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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

2a5fcc No.17 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 826 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2a5fcc No.5992

File: 8d5a3821754a20a⋯.png (324.51 KB,611x638,611:638,Clipboard.png)

File: 3166f285e919d11⋯.png (130.31 KB,598x484,299:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153196 (160522ZJAN23) Notable: Chemical plant explosion Panjin, Liaoning Province, 3rd chem plant explosion in a row this year

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In the afternoon of January 15, 2023, Panjin, Liaoning Province, an explosion occurred in a chemical plant.


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2a5fcc No.5993

File: 800a7c73d29f145⋯.jpg (93.97 KB,500x222,250:111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153211 (160526ZJAN23) Notable: Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce “Tennessee Bullion Depository Act”

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Sound money = end gold monoplies and all regulation

Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce “Tennessee Bullion Depository Act”

Building on the success of passing a full sales tax exemption on precious metals (HB 1874 and SB 1857) in 2022


Fun fact. In 1933 President Franklin D Roosevelt used Executive Order 6102 to seize all gold bullion and coins from citizens, 'compensating' said citizens with fiat currency at far below market value rates.

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2a5fcc No.5994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153219 (160529ZJAN23) Notable: 150+ Lawsuits Filed Against Social Media Companies for Harming Children Will Proceed; 1200+ Families Represented

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150+ Lawsuits Filed Against Social Media Companies for Harming Children Will Proceed; 1200+ Families Represented

(((THEY))) already admitted that not only are they targeting children, but that the content is addictive.

Hopefully they all hang for weaponizing social media like the jews weaponized TV and radio.

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2a5fcc No.5995

File: 56a206421d65297⋯.jpg (91.09 KB,1111x472,1111:472,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153250 (160537ZJAN23) Notable: Great Video Breakdown Regarding THE MATRIX OF SOCIETAL CONTROL

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2a5fcc No.5996

File: 1524a044e279ba3⋯.png (928.67 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d92ec03a393d30⋯.png (754.67 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d92ec03a393d30⋯.png (754.67 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153272 (160544ZJAN23) Notable: UK British police arrest man on terrorism charges after uranium is found in package at London airport

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UNITED KINGDOM Published January 15, 2023 8:50pm EST

British police arrest man on terrorism charges after uranium is found in package at London airport

Counterterrorism police said that the incident 'does not appear to be linked to any direct threat to the public'

Police in the United Kingdom arrested a man on terrorism charges Saturday after trace amounts of uranium were discovered in a cargo package at Heathrow Airport in London two weeks ago.

The suspect, a man in his 60s whose identity has not been released, was arrested at a home in northwestern England. He was booked at a police station and released on bail today.


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2a5fcc No.5997

File: 22874637170837b⋯.jpg (249.64 KB,1022x1688,511:844,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153276 (160545ZJAN23) Notable: UK British police arrest man on terrorism charges after uranium is found in package at London airport

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Fiesta ware isn't terrorism

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2a5fcc No.5998

File: 348aa175a956eb8⋯.jpg (20.44 KB,600x200,3:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b00ea52938ef8f4⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,336x336,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa1fff1b218c012⋯.jpg (3.56 KB,88x88,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153316 (160602ZJAN23) Notable: Chaos At The Airport After Stolen Luggage ‘Prank’ Goes Horribly Wrong

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Kanel Joseph


1.15M subscribers



8:41 PM · Jan 15, 2023







damn is this what feels like to be canceled?? this is bullying and that is not okay 😢





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It’s so fun isn’t it





Replying to


the matrix is after me





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The 8th Hokage Zay 👑


another black kid says this to the prankster, basically saying he let the white dood pull on his dreds and get wild


Replying to


Fuck em 😂they pussy I mean I would’ve knocked folk out for grabbing a dread but you gave him a chance and he kept wilding. 🤷🏽

Jason J Daniel




Replying to


LOL doesn’t feel good when you’re on the other end, right? U need to apologize to that man you need to actually get a job thats legitimate and you need to contribute to society instead of causing people anxiety. That mans life is going to be affected forever because of your joke.

Jason J Daniel




Replying to


I don’t condone his response on you and I don’t condone anyone bullying you, but I don’t condone your antics and your childish behavior. Also, you are doing this just to become well known and make money off of peoples anxiety and off of peoples confusion

it’s wrong.

Jason J Daniel




Replying to


Yeah, U probably should get an attorney because he has one hell of a personal damage lawsuit against you. If this thing continues to go viral you’re liable. Especially if you put it on YouTube after the fact that shows malice intent to make money off of his suffering you created





Jan 10

don’t blame me for your stupid decisions lil bro


Quote Tweet

Logan Paul



Jan 10

the matrix is real. pray you never become its target






Jan 10

'the rest of 2023, i’m letting the bag chase me

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2a5fcc No.5999

File: 05f6213cf28e92f⋯.png (622.66 KB,877x582,877:582,Clipboard.png)

File: f27fbf2e987bf21⋯.png (451.37 KB,428x582,214:291,Clipboard.png)

File: b572f05e90fdafd⋯.png (192.09 KB,305x438,305:438,Clipboard.png)

File: e3ec8521ad1e6b8⋯.png (326.69 KB,471x418,471:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 03de7049409039c⋯.png (593.05 KB,968x594,44:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153320 (160604ZJAN23) Notable: Refresher: FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family

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June 22, 2015 | Judicial Watch

FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.

Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show.

According to Bowman’s government file the Association of Internes and Medical Students is an organization that “has long been a faithful follower of the Communist Party line” and engages in un-American activities. Bowman was born in Washington D.C. and had deep ties to Chicago, where he often collaborated with fellow Communists. JW also obtained documents on Bowman from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) showing that the FBI was brought into investigate him for his membership in a group that “follows the communist party line.” The Jarrett family Communist ties also include a business partnership between Jarrett’s maternal grandpa, Robert Rochon Taylor, and Stern, the Soviet agent associated with her dad.

Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was also another big-time Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files obtained by JW as part of a probe into the Jarrett family’s Communist ties. For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI’s Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). His FBI file reveals that he was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago that would “disseminate the Communist Party line among…the middle class.”

It’s been well documented that Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, is a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.

JW has exposed Valerie Jarrett’s many transgressions over the years, including her role in covering up a scandalous gun-running operation carried out by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Last fall JW obtained public records that show Jarrett was a key player in the effort to cover up that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Fast and Furious, a disastrous experiment in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed guns from the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels. Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of hundreds of weapons which have been used in an unknown number of crimes, including the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona.

In 2008 JW got documents linking Valerie Jarrett, who also served as co-chairman of Obama’s presidential transition team, to a series of real estate scandals, including several housing projects operated by convicted felon and Obama fundraiser/friend Antoin “Tony” Rezko. According to the documents obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State, Valerie Jarrett served as a board member for several organizations that provided funding and support for Chicago slum projects operated by Rezko.


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2a5fcc No.6000

File: 9c39d8af9437a28⋯.jpg (26.27 KB,680x310,68:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153337 (160607ZJAN23) Notable: Chaos At The Airport After Stolen Luggage ‘Prank’ Goes Horribly Wrong

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Replying to


the matrix is after me

8:47 PM · Jan 15, 2023





Quote Tweet







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Bro thinks he’s Neo





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Idiot you belong in a cell nigga

Ryan Jason 🍥




Replying to




you're a fuckin pussy. Making prank videos and then someone has the balls to smack ur bitch ass so u get them arrested.





Replying to




Nah bro your just a twat


See new Tweets




damn is this what feels like to be canceled?? this is bullying and that is not okay 😢

8:41 PM · Jan 15, 2023




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2a5fcc No.6001

File: bb35a461cc97ec6⋯.png (739.71 KB,1027x578,1027:578,Clipboard.png)

File: bd65940266bd224⋯.png (234.59 KB,486x570,81:95,Clipboard.png)

File: fb3aea64e45aa86⋯.png (539.2 KB,1191x1085,1191:1085,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a43d687e968be9⋯.png (351.13 KB,783x980,783:980,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153384 (160619ZJAN23) Notable: Peter Strzok Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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Peter Strzok Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

By Jessica McBride	

Updated Jul 18, 2018 at 3:28am


Peter Strzok, the top FBI agent who is on the Congressional hot seat for allegedly sending anti-Donald Trump texts, is married to Melissa Hodgman, an official at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Strzok’s father, who is also named Peter Paul Strzok, is a former humanitarian organization director and U.S. Army major who raised his family, including the FBI agent, partly in Iran and Africa but who has deep family roots in Wisconsin.

An obituary confirms that Strzok is married to Hodgman, 49, who was named to her position with the SEC in October 2016. Peter Strzok, a top counter-terrorism agent in the FBI, was quietly removed from Robert Mueller’s probe into President Donald Trump and his associates when Mueller learned that Strzok had allegedly sent the texts.

On July 12, 2018, he was questioned by members of Congress and heatedly denied that his texted opinions about Trump influenced the investigations into the president and Hillary Clinton.


Lisa Page, whose mom came from Iran, calls it ‘smart and strategic … a real and independent country.’

January 4, 2020 | Vivek Saxena | Print Article

Disgraced former FBI attorney Lisa Page triggered backlash on social media again this Friday by offering her opinion about President Donald Trump’s elimination of top Iranian general and terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani.

While she praised Soleimani’s removal, tweeting “good riddance,” she then went on to warn of the potential repercussions. She wasn’t alone in that regard. Other liberal Democrats have posited similar concerns about the potential consequences of the drone strike that killed the Iranian general earlier this week.

However, in articulating her concerns, Page portrayed Iran in a disturbingly positive light, describing it as a “smart and strategic” country with a “5,000 year old culture.” She also claimed Iran “isn’t an irrational actor.” The facts might beg to differ.


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2a5fcc No.6002

File: 8dfd47101e0a90b⋯.png (949.15 KB,628x883,628:883,Clipboard.png)

File: afac85991fcd287⋯.png (1.58 MB,1536x980,384:245,Clipboard.png)

File: e4c45c93e352a22⋯.png (1.33 MB,1535x862,1535:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 241c2c7977dfacf⋯.png (482.95 KB,1588x1590,794:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ad34c54f60b1c6⋯.png (670.19 KB,877x616,877:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153423 (160629ZJAN23) Notable: Cambridge Police smeared again 14 years after Obama started anti-cop pol bluster

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Cambridge Police smeared again 14 years after Obama started anti-cop pol bluster

January 15, 2023

Back in July 2009, the Cambridge Police Department found itself in the media spotlight when then-President Barack Obama commented on the disorderly conduct arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

In what many law-enforcement members regard as the first salvo in the modern-day war against police, the most powerful man on the planet questioned “what role race played in that arrest” while concluding “the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

For his part, the arresting officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, retorted that Obama was “way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts.” After the facts came out that Sgt. Crowley acted properly in response to Gates’ non-compliance and Obama was criticized for his incendiary remarks, the president said he wished it could be a ”teachable moment” and held the infamous beer summit with the professor and police sergeant.

Still heaping blame

Obama’s legacy lives on today as Cambridge is again in the spotlight because elected leaders are acting stupidly about a fatal officer-involved shooting.

On Jan. 4, Cambridge police responded to a 911 call of a troubled man armed with a machete. Shirtless in the middle of a New England winter, Sayed Faisal jumped through a window and was seen cutting himself with the glass shards and a Kukri machete, a roughly 18-inch weapon commonly used by the Nepali military.Responding officers followed Faisal for five blocks as they pleaded with him to drop the weapon. Notably, the week before, two Long Island police officers were stabbed and almost killed when they tried to de-escalate instead of immediately shoot a mentally distressed man that threatened them with a knife following a 911 cal

When Faisal turned on the officers while menacingly brandishing the machete at them, an officer deployed a less-than-lethal “sponge round” at him. Undeterred, Faisal continued advancing with the machete toward the officers, one of whom reasonably feared for his life and shot Faisal multiple times until his threat was stopped.

Instead of sticking to the facts and consoling their constituents as would be appropriate, someCambridge officials are inciting their community by pushing allegations of racism and police ­brutality.

Responding officers followed Faisal for five blocks as they pleaded with him to drop the weapon. Notably, the week before, two Long Island police officers were stabbed and almost killed when they tried to de-escalate instead of immediately shoot a mentally distressed man that threatened them with a knife following a 911 call.

Massachusetts state Rep. Mike Connolly, a proud progressive Democrat and Democratic Socialists of America member, tweeted that he “will continue demanding answers, justice, and systemic change” and “our community is rightfully demanding accountability and systemic change.”

The outrage vs. the facts

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/01/15/cambridge-police-smeared-again-14-years-after-obama-started-anti-cop-pol-bluster/

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2a5fcc No.6003

File: 1ac28f3d2671930⋯.png (195.31 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153523 (160705ZJAN23) Notable: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case.

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Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In CAROLINE JEFFORDS et al. v. FULTON COUNTY 2020 Election Case

BREAKING: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case. Today’s ruling may set the stage for further investigation into what actually occurred during November 2020.


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2a5fcc No.6004

File: 52500770ffc6b13⋯.jpg (94.04 KB,617x781,617:781,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153574 (160720ZJAN23) Notable: Cambridge Police smeared again 14 years after Obama started anti-cop pol bluster

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>CambridgePolice smeared again 14 years after Obama started anti-cop pol bluster

GIRLX is the next chapter of thewoke agenda

Not a meme, real:


I guess the 'commission on the status of women' is struggling to even know what a woman is, like so many other people who apparently are far more interested in attacking children than understanding anything about biology.


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2a5fcc No.6005

File: 568caa0a0df3355⋯.png (597.99 KB,875x562,875:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153586 (160722ZJAN23) Notable: Justice Department sees first acquittal of Jan. 6 rioter found not guilty on obstruction charge

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2a5fcc No.6006

File: 8e06307eb043639⋯.png (305.89 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153595 (160724ZJAN23) Notable: Kathy Chung was reportedly questioned by law enforcement in relation to the classified documents stashed in three separate locations.

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Report: 𝗕𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁 Kᴀᴛʜʏ Cʜᴜɴɢ 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗟𝗮𝘄 𝗘𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗗𝗼𝗰𝘀

Kathy Chung was reportedly questioned by law enforcement in relation to the classified documents stashed in three separate locations.


pigs fly

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2a5fcc No.6007

File: 4c89183e5e61251⋯.png (789.79 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153605 (160726ZJAN23) Notable: 7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public

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7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public

Dr. Doom is also the Dr. of Deceit.


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2a5fcc No.6008

File: 9eaff1fccd116df⋯.jpg (667.51 KB,1743x972,581:324,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153668 (160743ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Gina Primetime: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP

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Dr. Gina PrimeTime

Streamed on: Jan 13, 7:00 pm EST

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2a5fcc No.6009

File: eaf093a8358ab08⋯.png (206.36 KB,500x516,125:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153672 (160744ZJAN23) Notable: Why do flu vaccines contain egg protein?

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Why do flu vaccines contain egg protein?

Most flu vaccines today are produced using an egg-based manufacturing process and thus contain a small amount of egg protein called ovalbumin.


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2a5fcc No.6010

File: 5caa67cff2ae223⋯.png (291.93 KB,634x668,317:334,Clipboard.png)

File: fce9c75be1720ce⋯.png (507.8 KB,634x859,634:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 86d64c98d55c082⋯.png (458.64 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 607ba743dd88f6c⋯.png (472.83 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 2af0be04152a658⋯.png (575.49 KB,634x718,317:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153681 (160746ZJAN23) Notable: SATANIC:A Michigan man who filed his teeth into fangs has been accused of trafficking

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PUBLISHED: 20:26 EST, 15 January 2023

Hummer-driving Michigan'serial monster' with terrifying face tattoos is accused of being sex trafficker 'general' who filed his teeth into FANGS to frighten his 'victims'

A Michigan man who filed his teeth into fangs has been accused of trafficking

Michael Barajas, 36, has been charged with more than 20 felonies

The man and his 'generals' kidnapped a woman and held her hostage inside a Flint, Michigan home

The group allegedly held the woman down while she was raped

Two others have been arrested and two men are still being sought


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2a5fcc No.6011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153716 (160756ZJAN23) Notable: #22258

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Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>5975, >>5978, >>5989, >>5995, >>5981 Great Video Breakdown Regarding THE MATRIX OF SOCIETAL CONTROL

>>5971 CCP State Media Praises ‘Davos Spirit’ as Conference Begins

>>5972, >>5976 Penn State professor tells straight students to watch gay porn to discover bisexuality

>>5973 Member when Trump went to the World Economic Forum and told them to go F THEMSELVES?

>>5974 25-Year-Old Doctor of Pharmacy Who Ran Multiple "Vaccine" Clinics Dies Suddenly, just before her father was rushed to the ICU

>>5977 1 Killed After Over 50 Shots Fired Outside Houston Nightclub

>>5979 “Location associated with Joe Biden” = crack house rented by Hunter Biden that contains classified documents that the CCP paid to have access to

>>5980 Special Counsel Update for Biden Docs Coverup, Schiff Caught Red-Handed! Plus Hunter Gun Scandal

>>5982 Iowa gun-toting mother stops duo from kidnapping her son: reports

>>5983 PF: CFC1 CL-60 Trudopelanded at Saskatoon Int'l Airport about 40m ago from Ottawa depart

>>5984 Video shows the plane carrying 90-100 Ukrainian soldiers landing at Fort Sill regional airport

>>5985, >>5987, >>5998, >>6000 Chaos At The Airport After Stolen Luggage ‘Prank’ Goes Horribly Wrong

>>5986 Inside Italy's biggest mafia trial in decades - BBC News

>>5988 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds proposes restructuring of state government: Downsizing state government from 37 departments to 16, 4 year ban on new regulations

>>5990 Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50k Per Month To Rent House Where Classified Documents Found?

>>5991 Andrew McCabe says DOJ should refuse to cooperate with GOP investigation of Biden mishandling of documents.

>>5992 Chemical plant explosion Panjin, Liaoning Province, 3rd chem plant explosion in a row this year

>>5993 Tennessee Lawmakers Introduce “Tennessee Bullion Depository Act”

>>5994 150+ Lawsuits Filed Against Social Media Companies for Harming Children Will Proceed; 1200+ Families Represented

>>5996, >>5997 UK British police arrest man on terrorism charges after uranium is found in package at London airport

>>5999 Refresher: FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family

>>6001 Peter Strzok Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>6002, >>6004 Cambridge Police smeared again 14 years after Obama started anti-cop pol bluster

>>6003 Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case.

>>6005 Justice Department sees first acquittal of Jan. 6 rioter found not guilty on obstruction charge

>>6006 Kathy Chung was reportedly questioned by law enforcement in relation to the classified documents stashed in three separate locations.

>>6007 7 Facts Fauci Knew But Hid From the Public

>>6009 Why do flu vaccines contain egg protein?

>>6010 SATANIC:A Michigan man who filed his teeth into fangs has been accused of trafficking



last call

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2a5fcc No.6012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153794 (160819ZJAN23) Notable: WEF Davos Report by Rebel News

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check the amount of police and MP on the roads to the den of the evil (in vid):


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2a5fcc No.6013

File: 6508fc62ddc9d38⋯.png (72.1 KB,320x200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153807 (160825ZJAN23) Notable: Japanese McDonald's Under Fire For Putting Out Cups Promoting Pedophilia

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Japanese McDonald's Under Fire For Putting Out Cups Promoting Pedophilia

McDonald's Japan has released a set of cups to promote its new range of soft drinks, McFizz. The cups are supposed to elicit a theme of summertime romance, showing naive line illustrations of a boy and girl on opposite sides of the cup, who share an innocent moment when the empty cup is lined up in a certain way. However, fast food fans have discovered that when you turn the cups a different way, you are faced with a range of decidedly less innocent scenes. This product was designed and reviewed by hundreds of people. Subliminal grooming & pedophilia at McDonald’s an accident?


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2a5fcc No.6014

File: 0c4594e70c675a1⋯.png (107.85 KB,320x200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153810 (160827ZJAN23) Notable: Dude Dressed As A Woman, Rachel Levine, Hilariously Claims He's Broken Glass Ceilings For Women

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Dude Dressed As A Woman, Rachel Levine, Hilariously Claims He's Broken Glass Ceilings For Women

Rachel Levine talks about breaking glass ceilings and being an inspiration to other women. A man who doesn’t have a uterus and spent the majority of his career identifying as a man, is a glass-ceiling- breaking female hero? Why is it culturally acceptable to mock womanhood?


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2a5fcc No.6015

File: 54077932784f572⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,720x873,80:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c11880faa0a22bb⋯.mp4 (1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153813 (160828ZJAN23) Notable: Donated uterus to be transplanted into transgender women & children (just one?)

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Donated uterus to be transplanted into transgender women & children

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2a5fcc No.6016

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153820 (160830ZJAN23) Notable: Long-time war in Congo finally over? (vid + related digs)

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16 - Jan 2023


Over 60 years since gaining independence, the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to feel the effects of a grueling decades-long conflict between former colonial powers and insurgents.

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2a5fcc No.6017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153821 (160830ZJAN23) Notable: Pipe-wielding Tesla driver violently attacks vehicles on SoCal freeways in Glendale, CA

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Pipe-wielding Tesla driver violently attacks vehicles on SoCal freeways in Glendale, CA


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2a5fcc No.6018

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153823 (160831ZJAN23) Notable: RT: Ukraine trying to extort the family of captured Russian soldier?

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16 - Jan 2023


Another horrifying case of human rights violations by Ukrainian forces: Unidentified soldiers blackmail a captured Russian soldier’s relatives, demanding money for his life.

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2a5fcc No.6019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153827 (160833ZJAN23) Notable: Dutch Report on the WEF - Dutch & English

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Dutch report about the WEF


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2a5fcc No.6020

File: 9b9d83b8afd658c⋯.png (580.69 KB,639x450,71:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153841 (160837ZJAN23) Notable: Legal Insurrection:FB Admits To Suppressing “Often-True Content” At WH Request

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Legal Insurrection: Report: Facebook Admits To Suppressing “Often-True Content” At WH Request

Report: Facebook Admits To Suppressing "Often-True Content" At WH Request

“As you know, in addition to removing vaccine misinformation, we have been focused on reducing the virality of content discouraging vaccines that does not contain actionable information."


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2a5fcc No.6021

File: 69fc520e667b1cf⋯.png (24.31 KB,528x386,264:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 816102ae4d7abe0⋯.png (177.83 KB,800x550,16:11,Clipboard.png)

File: ffded8961b02176⋯.jpg (14.92 KB,374x254,187:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b0f52bf1d65cbc⋯.jpg (47.95 KB,1024x394,512:197,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153879 (160857ZJAN23) Notable: South African President Cancels Davos Trip Amid Energy Crisis

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South African President Cancels Davos Trip Amid Energy Crisis

President Cyril Ramaphosa has cancelled a trip to a World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in Switzerland due to the ongoing energy crisis in South Africa. Vincent Magwenya, his spokesperson, said in a January 15, 2022 tweet that the president would be convening a meeting with leaders of political parties, the national energy crisis committee and the board of power utility Eskom.

Eskom earlier welcomed an 18.65% tariff increase granted by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), saying it would "positively contribute from a financial and sustainability point of view". Eskom initially sought an increase of 32%, citing higher costs for fuel, decreased generation capacity higher prices from independent power producers. The electricity price hike is expected to take effect from April 1, 2023, with an additional 12.74% tariff increase set for 2024.

The country is currently experiencing Stage 6 loadshedding, with rotating power cuts for eight to 12 hours a day. Local news website TimesLive reports that calls for a national shutdown are gathering steam on social media.


Anon speaks to someone in SA almost daily. Pic shows recent load shedding hours in Secunda.

December 17, 2021: "Simply put, load shedding happens when an area’s electricity supply is reduced or limited in order to avoid overloading generators. During this process, Eskom schedules regular blackouts in order to protect the electricity power system. Load shedding comes in eight stages, each with a different set of planned blackouts throughout the country."


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2a5fcc No.6022

File: 16450d2969cb64a⋯.png (404.42 KB,705x397,705:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e76cbc2ffc9181⋯.jpg (240.12 KB,1168x1023,1168:1023,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79537d2a64eb6ed⋯.jpg (218.45 KB,1075x1027,1075:1027,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 142b8b505a41cc3⋯.jpg (326.5 KB,1105x1219,1105:1219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae1233ec0f9abf3⋯.jpg (265.23 KB,1126x1006,563:503,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153882 (160859ZJAN23) Notable: California Deputy Public Defender Slain on Mexican Vacation: Officials

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California Deputy Public Defender Slain on Mexican Vacation: Officials

January 15, 2023

An attorney working for the Orange County Public Defender’s office was killed on Saturday while celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife in Mexico, California officials said.

Elliot D. Blair, a 33-year-old assistant public defender, died in Rosarito Beach, a popular resort town close to Mexico’s northern border, county Public Defender Martin Schwarz said in a statement given to The Orange County Register.

It was not immediately clear how Blair was killed, but aGoFundMe set up on behalf of his family said he had been the victim of “a brutal crime.”

“Elliot was known as a patient and caring advocate,” wrote the page’s author, Annie Rodriguez, another staffer in the public defender’s office. “He was the best of us and was loved by countless members of our office and the Orange County legal community. We are heartbroken.”

His wife, identified on the fundraising page as a woman named Kim, was not involved in the incident. She was also a public defender, according to Rodriguez.

“There are not enough words to express the level of love he had for Kim,” Rodriguez added. “Kim was his life… Kim’s heart is shattered.”

Kim and Blair’s other loved ones were in the process of negotiating the repatriation of his body to the United States on Sunday.

A Spanish-language report from Rosarito outlet Noticias B.C.attributed Blair’s death to a fall from a fourth-floor balconyat Las Rocas Resort and Spa, a local hotel. A police writeup of the incident reportedly detailed how municipal officers were summoned to the scene and found a man, later identified as Blair, unresponsive and face-down around 1 a.m. Saturday.

Blair, who began working in the public defender’s office immediately after passing the bar in 2017, was described by Schwarz as a “devoted husband, terrific person and a fantastic lawyer who dedicated his life to serving his clients and helping the county’s most vulnerable.”

Schwarz also said that he was “working with local and federal officials” to gather more details on the case, with little information on the case having been shared with Blair’s family by Mexican authorities so far.

Sauce: https://news.yahoo.com/california-deputy-public-defender-slain-222157411.html

and all this time anon thought it was just for bankers and the occasional diplomat + James Forrestal.

Helping the less fortunate involve coyotes/cartels get their people in the country without a chance to get booted? Asking for a sceptical fren..

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2a5fcc No.6023

File: 760161efedfc54c⋯.png (585.61 KB,986x682,493:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153923 (160917ZJAN23) Notable: Italian police announce the arrest of the head of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia

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JUST IN - Italian police announce the arrest of the head of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia, Matteo Messina Denaro.


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2a5fcc No.6024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153954 (160923ZJAN23) Notable: Italian police announce the arrest of the head of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra Mafia

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>>6023 Italy’s Carabinieri police on Monday arrested Matteo Messina Denaro, the country’s most wanted mafia boss who had been on the run for three decades.

Messina Denaro, who was detained in the Sicilian capital Palermo, is alleged to be a boss of Sicily’s Cosa Nostra mafia.

He has been sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in the 1992 murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

He also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed 10 people the following year.


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2a5fcc No.6025

File: b06c8a539bb2242⋯.jpg (450.26 KB,2221x1213,2221:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3f57f2a2bf1f6f0⋯.jpg (839.54 KB,2280x1213,2280:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d658b8540204dc⋯.jpg (635.73 KB,2274x1149,758:383,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8261d16f588a671⋯.jpg (494.54 KB,2250x1216,1125:608,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6064bc025e15a9f⋯.png (5.3 MB,1920x1440,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18153997 (160930ZJAN23) Notable: Long-time war in Congo finally over? (vid + related digs)

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>Democratic Republic of Congo continues to feel the effects of a grueling decades-long conflict between former colonial powers and insurgents.

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2a5fcc No.6026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154104 (160949ZJAN23) Notable: South African President Cancels Davos Trip Amid Energy Crisis

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>December 17, 2021: "Simply put, load shedding happens when an area’s electricity supply is reduced or limited in order to avoid overloading generators.

Mboweni, who led the special envoy in the absence of President Cyril Ramaphosa, stated at a media briefing, that the trip yielded many positives. He indicated that the general feedback from engagements with WEF delegates was that there still is a great deal of interest in South Africa as an investment destination.

The recent [load shedding] scare, one that President Ramaphosa had claimed was never going to happen, also left a bitter taste in investors’ mouths.

24 Jan 2020


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2a5fcc No.6027

File: a74d3ba81902037⋯.png (419.69 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154117 (160954ZJAN23) Notable: Long-time war in Congo finally over? (vid + related digs)

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The CIA versus the UN in the Congo: The covert delivery of fighter jets to Katanga in 1961

By ROAPE - June 30, 2022


As reports of Lumumba’s death sank in across the world, there were revelations of deepening US involvement in the Congo. On 17 February 1961, a story broke in the British newspaper, the Daily Telegraph, that an American cargo airline was secretly shipping Fouga Magister jets to Katanga.

This was shocking news. For the French-built Fouga CM. 170 Magister was a jet-trainer aircraft that could be used for combat: with a maximum speed of 400 miles per hour, it had the capacity to carry and use rockets, bombs and two machine guns. The delivery of fighter aircraft to Katanga was in clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions and contrary to official US policy.

The British press got hold of the story by chance because a US cargo aircraft was unexpectedly forced by engine trouble to land in Malta, then a British colony, in the early evening of 9 February 1961.The aircraft was a Boeing C-97 Stratocruiser – a long-range, heavy, military cargo plane – on which the words ‘Seven Seas Airlines’ had been painted over but were still visible. Otherwise, the only marking was the registration number on the tail, which identified it as a US plane. It had flown from Luxembourg and was apparently bound for Johannesburg; it carried three Fouga jet trainers. The names of the crew members, all Americans, were given to the US consul general in Malta.

Parts for the engine were flown from the US to repair the cargo plane; once it was ready to fly again, the aircraft and its sinister freight left Malta for Entebbe, Uganda, in the night of 13 February. While in the air, the captain reported to air traffic control that it was short of fuel and needed to alter course for Fort Lamy (now N’Djamena), the capital of Chad; this was a ploy to justify flying in the direction of Katanga. It then flew to Elisabethville (now Lubumbashi), Katanga’s capital.

British authorities in Malta had not appreciated the significance of this flight until the story broke in the press. At this point they quickly shared information about the episode with the colonial office in London, generating a file of reports and correspondence which has provided many of the important details set out in this edited extract.

Seven Seas Airlines was closely linked to the CIA, either as a CIA proprietary company or as a company contracted to the agency. Set up in 1957 by the American brothers Earl J Drew and Urban L ‘Ben’ Drew, the airline based its fleet in Luxembourg. Its headquarters was in Manhattan.

In July 1960, Seven Seas had been awarded a contract with the UN for the delivery of relief goods to the Congo. The company’s four Douglas DC-4s were mainly used for flights from Europe to Leopoldville (now Kinshasa); later that year the company purchased two Boeing C-97s from the US Air Force, which were deployed to the Congo to carry UN troops and supplies around the country.

Some years later, explained Black in her article, ‘I ran across the son of the man who had identified himself to me as the manager of Seven Seas. The son confirmed what I already suspected: his father, now retired, was a career CIA officer. Both Intercontinental and Seven Seas had belonged to the CIA, he said’.

Another aircraft company linked to the CIA and operating in the Congo was Southern Air Transport, which flew DC‐6 transports. The CIA’s involvement with Southern Air became a matter of public record in 1973, when documents relating to a planned purchase of the airline were filed with the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington, DC. The documents revealed that the CIA proprietary airlines, including Southern Air Transport and Air America, all shared the same Washington address. Southern had begun its connection with the CIA in August 1960, according to a 1973 report in the New York Times; the article quoted a Miami-based pilot as saying, ‘Everybody knows Southern was doing spook stuff’.

Another airline flying in the Congo with links to the CIA was Air Congo. On 1 June 1961, Michael Hathorn, a medical doctor escaping South Africa for exile in Accra, flew to Ghana via the Congo. ‘We boarded an Air Congo plane’, he recalled later, ‘and we were rather disconcerted at first to find that half the seats had been removed and the rear half of the cabin was filled with cases containing bank notes and ammunition!’



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2a5fcc No.6028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154129 (161005ZJAN23) Notable: Victoria Police covid enforcers "didn't enjoy all that over reaching" during lockdowns (vid)

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"i'm from the government and here to help you"

oh, yeah. FUCK THE POLICE!

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2a5fcc No.6029

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154146 (161014ZJAN23) Notable: New Trump campaign ad from Scavino - Winning Bigly

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Note: Two Q drops with that word #Qdrop 204 and #Qdrop 2711, winning Bigly !!!


New Campaign Ad from President Trump

4 hours ago 16th Jan 2023.



New Trump campaign ad from Scavino 🇺🇸

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2a5fcc No.6030

File: 6afd9506e701e04⋯.png (119.22 KB,517x863,517:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154149 (161014ZJAN23) Notable: New Trump campaign ad from Scavino - Winning Bigly

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2a5fcc No.6031

File: ad6ad4b6583e15e⋯.png (40.34 KB,607x692,607:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154150 (161015ZJAN23) Notable: German defense minister Christine Lambrecht has just resigned

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See new Tweets


Insider Paper




JUST IN 🚨 German defense minister has resigned

Insider Paper


UPDATES - Christine Lambrecht resigns as German defence minister: statement


Christine Lambrecht resigns as German defence minister: statement - Insider Paper

German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht resigned on Monday after a series of gaffes cast growing doubt on her ability to lead the country

10:52 PM · Jan 15, 2023



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2a5fcc No.6032

File: 7212403c11817f5⋯.png (509.17 KB,607x635,607:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154156 (161017ZJAN23) Notable: Zelensky pushes for Western aid to fight Russian ‘army of about 2 million people’

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Washington Examiner


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pushes for Western aid to fight Russian ‘army of about 2 million people’

Lithuania Anniversary


Zelensky pushes for Western aid to fight Russian ‘army of about 2 million people’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s requests for additional Western military aid have gained urgency as Western officials monitor Russia’s plans to mobilize a massive force of new conscripts to…

10:41 PM · Jan 15, 2023



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2a5fcc No.6033

File: ddf0a63973c4935⋯.jpg (214.49 KB,994x1165,994:1165,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 53f7131fe44d239⋯.jpg (369.98 KB,976x1189,976:1189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d16d457ee84e245⋯.jpg (79.57 KB,952x313,952:313,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0ac83f41a27849c⋯.jpg (349.58 KB,1105x1221,1105:1221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154182 (161024ZJAN23) Notable: German defense minister Christine Lambrecht has just resigned

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>Christine Lambrecht resigns as German defence minister:


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2a5fcc No.6034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154183 (161024ZJAN23) Notable: German defense minister Christine Lambrecht has just resigned

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German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht resigns amid Ukraine war backlash

Sam Meredith Published Mon, Jan 16 20234:25 AM ESTUpdated 26 Min Ago

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht on Monday tendered her resignation, amid scrutiny over Berlin’s response to the war in Ukraine.

“Today I asked the Chancellor to be released from the role of defence minister,” Lambrecht said in a statement, according to a CNBC translation.

Her stepdown comes as Germany mulls whether to approve an increase in military support to Ukraine in order to help Kyiv’s armed forces prevail against the Russian onslaught.

“The focus from the media over months on my person hardly allows for objective reporting and discussion about the soldiers, the armed forces and the course for security policy in the interest of Germany’s citizens,” Lambrecht said.

“The valuable work of the soldiers and the many motivated people in the industry needs to be at the forefront. I therefore decided to make my post available,” she added. “I thank everyone who engages themselves for our security every day and sincerely wish them the best of luck for the future.”

Lambrecht, a senior lawmaker in German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party, had faced sustained pressure over her credibility to lead the country’s armed forces.

Multiple media outlets reported over the weekend that Lambrecht’s resignation could be imminent, following a series of missteps.

This is a breaking news story, please check back later for more.

— CNBC’s Sophie Kiderlin contributed to this report.


US News and even the Guardian are also reporting it

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2a5fcc No.6035

File: e57a13590782eb8⋯.png (392.6 KB,612x822,102:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 3859c959804ddd6⋯.jpg (216.05 KB,1080x1115,216:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154224 (161044ZJAN23) Notable: NBC News’ quiet removal of ‘Weinstein’s best PR person’ Noah Oppenheim raises industry eyebrows

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NBC News’ quiet removal of ‘Weinstein’s best PR person’ Noah Oppenheim raises industry eyebrows

Controversial NBC News president Noah Oppenheim quietly exited his division and was given a vague new gig last week, more than five years after he was largely blamed for refusing to expose since-disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein as a sexual predator.


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2a5fcc No.6036

File: d3aef72b85de794⋯.png (485.8 KB,635x512,635:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154238 (161052ZJAN23) Notable: NYC Mayor Adams: 'No Room' Here for Migrants

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NYC Mayor Adams: 'No Room' Here for Migrants


Sunday, 15 January 2023 08:41 PM EST

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2a5fcc No.6037

File: 993b1af65c9d212⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,854x468,427:234,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154263 (161109ZJAN23) Notable: New Trump campaign ad from Scavino - Winning Bigly

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2a5fcc No.6038

File: 15c91253b8ec28f⋯.png (357.32 KB,619x635,619:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154354 (161152ZJAN23) Notable: Attorney says lawsuit to continue against state of Illinois despite vaccine mandate change

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John Solomon


Attorney says lawsuit to continue against state of Illinois despite vaccine mandate change | Just The News

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker | Joshua Lott/Getty Images


Attorney says lawsuit to continue against state of Illinois despite vaccine mandate change

The lawsuit is an attempt to block Gov. J.B. Pritzker's executive order requiring all Department of Corrections workers to be vaccinated.

12:40 AM · Jan 16, 2023



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2a5fcc No.6039

File: f5e9bb18a5a5be8⋯.png (1007.51 KB,889x793,889:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154380 (161200ZJAN23) Notable: MSNBC: Releasing January 6 Capitol Footage Is 'Dangerous'

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MSNBC: Releasing January 6 Capitol Footage

Is 'Dangerous'

PJ Media, by Ben Bartee

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 1/16/2023 6:57:09 AM

One of the major wins of the McCarthy drama that gripped Congress last week was a pledge from the new Speaker to release all of the January 6 riot footage. Via Newsweek: "Speaking to reporters on Thursday, McCarthy said he intends to make public the thousands of hours of footage from the insurrection—something Republicans have long called for, as part of attempts to exonerate both lawmakers and civilians accused of wrongdoing in connection to the riots. McCarthy said that he would consider releasing all the footage as the 'public should see what happened' that day, rather than rely on the report from the House Select Committee which investigated the attack."

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2a5fcc No.6040

File: 97ec8e5d1434cef⋯.png (422.74 KB,617x575,617:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154477 (161228ZJAN23) Notable: Blue States Attempted To Crackdown On Guns. Firearm Sales Skyrocketed Instead

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Daily Caller


Blue state residents are literally up in arms


Blue States Attempted To Crackdown On Guns. Firearm Sales Skyrocketed Instead

Blue states are passing restrictive gun laws that spark buying sprees across the nation, according to data from the National Fire Arm Trade Association (NSSF). 

1:20 AM · Jan 16, 2023



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2a5fcc No.6041

File: cf00533f3aaedfb⋯.png (632.06 KB,776x698,388:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18154564 (161256ZJAN23) Notable: Biden uses his lawyers to find his classified docs — to shield from the FBI

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Biden uses his lawyers to find his classified

docs — to shield from the FBI

New York Post, by Jonathan Turley

Posted By: Imright, 1/16/2023 7:43:53 AM

The discovery of a fourth set of classified documents, at the Biden residence in Delaware, has further undermined the White House’s virtual mantra that the president “takes classified documents very seriously.” Putting aside the repeated movement of highly classified documents over six years, one curious element has emerged in this scandal: the use of private counsel. Not only did President Joe Biden enlist lawyers to clear out his private Washington office; he then used them — rather than security officers or the FBI — to search for additional classified documents.

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