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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,canada.png)

0b5847 No.42371 [View All]

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 540 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0b5847 No.43587

File: 4616a5d28295fc7⋯.png (383.63 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18716123 (182048ZAPR23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Canadian mother suffers ‘severe’ injury after employer forced her to take COVID shots

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Canadian mother suffers ‘severe’ injury after employer forced her to take COVID shots


Claudia's employer, a government contractor, did not 'accept' her two exemption letters, one of which was written by her archbishop.

A Canadian wife and mother continues to suffer from major physical damage after her employer forced her to take the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Claudia’s story was shared on a website called Symptosi, which means “coincidence” in Greek. The platform is a method for individuals to share their experiences after taking the shots. Although the site does not claim that all physical problems are directly caused by the shots, it is an example of the large number of serious, long-term health issues which arise post-vaccination and may not be mere coincidences. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43588

File: 89e73a0949d1186⋯.png (303.14 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18716206 (182112ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Ontario school trustee files court motion after being censured for questioning race, gender policies

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Ontario school trustee files court motion after being censured for questioning race, gender policies


Among other things, the trustee was disciplined for questioning the board's policy forbidding teachers from disclosing information with parents about a student’s chosen gender identity or expression at school.

OSHAWA, Ontario (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) — The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (“JCCF”) is announcing that school board trustee Linda Stone has filed an application for judicial review against the Durham District School Board (the “Board”) in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for censoring her speech and interfering with her ability to fulfil her role as an elected official. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43589

File: 6e7bfb583cdc535⋯.png (370.68 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e8615dc1e4055e9⋯.png (149.81 KB,541x694,541:694,Clipboard.png)

File: c0c0616306a79bc⋯.png (36.06 KB,542x321,542:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 672c4d12bb946a5⋯.png (31.56 KB,543x375,181:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18716287 (182136ZAPR23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Trudeau complains that CBC is not fully publicly funded so Elon changes label to '69% government-funded'

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BREAKING: Trudeau complains that CBC is not fully publicly funded so Elon changes label to '69% government-funded'


Elon Musk has been on a tear on Twitter recently, labeling government funded media worldwide as exactly that. On Monday, it was the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's turn to get tagged, and in response, the government lashed out.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, along with the CBC, took issue with the label, complaining that it was not accurate because the CBC is only 70 percent government funded, supplying 30 percent of their funding from other revenue sources. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43590

File: 29c93d306601461⋯.png (537.11 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18716401 (182204ZAPR23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Freedom Convoy protester acquitted of all charges

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Freedom Convoy protester acquitted of all charges


A court case related to the Ottawa police’s investigation into a child’s wagon carrying jerry cans to help fuel Freedom Convoy protestors last year has resulted in the accused, Allen Remley, being acquitted of all charges of mischief and obstruction of police.

Lawyer Jim Karahalios did not have to call any evidence to the case before Ontario Court Justice Perkins-McVey ruled that Crown prosecutors failed to justify their charges against Remley. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43591

File: 1f48557dbb64838⋯.png (190.06 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c5d7e13e5269b8d⋯.pdf (1.11 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18716482 (182225ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / WCH Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Public Health (with pdf)

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WCH Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Public Health


Announcing The World Council For Health's policy & briefing document regarding The World Health Organization's dangerous power grabs & threats to human rights & health.

The World Health Organization remains one of the greatest threats to health, survival, and human rights for all of us, and for generations to come. The WHO is the conduit of control used by global predators including the WEF and Bill Gates to abuse and violate the world’s population. Here is an important new tool to help us advance the fight for our survival, health and freedom. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43592

File: 6d14bd8ed497670⋯.png (240.92 KB,639x359,639:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18719782 (191354ZAPR23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / The world has woken up to the Climate Scam

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The world has woken up to the Climate Scam


Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (“BoM”) caught red-handed cooking the temperature books. A FOI request, which the BoM was fighting in court, reveals the agency’s newer electronic probes give readings 0.7C above traditional mercury thermometers.

Referring to reports that 97% of published scientific papers support the so-called consensus on man-made global warming based on a paper by John Cook et al, Australian science commentator, Joanne Nova, said: “They tell us 97% of climate scientists agree, but they don’t tell us that that’s only 75 people. We can name 31,500 scientists who agree with us!” Continue…

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0b5847 No.43593

File: 094475cbe0bc543⋯.png (69.25 KB,1912x1278,956:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18719812 (191402ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own • The 12 Dirtiest and Most Offensive Words in the English Language

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The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own • The 12 Dirtiest and Most Offensive Words in the English Language


The illiterati, the truth deniers, have invented a language of their own. By looking for their favourite words you can easily identify the psychopathic criminals who make up the conspiratorial globalists (or, as we refer to them the `nutters’).

And so here are their favourite words. If you see more than two of these words in any document then you know you are dealing with a dangerous lunatic. You should stand well back. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43594

File: 72919d69556e36c⋯.png (270.19 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18719927 (191430ZAPR23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Trudeau’s cabinet confirms in letter to MPs his ‘commitment’ to appointing ‘internet censors’

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Trudeau’s cabinet confirms in letter to MPs his ‘commitment’ to appointing ‘internet censors’


The Canadian government is considering the creation of a new Digital Safety Commission to monitor internet content considered 'hurtful' and to establish rules for platforms backed up by strong enforcement mechanisms. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43595

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18719981 (191438ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids

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Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids


Calgary police ticketed the young Pawlowski under a new city bylaw banning 'specified' protests against pro-LGBT events held at public facilities Continue…

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0b5847 No.43596

File: 820a0e6451ebc64⋯.png (287.6 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18720022 (191444ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Police identify trans-identified male who assaulted resident at Ontario women's shelter as Cody D'Entremont

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Police identify trans-identified male who assaulted resident at Ontario women's shelter as Cody D'Entremont


Police in Windsor, Ontario have located the suspect in an alleged sexual assault case that took place in a women’s shelter on April 4.

On April 18, Windsor Police put out a call to the public for information regarding a suspect after a female victim reported that she had been sexually assaulted while staying at a Windsor women’s shelter. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43597

File: f3ef7f59a5829ca⋯.png (485.79 KB,1000x501,1000:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722313 (192253ZAPR23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / AstraZeneca Covid vax could be added to death certificate of psychologist who died from a blood clot 10 days after receiving jab

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AstraZeneca Covid vax could be added to death certificate of psychologist who died from a blood clot 10 days after receiving jab


Mrs. Wright said the fact that she now had "written proof" that AstraZeneca played a part in Stephen's death would allow her and her family to ramp up their legal fight against the pharmaceutical giant.

An inquest into the death of 32-year-old British psychologist Dr. Stephen Wright has determined that he passed away due to "unintended complications of the [Covid-19] vaccine." His wife, Charlotte, has been on a mission to change his official cause of death from "natural causes" to reflect the findings.

Dr. Stephen Wright died in January 2021 after being diagnosed with a blood clot in his brain. He'd received his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine just ten days prior. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43598

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722353 (192301ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans-identified male accused of spying on girls in changing room at Nanaimo, BC pool is a convicted pedophile (video)

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REVEALED: Trans-identified male accused of spying on girls in changing room at Nanaimo, BC pool is a convicted pedophile


Otter confessed to touching an 8-year-old girl for sexual purposes on nine separate occasions.

A trans-identified male accused of spying on girls in a women’s changing room in Nanaimo, British Columbia has been identified by local residents as a convicted pedophile.

In February, Janayh Wright was threatened with arrest after confronting a male wearing a wig whom she alleges was peeking under her daughter’s stall at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre. The male claimed to be entitled to be in the changing room on the grounds of “human rights.”

Wright reported the incident to management but was told that it was indeed the trans-identified male’s right to be in the female changing room. Wright told Reduxx that staff warned her she could be arrested for removing the male from the women’s changing room. She then reported the incident to the police.

Now, with the help of local residents, Reduxx has revealed that the individual is a convicted pedophile who goes by the name of Kylie Otter, sometimes spelled Rhylie or Rhiley.

In 2019, at the age of 28, Otter was sentenced to 14 months in jail and 24 months probation for sexual interference against a young person. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43599

File: 9d1df146f1465d1⋯.png (584.34 KB,828x466,414:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722385 (192309ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / International Experts to Speak in EU Parliament on Covid Response and mRNA ‘Vaccines’ | ICS3 May 3

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International Experts to Speak in EU Parliament on Covid Response and mRNA ‘Vaccines’ | ICS3 May 3


For the first time, international experts will be speaking in the European Parliament May 3 to the Covid-19 response and mRNA “vaccines.” An impressive list of 35 speakers have been invited to the International Covid Summit’s hearing, including Drs. Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch and Merul Nass, David Martin and Canadian experts, Drs. Byram Bridle, Stephen Malthouse and Jessica Rose. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43600

File: 9ed5973818dd892⋯.png (1012.97 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722473 (192326ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / BC mayor demands rehiring of unvaccinated healthcare workers amid 10th ER closure

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BC mayor demands rehiring of unvaccinated healthcare workers amid 10th ER closure


The mayor of Merritt, British Columbia wants the provincial health authority to bring back unvaccinated healthcare workers who were fired due to provincial Covid-19 vaccine mandates, as the city faces protests over repeat emergency room closures in the city and across the province.

On Saturday, a group of Nicola Valley residents demonstrated against the 10th closure of the local emergency department since December.

Mayor Mike Goetz has made a request to Interior Health to drop remaining Covid-19 vaccination requirements and hire back the unvaccinated healthcare workers who were put on leave. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43601

File: 11999db7d231c44⋯.png (487.37 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722604 (192348ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / CBC promotes “Drag Queen Baby” book to 12 year olds

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CBC promotes “Drag Queen Baby” book to 12 year olds


The CBC wants 12-year-olds to read a book about a transgender teen who takes a job moonlighting as a drag queen at a “local club.”

On Apr. 13, CBC Books promoted Canadian “trans masculine” author C.A. Tanaka’s book “Baby Drag Queen” as being “for ages 12 and up.”

“Ichiro is a transgender youth in his final year of high school,” writes CBC Books. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43602

File: aa942cfa07f0c60⋯.png (2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 12fee9913a59137⋯.png (232.96 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 553acb25ca7bceb⋯.png (769.65 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eccf2c3f244baf⋯.png (186.84 KB,680x460,34:23,Clipboard.png)

File: b10fd54c0b7b6e5⋯.png (114.05 KB,725x725,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18722656 (200000ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / FDA removes monovalent COVID-19 vaccines from the market

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FDA removes monovalent COVID-19 vaccines from the market


The FDA has moved forward with authorizing the bivalent vaccines (original and omicron BA.4/BA.5 strains) instead, citing a need to 'simplify the vaccination schedule.'

Citing a need to “simplify the vaccination schedule,” the FDA has amended emergency use authorization for the original monovalent vaccines in favour of the novel bivalents.

“The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States,” a press release issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on April 18 reads. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724208 (201429ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / This activist teacher who exposed kindergartners to drag queen story time without parental consent must be fired! (video)

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This activist teacher who exposed kindergartners to drag queen story time without parental consent must be fired!


Every parent we spoke to whose child she used as her social justice weapon was both disturbed and outraged by her conduct.

A spiteful Drag Queen for kids’ activist who also happens to be a primary grade teacher named Myia Malakoff, must be fired and we need your help (hyperlink OCP where it says we need your help) to do so.

After community pushback last month, led to the cancellation of a drag queen Storytime at B.C’s Nelson Public Library, Malakoff chose to use her impressionable students for political gain.

With vengeance on her mind, Malakoff exposed kindergarten and grade one students at Twin Rivers Elementary School to a drag queen story-time video. The video shows Harris Kornstein a.k.a. a drag character called “Little Hot Mess”, reading a same sex-marriage book that promotes cross-dressing to kids called “Worm Loves Worm.” Continue…

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0b5847 No.43604

File: fa9a802ac09d135⋯.png (706.11 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f5e10a9321f97⋯.png (101.41 KB,612x817,612:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724344 (201456ZAPR23) Notable: Final Prairie Provinces Bun / Notley kicks reporters out of press conference after criticizing Smith for limiting media questions

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Independent Press Gallery demands answers from Notley after she evicted journalists


An association representing independent media outlets is calling on Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley to commit to allowing independent journalists to cover her campaign events after security removed two journalists from a recent press conference.

In the open letter dated Apr. 19, Independent Press Gallery president and True North journalist Andrew Lawton called on Notley to take a stand for press freedom by ensuring access for all media outlets. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43605

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724613 (201546ZAPR23) Notable: UN Issues Report Pushing for Normalization and Decriminalization of Pedophilia (video)

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UN Issues Report Pushing for Normalization and Decriminalization of Pedophilia


The UN is pushing a report that declares pedophilia is a human right. This is why the US needs to get out of and stop funding the UN.

Elizabeth Yore was on Steve Bannon’s War Room to express her concerns with a new report being pushed by the UN that recommends making pedophilia legal.

Yore has been standing for the safety of children for ages. She has her own website, labeled Yore Children where she shares current events on the subject and how you can help. Continue…

Read Here:https://www.yorechildren.com/blog/2023/4/18/un-report-supports-pedophilia

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0b5847 No.43606

File: d2de95da7ca6df0⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724738 (201615ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception

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New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception


Health Impact News has just published the premiere of the 2023 documentary film, Covidism: Contagious Deception.

“Covidism: Contagious Deception” is the most comprehensive documentary on COVID-19 I have had the pleasure to watch, as it thoroughly analyzes both the scientific and political aspects of the COVID-19 mass deception launched in 2020.

The documentary was written and produced by a Health Impact News subscriber, Bonum Vincit (pseudonym), a Bulgarian independent film producer who would like to remain anonymous.

This is an amazing film that features interviews and footage of many of the leading dissenting scientists and doctors who tried to warn the public as this mass deception unfolded. These voices were censored from the corporate media and the major social media sites.

We have published this film in four parts.

Part 1 carefully examines how authorities worldwide have been gaming the numbers regarding cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the alleged coronavirus. Part 1 also explains how health officials actively suppressed safe and effective treatments for Covid-19, while employing deadly protocols for hospital patients.

Part 2 focuses on the fascinating timeline of events, which led to the global Covid-19 response, and investigates whether or not the science on the lethality and infectivity of Sars-Cov-2 justified countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask-wearing.

Part 3 is a deep dive into the topic of Covid-19 “vaccines,” detailing the plethora of scientific evidence for their unsafe and ineffective nature, while exposing the deceptive tactics of manipulating the statistics.

Part 4 puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda – The Great Reset.

The film producer is not accepting any donations for this amazing work, and he wants everyone to freely copy and distribute the film.

If you appreciate his work, please let him know. You can reach him at this email address: covid19_documentary@proton.me

This work was a labor of love, and he began it back in 2020, which means it took him almost 3 years to produce this film.

Since he is offering it to the public for FREE, it means that he does NOT work for you and is not obligated to respond to attacks and criticisms if you see something you do not like in this film.

Therefore, please only email him with positive encouragement, and keep any negative comments you have to yourself, because he owes nobody anything.

Here is Part 1 from our Odysee Video Channel. All four parts will soon be available on all of our other video channels as well on Bitchute, Rumble, and Telegram. (Note: Telegram is the easiest one to download from.)


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0b5847 No.43607

File: 37cf48a5b71b624⋯.png (722.1 KB,1406x768,703:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724978 (201708ZAPR23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics

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Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics


A new report has shed fresh light on the connection between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and numerous private-sector drug, vaccine, and health care companies that have been working together to silence vaccine critics from speaking their minds.

The Public Good Projects (PGP), as it is benevolently dubbed, describes itself as a public health non-profit group centered around “large-scale monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions.” The truth, though, is that it is a fascist public-private operation aimed at keeping a lid on the deadly truth about vaccines. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43608

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18726384 (202237ZAPR23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Genomics expert discovers concerning contents in COVID vaccine vials

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Genomics expert discovers concerning contents in COVID vaccine vials


Former research and development leader at the Humane Genome Project has taken citizen science into his own hands to learn more about what exactly lurks in the vials of the novel COVID-19 injections.

Kevin McKernan holds a bachelor of science with specified training in pharmacology, toxicology and biomedical engineering. As the former research & development (R&D) lead at the Human Genome Project, he has pioneered work in the field of genome sequencing for the last 30 years.

McKernan previously joined Rebel News to discuss the censoring of his paper titled, “Difference in vaccine and SARS-COV-2 Replication derived mRNA: Implications for cell biology and future disease,” which basically found unstable codon optimization – an academic term which means that it remains unknown what the mRNA in these injections prompts your own cells to make.

Another unknown was what exactly the vial contents of these novel injections were, until now. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43609

File: 1d9ba72a7d5c3c2⋯.png (529.37 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 07a38782eda5ead⋯.png (40.89 KB,540x453,180:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18727637 (210305ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Quebec trans-identified sex offender tried to cut off own penis and testicles on eve of sentencing

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Quebec trans-identified sex offender tried to cut off own penis and testicles on eve of sentencing


A sex offender in Québec who began identifying as a woman after being convicted of sexual assault with a weapon has engaged in genital self-mutilation on the eve of being sentenced, reportedly as a way to avoid being sent to a men’s prison.

According to La Presse, Jody Matthew Burke, who now goes by the name of Amber, caused the self-inflicted wounds and was rushed to hospital late Tuesday night. Burke’s lawyer, Veronique Talbot, confirmed that her client had undergone urgent surgery upon arrival at the hospital but did not give further details.

During the scheduled court hearing on Wednesday morning, Talbot offered to give Judge Jacques Gagné details in private, but the judge declined, instead expressing interest in when he could hand down Burke’s sentence.

Burke’s most recent victim, Brigitte Jobin, was present at the hearing and called the act of self-mutilation “calculated.”

“For me it’s a lot of emotions to deal with. I don’t know if I should laugh, cry, be angry or just discouraged by the circus that has been going on for six years,” Jobin told La Presse. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43610

File: a794b33eb4440ac⋯.png (443.12 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18727893 (210426ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ontario school board cites 'human rights' when allowing explicit book 'Gender Queer' to remain on library shelves against parents' wishes

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Ontario school board cites 'human rights' when allowing explicit book 'Gender Queer' to remain on library shelves against parents' wishes


There were chaotic scenes at a Durham District School Board (DDSB) meeting Wednesday when the board defended its decision to keep a pornographic book on library shelves despite numerous complaints from angry parents.

The book in question was Maia Kobabe’s memoir Gender Queer, which tells the story of the author’s adolescent struggles with gender identity and navigating first sexual experiences. It contains graphic descriptions and illustrations of sexual acts.

Jim McMurtry, the teacher fired for questioning the narrative on residential school history in Canada, tweeted that the book can be found on the shelves of elementary schools in the board. The book is deemed appropriate for ages 12 to 18, but The Post Millennial has not been able to confirm that the book can be found on DDSB elementary school shelves. Continues…

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0b5847 No.43611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18729511 (211447ZAPR23) Notable: Ratio’d: They must think Canadians are stupid [Public Sector Employee Strike] (video)

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Ratio’d | They must think Canadians are stupid


More than 150,000 public sector workers are on strike right now, holding hostage the services Canadians rely on every day. The federal workers are demanding a 47% hike in compensation, the right to never return in-person to the office again and even mandatory taxpayer funding toward a “social justice fund.”

To nobody’s surprise, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh jumped at the chance to play the role of ‘working-class leader’. All the while wearing a $2000 jacket and a Rolex watch, and propping up the very government that these public-sector workers are protesting.

At a time when Canadians are struggling to get by, it’s clear the public sector must think we’re stupid to make these type of demands.

Harrison Faulkner weighs in on the latest episode of Ratio’d.

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0b5847 No.43612

File: 1dc01d7041beff7⋯.png (358.9 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18729600 (211512ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Petition to oust woke Chilliwack school board chair surges

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Petition to oust woke Chilliwack school board chair surges


A petition to remove Chilliwack School District (SD33) chair Willow Reichelt has accrued over 1,300 signatures two days after it was started on the platform change.org.

Reichelt has been at the centre of recent controversy at SD33 after a flood of parents complained that the school board was making sexually explicit material available to children.

The petition accuses Reichelt of censoring voices that don’t align with her progressive woke goals and belittling those who oppose her. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43613

File: 414def00d750e20⋯.png (287.41 KB,500x534,250:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 603c7af77c67913⋯.png (166.88 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18729637 (211521ZAPR23) Notable: $100 Million Gold Heist At Canada's Biggest Airport - Goodfellas Meets Italian Job

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$100 Million Gold Heist At Canada's Biggest Airport - Goodfellas Meets Italian Job


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed they are looking into a gold robbery at Pearson International Airport, just outside Toronto.

At this point, it appears investigators have no idea who stole the gold and how it was removed. We have an idea…

“We are still trying to get accurate information on the heist,” an RCMP spokesperson said, declining to confirm how much gold is missing.

The Toronto Sun reported earlier Thursday that 3,600 pounds of gold being moved through the airport had been stolen.

That would be worth around $105 million.

Pearson is rated as one of the top 30 cargo airports in the world and gold mined in Canada can travel through Pearson on its way to customers around the world.

The newspaper said the theft was likely linked to organized crime, citing an unnamed police source. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43614

File: c5a2fedc14d221a⋯.png (231.88 KB,639x241,639:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18729815 (211606ZAPR23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Digital Open-Air Prisons • 15 Minute Cities

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Digital Open-Air Prisons • 15 Minute Cities


Climate Change Lockdowns disguised as “15 Minute Cities” are being introduced under the UN Agenda 2030 Directive & WEF Great Reset plan

Your Government is pushing ahead with plans to bring 15-minute cities to a location near you. They are a brainchild of the UNs Agenda 2030, and are in effect Climate Change lockdowns.

And once combined with a digital ID, a carbon credit score and a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC) token, you’ve got the perfect recipe for creating a digital open-air prison. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43615

File: 66da7e5f676eccc⋯.png (9.56 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d859a651c385f4⋯.png (2.88 MB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18730124 (211705ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Canadian MPs prance about in hot pink high heels to raise awareness about domestic violence against women

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Canadian MPs prance about in hot pink high heels to raise awareness about domestic violence against women


Male Canadian lawmakers have come under fire after donning pink high heels to raise awareness about violence against women. The politicians were participating in the “Hope In High Heels” campaign sponsored by the Halton Women’s Place. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18740120 (231457ZAPR23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Climate change is the new Covid (video)

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Climate change is the new Covid (ft. Marc Morano)


Canada’s public health officials have recently added “climate change,” “capitalism,” and “colonization” to an ever-growing list of public health threats, in a report written for Dr. Theresa Tam. Climate Depot’s Marc Morano joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the potential consequences of this move, including the possibility of climate lockdowns and authoritarian restrictions.

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0b5847 No.43617

File: d441930d57a52cc⋯.png (1.99 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18743624 (240455ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Grooming In Canada

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Grooming In Canada

This photo was taken at the Indigo store in West Edmonton Mall on April 22, 2023. Notice the LBGTQ+ Voices section in the middle.

Not a big deal, except that this shelf is located in the child section of the store. It's grooming right here in front of us. Let your wallet speak here: don't buy this shit.

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0b5847 No.43618

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18744928 (241447ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Leaked training videos reveal Toronto police officers are being indoctrinated in gender theory (video)

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Leaked training videos reveal Toronto police officers are being indoctrinated in gender theory


On The Ezra Levant Show, guest host David Menzies discussed the 'educational' content that is part of what is known as the Gender Diversity Trans Inclusion Project. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43619

File: f2563f83fbbf00a⋯.png (100.29 KB,500x297,500:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18745243 (241612ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed (video)

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The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed


Human history is a story of forgotten lessons. Despite the catastrophic collapse of European democracy in the 1930s, it appears that the tale of the twentieth century – in which citizens, cowed by existential threats, acquiesced in the rejection of liberty and truth in favour of obedience and propaganda, whilst allowing despotic leaders to seize ever more absolutist powers – is perilously close to being forgotten.

Nowhere is this more evident than in relation to the apparent nonchalance which has greeted two international legal agreements currently working their way through the World Health Organisation: a new pandemic treaty, and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, both due to be put before the governing body of the WHO, the World Health Assembly, in May next year.

As concerned scholars and jurists have detailed, these agreements threaten to fundamentally reshape the relationship between the WHO, national governments, and individuals. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43620

File: 9f7c7a37ade1448⋯.png (395.75 KB,1156x706,578:353,Clipboard.png)

File: b75a0bfdb66f400⋯.png (282.14 KB,623x680,623:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18745293 (241621ZAPR23) Notable: Final Media & Censorship Bun / Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News as they 'agree to part ways'

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BREAKING: Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News as they 'agree to part ways'


Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways, according to a statement released on Monday.

The statement reads: "Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43621

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18745429 (241644ZAPR23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trans teen died from vaginoplasty complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes (video)

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Trans teen died from vaginoplasty complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes


Major complications began within just 24 hours of the surgery.

A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43622

File: fdcf61bf7ab4944⋯.png (743.52 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747203 (242235ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / J.K. Rowling calls out Canadian male politicians for prancing around in high heels

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J.K. Rowling calls out Canadian male politicians for prancing around in high heels


Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and other prominent women are calling out Canadian male politicians for prancing around in high heels in an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence.

“Keep us posted on how many femicides this prevented,” said Rowling in a quote tweet of a video posted by Liberal transport minister Omar Alghabra. The British author revealed back in 2020 that she is a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43623

File: 310d9e6ee42d15f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747256 (242244ZAPR23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Committee recommends gov “not proceed” with mandatory fertilizer emission reductions

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Committee recommends gov “not proceed” with mandatory fertilizer emission reductions


A House of Commons committee recommended that the federal government pledge to not follow through on any mandatory fertilizer emission reduction policies in a report published this month.

The report titled Feeding the World: Strengthening Canada’s Capacity to Respond to Global Food Insecurity was published by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.

Parliamentarians heard from a flood of agriculture experts who raised concerns about how mandating fertilizer emission reductions would jeopardize Canada’s food supply.

“Recognize that Canadian agricultural producers are leading the world in the efficient use of fertilizers and that it not proceed with any mandatory fertilizer emissions reduction policy that would jeopardize farmer’s yields, but instead encourage them to implement best nutrient management practices such as the 4R program,” wrote the committee. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43624

File: 1d51a513b943d7a⋯.png (794.64 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747277 (242246ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Parent chews out woke school board’s “divisive and harmful agenda” in letter

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Parent chews out woke school board’s “divisive and harmful agenda” in letter


In a letter to the Greater Victoria School District (SD61), a local parent chewed out the “vocal woke minority” on the school board and the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association (GVTA) for pushing through divisive policies in schools such as defunding police liaisons.

Local Mary Kelly referenced an open letter published by the GVTA calling for the police liaison program to be officially cancelled. Her submission was presented before SD61’s Regular Board Meeting on Monday.

“It is very troubling to consider what possible agenda the GVTA is promoting through their letter. It is certainly not a child-centered agenda that puts each child’s best interest as the primary determinant of each decision,” wrote Kelly.

“I would also be very interested in seeing “the evidence” to support the GVTA position. I suspect it’s quality and relevance to our community is lacking.” Continue…

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0b5847 No.43625

File: 98e88f9338bb7fb⋯.png (309 KB,1080x502,540:251,Clipboard.png)

File: cf8ab47a6ea82b6⋯.png (204.3 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747353 (242300ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Waterloo Catholic trustee calls Christian males “threats,” concerned parents speak out (video)

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Waterloo Catholic trustee calls Christian males “threats,” concerned parents speak out


Parents as First Educators (PAFE) is calling for the resignation of a Waterloo Catholic school board trustee who publicly commented on Twitter that the “most dangerous creature on the planet is the white Christian male.”

In a now-deleted Tweet, the first-term Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) trustee Wendy Ashby called Christian males a “threat to anyone that is not them.”

PAFE Project Director Amelia Willis says that Ashby’s comments have alarmed parents, who are concerned about the well-being of their children in the classroom.

“Parents and community members are shocked by her statements. They don’t speak that way at home, and they don’t want their children learning this behaviour,” she said. “The school board and Ashby have not apologized at this point, and there really haven’t been any consequences to her actions, as she’s still a sitting trustee. This inaction is inexcusable.” Continue…

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0b5847 No.43626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747418 (242313ZAPR23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Did Justin Trudeau STAGE this viral video? (video)

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Ratio’d | Did Justin Trudeau STAGE this viral video?


A video of Justin Trudeau interacting with an apparent pro-lifer has gone viral — and shows Trudeau finally debating someone of his own intellectual stature: a kid.

But for a lot of Canadians, this video doesn’t pass the smell test. There are a lot of strange things about it. Who is the kid he is debating? Where is his footage and where are the other angles of this interaction? Is this video real or is it Liberal Party propaganda?

From importing US politics into Canada to attacking Conservatives on a daily basis, you would be mistaken for thinking that Canada is currently in an election if you were only watching Trudeau and Liberal MPs for the past month.

Watch the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner! Continue…

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0b5847 No.43627

File: 8710d2abc1c5907⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18747511 (242330ZAPR23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Police stop livestream hearings of detective who probed unexplained baby deaths and potential COVID-19 vaccine connection

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Police stop livestream hearings of detective who probed unexplained baby deaths and potential COVID-19 vaccine connection


Helen Grus was relieved from duty after launching an 'unauthorized' investigation into the COVID-19 vaccine status of mothers, following a string of untimely and unusual infant deaths.

A year has passed since Ottawa detective Helen Grus was suspended from duty in February of 2022, after probing the COVID-19 vaccine status of mothers whose babies had died suddenly.

Grus initiated this “unauthorized” investigation in 2021 after a string of nine sudden infant deaths were seen in the months following the roll out of the novel injections.

The previously well respected detective within the Ottawa Police Services (OPS) Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit has been charged with discreditable conduct as a result.

Despite being mandated by law to investigate all incidences of sudden and unexplained deaths in newborns, infants and children under the age of five, Grus’ investigation was too taboo during a time when the “safe and effective” narrative was absolute. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43628

File: 630894b62112a0c⋯.png (1.22 MB,1550x872,775:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18750172 (251410ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / BlackRock: The Company That Owns The World

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BlackRock • The Company That Owns The World


(Natural News) BlackRock is one of the most powerful organizations in the world, and its nefarious role in global economics and politics is becoming more apparent.

The investment giant is pushing woke politics in the form of corporate social credit scores (ESG), which includes the dangerous “net zero” and LGBT agenda. BlackRock is also responsible for rigging the financial systems and has control over a significant portion of the world’s wealth.

In order to fight back, we need to know what we are dealing with. In this article, we take a deep dive into the history, current business practices, and plans of the globalist behemoth known as BlackRock. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43629

File: 58ac6e97334ce32⋯.png (542.6 KB,1416x740,354:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b5ca71633a04ae⋯.png (483.08 KB,957x831,319:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 24d480b37f70fa8⋯.png (296.28 KB,710x399,710:399,Clipboard.png)

File: f683e2aeeff0e83⋯.png (643.7 KB,945x625,189:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18750199 (251418ZAPR23) Notable: Updated Died Suddenly Bun / Died suddenly - Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently

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Died suddenly - Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently


Atlanta, GA - US Marine Corps recruit Noah Evans, age 21, died suddenly during training on April 19, 2023 - 4th young Marine death in 2 years (click here)

Colorado - US Air Force Academy Cadet, age 22, Cole Kilty died on March 6, 2023, cause of death not released - 2nd US Air Force cadet death in 2023 (click here)

Wellington, NZ - 18 year old cadet Sacha Piper died of a brain aneurysm while on an international Navy cadet exchange in India, Feb.2, 2023 (click here)

Two Canadian Military Cadets died suddenly in Feb.2023

(left) Kalan Alexander Mahoney (age 18, Brampton, Ontario) died suddenly on Feb.1, 2023 (click here). Kalan was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps.

(right) Wyatt Adrian, age 18, of Airdrie, AB, died suddenly on February 5, 2023. (click here). Wyatt was a cadet of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets from 2017-2022. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43630

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18751393 (251821ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Global Digital Health Certification Network (video)

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Global Digital Health Certification Network


The WHO has recently published documents detailing how they are moving forward with a Global Digital Health Certification Network.

30. The Secretariat has also been exploring options for the digitalization of the International Certificate for Vaccination or Prophylaxis, particularly in the context of the measures implemented in relation to COVID-19 pandemic, and will continue to explore options for interoperability platforms for the verification of validity of such digital certificates. As referred to in document A76/37 (Report O), WHO is working with partners to establish a Global Digital Health Certification Network, which is intended to enable Member States to verify the authenticity of vaccination certificates issued under International Health Regulations (2005), as well as other health documents.

https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA76/A76_9-en.pdf (page 7, number 30)


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0b5847 No.43631

File: 9b34455b321ccc0⋯.png (519.51 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18751485 (251838ZAPR23) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford file federal appeal in COVID travel mandate case

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Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford file federal appeal in COVID travel mandate case


'The public interest in this case is staggering. Canadians need to know whether it is lawful for their own federal government to prevent them from travelling across Canada or leaving the country based upon whether they have taken a novel medication.'

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is pleased to announce that on Thursday, April 13, 2023, lawyers for the Honorable Brian Peckford, the Honorable Maxime Bernier, and others, filed their written arguments in support of their appeal of the October 20, 2022 decision of the Federal Court that found their case was “moot.” Continue…

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0b5847 No.43632

File: d152b6209e00184⋯.png (430.55 KB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 147a06b2ad88ac1⋯.png (533.54 KB,697x579,697:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d816ed0f6a2c41⋯.png (365.25 KB,692x843,692:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b79a25ddd877bc⋯.png (400.01 KB,653x843,653:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18751761 (251937ZAPR23) Notable: Updated Died Suddenly Bun / Russians are also “dying suddenly”

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Russians are also “dying suddenly”


Russian activists document “sudden deaths” among young athletes.

Since the start of the global genetic injection campaign in 2021, media reports detailing the “sudden deaths” of athletes have gradually become part of the new normal.

It’s a worldwide phenomenon—and Russia is no exception, according to #HowManyMustDie, a collaborative project launched by STOPVACZISM, STOPPANIKA, and Anna Rudneva’s “Raising Awareness” channel.

On April 3, the group published a list of young Russian athletes who had “died suddenly”: Continue…

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0b5847 No.43633

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18751779 (251944ZAPR23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / Waterloo Catholic trustee calls Christian males “threats,” concerned parents speak out (video)

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Ontario school board backs trustee who said white, Christian males are the 'most dangerous creature on the planet'


Ashby also called white women “obedient soldiers for the Christofascist patriarchy.”

A Catholic school board meeting in Ontario ended in chaos Monday night after local residents showed up to protest a trustee publicly calling white Christian males the “most dangerous creature on the planet.”

The Waterloo Catholic District School Board was questioned by Rebel News journalist David Menzies about its stance on the social media posts of Trustee Wendy Ashby, who on Oct 16 tweeted to say that the “most dangerous creature on the planet is the white Christian male. They’re a Threat (sic) to anyone that is not them.”

In video footage shared on Twitter, Menzies read out Ashby’s tweet and asks if the board condemns or approves of the statement. Rather than answering his question, Board Chair Tracey Weiler cautions Menzies that should he continue, he will be removed from the meeting. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43634

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18751819 (251958ZAPR23) Notable: Updated Canada National Citizens Inquiry Bun / NCI | Canadian embalming experts round-table with Dr Trozzi (video)

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NCI | Canadian embalming experts round-table with Dr Trozzi


The National Citizens Inquiry continues to deliver. Last night four of us who testified, had a live round-table discussion with 16 000 viewers. Here's the recording, plus info for Red Deer hearings that start tomorrow.

Honest doctors, funeral directors, embalmers, biologists, statistics experts, pathologists, police, lockdown victims, injection victims, mourning parents, and others are all bringing together many pieces of a very cohesive picture. That picture is: fear mongering and lies in 2020, inhumane treatment of our elders, no significant increased death in 2020 until the lock-downs produced suicides and over-doses, and dramatic increased deaths and harms in all ages following the misrepresented experimental genetic injections that are mislabeled as “safe effective vaccines”. (That is three lies with just three words)

Laura Jeffery, MIke Vogiatzakis, and Mike MacIver have more than eighty years experience in Canadian embalming and funeral services. On April 24th 2023, I was honored to have this relaxed and very frank round table discussion with them, that was viewed by 16,000 people. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18752036 (252053ZAPR23) Notable: Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau's staff were concerned about his 'out there' anti-convoy statements (video)

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Trudeau's staff were concerned about his 'out there' anti-convoy statements


Text message records submitted to the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) between Prime Minister's Office (PMO) staffers show attempts to scramble a response to Trudeau's unsubstantiated claims of the Freedom Convoy being 50% foreign funded. Continue…

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0b5847 No.43636

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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