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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

b72f48 No.17309 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 879 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fa9439 No.18772

File: d66a366afe86bba⋯.jpeg (226.32 KB,1080x1124,270:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389516 (212013ZFEB23) Notable: 50 degree drop in temps on Thursday

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=50 degree swing in temp?==

Record high 72 degrees on Feb. 15, breaking a record from 1954.


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fa9439 No.18773

File: 7155ebcea836228⋯.png (383.78 KB,598x555,598:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389519 (212014ZFEB23) Notable: NSA/CSS tweet

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For the past 50 years, the National Security Operations Center has been at the forefront of NSA’s response to world events from the Iran hostage crisis to the 9/11 attacks. Learn more about this mission-critical organization:


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fa9439 No.18774

File: 8705999c572c202⋯.png (195.49 KB,696x392,87:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389531 (212017ZFEB23) Notable: Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Probe Recommends Several Indictments

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BREAKING: Jury in Georgia Trump Probe Recommends Several Indictments: Report

By B911 - February 21, 202302

"The forewoman, Emily Kohrs, stated that the range of charges is substantial, and the report contains eight pages of legal code that were cited at various points.

However, Kohrs did not disclose the names of the individuals who are facing charges.

When asked if Trump was among them, she said, “You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science,.”"


(Link to the NYT article):


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fa9439 No.18775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389562 (212025ZFEB23) Notable: United Nations Security Council mtg LIVE

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United Nations Security Council members are holding a meeting in New York City to discuss threats to international peace and security.



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fa9439 No.18776

File: 6365240b3e59e77⋯.png (291.71 KB,760x727,760:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 7613f3b49fc1fab⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389563 (212026ZFEB23) Notable: Potato is now POLISH?

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Biden is now claiming to be Polish because he knew Polish people in Delaware or some rambling nonsense


Tom Elliott

10:12 AM · Feb 21, 2023

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fa9439 No.18777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389572 (212027ZFEB23) Notable: Anon opine - Trump vs Biden re Ukraine

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Biden: I want a Ukrainian victory

Trump: I want a peace deal

Think logically, based on what we now know for sure about the corruption of Biden and Ukraine. http://www.BidensExposed.com

136-159)Does he really care about the people of Ukraine or does he care about his business?


If we know this, why doesn't anyone suspect where the money Biden is actually taking from American taxpayers?

Does it come back as money-laundering contributions to political campaigns?

FTX for example.

Trump, on the other hand, has nothing to gain from helping the war in Ukraine, so it makes more sense to listen to what he says than to a president with obvious conflicts of interest.

Now you're arguing that Trump is taking a neutral stance because he's colluding with Putin, his agent and the like.

However, russiagate is false and it is proven


Now the question arises, why should we be on good terms with a bad person and a so-called dictator like Putin as portrayed by the mainstream media?

Because Russia is on very good terms with countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria and the like, and if we don't have good relations with Russia, then our ability to get those countries to do what the United States wants them to do and reach agreements with them diminishes and the chances of war increase because we don't have Russia on our side to moderate them and so we have to be on good terms or at least neutral with Putin. And reach a peace deal as soon as possible brokered by Trump if he does get elected in 2025.

I extend my condolences to the Ukrainian people and hope that the killing and destruction will stop as soon as possible and that we can reach unity as soon as possible because united we are strong and divided we are weak.

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fa9439 No.18778

File: bcd1309566bd2ef⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB,1256x720,157:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389603 (212036ZFEB23) Notable: NEW derailment in Nebraska

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Another Derailment! Hazmat Team Called to #NebraskaTrainDerailment - NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) - Cleanup efforts are underway Tuesday morning after a train derailed near #Gothenburg. Around 1:45 a.m., approximately 31 Union Pacific train cars carrying coal

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fa9439 No.18779

File: 95653c667241324⋯.png (529.11 KB,712x608,89:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 26c6527209a87c0⋯.png (268.23 KB,335x644,335:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389616 (212039ZFEB23) Notable: J6 VIDEO: It was a police riot, cops admit to attacking 'innocent' protesters

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Video footage documenting police actions around the US Capitol building during the January 6th, 2021 protests against election fraud proves that the event was a police riot, and shows officers admitting to attacks on “innocent” protestors.

A Twitter thread released this week by @InvestigateJ6 serves as a trove of information and video footage as to the truth of what happened during the January 6th demonstrations. Video footage contained in the thread documents the coordinated efforts by DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, the federal Capitol Police Department, and other law enforcement outfits to inflict maximum “pain” on January 6th demonstrators.

In bringing maximum “pain” to the American people, even the cops captured in the footage admitted at the time that they’d only incited a riot and were injuring up to 10 “innocent” people each time they hurled explosives, fired tear gas and shot “nonlethal” projectiles into the crowd.

“What led to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6th?” @InvestigateJ6 asked, kicking off the “POLICE BRUTALITY evidence thread” that blows the lid off of the uni-party, corporate media narrative of the January 6th, 2021 protests on Capitol Hill.

As has been described by numerous protesters who were on the ground on January 6th, the video footage shows that the already tense mood around the Capitol took a serious turn into dangerous territory when DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, under the direct command of Black Lives Matter Mayor Muriel Bowser, arrived on the scene.

In one video segment, an MPD officer frantically demands to be given “blast munitions” to use against the crowd.

“Hey, we need more fucking munitions!” the MPD officer shouts on video. “We need blast munitions! What do we got?” he asks, only to be told that there are none available.

“God damn, we’ve got to get something!” he shouts.

At some point, those “blast munitions” became available, and police officers began hurling them indiscriminately into the crowd. In videos included in the @InvestigateJ6 Twitter thread, explosive devices can be seen lobbed into the crowd and detonating all around peaceful demonstrators, igniting chaos.

Other cops are shown firing tear gas canisters from bright orange launchers, aiming directly toward the faces of demonstrators.

Throughout the videos, officers admit that their combative actions were only angering the crowd, causing panic, and making the situation all the more volatile. In fact, demonstrators were pushed towards the Capitol Building by law enforcement, and straight into an apparent trap of death and chaos.


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fa9439 No.18780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389622 (212040ZFEB23) Notable: Evidence of Russian brutality in Ukraine? ANONS DIG

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Rep. McCaul Says He’s Witnessed Evidence of Russian Executions, Torture, and Rape, During Ukraine Visit

By Andrew Thornebrooke

February 21, 2023Updated: February 21, 2023

"A Republican delegation to Ukraine witnessed evidence that Russian soldiers are engaging in crimes against humanity including summary executions, torture, and rape, according to Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)."

"McCaul vowed that Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his regime would be brought to justice for the crimes.

“These crimes will not stand and we will bring justice,” McCaul said.

“America stands with Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democracy, the values that we as Americans hold so true and hold so dear to our hearts.”

The United States has asserted that Russia is engaged in crimes against humanity in Ukraine since March of last year."



NOTE: "McCaul said…" is probably TRUE; WHAT McCaul said is probably NOT.

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fa9439 No.18781

File: 61782eec9ad81a5⋯.png (381.37 KB,531x491,531:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389624 (212041ZFEB23) Notable: J6 VIDEO: It was a police riot, cops admit to attacking 'innocent' protesters

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J6 committee so concerned release of January 6 Tapes will pose a security threat by showing camera locations in Capitol.

This wasn’t a concern during nationally televised hearings. In June 2022, committee broadcast locations of 9 security cameras.


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fa9439 No.18782

File: 1d720c375932f2d⋯.png (130.07 KB,630x222,105:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389641 (212046ZFEB23) Notable: EPA admin insists air and water in Palestine is "safe"

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Seems to be by a different author than the previous notable about the EPA. I found the continued references to 9/11 interesting.

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fa9439 No.18783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389642 (212046ZFEB23) Notable: Former Trump Aide: The 10 Things Trump Must Do to Win

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Former Trump aide wants PDJT to listen to their narratives against a controlled atmosphere, created for the specific purpose of exposing the state of the world we're in, that were part of the plan he put in place in order to make people more aware.

1. Stop fentanyl from crossing over the borders. Get the job market zooming again. Work deals with (or put pressure on) states that are allowing the homelessness issues to persist. Perhaps stop passing out crack pipes and free drugs to places that enable use? The homelessness problem with correct itself best it can as a result.

Ending affirmative action for all federal positions is a great idea, but good luck with the backlash. You'll need someone that isn't him to push it.

Ending NATO is a double edged sword. Best bet is demand back pay, and wind down American involvement to a logistics support role. It's 2023; we no longer need to be the world's police force.

Porn is a nuanced issue of protected free speech. Banning it will cause more harm than good as every country where it is legal shows lower rates of sexual assaults/rapes per capita. If you want to do something useful to reduce the influence of porn on culture, regulate it. There are issues with trafficking in the industry. Work with people in the industry to eliminate trafficking, and the production of content will be drastically reduced. Eventually, it will lose a lot of its luster in culture. Banning it will cause a backlash, and no matter how you paint it with controlled narratives, eventually people will get pissed about the censorship. Look at what happened with abortion. Also, there are smarter ways to deal with the accessibility of it than making the states put up firewalls that can be circumvented.

2. The DeSantis attacks are part of the show. You should know this already.

3. Agree with this to an extent. It's useful to keep a speech on track, but off-the-cuff comments are hilarious, invoking, and rile his base up more than anything else.

4. Yep.

5. The rallies are great because it demonstrates how dismissive the MSM is of him, his brand, and his audience. This constant reminder is a reinforcement of the idea behind a "common enemy of the people". Removing this from his toolkit is a bad idea, and even if it is creating an illusion of his real following, at least it's effective at doing so.

6. The only way he can engage them more is through Fox and other outlets. If they want to block him out of their coverage or only cover him in a negative light, there's not much that can be done about that. So either they end up dissolving themselves by running out of funding, or they persist because they actually have an audience that listens to them. Only one of these things is true, and to be honest, more than half the people I know are not pro-Trump, and Iive in deep red country.

7. No strategic error was made in how they engaged Biden. Either the election was stolen, or it wasn't. But you know that already.

8. Either you use the swamp to drain the swamp and come clean with that publicly, or keep up the charades publicly and keep doing it privately. If would be funny for him to call out some of the swamp creatures he's endorsing (for one reason or the other) in the middle of rallies, proving he's "got them by the short hairs", but it's all still a "conspiracy theory" until he does.

9. Same as 8. If there's a bigger play at play, then he's doing what he must to "catch them all".

10. Nobody has more drive, will, and energy than Trump. This isn't even an issue.

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fa9439 No.18784

File: d89a9af50724968⋯.png (258.52 KB,652x524,163:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389651 (212048ZFEB23) Notable: AFL President on Biden Admin’s illegal plans for the IRS to make race-based tax audit & enforcement decisions

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>>18722 pb

>Treasury’s plans for race-based tax audits

America First Legal @America1stLegal

New statement from AFL President @StephenM on our latest investigation into the Biden Admin’s illegal plans for the IRS to make race-based tax audit and enforcement decisions ⤵️


1:39 PM · Feb 21, 2023


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fa9439 No.18785

File: c21b90cfadabc0c⋯.jpeg (865.33 KB,1170x1687,1170:1687,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389658 (212050ZFEB23) Notable: Fire at Brooklyn warehouse; Factory explosion in Miami; fire in Cali PG&E substation in Oakland

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is anybody keeping track?


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fa9439 No.18786

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389660 (212051ZFEB23) Notable: Agenda47: President Trump Will Fire the Warmongers and Globalists Who Seek Endless Wars

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Liz Harrington @realLizUSA·Feb 21

“We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.”

And only President Trump can!


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fa9439 No.18787

File: 7ec31704252e957⋯.png (137.35 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389663 (212051ZFEB23) Notable: Fire at Brooklyn warehouse; Factory explosion in Miami; fire in Cali PG&E substation in Oakland

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>America is breaking

NO!It's under fucking attack!

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fa9439 No.18788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389688 (212055ZFEB23) Notable: Fire at Brooklyn warehouse; Factory explosion in Miami; fire in Cali PG&E substation in Oakland

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wait there's moar:

At Least Two Reported Dead at Factory Explosion, Fire in Miami Suburb


don't know if it was mentioned before

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fa9439 No.18789

File: f14e7ba31d25367⋯.png (38.2 KB,583x225,583:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b251403bd3d9d5⋯.png (9.54 KB,446x191,446:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389695 (212058ZFEB23) Notable: @45: Florida was doing GREAT long before Ron DeSanctus got there

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11:33 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Florida was doing GREAT long before Ron DeSanctus got there. People are fleeing from New York to Florida (and other places) because of high TAXES and out of control CRIME, not because of Governor (thank you President Trump!) DeSanctimonious. Rick Scott did great, and even Charlie Crist had very good numbers. SUNSHINE AND OCEAN, very alluring!!!

Feb 21, 2023, 11:33 AM


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fa9439 No.18790

File: eb697124788c51b⋯.jpeg (375.67 KB,1170x1171,1170:1171,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389724 (212104ZFEB23) Notable: Fire at Brooklyn warehouse; Factory explosion in Miami; fire in Cali PG&E substation in Oakland

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fa9439 No.18791

File: da7b13ba985aabf⋯.png (20.14 KB,555x246,185:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389764 (212113ZFEB23) Notable: Potato on Putin/Ukraine blah blah blah

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President Biden


United States government official

Putin thought autocrats like himself were tough – and the leaders of democracies soft.

Then he met the iron will of Ukraine, America, and nations everywhere. Nations that refuse to accept a world governed by fear and force.

12:36 PM · Feb 21, 2023


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fa9439 No.18792

File: b0f24292e018115⋯.png (81.01 KB,458x553,458:553,Clipboard.png)

File: e478bbff3927bf0⋯.png (361.06 KB,598x693,598:693,Clipboard.png)

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fa9439 No.18793

File: 4f5fd660fd3d53b⋯.png (22.32 KB,584x287,584:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389772 (212114ZFEB23) Notable: Potato on Putin/Ukraine blah blah blah

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President Biden


United States government official

A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to erase the people’s love for liberty.

Brutality will never grind down the will to be free.

Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never.

12:55 PM · Feb 21, 2023


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fa9439 No.18794

File: 10dc796be8e0ef6⋯.png (251.78 KB,605x880,11:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389781 (212116ZFEB23) Notable: Potato on Putin/Ukraine blah blah blah

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President Biden


United States government official

When Putin rolled tanks into Ukraine, he thought the world would roll over.

But he was wrong: The Ukrainian people were too brave. America and our Allies were too unified.

Democracy was too strong.

3:10 PM · Feb 21, 2023


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fa9439 No.18795

File: 205dc587ea3699a⋯.mp4 (258.75 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389787 (212117ZFEB23) Notable: Potato on Putin/Ukraine blah blah blah

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BIDEN: "All across my country, in big cities and small towns, Ukrainian flags fly from American homes.”


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fa9439 No.18796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389809 (212120ZFEB23) Notable: Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Probe Recommends Several Indictments

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DEVELOPING: Forewoman of Jury in Georgia Trump Case Suggests Jurors Recommended Indicting Trump

Georgia – Last week a Fulton County judge ordered parts of the grand jury report in the garbage Trump 2020 election investigation to be released as the prosecutor considers charges against Trump and his allies.

The grand jury concluded that “one or more witnesses” lied under oath and recommended perjury indictments.

“A majority of the Grand Jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it,” the report said.

“The Grand Jury recommends that the District Attorney seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling,” the report said, according to CNBC.

The forewoman of the jury, Emily Khors, suggested that the jurors recommended indicting Trump in an interview with the New York Times.

Khors did not offer any other details about who specifically was recommended for charges.

The New York Times reported:

A special grand jury that investigated election interference by former President Donald J. Trump and his allies in Georgia recommended indictments of multiple people on a range of charges in its report, most of which remains sealed, the forewoman of the jury said in an interview today.

“It is not a short list,” the forewoman, Emily Kohrs, said, adding that the jury had appended eight pages of legal code “that we cited at various points in the report.”

She declined to discuss who specifically the special grand jury recommended for indictment, since the judge handling the case decided to keep those details secret when he made public a few sections of the report last week. But seven sections that are still under wraps deal with indictment recommendations, Ms. Kohrs said.

Asked whether the jurors had recommended indicting Mr. Trump, Ms. Kohrs gave a cryptic answer: “You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science,” adding “you won’t be too surprised.”

“We definitely started with the first phone call, the call to Secretary Raffensperger that was so publicized,” said Ms. Kohrs, whom The Associated Press first named and spoke with on Tuesday about the election meddling investigation.

“I will tell you that if the judge releases the recommendations, it is not going to be some giant plot twist,” she added. “You probably have a fair idea of what may be on there. I’m trying very hard to say that delicately.”

Here’s the backstory:

Last January Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis requested a special grand jury in her investigation into former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn Georgia’s fraudulent 2020 election results.

Fani Willis based her investigation on President Trump’s call with Georgia officials that was later doctored and leaked to the fake news outlet Washington Post. The WaPo published a completely fraudulent text of the call. These phony charges have already been debunked by The Gateway Pundit and others.

Again — Willis and her handlers are investigating a now-infamous call between former President Trump and Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured the Georgia SOS to uncover what he insisted was fraud that would overturn Georgia’s election results.

The infamous phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was recorded by Raffensperger and his office. Raffensperger’s team then leaked and lied about it to the far left Washington Post.

In May local news reported that a grand jury had been selected to investigate Fani Willis’s junk charges against President Trump.



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fa9439 No.18797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389818 (212122ZFEB23) Notable: Bomb Threat at Virginia Elementary School That Recently Hosted Satan Club

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Bomb Threat at Virginia Elementary School That Recently Hosted Satan Club — ‘You Promote Devil Worship and UnIslamic Values’

B.M. Williams Primary School in Chesapeake, Virginia, hosted an “After School Satan Club” earlier this month and now says they have been targeted with a credible bomb threat.

The Satanic Temple’s children’s club was set up in response to the Evangelical Good News Club being hosted at the school. The group argued that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all.

Law enforcement was called to the school on Tuesday morning over an emailed threat over the club.

WAVY News received a copy of the email, which was sent to multiple people. The threat was directed toward a Chesapeake school board member, the Chesapeake schools superintendent, and the organizer of the After School Satan Club.

“You are evil, there is no other way to put it.” It goes on to say, “You promote devil worship and unIslamic values.”

The local station reports, “a sign on the school’s front door stated it was on a level 1 lockdown, which means there is a threat (potential shooter, criminal, etc.) nearby, but the school itself is not necessarily being targeted. The school was to be locked until law enforcement officials gave the all-clear.”

According to a flyer posted on Reddit, the club plans to teach kids “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion.”

“We are non-theistic,” Rose Bastet, a volunteer organizing the new club, told local station WAVY. “I understand the apprehension behind the satanic name, but he is just an imaginary figure that we look to because he is the eternal rebel that fought for justice and humanity.”

The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia has called the satan club’s entry to the elementary school a win for free speech.

“Under the First Amendment, the government can’t treat one religious group less favorably than another, and it can’t give potential objectors or hecklers a ‘veto’ over unpopular speech by charging the speaker … a security fee,” Matthew Callahan, senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Virginia, the The Hill. “That the school district ultimately recognized this and is taking steps to correct these unlawful actions and policies is an enormous victory for free speech, religious liberty, and democracy.”

The report added that “the ACLU added that the club will also be able to make up meetings it planned for December 2022 and January 2023, when the club was put on hold after a backlash prompted a club organizer, who said she feared for her family’s safety and privacy, to pull a request to hold gatherings at the school.”


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fa9439 No.18798

File: 9b63cdcada805e4⋯.png (398 KB,452x671,452:671,Clipboard.png)

File: d63d03eaa552115⋯.png (270.16 KB,353x302,353:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dd170204748afa⋯.png (87.36 KB,248x215,248:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389827 (212124ZFEB23) Notable: Potato train ride in Ukraine; HRC 'train' tweet on Biden

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Riding on a train to the front lines of the fight for democracy? Peak Biden. #RailForceOne


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fa9439 No.18799

File: 8507f114fe4b8d0⋯.png (885.53 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389853 (212128ZFEB23) Notable: PF

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What's going on at port cities. No military on radar

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fa9439 No.18800

File: 49b7e86eb40f73c⋯.jpeg (407.43 KB,1620x1876,405:469,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389894 (212137ZFEB23) Notable: Clowns In America openly recruiting at SXSW

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Clowns In America openly recruiting at SXSW.

At least they’re not trying to hide it anymore.


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fa9439 No.18801

File: 7b508e0d0ed909b⋯.png (10.65 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,Clipboard.png)

File: d45e3d22f0f8a40⋯.png (660.74 KB,1184x1028,296:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e6cde18873048⋯.png (211.76 KB,325x629,325:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389919 (212143ZFEB23) Notable: Potato train ride in Ukraine; HRC 'train' tweet on Biden

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This Presidents' Day, Biden took a 10-hour train ride into wartime Ukraine to demonstrate our support of an ally standing up to totalitarianism.

Trump took a 10-minute armed motorcade ride to the edge of the gate of his country club to soak in the cheers of his supporters.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fa9439 No.18802

File: 7b508e0d0ed909b⋯.png (10.65 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,Clipboard.png)

File: d45e3d22f0f8a40⋯.png (660.74 KB,1184x1028,296:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e6cde18873048⋯.png (211.76 KB,325x629,325:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389923 (212144ZFEB23) Notable: Potato train ride in Ukraine; HRC 'train' tweet on Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This Presidents' Day, Biden took a 10-hour train ride into wartime Ukraine to demonstrate our support of an ally standing up to totalitarianism.

Trump took a 10-minute armed motorcade ride to the edge of the gate of his country club to soak in the cheers of his supporters.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fa9439 No.18803

File: f364ed94e85d718⋯.png (241.74 KB,619x440,619:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389939 (212147ZFEB23) Notable: Agenda47: President Trump Will Fire the Warmongers and Globalists Who Seek Endless Wars

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TRUMP: “World War III has never been closer than it is right now. […] We could end the Ukraine conflict within 24 hours with the right leadership.”


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fa9439 No.18804

File: 4695649aa0e3305⋯.png (60.3 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389952 (212149ZFEB23) Notable: 'Big difference' between arming Ukraine and Russia – Borrell

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21 Feb, 2023 21:00

'Big difference' between arming Ukraine and Russia – Borrell

The EU’s top diplomat told China’s foreign minister thatBrussels holds itself to different rules(what a strange admission)

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi asked the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, why he was so concerned with Beijing potentially giving weapons to Russia when Brussels is funnelling arms to Ukraine, Borrell told reporters.

Wang and Borrell met at the Munich Security Conference last week, after which the latter warned on Monday that any Chinese assistance to the Russian military would be considered a “red line” by the EU.

Speaking to reporters at a NATO meeting on Tuesday, Borrell said that he and Wang had a “frank conversation” in Munich.

During this conversation, Wang made it clear that “China doesn’t provide arms to countries at war,” and had no plans of providing arms to Russia. This, Wang said, “is the principle of China’s foreign policy,” according to Borrell’s recollection.

However, Borrell said that Wang asked him: “Why do you show concern for me maybe providing arms for Russia when you are providing arms for Ukraine?”

Borrell said that he responded by explaining the “big difference” between these scenarios, pointing out “what is at stake for us Europeans in the war in Ukraine.” However, he did not share his explanation with the press.

Borrell is not the only senior Western diplomat to caution Beijing over its alleged support for Russia’s military. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed last week that Washington was already aware of China’s non-lethal support for Moscow, and threatened “serious consequences” if that support escalated to lethal weapons.

China’s foreign ministry responded to Blinken in a similar manner as Wang did to Borrell, urging the US to “seriously reflect” on its role in stoking the Ukraine conflict. “It is the US, not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield,” a ministry spokesman said on Monday.

China has repeatedly called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and plans on releasing a peace proposal in the near future. Meanwhile, Beijing and Moscow have stepped up their bilateral trade since the beginning of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine last February, and both countries are currently taking part in trilateral naval drills with South Africa.

Ahead of a potential visit to Moscow by Chinese President Xi Jinping this spring, Wang held a meeting in the Russian capital with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev on Tuesday. Sino-Russian relations are “rock solid and will withstand any test of the changing international situation,” Wang said after the meeting.


(They be freaking out after Putin’s speech today, like really freakin! Borrell is a retard, it's better to arm Nazi's than support Russia)

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fa9439 No.18805

File: f455144e27df295⋯.jpeg (659 KB,1170x1370,117:137,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389978 (212153ZFEB23) Notable: Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man [4+ years later]

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Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man – The Beltway Report


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fa9439 No.18806

File: a944ba5dd309076⋯.png (196.32 KB,474x709,474:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389990 (212155ZFEB23) Notable: USMC on combat training exercise

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Out We Go! 🚁



, NC


CH-53E Super Stallions assigned to the 26th MEU's Air Combat Element supported U.S. Marines with 2d Recon Battalion, during helocast training to improve integration and readiness.





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fa9439 No.18807

File: e190973ab235d8e⋯.png (946.25 KB,1873x716,1873:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18389991 (212155ZFEB23) Notable: Why isn't anyone complaining about Nordstream pipeline?

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Look at these headlines, I guess they thought Russia was just going to sit back and keep on taking the bullshit thrown at them. Putin was just biding his time and planning like he did for the last 8 years.

They may want to consider not taking directions from a dementia ridden patient in the WH and the Mafia there, especially since they blew up Nordstream and deprived Germany of cheap gas, they are paying 5x-6x the price from the US for Natural gas.

Why isn't anyone complaining about Nordstream pipeline? Germany was part owner of the pipeline, did Joe make a deal and the billions going to Ukraine are being laundered to Germany for repayment?this feels really correct to me, any comments


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fa9439 No.18808

File: 06f1e5ea4815f10⋯.png (73.34 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390039 (212203ZFEB23) Notable: Moscow provided no security guarantees to Biden – FSB

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21 Feb, 2023 20:57

Moscow provided no security guarantees to Biden – FSB

The US, however, did inform Russia about the American president’s impending visit to Kiev, the Federal Security Service has said

(Kekkity, this is freakin funny! Now look at that guy's face, I don't think he's joking. RT is great pairing up pictures with articles, like Breitbart)

Moscow offered no security guarantees to US President Joe Biden during his surprise visit to Kiev on Monday, the head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, told journalists on Tuesday. Washington did tell Moscow about the visit, though, he added.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had earlier spoken about “safety guarantees” for the US leader from Russia as he commented on the visit. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also told reporters on Monday that Washington had informed Russia about the visit in advance for “deconfliction purposes.” He did not provide any details about the Russian response.

“The US did inform Russia about Biden’s visit to Kiev through diplomatic means,” Bortnikov said in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annual address to the Russian lawmakers. “We did not provide any security guarantees.”

Moscow and Washington continue to cooperate in the field of security, the FSB chief noted, adding thattheir contacts are mostly in the realm of fighting against international terrorism. Yet, this cooperation is “far from what it was once,” the Russian official said, stressing that “no one benefits” from this deterioration of contacts and “everyone is interested in maintaining these relations.”

Bortnikov noted that Russia faces a terrorist threat posed by the Ukrainian security services. He maintained that “it is the West that is behind the threats coming from the Ukrainian security services.” Russia is doing everything in its power to prevent such attacks, he added.

On Monday, Biden made his first visit to Ukraine as president. He pledged another $500 million in US military aid to Ukraine, saying that more “critical equipment, including artillery ammunition, anti-armor systems, and air surveillance radars” would be on the way. Air raid sirens were heard in Kiev during the visit, but there were no reports of Russian strikes at that time.


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fa9439 No.18809

File: 7ac19afeaf8844f⋯.png (395.25 KB,468x440,117:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390045 (212204ZFEB23) Notable: US Army: Train hard, play hard.

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Train hard, play hard.

#WinningMatters #Soldiers #TeamSill


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fa9439 No.18810

File: c394d05e360e04a⋯.png (214.1 KB,500x291,500:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 79bf8b043c7d416⋯.png (211.44 KB,500x297,500:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 35bed1516738262⋯.png (289.05 KB,563x708,563:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390057 (212207ZFEB23) Notable: Bond Bloodbath Triggers Biggest Stock Puke Of Year

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Bond Bloodbath Triggers Biggest Stock Puke Of Year

The 'one-way-trade' of January is rapidly unwinding in February with stocks finally getting the joke today and accelerating their catch-down…

Better than expected PMIs didn't help as the 'no landing' narrative is now driving the market's reality ever more hawkish with expectations for the Terminal Rate now above 5.35%, and barely any rate-cuts priced in at all for 2023…

The NYSE TICK Index (Upticks vs Downticks) was extreme today - one of the most extreme days we have seen in a long while - with barely any positive trends at all as selling was practically non-stop from the open…


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fa9439 No.18811

File: 5bde91b02ed5f4c⋯.png (120.03 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390070 (212210ZFEB23) Notable: Ukraine bans former president’s party

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21 Feb, 2023 20:32

Ukraine bans former president’s party

The Party of Regions was outlawed just a day after Joe Biden praised Kiev’s “democracy”

The party of former president Viktor Yanukovich, once Ukraine’s largest, was banned on Tuesday by a Kiev court acting on a government request.

Ukraine’s security services hadaccused the Party of Regions of illegally signing a 2010 treaty with Russia and “crimes” against the 2014 US-backed coupthat ousted Yanukovich.

Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) announced the ban to state media, saying it followed a motion by the Ministry of Justice based on accusations leveled by the SBI and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) against the party.

“In particular, the SBI provided materials regarding the illegal actions of the leadership of the Party of Regions during the signing and ratification of the so-called Kharkov Agreements, as well as crimes committed by them during the events of the Revolution of Dignity,” the agency said.

The 2010 agreement, signed in Kharkov, extended the Russian lease of naval facilities in Crimea through 2042 and gave Ukraine a discount on Russian natural gas supplies. The “Revolution of Dignity” is the name the new Ukrainian government gave the Maidan coup of 2014, which triggered the conflict over Crimea and the Donbass.

The Ukrainiangovernment is “currently determining” the value of the party’s assets, which will be seizedunder a law enacted in May 2022. It enables President Vladimir Zelensky’s government to ban any party that challenges its official position, in particular when it comes to the conflict with Russia. A court’s decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

Thelaw has been used to ban a dozen parties so far. The largest parliamentary opposition bloc, Opposition Platform – For Life, was outlawed last June.

The Party of Regions was established in 1997 and had grown into Ukraine’s biggest political party by 2006, in response to the 2004 ‘Orange Revolution’ that installed a pro-American government. It practically ceased to operate after the 2014 coup, as Yanukovich and Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov sought asylum in Russia.

The latest ban comes just a day after US President Joe Biden visited Kiev and compared Ukraine’s government to democracy itself. “Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. America – and the world – stands with Ukraine,”

https://www.rt.com/russia/571867-ukraine-party-regions-banned/Biden declared after a photo-op with Zelensky.

Pretty tricky they can make prior legal actions against the law in the future, before Zelensky was even in office, and then steal the money of those illegally charged.

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fa9439 No.18812

File: 6b5e7296380e533⋯.png (83 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390105 (212217ZFEB23) Notable: China-Russia relations ‘rock solid’ – Beijing

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21 Feb, 2023 20:32

China-Russia relations ‘rock solid’ – Beijing

The ties between the two countries can “withstand” global challenges, Foreign Minister Wang Yi believes (Thanks Joe!)

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday that the bond between the two countries was strong and stable. During his visit to Moscow, the diplomat met with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev to discuss “mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields.”

“China-Russia relations are mature in character and rock solid, able to withstand the challenges of the volatile international situation,” Wang stressed. He added that the countries were ready to defend their national interests and dignity.

Patrushev responded to Wang by saying the relations between Moscow and Beijing had “inherent value” and “were not swayed by outside trends.” He added that a strategic partnership with China was a priority for Russia asboth countries were devoted to creating “a more just world order.”

According to Wang, the two countries, as members of the United Nations Security Council,are responsible for “keeping the peace on the planet.” (That’s some interesting trolling)

Wang announced on Saturday during the Munich Security Conference that China had a peace proposal for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and that “some forces might not want to see peace talks materialize.” He claimed he would present this plan at a later time.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping is also planning a visit to Moscow in the coming months for a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as reported by WSJ, citing sources familiar with the plan.

Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that Washington had information that China was mulling over providing “lethal support” to Russia in the military operation in Ukraine and that this would have “consequences.” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said during Monday's press briefing Beijing would “not accept the US’s finger-pointing or even coercion targeting China-Russia relations.”’


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fa9439 No.18813

File: c870926fb2e12ce⋯.png (138.44 KB,467x517,467:517,Clipboard.png)

File: c3bdfe7df3f389b⋯.mp4 (4.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390129 (212223ZFEB23) Notable: Trump just publicly confirmed the Obama State Dept was behind the Maidan Uprising

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Trump just publicly confirmed the Obama State Dept was behind the Maidan Uprising in Ukraine

And went on to say bad actors like Victoria Nuland are back in the US govt under Biden and driving us into WW3


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fa9439 No.18814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390142 (212227ZFEB23) Notable: from 1950s: EMP device detonated over the US was estimated to have a 90% kill rate … using a barroon as a delivery device

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EMP device detonated over the US was estimated to have a 90% kill rate … using a barroon as a delivery device. Was tested in the 1950s by the US

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fa9439 No.18815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390168 (212232ZFEB23) Notable: #22545

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Twice Baked Dough


Baker on duty collecting last bread nao


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fa9439 No.18816

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390181 (212234ZFEB23) Notable: a look at the C.I.A, C.A.A and their operations and psyops around the world in the U.S.A.

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Note: Really good documentary, with lots of info including a look at the C.I.A, C.A.A and their operations and psyops around the world in the U.S.A. Most things are mentioned here including briefly the W.E.F but what anon noticed was that the banksters and hedgefund managers or asset collection agencies as they should be known, like J.P.Morgan and state street, Vanguard, BlackRock were not touched at all, Anons already know that stake holder society is the new form of control over corporations and their investors and that the B.I.S is in overall control of the rules and regulations leading into the CBDC program. but what has been recently discovered via the world summit meeting is that the nations of the world are now being held hostage by weather and made to look like national disaster weaponization by haarp. still worth watching, tore is a clown, her voice is condescending and this looks like a deconstruct program by the clowns of the usa and other nation governments who are already captured. after all they want a one world government so distrust is the goal of the clowns and their media assets..


A "Must Watch" | Scotty's Farewell Video - Tore Says - Pandora's Box



From Pandora's Box, Tore Says, Scotty Films "Enjoy the Show"

"Enjoy The Show: Scotty wants everyone to be more discerning and think more for themselves. This is the last video saying goodbye to all and he loves you all. "

"This is a MUST WATCH!!! A video from @Maras that she so graciously let our MAIN MAN, Scotty, use for his farewell. Some of the HISTORY of our nation. Scotty wants you all to understand THE DEPTH of which we are fighting. All of this infighting and Black Pilling is a WASTE of time and exactly what THEY want.

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fa9439 No.18817

File: c3bdfe7df3f389b⋯.mp4 (4.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c28c370e4b02ad3⋯.png (141.58 KB,475x553,475:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390186 (212235ZFEB23) Notable: "Complete the Mission" Trump publicly confirmed the Obama State Dept was behind the Maidan Uprising in Ukraine…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>18815 Tyb

>>>/qresearch/18390137 /PB


>Trump just publicly confirmed the Obama State Dept was behind the Maidan Uprising in Ukraine


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fa9439 No.18818

File: c2f39c84d7635b5⋯.png (634.65 KB,716x1200,179:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390187 (212235ZFEB23) Notable: …Trump also called out the state department for inching us toward WW3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🚨 BREAKING: Trump just called out the state department for inching us toward WW3


The same state department that Ron Desantis, Adam Kinzinger & others wrote to requesting US support for the Maidan revolution that preceded the current war in Ukraine

3:33 PM · Feb 21, 2023

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fa9439 No.18819

File: 8381e1907ebdbec⋯.png (75.23 KB,750x309,250:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390234 (212245ZFEB23) Notable: Fluoride Added to Drinking Water Contributes to Rising Rates of ADHD, Lower IQs in Kids

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Truth bombs galore in this one. Pineal gland calcification, lower IQ, etc mentioned.

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fa9439 No.18820

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390271 (212255ZFEB23) Notable: Student leaves woke school board SPEECHLESS, exposes them all and drops the mic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Student leaves woke school board SPEECHLESS, exposes them all and drops the mic

5.04 mins



Dan Bongino



I don't think I've seen a more powerful speech from a high school student. Holy cow…

Feb 21, 2023, 11:38 AM


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fa9439 No.18821

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18390290 (212300ZFEB23) Notable: Y do ChYna control da foodchain?

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Why is China Buying U.S. Farmland: "This Is Them Controlling Our Supply Chain"

2.36 mins

40 million acres



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