to influence public confidence in vaccines and their safety.”

The memo also suggested skewing stats to minimize the impact of vaccine-related deaths or injuries, such as stating the “chance of it happening to me is one in a million” rather than “it has happened five times.”

The Public Health Agency said of the 97.6 million vaccine doses administered at the time of the report, there were 20,428 “serious adverse event reports.”

The reports included laboured breathing and heart attacks (55 reports), kidney damage (78), spontaneous abortions (87), facial paralysis (187), strokes (281), deaths (427), blood clots (848) and incidents of heart inflammation (1,153).

A federal compensation fund to date has paid out millions on injury and death claims.

“Of the 427 death reports, it was not possible to assess causality for 112 reports due to missing information,” said the agency in a statement.

A separate $75 million Vaccine Injury Support Program received 1,299 claims due to vaccine-related deaths and injuries with a total 50 claims paid to date, totalling nearly $2.8 million.

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deaba1 No.122985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19013492 (152312ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Ratio’d: Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine (video)

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Ratio’d | Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine


Thanks to an unredacted memo from the Privy Council uncovered by Blacklock’s Reporter, we now know that the federal government, as early as May of 2021, instructed public health officials to downplay and skew data relating to adverse reactions and injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine in order to maintain confidence in the public health regime in Canada. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122986

File: c8208f84683093d⋯.png (380.33 KB,600x399,200:133,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19018793 (162243ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Are Canadians being FORCED by planned ARSON into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau the Tyrant?

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Are Canadians being FORCED by planned ARSON into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau the Tyrant?


Somehow, the Liberals and “New” Democrats in Canada found an insidious way to keep tyrant Trudeau in power until 2025, so he can further decimate the country’s oil and gas sector in the name of “climate change.” Now suddenly, out of nowhere, more than 400 massive wildfires ignited at the exact same time, across eleven Canadian provinces and territories, including Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and Nova Scotia. How is this possible? Most of the wildfires are ripping through the forested countryside, forcing country folk and conservatives to retreat and possibly permanently migrate to crowded cities. Coincidence? Or is this coordinated arson to kick the 15-minute city plan into full gear? Let’s take a closer look, because it’s surely not all smoke and mirrors this time around. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122987

File: 13c201af90dbe87⋯.png (886.25 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 89e6c0bfb06217b⋯.png (459.54 KB,544x802,272:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19018852 (162253ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Is Canada Ignoring an Islamic Protest to Gender Ideology Due to Fears of Violent Retribution?

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Is Canada Ignoring an Islamic Protest to Gender Ideology Due to Fears of Violent Retribution (Video)


Muslim parents in England have already exerted their influence by successfully protesting and pressuring schools to modify their LGBTQ curriculum, highlighting Westerners’ fear of angering them.

Hundreds of Muslim parents, students, and supporters gathered in Ottawa to voice their fierce opposition to the radical gender ideology taught in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). The protests, which began on Friday and continued today, aimed to shed light on what the Muslim community perceives as an infringement upon their religious beliefs and a threat to their children’s well-being. Despite the significant attention these demonstrations garnered, there was a noticeable absence of mainstream media coverage and organized left-wing groups. This deliberate lack of coverage raises speculation about the media’s reluctance to highlight the pushback from the Muslim community, possibly stemming from a fear of insulting or upsetting them due to the potential for violence. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122988

File: 156659f042cd963⋯.png (351.69 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19018960 (162316ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canada’s health dept. demanded hundreds of ‘corrections’ from media outlets funded by gov’t: report

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Canada’s health dept. demanded hundreds of ‘corrections’ from media outlets funded by gov’t: report


'I am always concerned about what happens if someone you don’t like or whose opinions you don’t share suddenly has the power to regulate, even at arm’s length, what is said in the press,' Senator Paula Simons said.

The Canadian Department of Health has forced government-funded mainstream media outlets to issue hundreds of “corrections,” warning them that, as a condition of receiving taxpayer funds, they must abide certain conditions, including affording “rebuttal opportunity” to the federal government.

According to records obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter this month, the Canadian Department of Health has issued 269 notices to media outlets to “correct” stories since 2018, including 65 from this past year. “Requests ranged from ‘clarifications’ on the difference between legalization and decriminalization of narcotics to minor typographical errors,” Blacklock’s reported. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19019570 (170100ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian catholic school students revolt, DESTROY Pride items

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Canadian catholic school students revolt, DESTROY Pride items


A group of students is under fire after reacting negatively to a Pride protest in a suburban Toronto, Ontario school district. The protest was staged by students who were dismayed that the York Catholic School Board declined to fly the Progress Pide flag for Pride month after some students brought forth the proposal.

In response to that denial, students in Newmarket and across the York region staged a walkout in support of that flag. Those students say that they were subject to harassment by other students who were opposed to flying the flag, and antagonistic toward the all-encompassing Pride month as well.

Global News reported that a "York Catholic school protest" took "a hostile turn."

The walkout was at the Saint Brother Andre in Markham, and as students carried their Pride banner, they were followed by a group of students making fun of them. Video shows one student stomping on the trans inclusive lebian flag in orange, white, and pink colors. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122990

File: 368dd490d0e8b47⋯.png (988.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021623 (171340ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / Bill Gates praises China’s progress, meets with President Xi

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Bill Gates praises China’s progress, meets with President Xi


'I’ve always said that the foundation of China-U.S. ties lies among the people,' Xi continued, emphasizing the significance of the ties between China and America. 'We always pin our hopes on [the] American people and hope the two peoples can continue to be friendly.'

Bill Gates, the American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, was hailed as a "friend" by the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary, Xi Jinping. This week, Gates had a meeting with Xi, Qin Gang - the Chinese Foreign Secretary, and the country's leading diplomat, Wang Yi.

According to Bloomberg, the key discussion points revolved around technological development and pandemic prevention.

In a conversation broadcast on China Central Television, a state-supported broadcaster, Xi expressed to Gates, "You are the first American friend I've met in Beijing this year." Continue...

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deaba1 No.122991

File: 80ac4dbd71eb507⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cac8c2efcf89841⋯.png (335.52 KB,646x752,323:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021674 (171357ZJUN23) Notable: Calgary anti-racism activist charged with multiple counts of assault

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Calgary anti-racism activist charged with multiple counts of assault


Taylor McNallie, 32, faces two counts of assault, one count of sexual assault, and one count of unlawful confinement, after a physical altercation broke out near Western Canada High School last month.

A prominent anti-racism activist from Calgary faces several charges from a May 17 protest, including one count of sexual assault.

Taylor McNallie, 32, also faces two counts of assault, and one count of unlawful confinement, after a physical altercation broke out near Western Canada High School last month.

Officers deployed to maintain the peace on scene estimated a crowd of nearly 80 people in attendance to support and oppose 'radical gender ideology.'

Calgary police confirmed a fight between "several individuals of opposing views," resulting in a physical altercation where several people assaulted one youth and one man.

McNallie appeared to shove Josh Alexander, 17, repeatedly as several people swarmed him on a public sidewalk in front of the high school.

McNallie and several others also appeared to prevent the student activist from walking through the crowd. Another activist held up a Pride flag as Alexander tried to leave the area.

"The four charges make perfect sense, upon review of the video evidence," said Alexander's legal counsel, James Kitchen, also the Chief Litigator at the Liberty Coalition of Canada (LCC).

Kitchen told Rebel News he was ultimately "surprised" these charges were even laid against McNallie, adding "they go to the heart of the problem" of today's violent activism.

Specifically on the sexual assault charge, Kitchen said the defendant appeared to put her hand down his client's pants. He called it a tactic meant to "intimidate, embarrass and scandalize" his client in a "painful, unwanted way." Continue...

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deaba1 No.122992

File: ace321462e51ec1⋯.png (11.13 MB,4096x2304,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021701 (171407ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Muslim parents lead passionate protest against gender ideology being taught in Calgary schools

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Muslim parents lead passionate protest against gender ideology being taught in Calgary schools


Protesters gathered outside Calgary City Hall on Friday evening to voice their opposition to gender ideology being imposed on impressionable young students.

Rebel News reporter Adam Soos was on the scene at Calgary City Hall Friday evening as concerned parents took to the streets to take a stand against LGBT indoctrination in schools.

Well over 100 protesters attended the gathering, with chants such as “let kids be kids” and “leave our kids alone” being heard from the crowd.

Muslims and Christians came together in opposition to the educational indoctrination taking place in Calgary schools.

Despite calls online from left-wing activists to counter-demonstrate at the event, there was only a small number of counter-protesters present at the gathering.

The vast majority of passerby seemed to approve of the protesters.

Check back in soon at www.StopClassroomGrooming.com for Rebel News reporter Adam Soos' full report including interviews with protesters and more.

If you agree that educators should not speak to kids about sex or sexuality, especially without parental consent, sign our petition at www.StopClassroomGrooming.com.

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deaba1 No.122993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021745 (171421ZJUN23) Notable: At 'The People's Debate,' Chris Sky receives a standing ovation while former Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes is booed (video)

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At 'The People's Debate,' Chris Sky receives a standing ovation while former Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes is booed


Post-debate, we interviewed Sky regarding his latest arrest (and incarceration for several hours) by the Toronto Police Service.

One of the contentious issues regarding the 2023 Toronto mayoral by-election is the matter of who gets invited to the “official” debates and who does not. Granted, not all 102 (!) candidates can be accommodated in one debate, but by the same token, worthy candidates who have previously achieved elected office (i.e., Rob Davis, Giorgio Mammoliti) have been excluded. And the question arises: why?

So it was that on Thursday night at Toronto’s Faith Sanctuary Church, an alternative event was staged, The People's Debate. It featured eight candidates – some well-known, others, not so much. The lineup included the aforementioned Mammoliti, anti-lockdown proponent Chris Sky, entrepreneur Frank D’Angelo, and former Liberal Member of Parliament Celina Caesar-Chavannes. The format was wide ranging, touching on subjects from affordable housing to 15-minute cities and SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification education.) Continue...

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deaba1 No.122994

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021933 (171514ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies (video)

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Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies


As parents, across politics and religion, unite to defend children from the social contagion of gender theory and wokism, the mainstream media and school boards have upped their attacks on them, calling them alt-right, dangerous and transphobic.

According to Rebel News mission specialist David Menzies, Canadian school boards have become infested with far-left woke Marxists, and he has made covering the attacks on parental autonomy part of his regular journalism beat at Rebel News.

David is one of a handful of independent journalists in Canada who are shining a light on the bad behaviour of trustees, teachers and unions. Continue...

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deaba1 No.122995

File: fd9b95e927c2f38⋯.png (1.21 MB,1638x820,819:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022785 (171855ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin

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Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin | Facts Matter


It seems like the messaging that’s coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own federal government resembles the world of George Orwell’s 1984 more and more.

Case in point: over on the FDA’s website, they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”

However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite.

As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.

From Facts Matter with Roman, watch here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-makes-unexpected-ivermectin-announcement-facts-matter_5307194.html?src_src=Morningbrief&src_cmp=mb-2023-06-06&est=GezgJfT23adWp4tpHXN7dTGdqau2gfpbQyqEf2MYCbxYxUVEQId88%2FHGpLfc0g%3D%3D

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deaba1 No.122996

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023048 (171958ZJUN23) Notable: The Sovereignty and Power of Any Democracy Lies With the People -Andrew Bridgen, UK MP (video)

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[INTERVIEW] The Sovereignty and Power of Any Democracy Lies With the People -Andrew Bridgen, UK MP


(Bath, England) Ousted from the UK Conservative party for boldly challenging the accepted narrative, UK MP Andrew Bridgen addresses the worldwide failing of democracy and a way out.

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deaba1 No.122997

File: 9c235ef9039779f⋯.jpeg (947.02 KB,1242x1583,1242:1583,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028996 (182202ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Danielle Smith apologizes to unvaccinated "we were wrong" she makes unprecedented promise

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Mask Man-Dates are finally gone in Alberta.

God Bless Alberta.

God Bless Smith.

Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.

Wow. That’s not the type of humility you hear from politicians everyday, is it?

Comedian and conservative podcaster Jimmy Dore was actually blown away by this apology and covered it at length.


Next comes an Alberta Pension plan to

rival Qweebek Pension Plan!!!

Cuz we gonna give Heritage Trust Fund to ALBERTANS!



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deaba1 No.122998

File: 98c5315e01bab10⋯.png (710.24 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: b1f04e1f69956e6⋯.png (195.1 KB,551x873,551:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032179 (191358ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / LEVY: Moms for Liberty gives hope to concerned parents in Ontario

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LEVY: Moms for Liberty gives hope to concerned parents in Ontario


They met at the back of a sports bar in a town two hours north of West Palm Beach mere weeks after they’d made national headlines for having a highly distasteful Holocaust book removed from their school library.

Jennifer Pippin, chairman of Florida’s Indian River chapter of Moms for Liberty, told the 30 odd parents assembled at their monthly meeting that an organization called Community One Initiative – which engages in Holocaust education – reviewed the book and said it was not to be on the (school library) shelves for children.

The book is called Anne Frank’s Diary, The Graphic Adaptation. It is a highly inappropriate, bordering on distasteful, cartoon adaptation of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” which was written in 1947.

It includes pictures of Anne strapped into an electric chair so someone can feed her and of showgirls in hot pants showing off their lean figures from eating rations, among other things.

“We made national news with this,” Pippin said.

She said the media reported that “Anne Frank was banned in Indian River County,” and they “killed Anne Frank again.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.122999

File: bec3b37b961a26a⋯.png (861.01 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032222 (191411ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: Quebec University suspends professor skeptical of Covid vaccine again

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CAMPUS WATCH: Quebec University suspends professor skeptical of Covid vaccine again


Quebec City’s Laval University has opted to suspend an Immunology professor and mRNA scientist who’s skeptical of Covid jabs for kids, after he spoke with independent media during a prior suspension.

As reported by Le Journal De Quebec, Dr. Patrick Provost will be suspended without pay for the week of June 24 to July 3. This is the fourth time Provost has been suspended by Laval University.

The suspension is being denounced by the faculty union, citing Provost’s right to freedom of expression. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123000

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032283 (191430ZJUN23) Notable: Ottawa has its national security policies backwards, says public policy expert Marco Navarro-Génie (video)

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Ottawa has its national security policies backwards, says public policy expert Marco Navarro-Génie


Russia has already set their eyes to our Arctic territory and China continues to aggressively increase its global influence wherever it can sense weakness. There is no denying that under Trudeau, Canada looks weak.

Marco Navarro-Génie has taught as a professor of political science and brings extensive experience in the field of public policy, having served at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy as vice-president and the Atlantic Institute for Market Research as president.

He is the founding president of the Haultain Research Institute, and recently published a release decrying Ottawa’s backwards priorities when it come to Canada’s national security. Rebel News joined him to learn more. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123001

File: 487fa06ec7422ca⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ceb26cd9d531a7e⋯.png (218.44 KB,652x763,652:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 19bc45cce2bbf49⋯.png (265.08 KB,406x644,29:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a1b4e30b59de9e⋯.png (210.64 KB,616x783,616:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 43ead8c9a5031c9⋯.png (308.22 KB,610x717,610:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032366 (191448ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Atlantic premiers 'insulted' by Ottawa’s 'costly' carbon taxes

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Atlantic premiers 'insulted' by Ottawa’s 'costly' carbon taxes


Environment Canada predicts the economic cost of the 'second carbon tax' will be nearly $9 billion in lost GDP by 2030. After another decade, the cost will be $30 billion.

Atlantic Canadian premiers continue pushing against Ottawa's carbon tax — even Newfoundland and Labrador's Liberal leader took potshots against his federal counterparts.

"I take great exception to force this into a dichotomous issue 'either you believe in exactly what we say, or you don't believe in climate change,'" said Premier Andrew Furey. "That's completely illogical, it's a false dichotomy, it's a false dilemma, and it's as insulting to us as it is simplistic." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123002

File: 557b76a8bb9591e⋯.png (192.59 KB,478x366,239:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 600bf403829ba9f⋯.png (612.85 KB,895x673,895:673,Clipboard.png)

File: f860c2d1fbe9bc3⋯.png (606.24 KB,884x765,52:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032656 (191602ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

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FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists


Dr. Peter Hotez is making headlines this week for refusing to debate author and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge Hotez has lashed out at Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan who has invited RFK Jr. on his show several times.

Hotez is running from accountability.

On Sunday night Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”

The Gateway Pundit first reported on Dr. Hotez in late December 2021. In our report by Dr. Lawrence Sellin, we noted that Dr. Hotez was the recipient of a grant from Dr. Fauci for $1 million a year. But Dr. Hotez wasn’t alone. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123003

File: 83d90d479a7f22c⋯.png (57.57 KB,300x166,150:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032835 (191637ZJUN23) Notable: How The French are Successfully Fighting Back Against a Cashless Society

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How The French are Successfully Fighting Back Against a Cashless Society


In France for three months now…Their approach to digital banking is simply fantastic. I’d like to share a bit about it.

A very well-known supermarket here decided to go cashless.

A group of 50 people got together and agreed that they would all do a big shop on the same day. Pilling their trolleys to the brim and each person getting to the checkout – the human check out, not the machines – and having everything scanned before bringing cash out.

The staff were absolutely overrun. There management in a complete tizz, everyone repeatedly, calmly and in a very organised and polite fashion acting as if they knew nothing. No edges, no rudeness, no humiliation.

Offering No other method of payment than cash, willing to leave their trolleys behind if cash was not accepted…The supermarket reinstated cash.

Petrol stations: filling up with fuel then only having cash to pay.

Restaurants: groups of friends going out for dinner and nobody taking phones or credit cards, only cash…They are doing it in every single area of France. Simply refusing to be part of it.

The reason it works is because it’s organised in large groups. One person here and another there doesn’t work. It needs to be really carefully constructed.

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deaba1 No.123004

File: c33aa75fa9434ce⋯.png (389.82 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 15dbd966071414a⋯.png (182.55 KB,412x681,412:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 98d054122987a28⋯.png (260.3 KB,543x656,543:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033119 (191742ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

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U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs


The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Continue...

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deaba1 No.123005

File: 5f40b2d2ad1b54e⋯.png (464.89 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1645866068584⋯.png (118.6 KB,539x747,539:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033178 (191758ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council

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‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council


Sony’s animated blockbuster Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has released an ad in partnership with a George Soros-backed group whose goal is to import more cheap immigrant labor.

The American Immigration Council (AIC) is taking credit for the PSA — but instead of mentioning immigration, the Hollywood partnership is being marketed as a plea for “belonging,” with the goal of creating a “more welcoming nation.”

The Spider-Man tie-in consists of a 30-second video featuring characters from the hit sequel accompanied by a voice-over urging greater acceptance of others.

“It doesn’t take a superhero to bring forces together. We all have the power to reach out and help someone feel like they belong,” the narrator says. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123006

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033270 (191818ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / World Council For Health Solidarity w/ Dr Trozzi & Canadians (video)

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World Council For Health Solidarity w/ Dr Trozzi & Canadians


The global community of the WCH support all of our inalienable rights and the pursuit of health and happiness around the world. Unlike the WHO, we reject global monopoly power, but seek to protect each other’s sovereignty.

Here is a message from the legitimate global community to Ontario and Canadians on the current occasion of the CPSO hearings against: Dr Trozzi, legitimate medical science, and our medical rights and freedoms.


There are schedule changes to the expert witnesses. Dr Paul Alexander’s testimony has been moved to Tuesday June 20th at 9 a.m.; to witness Dr Alexander’s testimony please email a request for a link to the CPSO vs Trozzi hearing for the day 20230620 to (tribunal@opsdt.ca). Dr Peter McCullough’s testimony will be rescheduled to a new date to be announced soon.

There is a small error in the above video. Only 200 people managed to gain access to last weeks hearings (not 2000).

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deaba1 No.123007

File: 45079cd6ed1cdea⋯.png (3.18 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033770 (191954ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ottawa starts $25 million entrepreneurship program for 'gender diverse' businesses

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Ottawa starts $25 million entrepreneurship program for 'gender diverse' businesses


Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada says over 100,000 businesses in the country are owned and operated by sexual minorities.

Ottawa continues to give sexual minorities special treatment at our expense — this time, a $25 million entrepreneurship program.

The feds aim to bolster procurement, financing and mentorship opportunities available to ‘gender diverse’ business owners.

Small Business Minister Mary Ng said Thursday the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce would oversee the funding disbursement.

CGLCC CEO Darrell Schuurman intends to increase corporate and government procurement opportunities available to ‘gender diverse’ businesses through the entrepreneurship program.

“Helping marginalized community groups access procurement opportunities can help to empower them economically,” he said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123008

File: a7a333bfb177c84⋯.png (2.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033785 (191959ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech

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CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech


China just got the green light to fire up the world’s first thorium nuclear reactor. Did Canadian technology help build it?

Scientists have pursued nuclear energy generation powered by thorium for nearly 75 years.

Thorium is abundant, meltdown-proof, produces less radioactive waste and is efficient. One ton of thorium is estimated to be able to generate the same amount of energy as 200 tons of uranium, or 3,500,000 tons of coal. That is a lot of energy— enough to power a country for tens of thousands of years.

Early thorium reactor prototypes were built by the United States in the past, but many of them were abandoned by the 1970s in favour of uranium. Early nuclear research was not aimed at distributing reliable energy to consumers; it was done to build atomic bombs. Thorium, unlike uranium, does not produce the plutonium needed for weaponization. The better fuel was largely discarded.

Until now.

How did China do it? Continue...

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deaba1 No.123009

File: a08a2890e1d1294⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 10527c6213098cf⋯.png (324 KB,606x765,202:255,Clipboard.png)

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File: 349b41b71573c5c⋯.png (329.82 KB,610x736,305:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033808 (192005ZJUN23) Notable: CTF: Ottawa's Volkswagen subsidy already over budget by $2.4 billion

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CTF: Ottawa's Volkswagen subsidy already over budget by $2.4 billion


According to a PBO report, the $13.9 billion tab is now $16.3 billion, amounting to a whopping $5.4 million per job.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) wants Ottawa to revoke its Volkswagen (VW) subsidy after learning the costs skyrocketed by billions of dollars.

On March 13, Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne announced a battery factory for St. Thomas, Ontario, calling it "amazing news" without initially revealing the cost of subsidies.

VW announced the plant would create nearly 8,000 jobs — employing upwards of 3,000 when it opens in 2027. PowerCo SE, the company's battery division, is expected to start battery production at the 1,500-acre "gigafactory" when it opens.

"There will be two to three million people coming to Ontario during the next ten years, and we will get our fair share of them," said St. Thomas Mayor Joe Preston, generating $200 billion in economic activity.

However, according to a PBO report, the $13.9 billion tab is now $16.3 billion, amounting to a whopping $5.4 million per job.

"Shovels haven't even hit the dirt, and the Volkswagen handout will cost taxpayers billions more than the government let on," CTF Federal Director Franco Terrazzano told Rebel News. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123010

File: 6166488e94fc96d⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 072f1835438318f⋯.png (107.99 KB,410x646,205:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033885 (192017ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Public Health Agency blew $40K on Marxist climate change report

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Public Health Agency blew $40K on Marxist climate change report


The data regarding the cost of the contract was revealed through an inquiry of the Health Ministry posed by Alberta Conservative MP Gerald Soroka.

The federal agency tasked with pandemic readiness burned through $39,889 to create the report titled, "What We Heard: Perspectives on Climate Change and Public Health in Canada," which called for the end of capitalism to fight climate change.

The data regarding the cost of the contract was revealed through an inquiry of the Health Ministry posed by Alberta Conservative MP Gerald Soroka.

According to an analysis of the report by Tristin Hopper of the National Post: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123011

File: 42cf2f3bf508abb⋯.png (2.97 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 25690a61ca329c7⋯.png (108.51 KB,807x682,807:682,Clipboard.png)

File: d44f9d2fc3e9316⋯.png (98.15 KB,812x614,406:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ee536304a868f1⋯.png (630.86 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 132b814aa5d7508⋯.png (602.7 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033983 (192036ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / RCMP investigation against Trudeau, top Liberals on SNC-Lavalin prosecution enters year four

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RCMP investigation against Trudeau, top Liberals on SNC-Lavalin prosecution enters year four


A May 25 letter from the RCMP confirmed an investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other key officials is ongoing.

According to Democracy Watch, top Liberal officials pressured then-Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to end the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin in 2018. Now the RCMP has resumed its investigation into the matter — yet another potential scandal for the current administration.

A May 25 letter from the RCMP confirmed an investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau, some members of their staff, and former Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick.

The allegations stem from bribery and fraud charges against SNC-Lavalin over giving millions to the son of former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi for helping the company secure lucrative construction projects.

SNC-Lavalin Construction paid $127 million to two shell companies between 2001 and 2011, according to an agreed statement of facts. About $47 million of that money went to Saadi Gadhafi.

Attached to the response letter is a 96-page document received by Democracy Watch as part of an access to information they filed with the RCMP last July 27. Of that, the federal police force fully redacted 86 pages because “this matter is currently under investigation.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123012

File: c2ed1494ac04b88⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034067 (192051ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Legal Canons and Social Fables: The Law in Canada Has Never Been Perfect but Now it is Losing its Way

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Legal Canons and Social Fables: The Law in Canada Has Never Been Perfect but Now it is Losing its Way


Bruce Pardy surveys the descent of Canada’s legal system into Alice-in-Wonderland surrealism, a state that poses dangers to virtually every Canadian and to the future of the rule of law itself. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123013

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034584 (192231ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Protest erupts at Ontario high school over sexual indoctrination in the classroom

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Protest erupts at Ontario high school over sexual indoctrination in the classroom


These are the disturbing allegations regarding what’s going on at Stephen Lewis Secondary School just north of Toronto.

Stephen Lewis Secondary School gets its name from one of the biggest Canadian lefties in Canadian political history. Yet, we ponder if Mr. Lewis himself would be shocked and disturbed by what’s going on at the Thornhill, Ont. high school that bears his name.

Indeed, just how bad can it get regarding transanity in the classroom? Well, would you believe a teacher allegedly showing transgender-themed pornography in a Humanities class? Or students allegedly being suspended for stating there are only two genders?

These are the disturbing allegations regarding what’s going on at Stephen Lewis Secondary School just north of Toronto. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123014

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037556 (201258ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New Covid lab leak documents raise questions about bioweapons and biowarfare (video)

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A scientist from the Wuhan Institute for Virology who allegedly worked on a covid vaccine BEFORE the start of the pandemic was thrown to his death off the roof of the institute according to witnesses!

Meanwhile one of the first Wuhan researchers reportedly sickened with Covid in fall 2019, Ben Hu, was getting U.S. financial support for risky gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the transparency advocacy organization White Coat Waste Project.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest reports that suggest that Covid-19(84) was designed in a lab and released for the purposes of biowarfare.

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deaba1 No.123015

File: 5db244046a89efe⋯.png (239.21 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: f9968dcdbef9a19⋯.png (56.92 KB,811x407,811:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037574 (201304ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / RCMP deny reports of obstruction of justice investigation into Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin

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RCMP deny reports of obstruction of justice investigation into Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin


The RCMP have denied that they are reportedly looking into possible obstruction of justice by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his staff in relation to the SNC-Lavalin case.

This comes years after Trudeau was found to have violated federal ethics laws by attempting to influence then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to drop criminal charges against the Montreal-based company.

According to a report by the National Post, the RCMP denied an access to information request by Duff Conacher of Democracy Watch, saying that the records were inquiring about something “currently under investigation.”

On Monday evening, the RCMP issued a statement in “response to numerous media reports” denying that there was such an investigation.

“In response to numerous media reports, the RCMP can confirm it is not investigating allegations of political interference in the trial of SNC Lavalin,” tweeted the RCMP. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037599 (201311ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ratio’d: Thought Crimes to be made ILLEGAL in Canada (video)

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Ratio’d | Thought Crimes to be made ILLEGAL in Canada


The latest report from the Independent Special Interlocutor on Unmarked Graves recommends introducing criminal sanctions against those who engage in “residential school denialism”. Attorney General David Lametti stated on the record that he would be in favour of “outlawing denialism”.

We are now entering the territory of making thought crimes illegal in Canada. If the government has their way, it appears their intent is to make it illegal to question the accuracy of claims regarding unmarked graves outside former residential schools despite having literally zero evidence to prove any of the claims are accurate.

The government is making it illegal to question that which there is zero evidence to support. Welcome to Canada in 2023.

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deaba1 No.123017

File: 842d6109c235947⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b7c7b94505afb8a⋯.png (315.11 KB,612x748,9:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037619 (201316ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ottawa tables 'Just Transition' legislation to create 'sustainable, low-carbon' jobs

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Ottawa tables 'Just Transition' legislation to create 'sustainable, low-carbon' jobs


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith pledged to protect Alberta's interests against the 'Just Transition.' She did not rule out using the Alberta Sovereignty Act to challenge federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123018

File: ff3d0886fe1a19d⋯.png (1.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e54f06948e1af8⋯.png (356.69 KB,544x708,136:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037706 (201329ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Victory: Ontario doctor wins right to present vaccine facts at disciplinary hearing

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Victory: Ontario doctor wins right to present vaccine facts at disciplinary hearing


'The small but critical victory for DePass came in a May 2023 hearing which was convened to determine the scope of the de novo hearing,' said TDF's legal team.

Dr. Ian DePass had his hospital privileges suspended by the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance for failing to comply with its vaccination policy in November 2021.

DePass, a surgical assistant, failed to receive his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in compliance with the vaccine policy of the health region.

According to The Democracy Fund's news release:

The small but critical victory for DePass came in a May 2023 hearing which was convened to determine the scope of the de novo hearing.

Bildy argued that the appeal board should consider current evidence about the reasonableness of the vaccine policy that was not before the hospital board in February 2022.

The evidence would include current information about the efficacy of the vaccines in preventing the transmission of COVID-19, which the appeal board agreed would be a “relevant consideration” as to whether the vaccination policy was reasonable not only at the time DePass’s privileges were suspended but also at the time when HPARB hears the matter afresh next year.

The hearing is scheduled to begin on January 10, 2024. He was represented by Lisa Bildy.

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deaba1 No.123019

File: 90b4a286cc0fc23⋯.png (471.53 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037843 (201350ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

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AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals


Actual human beings are getting phased out of health care in exchange for artificial intelligence (AI) robots that are now reportedly overruling nurses at hospitals.

The life-or-death decisions that have long been made by real people at health care facilities are now being made by computers that have been programmed with who-knows-what to do God-only-knows to patients.

One oncology nurse by the name of Melissa Beebe who relies on her observational skills to help patients in need of emergency care spoke with The Wall Street Journal about the changes she is seeing in the way care is administered due to the AI infiltration.

“I’ve been working with cancer patients for 15 years so I know a septic patient when I see one,” Beebe said about an alert she recently received in the oncology unit at UC Davis Medical Center in California that she knew was wrong. “I knew this patient wasn’t septic.”

The alert Beebe received had been created by AI based on an elevated white blood cell count it observed in said patient, which it correlated with a septic infection. What the AI system failed to recognize is that the patient in question also had leukemia, which can also cause similar elevated white blood cell counts.

“The algorithm, which was based on artificial intelligence, triggers the alert when it detects patterns that match previous patients with sepsis,” the Journal reported. “The algorithm didn’t explain its decision.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123020

File: d02d7ac7dd36de9⋯.png (398.28 KB,1000x495,200:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 5da905bee489f56⋯.png (292.56 KB,654x746,327:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 90aa7a4d46e3c10⋯.png (295.88 KB,608x753,608:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b828765418c3d0⋯.png (293.82 KB,605x715,11:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 623b7057ef3f344⋯.png (306.71 KB,608x694,304:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041483 (202351ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / 'People are starving for something real': Five Times August on why he signed with anti-woke music label Baste Records

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'People are starving for something real': Five Times August on why he signed with anti-woke music label Baste Records


"If I'm going to work with a label, I would love to work with the 'anti-label label'."

On Monday, singer/songwriter Brad Skistimas, better known as Five Times August, joined fellow artist Chris Wallin for an interview with BlazeTV's Chad Prather. The trio discussed a variety of topics related to the current music scene, including the importance of independent, anti-woke labels, such as Baste Records, where Wallin serves as artists and repertoire director

During the interview, Skistimas explained why he had decided to sign with Baste Records, slamming major labels for stifling talent and pointing out that these days, "people are starving for something real." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123021

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041863 (210046ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights -A Conversation with the World Council for Health (video)

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[INTERVIEW] Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights -A Conversation with the World Council for Health


(Bath, England) Days after another eye-opening Better Way Conference, I sat down with the steering committee of the hosts, the World Council for Health, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Christof Plothe and Emma Sron to discuss the highlights of the whirlwind conference stacked with international experts, personalities, journalists and activists, like Dr. Pierre Kory, Neil Oliver, Dr. Meryl Nass, James Corbett and Mattias Desmet.

The 3-day conference highlighted issues concerning health, democracy and a better way forward and included topics like ranged from From Big Pharma to Real Health, From Fake Foods to Food as Medicine, From AI & Transhumanism to Being Human and From Electrosmog to Nature’s Frequencies.

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deaba1 No.123022

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042028 (210110ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Andrew Bridgen good UK MP in solidarity with Canadians (video)

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Andrew Bridgen good UK MP in solidarity with Canadians


"Keep the faith, we´ll get the win"

As Canadians complete this current 2023 process, of either fixing the criminal abuse of medical regulation, or finding the system pulse-less, ending the resuscitation effort, and declare it dead; I had the pleasure of meeting with Andrew Bridgen, receiving this message for us West of the Atlantic, and take in the profound words he shared from the stage of the World Council for Health Better Way Conference 2023 in Bath UK. The conference was epic. One can access the entire three day library on demand with a virtual ticket, gaining access to more than 50 expert presentations and panels on the major threats and needed solutions to humanity’s current situation. Profits go directly to supporting the global work to restore, defend, and enlighten our personal sovereignty, rights, freedoms, and health.

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deaba1 No.123023

File: 6069ec911e6a3eb⋯.png (795.77 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: a192f4a895883a8⋯.png (74.53 KB,540x842,270:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 10b3b199436804f⋯.png (40.14 KB,817x423,817:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b35b5a817947c7⋯.png (164.76 KB,414x695,414:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044688 (211335ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / “Anti-woke” Ottawa trustee candidates received highest rate of abusive tweets

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“Anti-woke” Ottawa trustee candidates received highest rate of abusive tweets


A research report by the Samara Centre for Democracy says “anti-woke” Ottawa trustee candidates Shannon Boschy and Chanel Pfahl received the greatest proportion of abusive tweets during last fall’s municipal election campaign.

Samara’s Online Abuse in Local Elections report says 33% of the 2221 tweets received by Boschy during the municipal campaign period were abusive, while 32% of the 15938 tweets received by Pfahl were abusive. They had the highest proportion of any Ottawa municipal candidate.

In third place was left-wing trustee candidate Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, with 29% of tweets she received being deemed abusive. The number of abusive tweets received by Kaplan-Myrth was however greater, amid her having a larger Twitter following than Boschy and Pfahl combined. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123024

File: 4b66792a9c5b23d⋯.png (666.03 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 6628c078a807317⋯.png (24.3 KB,445x256,445:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044741 (211341ZJUN23) Notable: Illegal BC drugs killing more people than homicides, accidents and other factors

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Illegal BC drugs killing more people than homicides, accidents and other factors


Illegal drug toxicity is now the leading cause of death in British Columbia, killing more people between the ages of 10 and 59 than homicides, suicides, accidents and natural diseases combined.

The province also saw over 1000 drug-related deaths in the first five months of 2023, despite the possession of small amounts of hard drugs having been decriminalized in the province as a “harm-reduction” effort endorsed by the federal government.

Data from the B.C. Coroners Service states that 1,018 people have died from drug use since the start of the year – with 227 dying in January, 193 dying in February, 204 dying in March, 218 dying in April and 176 dying in May.

If trends continue – the number of B.C. drug deaths in 2023 will surpass 2022’s record number. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123025

File: 383dd3ac2e0584d⋯.png (3.48 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 17efe100a2f5841⋯.png (368.53 KB,610x759,610:759,Clipboard.png)

File: daff9a07c002177⋯.png (408.77 KB,610x759,610:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c2b37b664a6223⋯.png (364.58 KB,606x690,101:115,Clipboard.png)

File: c7d61bce80da26d⋯.png (314.04 KB,607x735,607:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044782 (211347ZJUN23) Notable: Canadians spend half their income on taxes, says study

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Canadians spend half their income on taxes, says study


In 2023, the average Canadian family of two or more people will pay $64,610 in total taxes, representing 46.1% of their annual gross income ($140,106).

As of June 19, every dollar Canadians earn this year represents a dollar not pocketed by grubby government bureaucrats.

"If Canadians paid all their taxes up front, they would work the first 169 days of this year before bringing any money home for themselves and their families," said Jake Fuss, associate director of fiscal studies at the Fraser Institute.

In 2023, the average Canadian family of two or more people will pay $64,610 in total taxes, representing 46.1% of their annual gross income ($140,106). Last year, the average family paid 45.2% of its income to the government.

The tax burden compromises more than five months of income — from January 1 to June 18. On June 19, — otherwise known as “Tax Freedom Day” — Canadians start working for themselves.

According to the Fraser Institute, Tax Freedom Day measures the total annual tax burden imposed on Canadian families by federal, provincial and municipal governments. They encompass income taxes, payroll taxes (including the Canada Pension Plan), health taxes, sales taxes (like the GST), property taxes, fuel taxes, carbon taxes, “sin” taxes and more. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044823 (211352ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Parental concerns mount as rogue school boards defend radical gender ideology

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Parental concerns mount as rogue school boards defend radical gender ideology


The waters of public education have been muddied by ideologues, but more and more parents want to be at the decision-making table to ensure a return to a real, tangible curriculum.

The issue of sexualization and inappropriate ideation under the guise of gender identity and sexual orientation has many parents increasingly concerned. Instead of partnering with parents to address valid concerns of appropriateness and necessity, school boards have gone rogue and denounce them as hateful transphobic bigots.

It’s an issue that is receiving international attention as censorious school boards block parental delegations and education ministers turn a blind eye. That’s why Rebel News is revamping our campaign at StopClassroomGrooming.com.

There appears to be a clear proliferation of radical schoolboards going rogue — from implementing ideological theories like affirming the social transition of children without their parents knowledge to soliciting the gender identity and sexual orientation of minors through school administered surveys. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123027

File: 8219e0b7ae1992a⋯.png (2.85 MB,2000x1119,2000:1119,Clipboard.png)

File: 3945725bce9597e⋯.png (40.36 KB,250x141,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: eca0a355c78cebb⋯.png (971.79 KB,1428x886,714:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044969 (211412ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / More Vaccine Injured Pilots Incapacitated + Suffering Medical Emergencies

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More Vaccine Injured Pilots Incapacitated + Suffering Medical Emergencies


We did not have these reports of pilot incapacitation until after the Vax.

Mark Crispin Miller | Substack

Pilots "incapacitated," "falling ill," suffering "medical emergencies," in the US (3), UK, Ireland, Romania and Australia, since March, 2023. These were all (thank God) non-fatal incidents Continue...

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deaba1 No.123028

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045032 (211419ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS: An Industry Forced Into Silence, Is Silent No More (video)

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The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS • An Industry Forced Into Silence, Is Silent No More


Once named heroes, fired and now forgotten, continue the fight to save lives in a shocking peek behind closed doors.What was already a fractured system is now being forced into collapse.

The Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine is a group of brave doctors and healthcare workers who have come together to stand against a government turned on its people.

Hear their heart wrenching stories and their plea for help.

British Columbians lives are at risk everyday we are without our healthcare workers.

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deaba1 No.123029

File: 49d3c6fcb57f408⋯.png (463.49 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2267926b341ad73⋯.png (717.71 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045432 (211510ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr Chris Shoemaker Exposing The Danger (video)

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Dr Chris Shoemaker Exposing The Danger


Toxicity of the injection ingredients and insights into its creators

+ live event invite for tonight with Dr Shoemaker, Dr Laura Braden, Shawn Buckley and other truth and freedom leaders.

Here is Dr Shoemaker’s excellent testimony from the National Citizens Inquiry as well as an invitation to join him in a Twitter Space event tonight with Dr Laura Braden, James Kitchen, Pascal Najadi, Colleen Brandse, Shawn Buckley, and Michelle Leduc Catlin.

In this powerful presentation, renowned physician Chris Shoemaker sheds light on the potential dangers posed by the COVID vaccine, with a special focus on children and pregnant women. Drawing upon his expertise and research, Dr. Shoemaker delves into the toxicity of the vaccine’s main ingredients and provides insights into the entities involved in its creation.

In this thought-provoking testimony, Dr. Shoemaker presents compelling evidence and raises important concerns about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine. His expertise as a physician adds credibility to his analysis, offering valuable insights into the potential risks associated with this medical intervention.

Don’t miss this eye-opening presentation that challenges the mainstream narrative and encourages critical thinking about the COVID vaccine. Gain a deeper understanding of the concerns surrounding its use, particularly for vulnerable populations. Stay informed and make empowered decisions about your health.

Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry invites you to join experts Dr Shoemaker, Dr. Laura Braden, James Kitchen, Pascal Najadi, Colleen Brandse, Shawn Buckley, and Michelle Leduc Catlin for a powerful Twitter Space Today June 21st, 8PM EST. Click here to join

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deaba1 No.123030

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045444 (211512ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr Chris Shoemaker Exposing The Danger (video)

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Dr. Chris Shoemaker Exposes the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine | NCI Testimony


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deaba1 No.123031

File: 6f90cf9b9f7b0a9⋯.png (269.89 KB,696x365,696:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045938 (211628ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine

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Thanks to an unredacted memo from the Privy Council uncovered by Blacklock’s Reporter, we now know that the federal government, as early as May of 2021, instructed public health officials to downplay and skew data relating to adverse reactions and injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine in order to maintain confidence in the public health regime in Canada.

This is a bombshell story that confirms what most people knew all along – the government intentionally misled the public about adverse reactions to the shot in order to increase uptake.

Further, Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies worked with the government to block access to the vaccine contracts from being made public.

The public health narrative that Canadians were told by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Theresa Tam and the rest of the government is crumbling.

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deaba1 No.123032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045943 (211629ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine

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Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine


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deaba1 No.123033

File: bfd4face54250a3⋯.png (3.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: eeae92743cd263f⋯.png (87.47 KB,804x510,134:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 6368ace2564a059⋯.png (67.94 KB,813x444,271:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 496cfe8016a55d8⋯.png (242.6 KB,647x729,647:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 6473f5b5cf8ee06⋯.png (97.39 KB,810x579,270:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047644 (212119ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / College of Psychologists calls Dr. Jordan Peterson a 'moderate risk to the public'

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College of Psychologists calls Dr. Jordan Peterson a 'moderate risk to the public'


Attempted censorship of Dr. Jordan Peterson rages on as the College of Psychologists of Ontario continues to condemn the former practicing psychologist over remarks on social media.

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deaba1 No.123034

File: b986a65ff2898fe⋯.png (963.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3395d28c97a9b3b⋯.png (144.86 KB,273x722,273:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 19efc81a62a7fc0⋯.png (324.7 KB,611x714,611:714,Clipboard.png)

File: b0df588961a07a7⋯.png (304.93 KB,540x724,135:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 44282cc9a6ba43b⋯.png (112.8 KB,725x697,725:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047688 (212130ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Health Canada stonewalls streamlining of vaccine adverse event reporting after stakeholder confusion

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Health Canada stonewalls streamlining of vaccine adverse event reporting after stakeholder confusion


The federal regulatory agency took two years to re-implement website reporting system after concerns were raised by stakeholders with confusion around online reporting.

Health Canada says it received comments from health professionals and consumers in the spring of 2021 who were confused about how to report adverse events following immunization (AEFI), and that it took nearly two years to remedy these concerns.

In February 2023, Health Canada reinstated a direct link to its online reporting form after removing the link in December 2020.

The removal followed an “update” to the vaccine section of the “Report a side effect” web page that took place around the same time that the novel COVID-19 injections were being authorized under emergency use legislation.

Conservative MP Colin Carrie pressed the federal regulatory agency about this change through an order paper question in the house of commons. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123035

File: b260dc0e2ef9b4a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 20728c33d9627c6⋯.png (436.12 KB,728x699,728:699,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047873 (212210ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Carbon tax exemption for farmers not likely to pass Senate before summer recess: reports

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Carbon tax exemption for farmers not likely to pass Senate before summer recess: reports


For the average farmer, the costs of a more significant tax burden would eat into their margins an additional $150,000 by 2030.

With the federal summer recess only days away for Parliament, farmers across Canada expressed grave discontent over paying a carbon tax on agricultural practices.

The Alberta Federation of Agriculture, Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS), and Keystone Agricultural Producers (FAP) want Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, to pass this month.

"We understand that senators are looking forward to enjoying the summer season," said Ian Boxall, president of APAS, in a joint statement. "Prairie farmers want to enjoy theirs knowing this bill is passed so they can look forward to the fall harvest."

However, there has been no activity on the bill since June 13 — when the Senate completed its Second Reading of the legislation.

While the House of Commons supported the bill, exempting farmers from paying the first carbon tax, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) said the vote does not exclude them from paying the Clean Fuel Regulations tax, which many consider a 'second carbon tax.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123036

File: 1ce794e422af001⋯.png (318.04 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048422 (220014ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Roman Baber calls Trudeau “radical extremist” over anti-parent comments

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Roman Baber calls Trudeau “radical extremist” over anti-parent comments


Trudeau said it’s “far right” to give parents control over what pronoun changes teachers adopt for their children.

Former Ontario MPP Roman Baber called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a “radical extremist” for his recent smearing of New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs.

Roman Baber calls Trudeau “radical extremist” over anti-parent comments

New Brunswick recently introduced a policy that requires teachers to have parental consent if they are to use alternative pronouns or names for students under the age of 16.

This means that if a child is taking on a transgender or non-binary identity at school, their parents will be made aware.

The new policy prompted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to call the Higgs government “far-right.”

Roman Baber, who is currently running as a nominee for the Conservative Party, hammered the PM on social media.

“Just like he knows what’s best for your body, @JustinTrudeau knows what’s best for your child,” Baber said.

He added, “The woke-left always believed that the ‘motherland’ is the best parent. Canada’s PM is a radical extremist.”

The New Brunswick Premier also trashed Trudeau for labeling parents “far right” if they think they deserve to know what pronouns a teacher is calling their 5-year-old child.

“[New Brunswick Liberal leader] Susan Holt and Justin Trudeau don’t believe parents need be involved in such critical discussions as gender identity, even in children as young as 4,” Higgs said.

“In New Brunswick, we’ll have a safe learning environment & better mental health supports, while still respecting the parent’s role.”

As previously reported by The Counter Signal, parents are getting fed up with radical gender ideology getting pushed in schools.

An uptick in school absences took place on June 1 across school boards, with some parents opting to keep their children home and away from the politicized Pride movement.

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deaba1 No.123037

File: f7d4fb4216f6b6d⋯.png (348.49 KB,720x360,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9167ed0a03dd040⋯.png (414.01 KB,647x759,647:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049886 (220412ZJUN23) Notable: Violent Canadian BLM activist charged with new hate crimes and sexual assault following attack conviction

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Violent Canadian BLM activist charged with new hate crimes and sexual assault following attack conviction


Within minutes of her conviction, she was re-arrested on new hate crime-enhanced charges.

After Black Lives Matter activist Taylor McNallie was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in June, she was immediately taken into custody on charges in connection to a fight that broke out between several individuals at a May 17 protest outside of Western Canada High School.

According to Calgary Police, The police broke up the fight after the situation turned physical with a group of individuals assaulting a man and a minor. McNallie was charged with two counts of assault, one count of sexual assault, and one count of unlawful confinement.

The report notes they added "hate motivation" to her charges after the crime was investigated by the Hate Crime Prevention team. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123038

File: 767d267ddcc5461⋯.png (158.79 KB,805x682,805:682,Clipboard.png)

File: 340cdfbcc48fe3f⋯.png (146.56 KB,278x644,139:322,Clipboard.png)

File: e9273c62cb6e1eb⋯.png (372.44 KB,730x764,365:382,Clipboard.png)

File: c4d4d087edc8091⋯.png (159.54 KB,411x689,411:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 1699f7758fc5c37⋯.png (187.23 KB,274x790,137:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19051580 (221340ZJUN23) Notable: Final China Bun / Why did Trudeau meet with the Chinese police station boss?

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Why did Trudeau meet with the Chinese police station boss?


The director of the two alleged Montreal-area stations, Xixi Li, a Brossard city councillor, denied any wrongdoing, claiming that there is 'no connection' between her organizations to the Chinese Communist Party.

“110 Overseas: Transnational Policing Gone Wild,” a report released by Safeguard Defenders last September, identified a transnational policing scheme run by the Chinese Communist Party that persuaded overseas Chinese “fugitives” to “voluntarily” return to China to face prosecution using threats and intimidation tactics.

The stations, also now known as the “110 Overseas” (海外110报警服务站), were identified as tools used to carry out an intimidation campaign.

Three at the time were identified in Toronto, Canada. Since then, according to committee testimony by RCMP Assistant Commissioner Mark Flynn, that number could be as many as eight. Two new stations recently identified in Quebec are under RCMP investigation: Service a la Famille Chinoise du Grand Montreal and Centre Sino-Quebec de la Rive-Sud.

Although not much is known about the activities carried out by these police stations, some operate as immigration centres, others, as hometown community associations. The director of the two alleged Montreal-area stations, Xixi Li, a Brossard city councillor, denied any wrongdoing, claiming that there is “no connection” between her organizations to the Chinese Communist Party.

A 2017 article from China News Network contradicts her denials. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123039

File: 266a6eda965711b⋯.png (95.37 KB,500x209,500:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19054029 (222148ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Energy Regulator Claims Canadian Oil Production Will Plunge 76% By 2050

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Energy Regulator Claims Canadian Oil Production Will Plunge 76% By 2050


The Canada Energy Regulator has issued a grim outlook that the country’s oil production will plunge 76% by 2050 thanks to the world moving to the clean energy transition, marking the first time the regulator has provided a long-term forecast for Canada’s crude output. The energy regulator has also predicted that global fossil fuel usage will decline by 65% between now and 2050.

The short-term investment outlook for Canada’s Oil Patch is just as bearish, with analysts predicting that earnings for the industry will decline 19% in 2023, in large part due to falling gas prices.

A week ago, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted that global oil demand will peak before the end of the current decade as the transition to renewable energy gathers momentum.

According to the IEA, global oil demand will rise by another 6% from 2022-28 to hit 105.7 million barrels per day. The agency expects demand growth for oil to slump to just 400,000 barrels per day in 2028, way below growth of 2.4 million barrels per day forecast for 2023.

The energy agency has also predicted that global demand for oil used in transportation will start declining in 2026, thanks in large part to the EV revolution as well as policy measures that push for more efficiency. Growth in gasoline demand is expected to reverse at the end of the current year, but the demand for “combustible fossil fuels” is expected to continue growing before peaking in 2028. IEA sees long-term oil demand degrading really badly and has predicted demand will fall to just 24 million barrels per day by 2050.

Other agencies have different outlooks for long-term oil demand.

Earlier in the year, energy expert Energy Intelligence Group predicted that not only will oil demand grow in 2023 but it will continue doing so till the end of the decade. According to the analyst, global oil demand will grow to 101.2 million barrels per day in the current year and will continue growing to hit 106 mb/d by 2030. Global oil demand will grow by 1.5 mb/d in 2023, with China accounting for 650,000 b/d after the country abandoned its rigorous zero-Covid policy. Indeed, this year’s average will top the previous high of 100.6 mb/d set in 2019.

No less than 10 organizations, including OPEC, Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM), and the Energy Information Administration (EIA), have predicted that global oil demand will continue growing through 2050 and not shrink as most analysts have forecast. The most bullish among these is the U.S.-based EIA which has projected global oil demand to increase by 34% to hit 126 million barrels per day in 2050.

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deaba1 No.123040

File: e00be349847e6b0⋯.png (618.33 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19054670 (222357ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / ‘Pride doesn’t stop in June’: TD Bank pledges to promote LGBT ideology ‘all year’ long

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‘Pride doesn’t stop in June’: TD Bank pledges to promote LGBT ideology ‘all year’ long


TD Bank's pledge to celebrate the LGBT agenda comes as other North American companies have faced major backlash and financial losses from pushing LGBT ideology on their customers.

One of North America’s largest banks is calling for gay “pride” celebrations to extend past June, and last “all year” long and “beyond.”

TD Bank, one of Canada’s five largest banks and reportedly the seventh largest banking system in the United States, has recently renewed its commitment to promote the LGBT agenda to its customers.

“Pride doesn’t stop in June, and neither does our commitment to the LGBTQ2+ community,” TD Bank announced earlier this month.

“We’re helping to make progress by supporting organizations that provide expanded health and wellness services, provide safe spaces, fight against financial inequality and amplify voices,” it continued.

“Our drive for positive change lasts all year. And beyond,” TD Bank promised. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123041

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19054990 (230047ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Interview 1811 - James Corbett on the WHO's Anti-Human Agenda (video)

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Interview 1811 - James Corbett on the WHO's Anti-Human Agenda


via The New American: In this interview with The New American, award-winning investigative journalist James Corbett speaks about the gradual expansion of the biosecurity state and the weaponization of the healthcare apparatus and explains the key facts about the WHO’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Zero Draft that would provide the organization with unparalleled authoritarian powers.

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deaba1 No.123042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19056020 (230347ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ratio’d: Targeting your kids: The secret trans agenda exposed in Canada (video)

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Ratio’d | Targeting your kids: The secret trans agenda exposed in Canada


The Canadian Paediatric Society’s new position statement on gender affirming care for children is the kind of thing that needs to be seen to be believed. Among other absurd recommendations and positions, the paper advocates the prescription of hormone blocking drugs like leuprolide acetate to adolescent boys and girls. This is the same drug that is given to repeat violent sex offenders to chemically castrate them. Once that is prescribed, the paper then moves on to advocating the use of hormone replacement drugs. These hormone replacement drugs – as the statement clearly states – will permanently decrease fertility to extent not yet known. Finally, they advocate “gender-affirming surgeries” for adolescent girls.

The truth is, the three-headed monster of government, medicine and education have been working together to create a barrier between parents and their children to such a degree that parents have next to no recourse once their child believes they were born in the wrong body.

We can thank both Liberals and Conservatives for that.

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deaba1 No.123043

File: 7fa98448ac72529⋯.png (155.34 KB,750x471,250:157,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19057935 (231503ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / NHL Moves to ‘Keep the Focus on the Game’ - Players Will No Longer Wear Pride Jerseys During Warm-Ups

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NHL Moves to ‘Keep the Focus on the Game’ – Players Will No Longer Wear Pride Jerseys During Warm-Ups


The National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman told Sportsnet that NHL players will no longer wear themed warmup jerseys next season, including Pride paraphernalia.

The NHL came under fire this season as players, like Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov, boycotted “Pride Night.”

Provorov, a devout Russian Orthodox Christian, refused to wear his team’s gay pride jersey saying he made a choice to stay true to himself and his faith, “I respect everybody and I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.”

Provorov came under intense fire for his decision.

At the time, the NHL issued a statement affirming that players have the right to choose which causes they support.

But, according to Bettman, it has all become too much of a distraction.

Bleacher Report shares: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123044

File: 1d82a29ba3e9d5f⋯.png (452.9 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19057966 (231510ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Facebook, Instagram set to shut down news content in Canada after new Trudeau law comes into effect

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Facebook, Instagram set to shut down news content in Canada after new Trudeau law comes into effect


Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced Thursday that it would follow through on plans to block Canadians from posting news on the platforms in Canada after Parliament passed a law earlier this year requiring the companies to pay media outlets to share their stories.

Meta said in a statement to The Washington Post, “We have repeatedly shared that in order to comply with Bill C-18, passed today in Parliament, content from news outlets, including news publishers and broadcasters, will no longer be available to people accessing our platforms in


The contentious legislation is known as the Online News Act and is part of an attempt by the Canadian government to regulate American tech giants and keep sinking news agencies afloat through a series of new laws.

A law passed earlier this year required streaming platforms to promote Canadian content to users in the country as part of the effort to limit Big Tech.

Mainstream media outlets have supported the bill arguing that tech companies should share their revenue with the platforms because their advertising revenue was destroyed by social media and Google. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123045

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19058178 (231558ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Medical Journals are being Deleted (video)

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Dr Scott Jense | Medical Journals are being Deleted


With so many people dead and injured from the covid mandates and injections, medical journals that published BS science to support the genocidal agenda, are scrubbing the record to hide their guilt.

Here is a brief but important alert from Dr Scott Jense, a long-time family physician, and former Minnesota State Senator for Carver County.

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deaba1 No.123046

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060153 (232222ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / BC Teachers' Federation under fire? Citizens protest state-funded schools' sexual agendas (video)

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BC Teachers' Federation under fire? Citizens protest state-funded schools' sexual agendas


'People across Canada are really beginning to understand that this is a war against children, not just in our province but globally. It's a war on our kids,' said Ronnie Herman, a child protection activist.

Last week, citizens fed up with sexual agendas targeting children through state-funded schools decided to protest in Vancouver outside of what they referred to as "the head of the snake" of the issue.

The small pop-up protest, organized by "Justice for Childhood Innocence," set up shop in front of the office of the BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF), a labour union that represents over 50,000 public school teachers and students.

At the core of the protesters' concerns about the BCTF is their role in determining the learning resources teachers have access to, including those that are highly controversial, such as BC's Sexual Orientation and Identity (SOGI 1-2-3). Continue...

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deaba1 No.123047

File: e0d3a4264bac44b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060176 (232228ZJUN23) Notable: Provinces not consulted on equalization amendments, amplifying 'western alienation,' says Project Confederation

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Provinces not consulted on equalization amendments, amplifying 'western alienation,' says Project Confederation


Québec will receive $14.037 billion in equalization payments this fiscal year, followed by Manitoba at $3.51 billion. 'Have-not' provinces will receive $23.963 billion in equalization in 2023/24.

With Parliament's omnibus motion likely to pass before the summer recess, Ottawa is on the verge of quietly amending the equalization formula until 2029.

The equalization program, created in 1957, allows the federal government to transfer funds unconditionally to provinces with below-average revenue per capita to ensure all provinces provide comparable services and taxation levels. Financed entirely from federal revenues, 'have-not' provinces spend it without federal intrusion.

In Budget 2018, then-federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau proposed a five-year renewal of the previous equalization regime from April 1, 2019, until 2024. Under the Budget Implementation Act, the federal government gradually increased transfer payments to 'have-not' provinces from $18.3 billion in 2017/18 to $22.1 billion by 2022/23.

According to Bill C-47, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament, Québec will receive $14.037 billion in equalization payments this fiscal year, followed by Manitoba at $3.51 billion — a $577 million increase from the previous year. In descending order, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Ontario will also receive funds, totalling $23.963 billion among all 'have-not' provinces. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060192 (232233ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Tamara Lich joins 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' to discuss COVID -19, the Freedom Convoy, and more (video)

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Tamara Lich joins 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' to discuss COVID -19, the Freedom Convoy, and more!


'We definitely didn't want to upset the Ottawa residents, that was never our intention, but you have to have some level of disruption,' said Lich.

Leader of the Freedom Convoy Tamara Lich joined Canadian Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson on his podcast, 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' for an extensive interview.

Peterson and Lich spoke about many topics, ranging from becoming an organizer, what prompted the Freedom Convoy, to being charged with "mischief," and the list continues.

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deaba1 No.123049

File: 4b220fc1a006b55⋯.png (1.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060225 (232238ZJUN23) Notable: Advocates warn that Health Canada’s sweeping natural product regulations will decimate the industry

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Advocates warn that Health Canada’s sweeping natural product regulations will decimate the industry


The changes would impose significant cost and logistic challenges for natural product businesses, with additional red tape barriers, signalling the beginning of the end of non-pharmaceutical based healthcare in Canada.

“Many small and medium sized natural health product (NHP) companies will not survive these changes,” reads an opening statement written by constitutional lawyer Sean Buckley in a discussion paper on Health Canada’s 2023 regulatory initiatives.

The changes come from Health Canada’s “self-care framework” which was first launched in 2017 by then health minister, Jane Philpott.

There were four Health Canada employees responsible for the introduction of this framework: Simon Kennedy, Paul Glover, Anil Arora, and Pierre Sabourin, according to Access to Information documents acquired by Buckley.

The regulations amending NHPs would be implemented in three phases. At the end of these phases, the natural health community will be subjected to the same powers and regulatory penalties as chemical drug companies.

Fines for noncompliance could see the natural health companies subjected to extreme $5-million dollar a day punishments that they could never afford.

These are not massive, pharmaceutical oligarchs that we’re talking about.

But why? Is the risk really the same?

According to Professor Ron Law, a risk analysis expert who prepared the following comparison using mostly Canadian government statistics – Canadians are 14 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to die from a natural health product. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123050

File: fe70c50be438de5⋯.png (359.04 KB,610x746,305:373,Clipboard.png)

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File: 6002a3499a51829⋯.png (166.18 KB,274x648,137:324,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060282 (232248ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood

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Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood


The inappropriate presentation prompted the education minister to immediately issue a review of the ministry’s sexual education curriculum.

Ninth graders in Saskatchewan were presented graphic and inappropriate content by Planned Parenthood in a school presentation this past week.

In a book provided by abortion aficionados from Planned Parenthood Regina, students were exposed to grotesquely perverse sexual acts.

The “Sexual Alphabet” describes H as “HALF AND HALF" to the Lumsden High School students.

“When someone sucks your dick, and then your ass. It’s nice to split the attention 50/50. That way your butt won’t get some sort of inferiority complex. If you like eating butt, you might like to consider getting a hepatis A & B vaccination from your local clinic.”

The book prompted ninth graders to find fetish pornography under the letter “X.”

“There’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into bondage, cake batter, or guys dressed up like ponies – there’s plenty of porn out there. All you have to do is find it!”

Saskatchewan’s Education Minister Dustin Duncan immediately ordered a review of the province's sexual education curriculum, calling on school boards to temporarily suspend further presentations with Planned Parenthood.

“While this temporary measure is a step in the right direction, he failed to apologize to students and parents for this government's inability to protect students from such graphic and inappropriate material,” a press release from Saskatchewan United reads.

A British Columbia school apologized to parents earlier this year after inappropriate and highly sexual materials were given to students by a public health nurse.

The increasing sexualization of children at public schools has prompted protests across the country as parents equate the ideological perversion to grooming.

Yet the response from various school boards all across the country has been to silence and denounce anyone who questions the proliferation of sexual deviance in schools as hateful bigots, only to be reinforced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reckless rhetoric.

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deaba1 No.123051

File: 972cf49937b6532⋯.png (2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 19337a9f25b8723⋯.png (69.11 KB,807x439,807:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d35a1c5b563a85⋯.png (120.15 KB,805x638,805:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060512 (232327ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Democracy Fund secures legal victory for Canadian filmmaker

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The Democracy Fund secures legal victory for Canadian filmmaker


Despite the rules and requirements being lifted, Canadians are still fighting outrageous COVID-related charges.

Mexico-based documentarian Jon Du Toit was hit with a $5,750 COVID-19 quarantine fine in 2021 for refusing to enter a Designated Quarantine Facility (DQF) upon entry to Canada.

Du Toit has made several independent films, including Hoaxed with Twitter influencer Mike Cernovich.

He was represented by Adam Blake-Gallipeau, a litigation specialist from registered Canadian civil liberties charity, The Democracy Fund. Through its Fight the Fines program, which connects so-called COVID scofflaws with lawyers to fight their cases at no cost to the defendant, the filmmaker was able to secure a legal victory. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123052

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19060958 (240033ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Redacted: He's exposing the disgusting business that brings in $154 Billion a Year (video)

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He's EXPOSING the DISGUSTING business that brings in $154 Billion a Year | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Tim Ballard is on a mission to rid the world of child trafficking by saving one child at a time. Tim is a former member of the CIA and DHS who infiltrates these trafficking networks and brings them down. Now his life has been turned into a movie called The Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel. The movie is due in theaters on July 4th.

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deaba1 No.123053

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19061884 (240241ZJUN23) Notable: IWR Weekly: Canada’s Red Market (video)

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IWR Weekly: Canada’s Red Market



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deaba1 No.123054

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19064861 (241624ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Press for Truth: Pilots are dropping dead while 100K heart attacks & strokes up in Britain alone (video)

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A terrifying situation unfolded on an Air Canada flight after a pilot became “incapacitated” during a flight out of Toronto Pearson International Airport, prompting major concerns and calls for an investigation.

Meanwhile Britain has seen an extra 100,000 heart attack and stroke related deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, that’s more than 500 extra deaths a week over and above what would be expected for heart disease since the start of Covid.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news while looking at what is really to blame for the new rise in so called SADS or “sudden adult death syndrome”.

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deaba1 No.123055

File: 0ed4f9381fc912c⋯.png (175 KB,495x808,495:808,Clipboard.png)

File: 008ed3ab5e1e9b7⋯.png (262.75 KB,500x308,125:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 2639c22bf4aade3⋯.png (208.05 KB,496x738,248:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 342ad688a9ba21f⋯.png (232.15 KB,559x662,559:662,Clipboard.png)

File: e7579e59230bb04⋯.png (238.89 KB,588x642,98:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19064902 (241633ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Wagner Convoys Advancing Towards Russian Capital, Chechens Loyal To Putin En Route

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Wagner Convoys Advancing Towards Russian Capital, Chechens Loyal To Putin En Route


Update(1120ET): Wagner Group is making a move on the Russian capital, with multiple reports and videos now confirming Wagner convoys are headed toward Moscow, going north from Rostov region. At the same time, Chechen groups loyal to Putin are now sending their own armed convoys toward Rostov-on-Don, which has several key installations under the control of Yevgeny Prigozhin, accused of 'treason' by the Kremlin.

Reuters is reporting, "Mutinous Russian mercenary fighters barreled towards Moscow on Saturday after seizing a southern city overnight, with Russia’s military firing on them from the air but seemingly incapable of slowing their lightning advance." Little to no significant resistance is being observed while Wagner convoys blow through makeshift roadblocks. Some observers say Wagner fighters have been spotted within a mere few hours outside the capital. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123056

File: 2ef43a87b2370cf⋯.png (258.48 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e0ca84a69e0593⋯.png (458.11 KB,595x783,595:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19064934 (241640ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Putin Reassures Allies In Phone Calls, Erdogan Expresses 'Full Support' Against Coup

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Putin Reassures Allies In Phone Calls, Erdogan Expresses 'Full Support' Against Coup


Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to reassure regional allies that he will crush the Wagner uprising now threatening the military and government, and will maintain a stable Russia.

In what's being described as his first international phone call since the Wagner mutiny began, which is grabbing the attention of Western governments, Putin spoke to his Belarus ally, President Alexander Lukashenko. "The president of Russia called the president of Belarus this morning, there was a phone conversation," Belarusian state media confirmed. "Vladimir Putin informed his Belarusian colleague about the situation in Russia." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123057

File: 2c1c06d6d9782eb⋯.png (201.15 KB,500x294,250:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065024 (241659ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Great Debate That Will Not Happen

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The Great Debate That Will Not Happen


Should a Real Expert Debate or Not?

This morning I read the 10th of probably 100s of articles pleading with vaccine cheerleader Professor Peter Hotez not to debate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

He would never do this because he would be crushed.

There really isn’t any doubt about that.

The only question is whether anything would be gained for quality science at all by the outcome.

Our side says yes and their side says no.

Our times have taught us this with certainty: the Hotez camp (which includes all the three-letter agencies plus the whole of the pharma industry plus the media) want an information lockdown.

They have one message: take your meds. It doesn’t amount to much more than that. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123058

File: e788588f130befc⋯.png (78.17 KB,734x582,367:291,Clipboard.png)

File: c15ad99c0d43b81⋯.png (54.08 KB,730x403,730:403,Clipboard.png)

File: e029b4f502fde7e⋯.png (364.11 KB,591x860,591:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065078 (241713ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / G7 Holds Urgent Call On The "Most Significant Challenge To Russian State In Recent Times"

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G7 Holds Urgent Call On The "Most Significant Challenge To Russian State In Recent Times"


The international response to fast-moving events centered on the Wagner rebellion in Russia is coming in...

"Secretary of State Tony Blinken held a secure conference call this morning with several Western foreign ministers to consult about the escalating situation in Russia," Axios is reporting based on its sources. The call is being described as an urgent consultation of G-7 ministers.

The Axios source identified that on the call with Blinken were the foreign ministers of France, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Canada and the European Union Continue...

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deaba1 No.123059

File: 93e19ce7ae695fa⋯.png (200.65 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: e8e68a16db441ad⋯.png (246.91 KB,659x850,659:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065189 (241735ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Lab-Grown Meat Gets Green Light On US Menus

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Lab-Grown Meat Gets Green Light On US Menus


The World Economic Forum's dietary blueprint for the masses is becoming a reality as lab-grown meat, bugs, and plant-based foods are quickly being adopted under the guise of solving 'climate change.' The latest move by elites and governments to reset the global food supply chain is US regulators approving the sale of meat cultivated from Chicken cells. This makes the US the second country worldwide, besides Singapore, to approve the sale of lab-grown fake meat.

The Agriculture Department approved Upside Foods and Good Meat to begin selling "cell-cultivated" or "cultured" chicken meat from labs in supermarkets and restaurants.

"Today's watershed moment for the burgeoning cultivated meat, poultry and seafood sector, and for the global food industry," Good Meat said in a statement. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123060

File: 565d3610918a95a⋯.png (824.5 KB,1100x799,1100:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065360 (241808ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / How long can independent media survive Ottawa's attempts to kill it?

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FILDEBRANDT: How long can independent media survive Ottawa's attempts to kill it?


The bastards did it. The Liberal-NDP bloc of the House of Commons passed Bill C-18, the Online News Act, disregarding thoughtful amendments made to it by the Senate.

For those not following every twist and turn of Big Media's latest shakedown, the Online News Act was designed to pilfer money from Facebook and Google for those companies making news content available to readers. Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.

Facebook's parent company, Meta has warned for over a year that if the bill passed (in its original, and final form), that they would "turn off the news" in Canada. And hours after Parliament passed the bill they doubled down, confirming that in the coming months — before the bill comes into force — that is exactly what they will be doing.

The Liberals and Big Media bosses were shocked. SHOCKED I tell you, that Meta is doing what they said they would do.

Now the Canadian media — big Eastern/US corporations and small independents alike — face a readership apocalypse. Most Canadians find their news through Facebook and Google. Without these two sources, readership is going to dry up fast. That will mean less money from subscriptions, and from advertising.

For the grifters at News Media Canada — which falsely claim to represent the news industry in Canada — this is bad. Their readership will shrink considerably. But it's not that bad. They can always go back to Daddy Warbucks and ask the federal government for even more bailout money to cover off the shortfall.

They will be made whole by Ottawa. But the big silver lining for them is that their competing independent online upstarts — like the Western Standard — will see their readership drop off without the buckets of federal cash.

Moment of Truth Continue...

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deaba1 No.123061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065431 (241823ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / TrialSite News: Canadian Govt Memo Directs How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries (video)

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Canadian Govt Memo Directs How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries


Regional media in Canada continues to dig up more dirt on potential government action, or inaction depending on one’s point of view. It has been revealed that a secret Privy Council Office memorandum leaked that revealed that injuries and deaths associated with COVID-19 vaccines could “have the potential to shake public confidence.” What appears to be an absolutely unacceptable strategy to distort and obfuscate the risks, albeit relatively rare, with COVID-19 vaccines, represents a true scandal in the making.

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deaba1 No.123062

File: d4efed54ffec8c7⋯.png (555.28 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ca73ed5a74bb06c⋯.png (579.37 KB,728x704,91:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 422b51bf05be8ff⋯.png (418.31 KB,727x731,727:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065457 (241830ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Bud Light sponsors stage at Pride Toronto featuring drag performers in leather and latex

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Bud Light sponsors stage at Pride Toronto featuring drag performers in leather and latex


Pride Toronto's festival weekend kicked off Friday with a large swath of Church Street being closed off for food, festivities, and numerous venues to host an array of entertainment.

Among those was a stage sponsored by Bud Light, a company still reeling from the fallout over their partnership with trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney, having recently lost their slot as America's top-selling beer.

One of the acts on Friday night was Slash Need, whose on-stage performance included members sporting latex and masks with large eyes and oversized lips painted on, dancing suggestively to rave-style music.

One performer's mesh top was so scant that the individual may as well have been topless, save for black tape over the nipples.

What appeared to be a drag queen had welcomed the group to the stage, and the group's Instagram promoted the performance by saying "Get wet this Friday for Pride Toronto," followed by the splashing water emoji that in some contexts represents sexual fluids.

While one must be 19+ to officially access the Bud Light area, the stage could still be seen from the surrounding area.

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deaba1 No.123063

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065604 (241904ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Massive Military Global Depopulation (video)

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Massive Military Global Depopulation


2020 predictions by US Military Intelligence; DOD's covid planning role; Pfizer's secret documents being exposed; dramatic and accelerating excess mortality, and our early warnings all fit.

Before you watch this, remember: don’t panic. Denial is not the cure, and what happens next depends on us.

The Deagle Corporation is a minor branch of US Military intelligence. In 2020 they predicted massive population reduction in many countries around the world. Please recall that the bioweapon injection that has been misrepresented as a “safe effective vaccine”, was managed officially in the possession of the US Department of Defence. The DOD was also deeply involved in the planning of the plandemic at Event 201 in the fall of 2019.

The ongoing release of documents which Pfizer tried to hide, is showing that the devastating Deagle “predictions” are consistent with what Pfizer knew about the weapon they were unleashing in partnership with the US Military. Don’t blame the American people; they are victims too. Their military, government, and other institutions have been hijacked by enemies of the people. The same is true in Canada and around the world. Next steps: justice and accelerating the implementation of spike protein detoxification.

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deaba1 No.123064

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19065682 (241921ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian Food Inspection Agency tried to censor a letter to the editor (video)

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency tried to censor a letter to the editor


The government department tasked with the safety of the nation's food supply wanted a correction to public comments penned in the Ontario Farmer Magazine.

An October2019 letter to the editor published in the local agricultural periodical was deemed incorrect by managers at the CFIA. The letter, about "tagging and livestock traceability" was considered inaccurate. However, documents published about the correction in the House of Commons do not indicate if an official correction was ever published in the Ontario Farmer Magazine.

The information about the Liberal government's attempts to hold the citizenry to account was evidenced in a 375-page return to an inquiry by Alberta Conservative MP Rachael Thomas. The query asked for all agencies and departments to divulge the instances and reasoning for requests to censor or correct online publications.

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deaba1 No.123065

File: d8aad38e525a8f0⋯.png (800.44 KB,1169x629,1169:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 6008f30572c713f⋯.png (661.76 KB,810x846,45:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 537d8394ad4a2e8⋯.png (585.9 KB,724x831,724:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19070868 (251609ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)

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Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)


Topless trans activists and drag queens marched in New York City’s annual pride parade on Saturday.

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!” the trans activists chanted.


Later in the evening, topless women danced and played with children at a pride water party in Washington Square Park.

Topless lesbians kissed each other and frolicked in the water as children splashed around nearby.

God help us.

WATCH (content warning: you may need eye bleach):

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deaba1 No.123066

File: 9d31ff93341c6d2⋯.png (221.66 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ad5e735e1b1fd19⋯.png (291.35 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b7a67373f13562⋯.png (384.39 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071007 (251635ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Facebook, Instagram set to shut down news content in Canada after new Trudeau law comes into effect

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Zuck’s Way or Else: Facebook to Block News Stories in Canada over Big Media Bailout Bill


The Canadian equivalent of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill forcing tech companies to pay off and collude with big media companies, has passed in Canada. As a result, Facebook (now known as Meta) says news content will no longer be available on its main platform and Instagram in the country — and Google is considering a similar approach on its platforms. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123067

File: f305163c9e0abc5⋯.png (298.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a66913cdc458d5e⋯.png (1.32 MB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 4563d5853cdca50⋯.png (434.79 KB,647x755,647:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 47eb56a11ebb768⋯.png (327.69 KB,728x738,364:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071048 (251644ZJUN23) Notable: Canada Launches Investigation Into Cause of Titanic Sub Implosion

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Canada Launches Investigation Into Cause of Titanic Sub Implosion


The Transportation Safety Board of Canada said Saturday that it’s conducting an investigation into the loss of the Titan submersible and has been speaking with those who traveled on Titan’s mothership, the Polar Prince. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123068

File: d0e3ccd841a7cc4⋯.png (297.96 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 58b358627501562⋯.png (349.5 KB,654x712,327:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7e534f7122f7f⋯.png (260.66 KB,652x754,326:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071140 (251704ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7

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Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7


Efforts by Trudeau to push his LGBT agenda at the G7 reportedly left Italian PM Giorgia Meloni looking “visibly” irate.

Sparks are reportedly flying at the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, with a comment on LGBT issues by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau being described as leaving his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni, looking visibly annoyed.

Since assuming power last year, Meloni has been steadily pushing Italy to the right on various social issues, including LGBT ideology, something that has seen her party rise to commanding heights in popularity polling.

Such popularity does not appear to have impressed substitute drama teacher-turned-leader of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who reportedly lashed out at Meloni’s successful dismantling of progressive ideology in the country.

“Obviously, Canada is concerned about some of the (positions) that Italy is taking in terms of LGBT rights,” Trudeau is reported as publicly saying at the meeting, adding that he looked forward to talking with Meloni about the issue.

It did not appear that the Italian PM felt the same way, with those present at the meeting describing her as looking “visibly annoyed”, according to POLITICO. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123069

File: 0ddc06f0b570409⋯.png (592.9 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b9ed699d3c4c3c5⋯.png (292 KB,405x610,81:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a3d68e1e6337ae⋯.png (340.6 KB,1075x615,215:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071174 (251710ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Toronto girls’ school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Toronto girls’ school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students


A Toronto school for young girls promoted sex education for kindergarteners from their booth at the Toronto Pride parade in Saturday.

At the booth for The Linden School at the Toronto Pride, there was a chalkboard voting station asking passersby if they believed sex ed should be taught in kindergarten. In the corner was a cartoon depiction of a pig.

Most of the votes were for "yes."

The Post Millennial stopped by the booth to find out more. Those manning the booth confirmed that do teach sex ed to kindergarteners. They also accept non-binary and trans students, in order words, males.

"Of course," they said when asked if that was the admissions policy. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123070

File: 5cdb4c137300ef7⋯.png (347.23 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 22b3ced63e32239⋯.png (319.43 KB,540x704,135:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d45aed21592e9e⋯.png (223.51 KB,405x664,405:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071236 (251719ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Pro-abortion activist declares he is 'here for your babies' during Dobbs-anniversary protest

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Pro-abortion activist declares he is 'here for your babies' during Dobbs-anniversary protest


A pro-abortion demonstrator proclaimed he is here "for your babies," during a protest in Washington DC on Saturday to mark the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

The Post Millennial's Thomas Stevenson asked the group of protesters why they were there, and the man responded, "I'm here for all the babies. I love all babies."

"When they are not born," He added.

The man held a handmade sign that read, "Abortion saves lives." The small group of women around him have pre-printed signs that say "Stop prosecuting abortions," and one of them was running around them with a Progress Pride flag.

As previously reported, the same man claimed that "trans women are women," and therefore can get pregnant and "have abortions." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123071

File: 9a4998409eede3e⋯.png (481.44 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c8d87d84430d777⋯.png (392.11 KB,648x711,72:79,Clipboard.png)

File: ad1acf921f6affe⋯.png (491.56 KB,1072x610,536:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071300 (251733ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Muslim Canadians surround Justin Trudeau’s office, protest against far-left LGBTQ indoctrination of children

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BREAKING: Muslim Canadians surround Justin Trudeau’s office, protest against far-left LGBTQ indoctrination of children


"Leave the Canadian flag alone!" The rest of the crowd began to chant, "No more silence!"

A group of Muslims gathered outside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office to protest the LGBTQ indoctrination and the replacement of Canadian flags with the rainbow 'Pride' flag on government buildings.

In a video posted on Twitter by Dacey Media, protesters chanted, "Leave our kids alone" and "The Flag has to go" while pointing to the Pride flag on the side of the building.

"We need the Canadian flag up there," one man says to the crowd pointing to a flag on the side of the building. "This is the Prime Minister of Canada, it should only be the Canadian flag." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123072

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071417 (251751ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Autophagy | Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Part 1 (video)

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Autophagy | Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Part 1


Intermittent fasting and other ways to maximize autophagy

Intermittent fasting is one of the most powerful tools that we have to cleanse our bodies of toxic spike proteins. These toxic proteins are produced by human cells throughout the body following the misrepresented covid-19 genetic injections.

Here is my first in a short series of videos providing tools to detoxify, maximize survival, and minimize suffering and disability. Please share.

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deaba1 No.123073

File: 27c5b8cd5c4dd04⋯.png (521.55 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071488 (251803ZJUN23) Notable: Canadian food company says food-safe microchips will improve traceability

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Canadian food company says food-safe microchips will improve traceability


The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium said new technology has the ability to deliver unseen levels of traceability, inventory tracking, and product authentication with food-safe digital tags.

“Parmigiano Reggiano is one of the world’s oldest and most famous cheeses, and it is a product that symbolizes Italian produce,” said Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium President Nicola Bertinelli in a press release.

“By being the first to incorporate these secure digital labels onto our cheese wheels, we can continue to ensure consumer safety, bringing the traceability and the authentication of our products to meet industry 4.0 technological targets.”

The release said food traceability is an increasing concern for Canadians. A poll conducted by the Angus Reid Institute found 76% of Canadians are yearning to know where their food comes from and agree being able to trace it to its source makes them feel safer.

To support Canadians’ desire for food safety and traceability, the release said Parmigiano Reggiano teamed up with Kaasmerk Matec and p-Chip Corporation to launch a line of food-safe digital labels for its cheese wheels to create a new industry-standard food identification method.

The tags are smaller than a grain of salt and durable, delivering next-generation visibility and allowing people to track their products from start to finish.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) advocated for the widespread use of chip implants in plain sight in August.

READ MORE: NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY: WEF voices support for microchip implants

“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent,” said the WEF.

“Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma.”

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deaba1 No.123074

File: 1b13697a0df0a27⋯.png (1.45 MB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071643 (251825ZJUN23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / About 250 people protest for parental rights in Calgary

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WATCH: About 250 people protest for parental rights in Calgary


Around 250 people gathered to demonstrate against children being taught sexual minority issues in schools in Calgary.

“Leave our kids alone,” said protest organizer Mahmoud Mourra at the Saturday event.

The protest saw people demonstrate in front of the Calgary Municipal Building. Protestors waved Canadian and “F [Justin] Trudeau” flags and held signs with messages such as “Leave our kids alone” and “Protecting faith, family, freedom.”

Protestors did chants such as “My kids my choice” and “Let kids be kids.” About one-third of those who showed up were Muslims. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123075

File: 65d5d30e386c1e0⋯.png (193.43 KB,559x327,559:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19071703 (251837ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7

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Giorgia Meloni Torches UN's LGBT Agenda, Instead Introduces Policy That Christians Will Celebrate


As the globalist LGBT agenda continues its aggressive campaign to gradually erode religious liberty in the West, Christians might finally have found a champion in one European leader.

That leader is Italy’s conservative Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who, according to Breitbart, recently torched the United Nations for advancing aggressive LGBT causes.

Earlier this week, Victor Madrigal-Borloz addressed the UN Human Rights Council saying that in situations where religious freedom conflicts with LGBT rights, then religious liberty must yield, saying that religious beliefs that come into conflict with the LGBT agenda are “beyond the scope of the right freedom of religion or belief.”

(Madrigal-Borloz is the UN’s “independent expert on sexual orientation and gender identity.”)

In essence, the United Nations is saying that the LGBT agenda is more important than the freedom of Christians to practice their religion, a very disturbing statement by any measure..

Fortunately for Christians, Giorgia Meloni is having none of it, and has called out the UN for this blatant threat to religious liberty.

“Religious freedom is not a second-class right,” she said. “It is not a freedom that comes after others or can even be set aside for the benefit of new, so-called freedoms or rights.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123076

File: 56d2c1d1626a4e3⋯.png (289.98 KB,590x870,59:87,Clipboard.png)

File: f6785452e2c5e11⋯.png (424.66 KB,500x628,125:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19072520 (252128ZJUN23) Notable: From Merck To Microsoft: These Are The Companies That BlackRock 'Controls' The Most Of

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From Merck To Microsoft: These Are The Companies That BlackRock 'Controls' The Most Of


A week after an employee of the world’s largest asset management company, BlackRock, described how the company attempts to stay out of the media spotlight while buying politicians and profiting off of war (according to undercover footage obtained by the O’Keefe Media Group), we thought it worth a look at just what companies does the 34-year-old company have the most control of.

As a reminder, in footage secretly recorded by undercover journalists in New York, a BlackRock recruiter named Serge Varlay explains how the investment company is able to “run the world.”

“They [BlackRock] don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar,” Varlay said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19073866 (260134ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…FREEDOM FIGHTER? LMAO! + Toronto Horror Stories! (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau...FREEDOM FIGHTER? LMAO! + Toronto Horror Stories!


Justin Trudeau calls himself a "Freedom Fighter"! HUH?? Toronto...Tell Your Horror Story! Fake Conservatives CALLED OUT! And, is he talking about the Aliens?? Thanks for watching!

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deaba1 No.123078

File: 9b17a18dedccb65⋯.png (170.99 KB,639x359,639:359,Clipboard.png)

File: b5ffea2c0f70ba7⋯.png (66.45 KB,488x284,122:71,Clipboard.png)

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File: f076048fbf7623d⋯.png (95.51 KB,490x286,245:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19076877 (261611ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Covid injections Have Killed 13 Million People Worldwide

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Covid injections Have Killed 13 Million People Worldwide


Dr. Denis Rancourt’s research has shown that the vaccination campaign in India caused the deaths of 3.7 million fragile residents. And, “in Western countries, we quantified the average all-ages rate of death to be 1 death for every 2000 injections, to increase exponentially with age … We estimated that the vaccines had killed 13 million worldwide,” he said.

Denis Rancourt has a PhD in physics. He held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands, before being a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years. He has written over 30 scientific reports relevant to covid, starting 18 April 2020 for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and for a new non-profit organisation called Correlation. Presently, all his work and interviews about covid are documented on his website which he created to circumvent the barrage of censorship. You can follow Dr. Rancourt on Twitter HERE.

On 17 May, Dr. Rancourt testified at the National Citizens Inquiry (“NCI”) held in Ontario, Canada. NCI is a citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s covid-19 response.

In a Twitter thread with video clips attached, citizen researcher and journalist Ben M., who is maintaining data through projects such as Mortality Watch, highlighted the following statements made by Dr. Rancourt during his testimony.

“There’s a strong correlation to poverty, which is one of the pieces of evidence that allows you to say that this is not a virus. [..] No matter how you slice it, there’s absolutely no correlation with age, which is definitive proof that this cannot be covid.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123079

File: a889a9332cf26ec⋯.png (1.18 MB,1456x819,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 72f7611d2c15cfd⋯.png (704.92 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c0f9d487f229e84⋯.png (829.47 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 55b1691b44d767b⋯.png (749.33 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19076975 (261627ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ninth-grade curriculum in Canada: porn, jabs, bodily fluids, bondage & cake batter?

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Ninth-grade curriculum in Canada: porn, jabs, bodily fluids, bondage & cake batter?


TRIGGER WARNING: Stop scrolling right now if you don’t want to see and read the pornographic images and descriptions given to ninth-graders in Saskatchewan.

Thanks to a subscriber named Caroline, I just became aware of what is now passing for “sex education” in Saskatchewan — courtesy of their school system and Planned Parenthood.

Rather than repeat what’s already been written, I urge you to CLICK HERE for the article that was sent to me. More info here.

For anyone who is about to defend the porn industry, I strongly suggest starting right here to learn what’s not being taught to consumers.

If you can handle it, read the text in these images.

They not only advise 14-year-olds to actively seek out porn but they also pressure them to get Hepatitis jabs.

Who’s paying for this, PornHub or Pfizer (or both)?

And, another warning: The last image I’ll share below might make you nauseous. Proceed at your own risk.

Irony alert: “Risks of parasites.”

This is not an anomaly, folks. If the transhumanist, WEF types get their way, this will be the new norm. As I highlighted in a post yesterday, they are “coming for your children.”

Here’s another example of that happening in Canada.

We have the numbers and we’re in the right. It stops when we unite and make it stop. It’s our duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The time is now… as in ASAP.

“If you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)

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deaba1 No.123080

File: 69480c58c78ee82⋯.png (368.47 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b4b4ae009924343⋯.png (976.09 KB,853x900,853:900,Clipboard.png)

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File: 553e2f5dfabb134⋯.png (153.32 KB,563x600,563:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19077606 (261818ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Trudeau Liberals celebrate Toronto Pride as fetishists expose themselves to children

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BREAKING: Trudeau Liberals celebrate Toronto Pride as fetishists expose themselves to children


Prominent figures participated in the Toronto pride parade on Sunday, including Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, among others. The parade, put on by Pride Toronto, included people walking in puppy play and furry costume fetish gear. Several adults exposed themselves to the audience in attendance. Bud Light helped sponsor the event.

Children were seen taking part in the parade as well as in the audience itself.

Meanwhile, adult male participants could be seen exposing themselves in the presence of children. Footage was captured by TPM's Beth Baisch. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123081

File: da118387254f2cb⋯.png (468.31 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19078847 (262213ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Feds propose mandating woke requirements on broadcasters as C-11 becomes law

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Feds propose mandating woke requirements on broadcasters as C-11 becomes law


The Trudeau government is proposing to have the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) impose woke “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” (EDI) requirements on broadcasters as part of its Sustainable and Equitable Broadcasting Regulatory Framework.

This comes as the government’s controversial internet censorship legislation Bill C-11 received royal assent.

The changes sought by Heritage Canada seek to ensure “the meaningful participation of Indigenous persons in the broadcasting system,” to support “greater inclusion of equity-seeking groups in the broadcasting system,” to redefine Canadian programs and to create “an equitable, flexible and adaptable regulatory framework” among other things.

“The broadcasting system should serve the interests of all Canadians. Part of this is recognizing and overcoming the challenges faced by certain Canadians, including Indigenous persons, Black and other racialized persons, Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds, members of OLMCs, persons with disabilities, members of 2SLGBTQI+ communities, women, and members of other equity-seeking groups,” reads the government’s regulatory proposal. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19078968 (262236ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Andrew Lawton Show: Trudeau’s internet takeover is well under way (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | Trudeau’s internet takeover is well under way


Bill C-18 – one of Justin Trudeau’s internet regulation bills – is now law, prompting Facebook to ban news so as to avoid having to pay out media outlets. While Facebook made the decision to block news links, True North’s Andrew Lawton points out that the whole thing is Trudeau’s fault, as he’s the one who thinks Big Tech needs to subsidize the legacy media.

Plus, 330 active duty and former members of the Canadians Armed Forces have launched a lawsuit against the Canadian military over the vaccine mandate that either coerced vaccination or forced CAF members out of service. Valour Law lawyer Catherine Christensen, who’s representing the soldiers, joins The Andrew Lawton Show to discuss the case.

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deaba1 No.123083

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079039 (262247ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Andrew Lawton: 'The media has started to turn on Justin Trudeau now' (video)

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Andrew Lawton: 'The media has started to turn on Justin Trudeau now'


True North's senior journalist Andrew Lawton joined The Ezra Levant Show to discuss Justin Trudeau's past as a teacher and why he left.

"For more than a decade, there's been questions about why Justin Trudeau left the fancy Vancouver private school where he was teaching. He left mid-semester. That's very unusual for a teacher to leave mid-semester," said Ezra.

"But they may be a perfectly good explanation for or as the innuendo and gossip has. And maybe there's a terrible reason for it, maybe he got a little bit handsy with a young student who experienced it differently."

"We simply don't know because he hasn't asked about it. But then in Parliament just a few weeks ago, Pierre Poilievre threw that back at Trudeau in quite a jab. And here he is, eight years after becoming prime minister. And I don't think a single journalist has ever asked the prime minister, 'hey, by the way, why did you leave halfway through?' And that's my point, Andrew. To vet the Prime Minister."

The Ezra Levant Show was joined by True North's Senior Journalist Andrew Lawton.

Ezra asked Lawton if any journalists did ask the PM on why he left the school.

Lawton responded: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123084

File: aa6630f27d25590⋯.png (2.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fd9fb9d456e26e⋯.png (242.02 KB,645x739,645:739,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079263 (262325ZJUN23) Notable: Parliament rejects Conservative motion to protect pregnant women from violence

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Parliament rejects Conservative motion to protect pregnant women from violence


Overall, 44% of women in Canada who had ever been in an intimate partner relationship — or about 6.2 million women 15 years of age and older — reported being victims of intimate partner violence.

After rejecting a Conservative motion to protect pregnant women from violence, the Liberal-NDP coalition has stopped to new lows.

On June 14, Bill C-311, ​​the Violence Against Pregnant Women Act, failed the Second Reading in the House of Commons in a 205-113 vote. The entire Liberal and NDP caucus voted against the bill, as did the Bloc Québécois, Green Party, and Independent MPs.

Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall denounced each party for defeating her private members' bill, claiming they "voted to enable attackers." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123085

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079318 (262335ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre

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Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre


There is no such thing as a safe hard drug, and the free drug distribution policies that are popular in progressive circles have resulted in more drugs on the streets, continued devastating addiction, and rampant crime and squalor in many cities.

When we discuss politics, we rarely discuss absolute goods, often it is sadly a matter of choosing between the lesser of two evils.

But at a campaign announcement during the Alberta election, Premier Danielle Smith took to the stage surrounded by people whose lives have been profoundly affected by addiction and committed to do something truly just, tackling addiction head-on and rejecting the, as MLA Mike Ellis put it, palliative care, and addiction-enabling trend of government-provided “safe” drugs.

There is no such thing as a safe hard drug, and the free drug distribution policies that are popular in progressive circles have resulted in more drugs on the streets, continued devastating addiction, and rampant crime and squalor in many cities. This is particularly prevalent around the so-called safe injection and safe supply access sites.

Seeing a government that views addicts as human beings instead of statistics is refreshing, and it isn’t just talk. They are delivering on commitments to help people reclaim their lives. The UCP has removed the costs for recovery treatment, which used to be $40 a day, and they have also increased available recovery beds to an unprecedented level in the province.

Dr. Dean Vause, Executive Director of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre (AARC), has decades of experience in adolescent addiction, and he is one of the incredible professionals helping Alberta youths struggling with addiction reclaim their lives.

Many of those who were on stage with Danielle Smith sharing their testimonies at the UCP addiction recovery press conference are graduates from his program. To learn more about how Alberta is saying no to addiction and yes to recovery, I joined Dr. Vause for an exclusive HelpNotHarm.ca interview. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123086

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079418 (262350ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Sheila Annette Lewis calls on Danielle Smith for help while seeking life-saving procedure (video)

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Sheila Annette Lewis calls on Danielle Smith for help while seeking life-saving procedure


Denied a life-saving organ transplant over her vaccine status, Sheila Annette Lewis is going after Alberta Health Services for malpractice, while seeking willing doctors in the United States.

Sheila Annette Lewis, an Alberta resident, was denied a life-saving organ transplant here in Canada, one that she needs in order to survive the diagnosis that left her with a terminal condition. She chose not to get the mRNA COVID so-called 'vaccines', that we are now seeing aren't as effective as they were advertised, yet still mandated across the world.

Sheila has a Give-Send-Go campaign launched in hopes of getting her the transplant she needs to survive, at a hospital in the United States which doesn't adhere to these same COVID vaccine mandates as Alberta Health Services. You can find out more about this campaign at givesendgo.com/GAMM5.

Ms. Lewis is also suing Alberta Health Services for medical malpractice, as she waits for help from Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, in hopes of getting back on the transplant list she was once already confirmed for, as a great candidate. You can find all our coverage of this story at OrgansNotCoercion.ca, a campaign we launched at Rebel News to raise awareness on this medical injustice.

We interview Sheila Annette Lewis in-person for this report, and we address Premier Smith directly to find out what second opinion she got in relation to Sheila’s situation. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123087

File: 85d1c8acaee2b60⋯.png (390.2 KB,720x500,36:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c3b0b14351929f⋯.png (310.68 KB,539x756,77:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19079480 (262359ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian high schoolers questioned by RCMP for signing ‘straight and proud’ poster

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Canadian high schoolers questioned by RCMP for signing ‘straight and proud’ poster


The decision to summon the police comes as students are increasingly standing up to school administrations and against the LGBT agenda.

A Saskatchewan principal called in police to question students who said they were “straight and proud.”

Students at Swift Current Comprehensive High School were summoned to the ninth-grade principal’s office by a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer for signing a poster saying they were “straight and proud,” according to a report by independent journalist and former RCMP officer Nadine Ness.

“The kids have disclosed to their parents feeling being intimidated by this RCMP officer who was saying things like this borderlines a hate crime and they could get in legal trouble,” Ness wrote.

According to Ness, the school failed to inform parents that their children were interrogated by the police for voicing their beliefs.

“As a former RCMP officer, I find this alleged behaviour of the officer very disturbing and made worse by the fact parents were kept in the dark and kids were not offered parents to be present,” Ness declared. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19081065 (270408ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…He's At It, Again! This is his Canada! - Sun, Jun 25th

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau...He's At It, Again! This is his Canada! - Sun, Jun 25th


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deaba1 No.123089

File: f627f7f5d776013⋯.png (301.46 KB,500x355,100:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19083225 (271427ZJUN23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates

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Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates


Around 330 active or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who say they were harmed by COVID-19 vaccine mandates have filed a class-action lawsuit against high-ranking members of the Canadian military, asking for some $500 million in damages.

“The CAF shirked its own purpose and rushed an untested product onto its members, mislabeled this experimental gene therapy a ‘vaccine,’ knowingly made false statements of safety and efficacy, and facilitated its mandate with no option to refuse except for mandatory permanent removal from service,” reads the statement of claim filed with the Federal Court on June 21.

“The actions of the CAF and CDS [Chief of the Defence Staff] has resulted in injury to the Plaintiffs, who have consistently worked to prevent this abuse of power from occurring and to protect the members and their families who are experiencing coercion, discrimination, and threat of loss of career and benefits in all instances.”

The lawsuit was filed against Chief of the Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant-General Frances Allen, Minister of National Defence Anita Anand, former deputy minister of national defence Jody Thomas, and others. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123090

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19083375 (271451ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Parent’s Rights. Children’s Safety. Canada’s Madness.

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Parent’s Rights. Children’s Safety. Canada’s Madness.



A Canadian mother with two daughters has been in a prolonged battle within the scary circus that is now our Canadian courts. The story began with ten and twelve year old sisters, who live primarily with their mother. Their mother is their primary parental decision maker. The girls did not want to be injected with covid-19 genetic experiments that continue to be misrepresented as simple “safe and effective covid-19 vaccines”. Their mother supported the girls decision to decline the injections. The girls father however adamantly wants them injected with the experiment, and he took the mother to court over that. In court the judge ruled in the daughters’ and mother’s favor; the girls did not have to be forcibly injected. However, the father appealed that decision and the supreme court of Ontario overturned the initial judges decision. Perversely, this second judge ruled that the first judge’s ruling was invalid because he did not choose to exercise his option of “judicial notice”. Judicial notice states that a judge can ignore evidence and choose to accept that something is obviously and unquestionably true. In this case that would be that: “covid-19 infections pose a serious risk to children’s health, and that the misrepresented injections actually are safe and effective vaccines, that carry a dramatically superior benefit verses risk”. How strange is it that one judge would overturn another because the first did not choose to accept assumptions; rather he considered that there is more than one side to the “safe and effective covid-19 vaccine” debate.

How perverse is it that we are now told children have the “right” to be injected with a genetic experiment without parental consent or even parental knowledge? A kid can say yes to the covid-jab, but they can’t say no, if one of their parents has drank enough cool-aid to believe that these injections are wonderful. Also in Canada, a child can request and be supported through “gender reassignment” by their school , even without parental consent or knowledge. But they can’t refuse a misrepresented dangerous genetic injection. We are most recently told that now in Canada, children even have the potential as “mature minors” to request assisted suicide without parental consent. But they can not say “no” to a dangerous misrepresented genetic experiment, that carries significant risk of harm and absolutely no benefit for a viral illness that has never presented a significant risk of serious disease to children.

This evening, June 27th 2023 at 7 PM ET, 4PM PT, you are invited to join a live round table discussion regarding parental rights to medical choices. This event hosted by Vaccine Choice Canada and Take Action Canada will include Biomedical Ethicist Dr Julie Ponesse, VCC’s president Ted Kuntz, two lawyers Albertos Polizogopolu and Lia Milousis who represent the mother in this case, and myself Dr Mark Trozzi. You can join us online at 7 PM ET, 4 PM PT here.

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deaba1 No.123091

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19085284 (272215ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Trozzi Talks part 4: The Reconciliation (video)

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Dr. Trozzi Talks part 4: The Reconciliation


Our conversation with Dr. Trozzi continues as he discusses coming to terms with the lies and how it's not too late to pivot.

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deaba1 No.123092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19085558 (272324ZJUN23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Pushing transgenderism on kids is not natural or authentic (video)

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Pushing transgenderism on kids is not natural or authentic


'What are you doing breaking that taboo? What would you think of a group of heterosexual activists had parades and said they were coming for your children?' wonders Ezra Levant. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123093

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19085768 (280016ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia! (video)

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Canadian navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia!


Military members are supposed to be upstanding citizens, the ultimate servers and protectors of sovereignty, which makes the perverse comments even more concerning. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123094

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19086292 (280206ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Environment Canada admits 62,000 birds and 75,000-116,000 bats are killed by wind turbines annually

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Environment Canada admits 62,000 birds and 75,000-116,000 bats are killed by wind turbines annually


The data on how many tiny creatures of flight are being blended into slurry each year in pursuit of the Liberal's net-zero agenda was revealed in response to an inquiry of Environment and Climate Change Canada posed by Conservative Mp Damien Kurek. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19088366 (281341ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ratio’d: This will end badly for Toronto; Olivia Chow to be Toronto's next mayor (video)

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Ratio’d | This will end badly for Toronto


Former NDP politician and socialist candidate for mayor Olivia Chow capped off her political comeback last night by becoming Toronto’s next mayor. Despite the media painting Chow as a “change candidate,” the truth is, she is nothing but. Chow is proudly receiving the baton of a city in steady decline, as yet another character of the leftist status quo that is ruining our cities. High taxes, drug decriminalization, safe-supply and soft on crime – it’s the same story across Canada in all of the country’s major cities.

Not only is Chow a soft-on-crime candidate, the word crime didn’t appear once in her remarkably thin platform. Chow believes in decriminalizing the possession of hard drugs for minors and is also the undisputed champion of bike lanes in a city where for half the year, it’s impossible to ride a bike. Not to worry though! Chow wants to increase the number of restaurant patios and open libraries on Sundays! Surely that will turn this city around.

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deaba1 No.123096

File: 7580089bb408541⋯.png (1.86 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c1b9a5fbda273⋯.png (90.75 KB,814x513,814:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19088957 (281600ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator In Court Over Threat To Strip His Psychologist License

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Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator In Court Over Threat To Strip His Psychologist License


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is confronting a Canadian regulator in court over a demand that he undergo “remedial” social media training or face losing his psychologist license.

In November, the College of Psychologists of Ontario levied accusations that Peterson “may have lacked professionalism” in some of his social media posts. The government-backed regulator, which governs the psychology profession in the province, ordered Peterson to undergo “social media communications retraining,” that includes “coaching” for his Twitter commentary, or potentially have his license suspended.

The best-selling author and Daily Wire+ host blasted the effort to remove his license and accused the regulator of trying to suppress free speech.

Peterson also said he would not participate in the process. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123097

File: 3e38f3da3a8a19d⋯.png (2.07 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19088968 (281602ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Planned Parenthood Banned From Schools In Canadian Province Over Sexually Graphic Resource

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Planned Parenthood Banned From Schools In Canadian Province Over Sexually Graphic Resource


"It is completely inappropriate to be in a classroom."

Planned Parenthood has been banned from schools in one Canadian province after parents complained about a sexually graphic resource ending up in the hands of a high schooler.

Minister of Education Dustin Duncan on Thursday suspended the Planned Parenthood in Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan, from presenting information in schools.

“I believe, as Minister of Education [and] frankly, as a parent, it is completely inappropriate to be in a classroom,” Duncan said of the controversial resource. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123098

File: c02a4583c7dbd59⋯.png (492.13 KB,731x833,43:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c649b8024dae6c⋯.png (66.5 KB,811x409,811:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c46bc3562d220b⋯.png (711.58 KB,768x658,384:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19091763 (290046ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / For the keks: The Musk-Zuckerberg Cage Fight

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The Musk-Zuckerberg Cage Fight: Elon Will Work with Legendary Trainer Georges St-Pierre – Mark is an experienced Jujitsu Competitor – UFC’s Dana White Says Trial by Combat of the CEOs Will Be Most Watched Fight In History


It’s starting to look like the hyped fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg may actually happen. What began as a professional rivalry with plenty of online trolling has started to develop into an actual thing, as many developments suggest the challenge is on.

Podcaster Lex Fridman took to Twitter on Tuesday, sharing his experience of an impromptu martial arts training session with SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123099

File: a062aa5876fee04⋯.png (1.21 MB,2000x1124,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19094874 (291537ZJUN23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a Ponzi scheme and a hoax to steal everyone’s money, human rights, and constitutional freedoms

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Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a Ponzi scheme and a hoax to steal everyone’s money, human rights, and constitutional freedoms


Everyone remembers the first Al Gore world tour promoting fake global warming, talking about how the shorelines of America would all recede as the great glaciers of the world melt and the oceans rise. We heard fibs about the ozone layer and trapped greenhouse gases. Even statistics of the hottest years since 1935 made it seem as though every human might be bursting into flames soon if we don’t stop all the cows from farting and start car-pooling in the H.O.V. lanes on the highways. Once everyone realized the sun isn’t getting hotter, and the world’s ice isn’t melting, Al Gore and his conspiracy theory cohorts changed the name to “climate change,” so that every hurricane, tornado, and weather “event” could be blamed on those pesky gas-guzzling, hamburger-chomping humans (taxpayers the globalists want to rob).

#1. Climate change was called “global warming” for decades, until all the “rising temperature” charts were proven fake, the oceans were not rising at the shorelines, and the glaciers were not receding at the poles.

#2. Electric vehicles actually utilizes MORE fossil fuel and energy to run the charging stations, build them, and to manufacture the vehicles anyway.

#3. The entire agriculture and transportation industries would implode because there’s no way to replace all the machinery, tractors, and tractor trailers with electric or solar powered machines in the next century.

#4. There are NOT more natural storms than there ever were before, including tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, etc.

#5. The globalists, elitists, and celebrities pushing hardest for everyone to bow down and support “climate change” travel the world relentlessly in fossil-fuel-powered planes, jets, yachts, and SUVs to preach at their Ponzi scheme seminars.

#6. The world’s poster girl for “climate change” is a dogmatic, drama-infused sensationalist who keeps predicting the end of the world date over and over, and that date must be renegotiated as each one passes.

#7. Climate change is just another apparatus for the communist police-state tyranny to steal money from the populace, control their purchases and movement, and install mass surveillance for worsened tyrannical control.

#8. Carbon dioxide is NOT even a pollutant, as the climate alarmists claim as their major stance, but rather it’s the elixir of life itself.

#9. Big Tech social media giants, MSM, the globalists, and the climate change death cult (CCDC) are censoring all debate about “climate change” because there’s literally ZERO science to back up their claims, and contrary, the science shows we are in a slow cooling phase anyway.

#10. George Soros is behind it. Possibly the most sinister man on planet earth, anything that George Soros funds and backs is a money-making, humanity-destroying enterprise, and the climate change hoax is no exception to that rule.

The “Carbon Footprint” disinformation campaign Continue...

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deaba1 No.123100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19094960 (291559ZJUN23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukrainian Journalist EXPOSES The Naz*s We’re Arming (video)

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Ukrainian Journalist EXPOSES The Naz*s We’re Arming


Lev Golkin, an author and journalist, explains his recent article about the continuous white washing of white supremacists in the Ukrainian Army. Lev Golinkin is the author of A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka, Amazon’s Debut of the Month, a Barnes & Noble’s Discover Great New Writers program selection, and winner of the Premio Salerno Libro d’Europa. Golinkin, a graduate of Boston College, came to the United States as a child refugee from the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov (now called Kharkiv) in 1990. His writing on the Ukraine crisis, Russia, the far right, and immigrant and refugee identity has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, The Boston Globe, Politico Europe, and Time (online), among other venues; he has been interviewed by MSNBC, NPR, ABC Radio, WSJ Live and HuffPost Live.

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deaba1 No.123101

File: 6a98dda50740649⋯.png (275.94 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: de295409e7dddb9⋯.png (527.73 KB,731x765,43:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095059 (291624ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Actress Elliot Page and Other GLAAD Fascists Demand Censorship of Trans Facts

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Nolte: Actress Elliot Page and Other GLAAD Fascists Demand Censorship of Trans Facts


Actress Eliott Page and 250+ other fascists published an open letter demanding social media censor facts about the trans movement.

At the very top of this fascist letter, GLAAD and their Woke Brownshirts like actress Elliot Page tell a lie. There is no such thing as “medically necessary healthcare for trans youth.” There is only permanent mutilation through grotesque surgeries and puberty blockers. The only “healthcare” these kids require is compassionate and intense mental health care, but that’s not what the Trans Gestapo is talking about. In fact, the Trans Gestapo oppose mental “healthcare” because supporting mental “healthcare” reveals the truth about transsexuals like actress Elliot Page–that they are either mentally ill or fetishists who refuse to control themselves. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123102

File: 80b8d1a164c9f30⋯.png (268.22 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 38aaf074d1fdcee⋯.png (327.48 KB,612x432,17:12,Clipboard.png)

File: ff679c051f70f6c⋯.png (221.9 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d0251ced4bc2c3⋯.png (334.7 KB,612x437,612:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095153 (291641ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / NHL’s Connor McDavid Disappointed by End of Pride Night Jerseys

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NHL’s Connor McDavid Disappointed by End of Pride Night Jerseys


Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers says that he feels disappointed in the NHL’s recent decision to stop having teams wear rainbow jerseys during LGBTQ Pride nights.

McDavid expressed his dismay during the NHL’s award ceremony on Monday night.

“I certainly can’t speak for every organization. I know in Edmonton, we were one of the first teams to use the Pride tape,” McDavid said. “I know in Edmonton, in our dressing room, we strongly feel that hockey is for everybody. That includes the Pride nights and stuff like that.

“Of course, it’s disappointing to see. With that being said, it’s certainly way, way above my decision. It’s not my call, but obviously, it’s disappointing to see,” he added. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123103

File: 6b4c3dbeacc6bf8⋯.png (592.47 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095202 (291652ZJUN23) Notable: Final WEF Bun / China Hosts WEF Bigwigs for ‘Summer Davos’

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China Hosts WEF Bigwigs for ‘Summer Davos’


The World Economic Forum (WEF) convened the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC) in Tianjin, China, on Tuesday. The AMNC is billed as the “Summer Davos Forum,” a nod to the main WEF conclave held each January in Davos, Switzerland.

The 2023 AMNC was the first time the event has been held in China since the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Tianjin, a port city with a population of about 14 million, went all-out for the event as a chance to rekindle international tourism.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang, point man for dictator Xi Jinping’s effort to persuade international investors that China will no longer cripple their operations with brutal health lockdowns or politically-motivated business crackdowns, told AMNC attendees that the world stands at a “historical crossroads” after the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

AMNC covers many of the same topics discussed at the Davos meeting, but with more of an emphasis on developing economies, and since the event is held in China, the Chinese Communist Party naturally uses it for political purposes.

Li brought politics to the table by regaling attendees with boasts about the strength of the Chinese economy, even as China’s post-pandemic recovery sputters and fizzles in numerous ways. He also railed against all efforts by other nations to decouple their economies from China, as quoted by the state-run Global Times on Tuesday: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123104

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099305 (301410ZJUN23) Notable: Press for Truth: Families sue Harvard as six charged with trafficking in stolen human remains (video)

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Six people have been charged with trafficking in stolen human remains according to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

The parts stolen and sold included heads, brains, skin and bones. The operation, a nationwide network of individuals who bought and sold human remains stolen from Harvard Medical School and an Arkansas mortuary allegedly also sold still born babies that were supposed to be cremated and returned to their families.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the troubling news on human organ harvesting for profit that started in China and is now here in the west!

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deaba1 No.123105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099358 (301423ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Google to end news access in Canada after bill to pay news publishers passes (video)

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Google to end news access in Canada after bill to pay news publishers passes

Online News Act, which was passed last week, stipulates tech giant must negotiate deals with publishers for their content

“We have now informed the government that when the law takes effect, we unfortunately will have to remove links to Canadian news from our Search, News and Discover products in Canada,” Google said in a blogpost.

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deaba1 No.123106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099370 (301426ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ratio’d: Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks (video)

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Ratio’d | Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks


It’s almost Dominion Day and on the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison is bringing back his ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikTok reaction segment. July 1st is without a doubt the worst day of the year for nation-hating self-loathing leftist activists. Despite trying their best to tear down our statues, rename our streets, slander the flag, embarrass our once-feared military and lie about our history, millions of Canadians from all walks of life come together to wave the flag with pride and celebrate our great country.

The sight of proud Canadians wearing red and waving the maple leaf is enough to trigger the vocal minority. They would all prefer if we cancelled our fireworks celebrations, lowered our flags and wore orange.

To all of those that feel bad for being Canadian, feel free to leave whenever you want.

To everyone else, have a fantastic Canada Day!

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deaba1 No.123107

File: 7bfd0b1ffcd2b19⋯.png (669.07 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d54d2a262e961⋯.png (426.8 KB,644x754,322:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 005d8265d180827⋯.png (429.23 KB,541x841,541:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099576 (301518ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / N.B. activist launches campaign in support of Higgs’ parental rights policy

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N.B. activist launches campaign in support of Higgs’ parental rights policy


New Brunswick activist and TV personality Faytene Grasseschi is launching a campaign in support of Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs and his new parental rights policy.

The Don’t Delete Parents campaign also calls on the New Brunswick government to implement school choice – a policy that has been implemented in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec.

Earlier this month, the New Brunswick government announced changes to education policy 713, which included a new requirement for children under the age of 16 to get parental consent before they can officially change their name or pronouns at school.

The policy has caused outrage among trans activists and supporters of gender ideology, as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Liberal politicians.

Some Progressive Conservatives in New Brunswick have also come out against the policy change. Two cabinet ministers resigned over the ordeal, and 26 riding presidents submitted letters to initiate a leadership review.

The internal revolt concerns Grasseschi.

“We need to organize to support him,” she said in an email to True North. “If his political career falls over this, it will send a message to elected officials nationwide that standing with parents is political suicide.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123108

File: 235f4ce8101021b⋯.png (455.68 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b49729306b519e⋯.png (413.95 KB,511x871,511:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ba53f1767359b0⋯.png (263.45 KB,351x754,27:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099699 (301547ZJUN23) Notable: Advocates warn that Health Canada’s sweeping natural product regulations will decimate the industry

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“Save our supplements:” natural health stores and consumers oppose new Liberal gov regulations


One in 5 natural health product brands are seriously considering leaving Canada due to new proposed regulations on supplements, according to the Canadian Health Food Association.

Canadians who purchase natural health products and supplements such as multivitamins, probiotics, and herbal remedies may see large price increases and less variety because of the incoming rules imposed by the Trudeau government.

According to 2016 Health Canada data, 71% of Canadians are natural health product users.

Catherine Cole, owner of a health food store in Huntsville, ON called The Great Vine, posted on her business Instagram page, “They’re looking to re-regulate an industry, our industry, that is incredibly well-regulated. In fact, we have the best regulations in the world.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123109

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099715 (301550ZJUN23) Notable: Law professor raises alarm bells on state of democracy in Canada (video)

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Law professor raises alarm bells on state of democracy in Canada


Executive Director of Rights Probe Bruce Pardy joins The Ezra Levant Show to discuss Canada's eroding freedoms and more.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, law professor Bruce Pardy joined the show to discuss his thoughts on Canada's eroding civil liberties and the state of freedom in Canada.

As stated by Mr. Pardy, “I invited Jordan (Peterson) to give a lecture at Queen’s. The response of the community was divided. Lots of people were enthusiastic about seeing and hearing him. Others were of the view that he should not be given a platform at Queen’s.”

“It was a tremendous success, there were 800+ people packed into the university’s largest venue,” said Mr. Pardy.

“It was a fantastic event,” he added.

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deaba1 No.123110

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099747 (301558ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock (video)

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INTERVIEW: Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock


Peter Stock joined Rebel News to discuss how the idea of parents as primary educators was and is under attack, and he informed me that until a recent legal victory, some parents were even threatened with arrest for daring to educate their children at home. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123111

File: fd8d2191e4ef6c8⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099775 (301607ZJUN23) Notable: Final WEF Bun / Québec cabinet minister billed taxpayers $60,000 to attend 2023 WEF Summit

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Québec cabinet minister billed taxpayers $60,000 to attend 2023 WEF Summit


Economy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon spent $125,000 on ministerial travel in the first three months of 2023 — including $56,553 for the 2023 WEF Summit. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123112

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099812 (301616ZJUN23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / 'Censored' doctor speaks out at the National Citizen's Inquiry (video)

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'Censored' doctor speaks out at the National Citizen's Inquiry


'I blame the administrators who have failed to fulfill their responsibilities and allowed themselves to be controlled by public health management and politicians,' said Dr. René Lavigueur. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123113

File: 275ecdb623eca1c⋯.png (401.92 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099941 (301648ZJUN23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian Army roasted for raising LGBT ‘pride’ flags across the country

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Canadian Army roasted for raising LGBT ‘pride’ flags across the country


'Under Trudeau, the Canadian military is not fighting for the Canadian flag,' one conservative journalist wrote in response to the army's post.

The Canadian Army has become the subject of conservative ire online after it posted a series of photographs showing its members “raising the pride flag” in honor of the “2SLGBTQI+ communities.”

The official Twitter account for the Canadian Army posted pictures of multiple flag-raising ceremonies held by different military establishments to the popular platform on Wednesday, along with a message about “empowering” the LGBT community.

Immediately following the post, many prominent conservative commentators and ordinary citizens took to social media to blast the Army for its decision. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123114

File: 779b9d1246a59ee⋯.png (629.14 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 0089c7b5c4d79cb⋯.png (451.17 KB,548x818,274:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 4434dbeb9671bcb⋯.png (326.11 KB,406x742,29:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19099970 (301657ZJUN23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / ‘Find God’: Josh Alexander blasts Trudeau for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ crosswalk in Iceland

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‘Find God’: Josh Alexander blasts Trudeau for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ crosswalk in Iceland


Student activist Josh Alexander blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday for promoting an LGBT “pride” crosswalk while in Iceland.

Alexander condemned Trudeau for tweeting a picture of himself in front of a “pride” crosswalk during his visit to Reykjavík, Iceland.

“Your degeneracy is astonishing. Find God,” wrote Alexander, who became famous for refusing to cave to LGBT ideology at his high school and for speaking out against male students entering female bathrooms.

Alexander’s comment was in reaction to a Trudeau tweet that read, “Took this yesterday before heading home – because we couldn’t leave Reykjavík without visiting Rainbow Street. To everyone celebrating Pride in Iceland, in Canada, and around the world: Happy Pride season!” Continue...

During his time in office, the prime minister has made it clear that he places promoting LGBT ideology above the rights of Canadians.

Student activist Josh Alexander blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday for promoting an LGBT “pride” crosswalk while in Iceland.

Alexander condemned Trudeau for tweeting a picture of himself in front of a “pride” crosswalk during his visit to Reykjavík, Iceland.

“Your degeneracy is astonishing. Find God,” wrote Alexander, who became famous for refusing to cave to LGBT ideology at his high school and for speaking out against male students entering female bathrooms.

Alexander’s comment was in reaction to a Trudeau tweet that read, “Took this yesterday before heading home – because we couldn’t leave Reykjavík without visiting Rainbow Street. To everyone celebrating Pride in Iceland, in Canada, and around the world: Happy Pride season!” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123115

File: dec1036c40772ed⋯.png (146.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 516cc610cc3c584⋯.png (47.92 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19100112 (301730ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / North American cities top global pollution rankings

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North American cities top global pollution rankings


With hundreds of fires raging, Toronto, New York, and Washington DC have the world’s unhealthiest air

Toronto and New York stood in first and second place on a list of the world’s most polluted urban areas compiled by IQAir on Friday. With wildfires burning in Canada, a choking smog has spread to major American metropolitan areas.

More than 500 fires have been burning across several Canadian provinces for almost a month, spreading an orange-brown haze across eastern Canada and the US Midwest and Northeast.

The heavy concentration of particulate matter in the smoke has led public health officials to hand out masks and instruct people to remain indoors. As of Friday, more than 120 million Americans – a third of the population – were living under some kind of air quality alert, CNN reported.

By Friday morning, Toronto had the worst air quality of any city in the world, according to a live index compiled by IQAir, a Swiss air filter company. Toronto scored 154 on the company’s index, making its air “unhealthy” for anyone to breathe. New York City and Washington DC followed in second and third place with respective scores of 142 and 120. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123116

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19102053 (302351ZJUN23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau WON! The Last Time You See My Show?? - Thu, June 29 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau WON! The Last Time You See My Show?? - Thu, June 29 2023


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deaba1 No.123117

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105116 (011540ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Google to end news access in Canada after bill to pay news publishers passes (video)

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The government has been trying to figure out how to block the free flow of information online for many years now! It was first attempted with SOPA the “Stop Online Piracy Act”, then it was ACTA “The Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement”, then It was CISPA “the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act”, and NOW it’s Bill C-18 the “online news act”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest news on Bill C-18 while also discussing the importance of signing up to and supporting independent platforms that are outside of the clutches of control of the powers the ought not be.

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deaba1 No.123118

File: cea7efa42b15d0f⋯.png (771.64 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105176 (011550ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Toronto Star-Postmedia merger could stifle diverse opinions in legacy media, expert says

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Toronto Star-Postmedia merger could stifle diverse opinions in legacy media, expert says


The possible merger between Postmedia and the Toronto Star—two ideologically polar media organizations now engaged in non-binding discussions—will diminish a diversity of opinions in Canada’s legacy media, asserts an industry veteran.

“The people working on mergers like this tend to sell them as a positive point, but, in fact, they never are. What they mean for media is less diversity of viewpoints and they’re going to mean layoffs,” Matthew Hays, a media studies teacher at Marianopolis College and Concordia University in Montreal, told True North. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105201 (011556ZJUL23) Notable: Iran influencing Canadian bureaucrats, Candice Bergen warns

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Iran influencing Canadian bureaucrats, Candice Bergen warns


Agents of the Iranian regime are putting “immense pressure” on Canadian civil servants, and often succeeding at influencing them, according to former interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen.

Bergen, who recently stepped down as member of parliament in Portage—Lisgar, told a group of Iranian dissidents that “so-called Iranian diplomats” have cultivated relationships with Canadian bureaucrats.

“What we’re seeing in Canada… is immense pressure and disinformation that’s given to the bureaucrats and the civil servants who are advising our politicians and our government,” Bergen said Friday.

Bergen was speaking on a disinformation panel at the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s Free Iran conference in Paris.

Bergen said in previous years Global Affairs Canada civil servants tried to get her and other members of parliament to not attend the annual event. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123120

File: 73fe2945b978b7d⋯.png (395.12 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105229 (011601ZJUL23) Notable: Toronto 18 terror plotter granted full parole after 14 years in prison

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Toronto 18 terror plotter granted full parole after 14 years in prison


One of the main conspirators behind a foiled 2006 Islamist terrorist attack in Toronto was granted a release from prison on full parole.

The Parole Board of Canada judged that 47-year-old Shareef Abdelhaleem doesn’t pose a risk to society any longer and has allegedly shown enough progress in a deradicalization program to end his correctional supervision.

Abdelhaleem was a software engineer who joined a group of Jihadist extremists known as the Toronto 18, who planned to detonate vans filled with explosives at the Toronto Stock Exchange, a military base near Toronto and the CSIS headquarters.

They also wanted to kill the prime minister. The plot was uncovered by an undercover RCMP operation and Abdelhaleem was arrested in 2006.

He was convicted in 2011 and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 10 years. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123121

File: 8a245e328f065a2⋯.png (687.82 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105280 (011611ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Liberal MP breaks ranks with Trudeau over gas prices and energy policies

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Liberal MP breaks ranks with Trudeau over gas prices and energy policies


A Liberal MP from Atlantic Canada has publicly criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax hike and the impact of his government’s energy policies on the region’s economy.

Wayne Long, who represents the riding of Saint John–Rothesay in New Brunswick, said he is feeling the pressure from his constituents who are struggling with the high cost of living while the Trudeau government ramps up costly carbon tax hikes.

Long said he supports the Liberal government’s carbon pricing plan, but argued that it needs to be better communicated and adjusted for Atlantic Canada.

He said the 10% top-up to carbon rebates for people in rural areas is not enough to offset the pain at the pump.

Long’s comments come as Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre shored up support in the region.

“(Poilievre is) having a free run of it right now,” Mr. Long said. “I don’t like it. But we need to respond.”

“Whether we like it or not, we’ve got a problem. It can be a problem of communication or perception, but we’ve got a problem.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123122

File: 5326b3f696cab03⋯.png (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105325 (011617ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Ontario police officer appeals 'professional punishment' for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy

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Ontario police officer appeals 'professional punishment' for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy


Constable Michael Brisco has no prior disciplinary record during his 15-year tenure with the Windsor Police Service (WPS). He is a highly respected officer with an 'exemplary record.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123123

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105391 (011631ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau visits Hogtown for another Liberal Party fundraiser (video)

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Trudeau visits Hogtown for another Liberal Party fundraiser— but who in their right mind would pay $1,700/plate for this experience?


The dinner was billed as follows: 'Join us for a unique in-person event with Justin Trudeau and Adam van Koeverden as we look at the next steps in our Liberal government’s work to build a better, stronger and more resilient Canada.'

You have to hand it to Justin Trudeau. He obviously is a keen student of circus promoter P.T. Barnum, who allegedly once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

And it would appear that the City of Toronto is ground zero for suckers, given that an unknown number of patrons recently dropped by the swank Kimpton St. George Hotel to take in a fundraiser costing $1,700 a plate!

The dinner was billed as follows: “Join us for a unique in-person event with Justin Trudeau and Adam van Koeverden as we look at the next steps in our Liberal government’s work to build a better, stronger and more resilient Canada.”

No… we’re not making this up… Continue...

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deaba1 No.123124

File: adeeed6b2b75e45⋯.png (274.48 KB,854x562,427:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 482d8ba1d29f056⋯.png (358.87 KB,605x874,605:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105543 (011657ZJUL23) Notable: Far Left George Soros Organization Cutting 40 Percent of Staff

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Far Left George Soros Organization Cutting 40 Percent of Staff


Now that George Soros is 92 years old, he is passing control of his global operation to his son Alex, who is reportedly more radical than he is.

Things can’t be going too well at the organization however, because they are preparing to cut their staff by up to 40 percent.

Perhaps they are looking to consolidate so they can devote more funds to interfering in American politics.

Soros’ Foundations to Cut 40% of Staff After Handover to Son

Open Society Foundations, the nonprofit founded by billionaire George Soros, plans to cut at least 40% of its staff in the coming months.

The charity, which earlier this month confirmed Soros, 92, was handing control to his son Alex, said Friday its board approved “significant changes” to its operating model. That includes “a substantial reduction in headcount of no less than 40% globally,” according to a spokesperson.

Soros has donated more than $32 billion to the nonprofit, which had more than 500 employees as of the end of 2021 and gives money to humanitarian and democratic causes ranging from criminal justice reform to climate change initiatives. It currently controls the majority of assets managed by his $25 billion family office. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123125

File: 638f6f1878f1361⋯.png (108.35 KB,806x619,806:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cb8f9180d614c3⋯.png (175.37 KB,279x634,279:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a018e86f765629⋯.png (90.44 KB,538x718,269:359,Clipboard.png)

File: a9c4cbec4897f09⋯.png (88.9 KB,806x511,806:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 30e1d3993debe45⋯.png (552.96 KB,540x788,135:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105608 (011709ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Smoke From Canadian Fires Leads to Speculation in U.S. as Air Quality Plummets Ahead of Independence Day Weekend

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Smoke From Canadian Fires Leads to Speculation in U.S. as Air Quality Plummets Ahead of Independence Day Weekend


Toxic smoke from Canadian wildfires is spreading across America, raising questions about how they started as well as what the United States Government intends to do about it.

According to CNN, more than 120 million Americans are currently suffering as air quality continues to plummet across the nation.

CNN further reports, “Canada has officially marked its worst wildfire season on record, with smoke from the blazes crossing the Atlantic Ocean and reaching western Europe on Monday.”

Millions of acres have already burned, leading to what Forbes describes as “a relentless summer of smoke that won’t end anytime soon.”

Although wildfire smoke commonly includes chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde, residents of the Eastern United States are relatively unaccustomed to the realities of what is more commonly understood in the West. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123126

File: dc3c762b22d49c1⋯.png (225.22 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 02649c171b17aa4⋯.png (324.03 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105733 (011731ZJUL23) Notable: Final WEF Bun / CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF

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CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF


Expiry dates and restrictions on “less desirable” purchases are some of the key advantages behind central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), according to an economist at a World Economic Forum (WEF) event.

The WEF hosted the 14th annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, also known as Summer Davos. During one of the 30-minute panel discussions on June 28, Cornell University professor Eswar Prasad explained that the global economy is “at the cusp of physical currency essentially disappearing” and that programmable CBDCs and the technology behind these new forms of money could take the international economic landscape toward a dark path or a better place.

Prasad contended that one of the “huge potential gains” for the digitization of money is the programmability of CBDC units and attaching expiry dates. Governments can also utilize central bank money to socially engineer society. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123127

File: 52f0a51e7d60341⋯.png (21.68 KB,500x212,125:53,Clipboard.png)

File: febd78e9d9a5d6d⋯.png (72.79 KB,500x497,500:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e13979563c9e15⋯.png (80.69 KB,492x817,492:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d184c8feda3a5f⋯.png (172.34 KB,500x572,125:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105790 (011742ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / "Something Went Wrong": Twitter Users Complain About Global Outage

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"Something Went Wrong": Twitter Users Complain About Global Outage


Over 7,000 people on the Down Detector website have complained about Twitter outages on Saturday morning. A surge of outage reports began around 0745 ET.

Users say they're experiencing difficulties retrieving tweets, missing timelines, and followers disappearing, according to The Independent.

Market Watch said, "Twitter has been hit Saturday by a global outage that is preventing thousands of users from accessing the social media platform."

Users have reported error messages such as "Something went wrong. Try reloading" and "Cannot retrieve tweets" and "Rate limit exceeded error message."

In a separate issue, one Twitter user last night pointed out that the social media platform now "blocks all requests that are not logged in, tweets can no longer be embedded in most chat apps."

Elon Musk responded, "This will be unlocked shortly. Per my earlier post, drastic & immediate action was necessary due to EXTREME levels of data scraping."

Here's an exchange Musk has with another Twitter user on data scraping.

It's not clear what the problem is or how long the outage will last.

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deaba1 No.123128

File: 5bcf4ee0f51affd⋯.png (122.48 KB,500x279,500:279,Clipboard.png)

File: e4148384f1cf3dc⋯.png (414.48 KB,737x845,737:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 95305200a0acc6a⋯.png (325.7 KB,735x802,735:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105868 (011757ZJUL23) Notable: "The EU Is On The Brink Of Bankrutpcy" Says Hungary's Orbán At EU Summit

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"The EU Is On The Brink Of Bankrutpcy" Says Hungary's Orbán At EU Summit


The first question asked by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in his Facebook post is: “The only question everyone is asking here in Brussels is: Where has the money gone?”

Orbán is currently attending the two-day summit of EU leaders in Brussels, and one of the hottest topics is the question as to where the EU’s budget money has disappeared to. The Hungarian prime minister said that the European Commission had submitted a budget amendment proposal asking member states to pay tens of billions of euros.

“The question arises: How did this situation come about and how did they bring the European Union to the brink of bankruptcy?” Orbán asked. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19105952 (011814ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Sound Of Freedom • Gods Children Are No Longer For Sale (video)

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Sound Of Freedom • Gods Children Are No Longer For Sale


Anti-child trafficking film “Sound of Freedom” premieres July 4: “God’s Children are No Longer for Sale”On Independence Day this year, Angel Studios is planning to release its new film "Sound of Freedom: God's Children are No Longer for Sale," which aims to stop the scourge of child trafficking all around the world.

Featuring "Passion of the Christ" star Jim Caviezel, "Sound of Freedom" will hopefully attract two million viewers in its opening weekend, Caviezel said, in order to honor the two million children that are trafficked around the world every single year.

"This issue IS a hill to die on, folks," Caviezel commented. "And as a movie buff, I don't say that too often. But sometimes, movies can transcend the usual vanity and self-absorbing mentality that we typically get from Hollywood."

The film, by the way, tracks the real-life story of Timothy Ballard, who at an event about it showed actual undercover footage of some of the rescue missions that have been made over the years.

The official trailer for the film can be viewed below: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123130

File: 80cb0ee9d8e5854⋯.png (676.78 KB,681x498,227:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 9649d3ecf1b0c29⋯.png (447.64 KB,736x754,368:377,Clipboard.png)

File: d29ed71b726910f⋯.png (206.58 KB,500x503,500:503,Clipboard.png)

File: d4bf0eaf80788b4⋯.png (255.05 KB,500x503,500:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19106042 (011825ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Digital Vaccine Certificates + Genetically Modified Mosquitos

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Digital Vaccine Certificates + Genetically Modified Mosquitos


Who in Hell Gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?

The answer imposes itself: The devil himself. Because there is no international law allowing such human tyranny. This is an elite-made “rules-based order” striking down any dictatorial, military-enforced command on humanity.

That’s what the West has become since the Covid fraud, an empire led by evil itself.

The West has not just become a sea of criminal institutions, if not stopped NOW, it will continue with its drive to complete its eugenics and transhumanism agenda – way before 2030.

We, the People, must stand up NOW against this tyrannical attempt by foremost three key institutions to dominate, enslave and tyrannize to death most of the commons of world populations.

These institutions are: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123131

File: c6b3043350bc005⋯.png (438.2 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19106228 (011853ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / ‘1984 on steroids’: Canada cracks down on free speech, AI judges could rule on court cases

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‘1984 on steroids’: Canada cracks down on free speech, AI judges could rule on court cases


Tune in to this week's episode of Faith & Reason, filmed in person for the first time, from the Coalition for Canceled Priests' conference in Chicago.

Father James Altman and Liz Yore once again join John-Henry Westen for this week’s episode of Faith & Reason, filmed in person for the first time, from the Coalition for Canceled Priests’ conference in Chicago.

Earlier this month, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met in Florida to discuss how to handle transgender surgeries after the group’s dogmatic theology committee released a document in March condemning transgenderism. The Monday before the meeting was set to take place, the Lepanto Institute released a study finding that the largest Catholic health care system in the United States, CommonSpirit Health, performs transgender surgeries on both minors and adults, and at one location performs abortions.

Responding to the USCCB document, Cardinals Blaise Cupich of Chicago, Joseph Tobin of Newark, Robert McElroy of San Diego, and Bishop Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, decried the document for its lack of “outreach” to those suffering from gender dysphoria.

Fr. Altman, reacting to the cardinals and Bishop McKnight, responded to the call for “dialogue” between the Church and the gender-confused, stating that Scripture is clear that God made man male and female. “We don’t need dialogue about this, because God is the one that created it and God is the one who said it,” Altman said. “There’s no need for dialogue. There’s no confusion here.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123132

File: 4c183c8666c3e76⋯.png (97.31 KB,680x359,680:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 86243b0f919164d⋯.png (1.16 MB,738x1069,738:1069,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19106248 (011858ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 14 year old girl dies unexpectedly two days after her third dose of a Pfizer covid shot.

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14 year old girl dies unexpectedly two days after her third dose of a Pfizer covid shot.


“the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis”

From Legal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan)


A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Autopsy findings showed congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, and diaphragm. Since there was no preceding infection, allergy, or drug toxicity exposure, the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis. Although neither type of inflammation is fatal by itself, arrhythmia is reported to be the most common cause of death in patients with atrial myopericarditis. In the present case, arrhythmia of atrial origin was assumed as the cause of cardiac failure and death. In sudden post-vaccination deaths, aggressive autopsy systemic search and histological examination involving extensive sectioning of the heart, including the atrium, are indispensable.

Keywords: Systemic inflammation, Myopericarditis, COVID-19, Vaccines, Sudden death, Autopsy

Introduction Continue...

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deaba1 No.123133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19106326 (011918ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List (video)

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Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List


In His Rainbow Railway Speech PM Elevates LGBTQ2S+ Doctrines as a Core Element of Canada's Immigration Policies

In its many variations, the Rainbow Flag is pre-empting the status of Canada’s official flag. Indeed, since the days of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy in February of 2022, the use of the Red Maple Leaf Flag has become a symbol of patriotic determination. The All-Red Maple Leaf Flag has been widely adopted by many foes of woke extremism as a fitting marker of the sovereignty and inclusiveness integral to Canada’s nationhood. The refusal to subordinate the Canadian Flag to the increasing ubiquitousness of the Pride Flag signifies a rejection of the “post-national” perversities pushed by globalist Trudeau and his billionaire bosses.

This assertion of the principles of a just and inclusive nation stands in stark contrast to the discriminatory prejudices deeply ingrained in the ultra-woke obsessions of Justin Trudeau. There is no place in the symbolism of the Pride Flag to afford a place of dignity for people that adhere to religious traditions and to the pre-eminence of the family over the claims of the state in the raising of children. Moreover, the supposedly inclusive spirit of LBTQ2S+ effectively excludes any safe space for heterosexual people including caucasian men and especially those that are Christians.

The mobilization of Muslims in the West against trans-fixated governments and schools is a major subject in its own right that deserves careful attention.

Once again Justin Trudeau has run to the front of the class to continue his hectoring lectures. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123134

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19106707 (012034ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty (video)

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Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty...


Mark Milke of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy, speaks on Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty...

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deaba1 No.123135

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19108345 (020221ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau HECKLED AGAIN! - Fri, June 30th, 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau HECKLED AGAIN! - Fri, June 30th, 2023


Trudeau gets HECKLED Again! Pierre and Doug are Dressing the same. Calgary is BOOMING with Investments! This and much more on tonight's show.

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deaba1 No.123136

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110865 (021500ZJUL23) Notable: Final WEF Bun / World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

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World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance


The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions gathered in Tianjin, China, June 27-29 to discuss the latest ideas for promoting “the global transition to a green and renewable economy.”

Approximately 1500 participants attended the 14th annual meeting with a stated effort to “boost multilateralism and collaboration in a fragmented world.”

The three-day event, hailed by some as “Summer Davos,” started out with roaring applause for Dr. Evil himself, Klaus Schwab. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123137

File: bb4d046f797f224⋯.png (417.41 KB,1024x599,1024:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110935 (021514ZJUL23) Notable: Archbishop Vigano Announces Entity Created to Help Religious Victims of “Deep Church”

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Archbishop Vigano Announces Entity Created to Help Religious Victims of “Deep Church”


Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, Apostolic Nuncio, announces the association “exsurge domine” is born to help priests and religious who are victims of the bergoglian (Pope Francis and the “Deep Church”) purges.

See Archbishop Vigano’s message below: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123138

File: db92498284e2953⋯.png (972.58 KB,1456x971,1456:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111196 (021554ZJUL23) Notable: Jagmeet Singh Brands Canada Genocidal On Canada Day

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Jagmeet Singh Brands Canada Genocidal On Canada Day


"Census data tells us the Indigenous population has grown quickly, at a pace far surpassing that of the non-Indigenous population," says Statistics Canada.

Common sense citizens have to shake their heads in wonder at the state of Canadian society.

"Today, let's celebrate each other, and let's celebrate as we continue to build this great country."

These words, spoken by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in tribute to Canada Day 2023, contradict every move made by our PM since gaining office in 2015. Throughout this period, our Liberal government has done all they can to undermine national unity.

Pitting community against community, government rhetoric has fashioned Canada into a self-hating society. As such, social division among our plurality of communities has never been greater.

After which Mr. Trudeau belies every move he has made with an about-face: suddenly, the PM extols the virtues of a nation he has personally branded racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and Islamophobic.

It reaches a point of absurdity to recognize, incredibly, that this Trudeau character is not the most extreme Canada-basher on our national block.

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, is even worse. As exemplified by his commentary acknowledging our Canada Day celebration:

"Part of that[Canada Day celebration] is remembering that today is a difficult anniversary for Indigenous communities, as it celebrates the formal displacement and the start of the genocide for the first people of this land.”

Jagmeet Singh just can't let go. Not only does he erroneously brand our nation genocidal. Mr. Singh claims that efforts toward genocide of First Nations communities still exist today:

"Anytime you think of unmarked mass graves, you think of a distant country where a genocide has happened. This is not a distant country, this is here in Canada, and the genocide was against Indigenous people. And it is a genocide that is ongoing.”

Thing is, this happens to be a stone-cold lie. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123139

File: 16c0ce1182ce16a⋯.png (242.76 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111306 (021611ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products

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New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products


Now that the pandemic has ended, researchers are urging regulatory agencies to consider the safety issues associated with the rapid approval of COVID-19 vaccines—and to correctly classify messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines as gene therapy products (GTPs) to prevent pharmaceutical companies from bypassing regulatory standards.

According to a paper published in Nature on June 22, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, by mode and action, are gene therapy products and should adhere to different regulatory standards. Yet U.S. and European regulatory agencies have not classified COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as gene therapy products, which has allowed them to be regulated as vaccines against infectious diseases instead of being subjected to the more stringent regulation of GTPs.

Because current regulatory guidelines either do not apply, do not mention RNA therapeutics, or do not have a widely accepted definition for these products, regulatory agencies adopted a modified and accelerated approval process for COVID-19 vaccines in the form of a “rolling review.”

A rolling review is a regulatory tool typically used during a public health emergency to speed up the assessment of data for medicines or vaccines. It allows data to be reviewed as it becomes available—without the complete data package or specific controls.

This process led to broad and continuous biodistribution of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines that were not thoroughly studied and yielded tests with noncompliant results regarding purity, quality, and batch homogeneity. Manufacturers are now planning to replace classic vaccines with mRNA vaccines using the same process—starting with influenza vaccines.

Vaccines With mRNA Technology Are Gene Therapies Continue...

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deaba1 No.123140

File: 1abd518a5e747a2⋯.png (308.39 KB,500x373,500:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a335256956e3cb⋯.png (47.87 KB,500x146,250:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111410 (021632ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Geopolitical Evolution: Russia's 'Rebellion' & A Return To Gold-Backed Currency

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Geopolitical Evolution: Russia's 'Rebellion' & A Return To Gold-Backed Currency


The increasing number of nations seeking to join BRICS brings geopolitics into the spotlight. At the time of writing, existing members, those who have applied to join and those expressing an interest total 36 nations, with over 60% of the world’s population and one-third of global GDP.

Plans for a new trade currency backed by gold appear to be on the agenda for the BRICS meeting in Johannesburg in August. In this article, the geopolitical aspects of its introduction are considered, and the indications that how it will involve gold are discussed. The mechanics of this project are then suggested.

But first, we look at the situation in Ukraine, attempting to put the recent Wagner rebellion into context. Furthermore, Russia’s deteriorating trade surplus, weakness of the rouble and rising bond yields suggest that it is time for President Putin to put an end to Ukraine’s misery. He is likely to do this by attacking Kiev, which is only 60 miles from Belarus, while the bulk of Ukraine’s army is distracted by operations over 400 miles to the south and east. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111563 (021707ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm - Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs

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Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm – Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs


Jo Lindner, a German bodybuilding icon and a beloved YouTube influencer known by his online alias “Joesthetics,” tragically passed away. He was 30.

Jo Lindner was a celebrated bodybuilder who rose to global fame through his online content. Known for his impressive physique and commitment to fitness, Jo amassed a massive following on social platforms, with almost a million subscribers on YouTube and 8.4 million followers on Instagram.

In a heartrending Instagram post, Jo’s devastated girlfriend, Nicha, revealed that Jo had passed away while cuddling her. This tragic event occurred just after Jo had gifted her a custom-made necklace, a significant memory that Nicha would carry with her forever.

She described his passing as happening too quickly to comprehend and expressed regret that they hadn’t understood the seriousness of his neck pain until it was too late.

“Yesterday [he passed] away by aneurysm,” Nicha wrote on her Instagram. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123142

File: 2632700d969b0ce⋯.png (177.3 KB,2000x1051,2000:1051,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111621 (021720ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Synergistic Pairing Of Anti-Parasite Drugs Ivermectin And Fenbendazole Found Highly Effective At Preventing And Treating Cancer

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Synergistic Pairing Of Anti-Parasite Drugs Ivermectin And Fenbendazole Found Highly Effective At Preventing And Treating Cancer


Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer

During the [fake] Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "p[l]andemic," the powers that be made it a top priority to discourage and even prevent the general public from using ivermectin as a prophylactic, instead pushing masks and "vaccines." Well now there is another use for ivermectin that is sure to put it right back in Big Pharma's crosshairs, and it involves the treatment of cancer.

One of the "side effects" of taking ivermectin for COVID [flu], it turns out, is that it also helps prevent cancer cells and tumors from forming. This could be very helpful for those dealing with the sudden onset of "turbo cancer," a phenomenon that appeared not long after the launch of Operation Warp Speed. [due to the vaccines]

If "fully vaccinated" people who got jabbed for COVID [flu] had easy access to ivermectin, many of them could potentially find relief and healing from it. And even better is the fact that fenbendazole, another anti-parasite drug, also works to fight against cancer.

"What would happen if one did a combination therapy for both the prevention and treatment of cancer using BOTH ivermectin and fenbendazole?" asks "2nd Smartest Guy in the World" on his Substack. "The synergistic pairing would be far more effective than just using one of these miraculous drugs." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123143

File: 8d6665474e43d65⋯.png (180.82 KB,994x560,71:40,Clipboard.png)

File: e1c2da0f111e5bb⋯.png (489.68 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111877 (021816ZJUL23) Notable: UN SDGs implant “human rights” and attempt to override our inalienable rights

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UN SDGs implant “human rights” and attempt to override our inalienable rights


The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16, or SDG16, is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats – both real and imagined – in order to advance regime dominance. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123144

File: d5bd7b2a4bb8ac7⋯.png (176.15 KB,565x309,565:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19112270 (022005ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Action4Canada launches full-court press on Sask education policy

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Action4Canada launches full-court press on Sask education policy


The booting out of planned parenthood from Saskatchewan schools prompted a national citizens’ group to seek more community-level leadership in the province.

As the Western Standard reported last week, Planned Parenthood made a set of explicit sex cards available as it gave a sex education lesson to a Grade 9 class in Lumsden, a community 32 km northwest of Regina. The controversy prompted Saskatchewan education minister Dustin Duncan to suspend Planned Parenthood from schools.

Three days prior, an Esterhazy educational assistant was fired for posting a link without comment to a private group. The post publicized a planned walkout of classes June 1 in protest of schools flying the pride flag and participating in pride month and was discovered later by the school board.

In a recent email, Action4Canada called for local coordinators in new communities and others whose leaders had stepped aside.

“Join the movement: A4C Saskatchewan needs your leadership!” read the appeal. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123145

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19112355 (022034ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: A Trudeau Protest - Nothing Says Happy Canada Day More! - July 1, 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: A Trudeau Protest - Nothing Says Happy Canada Day More! - July 1, 2023


An Anti-Trudeau Party on Parliament Hill on Canada Day. Pierre Poilievre goes off on Olivia Chow's election in Toronto. Roundup of Canada Day celebrations. Thanks for watching!

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deaba1 No.123146

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19112937 (022245ZJUL23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / IWR Weekly June 30: Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children (video)

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IWR Weekly June 30: Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children


This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear…

Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children

Parents Pushing Back Against Trans Agenda

Josh Alexander Assualted – Then Detained by Police

C-18 Censorship Bill Passes – How to Protect Yourself

More Evidence Trudeau Knew About Chinese Interference

Yet More Money for CBC – From Government Ads

Many Vaccine Vials Contain Saline – Danish Study

Trudeau Promotes Insect Protein Conference

Grocery Mergers Cost Canadians $1 Billion

Electric Vehicles Will Damage Roads

Statistical Proof Wildfires the Result of Arson

Musk Zuckerberg Cage Match Might Actually Happen

Dog Cancelled by Company That Received Pride Award

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deaba1 No.123147

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19115498 (031408ZJUL23) Notable: Press for Truth: France Riots SPREADING ACROSS EU!! Police Brutality Revealed As A GLOBAL ISSUE!!! (video)

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France Riots SPREADING ACROSS EU!! Police Brutality Revealed As A GLOBAL ISSUE!!!


Riots erupted for a fourth night across France over the fatal police shooting of 17-year-old Algerian teenager that was caught on video and much like the George Floyd protests, the rioters in France are using police brutality as an excuse to wreak havoc wherever possible.

Meanwhile in the US and Canada Draconian police laws are leading to people being arrested in their own homes for having alcohol on their breath hours after operating a vehicle!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the riots in France and the growing global issue of police brutality that is real, but often used as an excuse for an unjustified response.

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deaba1 No.123148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19115603 (031427ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / In today's odd government spending: Export Development Canada-branded climate change trivia card game?

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In today's odd government spending: Export Development Canada-branded climate change trivia card game?


Sheila Gunn Reid discussed the various made-in-China government-branded swag items that the Trudeau government designed during the pandemic.

On Friday’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, guest host Sheila Gunn Reid spoke about a new response to an order paper question posed by conservative MP John Brassard, that shows how much taxpayer money the Liberal government blew on government-branded swag for themselves and their friends or to give away during the pandemic.

She explained that much of the government-branded merchandise was made in China.

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deaba1 No.123149

File: f39d7f9b61b5f93⋯.png (919.36 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19115693 (031445ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Ontario medical regulators continue to impede direct patient care

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Ontario medical regulators continue to impede direct patient care


Experienced Ontario general practitioner and psychotherapist details how treating COVID patients and those suffering from vaccine injury are similar, but regulators continue to interfere in the process.

Doctor Edward Leyton came out of retirement to assist with the COVID response in early 2020. As a general practitioner psychotherapist, he has decades worth of direct patient care under his belt.

Dr. Leyton began treating patients – who felt hopeless and were terrified by the mainstream narrative – with a repurposed drug, ivermectin, which he says the literature clearly supported.

Post-viral syndrome or "long COVID" was happening during this time, in conjunction with the vaccine rollout, making it difficult for physicians to decipher if patients were suffering from a severe COVID infection or a vaccine injury.

Both are chronic illnesses, says Dr. Leyton. “Essentially we have an inflammatory process that seems to be occurring and we have to correct that,” he explains.

Dr. Leyton says that the approach using re-purposed drugs has been thwarted by various regulatory colleges when they launched investigations into those prescribing, and fulfilling, ivermectin prescriptions. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19115778 (031500ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian immigration: Supreme Court rules on Safe Third Country Agreement, Montreal Police Service engaged in media profiling (video)

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Canadian immigration: Supreme Court rules on Safe Third Country Agreement


During the pro-refugee claims event, the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) engaged in media profiling and prevented Rebel News from accessing the event, despite having prior authorization. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123151

File: abd95d12b4b81af⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19115885 (031518ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canadians are 'less interested' in purchasing electric vehicles, says study

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Canadians are 'less interested' in purchasing electric vehicles, says study


Two-thirds (66%) of Canadians are either 'very unlikely' or 'somewhat unlikely' to purchase an electric car as their next vehicle — up 13% from last year. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123152

File: b3a8c924cb5964f⋯.png (599.48 KB,792x510,132:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116043 (031550ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / BlackRock and JPMorgan to Collaborate with Ukrainian Government Establish Reconstruction Bank for Massive Private Investment

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Controversial Companies BlackRock and JPMorgan to Collaborate with Ukrainian Government Establish Reconstruction Bank for Massive Private Investment


In a move that has garnered both praise and criticism, financial giants BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase have announced they are helping the Ukrainian government in establishing a reconstruction bank, the Ukraine Development Fund. The fund’s aim is to attract private investment on a large scale for post-war rebuilding projects, Financial Times reported.

BlackRock’s vice-chair, Philipp Hildebrand, announced their intention to “mobilize capital at scale” and use it to attract between five and ten times as much private investment. The investment will be prioritized in infrastructure, climate, and agriculture.

“So many of today’s long-term challenges are best addressed through blended finance and this is one. You need these vehicles to mobilize capital at scale,” said Hildebrand.

The World Bank estimated in March that Ukraine would need $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116148 (031606ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukraine Narrative Gets Eviscerated in Front of United Nations

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Ukraine Narrative Gets Eviscerated in Front of United Nations


I’ll let Max’s words speak for themselves. Happy 4th and please spread these important truths around:

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deaba1 No.123154

File: a49d358b510e1a8⋯.png (296.31 KB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116210 (031623ZJUL23) Notable: Yes, The Deep State Is Still Trying To Starve Us

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Yes, The Deep State Is Still Trying To Starve Us


A Google search on “food plant fires” returns several fact checker articles designed to convince the public that food plant fires are incredibly common and that we have nothing to worry about. Personally, the more fact checker stories I see, the more I know the topic is over the target.

We originally posted this article in 2022, then later in the spring of 2023. Now it seems the attention has turned to Canadian forests rather than food plants, but isn’t it interesting how you now hear nothing about the food plant fires? What is happening? Continue...

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deaba1 No.123155

File: 77d9382cec5150c⋯.png (1.97 MB,2616x1388,654:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116346 (031644ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Type 1 and Type 2 Police

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Type 1 and Type 2 Police


We see the two different types of police.

Type 1. Clumsy, slow, getting beat by Antifa Terrorists, just staying around and watching crime happen.

Type 2. Mk Ultra driven, trained and without remorse to use brutal force on civilians.

We saw type 2 often in the pandemic protests.

The Globalists prepared for the “transformation” a long time ago.

They knew what will coming and build up forces to slay us down.Training camps in Norge, Sweden, Finske, for special police forces were formed already 15 years ago. The argument was the fight against Terrorism.

Later we learned, that they train methods to destroy bigger movements, riots, unrest in the society. Frankly spoken, to destroy the resistance of the people against the totalitarian laws.

Jan Vollgod vk.com comment below this post

Again, the police in the Netherlands are using force on civilians who are demonstrating. The Gestapo like methods, like during the COVID on the Museum square in Amsterdam. Yesterday there was a farmers protest, which was forbidden by the police, so many farmers couldn’t enter “den Haag”. But they say they will come back and use “other” methods! Sonja Van Den Ende | vk.com

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deaba1 No.123156

File: ca3dffd0a445750⋯.png (214.34 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116383 (031649ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / ‘Terrifying’ Famines, Floods, Fires, Ahead Unless ‘Climate Change’ Is Addressed Warns UN Rights Chief

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‘Terrifying’ Famines, Floods, Fires, Ahead Unless ‘Climate Change’ Is Addressed Warns UN Rights Chief


Climate change threatens to deliver a “truly terrifying” dystopian future of hunger and suffering, the United Nations’ human rights czar Volker Turk has warned.

On Monday he declared that the planet is “….burning. It’s melting. It’s flooding. It’s depleting. It’s drying. It’s dying” for everyone unless “climate change” is addressed.

Turk told a UN Human Rights Council debate on food availability that extreme weather events were wiping out crops, herds and ecosystems, challenging communities and their ability to rebuild and support themselves, AFP reported

He also also slammed world leaders for only thinking of the short term while dealing with the potentially catastrophic climate crisis. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123157

File: d684a2c512f750a⋯.png (453.34 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116434 (031658ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Meet medical freedom hero Dr. Byram Bridle at our Canadian gala in July!

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Meet medical freedom hero Dr. Byram Bridle at our Canadian gala in July!


Dr Byram Bridle, a courageous champion of medical freedom, is one of many heroes LifeSite readers will have an opportunity to meet at the Canadian gala on July 18.

LifeSiteNews is excited to announce that Dr. Byram Bridle, a warrior for Canadians’ medical freedom, is set to make a guest appearance at LifeSite’s 25th annual Canadian gala in July.

On July 18 in Markham, Ontario, LifeSite readers and supporters will be given the unique opportunity to meet Dr. Byram Bridle, who has become famous for speaking out against the draconian COVID-19 mandates forced on Canadians.

The Ontario doctor, who is a virologist, vaccinologist, immunologist, and Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, has received media attention for his scientifically-based skepticism of the oft-mandated COVID vaccinations.

Bridle has worked tirelessly to defend medical freedom and help Canadians make informed decisions based on fact, not fear. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123158

File: 40cd44be7226156⋯.png (1.4 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19116994 (031848ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Manitoba Court of Appeal says church lockdowns did not violate Canadian Charter of Rights

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Manitoba Court of Appeal says church lockdowns did not violate Canadian Charter of Rights


The Manitoba Court of Appeal has ruled that several Canadian Christian churches did not have their Constitutional rights violated by Covid-19 mandates.

The Manitoba Court of Appeal has ruled that several Canadian Christian churches did not have their Constitutional rights violated by Covid-19 mandates.

“Freedom of religion can be limited when the exercise of it can interfere with the rights of others,” the provincial appeal court declared on June 19.

The seven churches had launched a Constitutional challenge to the Manitoba government’s decision in March of 2020 to invoke the province’s Emergency Measures Act and Public Health Act.

The edict forced all churches and places of worship to only allow five people at a time to attend services, effectively closing weekly fellowship. Weddings and funerals were also limited to five attendees.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) represented the following churches: Gateway Bible Baptist Church, Pembina Valley Baptist Church, Redeeming Grace Bible Church, Grace Covenant Church, Slavic Baptist Church, Christian Church of Morden, and Bible Baptist Church.

The churches contended that the Covid mandates violated their religious freedom under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In June of 2021, Chief Justice Glenn Joyal of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench ruled that the Covid church lockdowns could be justified on the basis of public health.

“The pandemic’s presence in Manitoba demanded decisive action in order to reduce the spread of the virus and in order to flatten the curve,” he argued.

The churches appealed that decision, maintaining that Joyal’s judgment contained errors.

The appeal court’s decision insisted that closing churches only “minimally impacted the rights in question.”

“This case is one of a number across the country where various provisions aimed at curbing the transmission of COVID-19 have been challenged,” the Manitoba Court ruled.

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deaba1 No.123159

File: 4881570ba4b59d4⋯.png (532.26 KB,1000x509,1000:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 4031652a9b308a9⋯.png (199.67 KB,406x632,203:316,Clipboard.png)

File: 828a8a2e5290865⋯.png (226.2 KB,412x665,412:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 90d7b50d763ad6e⋯.png (227.13 KB,408x645,136:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117009 (031853ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau slammed over cringeworthy video pumping government handouts for those harmed by Liberal policies (video)

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Justin Trudeau slammed over cringeworthy video pumping government handouts for those harmed by Liberal policies


"I can't believe this is a real video put out by the leader of a G7 country," one user wrote.

On Monday, Justin Trudeau posted a TikTok-esque video to his official Twitter account in which he informally informed Canadians about a series of upcoming benefits and rebates.

Critics were quick to slam the prime minister over his "cringeworthy" media tactics, with many calling the whole spectacle a "joke." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123160

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117012 (031854ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau slammed over cringeworthy video pumping government handouts for those harmed by Liberal policies (video)

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deaba1 No.123161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117786 (032155ZJUL23) Notable: WEF Bun | Wildfires Bun

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>>123103 China Hosts WEF Bigwigs for ‘Summer Davos’

>>123111 Québec cabinet minister billed taxpayers $60,000 to attend 2023 WEF Summit

>>123126 CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF

>>123136 World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

Wildfires Bun

>>122960 Trudeau and legacy media’s wildfire fear mongering not grounded in evidence

>>122963 Arson charges laid in Inglewood area rush fire

>>122973 Canada’s Instant Forest Fires (video)

>>122986 Are Canadians being FORCED by planned ARSON into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau the Tyrant?

>>123115 North American cities top global pollution rankings

>>123125 Smoke From Canadian Fires Leads to Speculation in U.S. as Air Quality Plummets Ahead of Independence Day Weekend

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deaba1 No.123162

File: 35d64b930405c89⋯.png (371.68 KB,1188x640,297:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19118001 (032251ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Physicist tackles Alberta excess deaths for NCI

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Physicist tackles Alberta excess deaths for NCI


Alberta’s excess mortality during COVID-19 times differed from that of Ontario and Quebec and went up after vaccines, a PhD physicist testified.

Former University of Ottawa physicist Denis Rancourt gave online testimony to the National Citizens Inquiry on COVID-19 on June 28. It was the only time the NCI heard new testimony after three days of hearings in Ottawa in May.

Rancourt said Canadian excess mortality had six spikes in the pandemic era. The first followed dramatic lockdown measures in March 2020, while he correlated others with vaccine rollouts. The only exception was the fourth spike which was associated with a heat wave in BC.

The physicist, an expert in nanoparticles, theoretical epidemiology, statistical analysis, biogeochemistry, molecular science, and other fields, said the timeline patterns of excess mortality varied between provinces, owing partly to differing approaches to the pandemic.

“There is not a very large peak of deaths caused in hospitals by aggressive protocols [in] Alberta…unlike these very large peaks that occurred in Quebec and Ontario, in many hotspots in the world, such as New York City, northern Italy, and so on,” Rancourt said.

“Alberta has a higher regime of mortality starting somewhat later, starting at the end of 2020. There's that very large winter peak, which is unlike anything in recent times, and then you see the next winter peak in mortality. It has a double peak structure, and that's directly associated with vaccination…Continue

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deaba1 No.123163

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19118572 (040120ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians (video)

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Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians


MAID. Medical Assistance in Dying. A marketing term for assisted suicide. And if that was all it was, many of us would be OK with it, at least in cases of terminally ill adults in full possession of their faculties.

But that’s not what MAiD is in Canada. It’s a euthanasia agenda, where medical facilities and personnel push suicide on patients as an option. In fact, often it’s the first option that is discussed. And pushed to the point where last year over 10,000 Canadians were effectively put down. More than any other country in the world, and more than twice as many as our U.S. neighbors, despite the fact that their population is 10x our own.

A few years ago, Angelina Ireland entered a recovery facility in B.C. after enduring treatment for cancer. She became involved with the organization, the Delta Hospice Society, and is now on their board of directors.

The Delta Hospice Society used to operate an 8 million dollar privately built palliative care center. The B.C. government took it away from them two years ago because they refused to offer MAiD as an option.

But the Society hasn’t stopped fighting, and neither has Angelina.

Please share on your social media accounts

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deaba1 No.123164

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19118622 (040129ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: EVERYTHING is Backfiring on Justin Trudeau - Sun, July 2, 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: EVERYTHING is Backfiring on Justin Trudeau - Sun, July 2, 2023


Bill C-18: Did it Backfire on Justin Trudeau? Riots are destroying France, will the same happen in Canada soon? Jagmeet Singh says we should forgive student loans. This, and much more on tonight's show.

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deaba1 No.123165

File: a26ff89c407f216⋯.png (631.02 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121382 (041436ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Trillions of cyber attacks aimed at Canadian government, CSE blames Russia

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Trillions of cyber attacks aimed at Canadian government


Canadian government institutions were targeted in cyber attacks an estimated 2.3 trillion times during the previous fiscal year—or 6.3 billion times a day, says a report from the Communications Security Establishment (CSE).

In its Annual Report, which covered April 2022 to the end of March 2023, the attacks were referred to as “malicious actions” against the government, typically in the form of ransomware, information extraction, and attempts to map government systems, all of which increased in its last fiscal year compared to previous years.

The agency’s 2020-21 Annual Report said it blocked 2-7 billion malicious actions a day, and 3-5 billion during the following fiscal year.

The CSE told True North the war in Ukraine partially explains the latest increase.

“Since Russia’s unjustified and illegal invasion of Ukraine began in 2022, we have seen a notable rise in cyber threat activity by Russian-aligned actors targeting Ukraine’s allies, including Canada,” Robyn Hawco, a CSE spokeswoman, said in an emailed statement. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123166

File: 31cdb8340ab5647⋯.png (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121420 (041445ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Alberta woman files $10.5 mil lawsuit against government, CBC over vaccine misinformation

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Alberta woman files $10.5 mil lawsuit against government, CBC over vaccine misinformation


Following a thorough medical evaluation, Ms. Sakamoto was diagnosed with severe and permanent Bell's Palsy attributed to the Pfizer vaccine. As a result, she has endured enduring facial paralysis, hearing loss, vision impairment, dizziness, anxiety, depression, memory loss, cognitive impairment, synkinesis, sleep disruption, speech impairment, tinnitus, and vertigo.

Carrie Sakamoto, a Lethbridge mother of three, is suffering from permanent Bell's Palsy after being told in government and state broadcaster messaging that she was doing the "right thing" by following constant recommendations to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Ms. Sakomoto by lawyers Eva Chipiuk and James Kitchen, working with The Institute for Justice and Freedom and Empowered Canadians, names the federal Minister of Health, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Dr. Celia Lourenco, Alberta Health Services, and claims the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation were negligent, provided information they knew to be false and incomplete, and that they censored and suppressed truthful and reliable information about vaccine injuries which caused harm to Ms. Sakamoto. According to documents filed in Lethbridge court, the lawsuit goes on to allege misfeasance in public office by health officials in various governmental agencies. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123167

File: 3a56bd8b85f8ac0⋯.png (1.13 MB,1263x711,421:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121461 (041457ZJUL23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Sydney aquarium accused of fabricating 'gay penguins' to influence kids

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Sydney aquarium accused of fabricating 'gay penguins' to influence kids


https://www.rebelnews.com/sydney_aquarium_accused_of_fabricating_gay_penguins_to_influence_kids Continue...

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deaba1 No.123168

File: 8d3cef6165c1e73⋯.png (961.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d4cb8a497d91718⋯.png (178.99 KB,410x681,410:681,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f65ba235c5ffc⋯.png (221.76 KB,412x644,103:161,Clipboard.png)

File: a2ea9594ffff38b⋯.png (341.15 KB,612x769,612:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121655 (041537ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Special committee begins probe into firing of infectious disease scientists at 'top-secret' lab

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Special committee begins probe into firing of infectious disease scientists at 'top-secret' lab


Four MPs from different political parties and judges commenced their probe into the firing of the two Winnipeg-based scientists on Thursday.

An all-party committee in the House of Commons will begin probing the dismissal of two infectious disease scientists and determine whether they provided confidential intelligence to China.

According to previous media reports, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, shipped samples of the Ebola and Henipah viruses in March 2019 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China — including plasma DNA molecules which could recreate vaccines or viruses.

In July 2019, security escorted the pair from the lab alongside graduates and postgraduates from China studying at the University of Manitoba. How those students got security clearances to enter the facility remains to be seen.

The Globe and Mail reported that both scientists collaborated with Chinese military researchers to study and conduct experiments on deadly pathogens such as those causing Ebola disease, Lassa fever, and Rift Valley fever.

Qiu collaborated specifically on Ebola research with Major-General Chen Wei, the Chinese military's top epidemiologist and virologist, with dozens of scientific publications with Chinese scientists under her belt.

After an RCMP investigation and CSIS intervention, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg revoked the security clearance of both scientists. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121721 (041549ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Zelensky Admits He Has Good Relationship with CIA and Intel Talks with Them Often - Suggests War Will Continue Until Ukraine Retake Crimea

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Zelensky Admits He Has Good Relationship with CIA and Intel Talks with Them Often – Suggests War Will Continue Until Ukraine Retake Crimea (VIDEO)


In a recent sit-down with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted having a good relationship with the CIA, confirming his frequent intel discussions with them.

This candid admission raises questions about the degree of foreign influence on Ukrainian politics and decision-making, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

In the interview, Zelensky explicitly stated that he sees no victory for Ukraine until Crimea is retaken from Russia.

“We cannot imagine Ukraine without Crimea. And while Crimea is under the Russian occupation, it means only one thing war is not over yet,” said Zelensky. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123170

File: 96c2a9065da58f0⋯.png (515.19 KB,420x748,105:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 894212aa9032362⋯.png (932.31 KB,784x1000,98:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121812 (041604ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / What Will NATO Do About Ukraine?

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What Will NATO Do About Ukraine?


The NATO Summit in Vilnius is one week away and the situation in Ukraine grows worse with each passing day. One indicator that things are grim is the confirmation today, by the usually effervescent Volodymyr Zelensky, that Russia launched a successful strike on the Ukrainian Intelligence Service (SBU) headquarters in Sumy.

In the past Zelensky has insisted that Ukraine’s air defense system defeated all Russian missiles and drones. Not today. Reality intruded and the fact that he is confirming that there are dead and wounded SBU officers is a strong indicator that he is worried about an uncertain future.

Zelensky is not the only one signaling a shift in the attitude towards the reality of the war. Richard Haass, the soon to be former President of the Council on Foreign Relations, recently told a NY Times reporter who is the real threat. As Pogo once remarked, “I have met the enemy and he is us.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123171

File: 07e0f6105154320⋯.png (311.9 KB,1024x525,1024:525,Clipboard.png)

File: fdde4e6999db686⋯.png (397.5 KB,1306x743,1306:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121868 (041614ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot

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UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot (VIDEO)


UFC Light Heavyweight fighter Anthony “Lionheart” Smith has publicly announced his stance against COVID-19 vaccinations.

Smith’s declaration comes on the heels of a personal tragedy; his mother fell into a coma two weeks after receiving the Pfizer booster shot and sadly never recovered. Moreover, Smith claims he developed a blood clot shortly after his COVID-19 vaccination.

Smith shared his experiences and concerns on Thursday during a conversation with Former UFC middleweight Champion Michael Bisping on ‘Believe You Me.’ They were joined by Themba Gorimbo, who discussed his recent win and life growing up in Africa.

During their conversation, Bisping and Smith delved into the potential health risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

“He’s only a young man. Why do you think he had a heart attack?” asked Bisping. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123172

File: f5bbeb4771c0192⋯.png (256.86 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 129ca0fd8decb73⋯.png (328.79 KB,590x867,590:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19121934 (041628ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukrainian Forces Are Using Internationally-Banned Scatter Mines

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Ukrainian Forces Are Using Internationally-Banned Scatter Mines


Human Rights Watch found that Ukrainian troops have been using scatter mines. The anti-personnel weapons are internationally banned, including by Kiev, because of their devastating impact on civilians.

HRW reports uncovered several instances where Ukraine used anti-personnel scatter mines. The human rights monitoring group first made the allegation in a January report, but a press release issued on Friday says more evidence was found recently. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123173

File: f4b9a71e7799c24⋯.png (364.55 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: c75dd811373743b⋯.png (766.46 KB,945x538,945:538,Clipboard.png)

File: a98d7895a683a89⋯.png (569.26 KB,944x544,59:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19122442 (041801ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Meet the courageous Dr. Mark Trozzi at our Canadian gala on July 18!

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Meet the courageous Dr. Mark Trozzi at our Canadian gala on July 18!


In addition to meeting Dr. Mark Trozzi, LifeSite readers will have the opportunity to speak to several more fighters for truth at the Canadian gala on July 18. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123174

File: 3860debd7422d35⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123198 (042051ZJUL23) Notable: A map of the 83 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement

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UPDATE: A map of the 83 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement


83 Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or desecrated since the announcement last month of the apparent discovery of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC.

Since then, three other first nations have announced similar findings of burial sites located near former residential schools.

In response to these announcements, far-left radicals have used this opportunity as an excuse to terrorize Catholic and other Christian communities by targeting churches.

Here is the full list of churches that have been targeted by the radical vandals: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123175

File: 36148d6d7a87e79⋯.png (753.03 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123229 (042057ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ontario launches free trucker training program, no white males allowed

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Ontario launches free trucker training program, no white males allowed


To help fill thousands of job vacancies in the trucking industry, the Ontario government is investing in a trucker training program where participants receive up to $1,000 for transportation and childcare reimbursement and a $400 weekly allowance.

Everyone is welcome to apply – except heterosexual white Canadian males.

The program will accept over 50 participants that are “women, newcomers and others from underrepresented groups.”

“This innovative program will help break down barriers to attract more women into the trucking industry,” said Premier Doug Ford, who leads the Progressive Conservative party.

“As we build Ontario, we’re going to need all hands on deck. That’s why our government is working hard to ensure that all skilled occupations are more accessible and welcoming for women and all under-represented groups.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123176

File: c3041aa0bb08f61⋯.png (2.91 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4859c2924b2ce0c⋯.png (161.68 KB,276x636,23:53,Clipboard.png)

File: f31b3b7c9fd473c⋯.png (270.74 KB,611x721,611:721,Clipboard.png)

File: fb3736e1bbe66d7⋯.png (296.92 KB,606x767,606:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123277 (042105ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / >>1912870 The official Senate Channel was used to broadcast a pro-CCP protest against a foreign agent registry

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The official Senate Channel was used to broadcast a pro-CCP protest against a foreign agent registry


Some protestors engaged in a People’s Liberation Army-type military march to the anthem of the Chinese military group while donning Beijing Olympic jackets as uniforms.

A Parliament Hill ceremony held on June 24, 2023, to commemorate the Chinese Exclusion Act was co-opted by pro-Communist voices drawing a parallel between the Act and the recent introduction of a foreign agent registry law.

The entire event was broadcast by an organization called The ACCT Foundation (Action, Chinese Canadians Together) over the official Senate Zoom channel. The Canadian federal government sponsors the ACCT with over a million dollars in direct funding and contracts through the Canadian Heritage Department.

ACCT was created in 2017 to “build the capacity of Chinese Canadian leaders committed to creating a more equitable society in Canada.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123177

File: 2956da0c2e58837⋯.png (1.39 MB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123387 (042121ZJUL23) Notable: No remains unearthed yet from Canada’s residential school grave sites

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"Potential" Grave Sites keep being Discovered

But as of yet, No Bodies have been Found

‘Biggest fake news story in Canada’: Kamloops mass grave debunked by academics


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deaba1 No.123178

File: 66efb78dc003291⋯.png (693.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123456 (042134ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report

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Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report


Jerry Martin, 51, sold cocaine, heroin and meth from his mobile trailer in Downtown Eastside. He prided himself in his ability to produce a product with 'no impurities' or 'harmful additives.'

In a fatal bout of irony, a Vancouver man who sold over-the-counter illicit drugs has died from a reported overdose.

Before his death, Jerry Martin, 51, sold cocaine, heroin and meth from his mobile trailer in Downtown Eastside. He prided himself in his ability to produce a product with no impurities or harmful additives.

In May, he opened 'The Drugs Store' on the corner of Main and Cordova Streets — mere months after the province temporarily legalized up to 2.5 grams of various 'hard drugs.'

In February, Health Canada granted B.C. a subsection 56(1) exemption for three years under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to decriminalize people who possessed up to 2.5 grams of heroin, crack, cocaine, fentanyl, MDMA, and meth.

However, police arrested Martin a day following the launch of his venture, as it remains illegal to sell or traffic those drugs. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123179

File: 7ab47a3715adf73⋯.png (309.96 KB,670x447,670:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123459 (042134ZJUL23) Notable: No remains unearthed yet from Canada’s residential school grave sites

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No remains unearthed yet from Canada’s residential school grave sites

On May 27, 2021, the news broke that unmarked graves containing the remains of indigenous children had been discovered on the grounds of a former residential school in British Columbia.

The Kamloops Indian residential school, which operated from the late 19th century to the late 1970s, was among Canada’s government-sponsored schools run by the Catholic Church to forcibly assimilate indigenous children.

More than a year later, no bodies have been discovered at the Kamloops site. It is not clear whether the graves said to have been discovered there actually exist.


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deaba1 No.123180

File: e224e40939a6440⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19123611 (042202ZJUL23) Notable: Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report

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Canada nears $7 billion deal to construct another EV battery plant: report


The Canadian and Québec governments are willing to fork billions in aid to Northvolt AB, following a similar agreement with Volkswagen AG (VW) and another tentative deal with Stellantis NV.

Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB is nearing a deal to build Canada's third electric vehicle (EV) battery plant near Montreal for $7 billion.

The Northvolt project — to be built in Saint-Basile-le-Grand, about 25 kilometres east of Montreal — includes a cathode factory, a battery cell assembly line and a recycling facility, according to people who know the negotiations.

"Northvolt is currently doing a site study in North America, analyzing multiple possible locations in the US and Canada. This process is ongoing, and no final investment decision has been made," wrote Northvolt spokesperson Anders Thor.

The Canadian and Québec governments are reportedly willing to fork billions in aid to the company, following a similar agreement with Volkswagen AG (VW) and another tentative deal with Stellantis NV.

From 2007 to 2019, the feds spent $76.7 billion on business subsidies, according to the Fraser Institute. Among the provinces during the same period, total provincial subsidies were highest in Québec ($79.6 billion) and Ontario ($73.4 billion).

Northvolt aims to build the "world's greenest battery" and chose Québec for its low-cost and clean hydroelectric power.

With a formal announcement expected later this month, negotiations enter the 11th hour between industry and government. However, the promise of other plants comes at a considerable cost to the public purse. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123181

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19125185 (050401ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Press for Truth: LONG VAX (video)

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Science Magazine, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and one of the world's top academic journals has shared their findings on “long vax” in an article titled “Rare link between coronavirus vaccines and Long Covid–like illness starts to gain acceptance”.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news which shows that many doctors and scientists are learning and admitting that there is a correlation between the Covid-19 vaccines, the injuries that come from them and what many are now referring to as “long vax”.

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deaba1 No.123182

File: 7eec7078e731c36⋯.png (754.7 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127216 (051432ZJUL23) Notable: 35% of CAF members report not having necessary equipment: audit

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35% of CAF members report not having necessary equipment: audit


In a recent report published by the Department of National Defence (DND), 35% of active Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members interviewed reported not having the necessary equipment required to complete missions.

Three unclassified audits have exposed serious gaps and weaknesses in the readiness of the Canadian military across the land, sea, air and space domains.

Auditors found that on all fronts the military faced significant challenges in meeting the current and future needs of theCAF, as well as fulfilling Canada’s broader commitments to NATO and other allies.

One of the programs evaluated was the Ready Land Forces, which concluded that the Canadian Army (CA) did not have the equipment necessary to fulfil its training and readiness obligations. The program also lacked reliable data to accurately measure and report the situation. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123183

File: f1713f4d3b62a97⋯.png (375.95 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127236 (051436ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Arrest made in Montreal amid attempts to recreate France riots

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Arrest made in Montreal amid attempts to recreate France riots


An arrest was made over the weekend in Montreal as youth held demonstrations in support of France’s riots.

The destructive French riots were sparked by the police shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk. The teenager, who was driving without a license, was speeding and then ran a red light in an attempt to flee police.

As reported by Le Journal De Montreal, a group of rowdy youth gathered in front of the Eaton Centre on Sainte-Catherine Street in downtown Montreal Sunday night – with the apparent goal of causing disorder.

Instagram posts obtained by Le Journal show calls for violence at the protest.

“We do like the riots in France, (we) have to break everything,” reads one of the posts. “Bring your equipment and share (the protest) on your story.”

“Today… It’s war, I’m telling you,” reads another instagram post.

Protesters were met with a heavy police presence downtown. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123184

File: 862ccbf0a0568be⋯.png (53.83 KB,613x698,613:698,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127477 (051526ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Big Tech Shakeup: Twitter Limits Post Views, Puts TweetDeck Behind Paywall, While Meta Launches Its ‘Threads’ Copycat App - Meanwhile, Chinese TikTok Surges With Videos of France’s Unrest

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Big Tech Shakeup: Twitter Limits Post Views, Puts TweetDeck Behind Paywall, While Meta Launches Its ‘Threads’ Copycat App – Meanwhile, Chinese TikTok Surges With Videos of France’s Unrest


Change is the very nature of social media. But what we’ve been seeing in the last few days is a sweeping reorganization of the business landscape, as big companies readjust their strategies to the new Geopolitical realities.

To begin with, Twitter is under attack. The most celebrated social media platform is paying the political price for Elon Musk’s decision to stand up for free speech and against the ‘censorship industrial complex’ that was operating inside the platform.

So the attacks are coming hard and fast, be it ‘extreme’ data scraping and system manipulation, be it initiatives by other Big Tech CEOs, like Mark Zuckerberg, to create competitor apps to fight for Twitter’s user base. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123185

File: d08d6f0373df85b⋯.png (352.3 KB,733x793,733:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127494 (051530ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / US Tech Giant Hired Apparent Chinese Spy and Gave Him Vast Access to Databases - Now He’s Disappeared

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US Tech Giant Hired Apparent Chinese Spy and Gave Him Vast Access to Databases – Now He’s Disappeared


Spying is not always James Bond or cloak-and-dagger kinds of stuff.

Sometimes secrets can fall into the wrong hands through industrial espionage.

For instance, U.S. federal authorities say former Apple employee Weibao Wang took with him confidential Apple material regarding self-driving cars when he resigned from Apple and joined a startup owned by Baidu, a major Chinese technology company.

Wang, 35, indicted by a federal grand jury in May, joined Apple as a software engineer in March 2016, and worked with an Apple team “that designed and developed hardware and software for autonomous systems, which can have a variety of applications, such as self-driving cars,” according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of California.

Wang left Apple after about a month and in November 2017, took a full-time job as a staff engineer “with the U.S. subsidiary of a company headquartered in the People’s Republic of China…and was allegedly working to develop self-driving cars,” the news release said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127529 (051536ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / After Blowing Up the Russian Oil Pipeline and Bombing Poland and then Blaming Russia - Zelensky Is Now Warning that “Russia” Is Going to Blow Up Nuclear Plant Under Their Control

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UPDATE: After Blowing Up the Russian Oil Pipeline and Bombing Poland and then Blaming Russia – Zelensky Is Now Warning that “Russia” Is Going to Blow Up Nuclear Plant Under Their Control


After the Russian Nord Stream Pipeline was blown up a year ago, the US, NATO, the far left media, and the Ukrainian government blamed Russia for the explosion.

It is now believed that it was the US government or Ukrainian regime that took out the pipeline to Germany and crippling the Russian economy.

In November 2022 Poland was hit with missiles. Zelensky and lapdog media in the West immediately blamed Russia for the bombing. It was later discovered that it was Ukrainian missiles that caused the damage.

On Tuesday Zelensky warned that the Russians were going to bomb the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123187

File: a931a3feda72df2⋯.png (1.35 MB,1539x900,171:100,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127595 (051550ZJUL23) Notable: REPORT: The United Nations is Trying to Seize ‘Global Emergency’ Powers With Support From Biden

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REPORT: The United Nations is Trying to Seize ‘Global Emergency’ Powers With Support From Biden


The far left United Nations is trying to seize on ‘global emergency’ powers and is doing so with the blessing of Joe Biden.

This is alarming. Millions of Americans have a deep distrust of the United Nations and for good reasons. They do not have America’s best interests in mind and they have proved that repeatedly over the years.

Also, we have to remember what happened here in the U.S. when tyrannical governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan got their hands on emergency powers. Almost all of the bad things came out of that and they didn’t want to let them go.

The Federalist reports: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123188

File: fa7636d01d6eeaa⋯.png (455.74 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19127620 (051556ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Covid Related News: Independent scientists, researchers and media are a force to be reckoned with

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Covid Related News: Independent scientists, researchers and media are a force to be reckoned with


The United Nations (“UN”), World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the European Union (“EU”) do not have the right to dictate to humanity. If they are not stopped, they will complete their eugenics and transhumanist agenda way before 2030.

The global baby bust is worsening – and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA covid injections. Millions of people are dying all over the World. The covid injection is affecting humanity in its entirety. The evidence is there, it’s overwhelming, but those on the other side aren’t moved.

What has been imposed on 184 countries is a depopulation agenda, a criminal undertaking – accepted by corrupt national governments – which is unprecedented in the history of humanity.

Thankfully there’s been a reaction to the manipulation and suppression of information – independent media. And it’s quickly shown the mainstream it’s a force to be reckoned with. Also, citizens are pushing back in the courts. Over 300 Canadian soldiers have launched a lawsuit against vaccine mandates and a group of US doctors has filed a federal lawsuit for an unlawful attempt to ban ivermectin as a treatment for covid. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123189

File: 0c9b79d3d417157⋯.png (252.46 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19129792 (052326ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr. Trozzi battles Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism sanctions

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Dr. Trozzi battles Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism sanctions


The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has so far initiated legal action against Trozzi and five other heroic doctors who are committed to their Hippocratic Oath responsibilities related to Covid - Mary O’Connor, Rochangé Kilian, Celeste Jean Thirlwell, Patrick Phillips and Crystal Luchkiw

The lawyer for Ontario-based Dr. Mark Trozzi remains confident that despite having a “biased” adjudicator, he will be able to “prove” that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has been proceeding against his client “without having the law or COVID-19 science on its side.”

Trozzi’s trial is now on pause until July 11 and 12, which is when, as Trozzi stated in an email to followers, “we will have two of the most qualified scientists in the world: Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Peter McCullough deliver true science about COVID in spades.”

The final legal arguments will be taking place on July 17 and 18. After this, a judgement will be rendered. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123190

File: ff3057b7184606b⋯.png (229.34 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19129815 (052332ZJUL23) Notable: A map of the 83 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement

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Anglican church in Northern Alberta suffers ‘significant’ fire damage on Canada Day, RCMP investigating


Since the spring of 2021, well over 100 churches, most of them Catholic, have either been burned or vandalized across Canada.

Investigators have yet to determine the cause of a fire in Northern Alberta that left an Anglican church severely damaged.

During the early morning of July 1, as Canadians prepared to celebrate the national holiday Canada Day, the Lac La Biche fire department was called to St. Andrew’s Anglican Church where a fire had already caused substantial destruction.

“As a result of the fire, the Church sustained significant damage inside and out,” a press release from the Lac La Biche Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) read.

While the cause of the fire remains undisclosed, the RCMP are requesting people in the area check their security cameras for suspicious activity.

“Lac La Biche RCMP are asking anyone who resides in the 101 to 103 block of Churchill Drive to check their security footage to look for any suspicious activity during the early morning hours,” the RCMP said.

The 107-year-old church was still used by Anglicans for weekly worship. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123191

File: aca453793ec2d43⋯.png (458.14 KB,785x414,785:414,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19130053 (060017ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Vancouver theater hosting Drag Summer Camp for kids as young as seven years old

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Vancouver theater hosting Drag Summer Camp for kids as young as seven years old


"Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag honey, you just don’t know it!"

A children's youth theater in Vancouver is hosting a drag summer camp for kids as young as seven years old, which provides children with drag makeup kits while they learn how to access their "inner confidence."

The four-day drag summer camp for youth aged seven to seventeen is taking place at Carousel Theatre on Granville Island beginning July 4, which has sparked heavy criticism in the community and drew in dueling protests on Tuesday. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123192

File: 2f78f00d58ff93f⋯.png (489.41 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19130279 (060053ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / American pathologist determines Ontario boy died from COVID vaccine

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WATCH: American pathologist determines Ontario boy died from COVID vaccine


American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has determined New Tecumseth, ON, resident Sean Hartman died from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Cole examined Harman’s tissues, finding spike protein in his adrenal glands.

“The adrenal glands control your blood pressure, so if Sean’s blood pressure dropped, he would have died,” said Hartman’s father, Dan, in a video.

Dan was denied money from the Vaccine Injury Support Program in March despite Sean dying after taking a COVID-19 vaccine.

“My son died 33 days after his first Pfizer vaccine, and he was a perfectly healthy boy with no underlying conditions,” he said.

He took a COVID-19 vaccine to be allowed to play hockey. Dan said he took him to the emergency room four days after his first dose because he had brown circles around his eyes, a rash on his face and pain in his right shoulder.

Dan said people have tried to manipulate him into believing they will help him, promising him they will get him justice.

He acknowledged he was doing this on his own since 2021, saying he “has been fighting, day and night, exhausted, crying.”

Dan said he cannot take any action against politicians, but he now knows the COVID-19 vaccine killed his son.

The father asked politicians to talk about his death, saying when they do not talk about it, he said it looks like they are covering up the matter.

Dan never doubted Sean died from the COVID-19 vaccine, because he was a healthy boy with underlying conditions, did not put salt on food, did not drink pop, never drank alcohol, and did not smoke cigarettes.

Cole is getting a second opinion, although Dan said it would not matter if he had five opinions, all that matters is he believes Cole.

Dan is asking people talk about this, admit vaccine deaths are happening, and say maybe they made a mistake.

He turns to a poster of Sean and touches it, saying he got answers for him, adding he “did what I set out to do.”

The period for him to file a lawsuit for his son expires on Sept. 27. If a lawyer wants to help him out, he has the report saying the vaccine killed him.

Dan concluded by thanking people for their support.

“I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow, because now I really need that leave of absence to try to deal with this,” he said. “I’m happy I got the truth, but it also really hurts.”

Cole said is convinced the COVID-19 vaccine led to his son's death, having reviewed numerous spike protein related deaths, personally and with colleagues in Europe.

"It is my opinion that the findings, so far, are sufficient to indicate the mRNA vaccine was significantly contributory, or outright causative, in this unexpected death of an otherwise previously healthy adolescent male, given no other genetic, toxicological, or pre-existing disease findings,” he said.

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deaba1 No.123193

File: 084a843524b74d3⋯.png (740.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131188 (060345ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau tours NATO base, extends Canadian mission in Latvia with 'insufficient' military equipment

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Trudeau tours NATO base, extends Canadian mission in Latvia with 'insufficient' military equipment


After months of controversy and neglect, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with NATO allies in Latvia Tuesday to boost troop morale.

Trudeau joined Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Latvian Prime Minister Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš for a tour of military exercises outside the capital Tuesday as part of Operation Reassurance.

The following day, he renewed Canada's mission to deter Russian aggression as part of NATO. Cabinet extended its mandate in the region indefinitely following Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year.

"As Russia continues its unwarranted and unjustifiable attacks on Ukraine, Canada is standing united with our European allies in supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, as well as democracy and human rights everywhere," said Trudeau.

Unfortunately, military personnel operating out of the eastern bloc nation, including Poland, continued their mandate without sufficient military equipment and food.

Roughly 660 Canadian soldiers stationed in Latvia have had to purchase military equipment, including helmets, rain gear, tactical vests and ammunition, to maintain current ballistic protection standards.

The Department of National Defence said procuring new military equipment for its troops in the region is in the works. However, they did not commit to any timelines or provide pertinent details. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132353 (061256ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty (video)

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Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty


On July 4, there was a presentation by a selection of important figures, including well-known MEPs such as Cristian Terhes and Christine Anderson, Dr. Peter McCullough and Andrew Bridgen on the World Health Organization’s thoroughly tyrannical Pandemic Treaty. The full video is posted below.

The Pandemic Treaty has been an important topic for many people, not just in Europe but across the world.

A new citizens initiative called ‘Trust and Freedom’ has been set up to challenge the Pandemic Treaty proposed by the World Health Organisation.

Many strong and poignant speeches in the European Parliament with representatives from across the world who are uniting in their stance against unelected bureaucracy.

This initiative will spread WORLDWIDE. We call upon citizens to UNITE and demonstrate MASS NON COMPLIANCE and say NO!

Go to 1 hour, 57 minutes to hear Dr. Peter McCullough. Andrew Bridgenfollows on at 2 hours, 1 minute. Dr. David Martin speaks at 2:17:30. At 2:25:45 we hear the son of Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski, Nathaniel. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123195

File: 3f4b445695afcf4⋯.png (162.45 KB,542x306,271:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132375 (061303ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / WikiLeaks Final Post

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WikiLeaks Final Post


Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on….. (File list here: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/) Loads of them!

WikiLeaks is a publisher and media organisation founded in 2006. It operates as a non-profit and is funded by donations and media partnerships. It has published classified documents and other media provided by anonymous sources. It was founded by Julian Assange, an Australian editor, publisher, and activist, who is currently challenging extradition to the United States over his work with WikiLeaks. Since September 2018, Kristinn Hrafnsson has served as its editor-in-chief. Its website states that it has released more than ten million documents and associated analyses. WikiLeaks’ most recent publication was in 2021 and its most recent publication of original documents was in 2019. Beginning in November 2022, many of the documents could not be accessed.

WikiLeaks has released document caches and media that exposed serious violations of human rights and civil liberties. They released footage, that WikiLeaks entitled Collateral Murder, filmed during the 12 July 2007 Baghdad airstrike in which Iraqi Reuters journalists were among several civilians killed by a U.S. helicopter crew.

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deaba1 No.123196

File: a15aa587ad2cea9⋯.png (195.75 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19132468 (061327ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canada gov’t stops advertising on Facebook, Instagram in fallout from internet censorship law

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Canada gov’t stops advertising on Facebook, Instagram in fallout from internet censorship law


'We cannot continue paying advertising dollars to Meta while they refuse to pay their fair share to Canadian news organizations,' Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez said.

Canada Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez said the federal government will pull its advertising on Facebook and Instagram in response to the platform’s parent company, Meta, saying it will block Canadians’ access to news on its sites due to a new internet censorship law.

“We have decided to take the necessary step of suspending all Government of Canada advertising to Facebook. We cannot continue paying advertising dollars to Meta while they refuse to pay their fair share to Canadian news organizations,” Rodriguez announced today on Twitter. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123197

File: 7c25e93273bf169⋯.png (863.07 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 3348f4a46f4bf3f⋯.png (289.43 KB,545x817,545:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 64953824889ff34⋯.png (422.82 KB,610x782,305:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 7021515e91c82f0⋯.png (98.45 KB,813x612,271:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134294 (062002ZJUL23) Notable: Trudeau’s grocery rebate ridiculed by Canadians on social media

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Trudeau’s grocery rebate ridiculed by Canadians on social media


The Trudeau government’s grocery rebate, which they claim will help Canadians’ food bills amid the inflation crisis, is being mocked and ridiculed by Canadians on social media.

Most Canadians aren’t eligible for the so-called ‘grocery rebate’ because it caps household and individual incomes at $38,000 and $32,000, respectively.

The Liberals introduced the grocery rebate, which will be tacked onto eligible Canadians next quarterly GST/HST payments, in the 2023 Budget and the party estimates it will be distributed to about 11 million Canadians.

Under the rebate guidelines, Canadians with four children will receive as much as $628 on top of their GST payment, while those with three children are entitled up to $548.

Canadians with two children will receive an extra $467, while those with one child will get $387, and those without children are entitled to $234.

Seniors will also receive $225.

The rebate is being sold as a way to offset inflation, which declined to 3.4% in May from 4.4% a month earlier, but it won’t realistically make a dent as the price of food has surged by 9% in the last year. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123198

File: da7410cc6496fad⋯.png (659.44 KB,728x830,364:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fb34d2c86037ae⋯.png (70.72 KB,541x833,541:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 4586b18dd05b474⋯.png (503.38 KB,539x837,539:837,Clipboard.png)

File: 3870ca9531f90ca⋯.png (78.01 KB,811x512,811:512,Clipboard.png)

File: d7d17e7727fbbf5⋯.png (319.26 KB,408x708,34:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134413 (062026ZJUL23) Notable: Food price tags were suspiciously missing from Freeland’s rebate photo op

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Food price tags were suspiciously missing from Freeland’s rebate photo op


A photo of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland lauding the federal government’s grocery rebate payment has prompted Canadians to accuse the Liberal government of removing the prices of basic goods from the shelves in the picture’s background.

On Wednesday, Freeland announced that 11 million low and modest income Canadians received a one-time rebate payment to offset the high cost of groceries due to inflation.

Many Twitter users pointed out that the price tags of the produce behind the minister were no longer there. Freeland made the announcement at Rabba Fine Foods in Toronto, Ontario – a high end convenience supermarket.

The advocacy group Canada Proud sent somebody to investigate the store and found that the price tags were missing from the aisle Freeland had set up her podium in front of. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123199

File: 0d4bc19e87e11ed⋯.png (387.69 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138605 (071423ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / B.C. wildfires may have been ignited intentionally: RCMP

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B.C. wildfires may have been ignited intentionally: RCMP


Sayward RCMP are investigating wildfires on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island, believing they may have been started intentionally.

“Witnesses in the area of Browning Creek just prior to its discovery observed some quad riders nearby,” B.C. RCMP Staff-Seargant Kris Clark said in a statement.

“Police are looking to speak with anyone, including the riders, who have seen anything suspicious in the area of the Browning Creek fire, or any of the other fires.”

The fires began over a month ago outside of Sayward, with the largest covering roughly 230 hectares since its May 29 discovery, while the most recent, discovered Monday and located near Browning Creek, spans about two hectares.

Firefighters are combatting the fires with helicopters and ground crews. Crews also found and suppressed more roadside fires by the Memekay White River and Big Tree roads. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123200

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138657 (071433ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Is he losing it? Trudeau says Canada is AT WAR with Big Tech (video)

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Ratio’d | Is he losing it? Trudeau says Canada is AT WAR with Big Tech


You probably didn’t realize that Canada is under attack right now. According to Justin Trudeau, this “attack” is comparable to the fight against the Germans in the Second World War. Seriously.

Trudeau told Canadians that we are in fact on a war footing in the fight to save Canadian democracy — all while standing in a grocery store.

Trudeau views Meta and Google’s decision to block news links on their platforms due to the passing of Bill C-18 as some sort of act of war. Does the Prime Minister realize just how ridiculous he sounds? Is he losing it?

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deaba1 No.123201

File: fe42eb67b1425a4⋯.png (298.6 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

File: f0dfabfde41af5d⋯.png (225.95 KB,545x797,545:797,Clipboard.png)

File: bebe9027a7e725f⋯.png (521.27 KB,736x848,46:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138713 (071444ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Don’t Delete Parents founder predicts parents will push Higgs to victory if leadership review unfolds

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Don’t Delete Parents founder predicts parents will push Higgs to victory if leadership review unfolds


The New Brunswick mother behind a campaign supporting Premier Blaine Higgs says if a leadership review were to happen, Higgs would come out victorious with the support of parents given the popularity of his parental rights policy.

In an interview with True North, Don’t Delete Parents campaign founder Faytene Grasseschi praised Higgs’ changes to Policy 713, which among other things, brings in a new requirement stating that parental consent must be given before a child under the age of 16 can officially change their name or pronouns at school.

The interview will air on Friday and can be viewed at www.tnc.news, YouTube, Facebook and Rumble. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123202

File: 1386b25b0732946⋯.png (184.7 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d17e8b052499563⋯.png (280.39 KB,547x794,547:794,Clipboard.png)

File: e34e880f0da1dde⋯.png (271.44 KB,406x680,203:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a42bfbabd1ddf1⋯.png (329.55 KB,410x700,41:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138941 (071529ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Non-profit organization aims to raise funds to protect journalists facing lawsuits

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Non-profit organization aims to raise funds to protect journalists facing lawsuits


The China Democracy Fund is hoping to protect journalists from Chinese Communists attempting to use legal systems and institutions to delegitimize opponents.

A Canadian book publisher is taking on intimidation by from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by raising $100,000 to defend journalists from lawfare.

The China Democracy Fund (CDF) is a non-profit organization that supports and defends researchers, journalists, scholars and others and provides legal support and assistance against “CCP lawfare.”

The organization is led by its CEO, Dean Baxendale, who also serves as the president of Optimum Publishing International (OPI Books), a project launched in 2017 to “publish books that matter and support democracy, human rights, and civic engagement.”

OPI Books has published bestselling works detailing Chinese foreign interference networks, including “Wilful Blindness” by Canadian journalist Sam Cooper, “The China Nexus” by Benedict Rogers, “The Mosiac Effect” by Ina Mitchell and Scott McGregor, and “Hidden Hand” by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg.

Baxendale also works and collaborates with international influential activist entities such as Hong Kong Watch and the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123203

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138971 (071538ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

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Finance Ministry refuses to admit the existence of previously produced documents


Despite previously turning over documents to the Public Order Emergency Commission, the finance department insists 'no records exist' concerning discussions about the Freedom Convoy and crowdfunding platform GoFundMe. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123204

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139054 (071553ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

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Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret


Scientists tasked with behaviour monitoring and modification to ensure that you comply with whatever government policy or program will come are keeping their findings secret, despite federal legislation to the contrary.

In an internal federal government memo showed that top bureaucrats sought messaging to ensure Canadians remained blissfully unaware and uninformed about the novel COVID-19 vaccines and their adverse events.

This memo proves that the government is collaborating with behavioural experts to manipulate citizens to comply with state backed propaganda.. and it’s all funded by them.

The memo defines behavioural science as the combination of “insights and methods from psychology, neuroscience and other social sciences to understand human behaviour and support positive choices. Pandemic response continues to require large-scale behaviour-change to slow down the transmission of the virus.”

Documents obtained by Blacklock’s details the immense government measures taken to ensure that you were behaviourally swayed to fully and unquestionably comply with government sanctioned public health measures. And they say that the same data will be used to manipulate you again in the future, at the whim of every other government sanctioned agenda to come.

Yet this secret collection of behavioural science research is a breach of an Act of Parliament.

It’s a contravention of the Federal Accountability Act, which mandates that “all public opinion research charged to taxpayers must be made available to the public within six months.”

The memo in question was first published in May 2021 by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), on behalf of the Government of Canada and Impact Canada. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123205

File: 805f0792220070f⋯.png (255.82 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

File: d88ac92fc9a99d1⋯.png (408.07 KB,594x727,594:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19139838 (071816ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

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NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg doesn't see a problem with internationally banned cluster munitions... only when the US or its allies deploy them, apparently.

Without doubt if cluster bombs were being deployed by Russia or official US enemies, NATO would condemn it (and has in the past). But with the Biden administration now reportedly moving forward with sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, Stoltenberg has said that "Nato does not have a position on them" as some allies have signed up to prohibit their use and some haven’t. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123206

File: 31097e7449787f4⋯.png (497.46 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4202b5be51318f5⋯.png (372.98 KB,964x644,241:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 0acf090baf150fe⋯.png (582.44 KB,943x609,943:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141303 (072250ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Justin Trudeau’s Canada Shrugs, Says Out-of-Control Fires Will Rage Through August

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Justin Trudeau’s Canada Shrugs, Says Out-of-Control Fires Will Rage Through August


Canadian forestry officials predicted on Thursday that the ongoing, out-of-control wildfires burning across the country and polluting large swathes of America will continue through August, breaking records for the amount of territory burned.

Canada has already documented one of the most severe wildfire seasons in recent memory, the result of a variety of factors, including a lack of forest management, the absence of a national fire service, and underfunding of regional fire agencies. Quebec, one of the most-affected provinces, made the bizarre decision in June to reject firefighters from Montreal, according to the city’s mayor, to wait for firefighters imported from France and other foreign countries.

Despite recruiting thousands of emergency personnel from America, France, Costa Rica, Portugal, South Korea, and other countries, 639 fires were burning throughout Canada as of Wednesday, over half of them classified as “out-of-control.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123207

File: b48111eeec3f929⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a716af46b8d9d6⋯.png (178.8 KB,277x624,277:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 35a2ad8a67961ae⋯.png (307.09 KB,406x679,58:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19142549 (080402ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / B.C. education assistant who posed as a sexy student and created explicit OnlyFans content lawyers up after being terminated!

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B.C. education assistant who posed as a sexy student and created explicit OnlyFans content lawyers up after being terminated!


One of the six reasons behind the termination was the allegation that Kristin MacDonald had posted sexual and provocative images of herself in a school setting. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123208

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144016 (081412ZJUL23) Notable: Press for Truth: Supply Chain Issues could mean shortage of rock salt for roadways (video)

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Supply Chain Issues Could Trigger A Crash Of Epic Proportions With THIS Commodity Coming Out On Top!


In this post Covid-19(84) world we’ve learned a lot about supply chain issues and what it could mean for society if our global supply chains fail!

In order to keep the trucks on the roads during the winter time rock salt is required to deice the roads and without this precious mineral supply chains would come to a stretching halt come winter.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Rowland Howe, President of Atlas Salt about the importance of salt when it comes to maintaining supply chains and also how this commodity should be an asset in any serious investors portfolio!

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deaba1 No.123209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144048 (081420ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Smith meets with Trudeau, rejects his government’s 2035 net zero target

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Smith meets with Trudeau, rejects his government’s 2035 net zero target


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith informed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the province won’t comply with his government’s 2035 target for a net zero power grid.

“I’ve indicated to the prime minister that that is not possible by 2035, which is the federal target, we’ve told that to our experts here,” Smith told reporters Friday afternoon, with Trudeau–who’s in Calgary to attend the annual Stampede– seated next to her.

“We also know that an emissions cap, or emissions reduction, such as one proposed of 42% by 2030 but also results in essentially a production cap which we don’t think is realistic or feasible as well.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123210

File: 8e088e462f70ef4⋯.png (687.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 233679cdb97f6e2⋯.png (131.43 KB,410x679,410:679,Clipboard.png)

File: b6a97c6a88a6742⋯.png (59.64 KB,650x782,325:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144125 (081440ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson censored on YouTube for 'hate speech'

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Jordan Peterson censored on YouTube for 'hate speech'


Peterson condemned the decision, tweeting: 'Hey, Peasants. Your woke corporate overlords think you're too stupid to separate wheat from chaff yourselves.'

Formerly a tenured psychology professor at the University of Toronto turned free speech enthusiast and media personality, Dr. Jordan Peterson now faces a targeted censorship campaign against his YouTube account.

"YouTube justifies its utterly inexcusable pernicious invisible self-righteous and counterproductive censorship," he tweeted Wednesday, posting a copy of the email explaining the decision to censor him.

"We have reviewed your appeal for the following," wrote YouTube in the email.

His podcast episode "Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality" drew considerable ire from the tech giant over its perceived offence. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123211

File: 728a68b2fe88f17⋯.png (897.38 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d4f3924a99bbf1⋯.png (223.38 KB,408x695,408:695,Clipboard.png)

File: afed58eda462306⋯.png (199.86 KB,544x669,544:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 620faab89000e75⋯.png (306.41 KB,540x791,540:791,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d5fea7707d2712⋯.png (330.05 KB,543x741,181:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144182 (081455ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Manchester United Legend Edwin Van der Sar Admitted to ICU After Brain Hemorrhage

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Manchester United Legend Edwin Van der Sar Admitted to ICU After Brain Hemorrhage


On Friday, Edwin van der Sar, Manchester United legend and former Netherlands international goalkeeper, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Croatia following an unexpected brain hemorrhage.

The 52-year-old Dutchman is currently in a stable condition, and the medical team attending to him are closely monitoring his situation, according to a statement from his old club.

“On Friday, Edwin van der Sar has had a bleeding around his brain,” AFC Ajax wrote on Twitter.

“He’s currently in hospital in the intensive care unit and is in a stable condition. Once there is more concrete information, an update will follow. Everyone at Ajax wishes Edwin a speedy recovery. We’re thinking of you,” the post concluded. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123212

File: 0c09884fba32591⋯.png (175.85 KB,500x353,500:353,Clipboard.png)

File: abffc85aa90e5a7⋯.png (172.75 KB,724x464,181:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144279 (081521ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The EU's Mass Censorship Regime Is Almost Fully Operational. Will It Go Global?

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The EU's Mass Censorship Regime Is Almost Fully Operational. Will It Go Global?


Government censorship of public online discourse in the West’s ostensibly liberal democracies has been largely covert until now, as revealed by the Twitter Files. But thanks to the EU’s Digital Services Act, it is about to become overt.

Next month, a little-known development will occur that could end up having huge repercussions for the nature of public discourse on the Internet all over the planet. August 25, 2023 is the date by which big social media platforms will have to begin fully complying with the European Union’s Digital Services Act, or DSA. The DSA, among many other things, obliges all “Very Large Online Platforms”, or VLOPs, to speedily remove illegal content, hate speech and so-called disinformation from their platforms. If not, they risk fines of up to 6% of their annual global revenue.

The Commission has so far compiled a list of 19 VLOPs and VLOSEs (Very Large Online Search Engines), most of them from the US, that will have to begin complying with the DSA in 50 days’ time: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123213

File: 99d500e84711abd⋯.png (249.61 KB,500x274,250:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ce4dc8e5370af1⋯.png (274.43 KB,500x441,500:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144472 (081612ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Forecasting Models Show Third Round Of Canadian Wildfire Smoke Headed To US

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Forecasting Models Show Third Round Of Canadian Wildfire Smoke Headed To US


Air quality levels in the Northeast and Midwest could deteriorate next week as The Weather Channel forecasts another round of Canadian wildfire smoke. This would mark the third round of toxic smoke from our neighbor to the north in a month.

Computer models forecast a U-shaped "trough" of low pressure will develop next week in eastern Canada. That will be a welcoming sign and offer relief from scorching temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast as cooler and less humid air pours in from the north. However, with the cooler air comes the possibility of wildfire smoke. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144680 (081707ZJUL23) Notable: TTC stabber and revolving door justice system

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WATCH – ‘He’s Killing Him!’: Man Stabs Toronto Subway Rider During Fight


A subway rider was stabbed multiple times Thursday on a train in Toronto and the altercation was caught on camera.

The incident unfolded just after 12:00 p.m. on the southbound Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) train headed towards Eglinton Station when a man wearing a white shirt fought with another person wearing dark colored clothes, the New York Post reported Friday.

“At one point during the bout, the suspect in dark clothing stabs the man in shorts, causing a bloodstain to bloom on the back of his T-shirt,” the outlet said.

Video footage shows the two people engage in the physical altercation while the train is moving. At one point, the man in the white shirt appears to kick the other person.

Other riders are seen running away from the pair as they brawl in the middle of the train car. Moments later, the man in the white shirt dashes past them with the other man following close behind.

“Help! Help!” one of them shouts as they disappear from view. “Somebody help him! He’s stabbing him up! He’s killing him! He’s killing him!” a rider shouts as she runs the opposite way: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123215

File: 503d3c3c072bf7a⋯.png (143.03 KB,562x332,281:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19144695 (081711ZJUL23) Notable: Canadian Space Agency budgets about $65 million for ‘space car’

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Canadian Space Agency budgets about $65 million for ‘space car’


The Canadian Space Agency has allocated $65 million for a space car, as revealed by an internal audit. This represents over 40% of the total budget for moon exploration.

“Approximately $65 million is allocated to developing a Canadian lunar rover,” said an Audit of the Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program.

“Approximately $20 million is allocated to a scientific instrument that will eventually be used on the moon.”

“Approximately $20 million is allocated to a contribution for a partner’s mission to return a sample from Mars,” wrote auditors.

“Approximately $31 million is awarded in contracts, grants and contributions to the space industry and academic community to increase the market potential of Canadian businesses.”

The total cost of the program is $150 million, with Agency intending to land a rover on the moon by 2026.

Contracts to date have been awarded to researchers and suppliers in Winnipeg, Bolton, Brampton, Caledon, Cambridge, Chalk River, Edmonton, London, Markham, Montréal, Oakville, Ottawa, Quebec City and Sherbrooke.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, auditors cautioned about potential risks to taxpayers. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123216

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149503 (091342ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / We’re Done: CDC Guideline For Transgender Parents “Chestfeeding” Is The Last Straw!! (video)

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We’re Done: CDC Guideline For Transgender Parents “Chestfeeding” Is The Last Straw!!


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have come under fire over advice for transgender and non-binary parents seeking guidance on how to "chestfeed" their infants.

The CDC suggests that biological men who want to “chestfeed” their infants should use medication to induce lactation!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the absurdity of the CDC and their guidelines for transgender parents when it comes to “chestfeeding”, which is really just guidelines on how to commit child abuse to satisfy their fetish which couldn't possibly nourish a child.

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deaba1 No.123217

File: 8a8c0c49b2b5060⋯.png (796.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149573 (091356ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Vaccine-injured Canadians paid $6.7 million in damages, says federal government

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Vaccine-injured Canadians paid $6.7 million in damages, says federal government


B.C. Health could not prove COVID vaccines are 'safe' and 'effective' in a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Western Standard.

Halfway through 2023, the federal government has paid nearly $6.7 million in damages to Canadians caused by COVID vaccine injuries.

According to statistics released by Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), the feds paid successful applicants with "serious and permanent injury" from COVID vaccines $6,695,716 in damages. Still, it remains unclear how much individual claimants received in compensation. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123218

File: 08a80d078c51dd5⋯.png (323.86 KB,646x813,646:813,Clipboard.png)

File: b2cf863a1de4042⋯.png (682.38 KB,611x812,611:812,Clipboard.png)

File: e84c210acd30e3d⋯.png (364.81 KB,609x833,87:119,Clipboard.png)

File: f6e2351692f8766⋯.png (71.56 KB,607x657,607:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 19390a397891fe1⋯.png (282.51 KB,541x765,541:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149825 (091451ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau’s Unusual Left Hand Gesture at Ismaili Muslim Pancake Breakfast Sparks Buzz Among Online Observers

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Justin Trudeau’s Unusual Left Hand Gesture at Ismaili Muslim Pancake Breakfast Sparks Buzz Among Online Observers (VIDEO)


Canada’s tyrant Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attendance at an Ismaili Muslim pancake breakfast has sent the online community into a frenzy. The cause of the commotion? An alleged abnormality in his left hand that has left social media users puzzled and a flurry of humorous comments. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123219

File: 31c5af9f93195d0⋯.png (287.37 KB,597x423,199:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 417b9b90aa3e6a1⋯.png (164.7 KB,539x764,539:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 7319a99cd3fd2c1⋯.png (637.43 KB,828x472,207:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 305cd5d224f6627⋯.png (273.87 KB,411x777,137:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149963 (091512ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Platform Is Already Deleting Entire Threads and Harvesting Your Data

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What a Surprise! Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Platform Is Already Deleting Entire Threads and Harvesting Your Data – Paul Joseph Watson Video


Facebook Meta launched their new app this week called “Threads.” Owner Mark Zuckerberg says its vision is to “create an open and friendly public space for conversation” for 1 billion-plus people.

Within hours of its launch Twitter threatened to sue Zuckerberg and Meta. Twitter on Thursday issued a cease & desist letter to Meta over the new social media app ‘Threads.’

Twitter accused Meta of hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who still have access to the social media platform’s trade secrets.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey reported last week that Facebook-Threads was already harvesting user data. That didn’t take long!

Paul Joseph Watson trashed “Threads” on Friday noting that Threads eliminates entire Threads it does not like. And Threads is already branding undesirable content creators on the platform.

Threads is a leftist echo chamber – just like Twitter once was before Elon Musk took over.

It’s another horrible product by tyrant Mark Zuckerberg.

Look for Threads to crash and burn.

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deaba1 No.123220

File: 3907e78b220d94e⋯.png (276.18 KB,590x752,295:376,Clipboard.png)

File: f48be4e97311ac2⋯.png (265.71 KB,589x798,31:42,Clipboard.png)

File: ac23defbb7d99ce⋯.png (237.75 KB,736x731,736:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 82f8da71eab556c⋯.png (78.93 KB,493x833,29:49,Clipboard.png)

File: e57e179d0e1aea5⋯.png (115.73 KB,495x783,55:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150137 (091547ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

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"Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review


The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a "QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking" which is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123221

File: 66bf8db003fec98⋯.png (300.44 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150304 (091619ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Comparing Vaccinated Children To Amish Children Who Do Not Get Vaccinations

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Comparing Vaccinated Children To Amish Children Who Do Not Get Vaccinations


Comprehensive study: There are ZERO Amish kids suffering from cancer, diabetes or autism – WHY IS THAT?

The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average of 7 kids per family, so the population is growing rapidly. In a brand new, comprehensive study (as of June 2023), presented by Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent not vaccinated (fully unvaccinated), typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123222

File: d0f1ef97c7b421b⋯.png (578.1 KB,1200x708,100:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19151145 (091853ZJUL23) Notable: When vile predators come to small town Sask

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When vile predators come to small town Sask


Predators, predators everywhere — even in rural Saskatchewan where RCMP recently rescued a woman allegedly forced into an abysmal, violated existence for months.

Two Saskatchewan men were charged with human trafficking. One of them also faces three counts of sexual assault.

RCMP believe there may be more victims.

This alleged victim is a Bangladeshi woman who was kept in a dimly lit, unfinished, heavily water-damaged basement.

That’s when she wasn’t forced to work 10 to 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for months in restaurants in the small towns of Gull Lake, Elrose and Tisdale.

She’s in Canada on a visitor’s permit.

She answered an advertisement on a popular job bank to work in a restaurant — and stepped into hell when she relocated to Saskatchewan.

How many people saw her and had no idea of what she was enduring? How many had suspicions but looked the other way? How many exploited human trafficking victims are in plain view hiding painful secrets out of fear? Continue...

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deaba1 No.123223

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19152621 (100000ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Vancouver police receive ZERO threats of violence towards drag camp for kids, despite union's claims (video)

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Vancouver police receive ZERO threats of violence towards drag camp for kids, despite union's claims


For a price of $460 to $900, children aged 7-14 received their very own drag make-up starter kit and were instructed by drag queens on how to access their 'inner confidence' and show their 'true colours' for four consecutive days. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123224

File: 2fdda4387725ba9⋯.png (822.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155318 (101343ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Trudeau's Gender Equality minister spent $82,000 interviewing minors on menstruation

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Trudeau's Gender Equality minister spent $82,000 interviewing minors on menstruation


Marci Ien's department spent $81,925 interviewing Canadians as young as 13 for their opinions of menstruation. Researchers concluded the topic doesn't come up much, nor did they justify the cost expenditure.

Wasteful government spending is nothing new to Canadians — but taxpayer-funded interviews on menstruation are as puzzling as it gets. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123225

File: ccfaae31ef36496⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155324 (101345ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Alberta taxpayers paid millions in severance to AHS advisors last year, says Sunshine List

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Alberta taxpayers paid millions in severance to AHS advisors last year, says Sunshine List


Those fired from Alberta Health Services (AHS) in 2022 pocketed $3.62 million in severance pay, doubling the $1.62 million paid to 11 AHS employees in 2021. 'Continue...

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deaba1 No.123226

File: d08d68616b0aa7c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fe4a2b19ddeb520⋯.png (346.44 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ee45a3164edbc⋯.png (894.25 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b419bddaa3506c⋯.png (622.46 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155345 (101349ZJUL23) Notable: Two Canadian women repatriated from Syria ISIL camp

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Two Canadian women repatriated from Syria ISIL camp


'The individuals were released from custody and are subject to a number of bail conditions pending the hearing of this application,' says the RCMP, including a monitoring bracelet, curfew, and internet access limitations. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123227

File: 0b686f27af40a83⋯.png (820.03 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155426 (101406ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’

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Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’


According to the so-called experts, the increase in kidney stone cases our world is facing is because of… wait for it… climate change!

Experts speculated that the rising temperature is to blame for the painful condition of mineral deposits in your kidneys. The hotter and more humid it is, the more you sweat and the less you urinate. This allows minerals to bond in the kidneys and urinary tract, leading to kidney stones. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123228

File: 8a09c430dcafd52⋯.png (188.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155599 (101452ZJUL23) Notable: Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal - Demands for Reparations for Slavery Bring Discord Ahead of Summit

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Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal – Demands for Reparations for Slavery Bring Discord Ahead of Summit


33 Latin American and Caribbean heads of States (from CELAC group) will travel to Brussels for the 17-18 July Summit with the 27 United Europe members.

But the historical upcoming CELAC-EU summit is facing an unexpected amount of discord over a range of issues, most notably the stance on the war on Ukraine.

That the two groups are not seeing eye-to-eye in this issue has become clear after the dispute over the attendance of Ukraine’s President Zelensky, who was invited by Spain, only to be ‘uninvited’ after heavy pushback from Latin American leaders.

The EU and the US United States are backing Kyiv money, weapons and ammunitions. But Latin Americans will not be dragged into a war they see as a primarily ‘European problem’. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123229

File: d2355f5834adf58⋯.png (220.2 KB,500x248,125:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155659 (101507ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 'Alarming' Sevenfold Increase In Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked To COVID-19 And Vaccine

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'Alarming' Sevenfold Increase In Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked To COVID-19 And Vaccine


A sudden increase in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)—a rare and potentially fatal skin disorder—may be triggered by COVID-19, increased vaccination rates, or a lowered threshold caused by vaccines or previous infection, according to a large case series recently published in Burns.

Researchers with the burns unit at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Australia saw two to four cases of SJS, or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), per year prior to COVID-19. In the first six months of 2022 alone, the same burn center observed a sevenfold rise in cases.

Of the 14 reported cases, five patients had COVID-19 a month before developing SJS/TEN, and three of 14 patients received a COVID-19 vaccine one month prior. Not a single case of SJS/TEN was reported in an unvaccinated individual. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123230

File: 6896101bbaa1bc8⋯.png (13.6 KB,80x107,80:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 00bf6f886790f81⋯.png (222.36 KB,1070x1434,535:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ea6f3af154a46b⋯.pdf (4.66 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: c9b4c4cbe1ad4fd⋯.png (1.22 MB,1254x846,209:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155826 (101541ZJUL23) Notable: The UN has put out a number of concerning policy briefs and documents in the past 2 years (attached .pdf)

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Still Trust the UN? The UN has put out a number of concerning policy briefs and documents in the past 2 years and I will share them with you. This is the first


Meryl’s COVID Newsletter

This is a happy blueprint for the New World Order 2021

First, now is the time to re-embrace global solidarity and find new ways to work together for the common good. This must include a global vaccination plan to deliver vaccines against COVID-19 into the arms ofthe millions of people who are still denied this basic lifesaving measure. Moreover, it must include urgentand bold steps to address the triple crisis of climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution destroying our planet. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123231

File: abf024d99bab9ac⋯.png (582.6 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19155900 (101600ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New report suggests COVID was deliberately released during 2019 Military Games in China

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New report suggests COVID was deliberately released during 2019 Military Games in China


Journalist Jennifer Zeng was told by an informant that ‘one of the guys (from the Wuhan lab) was asked to inoculate people from other countries during the event so that they can be infected and carry the pathogen back to the country they came from.’

Wuhan Institute of VirologyUreem2805/Wikimedia Commons

(Population Research Institute) — The Military World Games were held in the now-infamous city of Wuhan from October 18 to October 27, 2019, just before the Covid pandemic erupted around the world.

Many of the 9,308 athletes representing 109 countries who participated in the Games — among the most healthy and fit members of the human population — came back with flu symptoms. Now, a new report suggests that they may have been deliberately infected with Covid.

According to the informant, Dr. Shan relayed that he had been given four variants of SARS-CoV-2 in February 2019 by his boss and was asked to determine which one was the most infectious to humans. These “bioweapons” — as he called them — were not natural variants but had been engineered in the lab, he said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157114 (102003ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Tamara Lich tells Dave Rubin the real truth about the Freedom Convoy (video)

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WATCH: Tamara Lich tells Dave Rubin the real truth about the Freedom Convoy


As one of the protest's main organizers, few people had more insight into the falsehoods spread about the Freedom Convoy by the Trudeau government and legacy media than Tamara Lich. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123233

File: e225d2baafafcbf⋯.png (611.14 KB,1280x640,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2854805d5bb549f⋯.png (114.17 KB,646x738,323:369,Clipboard.png)

File: a6e5c4c7b986fe9⋯.png (195.31 KB,408x627,136:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19157890 (102302ZJUL23) Notable: TTC stabber and revolving door justice system

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Suspect arrested in connection to Toronto subway stabbing


A suspect has been arrested and charged with attempted murder for violently stabbing a passenger on a Toronto subway train.

A suspect has been arrested and charged with attempted murder for violently stabbing a passenger on a Toronto subway train last week, according to CBC.

Moses Lewin, 25, of Toronto, has been charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, and two counts of failing to comply with a release order, Toronto police said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123234

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159363 (110430ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS SUPER SUNDAY: He Wants Total Control! - July 9th, 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS SUPER SUNDAY: He Wants Total Control! - July 9th, 2023


Trudeau is looking to control everything you see and hear in the media. Drug impaired driving has skyrocketed in Canada. And, just another day in the Toronto Subway. Thanks for watching!

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deaba1 No.123235

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160684 (111354ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Press for Truth: The Transgender Social Contagion’s EXPONENTIAL SPREAD Threatens Humanity (video)

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Has The World Gone INSANE? The Transgender Social Contagion’s EXPONENTIAL SPREAD Threatens Humanity!


The transgender agenda is a social contagion that is exponentially spreading at an alarming rate.

For example a trans woman (biological male) has recently been crowned winner of Miss Netherlands and a trans man (biological female) recently went 3-0 in the boxing ring against male opponents.

Meanwhile 40% of Brown University students say they are not straight as the LGBTQ+ population tripled in 13 years and is now five times the national average.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth examines the transgender social contagion that is spreading among the youth in record numbers where kids today (who aren’t gay or trans) are identifying as so because it’s the cool and trendy thing to do!

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deaba1 No.123236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160839 (111420ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau’s growing Khalistan Problem (video)

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Ratio’d | Justin Trudeau’s growing Khalistan Problem


The growing diplomatic battle between the Indian government and the Canadian government is a major problem for Justin Trudeau. Years of soured relations are coming to the fore as Khalistanis in Canada become more aggressive and more brazen in their anti-Indian displays. After the death of alleged Khalistan Tiger Force leader Hardeep Nijjar, Khalistani’s began labeling Indian diplomats in Canada as “killers” and flyers were circulating in Canada calling to ‘Kill India’.

In response, Trudeau shrugged it off and defended the Khalistani extremists’ right to free expression. India has accused Trudeau of being captured by ‘vote bank politics’ and pandering to extremists.

Why is Trudeau so soft on Khalistani extremism?

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deaba1 No.123237

File: f32f7c816da5cd5⋯.png (529.68 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160849 (111422ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Liberals pledge taxpayer funds to “chemsex” awareness

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Liberals pledge taxpayer funds to “chemsex” awareness


The Liberal government has pledged over $20,000 in taxpayer funding to a project devoted to raising awareness about “chemsex” – the practice within the LGBTQ+ community of using hard drugs like meth and cocaine to increase sexual activity.

A total of $21,031 in funding was provided to SafeLink Alberta Society by Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) on top of $108,159 already dished out to fund the “Chemsex Awareness Project.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160874 (111427ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation

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Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the opportunity to talk to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) troops stationed on a NATO mission in Latvia to lecture them about his government’s actions on fighting climate change and disinformation. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123239

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160929 (111436ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Sound of Freedom viewers noticing lack of mainstream media coverage of horrific crimes against children (video)

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Sound of Freedom viewers noticing lack of mainstream media coverage of horrific crimes against children


Attendees wager to bring awareness of the extent of child sex trafficking at a recent screening of the action-packed documentary, featuring depictions of former US agent Tim Ballard who worked to rescue the child victims of underground sex slavery. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123240

File: d75a60aa3bd729f⋯.png (1.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160981 (111450ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada will pay $350 million to Novavax for unused COVID shots

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Canada will pay $350 million to Novavax for unused COVID shots


The American vaccine manufacturer's stock price jumped 30% following the announcement.

The Canadian government has agreed to pay the American vaccine maker Novavax $349.6 million in order to settle a dispute over forfeited COVID vaccines that were scheduled for delivery.

The original value of the contract remains unchanged, reported Reuters, with the payment to be made in two equal installments in 2023. It is unclear how many Novavax doses exactly have gone unused, with a global decline in demand for COVID vaccines. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123241

File: e30b94a3268bc59⋯.png (411.58 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161029 (111504ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / The Countries Committing The Most Aid To Ukraine

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The Countries Committing The Most Aid To Ukraine


As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the chart below, the United States has so far pledged the most financial support to Ukraine: €71 billion in military, financial and humanitarian aid since the beginning of 2022.

Data from the IFW Kiel Ukraine Support Tracker reveals that EU institutions have been the second largest donors (€35 billion), followed by the UK and Germany (€11 billion each) and Japan ($7 billion).

When considering bilateral aid in terms of a percentage of GDP, several European countries come out ahead of the United States.

Currently at the top are Estonia (1.3 percent), Latvia (1.1 percent) and Lithuania (1.0 percent) as the most generous donors.

The US ranks 12th, with aid committed to the tune of 0.3 percent of its (large) GDP.

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deaba1 No.123242

File: ca71de4ec5a8ec4⋯.png (750.17 KB,1756x902,878:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161050 (111511ZJUL23) Notable: Advocates warn that Health Canada’s sweeping natural product regulations will decimate the industry

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Codex Alimentarius: New Regulations Could END Natural Health Products Industry in Canada


“Very few people have even heard of Codex Alimentarius, but it is an essential part of the overall UN plan to control humanity.”

‘Death Knell’: New Regulations Could Spell End of Natural Health Products Industry, Advocate Says

A non-profit that works to protect access to natural health products (NHPs) is warning that provisions in the 2023 federal budget affecting these products will be the “death knell” of the industry unless some portions are repealed.

Bill C-47, the Budget Implementation Act, which received royal assent June 22, “amends the Food and Drugs Act to extend measures regarding therapeutic products to natural health products”—such as vitamins, herbal remedies, and homeopathic and traditional medicine—something the act previously explicitly excluded.

While the bill says the amendment, whose effective date is yet to be determined, is to strengthen safety oversight, the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) takes a vastly different view.

“All the things that we didn’t want to have happen to the natural health product industry are now happening—all at once,” the NHPPA says in a “discussion paper on 2023 Health Canada initiatives.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123243

File: eb30ceea0e31154⋯.png (1.46 MB,1846x1222,71:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ead7bea688b237⋯.pdf (812.56 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 3c9845c2a4385fd⋯.pdf (883.1 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161079 (111519ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 74% Of Deaths In New Autopsy Study Linked To Covid Jabs (attached .pdf's)

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74% Of Deaths In New Autopsy Study Linked To Covid Jabs


Texas cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently joined The Epoch Times for a discussion about a new study linking 74% of deaths in peer-reviewed autopsies to Covid shots.

Dr. McCullough Breaks Down Landmark Autopsy Study Linking COVID Vaccine to 74% of the Deaths

Doctors @P_McCulloughMD & colleagues reviewed 325 autopsy cases, and they found “a total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly… pic.twitter.com/5zTkmTxguN

— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) July 10, 2023

The doctor explained he was joined in the study by a graduate student at the Michigan School of Public Health as well as others and that they looked at 44 papers with 325 total autopsies.

Next, Dr. McCullough delivered details of all the autopsies to a trio of doctors who are “experts at looking at pathological specimens” to double-check if his suspicion the Covid jabs were to blame for the deaths was accurate.

After the other doctors examined the data, Dr. McCullough said, “We found that 73.9% of all the cases – it was either the vaccine as the direct cause of death or it significantly contributed to the death. The deaths occurred within a week or two after taking the last shot.”

“In far more than 50%, the single cause was a cardiovascular cause of death,” he added.

Later, Dr. McCullough pointed out what he found to be the most disturbing part of the study, which is that most of the cases were “people who were perfectly healthy, had no other medical problems, the only new thing in their lives was the vaccine and then they died with an obvious syndrome like a blood clot or heart damage, myocarditis.”

Infowars and brave individuals like Dr. McCullough have been sounding the alarm bells over the Covid jabs for years now, but it appears as if more people are beginning to wake up to the dangers of the experimental shots as more people are killed and injured.

The systematic review by doctors McCullough & colleagues:

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deaba1 No.123244

File: e7dc1f7ef280cd6⋯.png (228.41 KB,1680x840,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 48cb7d3c5a21fcc⋯.pdf (3.05 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161277 (111601ZJUL23) Notable: BIS • Unified Ledger (attached .pdf)

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BIS • Unified Ledger


WORSE THAN CBDCs: Globalists publish plan for worldwide financial ENSLAVEMENT under “unified ledger”

If you thought Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) plans sounded dystopian, just wait to read the new "unified ledger" agenda released by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS, known as the "bank of central banks").

The plan [PDF above] is entitled, "Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new." I provide a full analysis in today's Brighteon Broadcast News video, below. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123245

File: 36755bad6d8aaee⋯.png (505.88 KB,1405x696,1405:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bb625dbf43380f⋯.png (211.51 KB,640x510,64:51,Clipboard.png)

File: bf6dc4be766ec4d⋯.png (781.71 KB,1456x808,182:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 58b6596a22fb280⋯.png (925.5 KB,1456x832,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f27b049e6feaa1⋯.png (354.47 KB,1281x544,1281:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161344 (111613ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / A Canadian virologist put no-virus FOI response from McMaster University on "the public record"

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A Canadian virologist put no-virus FOI response from McMaster University on "the public record"


and some details about the "National Citizens’ Inquiry" (sp?)

A National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) into fake-covid was launched by a “former” well-known politician and recently conducted at Canada.

This inquiry was said to be “completely independent from government” and in fact “Independence” is listed as one of the NCI’s Guiding Principals. The idea is that independence from “government” would rule-out interference by “government” interests.

One of the men and women who has been acting as NCI Commissioner is Bernard Massie. The University of Montreal lists Bernard as Group Leader of Genomic Vectors and Gene Therapy at the Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Council of Canada. So a “gene therapy scientist” from the NRC is one of the 4 “independent” NCI Commissioners.

According to Bernard’s LinkedIn profile, he earned a PhD at University of Montreal, did a postdoctoral fellowship in the pseudoscience of virology at McGill, and only very very recently retired from the National Research Council where he had worked since 1985.

(Here is the “SARS-COV-2” FOI response I received from the National Research Council of Canada while Bernard was still working there. No records!) Continue...

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deaba1 No.123246

File: 6bd688fab3f0aae⋯.png (300.3 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161603 (111657ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week

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Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week


Supporters are encouraged to watch the livestream of the hearings starting Tuesday.

Dr. Mark Trozzi’s trial with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) over his outspokenness against COVID jabs and mandates will resume tomorrow and he has asked supporters to tune into the hearings, which will include two prominent doctors speaking in his defense.

“I face charges for warning you and sharing science and thoughts that oppose the last three years of fraud and crimes against humanity committed in the names of ‘covid and our health,’” Trozzi said about his trial in a recent email update to his followers.

“You may recall in the recent last days of the hearing the CPSO spent two entire days verbally abusing our expert witness Deanna McLeod and ran up a $20,000 bill before one of the panelists quit, and the remaining panel disqualified her, even though she is one of the most credible clinical trial analysts in our country. They sure do not want to have an open scientific discussion.”

Trozzi’s trial is set to resume July 11 and run until July 12. His trial will have two-star witnesses to testify in his favor, Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Peter McCullough, who he said will deliver to the tribunal information concerning “true science about COVID in spades.”

Regarding the resumption of his upcoming trial, Trozzi noted that he and his team will “try once again to get through the CPSO stone wall against honest science.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123247

File: 8c2a0ce5969510c⋯.png (567.83 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161699 (111715ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canadian health agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors

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Canadian health agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors


According to a report, Fraser Health Authority in British Columbia has been promoting assisted death to seniors' groups.

A health authority in British Columbia has been actively promoting euthanasia via a slideshow it has allegedly been emailing to healthy seniors’ groups, according to a recent report.

The PowerPoint slideshow was alleged to be from Fraser Health Authority, which is a large healthcare region in a suburban area of the Vancouver area. It was obtained by Will Potter of the Daily Mail, who detailed it in a report published July 1.

The disturbing images actively promote euthanasia in a package of information for seniors regarding their pension packages.

Included in the slideshow was text on “expressions of wanting to die,” saying that it could be used to “promote a sense of control” as well as talk of being able to die by euthanasia in only a “day.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123248

File: 0a5a4073dd1ba40⋯.png (470.45 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19161804 (111745ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Catholic school board votes against motion to prohibit radical LGBT flag at district schools

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Catholic school board votes against motion to prohibit radical LGBT flag at district schools


The school board trustee who introduced the motion stressed that the schools she represents are Catholic and should therefore be ‘free from opinions on matters that are inappropriate’ for Catholic schools or that ‘deviate’ from what is taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123249

File: f7286af25e75c95⋯.png (337.68 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162029 (111830ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / NATO Looks to ‘Israel Style’ Relationship With Ukraine, Rejecting Full Membership… For Now

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NATO Looks to ‘Israel Style’ Relationship With Ukraine, Rejecting Full Membership… For Now


NATO will make binding commitments to Ukraine modelled on its relationship with Israel but won’t commit to admitting it as a member until Russia has been defeated, it is claimed.

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deaba1 No.123250

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19162285 (111920ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Covid ‘Vaccines’ Have Caused Global Birth Rates to Drop -Dr. Natalia Prego, MD

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Covid ‘Vaccines’ Have Caused Global Birth Rates to Drop -Dr. Natalia Prego, MD


[Brussels, Belgium] “We’ve already found medical evidence, scientific and social, of course, that COVID-19

vaccines can cause impaired female fertility and can cause female infertility,” says Dr. Natalia Prego, MD.

“We have more than enough evidence to denounce and request the stop of these COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.”

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deaba1 No.123251

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19163640 (120024ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week (video)

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Exposing the CPSO | Iron Will, Michael Alexander & Dr Trozzi


Exploring and exposing the CPSO's unlawful prosecution of ethical doctors including Dr Trozzi, and the grave danger they pose for all Ontarians.

Here is a great new interview of Iron Will with Michael Alexander JD and myself Dr Mark Trozzi.

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deaba1 No.123252

File: b3171ceb4342797⋯.png (744.33 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166332 (121405ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Immunization panel directs Canadians to get booster dose in fall

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Immunization panel directs Canadians to get booster dose in fall


Canadians are being told to get yet another Covid-19 booster this coming fall by federal public health authorities.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) issued new guidance on Covid-19 vaccination on Tuesday.

According to NACI, people are being advised to receive a booster shot of a Covid-19 vaccine in the next few months, with guidance specifying a six month period since their second vaccination or their last infection.

“Booster doses in the fall will be formulations updated to target more recent, immune-evasive SARS-CoV-2 variants,” claimed NACI.

“Individuals vaccinated with the updated formulation are expected to benefit from a better immune response against these variants compared to current vaccines.”

The recommended mRNA vaccines are the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123253

File: 037d095a5523ca6⋯.png (897.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 39fa02a969f5748⋯.png (481.21 KB,672x768,7:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166401 (121423ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / “No secrets”: Windsor parents hold protest against gender ideology

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“No secrets”: Windsor parents hold protest against gender ideology


Windsor parents, students and allies gathered in front of NDP MPP Lisa Gretzky’s office to protest against the local public school board’s controversial gender policy and its recent decision to ban parents from meetings.

The Greater Essex County District School Board’s (GECDSB) currently allows children to change their gender or pronouns at school without the knowledge or consent of their parents. It also opted to temporarily ban the public from board of trustees meetings in June amid outrage over the policy which is informed by gender ideology.

Monday’s protest was organized by the group Parents for Parent’s Rights. It was attended by about 150 people. They held signs that read “no secrets,” “leave our kids alone” and “let kids be kids.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123254

File: 78dc167aed70aae⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 6527ad48693ec51⋯.png (296.29 KB,506x632,253:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166440 (121430ZJUL23) Notable: Food prices continue to climb despite falling inflation: StatsCan survey

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Food prices continue to climb despite falling inflation: StatsCan survey


Experts cite international events like the Russian-Ukraine war as a driver of food inflation and the Canadian dollar's lesser value than the U.S. dollar.

Food prices in Canada skyrocketed in 2022 owing to runaway inflation. Record numbers have accessed food banks to feed their families, with many forced to cut back — a pervasive trend that has continued midway through the year.

Canada's Food Price Report 2023 predicted a 5% to 7% food price increase in 2023 following 10% increases last year, with vegetables, dairy and meat becoming more expensive.

As of July 2023, inflation has overtaken the Canada Food Guide, according to Health Canada. Since last updating the Food Guide in 2019, prices for the most recommended foods have sharply risen.

"Not only are some nutritious foods more difficult to find, but they can also be more expensive," said the report Evaluation Of The Office Of Nutrition Policy And Promotion.

Only 30% of Canadians are eating the recommended minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, reported Blacklock's Reporter. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123255

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166592 (121454ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Roseanne Barr Goes Off on Zelensky and Ukrainian Nazis (video)

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Roseanne Barr Goes Off on Zelensky and Ukrainian Nazis: He Isn’t a “Good” Jew – “Snap Out of It!” “Have You Seen the Swastikas on the Arms?” (VIDEO)


Rosanne Barr joined Piers Morgan on Tuesday night on Talk TV and went off on the Ukrainian government and President Zelensky. Barr accused current day Ukraine of having a large faction of Nazis.

She went on to describe what the Nazis in Ukraine did to her family.

Then she really broke all the rules of the Western elites and went after President Zelensky, the international star. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166675 (121503ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (video)

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Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)


Praise Petey is set to premiere July 21st at 10pm ET/PT on Freeform with the first two episodes. Then, two episodes will drop weekly following the premiere, and will be available on Hulu the next day. Continue...https://youtu.be/K_-PUsa2dho

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deaba1 No.123257

File: d90d9be2940ad42⋯.png (71.17 KB,500x247,500:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f39d94d6706161⋯.png (33.69 KB,500x68,125:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 3738eae1acdcf1e⋯.png (126.16 KB,500x323,500:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19166845 (121532ZJUL23) Notable: Bank of Canada Hikes To 5%, No Longer Sees Inflation Dropping To Target Before Mid-2025

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Bank of Canada Hikes To 5%, No Longer Sees Inflation Dropping To Target Before Mid-2025


Two weeks before the Fed hikes another 25bps despite today's softer than expected CPI print, moments ago the Bank of Canada did what virtually all expected, and hiked rates by 25bps to 5%, the 10th consecutive increase and the highest rate since April 2001. Continue..

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deaba1 No.123258

File: 89674a3335ad1a6⋯.png (360.02 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167140 (121617ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Trudeau gov’t appears to backtrack, allow Google to publish Canadian news content for free

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Trudeau gov’t appears to backtrack, allow Google to publish Canadian news content for free


The Online News Act, feared to end independent journalism in Canada, seems to be backfiring on the Trudeau government.

The Trudeau government seems to have caved to Google by amending the country’s internet censorship act to not force companies to pay for Canadian news content.

According to a July 10 update on the Online News Act, the Canadian Heritage Department seems to be moving from mandatory payments to a “contribution” model as both Facebook and Google have blocked content for Canadians rather than pay to publish Canadian news stories.

The updates also allow for “non-monetary offerings to news organizations, such as training or other products, be included in the (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) CRTC’s evaluation of exemption criteria.”

The document attests that it aims to establish agreements between platforms and news businesses “with minimal government intervention.”

Canada’s Senate passed the Online News Act, or Bill C-18, in June and it quickly became law. The House of Commons had passed Bill C-18 in December 2022. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123259

File: 79fe833ce60bf9c⋯.png (176.15 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19167193 (121628ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week

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Dr. Paul Alexander unable to testify in Ontario medical board tribunal of Dr. Mark Trozzi

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/dr-paul-alexander-unable-to-testify-in-ontario-medical-board-tribunal-of-dr- mark-trozzi/

'Unfortunately, due to a family illness, Dr. Paul Alexander was unable to testify today. We pray for his family that all will be well,' Dr. Mark Trozzi noted in an email to his followers on Tuesday.

One of the main defense witnesses in Dr. Mark Trozzi’s trial with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which resumed today, was not able to attend the hearing this morning due to family issues.

Trozzi later confirmed this fact to his followers in an email sent out this morning.

“Unfortunately, due to a family illness, Dr. Paul Alexander was unable to testify today. We pray for his family that all will be well,” noted Trozzi in an email.

It is not clear if Alexander will testify tomorrow, which is the second last day scheduled for Trozzi’s trial with the CPSO.

Tomorrow, Dr. Peter McCullough, who he said will deliver to the tribunal information concerning “true science about COVID in spades,” is set to testify in favor of Trozzi at 1 p.m. ET.

Trozzi’s trial with the CPSO concerns his outspokenness against COVID jabs and mandates. He has asked his supporters to tune into the hearings. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169093 (122257ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun

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Updated Wildfires Bun

>>122960 Trudeau and legacy media’s wildfire fear mongering not grounded in evidence

>>122963 Arson charges laid in Inglewood area rush fire

>>122973 Canada’s Instant Forest Fires (video)

>>122986 Are Canadians being FORCED by planned ARSON into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau the Tyrant?

>>123115 North American cities top global pollution rankings

>>123125 Smoke From Canadian Fires Leads to Speculation in U.S. as Air Quality Plummets Ahead of Independence Day Weekend

>>123199 B.C. wildfires may have been ignited intentionally: RCMP

>>123206 Justin Trudeau’s Canada Shrugs, Says Out-of-Control Fires Will Rage Through August

>>123213 Forecasting Models Show Third Round Of Canadian Wildfire Smoke Headed To US

Updated Woke Bun

>>122994 Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies (video)

>>122998 LEVY: Moms for Liberty gives hope to concerned parents in Ontario

>>123005 ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council

>>123050 Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood

>>123070 Pro-abortion activist declares he is 'here for your babies' during Dobbs-anniversary protest

>>123079 Ninth-grade curriculum in Canada: porn, jabs, bodily fluids, bondage & cake batter?

>>123085 Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre

>>123097 Planned Parenthood Banned From Schools In Canadian Province Over Sexually Graphic Resource

>>123095 Ratio’d: This will end badly for Toronto; Olivia Chow to be Toronto's next mayor (video)

>>123106 Ratio’d: Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks (video)

>>123107 N.B. activist launches campaign in support of Higgs’ parental rights policy

>>123110 Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock (video)

>>123144 Action4Canada launches full-court press on Sask education policy

>>123175 Ontario launches free trucker training program, no white males allowed

>>123224 Trudeau's Gender Equality minister spent $82,000 interviewing minors on menstruation

>>123237 Liberals pledge taxpayer funds to “chemsex” awareness

>>123248 Catholic school board votes against motion to prohibit radical LGBT flag at district schools

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deaba1 No.123261

File: 84601b2b12ae36d⋯.png (450.37 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171836 (131334ZJUL23) Notable: TTC stabber and revolving door justice system

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Release of alleged TTC stabber pinned on revolving door justice system


The suspect accused of attempted murder in a vicious knife attack on Toronto’s train system was released onto the streets shortly after failing to show up to multiple bail hearings for numerous robbery-related charges.

On July 6th, a video captured by a TTC passenger went viral, allegedly depicting Moses Lewin and another passenger engaged in a dispute before Lewin stabbed and chased his victim with a knife before fleeing the scene at Eglinton Station.

However, this incident is far from Lewin’s first run-in with the law, as records show that his criminal activity has ramped up in severity over the past year and a half. Lewin has been charged multiple times for stealing motor vehicles, breaking and entering, and failing to show up for bail hearings on multiple occasions. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123262

File: 51079ab5352dd08⋯.png (458.74 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: edbcf84cc0da54d⋯.png (445.54 KB,463x691,463:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171877 (131343ZJUL23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun / Sudbury pride parade cancelled over BLM’s anti-police demands

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Sudbury pride parade cancelled over BLM’s anti-police demands


Sudbury Pride announced that it is cancelling its annual LGBTQ parade in solidarity with Black Lives Matter (BLM) after the city said it would not pull police logistics from the event. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123263

File: e282ca3c198f886⋯.png (814.84 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b5e8e79ecce7f4⋯.png (663.47 KB,757x822,757:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171919 (131351ZJUL23) Notable: NDP MPP under fire for attending far-left march focused on abolishing police

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NDP MPP under fire for attending far-left march focused on abolishing police


Hamilton-Centre NDP MPP Sarah Jama is facing criticism for attending the Toronto No Pride In Policing Coalition’s (NPPC) “abolitionist and antifascist pride” march.

The far-left march held on June 25 was not only demanding the abolishment of police and prisons, but was also against Israel, for legal prostitution and for the reintroduction of mask mandates.

Jama shared pictures of the march on Twitter, writing, “POV: Riding in the accessibility van at the anti fascist, abolitionist pride march led by the No Pride in Policing Coalition because I forgot to charge my chair again.”

Jama is disabled and uses a wheelchair to get around. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123264

File: b76302fa7db9cde⋯.png (311.63 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171954 (131400ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC paints ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “a dog-whistle for Xenophobic, Pro-Life types” (video)

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CBC paints ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “a dog-whistle for Xenophobic, Pro-Life types”


In a recent interview on CBC Radio, pop culture columnist Radheyan Simonpillai described the success of the new hit film “Sound of Freedom” can be attributed to “Xenophobic, Pro-Trump, Pro-Life types.”

The film, which has sold-out shows across the United States and Canada, is about former Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard who founded Operation Underground Railroad in order to take down child trafficking rings in South America.

The film stars actor Jim Caviezel, who is most notably known for his portrayal as Jesus of Nazareth in “The Passion of The Christ.”

“We can’t say that the movie itself is made by QAnon types,” said Simompalli on the podcast, which aired on CBC Listen. “But certainly, their political goals make it something that QAnon conspiracy theorists would rally behind.”

“Just like racists rallied behind Trump without him having to say anything overtly racist.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123265

File: 83fc4027a88573b⋯.png (340.14 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171986 (131408ZJUL23) Notable: Métis file human rights complaint after BC First Nations “colonialism” accusation

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Métis file human rights complaint after BC First Nations “colonialism” accusation


British Columbia’s Métis Federation (BCMF) is filing a human rights complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal in response to a resolution from the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) denouncing “Métis colonialism” and questioning the Métis’ Charter rights.

The BCMF slammed the UBCIC’s Resolution no. 2023-39 in a statement – a motion that the Métis Federation says “accuses Métis People in British Columbia of acting as colonialists and attempts to malign an entire community.”

On June 13th, the UBCIC Chiefs Council unanimously passed a resolution denouncing Métis colonialism in British Columbia, rejecting the idea that the Métis people are entitled to any lands in BC and Section 35 rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The UBCIC resolution accused the BC Métis of employing the doctrine of terra nullius – a Latin expression meaning nobody’s land – in their occupation of “First Nations lands” and the development of natural resources on said Métis land.

“Métis representative organizations in BC, including the Métis Nation British Columbia and the BC Métis Federation, regularly engage in a form of Métis colonialism by employing tactics reminiscent of the dehumanizing Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius in order to benefit from the exploitation of First Nations territories,” reads a UBCIC press release.

“The UBCIC Chiefs Council forcibly re-affirms that the Métis hold no land, water, or air-based inherent and constitutionally protected rights or related jurisdiction within BC, and rejects and denounces any and all forms of Métis colonialism in BC and those who facilitate it,” reads the UBCIC resolution. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172026 (131419ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / School board spends $1,600 for drag queen conference in school (video)

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School board spends $1,600 for drag queen conference in school


In a shocking revelation, 'woke' school boards are spending taxpayers' money, which raises concerns about the state of the education system in Quebec. The system is plagued with issues such as teacher shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and neglect of essential facilities. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123267

File: c3ae7b856064699⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fd794a567159551⋯.png (887.96 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 940330855e41906⋯.png (364.38 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172163 (131447ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ontario plans 'transition' to wind and solar power despite concerns on viability

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Ontario plans 'transition' to wind and solar power despite concerns on viability


Energy Minister Todd Smith admits natural gas is needed when renewable energy is not available, as it generates 10% of the province's electricity.

Ontario has announced it will invest more in wind and solar power generation to meet local energy demand in the coming decades.

On Monday, Energy Minister Todd Smith said the province would look into the viability of 'green energy' infrastructure. If approved, he hopes to complete their construction by 2050 to achieve a "100% clean grid."

"Hopefully, the federal government can get on board with our intentions to build this clean generation as quickly as possible," said Smith, adding they hope to lessen their dependence on natural gas moving forward.

However, he admitted that natural gas is still needed when renewable energy is not available, given it generates about 10% of the province's electricity.

Ontario's Tory government also said it would keep its nuclear power plants open, which provide the province with nearly 60% of its electricity. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123268

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172316 (131515ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / China was using a Flaw in Microsoft Cloud to Hack on US Government Officials (video)

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China was using a Flaw in Microsoft Cloud to Hack on US Government Officials.


China was using a flaw in Microsoft Cloud to launch a cyberattack on US government officials’ email accounts.

According to the New York Times, “the hack, by a Chinese group that the company said was intent on conducting espionage, went undetected for a month.”

New York Times reported: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172387 (131530ZJUL23) Notable: United Nations Thinks It’s Wise To Ask the Robots About the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence - Organizers Hide the Fact That Answers Were Scripted and Pre-Programmed

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Cue in the AI Humanoids: United Nations Thinks It’s Wise To Ask the Robots About the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence – Organizers Hide the Fact That Answers Were Scripted and Pre-Programmed


The dangers of AI have been outlined by some of the greatest minds in tech and science, and a planetary discussion on the subject is underway.

So, when the globalists from the United Nations decided that they needed to weigh in, the simple and logical step would have been to assemble the aforementioned finest minds for a showdown on the problem ASAP.

But no, U.N.’s International Telecommunication Union had a clever idea: why don’t we ask the AI robots? Yes, you read it right. What could possibly go wrong, right?

Announced as ‘the world’s first news conference featuring humanoid social robots’, it was a frankly creepy display of robots that physically tried to resemble humans, where reporters could ask ‘them’ questions.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

Nine robots were displayed, along with some of the people who helped make them, at a podium in a Geneva conference center.

There were some catchy sound bites generated – or if it ‘soundbytes’? – the organizers were not honest about the fact that the answers were scripted and programmed by their creators.

So, in fact, reporters were interviewing the AI robot makers via the robot AI internet data scraping. You can probably guess how that played out.

The Guardian reported: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123270

File: 9032844610f1cbd⋯.png (817.4 KB,1024x908,256:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bd1d54cdc63cae⋯.png (81.88 KB,1007x610,1007:610,Clipboard.png)

File: d93ad068d823495⋯.png (120.87 KB,1012x740,253:185,Clipboard.png)

File: d6b458cbc4f91eb⋯.png (126.34 KB,1007x687,1007:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172471 (131544ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / MSNBC Mocked on Social Media for Warning That Being Healthy is a Gateway to “White Supremacy”

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MSNBC Mocked on Social Media for Warning That Being Healthy is a Gateway to “White Supremacy”


In 2022, an MSNBC op-ed warned that the “far right” took advantage of pandemic at-home fitness trends to push white supremacy. Author Cynthia Miller-Idriss even managed to toss in a Hitler reference for good measure.

The Op-ed asserts: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123271

File: 1a4895a79a5ae6c⋯.png (261.82 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172517 (131552ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Meta To Release Commercial AI Tools To Rival Google, OpenAI; Report

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Meta To Release Commercial AI Tools To Rival Google, OpenAI; Report


Sources close to Meta have reportedly said the company plans to make a commercial version of its AI model to be more widely available and customizable.

Sources close to Meta have reportedly said the company plans to make a commercial version of its AI model to be more widely available and customizable.

Sources close to Meta have reportedly said the company plans to make a commercial version of its AI model to be more widely available and customizable.

Meta plans to release a commercial version of its artificial intelligence (AI) model aiming to reach wider usage, according to a Financial Times report.

The report contained details from sources close to Meta, who said that although the company released its own large language mode (LLM) for researchers and academics called LLaMa earlier this year, the new version will be more widely available and can be customized by companies.

This comes as Meta tries to position itself to be competitive with Microsoft-backed ChatGPT creator OpenAI and Google, the current market leaders.

FT’s source, reported to have knowledge of high-level strategy at Meta, said: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123272

File: 4ba25a268f3ae38⋯.png (57.54 KB,1334x657,1334:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172616 (131610ZJUL23) Notable: Final WEF Bun / WEF Collaborators Want To Threaten Us To Ensure Compliance With Their Climate Change Goals

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WEF Collaborators Want To Threaten Us To Ensure Compliance With Their Climate Change Goals


World Economic Forum (“WEF”) collaborators discussed using central bank digital currencies (“CDBCs”) to control what people purchase. Not to be outdone in dictating to the world, “climate change” cultists discussed whether to threaten or incentivise people to “comply” with climate goals. Unsurprisingly, the use of threats was preferred to ensure obedience. Frontline News.

Attendees at the World Economic Forum’s Summer Davos summit last month held several discussions in which they promised to amplify authoritarian measures.

The three-day conference, also called the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, took place between 27 and 29 June in Tianjin, China. Over 1,500 government, corporate and academic leaders attended, including a large delegation from Saudi Arabia.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang kicked off the summit with an address in which he called for more globalisation and said there will be more public health crises.

“Covid-19 will not be the last public health crisis humanity faces. Global public health governance needs to be enhanced,” said Qiang.

Other notable moments included a panel discussion titled “China’s Economy: The Big Rebound?” during which Cornell Professor Eswar Prasad advocated for governments using central bank digital currencies to control citizens’ purchases. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123273

File: 360df7566bddb79⋯.png (183.14 KB,2000x1120,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172769 (131629ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / COVID Censorship Killed People, Wall Street Journal Admits

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COVID Censorship Killed People, Wall Street Journal Admits


Just about everything Big Tech tried to keep a lid on concerning Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "misinformation" turned out to be true in the end, a new op-ed from the Wall Street Journal said.

In tandem with the federal government, social media companies like Twitter and Facebook blocked key information about lockdowns, face masks and the "vaccines" that, had more people been able to access said information, far fewer people would have succumbed to death. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123274

File: 6cc80efe4edf247⋯.png (150.04 KB,1043x194,1043:194,Clipboard.png)

File: c5d376bb330ab4b⋯.png (468.94 KB,956x1092,239:273,Clipboard.png)

File: a587be460f4facf⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172803 (131635ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

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The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend


In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.”

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.”

Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.

As Dr. Robert Malone has been reporting during the Covid crisis the leadership of the Five Eyes alliance nations have actively conspired to aggressively deploy fifth-generation warfare PsyOps technologies on their respective civilian/citizen populations. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123275

File: 4e74743cf519cd0⋯.png (747.29 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172819 (131638ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews that the new York University workshop sounds 'ominous.'

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Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews that the new York University workshop sounds 'ominous.'


Ontario school trustees, directors, and senior school board leaders are offered a program on “hate activity” as students and parents stand up against LGBT indoctrination in schools.

Osgoode Professional Development of York University has recently announced their Fall 2023 “human rights” programs for trustees, directors, and senior school board leaders will include a session on combatting “Hate Activity in School Boards.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123276

File: d717c6b9c020c77⋯.png (362.3 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19172940 (131701ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’

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Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’


‘The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people,’ Dr. John Clauser has said.

A Nobel Prize-winning physicist has criticized alarmist climate predictions and said that he does believe that there is a climate crisis.

During his speech at the “Quantum Korea 2023” event, Dr. John Clauser said, “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” according to a report by Seoul Economic Daily that has been translated into English by the CO2 Coalition.

Clauser added that “key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by approximately 200 times” and accused the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of spreading misinformation.

In his keynote speech addressed to young Korean scientists and students, Clauser said that “Misinformation is being spread by those with political and opportunistic motives.”

“Even chatbots like ChatGPT can be better at lying than humans,” he said, adding that “distinguishing truth from falsehood is a challenging task for both humans and computers.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123277

File: 36f0d33dd72ba0f⋯.png (418.99 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174059 (132052ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Ontario gov’t drops COVID lockdown charges against Derek Sloan, Randy Hillier

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Ontario gov’t drops COVID lockdown charges against Derek Sloan, Randy Hillier


'One day, history, and the courts, will concur that these lockdowns were unwarranted and a serious and unnecessary interference with Canadian’s basic freedoms,' Derek Sloan said in response to the ruling.

COVID-era charges leveled against former federal Conservative MP Derek Sloan and former Ontario MPP Randy Hillier for attending a “No More Lockdowns” protest in Stratford, Ontario, in 2021 have been dropped by Crown prosecutors.

Sloan and Hillier’s legal team from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced last Thursday that the prosecutor in charge of the case against the pair agreed to drop their charges in “exchange for a modest charitable donation or volunteer work.”

“Mr. Sloan made the charitable donation and Mr. Hillier volunteered at a food bank in Lanark County,” noted the JCCF. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174136 (132110ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Star Simu Liu Says ‘Barbie’ Puts Final Nail in the Coffin of the Idea of What Gender Is (video)

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Star Simu Liu Says ‘Barbie’ Puts Final Nail in the Coffin of the Idea of What Gender Is


Actor Simu Liu, who plays one of the many Kens in the upcoming Barbie movie, said the film will put the “final nail in the coffin of that very heteronormative idea of what gender is.”

Speaking with ScreenRant’s Joe Deckelmeier, Liu talked about growing up in a “society where traditional gender norms were pretty heavily enforced” and how he appreciates how the Barbie movie will be pushing those barriers. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123279

File: 21df348779edd4c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1171876566b4562⋯.png (484.11 KB,1006x573,1006:573,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf4f9fd13a4b2d⋯.png (342.02 KB,673x697,673:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 36054655cffd998⋯.png (331.08 KB,672x677,672:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 430a08bca44b0a8⋯.png (211.07 KB,508x555,508:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174243 (132134ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: 'As much as it takes, as long as it takes'

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Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: 'As much as it takes, as long as it takes'


"Canada will be there for Ukraine alongside our other allies with as much as it takes, for as long as it takes," Trudeau said.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed attendees at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Latvia. On behalf of Canada, he vowed to support Ukraine "with as much as it takes, for as long as it takes."

He later said that it may take "years" to successfully end the war and accept Zelensky's bid to join NATO. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19174371 (132154ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau blames ‘right wing’ for inciting Muslim against radical gender ideology

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WATCH: Trudeau blames ‘right wing’ for inciting Muslim against radical gender ideology


The Muslim community across Canada has been holding rallies against radical sexual and gender ideology taught in classrooms and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stayed firm in his support of sexual minorities over other Canadian's rights when he spoke with a Muslim leader in Calgary.

The protests across Canada have the same slogan “leave our kids alone” and Trudeau blamed “people on social media, particularly fuelled by the American right wing” for the protests and that they “are spreading a lot of untruths about what’s actually in provincial curriculums.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123281

File: 43f820691f06e0d⋯.png (800.98 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177969 (141447ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bard, Google’s AI chatbot, unavailable in Canada amid Online News Act fiasco

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Bard, Google’s AI chatbot, unavailable in Canada amid Online News Act fiasco


Google has expanded the availability of its artificial-intelligence-based chatbot Bard to most countries in the world, except for Canada and totalitarian regimes like North Korea.

The company cited “regulatory uncertainty” as the reason for excluding Canada from the launch of Bard, which is similar to ChatGPT or Microsoft’s Bing AI.

“We’re committed to being good partners as we work through regulatory uncertainty in Canada, and we’re enthusiastic about bringing Bard’s generative AI potential to Canadians soon,” a Google spokesperson told the National Post.

Other countries not included in the rollout are Russia, China and Afghanistan. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123282

File: 7bd7a780f5c8b2f⋯.png (401.29 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177978 (141448ZJUL23) Notable: Trudeau’s immigration policy undermining central bank’s inflation mandate

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Trudeau’s immigration policy undermining central bank’s inflation mandate


The Trudeau government’s immigration policy is undermining Bank of Canada’s (BoC) attempts to wrest runaway inflation.

The central bank hiked its overnight rate to a 22-year high on Wednesday as it continues to try to meet its 2% inflation mandate by curtailing consumer spending.

While the BoC credits the surge of newcomers to help with labour shortages across the country, it states immigrants are adding to the demand for housing. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123283

File: 30d368357c847a7⋯.png (571.53 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178020 (141455ZJUL23) Notable: BoC officials earned $20 million in bonuses while hiking interest rates

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BoC officials earned $20 million in bonuses while hiking interest rates


Bank of Canada (BoC) officials earned $20 million in bonuses while hiking interest rates on Canadians and failing their 2% inflation mandate.

According to records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) through access to information requests, as inflation reached a 40-year high, 80% of the central bank’s workforce received at least one bonus.

BoC bureaucrats received an average of $11,200 in bonuses.

“Bonuses are for people who do a god job, not people who fail at their one and only job,” Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the CTF, said on the organization’s website.

“Most organizations don’t shower employees with bonuses when they have their worst year in four decades.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123284

File: ee1b0ae60b96fe5⋯.png (331.62 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a68c0db154e5ad⋯.png (188.45 KB,512x687,512:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178131 (141507ZJUL23) Notable: High-risk Winnipeg child molester released into public after short prison term

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High-risk Winnipeg child molester released into public after short prison term


Winnipeggers are being warned to be extra vigilant as a high-risk sex offender who has preyed on children, especially girls, is being released back out into the public after completing a short prison term.

Leslie Wayne Oliver Mercredi, 32, also known as Leslie Wayne Brightnose or Leslie Mecredi, was released by Correctional Services Canada from the Headingley Correctional Centre on July 12, 2023, despite the risk he poses to children.

He had been serving a sentence of 6.5 months for breaching the conditions of his recognizance order. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123285

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178197 (141515ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Hamilton Police Association condemns NDP MPP for attending ‘abolish the police’ march

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Hamilton Police Association condemns NDP MPP for attending ‘abolish the police’ march


The Hamilton Police Association (HPA) is condemning Hamilton-Centre NDP MPP Sarah Jama for attending a far-left No Pride In Policing Coalition march focused on abolishing law enforcement.

In a statement to True North, HPA spokesperson Jaimi Bannon said, “every Ontario family deserves to feel safe in their homes and in their communities. They have made it loud and clear that they support and want more investment in police and public safety.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123286

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178257 (141524ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC paints ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “a dog-whistle for Xenophobic, Pro-Life types” (video)

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Ratio’d | ‘Sound of Freedom’ success triggers epic CBC meltdown


The smash box office hit movie ‘Sound of Freedom’ which tells the story of a US Homeland Security Agent quitting his job to rescue children around the world from child trafficking rings has sent the legacy media into another collective fit of outrage.

Notably, a CBC “pop culture columnist” went on a rant attributing the success of the hit film to being a “dog whistle for xenophobic pro-Trump, pro-life types” and being a “Qanon” themed movie. None of this should be surprising to Canadians given the state broadcaster’s track record of defending and normalizing drag shows for kids and other highly-questionable content.

Legacy media outlets like The Guardian, Washington Post and Rolling Stone have also trashed this film repeating the “Qanon” line.

The legacy media has proven that their influence on culture has whittled away as ‘Sound of Freedom’ takes over theatres.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123287

File: 8af64657ebe42bc⋯.png (675.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178349 (141537ZJUL23) Notable: Finance Ministry says budget forecasts ‘should not be viewed as a prediction of the future’

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Finance Ministry says budget forecasts ‘should not be viewed as a prediction of the future’


Last year marked the third highest federal per-person debt at $47,070 — behind only 2020 and 2021 — 25% higher than before the pandemic.

Canada's finances are in shambles after copious pandemic spending of money taxpayers never had.

The federal government spent an unprecedented $309 billion on COVID pandemic relief, putting the fiscal future of Canada at risk, according to the C.D. Howe Institute. This is an underestimate compared to the $359.7 billion reported by the Fraser Institute.

Parliament wasted an estimated 25% of Canada's COVID spending ($89.9 billion) as either overpayments or money sent to ineligible recipients.

"The decisions that [were] made that [will] affect our future for years and decades to come were made on the fly without appropriate deliberation," said C.D Howe chief executive Bill Robson.

"We need more transparency from our governments about how they're spending our money, especially when something like COVID happens." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123288

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178454 (141559ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / City-run drug injection sites are supposed to be ‘safe.’ Try telling that to the surviving family members of Karolina Huebner-Makurat (video)

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City-run drug injection sites are supposed to be ‘safe.’ Try telling that to the surviving family members of Karolina Huebner-Makurat


The Toronto Police Service noted that a physical altercation took place on July 7 between three males. 'Two of the males,' according to police, 'brandished handguns and discharged them at each other.'

The carnage continues on the increasingly mean streets of Toronto. And perhaps a new odious benchmark was reached last week when 44-year-old Karolina Huebner-Makurat was walking along Queen Street East in broad daylight, minding her own business, only to be murdered thanks to being struck by a stray bullet. Karolina was a mother of two young girls aged seven and four.

But why did this happen? Continue...

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deaba1 No.123289

File: 00840a689cd144f⋯.png (220.51 KB,528x389,528:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179052 (141809ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement

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Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement


In yet another blow to the globalist plan for World Domination, last week the government of Shanghai has signed a “strategic cooperation agreement” with US-based pharmaceutical company Moderna.

For anyone living in a cave on Mars for the last couple of years, Moderna are an mRNA-focused research company who produced only the second ever “safe and effective” mRNA vaccine basically just a few days after Pfizer produced the first.

Thanks to Moderna’s rushed and untested “vaccine” – the first product they ever successfully brought to market – over the course of the “pandemic” their stock value increased over 2000%, from $19 per share to $450.

Moderna’s founders were among the 44 new billionaires (totally accidentally) created by Covid. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123290

File: 8c5f562a34e0bb1⋯.png (405.3 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179419 (141914ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week (video)

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Ontario medical board fails to disqualify Dr. Peter McCullough as an ‘expert’ in trial of Dr. Mark Trozzi


'Though they sure tried and were extremely rude and uncivilized,' Dr. Mark Trozzi told LifeSiteNews, '[Dr.] Peter [McCullough] was ‘accepted’ as an expert.'

The legal counsel for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) failed to disqualify renowned American cardiologist and COVID-19 vaccine specialist Dr. Peter McCullough as a witness in its trial against Canadian Dr. Mark Trozzi.

The trial, held due to Trozzi’s outspokenness against the COVID-19 vaccines and associated government mandates, resumed on Tuesday of this week, however, main defense witness Dr. Paul Alexander was not able to attend the hearing on that day due to family issues. 

With McCullough testifying on behalf of Trozzi, the hearing held on Wednesday by the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT) became intense at times, which from start to finish lasted six hours including long prolonged breaks.

Legal counsel for the CPSO led by Emily Graham tried, after over two hours into the meeting, to have McCullough barred as a witness, claiming he was not qualified to be an expert observer.

During the hearing, Graham played before the panel numerous video clips of McCullough, all posted online, of him speaking out against the COVID jabs at various times over the past few years.

McCullough repeatedly objected to being asked to explain his speaking in numerous videos questioning the COVID jabs, including one with podcaster Joe Rogan. He blasted Graham for not getting to any “substantive” questions well over two hours into the hearing. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123291

File: de7b0fd1688ac50⋯.png (295.76 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179646 (142006ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Majority of Canadians worried they will lose access to news due to internet censorship Bill C-18

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Majority of Canadians worried they will lose access to news due to internet censorship Bill C-18


While the act was initially feared to allow the government to censor what Canadians view online, it may backfire if large tech companies refuse to pay to publish content.

Most Canadians are worried about being unable to access news content due to the Trudeau government’s internet censorship bill.

According to a July 10 survey by the Angus Reid Institute, 63 percent of Canadians voiced concern over losing access to news on Facebook and Google after both companies promised to block Canadian content rather than pay publishing fees under the recently passed Online News Act.

“An escalating tug of war between the Liberal government and Big Tech – with Canadian news content in the middle – is heating up an already hot summer in Canada,” the report warned. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179856 (142052ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / For those wondering why peace talks haven’t happened and why the Biden regime are sending more US troops to Europe; allow me to enlighten you

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For those wondering why peace talks haven’t happened and why the Biden regime are sending more US troops to Europe; allow me to enlighten you.


Russian MIL accused Biden himself of orchestrating bioweapons production via his biolab company operating in Ukraine, Metabiota.

Biden cannot allow Ukraine to surrender and he cannot have peace talks with Putin, because Russia have presented evidence at the UN over the past 18 months, of biological weapon production by US funded labs in Ukraine, and Russia have demanded that a stipulation for peace would be a UN Security Council investigation of the US biological network in Ukraine. Biden cannot have this because he is directly involved.

Keep in mind these are the same biolabs that the MSM initially said didn’t exist at all, only to then later admit that they do exist, but claim they are totally not nefarious in any way. Hunter Biden just has ownership of a biolab company operating in Ukraine, studying bat coronaviruses BEFORE the pandemic. Nothing to see here.

This is why hundreds of billions of your dollars are in Ukraine and why Biden is willing to sacrifice the Ukrainian People down to the last man. Russia want justice for crimes against humanity via violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty, for which the punishment is death.

I’ve been telling the world since the jump; Russia’s escalation in Ukraine is backlash for the US creation of C19. Ukraine and Covid are connected.

Here is Russian General Igor Kirillov last summer, briefing the public on the US Biological network and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.

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deaba1 No.123293

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19180124 (142145ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Press for Truth: Cancer-Causing Chemicals found in the air in Hamilton, Ontario (video)

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Cancer-Causing Chemicals FOUND IN THE AIR Equivalent To ONE CIGARETTE PER DAY!!!


An air-monitoring experiment found cancer-causing chemicals are polluting the entire city of Hamilton, Ontario!!

In the study, a concentration of benzo (a)pyrene — a carcinogenic chemical – exceeded the Ontario air quality guidelines.

Meanwhile a neurological syndrome of unknown cause continues to baffle and terrify residents of New Brunswick as a whistleblower has warned that previously healthy young adults suspected of having the mystery neurological illness are experiencing rapidly deteriorating health and that the number of cases are growing.

And in the US a veteran-owned ‘Clean Beef’ beef company says it would rather shut down than accept mRNA injections in their cattle!!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest moves by the powers that ought not be to keep you un-healthy and more importantly what you should be doing about it today to protect yourself and your family moving forward!

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deaba1 No.123294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181734 (150229ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun

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Final China Bun

>>122965 In a heated mayoral race, one Chinese candidate with a mysterious background and ties to Justin Trudeau is being overlooked

>>122990 Bill Gates praises China’s progress, meets with President Xi

>>123008 CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech

>>123038 Why did Trudeau meet with the Chinese police station boss?

>>123176, >>>/qresearch/1912870 The official Senate Channel was used to broadcast a pro-CCP protest against a foreign agent registry

>>123185 US Tech Giant Hired Apparent Chinese Spy and Gave Him Vast Access to Databases - Now He’s Disappeared

>>123202 Non-profit organization aims to raise funds to protect journalists facing lawsuits

>>123268 China was using a Flaw in Microsoft Cloud to Hack on US Government Officials (video)

>>123289 Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181736 (150229ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>123001 Atlantic premiers 'insulted' by Ottawa’s 'costly' carbon taxes

>>123010 Public Health Agency blew $40K on Marxist climate change report

>>123017 Ottawa tables 'Just Transition' legislation to create 'sustainable, low-carbon' jobs

>>123035 Carbon tax exemption for farmers not likely to pass Senate before summer recess: reports

>>123039 Energy Regulator Claims Canadian Oil Production Will Plunge 76% By 2050

>>123059 Lab-Grown Meat Gets Green Light On US Menus

>>123094 Environment Canada admits 62,000 birds and 75,000-116,000 bats are killed by wind turbines annually

>>123099 Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a Ponzi scheme and a hoax to steal everyone’s money, human rights, and constitutional freedoms

>>123148 In today's odd government spending: Export Development Canada-branded climate change trivia card game?

>>123151 Canadians are 'less interested' in purchasing electric vehicles, says study

>>123156 ‘Terrifying’ Famines, Floods, Fires, Ahead Unless ‘Climate Change’ Is Addressed Warns UN Rights Chief

>>123227 Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’

>>123267 Ontario plans 'transition' to wind and solar power despite concerns on viability

>>123276 Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’

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deaba1 No.123296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181741 (150229ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

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Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>122976 The Canadian government allowed 30 million vaccine doses to expire after purchase (with .pdf)

>>122983 Nurses Who Spoke Out Against Unscientific Covid Mandates Face $250K in Legal Fees -Canadian Frontline Nurses (video)

>>122995 Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin

>>122997 Danielle Smith apologizes to unvaccinated "we were wrong" she makes unprecedented promise

>>122999 CAMPUS WATCH: Quebec University suspends professor skeptical of Covid vaccine again

>>123002 FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

>>123006 World Council For Health Solidarity w/ Dr Trozzi & Canadians (video)

>>123014 New Covid lab leak documents raise questions about bioweapons and biowarfare (video)

>>123018 Victory: Ontario doctor wins right to present vaccine facts at disciplinary hearing

>>123019 AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

>>123021 Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights -A Conversation with the World Council for Health (video)

>>123022 Andrew Bridgen good UK MP in solidarity with Canadians (video)

>>123028 The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS: An Industry Forced Into Silence, Is Silent No More (video)

>>123033 College of Psychologists calls Dr. Jordan Peterson a 'moderate risk to the public'

>>123041 Interview 1811 - James Corbett on the WHO's Anti-Human Agenda (video)

>>123057 The Great Debate That Will Not Happen

>>123086 Sheila Annette Lewis calls on Danielle Smith for help while seeking life-saving procedure (video)

>>123090 Parent’s Rights. Children’s Safety. Canada’s Madness.

>>123091 Dr. Trozzi Talks part 4: The Reconciliation (video)

>>123112 'Censored' doctor speaks out at the National Citizen's Inquiry (video)

>>123130 Digital Vaccine Certificates + Genetically Modified Mosquitos

>>123139 New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products

>>123142 Synergistic Pairing Of Anti-Parasite Drugs Ivermectin And Fenbendazole Found Highly Effective At Preventing And Treating Cancer

>>123158 Manitoba Court of Appeal says church lockdowns did not violate Canadian Charter of Rights

>>123162 Physicist tackles Alberta excess deaths for NCI

>>123163 Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians (video)

>>123168 Special committee begins probe into firing of infectious disease scientists at 'top-secret' lab

>>123173 Meet the courageous Dr. Mark Trozzi at our Canadian gala on July 18!

>>123178 Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report

>>123188 Covid Related News: Independent scientists, researchers and media are a force to be reckoned with

>>123194 Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty (video)

>>123203 Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

>>123225 Alberta taxpayers paid millions in severance to AHS advisors last year, says Sunshine List

>>123231 New report suggests COVID was deliberately released during 2019 Military Games in China

>>123240 Canada will pay $350 million to Novavax for unused COVID shots

>>123245 A Canadian virologist put no-virus FOI response from McMaster University on "the public record"

>>123246, >>123259 Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week

>>123247 Canadian health agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors

>>123252 Immunization panel directs Canadians to get booster dose in fall

>>123288 City-run drug injection sites are supposed to be ‘safe.’ Try telling that to the surviving family members of Karolina Huebner-Makurat (video)

>>123293 Press for Truth: Cancer-Causing Chemicals found in the air in Hamilton, Ontario (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181744 (150230ZJUL23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

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Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>122958 BC district to provide free tampons in men’s washrooms

>>122961 Facebook labels drag queen story time reporting “adult content”

>>122969 ‘Leave our kids alone’: Muslim families protest gender ideology outside Ottawa school board HQ

>>122975 Do cross-dressing drag performers need to provide vulnerable sector checks before singing and dancing with children? (video)

>>122977 FIRE NILI Update: We caught the mask-obsessed school board trustee to deliver your petition! (video)

>>122982 Majority of Canadians oppose Trudeau, say teachers should inform parents of children’s gender change at school: poll

>>123007 Ottawa starts $25 million entrepreneurship program for 'gender diverse' businesses

>>123026 Parental concerns mount as rogue school boards defend radical gender ideology

>>123042 Ratio’d: Targeting your kids: The secret trans agenda exposed in Canada (video)

>>123092 Pushing transgenderism on kids is not natural or authentic (video)

>>123191 Vancouver theater hosting Drag Summer Camp for kids as young as seven years old

>>123201 Don’t Delete Parents founder predicts parents will push Higgs to victory if leadership review unfolds

>>123207 B.C. education assistant who posed as a sexy student and created explicit OnlyFans content lawyers up after being terminated!

>>123216 We’re Done: CDC Guideline For Transgender Parents “Chestfeeding” Is The Last Straw!! (video)

>>123223 Vancouver police receive ZERO threats of violence towards drag camp for kids, despite union's claims (video)

>>123235 Press for Truth: The Transgender Social Contagion’s EXPONENTIAL SPREAD Threatens Humanity (video)

>>123253 “No secrets”: Windsor parents hold protest against gender ideology

>>123266 School board spends $1,600 for drag queen conference in school (video)

>>123278 Star Simu Liu Says ‘Barbie’ Puts Final Nail in the Coffin of the Idea of What Gender Is (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181749 (150230ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun

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Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>122968 Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”

>>122974 (from General Research) Danielle Smith banned from posting on Facebook

>>122988 Canada’s health dept. demanded hundreds of ‘corrections’ from media outlets funded by gov’t: report

>>123004 U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

>>123016 Ratio’d: Thought Crimes to be made ILLEGAL in Canada (video)

>>123020 'People are starving for something real': Five Times August on why he signed with anti-woke music label Baste Records

>>123023 “Anti-woke” Ottawa trustee candidates received highest rate of abusive tweets

>>123044, >>123066 Facebook, Instagram set to shut down news content in Canada after new Trudeau law comes into effect

>>123051 The Democracy Fund secures legal victory for Canadian filmmaker

>>123052 Redacted: He's exposing the disgusting business that brings in $154 Billion a Year (video)

>>123060 How long can independent media survive Ottawa's attempts to kill it?

>>123064 Canadian Food Inspection Agency tried to censor a letter to the editor (video)

>>123081 Feds propose mandating woke requirements on broadcasters as C-11 becomes law

>>123082 The Andrew Lawton Show: Trudeau’s internet takeover is well under way (video)

>>123093 Canadian navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia! (video)

>>123096 Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator In Court Over Threat To Strip His Psychologist License

>>123098 For the keks: The Musk-Zuckerberg Cage Fight

>>123101 Actress Elliot Page and Other GLAAD Fascists Demand Censorship of Trans Facts

>>123105, >>123117 Google to end news access in Canada after bill to pay news publishers passes (video)

>>123116 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau WON! The Last Time You See My Show?? - Thu, June 29 2023 (video)

>>123118 Toronto Star-Postmedia merger could stifle diverse opinions in legacy media, expert says

>>123127 "Something Went Wrong": Twitter Users Complain About Global Outage

>>123129 Sound Of Freedom • Gods Children Are No Longer For Sale (video)

>>123131 ‘1984 on steroids’: Canada cracks down on free speech, AI judges could rule on court cases

>>123150 Canadian immigration: Supreme Court rules on Safe Third Country Agreement, Montreal Police Service engaged in media profiling (video)

>>123164 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: EVERYTHING is Backfiring on Justin Trudeau - Sun, July 2, 2023 (video)

>>123184 Big Tech Shakeup: Twitter Limits Post Views, Puts TweetDeck Behind Paywall, While Meta Launches Its ‘Threads’ Copycat App - Meanwhile, Chinese TikTok Surges With Videos of France’s Unrest

>>123195 WikiLeaks Final Post

>>123196 Canada gov’t stops advertising on Facebook, Instagram in fallout from internet censorship law

>>123204 Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

>>123210 Jordan Peterson censored on YouTube for 'hate speech'

>>123212 The EU's Mass Censorship Regime Is Almost Fully Operational. Will It Go Global?

>>123219 Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Platform Is Already Deleting Entire Threads and Harvesting Your Data

>>123220 "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

>>123239 Sound of Freedom viewers noticing lack of mainstream media coverage of horrific crimes against children (video)

>>123256 Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (video)

>>123258 Trudeau gov’t appears to backtrack, allow Google to publish Canadian news content for free

>>123264, >>123286 CBC paints ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “a dog-whistle for Xenophobic, Pro-Life types” (video)

>>123270 MSNBC Mocked on Social Media for Warning That Being Healthy is a Gateway to “White Supremacy”

>>123271 Meta To Release Commercial AI Tools To Rival Google, OpenAI; Report

>>123273 COVID Censorship Killed People, Wall Street Journal Admits

>>123281 Bard, Google’s AI chatbot, unavailable in Canada amid Online News Act fiasco

>>123291 Majority of Canadians worried they will lose access to news due to internet censorship Bill C-18

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181752 (150230ZJUL23) Notable: Final Pride Month Bun

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Final Pride Month Bun

>>122959 Trudeau spent over $12 million on Pride events during Covid

>>122966 Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”

>>122989 Canadian catholic school students revolt, DESTROY Pride items

>>123040 ‘Pride doesn’t stop in June’: TD Bank pledges to promote LGBT ideology ‘all year’ long

>>123043 NHL Moves to ‘Keep the Focus on the Game’ - Players Will No Longer Wear Pride Jerseys During Warm-Ups

>>123062 Bud Light sponsors stage at Pride Toronto featuring drag performers in leather and latex

>>123065 Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)

>>123069 Toronto girls’ school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students

>>123080 Trudeau Liberals celebrate Toronto Pride as fetishists expose themselves to children

>>123087 Canadian high schoolers questioned by RCMP for signing ‘straight and proud’ poster

>>123102 NHL’s Connor McDavid Disappointed by End of Pride Night Jerseys

>>123113 Canadian Army roasted for raising LGBT ‘pride’ flags across the country

>>123146 IWR Weekly June 30: Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children (video)

>>123167 Sydney aquarium accused of fabricating 'gay penguins' to influence kids

>>123262 Sudbury pride parade cancelled over BLM’s anti-police demands

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

deaba1 No.123300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181753 (150231ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun

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Final Protests Bun

>>122964 Protest erupts to denounce policy allowing violent biological male sex offenders in women’s shelters

>>122987 Is Canada Ignoring an Islamic Protest to Gender Ideology Due to Fears of Violent Retribution?

>>122992 Muslim parents lead passionate protest against gender ideology being taught in Calgary schools

>>123012 Legal Canons and Social Fables: The Law in Canada Has Never Been Perfect but Now it is Losing its Way

>>123013 Protest erupts at Ontario high school over sexual indoctrination in the classroom

>>123046 BC Teachers' Federation under fire? Citizens protest state-funded schools' sexual agendas (video)

>>123048 Tamara Lich joins 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' to discuss COVID -19, the Freedom Convoy, and more (video)

>>123071 Muslim Canadians surround Justin Trudeau’s office, protest against far-left LGBTQ indoctrination of children

>>123074 About 250 people protest for parental rights in Calgary

>>123122 Ontario police officer appeals 'professional punishment' for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy

>>123155 Type 1 and Type 2 Police

>>123183 Arrest made in Montreal amid attempts to recreate France riots

>>123203 Finance Ministry refuses to admit the existence of previously produced documents re: Freedom Convoy (video)

>>123232 Tamara Lich tells Dave Rubin the real truth about the Freedom Convoy (video)

>>123277 Ontario gov’t drops COVID lockdown charges against Derek Sloan, Randy Hillier

>>123285 Hamilton Police Association condemns NDP MPP for attending ‘abolish the police’ march

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deaba1 No.123301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181758 (150231ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia & Ukraine Bun

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Final Russia & Ukraine Bun

>>123055 Wagner Convoys Advancing Towards Russian Capital, Chechens Loyal To Putin En Route

>>123056 Putin Reassures Allies In Phone Calls, Erdogan Expresses 'Full Support' Against Coup

>>123058 G7 Holds Urgent Call On The "Most Significant Challenge To Russian State In Recent Times"

>>123100 Ukrainian Journalist EXPOSES The Naz*s We’re Arming (video)

>>123140 Geopolitical Evolution: Russia's 'Rebellion' & A Return To Gold-Backed Currency

>>123152 BlackRock and JPMorgan to Collaborate with Ukrainian Government Establish Reconstruction Bank for Massive Private Investment

>>123153 Ukraine Narrative Gets Eviscerated in Front of United Nations

>>123165 Trillions of cyber attacks aimed at Canadian government, CSE blames Russia

>>123169 Zelensky Admits He Has Good Relationship with CIA and Intel Talks with Them Often - Suggests War Will Continue Until Ukraine Retake Crimea

>>123170 What Will NATO Do About Ukraine?

>>123172 Ukrainian Forces Are Using Internationally-Banned Scatter Mines

>>123186 After Blowing Up the Russian Oil Pipeline and Bombing Poland and then Blaming Russia - Zelensky Is Now Warning that “Russia” Is Going to Blow Up Nuclear Plant Under Their Control

>>123205 NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

>>123241 The Countries Committing The Most Aid To Ukraine

>>123249 NATO Looks to ‘Israel Style’ Relationship With Ukraine, Rejecting Full Membership… For Now

>>123255 Roseanne Barr Goes Off on Zelensky and Ukrainian Nazis (video)

>>123279 Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: 'As much as it takes, as long as it takes'

>>123292 For those wondering why peace talks haven’t happened and why the Biden regime are sending more US troops to Europe; allow me to enlighten you

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deaba1 No.123302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181762 (150231ZJUL23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun

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Final Trudeau Bun

>>123011 RCMP investigation against Trudeau, top Liberals on SNC-Lavalin prosecution enters year four

>>123015 RCMP deny reports of obstruction of justice investigation into Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin

>>123036 Roman Baber calls Trudeau “radical extremist” over anti-parent comments

>>123068, >>123075 Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7

>>123077 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…FREEDOM FIGHTER? LMAO! + Toronto Horror Stories! (video)

>>123083 Andrew Lawton: 'The media has started to turn on Justin Trudeau now' (video)

>>123088 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…He's At It, Again! This is his Canada! - Sun, Jun 25th

>>123114 ‘Find God’: Josh Alexander blasts Trudeau for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ crosswalk in Iceland

>>123121 Liberal MP breaks ranks with Trudeau over gas prices and energy policies

>>123123 Trudeau visits Hogtown for another Liberal Party fundraiser (video)

>>123133 Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List (video)

>>123134 Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty (video)

>>123135 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau HECKLED AGAIN! - Fri, June 30th, 2023 (video)

>>123145 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: A Trudeau Protest - Nothing Says Happy Canada Day More! - July 1, 2023 (video)

>>123159, >>123160 Justin Trudeau slammed over cringeworthy video pumping government handouts for those harmed by Liberal policies (video)

>>123193 Trudeau tours NATO base, extends Canadian mission in Latvia with 'insufficient' military equipment

>>123200 Ratio’d: Is he losing it? Trudeau says Canada is AT WAR with Big Tech (video)

>>123209 Smith meets with Trudeau, rejects his government’s 2035 net zero target

>>123218 Justin Trudeau’s Unusual Left Hand Gesture at Ismaili Muslim Pancake Breakfast Sparks Buzz Among Online Observers

>>123234 UNACCEPTABLE NEWS SUPER SUNDAY: He Wants Total Control! - July 9th, 2023 (video)

>>123236 Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau’s growing Khalistan Problem (video)

>>123238 Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation

>>123280 Trudeau blames ‘right wing’ for inciting Muslim against radical gender ideology

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deaba1 No.123303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181763 (150232ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun

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Final Vaccine Injury Bun

>>122967 mRNA & Pregnancy • Infants Who Died Shortly After Delivery, Born to Mothers Who Were COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated During Pregnancy

>>122984 Canadian Government KNEW • Privy Council Advocated Downplaying COVID Vaccine Injuries Or Deaths

>>122985 Ratio’d: Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine (video)

>>123027 More Vaccine Injured Pilots Incapacitated + Suffering Medical Emergencies

>>123029, >>123030 Dr Chris Shoemaker Exposing The Danger (video)

>>123031, >>123032 Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine

>>123034 Health Canada stonewalls streamlining of vaccine adverse event reporting after stakeholder confusion

>>123045 Medical Journals are being Deleted (video)

>>123054 Press for Truth: Pilots are dropping dead while 100K heart attacks & strokes up in Britain alone (video)

>>123061 TrialSite News: Canadian Govt Memo Directs How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries (video)

>>123063 Massive Military Global Depopulation (video)

>>123072 Autophagy | Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Part 1 (video)

>>123078 Covid injections Have Killed 13 Million People Worldwide

>>123089 Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates

>>123132 14 year old girl dies unexpectedly two days after her third dose of a Pfizer covid shot.

>>123141 Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm - Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs

>>123149 Ontario medical regulators continue to impede direct patient care

>>123157 Meet medical freedom hero Dr. Byram Bridle at our Canadian gala in July!

>>123166 Alberta woman files $10.5 mil lawsuit against government, CBC over vaccine misinformation

>>123171 UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot

>>123181 Press for Truth: LONG VAX (video)

>>123189 Dr. Trozzi battles Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism sanctions

>>123192 American pathologist determines Ontario boy died from COVID vaccine

>>123211 Manchester United Legend Edwin Van der Sar Admitted to ICU After Brain Hemorrhage

>>123217 Vaccine-injured Canadians paid $6.7 million in damages, says federal government

>>123221 Comparing Vaccinated Children To Amish Children Who Do Not Get Vaccinations

>>123229 'Alarming' Sevenfold Increase In Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked To COVID-19 And Vaccine

>>123243 74% Of Deaths In New Autopsy Study Linked To Covid Jabs (attached .pdf's)

>>123246, >>123251, >>123290 Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week (video)

>>123250 Covid ‘Vaccines’ Have Caused Global Birth Rates to Drop -Dr. Natalia Prego, MD

>>123274 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

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deaba1 No.123304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181767 (150232ZJUL23) Notable: Final WEF Bun

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Final WEF Bun

>>123103 China Hosts WEF Bigwigs for ‘Summer Davos’

>>123111 Québec cabinet minister billed taxpayers $60,000 to attend 2023 WEF Summit

>>123126 CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF

>>123136 World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

>>123272 WEF Collaborators Want To Threaten Us To Ensure Compliance With Their Climate Change Goals

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deaba1 No.123305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19181769 (150232ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun

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Final Woke Bun

>>122994 Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies (video)

>>122998 LEVY: Moms for Liberty gives hope to concerned parents in Ontario

>>123005 ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council

>>123050 Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood

>>123070 Pro-abortion activist declares he is 'here for your babies' during Dobbs-anniversary protest

>>123079 Ninth-grade curriculum in Canada: porn, jabs, bodily fluids, bondage & cake batter?

>>123085 Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre

>>123097 Planned Parenthood Banned From Schools In Canadian Province Over Sexually Graphic Resource

>>123095 Ratio’d: This will end badly for Toronto; Olivia Chow to be Toronto's next mayor (video)

>>123106 Ratio’d: Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks (video)

>>123107 N.B. activist launches campaign in support of Higgs’ parental rights policy

>>123110 Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock (video)

>>123144 Action4Canada launches full-court press on Sask education policy

>>123175 Ontario launches free trucker training program, no white males allowed

>>123224 Trudeau's Gender Equality minister spent $82,000 interviewing minors on menstruation

>>123237 Liberals pledge taxpayer funds to “chemsex” awareness

>>123248 Catholic school board votes against motion to prohibit radical LGBT flag at district schools

>>123275 Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews that the new York University workshop sounds 'ominous.'

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deaba1 No.123875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183540 (151412ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Mike Pence clashes with Tucker Carlson in Iowa, ABC pulls it

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Great Exchange, Exposes Covid Hoax and ABC Doubles Down…

Mike Pence clashes with Tucker Carlson in Iowa


Twice during the chat, Hutchinson told Carlson to stop interrupting him. Another tense moment came when Carlson asked, "How many COVID shots did you take, and how do you feel about it now in retrospect?"

"How many COVID shots did you take?" Hutchinson quipped back.

"Zero," Carlson said to applause. "I can see you recoiled when I asked you that question."

Carlson has repeatedly promoted false claims concerning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

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deaba1 No.123876

File: 403f8385225b7a2⋯.png (99.81 KB,1887x817,1887:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183577 (151426ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Mike Pence clashes with Tucker Carlson in Iowa, ABC pulls it

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That didn't last long!

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deaba1 No.123877

File: 23a3183dd608c28⋯.png (975.04 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183640 (151446ZJUL23) Notable: LNG industry leaders urge Canada to seize global demand or risk being left behind

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LNG industry leaders urge Canada to seize global demand or risk being left behind


As liquified natural gas (LNG) industry leaders from around the world gather in Vancouver for the LNG 2023 conference to discuss the future of the global market, Canada is being urged to take a leading role in supplying the world with the essential energy source.

Facing a gas deficit for the next decade in Europe as a result of disruptions caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experts are pointing to the growing long-term demand being signalled by Asian economies.

According to Petronas CEO Muhammad Taufik, the “high-quality” LNG being produced in Canada is highly sought after and Canada only needs to step up to the plate.

“[The Asian economies] will want this high-quality LNG. I can tell you already that my marketing and trading team are already delivering — or have already delivered — carbon-neutral LNG, and there have been customers who are specifically asking for carbon-abated cargoes,” said Taufik. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123878

File: 95c8107626ab6dd⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: eea4b0cc81b4440⋯.png (78.79 KB,508x757,508:757,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183728 (151511ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Majority of Canadians oppose state sanctioned media

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Majority of Canadians oppose state sanctioned media


Public distrust in government-funded media sources grows while younger generations are increasingly disavowing traditional nightly news watching.

Recently released data from pollster Angus Reid shows that most Canadians oppose the funding of newsrooms, citing concern over comprised journalistic independence.

The polling showed that 59% of Canadians responded that the government should not fund newsrooms; 83% of those opposed were conversative voters, 48% were liberal and 38% were NDP. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123879

File: e1b7223bd344fe2⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183743 (151515ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Premiers condemn Ottawa's 'Just Transition' on electricity, energy

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Premiers condemn Ottawa’s 'Just Transition' on electricity, energy


Wrapping up their annual three-day conference Wednesday, Alberta's premier opposed Ottawa's plans to reduce carbon emissions.

Canada's premiers met in Winnipeg this week, concerned by the cost of 'green energy' policies.

Wrapping up their annual three-day conference Wednesday, they opposed some of Ottawa's plans to reduce emissions. Some laid the clean fuel regulations and clean electricity regulations as threats to the country's competitiveness, leaving consumers and businesses to pick up the tab.

"It just seems to be a pile-on of additional costs," said New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs. "Let's get some recognition for the impact this has on everyday lives."

"The impact of the Clean Fuel Standard is unknown," added Newfoundland Premier Andrew Furey.

"When you ask the federal minister…what impact will this have? He admittedly says it won't be zero but doesn't understand the true impact on the economy of Newfoundland and Labrador." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123880

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183790 (151523ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Exclusive Interview: Brian Jean, Albert's Minister of Energy and Minerals (video)

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Exclusive Interview: Brian Jean, Alberta’s Minister of Energy and Minerals


Alberta has some of the most ethical oil in the world, not only environmentally, but also in terms of human rights conditions, labour standards, and the wealth generated for first nations communities. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123881

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183837 (151538ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / From Naomi to Nicholas: a journey of detransitioning and faith (video)

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From Naomi to Nicholas: a journey of detransitioning and faith


Nicholas, who lived for 18 years as a woman, believes that instead of receiving 'gender-affirming' care that quickly, which guided him down a path to medical mutilation and dysphoria, he should have received psychological help to work through the trauma he experienced as a child. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123882

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183902 (151550ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Alberta ranchers and farmers talk rising food costs and carbon tax (video)

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Alberta ranchers and farmers talk rising food costs and carbon tax


Whether it be cattle ranchers or pig farmers, the people we spoke with at the Calgary Stampede time and time again shared that they simply could not afford to keep feeding their animals the way things were going, and many shared that they have been forced to sell off livestock as a result. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19183926 (151557ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Jim Caviezel Responds to Fake News Smears in Interview With General Michael Flynn “I Do Not Fear You at All, You Should Fear God”

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Powerful: Jim Caviezel Responds to Fake News Smears in Interview With General Michael Flynn “I Do Not Fear You at All, You Should Fear God”


The Gateway Pundit reported on Jim Caviezel’s passionate and fiery speech on Steve Bannon’s War Room, where he railed against the media, federal agencies, and what he believes to be a corrupt global elite during promotions for the film ‘Sound of Freedom.’

Caviezel joined General Michale Flynn to address warnings he has received after shining light on the “three letter agencies that have gone along with this wickedness” and the smears directed at him, and the film, from the far-left mainstream media.

Caviezel did not hold back Continue...

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deaba1 No.123884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184000 (151617ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Tucker's Question Gets Round of Applause as He Grills Asa Hutchinson on Veto of LGBT Bill (video)

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Tucker’s Question Gets Round of Applause as He Grills Asa Hutchinson on Veto of LGBT Bill


It’s been said that elections have consequences. Actions candidates have taken in the past also have consequences.

That was demonstrated Friday when Tucker Carlson took Republican presidential candidate Asa Hutchinson to task for his 2021 veto of a bill prohibiting transgender procedures on minors.

The normally affable former governor of Arkansas was uncomfortable and clearly irritated when Carlson — himself demonstrating courtesy and restraint — continually pushed through Hutchinson’s politico-speak responses to ask why he had refused to stop the use of harmful procedures on children.

The key word in the Carlson-Hutchinson exchange at the presidential forum of Blaze Media’s Summit was “treatment,” with Hutchinson saying he vetoed the bill because it did not allow ongoing treatment of children already undergoing transgender procedures. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184029 (151622ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Mike Pence clashes with Tucker Carlson in Iowa, ABC pulls it

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WOW! Tucker Carlson Just Ended Mike Pence’s Entire Career (VIDEO)


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deaba1 No.123886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184039 (151625ZJUL23) Notable: Tucker Watches in Disbelief as Nikki Haley Says Basement-Dwelling, Baby-Sniffing Joe Biden Legitimately Got 81 Million Votes

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Tucker Watches in Disbelief as Nikki Haley Says Basement-Dwelling, Baby-Sniffing Joe Biden Legitimately Got 81 Million Votes (VIDEO)


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deaba1 No.123887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184101 (151639ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Mike Pence clashes with Tucker Carlson in Iowa, ABC pulls it

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Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines (VIDEO)


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deaba1 No.123888

File: d749283464b9f1f⋯.png (608.69 KB,500x972,125:243,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4002a8288a98a65⋯.png (62.27 KB,500x200,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184211 (151710ZJUL23) Notable: 'Help' Or 'Harm' - Visualizing Global Sentiment On AI

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'Help' Or 'Harm' - Visualizing Global Sentiment On AI


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary force with the potential to transform many aspects of our daily lives.

So understanding how the average person feels about this technology is essential as it integrates further into society.

In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist's Alan Kennedy and Sabrina Fortin, using data from Lloyd’s Register Foundation, we explore the findings of the World Risk Poll 2021: A Digital World. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123889

File: c36e9d53915171a⋯.png (583.24 KB,744x447,248:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184285 (151733ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Justin Trudeau's Political Prisoners

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Justin Trudeau’s Political Prisoners


Gord Macgill, Trucker – NEWSWEEK July 12, 2023

It’s been 18 months since Canada’s Freedom Convoy rocked the world, when truckers from all corners of Canada descended on Ottawa to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s vindictive and punishing vaccine mandates. The three-week long protest was a joyous expression of human solidarity in the face of two years of ginned up moral panic and psychological warfare perpetrated against Canadians by their own government, and the shockwaves were felt throughout the world—both from the power of the protest and the vicious response to it by Trudeau. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123890

File: c60c7e11d862aa0⋯.png (400.04 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184553 (151839ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 8 months pregnant Ontario nurse faces dismissal for refusing mandatory COVID shot

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8 months pregnant Ontario nurse faces dismissal for refusing mandatory COVID shot


Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre condemned LHSC for their decisions and called on medical organizations to end vaccine mandates amid the nationwide staff shortage in healthcare.

A pregnant Ontario nurse about to be fired for refusing the COVID vaccine is appealing to keep her job, amid a nursing shortage across the country.

This weekend, Sandra Hartman, 35, pleaded with London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) chief executive Jackie Scleifer Taylor at a public forum to allow her to keep her job as the eight-month pregnant nurse faces dismissal for refusing the COVID vaccine.

“At this point, we’re past… needing it,” Hartman said, according to the London Free Press. “I’m hoping for a change, but that could take time. It could take years. As CEO, I think she would have the authority to change it.”

In 2021, Hartman was placed on maternity leave and then unpaid leave after she refused to take the experimental COVID vaccine.

Hartman’s union, the Ontario Nurses Association, has now informed her that she will be fired this week if she fails to comply with vaccine mandates, despite evidence that the vaccines are dangerous for pregnant women.

However, CEO Taylor seems to have little sympathy for Hartman who served at LHSC for 12 years, saying the hospital is merely following policy guidelines from public health officials. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123891

File: 2dd9b0f1243006c⋯.png (518.06 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19184838 (151933ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Pro-freedom group's petition asks Alberta gov't to halt pastor Artur Pawlowski's sentencing hearing

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Pro-freedom group’s petition asks Alberta gov’t to halt pastor Artur Pawlowski’s sentencing hearing


Action4Canada founder Tanya Gaw said Pawlowski told her that 'if I go down, Canada will cease to have freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of association.'

The pro-freedom group Action4Canada has launched a petition asking that Alberta government officials drop an upcoming sentencing hearing against Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski, who in May was found guilty of mischief and breaching a release order after he gave a sermon to truckers in 2022.

Titled “Withdraw Crown’s Incarceration Sentencing of Pastor Artur Pawlowski,” the petition asks that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, provincial Minister of Justice Mickey Amery, and Crown Prosecutor Steven Johnston stop its sentencing hearing against the pastor. The petition has nearly 6,000 signatures at the time of writing.

Pawlowski will hear his sentencing verdict on August 9 at 11 a.m. local time at the Court of King’s Bench, in Lethbridge, Alberta. According to Pawlowski, he faces up to 10 years of jail time total if found guilty. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123892

File: 53e27a9edfd722b⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19185358 (152103ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Instagram blocks Rebel News pages in response to C-18

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Instagram blocks Rebel News pages in response to C-18 - Rebel News


In response to the Liberal government's shakedown on behalf of failing media companies Meta, the parent company of both Facebook and Instagram, has begun blocking Canadian sites from some users. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123893

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19187175 (160056ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Newfoundland Brings The Fight Right To Their Premier Andrew Furry's Front Door! (video)

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Newfoundland Brings The Fight Right To Their Premier Andrew Furry's Front Door! - Leave The Kids Alone No More Sexualization Of Our Children! - The Parents Have Spoken!


Follow Dana Metcalfe/Raven News Here Help Share Her Work: (Twitter) https://twitter.com/DanaMetcalfe5?t=CNeIPfH5XFzseILl3Jmqhw&s=09

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deaba1 No.123894

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19189769 (161457ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Global Health Debt Trap With James Corbett + James Roguski (video)

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Global Health Debt Trap With James Corbett + James Roguski


James Corbett and James Roguski return to ‘Good Morning CHD’ with Dr. Meryl Nass to chronicle the latest on the WHO and global control efforts.

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deaba1 No.123895

File: 27834ea395dde1c⋯.png (865.05 KB,2048x1129,2048:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190377 (161706ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Young Men in Ukraine Hide in Fear of Being Sent to Die: "My Friends Were Trained for 5 Days and Sent to Donetsk"

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Young Men in Ukraine Hide in Fear of Being Sent to Die: “My Friends Were Trained for 5 Days and Sent to Donetsk”


Gateway Pundit reported that Russia claims Ukraine has suffered 26.000 casualities in one month of its failed “counter-offensive.” Now, even war hawk Foreign Policy magazine concedes that young men in Ukraine are being pressed into military service with no training and sent into the ”meat grinder“ in Donetsk. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123896

File: 6f18343c811f9b5⋯.png (594.57 KB,1024x567,1024:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190409 (161712ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / More Than 50 Heads of State Met in Paris for the "Summit for a New Global Financing Pact"

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While You Were Distracted: More Than 50 Heads of State Met in Paris for the “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact”


"Although the summit received little to no reporting from the American media, it was the latest effort to reset the international financial system..."

Despite a blackout by the American media, the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact brought more than 50 world leaders to Paris for a meeting which is sure to have far reaching consequences for the world.

On June 22 and 23, President Emmanuel Macron welcomed 50 heads of state, representatives of NGOs and civil society organizations to Paris for the “Summit for a New Global Financing Pact.” Although the summit received little to no reporting from the American media, it was the latest effort to reset the international financial system as part of the continued push towards the 2030 Agenda and “net-zero” goals.

The French government stated that the objective of the gathering was to “build a new contract between [the global] North and South” which will better equip the nations to fight poverty and climate change. The summit was attended by US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123897

File: 45de31de9ddd078⋯.png (669.58 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b197369c73eeaa2⋯.png (582.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a8b86326619991⋯.png (765.34 KB,1336x752,167:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190497 (161729ZJUL23) Notable: Final Wildfires Bun / Canadian wildfire smoke slowly invades US again, impacts air quality for nearly 70 million Americans

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Canadian wildfire smoke slowly invades US again, impacts air quality for nearly 70 million Americans


Montana through Minnesota was reporting Unhealthy air quality levels Sunday. Additionally, air quality levels ranging from Moderate to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups were being reported across the Northern Plains through parts of the Midwest. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123898

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19190969 (161902ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Rally in Mississauga by the Muslim community against gender ideology being pushed on children (video)

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Rally in Mississauga by the Muslim community against gender ideology being pushed on children. Speaker says “We need the Christian community, the Muslim community, and the Jewish community. All communities have to stand together on this!”


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deaba1 No.123899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196063 (171710ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Jeff Taylor: TRUE cost of net zero! (video)

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TRUE cost of net zero!


Now, here's something the eco-loons will never tell you - and it's dynamite!

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deaba1 No.123900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196161 (171724ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ukraine Front Line is a Horror. Genocide. Slaughter, Says Irish Rambo Who Is Leaving after 17 Months

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Ukraine Front Line is “Horror. Genocide. Slaughter”, Says Irish “Rambo” Who Is Leaving after 17 Months


Sky News international correspondent John Sparks spoke to an Irish volunteer, Rhys Byrne, who has been fighting on the frontline in the east of Ukraine for 17 months and is now leaving Ukraine “due to witnessing atrocities,” Sparks reports. Byrne called the fighting he witnessed “horrific.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123901

File: 7de21ab3928edc1⋯.png (1003.01 KB,2000x1076,500:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196265 (171741ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Discusses The Censorship Of Independent Media

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Independent Media Speaks Truth To Power • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Discusses The Censorship Of Independent Media


As an independent journalist and by running Truth11.com for the past 18 years, I have first hand experience with the censorship complex.

For speaking the truth to power we have been blacklisted on Google, shadow banned on facebook, shut down on vimeo, shut down on twitter, (and still are, despite Musk's claim to be a free speech guru). Truth11.com has been shut down on wordpress after 17 years. Our traffic after that attack has been drastically reduced as 14,000 articles were not able to be transferred over to the new site here. We had 15,000 subscribers before wordpress shut us down, and on the new site we have regained only a few hundred so far.

We have been attacked, they have tried to shut down our our business model. It has affected our income, our reach and the thousands of articles of truth have been made unavailable due to these attacks.

All because we speak truth to power.

We have rebuilt and have posted over 2500 articles on the new site.

We are independent media speaking truth to power because the truth must be told.

You deserve to know the truth, and armed with the truth we stand united.

The truth has set us free.

Thank you to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for understanding what independent media has endured and for your acknowledgement of our efforts.

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deaba1 No.123902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197348 (172157ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Trudeau booed at Indigenous games opening ceremony

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Trudeau booed at Indigenous games opening ceremony


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was loudly booed during an appearance to open the 2023 North American Indigenous Games in Halifax.

Videos of the incident are being shared on social media showing Trudeau’s unwelcome reception before his speech. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123903

File: e49a9d1cbcbe9db⋯.png (810.14 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 95d3f1d24a251f5⋯.png (343.93 KB,670x787,670:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197432 (172217ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Elon Musk mocks Trudeau over gender ideology comments

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Elon Musk mocks Trudeau over gender ideology comments


Billionaire Elon Musk mocked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for blaming the “American right wing” for Muslim communities opposing gender ideology being taught in schools.

Musk shared his thoughts on Twitter by replying with the clown emoji to a New York Post story on Trudeau’s comments. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123904

File: 6d0885d8d5e484a⋯.png (480.32 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197510 (172235ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Federal emission targets "unachievable" without "drastic reduction" in fertilizer use: report

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Federal emission targets “unachievable” without “drastic reduction” in fertilizer use: report


Contrary to claims by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the Liberal government is not asking farmers to decrease their fertilizer use, a new report concluded that it would be impossible to achieve the 30% fertilizer emission reduction target without drastic cuts to fertilizer use.

The University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy report titled Planning to Fail: A Case Study of Canada’s Fertilizer Based Emission Target said that while the target was laudable, the voluntary targets failed to take into account regional conditions and could not be achieved unless Canadian farmers are willing to jeopardize their economic viability.

“The proposed target (is) unachievable without drastic reductions in nitrogen fertilizer use,” wrote the report’s authors. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123905

File: 0595031dff8822a⋯.png (2.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197524 (172240ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Mendicino's wife held shares in a Ukraine war defence contractor, says ethics filing

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Mendicino’s wife held shares in a Ukraine war defence contractor, says ethics filing


Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino’s wife held an 'undisclosed number' of shares in Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leading arms supplier to Ukraine. Following the Russian invasion, stock in the company jumped 39%. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123906

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197568 (172248ZJUL23) Notable: Who's the real anti-Semite? George Soros vs. Viktor Orban (video)

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Who's the real anti-Semite? George Soros vs. Viktor Orban


Ezra Levant compares the legacy media's portrayal of two famous Hungarians: billionaire investor George Soros and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123907

File: 224b05d82cbacb1⋯.png (3.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19197600 (172254ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ottawa to launch 'pathway to permanent residency' for Ukrainians in the fall

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Ottawa to launch 'pathway to permanent residency' for Ukrainians in the fall


While over 1.1 million Ukrainians have applied for temporary residency in Canada, at least 800,000 visas have been approved as of July 1. Of that, about 166,000 Ukrainians have come.

Ukrainian refugees who sought temporary refuge in Canada can now seek permanent residency starting in the fall.

On Saturday, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser highlighted preliminary details of the initiative Ukrainians have asked about for months.

Commencing on October 23, Ukrainians with temporary resident status and who fled the Russian invasion of their home country can apply for permanent residency, permitting they already have at least one family member in Canada who has Canadian citizenship or is also a permanent resident.

"As we continue to witness the devastating impact of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's illegal invasion, we stand resolute in our condemnation of this senseless violence," Fraser told reporters. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123908

File: 31013080a810ed2⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200668 (181509ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Guilbeault wants plan on 'phasing out' fossil fuels before upcoming U.N. Climate Summit

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Guilbeault wants plan on 'phasing out' fossil fuels before upcoming U.N. Climate Summit


Environment ministers from France, Germany, Spain, Ireland and others endorsed a 'rapid decline of fossil fuel production and use within this decade.'

Canada's environment minister hopes to commit further to 'phasing out' fossil fuels at the next U.N. climate summit.

At COP28, Steven Guilbeault wants to eliminate fossil fuel projects without a mechanism to reduce carbon emissions.

"We can make COP28 the first COP to acknowledge the need to phase out unabated fossil fuels," he told reporters following a climate action meeting in Brussels.

COP, or the Conference of Parties, hosts annual meetings on 'climate change.' The 28th annual conference is in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) this December.

When the meeting concluded, several countries supported a climate diplomacy bloc, the High Ambition Coalition, calling for "an urgent phase out from fossil fuels."

Environment ministers from France, Germany, Spain, Ireland and others endorsed a "rapid decline of fossil fuel production and use within this decade." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123909

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200872 (181544ZJUL23) Notable: Ratio'd: Trudeau's Canada: Migrant tent cities take over Toronto (video)

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Ratio’d | Trudeau’s Canada: Migrant tent cities take over Toronto


A large group of asylum seekers have been camping out on the sidewalk in downtown Toronto for weeks as shelter space has reached capacity. One third of shelter occupants in Toronto are migrants. Despite this clear sign that Toronto does not have the capacity to welcome more migrants, nothing seems to be changing.

Is this the life they envisioned when Justin Trudeau told them that Canada welcomes them?

The unforuntate situation that these migrants are in – most of whom are from Africa – is compounded by politicians using their plight as political leverage to secure more funding for the city or to offload a federal responsibility to the province and the city.

Throughout all of this, Canadians are struggling like never before. Millions of Canadians are earning less than minimum wage and need a government check to pay for food. Many Canadians can’t afford to live in the cities they grew up in.

On this episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner went down to this migrant encampment in Toronto and spoke directly to them to figure out what is going on.

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deaba1 No.123910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201173 (181630ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dying of Influenza: 2023 Will be Deadliest Flu Season. Why COVID-19 Vaccinated Young Australians Are Dying of the Flu, and How Their Deaths Will be Used to Push New mRNA Influenza Vaccines (video)

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Dying of Influenza: “2023 Will be Deadliest Flu Season.” Why COVID-19 Vaccinated Young Australians Are Dying of the Flu, and How Their Deaths Will be Used to Push New mRNA Influenza Vaccines


COVID-19 mRNA vaccines damage the immune system and gut microbiome, and now healthy young adults and kids are dying from the flu.

Their deaths plastered all over the mainstream media is no accident. Big pharma is desperate to put out new Influenza mRNA vaccines on the market, and they need receptive customers.

The propaganda push is on. Last year’s flu season in North America we had the “tripledemic” which, we are told, is here to stay as the new normal. Each year. Vontinue...


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deaba1 No.123911

File: 71fdd4f8df0a04f⋯.png (239.63 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201648 (181747ZJUL23) Notable: Canada changes Access to Information rules to require proof of citizenship to file request

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Canada changes Access to Information rules to require proof of citizenship to file request


The new requirement could create longer delays for inquiries to be processed by the federal government.

Canadians looking to obtain public records via Access to Information requests from federal government departments are now mandated by law to show identification proving they are a citizen or a permanent resident.

Delays in obtaining an Access to Information request are already commonplace. As it stands now, Canadians looking to obtain records via Access to Information requests from federal government departments could be waiting years now for information due to the new rules. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123912

File: 4e04e8790dfb6fe⋯.png (533.68 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201801 (181819ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi calls medical board's hearing over opposition to COVID jabs a "kangaroo court"

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Dr. Mark Trozzi calls medical board’s hearing over opposition to COVID jabs a ‘kangaroo court’


The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario's Discipline Tribunal concluded Monday, but a decision is not expected for several weeks.

Canadian Dr. Mark Trozzi said that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) trial that was convened due to his outspokenness against COVID-19 vaccines and government mandates was nothing more than a “kangaroo court”-style trial.

On Monday, the CPSO’s Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT) heard final arguments against Trozzi to decide whether to take away his medical license. The CPSO is expected to take several weeks to render its ultimate verdict. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123913

File: 0c9b79d3d417157⋯.png (252.46 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201895 (181841ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi exhorts Canadians to courageously resist COVID narrative pushed by globalists

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Dr. Mark Trozzi exhorts Canadians to courageously resist COVID narrative pushed by ‘globalists’


'We are going to have to fight everywhere; everyone’s got to hold their ground,' the physician said.

Dr. Mark Trozzi says “now” is the time for Canadians to be “courageous” and stand together to “fight” back to regain Canada’s institutions considering how many good medical doctors and others who dared speak out against the COVID narrative and injections have been recently canceled.

“We are going to have to fight everywhere; everyone’s got to hold their ground,” Trozzi said in an interview with LifeSiteNews.

“If you don’t fight, you lose this fight,” he said. “In other words, if somebody is stabbing you in the back, and you say I don’t want to be in a fight, well, it doesn’t matter, you are in a fight.”

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deaba1 No.123914

File: 89374a1279d106b⋯.png (427.36 KB,946x530,473:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202111 (181922ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi Targeted for Speaking the Truth

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Dr. Mark Trozzi Targeted for Speaking the Truth


Grant Stinchfield Calls Out CPSO for Unfair Review Processes as Dr. McCullough Served as Key Expert Witness

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Hard hitting news anchor Grant Stinchfield called out the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for unfair review procedures in the case of Dr. Mark Trozzi, an emergency physician with an excellent clinical track record. The College spent hours trying to discredit Dr. McCullough in the witness chair and would not put a single substantive question to Dr. McCullough about Dr. Trozzi’s clinical practice or care of COVID-19 patients.

The CPSO closed out their last day of of the trial while Trozzi has been suspended from practice for 6 months. The College has intentionally delayed proceedings to cause huge fines, greater loss of income, and destroy Dr. Trozzi’s ability to keep his career on track. This investigation should have taken a few days at the first instance of an issue raised by CPSO.

Please watch this 10-minute interview where Stinchfield has Dr. McCullough give some key updates on autopsies of COVID-19 vaccine victims and much more.

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deaba1 No.123915

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202203 (181944ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Dr Peter McCullough Enters Canada's Fight (video)

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Dr Peter McCullough Enters Canada’s Fight


Following his July 12th testimony in the CPSO versus Trozzi spectacle, Dr McCullough spoke with Derek Sloan, Attorney Michael Alexander, and Dr Mark Trozzi

Last week on July 12th 2023, Dr Peter McCullough testified in the CPSO versus Trozzi “hearing”. The CPSO is unlawfully working to revoke my license to provide ethical medical care to the people of my province. They have done this and are doing this to all the good physicians who maintained our oaths and stood against the covid agenda, and warned of the dangers of the toxic misrepresented experimental covid-19 genetic injections. In their current hearings against me, the CPSO use underhanded tactics to suppress science, deny the injection carnage, and gas light the public.

Dr McCullough’s attendance in these hearing was monumental. He is one of the most qualified covid-19 medical experts in the world. Despite that, the CPSO lawyers worked hard in an effort to “disqualify” him from speaking. They badgered and abused him, with a complete lack of courtesy or respect. The CPSO judgement panel tolerated the abuse of the witness and over-ruled many objections raised by Michael Alexander JD. However, Dr McCullough was not dismayed by their arrogance; he is extremely knowledgeable and articulate regarding the realities of covid and the injections. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123916

File: f9786357c6cfc23⋯.png (835.96 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202446 (182040ZJUL23) Notable: Final Farmers and Food Bun / Gov-funded program finalists include edible insect, human composting businesses

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Gov-funded program finalists include edible insect, human composting businesses


Among the top 10 start-up businesses selected for a pitch contest by the government-funded organization Innovation Factory are Canadian businesses that specialize in “human composting” burial practices and edible insect meat alternatives.

According to a press release by Innovation Factory, whose funding partners include both the governments of Ontario and Canada, the start-ups chosen are Bug Mars and AWAKE. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202617 (182110ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / "Dictatorship of ideas Fox News" Laura Ingraham blasts Trudeau's gender ideology comments

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“Dictatorship of ideas,” Fox News’ Laura Ingraham blasts Trudeau’s gender ideology comments


Fox News host Laura Ingraham took a jab at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for lecturing Muslim parents that an “American right-wing” influence was to blame for their opposition to gender ideology.

Parents across Canada have taken to the streets in recent months to protest overtly sexual materials and LGBTQ content being pushed in schools.

Ingraham criticized the prime minister for claiming that Muslims were “brainwashed” and also for his government’s various scandals.

“We’re not about to take moralistic lectures from people who allow China to directly influence their elections or to push more people to kill themselves or turn truckers into public enemies,” said Ingraham.

“Trudeau is a rather silly, fatuous man who touts multiculturalism but really wants a dictatorship of ideas. Anyone who challenges his sacred cows may be cancelled, punished or even in some cases, jailed.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123918

File: 64d364c4319c07c⋯.png (766.58 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19202678 (182118ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Parent claims child sex offender offered to drive children home from autism centre

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OPP warn that child sex offender lives at daycare for kids with autism


The Ontario Provincial Police are warning residents in Essa Township that a man convicted of child sex crimes lives at a childcare centre for kids with autism.

According to the OPP press release, 42-year-old Lauriston Charles Maloney “has regular access to” Beating the Odds child care.

“Maloney is a convicted sex offender with several prior convictions, which include human trafficking of children,” wrote the OPP.

According to OPP Sgt. Jason Folz, Maloney has 16 criminal charges related to trafficking minors for sex.

“It’s a total of 16 criminal charges related to human trafficking and trafficking of minor age children, which has put him on the sex offender registry,” Folz told Global News.

Despite the past convictions, Maloney has no court orders which prevent him from accessing children.

“Members of the public are reminded that, although Maloney does present a safety risk, his rights are guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” wrote the OPP.

“As such, the Nottawasaga OPP will act to protect these rights if they are infringed.”

According to authorities, a decision was made to release a community warning following a “careful review of the offender as it relates to issues of public safety.”

“The Police Services Act permits the commissioner of the OPP, the local chief of police, or his/her designate, to make public notification regarding high-risk offenders in the community if the community’s safety will be enhanced by the release of the offender’s personal information,” wrote the OPP.

True North reached out to the OPP and Beating the Odds for comment regarding Maloney but did not receive a response by the deadline.

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deaba1 No.123919

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19203739 (190324ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Sheila Annette Lewis has likely returned to the organ transplant list, after being denied life-saving surgery over her COVID-19 jab status (video)

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Sheila Annette Lewis has likely returned to the organ transplant list, after being denied life-saving surgery over her COVID-19 jab status


Parties involved have now signed a deal satisfactory for Sheila, her lawyer details.

Previously, Alberta Health Services denied Sheila Annette Lewis the life-saving organ transplant she needs to survive her terminal condition, after doctors tried to force her and her family to take multiple COVID shots but were refused.

This legal battle saw a publication ban put in place, preventing the names of doctors, the hospital in question, and the organ she needs to survive, from being identified. The Supreme Court sided with the doctors via the dismissal of her Charter violations case, which she brought forward with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. She was forced to pay the legal fees of AHS and the doctors involved.

With time running out, Ms. Lewis began searching for international hospitals to perform this transplant, as most do not have the same COVID shot measures, especially considering her natural immunity to COVID, something her doctors in Alberta refused to test for. The costs of getting this transplant internationally were estimated at over $500,000 USD, which supporters rapidly began crowdfunding for through a GiveSendGo campaign.

In addition to her international health-care pursuit, after the Supreme Court dismissal Ms. Lewis launched a new lawsuit against AHS for medical malpractice, with Umar Sheikh of Sheikh Legal serving as her representation.

We interviewed Umar, who informed us of a breaking development: Ms. Lewis and the parties involved have now signed a deal satisfactory for Ms. Lewis. Because this is a confidential agreement, there were limits to what Umar could address. To hear the rest of that interview, watch the video in this report. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123920

File: de711025544531d⋯.png (514.55 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 097a13dd33941ee⋯.png (364.9 KB,503x790,503:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205344 (191423ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / New petition calls on SK gov to defund Planned Parenthood following "sex cards" controversy

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New petition calls on SK gov to defund Planned Parenthood following ‘sex cards’ controversy


Social conservative group RightNow has started a petition demanding that the Saskatchewan government defund Planned Parenthood after the organization made sexually explicit cards available to grade 9 students.

Planned Parenthood was suspended from presenting in schools over the cards, but continues to receive funding from Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Health. It has received over one million dollars from the province in the past three years. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123921

File: 43982446651d578⋯.png (771.91 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205347 (191426ZJUL23) Notable: Hells Angels in control of BC ports?

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Hells Angels’ control of BC ports


Thousands of port workers, including scores of Hell Angels, their associates, gangsters, and other criminals across British Columbia, are set to resume strike activity after failing to ratify a tentative deal that was reached through federal mediation.

More than 7,400 workers from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) had walked off the job from July 1 until July 13 over issues like port automation, outside contracting and the increasing cost of living.

Depending on the tightness of their security passes, though, the majority of Hells Angels and other criminals are banned from parts of the port where sensitive and expensive cargo is being held.

The union and the B.C. Maritime Employers Association had agreed to a tentative four-year deal last Thursday morning to end the shutdown, and the workers were expected to be back on Friday.

The deal, however, ultimately fell through. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123922

File: 7051d5575b088e1⋯.png (1.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ff80f3220f73847⋯.png (322.07 KB,512x757,512:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205362 (191431ZJUL23) Notable: Trudeau's families minister attends U.N. Summit on Agenda 2030

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Trudeau's families minister attends U.N. Summit on Agenda 2030


The 'Sustainable Development Goals' represent a 15-year global framework to end poverty, combat climate change, and bolster the 'lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.' All 193 U.N. members adopted the framework in 2015.

Canada’s families minister is attending the United Nations forum on sustainable development this week, emphasizing economic recovery from the COVID pandemic.

She will represent Canada as part of its continued pursuit of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“As we cross the halfway mark of the 2030 Agenda, reporting and collaborating on our progress is more important than ever,” said Minister Karina Gould on Monday.

“The Government of Canada will continue to work to advance the Sustainable Development Goals by working with partners at home and abroad to build a sustainable future where no one is left behind.”

The forum commenced on July 17 thru 19, where state dignitaries will discuss the “effective and inclusive recovery measures to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” and explore “actionable policy guidance for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at all levels.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205371 (191432ZJUL23) Notable: Inside the Nazi/Communist 'House of Terror' in Budapest (video)

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Inside the Nazi/Communist 'House of Terror' in Budapest


Ezra Levant visits a museum honouring the victims of both Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's Communists, sharing his thoughts on the uniqueness of this Hungarian cultural site. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123924

File: f5f0f576de2c199⋯.png (584.73 KB,735x479,735:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 7006ec676620d30⋯.png (181.61 KB,612x1118,306:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205398 (191439ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Why NATO was Obsessed with Ukraine and is Now in a Panic

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Why NATO was Obsessed with Ukraine and is Now in a Panic


To answer the question in my title you need only look at two numbers — 1) Ukraine’s rank in terms of natural resources and 2) the size of Ukraine’s Army in February 2022. Since the end of World War II the West has viewed Ukraine as a critical piece on the global chess board for attacking and defeating Russia. The joint CIA/MI-6 effort to destabilize the Soviet Union, which started in 1947 with the provision of funds, weapons and training to Stefan Bandera’s organization, was crushed by the Soviets by 1952. It was shortly after that, following the death of Stalin in 1953, that Khrushchev gifted Crimea to Ukraine (1954). Was it a reward for Ukrainian assistance in wiping out the CIA-backed OUN uprising? Continue...

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deaba1 No.123925

File: 8004e0d26165803⋯.png (1.16 MB,1388x779,1388:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 88b7152fcddce04⋯.png (1.27 MB,1385x777,1385:777,Clipboard.png)

File: aa848b9bdec811b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1387x779,73:41,Clipboard.png)

File: cde75045800895d⋯.png (1.25 MB,1385x775,277:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 961e1db850a44ce⋯.png (1.28 MB,1384x779,1384:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205550 (191518ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

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Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota


The U.S. State Department is conducting an “active outreach campaign” to “neutralize Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention,” Russian bioweapons chief Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov charged in a Russian Defense Ministry presentation July 14.

The International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) in Astana, Kazakhstan plays a key role in the censorship of claims about US bioweapons in Ukraine, Kirillov charged, together with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S. consulting firm in Kiev run by Atlantic Council Eurasia Center senior fellow Brian Mefford.

The contract between ISTC and Wooden Horse “provides for the posting of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the monitoring of ‘pro-Russian’ publications on this topic appearing online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access”, Kirillov claimed. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123926

File: 9aea1dd51312652⋯.png (285.54 KB,500x455,100:91,Clipboard.png)

File: bc65141b0a42ae7⋯.png (323.67 KB,607x732,607:732,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cc1bbd43135ba9⋯.png (458.72 KB,612x788,153:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 74f17c6623acba0⋯.png (263.93 KB,500x435,100:87,Clipboard.png)

File: a439cad3c50e3cb⋯.png (226.91 KB,500x470,50:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205654 (191540ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Canadian PM Trudeau Corners Himself Between His Enthusiasm For Trans & Muslims

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Canadian PM Trudeau Corners Himself Between His Enthusiasm For Trans & Muslims


The needle on my schadenfreude meter jumped so hard to the right that it’s stuck there in red zone, where my soul is endangered by excessive pleasure in the suffering of another. It must be because I find Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau such a phony doofus, pretending to be a model of unpretentious tolerance while destroying the civil liberties of his opponents (as in the brutal repression of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy demonstrations against his extreme Covid lockdown).

The former high school drama teacher certainly loves role playing, including costumes, as in his notorious familial cosplay during a trip to India 5 years ago that was so over the top that many locals felt uncomfortable:

But last month he found himself caught between his urges to pander to the trans movement on the one hand, and his longstanding desire to be perceived as the champion of Muslims in Canada, a position that enables him to criticize and demean believing Christians as intolerant bigots.

But there is a slight problem that just won’t go away. Believing Muslims don’t want their children indoctrinated in schools with ideology being pushed by the trans movement in North America. Just over three weeks ago, Canadian Muslims demonstrated outside his office in Ottawa, as reported by the Post Millennial: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123927

File: 5f4d54be167a826⋯.png (135.46 KB,737x607,737:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 73e440c2cb7ee0d⋯.png (25.37 KB,500x230,50:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dff5628474df86⋯.png (33.99 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b99e37d9230896⋯.png (34.14 KB,500x294,250:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205704 (191549ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Meta's Threads 'Bombs' As Daily Active Users Halved

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Meta's Threads 'Bombs' As Daily Active Users Halved


The hype surrounding "Threads," the new social network launched by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has collapsed. Threads has unraveled so quickly that new data shows active users have been halved.

Threads launched in the US on July 5 and reached over 100 million sign-ups by that weekend. Shortly after, Zuckerberg wrote in a post, "Can't believe it's only been five days!"

Zuckerberg appears to have prematurely taken a victory lap because early last week, we noted data from SensorTower and SimilarWeb showing an exodus of users and a plunge in engagements. The note was titled Threads Unravels: So-Called 'Twitter Killer' App Sees Exodus Of Users, Plunge In Engagement.

New data from SimilarWeb shows the exodus has worsened. As of last Friday, daily active users on the app collapsed from 49 million to 23.6 million in a week. Usage in the US peaked on July 7 at about 21 minutes of engagement. By Friday, that number plunged to just six minutes. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123928

File: 7a5a58d5672cd97⋯.png (2.19 MB,2000x1197,2000:1197,Clipboard.png)

File: 5057c68697c04a6⋯.png (379.29 KB,640x632,80:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205741 (191558ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Artur Pawlowski was found guilty and faces 10 years in prison for delivering sermons to truckers blocking the US-Canada border last year

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We Cannot Allow These Mad Emperors To Run Mad • Artur Pawlowski was found guilty and faces 10 years in prison for delivering sermons to truckers blocking the US-Canada border last year


Son of Canadian pastor gets standing ovation in EU Parliament as he slams PM Justin Trudeau for taking 'freedom and democracy' away from citizens - as his father faces jail time for sermon to truckers blocking US-Canada border last year

Artur Pawlowski was found guilty and faces 10 years in prison for delivering sermons to truckers blocking the US-Canada border last year

Nathaniel Pawlowski, 23, spoke on behalf of his father at EU Parliament on July 4

Pawlowski remains under house arrest as he awaits a court date on August 9

The son of a Canadian pastor who faces jail time for preaching to truckers who blocked the US-Canada border last year received a standing ovation in EU Parliament as he slammed PM Justin Trudeau for taking 'freedom and democracy' away from citizens.

Nathaniel Pawlowski's father Artur Pawlowski potentially faces 10 years in prison after he delivered a 19-minute speech to truckers who were protesting federal vaccine mandates by blocking the border in early 2022.

'I am here today in desperation, a cry for help,' Pawlowski, 23, told members of the EU Parliament on July 4. 'I would like to stand here and tell you all the things about freedom and democracy that I like, but I no longer know those things.'

‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌ 'They have been taken away from us Canadians. Canada has fallen.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123929

File: f013ae5abe6deeb⋯.png (333.41 KB,1736x1244,434:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205792 (191612ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / 13 Nations Agree To Engineer Global Famine By Destroying Agriculture, Saying That Producing Food Is Bad For The Planet

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13 Nations Agree To Engineer Global Famine By Destroying Agriculture, Saying That Producing Food Is Bad For The Planet


We are now being told that producing food is bad for the planet. To “save” the planet, globalists insist, farms must be shut down across the globe.

Under the guise of reducing “methane emissions,” thirteen nations have signed a pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms. Announced earlier this year by the Global Methane Hub — a cabal of crisis engineers who exploit public panic to destroy the world food supply — those thirteen nations are:

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the United States, and Uruguay.

Imagine no meat production from Australia, Brazil and the USA. This is the goal of the globalists. And they admit it’s all part of the climate fraud which has been thoroughly exposed as a quack science hoax, by the way. As Luis Planas, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food says,

“I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate.”

“Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions,”

warns Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub. She is saying that farming is destroying the planet. Hence, their demand to shut down farms. Without farms, you have no food. And without food, you get exactly what Kamala Harris called for over the weekend:

“Reduced population.”

The depopulation agenda is no longer even a secret. They are bragging about it. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123930

File: a1e561a8d624755⋯.png (514.97 KB,1177x671,107:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 60a2df3b6444157⋯.png (512.54 KB,696x465,232:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 140760862ec292c⋯.png (368.93 KB,696x808,87:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205824 (191619ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Banderite Nazi Massacres WW2 Until The Present

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Banderite Nazi Massacres WW2 Until The Present


Lord of the Underworld: Meet the Paratrooper from North Carolina who Helped Orchestrate the War in Ukraine

During their investigation, the FBI found evidence of routine, serious war crimes committed by Task Force Pluto members inside Ukraine. Leaked documents show the FBI requested detailed information from the Ukrainians on alleged crimes as ghastly as rape, human trafficking, production of child pornography, pillaging, torture and even beheading of POWs.

The FBI maintains an open investigation on many of the Task Force’s members, including Lang and Boyenger. No results have been released, and no action has been taken against anyone except Craig Lang. At least one of the members, Santi Pirtle, joined the U.S. Army upon his return to America and is currently an active-duty soldier based in Louisiana. It appears that Boyenger’s saga has gone full circle. The terrorist tactics he learned from Col. Steele in Iraq and taught to Task Force Pluto have been refined in Ukraine and are now being passed on to a new generation of U.S. Army soldiers. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123931

File: 928496c24d5a90d⋯.png (243.38 KB,741x565,741:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19205838 (191623ZJUL23) Notable: Final Wildfires Bun / 370 Wildfires Burning in BC - 225 OUT of CONTROL - Situation now Critical

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RED ALERT: 370 Wildfires Burning in BC – 225 OUT of CONTROL – Situation now Critical


Prepare for another round of toxic smoke. BC is burning up!

This is the worst year for fires on record for the province of BC. It has been very dry and the winds are expected to pick up late this week. Eastern Canada and the US could soon be blanketed in smoke again. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123932

File: 5c8f0739aaabbd9⋯.png (709.48 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19206000 (191659ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Full five part video collection of 2023 in person Dr Trozzi interviews with Druthers (link)

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Druthers | Dr Trozzi Talks | Series


Full five part video collection of 2023 in person Dr Trozzi interviews with Druthers.

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deaba1 No.123933

File: 3382392cf4df659⋯.png (664.94 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 49a13b2ff0311c1⋯.png (473.21 KB,676x765,676:765,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a6fe5115393cef⋯.png (237.16 KB,511x797,511:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19207293 (192023ZJUL23) Notable: Ontario teacher berated Muslim students for skipping "Pride Day"

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Ontario teacher berated Muslim students for skipping ‘Pride Day’


An elementary school teacher in Windsor, Ontario was caught on tape berating Muslim students for skipping the school’s LGBTQ pride day, telling them their abstention was “disgusting” and “an incredible show of hatred” that made her not want to be their educator.

The Northwood Public School teacher’s long tirade came amid reports of a very high absence rate at the school on its pride day. According to Life Site News, approximately 600 out of the school’s 800 students stayed home – a 75% absentee rate.

True North exclusively obtained a recording of the incident, which took place in June.

This is not the first instance of a teacher lashing out at Muslim students for not participating in LGBTQ pride activities. An Edmonton teacher came under fire after being recorded making similar remarks. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123934

File: 8c26b3ffab5e1d4⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208042 (192207ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / B.C. supply chain unit wasted nearly $30 million on 'low quality' PPE during COVID pandemic

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B.C. supply chain unit wasted nearly $30 million on 'low quality' PPE during COVID pandemic


An internal audit notes the unit discarded $16 million worth of PPE 'due to quality issues' and an additional $13 million that 'expired throughout the year.' It did not include the millions of dollars wasted by the health sector on PPE. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123935

File: 64d364c4319c07c⋯.png (766.58 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: b059fc6cc750107⋯.png (676.57 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211490 (201310ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Parent claims child sex offender offered to drive children home from autism centre

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Parent claims child sex offender offered to drive children home from autism centre


Parents who showed up to protest outside of the autism centre where convicted child sex offender Lauriston Charles Maloney lives are contradicting recent statements made by him to the media that he has “no interaction” with the kids.

Beating the Odds child care is owned by his spouse Amber Maloney. The couple recently told the media that she and her staff were the only ones interacting with the children at the centre.

Lauriston Maloney and Amber Maloney were arrested on Wednesday morning. The couple was charged with multiple offences relating to recruiting, exercising control, exploitation, assault, forcible confinement, and financial benefit from committing a crime.

Despite Maloney’s arrest, many question why he was allowed to be near children, given his status as a registered sex offender.

In an interview with True North’s Harrison Faulkner, parent Laureli Barrett claimed that Maloney, who has been convicted of 16 charges related to trafficking minors, offered to drive her son home from the facility one day. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211491 (201311ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Parent claims child sex offender offered to drive children home from autism centre

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deaba1 No.123937

File: 11ee57e542d5457⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fccb17f121756c⋯.png (748.87 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be6828e1255b99⋯.png (229.95 KB,400x300,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211675 (201347ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Feds, provinces denounce 'illegal' B.C. port strike as union rejects federal deal

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Feds, provinces denounce 'illegal' B.C. port strike as union rejects federal deal


The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU) rejected the four-year agreement despite proposed wage hikes exceeding the 10% increases workers received over the past three years.

Thousands of B.C. port workers have resumed their contentious strike after union reps rejected a tentative agreement received last week.

Rob Ashton, the president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU), denounced the four-year agreement as "far too long" given future economic uncertainties in the industry.

They rejected the deal despite the proposed wage hikes exceeding the 10% increases workers had received over the past three years.

As of 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, more than 7,400 workers returned to the picket lines at 30 port terminals across the province.

Federal Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan called the renewed strike action "illegal," as the union failed to give 72-hour notice before striking, according to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). Continue...

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deaba1 No.123938

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211808 (201409ZJUL23) Notable: How Hungary has evolved from its Communist past (video)

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How Hungary has evolved from its Communist past


Ezra Levant reflects on stories from Hungary's past and how the country has changed since the fall of the Soviet Union Continue...

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deaba1 No.123939

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19211950 (201434ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Tornado Destroys Pfizer Facility in North Carolina, One of the Largest Sterile Injectable Facilities in the World (video)

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Tornado Destroys Pfizer Facility in North Carolina, One of the Largest Sterile Injectable Facilities in the World (VIDEO)


God has a sense of humor.

A tornado wreaked havoc on a Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on Wednesday, causing extensive damage to the facility known for its production of medical supplies for hospitals worldwide.

The National Weather Service reported that the tornado, which touched down near the town at approximately 12:30 p.m., was classified as an EF3, with wind speeds reaching up to 150 mph. This extensive power resulted in significant damage to a key building at the pharmaceutical plant.

One Pfizer employee described the tornado’s rapid onset to ABC11, stating it happened in a span of 60 to 90 seconds, giving little time to react.

First, the lights flickered inside the facility and then it sounded like a “bomb went off,” according to the employee. He and his group promptly ran to a designated safety area. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123940

File: bf84b43e8b6fe2f⋯.png (1.34 MB,2372x1326,1186:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212017 (201455ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Long Vax: Attempt To Trivialize Deadly Consequences of Covid-19 Vaccination And Give More Credence To Alleged Condition "Long Covid" AKA Hypochondria

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Long Vax’ • An Attempt To Trivialize The Deadly Consequences of Covid-19 Vaccination And Give More Credence To The Alleged Condition ‘Long Covid’ AKA Hypochondria


Governments now believe there’s a link between COVID-19 Vaccines, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement & Immune System Degradation.

Since late 2021, official Government reports have indicated the Covid-19 vaccine severely damages the immune system with the potential to cause some new form of Covid-19 vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among people who have received multiple injections.

The claims were furiously denied by the mainstream establishment despite the fact it was their data that blatantly outlined this was the case. But rather than prove otherwise most Government agencies just decided to stop publishing the damning data instead.

However, almost two years later, the authorities have quietly decided to begin an investigation into Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement after scientists around the world, including many from Harvard and Yale, were forced to admit a debilitating suite of problems have been appearing hours, days or weeks after a Covid-19 vaccine has been administered.

But they have thus far decided to dub the condition ‘Long Vax’ in an attempt to trivialize the deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination and give more credence to the alleged condition ‘Long Covid’ which is otherwise known as hypochondria. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123941

File: 29ca8a86d0321fc⋯.png (1.97 MB,2000x1113,2000:1113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212128 (201530ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / The Asinine Insanity of the Climate Change/C02 Hoax

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The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax


Kill the Cows To Save the Earth?


“Experts Agree: Not only is the sky falling but we’re all going to die from global warming. SUVs are a major culprit, and have been contributing to rising sea levels according to climate expert, Chicken Little. Colleague, Algore, speaking during a blizzard, agreed with Little.”

I must preface my comments here with sane logic, so as to ward off the absurd idiots who have bought hook, line, and sinker, the madness of the mainstream media, the political class, the non-science ‘scientists,’ the fake environmental whackos, the evil UN, the illegitimate IPCC, and the staged marketing of the ever-pathetic rantings of the once teenage bimbo ignoramus, Greta Thunberg, about man’s normal activity destroying the ‘planet.’ It is just not so!

Yes, the climate on earth changes on a regular basis. Yes, extreme weather conditions are seemingly present more often than not considering the near past. Yes, warming and cooling takes place over time, and has for millions, (or billions) of years. Yes, particular humans, (government, malevolent ‘scientists,’ NGOs, and the military, among many other nefarious individuals and organizations) can manipulate weather to harm us, but no; driving an SUV cannot kill us all. I present this as a purposeful affront to the evil liars, propagandists, depopulation monsters, eugenists, and technocrats, who desire to rule the earth at the great expense of all common men and nature. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19212442 (201645ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / "QAnon Shaman" Jacob Chansley Has Mind-Bending Chat With Michael Knowles

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‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley Has Mind-Bending Chat With Michael Knowles


“QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley, dressed in the iconic costume he wore on January 6, sat down with Daily Wire host Michael Knowles for a mind-bending chat, his first extended interview since serving 27 months in prison for his involvement in the Capitol riot.

The 35-year-old Chansley, who on January 6 roamed the Capitol in a two-horned helmet and face paint while carrying a spear with an American flag attached, opened up to Knowles on politics, spirituality, and dove head-first into the ideology behind “Q,” which he insisted was a creation of the highest levels of U.S. military intelligence.

“Q is a psychological operation, okay?” Chansley claimed, adding that such operations spring from the dark web by forces out to establish a new world order. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123943

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216712 (211325ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Press for Truth: Masks Are OUT At In-N-Out Burger While The Tour de France Brings Them Back!!! (video)

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Masks Are OUT At In-N-Out Burger While The Tour de France Brings Them Back!!!


To masks or not to mask has been a contentious issue ever since mandatory policies began during the early stages of the global plandemic and 3 years later the issue is still being debated.

The In-N-Out burger chain has recently imposed a new policy that would bar employees from wearing face masks while working and a college town in Idaho has recently agreed to pay $300,000 to 3 churchgoers who sued the city after they were arrested for not wearing a mask OUTSIDE!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) masking debate that continue to rage on 3 years after it first became an issue.

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deaba1 No.123944

File: 89553231d9f6500⋯.png (823.67 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 94296eeb4b3f912⋯.png (159.54 KB,808x830,404:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216745 (211332ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Another Ontario University hiring faculty based on race

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Another Ontario University hiring faculty based on race


The University of Guelph’s (U of G) Department of Sociology and Anthropology is looking to hire a new assistant professor – but eligible applicants must “identify” as black or Indigenous.

The recruitment is part of the university’s Black and Indigenous Hiring Initiative, a $3.6 million “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” (EDI) program.

The job posting for the Assistant Professor in Sociological Criminology found on U of G’s website notes that “the Department seeks applicants with teaching interests in the area of racialization, crime and social control, and an active, clearly articulated international, comparative, and/or domestic research agenda that critically engages this area”

The successful candidate will teach four courses in the undergraduate program in Criminal Justice and Public Policy and the graduate program in Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy. They will also be provided the opportunity to develop new courses in their area of specialization.

Those interested in the position must be “qualified individuals who identify as persons of Black African or Caribbean descent and/or Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, Métis, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian).” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216788 (211346ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Ratio d: The Canadian justice system has COLLAPSED (video)

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Ratio’d | The Canadian justice system has COLLAPSED


Everything in Canada seems broken, but the most striking sign is the fact that our government appears to be holding political prisoners in jail as repeat violent offenders roam the streets.

Thanks to the Trudeau’s government’s woke catch-and-release bail policies, the Canadian justice system has collapsed.

As Freedom Convoy organizers and supporters get the book thrown at them, violent criminals and even convicted sex offenders are released into the public.

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deaba1 No.123946

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216811 (211354ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Aloof senior health official faces scrutiny over COVID-related health strategies (video)

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Aloof senior health official faces scrutiny over COVID-related health strategies


A Health Canada senior executive responsible for authorizing and prioritizing novel COVID injections over repurposed drugs is facing scrutiny over her competency at a labour board tribunal.

A federal labour board tribunal hearing is examining grievances filed by two federal public services employees who were put on leave without pay for objecting to COVID-19 workplace vaccine mandates.

The federal service employees are having their grievances heard by the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board. They are being represented by Bernard Desgagné, as reported by the Epoch Times.

The employees had their salaries withheld and were also denied employment insurance — a phenomenon that happened across the country to those were found to be in non-compliance with newly and harshly instituted COVID-19 workplace mandates, which one lawyer referred to as arbitrary and cruel.

As detailed by the Epoch Times, the federal mandate was in effect from October 2021 until June 2022.

Desgagné cross-examined one of Health Canada’s top bureaucrats, Celia Lourenco, on July 13 about the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. He questioned Lourenco as to why official Canadian data showed that on average there were 321 COVID-19 cases among public servants per month, a number that skyrocketed to 3,297 cases — a 1000% increase — after the mandate came into effect.

Aloof Dr. Lourenco is quoted as saying she “wasn’t aware of that data.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.123947

File: 74fcb5e5e0bca8c⋯.png (138.27 KB,600x181,600:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19216909 (211423ZJUL23) Notable: Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required Whether You Like It Or Not

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Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’


This is no longer talked about in futuristic terms; it’s a current reality that will soon be forced on all of humanity.

I’ve been saying for nearly three years now that the beast system is based on the world’s people accepting two technological components offered up by the Luciferian globalist elites: A globally recognized digital ID to replace the cards in your wallet and a globally recognized digital money to replace the cash in your wallet. The two together will comprise the foundation of the punitive global beast system.

In a hat tip to Slay News, we learned the following today: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123948

File: 2daaf623e6199ab⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19223021 (221752ZJUL23) Notable: Final Wildfires Bun / Emergency responder deaths prompt response from Ottawa on raging wildfires

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Emergency responder deaths prompt response from Ottawa on raging wildfires


This wildfire season has been especially ferocious — the worst in recorded history. Thousands of fires have culminated in scorching over 110,000 square kilometres of land from coast to coast.

After a series of emergency responder deaths during a devastating wildfire season nationwide, the federal government has assured Canadians it is doing everything it can to prevent further tragedy.

As of Thursday, four wildfire-related deaths have been reported, including a downed helicopter pilot in northwestern Alberta who died upon impact.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is "heartbroken to hear that another Canadian fighting wildfires has lost their life."

Adam Yeadon, 25, also died last week while fighting a wildfire near Fort Liard in the Northwest Territories. While no details have emerged on the cause of death, family members said he passed after suffering an injury from a fallen tree.

Two days earlier, firefighter Devyn Gale, 19, died after a tree fell on her near Revelstoke, B.C. The province's Coroners Service and the BC Wildlife Service are investigating her death.

"Our thoughts go out to the family, friends and loved ones of the two firefighters who've lost their lives," Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault told reporters. "We mourn their death but celebrate what they were doing and their dedication to their communities and countries." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123949

File: 858f5517dad3220⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19223062 (221802ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Retired RCMP officer charged with foreign interference, allegedly worked as 'third-party' for Chinese police

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Retired RCMP officer charged with foreign interference, allegedly worked as 'third-party' for Chinese police


The RCMP claim William Majcher, 60, 'allegedly used his knowledge and his extensive network of contacts in Canada to obtain intelligence or services to benefit the People's Republic of China.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123950

File: e0944313458c772⋯.png (965.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19223097 (221810ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Federal Court of Appeal dismisses constitutional challenge to 'contentious' ArriveCAN app

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Federal Court of Appeal dismisses constitutional challenge to 'contentious' ArriveCAN app


According to the Justice Centre, some plaintiffs willingly disclosed their vaccination status through other means. They all shared privacy concerns about ArriveCAN potentially sharing their personal medical information widely with other government agencies. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123951

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19223349 (221917ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Woman sounds the alarm about gender-confusing anatomy lessons taught in BC schools (video)

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Woman sounds the alarm about gender-confusing anatomy lessons taught in BC schools


Instead of clearly explaining the differences between male and female anatomy, the kids would be taught about reproductive systems with 'gender-inclusive language,' which includes blurring which sex has which body part ie. referring to a male as 'a person with outside genitals.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123952

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19223441 (221940ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / “People are only punished for telling the truth…and no one is punished for lying"- Tucker Carlson (video)

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“People are only punished for telling the truth…”


"...and no one is punished for lying"- Tucker Carlson.

Since the launch of covid-19, Canada’s top ethical scientists, journalists, nurses, doctors and others; and our experiences with ministers of health, administrators of universities, medical colleges, and state funded propagandists, are fine examples of what Tucker Carlson articulates so well here in 2 minutes. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123953

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227186 (231437ZJUL23) Notable: Press for Truth: Unmarked Graves Investigation Comes Up EMPTY, No Criminal Activity Found (video)

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Unmarked Graves Investigation Comes Up EMPTY, No Criminal Activity Found!! Surprise Surprise 🙄


Mounties say after a yearlong investigation into potential unmarked graves detected in a western Manitoba First Nation, they have not found any evidence pointing to criminal activities.

Churches were burned, national holiday’s were created and lies about Canada being “systemically racist” were perpetuated.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the lie that thousands of Canadian school children were purposely murdered in a mass genocide.

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deaba1 No.123954

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227235 (231450ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Andrew Lawton: On C2C: How PCR tests and flawed death counts stoked pandemic fears (video)

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On C2C: How PCR tests and flawed death counts stoked pandemic fears


A new essay in C2C Journal by researcher Gleb Lisikh dives into the world of pandemic data manipulation, unravelling the shocking truth of how flawed interpretation of Covid-19 tests and exaggerated death counts led to a staggering overestimation of the pandemic’s severity. Lisikh joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to break down the numbers and shed light on the crucial lessons to be learned before any future crisis unfolds.

“Making a Pandemic: A Simple Meat & Potato Recipe” by Gleb Lisikh can be read here.

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deaba1 No.123955

File: 347881de8d44673⋯.png (347.1 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227256 (231454ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Principal pays ultimate price for taking on woke school board

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Principal pays ultimate price for taking on woke school board


Long-time Toronto District School Board principal Richard Bilkszto took on the aggressive anti-black racism bullies at the board and paid the ultimate price for doing so.

Humiliated by a race “expert” hired by the board to preach anti-black racism dogma, left hung to dry by his peers and cancelled by his TDSB superiors, the celebrated principal took his own life last week.

“There is no question that these events and the lack of support from the TDSB caused him intense stress and mental suffering,” said his lawyer Lisa Bildy, who called him a “highly accomplished leader in the field of adult education” over a 24-year career.

Bilkszto just filed a $750k lawsuit against the board alleging beach of contract, defamation of character and reprisal by the board’s senior administrators after he was repeatedly labelled a “white supremacist,” shamed and humiliated at two anti-racism indoctrination sessions run by Kike Ojo Thompson and her KOJO Institute.

The lawsuit has yet to be served on the board, says Bildy, adding that it’s up to his family to decide whether to continue. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123956

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227325 (231507ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Andrew Lawton: Parents unite against gender ideology in schools (video)

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Parents unite against gender ideology in schools


Justin Trudeau has positioned himself in a contentious spot, caught between gender ideology and the concerns of Muslim parents. As the debate over educational curriculum grows, Muslim families have united with other faith-based and non-faith groups to rally against growing threats to parental rights. RightNow co-founder Alissa Golob joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss how this controversial issue has managed to garner consensus amongst vastly diverse groups in Canadian society.

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deaba1 No.123957

File: 5280ad32782055c⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227371 (231515ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / B.C. mourned 184 fatal overdoses last month, says provincial data

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B.C. mourned 184 fatal overdoses last month, says provincial data


Fentanyl, or one of its analogues, caused 90% of illicit drug deaths recorded in June. Of the fatal overdoses reported this year, B.C. linked 85% of deaths to fentanyl.

Western Canada is mourning their dead in droves following another fatal month for overdose victims.

The B.C. Coroners Service (BCCS) reported 184 deaths caused by illicit drugs, according to the latest monthly data on the ongoing overdose crisis — over 1,200 this year alone.

In a year-over-year comparison, the death toll jumped 17% from last June and 2% higher than in May.

Of most deaths recorded this year, 57% happened in the Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health authorities. Vancouver, Surrey and Greater Victoria experienced the highest toxic drug fatalities.

Since April 2016, drug overdoses have killed 12,264 people in B.C. and over 32,000 people nationwide. Health Canada blamed fentanyl for the overwhelming majority (76%) of those deaths. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123958

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227458 (231531ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Multiple Publications bans and disclosure issues in Coutts 4 case, 4 to be back in court July 25 (video)

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Multiple Publications bans and disclosure issues in Coutts 4 case, 4 to be back in court July 25


There have been multiple publication bans and disclosure issues in the Coutts 4 case, in which four men have spent 524 days in pre-trial custody after their arrests in early 2022

It has been 524 days since Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Chris Lysak, and Jerry Morin, were arrested and charged during the Coutts Blockade.

Multiple publication bans have been issued, and the crown prosecutor continues to fail to provide timely and complete disclosure. Those involved will be in court next week, but it will likely take much longer than that for these men to no longer be held in pre-trial custody. The four men were supporters of the Coutts Blockade and attended the 18-day peaceful demonstrations, which blocked the largest international border crossing Alberta has with the United States.

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deaba1 No.123959

File: 0d3723e46d01d67⋯.png (197.06 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227594 (231559ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Eight Important Facts,Not Opinions, That Totally Debunk the Human–Caused Global Warming Hypothesis

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Eight Important Facts – Not Opinions – That Totally Debunk the Human – Caused Global Warming Hypothesis


1) The Global Warming “crisis” was once a global cooling “crisis”! In the 1960s, the weather started cooling off from the

decades of warming that caused the 1930s dust bowl. But while the earth was cooling, the percentage of CO2 was rising at the same time. Carbon dioxide and overpopulation were blamed.

This Time Magazine cover is the tip of the iceberg. There were hundreds of articles and books predicting an ice age by the turn of the century. But when temperatures began to rise again in the 1980s, the climate fear mongers told us that the carbon dioxide we were emitting was causing the earth to warm up! In the same year Meryl Streep hosted a PBS documentary entitled, “Race to Save the Planet”. It predicted that by the year 2000 the world’s average temperature would be four degrees warmer. None of this happened. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123960

File: 5639f5967f219f3⋯.png (143.82 KB,517x782,517:782,Clipboard.png)

File: aecfb17d3ecae86⋯.png (63.68 KB,677x755,677:755,Clipboard.png)

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File: c73c83c72a4bebd⋯.png (140.08 KB,508x696,127:174,Clipboard.png)

File: 92ce2651d171153⋯.png (241.34 KB,505x781,505:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227714 (231624ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Makes It Official: Twitter Undergoes Major Rebranding with New Name and Logo

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Elon Musk Makes It Official: Twitter Undergoes Major Rebranding with New Name and Logo – Changes Likely to be Unveiled Today


On Saturday, billionaire Elon Musk officially announced that Twitter, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, is undergoing a complete rebranding, including a change in both its name and logo.

Earlier this year, court documents reveal that social media giant Twitter Inc. merged with a newly formed entity, X Corp., and relocated its incorporation to Nevada.

The unexpected disclosure came to light when Laura Loomer shared a court filing pertaining to her case against Twitter, Facebook, and other social media giants.

“Pursuant to Rule 7.1 (a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the undersigned counsel for Defendant X Corp., as successor in interest to named Defendant Twitter, Inc., hereby states that Twitter, Inc. has been merged into X Corp. and no longer exists,” the court documents stated.

“X Corp. is a privately held corporation. Its parent corporation is X Holdings Corp. No publicly traded corporation owns 10% or more of the stock of X Corp. or X Holdings Corp.,” it added. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123961

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19229582 (232309ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / This is what the world thinks of Trudeau (video)

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This is what the world thinks of Trudeau


Canada is living under the violent oppressive dictatorship of Castro's evil son.

Here is another giant for the heap of Trudeau crimes against humanity, and sociapathic megalomania.

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deaba1 No.123962

File: 4e45edec4a4e867⋯.png (246.53 KB,500x363,500:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 981988feabbe19a⋯.png (120.93 KB,736x737,736:737,Clipboard.png)

File: cdc2f0da3a53376⋯.png (351.23 KB,732x801,244:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fec2d69829a52d⋯.png (109.7 KB,500x291,500:291,Clipboard.png)

File: a5871dd1e072cb7⋯.png (38.59 KB,500x326,250:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19232220 (241358ZJUL23) Notable: OpenAI's Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin' Token To Distinguish Humans From Bots

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"It's Time" - OpenAI's Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin' Token To Distinguish Humans From Bots


Last week we presciently discussed the somewhat dystopian outlook for an iris-scanning 'World ID' project to identify every human online:

“Something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [you are human] on the internet, whether you like it or not,” WorldCoin CEO Alex Blania said.

Over the weekend that threat (or promise) became a reality as Worldcoin, a project partly created by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, launched the project’s ecosystem token on July 24.

The project provides a decentralized and private way to verify human identity online amid the rise of artificial intelligence technologies. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123963

File: 4fa5bcd6c2283d7⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x818,600:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e0954082346c01⋯.png (130.11 KB,846x277,846:277,Clipboard.png)

File: b990f0346c8af7c⋯.png (179.84 KB,878x824,439:412,Clipboard.png)

File: ac7ba1825d53d04⋯.png (121.13 KB,1200x840,10:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c31759fabe589c⋯.png (171.7 KB,1200x869,1200:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19232460 (241505ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation confirmed as architects of Deagel.com 2025 Depopulation Forecast

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CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation confirmed as architects of Deagel.com 2025 Depopulation Forecast


And Current Mortality Rates imply Covid Vaccination has made it a target that could be hit

In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.

One such intrigue revolves around Deagel.com, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.

We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and The Rockefeller Foundation.

And current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

The Man Behind Deagel Continue...

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deaba1 No.123964

File: f5ec00b3b360c1a⋯.png (297.84 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

File: c8518cd2126f8cd⋯.png (205.22 KB,610x359,610:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19232854 (241621ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Trudeau gov’t funding vaccine passports until 2026

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Trudeau gov’t funding vaccine passports until 2026


Even though the World Health Organization (WHO) has said the pandemic is finished, the Trudeau government planned to spend millions on a vaccine passport program until 2026.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, a memo from the department of Health said it needed money to support government measures “as needed going forward.”

“The purpose of the funding is to ensure the continued provision of the Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination credentials both as a health record and to facilitate mobility in the context of international travel as well as support the application of public health measures as needed going forward,” said the memo Supplementary Estimates (C).

The memo is from March 23, which is almost a year after the last rules about vaccine passports were removed. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123965

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19234414 (242036ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / B.C. still enforcing vaccine mandate for healthcare workers (video)

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B.C. still enforcing vaccine mandate for healthcare workers


British Columbia remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, despite facing numerous legal challenges. In 2022, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms initiated a legal challenge aiming to eliminate the requirements entirely, which will be heard in November. JCCF lawyer Charlene Le Beau joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the case and the implications it could have on individual rights and healthcare system integrity.

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deaba1 No.123966

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19235255 (242321ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Reproductive health needs to be protected from predatory Big Pharma marketing forces (video)

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Reproductive health needs to be protected from predatory Big Pharma marketing forces


A grassroots group of health professionals has launched a campaign to protect pregnant women from COVID boosters, denouncing the categorization of pregnancy as high risk for COVID-19. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238403 (251447ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Press for Truth: The Truth about the letter X That Musk DOESN’T Want You To Know (video)

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The TRUTH About THE LETTER X That Musk DOESN’T Want You To Know!!!


It is no secret that Elon Musk is obsessed with the letter X, he owns SpaceX, he called one of his cars the model X, he started and owns X.com, he named one of his sons X and his parent company ruling them all is called X Corp.

But why has he chosen this symbol and what could it possibly mean?

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth takes a deep dive looking into the letter X, it’s use in pop culture and its esoteric meaning among those who are familiar with ancient Babylon and their ideas of “transformation”.

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deaba1 No.123968

File: 69182eb56fa6400⋯.png (616.26 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238432 (251453ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans commentator speaks out against mandating pronouns, denying biology

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Trans commentator speaks out against mandating pronouns, denying biology


Transgender commentator Julia Malott says she opposes compulsory gender pronoun use and believes it isn’t good for trans people to deny their biological sex. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123969

File: 29797b8af067142⋯.png (695.56 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: f076efc3f5dd975⋯.png (97.26 KB,812x726,406:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238453 (251458ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Man stabbed in broad daylight near Toronto drug injection site

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Man stabbed in broad daylight near Toronto drug injection site


Toronto Police say a man is facing non-life threatening injuries after being stabbed in broad daylight near a drug injection site Monday.

The stabbing took place at Yonge-Dundas Square and Victoria St. following an altercation between three men.

The site of the stabbing is near Toronto Public Health’s drug injection site, called “The Works.”

Police say the two other men involved in the implication fled the scene.

Monday’s stabbing marks the latest violent incident to take place near a Toronto drug injection site this month.

On July 7th, 44-year-old Toronto mother of two Karolina Huebner-Makurat was killed by a stray bullet from a fight breaking out next to a Leslieville drug injection site. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123970

File: c7e1f4cd62e46fe⋯.png (774.67 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238484 (251507ZJUL23) Notable: Rural Ontario food banks report record uptick in new families accessing services

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Rural Ontario food banks report record uptick in new families accessing services


Food banks in rural Ontario are seeing a surge in new clients, including those from dual-income families.

In Simcoe County, several organizations meant to help those in need have seen a record rate of visitors.

According to Sharing Place executive director Chris Peacock, the trend shows no slowing down.

“We are forecasting to continue to see an upward trend in individuals accessing our services without a shadow of a doubt,” Peacock told the outlet Simcoe.com Continue...

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deaba1 No.123971

File: 993d6963f9b3ae4⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d3bdde1af225734⋯.png (255.38 KB,507x611,39:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238513 (251516ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Trudeau praises European Commission for leading charge against 'authoritarianism'

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Trudeau praises European Commission for leading charge against 'authoritarianism'


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says EU president Ursula Von der Leyen understands the threats posed by the Russia-Ukraine war well, including those posed by 'climate change.'

On Friday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presented European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen with the judicial equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

He provided ample praise for the commission's first female president on the final day of the World Law Congress — a function where jurists gather every two years to praise democracy and the rule of law. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123972

File: 44bd079127b0cf9⋯.png (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c1030c542f898e⋯.png (140.91 KB,340x565,68:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238580 (251526ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / New NSICOP report criticizes Global Affairs Canada

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New NSICOP report criticizes Global Affairs Canada


‘The internal governance of the Department’s national security and intelligence activities is inconsistent, and in some areas completely absent.’

A scathing report released by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) on Global Affairs Canada (GAC) led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly details some harsh realities regarding the way intelligence is handled within the department responsible for overseeing Canada’s foreign affairs: ‘The internal governance of the Department’s national security and intelligence activities is inconsistent, and in some areas completely absent.’ Continue...

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deaba1 No.123973

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238689 (251546ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Trudeau Liberals studied ways to ban federal funding of groups 'unaccepting' of LGBTQ (video)

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Trudeau Liberals studied ways to ban federal funding of groups 'unaccepting' of LGBTQ


The Trudeau Liberals have also required organizations wanting to access federal summer jobs grant funding to swear an attestation to the Liberal's view on human rights, which includes LGBTQ rights, abortion access and gender theory.

The research done by the Privy Council Office involved LGBTQ organizations and activists who wanted to "reduce or rescind existing federal grants from any community organizations that were currently unaccepting of LGBTQ individuals."

Those community organizations would include faith-based ones.

The study's results, Continuous Qualitative Data Collection Of Canadians’ Views, were reported by Blacklock's Reporter Monday. The data showed the participants wanted to focus re-education efforts on parts of Canada that were more conservative in lifestyle, opinions and voting habits: Continue...

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deaba1 No.123974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238779 (251602ZJUL23) Notable: Taking the Sound of Freedom fight on Human Trafficking from film to action (video)

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Taking the Sound of Freedom fight on Human Trafficking from film to action


Now that the movie and those who share it continue to spread the vital anti-child sex slavery message, what steps can the average person take to fight against such horrors?

Whether you view the film as God's work or a QAnon conspiracy, it's undeniable that the underdog box office hit "Sound of Freedom" has raised significant awareness about an evil many in society had become complacent about living in our society.

But now that the movie and those who share it continue to spread the vital anti-child sex slavery message, what steps can the average person take to fight against such horrors?

To help answer that question, I bring you an interview with Cathy Peters, the founder of the "Be Amazing Campaign to Stop Sexual Exploitation." Continue...

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deaba1 No.123975

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238847 (251614ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Corporate sports is more concerned with ESG scores than scores on the field (video)

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Corporate sports is more concerned with ESG scores than scores on the field


One of the most recent examples involved former Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass, who was let go by the team after he reposted a video calling for boycotts of brands like Bud Light and Target. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123976

File: d8c5c0dfe19ea6b⋯.png (1.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19238876 (251621ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canadian government to blame for 'major pandemic failures,' new series in influential medical journal says

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Canadian government to blame for 'major pandemic failures,' new series in influential medical journal says


The editorial calls for an independent, official inquiry into Canada's handling of COVID-19, in order to review public health failures and draw proper conclusions for future public health emergencies.

A new series of articles in the influential British Medical Journal devotes itself to critiquing Canada's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including failures in long-term care homes and commitments to global vaccine equity. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123977

File: 29b12da0159114c⋯.png (2.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7968aa6ae8096ac⋯.png (123.32 KB,818x665,818:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19239035 (251651ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Hearing continues for four men charged in Coutts blockade

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LIVE UPDATES: Hearing continues for four men charged in Coutts blockade


Anthony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Christopher Lysak, and Jerry Morin were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder in February 2022.

Ezra Levant is in Lethbridge, Alberta, where four men facing serious charges from the 2022 Coutts border blockade are having a hearing today. The men have been detained for over 500 days and are facing conspiracy to commit murder charges.

The four were first arrested after a police raid on the Coutts blockade on February 15, 2022. Rebel News reporter Sydney Fizzard has been following the case, most recently providing an update on issues surrounding publication bans and disclosure in the case.

The blockade protest came to an end shortly after the group's arrest. Public Order Emergency Commissioner Paul Rouleau found the protest in Coutts merited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's decision to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the demonstration, along with the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa.

Follow along below for updates from today's hearing:

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deaba1 No.123978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19239334 (251758ZJUL23) Notable: Von der Leyen explaining how WEF needs partners they can trust & trade with countries with same common principals & core values (video)

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Global Gateway


Von der Leyen explaining how WEF needs partners they can trust & trade with countries with the same common principals & core values. Ha! Yes .. we understand, don't we!?

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deaba1 No.123979

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19240951 (252333ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / The persecution of Dr Trozzi - Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson (video)

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The persicution of Dr Trozzi | Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson


Canadians and people everywhere have been coerced, poisoned, and cut-off from safe ethical healthcare; as medical regulators like the CPSO are persecuting all doctors who maintained ethics through covid.

On july 24, Canada’s beloved Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson hosted this conversation with Dr Peter McCullough, constitutional lawyer Michael Alexander, and myself, Dr Mark Trozzi. This was twelve days after Dr McCullough testified in the CPSO verses Trozzi “hearing” being ruled over by the CPSO. The proceedings were dramatic, the revelations were profound, and the implications are extensive. Everything is at stake in terms of our health, freedom, and survival. This is a Canadian story, but this is a global agenda. We are at the tip of the spear. Please apply your weight to the the spear, and help shove it through the heart of the criminal covid enterprise. Truth matter. Life is sacred. Human rights are non-negotiable.

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deaba1 No.123980

File: c17457c6095fb32⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241029 (252347ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Second former Mountie named 'co-conspirator' in Chinese interference case, few details emerge

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Second former Mountie named 'co-conspirator' in Chinese interference case, few details emerge


Though few details on the case have been disclosed publicly, Kenneth Ingram Marsh has been named a co-conspirator in the allegations along with former Mountie William 'Bill' Majcher. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123981

File: 624566facd29763⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 573c667d9e997fe⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241134 (260005ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Seven Cabinet ministers ousted by Trudeau

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UPDATE: Seven Cabinet ministers ousted by Trudeau


According to senior government sources, Justice Minister David Lametti, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and President of the Treasury Board Mona Fortier will also depart Cabinet after a tumultuous term in office. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123982

File: b8fa4da44b18f10⋯.png (991.36 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241188 (260014ZJUL23) Notable: Manitoba First Nation begins excavating 'unmarked graves' after year-long RCMP investigation

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Manitoba First Nation begins excavating 'unmarked graves' after year-long RCMP investigation


Pine Creek First Nation and Brandon University researchers will excavate 14 anomalies found underneath Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Catholic Church. While they found 57 additional anomalies around the church and residential school, the initial excavation will focus on the church basement. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123983

File: 861a4a5a1ed0851⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241327 (260039ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Liberals blew through nearly $340M on COVID jails

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Liberals blew through nearly $340M on COVID jails


The requirement to isolate upon returning from abroad was dropped on October 1, 2022, when border restrictions ended. At the time, the Public Health Agency of Canada was still managing 18 DFS in 14 cities nationwide. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123984

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241613 (260134ZJUL23) Notable: Alarming abuse and negligence continue to plague Quebec's Department of Youth Protection (video)

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Alarming abuse and negligence continue to plague Quebec's Department of Youth Protection


Not only is there a problem of sexual abuse, but it also goes undocumented. Some foster families view children as mere sources of income, perpetuating inadequate care and a deplorable environment for vulnerable and at-risk youth. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123985

File: a5f2e73e3a4a412⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19241844 (260207ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Guilbeault, G20 members fail to reach consensus on 'Just Transition'

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Guilbeault, G20 members fail to reach consensus on 'Just Transition'


The G20 convention failed to define “unabated” fossil fuels and 'renewable' energy. As a result, they issued an ‘outcome document’ that read: ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.’ Continue...

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deaba1 No.123986

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19244225 (261407ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Press for Truth: LeBron James' 18-Year-Old Son Suffers Heart Attack With Covid-19(84) Clot Shot Trending On X (video)

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LeBron James' 18-Year-Old Son Suffers Heart Attack With Covid-19(84) Clot Shot Trending On X!!!


On Monday, Bronny James, the eldest son of LA Lakers star LeBron James, suffered a heart attack during practice at USC.

The 18-year-old athlete in peak physical condition suddenly collapsed and according to a family spokesperson “"Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers what appears to be a general consensus on X (formally know as Twitter), that the Covid-19(84) vaccine caused this to happen.

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deaba1 No.123987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19244425 (261444ZJUL23) Notable: "I'm Beginning to Seriously Believe DC Is Run By Literal Demons" (video)

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Unreal VIDEO: I'm Beginning to Seriously Believe DC Is Run By Literal Demons


I speculated some time back at Armageddon Prose that the governing authorities in the West might be demonically possessed.

My speculation which was actually more tongue-in-cheek than sincere at the time was based on the explicable behavior of one WEF-backed Canadian technocrat Chrystia Freeland, a top lieutenant of Chinese dictatorship admirer Justin Trudeau.

But, these days, I'm coming around more and more to the possibility that it might literally be true.

Consider the following exhibition by an aide to Jeffrey Epstein acolyte Rep. Stacey Plaskett at a recent House hearing.

If there's a better explanation for what you see here, I'm all ears. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123988

File: f9d429a77ab5987⋯.png (2.41 MB,2000x1346,1000:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19244484 (261451ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / 44% Of Randomized Controlled Trials Produce Fake Or Flawed Data In Medical Journals, That Influence Medical Guidelines, Medical Interventions, And Doctor’s "Expert" Opinions

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44% Of Randomized Controlled Trials Produce Fake Or Flawed Data In Medical Journals, That Influence Medical Guidelines, Medical Interventions, And Doctor’s "Expert" Opinions


The randomized controlled trail (RCT) is regarded as the gold standard of medical research and is deemed a trustworthy vessel to present new scientific findings or to verify existing narratives that are published in medical journals. However, this so-called gold standard of medical research is often used to defraud the public and the medical profession, negatively influencing clinical practice, drug approvals, and medical interventions. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123989

File: 02fce80f60313ab⋯.png (867.4 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bba1bc51fe8723c⋯.png (654.65 KB,644x858,322:429,Clipboard.png)

File: a4a068dc4e72c2f⋯.png (1.12 MB,1053x1165,1053:1165,Clipboard.png)

File: e40a0d4d32ede31⋯.png (2.51 MB,1456x1099,208:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19244648 (261515ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / mRNA COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy: Women Are Dying Suddenly After Giving Birth • COVID-19 vaccines ARE NOT SAFE IN PREGNANCY

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mRNA COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy: Women Are Dying Suddenly After Giving Birth • COVID-19 vaccines ARE NOT SAFE IN PREGNANCY


US Obstetrician and Maternal Fetal Medicine expert with 44 years experience Dr.James Thorp and I have been raising alarms about the extreme dangers of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in pregnancy.

COVID-19 vaccines ARE NOT SAFE IN PREGNANCY. They were never studied for safety in pregnancy.

COVID-19 vaccines significantly increase risks to the pregnant mother, especially during labor and shortly after giving birth. Some of the outcomes are catastrophic.

In many such cases, these risks are from blood clots – pulmonary embolism, but also cardiac arrests, strokes and infections since COVID-19 vaccines severely damage the immune system of the mother, increasing risks of various infections that could lead to sepsis and septic shock.

These sudden deaths of new mothers are being covered up right now as health authorities continue to lie to pregnant women about COVID-19 vaccines being “safe” at all stages of pregnancy. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123990

File: 62a5fa69a241d76⋯.png (280.68 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 156cc5de3f30344⋯.png (510.11 KB,966x637,138:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 3461ebc246a6e89⋯.png (780.61 KB,1079x809,1079:809,Clipboard.png)

File: f00575fcee4317d⋯.png (253.79 KB,1080x809,1080:809,Clipboard.png)

File: e3eafe7faeecab2⋯.png (70.17 KB,1066x759,1066:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19244856 (261549ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / From SpaceX to Twitter: Some of the occult symbolism behind the Letter ‘X’

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From SpaceX to Twitter: Some of the occult symbolism behind the Letter ‘X’


The billionaire Founder, CEO, Lead Designer of SpaceX, Founder of X.com (now PayPal) seems to be obsessed with the letter ‘X’, hence the recent tweets heralding the change to the Twitter logo.

According to an article in businessinsider.com, in 2020, Musk and Grimes (singer Claire Elise Boucher) named their son, ‘X Æ A-12 Musk’. Most wouldn’t know or care too much about the symbolism, but the couple clarified the meaning of their child’s name back then (According to the couple’s tweets) as, ‘X Ash Archangel’. For Musk, ‘X’ is considered the ‘unknown variable’. Yet, the X symbolism and its occult meaning is clearly known by those in the mystery schools. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19245142 (261629ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Children's hospital hosts drag queen story hour to promote 'acceptance, inclusion and diversity' for sick kids in Ontario

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Children's hospital hosts drag queen story hour to promote 'acceptance, inclusion and diversity' for sick kids in Ontario


In a video posted by the hospital, the two were seen reading from the book ’Twas The Night Before Pride.

The Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario held a Drag Storytime open to its young patients, their families, and staff members late last week.

The hospital announced on Thursday that to kick off London, Ontario’s Pride Week, the hospital partnered with the Rainbow Optimist Club to bring in drag queens Mz. Affra-Tighty and Lavender Skyes to read to patients under their care. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123992

File: 0c4b3d8a6f92eca⋯.png (562.36 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19246927 (262138ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / RCMP spending $15 million to study how it’s systemically racist

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RCMP spending $15 million to study how it’s systemically racist


Canada’s federal police force has set aside over $15 million in taxpayer funding to collect “race-based data” and study how the profession is systemically racist towards minorities.

According to a May 5, 2023, Question on the Order Paper filed in the House of Commons by Conservative MP John Brassard concerning all federal IT projects costing taxpayers over $1 million, the $15,200,000 in funding is promised until March 31, 2027. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123993

File: eaf3799f23fc15d⋯.png (613.1 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: c8da84dce51decf⋯.png (417.12 KB,672x791,96:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247018 (262152ZJUL23) Notable: Canada launching 988 suicide hotline on Nov. 30

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Canada launching 988 suicide hotline on Nov. 30


Canada will be launching a new nationwide three-digit 988 suicide hotline on November 30th, which will provide Canadians dealing with mental health challenges with a free texting or calling service.

Former Mental Health and Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett made the announcement Monday, along with a commitment to invest $156 million over three years in the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) to facilitate the hotline. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123994

File: 4b8505dfa13476f⋯.png (1.13 MB,1101x621,367:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247035 (262155ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / 'Trans' rugby player confronted as unhinged teammates scream, police arrive

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'Trans' rugby player confronted as unhinged teammates scream, police arrive


One of the three women injured by Ash Davis last month has said, 'I had never been hit like that before, even at the competitive women’s level. There was so much more brute force. There are women who are bigger than him, but no girl hits like that. This is a strong human.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.123995

File: 11ea161df13add3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d78ca9e76bf413⋯.png (229.59 KB,338x536,169:268,Clipboard.png)

File: 460fa546d35649b⋯.png (76.63 KB,808x473,808:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247087 (262204ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Nigerian politician calls for African countries to boycott FIFA Women's World Cup due to participation of trans Canadian player

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Nigerian politician calls for African countries to boycott FIFA Women's World Cup due to participation of trans Canadian player


Babatunde Gbadamosi, a former gubernatorial candidate in Lagos State, stated that Canada cheated in its match against Nigeria by playing the openly transgender player known as Quinn. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123996

File: 7e1c2560b89f5d6⋯.png (895.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a3fe85649724cb4⋯.png (258.86 KB,505x617,505:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247140 (262215ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / CBSA 'misled' Procurement Canada on ArriveCAN contract details: internal documents

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CBSA 'misled' Procurement Canada on ArriveCAN contract details: internal documents


CBSA provided contradictory responses on how many companies worked on ArriveCAN, with 27 contracts tabled to 23 unique companies. They initially reported only five companies had worked on the app. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123997

File: 5f82ddcdd05acea⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247339 (262247ZJUL23) Notable: CTF: Canada's Housing Corporation gives staff $75 million in bonuses during housing affordability crisis

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CTF: Canada's Housing Corporation gives staff $75 million in bonuses during housing affordability crisis


Parliament launched a 10-year, $40 billion national housing strategy in 2017 that doubled costs to $89 billion. In addition, the CMHC has charged taxpayers $75 million in bonuses since 2020. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123998

File: ade5a56b141fb2e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 07f5a8a39e79f97⋯.png (413.13 KB,508x715,508:715,Clipboard.png)

File: a23676b1436042f⋯.png (342.22 KB,672x741,224:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19247400 (262258ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Liberal MP who said 'honk honk' means 'heil Hitler' promoted to mental health minister

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Liberal MP who said 'honk honk' means 'heil Hitler' promoted to mental health minister


Ya'ara Saks, the former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, will replace Carolyn Bennett as Minister of Mental Health. Continue...

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deaba1 No.123999

File: 17fee0a65f72403⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 99f5c16bf0fe621⋯.png (218.27 KB,332x785,332:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e1013f2c9df81⋯.png (207.14 KB,342x551,18:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19248239 (270123ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Media organization affiliated with China’s United Front worked on Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign

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Media organization affiliated with China’s United Front worked on Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign


Red Maple News, according to its website, is part of Red Maple Journal Corporation, and was formed in 2011 to 'serve the Chinese community in an all-round way, promote traditional Chinese culture, and assist new immigrants to integrate into Canada.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.124000

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250493 (271344ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CTF's Kris Sims: Journalists should not be paid by the government. Full stop. (video)

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CTF's Kris Sims: Journalists should not be paid by the government. Full stop.


According to a 2022 survey, 61% of Canadians now believe that journalists are actively trying to mislead them with statements they know to be false or gross exaggerations. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124001

File: 53a5cacdadaec5e⋯.png (882.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250518 (271352ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / 900 US PMCs in Ukraine: “Ukrainian Command Throws Foreign Mercs into ‘Meat-Grinder’”

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900 US PMCs in Ukraine: “Ukrainian Command Throws Foreign Mercs into ‘Meat-Grinder’”


Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, approx. 11,675 private military contractors (PMCs) from 84 countries have joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed July 10. As the Ukrainian counteroffensive stalls, Western volunteers worry about being used as cannon fodder and thrown into the “meat grinder”, Russia claims.

The largest numbers of mercenaries apparently came from Poland (over 2,600), the US and Canada (over 900 from each), Georgia (over 800), Great Britain and Romania (over 700 each), Croatia (over 300), as well as from France and the part of Syria controlled by Türkiye (over 200 each), Russia Today reports.

An unknown number of “retired” American service members have volunteered to fight in Ukraine, in addition to active DoD and CIA personnel deployed in-country. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124002

File: 432f0262d0ce87e⋯.png (712.23 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e66cfab63a25ea6⋯.png (629.33 KB,711x816,237:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 9310f3af597228e⋯.png (289.19 KB,512x785,512:785,Clipboard.png)

File: b226ff48a02857d⋯.png (201.34 KB,513x740,513:740,Clipboard.png)

File: 691cf3a9fe1303d⋯.png (236.52 KB,507x567,169:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250641 (271419ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Recent Peer-Reviewed Report Finds 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage

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KILL SHOT: Recent Peer-Reviewed Report Finds 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage


A new study from the European Journal of Heart Failure found that 1 in 35 people showed signs of heart damage after taking the Moderna COVID19 vaccine.

The study concluded that mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19250842 (271501ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Project Veritas Dumps 8 gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Govt State-Owned Business Plans (video)

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Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Govt State-Owned Business Plans


Today, Project Veritas released 8 gigabytes of data showing the current plans of the Chinese government in their latest ‘five year plan.’ These plans include expanding efforts in business, agriculture, weapons, military, high-end technology.

The stated Chinese goal is to become the sole global superpower.

Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles told the Gateway Pundit:

“These are the business plans the Chinese government is utilizing to grow their technological and military infrastructure. Project Veritas released these internal Chinese Communist Party plans to the public because transparency is the greatest weapon in pursuit of the truth.”

Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles

The 8 Gigabytes of data is available here: https://drive.proton.me/urls/YECA0XE5E8#HFbpYa1qUpWd

The Chinese government has recently been caught: Continue...

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deaba1 No.124004

File: 60c3b0ad2bed547⋯.png (1.48 MB,1536x900,128:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d3fc970a97cce⋯.png (1.14 MB,1456x1322,728:661,Clipboard.png)

File: adce51300c5b101⋯.png (788.29 KB,876x876,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ac08a83e4249d2⋯.png (254.96 KB,680x535,136:107,Clipboard.png)

File: c776489dc9fa38a⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251004 (271529ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Brownstone.org: The Betrayal of the Environment by Environmentalists

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The Betrayal of the Environment by Environmentalists


Iam an environmentalist.

I value clean air, clean water, forests, rivers, lakes, jungles, and wide-open wild spaces and well-used, well-conserved means of enjoying them. Always have. Probably always will.

And this is why I find the issues raised by so many of the self-described “greens” today who have been so subsumed and outright eaten by the “anthropogenic global warming” story so problematic:

Because they have become the enemies of actual environmentalism and ecology by setting their goals and demands in opposition to those which actually support the environment.

And this has become absurd and malformed to the point of being truly dangerous and counterproductive. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124005

File: 7dfdf9d1432105b⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19251784 (271728ZJUL23) Notable: Candidate for NORAD commander says he's committed to 'tough conversations' with Canada about defence spending

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Candidate for NORAD commander says he's committed to 'tough conversations' with Canada about defence spending


Lt.-Gen. Gregory Guillot faced questions about how he would deal with Canada's perceived lack of commitment to military expenditure during a Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124006

File: 05b2330b7b6610b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19252293 (271857ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Health Canada finally admits that COVID may have started from a 'lab incident'

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Health Canada finally admits that COVID may have started from a 'lab incident'


Blacklock's Reporter reported that Patricia Hajdu, the former health minister, ridiculed the talk at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for years as a 'conspiracy theory,' which led to the acknowledgment.

After three years of projection, Health Canada is willing to accept that COVID started in a Chinese lab, despite not knowing the precise cause.

Canada has long taken China for its word on the likely origin of the respiratory virus. They consistently claimed it originated from human contact with infected mammals at Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

The Origin Of The Covid-19 Pandemic briefing note from Health Canada deemed it "plausible" that either "a domestic animal, a wild animal or a domesticated wild animal" started COVID.

According to Blacklock's Reporter, the June 19 briefing note articulates four possible sources for the pandemic, "including direct zoonotic transmission or a spillover event, introduction through an intermediate host followed by zoonotic transmission or spillover, introduction through the food chain or introduction through a laboratory incident."

"To address the lab hypothesis, it is important to have access to all data and consider scientific best practice," said the note.

"Canada is supportive of all efforts that will contribute to a clear understanding of the origins of the virus," it read, adding their investigations into the matter must be "free from politicization or interference." Continue...

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deaba1 No.124007

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19253626 (272304ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ratio’d: Canadian becomes first transgender AND non-binary player at World Cup (video)

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Ratio’d | Canadian becomes first transgender AND non-binary player at World Cup


A Canadian soccer player who goes by just her last name as a mononym, Quinn, is stealing all the headlines at the Women’s World Cup. Quinn is the first transgender and non-binary player to play at the FIFA World Cup. Now if that sounds odd to you, you’re not alone. How exactly can someone be transgender and non-binary at the same time? Further, if she is transgender, shouldn’t Quinn be playing on the men’s team?

The reality, of course, is that Quinn can’t play on the men’s team because she wouldn’t be good enough. Ultimately, Quinn’s story perfectly illustrates the nonsense that exists in the transgender sports movement. The competitive advantage that biological men have is completely unfair.

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deaba1 No.124008

File: 9551af89a7d9087⋯.png (944.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254027 (280010ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Sarnia city councillor calls 'diversity' trainer 'militant' over 'radical session'

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Sarnia city councillor calls 'diversity' trainer 'militant' over 'radical session'


For $6,000, the sessions for city staff, council and local law enforcement quickly turned into a 'radical [session]' telling white people 'you should feel ashamed of yourself,' says city councillor Bill Dennis.

A Sarnia city councillor had his fill of the 'diversity, equity, inclusion' rhetoric barely one hour into a session with fellow council members.

Bill Dennis told True North he opposed the "critical race theory" being peddled by trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson of the KOJO Institute.

"She's very, very militant," he said. "She was very self-righteous, smug and condescending."

Though the Ontario Municipal Association told the Sarnia City Council that the training would help international students feel welcomed, it became clear the two-hour shindig was a waste of time.

For $6,000, the sessions for city staff, council and local law enforcement quickly turned into a "radical [session]" telling white people "you should feel ashamed of yourself," according to Dennis.

"I had a heck of a time with her…it was a horrible experience." Continue...

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deaba1 No.124009

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19254154 (280033ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Gone but not forgotten: Garnet Harper’s preventable death will not be in vain (video)

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Gone but not forgotten: Garnet Harper’s preventable death will not be in vain


A young father of five has died following a refusal from the London Health Science Centre to refer him for a much needed organ transplant due to his COVID-19 unvaccinated status. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124010

File: 99a528c2e647750⋯.png (474.08 KB,800x420,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 409c38f3b576663⋯.png (173.07 KB,508x696,127:174,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d333582c16ab49⋯.png (91.25 KB,859x557,859:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257148 (281552ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Toronto Police Association slams Mayor Chow for silence on violence against cops

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Toronto Police Association slams Mayor Chow for silence on violence against cops


The Toronto Police Association (TPA) has released a scathing statement slamming Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow for her continued silence on recent incidents of violence against police officers. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124011

File: 76768b980795f0b⋯.png (630.73 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: fa2a14e0a1a4ff7⋯.png (135.97 KB,505x755,101:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257158 (281555ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / TDSB trustee calls on board to cut ties with diversity consultancy following principal’s suicide (video)

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TDSB trustee calls on board to cut ties with diversity consultancy following principal’s suicide


Toronto District School Board (TDSB) trustee Weidong Pei is calling on the school board to suspend all dealings with the controversial “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) consultancy KOJO Institute following the suicide of a principal who is alleged to have been bullied at one of their sessions.

The Ward 12 Trustee’s demand comes after Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce ordered a review of the circumstances surrounding the recent suicide of 60-year-old Richard Bilkszto, who committed suicide after his family claimed that he dealt with plaguing stress stemming from a confrontation at the training. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124012

File: 25ed93786294a62⋯.png (271.24 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257181 (281600ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Drug enablers and activists hijack community meeting on safety of injection sites

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Drug enablers and activists hijack community meeting on safety of injection sites


The standing-room-only crowd packed a community centre in Toronto’s Riverdale neighbourhood Wednesday night to discuss safety issues in the wake of a tragic shooting of a mom outside an injection site two weeks ago.

But the meeting was quickly hijacked by the drug enablers and assorted activists, evolving into a nearly two-hour lecture on the benefits of harm reduction and the human rights of addicts.

The legitimate concerns of parents about the prevalence of open illegal drug use and shady characters who hang out outside and in the laneways around the South Riverdale Community Health Centre (SRCHC) – located in close proximity to a school – were glossed over as the drug activists and politicians pushed their drug enabling agenda. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257189 (281602ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 18-Year-Old Colombian World Cup Star Linda Caicedo Rushed to Hospital After Collapsing During Training

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18-Year-Old Colombian World Cup Star Linda Caicedo Rushed to Hospital After Collapsing During Training (VIDEO)


The FIFA Women’s World Cup was recently shaken by a terrifying incident involving Colombian striker Linda Caicedo.

Caicedo was rushed to hospital after suffering from a medical emergency.

Video footage captured the moment when Caicedo stopped abruptly, clutching her chest before falling to the ground during a routine training session in Sydney, Australia.

Concerned teammates and medical staff rushed to her side, fearing the worst.

According to Daily Mail, Caicedo was unconscious for at least 90 seconds. Caicedo regained consciousness while being transported to the hospital on a stretcher. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124014

File: d8a66abf8d6284a⋯.png (332.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a975bed56cb30b⋯.png (445.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c6a7d9dcb67aa1⋯.png (350.54 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bfab4a2dc89d73⋯.png (229.79 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19257202 (281605ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Powder Keg Europe: Wagner Forces and Equipment Massing Near Polish Border - Warsaw and Baltic Countries May Shut the Whole NATO Frontier – New Brigade Is Formed To Fight Russian Military Contractors

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Powder Keg Europe: Wagner Forces and Equipment Massing Near Polish Border – Warsaw and Baltic Countries May Shut the Whole NATO Frontier – New Brigade Is Formed To Fight Russian Military Contractors


Tensions are flaring in Eastern Europe. With the background of the absolute carnage of the war in the Ukraine, involving some of the biggest battles since WW2, the recent developments pitting NATO’s Poland and the Baltic countries against Belarus and Russia is a distressing reality.

As of now, as much as 11 columns of military vehicles and equipment, most likely belonging to Wagner PMC, have entered Belarus from Russia, and moved to Tsel, near the Polish Border. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124015

File: 67e07340a5a49eb⋯.png (215.5 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 28feb1480f54def⋯.png (394.53 KB,671x682,61:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19258839 (282210ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Alberta man denied euthanasia request after regretting gender mutilation surgery

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Alberta man denied euthanasia request after regretting gender mutilation surgery


On July 26, a biological male calling himself Duchess Lois of Alberta announced that he was denied so-called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), a euphemism used in Canada to indicate voluntary execution by a medical professional. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124016

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19262124 (291430ZJUL23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / BC residents protest plastic surgeon who removes the breasts of minors (video)

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BC residents protest plastic surgeon who removes the breasts of minors


'He is performing surgeries on kids as young as 14 years old,' stated Cindy Carpenter, an organizer of the pop-up protest. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124017

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19262408 (291520ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Pierre Chaillot reveals statistical anomalies related to the pandemic! (video)

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Pierre Chaillot reveals statistical anomalies related to the pandemic!


Since the onset of the COVID crisis, Pierre Chaillot has been diligent in collecting and analyzing all available official data from reputable sources, and has uncovered astounding anomalies that question the prevailing narrative. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124018

File: d76ceb118582a5d⋯.png (2.28 MB,2000x1410,200:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 748256cfa313102⋯.pdf (5.44 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19262576 (291556ZJUL23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / mRNA Vaccine Toxicity: The Book (attached .pdf)

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mRNA Vaccine Toxicity • The Book


Covid mRNA injections have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale. Doctors for Covid Ethics (“D4CE”) have published a book which argues that these harms were to be expected considering the principles of immunology.

“Furthermore, [the harms] are not limited to the covid vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as such. We must therefore expect that future mRNA vaccines against other viruses or bacteria will be similarly toxic. mRNA technology will never be safe to use for vaccination against any infectious agent,” D4CE wrote. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124019

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19262761 (291635ZJUL23) Notable: Walls closing in on the Biden family? Pope Francis also meets with WHO leader Dr. Tedros (video)

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Walls closing in on the Biden family? Pope Francis also meets with WHO leader Dr. Tedros


Jack Maxey once again joins John-Henry Westen, Liz Yore, and Father James Altman on this week's episode of Faith & Reason.

Jack Maxey once again joins John-Henry Westen, Liz Yore, and Father James Altman on this week’s episode of Faith & Reason, in which they discuss Hunter Biden’s failed plea deal and the extent of the Biden family’s corruption, the Communist Chinese side-stepping the Pope in appointing a bishop of Shanghai, and the Pope’s meeting with the head of the World Health Organization (WHO). Continue...

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deaba1 No.124020

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19263031 (291730ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Pope Francis Says Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To 'Fight Climate Change' (video)

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Pope Francis Says Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To 'Fight Climate Change'


Pope Francis has thrown his weight behind the World Economics Forum’s campaign to euthanize people with autism, alcoholism and other minor illnesses and disabilities to help humanity fight so-called “climate change.”

According to Francis, reducing the world population will help solve what he claims is the existential problem of climate change and restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order.

Pope Francis’s comments have caused a storm in the Vatican, but should be really be surprised by his support for the Klaus Schwab’s Nazi-style eugenics program? As an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity in general.

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deaba1 No.124021

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19263233 (291810ZJUL23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Unacceptable News: The Push for Censorship Has Arrived…WATCH OUT! - Fri, July 28 2023 (video)

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UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: The Push for Censorship Has Arrived...WATCH OUT! - Fri, July 28 2023


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deaba1 No.124022

File: 2ada048fcbd74aa⋯.png (488.88 KB,800x559,800:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 838906dcbaaa27d⋯.png (317.97 KB,640x465,128:93,Clipboard.png)

File: f39b5baf859e738⋯.png (918.7 KB,1024x733,1024:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19263549 (291913ZJUL23) Notable: The WEF Penetrationary

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The WEF Penetrationary


The image is crude, lude and unpleasant. It represents those who deem they know how to organise our lives better than we do.

The World Economic Forum plan to imprison you within their penitentiary. Those signed up to the WEF doctrine follow their given orders and relinquish loyalty from their nation state to a global one world uniparty political ideal. Why do they join? What keeps them in line? How is their loyalty and commitment secured? Money, power and compromise? Perhaps the likes of Tony Blair simply believe in it.

Putin did attend a Davos pow-wow and Klaus Schwab has named him as a member of his club. Even the Donald has been, but it seems not all attendees become forever committed. Many will have attended out of curiosity and the chance to network and even make business.

’The world has just experienced its hottest day on record’, says the WEF. How long have humans been on earth? Since when have records been kept? How are the records collected? In a nutshell, my response is codswallop. They are misleading and fear mongering:


Klaus has been quite open about his strategy: “We penetrate the cabinets” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124023

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19266103 (300249ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Press for Truth: Show Us The Manifesto (video)

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Show Us The Manifesto…


The transgender terrorist Audrey Hale wrote a manifesto that is now being suppressed and blocked from being released at the request of the victims parents and Nashville community members in what is being described as an unprecedented turn of events.

Meanwhile the transgender double-murderer Jason Michael Hann, who now goes by “Jessica” will receive taxpayer-funded BREAST IMPLANTS while serving time at a California WOMAN’S jail!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the absurdity of being “politically correct” when dealing with psychopathic killers who claim to be the opposite sex of that they were born as.

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deaba1 No.124024

File: 162949684d356cd⋯.png (3.29 MB,2039x1289,2039:1289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19267947 (301438ZJUL23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Orbán: Only Western Money Keeps Ukraine War Going - Peace is Up to USA

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Orbán: Only Western Money Keeps Ukraine War Going – Peace is Up to USA


On his weekly Friday interview on Kossuth Radio, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said “only Western money keeps Ukraine alive and the Ukrainian army operational” and Europe “is at the limit of its capacity” to support Ukraine any further. Therefore, it is “up to the United States to decide the outcome” of the war, Orbán said.

Instead of keeping the conflict local as during the annexation of Crimea, “the West chose to fight to the last Ukrainian soldier,” Orbán charged, escalating a regional conflict “to a Western, European, and then global level.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124025

File: b90480129d4e5a6⋯.png (827.55 KB,741x1280,741:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 8661b965f5ba3f5⋯.png (463.36 KB,487x1080,487:1080,Clipboard.png)

File: cdfaebef9efa3b6⋯.png (349.53 KB,2048x729,2048:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19268127 (301511ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Are You Ready for “The New Agenda”?

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Are You Ready for “The New Agenda”?


The elites are working on a new agenda and you were not told about it. They call it “The New Agenda”. You might have heard about it by another name, namely Agenda 2030.

Thought you could avoid getting brainwashed by throwing away your TV and not watching the news? Well, think again. Now they are pushing “The New Agenda” on your phone.

Yes, in their own documentation, the UN calls Agenda 2030 for “The New Agenda”. That sounds very similar to something else that we are told is just a crazy conspiracy theory.

Now I came across something very interesting. They are pushing this agenda very hard right now, trying to get people to accept and support it. I guess they have noticed that people do not actually want to eat the bugs and own nothing….

On the latest Samsung Galaxy phone, they now come pre-installed from the factory with the Agenda 2030 app to tell you about how wonderful this new agenda really is. Over 300 million phones now have this app installed. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124026

File: 48b4a27284f2b52⋯.png (964.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 922caccf23d1d07⋯.png (111.81 KB,342x552,57:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 5868affcd6e1969⋯.png (74.04 KB,762x613,762:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 421bb73cf49ecaa⋯.png (249.67 KB,507x618,169:206,Clipboard.png)

File: ce150bb3e6419b1⋯.png (123.91 KB,337x543,337:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19273325 (311430ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / BC school trustee who shared offensive anti-Christian meme offers no apology

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BC school trustee who shared offensive anti-Christian meme offers no apology


The meme, which Westerby posted to a personal public Facebook account last Thursday, depicts a mob in rainbow colours labelled 'Barbie' rejoicing as they are about to steamroll over a group of characters labelled as the traditional family, the sanctity of marriage and Christian values. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124027

File: 7a7fdc70812467d⋯.png (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f307aa0199c836e⋯.png (230.24 KB,506x612,253:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bc9bc8699f63a7⋯.png (170.5 KB,507x612,169:204,Clipboard.png)

File: e3f814d8a85289c⋯.png (401.51 KB,507x758,507:758,Clipboard.png)

File: a69f664bd0198cc⋯.png (214.39 KB,506x657,506:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19273344 (311437ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / 'Nuclear Armageddon' and 'climate change' declared biggest threats to Canadian security: reports

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'Nuclear Armageddon' and 'climate change' declared biggest threats to Canadian security: reports


According to an April 26 briefing note, Canada has only 300 full-time military personnel in the North, located across Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Iqaluit. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124028

File: 852fbaf4f84d877⋯.png (2.16 MB,2000x1117,2000:1117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19273571 (311530ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Twelve Undeniable Signs Globalists Are Engineering The End Of Humanity

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Twelve Undeniable Signs Globalists Are Engineering The End Of Humanity


It's no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.

Mainstream media now frequently talks about "climate lockdowns" as a good thing - to cease human activity on planet Earth in order to "save the planet" from so-called climate change, a wholesale fabrication and fake science fraud rooted in the lie that carbon dioxide is somehow bad for life on the planet. (Without it, there would be no photosynthesis, no plants, no animals and no humans.)

Now, corporate media is openly calling for climate blackouts and lockdowns, the rationing of air conditioning and possibly even banning the use of electricity to cool homes and buildings during hot weather days. This is all being positioned as necessary to save the planet, of course. The Los Angeles Times, for example, recently published a story asking whether an "occasional blackout" might "help solve climate change."

As Slay News has correctly pointed out: Continue...

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deaba1 No.124029

File: 6923c10751cf66e⋯.png (666.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19273625 (311544ZJUL23) Notable: Hungarian parliament fails to approve Sweden’s NATO bid

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Hungarian parliament fails to approve Sweden’s NATO bid


A boycott by the ruling party left opposition MPs without enough votes to ratify the expansion of the US-led military bloc Continue...

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deaba1 No.124030

File: b7988e6dcd8d164⋯.png (1.04 MB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19273697 (311603ZJUL23) Notable: Final Farmers and Food Bun / After calling for people to eat bugs, NPR now says bug eating push is just a “right wing conspiracy”

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After calling for people to eat bugs, NPR now says bug eating push is just a “right wing conspiracy”


All that talk from World Economic Forum (WEF) head Klaus Schwab and his government and media minions about how everyone needs to eat bugs instead of meat in order to stop climate change is just a vast "right wing conspiracy," according to NPR's Huo Jingnan, Gene Demby, Jess Kung and Dalia Mortada.

Klaus was apparently just kidding when he made these statements out loud on the public stage, according to NPR, which expects us all to now believe that the notion of eating bugs is just a "meme on 4chan" that "emerged in conservative talk shows and political speech."

The only reason bug eating is even a thing is not because the globalists themselves are promoting it. According to NPR, it is just a "sprawling conspiracy theory" being pushed by angry right-wingers with an axe to grind against those promoting the idea of man-made climate change. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124031

File: f282ccab5343fac⋯.png (142.6 KB,460x440,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19274118 (311743ZJUL23) Notable: Final Farmers and Food Bun / After calling for people to eat bugs, NPR now says bug eating push is just a “right wing conspiracy”

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deaba1 No.124032

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275091 (312101ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Covid Agenda Exosed in 2009 (video)

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The Covid Agenda Exosed in 2009!


Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow

13 years ago Jessie Ventura interviewed Alex Jones behind a warehouse, then Dr Rima Laibow in a private landing strip. They warned of the UN, the WHO, the Bildeberg Group, planned pandemics, forced injections, population reduction and sterilization. This five minute clip from 2009 warrants a gander.

The Full Episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Venture Season 1 Episode 5: Secret Societies the Bilderbergs, Global Death Plot, Dr Rima Laibow.

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deaba1 No.124033

File: 2e1875cf85ce6ec⋯.png (757.01 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275236 (312132ZJUL23) Notable: Milton man acquitted on murder charges against home invader

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Milton man acquitted on murder charges against home invader


A Milton man who was charged with second-degree murder for killing an armed home invader was acquitted on Monday.

According to Global News, the Crown withdrew the charge, citing that there was no reasonable prospect of a conviction against the defendant, Ali Mian. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124034

File: 4bdeafd7a4c81b3⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 83ce6c1fbb323c2⋯.png (1.03 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275283 (312140ZJUL23) Notable: Final Wildfires Bun / Fourth firefighter killed during heated wildfire season, investigation into death underway

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Fourth firefighter killed during heated wildfire season, investigation into death underway


The firefighter, who has not been identified publicly, was working for the B.C. wildfire service through a private company when he tragically died while fighting the almost 6,000-square-kilometre Donnie Creek blaze.

A fourth emergency responder has died fighting wildfires in Canada after a workplace incident turned fatal in rural B.C.

An RCMP spokesperson told reporters Saturday that a 25-year-old firefighter from Ontario fell over a steep drop at approximately 11 a.m. on Friday while operating a heavy-duty ATV north of Fort St. John.

The firefighter, who has not been identified publicly, worked for the B.C. wildfire service through a private company when he tragically died while fighting the almost 6,000-square-kilometre Donnie Creek blaze.

According to the RCMP, the emergency responder succumbed to his injuries en route to Fort St. John by helicopter. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124035

File: 27fc6dd52d79f5f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c1150b8b1f3fc0b⋯.png (808.22 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275328 (312149ZJUL23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Feds find no takers for millions of COVID rapid tests

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Feds find no takers for millions of COVID rapid tests


Health Canada recommended shipping the tests abroad or reselling to manufacturers, but neither has happened. They have approximately 39 million excess tests. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124036

File: 895b52c814b0da1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: eb6857c01fb622c⋯.png (658.74 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 6525ebc81db3d14⋯.png (322.48 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 94c32061fae5fcf⋯.png (348 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275368 (312159ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Canadian teens are hooked on opioids via 'safer supply,' addiction experts say

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Canadian teens are hooked on opioids via 'safer supply,' addiction experts say


Experts widely claim that users only consume enough hydromorphone — the drug distributed by 'safer supply' in place of fentanyl — to pass urine and traffic tests. They then purchase 'hard drugs' on the black market. Only users with lower opioid tolerances abuse hydromorphone, particularly the youth. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124037

File: 80c3363c2b09239⋯.png (895.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275417 (312207ZJUL23) Notable: Ottawa abandoned 1,250 Canadians and Afghan allies during the fall of Kabul to ‘conserve fuel’

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Ottawa abandoned 1,250 Canadians and Afghan allies during the fall of Kabul to ‘conserve fuel’


The department flew with empty seats partly to conserve fuel, according to a newly disclosed defence memo. 'When determining how many passengers to load onto an aircraft, our aircrew took into consideration several factors to ensure planes could safely reach their destination,' as stated in the memo. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275557 (312231ZJUL23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / ‘Communism rebranded,’ Elon Musk slams ESG and the woke agenda

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‘Communism rebranded,’ Elon Musk slams ESG and the woke agenda


During a discussion on an X Space platform late last week with Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Musk aired his views on the issue while exploring the topic of businesses incorporating the increasingly popular "woke" agenda. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124039

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275581 (312234ZJUL23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / ‘The end goal— basically no people’: Energy industry transition tangible at Global Energy Show (video)

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‘The end goal— basically no people’: Energy industry transition tangible at Global Energy Show


Rebel News interviewed those taking part to get a feel for where this conference thinks the energy industry is headed in the years ahead, especially considering the rapid development of new and evolving technologies and globalist efforts to mandate Environmental-Social-Governance scores. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124040

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275818 (312317ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Lesbian grandma, single mother believe their vehicles were vandalized by trans activists "defending" drag camp for kids (video)

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Lesbian grandma, single mother believe their vehicles were vandalized by trans activists "defending" drag camp for kids


Two protesters who attended a rally against a B.C. theatre hosting a drag camp for kids say their tires were punctured while the demonstration was ongoing. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275854 (312324ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans activist assaults Canadians protesting LGBT propaganda in schools

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WATCH: Trans activist assaults Canadians protesting LGBT propaganda in schools


Violence seems to be the LGBT movement's most recent attempt to stop the flood of pro-family protests across Canada. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275865 (312327ZJUL23) Notable: Final China Bun / Beijing is Underwater. 3 Gorges Dam in Jeopardy

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WATCH! | Beijing is Underwater. 3 Gorges Dam in Jeopardy


China’s Three Gorges Dam is at severe risk of breaking. The chinese Communists hailed the massive dam as a “1000-year dam” once constructed in 2003. CCP messaging this week is now calling it a “100-yr dam in a 200-yr flood”. They are telling the people to prepare for collapse. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19275875 (312330ZJUL23) Notable: Elon Musk: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa.”

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Elon Musk: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa.”


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deaba1 No.124044

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19278973 (011530ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Ratio’d: Ontario man left to die because he was unvaccinated (video)

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Ratio’d | Ontario man left to die because he was unvaccinated


The story of Garnet Harper is a tragedy that exposes the reality that Canada is still very much under a medical tyranny. Harper, 35, died in May after needing a kidney transplant and being denied access to the kidney donor wait list because he was unvaccinated. Harper even had brothers willing to offer up their own kidneys to donate to him but still the London Health Science Centre refused to let Harper get a kidney due to his vaccination status.

In the wake of Harper’s death, the London Health Science Centre (LHSC) eventually changed their vaccine requirement to a recommendation but only for kidney transplants. The LHSC still requires two doses of vaccine in order to receive a heart or lung transplant.

Harper was left to die by the medical establishment in Canada because he made a medical choice that the establishment disapproved of. He leaves behind a family of 5 children along with his wife.

Link to the Harper family GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/keeppounding

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deaba1 No.124045

File: 25b94bf338ffd67⋯.png (229.08 KB,500x302,250:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 2891ed9ab0e0f76⋯.png (325.04 KB,500x335,100:67,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7a6d0ba71ab27⋯.png (200.41 KB,500x325,20:13,Clipboard.png)

File: e16224e72ec5493⋯.png (276.3 KB,500x349,500:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19279037 (011543ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Canadian Pastor Convicted Of Inciting Mischief [encouraging peaceful defiance] In Trucker Protests Facing Up To 10 Years Prison

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Canadian Pastor Convicted Of Inciting Mischief [encouraging peaceful defiance] In Trucker Protests Facing Up To 10 Years Prison


They arrest those who speak the truth and the genocidal tyrants run free. Police in Canada should be ashamed. The farce must end, free Pastor Artur Pawlowski and arrest Trudeau.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski's troubles with the Canadian authorities began long before his sermon to commercial truckers encouraging their peaceful defiance against what he thought were "oppressive" public health mandates for COVID-19. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124046

File: 44f42d56480be6e⋯.png (629.58 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19279156 (011609ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The new Anthrax vaccine is as least as bad as the old Anthrax vaccine

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The new Anthrax vaccine is as least as bad as the old Anthrax vaccine


Anthrax is a bioweapon and the FDA has just approved a new vaccine for it which doesn’t work. The new vaccine is the old Anthrax vaccine with a novel adjuvant added – so it cannot possibly be safer than the bad old vaccine. Adverse reactions to the anthrax vaccine include immune disorders, muscle and joint pain, headaches, rashes, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea, chills and fever and birth defects. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124047

File: 45388fff88b12d8⋯.png (290.39 KB,506x665,506:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19279402 (011711ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Canadian Muslims to stage 'Million Person March' to protest against Trudeau Liberal's push for LGBTQ indoctrination in schools

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Canadian Muslims to stage 'Million Person March' to protest against Trudeau Liberal's push for LGBTQ indoctrination in schools


"You know Canada's built of Christians and Muslims and and all denominations, why not celebrate that?"

Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh is organizing a Million Person March to protest gender ideology and "Pride" month in schools. He told The Post Millennial that his goal is to bring together a million Canadians of all faiths from coast to coast on Sept. 20.

Although he has rarely been in the media spotlight as a businessman, El-Cheikh has become a prominent protest organizer in the last months as he has led groups of Muslims and Christians in Ottawa who are opposed to children being told they can change their gender without telling their parents and to pornographic literature used in sex education.

"I am optimistic – absolutely. You know, if [there's] one thing that's going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest it's the kids and their innocence and it's families," he said. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124048

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19280033 (011938ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Contrasting Ivermectin With Covid-19 “Vaccines”

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Contrasting Ivermectin With Covid-19 “Vaccines”


The July 29th WCH World Ivermectin Day event, inspired me to make a short video contrasting ivermectin with the covid jabs. Today's post includes that video, as well as the epic event's audio recording.

I hope this enhances your knowledge of ivermectin; and the criminal campaign to suppress its use while corralling mankind into dangerous injections.

Audio of the WCH World Ivermectin Day live event 20230729: Top experts from around the world share the science, while happy patients and their families share stories of miraculous recoveries, and others share dark recollections of hospitals and governments that handed out death sentences while blocking access to safe medicine.


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deaba1 No.124049

File: bfaf5536954f841⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 05ead076e5d801f⋯.png (96.79 KB,510x616,255:308,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d23a61dda33213⋯.png (211.44 KB,1130x1483,1130:1483,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f2c0d82f838e3d⋯.png (880.09 KB,1156x1666,34:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 1285f8af4645b00⋯.png (365.47 KB,1170x1314,65:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19281028 (012249ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Alberta judge rules that COVID mandates breached Alberta's Public Health Act

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Alberta judge rules that COVID mandates breached Alberta's Public Health Act


Justice Barbara Romaine says the province's improper decision-making framework contravened Alberta's Public Health Act — nullifying any legal standing for the 'justified' COVID measures and mandates. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124050

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19283047 (020345ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Interview with Pastor Arthur Powlowski & Leszek Kunc

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interview with Pastor Arthur Powlowski & Leszek Kunc


Pastor Arthur Pawlowski has been persecuted since the start of COVID for refusing to waiver on his religious freedoms, and those of his flock. After tremendous persecution including imprisonment, solitary confinement, kidnapping and attempted murder, Pastor Pawlowski is now facing 10 years in prison for the first "eco-terrorism" charge in history - and his story comes with a warning for all.

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deaba1 No.124051

File: d804af4a948a1f8⋯.png (673.95 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 71be3f073d8ce3a⋯.png (212.69 KB,803x830,803:830,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b28e771739a412⋯.png (291.57 KB,506x675,506:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284426 (021337ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / UBC prof advocates exposing kids to adult genitals

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CAMPUS WATCH: UBC prof advocates exposing kids to adult genitals


University of British Columbia (UBC) journalism professor Dr. Katja Thieme said she believes children should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing naked transgender individuals in locker rooms.

Thieme, who uses “she/they” pronouns, made the comment in a Twitter thread criticizing American swimmer and women’s rights advocate Riley Gaines. Thieme labelled Gaines a “transphobe.”

“Hey, want to know one of my all time excellent parenting ideas? Let. Little. Children. See. Penises. And. Vulvas. Of. Various. Ages. And. Sizes. In. A. Casual. Normalized. Totally. Safe. Way. The world will thank you for it. And so will those children when they grow up,” said Thieme.

“Just imagine if the Riley Gaines‘ of this society could totally keep their cool at the sight of a trans dick. And just imagine if Riley Gaines’ parents were like, yeah, that happens, it’s okay, now let’s talk about your upcoming training schedule.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124052

File: 65e23c39dac508f⋯.png (1.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284436 (021342ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / How data is manipulated to sell the climate hysteria narrative

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Peel teacher says he was forced to attend DEI training that included attacks on white people


A teacher at the PDSB said that he found the 'anti-racist' session, which included teachings from critical race theory (CRT), to be 'toxic,' and that they did not contribute to educational goals. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124053

File: e0afe79689dc658⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284483 (021354ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / TDF secures legal win for man accused of participating in Windsor bridge blockade

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TDF secures legal win for man accused of participating in Windsor bridge blockade


According to The Democracy Fund's legal team, 'Alan Honner, TDF’s litigation director and lead counsel on this matter, says that the crown withdrew the charges after the defence disclosed their theory that Mr. Lemmon was on the sidewalk, as well as video evidence supporting that theory.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.124054

File: f4c36a47c953be8⋯.png (732.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284599 (021430ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Meta to permanently cut news access on Instagram and Facebook in Canada

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Meta to permanently cut news access on Instagram and Facebook in Canada


"In order to provide clarity to the millions of Canadians and businesses who use our platforms, we are announcing today that we have begun the process of ending news availability permanently in Canada," Meta said in a statement. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124055

File: 02da77c0c2f98a1⋯.png (200.21 KB,500x295,100:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284679 (021453ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Companies With Good ESG Scores Pollute Just As Much As Those With Low Ones, New Analysis Finds

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Companies With Good ESG Scores Pollute Just As Much As Those With Low Ones, New Analysis Finds


As if there wasn't exhaustive enough evidence that "ESG" is nothing but a scam, the Financial Times was out this week with a piece detailing how many companies with good ESG scores pollute just as much as their lower-rated rivals.

Don't say we didn't warn you; we have been writing about the ESG con for years now, which along with other "sustainable" investments continues to see hundreds of billions of dollars in inflows from investors.

The FT added to our skepticism by revealing this week that Scientific Beta, an index provider and consultancy, found that companies rated highly on ESG metrics - and even just the 'Environmental' variable alone - often pollute just as much as other companies.

Researchers look at ESG scores from Moody’s, MSCI and Refinitiv when performing the analysis. They found that when the 'E' component was singled out, it led to a “substantial deterioration in green performance”.

Felix Goltz, research director at Scientific Beta told the Financial Times: “ESG ratings have little to no relation to carbon intensity, even when considering only the environmental pillar of these ratings. It doesn’t seem that people have actually looked at [the correlations]. They are surprisingly low.”

He added: "The carbon intensity reduction of green [ie low carbon intensity] portfolios can be effectively cancelled out by adding ESG objectives."

“On average, social and governance scores more than completely reversed the carbon reduction objective,” he continued. “It can very well be that a high-emitting firm is very good at governance or employee satisfaction. There is no strong relationship between employee satisfaction or any of these things and carbon intensity." Continue...

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deaba1 No.124056

File: 5c185e4a65816ec⋯.png (277.98 KB,462x837,154:279,Clipboard.png)

File: fae5f80cb0843d6⋯.png (393.77 KB,615x827,615:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e150997abdf8b6⋯.png (359.98 KB,617x733,617:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f9d4d6fb6566fc⋯.png (416.17 KB,612x710,306:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 87800849c314af5⋯.png (384.92 KB,613x710,613:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284745 (021512ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / New Boycott As UK Coffee Giant Celebrates Women Having Breasts Removed

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New Boycott As UK Coffee Giant Celebrates Women Having Breasts Removed


The UK’s biggest Coffee chain Costa is facing massive backlash and a new boycott after it used an animated image featuring a figure with mastectomy scars to celebrate “inclusivity and diversity”.

The image, depicting an androgynous-looking character wearing long shorts with scars below each nipple, is taken from a mural designed by the chain for Brighton and Hove Pride last year.

Use of the image on a mobile coffee van used at events around the country was condemned by feminist campaigners and people who had breasts removed due to cancer.

Tanya Carter, spokeswoman for child safeguarding campaign group Safe Schools Alliance, said: “It’s almost unbelievable that Costa would do something so crass and irresponsible as to use this image.

“The executives clearly have no idea what message this conveys, that irreversible surgery on healthy female breasts is to be applauded. Is this really any way to sell coffee?”

Costa, which i downed by Coca Cola, issued a statement defending the use of the image, claiming “At Costa Coffee we celebrate the diversity of our customers, team members and partners. We want everyone that interacts with us to experience the inclusive environment that we create, to encourage people to feel welcomed, free and unashamedly proud to be themselves. The mural, in its entirety, showcases and celebrates inclusivity.”

Feminist writer Julie Bindel told the Mail “I remember stories about when a woman was thrown out of a Costa shop (in 2018) because she was discreetly breastfeeding.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124057

File: 546944af0e07421⋯.png (127.56 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c1bedb26ccf1720⋯.png (338.59 KB,2611x860,2611:860,Clipboard.png)

File: 46191746bcbe3ef⋯.png (107.39 KB,500x447,500:447,Clipboard.png)

File: a3e646d51e5deba⋯.png (301.12 KB,1262x478,631:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284781 (021523ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / China Threatens to Weaponize Rare Earth Materials; Establishing Additional Sources of North American REE Production is Now Even More Important

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China Threatens to Weaponize Rare Earth Materials; Establishing Additional Sources of North American REE Production is Now Even More Important


On July 3, China announced it will impose export restrictions on eight gallium and six germanium products beginning on August 1 for national security reasons. These exotic metals, which are byproducts from refining aluminum and zinc, are used in numerous cutting-edge technologies, particularly in silicon chips for the semiconductor sector. China's move is widely viewed as retaliation for U.S. curbs on the sale of technologies to China. China's gallium and germanium export controls could lay the groundwork for an even broader action, the curtailment of exports of rare earth elements (REEs), crucial materials used in a wide variety of technology devices such as smartphones, digital cameras, flat screen televisions, and electronic displays. The clean energy and defense contracting industries are also heavy users of REEs. Not surprisingly, the demand for rare earths is soaring: the independent research firm Adamas Intelligence projects the global demand for rare earth oxides (REOs) will more than triple by 2035 to US$46 billion from US$15 billion in 2022.

China has restricted the exports of rare earths before - an action which caused prices of some REOs to rise almost exponentially for several years. In 2010, China severely restricted sales to Japan following a territorial dispute regarding the Japan-administered Senkaku Islands. China also claims those islands and calls them Diaoyu. In turn, Japan scrambled to find alternative sources, forcing prices higher. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284863 (021542ZAUG23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Trudeau Loses It After Being Asked A Simple Question About Seeking Peace In Ukraine

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Watch: Trudeau Loses It After Being Asked A Simple Question About Seeking Peace In Ukraine


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been holding cross-country town halls for the past many weeks, while presenting himself as a "man of the people"—as these events are giving ordinary Canadians a rare chance to ask him unvetted questions. But apparently you'd better ask the "right" questions, or else he'll blow up and attack you personally as the questioner. A new clip has surfaced of a recent exchange centered on a very legitimate question from an audience member about Ukraine, and Canada's refusal to push for peace.

Prominent Canadian political commentator Stephen McIntyre presented the town hall video on Twitter, while providing the following context to the back-and-forth between audience member "Michael" and PM Trudeau:

Someone asks why Canada hasn't put forward a peace proposal to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, even if Trudeau disagreed with the question, his knee jerk reaction is to say "Am going to call you out" and says the individual has been swayed by Russian propaganda and disinformation. Chilling and Orwellian. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124059

File: 60473b7b12c339c⋯.png (3.15 MB,2000x1283,2000:1283,Clipboard.png)

File: a5b0050923dcd6b⋯.png (279.85 KB,624x819,16:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e1ad95178114f2⋯.png (203.73 KB,661x702,661:702,Clipboard.png)

File: 42cd8bb638518cc⋯.png (48.14 KB,665x410,133:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284992 (021607ZAUG23) Notable: Pilot CBDC Shows Central Bank Has Total Control • Freeze User Accounts, Decrease Targeted Addresses Balances, Arrest, And Mint New Units Of The Digital Currency

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Pilot CBDC Shows Central Bank Has Total Control • Freeze User Accounts, Decrease Targeted Addresses Balances, Arrest, And Mint New Units Of The Digital Currency (CBDC)


The pilot project of Brazil’s Central Bank Digital Currency the Real Digital allows the freezing of user wallets and reducing balances, as was always highly suspected by “conspiracy theorists!”

The Real Digital

The president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, presented Brazil’s digital agenda back in November 2022 where a preview of the Real Digital app was presented. According to Campos “The Real Digital, the central bank digital currency (CBDC) in Brazil, appears to tokenize the banking system” he explained that the “CBDC is nothing more than a token issued by the bank upon deposit” (source).

However, it is clearly more than that as revealed in a report by Journalist Vini Barbosa on the website Portal do Bitcoin. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124060

File: 60dd8b1e03d0187⋯.png (265.93 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19285326 (021725ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canada braces for shortage of 100k nurses by 2030: health officials

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Canada braces for shortage of 100k nurses by 2030: health officials


An estimated 40,700 nursing positions are currently open across the country for reasons that include 'high patient workloads, lack of resources, mandatory overtime and fear of personal safety.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.124061

File: 703f15a921db2ed⋯.png (740.26 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: bd4c856032e7b85⋯.png (65.64 KB,806x522,403:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dddc415353619f⋯.png (135.89 KB,638x827,638:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19285528 (021759ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau announce separation

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BREAKING: Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau announce separation


In a surprise announcement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed that he and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau will be legally separating.

Rumours were circulating in Ottawa on Wednesday morning about an imminent announcement concerning the Prime Minister’s personal life.

In a statement posted on social media, Trudeau revealed that the couple would be parting ways. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124062

File: 367351e7fce31dc⋯.png (886.36 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290828 (031400ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / University of Lethbridge sued for canceling ‘anti-woke’ talk

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CAMPUS WATCH: University of Lethbridge sued for canceling ‘anti-woke’ talk


The University of Lethbridge (UofL) is being sued for cancelling a talk by former Mount Royal University professor Dr. Frances Widdowson on “how wokism threatens academic freedom” earlier this year.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom (JCCF) announced Monday that court action had been filed on behalf of Widdowson, UofL philosophy professor Dr. Paul Viminitz, who organized the talk, and UofL student Jonah Pickle.

The three applicants are seeking a declaration that the UofL breached their freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, and freedom of peaceful assembly guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedom.

The court action also seeks an injunction requiring the university to allow the talk to take place on campus.

“In a liberal democracy, it is essential that diverse voices and viewpoints be free to gather to share ideas, to seek truth, and to discuss policy,” said lawyer Glenn Blackett.

“This is perhaps most essential on a post-secondary campus, which fails to serve its function without open inquiry.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290896 (031408ZAUG23) Notable: Chrystia Freeland is a wicked liar (video)

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Chrystia Freeland is a wicked liar


'She flies on private jets and she'll wear $800 sneakers when telling you how righteous she is and how stupid you are for complaining about being poor,' says Ezra Levant. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124064

File: 1229aae5fd0ddce⋯.png (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291001 (031422ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Military tribunal rules that compelled vaccination 'may be a Charter rights violation'

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Military tribunal rules that compelled vaccination 'may be a Charter rights violation'


Over 400 military members refused to get the jab and subsequently lost their employment. Of this number, 157 were referred for review by a committee chaired by General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS).

According to legal experts, a non-binding decision by a military tribunal could procure a plethora of new lawsuits against the federal government over compelled vaccination.

The Military Grievances External Review Committee (MGERC) recently found that vaccine mandates within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) could constitute a Charter violation.

MGERC is an independent administrative tribunal that reports to Parliament through the Department of National Defence.

Over 400 military members refused to get the jab throughout the COVID pandemic and subsequently lost their employment. Of those, 157 cases went through a committee chaired by the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen. Wayne Eyre for review.

In October 2021, CDS issued a directive for mandatory vaccination to align with the federal government's compulsion of COVID jabs. At the time, over nine in ten (91%) military personnel voluntarily received two doses.

According to the CAF, 299 members lost their jobs, while 108 members left the force voluntarily when the feds lifted the mandate the following October. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124065

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291082 (031433ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Pastor Artur Pawlowski explains effects of pre-trial custody as Coutts 4 reach 534-day mark (video)

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Pastor Artur Pawlowski explains effects of pre-trial custody as Coutts 4 reach 534-day mark


Denied bail for reasons hidden by a publication ban and facing additional delays, their jury trial is expected to take place next year in 2024, over two years after their arrests.

In Canada it has become commonplace for repeat offenders, rapists, murderers, and terrorists to be released on bail, but this same luxury has not been granted to four men charged with conspiracy during the Freedom Convoy movement.

During this movement, individuals such as Tamara Lich and Pastor Artur Pawlowski were held in pre-trial custody for months on end. Many saw this as political imprisonment, especially considering they were denied bail on charges related to their proximity and advocacy towards these national peaceful demonstrations.

Currently in Alberta, Canada, four men also charged at the time have each now spent 534 days in pre-trial custody, together, that’s 2,136 days held by the state while yet to be found guilty of a crime.

Anthony Olienick, Chair Carbert, Chris Lysak, and Jerry Morin were charged with mischief over $5,000, possession of a weapon for dangerous purpose, and conspiracy to murder Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This occurred after RCMP filed search warrants and seized multiple firearms near the Coutts Blockade. Denied bail for reasons hidden by a publication ban and facing additional delays, their jury trial is expected to take place next year in 2024, over two years after their arrests.

Regardless of whether the four accused are guilty or innocent, many wonder if this is an example of the state failing to provide timely access to justice, especially considering the Crown’s continual failure to provide timely and complete disclosure.

To provide perspective on what it’s like to be detained like this, we interviewed Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who last year spent 51 days in pre-trial custody himself. He explains the burden this was to him and his family, and what it’s like to be held by the state under such conditions. To see his full story, go to SaveArtur.com.

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deaba1 No.124066

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291239 (031504ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Mainstream outlets silent over trial of reporter attacked by Antifa (video)

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Mainstream outlets silent over trial of reporter attacked by Antifa


Andy Ngo, an independent journalist, was physically assaulted, beaten and had toxic substances thrown on him by Antifa. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124067

File: ca714a2bacd5a65⋯.png (874.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b23e9dcde63b64⋯.png (338.2 KB,521x760,521:760,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a56107c613761c⋯.png (174.21 KB,503x552,503:552,Clipboard.png)

File: 802c1a29f4691eb⋯.png (116.48 KB,341x551,341:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291265 (031511ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Ontario school boards pressured to get back to basics, but will they comply?

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Ontario school boards pressured to get back to basics, but will they comply?


Education Minister Lecce is exercising his newly legislated authority under The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, but some school boards seem keen on prioritizing complicated gender linguistics instead of getting back to basics. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124068

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291422 (031549ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / The breakup of the Trudeaus' marriage is a tragedy. The public still deserves some answers

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The breakup of the Trudeaus' marriage is a tragedy. The public still deserves some answers.


Weeks ago, access to information requests filed by Rebel News revealed that Sophie Trudeau and her children were not on the prime minister's jet to attend King Charles' coronation ceremony in May. However, the family nanny, Sarah Clark, was on the government jet. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124069

File: a1c29871b29e305⋯.png (388.25 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291498 (031602ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Pfizer just purchased Arena Pharmaceuticals to gain control of cardiovascular “treatments” that are in high demand after the COVID jabs

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Pfizer just purchased Arena Pharmaceuticals to gain control of cardiovascular “treatments” that are in high demand after the COVID jabs


Oh yes they did. Pfizer, the leader of the big pharma drug cartel, and creators of the most deadly "vaccine" ever known to humans, just completed their purchase of Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion, gaining dominant control of cardiovascular "treatments" for the horrific health trauma caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vascular-clogging clot shots they themselves manufacture. Arena Pharma creates drug products that supposedly "treat" immuno-inflammatory diseases from vaccine injuries. So Pfizer, the criminal cartel conglomerate of pharma is literally now creating injuries with its products, then selling drugs to "treat" those injuries (or make them worse). This is also known as problem-reaction-solution crisis by the medical industrial complex. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124070

File: 2c520bb92b9256f⋯.png (1.6 MB,2000x1120,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291578 (031613ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Elites’ Cannot Hide From The Consequences Of Their Actions

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‘Elites’ Cannot Hide From The Consequences Of Their Actions


In classical Greek mythology, hubris is a fatal flaw that inevitably leads to tragedy. No matter how admired the hero, any mortal who dares to behave like a god is punished in the end. Mankind never seems to learn this lesson.

The "elites" of every generation delude themselves into believing that they are superhuman and inherently different from those they consider beneath them. They are not. Whatever afflicts ordinary people will eventually come for those who build extravagant sanctuaries intended to rival Mount Olympus.

No "elite" ideology has caused as much suffering as communism for a simple reason: it is a false doctrine that feeds on hubris. "Communism begins where atheism begins," Marx wrote. It permits "elites" to deify themselves. Because of that delusion, it remains a "spectre" that still "haunts" the world. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124071

File: b04b2ed24fdb8fd⋯.png (891.7 KB,1596x766,798:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19291663 (031627ZAUG23) Notable: How The West Was Won and Lost: A Cartel History

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How The West Was Won and Lost: A Cartel History


Bloomberg and McKinsey are calling for a ‘reimagined’ globalization. After imposing sanctions upon sanctions across the board on countries – the Top tier Cartel members realize they cut their own throat. Greed and Power have a way of leaving a mark. Given the need for foreign resources, Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum has decided to abandon China and set their sites on India and Africa. ~ December 2022.

As a result, Africa is embroiled in multiple wars.

The latest insurgency has fallen upon Niger. The western backed president that was recently elected has been overthrown by a military inspired coup. The military junta is not pro-west, and evacuations are underway by France, Italy and Spain. Other African nations under military rule have joined Niger. And it becomes clear, colonizing Africa is no longer on the table. The People have declared, “ENOUGH”.

The Biggest Coup would appear to be happening globally. The Coup that decouples not from China, but from the Cartel. The mismanaged, overly aggressive, corrupt, pathological liars – Cartel. Their Power is waning! Continue...

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deaba1 No.124072

File: 93f584e3083ccaf⋯.png (258.13 KB,716x806,358:403,Clipboard.png)

File: c70274e709228bb⋯.png (672.69 KB,1159x1639,1159:1639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293096 (032116ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”…

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Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”…


MAGA is fighting back against the mob and so are we… but we need your help. Join our growing army and click here to subscribe to Revolver. Or give the gift of Revolver—simply select the annual subscription and select “This is a gift” on the next page. If you want to give extra during this critical time, you can make a one-time or recurring monthly donation — whether it’s $1 or $1,000, every bit goes towards the battle to save our great nation.

Covid experts are likely scrambling for cover as a new peer-reviewed study has been released. If any of them had any remaining dignity after all the politics, lies, and cover-ups, this study would surely wipe it out. But in the end, it’s not the experts who suffer the most; it’s all the people they deceived. According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.

So, this study basically tells us that in order to treat a bad “cold,” governments around the world created heart conditions in millions of people. The kicker is that the booster appears to impact woman more. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124073

File: 44a6ef5d92704ca⋯.png (445.23 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293139 (032125ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC producer charged with sexual assault of a minor

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CBC producer charged with sexual assault of a minor


A Vancouver man now faces charges in connection with an alleged sexual assault against a child, according to CTV News.

The BC Prosecution Service said Vincent Papequash faces one count of sexual interference and one count of sexual assault for allegedly touching a minor under the age of 16 for a sexual purpose.

Papequash was an associate producer in the CBC Vancouver newsroom from October of last year up until his arrest on Saturday.

According to Vancouver Police, Papequash was a stranger to the child and was arrested the same day the events allegedly took place.

Papequash has since been released with conditions and there is a court-ordered publication ban on certain details regarding the alleged incident.

He is no longer working for CBC, according to a spokesperson for the broadcaster. The network declined to comment further on the charges.

CBC Vancouver has removed Papequash’s biography page from its website and Papequash has reportedly deleted all of his social media accounts.

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deaba1 No.124074

File: 11f6965d661aad8⋯.png (351.49 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: fdfd41be90a9111⋯.png (69.77 KB,806x438,403:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293174 (032132ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ottawa Police investigating online video allegedly threatening Indian diplomats

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Ottawa Police investigating online video allegedly threatening Indian diplomats


An online video that appears to be a threat leveled against Indian diplomats in Canada is being investigated by the Ottawa police, according to the Canadian Press.

On Tuesday, law enforcement said they are “engaged” and Public Safety Canada posted a tweet saying that they will “ensure the safety and security of all diplomats” in Canada after the video began to circulate.

This is not the first, an apparent threat has been made against Indian diplomats in recent months leading to a tense relationship between Canada and India. India’s high commission has yet to respond to this latest potential threat.

Next month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to New Delhi with the hopes to negotiate a new trade agreement however these incidents could potentially hinder the deal. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124075

File: ab4e562ecfec024⋯.png (818 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293242 (032144ZAUG23) Notable: Senate recommends “every action necessary” to combat “residential school denialism”

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Senate recommends “every action necessary” to combat “residential school denialism”


The former justice minister, a federally-appointed “special interlocutor,” an NDP MP, and now a Senate committee are all desperately trying to stop Canadians from questioning the narrative that thousands of indigenous children are missing in “unmarked graves” at former residential schools.

In May 2021, the Tk’emlúps First Nation of Kamloops, BC sensationally announced they discovered the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves.

In reality, their ground-penetrating radar found 200 soil disturbances which were possibly caused by septic field drainage tiles.

No remains have been uncovered. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124076

File: d59ad618e301855⋯.png (686.06 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293307 (032155ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / CSIS documents show extent of China’s control over media in Canada

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CSIS documents show extent of China’s control over media in Canada


China’s ability to interfere with Canadian elections is largely enabled by its clandestine “takeover” of Chinese-language outlets as well as its influence on legacy media here at home.

Newly released CSIS documents reveal that China has been providing substantial funding to “key media entities” in Canada in order to get more favourable coverage.

China’s influence over the media was reported by The Bureau – an independent media outlet launched by former Global News investigative reporter Sam Cooper who first revealed that China had interfered in Canada’s elections earlier this year.

The documents also say that Beijing has offered benefits to Vancouver’s Chinese Consulate to supplant “key editors, producers and high-ranking managers.” Some journalists have even allegedly been threatened during these various covert operations.

The overarching objective of these operations is the election of politicians who are sympathetic to the interests of the Chinese Communist Party while also subverting Canadian democracy, The Bureau claims.

One example of this was when a senior Chinese Consular official in Toronto summoned a number of Chinese-language reporters together and allegedly told them to privately support a certain politician that the CCP wanted to gain influence in the federal government. The alleged incident was confirmed by one Chinese-language journalist who wishes to remain anonymous due to security concerns for him and his family. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124077

File: d0849666297ad0e⋯.png (1.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b60da537801d296⋯.png (116.64 KB,506x700,253:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293354 (032205ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / Diplomat expelled from Canada attended events with organizers of protest against foreign agent registry

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Diplomat expelled from Canada attended events with organizers of protest against foreign agent registry


Wei was declared a 'persona non-grata' by the Canadian government on May 8 and left the country soon thereafter, but little is known about the extent of his activities in Canada prior to his expulsion. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124078

File: ae628c40be71030⋯.png (707.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e27bc09449c73a8⋯.png (329.44 KB,510x653,510:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293398 (032218ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / Canada’s financial crime watchdog issues warning to regulators: Underground banking schemes largely linked to China

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Canada’s financial crime watchdog issues warning to regulators: Underground banking schemes largely linked to China


The financial crime agency sampled 48,000 transactions related to underground banking schemes, and determined that the activity related to money laundering 'primarily involved incoming wire transfers from entities or individuals in China, notably in Hong Kong.' Continue...

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deaba1 No.124079

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293544 (032248ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Changed science cited for stealth COVID-19 policy change used to justify denied transplant referral of Garnet Harper (video)

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Changed science cited for stealth COVID-19 policy change used to justify denied transplant referral of Garnet Harper


'The Science' has changed within one hospital transplant program that imposed indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccine mandates onto patients seeking organ transplants, a mere few days before an absolutely tragic and preventable loss of life occurred. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124080

File: 8573a566d4cf947⋯.png (454.86 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19293852 (032349ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Trudeau gov’t study suggests Canadians who value liberty may be ‘intolerant’

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Trudeau gov’t study suggests Canadians who value liberty may be ‘intolerant’


'There is a risk that people who hold these views will resist federal government messaging around equity and respect for 2SLGBTQI+ communities,' reads the government survey, in reference to those Canadians who hold 'libertarian' or pro-family views. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124081

File: f67e6d07d45f24c⋯.png (396.05 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19294000 (040015ZAUG23) Notable: Danielle Smith commits $4 million to fight human trafficking in Alberta

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Danielle Smith commits $4 million to fight human trafficking in Alberta


'We can't afford to close our eyes to the problem of human trafficking,' the Alberta premier declared in the wake of the 'Sound of Freedom' movie shining a bright spotlight on the issue. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19294813 (040245ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC producer charged with sexual assault of a minor

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Watch the one that are the loudest, you catch on yet LOL


The Post Millennial (https://thepostmillennial.com/cbc-vancouver-staffer-faces-child-sexual-assault-charges-after-removal-from-newsroom-by-police?utm_campaign=64494)

CBC Vancouver staffer faces child sexual assault charges after removal from newsroom by police

If found guilty, Papequash could face a minimum of 90 days in

prison with a maximum penalty of 14 years behind bars.

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deaba1 No.124083

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296198 (041230ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: How Predictable (video)

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Ratio’d | How Predictable.


The collapse of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s marriage with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has made headlines all over the world but Canadians were hardly surprised to hear the news. That’s because in Canada, 40-50% of all marriages end in divorce – an issue that is not talked about enough. Trudeau’s marital collapse is symbolic of a larger problem in this country – the collapse of the institution of marriage.

Marriage rates in Canada have been dropping. Polling reveals that the majority of Canadians now see marriage as “unnecessary” and to go with it, fertility rates have plunged in this country to record lows. The collapse of this institution has created long lasting problems for this country and political leaders don’t seem to have the solutions.

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deaba1 No.124084

File: 72aea0c28701538⋯.png (314.38 KB,671x823,671:823,Clipboard.png)

File: d6d595ebdb1cb33⋯.png (473.91 KB,507x780,13:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 89914bc382730f5⋯.png (153.37 KB,468x450,26:25,Clipboard.png)

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File: ad0d24da85f6069⋯.png (168.27 KB,808x787,808:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296297 (041302ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Gov gave race-focused org chaired by KOJO Institute founder over $1M in grants

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Gov gave race-focused org chaired by KOJO Institute founder over $1M in grants


A Critical Race Theory (CRT) organization chaired by the founder of controversial diversity consultancy KOJO Institute has received over a million dollars in government grants – including from Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government.

Parents of Black Children (PoBC), which says CRT is one of its core principles, advocates against the presence of police liaisons in schools and for “decolonized” curricula, the inserting of “Black Canadian experiences” into math and for all academic streaming to be abolished.

In 2022, the organization listed that its Board of Directors was chaired by KOJO Institute founder Kike Ojo-Thompson. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296494 (041419ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Pandemic….What Pandemic?

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Pandemic….What Pandemic?


As recently as yesterday the 3rd of August 2023, over three and a half years after its first utterance “Covid is Airborne” was trending on Twitter! The hashtag fills most of us with despair. However, even within the “truther” community there is divided opinion on the origins of this so-called “novel virus.” While some are convinced that there was a deliberate lab leak, there are those among us [Truth11.com included] who believe it never even existed in the first place, there was no “pandemic” it was purely a psychological operation.

This is the view of Doctor Simon Lee, Science Officer at Anew UK, he explains why that is in the article below.

Pandemic…What Pandemic? Continue...

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deaba1 No.124086

File: bbbf47e340f2432⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19301155 (050337ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Sophie Trudeau exempt from Conflict of Interest Act

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Sophie Trudeau exempt from Conflict of Interest Act


On the eve of Sophie Grégoire Trudeau announcing her separation from the prime minister, Blacklock’s Reporter uncovered her exemption from Conflict Of Interest Act disclosures.

Under the Act, disclosure is mandatory for “a person who is cohabitating with a public office holder in a conjugal relationship.” However, no disclosure is required for “a person from whom a public office holder is separated if all support obligations and family property have been dealt with” by a divorce decree or separation agreement.

“A separation agreement or a court order is required,” said Melanie Rushworth, spokesperson for the Office of the Ethics Commissioner.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) confirmed Mrs. Trudeau and the prime minister signed a legal separation agreement. “They have worked to ensure all legal and ethical steps with regards to their decision to separate have been taken.”

However, the PMO declined to comment on when the couple had signed the agreement.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Mrs. Trudeau registered a new federal corporation on April 6, 2022, to sell “communications services.” She is the sole director of Under Your Light Communications Incorporated. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124087

File: 461f8811735a3ee⋯.png (638.75 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303094 (051449ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Bonnie Henry says new Covid-19 shot is a “seasonal vaccine,” not a booster

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Bonnie Henry says new Covid-19 shot is a “seasonal vaccine,” not a booster


British Columbia’s provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says the new Covid-19 mRNA vaccine by Pfizer-BioNTech should be treated as an “updated seasonal vaccine” and not a booster.

Henry made the comments in a recent interview as the new vaccine is pending approval by Health Canada.

According to Henry, British Columbians can expect the vaccine to be available in September or October.

“I’m really thinking of this as an updated seasonal vaccine, as opposed to a booster, because the protection that we have from the previous vaccines that we’ve received still provides good strong cell-mediated immunity,” claimed Henry. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124088

File: be17f53d525da2b⋯.png (520.32 KB,2052x1124,513:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303685 (051728ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / iVerify: UN unveils sinister new tool for combatting “misinformation” aka The Truth

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iVerify • UN unveils sinister new tool for combatting “misinformation” aka The Truth


To more effectively crack down on "misinformation," the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has quietly rolled out a new automated anti-"disinformation" censorship tool called iVerify that the UN says will "provide national actors with a support package to enhance identification, monitoring and response capacity to threats to information integrity."

Originally unveiled to support "election integrity," iVerify was designed around a multi-stakeholder approach that spans both the public and private sector. In essence, iVerify can be used by both the government and corporations to take control of all speech on the internet and regulate what people are allowed to say.

The UNDP created a short video, which you can watch below, explaining how iVerify works: Continue...

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deaba1 No.124089

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308691 (061325ZAUG23) Notable: Press for Truth: “Sound Of Freedom” Funder Arrested For Child Trafficking, Producer Angel Studios Responds (video)

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“Sound Of Freedom” Funder Arrested For Child Trafficking, Producer Angel Studios Responds…


“Sound Of Freedom” is becoming the highest grossing independent film of 2023 despite woke Hollywood producers refusing to bring it to light! In an attempt to discredit the film and its producers the MSM have latched onto a story about one of the “funders” being charged with child trafficking.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why this new revelation is a huge nothing burger and also why self censorship for the sake of views is the opposite of what YouTubers today should be doing when it comes to exposing this serious issue.

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deaba1 No.124090

File: b4d4b332b3cb924⋯.png (721.85 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: ef6960435f00f4a⋯.png (80.49 KB,811x472,811:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b6313e2e72ff4f⋯.png (196.07 KB,507x832,39:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19308754 (061333ZAUG23) Notable: Job-killing government policies forced rural BC lumber mill into layoffs

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Job-killing government policies forced rural BC lumber mill into layoffs


A British Columbia lumber mill is calling out government inaction on challenges facing the forestry sector after having to cut 60 jobs.

On Tuesday, Sinclair Forest Products president Greg Stewart announced that an increasingly unaffordable market for log supply led the company to make the difficult decision to cut one of two shifts at the Vanderhood, B.C. mill. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124091

File: cdd706bde35dd70⋯.png (550.83 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309079 (061425ZAUG23) Notable: N.S. minister calls for residents to rent out extra rooms to combat housing crisis

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N.S. minister calls for residents to rent out extra rooms to combat housing crisis


Nova Scotia’s provincial government is resorting to desperate measures to alleviate the housing crisis.

The government will be spending $1.3 million dollars on a partnership with an online home-sharing platform called Happipad, hoping Nova Scotians rent out their extra rooms to individuals looking for short-term rentals.

“This partnership truly encompasses the hospitable nature of all Nova Scotians,” said Housing Minister John Lohr.

There are 130,000 vacant bedrooms across the province, according to Lohr, and he believes they could be filled by students, healthcare workers and people in the trades who are looking for short-term rentals. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124092

File: 27ff54fabad28c9⋯.png (666.85 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19309229 (061503ZAUG23) Notable: BC First Nation one step closer to building innovative floating LNG plant

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BC First Nation one step closer to building innovative floating LNG plant


There’s only a handful of innovative floating liquified natural gas (LNG) facilities in the world and a British Columbia First Nation is en route to build their own $10 billion project near Prince Rupert.

According to the Canadian Energy Centre, the Nisga’a Nation has reached the engineering stage of its proposed Ksi Lisims LNG plant in northern BC.

The floating projects promise quicker turnarounds and cheaper investments for countries like Canada, which is known to be plagued with cumbersome regulations. ''Continue...;;

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deaba1 No.124093

File: a36a010b2e04fed⋯.png (329.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311053 (061946ZAUG23) Notable: EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

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EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution


Austria has been lagging behind other European countries on digital payments

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has proposed that the country enshrines the use of cash in its constitution, to ease fears that a citizen’s right to use paper money and coins will disappear.

According to a three-point plan issued on Thursday, the right to cash would be protected in the constitution, while the national bank would be obliged to provide the necessary cash flow to sustain a cash economy. The plan would oblige the country’s bankers to locate outlets at a reasonable proximity to citizens, as payments using cash must be possible for all.

“More and more people are worried that cash could be restricted as a means of payment in Austria,” the chancellor said. “In Austria alone, €47 billion (nearly $52 billion) is withdrawn from ATMs every year and, on average, every Austrian carries €102 in cash.”

He also pointed out that, in Austria, 67% of payments under €20 (about $22) are made with cash.

“Cash is elementary as a means of payment. It is important that we create an unambiguous legal framework in order to secure it accordingly,” Nehammer explained, adding that “everyone should have the opportunity to freely decide how, and with what, they want to pay.”

Nehammer has appointed Finance Minister Magnus Brunner to work on implementing the plan. Additionally, a roundtable assembling relevant ministries, industry representatives and the national bank will be held in September to determine the best way to make it happen.

While payments by card have become increasingly popular across many European states, Austria, like neighboring Germany, remains relatively attached to cash, particularly for smaller, everyday items.

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deaba1 No.124094

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311327 (062032ZAUG23) Notable: The climate alarmists are out in full force (video)

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The Rupa Subramanya Show | The climate alarmists are out in full force (Ft. Ross McKitrick)


It seems like every weather event these days is being blamed on climate change.

Everything from tornados and thunderstorms to dogs being locked in hot cars, the climate alarmists want us to believe the sole culprit is climate change. But is this really the case?

On this episode of The Rupa Subramanya Show, Rupa is joined by Ross McKitrick. McKitrick is a Professor of Economics and CBE Fellow in Sustainable Commerce at the University of Guelph where he specializes in environment, energy and climate policy.

Rupa and McKitrick discuss recent weather events, how climate alarmism is at an all-time high, the implementation of carbon taxes and much more.

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deaba1 No.124095

File: a1cb68ea48f39f8⋯.png (1.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311453 (062057ZAUG23) Notable: Trudeau government pondering 'digital first' approach to address federal service backlog

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Trudeau government pondering 'digital first' approach to address federal service backlog


Citizens' Minister Terry Beech says his 'innovative' government is open to using artificial intelligence to improve how they deliver services to Canadians.

The federal government is broadening what services Canadians can access online, including passports and payments — beyond that, very little is known at this time.

"I think, fundamentally, it's my job to wake up every day thinking about how we're improving the customer service experience for Canadians," MP Terry Beech told the CBC.

As the first Citizens' Minister, Beech hopes to rectify service backlogs, including the long lineups that have plagued passport renewals in recent months. At its peak last year, the backlog hit 316,000 applications.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hand-picked Beech, a former tech entrepreneur, to iron out the details — of what exactly, is not yet known.

"I don't have a mandate letter yet," he explained. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124096

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19311810 (062156ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bell has a monopoly on Canadian media, but still wants more taxpayer handouts (video)

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Bell has a monopoly on Canadian media, but still wants more taxpayer handouts


A look at the stock price reveals that Bell benefitted greatly from pandemic lockdowns that left Canadians with little to do but watch TV. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19312602 (070026ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Redacted: Oh SH*T, Trudeau better get ready for what's coming in Canada (video)

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Oh SH*T, Trudeau better get ready for what's coming in Canada | Redacted with Clayton Morris


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deaba1 No.124098

File: f5a2a6a0b05014e⋯.png (304.2 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315989 (071737ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Global Warming Hoax: Now We Know And They Can’t Stop Us From Knowing

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Global Warming Hoax: Now We Know And They Can’t Stop Us From Knowing


In the end, it is THE TRUTH THAT SET US FREE. The TRUTH is FINALLY forcing Klaus Schwab out of his Davos hider-hole

Back in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was spending $84,000 to study how churches could be used to combat climate change. (Washington Free Beacon, April 27, 2015)

It was in that horrific era that Global Warming fear-mongering began to replace the Holy Gospel at church—just five years before authorities, world-wide shut down all churches during the so-called COVID-19 “pandemic”.

Back in the day, sustainability pushers Maurice Strong, Al Gore, and Mikhail Gorbachev were the choir boy trio for having the Gospel of Christ replaced by Global Warming from the pulpit in largely unsuspecting churches.

THE CARDINAL’S SINS: A Vatican Secret Pact with the Devil Continue...

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deaba1 No.124099

File: a1a011171d59288⋯.png (391.92 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c587a8cf96fc1f⋯.png (213.36 KB,600x638,300:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316038 (071746ZAUG23) Notable: Migrant Apprehensions at One U.S.-Canada Border Sector Exceed Prior 9 Years Combined

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Migrant Apprehensions at One U.S.-Canada Border Sector Exceed Prior 9 Years Combined


Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more migrants during the first ten months of FY23 than in the prior nine years combined, an official tweeted. The unofficial report indicated the arrest of more than 5,400 migrants who illegally crossed the Canadian border into the U.S. since October 1, 2022. 'Continue...

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deaba1 No.124100

File: 4a3f8cc2efddc0a⋯.png (412.43 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 84dc3a169cb2967⋯.png (433.73 KB,508x693,508:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316165 (071815ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Ken-adian Barbie: Newly-separated Justin Trudeau Goes Full Pink

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Ken-adian Barbie: Newly-separated Justin Trudeau Goes Full Pink


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau donned a pink hoodie to celebrate the new Barbie movie with a feminist message: “We’re team Barbie,” he tweeted on Sunday.

Trudeau appeared alongside his eldest son, Xavier James, one of three children he shares with his newly-estranged wife, Sophie Grégoire. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124101

File: 2b351deaf96cc0d⋯.png (406.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19316269 (071838ZAUG23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Erdogan to make renewed Ukraine peace push

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Erdogan to make renewed Ukraine peace push – RIA


The Turkish leader will reportedly insist on a ceasefire and call for negotiations between Moscow and Kiev

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan intends to offer himself as a mediator in a bid to end the Ukraine conflict, RIA Novosti reported on Monday, citing a source in the Turkish government. The Turkish leader plans to table the proposal during his upcoming face-to-face meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the agency added. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124102

File: bca7d61db31c69e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321445 (081403ZAUG23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / The MSM Suddenly Has Started To Discuss Replacing Zelensky

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The MSM Suddenly Has Started To Discuss Replacing Zelensky


From February 24th 2022 until today, 529 days have passed, and most probably in every one of those days we had to deal with some opinion, criticism or recrimination by Ukrainian nanopresident Volodymyr Zelensky.

Hero to some, globalist pawn to others, Zelensky has become an almost obligatory feature in all political summits and even award shows – always asking for more and more military and financial help for his war-torn country.

Lately, cracks have started to show in the formidable support shown to the former comedian. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124103

File: e36d90f730709fe⋯.png (3.85 MB,2000x1279,2000:1279,Clipboard.png)

File: 6097004f64df7fc⋯.png (1.05 MB,680x638,340:319,Clipboard.png)

File: d6ab7953329359e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1135x1121,1135:1121,Clipboard.png)

File: f8d8c7e3751bf47⋯.png (2.21 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 555401f14d16648⋯.png (838.23 KB,802x614,401:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321710 (081451ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Stopping Global Warming’ A Concocted Alibi To Impose Every Conceivable Form Of Restriction On The Basic Rights Of All Humanity

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Stopping Global Warming’ A Concocted Alibi To Impose Every Conceivable Form Of Restriction On The Basic Rights Of All Humanity


Fire! Fire! Fire! …but wait a moment

The would be masters of totalitarian control have turned-up the heat in a calculated push to make sure responsibility for the bush and forest fires that have broken-out in the Mediterranean during the recent heatwave, are squarely blamed on ‘global warming’.

There has barely been a day during July when the ‘horror’ of these events hasn’t occupied the headlines of the UK mainstream press and other such top-down compliant media outlets.

The horror is no doubt very real where fires have got out of control, putting lives and property under direct threat – and we should spare a thought for those afflicted in this way.

But the continuous repetition of headlines shouting “Record breaking heat!” “Devastating fires!” “Hell on Earth!” have become suspiciously familiar to those who saw through the Covid fear mongering scams of 2020/2021. An increasingly wary public are no longer so easily seduced by the mind controlling media manipulations employed to enforce public acceptance of the ‘great global warming hoax’. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124104

File: 5bf81d1247525b3⋯.png (4.95 MB,2000x1127,2000:1127,Clipboard.png)

File: cf93999efb7eb73⋯.png (55.61 KB,746x401,746:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 274498566d6b2ce⋯.png (257.94 KB,949x443,949:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321986 (081543ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Covidian Madness Infects Alberta’s Criminal Justice System • The Truckers Movement and the Case of the “Coutts Four”

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Covidian Madness Infects Alberta’s Criminal Justice System • The Truckers Movement and the Case of the “Coutts Four”


The Coutts fiasco is emblematic of the political capture of Canada’s now mostly-dysfunctional criminal justice system. The latest “pre-trial” phase of this major scandal-in-the-making, unfolded in late July in a Lethbridge Alberta courthouse. In that courthouse a process is sporadically underway based on the government’s accusation that four men at the Coutts protest conspired to murder members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

A sharp contrast can be drawn between this case, involving murder charges where no murders took place, and the circumstances of massive media and government criminality that created the basis for the Coutts Protest, the Ottawa Truckers Convoy Movement and similar protest movements throughout the world. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322107 (081602ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr David Martin: Clarifying the Viral Narratives (video)

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Dr David Martin: Clarifying the Viral Narratives


This is a really interesting and revealing interview with David Martin, with a bit of a surprise at the end concerning the interviewer, whom I am not familiar with.

Interview posted on Forbiddenknowledgetv along with the following description:

Dr David Martin joined Alec Zeck of The Way Forward podcast about the fundamental misconceptions that have been built into our sciences and how these have now been compounded by a domestic and international racketeering and terror campaign known as “SARS-CoV-2” and “COVID-19” and how these deliberate confusions erupt around the conversations about the existence and the nature of “viruses”. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124106

File: 40895b8343cced8⋯.png (1.08 MB,1100x620,55:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322148 (081609ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / BC Supreme Court awards $1.5 million in historic ruling for Internet libel

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BC Supreme Court awards $1.5 million in historic ruling for Internet libel


The British Columbia Supreme Court ruled a contractor must pay $1.5 million for “a campaign of defamation” against a competitor.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, this penalty is among Canada's largest ever given for internet libel.

“The most broadly circulated publications were made on websites and blogs,” wrote Justice Andrew Mayer.

“It is arguable that defamation carried out over the internet may be more damaging to reputation than defamation carried out by other means because of the possibility that the publications will be seen by a broader audience.”

Valley Traffic Group Ltd. of Langley, BC, was ordered to pay $1.5 million, including punitive damages plus costs to a rival Ansan Traffic Group Ltd. and its director Raoul Malak.

In 2012 and 2013, the company slandered Ansan Traffic as a Mafia front and published caricatures of Malak in prison stripes.

The motive behind this defamation was their competition over a lucrative government contract. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124107

File: 7e83ee7ddf790e9⋯.png (781.47 KB,1100x625,44:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19322306 (081633ZAUG23) Notable: EPS warns violent sexual offenders released from jail

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EPS warns violent sexual offender released from jail


The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) is warning residents a 49-year-old violent sexual offender has been released.

In the interest of public safety, the EPS issued the warning over the weekend, saying Michael Cardinal, 49 is a convicted violent sexual offender and the police have reasonable grounds to believe he will commit another violent offence against someone while in the community.

EPS said Cardinal, who will be residing in Edmonton, is currently subject to a court order, with conditions, and will be managed by the Behavioural Assessment Unit of the Edmonton Police Service.

"Cardinal is a sexual offender who has been violent in the past, resulting in physical harm to his victims in the commission of offences," the EPS stated.

"Cardinal has victimized a number of females aged 15 years to 82 years in a sexual manner."

Cardinal has been placed on a series of court-ordered conditions including:

• He must live at a residence approved by his supervisor and must not change that address until he has received written approval from his supervisor.

• He must abide to a curfew of 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily, unless a varied time is approved in writing by his Supervisor.

• He must not consume alcohol, illegal drugs or intoxicating substances.

Four years ago EPS said Cardinal had a history of robbery, spousal violence, sexual assaults (including strangers, family members, senior citizens and young or underage females) and indecent acts.

He has been released once again and now EPS is issuing the same warning again four years later.

Anyone with any information about any potential breaches of these conditions by Cardinal can contact the EPS at 780-423-4567.

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deaba1 No.124108

File: 06419e9aa561abe⋯.png (889.25 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323475 (081943ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Wilkinson threatens to pull billions in funding for provinces that refuse to comply with clean electricity laws

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Wilkinson threatens to pull billions in funding for provinces that refuse to comply with clean electricity laws


Minister of Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson is threatening to pull billions in federal funding from provinces that refuse to comply with the Liberal government’s pledge to have a “non-emitting” electricity grid across the country by 2035.

Wilkinson’s remarks are the latest in a series of threats from federal officials concerning the incoming Clean Electricity Standard – which provinces like Alberta and Saskatchewan have labelled as unrealistic and an infringement on provincial sovereignty.

According to Wilkinson, his government is considering barring non-compliant provinces from a 15% investment tax credit and a $3 billion fund for renewable energy. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124109

File: e88e98f71ec21e7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323514 (081952ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / Former top official of Asian investment bank questions why Canada remains a member

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Former top official of Asian investment bank questions why Canada remains a member


Nearly two months after the federal government claimed it would “review” Canada’s membership in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AAIB), the former top official who blew the whistle on the Chinese Communist Party’s influence over the bank’s leadership is wondering why Ottawa is dragging their feet on exiting the organization.

According to the AIIB’s former director general of communications Bob Pickard, Canada would not join the bank today due to the internal influence of pro-Beijing regime actors. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124110

File: 7e6c9be37599f79⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: a69bc962a4ec2d7⋯.png (211.55 KB,806x800,403:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 06a2cafd992aacb⋯.png (232.18 KB,507x817,507:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf2ddc44d5b3c6⋯.png (454.65 KB,680x793,680:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323583 (082013ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Riley Gaines slams UBC prof who advocated exposing kids to adult genitals

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“You. Are. Deranged.” Riley Gaines slams UBC prof who advocated exposing kids to adult genitals


American swimmer and women’s rights advocate Riley Gaines slammed University of British Columbia (UBC) journalism professor Dr. Katja Thieme after she said children should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing naked transgender people in locker rooms. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124111

File: ac55cb867c3642c⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19324854 (090114ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Health Canada approves first RSV vaccine for 'limited use' in adults over 60

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Health Canada approves first RSV vaccine for 'limited use' in adults over 60


The manufacturer GSK claims their respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) jab, Arexvy, is 94% effective at preventing illness in seniors with underlying medical conditions.

For residents over 60, Health Canada has approved its first vaccine to 'flatten the curve' against the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

RSV, a virus commonly known for causing pneumonia and bronchitis, typically hospitalizes seniors and causes severe illness over other demographics from the fall season to spring.

On Friday, manufacturer GSK reported its vaccine, Arexvy, achieved an 82% effectiveness rate in preventing lower respiratory tract disease during a randomized clinical trial.

The company claimed the jab is 94% effective at preventing illness in seniors with underlying medical conditions.

However, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) emailed The Canadian Press that Arexvy would likely be available for "limited use during the 2023/2024 fall/winter respiratory virus season."

They said the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) would not likely issue guidance on the vaccine for seniors until next year. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124112

File: 27eca40ece93d22⋯.png (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 578f5165d2c1f1b⋯.png (1.19 MB,945x534,315:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19325699 (090348ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Electric Vehicles Can Explode - Petrol Ones Only Do It In Movies

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Electric Vehicles Can Explode – Petrol Ones Only Do It In Movies


For years I’ve told people until I’m blue in the face that electric cars don’t have enough range, that they take far too long to charge up, that they will always be too expensive and that they aren’t even very ­environmental

Happily, people are now starting to listen, so it’s time to move the argument along a bit with this: Electric cars are also bloody dangerous.

As I write (28th July), a massive ship is on fire off the Dutch coast and one person has died.

No one knows for sure what caused it, but it was carrying 25 electric cars, and experts say it’s likely that one of them had a faulty battery pack. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124113

File: b7687fee5f4b216⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327038 (091307ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Nanos survey finds 53% of Canadians believe carbon tax ineffective against climate change

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Nanos survey finds 53% of Canadians believe carbon tax ineffective against climate change


The majority of Canadians believe that the carbon tax is ineffective against climate change, according to a recent survey conducted by Nanos Research.

The survey was commissioned by CTV News in order to get feedback from Canadians on whether or not hiking gas prices was a positive step toward fighting climate change.

The Trudeau government initially implemented the nationwide carbon tax in 2019, beginning with a $20 increase on carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. They raised the tax to $65 per tonne in April of this year and the price will continue to escalate by $15 per year until it reaches $170 per tonne.

The poll found that two-thirds of Canadians felt this was the wrong time to raise the carbon tax, while the majority of those surveyed believed the carbon tax was ineffective in its goals in the first place. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327085 (091316ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / BC school trustee who shared offensive anti-Christian meme offers no apology

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‘Solidarity with Kike Ojo-Thompson,’ NDP MP defends controversial diversity consultancy


Hamilton Centre NDP MP Matthew Green defended the controversial “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) consultancy KOJO Institute and its founder Kike Ojo-Thompson, claiming they are being targeted by “right wing media pundits” and “the violence of white supremacy.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124115

File: f2f463cde5c5246⋯.png (951.68 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ab46bfd50dc6ca⋯.png (221.8 KB,345x751,345:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327161 (091329ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / $867K gov grant includes org that hosted fetish & BDSM seminar

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$867K gov grant includes org that hosted fetish & BDSM seminar


Liberal Minister for Women and Gender Equality Marci Ien announced $867,162 in taxpayer funding for two Newfoundland and Labrador LGBTQ organizations – including one that co-hosted a seminar on fetish and BDSM “kinks.”

On Friday, Ien praised St. John’s based Quadrangle for the “vital work” it’s doing in creating a more inclusive Canada.

“Supporting organizations like Quadrangle ensures that Indigenous, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and all marginalized groups have a strong voice and the resources they need. It’s about building a safer, more equitable, and inclusive Canada,” said Ien. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124116

File: 4acd93ce5ee4b8f⋯.png (1.47 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327211 (091342ZAUG23) Notable: Final Farmers and Food Bun / Food bank reports 95% of users not born in Canada

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Food bank reports 95% of users not born in Canada


A Toronto-area food bank is sounding the alarm after it witnessed a dramatic increase in new clients – a vast majority of which were new immigrants.

According to Feed Scarborough, visits to its five locations across the region have spiked by 112% in the past year.

A total of 95% of those relying on Feed Scarborough were not born in the country, while 72% had only been in Canada a year or less. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124117

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327270 (091358ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / TDSB trustee calls on board to cut ties with diversity consultancy following principal’s suicide (video)

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Ratio’d | CAUGHT ON TAPE: DEI instructor bullied Richard Bilkszto in 2021 anti-racism session


The family of long-time Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto claims his death was caused by a series of anti-racism training sessions led by Kike Ojo-Thompson of the KOJO Institute. Bilkszto’s story has become world wide news.

Last week, journalists Rupa Subramanya and Ari Blaff released exclusively obtained audio tapes of the Diversity Equity and Training sessions, in which Ojo-Thompson is heard telling the audience of Toronto principals that Canada is more racist than the United States and that Canada is a bastion of white supremacy.

Bilkszto challenged Ojo-Thompson’s outrageous statements and for that, it appears he was singled out and bullied by Ojo-Thompson in front of his peers. Bilkzsto became persona non grata for the crime of challenging an anti-racism professional.

The death of Richard Bilkzsto has become a cultural flashpoint in Canada.

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deaba1 No.124118

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327347 (091410ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Transgenderism in schools: A feature interview with Barbara Kay (video)

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Transgenderism in schools: A feature interview with Barbara Kay


Author and columnist Barbara Kay joins The Ezra Levant Show for an in-depth discussion on the radical progressive agenda being pushed on children in Canadian schools. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124119

File: a822331652b3c5a⋯.png (2.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327387 (091415ZAUG23) Notable: B.C. port workers ratify four-year deal, prompting federal review to avoid further disruptions

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B.C. port workers ratify four-year deal, prompting federal review to avoid further disruptions


The employers said workers rejected the previous deal granting them a four−year pay increase from $136,000 to $162,000 annually and securing a $3,000 signing bonus for each full-time worker.

After weeks of back and forth, federal port workers on the west coast will return to work after overwhelmingly supporting their most recent contract offer.

According to president Rob Ashton of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), 74.66% supported the agreement ratification vote, reported The Canadian Press.

Federal Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan confirmed the result over social media.

Though light on details, the ILWU said the four−year deal "includes increases in wages, benefits and training that recognizes the skills and efforts of B.C.'s waterfront workforce." Continue...

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deaba1 No.124120

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327594 (091448ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Protesters gather to demand resignation of Chilliwack trustee after discriminatory Facebook post (video)

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Protesters gather to demand resignation of Chilliwack trustee after discriminatory Facebook post


The board's chair, Willow Reichelt, who has earned a reputation for arbitrarily silencing concerns related to sexually explicit books in schools and biological males in female spaces, eventually came to Westerby's defense with an apology posted to social media. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124121

File: c23bf38aa945544⋯.png (332.93 KB,500x250,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 566db6d601e83bc⋯.png (320.23 KB,500x294,250:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 334ee3936fb4edf⋯.png (261.01 KB,500x305,100:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19327698 (091503ZAUG23) Notable: Kenya Kicks Eye-Scanning Worldcoin To The Curb - Refuses To Become 'Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs'

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Kenya Kicks Eye-Scanning Worldcoin To The Curb - Refuses To Become 'Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs'


The Kenyan Ministry of the Interior last week suspended the controversial tech firm WorldCoin and any similar entities from operating in the country.

Co-founded by OpenAI's Sam Altman, WorldCoin offers free crypto tokens worth roughly $50 to people willing to have their eyeballs scanned by a device called the Orb.

"Relevant security, financial services and data protection agencies have commenced inquiries and investigations to establish the authenticity and legality of the aforesaid activities, the safety and protection of the data being harvested, and how the harvesters intend to use the data," reads a statement from the Ministry issued last week.

Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua was enraged over the technology, saying in a statement: "Let us support the stoppage of Kenyans being used as guinea pigs and their data being harvested. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124122

File: de9d1e5269e5057⋯.png (4.14 MB,2000x1127,2000:1127,Clipboard.png)

File: 2edb324fbf2ac3a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 31b5c42b8d73e8a⋯.png (1.3 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d7ca32cb640038a⋯.png (3.03 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ac4939000bf28ec⋯.png (564.63 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328167 (091614ZAUG23) Notable: Freedom of Information Act in USA/Access to Information Act in Canada

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The Freedom of Information Act and How To Use It


On a sweltering day in July, 1966, a historic event unfolded in the hallowed halls of power in Washington, D.C. A monumental law was signed, one that would change the landscape of American governance and redefine the relationship between the people and their government. The law was called the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and its birth was no accident, but a result of years of tireless advocacy and momentous shifts in the social and political fabric of the nation.,,


The Access to Information Act in Canada, enacted in 1983, also shares similarities with the US FOIA. It allows Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and corporations present in Canada to access federal government records. Unlike the US and UK, non-residents cannot file requests, marking a significant divergence.

Also, Canada’s Act is a bit more restrictive in scope. It only applies to federal government institutions, with each province having separate legislation for provincial and municipal bodies.

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deaba1 No.124123

File: abf91640af680c9⋯.png (773.1 KB,810x479,810:479,Clipboard.png)

File: db84dac65baaca4⋯.png (197.65 KB,637x750,637:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328277 (091632ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Calgary police officer tells Muslim leader that pro-family protesters are ‘white supremacists’

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Calgary police officer tells Muslim leader that pro-family protesters are ‘white supremacists’


'This policeman blames and accuses the white people and Freedom Central of being troublemakers and racists,' pro-family protestor Mahmoud Mourra said.

An audio recording was posted to social media last week of a Calgary police officer telling a Canadian Muslim man organizing protests against LBGT indoctrination in schools that the white Canadians protesting alongside him secretly “hate Muslims” and are “white supremacists.”

In the audio recording, published August 3, Calgary Police Service officer Matt Messenger can be heard telling Mahmoud Mourra, the organizer of Muslim-led protests against the LBGT agenda being taught in schools, that white Canadians and supporters of the Freedom Convoy are “white supremacists” and will “turn their back to you.”

“This policeman blames and accuses the white people and Freedom Central of being troublemakers and racists,” Mourra wrote on a Facebook post. “Pay attention to his ‘advice’ when he promotes hate and division in our society, and how he threatens us.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124124

File: 6b1b2af0c7a46ea⋯.png (591.28 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c944859922e0297⋯.png (396.1 KB,510x712,255:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 51dc598049d5774⋯.png (289.75 KB,678x757,678:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328377 (091647ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / World Leaders Must Be ‘Ringmasters’ to Push Green Agenda, Says U.N. Climate Chief in ‘Doomsday’ Interview

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World Leaders Must Be ‘Ringmasters’ to Push Green Agenda, Says U.N. Climate Chief in ‘Doomsday’ Interview


World leaders must act as “ringmasters” to transition the global economy away from fossil fuels in order to combat the supposed impending doom of climate change, the United Nation’s top climate scientist has argued.

Professor Jim Skea, who was recently installed as the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the top UN body on climate change science, said that political leaders need to act as the “ringmasters or ringmistresses” of ushering in the globalist green agenda and force people into shifting away from a fossil fuel-based economy. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124125

File: 102e359b9194885⋯.png (552.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328465 (091657ZAUG23) Notable: Police bust global pedophile ring after fatal FBI shooting

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Police bust global pedophile ring after fatal FBI shooting


Illicit material was shared through a “technologically sophisticated” network, Australian authorities have said

At least 98 people have been arrested in the US and Australia as part of a sweeping child sex abuse probe, according to officials in both countries. The investigation was launched after two US federal agents were shot dead while pursuing a suspect in 2021.

The FBI and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) announced the arrests during a joint press conference on Tuesday, noting that 19 people in Australia and another 79 in the US are now in custody, all facing charges linked to an alleged child abuse ring spanning multiple countries. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124126

File: 7b1e9fc2a7a6165⋯.png (632.22 KB,1100x625,44:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328675 (091731ZAUG23) Notable: EPS warns violent sexual offenders released from jail

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EPS warns of yet another violent sexual offender released from jail


In less than three day, two violent sexual offenders have been released back to the streets of Edmonton.

The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) said on Tuesday it is warning the public that a convicted violent sexual offender is being released.

The EPS said 53-year-old Dwayne Kequahtooway (previously known as Dwayne Holliger) is a convicted violent sexual offender, and it has reasonable grounds to believe he will commit another violent offence against someone while in the community.

"Kequahtooway will be residing in Edmonton after he is released from custody, the EPS stated in a news release. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124127

File: 56c1dc46950c969⋯.png (2.44 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19328710 (091737ZAUG23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Trudeau Liberals spend $1.1 MILLION on 'Purge Fund' to target 'hateful' parents who oppose LGBTQ indoctrination

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Trudeau Liberals spend $1.1 MILLION on 'Purge Fund' to target 'hateful' parents who oppose LGBTQ indoctrination


“The campaign should address hateful propaganda and debunk disinformation."

As part of its “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," the Trudeau government has awarded $1.1 million on a “purge fund” that targets “hateful” parents opposing gender ideology and LGBTQ indoctrination.

The contract was given to Cossette Communications on July 26, 2023 “to develop, manage a 2SLGBTQ+ Anti-Stigma awareness and marketing campaign aimed at targeted segments of people.”

“The campaign should address hateful propaganda and debunk disinformation” that is allegedly targeting 2SLGBTQ people, the statement reads in a reference that could be used against parents – as “targeted segments of people” – who oppose gender ideology in schools.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced "Canada's first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan," at a news conference on Aug. 28, 2022 just before he headed off to attend Ottawa’s “Pride” parade in Ottawa – the first one after two years of COVID-19 lockdowns. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124128

File: f02bbcb878e5833⋯.png (2.18 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19330820 (092356ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau Liberals move to ban plastic wrapping for meat, bags for produce at grocery stores

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Trudeau Liberals move to ban plastic wrapping for meat, bags for produce at grocery stores


Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has given grocery stores in Canada until the end of August to address the Trudeau government’s proposed ban on single-use plastics on meat, fruit and vegetables..

In documents first discovered by Blacklock’s Reporter and reported by The Western Standard, the federal government did not provide an estimate as to how much the changes are going to cost consumers, but the environment department has previously said the figure could be as high as $205 million annually.

Former Saskatchewan Member of Parliament Gerry Ritz, who as agriculture minister under the former Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, told The Post Millennial that the program is unsound and unworkable. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124129

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19331542 (100200ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / The Cult Dynamics Of 2020 (video)

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The Cult Dynamics Of 2020


How and why did doctors, nurses, and others go along with the madness?

Smart people are shocked by the deadly actions of the medical establishment in 2020. Speaking to my own townsfolk on July 12th, 2023, I discussed the cult dynamics that made this madness possible. Here are 7 minutes that I hope you find insightful and entertaining.

(Please note my slip of the tongue at 4:30 and 5:50 where I meant to say “ivermectin” not “acyclovir”. Acyclovir has no role in treating coronaviruses, but ivermectin is the best choice)

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deaba1 No.124130

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19331836 (100240ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Dr. Jordan Peterson's warning about Net-Zero (video)

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Pay Attention to Dr. Jordan Peterson's Warning!


Dr. Jordan Peterson's warning about Net-Zero.

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deaba1 No.124131

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19331913 (100249ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Press for Truth: BC Father Who Was JAILED For Speaking Out About Transgender Daughter WINS APPEAL!!! (video)

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BREAKING: BC Father Who Was JAILED For Speaking Out About Transgender Daughter WINS APPEAL!!!


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deaba1 No.124132

File: 4cb94f4328415f5⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19331988 (100300ZAUG23) Notable: Autism centre owner charged with human trafficking released on bail

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Autism centre owner charged with human trafficking released on bail


An Ontario woman who operated a childcare facility for autistic children while her registered sex offender husband lived on the premises has posted bail for human trafficking and other charges.

Amber Maloney’s parents both paid a $5,000 surety after she was arrested for fraud over $5,000, administering a noxious substance, human trafficking and other charges. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124133

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19332054 (100310ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / SHOCKING scenes unfold at Trans March in Montreal, unveiling startling truths! (video)

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SHOCKING scenes unfold at Trans March in Montreal, unveiling startling truths!


During the event, Alexa Lavoie and Guillaume Roy were targeted by anti-fascist activists who disrupted their work and harassed them until they left. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124134

File: 363ca8655915d83⋯.png (3.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19332272 (100359ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / Volunteer for Justin Trudeau operates media organization linked to the United Front; has ties to Chinese diplomats

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Volunteer for Justin Trudeau operates media organization linked to the United Front; has ties to Chinese diplomats


Jianyun is pictured donning a Liberal volunteer lanyard with Trudeau in a post on Red Maple News.

Liberal Volunteer Gu Jianyun, president of pro-CCP foreign-language media outlet “Red Maple News,” attended meetings with Chinese Ambassador Cong Peiwu.

As previously reported by Rebel News, Gu Jianyun is also editor-in-chief and president of “Red Maple Forest News Network” (红枫林), part of Red Maple Journal Corporation, with a mandate to “serve the Chinese community in an all-round way, promote traditional Chinese culture, and assist new immigrants to integrate into Canada.”

Jianyun is also pictured donning a Liberal volunteer lanyard with Trudeau in a post on Red Maple News. She would later be invited to Parliament Hill by Trudeau in 2017, an event she reported back to China News Service.

A 2021 article shows Jianyun attending an online session with the Ambassador to “Commemorate the 1911 Revolution" to overthrow the monarchy and establish the Republic of China.

The same article noted the need for "all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation” to work together and to “help each other move forward in unity, and resolutely smash any Taiwan independence attempts.”

Red Maple News was contacted several times before publication but did not respond to requests for comment.

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deaba1 No.124135

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19332311 (100413ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Major study shows men most at risk of myocardial death after mRNA vaccinations (video)

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Major study shows men most at risk of myocardial death after mRNA vaccinations


A recent meta-analysis determines a statistically significant increase in cardiac-related deaths following the administration of the novel injections, citing the harm of cookie-cutter medicine. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124136

File: a7ae13f358eda66⋯.png (600.81 KB,500x1092,125:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 950af597982d84e⋯.png (83.08 KB,500x153,500:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19333538 (101258ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / As Anti-Farming Climate Activism Builds, 27% Of Global Workforce Employed In Ag

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As Anti-Farming Climate Activism Builds, 27% Of Global Workforce Employed In Ag


Agriculture has long been the backbone of human civilization, providing sustenance and livelihood to billions of people across the globe.

As of 2021, an estimated 27% of the global workforce was employed in agriculture, though the sector represents only 4% of global GDP.

Using employment and population data from the World Bank, Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti and Eiri Ryu created the following graphic to rank the distribution of agricultural workers in the world’s most populated countries. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124137

File: 59796ea1542336d⋯.png (117.06 KB,451x257,451:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 689617fd0cd3bc5⋯.png (1.73 MB,941x1117,941:1117,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b924bff9916a5e⋯.png (1.96 MB,941x1112,941:1112,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fcb0a745eee01d⋯.png (1010.87 KB,895x831,895:831,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ddcfca2e30da26⋯.png (657.71 KB,543x680,543:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19333606 (101320ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Bill Gates is shocked: He never expected us to fight back so hard against tyranny

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Bill Gates is shocked: He never expected us to fight back so hard against tyranny


Wow Bill Gates admits he never expected the level of resistance put up by Patriots during Covid Says he was shocked people now refer to him as an “evil mastermind” Believes society now has more distrust of vaccines than before I had 1 major takeaway watching this testimonial: Victory They never expected us to fight back so hard against their tyranny and they probably expected to have everyone getting regular Covid shots with universal vax passports to get into businesses But we won We fought like hell in the courts and on social media to tell the truth about this Covid tyranny agenda When politicians said “screw your freedom”, we only fought back harder They never expected it It wasn’t easy and it took 2+ years, but We the People defeated Covid tyranny And now everybody knows how evil Bill Gates is too No more sweater vest deception about this sicko friend of Jeffrey Epstein Continued below the fast clip…. more on this Globalist Continue...

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deaba1 No.124138

File: 48efc915f0790fe⋯.png (693.76 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f2215a0277a731⋯.png (338.02 KB,675x782,675:782,Clipboard.png)

File: d04212af963d8e0⋯.png (409.78 KB,672x782,336:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19333912 (101435ZAUG23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Remember The Canadian Truckers! Farage Warns Against Debanking, Cashless Society

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Remember The Canadian Truckers! Farage Warns Against Debanking, Cashless Society


Brexit leader turned banking reform campaigner Nigel Farage has voiced a clear warning over the pitfalls of the cashless society, citing the treatment of the Canadian vaccine mandate protesters by a vindictive government as a vision of the future. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124139

File: 588b3c5763dc4e1⋯.png (653.23 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 1668aecd1eef1b1⋯.png (325.09 KB,1024x767,1024:767,Clipboard.png)

File: f9d4d1d67442610⋯.png (447.75 KB,506x802,253:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334123 (101521ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Canadians Revolt Against Trudeau’s Mass Migration Economy

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Canadians Revolt Against Trudeau’s Mass Migration Economy


Polls show that Canadians have sharply reversed their pro-migration views as their housing costs are deliberately spiked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s elite-backed policy of maximizing immigration.

“About 2 in 3 Canadians believe an increase in the annual target of [legal] immigrants as permanent residents will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on the cost of housing, while one in five believe it will have a positive or somewhat impact,” said an August poll of 1,081 Canadians by Nanos Research Group for an August 8 article by Bloomberg News.

The poll summary reported 68 percent opposition and 20 percent support: Continue...

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deaba1 No.124140

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334151 (101530ZAUG23) Notable: Be Very Concerned About Health Canada Changes to Natural Health Products -Dr. Byram Bridle (video)

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[INTERVIEW] Be Very Concerned About Health Canada Changes to Natural Health Products -Dr. Byram Bridle


Dr. Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist & Vaccinologist, joins me to discuss Health Canada’s attack on natural health products (NHPs) stemming from its “massive” Pharma conflict of interest. He also drops a breaking story on McGill University’s unethical alliance with Moderna.

To learn more about how to save NHPs, visit NHPPA.org.


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deaba1 No.124141

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334175 (101535ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Moderna Admits Not Knowing Where mRNA Went in Body or Amount of mRNA in Each Batch -Dr. Byram Bridle (video)

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[CLIP] Moderna Admits Not Knowing Where mRNA Went in Body or Amount of mRNA in Each Batch -Dr. Byram Bridle


Dr. Byram Bridle, Viral Immunologist and Vaccinologist, shares alarming, cutting edge details of a press release announcing a collaboration between Moderna and McGill University in which Moderna openly admits that it didn’t understand where the mRNA biodistribution of the Covid “vaccines,” that is, where the lipid nanoparticles took the mRNA in the body nor were they able to control the amount of mRNA in each batch of the shots.

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deaba1 No.124142

File: 531231bd8337923⋯.png (3.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 927d6c9080abe93⋯.png (199.33 KB,512x713,512:713,Clipboard.png)

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File: 59d889d466660eb⋯.png (291.48 KB,677x707,677:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334243 (101547ZAUG23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Mourning father seeks justice for son who died suddenly

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Mourning father seeks justice for son who died suddenly


Amidst a targeted campaign to downplay COVID vaccine reactions, one father has taken to social media to get help in his quest for justice.

The saga continues for justice after the suspicious death of 17-year old Sean Hartman, who was found lifeless beside his bed a mere 33 days after his first Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA shot.

In a tearful clip posted to social media, Sean’s father, Dan Hartman, pleads for help.

“Help me fight them,” Dan says, “they took my special boy.” Continue...

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deaba1 No.124143

File: 07d49617d102df2⋯.png (471.76 KB,636x353,636:353,Clipboard.png)

File: 6169420e977b9ef⋯.png (686.83 KB,467x573,467:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334405 (101621ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / Hong Kong police officers competing in Winnipeg Games strike fear into expats

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Hong Kong police officers competing in Winnipeg Games strike fear into expats


The World Police & Fire Games (WPFG) are over but worry and fear lingers within Canada’s Hong Kong Canadian community.

Two questions feed the unease.

Have all the 297 Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) participants in the recent games held in Winnipeg gone home? And what will they do with the photos and videos they took of Hong Kongers, many who had fled the HKPF’s brutality, protesting their presence in Canada?

“Those police did some very evil things in Hong Kong. I don’t understand why the Canadian government allowed those people to come into Canada,” said Brian Cheung, with Winnipeg Hong Kong Concern. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124144

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19334464 (101633ZAUG23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / While Canada sabotages its own industries, Russia's economy isn't as weak as we think (video)

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While Canada sabotages its own industries, Russia's economy isn't as weak as we think


On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra analyzed economic data showing that the Russian economy hasn't been as hindered by sanctions and the war as we might assume. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124145

File: 0cd66c27ba65ccd⋯.png (619.62 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19336665 (110029ZAUG23) Notable: Child sexual exploitation growing exponentially, police struggling to keep up

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Child sexual exploitation growing exponentially, police struggling to keep up


The sexual exploitation of children online is getting so rampant across Canada that police are not able to keep up with the number of cases due to a lack of resources to properly investigate the vast amount of cases.

Sgt. Christian Lowe of the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) told the Vancouver Sun that his internet child exploitation unit receives more complaints regarding online images of children being sexually abused than complaints about sexual assault.

The fact that much of this is done online makes it more difficult for authorities to track down the perpetrators.

“When it comes to child pornography, these kids don’t even know they’re being victimized. It’s just part of their life,” said Lowe. “These children are not only being sexually assaulted but they are being recorded and put on the internet for the rest of their lives.”

B.C. accounts for the bulk of incidents reported about making or distributing these images. Over half of the 7,141 reports across Canada in 2021 were made in B.C., according to Stats Can. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124146

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19337562 (110257ZAUG23) Notable: Ratio’d: This is RUINING Canada and nobody is trying to solve it (video)

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Ratio’d | This is RUINING Canada and nobody is trying to solve it


Another public opinion poll shows that Canadians have had enough of mass immigration. A Nanos poll from last week shows that a majority in Canada are concerned that the current immigration targets set by the federal government will impact the housing shortage. Go figure! Last year, a Leger poll found the same results.

Despite this, Canada’s new immigration minister told journalists last week that Canada would continue to bring in record numbers of immigrants and even perhaps increase annual government targets. Food banks are filling up with immigrants, housing shelters are filling up with asylum seekers and Canadians can no longer afford to live in the cities they grew up in. Even worse, provinces are now asking Canadians to explore home sharing options to solve the shortage.

If you’re looking for an opposition to these sky-high immigration targets, don’t go to the Conservatives. Pierre Poilievre continues to dodge questions about his immigration plan and whether he would stick to Trudeau’s 500,000-per-year number.

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deaba1 No.124147

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340052 (111522ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / MSM says COVID cases on the rise, fails to mention experts' conflicts of interest (video)

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MSM says COVID cases on the rise, fails to mention experts' conflicts of interest


The mainstream media continues to amplify purported COVID-19 experts – who use variants as justification for pushing more novel booster shots – without divulging their conflicts of interest. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124148

File: 01f58126a1bde16⋯.png (265.52 KB,500x299,500:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 53d6e4fcd80a522⋯.png (336.47 KB,616x752,77:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340329 (111619ZAUG23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell

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FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell


Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it.”

The case was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with the statements.

A federal judge dismissed the case in 2022, prompting an appeal.

“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no,” Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.

The FDA on Aug. 21, 2021, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter:

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

The post, which linked to an FDA page that says people shouldn’t use ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19, went viral.

In other statements, the FDA said that ivermectin “isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19” and “Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No.”

Command or Not Continue...

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deaba1 No.124149

File: c229086c5dfde26⋯.png (198.28 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b2f9bf2b439202⋯.png (544.69 KB,500x528,125:132,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340710 (111725ZAUG23) Notable: Final China Bun / 'He Was Alive': Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs In Back Of Van

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'He Was Alive': Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs In Back Of Van


Stepping into the van guarded by armed soldiers with five surgeons and nurses, Zheng Zhi didn’t know he was entering into a world that would haunt him for the next quarter of a century.

Dr. Zheng, then a resident doctor at one of China’s largest military hospitals, knew little more than they were on a “secret military mission” near a military prison located around the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian.

A light blue fabric covered the four sides of the vehicle, shielding it from any curious glances.

When the door opened, four burly soldiers carried in a man whose limbs were bound with thin ropes that had cut deeply into his flesh. The man was no more than 18 years old; his organs, the surgical crew had been told the day before, were “healthy, fresh.”

A doctor instructed Dr. Zheng to “step on” the man’s legs and “don’t let him move.” He pressed the man's legs down with his hands and to his shock, they were warm to the touch. Blood was now flowing from the man’s throat.

He watched a doctor slice open the man’s stomach and two others reach in to remove a kidney each. The man’s legs twitched and his throat moved—although no sound came out.

“Cut his artery and veins, quick!” a doctor told Dr. Zheng. As he did so, so much blood gushed out that it splashed all over Dr. Zheng’s gown and gloves. That was when he got the order to extract the man’s eyes.

Dr. Zheng looked at the man’s face. Staring back at him was a pair of wide-open eyes.

"It was horrifying beyond words. He was looking right at me. His eyelids were moving. He was alive," Dr. Zheng recounted to The Epoch Times in July, the first time he agreed to use his real name to recount his story. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124150

File: edb843cd72b2441⋯.png (2.21 MB,1500x845,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340872 (111752ZAUG23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Great Canadian Firewall: Trudeau Brings “Totalitarian Time” To The Internet In Canada

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The Great Canadian Firewall • Trudeau Brings “Totalitarian Time” To The Internet In Canada


“Always after the fact.”

If there is one trend entrenched in Canadian media that gets CAP’s goat, it’s the phenomenon of hiding critical socio-political issues from Canadians until it’s too late to do anything about it.

Take, for example, the government of China’s infiltration of our society:

‘Vancouver Authors Pour Out Books On China’s Impact’

August 10th, 2023: These authors are “digging into how China is influencing Western politics, academia, media, business and culture and distorting the concept of human rights.”

Upon which concerned Canadians may wonder for how long the government of China’s assault on democracy in Canada has been going on:

‘Canadian Intelligence Flagged Chinese Meddling 37 Years Ago: Newly Released Report’

“A newly released document shows intelligence officials have been tracking China’s attempts to meddle in Canadian affairs for more than one-third of a century.”

The outcome is that a smattering of us now understand the longevity and impact of China’s meddling in Canada’s affairs.

A smattering– as opposed to the concept reaching the consciousness of general society. Just to think– if these facts had been exposed to Canadians even twenty years ago, it may have been possible to have prevented, or at least minimized, China’s infiltration of our country. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124151

File: 02a566b0a4df083⋯.png (466.64 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19341368 (111906ZAUG23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Renowned climate scientist blasts ‘anti-capitalist’ climate agenda, ‘manufactured’ consensus

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Renowned climate scientist blasts ‘anti-capitalist’ climate agenda, ‘manufactured’ consensus


Climatologist Judith Curry warned of a ‘a climate change industry set up to reward alarmism’ and crush oil companies.

A renowned climatologist has said that the alleged scientific consensus on “climate change” is a “manufactured consensus” perpetuated by the United Nations (U.N.).

In an interview with libertarian journalist and pundit John Stossel, climatologist Judith Curry said that the “manufactured consensus” existed because a scientist would achieve “fame and fortune” for exaggerating the risks associated with “climate change.”

Curry, who formerly served as the chair of the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, admitted that she used to spread alarmism about “climate change” herself.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” says Curry. “And so, this was picked up by the media. Alarmists said, ‘Oh, here’s the way to do it: Tie extreme weather events to global warming!’”

“So, this hysteria is your fault!” Stossel told Curry.

“Well, sort of. Not really. They would have picked up on it anyways,” she replied. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124152

File: a78aa6dbe20ea67⋯.png (467.3 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19341594 (111953ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Trudeau Bun / Trudeau’s split from wife reveals some shocking truth

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Trudeau’s split from wife reveals some shocking truths


If the opposition and its supporters can’t figure out a way to compete on a level beyond rumors, personal attacks, and wardrobe critiques, then they’re in big trouble. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19341782 (112021ZAUG23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone on CIA & Department of Defense Connections (video)

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Dr. Robert Malone on CIA & Department of Defense Connections


Dr. Robert Malone has again been accused of having intimate CIA connections, as controlled opposition. Here is our conversation on the topic with co-interviewer independent journalist, Aga Wilson.

WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: We’ll Win This War With 10% of the World -Dr. Robert Malone


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deaba1 No.124154

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19342025 (112111ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun / Short speeches from each of us at the Life Site News Gala and Medical Heroism Awards in Toronto 2023 (video)

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Short speeches from each of us at the Life Site News Gala and Medical Heroism Awards in Toronto 2023


Dr Mary O’Connor, Dr Byram Bridle and myself, all shared brief testimonies at the Life Site News 2023 Gala in Toronto. Life Site News Co-founder Steve Jalsevac presented each us with Medical Heroism awards. Dr O’Connor related the shocking mafia style abuse of her by the CPSO as she held the line and protected her patients against deadly misrepresented injections and other violations. Dr Bridle shared stories including protecting his son from solitary confinement, and his experiences sharing scientific truths openly and undergoing extreme persecution from his past colleagues. Dr Bridle also warned about the Canadian government’s current threats to accelerate censorship and persecution of truth tellers. I pursued some laughter and discussed the importance of legitimate journalism while thanking the many real journalists of Life Site News who were present. Continue...

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deaba1 No.124155

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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