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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

6fa125 No.213604 [View All]

16SEP24 to 17SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

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6fa125 No.223400

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610664 (172102ZSEP24) Notable: "It's Hard To Have A Republic When One Side Wants To Kill Your Presidential Candidate"

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>>223342, >>223343 Erik Prince on Trump Assassins Appearing in BlackRock Commercials, “The Statistical Likelihood of that Being Random Is Impossible”PNThis notable has little to do with the interview

Prince: "It's Hard To Have A Republic When One Side Wants To Kill Your Presidential Candidate"



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6fa125 No.223401

File: e46c231c42a4a48⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,1280x676,320:169,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 26e9cf6b5678274⋯.png (294.18 KB,675x954,75:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610673 (172105ZSEP24) Notable: Blumenthal threatens "subpoena power" on Biden-Harris DHS to cooperate with the Senate's investigation on first assassination attempt

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PANIC: Top Senate Democrat Richard Blumenthal is now threatening to use "subpoena power" to compel the Biden-Harris DHS to cooperate with the Senate's investigation into the first assassination attempt against Trump



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6fa125 No.223402

File: 9a06fa58fdeac69⋯.png (237.78 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610684 (172107ZSEP24) Notable: RealClearPolitics Average Flips Pennsylvania in Favor of Donald Trump

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RealClearPolitics Average Flips Pennsylvania in Favor of Donald Trump..Get out and vote make this a reality!

Donald Trump regained a slim lead in the all-important swing state of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, according to the RealClearPolitics average.


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6fa125 No.223403

File: 252123b8d9ccb75⋯.png (619.02 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610689 (172108ZSEP24) Notable: US government is running the largest child trafficking ring in history

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CAL TO DIGG: This is being suppressed because it opens Pandora's box. The US government is running the largest child trafficking ring in history. This is what will collapse the deep state.

‘This obviously looks really bad’: Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

In his first interview since Wednesday’s TBI raids, Kroll expressed confusion as to why the TBI raided their office to obtain documents the city offered to give and also responded to the controversies plaguing the police department.


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6fa125 No.223404

File: b05d6ad7ccf00f2⋯.mp4 (4 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 90638d7b5cd385c⋯.png (192.48 KB,513x673,513:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610700 (172111ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy and team Groomed Children

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There is nothing about Minors in the indictment but here he is "Adopting" a white girl. Nothing to see here

Doug 🇺🇸


Where is the young white girl Ava that was adopted by P Diddy? 👇


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6fa125 No.223405

File: 4609ce636920d8e⋯.png (475.29 KB,711x400,711:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610706 (172112ZSEP24) Notable: Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal

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==LET THE SALTLY TEARS FLOW: Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal

Trump vows to restore SALT deduction in major fiscal reversal==

Former President Donald Trump now appears to support expanding the SALT cap, signaling a big win for Republicans in high-tax states such as New York.

Former President Donald Trump now appears to support expanding federal deductions for state and local taxes paid, a reversal of his own policies and a major boost to high-tax states such as New York.

Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included a $10,000 cap on SALT deductions, and a group of lawmakers in places such as New York and California have been adamant in pushing for that cap to be raised or eliminated. Their effort appeared to bear fruit on Tuesday when Trump signaled that he supports changes to the cap.

“Hundreds of thousands of Migrants, Crime at record levels, Terrorists pouring in, Inflation eating your hearts out — WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? VOTE FOR TRUMP! I will turn it around, get SALT back, lower your Taxes, and so much more,” Trump said in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the Trump campaign for further details about the former president’s position on the matter and what SALT relief might entail but did not receive a response. Trump is set to headline a rally on Long Island in New York on Wednesday and said that he thinks the campaign has a “real chance” of winning the deeply blue state in November.

Notably, many of Trump’s fellow Republicans don’t support changes to the SALT cap because they see it as a tax break for the wealthy. Meanwhile, some Democrats in high-tax states support raising or removing the cap.

But a group of Republicans in places such as New York who have been pushing hard for changes to the cap were already celebrating the policy shift from Trump on Tuesday.


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6fa125 No.223406

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610719 (172116ZSEP24) Notable: Natalie Winters: "They Know The Only Way Trump Can Lose Is By Killing Him"

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Natalie Winters: "They Know The Only Way Trump Can Lose Is By Killing Him"I hate cold opens but the media tells you directly, they want a post Trump Republic, they are still idolizing the Black Jesus Obama savior. I really dislike these evil propagandists!



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6fa125 No.223407

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610765 (172123ZSEP24) Notable: JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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5:30 PM EDT

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin



5:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Sen. JD Vance Campaigns in Eau Claire, WI

2024 GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance (OH) delivers remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.



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6fa125 No.223408

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610766 (172123ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

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LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24



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6fa125 No.223409

File: 82399973a2bcfde⋯.png (657.42 KB,663x826,663:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610769 (172124ZSEP24) Notable: Groceries Still Too High: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record

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Groceries Still Too High’: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record


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6fa125 No.223410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610771 (172124ZSEP24) Notable: Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

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‘This obviously looks really bad’: Millersville city attorney answers questions after raid

In his first interview following Wednesday’s raid, Millersville’s city attorney answers questions from WSMV4 investigates.

WSMV4 Investigates first reported Wednesday that two search warrants reveal TBI agents sought evidence in connection to three alleged crimes in their raids connected to the Millersville Police Department.

The first search warrant seeks evidence of the crime of official misconduct at the police department.

The warrant sought all files, records, documents and data, including emails, of the Millersville mayor Tommy Long, former mayor Tim Lassiter, city commissioner Cristina Templet, her husband Winston Templet, former city manager Scott Avery, security company owner Jack Byrd, as well as former police chief Dustin Carr and reserve officer Mark Loy.

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6fa125 No.223411

File: c0b5029241d4718⋯.png (35.08 KB,675x277,675:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610775 (172125ZSEP24) Notable: CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

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CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night. Dont worry, what happened at the afterparty stays at the afterparty

Kamala Harris


Thank you, @Diddy, for hosting this town hall last night. There's a lot at stake for our communities right now and it's critical we bring to the forefront how coronavirus is perpetuating racial inequality and health disparities.

7:50 AM • Apr 10, 2020


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6fa125 No.223412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610796 (172128ZSEP24) Notable: CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

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6fa125 No.223413

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610799 (172128ZSEP24) Notable: Matt Boyle On 2nd Assassination Attempt

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Matt Boyle On 2nd Assassination Attempt: "There's Something Rotten In The State Of Denmark Here"



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6fa125 No.223414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610800 (172128ZSEP24) Notable: CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

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Diddy Hosts Town Hall on 'The State of Black America & Coronavirus'

In an effort to spread awareness about COVID-19, Revolt TV is presenting a two-hour-long town hall titled State of Emergency: The State of Black America & Coronavirus.

The online event, hosted by Sean "Diddy" Combs, will focus on the pandemic's impact on black communities and how the crisis has further highlighted the racial inequality and health disparities in America. In the month since COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, a number of municipalities have shared data that suggests the disease is infecting and killing African Americans at disproportionately high rates. In Michigan, African Americans make up only 15 percent of the state's population, but account for about a third of confirmed coronavirus cases and around 40 percent of virus-related deaths. The numbers are much more stark in Louisiana, where blacks make up a third of the demographic, but account for 70 percent of the state's COVID-19 deaths.

"You look at what's happening in terms of documenting longstanding health disparities (among African Americans) … asthma, 20 percent more likely to have it; high blood pressure, 40 percent more likely to have it; lupus, black women are three times more likely that white women to have it," Sen. Kamala Harris said at the beginning of the town hall. "And this disease, this coronavirus, attacks people who otherwise have health conditions. So, we've got a lot at stake."

Harris went on to say black people are far less likely to have the option of working remotely, which means they're either risking their health due to a lack of paid sick leave or they're giving up their income in order to stay home.

"There's a lot to address, a lot to talk about, a lot to fight for …" Harris continued. "We're gonna get through this, because we're all in this together. And, again, thank you to all the leaders for being a part tonight."

You can stream the town hall now via YouTube above. Tonight's broadcast will feature appearances by Meek Mill, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Big Sean, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Killer Mike, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Van Jones, and more.

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6fa125 No.223415

File: b42db1613532017⋯.mp4 (470.62 KB,854x470,427:235,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c3a4128d9076ccd⋯.png (514.71 KB,675x592,675:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610804 (172129ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy begs for bail by offering $50M - as he heads to Epstein's suicide Jail

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Uh-Oh. Diddy going to same jail where Jeffrey Epstein was suicided.

1:48 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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6fa125 No.223416

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610813 (172131ZSEP24) Notable: KJP is dismissive and continues to call Trump a Threat. Again again.

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KJP is dismissive and continues to call Trump a Threat, when questioned by Peter Doocy's about Trump 2nd assassination attempt



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6fa125 No.223417

File: af0dca17fc7e923⋯.png (649.42 KB,768x513,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610815 (172131ZSEP24) Notable: Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

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Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

Controversial rapper and hip-hop star Sean “Diddy” Combs has been hit with charges amid a long-running federal sex-trafficking probe, according to federal prosecutors.


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6fa125 No.223418

File: 796b6a4d38bbe12⋯.png (207.05 KB,540x532,135:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 9773cb728d385bd⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,654x360,109:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610816 (172132ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris says she would ask Congress to 'study reparations' if elected President

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Fuck reparations, what about the small time drug offenders she locked up so California could use their slave prison labor? She really is a douche



WATCH: Kamala Harris says she would use executive action and ask Congress to 'study reparations' if elected President

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6fa125 No.223419

File: ca01038d276908b⋯.png (20.45 KB,482x360,241:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610818 (172132ZSEP24) Notable: CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

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6fa125 No.223420

File: ed5eaf76e8be5a2⋯.png (908.09 KB,662x856,331:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610821 (172132ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris Quadruples Down on Current Administration’s Israel Policies

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Kamala Harris Quadruples Down on Current Administration’s Israel Policies


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6fa125 No.223421

File: bda0104dea02fd5⋯.png (13.37 KB,459x261,51:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610829 (172133ZSEP24) Notable: CALL TO DIGG: Kamala Harris: Thank You Diddy for hosting this Townhall last night 4-10-20

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6fa125 No.223422

File: 18f6a61b343265f⋯.png (774.45 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610831 (172134ZSEP24) Notable: Nassim Taleb: People Aren't Seeing The Real De-Dollarization

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Nassim Taleb: People Aren't Seeing The Real De-Dollarization


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6fa125 No.223423

File: bc109a1f471a1a3⋯.png (610.53 KB,751x734,751:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610837 (172134ZSEP24) Notable: Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

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Hundreds of Hezbollah members had their communication devices blow up simultaneously across Lebanon causing serious injuries.

One Hezbollah official who spoke with Reuters said this was the "biggest security breach” of the past year

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6fa125 No.223424

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610894 (172143ZSEP24) Notable: Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity"

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Mike Benz On The Assassin: "This Guy Is Like The Forrest Gump Of CIA Paramilitary Activity". Benz is funny. Followup from yesterday's interview



Bannons War Room

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6fa125 No.223425

File: 814c1afb186f73b⋯.png (56.42 KB,696x295,696:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610896 (172143ZSEP24) Notable: Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

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6fa125 No.223426

File: e51bd46bf8439e7⋯.png (416.27 KB,663x882,221:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610920 (172146ZSEP24) Notable: Employee of Chinese State-Owned Defense Contractor Charged with Hacking NASA, U.S. Military

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Employee of Chinese State-Owned Defense Contractor Charged with Hacking NASA, U.S. Military


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6fa125 No.223427

File: d1e5e1ef184bf47⋯.png (289.16 KB,803x885,803:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610962 (172155ZSEP24) Notable: Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Hit With Sex Trafficking, Racketeering Conspiracy In Major Indictment

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6fa125 No.223428

File: 8ae79216559ce48⋯.png (238.65 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610966 (172156ZSEP24) Notable: Oracle's Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior

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GLOBALIST NWO FREAK WANTS TO PAGE AMERICAN'S Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior

Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on 'Best Behavior'

Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of Oracle, believes that artificial intelligence will enable a vast surveillance system capable of monitoring citizens and ensuring they remain on their "best behavior."


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6fa125 No.223429

File: 00b3f4157702bd1⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7c8ee3714092dc6⋯.png (588.11 KB,675x598,675:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610975 (172159ZSEP24) Notable: There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child.

12:25 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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6fa125 No.223430

File: a5da1e0cc731aa5⋯.png (887.03 KB,768x513,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610978 (172159ZSEP24) Notable: Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

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Hundreds Of Hezbollah Terrorists Injured In Lebanon As Pagers 'Suddenly Explode' In Their Pockets

Hundreds of Hezbollah terrorists were injured in Lebanon on Tuesday after handheld pagers "exploded" in what the group claims was a targeted attack, according to a state media report.


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6fa125 No.223431

File: 68181dde31d960a⋯.png (853.47 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610986 (172201ZSEP24) Notable: Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

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Israel attacked Hezbollah just as the US started withdrawing from the region. This is the new forever war [they] want.

USA reduces aircraft carrier presence in Middle East region

After several weeks of deployment in response to the crisis in the Middle East, the USA has withdrawn its aircraft carrier "USS Theodore Roosevelt" from the Red Sea.


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6fa125 No.223432

File: 69b0881be8a2013⋯.png (888.45 KB,630x653,630:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610989 (172201ZSEP24) Notable: anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

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notable - mick benz breaks down ryan routh recruitment of terrorists

below is all past bread notables when the shots were fired.

clown called, first impressions last



Note: The car has been stopped and the suspect has been arrested, he is alive so that is a plus he was known to the fbi the local sherrif have stated although his name has not been released.

it took 30 minutes after the time of the shooting for the suspects car to be stopped. that in it self is strange, continuing to collect primary statements from officials. no eye witness's as yet. story is changing in real time.

Palm Beach County Sheriff: [President Trump] was probably between three and five hundred yards [from shooter], but with a rifle and a scope like that, that's not a long distance.

Palm Beach County Sheriff: The golf course is surrounded by shrubbery, so if somebody gets into the shrubbery, they're pretty much out of sight. At this level that he is at right now; he's not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he's not, security is limited to the areas the Secret Service deems possible.



Martin County Sheriff: We know his name [shooter], and the FBI clearly knows his name. I am not in a position to release that.

>>222186 Hannity -on the attempt on djt at the golf course. - mp4 vid 15th sept 2024.

>>222113, >>222115, >>222116, >>222118, >>222160, >>222160, >>222141, >>222142 BREAKING NEWS Shots fired at Trump National Golf Club with former president on site

>>222119, >>222143, >>222166, >>222171 Trump taken to safety after Secret Service opens fire on man with possible gun at his Palm Beach golf club

>>222123, >>222127, >>222128, >>222140, >>222124, >>222136 Trump shooting: WATCH THE NARRATIVE SHIFT!

>>222134 Secret Service agents opened fire on potential gunman

>>222125 Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department to make official statement at 3:15pm EST.

>>222139 Miller: "The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped" by police.

>>222126 Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

>>222146 Matt Gaetz: “Dear Lord - Please continue to protect President Trump.”

>>222147 BREAKING: Donald Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

>>222149 @EzraACohen: The Biden-Harris administration led USSS allowed another gunman to get within close proximity to President Trump.

>>222151, >>222164 @charliekirk11 - The NY Post has walked back its original report that said President Trump was not the target. The article has been updated to this: “Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other.

>>222152 More details of SS pursuit of suspect

>>222159, >>222190,

>>222191 @GenFlynn: What the hell is going on with @realdonaldtrump‘s security?

>>222165 Trump International West Palm - overhead view

>>222168 Mike Davis on shooter

>>222170 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference LIVE

>>222173, >>222184 BREAKING: Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service agents when he was on the 5th hole after "pops" rang out.

>>222172 Image of the shooter's car released by the Martin Countys Sheriff's office.

>>222175 Kamala has been briefed. 🦗 Crickets from the potato

>>222156 "The Shot Heard Round the World" Q proof nom

>>222176, >>222177 Trump: "I really wanted to finish that hole" detailed description of the 2nd (known) assassination attempt of Donald Trump by a close friend, Sean Hannity.

>>222178 This event was not on any public schedule, so how did the shooter know where to be?

>>222180 Martin County Sheriff: We know his name [shooter], and the FBI clearly knows his name. I am not in a position to release that.


>>222183 @Libsoftiktok: New statement from Trump following ass*ss*nation attempt: Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!

>>222185 Police speak after men arrested in shooting

>>222186 Hannity - Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service on the fifth hole of his golf course when the shots were being fired at him which led to Secret Service returning fire.

>>222189 Suspect ALMOST GOT AWAY

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6fa125 No.223433

File: 053f55adac2220c⋯.png (976.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21610997 (172202ZSEP24) Notable: Terrorists detonate hundreds of pagers simultaneously across Lebanon killing and injuring many

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BEWARE BBC FAKE NEWS REPORT: The exploding pagers were a decapitation strike in preparation for Israel to invade and create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah is temporarily neutralized but expect a response from Iran, Houthis and Shiites in Iraq.

Pager explosions will devastate Hezbollah's morale and manpower

Tuesday's blasts, which Hezbollah blames on Israel, look calculated to sow fear and confusion.


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6fa125 No.223434

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611003 (172203ZSEP24) Notable: Mike Davis Hammers Importance Of Transparency By Election Officials

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Mike Davis Hammers Importance Of Transparency By Election Officials



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6fa125 No.223435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611004 (172203ZSEP24) Notable: Paging Mr. DIGZ - Did Israel give away a Cabal secret weapon? DIG CALL

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>Israeli Invasion Expected

I believe that Israel gave away a Cabal secret weapon.

I personally don't wear my cell on my hip.

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6fa125 No.223436

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611008 (172204ZSEP24) Notable: anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

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moar past bread notables


Note: What a odd thing to say?


Hannity -

Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service on the fifth hole of his golf course when the shots were being fired at him which led to Secret Service returning fire.

“Within seconds, the Secret Service pounced on the president and covered him. You had snipers with tripods. They knew the direction where the shots had been fired, and they had eyes on the location where the shots had been fired.”

Interesting choice of words. "I'm not going to go out on the golf course and get killed out there"



>>222246, >>222250, >>222257, >>222252, >>222254, >>222256, >>222253, >>222258, >>222259, >>222260, >>222262, >>222263, >>222264, >>223385, >>222265, >>222271, >>222277, >>222278 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>222266, >>222268, >>222269, >>222270, >>222272, >>222273, >>222275, >>222276, >>222279, >>222280 Assassin's social media posts

>>222215 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>222267 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>222226 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>222241, >>222242 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>222216, >>222221, >>222255 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>222225, >>222227, >>222228 Alleged pic of suspect

>>222244 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>222234, >>222238 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>222224, >>222236, >>222261 Details

>>222247 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>222249 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>222235 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>222229, >>222239 Misc.

>>222218 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>222248 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>222220 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>222243 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>222251 Krappenstein doing what he does

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6fa125 No.223437

File: 84e29bd2513c286⋯.png (632.51 KB,1096x896,137:112,Clipboard.png)

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,Clipboard.gif)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611019 (172205ZSEP24) Notable: anon bun of PB notables after 2nd assassination attempt habbened

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will go back over the primary local official statements.

nothing from any eye witness's yet.

officials varnish their words before making the statements, keep eyes open for eye witness from mara lago..

The time of the shooting and the stopping and arrest of the suspect is a anomaly.

timeline matters. how long was he there?

how long did he scope the site out.

was he staying in local or did he turn up on the day.

what happened while he was on the road.

Why did the fbi not shoot him, (big question)

his demeaner during arrest.

look at the first statement made by official on the ground,

the media can be archived with their statement into a separate bun.

2) make a official statement bun.

3) make a eye witness bun.

4) look at the location, the direction of the car travel after shots were fired.

5) The weapon, AK 47 with a scope,

6) later statements who put this operator into action via comms from social media and msm.

7) anons opines are important, not subject to restricted speech, experience and insight.



will chek back later on halfmind thread, normally full of clowns.


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6fa125 No.223438

File: a98703fda266612⋯.png (512.88 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

File: a98703fda266612⋯.png (512.88 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611024 (172206ZSEP24) Notable: PF Gitmo Express

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Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Jacksonville and Lauderdale…


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6fa125 No.223439

File: 18b56be9a9c9b8f⋯.png (504.57 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611025 (172207ZSEP24) Notable: PF Gitmo Express

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6fa125 No.223440

File: 330029f2aabe927⋯.png (736.15 KB,1080x1319,1080:1319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611030 (172208ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy begs for bail by offering $50M - as he heads to Epstein's suicide Jail

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>For context

Diddy heads to JAIL as judge denies bail despite $50M offer and denial of 'freak off' charges

17 Sep 2024

Sean 'Diddy' Combs was denied bail today on sex trafficking and racketeering charges in a bombshell development in his downfall.

The 54-year-old star was sensationally arrested last night after traveling to New York City to work with prosecutors.

He denies the claims - which include allegations of drug-fueled 'freak offs' where he is said to have forced victims into having sex with each other - and stashing weapons.

Diddy is also accused of beating more women than Cassie Ventura, the ex who he was filmed savagely beating in a hotel hallway.

In a desperate attempt to remain free, he begged for bail, proposing his own home and his mother's as part of a $50million surety. His lawyers say he has been treated unfairly and harshly. Now, he is headed for a jail cell.


Judge denies bail for Diddy

The rapper will stay in detention in New York as he awaits his trial.

In deciding to deny Diddy bail, Tarnofsky said she has 'very significant concerns' about Combs’ substance abuse and 'what appears to be anger issues.'

Tarnofsky said she considered alternatives but doesn’t think it’s sufficient because so much of what’s alleged happened behind closed doors.

AR-15s found in Diddy's Miami bedroom

Agents discovered two of three AR-15 rifles in Diddy's bedroom closet in his Miami mansion.

The weapons had been 'broken down into parts, along with magazines with ammunition loaded in them,' Williams said.

Prosecutors said in a court filing the weapons are evidence that Diddy is a threat to society and should remain detained with no bail as he awaits trial.

Diddy's lawyer vows to appeal jail decision as his outraged sons leave court

Diddy's attorney promised to appeal the decision to deny bail shortly after the hearing.

'Mr Combs is a fighter - he will fight this until the end. He is innocent. He came to New York to establish his innocence. He is not afraid - he is not afraid of the charges.

'He has been looking forward to clearing his name and he is going to clear his name. We believe in him whole heartedly. He didn't do these things,' attorney Marc Agnifilo said outside court.

In an apparent reference to Cassie Ventura, he added: 'This was a 10-year relationship… there was no collusion, there was no crime.

'This is someone who filed a civil case and now finds themself as a witnessin a criminal case.'

His furious sons - who had traveled to New York to support him - blew past a scrum of media as they left the courtroom.

Where will Diddy be held as he awaits trial?

While it remains unconfirmed, it is likely that Diddy will await trial at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York.

It is the same facility where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while awaiting trial.

A lot moar at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13859829/Diddy-arrested-latest-New-York-prosecutors-unseal-Sean-Combs-indictment-hes-held-FBIs-Manhattan-field-office.html

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6fa125 No.223441

File: ee1ffa5344ad985⋯.png (1.04 MB,1169x618,1169:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611032 (172208ZSEP24) Notable: Paging Mr. DIGZ - Did Israel give away a Cabal secret weapon? DIG CALL

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>I believe that Israel gave away a Cabal secret weapon.

WINS INTERNET 4 TODAY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


>I personally don't wear my cell on my hip.









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6fa125 No.223442

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611053 (172213ZSEP24) Notable: JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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6fa125 No.223443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611059 (172214ZSEP24) Notable: Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

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Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

5 hours ago



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6fa125 No.223444

File: 5b69c2506fcd063⋯.png (110.02 KB,598x492,299:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611063 (172214ZSEP24) Notable: Vivek hosting a town hall in Springfield, OH at 6:30pm on Thursday

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Vivek Ramaswamy


I’m hosting a town hall in Springfield, OH at 6:30pm on Thursday (details below). We’re inviting diverse voices from the local community, including Haitian immigrants.I don’t really blame the people of Springfield, either the locals or migrants, for what’s happening. I blame the awful federal policies that callously used these migrants as political pawns to sow division by transporting them to a community everyone knew was unprepared to handle them. It’s sad to see this happening just one hour from where I live, but the first step to reuniting America starts with open dialogue. Looking forward to an unvarnished conversation on Thursday night:

Bushnell Events Center

22 N Fountain Ave

Springfield, OH



4:02 PM · Sep 17, 2024


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6fa125 No.223445

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611076 (172217ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

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7:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Host a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan

Doors Open: 3:00 PM (US/Eastern)



7:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Town Hall in Flint, MI

Former president and 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump participates in a town hall in Flint, Michigan moderated by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR).



7:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Donald Trump Town Hall in Flint, Michigan | NEWSMAX2




6:00 PM EDT


Real America's Voice



12:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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6fa125 No.223446

File: e3ce99cba4c53a0⋯.png (368.67 KB,675x566,675:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 641c48a23bb7e91⋯.mp4 (8.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611104 (172221ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Intoxicated? Sauced? Crying Shame? You decide.

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2:49 PM • Sep 17, 2024


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6fa125 No.223447

File: cf4433c8cb38add⋯.png (705.31 KB,767x497,767:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 709e961721360c8⋯.png (562.88 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611153 (172229ZSEP24) Notable: Groceries Still Too High: Kamala Harris Undermines Her Own Economic Record

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Smoke And Mirrors: What Happens After Biden's Economic Manipulations Disappear?


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6fa125 No.223448

File: e7188f3020e947d⋯.png (14.75 KB,478x128,239:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611184 (172234ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH BIG LEAD!

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6fa125 No.223449

File: 2e4c93933416ada⋯.png (306.66 KB,679x443,679:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21611222 (172237ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH BIG LEAD!

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