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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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f91952 No.17311 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 831 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1b6b35 No.20275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415562 (262115ZFEB23) Notable: Anti-NATO protests hit France

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26 Feb, 2023 21:00

Anti-NATO protests hit France

Rallies against the US-led NATO bloc and the supply of weapons to Ukraine have been held across France

Multiple mass protests against France’s NATO membership and its continued support of Kiev were held on Sunday in the capital Paris and at other locations across the country.

he demonstrations, taking place for the second consecutive weekend, were organized by the right-wing Les Patriotes party, led by Florian Philippot, who personally attended the rally in Paris.

The politician claimed the event on Sunday, dubbed National March for Peace, attracted even more participants than last week, when some 10,000 showed up for a rally in the French capital. According to Philippot, smaller-scaleanti-NATO protests were held at some 30 other locations across France as well.

Protesters marched through the streets of Paris, carrying a large banner reading "For Peace." The marchers called for thewithdrawal of France from both the US-led NATO and from the EU, and urged a halt to supplying Ukraine with weaponry. The protesters also took jabs at the incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron, chanting "Macron get out!" – a slogan commonly used by assorted anti-government protesters throughout his presidency.

Following the march, the protesters held a rally led by Philippot, who was filmed defacing NATO and EU flags alongside his supporters. Footage of the event was shared by the politician himself on social media.

The politician has been actively staging protests against French membership in NATO and the EU since last fall,while arguing against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Between 2012 and 2017, Philippot was the deputy head of the biggest opposition party in France, the National Rally, led until last year by Marine Le Pen. After leaving the National Rally, the 41-year-old politician established his own right-wing party, Les Patriotes.

France has been among the top supporters of Kiev in the ongoing conflict with Russia, which broke out a year ago. While Macron has repeatedly called for a diplomatic settlement of the hostilities, Paris has actively supplied assorted weaponry to Ukraine, including armored vehicles and advanced self-propelled howitzers.


Third country revolts against NATO and Ukraine. England & Germany earlier.

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1b6b35 No.20276

File: e26173a56e8cf20⋯.jpeg (127.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a17192f52d656b⋯.jpeg (379.59 KB,1056x1437,352:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 78572053ecb03f5⋯.jpeg (517.2 KB,1099x1661,1099:1661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415567 (262117ZFEB23) Notable: Anti-NATO protests hit France

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26 Feb, 2023 21:00

Anti-NATO protests hit France

Rallies against the US-led NATO bloc and the supply of weapons to Ukraine have been held across France

Multiple mass protests against France’s NATO membership and its continued support of Kiev were held on Sunday in the capital Paris and at other locations across the country.

he demonstrations, taking place for the second consecutive weekend, were organized by the right-wing Les Patriotes party, led by Florian Philippot, who personally attended the rally in Paris.

The politician claimed the event on Sunday, dubbed National March for Peace, attracted even more participants than last week, when some 10,000 showed up for a rally in the French capital. According to Philippot, smaller-scaleanti-NATO protests were held at some 30 other locations across France as well.

Protesters marched through the streets of Paris, carrying a large banner reading "For Peace." The marchers called for thewithdrawal of France from both the US-led NATO and from the EU, and urged a halt to supplying Ukraine with weaponry. The protesters also took jabs at the incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron, chanting "Macron get out!" – a slogan commonly used by assorted anti-government protesters throughout his presidency.

Following the march, the protesters held a rally led by Philippot, who was filmed defacing NATO and EU flags alongside his supporters. Footage of the event was shared by the politician himself on social media.

The politician has been actively staging protests against French membership in NATO and the EU since last fall,while arguing against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Between 2012 and 2017, Philippot was the deputy head of the biggest opposition party in France, the National Rally, led until last year by Marine Le Pen. After leaving the National Rally, the 41-year-old politician established his own right-wing party, Les Patriotes.

France has been among the top supporters of Kiev in the ongoing conflict with Russia, which broke out a year ago. While Macron has repeatedly called for a diplomatic settlement of the hostilities, Paris has actively supplied assorted weaponry to Ukraine, including armored vehicles and advanced self-propelled howitzers.


Third country revolts against NATO and Ukraine. England & Germany earlier.

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1b6b35 No.20277

File: 1640ab734993f44⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1561,1080:1561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415619 (262131ZFEB23) Notable: Expert witness reveals Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs laundered cartel money to rig elections

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1b6b35 No.20278

File: 38f1faaa6581275⋯.png (222.64 KB,833x650,833:650,Clipboard.png)

File: 5adc5931267a0e9⋯.png (374.89 KB,922x656,461:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415646 (262138ZFEB23) Notable: Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity

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Full 96 pages zoomed in for readability of smaller text - https://files.catbox.moe/ph564u.mp4

Zoomed in Schemes and receipts -


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1b6b35 No.20279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415652 (262139ZFEB23) Notable: China reveals plans to counter Musk’s ‘Starlink’

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China reveals plans to counter Musk’s ‘Starlink’

Beijing has expressed national-security concerns related to the SpaceX network

Chinese researchers are preparing to launch close to 13,000 satellites into a low-earth orbit, in a move which would dwarf – and potentially monitor – Elon Musk’s SpaceX ‘Starlink’ network, which first launched in 2019 and provides satellite internet access to 50 countries.

The project, which is codenamed ‘GW’ and is being led by associate professor Xu Can of the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Space Engineering University in Beijing, will see 12,992 satellites operated by the China Satellite Network Group Co launched into orbit, and is designed to improve communications efficiency.

The launch schedule remains unknown but the team led by Xu said that they plan to deploy them “before the completion of Starlink.” They added that this would “ensure that our country has a place in low orbit and prevent the Starlink constellation from excessively pre-empting low-orbit resources.”

The projected number of ‘GW’ satellites would surpass Starlink’s current total of around 3,500. SpaceX plans to have 12,000 devices in its constellation of satellites by 2027, with that figure eventually rising to 42,000.

Xu’s team elaborated that they would place their satellites into “orbits where the Starlink constellation has not yet reached” and that they would “gain opportunities and advantages at other orbital altitudes, and even suppress Starlink.”

The ‘GW’ network could also be equipped with technology to provide “long-term surveillance of Starlink satellites,” the team of researchers added.

Xu and his team also suggested that the Chinese government could form an anti-Starlink coalition with various other governments which would “demand that SpaceX publish the precise orbiting data of Starlink satellites.”

Chinese military figures have previously expressed concern at the national security implications posed by SpaceX’s satellites, and called for the development of “hard kill” technology “to destroy the constellation’s operating system” should it be necessary.

China’s efforts to counter Starlink come amid growing concerns about the potential military applications of the global satellite network. The technology has been used to bolster communications by Ukrainian military forces throughout its conflict with Russia – though SpaceX took steps earlier this month to restrict its use in controlling military drones in the country.


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1b6b35 No.20280

File: 3a1b79d70d2fa60⋯.png (402.97 KB,680x671,680:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415681 (262147ZFEB23) Notable: Tonight's Aurora Viewing Map

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Space Weather Watch



A pair of faster partial halo CMEs launched Friday and Saturday likely have Earth-directed components and are generally expected to arrive at Earth late tonight and early to mid-day tomorrow, respectively.

Combined with likely coronal hole high speed… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

https://twitter.com/spacewxwatch/status … 3711308803

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1b6b35 No.20281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415719 (262156ZFEB23) Notable: Corrupt Democrat New Orleans Mayor one step closer to being ousted

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Corrupt Democrat New Orleans Mayor One Step Closer to Being Ousted

LaToya Cantrell

The corrupt Democrat New Orleans mayor is one step closer to being ousted.

Recall organizers working to oust LaToya Cantrell from office say they have gathered enough signatures to block her from another term.

Organizers seeking to recall New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell from office said they collected enough signatures to put the city leader’s second term at risk.

“Right now our mayor doesn’t love New Orleans so the citizens and the residents stood up,” Eileen Carter, vice chair of the No LaToya recall campaign, told Fox News. “We’re taking our city back, and we’re gonna save New Orleans.”

The campaign’s chairman, Belden Baptiste, and Carter launched the recall effort to remove Cantrell from office in August 2022. The organizers handed the petition filled with signatures to the Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters office on Wednesday. The Feb. 22 deadline required them to hand in around 50,000 signatures, which the organizers say they exceeded.

“Mayor LaToya, it ain’t that we hate you,” Baptiste told Fox News. “You didn’t do your job, and you’re about to be fired.”

Carter, who worked in the mayor’s social media department for three years, told Fox News it was difficult to watch Cantrell “quiet quit” in her second term. The mayor’s public calendar used to have regular meetings with department heads, but she hadn’t had any on her schedule in over a year as of November, according to a local Fox affiliate’s review of public records.

“It’s like a tale of two mayors,” Carter said. “I don’t think she’s making very good judgment decisions for the city at all, to the point of arrogance.”

Last year LaToya Cantrell came under fire for spending more than $30,000 of taxpayer money to fly first class to Europe.

Meanwhile violent crime is surging in New Orleans.

Cantrell argued the first class flights were for her safety as a black woman and to protect her from Covid.

In a press conference last week, Mayor Cantrell said, “my travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not of luxury…. I need to be safe as I do business on behalf of the city of New Orleans.”

Cantrell’s security guards traveled to Europe in coach.

LaToya Cantrell also partied maskless after imposing a mask mandate for the city of New Orleans.

The Democrat hypocrites partied maskless while the peasants were forced to mask.


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1b6b35 No.20282

File: 75f41f1fa146710⋯.png (77.54 KB,1123x297,1123:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be75a3156ff43d⋯.png (476.16 KB,804x537,268:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415809 (262215ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?)”

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Donald J. Trump



The Psycho “Prosecutor”assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?),” is not only, together with his with his wife, family & friends, a massive Trump Hater (of historic proportions!), but also someone that Viciously & Unscrupulously pursued others, only to be overturned unanimously by the U.S. Supreme Court. Why don’t they have a “Thug” like this going after Biden, who really did commit crimes? His “Prosecutor” is a nice guy, not a Trump Hating Monster. Very unfair, but people get it!

Feb 26, 2023, 3:52 PM


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1b6b35 No.20283

File: ba43ecbfc80d583⋯.png (737.35 KB,828x1239,276:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415817 (262216ZFEB23) Notable: Woody Harrelson: Activated

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Why are Trolls always invading Truth. Their BOSSES don’t Like FREE SPEECH!


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1b6b35 No.20284

File: 33460b3fc2bb12a⋯.png (33.55 KB,575x230,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415858 (262224ZFEB23) Notable: MTG: The same people who shamed us, canceled us, & wanted to put us in jail for saying covid came from the Wuhan Lab…

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




The same people who shamed us, canceled us, & wanted to put us in jail for saying covid came from the Wuhan Lab, not wearing masks and saying masks don’t work, and taking and recommending ivermectin to treat covid are starting to say what we said all along.

Now do covid vaccines.

Feb 26, 2023, 10:39 AM

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1b6b35 No.20285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415896 (262232ZFEB23) Notable: #22577

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#22577 >>20225

>>20226, >>20227 James O'Keefe: The hunter becomes the hunted

>>20228 Elon: He (Fauci) did it (Gain of Function) via a pass-through organization (EcoHealth)

>>20230, >>20234, >>20242, >>20264 Gen. Flynn: The truth always rises to the top, Fauci now needs to be held accountable

>>20269 Flash back: Biden secretly terminated Trump's COVID Origins probe into Wuhan Lab

>>20231, >>20237, >>20239, >>20233, >>20229, >>20278 Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity

>>20238, >>20273, >>20277 Expert witness reveals Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs laundered cartel money to rig elections

>>20235 They're not telling you how devastating just one spy balloon can be, we've known since 1958

>>20232, >>20263, >>20244 Heineken / Parchem (Adrenochrome Free Base Supplier)

>>20236 Archive offline - literally

>>20240, >>20247, >>20251 Keystone / Union Mining Company

>>20241, >>20272, >>20262, >>20283 Woody Harrelson: Activated

>>20245 Marketfag: Oil

>>20246, >>20266 U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak

>>20248, >>20243 Raising fists against Netanyahu's 'proposed dictatorship,' Israelis protest judicial coup in record numbers

>>20250 Planefag

>>20249, >>20258, >>20259, >>20260, >>20261 The steaks are high

>>20252 Harvard dumping misinfo researcher who questioned Hunter Biden laptop

>>20253, >>20254, >>20255, >>20256 Interview exposing Arizona / Mexico corruption deleted by OAN shortly after it first aired

>>20267 Bookmark: https://www.cancelthiscompany.com/index.html

>>20265, >>20268, >>20257 Jeff Ellington, Mihai Toma, Andrei Toma, George Botea

>>20270 Release of J6 video footage is a five-alarm fire for Democrats

>>20271 Biden Pentagon orders military Chaplains to bless putting male soldiers in female showers and bathrooms

>>20274 Badlands Media / FIRMAN / SUMEC

>>20275, >>20276 Anti-NATO protests hit France

>>20279 China reveals plans to counter Musk’s ‘Starlink’

>>20280 Tonight's Aurora Viewing Map

>>20281 Corrupt Democrat New Orleans Mayor one step closer to being ousted

>>20282 DJT: The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?)”

>>20284 MTG: The same people who shamed us, canceled us, & wanted to put us in jail for saying covid came from the Wuhan Lab…


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1b6b35 No.20286

File: 42607bbf0f6dbd4⋯.png (101.99 KB,800x715,160:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a308f222523e10⋯.png (89.22 KB,261x253,261:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415909 (262235ZFEB23) Notable: #22578

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1b6b35 No.20287

File: 7e8adb0e5b483cd⋯.png (199.7 KB,745x611,745:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415927 (262238ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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Dasting callsign for a 767 up out of McConnell AFB.

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1b6b35 No.20288

File: 78fe5881c0d3890⋯.png (354.04 KB,1115x485,223:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 098d4653f416c9c⋯.png (262.26 KB,703x758,703:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415931 (262240ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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Donald J. Trump



Mad Dog Psycho Jack Smith,put there for only one reason by Biden, and the Weaponized Justice Department, should stop this Witch Hunt altogether or, at a minimum, should give Biden, Obama, and all of the others the same treatment!


Feb 26, 2023, 2:56 PM


Classified documents show up in odd places, portraying sloppy system beyond Trump, Pence, Biden

Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Mike Pence each got grief for taking classified documents home. But court cases show how easy it was for workers to bring home sensitive records from the FBI, CIA and NSA.

Nhgia Pho aimed for a promotion at the National Security Agency in taking records home.

Asia Lavarello printed classified documents for her thesis at National Intelligence University.

Some workers jailed for taking home classified records argued high-profile violators got off easier.

WASHINGTON – Beyond the high-profile cases of classified documents found in the homes of President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence, federal court records portray a sloppy system for tracking the country's most important secrets.

Intelligence agency staffers and contractors were caught in recent years squirreling away enormous troves of documents. One contractor mailed home computer hard drives filled with secrets from Afghanistan to Texas.

Stashes of secret documents have been scattered through homes, sheds and cars. Staffers sometimes copied documents onto compact discs or even handwritten notes. It wasn’t always the documents that got workers caught. One path to thousands of pages of classified records was strewn with marijuana leaves.

They cost millions and last years:The U.S. now has 3 of them.

Despite the sloppy handling, the secrets at stake were among the country’s most important. The names of undercover intelligence agents. How the country gathers its information. But from the top to bottom, searches to recover the records often came years after the filching began.

Penalties for mishandling documents vary greatly. Biden, Trump and Pence face no charges. Retired Gen. David Petraeus, who led the war in Afghanistan and headed the CIA, was fined and not jailed for a misdemeanor for his infractions. But lower-level workers and contractors were sentenced to months or years in prison for felonies that lawyers argued were less egregious violations than Petraeus and others.

U.S. Secret Service agents are seen in front of Joe Biden's Rehoboth Beach, Del., home on Jan. 12, 2021. The FBI is conducting a planned search of President Joe Biden’s Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home as part of its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified documents.

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1b6b35 No.20289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415933 (262240ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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NSA contractor ‘two different people’ bringing secrets home

The hoard of classified documents FBI agents found in Harold Martin’s Cape Cod-style home, shed and car in Glen Burnie, Maryland, revealed what his lawyer called two sides of the same government contractor.

Martin was a Navy veteran with one of the highest security clearances, called top secret for sensitive compartmented information (TS/SCI). He then became a contractor for government agencies including the National Security Agency from 1993 to 2016, according to court records.

But he was also an acknowledged binge drinker who owned 10 guns his wife didn’t know about, including a loaded handgun on the floor of his teal Chevy Caprice, an AR-15-style rifle and a shotgun, according to court records.

“You have someone who presents themselves as two different people,” public defender James Wyda told a judge in the case, with “some serious mental health issues going on here.”

Biden's Archivist pick to face senators:Senate committee schedules hearing for Biden's National Archivist nominee Colleen Shogan

The August 2016 search came while authorities scrambled to find who was offering stolen government property on a variety of social media sites. But Martin was never charged with passing along secrets.

Even so, FBI agents discovered Martin had brought home over the decades 50 terabytes of digital information and thousands of printed documents, much of it top secret, according to court records. The secrets included the names of U.S. intelligence officers working undercover overseas, putting them and their operations at risk.

U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett sentenced Martin to nine years in 2019, after he pleaded guilty to willful retention of national defense information.

The National Security Administration (NSA) campus in Fort Meade, Md., is seen June 6, 2013. Harold Thomas Martin III, a former contractor for the agency, pleaded guilty March 28, 2019, to willfully retaining national defense information.

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1b6b35 No.20290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415934 (262241ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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NSA staffer takes secrets home in misplaced bid for promotion

Nghia Hoang Pho, who was 68 at the time of his sentencing for taking a trove classified documents home to Ellicott City Maryland, said he was just trying to earn a promotion.

Armed with a TS/SCI clearance, Pho developed software to help the National Security Agency collect intelligence from foreign networks. He also helped the Defense Department detect and prevent unauthorized access to its networks.

But as he neared retirement, the Vietnamese native who became a naturalized citizen brought home documents from 2010 to March 2015, to work toward a promotion on nights and weekends.

“I did not betray the USA,” Pho said at his sentencing. “I did not send the information to anyone. I did not make a profit.”

U.S. District Judge George Russell sentenced Pho to 66 months in prison in 2018, after he pleaded guilty to the willful retention of national defense information.

Biden, Trump, Pence aren't alone:Millions access sensitive documents, mishandling is common

Adm. Mike Rogers, then-director the National Security Agency, fourth from left, testifies May 11, 2017, with other intelligence officials at the Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. In the case of an NSA worker bringing classified documents home, Rogers warned a federal judge of great economic and operational harm from possible revelations about the nation's most closely guarded secrets.

NSA director: Pho's action came at great cost to the NSA

Key documents are often kept sealed in criminal cases about classified records. But Nghia Pho's case struck a nerve.

Adm. Mike Rogers, then the director of NSA, wrote the judge a letter describing Pho's “very significant and long-lasting harm."

The agency provides “real-time to near-real-time insight to complex, evolving threat environments like terrorist actions, kidnappings, missile launches and military engagements,” Rogers said. But NSA had “no choice but to abandon certain important initiatives, at great economic and operational cost,” because of uncertainties about which secrets Pho might have revealed, he said.

“It’s like interrupting a team of surgeons in the middle of an operation to determine the sterility of a tool used in the procedure has been compromised,” Rogers added.

After Pence, Biden, Trump revelations:Archives asks ex-presidents to check for classified documents

The Federal Bureau of Investigation building headquarters is seen in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 13, 2022. The agency is among those whose workers have carried secret documents home from the office.

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1b6b35 No.20291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415935 (262241ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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Kansas woman brought home 'astonishing' stash of documents, including some about terror groups

Kendra Kingsbury, 50, of Dodge City, Kansas, was another longtime hoarder of secrets. As an FBI intelligence analyst with a TS/SCI clearance, she took home sensitive emails, intelligence notes and internal correspondence from June 2004 to December 2017, according to court records.

One charge against her covered documents about counterterrorism and cyber threats, including people in sensitive investigations and intelligence gaps regarding hostile foreign intelligence services.

The other charge dealt with collecting intelligence about terrorist groups including Al Qaeda in Africa and a suspected associate of Osama bin Laden.

“The breadth and depth of classified national security information retained by the defendant for more than a decade is simply astonishing,” said Alan Kohler, assistant director of FBI’s counterintelligence division.

Kingsbury pleaded guilty in October to two counts of gathering defense information. U.S. District Judge Stephen Bough set her sentencing for March 16.

After Trump, Biden, Pence:Are other former presidents holding classified documents? We asked.

Police in Fairborn, Ohio, searched the home of Izaak Kemp, who worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, because of suspicion he was growing marijuana in the house. In addition to the plants, authorities found 112 classified documents totaling 2,500 pages, according to court records.

Marijuana growing tipped off authorities to secret government records

The clues leading authorities to thousands of pages of classified documents in Fairborn, Ohio, were signs of a marijuana-growing operation at Izaak Kemp's house. City police got a search warrant after finding plants, a digital scale and empty King Palm wrappers in his trash, according to court records.

Kemp, who had a doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Dayton, worked as a contractor at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base with a top secret clearance for the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center.

He had printed and brought home 112 secret documents totaling 2,500 pages from January 2018 until authorities found them in May 2019, according to court records.

Biden and Trump documents expose wider problem:Missing classified records not uncommon

Acting U.S. Attorney Vipal Patel argued Kemp exposed the classified records to greater risks of robbery because of the marijuana growing.

Kemp's lawyer, Ronald Keller, said at sentencing that he still had nightmares from the raid by five agencies including Fairborn police and the FBI, which featured 10 agents in tactical gear with an armored vehicle parked outside.

“He made no profit from these documents and he did not attempt to convey these documents to any entity with adverse interests to the United States of America,” Keller said.

U.S. District Judge Walter Rice sentenced Kemp to a year in prison in 2021, after he pleaded guilty to unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents.

Holiday packages make their way through the Bagram Air Base postal facility in Afghanistan. A military contractor was convicted of shipping home to Texas laptops and hard drives full of classified records before his arrest in 2017.

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1b6b35 No.20292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415937 (262241ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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Mailing secrets home from Afghanistan

Weldon Marshall spent decades collecting secrets and bringing them home to Texas.

He served in the Navy from 1999 to 2004, where he had a top secret clearance and access to documents describing the U.S. nuclear command, control and communications, according to court records. He downloaded the information onto a compact disc labeled “My Secret TACAMO Stuff” and took it home with him when he left the service, according to court records.

After the Navy, Marshall worked for companies providing information technology services on military bases in Afghanistan until his arrest in 2017. From Bagram Air Base, he shipped home laptops and hard drives totaling eight terabytes of memory – with secrets about flight and ground operations in that war-torn country – to Liverpool, Texas, according to court records.

U.S. District Judge George Hanks sentenced Marshall to 41 months in prison in 2018, after he pleaded guilty to one count of retention of national defense information.

Georgia investigation grand jury foreperson:Georgia grand jury foreperson's public comments on Trump investigation add unusual wrinkle to case

Classified documents found at Biden, Trump and Pence's residences

Patraeus' notebooks with top secret information found at his Virginia home

A casual attitude toward protecting secrets spanned all levels of government.

Petraeus wrote notes during his tenure in command in Afghanistan documenting his meetings, conferences and briefings. The writing eventually filled eight black notebooks measuring five-by-eight inches that contained top secret information about the identities of covert officers, war strategy, intelligence capabilities, diplomatic discussions and deliberations at the National Security Council, according to court records.

Petraeus held onto the books after leaving the military, rather than transfer them with the rest of his classified papers to the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington. He lent the books to his private biographer for a week in 2011 despite telling her they were “highly classified” and contained “code word” information.

FBI agents found the notebooks during a 2013 search in an unlocked desk drawer in the first-floor office of his home in Arlington, Virginia. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for sharing classified information and was fined $100,000.

Hunter Biden investigation latest:House GOP asks Hunter Biden business associate for testimony, documents about links to Chinese execs

September 6, 2022: This image, contained in a court filing by the Department of Justice and redacted in part by the FBI, shows a photo of documents seized during the search on Aug. 8, 2022, by the FBI of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

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1b6b35 No.20293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415939 (262241ZFEB23) Notable: Moar Jack Smith dig

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Classified records are sometimes handwritten notes

As with Biden and Petraeus, lower level workers took handwritten notes of classified documents.

Reynaldo Regis, who worked for government contractors at the CIA for all but two years from August 2006 to November 2016, jotted secrets into dozens of notebooks authorities found at his home in Fort Washington, Maryland, according to court records.

Throughout his time at the CIA, Regis searched classified databases for highly sensitive reports and wrote in notebooks while sitting at his desk, according to court records. He memorialized “several hundred” pieces of classified information in about 60 notebooks authorities seized, according to court records.

Cary Citronberg, one of Regis’ lawyers, said after sentencing he “had no nefarious purpose. It was just a mistake.”

Judge Liam O’Grady sentenced him to 90 days in jail in 2018, after he pleaded guilty to unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents and making false statements to law enforcement officers.

Hunter Biden's art dealer says his work is 'important':Why the paintings factor into GOP probes.

Former CIA Director and retired Army Gen. David Petraeus participates in a discussion Feb. 3, 3017 at American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) in Washington. Petraeus pleaded guilty to unauthorized removal and retention of classified material.

Lawyers: Regis penalized more than Petraeus and Berger, who did worse

Regis' lawyers contrasted his case to Petraeus and Sandy Berger, the former national security adviser, who were fined rather than jailed. Berger was fined $50,000 for removing classified documents and handwritten notes from the National Archives and making false statements.

“As a convicted felon, Mr. Regis has already been more harshly punished than the various comparably situated defendants listed above,” said lawyer John Zwerling, listing Regis' loss of his security clearance, his job and his reputation after serving 25 years in the military.

FBI searches office tied to Pence:FBI searches Mike Pence office and finds no more classified documents

Dinner party with a side of secrets

March 20, 2020 was a busy day for Asia Janay Lavarello. The civilian Defense Department staffer with a TS/SCI clearance was working temporarily at the U.S. embassy in Manilla, Philippines. She was also a student at National Intelligence University.

She printed classified documents for her thesis at the embassy and brought them back to her hotel room, where she hosted a dinner party that evening with two foreign nationals. A co-worker noticed the stack of documents marked "secret" in her bedroom and a guest helped her secure the documents two days later in a safe at the embassy.

Lavarello's embassy assignment was terminated for mishandling documents. She moved back Honolulu, Hawaii, where she was an executive assistant at the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Joint Intelligence Operation Center.

Naval investigators searched her office June 27 and found a handwritten notebook with "confidential" and "secret" information from embassy meetings in her top desk drawer. Investigators also found the sensitive notes in an email she sent herself Jan. 16, 2020, from her Gmail account to her unclassified government account.

U.S. District Chief Judge Michael Seabright sentenced her to three months in prison and fined her $5,500 in 2022, after she pleaded guilty to unauthorized removal and retention of classified information.


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1b6b35 No.20294

File: 4fbd882cb9f135e⋯.png (968.58 KB,981x1280,981:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415974 (262248ZFEB23) Notable: A Houston man who adopted 9 boys has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse of a child

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How in the hell is a single man allowed to adopt 9 boys??

Something was finally done when one of the boys called into a podcast and shared he and his brothers were being raped. DCF had been out to "investigate" 8 times prior.




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1b6b35 No.20295

File: 21ce15c0ea2ad6b⋯.png (475.67 KB,630x542,315:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 230fec283a6ca01⋯.png (15.07 KB,435x131,435:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18415993 (262251ZFEB23) Notable: The Initiates of the Flame

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1b6b35 No.20296

File: 0ecbff58d6254bc⋯.png (7 KB,397x102,397:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416007 (262256ZFEB23) Notable: :02: start

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what day did the :02: start?

Don't remember what this 2 meant… 5 year delta

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1b6b35 No.20297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416011 (262256ZFEB23) Notable: UCC and the Maritime Admiralty

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Sinaloa Cartel works for the C_A and the Vatican,

and houses it funds in all of the big five commerical banks. Who continue to loan it out to artificially inflate the real estate markets, both residential and commerical, the new car and rv markets, and the back end of the student loan market, who's loans are all baced by YOU, the us taxpayer/govt.

And the FED kknows this, the IRS knows this, the SEC knows this, Congress knows this, the White House knows this, the MIL Intel knows this, FVEYs knows this, CCP knows this.

Drugs make the world economy move. From weed to chrome. C.R.E.A.M.

EVERY bank is KNOWINGLY holding and loaning in fractional reserve methodology against ILL GOTTEN GAINS. World Wide.

Who chairs UCC and Maritime Admiralty Law?

The ''Holy See".

Same clowns that sell 'indulgences'.

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1b6b35 No.20298

File: 0d6228ab9c272e9⋯.jpg (85.57 KB,1000x1439,1000:1439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a125e178fd99abf⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9dc936e08bbdc35⋯.png (112.55 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416064 (262309ZFEB23) Notable: UCC and the Maritime Admiralty

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Mexican arm of the business, no more no less.

S. America has different management tier, as does europe, asia, etc, but ALL have their money serviced through the banks. And all banks are under the BIS and their businesses function as entities of UCC in the Maritime Admiralty shitstem.

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1b6b35 No.20299

File: c6a3236984c412d⋯.png (160.94 KB,839x767,839:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 2509ec22df8c923⋯.png (54.34 KB,1072x423,1072:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 5473f1aadee2573⋯.png (130.84 KB,1255x645,251:129,Clipboard.png)

File: b7dcc77b666c31c⋯.png (525.43 KB,1357x660,1357:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416075 (262311ZFEB23) Notable: Badlands Media is sponsored by SUMEC Co. Ltd… is the CCP

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How much of a fake MAGA grifter is Jon Herold and his Badlands Crew?

His upcoming grift event features Firman as the lead sponsor. Firman touts itself as a USA company.

But Firman is owned by Sumec, a Chinese company! en.sumec.com/en/TransnationalO

From Sumec's website:

"SUMEC Co. Ltd… is a key state-owned enterprise directly managed by the central government. "


Badlands Media is LITERALLY sponsored by the CCP!


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1b6b35 No.20300

File: 7119d90c37835d2⋯.png (124.11 KB,580x334,290:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416098 (262315ZFEB23) Notable: White law student files $2 million lawsuit against historically black college for racial discrimination

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Gateway Pundit




White Law Student Files $2 Million Lawsuit Against Historically Black College for Racial Discrimination


White Law Student Files $2 Million Lawsuit Against Historically Black College for Racial Discrimination

The Gateway Pundit

Feb 26, 2023, 12:12 PM

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1b6b35 No.20301

File: 53aca48e1997f1c⋯.png (574.01 KB,907x1280,907:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416099 (262315ZFEB23) Notable: Kosher / Halal meat tastes better for a reason (properly put-down)

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Lessened stress, on the animal. Hmmm. Something to ruminate over.

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1b6b35 No.20302

File: d1708a33ad40679⋯.png (206.83 KB,868x445,868:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416101 (262315ZFEB23) Notable: Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak

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John Solomon




Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak: report | Just The News


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1b6b35 No.20303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416108 (262317ZFEB23) Notable: At US/Mexico Border with Arizona Sheriff (exclusive access)

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At US/Mexico Border With Arizona Sheriff (exclusive access) 🇺🇸🇲🇽

>268,574 views | Feb 25, 2023

Down on the southern border in Yuma, AZ is a surreal and alarming situation taking place. Today we meet up with Sheriff Wilmot who brings us in with full access. There're over 100 nationalities crossing in Yuma, all orchestrated by the Mexican cartels. No matter where you stand on the border issue, it’s an issue that needs attention since its current state is unsustainable.

>1 hour

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1b6b35 No.20304

File: 2f75ef0413a10d0⋯.jpeg (760.26 KB,892x4049,892:4049,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416109 (262317ZFEB23) Notable: UCC and the Maritime Admiralty

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An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is a valid Form of Deed Poll and therefore Deed and Contract whereby a True Person first expresses, affirms and conveys certain rights to another party who are then lawfully bound upon proof of receipt in accordance with the Canons defined under Article 133 of Canonun De Ius Positivum. The word "Poll" comes from the Latin pollex meaning 'thumb'. An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to be issued when an inferior Roman Person rejects the rule of law and seeks to assert an untenable and illogical position of superior rights over Divine Law.	


	A World of Slavery	

	You are "legally" a slave, just as your parents, your grandparents and great grandparents were slaves. You may be lucky enough to live in a pleasant plantation with other slaves, managed by overseer slaves such as police, judges, doctors and politicians where few examples of slave cruelty occur. Or you may be witnessing changes in the community plantation, which is part of a state slave plantation and national slave plantation where there is more crime, more misery and death. The fact that you are a slave is unquestionable. The only unknown is whether you will permit your children and their children to also grow up as slaves.	

	You are a slave because since 1933, upon a new child being borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of the child as Beneficiary into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights as an owner of Real Property.	

	You are a slave because since 1933, when a child is borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate knowingly and willingly claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. The slave baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having the ink impression of the feet of the baby onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal meanings on the live birth record. This live birth record as a promissory note is converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the bank. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to “seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust.	

	You are a slave because since 1540 and the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III of the same year, whenever a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued by the state at birth or church, the parents have knowingly or unknowingly gifted, granted and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” Cestui Que Vie Trust owner by Roman Cult, who has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since, managed by the Temple Bar since 1540 and subsequent Bar Associations from the 19th Century representing the reconstituted “Galla” responsible as Grim Reapers for reaping the souls, or salvage also known as "salvation of souls".	

	Therefore under the UCC Slave Laws which most slave plantations of the world operate you can never own a house, even though they trick into believing you do; you never really own a car, or boat or any other object, only have the benefit of use. Indeed, you do not even own your own body, which is claimed to have been lawfully gifted by your parents at your birth in the traditions of old slave contracts in which the slave baby had its feet or hands dipped in ink, or a drop of blood spilt on the commercial transaction document we know as the live birth record, against which a CUSIP number is issued and sold the the central bank. Yes, the banks claim your flesh, the banks are indeed the modern slave owners, hiding these indisputable facts upon which their money system is built from the people.	


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1b6b35 No.20305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416113 (262318ZFEB23) Notable: :02: start

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I think :02 started the date of your drop, 2/23.


:02 is 20=8pm or 20m is at 4 o'clock (all of that drop's numbers can be made with :02), etc.

But :02 makes me wonder about the OTHER 58 minutes?

Fwiw, tomorrow is the 58th day of this year, and mirrors [18] on the clock, and 58(3rd f) and 18 are both 6/36. [48] is 2nd v, or "222".

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1b6b35 No.20306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416118 (262318ZFEB23) Notable: Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak

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Department of energy houses a part of the NSA, where Q clearances are issued.

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1b6b35 No.20307

File: 4f81838def5ea2d⋯.png (890.56 KB,690x671,690:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416132 (262320ZFEB23) Notable: Tennessee Legislature passes Bill to ban Drag Shows in front of kids

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Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill to Ban

Drag Shows in Front of Kids

Breitbart Social Justice, by Spencer Lindquist

Posted By: Imright, 2/26/2023 5:23:40 PM

Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill that would prevent drag shows from taking place on public property or in front of children. The bill classifies “male and female impersonators” as adult cabaret performers, while also banning “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors.” The legislation, SB3, now makes its way to Republican Gov. Bill Lee’s office. (photo)State Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County, filed the bill, saying “this is a common sense child-safety bill.” The bill, which passed by a vote of 79 to 19, makes it illegal to host an “adult cabaret performance” in a location where children are present.

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1b6b35 No.20308

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416151 (262324ZFEB23) Notable: Documentary about highly organized child brothels / organ harvesting clinics

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This documentary talks about highly organized child brothels/ organ harvest clinics

The child trafficker talks about extremely rich clients

When we go about or regular days, this is happening to a child

This documentary. **𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩. 𝙄𝙎 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙉𝙎𝙀. There’s nothing shown about the process, it’s a compilation of interviews from the mothers that sell their children to the child traffickers themselves.

Patryk Vega shows us the underbelly surface of child trafficking.



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1b6b35 No.20309

File: f66fe596428492b⋯.jpeg (103.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416181 (262329ZFEB23) Notable: Saudi Arabia makes Ukraine aid pledge

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26 Feb, 2023 19:47

Saudi Arabia makes Ukraine aid pledge

The $400 million "humanitarian aid" package was announced during a surprise visit by the Saudi foreign minister to Kiev

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Sunday, meeting President Vladimir Zelensky in the capital city Kiev and becoming the highest-ranking official of the kingdom ever to visit the country.

The senior diplomat also met other top Ukrainian officials, including his counterpart Dmitry Kuleba.

"I hope that [the visit] will give a new impetus to a further advancement of our mutually beneficial dialogue," Zelensky said in a social media post after the meeting.

During the visit, the minister signed an agreement on a$100-million joint cooperation program with Kiev to provide humanitarian aidto Ukraine.

On top of this, the two sides alsosigned a memorandum of understanding –worth $300 million– on financing Ukraine’s oil derivativesby the Saudi Fund for Development.

The agreements come as a part of an aid package first announced by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last October following phone talks with Zelensky. The kingdom has repeatedly called on both Russia and Ukraine to show restraint and advocates de-escalation of the ongoing crisis.

Since the beginning of the hostilities that have now been dragging on for over a year, Saudi Arabia has taken a neutral stance, maintaining ties with both sides. Specifically, it has been offering humanitarian support to Kiev while maintaining its relationship with OPEC+ member Moscow, striving to become a mediator in the conflict.

The neutral stance of the country was reiterated by the Saudi FM during his visit to Kiev. "We continue to discuss opportunities to settle the crisis with all parties," Prince Faisal stated.

(This money will never go to humanitarian aid, they know this.)


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1b6b35 No.20310

File: c19ca305f959ee9⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,449x339,449:339,Clipboard.jpg)

File: db3c9e8e02b39b9⋯.jpg (125.95 KB,671x589,671:589,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b2f3f56e475cc7e⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,672x513,224:171,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b12dcc343c97cf⋯.jpg (61.08 KB,671x392,671:392,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416183 (262329ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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SQUAWK: 2105

Ground Speed: 427

Track: 254

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1b6b35 No.20311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416190 (262330ZFEB23) Notable: :02: start

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I followed 90% of that… interesting notes on tomorrow…

:02: No coincidences.

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1b6b35 No.20312

File: 946d07af417d9f7⋯.jpg (120.52 KB,676x711,676:711,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 367fb9fb4c45a0a⋯.jpg (67.43 KB,669x419,669:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416210 (262333ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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Type: B762

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1b6b35 No.20313

File: 44947f3cfbf47ce⋯.jpg (117.38 KB,720x845,144:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416215 (262334ZFEB23) Notable: Madonna's oldest brother, Anthony Ciccone, has died at 66

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Madonna's oldest brother, Anthony Ciccone, has died at 66

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1b6b35 No.20314

File: 0df127bcbd77890⋯.jpg (104.25 KB,720x697,720:697,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416233 (262338ZFEB23) Notable: @johncardillo: Fetterman is essentially brain dead and it's being hidden to keep him in office until Aug 18th

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Being told that Fetterman is essentially brain dead and it’s being hidden because keeping him in office until August 18th avoids a special election which Republicans would most certainly win.

This must be investigated.

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1b6b35 No.20315

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416234 (262338ZFEB23) Notable: The Initiates of the Flame

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Their underground cities.


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1b6b35 No.20316

File: 159387fe70dc15e⋯.png (186 KB,847x695,847:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416242 (262340ZFEB23) Notable: Paul Sperry tweets

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Paul Sperry Retweeted

Feb 21

BREAKING: IRS-990 filings reveal the Bidens added ex-FBI chief Louis Freeh to the board of directors of the Beau Biden Foundation after Freeh pumped $100k into a trust fund for Joe Biden's grandkids. Freeh,who's Irish, referred to Biden as "Dad" in emails found on Hunter's laptop

Paul Sperry Retweeted

Feb 21

BREAKING: IRS records reveal donations/grants to Beau Biden Foundation mysteriously surged to $3.8 mil in 2020 as Biden ran for president, from $693k in 2019 & $535k in 2016. The 501(c)3 hides its donors. House Oversight is probing anonymous Chinese gifts to UPenn/Penn Biden Cntr

Paul Sperry Retweeted

Feb 24

BREAKING: House investigators have discovered that the hard drive copied from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop is missing dozens of gigabytes of data and does not include subfolders and deleted files, which means other potential smoking-guns have not been recovered from the device


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1b6b35 No.20317

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416244 (262340ZFEB23) Notable: The Initiates of the Flame

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1b6b35 No.20318

File: ea6519100cae65b⋯.png (915.18 KB,1077x591,359:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fdaf5bb6086a91⋯.png (448.96 KB,483x477,161:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416289 (262352ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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PlaneFag Yerp: SAM191 Flauxtus departed Naples after a ground stop of about 90m for a refuel-arrived from Nairobi, Kenya-dhat "dress"-and still lacking the 'official' First Lady/family call sign EXEC1F-she doesn't get it on Int'l trips and had it at first like kneepads but only on the return leg(s)

>>20128 pb

Canadian AF CFC2911 CC-130J went to Warsaw after it's load out at Rzsesow

Janet Yellen's AC SAM258 is still shown as on ground at Rzsesow Airport for just over 24h-see this is actually believable instead of Potato's 3 h stop here "in Kyiv"on SAM060

German AF GAF939 departing Berlin after dropping offPM Olaf Scholzwho returned from New Delhi and it will go to Koln/Bonn (Luftwaffe homebase) and he will be in DC on March 3rd for visit w/ Potato

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1b6b35 No.20319

File: 113349d9ea26858⋯.png (549.06 KB,800x417,800:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416371 (270017ZFEB23) Notable: Human 6G Antennas?

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Any sciencefags here who might make sense of this crazy shit? Or perhaps deboonk it? It's so fucking crazy that I'm suspicious as to whether it's even real.

Human 6G Antennas? ‘One of the Worst Ideas Ever,’ Critic Says


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1b6b35 No.20320

File: 50ad1aaa2b547a8⋯.png (486.84 KB,488x617,488:617,Clipboard.png)

File: b85eba8acee3e40⋯.png (499.39 KB,467x835,467:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 2196a25f288f703⋯.png (334.21 KB,792x1273,792:1273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416379 (270018ZFEB23) Notable: Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak

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>Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak: report | Just The News


Q clearance delta for Uranium One

Q clearance or Q access authorization is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information.[1][2] Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.

A Q Clearance is equivalent to a U.S. Department of Defense Top Secret clearance.[2] "…the Q access authorization corresponds to the background investigation and administrative determination similar to what is completed by other agencies for a Top Secret National Security Information access clearance."[2]

Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[3] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[4] With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, having the potential to cause "exceptionally grave" or "inestimable" damage to the national security of the United States.[5]


Feb 26, 2019 4:16:29 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 087672 No. 5399463


When the real TRUTH re: Russian collusion is right in front of you but the FAKE NEWS media prevents public awareness.

Conformity and Behavior.


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1b6b35 No.20321

File: 0615186528423cf⋯.png (64.59 KB,1200x563,1200:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416398 (270022ZFEB23) Notable: Current space weather conditions

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…Still comfy. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings

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1b6b35 No.20322

File: 7215abcb94a77b1⋯.png (381.43 KB,1224x559,1224:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c69b9392c4831e⋯.gif (24.75 KB,112x112,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: 206408773ce50d3⋯.png (142.18 KB,492x493,492:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416415 (270025ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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>>20163 pb

PlaneFag CONUS current and update on PATs this morning-and a lot of activity for a Sunday-of note the departures from Ft. Knox and both returned to and then the three PAT stops at Louisville Int'l

CABAL1 KC-46A tanker departed McGuire AFB earlier today SW to Hickam AFB

Mexi AF FAM3528 737 back to Mex City from Chetumal depart

Israel AF IAF018 C-130J arriving at Bangor, ME from Prestwick Int'l depart (and overnight-Nevatim AB depart yesterday

PAT= Priority Air Transport

PAT096 Beech C-12V Huron went back to Ft. Knox (where 2 took off from this morning) and stopped at Bentonville AR and Amarillo, TXZ (Pantex Nuke plant here) and then a stop at Louisville Int'l hour and PAT972 C-560 went to Louisville, KY and back to McGuire AFB, NJ

PAT090 C-12V Huron went to Corpus Christi from Rapid City SD depart and now at North Platte, NE

PAT094 C-12V Huron went to Conroe , TX (north of Houston) to Lone Star Exec Airport and back to Ft. Knox (same stop at Louisville Int'l before Ft, Know like PAT096

PAT030 C-12V Huron went to Harrisburg Int'l from it's Palm Beach stop and San Juan PR depart earlier today

PAT373 (was 474) C-26B Metro went back to Raleigh, NC and a prior stop at Harrisburg Int'l for an hour and Charlotte NC stop

That KC-46 Pegasus 'party' went to Travis AFB from Wichita and all 4 of those KC-135s went to MacDill AFB from same

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1b6b35 No.20323

File: 7f43a0178a1c073⋯.png (255.8 KB,1354x1276,677:638,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a6b3587c308923⋯.png (243.4 KB,1354x1288,677:644,Clipboard.png)

File: 8da43030d32dcfe⋯.png (287.31 KB,1354x1635,1354:1635,Clipboard.png)

File: 5eb4da9eb4b3cf1⋯.png (293.24 KB,1354x1653,1354:1653,Clipboard.png)

File: b041f71c9dbe06b⋯.pdf (1.03 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416429 (270028ZFEB23) Notable: Katie Hobbs / Bill Gates (the politician) deeds

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> https://recorder.maricopa.gov/recdocdata/

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1b6b35 No.20324

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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