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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e078c0 No.205865 [View All]

29AUG24 to 01SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 777 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e078c0 No.214988

File: d8bb11e8dcb3344⋯.png (546.67 KB,601x484,601:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514547 (312310ZAUG24) Notable: DJT: Jaclyn Schmitz, Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz…

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Donald J. Trump


Jaclyn Schmitz, Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz…





Aug 31, 2024, 11:41 AM

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e078c0 No.214989

File: 291077374a217f2⋯.png (1.29 MB,660x857,660:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514584 (312316ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.214990

File: 5c446f2076c3fc9⋯.webp (38.74 KB,700x864,175:216,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514595 (312318ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e078c0 No.214991

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514633 (312329ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.214992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514652 (312333ZAUG24) Notable: One of the most notorious drug chiefs in Mexico's history, Osiel Cardenas, was released from a U.S. prison on Friday

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -One of the most notorious drug chiefs in Mexico's history, Osiel Cardenas, was released from a U.S. prison on Friday into the custody of immigration officials who may deport him.

Former leader of the Gulf Cartel, Cardenas presided over some of the bloodiest gang violence in Mexico's turbulent past and has been blamed for transforming drug trafficking by embracing hyper-violent tactics such as decapitations.

Cardenas founded the Zetas, an armed wing of the Gulf Cartel made up of former army special forces.

He was captured after a gun battle in 2003 and extradited to the United States in 2007. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2010.

The Zetas later branched off on their own and became, for a while, the most deadly crime group in Mexico before largely fizzling out.

A spokesperson for the U.S. prison service told Reuters Cardenas was released "into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)" earlier on Friday.

It was not clear if Cardenas will be deported to Mexico, or remain on U.S. soil.

An ICE spokesperson said its Enforcement and Removal Operations officers took custody of Cardenas at the prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, and "he remains in ICE custody pending a final disposition determination".

Citing an anonymous U.S. official, U.S. news network NBC reported that the Biden administration plans to hand over Cardenas to Mexico on Monday.

Cardenas has outstanding charges in Mexico and is being held in a migration detention center in the U.S., a Mexican government source said.

Leo Silva, a former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent who worked in Mexico countering the Zetas, said Cardenas was directly to blame for the upturn in grisly violence in Mexico over the past two decades.

The Zetas pioneered efforts by organized crime groups to branch out from simply trafficking drugs to also extorting residents and businesses in areas they controlled. The Zetas also sowed terror by widely kidnapping for ransom.

"This was something that Osiel created that generated a new era of organized crime," said Silva, who worked for the DEA in Mexico from 2008-2015.

"He unleashed this mentality of creating fear in the country."

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e078c0 No.214993

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514667 (312335ZAUG24) Notable: Archive: Trump @ Moms for Liberty in Washington D.C.

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Note: notes below from Q and A and dough.

>>214696 djt at moms for liberty

note: summary,

trump sat for over 1 and 1/2 hours and talked about his parents, kids, stories about the children danger of transgender, story about the families of those killed leaving afghan and those who were injured, he was funny, thoughtful and connected with those in the crowd, giving great eye contact and body language was positive, he looked physically upset talking about the crimes and those who died, a supporter stood up and said thank you president trump for respecting our dead.

women should watch this as women and moms are a massive group which the democrats take for granted, this includes women who are not mothers apart from the childless cat women. even they should vote for trump, cos they will be coming for the pets next for eating meat.


FULL SPEECH: President Trump Speaks at Moms for Liberty National Summit in D.C. - 8/30/24





President Trump [Moms For Liberty Summit]: If you think twenty-one million [illegals]; so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad, because when you empty out your prisons, and you empty out your mental institutions, it's a lot of people. It's bigger than most armies, are in our country.

President Trump: I read where they're spending billions of dollars [on illegals]; I thought New York had no money, and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money, and it's not given by the federal government, so how are they doing this? The city is suffering.

President Trump: She's defective [Harris]. She's a defective person, and we don't need another defective person as president of the Unitred States. We just had that.

President Trump: She [Harris] also said, 'I worked at McDonalds'. Turned out, she didn't work at McDonalds. Anybody see that? After an exhaustive study that took about twenty minutes, they found out she never worked there. So, you know, a lot of fake stuff going on.


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e078c0 No.214994

File: b02fb6ce62677a7⋯.webp (20.26 KB,624x441,208:147,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514671 (312336ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.214995

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514688 (312338ZAUG24) Notable: Archive: Trump @ Moms for Liberty in Washington D.C.

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President Trump: I would have been happy if he [Biden] were a great president. And I wouldn't have run. I wouldn't have run. I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election [2020]. I mean, I think we won that election by so much. By so much. If I thought I lost that election, I absolutely wouldn't, I wouldn't have run, because I lost the election. But I think we did phenomenally.

Question: There's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender, children are being taught they were born in the wrong body; it's an incredibly abusive message to send. Let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president.

President Trump: Well, you can do everything. President has such power. It does. It has such power…the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it, your kid goes to school, and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child.

President Trump: They suffer from a thing called TDS. Do you know what that is? It's a horrible, horrible, terminal disease. It destroys the mind before the body, but the body eventually goes…they can't even stand their life, they can't stand anything.

President Trump: What happened is [Right To Try], I got everybody in a room, I said, listen, there's not going to be any liability. People are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country, they're not going to sue the state, they're not going to sue the doctors or the medical platforms, they're not going to sue anybody. They just want the drug. And we have saved thousands and thousands of lives. It's amazing.

President Trump: The parents truly love the kids. Some of these people on the [school] boards, I think they don't like the kids very much, what they're doing, so you have to give the rights back to the parents. This administration; it's like the FBI goes after the people like it's some kind of an insurrection. It's crazy.

Tiffany Justice: Yes, sir. They called us domestic terrorists, President Trump. For speaking out at school board meetings, defending our children.

President Trump: We'll change that on the first day, I promise you.,

President Trump: Massive percentages of women are being raped, and just beat to hell, coming up in the caravans…mothers give their girls big bottles, big, big, bottles of birth control pills, because they know bad things are happening to their daughters coming up.

President Trump: They're being killed by illegal aliens. You know, there's no correct term, because any term you use, they criticize you. Shouldn't use the word alien, you shouldn't use the word migrant. They want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore, basically

>>214654 djt mp4 vids

>>214661 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit - bun

trump did this sit down after the rally johnstown Pennsylvania, which was also around 1 and 1/2 hrs of speaking and that does not even incuding the traveling to the venue

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e078c0 No.214996

File: fb58f19f262cb2f⋯.png (192.66 KB,609x513,203:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514699 (312340ZAUG24) Notable: The commander of the Israeli Battalion 906 was killed in the West Bank

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Newspaper articles collection

@NewsArticleColl 1h

The commander of the Israeli Battalion 906 was killed in the West Bank

Aug 31, 2024 · 10:23 PM UTC


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e078c0 No.214997

File: a886a59f07267db⋯.jpg (105.57 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514739 (312348ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.214998

File: 188ea75d633ac6c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1037x1272,1037:1272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514761 (312352ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.214999

File: e43b57fa2a63e0a⋯.png (33.54 KB,700x667,700:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514763 (312352ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215000

File: ab9d03f55f44747⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514811 (312359ZAUG24) Notable: Aurora, Colorado: Hells Angels in town?

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Has anyone seen this, Hells Angels Bikers heading to Aurora?





📌 Aurora, Colorado

The Hells Angels are coming to town. 🤘🤘😎🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️

#hellsangels #AuroraColorado #Aurora #gang


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e078c0 No.215001

File: c05e51636dcec0d⋯.png (178.76 KB,480x320,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514860 (010009ZSEP24) Notable: DC Mayor Bowser tests positive for COVID-19, second time since 2022

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DC Mayor Bowser tests positive for COVID-19, second time since 2022


D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said Thursday morning she has tested positive for COVID-19.

In a statement posted on X, Bowser said she will be following all public health guidelines, adding that she will miss the first day of school for pre-K students.

“I’m disappointed to not be able to celebrate the first day of Pre-K with our littlest learners,” she said.

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e078c0 No.215002

File: d3fe63d5b26b8e5⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,720x1154,360:577,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514891 (010013ZSEP24) Notable: Aurora, Colorado: Hells Angels in town?

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(pb) >>214920 Multiple Videos Emerging Of Hells Angels Headed To Colorado On Motorcycles To Deal With Venezuela Migrants

With illegal armed Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes and other, go for it. LE can't and won't protect so give the job to Americans that can.

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e078c0 No.215003

File: 68494c39dc00cb4⋯.jpeg (572.78 KB,849x1075,849:1075,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c42626c85940e26⋯.jpeg (642.81 KB,858x1073,858:1073,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a3c58ee4cb7c8c8⋯.jpeg (774.11 KB,855x1069,855:1069,Clipboard.jpeg)

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e078c0 No.215004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21514988 (010028ZSEP24) Notable: Mil / misc. tweets & decodes

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Mil / misc. tweets & decodes:

>>214924 @SurfaceWarriors: The USS Richard M. McCool Jr. (LPD 29) arrives at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Pensacola, Florida

>>214928 @surflant: Significant milestone

>>214931, >>214963, >>214967 Scavino

>>214932 @INDOPACOM: Super Garuda Shield 2024

>>214933, >>214934, >>214974 DJT

>>214944 @USMC: #Marines conduct annual gas chamber training on Marine Corps Base Hawaii

>>214947, >>214948, >>214952 Trumpo

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e078c0 No.215005

File: f8ec626f0096734⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bed68c72759da40⋯.png (481.39 KB,598x830,299:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515001 (010029ZSEP24) Notable: Future of America under Kamala

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This is reality in the UK 🇬🇧

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e078c0 No.215007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515004 (010030ZSEP24) Notable: #26357 posted in #26359''''

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#26357 notables

#26357 >>214881

>>214925 Kash: hearing Sergei Lavrov, Putins foreign minister and effective number 2, has died… HUGE national security implications

>>214926 Trump Releases Bold Statement Pushing for Responsible Marijuana Use as Florida Voters Poised to Approve New Law

>>214927 Lula's leftist party, PT Brasil, continues to publish posts on X despite the nationwide ban on using the platform for ordinary citizens

>>214929 PF: Barroons, E6s and resident bird

>>214938 Kamala’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

>>214935 Presler: 30% of Pennsylvania hunters are NOT registered to vote

>>214936 Seven people are dead and dozens have been injured in Mississippi after a commercial bus overturned on Interstate 20

>>214937 ABL Space Systems lays off staff

>>214940 Man arrested after storming press area at a Trump rally will face charges, police say

>>214941 General Dynamics secures $491 million contract extension from Space Development Agency


>>214943 Real estate investor Hines plans to start building a large industrial complex on Florida’s Space Coast this year

>>214945 Pedowood Critic score vs. Audience score

>>214946 Sarah Palin wins new trial against New York Times in defamation case

>>214949 All-In Podcast w/ Reid Hoffman & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>214950 So why is Military in New York working at this Emergency Asylum Seeker Center?

>>214975 Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel in New York at ‘Request of the State Officials’: Report

>>214951 Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Kamala Harris Fundraiser After Getting Covid From DNC Convention Superspreader in Chicago

>>214954 New Hampshire Supreme Court sides with school district that hid student’s gender confusion from mom

>>214955 Kamala’s Lead in Minnesota Cut in Half After Walz VP Pick

>>214956 Cathy O'Brien: Michael Jackson was in the same CIA MK Ultra Project Monarch that I was

>>214957 Knives Out: Administrative State Begins Leaking Information About the Bidens

>>214958 Kevin O'Leary ripped Vice President Harris’ proposal to give first-time home buyers $25,000 as an “incredibly bad idea"

>>214959 The difference between how CNN treated JD Vance vs how they treated Kamala and Walz

>>214960 Is This Why Warren Buffett Dumped Billions Worth Of Bank Of America Stock?

>>214961 Walz’s Brother: Walz Is ‘Not the Type of Character You Want Making Decisions About Your Future’

>>214962 Federal Appeals Court: Illegal Aliens Do Not Have 2nd Amendment Rights

>>214964 CNN: Young men feel abandoned by the Democrat Party

>>214965 7 U.S. soldiers injured, 15 ISIS militants killed in western Iraq

>>214966 Elon: I keep telling people that this guy @alexandre is the dictator of Brazil, NOT a judge - he just wears that as a costume

>>214968 New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

>>214969 Nancy Pelosi states that the goal of the Democrat party is to convert undocumented immigrants (illegals) into documented immigrants

>>214970 State of Things: New York

>>214971 Biden / Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers - 350k Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

>>214972 Two African Nationals Given Probation for Raping 14-year-ol Girl in Utah

>>214973 Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

>>214976 Soros-linked Utah DA Sim Gill 'typically won't charge' suspects for fentanyl distribution unless over 200 pills found

>>214977 Scavino just posted this on his IG story

>>214978 Philippine Coast Guard Vessel being Surrounded earlier today near Sabina Shoal by Ships of the CCP

>>214979 South Carolina Dental Board Revokes Dentist’s License For Removing Toxic Mercury Fillings, Citing Pennsylvania Code

>>214980 Biden wrote an EO ordering all Federal Agencies to give voter registration to illegal aliens

>>214981 Bongland: Record 1.6 Million Out of Work Migrants Costing the Taxpayer £8.5 Billion Per Year

>>214982 New York County Makes First Arrest Under New Mask Ban

>>214983 Congresswoman Victoria Spartz said billions tax dollars given to Ukraine are in an unaccountable "SLUSH FUND"

>>214984 Multiple Israelis arrested abroad on warrants related to fraud, money laundering, tax violations

>>214985 How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants

>>214986 17 Migrants Found in Cloned Lowes Delivery Truck near Texas Border

>>215004 Mil / misc. tweets & decodes

>>214930, >>214939, >>214953 Memes


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e078c0 No.215008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515025 (010036ZSEP24) Notable: Countering shills IRL

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INCREDIBLE footage of a Trump Supporter driving by an Anti-Trump rally while playing "Sweet Caroline." With every demon in the book angrily approaching his truck, they ALL find themselves REPELLED by his message of positivity!





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e078c0 No.215009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515047 (010043ZSEP24) Notable: Mark Levin interview with Trump

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mark levin interview with trump, posted 3 minutes ago

Donald Trump: Kamala Harris is the 'greatest flip-flopper'


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e078c0 No.215011

File: 479812cec51d7d5⋯.png (471.83 KB,564x668,141:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515072 (010050ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e078c0 No.215012

File: 47ee8872694d549⋯.png (359.56 KB,405x515,81:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515097 (010055ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e078c0 No.215014

File: 598b252e3f4fea5⋯.png (333.17 KB,1151x571,1151:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515135 (010059ZSEP24) Notable: Gold Star families defend Trump, slam Kamala: 'Why will you not express your condolences yourself?'

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American News Aug 31, 2024

BREAKING: Gold Star families defend Trump, slam Kamala: 'Why will you not express your condolences yourself?'

"Why will you not express your condolences yourself?"

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e078c0 No.215015

File: e1ed92c2afc680a⋯.png (202.91 KB,605x547,605:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515156 (010102ZSEP24) Notable: Rumors that Sergei Lavrov (Putin's #2) is dead

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Mega Geopolitics

@MegaGeopolitics 6h

NEW: Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov says that 'The only one interested in a major war in the Middle East is Israel'

"Iran categorically does not want to give in to provocations, does not want to be drawn into large-scale hostilities, but they are trying to provoke it". - Lavrov said.

Aug 31, 2024 · 6:51 PM UTC


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e078c0 No.215016

File: a8a206f071eacb0⋯.png (192.51 KB,602x700,43:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515188 (010108ZSEP24) Notable: Aurora, Colorado: Hells Angels in town?

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General Mike Flynn


No one else is coming to their rescue. Why not the Hell’s Angels? This is what happens when you vote for democrats—you get illegal criminal thugs from 3rd world countries taking over your cities. Where’s DHS, the FBI? They seem to be involved in the lives of every J6er who entered the Capitol peacefully. Americans are growing weary of this bs.


@Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸




(FAFO) 🚨 Multiple reports on social media say The Hells Angels are heading to Aurora Colorado, this chapter is from North Carolina

(RP) if you stand with the Hells Angels 🇺🇸

2:05 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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e078c0 No.215017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515197 (010110ZSEP24) Notable: Mark Levin interview with Trump

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Transcript: Mark Levin interview with Trump


President Trump [Mark Levin Interview]: The good news is, I'm leading. I think I'm leading, maybe by a lot. Could be a lot more than people think.


President Trump: Our military is great, but they need the right leader. We have great people; and don't worry about it going woke. Those people are not going woke ever. You could sit with them for months and try and convince them; they're not going to go woke, But the top people are woke. The people that are trying to do the convincing are woke.


President Trump: I don't think we have a president right now. Biden's on vacation all the time…he was overthrown, this was a coup, and the person running got no votes, and they wanted to be politically correct, because six weeks ago they thought she was a joke….the press is really the biggest problem of all, the fake news, I call it…because they immediately went from her being a joke, not qualified, she'll be terrible, and she's the worst vice president in history, to all of a sudden, she's wonderful. But she's not wonderful. So we have a debate coming up, and I look forward to that, and she'll be exposed.

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e078c0 No.215018

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515253 (010121ZSEP24) Notable: Rumors that Sergei Lavrov (Putin's #2) is dead

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**14sec vid is shit

We don’t discuss our territory with anyone, we don’t negotiate it either – Lavrov



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e078c0 No.215019

File: d1136973337e8a3⋯.png (17.46 KB,458x193,458:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515265 (010123ZSEP24) Notable: Rumors that Sergei Lavrov (Putin's #2) is dead

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e078c0 No.215020

File: 68a4da6c028348f⋯.png (257.24 KB,534x337,534:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515289 (010129ZSEP24) Notable: Rumors that Sergei Lavrov (Putin's #2) is dead

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Ukraine's Representative to UN suggests Lavrov may have already passed away

Story by Bohdan Babaiev • 27m

Ukraine's representative to the United Nations, Sergiy Kyslytsya, has made a provocative statement, hinting that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov may have died, according to Kyslytsya's statement on the social media platform X.

On August 31, Kyslytsya wrote that for Russian war criminals, a natural death would be a form of salvation. He explained that this would allow them to go straight to hell, bypassing purgatory.


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e078c0 No.215021

File: 195726b11d287c8⋯.jpg (203.58 KB,1092x1106,78:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515299 (010131ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515372 (010152ZSEP24) Notable: Keynesian vs Austrian economic theories

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Note; moar to follow.. for now this,


Note: runtime 50 minutes Godfrey Bloom gives a breakdown on how the economy works, the different terms and government spending. if anons can watch this and understand how to explain this to others it will a massive subject covered which most people do not understand.

summary: There are only two types of people in society, the wealth creators and the wealth dependants. so anyone working for the state is sucking the others into debt and ruin. Keynesian monetary theory is those who work for the state, Austrian monetary theory is those who pay create wealth. The bigger the state, the moar it sucks the wealth out via taxes and cause inflation, which is printing moar money, thus devaluing the currency. Godrey also explains how the state debt works and how many people are dependant on the state. over all, the old are a burden and need to be disposed of early to stop them being a burden on the state so they can pay the useful idiots. goes all the way up to the w.e.f, example you will own nothing and you will be happy klaus schwab.


Is UK Collapse Coming Under Starmer?



30 Aug 2024

Godfrey Bloom joined Jim Ferguson for a political discussion on the UK.

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e078c0 No.215023

File: f2d05365118d8d3⋯.png (421.9 KB,740x842,370:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d9c36ffc0e763f⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515402 (010200ZSEP24) Notable: Sopranos Actress Drea de Matteo Backs RFK Jr After Joining Forces With Trump

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🔥 Sopranos Actress Drea de Matteo Backs RFK Jr After Joining Forces With Trump

"I'll never have another gig. At the very moment all I care about is fighting for this country and just trying to wake up a few more of my fellow liberals…I support Kennedy all the way. I'm happy that there's unity right now…I don't think Trump is a lifelong politician and neither was Kennedy. And I think that's the change we need."


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e078c0 No.215024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515433 (010206ZSEP24) Notable: #26359

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notables FINAL

#26359 >>214987

>>215009, >>215017 Mark Levin interview with Trump

>>214993, >>214995 Archive: Trump @ Moms for Liberty in Washington D.C.

>>214988 DJT: Jaclyn Schmitz, Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz…

>>214992 One of the most notorious drug chiefs in Mexico's history, Osiel Cardenas, was released from a U.S. prison on Friday

>>214996 The commander of the Israeli Battalion 906 was killed in the West Bank

>>215000, >>215002, >>215016 Aurora, Colorado: Hells Angels in town?

>>215001 DC Mayor Bowser tests positive for COVID-19, second time since 2022

>>215003 DJT Memes

>>215005 Future of America under Kamala

>>215008 Countering shills IRL

>>215014 Gold Star families defend Trump, slam Kamala: 'Why will you not express your condolences yourself?'

>>215015, >>215018, >>215019, >>215020 Rumors that Sergei Lavrov (Putin's #2) is dead

>>215022 Keynesian vs Austrian economic theories

>>215023 Sopranos Actress Drea de Matteo Backs RFK Jr After Joining Forces With Trump

>>214989, >>214990, >>214991, >>214994, >>214997, >>214998, >>214999, >>215011, >>215012, >>215021 Memes


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e078c0 No.215027

File: 04fa1e9dde35dbc⋯.png (483.73 KB,626x351,626:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515444 (010207ZSEP24) Notable: #26360

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can continue or defer

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e078c0 No.215028

File: a72f518e02611e6⋯.png (816.47 KB,824x1250,412:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515465 (010210ZSEP24) Notable: BlackRock under investigation by US Government after exposed for investing $429,000,000 into the Chinese military

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e078c0 No.215029

File: 1bb2318a174f6c2⋯.png (768.69 KB,707x904,707:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515582 (010232ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215030

File: 3b24d7e72b6cabf⋯.png (297.98 KB,788x811,788:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515589 (010233ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215031

File: d35378fbd579648⋯.png (472.38 KB,714x897,238:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515598 (010238ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215032

File: 9b813606e4784bf⋯.gif (641.38 KB,288x288,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515616 (010248ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215033

File: b1397cfde331f71⋯.png (1.79 MB,1326x1769,1326:1769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515623 (010251ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215034

File: 1ec9afd94c4ae03⋯.png (619.57 KB,644x993,644:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515643 (010259ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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e078c0 No.215035

File: d50cbb074068e2e⋯.png (64.33 KB,1206x334,603:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515649 (010301ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: What a great interview tonight on Mark Levin. Next Level!!!

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What a great interview tonight on Mark Levin. Next Level!!!


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e078c0 No.215036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515694 (010313ZSEP24) Notable: IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey (Animated Short Film)

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full video of a dystopian future

IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film


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e078c0 No.215037

File: d2bd44bbe76efc3⋯.png (6.59 KB,236x201,236:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515743 (010330ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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Is there an Operator in the house can splain this for anon?

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e078c0 No.215038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515754 (010332ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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dr phil b.o. ?

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e078c0 No.215039

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515782 (010340ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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PHIL = Phillipines

B.O. = (Bar cock O bummer)

Some say Board Owner, wasn't hot wheels in the Phill though. Maybe both?


"After leaving the Army to focus on the company, Watkins moved to the Philippines. In February 2014, Watkins became the operator of 2channel after he seized it from its creator and original owner, Hiroyuki Nishimura, later renaming it 5channel.[2][3] He began providing domain and hosting services to 8chan later that year and became the site's official owner and operator by year's end.[4]"


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e078c0 No.215040

File: ce9f4d446c445d8⋯.png (472.63 KB,630x841,630:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515818 (010349ZSEP24) Notable: 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

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55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

A trailblazing prosecutor-turned-politician sits on the cusp of history.

By Catherine Kim and Zack Stanton

08/11/2020 06:51 PM EDT

Catherine Kim is an editorial intern at POLITICO.

Zack Stanton is digital editor of Politico Magazine.




Kamala Harris has spent the better part of two decades in public life notching up a long list of things she was the first to achieve: the first Black woman to be elected district attorney in California history, first woman to be California’s attorney general, first Indian American senator, and now, the first Black woman and first Asian American to be picked as a vice presidential running mate on a major-party ticket.

What do voters need to know about the woman who sits on the cusp of breaking one of the highest glass ceilings in American life? Here, culled from books, extensive media coverage and the archives of POLITICO, is a quick primer on the life of Kamala Devi Harris, the trailblazing prosecutor-turned-senator who in just a few months’ time could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

1. Kamala Devi Harris was born in Oakland, California on October 20, 1964, the eldest of two children born to Shyamala Gopalan, a cancer researcher from India, and Donald Harris, an economist from Jamaica.

2. Her parents met at UC Berkeley while pursuing graduate degrees, and bonded over a shared passion for the civil rights movement, which was active on campus. After she was born, they took young Kamala along to protests in a stroller.

3. Her mother chose Kamala’s name as a nod both to her Indian roots—Kamala means “lotus” and is another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi—and the empowerment of women.

“A culture that worships goddesses produces strong women,” Gopalan told the Los Angeles Times in 2004.

4. Harris’ parents divorced when she was 7, and her mother raised her and her sister, Maya, on the top floor of a yellow duplex in Berkeley.

5. In first grade, Harris was bused to Thousand Oaks Elementary School, which was in its second year of integration. For the next three years, she’d play “Miss Mary Mack” and cat’s cradle with her friends on the bus that traveled from her predominantly black, lower-middle-class neighborhood to her school located in a prosperous white district.

6. As a child, Harris went to both a Black Baptist church and a Hindu temple—embracing both her South Asian and Black identities. “My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters,” Harris later wrote in her autobiography, “and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”

7. She visited India as a child and was heavily influenced by her grandfather, a high-ranking government official who fought for Indian independence, and grandmother, an activist who traveled the countryside teaching impoverished women about birth control.

8. Harris attended middle school and high school in Montreal after her mom got a teaching job at McGill University and a position as a cancer researcher at Jewish General Hospital.

9. In Montreal, a 13-year-old Harris and her younger sister, Maya, led a successful demonstration in front of their apartment building in protest of a policy that banned children from playing on the lawn.

10. After high school, Harris attended Howard University, the prestigious historically Black college in Washington, D.C. She majored in political science and economics, and joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.


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e078c0 No.215041

File: 6e4ec279a0c42c4⋯.png (288.77 KB,738x592,369:296,Clipboard.png)

File: 9567eac7eb747a5⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515829 (010351ZSEP24) Notable: Scavino: Rock History

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e078c0 No.215042

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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