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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,Clipboard.png)

81825c No.116919 [View All]

11AUG23 to 14OCT23

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 845 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2a70b9 No.126972

File: 25f5ce7ed7db346⋯.png (711.8 KB,656x843,656:843,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19713616 (111402ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Online misinformation is rampant following the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas

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Thread: Online misinformation is rampant following the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas today.


This video of a tower block in Gaza being hit by a missile is from May 2021, not today. It was captured live during a BBC Arabic broadcast at the time.

This video of a house in Gaza being destroyed by a strike is genuine, but it's actually from May of this year, and not from the fresh escalation in hostilities today.

This video of a house being struck by Israel is also from May of this year, not today.

It was filmed in Beit Hanoun, Gaza; as geolocated by @ChrisOsieck at the time.

This video, shared by right-wing influencers Charlie Kirk and Ian Miles Cheong and viewed millions of times, actually shows Israeli police and special forces outside a house, as is easily identifiable by their uniforms, not Hamas militants.

This is another video of a house in Gaza being targeted by an IDF strike in May of this year. It's not from today. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126973

File: 3c6333f19a46e11⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19713794 (111435ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / “It was a pogrom”: Canadians in Israel shocked and grieving after Hamas attacks

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“It was a pogrom”: Canadians in Israel shocked and grieving after Hamas attacks


Israel was tragically caught off guard, as it faced a highly coordinated, wide-ranging and devastating attack by Hamas on Saturday. In a multi-pronged operation, terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza, resulting in unprecedented murder and destruction. This horrifying assault, which roughly coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, left the nation in shock and mourning. It was the worst terror attack in the history of modern Israel.

A Ramat Beit Shemesh-based journalist for an English-speaking publication, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that she fled to her nearby shelter six times that Saturday morning.

“Since it was Shabbat/Simchat Torah (Jewish holy day), we didn’t realize the gravity of the situation, as we’re used to hearing sirens every now and then and running to a shelter. In the afternoon, security personnel warned everyone not to hang around outside,” the Canadian expatriate said. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126974

File: 06f4d5ea39f2c3c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19713867 (111446ZOCT23) Notable: Canadian soldiers seeking donations to help with food, living costs: memo

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Canadian soldiers seeking donations to help with food, living costs: memo


Members of Canada’s military are struggling to keep up their morale as the cost of food and housing takes a toll on their mental health and desire to stay in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

More and more members of the CAF are relying on the help of others to cope with the high cost of living, according to a briefing note sent to the defence chief of staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre, by the military’s chaplains.

Nonprofits like Together We Stand help support military families. Their donations are expected to double this year, reads the chaplains’ note. These donations will only provide a temporary solution, however.

The military’s housing allowance has undergone certain changes recently, including basing it on salary rather than location. This has presented new problems for soldiers depending on where they are posted.

The change has led to some wanting to be released from the military so they can avoid being posted in unaffordable locations.

An estimated 28,000 soldiers will have access to the new program but as many as 7,700 members could become ineligible with thousands of others facing a reduction in their monthly payments.

Military officials say that the new program will save the CAF $30 million annually. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126975

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19713899 (111452ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Ratio’d: Multiculturalism has FAILED in Canada (video)

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Ratio’d | Multiculturalism has FAILED in Canada


Over the weekend as Israeli families were left counting the dead bodies of their family members after a brutal terrorist attack by Hamas, all throughout Canada people took to the streets to celebrate Hamas’ terrorist attack. A normal country that encourages immigrants to assimilate into our society and embrace Canadian values wouldn’t have to worry about people being so heartless, but that’s not the case in Canada.

In fact, as politicians on both sides trip over themselves to commit to higher immigration targets, nobody seems interested in talking about assimilation. In fact, the last person who did was run out of politics all together.

We shouldn’t be surprised to see immigrants celebrating terror in Canada.

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2a70b9 No.126976

File: 4510b47524f3cb2⋯.png (808.9 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: fd61e3a7a54e451⋯.png (96.94 KB,1008x552,42:23,Clipboard.png)

File: e2d5c57d1493547⋯.png (479.2 KB,678x817,678:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19714046 (111513ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Air Canada takes pilot “out of service” for anti-Israel posts following Hamas attack

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Air Canada takes pilot “out of service” for anti-Israel posts following Hamas attack


Air Canada has confirmed it has taken a pilot “out of service” for vehement anti-Israel messaging displayed publicly and on social media amid escalating tensions related to Hamas’ attack on Israel which has left hundreds dead.

The airline announced on Tuesday that pilot Mostafa Ezzo was removed from service Oct. 9.

“We are aware of the unacceptable posts made by an Air Canada pilot. We are taking this matter very seriously, and he was taken out of service on Mon, Oct. 9. We firmly denounce violence in all forms,” posted Air Canada on X.

Among the posts that got Ezzo in trouble were a photograph shared on his Instagram account in which he holds a sign that reads “Israel, Hitler is proud of you.” The sign also called Israel a “terrorist state.”

Ezzo also posted on Instagram a poster for the anti-Israel protest in Montreal this weekend with the message “Fuck you Israel. Burn in hell.”

The message also featured a caricature of a dog urinating on the Israeli flag. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126977

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19714122 (111527ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Hamas Leader and Founding Member Khaled Mashal Calls for Global Muslim Uprising, Asking for Muslim’s Blood and Souls to be Sacrificed for Palestine (video)

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Hamas Leader and Founding Member Khaled Mashal Calls for Global Muslim Uprising, Asking for Muslim’s Blood and Souls to be Sacrificed for Palestine This Upcoming ‘Friday of Al-Aqsa Flood’ (VIDEO)


Khaled Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, has called for a global Muslim uprising in support of Palestine. During a recent address on Youtube, Mashal emphasized the need for Muslims to sacrifice and carry Jihad, including the willingness to offer their blood and souls to advance the Palestinian cause.

Mashal has proclaimed the coming Friday the 13th as “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood,” urging Muslims worldwide to display their anger not just in Muslim countries but also in diaspora communities around the world.

The name Al-Aqsa means “the farthest mosque” or “the farthest sanctuary.” The mosque is located within the Haram al-Sharif, also known as the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, Israel.

This is nothing short of an undisguised call for international unrest. Given the volatility of the situation in Gaza and the broader Middle East, these words should not be taken lightly. The intention is to send a “message of rage” to Israel and the United States, but what might actually be unleashed is a wave of violence and discord that could engulf multiple nations. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19714249 (111550ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Elon Musk Makes Bold Statement About Hamas on X

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Elon Musk Makes Bold Statement About Hamas on X


IDF calls Hamas a “genocidal terrorist organization.” Elon Musk weighs in.

The Israel-Hamas War has been a heated topic ever since armed Hamas terrorists launched an attack on Israel’s southern border on October 7, killing and taking Israeli citizens hostage, including mothers, children, and the elderly.

Israel’s death count has risen to 1,200, according to The Wall Street Journal. Additionally, 765 Gazans have been reported dead, along with 1,500 Hamas militants. The total death toll from this conflict is approximately 3,500 and rising.

Adding to already-existing tensions, IDF (Israel Defense Forces) called Hamas a “genocidal terrorist organization” Tuesday on X — and Elon Musk weighed in.

In a viral post that garnered over 3 million impressions, IDF wrote, “Hamas is a genocidal terrorist organization. They said it themselves.”

Attached is a video compilation of Hamas leaders making disconcerting statements: Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126979

File: 1fd5016cb15df58⋯.png (165.44 KB,2978x1474,1489:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19714313 (111605ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Some Call It Conspiracy Theory

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Some Call It Conspiracy Theory


Part 1

There are certain assumptions that are applied to anyone labelled a “conspiracy theorist”—and all of them are fallacies. Indeed, the term “conspiracy theory” is nothing more than a propaganda construct designed to silence debate and censor opinion on a range of subjects.

Most particularly, it is used as a pejorative to marginalise and discredit whoever challenge the pronouncements and edicts of the State and of the Establishment—that is, the public and private entities that control the State and that profit from the State.

Those of us who have legitimate criticisms of government and its institutions and representatives, who are therefore labelled “conspiracy theorists,” face a dilemma. We can embrace the term and attempt to redefine it or we can reject it outright. Either way, it is evident that the people who weaponise the “conspiracy theory” label will continue to use it as long as it serves their propaganda purposes.

One of the most insidious aspects of the “conspiracy theory” fabrication is that the falsehoods associated with the term have been successfully seeded into the public’s consciousness. Often, propagandists need do no more than slap this label on the targeted opinion and the audience will immediately dismiss that viewpoint as a “lunatic conspiracy theory.”

Sadly, this knee-jerk reaction is usually made absent any consideration or even familiarity with the evidence presented by that so-called “lunatic conspiracy theorist.”

This was the reason why “conspiracy theorist” label was created. The State and its propagandists do not want the public to even be aware of inconvenient evidence, let alone to examine it. The challenging evidence is buried under the “wild conspiracy theory” label, thereby signalling to the unsuspecting public that they should automatically reject all of the offered facts and evidence.

There are a number of components that collectively form the conspiracy theory canard. Let’s break them down: Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126980

File: c87f106672cd19a⋯.png (259.46 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 0668a57a253ac90⋯.png (111.25 KB,612x388,153:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 18d567e104910be⋯.png (525.25 KB,612x410,306:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19715753 (112007ZOCT23) Notable: Final Woke Bun / NHL Ends Use of ‘Pride’ Tape on Equipment After Dumping Gay-Themed Warmup Jerseys

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NHL Ends Use of ‘Pride’ Tape on Equipment After Dumping Gay-Themed Warmup Jerseys


The National Hockey League (NHL) has moved to end the use of “Pride” tape on sticks after ending the use of gay-themed warm-up jerseys last season, according to reports.

In June of last year, the league ended the use of pride-themed jerseys during “Gay Pride” games, with Commissioner Gary Bettman condemning the jerseys as a “distraction.”

The league allows the teams to promulgate pride games if they so choose, but the special recognition on the ice is slowly being eliminated.

Some players and teams, though, had persisted in using the tape with phrases supporting the gay agenda even after the jersey ban. But going forward, the tape has also been banned.

“Pride Tape will not be used on the ice this year in the NHL,” Pride Tape media relations representative Jeff McLean told the New York Post this week. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126981

File: 769dd7cf76e2a2a⋯.png (570.77 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718739 (120245ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Ex-broadcasting chief warns Trudeau censorship law means ‘free and open internet’ is over

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Ex-broadcasting chief warns Trudeau censorship law means ‘free and open internet’ is over


Podcasts are included in Canada's new broadcasting regulations, Peter Menzies warned.

Justin Trudeau’s internet censorship law is set to further restrict Canadians’ use of media.

Former Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) vice chair Peter Menzies revealed Tuesday that the CRTC’s new broadcasting regulations are set to censor podcasts for all Canadians.

“Going forward, all your favourite podcasts will be transmitted and overseen under the keen regulatory eye of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) and its nine cabinet appointees,” he stated.

“Your days of enjoying a free and open internet are over,” Menzies warned. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126982

File: aebe8d148d46a1a⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719630 (120508ZOCT23) Notable: Canada Revenue Agency Faces Ongoing Cybersecurity Challenges: Internal Audit

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Canada Revenue Agency Faces Ongoing Cybersecurity Challenges: Internal Audit


A recent internal Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) audit reveals that computer security at the agency continues to be poorly monitored, despite growing cyber threats that auditors say pose risks to taxpayers' information.

In a report titled "Security Assessment and Authorization," the audit concluded that the CRA, tasked with managing electronic data for more than 27 million individual and corporate tax filers, continues to face challenges in safeguarding sensitive data, as first reported by Blacklock's Reporter.

"There was a lack of monitoring," the report said, with auditors highlighting "a lack of management oversight." Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720866 (121303ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Netanyahu Vows "Every Hamas Operative Will Die" As Israeli Citizenry Mobilizes For War

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Netanyahu Vows "Every Hamas Operative Will Die" As Israeli Citizenry Mobilizes For War


Update(1820ET): PM Netanyahu, just after forming an emergency war-time government with Benny Gantz...

And Gantz too spoke of total societal mobilization in Wednesday night words:

Benny Gantz, who joined an emergency government with Netanyahu, stated on Wednesday that his cooperation with the government is "a clear message to our adversaries and to all Israeli citizens: all of us together are mobilizing." Gantz said after the Security Cabinet meeting in which he participated, "Just as people from left and right, from the city and the village, go out to fight, decisions of the government will also be made by people from different camps. Now, we are all one camp - the camp of the people of Israel."

These Israeli leaders don't seem too concerned (an understatement) about the immense and rapidly mounting civilian casualties among Palestinians caught under the air war with nowhere to go, as a long, bloody ground campaign in the Gaza Strip looks inevitable.

Below is an interesting clip from 2009 of Pat Buchanan offering his thoughts on what's been a decades-long crisis: Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720881 (121306ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Israel Ambassador Claims Hamas Attack ’10 Times Bigger Than 9/11’ (video)

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WATCH: Israel Ambassador Claims Hamas Attack ’10 Times Bigger Than 9/11’


Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, appeared on corporate state media to disseminate perhaps the most overblown war propaganda to date in the already-hyperbolic state of affairs.

“It turned out to be ten times bigger than 9/11. Because, until now, we suffered 900 fatalities, so, proportionally, because the Israel’s population is smaller than ten million people, it’s like having more than 30,000 American fatalities. And, by the way, it’s more dangerous than even, bigger than, 9/11, sadly, I say, because your enemies are 7,000 miles away. Our enemies are 7,000 feet away.”

Let’s pump the brakes there, Sparky. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720991 (121331ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Zelensky Asks To Visit Israel In 'Solidarity' As Spotlight Shifts, told not to visit

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Zelensky Asks To Visit Israel In 'Solidarity' As Spotlight Shifts


Most people at some point in their daily lives have experienced that annoying moment when a "friend" invites themselves over, typically at an inconvenient time, maybe for dinner or an intrusive lengthy conversation.

Perhaps that's what the Israelis may be feeling after suffering one of the worst disasters in their history, as on Wednesday Axios is out with the following exclusive story: Zelensky asks to visit Israel in show of solidarity.

Two Ukrainian officials have told Axios that Zelensky, who is Jewish, wants to travel to Israel as a "show of solidarity" amid the Gaza war and as Israel is reeling from the weekend terror attacks by Hamas. Israeli officials have also confirmed the request to the publication. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126986

File: 4cd59a72e1f5377⋯.png (623.63 KB,634x480,317:240,Clipboard.png)

File: dd125f7fda483b1⋯.png (405.75 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 2854f151497ee2e⋯.png (653.16 KB,634x788,317:394,Clipboard.png)

File: d37cb5fa39ad81a⋯.png (416.64 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721296 (121429ZOCT23) Notable: Wall of fire: Terrifying footage shows flames surrounding Argentinian city of Villa Carlos Paz as residents besieged by acrid smog are evacuated

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Wall of fire: Terrifying footage shows flames surrounding Argentinian city of Villa Carlos Paz as residents besieged by acrid smog are evacuated


* Flames engulfed the Cordoba region of Argentina as wildfires raged across

* People frantically evacuated the resort city, which has a population of 56,000

* Almost 1,000 firefighters are working to fight the fast-moving wildfires

Terrifying footage has shown a wall of fire surrounding an Argentinian city as a wild inferno sparked massive evacuations.

Almost 1,000 firefighters were deployed across Villa Carlos Paz in central Cordoba province as the wildfires raged out of control.

Footage from the area showed massive flames in hills surrounding populated areas as firefighters battled the flames that had reached some homes in the region.

It was not immediately clear how many homes had been affected but dozens of people have been evacuated.

Ulises Xarate, 27, is in custody accused of starting a fire on Monday afternoon in an area close to the city of Villa Carlos Paz in the province's Punilla region.

He reportedly told cops he wanted to start a campfire to make coffee but lost control of the flames due to the strong winds in the area. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126987

File: f0da3812b33704d⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721325 (121433ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / CAMPUS WATCH: Profs voice support for “anticolonial resistance” amid Hamas attacks

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CAMPUS WATCH: Profs voice support for “anticolonial resistance” amid Hamas attacks


As Hamas rockets rain down on Israel with more than a thousand Israelis killed by a string of terrorist attacks, several Canadian academics have expressed support online for Palestinians “taking their land back,” decrying so-called Israeli “colonialism.”

Canadian universities also issued vague statements following the attacks – with some not even acknowledging Israel.

Canadian scholars voice support for Gaza: Continue..

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2a70b9 No.126988

File: 901718af2bd1e08⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721381 (121444ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Calgary Liberal MP calls for halt to Alberta ads against federal net-zero regs

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Calgary Liberal MP calls for halt to Alberta ads against federal net-zero regs


A Calgary Liberal MP wants the Alberta government to stop its ad campaign criticizing the feds’ clean electricity regulations.

George Chahal says the campaign trumpeted by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is causing unnecessary fear and confusion among Albertans.

“Eight million dollars of Alberta taxpayers’ dollars are funding a campaign of misinformation. That’s a problem for me as a Calgarian and as an Albertan,” he said, according to a Calgary Herald report.

The ad campaign asserts that the proposed regulations, which push for an accelerated transition to clean energy, will lead to blackouts and render energy unreliable and unaffordable. Smith has been unwavering, branding the regulations as “massively unaffordable, dangerously unreliable, and utterly unconstitutional.”

Chahal believes that the premier’s government is using the draft clean electricity regulations as a scapegoat for the sharp rise in electricity rates in Alberta, which have increased fivefold under the current leadership.

“(Smith) is playing on people’s fear by talking about blackouts,” he said.

Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz hit back at Chahal, saying he’s been “spending too much time in Ottawa listening to his ideological, out of touch, environment minister, Steven Guiltbeault.” Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126989

File: e5ed182e198ef4c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721747 (121541ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Israel must “take back control of Gaza,” Israeli MP tells Toronto audience

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Israel must “take back control of Gaza,” Israeli MP tells Toronto audience


Dan Illouz, a member of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Knesset caucus, had been scheduled to speak to a Toronto crowd about Israel’s legal land claims, but recent circumstances necessitated a hard pivot.

The Tuesday speech provided a glimpse into the heart of Israeli mettle, and resolve, amidst the recent harrowing incidents of wide-ranging Hamas violence. He shed light on the complex military challenges, while emphasizing the Jewish state’s unwavering commitment to peace and security that fuels the nation’s resilience.

“Everything changed (last) Saturday morning. Massacre happened – there’s no other way to put it. The destruction is massive and hard to digest. It’s the worst disaster known in its history,” the Montreal-born politician said.

Initially advertised as a talk on “What is happening, what needs to be done… and the importance of San Remo,” the sudden change of topic was somber and reassuring.

“Almost every Israeli lost someone, or knows someone who lost someone. We’re all like family,” said the Likud party member to a full auditorium at Shaarei Shomayim synagogue.

The event was arranged and sponsored by Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights, in partnership with ZOA. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126990

File: 58641012354675f⋯.png (215.58 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: eafbef0732e3465⋯.png (343.94 KB,500x382,250:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721993 (121625ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / "Being A Doctor And Courageous Runs In My Family": French Scientist Behind Hydroxychloroquine Treatment For COVID-19

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"Being A Doctor And Courageous Runs In My Family": French Scientist Behind Hydroxychloroquine Treatment For COVID-19


Didier Raoult, a renowned French microbiologist, announced hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an effective cure for COVID-19 on Feb. 25, 2020. The following month, former U.S. President Donald Trump cited his research and called the drug a “game changer.” Since then, Dr. Raoult has been engulfed in a global controversy.

Initially, in March 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted HCQ, a drug widely used against malaria and arthritis, an emergency use authorization (EUA) for treating COVID-19.

However, on May 22, 2020, the Lancet medical journal published a now-retracted study saying that HCQ brought about a much higher risk of death and heart problems in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, citing data from nearly 100,000 patients in over 600 hospitals. The authors noted the mortality rate of the total surveyed population was 11.1 percent, while the death rate was 16 percent and higher for the groups given various HCQ treatments—nearly double that of the control group, which was not given HCQ treatment.

The study preceded a series of decisions by health authorities. In three days, the World Health Organization (WHO) suspended a clinical trial of HCQ for COVID-19. During the same week, France also banned its use on COVID-19 patients, revoking an emergency authorization of HCQ for COVID-19 issued two weeks earlier.

On June 15, 2020, the FDA revoked the EUA of HCQ, citing cardiac adverse events and other side effects. Six months later, the FDA approved EUAs for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, emergency authorizations contingent on “no adequate, approved, and available alternatives,” according to the FDA announcement.

“Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine was prescribed 1 billion times in the year of 2006. So it means that if 10 percent of the people died with this, that would have made 100 million people die of heart attack, which is stupid,” Dr. Raoult told The Epoch Times. HCQ is a newer and improved version of chloroquine.

He said he and other experts wrote to the Lancet, saying the study’s findings were impossible. A few months later, the journal retracted the paper. When retracting the article on June 4, 2020, the authors said they could “no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.” They also apologized for causing “any embarrassment or inconvenience” to the journal and its readers.

A day before the retraction of the paper, the WHO announced it was resuming the clinical trial of HCQ on COVID-19. On June 20, 2020, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) halted its clinical trial, citing no harm and no benefit of HCQ on COVID-19 patients. A month later, the WHO also discontinued its HCQ treatment arm for COVID-19 for similar reasons. France's ban on using HCQ for COVID-19 patients has not been lifted. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126991

File: 16961eef9ad21a0⋯.png (871.65 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722170 (121651ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing for speaking out against COVID jabs, mandates

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Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing for speaking out against COVID jabs, mandates


The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan claims Leah McInnes is 'guilty of professional misconduct when she joined protests against existing and anticipated vaccine mandates and vaccine passports during the Covid pandemic.'

A Canadian nurse who conveyed her opinions against COVID jabs and mandates on social media is currently in a disciplinary hearing before her provincial medical college for doing nothing more than expressing her views.

The College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) claims that Saskatchewan nurse Leah McInnes was “guilty of professional misconduct when she joined protests against existing and anticipated vaccine mandates and vaccine passports during the Covid pandemic.”

McInnes’ four-day tribunal hearing began yesterday in Regina.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), which is representing McInnes, said in a recent update that the CRNS is accusing the nurse of social media posts as well as statements made to the media from August to October 2021. As noted by the JCCF, McInnes should be free “to express her opinions regarding vaccine mandates and vaccine passports and other related issues such as freedom of choice and medical privacy.”

The JCCF stated that the College claims McInnes’ opinions regarding the COVID shots and mandates were “restricted to Saskatchewan-related vaccine policies,” as there were no “mandates” ever “brought into force in Saskatchewan.”

When it comes to COVID jab mandates for healthcare workers, Saskatchewan health officials never enacted them per se but strongly recommended that people get the shots. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126992

File: cbc902e38fff200⋯.png (841.32 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722188 (121655ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian broadcaster’s own watchdog warns network about its political fact-checking bias

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Canadian broadcaster’s own watchdog warns network about its political fact-checking bias


The ombudsman said the network needs to rethink the term 'far right' in its reporting and that presenting simple 'facts,' as is the journalistic norm, should take precedence.

The watchdog for Canada’s government-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) warned the network it must stop acting as a political fact-checker after a report it published that negatively criticized the Freedom Convoy and so-called “far right” media received a massive amount of backlash.

CBC ombudsman Jack Nagler said in a recent notice titled Theory or Conspiracy Theory?, as per Blacklock’s Reporter, the “programmers at CBC” have a “great responsibility when they choose to use terms such as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ in their stories.”

He also noted how the network needs to rethink news coverage that criticizes those who call out the current federal government cabinet.

As such, network programmers, when saying what is or is not “misinformation” and “disinformation” in their news stories, Nagler said, had better get it “right” because if it turns “out down the road the information proved to be correct they can do great damage to their reputation.”

Nagler’s warning to the CBC follows an attempt in 2021 by the broadcaster to act in effect as a political truth checker.

In his most recent warning, Nagler said the network needs to rethink the term “far right” in its reporting and that presenting simple “facts,” as is the journalistic norm, should take precedence so that readers “can judge for themselves who is reasonable and who is extreme rather than declaring it for them.”

Nagler also wrote that applying “labels” to certain groups or individuals should be “employed with great caution,” and the network should play it safe by reporting that there is “no evidence for something rather than proclaiming it to be false.” Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126993

File: cc3259b901e731f⋯.png (714.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722262 (121714ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Parliament honours nazi Bun / Canada funds Ukrainians that celebrate Nazi collaborators - media

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Canada funds Ukrainians that celebrate Nazi collaborators – media


Groups honoring the Waffen-SS reportedly received $2.2 million from the government over the last seven years

Ottawa has given $2.2 million over the last seven years to Ukrainian-Canadian groups that celebrate Nazi collaborators, Jewish-American news outlet The Forward reported on Wednesday.

According to the outlet, among the recipients of government grants are defenders of 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka, whose presence at a special session of the Canadian parliament last month caused a major scandal.

The largest recipient of government financial support is the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, which is known for praising Hunka’s division (SS Galicia) and protecting a monument to it in suburban Toronto, the Forward article says. This organization is listed as a receiver of nearly $1.5 million between 2016 and 2022, according to public records.

The Canadian government also supports the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, a more than 40-year-old cultural group, whose logo includes the insignia of a faction of the fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Between 2015 and 2022, it received $140,000 in grants, mostly to create summer jobs for youth, the outlet reported, stressing that the federation’s leader made statements exonerating Hunka last month.

The New Pathway newspaper, which fought for the monument to Ukrainian ultranationalist and Nazi collaborator Roman Shukhevich in Canada, received about $68,000 from a fund that supports local publishers, The Forward reported. Other Canadian government-funded organizations listed in the publication have also supported veterans of the Ukrainian Nazi unit or otherwise praised collaborators.

In late September, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for applauding a Ukrainian Waffen SS veteran during a parliamentary ceremony attended by the president of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky.

A few days later, Canadian Governor General Mary Simon reportedly expressed regret that in 1987, her office awarded the country’s second-highest merit to a Ukrainian immigrant who served in the 14th Waffen-SS Division.

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2a70b9 No.126994

File: 3db9396c92e10f4⋯.png (442.84 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 782f0453371baee⋯.png (76.63 KB,806x540,403:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee9e2369d10132⋯.png (1.81 MB,1284x1268,321:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 0553a5591b876de⋯.png (135.98 KB,1562x1250,781:625,Clipboard.png)

File: b7b593851c29916⋯.png (86.84 KB,805x511,115:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722320 (121724ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / CBC slammed for saying Canadian murdered by Hamas died 'as a result of the conflict'

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CBC slammed for saying Canadian murdered by Hamas died 'as a result of the conflict'


The family of Vital-Kaploun, a 33-year-old mother of two and dual Canadian-Israeli citizen, said in no uncertain terms that she had been "murdered in her home just for being Jewish."

On Wednesday, it was confirmed that Adi Vital-Kaploun had been murdered by Hamas on her kibbutz in Israel during the Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorist group's attack over the weekend, making her the third Canadian citizen among the victims.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported on Vital-Kaploun's death, but instead of stating in the headline that she was killed by Hamas terrorists, they simply chalked her death up to "a result of the conflict." The state-funded media outlet was criticized on social media, and while they have since deleted their post on X, the story still exists in its original form on their website. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126995

File: 750fbd12bcfbf75⋯.png (1.24 MB,1100x618,550:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722350 (121728ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Golden parachutes’ for outgoing MB MLA’s, cost taxpayers $1.8 million

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‘Golden parachutes’ for outgoing MB MLA’s, cost taxpayers $1.8 million


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) wants the government of Manitoba to stop giving “golden parachutes” to former Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) when they retire or lose their seats in an election.

The CTF revealed their estimates of how much each former MLA would receive as they leave their political careers and return to private life.

“Taxpayers shouldn’t be padding the wallets of MLAs who are headed for the exits,” said Gage Haubrich, Prairie director of CTF.

“Ordinary Manitobans don’t get a golden parachute when they leave their jobs and they shouldn’t be forced to fund one for politicians.”

In the recent Manitoba general election, 25 MLAs either did not run for re-election or were not re-elected.

The eligible MLAs can receive severance payments between $25,749 to $102,998.

The former MLAs can get a total of $1.84 million as severance pay and the average amount each of them would receive is about $32,800.

The amount they receive depends on how many years the MLA served in office.

An MLA can get one month's salary for each year they served in the job, but the minimum payout is at least three months pay and no more than 12 months pay.

MLAs receive around $102,998 each year for their work. In comparison, the typical person in Manitoba makes about $57,000 annually.

“Former politicians shouldn’t keep fleecing taxpayers when they aren’t even in office anymore,” said Haubrich.

“Premier-Designate Wab Kinew needs to cancel this taxpayer-funded handout before the next election.”

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2a70b9 No.126996

File: dd7d5ff14d6477e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x801,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723575 (122040ZOCT23) Notable: Federal Effort to Boost Child Care in Three Provinces Off to 'Slow Start': Report

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Federal Effort to Boost Child Care in Three Provinces Off to 'Slow Start': Report


An analysis by a public-policy group has found that federal funding meant to bring $10-a-day child care across Canada has stumbled with a "slow start" and "underwhelming results" in three provinces where data is available.

The report by Cardus looking at the roll out of the programs in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick found that issues ranging from unspent funding to skilled labour shortages led to missed child care targets.

The federal government signed separate, five-year funding agreements with provinces and territories in 2021, committing up to $30 billion in five years toward the establishment of $10-a-day child care.

Canada’s $10-Day Child Care Program Limits Family Choice: Think Tank

The Cardus report found that B.C. spent just 11 percent of its federal funding from the initiative in its first year, while only nine percent of the funding set aside for Indigenous child care was allocated.

The report says similar issues arose in Saskatchewan, where a shortage of early-childhood educators limited the province to the creation of just 37 percent of its promised spaces in the first year.

New Brunswick spent less than $6 million of its $55 million allocation, the report says, and its agreement with the federal government favours non-profit daycare operators despite the province relying heavily on for-profit groups to create new spaces.

The report says while B.C. did generate about 1,200 spaces in the first year, it will need to create 7,000 child-care spaces per year for the next four to reach the original five-year goal of 30,000 new spaces.

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2a70b9 No.126997

File: 5cd646c87d2c948⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x791,1200:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723726 (122100ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Auditor General ‘Disappointed’ to Learn About RCMP ArriveCan Investigation From Media

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Auditor General ‘Disappointed’ to Learn About RCMP ArriveCan Investigation From Media


With Auditor General Karen Hogan currently examining federal ArriveCan contracts, she said she was "disappointed" to learn through the media that the RCMP has launched an investigation into the matter.

Ms. Hogan told a special meeting of the House of Commons public accounts committee on Oct. 12 that despite her staff auditing the departments, “management had not informed me that they had referred a contracting matter, which involved many common players that we are looking at, to the to the RCMP.”

The Globe and Mail first reported in October that the RCMP is probing alleged misconduct in outsourcing for the development of ArriveCan.

Voluntary ArriveCAN Use Remains Low as App Use Extended to More Airports

The system, created as a COVID-19 vaccination status measure to triage travellers entering Canada, cost taxpayers $54 million. Critics say it could have been developed for a fraction of the price.

The auditor general (AG) said that based on her understanding of the Globe article, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), which is responsible for the ArriveCan system, made the referral to the RCMP.

“I would have expected that they would have informed us through the course of our audit,” said Ms. Hogan.

“We always ask questions linked to actual, suspected, or alleged fraud and we would expect that there's an ongoing responsibility for officials to keep us informed of any matters that are relevant to the subject that we are auditing. So I am disappointed that they did not tell us.”

Ms. Hogan is performing the ArriveCan audit further to a motion of the House of Commons passed in November 2022. She said her report is expected to be filed in early 2024, around the time the House reconvenes after the holidays. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.126998

File: 18cd59fbb43bc02⋯.png (2.24 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724282 (122215ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau, After Tour of Fire Devastation in NWT, Promises New Homes for Yellowknife

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Trudeau, After Tour of Fire Devastation in NWT, Promises New Homes for Yellowknife


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there will be 50 new affordable homes in Yellowknife under the federal government’s rapid housing project.

Trudeau says it’s a jointly funded project between the federal government and the territory, with the city of Yellowknife providing the land.

Trudeau, speaking to reporters in Yellowknife, says construction has already begun.

Northwest Territories Starts Plans to Lift Evacuation as Wildfire Battle Sees Shift

He says the rapid housing project is now in the third round of funding, with more than 15,000 homes to be built nationally.

Trudeau is in the Northwest Territories touring communities ravaged by recent wildfires.

Trudeau says it was heartbreaking to see residents in small tight-knit communities losing everything to the fires.

The territory saw nearly 70 percent of its population displaced by wildfires and a record amount of land burned during the fire season.

The 20,000 residents of Yellowknife were forced out of their homes for three weeks in the summer due to an encroaching wildfire.

Flames didn't enter the city but destroyed most buildings and homes in Enterprise, a hamlet of 100 people near Hay River.

Trudeau toured that area Wednesday, walking among burned-out homes and vehicles as he spoke with officials.

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2a70b9 No.126999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725501 (130123ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / The Corruption of Our Courts: Leighton Grey (video)

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The Corruption of Our Courts: Leighton Grey


Our courts, especially in the last 3 years, have frequently ruled in favor of clear violations of our constitutional rights.

Leighton Grey is a constitutional lawyer, and has fought successfully against the Government of Alberta, most recently in the landmark case of Ingram vs. the government where Justice Barbara Romaine ruled the Covid mandates in Alberta to be illegal.

But that does not mean that Justice Romaine is in favor of upholding our rights. Her decision is far more a testimony to the cleverness of Leighton Grey, and his legal partner, Jeffrey Rath.

The fact is that our courts have been captured, and many judges are willing enforcers of political corruption, rather than the impartial arbiters of justice under the law that they are supposed to be.

In this interview, Leighton explains how we lost our hold on the judiciary, but more importantly, how we take it back, and secure for ourselves and our children, a just future, where everyone is equal under the law.

LINK: Grey Matter | Return to Reason - https://open.spotify.com/show/7K5LSuuJCU21HcavLenmhW

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2a70b9 No.127000

File: 9c876e908c3a6bb⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x676,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728199 (131337ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to call for OPEN GENOCIDE against all Palestinian women, men and children - “they have to be eradicated”

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Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to call for OPEN GENOCIDE against all Palestinian women, men and children – “they have to be eradicated”


Propagandist and political war hawk Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has a plan for dealing with Hamas following the weekend "surprise" attack on Israel: murder all 2.1 million people living in the Gaza Strip.

When asked by CNN's Jake Tapper if there is any way to stop Hamas "without causing massive casualties against the innocent people" in Gaza, Rubio told him no and proceeded to suggest mass genocide as the solution.

"I don't think there's any way Israel can be expected to coexist or find some diplomatic off-ramp with these savages," Rubio replied, using the same dehumanizing language against the Palestinians as did Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, who hatefully referred to the Palestinians this week as "human animals."

"These are people, as you've been reporting and others have seen, that deliberately targeted teenage girls, women, and children, and the elderly ... Just horrifying things," Rubio proceeded to blab, relying on questionable media reports and claims to justify his genocidal position.

"And I don't think we know the full extent of it yet. I mean, there's more to come in the days and weeks ahead. You can't coexist. They have to be eradicated."

Palestinians are people, too

Like many who "support Israel" often do, Rubio made no clear distinction between Hamas and the millions of non-Hamas Palestinians who far outnumber Hamas and just so happen to live among them. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127001

File: 54356adf1a94165⋯.png (632.54 KB,830x445,166:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e72dff097a12e⋯.png (316.81 KB,324x500,81:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 13545d3d71e7d34⋯.png (101.04 KB,599x586,599:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728383 (131409ZOCT23) Notable: UNDP Releases Digital ID Governance Framework

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UNDP Releases Digital ID Governance Framework


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as its name implies, is a hotbed of Technocrats who are intent on total global control. Its website states at the top of its homepage, “Governance For People And Planet.” These Technocrats are encased in a simulacrum, promoting anti-reality that will eventually destroy the planet.

The following is an official UNDP document. See if you can figure out what they are heading toward. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

A robust digital public infrastructure (DPI) has become increasingly crucial for governments, especially when it comes to delivering large-scale, effective public services. For the public sector, the debate isn’t about whether to adopt digital technologies but which ones to embrace and how to ensure their seamless and effective integration. This is particularly true when it comes to digital legal ID, a foundational digital public infrastructure that has the potential to catalyze digital transformation and development opportunities across countries.

Technology and governance must progress in tandem

DPI is made up of digital building blocks, laying the foundation for subsequent innovations. For example, these building blocks may include digital legal ID or digital payment systems that unlock new solutions such as mobile financial services. But like roads and bridges, overhauling an established infrastructure can be daunting. Therefore, it’s imperative to be intentional and meticulous from the outset. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127002

File: 534b76e1b24b5f0⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728439 (131417ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Canadian embassy in Israel closed during attacks, despite claims it was “operational”

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Canadian embassy in Israel closed during attacks, despite claims it was “operational”


Despite the federal government’s claims that its embassy in Israel was “operational,” a new report confirms it was, in fact, closed as Canadians sought help during and after Hamas’ latest attacks.

The attacks began Saturday on the Thanksgiving weekend, outside of normal business hours. Many Canadians turned to emailing Global Affairs Canada after being unable to visit or reach officials at the embassy in Tel Aviv.

“Since the beginning of this crisis, Canadian officials have been working around the clock to support Canadians,” Global Affairs Canada insisted in a statement. “The missions in Tel Aviv and Ramallah remained operational through the weekend and will continue to be. Our missions will open on Monday October 9th, unless security conditions do not allow for it. We will be assessing the security situation daily, in coordination with our allies.”

The term “operational” was then used and repeated by many government officials to comfort those concerned for loved ones abroad.

Journalist Matt Gurney of The Line suspected the government was playing semantic games, so pressed for further clarification but did not receive a response.

“To be frank, ‘operational’ vs. ‘open’ reads like crisis comms spin. I request more details to understand better what these terms actually mean,” Gurney said.

The GAC responded shortly thereafter saying, “Hello Matt, Your request for clarification is noted. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

No further response was given, despite a followup email from Gurney.

A briefing was held for parliamentarians by the GAC on Wednesday afternoon via Zoom. One parliamentarian asked a similar question regarding the distinction between “operational” and “open.”

The briefing was non-public, however multiple parliamentarians who attended confirmed to The Line that the government’s response to this question was that citizens were helped by officials in Canada through an emergency operations centre in Ottawa – not via the embassy in Tel Aviv or the diplomatic mission in Ramallah, which did not open until Monday.

In other words, the embassy was closed and not even “operational” over the weekend.

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2a70b9 No.127003

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728526 (131439ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Ratio’d: The truth about Indigenous female murders in Canada (video)

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Ratio’d | The truth about Indigenous female murders in Canada


New data released by Statistics Canada reveals that, once again, the far-left, anti-Canada message peddled by activists and politicians about missing and murdered Indigenous women does not match the facts. The data shows that Indigenous women are being murdered by other Indigenous people, which is contrary to the federal inquiry released back in 2019, which claims Canada is committing ongoing genocide.

This isn’t the first time that outrageous claims against Canada have been accepted without any meaningful pushback from politicians and the media.

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2a70b9 No.127004

File: e60ccd6344a9de7⋯.png (1.86 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728597 (131453ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Ottawa residents to testify in trial of Freedom Convoy organizers

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Ottawa residents to testify in trial of Freedom Convoy organizers


Eight Ottawa residents are scheduled to testify in the trial of Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, according to a decision made on Wednesday by the presiding judge.

Lich and Barber are facing charges for their role in organizing the Freedom Convoy protest against Covid-19 mandates that took place for almost three weeks in Ottawa in February 2022.

Lawrence Greenspon, who is representing Lich, asked that Ottawa locals not be permitted to testify, arguing that their testimony was not relevant to the case.

Both Lich and Barber previously signed admissions that public transit in certain areas of the city were interfered with as a result of some protesters and that this prevented the lawful use and enjoyment of property and businesses during the protest.

The defence is not allowed to force the Crown to accept the admissions and therefore witnesses will be allowed to testify, ruled Justice Heather Perkins-McVey.

Perkins-McVey said that refusing the testimony of locals would “unfairly or irreparably cause damage” to the Crown’s discretion regarding what they call as evidence. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127005

File: b4165fb39820680⋯.png (1.83 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728623 (131459ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Fatal bear attack spurs conversation on guns for self-defence in national parks

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Fatal bear attack spurs conversation on guns for self-defence in national parks


A double fatal grizzly bear attack in Banff National Park emphasizes the need to review the ban on guns for self-defence in Canada’s national parks, a firearm rights group says.

National Parks wildlife regulations forbid firearm use in Banff, despite risks posed to hikers and campers by animals such as bears, cougars and coyotes.

The Sept. 29 deaths of campers Doug Inglis and Jenny Gusse aren’t the first and won’t be the last, according to Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights spokesperson Tracey Wilson.

“It amplifies the necessity for Canadians to be able to protect themselves against wildlife,” she says. “We have the tools and the technology to protect ourselves. We just don’t have the legal ability to do so.”

According to Wilson, things could have “absolutely” ended differently if the couple had firearms instead of bear spray, which failed to deter the bear from killing them or their dog. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127006

File: fa7374612d04f3c⋯.png (1.78 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 846989bcc4522af⋯.png (93.08 KB,1176x505,1176:505,Clipboard.png)

File: bd5e0693ee21aae⋯.png (187.54 KB,516x776,129:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728712 (131520ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / CAMPUS WATCH: McGill campus club denounced for celebrating “heroic” Hamas terrorism

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CAMPUS WATCH: McGill campus club denounced for celebrating “heroic” Hamas terrorism


A pro-Palestinian campus club at McGill University is being criticized for celebrating Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attack against Israel.

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill called the attacks, which have so far claimed over 1500 lives, “heroic.”

On Saturday, Hamas launched its biggest attack on Israel in decades. Thousands of rockets were fired into Israel, and Palestinian gunmen infiltrated Israeli territory. The casualties include babies, children, women, and seniors – even Holocaust survivors. Hamas is also holding hostages and threatening to kill them on camera.

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill, which is recognized by the university’s student union, praised Hamas’s action as “heroic” and “monumental” in a Facebook post. The group also cheered on the launching of rockets and the taking of hostages. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728791 (131536ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Global Day of Jihad: Man Shouts “Allahu Akbar” Before Killing Teacher and Injuring Others in a Knife Attack in France (video)

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Global Day of Jihad: Man Shouts “Allahu Akbar” Before Killing Teacher and Injuring Others in a Knife Attack in France (VIDEO)


In a shocking incident, a teacher was brutally stabbed to death, while two others sustained serious injuries, when a knife-wielding assailant launched an attack at City School Gambetta-Carnot in Arras, northern France.

The assailant, identified as Mohammed Mogouchkov, reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the assault. The suspect, a 20-year-old former pupil of the school, of Chechen origin, had been previously flagged by authorities and placed on a terror watch list, the Telegraph reported.

The tragic incident unfolded on Friday morning, prompting a swift response from the police. Dominique Bernard, a French literature teacher, tragically lost his life, while a sports teacher and a security guard were injured. Fortunately, no students were harmed during the attack. The suspect’s brother was also apprehended near another school, but no weapon was found in his possession, France news outlet Le Figaro reported.

Disturbing footage circulating on social media captured the assailant in the school playground, with several individuals attempting to subdue him.

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2a70b9 No.127008

File: db375539c975ac4⋯.png (456.82 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ffc71f8b8c709f⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: bf68c329e72358e⋯.png (643.51 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729010 (131615ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau’s Horrible Year: Divorce, Economic Crisis, Chinese Influence Inquiry, Rift With India, NaziGate Scandal, Sinking in the Polls

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Trudeau’s Horrible Year: Divorce, Economic Crisis, Chinese Influence Inquiry, Rift With India, NaziGate Scandal, Sinking in the Polls


2023 will not be missed by Justin Trudeau. The embattled Canadian Prime Minister has had a ‘annus horribilis‘ (horrible year), a year filled with strife and struggle, both personally and politically.

His divorce from his longtime wife was worsened with an internet rumor that was having a gay affair with Emanuel Macron.

Politically, a potentially damning ‘foreign influence inquest’ can unearth Chinese ties very damaging for Trudeau and his party.

And, of course, in just a week, the PM has gone from accusing India of political assassination, to happily applauding a 98-year-old Nazi fighter in Parliament in the ‘NaziGate’ scandal.

The polls show his support is as low as it has ever been, but he is still seen as the Liberal Party’s best chance to secure a historic fourth term in the next election in two years.

While Trudeau has defied low polling numbers before, to win three elections, most opinion polls show him losing badly to his newest rival, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

Reuters reported:

“Last month, the Conservatives led the Liberals 39% to 30%, an Ipsos poll showed. Some 60% of Canadians want Trudeau to step down to allow Liberal Party members to pick a new leader, up 6 points compared with December 2022, a separate Ipsos poll said.”

The potential alternatives are Finance Minister (and Nazi Ukrainian sympathizer granddaughter) Chrystia Freeland, and former central banker Mark Carney.

But none of them are a match to the Prime Minister.

“‘When he is on form, he can light up a room and the others just can’t’, said one Liberal who played a key role in the 2021 electoral campaign. The other potential Liberal leaders do not ‘have anywhere near Trudeau’s wattage’, the person added.”

No Canadian prime minister since 1908 has won four consecutive elections. Besides, the Canadian economy is stressed with interest rates at a 22-year high and people reeling under a high cost of living and a deepening housing crisis.

Angus Reid Institute polling company has the Conservatives at 39%, enough for a majority in the House of Commons, versus 27% for the Liberals.

“‘We’ve seen him down this far before and we’ve seen him climb back up’, [Poll analyst] Kurl said. ‘He has sort of been the Houdini of escaping terrible polling numbers before’.”

Trudeau’s accusation that Indian murdered a Sikh separatist leader in British Columbia has put Canada in an awkward position with allies, who are mostly seeking closer ties with New Delhi to counter China’s rise.

WIONews reported:

“He sparked a meme fest on social media for bringing up strained ties between India and his country during his talks with United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and King of Jordan Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein over the ongoing situation in Israel.

Trudeau dialed the king of Jordan on Monday (Oct 9) and provided him with an ‘update on the situation between Canada and India, underscoring the importance of respecting the rule of law and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations’, his office said in a statement.

His conversation came just hours after he spoke to the President of UAE along the same lines.

‘On the phone today, His Highness @MohamedBinZayed and I spoke about the current situation in Israel. We expressed our deep concern and discussed the need to protect civilian life. We also spoke about India and the importance of upholding – and respecting – the rule of law’, he wrote on his official X account.”

Social media users are trolling the Canadian Prime Minister for ‘complaining’ about India to other world leaders in the middle of the Israeli conflict with Hamas.

Read more about Trudeau:

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2a70b9 No.127009

File: e820e7d6673f7e8⋯.png (806.57 KB,1284x1662,214:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c99910990d15af⋯.png (129.22 KB,462x758,231:379,Clipboard.png)

File: ba9456b1345a66c⋯.png (70.57 KB,737x610,737:610,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a4944f89d769c3⋯.png (113.09 KB,732x807,244:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 0369a2527941bcc⋯.png (82.18 KB,732x578,366:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729064 (131627ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Media and Censorship Bun / EU Threatens To Block X; Musk Demands Concrete Examples Of Alleged "Disinformation"

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EU Threatens To Block X; Musk Demands Concrete Examples Of Alleged "Disinformation"


The European Union appears to be making its move against X, threatening to block the platform and hit it with massive fines over alleged “disinformation,” but the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, is requesting that the EU provide concrete examples to back up its claims.

Thierry Breton, the Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union, has long threatened to take action against X with a wave of censorship, issued a public warning to Musk, claiming the platform failed to take action against illegal content related to Saturday’s Hamas terror attack on Israel. Breton threatened that Musk has 24 hours to respond to the claims being made.

“Public media and civil society organisations widely report instances of fake and manipulated images and facts circulating on your platform in the EU, such as repurposed old images of unrelated armed conflicts or military footage that actually originated from video games. This appears to be manifestly false or misleading information,” Breton wrote.

Musk, however, is asking for specific examples to back the claim and responded directly to Breton’s tweet. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127010

File: 872e9972b129b1e⋯.png (696.93 KB,500x786,250:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 16e117fdaf43c59⋯.png (800.12 KB,500x840,25:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729193 (131649ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Map Explainer: The Gaza Strip

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Map Explainer: The Gaza Strip


Recent attacks on Israel by Hamas have placed the Gaza Strip firmly in the spotlight of the global news cycle.

While conflict in that part of the world is thoroughly covered in headlines and news stories, more basic facts about Gaza receive less attention.

With this infographic, Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley fills in some of those gaps, including demographics, infrastructure, and more.

Below, we outline three key facts to know about the Gaza Strip and the people who live there: Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127011

File: a68735891ce3257⋯.png (8.34 MB,2560x1707,2560:1707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729362 (131719ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Former Canadian military officer describes ‘abuse of power’ behind mandatory COVID jabs

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EXCLUSIVE: Former Canadian military officer describes ‘abuse of power’ behind mandatory COVID jabs


In an exclusive interview, Serge Faucher told LifeSiteNews that his career met an abrupt end when Chief of Defense Staff General Wayne Eyre imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the entire CAF on October 8, 2021.

A former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has revealed his story of the abuse and coercion he faced from the chain of command when he declined the COVID-19 jab.

Serge Faucher of Greely, Ontario, served the CAF honorably for over 39 years. He reached the rank of Major and was an Aerospace Engineering Officer posted to the Chief of Air Force Staff.

In an exclusive interview, Faucher told LifeSiteNews that his career met an abrupt end when Chief of Defense Staff General Wayne Eyre imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the entire CAF on October 8, 2021.

“This is not about the vaccine” he said. “In the end this is about the abuse of power and these guys used coercion to push people like me out.”

Faucher said when the order came to get the jab he was threatened with an 5(f) release, something he viewed as a stain on an otherwise spotless career.

“My grief is being pushed out before I wanted to. Not on my own terms. Denied a promotion and losing, at a minimum, three years’ salary. I was paid six figures. I lost a minimum of 360 thousand dollars.” Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127012

File: 980e19e890f8653⋯.png (3.62 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f8da4f818f2a8e1⋯.png (265.4 KB,682x698,341:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c4cd6e5eddb4b3⋯.png (307.43 KB,503x737,503:737,Clipboard.png)

File: d7ef53bebfcb216⋯.png (278.89 KB,512x577,512:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730265 (131931ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Supreme Court smacks down Trudeau's 'No More Pipelines' law

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BREAKING: Supreme Court smacks down Trudeau's 'No More Pipelines' law


The legislation, deemed unconstitutional in a 5-2 ruling, forced regulators to consider impacts like climate change, public health, and the intersection of sex and gender before approving major energy projects.

The Impact Assessment Act, Bill C-69, which governs natural-resource projects in the provinces, is unconstitutional according to a 5-2 ruling from the Supreme Court on Friday.

According to the ruling, the law, given royal assent in 2019, is illegal because it grants federal authorities the power to place projects on hold for reasons that go beyond effects within federal authority.

Bill C-69 replaced the existing regulatory bodies, the National Energy Board and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, with a new Impact Assessment Agency. The legislation then forced the newly-created regulator to consider impacts like climate change, public health, and the intersection of sex and gender before approving a major energy project.

The law also removed fixed deadlines for approvals, meaning projects could languish in regulatory purgatory for years.

The constitutional challenge of the law, known as the "No More Pipelines Law", was brought forward by the Alberta government in 2021.

A hint of the personal activism of one of the Supreme Court justices bled through in the dissenting opinion of Justice Sheila Greckol, who wrote, “Our planet is on fire, and we need water – not heat.”

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2a70b9 No.127013

File: bfcba52a5bd6a2f⋯.png (4.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730340 (131940ZOCT23) Notable: Canada to accept 11,000 migrants from Haiti, South America this fall as part of deal to close Roxham Road

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Canada to accept 11,000 migrants from Haiti, South America this fall as part of deal to close Roxham Road


According to federal immigration data, Canada received 20,891 refugee claims from illegal immigrants last year. Between January and March of this year, the country received 14,192 refugee claims.

According to Immigration Canada, 11,000 migrants from Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela will be welcomed into the country with open arms this fall.

Last March 23, Canada and the U.S. struck a bargain to close Roxham Road by amending the Safe Third Country Agreement in exchange for 15,000 migrants from Central and South America.

The agreement came into effect in 2004 and recognized Canada and the U.S. as “safe” for migrants to seek asylum and that they must file an application in the first country they enter.

In June, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled the agreement as “constitutional,” contending it posed no threat to Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom — the right to life, liberty and security of a person.

On October 10, Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced Canada is in the process of creating a “new humanitarian permanent residence pathway” for 11,000 migrants from three countries.

“Starting this fall, Colombian, Haitian and Venezuelan foreign nationals located in Central or South America or the Caribbean who have extended family connections in Canada will be eligible to apply for this new pathway,” he told reporters. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127014

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730476 (132002ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Experts demand immediate halt to COVID-19 vaccine program

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Experts demand immediate halt to COVID-19 vaccine program


An international expert panel is calling for an immediate moratorium on the use of novel COVID-19 mRNA injections after discussing the scientific evidence of cancer-promoting DNA contamination found within various Pfizer and Moderna vials, potentially prompting a series of suspected repercussions that could impact human cell lines for up to two generations.

Over the last year, Rebel News has brought you various reports underscoring the vast unknowns and repeated downplaying of risks associated with the novel COVID-19 mRNA injections.

Most recently, internationally renowned experts in the fields of immunology and genetics along with specialist physicians and research scientists called for an immediate moratorium on the use of novel genetic “vaccines,” according to a press release issued by the World Council for Health (WCH). Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127015

File: e7ad146821f3f54⋯.png (4.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730536 (132011ZOCT23) Notable: MP prioritizes Canadians' interests over private profits, petitions the government to exit WHO

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MP prioritizes Canadians' interests over private profits, petitions the government to exit WHO


One MP is demanding Canada’s exit from the UN and WHO – two organizations working to expand their powers, accused of prioritizing profits and private interests over the health and sovereignty of independent nations.

Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis has spearheaded a House of Commons petition this week, demanding the Canadian government's withdrawal from global intergovernmental bodies, the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiary, the World Health Organization (WHO).

Canada’s membership to these bodies undermines personal autonomy, compromises national sovereignty and imposes negative consequences onto the people of Canada, “far outweighing any benefits,” the petition reads.

Agenda 2030 and its operational "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG), Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), UN Judicial Review, International Health Regulations (IHR), One Health and similar programs are being rapidly implemented, absent the awareness and consent of the People or their elected representatives.

The petition underscores the growing apprehension among Canadians that the SDGs will infringe on cultural values, education, nutrition, child development and various other facets of our free and democratic nation.

The rise in sexual values and activities being promoted and normalized in publicly funded schools under CSE has parents increasingly concerned about the erosion of their children’s innocence, whereas changes to the IHR appear to be more aligned with universal surveillance than creating healthy societies; working instead to serve the interests of globalist entities. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127016

File: 831409b0a784cc6⋯.png (1.32 MB,1078x524,539:262,Clipboard.png)

File: b4cc2d79375a1d2⋯.png (1.67 MB,1326x587,1326:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 21552a66a45f63c⋯.png (1.41 MB,888x592,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 8866b1b713926d8⋯.png (240.68 KB,888x451,888:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 3055b3b58c492da⋯.png (1.16 MB,946x641,946:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734976 (141443ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”

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Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”


Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires are now investing in newly established climate companies like Kodama Systems to harvest and bury one billion tons of "biomass" to "save the planet." Millions of trees, which provide us with oxygen and could have been valuable timber, will be buried instead. This will lead to soaring prices for timber, firewood, pulp, and other wood products as a consequence. The mostly deliberately set forest fires around the world this summer are now being used as a primary argument for deforestation. The destruction of American forests "for the sake of climate" is being led by a Chinese professor. Along with tree planting on arable land and economic incentives for farmers to switch to "carbon farming" instead of food production, the already strained global food production will soon no longer be able to feed the world's population. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735177 (141532ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Defence Stocks Soar as Israel-Hamas War Escalates: Vantage with Palki Sharma (video)

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Defence Stocks Soar as Israel-Hamas War Escalates | Vantage with Palki Sharma


In war, there's a harsh reality that often remains unspoken: defence stocks and the defense industry can reap substantial profits from conflict.

It happened during the Ukraine war and it is happening again during the Israel-Hamas war.

Palki Sharma tells you how the defence sector profits from a war.

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2a70b9 No.127018

File: 9fa57cbfc31c2a9⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735249 (141557ZOCT23) Notable: SHEPHERD: PEI councillor under siege for “mass grave hoax” sign speaks out

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SHEPHERD: PEI councillor under siege for “mass grave hoax” sign speaks out


Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!

Truth: Mass Grave Hoax

Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A’s Integrity

The sign board displaying this message outside of Councillor John Robertson’s home has made him an outcast among his fellow Murray Harbour, P.E.I. councillors, including the mayor.

Terry White, mayor of the village of 260, is calling for Robertson to be removed from his council position, and is “working to see what can be done.” Council cannot remove Robertson without provincial intervention, which White is trying to coordinate immediately.

Council also voted unanimously for a third-party investigation into Robertson and how he is using the signboard located on his own property.

“It’s the old community centre sign,” Robertson told True North. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127019

File: 5c12b49d76d3aa6⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735273 (141603ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Uber reviews legal options to fight Toronto’s motion to cap rideshare drivers

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Uber reviews legal options to fight Toronto’s motion to cap rideshare drivers


Uber Canada will be “reviewing all legal options,” following a motion approved by the City of Toronto to put a cap on the amount of rideshare drivers allowed to operate in the city.

The amendment fell under a motion that requires all taxicabs and rideshares to operate zero-emissions vehicles by 2031.

The number of licenced drivers may not surpass the amount currently in operation as of October 2023 “in order to manage current levels of greenhouse gas emissions in vehicle-for-hire industry,” reads the motion.

Uber said it will oppose the measure, saying it would increase wait time and make transportation less affordable.

“This will increase wait times and the cost of a safe and reliable transportation option for so many while important transit projects are delayed and the cost of purchasing a vehicle has increased almost 50 per cent in four years,” said Uber spokesperson Keerthana Rang. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127020

File: 3eb2353d51c8ee8⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735291 (141607ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Jewish groups call for an end to Palestinian aid from Ottawa

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Jewish groups call for an end to Palestinian aid from Ottawa


Canada gives the Palestinian territories tens of millions of dollars in aid on an annual basis, however, some Jewish groups are concerned that some of that money winds up in the hands of terrorist groups like Hamas and that such funding should be put under review following its attack on Israel.

On Saturday, over a thousand Hamas terrorists attacked southern Israel, using rockets and other explosives. The border was breached along the Gaza Strip and many Israeli people were taken hostage.

As of Thursday, over 1,200 people have been killed in the attack.

Over $50 million in funding is given per year from Ottawa to aid programs in Gaza and the West Bank, including as much as $25 million annually to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Ottawa also funds separate individual programs devoted to promoting women in business to help reduce domestic violence.

Palestinian security forces in the West Bank also receive training from the Canadian Armed Forces along with several other Western nations. Continue...

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2a70b9 No.127021

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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