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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

c277d3 No.16 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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c277d3 No.4539

File: b0af53352c79dc9⋯.png (588.46 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130140 (121601ZJAN23) Notable: 10 Other Democrats Getting Roped Up in Biden's Classified File Scandal

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Previously posted…

Here Are the Names of 10 Other Democrats Getting Roped Up in Biden's Classified File Scandal

As more has been divulged about President Joe Biden’s possession of classified information while he was vice president, other members of his current administration have been linked to the scandal.

The classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center, a think tank that the president started in 2018.

As reported by Fox News, 10 members of Biden’s administration were formally employed at the think tank, including current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The list also includes Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl and White House Counselor Steven Richetti.

Blinken and Richetti were managing directors at the think tank while Kahl was a consultant.

The organization had recently been accused of accepting large amounts of donor money from China, a revelation discovered by the National Legal and Policy Center, which filed a complaint with the Justice Department in October 2020.

The NLPC found that $22 million had been given to Penn Biden Center by anonymous donors with the money coming from China.

“The University of Pennsylvania has stonewalled all inquiries into the identities of the Chinese donors who made $22 million anonymous donations to the university,” NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty said in 2021.

All 10 of the linked administration figures reside in the State and Defense Departments and hold high-ranking positions.

Spencer Boyer, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for NATO and Europe policy was a senior fellow at Penn Biden.

Deputy to the U.N. Ambassador Jeffrey Prescott was also a consultant and Ariana Berengaut, a national security advisor, served as a center director.

To round out the list: U.S. representative to the Organization of Security and Cooperation Europe Michael Carpenter, special assistant Juan Gonzalez, speechwriter Carlyn Reichel, and former deputy secretary of state Brian McKeon.

According to the New York Post, longtime University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann and the former head of the school’s Board of TrusteesDavid Cohenwere also connected to the think tank, both attending Penn Biden’s opening ceremony.

Gutmann has since become U.S. Ambassador to Germany while Cohen was tapped for the Canada ambassadorship.

More at: https://www.westernjournal.com/names-10-democrats-getting-roped-bidens-classified-file-scandal/

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c277d3 No.4540

File: e8358dff66b2072⋯.png (122.96 KB,617x466,617:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130146 (121602ZJAN23) Notable: Turkey president Erdogan's mannequin executed in Stockholm, Sweden

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Insider Paper


NEW: Turkey president Erdogan's mannequin executed in Stockholm, Sweden

Top Viral Video


Top Viral Video

4:14 AM · Jan 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4541

File: 494992ed0b6efec⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 13a8a9efbda1d04⋯.png (225.72 KB,598x456,299:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130154 (121604ZJAN23) Notable: Trending Biden

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Trending Biden


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c277d3 No.4542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130170 (121607ZJAN23) Notable: 10:45AM EST House Speaker McCarthy News Conference

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10:45AM EST

House Speaker McCarthy News Conference

House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) holds a news conference on the legislative agenda at the U.S. Capitol.


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c277d3 No.4543

File: fa86244d2a81033⋯.png (380.55 KB,606x624,101:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130183 (121609ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Ryan Saavedra


Peter Doocy on new batch of classified documents found in Biden's garage: "Classified material next to your Corvette! What were you thinking?"

Biden responds: "My Corvette is in a locked garage, OK? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street"

4:59 AM · Jan 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4544

File: 3319f404aeb5fb7⋯.jpeg (740.45 KB,1170x1376,585:688,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130189 (121610ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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ItFEELSlike Joe Biden‘s resignation is imminent.

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c277d3 No.4545

File: 012cea65c31891c⋯.png (279.2 KB,528x604,132:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130238 (121616ZJAN23) Notable: @USNavy @US5thFleet to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region

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24/7, 365 ⚓

#USSDelbertDBlack (DDG 119) conducts routine operations in the #ArabianGulf.

Delbert D. Black is in the


to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region.


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c277d3 No.4546

File: c99382308298230⋯.png (59.64 KB,592x386,296:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130252 (121618ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Glenn Greenwald


How many undercover agents had their cover blown and their lives jeopardized by Biden's serial recklessness with classified docs?

How many secret USG docs did China, Russia and Iran get? Do they contain nuclear secrets?

Did Hunter take some of these docs and sell them?

11:02 AM · Jan 12, 2023


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c277d3 No.4547

File: bfbd369bf420e81⋯.png (360.41 KB,598x701,598:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 368ef2a575f2f0b⋯.mp4 (899.88 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130258 (121620ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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BIDEN: "My Corvette's in a locked garage, okay? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street."

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c277d3 No.4548

File: aa4ed919190a2a3⋯.png (393.7 KB,598x809,598:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130270 (121621ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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To summarize, we’ve gone from:

- Biden declaring how careful he is with classified information

- To “whoops!”

- To “But muh Corvette was locked, man!”

…In just a few days.


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c277d3 No.4549

File: ebdc9ae1ac113eb⋯.png (396.45 KB,610x685,122:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130272 (121621ZJAN23) Notable: @RaheemKassam In Oct 2020 we reported exclusively that Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson”.

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Raheem J. Kassam


In Oct 2020 we reported exclusively that Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson”.

Now, 4Chan has discovered that his son Hunter had Joe saved in his iPad as “Pedo Peter”…


EXC: Is "Peter Henderson" Joe Biden's E-mail Pseudonym?

Hunter Biden’s e-mail account appears to show that his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson” when trading e-mails with his family, the National Pulse can…

5:37 AM · Jul 10, 2022

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c277d3 No.4550

File: 708ed1272b947e2⋯.png (204.01 KB,598x783,598:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130280 (121622ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Yesterday, the propaganda press tried to argue that the persecution of Trump over a document dispute was justified because they were in a secure home office whereas Biden's docs were in an unsecured business office. Well, that argument went from very bad to somehow even worse.


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c277d3 No.4551

File: a2d4e3f69f9d30c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1412x829,1412:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d839b11f1a1427⋯.png (310.9 KB,646x289,38:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130296 (121624ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe-Med Activity

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Planefag Yerp/Med Activity:Russian AF RSD415 Special Flight Detachment Tupolev 204 NW from Moscow-Vnukovo Int'l, Swedish AF SVF805 C-130 departed Lublin AB, Poland after about 60m on ground, REDEYE6 E-8C Joint STARS over eastern Romania, Croatia AF 9ACROPM Andrej Plenkovićreturning to Zagreb from Tallinn, Estonia

Accreditation information: Regarding visit to Estonia by Prime Minister of Croatia


Hungarian AF HUAF108 A319 back to Keckskemet AB from Krakow-John Paul II Int'l depart-second trip for it to Krakow today, HUAF501 Falcon 7X to Budapest after 8h stop from Beirut, Italian AF IAM1490 G5Defense Minister Guido Crosettoback at Rome from Baku, Canklestan after about 20h on ground

Baku, Rome ink protocol of intent on cooperation


VALOR21 Learjet 35 NW from Mikonos , Greece depart after 90m stop, RCH557 C-17 north out of Algeria with French AF ROXAN25 E-3 Sentry AWACS trackin' over Mazamet, France in the center of it's roundies SPAR82 G5 landed at Chievres AB Belgium from Ramstein AFB, four Belgian AF F-16s arriving from offshore patrol QID43 KC-135 tanker on the refueling track west of Denmark after some roundies at Vojens AB, (southern Denmark) and QID32 heading north from Spangdahlem, German AF VIRUS2 drone north of Augsburg and east of Ingolstadt, and at the bottom right is Qatari AF LHOB240 C-17 heading to Doha from Algeria depart

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c277d3 No.4552

File: 17905549194437c⋯.png (310.19 KB,598x740,299:370,Clipboard.png)

File: b5d4e9e12426003⋯.mp4 (442.63 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130302 (121625ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Biden on the first batch of classified docs: “People know I take classified documents seriously"

Biden on the second batch of classified docs: "It's not like they're sitting out in the street"


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c277d3 No.4553

File: 7e8e3351764d320⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130315 (121628ZJAN23) Notable: 4Keks - did anyone else hear this during roll call?

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Holly fuck did anyone else hear this during roll call?

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c277d3 No.4554

File: 1714149bed3d8a6⋯.jpg (151.9 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cbb94038720ef20⋯.mp4 (5.65 MB,888x490,444:245,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130317 (121628ZJAN23) Notable: The Biden administration pushing to legalize “Modern Opium Dens.”

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The Biden administration pushing to legalize “Modern Opium Dens.” The key to understand why is the phrase “poorer black neighborhoods”

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c277d3 No.4555

File: 95440a369c6b699⋯.png (780.97 KB,1082x1336,541:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130320 (121629ZJAN23) Notable: First case of ‘Kraken’ Covid variant detected in Russia

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First case of ‘Kraken’ Covid variant detected in Russia

The discovery will not lead to the introduction of restrictions, the country’s consumer watchdog has said

The first case of a new, more contagious Covid-19 sub-variant known as the ‘Kraken’ has been recorded in Russia, the country’s consumer watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, announced on Thursday.

An infection with the Omicron subvariant officially known as XBB.1.5 was found in Penza Region in central Russia, 600km southeast of Moscow, as part of the monitoring of information uploaded daily to the Virus Genome Aggregator of Russia.

The woman who contracted the disease has not left Russia within the past two months, the agency said. She had the disease in a mild form and recovered in the space of a week, it added.

“Currently, a wide range of varieties of the Omicron strain has been detected in Russia, but the dominant strain is still Omicron BA.5,” which has been around since early 2022, the agency said.

Rospotrebnadzor added that there are no plans to introduce any new restrictions in the country due to the discovery of the variant. It was nicknamed ‘Kraken’ by scientists due to the shape of the virus, which resembles the mythical sea monster.

What the World Health Organization (WHO) earlier described as “the most transmissible subvariant that has been detected yet” was first tracked down in the US in October. XBB 1.5 has become the dominant coronavirus strain in America.

On Thursday, the WHO said that Kraken infections have already been reported by 38 nations. “Based on its genetic characteristics and early growth rate estimates, XBB.1.5 may contribute to increases in case incidence globally,” the UN health body warned.

Assessment of the severity of the new strain is ongoing, the WHO said, adding that the Kraken is not known to carry mutations that could make it more or less harsh.

Last week, Russian infectious disease specialist Sergey Voznesensky said the rapid spread of the new variant around the world is no reason for panic. It is a subvariant of Omicron and all of them are “more transmissible than all previous variants… and they cause a milder form of the disease,” he explained.


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c277d3 No.4556

File: d7a14e475a4e192⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130336 (121632ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Brigden reply to losing party whip.

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Andrew Brigden reply to losing party whip.

Note: Doctor he quoted the term Holocaust is actually Jewish.

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c277d3 No.4557

File: 8a6c89764c1b9db⋯.png (230.83 KB,330x445,66:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130341 (121633ZJAN23) Notable: Former Nebraskas GOP Gov. Ricketts appoint to fill seat of outgoing Republican Sen. Sasse

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Former Nebraskas GOP Gov. Ricketts appoint to fill seat of outgoing Republican Sen. Sasse

Ricketts was appointed by Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen.

Updated: January 12, 2023 - 10:40am

Former Nebraska GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts was appointed Thursday to fill the Senate seat of Republican Sen. Benn Sasse, wh officially resigned this week to become president of the University of Florida.

Ricketts was appointed by Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen.

Ricketts will serve the remaining two years of Sasse's six-year term, ahead of a 2024 special Senate election, according to NBC News.


Pete Ricketts

United States Senator-designate from Nebraska

Assuming office

January 23, 2023

Appointed by	Jim Pillen

Succeeding	Ben Sasse

40th Governor of Nebraska

In office

January 8, 2015 – January 5, 2023

Lieutenant	Mike Foley

Preceded by	Dave Heineman

Succeeded by	Jim Pillen

Chair of the Republican Governors Association

In office

November 19, 2021 – November 17, 2022

Serving with Doug Ducey

Preceded by	Doug Ducey

Succeeded by	Kim Reynolds

Children	3

Relatives	Joe Ricketts (father)

Marlene Volkmer (mother)

Thomas S. Ricketts (brother)

Laura Ricketts (sister)

Todd Ricketts (brother)

Education	University of Chicago (BA, MBA)

John Peter Ricketts (born August 19, 1964) is an American politician who is the United States Senator-designate for the state of Nebraska. He previously served as the 40th governor of Nebraska from 2015 to 2023. He is a member of the Republican Party.

Ricketts is the son ofJoe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade. He is also, with other family members, a part owner of Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs.[1] In 2006, he ran for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Ben Nelson, losing in a landslide. He ran for the Nebraska governorship in 2014, narrowly winning a six-way Republican primary, and defeated Democratic Party nominee Chuck Hassebrook, 57% to 39%. He was reelected in 2018, defeating Democratic nominee Bob Krist, 59% to 41%.

In January 2023, Ricketts was appointed by his successor Governor Jim Pillen to be the replacement choice for retiring U.S. Senator Ben Sasse.[2]

2006 U.S. Senate campaign

Main article: 2006 United States Senate election in Nebraska

Ricketts was the 2006 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat held by Democrat Ben Nelson. His opponents in the primary were former Nebraska Attorney General Don Stenberg and former state Republican chairman David Kramer. Ricketts spent nearly $5 million of his own money, outspending his opponents 10–1 in winning the nomination.[19]

Ricketts received somehigh-profile campaign assistance, most notably from President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Bush appeared at a campaign rally for Ricketts on November 5, 2006, just days before the election, in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Ricketts ran on a conservative platform, emphasizing fiscal responsibility,[20] immigration reform,[21] and agriculture,[22] as well as championing a socially conservative platform opposing same-sex marriage[23] and abortion.[24] In all, he contributed $11,302,078 of his own money to his campaign, triggering the Millionaire's Amendment which allowed his opponent to raise larger amounts from each donor.[25][26] He spent more money than any Senate candidate in Nebraska history,[27] but lost to Nelson by a margin of 36%–64%.[28]


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c277d3 No.4558

File: 8bfee1f4758293b⋯.png (70.41 KB,1440x788,360:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cf2b73d1305b61⋯.png (200.05 KB,543x421,543:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130343 (121633ZJAN23) Notable: Latest CPI #s: Grocery Price breakdown and 25bp raise guaranteed at next FOMC meeting

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even higher probability of only a 25bp raise by the FOMC-was at 77.6% prior to those #'s release now at 93.2%


>>2330 pb Traders Slash Fed Bets After Data; Key Yield Inversion Deepens-Guaranteed only a 25bp raise at next meeting and then pause (if they don't create a crisis in the ensuing time frame) and has ZERO to do with inflation #s (CPI)-and everything to do with derivatives

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c277d3 No.4559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130362 (121637ZJAN23) Notable: FBI raids alleged Chinese police outpost in New York's Chinatown, report

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FBI raids alleged Chinese police outpost in New York's Chinatown, report

Chinese officials have described the outposts as "overseas police service centers" that effectively collect intelligence and solve crimes.

By Madeleine Hubbard

Updated: January 12, 2023 - 10:25am

FBI counterintelligence agents reportedly raided an office building that contained an alleged covert Chinese police outpost in New York's Chinatown. Theraid last fallwas part of a criminal probe from the U.S. attorney's office in Brooklyn, according to people with knowledge of the investigation, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Beijing's outpost is one of more than100 similar officesaround the world suspected of carrying out police activities without jurisdiction or diplomatic authorization. Officials in Ireland, Canada and the Netherlands have called for the Chinese Communist Party to end police activities in their countries.

"The F.B.I. raid is the first known example of the authorities seizing materials from one of the outposts," the Times stated. The Chinese Embassy in Washington said volunteers run the outposts to assist Chinese nationals in tasks such as renewing their licenses in China.

"They are not police personnel from China," embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu said. "There is no need to make people nervous about this."

However, Chinese state media reports reviewed by the paper show thatChinese officials have described the outposts as "overseas police service centers" that effectively collect intelligence and solve crimes.

Netherlands-based Chinese dissident Lin Shengliang said he and other expats are concerned they are being tracked. "I am extremely anxious about them," he said. "There are no channels to report this, and there’s nothing we can do about it."

China has a history of surveilling both dissidents and foreign citizens abroad. Last month, the FBI arrested a Chinese national for allegedly harassing a pro-Democracy activist from China at a Boston college. Meanwhile last year, the Federal Communications Commission called the popular Chinese-owned video platform TikTok "a sophisticated surveillance tool."


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c277d3 No.4560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130381 (121640ZJAN23) Notable: Pennsylvania Senate indefinitely delays impeachment of Philly DA Krasner

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Pennsylvania Senate indefinitely delays impeachment of Philly DA Krasner(Cowards)

After a state court ruled Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s time in office did not constitute misbehavior, the Pennsylvania Senate has voted for an indefinite delay of his impeachment trial.

By Anthony Hennen

Updated: January 12, 2023 - 7:48am

After a state court ruled that Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s time in office did not constitute misbehavior, the Pennsylvania Senate has voted for an indefinite delay of his impeachment trial.

State senators voted 28-20 on Monday to delay impeachment indefinitely while readopting the rules of impeachment.

The trial was set to take plan in late January but no new date has been proposed.

In early January, the Commonwealth Court ruled the actions of Krasner alleged in the articles of impeachment did not rise to the level of “misbehavior in office.”It did not, however, dismiss the impeachment proceedings.

The House voted to impeach Krasner in November based on Republican lawmakers’ arguments thatKrasner failed to enforce the laws of Philadelphia and prosecute criminals, spurring a recent crime wave sweeping across the city. Though the House decided to impeach, the trial itself would be conducted by the Senate.

Other cities in the commonwealth, such as Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, have also seen a rise in crime – especially murder – but Philadelphia’s murder increase has stood out in comparison. It’s unclear when a date for the trial would be established.


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c277d3 No.4561

File: 1ef11077d7bfdb5⋯.png (413.19 KB,991x524,991:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130386 (121642ZJAN23) Notable: BUN Follow Linda Rabbitt Penn Biden Center Construction dig

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Found this article while digging Linda Rabbitt at Rand Contruction who rehabbed 101 Constitution for Penn Biden Center.

check the date

April 26, 2012 w Page 5

SMPA, Google join forces to thwart political spin

by Aliya Karim

Hatchet Staff Writer

'''The School of Media and

Public Affairs will partner with

Google to ensure the average

Americans have their facts

straight in the run-up to the

2012 presidential election.'''

The project, called Face the

Facts USA, will employ staff

from the school’s Center for

Innovative Media and Google,

along with a line-up of media

companies to present informa-

tion on political issues in more

understandable and visually

compelling way than tradition-

al press. The efforts will kick off

July 28 – about 100 days before

the presidential election – and

continue into 2013.

"I have long felt that we

need more creative ways to

engage [in] more serious con-

versation,” SMPA Director

Frank Sesno, the project’s cre-

ator, said. “We want to try to…

infuse the conversation with

facts – transformative facts,

interesting facts that can shed

light on the issues that people

have to know about if they’re

going to be informed citizens

and voters."

One fact each day will be

blasted out via social media

and broadcast on the project’s

website using images or vid-

eos about key issues like na-

tional debt, unemployment,

infrastructure, health care and

foreign policy.

Google will feature the

daily facts on its news site and

promote the project through

its social network Google Plus.

Atlantic Media, the company

that owns The Atlantic maga-

zine, will also serve as a part-

ner and design the website.

Sesno’s vision for the proj-

ect came to life after meeting

entrepreneur and philanthro-

pist Ed Scott, co-founder of the

D.C.-based think tank Center

for Global Development, who

committed a large donation to

get the project off the ground.

Sesno declined to disclose the

size of that donation, but said

the project would look to raise

about $3 to $4 million total.

A team of 13 editors,

producers and researchers

– including six undergradu-

ate and graduate student

researchers from the school

– met for the second edito-

rial meeting Wednesday to go

over the research behind the

project with Face the Facts ex-

ecutive director Tom Farmer,

a former CNN executive pro-

ducer who worked with Ses-

no at the television network.

The challenge of the ef-

fort, Farmer said, will be pre-

senting information that not

only captures Internet buzz,

but also sticks with voters

as they snuff out campaign

talking points from President

Barack Obama and likely Re-

publican presidential candi-

date Mitt Romney.

"We want to create an

environment where smart

people can get together and

do better and do wonderful

things,” Farmer said. “We’re

giving them the information,

the tools, the mechanisms

to connect with each other,

to demand better of their

elected leaders, to assess the

rhetoric that flows through

the air and move the country

in a different direction."

Farmer said the project

will not try to cram itself into

a crowded marketplace of fact-

checking and digital media or-

ganizations like FactCheck.org

or ProPublica, but will instead

Freddo Lin | Hatchet PHotographer

Junior Will Haynes, center, a student researcher, speaks about research topics during the second editorial

meeting for the School of Media and Public Affairs's project 'Face the Facts USA,' which will launch July 28.

carve out its own place in the

market of information with a

blitz of social media.

"We’re reaching beyond

the elites who use [FactCheck.

CEO to speak at

GWSB graduation

by Juliana Tamayo

Hatchet Reporter

Hatchet file photo

Dean of the GW Business School Doug Guthrie said GW's programming

in China creates opportunities for its Chinese students.

Foreign programs

under fire for growth

by Cory Weinberg

Assistant News Editor

As universities like GW

dive deep into global ex-

pansion, one higher educa-

tion group wants them first

to take a breath.

The increasing number

of universities setting up

programs around the world

need to consider “poten-

tially adverse unintended

consequences” to foreign

students and cultures, the

International Association of

Universities said in an April

20 memo.

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c277d3 No.4562

File: 6b83a1a582ad074⋯.png (216.72 KB,979x378,979:378,Clipboard.png)

File: de21c9ac6458b13⋯.png (390.79 KB,432x609,144:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130394 (121643ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS Activity

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Planefag CONUS Activity:AF2 C-32A heading to Ann Arbor, MI

Kamala Harris to travel to Ann Arbor this week


FORGE78 G5 back to JBA from a fly by at Lake City Gateway Airport, FL, SAM917 G4 west from JBA, CHEWY25 E-4B Nightwatch east from Offutt AFB, AVLON54 C-40C NE from JBA depart across the Atlantic, French AF CTM1280 Falcon 2000 heading for Montreal RCH4600 C-17 on ground at Mexico City Int'l-moar p/u of Potato equipment

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130414 (121646ZJAN23) Notable: Arizona’s growing school choice program saving taxpayers money

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Arizona’s growing school choice program saving taxpayers money, analysis finds

Nonprofit report comes as new Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs said the expansion of Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program would bankrupt the state’s budget.

By Cole Lauterbach

Updated: January 11, 2023 - 11:00pm

In her Jan. 9 State of the State address,Gov. Katie Hobbs said the expansion of Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program would bankrupt the state’s budget.

“Funding this expansion is poised to cost Arizona taxpayers an estimated $1.5 billion over the next 10 years if left unaddressed,” she said.

In an analysis released Wednesday, the nonprofit Common Sense Institute posits that theshift of students away from public schools is likely to save enough money to cover the increaseand leave the state with more income than it had before.

According to Arizona Department of Education data, public school enrollment has fallen by 31,000 students since 2019. Meanwhile, charter school enrollment has increased by 20,000.

Arizona’s ESA program, which allows applicants to spend a portion of taxpayer dollars on private school costs, has dramatically expanded since it was made available to all students in 2021. The institute’s analysis of state spending shows 20,000 additional students are expected to draw funds from the program for their non-public school education.

“Based on current data, the increase in annual ESA program costs attributable to universal eligibility is $197.9 million. Existing program costs add another approximately $179 million, for a total cost of about $377 million,” the report said. “While the cost of the ESA’s program under universal eligibility exceeds the additional $33 million initially appropriated by the Legislature, the Arizona Department of Education likely has sufficient excess funding to more than cover the difference, due to continued post-pandemic enrollment declines.”

Using ADE data, CSI estimates an $8 million end-of-year surplus as of the first quarter of the year, given system-wide enrollment trends.

The report came on the same day newly-elected Superintendent Tom Horne announced ADE had approved 24,366 delayed ESA requests, totaling more than $22.2 million delayed since the second quarter of 2022.

“When I took office, the commitment I made is that the Arizona Department of Education is a service organization committed to raising academic outcomes and empowering parents. On my first day on the job, I demonstrated my resolve to fulfill that mission. Delays and inefficiencies of this kind are unacceptable and won’t be repeated,” Horne said.


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c277d3 No.4564

File: 40775033ac774bf⋯.png (424.7 KB,998x526,499:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 32a3c0496a06e41⋯.png (469.87 KB,1276x734,638:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f0471f0dc11660⋯.png (2.74 MB,1236x2176,309:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130419 (121647ZJAN23) Notable: BUN Follow Linda Rabbitt Penn Biden Center Construction dig

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>check the date

>April 26, 2012 w Page 5

>SMPA, Google join forces to thwart political spin

PB below

Follow Linda Rabbitt Penn Biden Center Construction dig

>>4483 Penn Biden Center Follow the Pen? Follow the Linda Rabbitt

>>4484 GWU, Rabbitt, Confucius Institutes

>>4500 Linda D. Rabbitt - The Federal City Council, Director at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Board of Trade DC

>>4503 Federal City Council sent representatives on a trade mission to China with Mayor Muriel E. Bowser

>>4506 Greater Washington Board of Trade, District real estate development firms and small businesses will also get a chance to pitch their projects to Chinese investo

>>4508 In addition to Mayor Bowser, the District’s delegation are:

>>4510 A partial list of the presidents of the Federal City Council includes:

>>4517 Economic Club of Washington DC, David Rubenstein.

>>4518 DC is such a shithole

>>4521, >>4523 Invasion via Construction

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c277d3 No.4565

File: 759f9aabcf1d134⋯.jpg (141.55 KB,720x894,120:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a877d09bb36bb35⋯.jpg (153.55 KB,1367x887,1367:887,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63d57c79bacb637⋯.jpg (103.16 KB,922x2048,461:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130452 (121652ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Bidens garage in shambles what's in the stack of paper?


Wow. Here's a film of Biden's open, unlocked garage in 2020.

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c277d3 No.4566

File: 46b214d30662258⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130480 (121659ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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>Archive offline!

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c277d3 No.4567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130493 (121701ZJAN23) Notable: Devin Nunes applauds Adam Schiff's expulsion from House Intel Committee, says it should go further

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Devin Nunes applauds Adam Schiff's expulsion from House Intel Committee, says it should go further

"I'm not sure that he should have any committees," Nunes said.

Updated: January 11, 2023 - 8:07pm

Former California GOP Representative and current CEO of TRUTH Social Devin Nunes says that it’s good that Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is now off the House Intelligence Committee, and he shouldn't be on any others.

"I'm not sure that he should have any committees," Nunes said on Wednesday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "He belongs nowhere around intelligence. He was a guy that lied for many, many years, lied about me, attacked me attacked my staff — which I think was a really low blow."

When Schiff was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, he released information regarding Devin Nunes's phone calls and information regarding reporters. New York GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik characterized Schiff's actions as being illegal and unethical.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy confirmed on Monday he would be booting Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar from their House committees.

"I think what Speaker McCarthy is doing is exactly the right thing to be doing right now," Nunes said. "In fact, like I said, the only thing I think they're missing is the need to kick him off all committees.There's probably other Democratic members who should be kicked off also."

The TRUTH Social CEO accused former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of damaging Congress by setting this precedent.

"The problem is that Pelosi destroyed the Congress," Nunes stated. "Back in the old days, this would not happen. The Republicans would pick the Republicans on committees and Democrats picked Democrats. But no one's ever going to forget the January 6 fake committee. Jim Jordan, my longtime colleague was placed on the committee as a lead Republican, and was immediately kicked off by Pelosi. Because of that, there is now a new normal."


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c277d3 No.4568

File: 04720ce7511fc64⋯.png (366.72 KB,668x374,334:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130507 (121704ZJAN23) Notable: Unscheduled event: Garland due to speak at 1315ET

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Unscheduled event:

Garland due to speak at 1315ET

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c277d3 No.4569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130511 (121705ZJAN23) Notable: Epilepsy ANON - Prayers Wanted

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Epilepsy ANON

Hey anons, I know some of you have seen me post here before and just wanted to follow up because hopefully by understanding this problem, we can fix it. It's the definition of a problem that is treated but never cured.

I'm using zinc, magnesium, and probiotics, and vitamin D which have all helped to minimize the intensity of my seizures, but because they've still been happening, I've started taking Keppra. They're focal aware seizures so basically I just space out and feel really weird for a second or two, but they're still seizures and that freaks me out. Taking the medicine freaks me out pretty bad too. Today is the first day. Makes me feel a little dizzy and spacey but overall not too bad. Still worried as there can be a ton of side effects that are not good. Will keep anons updated.

From my past research I've found that fecal microbiota transplantation can cure epilepsy, and zinc deficiency as well as magnesium deficiency are both common, as well as gut dysbiosis.

Pray for me anons. Thank you.

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c277d3 No.4570

File: 4faa800bbd76dd8⋯.png (115.41 KB,535x778,535:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130541 (121712ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump CAN I GET A COMMS CHECK HERE?

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>pretty much

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c277d3 No.4571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130577 (121720ZJAN23) Notable: TWITTER FILES DROP INCOMING IN TEN MINUTES.

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c277d3 No.4572

File: 796b146dc76dbac⋯.png (86.41 KB,775x688,775:688,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c24bde4940f4c4⋯.gif (420.51 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130583 (121722ZJAN23) Notable: Wells Fargo Is Shrinking Its Mortgage Business—Except Where It Isn’t

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Wells Fargo Is Shrinking Its Mortgage Business—Except Where It Isn’t

Wells Fargo & Co. said Tuesday that it was dramatically narrowing its mortgage business to focus on existing customers. On Wednesday, it told others that it is open for new business.

The bank sent a notice to real-estate agents, home builders, nonprofits and others that refer mortgage business to Wells Fargo saying it wanted to clarify its message. “We’re here to serve you and your homebuyers,” it said. Referral partners are “the lifeblood of our Retail mortgage business,” according to the message, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The notice suggests significant exceptions to the policy announced a day earlier—and just how tricky it is to scale back such a large business. The bank had said that going forward, it would primarily lend to people who already banked with Wells Fargo or who were among underserved groups ( i.e muh equity) Referrals are a common way mortgage bankers find new customers. Some home buyers that find Wells Fargo through a real-estate agent or builder may already be customers of the bank, while many aren’t.

A spokeswoman for the bank, who confirmed the authenticity of the message, said in a statement: “Customers often come to us through trusted referral partners. As such, it was important that we communicated with those partners. We clearly articulated this go-forward strategy in the bullet points.” “Wells Fargo continues to be committed to the Retail mortgage business along with our referral partners,” the notice said. Wells Fargo, once the nation’s largest mortgage lender, has been trimming that business after a string of scandals stemming from the revelation that it created perhaps millions of fake accounts. Chief Executive Charles Scharf began to reassess the business after he joined the firm in late 2019. Regulators have recently fined the bank for failures in its mortgage unit.

A market downturn has also limited demand for new mortgages. The bank has been cutting staff in its mortgage division and is expected to keep doing so. Wells Fargo was the third biggest originator of mortgages in the first nine months of 2022, according to industry research firm Inside Mortgage Finance. Wells Fargo also said that as part of its efforts to shrink its mortgage business, it would stop making loans through intermediaries and sell much of its mortgage servicing portfolio.


ProTip: for all you worthless Real Estate Agents…Learn to code

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c277d3 No.4573

File: 5bfe49ee25234a9⋯.png (58.47 KB,661x349,661:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130612 (121726ZJAN23) Notable: POSITIVE PROGRESS: Missouri Movement Towards State-wide Hand Counting of Elections Gains Momentum

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This is a positive development.


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c277d3 No.4574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130650 (121734ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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DEVELOPING: AG Merrick Garland to Make Statement at 1:15 PM ET After Another Batch of Classified Documents Found at Biden’s Home

US Attorney General Merrick Garland will release a statement Thursday at 1:15 ET after more classified documents were discovered at Biden’s Delaware home.

On Monday it was revealed top secret intelligence documents related to Ukraine, UK and Iran were found in Joe Biden’s private office shortly before the 2022 midterm elections.

Joe Biden stored top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” (SCIF) designation at Penn Biden Center in DC.

Joe Biden’s aides found at least one more batch of classified documents at another location.

Government officials discovered more classified documents at Joe Biden’s Delaware home – in the garage.

Market Watch reported:

Attorney General Merrick Garland will make a statement at 1:15 p.m. Eastern, the Justice Department said Thursday, without giving a subject. The statement will, however, follow news that President Joe Biden’s aides found extra classified documents in a second location beyond those discovered in November at a Washington office Biden used after his vice presidency. Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, said in a statement on Thursday: “As we stated previously, we are fully cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in possession of the [National] Archives.”

Biden on Tuesday said he was “surprised” to learn there was classified materials at his private office.

“I don’t know what’s in the documents,” Biden said.


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c277d3 No.4575

File: b44c4f4cf75f60f⋯.png (379.71 KB,538x874,269:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 33497e5cf560165⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,437x583,437:583,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06a9ff945d6693c⋯.png (704.08 KB,1007x768,1007:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c305023ebefbe8⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,3552x2331,32:21,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e1b012b5f6c833⋯.png (330.6 KB,658x682,329:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130678 (121738ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Hunters Houses & the Corvette docs

Miranda Devine

In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via



Marco Polo

Not only that – Hunt declared to the Delaware DMV that he resided in the home on Barley Mill Road.


Biden's open, unlocked garage in 2020. Video at 1:11 https://youtu.be/BQVpzCxumGY

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c277d3 No.4576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130682 (121739ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Biden's open, unlocked garage in 2020. Video at 1:11

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c277d3 No.4577

File: 2d29f6b451531f0⋯.png (374.21 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130690 (121740ZJAN23) Notable: Migrants are 'drinking all day,' 'having sex in the stairs' in taxpayer-funded New York hotels:

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Migrants are 'drinking all day,' 'having sex in the stairs' in taxpayer-funded New York hotels: whistleblower

An employee at Row, one of New York City's best known hotels, became a whistleblower Wednesday after he released video and photos of illegal immigrants trashing the hotel and leaving fresh food out to rot.

"It’s a disgrace," Row New York City employee Felipe Rodriguez said on "The Ingraham Angle."

"The chaos that we see at the Row today is [caused] by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana [and] consuming drugs," Rodriguez said.

He also said that the Row is struggling with "domestic violence" among migrants, young people "having sex in the stairs," and a fight between a migrant and a hotel security officer.

Rodriguez shared videos of fresh, "good food" sitting out to rot in trash bags because "the migrants don’t want to eat them."

"They said they don’t like it," he said. "This is all food that is going to waste. This is insane."

More than 36,400 migrants have come to New York City in the last few months and have been housed at just 14 hotels, according to Rodriguez.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/media/migrants-drinking-all-day-having-sex-in-stairs-taxpayer-funded-new-york-hotels-whistleblower

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c277d3 No.4578

File: b20afb18d4e3b38⋯.png (42.82 KB,574x307,574:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130695 (121740ZJAN23) Notable: @Kash Ok ok ok ill get serious.

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Kash Patel




Ok ok ok ill get serious.

Demand WH answer these questions:

1)Did money from CCP and Hunter buy said house or bidens vette?

2)Who’s name is the house in?

3)How many people went in and out of that locked garage?

4)How did the classified docs get there?

5)And how big of party are putin and xo having right now?

They bought placed leverage in the Biden’s garage… america now even weaker thanks to this crime

Jan 12, 2023, 6:21 AM

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c277d3 No.4579

File: 037e87ead4c2e00⋯.jpg (53.85 KB,800x454,400:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130723 (121744ZJAN23) Notable: Azerbaijan appoints 1rst ambassador to "Israel"

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Azerbaijan appoints 1rst ambassador to "Israel"

Azeri and Israeli sources reported on Wednesday that Baku appointed its first-ever ambassador to "Israel".

The embassy will be opened in "Tel Aviv", where most other embassies are located.

Mukhtar Mammadov, who served as deputy minister of education and held other foreign positions, was appointed by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev via presidential decree on Wednesday.

Diplomatic relations between Baku and "Tel Aviv" stretch back 30 years ago and both Aliyev and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have praised their diplomatic ties several times.

This is the first time that Azerbaijan ever appoints an envoy to "Israel".

"Israel" has already had an envoy in Baku since the 1990s and the zionist entity provided Azerbaijan with substantial military support to back Baku's invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh and its war against Armenia.

While the Caucasian country supplies around 40% of "Israel's" oil imports, Baku also happens to have strained relations with Iran.

The announcement of the opening of an embassy in "Tel Aviv" was announced in November of last year.

In response to this, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian accused "Israel" of planning to expand its military presence all the way to Azerbaijan.

Although Azerbaijan denied the accusations, Iran launched large-scale military drills along its borders.

Shortly after, Aliyev was reported taking photographs with Israeli kamikaze drones, which happen to be produced in Azerbaijan.

This marks a clear downgrade compared to what was reported yesterday.

Yesterday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohamad Baqer Ghalibaf on Monday that the existing misunderstanding between Tehran and Baku have been solved.

Ghalibaf's words came during a press briefing after he made a visit to Turkey to attend the 13th session of the Assembly of Asian Parliaments (APA).

The speaker, touching on a tripartite meeting with his counterparts from Ankara and Baku, stressed that issues related to the transportation and transit of goods and energy were being discussed between the three countries.

Furthermore, the parties also discussed the prospect of holding tripartite meetings at the level of the foreign ministers, defense ministers, and heads of state.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the Azeri ambassador to Tehran in early November to protest the ongoing propaganda campaign by the country’s officials and media against the Islamic Republic.

The ministry expressed its strong protest over top Azeri officials' "unfriendly remarks" and the country’s media campaign against Iran, calling for an immediate end to such actions and for acting toward the prevention of their repetition.

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c277d3 No.4580

File: 759e5325c6265b9⋯.png (383.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130726 (121744ZJAN23) Notable: High-level official reveals he wore Nazi uniform

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High-level official reveals he wore Nazi uniform

The premier of the most populous Australian state says the incident has caused him anxiety for years

The leader of the Australian state of New South Wales, Dominic Perrottet, has confessed to wearing a Nazi uniform at a party celebrating his 21st birthday. The premier, who is now 40 years old, told a news conference on Thursday that he is “deeply ashamed” of what he did but stressed that he is not the “naive” man he used to be.

“At that age in my life, I just did not understand the gravity of what that uniform meant,” said Perrottet, adding “who I am today is formed by the good things I've done in my life, not the mistakes I've made.”

He also stated the incident has caused him anxiety for many years and that he has on numerous occasions considered opening up about it in public. The premier said he ultimately decided to make a public admission after a ministerial colleague warned him two days ago that people knew about the incident.

“I’ve grappled with it for some time and there were a number of times during my political career where I’ve thought of raising it, there’s been certain moments and certain events where I’ve thought of raising it, and I didn’t and I should have,” he said.

Perrottet’s public admission comes ahead of an upcoming election in the state, and some have speculated that he may have chosen to confess his transgression himself rather than having it revealed by his political opponents.

The premier, however, stressed that he is unaware if any photos of him in a Nazi uniform exist and insisted that his admission was not made to pre-empt the release of any such evidence.

Perrottet’s revelation follows the release of Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare,’ in which he recalled a 2005 “native and colonial” themed party to which he also wore a Nazi uniform. The Duke of Sussex claimed he was encouraged to do so by his brother Prince William and sister-in-law Kate Middleton and called it one of the “the biggest mistakes in his life.”


Meanwhile his Jewish opponent from the last election is getting a corruption report delayed until after the up coming election

Gladys Berejiklian ICAC report delayed


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c277d3 No.4581

File: e7995643d64b00c⋯.png (581.18 KB,876x375,292:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dba2d6fad315ed⋯.png (308.93 KB,478x388,239:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130728 (121744ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe-Med Activity

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Spanish AF AME4514 A330 SW from Rzsezow Airport, Poland ground stop of 2h and back to Madrid

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c277d3 No.4582

File: ec7ef87db64b841⋯.png (423.33 KB,568x479,568:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130733 (121745ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Kash Patel




Loser has to take home stolen classified docs in his vette and lock them in the garage. HA - thanks @RealDirty

Jan 12, 2023, 6:11 AM

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c277d3 No.4583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130749 (121747ZJAN23) Notable: BlackRock To Lay Off About 500 Employees

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BlackRock To Lay Off About 500 Employees

BlackRock is the latest Wall Street firm feeling the heat of an ugly 2022 and a significantly slower pace of dealmaking heading into 2023. As a result the firm, like many Wall Street firms we have reported on over the last few months, is reducing its headcount.

The world's largest asset manager is going to be reducing its workforce by about 500 jobs, CNN reported on Wednesday. The move comes following a "hiring spree" that the company undertook in recent years. It hasn't made major layoffs since 2019, the report notes.

CEO Larry Fink and BlackRock president Rob Kapito said in a memo out this week: "This week, after meaningful headcount growth in recent years, we are making some changes to the size and shape of our workforce. As a result of these steps, about 500 (or less than 3%) of our colleagues will be leaving BlackRock as we reallocate resources to our most critical growth opportunities."

The company grew its workforce by about 8% in 2022, Yahoo Finance noted. Headcount is still expected to remain 5% higher than one year ago, even after the layoffs, the same report says.

A spokesperson for the firm said the cuts were due to the “unprecedented market environment.” As we move past the holidays and well into the first month of 2023, job cuts and bonus cuts on Wall Street continue to pour in. Just yesterday, for example, we noted that Credit Suisse would be cutting up to 50% of its bonus pool.

Credit Suisse and Blackrock join a number of other Wall Street banks who laid off employees, cut bonuses or both after a torrid 2022. Goldman Sachs, for example, is set to lay off up to 4,000 employees, we noted last month. The bank was also "considering shrinking the bonus pool for its more than 3,000 investment bankers by at least 40 per cent this year".

Also in mid-December, we wrote that Ernst and Young would be cutting its bonuses entirely. The company held an "all hands" meeting two weeks ago where it delivered the news to its employees. The company is in the midst of splitting its audit business from a tax and advisory business heading into 2023.

Morgan Stanley's Asia banker bonuses were also at risk by as much as 50%, we wrote days before that. In December, we also noted that Jefferies was considering slashing bonuses.


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c277d3 No.4584

File: c4c76aa53d843a6⋯.png (71.17 KB,868x623,124:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130758 (121749ZJAN23) Notable: Deadline Passes For Pfizer To Submit Results Of Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation Study To US Regulators

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Deadline Passes For Pfizer To Submit Results Of Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation Study To US Regulators

Pfizer was required by the U.S. and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct multiple studies on its vaccine after the FDA approved the shot in August 2021 because regulators determined that without the studies, there would not be sufficient data to assess the “known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis,” or heart inflammation and a related condition.

Regulators were also concerned about the potential risk of subclinical myocarditis, or heart inflammation without typical symptoms.

The FDA told Pfizer to carry out six studies, with various deadlines for completion and reporting final results to the agency. The first final deadline arrived on Dec. 31, 2022.

Pfizer was required to submit a report on the study, which was to assess the incidence of subclinical myocarditis following administration of a third dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, or a booster shot, in people aged 16 to 30.

It’s unclear whether Pfizer met the deadline. The company and the FDA did not respond to requests for comment, and neither have issued any information about the study or its results since the deadline passed.

According to the FDA, Pfizer had until June 30, 2022, to complete the study and then another six months to prepare and submit the final results.

In a Dec. 8, 2022, memorandum explaining why the FDA authorized Pfizer’s bivalent booster without any clinical data, FDA officials noted that Pfizer was “conducting additional safety-related post-authorization/post-marketing studies for the PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, including post-marketing requirements to assess known serious serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis..”

‘Shouldn’t Have to Ask’

The results of the study should be shared promptly, according to Jessica Adams, a former regulatory officer at the FDA.

“We shouldn’t have to ask or demand this information. We should expect that it’d be promptly shared by default,” Adams wrote on Twitter.

Dr. Janet Woodcock, the agency’s principal deputy director, told Adams in an email that the FDA is “not allowed to comment on potential actions on regulated products.”

It’s not clear how reporting results on a study relates to potential regulatory actions.

In light of the growing amount of evidence related to post-vaccination adverse events, some others are questioning the FDA’s delay in sharing information on the study.

“Why are FDA officials dragging their feet on making Pfizer’s prospective study data on subclinical myocarditis available to the public when evidence has been published in the medical literature that Pfizer’s pre-EUA clinical trials revealed ‘a 36 percent higher risk of serious adverse events in vaccinated participants in comparison to placebo recipients,'” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email.

She was citing a reanalysis of the original trial data that found vaccinated participants had a higher risk of serious adverse events.

“With 79 percent of Americans having received at least one COVID shot and so many vaccinated young adults, especially physically fit athletes suffering heart attacks and sudden deaths, public health officials should insist that the company with the biggest market share of the COVID vaccine business in the U.S. be completely transparent about what it knows about the biological mechanisms of heart inflammation induced by the mRNA COVID vaccine Pfizer maintains is both safe and effective,” Fisher added.


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c277d3 No.4585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130770 (121750ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Snowden identifies ‘real scandal’ regarding Biden docs

The story about classified materials found in an office linked to the US president was suppressed days before the midterms, the whistleblower has claimed

US President Joe Biden has probably made off with more classified documents than many whistleblowers, but unlike them he will get away with it, former CIA and National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden suggested on Wednesday.

In a series of tweets, the whistleblower commented on a recent controversy surrounding sensitive Obama-era documents discovered at Biden's vice-presidential office by his attorneys. The White House has acknowledged the incident and the US Justice Department is currently looking into the matter.

“Worth noting that the President seems to have absconded with more classified documents than many whistleblowers,” Snowden wrote, comparing the situation with the case of Reality Winner who “was sentenced to 5 YEARS for just one document.” The former NSA translator was convicted in 2018 of leaking a report about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US elections.

“Meanwhile Biden, Trump, Clinton, Petraeus… these guys have dozens, hundreds [of documents]. No jail,” the whistleblower added.

Snowden went on to say that “the real scandal isn’t that Biden had classified documents coming out of his socks, because sadly they’ve all been doing it. The scandal is that the DOJ found out about it a week prior to the midterm elections and chose to suppress the story, conferring a partisan advantage.”

Snowden is known for leaking classified documents exposing Washington’s surveillance efforts that targeted American civilians.

The story about Biden’s documents was first broken by CBS News on Monday, which reported that the president’s personal attorneys had found the documents at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement of the University of Pennsylvania on November 2 and reported them to the authorities.

On Wednesday, NBC News reported, citing sources, that Biden aides had discovered at least one other batch of classified documents at another location.

This bombshell infuriated Republicans, with some drawing parallels with the FBI raid at the residence of former President Donald Trump in search of classified materials. The agency reportedly seized around 300 sensitive files from the ex-president’s estate.

The White House, however, insisted that the two cases are different, claiming that, unlike Trump, Biden had not been notified that he was in possession of the documents, nor had he been asked to return them. Rather, he swiftly revealed the discovery to the National Archives and turned over the papers.


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c277d3 No.4586

File: b203c83495172b5⋯.png (405.87 KB,787x797,787:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130778 (121750ZJAN23) Notable: Worker critically injured, homes evacuated after industrial explosion

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Worker critically injured, homes evacuated after industrial explosion and fire in St. Catharines, Ont.

A man was critically injured and another person was taken to hospital as emergency crews responded to a series of explosions and fire at a hazardous waste facility in St. Catharines, Ont., on Thursday.

The explosions triggered the evacuation of nearby homes as crews worked to put out the large blaze.

Police said emergency crews were called to the Ssonix Products facility at 20 Keefer Rd. just after 6:30 a.m. ET. The company's website said its line of business includes producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils and lubricants.

continued here….. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/st-catharines-explosion-fire-1.6711473

Crews found a fire that had spread to a neighbouring industrial building as well.

Karen Lutz-Graul, deputy chief of operations with Niagara Emergency Medical Services, told CBC Hamilton that one person with life-threatening injuries was transported to a local hospital.

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c277d3 No.4587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130786 (121752ZJAN23) Notable: 5 police officers fired, 3 others suspended over accusations of sexual relationships while on duty

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5 police officers fired, 3 others suspended over accusations of sexual relationships while on duty, threesomes, and 'Girls Gone Wild' parties

Several police officers have been fired and suspended over an alleged sordid sex scandal that has rocked a suburban town in Tennessee. Five officers from the La Vergne Police Department were fired over accusations of unreported sexual relationships, having sex on duty, and sexual harassment by sending pornographic photos and videos.

WTVF reported that five La Vergne Police Department officers were terminated: Patrol Officer Maegan Hall, Patrol Officer Juan Lugo Perez, Sgt. Lewis Powell, Detective Seneca Shields, and Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan. Three officers were suspended: K-9 Officer Larry Holladay, Patrol Officer Patrick Magliocco, and Patrol Officer Gavin Schoeberl.

An internal investigation claimed that some of the officers engaged in a “Girls Gone Wild” hot tub party on the houseboat of La Vergne Police Sgt. Eric Staats. During the party, Hall allegedly took off her top and exposed her breasts.

The report stated that Officer Hall had "intimate relationships" with fellow cops, including Holladay, Powell, Lugo, McGowan, Shields, and a threesome with Magliocco and his wife. None of the sexual relationships were reported to the departmentm located 20 miles outside Nashville.

Hall performed oral sex on Powell and Shields at the police station and in the department's gym while the officers were on duty, according to the internal report, released on Dec. 28.

Magliocco told Director of Human Resources Andrew Patton that Hall kissed his wife at a party. Hall's husband was said to seem "upset."

"The next day on‐shift, Magliocco asked Hall about the husband’s reaction, since Magliocco was under the impression from Hall that her marriage was open as well," the report said. "Hall said, 'He really wasn’t on board.'"

The report stated, "Magliocco told Patton that he was aware of Hall and Sgt. Powell. Magliocco said that Hall had told him about Powell’s 'big black d***.'"

Magliocco claimed that Hall asked to borrow $50 so that she could get a hotel room without her husband finding out.

The officers were also accused of exchanging nude photos and videos.

"Pornography and offensive pictures in the workplace are forms of sexual harassment," the report stated. "These items are offensive, inappropriate, and can lead to a hostile work environment for other employees."

The New York Post reported, "Lugo, Powell, and Shields were also dismissed for violating police procedure and lying during the investigation, along with McGowan — who had been witnessed choking an HR employee."

La Vergne Police Department Chief Chip Davis said, "The actions of a few do not represent the entire department."

La Vergne Mayor Jason Cole issued a statement regarding the "unacceptable" sex scandal, "Our top priority moving forward will include rebuilding the public’s trust. I have full confidence in the police department’s leadership team and their ability to lead the department. We will be retraining all of our employees in the rules, regulations, and expectations set forth by city leadership."

Newly elected La Vergne Alderman Kara Hobbs told WTVF, "Shocked and overall disappointed with our police department and what's happened."

"It's been really frustrating from a leadership standpoint to have citizen questions, and I'm learning the details right along with the general public," Hobbs added.

The Rutherford County district attorney said there was no evidence of criminal activity, but the accusations are still being monitored.


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c277d3 No.4588

File: 7249f799ec36f4f⋯.png (394.49 KB,606x527,606:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a1df385128a9cd⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130804 (121753ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

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Joe Biden is in a panic over documents.


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c277d3 No.4589

File: f15f2e3b217c9d5⋯.png (164.39 KB,688x889,688:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130810 (121754ZJAN23) Notable: Navy Secretary Warns Arming Both US and Ukraine May Become ‘Challenging’ in Next 6 Months

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Navy Secretary Warns Arming Both US and Ukraine May Become ‘Challenging’ in Next 6 Months

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro warned on Jan. 11 that arming both Ukraine and the United States may become challenging in the coming months amid a shortage of weapons.

Del Toro made the comments at the Surface Navy Association conference in Arlington, Virginia, when asked whether the Navy will soon have to choose between arming itself and helping to arm Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia, or whether it has already reached that point, according to Defense One.

“With regards to deliveries of weapons systems for the fight in Ukraine … Yeah, that’s always a concern for us. And we monitor that very, very closely,” Del Toro replied.

While the secretary noted that the Navy is not “quite there yet,” he added that if the conflict goes on for another six months or a year, “it certainly continues to stress the supply chain in ways that are challenging.”

The majority of U.S. weapons given to Ukraine are land and not naval weapons.

Del Toro told reporters that Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks has been working “very closely with [the defense] industry, to motivate them to find out what their challenges or obstacles are to be able to increase their own production rates.”

Companies Need to Bolster Weapons Production

“It’s obvious that … these companies have a substantial pipeline for the future,” Del Toro said. “They now need to invest in their workforce, as well as the capital investments that they had to make within their own companies to get their production up.”

Del Toro’s remarks came shortly after Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander of U.S. Fleet Forces Command, also addressed the conference and accused defense companies of using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse for delaying weapons deliveries.

“I’m not as forgiving of the defense industrial base. I’m just not,” he said. “I am not forgiving of the fact that you’re not delivering the ordnance we need. All this stuff about COVID this, parts, supply chain this, I just don’t really care. We’ve all got tough jobs.”

“I need SM-6s delivered on time. I need more Mark 48 torpedoes delivered on time. OK, we’re talking about war fighting, national security, and going against a competitor here and a potential adversary that is like nothing we’ve ever seen. And we can’t [be] dilly-dallying around with these deliveries,” Caudle added.

To date, the Biden administration has authorized over $110 billion in aid—via American taxpayer money—to Ukraine amid its ongoing conflict with neighboring Russia.

Of that $110 billion, $45 billion came from the $1.7 trillion spending omnibus bill signed by President Joe Biden on Dec. 29 and aimed at keeping the government running until the fiscal year ends in September 2023.

Earlier in December, Biden announced that Washington was sending $1.8 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine, including a Patriot surface-to-air guided-missile defense system.


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c277d3 No.4590

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB,422x234,211:117,Clipboard.gif)

File: 78b316502d8edde⋯.png (34.77 KB,547x247,547:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130811 (121755ZJAN23) Notable: @mtaibbi 1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES

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Matt Taibbi


1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14


One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag

12:29 PM · Jan 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130833 (121800ZJAN23) Notable: #22227

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>>4534 Dough

>>4548, >>4543, >>4544, >>4546, >>4547, >>4550, >>4552, >>4565, >>4566, >>4574, >>4575, >>4576, >>4582, >>4585, >>4588 Biden Riden Dirty #ClassifiedDocuments #ImpeachBiden

>>4535 A rare comet is set to brighten the night sky for the first time in 50,000 years

>>4536 Watch The House. Everything is unraveling

>>4537 10yr anniversary TODAY of Aaron Swartz murder.

>>4539 10 Other Democrats Getting Roped Up in Biden's Classified File Scandal

>>4540 Turkey president Erdogan's mannequin executed in Stockholm, Sweden

>>4541 Trending Biden

>>4542 10:45AM EST House Speaker McCarthy News Conference

>>4545 @USNavy @US5thFleet to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region

>>4549 @RaheemKassam In Oct 2020 we reported exclusively that Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson”.

>>4551, >>4581 Planefag Europe-Med Activity

>>4553 4Keks - did anyone else hear this during roll call?

>>4554 The Biden administration pushing to legalize “Modern Opium Dens.”

>>4555 First case of ‘Kraken’ Covid variant detected in Russia

>>4556 Andrew Brigden reply to losing party whip.

>>4557 Former Nebraskas GOP Gov. Ricketts appoint to fill seat of outgoing Republican Sen. Sasse

>>4559 FBI raids alleged Chinese police outpost in New York's Chinatown, report

>>4560 Pennsylvania Senate indefinitely delays impeachment of Philly DA Krasner

>>4562 Planefag CONUS Activity

>>4563 Arizona’s growing school choice program saving taxpayers money

>>4564 BUN Follow Linda Rabbitt Penn Biden Center Construction dig

>>4567 Devin Nunes applauds Adam Schiff's expulsion from House Intel Committee, says it should go further

>>4568 Unscheduled event: Garland due to speak at 1315ET

>>4570 @realDonaldTrump CAN I GET A COMMS CHECK HERE?


>>4572 Wells Fargo Is Shrinking Its Mortgage Business—Except Where It Isn’t

>>4573 POSITIVE PROGRESS: Missouri Movement Towards State-wide Hand Counting of Elections Gains Momentum

>>4577 Migrants are 'drinking all day,' 'having sex in the stairs' in taxpayer-funded New York hotels:

>>4578 @Kash Ok ok ok ill get serious.

>>4579 Azerbaijan appoints 1rst ambassador to "Israel"

>>4580 High-level official reveals he wore Nazi uniform

>>4538, >>4558 Latest CPI #s: Grocery Price breakdown and 25bp raise guaranteed at next FOMC meeting

>>4569 Epilepsy ANON - Prayers Wanted

>>4583 BlackRock To Lay Off About 500 Employees

>>4584 Deadline Passes For Pfizer To Submit Results Of Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation Study To US Regulators

>>4586 Worker critically injured, homes evacuated after industrial explosion

>>4587 5 police officers fired, 3 others suspended over accusations of sexual relationships while on duty

>>4589 Navy Secretary Warns Arming Both US and Ukraine May Become ‘Challenging’ in Next 6 Months

>>4590 @mtaibbi 1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES


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c277d3 No.4592

File: 5df74e6334ced13⋯.png (695.46 KB,1190x595,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 46b214d30662258⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2a1df385128a9cd⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130868 (121805ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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#22228 https://fullchan.net/?1117d3fffeac82e4#FZ8Z59QbGK4UakDBmqbcBreEX4mYFA6qN7sCQWz7cCqP


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c277d3 No.4593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130876 (121807ZJAN23) Notable: Sweden Convicts Islamic State Jihadi Bride over Child Rapes

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Sweden Convicts Islamic State Jihadi Bride over Child Rapes, Human Trafficking

In what is being touted as a historic case, a Swedish court has convicted a female Islamic State member for human trafficking and facilitating the rape of children in Iraq and Syria.

The woman, who is said to be in her sixties and was previously married to a high-ranking Islamic State leader, was convicted and sentenced by the Solna district Court — but only to a sentence of six years and ten months.

The woman took her two young daughters to Syria in 2014 and 2015 in order to live in the “caliphate” then controlled by the Islamic State terrorist organisation, broadcaster SVT reports.

“The woman’s purpose in doing so had been to help establish and live in an Islamic state ordered under a strict Salafist interpretation of Islam, governed by the Islamic State,” the Solna District Court stated.

It emerged during the trial that the woman had taken her underage daughters to the Islamic State territory in order to marry them off, and she was accused by the court of sexually exploiting them.

A man originally from the no-go Stockholm suburb of Jarva was convicted alongside the woman. He is said to have married one of her daughters when she was under 15 years old.

The man had previously been convicted of raping children between 2013 and 2015 but was only given a short eight years and ten months sentence.

Prosecutor Karolina Wieslander commented on the verdict in the woman’s case, saying: “It’s a very important judgment. In Sweden, this is the first conviction of its kind.”

While some Islamic State women have been charged for crimes committed overseas in Iraq and Syria in Sweden, including one charged with forcing her own son into becoming a child soldier, very few convictions have been reported relative to the numbers who travelled to the erstwhile caliphate.

Many have claimed the reason for the lack of convictions is the level of difficulty in pursuing such cases, with Swedish terror expert Magnus Ranstorp urging the government not to repatriate Islamic State women due to the lack of sufficient laws to prosecute their activities.


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c277d3 No.4594

File: a32460f0de97dd3⋯.png (67.17 KB,527x448,527:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d96d95b091a5e6⋯.png (817.79 KB,1282x720,641:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 0271b4eb242623b⋯.png (200.35 KB,402x640,201:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130895 (121811ZJAN23) Notable: lb PDJT Page Comms? Lisa tweeting aboutStored Communications Act

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Page Comms?

Lisa tweeting aboutStored Communications Act


Nakasone Live - FISA 702

That's not the ZOOM logo. drop related? (upenn docs?


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c277d3 No.4595

File: 24b94e82cd60eef⋯.png (25.64 KB,795x259,795:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fc95516d402b74⋯.png (455.31 KB,485x560,97:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130900 (121811ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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Joe Biden used alias of KGB spy from Tom Clancy novels, emails from Hunter’s laptop show

By Joshua Rhett Miller	

April 29, 2022 4:18pm

Biden sent the message using an email address with a username of “67stingray,” a reference to his 1967 Corvette Stingray.

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c277d3 No.4596

File: 0ccc93c96824539⋯.jpg (111.3 KB,1000x476,250:119,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130909 (121813ZJAN23) Notable: Call for Memes - Pete's Garage Edition

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> Pete's Garage Edition

Thank you, baker.

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c277d3 No.4597

File: e874dba51a76375⋯.png (83.67 KB,687x691,687:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 209d43ddefd2f69⋯.png (94.2 KB,692x761,692:761,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130910 (121813ZJAN23) Notable: New study reveals rampant conflicts of interest at think tanks

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New study reveals rampant conflicts of interest at think tanks

The report focuses heavily on how the nuclear industry influences institutional output in its favor and works to censor its critics.

“Scholars, media organizations, and members of the public should be sensitized to the conflicts of interest shaping foreign policy analysis generally and nuclear policy analysis specifically,” is the conclusion of new academic research that documents how think tank funders are shaping the foreign policy debate.

The study, “No such thing as a free donation: research funding and conflicts of interest in nuclear weapons policy analysis,” authored by Kjølv Egeland and Benoît Pelopidas of the Center for International Studies in Paris, was released in late December by Sage. After an exhaustive review of the world’s top foreign policy think tanks — including the Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Atlantic Council, and many more — the authors found that they all receive “donations from actors with interests in the perpetuation of the extant nuclear order.” The study then answers the question posed in its title — “No such thing as a free donation?” — by showing exactly how these donations provide funders with considerable influence over these institutions’ work and the marketplace of ideas.

Through interviews with grant managers and former and current employees at these think tanks, the authors identified numerous instances where funding biased these organizations’ work through outright censorship, self-censorship, and perspective filtering.

The authors found that outright censorship was rare, but could have dramatic effects on these organizations’ products. One former think tank employee explained that a research project had been canceled at the request of a major funder. Another recounted how an entire think tank they were working at had been bankrupted when a nuclear umbrella state abruptly canceled its funding. By his account, this was “unquestionably done for political reasons,” as the institution “had been doing a lot of critical work on nuclear deterrence and security, questioning orthodox thinking.”

An analyst at yet another think tank recounted how funder pressure led to direct censoring of its report “away from controversial or critical analysis,” with analysts there being told, “Don’t talk about government militarism…talk about what the terrorists are doing instead.”

Self-censorship, on the other hand, is much more commonplace, according to the study. In fact, nearly all of the analysts interviewed said they engaged in it, as did their colleagues.


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c277d3 No.4598

File: f147760a13a11ec⋯.jpg (167.85 KB,720x992,45:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130911 (121813ZJAN23) Notable: Several Texas high school football players were hospitalized after their coach allegedly made them do 400 push-ups as punishment

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Several Texas high school football players were hospitalized after their coach allegedly made them do 400 push-ups as punishment.

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c277d3 No.4599

File: 07a34e10767634a⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,643x768,643:768,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130917 (121814ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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>Biden Ridden Dirty


Hunter didn't help things by providing his splooge to his CCP honeypot secretary. Communist Chinese molecular biologists must be having a field day putting together the Biden family DNA profile for a smart bioweapon.

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c277d3 No.4600

File: 9da47c617ea6f2e⋯.png (3.38 MB,1349x896,1349:896,Clipboard.png)

File: 8016683cd59e5bb⋯.png (990.64 KB,927x642,309:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130924 (121815ZJAN23) Notable: Melania Trump 45 Archived @FLOTUS45 Our country is a pioneer in the fields of innovation & technology

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Melania Trump 45 Archived


Our country is a pioneer in the fields of innovation & technology & the @WhiteHouse

East Room celebrates these monumental triumphs. Planes, trains & automobiles come alive as they race around trees, through the ribbons & between the twinkling lights. #WHChristmas





7:41 AM · Dec 3, 2020

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c277d3 No.4601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130935 (121817ZJAN23) Notable: Attorney General Merrick Garland makes a statement from the Department of Justice.

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LIVE: AG Garland to make statement at Department of Justice 1:15pm ET | LiveNOW from FOX

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c277d3 No.4602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130963 (121822ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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they found the docs on Nov. 4th

Garland did NOTHING until this week?

No raids.

No media leaks

No pics of docs.

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c277d3 No.4603

File: aaabb6d1e4ab2fd⋯.png (602.22 KB,687x750,229:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130984 (121824ZJAN23) Notable: United States Attorney Robert K. Hur to Leave Department of Justice After Serving as Chief Federal Law Enforcement

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

United States Attorney Robert K. Hur to Leave Department of Justice After Serving as Chief Federal Law Enforcement Officer in Maryland Since 2018


>preceeded by your favorite and mine Rod Rosenstein

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c277d3 No.4604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130995 (121825ZJAN23) Notable: 1:30 PM EST Press Briefing

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1:30 PM EST haha

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



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c277d3 No.4605

File: 20f6742a97734f4⋯.png (533.24 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18130997 (121825ZJAN23) Notable: Davos 2023: Bigwigs return to Swiss mountains amid economic crunch

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Davos 2023: Bigwigs return to Swiss mountains amid economic crunch


A challenging economic environment and the looming threat of a global recession will serve as the backdrop for this year's World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is set to hold its annual meeting for heads of state and executives next week in the alpine resort town of Davos, Switzerland, as the global economy teeters on the verge of recession.

This year's forum will be the first at its usual time in mid-January since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was canceled in 2021 and postponed to May last year, resulting in reduced attendance. It's scheduled to begin Monday and will run through Friday.

World Economic Forum President Borge Brende noted the economic headwinds hanging over this year's event.

"There is no doubt that our 53rd annual meeting in Davos will happen against the most complex geopolitical and economic backdrop in decades," Brende said.

Attendance is expected to be back to its typical level when the forum begins next week. Brende pointed to "record participation" by at least 52 heads of state, more than half of them from Europe, and nearly 300 government ministers. Several recently elected leaders will attend the event for the first time in their current roles, including President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of the Philippines, President Gustavo Petro of Colombia and President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea.

Several Biden administration officials, including Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, FBI Director Christopher Wray, U.S. Agency for International Development Samantha Power and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai will attend.

>Additionally, senators Chris Coons, D-Del.; Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., will reportedly be in Davos as part of the U.S. delegation.

Brende said some delegations have asked for the names of their attendees to be withheld for a time for security reasons. A high-level delegation of unspecified officials from Ukraine is expected to attend. Similarly, the Chinese government's delegation has been withheld, although Vice Premier Liu He will reportedly attend, according to the South China Morning Post.

Among the business leaders whose attendance has been announced by the World Economic Forum are BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Salesforce Chair and Co-CEO Marc Benioff, and Bain & Company Chairman Orit Gadiesh. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is also planning to attend, according to a report by Financial News London.

Other notable figures who will attend include European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

The annual gathering in Davos has a reputation for being an opportunity for elites to share ideas and cut business and political deals on pressing global issues. It has also been derided by critics for hypocrisy because dignitaries sometimes fly in on private jets before pushing for policies to counter climate change.

The agenda includes hundreds of public sessions on a variety of topics ranging from geopolitical crises, globalization and development, economic innovation, green technologies and efforts to promote diversity. There will also be an untold number of private meetings on the sideline of the forum.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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c277d3 No.4606

File: 1f3531344486f66⋯.jpg (42.78 KB,800x438,400:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131013 (121827ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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Biden escaped with more secret papers than whistleblowers: Snowden

Former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden considered on Thursday that US President Joe Biden seems to have gotten away with holding on to more classified documents than many whistleblowers.

A couple of days ago, the White House confirmed that in November, Biden's lawyers found classified documents while clearing space in his office at the Penn Center, a Washington-based think tank. The White House's special counsel said the aides immediately contacted the US National Archives, which in turn forwarded the information to the Justice Department.

CBS News, which reported first on the documents, cited two sources with knowledge of the inquiry as saying that roughly 10 classified documents were found.

"Worth noting that the President seems to have absconded with more classified documents than many whistleblowers. For comparison, Reality Winner [convicted of leaking the National Security Agency report] was sentenced to 5 YEARS for just one document," Snowden tweeted.

"Meanwhile Biden, Trump, Clinton, Petraeus… these guys have dozens, hundreds [of documents]. No jail," he pointed out.

According to Snowden, the real scandal is that the US Department of Justice found out about the matter a week prior to the midterm elections and decided to remain silent about this case.

On Monday, media reported that US Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a federal prosecutor to investigate how the classified materials ended up in the office.

In a related context, CNN cited a source familiar with the matter as saying that the classified documents dated between 2013 and 2016 are related to Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom.

Earlier, US media reported, citing unnamed sources, that aides to Biden had discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in another location that was used by him after serving as vice president.

According to NBC News, the classification level, number, and exact location of the additional documents were not immediately clear, adding that it was also not clear when the additional documents were discovered.

On Tuesday, Senator Mark Warner, the Intelligence Committee's Democratic chairman, said he requested a briefing on the first batch of the Biden documents. In the same context, a spokesperson for Senator Marco Rubio, the committee's Republican vice chair, said Rubio and Warner had written to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, asking for access to the classified documents.

The recent findings have drawn comparisons to the FBI's August 2022 raid on Trump's Mar-a-logo residence in Florida, which recovered more than 300 classified documents that were once in the former US President's possession. Trump said he wondered when US authorities would raid Biden's home.

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c277d3 No.4607

File: 9e416a344ac6446⋯.png (436.8 KB,1058x428,529:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 322d7305b80a3e1⋯.png (405.36 KB,444x465,148:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131057 (121834ZJAN23) Notable: PF: CHEWY25 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM), MANGO65 G5 departed Ft. Worth JRB after an overnight and it stopped at Toledo as SPAR65 with Indo-Pac Cmdr Aquilino

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>>4562 lb

CHEWY25 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM), MAGO65 G5 departed Ft. Worth JRB after an overnight and it stopped at Toledo as SPAR65 withIndo-Pac Cmdr Aquilinothen left to Ft. Worth but chnaged it's call to MANGO65 over Illinois >>4269, >>4272 pb SAM037 C-32A west from JBA-used by Blinken to return from Mexico City on Tuesday

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c277d3 No.4608

File: bea2aabe8a55702⋯.png (37.2 KB,595x266,85:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131083 (121838ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA

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Donald J. Trump


John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA. Only a complete fool would have given that 150 Billion Dollars Plus to Iran. They then went on a Middle East Rampage! @foxandfriends


3:06 AM · Jan 12, 2020


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c277d3 No.4609

File: b5ccf2260eadb5e⋯.jpg (87.4 KB,800x470,80:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f585d0d4d0b57d⋯.jpeg (57.62 KB,682x1024,341:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c051072045af91c⋯.jpg (84.96 KB,800x799,800:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131085 (121838ZJAN23) Notable: Pedophilic Colors of Benetton: Italian fashion house sexualizes kids

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Pedophilic Colors of Benetton: Italian fashion house sexualizes kids

30 Dec 2022 18:34

Italian fashion brand United Colors of Benetton is under fire for posting pedophilic photos as part of its clothing campaign. It demonstrates children as models in underwear.

People took to social media to criticize and call out the fashion brand days after American actress Busy Philipps called them out on Instagram for "sexualizing" children.

Philipps wrote: "I don't know where the disconnect is with people and they're like, 'well, if you see that [sexualization], then that's your problem'. You're having children pose like adults whilst wearing underwear? Maybe I'm just hyper-aware of that now. Obviously, my kids are the same age and it freaks me out."

Benetton has since then deleted the photos from social media.

This comes after Balenciaga came under fire as well last month for showing children, as part of its clothing campaign too, wearing bondage gear.

Social media users rushed to draw a parallel between the fashion brands, highlighting how the two have jeopardized children and put them on display for profit, calling for the protection of minors.

Other users urged the brand to reconsider its options, saying there were other ways of selling clothes that did not involve the sexualization of children.

"Now, the clothing brand Benetton is sexualizing kids for profit. It’s never necessary or appropriate to use children to model underwear," one netizen wrote. "Let’s put an end to pedo culture & child exploitation."

This is not the first controversy of the sort that the Italian brand has been involved in, having done this sort of stunt back in 2018 and 1991, where they used nude children - and even babies - to promote their fashion items, stark evidence of the exploitive, pedophilic nature of the brand.

The children were posing in a highly questionable, adult-like manner - they were instructed to pose in a way that might be seen in professional swimwear or lingerie modeling -, drawing the ire of thousands online, as children are not meant for such a "business".

Benetton did not even attempt to cover up for the lude, almost pornographic way the children were exploited and forced to pose in the controversial ad campaign.

One question remains regarding this stunt or ad campaign: why would children's underwear or swimwear need to be promoted, to begin with? Especially when it is at the expense of other children. Additionally, why has cancel culture not come for the company that used naked children and babies in its ad campaigns?

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c277d3 No.4610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131090 (121839ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

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Matt Taibbi Twitter Files, without pictures 37 posts1 of 2

Matt Taibbi

@mtaibbi 12:29 PM · Jan 12, 2023·

1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag

2.At a crucial moment in a years-long furor, Democrats denounced a report about flaws in the Trump-Russia investigation, saying it was boosted by Russian “bots” and “trolls.”

3.Twitter officials were aghast, finding no evidence of Russian influence: “We are feeding congressional trolls.” “Not any…significant activity connected to Russia.” “Putting the cart before the horse assuming this is propaganda/bots.”

4.Twitter warned politicians and media the not only lacked evidence, but had evidence the accounts weren’t Russian – and were roundly ignored.

5.On January 18th, 2018, Republican Devin Nunes submitted a classified memo to the House Intel Committee detailing abuses by the FBI in obtaining FISA surveillance authority against Trump-connected figures, including the crucial role played by the infamous “Steele Dossier”:

6.The Nunes assertions would virtually all be verified in a report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz in December 2019.

7.Nonetheless, national media in January and early February of 2018 denounced the Nunes report in oddly identical language, calling it a “joke”:

9.On January 23rd, 2018, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) published an open letter saying the hashtag “gained the immediate attention and assistance of social media accounts linked to Russian influence operations.”

9b. Feinstein/Schiff said the Nunes memo "distorts" classified information, but note they didn't call it incorrect.

10.Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal followed suit, publishing a letter saying, “We find it reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans.”

11.Feinstein, Schiff, Blumenthal, and media members all pointed to the same source: the Hamilton 68 dashboard created by former FBI counterintelligence official Clint Watts, under the auspices of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD).

12.The dashboard, which featured a crude picture of Vladimir Putin deviously blowing evil red Twitter birds into the atmosphere, was vague in how it reached its conclusions.

13.Inside Twitter, executives panned Watts, Hamilton 68, and the Alliance for Securing Democracy. Two key complaints: Hamilton 68 seemed to be everyone’s only source, and no one was checking with Twitter.

14.“I encourage you to be skeptical of Hamilton 68’s take on this, which as far as I can tell is the only source for these stories,” said Global Policy Communications Chief (and future WH and NSC spokesperson) Emily Horne. She added: “It’s a comms play for ASD.”

15.“All the swirl is based on Hamilton,” said Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth.

16.“If ASD isn’t going to fact-check with us, we should feel free to correct the record on their work,” said Policy VP Carlos Monje.

17. Roth couldn’t find any Russian connection to #ReleaseTheMemo – at all. “I just reviewed the accounts that posted the first 50 tweets with #releasethememo and… none of them show any signs of affiliation to Russia.”

18.“We investigated, found that engagement as overwhelmingly organic, and driven by VITs” – Very Important Tweeters, including Wikileaks and congressman Steve King.

19. A staffer for “DiFi” – Feinstein – agreed it would be “helpful to know” how Hamilton 68 goes by “the process by which they decide an account is Russian.” But, only AFTER Feinstein published her letter about Russian influence.


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c277d3 No.4611

File: a64496082d7b6e5⋯.png (66.64 KB,748x433,748:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131096 (121840ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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Biden doc dump is part of all the moving parts of parts that are collapsing the house of cards.


Biden's "Documents" are a setup. An easy way out for him and the Democrats who know he can't run again.



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c277d3 No.4612

File: 95b95f4647513cb⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 15cf2bf8a08b899⋯.png (393.74 KB,1024x467,1024:467,Clipboard.png)

File: dbea0378a1e730c⋯.png (406.46 KB,834x784,417:392,Clipboard.png)

File: e4ea5c9a7b1d729⋯.png (525.78 KB,824x846,412:423,Clipboard.png)

File: c3c9c2120e9a6cc⋯.png (423.87 KB,836x777,836:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131114 (121843ZJAN23) Notable: Minnesota Poised To Ban Christians, Muslims, And Jews From Teaching In Public Schools

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Minnesota Poised To Ban Christians, Muslims, And Jews From Teaching In Public Schools

Minnesota will soon ban faithful Christians, Muslims, and Jews from teaching in public schools by requiring that every state-certified teacher “fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as … gender identity … are … affirmed.” Once the new requirements clear a final procedural hurdle, they will be immediately challenged in state and possibly federal court, a civil liberties lawyer told The Federalist on Tuesday.

“We have lots of parents who are upset by this sort of thing in schools already,” said Doug Seaton, president of Minnesota’s Upper Midwest Law Center, in an interview. “They’re going to be even more upset with how their teachers are going to be licensed. Their teachers are going to have to be faced with hiding their beliefs or getting denied [for a state teaching license].”

Seaton said it was accurate to describe the nearly finalized regulations as communicating: “Christians, Muslims, and Jews need not apply for Minnesota teaching jobs.” That is unconstitutional, he said, so UMLC plans to sue once the changes go into effect.

The state agency that composed the changes disputed they would effectively ban religious Americans from teaching in Minnesota schools through a spokeswoman on Wednesday. The spokeswoman did not respond to a follow-up asking how Christians, Jews, and Muslims could adhere to their faith while complying with the licensing requirements that all new teachers publicly reject their faiths’ declaration that God has created only two sexes, male and female.

Minnesota’s Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB), a division of the state Department of Education, has been working to change teacher certification requirements since 2019. Its latest public draft, which is finalized save for a few tweaks that don’t affect the content, includes multiple requirements that licensure candidates publicly support critical race theory and transgender ideology and include both in their teaching. Teachers must receive state licensure to be employed in Minnesota public and many private schools.

PELSB justified its changes by claiming “the predominantly white teacher workforce must be equipped to understand their own implicit bias and the unique lived experiences of all their students as a core requirement of teaching. For this reason, PELSB has worked closely with a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers and experts in the field of pedagogy, to ensure that anti-racism, cultural competency, and implicit bias were effectively embedded and identified throughout the scope of the proposed Standards of Effective Practice” (page 62).

“Standards for effective teaching” 1A in the nearly finalized regulations requires a teacher candidate to “affirm[] the validity of students’ backgrounds and identities.”


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c277d3 No.4613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131132 (121846ZJAN23) Notable: 2:00 PM EST Department Press Briefing

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2:00 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

Department of State





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c277d3 No.4614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131134 (121846ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

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Twitter files Matt Taibbi 20-37

2 of 2

20.When Twitter spoke to a Blumenthal staffer, they tried to “wave him off” because “we don’t believe these are bots.”

21.Added another: “It might be worth nudging Blumenthal’s staffer that it could be in his boss’ best interest not to go out there because it could come back to make him look silly.”

22.One Twitter exec even tried to negotiate, implying an undisclosed future PR concession if Blumenthal would lay off on this: “It seems like there are other wins we could offer him.”

23.Blumenthal published his letter anyway.

24.Execs eventually grew frustrated over what they saw as a circular process – presented with claims of Russian activity, even when denied, led to more claims.

25.They expressed this explicitly to Blumenthal’s camp, saying “Twitter spent a lot of resources” on this request and the reward from Blumenthal shouldn’t be round after round of requests.” “We can’t do a user notice each time this happens.”

26.Eventually Twitter staff realize “Blumenthal isn’t looking for real and nuanced solutions” but “just wants to get credit for pushing us further.”

27.Ultimately senior executives talked about “feeding congressional trolls” and compared their situation to the children’s book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.”

28.In the story, if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk, which will lead to a wave of other exhausting requests, at the end of which he’ll want a glass of milk. And one more cookie.

29.The metaphor for the endless Russia requests was so perfect, one exec wrote, “I’m legit embarrassed I didn’t think of that first.”

30.Despite universal internal conviction that there were no Russians in the story, Twitter went on to follow a slavish pattern of not challenging Russia claims on the record.

31.Outside counsel from DC-connected firms like Debevoise and Plimpton advised Twitter to use language like, “With respect to particular hashtags, we take seriously any activity that may represent an abuse of our platform.”

32.As a result, reporters from the AP to Politico to NBC to Rolling Stone continued to hammer the “Russian bots” theme, despite a total lack of evidence.

33.Russians weren’t just blamed for #ReleaseTheMemo but #SchumerShutdown, #ParklandShooting, even #GunControlNow – to “widen the divide,” according to the New York Times.

34.Re #SchumerShutdown and #ReleaseTheMemo, the internal guidance was, “Both hashtags appear to be organically trending.”

35.NBC, Politico, AP, Times, Business Insider, and other media outlets who played up the “Russian bots” story – even Rolling Stone – all declined to comment for this story.

36.The staffs of Feinstein, Schiff, and Blumenthal also declined comment.

37. Who did comment? Devin Nunes. "Schiff and the Democrats falsely claimed Russians were behind the Release the Memo hashtag, all my investigative work… By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in U.S. history.”


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c277d3 No.4615

File: a6b035cf8f8a0bc⋯.png (40.08 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131146 (121848ZJAN23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson The US government created the COVID virus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Emerald Robinson ✝️


The US government created the COVID virus.

The US government created the COVID vaccines.

The US government mandated the COVID vaccines.

The US government censored accurate info about COVID on social media sites.

Are you awake yet?

1:08 PM · Jan 12, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131147 (121849ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Huma Abedin,

Sergey Abyshev,

Zainab Ahmad,

Hina R. Alvi,

Amy Anderson,

Trisha Anderson,

Manos Antonakakis,

Robert P. Ashley,

Rush Atkinson,

Brian Auten,

Abid Awan,

Imran Awan,

Jamal Awan,

James Baker,

Nada Bakos,

Jeremy Bash,

William Barr,

Robert Bauer,

Joe Biden,

Dennis Blair,

Richard Blumenthal,

Jeb Boasberg,

John Andrew Boehner,

Dana Boente,

Jennifer Boone,

Patty Brandmaier,

John Brennan,

Keith Bristow,

James B. Bruce,

David Buckley,

George Bush Jr.,

Jean L. Camp,

David Cariens,

Janice Cariens,

Peter Carr,

James Clad,

James Clapper,

Kevin Clinesmith,

Hillary Clinton,

William Clinton,

Rosemary Collyer,

James Comey,

Patrick Conlon,

Rudolph Contreras,

Anne Conway,

Peter Corsell,

Steven Cuevas,

David Dagon,

Igor Danchenko,

Brett Davis,

Raymond Dearie,

Michael Dempsey,

Oleg Deripaska,

Joseph DiBartolomeo,

Charles H. Dolan Jr.,

Iva Drasinover,

Michael Dreeben,

Claire Eagan,

Marc Elias,

Stuart Evans,

Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein,

Peter Fritsch,

Olga Galkina,

Merrick Garland,

Tashina Gauhar,

Roger Zane George,

Glenn Gerstell,

Carl Ghattas,

Andrew Goldstein,

Brandon Van Grack,

Aleksej Gubarev,

Charles Ronald Llewelyn Guthrie,

Steven L. Hall,

Stefan Halper,

John Hannah,

Kent Harrington,

Gina Haspel,

Curtis Heide,

Kevin Helson,

Shawn Henry,

Don Hepburn,

Brittany Hertzog,

Fiona Hill,

Eric Holder,

Michael Horowitz,

John Huber,

Calvin Humphrey,

Adam Irwin,

James Jones,

Peter Kadzik,

Kathleen Kavalec,

Timothy D. Kilbourn,

Konstantin Kilimnik,

David Kris,

Paul Kolbe,

Robert Kugler,

Stephanie LaParre,

David Laufman,

Corey Lewandowski,

April Lorenzen "tea leaves",

Stephen Laycock,

Jacob "Jack" Lew,

Valerie Jarrett,

Adam Jed,

Rodney  Joffe "max",

Andy Liepman,

Loretta Lynch,

Ron Marks,

Andrew McCabe,

Mary McCord,

Denis McDonough,

Arthur McGlynn,

Jonna Hiestand Mendez,

Joseph Mifsud,

Sergei Millian,

Jonathan Moffa,

John Moseman,

Micheal Mosman,

Sally Moyer,

Robert Mueller III,

Emile Nakhleh,

Joe Nelson,

Mike Neufield,

Sean Newell,

Victoria Nuland,

Barrack Obama,

Bruce Ohr,

Nellie Ohr,

Gerald A. O’Shea,

Stephanie L. O’Sullivan,

Lisa Page,

Mike Pence,

Nancy Pelosi,

Dmitry Peskov,

Joseph Pientka,

Larry Pfeiffer,

Elizabeth Prelogar,

David Priess,

John Podesta,

Marc Polymeropoulos,

Mike Pompeo,

Anna Popova,

Samantha Power,

David Priess,

E.W. “Bill” Priestap,

Pam Purcilly,

James Quarles,

Sarah Raskin,

Jeannie Rhee, 

Steve Ricchetti,

Susan Rice,

Jeffrey A. Rosen,

Rod Rosenstein,

Aaron Rouse,

Thomas Russell,

Paul Ryan,

Christopher M. Sanders,

Gabriel Sanz-Rexach,

Felix Sater,

Chris Savos,

Adam Schiff,

Debbie Wasserman Schultz,

Jeff Sessions,

John Sipher,

Nick Shapiro,

Nathan Sheets,

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall,

Glenn Simpson,

Petra Sipe,

Stephen Slick,

Rodney Snyder,

Stephen A. Somma,

Cynthia Strand,

Peter Strzok,

Michael Sussman,

Adam Szubin,

James Taliento,

Greg Tarbell,

David Terry,

John Tharp,

Russ Travers,

Greg Treverton,

John Tullius,

"Azra Turk"

David A. Vanell,

Natalia Veselnitskaya,

Alexander Vindman,

Paul Vixie,

Ivan Vorontsov,

M. Ro. Wahid,

Clint Watts,

Monty Wilkinson,

Matthew Whitaker,

Winston Wiley,

Jonathan Winer,

Andrew Weissman,

Kristin Wood,

Christopher Wray,

Sally Yates,

Aaron Zebley,

Aaron Zelinsky

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4617

File: 5e5559817b50484⋯.png (53.59 KB,619x303,619:303,Clipboard.png)

File: a86d8afd7c00051⋯.png (763.1 KB,1280x908,320:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131157 (121851ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me because I did everything right, and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden who hates Biden as much as Jack Smith hates me.

Jan 12, 2023, 12:40 AM EST


Joe Biden

Published January 12, 2023 1:21pm EST

AG Garland appoints special counsel to investigate Biden classified documents

White House lawyers found another stash of classified documents at Biden's home in Delaware


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4618

File: 006b039335269db⋯.png (375.99 KB,599x548,599:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131188 (121856ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ confirms to Fox News of a CONFIRMED third discovery of classified documents mishandled by Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Benny Johnson


🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: DOJ confirms to Fox News of a CONFIRMED third discovery of classified documents mishandled by Joe Biden in his private residence

7:55 AM · Jan 12, 2023



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4619

File: c278fa008805612⋯.jpg (225.88 KB,1280x852,320:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131248 (121905ZJAN23) Notable: Current Biden Hash Trends: Top Secret, #BidenClassifiedDocuments, Obama-Biden, #LaptopFromHell, Joe and Hunter, President Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Current Biden Hash Trends

>>>/qresearch/18131193 Top Secret

>>>/qresearch/18131180 #BidenClassifiedDocuments

>>>/qresearch/18131156 Obama-Biden

>>>/qresearch/18131145 #LaptopFromHell

>>>/qresearch/18131130 Joe and Hunter

>>>/qresearch/18131119 President Joe Biden

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4620

File: faedadab9a17782⋯.png (32.9 KB,598x311,598:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 5392556cecbf7f3⋯.png (265.23 KB,606x666,101:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131264 (121906ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Matt Taibbi


1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14


One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag



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c277d3 No.4621

File: 043ecbd4a2d5ce0⋯.png (23.54 KB,614x238,307:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131265 (121907ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matt Taibbi


1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14


One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag

6:29 AM · Jan 12, 2023



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4622

File: 2fcf2c24115b269⋯.png (183.55 KB,422x527,422:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131280 (121910ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy is likely going to release the January 6th footage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


McCarthy is likely going to release the January 6th footage which means that we're almost certainly going to find more FEDs intermixed in the crowds.

Prepare to dig and red pills anons.

It's happening.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4623

File: a54b2822093055f⋯.png (376.74 KB,1196x469,1196:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131285 (121911ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matt Taibbi


3.Twitter officials were aghast, finding no evidence of Russian influence:

“We are feeding congressional trolls.”

“Not any…significant activity connected to Russia.”

“Putting the cart before the horse assuming this is propaganda/bots.”

12:29 PM · Jan 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4624

File: 9892f55bf18f176⋯.png (64.29 KB,1063x509,1063:509,Clipboard.png)

File: ff2a474a42d1eac⋯.png (110.9 KB,663x468,17:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131319 (121917ZJAN23) Notable: Speculation: Does nuke waste find "Jana" signal immanent BTC meltdown?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here's what my quick search on Jana yielded. It's a 10/17, too. Pics related.


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c277d3 No.4625

File: a02d3738f3e84ac⋯.jpg (176.88 KB,720x1129,720:1129,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33497e5cf560165⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,437x583,437:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131325 (121919ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via @jj_talking

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4626

File: 89efc709fa6a728⋯.png (103.62 KB,1052x570,526:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131328 (121919ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4627

File: e8a40e60009002c⋯.png (252.56 KB,598x560,299:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131331 (121919ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Edward Snowden


Wow, even *I* handled classified documents more securely. At least I kept them encrypted!

(Via @nytimes)





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c277d3 No.4628

File: 18c5233d602a06f⋯.png (48.71 KB,1055x439,1055:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 25f40ba930de0b5⋯.png (228.1 KB,630x472,315:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131350 (121923ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Jan 19, 20183:23:37 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 42



Talking points [4AM]- private email addresses.

Paid contractors.




Jan 19, 20185:26:08 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 45

Counter-narrative went out @ 4AM to MSM contractors [like clockwork].

Russian bots.

These people are REALLY REALLY STUPID.



When does a bird sing?

NOBODY is safe.


MSM contractors #Goodbye#

Fight, Fight, Fight.


Matt Taibbi




5.On January 18th, 2018, Republican Devin Nunes submitted a classified memo to the House Intel Committee detailing abuses by the FBI in obtaining FISA surveillance authority against Trump-connected figures, including the crucial role played by the infamous “Steele Dossier”:

Matt Taibbi


7.Nonetheless, national media in January and early February of 2018 denounced the Nunes report in oddly identical language, calling it a “joke”:





12:29 PM · Jan 12, 2023



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4629

File: 197d8f7df1d4374⋯.png (428.14 KB,610x922,305:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131359 (121924ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

zerohedge Retweeted

Clay Travis


Joe Biden may have Tweeted out a picture of the classified documents “securely” stored in his garage beside his corvette.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4630

File: e5d8ad28dfc9fad⋯.png (201.8 KB,293x478,293:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131361 (121924ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via



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c277d3 No.4631

File: b992e399d179c9e⋯.png (517.9 KB,706x664,353:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131382 (121927ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






HUGE developing story on Biden's classified documents in his garage! If this was the Dem's chance to eject Biden before 2024 now is the time!

New Details in the video below!

Links to watch my live streams:



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c277d3 No.4632

File: e2b1fc9d5282d2d⋯.png (258.2 KB,610x678,305:339,Clipboard.png)

File: f2a3c4afc1c7437⋯.jpeg (396.53 KB,1386x1398,231:233,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b91753f0162af5f⋯.png (320.51 KB,874x257,874:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b309bf46c261d⋯.png (442.67 KB,850x784,425:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 112159592d617d1⋯.png (139.06 KB,942x488,471:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131387 (121928ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Taibbi may or may not realize it but he's laying out Q drops from mid -late January


>Counter-narrative went out @ 4AM to MSM contractors [like clockwork].

>Russian bots.

Matt Taibbi




3.Twitter officials were aghast, finding no evidence of Russian influence:

“We are feeding congressional trolls.”

“Not any…significant activity connected toRussia.”

“Putting the cart before the horse assuming this is propaganda/bots.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4633

File: 19d8fba44c293dc⋯.png (24.12 KB,1052x215,1052:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131396 (121929ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


McCarthy says he thinks Biden knew his

office had classified documents

The Hill [DC], by Emily Brooks

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/12/2023 2:25:50 PM

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Thursday argued President Biden knew his private office had classified documents, or he wouldn’t have had his attorneys remove things from his office. “I think if you call a lawyer to remove something for your office, he must have known ahead of time,” McCarthy said. “So, I think he has a lot of answers to the American public. The good thing about that is the American public has a Congress that can get the answers.” The remarks came at McCarthy’s first press conference as Speaker in response to a question from the conservative One America News Network about whether McCarthy had ever used a lawyer

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c277d3 No.4634

File: f277aa6e6ed061f⋯.png (29.35 KB,798x278,399:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131407 (121931ZJAN23) Notable: AG Merrick Garland names Robert Hur special counsel to probe Biden classified docs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


AG Merrick Garland names Robert Hur special

counsel to probe Biden classified docs

New York Post, by Mark Moore

Posted By: Imright, 1/12/2023 1:30:57 PM

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday he had appointed a special counsel to investigate how classified documents ended up at an office President Biden used at his namesake think tank in Washington, DC, and his home in Delaware. Republicans called on Garland to name a special counsel to examine whether the Obama-era documents were mishandled by Biden following revelations this week that a box containing classified documents were discovered in a locked closet in an office the president used at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement on Nov. 2, just days before the midterm elections.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4635

File: 572e4e9ca57a931⋯.png (499.4 KB,608x850,304:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131410 (121931ZJAN23) Notable: @elonmusk Starship launch attempt soon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon Musk


Starship launch attempt soon



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c277d3 No.4636

File: af59afcce1b8208⋯.png (26.25 KB,593x304,593:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131417 (121932ZJAN23) Notable: JPMorgan shutters website it paid $175 million for

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JPMorgan shutters website it paid $175

million for, accuses founder of inventing

millions of accounts

CNBC, by Hugh Son

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/12/2023 12:25:49 PM

JPMorgan Chase on Thursday shut down the website for a college financial aid platform it bought for $175 million after alleging the company's founder created nearly 4 million fake customer accounts. The country's biggest bank acquired Frank in September 2021 to help it deepen relationships with college students, a key demographic, a Chase executive told CNBC at the time. JPMorgan touted the deal as giving it the "fastest-growing college financial planning platform" used by more than 5 million students at 6,000 institutions. It also provided access to the startup's founder, Charlie Javice, who joined the New York-based bank as part of the acquisition. Months after the transaction closed,

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4637

File: a1c4063446c4624⋯.png (461.36 KB,612x556,153:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131425 (121935ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




MORE - Biden's Corvette and "the garage."



5:39 AM · Jan 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4638

File: aa64b97f3e81c70⋯.png (17.73 KB,791x196,113:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131464 (121943ZJAN23) Notable: Brittney Griner Was Arrested For Domestic Assault Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Report: Brittney Griner Was Arrested For Domestic Assault Charges

By ToddJanuary 12, 2023Updated:January 12, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4639

File: c7ce7efb87538bb⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB,538x327,538:327,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131473 (121945ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4640

File: 9a07f605e5756a6⋯.png (57.41 KB,425x524,425:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131492 (121947ZJAN23) Notable: How to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) on someone in cardiac arrest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Welcome to the “new normal”



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c277d3 No.4641

File: aca6319bb64bd23⋯.png (47.53 KB,598x495,598:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131493 (121947ZJAN23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson So @SenatorRisch did the right thing by declining to associate with the globalist tyrants at Davos.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Emerald Robinson ✝️


So @SenatorRisch

did the right thing by declining to associate with the globalist tyrants at Davos.

Now Darrell Issa, Maria Salazar, and Mike Gallagher need to cancel too.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4642

File: 361a2986fa97bf4⋯.png (379.45 KB,541x916,541:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fdfbb3bb3d7285⋯.png (309.13 KB,538x608,269:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131497 (121948ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4643

File: c9d1c30d09623f0⋯.png (458.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131501 (121948ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Update to the cringe 'infographic' that enemy of the people fake news CNN is peddling.

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c277d3 No.4644

File: 0dd208b57a45e0c⋯.png (193.87 KB,595x668,595:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131503 (121948ZJAN23) Notable: REMINDER - MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY.

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Da fuck you say, nigga?


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c277d3 No.4645

File: 13f929f14167e13⋯.png (15.56 KB,450x156,75:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131522 (121955ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley (54), daughter of Elvis Presley, rushed to a hospital after possible cardiac arrest #CardiacArrest

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JUST IN - Lisa Marie Presley (54), daughter of Elvis Presley, rushed to a hospital after possible cardiac arrest — TMZ


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c277d3 No.4646

File: 3a8c868cb28edd0⋯.png (43.47 KB,598x413,598:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131575 (122005ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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Paul Sperry Retweeted

Paul Sperry


BREAKING:One of the "personal attorneys" of Biden who "discovered" the Top Secret papers Biden kept at his private DC office was Dana Remus,who'd worked w Obama-apptd Archivist David Ferriero to "review" Trump's records.Remus left WH 1 mo before "discovering" Biden's secret stash

11:42 PM · Jan 10, 2023


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c277d3 No.4647

File: 5d757f50873f64a⋯.png (159.76 KB,1623x599,1623:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131599 (122009ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

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c277d3 No.4648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131611 (122010ZJAN23) Notable: #22228

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>>4592 DOUGH

>>4592, >>4595, >>4599, >>4602, >>4606, >>4611, >>4625, >>4626, >>4627, >>4629, >>4630, >>4631, >>4633, >>4637, >>4639, >>4642, >>4643, >>4646, >>4647 Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

>>4619 Current Biden Hash Trends: Top Secret, #BidenClassifiedDocuments, Obama-Biden, #LaptopFromHell, Joe and Hunter, President Joe Biden

>>4610, >>4614, >>4616, >>4620, >>4621, >>4623, >>4628, >>4632 Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

>>4593 Sweden Convicts Islamic State Jihadi Bride over Child Rapes

>>4594 LB PDJT Page Comms? Lisa tweeting aboutStored Communications Act

>>4596 Call for Memes - Pete's Garage Edition

>>4597 New study reveals rampant conflicts of interest at think tanks

>>4598 Several Texas high school football players were hospitalized after their coach allegedly made them do 400 push-ups as punishment

>>4600 Melania Trump 45 Archived @FLOTUS45 Our country is a pioneer in the fields of innovation & technology

>>4601 Attorney General Merrick Garland makes a statement from the Department of Justice.

>>4603 United States Attorney Robert K. Hur to Leave Department of Justice After Serving as Chief Federal Law Enforcement

>>4604 1:30 PM EST Press Briefing

>>4605 Davos 2023: Bigwigs return to Swiss mountains amid economic crunch

>>4608 @realDonaldTrump John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA

>>4609 Pedophilic Colors of Benetton: Italian fashion house sexualizes kids

>>4612 Minnesota Poised To Ban Christians, Muslims, And Jews From Teaching In Public Schools

>>4613 2:00 PM EST Department Press Briefing

>>4615 @EmeraldRobinson The US government created the COVID virus.

>>4617 @realDonaldTrump Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me

>>4618 DOJ confirms to Fox News of a CONFIRMED third discovery of classified documents mishandled by Joe Biden

>>4622 McCarthy is likely going to release the January 6th footage

>>4624 Speculation: Does nuke waste find "Jana" signal immanent BTC meltdown?

>>4634 AG Merrick Garland names Robert Hur special counsel to probe Biden classified docs

>>4635 @elonmusk Starship launch attempt soon

>>4636 JPMorgan shutters website it paid $175 million for

>>4640 How to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) on someone in cardiac arrest

>>4641 @EmeraldRobinson So @SenatorRisch did the right thing by declining to associate with the globalist tyrants at Davos.


>>4645 Lisa Marie Presley (54), daughter of Elvis Presley, rushed to a hospital after possible cardiac arrest #CardiacArrest

>>4638 Brittney Griner Was Arrested For Domestic Assault Charges


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c277d3 No.4649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131647 (122016ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ confirms a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden

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>>>/qresearch/18131568 lb

>>>/qresearch/18131576 lb

>>4647 lb

🚨BREAKING NEWS: The Department of Justice has just now confirmed a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden.


notable lb

3 BOOMS now…how about 4 BOOMS…do it Q!

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c277d3 No.4650

File: 98e3ecd52d643b3⋯.png (38.55 KB,611x229,611:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d757f50873f64a⋯.png (159.76 KB,1623x599,1623:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131650 (122017ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ confirms a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden

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c277d3 No.4651

File: 7286a89b7264fee⋯.png (646.03 KB,1208x1072,151:134,Clipboard.png)

File: bd88ae197b30bf5⋯.mp4 (8.72 MB,630x360,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131654 (122017ZJAN23) Notable: US Aid to Ukraine

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Each Dot = $100,000 U.S. Taxpayer Dollars

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c277d3 No.4652

File: 42cd9c78fbbbbc2⋯.png (473.54 KB,608x500,152:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131658 (122018ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ confirms a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden

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c277d3 No.4653

File: e02a8c116707ba7⋯.png (163.99 KB,1323x786,441:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131673 (122021ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley, 54, suffers cardiac arrest

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BREAKING NEWS: Lisa Marie Presley, 54, suffers cardiac arrestat her Calabasas home and is rushed to hospital: Regained pulse after CPR performed


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c277d3 No.4654

File: 00aac287dcab3a9⋯.png (263.26 KB,477x746,477:746,Clipboard.png)

File: f0091f6c7188320⋯.png (925.47 KB,1284x999,428:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131676 (122021ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley, 54, suffers cardiac arrest

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Lisa Marie Presley has been rushed to a hospital after EMTs responded to her home for cardiac arrest.

Sources directly connected to Lisa Marie say that paramedics performed CPR Thursday at her house in Calabasas before rushing to a hospital.


Last edited

2:09 PM · Jan 12, 2023


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c277d3 No.4655

File: 3b1f4eae243f7a5⋯.jpeg (480.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c7ce7efb87538bb⋯.jpeg (68.63 KB,538x327,538:327,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131680 (122022ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ confirms a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden

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c277d3 No.4656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131682 (122022ZJAN23) Notable: Press time at the WH - kek

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Press time.

Q and A by the truth ministry

Let's see if the press changes course.

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c277d3 No.4657

File: 7389ffda3ad3ee1⋯.jpg (179.26 KB,1200x807,400:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131689 (122023ZJAN23) Notable: US Aid to Ukraine

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c277d3 No.4658

File: 46efc315c30b98a⋯.png (50.86 KB,810x154,405:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131697 (122025ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley, 54, suffers cardiac arrest

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>>>/qresearch/18131642 lb


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c277d3 No.4659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131713 (122028ZJAN23) Notable: Former Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Has Been Selected to Fill Ben Sasse’s Vacant Senate Seat.

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Former Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Has Been Selected to Fill Ben Sasse’s Vacant Senate Seat.


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c277d3 No.4660

File: 8f634bd5cff1c4b⋯.png (318.82 KB,598x696,299:348,Clipboard.png)

File: fa74509f190234b⋯.png (378.41 KB,598x646,299:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131721 (122029ZJAN23) Notable: Russia releases U.S. Navy veteran into Poland - J Post

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The Jerusalem Post


Russia releases U.S. Navy veteran into Poland. The circumstances surrounding the US citizen's time in Russia remain unclear.



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c277d3 No.4661

File: f3dc518967b84e8⋯.png (52.63 KB,680x323,40:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131750 (122032ZJAN23) Notable: Former ESPN employees sue over vax mandate

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This is such a mess. The people who stayed and took the injections are at risk of horrible health complications. Those who chose to be fired have often left jobs they liked and/or were good at. What does this make American workplaces look like?

Ed Dowd said something to the effect of "it was risky to be employed in 2021" He was referring to the abnormally high death rate among employed people. This is because in my opinion people at the big corporations who are usually the healthy new college grads, people with degrees, etc. were very likely to face "mandates".

God help us.

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c277d3 No.4662

File: 4e7f0ef4c7e639d⋯.png (268.57 KB,666x557,666:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131768 (122034ZJAN23) Notable: Why does Klaus Schwab needs 5000 military men to protect the #WEF meeting this year?

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Klaus Schwab needs 5000 military men to protect the #WEF meeting this year. What do you think they are worried about? 🧐

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c277d3 No.4663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131776 (122034ZJAN23) Notable: Former Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Has Been Selected to Fill Ben Sasse’s Vacant Senate Seat.

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>Pete Ricketts

#18130341 at 2023-01-12 16:33:11 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22227: QR Comfy Edition

Former Nebraskas GOP Gov. Ricketts appoint to fill seat of outgoing Republican Sen. Sasse

Ricketts was appointed by Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen.

Updated: January 12, 2023 - 10:40am

Former Nebraska GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts was appointed Thursday to fill the Senate seat of Republican Sen. Benn Sasse, wh officially resigned this week to become president of the University of Florida.

Ricketts was appointed by Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen.

Ricketts will serve the remaining two years of Sasse's six-year term, ahead of a 2024 special Senate election, according to NBC News.


Pete Ricketts

United States Senator-designate from Nebraska

Assuming office

January 23, 2023

Appointed by Jim Pillen

Succeeding Ben Sasse

40th Governor of Nebraska

In office

January 8, 2015?- January 5, 2023

Lieutenant Mike Foley

Preceded by Dave Heineman

Succeeded by Jim Pillen

Chair of the Republican Governors Association

In office

November 19, 2021?- November 17, 2022

Serving with Doug Ducey

Preceded by Doug Ducey

Succeeded by Kim Reynolds

Children 3

Relatives Joe Ricketts (father)

Marlene Volkmer (mother)

Thomas S. Ricketts (brother)

Laura Ricketts (sister)

Todd Ricketts (brother)

Education University of Chicago (BA, MBA)

John Peter Ricketts (born August 19, 1964) is an American politician who is the United States Senator-designate for the state of Nebraska. He previously served as the 40th governor of Nebraska from 2015 to 2023. He is a member of the Republican Party.

Ricketts is the son ofJoe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade. He is also, with other family members, a part owner of Major League Baseball's Chicago Cubs.[1] In 2006, he ran for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Ben Nelson, losing in a landslide. He ran for the Nebraska governorship in 2014, narrowly winning a six-way Republican primary, and defeated Democratic Party nominee Chuck Hassebrook, 57% to 39%. He was reelected in 2018, defeating Democratic nominee Bob Krist, 59% to 41%.

In January 2023, Ricketts was appointed by his successor Governor Jim Pillen to be the replacement choice for retiring U.S. Senator Ben Sasse.[2]

2006 U.S. Senate campaign

Main article: 2006 United States Senate election in Nebraska

Ricketts was the 2006 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat held by Democrat Ben Nelson. His opponents in the primary were former Nebraska Attorney General Don Stenberg and former state Republican chairman David Kramer. Ricketts spent nearly $5 million of his own money, outspending his opponents 10-1 in winning the nomination.[19]

Ricketts received somehigh-profile campaign assistance, most notably from President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Bush appeared at a campaign rally for Ricketts on November 5, 2006, just days before the election, in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Ricketts ran on a conservative platform, emphasizing fiscal responsibility,[20] immigration reform,[21] and agriculture,[22] as well as championing a socially conservative platform opposing same-sex marriage[23] and abortion.[24] In all, he contributed $11,302,078 of his own money to his campaign, triggering the Millionaire's Amendment which allowed his opponent to raise larger amounts from each donor.[25][26] He spent more money than any Senate candidate in Nebraska history,[27] but lost to Nelson by a margin of 36%-64%.[28]


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c277d3 No.4664

File: fcf489b250d6562⋯.png (245.54 KB,518x444,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131817 (122039ZJAN23) Notable: Biden and White House Lawyer Failed to Publicly Disclose Dec 20 Discovery of Classified Documents in Corvette Garage

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Cover-Up: Biden and White House Lawyer Failed to Publicly Disclose December 20 Discovery of Classified Documents in Corvette Garage in Initial Statement

The initial statement issued by White House attorney Richard Sauber on Monday to address the CBS News report on classified documents being discovered at the Penn Biden Center on November 2, 2022, failed to disclose that additional classified documents were found at Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home on December 20 by Biden’s personal attorneys. It was not until Thursday morning that Sauber announced that a second set of classified documents were found in Biden’s garage and was confirmed by Biden in a contentious colloquy with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.

Sauber was appointed by Biden last year to the role of Special Counsel to the President to help with investigations in anticipation of a Republican takeover of Congress (excerpt via CNN):

The White House has hired Richard Sauber to assist in the Biden administration’s response to potential future investigations should Republicans win back majorities in Congress in the midterm elections, officials confirm to CNN.

Sauber, currently the top lawyer at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and is expected to begin at the White House in the next few weeks with the title “special counsel to the president.”

“Dick is an excellent lawyer who brings decades of experience that will be a valuable asset,” Ian Sams, a White House counsel spokesperson, told CNN. “As we have since the transition, we are ensuring the White House is prepared for the issues we are facing or will face in the future, and we have built and continue to build a strong legal team to conduct our work and serve the public and the President.”

Sauber’s statement on Garland’s appointment of a special counsel included an admission that Biden mishandled documents, stating they were “inadvertently misplaced.”

Biden’s handling of his classified documents scandal violates the rule for presidential crisis management by Clinton veteran Lanny Danny Davis: “Tell it all, tell it early, tell it yourself.”


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c277d3 No.4665

File: 92f0b2c22e7f161⋯.png (198.04 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 92826f68f8d842e⋯.png (98.54 KB,879x817,879:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131828 (122040ZJAN23) Notable: Former ESPN employees sue over vax mandate

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Former Employees Sue ESPN After Being Fired For COVID Vaccine Refusal

Two former employees are suing ESPN for being fired over COVID-19 vaccine refusal, alleging the company violated their rights and state and federal law in the process.

Beth Faber, a former producer with the network, and Allison Williams, a college football reporter, brought the suit on Jan. 11 in federal court in Connecticut, where Disney-owned ESPN is based.

Faber was fired on Sept. 9, 2021, after ESPN denied her request for a religious accommodation to the company’s mandate. Williams was fired on Oct. 19, 2021, after ESPN rejected requests for exemptions based on disability and religious beliefs.

ESPN officials claimed that no accommodation was possible because venues at which the employees would work would not accept unvaccinated people, according to the suit. But plaintiffs allege the defendants made no effort to confirm that and pointed to how most NFL and college football teams had unvaccinated personnel, as ESPN itself reported.

“Defendants impermissibly took adverse employment against Plaintiffs, including wrongfully terminating them, denying them of financial compensation, and in the case of Williams, pursuant to a contract, and intentionally harming their relationship in their industry, because they complained about the discrimination they suffered based on their religious beliefs, a protective activity,” the suit states.

ESPN declined to comment or say how many workers were fired over vaccine refusal.

The lawsuit came after the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission issued “right to sue” letters to Faber and Williams.


Faber, a producer, began working for ESPN in 1991 and had no disciplinary record before the mandate was imposed, according to the suit. She informed the company she is a devout Catholic who objected to vaccination on religious grounds, including how the vaccine companies utilized fetal cell lines.

“God and the immune system he has entrusted to me has protected me through more than 1550 remote events, millions of miles in airline travel, and countless numbers of nights in various hotels throughout this country and the world. I will not turn my back on God’s protection, and violate my sincere personal religious beliefs,” Faber wrote, according to the suit.

The company in response tried to get her to name a priest who would analyze her claims but she declined, saying her beliefs “are my OWN” and that she did not want to be “cross examined” by an “expert.”


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c277d3 No.4666

File: 7ed12c1475c85ba⋯.png (312.63 KB,598x634,299:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131874 (122047ZJAN23) Notable: Biden on Thursday paid tribute to former defense sec'y Ashton B. Carter

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The Washington Post


President Biden on Thursday paid tribute to former defense secretary Ashton B. Carter, who died Oct. 24 at the age of 68.

Carter served as defense secretary from February 2015 until President Barack Obama left office in January 2017. During his tenure, Carter oversaw the opening of military combat roles to women and helped boost Pentagon ties with Silicon Valley. In 2016, Carter opened the armed forces to transgender men and women to enlist with some exceptions. The policy was repealed by the Trump administration and then reinstated under the Biden administration last year.


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c277d3 No.4667

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131892 (122050ZJAN23) Notable: "The Carter Center" - a supposedly non-partisan election monitoring group

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"The Carter Center," a supposedly non-partisan election monitoring group


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c277d3 No.4668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131926 (122055ZJAN23) Notable: Guitar legend Jeff Beck dies suddenly at age 78

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Guitar legend Jeff Beck dies suddenly at age 78

Jeff Beck, one of the most innovative and influential guitar gods of the 1960s’ British Invasion and the No. 5 entry on Rolling Stone’s ranking of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time, has died suddenly at age 78.

The shocking news — which comes just two months after the eight-time Grammy-winner and two-time Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee wrapped his concert tour with friend Johnny Depp to promote their 2022 collaborative album, 18 — was announced Wednesday by his publicist, Melissa Dragich.

“On behalf of his family, it is with deep and profound sadness that we share the news of Jeff Beck’s passing,” Dragich’s statement read. “After suddenly contracting bacterial meningitis, he peacefully passed away yesterday [Jan. 10]. His family ask for privacy while they process this tremendous loss.”

Geoffrey Arnold Beck was born June 24, 1944, in Wallington, England, and he became fascinated with the electric guitar at age 6 after hearing Les Paul’s “How High the Moon” on the radio. During and after his stint as a student at Wimbledon College of Art, he moonlighted as a guitarist in various groups like the Nightshift, the Rumbles, and the Tridents, becoming immersed in Britain’s blues/R&B scene thanks to the influence of his friend, Rolling Stones associate Ian Stewart. It was in 1965 that another famous friend, Jimmy Page, whom Beck had first met as a teenager, recommended Beck to replace Eric Clapton in the Yardbirds.


RIP jeff beck

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c277d3 No.4669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131976 (122102ZJAN23) Notable: Lightfoot responds after campaign emails Chicago teachers for student volunteers

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LIVE | Lightfoot responds after campaign emails Chicago teachers for student volunteers


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c277d3 No.4670

File: fe360ae07d6f060⋯.jpg (208.34 KB,720x1219,720:1219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc027d819c8bdd4⋯.mp4 (664.85 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131978 (122102ZJAN23) Notable: Kamala fascinated with school buses - dank keks

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Bitch is rambling on about school buses AGAIN


Kamala Harris: "I'm excited about electric school buses. I LOVE electric school buses. I just love them! For so many reasons. Maybe because I went to school on a school bus. Hey, raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus!"

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c277d3 No.4671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131991 (122103ZJAN23) Notable: >>1813206, Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

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its a glitch they say

CLAIM: In Latin, the phrase “Cor ona virus,” written with spaces between parts of the word, translates to “heart attack virus” in English.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The word “coronavirus” in Latin, even when split up, does not translate to “heart attack virus.” Social media users are entering additional spaces when translating “cor ona virus” from Latin in Google Translate, which skews results in English. The tool translates some individual root words from Latin when the word is divided up in this way.

THE FACTS: A recent video circulating on social media claims that entering “cor ona virus” into Google Translate proves that it translates to “heart attack virus.

In the video, the social media user enters two spaces between “ona” and “virus” to get the result. Without the spaces, Google Translate just repeats “cor ona virus” in Latin to “cor ona virus” in English.

One Twitter user shared the video with the hashtags “#vaccinedeaths” and “#VaccineSideEffects.” In the past, social media users have falsely claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine causes heart attacks.

But experts say this is an inaccurate translation from Latin. Adding spaces to “coronavirus” is causing the Google Translate tool to attempt to translate some sections separately.

“This equation (cor ona virus = heart [attack] virus) is little more than subliterate nonsense,” wrote Marcus Folch, an associate professor of classics at Columbia University.

Folch pointed out that “corona” in Latin translates to “crown” and “cor” translates to “heart,” while “virus” translates to a slimy liquid or poison. And “ona” is not a word in Latin.

Daniel Solomon, a professor of classic studies at Vanderbilt University, told The Associated Press in an email that “ona” is not a Latin word, but the translation could be a confusion with “onus” or “onera,” which means “burden.”

Since “cor ona virus” isn’t a word or phrase in Latin, the Google Translate tool is translating some individual root words separately, a spokesperson for Google confirmed to the AP.


This is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. Learn more about fact-checking at AP.

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c277d3 No.4672

File: 846d1f428c082bf⋯.png (56.88 KB,469x548,469:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18131998 (122104ZJAN23) Notable: Alexanda Kotey, aka “ISIS Beatle George” No Longer Listed in U.S. Bureau of Prisons Custody

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Ancillary Curiosity – Alexanda Kotey, aka “ISIS Beatle George” No Longer Listed in U.S. Bureau of Prisons Custody

January 12, 2023 | sundance

“ Alexanda Kotey was an ISIS terrorist from the U.K, who participated in the horrific murders of American hostages in Syria. Kotey was captured by Kurdish militia in Syria in January 2018. Kotey was handed over to American forces in Iraq in 2020 to face trial in the U.S in relation to the killings of: journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Peter Kassig and Kayla Mueller. The ISIS murders were horrific including burning in cages, beheading and worse.“

“ Kotey (pictured left) pled guilty and was sent to Canaan Penitentiary in Pennsylvania to serve a life sentence on eight counts: four of hostage-taking resulting in death; conspiracy to commit hostage-taking resulting in death; conspiracy to murder US citizens outside of the US; conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, hostage-taking and murder, resulting in death; and conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization resulting in death.

Alexanda Kotey is no longer listed in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons.”


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c277d3 No.4673

File: b5706bfc5b0679b⋯.png (477.59 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132010 (122105ZJAN23) Notable: Passion of the Christ sequel to begin filming this spring

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Passion of the Christ sequel to begin filming this spring with Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel returning, to focus on Christ's Decent to Hell: report

Gibson said the film will not just be "about the resurrection" and will include events from "other realms" including the "fall of the angels."

The sequel to the 2004 hit film, The Passion of the Christ, is set to begin filming in the spring with Mel Gibson returning as director and Jim Caviezel coming back in the role of Jesus Christ.

World of Reel reports that The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection is set to begin filming in a few months and will "focus on the twenty-four hours encompassing Jesus’ passion and the events that occurred three days between his crucifixion and resurrection."

As ScreenGeek reports, "these updates should still be taken with a grain of salt. But the new sequel has been in development for several years now."

The Washington Examiner reports that in 2017 Gibson said of the script and its development, "That's a very big subject, and it needs to be looked at because we don't want to just do a simple rendering of it."

"But in order to read it, experience, and explore probably deeper meanings of what it's about, it's going to take some doing," Gibson added.

Speaking with Breitbart in September of 2020, Caviezel said that Gibson had sent him the third draft of the script at the time.

"Mel Gibson just sent me the third picture, the third draft. It’s coming. It’s called The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection. It’s going to be the biggest film in world history," Caviezel said.

In a 2016 interview with Raymond Arroyo, Gibson said the film will not just be "about the resurrection" and will include events from "other realms" including the "fall of the angels."

Gibson said, "it's not the, you know, Man comes back, walks through walls, has holes in his hands, and eats a piece of fish. You know, it's not that. It's a big, vast theological experience."

According to the Express, Gibson has said the film might include Christ's journey through hell.

Jim Caviezel said in 2020 to Fox News that the sequel, "It’s going to be a masterpiece. It’s gonna be the biggest film in world history, I believe it will be based on what I feel in my heart."

"It’s so imperative in this time, these films can’t be made now. The films they make are Marvel Comics movies. You’ll see Superman. You won’t see Jesus… I got to play the greatest superhero there ever was," Caviezel added.

According to IMDB and Giant Freakin Robot, many of the actors from the first film have been confirmed to return, actors Maia Morgenstern as Mary, Christo Jivkov as John, and Francesco De Vito will be back as Peter.

According to Box Office Mojo, to date, The Passion of the Christ is the highest-grossing R-rated motion picture ever made, with a lifetime gross of over $370 million dollars off of a budget of 30 million.

The original film covers the last 12 hours of Jesus' life with non-linear flashbacks to his teachings, such as the Sermon on the Mount and the Last Supper.


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c277d3 No.4674

File: ea6fd574d2e3d5a⋯.png (126.44 KB,1328x773,1328:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132019 (122107ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco, found the corporation on the site below. Found companies he was named as an officer, all seems to be inactive


Company Number


Native Company Number




Incorporation Date

19 January 2006 (almost 17 years ago)

Dissolution Date

2 September 2021

Company Type

Professional Corporation


District of Columbia (US)

Registered Address

•	3512 Multiview Drive,

•	Los Angeles

•	90068

•	California

•	United States

Inactive Directors / Officers

Biden, Robert Hunter, executingofficer

•	Biden, Robert Hunter, governor


Registry Page


Source District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, https://corponline.dcra.dc.gov/BizEnt…, 28 Oct 2022

Latest Events

2019-12-03 - 2019-12-24

Removal of officer R. Hunter Biden, agent

2021-06-26 - 2021-09-11

Change of status from 'Active' to 'Revoked'


Became inactive

See all events

Corporate Grouping User Contributed


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c277d3 No.4675

File: 4269a81e4a98753⋯.png (181.54 KB,805x831,805:831,Clipboard.png)

File: b2a6d680efd1319⋯.png (166.54 KB,784x836,196:209,Clipboard.png)

File: ba758c8b74ec48a⋯.png (120.49 KB,795x577,795:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132031 (122108ZJAN23) Notable: Did US Coast Guard have Pre-Written Denials For Vaccine Exemption Requests?

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US Coast Guard Apparently Had Pre-Written Denials For Vaccine Exemption Requests, Docs Show

Coast Guard documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation appear to show canned justifications commanders can cut and paste into vaccine exemption requests, experts told the DCNF.

Existence of the statements suggests the Coast Guard may have violated requirements to consider the unique circumstances surrounding each request, experts said.

“It is very easy for a commander to have a closed mind when there is a pre-written language presented to them in draft form,” Dwight Stirling, former military attorney and founder of the Center for Law and Military Policy, explained to the DCNF.

The Coast Guard had pre-written justifications for denying COVID-19 vaccine exemption requests, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Justifications in the document differ according to the position each Coast Guard member requesting an exemption occupied and where he or she was stationed, but each of the 30 listed follows a similar pattern of highlighting the operational requirements for each position and explaining why vaccination is necessary. The DCNF could not determine exactly how those in charge of deciding exemption cases applied each justification to individual requests, but the document indicates they failed to consider the unique circumstances of each applicant, a violation of Coast Guard policy and U.S. law, experts told the DCNF.

“All the commander needs to do is sign the memo and the matter is finished,” Dwight Stirling, former military attorney and founder of the Center for Law and Military Policy, explained to the DCNF.

Coast Guard policy aimed at protecting First Amendment rights requires leaders to individually review each vaccine exemption request, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act says armed forces must demonstrate a “compelling interest” in overruling religious accommodations.

Mike Rose, general counsel for Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, said he could not confirm whether the document was used to help the Coast Guard violate policy. However, he agreed that it appears to contain pre-written statements “designed to be applied automatically to each individual Coast Guardsmen based on the nature of their assignment.”

“I also considered that you are assigned to an operational billet,” reads one of the justifications, directed at a cook aboard CGC Angela McShan. “Your duties as the senior Culinary Specialist requires frequent interactions with the entire crew in smaller, enclosed spaces that do not afford the opportunity to consistently social distance in accordance with the Center for Disease Control’s recommended guidelines.”

The document contains a separate section labeled “COVID-19 and Other Requests” with responses to multiple religious exemptions related to the COVID-19 vaccine listed below.

The first response addresses Coast Guard members’ request to be exempt from all future vaccines developed from mRNA or viral vector technology, which are used in the top COVID-19 vaccines.

“The Coast Guard cannot predict which vaccines in the future will be mandated and of those which will be developed with mRNA or viral vector technology. Therefore, because of the broad nature of your request, it is denied,” the document reads, with “it is denied” in boldface type.



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c277d3 No.4676

File: ea909039eac32bd⋯.png (526.21 KB,802x468,401:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 78de31edc7a3cb4⋯.png (504.05 KB,814x512,407:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132033 (122108ZJAN23) Notable: HighWire on some of the incentives used to promote the vax

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The HighWire today. Just did a review of some of the various incentives to get vaccinated. Looks even more insulting to the public, evil and ridiculous.


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c277d3 No.4677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132044 (122109ZJAN23) Notable: >>1813206, Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

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translate.com seems to be an outlier.

Only translator I can find that comes up with the cor ona virus translation.

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c277d3 No.4678

File: 35d1984fb6e93e2⋯.jpg (353.43 KB,1080x1048,135:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132070 (122112ZJAN23) Notable: Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake’s 2022 Election Case

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c277d3 No.4679

File: 97f583a62e7da03⋯.png (962.22 KB,1200x554,600:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132075 (122113ZJAN23) Notable: Roomba's manufacturer iRobot is now facing a massive lawsuit due to "sensitive images"

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Roomba's manufacturer iRobot is now facing a massive lawsuit because they used third party annotation companies to categorize images taken by Roombas (because of course they can do that) and one of the pajeets working at said companies uploaded a video of a 10 year old using the toilet to social media.

Roomba testers found sensitive images uploaded to social media

The pictures included uncensored images of children on the toilet.



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c277d3 No.4680

File: 11a6d8341a04778⋯.jpg (102.43 KB,1080x1935,24:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132099 (122115ZJAN23) Notable: >>1813206, Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

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Well this one translates same


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c277d3 No.4681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132155 (122125ZJAN23) Notable: Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake’s 2022 Election Case

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c277d3 No.4682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132169 (122127ZJAN23) Notable: #22228 updated in #22229

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>>4592 DOUGH

>>4592, >>4595, >>4599, >>4602, >>4606, >>4611, >>4625, >>4626, >>4627, >>4629, >>4630, >>4631, >>4633, >>4637, >>4639, >>4642, >>4643, >>4646, >>4647 Biden Top Doxing from his Garage

>>4619 Current Biden Hash Trends: Top Secret, #BidenClassifiedDocuments, Obama-Biden, #LaptopFromHell, Joe and Hunter, President Joe Biden

>>4610, >>4614, >>4616, >>4620, >>4621, >>4623, >>4628, >>4632 Matt Taibbi Twitter Files

>>4593 Sweden Convicts Islamic State Jihadi Bride over Child Rapes

>>4594 lb PDJT Page Comms? Lisa tweeting aboutStored Communications Act

>>4596 Call for Memes - Pete's Garage Edition

>>4597 New study reveals rampant conflicts of interest at think tanks

>>4598 Several Texas high school football players were hospitalized after their coach allegedly made them do 400 push-ups as punishment

>>4600 Melania Trump 45 Archived @FLOTUS45 Our country is a pioneer in the fields of innovation & technology

>>4601 Attorney General Merrick Garland makes a statement from the Department of Justice.

>>4603 United States Attorney Robert K. Hur to Leave Department of Justice After Serving as Chief Federal Law Enforcement

>>4604 1:30 PM EST Press Briefing

>>4605 Davos 2023: Bigwigs return to Swiss mountains amid economic crunch

>>4607 PF: CHEWY25 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM), MANGO65 G5 departed Ft. Worth JRB after an overnight and it stopped at Toledo as SPAR65 with Indo-Pac Cmdr Aquilino

>>4608 @realDonaldTrump John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA

>>4609 Pedophilic Colors of Benetton: Italian fashion house sexualizes kids

>>4612 Minnesota Poised To Ban Christians, Muslims, And Jews From Teaching In Public Schools

>>4613 2:00 PM EST Department Press Briefing

>>4615 @EmeraldRobinson The US government created the COVID virus.

>>4617 @realDonaldTrump Merrick Garland has to immediately end Special Counsel investigation into anything related to me

>>4618 DOJ confirms to Fox News of a CONFIRMED third discovery of classified documents mishandled by Joe Biden

>>4622 McCarthy is likely going to release the January 6th footage

>>4624 Speculation: Does nuke waste find "Jana" signal immanent BTC meltdown?

>>4634 AG Merrick Garland names Robert Hur special counsel to probe Biden classified docs

>>4635 @elonmusk Starship launch attempt soon

>>4636 JPMorgan shutters website it paid $175 million for

>>4640 How to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) on someone in cardiac arrest

>>4641 @EmeraldRobinson So @SenatorRisch did the right thing by declining to associate with the globalist tyrants at Davos.


>>4645 Lisa Marie Presley (54), daughter of Elvis Presley, rushed to a hospital after possible cardiac arrest #CardiacArrest

>>4638 Brittney Griner Was Arrested For Domestic Assault Charges

>>4648 #22228


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c277d3 No.4683

File: 888bbc622f84e24⋯.png (38.24 KB,1202x617,1202:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 4290fbda7c9f41b⋯.png (36.5 KB,1194x699,398:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 26388eb8ac18224⋯.png (30.62 KB,1206x620,603:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132171 (122128ZJAN23) Notable: >>1813206, Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4684

File: 262e996d8c5307d⋯.png (95.04 KB,1173x667,51:29,Clipboard.png)

File: f7ed1dc3a57c2ad⋯.pdf (136.58 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 505e73d6f1b1fba⋯.pdf (135.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 9ea75404e63d286⋯.pdf (135.46 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 5b32e61709eba74⋯.pdf (135.29 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132174 (122128ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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Holy Shit, get this Joseph Biden, all 7 registered in FL, all seeming to be named after federal government. Says he has a PHD. Link Below.Call to freakin Digg

He's in partnership with Blinken, Muriel Bower, John Kerry, some family members, all 7 non profits opened in late 2022 Aug to Nov. Something is freaking up with this shit.

Found 7 officers









7 Florida (US)

3 president

4 [blank]








See all

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c277d3 No.4685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132190 (122131ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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Isn't it kind of fishy for the Resident Joseph Biden is in business with a lot of current and past government employees, and all these non-profits opened in and around Nov 1, 2022, Hmm like a day before the stolen documents were found.






MURIEL PHD BOWSER, vice president




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c277d3 No.4686

File: 5e57d62ff1b1b40⋯.png (329.17 KB,635x1342,635:1342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132201 (122132ZJAN23) Notable: Athlete’s manager says Jamaican authorities investigating Olympic champion noticed discrepancies

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Usain Bolt reportedly missing millions from investment accounts

Athlete’s manager says Jamaican authorities investigating

Olympic champion noticed discrepancies this week


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c277d3 No.4687

File: ba09cb37f6bb1b8⋯.png (74.19 KB,1191x794,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132211 (122133ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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Straw man


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c277d3 No.4688

File: c9af37f121e7daf⋯.jpg (43.5 KB,720x590,72:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132215 (122134ZJAN23) Notable: >>1813206, Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corona → Coronary

Latin aside, it's in plain sight in English as well.

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c277d3 No.4689

File: 5afb94049c5e816⋯.png (119.83 KB,1522x652,761:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132217 (122134ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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Go check it out yourself, it's a real website and it returns real information like I posted earlier on Hunter. Are you dense or something

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c277d3 No.4690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132218 (122134ZJAN23) Notable: Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yup. A shell corporation for scammy irregular behavior.

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c277d3 No.4691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132225 (122136ZJAN23) Notable: Owasco DIG, con't.

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The Grand Lodge of the USA… only exists in this filing, is what I'm saying. It's a dummy corp.

There is no "Grand Lodge of the USA" other than this dummy corp. Make sense?

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c277d3 No.4692

File: 55ee909db8daebd⋯.png (119.66 KB,283x406,283:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 41f7244bffed896⋯.png (114.15 KB,279x409,279:409,Clipboard.png)

File: a35fdbd97353f3b⋯.png (374.11 KB,515x587,515:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132251 (122140ZJAN23) Notable: Owasco DIG, con't.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The bee is on fire today.

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c277d3 No.4693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132278 (122144ZJAN23) Notable: Owasco DIG, con't.

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They are probably all dummy corps,why open all of the them in Nov 2022, and one or so in August 2022?

Here's the link to look up on name and corporation, foundation, non-profit etc.


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c277d3 No.4694

File: 3226b5a33ce9448⋯.png (99.24 KB,1556x770,778:385,Clipboard.png)

File: a956ddfdd8a8cbe⋯.png (19.79 KB,663x242,663:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132279 (122144ZJAN23) Notable: Owasco DIG, con't.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's real


GRAND LODGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION INC is an Active company incorporated on August 4, 2022 with the registered number N22000008969. This Domestic Non Profit company is located at 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW, 1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, DC, 20500, US and has been running for one year. There are currently three active principals.


US Businesses Companies in Florida Miami-dade County Companies

Company name




Filed Number


FEI Number

Date of Incorporation

August 4, 2022

Age - 1 years

Home State


Company Type

Domestic Non Profit


Principal Address


1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, DC, 20500, US


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c277d3 No.4695

File: 0500302ff894933⋯.png (300.11 KB,598x617,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132345 (122153ZJAN23) Notable: Mint Press: Israel is violently suppressing protests by orthodox anti-Zionist Jews…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israel is violently suppressing protests by orthodox anti-Zionist Jews…


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c277d3 No.4696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132375 (122158ZJAN23) Notable: #22229

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>4649, >>4650, >>4652, >>4655 DOJ confirms a THIRD discovery of classified documents that were mishandled by Joe Biden

>>4651, >>4657 US Aid to Ukraine

>>4653, >>4654, , >>4658 Lisa Marie Presley, 54, suffers cardiac arrest

>>4656 Press time at the WH - kek

>>4659, >>4663 Former Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Has Been Selected to Fill Ben Sasse’s Vacant Senate Seat.

>>4660 Russia releases U.S. Navy veteran into Poland - J Post

>>4661, >>4665 Former ESPN employees sue over vax mandate

>>4662 Why does Klaus Schwab needs 5000 military men to protect the #WEF meeting this year?

>>4664 Biden and White House Lawyer Failed to Publicly Disclose Dec 20 Discovery of Classified Documents in Corvette Garage

>>4666 Biden on Thursday paid tribute to former defense sec'y Ashton B. Carter

>>4667 "The Carter Center" - a supposedly non-partisan election monitoring group

>>4668 Guitar legend Jeff Beck dies suddenly at age 78

>>4669 Lightfoot responds after campaign emails Chicago teachers for student volunteers

>>4670 Kamala fascinated with school buses - dank keks

>>4671, >>4677, >>>/qresearch/1813206, >>4680, >>4683, >>4688 Does "Cor ona virus = heart attack virus?

>>4672 Alexanda Kotey, aka “ISIS Beatle George” No Longer Listed in U.S. Bureau of Prisons Custody

>>4673 Passion of the Christ sequel to begin filming this spring

>>4674, >>4684, >>4685, >>4687, >>4690, >>4689 Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

>>4691, >>4692, >>4693, >>4694 Owasco DIG, con't.

>>4675 Did US Coast Guard have Pre-Written Denials For Vaccine Exemption Requests?

>>4676 HighWire on some of the incentives used to promote the vax

>>4678, >>4681 Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake’s 2022 Election Case

>>4679 Roomba's manufacturer iRobot is now facing a massive lawsuit due to "sensitive images"

>>4686 Athlete’s manager says Jamaican authorities investigating Olympic champion noticed discrepancies

>>4695 Mint Press: Israel is violently suppressing protests by orthodox anti-Zionist Jews…



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c277d3 No.4697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132439 (122208ZJAN23) Notable: Grand Lodge Biden non profit digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From LB


Company Number


Native Company Number




Incorporation Date

11 October 2022 (3 months ago)

Company Type

Non-Profit Corporation


District of Columbia (US)

Registered Address

150 SE 2ND AVENUE 1110, 150 SE 2ND AVENUE 1110




United States

Agent Name


Agent Address

1629 K STREET NW, SUITE 300-H, WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20006

Directors / Officers


COHEN, ROBERTO, incorporator

Registry Page


Source District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, https://corponline.dcra.dc.gov/BizEnt…, 30 Dec 2022

Latest Events


Addition of officer 3H AGENT SERVICES, INC, agent


Addition of officer COHEN, ROBERTO, incorporator



See all events


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c277d3 No.4698

File: 3ef31267a5006ae⋯.png (10.75 KB,438x142,219:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 53de32457773198⋯.png (53.39 KB,585x409,585:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132448 (122209ZJAN23) Notable: Pedo Pete is back on the menu, it's Joever!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>4649 lb

>>>/qresearch/18132197 lb


Underage family member?

FBI can no longer attempt to shelter [protect] the Biden's?

Public awareness kills all protections.

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c277d3 No.4699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132451 (122210ZJAN23) Notable: Grand Lodge Biden non profit digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








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COHEN, ROBERTO, incorporator

See all

Last updated October 12 2022, 12.25PM (3 months ago)

Similarly named officers

Found 3157. Showing first 30

3H AGENT SERVICES ,INC, agent, 29 Sep 2010- , United States flag branch FROST SPECIALTY INC. (New Mexico (US), 29 Sep 2010- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch Galileo Insurance Services LLC (Montana (US), 18 Dec 2017- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch FROST SPECIALTY INC. (Montana (US), 3 Feb 2011- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch THE MARSHALL HARADEN GROUP, INC. (Montana (US), 23 May 2016- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag inactive branch Golden Eagle Insurance, Inc. (Montana (US), 28 Jun 2018-24 Sep 2020)

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch ARAN INSURANCE AGENCY OF ARIZONA LLC (Montana (US), 30 May 2013- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch CIRRATA PARTERNS INSURANCE AGENCY LLC (Arizona (US), 29 Nov 2019- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag branch WALTER B. HOWE, INC. (Arizona (US), 24 Sep 2002- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, registered agent, United States flag branch EPSILON GLOBAL INC. (New York (US), 21 May 2013- )

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag inactive branch RYAN-ST MARIE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. (Washington (US), 20 Sep 2004-26 Apr 2011)

3H AGENT SERVICES INC, agent, United States flag inactive branch PORTAL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. (Washington (US), 17 Apr 2007- 1 Oct 2009)

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c277d3 No.4700

File: 3b06f8a79c563b0⋯.png (461.54 KB,953x805,953:805,Clipboard.png)

File: d0dd07cb53b31e7⋯.png (487.47 KB,710x1536,355:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c780eb8494a07a⋯.png (968.66 KB,977x941,977:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132491 (122215ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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Right now anon thinks that the suicide of the nyt reporter who also worked for AP and other major media companies is a bigger story then just a 44 year old reporter committing suicide.

The thread to follow is his story around SBF AND FTX plus the SDNY and the criminals who have been laundering money via crypto and all the illegal printing of money by the federal reserve to allow BLACKROCK to buy up all the assets and strip America of resources on the behalf of the W.E.F and their Global plan of corporate control via the coming E.S.G (Think Atlas Shrugged).

Anons almonds say this needs further research

New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

By Alexandra Steigrad

January 10, 2023 5:08pm Updated



New York Times political columnist Blake Hounshell died after a “battle with depression,” the paper revealed Tuesday.

He was 44.

New York Times editor-in-chief Joe Kahn and managing editor Carolyn Ryan informed staff via email that Hounshell, who joined the newspaper in 2021, “tragically passed away” from an apparent suicide.

“Blake was a dedicated journalist who quickly distinguished himself as our lead politics newsletter writer. He became an indispensible and always insightful voice in the report during a busy election cycle,” the editors wrote. “We’ve lost a valuable colleague and this is a heartbreaking loss to our team.”

The Times shared a statement from Hounshell’s family, which read: “It was with great sorrow that we have to inform you that Blake has suddenly died this morning after a long and courageous battle with depression. His wife, Sandy, and two children are in our thoughts and prayers, and ask for respect and privacy at this time.”

A rep for the Times did not comment further.

A prolific writer, Hounshell’s most recent column, “Death Penalty in California is a Puzzle for Newsom,” appeared on the Times’ website Monday.

The columnist penned the paper’s “On Politics” newsletter, covering topics like the Republican Party’s struggle to win over Gen Z voters, the fallout from the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX exchange and the struggle to elect Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House.

Hounshell joined the Times from Politico, where he served as managing editor for Washington and politics. He spent eight years there, overseeing coverage of Congress, the White House, the judiciary, national security and defense, among other things. Prior to Politico, Hounshell was the managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine.

A native of Pittsburgh, Hounshell was a self-proclaimed “politics junkie,” the Times wrote in a statement when they hired him.

Hounshell, who graduated from Yale University in 2002, got his start in journalism after a stint in Cairo, Egypt, studying Arabic, the Times said. He was a finalist for a Livingston Award in 2011 for his reporting on the Arab uprisings that year.


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c277d3 No.4701

File: cdccb9092a7e698⋯.png (782.32 KB,936x526,468:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132504 (122217ZJAN23) Notable: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Vows to Release ALL J6 Footage

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BOOM! Speaker Kevin McCarthy Vows to Release ALL J6 Footage(VIDEO)

January 12, 2023 at 3:00pm

Thank you, Matt Gaetz. It looks like Kevin McCarthy has discovered a spine (for now) and wants to get to the truth of what really happened on January 6th and deliver justice for the persecuted prisoners.

McCarthy was speaking to reporters today on Capitol Hill when he was asked about Matt Gaetz’s pledge to release all 14,000 hours of January 6th footage. The answer McCarthy gave should qualify as music to the ears of every conservative.



I think the American public should actually see all what happened instead of a report written for political basis.

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c277d3 No.4702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132509 (122218ZJAN23) Notable: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Vows to Release ALL J6 Footage

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>>4701 (me)

sauce : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/boom-speaker-kevin-mccarthy-says-wants-release-j6-footage-video/

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c277d3 No.4703

File: d3d3924d1f905c0⋯.png (667.08 KB,1024x547,1024:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f2da8a296b231⋯.png (457.13 KB,670x865,134:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132512 (122218ZJAN23) Notable: Explosive New Report Links Hunter Biden to the Classified Documents Found in Joe Biden's Garage

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Explosive New Report Links Hunter Biden to the Classified Documents Found in Joe Biden's Garage


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c277d3 No.4704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132522 (122219ZJAN23) Notable: Release the memes

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KJP "the documents were 'inadvertently misplaced'''


Joe never should have had possession of classified documents outside the SCIF

how did they get in his possession?

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c277d3 No.4705

File: 625edfb68a2b6da⋯.png (2.04 MB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132533 (122221ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car

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Everyone is focused on Biden's corvette right now so I thought I'd remind them that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car and I'm supposed to just think that's normal?



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c277d3 No.4706

File: fcef8e1c670573f⋯.png (636.38 KB,520x938,260:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132543 (122223ZJAN23) Notable: Release the memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4707

File: 8f1179cb828c01f⋯.png (241.17 KB,1077x692,1077:692,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3d81f9ba93a63⋯.png (251.33 KB,768x552,32:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132549 (122224ZJAN23) Notable: Hur resigns as Maryland’s U.S. attorney, a “prosecutor of the highest caliber and integrity”

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Special Counsel, Robert Hur,

not ben hur


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c277d3 No.4708

File: 21a6c3207f87bc5⋯.jpeg (82.55 KB,542x1024,271:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33352675322f23c⋯.png (30.71 KB,672x181,672:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132550 (122224ZJAN23) Notable: Synagogue of Satan mentioned

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At this point nothing you say was going to change the outcome. You can unleash all your hatred against me, and still, we will overcome.

Dark to Light.

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c277d3 No.4709

File: 7bd98bc1bb9debc⋯.png (142.33 KB,1241x796,1241:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132566 (122226ZJAN23) Notable: Hur resigns as Maryland’s U.S. attorney, a “prosecutor of the highest caliber and integrity”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Outgoing Republican Gov. Larry Hogan on Thursday called Hur a “prosecutor of the highest caliber and integrity,” adding that he’d made him chair of his Asian American Hate Crimes Workgroup.

“I have faith in his ability to get the facts and hold power to account,” Hogan said. “In this country, no one is above the law.”

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat, told The Baltimore Sun that Hur is a “true professional” and he has confidence in his integrity, independence and competency to conduct the investigation.

“He was very open with us, very responsive and has a great reputation,” Cardin said Thursday. “We are very proud to support his nomination.”

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c277d3 No.4710

File: 4535c59a3b30aee⋯.png (100.83 KB,1357x703,1357:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c23471f6052c18⋯.png (140.82 KB,858x797,858:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)


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Note: Cannot find anything thing on the wayback machine either, completely scrubbed.

corp o7



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c277d3 No.4711

File: 2248469fda452c4⋯.png (211.19 KB,767x745,767:745,Clipboard.png)

File: 8729850f40ba0b5⋯.png (37.43 KB,747x244,747:244,Clipboard.png)

File: ae5242b028f335b⋯.png (616.94 KB,757x746,757:746,Clipboard.png)

File: bcf07352357f90f⋯.png (29.75 KB,594x387,66:43,Clipboard.png)

File: c604b32ae9395ff⋯.png (91.23 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132569 (122226ZJAN23) Notable: OWASCO Finger Lakes? Hunter tattoo?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4712

File: 2fd587cdbae1947⋯.jpeg (931.71 KB,1284x1428,107:119,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3286ed37ed9a45f⋯.png (708.09 KB,721x697,721:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132583 (122229ZJAN23) Notable: OWASCO Finger Lakes? Hunter tattoo?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Finger Lakes?

Hunter tattoo?

[C] removed C from “Butt Her Emails” Classified

[D] Documents

C before D means Classified Documents marker before The Storm ☔️ hits. #NCSWIC

Stormy 🌊 ⛈️ and comfy. Popcorn 🍿 on top 🔝

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c277d3 No.4713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132586 (122230ZJAN23) Notable: Antony John Blinken–SOS, ACTION AGAINST ABDUCTION nonprofit dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Antony John Blinken–SOS, look at the org he is involved in. Anons interested in digging on the officers and mgmt of this org, I wonder if HRC is related?


Company Number


Other Identifiers

England & Wales Charity Number: 1081904



Incorporation Date

16 June 1999 (over 23 years ago)

Company Type

Private limited by guarantee without share capital, use of 'Limited' exemption


United Kingdom

Registered Address

C/O Glazier Design 2nd Floor

40 Mortimer Street




Latest Accounts Date


Annual Return Last Made Up Date


Previous Names




Directors / Officers

ANNE BUJON DE L'ESTANG, director, 13 May 2003-

BENEDICT HUGH GLAZIER, director, 27 Sep 2013-

BENJAMIN NEVILLE WRIGHT, director, 22 Nov 2022-

GEOFF NEWISS, director, 20 Dec 2017-

JACQUELINE HALTON, director, 20 Dec 2017-

TIMOTHY JAMES TOULMIN, director, 1 Jun 2013-

Inactive Directors / Officers

ADRIAN JOHN OLDFIELD, director, 23 Mar 2004-21 Jul 2016

AMANDA JANE SAYERS, director, 28 Jul 2010-31 May 2013

ANNE LEACH, director, 16 Jun 1999-28 Feb 2001

ANTONY JOHN BLINKEN, director, 30 Mar 2001-25 Sep 2002

BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD, director, 9 Mar 2004-16 Jan 2014

CATHERINE B REYNOLDS, director, 30 Mar 2001- 5 Aug 2002

CHRISTOPHER JOHN ROME MEYER, director, 1 Dec 2009- 8 Apr 2015

DAVID CHARLES WARNER, secretary, 5 Oct 2001-14 Apr 2004

DAVID CHARLES WARNER, director, 30 Mar 2001- 7 Jun 2011

DEBORAH JUNE HODGES, director, 10 Jan 2001- 5 Aug 2003

ERNEST EUGENE ALLEN, director, 16 Jun 1999- 7 Sep 2011

EVETTE HUNTLEY BRANSON, director, 16 Jun 1999-10 Jan 2001

GREGA GUSTAFSON DALY, director, 1 Feb 2003-10 Jul 2008

HAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED, secretary, 14 Apr 2004-12 Apr 2012

HAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED, secretary, 16 Jun 1999- 5 Oct 2001

IVVET MODINOU, director, 21 Jul 2016-20 Dec 2017

JACQUELINE CLAIRE CIROTA, director, 12 Feb 2015-20 Dec 2017

JAMES KARL GAMBLE, director, 1 Oct 2010-12 Dec 2012

JUDITH ANNE FIELDING, director, 28 Nov 2000- 6 Dec 2001

JULIA MARY LANGDON, director, 28 Nov 2000- 6 Dec 2001

MARK STEVEN BERGMAN, director, 28 Jul 2008-20 Dec 2017

NICHOLAS JAMES TIMOTHY, director, 14 May 2015-20 Dec 2017

NICOLETTE DE JONCAIRE NARTEN, director, 28 Nov 2000-12 Jul 2001

RUTH GIRARDET, director, 8 May 2014- 7 Oct 2015

STEPHEN ANTHONY OTTER QPM, director, 14 Jan 2016-14 Oct 2016

TERESA MARGARET SELWYN, secretary, 12 Apr 2012-19 Jun 2013

VIVIEN LOUISE DUFFIELD, director, 1 Feb 2003-20 Dec 2007


Source UK Companies House, http://xmlgw.companieshouse.gov.uk/, 15 Dec 2022 (UK Crown Copyright)


Official Register Entries

England & Wales Charity Register entry

register id: 1081904

Financial Summary

	2016-12-31 	2017-12-31

Current assets 	£42,223 	£1,698

See Full Accounts filing

Latest Events


Addition of officer GEOFF NEWISS, director


Removal of officer JACQUELINE CLAIRE CIROTA, director


Removal of officer MARK STEVEN BERGMAN, director

ANTONY J. BLINKEN dos process agent, United States flag

STARFROMTHESTART LLC (New York (US), 8 Mar 2021- )

inactive ANTONY JOHN BLINKEN director, United Kingdom flag nonprofit ACTION AGAINST ABDUCTION (United Kingdom, 16 Jun 1999- )




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c277d3 No.4714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132587 (122230ZJAN23) Notable: Canada, Mexico win trade dispute with U.S. over auto parts, Back to NAFTA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Canada, Mexico win trade dispute with U.S. over auto parts

Back to NAFTA

#End CompartMentalization


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c277d3 No.4715

File: 5d2b153d1fe4df0⋯.png (279.85 KB,1725x948,575:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132596 (122231ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Even his Wikipedia page has minimal information


Early life and education

Hounshell was born as Bernard Blakeman Hounshell in California on September 4, 1978[1] and had two siblings.[2] He grew up in Delaware and Pittsburgh and graduated from Yale University in 2002 after studying political science.[3][1]

After graduation, Hounshell moved to Egypt to study, and learn Arabic.[2]


In Cairo, Hounshell worked at the human-rights focussed[4] Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies think tank founded by Saad Eddin Ibrahim.[2]

Hounshell edited The New York Times' On Politics newsletter[5] after joining the newspaper in October 2021.[6] He previously worked as a managing editor at Politico[7] after starting his journalism career at Foreign Policy in 2006.[8] At Politico, Hounshell was instrumental in launching the national security newsletter, the NatSec Daily.[9]

Foreign Policy won the Media Industry Newsletter's Best of the Web award in 2008, under his leadership.[3]

Hounshell's Twitter account was identified by Time Magazine as one of the 140 best of 2011.[3] The same year, his reporting on the Arab Spring made him a Livingston Awards for Young Journalists finalist.[1]

Hounshell co-edited Ricardo Lagos's 2012 memoir Southern Tiger: Chile's Fight for a Democratic and Prosperous Future.[3]

Personal life and death

Hounshell met musician and consultant Sandy Choi while working in Cairo; they moved to Washington D.C. in the 2000s, married,[2] and had two children.[1] He survived a stroke in 2020.[2]

Hounshell died by suicide[10] on January 10, 2023,[5][6] aged 44.[1] Police found his body near the Taft Bridge.[1][11] Hounshell's family released a statement that he had died "after a long and courageous battle with depression."[1]

Following his death, Joe Kahn and Carolyn Ryan of The New York Times wrote that Hounshell "was a dedicated journalist who quickly distinguished himself as our lead politics newsletter writer and a gifted observer of our country's political scene."[11]

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c277d3 No.4716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132597 (122231ZJAN23) Notable: OWASCO Finger Lakes? Hunter tattoo?

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adding link/search sauce:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4717

File: ad6c6f9f528d43d⋯.png (122.62 KB,353x454,353:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132598 (122231ZJAN23) Notable: No mention of a holocaust from 1948 to 1959

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No mention of a holocaust from 1948 to 1959


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4718

File: 7e7f6fecf226fea⋯.png (687.81 KB,1346x752,673:376,Clipboard.png)

File: e2b1fc9d5282d2d⋯.png (258.2 KB,610x678,305:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 18c5233d602a06f⋯.png (48.71 KB,1055x439,1055:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 48f6144c3453ae6⋯.png (217.61 KB,339x424,339:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c5cd58a2659d91⋯.png (2.36 MB,1003x1476,1003:1476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132600 (122232ZJAN23) Notable: Kash on Warroom

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This shit is pretty coordinated

>over the last week

Goodwin Win Win [15]

1st batch of Classified Potato Docs

Dana Remus involved in finding Penn Biden Center docs.

Dana Remus worked for Obama Foundation who tried to hide Huseein Presidential Records.

2nd Batch of Classified Potato Docs

Garland today announces assigning robert Hur as Special Counsel to investigate Potato

Twitter Files Today > #RelaseTheMemo

Kash on Warroom

Hur worked as principal deputy to Rod Rosenstein and tried to coverup and hide information about the Nunes memo.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132615 (122234ZJAN23) Notable: Ayyy Lmao

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You did not come here to be told what to do and to conform to society. You did not come here to fit in. You came here to learn, to discern for yourself what is and is not true. You came here to come into your own power and then to change things.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4720

File: 644950789e1024d⋯.pdf (237.65 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 3b6d5c82d27d4b2⋯.pdf (84.6 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 40cefbf877375b7⋯.pdf (72.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132621 (122236ZJAN23) Notable: Anon worked briefly in big pharma. advises Epilepsy anons avoid all synthetic meds patented in past 45yrs, esp maBs.

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>>4569 pb

>Epilepsy ANON

here are a few items i found for a cuz a few yrs back. anon worked briefly in big pharma. advises you avoid all synthetic meds patented in past 45yrs, esp maBs.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132660 (122243ZJAN23) Notable: Ayyy Lmao

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Everyone who is currently living on Earth and is also awake from a spiritual perspective, has earned the title of Master. It is very likely that in due time, you will be invited to start teaching other Earth humans or possibly galactics, for you have much to offer.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4722

File: 005888be95f63c2⋯.png (656.99 KB,958x789,958:789,Clipboard.png)

File: be8e4c9790f1d31⋯.png (1.51 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f2997755a1f230⋯.png (1.19 MB,1536x1358,768:679,Clipboard.png)

File: b3e6b1c2f2a195a⋯.png (1.13 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d5dee4b0d0f7e9⋯.png (193.49 KB,1073x775,1073:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132670 (122245ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX pals ran ‘massive, multi-year’ crypto fraud: SEC



A damning civil complaint filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this week against Caroline Ellison and FTX co-founder Gary Wang includes elaborate details of disgraced crypto bro Sam Bankman-Fried’s “massive, years-long fraud” that allegedly saw him diverting customer funds to maintain his hedge fund.

In the complaint dated Dec. 21, the SEC claimed Ellison and Wang– both of whom pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges related to the ongoing scandal this week – knew Bankman-Fried was misleading customers about FTX’s risk profile.

In addition to using customer funds to “make undisclosed venture investments, lavish real estate purchases, and large political donations,” Bankman-Fried also owned 90% of Alameda Research, the crypto hedge fund where Ellison, his former girlfriend, served as co-CEO from 2021 through last month.

Wang, who co-founded FTX in 2019 with Bankman-Fried and Nishad Singh, owned the other 10 percent of the company.

According to Bloomberg, testimony from Wang, who was FTX’s Chief Technology Officer, could be particularly damaging to Bankman-Fried’s claims he was tricked into running the scheme by his associates.

“I expect it will be more difficult for him to claim he had no knowledge of what Wang was up to,” Sarah Paul, a former federal prosecutor in New York, told the outlet.

Per the SEC’s complaint, Bankman-Fried gave Alameda special privileges on the FTX platform, including a “virtually unlimited ‘line of credit’” funded by the latter’s customers.

Thus, when Alameda was unable to meet loan obligations following a downturn in crypto asset prices in May 2022, Bankman-Fried allegedly directed Ellison to divert FTX customer assets to pay off the hedge fund’s debts.

Meanwhile, both Bankman-Fried and Ellison publicly denied Alameda received special treatment from FTX. “‘We’re at arm’s length and don’t get any different treatment from other market makers,’” Ellison is quoted telling Bloomberg in Sept. 2022.

Bankman-Fried’s “house of cards” also entailed securities fraud regarding FTT, the exchange token issued by FTX in 2019.

Despite Bankman-Fried’s assurances to investors the exchange was not exposed to the tokens, he allowed Ellison to manipulate FTT’s prices, thereby inflating the value of Alameda’s collateral in order to secure billions of dollars from third-party lenders.

Bankman-Fried, Ellison, and Wang were all aware that FTX investors became more vulnerable to crypto markets as Alameda increased its borrowing backed by FTT collateral.

Throughout 2020, 2021, and into 2022, Bankman-Fried also reportedly commingled funds from Alameda to make political donations and purchase “tens of millions of dollars” in Bahamian real estate.

The fraud allegedly continued through the final days before FTX and Alameda filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Nov. 11.

“Even…faced with billions of dollars in customer withdrawal demands that FTX could not fulfill, Bankman-Fried and Ellison, with Wang’s knowledge, misled investors from whom they needed money to plug a multi-billion-dollar hole,” the complaint reads.

The system finally caved in on Nov. 9, after crypto exchange Binance backed out of a bid to acquire FTX and customers withdrew $5 billion from the platform. Bankman-Fried briefly sought emergency funding to cover FTX’s $8 billion shortfall before resigning from his position the following day.

The blistering content of the SEC filing is merely the latest twist in the FTX saga. After his arrest in the Bahamas earlier this month, Bankman-Fried was extradited to the U.S. this week and was subsequently released on a record-breaking $250 million bond.

The MIT grad is currently holed up at his parents’ Palo Alto home and is due back in court in January. If convicted on all charges, he faces over 115 years behind bars.


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c277d3 No.4723

File: c517876ee666b9d⋯.png (399.56 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132691 (122248ZJAN23) Notable: Seven Nations Meet to Address Space Security

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Seven Nations Meet to Address Space Security

January 12, 2023


The Department of Defense participated in the annual Combined Space Operations (CSpO) Initiative Principals Board, hosted by the New Zealand Defense Force and New Zealand Ministry of Defense, December 6-8.

The annual event brought together counterparts from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with a focus on advancing collaboration and information sharing on space security topics.

CSpO is an initiative that seeks to generate and improve cooperation, coordination, and interoperability opportunities to sustain freedom of action in space, optimize resources, enhance mission assurance and resilience, and deter conflict.

During this year’s event, defense leaders emphasized the need to continue to promote a rules-based international order and responsible behaviors in space, while collaboratively addressing challenges to the safety and security of space-related operations.

Participants from the U.S. included Dr. John Plumb, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy; U.S. Space Force Gen. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations; U.S. Army GEN James Dickinson, Commander, United States Space Command; and Mr. Damon Wells, National Reconnaissance Office.

The CSpO Principals Board last met in December 2021 in the United States, reaffirming support to prevent conflicts extending to or originating in space and to hold accountable those who threaten the safety of the space environment. In February of this year, the group released the “CSpO Vision 2031,” outlining the initiative’s overarching purpose and highlights its guiding principles, including: freedom of use of space, responsible and sustainable use of space, partnering while recognizing sovereignty, and upholding international law.

These guiding principles steer the initiative’s objectives and are supported by several lines of effort, from developing and operating resilient, interoperable architectures to fostering responsible military behaviors in space and sharing intelligence and information, all leading to the pursuit of a safe, secure, and sustainable space domain.


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c277d3 No.4724

File: 25bcbf029a243e0⋯.png (61.78 KB,271x371,271:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132703 (122250ZJAN23) Notable: Friends Say Legendary Actor and Recluse Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132706 (122251ZJAN23) Notable: Ayyy Lmao

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You are loved beyond measure. Please know that even those people who die, are only losing their bodies. Their souls / consciousness are immortal, and indeed, anyone who lived on Earth during this time has gained great soul growth. Anyone who lived a good, decent life has furthermore provided a great service to the collective, that will never be forgotten.

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c277d3 No.4726

File: 2159a1ee5ffbf1b⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,620x330,62:33,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132713 (122252ZJAN23) Notable: Hur resigns as Maryland’s U.S. attorney, a “prosecutor of the highest caliber and integrity”

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Hur resigns as Maryland’s U.S. attorney

By: Steve Lash	Daily Record Legal Affairs Writer	February 3, 2021	

U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur, who had scored a series of high-profile political corruption convictions and launched anti-gang initiatives in Baltimore, is resigning as chief federal prosecutor in Maryland.

Hur said Wednesday that he will resign his post Feb. 15 and be replaced on an interim basis by assistant Jonathan F. Lenzner.

Hur’s resignation enables President Joe Biden to nominate a new U.S. attorney for Maryland, subject to U.S. Senate confirmation. Hur was appointed U.S. attorney three years ago by Donald Trump, Biden’s immediate predecessor, succeeding longtime U.S. Attorney for Maryland Rod Rosenstein.

Hur’s office had obtained convictions in several notable political corruption cases, among them:

Former Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh,

Former Baltimore City Police Commissioner Darryl DeSousa,

Former Del. Cheryl Glenn,

Former Del. Tawanna Gaines,

Members of the Baltimore City Police Department in connection with the Gun Trace Task Force investigation, and

Correctional officers at numerous state correctional facilities, including Eastern Correctional Institution, Jessup Correctional Institution, Maryland Correctional Institute Jessup, and Chesapeake Detention Facility.

Hur had also made violent crime in Baltimore a top priority, launching several initiatives aimed at curbing the historically high levels of gun violence driven by drug-trafficking organizations in the city. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies launched the Baltimore OCDETF Strike Force, aimed at disrupting and dismantling the most violent gangs and their financial infrastructure in the Baltimore metropolitan area.

“I will always be grateful to have served as U.S. Attorney and helped further the Office’s proud legacy of pursuing justice with integrity, and without fear or favor,” Hur said in a statement.

“I’m humbled by the bravery, creativity, and resilience that my colleagues have shown every day during my three years as U.S. Attorney,” he added. “Together, we’ve worked tirelessly to bring criminals to justice, protect and provide recourse to victims and witnesses, and defend our nation against adversaries both foreign and domestic. We protected our traditions of integrity and continued our commitment to justice in the face of daunting challenges, including the longest federal government shutdown ever, tragic acts of violent extremism, and a frightening pandemic.”

Hur submitted his resignation on Wednesday, two weeks to the day after Biden took office. The choice of a successor will be heavily influenced by Maryland’s two U.S. senators, Ben Cardin and Christopher Van Hollen, both Democrats.

Traditionally, the appointment of a U.S. attorney is done in consultation with a state’s two senators, and the fact that Biden, Cardin and Van Hollen are in the same party will undoubtedly make that a more collegial decision.

Under Hur’s leadership, the U.S. Attorney’s Office successfully prosecuted Christopher Hasson, a former Coast Guard officer who amassed an arsenal of weapons in preparation for violence inspired by extremist, white-supremacist views.

Prosecutors also had charged Rondell Henry with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), in connection with his plans to drive a motor vehicle into crowds and inflict mass civilian casualties at National Harbor.

Hur had worked closely with Rod Rosenstein while Rosenstein was the deputy attorney general at Justice Department headquarters and previously in Maryland, and he had been a special assistant to now-FBI director Christopher Wray.

Before becoming an aide to Rosenstein, Hur was a partner at King & Spalding LLP in Washington, handling criminal and regulatory cases before federal agencies including the Justice Department and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

A graduate of Harvard College and Stanford Law School, Hur started his career as a law clerk to former Chief Justice of the United States William Rehnquist.


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c277d3 No.4727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132719 (122252ZJAN23) Notable: Ayyy Lmao

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To add: the actions of the current Light workers will never be forgotten, period, whether they live or die. Stories about Earth’s liberation will be told and remembered millennia from now, and it will be known that it was Earth’s lightworkers who played a pivotal and indispensable role.

To add yet one more point: you can think of being a lightworker on Earth as being an absolutely amazing thing to be able to put on your soul’s resume. After this life, many of you will be able to pick nearly any follow-up life or existence you wish, because with your experience, your presence will be in very high demand in very many places and realms. You are loved and you are doing great.

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c277d3 No.4728

File: c53699eac8e30dc⋯.png (442.02 KB,1042x1016,521:508,Clipboard.png)

File: c2f7633eb8fc9cb⋯.png (842.11 KB,1084x2488,271:622,Clipboard.png)

File: de86731670d1449⋯.png (1.21 MB,1324x1478,662:739,Clipboard.png)

File: d58164c42661355⋯.png (1.12 MB,1862x1074,931:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 9de8f1e31a2f962⋯.png (1.12 MB,1862x1074,931:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132740 (122256ZJAN23) Notable: Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

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Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

The Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Tue Dec 20, 2022 - 10:01 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — A large scandal has been created, as well as discouragement, upon learning the news of the gala event hosted by President Donald J. Trump for openly homosexual supporters of the Republican Party.

This endorsement of LGBT ideology is even more serious if one considers that, only two days previously, Joe Biden signed the “Respect for Marriage Act” which recognizes the legal validity of so-called homosexual marriages in the United States, in violation of the Natural Law and also the Law of God.

The Democratic Party is totally anti-Christian and obstinately determined to implement the globalist agenda of the New World Order.

On the other hand, the Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good.

American Catholics find themselves today in the impossible situation of being represented by a political class that is revealing itself to be completely incapable of representing and expressing Catholic convictions in moral and religious matters.

This causes voters to become disaffected, which is added to electoral fraud and scandals that are emerging about media censorship and the manipulation of electoral consensus.

Up until now, certain aspects of the political platform of the Republican Party were able to be overlooked to some extent due to the much more serious threat embodied by the Democratic Party.

But it is now evident that the action of the deep state has contaminated the entire political elite without distinction, even involving Donald Trump, who up until now seemed to be a source of hope for the future of the United States.

A nation that offends the Law of God cannot hope to be blessed by the Lord, and those who support sinful lifestyles ought to think of the Judgment that awaits them rather than pleasing those who are corrupt in a calculated effort to win votes.

This nonchalance in political action by Republicans is no less harmful than the open opposition to the perennial Magisterium of the Church on the part of Democrats.

I urge American Catholics to pray, asking the Lord to enlighten politicians of sound principles, urging them to fight with courageous commitment for the defense of the Natural Law and the Commandments of God.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,

former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

December 20, 2022


READ: Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law



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c277d3 No.4729

File: b042fb46eac5de1⋯.png (465.02 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)


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Two Twitter accounts, one personal, one work



Last tweet on "personal" July 2, 2022

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4730

File: 1de381051db5cfe⋯.png (37.94 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e30f45c05139d⋯.png (378.27 KB,1200x956,300:239,Clipboard.png)

File: ebf655ca3a38282⋯.png (103.14 KB,284x317,284:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132765 (122301ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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Around the same time, biden went on holidays to the bahamas, which is close to the virgin islands, and if anon remembers the A.G who tried to investigate the J.P Morgan ties to Epstein got fired!!

>Throughout 2020, 2021, and into 2022, Bankman-Fried also reportedly commingled funds from Alameda to make political donations and purchase “tens of millions of dollars” in Bahamian real estate.

Biden vacations in Virgin Islands as Americans face problems at home

Issues include the border crisis, inflation and a deadly winter storm



US Virgin Islands district attorney fired days after suing JP Morgan Chase over Jeffrey Epstein ties

Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan said he had ‘relieved’ Denise George of her duties amid reports he was unaware of a lawsuit filed against JP Morgan Chase

Bevan Hurley

Monday 02 January 2023 18:51


The US Virgin Islands’ top prosecutor has lost her job days after filing a lawsuit accusing financial giant JP Morgan Chase of turning a “blind eye” to Jeffrey Epstein’s multi-decade sex trafficking operation.

Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit in Manhattan last week alleging that the Wall St giant “provided and pulled the levers through which recruiters and victims” of Epstein’s offending were paid in the court filing, according to Bloomberg.

On New Year’s Eve, Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan confirmed to several news outlets on the island that Ms George had been removed from her role amid reports he had been blindsided by the lawsuit.

“I relieved Denise George of her duties as attorney general this weekend,” Mr Bryan said in a statement to The Independent on Monday.

“I thank her for her service to the people of the territory during the past four years as attorney general and wish her the best in her future endeavours.”

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c277d3 No.4731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132776 (122303ZJAN23) Notable: Ayyy Lmao

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Collective Consciousness / WWG1WGA

We wish to remind you that every Earth human is connected through a collective subconscious. This means that much pain and turmoil and fear that you are experiencing actually is not yours. So if you think thoughts like: “why am I so messed up”, then please know that a part of the turmoil you’re dealing with is not actually yours. Instead you’re helping to transform the collective’s turmoil into light, and in doing so, you are doing a great service indeed. This is also part of why even if you don’t think you are doing anything to help Earth humans, you in fact are.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4732

File: 24664994a834b11⋯.png (978.28 KB,1420x787,1420:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f0ca7e2207f7bb⋯.png (401.44 KB,649x369,649:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132790 (122305ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS Update: Japanese PM Kishida and crew heading to DC from Ottawa, SAM activity update-some odd roundies over Sacto, CA and Pueblo CO

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Planefag CONUS Update:Japanese PM Kishida and crew heading to DC fro Ottawa, SAM activity update-some odd roundies over Sacto, CA and Pueblo CO and some Papas equipment C-17 activity, drone activity off SoCal

>>>/qresearch/18128249, >>4376, >>4314, >>4420, >>>/qresearch/18128249 pb

JASDF JF001 and 002-just taking off- 777s heading to JBA from Ottawa Int'l after meeting with Trudope-Potato and NASA tomorrow with Blinken/Rahm Emanuel

Two SAMs here, 037 and 993 with some odd roundies-see below-see this when they are VENUS (non VIP or empty) but not very often as SAMs

Special Air Mission

SAM037 C-40B heading to Phoenix after a fly by at Peterson SFB and some roundies at Pueblo Memorial Airport, CO (mebby they picked up some free Gov't pamphlets), SAM993 C-40B did roundies at Sacramento Int'l Airport-about 6 and another 6 at Travis then stopped for a little less than 2 h and NE nao, MANGO65 G5Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aquilinoarrived at Nellis AFB from Ft. Worth JRB >>4607 lb and was at Nellis last Sunday and left Monday to Augusta Regional Airport,GA-call cahnge yesterday on flight from Toledo to Ft. Worth SPAR65 to current of MANGO65

RCH4600 C-17 arriving at JBA from Mexico City depart (moar papas equipment 4207 going to and 4125 heading back), , SAM917 G5 stopped at Montrose Regional Airport -C) for about an hour and now on ground at Dallas, Love Field, TRITON13 Q4 Drone out of Skunkworks @ 51k heading off SoCal

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c277d3 No.4733


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>>4729 (me)

Excerpt from Politco:

Most of you reading this newsletter didn’t know Blake Hounshell, but all of you were influenced by him.

He nurtured and mentored dozens of young journalists who now populate virtually every significant news organization. He plucked brilliant academics from obscurity and turned them into influential writers. He shaped the world of online political news, newsletters and social media for over a decade at Foreign Policy, POLITICO and The New York Times. He put together the current incarnation of Playbook. He helped create POLITICO Magazine. He taught beat reporters how to become longform storytellers. He relentlessly spotted and recruited new talent. He was a terrific reporter with a rare breadth of knowledge — just go read his archive of stories over the last two years at the Times.

“Blake had lots of insights,” our Sam Stein noted to us last night. “And observations. And advice. He was informed but inquisitive; hyperactive but not overbearing. Those were qualities that made him a great editor.

“What made him a brilliant one was that he loved to stir up shit. When … he hired me for the role of White House editor, he said he was eager to cause ‘some good trouble.’ He loved to push the envelope. He wanted to build: stories and newsrooms and products. And he did. Great ones. What a wonderful legacy to leave.”



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c277d3 No.4734

File: 5e4334c2253f6e2⋯.png (381.18 KB,478x491,478:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 1600485730ddfd1⋯.png (787.54 KB,982x615,982:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 2557058f1c5a1f7⋯.png (327.11 KB,627x460,627:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132798 (122307ZJAN23) Notable: York Region Police update on murdered Markham couple

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York Region Police update on murdered Markham couple


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4735

File: 5bc2ba5804f046c⋯.png (273.46 KB,598x468,23:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132811 (122309ZJAN23) Notable: CIA chief makes rare visit to Libya

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CIA chief makes rare visit to Libya




We are the news now?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132827 (122312ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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>Hounshell, info below from Wiki, but one thing stuck out, he learned Arabic, but also wrote about the uprising (color revolution conducted by Obama) of the Arab Spring. May not be any connection, but might be.

Early life and education

Hounshell was born as Bernard Blakeman Hounshell in California on September 4, 1978[1] and had two siblings.[2] He grew up in Delaware and Pittsburgh and graduated from Yale University in 2002 after studying political science.[3][1]

After graduation, Hounshell moved to Egypt to study, and learn Arabic.[2]


In Cairo, Hounshell worked at the human-rights focussed[4] Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies think tank founded by Saad Eddin Ibrahim.[2]

Hounshell edited The New York Times' On Politics newsletter[5] after joining the newspaper in October 2021.[6] He previously worked as a managing editor at Politico[7] after starting his journalism career at Foreign Policy in 2006.[8] At Politico, Hounshell was instrumental in launching the national security newsletter, the NatSec Daily.[9]

Foreign Policy won the Media Industry Newsletter's Best of the Web award in 2008, under his leadership.[3]

Hounshell's Twitter account was identified by Time Magazine as one of the 140 best of 2011.[3]The same year, his reporting on the Arab Springmade him a Livingston Awards for Young Journalists finalist.[1]

Hounshell co-edited Ricardo Lagos's 2012 memoir Southern Tiger: Chile's Fight for a Democratic and Prosperous Future.[3]

Personal life and death

Hounshell met musician and consultant Sandy Choi while working in Cairo; they moved to Washington D.C. in the 2000s, married,[2] and had two children.[1] He survived a stroke in 2020.[2]

Hounshell died by suicide[10] on January 10, 2023,[5][6] aged 44.[1] Police found his body near the Taft Bridge.[1][11]Hounshell's family released a statement that he had died "after a long and courageous battle with depression."[1]



his journalist page, he retweeted something on 1/10/23

Blake Hounshell



Jul 12, 2022

PSA: I am moving my work-related tweets over to another account, @NYTBlake

. Not sure what I'm doing with this one, but it's become a bit unwieldy. Please follow me there if you are interested in politics & news.

twitter Personal last time posted was July 14, 2022


I didn't find any articles that seemed to point to anything

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c277d3 No.4737

File: 35faf50109c6048⋯.png (532.71 KB,769x857,769:857,Clipboard.png)

File: c06ee74991b6692⋯.png (355.5 KB,773x727,773:727,Clipboard.png)

File: e4ed55d4b3de6f8⋯.png (311.91 KB,752x667,752:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132832 (122313ZJAN23) Notable: Red Castle on @NYTBlake twatter page

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Note: He was on the story of the biden documents stash at the chinese funded think tank.



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c277d3 No.4738

File: c1e6e48969645f5⋯.png (898.71 KB,847x1280,847:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132839 (122314ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit accuses former Barclays, JPMorgan exec of being a part of Jefferey Epstein's sex ring

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now we know why the lawyer that filed the suit against Chase was fired.

Is it all making sense?

Lawsuit accuses former Barclays, JPMorgan exec of being a part of Jefferey Epstein's sex ring - who they said he had a 'profound friendship' with and exchanged 1,200 emails from his work account

Jes Staley, 66, accused of having 'profound friendship' with billionaire pedophile

US Virgin Islands claims JPMorgan had a relationship with Epstein through 2012 

'Staley exchanged approximately 1,200 emails with Epstein' from work account 

During that time, the bank 'serviced approximately 55 Epstein-related accounts' 

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸


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c277d3 No.4739

File: 0a99e331ded8d1b⋯.jpg (289.91 KB,720x1480,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8f204bb74670d3⋯.jpg (268.59 KB,720x1468,180:367,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9003a08d1835df⋯.png (48.34 KB,710x632,355:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132866 (122318ZJAN23) Notable: Pedo Pete is back on the menu, it's Joever!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q done told us!

How you think they really found those documents at Creepy's house? Lausch wasn't just thrown into the mix by Garland in November now…check them dates. Huber was always the headfake for the rest.


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c277d3 No.4740

File: 757ae66983ea1b1⋯.png (276.81 KB,500x557,500:557,Clipboard.png)

File: a6c19baf9acf15f⋯.png (481.13 KB,769x857,769:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132890 (122323ZJAN23) Notable: Red Castle on @NYTBlake twatter page

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May be nothing but anon sees

1) Castle Red

2) Eyes out for Ghosts = aka spooks

just saying

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c277d3 No.4741

File: 9f569d3e7a9eed4⋯.jpg (153.61 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132895 (122324ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132905 (122326ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I posted this at the end of a recent bread, it's a quote and the source.

worth a looksee if you want to know more about Joe's bitchin' rod

"the secret service won't let me drive it" quote from:


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c277d3 No.4743

File: 4964eb7bfa3d326⋯.png (1.16 MB,1085x1280,217:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6135fd2454d85f4⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,881x549,881:549,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB,568x461,568:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e090d51ae4dcca⋯.png (130.61 KB,591x608,591:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132906 (122326ZJAN23) Notable: A few days ago WEF warned of ‘Global Cyber Attack’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A few days ago WEF warned of ‘Global Cyber Attack’. And we’ve had flights all grounded in U.S this morning because of the technical issue and now we have Royal Mail suffering a massive cyber attack. Yesterday the Danish Central bank was hit with Hackers. No coincidence. I expect more coming.



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c277d3 No.4744

File: a87157589f4d6da⋯.png (1.06 MB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 943ef1de1b73b7f⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132920 (122328ZJAN23) Notable: How Did Blake Hounshell Die? What was the cause of his death?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18132854 (me)

Hmmm, "murder" you say?


How Did Blake Hounshell Die? What was the cause of his death?

The murder of political journalist Blake Hounshell on Tuesday surprised and saddened many people. Hounshell, 44, was a prominent person in the world of journalism and worked for The New York Times for over a decade. Despite his brief life, he had an extraordinary experience that included surviving a stroke, studying Arabic in Egypt, and having a loving family. Let’s take a peek at Blake Hounshell’s extraordinary life. 

Who was Blake Hounshell?

Hounshell was born on September 4, 1978, in California to Bernard and Sylvia Hounshell. With two brothers, he grew up in Delaware and Pittsburgh. He grew raised in Delaware and Pittsburgh with two siblings. In 2002, he graduated from Yale University with a degree in political science before travelling to Egypt to learn and study Arabic. He met Sandy Choi there, and they later relocated to Washington, D.C., married, and had two children together.

Blake Hounshell Career

After graduating from Yale, Hounshell worked as an editorial assistant at Foreign Affairs magazine from 2003 to 2005 before becoming an editor at the New Republic later that year. From 2007 until 2015, he was Politico’s managing editor, where he covered domestic and international politics, foreign policy, and national security concerns. In 2015, he was named deputy editor of Politico Magazine before joining The New York Times as political editor in 2019, where he remained until his death last week at the age of 44.

Blake Hounshell’s Personal Life 

Hounshell survived a number of personal problems during his life, including surviving a stroke in 2000 while living in Cairo with Choi, who subsequently cared for him during his recuperation with his Egyptian friends there, whom they credited with saving his life. This experience taught them both valuable lessons about resilience, which helped shape both of their lives later, including when they relocated back to Washington D.C., got married years later (2008) with their Egyptian friends attending remotely via Skype due to visa requirements even after years apart since leaving Cairo, which was extremely special for them both! These same friends came over from Cairo when their first child was born! Definitely motivating!

How did Blake Hounshell die?

Blake Hounshell’s death at the age of 44 on January 10, 2023, was a terrible event for his family and friends. Police discovered his corpse near the Taft Bridge and are investigating it as a possible suicide. Blake has been suffering from depression for quite some time, according to a statement from his family. Blake Hounshell’s death is still being examined, but it goes without saying that it looks to be tied to his battle with mental illness.

January 11, 2023 By Soham Paul

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c277d3 No.4745

File: 22596e62904a95d⋯.jpeg (616.17 KB,1273x1024,1273:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d31e0f43ae0d51a⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132925 (122329ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car

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c277d3 No.4746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132927 (122329ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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>>4710 I found the articles from NYTs only can go back to Oct 23, 2022. Really limited amount of information for such an accomplished journalist, like very limited. Last article in NYT was The death penalty and Newsom

Portrait of Blake Hounshell

Blake Hounshell

Blake Hounshell is the editor of the On Politics newsletter. He previously was managing editor for Washington and politics at Politico.


Death Penalty in California Is a Puzzle for Newsom

Seeking to shut down the nation’s largest death row, the governor is proceeding with a mix of conviction and caution.

By Blake Hounshell

Jan. 9, 2023


Republicans Can’t Decide Whether to Woo or Condemn Young Voters

As Democrats keep winning millennials and Gen Z, Republicans are still debating how to get them back.

By Blake Hounshell

Jan. 6, 2023


Just What Do McCarthy’s Antagonists Want, and Why Won’t They Budge?

The Republican holdouts are showing that party leaders’ usual methods of arm-twisting no longer work. “It’s not about policies, it’s about the fight,” said one former operative.

By Blake Hounshell

Jan. 5, 2023


A Democrat’s Unusual, Up-Close View of DeSantis

Jared Moskowitz worked closely with the Florida governor as his emergency management czar. Now, he’s joining Congress.

By Blake Hounshell

Jan. 4, 2023


This Race Will Test the Limits of Democrats’ Red-State Survival Strategies

Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky is popular. Is that enough to win in a state where Democrats have struggled?

By Blake Hounshell

Jan. 3, 2023


How the Worst Fears for Democracy Were Averted in 2022

A precariously narrow but consequential slice of the electorate broke with its own voting history to reject openly extremist Republican candidates — at least partly out of concern for the health of the political system.

By Charles Homans, Jazmine Ulloa and Blake Hounshell

Dec. 24, 2022


Joe Lieberman to Kyrsten Sinema: Come on In, the Water’s Warm

Few others know quite what it’s like to infuriate the Democratic Party by leaving it.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 22, 2022


Why No One in Politics Wants to Talk About the Sam Bankman-Fried Scandal

The fallout from the crypto controversy is widely spread — and it has hit both parties.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 21, 2022


An Early Trump Backer’s Message to the Republican Party: Dump Him

Tom Marino, one of the first members of Congress to support Trump, now says the G.O.P. “has to do whatever it has to do” to get away from him.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 20, 2022


Is There Still Room in the G.O.P. for Mitch Daniels?

Allies of the wonkish, 73-year-old university president are urging him to run for Senate. It would be a fascinating political experiment.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 19, 2022


Why Democrats Feel Surprisingly Good Heading Into 2023

President Biden’s polling has ticked upward. Gas prices are down. And Republicans are at loggerheads.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 16, 2022


Why Kevin McCarthy Is Struggling to Get Republicans in Line

Only a few weeks remain for the would-be House speaker to rally enough support to take power.

By Blake Hounshell and Annie Karni

Dec. 15, 2022


DeSantis Is Showing Strength. He’s Also Vulnerable on His Right Flank.

For staunchly anti-abortion conservatives, the Florida governor’s 15-week ban doesn’t go far enough.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 14, 2022


Sinema’s Defection Gives Democrats More Heartburn Over the 2024 Senate Map

A potential mess in Arizona was an unwelcome surprise for Democrats while they were still savoring their victories in 2022.

By Blake Hounshell

Dec. 13, 2022


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c277d3 No.4747

File: 8d20d231a64ed85⋯.png (219.91 KB,828x750,138:125,Clipboard.png)

File: d4b8ea71bf4d027⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132934 (122331ZJAN23) Notable: Jean-Pierre: "We did this by the book." Reporter: "How can you say this was transparent when you sat on this information for more than two months?"

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Sounds a lot like Treason


Jean-Pierre: "We did this by the book."

Reporter: "How can you say this was transparent when you sat on this information for more than two months?"

What an absolute train wreck.

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸


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c277d3 No.4748

File: f406ac6bc0bfa96⋯.png (707.75 KB,786x739,786:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132936 (122331ZJAN23) Notable: Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal execs warned Dems of false Russian bot claims — but didn’t tell public

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal execs

warned Dems of false Russian bot claims

— but didn’t tell public

New York Post, by Jesse O'Neill

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/12/2023 4:23:20 PM

Twitter let Democrats spread a false narrative that “Russian bots” were making a Republican memo on FBI surveillance abuse trend in 2018, according to the 14th installment of the “Twitter Files,” released Thursday. The failure of the website to push back as Democrats used the bot claims to discredit findings by Rep. Devin Nunes of flaws in the Trump-Russia investigation, was “one of the more shameful episodes in the recent history of our media,” according to independent journalist and author Matt Taibbi. The conservative California Republican had submitted the report “detailing abuses by the FBI in obtaining FISA surveillance authority against Trump-connected figures”

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c277d3 No.4749

File: bc73ef7939e5fd4⋯.png (311.24 KB,622x566,311:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132943 (122332ZJAN23) Notable: CIA chief makes rare visit to Libya

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Insider Paper


NEW: CIA chief is in Libya


CIA chief in Libya after Lockerbie suspect handover - Insider Paper

CIA chief William Burns has met Libya's interim premier weeks after the authorities handed the United States a suspect in the 1988 Lockerbie

8:33 AM · Jan 12, 2023

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c277d3 No.4750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132946 (122334ZJAN23) Notable: New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’

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POLITICO Playbook: Blake Hounshell, 1978-2023

01/11/2023 06:31 AM EST


Most of you reading this newsletter didn’t know Blake Hounshell, but all of you were influenced by him.

He nurtured and mentored dozens of young journalists who now populate virtually every significant news organization. He plucked brilliant academics from obscurity and turned them into influential writers. He shaped the world of online political news, newsletters and social media for over a decade at Foreign Policy, POLITICO and The New York Times. He put together the current incarnation of Playbook. He helped create POLITICO Magazine. He taught beat reporters how to become longform storytellers. He relentlessly spotted and recruited new talent. He was a terrific reporter with a rare breadth of knowledge — just go read his archive of stories over the last two years at the Times.

“Blake had lots of insights,” our Sam Stein noted to us last night. “And observations. And advice. He was informed but inquisitive; hyperactive but not overbearing. Those were qualities that made him a great editor.

“What made him a brilliant one was that he loved to stir up shit. When … he hired me for the role of White House editor, he said he was eager to cause ‘some good trouble.’ He loved to push the envelope. He wanted to build: stories and newsrooms and products. And he did. Great ones. What a wonderful legacy to leave.”

We lost Blake yesterday. It was sudden and baffling. His friends were texting and emailing with him — about dinner plans and story ideas and a new class he was set to teach at NYU. He was tweeting. And then he was gone. He died by suicide after a long struggle with depression.

Blake was a singular figure in Washington journalism, and we asked those who knew Blake best to share some remembrances of him. We were ultimately overwhelmed by the extraordinary array of Playbookers whose lives he had touched — so many, in fact, that we’re hard-pressed to share them all here. Uncut, those tributes run to 13 pages, and we’d love to hear more still:playbook@politico.com.

— Blake displayed extraordinary journalistic talent at the highest levels of the business. Susan Glasser, who worked closely with him at Foreign Policy and POLITICO, summed him up his way:

“He was brilliant and funny and curmudgeonly. He had the viral Internet instincts of Buzzfeed married with the brains of the brainiest person you ever met. He had an evil genius for headlines and was not sorry when they made a fuss. When he went to cover the Arab spring, he promised to be careful — then promptly got arrested by the security forces as the battle for Tahrir Square raged. He read more, and more quickly, than anyone. He loved scoops. He always made things better.”

John Harris noted to us that Blake “didn’t come up through a traditional news background, covering local news and campaigns and all the rest. That made it all the more surprising what a dazzling news sensibility he possessed. His strengths were intense curiosity — he read everything — and an exhilarating ability to perceive patterns and contradictions.

“This made him a natural editor, on par with some of the best I’ve worked with. Conversation with him was a pleasing experience of being coaxed and even prodded to think more deeply — and then to write it …

“At Politico, and elsewhere, his contribution was large and his memory will be imperishable.”

Our Editor-in-Chief Matt Kaminski adds: “Where he sometimes came off as taciturn, even unapproachable, in the office or the phone, he loved conversation. … Some of the best things we did over the three years that I worked closely with him — for new newsletters, people who are our stars — came out of those conversations. He was a disruptive intellectual force, the best of POLITICO and of our profession. What a loss.”

— Blake was extraordinarily loyal to his writers. Rachael recalled: “I’d spent all night chasing a newsy Playbook top about a feud between NANCY PELOSI’s team and the White House over Build Back Better, Blake sent me a tweet of the speaker’s then-comms director DREW HAMMILL attacking my work as ‘complete trash’ — and told me to keep up the good work.

“Most importantly, Blake was a friend and a good colleague who cared. More than anything, I will remember how he always inquired after the well-being of my husband, whom he did not know personally but whom he knew struggled with his own mental health challenges. … Blake knew from experience that we all need a kind word every so often. He will be sorely missed.”

— Blake was famous for identifying untapped potential. “He was one of the first editors at POLITICO that took an interest in me,” Eugene remembered, “and believed that I could go from a video reporter who sometimes wrote stories to a White House reporter and Playbook co-author.”…


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c277d3 No.4751

File: e63196d65d9aabf⋯.png (622.65 KB,862x778,431:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132954 (122336ZJAN23) Notable: BRAZIL: Regime Planning to Deny Conservative Senators and Representatives Their Seats – 1000 “Lulag” Concentration Camp Inmates Forced to Get the Vax

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BRAZIL: Regime Planning to Deny Conservative Senators and Representatives Their Seats – 1000 “Lulag” Concentration Camp Inmates Forced to Get the Vax

By Richard Abelson

Published January 12, 2023 at 5:10pm

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c277d3 No.4752

File: d32637c88383f9d⋯.png (696.39 KB,1862x333,1862:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132960 (122337ZJAN23) Notable: How Did Blake Hounshell Die? What was the cause of his death?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


==we have the scene of the crime - taft bridge=

not much chance of surviving that fall.

wonder what the autopsy will reveal if there is one ?


>Taft Bridge

The Taft Bridge (also known as the Connecticut Avenue Bridge or William Howard Taft Bridge) is a historic bridge located in the Northwest quadrant of Washington, D.C. It carries Connecticut Avenue over the Rock Creek gorge, including Rock Creek and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, connecting the neighborhoods of Woodley Park and Kalorama. It is named after former United States president and Supreme Court Chief Justice William Howard Taft, and sits to the southwest of the Duke Ellington Bridge.[2][3]

Four statues of lions by sculptor Roland Hinton Perry, known as the Perry Lions, are placed in pairs at both ends of the bridge. On July 3, 2003, the Taft Bridge was added to the National Register of Historic Places.[1]



The Classical Revival bridge was built from 1897 to 1907. It was designed by engineer George S. Morison and architect Edward Pearce Casey.[2][3] It is an arch bridge with unreinforced concrete arches and a reinforced concrete deck. The total length of the bridge is 274.5 meters (901 ft). It has been called an "engineering tour de force" and the largest unreinforced concrete structure in the world.[4] In 1931, the bridge was renamed in honor of U.S. President William Howard Taft, who frequently walked the bridge while Chief Justice of the United States.[5]

During early planning for the Washington Metro in the 1960s, the Red Line was slated to run across the bridge to connect Dupont Circle and Woodley Park. Instead, the metro was built underground.[6]

Perry Lions

The bridge is "guarded" by four large male lions, two on each end of the bridge (each about 7 ft. x 6 ft. 6 in. x 13 ft.). Two of the lions rest on all fours with their heads tilted upwards and mouths slightly open while the other pair lie with their eyes closed, apparently sleeping. They were originally designed and sculpted by Roland Hinton Perry in 1906 out of cast concrete (the bridge as a whole is one of the first cast concrete bridges in the country) and were installed in 1907.

In 1964 the lions were restored and weatherproofed by Washington-based sculptor Renato Luccetti, although this restoration proved to be less than entirely successful. When a major rehabilitation of the bridge began in 1993, the lions, which were in very bad condition, were removed for further restoration. They are currently stored in the Air Rights Tunnel on southbound I-395. The sculptures were finally found to be beyond restoring.[7][8]

The United States Commission of Fine Arts worked with the city in the late 1990s to oversee the production of the replacement lions that now sit on the bridge. The sculptor Reinaldo Lopez-Carrizo of Professional Restoration produced molds based on the existing sculptures and photographs, and used them to cast new concrete lion sculptures that were installed on the bridge in July and August 2000.[9] The same molds were used to cast bronze lions installed at the main pedestrian entrance to the National Zoo farther north on Connecticut Avenue in 2002.[10] The white lion in the lobby of the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts is a quarter-size replica from that effort.[11]

Bairstow Eagle Lampposts

Twenty-four lampposts are equally spaced along both sides of the Taft Bridge. Created by sculptor Ernest Bairstow in 1906, the lampposts are composed of concrete bases (about 5 feet high, 8 inches deep and four feet wide) with painted iron lampposts (about 17 feet high and 4 wide) set in them. The pedestals are decorated with garland and a fluted column featuring acanthus leaves at the top and bottom. Above the leaves is a horizontal bracket with two globes hanging from each side of the column. Each lamppost is topped with a painted iron eagle with its wings spread.[12]

A replica of the Bairstow eagles is seen in a World War I monument in Middletown, Delaware.[13]

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c277d3 No.4753

File: cc5885abdd96dc7⋯.png (204.49 KB,426x456,71:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132965 (122338ZJAN23) Notable: Legendary Running Back and Heisman-Winning Tailback Dead at 64

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔴 Legendary Running Back and Heisman-Winning Tailback Dead at 64


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c277d3 No.4754

File: 6cbfd55fa656ab8⋯.png (434.77 KB,422x679,422:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132988 (122343ZJAN23) Notable: Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams and former producer Beth Faber are suing ESPN and Disney after being fired in 2021 for failing to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams and former producer Beth Faber are suing ESPN and Disney after being fired in 2021 for failing to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate 💥

She courageously spoke out against the mandate in this October 2021 video as she was being fired.

Let’s hope this sets a precedent for others who lost their jobs for refusing to comply 🙏🏼


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c277d3 No.4755

File: 220ce821dbe92dc⋯.png (261.13 KB,561x706,561:706,Clipboard.png)

File: fdaa1261fdd6422⋯.png (38.8 KB,749x389,749:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132993 (122344ZJAN23) Notable: Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal execs warned Dems of false Russian bot claims — but didn’t tell public

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Twitter File dump shows Dem. lawmakers knowingly pushed fake Russia narrative about Nunes report

Part 14 of the Twitter Files are devastating to Dems' Russia collusion narrative as they shows liberal lawmakers pushing false info about Nunes Memo.

ournalist Matt Taibbi on Thursday released part 14 of the "Twitter Files," showing how congressional Democrats tried to discredit a report by then-California Rep. Devin Nunes regarding the federal government's Trump-Russia investigation.

Emails show how the lawmakers crafted and pushed a narrative claiming Russian bots were responsible for bolstering claims in the report by Nunes, who at the time was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

The report criticized the federal government's so-call Russia-Trump 2016 presidential campaign collusion probe.

The lawmakers pushed the narrative, despite Twitter telling them the Kremlin had no involvement in the issue.

Taibbi's Twitter thread, which included over 30 separate posts in total, also went on to state "Twitter warned politicians and media the not only lacked evidence, but had evidence the accounts weren’t Russian – and were roundly ignored."

Despite the fact that Nunes' "assertions would virtually all be verified in a report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz in December 2019," the national media moved to discredit it with a coordinated effort of negative headlines, Taibbi also tweeted.

The politicians cited as having been involved in pushing the false narrative are Democrat Sens. Richard Blumenthal, of Connecticut, Dianne Feinstein, of California and Rep. Adam Schiff, also from California.

Blumenthal, for his part, published "a letter saying, “We find it reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans.”

Despite different approaches, all three lawmakers cited the same source when making overtures about Russian interference – which was "the Hamilton 68 dashboard created by former FBI counterintelligence official Clint Watts, under the auspices of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD)," according to Taibbi.

Taibbi also wrote that Twitter "investigated" and 'found that engagement [for the memo] as overwhelmingly organic, and driven by VITs' – Very Important Tweeters, including Wikileaks and congressman Steve King."

One executive at Twitter went so far as to begin bargaining so Blumenthal would back off, suggesting the company promise him something later in return.

“It seems like there are other wins we could offer him," the message reads.


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c277d3 No.4756

File: 383272f8ab4b458⋯.png (161.58 KB,425x433,425:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132994 (122344ZJAN23) Notable: In case you forgot what Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…

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In case you forgot what Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…

This didn’t age well.

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c277d3 No.4757

File: aa6bb67b090fef5⋯.png (153.44 KB,828x473,828:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18132995 (122344ZJAN23) Notable: Robert Hur, the newly minted Special Counsel selected by Merrick Garland to “investigate” Joe Biden was assistant to FBI Director Christopher Wray

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Robert Hur, the newly minted Special Counsel selected by Merrick Garland to “investigate” Joe Biden was assistant to FBI Director Christopher Wray



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c277d3 No.4758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133021 (122353ZJAN23) Notable: Grand Lodge Biden non profit digs

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Another Biden non profit. All of the different people on the Biden non profits are all over the place, and they create these non-profits with similar wording, I'm going to put some together but this is a really strange and duplicated structure.



Company Number




Incorporation Date

15 August 2022 (5 months ago)

Company Type

Domestic Non Profit


Florida (US)

Agent Name


Agent Address

150 SE 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33131

Directors / Officers

Kamala's Husband

• DOUGLAS PHD EMHOFF, vice president



this is Jill Biden, I think they use all kinds of ways of not finding the info









2022-08-15 - 2022-09-30

Addition of officerDOUGLAS PHD EMHOFF, vice president

2022-08-15 - 2022-09-30

Addition of officer JILL TRACY PHD JACOBS BIDEN,

2022-08-15 - 2022-09-30

Addition of officer ZIGMUND PHD ZIEGLER COHEN,


Linked in

Zigmund Ziegler Cohen

Medical Doctor - Diplomat at American Diplomatic Humanitarian Mission of International Relations

See all

Registry Page


Source Florida Department of State Division of Corporations, http://www.sunbiz.org, 1 Oct 2022

Company Addresses

Head Office Address

1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW, 1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, DC, 20500

Mailing Address

1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW, 1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, DC, 20500

Latest Events

AMERICAN WORLD INTELLIGENCE AGENCY FEDERAL GO… https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_fl/N22000009352

1 of 2 1/12/20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4759

File: 211b645a82b7f71⋯.png (3.52 MB,1920x1155,128:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 363f0559529672d⋯.png (646.34 KB,900x658,450:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133023 (122354ZJAN23) Notable: How Did Blake Hounshell Die? What was the cause of his death?

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of course it could habben.

does that mean he would commit suicide of taft bridge.

note, article below is of a woman trying to get barriers on Taft bridge due to suicide of long term partner, Dr Peter Tripp (unfortunete name)



SEP 15, 2022, 8:47 AM

After A Tragedy, One Woman Is Fighting For Suicide Barriers On A D.C. Bridge

Dr. Chelsea Van Thof still remembers that night in mid-April, standing on the Duke Ellington Bridge in Adams Morgan. Through the gates that line the bridge, she could see the police lights some 130 feet below in Rock Creek Park, and she had a terrified feeling that was where she would find her long-term partner, Dr. Peter Tripp.

Tripp had left their Woodley Park apartment earlier that night, only to send her an alarming text in what became the last message they ever shared. She rushed out of bed, called a friend and the police, and set out in a frantic search for him.

“What I was thinking was this is a cry for help. No one does this on the first try. Peter’s never shown any sort of struggle with depression or thoughts of harming himself. We’re going to get him help. And whether or not that would have saved his life, I’ll never know,” she says.

Before Van Thof or police could find him, Tripp died by suicide at the William Howard Taft Bridge, the 115-year-old span that carries Connecticut Avenue across Rock Creek Park. He was 29. And it was only in the aftermath that Van Thof realized that the gates on the nearby Ellington Bridge from which she had seen the police lights serve a purpose — to stop people from jumping.

“Since I looked through the suicide barrier on the Ellington, I was infuriated that there wasn’t one on the Taft, an identical bridge in height and size,” she says. “I told my friend who was there under the bridge with me that night, ‘You know, I’m going to get a barrier on that bridge and I’m going to try for the rest of my life to do so.'

‘It looked like everything just rolled off his back’

Van Thof, 31, and Tripp met in veterinary school outside Boston, and what started as a friendship developed slowly into a romantic relationship. They moved to Oregon together to work at an animal hospital before coming to D.C. in 2020 so she could pursue a federal government fellowship. Tripp landed a job at District Veterinary Hospital in Brookland.

Van Thof says there was little outward indication that Tripp was struggling; she says he actually helped her through some of her own mental health challenges. “Peter was the sort that you could go to him with your problems. And it looked like everything just rolled off his back. Nothing bothered him,” she says.

It was the night of his death — and the text message he sent her — that made her realize the depth of his despair, one she says is shared by many fellow veterinarians.

“He had never told me how much impostor syndrome he had, which is very common in not only veterinarians, but PhDs as well. Just feeling like you’re not competent enough for the position you’re trusted with doing. And he said, ‘I never understood why you loved me. I just knew that I loved you,'” she says.

In the wake of Tripp’s death, Van Thof began reading about suicide barriers on bridges, and how many attempts at suicide are impulsive acts that can be stopped.

“It could have saved his life that night and it could have given me and his family more time. Even if he had walked there and was like, ‘Oh, maybe I can scale it.’ And then he didn’t. Maybe I could have, in that time, gotten to him,” she says.

conitnued in link above

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c277d3 No.4760

File: ad7b24993d1fe36⋯.pdf (149.68 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b0be2043e05b0a2⋯.pdf (119.81 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133086 (130009ZJAN23) Notable: Grand Lodge Biden non profit digs

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MENDEL PhD MENDLEWICZ(why do they always put PhD as their middle name???)

Holy crap, this guy is on a Bidan foundation, and this is what I just found. Weird all the people on the non profits name their foundations in a very similar manner. Now look at the dates Mendel opened this foundations. Remember all of Joe's were 2022, well guess what all 11 of his were started in 2022. What are they doing, are they opening foundations for money laundering, what is going on?

Mendel Mendlewicz

Active Jerusalem, IL — CEO forRespectable American Illuminat Masonic LodgeIntergovernmental Organization Inc

Warning: This profiles contains records that have been removed from public view per our opt-out policy.

He also opened a foundation in Brazil in October 2022 just before their election.


This is another one he owns or set up:


This is the one he's on with Biden, or and also Muriel Bowser (Mayor of DC)



Company Number




Incorporation Date

4 November 2022 (2 months ago)

Company Type

Domestic Non Profit


Florida (US)

Agent Name


Agent Address

150 SE 2ND AVENUE 1110, MIAMI, FL 33131

Directors / Officers






• MURIEL PHD BOWSER, vice president

• MURIEL PHD BOWSER, president



Registry Page


Source Florida Department of State Division of Corporations, http://www.sunbiz.org, 8 Nov 2022

Company Addresses

Head Office Address

1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW, 1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, 20500

Mailing Address

1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW 1600, 1600, WASHINGTON DC 20500, DC, 20500

Latest Events

2022-11-04 - 2022-11-07


2022-11-04 - 2022-11-07

Addition of officer MENDEL MENDLEWICZ,

2022-11-04 - 2022-11-07

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NOTARY PUBLIC OF THE FED… https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_fl/N22000012592

1 of 2 1/12/20



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4761

File: e032d276070285a⋯.png (90.02 KB,624x762,104:127,Clipboard.png)

File: d5c602cdca9b2f8⋯.png (29.75 KB,618x310,309:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 024bf770ff4cab2⋯.png (1.52 MB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1675d7b0a8cdf3f⋯.png (91.37 KB,240x240,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a5e9093b6804214⋯.png (1.43 MB,625x2925,25:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133099 (130011ZJAN23) Notable: Red Castle on @NYTBlake twatter page

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>Anons almonds say this needs further research

>New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’


Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell


Oct 14, 2017

I feel like I say more tweets today about Trump's "president of the Virgin Islands" thing (who cares?) than I did about the Iran deal.



Personal account. Work-related tweets over at @NYTBlake { https://twitter.com/NYTBlake }


Media & News Company Washington Born September 4 Joined November 2008


https://twitter.com/NYTBlakeBANNER Red=CASTLE

"EYE out for GHOSTS"


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c277d3 No.4762

File: bf6b583326974ab⋯.png (110.75 KB,574x544,287:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133100 (130011ZJAN23) Notable: Democratic rep ridiculed over bizarre claim about greed causing drop in life expectancy during the pandemic

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Democratic rep ridiculed over bizarre claim about greed causing drop in life expectancy during the pandemic

A Democratic member of Congress bizarrely claimed that a drop in life expectancy during the pandemic was due to "corporate greed," and he was mocked mercilessly on social media over it.

Rep. Ro Khanna of California opined on social media that "corporate greed" had led to a steep drop in American life expectancy.

"If you don’t believe corporate greed has deadly consequences, take a look at the decline in American life expectancy. We need #MedicareForAll, and we must raise the minimum wage," tweeted Khanna with a graph of life expectancy.

What Khanna neglected to notice was that life expectancy had slowly improved nearly every year since 1980 until the last two years, when it showed a steep drop, likely because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Democrat was immediately assailed by those pointing out the glaring problem with his assessment.

"Every once in a while you come across a tweet so mind-bogglingly bad that it instantly disqualifies everything the tweeter has ever said and ever will say," responded Scott Lincicome of the Cato Institute.

"Somehow, the corporate greed and lack of Medicare for All can explain the drop in life expectancy over the last few years, but not the increase in life expectancy in the 35 years prior," replied comedian Kirk Wilcox.

"Yes if not for corporate greed, we would have had a COVID death rate as low as the UK's," replied writer Noah Smith.

"This says life expectancy peaked and then dropped when Obamacare became law after steadily rising for the three decades before Obamacare," quipped writer Nathan Wurtzel.

"So you think 'corporate greed' began or significantly increased, all of a sudden, in 2020? Can you think of anything else that more obviously affects human health and arrived here in 2020?" responded another critic.

"Correlation does not equal causation. Worse here is that he offers no correlation, just baseless theories with no data to support them," responded researcher Kyle Lamb.

After receiving nearly universal ridicule and mockery, Khanna clarified 14 hours later in a second tweet that he meant to blame the pandemic all along.

"Of course, the pandemic is a cause of this. But the question is what policies on universal healthcare would have mitigated this and how could we have taken better care of essential workers, the elderly and those with underlying health issues," he tweeted helpfully.

Life expectancy dropped precipitously during the pandemic for reasons obvious to most other people, but in the years leading up to the pandemic, "deaths of despair" from alcohol and opiate abuse also took a toll and slowed life expectancy in the U.S.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133102 (130012ZJAN23) Notable: #22230

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Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>4697, >>4699, >>4758, >>4760 Grand Lodge Biden non profit digs

>>4698, >>4739 Pedo Pete is back on the menu, it's Joever!

>>4700, >>4715, >>4722, >>4730, >>4736, >>4746, >>4750 New York Times columnist Blake Hounshell dead at 44 after ‘battle with depression’


>>4744, >>4752, >>4759 How Did Blake Hounshell Die? What was the cause of his death?

>>4701, >>4702 Speaker Kevin McCarthy Vows to Release ALL J6 Footage

>>4703 Explosive New Report Links Hunter Biden to the Classified Documents Found in Joe Biden's Garage

>>4705, >>4741, >>4742, >>4745 Reminder that Biden attached the name of a double agent spy from A Tom Clancy novel, including the Hunt for Red October, to his car

>>4706, >>4704 Release the memes

>>4757 Robert Hur, the newly minted Special Counsel selected by Merrick Garland to “investigate” Joe Biden was assistant to FBI Director Christopher Wray

>>4707, >>4726, >>4709 Hur resigns as Maryland’s U.S. attorney, a “prosecutor of the highest caliber and integrity”

>>4708 Synagogue of Satan mentioned

>>4712, >>4716, >>4711 OWASCO Finger Lakes? Hunter tattoo?

>>4714 Canada, Mexico win trade dispute with U.S. over auto parts, Back to NAFTA

>>4713 Antony John Blinken–SOS, ACTION AGAINST ABDUCTION nonprofit dig

>>4717 No mention of a holocaust from 1948 to 1959

>>4718 Kash on Warroom

>>4719, >>4721, >>4725, >>4727, >>4731 Ayyy Lmao

>>4720 Anon worked briefly in big pharma. advises Epilepsy anons avoid all synthetic meds patented in past 45yrs, esp maBs.

>>4723 Seven Nations Meet to Address Space Security

>>4724 Friends Say Legendary Actor and Recluse Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble

>>4728 Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

>>4732 Planefag CONUS Update: Japanese PM Kishida and crew heading to DC from Ottawa, SAM activity update-some odd roundies over Sacto, CA and Pueblo CO

>>4734 York Region Police update on murdered Markham couple

>>4735, >>4749 CIA chief makes rare visit to Libya

>>4738 Lawsuit accuses former Barclays, JPMorgan exec of being a part of Jefferey Epstein's sex ring

>>4737, >>4740 There's a Red Castle on @NYTBlake

>>4743 A few days ago WEF warned of ‘Global Cyber Attack’

>>4747 Jean-Pierre: "We did this by the book." Reporter: "How can you say this was transparent when you sat on this information for more than two months?"

>>4748, >>4755 Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal execs warned Dems of false Russian bot claims — but didn’t tell public

>>4751 BRAZIL: Regime Planning to Deny Conservative Senators and Representatives Their Seats – 1000 “Lulag” Concentration Camp Inmates Forced to Get the Vax

>>4756 In case you forgot what Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…

>>4753 Legendary Running Back and Heisman-Winning Tailback Dead at 64

>>4754 Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams and former producer Beth Faber are suing ESPN and Disney after being fired in 2021 for failing to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate


now taking bread title noms

"It's Joever. Edition" sounds nice

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4764

File: 25ee3d945a54244⋯.png (1.75 MB,1268x845,1268:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133184 (130024ZJAN23) Notable: Potato meme bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18133155 tyb

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4765

File: 5df74e6334ced13⋯.png (695.46 KB,1190x595,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133186 (130025ZJAN23) Notable: Potato meme bun

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4766

File: 8ed84100828aaa0⋯.png (257.08 KB,735x597,245:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133187 (130025ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>>/qresearch/18133152 lb

>Q+ retruthing video with a Q drop right in plain view.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4767

File: f420e69c2f3cc04⋯.jpg (446.67 KB,1080x1937,1080:1937,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c2a3f6377603e9f⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1080x2766,180:461,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133188 (130025ZJAN23) Notable: Washington state Anons, here is a good resource for Washington school legal news

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Washington state Anons, here is a good resource for Washington school legal news. I provided a pic of this month's first article. MAGA hat, kek


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4768

File: 9a89afbfa92ef58⋯.png (497.09 KB,660x409,660:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133193 (130025ZJAN23) Notable: Potato meme bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4769

File: de9b459c7bd7321⋯.jpeg (545.91 KB,1170x1059,390:353,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133201 (130027ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18133025, LB

Just seent it


2 or 3 poastys down.

With vid.

Any wit acct. to transfer video?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4770

File: df2a55b7ca8e668⋯.png (150.58 KB,556x310,278:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133206 (130028ZJAN23) Notable: Potato meme bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Noice. Meme chunk if you want.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4771

File: ca2b51d10bc44ec⋯.png (131.62 KB,689x891,689:891,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cfc811754c37e6⋯.png (105.73 KB,689x897,53:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133217 (130030ZJAN23) Notable: Former Chief Financial Officer Of Email Security Company Pleads Guilty To $50 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors And Lenders

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Former Chief Financial Officer Of Email Security Company Pleads Guilty To $50 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors And Lenders


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4772

File: f3b6d1d7350a3b8⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133236 (130034ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump posts his own Q proof

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4773

File: 13d3de617b9397a⋯.png (596.57 KB,1080x784,135:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133244 (130036ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4774

File: 151f0d52f5724fd⋯.png (4.61 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f7c16d67e1974a⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,960x1732,240:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f2d03b26fa9dad⋯.png (4.59 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: ab273913927cfd8⋯.jpeg (874.44 KB,960x1548,80:129,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133274 (130039ZJAN23) Notable: Interdasting posts on Blake HOUNSHELL IG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Interdasting posts on Blake HOUNSHELL IG



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4775

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133276 (130040ZJAN23) Notable: Interdasting posts on Blake HOUNSHELL IG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Tank you anons for helping gather info on the suicide of Blake Hounshell.

Lets be absolutely clear, anon has no sympathy for the journalists who have lied about everything, but a suspect death of one of their own in a suspecious nature is not to be over looked.

Sooner or later as the pressure mounts a lot of these journalist will be looking for a way out and their best option they think is to start reporting the truth, this will make them a target of the criminals and deep state that they have worked for and profited from.

our job is to look at the media and find the truth from their lies,

We work on good old fashioned almonds tingling and leg work.

What needs to be done now is to hunt for clues, lets see the autopsy, they must have done one, did the family request a autopsy.

This was no ordinary journalist, this was one of the top one, a recruiter of interns someone who they saw as a mentor, his history is not of a rag headline chaser, he was a story teller from d.c educated at yale and massive contacts globally with who knows who?

anon has already archived all the digz done in the last bread, will construct a timeline and highlights of what we know and what we have found as a summary.

Should take a day of moar.

lots of fuckery afoot with this accidently on purpose suicide !!!


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c277d3 No.4776

File: df5ea70b1960079⋯.png (385.14 KB,681x861,227:287,Clipboard.png)

File: caa085e99940c02⋯.png (1.88 MB,1400x933,1400:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133277 (130040ZJAN23) Notable: Is this Santos a white hat plant?

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I am asking, Is this Santos a white hat plant?


So what’s the standard? I agree he’s a lying POS, but what’s the standard? Warren lied about her heritage for gain.

Blumenthal lied about military service,

Kamala plagiarized MLK.

Schiff lied about evidence.

Biden lies about pretty much everything.

So what’s the standard?

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c277d3 No.4777

File: 5b05d1f4d339c2b⋯.png (295.27 KB,795x638,795:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133288 (130041ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

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Seeing is Believing.

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c277d3 No.4778

File: a3509e57083ac8c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1917x968,1917:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133303 (130042ZJAN23) Notable: PF: E3 Sentry squawking 7700

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E3 Sentry squawking 7700

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c277d3 No.4779

File: 2d0422ddf896b2c⋯.png (208.34 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2878d21ee470e9b⋯.png (198.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133310 (130043ZJAN23) Notable: Every county so far that the fine state dept over threw in 2014

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Every county so far that the fine state dept over threw in 2014

Seems that a banking problem arises



Seems to be a problem word wide

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c277d3 No.4780

File: 325f8325300b463⋯.png (33.43 KB,299x179,299:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133328 (130045ZJAN23) Notable: Google warns SCOTUS against slashing big tech liability protections

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Google warns SCOTUS against slashing big tech liability protections

The case centers around Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects companies from liability for third party content.

A filing from Google has warned the Supreme Court against "gutting" a liability shield for big tech companies as part of an ongoing suit against YouTube over allegations that the video sharing platform facilitated the spread of terrorist content.

Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, died in a 2015 Islamic terror attack in France. Her family is suing YouTube, which Google owns, alleging that the company recommended content inciting violence through its algorithm, according to The Hill.

The case centers around Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects companies from liability for third party content. That provision has long been a focal point for critics of big tech firms, who have sought to end that liability shield, especially amid right-wing criticism of big tech content moderation practices.

The filing from Google warns the court that "Gutting Section 230… would upend the internet and perversely encourage both wide-ranging suppression of speech and the proliferation of more offensive speech," per the outlet.

The company further argues that ending the liability shield could potentially result in lopsided content moderation, with platforms opting to remove any content that individuals found objectionable or take the opposite approach and permit virtually anything.

The Department of Justice has also cautioned the high court against making a sweeping revision to Section 230, The Hill noted.


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c277d3 No.4781

File: 2cf4e70f3467416⋯.jpeg (302.2 KB,960x1896,40:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133347 (130047ZJAN23) Notable: Iowa Politician’s Wife Arrested For Alleged Voter Fraud Scheme To Aid Her Husband

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Iowa Politician’s Wife Arrested For Alleged Voter Fraud Scheme To Aid Her Husband

An Iowa woman, Kim Phuong Taylor, has been arrested for her alleged role in a voter fraud scheme during the 2020 primary and general elections.

According to court documents, Taylor allegedly perpetrated a scheme to generate votes in the primary election in June 2020, when her husband was an unsuccessful Republican candidate for Iowa’s 4th U.S. Congressional District, and subsequently in the 2020 general election, when her husband was a successful candidate for Woodbury County Supervisor.

Taylor is charged with 26 counts of providing false information in registering and voting, three counts of fraudulent registration, and 23 counts of fraudulent voting.

If convicted, she faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison for each count.


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c277d3 No.4782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133387 (130052ZJAN23) Notable: Interdasting posts on Blake HOUNSHELL IG

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Here Anon, from the Daily Mail


Blake Hounshell, who was a top editor at Foreign Policy magazine and Politico before moving in 2021 to The Times, passed away in Washington DC on Tuesday. A police official has said his death will be investigated as a suicide.

His death prompted an outpouring of grief and admiration from fellow journalists, as well as politicians.

'The @politico newsroom is in anguish. Blake Hounshell had a dazzling mind, full of original insights about a vast array of subjects,' John Harris, a founding editor of Politico, wrote on Twitter.

'He was a deeply idealistic and curious man with an exhilarating ability to perceive both patterns and contradictions in the news.'

In his last On Politics newsletter, published on Monday, Hounshell looked at the death penalty in California and the political pressure the issue was exerting on its governor Gavin Newsom. On Friday he wrote about how the Republican party is struggling to draw young voters.



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c277d3 No.4783

File: 486afaf5c396144⋯.png (326.35 KB,611x777,611:777,Clipboard.png)

File: c59ac0fe0714dc8⋯.mp4 (595.83 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133402 (130054ZJAN23) Notable: @Potato Is this how House Republicans are starting a new term?

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A Couple of 17's from Joseph.

19:07 = 17

17 sec vid

President Biden


United States government official

Is this how House Republicans are starting a new term?

7:07 PM · Jan 12, 2023


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c277d3 No.4784

File: 7540d8024f039da⋯.jpg (210.13 KB,1980x1127,1980:1127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133423 (130057ZJAN23) Notable: Hunter used the same house address on his driver's license that classified documents have been located at, coincidentally the same place where Joe keeps his Corvette

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so Hunter used the same house address on his driver's license that classified documents have been located at, coincidentally the same place where Joe keeps his Corvette…

was Joe stealing documents to give to Hunter to sell to foreign adversaries?

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c277d3 No.4785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133496 (130108ZJAN23) Notable: Trump retruths his own Q proof

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>Seeing is Believing.



>That's true. You have to show them the truth. Or more accurately have them experience the truth.

It's also the line above what was in that post.


>Seeing is Believing.

Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.

Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.

Seeing is Believing.

Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.



It had to be this way.

This is not another 4-year election.



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c277d3 No.4786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133517 (130110ZJAN23) Notable: RE: Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble

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PNN>>4724 Friends Say Legendary Actor and Recluse Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble

How hard is it to post a portion of the article. bakers a headline and link is not notable

Friends Say Legendary Actor and Recluse Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble…

Sophie O’Hara

When you think about who the “acting greats” are, at the top of most people’s lists will be this guy: Jack Nicholson. His character in “The Shinning” still gives me goosebumps. But we don’t see much of Jack anymore, do we? As a matter of fact, I couldn’t recall if he was dead or alive, he’s been out of the news for so long…Well, as it turns out, Jack has become a recluse, who refuses to leave his house. And his friends believe he has dementia, and will die alone.

Sounds like Jack is in some serious trouble. Very sad to hear.

Radar Online reported that Jack Nicholson hasn’t appeared in public in over a year, and friends fear the legendary lothario will die a recluse like his late buddy Marlon Brando, RadarOnline.com has learned.

“He’s made it clear his home is his castle. But people just wish he’d come out of the house and pop up to tell them how — or at least reassure folks he’s OK,” confided an insider.

The Shining screen psycho, 85, remains holed up in his luxurious Mulholland Drive mansion and hasn’t been seen out on the town since attending an Los Angeles Lakers basketball game on October 19, 2021, with his 30-year-old son — Out of the Blue hunk Ray, tipsters tattled.

“Jack’s in touch with certain relatives — especially Ray, his protégé, who he’s so proud of — but his socializing days are long gone,” the insider squealed.

But according to sources, pals worry the once notorious womanizer is mirroring the sad last days of Godfather great Brando.

“Brando died a virtual recluse after leading such a colorful life, and Jack’s friends are drawing the comparisons,” spilled the source. “His kids will visit, but they’re his only connection to the world.

“It’s like he doesn’t want to face reality anymore — and that’s just sad.”

Close friends fear the issue could be much larger, with insiders telling RadarOnline.com last year that many from his inner circle are worried the legendary Hollywood actor is suffering from

That’s sad. Dementia is no joke, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If that’s true, let’s hope Jack (and Joe) get properly treated for their diseases.


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c277d3 No.4787

File: 28a7165a322ff16⋯.png (243.66 KB,411x351,137:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133541 (130114ZJAN23) Notable: Freight train derails after colliding into another train while merging at Banksmeadow in Sydney's south

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Freight train derails after colliding into another train while merging at Banksmeadow in Sydney's south

There have miraculously been no injuries following the collision of two freight trains in Sydney's south on Friday morning.

A number of carriages have fallen from the tracks after two freight trains collided in Sydney's south on Friday morning.

Emergency services were on scene at McPherson St and Botany Rd in Banksmeadow where two freight trains crashed about 6:20am.

Ten carriages fell off the rails from the impact, blocking the lines for oncoming freight trains.


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c277d3 No.4788

File: 7e2a4014435b115⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133582 (130120ZJAN23) Notable: MSNBC Host Interrupts Reporter Mid-Sentence For Using Term ‘Pro-Life’

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MSNBC Host Interrupts Reporter Mid-Sentence For Using Term ‘Pro-Life’

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell interrupted a reporter mid-sentence on Thursday for using the term “pro-life” while reporting on two new bills passed by the House.

The Republican-led House passed two bills Wednesday regarding abortion, one to condemn the attacks on pro-life centers and other affiliated agencies, the other that requires healthcare providers to treat infants born after abortions as they would any other patient.

Mitchell noted that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy held a press conference Thursday morning regarding the two bills before focusing on North Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace.

“We had Nancy Mace, the Republican from South Carolina, on yesterday. She spoke very passionately about why she thought it was the wrong tone for her caucus to be pursuing this abortion legislation and why it was unfair to women, especially women who have been subjected to rape or incest or other forms of sexual violence. She ended up voting for the abortion measures, explain that,” Mitchell said.

“She told reporters after the fact that at the end of the days he was, as she described herself, pro-life. She felt it was important to vote for these measures despite their potentially politically damaging or politically unappealing appearance, if you will-” NBC News’ Senior Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake said before Mitchell jumped in.

“Let me just interrupt and say that pro-life is a term that they – an entire group wants to use, but that is not an accurate description,” Mitchell interjected.

“I’m using it because that’s the term she used to describe herself,” the reporter then claimed.

“I understand,” Mitchell said. “That was her explanation.”

Mace criticized her fellow Republicans on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday arguing that strict measures to restrict abortion are out of touch with what the majority of the country wants.''


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c277d3 No.4789

File: 6bdb2139e1ff5b1⋯.png (979.49 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: d8916111b29616c⋯.png (102.13 KB,811x817,811:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 46f195441d04d7c⋯.png (230.78 KB,808x814,404:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ddb18f1a998d27⋯.png (225.36 KB,814x746,407:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133609 (130124ZJAN23) Notable: Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report

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Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report

Jan 12 2023

The Pentagon's long-awaited 2022 report on unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, is finally here.

The unclassified "2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" was published by the Pentagon's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on Thursday (Jan. 12) after a months-long delay. The report was mandated by the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act and was created by ODNI's National Intelligence Manager for Aviation and the newly-established All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Input was gathered from various intelligence community agencies and military intelligence offices, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Department of Energy (DoE), and NASA.

In all, the report(opens in new tab) covers some 510 cataloged UAP reports gathered from agencies involved in the report and the branches of the United States military. The document notes that the majority of these were gathered from U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force personnel who reported them through official channels. Ultimately, the unclassified report concludes that, while UAP "continue to represent a hazard to flight safety and pose a possible adversary collection threat," many of the reports "lack enough detailed data to enable attribution of UAP with high certainty."

Out of these 510 total UAP reports, ODNI assessed 366 that had been newly identified since AARO's creation. Of these, 26 were characterized as uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, 163 were attributed to balloons or "balloon-like entities," and six were found to be airborne "clutter" such as birds or airborne plastic shopping bags.

That leaves 171 reported UAP sightings that remain "uncharacterized and unattributed," according to ODNI's report. "Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis," the report adds.

While there are no definite Earth-shattering conclusions about the origins of the UAP (as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, have recently been rebranded) seen in the incidents analyzed in ODNI's unclassified report, the document highlights a growing emphasis on airspace safety, prompted in part by the recent proliferation of drones  — some of which might represent intelligence-gathering efforts by the United States' adversaries.

"UAP events continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity," ODNI states in the report, adding that the agency continues "to assess that this may result from a collection bias due to the number of active aircraft and sensors, combined with focused attention and guidance to report anomalies."

In other words, military aviators in controlled airspace may be reporting more UAP/UFOs in these areas because there are naturally more sensors scanning the skies around military facilities and training ranges.

Additionally, the report notes that factors such as weather conditions, lighting and atmospheric effects can affect the observation of presumed UAP. The office therefore operates "under the assumption that UAP reports are derived from the observer's accurate recollection of the event and/or sensors that generally operate correctly and capture enough real data to allow initial assessments."

However, the report notes that some of the cataloged UAP incidents covered in the report may have been caused by operator or equipment error or faults with the sensors used that detected UAP in these events.

"It is clear that there is an urgent and critical need to improve aerospace safety by dedicating scientific research into UAP," said Ryan Graves, former Navy F/A-18 pilot and chair of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Integration & Outreach Committee (UAPIOC), in a statement following the release of the ODNI's report. "We must stop unscrupulous speculation, break stigma, and invest in science to address this national safety threat," Graves added.

While improving flight safety in both domestic and military airspace is the principal motivation underlying the creation of the report, the document notes that "there have been no reported collisions between U.S. aircraft and UAP" to date. Furthermore, there have also been no UAP encounters "confirmed to contribute directly to adverse health-related effects to the observer(s)," contrary to many claims made in recent years(opens in new tab).




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c277d3 No.4790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133615 (130125ZJAN23) Notable: RNC Chair Candidate Celebrates the Billionaire Influence and Corporatism That Controls American Politics

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RNC Chair Candidate Celebrates the Billionaire Influence and Corporatism That Controls American Politics


January 13, 2023

So much news I want to cover, yet I do not want this admission lost in the foray.

Perhaps you have heard me say this a few times (lol): “The DNC wants power. The RNC wants money. The DNC uses the money to get power. The RNC uses power to get money. The ideology of the DNC drives its donor activity. The donor activity of the RNC drives its ideology. This is the only current difference between the two clubs, two wings of the same vulture.”

Cue the audio-visual demonstration from RNC Chair Candidate Harmeet Dhillon. Some might call it to tone deafness, others might call it failing to read the room, and others yet will just sigh and say it is the way it is. Yet, here you go: “Wow! I’m incredibly honored to have Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus’s support for RNC chair! He is one of the most prolific, loyal & important donors in the conservative movement.”

The club members are so entrenched, so detached from the dynamic of representative government, they genuinely do not see the bigger picture of their advocacy. In essence, what RNC Chairwoman Harmeet Dhillon is celebrating – is the process of a select group of billionaire donors and multinational corporations funding the American political system.

They cannot even see themselves. It’s just the business-as-usual process. Dhillon is excited about getting the support of a billionaire donor for her effort to run the private corporation known as the Republican National Committee. A handful of selected big club donors control the outcomes of a party-political system that is entirely detached from the base voters at the bottom of the pyramid.

What’s the institutional difference between Ronna McDaniel and Harmeet Dhillon? Nothing. The RNC focus is entirely on generating money, while the DNC focus is entirely on pushing an ideology. As a result, you get this disconnect as the leadership for the organization places a priority on what…. Money.

The RNC wants money.

The DNC wants power.

The RNC uses power to get money.

The DNC uses the money to get power.

The donor activity of the RNC drives its ideology.

The ideology of the DNC drives its donor activity.

This is the only current difference between the two clubs, two wings of the same vulture.


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c277d3 No.4791

File: 84259ac354d94d4⋯.png (450.91 KB,611x698,611:698,Clipboard.png)

File: a6e784271b9e7c7⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133640 (130128ZJAN23) Notable: Democrats have put on their "classified docs" tin foil "suspicious" hats!!

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Breanna Morello


Democrats have put on their tin foil hats!!

Quote Tweet

Ryan Saavedra




Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) says he is "suspicious" of the classified docs that were found at Biden's home and office

He suggests they might have been "planted" there to take Biden down

This is the same guy who said Guam might tip over and capsize in the ocean from overpopulation

7:57 PM · Jan 12, 2023


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c277d3 No.4792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133689 (130134ZJAN23) Notable: Hochul claims NYS Senate committee cannot block court pick Hector LaSalle

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Hochul claims NYS Senate committee cannot block court pick Hector LaSalle

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c277d3 No.4793

File: d5da7715316af92⋯.jpg (68.62 KB,350x499,350:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f24b904d22fbb1⋯.png (305.1 KB,514x714,257:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133692 (130134ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley critical, in coma at hospital after cardiac arrest

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Lisa Marie Presley critical, in coma at hospital after cardiac arrest

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c277d3 No.4794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133776 (130145ZJAN23) Notable: This is Dr. Stella Immanuel's main Twitter handle (174.4K followers) (also just re-instituted by Elon Musk though not the one that comes up during a search for her)

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>>>/qresearch/18133209 lb

Correction: This is Dr. Stella Immanuel's main Twitter handle (174.4K followers) (also just re-instituted by Elon Musk though not the one that comes up during a search for her):



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c277d3 No.4795

File: d78f7b3019ae42c⋯.png (83.45 KB,1117x279,1117:279,Clipboard.png)

File: d45790688f206d4⋯.png (96 KB,634x499,634:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133792 (130146ZJAN23) Notable: What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

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Given the discussion of the COVID injections, I have a feeling that other vaccines will get called into question. I learned of the following research from "The HighWire" if I recall correctly. I think the subject of aluminum in vaccines is very important. It is one of the substances that could be producing Alzheimer's like disorders and other mental and physical problems. This work in sheep would obviously make people concerned about human vaccines so I think it has been suppressed.


A lot of people are cautious to avoid aluminum containing deodorants. I wonder if most people know a lot of vaccines are very high in aluminum and it is injected, bypassing the normal barriers.

This reference seems important to me but I could not access the full paper:


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c277d3 No.4796

File: 256891bf8b4f5fe⋯.png (358.06 KB,1067x552,1067:552,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c804e8c9ce3c1⋯.png (183.43 KB,1073x614,1073:614,Clipboard.png)

File: d67195a7529e1a9⋯.png (108.23 KB,1072x636,268:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eaa7740ff3d231⋯.png (80.18 KB,1054x544,31:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133798 (130147ZJAN23) Notable: Real-time politician trading data. See what your favourite DC Swamp Donkey has been trading in.

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This looks interesting anons, shame the data only goes back 3 years.


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c277d3 No.4797

File: d87525eda29d659⋯.png (655.87 KB,644x518,46:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 05bff0f72b6e331⋯.png (336.43 KB,645x384,215:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133806 (130147ZJAN23) Notable: Gemini and Genesis Sued by SEC Over Crypto ‘Earn’ Program

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Gemini and Genesis Sued by SEC Over Crypto ‘Earn’ Program

US regulators sued crypto brokerages Genesis Global Capital and Gemini Trust Co. for breaking securities rules. The Securities and Exchange Commission said on Thursday that the firms illegally raised billions of dollars from hundreds of thousands of investors through the so-called Gemini Earn program. That product, which let customers loan out their assets in exchange for interest payments, amounted to the offering of unregistered securities, the SEC said.

Gemini launched Earn in February of 2021, with the idea of offering users passive returns on their coins in exchange for the right to lend the tokens out. By August of that year, the program, which offered rates that far exceeded those on traditional bank accounts, crossed $3 billion in assets. Customers haven’t been able to pull money from Earn accounts since mid-November and Cameron Winklevoss, who co-founded Gemini, recently accused Barry Silbert, the founder of Genesis parent Digital Currency Group Inc. of stalling efforts to resolve the issue. Silbert has denied the claim.

Regulators have been scrutinizing the Earn product for at least a year. In a series of tweets on Thursday, Gemini’s other co-founder, Tyler Winklevoss, said the firm would defend itself against the SEC’s case, which he said amounted to a “manufactured parking ticket.” He said Gemini had been in talks with the SEC for 17 months about Earn and the regulator didn’t raise an enforcement action until Genesis paused withdrawals from the program.

Genesis didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. “Today’s charges build on previous actions to make clear to the marketplace and the investing public that crypto lending platforms and other intermediaries need to comply with our time-tested securities laws-(that you don't seem to ever enforce cause you bizzy watching pron) Doing so best protects investors,” SEC Chair Gary Gensler, who has regularly argued that many crypto firms are selling products that should be registered with the agency, said in a statement. The regulator said related investigations remain ongoing. While Earn’s terms of service warned customers that they could lose all their money, the program benefited from the widespread view among customers that the exchange took a conservative approach to risk.

Crypto lending products have been at the epicenter of the fallout from the turmoil that plagued the market in 2022. Genesis Global Capital was hit particularly hard by crypto exchange FTX’s sudden and spectacular collapse in November and halted customer withdrawals and new loan originations. The freeze remains in place.

The SEC filed its case in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York and is seeking penalties, injunctive relief and return of ill-gotten gains to investors. Separately, the SEC and federal prosecutors in Brooklyn are scrutinizing the internal financial dealings of DCG, the parent company of Genesis.

The case is Securities and Exchange Commission v Gemini Trust Co., 23-cv-287, US District Court, Southern District of New York.


This opens the floodgates by classifying them as securities (they really aren't) but all of them are on notice and this is how Gary 'Former CFTC Chairman' who shelved multiple Silver manipulation investigations-only to have JP Moran charged for exactly that in 2020 by the DOJ-settled for $920-picks the winners and losers here

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets


How this works is that one place books a loss on say copper, but then books a huge gain that offsets that loss in something else in the comm. mkts ..lather, rinse repeat

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c277d3 No.4798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133818 (130149ZJAN23) Notable: What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

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Aluminum also causes autism and dementia.

They can cure it also, with heavy metal chelation. But to do that, they'd have to admit they poisoned you in the first place. Which they won't.


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c277d3 No.4799

File: 830ddec8f188b11⋯.png (886.71 KB,967x1280,967:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: ba6743211c0395e⋯.png (1.11 MB,945x1280,189:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133839 (130152ZJAN23) Notable: 'top secret documents were inadvertently misplaced into hunter's garage'

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'top secret documents were inadvertently misplaced into hunter's garage'



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c277d3 No.4800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133890 (130157ZJAN23) Notable: #22231

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Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>4766, >>4772, >>4769, >>4777, >>4773, >>4785 Trump retruths his own Q proof

>>4764, >>4765, >>4770, >>4768 Potato meme bun

>>4767 Washington state Anons, here is a good resource for Washington school legal news

>>4771 Former Chief Financial Officer Of Email Security Company Pleads Guilty To $50 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors And Lenders

>>4774, >>4775, >>4782 Interdasting posts on Blake HOUNSHELL IG

>>4776 Is this Santos a white hat plant?

>>4778 PF: E3 Sentry squawking 7700

>>4779 Every county so far that the fine state dept over threw in 2014

>>4780 Google warns SCOTUS against slashing big tech liability protections

>>4781 Iowa Politician’s Wife Arrested For Alleged Voter Fraud Scheme To Aid Her Husband

>>4783 @Potato Is this how House Republicans are starting a new term?

>>4784 Hunter used the same house address on his driver's license that classified documents have been located at, coincidentally the same place where Joe keeps his Corvette

>>4786 RE: Jack Nicholson is in Dire Trouble

>>4787 Freight train derails after colliding into another train while merging at Banksmeadow in Sydney's south

>>4788 MSNBC Host Interrupts Reporter Mid-Sentence For Using Term ‘Pro-Life’

>>4789 Pentagon releases its long-awaited 2022 UFO report

>>4790 RNC Chair Candidate Celebrates the Billionaire Influence and Corporatism That Controls American Politics

>>4792 Hochul claims NYS Senate committee cannot block court pick Hector LaSalle

>>4793 Lisa Marie Presley critical, in coma at hospital after cardiac arrest

>>4791 Democrats have put on their "classified docs" tin foil "suspicious" hats!!

>>4794 This is Dr. Stella Immanuel's main Twitter handle (174.4K followers) (also just re-instituted by Elon Musk though not the one that comes up during a search for her)

>>4795, >>4798 What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

>>4797 Gemini and Genesis Sued by SEC Over Crypto ‘Earn’ Program

>>4796 Real-time politician trading data. See what your favourite DC Swamp Donkey has been trading in.

>>4799 'top secret documents were inadvertently misplaced into hunter's garage'


baker requsting handoff at the top

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c277d3 No.4801

File: 670843e1fda3e14⋯.jpg (60.9 KB,911x1090,911:1090,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133917 (130201ZJAN23) Notable: #22232

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>baker requesting handoff

<Hash Trends: Top Secret, #BidenClassifiedDocuments, Obama-Biden, #LaptopFromHell, Joe and Hunter, President Joe Biden

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c277d3 No.4802

File: 0b08227f0d66aeb⋯.png (494.87 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f668055f171c47⋯.png (572.88 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133949 (130205ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

Lisa Marie Presley has died after being rushed to hospital.

The 54-year-old was the only child of Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley.

"It is with a heavy heart that I must share the devastating news that my beautiful daughter Lisa Marie has left us," Priscilla said in a statement.

"She was the most passionate, strong and loving woman I have ever known."

The announcement came hours after Lisa Marie was rushed to the hospital on Thursday (local time).

Los Angeles County paramedics attended a home in Calabasas following a report of a woman in full cardiac arrest, according to a spokesman for the county's fire department.

Property records indicate Lisa Marie was a resident at that address.

Red carpet at this week's Golden Globes

Lisa Marie attended the Golden Globes earlier this week to watch actor Austin Butler win best actor in a motion picture — drama for his portrayal of Elvis.

Butler paid tribute to Lisa Marie and Priscilla in his acceptance speech on stage.

"The Presley family, thank you guys for opening your hearts, your memories, your home to me," he said.

"Lisa Marie and Priscilla, I love you forever."

During an interview on the red carpet with Entertainment Tonight, Lisa Marie said Butler's performance was "mind-blowing".

Singing career, four marriages

Lisa Marie was born in 1968 and is the owner of her father's Graceland mansion in Memphis.

She was nine years old when Elvis died at Graceland in 1977.

Her own music career began with a 2003 debut album, To Whom It May Concern, followed by a second album, Now What, in 2005.

Both hits made the top 10 of the Billboard 200 album chart.

Her third album, Storm and Grace, was released in 2012.


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c277d3 No.4803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133952 (130205ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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>>>/qresearch/18133799, >>>/qresearch/18133801, >>>/qresearch/18133824, >>>/qresearch/18133840, >>>/qresearch/18133843, >>>/qresearch/18133857, >>>/qresearch/18133887 (all lb) Lisa Marie Presley Dead at 54

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c277d3 No.4804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133955 (130206ZJAN23) Notable: U.S. government gets 366 UFO reports in past two years, almost half unexplained

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U.S. government gets 366 UFO reports in past two years, almost half unexplained

UAPs, extraterrestrial or otherwise, can present potential security threats should the sightings occur in restricted areas.

The federal government received more than 350 reports of UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, since March 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence announced on Thursday.

A total of 366 UFO sightings were reported to the government in that period. Of those, 163 were identified as "balloon or balloon-entities," per CNN, while the rest remain unexplained. The term UFO is commonly associated with the idea of alien spacecraft. An alternative term is unidentified aerial phenomenon, or UAP.

The ODNI report observed that a majority of sightings came from Air Force or Navy pilots "during the course of their operational duties and reported the events."

UAPs, extraterrestrial or otherwise, can present potential security threats should the sightings occur in restricted areas. The report observed that "UAP events continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity."

"We continue to assess that this may result from a collection bias due to the number of active aircraft and sensors, combined with focused attention and guidance to report anomalies," it continued.

Speculation about the nature of UFOs has long been popular in the United States, with much of the discussion directly around the restricted site Area 51, a highly classified Air Force facility in Nevada known as a testing ground for experimental aircraft.


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c277d3 No.4805

File: 5d730f7cbb749cc⋯.png (73.54 KB,431x540,431:540,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b52adaa442e094⋯.png (51.29 KB,421x318,421:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133957 (130206ZJAN23) Notable: UK: Ambulance response times for serious conditions such as stroke or chest pain.

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Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators)




Ambulance response times for serious conditions such as stroke or chest pain.

This report normally includes data on the percentage surviving resuscitation - but that has been omitted this month.


Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators)


Note there has been no data released on percentage successfully revived after cardiac arrest since July 2022.


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c277d3 No.4806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133963 (130207ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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So mama, who was14when she and Elvis started dating, is still kickin' it.

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c277d3 No.4807

File: b24ae28e833ae23⋯.png (243.71 KB,417x625,417:625,Clipboard.png)

File: c134d16ee805503⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,467x900,467:900,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18133967 (130207ZJAN23) Notable: Holocaust survivor is forced to receive Covid vaccination

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Prof. Freedom


🚨 Unbelievable story from 🇩🇪: Famous Holocaust survivor is forced to receive Covid vaccination in Germany: Inna Zhvanetskaya, born 1937 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. As a Jew, she is one of the survivors of the Holocaust and is now forced to Covid vaccination

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c277d3 No.4808

File: 7a3173a60cbe049⋯.png (1.9 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134025 (130217ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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Elvis Presley's daughter has passed away.



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c277d3 No.4809

File: 2c3c8c58166b609⋯.png (94.85 KB,818x574,409:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134051 (130220ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

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Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims


January 13, 2023

Just a quick post to draw attention to the latest Twitter File #14 dropped by Matt Taibbi [REVIEW HERE]. Thankfully, Taibbi is using Twitter files to provide historical context against events that were happening at the time the documents are now revealing in hindsight. Cheers to Taibbi.

[Twitter File #14 HERE]

Essentially, as Taibbi is pointing out, various DC politicians were working feverishly in early 2018 to maintain the fraudulent narrative around the Trump-Russia investigation.

Why is this timeline important, retention of the fraudulent Trump-Russia narrative was critical to support the predicate of the Robert Mueller (Andrew Weissmann) Special Counsel? As Taibbi notes, “On January 18th, 2018, Republican Devin Nunes submitted a classified memo to the House Intel Committee detailing abuses by the FBI in obtaining FISA surveillance authority against Trump-connected figures, including the crucial role played by the infamous “Steele Dossier.” The entire DC apparatus was going bananas about the Nunes memo because it undermined the predicate assumptions of the Trump-Russia probe.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was the specific stakeholder institution intent on retaining the Trump-Russia fraud because the SSCI was one of the institutions that helped construct it. Again Taibbi, “On January 23rd, 2018, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) published an open letter saying the hashtag [#ReleaseTheMemo] “gained the immediate attention and assistance of social media accounts linked to Russian influence operations.” The intelligence community politicians were furious that various Twitter accounts were tearing apart their precious, and false, stories.

Into this mix comes the work of former Dianne Feinstein staffer Dan Jones who was funding various entities like “Hamilton 68” to push propaganda. “Feinstein, Schiff, Blumenthal, and media members all pointed to the same source: the Hamilton 68 dashboard created by former FBI counterintelligence official Clint Watts, under the auspices of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD)”. The goal was to pressure Twitter to remove content that could eventually take apart the Trump-Russia narrative. The justification they were using was that Russian groups were behind the Twitter pushback.

SIDEBAR from CTH ARCHIVES – A fantastic catch by Twitter user “15poundstogo” previously highlighted a key phrase within the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSCI) Russia Report Volume-5, showing how the SSCI allowed those who created the Trump-Russia narrative to avoid questioning:

[SSCI Volume-5 Link, Page 23]


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c277d3 No.4810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134059 (130221ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

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This is a very important detail to underpin previous reporting we shared about former Dianne Feinstein top staffer Dan Jones attempting to avoid a subpoena from U.S. Attorney John Durham. [SEE BACKGROUND HERE] This key highlight from the SSCI is evidence of how the attempted coup against President Trump was coordinated by people outside government and inside the government.

Dan Jones left the SSCI prior to the 2016 election and went to work pushing the Trump-Russia narrative through his media contacts. Jones took over funding Fusion-GPS and Chris Steele in 2017 at the same time Senator Mark Warner took over as SSCI vice-chairman. Dan Jones and Mark Warner coordinated the efforts outside and inside the government on the same objective. The Senate Intel Committee was part of the effort.

As a result of their alignment and common purpose, the SSCI didn’t investigate the origin of the Trump-Russia narrative, and instead positioned themselves as a shield to block any investigative inquiry into what took place.

The attempt to remove President Trump from office encompassed all three branches of the U.S. government.

Executive Branch – FBI, DOJ-NSD, CIA, State Dept., and eventually the Special Counsel Office.

Legislative Branch – SSCI in 2017 and 2018 with an assist from House Intelligence Committee and House Judiciary in 2019 and 2020.

Judicial Branch – FISA Court 2015, 2016, 2017; Federal Judges (Sullivan, Walton, Howell, Berman-Jackson) in alignment with DC intents in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

How does the office of the United States president; and more importantly a constitutional republic itself; survive a coordinated coup effort that involves all three branches of government; while simultaneously those in charge of exposing the corruption fear the scale of the effort is too damaging for the U.S. government to reveal?

[EARLIER REPORT] – […] When President Trump won the November 2016 election all of those participants involved in the use of government offices and agencies for corrupt political intent had a real problem. Immediately, a lot of strategic planning took place by a lot of desperate people.

One of the key needs of the corrupt intelligence apparatus was to find a way to stop the incoming administration from exposing their effort; that’s where the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) comes in.

Senator Dianne Feinstein was vice-chair of the SSCI in 2016. Feinstein’s former chief of staff was Dan Jones.

The post-election plan to protect the intel community would involve using the SSCI institution to cover for prior Obama-era operations. Senator Feinstein was not a good fit for that role, so Feinstein abdicated her position in advance of the next congress in 2017.

In January 2017 Senator Mark Warner took over as SSCI vice-chair after Dan Jones left the SSCI to continue efforts as a freelance operative. Warner was put into place to carry out the strategic objectives needed to protect the DOJ, NSD, CIA, FBI, and ODNI operations against Donald Trump who was now the incoming president-elect.


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c277d3 No.4811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134076 (130223ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

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Keep in mind with control of the SSCI the group inside the legislative branch could control who ran what intelligence agency because they held the power of confirmation; and they could control who would rise to be inspector general within the intelligence community, a position needed if a whistle-blower was to surface. The SSCI would only allow Michael Atkinson to act as ICIG – That’s because Atkinson was part of the 2015/2016 crew.

Additionally, the SSCI would control intelligence information and assist the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel after the appointment. The SSCI could work as a sword and a shield as needed. Which is exactly what happened.

That background, the motive of the SSCI, explains every point of conflict and corruption we have seen from the SSCI toward the White House in the past four years.

Meanwhile, Dan Jones went freelance and in 2017 was given $50 million to fund an investigative outfit called the “Penn Quarter Group” and create a new organization called the Democracy Integrity Project.

“Jones told federal investigators that he had raised $50 million from “7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California.” (link)

Jones used both groups to continue selling and pushing the Trump-Russia narrative. Also, it was important for those at risk to find an alternate route to keep financing their defense without using Clinton’s legal team within Perkins Coie.

Essentially, in 2017 Dan Jones, through his Penn Quarter Group, took over funding for Fusion-GPS and Glenn Simpson and kept paying Christopher Steele. The payments to these entities and Steele always looked more like a pay-off to keep their mouths shut. Jones was essentially the bagman for continued Trump-Russia operations outside the government. Jones’s second job was to keep pushing the Trump-Russia narrative in the media (read more).

Back to Taibbi today:

“NBC, Politico, AP, Times, Business Insider, and other media outlets who played up the “Russian bots” story – even Rolling Stone – all declined to comment for this story. The staffs of Feinstein, Schiff, and Blumenthal also declined comment.

Who did comment? Devin Nunes. “Schiff and the Democrats falsely claimed Russians were behind the Release the Memo hashtag, all my investigative work… By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in U.S. history.”

This #ReleaseTheMemo episode is just one of many in the #TwitterFiles.The Russiagate scandal was built on the craven dishonesty of politicians and reporters, who for years ignored the absence of data to fictional scare headlines.” (more)

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c277d3 No.4812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134079 (130224ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Keep in mind with control of the SSCI the group inside the legislative branch could control who ran what intelligence agency because they held the power of confirmation; and they could control who would rise to be inspector general within the intelligence community, a position needed if a whistle-blower was to surface. The SSCI would only allow Michael Atkinson to act as ICIG – That’s because Atkinson was part of the 2015/2016 crew.

Additionally, the SSCI would control intelligence information and assist the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel after the appointment. The SSCI could work as a sword and a shield as needed. Which is exactly what happened.

That background, the motive of the SSCI, explains every point of conflict and corruption we have seen from the SSCI toward the White House in the past four years.

Meanwhile, Dan Jones went freelance and in 2017 was given $50 million to fund an investigative outfit called the “Penn Quarter Group” and create a new organization called the Democracy Integrity Project.

“Jones told federal investigators that he had raised $50 million from “7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California.” (link)

Jones used both groups to continue selling and pushing the Trump-Russia narrative. Also, it was important for those at risk to find an alternate route to keep financing their defense without using Clinton’s legal team within Perkins Coie.

Essentially, in 2017 Dan Jones, through his Penn Quarter Group, took over funding for Fusion-GPS and Glenn Simpson and kept paying Christopher Steele. The payments to these entities and Steele always looked more like a pay-off to keep their mouths shut. Jones was essentially the bagman for continued Trump-Russia operations outside the government. Jones’s second job was to keep pushing the Trump-Russia narrative in the media (read more).

Back to Taibbi today:

“NBC, Politico, AP, Times, Business Insider, and other media outlets who played up the “Russian bots” story – even Rolling Stone – all declined to comment for this story. The staffs of Feinstein, Schiff, and Blumenthal also declined comment.

Who did comment? Devin Nunes. “Schiff and the Democrats falsely claimed Russians were behind the Release the Memo hashtag, all my investigative work… By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in U.S. history.”

This #ReleaseTheMemo episode is just one of many in the #TwitterFiles.The Russiagate scandal was built on the craven dishonesty of politicians and reporters, who for years ignored the absence of data to fictional scare headlines.” (more)

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c277d3 No.4813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134082 (130225ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

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>outbreaks of mass delusion

good band name

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c277d3 No.4814

File: 5497bde12ce4d4a⋯.jpeg (517.91 KB,1242x2110,621:1055,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f4bb4cb7d2a6f3c⋯.jpeg (474.84 KB,1242x1815,414:605,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6e4772366bd9f9⋯.jpeg (143.97 KB,1241x602,1241:602,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134091 (130226ZJAN23) Notable: Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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>>4674, >>4684, >>4685, PN>>4687>>4690, >>4689 Miranda Devine posted a document Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

Ideas & Rules for digging

• You know how Joe and his officers of their found have PhD as their middle names.

• I went back to site below and found how can determine they are a Cult or very connected WW.

• Most with PHD at end is not in the cult (except for some medical related to cancer etc.)

• But they also use United States and other similar things in the name of the foundations

there are 13,678 foundations or corps with Phd. Not all are cult but quite a few

• confusing the algorithm: dropping one name, and adding PHD in the middle may fuck up the algorithm so their names & foundations are not found.

• or they add PHD in the middke to identify members of the cult

• Additionally they add maiden names, like Jill biden had maiden name

• Surprisingly the first few pages had members of the cult.

• look at officers on one org type that in and they will also have numerous foundations created by them

• Many if these foundations are from South America, I’ve seen Brazil, Peru, Mexico, but I’m sure theres more.

• Wouldn’t surprise me to see titles such as “United Kingdom intelligence foundation” (like bidan and others do)

• As you saw they choose different people to be on their board but it seems for bidan et al, they use this one registering agent in Miami. this guy below, he uses three names Roberto PHD Cohen and these two others.

• Abraham H was on one of Joe’s or other board members foundations.

Oh yeah they have a LOT of Catholic based foundation even the jewish members

• If PHD is in the middle and not on the end, as a general rule they are in the CULT, but I’m sure we will find different tricks.

• Some will have a couple of corps or foundations and use PHD at end and in the middle with another.

• Superficially they seem related to healthcare, pharma, catholic (religion) or science (a guess)

• They can have 10 different ways to list their names, use initials for either first, middle, last name, add Jr or Sr or Ii or III.

• Amazing how many foundations were created just under Cohen, he’s listed on 146, most opened in last couple of years 2021 & 2022

This us a BIG DIGg

Anons, any new hints or rules to use in research please add to my haphazard list above, and let anons know to find it










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c277d3 No.4815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134123 (130232ZJAN23) Notable: Beck,Lisa Marie, Diamond

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1. Jeff Beck

2. Lisa Marie

3. ????????

They always die in 3's

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c277d3 No.4816

File: 4c32b9e4fd766c4⋯.jpeg (880.76 KB,892x6405,892:6405,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134130 (130233ZJAN23) Notable: NBC now reporting kids shouldn't have boosters. Complete reversal

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NBC now reporting kids shouldn't have boosters. Complete reversal from guidence few months ago. What changed?


A key adviser to the Food and Drug Administration's vaccine panel is questioning whether more Covid booster shots are necessary for healthy, younger people.

The evidence for the new versions of the vaccines for the omicron variant of the coronavirus, which the FDA authorized in August, is "underwhelming" and fails to show they are much better than the original shots, Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician who is a leading vaccine and infectious diseases expert, wrote Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Protecting people against Covid infection with the current mRNA technology may be a pipe dream, especially as new coronavirus strains emerge every few months, Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told NBC News.

The updated boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are probably best reserved for people at high risk of severe illness or death from Covid — older adults, people with multiple coexisting conditions and those who are immunocompromised, Offit said.

Asking young, healthy people who have a lower risk of serious illness to get boosted with a variant-specific vaccine, followed by a different variant-specific formula a few months later, may not be practical, he said.

Offit, who is a member of the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, wrote in the paper, “I believe we should stop trying to prevent all symptomatic infections in healthy, young people by boosting them with vaccines containing mRNA from strains that might disappear a few months later.”

The FDA vaccine committee is scheduled to meet Jan. 26, when the group of outside advisers will hammer out what the next version of Covid shots should be.

Offit's position contradicts Covid vaccine guidelines from the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommend that everyone 6 months and older get updated vaccines at least two months after their last doses.

In response to the NEJM paper, FDA spokesperson Abigail Capobianco said that the data Offit used to support his argument was “selective” and that “we strongly believe that the totality of the available evidence continues to support the use of these vaccines in all age groups.”

“Dr. Offit is entitled to his opinion about the effectiveness of the Covid-19 bivalent vaccines used as boosters,” she said.

Why is there an omicron booster?

In the wake of last winter's surge of the omicron variant in the U.S., the FDA's vaccine committee met in June to recommend redesigned boosters that target some form of the omicron virus. Offit and another member voted against changing the vaccines. The FDA later backed the vaccine panel, authorizing a new formulation of the booster shots.

The updated vaccine, called a bivalent, targets the original coronavirus strain as well as BA.4 and BA.5, two omicron subvariants that are now largely out of circulation in the U.S.

At the time, the updated booster shots hadn't yet been tested in humans, and early data suggested that they didn't generate a better immune response to BA.5 than the first iterations of the vaccines.

However, data released in the following months by Pfizer and Moderna, as well as a real-world study from the CDC, found that the new vaccines did offer increased protection against the omicron subvariants, although the protection against infection was still low compared to the protection they once offered against the original coronavirus strain.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, countered that the boosters still lower the risk of Covid infections and severe illness — and in turn lower the risk of getting long Covid.

“The people who are talking about why young people need it are missing the point,” he said, referring to the booster. “We don’t only vaccinate to prevent deaths. We prevent vaccine severe illness and therefore long Covid, as well.”

It's unclear whether the new paper will influence other members of the FDA panel or the agency's decision about the next version of the vaccines.


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c277d3 No.4817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134134 (130233ZJAN23) Notable: NBC now reporting kids shouldn't have boosters. Complete reversal

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Dr. Ofer Levy, another member of the FDA panel, agreed that the benefit of a booster may be lower for younger people than for older adults but said, "It is not zero."

Levy, the director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, continues to encourage Covid boosters for everyone who is eligible.

Relatively few people in the U.S. have had updated boosters. As of Jan. 4, only around 15% of people over age 5 had gotten them, according to the CDC.

Dr. Anna Durbin, a vaccine researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said the rationale for boosting young, healthy people is "weaker" than it is for boosting the elderly and those at higher risk for severe disease. However, she said, young people are still likely to get infected.

The FDA advisory committee is expected this month to discuss whether the first two mRNA vaccine doses given to people who aren't yet vaccinated should be updated to match the current circulating strains of the virus. Those shots, called the primary series, still target the original coronavirus strain that was identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019.

Younger, healthy people don't need another Covid booster, vaccine expert says

Protecting against Covid infection with the current mRNA technology is unrealistic, a vaccine expert said in a paper published in a major medical journal.

2 of 2

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c277d3 No.4818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134147 (130235ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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Lisa Marie Presley Calls Austin Butler's Elvis MIND-BLOWING at Golden Globes

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c277d3 No.4819

File: 04a01c955d95d4f⋯.png (188.4 KB,991x1142,991:1142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134259 (130251ZJAN23) Notable: Putin winning

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Ukrainian soldier in Soledar describes dire situation: "We are just abandoned"

From CNN's Yulia Kesaieva in Kyiv

A Ukrainian soldier in the contested eastern town of Soledar described a dire situation to CNN on Thursday evening, saying “we are just abandoned.”

CNN is not identifying the soldier for security reasons.

“We tried to withdraw ourselves, but the Orcs [Russians] are already there. If there is no order to withdraw today, we will most likely not have time to leave,” he told CNN over the phone. “We were told that we would be withdrawn. And now we аre just abandoned.”

He said that the soldiers had run out of food, were running low on water, and that they had wounded soldiers. He said that they still had some ammunition.

“The last evacuation was three days ago,” he said. “The order was to hold out to the very end. Judging by the sounds of the battle, our neighbors [other units] either withdrew or were ordered to withdraw. We were told to hold out.”

“We hold on as long as we can. But anyone can get tired and hit the limit eventually. It is impossible to hold on just on a high morale for so long.”

Wagner, the Russian private military company, has claimed to have captured all of Soledar. A video posted to Telegram Thursday and geolocated by CNN shows Wagner forces on the northern edge of the town.

Ukraine’s 46th Airmobile Brigade claimed Thursday that it was “conducting counterattacks” in the town.

“After several days of pulling back, we've even made a small advance,” the unit said on Telegram. “The railway station is ours. The mine is ours. We are waiting for support. Soledar is Ukraine.”


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c277d3 No.4820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134266 (130253ZJAN23) Notable: Beck,Lisa Marie, Diamond

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Diamond just died

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c277d3 No.4821

File: 3573636e86ef40e⋯.png (306.13 KB,1852x907,1852:907,Clipboard.png)

File: d442a1f4d06f710⋯.png (712.25 KB,1872x4717,1872:4717,Clipboard.png)

File: cbfa6924856faa7⋯.png (1.04 MB,1857x910,1857:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134290 (130256ZJAN23) Notable: What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

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>>4795, >>4798 (Both PB) What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

Anon said he could not access full article. Abstract from PubMed:

Sheep health management strategies often include the use of aluminum (Al)-containing vaccines. These products were associated with the appearance of the ovine autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome), which included an array of ethological changes in the affected animals. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate cognitive and behavioral changes in sheep subjected to a protocol of repetitive inoculation with Al-containing products.

Twenty-one lambs were assigned to three groups (n = 7 each): Control, Adjuvant-only, and Vaccine.

Vaccine group was inoculated with commercial Al- hydroxide containing vaccines;

Adjuvant-only group received the equivalent dose of Al only (Alhydrogel®), and

Control group received Phosphate-buffered saline.

Sixteen inoculations were administered within a 349-day period. Ethological changes were studied in late summer (7 inoculations) and mid-winter (16 inoculations).

Animals in Vaccine and Adjuvant-only groups exhibited individual and social behavioral changes. Affiliative interactions were significantly reduced, and aggressive interactions and stereotypies increased significantly. They also exhibited a significant increase in excitatory behavior and compulsive eating. There were increased levels of stress biomarkers in these two groups.

In general, changes were more pronounced in the Vaccine group than they were in the Adjuvant-only group. Some changes were already significant in summer, after seven inoculations only. This study is the first to describe behavioral changes in sheep after having received repetitive injections of Al-containing products, and may explain some of the clinical signs observed in ovine ASIA syndrome.

Keywords: Aluminum; Behavior; Ovine ASIA syndrome; Sheep; Vaccine.

Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Meanwhile, the USG has spent ~$81 Million dollars w/Elsevier.



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c277d3 No.4822

File: 4fa21ae981481dd⋯.png (559.97 KB,528x760,66:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 97fc529af2fe242⋯.png (409.17 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134311 (130300ZJAN23) Notable: Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

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Scientology or coke? Could be either, could be both. RIP Lisa, home with father and your son.

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c277d3 No.4823

File: b5f14ae0b9f5f74⋯.png (431.55 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134333 (130304ZJAN23) Notable: the aliens are coming!

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c277d3 No.4824

File: bad398fb661d5f4⋯.png (174.63 KB,613x777,613:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134365 (130307ZJAN23) Notable: the aliens are coming!

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Aaaand .. the gorefag is here.


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c277d3 No.4825

File: d49c0cac80a41b6⋯.png (170.06 KB,423x632,423:632,Clipboard.png)

File: de18f525e772e44⋯.png (477.9 KB,852x852,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134481 (130321ZJAN23) Notable: CMZ: The moment you realize you were caught red handed selling classified information for kickbacks in Ukraine.

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Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]


1. Be Vice President.

2. Son is energy company executive in Ukraine.

3. Family gets massive kickbacks and payouts in Ukraine.

4. Keep classified info relevant to Ukraine in unlocked garage.

The moment you realize you were caught red handed selling classified information for kickbacks in Ukraine.

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c277d3 No.4826

File: cc16b0406653be0⋯.png (220.88 KB,578x559,578:559,Clipboard.png)

File: c472a7f269e47d1⋯.jpg (152.91 KB,1242x627,414:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134492 (130323ZJAN23) Notable: @RepMcCaul renewed oversight requests to the @StateDept on the Afghanistan withdrawal and issued the following statement

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House Foreign Affairs GOP


In one of his first actions as Chairman,

@RepMcCaul renewed oversight requests to the @StateDept on the Afghanistan withdrawal and issued the following statement

10:11 PM · Jan 12, 2023


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c277d3 No.4827

File: 13f1b57e6ab2b4c⋯.png (338.98 KB,598x711,598:711,Clipboard.png)

File: edb7f6a024cba63⋯.jpg (238.63 KB,2048x1444,512:361,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c388bcdadb33411⋯.png (854.08 KB,1284x1612,321:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 926bc5286c7071c⋯.png (191.98 KB,607x820,607:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134495 (130323ZJAN23) Notable: the aliens are coming!

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c277d3 No.4828

File: 10b2b46c00efe8c⋯.png (1.1 MB,659x1591,659:1591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134518 (130327ZJAN23) Notable: This is an activist taking trash we had picked up and dragging it back into the park. Why you ask?

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Kevin Dahlgren


This is an activist taking trash we had picked up and dragging it back into the park. Why you ask?

Because it came from an abandoned homeless camp and even though we had permission from the nearby homeless, it was nothing but rotting clothes and food, ripped tarps and used needles she considered it theft. As we cleaned they screamed at us for two hours.

According to her (in between the f-bombs) anything a homeless person has around them is considered belongings and thus untouchable.

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c277d3 No.4829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134566 (130334ZJAN23) Notable: Storms, tornadoes slam US South, killing at least 7 people.

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Storms, tornadoes slam US South, killing at least 7 people.

SELMA, Ala. (AP) — A giant, swirling storm system billowing across the South on Thursday killed at least six people in central Alabama, where a tornado ripped roofs off homes and uprooted trees in historic Selma, while another person was killed in Georgia, where severe winds knocked out power to tens of thousands of people.

In Autauga County, Alabama, 41 miles (66 kilometers) northeast of Selma, at least six fatalities were confirmed and an estimated 40 to 50 homes were damaged or destroyed by storms that cut a strip across the county, said Ernie Baggett, the county’s emergency management director.

At least 12 people were injured severely enough to be taken to hospitals by emergency responders, Baggett told The Associated Press, adding that he didn’t know the extent of their injuries. He said crews were focused Thursday evening on cutting through downed trees to look for people who may need help.

“There are some houses that were completely destroyed that haven’t been searched yet,” Autauga County Coroner Buster Barber said late Thursday, adding that crews “are still in the process of searching through rubble.”

In Georgia, a passenger died when a tree fell on a vehicle in Jackson during the storm, Butts County Coroner Lacey Prue said. In the same county southeast of Atlanta, the storm appeared to have knocked a freight train off its tracks, officials said.


Weather Service: Storms sparked at least 6 Illinois twisters

Kentucky AG navigates GOP feud as he files for governor

South cleans up from tornadoes as blizzards advance north

Democrats question worker safety in Amazon warehouse rebuild

Nationwide, there were 33 separate tornado reports Thursday from the National Weather Service as of Thursday evening, with a handful of tornado warnings still in effect in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. However, the reports were not yet confirmed and some of them could later be classified as wind damage after assessments are done in coming days.

In Selma, a city etched in the history of the civil rights movement, a tornado cut a wide path through the downtown area, where brick buildings collapsed, oak trees were uprooted, cars were on their side and power lines were left dangling. Plumes of thick, black smoke rose over the city from a fire burning. It wasn’t immediately known whether the storm caused the blaze.


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c277d3 No.4830

File: 92f3d0d9cbacb9e⋯.png (2.27 MB,1165x899,1165:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 194c8a310af3629⋯.png (2.95 MB,1639x953,1639:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 64023af109ef755⋯.png (671 KB,1103x699,1103:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134607 (130342ZJAN23) Notable: Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

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>>4674 pb

3512 Multiview Drive is a residential compound.

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c277d3 No.4831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134687 (130359ZJAN23) Notable: #22232

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#22232 >>4801

>>4802, >>4803, >>4806, >>4808, >>4818, >>4822 Lisa Marie Presley dies after being rushed to hospital

>>4804 U.S. government gets 366 UFO reports in past two years, almost half unexplained

>>4805 UK: Ambulance response times for serious conditions such as stroke or chest pain.

>>4807 Holocaust survivor is forced to receive Covid vaccination

>>4809, >>4810, >>4811, >>4812, >>4813 Twitter File #14 Release – DC Politicians Pushing Twitter to Remove Content That Exposed Fraud Behind Trump-Russia Claims

>>4814, >>4830 Hunter claimed dad's home, name of business was Owasco – ANONS DIG!

>>4816, >>4817 NBC now reporting kids shouldn't have boosters. Complete reversal

>>4819 Putin winning

>>4815, >>4820 Beck,Lisa Marie, Diamond

>>4821 What is aluminum doing in the vaxx again?

>>4823, >>4824, >>4827 the aliens are coming!

>>4825 CMZ: The moment you realize you were caught red handed selling classified information for kickbacks in Ukraine.

>>4826 @RepMcCaul renewed oversight requests to the @StateDept on the Afghanistan withdrawal and issued the following statement

>>4828 This is an activist taking trash we had picked up and dragging it back into the park. Why you ask?

>>4829 Storms, tornadoes slam US South, killing at least 7 people.


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c277d3 No.4832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134711 (130403ZJAN23) Notable: Notable Patriots back on Twitter: Moyneux, Tenpenny, Stella Immanual, Zak Payne

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Whiny liberal bemoans (and lies about) reinstated Patriots:

Shayan Sardarizadeh


"Notable recent Twitter reinstatements:

Stefan Molyneux: White nationalist commentator [not true]

Sherri Tenpenny: Leading anti-vaccine activist

Dr Stella Immanuel: Controversial physician and pastor

Zak Paine: Host of QAnon online show RedPill78"

10:55 AM · Jan 12, 2023


Truth -

Here is where to find these Patriots, now back on Twitter:

Stefan Molyneux, MA

@StefanMolyneux(387.9K followers)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

@BusyDrT(95.4K followers)

Dr. Stella Immanuel

@stella_immanuel(174.4K followers)

Zak Paine aka Corruption Detector

@RedPill78(89K followers)

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c277d3 No.4833

File: 103940045b9267a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1440x1013,1440:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d818df4d3d11af⋯.png (664.64 KB,822x560,411:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134785 (130417ZJAN23) Notable: PF reports

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Call sign NASA806. N806NA LOCKHEED U-2


Baro. Altitude: ▲ 50200 ft

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c277d3 No.4834

File: f0590b12c0d42a3⋯.png (220.21 KB,852x767,852:767,Clipboard.png)

File: c50557bf558b91d⋯.png (244.01 KB,618x718,309:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c3d5c54f47193b⋯.png (17.71 KB,859x171,859:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134795 (130420ZJAN23) Notable: Senator Questions CDC On Why It Claimed No 'Unexpected Safety Signals' For COVID Vaccines

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Senator Questions CDC On Why It Claimed No 'Unexpected Safety Signals' For COVID Vaccines

A U.S. senator is questioning a top agency's public statements over safety signals for the COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claimed in 2022 that safety monitoring revealed no “unexpected safety signals” for the vaccines.

But the results to which she was referring showed hundreds of safety signals, or adverse events potentially linked to the shots.

The Epoch Times obtained the results through a Freedom of Information Act after the CDC refused to release them.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is now wondering why the CDC expected so many signals after vaccination.

In a Jan. 10 letter citing The Epoch Times article on the results, Johnson demanded the CDC explain how it determined what is and is not an “unexpected safety signal.”

“The American people have a right to know the extent to which your agency was aware of and tracked COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. Your lack of transparency is unacceptable. Without immediately providing complete and reliable information about COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, you are obstructing Congressional oversight and leaving the public in the dark,” added Johnson, who was stonewalled when he requested the monitoring results.

The CDC did not respond to a request for comment.



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c277d3 No.4835

File: 2b45080cdb1ce43⋯.png (80.5 KB,838x783,838:783,Clipboard.png)

File: e0851c253157a32⋯.png (1.96 MB,807x8024,807:8024,Clipboard.png)

File: 52ee4ffae4498c7⋯.png (369.95 KB,667x754,23:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134809 (130424ZJAN23) Notable: Bhattacharya: How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test

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How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test

For America’s new clerisy, scientific debate is a danger to be suppressed

by Jay Bhattacharya


We live in an age when a high public health bureaucrat can, without irony, announce to the world that if you criticize him, you are not simply criticizing a man. You are criticizing “the science” itself. The irony in this idea of “science” as a set of sacred doctrines and beliefs is that the Age of Enlightenment, which gave us our modern definitions of scientific methodology, was a reaction against a religious clerisy that claimed for itself the sole ability to distinguish truth from untruth. The COVID-19 pandemic has apparently brought us full circle, with a public health clerisy having replaced the religious one as the singular source of unassailable truth.

The analogy goes further, unfortunately. The same priests of public health that have the authority to distinguish heresy from orthodoxy also cast out heretics, just like the medieval Catholic Church did. Top universities, like Stanford, where I have been both student and professor since 1986, are supposed to protect against such orthodoxies, creating a safe space for scientists to think and to test their ideas. Sadly, Stanford has failed in this crucial aspect of its mission, as I can attest from personal experience….

Academic freedom at Stanford is clearly dying. It cannot survive if the administration fails to create an environment where good-faith discussions can occur outside of a framework of ideological rigidity and the false certainties that ideologues—and governments—wish to impose on us. Stanford missed the opportunity to sponsor COVID policy forums and it deplatformed dissenting voices. Several prominent faculty exploited this environment, engaging in actions that directly violated basic academic norms.



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c277d3 No.4836

File: 91db53eedf15eb0⋯.png (569.4 KB,693x761,693:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134812 (130425ZJAN23) Notable: These 65 Democrats voted against a CCP select committee

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“The CCP doesn’t pose a danger to just Republicans or Democrats, it’s a threat to all Americans.”

These 65 Democrats voted against a CCP select committee:

Becca Balint, Nanette Barragán, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamaal Bowman, Shontel Brown, Cori Bush, Troy Carter, Greg Casar, Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Judy Chu, Yvette Clarke, Gerald Connolly, Jasmine Crockett, Danny Davis, Diana DeGette, Mark DeSaulnier, Veronica Escobar, Dwight Evans, Lois Frankel, Maxwell Frost, Jesus García, Robert Garcia, Dan Goldman, Jimmy Gomez, Jared Huffman, Glenn Ivey, Jonathan Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Pramila Jayapal, Hank Johnson, Sydney Kamlager-Dove, Barbara Lee, Summer Lee, Ted Lieu, Zoe Lofgren, Doris Matsui, Gregory Meeks, Grace Meng, Gwen Moore, Kevin Mullin, Jerrold Nadler, Richard Neal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Frank Pallone, Mark Pocan, Katie Porter, Ayanna Pressley, Mike Quigley, Delia Ramirez, Deborah Ross, Linda Sánchez, John Sarbanes, Jan Schakowsky, Bobby Scott, Melanie Stansbury, Mark Takano, Dina Titus, Rashida Tlaib, Jill Tokuda, Paul Tonko, Lauren Underwood, Juan Vargas, Nydia Velázquez, Bonnie Watson Coleman, and Nikema Williams.


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c277d3 No.4837

File: 075052b8898c6ba⋯.png (106.94 KB,633x484,633:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134815 (130425ZJAN23) Notable: Walensky: “The continued proliferation of variants remains"

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Feb 9, 2021 — Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on Monday. “The continued proliferation of variants remains …

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c277d3 No.4838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134824 (130427ZJAN23) Notable: Walensky: “The continued proliferation of variants remains"

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1,058 views Oct 28, 2021

Dr. Rochelle Walensky discusses CDC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC’s role in coordinating global health initiatives, and the future of public health in the United States.


Rochelle P. Walensky

Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Tony Coles

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cerevel Therapeutics LLC; Member, Board of Directors, Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.

A Conversation With Rochelle Walensky


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c277d3 No.4839

File: 3e15facee575787⋯.png (29.3 KB,417x239,417:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134828 (130428ZJAN23) Notable: Court of Appeals Reinstates Fulton Counterfeit Ballot Case After GA Supreme Court Confirms Petitioners Have Standing

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Court of Appeals Reinstates Fulton Counterfeit Ballot Case After GA Supreme Court Confirms Petitioners Have Standing

January 12, 2023


The Georgia Court of Appeals, in compliance with a December 20th ruling by the Georgia Supreme Court, has reinstated the election fraud case of Favorito et al v. Wan et al. The case was originally dismissed by two lower Courts for lack of standing, prior to being reviewed by Georgia’s Supreme Court.

In October of 2022, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that taxpayers, citizens and residents indeed do have standing to sue government officials when those officials violate Georgia law. This ruling set the stage for the Supreme Court to order that the Favorito case be returned and reconsidered by the lower court.

Favorito’s lawsuit alleges that video widely shown involving ballots being counted at the State Farm Arena includes evidence of election violations. In addition, sworn affidavits from senior poll managers who handled absentee ballots, provide evidence that counterfeit ballots were included in Fulton County election results.

Garland Favorito is scheduled to appear on The Georgia Show with Host L Todd Wood, this Sunday, January 15 at 2:00pm EST.

The Georgia Record will continue to follow developments closely as the case is again taken-up by the Court of Appeals.


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c277d3 No.4840

File: f330ce94d9bbc57⋯.jpeg (253.6 KB,1240x823,1240:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c76fea68c376e90⋯.jpeg (123.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134831 (130429ZJAN23) Notable: This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

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12 Jan, 2023 21:19

'The entire town is littered with bodies': how Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in Soledar after a relentless Russian assault

This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson

Fighters from the Wagner Group have completely surrounded the Donbass town of Soledar and are now clearing the extensive tunnel network in the town's salt mines, the head of private military company, Evgeny Prigozhin, claimed.

The news came after weeks of intense battles in an area which sources from both sides, but especially those which are pro-Kiev, have described as a "meat grinder." Despite the sustained, albeit slow, Russian advance, the Ukrainian authorities have chosen not to retreat at the cost of tremendous losses.

“I want to repeat that Soledar has been fully liberated and cleared of Ukrainian army units,”Prigozhin said in a statement on Wednesday evening. “The Ukrainian troops that refused to surrender have been destroyed.”

Prigozhin estimated that 500 Ukrainian troops died in the final stages of the fighting, after Wagner forces encircled them. That's on top of others who perished previously.

The entire town is littered with the bodies of Ukrainian servicemen,” he saidWhile gunfire can still be heard in the western outskirts of Soledar, it is clear now that Russian forces will emerge victorious. Their victory will, in turn, collapse a 70 km-long section of Kiev's defense

The Stakes

Soledar is a conglomeration of several settlements established around salt mines and railway stations. In 2001, when Ukraine last conducted a census, around 13,000 people lived here. The town stretches along the right bank of the Bakhmutka River from southeast to northwest.

In late 2022, it became an infamous urban warzone. In peaceful times, however, it was known as the largest source of mineral salt in Central and Eastern Europe, covering around 80% of Ukraine’s needs. Deep salt mines have also made Soledar a tourist and leisure destination with tours around the caves.

There was, however, a second, military purpose to the city and its industries, as was typical for the Soviet Union. In the case of Soledar, several of its depleted mines were used as spacious and secure military warehouses.

Last year, this previously disregarded aspect of Soledar’s identity became its most prominent feature. Salt production stopped, and the gypsum plant ceased operating; the only visitors around were now Ukrainian soldiers – and developing asthma was the least of their problems.

Strategic Positions

Soledar became the focus of Russian offensive operations last May, after troops seized Popasnaya and breached the first line of Ukrainian defenses. The Ukrainian command turned the town into a major piece of its second defensive line, a stretch of fortifications along the Dzerzhinsk – Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) – Soledar – Seversk line.

Up until early August, fighting continued around Soledar: Russian forces were busy cutting off the pocket of Ukrainian forces near Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, and gradually advancing toward Soledar and Artyomovsk, seizing fortifications at Pilipchatino and Pokrovskoye along the way. Wagner units and the 6th Cossack Regiment of Lugansk gradually moved into the combat area. Russian troops enjoyed uncontested superiority in terms of artillery, but there were some early signs of ‘ammunition hunger’ looming on the horizon.


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c277d3 No.4841

File: 4ccd3004963d288⋯.png (274.38 KB,750x543,250:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134832 (130429ZJAN23) Notable: PF reports

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>Baro. Altitude: ▲ 50200 ft

Baro. Altitude: ▲ 60000 ft

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c277d3 No.4842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134835 (130429ZJAN23) Notable: Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

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Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video


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c277d3 No.4843

File: ace246fde006626⋯.png (661.3 KB,757x868,757:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134838 (130430ZJAN23) Notable: Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

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Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

Bill Gates held court during an online chat in which he invited Reddit users to “ask me anything” on Wednesday — only to ignore questions about his ties to the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist, fielded questions during a Reddit “AMA” in which he opined on his favorite rock band (U2), the need to combat climate change, taxation of the wealthy, his ownership of US farmland and which television shows he enjoyed the most in 2022.

But he wouldn’t touch the hot-button question of his prior relationship with Epstein, the wealthy financier who hanged himself in a Manhattan jail cell while awaiting federal trial on sex trafficking charges in 2019.

“Why did you continue associating with Jeffrey Epstein after he was convicted of being a pedo?” a Redditor who goes by the handle “alwayshazthelinks” wrote to Gates.

“And against your then-wife’s advice and wishes?”

The reference was to Epstein’s prior conviction in 2008 when he admitted in a Florida court to procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute.

The questioner then posted a link to an article with the headline: “Bill Gates’ Ex-Wife Melinda Says His Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein Hurt Marriage.”

The Reddit user then posed a follow-up question: “Why did you funnel donations through Epstein as opposed to publicly donating via your well-known ‘philanthropic’ foundation?

Last March, Melinda French Gates told Gayle King of “CBS This Morning” that it was “not one thing but many things” that led to the end of her 27-year marriage to Gates. The divorce was finalized in August 2021.

“I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, no,” Melinda French Gates said.

“I made that clear to him.”

She told King that she met Epstein “exactly one time” because she “wanted to see who this man was.”

“I regretted it the second I walked in the door,” Melinda French Gates told “CBS This Morning.”

“He was abhorrent. He was evil personified. My heart breaks for these women.”

Bill Gates provided a statement to CBS which read: “Meeting with Epstein was a mistake that I regret deeply. It was a substantial error in judgment.”

Bill Gates, 67, has admitted to having “several dinners” with Epstein in the early 2010s.

He said this past May that the meetings were part of efforts to raise money for the Gates Foundation.


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c277d3 No.4844

File: f3a496fc9fa5060⋯.png (76.56 KB,647x355,647:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134843 (130431ZJAN23) Notable: Secret Service Locates Hundreds of Docs Regarding Hunter Biden’s Gun Purchase

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Secret Service Locates Hundreds of Docs Regarding Hunter Biden’s Gun Purchase

The U.S. Secret Service has “located” hundreds of documents related to Hunter Biden’s purchase of a handgun that was later found after being discarded in a dumpster behind a small grocer in Delaware.

“Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, reportedly threw his handgun in a trash container in Delaware in 2020. Agents with the Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) were reportedly involved. Based on the reports, a transparency group called Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Secret Service asking for records related to the incident, including reports, telephone logs, and witness statements. The Secret Service, in its initial April 2021 response, said it located records and would process them. But more than a year later, in October, it said the response was sent in error and that the agency had never actually located any responsive records. The third change came in a recent court filing that was lodged after Judicial Watch sued over the matter. The Secret Service now says more than 100 records have been located,” the report said.

Hunter and Hallie, the wife of Hunter’s late brother Beau, were reportedly having an affair at the time.

“Since the Complaint was filed, the Parties have conferred about the intended scope of Judicial Watch’s FOIA request and, in response, USSS has run supplemental searches and located over 100 records, totaling over 400 pages, potentially responsive to Judicial Watch’s request under the clarified understanding of that request,” the Secret Service and Judicial Watch said in a joint case report filed on Nov. 10 with the U.S. court in Washington, D.C.

Initially, the Secret Service denied having the records, noted Judicial Watch.

“The Secret Service’s changing story on records raises additional questions about its role in the Hunter Biden gun incident,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton noted in a statement. “One thing is clear, Judicial Watch’s persistence means the public may get records that the Secret Service suggested didn’t exist.”

At issue is Hunter Biden’s response to a question on a federal gun form asking about prior drug use. According to reports, the first son said he did not use drugs, though he has admitted to a raging cocaine habit, and video, as well as photographic evidence of that drug use, was found on the infamous laptop he allegedly abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop.

It is a felony to lie on a federal gun form.

An explosive new report from the New York Times this week alleges that Hunter Biden could soon face charges concerning alleged illegal tax deductions.

“David C. Weiss, the U.S. attorney for Delaware, is closing in on a decision about whether to prosecute Hunter Biden on charges stemming from his behavior during his most troubled years. Investigators have pored over documents related to and questioned witnesses about his overseas business dealings. They include his role on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company led by an oligarch who at the time was under investigation for corruption — a position that Hunter accepted while his father, as vice president, was overseeing Obama administration policy in Ukraine,” the NYT reported.

Investigators are also closing in on possible illegal business deals between Hunter Biden’s business associates and his father, President Joe Biden.


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c277d3 No.4845

File: d1e64f92080b740⋯.png (219.65 KB,537x613,537:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 9879c05ae8b0c20⋯.png (721.23 KB,1006x484,503:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134844 (130431ZJAN23) Notable: Our local embalmer (who was initially skeptical of the #Diedsuddenly Film) sent us photo of a 16" clot

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Our local embalmer (who was initially skeptical of the #Diedsuddenly Film) sent us this photo today.

He was horrified — finding his first round of fibrous clots in the vaxxed dead. 💉

The clot that he pulled from the body was 16 inches long.


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c277d3 No.4846

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134845 (130431ZJAN23) Notable: Trump's interview with Mark Levine

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Trump's interview with Mark Levine

January 12, 2023



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c277d3 No.4847

File: 5ce999e839f2735⋯.jpeg (567.9 KB,1240x425,248:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66667c7d4e1086a⋯.png (1.25 MB,1240x698,620:349,Clipboard.png)

File: f330ce94d9bbc57⋯.jpeg (253.6 KB,1240x823,1240:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134862 (130434ZJAN23) Notable: This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

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>>48402 of 3

'The entire town is littered with bodies': how Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in Soledar after a relentless Russian assault

The Russians were unable to penetrate Ukrainian defenses in one burst. The troops, exhausted after a major operation to liberate the entirety of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR), simply could not break through the numerically superior Ukrainian forces.

Ukrainian defenses in the area consisted of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade, supported by numerous units of the Territorial Defense Forces. The second line was formed by the 24th Mechanized Brigade, which had suffered losses during the earlier fighting in Popasnaya. Combined, these forces were sufficient to hold off the attacks along most of the Artyomovsk-Soledar-Lisichansk line, a stretch of fortifications that would not be breached until December – a development that would ultimately spell defeat for the Ukrainians.

Yet, over the summer of 2022, Ukrainian defenses in the area held strong – so much so that one of Ukraine’s top media spokesmen, Aleksei Arestovich, boasted that the Russians would not take a single Ukrainian town beyond Lisichansk, including Artyomovsk and Soledar. The frontline stabilized, and the armies switched to positional warfare. In the Donbass farmland, fields are separated by strips of trees to prevent soil erosion; these strips were fortified and used as strongpoints. The Russian troops wrestled the farmland away from the Ukrainians, 500 meters at a time – however, an unconventional approach was required in order to achieve a decisive breakthrough.

Until then, Russian assault groups, under the cover of artillery fire, had been working their way slowly, but steadily, through the Ukrainian defenses. Their first successful operation, which marked the start of the battle for Soledar, was the capture of the Knauf Gips gypsum plant in early August, by the 6th Cossack Regiment of the LPR army and Wagner units. Then, using the plant as a foothold, the Russian forces engaged in months of fighting in the southern part of the city, which consisted of private residences, several blocks of multistory residential buildings, a gypsum plant, a gypsum quarry and a refractory materials factory.

Wagner group filmed in salt-mine tunnels of embattled Soledar

The fighting dragged on for the rest of the summer and into the fall. After the pullbackfrom Kharkov Region and Krasny Liman, a new tug-of-war started over Peski, Marinka and Avdeevka. Later, the Russian army pulled out of Kherson, but managed to hold Svatovo. In the meantime, the situation around Soledar and Artyomovsk remained unchanged. Wagner forces, in cooperation with units from the Donbass republics and assisted by Russian aviation and artillery, lay the groundwork for a successful breach of the multi-layered Ukrainian defenses.

Fresh blood

What finally got things moving was the Wagner group’s decision to focus on assault tactics and scale up its operations by increasing its numbers. To get an influx of fresh blood, it used several approaches. First, friendly media created an entire subculture that praised Wagner as the leading military force and made it desirable to serve in its ranks. This promotional effort was driven by military bloggers (often Wagner veterans themselves), journalists, musicians and artists, and was certainly helped by the outspoken head of the group, Prigozhin.

As a result, when Russia announced a partial mobilization, some eligible men decided that it would be better to go to war themselves than sit around and wait for a draft summons. Volunteering gave you one privilege: You could choose which force to join. Wagner was one of the top choices.

Second, it was decided to start recruiting among prison inmates. Subject to strict discipline, they were offered equal treatment to other soldiers and a six-month contract, after which it was promised that they would be pardoned and their criminal records cleared. The first unit made up of such volunteers set out for the front in July, and those who survived until January went home, as shown in videos published by Prigozhin’s affiliated media.

The whole enterprise would not be as effective if not for the training system, in which assault units were actually prepared for this role, without wasting time on other skills that would be useless in this context. Another factor was Wagner’s combat control system that enabled coordination between many small groups.

Path to victory

The front line in Soledar was moving north, rather slowly. But the Ukrainian army was suffering losses. The 93rd Mechanized Brigade, which had stopped Russians near Soledar in August, was shattered so badly that it lost combat effectiveness and was pulled back for reinforcements.


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c277d3 No.4848

File: c76fea68c376e90⋯.jpeg (123.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 27b9b77acc3b4e1⋯.png (1.1 MB,1240x698,620:349,Clipboard.png)

File: f330ce94d9bbc57⋯.jpeg (253.6 KB,1240x823,1240:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134879 (130438ZJAN23) Notable: This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

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3 of 3

It was replaced by the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, which was supposed to have been drawn out of combat to be replenished after heavy fighting on the right bank of Dnieper in Kherson Region. But the Ukrainian general staff had to draw on reserves, so there wasn't enough time to replenish the 128th brigade before it was put up against Wagner’s assault troops in Bakhmutskoye and Soledar.

In the latter, fighting had intensified along the flanks. The Russians started to move forward through the industrial areas of Artyomovsk, opening up possibilities for moving into the southern outskirts of Soledar and for attacking Yakovlevka from the north.

Yakovlevka was seized on December 18, which enabled further advancement towards Soledar. Ukrainians undertook a number of counter-attacks, trying to use the wood strips in the fields for their defense. The fall of Yakovlevka was a turning point that defined future success in Soledar.

The situation in the industrial area of Artyomovsk was different. The assault operation stopped after the frontline had shifted several kilometers away from the highway. Ukraine’s government and Western media described this as a victory, claiming that the Russians were evidently unable to seize Artyomovsk and had to shift the focus to a minor target – Soledar. In reality, the battles in Artyomovsk and Soledar were interconnected.

By advancing east of Artyomovsk, the Wagner Group took the upper hand and was able to storm Bakhmutskoye. Since the summer, the frontline ran through the village, splitting it into two parts, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces setting up a fortified area in the local school and equipment storage facilities in its northern part. After this, events took a faster course. On December 26, the Ukrainians were

driven outof the school building and, on January 9, Bakhmutskoye was liberated almost completely and the Russian storm units moved on to Dekonskaya railway station.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's defense in Soledar suffered an operational crisis, with the garrison stationed in the town attacked at the southern and northern flanks and unable to stop the Russian offensive. Kiev's troops were exhausted with some fighters fleeing from their positions, according to Arestovich.

On January 5, the crisis Ukraine's defenses became apparent, with its Forces withdrawing from the southern part of the town. On January 6, fighting broke out on the premises of salt mine No. 1-3, located downtown. The following day, Ukraine’s 46th Airmobile Brigade, one of the freshest units on the battlefield, was moved there from Artyomovsk to reinforce the defense – or rather, to cover retreat of Kiev's fighters, in reality.

On January 9, Prigozhin reported that there was fighting for control of Soledar’s municipal buildings. By January 10, the Russians had taken control of the town center and surrounded the Ukrainian units that hadn’t retreated to Soledar’s western parts. They were then given time until midnight to lay down their arms.

What happens next?

At the moment it’s hard to say how effective this rhetoric might be for encouraging the Ukrainian troops to surrender. There have been cases of some soldiers giving up, but there have also been quite different cases – like, for example, that of five Ukrainian troops who preferred to jump off a five-story building than submit to Russian custody during the assault of Soleda and Chasovy Yar.

A Russian offensive targeting railway station Sol, Krasnopolye, and Razdolovka is also in progress. Should this be a success and the troops succeed in crossing the Bakhmutka River, it will be a serious threat to the Ukraine-controlled Seversk that is strategically important to the Ukrainian Army since it keeps both Lisichansk and Kremennaya in check.

The Ukrainian resistance in Soledar and Artyomovsk is currently weakening due to the intense Russian offensive. There is a clear shortage of battle-ready Ukrainian troops up to the challenge of withstanding the efficient offensive tactics employed by the Wagner PMC assault units.

And yet, the outcome of the Soledar offensive is up to the Russian command now. It remains to be seen within the next few weeks whether the command will take the risk of large casualties and try to step up the offensive or revert to slower tactics in crushing the Ukrainian defenses.

This is Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson andit’s important for boosting the morale of the troops. It is certainly a bitter pill for the Ukrainian Army. Whether we can expect Kiev to try and adapt to the new situation and look for out-of-the-box solutions remains to be seen. All we know now is that President Zelensky keeps promising the Ukrainian people he will recapture all of Donbass even though his troops are retreating.

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c277d3 No.4849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134892 (130441ZJAN23) Notable: Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’

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Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’

Penn State professor Sam Richards challenged straight students in his sociology class to watch gay or lesbian porn to discover a new side to their sexuality.

“If you’re straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused. And how you can’t control that. You’ll realize that, ‘Oh, d—, I could be sexualized by people who are like me.’”

“We are all at some level nonbinary,” Richards said, summing up the views of certain “sociologists.” “We’re all, very much, easily bisexual.”

The class was largely silent in response.

“I might have hit a nerve there. Did I hit a nerve?” the professor asked.

Speaking directly to “straight folks” and “especially men” in his class, Richards again told them to watch gay porn and grapple with their sexual feelings while multiple students laughed.

“Watch gay porn. See if you feel that feeling. If you feel that feeling, look in a mirror, and say huh, maybe I’m just feeling some things that I’m just afraid to release. And maybe you release that and maybe you’d be surprised that maybe you actually are fine being more bisexual.”

Penn State told Fox News Digital that “academic freedom for faculty” was important in promoting “critical thinking and discussion. ”


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c277d3 No.4850

File: 78f150364137a4a⋯.png (902.14 KB,1017x1094,1017:1094,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134916 (130447ZJAN23) Notable: Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

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Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level. Nature offers a practical example.

me operations.

7:01 PM · Jan 12, 2023


Part 1 of 3

By Captain Tom Clarity, U.S. Navy

January 2023 Proceedings Vol. 149/1/1,439

There is robust and ongoing debate on expeditionary advanced basing operations and how the concept will affect future Marine Corps operations. There is far less debate regarding the Navy’s proposed warfighting concept of distributed maritime operations (DMO). To date, the service has not distributed its vision for DMO throughout the fleet. If commanding officers are expected to execute this concept in great power conflict, the technical, tactical, and cognitive challenges inherent to DMO must be identified, debated, and mitigated.

Distributed Maritime Operations

crew members

The Navy first presented DMO for broad consideration in Chief of Naval Operations John M. Richardson’s A Design for Maintaining Maritime Security (Version 2.0) in 2018, though the concept is informed by earlier warfighting frameworks such as netcentric warfare and distributed lethality.1 Subsequent documents provided visual models at the fleet level and offered little information to individual tactical commanders. These depictions focus on the high degree of connectivity required for the concept to function, if only through the static lines of connection among sensors, platforms, and command and control elements.2

Focusing on how a new model of fleet employment “looks” at the operational level of war and on its technical requirements is rational and understandable. DMO requires command-and-control and data sharing across disparate platforms and sensors to build a common operational picture.3 Developing the technical architecture to execute these concepts will not be upwardly scalable from individual tactical platforms. Establishing platform-agnostic communications, command-and-control, and fire-control networks requires a high level of purpose-built, forcewide connectivity and interoperability.

Modern Challenges

Though daunting, DMO’s technical challenges pale in comparison with those faced by commanders in understanding, much less applying, the information they receive.4 Throughout history, commanders have faced the challenge of making decisions with inadequate information. Modern conflict may present commanders with the opposite challenge: making decisions with too much information.

Information overload is not a modern phenomenon, with most historians identifying Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press as its first modern manifestation.5 The resulting explosion of available books overwhelmed 15th-century scholars.6 Similarly, an avalanche of platform, sensor, and weapon data will overwhelm the 21st-century commander.

Somewhat counterintuitively, a different emerging technology may help. The Department of Defense is pursuing artificial intelligence (AI) to improve military decision-making.7 However, the Navy struggles with incorporating AI into its acquisition processes and cyber infrastructure and fielding a force ready to develop and employ AI.8 Further, the Navy must address a more immediate technical challenge: Information needs to reliably reach operational decision-makers.

The United States should expect China to fight across the entire electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). Although the EMS is often considered distinct from the physical domains (land, sea, and air), basic tenets of theater geometry apply; forces (or signals) operating farther from their own base of operations (or source of transmission) operate at a disadvantage.9 Longer lines of communication increase the risk of interference from enemy action, generate an increased requirement in resources devoted for protection, and decrease the forces and time available for offensive action. The vast expanses of the Pacific make protecting and restoring U.S. access to required portions of the EMS an enormous challenge. Access will never be ensured or uncontested.10

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c277d3 No.4851

File: 2ccae10ad2cf97e⋯.png (87.2 KB,320x174,160:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 0be853c4fb18d8c⋯.png (215.4 KB,528x516,44:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134924 (130449ZJAN23) Notable: Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

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>>4850 - Part 1

Part 2 of 3

The technical vulnerabilities within DMO are easily identifiable. DMO creates a more insidious cognitive vulnerability for tactical commanders. Both the U.S. Navy and its Royal Navy forebear historically have pursued improved communication technologies to make command and control more effective. Both navies displayed decreased initiative and increased decision paralysis in the wake of their introduction, whether at Jutland in 1916 or First Battle of Savo Island in 1942.11 Tactical commanders in both actions failed to exercise initiative when faced with limited information because they believed, in part, that their seniors possessed superior information. There is little history to suggest that today’s DMO concept would provide a significantly different result.

Focusing the underlying concepts of DMO (disaggregation of forces and distribution of sensor/weapon data) at the tactical level of war mitigates technical and decision-making vulnerabilities at the operational level.12 It shortens EMS lines of communication and focuses technical efforts toward distribution of sensor/weapon data among platforms at tactically relevant distances. It reduces reliance on the space-based communications and the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) that likely will be heavily targeted by the People’s Liberation Army Navy (just as they are currently being targeted by the Russians in the Ukraine conflict).13 It accepts that significant information gaps persist. Most important, it prepares afloat commanders to execute in the absence of further guidance from senior leaders. Admiral Ernest J. King emphasized human initiative and radio silence in War Instructions United States Navy 1944.14 Both are equally valid today.

Visual Mental Model

Tactical DMO still requires a visual mental model, and three separate issues make building one difficult. The first may come down to which definition of “distributed” comes more immediately to mind: shared or spread out? Multiple tactical platforms operating at great distances (the spread-out component) precludes useful representation or even cognition. Cognitive psychologist George A. Miller believed that most humans are limited to processing roughly seven chunks of interacting pieces of information at one time.15 Recoding that information increases the number of discrete pieces of information available for processing; decision-makers recode four destroyers, two cruisers, and an aircraft carrier as a carrier strike group. This process is harder with nonaggregated platforms that lack clear points of connection.

The second obstacle to visualization is that static representations of a dynamic concept are ineffective. Finally, absent a specified objective, the relationship between platforms and sensors is meaningless. How, then, should the Navy provide tactical leaders with a visual model of DMO?

Nature provides a potentially useful model. A “murmuration” of starlings, unlike the relatively static “v formations” of migrating geese, is exceptionally dynamic and simultaneously coherent.16 A murmuration concentrates for brief moments before reorienting, extending itself along new axes, collapsing and extending again.

In 2013, Princeton mechanical engineer Naomi Leonard studied hundreds of hours of starling footage and mechanical modeling to determine how murmuration worked.17 Leonard’s research concluded that the apparently mass formation of starlings is actually an aggregate of multiple smaller, local formations.18 Subsequent research has determined that each local formation is concerned only with three variables:

1. An attraction zone: In this area, starlings will fly closer to a member of their formation.

2. A repulsion zone: In this area, closer proximity will interfere with safe flight.

3. Angular relationship: Starlings approximate the flight path of the nearest member of the formation.19

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c277d3 No.4852

File: 3423aba99c3ee41⋯.pdf (15.38 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134933 (130451ZJAN23) Notable: 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

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31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

>>>/qresearch/18130159 PB

>Congress does not have to form a bill to abolish the IRS, because Congress did not create the IRS in the first place. There is NO Congressional Charter for the creation of the IRS.

>All they have to do is turn off the money that flows into the IRS.


>This seems on point. It is true the IRS has no creation statute. They are basically the thugs of the fed to go shake people down.

Could Anons (maybe Lawfag anons with the ability to look up old cases?) entertain an old site about the historical formation of the IRS done by what can only be described as original internet researcher anons?

And before you go, is there a way to archive this ancient site off line in total? It is literally so old it is built for a 287 machine.

A lot of research was done on the origin of the IRS back when this anon was celebrating the 800th web site to come on line with other first time web page makers? The woman who created EBAY was still selling stuff out of her garage. There was a group of lawyers, and other researchers participating in this question, at the time.

The internet was in it's infancy.

Seems the first lawyers to get on line wanted to know where the hell the IRS came from.

The page below, is the history they were able to come up with back then, as many of us watched what they were saying with some fascination.

(In a town of 800 web sites, everyone knew everyone seems like)

Anon has always wanted to post it, but, I fear it will be torn down if I do, and I can not tell if the legal work is sound. But if it is….


Apparently every state has a contract with the IRS to collect taxes for the state? State legislators seem unaware that the IRS has a contract with their state to collect federal taxes in their state?

(Pic related 2-3-4) are the beginning pages of a sample of one of these state contracts for Oklahoma, inserted into a Congressional Hearing in the 70's. The origin of the IRS is a closely held secret, it seams.

Any such contract work like this would have to be done in a bidding process I think.

The contract is needed perhaps because it would otherwise be unconstitutional for a private entity to collect taxes in the 50 states, without a contract to bypass the Constitution?

According to the research:

The IRS was a private entity domiciled in Puerto Rico. Originally it was used as a tax office for taxing the territories, (constitutional) but, Unconstitutional as applied to the states?

The big change came during WWII when the off shore entity was used to collect the "voluntary war tax"?

The original name of it was the Bureau of Internal Revenue? And if this research is correct, it explains why Congress never created a law to create an IRS as applied to the states. At most they were acting as the governing body of the territories when they created the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

Anyway, here is the site.

Get it down. Archive. Check out the cases. Repost for any lawyers and legislators who would like to know where the hell this thing came from.

I Converted the page to pdf and put a link to the site here too. But I don't know if the conversion will work. The sample state contract with the IRS is also on the site but I cant relocate at the moment. It is buried in a hearing at supremelaw.org

31 Questions and Answers about the IRS


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c277d3 No.4853

File: cc80df746c7773b⋯.jpg (128.18 KB,720x1028,180:257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 620af08729c9565⋯.jpg (193.37 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dbfcbba6fc7d9d3⋯.jpg (63.38 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4a2ecfbf84bfcdc⋯.jpg (160.96 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6acac8eda218dab⋯.jpg (37.95 KB,471x402,157:134,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134934 (130452ZJAN23) Notable: Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

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Lisa Marie Presley appeared unsteady at Golden Globes days before her death


The Snake is aimed at Lisa Maries throat 2 days before her death. Sacrifice? Or odd coincidence

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c277d3 No.4854

File: cf2252130821334⋯.png (146.77 KB,320x909,320:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134935 (130452ZJAN23) Notable: Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

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>>4850 - Part 1

>>4851 - Part 2

Part 3 of 4

Further, each starling’s seven closest neighbors define each local formation (Miller’s limit of seven chunks of processible information apparently may not be limited to humanity).20 Finally, formation membership shifts continually throughout the flight; proximity is the sole determining criteria. The ideas of fluid, local formations and Leonard’s three parameters provide guidelines for picturing DMO execution at the tactical level. In a tactical engagement, distributed forces establish ad hoc, protean formations based on their relative proximity to the target or objective. They determine repulsion zones based on their vulnerability to detection. They determine attraction zones based on shared sensor coverage or weapon employment considerations.

In Figure1, frame 1, naval forces are at their widest distribution. They create opportunistic networks based on proximity, conduct organic scouting, and avoid detection. In frame 2, these forces receive tasking via mission-type orders during an opportunistic communication window or initiate the attack after organic detection of an enemy force. Forces flow toward the target or objective using the three variables discussed above. In frame 3, the closest proximate force establishes the general attack axis and time on target. Trailing and distant elements focus on covering and protecting the attacking element with weapons and sensors in the event of detection. After executing their attack, these forces return to wide distribution in frame 4 and report weapon effects and weapon expenditures during the next opportunistic communication window. In each frame, forces focus on the relative relationships between their own platforms and the closest relative platforms.

Executing DMO

Executing DMO at the tactical level will be complex. Any employment model established in peacetime requires significant adaptation during combat. Establishing ad hoc combat formations will require a remarkable amount of trust and cross-platform understanding. It is significantly more mentally taxing; there is no fixed criteria for being “in-position” within the formation. Commanders must assess proximity among forces and their individual and collective relationship to enemy threats without full access to the EMS. Further, platforms employed against a tactical target of opportunity may detract from a larger operational objective. Operational commanders may want centralized command and control of these platforms and capabilities, but without guaranteed access to the EMS, centralizing DMO guarantees its failure.

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c277d3 No.4855

File: 5c53bc56c6618da⋯.png (237.05 KB,598x686,299:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134937 (130452ZJAN23) Notable: Michael Salla on current UFO disclosures

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Michael Salla


While there are no major disclosures in the latest UFO/UAP report by new AARO office, the Pentagon clearly wants people to take UFO reports seriously as a possible national security threat. Setting the stage for a false flag alien event or SSP disclosure?


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c277d3 No.4856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134947 (130454ZJAN23) Notable: Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

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>>4850 - Part 1

>>4851 - Part 2

>>4854 - Part 3

Part 4 of 4

The advanced ISR capabilities both China and Russia’s field make disaggregation and cooperative engagements among platforms necessary. The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force, working with targeting data from advanced ISR systems, will fire medium-range ballistic missiles in numbers that will overwhelm U.S. Navy organic shipboard defensive capabilities.21 In response to this missile threat, U.S. and allied naval forces must disaggregate to prevent detection and destruction. These disaggregated forces still need to aggregate combat power and must be able to do so in a contested EMS. The Navy should pursue technical capabilities to make DMO lethal in execution. It also must pursue and establish a fleetwide understanding of what DMO means to tactical-level leaders.

Admiral Ernest J. King published War Instructions United States Navy 1944 on 1 November 1944, after nearly three years of bitter fighting during World War II. It covers topics ranging from darkening individual ships to daytime engagements against enemy forces. It would be easy to dismiss King’s instructions as self-evident lessons learned through the expenditure of blood and treasure, but to do so would miss his emphasis on the human element and the particular importance of initiative in war.

Chapter 1, “The Human Element in Naval Strength,” cautions against placing “inordinate value” on material developments. “Material represents the means, but not the end. . . . It is the human element in warfare which may . . . prove to be the only way of converting an impossibility into a successful reality,” he writes. King highlights the importance of sound judgment and initiative in both leaders and subordinates and expands on that importance in chapter 2.

Indeed, throughout his career, King was remarkably consistent in emphasizing the human element in war, noting in his Atlantic Fleet policies while in command of the same:

Initiative of the subordinate shall be encouraged and employed to the end that it shall become universal in the exercise of command through the echelons of command of this Fleet, so that subordinates become habituated to think, judge, decide and to act for themselves.1

He discusses the same topic in a cautionary tone in CinCLant Serial 053, published on 21 January 1941. King expresses his concern “over the increasing tendency—now grown almost to ‘standard practice’—of flag officers and other group commanders to issue orders and instructions in which their subordinates are told ‘how’ as well as ‘what’ to do to,” to the detriment of disciplined initiative.2

King’s ability to capture both what to do with naval forces and why in War Instructions while avoiding the how is critical to today’s Navy. The service’s success in major combat operations against a peer adversary capable of denying or degrading access to the electromagnetic spectrum may rest heavily on the initiative of individual ships and sailors.

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c277d3 No.4857

File: bbaf37d0732c50c⋯.png (254.99 KB,371x439,371:439,Clipboard.png)

File: b47c05eba172c9a⋯.png (558.94 KB,1290x560,129:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18134972 (130457ZJAN23) Notable: Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

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Skulls on the coat.

I had no idea she was a member of Scientology.

Scientologist hit?

She was in debt and worth more dead like her father.

Also today was Kirstie Alley's birthday.

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c277d3 No.4858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135028 (130506ZJAN23) Notable: 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

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By what legal authority, if any, has the IRS established offices inside the 50 States of the Union?

Answer: After much diligent research, several investigators have concluded that there is no known Act of Congress, nor any Executive Order, giving IRS lawful jurisdiction to operate within any of the 50 States of the Union.

Their presence within the 50 States appears to stem from certain Agreements on Coordination of Tax Administration (“ACTA”), which officials in those States have consummated with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. A template for ACTA agreements can be found at the IRS Internet website and in the Supreme Law Library on the Internet.

However, those ACTA agreements are demonstrably fraudulent, for example, by expressly defining “IRS” as a lawful bureau within the U.S. Department of the Treasury. (See Answer to Question 1 above.) Moreover, those ACTA agreements also appear to violate State laws requiring competitive bidding before such a service contract can be awarded by a State government to any subcontractor. There is no evidence to indicate that ACTA agreements were reached after competitive bidding processes; on the contrary, the IRS is adamant about maintaining a monopoly syndicate.

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c277d3 No.4859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135105 (130521ZJAN23) Notable: Special Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Concludes Its Investigation

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"Special Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Concludes Its Investigation"

"Ahearing will be held on Jan. 24 to determine whether the report will be made public,as the special grand jury is recommending, according to the judge’s order. Special grand juries cannot issue indictments, so any criminal charges would have to be sought from one of the regular grand juries that consider criminal matters in the county."

"…The office of Fani T. Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, has spent two years investigating whether Mr. Trump and his allies violated any Georgia laws as they tried to overturn President Biden’s victory there in 2020. Prosecutors are known to haveinformed nearly 20 people that they may face criminal charges as a result of the investigation. Their targets include Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s former lawyer, and David Shafer, the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party."

"It is not yet clear if Mr. Trump himself is at risk of facing charges in the investigation."

"The creation of an alternate slate of bogus Georgia presidential electors after the 2020 election has also been a subject of intense scrutiny, and some legal analysts have said that scheme in particular could lead to charges under the state’s version of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO.Each of the Trump electors has been told they are a target who could face charges, according to their lawyers or related court filings…"

"…Mr. Trump has derided the Georgia investigation as a “witch hunt.” Last January, at an event in Conroe, Texas, he lashed out at Ms. Willis and other prosecutors conducting investigations of him, calling them “vicious” and “racist” (Ms. Willis, a Democrat, is Black)."



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c277d3 No.4860

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135122 (130525ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

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Bannons War Room


4 hours ago

Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents


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c277d3 No.4861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135156 (130532ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

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Hur was #1 assistant of Rod Rosenstein to block the Nunes memo. ==Hur is a tier 1 gangster with Rosenstein..

Hur authorized the subpoenas on Nunes, Kash and the Col Harvey to track all phone calls, emails, phone conversations for years during Russiagate etc.

Man you have to hear this!

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c277d3 No.4862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135167 (130534ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

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Hur is responsible to the coverup of Russiagate

Kash is really pissed!

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c277d3 No.4863

File: 4b02e9dcfcf7a57⋯.png (93.51 KB,203x249,203:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135203 (130540ZJAN23) Notable: 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

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this is another SLIDE

IRS is fully authorized to carry out the responsibilities of the secretary of the Treasury under section 7801 of the Internal Revenue Code.

faggots picrel

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c277d3 No.4864

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135210 (130542ZJAN23) Notable: Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Was Caught In His Cover-Up" of Bidan

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Bannons War Room

4 hours ago

Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Was Caught In His Cover-Up" of Bidan

This is so good, Mike says it very clear thatBidan broke the lawand Garland should have immediately appointed an objective special counsel.

The worst choice is Hur, he has worked under Chris Wray since 2006. Mike says a lot about Chris Wray.Hur was Special AG under Rosenstein on Mueller investigation

Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Was Caught In His Cover-Up"


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c277d3 No.4865

File: 9aee471a21ccf39⋯.png (293.37 KB,474x312,79:52,Clipboard.png)

File: 02d3dc24e18b694⋯.png (276.61 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.png)

File: ebdf5750056f9ff⋯.png (245.08 KB,474x269,474:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b4f2b1b25ab966⋯.png (185.57 KB,622x1624,311:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b697797f517156⋯.png (1.07 MB,719x840,719:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135241 (130551ZJAN23) Notable: @DineshDSouza - Is the FBI resisting a raid on the Biden residence because none of the agents hasany interest in sniffingJill Biden’s underwear?

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aPProoVed Thread

>>>/qresearch/18135001 imagination not req'd *Star*SNIFFERS*fb_i_*

Dinesh D'Souza Retweeted

Dinesh D'Souza @DineshDSouza

Is the FBI resisting a raid on the Biden residence because none of the agents hasany interest in sniffingJill Biden’s underwear? #ClassifiedDocuments

4:19 PM · Jan 12, 2023

·272.6K Views 1,177 Retweets 125 Quote Tweets 8,496 Likes


Dinesh points to PEDO sYmbaal[isms]

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c277d3 No.4866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135243 (130552ZJAN23) Notable: Viganò criticizes Trump for attending LMNOP+ Gala…Dr Taylor Marshall

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Viganò criticizes Trump…

Dr Taylor Marshall

437K subscribers

61,634 views Streamed live on Dec 21, 2022

In this video, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò criticizes President Donald Trump for attending the recent LMNOP+ Gala. Archbishop Viganò argues that the event signifies the moral decline in the US and the growth of the deep state. Former President Donald Trump recently hosted a gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signed the so-called same-sex ‘marriage’ law or “Respect for Marriage Act”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio from the Vatican to Washington DC, has historically advocated for President Donald Trump in defense of the president's fight against Globalism, the Great Reset, and the Pro-Life cause. However, Viganò has recently criticized Trump for his open promotion of LMNOP advocates in the wake of President Biden's “Respect for Marriage Act”. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains Archbishop Viganò's recent disappointment over former President Donald Trump.

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c277d3 No.4867

File: 24d1e53a160202e⋯.png (1.8 MB,1408x1484,352:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 71050d235398f7b⋯.png (1.43 MB,1408x2424,176:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 9895204419241c4⋯.png (1.24 MB,1374x1014,229:169,Clipboard.png)

File: c427e59e12ffd4b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1374x1064,687:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135253 (130555ZJAN23) Notable: Viganò criticizes Trump for attending LMNOP+ Gala…Dr Taylor Marshall

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as the worm turns…

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c277d3 No.4868

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135262 (130556ZJAN23) Notable: Ben Berguam And Oscar Ramirez Reveal Plan To Cover Migrant Group Starting In Columbia right on the bridge to Venezuela. They are going on the trip with migrants to get to America.

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Bannons War Room



4 hours ago

Ben Berguam And Oscar Ramirez Reveal Plan To Cover Migrant Group Starting In Columbia right on the bridge to Venezuela. They are going on the trip with migrants to get to America.

Pray for these guys. Ben and Oscar at the VZ and Columbia border gave a Shot out to Columbian police that are protecting them for now


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c277d3 No.4869

File: 6ef4be86f6c4ecc⋯.png (424.5 KB,580x1828,145:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135281 (130600ZJAN23) Notable: Viganò criticizes Trump for attending LMNOP+ Gala…Dr Taylor Marshall

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"Yay, Kanye West!"

"A Catholic Monarch!"


Taylor Marshall is deep church…

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c277d3 No.4870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135284 (130600ZJAN23) Notable: 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

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>this is another SLIDE

Doubt it "law fag".

The history of the IRS, its Domicile, and whether it is functioning legally in the 50 states is NEVER a slide.

Obviously, the question is, WHAT LAW WRITTEN BY CONGRESS, created the IRS?

EPA created by the SUPERFUND LAW to deal with severely contaminated chemical dump sites. They take it upon themselves without Congressional authority or intent to write REGULATIONS (interpretations) of the law, but NOT LAW.

Only Congress writes law.

So the question is always:

What Specific Congressional LAW created the IRS?

And is the IRS acting legally under said law that no one can seem to find?

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c277d3 No.4871

File: 149e34075f8de95⋯.jpg (255.65 KB,1044x901,1044:901,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51a619ab5d080e5⋯.png (742.82 KB,634x745,634:745,Clipboard.png)

File: ad7052f4df28ed8⋯.jpg (251.4 KB,976x1192,122:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8c901bc3d3cad3a⋯.png (540.89 KB,728x546,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135315 (130608ZJAN23) Notable: Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

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"Lisa Marie Presley was rushed to hospital less than two hours after celebrating her father at the Golden Globes with Austin Butler, who brought him back to life on the big screen"

WHO provided the dope at the Golden Globes? Wasn't Whitney's dealer Nick Gordon, he suffered a complication called death at age 30..anybody seen Ray J?..


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c277d3 No.4872

File: 9edf9ae7d63f3b0⋯.png (235.49 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135341 (130613ZJAN23) Notable: UFOs: Increasing number of reports, is the gov really telling us what's up?

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New UFO report shows hundreds more incidents than previously thought

More than 500 incidents are now being looked at by the U.S. government

The U.S. intelligence community said Thursday that the number of UFO reports involving U.S. military personnel is increasing, "enabling a greater awareness of the airspace and increased opportunity to resolve" what is actually being reported.

Roughly half of the new incidents reported in the report had terrestrial explanations, the report said.

The increase in reporting is being partially attributed to the continuing effort to destigmatize the reporting of such incidents and focusing on the potential safety risks they could pose to U.S. personnel.

The report released Thursday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said that since its first June 2021 unclassified report on what are now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), it is now aware of 510 such reports.

That is significantly more than the 144 incidents reviewed in the initial report, only one of which could be explained.

The new report said the Pentagon's new office looking at UAP reports has looked at 366 new reported incidents and initially determined that about half of them have "unremarkable characteristics."

Twenty-six are being attributed to drones, 163 characterized as balloon or balloon-like entities, and six are attributed to clutter.

The report says these initial assessments do "not mean positively resolved or unidentified" but will aid investigators in trying to determine how to explain "the remaining 171 uncharacterized and unattributed UAP reports" some of which "appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis."

Video footage released by the To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science purportedly shows pilots observing a UFO while aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft.

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c277d3 No.4873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135353 (130615ZJAN23) Notable: UFOs: Increasing number of reports, is the gov really telling us what's up?

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>To the Stars Academy

Hardcore, long time, relatively obvious perception management op (imho).

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c277d3 No.4874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135363 (130618ZJAN23) Notable: UFOs: Increasing number of reports, is the gov really telling us what's up?

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>The U.S. intelligence community

no name fail




Luis Elizondo spooks spook gatekeeper of fake news complex

to bullshit us about UFOs. Diet woke, Fake woke limited hangout narratives to a tee.

Sara Carter interviews Luis. James Clapper brought Elizondo to the Pentagon

Christopher Mellon spook gatekeeper of Fake (Smith Mundt Modernization Act) News (Christopher hails from a banking family)

BRIAN BENDER - UFO reporter for Politico - UGLY Leftwing idiot

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c277d3 No.4875

File: 030dd030f845637⋯.png (1.37 MB,1440x2892,120:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 57e10b979d12156⋯.png (48.33 KB,555x453,185:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135392 (130623ZJAN23) Notable: John Lausch is from Illinois. What else is in Illinois? Hussein's Library!

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>some unknown investigator?

John Lausch is from Illinois. What else is in Illinois? Hussein's Library! I believe it's all connected. He was confirmed just as Q was heating up in 2017, almost the same time as Durham.


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c277d3 No.4876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135414 (130629ZJAN23) Notable: John Lausch is from Illinois. What else is in Illinois? Hussein's Library!

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Good point!

Remember Q said Obama took boxes and boxes and digital files of top secret classified docs for his library that still is not built 109 years later cuz he was not a legit prez

Still want to know what Obama knew and when

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c277d3 No.4877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135430 (130635ZJAN23) Notable: 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

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If you read the 31 questions and Answers about the IRS post I put up, and you look at the contract "ACTA" agreement between Oklahoma, and the IRS, LOGIC will have you asking why that contract is necessary?

My conclusion is that the IRS can not act unconstitutionally in a state without permission.

The states have contracts that give the IRS PERMISSION to collect.

We need to locate the ACTA contracts in all 50 states. Boy. Talk about shining a light on some off shore money laundering thugs.

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c277d3 No.4878

File: 5b29ac11be80d21⋯.mp4 (979.02 KB,720x672,15:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135442 (130639ZJAN23) Notable: John Lausch is from Illinois. What else is in Illinois? Hussein's Library!

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>Still want to know what Obama knew and when

Exactly! And I think this is why you're getting BlueAnon tier shit from the likes of Guam Johnson claiming the docs were planted by Republicans. They were probably drug up by Trump-era investigations, but no Dem is gonna wanna cop to the docs coming from Obama himself. Especially if they prove the worst of the worst. And who knows, maybe Hussein was blackmailing Joe and Fam? A lot of this right now is kayfabe though, gotta be. Or at least damage control because White Hats have twisted some major screws lately.

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c277d3 No.4879

File: 059f3d163e1304b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1266x1396,633:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135471 (130651ZJAN23) Notable: Key ‘Russian bots’ claim was false – Twitter documents

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Key ‘Russian bots’ claim was false – Twitter documents

As media and Democrats labeled organic content Kremlin propaganda, the platform chose silence

Twitter executives knew that several hashtags denounced by leading congressional Democrats and corporate media as “Russian disinformation” were a product of authentic Americans, but chose not to say so in public, journalist Matt Taibbi revealed on Thursday.

Taibbi has been publishing the “Twitter Files,” internal company documents provided by the company’s new owner, Elon Musk, since early December. Evidence published so far shed light on the censorship of key stories ahead of the 2020 presidential election, FBI pressure, direct White House interference on Covid-19 matters, and the banning of Donald Trump – the sitting US president at the time.

Thursday’s revelations concern the events of January and February 2018 and the memo by Republican Congressman Devin Nunes of California detailing how the FBI used the “Steele Dossier” to spy on Trump’s campaign and presidency. Democrats and major media outlets denounced Nunes in what Taibbi described as “oddly identical language,” while attributing the calls to #ReleaseTheMemo to “Russian bots” and “trolls.”

Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Adam Schiff – ranking Democrats in the Senate and House intelligence committees – wrote to Twitter on January 23, 2018, claiming that #ReleaseTheMemo “gained the immediate attention and assistance of social media accounts linked to Russian influence operations.”

Another Democrat, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal, followed up with a letter denouncing as “reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans.”

Twitter, however, “found no evidence, as in zero, that Russians were anywhere near this story,” Taibbi wrote on Substack. Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth personally reviewed the accounts that started the hashtag and found “none of them show any signs of affiliation to Russia.”

The engagement was “overwhelmingly organic” and driven by prominent real people, Roth found. He also noted that Schiff, Feinstein and Blumenthal all pointed to the same source – the “Hamilton68 dashboard,” run by an outfit calling itself the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD). “All the swirl is based on Hamilton,” he wrote.

Documents show that Twitter executives eventually realized that Democrats weren’t looking for solutions, but were just using the Russia accusation to push them further. One executive even compared it to the children’s book ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’.

Yet for some reason, the company chose not to say so publicly, allowing Democrats and the media to continue blaming “Russian bots” for any problems in US society – government shutdowns, school shootings, gun control, etc.

“By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in US history,” Nunes told Taibbi when reached for comment, referring to the Democrats.

The memo itself was published on February 2, 2018. Justice Department Inspector-General Michael Horowitz confirmed its findings in his report, published in December 2019.


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c277d3 No.4880

File: ae6a99d06f8c98b⋯.png (613.06 KB,634x1084,317:542,Clipboard.png)

File: aeeaa5ec185ea61⋯.png (390.69 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c55d417ead4b8e⋯.png (687.34 KB,636x617,636:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135478 (130653ZJAN23) Notable: Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

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Lisa Marie's missing millions:

She lost the $100million fortune that Elvis left her - but kept Graceland, was at one point $16m in debt and was battling her fourth husband in court who said she had more money than she claimed

Lisa Marie was only nine when her father Elvis died in 1977, but she inherited his estate when she turned 25, including Graceland

The King was reportedly only worth $5 million at the time of death, but largely thanks to Priscilla turning Graceland into a tourist attraction, the value bloomed

By 1993, when the trust was given to Lisa Marie, it was worth over $100 million, but her 2003 decision to hire Barry Siegel as business manager was disastrous

In 2005, Siegel sold 85 per cent of the trust's interests in Elvis Presley Enterprises – including Lisa Marie's rights to her father's name and image

Lisa Marie was left with $40 million, but between 2005-2015, nearly all the money was spent, with only $14,000 when she dismissed Siegel in 2015

In 2018, $16 million in debt, she sued Siegel: she also faced demands from ex-husband Michael Lockwood for $40,000 a month child support

Lockwood and Presley were still battling in court over her finances at the time of her death, with Lockwood seeking cash from her share of the Elvis biopic

READ MORE: Elvis's death, her son's suicide, four failed marriages - including to Michael Jackson and Nicolas Cage - and a crippling cocaine addiction… Lisa Marie Presley's life was beset with tragedy

Barry Siegel began managing Lisa Marie's finances in 2003, and in 2005 sold off 85 percent of her share in Elvis Presley Enterprises, which saw her lose control of her father's name and image rights. He insisted it was necessary to pay off her debts.


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c277d3 No.4881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135520 (130710ZJAN23) Notable: anon bun

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#22233 partial

>>4832 Notable Patriots back on Twitter: Moyneux, Tenpenny, Stella Immanual, Zak Payne

>>4833, >>4841 PF reports

>>4834 Senator Questions CDC On Why It Claimed No 'Unexpected Safety Signals' For COVID Vaccines

>>4835 Bhattacharya: How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test

>>4836 These 65 Democrats voted against a CCP select committee

>>4837, >>4838 Walensky: “The continued proliferation of variants remains"

>>4839 Court of Appeals Reinstates Fulton Counterfeit Ballot Case After GA Supreme Court Confirms Petitioners Have Standing

>>4840, >>4847, >>4848 This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

>>4842, >>4853, >>4857 Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

>>4843 Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

>>4844 Secret Service Locates Hundreds of Docs Regarding Hunter Biden’s Gun Purchase

>>4846 Trump's interview with Mark Levine

>>4849 Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’

>>4845 Our local embalmer (who was initially skeptical of the #Diedsuddenly Film) sent us photo of a 16" clot

>>4852 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS? see this link for more links

>>4850, >>4851, >>4854, >>4856 Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

>>4855 Michael Salla on current UFO disclosures

will try to collect a few more before baking

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c277d3 No.4882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135547 (130719ZJAN23) Notable: #22233

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#22233 partial, about 2/3

>>4832 Notable Patriots back on Twitter: Moyneux, Tenpenny, Stella Immanual, Zak Payne

>>4833, >>4841 PF reports

>>4834 Senator Questions CDC On Why It Claimed No 'Unexpected Safety Signals' For COVID Vaccines

>>4835 Bhattacharya: How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test

>>4836 These 65 Democrats voted against a CCP select committee

>>4837, >>4838 Walensky: “The continued proliferation of variants remains"

>>4839 Court of Appeals Reinstates Fulton Counterfeit Ballot Case After GA Supreme Court Confirms Petitioners Have Standing

>>4840, >>4847, >>4848 This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

>>4842, >>4853, >>4857 Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

>>4843 Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

>>4844 Secret Service Locates Hundreds of Docs Regarding Hunter Biden’s Gun Purchase

>>4846 Trump's interview with Mark Levine

>>4849 Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’

>>4845 Our local embalmer (who was initially skeptical of the #Diedsuddenly Film) sent us photo of a 16" clot

>>4852, >>4858, >>4863 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

>>4850, >>4851, >>4854, >>4856 Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

>>4855 Michael Salla on current UFO disclosures

>>4859 Special Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Concludes Its Investigation

>>4860, >>4861, >>4862 Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

>>4864 Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Was Caught In His Cover-Up" of Bidan

>>4865 @DineshDSouza - Is the FBI resisting a raid on the Biden residence because none of the agents hasany interest in sniffingJill Biden’s underwear?


will collect the rest and UPDATE the dough NB

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c277d3 No.4883

File: f065a351182c163⋯.png (375.17 KB,768x420,64:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135582 (130731ZJAN23) Notable: Former Alabama running back Ahmaad Galloway found dead at 42: report Galloway was working as a teacher at a St. Louis middle school

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Former Alabama running back Ahmaad Galloway found dead at 42: report Galloway was working as a teacher at a St. Louis middle school

Former Alabama Crimson Tide running back Ahmaad Galloway, who played with NFL great Shaun Alexander in college, was found dead in his apartment Monday. He was 42.


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c277d3 No.4884

File: 4dd211c7d9c764a⋯.png (456.65 KB,540x537,180:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135588 (130733ZJAN23) Notable: Special Counsel Robert Hur worked with Rod Rosenstein [fix is IN?]

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c277d3 No.4885

File: f1ee2daef03c2f0⋯.png (619.74 KB,768x415,768:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135596 (130736ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter Knew Campaign to Delegitimize Rep. Devin Nunes Was False

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Twitter Knew Campaign to Delegitimize Rep. Devin Nunes Was False

‘Twitter Files’ Reveals Corrupt Campaign to Delegitimize House Intelligence Chief’s Memo on Russia-Trump Probe

Twitter staff knew that a campaign to delegitimize Rep. Devin Nunes' research on the Russia-Trump probe was false, but didn't speak out.


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c277d3 No.4886

File: dcb84183517e0af⋯.png (317.71 KB,526x292,263:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135601 (130739ZJAN23) Notable: Kash Patel: I Think They're Going to Find Out Joe Biden Had "Many More Places Where Documents were Improperly Stored" - video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: I Think They're Going to Find Out Joe Biden Had "Many More Places Where Documents were Improperly Stored" (VIDEO)

Former Trump official Kash Patel joined Larry Kudlow on FBN this afternoon to discuss the latest news on Joe Biden’s hidden document scandal. Earlier today DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland nominated Robert Hur as Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. Kash Patel predicted, “I Think You’re Going to Find Out that…


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c277d3 No.4887

File: 62a9048f0f370ba⋯.png (674.92 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135607 (130741ZJAN23) Notable: ‘7% inflation? Try 75%’: Costco shopper compares prices of items in store to last year’s prices

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‘7% inflation? Try 75%’: Costco shopper compares prices of items in store to last year’s prices

A Costco shopper walks around the store, pointing out prices of items that have skyrocketed since last year in a now-viral TikTok.


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c277d3 No.4888

File: ce1224a09babea0⋯.jpg (243.31 KB,1509x1327,1509:1327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135610 (130745ZJAN23) Notable: Another Classic 70s Rock Star Dead - BACHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE

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Another Classic 70s Rock Star Dead - BACHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE

Died of suddenly?

Looks like the Georgia Guidestones rule of population is working out how they wanted :


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c277d3 No.4889

File: c1f2c5235879968⋯.jpg (271.76 KB,1170x2221,1170:2221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135614 (130749ZJAN23) Notable: Lightfoot blamed a staffer for sending out the widely condemned email asking teachers to incentivize students to volunteer for her with class credit

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“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday blamed a staffer working on her reelection campaign for sending out the widely condemned email asking teachers to incentivize students to volunteer for her with class credit, calling it a “mistake” after an investigation was launched into the matter.“


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c277d3 No.4890

File: 610a060fb975d98⋯.png (551.08 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135619 (130757ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker: WHY are Biden People Telling the DOJ About Biden Classified Documents?

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Good Question - Tucker Carlson Asks WHY are Biden People Telling the DOJ About Biden Classified Documents? - There is some entity and motive behind the discoveries. Tucker Carlson ponders what that agenda is all about.

Tucker Carlson Asks Why are Biden People Telling the DOJ About Biden Classified Documents?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asks the obvious question, why are Joe Biden people telling the DOJ about Biden having classified documents? Under normal corrupt and easy to handle circumstances the documents would be destroyed, hidden and never revealed; yet here they are being exposed by people in the Biden orbit. In corrupt DC circles, […]


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c277d3 No.4891

File: a4626ba919e2e7e⋯.png (561.77 KB,1116x743,1116:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 49cd222cf619461⋯.png (563.82 KB,611x882,611:882,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e75a6f333ce910⋯.png (537.78 KB,592x883,592:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 1aae8db9d29c0a5⋯.png (1.62 MB,1536x1175,1536:1175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135645 (130814ZJAN23) Notable: Former MLB outfielder and coach Lee Tinsley died Thursday at 53 - cause of death?

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Former MLB outfielder Lee Tinsley dead at 53

January 13, 2023

Former MLB outfielder and coach Lee Tinsley died Thursday at 53. No cause of death was announced.

According to USA Today’s Bob Nightengale, Tinsley died in Scottsdale, Ariz. where he is “survived by three beautiful children.”

Tinsley’s brief major league career spanned across five seasons from 1993 to 1997, where he played for the Mariners, Red Sox and Phillies. In 1994, he ranked second on the Red Sox with 13 stolen bases without being caught.

He started the 1995 campaign with a 14-game hitting streak and was moved from the bottom of the order to the leadoff spot. He also had a 15-game hitting streak in June. Tinsley hit a career-high .284 with 18 stolen bases in 100 games for the AL East champion Red Sox.

We are saddened by the passing of former player and first base coach Lee Tinsley, and extend our condolences to his family and loved ones. pic.twitter.com/D6FLULqaGV

— Seattle Mariners (@Mariners) January 12, 2023

The Reds mourn the loss of Lee Tinsley.

“We are sad to hear of Lee’s passing,” VP/GM Nick Krall said of Tinsley, who was the Reds’ assistant hitting coach for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. “Our thoughts are with his family and friends, inside and outside the game.” pic.twitter.com/1pAvGaWR9M

— Cincinnati Reds (@Reds) January 12, 2023

It is with great sadness and heavy hearts to hear of the passing of a ROCKET ICON AND LEGEND, one of the ALL TIME GREATS to EVER wear a ROCKET UNIFORM, Mr. Lee Tinsley. Rocket Nation sends our condolences to the Tinsley Family. @RocketPrincipal pic.twitter.com/TnaQkgEV5j

— SCHS Athletics (@SCHSRockets) January 12, 2023

Tinsley later played in the Angels, Expos and Reds minor league systems as well as the Western Baseball League and Mexican League.

After his playing career, he served as a coach in the Diamondbacks, Angels, Mariners, Cubs and Reds’ organizations.

“We are sad to hear of Lee’s passing,” Reds Vice President and General Manager Lee Krall said. “Our thoughts are with his family and friends, inside and outside of the game.”

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/01/13/former-mlb-outfielder-lee-tinsley-dead-at-53/

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c277d3 No.4892

File: b7ee3eacdad17eb⋯.png (903.07 KB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: fa78abc307293ad⋯.jpg (126.09 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a75d6f4660b60b⋯.gif (1.78 MB,220x229,220:229,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135665 (130832ZJAN23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy eviscerates the ‘Biden’s document mess is different’ defense

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Speaker McCarthy eviscerates the ‘Biden’s document mess is different’ defense

January 12, 2023

Speaker Kevin McCarthy went on a rant Thursday when asked about the differences between the Trump and Biden document dramas — and rightly so.

The idea that President Joe Biden’s case is entirely different from ex-President Donald Trump’s is the media’s first line of defense for the current prez. And yes, lots of details differ.

But, as McCarthy noted, many of them make Biden look worse. The speaker’s demolition of the apples-to-apples critique was a powerful performance, slicing all the issues expertly.

He rightly pointed to the irony that a guy “on ’60 Minutes’ that was so concerned about President Trump’s documents” now has been revealed to have kept secret documents “for years out in the open in different locations,” none of them secure.

Now to the double standard: “Did he utilize the Justice Department to raid President Trump?” And: “You watched them leak photos of files of President Trump; where’s the photos of President Biden’s documents?”

That is: “Why would they go after a political opponent that way, why would they leak photos and say all this, why would they go through the former first lady’s clothing, why would they go through his son’s clothing, why would they raid as they did?”

Then came the turnaround: “Prior to an election, they found a sitting president, when he was vice president, with top secret documents — why did they handle that differently? We’re in America, we believe in equal justice. Why did they not even tell America that that transpired?

“How did he sit before ‘60 Minutes’ knowing what he had done, how do we find a second location and he’s shocked by it? Why aren’t you [the press] asking him these questions?

“Why doesn’t he come forward to the American public?”

To recap: Biden was only ex-vice president when he carried off his secrets — meaning he had zero right to do so. Yet he asked on “60 Minutes” of Trump’s docu-mess, “How could anyone be that irresponsible?”

Meanwhile, Biden’s “explanation” is straight out of the old Steve Martin “I forgot” routine. He says he doesn’t remember any of it, and his lawyers say he shouldn’t say anything — which doesn’t oblige him to stonewall; it’s just an excuse for claiming “I hope to have a chance” to talk about it “soon.”

Nor does his lawyers’ claim that it was all “inadvertently misplaced” add up: He wrote a book off this stuff.

And sent lawyers to go through the old office. As McCarthy noted, “If you call a lawyer to remove something from your office, you must have known ahead of time.”

An ironic side note: At least one House Democrat has a novel defense of Biden. Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson reportedly says, “I’m suspicious of the timing of it. . . . Things can be planted on people, places and things . . . and then discovered conveniently.” (View hosts Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar also find the timing suspicious!)

Hilarious:“Possibly planted evidence” was also a Trump defense after the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Anyway, Attorney General Merrick Garland’s own Trump precedent has now forced him to name a special counsel to probe Biden’s docu-drama, too. But Garland still won’t name an independent prosecutor for the Biden family foreign-influence-peddling case, which clearly implicates Joe as well as Hunter.

It’s beyond obvious that Biden took the docs with him after his time as vice president ended, mostly with an eye on using them in writing that book, then later moved them to his UPenn office. (All without registering them with the National Archives, which has been notably quiet in this case, unlike in Trump’s.)

By theway: Biden surely used a ghostwriter for hisbookGen. David Petraeus faced felony charges (he cut a plea deal) for sharing classified docs with his biographer.

Yes, Biden and Trump’s cases differ in endless ways. But the Mar-a-Lago case prompted the media and some in government to amp up the “possible charges” against the ex-prez, producing innovative legal theories that now clearly should apply to the ex-veep-and-current-prez.

Why don’t they? As McCarthy pointedly noted, this nation is supposed to believe in “equal justice for all.”

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/01/12/mccarthy-eviscerates-the-bidens-document-mess-is-different-defense/

complete with preemtive gif..

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c277d3 No.4893

File: 4778fdceba27187⋯.jpeg (122.6 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 006a7e08ce42219⋯.png (154.44 KB,921x687,307:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 195edb855f97092⋯.jpg (155.57 KB,1120x1209,1120:1209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7f00af26b5e5a33⋯.jpg (192.51 KB,1138x1213,1138:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46f306ff8263483⋯.jpg (131.9 KB,1180x1168,295:292,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135703 (130851ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Watkins J6 transcript

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Best read in years. Jim's transcript is epic, above and beyond.

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c277d3 No.4894

File: da5b764a5ae7a69⋯.png (219.44 KB,650x521,650:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 327dc94b6015f23⋯.png (406.74 KB,583x438,583:438,Clipboard.png)

File: 92167efc1800cb2⋯.png (221.08 KB,616x348,154:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a5b22eed7eb738⋯.png (290.01 KB,680x831,680:831,Clipboard.png)

File: b4fa4d4c7c67fe9⋯.png (406.1 KB,691x915,691:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135705 (130851ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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>Who was his handler?

Germany Priscilla Beaulieu Aged 14 Meets Elvis Presley in Germany – Prisiclla Beaulieu met Elvis Presley Germany 1959 She was 14 he was 24. However, marrying young girls in the southern states of the US was normal practice. As history shows when Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.in 1938. This led to the boycott of his London concerts but Lewis continued performing and made a comeback.

Priscilla Ann Beaulieu born May 25, 1945. At five foot three inches she captured the heart of Elvis while stationed in Germany 1959.Priscilla was introduced to Elvis by US Airman Currie Grant. Elvis called her Cilla and convinced her to dye her hair black because it made her look more like Debra Paget in the Love Me Tender

Germany Elvis proposed to Cilla on Christmas Eve 1966. Married May1, 1967 E in a private ceremony hold in the Milton Prell’s suite at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. The couple then honeymooned in Palm Springs, California. February 1, 1968 nine months later Lisa Marie was born in Memphis,

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c277d3 No.4895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135709 (130853ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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Loretta Lynn married at 13

5 kids by the age af 21 or something like that

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c277d3 No.4896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135721 (130901ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Watkins J6 transcript

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c277d3 No.4897

File: adb4479b1449591⋯.png (874.69 KB,911x573,911:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135725 (130903ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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>Who was his handler?

Colonel Parker

US Airman Currie Grant

Thomas Andrew Parker (born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk; June 26, 1909 – January 21, 1997), commonly known as Colonel Parker, was a Dutch-born musical entrepreneur, best known for being Elvis Presley's manager.

Born in the Netherlands, Parker emigrated illegally to the United States at the age of 20. He changed his name and claimed to have been born in the United States. His Dutch birthplace and immigrant status were not revealed for many years. A carnival worker by background, Parker moved into music promotion in 1938, working with one of the first popular crooners, Gene Austin, and then country music singers Eddy Arnold, Hank Snow, and Tommy Sands in his early career. He also assisted Jimmie Davis's campaign to become Governor of Louisiana. As a reward, Davis gave him the honorary rank of "colonel" in the Louisiana State Militia.


>Colonel Tom Parker

oh, Scherf!


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c277d3 No.4898

File: f46c1499e1e924c⋯.png (203.23 KB,330x333,110:111,Clipboard.png)

File: d0057ada54d71bd⋯.png (465.75 KB,441x577,441:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135739 (130914ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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>marrying young girls in the southern states of the US was normal practice

>Elvis called her Cilla and convinced her to dye her hair black because…


Gehirnwäsche (englisch brainwashing, auch Mind Control, „Bewusstseinskontrolle“) ist ein Konzept zu psychologischer Manipulation. Dabei wird mit Taktiken der mentalen Umprogrammierung das Selbstvertrauen und die eigene Urteilskraft der Zielperson angegriffen, um deren Grundeinstellungen und Realitätswahrnehmungen zu destabilisieren und anschließend durch neue Einstellungen zu ersetzen.

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c277d3 No.4899

File: c5e68a2bb8c7b9c⋯.jpg (74.28 KB,895x1164,895:1164,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135740 (130914ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Watkins J6 transcript

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**Who is/are?

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c277d3 No.4900

File: 77b81f5ff9d08fc⋯.png (246.19 KB,600x480,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135751 (130920ZJAN23) Notable: Jim Watkins J6 transcript

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It is a pretty good read. Gives good insight into what kind of person Jim is. One of the letters to Jim quoted in the transcript was mine. Fucking crazy think that something I wrote will now become a permanent part of one of the big events of the 2nd American Revolution. The last 6+ years has been quite the trip. And all of it on Nightshift baby.

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c277d3 No.4901

File: 7e87b935878ea55⋯.png (630.21 KB,800x1085,160:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 00d1e9a1f0a2f22⋯.jpg (651.62 KB,2016x1512,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135753 (130921ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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>Debra Paget

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c277d3 No.4902

File: e808b39d95ed953⋯.png (448.34 KB,979x1388,979:1388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135764 (130930ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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There is a Mr. Glick on page 22 that seems to have been missed by the redactors. I dunno who he is. Anyone got info?

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c277d3 No.4903

File: b1cc4f629281362⋯.png (367.6 KB,622x556,311:278,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a715d6be5f2ba2⋯.png (272.72 KB,674x441,674:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dd93f8b29dc4a8⋯.png (240.64 KB,597x442,597:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 68f586dc86a94ea⋯.png (242.62 KB,417x644,417:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135768 (130935ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

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The Tavistock Institute’s Ties to the Birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll

October 21, 2021 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Culture, International News, Winter Watch Articles 47

The Tavistock Institute of Social Psychiatry in London PHOTO: Berlin-Athen.eu

The likelihood that the Tavistock Institute was heavily involved in the rock and roll music movement is high. There is even a theory advanced by former MI6 agent John Coleman that Theodor Adorno wrote the lyrics for the Beatles and other British invasion bands. There’s not much evidence to support that aspect of the plot, but Adorno did try to influence and contaminate music.


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c277d3 No.4904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135775 (130938ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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>Hullo Mr. Glick?


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c277d3 No.4905

File: 1643ee8a00c6a23⋯.jpeg (78.81 KB,455x793,35:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135780 (130941ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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I think it's this faggot…

Jacob Glick is Policy Counsel at the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection. Prior to joining the Institute, he served as Investigative Counsel for the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. In that role, Jacob was one of the attorneys who led the Select Committee’s investigation into the rise of far-right domestic extremism and its role in the attempted insurrection. He previously served as counsel for Representative Jamie Raskin’s Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, where his oversight work focused on evaluating the federal government’s response to the evolving threat of far-right extremism. During his tenure on the Oversight Committee, Jacob also served as counsel for the House Managers’ legal team during the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.

Jacob started his legal career as a litigation associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP. In 2018, he graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he was involved in the Democracy and the Rule of Law Clinic and served on the Editorial Board of the Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. He received his undergraduate degree summa cum laude from Cornell University.


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c277d3 No.4906

File: 3200c3c11621429⋯.jpg (541.49 KB,2232x1195,2232:1195,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b9a9336e29afc7⋯.png (279.38 KB,2264x1184,283:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 320cf05982f2c80⋯.png (434.47 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b10c2e7477ea219⋯.jpg (198.28 KB,1050x1069,1050:1069,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135786 (130944ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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>There is a Mr. Glick on page 22 that seems to have been missed by the redactors. I dunno who he is. Anyone got info?

Anon noms Richard Glick as a candidate


Richard Glick is an American political aide and government official who served as Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

Glick previously served as general counsel for Democrats on the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Glick was also the head lobbyist for energy firm Avangrid. He worked as an adviser to Bill Richardson when Richardson was serving as United States Secretary of Energy during Bill Clinton's presidency.

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c277d3 No.4907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135788 (130945ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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they forgot to hide the name, kek.


lead atty for J6 cmte?

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c277d3 No.4908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135800 (130948ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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He, and his pronouns (KEK), show up in only one other 8Kun post:

▶Anonymous 06/11/22 (Sat) 19:58:462573b7 (6) No.16433173 >>>/qresearch/16433230 >>>/qresearch/16433287 >>>/qresearch/16433312


>Jacob Glick

>pronouns: he/him/his

>Investigative Counsel

Another activist whose association further proves that the 'committee' is nothing but a farce

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c277d3 No.4909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135801 (130949ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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So why go thru the trouble of redacting the whole of the transcripts-entities-names and leave this one out in the open?

Mr. Glick is it really a glitch?

I mean they know we're going to be looking at this document… idk… doesn't make sense.

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c277d3 No.4910

File: 9b3fddec7f97b3e⋯.png (543.99 KB,634x531,634:531,Clipboard.png)

File: e6caaa45377bae6⋯.png (513.81 KB,634x689,634:689,Clipboard.png)

File: e443c890e8d16db⋯.png (722.57 KB,634x1014,317:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 436d070449e81f6⋯.png (227.96 KB,495x395,99:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135810 (130953ZJAN23) Notable: Prosecutors in Danny Masterson rape case dealt a blow after star witness Lisa Marie Presley's death

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Prosecutors in Danny Masterson rape case dealt a blow after star witness Lisa Marie Presley's death - former Scientologist was going to testify that religion put pressure on accusers

January 13, 2023

Danny Masterson walked free in 2022 after a rape case against him fell apart

It was rumored that Scientology had put pressure on the victims in the case

Lisa Marie Presley was supposed to testify against the actor

Presley was allegedly asked by Scientology to put pressure on the victims

The heiress, who passed away Thursday, left the church after 30 years in 2014

Presley was thought to have been a potential star witness in a retrial

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11630777/Prosecutors-Danny-Masterson-rape-case-dealt-blow-Lisa-Marie-Presleys-death.html

Prosecutors said Masterson, pictured with his wife Bijou Phillips, raped three women, all former Scientologists, in his Hollywood Hills home between 2001 and 2003

Naow, who slipped Lisa Marie the bad coke at the Golden Globes….full of Scientologists…

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c277d3 No.4911

File: c5cb2b8a93f0cfa⋯.jpg (47.02 KB,406x499,406:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135813 (130955ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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honestly think they just screwed up.

but you never know….

here's the whole list of evil characters:


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c277d3 No.4912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135817 (130957ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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McDonald is JW atty, the rest are the opposition.

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c277d3 No.4913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135828 (131005ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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Jones Sass_ =Bad Guy?

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c277d3 No.4914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135829 (131005ZJAN23) Notable: Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

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So, according to this, Sasso is the bad guy and Glick is second fiddle?

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c277d3 No.4915

File: b38f2ab0df2e119⋯.png (1.06 MB,868x782,434:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135832 (131006ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Held ‘Stolen’ Classified Docs at His Delaware Home AND the Secret Service Kept No Records of Visitors While

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Exclusive: Biden Held ‘Stolen’ Classified

Docs at His Delaware Home AND the Secret

Service Kept No Records of Visitors While

They Were There

Gateway Pundit, by Joe Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 2:31:06 AM

This is truly frightening. We know the Biden family committed unsavory actions. These facts surrounding the Biden family hiding top secret documents at their house in Deleware are very concerning and a danger to the country’s national security. Attorney Mike Davis explained on Steve Bannon’s War Room that these documents at his home were stolen by Joe when he left office in 2017. Steve Bannan asked Davis to clarify the word “stole”. He noted that no one has ever “accused President Trump of stealing records.”

What Are They Hiding?

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c277d3 No.4916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135833 (131007ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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What's the last name?

Hard to read these F&G cursive-style writings.

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c277d3 No.4917

File: 7009f82778d3cfe⋯.jpg (279.98 KB,1278x691,1278:691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135846 (131011ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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James Sasso i think

probably THIS GUY

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c277d3 No.4918

File: be54641e7798eb3⋯.jpg (286.5 KB,1327x1189,1327:1189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5036daa32b6cacc⋯.jpg (229.52 KB,1203x1216,1203:1216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9354ace9740d703⋯.jpg (241.08 KB,1173x1159,1173:1159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135858 (131016ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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c277d3 No.4919

File: a7f11ab3e23679a⋯.png (971.28 KB,883x713,883:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135860 (131018ZJAN23) Notable: Is Document-Gate a Democrat Effort to Kneecap Biden's Re-Election Plans?

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Is Document-Gate a Democrat Effort to

Kneecap Biden's Re-Election Plans?

Red State, by Bob Hoge

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/12/2023 10:29:28 PM

As we’ve reported, classified documents keep popping up in President Joe Biden’s think tank, his garage, and now the “personal library” at his residence… and suddenly the president is in potentially big trouble, both legally and politically. Thursday afternoon Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of Robert Hur as special prosecutor to investigate the case. If the most partisan and hyper-political attorney general ever is forced to investigate his own boss, you know things are serious. But notice the timing of the revelations. The Biden Administration has known about some of the documents since at least before the November elections, but the public is just finding out now. Conspiracy theories

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c277d3 No.4920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135862 (131018ZJAN23) Notable: Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

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Benjamin Barr has also worked with Project Veritas and defended anonymous speech in a law review article for The Wyoming Law Review, "Publius Was Not A PAC"

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c277d3 No.4921

File: d2045608255e360⋯.png (958.04 KB,877x823,877:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135871 (131022ZJAN23) Notable: Sundance: AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

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AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align

with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 1/12/2023 8:04:00 PM

During a press conference today, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert K Hur as Special Counsel to investigate the Joe Biden classified documents that were removed from the White House during President Obama’s term in office (2009 through January 2017). The timeline given by AG Garland does not match up with prior DOJ statements and lawyers representing Joe Biden.The timeline as described by AG Merrick Garland: ♦ Nov 4, 2022 – National Archives notifies DOJ of classified documents located at Penn-Biden Center ♦ Nov 9, 2022 – Garland instructs FBI to conduct assessment of classified documents and investigate ♦ Nov 14, 2022 – Garland instructs USAO Laush to conduct investigation of events and

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c277d3 No.4922

File: d16ddd67b807474⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,914x3701,914:3701,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67ad2c4be2eebce⋯.jpg (667.75 KB,897x1948,897:1948,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135877 (131025ZJAN23) Notable: Sundance: AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

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c277d3 No.4923

File: 28e3ac5e35077f0⋯.png (612.88 KB,711x687,237:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135878 (131026ZJAN23) Notable: Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake’s 2022 Election Case

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Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari

Lake’s 2022 Election Case

Epoch Times, by Jack Phillips

Posted By: earlybird, 1/12/2023 7:06:06 PM

The Arizona Court of Appeals agreed to expedite consideration of Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s lawsuit alleging that the 2022 election was flawed. In a brief order, issued on Jan. 9 and made public the next day, the court ordered a reset of “the matter for conference on February 1, 2023,” and agreed with Lake’s arguments that her challenge should be handled as a “special action petition.” The court date was reportedly scheduled for March. Lawyers for Democrat Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, the state’s former secretary of state, has until Jan. 17 to respond and argue why Lake’s challenge should be rejected, according to the order.

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c277d3 No.4924

File: 543c6d4fde699f7⋯.png (14.62 KB,878x235,878:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135893 (131040ZJAN23) Notable: UNC art club excludes white students: ‘We are an atmosphere that cultivates a community free from tokenization, filtering, or exploitation’

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Racial issues

UNC art club excludes white students

Matt Lamb - Associate Editor •January 11, 2023

The group is a “safe space” for “artists of color” the campus newspaper summarized

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c277d3 No.4925

File: f7791e71d80dc5f⋯.png (22.86 KB,457x162,457:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135938 (131105ZJAN23) Notable: Cleburne county Arkansas is going machine free in their elections!!!! Paper ballots! Hand counted!

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Cleburne county Arkansas is going machine free in their elections!!!!

Paper ballots! Hand counted!

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c277d3 No.4926

File: 805ab934668ac27⋯.png (573.48 KB,575x563,575:563,Clipboard.png)

File: c7a4868ffab61be⋯.png (357.24 KB,482x558,241:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 31a9a48530524fd⋯.png (391.87 KB,485x570,97:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135953 (131117ZJAN23) Notable: Devin Nunes Truth: Didn't have this one on my bingo card

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c277d3 No.4927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18135980 (131132ZJAN23) Notable: House Oversight panel to probe China money to university where Biden worked, classified memos found

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House Oversight panel to probe China money to university where Biden worked, classified memos found

By John Solomon

University of Pennsylvania and its reliance on Chinese donations during the time it employed Joe Biden has emerged as major issue.

he chairman of the main House investigative committee announced Thursday that he is expanding his probe of the Biden family to examine the University of Pennsylvania's reliance on Chinese donations during the time it employed President Joe Biden and hosted his think tank, where classified documents were recently found improperly stored.

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer announced the decision after Just the News reported Wednesday night that the Ivy League university, affectionately known as Penn, collected $67.6 million in donations from Chinese sources between 2013 and 2019, two-thirds of it while employing Joe Biden as a guest professor and hosting his Penn Biden Center.

The university's faculty later successfully pressured the Biden Justice Department to end the FBI's primary Chinese counterespionage effort known as the China Initiative that sought to root out spies in U.S. academia.

"This is very concerning," Comer told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show. "We're sending a letter to Penn requesting documents related to the Chinese donations. We want a list of individuals involved, whoever was involved in soliciting donations from China. We want all communications because I think this is very important.

He added, "This is another aspect of the potential for this family to be compromised."

The expansion came just hours after Attorney General Merrick Garland said the discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center and at Joe Biden's personal homes had developed evidence of improper storage of national secrets and warranted the appointment of a special counsel.

Garland named a former U.S. Attorney appointed by President Donald Trump to be special counsel. That prosecutor, Robert Hur, built a reputation for pursuing Democratic corruption in Baltimore and Maryland.

Comer's panel has already launched a wide-ranging probe of how Hunter Biden pursued lucrative foreign business deals in the shadow of his father's vice presidency with countries like Ukraine, Russia, China and Romania that scored the future first family millions of dollars.

Comer said he was particularly concerned that Penn collected $47.7 million in donations and contracts with Chinese interests during the 2.5 years it employed Joe Biden and housed his think tank because it overlapped with Hunter Biden's efforts to score business with a Chinese energy company known as CEFC. That deal landed $5 million interest-free, forgivable loans that enriched the Biden family.

Hunter Biden also was involved in courting Penn before it hired his father, hosting a dinner with the university president and later being asked by his father to attend a meeting between the vice president and university president, emails on a Hunter Biden laptop seized by the FBI show.

Comer said the sequences of events from Chinese business deals to the family, China donations to the university and the school's later role in pressing the Biden DOJ to change a policy in way that might be viewed as favorable to Beijing "proves that this administration could in fact be compromised by China."

"This is an example of China, with their money, influencing American policy," he said. "Every person that has any knowledge or experience with academia knows that China has infiltrated all of our research universities with Chinese spies. That is a fact everyone knows it. "


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c277d3 No.4928

File: 8582cec26b9ff8d⋯.png (232.68 KB,419x533,419:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136007 (131155ZJAN23) Notable: New Twitter Files Exposes How Democrat Politicians Knowingly Spread the Russiagate Lie

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New Twitter Files Exposes How Democrat Politicians Knowingly Spread the Russiagate Lie


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c277d3 No.4929

File: 482749c104c29db⋯.png (901.11 KB,772x740,193:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136129 (131301ZJAN23) Notable: Do you think they got the [4am] memo? -'hallie-JACKSON-covers-insane-qanon-conspiracy-theories

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Hallie Jackson Out at MSNBC, Will Expand Show on NBC News Streaming Service

By Michael LucianoJan 12th, 2023, 6:39 pm

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c277d3 No.4930

File: b66c8ab37b9557d⋯.png (440.92 KB,632x764,158:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136140 (131305ZJAN23) Notable: Japan Prosecutors Indict Yamagami for Murder of Ex-Prime Minister Abe

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Japan Prosecutors Indict Yamagami for Murder of Ex-Prime Minister Abe

Friday, 13 January 2023 07:03 AM

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c277d3 No.4931

File: 2d5d32130781ec7⋯.png (371.79 KB,637x605,637:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136146 (131307ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Blocks Mount Rushmore July Fourth Fireworks Once Again

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Biden Blocks Mount Rushmore July Fourth Fireworks Once Again

(Newsmax/"Saturday Report")

By Eric Mack | Thursday, 12 January 2023 07:18 PM EST

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c277d3 No.4932

File: c37c77db344c7cd⋯.png (482.49 KB,577x724,577:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136151 (131308ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump As President, it will SOON happen again. I Love Mount Rushmore!

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Donald J. Trump




But I made this incredible event happen, and was there to celebrate with the great people of South Dakota, and America. Ridiculous that it is no longer allowed. So great for USA spirit. As President, it will SOON happen again. I Love Mount Rushmore!


Kristi Noem




The best way to celebrate America’s Birthday is with fireworks at Mount Rushmore.

Today, the Biden Administration rejected them. Again.

Jan 12, 2023, 12:02 PM

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c277d3 No.4933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136155 (131310ZJAN23) Notable: The Swamp Today Friday, January 13, 2023

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The Swamp Today

Timelines Change.

Friday, January 13, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until January 13, 2023 at 11:00 AM EST (Pro Forma)

The Senate Stands Adjourned Until January 13, 2023 at 1:30 PM EST (Pro Forma)

Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman has no public appointments.

Acting Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources John R. Bass attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu is on travel to India and Bangladesh from January 12-15, 2023.

Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources Geoffrey R. Pyatt is on travel to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar from January 12-16, 2023.

. . .

Daily Weather Map

National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center


January 13, 2023 - January 17, 2023

36th Session

United Nations


January 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

>>>/qresearch/18104452 pb



Discussion on Infrastructure Investment and Global Competitiveness

The Council on Foreign Relations hosts a virtual discussion on infrastructure investment and global competitiveness.


2:00 AM EST

E-Meeting of the ITU-T Study Group 9: Q7/9 Transmission Control and Interfaces (MAC Layer) for IP and/or Packet-Based Data Over Integrated Broadband Cable Networks

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations


2:30 AM EST

E-Meeting of the ITU-T Study Group 9: Q1/9 Transmission and Delivery Control of Television and Sound Programme Signal for Contribution, Primary Distribution and Secondary Distribution - J.cable-5G Q1/9 Functional requirements for cable television services to use 5G radio system

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations



2:30 AM EST

E-Meeting of the ITU-T Study Group 9: Q4/9 Guidelines for Implementations and Deployment of Transmission of Multichannel Digital Television Signals Over Optical Access Networks and Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial (HFC)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations


4:00 AM EST

9th Meeting, Fourth Session - Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes

United Nations


8:00 AM EST

Data Science for Public Health Summit, Distinguished Keynote Address: Dr. Xihong Lin, Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Statistician's Reflection

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health



8:00 AM EST

Grover Norquist and Frank Clemente on Tax Policy and Rescinding IRS Funding

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist and Frank Clemente, Executive Director of Americans for Tax Fairness, discuss the future of tax policy under a Republican-led House and the party’s vote this week to rescind funding for the IRS.


8:20 AM EST

Wreath Laying Ceremony in Honor of the Prime Minister of Japan



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c277d3 No.4934

File: 4cc8c2bee3c2167⋯.png (241.66 KB,420x405,28:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136158 (131311ZJAN23) Notable: Former Alabama Running Back Found Dead at 42

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🔴 Former Alabama Running Back Found Dead at 42


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c277d3 No.4935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136160 (131311ZJAN23) Notable: The Swamp Today Friday, January 13, 2023

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8:30 AM EST

MITRE Smart City Summit

The MITRE Corporation


8:30 AM EST

Memphis Breakfast with the Fed - Inflation: Key Economic Considerations for 2023

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


8:30 AM EST

Big Data and Securities Markets, Spring 2023

National Bureau of Economic Research



8:45 AM EST

Valentina Sader on the Anti-Democracy Riots in Brazil

Atlantic Council’s Valentina Sader discusses the unrest in Brazil’s capital earlier this week and parallels to the January 6th attack.


9:00 AM EST

10th meeting, Fourth session - Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes

United Nations


9:00 AM EST

Daily U.S. Agricultural Weather Highlights - Released No Later Than 9:00 a.m. ET Every Day

National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture


9:45 AM EST

Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois


10:00 AM EST

2023 Regional Economic Conditions Conference

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis


10:00 AM EST

Supreme Court October Term 2022 Conference Day

Supreme Court


10:30 AM EST

The Ghost at the Feast: America and the Collapse of World Order, 1900-1941

Brookings Institution


11:00 AM EST

The 61st Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development (CSocD61) Informal Briefing

United Nations


11:00 AM EST

Reporting Individual Case Study Reports (ICSRs) to FAERS Using ICH E2B R3 Standards

Food and Drug Administration


11:00 AM EST

House Pro Forma Session

The U.S. House is holding a brief session. No roll calls are expected to take place. The House will next return for legislative business on Tuesday, January 24th.


11:15 AM EST

The President welcomes Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to the White House

Official Schedule


11:20 AM EST

The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Kishida Fumio

Official Schedule


11:30 PM EST

DAY 1 - 2023 Global Energy Forum

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center



11:45 AM EST

The President and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio participate in a working lunch

Official Schedule


12:00 PM EST

Learn about Environmental Consulting Careers with RHP Risk Management

University of Michigan School of Public Health


12:00 PM EST

Resources For Veteran Entrepreneurs

Veterans Administration


12:00 PM EST

Virtual Tour: 52 Reactors

Idaho National Laboratory



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136161 (131312ZJAN23) Notable: The Swamp Today Friday, January 13, 2023

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12:30 PM EST

Plugging In: Will EVs and Hybrids Be Enough to Drive Decarbonization?

Resources For The Future


12:30 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Senior Advisor for Public Engagement Keisha Lance Bottoms

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, The White House


12:45 PM EST

Lima Company Graduation at MCRD San Diego

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California


1:00 PM EST

Follow-up Discussion to How Do We Begin: A Reckoning with Anti-Black Racism at U-M (Fac/Staff)

University of Michigan School of Public Health


1:00 PM EST

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly

United Nations


1:30 PM EST

Senate Pro Forma

The U.S. Senate is holding a brief session. No legislative business or votes will take place until Monday, January 23.


1:45 PM EST

The President departs the White House en route New Castle, Delaware

Official Schedule


2:00 PM EST

America's Famine Relief Mission in Soviet Russia at 100: Shifting Views from Lenin to Putin

Hoover Institution


2:00 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State



2:30 PM EST

European Energy Crisis Simulation - National Security Council Assessments and Recommendations

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan


2:40 PM EST

The President arrives in New Castle, Delaware

Official Schedule


3:00 PM EST

Berkeley Public Health Online GPA Calculation Workshop

The University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health


4:30 PM EST

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks and signs a U.S.-Japan Space Cooperation Framework Agreement with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

Washington, D.C.



11:30 PM EST

2023 Global Energy Forum - Day 1

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center




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c277d3 No.4937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136164 (131313ZJAN23) Notable: The Swamp Today Friday, January 13, 2023

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- - - - -


January 14, 2023 - January 15, 2023

2023 Global Energy Forum

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center


Day 1


Day 2


January 14, 2023 - January 19, 2023

33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA


January 14, 2023

11:15 AM EST

The Legitimacy of Administrative Law - Invitation-Only Conference

Hoover Institution


January 14, 2023

11:30 AM EST

Tingling Sichuan Pepper: History, Chemistry, and More (Online Lecture)

United States Botanic Garden (USBG)



January 14, 2023


USSF-67 Falcon Heavy SpaceX

Kennedy Space Center



- - - - -


January 15, 2023 - January 17, 2023

IISS Shangri-La Dialogue Sherpa Meeting

International Institute for Strategic Studies


January 15, 2023

11:15 AM EST The instantaneous launch window is at 8:18 a.m. PT

Falcon 9 launch of 51 Starlink satellites

Vandenberg Space Force Base



January 15, 2023

11:30 PM EST

2023 Global Energy Forum - Day 2

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center



January 15, 2023

1:00 PM EST

Ben Crump and Armstrong Williams

Talk show host Armstrong Williams and Civil Rights attorney Ben Crump share their concerns about the education system in America.


January 15, 2023

2:00 PM EST

"The Promise of Living" Academy Concert

U.S. Coast Guard Band


January 15, 2023

3:00 PM EST

2022 Guest Composer Suzie Shrubb – World Premiere of Three Pieces (Virtual)

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


January 15, 2023

8:00 PM EST

Reverend Wheeler Parker

Emmett Till’s cousin Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., who accompanied Till on his trip to Mississippi in 1955, talks about the fateful events leading up to Till’s murder by two white men and his efforts to get justice for his late cousin.


- - - - -


January 16, 2023

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Federal Holiday


4 end

End bunker is down - I usually have been posting this there

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c277d3 No.4938

File: f2b63294d0df445⋯.png (57.68 KB,1421x427,203:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136171 (131317ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy says FBI briefing on Swalwell was so troubling, 'you wouldn't have' him on 'any committee'

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McCarthy says FBI briefing on Swalwell

was so troubling, 'you wouldn't have'

him on 'any committee'

Fox News, by Brianna

Posted By: Judy W., 1/13/2023 8:07:12 AM

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Thursday defended his decision to keep California Democrats Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff off the House Intelligence Committee – arguing that Schiff "openly lied" about the Russian election interference and a disturbing briefing he received from the FBI on Swalwell. "If you got the briefing I got from the FBI, you wouldn't have Swalwell on any committee," McCarthy said in the press conference after one reporter questioned MCarthy's commitment to allowing Democrats to pick their own committee membership. "And you're going to tell me other Democrats couldn't fill that slot? He cannot get a security clearance in the private sector," McCarthy said. "So would you like

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c277d3 No.4939

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136216 (131336ZJAN23) Notable: BBC FINALLY DISCUSSES EXCESS DEATHS WITH THE SHOTS

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First NBC, now BBC

>>4816 (pb)

>>4817 (pb) NBC now reporting kids shouldn't have boosters. Complete reversal


3 years of misleading the public, BBC finally brings on a Cardiologist who says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry.


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c277d3 No.4940

File: 584f4938168cd27⋯.png (1001.49 KB,1408x1414,704:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136219 (131337ZJAN23) Notable: List of states banning TikTok grows

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EXPLAINER: List of states banning TikTok grows

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin and North Carolina have joined at least 22 other states in banning the popular social media app TikTok on state-owned devices, including Mississippi, Indiana, Louisiana and South Dakota.

Congress also recently banned TikTok from most U.S. government-issued devices over bipartisan concerns about security.

TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company that moved its headquarters to Singapore in 2020. It has been targeted by critics who say the Chinese government could access user data, such as browsing history and location. U.S. armed forces also have prohibited the app on military devices.

TikTok is consumed by two-thirds of American teens and has become the second-most popular domain in the world. But there’s long been bipartisan concern in Washington that Beijing would use legal and regulatory power to seize American user data or try to push pro-China narratives or misinformation.

Here’s a look at the action in Wisconsin and North Carolina and the broader debate over TikTok:



Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers cited concerns about privacy, safety and security, after consulting with the FBI and emergency management officials about the app. Evers’ order applies to most state agencies, with some exceptions like criminal investigators who may be using the app to track certain people.

The University of Wisconsin System, which employs 40,000 faculty and staff, is also exempt. But a UW System spokesperson said despite the exemption, the university was conducting a review and moving toward placing restrictions on the app being used on devices in order to protect against serious cybersecurity risks.

Both Evers and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper also prohibited the use of WeChat, a Chinese instant messaging app, on state devices.

“It’s important for us to protect state information technology from foreign countries that have actively participated in cyberattacks against the United States,” Cooper said. “Protecting North Carolina from cyber threats is vital to ensuring the safety, security, privacy, and success of our state and its people.”



Both the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission have warned that TikTok user data could be shared by owner ByteDance Ltd. with China’s authoritarian government. U.S. officials also worry that the Chinese government might use TikTok to push pro-China narratives or misinformation.

Fears were stoked by news reports last year that a China-based team improperly accessed data of U.S. TikTok users, including two journalists, as part of a covert surveillance program to ferret out the source of leaks to the press.

There are also concerns that the company is sending masses of user data to China, in breach of stringent European privacy rules.

Additionally, there’s been concern about TikTok’s content and whether it harms teenagers’ mental health.



In 2020, then-President Donald Trump and his administration sought to ban dealings with TikTok’s owner, force it to sell off its U.S. assets and remove it from app stores. Courts blocked Trump’s efforts to ban TikTok, and President Joe Biden rescinded Trump’s orders after taking office but ordered an in-depth study of the issue. A planned sale of TikTok’s U.S. assets was shelved.

In Congress, concern about the app has been bipartisan. Congress last month banned TikTok from most U.S. government-issued devices over bipartisan concerns about security.

The Senate in December approved a version of the TikTok ban authored by conservative Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, a vocal critic of big tech companies.

But Democratic U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, of Illinois has co-sponsored legislation to prohibit TikTok from operating in the U.S. altogether, and the measure approved by Congress in December had the support of Democratic U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.



“We’re disappointed that so many states are jumping on the political bandwagon to enact policies that will do nothing to advance cybersecurity in their states and are based on unfounded falsehoods about TikTok,” Jamal Brown, a spokesperson for TikTok, said in an emailed statement.

TikTok is developing security and data privacy plans as part of an ongoing national security review by President Joe Biden’s administration.


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c277d3 No.4941

File: a713d2fe0ed4c3d⋯.jpeg (656.72 KB,892x5064,223:1266,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136226 (131339ZJAN23) Notable: Indiana is installing more baby boxes, where newborns can be anonymously surrendered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Indiana is installing more baby boxes, where newborns can be anonymously surrendered

August 3, 20225:10 PM ET

Indiana is installing boxes in which newborns can be anonymously surrendered, usually at a fire station. Baby boxes have seen a surge in use, and more are planned as Indiana moves to ban abortions.

As more states pass abortion bans, another option for those who give birth after an unwanted pregnancy is growing. Built into the side of fire stations or hospitals, baby boxes allow infants to be surrendered anonymously. From member station WFYI, Jill Sheridan reports on how Indiana leads the baby box effort.


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c277d3 No.4942

File: 87e14b437005f3e⋯.jpg (225.23 KB,1700x1070,170:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 161bb265f1a13e4⋯.png (311.22 KB,484x1912,121:478,Clipboard.png)

File: ab93647c12871e6⋯.png (30.33 KB,497x445,497:445,Clipboard.png)

File: ea1e63ac059f69d⋯.jpg (226.11 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3888c22e9bdcab3⋯.png (819.46 KB,1198x679,1198:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136244 (131346ZJAN23) Notable: Do you think they got the [4am] memo? -'hallie-JACKSON-covers-insane-qanon-conspiracy-theories

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>4929, >>>/qresearch/18136147, >>>/qresearch/18136211

>Hallie Jackson Out at MSNBC, Will Expand Show onNBC News

1786 (22) (4)

Q !CbboFOtcZs 8/1/2018, 1:07:04 PM ID: b3ecc4

8chan/qresearch: 2391757

Q Clock [ Min: 57 | :25/:55 Mir: 53 | 180 Mir: 27 | :35/:05 Mir: 13 ]

/_ Delta to Reply: 00:3:37 (seconds total: 217) (10) (1) /_

1785  (21) (3)

Q !CbboFOtcZs 8/1/2018, 1:03:27 PM ID:b3ecc4


Twitter [today] releases ban?

Was Twitter told to by MSM to demonstrate impact?

Do you think they got the [4am] memo?


All for a Conspiracy?

Enjoy the show.



You are now mainstream.

Handle w/ care.

The Great Awakening.



1855 (19) (10)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 8/12/2018, 12:01:42 PM ID:

8chan/patriotsfight: 145

>Q Clock [ Min: 8 | :25/:55 Mir: 42 | 180 Mir: 38 | :35/:05 Mir: 2 ]







Why didNBC have a 'confidential' con call yesterday w/ a few of its news affiliates

re: the need to remove 'potentially' sensitive Tweets?

==Panic @ NBCNews? https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1028597500427550720

Has Media Matters been hired to locate and IDEN 'potentially' sensitive Tweets from 'known' characters?

The more you know….



<~>Stolen Memes should only be used to spread Pain…<~>


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c277d3 No.4943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136264 (131349ZJAN23) Notable: Musk: most people in the world are operating under the false impression that there are too many people. This is not true

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"2 Minutes Ago: Elon Musk Shared a Terrifying Message."

Anonymous Official

3.71M subscribers

Premiered 15 hours ago

2 Minutes Ago: Elon Musk Just Shared a Disturbing Message.

You once told me about population that the decrease of reproduction rate, birth rate, is one of the most underestimated problems of our times. Can you explain? Yeah, so most people in the world are operating under the false impression that there are too many people. This is not true. Earth could maintain a population many times at the current level. And the birth rate has been dropping like crazy. So, and unfortunately, like we have these ridiculous population estimates from the UN that need to be updated because they just don't make any sense. Really, you can just look and say, what was the birth rate last year? How many kids were born? Multiply that by the life expectancy and say, okay, that's how many people will be alive in the future. And then say, is the trend for birth rate positive or negative? It's negative. So that's the best case, unless something changes with the birth rate. You can look at, take Japan, for example, I think I'm just going off memory here, but I think the population is roughly, but last year, if you take the number of children born times the life expectancy, which is 85 years, it's very impressive life expectancy. Then Japan would have, I think around 68 million people, roughly half of the current population. That does not tell the full story because those that, you would have an upside down demographic permit. You already have an upside down demographic permit where, you know, a lot of old people, very few young people and houses, the upside down demographic permit is unstable. That's also here why we need alternatives. You have recently presented Optimus, human Robert, and you shared great expectations, what that could do for the world. Yeah. Could you explain a little bit your motivation? I assume it's not only about the first visit to Mars that could be done by Optimus. It is more than that. A game changer in AI. Could you share a little bit your vision? Yeah. With respect to AI and robotics, I always approach these things with some trepidation because I certainly do not want to be, play a hand in anything that could potentially be harmful to humanity. Now, humanoid robots, they're clearly happening. When you look at Boston Dynamics, their demonstrations are better every year. So there will be humanoid robots. The rate of advancement of AI is very rapid. Even if Tesla stopped doing AI, I think we're still on a track to develop artificial general intelligence, meaning intelligence smarter than the smartest human. Concretely, Optimus is going to be used in Tesla factories. That's one of the use cases. But what is the broader use case beyond Tesla? Yeah. Optimus is a general purpose work. The initial roles for Optimus would be in work that is repetitive, boring, dangerous, that kind of thing. Basically work that people don't want to do unless they'll pay to do it. Why has Optimus two legs? Just because it looks like a human being or is it more practical? I thought four legs are better. Four legs good, two legs bad. It reminds me of oil. Humanity has designed the world to interact with a bipedal humanoid with two arms and ten fingers. So if you want to have a robot fit in and be able to do things that humans can do, it must be roughly the same size and shape and capability.

Speaker Elon Musk

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c277d3 No.4944

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136328 (131409ZJAN23) Notable: Ahoy! It's a Ship Show America is not strategy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! It's a Ship Show


America is not strategy.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4945

File: 72f1b47cfe9b7ac⋯.png (237.57 KB,506x551,506:551,Clipboard.png)

File: dd8ccd1334b9b61⋯.png (91.83 KB,270x380,27:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136343 (131414ZJAN23) Notable: #22235

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c277d3 No.4946

File: ca158788bf89f68⋯.jpg (67 KB,552x546,92:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3525b8321c1a1e0⋯.png (423.47 KB,1908x810,106:45,Clipboard.png)

File: d44faa1f2bc27bf⋯.jpg (181.56 KB,1268x562,634:281,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b3ef507f7893023⋯.png (1.32 MB,1767x992,57:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136378 (131424ZJAN23) Notable: Greg Phillips, 2000 Mules

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Something is seriously wrong with Gregg Phillips, True The Vote, and the entire 2000 Mules story and people need to take notice.

This guy is an admitted fed who honey-potted over 150 prominent "Anons" and other online personalities into giving him their real names, phone numbers, and photo IDs and these clueless people are still propping this fedboy up like there's nothing weird going on here.

For those who are having trouble following the @greggphillips scandal:

GP set up a shell company that gets paid by CE at TTV (who also owns a separate healthcare company with him) to produce research for her donors.

The money flows into GP's private company with no public accounting.

GP claims to do research, Dinesh makes 2000 Mules and sells it based off of this research. They all split the profit.

Gregg never produces the research.

What's the word for this? It escapes me.

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c277d3 No.4947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136403 (131430ZJAN23) Notable: Greg Phillips, 2000 Mules

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> the entire 2000 Mules story

Yes, it only proves people put multiple ballots into drop boxes. It can be argued that they were for hedging either side or for friends or families.

I did the real decode of election fraud and no one says shit.

>>>/qresearch/16440518 pb

Once again: RemoveRestrictions.bat from Mike Lindell Sympossium proves widespread election fraud. Essentially what the script does is switches a voting machine local security to point to a temporary database so nefarious activities can be logged there and leave no trace. Then after the machine reboots, it utilizes the normal database that is on the local hard drive.

Echo off means no output to console

Echo on means output to console, used for debugging

Line by Line

1 Shut off output to console window and set a local variable enableextensions to true

2 types Removing Security Restrictions out to console, when Echo is on

3. sets the configuration for the database, db, to a temp database and silently overwrites the initiatization file. This is the database that the windows local security authority logs all information, metrics, and changes to the system. It is the machines system of records.

4. Overwrites the GroupPolicy for the windows/system32 giving it new authority rules and policies.

5. Modifies the windows registry to force it to accept the new security providers

6. if errorlevel os negative or 0 pause

7. types Critical restrictions disabled when Echo is on, set on line 1, and types Registry value that indicates the current hardening state

8. Modifies Dominion SQL database registry key Hardened variable and forces a Dehardened-WS2016 string to be set.

9. Sets the local machines SQL server socket network library to disable encryption

10 stop the SQL database

11 start the SQL database without encryption

12 starts the SQLServerAgent

Because this is a script, it takes a long time to write and test to get correct. This is only done when one wants to repeat the same tasks on many many machines instead of doing commands by interacting with the mouse and keyboard. Because it tampers with a machines local security on a voting machine it is a crime. In addition, to run a web server on a voting machine is remote access; which is also illegal.

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c277d3 No.4948

File: 00e458d0a6a4ba0⋯.jpg (180.57 KB,645x588,215:196,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136408 (131431ZJAN23) Notable: NYT sugarcoated the Bidens' dodgy business deals, shared bank accounts and whistleblowers in its 5,300-word 'investigation' into the troubled First Son

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New York Times sugarcoated the Bidens' dodgy business deals, shared bank accounts and whistleblowers in its 5,300-word 'investigation' into the troubled First Son


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c277d3 No.4949

File: 74418b401deb30e⋯.jpg (180.57 KB,628x690,314:345,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136465 (131446ZJAN23) Notable: Ye remarried

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Where's Ye?

SECRET NUPTIALS Kanye West ‘married’ – Rapper ‘weds’ Yeezy designer Bianca Censori two months after Kim Kardashian divorce finalized


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c277d3 No.4950

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136469 (131448ZJAN23) Notable: Ship Ahoy! America is not a strategy

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America is not a strategy

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c277d3 No.4951

File: 8ce1f8cff11a976⋯.png (212.61 KB,470x662,235:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136478 (131451ZJAN23) Notable: The CDC today confirmed it is "safe" to boost your 5-11 year old child.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The CDC today confirmed it is "safe" to boost your 5-11 year old child. The data:

• 2 out of 3 are in pain

• 1 out of 3 fatigue

• 1 in 5 fever

• 1 in 20 vomiting

• 1 in 7 unable to attend school

• 1 in 7 need treatment

• 1 in 100 ambulance

• 1 in 1000 emergencies


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c277d3 No.4952

File: 7686d686ac0f255⋯.png (387.15 KB,1280x316,320:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136481 (131453ZJAN23) Notable: Greg Phillips, 2000 Mules

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c277d3 No.4953

File: 59c7ad4c3fb9644⋯.jpg (180.57 KB,585x540,13:12,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136482 (131453ZJAN23) Notable: EU natural gas drops to €64, lower than pre-war levels.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EU natural gas drops to €64, lower than pre-war levels.


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c277d3 No.4954

File: 0fd49df8b170df8⋯.jpeg (313.24 KB,1242x1731,414:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 17c5e4a527b24f4⋯.jpeg (308.84 KB,1242x1729,1242:1729,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136485 (131454ZJAN23) Notable: Next Hoax Incoming, the will figure out how to make Global Cooling a manmade problem

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Next Hoax Incoming, the will figure out how to make Global Cooling a manmade problem and it will destroy the world. The Cult will just Pivot to some bizarro reason to depopulate the planet! Heck if they could, they’d put mosquitos on the endangered species list to limit human life.


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c277d3 No.4955

File: 0f5177aeb0a7b80⋯.png (871.11 KB,1013x1280,1013:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d58f55d68fd56c⋯.png (647.94 KB,583x557,583:557,Clipboard.png)

File: f43b18255b3aa8c⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136486 (131454ZJAN23) Notable: The self-proclaimed most conservative state senator in Oklahoma, Nathan Dahm, is seeking to derail the Pentagon’s plan to train some 100 Ukrainian troops at Fort Sill in his state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once considered #Treason

The self-proclaimed most conservative state senator in Oklahoma, Nathan Dahm, is seeking to derail the Pentagon’s plan to train some 100 Ukrainian troops at Fort Sill in his state. The servicemen are not from a NATO nation and may pose a threat to local residents, he argued in a draft resolution.



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c277d3 No.4956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136489 (131455ZJAN23) Notable: #22234

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>>4883 Former Alabama running back Ahmaad Galloway found dead at 42: report Galloway was working as a teacher at a St. Louis middle school

>>4884 Special Counsel Robert Hur worked with Rod Rosenstein [fix is IN?]

>>4885 Twitter Knew Campaign to Delegitimize Rep. Devin Nunes Was False

>>4886 Kash Patel: I Think They're Going to Find Out Joe Biden Had "Many More Places Where Documents were Improperly Stored" - video

>>4887 ‘7% inflation? Try 75%’: Costco shopper compares prices of items in store to last year’s prices

>>4888 Another Classic 70s Rock Star Dead - BACHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE

>>4889 Lightfoot blamed a staffer for sending out the widely condemned email asking teachers to incentivize students to volunteer for her with class credit

>>4890 Tucker: WHY are Biden People Telling the DOJ About Biden Classified Documents?

>>4891 Former MLB outfielder and coach Lee Tinsley died Thursday at 53 - cause of death?

>>4892 Speaker McCarthy eviscerates the ‘Biden’s document mess is different’ defense

>>4893, >>4896, >>4899, >>4900 Jim Watkins J6 transcript

>>4894, >>4895, >>4897, >>4898, >>4901, >>4903 Moar on Elvis and Priscilla

>>4902, >>4904, >>4905, >>4906, >>4907, >>4909, >>4908, >>4911, >>4913, >>4914 Watkins' J6 transcript missed Jacob Glick redaction - Digg

>>4910 Prosecutors in Danny Masterson rape case dealt a blow after star witness Lisa Marie Presley's death

>>4911, >>4912, >>4913, >>4916, >>4917, >>4918, >>4920 Moar on J6 Attorneys - Sasso, Barr, Conroy

>>4915 Biden Held ‘Stolen’ Classified Docs at His Delaware Home AND the Secret Service Kept No Records of Visitors While

>>4919 Is Document-Gate a Democrat Effort to Kneecap Biden's Re-Election Plans?

>>4921, >>4922 Sundance: AG Merrick Garland Timeline Does Not Align with DOJ Claims and Joe Biden Lawyers

>>4923 Court of Appeals Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake’s 2022 Election Case

>>4924 UNC art club excludes white students: ‘We are an atmosphere that cultivates a community free from tokenization, filtering, or exploitation’

>>4925 Cleburne county Arkansas is going machine free in their elections!!!! Paper ballots! Hand counted!

>>4926 Devin Nunes Truth: Didn't have this one on my bingo card

>>4927 House Oversight panel to probe China money to university where Biden worked, classified memos found

>>4928 New Twitter Files Exposes How Democrat Politicians Knowingly Spread the Russiagate Lie

>>4930 Japan Prosecutors Indict Yamagami for Murder of Ex-Prime Minister Abe

>>4931 Biden Blocks Mount Rushmore July Fourth Fireworks Once Again

>>4932 @realDonaldTrump As President, it will SOON happen again. I Love Mount Rushmore!

>>4933, >>4935, >>4936, >>4937 The Swamp Today Friday, January 13, 2023

>>4934 Former Alabama Running Back Found Dead at 42

>>4938 McCarthy says FBI briefing on Swalwell was so troubling, 'you wouldn't have' him on 'any committee'


>>4940 List of states banning TikTok grows

>>4941 Indiana is installing more baby boxes, where newborns can be anonymously surrendered

>>4942, >>4929 Do you think they got the [4am] memo? -'hallie-JACKSON-covers-insane-qanon-conspiracy-theories

>>4943 Musk: most people in the world are operating under the false impression that there are too many people. This is not true

>>4944 Ahoy! It's a Ship Show America is not strategy.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4957

File: 1ce50c2631b37ff⋯.png (524.93 KB,529x612,529:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136491 (131455ZJAN23) Notable: OTD: January 13, 1846, USS Constitution ended her World Cruise after arriving in Mazatlan, Mexico

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: January 13, 1846, USS Constitution ended her World Cruise after arriving in Mazatlan, Mexico as the United States prepared for war against Mexico after the annexation of Texas.


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c277d3 No.4958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136493 (131456ZJAN23) Notable: Next Hoax Incoming, the will figure out how to make Global Cooling a manmade problem

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Has never been about the planet. Has it Klaus?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.4959

File: c6a9787d8fb4cd3⋯.png (1.71 MB,800x1162,400:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136501 (131458ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Young Star Cluster NGC 346

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 13 2023

Young Star Cluster NGC 346

The most massive young star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud is NGC 346, embedded in our small satellite galaxy's largest star forming region some 210,000 light-years distant. Of course the massive stars of NGC 346 are short lived, but very energetic. Their winds and radiation sculpt the edges of the region's dusty molecular cloud triggering star-formation within. The star forming region also appears to contain a large population of infant stars. A mere 3 to 5 million years old and not yet burning hydrogen in their cores, the infant stars are strewn about the embedded star cluster. This spectacular infrared view of NGC 346 is from the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRcam. Emission from atomic hydrogen ionized by the massive stars' energetic radiation as well as and molecular hydrogen and dust in the star-forming molecular cloud is detailed in pink and orange hues. Webb's sharp image of the young star-forming region spans 240 light-years at the distance of the Small Magellanic Cloud.


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c277d3 No.4960

File: ba62194715804b6⋯.jpg (229.42 KB,1030x1280,103:128,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136505 (131459ZJAN23) Notable: Greg Phillips, 2000 Mules

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Unfortunately the explanation is so technical that ordinary people couldn't see that this was the smoking gun so apparently Trump decided to make lemonade with the Phillips clown.

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c277d3 No.4961

File: af3370dc112f901⋯.jpeg (393.23 KB,1242x1710,69:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a4a04e5cb83c0c8⋯.jpeg (183.64 KB,1241x830,1241:830,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ccf8d242361cca4⋯.jpeg (236.68 KB,1198x1002,599:501,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9ffba4c74210c81⋯.jpeg (441.6 KB,1182x2051,1182:2051,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a4a04e5cb83c0c8⋯.jpeg (183.64 KB,1241x830,1241:830,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136514 (131502ZJAN23) Notable: Taters Press Sec not O Tay with the press

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sometimes the comments are better than the tweet! Kek. The Ronald McDonald comment made me want to watch it!


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c277d3 No.4962

File: f38e0b1c7f3a1ab⋯.jpeg (493.23 KB,1242x2056,621:1028,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: af3370dc112f901⋯.jpeg (393.23 KB,1242x1710,69:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136521 (131503ZJAN23) Notable: Taters Press Sec not O Tay with the press

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c277d3 No.4963

File: f15b23bee934465⋯.png (658.49 KB,741x538,741:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 97be4db8a0e811f⋯.png (585.24 KB,680x671,680:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136525 (131504ZJAN23) Notable: Special Counsel Robert Hur Worked with Rod Rosenstein

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Special Counsel Robert Hur Worked with

Rod Rosenstein

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 9:52:23 AM

Special Counsel Robert Hur, appointed Thursday by Attorney General Merrick Garland to probe President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified information, was among those at the Justice Department who had knowledge about the Russia hoax perpetrated on former President Donald Trump. According to a Justice Department document, Hur is a former DOJ official “who handled, participated in, or have personal knowledge of the FBI’s relationship and communications with” Christopher Steele, who authored the infamous dossier that paved the way for the Russia hoax. (Tweet)

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c277d3 No.4964

File: 3609a8981b63e31⋯.png (682.79 KB,912x812,228:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136531 (131506ZJAN23) Notable: Jonathan Turley Says ‘Corvette Excuse Won’t Cut It’

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Jonathan Turley Says ‘Corvette Excuse

Won’t Cut It’ – Biden’s Claim

He Didn’t Know About Docs Could Come

Back To Bite Him

Daily Wire, by Virginia Kruta

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 9:45:54 AM

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley warned that President Joe Biden could very well have set a trap for himself when he claimed he had not known about the classified documents that have now been found in several places. Classified documents — which date back to Biden’s tenure as vice president — have so far been uncovered in Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center (a think tank in Washington, D.C.), in his Wilmington home, and in his garage. And according to Turley, the fact that the documents were discovered in multiple locations makes Biden’s claim — that he only left the White House with them because they

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c277d3 No.4965

File: 25b1ec96dc7c4e2⋯.png (565.28 KB,784x657,784:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136544 (131510ZJAN23) Notable: Former MLB outfielder Lee Tinsley dead at 53

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Former MLB outfielder Lee Tinsley dead

at 53

New York Post, by David Russell

Posted By: GustoGrabber, 1/13/2023 8:36:05 AM

Former MLB outfielder and coach Lee Tinsley died Thursday at 53. No cause of death was announced. According to USA Today’s Bob Nightengale, Tinsley died in Scottsdale, Ariz. where he is “survived by three beautiful children.”

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c277d3 No.4966

File: d31304ec5379151⋯.jpeg (329.15 KB,2117x1242,2117:1242,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ae8cada0f7b3d20⋯.jpeg (314.71 KB,2035x1242,2035:1242,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 57eda044720ceff⋯.jpeg (119.22 KB,1039x569,1039:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136550 (131512ZJAN23) Notable: Taters Press Sec not O Tay with the press

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Yep the Ronald McDonald outfit was a mistake. She was a lot more anxious with hands flailing and passive aggressive in her comments, “as you people report Over and Over Again

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c277d3 No.4967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136557 (131514ZJAN23) Notable: #22233

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>>4832 Notable Patriots back on Twitter: Moyneux, Tenpenny, Stella Immanual, Zak Payne

>>4833, >>4841 PF reports

>>4834 Senator Questions CDC On Why It Claimed No 'Unexpected Safety Signals' For COVID Vaccines

>>4835 Bhattacharya: How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test

>>4836 These 65 Democrats voted against a CCP select committee

>>4837, >>4838 Walensky: “The continued proliferation of variants remains"

>>4839 Court of Appeals Reinstates Fulton Counterfeit Ballot Case After GA Supreme Court Confirms Petitioners Have Standing

>>4840, >>4847, >>4848 This marks Russia’s first major victory since the withdrawals from Balakleya, Krasny Liman and Kherson - RT

>>4842, >>4853, >>4857 Elvis Presley 88th Birthday celebration with Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 8, 2023 - full, unedited video

>>4843 Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

>>4844 Secret Service Locates Hundreds of Docs Regarding Hunter Biden’s Gun Purchase

>>4846 Trump's interview with Mark Levine

>>4849 Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’

>>4845 Our local embalmer (who was initially skeptical of the #Diedsuddenly Film) sent us photo of a 16" clot

>>4852, >>4858, >>4863, >>4877 31 Questions and Answers About the IRS - Old 1996 Early Internet Research Site on the Origin of the IRS?

>>4850, >>4851, >>4854, >>4856 Distributed maritime operations has not been properly explained at the tactical level

>>4855 Michael Salla on current UFO disclosures

>>4859 Special Grand Jury in Georgia Trump Inquiry Concludes Its Investigation

>>4860, >>4861, >>4862 Kash Patel Forewarns Against The Government Gangster Appointed As Special Counsel For Biden's Leaked Documents

>>4864 Mike Davis: "Merrick Garland Was Caught In His Cover-Up" of Bidan

>>4865 @DineshDSouza - Is the FBI resisting a raid on the Biden residence because none of the agents hasany interest in sniffingJill Biden’s underwear?

>>4868 Ben Berguam And Oscar Ramirez Reveal Plan To Cover Migrant Group Starting In Columbia right on the bridge to Venezuela. They are going on the trip with migrants to get to America.

>>4875, >>4876, >>4878 John Lausch is from Illinois. What else is in Illinois? Hussein's Library!

>>4879 Key ‘Russian bots’ claim was false – Twitter documents

>>4881 anon bun


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c277d3 No.4968

File: 9398a1fc3222927⋯.jpg (53.62 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 55cf38de033cffe⋯.jpg (115.29 KB,353x500,353:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c80c6930e364ca9⋯.jpg (3.54 MB,6951x4636,6951:4636,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136584 (131520ZJAN23) Notable: Kathy Chung vs. Katherine Tai?Pentagon’s current deputy director of protocol, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: KatherineTai.???

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Kathy Chung vs. Katherine Tai?

"Kathy Chung, Biden’s executive assistant when he was vice president and the Pentagon’s current deputy director of protocol, is among several former aides to the president to be interviewed by law enforcement, NBC News reported Thursday.



There is a Julie Chung as well… Sri Lankan Ambassador.

2x Pics Julie Chung

2x Katherine Tai

Any pics of this Kathy Chung or is she the same person as this Katherine Tai?

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c277d3 No.4969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136588 (131521ZJAN23) Notable: Today is the 5 year anniversary of the Hawaii "False" Missle Alert.

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Today is the 5 year anniversary of the Hawaii "False" Missle Alert.



Anon remembers everyone calling out Q for writing defcon 1and saying Q must be fake. Then this happened and everyone started to believe. Was a big moment. Interesting list of people on the island at that time.

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c277d3 No.4970

File: 99efe8915f3a8a4⋯.png (445.99 KB,527x651,17:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136606 (131524ZJAN23) Notable: @USMC Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training

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Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT)/Marine Exercise (MAREX) Singapore 2022 concluded in Singapore, following five days of in-person and at-sea engagements that enhanced collaboration between the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and U.S. military, Jan. 9-13.


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c277d3 No.4971

File: 1196f720590908c⋯.jpg (180.57 KB,870x768,145:128,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136612 (131525ZJAN23) Notable: Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud

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Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud


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c277d3 No.4972

File: 177241ec95c379e⋯.png (249.23 KB,393x702,131:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136616 (131526ZJAN23) Notable: @FortBenning One jump closer to wings!

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One jump closer to wings!

During Airborne School, students conduct five static line jumps before graduating as a #paratrooper. Generally, two of the jumps are "combat equipment jumps." Three jumps are "Hollywood," meaning the jumper only wears the parachute and reserve.



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c277d3 No.4973

File: 1574cd92b1ee549⋯.jpg (180.57 KB,826x602,59:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136629 (131531ZJAN23) Notable: AL: Local Official Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges Connected to Both Primary and General Elections

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Local Official Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges Connected to Both Primary and General Elections


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c277d3 No.4974

File: 78f5ab8dacc3ff6⋯.png (93.93 KB,410x512,205:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136630 (131531ZJAN23) Notable: They’re changing the way inflation is calculated again to make things look like they’re “not that bad”

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Wall Street Silver


They’re changing the way inflation is calculated again to make things look like they’re “not that bad” 🚨

During 2024 (election year) none of the consumption data from 2022 will be included. 🤣


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c277d3 No.4975

File: 567a436b857671a⋯.jpeg (138.12 KB,768x637,768:637,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136640 (131533ZJAN23) Notable: The FBI’s Problem is Real and Tackling it Requires a Change in Leadership, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: BAC763EC_2263_4350_8DA7_53D6DDF5017D.???, 406256C1_2331_40C1_8173_14870BADCF65.???

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The FBI’s Problem is Real and Tackling it Requires a Change in Leadership

Steve FriendJanuary 11, 2023

On January 5th, Fox News published an opinion piece by FBI Director Christopher Wray entitled, “America’s crime problem is real. Tackling it requires respect for cops.” Before engaging the substance of Wray’s piece, I will note the significance of his choices in timing and distribution platform. With Republicans assuming majority control of the House of Representatives the same week, Wray finds himself in a precarious situation. The GOP is poised to launch congressional investigations into the FBI’s rampant politicization, corruption, and abuse. Wray seeks to rebrand himself as a stalwart of nonpartisanship and devotion to law and order in the eyes of conservative news consumers anxiously anticipating bombshell revelations from forthcoming House Judiciary Committee hearings. These are the futile efforts of a desperate man clinging to a leadership position he has proven so ill-equipped to fill.

Wray, a former federal prosecutor, provides usevidence of his fecklessnesswith his own words. In the op-ed, Wray discusses the rise in violent crime across America and the FBI’s efforts to assist state and local authorities. Wray says the FBI is “working to build capacity and deploy additional resources to some of the hardest-hit cities where that support is most needed.” Where was Wray’s focus in 2020 when violent anarchists attempted to establish an “autonomous zone” in Seattle, rioters attacked a federal courthouse in Portland, and looters burned businesses in Minneapolis?

Instead, in recent years the FBI devoted large swaths of its$10 billion budget to investigate Christians prayingoutside abortion clinics, parents speaking loudly at school board meetings, and citizens expressing election fraud concerns on social media.

Wray calls for law enforcement agencies to “better engage with communities we serve to earn their trust and cooperation.” Did Wray seriously believe that deploying the FBI’shostage rescue team to aid the execution of a search warrant at the home of a former American president would earn trustand cooperation from the public? How has utilizing a dozen undercover agents and informants to entrap and criminally charge a small group of men with conspiring to “kidnap” the governor of Michigan endeared the FBI to America? Does the FBI’s complete failure to achieve any perceivable progress in the identification and apprehension of the January 6th RNC/DNC pipe bomber warrant public praise and adulation?

The piece concludes with an appeal to “continue to attract dedicated public servants to this calling…” As an indefinitely suspended FBI whistleblower, color me skeptical. I made protected disclosures concerning the FBI’s failures to adhere to its case management and investigative rules, as well as potential abuses of authority. In my meetings with FBI executive management, I expressed my devotion to the country and commitment to uphold the special agent oath of office as the driving motivation for sounding the alarm and refusing to participate in potentially illegal search and arrest operations. Their responses? One of Wray’s executives countered that I had a “duty to the FBI.” Another encouraged me to “do some soul searching” and decide if I had a future with the agency. Clearly, Wray’s FBI prefers devotion to the agency to dedication to public service.

In the past, my fellow indefinitely suspended FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin noted Wray’s unimpressive and milquetoast nature. Seraphin contrasts Wray with his predecessor James Comey whose physical size, according to Seraphin, at least made him appear like he was the physical embodiment of a middle finger to America whenever he stood in a group of FBI

I wholeheartedly concur with Seraphin’s observations. However, I will proffer an addendum.Comey wantonly and bombastically self-aggrandized. His theatrical sanctimony and tendencies toward self-promotionrevealed themselves in the final days of his tenure as FBI Director and ballooned to parodical levels after his firing.

In stark contrast,Wray’s latest public relations foray amplifies his mediocrity. To his credit, Wray has the self-awareness to realize he lacks the necessary charisma and intestinal fortitude to make the necessary reforms at the FBI to avert the pending tsunami of congressional subpoenas and inquiries. So he has decided his best option for career preservation is a tried and true appeal to “support the thin blue line.” His words are as diminutive and unremarkable as his physical stature compared to Comey’s. And like his predecessor, Christopher Wray should be recognized as a failure and summarily dismissed from office.


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c277d3 No.4976

File: 5122a7d36e49b9f⋯.png (214.6 KB,1086x522,181:87,Clipboard.png)

File: dc406c3e9c80230⋯.png (358.31 KB,1536x723,512:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136641 (131534ZJAN23) Notable: Black Vault: Documents Released on the November 11, 2014, Chilean Navy Helicopter UFO Encounter

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The Black Vault

Documents Released on the November 11, 2014, Chilean Navy Helicopter UFO Encounter

JANUARY 13, 2023

The following documents were sent to The Black Vault by the popular YouTube channel “Omega Click“. The records were obtained from the Air Force of Chile.

Note: The Black Vault did not receive these documents directly, and full credit for that is given to “Omega Click” for the release and the permission to host the records for others here on this archive. Although not included here for privacy reasons, emails between the DGAC and “Omega Click” were seen to verify the release.

Also please note: The Black Vault holds no view on what the object is. Some have pointed that this is an explainable case, and it very well may be. The records here are kept for archival purposes, and this page will likely be updated to include some skeptical analysis once performed (if at all) on the high resolution video, along with the radar data track information available below.

The full description from “Omega Click” about this case, and the records released, is below, followed by the document and video releases.

On November 11, 2014, A Chilean Navy helicopter, an Airbus Cougar AS-532 was engaged in a routine daytime patrol mission flying north along the coast,west of Santiago. On board were the pilot, a Captain of the Navy with many years of flying experience, and a Navy technician who was testing a FLIR infrared camera, military camera often used for covert mid-altitude intelligence operations, surveillance and reconnaissance device, which on this occasion, resumed a UAP.

The aircraft was flying at an altitude of approximately 4,500 feet on a clear afternoon with unrestricted horizontal visibility and air temperature about 10 C.

The Chilean Navy helicopter was flying at about 240 kilometers per hour when something unusual was picked up by the Chilean Air Force FLIR camera.

The video in question has been circulating on the internet for years and has often been considered as an airliner landing (a conclusion that the Chilean government considers absurd) once the case was addressed, I contacted the email on the SEFAA website who replied giving me all the information to make a formal request for access to the documents. About 10 days later I had the material released by a DGAC government mail shared me a drive which I pledge to send you in full. There are internal letters, forms (from the pilot and the official who used the FLIR camera) information (with all the analyzes done by external consultants), the flight track and the high resolution video. I manage the largest Italian youtube channel of ufology and related phenomena. I translate documents pursuant to the FOIA and in my country it has never happened that a foreign government has granted UAP documents to an ordinary citizen.


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c277d3 No.4977

File: e47eb7724e4af0a⋯.png (41.67 KB,619x258,619:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136642 (131534ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump NOW WE CAN FIX IT!

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Donald J. Trump




Importantly, I have single-handedly shown the American Public how Crooked and Corrupt our Government is. NOW WE CAN FIX IT!

Jan 12, 2023, 3:19 PM





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c277d3 No.4978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136644 (131535ZJAN23) Notable: Black Vault: Documents Released on the November 11, 2014, Chilean Navy Helicopter UFO Encounter

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The government release kindly granted by the Air Force of Chile includes internal letters between members of the DGAC (General Directorate of Civil Aviation) and some letters are written by General Ricardo Bermudez himself, director of SEFAA (Sección de estudios de fenómenos aéreos anómalos – Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Studies Section of the Government of Chile) which confirms and organizes SECRET MEETINGS by a committee specially created to study the UFO case. One letter also includes a transcript from the helicopter operator who used the FLIR MX HD WESCAM camera to film the object. I was shared the helicopter flight tracks (Airbus Cougar AS-532) the meteorological data and the analysis of the Chilean Air Force Photogrammetry Department. The file of the French GEIPAN which ran to help SEFAA to study the phenomenon (it concluded in a very inopportune way that the phenomenon was PROBABLY due to a landing plane) Not that a whole series of accessory documents. In the meteorological report it is written in black and white “a meteorological phenomenon is excluded” In the report of the department of photogrammetry of the air force it is written that “it’s not a bird. It’s not a hang glider, it’s not an airplane, it’s not a flying insect, it’s not an unmanned aircraft, it’s not a parachute, the object has control of its movements, you observe that has a volume, is not disturbed by the wind, the object reflects light, emits a certain type of energy”

In a PDF in my possession and presented in my latest video where I translate document by document (I am attaching the video subtitled in 6 languages) the Photogrammetry Department demonstrates with data in hand that the object has a structure, exists in three dimensions and that it has reflected the light. The GEIPAN file also demonstrates that the object was traveling at almost the same speed as the helicopter that filmed it. about 240 kilometers per hour. Alberto Vergara (director) comments at the end of the PDF writing “Finally it can be concluded that the object has all the characteristics to be classified as an unidentified aerial phenomenon”

Some documents present forensic analyzes carried out by external consultants, such as the pdf drawn up by Mario Avila, nuclear physicist and scientific consultant of SEFAA who, after various analyzes regarding the brightness of the object, concluded that it is a sort of UAP apparently composed of two rotating spheres. Documents in the release include letters presenting the case to government officials and other VERY interesting documents that help clarify the seemingly UNIDENTIFIED nature of the object captured by the Chilean Navy.

In my country the news hasn’t had THE MINIMUM CIRCULATION and I hope that by being published on your site, the media in my country will also start to seriously address the issue. I think this new release can put a big question mark on the convenient conclusion that the debunkers have drawn.

Sighting starts at around 4:26. It starts laying smoke or something at around 12:00




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c277d3 No.4979

File: 393af937ed4e548⋯.png (532.27 KB,599x687,599:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136680 (131541ZJAN23) Notable: FROM 2015: Biden home security system failed so often last year the Secret Service switched it off

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RNC Research


FROM 2015: Biden home security system failed so often last year the Secret Service switched it off

“I'm not at all worried,” Biden said about the security of his home.


Biden home security was so faulty agents shut it off for months

False alarms went off enough in the Delaware home last year that Secret Service shut down the system for months before November repairs.

4:32 AM · Jan 13, 2023

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c277d3 No.4980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136682 (131542ZJAN23) Notable: Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it

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Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it. The Covid plot will take down many governments and Pharma, along with a lot of others

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c277d3 No.4981

File: afca75bec21658e⋯.jpg (81.18 KB,1700x2189,1700:2189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f1f71d93f0457e⋯.jpg (511.58 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bde3bab5bccb4a6⋯.jpg (403.68 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 05c146faab67cf0⋯.jpg (441.6 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb55232be1c43d9⋯.jpg (406.71 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136695 (131545ZJAN23) Notable: Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it

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c277d3 No.4982

File: 2a1af23e1c96db8⋯.png (121.79 KB,598x536,299:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136700 (131546ZJAN23) Notable: All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

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c277d3 No.4983

File: 09052634bff181f⋯.mp4 (14.86 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136722 (131550ZJAN23) Notable: All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

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he sure is a try hard.

obsessed with Qanon and Q and anons

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c277d3 No.4984

File: 515c782b73ed11e⋯.jpeg (779.52 KB,1284x1302,214:217,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136726 (131551ZJAN23) Notable: Michael Flynn: One Rule GOP House Passed Could Expose Weaponized DOJ, FBI

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Michael Flynn: One Rule GOP House Passed Could Expose Weaponized DOJ, FBI


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c277d3 No.4985

File: d89199f9f741980⋯.jpeg (29.01 KB,255x225,17:15,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136735 (131552ZJAN23) Notable: All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

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All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

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c277d3 No.4986

File: 58df20d95c032ce⋯.png (548.46 KB,532x657,532:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136740 (131555ZJAN23) Notable: #OTD in 1937, the first shipment of gold was made to the new U.S. Bullion Depository at #FortKnox, Kentucky

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#OTD in 1937, the first shipment of gold was made to the new U.S. Bullion Depository at #FortKnox, Kentucky. The shipment came in from the Philadelphia Mint and New York Assay Office. Learn more about this facility at


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c277d3 No.4987

File: 2bdc90af42f7d55⋯.png (211.04 KB,793x353,793:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136752 (131557ZJAN23) Notable: Kathy Chung vs. Katherine Tai?Pentagon’s current deputy director of protocol

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FOX News

View Profile

Former Biden assistant questioned by law enforcement over classified docs repeatedly appeared in Hunter emails

Story by Thomas Catenacci, Cameron Cawthorne, Jessica Chasmar • Yesterday 9:03 PM



Aformer top aide to President Biden — who reportedly was questioned by federal investigators as part of the probe into the president's handling of classified documents — exchanged emails with Hunter Biden on numerous occasions, according to a Fox News Digital review.

Kathy Chung, Biden's executive assistant when he was vice president and the Pentagon's current deputy director of protocol, is among several former aides to the president to be interviewed by law enforcement, NBC News reported Thursday. Chung and the others questioned reportedly helped move materials and belongings from Biden's office at the end of the Obama administration in early 2017.

Throughout much of her five-year tenure working for Biden during the Obama administration, Chung regularly communicated with Biden's son Hunter Biden, transmitting information about his father's schedule and passing messages directly from the then-vice president, according to emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and verified by Fox News Digital.

Chung's relationship with Hunter Biden also appears to date back before she worked for his father. The emails showed that Hunter Biden recommended Chung for the executive assistant role when the previous holder of the job, Michele Smith, departed the White House in the spring of 2012.

cant find pic of this bitch anywhere

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c277d3 No.4988

File: 07587d954bcfdaa⋯.mp4 (14.89 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136755 (131557ZJAN23) Notable: All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

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part 2

how is that working out for you mike.

anons are just spoiler alerters.

has anything not come to be true that anons have research, not the shills spitting out misinformation and the clown op qanon?

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c277d3 No.4989

File: 1828ba8c1f2fd52⋯.png (335.03 KB,533x608,533:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136774 (131604ZJAN23) Notable: @USNavy Time to reload! 💥

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Time to reload! 💥

Sailors assigned to #USSAmerica (LHA 6) onload ammo while underway off the coast of Sasebo, Japan.

America, lead ship of the America Amphibious Ready Group, is operating in


to enhance interoperability with allies and partners.


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c277d3 No.4990

File: 8f27afcb91026bf⋯.jpeg (395.98 KB,1242x1915,1242:1915,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136795 (131610ZJAN23) Notable: How Twitter Helped Democrats Peddle Another Russia Hoax

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How Twitter Helped Democrats Peddle Another Russia Hoax

Margot Cleveland1 of 2

Top congressional Democrats and the corrupt corporate media falsely branded calls for the declassification of Devin Nunes’ memorandum on FISA abuse a Russia influence operation, internal documents from Twitter releasedThursday reveal. And while Twitter executives knew the story was false, they allowed the narrative to grow rather than correct the record.

Soon after the then-chair of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes penned a classified Jan. 18, 2018, memorandum detailing abuses by the Department of Justice and FBI to obtain a FISA surveillance order on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, #ReleaseTheMemo began trending on Twitter. Within days, Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a press release announcing they had sent a letter to Twitter and Facebook requesting the tech giants “immediately conduct an in-depth forensic examination of the reported actions by Russian bots and trolls surrounding the #ReleaseTheMemo online campaign and how users were exposed to this campaign as a result of Russian efforts.”

To support their claim that the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign represented “Russian efforts,” Feinstein and Schiff cited the Alliance for Securing Democracy, or ASD, and its claim that the hashtag “gained the instant attention and assistance of social media accounts linked to Russian influence operations.”

Democrat Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Sheldon Whitehouse soon issued their own missive to Twitter, even though the internal communications released on Thursday revealed attempts by Twitter executives to warn senator staffers that the story of a Russian influence campaign didn’t stand.

“We find it reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans,” the senators wrote, also relying on ASD’s view that the trending of the hashtag represented a Russian influence operation.

But internal communications from Twitter made public in the latest Twitter Files threadby independent journalist Matt Taibbi reveal the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign was organic and Twitter had concluded that ASD, the only source for claims that Russian bots and trolls were behind the trending of the hashtag, had used a “flawed methodology.”

“We should have a separate discussion about if/when/how we confront ASD privately with our knowledge of their flawed methodology/dashboard and seek to help them reorient in a more accurate direction,” one Twitter insider wrote after the Schiff-Feinstein press release dropped.

Another Twitter executive seemed fine with going public, writing: “If ASD isn’t going to fact check with us, we should feel free to correct the record of their work.”

For his part, Yoel Roth, the former Twitter head of trust and safety, raised the question of whether it was “now the time to go public with the fact that any given user only counts once towards a trend?” Roth continued: “Given all the swirl around #releasethememo is based on [ASD], which is based on raw tweet count, we’d be able to broadly refute it without actually sharing anything too sensitive.”

While Roth’s email didn’t explain why he believed ASD’s conclusions rested on “raw tweet count,” another Twitter exchange referenced the fact that unbeknownst to ASD, Twitter had “reverse-engineered” ASD’s dashboard.

Notwithstanding Twitter’s belief that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag trend originated naturally and not as a result of Russian interference, and its assessment that ASD’s contrary conclusion stemmed from a flawed methodology, the internal emails published Thusday reveal Twitter decided against countering ASD’s Russian bot narrative. Rather, Twitter limited its on-the-record, for-attribution response to a statement that it “is committed to addressing malicious activity on our platform, and we take any assertions of such activity very seriously.” Twitter also told reporters, while refusing to allow the media to attribute the statement to Twitter’s spokesman, that it had “been monitoring closely since #releasethememo started trending late last week,” and that the hashtag “appears to be organically trending.”

While “off the record,” Twitter “cautioned” reporters for why they “should be very skeptical of ASD’s claims, the tech giant did not say to the press what its insiders were saying to each other: that the entire Russian bot narrative relied on ASD’s flawed methodology…


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c277d3 No.4991

File: 8f27afcb91026bf⋯.jpeg (395.98 KB,1242x1915,1242:1915,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136805 (131611ZJAN23) Notable: How Twitter Helped Democrats Peddle Another Russia Hoax

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2 of 2

Likewise, while Twitter responded to the congressional inquiries by stating that, based on available data, it had “not identified any significant activity connected to Russia with respect to Tweets posting original content to this hashtag,” Twitter did not challenge ASD’s contrary conclusion.

By keeping quiet about ASD’s “flawed methodology,” as Twitter framed it,the tech giant allowed Democrat politicians and the press to push yet another Russia hoax. And as Nunes told The Federalist, in spreading the Russia hoax, “Democrat members of Congress were not legislating in the public interest, the media was not honestly informing the public, and the intelligence community was not defending Americans against foreign adversaries.” Instead, they all “melded into a giant, hideous propaganda apparatus with the single goal of deceiving the American people into believing something that wasn’t true.”

The irony here is that while, in response to the claim that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag was a Russian-influence campaign, Twitter professed it was “committed to addressing malicious activity on our platform,”by failing to forcefully, directly, and publicly counter ASD’s assertions of Russian involvement, the tech giant allowed Democrats to maliciously proliferate the Russian-bot narrative on Twitter.

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c277d3 No.4992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136815 (131614ZJAN23) Notable: Was Hillary's Server ALSO in Joe's Garage?? ~Ted Cruz

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Was Hillary's Server ALSO in Joe's Garage??

~Ted Cruz

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c277d3 No.4993

File: adc778f2051c861⋯.png (191.74 KB,475x523,475:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136835 (131620ZJAN23) Notable: New Twitter Files Supplemental Adam Schiff's Ban requests and Deamplification

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New Twitter Files Supplemental Adam Schiff's Ban requests and Deamplification


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c277d3 No.4994

File: be07c17ddbc0b3d⋯.jpeg (444.01 KB,1241x1718,1241:1718,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bd0883cb8ab9b10⋯.jpeg (736.69 KB,1241x1816,1241:1816,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 10a31e27ddf8235⋯.jpeg (758.69 KB,1242x1584,69:88,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e67f29ce73f68e5⋯.jpeg (234.35 KB,1241x1146,1241:1146,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5fe9444482c2c74⋯.jpeg (787.23 KB,1242x1754,621:877,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136838 (131621ZJAN23) Notable: Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

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Weissmann & Wray



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c277d3 No.4995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136845 (131622ZJAN23) Notable: US Navy Veteran Taylor Dudley Reportedly Freed From Russian Detention

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US Navy Veteran Taylor Dudley Reportedly Freed From Russian Detention



January 12, 2023

11:36 AM ET

American Navy veteran Taylor Dudley has been released from detention in Russia after being held for almost a year, his family’s spokesperson told CNN on Thursday.

Russian border police took Dudley, 35, into custody in April 2022 after he crossed from Poland into Kaliningrad, CNN reported. The Michigan native had been attending a music festival in Poland.

It remains unclear exactly why Dudley crossed the border into Kaliningrad, an exclave territory controlled by Moscow that sits between Lithuania and Poland. The U.S. government has not considered his detainment to be wrongful.

Former Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and his non-profit, the Richardson Center for Global Engagement, led the effort to free Dudley, family spokesman Jonathan Franks told CNN. The former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations has spent much of his post-government life working to free Americans detained abroad.

The U.S. did not grant anything or anyone to Russia in exchange for Dudley’s release, Richardson Center vice president Mickey Bergman told CNN. Richardson told the outlet he and his team first raised Dudley’s status with Russian officials during meetings regarding Brittney Griner, Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed.

Griner was freed from Russian detention in December after being held for nearly a year. Reed, a former Marine, was released from Russia in April 2022 after being held since 2019. Whelan, another former Marine, is still being held by Russian authorities after he was arrested on espionage charges in 2018.

The State Department has not publicly commented on the reported release of Dudley.


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c277d3 No.4996

File: bad6783106c855d⋯.png (64.76 KB,534x492,89:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136846 (131622ZJAN23) Notable: C_A OPERATION BELLADONNA

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c277d3 No.4997

File: 94abbf27a4b6f08⋯.png (595.84 KB,1232x716,308:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 91279103ee44431⋯.gif (847.14 KB,400x180,20:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136850 (131623ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Africa/Yerp/Med Activity

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Planefag Africa/Yerp/Med Activity:

German AF GAF949 A330 and French AF CTM0006 Falcon 900 NW from Addis Abbas, Ethiopia-also GAF879 A321neo west from Koln

Germany and France dispatch envoys to Ethiopia soon after China's charm offensive

Germany and France sent their foreign affairs ministers to Ethiopia on an EU diplomatic offensive. China avoids talking about AU's push for a permanent AU Security Council seat. Africa is at the centre of opposing forces in global affairs. A day after the Chinese foreign affairs minister landed in Addis Ababa on a charm offensive, Germany and France dispatched their counterparts on a similar joint mission to Ethiopia, representing the European Union (EU)'s interests.


Russian AF 64926 Tupolev T-154 back to Moscow from Sochi depart/overnight and earlier a T-204 returned from a trip east back to Vnukovo Int'l Airport

French AF CTM2035 A400m east back to Orleans after a ground stop/load out at Rzsesow Airport, Poland also Italian AF IAM3115 Falcon 900 stopped at Rzsezow and back at Rome

Turkish AF J001 Citation C-680 on descent for Ankara from Istanbul-mebby Erdogan-as Italian AF IAM3135 A319 left Ankara after a stop of 7 hours or so

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c277d3 No.4998

File: f707276484af4f1⋯.jpeg (571.73 KB,1170x1885,18:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 626433b89a39ba1⋯.jpeg (47.64 KB,1052x616,263:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136853 (131625ZJAN23) Notable: The net shares of each generation who say they are proud to live in the United States

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The net shares of each generation who say they are proud to live in the United States:

Baby Boomers: 73

Gen X: 54

Millennials: 36

Gen Z: 16


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c277d3 No.4999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136870 (131629ZJAN23) Notable: Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

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Sidney Powell wrote her book on the absolute corruption of the FBI and DOJ “Licensed to Lie” based on the Enron Case. I didn’t know was Asst Atty General, did he serve under Barr?

LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice


"Licensed to Lie reads like a cross between investigative journalism and courtroom drama.The takeaway is that both Bushies and Obamaites should be very afraid: over the last few years, a coterie of vicious and unethical prosecutors who are unfit to practice law has been harbored within and enabled by the now ironically named Department of Justice." &ndash;William Hodes, Professor of Law Emeritus, Indiana University, and coauthor, The Law of Lawyering

"When you ve finished reading this fast-paced thriller, you will want to stand up and applaud Powell's courage in daring to shine light into the darkest recesses of America's justice system. The only ax Powell grinds here is Truth." &ndash;Patricia Falvey, author of The Yellow House and The Linen Queen, and former Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP

"Last year four government officials demonstrably lied under oath, and nothing has been done to themtwo IRS officials, the Attorney General, and James Clapper-which caused Ed Snowden to release the fact that the US is spying on its citizens and in violation of the 4th amendment. That our government is corrupt is the only conclusion. This book helps the people understand the nature of this corruption-and how it is possible for federal prosecutors to indict and convict the innocent rather than the guilty." Victor Sperandeo, CEO and author, Trader Vic: Methods of a Wall Street Master

"This book is a testament to the human will to struggle against overwhelming odds to right a wrong and a cautionary tale to all-that true justice doesn't just exist as an abstraction apart from us. True justice is us, making it real through our own actions and our own vigilance against the powerful who cavalierly threaten to take it away." Michael Adams, PhD, University Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of English Associate Director, James A. Michener Center for Writers, University of TexasAustinor

"I have covered hundreds of court cases over the years and have witnessed far too often the kind of duplicity and governmental heavy-handedness Ms. Powell describes in her well-written book, Licensed to Lie." &ndash;Hugh Aynesworth, journalist, historian, four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, author, November 22, 1963: Witness to History


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c277d3 No.5000

File: 5026544706790e8⋯.jpg (188.15 KB,1003x1298,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6d1e32b7f05c32⋯.jpg (418.28 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9f8260f14b494c⋯.jpg (466.31 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd88cec10d90c58⋯.jpg (633.23 KB,2049x3014,2049:3014,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47bf26baf40bece⋯.jpg (440.21 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136917 (131637ZJAN23) Notable: Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it

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c277d3 No.5001

File: 7851a5654c3cfc5⋯.jpg (413.17 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a92ee1e46b9e12⋯.jpg (442.61 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7181548c48410ab⋯.jpg (327.9 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136926 (131639ZJAN23) Notable: Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it

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c277d3 No.5002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136929 (131639ZJAN23) Notable: Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

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Anyone named by Wray in that announcement that still works for FBI has a lot of dirt on their hands. I wonder how many of them are still there?

I guess Leslie Caldwell the head of Enron Task Force didn’t do enough illegal and aggressive things.

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c277d3 No.5003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136955 (131645ZJAN23) Notable: Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

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The Time Andrew Weissmann Was Reversed 9-0 by the Supreme Court and 85,000 People Still Lost Their Jobs. Enron Case

Shipwreckedcrew11:00 AM on August 17, 2020

…The Supreme Court said the correct answer was “No.”

“[K]nowledge” and “knowingly” are normally associated with awareness, understanding, or consciousness. [Dictionary definitions omitted] “Corrupt” and “corruptly” are normally associated with wrongful, immoral, depraved, or evil. [Definitions omitted] Joining these meanings together here makes sense both linguistically and in the statutory scheme. Only persons conscious of wrongdoing can be said to “knowingly … corruptly persuad[e].” And limiting criminality to persuaders conscious of their wrongdoing sensibly allows §1512(b) to reach only those with the level of “culpability … we usually require in order to impose criminal liability.”

The outer limits of this element need not be explored here because the jury instructions at issue simply failed to convey the requisite consciousness of wrongdoing. Indeed, it is striking how little culpability the instructions required. For example, the jury was told that, “even if [petitioner] honestly and sincerely believed that its conduct was lawful, you may find [petitioner] guilty.”App. JA–213. The instructions also diluted the meaning of “corruptly” so that it covered innocent conduct. Id., at JA–212.

That is “Law According to Weissmann.” And that is why I consider Andrew Weissman to have been an unethical prosecutor and am embarrassed by the fact that we held the same position. The middle bolded passage is just stunning to me — the fact that Weissmann would have pushed for that language to be in a jury instruction says all I need to know about him:

“even if [Arthur Anderson] honestly and sincerely believed that its conduct was lawful, you may find [Arthur Anderson] guilty.”

That pretty much accurately describes third-world “show trial” requirements. That’s how people end up in Chinese prisons.

The Supreme Court Justices who joined in rejecting “Weissman’s Law” were:

Chief Justice Rehnquist — wrote the opinion.

Justice Scalia

Justice Thomas

Justice O’Connor

Justice Kennedy

Justice Souter

Justice Stevens

Justice Ginsburg

Justice Breyer

Not a single Justice wrote a concurring opinion. Not one wrote separately to say “I agree with the outcome, but I disagree with the opinion of the Chief Justice for the following reasons….”

Every Justice REJECTED Weissmann’s view of “criminality” without hesitation.

And Robert Mueller, as Director of the FBI, named Weissman to be “Special Counsel to the Director” the same year the Supreme Court decided the Arthur Anderson case. Six years later, Mueller made him General Counsel for the FBI, the Bureau’s top lawyer.


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c277d3 No.5004

File: aa0517e8433700f⋯.jpeg (20.9 KB,220x220,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 390cbb748b6ccf7⋯.jpeg (329.59 KB,1242x2319,414:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18136990 (131652ZJAN23) Notable: Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

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If they are corrupt enough they always get hired again

Leslie Ragon Caldwell (born 1957) is an American attorney, who served as the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice from 2014 to 2017. She has spent the majority of her professional career handling federal criminal cases, as both a prosecutor and as defense attorney.[1] Since September 2017, she has been a partner at the law firm of Latham & Watkins, resident in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, CA.

In 2002, Caldwell was selected to lead a team of investigators and prosecutors in the Department of Justice'sEnron Task Force.[1] In that role, she recruited a team of federal prosecutors and agents from around the country to investigate the collapse of the former Fortune No. 7 company. Under Caldwell's leadership, more than 30 individuals were successfully prosecuted for their roles in fraud at Enron, as well as several corporations including Merrill Lynch and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

She received a B. A. in Economics summa cum laude from Pennsylvania State University, and a J. D. from the George Washington University Law School.[1]

She started her career in private practice in New York, then moved to the US Attorney's Office in Brooklyn, in the Eastern District of New York. Proving to be a highlight of her time with the Eastern District was Caldwell's successful conviction of New York City drug lord Howard "Pappy" Mason for the murder of Officer Edward Bryne.[2]

She then was recruited by then-San Francisco USAttorney Robert S. Mueller IIIto head his efforts against white collar crime in Silicon Valley. After being named the Chief of that Office's Criminal Division, Caldwell was recruited by DOJ to head up the Enron Task Force, created to spearhead the investigation of that company's 2001 collapse. Caldwell built a team of lawyers and FBI agents, and successfully investigated one of the largest corporate collapses in history. She led the successful prosecutions of more than 30 former Enron executives and others, including Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.[3][4]

In the wake of the Enron convictions, Caldwell turned to private practice as a partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius where she worked until early 2014. On May 15, 2014 Leslie R. Caldwell was confirmed as the United States Assistant Attorney


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c277d3 No.5005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137033 (131658ZJAN23) Notable: #22235

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#22235 >>4945

>>4947, >>4946, >>4946, >>4952, >>4960 Greg Phillips, 2000 Mules

>>4948 NYT sugarcoated the Bidens' dodgy business deals, shared bank accounts and whistleblowers in its 5,300-word 'investigation' into the troubled First Son

>>4949 Ye remarried

>>4950 Ship Ahoy! America is not a strategy

>>4951 The CDC today confirmed it is "safe" to boost your 5-11 year old child.

>>4953 EU natural gas drops to €64, lower than pre-war levels.

>>4954, >>4958 Next Hoax Incoming, the will figure out how to make Global Cooling a manmade problem

>>4955 The self-proclaimed most conservative state senator in Oklahoma, Nathan Dahm, is seeking to derail the Pentagon’s plan to train some 100 Ukrainian troops at Fort Sill in his state

>>4957 OTD: January 13, 1846, USS Constitution ended her World Cruise after arriving in Mazatlan, Mexico

>>4959 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Young Star Cluster NGC 346

>>4961, >>4962, >>4966 Taters Press Sec not O Tay with the press

>>4963 Special Counsel Robert Hur Worked with Rod Rosenstein

>>4964 Jonathan Turley Says ‘Corvette Excuse Won’t Cut It’

>>4965 Former MLB outfielder Lee Tinsley dead at 53

>>4968, >>4987 Kathy Chung vs. Katherine Tai?Pentagon’s current deputy director of protocol

>>4969 Today is the 5 year anniversary of the Hawaii "False" Missle Alert.

>>4970 @USMC Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training

>>4971 Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud

>>4972 @FortBenning One jump closer to wings!

>>4973 AL: Local Official Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges Connected to Both Primary and General Elections

>>4974 They’re changing the way inflation is calculated again to make things look like they’re “not that bad”

>>4975 The FBI’s Problem is Real and Tackling it Requires a Change in Leadership

>>4976, >>4978 Black Vault: Documents Released on the November 11, 2014, Chilean Navy Helicopter UFO Encounter

>>4977 @realDonaldTrump NOW WE CAN FIX IT!

>>4979 FROM 2015: Biden home security system failed so often last year the Secret Service switched it off

>>4981, >>4980, >>5000, >>5001 Makes me wonder if Trumps “Operation Warp Speed” plan was to take down the current federal government to recreate it

>>4984 Michael Flynn: One Rule GOP House Passed Could Expose Weaponized DOJ, FBI

>>4985, >>4982, >>4983, >>4988 All of your Rothschilds are now belong to us!

>>4986 #OTD in 1937, the first shipment of gold was made to the new U.S. Bullion Depository at #FortKnox, Kentucky

>>4989 @USNavy Time to reload! 💥

>>4990, >>4991 How Twitter Helped Democrats Peddle Another Russia Hoax

>>4992 Was Hillary's Server ALSO in Joe's Garage?? ~Ted Cruz

>>4993 New Twitter Files Supplemental Adam Schiff's Ban requests and Deamplification

>>4994, >>4999, >>5002, >>5003, >>5004 Wray, Hur, Enron>>> FIB

>>4995 US Navy Veteran Taylor Dudley Reportedly Freed From Russian Detention


>>4997 Planefag Africa/Yerp/Med Activity

>>4998 The net shares of each generation who say they are proud to live in the United States



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c277d3 No.5006

File: 2b1296b4d65fc84⋯.jpg (16.22 KB,236x255,236:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9047ab29ca0207⋯.png (398.92 KB,535x435,107:87,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b9557b3cb7fc3⋯.jpg (19.07 KB,251x360,251:360,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61d10102dbb860a⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,630x680,63:68,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eaf978fb0ba9d73⋯.png (512.5 KB,650x682,325:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137051 (131701ZJAN23) Notable: #22236

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Baker will note for a bit, then not, requests handoff

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c277d3 No.5007

File: cb64f8f296924e4⋯.png (355.7 KB,580x427,580:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137066 (131705ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸




AI gets smarter humans get dumber

Jan 13, 2023, 6:00 AM

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c277d3 No.5008

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137071 (131706ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18137015 lb

>foolish were the people like you who didn't bother to check first,

I'm double vaxxed - just like 5,000,000,000+ people in the world. And I'm still alive just like 5,000,000,000+ people in the world.

NOBODY has empirical evidence that massive numbers of deaths are the result of the COVID vaccine. Nobody.

People die from medical malpractice all the time. People die from medications all the time. People die from vaccines all the time - it's called reactions - it happens and will never be avoided. Given that SO many fucking people were vaccinated, there is a SLIGHT chance that some will have been close to death already or had pre-existing conditions that some would resolve as "caused by the vaccine".

You're chasing ghosts.

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c277d3 No.5009

File: ada61c65ddd6a11⋯.png (960.46 KB,1080x1465,216:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137076 (131708ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


good luck to ya

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c277d3 No.5010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137092 (131712ZJAN23) Notable: Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



with a bit of winning we can once again feel confident that all will be well.

we may make it to 2024.

never again can any election be held via machines and without some form of I.D.

it does not need to be a universal I.D.

There are plenty of other options already being used without the new normal thing that klaus and the banksters want to use for full control vi monetary and health social credit systems.

Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!


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c277d3 No.5011

File: a8677fa6ec000b9⋯.png (368.39 KB,598x610,299:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 11ac666d7a164b5⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137098 (131713ZJAN23) Notable: Ali Jarushi of Israel's notorious Jarushi crime family was assassinated in Ramle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



50-year-old Ali Jarushi, known as an arbitrator in disputes in the Israeli underworld, was shot dead near a mosque in the city of Ramle


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c277d3 No.5012

File: 82c000b899228e1⋯.png (326.9 KB,571x500,571:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137101 (131714ZJAN23) Notable: Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



nuts, forgot meme

Let The Great Habbening Begin!!

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c277d3 No.5013

File: 5efa675fa7a9d21⋯.png (21.73 KB,613x188,613:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137104 (131714ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

5:47 AM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137109 (131715ZJAN23) Notable: White House Daily Briefing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Public Engagement Sr. Adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms hold a briefing on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.



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c277d3 No.5015

File: efcf9ee8403b679⋯.png (948.28 KB,1178x1390,589:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137111 (131715ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5016

File: 8d2d60749059338⋯.jpg (152.75 KB,1319x810,1319:810,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137114 (131716ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5017

File: 2e1ef0ef487f64a⋯.jpg (29.45 KB,1280x712,160:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137120 (131717ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>4946 /LB Continued

Hey remember that website Gregg Phillips was pushing for Paypal donations back when he was saying he had some medical project with his "teams" and "guys" in Ukraine?

Yeah, it's empty now, there's no website there anymore, just a logo and nothing else.


The last time somebody archived that Freedom Hospital page was right after the Pit in August.

It was already gone by then.


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c277d3 No.5018

File: 21af4fc77542d4d⋯.jpg (74.56 KB,828x780,69:65,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cbb974c39027284⋯.jpg (108.72 KB,1079x362,1079:362,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137124 (131718ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hey, guess who actually took in all the money for that "Freedom Hospital" that I have no way of confirming ever actually existed.

True The Vote.

They're probably supposed to hold it in some kind of trust . . .

For a non-profit that no longer has a website or any way of confirming it ever existed outside of Gregg saying it did.

I'm sure it's nothing.

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c277d3 No.5019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137126 (131718ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There should be laws against this.

At the very least there should be a warning sign on every TV appearence - this fucker is funded by Pfrizer and CCP

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c277d3 No.5020

File: 4b8611a323499d7⋯.jpg (75.84 KB,748x643,748:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137128 (131719ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



My guess is, he realized that supporting Ukraine was a liability sometime between April and August 2022, as that's the smallest timeframe the archives can pin down the page disappearing in. August 20th is the furthest back the missing version of the page goes, and that is is right after the Pit on August 13th.

He didn't already know not to support Ukraine to begin with because he's an interloper who doesn't actually care about the things we care about and has to do it all by guesswork, regardless of how many paintings of JFK Jr with "Q's" next to them he posts.

So he signed up to support the least popular "war" among Conservatives in American history thinking it would be an easy grift and got immediate pushback on his first post about it.

Freedom Hospital's Twitter account was only started in March 2022 and has 9 followers.

It's last post was on May 5th.

May 20, 2022, by the way, is when 2000 Mules came out.

That's only two months and then they stop trying right when this movie comes out.

Almost like the one guy who was running the page was busy elsewhere.

You tell me what's going on here.


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c277d3 No.5021

File: 3cbea34eda64184⋯.jpg (180.42 KB,828x1112,207:278,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3313cdd873e5a2e⋯.jpg (65.62 KB,560x345,112:69,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137132 (131719ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Gregg geot publically lambasted for posting glowing praise about a Nazi girl in Ukraine while trying to promote “The Freedom Hopital” on June 4th, two weeks after the the movie release and about two months before the Pit, gets raked over the coals for it, and sometime between June and August the entire non-profit seems to up and vanish, even though they claimed to have a quote "state-of-the art mobile emergency hospital system" that presumably would be worth a lot of money.

Where did the equipment go in two months?

Did they store it?

Did they sell it off?

Were they renting it?

Why did this state-of-the-art non-profit's Twitter page become abandoned with only 9 followers two weeks before the release of 2000 Mules?

Was only one person running it?

What part of this makes any sense?


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c277d3 No.5022

File: a7f6a2d9e21ad47⋯.png (81.63 KB,271x440,271:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 6037f771cb76241⋯.png (130.99 KB,1092x211,1092:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137137 (131720ZJAN23) Notable: /Michael_Capponi/Haiti/Global Empowerment Mission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



After the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake, Capponi organized a plane with a relief team consisting of Miami Beach firefighters and doctors.[20] In December 2010, Capponi started a project to revitalize Jacmel, a historical town in Haiti.[21][22] This initiative was to help stimulate a self-sustained tourism economy for Haiti.[22] In 2011, he founded the non-profit organization Haiti Empowerment Mission.[23] His work focused on sustainable development by rebuilding homes, schools and communities, reducing the sustainability cycle.[5] In 2016, the foundation changed its name to Global Empowerment Mission to reflect its international outreach.[24][better source needed] Capponi serves as the Founder and President, dedicating himself to being on the ground and overseeing disaster relief efforts.[25] His work is focused on immediately responding to all phases of global disasters and providing disaster relief. From his home base in Miami, Florida, Capponi works to organize shipments and logistics, bridge the gap between first response and infrastructure rebuilding and create sustainable development through Global Empowerment Mission. [8][9]

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c277d3 No.5023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137138 (131720ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Before we go futher

WHAT YEAR did it happen?

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c277d3 No.5024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137142 (131721ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you for that update Emerald.

Another one for the scaffold.

No Deals.

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c277d3 No.5025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137144 (131722ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





So this is the YouTube Page of the Freedom Hospital, which is Gregg Phillip's Ukraine Foundation. It only has one video.


The guy in the video said his name was Christopher Loverro, who just so happens to be an actor. >https://christopherloverro.com/

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c277d3 No.5026

File: 66769dfbf669a6e⋯.png (317.8 KB,598x699,598:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137150 (131722ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty in UK court to more sex offense charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerusalem Post


Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty in UK court to more sex offense charges, including alleged incidents dating back 20 years.


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c277d3 No.5027

File: bebd58de913bd8c⋯.jpg (103.13 KB,1152x426,192:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137151 (131722ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







That's weird.

This is the one and only comment left on that YouTube video for Gregg's Freedom Hospital.

I'm sure it's nothing.

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c277d3 No.5028

File: 690d672a15f53f6⋯.jpg (188.35 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137163 (131724ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








Did I say Gregg's Freedom Hospital?

Oh yeah. Remember that Twitter page?

Yeah, I guess they weren't smart enough to remember to delete this.


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c277d3 No.5029

File: bd5b38e83fb757c⋯.png (2.08 MB,1032x1290,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137166 (131725ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Christopher Loverro


Christopher Loverro is an Iraq War veteran and former police (SWAT) officer turned thespian and veteran's advocate. He is the founder and artistic director of Warriors For Peace Theatre, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is a collaboration of veterans and civilians who use Shakespeare and the theatre to help veterans heal, empower women, support disenfranchised groups, and promote peace through the arts.

He is a graduate of UC Berkeley's Peace and Conflict Studies department, a classically trained actor, a graduate of The Second City Acting Conservatory, and has performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC with Diavolo's Veteran's Dance Project.

While working as a Berkeley Police Officer, he joined the Army Reserves in 2001 and volunteered to go to Afghanistan after 9/11. His unit, however, was diverted to Iraq where he served on a Civil Affairs team in support of the Stryker Brigade Combat Team with the Second Infantry Division (3-2) in Mosul and was awarded the Combat Action Badge. His primary mission was to safeguard civilians on the battlefield and, among various other missions, he participated in humanitarian relief operations for over 2,000 refugees.

Ironically, after surviving his year in Iraq, he returned to his job as a police officer and was injured in the line-of-duty during a fight while rescuing a kidnap victim. This eventually cut his law enforcement career short. He then studied acting using the post 9/11 GI Bill and found it to be a great form of catharsis. He is most proud of his roles as Brutus in Julius Caesar, Orlando in As You Like It, and Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing.

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c277d3 No.5030

File: c936617fa9e28f6⋯.png (310.96 KB,677x667,677:667,Clipboard.png)

File: bbd85e682509bff⋯.png (51.07 KB,1083x516,361:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 16fc941c6fe143d⋯.png (117.09 KB,1165x777,1165:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 3872a1e53eb9dc0⋯.png (103.68 KB,1088x687,1088:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137168 (131725ZJAN23) Notable: It Looks Like There's More Fallout for Adam Schiff Following Last Week's TwitterFiles Reveal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Paul Sperry


NEW: It Looks Like There's More Fallout for Adam Schiff Following Last Week's TwitterFiles Reveal



Some Twitter users suggested in response to such damning revelations that Sperry sue Schiff. It appears he may be moving forward with just that. On Tuesday night, Sperry tweeted out a Fox News article with the headline "Reporter threatens legal action against Adam Schiff after Twitter Files bombshell."

"Schiff" and "Pencil Neck" have been trending on Twitter with regards to Sperry's tweets, and also with regards to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) moving ahead with the promise to remove him from the House Intelligence Committee.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5031

File: 3cbea34eda64184⋯.jpg (180.42 KB,828x1112,207:278,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b8611a323499d7⋯.jpg (75.84 KB,748x643,748:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 21af4fc77542d4d⋯.jpg (74.56 KB,828x780,69:65,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bebd58de913bd8c⋯.jpg (103.13 KB,1152x426,192:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 690d672a15f53f6⋯.jpg (188.35 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137178 (131726ZJAN23) Notable: Gregg Phillips

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -









Gregg Phillips; the man who claims to have all this research on mules he can't release, and all this information about Chinese spies he can't release; was scamming people with a fake fly-by-night charity that accepted funds directly through True The Vote.

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c277d3 No.5032

File: 05c56e0130a76c7⋯.png (337.72 KB,598x711,598:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137189 (131728ZJAN23) Notable: The head of Australia's New South Wales government Dominic Perrottet has been forced to apologize following the revelation that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday party some 20 years ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerusalem Post


The head of Australia's New South Wales government Dominic Perrottet has been forced to apologize following the revelation that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday party some 20 years ago


How curious that the Nazis are still in power in the British colonies.

As if they were protected and had never been totally defeated.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5033

File: c7aef5ef6804f91⋯.png (591.08 KB,750x750,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137192 (131728ZJAN23) Notable: Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(likes to make us look violent. )

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c277d3 No.5034

File: a77c2c6777a8220⋯.jpg (120.16 KB,583x701,583:701,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137203 (131729ZJAN23) Notable: CHM ⁦@RepMcCaul⁩: “A Republican-led House will have zero tolerance for illegal CCP operations on U.S. soil that violate American sovereignty and infringe on the liberties of people protected by the U.S. Constitution.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Foreign Affairs GOP


CHM ⁦@RepMcCaul⁩: “A Republican-led House will have zero tolerance for illegal CCP operations on U.S. soil that violate American sovereignty and infringe on the liberties of people protected by the U.S. Constitution.”

12:17 PM · Jan 13, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5035

File: 70d88685b61dd85⋯.png (336.4 KB,1347x886,1347:886,Clipboard.png)

File: dba8b42ba308c5e⋯.png (308.19 KB,486x325,486:325,Clipboard.png)

File: a3c6355b5e85743⋯.png (432.92 KB,809x395,809:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 32a61ca9a7cd746⋯.png (658.36 KB,858x522,143:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e12346161b0e2⋯.png (202.54 KB,489x325,489:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137213 (131730ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


AI assets deployed

muh patterns…

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c277d3 No.5036

File: 3971a17e54f1a4a⋯.png (287.48 KB,952x589,952:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137218 (131731ZJAN23) Notable: /Michael_Capponi/Haiti/Global Empowerment Mission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Global Empowerment Mission


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c277d3 No.5037

File: 7720e81fdf5e915⋯.jpg (22.09 KB,340x191,340:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137222 (131732ZJAN23) Notable: Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

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>Be a shame if someone blew them all up. kek

That "kek" really makes you seem genuine. Anons are non-violent. We let USSF do the wet work.

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c277d3 No.5038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137251 (131735ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

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Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt on the Rise of AI

Bloomberg Technology

508K subscribers

80K views 1 year ago

Former Google CEO and Schmidt Futures co-founder Eric Schmidt joins Emily Chang for a deep conversation on the growing role of AI in society, how limits should be set on AI before it gets out of hand and regulating big tec

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c277d3 No.5039

File: 7b296e7fa83d0fb⋯.mp4 (6.83 MB,948x480,79:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137271 (131737ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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Denying your own eyes and ears.

Pure Sheep!

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c277d3 No.5040

File: 3344073e4ea8a8f⋯.png (798.53 KB,1390x641,1390:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a01293f43ce8cf⋯.png (398.43 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 434cf9fffc554c2⋯.png (460.69 KB,646x431,646:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137274 (131738ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS Activity Update

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Planefag CONUS Activity Update:

COBRA36 WC-135 Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' SE from Offutt-continues SE towards Caribbean/South America (3=C 6=F Clinton Foundation), COBRA47 RC-135 Combat Sent NW from Offutt, SAM993 C-40B ES from Scott AFB arrived at JBA

PAT activity PAT008 super King Air departed Orlando and arrived at Davison Airfield with 008 arriving at Orlando, SAM917 G5 has departed Dallas-Love Field after an overnight and EN

TEAL71 WC-130 Hurricane Hunter switched on at Mather Airport, Sacto

PAT779 and 823 NW from Greenville, S.C-Donaldson Center Airport and went to Quad Cities Int'l Airport, GROWN79 E-6B Mercury over west over Gulf of Mehico from San Juan, PR depart,

168998 P-8 Poseidon was at very low altitude south of FL. panhandle and finally 16-3020 USAFSOC C-146 Wolfhound heading to Homestead ARB from Eglin depart-ground stop there and then continue on to central america most likely

Constant Phoenix


>repost and update

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c277d3 No.5041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137277 (131738ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

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repost cuz AI

This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it's just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin

Roger James Hamilton

176K subscribers

236K views 1 year ago

#creatornow Blackrock has a secret weapon that has made it the most powerful company in the world: Aladdin. If you're ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence could impact our lives, here's the answer. Aladdin is the brainchild of Larry Fin

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c277d3 No.5042

File: a628d31082bc0c9⋯.png (10.1 KB,441x157,441:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137310 (131743ZJAN23) Notable: US TREASURY SECRETARY YELLEN: THE DEBT CEILING IS EXPECTED TO BE REACHED ON JANUARY 19TH.

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c277d3 No.5043

File: 6a49addc450cd08⋯.png (151.63 KB,366x391,366:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137330 (131746ZJAN23) Notable: Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand

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Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand

Tesla has cut the price of some of its most popular electric cars by thousands of pounds in Europe and the US, in a bid to boost customer demand. The firm faces a difficult global economic outlook and increased competition from other carmakers. The price cuts are in the range of 10% to 13% in the UK, but run as high as 20% on some US models.

New UK buyers will save £5,500 on an entry-level Model 3 and £7,000 on the cheapest Model Y. However, more than 16,000 customers bought those best-selling models last year, and some were angry that they had paid more. One posted on a Facebook group for Tesla owners: "I just picked up the car yesterday. What should I do? Go to Tesla and give back the car? I can't believe after a few hours from picking up the car I lost £5k". Tesla had a similar response from customers in China, where it announced price cuts last week. At the weekend disgruntled owners demonstrated outside Tesla distribution centres in Shanghai and other cities, calling for compensation. Tesla has reduced prices twice in China in the last six months and they are now 13% to 24% below September levels.


this came out last night…D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N

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c277d3 No.5044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137332 (131746ZJAN23) Notable: Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

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I don’t know if you noticed but the military and law enforcement do whatever these people order them to do. They aren’t legitimate just serfs…gotta hand it to these guys they managed to rip everything genuine out of the majority of humanity. Pretty impressive.

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c277d3 No.5045

File: 2a2de4f91ee3c2b⋯.png (307.38 KB,775x478,775:478,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a8d5be4ada03c0⋯.jpg (149.63 KB,459x800,459:800,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dab590922902d34⋯.png (98.06 KB,304x439,304:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137335 (131747ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

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>AI assets deployed

>muh patterns…





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c277d3 No.5046

File: 99141e49e9eddfc⋯.png (346.65 KB,598x755,598:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137344 (131748ZJAN23) Notable: Ali Jarushi of Israel's notorious Jarushi crime family was assassinated in Ramle.

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The Jerusalem Post


Ali Jarushi of Israel's notorious Jarushi crime family was assassinated in Ramle. It is unclear who killed him, but police are aware of an ongoing feud within the crime syndicate that may have already resulted in other deaths.

#Israeli | #Assassination



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c277d3 No.5047

File: c5254362fae1693⋯.png (354.86 KB,534x531,178:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137360 (131750ZJAN23) Notable: Manchin and Sinema head to Davos

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), both up for reelection in 2024, are reportedly heading to Davos, Switzerland, to be part of the United States delegation for the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The annual World Economic Forum, where heads of state and executives will meet in Davos as the global economy wobbles on the verge of recession, is set to begin next week. Manchin and Sinema will be a part of this year’s United States delegation, along with a few other senators.

What’s interesting about Manchin and Sinema is that the two have yet to make an official announcement on whether or not they will be running for reelection in this cycle, when both of them are up for reelection. They are in tough political spots, as each has caused problems with legislation in the past and, in some cases, voted against the party they caucus with.

They will reportedly be joining several Biden administration officials, including Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, FBI Director Christopher Wray, U.S. Agency for International Development administrator Samantha Power, and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai. Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Sen. Sen. Jim Risch (D-ID) may also be in attendance.


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c277d3 No.5048

File: fac1273c1e2255d⋯.png (207.81 KB,535x542,535:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137367 (131751ZJAN23) Notable: Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women to transplant them into biological male trans

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Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women, not cadavers, to transplant them into biological male trans-identifying individuals.


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c277d3 No.5049

File: aeb7e47b4254961⋯.png (284.61 KB,598x613,598:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137386 (131754ZJAN23) Notable: Israeli flight to Turkey delayed after plane crash photos sent to passengers’ phones

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The Times of Israel


Israeli flight to Turkey delayed after plane crash photos sent to passengers’ phones


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c277d3 No.5050

File: 344a31817f231fd⋯.png (501.38 KB,1000x719,1000:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137392 (131754ZJAN23) Notable: Biden special counsel deepens Justice Dept. in political fray

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Biden special counsel deepens Justice Dept. in politics fray

In naming a special counsel to investigate the presence of classified documents at President Joe Biden’s Delaware home and former Washington office, Attorney General Merrick Garland described the appointment as underscoring the Justice Department’s commitment to independence and accountability in particularly sensitive investigations.

If those words sounded familiar, they should.

Garland used identical phrasing in November in appointing a different special counsel for a different politically explosive investigation into different classified documents for a different political figure — the retention of top secret records at former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

The Justice Department has investigated White House matters in the past. But it’s now confronting a unique phenomenon: simultaneous special counsel probes — albeit with dramatically distinct fact sets — involving two presidents and jostling for time, attention and perhaps funding as well. Still another special counsel appointed during the Trump administration to investigate the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe also remains at work.

The special counsel confluence underscores how a Justice Department that for nearly two centuries has had a mandate of prosecuting without fear or favor has found itself entangled in presidential politics. Even as Garland made a point Thursday of saying the department’s own “normal processes” can handle all investigations with integrity, the appointment seemed to nod to a reality that probes that involve a president — in this case, Garland’s boss — are different.

It places Garland under pressure to reassure the public that both investigations, though factually different, are handled in similar manners.

“I think it’s not only the right decision and a prudent decision, I think it’s a politically necessary decision,” said Solomon Wisenberg, who served as deputy to Kenneth Starr during the 1990s independent counsel investigations into then-President Bill Clinton.

“Why,” he added, “give yourself the grief of the comparison of the two situations” of a special counsel for Trump, a Republican, but not for Biden, a Democrat.

Brandon Van Grack, a former Justice Department prosecutor who served on then-special counsel Robert Mueller’s team as it investigated ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, said appointing a special counsel can help expedite an investigation, ensure it has appropriate resources and create “at least the perception of impartiality and fairness.”

“With respect to this decision, this specific decision, it’s at least understandable why the attorney general would want all of those benefits,” Van Grack said.

The appointment was announced hours after the White House disclosed that a document with classified markings from Biden’s time as vice president was found in his personal library, along with other classified documents found in his garage. Garland said Biden’s lawyers informed the Justice Department on Thursday morning of the discovery of the classified document at Biden’s home. FBI agents first retrieved other documents from the garage in December, he said.

The White House earlier this week acknowledged that the president’s personal lawyers found a “small number” of classified documents at the office of his former institute in Washington. That discovery led Garland to ask the U.S. attorney in Chicago, John Lausch, a Trump administration holdover, to investigate the matter, though Lausch is now preparing to leave the Justice Department.

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c277d3 No.5051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137395 (131755ZJAN23) Notable: Biden special counsel deepens Justice Dept. in political fray

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On Thursday, Garland named Robert Hur, a former senior Justice Department official in the Trump administration who served as U.S. attorney in Maryland, to serve as special counsel. He joins Jack Smith, a former public corruption prosecutor who is investigating the documents found at Mar-a-Lago and efforts to undo the 2020 election, and John Durham, who’s secured one guilty plea and lost two criminal trials in three and a half years investigating the Trump-Russia probe.

There’s a long history of specially appointed prosecutors being tasked with investigating political scandals, including Iran-Contra during Ronald Reagan’s presidency and Whitewater during Clinton’s. But a statute that allowed for the appointment of an independent counsel outside the Justice Department expired in 1999 following a bruising and politically divisive investigation that resulted in Clinton’s impeachment by the House but acquittal in the Senate.

In its place came new Justice Department regulations that authorized the attorney general to appoint a “special counsel” like Smith and Hur. The purpose of the new system was to ensure ultimate Justice Department oversight of sensitive investigations rather than an independent prosecutor who could operate unchecked and without supervision.

Though the attorney general retains final authority over a special counsel’s decisions, special counsels do have the latitude to bring whatever cases they see fit. They are funded by the Justice Department, can bring on their own prosecutors, are entitled to office space and are often expensive. The Mueller probe, for instance, rang up more than $25 million in costs in its first year and a half.

How much detailed interaction Garland will have with his special counsels is unclear, though he said Thursday that Hur “will not be subject to the day-to-day supervision of any official” at the Justice Department. Officials have noted that they are expected to accept a special counsel’s recommended course of action unless it’s far outside the department’s normal process.

It also remains unclear whether either classified documents investigation will result in criminal charges or how, if at all, the two special counsel probes might affect each other. Though the Biden probe is much newer than the Trump one, there’s been no hint of the same allegations already leveled publicly in the Mar-a-Lago matter. The Justice Department has also long held the belief that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

Mary McCord, a former Justice Department national security official, said she expected Smith to weigh the Mar-a-Lago facts and evidence just as before. The possibility that that case could end with an indictment existed well before the appointment of a special counsel, thanks to the public release of a search warrant affidavit that laid out possible crimes.

Even before a special counsel was appointed, she said, “the American public was already thinking this was a criminal investigation.”

In that case, FBI officials have said that in addition to the unlawful retention of national defense information, they’re also investigating potential obstruction of that probe. Trump representatives for months failed to give the classified documents back to the National Archives and Records Administration and, according to the Justice Department, did not fully comply with a subpoena that sought their return.

That suspicion led agents to return to Mar-a-Lago last August with a search warrant, collecting more than 100 documents with classification markings — including at the top-secret level — that were commingled among Trump’s personal belongings.

That seems far different from the Biden matter so far. But, Wisenberg said, an investigation is needed to establish how substantively different the facts and patterns are.

“That’s up to the people doing the investigation to determine,” he said.

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c277d3 No.5052

File: 7c3815064e8cd76⋯.png (237.99 KB,916x519,916:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137431 (131759ZJAN23) Notable: Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania.

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JUST IN - Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania.


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c277d3 No.5053

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137460 (131803ZJAN23) Notable: The twenty got stronger the more than were threatened Bannons War Room

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Rep. Scott Perry: The House GOP Rules And Committee Deal Positions Reps. To Make Their Full

Really good explanation of why they had to fight and how long it took.The twenty got stronger the more than were threatened

Bannons War Room


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c277d3 No.5054

File: 374074c4c017338⋯.png (713.29 KB,1583x2048,1583:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137477 (131806ZJAN23) Notable: It is my solemn obligation to invite the president to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 7th so that he may fulfill his duty under the Constitution to report on the state of the union

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McCarthy invites Bidan to give the State of the Union Address

Kevin McCarthy


It is my solemn obligation to invite the president to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 7th so that he may fulfill his duty under the Constitution to report on the state of the union.

12:02 PM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137494 (131808ZJAN23) Notable: BATCH CODE DATABASE OF CORONAVIRUS VACCINES

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last updated January 6, 2023


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c277d3 No.5056

File: 82634a4ca19254d⋯.png (312.54 KB,596x632,149:158,Clipboard.png)

File: a9c0043bbe3ae87⋯.png (405.28 KB,605x802,605:802,Clipboard.png)

File: aba72f6c3e18f4d⋯.png (405.64 KB,610x781,610:781,Clipboard.png)

File: c4653ef81455b9f⋯.png (352.29 KB,622x789,622:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137520 (131812ZJAN23) Notable: TWITTER FILES: Supplemental More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and "Deamplification"

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TWITTER FILES: Supplemental

More Adam Schiff Ban Requests,

and "Deamplification"


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c277d3 No.5057

File: 79355827e899464⋯.png (555.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137532 (131814ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine legalizes foreigners in neo-Nazi regiment

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Ukraine legalizes foreigners in neo-Nazi regiment

Citizens of other nations who join the Azov unit will receive benefits on par with regular service members under a new law

The Ukrainian parliament on Thursday passed a new law that expands perks offered to foreigners who sign up to serve in the country's military. Sponsors of the bill specifically singled out the controversial Azov regiment as an intended beneficiary of the measure.

Azov originated as a group of far-right volunteers who in 2014 took up arms against Donbass forces with Kiev’s blessing. The unit was incorporated into the National Guard, a structure separate from the army, in November of that year.

The new legislation has added the wording “and other military units” to several laws that previously only covered the main Ukrainian armed forces. A formal justification of the bill said that there are many foreign nationals serving in Azov, but that the existing legal framework makes their presence in Ukraine illegal and does not allow them to request Ukrainian citizenship. The new law is meant to change that.

Azov is arguably the best known internationally of the Ukrainian nationalist units. Before the conflict between Moscow and Kiev escalated into open hostilities last February, Western officials and media outlets acknowledged that many of the unit’s members espoused problematic ideology and that some were neo-Nazis.

An expose published by Time magazine in 2021 called Azov the focal point of “a network of extremist groups stretching from California across Europe to New Zealand.” Over the years, it managed to recruit an estimated 17,000 foreign fighters from 50 nations, the report claimed, before describing the dominant role the Azov extremists play in the movement.

After Russia deployed troops to Ukraine, the Azov underwent a rebranding, disposing of its Nazi-inspired official insignia and posing as heroes of resistance. Some prestigious US institutions, such as Stanford University, provided platforms to members of the group.


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c277d3 No.5058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137536 (131815ZJAN23) Notable: Western-mediated Kosovo and Ukraine deals were lies – Serbia

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Western-mediated Kosovo and Ukraine deals were lies – Serbia

The 2013 Brussels Agreement was a deception, FM Ivica Dacic said, comparing it to the Minsk accords

The 2013 EU-brokered Brussels accord between Belgrade and Kosovo was just as deceptive as the doomed 2014-15 Minsk peace agreements that were designed to end the bloodshed in Ukraine, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday. The statement came after a recent escalation over the breakaway region.

Serbian forces left Kosovo in 1999 after NATO bombed the country in support of the Albanian armed insurgency. The bloc’s peacekeepers have been stationed in the region ever since. Kosovo declared independence from Belgrade in 2008. Serbia, however, with the support of Russia and China, has resisted US and EU pressure to recognize the independence.

Serbian officials have been accusing the Kosovo authorities of violating the Brussels-mediated deal by deploying heavily armed police units to quell Serbian protests in the northern part of the region. “We were not too happy about the Brussels Agreement. It was a goodwill gesture by Belgrade,” Dacic told Serbian Prva TV after a meeting with Derek Chollet, a counselor at the US State Department. “But it later turned out to be a big lie, just like with the Minsk Agreements.”

“I told Chollet that there is no one in Serbia who will accept the independence of Kosovo and Metohija,” Dacic said, referring to the region by its official name. “The safety of the Serbs must be guaranteed,” the minister stated, adding that the West must pressure the Kosovo authorities on the matter.

The Minsk accords brokered by France, Germany and Russia were meant to create a path for the peaceful reintegration of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics into Ukraine. However, the agreement was never implemented, and former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko admitted last year that the deal had allowed Kiev to buy time in order to rebuild its military and the economy. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande, the ex-president of France, later confirmed this in separate interviews.

Russia cited Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk accords as one of the reasons for launching its military operation in Ukraine in late February. President Vladimir Putin said that the recent statements by Western leaders have shown that “nobody intended to fulfill any part of the Minsk agreements.”

Commenting on Merkel’s interview, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, meanwhile, stated that Belgrade would draw lessons from the fate of the Minsk deal.


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c277d3 No.5059

File: ef164120263b01b⋯.png (2.03 MB,2721x2717,2721:2717,Clipboard.png)

File: 21adcc936d86275⋯.png (937.44 KB,1058x3935,1058:3935,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cb372825aeeac5⋯.png (1.13 MB,1009x4520,1009:4520,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fbc0bfabfdcd0e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1022x4325,1022:4325,Clipboard.png)

File: 79abb180fa93a84⋯.png (132.25 KB,1600x1123,1600:1123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137555 (131817ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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c277d3 No.5060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137567 (131820ZJAN23) Notable: 5th Generation Warfare | Abolish the IRS | National Intel | Bear Brief 13JAN23

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5th Generation Warfare | Abolish the IRS | National Intel | Bear Brief 13JAN23

Bear Independent

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c277d3 No.5061

File: 9dc539f77b8a538⋯.png (503.24 KB,750x370,75:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 54cba3e155b2a55⋯.png (335.69 KB,504x600,21:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a87a1b630a1fd5⋯.png (94.62 KB,600x323,600:323,Clipboard.png)

File: d6cdcc666be3bf0⋯.png (83.67 KB,998x514,499:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137569 (131820ZJAN23) Notable: Lindsey Graham Calls for Sending Tanks to Ukraine, Hours After Ukraine Demanded Them via Twitter

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Lindsey Graham Calls for Sending Tanks to Ukraine, Hours After Ukraine Demanded Them via Twitter

Lindsey Graham and The New York Times are on the same page when it comes to Ukraine.

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham called for sending tanks to Ukraine just hours after a Ukrainian propaganda account demanded them via Twitter. Graham, a longtime supporter of warhawk policies, has been among the uni-party’s loudest voices in favor of Western intervention in the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Senator Graham (R-SC) wrote to Twitter that he “appreciate[s] France agreeing to provide light armored combat vehicles to Ukraine,” that it’s “not enough,” calling for the West to send “heavy modern tanks” to Ukraine so that they can “militarily defeat the Russian invaders.”

Amazingly, Graham’s talking points appeared to come straight from a Ukrainian propaganda account, that had spent the hours before Graham’s tweet demanding heavy-duty tanks from Western powers, apparently ungrateful for the lighter armor handed out to them by the French.

Thus far, Western nations have dumped countless billions into Ukraine, with the United States leading the charge, and Senator Graham as one of Washington’s most vocal supporters of the international welfare effort that’s seen Ukrainian oligarchs pocketing US taxpayer cash and purchasing Swiss villas, apparently in preparation for their country being overrun.

“Experts continue to debate whether the AMX-10 RC can be considered a tank,” the Defense of Ukraine account wrote after receiving their French handout, going on to say that they fully expect to soon receive similar military armor from the US and Germany.


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c277d3 No.5062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137573 (131821ZJAN23) Notable: DOJ Admits It Has 30 GB of Data not Publicly Released by Jan. 6 Committee

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DOJ Admits It Has 30 GB of Data not Publicly Released by Jan. 6 Committee

The U.S. Department of Justice admitted in a recent court filing that it has about 30 gigabytes (GB) worth of data not publicly disclosed by the House Select Committee on the Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol breach.

The Department of Justice disclosed the existence of the 30 GB of previously unreleased data in an ongoing court case to prosecute eight defendants for their alleged involvement in the Capitol breach. The eight defendants had requested to postpone their trial, with a request for more time to review the evidence that the government had recently turned over.

As part of their response to the defense request, the prosecutors said the 30 GB related to the testimonies of approximately 255 witnesses who testified for the now-defunct Jan. 6 committee. Prosecutors noted that the interview transcripts of these 255 witnesses were previously released by the committee, but those transcripts contained redactions, and exhibits to those transcripts had not been previously released.

“Much of that data consists of voluminous records produced to the committee and appended to certain transcripts,” prosecutors said.

Federal prosecutors said they had provided the unredacted versions of transcripts from the 255 witnesses but are in the process of reviewing other materials.

“While the government’s review of these materials is ongoing, it has thus far located only about a dozen witnesses who provided information about the individuals and actions at issue in this case and its related cases,” prosecutors said. “The government’s preliminary review of the materials has not revealed much beyond the transcripts of these dozen witnesses that appears relevant to the issues likely to arise in this trial.”

While the prosecution indicated much of the unreleased 30 GB of data won’t be entirely related to the specific case of these eight defendants, it could provide the public with a greater understanding of the totality of the events that occurred at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

In its filing, the prosecution indicated it wishes to proceed with the trial even while its process of reviewing and handing over potentially relevant evidence is ongoing.

With respect to global discovery, “Defendants are correct that this process is ongoing. To continue this trial until that process is complete, however, would practically amount to an indefinite continuance,” prosecutors wrote.


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c277d3 No.5063

File: 5315ab974f86aae⋯.png (1.03 MB,979x4253,979:4253,Clipboard.png)

File: f3f3924aafd2c3b⋯.png (1.17 MB,1028x4615,1028:4615,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7bd896551808d0e⋯.png (276.97 KB,1125x2312,1125:2312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137574 (131821ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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c277d3 No.5064

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137586 (131824ZJAN23) Notable: The twenty got stronger the more than were threatened Bannons War Room

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Bannons War Room. (Short video)


Dave Brat:The 20 Heroic House GOP Reps. Secured New RulesThat End The Imperial Speakership

Brat when he was in congress got kicked out of the congressional dining room by Boener crowd, because he wouldn't go along with the Speaker or RINOS

You need to hear him on the $40 billion he found, going to dead people, and Paul Ryan wouldn't apply it to the debtBrat has a PHD in economics and no one would listen to him on how to reduce debt

Democrats slipped in $34,000 pay raise and no one knew about it. It was not publicly debated at all.

Bannon talks about Paul Ryan on out there trying to crush Trump.


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c277d3 No.5065

File: a1ba3b7c668b21b⋯.png (704.74 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137588 (131824ZJAN23) Notable: 333,000 Migrants Attempted to Enter EU Illegally in 2022, Over 80 Per Cent Were Men

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333,000 Migrants Attempted to Enter EU Illegally in 2022, Over 80 Per Cent Were Men

The number of attempts by migrants to enter the European Union without authorization reached around 330,000 last year, the highest number since 2016, the EU’s border and coast guard agency said Friday.

Almost half of the 2022 attempts were made overland through the Western Balkans region, EU agency Frontex said, according to its “preliminary calculations.” Regardless of entry route, Syrians, Afghans, and Tunisians together accounted for roughly 47 per cent of the attempted border crossings.

Men accounted for more than 80 per cent of the attempts to get in, Frontex said. The agency calculates entry attempts rather than the number of people trying to get into Europe because it is often difficult to identify migrants, who routinely travel without passports, and some may try to enter multiple times.

People arriving at Europe’s borders to apply for asylum have a reasonable chance of being allowed in, while those who come without a visa in search of jobs and better lives are mostly turned away.

Well over one million people, most of them Syrians fleeing conflict, entered the EU in 2015, overwhelming reception facilities and sparking one of the 27-nation bloc’s biggest political crises.

Member countries still argue over who should take responsibility for people arriving without authorization and whether their neighbours and partners should be obliged to help. Attempts to reform the bloc’s asylum system have made little progress.

Frontex’s latest figures did not include almost 13 million Ukrainian refugees who were counted at the EU’s external borders between February and December. Special emergency measures were introduced to ease their entry and help find them accommodation, training and short-term jobs.

The number of people making potentially perilous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea in poorly equipped and often overloaded boats and rubber dinghies continued to rise last year. Frontex said that well over 100,000 crossing attempts were recorded, around 50 per cent more than in 2021.

Egyptians, Tunisians, and Bangladeshis tried in the greatest number. The agency said that 2022 saw the most people in five years arrive from Libya, the main departure point in northern Africa. The number of people leaving Tunisia hit the highest level in recent history.


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c277d3 No.5066

File: f163fc22115c384⋯.png (224.18 KB,818x468,409:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 694cfd9c628595b⋯.png (233.32 KB,1436x752,359:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ed95b7dd704143⋯.png (512.39 KB,1170x3135,78:209,Clipboard.png)

File: e6dee199ef035c3⋯.png (847.52 KB,1170x4110,39:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137603 (131826ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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c277d3 No.5067

File: b2621235447d122⋯.png (174.16 KB,737x747,737:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137605 (131826ZJAN23) Notable: Lawsuit Says Disney Was A ‘State Actor’ Colluding With Government To Force Vaccine On Employees

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Lawsuit Says Disney Was A ‘State Actor’ Colluding With Government To Force Vaccine On Employees

A lawsuit filed by two Disney employees who were fired for refusing the COVID vaccine alleged that Disney is closely enmeshed with the government and that when it forced a vaccine mandate on its employees, it was essentially a “state actor” — which would make it subject to the Constitution’s “equal protection clause,” lawyers wrote.

The theory underscores the extent to which the Biden administration has relied on corporations to implement policies that might not be constitutional for the government to do itself, from social media censorship to airline employee vaccine mandates.

“The Constitution provides that the government, and state actors cannot take life, liberty or property without due process and equal protection of the law,” the suit said. “There is no dispute that the Defense Department was looking to partner with private business in its effort to vaccinate. At what point does partnership go beyond independent entities working voluntarily toward a shared mission to entwinement, such that they can be considered a state actor?”

“Had the government instituted a requirement that all professional athletes and personnel of leading media outlet are required to receive a vaccination, without rights to exemption, such an action would be subject to an equal protection challenge for its treatment of professional athletes and leading media differently than other similarly situated persons,” it said. “A state actor performing such a function is subject to an equal protection challenge on the same basis.”

The lawsuit was filed by Beth Faber and Allison Williams, two former employees of ESPN. ESPN was subject to Disney’s vaccine policies because it is owned by Disney, and both companies are named in the suit.

(After Williams was fired from ESPN, she announced plans to create sports documentaries for The Daily Wire. The government requirement that all companies with more than 100 employees require them to be vaccinated was struck down in the courts after The Daily Wire challenged it.)

The lawsuit said, “The September 9, 2021 termination of Beth Faber, exactly on, and of Allison Williams shortly after, the date of President Biden’s announcement of a business mandate, are more than just symbolic, they are part of a very orchestrated and choreographed partnership.”

Six days later, then-Disney CEO Bob Chapek took part in a White House meeting with Joe Biden on the subject of vaccine mandates. “Chapek’s presence at the Biden Administration’s business summit reflects the active involvement of the highest level of management,” it continued.

“The very same day that the Biden Administration ‘called on leaders in the private and public sector to implement vaccine requirements, saying it will push millions more Americans to get vaccinated,’ Bob Chapek responded to Biden’s call. Biden had stated, or ordered, ‘If you’re a business leader, a nonprofit leader, a state or local leader, who has been waiting for full FDA approval to require vaccinations, I call on you now to do that. Require it,’” the suit said.

ESPN denied Faber’s and Williams’ requests for religious exemptions, the suit said.



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c277d3 No.5068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137615 (131829ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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Notables @500+

#22236 >>5006

>>5040 Planefag CONUS Activity Update

>>5007, >>5035, >>5038, >>5041, >>5045 Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

>>5010, >>5012, >>5033, >>5037, >>5044 Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

>>5011, >>5046 Ali Jarushi of Israel's notorious Jarushi crime family was assassinated in Ramle.

>>5013, >>5016, >>5019, >>5024 Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

>>5014 White House Daily Briefing

>>5017, >>5018, >>5020, >>5021, >>5023, >>5025, >>5027, >>5028, >>5031, >>5029 Gregg Phillips

>>5022, >>5036 /Michael_Capponi/Haiti/Global Empowerment Mission

>>5026 Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty in UK court to more sex offense charges

>>5030 It Looks Like There's More Fallout for Adam Schiff Following Last Week's TwitterFiles Reveal

>>5032 The head of Australia's New South Wales government Dominic Perrottet has been forced to apologize following the revelation that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday party some 20 years ago

>>5034 CHM ⁦@RepMcCaul⁩: “A Republican-led House will have zero tolerance for illegal CCP operations on U.S. soil that violate American sovereignty and infringe on the liberties of people protected by the U.S. Constitution.”


>>5043 Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand

>>5047 Manchin and Sinema head to Davos

>>5048 Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women to transplant them into biological male trans

>>5049 Israeli flight to Turkey delayed after plane crash photos sent to passengers’ phones

>>5050, >>5051 Biden special counsel deepens Justice Dept. in political fray

>>5052 Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania.

>>5053, >>5064 The twenty got stronger the more than were threatened Bannons War Room

>>5054 It is my solemn obligation to invite the president to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 7th so that he may fulfill his duty under the Constitution to report on the state of the union


>>5056 TWITTER FILES: Supplemental More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and "Deamplification"

>>5057 Ukraine legalizes foreigners in neo-Nazi regiment

>>5058 Western-mediated Kosovo and Ukraine deals were lies – Serbia

>>5060 5th Generation Warfare | Abolish the IRS | National Intel | Bear Brief 13JAN23

>>5061 Lindsey Graham Calls for Sending Tanks to Ukraine, Hours After Ukraine Demanded Them via Twitter

>>5062 DOJ Admits It Has 30 GB of Data not Publicly Released by Jan. 6 Committee

>>5065 333,000 Migrants Attempted to Enter EU Illegally in 2022, Over 80 Per Cent Were Men

>>5067 Lawsuit Says Disney Was A ‘State Actor’ Colluding With Government To Force Vaccine On Employees

lemme know

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c277d3 No.5069

File: cbed70baebd34e3⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137620 (131830ZJAN23) Notable: Oxfam Finds Scores of Civilians Killed By US, UK Weapons in Yemen

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Oxfam Finds Scores of Civilians Killed By US, UK Weapons in Yemen

A human rights monitoring group has released a new report finding at least 87 Yemeni civilians were killed with American or British weapons during a 14-month period. The Oxfam report reviewed 1,700 attacks on civilians and found Saudi Arabia used US or UK weapons in over a quarter of those incidents.

For this report, Oxfam reviewed incidents that occurred between January 2021 and February 2022. The author of the report, Martin Butcher, Oxfam’s Policy Advisor on Arms and Conflict, said, “[t]he intensity of these attacks would not have been possible without a ready supply of arms. That is why it’s vital the UK government and others must immediately stop the arms sales that are fuelling war in Yemen.”

Butcher reported the American or British arms were used by the Saudi military to kill 87 civilians, bomb 19 medical facilities, and displace over 300 people. The Oxfam study found that of the over 1,700 attacks on civilians during that 14-month window, a quarter were committed with US and UK weapons.

Since March 2015, Riyadh has waged war against its southern neighbor and has received substantial support from Washington and London. For much of 2022, Saudi Arabia and the Houthis, the group that controls most populated regions of Yemen, have scaled back fighting under a ceasefire. However, even with ceasefire conditions, Eye for Humanity Centre for Rights and Development estimates over 600 Yemeni civilians were killed last year. The Oxfam report looks at data from the 14 months prior to the ceasefire.

Throughout the war, the use of American and British bombs to kill civilians has been a consistent occurrence. In August 2020, a Lockheed Martin-made bomb was used by Saudi Arabia to kill nearly 50 children traveling on a school bus. Tufts University’s Martha Mundy released a report showing how Riyadh was intentionally targeting Sanaa’s food infrastructure.

At least 400,000 people have been killed during the eight-year war. The bloody nature of the war has not prevented three American Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden from supporting Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. Congress has made several efforts to pass war powers resolutions to force the White House to end support for Riyadh. President Trump used his veto powers to quash the bill. Under President Biden, the White House exercised its political muscle to force Senator Bernie Sanders to abandon the legislation.


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c277d3 No.5070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137647 (131834ZJAN23) Notable: Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand

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Tesla cuts prices in the US and Europe by up to 20 percent / There are steep discounts on the Model Y, with five-seater versions now qualifying for the federal tax credit.

Tesla is cutting prices throughout Europe and in the US. Reuters reports that prices for a Model Y rear wheel drive have dropped by 17 percent in Germany, with cuts of 20 percent for the Model Y long range in the US. Tesla has also cut prices for its Model X and Model S in the US. The price cuts arrive less than a year after Tesla made multiple price hikes in 2022.

“At the end of a turbulent year with interruptions to the supply chain, we have achieved a partial normalization of cost inflation, which gives us the confidence to pass this relief onto our customers,” says a Tesla Germany spokesperson in a statement to Reuters.

Today’s changes put the prices of the Model 3 and Model Y below the listed price they were at before Tesla’s initial big price hikes almost a year ago. EV researcher Troy Teslike has compiled a list showing the price changes in the US, with the Model Y long range now $13,000 cheaper before the tax credit and $20,500 cheaper including the credit. That’s a 31 percent discount in total after the tax credit.


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c277d3 No.5071

File: 80629bfd8a9f305⋯.png (140.88 KB,732x843,244:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137682 (131838ZJAN23) Notable: How was a Canadian engine used in an Iranian drone in Ukraine?

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How was a Canadian engine used in an Iranian drone in Ukraine?

Quebec-based Bombardier Recreational Products (BPR) found its Rotax engine is used in Iranian drones used in Russia in Ukraine. How did this happen?

A Canadian company may have uncovered a complex clandestine supply chain that allowed one of its motors to somehow end up as part of an Iranian drone used by Russian forces in Ukraine, Canada's National Post reported Thursday.

The company in question is the Quebec-based Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), which manufactures recreational vehicles like engines, motorcycles, ATVs and snowmobiles. In particular, its Ski-Doo brand of personal snowmobiles is so iconic and beloved in Canada that it was ranked by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) as one of the greatest Canadian inventions back in 2007.

The company is by no means an arms manufacturer or defense contractor, having sold off its military arm in 2003, and its Rotex engine, which is made by its Austrian subsidiary, is intended mainly for civilian use.

However, a report from back in September revealed that an Iranian-made Mohajer-6 drone shot down by Ukrainian forces contained a Rotax 912 airplane engine, the National Post reported.

And this isn't the only time Rotax engines were found in Iranian drones.

According to a report in the Iran Press News Agency, the Islamic Republic's Shahed-129 drone is also powered by a Rotax engine.

BRP confirmed in a statement that the engine is indeed theirs. What they are unsure of, though, is how it got there, since they didn't sell it to either Iran or Russia.

How did a Canadian company's Rotax engine end up in an Iranian drone used by Russia in Ukraine?

It should be noted that while BRP may not sell engines to Iran or for military use, it wasn't always that way.

The Canadian firm did, in fact, sell drones to Iran up until ceasing operations in 2019, the National Post reported.

Further, there is a history of Rotax engines being used in drones.

Back in 2020, BRP announced it would stop sending engines to what it dubbed "countries with unclear usage," which followed reports that Rotax engines were being used in drones utilized by Azerbaijan against Armenian troops during the Nagorno-Karabakh war, the CBC reported at the time.

The company at the time claimed this was something they only just heard of and were unaware their technology was being used in military drones.

The fact that they are being used in drones at all does not stem from their effectiveness, but rather their very cheap price – since they are marketed for civilians – and the fact that, as civilian products, they are not subject to some of the strict arms control export regulations that other products with military applications would have, as experts noted to the CBC.

In Canada, some items are listed as "dual-use" items, meaning they have the potential to be used as weapons or other military-purpose items.

If they also qualify as having clear military uses, they are subject to heavy regulation in both Canada and the European Union, though the EU does not regulate all dual-use items.

Since Rotax engines are made in Austria and not Canada, they are subject to EU export controls, not Canadian, and EU rules are not as specific with regulations regarding engines, Austrian Labor and Economy Ministry spokesperson Alexandra Perl said, according to the CBC.


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c277d3 No.5072

File: b2295d4f1ea77d0⋯.png (806.21 KB,1080x893,1080:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d37250bb1f9b84⋯.png (1.58 MB,1094x1498,547:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ae215ec8264f98⋯.png (571.31 KB,798x828,133:138,Clipboard.png)

File: c64d8001d377ef3⋯.png (457.94 KB,798x646,21:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 30e0ead833327f3⋯.jpg (91.96 KB,1097x964,1097:964,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137705 (131841ZJAN23) Notable: vax bun

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<>NOBODY has empirical evidence that massive numbers of deaths are the result of the COVID vaccine. Nobody.

Vaxxie shill gets BTFO by anons









>lemme know

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c277d3 No.5073

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137728 (131843ZJAN23) Notable: Grassroots republicans are now called DS leftists by GOP leaders in SD Bannons War Room

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I love it when Bannon gets preaching and angry

GOP Republicans want to destroy the Precinct Strategy, going on in all states. They are trying to get rid all if the precinct committee members, they are trying to strike the vote of this members.

Grassroots republicans are now called DS leftists by GOP leaders in SD, these are people that answered Bannon’s call to become part of the Precinct Committee members

Kristi Noem is not MAGA

Bannons War Room

Pollema:The SD Republican Establishment Is Trying To Rob The Precinct Strategy Of Their Voice


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c277d3 No.5074

File: 3dc74c36f8a9493⋯.png (123.65 KB,739x669,739:669,Clipboard.png)

File: eae6dd0d63db3ab⋯.png (153.42 KB,415x542,415:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 35f5350cc9e69d4⋯.png (31.03 KB,417x355,417:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137732 (131844ZJAN23) Notable: A corvette is a small warship

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A corvette is a small warship. It is traditionally the smallest class of vessel considered to be a proper (or "rated") warship. The warship class above the corvette is that of the frigate, while the class below was historically that of the sloop-of-war.

The modern roles that a corvette fulfills include coastal patrol craft, missile boat and fast attack craft. These corvettes are typically between 500 and 2,000 tons. Recent designs of corvettes may approach 3,000 tons and include a hangar to accommodate a helicopter, having size and capabilities that overlap with smaller frigates. However unlike contemporary frigates, a modern corvette does not have sufficient endurance nor seaworthiness for long voyages.

The word "corvette" is first found in Middle French, a diminutive of the Dutch word corf, meaning a "basket", from the Latin corbis.[1]

The rank "corvette captain", equivalent in many navies to "lieutenant commander", derives from the name of this type of ship. The rank is the most junior of three "captain" ranks in several European (e.g., France, Spain, Italy, Croatia) and South American (e.g., Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia) navies, because a corvette, as the smallest class of rated warship, was traditionally the smallest class of vessel entitled to a commander of a "captain" rank.

A corvette is a warship smaller than a frigate.

Corvette may also refer to:

Aérospatiale Corvette, a business jet

Chevrolet Corvette, a sports car

Corellian Corvette, a small ship from Star Wars

Corvette (bicycle), a model produced from 1954 until 1964

Corvette (pinball), a 1994 arcade machine

Corvette (video game), a racing video game

Corvette 31, a 1966 Canadian sailboat design

Corvette (computer), a Soviet computer from the 1980s



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c277d3 No.5075

File: 95eb534a56f30ca⋯.png (893.86 KB,869x631,869:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137753 (131847ZJAN23) Notable: Appeals Court Rules Against Vaccine Mandates in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee

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Appeals Court Rules Against Vaccine Mandates in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee

The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati on Thursday affirmed a lower court’s ruling that the vaccine mandate for federal contract workers is unconstitutional.

The majority opinion stated that a broad interpretation of the mandate could provide the president “nearly unlimited authority to introduce requirements into federal contracts.”

The court said Biden wanted it “to ratify an exercise of proprietary authority that would permit him to unilaterally impose a healthcare decision on one-fifth of all employees in the United States. We decline to do so.”

Judge Kurt Engelhardt, writing for the majority, demonstrated the fallacy of the government’s case by adding, that”hypothetically, the president could mandate that all employees of federal contractors reduce their BMI [body mass index] below a certain number on the theory that obesity is a primary contributor to unhealthiness and absenteeism.”

The courts have largely upheld the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, but for all other Americans — including the OSHA “vaccine or test” mandate — all courts so far have ruled the Biden administration overstepped its authority.

Judge James Graves’ dissent noted this was the first executive order under the Procurement Act to be struck down.

“When actions taken are in the mainstream of American businesses, that points towards permitting the executive order,” he wrote. “Economic factors would prevent the president from handicapping the contractor workforce with extreme contractual terms.”

Graves disputed the BMI comparison, saying if a president sought to impose “draconian measures outside the mainstream of American companies, he or she would hear from the people or from Congress.”

Judge Graves is correct. The president would certainly “hear from the people or from Congress” if they tried to impose a silly mandate like a maximum Body Mass Index.

But what power would prevent the president from imposing it anyway? What if the president believes so strongly that placing limits on BMI would save lives no matter how unpopular it is? Who would stop him? Only Congress could do that. And that’s no guarantee that anything would get done.

The Justice Department said in its earlier filing that “requiring entities that enter into federal contracts to have a vaccinated workforce enhances the efficiency of federal contractor operations.”

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in August upheld a separate lower court order banning enforcement of the contractor vaccine mandate but lifted a nationwide injunction and said its ruling only applied in seven states that filed suit and to members of the Associated Builders and Contractors.

The White House is not enforcing the OSHA mandate or the federal contractor mandate anyway. And Congress just ended the mandate that all U.S. military personnel be vaccinated. This successful fight against a coercive, oppressive government policy is a rare victory for individual liberty in an age that has seen government power grow at the expense of individual liberty.


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c277d3 No.5076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137785 (131853ZJAN23) Notable: #22236

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#22236 >>5006

>>5040 Planefag CONUS Activity Update

>>5007, >>5035, >>5038, >>5041, >>5045 Bannon: AI gets smarter humans get dumber

>>5010, >>5012, >>5033, >>5037, >>5044 Next Week is Davos Week - We do not consent!!

>>5011, >>5046 Ali Jarushi of Israel's notorious Jarushi crime family was assassinated in Ramle.

>>5013, >>5016, >>5019, >>5024 Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

>>5014 White House Daily Briefing

>>5017, >>5018, >>5020, >>5021, >>5023, >>5025, >>5027, >>5028, >>5031, >>5029 Gregg Phillips

>>5022, >>5036 /Michael_Capponi/Haiti/Global Empowerment Mission

>>5026 Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty in UK court to more sex offense charges

>>5030 It Looks Like There's More Fallout for Adam Schiff Following Last Week's TwitterFiles Reveal

>>5032 The head of Australia's New South Wales government Dominic Perrottet has been forced to apologize following the revelation that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday party some 20 years ago

>>5034 CHM ⁦@RepMcCaul⁩: “A Republican-led House will have zero tolerance for illegal CCP operations on U.S. soil that violate American sovereignty and infringe on the liberties of people protected by the U.S. Constitution.”


>>5043, >>5070 Tesla cuts prices by up to a fifth to boost demand

>>5047 Manchin and Sinema head to Davos

>>5048 Alicyn Simpson of the UPMC Children's Hospital Gender program talks about taking women's reproductive organs from live women to transplant them into biological male trans

>>5049 Israeli flight to Turkey delayed after plane crash photos sent to passengers’ phones

>>5050, >>5051 Biden special counsel deepens Justice Dept. in political fray

>>5052 Explosion at gas pipeline connecting Latvia and Lithuania.

>>5053, >>5064 The twenty got stronger the more than were threatened Bannons War Room

>>5054 It is my solemn obligation to invite the president to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 7th so that he may fulfill his duty under the Constitution to report on the state of the union


>>5056 TWITTER FILES: Supplemental More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and "Deamplification"

>>5057 Ukraine legalizes foreigners in neo-Nazi regiment

>>5058 Western-mediated Kosovo and Ukraine deals were lies – Serbia

>>5060 5th Generation Warfare | Abolish the IRS | National Intel | Bear Brief 13JAN23

>>5061 Lindsey Graham Calls for Sending Tanks to Ukraine, Hours After Ukraine Demanded Them via Twitter

>>5062 DOJ Admits It Has 30 GB of Data not Publicly Released by Jan. 6 Committee

>>5065 333,000 Migrants Attempted to Enter EU Illegally in 2022, Over 80 Per Cent Were Men

>>5067 Lawsuit Says Disney Was A ‘State Actor’ Colluding With Government To Force Vaccine On Employees

>>5069 Oxfam Finds Scores of Civilians Killed By US, UK Weapons in Yemen

>>5071 How was a Canadian engine used in an Iranian drone in Ukraine?

>>5072 vax bun

>>5073 Grassroots republicans are now called DS leftists by GOP leaders in SD Bannons War Room

>>5074 A corvette is a small warship

>>5075 Appeals Court Rules Against Vaccine Mandates in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee


Free Speech Is The Bomb

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c277d3 No.5077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137830 (131858ZJAN23) Notable: Pete Ricketts (R) - US Senator appointed by Nebraska to become University head in Florida.

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Thanks Baker

Pete Ricketts (R) - US Senator appointed by Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen (R) to replace Ben Sasse, who resigned to become University head in Florida.



- Pete Ricketts was Nebraska Governor from Jan 8, 2015 to Jan 5, 2023

- Pete Ricketts's father is Joe Ricketts, founder, former CEO and former chairman of TD Ameritrade. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Ricketts )

- Ricketts came out against the Trump impeachment(s).

- once described Islam as a cult, not a religion


Ricketts's appointment to US Senator for Nebraska will fill the seat until a special election in 2024 can be held. The 2024 contested term will fill the seat until November 5, 2026, when the regular vote for the seat occurs.



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c277d3 No.5078

File: 9f78e5d884c7988⋯.png (59.44 KB,808x378,404:189,Clipboard.png)

File: d22a29687470a17⋯.png (41.71 KB,562x272,281:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137840 (131858ZJAN23) Notable: 5 year Delta.

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1 day to 5 year Delta

Let's see what happens

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c277d3 No.5079

File: aef26630e610b1f⋯.jpg (189.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137849 (131901ZJAN23) Notable: 5 year Delta.

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c277d3 No.5080

File: b25edf676b07486⋯.png (337.76 KB,587x579,587:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 95a79575aeb2710⋯.png (3.45 MB,1425x909,475:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137851 (131901ZJAN23) Notable: (You) Jill’s first husband tells all.

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Juanita Broaddrick


WOW. Jill’s first husband tells all.

Quote Tweet

Joni Job




The CORVETTE marital affair 😏 #CorvetteGate

Joe & Jill even lied about how they met


0:16 / 2:10

6:51 AM · Jan 13, 2023



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c277d3 No.5081

File: df55691205d8c1d⋯.png (329.13 KB,454x376,227:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cf172a4e0b00e3⋯.png (103.18 KB,922x478,461:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137853 (131901ZJAN23) Notable: Credit Loss Provisions Soar As Banks Brace For Pain.

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Credit Loss Provisions Soar As Banks Brace For Pain

While some were more interested how banks did in Q4 - a quarter which we already knew would see catastrophic banking revenues (due to the lack of IPOs and bond offerings thanks to the plunging market), and mediocre at best for FICC and equity trading offset by very strong net interest income courtesy of soaring credit card fees - we were much more curious in how banks saw the future not by their always cheerful conference calls, but by how much loan loss reserves they took out in anticipation of the coming recession.

The results were concerning: let's start with the largest US commercial bank, JPMorgan, which in Q4 almost double its reserve build from $808MM to $1.4 billion, the biggest reserve build since the fateful Q2 2020 quarter when covid locked down the US economy and nobody knew what would happen. What about other banks?, it wasn't just JPM. In fact, all the Big 4 banks saw their reserve provisions surge, and as shown in the chart below, the total for the 4 largest US banks was $6.2 trillion, which - if one excludes the outlier covid period - was the largest reserve build quarter since the start of 2013. It was therefore hardly a surprise why the banks' earnings reports were met - at least initially - with widespread selling (which has since abated for the time being), amid clear signs that a shakier economy lies ahead. As Bloomberg notes, beats on revenue and profit didn’t do much to impress investors who were instead much more focused on how much money the lenders put aside to cover loans that might go bad. In most cases, the sums were more than analysts had reckoned.

JPMorgan The biggest US bank said this year’s net interest income will be lower than analysts expected because the economy shows signs of slippage. NII, a major revenue source, will be about $73 billion this year, far below the $74.4 billion estimate. The forecast ironically followed a record haul of $20.2 billion from net interest income in the fourth quarter. “The US economy currently remains strong with consumers still spending excess cash and businesses healthy,” Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said in a statement Friday. “We still do not know the ultimate effect of the headwinds coming from geopolitical tensions including the war in Ukraine, the vulnerable state of energy and food supplies, persistent inflation that is eroding purchasing power and has pushed interest rates higher, and the unprecedented quantitative tightening.” The company also warned of a “modest deterioration” in its macroeconomic outlook. (And Jamie just backed off his "hurricane a coming" comments earlier this week since he knows the FED will only do 25bp going forward and pivot sooner rather than later)

Wells Fargo posted higher-than-expected fourth-quarter expenses, even after the firm warned of a hefty loss tied to a regulatory sanction last month. The firm spent $16.2 billion in the last three months of the year, exceeding analyst estimates. That included $3.3 billion in operating losses after Wells Fargo said last month it would book costs for a settlement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and other legal issues. One bright spot: Wells Fargo pulled in a record $13.4 billion in net interest income in the quarter, a 45% gain, handily beating analyst expectations. “Though the quarter was significantly impacted by previously disclosed operating losses, our underlying performance reflected the progress we are making to improve returns,” CEO Charlie Scharf said in a statement. “Rising interest rates drove strong net interest income growth, credit losses have continued to increase slowly but credit quality remained strong, and we continue to make progress on our efficiency initiatives.”

Bank of America Italy traders beat analysts’ estimates as they reaped the benefits of dramatic market swings, and lending income rose along with interest rates while falling short of expectations. Net interest income, the revenue collected from loan payments minus what depositors are paid, rose 29% to $14.7 billion in the fourth quarter on higher rates and loan growth, though the increase was smaller than forecast. Trading revenue soared 27% from a year earlier, with the best results in fixed income, more than the 13% gain analysts had expected. “We ended the year on a strong note growing earnings year over year in the fourth quarter in an increasingly slowing economic environment,” CEO Brian Moynihan said.

Citigroup fixed-income traders turned in a record-setting finale to 2022 as the bank, under pressure to improve returns, braced itself for a less certain economy. Customers’ bets on rates and currencies boosted revenue from fixed-income trading 31% to $3.2 billion, the firm’s largest haul ever for a fourth quarter. Total trading was up 18% — trouncing the 10% increase predicted by executives just last month. “We intentionally designed a strategy that can deliver for our shareholders in different environments,” CEO Jane Fraser said in a statement announcing results Friday. The bank is “very much on track” to meet targets for improving returns, she said.

Goldman Sachs

While the investment bank doesn’t report until next week, it gave an early look at results from a new division carved out to house what’s left of its once-ambitious foray into Main Street banking. The segment formerly called Marcus and which recently changed its name to Platform Solutions, racked up more than $1.2 billion in pretax losses in last year’s first nine months, with the drop accelerating every quarter, the bank reported. From the start of 2020 through the end of September, pretax losses piled up to $3 billion, according to a filing. When the latest quarter’s figures get added to it next week, that cumulative loss will approach $4 billion in the three-year span and $2 billion for the year, driven by loan-loss provisions. And since Goldman - ironically - targets mostly subprime consumers, the bank which made a killing by shorting subprime in 2008, is itself about to get crushed by the next recession which will hammer subprime borrowers the hardest.


Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) Banks ETF-cap #2

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c277d3 No.5082

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137855 (131902ZJAN23) Notable: Joe Allen: Humans Are Being Conditioned To Be Subservient To AI By Leadings Thinkers

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Bannons War Room

1 hour ago

Joe Allen: Humans Are Being Conditioned To Be Subservient To AI By Leadings Thinker

Joe Allen: Humans Are Being Conditioned To Be Subservient To AI By Leadings Thinkers. This is the AI journalist that is following all the destruction of humanity


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c277d3 No.5083

File: 841f473d2d068e7⋯.png (503.08 KB,853x749,853:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 61444832e175119⋯.png (381.03 KB,511x473,511:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137863 (131903ZJAN23) Notable: Another ‘Twitter Files’ Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests.

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JUST IN: Another ‘Twitter Files’ Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests – Twitter “Deamplified” Alleged Conservative Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

By Cristina Laila

Published January 13, 2023 at 11:40am

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c277d3 No.5084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137866 (131904ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment.

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Is this why President Trump was so hell bent on McCarthy being Speaker?:

McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment

Speaker of the House, US Rep Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments as the Republican-led House of Reps seeks to reverse some of the most scandalous and historic government corruption that happened under Democrats over the past seven years.

“In December 2019, the House impeached President Donald Trump on two counts of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. Trump had withheld almost $400 million in congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine, unless the country agreed to investigate Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s business dealings in the country,” according to Government Track Insider, who reported on the situation, adding:

In February 2020, the Senate acquitted Trump on both counts, so he remained in office for the remainder of his term. (The chamber was controlled by Republicans at the time.) In other words, the House impeachments were something of a slap on the wrist, but Trump faced no actual consequences as a result.

Democrats still celebrated it as something of a partial victory. “Whatever happens, he will be impeached forever,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA12) said.

Others felt differently. “Should they expunge the impeachment in the House? They should because it was a hoax,” Trump said.


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c277d3 No.5085

File: 8f8a2bd138d5b18⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB,312x290,156:145,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137881 (131906ZJAN23) Notable: (You) Jill’s first husband tells all.

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Here's the interview.

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c277d3 No.5086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137882 (131906ZJAN23) Notable: Top Biden Admin Official Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas Abruptly Resigns – Torches President On Way Out

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Top Biden Admin Official Abruptly Resigns – Torches President On Way Out

Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas is a Cuban-American government official and attorney who has been serving as the seventh United States Secretary of Homeland Security since February 2, 2021, according to his Bio, and he is under scrutiny, and now members of Congress are demanding that he vacated his position.

Mayorkas and Biden are both being slammed for behaving like traitors by a top border control agent who has witnessed the massive human suffering and out-of-control crimes happening at the US Southern border under their watch.

News reports show that Chris Magnus resigned as the commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner.

Those reports suggested that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and others forced him out and attempted to blame him for many of the failures at the southern border, just as Mayorkas’s actions were coming under scrutiny.

“The President has accepted the resignation of Christopher Magnus, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. President Biden appreciates Commissioner Magnus’ nearly forty years of service and the contributions he made to police reform during his tenure as police chief in three U.S. cities. The President thanks Mr. Magnus for his service at CBP and wishes him well,” the White House said in a statement.

Magnus said he was resigning “immediately” in his letter.

“Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Senate-confirmed Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection over the past year. It has been a privilege and honor to be part of your administration,” he said. “I am submitting my resignation effective immediately but wish you and your administration the very best going forward. Thank you again for this tremendous opportunity.”

“Magnus will join an organization focused on police reform and he wasted little time slamming the Biden administration,” Martin Walsh reported for Conservative Brief, adding more details to the story:

“Now he’s joining the Policing Project, a nonprofit at NYU’s School of Law that’s focused on reforming police departments around the country. He says questions about hiring, training, and reform exist across all levels of law enforcement. Before joining CBP, Magnus spent 40 years heading police departments, most recently in Tucson. As a senior adviser for public safety at the Policing Project, he says he wants to put what he learned both at CBP and within local departments into practice,” Front Desk reported.


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c277d3 No.5087

File: 2940193442d3636⋯.png (352.09 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: cdad0e5ef446750⋯.png (68.1 KB,731x400,731:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137886 (131907ZJAN23) Notable: Chinese official reveals secret meetings between Canberra and Beijing.

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Chinese official reveals secret meetings between Canberra and Beijing to coordinate COVID-19 ‘response cooperation’

A Chinese official has sensationally revealed a series of meetings have taken place with Australian authorities to discuss “response cooperation” over the country’s spiralling COVID-19 crisis.

Beijing and Canberra have held a meeting to discuss a response to China's spiralling COVID-19 crisis.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin broke news of the bilateral discussions on Thursday, saying Chinese authorities had held several meetings with Australia in recent days to discuss COVID-19 “response cooperation”.

The meeting was not previously public knowledge.

“In addition, over the past days, the competent Chinese authorities held a series of bilateral meetings with the EU and Australia to have exchanges on COVID-related issues and strengthen response cooperation,” Mr Wang said.

The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care confirmed a January 11 meeting to SkyNews.com.au on Friday.

"Officials from the Departments of Health and Aged Care and Foreign Affairs and Trade, along with Australian clinical experts, met virtually with China’s National Health Commission and China CDC on 11 January 2022," they said.

"The discussion provided an opportunity to exchange information on our respective COVID-19 situations and discuss clinical management approaches. Both countries agreed on the importance of ongoing communication and information sharing.

"We look forward to further opportunities to discuss the COVID situation and our respective responses with China."

In an attempt to deflect from criticism over the lack of transparency surrounding China’s recent COVID-19 outbreak, Mr Wang said the country had been sharing information and data with the international community in an “open” manner.

“We reported the spread of the virus to the WHO at the earliest opportunity,” he said.

“We immediately sequenced and published the genome of the virus and shared with the world China’s protocols for diagnostics, treatment and containment.

“Those efforts marked an important contribution to global vaccine and drugs research and development. We have been in close communication with the WHO.”

Australia’s Health Minister Mark Butler implemented a mandatory COVID-19 testing requirement for travellers from China to pressure the country to provide a more ready stream of data about infections and deaths.

South Korea and Japan have also issued the same requirement, sparking a diplomatic war between the countries.

China stopped issuing short-term visas to the two nations in retaliation but is yet to do so for Australia.

The Chinese government labelled the testing requirements as “discriminatory entry restrictions” despite having the same requirements in place themselves.


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c277d3 No.5088

File: 9f7e66648ccbe56⋯.jpg (37.78 KB,612x472,153:118,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137890 (131907ZJAN23) Notable: CNN appears to be running damage control on Lisa Marie Presley’s cardiac arrest death

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Elvis Presley In The Recording Studio

LOS ANGELES - JUNE 21: Elvis Presley and his family including his father Vernon Presley, stepmother Dee Presley and her sons Ricky, David and Billy Stanley join Nelson Rockefeller and Nancy Sinatra during a recording session for the movie "Speedway" on June 21 1967 at MGM studios in Los Angeles California. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)


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c277d3 No.5089

File: 6f77eff858afaeb⋯.png (447.06 KB,603x632,603:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137891 (131908ZJAN23) Notable: District court judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Minneapolis Public Schools over its teachers contract that prioritizes laying off white teachers.

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Alpha News


A district court judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Minneapolis Public Schools over its teachers contract that prioritizes laying off white teachers.


Judge dismisses complaint against racially discriminatory MPS teachers union contract

A district court judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Minneapolis Public Schools over its teachers contract that prioritizes laying off white teachers.

2:18 AM · Jan 13, 2023



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c277d3 No.5090

File: ee4fabf280930b3⋯.jpeg (99.8 KB,1241x650,1241:650,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d73ab2f0c734311⋯.jpeg (260.2 KB,1241x1132,1241:1132,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137897 (131908ZJAN23) Notable: LA’s AG has got more dirt on CISA and censoring with social media.

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LA’s AG has got more dirt on CISA and censoring with social media


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c277d3 No.5091

File: 6066f4316b810f7⋯.png (216.42 KB,528x556,132:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 5699fc350ed6c96⋯.png (8.46 KB,398x163,398:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137901 (131909ZJAN23) Notable: @USArmy Your future is BRIGHT, 😎 like flares in the field. #FiresStrong #TeamSill

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Your future is BRIGHT, 😎 like flares in the field.

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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c277d3 No.5092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137902 (131909ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Malone: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply.

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mRNA “Vaccines” Are Being Injected Into Our Food Supply


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c277d3 No.5093

File: a4ae5b85fdfb170⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,720x940,36:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 89c8d0201631ed1⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137904 (131910ZJAN23) Notable: Biden smirks as he ignores questions on the classified documents found in his home

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Biden smirks as he ignores questions on the classified documents found in his home, office, and garage.

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c277d3 No.5094

File: aa1beca1f63ccce⋯.png (242.33 KB,521x419,521:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 89a96407b9e5c7f⋯.png (464.77 KB,527x713,17:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 12b3bd599c4e3d2⋯.png (263.08 KB,521x465,521:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137906 (131910ZJAN23) Notable: Explosion Rocks Natural Gas Pipeline Connecting Lithuania, Latvia; Village Evacuated.

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Explosion Rocks Natural Gas Pipeline Connecting Lithuania, Latvia; Village Evacuated

Lithuania natural gas transmission operator Amber Grid told Reuters its pipeline that connects Lithuania to Latvia was rocked by an explosion on Friday.

Footage of the explosion emerged on Twitter in the last 30 minutes.



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c277d3 No.5095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137960 (131920ZJAN23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson Joe Biden made Pete Buttigieg the Secretary of Transportation — despite the fact that Pete Buttigieg had no relevant experience of any kind

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is freakin funny!

Tucker does his somber serious voice on Butt Edge Edge

Tucker Carlson


Joe Biden made Pete Buttigieg the Secretary of Transportation — despite the fact that Pete Buttigieg had no relevant experience of any kind, apart from occasionally riding a bicycle with a helmet on.


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c277d3 No.5096

File: 0c31e6a913d46d0⋯.jpg (402.08 KB,910x210,13:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137983 (131923ZJAN23) Notable: Sweden finds Europe's 'largest known' rare earth deposit: 'Independence from Russia and China'.

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Sweden finds Europe's 'largest known' rare earth deposit: 'Independence from Russia and China'

Swedish mining company this week announced the discovery of a massive deposit of rare earth minerals, reportedly the largest known in Europe and one that could signal future independence from Russian and Chinese supply lines.

The state-owned company LKAB said in a press release that it had identified a rare earth deposit "exceeding one million tonnes of rare earth oxides," which the company called "the largest known deposit of its kind in Europe."


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c277d3 No.5097

File: 23d39c0cd2a3f65⋯.jpg (402.08 KB,989x247,989:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18137996 (131925ZJAN23) Notable: Biden-Penn-China funding concerns flagged for then-Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro 18 months ago

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Biden-Penn-China funding concerns flagged for then-Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro 18 months ago

Concerns about secrecy of Chinese donations, $911k paid to Biden for figurehead think tank role were raised in a July 2021 letter to now-Gov. Shapiro, with no official action taken by the then-AG.

Concerns about funding ties linking China, Joe Biden and the heavily Chinese-funded University of Pennsylvania were brought to the attention of state law enforcement almost two years ago, with no official action taken by the state's then-Attorney General Josh Shapiro or any members of his staff.

The letter, sent by a group called "Take Back Our Republic" and addressed to Shapiro and other high-ranking members of his team, was sent in July of 2021. That was nearly a year and a half before the Biden classified document story broke, resulting in Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing a special counsel on Thursday to investigate the matter.


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c277d3 No.5098

File: 11a8440fa7f227a⋯.png (429.96 KB,598x717,598:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 5422d8073a1b765⋯.png (421.13 KB,598x603,598:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138011 (131928ZJAN23) Notable: US Oil & Gas Association @US_OGA This rare 67 Chevy Corvette has a 327 cubic inch, L79 V8 engine.. Note - it runs on gasoline, not electricity.

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US Oil & Gas Association


This rare 67 Chevy Corvette has a 327 cubic inch, L79 V8 engine rated at 350 horsepower with a 4-speed manual transmission. 0 to 60 mph in 5.8 seconds. Note - it runs on gasoline, not electricity.

This one is parked in the POTUS garage next to the boxes marked "Classified".



The Great Memewar of 2023 is here.

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c277d3 No.5099

File: 6eb94e785d7e0e1⋯.pdf (1.61 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: dea77b87f7454a7⋯.pdf (1.2 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138029 (131930ZJAN23) Notable: Facebook Censorship Directed By White House, Court-Ordered Discovery Docs Released By Attorney GeneralJeff Landry

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UNCOVERED: Facebook Censorship Directed By White House, Court-Ordered Discovery Docs Released By Attorney GeneralJeff Landry

BATON ROUGE, LA – In explosive documents released by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, email evidence shows the White House pressuring Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson.

Email chains between the government and the social media platform show that a viral video by the popular television host was demoted 50% pending a 7-day fact checking period and that thedemotion continued by Facebook even though no “fact checking” actually occurred.

“Government censorship is bipartisan; if they don't like you, they will censor you – regardless of your political affiliation,” warned Attorney General Landry. “No one is safe when the First Amendment is violated.”

Today’s revelation is part of the latest court-ordered discovery documents released in the landmark lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri alleging top-ranking Biden officials colluding with social media giants to suppress free speech.

“Throughout our case, we have uncovered disturbing collusion between Big Tech and Big Government,” added Attorney General Landry. “Today’s reveal is yet another example of the ongoing coercive efforts by the White House to pressure social media companies into censoring American citizens.”


More on the email chains (linked below) may be found in a Twitterthread by Attorney General Jeff Landry at



RECEIPTS: https://agjefflandry.com/Article/13106

10:29 AM · Jan 9, 2023




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c277d3 No.5100

File: c2f7633eb8fc9cb⋯.png (842.11 KB,1084x2488,271:622,Clipboard.png)

File: c53699eac8e30dc⋯.png (442.02 KB,1042x1016,521:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 71050d235398f7b⋯.png (1.43 MB,1408x2424,176:303,Clipboard.png)

File: c427e59e12ffd4b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1374x1064,687:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138032 (131931ZJAN23) Notable: Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

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Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

The Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Tue Dec 20, 2022 - 10:01 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — A large scandal has been created, as well as discouragement, upon learning the news of the gala event hosted by President Donald J. Trump for openly homosexual supporters of the Republican Party.

This endorsement of LGBT ideology is even more serious if one considers that, only two days previously, Joe Biden signed the “Respect for Marriage Act” which recognizes the legal validity of so-called homosexual marriages in the United States, in violation of the Natural Law and also the Law of God.

The Democratic Party is totally anti-Christian and obstinately determined to implement the globalist agenda of the New World Order.

On the other hand, the Republican Party is recklessly pursuing a minority of voters who are indulging in lifestyles that are contrary to the Commandments and to the common good.

American Catholics find themselves today in the impossible situation of being represented by a political class that is revealing itself to be completely incapable of representing and expressing Catholic convictions in moral and religious matters.

This causes voters to become disaffected, which is added to electoral fraud and scandals that are emerging about media censorship and the manipulation of electoral consensus.

Up until now, certain aspects of the political platform of the Republican Party were able to be overlooked to some extent due to the much more serious threat embodied by the Democratic Party.

But it is now evident that the action of the deep state has contaminated the entire political elite without distinction, even involving Donald Trump, who up until now seemed to be a source of hope for the future of the United States.

A nation that offends the Law of God cannot hope to be blessed by the Lord, and those who support sinful lifestyles ought to think of the Judgment that awaits them rather than pleasing those who are corrupt in a calculated effort to win votes.

This nonchalance in political action by Republicans is no less harmful than the open opposition to the perennial Magisterium of the Church on the part of Democrats.

I urge American Catholics to pray, asking the Lord to enlighten politicians of sound principles, urging them to fight with courageous commitment for the defense of the Natural Law and the Commandments of God.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,

former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

December 20, 2022


READ: Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law


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c277d3 No.5101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138039 (131932ZJAN23) Notable: Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

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Viganò criticizes Trump…

Dr Taylor Marshall

437K subscribers

61,634 views Streamed live on Dec 21, 2022

In this video, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò criticizes President Donald Trump for attending the recent LMNOP+ Gala. Archbishop Viganò argues that the event signifies the moral decline in the US and the growth of the deep state. Former President Donald Trump recently hosted a gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signed the so-called same-sex ‘marriage’ law or “Respect for Marriage Act”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio from the Vatican to Washington DC, has historically advocated for President Donald Trump in defense of the president's fight against Globalism, the Great Reset, and the Pro-Life cause. However, Viganò has recently criticized Trump for his open promotion of LMNOP advocates in the wake of President Biden's “Respect for Marriage Act”. Dr. Taylor Marshall explains Archbishop Viganò's recent disappointment over former President Donald Trump.

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c277d3 No.5102

File: 273aa8d75912970⋯.png (504.3 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138054 (131934ZJAN23) Notable: UPitt Pharm Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

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UPitt Pharm Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

Story by Jillian Pikora • Yesterday 11:30 PM

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c277d3 No.5104

File: 273aa8d75912970⋯.png (504.3 KB,802x667,802:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138054 (131934ZJAN23) Notable: UPitt Pharm Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

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UPitt Pharm Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

Story by Jillian Pikora • Yesterday 11:30 PM

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c277d3 No.5105

File: cda24b2ece3e3fa⋯.png (182.71 KB,426x431,426:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138084 (131939ZJAN23) Notable: Remember the PCR tests? Well the MSM have confirmed that they were laced with poisonous chemical Sodium Azide.

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Remember the PCR tests? Well the MSM have confirmed that they were laced with poisonous chemical Sodium Azide.



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c277d3 No.5106

File: 05b17815a1cf942⋯.png (461.96 KB,829x818,829:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138101 (131942ZJAN23) Notable: Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

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Anon simply wants to know how these things make you feel though

Because Physical Wounds Heal

Do you acknowledge Fakers in the Kitch?

Do you acknowledge a Certain Religion is always present?

Do you acknowledge that the Hate of a Certain Religion and/or Race always accompanies as well?


Freedom of Speech?


In this War zone where disinfo is necc?

Do you even Drops?

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c277d3 No.5107

File: 033da01db872b4b⋯.png (420.1 KB,609x599,609:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138106 (131943ZJAN23) Notable: @KariLake. They want us not to vote again.

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Kari Lake



: "They want us not to vote again. We can't let them have that. They want us going back, putting our head in the sand, and falling back asleep, and not reclaiming our country. We're not going to let them have that. We will not let them have that victory."

0:00 / 7:22

8:38 AM · Jan 13, 2023



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c277d3 No.5108

File: d60e94033dab0c5⋯.png (170.17 KB,598x561,598:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138107 (131943ZJAN23) Notable: @JudiciaryGOP. #BREAKING: first investigation into @JoeBiden’s classified documents scandal.

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Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted

House Judiciary GOP


#BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan and @RepMikeJohnson launch first investigation into @JoeBiden’s classified documents scandal.


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c277d3 No.5109

File: 5f025cc49ce3a62⋯.png (112.84 KB,706x410,353:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138125 (131947ZJAN23) Notable: PF: COBRA36 WC-135 Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' went to San Juan, PR

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>>5040 lb

COBRA36 WC-135 Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' went to San Juan, PR

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c277d3 No.5110

File: 56398ae504b0510⋯.png (147.13 KB,420x499,420:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138126 (131947ZJAN23) Notable: If you consume an mRNA vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body.

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This could be one of the most alarming warnings yet from Dr. Malone. He wrote an essay on how mRNA vaccines are being injected into livestock and companion animals.

That means, if you consume the vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body.


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c277d3 No.5111

File: 3114eb64a9b16d8⋯.png (57.88 KB,748x532,187:133,Clipboard.png)

File: f6562ab63505357⋯.png (59.91 KB,748x530,374:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138191 (131959ZJAN23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson It’s Day Two of the @seanhannity Accountability Project.

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Emerald vs. Hannity…

Emerald Robinson ✝️


It’s Day Two of the @seanhannity

Accountability Project. Thanks to everyone who has joined this venture - the response has been overwhelming.

Today between 3-6pm we will flood his radio show with callers who want to know why Hannity wanted Trump to pardon Hunter Biden!

12:10 PM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5112

File: daef487f7b9155e⋯.png (416.65 KB,609x605,609:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138213 (132004ZJAN23) Notable: The son of stuntman Evel Knievel, Robbie Knievel, died Friday at the age of 60 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

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Business profile picture

Washington Examiner


Robbie Knievel, son of daredevil Evel Knievel, dies at 60

Robbie Knievel


Robbie Knievel, son of daredevil Evel Knievel, dies at 60

The son of stuntman Evel Knievel, Robbie Knievel, died Friday at the age of 60 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

9:01 AM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5113

File: 649cb0e404042a4⋯.png (551.47 KB,1031x690,1031:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138242 (132009ZJAN23) Notable: Governor Kemp To Speak At Davos

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Governor Kemp To Speak At Davos! Governor, We Don’t Need A “Reset.”  We’ll Keep Our Families, Our Faith, And Our Freedoms, Thank you.

January 13, 2023

Yesterday, The Georgia Record disclosing that Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, was invited to the Davos meeting in Switzerland. Davos is the name given to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

Public reaction has indicated concern about Kemp’s inclusion in the event which is broadly recognized as a chance for the world’s elite, led by Klaus Schwab, to gather and privately discuss their plans for expanding control over the rest of humanity.

Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum said in 2020, "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" Many ask why a German engineer who whose Swiss family moved to Germany during the Third Reich should be the guiding force for change in the world.

Following our story, it was reported that Kemp was not only invited as an attendee but is scheduled to speak at the event.

At the same time Kemps plans were surfacing, the Georgia General Assembly was busily protecting itself, its privacy and ability to avoid accountability. Previously both chambers had exempted themselves from Open record Act disclosures. New rules adopted Wednesday, add new provisions shielding communication between lawmakers and third parties under legislative privilege.

Legislators claim this is to prevent abuses between the parties, but First Amendment proponents sense greater concern and point out the urgency with which these rule changes were made.

Other newly-enacted rules prevent the use of cameras in committees and other areas unless expressly approved by the speaker.

An interesting parallel occurred during this week when newly-named House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy seemed reluctant to allow CSPAN cameras back into the U.S. House of Representatives despite their extensive coverage of his fight for Speaker of the House.


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c277d3 No.5114

File: 1ad3bbca901cdf9⋯.png (23.25 KB,616x164,154:41,Clipboard.png)

File: fe32f140a3346b2⋯.png (114.19 KB,1151x672,1151:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138275 (132015ZJAN23) Notable: Governor Kemp To Speak At Davos

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>Governor Kemp


Pubic Speakers

- Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum Geneva

- Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, United States Office of the Governor

- Kyrsten Sinema, Senator from Arizona (I), United States Senate

- Christopher A. Coonskin, Senator from Delaware (D), United States Senate

- Joe Manchin III, Senator from West Virginia (D), United States Senate

- Maria Elvira Salazar, Congresswoman from Florida (R), 27th District, U.S. House of Representatives

- Mikie Sherrill, Congresswoman from New Jersey (D), U.S. House of Representatives

- J.B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, United States Office of the Governor

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c277d3 No.5115

File: d0aacb394928e67⋯.png (43.8 KB,599x374,599:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138282 (132016ZJAN23) Notable: @DiamondandSilk So you think you can use the death of my sister, her face & our brand to promote & advocate for people to get the jab and post that she died from a disease she never had?

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Diamond and Silk®


So you think you can use the death of my sister, her face & our brand to promote & advocate for people to get the jab and post that she died from a disease she never had?

Who the F%ck gave you authorization to use our brand, her name & likeness? I intend to take Legal Actions. https://twitter.com/MichaelJStern1/status/1612651473246060545

This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more

4:11 AM · Jan 13, 2023



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c277d3 No.5116

File: 5fec21699bde1d3⋯.jpg (452.65 KB,1080x1695,72:113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138291 (132018ZJAN23) Notable: The son of stuntman Evel Knievel, Robbie Knievel, died Friday at the age of 60 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

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c277d3 No.5117

File: b92d990af9702ff⋯.png (77.03 KB,494x204,247:102,Clipboard.png)

File: 1172d791e764163⋯.png (587.28 KB,1288x2348,322:587,Clipboard.png)

File: a678ef3df288e5f⋯.png (168.31 KB,990x1824,165:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138296 (132019ZJAN23) Notable: Is Zorro Trust actually Jeffrey Epstein? Zorror Trust, Jeffrey Epstein and Brice Gordon

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>Case in point: Epstein winning $41M from the Oklahoma Powerball lottery.





Jeffrey Epstein won the Oklahoma Powerball lottery, July 2, 2008

Nathaniel Hébert

A financial planning company based in Oklahoma City received $29.2 million on Monday on behalf of the Zorro Trust, which held the winning ticket from the July 2 drawing.

The Daily Oklahoman, 26 Aug 2008: Trust keeps Powerball winner a mystery. Only Lottery Commission knows who is now $29.3 million richer. A financial planning company based in Oklahoma City received $29.3 million Monday on behalf of the Zorro Trust, which held the winning ticket from the July 2 drawing.

Nathaniel Hébert

Aug 10 · 7 min read

There was also a computer malfunction that pre-empted the televised broadcast of the Sunday draw, and instead the drawing was held later and monitored by an auditing firm.

The Daily article discloses: Trusts shield the winner or winners from public scrutiny. “We were hopeful that they would come in, but as time passed, we know they were going to form a trust,” Finks said. Instead, the July 2nd ticket of $29.3 million was paid out to a mysterious financial planning company, “Zorro Trust”. Coincidentally, on July 1st, 2008, Epstein also started to serve his 18-month jail term in Florida as Inmate No. W35755.

So is Zorro Trust actually Jeffrey Epstein?

Zorror Trust, Jeffrey Epstein and Brice Gordon

Albuquerque Journal, 04 Sep 1994: Zorro Trust is headed by Jeffrey Epstein of New York City, who, King said planned to form Zorro Ranch. Epstein couldn’t be reached for comment.

A public notice in the New Mexico Environment Department Ground Water Quality Bureau, had a listing for Zorro Ranch with a principal contact , Brice M. Gordon, the Ranch Manager and the manager of Zorro Trust, with an associated e-mail address of zorro.office@gmail.com.

Zorro Development Corporation is a privately held company in New York, NY, with a SIC Code “8741, Management Services”, and lists Brice Gordon as a Principal in a company that “employs a staff of approximately 2.”

Jeffrey Epstein’s, “New Mexico” spread in his black book identifies a column as Epstein, Jeffrey, Zorro Ranch, with a phone listing for Brice & Karen. The very same Brice M. Gordon, who is a manager of Zorro Trust.

The link between Jeffrey Epstein and Zorro Trust is very apparent, so the question that begs asking. Did Jeffrey Epstein receive $29.3 million in the form of an anonymous trust from the Oklahoma Powerball Lottery? And why did it happen after July 1st, 2008, just as Epstein started to serve his 18-month jail term in Florida?

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c277d3 No.5118

File: fffbd74b1dae38e⋯.png (286.08 KB,420x656,105:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138302 (132020ZJAN23) Notable: Washington Post Finally Admits U.S. is Massively Overcounting COVID-19 Deaths

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🚨BREAKING: Washington Post Finally Admits U.S. is Massively Overcounting COVID-19 Deaths

🇺🇸@COVID19Up: “We are overcounting COVID deaths… Since every hospitalized patient gets tested for COVID…a gunshot victim or someone who had a heart attack, for example, could test positive," wrote (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/01/13/covid-pandemic-deaths-hospitalizations-overcounting/) Leana Wen on Friday (Jan. 13) in a Washington Post op-ed.

You can't make this stuff up!

Check it out:👇


Join the discussion:


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c277d3 No.5119

File: 6ad5652dc66fab2⋯.png (199.25 KB,422x503,422:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138318 (132024ZJAN23) Notable: CNN appears to be running damage control on Lisa Marie Presley’s cardiac arrest death

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CNN appears to be running damage control on Lisa Marie Presley’s cardiac arrest death. They’re blaming possible heart disease, recreational drug use, heart muscle issues, even “primary genetic electrical problems” that people are unknowingly born with.

Bottom line: we don’t know if the vaccine caused Lisa Marie’s death, but the more these cardiac arrests keep happening, the more people are gonna start asking questions.

They can’t cover it up forever.

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c277d3 No.5120

File: 8865fcb3d634c12⋯.png (213.95 KB,570x459,190:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138338 (132026ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RT Rumble vid: President Trump’s First Reaction To The Biden Special Counsel With Mark Levin

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Donald J. Trump





Jan 13, 2023, 9:24 AM

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c277d3 No.5121

File: 51e27e15095a29f⋯.png (20.48 KB,547x181,547:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d3a2d56183949⋯.png (28.87 KB,547x309,547:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138341 (132027ZJAN23) Notable: Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

11:47 AM · Jan 13, 2023


Emerald Robinson ✝️


It’s 2023 and most Americans now understand the COVID vaccines don’t work.

Just wait till they discover that the vaccines are causing the COVID variants.

I told you this in 2021.

10:22 AM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138343 (132027ZJAN23) Notable: 17 year-old baseball player suffers ‘cardiac arrest’ while rounding the bases…

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17 year-old baseball player suffers ‘cardiac arrest’ while rounding the bases…

‘We’re not going to lose him’: Coach saves 17-year-old Akron baseball player’s life

This isnormalanons. Always has happened and always will. 17 year olds running bases in a baseball game have a tendency to have heart attacks. There’s no way in hell it could possibly be anything other than a natural occurrence. To think otherwise is just insanity.

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c277d3 No.5123

File: 5f74e7637f3b247⋯.png (711.36 KB,804x793,804:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138349 (132028ZJAN23) Notable: Treasury Secretary Says U.S. Will Hit.

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Treasury Secretary Says U.S. Will Hit

Debt Limit Next Week, Will Take ‘Extraordinary

Measures’ to Avoid Default

National Review, by Brittany Bernstein

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/13/2023 3:16:02 PM

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the U.S. will hit its debt limit on January 19, at which point the Treasury Department will take “extraordinary measures” to avoid default. She called on Congress to raise the debt ceiling as soon as possible, with the government on track to max out on its $31.4 trillion borrowing authority next week. Without intervention, the government could be left unable to pay its bills by June. “It is unlikely that cash and extraordinary measures will be exhausted before early June,” she wrote in a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) Extraordinary measures include delaying some payments, including contributions to federal employees’ retirement plans, to free

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c277d3 No.5124

File: eca22139ed690ca⋯.png (22.96 KB,547x246,547:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138377 (132033ZJAN23) Notable: @elonmusk. Twitter will publish tweet recommendation code & make account/tweet status visible no later than next month.

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Anyone know what this means? What is a tweet recommendation code and account/tweet status mean?

Elon Musk


Twitter will publish tweet recommendation code & make account/tweet status visible no later than next month.

Transparency builds trust.

3:26 PM · Jan 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5125

File: d4aa2c45678f4ba⋯.png (333.41 KB,599x564,599:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138383 (132035ZJAN23) Notable: @DailyWireNews. One Year After Supreme Court Struck Down COVID Vax Mandate, Freedom Flourishes.

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Daily Wire News


One Year After Supreme Court Struck Down COVID Vax Mandate, Freedom Flourishes


One Year After Supreme Court Struck Down COVID Vax Mandate, Freedom Flourishes

9:27 AM · Jan 13, 2023



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c277d3 No.5126

File: 97665a7194a12d8⋯.jpg (154.87 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138394 (132036ZJAN23) Notable: IL: "Governor JB Pritzker signed a measure Friday shielding reproductive and gender-affirming health care patients and providers from legal action

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SPRINGFIELD, IL: "Governor JB Pritzker signed a measure Friday shielding reproductive and gender-affirming health care patients and providers from legal action originating across state lines. Illinois lawmakers on Tuesday approved a measure protecting Illinois' access to abortion from out-of-state meddling, making the state the latest to pursue such protections since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June. The bill will shield reproductive and gender-affirming health care patients and providers from legal action originating across state lines in a post-Roe world where some states are moving swiftly to restrict such procedures. In the words of Rep. Kelly Cassidy, the Chicago Democrat who sponsored the plan in the House, Democrats have faced down "grave threats to the rights to privacy, reproductive care, and bodily autonomy."

Planned Parenthood of Illinois said that since Roe was overturned, it has seen more out-of-state patients than ever. Before the high court's decision that replaced Roe and left abortion up to states, Planned Parenthood saw patients from 10 to 15 other states besides Illinois. Since then, its clinics have treated patients from 33 states.

Republican state Sen. Darren Bailey, who lost the governor's race to Democratic incumbent Pritzker in November but took great pains to assure voters he wouldn't try to reverse Illinois' legal abortions, called the measure "pure evil." "This is wrong. God help us," he said.

Pritzker, who was sworn in Monday for a second term as governor, used his inaugural address to propose a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion access."


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c277d3 No.5127

File: fc2b9dadb734821⋯.jpeg (122.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138402 (132037ZJAN23) Notable: UK sets date for Ukraine tank announcement – Guardian

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13 Jan, 2023 17:23

UK sets date for Ukraine tank announcement – Guardian

Kiev reportedly hopes the decision will convince Germany to donate its own Leopards as well

Britain will announce the donation of ten Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, The Guardian reported on Friday, citing Ukrainian sources. In doing so, the UK would become the first NATO member to send Western-designed tanks to Kiev, as pressure mounts on Germany to follow suit.

A formal announcement is expected on Monday, the newspaper’s sources said. These same sources said that while ten Challengers will likely have no impact on the tide of battle, they hope the decision will push Germany into allowing its European allies to export their stocks of Leopard tanks to Ukraine, which Berlin has thus far not authorized.

Poland and Finland both said this week that they would send Leopards from their own stocks to Ukraine, provided neither did so alone. The US has ruled out transferring its own M1 Abrams tanks, but last week announced that it would send Bradley infantry vehicles, as Germany and France simultaneously announced the transfer of similar armor.

News of the Challenger donation has already been drip-fed to the media by British authorities. Officials told Sky News on Monday that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had been discussing the possibility for “a few weeks,” and that the UK “might offer around ten” tanks. A spokesperson for Sunak then told reporters on Wednesday that the decision had been made, without providing a timeline for a formal announcement.

The German government’s official position is that it will not be swayed by any announcement from London.

“There is no change in the situation now because of the step that the British government has announced,” a spokesman said after Wednesday’s news.

However, Ukraine expects the Germans to cave in the end. “Germany will do it anyway at a later date,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told the Tagesschau news channel on Wednesday. “We have already seen this with the self-propelled howitzers, with the IRIS-T anti-aircraft system and most recently with the Marder and Patriot systems.”


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c277d3 No.5128

File: a7f55f757341852⋯.jpeg (61.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138422 (132039ZJAN23) Notable: Hungary in ‘culture shock’ from German policies – Orban

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13 Jan, 2023 16:10

Hungary in ‘culture shock’ from German policies – Orban

The Hungarian PM says his people have lost faith in Berlin and Brussels after failed sanctions sparked an energy crisis in the EU

Policies introduced by Germany and German politicians within the European Commission and the way they “miscalculated” the effects of anti-Russian sanctions has caused a “culture shock” in Hungary. The EU doesn’t have the courage to admit the fallacy of its sanctions policies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview on Friday.

“I grew up with the feeling that the Germans are precise, engineers, they calculate, take their time, they know what they are doing,” Orban told Kossuth Radio, adding that now that perspective has changed.

“Now we see what they are doing, because the European Commission has a German chairman,” Orban continued, referring to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “They failed with the sanctions, miscalculated and did not count to the end from a professional point of view,” he added.

According to the PM, theEU doesn’t have the courage to admit the fallacy of its sanctions policiesagainst Russia amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Orban noted, however, that Hungary lacked the strength to change the position of larger countries, meaning that sanctions on Moscow will likely continue despite their ineffectiveness.

Hungary, which relies heavily on Russian energy, has on several occasions criticized EU leaders for being responsible for the ongoing energy crisis by introducing “counterproductive” sanctions on Moscow. Budapest has repeatedly asked to scrap the “failed policy of Brussels” in order to stop Europe from “slowly bleeding.” Hungary has also been one of the few Western states that have so far refused to send any weapons to Ukraine or train its troops.

“If it were up to us, there would not be a sanctions policy,” Orban said last month. “It is not in our interest to permanently divide the European and Russian economies into two, so we are trying to save what can be saved from our economic cooperation with the Russians.”

Hungary’s relations with the EU have been particularly strenuous in recent months as Budapest has also clashed with several EU institutions on a number of issues, including LGBTQ rights and migration. Brussels, in turn, has accused Orban’s conservative government of eroding the rule of law while Western establishment media outlets have treated him like an authoritarian leader that is too sympathetic to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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c277d3 No.5129

File: 0d829bc549293af⋯.png (23.64 KB,622x211,622:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138434 (132041ZJAN23) Notable: Adam Schiff and his Staff had law enforcement spy on Tweeters without subpoenas? Damn

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More 1st Amendment violations?

Adam Schiff and his Staff had <b>law enforcement spy on</b>

Tweeters without subpoenas? Damn

Clipped from GWP article:


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c277d3 No.5130

File: 1a8402da7aa420a⋯.png (3.15 MB,1140x9870,38:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138450 (132043ZJAN23) Notable: Corneal Adverse Events Associated with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review

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Corneal Adverse Events Associated with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review

Benefits do not outweigh risks.

Good article, but these journals all wrongly conclude that Benefits outweigh overall risk.


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c277d3 No.5131

File: 403b5f8d876a982⋯.jpeg (91.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138458 (132044ZJAN23) Notable: EU looks for targets in tenth round of anti-Russia sanctions

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13 Jan, 2023 17:53

EU looks for targets in tenth round of anti-Russia sanctions

Brussels is working on the next batch of penalties, which will reportedly target Russia’s nuclear industry and diamond trade

Poland and Lithuania are calling on the EU to impose restrictions on Russia’s nuclear industry as part of the tenth package of sanctions against Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine, Reuters reported on Friday, citing senior diplomats from the two EU countries.

Kiev has repeatedly urged the 27-nation bloc to impose sanctions on Russian state nuclearenergy major Rosatom, but the move has been blocked by Hungary and other EU members.

The Russian nuclear industry, which has so far gone unsanctioned, is essential for the operation of many power plants in Europe. According to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report, of the 53 reactors under construction globally as of mid-2022, 20 were being built by Rosatom, 17 of which are outside Russia.

In the eastern part of the EU, nations such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are heavily reliant on nuclear energy from Russia to run the power plants that produce up to half of the electricity they need. Hungary has four Russian-built nuclear reactors and has plans for another two, to be built by Rosatom.

According to Reuters, the EU is mulling a proposal to blacklist Rosatom’s leadership as a first step that should then result in curtailing the bloc’s cooperation with Russia’s nuclear industry.

Other penalties that have been floated – the EU is rushing to symbolically implement the measures by February 24 – include cutting more Russian banks off from the SWIFT global messaging system and banning more of the country's media outlets.

Meanwhile, a number of European officials, including Sweden’s permanent representative to the EU, Lars Danielsson, admit that it is getting increasingly difficult to adopt new penalties against Russia.

One diplomat told Reuters that “it is more and more difficult to get the necessary unanimity in the EU for more sanctions.”

In the tenth sanctions package, the EU will also reportedly propose adding diamonds to the list of banned Russian exports and expand bans on trade in goods that can be used for military purposes.


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c277d3 No.5132

File: 52a493d33cab6fe⋯.png (707.2 KB,679x714,97:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138483 (132050ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Admin Officials Blame National Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

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Report: Biden Admin Officials Blame National

Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified

Document Scandal

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 3:40:57 PM

Former and current Biden administration officials have reportedly blamed the National Archives for mishandling President Joe Biden’s classified documents stashed in three separate locations. According to a Friday CNN report that cited “former and current administration officials and others familiar with the process,” the National Archives refused to treat then-Vice President Biden’s records with the “same high regard” as it did former President Obama’s records. “While the National Archives sends staff members to the White House to gather files and papers of the President, they do not treat all vice presidential papers with the same high regard, officials said,” CNN reported.

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c277d3 No.5133

File: 06612c38d8202f3⋯.jpg (36.9 KB,768x470,384:235,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138504 (132054ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Admin Officials Blame National Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

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>Biden Admin Officials Blame National

>Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified

>Document Scandal


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c277d3 No.5134

File: a87129236ac63d7⋯.png (921.68 KB,797x626,797:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138542 (132101ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Admin Officials Blame National Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

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Holly Shit Boys the Movie is Finally starting.

they are turning on each other

Hank broke the narrative controller.

a single stone








Public finds out tomorow Obama Biden War

we will be waiting with open arms after the fall out

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c277d3 No.5135

File: 1ed4f172fd403c9⋯.mp4 (10.27 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138569 (132105ZJAN23) Notable: CDC has just put out a notice regarding the COVID vaccine. The CDC is now saying there has been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and suffered a stroke.

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BREAKING 🚨 The CDC has just put out a notice regarding the COVID vaccine. The CDC is now saying there has been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and suffered a stroke. The agency will now be investigating any links between the shots and the strokes.


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c277d3 No.5136

File: 3fc2f71bf5bb7f8⋯.png (568.79 KB,603x884,603:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138577 (132108ZJAN23) Notable: IL state’s county sheriffs have released statements of complete defiance (non-enforcement) of the gun/mag ban signed into law by JB Pritzker and passed by the Dem legislature

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President Non_Fudd


In roughly 12 hours, half (or more) of the state’s county sheriffs have released statements (backed by the IL Sheriffs Association) of complete defiance (non-enforcement) of the gun/mag ban signed into law by JB Pritzker and passed by the Dem legislature. https://mom-at-arms.com/post/nullification-of-il-awb-begins


4:09 PM · Jan 11, 2023



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c277d3 No.5137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138578 (132108ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Admin Officials Blame National Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

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Relevance re: [Susan Rice] 'top secret' [DECLAS] paragraph:

“From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied ‘potentially.’"

What was really discussed during [Jan 5] meeting?

[Hussein] order preventing sharing of intel re: Russia?

Would such an order shield [Hussein] admin from discovery re: Obamagate?

Would such an order shield [Clinton] camp from discovery re: Clinton-DNC Russian collusion?

Would such an order be known to POTUS or CLASSIFIED?

If CLASSIFIED how could it be discovered?

NSA Mike Rogers _step down [retire] [date]?

NSA Mike Rogers _TT [SCIF secure] [date]?

[Brennan][Clapper][Carter] push to TERM _NSA Mike Rogers [date]?


“The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.”



Critical thinking _what did [Susan Rice] DECLAS [Jan 5] WH meeting reveal?














Welcome to the Shadow Presidency of Barack H. Obama.


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c277d3 No.5138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138603 (132117ZJAN23) Notable: CDC & FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older

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CDC & FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older

Transparency and vaccine safety are top priorities for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). U.S. government agencies use multiple, complementary safety monitoring systems to help detect possible safety signals for vaccines and other medical countermeasures as early as possible and to facilitate further investigation, as appropriate. Often these safety systems detect signals that could be due to factors other than the vaccine itself.

All signals require further investigation and confirmation from formal epidemiologic studies. When one system detects a signal, the other safety monitoring systems are checked to validate whether the signal represents an actual concern with the vaccine or if it can be determined to be of no clinical relevance.

Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent. Rapid-response investigation of the signal in the VSD raised a question of whether people 65 and older who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent were more likely to have an ischemic stroke in the 21 days following vaccination compared with days 22-44 following vaccination.

This preliminary signal has not been identified with the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent. There also may be other confounding factors contributing to the signal identified in the VSD that merit further investigation. Furthermore, it is important to note that, to date, no other safety systems have shown a similar signal and multiple subsequent analyses have not validated this signal:

* &#09;&#09;A large study of updated (bivalent) vaccines (from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services database revealed no increased risk of ischemic stroke

* &#09;&#09;A preliminary study using the Veterans Affairs database did not indicate an increased risk of ischemic stroke following an updated (bivalent) vaccine

* &#09;&#09;The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) managed by CDC and FDA has not seen an increase in reporting of ischemic strokes following the updated (bivalent) vaccine

* &#09;&#09;Pfizer-BioNTech’s global safety database has not indicated a signal for ischemic stroke with the updated (bivalent) vaccine

* &#09;&#09;Other countries have not observed an increased risk for ischemic stroke with updated (bivalent) vaccines

Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal in VSD represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public, as we have in the past

, when one of our safety monitoring systems detects a signal. CDC and FDA will continue to evaluate additional data from these and other vaccine safety systems. These data and additional analyses will be discussed at the upcoming January 26 meeting

of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.

No change in vaccination practice is recommended. CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months of age and older stay up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccination; this includes individuals who are currently eligible to receive an updated (bivalent) vaccine.


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c277d3 No.5139

File: 96af751713ba4e3⋯.png (544.28 KB,768x496,48:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138613 (132118ZJAN23) Notable: George Soros Revealed as Player Behind Twitter Operation to Shut Down Hunter Biden Laptop Story

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>>>/qresearch/18138519 lb

>>>/qresearch/18138489 lb

>>>/qresearch/18138501 lb

>>>/qresearch/18138511 lb

>if Soros takes orders from P, and P = C, then Soros is taking orders from C.

George Soros Revealed as Player Behind Twitter Operation to Shut Down Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The Twitter Files have revealed widespread censorship at Twitter favoring left-wing talking points, sometimes in cooperation with the FBI…


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c277d3 No.5140

File: d1a2790422bfbe2⋯.png (312.25 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138623 (132120ZJAN23) Notable: Illinois prosecutor vows challenge to new gun ban as governor fumes over sheriffs' non-enforcement pledge

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Illinois prosecutor vows challenge to new gun ban as governor fumes over sheriffs' non-enforcement pledge


By Cam Edwards | 3:30 PM on January 12, 2023

Things are getting very interesting in Illinois after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a massive gun and magazine ban bill into law on Tuesday night.

As we first reported on Wednesday, more than a dozen county sheriffs almost immediately vowed not to arrest anyone solely for violating the new bans.

Now that number has grown to at least 50 counties where sheriffs have explicitly stated they will not be arresting anyone for possessing a “large capacity” magazine or a non-registered “assault weapon” as defined in the new law.

Several prosecutors in Illinois have been weighing in as well; some in conjunction with the sheriff of their county while others have released stand-alone statements. Union County State’s Attorney Tyler Tripp sounded off with a statement declaring HB 5471 a “direct attack on our right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution”, and while he didn’t explicitly state he wouldn’t be charging anyone with violations of the law he certainly hinted at that outcome, telling residents that “Union County is a community steeped in the traditions of gun ownership for hunting, sporting, collecting, and self-defense” and that he’s “committed to preserving those values for the good and deserving people of the county and beyond.”

One way to do that? A lawsuit and Tripp says he’s hoping to get his fellow prosecutors to band together to bring down the ban through a legal challenge.

“Recently, I along with a class of other State’s Attorneys successfully challenged and put a hold on the implementation of the SAFE-T Act which sought to flood our communities with dangerous criminals. HB 5471 will operate to reduce our right to defend our lives and those that we love against violent criminals. The lack of foresight as to how these two sets of laws would compromise public safety in our community is unacceptable. There are many ways to address crime and gun violence in this state. These recent laws championed by the controlling majority are not the proper means to correct issues with criminal justice and gun violence as they fail to consider the impact on communities outside of major metropolitan areas.

“I am currently working with other State's Attorney to organize and challenge this effort to erode our constitutional rights. I will pursue any and all reasonable measures under the law to protect our community from those who would take our absolute right to keep and bear arms,” the prosecutor concluded, adding that it his duty and oath to not only support the Constitution (including the Second Amendment), but to “give a voice to the good people of Union County in speaking out against those who fail to consider and protect us.”

The widespread refusal to enforce these unconstitutional provisions has left Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker sputtering about removing sheriffs if they don’t strictly enforce the new bans.

Gov. JB Pritzker warned that law enforcement “will in fact do their job” on enforcing Illinois’ new gun ban or else they “won’t be in their job” as some sheriffs have announced they will not enforce it.

Some counties across the state said they will not enforce a gun ban and will not comply with a looming registry.

Pritzker said Illinois State Police will be responsible for enforcement.

“As are all law enforcement all across our state and they will in fact do their job or they won’t be in their job,” Pritzker said.


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c277d3 No.5141

File: 108b4f97c7f13ac⋯.png (367.37 KB,883x773,883:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138627 (132120ZJAN23) Notable: WEF ECONOMIC FORUM DOCUMENTS

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c277d3 No.5142

File: 4cc95653a5478b0⋯.png (648.59 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138683 (132128ZJAN23) Notable: Justice Department announces new directive requiring pistols stabilized like rifles to be treated as the latter.

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Justice Department announces new rules regarding 'stabilizing braces' for pistols. Directive requires pistols stabilized like rifles to be treated as the latter.

Justice Department announces new rules regarding 'stabilizing braces' for pistols

Directive requires pistols stabilized like rifles to be treated as the latter.


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c277d3 No.5143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138689 (132129ZJAN23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway: The Cases for and Against Trump

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Kellyanne Conway: The Cases for and Against Trump


January 13, 2023

OpinionGuest Essay, By Kellyanne Conway

Ms. Conway is a Republican pollster and political consultant who was Donald J. Trump’s campaign manager in 2016 and senior counselor to him from 2017 to 2020. She is not affiliated with his 2024 presidential campaign.

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Jan. 13, 2023

Donald J. Trump shocked the world in 2016 by winning the White House and becoming the first president in U.S. history with no prior military or government experience. He upended the fiction of electability pushed by pundits, the news media, and many political consultants, which arrogantly projects who will or will not win long before votes are cast.

He focused instead on capturing a majority in the Electoral College, which is how a candidate does or does not win. Not unlike Barack Obama eight years earlier, Mr. Trump exposed the limits of Hillary Clinton’s political inevitability and personal likability, connected directly with people, ran an outsider’s campaign taking on the establishment, and tapped into the frustrations and aspirations of millions of Americans.

Some people have never gotten over it. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. There is no vaccine and no booster for it. Cosseted in their social media bubbles and comforted within self-selected communities suffering from sameness, the afflicted disguise their hatred for Mr. Trump as a righteous call for justice or a solemn love of democracy and country. So desperate is the incessant cry to “get Trump!” that millions of otherwise pleasant and productive citizens have become naggingly less so.

They ignore the shortcomings, failings, and unpopularity of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and abide by the casual misstatements of an administration that says the “border is secure,” inflation is “transitory,” “sanctions are intended to deter” Putin from invading Ukraine and they will “shut down the virus.” They’ve also done precious little to learn and understand what drives the 74 million fellow Americans who were Trump-Pence voters in 2020 and not in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The obsession with Mr. Trump generates all types of wishful thinking and projection about the next election from both his critics (“He will be indicted!”) and his supporters (“Is he still electable?”). None of that is provable, but this much is true: Shrugging off Mr. Trump’s 2024 candidacy or writing his political obituary is a fool’s errand

— he endures persecution and eludes prosecution like no other public figure. That could change, of course, though that cat has nine lives.

At the same time, it would also be foolish to assume that Mr. Trump’s path to another presidency would be smooth and secure. This is not 2016 when he and his team had the hunger, swagger, and scrappiness of an insurgent’s campaign and the “history be damned” happy warrior resolve of an underestimated, understaffed, underresourced effort. It’s tough to be new twice.


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c277d3 No.5144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138699 (132130ZJAN23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway: The Cases for and Against Trump

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Unless what’s old can be new again. Mr. Trump’s track record reminds Republican primary voters of better days not that long ago: accomplishments on the economy, energy, national security, trade deals and peace deals, the drug crisis, and the southern border. He can also make a case

— one that will resonate with Republicans

— about the unfairness and hypocrisy of social media censorship and alleged big tech collusion, as recent and ongoing revelations show. Mr. Trump, as a former president, can also be persuasive with Republican primary voters and some independents in making a frontal attack on the Biden administration’s feckless management of the economy, reckless spending, and lack of urgency and competence on border control and crime.

Accomplishing this will not be easy. Mr. Trump has both political assets to carry him forward and political baggage holding him back. For Mr. Trump to succeed, it means fewer insults and more insights; a campaign that centers on the future, not the past, and that channels the people’s grievances and not his own; and a reclamation of the forgotten Americans, who ushered him into the White House the first time and who are suffering economically under Mr. Biden.

A popular sentiment these days is, “I want the Trump policies without the Trump personality.” It is true that limiting name-calling frees up time and space for persuasion and solutions. Still, it may not be possible to have one without the other. Mr. Trump would remind people, it was a combination of his personality and policies that forced Mexico to help secure our border; structured new trade agreements and renewed manufacturing, mining, and energy economies; pushed to get Covid vaccines at warp speed; engaged Kim Jong-un; played hardball with China; routed ISIS and removed Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s most powerful military commander; forced NATO countries to increase their defense spending and stared down Vladimir Putin before he felt free to invade Ukraine.

When it comes to Donald J. Trump, people see what they wish to see. Much like with the audio debate a few years ago “Do you hear ‘Laurel’ or ‘Yanny’?,” what some perceive as an abrasive, scornful man bent on despotism, others see as a candid, resolute leader unflinchingly committed to America’s interests.

The case against Trump 2024 rests in some combination of fatigue with self-inflicted sabotage, fear that he cannot outrun the mountain of legal woes, the call to move on, a feeling that he is to blame for underwhelming Republican candidates in 2022, and the perception that other Republicans are less to blame for 2022 and have more recent records as conservative reformers.

He also won’t have the Republican primary field

— or the debate stage — to himself. If one person challenges Mr. Trump, it is likely five or six will jump into the race and try to test him, too. Possible primary challengers to Mr. Trump include governors with impressive records and huge re-election victories like Ron DeSantis of Florida, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, and Greg Abbott of Texas; those who wish to take on Mr. Trump frontally and try to move the party past him, like Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia and former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey; those who can lay legitimate claim to helping realize Trump-era accomplishments like former Vice President Mike Pence and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; and others who wish to expand the party’s recent down-ballot gains in racial and gender diversity to the presidential level, like former Gov. Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott, both of South Carolina.

These are serious and substantive men and women, all of whom would be an improvement over Mr. Biden. For now, though, these candidates are like prospective blind dates. Voters and donors project onto them all that they desire in a perfect president, but until one faces the klieg lights, and is subjected to raw, relentless, often excessive scrutiny, and unfair and inaccurate claims, there is no way to suss out who possesses the requisite metal and mettle.


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c277d3 No.5145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138730 (132134ZJAN23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway: The Cases for and Against Trump

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The main talking point against Trump 2024 seems to be that Trump 2022 underperformed and that it left him a less-feared and less-viable candidate. Mr. Trump boasts that his general election win-loss record was 233-20 and that he hosted some 30 rallies in 17 states and more than 50 fund-raisers for candidates up for re-election, and participated in 60 telerallies and raised nearly $350 million in the 2022 cycle for Republican candidates and committees.

Republican voters should be pleased that Mr. Trump and other Republican luminaries showed up and spoke up in the midterms. Mr. Trump wasn’t the only one who campaigned for unsuccessful candidates. Mr. DeSantis rallied in person for Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano, and Tim Michels.

Mr. Pence, Ms. Haley, and Mr. Pompeo endorsed Don Bolduc, for example. Even the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, seemed warm and hopeful about a few of the U.S. Senate candidates who came up short. In October 2021 Mr. McConnell claimed, “Herschel [Walker] is the only one who can unite the party, and defeat Senator Warnock,” and in August 2022, “I have great confidence. I think [Mehmet] Oz has a great shot at winning [in Pennsylvania].”

Contrast that to Joe Biden, who was unpopular and unwelcome on the campaign trail in the midterm elections. For seven years Mr. Trump hasn’t stopped campaigning, while one could say that Mr. Biden, who stuck close to home for much of 2020 and did relatively little campaigning in 2022, never truly started. It will be tough for Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris to avoid active campaigning when their names are on the ballot.

Any repeat by the 2024 Trump campaign of the disastrous mistakes in personnel, strategy, and tactics of the 2020 Trump campaign may lead to the same 2020 result. With roughly $1.6 billion to spend and Joe Biden as the opponent, the 2020 election should have been a blowout. Instead, they proved the adage that the fastest way to make a small fortune is to have a very large one and waste most of it.

Mr. Trump lost support among older voters, white men, white voters with a college degree, and independents, though he increased his vote share across notable demographics like Hispanics and Black people. One wild card: Will the hidden 2016 Trump voters, those who wish to keep their presidential pick private from pollsters, return in 2024?

Republicans must also invest in and be vocal about early voting. This is a competition for ballots, not just votes. As ridiculous as it was to vote nearly two months before Election Day and count the votes for three weeks thereafter, some of the state-based Covid-compelled measures for voting are now permanent. If these are the rules, adapt or die politically.

Mr. Biden, for his part, will have his own record to run on, typical advantages of incumbency, powerful campaign surrogates who will join him in making the presidential race a referendum on Mr. Trump, and persistent calls for a third-party candidate who as a spoiler could do for Mr. Biden what Ross Perot did for Bill Clinton in 1992: deliver the presidency to the Democrat with less than 45 percent of the popular vote.

Whether the 2024 presidential election is a cage match rematch of Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump or a combination of other candidates remains to be seen. Each of them has defied the odds and beat more than a dozen intraparty rivals to win their respective primaries. Each of them now faces calls for change, questions about the handling of classified documents, and questions about age. For voters, vision matters. Winning the presidency is hard. Only 45 men (one twice) have been president. Hundreds have tried, many of them being told, “You can win!” even as they lost. Success lies in having advisers who tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear. And in listening to the people, who have the final say.

Kellyanne Conway is a Republican pollster and political consultant who was Donald J. Trump’s campaign manager in 2016 and senior counselor to him from 2017 to 2020. She is not affiliated with his 2024 presidential campaign.

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c277d3 No.5146

File: 3e09372a6beb040⋯.pdf (3.1 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

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File: 2f66cadfb379d4b⋯.png (33.44 KB,604x346,302:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138767 (132140ZJAN23) Notable: WEF ECONOMIC FORUM DOCUMENTS

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c277d3 No.5147

File: ed57f2e4069ecae⋯.png (437.54 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138831 (132150ZJAN23) Notable: Joe Biden Hires Barack Obama Lawyer Bob Bauer to Handle Classified Documents Investigation

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Joe Biden Hires Barack Obama Lawyer Bob Bauer to Handle Classified Documents Investigation

President Joe Biden has hired Democrat lawyer Bob Bauer to represent him in the ongoing special counsel investigation over classified documents found in his possession at his home and at a private office in Washington, DC.

The White House confirmed to CBS News that Bauer has been hired as Biden’s personal attorney. He is not only a former White House lawyer for President Barack Obama, but also serves as Obama’s representative to the National Archives.

Biden did not have to look far to find a lawyer he trusts. Bauer is married to Anita Dunn, one of his closest communications advisors.

Bauer, a professor at New York University Law School, also performed a public role in Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign as an election lawyer.

On November 20, 2020, Bauer appeared in a press briefing to dismiss President Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud and reassure supporters that Biden would ultimately be declared the winner.

He also advised Democrats in the legal challenge in Florida by Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign and worked as a counsel for the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton in 1999.

But Bauer’s entire career has not just been Democrat politics.

He also worked at the private law firm Perkins Coie for more than 35 years, including during the time the firm was funding the infamous phony dossier directed by lawyer Marc Elias on Donald Trump drafted by Christopher Steele. He left the firm in 2018 to return to his teaching job at NYU.

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday that he would appoint a special counsel to investigate Biden for the possession of classified documents from his time as vice president in the Obama administration, after the documents were found in the president’s garage and in a private office he used in Washington, DC, for the Penn-Biden center.


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c277d3 No.5148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138835 (132151ZJAN23) Notable: Idaho Senator Chris Trakel stands up to woke school board

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c277d3 No.5149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138847 (132153ZJAN23) Notable: CDC identifies potential side effects in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

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CDC identifies potential side effects in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

The agency contended that it is "very unlikely that the signal in VSD represents a true clinical risk" and does not recommend any changes to its vaccine practices at this time.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday announced that the data it had collected merited an investigation into potential stroke risks for recipients for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

"Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent," the agency wrote in a press release.

It further noted that the "preliminary signal" that prompted the investigation of the Pfizer vaccine has not been identified in the Moderna vaccine.

The agency contended that it is "very unlikely that the signal in VSD represents a true clinical risk" and does not recommend any changes to its vaccine practices at this time.


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c277d3 No.5150

File: b11cd68c9cb2865⋯.png (610.09 KB,598x753,598:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138870 (132156ZJAN23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Rt @DemWomenCaucus Our Caucus dressed in white today to show our collective resistance to the extreme MAGA Republicans' anti-abortion agenda.

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Nancy Pelosi Retweeted

Democratic Women's Caucus


Our Caucus dressed in white today to show our collective resistance to the extreme MAGA Republicans' anti-abortion agenda.

We will always stand up for reproductive freedom & access to abortion care.


extreme MAGA Republicans = We the People

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c277d3 No.5151

File: daf62ef38da3550⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB,848x448,53:28,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138877 (132157ZJAN23) Notable: Ricketts responds to Cornhusker Kickback reports, REFUSES to deny he was appointed as a pay-to-play scheme

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BREAKING: Ricketts responds to Cornhusker Kickback reports, REFUSES to deny he was appointed as a pay-to-play scheme


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c277d3 No.5152

File: 055a791b515dd71⋯.png (187.34 KB,925x325,37:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d53d41477de558⋯.png (866.21 KB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 88dbe1a0e72cf7a⋯.png (131.63 KB,689x629,689:629,Clipboard.png)

File: bcef1a0a97a6cf0⋯.png (82.27 KB,680x370,68:37,Clipboard.png)

File: d3780a403ac81fa⋯.png (112.83 KB,684x581,684:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138891 (132159ZJAN23) Notable: The eerie parallels between January 6 and the chaos unleashed by fans of the ‘Trump of the Tropics’

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Aus state media

The eerie parallels between January 6 and the chaos unleashed by fans of the ‘Trump of the Tropics’

They arrived in crowded buses from all over Brazil, joining others camped outside army barracks before taking to the streets in protest.

Wearing shirts in the green and yellow of the country's flag, the crowd of thousands shouted "the time has come" as they marched on congress.

What unfolded next was an eerily familiar spectacle that has drawn comparisons to the January 6 attack on the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

Protesters tore down security barricades that had been set up just a day prior along Brasilia's main boulevard, scaled the dome of a state building and set up camp on the roof.

Acting like a "horde of zombies", they moved with one goal in mind: to protest Brazil's October election results, which delivered victory for the left's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

There were demands for military intervention to either restore former populist president Jair Bolsonaro to power or oust his rival from the top job.

But those calls fell on deaf ears.

Though it took hours —the capital's security forces face allegations of collusion with the crowd — the chaos inside the country's seat of power was eventually brought under control by riot police.

The Bolsonaristas were flushed out, detained and arrested, their actions condemned worldwide as an assault on democracy.

Officials have vowed to deliver justice, but several questions remain, including how protesters were able to break into the country's seat of power and run riot.

As investigations continue, Brazil's President has pointed the finger at "fascist fanatics" and one man who has been stoking the flames of rebellion for months.

Brazil's divisions laid bare

Jair Bolsonaro built his career off being a firebrand politician who defied political convention, riding a wave of far-right populism to clinch the top job in 2018.

His seven terms in congress were marked by divisiveness and offensive broadsides against women as well as Brazil's LGBTIQ, Black and Indigenous communities.


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c277d3 No.5153

File: 0b6b79f5d7866a6⋯.png (1.24 MB,988x1280,247:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138896 (132159ZJAN23) Notable: Trump called it in October 2020. He said Penn has already taken $70 million in donations from China. It just so happens Joe Biden is a fake professor at Penn.

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c277d3 No.5154

File: 4bbc55ba981579f⋯.png (112.82 KB,675x848,675:848,Clipboard.png)

File: 40401a58ef5d0fb⋯.png (77.75 KB,679x702,679:702,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138910 (132201ZJAN23) Notable: Former Adelanto Mayor Agrees to Plead Guilty to Wire Fraud Charge for Accepting Bribes in Support of Commercial Marijuana Activity

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Former Adelanto Mayor Agrees to Plead Guilty to Wire Fraud Charge for Accepting Bribes in Support of Commercial Marijuana Activity


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c277d3 No.5155

File: ed1c198aa8cd677⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,670x427,670:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138911 (132201ZJAN23) Notable: Suspect in Istanbul blast says received orders via US phone numbers

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Suspect in Istanbul blast says received orders via US phone numbers

The woman suspected of organizing the November terrorist attack in Turkey's Istanbul said she received the orders via a messenger connected to her mobile device via two US phone lines, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported on Wednesday, citing the detainee's testimony.

The female suspect, Ahlam Albashir, said as quoted by the newspaper that one of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK, which is banned in Turkey), codenamed Haji and stationed in Syria's Manbij, ordered her to move to Idlib, then to Turkey, and wait for instructions to execute the operation.

She also stated that the WhatsApp applications were downloaded to her phone via two US phone numbers and that on November 13 she received a phone call from Haji, who instructed her to place a bag containing the explosive device on Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul's center and leave immediately, according to the report.

On November 13, a strong explosion was heard in a busy area in the heart of Istanbul. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the explosion in Istanbul left six people dead and 53 injured.

A day after the blast, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu stated that the suspect who planted an explosive device in Istanbul has been arrested.

Istiklal Street was hit during a 2015-2016 attack campaign targeting Istanbul and other cities, including Ankara. These bombings, which killed nearly 500 people and injured over 2,000, were mostly blamed on ISIS and outlawed Kurdish militants.

Istiklal Street in Istanbul's ancient district of Beyoglu is one of the city's most well-known thoroughfares.

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c277d3 No.5156

File: a8b974a37e470e9⋯.png (112.25 KB,682x859,682:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bfad28373b0975⋯.png (37.41 KB,683x416,683:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138918 (132202ZJAN23) Notable: Former Owner of Orange County Wastewater Treatment Company Pleads Guilty to Federal Environmental Criminal Charge

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Former Owner of Orange County Wastewater Treatment Company Pleads Guilty to Federal Environmental Criminal Charge


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c277d3 No.5157

File: 746c25ccff0da46⋯.png (242.35 KB,598x692,299:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 40603d7c70fdc70⋯.png (252.88 KB,468x312,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138929 (132204ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAdamSchiff This week's storms have caused tremendous damage across California, put millions of people at risk, and claimed more than a dozen lives.

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Adam Schiff


This week's storms have caused tremendous damage across California, put millions of people at risk, and claimed more than a dozen lives.

And they're not over yet.

We need a federal major disaster declaration. Immediately.


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c277d3 No.5158

File: 37fc31ef39f5a23⋯.png (117.72 KB,420x547,420:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138932 (132204ZJAN23) Notable: @Kash post Missing word "know"

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Missing word"know"



Did you Congress can arrest people for violating their subpoenas? Enough said- now watch the friday night lights bar burner- #KashsCorner with @JanJekielek - its on like donkey kong for biden-docu-gate

8pm ET on @EpochTV


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c277d3 No.5159

File: 2c3f220d6c2c4db⋯.png (122.17 KB,732x512,183:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138939 (132205ZJAN23) Notable: Here's a look at previous analysis of VSD information by the CDC

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Here's a look at previous analysis of VSD information by the CDC:



The CDC is running experimental vaccine/bioweapon programs against Americans and indirectly people all around the world.

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c277d3 No.5160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138950 (132208ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to allow illegal immigrants to avoid deportation if they report employers for 'labor abuses'

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Biden to allow illegal immigrants to avoid deportation if they report employers for 'labor abuses'

"Unscrupulous employers who prey on the vulnerability of non-citizen workers harm all workers and disadvantage businesses who play by the rules … We will hold these predatory actors accountable."

The Biden administration will offer a streamlined deportation "relief" process to illegal immigrants who report labor abuses, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on Friday.

According to a new webpage, illegal immigrants are encouraged to cooperate with law enforcement investigations, and in exchange will be shielded from potential employer retaliation and will have their deportation relief process expedited.

"Unscrupulous employers who prey on the vulnerability of non-citizen workers harm all workers and disadvantage businesses who play by the rules," DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement. "We will hold these predatory actors accountable."

The new process change announced today received swift approval from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents searly 2 million workers, according to Reuters.

"Today’s announcement benefits all of our members and all workers who are fighting for better working conditions, wages and the right to join together in unions," SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry said in a statement.

While there have already been dozens of cases of immigrants receiving deportation relief in recent years as a means of protecting whistleblowers, DHS will now be actively and aggressively promoting the process, and expediting the request, a senior department official told Reuters.

"Our goal is to make it more accessible," said the official, who requested to not be named.

The updated policy is an expansion of the principles Mayorkas outlined in a memo from October 2021 regarding immigration enforcement within workplaces.

In the memo, Mayorkas outlined the department's focus on "delivering more severe consequences" to "unscrupulous employers who exploit the vulnerability of undocumented workers," the goal being to "increase the willingness of workers to report violations of law."

The DHS Secretary also called for the immediate elimination of large-scale raids on workplaces, arguing that the "highly visible" nature of these operations discourages "worker cooperation in workplace standards investigations."

These large-scale raids were a key pillar of former president Donald Trump's immigration enforcement.

President Biden told the North American Leaders' Summit earlier this week that his approach to tackling immigration, which has skyrocketed to record numbers under his administration, would be to allow more migrants to qualify as legal.

Such raids were a prominent part of Republican former President Donald Trump's approach to immigration enforcement.


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c277d3 No.5161

File: 08fdf687008d505⋯.mp4 (543.2 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aa3fe2184953fad⋯.png (347.99 KB,823x703,823:703,Clipboard.png)

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File: f78371e1e89028a⋯.png (403.74 KB,711x787,711:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 40a2089be1afa90⋯.png (117.76 KB,647x577,647:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18138965 (132211ZJAN23) Notable: Trump called it in October 2020. He said Penn has already taken $70 million in donations from China. It just so happens Joe Biden is a fake professor at Penn.

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🇺🇸Trump called it in October 2020. He said Penn has already taken $70 million in donations from China. It just so happens Joe Biden is a fake professor at Penn. Most of the Chinese donations were made after they announced the Penn Biden Center for Global Outreach

This is the first office location Biden kept classified files. Did China buy access?



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c277d3 No.5162

File: 8c3c5e32852a588⋯.png (546.72 KB,1048x588,262:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 5390ac04f946961⋯.png (1017.71 KB,1169x669,1169:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fbed1e348a485b⋯.png (101.01 KB,846x642,141:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139002 (132217ZJAN23) Notable: Comedian Andy Dick Arrested Again… This Time For Public Intoxication, Failure to Register as Sex Offender

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Comedian Andy Dick Arrested Again… This Time For Public Intoxication, Failure to Register as Sex Offender

Comedian Andy Dick was arrested again Friday morning in Lake Elsinore, California for public intoxication and failure to register as a sex offender.

Recall, Andy Dick last May was arrested in Orange County, California for felony sexual battery after allegedly molesting a man.

According to reports, police received a phone call from O’Neill Regional Park in OC.

A male victim who goes by the name “JJ” accused Andy Dick of molesting him while he was asleep in an RV camper.


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c277d3 No.5163

File: 11e21057cac01f5⋯.png (319.22 KB,556x681,556:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139011 (132219ZJAN23) Notable: Former Biden Aide Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate Has Close Ties to Hunter

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Former Biden Aide Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate Has Close Ties to Hunter

A former Joe Biden aide who was questioned by federal investigators as part of the government’s investigation into stolen classified documents improperly stored at Biden’s private office and garage.

Recall, Hunter Biden suggested to his father he hire Kathy Chung to be his assistant.

Joe Biden hired Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca employee Anne Marie Person, 34, to be one of his private VP staffers.

Kathy Chung was excited Joe Biden hired Anne Marie Person in emails previously released from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“I am very excited to have Anne Marie Person working here with me in the West Wing!! I think all of you know her from her work with Rosemont Seneca,” wrote then-Vice President Biden’s assistant, Kathy Chung, in a May 27, 2014 email to Beau, Hunter and Jim Biden and other members of the Biden clan, according to the New York Post.

Many more emails from Kathy Chung to Hunter Biden were also discovered.

Fox News reported:

A former top aide to President Biden — who reportedly was questioned by federal investigators as part of the probe into the president’s handling of classified documents — exchanged emails with Hunter Biden on numerous occasions, according to a Fox News Digital review.

Kathy Chung, Biden’s executive assistant when he was vice president and the Pentagon’s current deputy director of protocol, is among several former aides to the president to be interviewed by law enforcement, NBC News reported Thursday. Chung and the others questioned reportedly helped move materials and belongings from Biden’s office at the end of the Obama administration in early 2017.

Throughout much of her five-year tenure working for Biden during the Obama administration, Chung regularly communicated with Biden’s son Hunter Biden, transmitting information about his father’s schedule and passing messages directly from the then-vice president, according to emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and verified by Fox News Digital.

Chung’s relationship with Hunter Biden also appears to date back before she worked for his father. The emails showed that Hunter Biden recommended Chung for the executive assistant role when the previous holder of the job, Michele Smith, departed the White House in the spring of 2012.

Hunter Biden had a key to the garage where Joe Biden stored classified documents next to the Corvette.

Hunter Biden also signed a legal document saying he OWNED the home and that he was not a felon — TWO MORE LIES!

Via Miranda Devine:




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c277d3 No.5164

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139013 (132219ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon Live and Kash on top secret Compartmentalized clearance are the deepest secrets ever

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Bannon Live and Kash on top secret Compartmentalized clearance are the deepest secrets ever

Anyone moving them ir packing them up can’t even touch them, they along with Biden are charged with felony.

Now Bower Attorney from Perkins Coei is now going to represent Bidan the sitting President of the US.

The same Perkins Coie all involved with Russiagate and planned it.of all law firms why would Bidan hire them. They think a trial will be in DC. Maybe it won’t be in DC.

Maybe Durham is involved now, hmm, who found the records? it certainly wasn’t the attys. The attys knew it was a felony to touch them, and certainly not to look at them

You’ll have to rewind to here Kash and Steve its live


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c277d3 No.5165

File: 742eb655bf7d52c⋯.png (113.47 KB,690x660,23:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139036 (132224ZJAN23) Notable: Iowa Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud Scheme

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Iowa Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud Scheme

The wife of a Woodbury County, Iowa, supervisor was arrested on Jan. 12 and charged with more than 50 counts of voter fraud, the Department of Justice announced.

Kim Phuong Taylor, 49, of Sioux City, is married to Jeremy Taylor, who unsuccessfully ran in the Republican primary for Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District to replace Rep. Steve King in 2020.

She appeared in court on Thursday where she was charged with 26 counts of providing false information in registering and voting, three counts of fraudulent registration, and 23 counts of fraudulent voting, according to the DOJ’s press release.

If found guilty, she faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison for each count.

According to court documents, prosecutors allege that Phuong Taylor perpetrated a scheme to generate votes in the primary election in June 2020, when her husband—who is not explicitly named in the press release—was an unsuccessful candidate for the Fourth Congressional District, and subsequently in the 2020 general election in November, when her husband was a successful candidate for Woodbury County supervisor.

Jeremy Taylor had resigned as a supervisor earlier in the year after the county auditor ruled that he did not live at the address listed on his voter registration, according to local reports, but won his seat back later in the year.

“Taylor allegedly submitted or caused others to submit dozens of voter registrations, absentee ballot request forms, and absentee ballots containing false information,” prosecutors said. “For example, although these documents required the signer to affirm that he or she was the person named in them, Taylor signed them for voters without their permission and told others that they could sign on behalf of relatives who were not present.”

Phuong Taylor ‘Deprived’ Iowa Residents of Fair Election Process: DOJ

According to an 11-page indictment (pdf), prosecutors allege that Phuong Taylor, a U.S. citizen, perpetrated the scheme to illegally generate votes through a variety of means, including by “approaching residents of the Vietnamese community in Sioux City, Iowa who had limited ability to read and understand English and offering to help them vote.”

Prior to both the primary and general elections in 2020, Phuong Taylor “visited numerous households within the Vietnamese community in Woodbury County encouraging residents to fill out voter registration forms and absentee ballot request forms that she brought with her for each election,” prosecutors allege.

In some instances, Phuong Taylor assisted the residents with filling out the forms or filling them out herself, according to prosecutors. She then took the forms with her and either mailed them to the Woodbury County Auditor’s Office or placed them in one of the county’s drop boxes, they said.


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c277d3 No.5166

File: e0c16fba31713f5⋯.jpg (178.56 KB,720x922,360:461,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139043 (132225ZJAN23) Notable: TEXAS - 22 GOP Candidates Contest Harris County Elections, Seek Records Inspection

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TEXAS - 22 GOP Candidates Contest Harris County Elections, Seek Records Inspection

Election Day mishaps in the state’s most populous county drew widespread bipartisan criticism, lawsuits, and a criminal investigation. Now, 22 Republican candidates have filed formal election contests with requests to inspect electronic records, ballots, and related documents in Harris County.

In an exclusive interview with The Texan, attorney Elizabeth Alvarez, who is representing 17 of the candidates, explained that the county’s polling site closures may have suppressed a large swathe of votes and violated state law, leaving the true outcome of the elections unknown.

“There are rules and systems by which Harris County would have had to follow if they were going to close polling locations ahead of time,” said Alvarez. “If the county intended to close all of these polling locations in the suburbs, that probably would not have been permitted. But the county ‘constructively’ closed them, and I would argue that is worse.”


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c277d3 No.5167

File: e162e2e6dddadb2⋯.jpg (275.79 KB,720x1159,720:1159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139055 (132228ZJAN23) Notable: ARKANSAS - Cleburne County court rejects voting machines in elections, turns to paper ballots

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ARKANSAS - Cleburne County court rejects voting machines in elections, turns to paper ballots


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c277d3 No.5168

File: b671ef9430a59e6⋯.png (125.6 KB,700x912,175:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139075 (132233ZJAN23) Notable: Superseding Indictment Charges Two Cottonwood County Farmers in $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

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Superseding Indictment Charges Two Cottonwood County Farmers in $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme


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c277d3 No.5169

File: 75f0b3d30cfb2ee⋯.png (331.31 KB,1259x467,1259:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f437176005ffe4⋯.png (841.68 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139087 (132236ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon "The Hunted Become the Hunters"

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"The Hunted Become the Hunters"

x4 now

while talking to Jeffery Clark, after break, and 1 earlier

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c277d3 No.5170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139103 (132238ZJAN23) Notable: Transplant patients rejecting organ after COVID vaccine.

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Transplant patients rejecting organ after COVID vaccine.

"Among the list of emerging complications linked to the vaccine are blood clots, heart inflammation, and Guillain Barre Syndrome."


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c277d3 No.5171

File: 91b7502d361210f⋯.jpg (224.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139126 (132245ZJAN23) Notable: Documents were safe at Mar-a-Lago. Nobody can access the restricted areas except the former President, his staff and the SS unlike Wilmington, Delaware

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Documents were safe at Mar-a-Lago. Nobody can access the restricted areas except the former President, his staff and the SS unlike Wilmington, Delaware.

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c277d3 No.5172

File: 95fac2632a86b70⋯.jpg (54.54 KB,840x472,105:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139169 (132254ZJAN23) Notable: Why The HHS secretary Xavier Becerra "Can’t Be Fired"

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Why Xavier Becerra Can’t Be Fired

The HHS secretary is out of his depth, but everyone knew that when he was appointed.

The White House is apparently experiencing buyer’s remorse over its appointment of Xavier Becerra to run the Health and Human Services Department. This is the cost of indulging identity politics in a pandemic.

According to a cast of anonymous dozens in a Washington Post story, the Biden Administration is “frustrated” with Mr. Becerra’s failure to “coordinat[e] the nation’s vast health bureaucracy” to handle the virus, allowing “confusing and sometimes conflicting messages.” The HHS chief is accused of being in over his head and, according to one unnamed senior Administration official, “taking too passive a role” in virus management.

This comes as no surprise to anyone who has observed Mr. Becerra over the years. We wonder what the White House expected in naming a progressive lawyer, with no healthcare experience, to run a sprawling $1.5 trillion agency charged with overseeing Mr. Biden’s campaign promise to “shut down the virus.”

Mr. Becerra was a California Congressman for 24 years until then Gov. Jerry Brown tapped him in 2016 to replace Kamala Harris as California’s Attorney General. Mr. Becerra’s tenure was notable mainly for filing some 100 lawsuits against the Trump Administration, and endorsing Medicare for All. President Biden had many more capable candidates for HHS, but he caved to woke pressure to appoint a progressive Hispanic.

The damage has been real and goes far beyond the White House gripe about “messaging.” The Administration is rightly under fire for being unprepared for Covid’s Omicron surge, and Mr. Becerra’s agency is at the center of a testing and treatment shortage that has resulted in preventable deaths. One upside of his fumbling is that HHS hasn’t roiled health-insurance and drug markets with a regulatory onslaught, but no doubt that will change.

Even as Administration leakers trash Mr. Becerra, there’s no sign Mr. Biden plans to sack him. Why not? It would “draw the ire of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other grass-roots groups that pressed Biden to appoint more Latinos to his Cabinet,” writes the Post. The problem with putting identity above qualifications is that you can’t get rid of an appointee even if he proves to be incompetent.


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c277d3 No.5173

File: bb7f6ac35cf3306⋯.jpg (134.88 KB,624x764,156:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139217 (132302ZJAN23) Notable: FDA no longer needs to require animal tests before human drug trials

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"New medicines need not be tested in animals to receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, according to legislation signed by President Joe Biden in late December 2022."

FDA no longer needs to require animal tests before human drug trials



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c277d3 No.5174

File: 619fd277c71f7b8⋯.png (264.66 KB,1185x1105,237:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139252 (132309ZJAN23) Notable: Joe Biden Hires Barack Obama Lawyer Bob Bauer to Handle Classified Documents Investigation

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Bob Bauer Leaving Perkins Coie After More than 35 Years



Press Releases

Political Law Expert to Devote More Time to Teaching and Writing

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 15, 2018) – Perkins Coie announced today that Bob Bauer, partner and former White House Counsel to President Obama, will be leaving Perkins Coie after more than 35 years with the firm to devote more time to his teaching at New York University School of Law and his writing and speaking on contemporary topics in constitutional law, legal ethics and political reform. Bauer will maintain his representation of a number of key clients in an individual, solo capacity and will co-counsel with Perkins Coie on a number of those representations.

Since 2011, Bauer has been on the faculty of NYU Law, where he is Professor of Practice and Distinguished Scholar in Residence, and Co-Director of the Legislative and Regulatory Practice Clinic.

Bauer began his career in the wake of Watergate and, in 1980, founded Perkins Coie’s Political Law practice, which he chaired for 28 years as it became the dominant practice in the field. Perkins Coie now has the largest political law practice in the country, with more than 40 lawyers and other professionals.

“When I came out of law school in 1976, the country was just beginning to regulate the political process in a way that hadn’t been true before,” said Bauer. “At Perkins Coie, we built a practice and defined the field in a way that you just do not find at other law firms. I’m proud of the work we have accomplished, the team we have built and the clients we continue to serve. I am grateful to Perkins Coie for all the opportunities the firm has afforded me and I am pleased I will have occasion to work with my former colleagues for clients we have served together over the years.”

Bauer has practiced at Perkins Coie since 1980, with the exception of his service as White House Counsel to President Obama in 2010 through July 2011, and his service as Counsel to the Senate Minority Leader during the impeachment trial of President Clinton in 1999. In 2013, President Obama named Bauer as the Co-Chair of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration, which produced unanimous bi-partisan recommendations to improve the American voting experience, focusing on structural and legal reforms, and identifying best administrative practice.

In addition to teaching and practicing law, Bauer is the author of several books and articles for legal periodicals. He is a Contributing Editor for Lawfare, a regular contributor to Just Security, and a periodic contributor of opinion pieces to other publications, such as the Washington Post and the New York Times. He also appears regularly to speak on contemporary legal topics on MSNBC, CNN, and other media outlets.

“Bob has been an extraordinary colleague in his 35 years with us,” said Perkins Coie’s Managing Partner, John Devaney. “Through his dedication to his clients, his talents as a lawyer, and his unwavering support for his colleagues, Bob has been a role model for so many of us. His part in shaping who we are as a firm, including as the founder of our Political Law practice and the former Chair of our Executive Committee, will be felt for years to come. We are grateful to Bob for his many contributions, and we are pleased that we will continue to have the opportunity to work with him to serve our political law clients.”

“We at NYU Law are tremendously proud to call Bob Bauer our colleague,” said Trevor Morrison, Dean of New York University School of Law. “His decades-long career in practice is a source of great wisdom and insight for both his teaching and his research. He is the model Professor of Practice, and we are thrilled that he will be spending even more time at NYU Law going forward.”

Bauer’s continuing private practice will include select clients, including The Obama Foundation, The Biden Foundation, and he is a personal counsel to former President Barack Obama. Bauer also will work on a number of ongoing representations with Perkins Coie as co-counsel. He will divide his time between New York and Washington, D.C.

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c277d3 No.5175

File: 9397c61540e6c9d⋯.png (727.83 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139253 (132309ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Turned Classified Documents Into A Scandal To Get Trump, But Who’s Laughing Now?

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POLITICS = Biden Turned Classified Documents Into A Scandal To Get Trump, But Who’s Laughing Now?


This entire scandal is a joke. And now, thanks to the get-Trump franchise, irresponsible Biden will be forever cast as a laughingstock.

News broke late yesterday that a search of the president’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, uncovered additional classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president, stored unsecured in the family garage and separately in another room of the house. And I still haven’t stopped laughing.

Since August of 2022, when the FBI launched an unprecedented raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, the entirety of the anti-Trump universe insisted

— insisted — that the recently departed commander-in-chief’s possession of documents marked classified was a big f-ing deal.

Never mind that Trump had declassification authority as the president of the United States, or that the documents were stored at his home under the watchful eye of his Secret Service protection. Ignore also the fact that the National Archives could have worked with Trump to coordinate the storage of the documents under the technical possession of the government, but at a location of the former president’s choosing, just as was done with former President Barack Obama.

But because the loony left couldn’t resist one more sequel in their get-Trump franchise, as Trump exited the Oval Office, a backbench bureaucrat at the National Archives launched another hoax meant to finally, finally destroy Trump. Several leaks and a year-plus later, the plot culminated in the raid of Trump’s home followed by the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Trump.

And because the National Archives and the Biden administration went nuclear against Trump for possessing documents at Mar-a-Lago marked classified, they have no option but to pretend to treat Joe Biden’s possession of classified documents in an equally serious way. So the National Archives referred the matter to the Department of Justice, just as it had with Trump, even though when it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mishandling classified documents, no criminal referral followed.

Likewise, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed a U.S. attorney to investigate Biden’s mishandling of the classified documents, to create the impression of equal justice under the law. Of course, given Garland’s appointment of a special counsel to investigate Trump, a plain ol’ ordinary U.S. attorney doesn’t level up, and for that, the attorney general is already receiving heat.

But the heat comes from the hypocrisy, not the gravity of the situation.

The Biden classified documents scandal is not a serious scandal. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is a serious scandal. Biden’s refusal to faithfully execute his duties as president of the United States by securing the southern border is a serious scandal. The Biden family pay-to-play escapades are a serious scandal. And the weaponization of the FBI and the intelligence community to interfere in the 2020 election and hand Biden the presidency is a serious scandal. This is not.

Laughable. Delicious. Outrageous. It is all those things and becomes more so by the day, with news that more classified documents are reposed in a residential garage, in addition to the closet at a D.C. think tank. And the story just becomes funnier the more the corrupt press tries to distinguish Biden’s possession of classified documents from Trump’s because Biden himself on video declared the possession of classified documents in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home to be “just totally irresponsible.”

But a garage, Joe?


And is not knowing there were classified documents there, as Biden claims, any better?

The bottom line here is simple. This entire scandal is a joke. And now, thanks to the get-Trump franchise, irresponsible Biden will be forever cast as a laughingstock

— and so will the propagandists in the press.

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c277d3 No.5176

File: 498ab7ab1640075⋯.png (34.28 KB,598x299,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139273 (132314ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Turned Classified Documents Into A Scandal To Get Trump, But Who’s Laughing Now?

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Rep. Jim Jordan


Hillary Clinton mishandled classified documents.

Joe Biden mishandled classified documents.

But the only one who gets his home raided is President Trump — and he didn’t even do anything wrong!


Unless something really serious happens in the USA, nothing is going to change.

And all our efforts will be in vain.

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c277d3 No.5177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139321 (132323ZJAN23) Notable: WEF ECONOMIC FORUM DOCUMENTS

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c277d3 No.5178

File: 8daeb61d166b926⋯.png (719.4 KB,814x1280,407:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139381 (132334ZJAN23) Notable: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says Crime Plan ‘Working’ While Major Crime Rises 41% in 2022

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says Crime Plan ‘Working’ While Major Crime Rises 41% in 2022



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c277d3 No.5179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139408 (132340ZJAN23) Notable: Full spectrum survival news - announcement from DOD that they will support Japan in any Indo-Pacific conflict, other news

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Full Spectrum Survival


22 min

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c277d3 No.5180

File: 87ed2a76853d823⋯.png (414.98 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139412 (132340ZJAN23) Notable: #DIEDSUDDENLY BUN

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17yr-old High school kid dies suddenly. DON’T ASK QUESTIONS, BIGOT!!

17-year-old dies 'suddenly and unexpectedly' after suffering cardiac arrest: 'No explanation as to why'

A Las Vegas family is mourning the loss of a teenager who died "suddenly and unexpectedly" after suffering from cardiac arrest. Jordan Brister, 17, was at school on Jan. 3 when he experienced sudden cardiac arrest. He was found inside one of the school's bathrooms after gym class, his family…


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c277d3 No.5181

File: bd6e5522b5f7b6b⋯.png (262.54 KB,610x930,61:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 1602e347f0bc825⋯.png (107.04 KB,635x935,127:187,Clipboard.png)

File: aa9267665feb717⋯.png (313.67 KB,632x926,316:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139414 (132340ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter Censorship -> Twitter removes "Latest" tab when searching for topics

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Twitter Censorship -> Twitter removes "Latest" tab when searching for topics

You can't see the latest posts on what's happening anymore, you have to search through other people's bullshit Tweets to find out. What's going on at Twitter, Elon? Is this a lame tactic to boost engagement with certain Twitter users? Hmm…


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c277d3 No.5182

File: a5351ddb075867e⋯.png (518.99 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139425 (132343ZJAN23) Notable: #DIEDSUDDENLY BUN

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ANOTHER ONE: "…seventh grader…COLLAPSED at home after complaining of CHEST PAINS on Sunday. Her HEART STOPPED and she was rushed to the hospital."

Holyoke school rallying behind student who suffered cardiac arrest

A school community is joining together to show support for one of their own after she collapsed in her home and had to be put in a medically induced coma.


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c277d3 No.5183

File: 8c7f54ce518a7ec⋯.png (491.96 KB,750x410,75:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139444 (132346ZJAN23) Notable: Aide being questioned by Feds for Biden’s GarageGate was recommended by Hunter! …and she’s Chinese!

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Aide being questioned by Feds for Biden’s GarageGate was recommended by Hunter! …and she’s Chinese!

Former Biden Aide Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate Has Close Ties to Hunter

A former Joe Biden aide who was questioned by federal investigators as part of the government’s investigation into stolen classified documents improperly stored at Biden’s private office and garage. Recall, Hunter Biden suggested to his father he hire Kathy Chung to be his assistant. Joe Biden hired Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca employee Anne Marie Person, 34,…


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c277d3 No.5184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139453 (132348ZJAN23) Notable: Sundance: So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?

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So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?


January 13, 2023

Reader feedback request.

I was quite shocked to review a poll I took on Twitter last month showing that 85% of the people who follow the CTH Twitter account [TLR2] did not take the COVID-19 jab.

Without any judgment implied or inferred, I am genuinely curious, why not?

With the situation clear in hindsight, and/or given all the pressure that may have been applied to each individual situation, I am genuinely curious about what was it that made you choose not to take the COVID-19 vaccination.

If you are comfortable, and please understand that no pressure is intended in any way whatsoever, could you share why you didn’t take the vaccine and how do you feel about that decision in hindsight?

If you did take the vaccination, there is also no judgment in this question. As I said back in 2021 each individual is unique, each situation is unique, and each person has to make the best decision about what is in their individual best interests. So please, don’t let this issue divide our conversation.

I am genuinely curious as to the reason so many people would withstand the public and perhaps peer pressure to follow the ‘vaccination’ advice. Also, how has that decision impacted your life?

Did you lose friends and family over your personal health decision?

Did those relationships heal over time?

Or anything else you might find pertinent to the general question.

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c277d3 No.5185

File: 6325d272ce8701b⋯.png (640.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139459 (132349ZJAN23) Notable: Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist

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Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist

The research project, “How Norway Made the World Whiter(NorWhite),” hosted by the University of Bergen, describes“whiteness” as “​​one of today’s key societal and politicalconcerns.”


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c277d3 No.5186

File: 874a481ba9ac2f2⋯.png (190.52 KB,680x334,340:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139462 (132350ZJAN23) Notable: A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.

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A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.



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c277d3 No.5187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139464 (132350ZJAN23) Notable: CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953

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CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953


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c277d3 No.5188

File: 4c8b6f3a95d4ff6⋯.png (132.41 KB,409x495,409:495,Clipboard.png)

File: 073d117c00df3a8⋯.jpeg (954.32 KB,2120x1224,265:153,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 964aa373af3bb17⋯.png (1.35 MB,942x680,471:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139477 (132352ZJAN23) Notable: Yesterday, Jamie Lee Curtis announced she has become a #pfizerpartner

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So Pink is a pfizer partner.

So is Jamie Lee Curtis…

Guessing Mike Obama will next announce,, given the trend.


The Stark Naked Brief.


Yesterday, Jamie Lee Curtis announced she has become a #pfizerpartner and promoted the company's products to her 4.7 million followers on Instagram.

Today, she announced on the same platform that she has tested positive for COVID…

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c277d3 No.5189

File: 1165cdf10f06422⋯.jpg (76.31 KB,1079x718,1079:718,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139497 (132356ZJAN23) Notable: #DIEDSUDDENLY BUN

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WEDDING TRAGEDY Brit mum, 33, dies suddenly in her sleep on the morning of her wedding on dream Caribbean holiday

A FAMILY has been left reeling after their mum suddenly died while abroad for her wedding.

The "beautiful and caring" East London mum died suddenly on the morning of her wedding on December 7.


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c277d3 No.5190

File: 7029ea6d7cb298e⋯.png (698.48 KB,985x780,197:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139499 (132356ZJAN23) Notable: US, Japan Sign Space Collaboration Agreement at NASA Headquarters

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US, Japan Sign Space Collaboration Agreement at NASA Headquarters

Jan 13, 2023

During an event hosted by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy at the agency’s Headquarters in Washington Friday, representatives from the United States and Japan gathered to sign an agreement that builds on a long history of collaboration in space exploration between the two nations.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hayashi Yoshimasa signed the agreement on behalf of the United States and Japan, respectively.

“The future of space is collaborative,” said Blinken. “Through this agreement, our nations have strengthened our partnership in space and here on Earth. We will go farther and learn even more together.”

The signing is a highlight of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s visit to Washington, his first since taking office in 2021.

“I expect this agreement to vigorously promote Japan-U.S. space cooperation and expand areas of cooperation for the Japan-U.S. alliance, which is stronger than ever before,” said Kishida.

Among the other witnesses in attendance were U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. Tomita Koji, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency President (JAXA) Yamakawa Hiroshi, and Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary of the National Space Council Chirag Parikh. NASA astronaut Anne McClain and JAXA astronaut Hoshide Akihiko also participated in the event.

“From low-Earth orbit to the Moon and beyond, Japan is one of NASA’s most significant international partners, and this latest framework agreement will allow us to further collaborate across our agencies’ broad portfolios in exploration, science, and research,” said Nelson.

Known as the “Framework Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation in Space Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, For Peaceful Purposes,” this pact recognizes a mutual interest in peaceful exploration. It completes work from President Joe Biden’s May 2022 visit to Japan and the September 2022 visit to Tokyo of Vice President Kamala Harris, chair of the National Space Council.

Strengthening the space collaboration between the U.S. and Japan is a priority for both.

“This signing symbolizes not just the exploration of space, but also the partnership and the friendship between the United States and Japan,” said Emanuel. “This is a new beginning.”

The framework covers a broad swath of joint activities between the countries, including space science, Earth science, space operations and exploration, aeronautical science and technology, space technology, space transportation, safety and mission assurance, and much more.

“I hope that Japan-U.S. space cooperation will further deepen based on this agreement, as it will benefit the future of humanity,” said Hayashi.

NASA and the Government of Japan finalized a previous agreement in November 2022 confirming Japan’s contributions to Gateway as part of a commitment to long-term lunar exploration cooperation with NASA under the Artemis program. Japan also was one of the original signatories of the Artemis Accords.



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c277d3 No.5191

File: 89375462ab104ab⋯.png (353.9 KB,598x603,598:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139501 (132356ZJAN23) Notable: Dems peddled debunked 'Russian bot' conspiracy despite Twitter warnings

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Daily Mail Online


Democrats peddled debunked 'Russian bot' conspiracy despite Twitter warnings



I am really tired of all this.

Every day it is more difficult to pay the bills, while the only ones who could do something, just take pictures and post them in some social network.

In the meantime, I'll go buy some alcohol to get drunk. See you in a while.

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c277d3 No.5192

File: be46bf5237b78ec⋯.jpeg (316.17 KB,892x1878,446:939,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139512 (132358ZJAN23) Notable: US, Japan Sign Space Collaboration Agreement at NASA Headquarters

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why is Rahm Emauel there? He is the US Ambassador to Japan. Anon was unaware of this…


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c277d3 No.5193

File: a461aa82829be6d⋯.jpg (153.14 KB,725x483,725:483,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139521 (140001ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Administration Investigates Texas ISD For REMOVING Sexually Explicit Books

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Biden Administration Investigates Texas ISD For Removing Sexually Explicit Books

The Biden administration targeted the superintendent of Granbury Independent School District, Jeremy Glenn, after he led a charge to remove sexually explicit books from the school district's libraries.


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c277d3 No.5194

File: 5cf5b5ef34feee1⋯.png (495.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139537 (140004ZJAN23) Notable: Was Australia's covid "vaccine" rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY? DIGG!!

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Australia's covid "vaccine" rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY: report

All that tyranny we told you about that took place in Australia throughout the covid "pandemic" was headed up, secretly, by none other than the United States military, we now know.From the initial lockdowns to the mask and "vaccine" mandates, all of it was spearheaded by the…


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c277d3 No.5195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139538 (140004ZJAN23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show FBI and ATF Warrantless Surveillance Through Gun Background Checks

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EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show FBI and ATF Warrantless Surveillance Through Gun Background Checks

By Emily Miller January 13, 2023 Updated: January 13, 2023


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c277d3 No.5196

File: d352a9ca8e58f9f⋯.mp4 (12.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139540 (140005ZJAN23) Notable: Idaho Senator Chris Trakel stands up to woke school board - video

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>>5148 lb


Idaho Senator Chris Trakel stands up to woke school board

5 min video

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c277d3 No.5197

File: e60e79e7e60e84f⋯.png (320.73 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139545 (140006ZJAN23) Notable: Comet Set To Graze By Earth For First Time In 50,000 Years - Might Be Seen With The Naked Eye

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Comet Set To Graze By Earth For First Time In 50,000 Years - Might Be Seen With The Naked Eye

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


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c277d3 No.5198

File: b5656cbd6df6d02⋯.png (599.81 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139561 (140009ZJAN23) Notable: University that housed Biden center pressed to end FBI China spy probe after big Beijing donations

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University that housed Biden center pressed to end FBI China spy probe after big Beijing donations - U of Pennsylvania, which hosted the Penn Biden Center where classified documents were found in November, received $47.7 million from China in the three years when Biden was affiliated with it.

University that housed Biden center pressed to end FBI China spy probe after big Beijing donations

University of Pennsylvania, which hosted the Penn Biden Center where classified documents were found in November, received $47.7 million from China in the three years when Biden was affiliated with it.


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c277d3 No.5199

File: 9c760d3e98021ea⋯.png (803.81 KB,1960x1727,1960:1727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139566 (140010ZJAN23) Notable: Biden Administration Investigates Texas ISD For REMOVING Sexually Explicit Books

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maybe they look into qualtrics why they are at it

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c277d3 No.5200

File: 43ee8a4f2216b5f⋯.png (275.58 KB,500x536,125:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139577 (140011ZJAN23) Notable: #DIEDSUDDENLY BUN

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Damn..we lost another one…20 Year Old Colorado College Tennis Player Dies Unexpectedly In His Sleep

We hate to say it, but another day, another mysterious and unexpected death of a seemingly normal collegiate athlete. As we wrote yesterday, either there is a new focus in media on reporting about the untimely deaths of athletes and young adults, or something very odd appears to be taking place across the country.

Jack Madison, a sophomore on the Colorado College men's tennis team, passed away in his sleep on January 2nd, a new report from the Gazette, published yesterday, confirms. Colorado College vice president and director of athletics Lesley Irvine commented: "We are devastated by the tragic passing of Jack Madison."

A sought after athlete, the piece notes that Madison was recruited "out of Bexley, Ohio, where he was a two-time all-state selection at Columbus Academy." His cause of death has not been announced.


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c277d3 No.5201

File: ed56038381997d5⋯.png (597.7 KB,2688x1242,448:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139585 (140013ZJAN23) Notable: A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.

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Omg, you are so correct, right out of the gate. I really think he confuses everyone with his answers

Beattie said he has this type of mercurial mind that goes off in all directions and then gets back to the answer

“Its hot”. Kek

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c277d3 No.5202

File: 94413a6f513c767⋯.png (92.15 KB,491x502,491:502,Clipboard.png)

File: ee69e07881a0b75⋯.png (141.15 KB,590x691,590:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 73d40c2ed042d7a⋯.png (129.41 KB,618x677,618:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e36531515b8dd⋯.png (121.27 KB,528x552,22:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139590 (140014ZJAN23) Notable: A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.

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c277d3 No.5203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139594 (140015ZJAN23) Notable: Was Australia's covid "vaccine" rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY? DIGG!!

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Remember when anons were discussing how Scott Morrisson made it legal in AU for foreign military and police to have policing authority and immunity for actions in AU? Then we find out China has untold number of active 'police stations' in US and CAN.

"The amendments in Schedule 2insert a provision providing immunity, in certain cases, from civil and criminal liabilityfor ADF members, other Defence personnel, andmembers of foreign forceswho, in the good faith performance of duties, provide assistance in the preparation for, response to and recovery from a natural disaster or other emergency."


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c277d3 No.5204

File: 6015e57181367cc⋯.png (182.41 KB,628x868,157:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 760a2bcf7116c2a⋯.png (282.42 KB,620x875,124:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe5ece1fc1b123⋯.png (290.74 KB,613x874,613:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139609 (140019ZJAN23) Notable: Emails Show Facebook Suppressed ‘Often True’ Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

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Emails Show Facebook Suppressed ‘Often True’ Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

Facebook told an official at the Biden White House that the Big Tech company not only suppressed misinformation but took action against the “virality” of “often-true content” regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey released the documents earlier this week. Bailey obtained them through a court case, Missouri v. Biden, alleging that some of President Joe Biden’s top officials “colluded with Big Tech social media companies to violate Americans’ right to free speech under the First Amendment.”

“I want to protect Missourians and the freedoms they enjoy, which is why as attorney general, I will always defend the Constitution,” Bailey told The Daily Signal in an email Thursday. “This case is about the Biden administration’s blatant disregard for the First Amendment and its collusion with Big Tech social media companies to suppress speech it disagrees with.”

“I will always fight back against unelected bureaucrats who seek to indoctrinate the people of this state by violating our constitutional right to free and open debate,” the Missouri attorney general pledged.

In an email to the White House dated March 21, 2021, a Facebook staff member discussed “levers for tackling vaccine hesitancy content” with Andrew Slavitt, then a senior adviser on Biden’s COVID-19 response team, and Rob Flaherty, White House director of digital strategy.

“You also asked us about our levers for reducing virality of vaccine hesitancy content,” wrote the Facebook staffer, whose identity was redacted. “As you know, in addition to removing vaccine misinformation, we have been focused on reducing the virality of content discouraging vaccines that does not contain actionable information. This is often-true content, which we allow at the post level because it is important for people to be able to discuss both their personal experiences and concerns about the vaccine, but it can be framed as sensation, alarmist, or shocking.”

“We’ll remove these Groups, Pages, and Accounts when they are disproportionately promoting this sensationalized content,” the Facebook staffer added. He or she then promised, “More on this front as we proceed to implement.”

In this email to the White House, the Facebook representative admitted to preventing exposure of content that doesn’t violate Facebook’s policies—content that isn’t “actionable.” The staffer also suggested that the White House had asked Facebook to take these measures.



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c277d3 No.5205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139625 (140023ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy to Reporters: You Wouldn’t Have Democrat Eric Swalwell on Any Committees if You Received FBI Briefing I Did

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McCarthy to Reporters: You Wouldn’t Have Democrat Eric Swalwell on Any Committees if You Received FBI Briefing I Did

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) blasted Rep Eric Swalwell (D-CA) at a press conference Thursday, telling reporters they would never give the Democrat a committee position if they received the same briefing from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that he did.

“Let me phrase something very direct to you: if you got the briefing I got from the FBI, you wouldn’t have Swalwell on any committee,” McCarthy told reporters.

Breitbart News published an explosive exclusive report in August 2021 regarding a classified report indicating Swalwell was in an intimate sexual relationship with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang. Moreover, Fang Fang also “took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign, according to a Bay Area political operative,” as Axios reported in 2020.

“He cannot get a security clearance in the private sector, so would you like to give him a government clearance?” McCarthy asked reporters on Thursday.

He added that Democrats in the last Congress had hundreds of other members, not surrounded by security questions, who could have served on the committee instead, but they opted to stick with Swalwell:

You’re going to tell me that there’s 200 other Democrats that couldn’t fill that slot, but you kept him on it? The only way that they even knew it came forward is when they went to nominate him to the Intel Committee and then the FBI came and told the leadership then, “He’s got a problem.” And they kept him on. That jeopardized all of us.

The Speaker also reiterated that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) would be denied an Intelligence Committee appointment because he “openly lied to the American public.”

“He put America, for four years, through an impeachment that he knew was a lie,” McCarthy said. “At the same time, we had Ukraine. At the same time, we had Afghanistan collapse. Was that the role of the Intel Committee? No.”

He added that he is bringing the Intelligence Committee “back to what the jurisdiction is supposed to do, forward-looking to keep this country safe.”

The moves mark a promise kept by McCarthy, who vowed in June the duo would not serve on the Intelligence Committee in the 118th Congress while appearing on Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters Primetime.

“I’ll promise you this — when I’m Speaker, [Schiff] will not be on the Intel Committee anymore,” McCarthy said. “And you know what else, Swalwell won’t either. I don’t know if this is a high bar. But if you have relations with a Chinese spy, you shouldn’t be allowed to be on the Intel Committee.”


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c277d3 No.5206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139629 (140024ZJAN23) Notable: Former acting AG Whitaker derides Garland's 'unforced error' on Biden

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Former acting AG Whitaker derides Garland's 'unforced error' on Biden, Trump document probes

"He created his own mess, and now he's gonna have to live with it."

Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker on Friday contended that Attorney General Merrick Garland's handling of the Department of Justice investigations into former President Donald Trump's handling of classified documents had forced him to appoint a special counsel to handle an inquiry into President Joe Biden over the same issue.

Garland, this week, appointed special counsel Robert Hur to probe the president's handling of classified documents after previously appoint Jack Smith as special counsel to investigate Trump's own alleged mishandling of sensitive materials.

"I think this is a huge unforced error by Merrick Garland. He didn't need to appoint a special counsel against Donald Trump," Whitaker said on the "Just the News, No Noise" television show. "And so what he did though, is he forced his own hand, and in a really unskillful, you know, judge-like manner where he wasn't thinking through the steps that would happen."

"[A]nd what makes it even more quizzical to me, is that he knew when he appointed the special counsel, Jack Smith, against Donald Trump, that Joe Biden had similar problems with classified document mishandling," he went on. "So that tells me that they never planned on this Biden mishandling to ever see the light of day. They were planning on everybody to play nice, that the mainstream media wouldn't cover it, wouldn't hear about it, that it would just kind of never be announced."

"And then it came out. And he has been scrambling ever since… he created his own mess, and now he's gonna have to live with it," Whitaker concluded.

He then addressed the concurrent special counsel investigations, suggesting that the pair needed to come to agreement on the standards to which they would hold both of their investigative targets.

"I think it's gonna be very interesting if the special counsels coordinate their legal analysis," he said. "[I]n each case, you're fundamentally looking at this, you know, gross negligence or recklessness standard, that they need to kind of agree what the facts and circumstances that would trigger that."

Whitaker served as an acting Attorney General under former President Donald Trump, temporarily filling the vacancy between former AGs Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr.


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c277d3 No.5207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139643 (140026ZJAN23) Notable: #22237-A

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>>5077 Pete Ricketts (R) - US Senator appointed by Nebraska to become University head in Florida.

>>5079, >>5078 5 year Delta.

>>5080, >>5085 Jill’s first husband tells all.

>>5081 Credit Loss Provisions Soar As Banks Brace For Pain.

>>5082 Joe Allen: Humans Are Being Conditioned To Be Subservient To AI By Leadings Thinkers

>>5083 Another ‘Twitter Files’ Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests.

>>5084 McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment.

>>5086 Top Biden Admin Official Abruptly Resigns.

>>5086 Top Biden Admin Official Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas Abruptly Resigns – Torches President On Way Out

>>5087 Chinese official reveals secret meetings between Canberra and Beijing.

>>5089 District court judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Minneapolis Public Schools over its teachers contract that prioritizes laying off white teachers.

>>5090 LA’s AG has got more dirt on CISA and censoring with social media.

>>5091 @USArmy Your future is BRIGHT, 😎 like flares in the field. #FiresStrong #TeamSill

>>5092 Dr. Malone: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply.

>>5093 Biden smirks as he ignores questions on the classified documents found in his home

>>5094 Explosion Rocks Natural Gas Pipeline Connecting Lithuania, Latvia; Village Evacuated.

>>5095 @TuckerCarlson Joe Biden made Pete Buttigieg the Secretary of Transportation — despite the fact that Pete Buttigieg had no relevant experience of any kind

>>5096 Sweden finds Europe's 'largest known' rare earth deposit: 'Independence from Russia and China'.

>>5097 Biden-Penn-China funding concerns flagged for then-Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro 18 months ago

>>5098 US Oil & Gas Association @US_OGA This rare 67 Chevy Corvette has a 327 cubic inch, L79 V8 engine.. Note - it runs on gasoline, not electricity.

>>5099 Facebook Censorship Directed By White House, Court-Ordered Discovery Docs Released By Attorney GeneralJeff Landry

>>5101, >>5100, >>5106 Abp. Viganò: Trump’s LGBT gala shows Deep State has ‘contaminated the entire political elite’

>>5104 UPitt Pharm Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

>>5105 Remember the PCR tests? Well the MSM have confirmed that they were laced with poisonous chemical Sodium Azide.

>>5107 @KariLake. They want us not to vote again.

>>5108 @JudiciaryGOP. #BREAKING: first investigation into @JoeBiden’s classified documents scandal.

>>5109 PF: COBRA36 WC-135 Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' went to San Juan, PR

>>5110 If you consume an mRNA vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body.

>>5111 @EmeraldRobinson It’s Day Two of the @seanhannity Accountability Project.


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c277d3 No.5208

File: 2028414a3f11d3a⋯.png (494.82 KB,845x676,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139644 (140027ZJAN23) Notable: Anne Marie Person, Former Biden Aide, Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate

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Former Biden Aide Questioned by Federal

Investigators in Probe into GarageGate

Has Close Ties to Hunter

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 6:34:21 PM

A former Joe Biden aide who was questioned by federal investigators as part of the government’s investigation into stolen classified documents improperly stored at Biden’s private office and garage. Recall, Hunter Biden suggested to his father he hire Kathy Chung to be his assistant. Joe Biden hired Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca employee Anne Marie Person, 34, to be one of his private VP staffers. Kathy Chung was excited Joe Biden hired Anne Marie Person in emails previously released from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

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c277d3 No.5209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139645 (140027ZJAN23) Notable: #22237-B

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>>5112, >>5116 The son of stuntman Evel Knievel, Robbie Knievel, died Friday at the age of 60 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

>>5113, >>5114 Governor Kemp To Speak At Davos

>>5115 @DiamondandSilk So you think you can use the death of my sister, her face & our brand to promote & advocate for people to get the jab and post that she died from a disease she never had?

>>5117 Is Zorro Trust actually Jeffrey Epstein? Zorror Trust, Jeffrey Epstein and Brice Gordon

>>5118 Washington Post Finally Admits U.S. is Massively Overcounting COVID-19 Deaths

>>5119, >>5088 CNN appears to be running damage control on Lisa Marie Presley’s cardiac arrest death

>>5120 @realDonaldTrump RT Rumble vid: President Trump’s First Reaction To The Biden Special Counsel With Mark Levin

>>5121 Pfizer just donated $1 million dollars to Mitch McConnell & the Kentucky GOP. Are you awake yet?

>>5122 17 year-old baseball player suffers ‘cardiac arrest’ while rounding the bases…

>>5123 Treasury Secretary Says U.S. Will Hit.

>>5124 @elonmusk. Twitter will publish tweet recommendation code & make account/tweet status visible no later than next month.

>>5125 @DailyWireNews. One Year After Supreme Court Struck Down COVID Vax Mandate, Freedom Flourishes.

>>5126 IL: "Governor JB Pritzker signed a measure Friday shielding reproductive and gender-affirming health care patients and providers from legal action

>>5127 UK sets date for Ukraine tank announcement – Guardian

>>5128 Hungary in ‘culture shock’ from German policies – Orban

>>5129, >>5083 Adam Schiff and his Staff had law enforcement spy on Tweeters without subpoenas? Damn

>>5130 Corneal Adverse Events Associated with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review

>>5131 EU looks for targets in tenth round of anti-Russia sanctions

>>5132, >>5133, >>5137, >>5134 Biden Admin Officials Blame National Archives for Joe Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

>>5135 CDC has just put out a notice regarding the COVID vaccine. The CDC is now saying there has been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and suffered a stroke.

>>5136 IL state’s county sheriffs have released statements of complete defiance (non-enforcement) of the gun/mag ban signed into law by JB Pritzker and passed by the Dem legislature


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c277d3 No.5210

File: b880202fa928d86⋯.png (412.6 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139648 (140027ZJAN23) Notable: Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservativ e Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

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JUST IN: Another 'Twitter Files' Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservative Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

Another ‘Twitter Files’ dropped Friday morning. Journalist Matt Taibbi released files revealing more Adam Schiff ban requests. Recall, in a previous Twitter files drop it was revealed Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff asked for journalist Paul Sperry to be banned. There’s more… 1.TWITTER FILES: Supplemental More Adam Schiff Ban Requests, and “Deamplification” — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi)…


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c277d3 No.5211

File: 10a15411b6278e0⋯.png (38.99 KB,1363x275,1363:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139654 (140029ZJAN23) Notable: Oh, So That’s What Moderna Forgot to Tell Us About Their COVID Vaccine

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Oh, So That’s What Moderna Forgot to

Tell Us About Their COVID Vaccine


Posted By: earlybird, 1/13/2023 6:24:23 PM

The more we learn about these COVID vaccines, the more I sort of regret getting the vaccine. I already survived the virus pre-vaccine, but still got vaccinated and boosted. I’m shocked that I haven’t had a cardiac event, (snip)“I was angry to find out that there was data that was relevant to our decision that we didn’t get to see,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, a group of external advisers that helps the FDA make vaccine decisions. “Decisions that are made for the public have to be made based on all available information – not just some information, but

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c277d3 No.5212

File: edadd10ea26613a⋯.png (56.51 KB,684x426,114:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139658 (140030ZJAN23) Notable: Three Salvadoran sisters aged one, six and nine found abandoned by migrant smugglers on an islet on Rio Grande

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Three Salvadoran sisters aged one, six

and nine found abandoned by migrant smugglers

on an islet on Rio Grande at U.S. Mexico

border: Eldest child was clutching baby

in her arms

Daily Mail (UK), by Adry Torres

Posted By: Imright, 1/13/2023 5:56:42 PM

Three Salvadoran sisters have been rescued from an islet on the Rio Grande after they were reportedly abandoned by migrant smugglers, according to Mexico’s immigration agency. The children, aged one, six and nine, were found after Mexico’s National Guard issued an alert Wednesday. A task force with the National Institute of Immigration responded to the call and were able to safely remove the girls from the islet, known as Isla del Mudo. Video footage shows the oldest girl carrying her baby sister before handing her over to one of the agents as she and her other sister clamber on to the boat.

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c277d3 No.5213

File: 0341aa28a7e9e67⋯.png (760.23 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139659 (140030ZJAN23) Notable: 🇷🇺 Russia claims capture of Soledar, 🇺🇦 Ukraine denies it

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🇷🇺 Russia claims capture of Soledar, 🇺🇦 Ukraine denies it

Ukraine insists fight for mining town of Soledar not over after Russia claims capture

Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed Friday that its forces captured the salt mining town of Soledar in the Donbas Thursday, but Ukrainian official disputed that, saying that Kyiv’s forces…


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c277d3 No.5214

File: bc9ec2dfacb5233⋯.jpg (53.48 KB,833x254,833:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139661 (140031ZJAN23) Notable: While the Corrupt DOJ Special Counsel to Look into Biden’s Crimes Starts Up, FBI Director Chris Wray Will Be Dining in Davos at the WEC

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While the Corrupt DOJ Special Counsel to Look into Biden’s Crimes Starts Up, FBI Director Chris Wray Will Be Dining in Davos at the World Economic Forum


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c277d3 No.5215

File: 834f984ce0d06c4⋯.jpeg (344.26 KB,2101x1242,2101:1242,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b55a8e979770551⋯.jpeg (556.55 KB,1938x1242,323:207,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a58b80359b6cc9⋯.jpeg (527.43 KB,1930x1241,1930:1241,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139666 (140032ZJAN23) Notable: A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.

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Its a hoax just like every other hoax for the last seven years

And the court system does nothing about it, its a broken system

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c277d3 No.5216

File: 721efba36ab92de⋯.png (571.74 KB,876x568,219:142,Clipboard.png)

File: c695917f2915708⋯.png (442.33 KB,877x562,877:562,Clipboard.png)

File: 85d735a3e9e9426⋯.png (515.43 KB,875x571,875:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 85d735a3e9e9426⋯.png (515.43 KB,875x571,875:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d2aee2317a8d62⋯.png (459.28 KB,876x569,876:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139667 (140032ZJAN23) Notable: Aide being questioned by Feds for Biden’s GarageGate was recommended by Hunter! …and she’s Chinese!

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Hunter’s uncle Jack, Joe’s brother-in-law, also had a soft spot for the CCP. Kathy Chung, Joe’s aide,

invited the family to a luncheon540 hosted by Joe at the State Department during the aforementioned

visit by XI in September 2015. Jack, Joe’s classmate at Syracuse, responded with glee: “Yes[,] Kathy,

I would like to attend this one. I know I have passed up everything else, but this is a bit different.”






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c277d3 No.5217

File: 05f2b2f5dda7154⋯.png (139.44 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139669 (140033ZJAN23) Notable: NATO spy planes heading to Romania to monitor Russian activity

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NATO spy planes heading to Romania to monitor Russian activity

NATO said Friday it plans to deploy three surveillance planes to Romania next week to perform reconnaissance missions and to “monitor Russian military activity ” within the 30-nation military alliance’s territory.


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c277d3 No.5218

File: a67fea94e4c789b⋯.png (369.94 KB,690x777,230:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139670 (140033ZJAN23) Notable: Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservativ e Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

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c277d3 No.5219

File: 14f1c99b692f65b⋯.jpeg (917.25 KB,1242x1462,621:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c141f72dfb3f74⋯.png (158.25 KB,592x452,148:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139673 (140033ZJAN23) Notable: Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservativ e Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

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Taibbi latest Twatter file:

The “Hamilton 68 dashboard created by former FBI counterintelligence official Clint Watts, under the auspices of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD)” received approval for its success by Former FBI Director James Comey.



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c277d3 No.5220

File: e0fdd28e0ca3470⋯.png (840.78 KB,901x687,901:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139674 (140033ZJAN23) Notable: Jersey Co: Backlash against weapons ban grows.

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Backlash against weapons ban grows.

The Telegraph [Alton, IL], by Scott Cousins

Posted By: Trashcann, 1/13/2023 5:38:19 PM

JERSEYVILLE –Jersey County has joined a list of about 80 Illinois counties where sheriff’s and other law enforcement officials have said they will not enforce provisions of the state’s new weapons ban. On Thursday afternoon newly-elected Jersey County Sheriff Nicholas Manns posted a letter on the department’s Facebook page detailing why he and Jersey County State’s Attorney Ben Goetten will not be participating in the enforcement of HB 5471.The law bans the sale and possession of “assault weapons” and accessories such as large-capacity magazines, as well as .50 caliber rifles and ammunition. The banned weapons include some specifically names, and others by technical definitions. CORRECTIONS*

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c277d3 No.5221

File: 1917c5b3bbe4979⋯.png (352.01 KB,699x768,233:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139678 (140034ZJAN23) Notable: Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservativ e Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c277d3 No.5222

File: ecfe02713099811⋯.png (175.88 KB,841x612,841:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139679 (140034ZJAN23) Notable: Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma

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Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will

Train In Oklahoma

The Gateway Pundit, by Anthony Scott

Posted By: DW626, 1/13/2023 5:31:04 PM

Shortly after the US announced it will send a Patriot air defense system and more weapons to Ukraine, a Pentagon spokesperson has now announced a group of Ukrainian soldiers will come to the United States to train on a Patriot system so they’ll be ready when their own system arrives. Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder in a press conference on Tuesday stated “Training for Ukrainian forces on the Patriot air defense system will begin as soon as next week at Fort Sill

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c277d3 No.5223

File: 12703ca7f307acf⋯.png (605.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139696 (140039ZJAN23) Notable: RT: Soledar-the entire town is littered w/bodies in Russia’s recent victory over Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





RT: Soledar-the entire town is littered w/bodies in Russia’s recent victory over Ukraine

'The entire town is littered with bodies': How Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in Soledar after a relentless Russian assault

What’s next after Russia has won its first major victory in Donbass in the last 4 months


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c277d3 No.5224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139701 (140040ZJAN23) Notable: #22238

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Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>5138 CDC & FDA Identify Preliminary COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signal for Persons Aged 65 Years and Older

>>5139 George Soros Revealed as Player Behind Twitter Operation to Shut Down Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>5140 Illinois prosecutor vows challenge to new gun ban as governor fumes over sheriffs' non-enforcement pledge

>>5141, >>5146, >>5177 WEF ECONOMIC FORUM DOCUMENTS

>>5142 Justice Department announces new directive requiring pistols stabilized like rifles to be treated as the latter.

>>5143, >>5144, >>5145 Kellyanne Conway: The Cases for and Against Trump

>>5147, >>5174 Joe Biden Hires Barack Obama Lawyer Bob Bauer to Handle Classified Documents Investigation

>>5148 Idaho Senator Chris Trakel stands up to woke school board

>>5149 CDC identifies potential side effects in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

>>5150 Nancy Pelosi Rt @DemWomenCaucus Our Caucus dressed in white today to show our collective resistance to the extreme MAGA Republicans' anti-abortion agenda.

>>5151 Ricketts responds to Cornhusker Kickback reports, REFUSES to deny he was appointed as a pay-to-play scheme

>>5152 The eerie parallels between January 6 and the chaos unleashed by fans of the ‘Trump of the Tropics’

>>5154 Former Adelanto Mayor Agrees to Plead Guilty to Wire Fraud Charge for Accepting Bribes in Support of Commercial Marijuana Activity

>>5155 Suspect in Istanbul blast says received orders via US phone numbers

>>5156 Former Owner of Orange County Wastewater Treatment Company Pleads Guilty to Federal Environmental Criminal Charge

>>5157 @RepAdamSchiff This week's storms have caused tremendous damage across California, put millions of people at risk, and claimed more than a dozen lives.

>>5158 @Kash post Missing word "know"

>>5159 Here's a look at previous analysis of VSD information by the CDC

>>5160 Biden to allow illegal immigrants to avoid deportation if they report employers for 'labor abuses'

>>5161, >>5153 Trump called it in October 2020. He said Penn has already taken $70 million in donations from China. It just so happens Joe Biden is a fake professor at Penn.

>>5162 Comedian Andy Dick Arrested Again… This Time For Public Intoxication, Failure to Register as Sex Offender

>>5163 Former Biden Aide Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate Has Close Ties to Hunter

>>5164 Bannon Live and Kash on top secret Compartmentalized clearance are the deepest secrets ever

>>5165 Iowa Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud Scheme

>>5166 TEXAS - 22 GOP Candidates Contest Harris County Elections, Seek Records Inspection

>>5167 ARKANSAS - Cleburne County court rejects voting machines in elections, turns to paper ballots

>>5168 Superseding Indictment Charges Two Cottonwood County Farmers in $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>5169 Bannon "The Hunted Become the Hunters"

>>5170 Transplant patients rejecting organ after COVID vaccine.

>>5171 Documents were safe at Mar-a-Lago. Nobody can access the restricted areas except the former President, his staff and the SS unlike Wilmington, Delaware

>>5172 Why The HHS secretary Xavier Becerra "Can’t Be Fired"

>>5173 FDA no longer needs to require animal tests before human drug trials

>>5176, >>5175 Biden Turned Classified Documents Into A Scandal To Get Trump, But Who’s Laughing Now?


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c277d3 No.5225

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139703 (140041ZJAN23) Notable: Vet Neutralizes Knife-Wielding Maniac With Stanchion in SC Walmart

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Veteran Neutralizes Knife-Wielding Maniac With Stanchion in SC Walmart


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c277d3 No.5226

File: c41f6f3ac085fff⋯.png (1.63 MB,1175x1765,235:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139704 (140041ZJAN23) Notable: Anon analysis of Kash "did you know" drop

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“Did you KNOW” drop—

Applies perfectly to article in link saying NUNES wasn’t able to act bc of Schiff & other #GovernmentGangsters.

And @Kash is pointing to the fact that #CONGRESS, specifically THE CHURCH COMMITTEE, can LEGALLY box out Special Counsel. @KevinMcCarthy can call for a vote & order Sergeant at Arms to start enforcing SUBPOENAS & arresting ANYONE IN CONTEMPT of those subpoena. 🔥


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c277d3 No.5227

File: 64395d2c17dbbe1⋯.jpg (172.12 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139707 (140041ZJAN23) Notable: @GenFlynn @MZHemmingway Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) & giving treasure trove of info

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@MZHemmingway Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) and why in 2015 is she giving a "treasure trove" of intelligence (phone no's) to Hunter & Redacted. Any foreign power would love to have this information!!!

6:17 AM 01 Nov 20

*I don't have direct Twitter link; the image is from a Bing image search

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c277d3 No.5228

File: 1758bc34d881971⋯.jpg (100.65 KB,592x610,296:305,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139712 (140042ZJAN23) Notable: Dr. Fauci addresses the "Fauci Files" and @ElonMusk: : “I have no idea what he's talking about"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Fauci addresses the "Fauci Files" and


: “I have no idea what he's talking about Neil, I wish I did… I don't have a Twitter account. I've never had a Twitter account. I don't intend on having a Twitter account and I’ve had nothing to do with Twitter.”


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c277d3 No.5229

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139714 (140043ZJAN23) Notable: Patel: Garland's Biden Special Counsel Should Be First Subpoena Of Government Weaponization Subcommittee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash gets pretty fiery in this interview with Bannon

Bannons War Room


14 minutes ago


Patel: Garland's Biden Special Counsel Should Be First Subpoena Of Government Weaponization Subcommittee


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c277d3 No.5230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139717 (140043ZJAN23) Notable: Black professor declared racist over hoodie ban

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Prepping is probably racist, like banning hoodies…

From anons alma mater!:

Black professor declared racist over hoodie ban

The teacher’s ban on “durags,” “twerk shorts,” and “coochie cutter shorts” has reportedly been removed from the syllabus

A slangy “dress code” included in a computer science course syllabus at historically black college North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University has reportedly been removed after social media users complained it was “anti-black,” despite its author being a black man himself, Forbes reported on Thursday.

The instructor, named by several Twitter users as NCAT professor Derrick LeFlore, warned his undergraduate students that “Bonnets, Durag [sic], Hoodies, Booty Shorts, Coochie Cutter Shorts, Twerk Shorts” were forbidden in the classroom.

“If you wear it to bed or the club, don’t wear it to [class],” the syllabus, posted to Twitter last week, warned. LeFlore appeared to request a “business casual” dress code from his students, though the full text of the dress code was cut off in the posted screenshot.

While the professor is himself black, the selection of clothing items he chose to forbid - and the language he used to describe them - led some to accuse him of anti-blackness.

The hoodie ban in particular got a hostile reaction, with several commenters drawing a qualitative distinction between the garment and mere booty shorts (or twerk shorts) in terms of both utility (classrooms get cold) and decorum (“people literally wear hoodies to jobs now,” one user pointed out).

The hoodie took on fraught political significance after the 2012 shooting of 17-year-old black teenager Trayvon Martin by amateur neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman when Fox & Friends TV host Geraldo Rivera blamed the oversized hoodie Martin was wearing for firing up Zimmerman's suspicions, urging black parents to keep their kids away from similarly sinister sweatshirts.

Other commenters argued it wasn't so much LeFlore's choice of forbidden garments that constituted an anti-black dog whistle, but his terminology. It was inappropriate for a male professor to be using terms like “coochie cutter” in an official document, even amounting to sexual harassment, some said.

While some defended the beleaguered professor, reasoning he was just trying to inculcate a sense of professionalism by using the kind of casual vocabulary he thought would connect with students, commenters were claiming by Wednesday that he had deleted the offending text.


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c277d3 No.5231

File: 6bb9871ee67d21f⋯.jpg (106.25 KB,590x752,295:376,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139720 (140044ZJAN23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre has banned African journalist from meeting with her for the entire year

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (


) has banned African journalist


from meeting with her for the entire year.

Is the White House Correspondents Association sticking up for Simon?

Well we asked and they didn't get back to us.


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c277d3 No.5232

File: 0e6c9f24ecd079a⋯.png (445.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139721 (140044ZJAN23) Notable: CDC identifies link to ischemic strokes (blood clots to the brain) for people 65+ receiving updated Pfizer CoViD vax

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CDC identifies link to ischemic strokes (blood clots to the brain) for people 65+ receiving updated Pfizer CoViD vax

CDC identifies possible 'safety concern' for certain people receiving COVID vaccines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified a "safety signal" in the Bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and is investigating whether the shot creates an increased stroke risk for people 65 and older.


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c277d3 No.5233

File: 4dc7e59baf82576⋯.png (453.21 KB,1230x1712,615:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139735 (140046ZJAN23) Notable: Aide being questioned by Feds for Biden’s GarageGate was recommended by Hunter! …and she’s Chinese!

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> Hunter Biden suggested to his father he hire Kathy Chung to be his assistant

Kathy Chung a student by any chance?


Kathy Chung

Student Consultant

Washington Dc

Kathy Chung

Why I joined DSO: Being part of a space that allows skillsets and creativity to inspire actionable impact on society!


CASA Project

Aspiration(s): Develop personally and professionally, gain experience in using technology to solve business problems, be a part of an intimate team of ELs, mentors, and students that support each other in tackling real-life challenges.

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c277d3 No.5234

File: f5a2d0af54d4374⋯.jpeg (240.29 KB,750x704,375:352,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139742 (140047ZJAN23) Notable: DJT Truth on govt corruption

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c277d3 No.5235

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139749 (140048ZJAN23) Notable: Devin Nunes - Democrats start to throw Joe Biden under the bus

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Devin Nunes - Democrats start to throw Joe Biden under the bus

Jan 13 2023

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes discusses the appointment of a special counsel to probe Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents on ‘Greg Kelly Reports,’ January 12, 2023.



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c277d3 No.5236

File: 5660db851929c47⋯.png (306.12 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139777 (140053ZJAN23) Notable: Emails Show Facebook Suppressed 'Often True' Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

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Emails Show Facebook Suppressed 'Often True' Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

In yet another revelation about the level of collusion between Big Tech and the White House, documents show Facebook not only attempted to suppress "incorrect" content related to coronavirus vaccines, but also took steps to curb the spread of "often-true content" on the subject.


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c277d3 No.5237

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139795 (140057ZJAN23) Notable: Jeff Clark: Biden's Document Leaks Could Be Dagger That Ends The Biden Presidency

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Bannons War Room


29 minutes ago

Jeff Clark: Biden's Document Leaks Could Be Dagger That Ends The Biden Presidency

This is really interesting, Jeffrey Clark was raided by FBI because Hutchison accused him of writing a letter he didn't write.

Clark quotes the law on special councils, compartmented documents etc



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c277d3 No.5238

File: e2b4b6678a5d19a⋯.png (175.1 KB,987x944,987:944,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139812 (140101ZJAN23) Notable: Calls to ban gas stoves are anti-science, anti-freedom, and anti-energy

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Calls to ban gas stoves are anti-science, anti-freedom, and anti-energy

Alex Epstein 6 hr ago

Instead of informing us with accurate science about gas stoves so we can make better decisions, anti-fossil fuel activists are distorting science to justify forcing their anti-gas agenda on us.

Early 2023 has featured a carefully orchestrated campaign in which:

1. A paper whose lead author is an anti-fossil-fuel activist claims that gas stoves cause 12.7% of child asthma.

2. The Federal government and NY proposed bans on new gas stoves.

3 reasons we should reject this campaign [ban gas stoves].

The campaign against gas stoves should be rejected for 3 reasons:

1. Families have the right to incorporate any real science about gas stoves as they judge best

2. The 12.7% claim is a distortion of science

3. The anti-gas movement is a threat to our grid and therefore our health

Whether and how to use a gas or electric stove should be determined by individuals and families based on what they judge best. For example, many will rationally choose to use a cheaper, more functional gas stove with good ventilation as the best option.

There are many decisions that families make that affect kids’ health far more than a gas vs. electric stove: what kinds of food kids eat, how much exercise they get, and how much money parents allocate to health vs. other expenses.

Do governments then get to dictate all these?

Does anyone have the right to dictate what parents feed their kids, how much exercise kids get, and how much of their money families spend on healthcare?


They only have the right to try to persuade parents with good info and arguments. The same applies to gas stoves.

Whenever someone offers you “science,” not to inform your voluntary choices but to impose a ban on you, you can be confident that what they are calling science is a distortion.

This is certainly the case with the pseudo-precise claim that gas stoves cause 12.7% of child asthma.

Any confident claim that something causes specifically X% of asthma is BS. Asthma is a cluster of symptoms that researchers do not have a clear causal picture of.

As the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute states, “The exact cause of asthma is unknown, and the causes may be different from person to person.”

lots moar at link, including charts and graphs


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c277d3 No.5239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139861 (140109ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker is showing footage of 1/6 surveillance cameras. ..Mike Pence location in Capitol… Tucker demanding to see moar footage

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Hooo Wee Tucker is on fire again tonight! He's showing footage of 1/6 surveillance cameras. ..Mike Pence location in Capitol… Tucker demanding to see footage, Questioning everything!

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c277d3 No.5240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139898 (140116ZJAN23) Notable: #22239-A

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>>5178 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says Crime Plan ‘Working’ While Major Crime Rises 41% in 2022

>>5180, >>5182, >>5189, >>5200 #DIEDSUDDENLY BUN

>>5179 Full spectrum survival news - announcement from DOD that they will support Japan in any Indo-Pacific conflict, other news

>>5181 Twitter Censorship -> Twitter removes "Latest" tab when searching for topics

>>5183, >>5216, >>5233 Aide being questioned by Feds for Biden’s GarageGate was recommended by Hunter! …and she’s Chinese!

>>5184 Sundance: So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?

>>5185 Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist

>>5186, >>5201, >>5202, >>5215 A judge unsealed Trump's deposition in the Jean Carrol case and it's hysterical.

>>5187 CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953

>>5188 Yesterday, Jamie Lee Curtis announced she has become a #pfizerpartner

>>5190, >>5192 US, Japan Sign Space Collaboration Agreement at NASA Headquarters

>>5191 Dems peddled debunked 'Russian bot' conspiracy despite Twitter warnings

>>5193 , >>5199 Biden Administration Investigates Texas ISD For REMOVING Sexually Explicit Books

>>5194, >>5203 Was Australia's covid "vaccine" rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY? DIGG!!

>>5196 Idaho Senator Chris Trakel stands up to woke school board - video

>>5197 Comet Set To Graze By Earth For First Time In 50,000 Years - Might Be Seen With The Naked Eye

>>5195 EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show FBI and ATF Warrantless Surveillance Through Gun Background Checks

>>5197 Comet Set To Graze By Earth For First Time In 50,000 Years - Might Be Seen With The Naked Eye

>>5198 University that housed Biden center pressed to end FBI China spy probe after big Beijing donations

>>5204 Emails Show Facebook Suppressed ‘Often True’ Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

>>5205 McCarthy to Reporters: You Wouldn’t Have Democrat Eric Swalwell on Any Committees if You Received FBI Briefing I Did

>>5206 Former acting AG Whitaker derides Garland's 'unforced error' on Biden

>>5208 Anne Marie Person, Former Biden Aide, Questioned by Federal Investigators in Probe into GarageGate

>>5210, >>5218, >>5219, >>5221 Schiff Ban Requests - Twitter "Deamplified" Alleged Conservativ e Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon



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c277d3 No.5241

File: 66c48a5072a1a24⋯.png (296.6 KB,632x362,316:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e47d37d084ff54⋯.png (217.64 KB,632x355,632:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 69469ecf4d5668a⋯.png (265.37 KB,632x355,632:355,Clipboard.png)

File: ee69afa5622d44f⋯.png (265.4 KB,632x355,632:355,Clipboard.png)

File: bf239d6d415193e⋯.png (307.27 KB,632x355,632:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139909 (140118ZJAN23) Notable: Pacific storm parade to aggravate flooding concerns in California

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Pacific storm parade to aggravate flooding concerns in California

Published Jan 13, 2023 10:04 AM PST | Updated Jan 13, 2023 10:08 AM PST

A parade of storms from the Pacific will continue to hammer the West Coast of the United States, including California, through next week, and each storm rolling in will have the potential to aggravate flooding and mudslide concerns and create life-threatening conditions, AccuWeather meteorologists say.

The stormy pattern will also continue to chip away at long-term drought conditions as it boosts snowpack in the Sierra Nevada, which have been picking up astounding amounts since New Year's Eve. There are indications that storms may arrive less frequently later this month with the potential for a break altogether for a time.

"Each round of rain falling on top of saturated and unstable ground will enhance the risk of new landslides and debris flows," AccuWeather Meteorologist Reneé Duff said. "Even seemingly moderate wind gusts can be enough to knock over scores of trees and trigger new power outages."

Rounds of gusty winds from the storms into early next week will generally range between 40 and 60 mph at most locations but can be locally higher and double that over some of the ridges and peaks.

Following a break in the rain and mountain snow for much of the state on Thursday, the storm train was ramping up once again to end the week and will continue into early next week. In some areas, rain and snow from one storm may blend together with the next.

While the long-term mega-drought condition in California has drastically improved from the recent onslaught of storms, the ground cannot handle more rain without immediate runoff and the potential for the topsoil on hillsides to let loose.

"Trees can topple over with no notice," Duff said. "The same saturated ground has top-heavy trees bobbing in the wet soil."

The next big storm will affect California early this weekend.

"The timeframe for the heaviest rainfall around the San Francisco Bay area will be during the day Saturday," Duff said. "Farther south in Los Angeles, downpours will be heaviest later Saturday afternoon into the first half of Saturday night."

Despite the seemingly endless storms that have delivered inches of rain and yards of high country snow, the weather pattern will begin to change every so slightly in the coming days and more so late this month.

"The storms on track to impact California into early next week will not be associated with a true atmospheric river like the events from earlier this month," Duff said. The storms will tend to be brief in nature with short plumes of moisture from the Pacific.

Still, storms may result in 6 inches of rain in as many hours and 6 inches of snow in 1 hour &ndash; close to some of the output from recent storms. Even where less intense rain and mountain snow occur in the upcoming storms, major problems and disastrous conditions can unfold at the local level.

Through Saturday night alone, storms will deliver a general 2-4 inches of rain to San Francisco and 1-2 inches of rain to Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego. From 4-8 inches of rain with an AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 9 inches is in store along west-facing portions of the Coast Ranges.

The storms coming in through early next week will bring lower snow levels in the mountains, compared to many recent storms. That will translate to a bit less runoff at intermediate elevations in the Sierra Nevada, but it also means potentially more trouble for some of the passes along Interstate 5 in Northern and Southern California.

Motorists are encouraged to check local advisories for not only their destination but also high elevation points along their routes before they begin their journey. Rounds of heavy snow have the potential to shut down some of the passes periodically and not only along I-80 at Donner Pass, California.

During next week, storms will begin to track from northwest to southeast along the Pacific coast. Storms that track like that can still bring locally heavy rain and intense mountain snow. Overall, the precipitation will tend to be more brief and sporadic in nature with increasingly drier episodes in between rounds.

By the end of the month, an area of high pressure may develop at most levels of the atmosphere over California and much of the Pacific coast, which can be strong enough to keep most moisture-packed storms away, AccuWeather Senior Long-Range Meteorologist Joe Lundberg explained.

Unlike in 2022, when storms vacated California during much of the winter, AccuWeather's long-range team of meteorologists expects the return of some storms later in February and March.


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c277d3 No.5242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139922 (140120ZJAN23) Notable: #22239-B

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>>5211 Oh, So That’s What Moderna Forgot to Tell Us About Their COVID Vaccine

>>5212 Three Salvadoran sisters aged one, six and nine found abandoned by migrant smugglers on an islet on Rio Grande

>>5213 🇷🇺 Russia claims capture of Soledar, 🇺🇦 Ukraine denies it

>>5214 While the Corrupt DOJ Special Counsel to Look into Biden’s Crimes Starts Up, FBI Director Chris Wray Will Be Dining in Davos at the WEC

>>5217 NATO spy planes heading to Romania to monitor Russian activity

>>5220 Jersey Co: Backlash against weapons ban grows.

>>5222 Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma

>>5223 RT: Soledar-the entire town is littered w/bodies in Russia’s recent victory over Ukraine

>>5225 Vet Neutralizes Knife-Wielding Maniac With Stanchion in SC Walmart

>>5226 Anon analysis of Kash "did you know" drop

>>5227 @GenFlynn @MZHemmingway Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) & giving treasure trove of info

>>5228 Dr. Fauci addresses the "Fauci Files" and @ElonMusk: : “I have no idea what he's talking about"

>>5229 Patel: Garland's Biden Special Counsel Should Be First Subpoena Of Government Weaponization Subcommittee

>>5230 Black professor declared racist over hoodie ban

>>5231 Karine Jean-Pierre has banned African journalist from meeting with her for the entire year

>>5232 CDC identifies link to ischemic strokes (blood clots to the brain) for people 65+ receiving updated Pfizer CoViD vax

>>5234 DJT Truth on govt corruption

>>5235 Devin Nunes - Democrats start to throw Joe Biden under the bus

>>5236 Emails Show Facebook Suppressed 'Often True' Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

>>5237 Jeff Clark: Biden's Document Leaks Could Be Dagger That Ends The Biden Presidency

>>5238 Calls to ban gas stoves are anti-science, anti-freedom, and anti-energy

>>5239 Tucker is showing footage of 1/6 surveillance cameras. ..Mike Pence location in Capitol… Tucker demanding to see moar footage

>>5241 Pacific storm parade to aggravate flooding concerns in California




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c277d3 No.5243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139953 (140127ZJAN23) Notable: FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City

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FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City


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c277d3 No.5244

File: 5f5703ff39c1ef5⋯.png (42.41 KB,598x325,46:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139981 (140130ZJAN23) Notable: Chuck Schumer PANIC

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Chuck Schumer


If Republicans follow the extreme MAGA wing of their party off a cliff, keep caving to election deniers and those who threaten our democracy, and help the wealthy at the expense of the working class:

Democrats will fight tooth and nail against these attacks.


Extreme MAGA´s so hot right now.

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c277d3 No.5245

File: 787203f2153c842⋯.png (328.86 KB,753x598,753:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f453b60cdfe64b⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139982 (140130ZJAN23) Notable: October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.

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The video is from fourteen months before the first Covid vaccine shots were administered.

October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use. https://twitter.com/mazemoore/status/1610312986794594304

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c277d3 No.5246

File: c7aea7542a3cff3⋯.png (404.77 KB,598x716,299:358,Clipboard.png)

File: b055d7f99bcbae0⋯.png (138.17 KB,562x562,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139998 (140133ZJAN23) Notable: @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.

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Cory Booker


Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.

(Your crying, I'm not crying, something just got in my eye).




When DC?

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c277d3 No.5247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18139999 (140134ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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Some beliefs are too deeply held which prevent moving further.

How do you teach Anons who think that they already know everything?

Sometimes the greatest questions have the simplest answers.

Forget everything you think you know.

Put down your phone and go outside.

Clear your mind.

No fear.

No doubt.

They are waiting for you.

"Try to be wise is only thy ego, aware our blindness is the only true wisdom."

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c277d3 No.5248

File: 125b170af0ed003⋯.png (597.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140009 (140135ZJAN23) Notable: Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women

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Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women

A children's hospital faced criticism on social media after a community navigator discussed transplanting reproductive organs from live donors to transgender patients.


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c277d3 No.5249

File: 5612a174d492a98⋯.png (2.13 MB,1170x877,1170:877,Clipboard.png)

File: a71f5ed2d2da879⋯.png (888.54 KB,746x802,373:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140017 (140137ZJAN23) Notable: BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

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c277d3 No.5250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140037 (140141ZJAN23) Notable: Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally

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BREAKING: Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally


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c277d3 No.5251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140045 (140142ZJAN23) Notable: Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn

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who is Bob Bauer? Biden taps 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox ~ Bob Bauer is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn


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c277d3 No.5252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140062 (140144ZJAN23) Notable: Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County

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Who's Counting With Cleta Mitchell

Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County

Please join Cleta as she interviews Verity Vote founder and Pennsylvania Fair Elections Coalition Chair Heather Honey, recently called as an expert witness in the post-2022 Arizona election integrity court case.

With her election integrity experience, expertise as an open source investigator and ability to review and interpret the accuracy of ballot reporting systems and procedures, Heather traveled to Maricopa County, Arizona to investigate and report on allegations of mishandled ballots, chain of custody failures, lack of compliance with state law and reporting requirements, and the post-election appearance of ~25,000 mystery ballots.

Heather reveals facts about the mishandling of ballots from ballot printers to their transportation on a truck with none of the required documentation completed to the co-mingling of counted ballots with uncounted ballots. And undelivered ballots? Between the Post Office and the County election office, they are …. somewhere?

In addition to her key work and analysis in Arizona, Heather also won a recent public access request court case in her native Pennsylvania after first being denied by her local election office and the Secretary of State who blocked the public release of the state’s very public voting records.

Jan 11, 2023 1-hour


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c277d3 No.5253

File: b6c2012a29bc9bb⋯.jpeg (265.63 KB,1200x695,240:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 619e74b89441a35⋯.jpeg (2.02 MB,1867x1432,1867:1432,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140070 (140145ZJAN23) Notable: Remembering #Releasethememo

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Remember #Releasethememo, anons?

Remember frens, when we launched #releasethememo and we faggots broke twat doing that?

Good to read we pissed off leaky adam in the twitterfiles.

Big badge of honor for all you shitposters.

Love you all. Always have, always will. #nohomo

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c277d3 No.5254

File: 268cca387add685⋯.png (431.21 KB,598x607,598:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140080 (140147ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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Michael Salla


ET Disclosure being planned now at an underground Blue Ridge Mountains Complex


Just testing something.

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c277d3 No.5255

File: 51189cbd9f117b0⋯.png (284.56 KB,614x944,307:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140085 (140148ZJAN23) Notable: China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter

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China in the Middle East

January 13, 2023

China in the Middle East is a weekly newsletter produced by Hudson Institute’s Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East. It highlights China’s involvement in the region and analyzes its strategic impact on American foreign policy and US allies. The newsletter will continually monitor China's presence in the Middle East to provide timely commentary on its regional strategy.

In this week's newsletter we noted Petroyuan-related developments:

"This alone may not be a major event, but it is a small piece of Xi Jinping’s larger strategy to de-dollarize the international economy by fostering trade in the Chinese currency"



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c277d3 No.5256

File: e265792e74d8e19⋯.png (424.48 KB,1267x489,1267:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140141 (140157ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night

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Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night

SPAR65 G5 departedIndo-Pac Cmdr. AquilinoNellis AFB back to Hickam AFB and that will complete a trip that saw stops at JB Elmendorf, Nellis AFB-Sunday 0108, Augusta Regional-GA, JBA, Toledo Exec Airport (with a shortly after take off call sign switch to MANGO85-sorry fellas that din't fool PF) Ft. Worth JRB still as MANGO65 and finally back to Nellis last night also as MANGO65 from Ft. Worth-began last Saturday 0107 from Hickam to Elmendorf

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

SAM938 G5 EN and SPAR982 Learjet 35 ES-938 arrived last night about 90m after MANGO65 and SPAR982 earlier today

This C-17 (coming out of Mexico-red dot) is a four digit call sign and 99% of the time it is equipment for VIP visits and/or Space Force Transports (also with C-5 Galaxy ACs) but this one is not going to JBA, Charleston-S.C. or Quantico so are they taking Chapito out to Travis AFB?

Narcos been awfully quiet since he (Chapito) taken to Mexico City from Culiacan a week ago.

One of these (C-17s) did go to Mex CIty from Travis w/ 4 diggie call and it originated from Ft. Campbell, KY (160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment) a few days prior to Potato's arrival last Sunday..

RCH3207 C-17 returning from Mexico (probably Mexico City) and was switched off last night right around where it has appeared heading NW in current postion

SAM037 C-40B from Chennault Airport to Chatanooga Regional earlier today and EQUAL74 US Navy E-6 B Mercury heading into the Gulf of Mexico from Tinker depart

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c277d3 No.5257

File: b2b1c154cfa3d62⋯.jpg (25.6 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140145 (140158ZJAN23) Notable: USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 1usa_today1_jpg.???

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USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’

In the wake of fully jabbed NFL player Damar Hamlin’s massive heart attack last week, USA Today took the opportunity to remind readers that heart attacks are increasing among children due to “gaming and memes.”

Yes, really.

In a Thursday article titled, “Cardiac arrest can happen to children. What parents of kids in sports should know,” USA Today breathlessly stated the following:

Damar Hamlin’s collapse during Monday night’s football game was a sobering reminder to parents of children participating in sports: This could happen to anyone.

It’s still unclear what exactly caused the Buffalo Bills player’s heart condition.

Every year, sudden cardiac arrest claims the lives of over 2,000 children and teens in the U.S., according to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. This accounts for about 3% to 5% of all deaths in children aged 5 to 19.

“Everyone’s at some potential risk,” said Dr. Gul H. Dadlani, division chief of cardiology at Nemours Children’s Health in Orlando, Florida. “The same thing could happen to a high school student or the non-athlete who’s just at home.”

The USA Today propaganda piece lists online sarcasm (memes), stress, video games and gardening as one of many reasons so many people are suddenly dropping dead.

Scary stuff going on: Video games cause heart attacks in kids, heart attack season, sarcasm causes heart attacks, climate change and artificial sweetners dropping people daily now. we've had video games, sweetners, sarcasm and climate change for decades. Now they are killing us? pic.twitter.com/3YPsfxLQ9U

— Homer MakGill (@Edgarblaire) December 30, 2022

Thinking about heart attacks will cause heart attacks pic.twitter.com/q3beI5X0Fm

— ☢️Gojira🦖 (@Gojira_Germany) December 29, 2022


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c277d3 No.5258

File: c534d198f38fd72⋯.jpg (143.22 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140163 (140201ZJAN23) Notable: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS

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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars


If we understand how electric circuits work you can understand, and using the familiar formulas, calculate economic effects of abstract actions like "increasing the money supply"


In the study of energy systems, there always appears three elementary concepts. These are potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation. And corresponding to these concepts, there are three idealized, essentially pure physical counterparts called passive components.

(1) In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of potential energy is associated with a physical property called elasticity or stiffness, and can be represented by a stretched spring. In electronic science, potential energy is stored in a capacitor instead of a spring. This property is called capacitance instead of elasticity or stiffness.

(2) In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of kinetic energy is associated with a physical property called inertia or mass, and can be represented by a mass or a flywheel in motion. In electronic science, kinetic energy is stored in an inductor (in a magnetic field) instead of a mass. This property is called inductance instead of inertia.

(3)In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of energy dissipation is associated with a physical property called friction or resistance, and can be represented by a dashpot or other device which converts energy into heat. In electronic science, dissipation of energy is performed by an element called either a resistor or a conductor, the term "resistor" being the one generally used to describe a more ideal device (e.g., wire) employed to convey electronic energy efficie ntly from one location to another. The property of a resistance or conductor is measured as either resistance or conductance reciprocals.

In economics these three energy concepts are associated with:

Economic Capacitance - Capital (money, stock/inventory, investments in buildings and durables, etc.)

Economic Conductance - Goods (production flow coefficients)

Economic Inductance - Services (the influence of the population of industry on output)

All of the mathematical theory developed in the study of one energy system (e.g., mechanics, electronics, etc.) can be immediately applied in the study of any other energy system (e.g., economics).


The people hire the politicians so that the people can:

(1) obtain security without managing it.

(2) obtain action without thinking about it.

(3) inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to contemplate either life or death.

(4) avoid responsibility for their own intentions.

(5) obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves in the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.

They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine:

(1) provide for the survival of the nation/womb.

(2) prevent encroachment of anything upon the nation/womb.

(3) destroy the enemy who threatens the nation/womb.

(4) destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the sake of stability of the nation/womb.

Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are soldiers, the attorneys and C.P.A.s next who are spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear. The generals are industrialists. The "presidential" level of commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers. The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.

Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation [great silent majority] and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until i t grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its parent.


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c277d3 No.5259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140166 (140201ZJAN23) Notable: Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater

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The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater

BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the topRedacted with Clayton Morris

429K views · 6 days ago…more


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c277d3 No.5260

File: 1357059b1d45cbf⋯.png (209.91 KB,598x687,598:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140171 (140202ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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ayy lmao dig´s the red line.

Look the trannyfag

💭 think tank


‼️ There is clearly an unnatural structure on this asteroid called Eros

(NASA Source:https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA02905)

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c277d3 No.5261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140177 (140203ZJAN23) Notable: BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

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Matt Gaetz drops F-Bomb on Timcast IRL kek

He's based. (right around 55:00 mark)

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c277d3 No.5262

File: 8ef6580c57b9d2a⋯.png (360.24 KB,650x656,325:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140192 (140204ZJAN23) Notable: Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations

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Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations

“America First Legal Foundation, led by former Trump White House official Stephen Miller, submitted an IRS Form 13909 complaint asking tax authorities to look into whether the center illicitly paid Biden and others for no work, among other possible violations.”

New York Post @nypost·4h

Biden think tank where secret docs stashed accused of giving prez 'no show' job




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c277d3 No.5263

File: caa5be3c8d51ce7⋯.png (237.45 KB,598x700,299:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140213 (140207ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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Michael Salla


While there are no major disclosures in the latest UFO/UAP report by new AARO office, the Pentagon clearly wants people to take UFO reports seriously as a possible national security threat. Setting the stage for a false flag alien event or SSP disclosure?


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c277d3 No.5264

File: ea4156a2cbd2336⋯.png (258.33 KB,598x666,299:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140238 (140212ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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c277d3 No.5265

File: 7ef5d7bd44b984b⋯.png (311.33 KB,598x648,299:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140267 (140216ZJAN23) Notable: Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.

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CBS Mornings


Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.



Everything is conspiracy theory until it is proven to be true.

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c277d3 No.5266

File: c33d40a5c72d195⋯.png (332.06 KB,598x529,26:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140342 (140227ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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Among the ideas I have, the second one seems very reasonable to me, that the ancient rituals and invocation of demons would be better protected if it is the fault of the ET.

But I am still open to find new answers, I don't think I know everything.

Lowering the ego helps a lot.


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c277d3 No.5267

File: ff738b729d73087⋯.png (508.53 KB,1035x715,207:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140399 (140233ZJAN23) Notable: BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

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Notes on Gaetz:

-Patriot Act needs repealed ASAP

-Members of Congress shouldn't be allowed to later become lobbyists/foreign advisors

-Populist left and right must UNITE.

Anons pls add if anything else stood out to you

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c277d3 No.5268

File: 7edae95dbcefdb9⋯.png (519.87 KB,676x777,676:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e7772714b8edbd⋯.png (440 KB,603x404,603:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140430 (140237ZJAN23) Notable: ayy lmao / space bun

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'''@SecBlinken "The future of space is collaborative. Delighted to sign the U.S.-Japan Framework Agreement on Space Cooperation today with Prime Minister Kishida and Foreign Minister Hayashi"


>Rahm Emanuel off to the left

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c277d3 No.5269

File: 62dc93670f0216a⋯.png (134.34 KB,474x329,474:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140476 (140242ZJAN23) Notable: RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?

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Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma

Shortly after the US announced it will send a Patriot air defense system and more weapons to Ukraine, a Pentagon spokesperson has now announced a group of Ukrainian soldiers will come to the United States to train on a Patriot system so they’ll be ready when their own system arrives.

Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder in a press conference on Tuesday stated “Training for Ukrainian forces on the Patriot air defense system will begin as soon as next week at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.”

Gen. Ryder would note that 90 to 100 Ukranian troops will train to operate and sustain a Patriot air defensive system.

The training will reportedly take several months.


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c277d3 No.5270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140485 (140244ZJAN23) Notable: RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?

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Those Ukrainian Troops won't be Leaving

This is another Operation Paperclip

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c277d3 No.5271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140501 (140246ZJAN23) Notable: US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.

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US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed..


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c277d3 No.5272

File: e42bb6793478440⋯.png (92.06 KB,656x553,656:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140506 (140246ZJAN23) Notable: Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]

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Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]

What @mtaibbi leaves out is that the article he cites explains DOJ dropped the two cases because discovery would give the Russians information they could weaponize. Russians information they could weaponize. @mtaibbi now wants you to doubt the DOJ’s case against 12 Russian agents. He’s spewing Kremlin talking points.


What @TedLieu leaves out is that the DOJ indicted 12 individuals they knew would never show up in court, but had to drop two related cases of companies that did fight back, rather than go through discovery:


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c277d3 No.5273

File: 136627e3cea2c6e⋯.jpeg (368.42 KB,1125x1278,125:142,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140559 (140255ZJAN23) Notable: @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.

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$1.70 & $180 = 17


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c277d3 No.5274

File: d611acce6b89588⋯.png (488.56 KB,1026x835,1026:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140560 (140255ZJAN23) Notable: Green Comet inbound

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>Put down your phone and go outside.

>They are waiting for you.

A rare

<green comet

will soon approach Earth

for first time in 50,000 years


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c277d3 No.5275

File: 16350700994acfb⋯.png (315.56 KB,607x845,607:845,Clipboard.png)

File: c1e8fee59f86580⋯.png (26.98 KB,112x153,112:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 223032044dafb9f⋯.png (53.99 KB,330x207,110:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140566 (140256ZJAN23) Notable: That Potato sure has a weird hair line

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c277d3 No.5276

File: 5c5841000eb9ce3⋯.png (81.77 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140580 (140258ZJAN23) Notable: Green Comet inbound

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In the Days of the Comet (1906) is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells in which humanity is "exalted" when a comet causes "the nitrogen of the air, the old azote," to "change out of itself" and become "a respirable gas, differing indeed from oxygen, but helping and sustaining its action, a bath of strength and healing for nerve and brain."[2] The result: "The great Change has come for evermore, happiness and beauty are our atmosphere, there is peace on earth and good will to all men."

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c277d3 No.5277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140586 (140259ZJAN23) Notable: US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed

delegation includes:

Secretary of Labor Martin J. Walsh

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines

United States Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher Wray

United States Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV)

Senator James Risch (R-ID)

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)

Representative Don Beyer (D-VA)

Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX)

Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA)

Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA)

Representative Maria Salazar (R-FL)

Representative Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ)

Representative Juan Vargas (D-CA)

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c277d3 No.5278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140595 (140301ZJAN23) Notable: US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The delegation includes some top Biden Administration officials — and very noticeably, two intelligence chiefs (DNI and FBI) — along with 13 members of Congress, which includes 10 democrats and 3 republicans.

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c277d3 No.5279

File: 4ef6eb5db4f05bc⋯.png (65.53 KB,249x127,249:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140631 (140304ZJAN23) Notable: Green Comet inbound

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>green comet

Boom incoming?

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c277d3 No.5280

File: 295dfe6ec023018⋯.png (461.74 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 907509d03eca4b8⋯.png (301.18 KB,554x312,277:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140675 (140311ZJAN23) Notable: @FoxNews LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'violent, extremist views'

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Fox News


LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'violent, extremist views'


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c277d3 No.5281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140694 (140313ZJAN23) Notable: #22240

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Notables Are Not Endorsements

>>>/qresearch/18139942, >>>/qresearch/18139980, >>>/qresearch/18139988


>>5243 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City

>>5244 Chuck Schumer PANIC

>>5245 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.

>>5246 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.

>>5248 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women

>>5249, >>5261, >>5267 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

>>5250 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally

>>5251 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn

>>5252 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County

>>5253 Remembering #Releasethememo

>>5247, >>5254, >>5263, >>5260, >>5264, >>5266, >>5268 ayy lmao / space bun

>>5255 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter

>>5256 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night

>>5257 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’

>>5258 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS

>>5259 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater

>>5262 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations

>>5265 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.

>>5269, >>5270 RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?

>>5271, >>5278, >>5277 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.

>>5272 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]

>>5273 @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.

>>5274, >>5276, >>5279 Green Comet inbound

>>5275 That Potato sure has a weird hair line

>>5280 @FoxNews LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'violent, extremist views'


>New Baker needed Next Bread

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c277d3 No.5282

File: bf6adcb34e8968f⋯.png (499.39 KB,955x644,955:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140758 (140326ZJAN23) Notable: PF Spar980 Lear headed due west out of JBA

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Spar980 Lear headed due west out of JBA

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c277d3 No.5283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140765 (140328ZJAN23) Notable: C/2022 E3 [GREEN COMET] was discovered last March within the orbit of Jupiter

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C/2022 E3 was discovered last March within the orbit of Jupiter

…Comet C/2022 E3 was discovered by Frank Masci and Bryce Bolin in March 2022. The astronomers spotted the comet using the Zwicky Transient Facility at the Palomar Observatory in Southern California. At the time of its discovery, the comet was within the orbit of Jupiter …


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c277d3 No.5284

File: f6d815985905c7e⋯.png (181.97 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c0536ed0b56e5⋯.png (830.38 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 14f1c99b692f65b⋯.jpeg (917.25 KB,1242x1462,621:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c141f72dfb3f74⋯.jpg (158.25 KB,592x452,148:113,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26c86a7e4b928d9⋯.jpg (202.44 KB,641x740,641:740,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140781 (140331ZJAN23) Notable: 1-12-2023 Twitter Files 14 archived

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Anon is still 2 breads behind, catching up on No Tables.

Quick Question: Can this SOB be dug up and shot again or no?

Proxy available?


1-12-2023 Twitter Files 14 archived: https://archive.ph/G7fn6

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c277d3 No.5285

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140782 (140332ZJAN23) Notable: Nunes: ‘No coincidence’ Garland appointed Russia Hoaxer as Biden Special Counsel

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Hur should not be near another investigation, it was the biggest hindrancehe talks about classification and a SCIF

Nunes: ‘No coincidence’ Garland appointed Russia Hoaxer as Biden Special Counsel


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c277d3 No.5286

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140818 (140341ZJAN23) Notable: Nunes:GOP must probe Biden Special Counsel for Russia Hoax tie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devin Nunes with Maria

13 hours ago

Nunes:GOP must probe Biden Special Counsel for Russia Hoax tie

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes discusses the appointment of a special counsel to probe Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and more on ‘Mornings with Maria,’ January 13, 2023.


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c277d3 No.5287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140822 (140342ZJAN23) Notable: Miami Heat home arena gets temporary name after FTX collapse

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Miami Heat home arena gets temporary name after FTX collapse


MIAMI (AP) — The home of the Miami Heat has yet another name: Miami-Dade Arena. That will be the temporary moniker for the building where the NBA team plays its home games, while the search for a more permanent naming-rights partner commences. The Heat and Miami-Dade County announced the new name Friday, two days after a bankruptcy court terminated the county’s naming rights deal with collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX. A county official had said earlier in the week that it would be referred to as “the Arena,” though those plans quickly changed. “Effective immediately, Miami-Dade County and the Miami Heat have agreed that, until such time as there is a new naming rights partner, to refer to the arena as Miami-Dade Arena,” the parties said in a joint statement. “The removal of the facility’s existing signage and the changeover of branding elements will be ongoing in the coming weeks.” The process of removing FTX branding from all aspects of the arena will take some time. The company’s logo appears on the court, is on many of the entrances, is embroidered on the shirts many security and in-game personnel wear, is on the arena roof and even was placed on the swipe cards that employees use to access the facility. The county asked for the naming rights deal to be terminated in November, saying at the time that continuing to refer to the building as FTX Arena will only add to the “enduring hardships” brought on by the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange. The county owns the arena and negotiated what was to be a 19-year, $135 million naming rights deal with FTX. The Heat — who have played in the building since Jan. 2, 2000 — were to receive $2 million annually as part of that deal, which went into effect in June 2021. The county and the Heat say they will work together to find a new naming partner. Before the FTX deal, the building had been referred to as AmericanAirlines Arena since its opening in 1999. The airline giant, which has a hub in Miami, said in 2019 that it would not renew its deal past the expiration date of Jan. 1, 2020. The airline’s name remained on the building until 2021. FTX was the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange, though it ended up with billions of dollars’ worth of losses — estimates range from $8 billion to $10 billion — before seeking bankruptcy protection after a spectacular crash that took only a few days. Its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, 30, was arrested last month in the Bahamas and extradited to the U.S. to face criminal charges in what U.S. Attorney Damian Williams has called “one of the biggest frauds in American history.” Bankman-Fried has been released on bail and is scheduled to go on trial in October. He has pleaded not guilty.

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c277d3 No.5288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140826 (140343ZJAN23) Notable: 18-Year-Old Rugby League ‘Star of the Future’ Dies Suddenly

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Nothing to see here anons. Completely normal.

18-Year-Old Rugby League ‘Star of the Future’ Dies Suddenly

This was already getting ridiculous a year ago. At this point it’s becoming so common to see young and otherwise healthy people dying that it would become a cliché if the topic weren’t so morbid.

Another young athlete has died. According to Mirror:

Tributes are pouring in following the tragic sudden death of Logan Holgate at the age of 18, who had been tipped as a ‘star of the future.’ Holgate was on the under-18 pathway at Salford and was notably selected for the England Community Lions under-19s last year.

The Rugby Football League (RFL) announced on Wednesday that the Cumbrian teenager, who had been playing for Hensingham alongside his role in Salford’s development set-up, had died suddenly. Salford Red Devils wrote on Twitter: “Everyone at Salford Red Devils are saddened to hear about the sudden passing of Logan Holgate.”

As is always the case, there is no mention of Covid-19 or the “vaccines” in any corporate media discussions about this story. It’s the elephant in the journalistic room that is so disgusting that we’re forced to report on every incident as if it’s the first.


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c277d3 No.5289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18140829 (140344ZJAN23) Notable: C/2022 E3 [GREEN COMET] was discovered last March within the orbit of Jupiter

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May 21 2018


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No.1497716 📁

May 21 2018 18:04:49 (EST)

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.




Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 No.52157 📁

Dec 7 2017 22:29:30 (EST)

For Green.



Nov 21 2017


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: a9MnCArQ No.150395774 📁

Nov 21 2017 19:39:58 (EST)

Archive immediately.

Stringer = code = command.

What stringer was provided (2) days prior to event?

What were the keywords in the stringer?


Green (Yes).


Why were keywords provided?

Guide to reading map?

Lord d R.

What was previously stated?


Who was the pilot of the plane?

Bad actor?

Who was the pilot of the helicopter?


What was countered?

Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?

Who was in the home shortly before the collision?

Learn to read the map.

We may have overestimated your ability.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: rHXVKCrC No.150393065 📁

Nov 21 2017 19:15:58 (EST)





Why were keywords added in the stringer?

What was the purpose?

What was previously stated?

To who specifically?


Who countered?

Learn to read the map.

Missing critical items.

Graphic is key.

Ordering is critical.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: rHXVKCrC No.150388962 📁

Nov 21 2017 18:43:15 (EST)

Expand your thinking.

Captain Mike Green.



Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]


Who countered?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Learn how to read the map.

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c277d3 No.5290

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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