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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

880751 No.207067 [Last50 Posts]

01SEP24 to 03SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

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880751 No.215043

File: 4a62f967b041f0b⋯.png (574.23 KB,500x614,250:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515843 (010356ZSEP24) Notable: 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

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11. While attending law school in San Francisco, Harris lived with her sister, Maya, and helped potty-train Maya’s daughter.

“I’m dealing with this brutal stuff, dog-eat-dog in school, and then I would come home and we would all stand by the toilet and wave bye to a piece of shit,” Harris recalled in 2018. “It will put this place in perspective.”

12. In 1990, after passing the bar, Harris joined the Alameda County prosecutor’s office in Oakland as an assistant district attorney focusing on sex crimes.

13. Harris’ family was initially skeptical of the career choice. While she acknowledged that prosecutors have historically earned a bad reputation, she said she wanted to change the system from the inside.



Ron DeSantis is struggling to maintain power in Florida following presidential campaign flop

Jack Smith to Judge Chutkan: Trump trial timeline is in your court

California is cracking down on Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and Twinkies

Trump’s Latest Move to Avoid Abortion Is His Strangest One Yet

Trump scrambles to do damage control on Florida abortion measure

14. In 1994, Harris began dating Willie Brown, a powerhouse in California politics who was then the speaker of the state assembly and was 30 years older than Harris. From his perch in the assembly, Brown appointed Harris to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission—positions that together paid her around $80,000 a year on top of her prosecutor’s salary.

15. In 1995, Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco. That December, Harris broke up with him because “she concluded there was no permanency in our relationship,” Brown told Joan Walsh in 2003. “And she was absolutely right.”

16. After being recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney’s office by a former colleague in Alameda, Harris cracked down on teenage prostitution in the city, reorienting law enforcement’s approach to focus on the girls as victims rather than as criminals selling sex.

17. During this time, Harris courted influential friends among San Francisco’s moneyed elite. In 2003, they would provide the financial backing to make her a formidable candidate in her first campaign for office.

18. In 2003, she ran for district attorney in San Francisco against incumbent Terence Hallinan, her former boss. Her message, a top strategist on that campaign told POLITICO, was: “We’re progressive, like Terence Hallinan, but we’re competent like Terence Hallinan is not.”

19. She was elected in a runoff with 56.5 percentof the vote. With her victory, she became the first Black woman in California to be elected district attorney.

20. That same election, Gavin Newsom was elected mayor, succeeding Willie Brown. Newsom, now governor of California, is a close friend of hers, and the two have even vacationed together.

21. During her first three years as district attorney, San Francisco’s conviction rate jumped from 52 to 67 percent.

22. One of Harris’ most controversial decisions came in 2004 when she declined to pursue the death penalty against the man who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. At the funeral, Senator Dianne Feinstein delivered a eulogy in which she criticized Harris, who was in the audience, prompting a standing ovation from the hundreds of officers in attendance.

Harris would be shunned by police unions for the next decade.


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880751 No.215044

File: d429192ad07228f⋯.png (2.34 MB,998x1142,499:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515851 (010358ZSEP24) Notable: 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

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23. Later, as California attorney general, Harris declined to support two ballot initiatives that would’ve banned the death penalty—raising accusations of political opportunism and inconsistency on the controversial issue.

24. She was under scrutiny during her tenure as San Francisco district attorney when a technician stole cocaine from the DA’s crime lab and mishandled evidence. Harris, trying to keep things under wraps, failed to inform defense attorneys. As a result, about a thousand drug-related cases had to be thrown out.

25. Her friendship with Barack Obama dates back to his run for Senate in 2004. She was the first notable California officeholder to endorse him during his 2008 presidential bid.

26. In San Francisco, she vocally supported a controversial 2010 law that made truancy a misdemeanor and punished parents who failed to send their children to school. The truancy rate ultimately dropped, but some critics saw the rule as too punitive.

27. that same year, in her second term as district attorney, Harris ran for California attorney general. Initially, few thought she would win the race—she was a woman of color from liberal San Francisco who opposed the death penalty and she was running against Steve Cooley, a popular white Republican who served as Los Angeles’ DA.

28. The race was so tight that on election night, Cooley made a victory speech and the San Francisco Chronicle declared him the winner. Three weeks later, all ballots having been counted, Harris was declared the victor by 0.8 percentage points.

29. As attorney general, when California was offered $4 billion in a national mortgage settlement over the foreclosure crisis, Harris fought for a larger amount by refusing to sign the deal. Although she was accused of grandstanding, she managed to secure $20 billion for California homeowners.

30. One of her signature accomplishments as attorney general was creating Open Justice, an online platform to make criminal justice data available to the public. The database helped improve police accountability by collecting information on the number of deaths and injuries of those in police custody.

31. The California Department of Justice recommended in 2012 that Harris file a civil enforcement action against OneWest Bank for “widespread misconduct” when foreclosing homes.

Harris, however, declined to prosecute the bank or its then-CEO Steven Mnuchin, who now serves as Treasury secretary.

32. Some advocates say Harris didn’t do enough to address police brutality while she was attorney general, especially after she refused to investigate the police shootings of two Black men in 2014 and 2015. She also didn’t support a 2015 bill in the state assembly that would have required the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor who specializes in police use of deadly force.

33. In 2013, President Barack Obama was recorded referring to Harris as the “best-looking attorney general in the country.” He later apologized after critics labeled the comment as sexist.

34. Harris was rumored to be a potential Supreme Court nominee under the Obama administration, although she later said she wasn’t interested.

35. She married Doug Emhoff, a corporate lawyer in Los Angeles, in 2014 at a small and private ceremony officiated by her sister. Emhoff has two children from his previous marriage; they call Harris “Momala.”

36. She won her U.S. Senate race in 2016, defeating fellow Democrat Loretta Sanchez, a moderate congresswoman with 20 years of experience.

37. She went viral in 2017 for her sharp questioning of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the Russia investigation. After 3½ minutes of persistent questioning, Sessions said, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous.”

38. She implemented a similar strategy of questioning during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2018, when she grilled him about whether he’d discussed the Mueller investigation with anyone.


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880751 No.215045

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515854 (010358ZSEP24) Notable: 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

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39. Her most fervent online supporters were called the “KHive,” a phrase inspired by Beyoncé’s loyal group of fans, the “Beyhive.”

40. By far the most viral moment of her presidential campaign came in the first Democratic debate, when she confronted Joe Biden over his position on cross-district busing in the 1970s while using a personal anecdote: “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools. And she was bused to school every day,” she said. “And that little girl was me.” Though her poll numbers briefly surged after the debate, it was only downhill from there.

41. In two TV interviews over the course of a week in 2019, President Donald Trump called Harris “nasty” for her questioning of Attorney General WIlliam Barr over his handling of the Mueller report during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

42. She had an inconsistent stance on health care, which also made voters skeptical. Although she said she supported the abolition of private health care during an earlier town hall, she later denied her statement and said she had misheard the question. She eventually released a health care plan that still included private health insurance.

43. During the campaign, Harris shied away from discussing specifics about her career as a prosecutor, a strategic choice borne of fear that voters on the left would criticize her over criminal justice issues. She even failed to give a sharp response to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s misleading attacks against her record, leaving voters unclear about her positions.

44. She ended her presidential campaign in December 2019, a month before the Iowa caucuses, after taking a hard look at her campaign’s financial future and low poll numbers. Internal turmoil cost her presidential bid, with aides accusing Harris of mistreating her staff with sudden layoffs and allowing her sister, Maya, to have too much influence.

45. She delayed her endorsement for Biden until March 8, when there were no more women left in the race and his nomination was undeniable. Six days after the California primary, she threw her support behind Biden and said he was a leader who could “unify the people.”

46. She’s an enthusiastic cook who bookmarks recipes from the New York Times’ cooking section and has tried almost all the recipes from Alice Waters’ The Art of Simple Food. Her go-to dinner entree is a simple roast chicken.

47. She collects Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers, which are her go-to travel shoes.

48. Her favorite books include Native Son by Richard Wright, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

49. She typically wakes up around 6 a.m. and works out for half an hour on the elliptical or SoulCycle. She’ll start the day with a bowl of Raisin Bran with almond milk and tea with honey and lemon before leaving for work.

50. She describes herself as a “tough” boss—although mostly on herself.

51. One of the few times her father spoke publicly about her was when he reprimanded her for suggestively pointing to her Jamaican heritage when asked about her support for the legalization of marijuana. He criticized her for connecting Jamaicans to the “fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker.” He said he and his immediate family wished “to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

52. She’s not a fan of being called the “female Obama.” When a reporter asked her about carrying on Obama’s legacy during her run for president, she said, “I have my own legacy.”

53. In June, her Wikipedia page was edited 408 times—far more than any other candidate on the shortlist –– in the span of three weeks, which people pointed to as a sign of her nomination as running mate (The Wikipedia page of Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016, saw more activity than any other candidate). The edits, mostly made by one person, had scrubbed controversial information from her page, including her “tough-on-crime” record and her decision not to prosecute Steven Mnuchin for financial fraud in 2013.

54. If elected in November, she will be the first woman, first African American and first Asian American vice president in the history of the United States.

55. Her motto comes from her mom: “You may be the first, but make sure you’re not the last.”

Sources: Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, POLITICO, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, NPR, USA Today, The Washington Post, The New York Times, GovTrack, The Guardian, Vox, The Intercept, Smart Voter, Book Riot, SF Gate, Mercury News, The Cut, The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris.


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880751 No.215046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515872 (010404ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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Extraction Key


14.5995° N, 120.9842° E

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880751 No.215047

File: 2362be78c457f7b⋯.png (342.58 KB,754x516,377:258,Clipboard.png)

File: e8103430c021b16⋯.png (106.72 KB,850x1250,17:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515920 (010415ZSEP24) Notable: Scavino: Rock History

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How many times has Dan posted Thunder now?



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880751 No.215048

File: 90761ca7004a9e6⋯.jpg (292.73 KB,1080x1266,180:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ef8f3a2f2ee76d5⋯.jpg (336.12 KB,1080x1949,1080:1949,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 90761ca7004a9e6⋯.jpg (292.73 KB,1080x1266,180:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ef8f3a2f2ee76d5⋯.jpg (336.12 KB,1080x1949,1080:1949,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515966 (010426ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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Expand your thinking.

Did BO ever land in the Philippines?


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880751 No.215049

File: 822600dfb6b9c93⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21515977 (010432ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz: When I was in Afghanistan (vid)

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Tim Waltz - When I was in Afghanistan.


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880751 No.215050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516099 (010528ZSEP24) Notable: Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

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>Is there an Operator

Anon isn't authorized. GL.

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880751 No.215051

File: 0ddc7df86612f52⋯.png (115.33 KB,865x746,865:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 4117f533884fc94⋯.png (705.53 KB,683x944,683:944,Clipboard.png)

File: e22ea74fe9b88d0⋯.png (617.75 KB,693x898,693:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c59d97910f30fc⋯.png (332.09 KB,744x932,186:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 752b472077e89b0⋯.png (306.87 KB,767x933,767:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516103 (010529ZSEP24) Notable: NPR hit piece on the danger of Trump sharing AI images

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NPR hit piece on the danger of Trump sharing AI images


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880751 No.215052

File: 41eeb45ff6a77f8⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 026965bdf786d4d⋯.png (380.22 KB,814x769,814:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516214 (010618ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Christy Shamblin, Mother-In-Law of Sergeant Nicole Gee…


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880751 No.215053

File: 6318398811dd4d4⋯.png (386.8 KB,788x771,788:771,Clipboard.png)

File: dc9c5eba048e6a4⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516216 (010619ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Herman Lopez, Father of Corporal Hunter Lopez…


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880751 No.215054

File: b1f068df12ebe08⋯.png (308.53 KB,798x776,399:388,Clipboard.png)

File: dbf6fa50b3e2dfb⋯.mp4 (11.66 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516217 (010620ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Jim McCollum, Father of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum…


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880751 No.215055

File: facf792131f245a⋯.png (333.01 KB,802x769,802:769,Clipboard.png)

File: b68a19fb63dd9f8⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB,840x480,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516221 (010626ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Mark Schmitz, Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz…


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880751 No.215056

File: d21529f4fbac0f8⋯.png (279.33 KB,758x736,379:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 397e9b143a47b57⋯.mp4 (11.15 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516225 (010627ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Steve Nikoui, Father of Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui…


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880751 No.215057

File: 3063c3ca9bff1d3⋯.png (369.07 KB,743x730,743:730,Clipboard.png)

File: 00f0c04acb79747⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516227 (010629ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Jaclyn Schmitz, Mother of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz…


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880751 No.215058

File: 2be469485a0a8a6⋯.png (248.92 KB,760x813,760:813,Clipboard.png)

File: 62071e74fd941af⋯.mp4 (14.63 MB,840x480,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516239 (010645ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump


Darin Hoover, Father of Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover…


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880751 No.215059

File: 5e886c35d319272⋯.png (197.86 KB,749x706,749:706,Clipboard.png)

File: a9dc36c8186ab0d⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516242 (010649ZSEP24) Notable: DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

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Donald J. Trump



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880751 No.215060

File: 94862e32bc2e9ae⋯.jpg (130.09 KB,720x997,720:997,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 56f4c56d00647c7⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516337 (010838ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala - Secret ingredient for her greens? Tabasco

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The secret ingredient for my greens? Tabasco.


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880751 No.215061

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516341 (010851ZSEP24) Notable: X33 Report Ep. 3438a - Destroyed Economic Narrative, Musk sends warning

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Ep. 3438a - With One Interview [KH] Destroyed The Economic Narrative, Musk Sends Warning



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880751 No.215062

File: 3d16d0abcb95f36⋯.png (23.63 KB,596x267,596:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516347 (010902ZSEP24) Notable: Flynn Musk on undermining the Constitution

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General Mike Flynn


Actually @elonmusk

it is called projecting. They are projecting their bullshit psycho plans on us. Don’t be surprised if we don’t have an election in NOV.


Elon Musk




They want to undermine the Constitution x.com/micsolana/stat…

3:39 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215063

File: 1fa65a52d16e4f0⋯.png (532.43 KB,899x538,899:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516363 (010919ZSEP24) Notable: Senate Pro Tem Refuses to Convene Special Session Called By Newsome

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Is This Curtains for Gavin Newsom? CA

Senate Pro Tem Refuses to Convene Special

Session Called By Guv

Red State, by Jennifer Van Laar

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/1/2024 1:45:09 AM

As he promised, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation convening a special legislative session on Saturday after the state Assembly and Senate failed to pass a proposal he submitted on August 15 that would require the state's refineries to maintain reserves to allegedly prevent "price gouging" when there are supply shortages. Of course, even analysts within Newsom's administration agreed that the measure would lead to a further increase in prices instead of bringing Californians any kind of relief at the pump. Democrat legislative leaders objected to Newsom's heavy-handed tactics because they'd already been working on various bills related to the issue and because they wanted

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880751 No.215064

File: fd29fad030258a1⋯.png (719.68 KB,666x762,111:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516365 (010921ZSEP24) Notable: Gold Star Family Members of Fallen U.S.Servicemembers Killed in Afghanistan Nuke Kamala Harris

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Gold Star Family Members of Fallen U.S.

Servicemembers Killed in Afghanistan Nuke

Kamala Harris

Breitbart Politics, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 1:40:35 AM

Families of the 13 fallen United States servicemembers who were killed during the Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’s statement criticizing Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Darin Hoover, the father of Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover; Coral Doolittle, the mother of Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez; Jaclyn, and Mark Schmitz, the mother and father of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz; Steve Nikoui, the father of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui; Jim McCollum, the father of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum; Herman Lopez, father of Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez; and Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Marine Corps

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880751 No.215065

File: 8b75848772bd7ee⋯.png (423.16 KB,591x757,591:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516383 (010934ZSEP24) Notable: Black Californians are threatening to withhold their vote from Kamala Harris after the State's Democrat lawmakers decided not to give them slavery reparations

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BREAKING: Black Californians are threatening to withhold their vote from Kamala Harris after the State's Democrat lawmakers decided not to give them slavery reparations

“This is going to impact your friend, Kamala Harris, who's running for president.”

Black Democrats are finally realizing that Democrats only care about giving freebies to illegals

They should vote for Trump. He's not going to give them handouts, but he will dismantle the system that's been plundering the community for centuries

5:17 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215066

File: 131c9034c0fa04a⋯.png (14.09 KB,589x174,589:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516385 (010935ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk Long Live America and our Constitution!

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Elon Musk



Long Live America and our Constitution!


8:22 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215067

File: 3ebbd777eb933e3⋯.png (232.61 KB,588x596,147:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516388 (010939ZSEP24) Notable: Video surfaced with Tim Walz claiming “when I was in Afghanistan”!

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Wendy Patterson


Listen to how disgraceful he is. He's claiming he was in Afghanastan with his troops!


Nicholas Kruge




🚨🚨BREAKING: Video surfaced with Tim Walz claiming “when I was in Afghanistan”! Tim Walz should resign in disgrace! He was NEVER in Afghanistan!

4:30 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215068

File: 73d7fb4792606d4⋯.png (498.25 KB,602x793,602:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516389 (010940ZSEP24) Notable: Mexico's government just announced that they will start providing bus rides with police & military escorts to illegal migrants

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BREAKING: Mexico's government just announced that they will start providing bus rides with police & military escorts to illegal migrants heading to the U.S. border

Border Czar Kamala Harris met with Mexican President Andrés Obrador. I wonder if this was part of their plan

The Mexican National Immigration Institute said the buses will leave from the southern cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. Local, state and federal law enforcement will provide security for the buses and meals will be provided during transit. The aim of Mexico's plan is to relieve pressure on their cities with the waves of illegals passing through.

From now on, getting to the U.S. border is going to be more comfortable than ever for the millions of illegal migrants who want to make their way over here.


4:45 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215069

File: 597a871bf4b9a9c⋯.png (432.56 KB,598x813,598:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516399 (010955ZSEP24) Notable: Black Californians are threatening to withhold their vote from Kamala Harris after the State's Democrat lawmakers decided not to give them slavery reparations

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The California legislature passed a HISTORIC bill to "atone" for its "legacy of racist policies" by issuing a formal apology to black people. It passed right after they approved free cash for illegal migrants to buy houses

Blacks get apologies, while illegals get free homes😂

Under the new law, California would accept responsibility and formally apologize for its role in perpetuating segregation, economic disparities, and discrimination against Black Americans.

It requires the Secretary of State to send a final copy of the apology to the state archives, where it could be viewed by the public.

The apology would say that the state “affirms its role in protecting the descendants of enslaved people and all Black Californians as well as their civil, political, and sociocultural rights.”

I'm not supposed to laugh, but I am. These black Democrats actually thought they would get reparations, but instead, they're getting apologies while having to work to pay taxes for Juan and Pedro from a 3rd world country to get their free loan to buy a house😂


3:26 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215070

File: 8008027d83e75bf⋯.png (38.96 KB,597x527,597:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516402 (010959ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk Today, we launch the daily data dump on the crimes - under *Brazilian* law

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Elon Musk


Today, we launch the daily data dump on the crimes – under *Brazilian* law – that fake “judge” @alexandre

has committed!

He can block this platform in Brazil, but he can’t stop the whole world from knowing his illegal, shameful & hypocritical deeds. Karma’s a b*tch bro.



Square profile picture

Alexandre Files




Today, we begin shining a light on the abuses of Brazilian law committed by Alexandre de Moraes.

We have been forced to share these orders because there is no transparency from the court, and the people who are being censored have no recourse to appeal. Our own appeals have been

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:56 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215071

File: ae0ddd753b51e4a⋯.png (436.28 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516485 (011112ZSEP24) Notable: #26361

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ty anons

next baker please step up!!

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880751 No.215072

File: b82835a18b09b48⋯.png (302.59 KB,654x500,327:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dbbf494e0373ed⋯.png (166.54 KB,895x901,895:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,Clipboard.gif)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516491 (011115ZSEP24) Notable: 64 Days to WINNING

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>>>/qresearch/21516477 lb

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880751 No.215073

File: 3968520a3c2a93d⋯.png (956.21 KB,711x1024,711:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516512 (011136ZSEP24) Notable: Reagan Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

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movie review


Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

Goes through his fight with communism in hollywood, his failure to win the election on his first attempt, wins second time he runs

The fight to free the world from nuclear war, free the german people and unite the people of east and west germany and the demolition of the berlin wall. ending the soviet union.

his assassination attempt and eventually bringing back God.

many comparisons with todays politics.

Anon can understand why the media and the hacks are attacking it coming up to the elections with Trump being very similiar and even using a lot of reagan slogans and talking points like peace through strength.

anon would give it a 7/10 score,

serious, light hearted and positive film with some great actors.

Would recommend, Maga will love it, the leftist will learn from it and the unions members may actually vote independently rather than a block vote.

From this anons research most of problems have been caused by the c.i.a and those who are watching it play out again will see the patterns.

Mike benz interview with tucker is also worth watching..

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880751 No.215074

File: 0305c6edb5b4d67⋯.png (366.29 KB,594x612,33:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516517 (011138ZSEP24) Notable: Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

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This is a million times more real and therefore more powerful than the corporate media's "anonymous sources say Trump secretly dislikes the troops" lies and propaganda.


Square profile picture

Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)




WATCH: Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz

12:53 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215075

File: 2986d75e93e2dbe⋯.png (506.58 KB,591x510,197:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516518 (011139ZSEP24) Notable: Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook

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Larry Elder


Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook for 'food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation'

From wnd.com

12:36 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215076

File: e51ceee09e59e45⋯.png (21.92 KB,771x192,257:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516520 (011140ZSEP24) Notable: After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

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After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil. Mike Benz reports that Brazilians can’t see the embassy’s X account. The embassy officials hadn’t issued a statement.

They haven’t threatened to move US businesses out of the country, abandoning the $200 million in foreign assistance they receive, nothing.

Finally, after a year of total silence yesterday, they made a public statement about monitoring the situation.

Mike Benz explains that the US embassy has “been behind it. They have been funding it. They had been coordinating it.”

A Brazilian member of Congress in the US told Benz he was censored. “The US government actually funded the Brazilian NGOs; the Brazilian think tanks who are part of the legislative development of these censorship edicts and who pressuring Brazil’s government not to create a carve-X out for congressional parliamentarians because it would give a free pass for Brazilian members of Congress to spread misinformation online.”

“So the US government funded the pressure for the ability to arrest that politician. This is not a case where the Brazilian government has gone rogue. The US government sponsored it through the State Department, through US aid, through the national demand for democracy, in about 100 different NGOs, university centers, legal scholars, and activists within Brazil, starting in 2018, starting in or about October 2018, and first, they came for the social media companies then they came for WhatsApp telegram and now finally they’re coming for X.”

[Soon, they’ll come for all of us. The State Department funded Communist Lula over Bolsonaro who wants freedom for Brazilians.]

The State Department weaponizes free speech.

“The embassy is between a rock and a hard place right now,” Benz says, “because they want next to censor all Bolsonaro supporters, all pro-Bolsonaro sentiment, but they don’t want to look like they’re behind it. They are, and again, bring me in. I will show you the whole road map, and they don’t want it …to have to be in the diplomatic crosshairs of it, of blessing the banning of an entire platform in a huge country on censorship grounds. Because the other half of what the State Department does is pressure foreign governments for free speech because when there’s a party they don’t like in power, they promote free speech and sanction countries for not having free speech because it doesn’t allow the US State Department network there to win an election or rise to power or galvanize political support.”


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880751 No.215077

File: 03b2434227faa79⋯.png (417.44 KB,598x501,598:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516575 (011200ZSEP24) Notable: These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’

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Oli London


These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’



12:53 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516598 (011211ZSEP24) Notable: Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

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NEW - Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

3:13 AM · Sep 1, 2024



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880751 No.215079

File: c9e5bcf58cc0061⋯.png (51.84 KB,633x410,633:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516602 (011213ZSEP24) Notable: CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

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CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/1/2024 7:43:20 AM

Press-gang is a term used to describe the use of troops working to round up and press free men into military service. Looking at the work of Dana Bash at CNN and the entire Washington Post staff, I think we need another definition: People posing as journalists working to bend our minds to untruths designed to fluff up the Democrats. From the absurd Dana Bash “interview” of Kamala Harris, her first since being nominated to the highest office without ever having received a single vote, to the slavish coverage in the Post, it’s clear they cannot defend the Democrats’ unpopular policies. Instead, they work to hide them,

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880751 No.215080

File: dfa6a09c0ce262b⋯.png (113.1 KB,685x811,685:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516636 (011237ZSEP24) Notable: Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

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New vaccine study out with some interesting points in it.

Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis


This research investigates the impact of four specific vaccines on the health of people who have been vaccinated. The vaccines under scrutiny are MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER BioNTech, and JANSSEN.


The analysis considers a range of variables, including symptoms, mortality status, gender, age, number of vaccine doses, hospitalization status, and the number of days following vaccination. The methodology involves cross-tabulation analysis to establish connections between vaccinated individuals and the variables under examination. The dataset was compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,encompassing roughly 65,000 casesand documenting over 40 distinct symptoms.


The overall mortality rate among the vaccinated population is noteworthy.Notably, 40 different mild to severe symptoms were reported among vaccinated individuals.The research highlights the 10 most common symptoms experienced after vaccination.Females under 60 years of age constitute the majority of the dataset.


The vaccination-related mortality rate stands at approximately 3 % of those who received the vaccine, with the majority of cases occurring among individuals under the age of 60, who were not hospitalized and had received their initial vaccine dose.

Continued at site….


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880751 No.215081

File: ecf095ccaed4c0d⋯.png (397.74 KB,600x518,300:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516638 (011238ZSEP24) Notable: Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

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He's opening the flood gates again.

Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

From chicagotribune.com

1:07 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215082

File: 91fca671daa74bf⋯.png (476.4 KB,590x732,295:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516652 (011243ZSEP24) Notable: Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

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The Disrespected Trucker


Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

1:39 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215083

File: 7de3728d770f639⋯.png (1.1 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516664 (011248ZSEP24) Notable: Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

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Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

Gold Star families who lost loved ones in the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal harshly criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her recent attack on former President Trump, who paid his respects at Arlington National Cemetery last week.

Harris accused Trump of using the visit for political gain, but in a series of short videos, eight families revealed that they had personally invited Trump. They expressed deep anger toward the Biden-Harris administration for the chaotic pullout that led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members three years ago.

The videos, each featuring different parents of service members killed by ISIS-K terrorists during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, were shared on Trump's Instagram account.


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880751 No.215084

File: cd72c33fbbb3af3⋯.png (398.1 KB,900x882,50:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516672 (011253ZSEP24) Notable: The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism to implement communism

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The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism (themselves as government cooperating with "private" corporate media orgs) to implement communism (psychological warfare against the people attacking elections, free speech and the constitution)


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880751 No.215085

File: d835eccfe1417a6⋯.jpeg (92.01 KB,1200x834,200:139,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa46814f499eca8⋯.jpeg (111.02 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516673 (011253ZSEP24) Notable: The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the lib Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College

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The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the liberal Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College itself.

In an X post, Hayes refers to the Electoral College as “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy.” This was in response to Nate Silver, a liberal-leaning pollster who is now predicting a Trump win of the Electoral College.


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880751 No.215086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516700 (011304ZSEP24) Notable: Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole for the keks

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Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole

A motorist spit on a Trump flag and like a coward he sped off. The man then plowed into a light pole.


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880751 No.215087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516710 (011307ZSEP24) Notable: Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

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Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

In what might just be the most insane story of the year - Two female OnlyFans models have gone viral after pretending to be transgender to sell porn content.

Trans activists are now accusing the women of "appropriation" for identifying as men who identify as women.


These two women have successfully tricked men PRETENDING to be women, into admitting it's WRONG FOR WOMEN TO PRETEND THEY'RE MEN.

5D chess.



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880751 No.215088

File: 1c407b59015af1d⋯.png (327.13 KB,900x609,300:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516724 (011311ZSEP24) Notable: Rent first debt slavery

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Enemy of the People, Communist Fascist Clown fake news trying to trick their own readers into becoming debt slaves.


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880751 No.215089

File: 5a9587eeb0df235⋯.png (85.54 KB,1766x466,883:233,Clipboard.png)

File: fac3b6d617ad0ee⋯.png (1.55 MB,1774x1304,887:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516737 (011314ZSEP24) Notable: Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida

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This changes everything…certainly everything as to cannabis. There has NEVER EVER been a major presidential candidate from the R party who has supported marijuana.

"Former President Donald Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida on Saturday.

Trump, the GOP presidential nominee in November's election, voiced his support for allowing Florida residents to have "personal amounts" of weed in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, on Saturday morning.

"As everyone knows, I was, and will be again, the most respected LAW & ORDER President in U.S. History. We will take our streets back by being tough & smart on violent, & all other types, of Crime," the former president wrote. "In Florida, like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized for adults with Amendment 3. Whether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the Voters, so it should be done correctly."


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880751 No.215090

File: 09668b414351cb1⋯.jpeg (182.11 KB,1121x644,1121:644,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516741 (011315ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff - Moscow

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31 Aug, 2024 10:56

Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff – Moscow

Employees are being pushed to commit terrorist acts or pass sensitive data to Kiev, Rodion Miroshnik has claimed

Ukraine is exerting pressure on staff at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant in Russia, with threats to kill their family members if they refuse to cooperate with Kiev, senior Russian diplomat Rodion Miroshnik has claimed.

"A lot of families have been separated”during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and Kiev is trying to take advantage of this, Miroshnik, who is tasked by the Moscow’s Foreign Ministry with collecting evidence of Ukraine’s war crimes, told RIA Novosti on Saturday.

Kiev’s security agencies are deliberately looking for relatives of staff members at the power plantwho remain on Ukrainian territory, Miroshnik said.

They then usethreats against family members, “to put pressure [on the nuclear plant employees] or provoke them to commit a terrorist act or to pass on information in the interests of Ukraine,” he claimed.

There have been cases of people “quitting or changing jobs in order to ‘deprive’ themselves of the opportunity to commit a crime and make sure the blackmailers lose interest in them,” the diplomat noted.

"Unfortunately, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is not the only one” experiencing such problems, as employees of other Russian critical facilities are also being pressured in a similar manner, Miroshnik said.

According to the diplomat, Russian security agencies are aware of such practices by Kiev and are working to counter them.

The Zaporozhye nuclear plant, which is the largest in Europe, has been under Russian control since March 2022. Throughout the conflict, Moscow and Kiev have repeatedly accused each other of shelling the facility, and the Russian Defense Ministry has said thatseveral attempts by Ukrainian assault units to retake it have been repelled.

In the fall of 2022, Zaporozhye Region officially joined the Russian state together with Kherson Region and the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

On Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has a permanent monitoring mission at the Zaporozhye plant, said that since February the station had been hit by drone strikes, experienced loss of power lines, and had one of its two cooling towers damaged by fire earlier this month. IAEA chief Rafael Grossi, who is expected to visit the facility next week,described the security situation as “extremely challenging.”


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880751 No.215091

File: f1e3c0008fb5d71⋯.png (815.55 KB,944x1563,944:1563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516755 (011320ZSEP24) Notable: NYT: The constitution is sacred, is it also dangerous?

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The common enemy of humanity is openly showcasing themselves. They want to abolish laws restraining government power.


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880751 No.215092

File: a0ddb9ba249321f⋯.jpeg (123.67 KB,1146x648,191:108,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516772 (011325ZSEP24) Notable: Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

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1 Sep, 2024 03:12

Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

Dmitry Peskov quipped that Paris could use the same grounds to arrest the CEOs of Renault or Citroën, as terrorists use cars

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov hasquestioned the French authorities' rationalefor arresting Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, pointing to the absurdity of holding him accountable for crimes committed using his network.

The Russian tech entrepreneur was detained at Paris-Le Bourget Airport last week and has since been charged with with multiple offenses, including complicity in “administering an online platform” used by criminal gangs to conduct illicit activities, and refusing to cooperate with investigators.

Speaking to Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin on Saturday, Peskov acknowledged thatRussian authorities previously had “questions” for the tech billionaire, but stressed that Moscow never tried to arrest him.

“Terrorists do indeed use the Telegram network. But terrorists also use cars. Why don’t they arrest the CEOs of Renault or Citroën?” the Kremlin spokesman said when asked to comment on Durov’s arrest and whether he had a message for his “European colleagues.”

Pavel Durov, a St. Petersburg native who holds the citizenships of Russia, France, the United Arab Emirates, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, formally left his homeland in 2014 after law enforcement accused him of refusing to grant investigators access to terrorism suspects’ communications.The dispute was settled in 2020 when the Russian telecoms regulator announced that it had no further issues with Telegram.*

In an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson in April, Durov claimed that he had consistently refused to provide user data to any authorities, including US intelligence services, or to install a surveillance “backdoor” in the app, which has almost a billion monthly users.

The Russian entrepreneur’s arrest has sparked outrage worldwide, with public leaders such as X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk and Silicon Valley investor David Sacks accusing French authorities of attacking free speech.

Durov was released on bail on Wednesday and ordered to remain in France until the case against him concludes. If convicted, he could face up to ten years in prison.

Telegram maintains that the company complies with EU laws and that its content moderation policies are “within industry standards.”

(*Mike Benz with Tucker said the entire Russian Military uses the platform for coordination for all plans they have in every region, and its possible that France is doing this so the West and Ukraine have all the areas and plans of Russia. He also said the CIA have numerous channels on there for terrorists attacks and getting users involved, and extreme propaganda.)


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880751 No.215093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516800 (011334ZSEP24) Notable: Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

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Not Larov huh

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880751 No.215094

File: a43f388adb8c473⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,320x370,32:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516841 (011346ZSEP24) Notable: NEVER FORGET Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"

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Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"


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880751 No.215095

File: 1a98454b5207d1c⋯.jpeg (163.41 KB,1138x655,1138:655,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516923 (011403ZSEP24) Notable: Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”

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31 Aug, 2024 12:53

Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon

Politico (CIA speaks through them) reported earlier that Rustem Umerov would try to persuade the US to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov has met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to discuss additional military aid. The visit came amid renewedrequests by Kiev for Washington to lift its restrictions on the use of US-supplied weapons for long-range strikes deep inside Russia.

Earlier this week, Politico claimed, citing anonymous sources, that Umerov and Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff Andrey Yermak would attempt to persuade their American backers to change their minds.

On Friday, the Pentagon’s Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh announced that “Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III held bilateral talks with Ukrainian Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov today regarding Ukraine’s ongoing operations [and] security assistance priorities.”

The latter include air defense systems, artillery and armored vehicles needed to help Ukraine “build additional combat power.”

Another topic high on the officials’ agenda was theupcoming meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group on September 6. The gathering will see more than 50 of the countries which support Kiev congregate in Ramstein, Germanyto deliberate over plans for more military supplies for Ukraine, in order to cover both its immediate and long-term needs.

Austin pledged to “continue to build on the strategic partnership between” the US and Ukraine, Singh concluded.

On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesman Major-General PatrickRyder clarified that Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”into what the US recognizes as Russian territory.

Meanwhile, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Monday that Washington “will keep the conversations with the Ukrainians going [on the issue], but we are going to keep them private.”

That same day, Zelensky insisted that “there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for Ukraine.”

Commenting on Kirby’s statement on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claimed that it indicated that “Ukraine has been given carte blanche for operations in Russian regions.”

“The administration of [US President] Joe Biden is obviously getting ready to make new concessions to Zelensky and give him a free hand to use virtually any type of American weapons, including [for attacks] deep into Russian territory,” the diplomat alleged, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

Her remarks echoed those made on Tuesday by Russian Foreign Minister SergeyLavrov, who insisted that the “West does not want to avoid escalation.”

The minister warned that Kiev’s backers would be “playing with fire” if they were to allow Ukraine to use their weapons to conduct long-range strikes deep inside Russia.

(The US is intentionally trying to get Russia to ramp up attacks, with the goal of inadvertlingly straying into NATO territory. These people are evil. Ukraine will end up having half their territory destroyed. None of the West care.Is this the reason Nov elections will not be held, on time or for a long time?)


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880751 No.215096

File: 42bd164212bbb31⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x1440,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21516993 (011416ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 1, 2024

The Moon Dressed Like Saturn

Why does Saturn appear so big? It doesn't - what is pictured are foreground clouds on Earth crossing in front of the Moon. The Moon shows a slight crescent phase with most of its surface visible by reflected Earthlight, known as Da Vinci glow. The Sun directly illuminates the brightly lit lunar crescent from the bottom, which means that the Sun must be below the horizon and so the image was taken before sunrise. This double take-inducing picture was captured on 2019 December 24, two days before the Moon slid in front of the Sun to create a solar eclipse. In the foreground, lights from small Guatemalan towns are visible behind the huge volcano Pacaya.


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880751 No.215097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517037 (011429ZSEP24) Notable: Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

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@1:00 mark

Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"

Everybody is waiting on baited breath for new polling now that the DNC is over and everyone is looking for a Kamala Harris bounce.

Unfortunately for her, there isn't one! Donald Trump has won every single 2024 election matchup we have put out, and it might be all downhill for Kamala Harris.

160,454 views Aug 29, 2024 20:25


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880751 No.215098

File: 8dee331cfc65b58⋯.jpeg (253.09 KB,1125x799,1125:799,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517043 (011430ZSEP24) Notable: Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

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880751 No.215099

File: 356ec9250524f79⋯.png (51.85 KB,824x650,412:325,Clipboard.png)

File: c140cd63248a21c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517062 (011436ZSEP24) Notable: Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸

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Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸


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880751 No.215100

File: 9762710f2d9f1c3⋯.png (498.88 KB,859x747,859:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517067 (011437ZSEP24) Notable: Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

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>Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"

Example of a LIE (from NYTimes)

@9:45 mark

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880751 No.215101

File: ac3cc208dbe012f⋯.jpg (213 KB,884x465,884:465,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 696b9fba2089838⋯.jpg (235.33 KB,861x561,287:187,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d2005f6995052a⋯.jpg (216.35 KB,831x547,831:547,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61ad6e70b0dd2d0⋯.jpg (214.1 KB,826x543,826:543,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2197470e160860c⋯.jpg (131.64 KB,821x537,821:537,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517079 (011441ZSEP24) Notable: Root Cause and Kamala Harris

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Root Cause and Kamala Harris

We've heard the phrase "root cause" with respect to the immigration issue and a Vice President. Biden's Executive Order 14010 of February 2, 2021 addresses the topic. While appearing to be concerned about the root cause of migration, the order seeks to manage and facilitate migration. This order actually clears the way to build, strengthen, and expand… asylum systems and resettlement capacity closer to home. Anon questions, "Closer to whose home"? This EO is worded in such a way that, depending on where your values lie, it can mean what you want it to mean. Anon would like to suggest that we believe Kamala Harris, when she tells us that hervalueshave not changed. The values expressed in this EO are the values of "civil society", "international organizations" and regional "governments".

Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 14010 of February 2, 2021

Creating a Comprehensive Regional Framework To Address the Causes of Migration, To Manage Migration Throughout North and Central

America, and To Provide Safe and Orderly Processing of Asylum Seekers at the United States Border


"Consistent with these principles, my Administration will implement a multipronged approach towardmanaging migrationthroughout

North and Central America that reflects the Nation’s highestvalues. We willwork closely with civil society,international

organizations, and thegovernmentsin the region to: establish acomprehensive strategyfor addressing the causes of

migration in the region;build, strengthen, andexpandCentral and North American countries’asylum systems and resettlement capacity;

andincrease opportunitiesfor vulnerable populations to apply for protection closer to home. At the same time, the United States will

enhance lawful pathways for migration to this countryand willrestore and strengthen our own asylum system, which has been badly

damaged by policies enacted over the last 4 years that contravened ourvaluesand caused needless human suffering."

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880751 No.215102

File: 04cdb7781f446f6⋯.png (41.7 KB,765x225,17:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517082 (011441ZSEP24) Notable: Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts

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Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts


The Justice Department announced today that it will monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in two cities in Massachusetts for the Sept. 3 primary election. The department will monitor in the Cities of Methuen (in Essex County) and Lowell (in Middlesex County).

The Justice Department enforces the federal voting rights laws that protect the rights of all citizens to access the ballot. The department regularly deploys its staff to monitor for compliance with federal civil rights laws in elections in communities across the country. In addition, the division also deploys federal observers from the Office of Personnel Management, where authorized by federal court order.

The Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section, working with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, enforces the civil provisions of federal statutes that protect the right to vote, including the Voting Rights Act, National Voter Registration Act, Help America Vote Act, Civil Rights Act and Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

More information about voting and elections is available on the Justice Department’s website at www.justice.gov/voting. Learn more about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws at www.justice.gov/crt/voting-section. Complaints about possible violations of federal voting rights laws can be submitted through the Civil Rights Division’s website at civilrights.justice.gov or by telephone at 1-800-253-3931.

Updated August 30, 2024

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880751 No.215103

File: 03ad8564223c2db⋯.png (60.77 KB,699x354,233:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517094 (011445ZSEP24) Notable: Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor

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Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor Victim


After deliberating for two days, a jury found a former U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent, Aaron Mitchell, guilty of both a federal civil rights offense and a kidnapping charge for sexually assaulting and kidnapping a victim who was a minor. The jury also found that the defendant’s conduct included aggravated sexual abuse, kidnapping and resulted in bodily injury.

“The heinous crimes committed against a young middle school student by an individual sworn to uphold the law are unspeakable,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “This defendant had a duty to protect his community but instead he abused his power, kidnapped, cuffed and restrained a young girl, and repeatedly sexually assaulted her in his apartment for hours. With this verdict, the jury has done us all a great service by holding accountable this former federal law enforcement official. The Justice Department will continue to stand up for sexual assault victims, especially children, and we will prosecute law enforcement officials who break the law with every tool at our disposal.”

“We count on our law enforcement officers to protect children, schools and communities,” said U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino for the District of Arizona. “This defendant dishonored his badge and his colleagues by ignoring his oath and harming the most vulnerable among us. Thanks to the Douglas Police Department and the FBI for investigating this case with dedication and compassion, and for vindicating the rights of a courageous victim.”

“Mitchell not only broke his oath, but the trust instilled in him as a law enforcement officer. Public servants, particularly in law enforcement, must be held to the highest of ethical standards. Those falling short must be rooted out and firmly held accountable,” said Special Agent in Charge Jose A. Perez of the FBI Phoenix Field Office. “The FBI remains committed to uncovering those who attempt to hide their acts of violence behind the badge. We would like to thank our investigators and the Douglas Police Department for their support and assistance in this case.”

During a two-week trial, jurors heard evidence that, on the morning of April 25, 2022, Mitchell traveled to Douglas, Arizona, where he abducted a 15-year-old female middle school student, restrained her, drove her to his apartment and sexually assaulted her.

According to evidence presented at trial, Mitchell found the child waiting for school to start, introduced himself as a law enforcement officer, and asked for her papers. Next, after flashing his police badge and credentials, Mitchell ordered the child into his car and explained that he was taking her to the police station. Instead, Mitchell drove the child miles away from her school, pulled over and restrained her hands and feet with two pairs of handcuffs. The victim testified that, after being handcuffed, the defendant told her to do everything he said because he didn’t want to have to hurt her.

Once the defendant forced the victim into his apartment, he repeatedly sexually assaulted her over the course of several hours. Mitchell eventually returned the victim to the area of the middle school where he had abducted her earlier that morning and reminded her not to tell anyone. The victim immediately reported the abduction and sexual assaults to her friends, family members and multiple law enforcement agencies. During an interview with police, the defendant exclaimed that the victim “better hope I don’t get out of here.”

An examination of the defendant’s cellphone revealed that the defendant had conducted numerous searches regarding rape and how to stop someone from screaming and, while he had the child captive in his apartment, he conducted an additional internet search for how long it takes to smother someone.

A sentencing hearing will be set at a later date. Mitchell faces a maximum penalty of life in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The Douglas Police Department and FBI Phoenix Field Office, Sierra Vista Resident Agency investigated the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Carin Duryee for the District of Arizona and Trial Attorney MarLa Duncan of the Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section are prosecuting the case.

Updated August 30, 2024

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880751 No.215104

File: 65808066b0f065f⋯.png (572.55 KB,1001x577,1001:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517136 (011455ZSEP24) Notable: Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ /Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites

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Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ finds distributor and will open before the election


NEW YORK (AP) — After struggling to drum up interest following its Cannes Film Festival premiere, “The Apprentice,” starring Sebastian Stan as a young Donald Trump, has found a distributor that plans to release the film shortly before the election in November.

Briarcliff Entertainment will release “The Apprentice” on Oct. 11 in U.S. and Canadian theaters, just weeks before Americans cast their ballots on Nov. 5.

Director Ali Abbasi, the Danish Iranian filmmaker, had prioritized getting “The Apprentice” into theaters before voters head to the polls. After larger studios and film distributors opted not to bid on the film, Abbasi complained in early June on X that “for some reason certain power people in your country don’t want you to see it!!!”

>Steven Cheung, communications director for the Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites right before November.”

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880751 No.215105

File: 6a06b220de5ba57⋯.png (491.51 KB,1200x664,150:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f69a630d9740ce⋯.png (627.71 KB,821x821,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517192 (011507ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

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A partnership with NASA takes the State Department’s already successful air quality monitoring system to the next level.

Aug 31 2024

When The Foreign Service Journal published my article about air quality and the Greening Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) in 2021, the world was a different place.

We were one year into a global pandemic. Travel restrictions were in full effect. The race to create a vaccine for COVID-19 had begun. And the sky was clear.

Pandemic-related lockdowns had restricted many activities that ordinarily contribute to air pollution such as industry, transportation, and power generation.

A study done by The George Washington University showed significant decreases in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in major urban areas such as Detroit, New York, and Atlanta.

The major pollution sources in these areas were heavy commuter routes and international airports; decreases aligned with the reduced vehicle and flight traffic during the domestic lockdown.

There was also unprecedented temporary improvement in air quality around the world. In India, for example, data collected from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P satellite indicated that the levels of air pollution in the northern region of the country were at a 20-year low.

Unfortunately, those temporary gains are now gone, and climate change is worsening air pollution through increased wildfires, drought, and energy demands.

And the world still faces massive data gaps, places where no reliable real-time data exists—data that could help forecast potential disasters and allow people to plan their response. (For more on data gaps, please see the article by Ruiz and Ober in this issue.)

And that’s why we are thrilled to announce a new partnership with NASA that makes the State Department’s ZephAir app, already a game changer in providing real-time air quality data, even more powerful.

The project represents a leap forward in data availability for those who do not have sufficient ground-based monitors and/or local expertise to develop forecasts.

Using historical, satellite, and model data, NASA can now produce an AI-generated air pollution forecast, not just for the 80 embassies and consulates that have ground-based monitors, but for all locations that have embassies and consulates.

The implementation of AI ushers in the potential to analyze vast amounts of data to identify pollution patterns and predict future trends. Thanks to machine learning and as we gather more data, the forecasts will improve over time.

In 2015 the Greening Diplomacy Initiative in State’s Office of Management Strategy and Solutions (M/SS) began tracking air quality at posts through our DOSAir monitoring program.

DOSAir collects data on pollutant levels in the air using U.S.-made ground-based monitors that have been tested and verified to return trusted data, referred to in the industry as “reference grade.”

The monitoring network provides information to the public in areas where there is otherwise a dearth of reliable, public air quality data.

In 2020 we built ZephAir, the department’s first air quality mobile application, to provide an instant look at air quality in the cities where we have air quality monitors.

The air quality monitoring program was a success, but GDI knew that there were still thousands of employees and millions of people who needed air quality information, and we knew we couldn’t meet the need alone.

So we turned to another agency with a global—even universal—purview: NASA.

We partnered with NASA Senior Scientist Dr. Pawan Gupta and the health and air quality applied sciences team to compete for a Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science grant to develop an air quality forecasting capability for more than 260 cities, including all our diplomatic mission locations.

The forecast uses artificial intelligence to pull from our ground monitors, satellite data, meteorological variables, and aerosol information to provide a three-day air quality forecast, similar to the ones we all use every day to monitor the weather.

According to Dr. Gupta: “The air quality forecast from NASA integrates cutting-edge global model outputs, satellite observations, and embassy air quality monitors into advanced machine learning algorithms.

These forecasts significantly enhance the Department of State’s existing monitoring program by offering near-term air quality predictions, aiding in practical planning efforts.

This collaboration exemplifies a robust partnership among federal agencies, leveraging NASA’s research and data to meet the needs of U.S. embassies and American citizens residing abroad.”

This is the first time that a government-developed air quality forecast is available at a global scale.




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880751 No.215106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517224 (011512ZSEP24) Notable: #26360 posted in 26361

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#26360 >>215027

>>215028 BlackRock under investigation by US Government after exposed for investing $429,000,000 into the Chinese military

>>215035 DJT: What a great interview tonight on Mark Levin. Next Level!!!

>>215036 IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey (Animated Short Film)

>>215040, >>215043, >>215044, >>215045 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>215041, >>215047 Scavino: Rock History

>>215037, >>215038, >>215039, >>215046, >>215048, >>215050 Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

>>215049 Tim Walz: When I was in Afghanistan (vid)

>>215051 NPR hit piece on the danger of Trump sharing AI images

>>215052, >>215053, >>215054, >>215055, >>215056, >>215057, >>215058, >>215059 DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

>>215060 Kamala - Secret ingredient for her greens? Tabasco

>>215061 X33 Report Ep. 3438a - Destroyed Economic Narrative, Musk sends warning

>>215062 Flynn Musk on undermining the Constitution

>>215063 Senate Pro Tem Refuses to Convene Special Session Called By Newsome

>>215029, >>215030, >>215031, >>215032, >>215033, >>215034 Memes

>>215064 Gold Star Family Members of Fallen U.S.Servicemembers Killed in Afghanistan Nuke Kamala Harris

>>215065, >>215069 Black Californians are threatening to withhold their vote from Kamala Harris after the State's Democrat lawmakers decided not to give them slavery reparations

>>215066 @elonmusk Long Live America and our Constitution!

>>215067 Video surfaced with Tim Walz claiming “when I was in Afghanistan”!

>>215068 Mexico's government just announced that they will start providing bus rides with police & military escorts to illegal migrants

>>215070 @elonmusk Today, we launch the daily data dump on the crimes - under *Brazilian* law

>>215029, >>215030, >>215031, >>215032, >>215033, >>215034 Memes


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880751 No.215107

File: 0bdf729f4ca2462⋯.png (832.1 KB,777x777,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 003e50899633435⋯.png (1.02 MB,777x897,259:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517251 (011516ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

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Touch the Sun With NASA’s Revolutionary “Solar Stones”

August 31, 2024

The exhibit features tactile versions of ancient petroglyphs believed to represent solar events, making space science tangible for the visually impaired.

Humans have been watching the Sun and stars for millennia, using the tools they had available to record naked-eye observations.

Sky-watching is generally a practice for the sighted — but it can now be a multisensory experience.

Students at the Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder are collaborating with NASA’s Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) mission and the Colorado Center for the Blind to develop tactile representations of two ancient petroglyphs (rock carvings).

The students then created an exhibit titled “Solar Stones.”

In this video, the student creators describe the inspiration for the “Solar Stones” project and explain the design and construction process.

The “Solar Stones,” exhibit displays two petroglyphs found in Chaco Culture National Historical Park located in northwestern New Mexico.

One has peculiar curlicues emanating in all directions from a central disk, and the other is a spiral. The curlicue petroglyph is believed to represent the total solar eclipse that occurred on July 11, 1097. A large swirl in the upper left of the petroglyph could represent an eruption from the Sun. This petroglyph holds importance as some astronomers hypothesize this is the first known representation of a solar storm in the Sun’s outermost layer, called the corona.

The other petroglyph is around the corner from the curlicue petroglyph and marks a place to stand to observe and predict sunrises before and after the summer solstice — a culturally important time of year for ancient and contemporary Puebloan people.

In this video, the student creators describe the inspiration for the “Solar Stones” project and explain the design and construction process.

“My team really wanted to work on this project because space is normally such a visual medium and experience, but what if you can’t see?

How do you supplement that knowledge in an impactful way?” said Kai Hughes, an ATLAS student working on the project.

“We thought it would be really helpful to combine history, space science, and accessibility to create tactile versions of these petroglyphs related to ancient astronomy that open doors to people with low or no vision.”

“This project is important to me because I was never a traditional learner,” said Caileigh Hudson, another ATLAS student on the project.

“This is a great way to teach people about heliophysics through touch, which is different from the traditional learning we see in schools.”

Scheduled to launch in early 2025, NASA’s PUNCH mission includes four satellites that will study the Sun’s corona and how material in the corona accelerates to become the solar wind that fills the solar system.

The satellites will be in low Earth orbit and will produce continuous 3D images of the solar wind and solar storms as it travels from the Sun to Earth.

The PUNCH mission is also dedicated to outreach and student collaboration projects, such as this Solar Stones project.

PUNCH’s outreach program is implementing the theme of ancient and modern Sun-watching, which shows how NASA’s exploration of the Sun is a natural extension of humanity’s age-old dedication to observing and predicting the Sun’s behavior.

“Our outreach theme enables us to make NASA heliophysics more personally and culturally relevant to a much broader diversity of people,” said Cherilynn Morrow, outreach director for the PUNCH mission.

“This includes our Native American and blind collaborators who work with us to make enriching outreach products like the 3D petroglyph models that are beneficial to everyone.”



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880751 No.215108

File: 660199e9a8d64b0⋯.png (84.14 KB,650x434,325:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 07bae49103d41cb⋯.png (166.92 KB,633x409,633:409,Clipboard.png)

File: dfc8c58f9fda4e1⋯.png (79.45 KB,547x362,547:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517305 (011526ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

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Astrophotographer captures Comet 13P/Olbers and the Black Eye Galaxy M64 in stunning detail

September 1, 2024

In a race against the clock, before the entire scene set below the horizon, astrophotographer Greg Meyer managed to capture this incredible image of Comet 13P/Olbers zipping through space alongside The Black Eye Galaxy (M64).

"I had only 1 night to grab this shot, and only about 1 hour to do it. It was sinking fast below the horizon after sunset," Meyer told Space.com in an email.

On Aug. 25, Meyer was running his telescope remotely, having placed it at the Starfront Observatory located near Brady, Texas, just six weeks prior.

The entire experience was quite new for Meyer.

"I was quickly making changes on the fly in N.I.N.A. to frame it and rapidly grab sequential RGB using my mono camera," Meyer said.

His quick thinking paid off and due to the dark skies at the Starfront Observatory, Meyer tracked down the comet to just 12 degrees above the horizon.

Comet 13P/Olbers is currently hurtling through the depths of our solar system and is still visible within a pair of binoculars with a 40-50mm aperture or a small telescope, but hurry as it won't be around for much longer.

It made its closest approach to Earth on July 20 when it came within 176 million miles (283 million kilometers) of our planet.

Its next close approach isn't until 2094.

The comet is named after German astronomer Heinrich Olbers, who discovered it in 1815.

The "P" in its name stands for "Periodic," a label assigned to comets with orbits shorter than 200 years.

The number 13 indicates that it was the 13th comet to be classified as periodic.

Comet 13P/Olbers isn't the only impressive target in this photo.

Around 17 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair) is a spiral galaxy, known as Messier 64, or the Black Eye Galaxy.

Meyer caught this galactic scene alongside Comet 13P/Olbers on the night of Aug. 25.

In the image you can make out the dark band of dust that sweeps across one side of the nucleus, giving the Black Eye Galaxy its name.

The galaxy has a strange internal motion whereby the gas in the outer regions rotates in the opposite direction from the gas and stars in the inner regions.

The bizarre behavior is thought to be the result of a merger between M64 and another galaxy over a billion years ago.



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880751 No.215109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517321 (011530ZSEP24) Notable: Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

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Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” Saturday after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters, days after Tokyo accused Beijing of sending a military aircraft into Japanese airspace.

A Chinese naval vessel was spotted entering Japanese territorial waters near the southern Kuchinoerabu island at around 6:00 am Saturday (2100 GMT Friday) and exiting southwest of Yakushima island nearly two hours later, the defence ministry said.

Following the incident, the foreign ministry “issued Japan’s strong concern and protest” to China’s embassy in Tokyo.

The ministry took “into account the past activities of Chinese naval vessels and others in the waters around Japan, and the recent intrusion into Japan’s territorial airspace by a Chinese military plane,” it said late Saturday.

Japan on Monday scrambled fighter jets after a two-minute incursion by Chinese Y-9 surveillance aircraft off the Danjo Islands in the East China Sea, which Tokyo slammed as a “serious violation” of its sovereignty.

China’s growing economic and military clout in the Asia-Pacific region and its assertiveness in territorial disputes — most recently with the Philippines — has rattled the United States and its allies.

Last week, Japan’s defence ministry sought 8.5 trillion yen ($59 billion) for the next fiscal year, its largest ever initial budget request, as part of the country’s five-year, 43 trillion yen defence buildup plan through March 2028.

The request includes funding for so-called standoff capabilities to strike distant targets with missiles and unmanned vehicles.

It is higher than the ministry’s 7.7 trillion yen initial request last year, but smaller than the actual budget of 9.4 trillion yen approved for the current fiscal year.


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880751 No.215110

File: 988119f5c2fbb56⋯.jpeg (509.46 KB,828x1012,9:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517328 (011531ZSEP24) Notable: Happy Chess Day

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880751 No.215111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517397 (011546ZSEP24) Notable: #26361

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#26361 >>215071

>>215099 Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸

>>215072 64 Days to WINNING

>>215073 Reagan Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

>>215074 Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz>>215087 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>215075 Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook

>>215076 After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

>>215077 These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’

>>215078, >>215109 Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

>>215079 CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

>>215080 Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

>>215081 Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

>>215082 Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

>>215083 Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

>>215084 The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism to implement communism

>>215085 The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the lib Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College

>>215086 Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole for the keks

>>215087 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>215088 Rent first debt slavery

>>215089 Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida

>>215090 Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff - Moscow

>>215091 NYT: The constitution is sacred, is it also dangerous?

>>215092, >>215093 Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

>>215094 NEVER FORGET Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"

>>215095 Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”

>>215096, >>215105, >>215107, >>215108 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>215097, >>215098, >>215100 Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

>>215101 Root Cause and Kamala Harris

>>215102 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts

>>215103 Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor

>>215104 Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ /Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites

>>215110 Happy Chess Day


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880751 No.215117

File: 3e45126e0cfa096⋯.png (519.05 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 3be3d22cde364d4⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1125x1646,1125:1646,Clipboard.jpeg)

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File: 849c2b106e5460f⋯.png (347.59 KB,900x387,100:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517410 (011551ZSEP24) Notable: #26362

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880751 No.215119

File: 4848e751bcc16fb⋯.png (521.9 KB,640x740,32:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517424 (011555ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

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Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

Kamala’s insanely stupid and cruel Saturday afternoon tweet accusing 13 Gold Star families of agreeing to act as props so Trump could politicize the death of their loved one was unquestionably the act of a desperate campaign panicking over internal poll numbers and hoping to change the narrative on the Sunday shows away from her disastrous CNN interview.

In the history of unforced presidential campaign errors, this one’s a doozy…

That tweet is the act of a drowning campaign looking for any kind of life preserver.

Kamala has bragged about being the “last one in the room” when the calamitous decision was made to surrender Afghanistan to terrorists before all of our people and billions of dollars in weaponry had been removed. That’s why these 13 men and women died.

Worse still, according to these 13 families, neither Biden nor Kamala has ever reached out in any way to them, not even to offer their condolences. We all know why. These 13 heroes died needlessly due to Biden’s and Kamala’s dreadful judgment and now Kamala wants their inconvenient memory forgotten, memory-holed, and discarded. Naturally, the craven corporate media have done everything to aid and abet this moral crime, but…

President Trump has been there for them every step of the way. And… They invited him to share their anniversary visit to Arlington. They asked that this solemn moment be photographed as a tribute. They also say they invited Biden and Harris to attend the Arlington and never even received a reply.

Nevertheless, on a Saturday afternoon, after what seemed like an unwary truce between the 13 families and the Harris campaign, a desperate Kamala looked at her falling poll numbers and broke the truce by smearing these families with the false claim they had visited Arlington as a political stunt.

The families quickly and righteously fired back with the kind of raw intensity that hits voters where they live.

Here’s a small taste…

As we have seen through the decades, American voters are willing to forgive a presidential candidate almost anything—lies, infidelities, scandals, mistakes…. What they will not tolerate is incompetency.

Trashing Gold Star families is amoral, but it is also as incompetent as it gets.


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880751 No.215120

File: dedd2ea820d571b⋯.jpeg (197.12 KB,1284x840,107:70,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517427 (011557ZSEP24) Notable: Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

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Check this headline on Robert Kennedy. Health industry in panic mode. They are seemingly more afraid of RFkJr then Trump

The Hill

Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

Alejandra O'Connell-Domenech.1/2

Sat, August 31, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT

Health experts are worried about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could influence former President Trump’s public health policies in a second term, after the prominent anti-vaccine advocate suspended his independent campaign for president and jumped aboard Trump’s.

Upon announcing the move last week, Kennedy said Trump had “asked to enlist me in his administration.” Kennedy’s former running mate,Nicole Shanahan, said earlier this month Kennedy would do an “incredible job” as secretary of health and human services.

While Trump has not committed to any specific role for Kennedy, he appointed his former opponent to his presidential transition team, and in a leaked phone call in July suggested Kennedy would have a “big” role in his administration.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., told conservative radio host Glenn Beck this month he would support Kennedy taking over a government agency to “blow it up.”

And this is exactly what many health experts fear would happen to a public health agency — like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the National Institutes of Health— with Kennedy at the helm.

“From a health perspective this would be nothing short of chaos,” said Robert Murphy, a professor of infectious disease at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

“He’s proven himself to be a dangerous fanatic who doesn’t have a science background and who doesn’t believe in science.”

“We’re in a lot of trouble if he has any role, any leadership position related to many things, but health in particular,” he added.

Murphy used Samoa’s deadly measles outbreak as an example of the harm Kennedy can cause. A wave of the virus infected more than 5,600 peopleon the tiny Pacific island nation in 2019, killing 83 people.

Many things contributed to the outbreak, including a drop in vaccination rates due to a public health scare the year before. In 2018, two babies in Samoa died shortly after receiving the MMR vaccine, causing vaccine hesitancy.

But the vaccine did not cause the infants’ deaths.The two nurses who administered the shots to the babies wrongly mixed the vaccines with a liquid muscle relaxant instead of water, causing them to stop breathing after being injected.

The deaths prompted the Samoan government to temporarily stop its vaccine program, which contributed to the fall in vaccination rates.

That same year, the Children’s Health Defense, a group long headed by Kennedy, questioned the safety of the vaccines given to the babies in several Facebook posts, according to The Washington Post, which noted the group never updated its posts to explain the nurses’ error.

During the 2019 outbreak, Kennedy publicly supported vaccination opponents on the island, including Australian Samoan anti-vaccine activist Taylor Winterstein. However, in the 2023 documentary “Shot in the Arm,” Kennedy said he had “nothing to do” with people not getting vaccinated in Samoa.

“I never told anybody not to vaccinate. I didn’t go there with any reason to do with that,” he said in the film.

Kennedy often gives mixed or contradictory messages on vaccines.

He has denied being against vaccines outright, but has long peddled debunked conspiracy theories about vaccines. At a congressional hearing last year he denied telling people to avoid getting vaccinated, but two years earlier said on a podcast that he regularly tells strangers not to vaccinate their babies. And on CNN in December he denied saying no vaccines are “safe and effective,” despite saying exactly that in an interview last July.


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880751 No.215121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517429 (011558ZSEP24) Notable: Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

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Health officials are already concerned about falling vaccination rates among America’s children after the COVID-19 pandemic fueled vaccine skepticism, particularly in red states. Trump has promised to cut off federal funding to schools that require vaccines, further compounding those fears. Adding Kennedy to the mix risks further undermining public confidence in vaccines.

“The notion that RFK Jr. would have any say in who’s selected [to be part of Trump’s administration]is very worrisome to me and many of my colleagues in public health,” W. Ian Lipkin, the director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, told The Hill.?(RFKjr needs SS and many more security experts)

“Many of us are old enough to remember what happened before there was a polio vaccine or a measles vaccine…there were millions of children that were adversely impacted due to the lack of protection from these types of diseases,” said Lipkin.

Even if Kennedy is not appointed to a public health position himself, Lipkin worried he could guide the former presidenttoward placing people in top public health roles that would support cutting vaccine research or changing how vaccines are distributed.

Murphy shares those fears, and believes Kennedy could influence Trump to appoint someone who would stop tracking dangerous diseases as well.

Several high-ranking public health positions are political appointments, including the secretary of Health and Human Services, the surgeon general, the director of the National Institutes of Health, and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Republicans backed a bill making the CDC director a Senate-confirmed position starting in 2025, largely due to the agency’s controversial role in issuing divisive COVID-19 guidance. That could end up giving Democrats the ability to block Trump’s CDC pick if he returns to the White House.


If "heath officials" are worried, they just messaged out RFKjr is a threat to their plan, protection must be added to Trump and Kennedy now.

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880751 No.215122

File: c3b4cfcaa01c73b⋯.png (69.14 KB,1280x380,64:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 68d6eba42a46f3d⋯.png (441.52 KB,738x483,246:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517431 (011558ZSEP24) Notable: Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

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Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served during Bill Clinton's presidency, wrote in a column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in.

"He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him," Reich wrote, including a list of six things people could do to rein in Musk.

After Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, now known as X, Reich deemed the purchase "dangerous nonsense." He argued Musk's purchase was "just about power," rather than free speech.

Reich called on people to boycott Tesla and X and added, "Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X."

Reich argued that global regulators might already be considering threatening Musk with an arrest, citing France's arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

Durov was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris last week as part of a sweeping investigation opened earlier this year. French prosecutors alleged that he allowed criminal activity on the messaging app, and judges ordered him to pay 5 million euros bail. Allegations against Durov include that his platform is being used for child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking, and that Telegram refused to share information or documents with investigators when required by law.

"In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him under Section Five of the FTC Act," Reich argued. "Musk’s free-speech rights under the first amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest."

The former labor secretary also suggested the U.S. government terminate its contracts with Musk's Space X.


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880751 No.215123

File: 515a191a2e74b96⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517433 (011559ZSEP24) Notable: Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

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🚨#BREAKING: Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

📌#OuterSpace | #Earth

Crews on the International Space Station are trying to identify the source of strange noises reported by Boeing’s Starliner crew, who contacted Mission Control saying, ‘Houston, on two, we have a question about Starliner. We are hearing strange noises coming from the speaker, and we don’t know what’s causing it.’ The Starliner began emitting these ‘strange sonar noises,’ and astronauts on the ISS are working to diagnose the issue, which occurred on Saturday. Since the launched by Boeing on June 5th, the Starliner has faced several problems and significant challenges, temporarily stranding two astronauts. Due to safety concerns, Boeing’s Starliner is set to return on September 6th with no crew on board.

8:11 AM · Sep 1, 2024





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880751 No.215124

File: d3f32a16d9de816⋯.png (87.59 KB,611x573,611:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517440 (011600ZSEP24) Notable: When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

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New Langhan


From my last post: "When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews. It's an irony of this platform that when you refrain from such conflation, you get it from both sides…the ADL on one hand, and on the other, people who insist that every Jew is nestled deeply in the pocket of the top banksters."



(1) "What is the point of detaching criticism of an ethnic group from its actions or the actions of its most elite members? How is hatred of a thing different from hatred of its essential characteristics? It seems as farcical as saying opposing 'whiteness' is not opposition to Whites as a group."

(2) "Average conservatives claim to be against fatherlessness, criminality, and laziness, but claim to love America Blacks. These are the essential ethnic characteristics of that community. There is no effective way to be against the characteristics but not the thing in and of itself."

(3) "[Only] weirdo leftists [are] hellbent on separating zionism from jews when 95% of jews identify as zionist. Essentiaĺly we're talking about power, and nature abhors power vacuums."

(4) "If we consider ethnicities as superorganisms with extended phenotypes, [then] What matters is the effect the ethnicity has on the world. Even if only a small percent of the Jewish superorganism believes in Zionism and White replacement, they enable the people that do believe in them to achieve those goals. The superorganism itself is still at fault. For example, in ants, only some percent of the colony is engaged in some specialized activity, like foraging in your home for food. [But] you still destroy the entire colony as a means of combatting them."

Comment (in rebuttal of responses 1-4): "Criticising all Jews based on the actions of some elite members is prejudicial. Just as we don't assume guilt for all neighbours because one was caught stealing, it’s wrong to judge an entire group based on a few individuals' actions. Individual actions should not lead to collective blame. This seems to be what you're suggesting."

My response: This is true in principle, but there are conditions. Specifically, it's true for Jews who live their lives as free individuals unbeholden to tribal interests. For the rest, there is a serious problem involving collective identity and utility.

What you write is true only for those Jews who do not assert a definite collective identity and engage in aggressive identity politics on that basis. Jews - like Blacks - overwhelmingly assert a distinctive collective identity that contributes to their self-image, fuels their tribal loyalty, and (most importantly) causes them to (1) distinguish their group interests from those of other groups and (2) function as a coherent political bloc which routinely puts their special group interests over the nations in which they reside. Given their increasingly disproportionate wealth and power, this is a disastrous situation. As long as it persists, both Jews and Blacks invite judgment in terms of group traits, group tendencies, and group statistics. At the present time, an objective judgment on that basis would not necessarily be favorable to them.

It's really vary simple. Once you assert your own special collective level of identity and behave in accordance with its interests as opposed to everyone else's, you can and in fact must be judged in terms of it. You've chosen it as your identity, and that's the price. The only people who have a right to judgment exclusively as individuals are those who define themselves as individuals, and this right holds only to the extent that they are "assimilable by the national identity", i.e., those who for political purposes identify with the nation and its founding principles, reject countervening racial levels of identity, and refrain from divisive identity politics.

While this once described most Whites, some Jews and most Blacks play identity politics all the more effectively by denying non-Jewish Whites the same privilege, and are therefore not entitled to be judged purely as individuals while maintaining their pursuit of racial self-interest. Jews, Blacks, and others who put their own racial interests ahead of their nations of residence and the founding principles thereof are no friends of the nations in which they live, including the United States and those actually descended from its Founders. As long as they function as exceptional political blocs, they must be legally and politically contained.


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880751 No.215125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517443 (011601ZSEP24) Notable: When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

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The Founding Fathers of the United States established this nation for a popuation that is "homogeneous" in the precise sense that it uniformly puts this nation's interests ahead of the interests of all other nations and peoples, and allows the pursuit of special interests only insofar as they are consistent with national coherence and cohesion (when this nation was founded, this was commonly understood and did not have to be explicitly stressed). In other words, the Founding Fathers implicitly forbade lopsided nonwhite-only identity politics.

The unholy slime who, by academic and media indoctrination and nonwhites-only mass migration, have made lopsided nonwhites-only identity politics the political modus operandi in this country are enemies of the United States and its true citizenry. In short, they are traitors. No one who has stolen or otherwise gained citizenship on this basis should be allowed to keep it without renouncing identity politics and putting the nation first. They should instead be relocated to wherever their primary allegiance resides.

This may sound radical, but the proper word is rational. For Whites, failing to develop a racial identity at this stage of the game is irrational on all levels. When everyone else is playing identity politics against national interests, it's a losing bargain all around. Whites must either do away with identity politics by any means necessary, OR form a collective identity to counterbalance the poisonous nonwhites-only version of identity politics that is destroying us.

Obviously, the group identity that Whites need to cultivate must not only be consistent with their history and culture, but exemplified by their best and brightest, those of highest moral and intellectual character. Professional politicians, bureaucrats, military and enforcement personnel, academics, media pimps, Hollywood narcissists, and sociopathic billionaires need not apply, as these groups habitually play for their own advantage and are largely responsible for the very problem we're discussing.

There is no coherent moral argument against anything I've written here. The people benefiting from this ungodly mess may pretend to have morality and ethical reasoning on their side, but that's a lie. They have nothing of the kind. All they have is a mixture of ill-gotten money and power, shameless deceit and hypocrisy, false propaganda (including religious or antireligious hucksterism associated with pro-migration NGOs), and a truly idiotic level of long-range stupidity.

Obviously, there is no racism in this post. It is in fact "anti-racist", asserting moral and political symmetry. If a given reader objects anyway, he or she can simply identify as an individual and sever whatever tribal, extended-phenotypic, or "superorganic" connections may have been determining his or her behavior. That, and that alone, entitles one to judgement exclusively on the basis of individual merit. Comply, and you have my warmest complements and sincere appreciation regardless of your ethnicity.

But meanwhile, just to be safe and socially and morally responsible, I'll continue to encourage the development of a cohesive, logically sound White Identity with which we White people can defend ourselves should the members of certain aggressive "minorities" fail to go along with my suggestions. We are presently governed by prostitutes and spineless vermin who smugly refuse to defend our interests. This puts us in a terribly vulnerable position, and we cannot afford further exposure to the corruption and criminality of our would-be genocidal exterminators.

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880751 No.215126

File: e039be448f40282⋯.jpeg (418.58 KB,828x957,276:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517444 (011601ZSEP24) Notable: NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215127

File: 26018d48de14e9b⋯.jpg (59.47 KB,818x500,409:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517445 (011603ZSEP24) Notable: POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

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> Q Research General #26362

man observes palindromic bread digits

speculates on cosmic significance thereof

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880751 No.215128

File: 764a78c98dc1f01⋯.png (233.76 KB,661x772,661:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e4bad93ff9a2c4⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517459 (011607ZSEP24) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

💥 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

"There's a series of about 13 studies that were done by people we call 'biostitutes'. There are people who do these studies for money for CDC…in order to create the illusion that vaccines don't cause autism…If you listen to what the propaganda that CDC tells you, yeah vaccines don't cause autism but it's propaganda. This is a captive agency that is intertwined and owned by the pharmaceutical industry."


Full Interview: https://t.co/djCDb5qw8T

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880751 No.215129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517495 (011616ZSEP24) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Streamed live 18 hours ago 1:03:49 76,430 views

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo



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880751 No.215130

File: d3f54220bddc531⋯.png (570.95 KB,776x903,776:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517537 (011627ZSEP24) Notable: Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>"developing story?"



3 hours ago

Children found dead all aged under four - police

Three children who were found dead at a house in Surrey were all aged under four, police have said.

The youngsters were found alongside the body of a man in Bremer Road, Staines, on Saturday, and officers have confirmed all four were related.

Neighbours said they believed a young Polish family with three boys, including twins, lived at the house, where a tribute outside said: "Rest in peace little ones. We will always think of you."

Police said post-mortem examinations and formal identification would take place in due course.

Surrey Police said it was called by the ambulance service to the house in Spelthorne, at about 13:15 BST on Saturday.

The force said it was investigating and had referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), due to previous contact with the family.

It said at this stage, officers believed it was an isolated incident with no third-party involvement.

The mother of the children and next-of-kin were aware, it added, and were being supported by specialist officers. …


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880751 No.215131

File: d8cbd12ca38d784⋯.jpg (141.47 KB,720x1230,24:41,Clipboard.jpg)

File: beae1756ef1be2b⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,720x816,15:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517548 (011629ZSEP24) Notable: Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

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JUST IN: Astronauts trapped in space capture STRANGE SOUNDS during communication with control..


What is this?


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880751 No.215132

File: d8eab2d0839be84⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,680x642,340:321,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517581 (011636ZSEP24) Notable: SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

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A Silent But Noticeable Departure

Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson, a prestigious law firm in San Francisco.

Don't they all say they just want to focus on family when they do things like this. 😂

Her entire biography removed from the company website. But you all know why if you have been following this channel. D. Trump knows that spotlight is dangerous. The law firm is located in SF for tech companies.

She has deep ties to SCOTUS. John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh. I wonder what she wanted to avoid becoming headlines news while she still worked at the company? And I want you all to keep this mind as you read this.

Didn't D. Trump state that he was going to choose A VP pick that was not being talked about in mainstream media correct? Well JD Vance based on that criteria should not have been selected because he was on Fox News back in June with his wife talking about the potential to be picked as D. Trump VP.

So obviously he chose him for other reasons that made Usha Chilukuri Vance abruptly leave her job and erase her entire history at the firm she worked for. Is is because of conflict of intrest? Because with with J.D. Vance's rise in political prominence, there may have been potential conflicts of interest that made her position at a high-profile law firm untenable.

As a litigator, Usha might have faced cases or clients that could present conflicts with her husband's political activities and affiliations because she is a registered Democrat. And everything that she has been doing up until that point leaned toward the liberal spectrum. Which ofcourse means that she is pro establishment.

So then that would beg the question why would she marry JD Vance? Was it his venture capitalists role that brought in the dough? Was it his military background that would entice her to date him for the protection. Or was it his company Ambrosia that may have brought in some questionable things into the public domain that lead to some dark money?

Did you know Ambrosia is the street term or Elite term used for Adr•n•chr•me? Did you also know that In the State of California lawmakers wanted to make it legal to kill babies up to 27 days after their birth? Now is it starting to make sense as to why Usha Chilukuri Vance abruptly left her law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP that is located in California?

I will let you all do the digging on this. I have to get to some other things.


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880751 No.215133

File: 68394f754005d7f⋯.png (239.07 KB,746x1292,373:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c4db521863e55d⋯.png (494.98 KB,748x1305,748:1305,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a301f06f4272df⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,342x270,19:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517610 (011644ZSEP24) Notable: 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

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Actual Proof Barack Obama Put REAL COMMUNISTS In His Administration

In 1992, a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley

Many of the attendees ended up working in The Obama Administration

Obama setup the takedown of America, “They laid out this plan how they wanted to take America down from the inside.”

A Full Communist Agenda and how they would achieve their goal would be to “Use the environmental movement to take down the free enterprise system in America.”

This should be extremely eye opening for everyone. We are living through their agenda.

““Back in 1992, an older friend of my father who was from Saint Louis asked me to go to this meeting that the Communist Party USA was having at the University of California Berkeley. And he had studied communism and written books about communism back in the sixties and stuff. And he was curious Because if you remember back in 1989, the Berlin Wall had come down, and everyone was saying communism is dead. It's over. Then in 91 in December, the Soviet Union dissolved.

And so this is 6 months later, the summer of 92, and the Communist Party USA is having a meeting. So he asked me to go out to this meeting. He said, would you go out there and just see what they're talking about? Because we we won. This thing's over.

And so I went to that. And for 3 days, I sat there in breakout sessions and lectures and and listened to these hardcore communists. And and one thing shocking about it too, I thought it'd be college radical since it was at Berkeley, so I dressed like a college radical with some radical t shirt on it. I walk into the autumn the auditorium, — and I thought, woah.

This is actually serious. It's not just some radicals. And many of those exact people, as I researched them later, ended up being in Obama's cabinet in 2008.

And that's what motivated me to make movie because I rise these are the people that were at this communist meeting with me back back in 1992. But at that meeting, they laid out this plan how they wanted to take America down from the inside.

They were gonna focus all their energies on that now. They've been focusing on it for a while, but they realized they could never outspend America because capitalism, free enterprise is so successful. And they kind of that woke them up. Okay. We gotta go to plan b.

They they just keep building more and more. And, of course, we had all the years of Reagan where he'd really built the military up, so they realized We're in trouble here. Um, and so that's what they talked about to me and how they were going to do that from the inside, and I didn't think that much about it, went on with my life. But then again, 16 years later in 2008 from 92, when I remembered what they had talked about, like, one thing, uh, that is so clear how it had changed.

They had said back in 92, we're gonna use the environmental movement to take down the free enterprise system in America.”

I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but this is a CRAZY listen



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880751 No.215134

File: 3c2c27508f18c33⋯.png (1.38 MB,1198x1326,599:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517617 (011646ZSEP24) Notable: 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

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I would be silent too when you know at these parties P. Diddy was bringing in adolescent children to be sexually abused at 3am on a regular basis where his neighbors even recognized how frequent it was. Can you imagine what is on those tapes? This is why his imminent arrest is taking so long because they expanded the investigation.

People think P. Diddy is the target of the investigation.

No, he is the subject of it. Which means there is a larger net of players they are after. This is why Hollywood is silent because they know P. Diddy is radioactive right now. And celebrities ever since the raid of his homes happened they have wiped their social media clean and removed all photos and videos of them being at those parties.

The PR disaster that is coming for many of them will be unforgiving. Especially once they learn of what went on and who was present during the time the illegal activities took place with those children.


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880751 No.215135

File: 3bc1ed60df79aa8⋯.jpeg (239.36 KB,1125x1014,375:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517618 (011646ZSEP24) Notable: PDJT: Comrade Kamala

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And otherwise

Comrade Kamala

Can you read between the lines and connect the dots?

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880751 No.215136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517624 (011648ZSEP24) Notable: Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

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17beats the second time, unless I counted wrong.

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880751 No.215137

File: 67dff8cf879a3ba⋯.png (181.09 KB,591x489,197:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517634 (011651ZSEP24) Notable: State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

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State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.


5:11 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215138

File: 43f2ddb9767dbee⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,604x360,151:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517636 (011651ZSEP24) Notable: The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

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The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

From Kat A

8:07 AM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215139

File: ddedb3f2a43af03⋯.png (665.6 KB,601x825,601:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517641 (011652ZSEP24) Notable: "Tirelessly."

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Bad Hombre








President Biden




I've worked tirelessly to bring Hersh home, and Jill and I could not be more heartbroken by the news of his death.

It is tragic and reprehensible.

Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we'll continue working towards a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.

Show more

Earlier today, in a tunnel under the city of Rafah, Israeli forces recovered six bodies of hostages held by Hamas. We have now confirmed that one of the hostages killed by these vicious Hamas terrorists was an American citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin. I am devastated and outraged. Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel on October 7. He lost his arm helping friends and strangers during Hamas’ savage massacre. He had just turned 23. He planned to travel the world. I have gotten to know his parents, Jon and Rachel. They have been courageous, wise, and steadfast, even as they have endured the unimaginable. They have been relentless and irrepressible champions of their son and of all the hostages held in unconscionable conditions. I admire them and grieve with them more deeply than words can express. I know all Americans tonight will have them in their prayers, just as Jill and I will…

Rate proposed Community Notes

4:09 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215140

File: 3158e9409bf3858⋯.jpg (83.03 KB,931x931,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517645 (011653ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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880751 No.215141

File: 4eb62286f40dc54⋯.png (164.76 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517655 (011654ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215142

File: 7cdff1d55a67766⋯.png (429.57 KB,589x604,589:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517659 (011655ZSEP24) Notable: NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

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Greg Price


NBC's @kwelkernbc

tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

There's only one problem: Kamala was not in fact at the dignified transfer.

5:01 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215143

File: cf017bd52a4fd03⋯.jpeg (45.06 KB,378x649,378:649,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517662 (011655ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215144

File: 38c07b83d6a0960⋯.png (320.39 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517676 (011657ZSEP24) Notable: NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

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The Gateway Pundit


WICKED: New Hampshire Supreme Court Rules Schools Can Keep Parents in the Dark About Their Children’s Gender Transitions https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/wicked-new-hampshire-supreme-court-rules-schools-can/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wicked-new-hampshire-supreme-court-rules-schools-can


4:43 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215145

File: 612c2a834576b15⋯.png (155.85 KB,512x405,512:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517682 (011657ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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880751 No.215146

File: 4c5436708a2d3e5⋯.png (462.16 KB,642x792,107:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517700 (011700ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

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Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

Sun, September 01, 2024 - 01:00

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880751 No.215147

File: 02f4e0ad22d7d11⋯.png (739.37 KB,1280x1125,256:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517701 (011700ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him

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Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xW8PxQyLv4Q9ctJg/)

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880751 No.215148

File: 1b0d1fe31495874⋯.jpg (84.99 KB,704x615,704:615,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517769 (011714ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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880751 No.215149

File: fb797368dbf3cdb⋯.png (989.51 KB,1001x561,91:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517777 (011715ZSEP24)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215150

File: 3993a48a9f651eb⋯.png (122.29 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517787 (011717ZSEP24) Notable: The memes we all need

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880751 No.215151

File: 343206e616994c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,738x858,123:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d05810f93574a⋯.jpg (244.88 KB,1013x1012,1013:1012,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517793 (011718ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215152

File: 16abf3bb9015b27⋯.png (657.53 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517813 (011721ZSEP24) Notable: Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

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Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

Special Counsel Jack Smith reversed course in his quest to seek expedited hearings in his Washington, DC, case against former President Donald Trump.

Smith sought the hearings to determine which actions that Trump allegedly took he could charge in his election interference case against the president.

The Supreme Court’s July 1 decision that presidents enjoy partial immunity for actions taken in office in an official capacity spurred Smith to alter his approach.

Before Smith relented in his latest push to expedite the increasingly shaky case, Judge Tanya Chutkan had planned to hold hearings in the fall to determine which of Trump’s acts were official acts subject to prosecution.

That determination will now occur after the election — if it occurs at all.


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880751 No.215153

File: a8c7e1b10579823⋯.jpg (156.99 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517847 (011726ZSEP24) Notable: They started it. They'll finish it.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215154

File: 2ad3cc8ecea8e29⋯.png (544.16 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: d5dbd86cd29c2dc⋯.png (125.47 KB,766x1426,383:713,Clipboard.png)

File: cc258779461aed4⋯.jpeg (70.33 KB,768x685,768:685,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517887 (011738ZSEP24)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517888 (011738ZSEP24) Notable: On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

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10:43 = 17


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880751 No.215156

File: eb1bd0aa769b9bf⋯.png (224.42 KB,607x842,607:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21517891 (011739ZSEP24) Notable: On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

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10:43 = 17


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880751 No.215157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518031 (011818ZSEP24) Notable: #26362

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Please lock bread

See y'all on the other side

#26362 >>215117

>>215127 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>215119 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>215120, >>215121 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>215122 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>215123, >>215131, >>215136 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>215124, >>215125 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>215126, >>215144 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>215128 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>215129 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>215130 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>215132 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>215133 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>215134 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>215135 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>215137 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>215138 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>215139 "Tirelessly."

>>215142 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>215146 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>215147 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>215151 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>215152 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>215153 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>215155, >>215156 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>215150, >>215148, >>215141, >>215143, >>215140, >>215145 The memes we all need


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880751 No.215158

File: fb4bc5008d1f2f3⋯.jpg (79.62 KB,768x685,768:685,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3ab0cd326afedef⋯.jpg (533.74 KB,2382x2383,2382:2383,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fab259ada960306⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518042 (011820ZSEP24) Notable: #26363

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NoteBaker signin out

can't focus 100% so can't guarantee watch. will do what i can

Godspeed, patriots!


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880751 No.215159

File: 97827a50b64e934⋯.png (328.92 KB,442x322,221:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 7662d23dfe4cde6⋯.webp (28.45 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2aa38a4ae316531⋯.webp (35.29 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: aed450db4282118⋯.jpeg (114.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 978148bb0de8ad5⋯.jpeg (149.37 KB,736x496,46:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518088 (011831ZSEP24) Notable: LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

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880751 No.215160

File: 818276bb96b8477⋯.jpeg (35.71 KB,300x214,150:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 60b4f2d3e692cc9⋯.png (1.11 MB,1075x1049,1075:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: ca24ad2fabd3b7c⋯.png (695.23 KB,734x900,367:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518094 (011833ZSEP24) Notable: LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

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880751 No.215161

File: 7b5c9c94026bfb0⋯.png (553.36 KB,1210x810,121:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518100 (011834ZSEP24) Notable: LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

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LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as

Superhero, Motorcyclist…

Building on the growing interplay between crypto and politics, Donald Trump is offering a fourth collection of nonfungible tokens that feature images ranging from the former president in a superhero costume… - Bloomberg


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880751 No.215162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518101 (011834ZSEP24) Notable: Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

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Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird


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880751 No.215163

File: 40c341532650a18⋯.png (62.22 KB,754x602,377:301,Clipboard.png)

File: c3fc60d3ee3e405⋯.png (80.12 KB,752x635,752:635,Clipboard.png)

File: c0cf599f3f2f3ac⋯.png (78.46 KB,761x629,761:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518128 (011838ZSEP24) Notable: Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

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Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat.

It must have taken eons of Taoist patience for President Xi Jinping to tell a few self-evident facts of life to a mediocre imperial functionary such as U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.


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880751 No.215164

File: 5ac9f8092f37118⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518152 (011843ZSEP24) Notable: Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

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Trump War Room





SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos… You know who those families also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, DC. She was four miles away — ten minutes. She could've gone to the cemetery and honor the sacrifice of those young men and women, but she hasn't. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them. It is because of her and Joe Biden's incompetence that those 13 Americans were killed in Afghanistan."==

9:42 AM · Sep 1, 2024





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880751 No.215165

File: b2a6c9943170031⋯.png (713.76 KB,1920x965,384:193,Clipboard.png)

File: cce4ce21688f9bd⋯.png (704.91 KB,1920x967,1920:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518156 (011843ZSEP24) Notable: Planefaggin

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PF beginning to wonder if some of the ADS-B Network exchange member receivers may actually be on ships at sea. It's starting to look that way. With modern uplink technology being what it is today, suppose also possible to have some on aircraft as well. For confirmation purposes asking for help from a boatfag. Off the eastern coast of Japan do you have, or have you recently had, a vessel named Entropic? Or Chelsea? Have no idea how often the MLAT map updates. So maybe the ships are there right now? Or they have moved on since last update? One other possibility could be offshore platforms? (member login required for access) picrels



# synced peers: 0 Sync stats

Region: Asia, Africa, Australia (13)

Closest peer:

Farthest peer:

Approximate location: 38.37, 142.42


# synced peers: 0 Sync stats

Region: Asia, Africa, Australia (13)

Closest peer:

Farthest peer:

Approximate location: 38.02, 145.06

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880751 No.215166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518171 (011847ZSEP24) Notable: Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

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Unscrupulous NGOs Rake in Billions for Foreign Assistance

Between 2013 and 2022, 15 nonprofits each received over $1 billion from the federal government for foreign, nonmilitary projects, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service.

Key facts: Six thousand non-governmental organizations, or NGOS, received grants and contracts from the U.S. Agency for International Development, but 20% of the money went to just 10 groups. Four of them are for-profit enterprises.

Almost $7 billion went to two particularly unworthy organizations.

Non-profit research group RTI International accepted $2.3 billion for humanitarian projects around the world, even though past reports have warned of issues with RTI’s spending.

Various audits from 2006 to 2014 claimed that RTI invented “fictional beneficiaries” to make an anti-malaria campaign seem more effective than it really was. They also sent computers to a Nicaraguan school that didn’t have electricity and billed the federal government for teacher salaries in Senegal that had already been paid, according to the audits.

Catholic Relief Services was the top recipient of federal money — $4.6 billion — singlehandedly accounting for more than half of the funds sent to faith-based organizations.

Six of their former board members were named by a Pennsylvania grand jury in 2019 for allowing sex abuse in the Catholic Church. Catholic Relief Services was also found guilty in 2022 of discriminating against a gay employee.

The federal government also sent $50 billion in foreign aid to groups whose names are redacted from public databases, according to the report. In total, Congress gave $66 billion in foreign assistance in FY2023.


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880751 No.215167

File: 357bad1e81e5a03⋯.jpeg (158.74 KB,1211x923,1211:923,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 07f7a34743d2cad⋯.jpeg (495.86 KB,1284x919,1284:919,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518187 (011849ZSEP24) Notable: Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

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Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

One of the signs was posted on an Instagram account connected to Sabo, a right-wing artist known for criticizing liberal policies and candidates.

Thomas Mitchell

Authorities in Denver are investigating "multiple racist signs" that were placed near bus stops along Colfax Avenue and appear to be the work of a controversial street artist.

The first signs were spotted around 5 a.m. on August 29, at the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and Oneida Street, according to RTD. Additional signs have been found on Colfax at Garfield and Yosemite streets.

The signs include wording such as "Blacks must sit on the back of the bus. Kamala's migrants sit in front," referencing Vice President Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee whose husband is visiting Colorado today.

Another sign spotted at a Colfax bus stop includes a stencil graffiti of people running with the words "Caution. Kamala's Illegals."

Several signs along East Colfax Avenue appeared near RTD bus stops, according to the agency,

Courtesy of RTD

"RTD will continue to work closely with local authorities to identify the individual(s) responsible. Agency staff is also coordinating with the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) to check for the presence of additional signs," RTD says in a statement on the signs. "RTD strongly condemns the hateful, discriminatory message portrayed by the signs. There is no place for racism or discrimination at RTD or within the communities we serve. The signs do not reflect the organization’s adopted values or promote a welcoming transit environment for all, nor should such vile messaging be tolerated or supported by anyone."

An Instagram account linked to the website for Sabo, an artist known for controversial stencil works and signs that criticize progressive policies and candidates, posted a photo of another "Caution. Kamala's Illegals" sign at around 11 a.m. on August 29. This sign was in Aurora, at the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and Nome Street.

That intersection is near an apartment complex that was recently shut down by Aurora for city health and building code violations. The apartment building's owners said the complex was taken over by gangs of Venezuelan migrants, making maintenance impossible; the city disputed that.


Sabo could not be reached for comment. According to Newsweek, the artist lives in Colorado; he recently installed street art at the Republican National Convention, including a saintly painting of late right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh and a picture of Donald Trump appearing as General Douglas MacArthur.

According to RTD, signs similar to those that popped up in Denver yesterday were reported on Chicago public transit lines last week, during the Democratic National Convention. The Chicago Transit Authority did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An RTD spokesperson says the agency is not aware of any connection between the signs and Sabo.

The Denver Police Department confirms the signs are under investigation. "The Denver Police Department was made aware of the racist signs this morning and is actively investigating in partnership with RTD. DPD is handling this case as a bias-motivated crime and collecting evidence with the goal of holding the perpetrator accountable," the DPD said in an August 29 statement.

While the DPD did not initially acknowledge an artist's involvement, it is now "aware of the social media posts" and "continuing to gather information on this case," a DPD spokesperson tells Westword.

Denver City Council has issued a statement condemning the signs. Mayor Mike Johnston issued a statement on his X account as well.

"I am aware of the shameful signs found around our city. This type of abhorrent & racist behavior is absolutely not welcome here. Denver is a welcoming and inclusive city that gives opportunity to people from all walks of life, & we will fight to ensure that remains the case," the statement reads. "I'm grateful to the Denver Police Department and RTD who acted swiftly to remove the racist signs and are actively investigating the situation. Those responsible will be held accountable, and racist behavior like this will never be tolerated in our city."

Authorities are asking people to report suspicious behavior near bus stops during the early-morning hours of August 29.

"Anonymous or discreet tips can be shared using RTD’s Transit Watch app, by calling Transit Police dispatch at 303.299.2911, or texting 303.434.9100," RTD adds.


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880751 No.215168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518189 (011849ZSEP24) Notable: ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

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‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

Tiffany Henyard has enjoyed near-unanimous support on the Thornton Township board, but that’s now changing following a series of WGN Investigates’ reports on her spending.

“Today, I am breaking my silence and speaking out against Thornton Township Supervisor and Mayor of Dolton Tiffany Henyard, who I believe has engaged in unethical and predatory behavior throughout her tenure,” trustee Carmen Carlisle wrote in an emailed statement to WGN. “For the past two years, Henyard has manipulated employees, vendors, and residents, using her position to increase her influence, all while projecting a false image of success, funded by the hardworking taxpayers of Thornton Township and the Village of Dolton.”

Carlisle acknowledged at a recent board meeting that she rarely raised questions about lavish trips and other spending charged to township taxpayers.

“I trusted the administration,” Carlisle said on Aug. 15 while looking at Supervisor Henyard.

Carlisle and other township trustees then voted to put new restrictions on spending for special events and access to credit cards.

“I am standing up, not just for myself, but for others who have been affected by what I see as Henyard’s abusive leadership,” Carlisle’s statement said. “I believe there are many more victims who have been retaliated against, fired or lied to by Henyard, but have yet to speak out.”

Henyard ridiculed Carlisle’s new-found challenge at an August meeting.

“I think I’m going to get you a new nickname: ‘Lyin’ Carlisle,’” Henyard said in front of a packed audience. “I’m tired of everyone in here. There always has to be a show.”

In January, WGN Investigates reported Henyard and her entourage racked-up $67,000 in charges for trips to Portland, Austin, Atlanta and New York City in a five-month span. Carlisle was on at least one of the trips along with other trustees and township officials.

In Atlanta, the group stayed at the Four Seasons and brought home a bill of $9,347. However, WGN Investigates has learned the township spending is just the tip of the iceberg.

Watch WGN News at 9 p.m. Tuesday to see credit card charges billed to Dolton taxpayers that Henyard’s administration fought to keep hidden.


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880751 No.215169

File: 045662e6a7719e5⋯.jpeg (772.65 KB,828x1009,828:1009,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518198 (011851ZSEP24) Notable: Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

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Another Deepfuck Parrot bites the dust.

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880751 No.215170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518204 (011852ZSEP24) Notable: Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

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Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance


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880751 No.215171

File: a23e73f1194814a⋯.png (419.97 KB,888x842,444:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518218 (011854ZSEP24) Notable: Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

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Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

The helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and seven other people in May was caused by challenging climatic and atmospheric conditions, Iranian state TV reported Sunday.

The final report of the Supreme Board of the General Staff of the Armed Forces said the main cause of the helicopter crash was the complex climatic conditions of the region in spring, state TV said.

The report also cited the sudden appearance of a thick mass of dense fog rising upwards as the helicopter collided with the mountain.

According to the report, there were no signs of sabotage in parts and systems.

Raisi died along with seven others including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, who was 60, in the crash in a remote mountainous area of northwestern Iran. The helicopter also carried the governor of the East Azerbaijan province, along with other officials and bodyguards, Iran's state-run IRNA news agency said at the time of the crash.


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880751 No.215172

File: 43684ba770ba986⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518224 (011855ZSEP24) Notable: PSA: How to pour a beer.

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how to pour a beer?

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880751 No.215173

File: 99ebb1c590aaf88⋯.png (159.56 KB,972x1280,243:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518231 (011857ZSEP24) Notable: Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

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880751 No.215174

File: a2afd1af5744bd3⋯.png (603.65 KB,732x710,366:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518233 (011858ZSEP24) Notable: No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

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880751 No.215175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518240 (011859ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

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Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has deployed a massive digital operation, with over 175 staffers dedicated to flooding social media with pro-Harris, anti-Trump content.

What Axios referred to as her Gen Z “mobilization team” is at the heart of a strategy that prioritizes memes, online taunts, and TikTok trends over traditional political campaigning. Despite the aggressive tactics, Donald Trump has over twice as many TikTok followers as Harris and almost five times as many X (formerly Twitter) followers.

The Harris campaign’s focus on rapid response and real-time content creation has often allowed it to dominate fleeting, hyper-online conversations. But her reliance on inexperienced, “vibes-focused” staffers has also led to some embarrassment, with her latest video about making an incorrect collard greens recipe in her bathtub attracting a social media “ratio.”

“From palm trees and coconut emojis to Charlie XCX’s ‘brat’ endorsement, online memes supporting Vice President Harris have taken on a life of their own and have been adopted – with a wink and a nod – by our campaign account @KamalaHQ, which has more than tripled its following since the switch,” a campaign spokesman told Axios.But much like her in-person campaign activities, the digital domination appears to have waned since the Democratic National Convention, with many tiring of the “sneering” schtick.


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880751 No.215176

File: 26688bfa568f5ed⋯.jpeg (364.76 KB,1160x647,1160:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518258 (011902ZSEP24) Notable: Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

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1 Sep, 2024 11:21

Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

According to a strategy review, young people are susceptible to foreign concepts such as cosmopolitanism and individualism

Cosmopolitanism and individualism among young people could become an obstacle to Russia’s development and economic growth, Russian authorities have said.

The warning was made in the Strategy for Russia’s youth policy until 2030, which was approved by the government in Moscow on Thursday. The document was prepared at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

”There are almost 38 million people aged between 14 and 35 in Russia. Taking care of their future is… important for ensuring national security. This would require joint efforts from the government bodies and non-profit organizations and, most importantly, involve young men and women in the decision-making,” Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said during a cabinet meeting.

In the strategy document,it was pointed out that the functioning of Russia as a “powerful, economically developed state” necessitates a population that is “nationally oriented and supports traditional values.” This should be achieved through the “harmonious development of young people and their creative potential,” it read.

Due to its key role in the society, the younger generation has been selected as “the main target of ideological intervention carried out from the outside in order to weaken the Russianstate,” the paper stressed.

One of themajor threats to the country’s youths it named is “the imposition of the Western lifestyle and consumption habits,” which includes extraterritorial, apolitical views and sexual deviations.

The moral system of the younger generation in Russia “reflects value shifts from collectivism to individualism and from statism to cosmopolitanism over the past 30 years,” it said.

The document noted that “individualistic values often lead to difficulties for young people in forming relationships in the family, with friends and at work.” It singled out the development of collectivist values within the age group as an important task for the government over the next six years.

Some of theother dangers to young people mentioned in the strategy are a weakening connection between generations, the degradation of traditional spiritual and moral values, legal nihilism, insufficient involvement in socially useful activities, and an increasing number of crimes committed by younger people, including with the use of information and communications technologies.

According to the document, the key areas of Russia’s youth policy until 2030 would be supporting the volunteer movement and patriotic organizations, introducing additional opportunities for studying and advanced training, expanding access to quality online content as part of cultural and educational initiatives, promoting the Russian language as a basis for cooperation on international platforms, and creating additional infrastructure for recreation and sports.

(It sounds like the US should have implemented some of these policies decades ago)


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880751 No.215177

File: d335e6c2f932807⋯.png (414.3 KB,1151x533,1151:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518291 (011911ZSEP24) Notable: Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

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Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

Labor federation chief Arnon Bar-David says hostage release stuck due to ‘political considerations,’ most of labor market will strike as of 6 a.m. Monday


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880751 No.215178

File: 2ad2d0837045ad5⋯.png (469.04 KB,516x578,258:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518301 (011914ZSEP24) Notable: Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

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880751 No.215179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518303 (011914ZSEP24) Notable: Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

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Bank of England Staff Told to Share Pronouns and Use “Gender Neutral” Language

Bank of England staff have been told to share their pronouns at the start of meetings and use “gender neutral” language when speaking to customers. The Telegraph has the details.

Threadneedle Street employees were also advised that it is a “microaggression” to state that “everyone is born a man or a woman, it’s science”.

The lessons, delivered to staff as part of a “trans inclusion” training session, also encouraged the Bank of England to promote a “trans day of visibility”, a “trans day of remembrance” and a “trans awareness week”.

Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, has written to Andrew Bailey, the Bank of England’s Governor, about the training.

He told Mr. Bailey that “while fostering a sense of inclusion among employees is, of course, a worthwhile objective”, he believed that training courses like the one given to Bank staff are “ideologically driven”.

“As a result, they may have the unintended effect of fostering an intolerant workplace culture in which some employees feel they cannot express certain, perfectly legitimate points of view,” the letter said.

“Our primary concern is that the ‘Trans Inclusion’ course appears to promote gender identity ideology while stigmatising gender critical beliefs, which are protected under the Equality Act 2010.”

The FSU’s letter highlighted a part of the training that stated “using the wrong pronouns” is another example of a “microaggression”.

It also mentioned the section telling staff to use language such as “cisgender” to refer to an individual who identifies as the sex they were assigned at birth, or “Enby” to describe people who do not identify exclusively as a man or woman.

The Bank of England defended the training, with a spokesman saying: “Our objective is to ensure monetary and financial stability for the UK. We encourage a welcoming environment for our colleagues working hard to achieve this – as such, we offer inclusion training on an optional basis.”

Mr. Young said: “The Bank of England, like so many other pillars of the British establishment, has been infected by the woke mind virus.”

“This kind of training creates the impression that believing in the biological reality of sex is discriminatory, when in fact it’s a belief that’s protected by the Equality Act and the reality is that any employer punishing an employee for expressing such a view would themselves be guilty of discrimination.”


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880751 No.215180

File: 85a1ae4c70828af⋯.png (454.6 KB,1919x968,1919:968,Clipboard.png)

File: 661ba3af146836f⋯.png (568.47 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

File: d763cc51d212b39⋯.png (1.55 MB,1919x965,1919:965,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ecc72279d3aced⋯.png (392.07 KB,1919x968,1919:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518304 (011914ZSEP24) Notable: Planefaggin

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Looks like Entropic32 may be aboard the REIHOU. And Chelsea ADS-B Network member might be aboard an unidentified cargo vessel.



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880751 No.215181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518311 (011917ZSEP24) Notable: Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

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Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, promoting his very patriotic book “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States,” recently penned an op-ed and appeared on MSNBC to float the idea that we need to toss out the United States Constitution — arguably the most eloquent and functional if imperfect governing document ever written, which every Western nation has modeled their own on — and replace it with something a little more Democratic™.

Here the psychopathic cross-eyed nerd — who would be the first to go in the kind of French Revolution-style chaos he’s fomenting, like Piggy in Lord of the Flies — explains.

Via Los Angeles Times (emphasis added):

“No matter the outcome of the November elections, it is urgent that there be a widespread recognition that American democracy is in danger and that reforms are essential. No form of government lasts forever, and it would be foolhardy to believe that the United States cannot fall prey to the forces that have ended democracies in many other countries.

Although the causes are complex, many of today’s problems can be traced back to choices made in drafting the Constitution, choices that are increasingly haunting us. After 200 years, it is time to begin thinking of drafting a new Constitution to create a more effective, more democratic government.

Signs abound that American democracy is in serious trouble. Confidence in the institutions of American government is at an all-time low. The Pew Research Center has been tracking public trust in government since 1958. It has gone from a high-water mark of 77% in 1964 to our contemporary 20%.* A poll in September 2023 indicated that only 4% of U.S. adults said the American political system worked “extremely or very well.” A recent Gallup poll had only 16% of Americans expressing approval for how Congress is performing its job.

Especially individuals in their 20s and 30s are losing faith in democracy. A Brookings Institution study found that 29% of “young Americans say that democracy is not always preferable to other political forms.””


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880751 No.215182

File: b91252a61e7a39a⋯.jpeg (181.65 KB,1142x628,571:314,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518314 (011917ZSEP24) Notable: Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

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30 Aug, 2024 22:25

Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

The US-made Ukrainian jet may have been shot down by friendly fire, a lawmaker has claimed

General Nikolay Oleshchuk has been dismissed as the head of the Ukrainian Air Force after he publicly clashed with a lawmaker from Vladimir Zelensky’s ruling Servant of the People party about the loss of the first Western-provided F-16 fighter jet.

The plane reportedly crashed on Monday, killing its pilot, Aleksey ‘Moonfish’ Mes. Kiev did not admit the loss until Thursday, only to say that the incident was under investigation.MP Mariana Bezuglaya then made the claim that Mes had been shot down by one of Ukraine’s US-donated ‘Patriot’ air defense systems.

“Mariana, the time will come when you will apologize to the entire army for what you have done, I hope in court!” Oleshchuk said in a social media post of his own on Friday. He accused Bezuglaya of “selling out” and being “a tool to discredit the top military leadership.”

“You not only poured dirt on me personally and on the Air Force, you discredited the manufacturers of American weapons – the main ally of Ukraine – the USA!” Oleshchuk noted, accusing Bezuglaya of being a star of “Russian propaganda.”

Later in the day, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree relieving Oleshchuk of command, effective immediately. In a video message announcing the move, he did not give a specific reason for it, saying only that “we need to protect the lives of all our servicemen.”

Aleksandr Syrsky, commander-in-chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces, announced on Friday evening that Lieutenant General Anatoly Krivonozhko has been named as the acting commander of the Air Force.

Official statements from Kiev said that Mes died during an air defense sortie in which he shot down three Russian cruise missiles and one attack drone. According to Bezuglaya, however, his F-16 was hit by a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, due to “discoordination between units.”

“War is war, such episodes are possible,” she wrote. “But a culture of lies… leads to a management system for military decisions that does not improve based on truthful, consistently collected analytics, but worsens and even collapses, as seen in the Pokrovsk direction,”she added, referring to Russia’s recent advance towards the key Ukrainian position in Donbass.

When asked about Bezuglaya’s claim that the US-made jet may have been shot down by a US-made missile, the Pentagon’s deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that would be “something for the Ukrainians to address.”

“The US has not been asked to participate in any investigation into this incident,” Singh added. “So, in terms of whether this pilot was killed as a result of friendly fire, I just can’t speak to that.”

The US has not promised any F-16s to Ukraine, but has permitted other NATO members to send their own. A “coalition” of European countries promised Kiev over 80 planes, but has so far delivered fewer than a dozen. A Russian company has offered a reward of 15 million rubles ($170,000) to whomever shoots down the first F-16 in combat. No one has stepped forward to claim the reward so far.

(This sounds like covering their ass for friendly fire and blaming Air Force leader, so as to not the US they are not capable of flying F16's which they are not.)


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880751 No.215183

File: 7f44564e21eaf93⋯.png (322.17 KB,624x467,624:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518345 (011924ZSEP24) Notable: On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

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S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 2h

On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

Sep 1, 2024 · 5:01 PM UTC


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880751 No.215184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518349 (011924ZSEP24) Notable: Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

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30 Aug, 2024 15:34

Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation (some from Afghanistan likely)

Ukrainians are in possession of up to five million unregistered military-grade weapons, interior minister says

Millions of illegal military-grade firearms are circulating in Ukraine and Kiev is now trying to get the situation under control, Interior Minister Bogdan Drapaty has said.

The senior official made the remarks on Ukrainian TV on Friday, promoting a plan to address the problem of mass illegal-weaponry in the country, which was approved by the country’s parliament earlier this year.

While an exact number of illegal weapons held by Ukrainians is unknown, it is likely between two and five million pieces of military-grade firearms, the minister said, citing estimates by Kiev’s “European partners.”

The weaponry being held unlawfullyincludes “trophy” pieces found by civilians in combat zones, as well as firearms handed out in an uncontrolled fashion by the Ukrainian authorities themselves in the early days of the conflict with Russia, Drapaty explained. To avoid legal trouble, citizens must register their arsenals by December 25, he said.

“After declaring [firearms], a person will have the right to keep it as long as the martial law remains enacted, and to use it to resist armed aggression,” Drapaty stated, while urging civilians to use their firearms against the Russian military.

When martial law ends, the citizenry will have a 90-day period to surrender weaponry received from the Ukrainian authorities back to the state, he added. The firearms procured in such fashion remain Ukraine’s property, he stressed.

Civilians will be able to keep their “trophy”pieces of unknown origin when the conflict is over, with such weapons subject to conversion into civilian-legal firearms, according to Drapaty.

After the December 25 deadline, Ukrainian civilians will be obliged to immediately notify the authorities about any firearms they find.

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian parliament passed a controversial law which allows civilians to engage Russian forces on their own and to use their firearms at will.The legislation effectivelygoes against international law, which draws a clear distinction between civilians and combatants, with only the latter entitled to participate in hostilities during an armed conflict.


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880751 No.215185

File: 91e68024826ac47⋯.png (85.54 KB,670x606,335:303,Clipboard.png)

File: ab6e1bd879bc34e⋯.png (94.81 KB,670x633,670:633,Clipboard.png)

File: eb8ab4d0411fe48⋯.png (56.45 KB,696x397,696:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518380 (011935ZSEP24) Notable: Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

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Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

Ninth Circuit rejects 'free-wheeling' Section 230 immunity for Snapchat-integrated anonymous messaging app with 10 million users, overseen by 10 staff, that promised to ban and unmask users for bad behavior.

Days before the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent Big Tech lawyers scrambling by upending three decades of judicial precedents on Section 230 immunity from liability, its West Coast counterpart warned platforms their immunity had limits, too.

While far smaller in scope than the 3rd Circuit's ruling that TikTok could be held liable for a little girl's death by algorithmically recommending the video she fatally copied, likely to provoke Supreme Court intervention, the 9th Circuit ruling Aug. 22 against third-party Snapchat app developer Yolo also suggests judges are growing skeptical of maximalist views of the 1996 law.

Both cases stem from minors who died following their use of the apps – 10-year-old Nylah Anderson by asphyxiation from participating in TikTok's "Blackout Challenge," and 16-year-old Carson Bride by suicide after sustained cyberbullying through Yolo, which lets Snapchat users "ask public questions and send and receive anonymous responses," the 9th Circuit said.

The primary difference is the 3rd Circuit withheld immunity for TikTok's design – algorithmic recommendation – while the 9th Circuit faulted Yolo's promises to users but approved immunity for its anonymous design.

While the misrepresentation claims against Yolo are going forward, the 9th Circuit panel emphasized the opinion does not "expand liability for internet companies or make all violations of their own terms of service into actionable claims," but also does not "create a free-wheeling immunity for tech companies that is not enjoyed by other players in the economy."

The San Francisco-based appeals court struck down legislative regulation of tech design the week before the Yolo ruling, upholding part of a preliminary injunction against California's two-year-old Age-Appropriate Design Code Act.

Intended to ensure the design of online products "likely to be accessed by children" recognizes their "distinct needs," the law likely "facially violates" the First Amendment by requiring covered businesses to "opine on and mitigate the risk that children may be exposed to harmful or potentially harmful materials," according to the Democratic nominee-majority panel.

Yolo's terms of service promised users "it would reveal the identities of, and ban, anyone who engaged in bullying or harassing behavior" but it "never did so, and may have never intended to," for Bride or three other anonymous minors who are plaintiffs along with Bride's mother, according to the Aug. 22 ruling.

Two days after Kristin Bride sued Yolo, which had already drawn many negative Apple App Store reviews as a haven for bullying and harassment, Snapchat owner Snap cut off Yolo integration and later banned all anonymous messaging apps.

Yolo marketed itself "mainly" toward teenagers and quickly surged to the top of download charts, letting users respond to others' public questions and polls without divulging any "identifying data," the 9th Circuit said.


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880751 No.215186

File: 2ec3e19a8b60861⋯.png (255.46 KB,640x345,128:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b52d518cb58cd7⋯.png (49.82 KB,626x588,313:294,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dfd1144d7ff3e5⋯.png (49.93 KB,606x526,303:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518394 (011939ZSEP24) Notable: The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

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The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'


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880751 No.215187

File: 04afe566f922000⋯.jpeg (133.16 KB,1137x644,1137:644,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518403 (011941ZSEP24) Notable: Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

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30 Aug, 2024 11:32

Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

Ukraine and its sponsors only see Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as a source of money, the former Russian president has said

Ukraine is fighting for Donbassbecause of the region's vast natural resources, which Kiev and its foreign backers want to exploit, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, which officially joined Russia together withKherson and Zaporozhye Regions in the fall of 2022, are “completely alien” to Ukraine in terms of culture, Medvedev wrote on Telegram. The reason why the Kiev authorities are trying to get them back so desperately, he explained, “is trivial: money is needed.”

“The criminal clique” of Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, which “has stolen so heavily,”has led the country’s economy to “disaster,”while Kiev’s backers in the US and the EU have also “spent a lot” on aiding Ukraine during conflict, which “irritates” their populations, Medvedev, who serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, also pointed out.

The West needs a “payback” from Ukraine, he said, adding that it has nothing to do with Zelensky personally. “==This kid will be gone soon, but the debt will remain. And it must be paid off, with interest,” the former president noted.

Medevdev reminded readers that, according to open-source data,the natural resources located in Donbass are estimated to be worth $7.3 trillion. The area is rich in coal, metals, rare-earth elements and other valuable materials, including lithium, he added. (Linsey Graham finally stated that months ago)

"To get access to the coveted minerals, the Western parasites shamelessly demand that their wards [in Kiev] wage war to the last Ukrainian,” he wrote.

Western politicians are “directly voicing” their plans, the official said, referring to a statement made by South Carolina’s Republican SenatorLindsey Graham. In June, the Republican lawmaker called Ukraine a “gold mine” due to its vast reserve of “critical minerals.” Graham argued that Washington should keep helping Kiev in the conflict with Moscow to make sure those “assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China.”

With the Russian military making steady gains in Donbass since the start of the year and now approaching the strategic town of Pokrovsk,“the fact remains that the economic basis of Ukrainian statehood has been undermined,”Medvedev wrote. The resource base that had been “illegally obtained” by Kiev after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 “has returned to its native country,” which is Russia, he said.

As for Ukraine, the Western aid it gets “will soon dry up” and all that awaits the country is “rapid decomposition and imminent disintegration,” the former president concluded.

(Not to mention the parts and businesses of Ukraine in Hunter's hands and therefore in the Bidan family grip)


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880751 No.215188

File: c121b6711d04cdf⋯.png (104.43 KB,630x433,630:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518515 (012004ZSEP24) Notable: Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

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@AdameMedia 59m

Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

900 cases of SA in 3 years.

Never forget how obsessed with r*pe they are.

Sep 1, 2024 · 7:02 PM UTC



The original God, the creator of the universe, is unknown to humans. Human stories about God only refer to powerful beings who inhabited the earth in ancient times.

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880751 No.215189

File: 140eaff0c0e94ef⋯.png (10.38 MB,3210x2507,3210:2507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518536 (012008ZSEP24) Notable: PSA: How to pour a beer.

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How would one attempt to say the burp alphabet

after drinking that. Fuck off!

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880751 No.215190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518547 (012010ZSEP24) Notable: 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

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White man scuffles with robber in Union Sq San Francisco - gets shot - both transported to hospital. Suspect arrested, again. Suspect is known gang member, was apprehended in the same place 3 days ago with a gun and released. We know suspect is black because no description other than 17 yo gang member has been released, because racism.

How long before the 49ers White rookie is charged and sent to prison for defending himself?


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880751 No.215191

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB,1068x867,356:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518559 (012014ZSEP24) Notable: PSA: How to pour a beer.

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Damn kids nowadays can't even appreciate a good burp.

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880751 No.215192

File: 2609fcaa886526d⋯.png (59.5 KB,470x486,235:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518579 (012018ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

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Donald J. Trump


We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders. Americans are getting slaughtered overseas, while Kamala is disparaging and making up lies about Gold Star families, and Biden is sleeping on the beach on this 16th consecutive day of vacation. They have blood on their hands! Sadly, this is the total lack of “Leadership” that Kamala and Biden represent — One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent. Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives, Kamala and Biden’s judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

Our Country and our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, and will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, and it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, and that will make the World Safe and Secure!


1:00 PM · Sep 1, 2024

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880751 No.215193

File: 90377ed5ac43f99⋯.png (19.63 KB,625x156,625:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518593 (012020ZSEP24) Notable: 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

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Ryan Dawson

@RyLiberty Aug 30

6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

Aug 30, 2024 · 8:29 PM UTC



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880751 No.215194

File: 2d4ca714c23cf71⋯.png (709.5 KB,960x439,960:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 7df6d57a5f37018⋯.png (722.88 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518618 (012025ZSEP24) Notable: Planefaggin

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Conus activity

E-4B doomsday up

two E6 mercury up


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880751 No.215195

File: a4395e8e8d39e65⋯.png (54.29 KB,505x291,505:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518620 (012025ZSEP24) Notable: Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

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Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸


Black people.

What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

Just because they use the same language as domestic abusers -“no body eLse iS goNna tReaT yOu aNy bETTer”, “the rEpUbLiCanz dOnT loVe yOu either”-

That doesn’t mean you keep supporting their abuse

12:10 PM · Sep 1, 2024

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880751 No.215196

File: 04caccec2e6b6f4⋯.jpeg (350.24 KB,828x1159,828:1159,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518640 (012031ZSEP24) Notable: Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215197

File: bca7777ffee0418⋯.png (366.84 KB,620x474,310:237,Clipboard.png)

File: f7b569164e5525c⋯.jpg (544.17 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518644 (012032ZSEP24) Notable: Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

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New York Post

@nypost 1h

Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border


Sep 1, 2024 · 7:02 PM UTC



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880751 No.215198

File: 742b7c3ee1897f2⋯.png (791.6 KB,1920x967,1920:967,Clipboard.png)

File: c3c1f6f60553232⋯.png (1.16 MB,856x1280,107:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518650 (012034ZSEP24) Notable: Planefaggin

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Call sign CLUB22. USAF E-4B Nightwatch 74-0787 has put a Joplin album on the turntable and is currently playing the music by flying…





Who knows how long the song will last?


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880751 No.215199

File: ae755109b532792⋯.png (37.88 KB,620x440,31:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a7a13c09447391⋯.png (34.16 KB,639x247,639:247,Clipboard.png)

File: a7713b95be57abd⋯.png (244.77 KB,611x515,611:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518759 (012055ZSEP24) Notable: Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 34m

Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'


Sep 1, 2024 · 8:17 PM UTC


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880751 No.215200

File: 4ac72be0fb9e012⋯.png (12.64 KB,255x242,255:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518786 (012101ZSEP24) Notable: #26363

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Is there a BV in da house?

#26363 >>215158

>>215161, >>215160, >>215159 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>215162 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>215163 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>215164 >>215164 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>215165, >>215180, >>215194, >>215198 Planefaggin

>>215170, >>215166 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>215167 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>215168 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>215169 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>215171 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>215172, >>215191, >>215189 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>215173 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>215174 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>215175 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>215176 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>215177 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>215178 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>215179 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>215181 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>215182 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>215183 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>215184 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>215185 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>215186 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>215187 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>215188 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>215190 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>215192 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>215193 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>215195 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>215196 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>215197 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>215199 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215201

File: 7065ce3beeab2a6⋯.png (524.22 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 8297f5398f0f2bb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518804 (012104ZSEP24) Notable: Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

German AFD wins landmark victory as a hard-right party tops a regional vote for the first time in the country since the Second World War

Hard-right political party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has become the first of its ilk to win in the nation since the Second World War, exit polls showed.

AfD took between 30.5% and 33.5% of the vote in the former East German state of Thuringia, with the conservative CDU coming in second place with 24.5% of the vote.

Thuringia, a rural region and the only state currently led by the far-left Die Linke, a successor of East Germany's ruling communist party, was one of two to hold regional elections today, ahead of national elections in 2025, with AfD nearly winning in neighbouring Saxony, a conservative stronghold that is the largest in former East Germany, as well the polls showed.

While the party is unlikely to come to power in either state, as other parties have vowed to coalesce to force the far-right out of power, the result is reflective of the party's growing popularity.

Bjoern Hoecke, the controversial head of the AfD in Thuringia, told the ARD broadcaster his party was the 'people's party in Thuringia'.

'We need change and change will only come with the AfD,' he said, hailing the 'historic result'.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215202

File: a33858081972f40⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518844 (012116ZSEP24) Notable: RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

by Jim Hᴏft Sep. 1, 2024

Kennedy didn’t mince words as he called for a reckoning for those responsible for what he described as “homicidal criminal behavior” during the pandemic.

Kennedy, who authored a controversial book about Anthony Fauci, used his platform at the expo to reiterate his claims against the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director.

“I wrote a book about Fauci. It’s a great book. There are 2,200 footnotes in the book… I invited people to find problems with the book… And nobody ever told us any factual error in that book,” Kennedy said.

One of the most explosive claims Kennedy made was about the suppression of COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518886 (012126ZSEP24) Notable: #26363

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#26363 >>215158

>>215161, >>215160, >>215159 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>215162 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>215163 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>215164 >>215164 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>215165, >>215180, >>215194, >>215198 Planefaggin

>>215170, >>215166 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>215167 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>215168 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>215169 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>215171 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>215172, >>215191, >>215189 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>215173 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>215174 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>215175 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>215176 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>215177 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>215178 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>215179 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>215181 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>215182 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>215183 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>215184 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>215185 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>215186 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>215187 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>215188 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>215190 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>215192 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>215193 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>215195 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>215196 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>215197 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>215199 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

>>215201 Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

>>215202 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215204

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB,1068x867,356:289,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 140eaff0c0e94ef⋯.png (10.38 MB,3210x2507,3210:2507,Clipboard.png)

File: 43684ba770ba986⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518901 (012127ZSEP24) Notable: #26364

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NoteBaker still lurkin off and on

Next Baker, please stand up!

Godspeed, patriots!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215205

File: 2f89befd77a93d0⋯.png (650.76 KB,1060x603,1060:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518916 (012130ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215206

File: cfdfb808336504d⋯.png (428.1 KB,702x768,117:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518928 (012133ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215207

File: 5a6d02582d0600e⋯.png (233.5 KB,508x761,508:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518951 (012139ZSEP24) Notable: Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

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Named H Valdimir?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215208

File: 0f593ef1cd415a7⋯.png (327.69 KB,465x822,155:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518981 (012149ZSEP24) Notable: They want to overthrow The Constitution

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215209

File: fc1a785064f35b1⋯.png (1.21 MB,749x832,749:832,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518987 (012150ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Politics exclusive

Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology,’ believes VP hopeful is not ‘type of character’ who should make decisions about US’ future

By Jon Levine

Published Aug. 31, 2024

Updated Aug. 31, 2024, 4:46 p.m. ET

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215210

File: 121004486fa25da⋯.png (49.04 KB,611x324,611:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21518993 (012151ZSEP24) Notable: Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

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Kash Patel


More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview- did she mention bringing home our citizens safely??? Or talk about her failed national security policies that funded and led to the war in Israel?

Don’t gamble on innocent lives, @realDonaldTrump didn’t. Its not a coincidence he brought home more hostages/detainees than all presidents before him combined… and ended, not started wars 🇺🇸

Sep 01, 2024, 2:37 AM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215211

File: a73d1b05d98e39f⋯.png (610.82 KB,630x487,630:487,Clipboard.png)

File: e2f0f24f7bda3d3⋯.png (304.16 KB,797x697,797:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519023 (012159ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


👀 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xW8PxQyLv4Q9ctJg/) | XPOST (https://x.com/thechiefnerd/status/1830285484108759462?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215212

File: f4f6f55a3699abc⋯.png (419.57 KB,715x894,715:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519031 (012202ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215213

File: 774df47873529ff⋯.png (26.21 KB,602x337,602:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519032 (012202ZSEP24) Notable: NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

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Oilfield Rando


You can tell this was a pre-coordinated media Narrative in collusion with the Harris campaign.

You can also tell that they didn’t anticipate mediate and direct responses from the Gold Star families


Fred Wellman




Trump’s Arlington Cemetery stunt was repulsive. The fallout is chilling. https://msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-arlington-cemetery-employee-initimidation-rcna169063

7:23 AM · Sep 1, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215214

File: f79bd2d6b76395f⋯.png (447.58 KB,591x487,591:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519035 (012203ZSEP24) Notable: Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/auburn-basketball-coach-bruce-pearl-points-kamalas-socialist/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=auburn-basketball-coach-bruce-pearl-points-kamalas-socialist


7:23 AM · Sep 1, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215215

File: 4d4ef6e2a7c08cf⋯.png (401.7 KB,720x805,144:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519036 (012203ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215216

File: a9520fc365a53f3⋯.png (344.69 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519048 (012206ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>215165 (lb)

Greetings Planefag!

Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic but 56 results for a vessel named CHELSEA. There is one satellite only track (yep, paywall) for a ship that may have been in the position given for CHELSEA as she is still heading roughly Northwest. I see for the most part Global Marine Distress and Safety System (GNDSS) equipped vessels have used Iridium satellites for emergency comms, but the big lines seem to all be going with Starlink. Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) seems to be the exception and still going with Inmarsat which is what many vessels would have to receive tv broadcasts for crews, and some oil platforms.

Swire Pacific’s Fleet Gets Unlimited Internet Access

May 28, 2013

Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO), a Singapore-based leading service provider to the offshore oil and gas industry, is upgrading to Inmarsat’s FleetBroadband


Ohad Har-Lev, Managing Director Mobile Satellite Services, RRsat said: “Maritime broadband services have opened up a wide range of commercial, operational and personal crew communication uses. The ongoing and challenging economic environment for the shipping industry has driven the need for efficient and cost effective satcom solutions. FB Unlimited, along with the enhanced smart@sea solution, allows SPO to manage its communication costs, while meeting the growing demand for bandwidth.”

The upgrade agreement for SPO comprises SAILOR FB500 terminals, on-going maintenance and support services, as well as Station711’s smart@sea communication gateway, which was originally installed as part of the FB 5GB contract awarded back in 2011.

SMTS will conduct surveys of all SPO’s vessels before carrying out the installation of the antennas and FleetBroadband terminals, as well as the on-board Local Area Networks (LANs). Station711 will provide the satcom management and control toolset based on its DPlatform solution. This is in addition to smart@sea for Unified Threat Management (UTM) security, the crew welfare voice and data module, IP traffic real-time compression, acceleration, caching and filtering, shore-side unified POP facility providing a centralised management interface, and a powerful control system.



The result of over 50 years’ experience in the maritime industry, SMART@SEA is our single application solution that provides customers with a smart technology portfolio covering all their IT, security, welfare and communication needs.

Tailored to suit your requirements

We understand that requirements vary and, as such, we’ve designed our SMART@SEA solution to be highly flexible; offering the remote deployment of different value-added services to suit the unique challenges you face.

Our SMART@SEA solution can work with your existing onboard systems, seamlessly integrating communications networks, cybersecurity, crew welfare and IT services through one digital platform – with world-class security features to ensure you remain IMO 2021 cyber regulations compliant.


OSG Signs Fleet Up for Starlink Satellite Internet Service

December 19, 2023

Elon Musk’s SpaceX continues to penetrate the market for maritime satellite communications with Overseas Shipholding Group announcing an agreement to


MOL to Install Starlink Satellite Internet on Over 200 Ships

October 16, 2023

SpaceX’s satellite internet service Starlink is continuing to increase its presence in the commercial maritime sector with Japanese shipping company


Maersk to Roll-Out Starlink Satellite Internet Across Containership Fleet

October 12, 2023

A.P. Moller – Maersk has announced plans to install SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet on its fleet of more than 330 owned containerships.


Hapag-Lloyd to Roll Out Starlink Internet Service Across Fleet

September 21, 2023

Hapag-Lloyd is rolling out Starlink satellite internet technology across its fleet, following a successful pilot phase.

Hapag-Lloyd is the world’s fifth largest container shipping line by TEU capacity, with a fleet of over 250 vessels including 122-owned ships, according to Alphaliner.


Anglo-Eastern Installs Starlink Internet Service on First of More Than 200 Managed Ships

March 13, 2023

Hong Kong-based ship manager Anglo-Eastern says it has rolled out SpaceX’s Starlink broadband internet service on an initial dozen vessels with more than 200


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880751 No.215217

File: 8a3ff3a4707ae37⋯.png (360.71 KB,466x450,233:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519049 (012206ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215218

File: ebde6e2c82bb666⋯.png (1.82 MB,852x850,426:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519052 (012208ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215219

File: c726bd686ceafdf⋯.png (465.45 KB,452x471,452:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519054 (012208ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215220

File: 6513da20a7de4a3⋯.png (391.27 KB,594x487,594:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519055 (012209ZSEP24) Notable: NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


DISGUSTING! NBC Hack Kristen Welker Lies and Claims Kamala Was at the Dignified Transfer of the Kabul Airport Bombing Victims – When Kamala Blew It Off (VIDEO) https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/disgusting-nbc-hack-kristen-welker-lies-claims-kamala/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=disgusting-nbc-hack-kristen-welker-lies-claims-kamala


6:28 AM · Sep 1, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215221

File: 5005d4783f01eee⋯.png (300.88 KB,604x641,604:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 857c03b6f1281bb⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519060 (012211ZSEP24) Notable: *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Walk Away Walz pussy

James Spiro


Walz, when asked about the hostage deaths in Gaza, stops and walks away from the press.

Weak. Sad. Weird.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215222

File: 7da050ded8ed668⋯.png (330.67 KB,601x489,601:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519063 (012211ZSEP24) Notable: NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: NBC News’ Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families during dignified transfer

From thepostmillennial.com

8:46 AM · Sep 1, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215223

File: 3bc34a864c9ee8b⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519067 (012212ZSEP24) Notable: NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215224

File: c816ee85ba3912f⋯.png (531.79 KB,596x642,298:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519070 (012213ZSEP24) Notable: By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alan MacLeod


By the end of his tenure, this man was bombing SEVEN countries simultaneously.


The Obama Archive



Aug 30

The world owes him an apology.


Rate proposed Community Notes

3:40 PM · Aug 31, 2024




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215225

File: 1f1fb02d7bb215e⋯.png (150.05 KB,602x683,602:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519076 (012215ZSEP24) Notable: Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Mark Cuban




Hey @elonmusk


, how come there were 804k votes for the poll , but only 656k engagements in the analytics ?




Mark Cuban



Aug 30

Who’s persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have:

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Ashley St. Clair


Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

5:54 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519077 (012215ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

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>>215216 (me)

I could not tell you about the waters off Japan, but here's a mention of ADSB on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico:

The Impact

Before ADS-B, aircraft over areas with limited surveillance and air-ground communication, like the Gulf of Mexico, had to fly far apart because aircraft need more space when radar cannot extend across large bodies of water or uninhabited areas. The Gulf, for instance, has been treated as oceanic airspace, with aircraft separations of 10 to 15 minutes. However, ADS-B stations on oil platforms allow separations of only 1 to 2 minutes in the Gulf.


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880751 No.215227

File: d5823735484f97b⋯.png (385.83 KB,866x700,433:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519083 (012216ZSEP24) Notable: A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

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California Bill Banning Voter ID Passes Legislature, Awaits Newsom's Signature

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 - 09:40 AM

A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly, and how awaits Governor Gavin Newsom's approval or veto.

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880751 No.215228

File: 4aa495d84fc6049⋯.png (748.45 KB,568x637,568:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519111 (012223ZSEP24) Notable: By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

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880751 No.215229

File: eac85492230f428⋯.png (244.29 KB,411x717,137:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519122 (012226ZSEP24) Notable: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week - Episode 37

#10 - RFK Jr. vows to stop the “crime” of chemtrails as part of the Trump administration. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/huge-rfk-jr-vows-to-stop-crime-of-chemtrails-as-part-of-trump-administration/)

(Watch our exclusive interview with Dane Wigington)

#9 - Elon Musk issues a huge warning to Americans after Brazil bans 𝕏. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/elon-musk-fires-off-warning-to-americans-after-brazil-bans-x/)

#8 - Model and former Democrat embarrasses Mark Cuban with one simple question about Kamala Harris. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/model-and-former-dem-embarrasses-woke-mark-cuban-with-one-simple-question-about-kamala-harris/)

While you’re here, don’t forget to click here to subscribe to this page (http://t.me/vigilantfox) for more weekly news roundups each Sunday.

#7 - Kamala Harris falls apart in train-wreck CNN interview. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-awkward-kamala-harris-interview-summarized-in-5-minutes/)

#6 - MSNBC host gets exposed by his own words in shocking video. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/msnbc-host-threatens-to-sue-trump-aide-corey-lewandowski-then-gets-exposed-by-his-own-words-in-shocking-video/)

#5 - Mark Zuckerberg throws Biden-Harris regime under the bus, says COVID censorship was “wrong.” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mark-zuckerberg-regrets-censoring-millions-of-americans-under-biden-regime-pressure/)

#4 - Cybersecurity expert Mike Benz reveals why he thinks the US State Department is behind the arrest of Telegram’s CEO. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mike-benz-u-s-state-department-behind-arrest-of-telegram-ceo/)

#3 - Nicole Shanahan drops a brutal ad on Trump Derangement Syndrome. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/watch-rfk-jr-campaign-drops-brutal-ad-severe/)

#2 - RFK Jr. fires off a series of truth bombs in explosive Dr. Phil interview. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-rfk-jr-interview-they-dont-want-you-to-see/)

#1 - Undercover video exposes the UN’s globalist plan and why they’re “terrified” of Trump. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/undercover-un-investigation-reveals-an-extremely-concerning-situation/)

- - - - - -

BONUS #1: Political insider reveals how RFK Jr. shakes up the 2024 election.

(Watch our exclusive interview with Larry Sharpe)

BONUS #2 - Nancy Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud to Bill Maher (https://vigilantnews.com/post/nancy-pelosi-says-the-quiet-part-out-loud-to-bill-maher/)

BONUS #3 - What Trump’s Near-Assassination Reveals (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-hidden-threat-you-need-to-know/)

BONUS #4 - Pfizer Launches Bone-Chilling New Plan (https://vigilantnews.com/post/disturbing-pfizer-now-peddles-drugs-directly-to-consumers/)

BONUS #5 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More (https://vigilantnews.com/post/how-to-get-ivermectin-z-pak-and-more/)

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880751 No.215230

File: 7c05665e92d2827⋯.png (750.33 KB,798x397,798:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519132 (012227ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215231

File: 2de7c64d0d71087⋯.png (345.93 KB,613x556,613:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519134 (012228ZSEP24) Notable: Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

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880751 No.215232

File: fa7495e9aeb7f1b⋯.png (248.75 KB,600x608,75:76,Clipboard.png)

File: cd863b1add2c6e8⋯.mp4 (9.24 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519141 (012229ZSEP24) Notable: Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

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This should end the Kamala Harris campaign for President.

I put together an easily shareable compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night.

Send this to anyone who still thinks Kamala Harris is fit to be Commander in Chief.


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880751 No.215233

File: 5db541fbe12a0e5⋯.png (291.09 KB,589x829,589:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519159 (012233ZSEP24) Notable: “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

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Austen Allred


So the “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok was:

* Writing yourself a giant check

* Mobile depositing that check

* Going to an ATM to withdraw cash before the check cleared

…Literally just committing check fraud


Open Source Intel




Yesterday, a glitch in Chase Bank's system allowed people to withdraw funds they weren’t entitled to, prompting the bank to place 7-day holds on the affected accounts.

As a consequence, chase account holders who participated in this glitch are now dealing with massive negative

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

3:04 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215234

File: 18b210671276cb8⋯.png (371.96 KB,603x463,603:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519162 (012234ZSEP24) Notable: “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

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Open Source Intel


Apparently, this “glitch” is called check fraud

From newsweek.com

10:51 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215235

File: 3656c8c31c588d4⋯.jpeg (319.56 KB,1645x1426,1645:1426,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519187 (012243ZSEP24) Notable: New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

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Look, they are demonstrating to terrorists the perfect way to release a biological weapon!

The New York City Department of Health has begun spraying New York City Streets with pesticides to prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus, transmitted by mosquitos.

Our Town reported that trucks have been deployed throughout New York City, spraying low concentrations of Anvil 10+10 and Duet.

Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan stated, “The Health Department is actively working to prevent West Nile through public education, treating marshy areas and spraying for mosquitoes.”

One resident filmed a truck spraying pesticides near his neighborhood. In the video, a voice from a speaker can be heard saying, “The city has applied pesticides to reduce the threat of the West Nile Virus. To minimize exposure to the pesticide, go inside immediately until the truck goes past.”


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880751 No.215236

File: f9fd3d7af1827a6⋯.png (805.73 KB,546x566,273:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519190 (012244ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215237

File: b7cb6304353619b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519212 (012249ZSEP24) Notable: Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

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Good thing, IMO. This could prioritize those who are legally trying to become citizens. Of course it's littered with flaws. It can be perfected.

Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

MEXICO CITY (AP)— The Mexican government announced Saturday that it will offer non-Mexican immigrants with appointments to apply for asylum in the United States escorted bus rides from the south of the country to the northern border.

According to the National Institute of Migration (INM), these buses will depart from the southern cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. The initiative appears to be aimed at making it more attractive to schedule asylum appointments in the United States from southern Mexico, instead of having immigrants travel north, either to Mexico City or directly to the border.


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880751 No.215238

File: cb03fea39edcf4b⋯.png (437.64 KB,640x798,320:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519215 (012250ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215239

File: 2a75595d72f3ad8⋯.jpeg (339.94 KB,1194x694,597:347,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 938acbb60d4d13e⋯.jpeg (285.53 KB,1266x1068,211:178,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ac00b5fd2656aa9⋯.jpeg (343.79 KB,1214x850,607:425,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519268 (012307ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

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Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

Ukraine will prepare a concept for controlled exports of weapons produced by Ukrainian defense companies.

The National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (NAUDI) stated that the opening of military exports could be a strategic step to strengthen the country’s economy.

“At present, the issue of scaling up production can only compete with the issue of financing it,”said Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development.

The meeting participants discussed the issue of arms exports by Ukrainian companies.

NAUDI noted that the export of military products can bring the state up to $2 billion in additional tax revenues in a year and a half.

The production capacity of the Ukrainian defense industry is up to $20 billion a year, while the state budget is able to purchase weapons and ammunition for only $6 billion.

“Currently, due to the lack of funding, defense companies may go bankrupt, as all working capital is invested in the development of new technologies and expansion of production,” the meeting participants noted.

The opening of exports could be a strategic step to strengthen the country’s economy and develop the defense industry.

At the same time, the additional taxes will be used to purchase weapons and ammunition for the Defense Forces.

“Today, Ukrainian manufacturers have no direct legal ban on exporting their products and goods, but in the context of the active war, the issue of allowing arms exports becomes particularly complicated and important,” said Oleksandr Marikovskyi, Chairman of the subcommittee on regional cooperation and trade.

In July 2024, Maryna Bezrukova, director of the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense, stated that Ukrainian companies should be able to export some of their weapons.

On August 12, Ukraine announced the creation of a working group to develop a mechanism for exporting military equipment from domestic factories.


I bet 3/4 of the money sent to them for war has been going into this, and now they are asking for more

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880751 No.215240

File: 612689114c4400b⋯.png (740.79 KB,921x654,307:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519272 (012309ZSEP24) Notable: NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

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Harris Attempt To Attack Trump’s Arlington

Visit Backfires Horribly When Gold Star

Families Respond

Daily Caller, by Reagan Reese

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/1/2024 5:38:22 PM

Gold Star families spoke out against Vice President Kamala Harris after she weighed in on the controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington Cemetery to honor the 13 soldiers killed in the Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal. Harris posted a tweet Saturday slamming Trump for filming videos while honoring the fallen soldiers, adding that she, unlike the former president, “will always honor the service and sacrifice of all of America’s fallen heroes.” Eight Gold Star families took to Twitter to rebuke Harris’s comments,

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880751 No.215241

File: d81e35a895012fe⋯.png (749.41 KB,994x755,994:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519275 (012311ZSEP24) Notable: Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

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Federal judge blocks enforcement of new

Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to

ballot issue campaigns

Cleveland Plain Dealer, by Staff

Posted By: OhioNick, 9/1/2024 4:29:56 PM

A federal judge on Saturday blocked key portions of Ohio’s new law restricting lawful permanent residents, visa-holders and others from contributing to statewide ballot issue campaigns. The injunction came one day before the law was to take effect. U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson, in a 53-page ruling, prohibited the state from pursuing civil or criminal liability for any alleged violations based on the definition of a “foreign national.” Ohio’s House Bill 1 passed earlier this year, incorporating what’s already federal law to the state level, prohibiting foreign citizens from contributing to political campaigns.

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880751 No.215242

File: c52de0c78fad2b4⋯.png (238.56 KB,610x511,610:511,Clipboard.png)

File: a92797822037beb⋯.png (9.85 KB,364x236,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519279 (012311ZSEP24) Notable: Music is about to stop

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The Hill

@thehill 9h

Donald Trump strikes sour note with Jack White, Foo Fighters, Celine Dion trib.al/Be8oNIo

Some of music’s biggest stars are trying to put Donald Trump’s White House bid on mute, pushing back on the use of their songs at the former president’s campaign rallies. In just the last mon…


Sep 1, 2024 · 1:26 PM UTC


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880751 No.215243

File: 9119a2a7a57d823⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519281 (012312ZSEP24) Notable: Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

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One Ping

“‘I’ve got a question about Starliner’, Wilmore radioed down to Mission Control, at Johnson Space Center in Houston. ‘There’s a strange noise coming through the speaker … I don’t know what’s making it’.”

Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map?

Butch was not sure whether there was some problem in the connection between the station and the spacecraft that was causing the noise.


He asked Houston to listen to the audio inside the spacecraft.

“Wilmore, apparently floating in Starliner, then put his microphone up to the speaker inside Starliner. Shortly thereafter, there was an audible pinging that was quite distinctive. ‘Alright Butch, that one came through’, Mission control radioed up to Wilmore. ‘It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping’.

‘I’ll do it one more time, and I’ll let y’all scratch your heads and see if you can figure out what’s going on’, Wilmore replied. The odd, sonar-like audio then repeated itself. ‘Alright, over to you. Call us if you figure it out’.”


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880751 No.215244

File: 092d46308df8b2f⋯.jpeg (442.38 KB,1284x1982,642:991,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0eb227f100cbb82⋯.jpeg (587.37 KB,1284x2370,214:395,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ff2e195d62c8ded⋯.jpeg (389.01 KB,1284x1326,214:221,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519287 (012314ZSEP24) Notable: State of MSM in UK

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The UK is killing the minds of children and labeling them as racists, far right etcGod be their judge today!


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880751 No.215245

File: a6517b61da51f9f⋯.png (344.2 KB,600x521,600:521,Clipboard.png)

File: bbd0baea8e8b454⋯.png (204.02 KB,361x263,361:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519332 (012327ZSEP24) Notable: Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

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Globe Eye News

@GlobeEyeNews 13h


Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11.

Sep 1, 2024 · 9:34 AM UTC


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880751 No.215246

File: 67f3a59337be4e9⋯.png (427.93 KB,526x526,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519357 (012334ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519408 (012349ZSEP24) Notable: Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

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Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

Alternative for Germany (AfD) has won nearly 33% of the votes in Thuringia, according to preliminary results

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) appears has won its first state election since the right-wing party’s establishment in 2013.

According to official preliminary results, the AfD has claimed 32.8% of the vote in Sunday’s legislative election in the state of Thuringia in the eastern part of Germany.

The conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party is expected to come in second, with 23.6% of the ballots.

The two parties were also neck-in-neck in the neighboring state of Saxony, according to exit polls, with CDU and AfD claiming 32% and 31.5% of the vote, respectively.

None of the members of Germany’s ruling ‘traffic light’ coalition – the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Greens – were able to make it to the top three in either of the states.


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880751 No.215248

File: 7d1611c5013f900⋯.png (143.17 KB,614x694,307:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d690212c03d6a0⋯.png (403.97 KB,1018x1008,509:504,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519418 (012352ZSEP24) Notable: Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

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Israel Hostages:

According to the IDF, the six were murdered by Hamas a short while, possibly around a day or two, before troops found them.

Sep 01, 2024, 6:18 PM


Lara didn't cap the poster, date and didn't give link.


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880751 No.215249

File: 15479853db1f21d⋯.jpeg (116.92 KB,778x960,389:480,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519444 (012359ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215250

File: 74824f8eceb30c6⋯.png (200.79 KB,500x516,125:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519451 (020001ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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>loyal audience

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880751 No.215251

File: a3aae6c537e2ec5⋯.png (1.93 MB,1259x839,1259:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519468 (020007ZSEP24) Notable: They want to overthrow The Constitution

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The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?

One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.

The United States Constitution is in trouble. After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, he called for the “termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” Outraged critics denounced him for threatening a document that is supposed to be “sacrosanct.” By announcing his desire to throw off constitutional constraints in order to satisfy his personal ambitions, Trump was making his authoritarian inclinations abundantly clear.

It’s no surprise, then, that liberals charge Trump with being a menace to the Constitution. But his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another, very different, argument: that Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.

After all, Trump became president in 2016 after losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College (Article II). He appointed three justices to the Supreme Court (Article III), two of whom were confirmed by senators representing just 44 percent of the population (Article I). Those three justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade, a reversal with which most Americans disagreed. The eminent legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, worried about opinion polls showing “a dramatic loss of faith in democracy,” writes in his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever”: “It is important for Americans to see that these failures stem from the Constitution itself.”

Back in 2018, Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley’s law school, still seemed to place considerable faith in the Constitution, pleading with fellow progressives in his book “We the People” “not to turn their back on the Constitution and the courts.” By contrast, “No Democracy Lasts Forever” is markedly pessimistic. Asserting that the Constitution, which is famously difficult to amend, has put the country “in grave danger,” Chemerinsky lays out what would need to happen for a new constitutional convention — and, in the book’s more somber moments, he entertains the possibility of secession. West Coast states might form a nation called “Pacifica.” Red states might form their own country. He hopes that any divorce, if it comes, will be peaceful.

The prospect of secession sounds extreme, but in suggesting that the Constitution could hasten the end of American democracy, Chemerinsky is far from alone. The argument that what ails the country’s politics isn’t simply the president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court, but the founding document that presides over all three, has been gaining traction, especially among liberals. Books and op-eds critiquing the Constitution have proliferated. Scholars are arguing that the Constitution has incentivized what Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt call a “Tyranny of the Minority.”

The anguish is, in some sense, a flip side of veneration. Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it.

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880751 No.215252

File: 767ea69be5105e5⋯.png (602.67 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519469 (020007ZSEP24) Notable: Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

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Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids with 'fringe theories about sex and gender' after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

The Victorian government has been accused of indoctrinating children with "fringe theories about sex and gender" after staff at the state's public libraries were given guidance to ask kids as young as five about their gender pronouns.

The Victorian government has been accused of indoctrinating children after it launched a new set of guidelines that recommends library staff ask kids as young as five about their gender pronouns.

Staff at Victoria’s more than 290 public libraries have been provided with a new “rainbow libraries toolkit” in order to create more inclusive spaces for LGBTIQA+ communities.

The toolkit, which was launched by the Allan government on Friday, advises library staff that they can become more LGBTIQA+ friendly by adding books on gender diversity to their collections, promoting drag queen story events, and avoiding the use of “gendered language”.


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880751 No.215253

File: a98f8b7ba9ad6fd⋯.png (126.21 KB,690x508,345:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519477 (020009ZSEP24) Notable: Ping

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880751 No.215254

File: 7a3331a12f431b1⋯.png (101.22 KB,596x415,596:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519496 (020012ZSEP24) Notable: Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

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Tony Shaffer (Pronouns: Apocalypse/Now)


As a retired military case officer (spy) whose job was to spot, assess and recruit people to spy against their nation for us, there's no doubt

@Tim_Walz was developed as an agent of CCP/PRC intelligence to be an asset… Walz meets the profile of who they would want… he's literally a Marxist who would sell out his mother for his ideology…he cannot be trusted…

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880751 No.215255

File: d4e5edc1004854c⋯.png (573.9 KB,553x579,553:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519499 (020014ZSEP24) Notable: Scavino: Farmers for Trump

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880751 No.215256

File: f95dd0c5b5a695b⋯.png (627.07 KB,784x815,784:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519514 (020017ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215257

File: 548f8f50ac0674f⋯.png (538.97 KB,610x530,61:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519522 (020018ZSEP24) Notable: Scavino: Farmers for Trump

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https://x.com/DanScavino/status/1830386278380024061 >>215255

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880751 No.215258

File: 6d519693ac571bb⋯.jpg (146.28 KB,1055x1280,211:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519531 (020021ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519577 (020033ZSEP24) Notable: South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

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South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

Mike Schuler August 29, 2024

Hanwha Ocean, the major South Korean shipbuilder, has secured a groundbreaking contract with the U.S. Navy for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of a 40,000-ton logistics support vessel, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency has reported.

The contract is said to mark the first instance of a South Korean shipyard winning a regular overhaul deal for a U.S. Navy vessel.

The contract stipulates that the U.S. Navy’s logistics support ship will undergo regular maintenance at Hanwha Ocean’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea.

Hanwha Ocean views the deal as a significant opportunity to enter the U.S. MRO market wth the U.S. Navy, which is estimated to be worth approximately $15 billion annually.

The milestone follows Hanwha Ocean’s signing of a Master Ship Repair Agreement (MSRA) with the U.S. Navy in July. The MSRA, granted to companies meeting stringent quality standards for ship maintenance services, allows Hanwha Ocean to participate in MRO projects involving U.S. Navy vessels.

The company’s recent acquisition of American shipbuilder Philly Shipyard is expected to further bolster its entry into the U.S. market and expand its MRO reach.

Collectively, the developments are expected to strengthen Hanwha Ocean’s position in the global naval shipbuilding market.

The maintenance contract follows U.S. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro’s visit to Hanwha Ocean in February as part of his broader Maritime Statecraft initiative, which aims to restore the United States as a comprehensive maritime power, with a particular focus on countering China’s dominant position in global shipbuilding.


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880751 No.215260

File: d567105004239ed⋯.png (459.07 KB,505x640,101:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519598 (020040ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215261

File: cdd68e9cbf92364⋯.png (274.95 KB,609x677,609:677,Clipboard.png)

File: fc46d1adab20955⋯.mp4 (233.81 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519627 (020048ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

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Nick Sortor


🚨 WOW: Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for REPARATIONS if she becomes President

This is INSANE.

Enough of this BS!


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880751 No.215262

File: f47d14fbb397af1⋯.png (659.53 KB,615x680,123:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519631 (020050ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215263

File: 6cad347e5fcf593⋯.png (599.7 KB,1990x540,199:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519633 (020051ZSEP24) Notable: Ping

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Defcon 5



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880751 No.215264

File: 2011dd8b3285f94⋯.png (97.53 KB,427x240,427:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519669 (020102ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215265

File: ba860cbe1c8ddb9⋯.png (437.87 KB,2312x1126,1156:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519673 (020104ZSEP24) Notable: Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

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Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago, Patriots! We've come far! God bless you all! WWG1WGA

God bless the Patriots on this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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880751 No.215266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519678 (020105ZSEP24) Notable: Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

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Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2


President Trump [Levin interview part two]: I had to make a decision. Do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of the president of the United States, and Secretary of State, by the way [Hillary Clinton]; do I want to put her in prison? And I'm trying to unify a country that really was broken badly…do I want to put the wife of a president of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that.


President Trump: Basically, they're liberals. I don't like to use the word progressive, it's too pretty a word. It's such a pretty word. They're progressive. Progressive means you think into the future. They're actually thinking to three thousand years ago, these people. They're not progressive.


Levin: Do you feel like you're going to have to rebuild the military again?

President Trump: They announced six ships are gonna be dry docked. Not because the ships are bad; which a lot of them are old and not too good, but because they can't get the sailors. There's no sailors. They can't get the sailors.


President Trump: I will say this, between Obama and Biden, they pushed Russia into the arms of China, and I've always said that would be the worst thing than can happen, in terms of the world.


President Trump: Because of the amount of the tariffs, I stopped China from dumping steel. They were destroying our steel industry. I stopped them from; I put a fifty percent tariff on all China steel coming in. It saved thee people in the steel industry; now, of course, that's all gone, because we've been so bad. We've been so bad. But the one thing; they haven't; they want to end the tariffs [Biden/Harris], because they want to do favors to the people; they gave 'em money in some cases. Some of these people are very dishonest, working for us, and you see that every day. But you know what, it's so much money, that Biden hasn't been able to get rid of the tariffs.

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880751 No.215267

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB,1545x1613,1545:1613,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519681 (020105ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519685 (020106ZSEP24) Notable: #26364

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notables FINAL

#26364 >>215204

>>215266 Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

>>215207 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>215208, >>215251 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>215209, >>215211 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>215210, >>215248 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>215214 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>215216, >>215226 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>215220, >>215223, >>215222, >>215213, >>215240 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>215232 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>215221 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>215224, >>215228 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>215225 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>215227 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>215229 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>215231 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>215233, >>215234 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>215235 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>215237 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>215239 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>215241 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>215242 Music is about to stop

>>215243 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>215244 State of MSM in UK

>>215245 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>215247 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>215252 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>215253, >>215263 Ping

>>215254 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>215255, >>215257 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>215259 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>215261 Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

>>215265 Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

>>215205, >>215206, >>215212, >>215215, >>215217, >>215218, >>215219, >>215230, >>215236, >>215238, >>215246, >>215249, >>215250, >>215256, >>215258, >>215260, >>215262, >>215264, >>215267 Memes


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880751 No.215272

File: 22152113bbb55f5⋯.png (1.23 MB,784x815,784:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519698 (020108ZSEP24) Notable: #26365

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880751 No.215274

File: d6bac6f690705c9⋯.png (498.21 KB,590x781,590:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519705 (020109ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215275

File: 440f39346f0675f⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,864x1168,54:73,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 82a58b336edc1ce⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e1e9e5cd435329e⋯.png (309.24 KB,601x566,601:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519712 (020110ZSEP24) Notable: Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

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Swift boat veterans vibes., ive been posting lots of twitter today sorry guise

Defiant L’s


Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out


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880751 No.215276

File: 4e0d24dcee43ac3⋯.png (341.69 KB,675x675,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519718 (020113ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215277

File: 131e4c228a30aca⋯.png (270.63 KB,510x411,170:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519722 (020113ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215278

File: 0ce24d65a6dfb30⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519823 (020143ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519853 (020154ZSEP24) Notable: Tales from the Crypt

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325,000 children now slaves or dead according to POTUS.

Are they eating them?

Where are all the bodies?

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880751 No.215280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519870 (020158ZSEP24) Notable: Tales from the Crypt

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Where are the bones?

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880751 No.215281

File: bfc04bcf88f7f3f⋯.png (581.4 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519886 (020203ZSEP24) Notable: Tales from the Crypt

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>where are the bones?

in paint.

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880751 No.215282

File: fea9bcc8bf26ef8⋯.png (3.06 MB,1653x8477,1653:8477,Clipboard.png)

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880751 No.215283

File: 3ba59a1a9489be0⋯.png (460.14 KB,820x950,82:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 180437bd59079cd⋯.png (1.21 MB,1916x1078,958:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519912 (020212ZSEP24) Notable: "Please play fair while we do not" -China

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China urges EU to be 'objective and fair' on South China Sea issue


September 1, 2024 at 8:13 PM CDT · 1 min read

BEIJING (Reuters) - China urged the European Union to be "objective and fair" and careful with words and actions on issues in the South China Sea, after the bloc remarked on an incident that occurred over the weekend.

China said it was "strongly dissatisfied" with the European Union's "accusations" against it on the issue, a statement by the Chinese mission to the EU showed.

"The European Union is not a party to the South China Sea issue and has no right to point fingers on the issue," it said.

It also said the EU's repeated "hyping up" on the freedom of navigation issue "has no benefits to the EU's own interests and international credibility".

China and the Philippines exchanged accusations of intentionally ramming coast guard vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea on Saturday, the latest in an escalating series of clashes.

The collision near the Sabina Shoal was their fifth maritime confrontation in a month in a longstanding rivalry over the vital waterway.

The EU said in a Sunday statement that it condemned the "dangerous actions by China Coast Guard vessels against lawful Philippine maritime operations" in the sea.

In the statement, the European Union External Action Service said the recent incidents between Chinese and Philippines authorities "endanger the safety of life at sea, and violate the right to freedom of navigation and overflight to which all nations are entitled under international law."

(Reporting by Liz Lee and Beijing newsroom; Editing by Tom Hogue and Lincoln Feast.)


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880751 No.215284

File: 83a36d0c08195a2⋯.jpeg (102.54 KB,714x897,238:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519930 (020217ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215285

File: 5d037fd11b3253c⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,170x255,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519932 (020217ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215286

File: 4786a3d73a135be⋯.png (819.91 KB,805x878,805:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519940 (020219ZSEP24) Notable: China's youth increasingly unemployed

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New unproductive forces: the Chinese youth owning their unemployment


Laurie Chen

Sun, Sep 1, 2024, 6:08 PM CDT 5 min read

By Laurie Chen

BEIJING (Reuters) - After quitting the education industry last August due to China's crackdown on private tutoring, He Ajun has found an unlikely second life as an unemployment influencer.

The Guangzhou-based vlogger, 32, offers career advice to her 8,400 followers, charting her journey through long-term joblessness. "Unemployed at 31, not a single thing accomplished," she posted last December.

He is now making around 5,000 yuan ($700) per month through ads on her vlogs, content editing, private consultations and selling handicrafts at street stalls.

"I think in future freelancing will be normalised," said He. "Even if you stay in the workplace, you'll still need freelancing abilities. I believe it will become a backup skill, like driving."

China is under instruction to unleash "new productive forces", with government policies targeting narrow areas of science and technology including AI and robotics.

But critics say that has meant weak demand in other sectors and risks leaving behind a generation of highly educated young people, who missed the last boom and graduated too late to retrain for emerging industries.

A record 11.79 million university graduates this year face unprecedented job scarcity amid widespread layoffs in white-collar sectors including finance, while Tesla, IBM and ByteDance have also cut jobs in recent months.

Urban youth unemployment for the roughly 100 million Chinese aged 16-24 spiked to 17.1% in July, a figure analysts say masks millions of rural unemployed.

China suspended releasing youth jobless data after it reached an all-time high of 21.3% in June 2023, later tweaking criteria to exclude current students.

Over 200 million people are currently working in the gig economy and even that once fast-growing sector has its own overcapacity issues. A dozen Chinese cities have warned of ride-hailing oversaturation this year.

Redundancies have even spread to government work, long considered an "iron rice bowl" of lifetime employment.

Last year Beijing announced a 5% headcount reduction and thousands have been laid off since, according to official announcements and news reports. Henan province trimmed 5,600 jobs earlier this year, while Shandong province has cut nearly 10,000 positions since 2022.

Meanwhile, analysts say China's 3.9 million vocational college graduates are mostly equipped for low-end manufacturing and service jobs, and reforms announced in 2022 will take years to fix underinvestment in training long regarded as inferior to universities.

China currently faces a shortage of welders, joiners, elderly caregivers and "highly-skilled digital talent", its human resources minister said in March.

Yao Lu, a sociologist at Columbia University, estimates about 25% of college graduates aged 23-35 are currently in jobs below their academic qualifications.

Many of China's nearly 48 million university students are likely to have poor starting salaries and contribute relatively little in taxes throughout their lifetimes, said one Chinese economist who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"Although they cannot be called a 'lost generation', it is a huge waste of human capital," the person said.

1/2 (cont.)

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880751 No.215287

File: 8d841d091b95b2c⋯.png (710.63 KB,805x850,161:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519942 (020220ZSEP24) Notable: China's youth increasingly unemployed

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Chinese President Xi Jinping in May urged officials to make job creation for new graduates a top priority. But for younger workers unemployed or recently fired, the mood is bleak, nine people interviewed by Reuters said.

Anna Wang, 23, quit her state bank job in Shenzhen this year due to high pressure and frequent unpaid overtime. For a salary of about 6,000 yuan per month, "I was doing three people's jobs," she said.

Her ex-colleagues complain about widespread pay cuts and transfers to positions with unmanageable workloads, effectively forcing them to resign. Wang now works part-time jobs as a CV editor and mystery shopper.

At a July briefing for foreign diplomats about an agenda-setting economic meeting, policymakers said they have been quietly urging companies to stop layoffs, one attendee told Reuters.

Olivia Lin, 30, left the civil service in July after widespread bonus cuts and bosses hinted at further redundancies. Four district-level bureaus were dissolved in her city of Shenzhen this year, according to public announcements.

"The general impression was that the current environment isn't good and fiscal pressure is really high," she said.

Lin now wants a tech job. She has had no interview offers after a month of searching. "This is completely different from 2021, when I was guaranteed one job interview a day," she said.


Shut out of the job market and desperate for an outlet, young Chinese are sharing tips for surviving long-term unemployment. The hashtags "unemployed", "unemployment diary" and "laid off" received a combined 2.1 billion views on the Xiaohongshu platform He uses.

Users describe mundane daily routines, count down the days since being fired, share awkward chat exchanges with managers or dole out advice, sometimes accompanied by crying selfies.

The increasing visibility of jobless young people "increases broader social acceptance and reduces stigma surrounding unemployment", said Columbia's Lu, allowing otherwise isolated youth to connect and "perhaps even redefine what it means to be unemployed in today's economic climate".

Lu said unemployed graduates understood blaming the government for their plight would be both risky and ineffective. Rather, she said, they were more likely to slip into "an internalisation of discontent and blame" or "lying flat".

He, the influencer, thinks graduates should lower their ambitions.

"If we have indeed entered 'garbage time', then I think young people could accumulate skills or do something creative, such as selling things via social media or making handicrafts."

(Reporting by Laurie Chen; Editing by Kevin Krolicki and Lincoln Feast.)



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880751 No.215288

File: 1da6d868d4202f6⋯.png (615.48 KB,810x880,81:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519946 (020222ZSEP24) Notable: They'll finish it

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880751 No.215289

File: 2e06051de36adbd⋯.png (307.56 KB,598x791,598:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519965 (020228ZSEP24) Notable: Ice Cube endorses Trump

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ICE CUBE: “Donald Trump is what Americans love. Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be.” 🔥🔥🔥 @realDonaldTrump

You agree with @icecube


Last edited

2:33 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215290

File: dde9b6bc7666011⋯.png (50.78 KB,662x366,331:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519973 (020230ZSEP24) Notable: ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

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ESPN, ABC and other Disney networks are BLACKED OUT on DirectTV in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and during US Open coverage

DirectTV is accusing Disney of charging viewers for channels they don't watch

The blackout is expected to impact around 11 million customer homes

READ MORE: Chris Russo blasts NFL Sunday Ticket for YouTube move

By Alex Raskin

Published: 19:48 EDT, 1 September 2024 | Updated: 20:45 EDT, 1 September 2024

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880751 No.215291

File: 07ca71217a1c31a⋯.png (391.59 KB,924x776,231:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519978 (020231ZSEP24) Notable: Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

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Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich:

Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest

for 'Disinformation'

Red State, by Ward Clark

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/1/2024 9:57:51 PM

The more I read about or hear about Elon Musk, the more I like the guy. Oh, I don't agree with him on every issue, but then, if two people agree on everything, one of them isn't necessary. But I like his tenaciousness, I like his grit, and I admire his First Amendment absolutism. So, when Clinton creature Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary (because of course he was), opines that Musk should be threatened with arrest by regulators for "disseminating lies and hate" - meaning anything Robert Reich doesn't agree with - well, I'm inclined to tell Robert Reich precisely where he can place that idea,

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880751 No.215292

File: a85f971bb6b8f30⋯.png (246.13 KB,434x463,434:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519986 (020233ZSEP24) Notable: Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

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PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within — who are trying to jail their top political opponent. These are truly SICK, VICIOUS people and they're destroying our country.

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1830409247219212488?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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880751 No.215293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519988 (020233ZSEP24) Notable: She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

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Kamala wants the mics on during the debate so she can do this about 30 times.

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880751 No.215294

File: acd50d471d2bf87⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,460x710,46:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519989 (020233ZSEP24) Notable: Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

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Palestinians trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

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880751 No.215295

File: 0c5667552e2044c⋯.jpeg (177.11 KB,1079x1390,1079:1390,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519992 (020234ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215296

File: c4483e00eba40e9⋯.png (414.09 KB,595x581,85:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21519996 (020234ZSEP24) Notable: Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

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Melissa Hallman


🔥 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time.

"He’s a military impersonator…Morally indefensible…no integrity…he’s a habitual liar, he lies about everything. He lies about things that don’t even make sense…I call him a coward, because he is…"

2:41 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215297

File: 749a87c61d7afca⋯.png (423.7 KB,676x846,338:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520000 (020236ZSEP24) Notable: NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

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NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting

Families of Murdered Soldiers

Breitbart Media, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 9:51:07 PM

NBC News’ Meet the Press admitted Sunday that anchor Kristen Welker had been incorrect to say that Vice President Kamala Harris had met the families of Americans killed in Afghanistan — though it also botched the correction. In an interview with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Welker challenged the Republican over former President Donald Trump’s visit last week to Arlington National Cemetery to pay his respects to the 13 fallen American soldiers on the third anniversary of the terror attack on Abbey Gate at the international airport in Kabul. The Harris/Walz campaign accused Trump of politicizing the memorial, amid controversy over whether his campaign could take photos or video.

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880751 No.215298

File: 73ab5850cb69d64⋯.png (69.24 KB,1346x503,1346:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520001 (020237ZSEP24) Notable: NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

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White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghanistan withdrawal

Biden's and Harris' teams pushed back against claims from GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard that that had been invited alongside Trump.

Sept. 1, 2024, 8:03 AM GMT-11

By Gabe Gutierrez, Sarah Dean and Alexandra Marquez

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880751 No.215299

File: 0bd3386f1c2ee31⋯.png (56.36 KB,1360x340,4:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520005 (020238ZSEP24) Notable: Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

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Independent Candidate Reveals Harris Campaign

Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 9:37:41 PM

Independent far-left presidential candidate Cornel West revealed a shocking admission about how far the Democratic Party will go to win the 2024 election. During an interview on the Status Coup News podcast, West claimed that the Harris campaign offered him a deal that resulted in him dropping out of the race. He said they bribed him by offering him a cushy job in Harris’ administration should she be elected and a promise to pay off his campaign debts. West has been met with opposition to his candidacy by the Democratic Party as polls show that in swing states where his name appears on the ballot, he takes votes away from Harris,

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880751 No.215300

File: 6c51338456f5d99⋯.png (681.9 KB,598x766,299:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520017 (020240ZSEP24) Notable: Reich effect

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Elon Musk


Interesting observation


Autism Capital 🧩




Also known as the Reich effect.


12:41 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215301

File: 982e41063878c9e⋯.png (233.59 KB,634x327,634:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520024 (020242ZSEP24) Notable: Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

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Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote.


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880751 No.215302

File: e9491c244df0e50⋯.png (109.13 KB,437x570,23:30,Clipboard.png)

File: b273f269dd9d94d⋯.png (211.91 KB,432x806,216:403,Clipboard.png)

File: fb0ceb3fc633a1e⋯.png (156.81 KB,451x813,451:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520032 (020246ZSEP24) Notable: Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

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Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate:

“We, the families of the brave service members who were tragically killed in the Abbey Gate bombing, are appalled by Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent attempts to politicize President Trump’s visit to Arlington…


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880751 No.215303

File: d320570aa2e0fbd⋯.png (163.22 KB,444x505,444:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520035 (020247ZSEP24) Notable: Grassley corn on the comms

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Grassley Comms. Bumper Crop ready for public consumption 🌽 🐸 @areyouawake1

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880751 No.215304

File: f9c62cb2bbaa9c8⋯.png (9.51 KB,601x136,601:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520043 (020250ZSEP24) Notable: DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

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5:05 PM · Aug 31, 2024





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880751 No.215305

File: d501e83810ca91f⋯.png (626.81 KB,405x720,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520084 (020301ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215306

File: a8d4ede003aa83b⋯.png (497.96 KB,875x876,875:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520086 (020302ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215307

File: 0c1eef5bd541936⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,750x471,250:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520089 (020304ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215308

File: 066aefeb52281de⋯.png (27.64 KB,780x261,260:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520095 (020307ZSEP24) Notable: Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

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Metro exclusive

Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse — with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

By Kevin Sheehan and

Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

Published Sep. 1, 2024, 4:52 p.m. ET

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880751 No.215309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520115 (020319ZSEP24) Notable: What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

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Shadow of Ezra


What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?


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880751 No.215310

File: 1e29203de5fadf1⋯.png (731.31 KB,808x660,202:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e32cfa3e43c752⋯.png (1.21 MB,681x759,227:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520116 (020321ZSEP24) Notable: RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

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RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for

‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’

During COVID-19 Pandemic

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hᴏft

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/1/2024 10:35:08 PM

At the Limitless Expo, a gathering focused on financial freedom and strategic empowerment, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivered a powerful speech that reignited the debate over the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kennedy didn’t mince words (Snip) He went on to accuse Fauci and other officials of using their positions to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based,” arguing that their actions led to unnecessary deaths worldwide. “It’s a story, really, of people involved in really terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior,” he said. One of the most explosive claims Kennedy made was about the suppression of COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin.

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880751 No.215311

File: 2150f29b5a360e9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1918x966,137:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 98b6ace80b0b0d5⋯.png (33.73 KB,992x549,992:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 5834a3d873451ef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1551x925,1551:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520228 (020351ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

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Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore? Might be a mis-identification. Maybe? Very strange.



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880751 No.215312

File: 1a1efc2394aa022⋯.png (298.3 KB,568x709,568:709,Clipboard.png)

File: e6604da01ab4e85⋯.png (611.02 KB,634x518,317:259,Clipboard.png)

File: b5928c6885c2255⋯.png (615.65 KB,634x812,317:406,Clipboard.png)

File: da8861fa12016ea⋯.png (726.25 KB,634x860,317:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520243 (020354ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz's gifts from China

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Gifts froms China -Tim Walz holds a fan that was one of the gifts he received while spending about 10 months this past year teaching school in China.

Sources and pics for 1st pic:

6 August 2024


Aug 2024 (1 week ago)


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880751 No.215313

File: 6d71ee12f1fe5d9⋯.png (215.21 KB,602x546,43:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520321 (020414ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

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@RT_com 43m

Researchers have found that the‘Sea Walnut,’a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles in times of hardship.

Sep 2, 2024 · 3:30 AM UTC


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880751 No.215314

File: 135d09faa0e5873⋯.jpeg (258.27 KB,750x1294,375:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520342 (020422ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

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Holy fuck finally something worth noting.

Any old fags member what “walnut” refers to?

>comms possibly related to the Russia whale?

Sauce, not the walnut kind: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/59229

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880751 No.215315

File: be88d7e7a1e2991⋯.jpeg (219.04 KB,750x554,375:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520366 (020430ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

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>exotic fish, anyone?

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880751 No.215316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520368 (020432ZSEP24) Notable: Tales from the Crypt

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Dissolving the Dead: A Look Inside Portland’s First Aqua Cremation Machine

May 9, 2019

In Oregon, there are five legal ways to lay the dead to rest. Bodies can be embalmed and shipped out of state; donated to scientific research facilities; cremated; buried; or dissolved. Yes, you read that correctly: When you die, the flesh can literally be dissolved from your bones.

The scientific name of the process is alkaline hydrolysis, though it’s more commonly known as aquamation or aqua cremation. If you want to avoid the mildly gory details later in this piece, here’s the short version: Like flame cremation, aqua cremation reduces the body to bones—it just uses water instead of fire. It’s legal in more than a dozen states, but Oregon was one of the first to legalize it in 2009, and it’s one of the only states with the proper facilities to actually perform the procedure.


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880751 No.215317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520382 (020438ZSEP24) Notable: Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

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How about a stroll down memory lane?

All the conspiracy theories about incoming House Democratic leadership

Select excerpts.

For most of 2018, Schiff has been linked to something conspiracy theorists refer to as the “Standard Hotel Incident,” referring to a hip hotel in West Hollywood, a part of town Schiff represents.

The Standard has supposedly been the site of a number of mysterious deaths, orgies, fights, and occult incidents in the last few years—which were subsequently covered up by murdering three executives at the Standard via a helicopter crash.

o be sure, while conspiracy theorists agree that the “Standard Hotel Incident” definitely happened and that Schiff was definitely involved, what exactly the incident was and what Schiff actually did have proven to be more elusive to a crowd that has no problem making up tenuous connections.

In fact, nobody has actually linked Schiff to anything that happened at the Hotel, and there haven’t been any arrests regarding any unusual activity at the hotel in the time that Schiff has represented that district (due to redistricting, Schiff has only represented West Hollywood since 2013.)

The crash itself certainly did happen, as the helicopter that three executives were flying in went down shortly after taking off, appearing to lose power and slam into a house in a gated community in Newport Beach. But what this has to do with Schiff isn’t clear, other than the place where the passengers worked happening to be in Schiff’s district.

Beyond that, it seems like conspiracy theorists are content to rhetorically pester Schiff on Twitter, rather than delve into what actually might have happened. This is the certainty that conspiracy theories offer—you know something bad happened and that someone you don’t like was involved—even if you don’t know what it was, when it took place, or what actually happened.

Twitter was the source of another completely unsourced and unevidenced rumor about Schiff, that he paid out an undisclosed sexual harassment settlement brought by a 19-year-old male intern in 2013. The attribution for this story was merely “congressional sources,” yet numerous QAnon accounts got tens of thousands of retweets spreading it around.

Read the whole thing here. My how time flies.


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880751 No.215318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520562 (020549ZSEP24) Notable: #26365

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables FINAL

#26365 >>215272

>>215275 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>215279, >>215280, >>215281, >>215282, >>215316 Tales from the Crypt

>>215283 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>215286, >>215287 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>215288 They'll finish it

>>215289 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>215290 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>215291 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>215292 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>215294 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>215293 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>215296 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>215297, >>215298 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>215302 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>215299 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>215300 Reich effect

>>215301 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>215303 Grassley corn on the comms

>>215304 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>215308 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>215309 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>215310 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>215311 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>215312 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>215313, >>215314, >>215315 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>215317 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>215274, >>215276, >>215277, >>215278, >>215284, >>215285, >>215295, >>215305, >>215306, >>215307 Memes


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880751 No.215796

File: d501e83810ca91f⋯.png (626.81 KB,405x720,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520573 (020551ZSEP24) Notable: #26366

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baker is ghosted protocol

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880751 No.215797

File: ea8dc824cc325b9⋯.png (143.34 KB,642x549,214:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520580 (020557ZSEP24) Notable: @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Miles Cheong

@stillgray 1h

Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. Now he’s demanding that anonymous accounts be banned from the platform—effectively making an argument for the need for voter ID.

He checkmated himself.

Sep 2, 2024 · 4:44 AM UTC


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880751 No.215798

File: 309616142ad3587⋯.png (121.81 KB,894x576,149:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520604 (020629ZSEP24) Notable: Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Shellenberger


Thousands of Brazilians are resisting the order by the Dictators Moraes and Lula. They include journalists and Senators from Left, Right, and center. And people in the federal capital, Brasilia, are able to access X without VPN. Moraes’ immoral censorship crusade is doomed.


Sergio Moro @SF_Moro

I am a Senator of the Republic for Paraná, and I have material immunity for opinions, words and votes. This part of the Federal Constitution is in full force. If you believe that it has been revoked or suspended, let me know first. I will continue to post my opinions, including criticisms, as always without personal offense, on this network that is an important instrument of the mandate and a means of communication with the people of Paraná and the international community. P.S.: Until the court decision is reviewed for its illegality and disproportionality, I asked a friend in the US to post from there on my network. If the press can use correspondents, I can use my friends abroad.



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880751 No.215799

File: 70c2194ba3086da⋯.png (116.63 KB,621x538,621:538,Clipboard.png)

File: d55b0e002e1a768⋯.jpg (62.07 KB,450x500,9:10,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 240250e15e6445b⋯.png (110.42 KB,618x589,618:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520617 (020652ZSEP24) Notable: NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

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ABC13 Houston

@abc13houston 2h

NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

NASA wanted to see whether a kinetic impact would be enough to change the motion of a celestial object in space,some compare it to the plot of "Armageddon."


Sep 2, 2024 · 4:20 AM UTC


What are the odds?

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880751 No.215800

File: 40a0dad07371856⋯.png (426.58 KB,616x585,616:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520676 (020751ZSEP24) Notable: @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Army



The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000. The chances of them joining the military and being stationed together on the same base are one in a million.

U.S. Army Spcs. Wyatt, Noah and Liam Corley reunite at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii ➡️ army.mil/article/279084

Sep 2, 2024 · 1:03 AM UTC




>What are the odds?

Everything is possible.

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880751 No.215801

File: 6a57ab99abe8079⋯.png (469.22 KB,576x842,288:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520897 (021030ZSEP24) Notable: @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

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The Atlantic puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

The sooner you embrace what’s going on the sooner we win


5:41 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215802

File: 3e4d3b0779771fc⋯.png (47.54 KB,432x565,432:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520900 (021031ZSEP24) Notable: @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


wrong one

this is the Scofield fuck up zionist religion

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880751 No.215803

File: 9c480bcd9008a07⋯.png (32.82 KB,591x439,591:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520928 (021055ZSEP24) Notable: Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk



This platform does not seek to impose the laws of the United States on other countries – we obey the laws of that country in that country.

The problem in Brazil is that @AlexandreFiles

we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!






According to @alexandre, it is a crime to publicly point out that @alexandre is committing a crime.

This is WILD! x.com/AlexandreFiles…

5:38 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215804

File: 9d91f6d1f9341fc⋯.png (700.92 KB,1032x1003,1032:1003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520941 (021101ZSEP24) Notable: Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ERDOGAN TURNS TO BRICS: Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

NATO member Turkey, which is also seeking accession to the EU - is wanting to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies.

That's bound to ruffle a few (anti)-think tank professionals across the Atlantic!

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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880751 No.215806

File: c9e2619ee2a37dd⋯.png (649.36 KB,716x822,358:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520944 (021103ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition


4:59 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215807

File: 297eacadc143d17⋯.png (334.74 KB,601x595,601:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520949 (021105ZSEP24) Notable: KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


End Wokeness


German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

Yes, this is real



Rate proposed Community Notes

5:09 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215808

File: 53fcf6cff9ecc83⋯.png (524.12 KB,594x829,594:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520962 (021110ZSEP24) Notable: George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

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Mississippi's State Auditor released a report saying that over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, and it will cost taxpayers over $100 MILLION every year

Additionally, 34% of the state’s foreign-born population are now illegals

“Our public schools, hospitals, and prisons will continue to lose massive sums of money that we could have spent on our own citizens if this problem is not solved.” - Shad White

Something else I found interesting is how the state usually spends $6,995 every year per student, but they're now spending $7,699 on around 2,500 illegal immigrant kids because they also need English lessons

This is WILD! Why are red states allowing it to happen? Deport them to sanctuary blue states until we can deport them back to their country.


12:57 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215809

File: 2667a9655796b42⋯.png (318.93 KB,603x837,67:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21520979 (021117ZSEP24) Notable: Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




BREAKING: Yet another church in France is in flames.

This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

Why does this keep happening?

SHARE - The media won't show you this 👇


Concerned Citizen

11:23 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215810

File: 0ede3383f2959f3⋯.png (1.14 MB,961x637,961:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521075 (021142ZSEP24) Notable: Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

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Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

September 1, 2024 / 8:46 AM EDT / CBS/AP

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880751 No.215811

File: a23f499e63a8d40⋯.png (333.25 KB,590x847,590:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521164 (021206ZSEP24) Notable: Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Sudden And Unexpected”


New footage from the massive vaccination effort in Gaza shows children receiving the vaccine orally.

Disturbingly, this is a type of polio vaccine that the USA and other countries have rejected because it can actually cause severe problems, including polio.

As the crisis continues, the Director of the World Health Organization ominously states, "Ultimately, the best vaccine for these children is peace."


12:59 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521220 (021224ZSEP24) Notable: armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election


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880751 No.215813

File: 274c61307198673⋯.png (12.39 KB,604x167,604:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521243 (021233ZSEP24) Notable: Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

1:31 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215814

File: 7a77b418f2302f1⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521264 (021239ZSEP24) Notable: CIA Whistle Blower spills the beans. Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CIA Whistle Blower…spills the beans…

Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa…


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880751 No.215815

File: 06e3cb01edc77c3⋯.png (621.8 KB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521309 (021253ZSEP24) Notable: Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health, potentially safeguarding against age-related chronic disease—yet many don’t get enough.

While you often hear about the importance of vitamin D and zinc for boosting immunity, another important but often overlooked nutrient is magnesium.

This essential mineral plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health. Recent research has uncovered another crucial function of magnesium: its role in protecting our DNA from damage, potentially safeguarding against age-related chronic diseases.

Role of Magnesium in Protecting DNA

Up to 15 percent of people in the United States don’t get enough magnesium, which may have negative health consequences.

A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in June adds to the growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of magnesium for overall health. By linking low magnesium levels to increased DNA damage, researchers at the University of South Australia suggest that magnesium may be particularly central in protecting against age-related chronic diseases.


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880751 No.215816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521325 (021258ZSEP24) Notable: #26366

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #26366

hold yer laties tight and see you at the top

czech em

#26366 >>215796

>>215797 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>215798 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>215799 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>215800 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>215801, >>215802 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>215803 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>215804 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>215806 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>215807 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>215808 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>215809 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>215810, >>215811 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

>>215812 armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

>>215813 Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

>>215814 CIA Whistle Blower spills the beans. Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa

>>215815 Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

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880751 No.215817

File: ff2902b551b07f9⋯.png (496.4 KB,796x506,398:253,Clipboard.png)

File: aee2355098685ee⋯.png (807.8 KB,1179x658,1179:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521349 (021303ZSEP24) Notable: #26367

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morn'n baker requesting handoff

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880751 No.215818

File: 69a46b16bc6044f⋯.png (160.9 KB,866x880,433:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,Clipboard.gif)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 822392b82ca5013⋯.png (260.47 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d611316417a5a8⋯.png (425.71 KB,606x345,202:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521386 (021311ZSEP24) Notable: 63 Days to WINNING

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215819

File: f2680932982943b⋯.jpeg (104.13 KB,1136x647,1136:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521393 (021313ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

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2 SEP, 07:31

Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

The Russian leader noted that the Kursk attack was meant to stop the Russian advance in Donbass

KYZYL, September 2. /TASS/. Kiev’s act of provocation against Russia’s borderline Kursk Region will end in failure, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

"I am confident that this act of provocation will also fail," the head of state noted at a meeting with students at School No. 20 in Kyzyl, the capital of Russia’s Siberian region of Tuva.

"We certainly need to do away with the thugs that have intruded into Russian territory in the Kursk Region, and address attempts to create instability in our border regions in general," Putin stated.

Reasons behind provocation

The president gave his assessment as to why the Kiev authorities decided to attack the Kursk Region. "The current authorities aren’t legitimate even according to domestic laws. They were supposed to hold a presidential election but they abandoned this idea, citing martial law, which runs counter to the Ukrainian constitution," Putin noted.

In his view, Ukraine needs to continue military operations to keep the current status quo."If military operations come to an end, the Ukrainian authorities will have to lift martial law and hold a presidential election right after martial law is lifted," Putin explained. "However, the current authorities clearly aren’t ready to do that becausethey have little chance of being re-elected. This is why they aren’t interested in ending military activities; this is why they committed the act of provocation in the Kursk Region and had earlier tried to stage a similar provocation in the Belgorod Region," the Russian president stressed.

He added that the Kursk attack was also meant to stop the Russian advance in Donbass. "The enemy sought to stop our advance on the main frontline, that is, in Donbass," the president said.

Donbass advance

"Everyone knows what the result was. Yes, of course, our people are going through tough times, particularly in the Kursk Region,but the enemy has failed to achieve its main goal, which was to stop our advance in Donbass," the Russian president emphasized.

"Moreover, we are no longer talking about advancing by 200 to 300 meters," the head of state stressed.

"We haven’t been advancing at such a quick pace in Donbass for quite a while:the Russian Armed Forces are taking control of not just 200 to 300 meters but of whole square kilometers of land," Putin noted.


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880751 No.215821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521397 (021314ZSEP24) Notable: White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

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White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghanistan withdrawal

Biden's and Harris' teams pushed back against claims from GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard that that had been invited alongside Trump.

Gold Star families did not invite President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to Arlington National Cemetery by last week to commemorate the third anniversary of the attack at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan, a White House official and a Harris aide told NBC News, rebutting separate claims made Sunday by GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

The two were speaking about former President Donald Trump's visit last week to Arlington National Cemetery, where he has drawn criticism for posing for photos with Gold Star families in a section of the cemetery where photos are traditionally prohibited.

Last week, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Trump’s visit was a “personal invitation by families.”

“There are many ways that we as a nation and our leaders can observe the third anniversary of Abbey Gate,” Kirby said. “Another way is to continue to work, maybe not with a lot of fanfare, maybe not with a lot of public attention, maybe not with TV cameras, but to work every single day to make sure that the families of the fallen and of those who were injured and wounded — not just at Abbey Gate but over the course of the 20-some-odd years that we were in Afghanistan — have the support that they need.”

The Army also accused a member of Trump's campaign staff of "abruptly push[ing] aside" a cemetery staff member who sought to enforce restrictions on taking photos and video at the location.

Asked about the incident Sunday on NBC News' "Meet the Press," Cotton, R-Ark., told moderator Kristen Welker: "These families, Gold Star families, whose children died because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ incompetence invited [Trump] to the cemetery and they asked him to take those photos. … You know who the families also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, D.C."

Cotton said he spoke to Kelly Barnett and Darin Hoover, the parents of Marine Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, who died in Afghanistan three years ago. Cotton didn't specify whether they were the family members he claimed invited Biden and Harris.

Gabbard, a former Democratic House member from Hawaii, echoed Cotton, telling CNN on Sunday: "President Biden and Harris, I heard, were invited by some of these family members. They not only didn’t come; they didn’t even respond to that invitation."

Trump last week defended the photos and videos he took at the cemetery, telling NBC News in Michigan on Thursday that a Gold Star family "asked me whether or not I would stand for a picture at the grave of their loved one who should not have died.”

He said he didn’t initiate the photo, adding: “While I was there, I didn’t ask for a picture. While I was there, they said, ‘Sir, could we have a picture at the grave?’"

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880751 No.215822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521413 (021316ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

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Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

Russia’s Defense Ministry said more than 150 drones were fired against targets across the country on Sunday

By Matthew Luxmoore

Sept. 1, 2024 8:51 am ET1/2

Ukraine struck a major oil refinery in Moscow and other targets across Russia in one of its largest aerial barrages since the start of Russia’s invasion, expanding a campaign of drone attacks on energy facilities and further highlighting the vulnerability of strategic infrastructure deep inside Russia.

Russia’s defense ministry said on Sunday that its air defenses had intercepted or shot down more than 150 drones in 15 regions. At least one of them detonated over a major refinery in Moscow that is owned by state energy giant Gazprom, officials said, while another hit a power station in the neighboring Tver region.

Videos posted on social media showed large explosions engulfing parts of the oil refinery’s sprawling complex, located southeast of the city center. The videos couldn’t immediately be independently verified.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said one of the drones that struck the Moscow refinery had caused damage to an “adjacent technical facility” at the plant, without elaborating, and later said emergency services had put out the flames. He added that there were no casualties and the functioning of the plant hadn’t been affected.

Kyiv didn’t immediately comment on the attacks.

Russia and Ukraine have been carrying out regular strikes against targets tied to the adversary’s military and energy industries. Last week, Russia fired what Ukraine described as the largest rocket-and-drone barrage of the war, leading to temporary blackouts in some Ukrainian cities.

Ukraine has in recent months increased the pace and scale of its drone strikes on Russia, including on energy facilities deep inside the country. It has hit Russian air defenses and fuel and ammunition stores.

“It’s completely justified for Ukrainians to be able to respond to Russian terror precisely where it’s necessary,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday morning.

Zelensky said that in the past week, Russia had fired 160 missiles, 780 glide bombs and 400 explosive drones against Ukraine. On Friday, a Russian glide-bomb strike on a residential area of Kharkiv in Ukraine’s northeast killed at least six and left nearly 100 injured, according to local officials.

Kyiv’s accelerated campaign comes as its forces are seeking to consolidate control over a chunk of Russian territory they seized during a lightning incursion into the Kursk region last month. Moscow’s forces are, meanwhile, pressing forward in eastern Ukraine, threatening the strategic city of Pokrovsk.

The wave of attacks on refineries and other petroleum infrastructure are intended to disrupt fuel supplies to the front line and damage Moscow’s most important export industry. In March, drones struck a major refinery operated by Lukoil, Russia’s second-biggest oil company, as well as oil-storage tanks in a region near the Ukrainian border and a town near St. Petersburg that hosts another large refinery.

Russian refineries were built according to Soviet construction codes that provide protection against catastrophic damage and traditional air bombing. But the Ukrainian attacks have caused damage severe enough to prompt monthslong repairs, which have been made harder by sanctions that limit Moscow’s access to crucial Western parts that helped build and expand its energy industry over recent decades.

The impact on Russia’s military fuel supply from the attacks is difficult to estimate. Refineries are crucial for Russia’s war effort as tanks, ships and planes need refined products such as gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

The Gazprom-owned refinery in Moscow is one of Russia’s largest, and any damage to its operations could cause further disruption to Russia’s exports of fuels. Ukrainian attacks have contributed to a rise this year in global diesel and gasoline prices, energy experts say, while crude prices have remained relatively stable…


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880751 No.215823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521416 (021316ZSEP24) Notable: Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

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Mongolia: Arrest Putin

ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

September 2, 2024 3:00AM EDT

Mongolia should deny entry to Russian President Vladimir Putin or arrest himif he enters the country. The Kremlin announced that Putin is planning to travel to Mongolia on September 3, 2024, following an invitation by Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh to attend a military anniversary event.

President Putin has been wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since March 17, 2023, when the court’s judges issued arrest warrants against him and his children’s rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, for the war crimes of unlawful deportation and unlawful transfer of children from occupied areas of Ukraine to Russia.

“Mongolia would be defying its international obligations as an ICC member if it allows Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit without arresting him,” said Maria Elena Vignoli, senior international justice counsel at Human Rights Watch. “Welcoming Putin, an ICC fugitive, would not only be an affront to the many victims of Russian forces’ crimes, but would also undermine the crucial principle that no one, no matter how powerful, is above the law.” …


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880751 No.215824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521422 (021317ZSEP24) Notable: Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

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The capital of Mongolia is preparing for a ceremonial meeting with Putin, who will arrive in the country on a state visit. Mongolia has ignored the threats from the US and Ukraine, and Ulaanbaatar will simply ignore the ICC. Mongolia is important for the Russian Federation not only as a trade partner, but also as an important transit country in the context of relations with China.

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880751 No.215825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521442 (021321ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

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Ukraine has few long-range missiles of its own and is barred by the U.S. and others from using Western-provided, longer-range missiles inside Russia. The Biden administration loosened restrictions on the use of American-supplied weapons after Russia reinvaded Ukraine’s northern Kharkiv region in May, allowing Kyiv to use artillery and fire short-range rockets from Himars launchers against command posts, arms depots and other assets across the border there. But the policy didn’t give Ukraine permission to use longer-range ATACMS missiles inside Russia.

Developing a homegrown drone industry has helped Ukraine strike targets deep inside Russia without relying exclusively on Western-supplied missiles. But in recent weeks, officials from Zelensky’s administration have been lobbying the U.S. for permission to use ATACMS inside Russia.

Zelensky said in his nightly address on Saturday that Ukraine needed Western allies to give it more missiles—and permission to use them on Russian territory—to force Russia to seek an end to the war.

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said on Friday that Kyiv had presented the U.S. with a list of targets that it hopes to strike with ATACMS missiles if the ban on their use in Russia is lifted.

“We have explained what kind of capabilities we need to protect the citizens against the Russian terror that Russians are causing us, so I hope we were heard,” he told CNN.

(This provocation will need end well for Ukraine. The US told Ukraine months ago to stop attacking oil refineries in Russia because of the world market they serve.And especially it will drive up rates in US before the election while Bidan Admin are artificially holding the price down.)


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880751 No.215826

File: c1bef2f451bf68a⋯.png (359.14 KB,1065x754,1065:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521509 (021332ZSEP24) Notable: White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

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>think mirror


Families of Fallen Soldiers Demand Donald Trump Apologize for ‘Repugnant’ Remarks

3 minute read

By TIME Staff

August 1, 2016 7:46 AM EDT

Families of nearly a dozen fallen soldiers on Monday demanded an apology from Donald Trump for “repugnant” remarks he made in response to the emotional speech given by a father of a slain Muslim Army captain at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

Eleven Gold Star families, those who lost loved ones serving the country’s military, wrote a joint letter to the Republican presidential nominee, accusing him of “cheapening the sacrifice” of their deceased relativesin the way he responded to the parents of Captain Humayun S.M. Khan.

Captain Khan, of Virginia, died in Iraq in 2004. His father, Khizr Khan, had criticized Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. last Thursday.

Trump, in response, said he has “made a lot of sacrifices” by creating “tens of thousands of jobs” during an interview with ABC News. He also questioned whether Khizr Khan’s wife, Ghazala, who was silent on stage next to her husband, was allowed to speak publicly as a Muslim woman.

“Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us,” the Gold Star families said in their statement. “When you question a mother’s pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us.”

“When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice,” it continued. “You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost. You are minimizing the risk our service members make for all of us.”

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880751 No.215827

File: bb90f8017f58d08⋯.png (673.94 KB,946x1200,473:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 51778cf6c1846b0⋯.png (530.26 KB,1199x835,1199:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521514 (021333ZSEP24) Notable: Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

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Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way.Now he’s demanding that anonymous accounts be banned from the platform—effectively making an argument for the need for voter ID.

He checkmated himself.


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880751 No.215828

File: cef16b4ac310037⋯.png (516.27 KB,842x1200,421:600,Clipboard.png)

File: c1ecbe5b23b38e2⋯.png (801.91 KB,1179x1144,1179:1144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521521 (021334ZSEP24) Notable: "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

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"Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent


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880751 No.215829

File: 48b42527eb57227⋯.png (385.91 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521526 (021334ZSEP24) Notable: Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

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Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

Diverse array of Jewish groups welcome announcement, which also included tapping of New York LGBT synagogue Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum to Commission on International Religious Freedom.

And the administration appointed Khizr Khan and Sharon Kleinbaum as new members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Khizr Khan gained notoriety in 2016 when — as the father of a slain US Navy Seal — he rebuked then-presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention for having “sacrificed nothing” for his country and waved a copy of the US constitution, which he urged the Republican to read. The Pakistani Muslim immigrant is also the founder of the Constitution Literacy and National Unity Project.

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880751 No.215830

File: 635c3a4960e23b5⋯.png (953.55 KB,1280x750,128:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521530 (021335ZSEP24) Notable: Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

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Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

Monday, Sep 02, 2024

Consider Mark Zuckerberg’s revelation and its implications for our understanding of the last four years, and what it means for the future.

On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official channels of information sharing are reluctant to admit it. The Fed admits no fault in inflation and neither do most members of Congress. The food companies don’t admit the harm of the mainstream American diet. The pharmaceutical companies are loath to admit any injury. Media companies deny any bias. So on it goes.

And yet everyone else does know, already and more and more so.

This is why the admission of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was so startling. It’s not what he admitted. We already knew what he revealed. What’s new is that he admitted it. We are simply used to living in a world swimming in lies. It rattles us when a major figure tells us what is true or even partially or slightly true. We almost cannot believe it, and we wonder what the motivation might be.



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880751 No.215831

File: 674cb7494e44fd5⋯.png (502.65 KB,516x378,86:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521559 (021341ZSEP24) Notable: Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

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Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

Warren Buffett, 94, sold 13% of its Bank of America (BofA) holdings since mid-July for $5.4 billion. He just sold more of BofA shares shy of $1 billion. Analysts speculate that he could be leaving the market in anticipation of stock market a crash, bank collapse, higher taxes or money laundering investigations of banks.

Last month, Edward Dowd made some predictions of possible ‘black swan’ events that could happen before the 2024 election. We previously reported that Berkshire has has $234.6 billion worth of short-term investments in US Treasury bills that pay 5% interest and has surpassed the Federal Reserve’s holdings of $195.3 billion in the bills.

Note: Need To Know News does not give financial advice or endorsements, but instead report the news. Opinions expressed in news stories and interviews belong to those making the statements.



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880751 No.215832

File: d4b81d5628f8251⋯.png (170.2 KB,320x190,32:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521566 (021342ZSEP24) Notable: Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

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Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

Universities across America are unveiling new rules aimed at banning anti-Israel protests on campus and classifying criticism of “Zionists” as “hate speech.” Protests that involve encampments or overnight demonstrations are being banned. Rutgers University and George Washington University have suspended its chapters of Students and other pro-Palestinian groups. New York University has new community standards that say using the terms Zionist or Zionism in a derogatory way may violate its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta (formerly Facebook) banned Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine.

Our college campuses are adopting rules that violate Free Speech under lobbying from Jewish activist groups.



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880751 No.215833

File: 0e78efaf5232b45⋯.png (517.34 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521580 (021344ZSEP24) Notable: Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

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Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

By Rhoda Wilson on September 2, 2024

Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors before and after covid vaccination and noticed bifidobacteria, key to the immune system, were being killed off; not only in vaccinated people but also in newborns of vaccinated mothers.

“I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe, is dropping in patients pre- and post-vaccinations … Only a certain group of microbes are getting killed …Bifidobacteria is a huge part of immunity … I think [the vaccine] is creating a bacteriophage or bifidophage,” she said.

A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria.

The decrease in bifidobacteria persisted; ninety days post-vaccination the bifidobacteria dropped to zero. “There was a persistence in the damage, not only [after] 90 days but six months, nine months later,” she said. “That was the thing that started to make me panic.”

“And then as we were looking at the microbiome of newborns [of] mothers who were breastfeeding, we started noticing that there’s no bifidobacteria in those newborns … Newborns are supposed to have a tonne of bifidobacteria … 90% of the microbiome of babies is bifidobacteria.”

One of the common findings in autistic children is the loss of bifidobacteria.



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880751 No.215834

File: 963f28c9616f504⋯.png (235.51 KB,618x908,309:454,Clipboard.png)

File: a5ffc68c7af1b07⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521581 (021344ZSEP24) Notable: A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

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hadow of Ezra




A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France.

It took 90 firefighters to battle the blaze that threatened to destroy a church that had withstood two World Wars.

The cause of the fire remains a mystery.


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880751 No.215835

File: fb42c45b558e757⋯.png (107.1 KB,621x848,621:848,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521586 (021345ZSEP24) Notable: Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

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Peter Bernegger


Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

Billions if you go back enough years.

Six State Attorney Generals publicly announced they have investigations opened. Along with the Secretary of State of Wyoming. In addition, and on top of, a national investigation has been opened.

Also, I ask Bank of America, Amalgamated and Wells Fargo: are you taking (laundering) large sums of money by chinese students and other chinese from drug sales? In particular from sales of fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamines'. Via issuing mortgages, like TD Bank in Canada is doing, in Toronto, Vancouver and Ontario?

Complaints being sent in to federal bank regulators by numerous people and entities.




@AskWellsFargo #BankofAmerica #Amalgamatedbank #WellsFargo @TDBank_US

you all might want to read up on Smurfing, foreign monies, structured money laundering, knowingly dealing with drug cartels supported by the chinese.


Last edited

6:12 AM · Aug 31, 2024




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880751 No.215836

File: 8d62cbd5e24292b⋯.png (461.36 KB,542x915,542:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 37dc72f77d0fd93⋯.png (27.77 KB,544x447,544:447,Clipboard.png)

File: c3df3702a3355d7⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,848x592,53:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521590 (021345ZSEP24) Notable: 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

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17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles,

1) Q Team talking to the anons (real and also clown psyops)

2) Q Team talking to the 17 I.C clowns and getting Djt to play along and set him up.

Djt is Q+ , this has been proven by the deltas.

but Trump has used many people to expand his network and get his message out, like the clowns use people like alex jones, so trump did the same to them.

The result, is they have all turned on him and tried to set him up, take him down, spread lies and so much moar.



>21520182, >>>/qresearch/21520188, >>>/qresearch/21520191, >>>/qresearch/21520288, >>>/qresearch/21520300, >>>/qresearch/21520347 09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective - youtube, dig on prof hamamoto, mike rothschild u.s congress testimony, hating breitbart movie bun

Ready anons for the Qanon cult making a return and the push for civil war and domestic terrorist tag.



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880751 No.215837

File: d9a6e5381a8ddb4⋯.png (643.05 KB,710x500,71:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521605 (021347ZSEP24) Notable: 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

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Repost past bread links fixed

>>>/qresearch/21520182, >>>/qresearch/21520188, >>>/qresearch/21520191, >>>/qresearch/21520288, >>>/qresearch/21520300, >>>/qresearch/21520347 09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective - youtube, dig on prof hamamoto, mike rothschild u.s congress testimony, hating breitbart movie bun

Ready anons for the Qanon cult making a return and the push for civil war and domestic terrorist tag.

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880751 No.215838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521610 (021348ZSEP24) Notable: Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

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Asher Press



Babies that were Born from COVID Vaccinated Mothers who were Breastfeeding had Zero Bifidobacteria.

Is the Spike Protein Killing Gut Bacteria and causing Autism in those Babies?

- Dr. Sabine Hazan


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880751 No.215839

File: 9f58a64f0c7f341⋯.png (768.22 KB,1153x2299,1153:2299,Clipboard.png)

File: e1e8050c2485597⋯.png (1.73 MB,1118x3208,559:1604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521631 (021351ZSEP24) Notable: White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

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The Daily Beast

Tom Cotton Doubles Down on Trump Support Amid Arlington Controversy

6 hours ago

By Clay Walker


Trump’s Arlington Cemetery stunt was repulsive. The fallout is chilling.

23 hours ago

By James Downie

The Washington Post

How a Trump visit sparked turmoil at America’s most sacred cemetery

4 days ago


Trump's Arlington Cemetery video may be illegal. And, Harris' 1st sit down interview

4 days ago

The New York Times

Others Have Politicized Arlington, but Trump’s Approach Has No Precedent


By Chris Cameron

Yahoo! Voices

Mom Who Invited Trump to Arlington Cemetery Argues ‘No Political Campaigning’ Was Done | Video

2 days ago

By Stephanie Kaloi

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880751 No.215840

File: 64ba4d37097ca28⋯.png (771.13 KB,954x1075,954:1075,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e3e03a24843b60⋯.png (677.18 KB,953x1078,953:1078,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521638 (021352ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

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Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?



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880751 No.215841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521682 (021359ZSEP24) Notable: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

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>>215812 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US electionPN

Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

By Staff Writer September 1, 2024.1/3

The purpose of NATO involvement in the Ukraine War has, to me, always appeared obvious. Ukraine has nothing to do with the interests of the western public, nothing to do with the security of Europe and nothing to do with the economic advancement of the United States.Yet, NATO and the globalists have been politically interfering in the region since at least 2014 and preparing the ground for an eventual war with Russia.

To be clear, I don’t favor Russia any more than I favor Ukraine. The Kremlin has long had its own ties to the globalists, as I have outlined in numerous articles. How deep those ties go is up for debate –Maybe the honeymoon is over and Russia is truly done trying to get a seat at the globalist table. What I do know is thatwestern elites want a world war and they have done everything in their power to start one.

Look at it this way: What if you were to make a list of all the covert and overt NATO operations in Ukraine and then flipped script?What if Russia was pursuing all the same agendas of destabilization, control and arms proliferation in Mexico (as the Soviets did in Cuba in the 1960s)? If the US invaded Mexico preemptively it would be completely understandable…

Whether or not Putin is acting in the best interests of Russia doesn’t really matter.The war was inevitable anyway because NATO made sure it was impossible to avoid. But what purpose does such a proxy war serve? Well, it doesn’t serve much purpose at all…unless the goal is to instigate a wider world war between the East and the West. In that scenario the globalists benefit greatly.

They get a scapegoat for the economic collapse they’ve already set in motion. They multiply the global fear factor and make the public desperate for the political elites to step in and solve all their problems.=And, they can get rid of their domestic enemies (conservatives and patriots) by accusing them of “working with Russia” to undermine the war effort if they dare to rebel against unconstitutional mandates.

Beyond that, they also get an opportunity to send young men (who might rebel) off to the meat grinder in Ukraine so that there’s no new generation of freedom fighters to deal with.World War III is a win-win-win for the Davos crowd, as long as it doesn’t go full-on nuclear holocaustand wipe out their carefully crafted surveillance states.

But how do they turn the proxy war into a world war without looking like the bad guys? That’s the trick, isn’t it?

The proxy (in this case, Ukraine) would have to take actions that provoke Russia into an explosive outburst.Russia would have to utilize tactics or weaponry that puts a vast number of civilians at risk, requiring greater NATO involvement and perhaps even UN intervention. They need Russia to level a major city containing hundreds of thousands of civilians. They need Russia to drop MOABs or nukes. They need a dramatic war crime; otherwise, the western public is not going to support boots on the ground or agree to a military draft.

Popular support for monetary and military aid in Ukraine is waning quickly and Ukraine knows they are about to lose.The Kursk offensive looks like an act of desperation triggered by this reality.

The Kursk region has almost no modern strategic value. It’s a rural agricultural area with a limited industrial base. It does have natural gas pipelines that send energy to Europe, but that doesn’t help Ukraine. They’re already in trouble with Germany for blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. There is also a nuclear power plant in the area but it’s too far away for Ukraine’s troops to seize it (They could try to destroy it with drones and cause a nuclear incident, but this would have to be done covertly without Ukraine taking direct credit).

Mainstream strategists argue that the Kursk operation was designed to force Russia to move crack troops away from the Donbas front where they are making impressive gains. This would allegedly slow down Russia’s attrition based offensive and change the direction of the war. But if that was the plan, it failed miserably.


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880751 No.215842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521696 (021400ZSEP24) Notable: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

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Important Read


Ukraine’s troops in Kursk have reportedly been contained.Using NATO-style maneuver tactics to invade Kursk has also done nothing to slow Russia’s advanceas they are now primed to take the key city of Toretsk.They are also approaching Pokrovsk (the main staging ground for Ukraine’s forces in the east). These areas are heavily defended with long term entrenchments, but Russia is rolling right through them. The lines beyond these cities are thin or non-existent. Ukraine would immediately be forced to negotiate a cease fire.

Russia also launched the largest missile and drone strikes of the war in fifteen Ukrainian oblasts, causing even greater disruptions to utilities.This proves two things: The Russian military has NOT been diminished or crippled and they still have ample long range ordnance, despite what NATO officials originally claimed

There’s a reason why Kursk was so lightly defended by Russia – It’s not worth anything to Ukraine in terms of winning the war. That said,I would like to offer an alternative theory on why Ukraine made such a move…

The moment Ukraine crossed onto Russian soil the media and political narrative changed. The word today is that the Kremlin’s “red lines” are meaningless and that Ukraine has proven that Putin is “all talk” when it comes to nuclear weapons and metropolitan strikes. The discussion has turned to the use of US and European long range missiles deep into Russian territory. ==The Ukrainian government (with NATO behind it) is demanding that US and European officials allow them access to the big-boy toys.

Again, the Biden Administration has to at least appear resistant to this idea. They know if they openly give the green light to offensive ATACM strikes on Russian soil beyond the front that they will be seen as stepping over the line of logistical “support” into the realm of direct warfare with the Russians.Yes, I’m well aware that NATO intel and “advisers” have been on the ground in Ukraine since before the war began. The point is, it’s not official policy because the public would not accept it.

Long range strikes into Russia, I believe, will set in motion more Russian strikes on major cities in the west of Ukraine where the majority of the population lives. These areas have gone largely untouched during the duration of the war.Putin, despite what the media claims, has been careful to limit the targeting of larger civilian centers. That will end if NATO missiles hit Russian cities.

Kursk may have been an attempt to embarrass Russia into wild strikes on civilian targets, thereby giving NATO a reason to intervene. That’s one theory.Another theory is that the Kursk operation is designed to convince western policy makers and the public that there will be no nuclear repercussions; that Putin is all bluster and Ukraine should be given more advanced tools to bomb Moscow.

This narrative is largely promoted by the Atlantic Council, a globalist think-tank with ties to the World Economic Forum and the “Three Seas Initiative.” The Atlantic Council directly advises the Ukrainian government on all aspect of the war, including strategy through their Eurasian Center.They also advise NATO through their Scowcroft Center=. As their website notes:

“The Eurasia Center has worked tirelessly to respond to the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, using our well-respected and high-visibility platform and leveraging relationships in government, civil society, and the media to have great impact.The Eurasia Center offers recommendations directly to the U.S. administration and Congress, senior Ukrainian officials, European leadership, international media, and civil society. The Center tracks the military and political situation within Ukraine and advocates for stronger, faster measures to stall and mitigate the damage of the Kremlin’s war on Ukraine.”

I would argue that the Atlantic Council is the primary globalist “influencer” in the Ukraine war – The source for the majority of strategic decisions and propaganda. Their support of the ‘Three Seas Initiative” since 2014 has been the driving force ==in the effort to bring Ukraine into the EU and NATO (the primary reason why the war started in the first place).


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880751 No.215843

File: d811123c13ccaa7⋯.png (2.02 MB,960x1409,960:1409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521701 (021401ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 2, 2024

A Triangular Prominence Hovers Over the Sun

Why is there a triangle hovering over the Sun? Although the shape is unusual, the type of structure is not: it is part of an evolving solar prominence. Looping magnetic fields on the Sun channel the flow of energetic particles, sometimes holding glowing gaseous structures aloft for months. A prominence glows brightly because it contains particularly hot, dense, or opaque solar plasma. The surprising triangular structure occurred last week. Larger than our Earth, the iconic prominence was imaged by several solar photographers and documented by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory to form and violently dissipate in about a day. The featured image was captured in a color of red light emitted strongly by hydrogen. Below, solar fibrils carpet the Sun's chromosphere, while the background sky is so faint in comparison that no stars are visible. Our Sun's surface has been quite active this year.


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880751 No.215844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521726 (021405ZSEP24) Notable: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

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Lindsay Graham, a Neo-Con and rabid proponent of using Ukraine as a proxy to ignite a war with Russia, has been participating in Atlantic Council projects since at least 2010.

It’s the Atlantic Council and their media contacts, in my opinion, that are pushing for large scale missile strikes into Russia.They are also the source for the claim that Putin’s red lines are a fake out. They state on their website:

“Ukraine’s offensive is now posing serious questions about the credibility of Russia’s saber-rattlingand the rationality behind the West’s abundance of caution. After all, the Ukrainian army’s current invasion of Russia is surely the reddest of all red lines. If Russia was at all serious about a possible nuclear escalation, this would be the moment to make good on its many threats. In fact, Putin has responded by seeking to downplay the invasion while pretending that everything is still going according to plan.”

This is the same propaganda that has been spreading into most establishment media platforms in recent weeks. (As a side note, the Atlantic Council was also heavily involved in the funding of covid mandate and vaccine propaganda during the pandemic scare).

The idea that ballistic volleys into Russia using NATO supplied missiles won’t result in Putin using MOABs or nukes is truly insane. Keep in mind, long range strikes into Russia will do nothing to change the conditions on the ground in the Donbas.

Even if the globalists can’t convince western populations to give the thumbs up for ballistic attacks on Russia using weapons paid for with our tax dollars, the powers-that-be have a contingency plan.Ukraine has recently announced that they have developed their OWN long range ballistic missile,and those weapons supposedly don’t fall under the supervision of the US and Europe.

Eventually these kinds of strikes will lead to a Russian response that will appear brutal; and western warhawks will squeeze that event for all it’s worth. They’ll run with it straight to the Pentagon anddemand a plan for US military conscription. If this is the agenda then they’ll need to make it happen BEFORE the elections in November.

Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race.I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap. They already tried to do the same thing with the covid pandemic and the inflationary crisis.

The timing of the Kursk offensive and the call for missile strikes on Russia is not a coincidence. Trump claims that his intention is to end the Ukraine war as quickly as possible once he enters office. This will likely mean a leveraged peace settlement that will involve Ukraine giving up the Donbas region to Russia. ==If Trump is sincere, then there are many elites in the Atlantic Council, the WEF and NATO that will not be happy.

They need to escalate the war into something bigger, something that can’t be undone. Right now, the war can be ended – All it takes is some diplomacy and forcing Ukraine to understand that they’re not going to get the Donbas or Crimea back no matter how many lives they sacrifice.But if there are massive civilian casualties on either side, the situation becomes irreversible. I suspect this is what the globalists want.


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880751 No.215845

File: d71631fa35b7721⋯.png (132.97 KB,844x703,844:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 656ae79ca652420⋯.png (37.69 KB,422x346,211:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e95ff07fd64a10⋯.png (195.64 KB,877x677,877:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521766 (021412ZSEP24) Notable: Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

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>And the administration appointed Khizr Khan and Sharon Kleinbaum as new members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

>Khizr Khan gained notoriety in 2016 when

3 red banners

Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. The "Three Red Banners" also called the "Three Red Flags," consisted of the General Line for socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes.[1][2][3]

After the first Five-Year Plan, the People's Republic of China continued its socialist construction by introducing "Three Red Banners Movement". The General Line directed the Chinese people to "go all out, aim high, and build socialism with greater, faster, better, and more economical results."[2] By the end of 1958, nearly all Chinese peasants had been organized into communes averaging 5000 households each. All privately owned property was taken for or contributed to the communes and people were not allowed to cook their own food and instead ate in communal dining halls.

The Great Leap Forward, begun in 1958, was a campaign to rapidly modernize by using China's vast labor resources in agricultural and industrial projects. The Leap instead resulted in economic destruction and tens of millions of famine deaths, and had been mostly abandoned by early 1962. Membership in communes was gradually reduced in the early 1960s, with some private property ownership and enterprise again being allowed. The communes continued until being dismantled in the early 1980s under Deng Xiaoping

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880751 No.215846

File: 49b5ee8c299b3b8⋯.png (332.44 KB,814x1053,814:1053,Clipboard.png)

File: 35166dd2786bdda⋯.png (486.84 KB,813x1049,813:1049,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521815 (021419ZSEP24) Notable: I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

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Mike Yoder


Happy Labor Day, @finkd & @KamalaHarris

–– you've been sued.

I know you'd censor this too, if you could––but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

See you in court.

8:13 AM · Sep 2, 2024


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880751 No.215847

File: 7666396c36ba46b⋯.png (136.69 KB,541x569,541:569,Clipboard.png)

File: beae1756ef1be2b⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,720x816,15:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521836 (021420ZSEP24) Notable: Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

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NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore reports 'strange noise' coming from Boeing's Starliner spacecraft, 'I don't know what's making it'

September 2, 2024

On Saturday (Aug. 31) NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore noticed something weird inside the Starliner spacecraft.

Wilmore radioed down to Mission Control to ask about the bizarre noises heard emanating from Starliner's speakers while the spacecraft is currently docked to the International Space Station (ISS).

"There's a strange noise coming through the speaker," Wilmore tells Mission Control "I don't know what's making it."

Wilmore then holds a device to the speakers, allowing Mission Control to hear the pulsating sound occurring at regular intervals.

Mission Control at Johnson Space Center in Houston likens the sound to a "pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping."

Sounding rather relaxed, and unfazed by the whole situation, Wilmore replied "All right, over to you, call us if you figure it out."

Mission Control then informs Wilmore that the recording will be passed along to the team and they'll let him know what they find.

Former Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield commented on the situation in a post on X. In the post, you can hear the strange sound reported by Wilmore.

"There are several noises I'd prefer not to hear inside my spaceship, including this one that Boeing Starliner is now making," Hadfield wrote.

The unusual sound was initially reported by Ars Technica, referencing a recording originally captured and shared by Michigan-based meteorologist Rob Dale on the NASA Spaceflight (NSF) forum.

Starliner launched on June 5 for its first-ever crewed mission, transporting NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the ISS.

The capsule successfully docked on June 6.

Although the mission was initially expected to last around 10 days, NASA and Boeing extended the capsule's stay in orbit multiple times as they investigated a thruster issue.

Ultimately, NASA determined that returning Williams and Wilmore on Starliner was too risky.

The agency announced that the two astronauts would instead return to Earth aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule in February 2025.

Meanwhile, the Boeing capsule will return to Earth uncrewed.

It is scheduled to undock the ISS no earlier than 6:04 p.m. EDT (2204 GMT) on Sept. 6 and land six hours later in the White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico.


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880751 No.215848

File: bf2dda75426f77d⋯.png (66.76 KB,580x345,116:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521881 (021424ZSEP24) Notable: I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

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Elon Musk


There is growing evidence that fake judge @Alexandre engaged in serious, repeated & deliberate election interference in Brazil’s last presidential election.

Under Brazilian law, that would mean up to 20 years in prison.

And, I’m sorry to say that it appears that some former Twitter employees were complicit in helping him do so.

Anyone with examples or evidence to this effect, please reply to this post.

11:54 PM · Aug 31, 2024


>election interference

>Elon has evidence that Twitter employees are involved

>legal consequences coming

>the stage is set

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880751 No.215849

File: b2197095db54a98⋯.png (71.83 KB,593x376,593:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521899 (021427ZSEP24) Notable: Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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Scott Adams



Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If Harris declines, it looks sketchy on her part.

If Harris accepts, or not, it puts a proper fear in potential cheaters.

That plus large whistleblower awards would give pause to any cheaters.

8:33 AM · Sep 2, 2024


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880751 No.215850

File: 8287800711b25fe⋯.png (749.23 KB,923x744,923:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521956 (021434ZSEP24) Notable: FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

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FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data

Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

By Zachary Stieber




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880751 No.215851

File: d15d4c466f7c340⋯.png (465.21 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521974 (021436ZSEP24) Notable: PF Gitmo express on route…

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Gitmo express on route…


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880751 No.215852

File: 94dcdd3a0653fcb⋯.png (1.87 MB,1440x809,1440:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b222897bbb5fb8⋯.png (3.7 MB,1440x1773,160:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21521998 (021438ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Astronaut who spent 178 days in space shares 'big lie' he realized after seeing Earth

15:21 1 Sep 2024 GMT+1

Ex-NASA astronaut and author Ron Garan spent a whopping 178 days in space and it was a moment when he was looking down at Earth from the International Space Station which caused him to experience what's known as the 'Overview Effect'.

The 'Overview Effect' often takes place when astronauts go into space and look down and see Earth from that perspective for the first time.

The experience 'shift[s] […] the way astronauts view and think about our planet and life itself,' NASA explains.

Garan has accumulated 'more than 71 million miles in 2,842 orbits of our planet' coming to a total of 178 days, however, it was the moment he looked down at Earth which made 'certain things become undeniably clear'.

In an interview with Big Think, Garan explained: "We keep trying to deal with issues such as global warming, deforestation, biodiversity loss as stand alone issues when in reality they're just symptoms of the underlying root problem and the problem is, that we don't see ourselves as planetary'.

"When I looked out of the window of the International Space Station, I saw the paparazzi like flashes of lightening storms, I saw dancing curtains of auroras that seemed so close it was as if we could reach out and touch them and I saw the unbelievable thinness of our planet's atmosphere.

"In that moment I was hit by the sobering realization."

Garan was hit by the realization that our planet - and every living thing on it - is being kept alive by a 'paper thin layer'.

"I saw an iridescent biosphere teaming with life, I didn't see an economy, but since our human-made systems treat everything including the very life-support systems of our planet as the […] subsidiary of the global economy, it's obvious from the vanish point of space that we're living a lie," he continued.

The astronaut reflects on the moment as being a 'light bulb that pops up' when he realized 'how interconnected and interdependent we all are'.

Since returning from his mission, Garan 'continues to work towards a cleaner, safer and more peaceful planet,' urging others: "We need to move from thinking, economy, society, planet to planet, society, economy.

That's when we're going to continue our evolutionary process.

"[…] We're not going to have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality."


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880751 No.215853

File: 44b25ff5d6706ae⋯.png (40.49 KB,1351x305,1351:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522001 (021438ZSEP24) Notable: Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

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Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

Biden speaks to reporters before entering Situation Room

Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News

Published September 2, 2024 9:55am EDT | Updated September 2, 2024 10:12am EDT

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880751 No.215854

File: 0c88125eb2abbcb⋯.jpeg (88.18 KB,964x976,241:244,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522012 (021440ZSEP24) Notable: Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

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Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

By CDMStaff

September 2, 2024.1/2

“On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official channels of information sharing are reluctant to admit it.” — Jeffrey Tucker

Originally posted at Kunstler.com

You might wonder, as I do, whether Kamala Harris can even stay in the race until November 5. Based on her grim appearance in last week’s “interview” with Dana Bash, slumped at the table of a crummy Georgia café under poor lighting, her trademark cackle suppressed,she looked psychologically wilted. Don’t be surprised if late this week she “catches Covid” and asks to “postpone” the September 10 debate with Mr. Trump.

Consider the depressing reality of her situation, lately cloaked by the farcical “joy” motif put out by her party’s campaign spin doctors: First, the cabal running the White House bum-rushed “Joe Biden” out of the campaign, just hooked him offstage like a broke-down vaudevillian annoying the audience with his tired antics.Then, the same gang buffaloed Kamala onto center stage by some mystical process that disregarded her lack of preparation, her proven unpopularity in the 2020 primaries, and her near-invisibility in 3.5 years as veep.

For a couple of weeks her head must have been spinning with sheer intoxication at the amazing turn of events. Who wouldn’t be amazed to find him or herself unexpectedly selected to run for president?But now, post the artificial hoopla of the convention, the dread steals in.If she was previously used to self-medicating with chardonnay during the irksome veep years, imagine the pressure now on those campaign bus trips.

She has a lot to be afraid of. She’s not nimble of mind in the spotlight, and she knows it. When she tries to riff on anything off-the-cuff, all that comes out are laughable tautologies. She really doesn’t know much about the world, even about simple geography, certainly not the complex interplay of national interests. Her economic notions are a kind of Frappuccino® of processed Marxian sludge from the Berkeley cafés.If exposed regularly to even friendly reporters, she’d ignite howling embarrassment for herself(and the party). And, after all, there’s her record, including hundreds of videos on the Internet showing plainly the crazy policies she supports and now has to pretend to dissociate from.

Lurking behind her is not only the American intel blob of dark forces and sinister figures, but an international blob made up of malevolent groups within and throughout Western Civ, clearly working to bring it down— theEurocratswrecking their own countries’ agriculture and their industrial economies while jailing their opponents for thought crimes; theWEFerspushing the demented climate change agenda and ruinous migrant invasions;the bankerslooking to seize the “collateral” (property, chattels, investment portfolios) of a billion everyday citizens when the bond Ponzi scheme blows up, as it must;the WHO steered by Bill Gatesseeking to inject unsafe vaccines into everybody in order to greatly and quickly reduce the population;the Soros NGOlegions working to subvert the public interest here, there, and everywhere;the NATOwarmongers trying like hell to start World War Three. . . .Kamala Harris surely understands— if she understands anything — thatshe has become their chosen pawn, and is at their mercy(they have none).

She should be afraid especially of theAmerican blob. That combine of higher-ups inthe CIA, the DOD, the FBI, the DHS, the State Department, and Gawd knows how many lesser-known agencies and “black op” back offices, knows that it is in great danger if Mr. Trump happens to get elected (despite their best efforts to rig things). After all the trips laid on him, all the way up to attempted assassination,you can be sure that Mr. Trump will be coming after the cabal for committing real and serious crimes. They are running scared now.Despite all the power seemingly at their command, nothing has availed so far — not lawfare, not bullets — to stop Mr. Trump’s implacable march back into the Oval Office, where he could possibly succeed in turning the USA back into a functioning republic….


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880751 No.215855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522019 (021441ZSEP24) Notable: Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

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Poor Kamala Harris is the blob’s wholly inadequate instrument to fend off this fate. If she continues to perform badly, the blob might not hesitate to try getting rid of her. That may be the blob’s last chance of stopping the election from happening altogether. The nation has never been in the predicament of having the head of a ticket resign or die in the homestretch of an election campaign. There is no provision in the Constitution for it because there are no provisions in the Constitution for political parties per se. It would all be a kind of improv.

And then, of course, America would be stuck with the unfit and incapable “Joe Biden,”heading the government, at least until something else can be worked out. Maybe that working out would just be the final stage of the coup that has been in motion, really, since 2016 when John Brennan, Barack Obama, and James Comey attempted to oust Mr. Trump with RussiaGate.Some kind of “interim commission” might be formed to “solve” the problem of the cancelled election. They’ll look for someone with “proven ability” to serve as provisional president — maybe, someone who has already been president. . . say,Mr. Obama. Voila and fait accompli! If he finds himself appointed rather than elected, he would not be in defiance of the 22ndAmendment.

Okay, now try re-thinking how scared Kamala Harris must be.


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880751 No.215856

File: 5145a2ca41c1bcc⋯.png (416.7 KB,746x934,373:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522032 (021442ZSEP24) Notable: DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

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>>Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

She helped turn Google into an internet juggernaut and became one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley.

Listen to this article · 6:09 min Learn more

A woman in a leather jacket and white T-shirt sits against a dark background.

Susan Wojcicki in 2019.Credit…Peter Prato for The New York Times

John YoonMike Isaac

By John Yoon and Mike Isaac

Published Aug. 10, 2024Updated Aug. 17, 2024


>"At least seven seniorFacebook executives have announced their departures this year."

>Nothing to See Here.




>Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube


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880751 No.215857

File: d6037c1cdeaf173⋯.jpg (47.39 KB,679x355,679:355,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522033 (021442ZSEP24) Notable: Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

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Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation


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880751 No.215858

File: 29a525afb1b3e3f⋯.png (548.34 KB,750x422,375:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522046 (021444ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA finds this on Mars and is already looking for life: It’s the biggest discovery in history


In the Appendix, three papers by NASA researchers report that liquid water has been found on Mars’s surface.

This finding could lead to a revolutionary method for studying Mars and looking for life on the planet.

This unprecedented finding was made on August 12, 2024, based on materials obtained from the Mars Insight Lander spacecraft, launched in 2018.

Seismic activity recorded by the InSight lander during its four years on the red planet included more than 1,300 ‘Marsquakes’, which aided the researchers in understanding the Martian interior structure and composition.

It is a significant scientific breakthrough in research on Mars that offers new data about its ability to sustain life and geological activities.

Liquid water in any state has fascinated researchers as they looked for evidence of liquid water on Mars.

From the seismic wave data, it was found that subsurface water is present. The procedures scientists used resembled a search for water sources on Earth.

These water sources are situated at depths between 10 and 20 kilometres deep.

This discovery offers concrete data supporting the historical hypothesis about the disappearance of water on Mars’s surface.

It means that the volume of water estimated here could cover the Mars surface to more than half a kilometre in depth if it were to spread out.

It essentially means that this discovery is significant progress in understanding Mars’s geology and the planet’s current state.

Dr Vashan Wright of the University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography research team involves more than 1,300 Marsquakes recorded by the Insight lander.

These discoveries indicate that such water reservoirs are not rare but could exist worldwide and occupy a substantial underground ocean that has evaded saturation mapping for Billions of years.

Well-water springs unlock the opportunity to dwell beneath the soil. The deep biosphere of Earth helps explain the possibility of microbial life on Mars.

There is a hypothesis that chemosynthetic microbes can exist deep in Martian rocks.

They note that the recent discovery of methane plumes on Mars may suggest the existence of life forms. Scholars are now discussing how to continue the study of these water reservoirs.

Despite the severe conditions on the surface of Mars, subsurface areas could be more conducive for life.

This discovery once again brings back the concept of planetary habitability and that of extraterrestrial life within the solar system.

To support the idea of extremophiles living in these deep aquifers, the authors paired the concept to similar biospheres on Earth that have microbial life located in deep waters and underground devoid of sunlight or organic carbon because they derive theirs from rocks and minerals.

Mars: ‘Getting to deep Martian water is not a piece of cake in terms of technology’. However, it is impossible to penetrate Mars and travel 10-20 kilometres beneath the red planet’s surface.

Maybe there is another way to get there – through mud volcanoes.

The Mars Sample Return mission might be helpful. Other methane plumes might give researchers the indirect evidence they need for further research.

Strategic objectives may include calls for strategic long-term goals like improved drilling methods.

The search for Martians might continue for several decades or centuries if more astrobiological missions were conducted or if newer, better technology was developed.

Researchers are still exploring other geophysical instruments, including ground-penetrating radar and other remote sensing technology, that may provide a better definition of these subsurface water resources.

They can use this information to pinpoint the areas with the highest potential for mission and exploration.

Thus, discovering liquid water deposits beneath the Martian surface significantly advances space exploration. This discovery not only changes the concept of Mars’s geology but also significantly contributes to the presence or absence of microbial life on our planet Mars.

Continuing the mission of searching for new Martian areas to inhabit, the comparisons are once again referring to the Earth’s deep hot biosphere inhabited by tough microorganisms.

Future tasks will remain challenging and novel, requiring new concepts and approaches to study these subterranean environments.

Still, this finding has initiated a new search for Mars, which refers to scientific curiosity and the public’s imagination. It is the type of question that is on the brink of being answered with the help of science, bringing people closer to the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life.


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880751 No.215859

File: 0381fe4ecc79880⋯.mp4 (526.49 KB,414x380,207:190,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522066 (021447ZSEP24) Notable: Don't Tread On Me

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880751 No.215860

File: 61a1df2c28ddf3b⋯.png (439.62 KB,595x491,595:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522091 (021451ZSEP24) Notable: I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

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The Gateway Pundit


X/Twitter Exposes Brazil Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes’ Crimes, Human Rights Violations, and the Dark Truth Behind Social Media Ban https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/x-twitter-exposes-brazil-supreme-court-justice-alexandre/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=x-twitter-exposes-brazil-supreme-court-justice-alexandre


3:48 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215861

File: dceb37cf6d48840⋯.png (158.25 KB,415x518,415:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522111 (021454ZSEP24) Notable: I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

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JUST IN - Brazil's Supreme Court forms majority and upholds Alexandre de Moraes' nationwide X ban.



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880751 No.215862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522126 (021457ZSEP24) Notable: Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

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If any anons are watching what's happening in Massachusetts, you know that there are several cases involving allegations of corruption in the Mass State Police, the law enforcement agency that the lesbian governor (Maura Healey) oversees AND from which Healey pulls her girlfriends, from time to time.


She will not stay in office.

You heard it here first.

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880751 No.215863

File: 973ceef4c49b386⋯.png (986.07 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 12776b0e3a8cec6⋯.png (721.72 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e4932f8c5d3a5b⋯.png (699.4 KB,958x539,958:539,Clipboard.png)

File: d16dd3263808b60⋯.png (487.92 KB,959x621,959:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 43bdeec3ce20f42⋯.png (2.02 MB,1440x1404,40:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522144 (021459ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Space Scientists Invent Futuristic VR Simulations For Moon Astronauts

Updated Sep 2, 2024, 08:40am EDT

The first American astronauts set to touch down on the Moon in the new millennium will not blast off for another 700 days, but now they can begin exploring potential landing sites by jacking into Matrix-style simulations of its cratered South Pole sector.

Simultaneous revolutions in space-based imagers and laser scanners, and in virtual reality modelling toolkits, are giving rise to VR doubles of real-life lunar scenes that appear to be identical twins.

“We are building very high resolution, photorealistic digital twins of potential Artemis III landing sites,” and then developing these into cutting-edge virtual replicas of the orb’s ancient plains and hypervelocity impact craters, says Kip Hodges, who as founding director of Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration helped transform the university into one of the top American space studies centers and research nodes.

“The best available imagery from lunar orbit today is provided by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter,” which also sends out pulses of laser beams to chart the topography of the terrain, he told me in an interview.

“We are now using images and laser scans from the orbiter” to create geometrically precise VR models of the lunar surface.

“One application of virtual planetary environments that is attracting attention is in mission design and planning.

Mission planners can use them to design the safest and most efficient extravehicular activities,” Professor Hodges says.

“They are excellent training tools for astronauts preparing for landings and surface exploration.”

Astronauts selected for the elite Artemis missions can use these simulations to plan their sorties and memorize their surroundings, Hodges says, and in the process limit their time outside their SpaceX spacecraft, and their exposure to hazardous solar and cosmic radiation.

“There is a limit to how long they can stay outside of the hab - the Starship - a finite amount of time even with the new generation space suits,” says Professor Hodges, a one-time member of NASA’s Space Advisory Council who has helped NASA train American, Canadian, and Japanese astronauts on surface operations.

His team’s digital dioramas are part of a Big Bang-like burst of space-tech demos being launched in the run-up to aeronauts returning to the black and silver globe - featuring inventions by independent space outfits that could change the course of exploration, Professor Hodges says.

Intuitive Machines - the first commercial spaceflight group on the planet to orchestrate a soft landing on the Moon earlier this year, aims to loft a second remotely piloted spacecraft this December, carrying a robotic photographer developed by Lunar Outpost that will survey the periphery of the pole and transmit the images back to Earth.

Professor Hodges says his Digital Discovery Initiative group is joining forces with Lunar Outpost, which is despatching the rover-photographer on its 380,000-kilometer distant shooting assignment, to sculpt the new images into an immersive virtual guide to the sector.

His team’s digital doppelgängers, rich with close-up imagery captured by Lunar Outpost, could help astronauts and Mission Control at NASA survey the site in exquisite detail and sketch out follow-up expeditions of the future.

Recognition of the pivotal role virtual clones of the Moon can play in advance of the human landings is now exploding: Researchers at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center have proposed integrating satellite imaging data with the agency’s “scientific models, point clouds and LIDAR data, and engineering, CAD-based models” across a series of virtual training simulations for astronauts and spaceflight planners outfitted with leading-edge VR headsets.


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880751 No.215864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522145 (021500ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Thomas Grubb, AR/VR Product Development Lead at Goddard, who teamed up with five colleagues to present blueprints to recreate the Moon inside the realm of virtual reality, said their super-real VR orb would feature “accurate lighting models for specified dates and times to simulate changes in the relative position of the sun and shadows during the timeframe of a robotic or crewed surface mission.”

“The goal is to create a VR environment of the Lunar South Pole for scientific evaluation of dynamic surface conditions (sunlight, geology, topography) to plan & visualize activities on future missions,” the Goddard scholars said in their study.

This advanced VR twin of the Moon would have the “capability for a group working remotely to explore the same VR space in real-time together.”

Trekking through virtual looking glass doubles of lunar worlds, Professor Hodges says, is likely to explode in the run-up to the spacefarer sojourns that will start in 2026.

Astronauts spread out across NASA and the European and Japanese space agencies, via their avatars, could all circumnavigate the Pole’s alien geography, and collectively schedule their sequel lunar liaisons, he says.

“I see this as an important step toward democratizing planetary science,” he says of the world-spanning reach of his Virtual Moon platform.

“Virtual reality is such a global phenomenon that scientists in Australia, Asia, Europe, and Africa could conduct virtual field geology together at the same time as part of the same team.”

Each time a colossal SpaceX Starship alights on the Moon, its pilots can quickly deploy a squad of rovers equipped with cameras and lasers to map their extraterrestrial environs.

Upon receiving these images and point clouds, Professor Hodges says, his group could speedily model a virtual mirror of the scene and beam it back to the astronauts at the speed of light.

The same platform could be used to connect up scientists involved in the Artemis program with the astronauts as they explore the surface of the Moon, with a slight delay as communications travel 1.3 light-seconds in each direction between the Earth and its age-old companion.

Professor Hodges adds that his Digital Discovery team and other ASU scholars have also begun creating virtual models for other celestial destinations slated for human exploration ahead.

“We are already hard at work building digital twins using Mastcam-Z imagery from Mars,” an incredible array of photographs produced by the Perseverance rover charting the ghosts of rivers and lakes that once animated a world that floats along the outer boundary of the solar system's habitable zone.

It turns out Perseverance is the greatest droid-photographer across the planet’s orange-red dunes, and his twin Mastcam-Z cameras have captured a fantastical stream of images.

An ever-expanding cosmos of simulations of the Moon and of Mars, Professor Hodges predicts, will be tapped to train the next waves of American and allied astronauts, along with future generations of space scientists and engineers spread out across the continents.


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880751 No.215865

File: c1dcdab22c4b485⋯.png (363.81 KB,593x830,593:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522158 (021502ZSEP24) Notable: Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

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Wall Street Apes


Aurora Colorado is The Kamala Harris Agenda

“You cannot convince me that our government is not involved in the Venezuelan gang situation taking over apartment complexes in Colorado.”

“You're gonna tell me that an international gang is taking over people's homes, their apartments, with illegal ARs, and the government's not doing anything about it. Law enforcement's not doing anything. National Guard's not doing anything.

Like, clearly, our government is letting this happen.”

9:36 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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880751 No.215866

File: 53a17af579f27d4⋯.png (191.78 KB,836x735,836:735,Clipboard.png)

File: c864f7f9682bd8d⋯.png (305.91 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

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File: bad71b85f55c078⋯.png (52.92 KB,544x119,32:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522167 (021505ZSEP24) Notable: Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

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>You cannot convince me that our government is not involved in the Venezuelan gang situation taking over apartment complexes in Colorado.”

>“You're gonna tell me that an international gang is taking over people's homes, their apartments, with illegal ARs, and the government's not doing anything about it. Law enforcement's not doing anything. National Guard's not doing anything.

>Like, clearly, our government is letting this happen.”

Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants

'Gang members have not taken over' an Aurora apartment complex, police said, despite terrifying video circulating social media.

CNNWire logo

Monday, September 2, 2024 4:34AM

Terrifying moment armed 'gang members' storm apartment complex before shootout

A home security camera captured the moment armed alleged gang members stormed into an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, on Sunday, August 18.

A home security camera captured the moment armed alleged gang members stormed into an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, on Sunday, August 18.

AURORA, Colo. - Concern is growing in Aurora, Colorado over the presence of a Venezuelan gang.

There have been reports that members of Tren de Aragua gang took over an apartment complex in the city. Police have not verified those claims.

Video circulating on social media shows a group of men trying to break into an apartment unit on Sunday, August 18.

The footage, taken by the security camera of resident Edward Romero, shows several men carrying firearms in front of a door, with two of them appearing to force it open.

Romero told reporters the video was taken shortly before a shootout took place inside the apartment complex. Romero also said he has moved out since the incident occurred.

The apartment complex, called The Edge at Lowry, had already seen neighbors complaining about a massive trash pile and alleged criminal activity.

The alleged gang activity is creating problems for migrants in the area.

They say the gang is ruining the reputation of migrants who don't cause trouble and are just trying to make a life for themselves here in the United States.

Groups representing them say the migrants are trying to get housing and jobs, but some in the community are reluctant to help fearing they may be part of a gang.

Aurora Police Department officers have been proactively patrolling areas where there is suspected Tren de Aragua activity.

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880751 No.215867

File: ec581f4214e07b1⋯.png (67.09 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522182 (021507ZSEP24) Notable: Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

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Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

September 2, 2024

When astronomers combed through an ancient Hindu text known as the Rig Veda, they discovered that it referenced a total solar eclipse that occurred roughly 6,000 years ago — making it the oldest known mention of an eclipse.

The Rig Veda, a collection of sayings and hymns from various religious and philosophical schools, was compiled around 1500 B.C. Like nearly all religious texts, it mentions historical events. Most are contemporary to when it was written, but some stretch back much further.

For example, various passages in the Rig Veda mention the location of the rising sun during the vernal equinox. One reference describes the vernal equinox as occurring in Orion, and another has it occurring in the Pleiades.

These descriptions allow astronomers to date those references, because as Earth spins on its axis, it wobbles like a spinning top, changing the relative position of important astronomical events.

Currently, the vernal equinox is in the constellation Pisces. It was in Orion around 4500 B.C. and in the Pleiades around 2230 B.C., meaning the Rig Veda recorded some memories of events far earlier than its compilation.

The Rig Veda's language is highly symbolic and allegorical, making it difficult to discern which stories are myths and which are historical.

But two astronomers — Mayank Vahia of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai and Mitsuru Soma of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan — think they've found references to an ancient eclipse.

They reported their findings in the Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.

The passages are flowery but fitting for an eclipse, describing the sun as being "pierced" with darkness and gloom and proposing that evil beings had caused the sun's "magic arts to vanish."

The astronomers noted that these passages do not reference the story of Rahu and Ketu, which is a more recent Hindu mythology surrounding the eclipse, indicating that these passages were described before those stories were created.

Further passages helped the astronomers narrow down the time frame of the solar eclipse. It occurred when the vernal equinox was in Orion, and it also happened just three days prior to an autumnal equinox.

It was also a total solar eclipse, and it must have happened over the area where the eventual writers of the Rig Veda lived.

The astronomers found that only two possible dates fit these criteria: Oct. 22, 4202 B.C., and Oct. 19, 3811 B.C. Both of these dates are earlier than the current record holders for the oldest mention of an eclipse — a clay tablet, unearthed in Syria, that recorded an eclipse in either 1375 B.C. or 1223 B.C., and a rock carving in Ireland that might reference an eclipse in 3340 B.C.

The newfound reference in the Rig Veda highlights how total solar eclipses captivated people in antiquity and how ancient texts can contribute to our present-day knowledge of celestial events.



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880751 No.215868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522199 (021509ZSEP24) Notable: Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

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Maura Healey is fucked.

She knows it.

Look how far she is now, compared a few years ago.

This worthless treasonous Communist cunt is fully fucked.

And her buddy,Michelle Wu, is under criminal investigation, too.


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880751 No.215869

File: 806182260a4cf53⋯.png (168.91 KB,1366x727,1366:727,Clipboard.png)

File: e6ebd6438f501e7⋯.png (234.38 KB,1366x727,1366:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 1228be86898b3ae⋯.png (537.72 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522214 (021511ZSEP24) Notable: Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

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'''CIAplans to move division to Denver

Originally published''' May 6, 2005 at 12:00 am

The CIA plans to relocate the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations and recruitment in the United States…

Share story

By Dana Priest

WASHINGTON — The CIA plans to relocate the headquarters of its domestic division, which is responsible for operations and recruitment in the United States, from the CIA’s Langley, Va., headquarters to Denver, a move designed to promote innovation, according to U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement officials.

About $20 million has been tentatively budgeted to relocate employees of the CIA’s National Resources Division, officials said. A U.S. intelligence official said the planned move, confirmed by three other government officials, was being undertaken “for operational reasons.”

A CIA spokesman declined to comment. Other current and former intelligence officials said the Denver relocation reflects the desire of CIA Director Porter Goss to develop new ways to operate under cover, including setting up more front corporations and working more closely with established international firms.

Associates of Goss said yesterday the move was also in keeping with his desire to stop the growth of CIA headquarters and headquarters-based group-think, something he criticized frequently when he was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Other CIA veterans said such a relocation would make no sense, given Denver’s relative distance from major corporate centers. “Why would you go so far away?” one asked. “They will get disconnected.”

The main function of the domestic division, which has stations in many major U.S. cities, is to conduct voluntary debriefings of U.S. citizens who travel overseas for work or to visit relatives, and to recruit foreign students, diplomats and businesspeople to become CIA assets when they return to their countries. It was unclear how many CIA employees would relocate to Denver under the plan.

Although collecting information on U.S. citizens under suspicion for terrorist links is primarily an FBI function, the CIA may also collect information on citizens under limited circumstances, according to a 1981 executive order.

The Denver move is tentatively scheduled for next year.

Colorado has become a major intelligence hub since Sept. 11, 2001.

The Denver suburb of Aurora is home to the little-known Aerospace Data Facility. Located at Buckley Air Force Base, it has become the major U.S.-based technical downlink for intelligence satellites operated by the military, the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office,according to military and government documents obtained by William Arkin, author of “Code Names,” a book about secret military plans and programs.

About 70 miles away, the U.S. Northern Command, based at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs, is tasked with homeland defense.


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880751 No.215870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522229 (021513ZSEP24) Notable: Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

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>If any anons are watching what's happening in Massachusetts, you know that there are several cases involving allegations of corruption in the Mass State Police, the law enforcement agency that the lesbian governor (Maura Healey) oversees AND from which Healey pulls her girlfriends, from time to time.


This story strangely under the radar here. and It's pretty Yuge. Mass State Police also "investigated" a certain chef that "drowned" on Martha's Vineyard

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880751 No.215871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522242 (021515ZSEP24) Notable: Q's on pols n minors

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Sep 02, 2020 12:53:16 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f84976 No. 10504503

How is blackmail used?

Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.

Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.

Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.

Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.

Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.

Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.

Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.

Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.

Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.

Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.

Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.

Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.

Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.


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880751 No.215872

File: 6ce78fb715bc67d⋯.png (140.6 KB,722x635,722:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b82145d5af8aef⋯.pdf (355.63 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522263 (021519ZSEP24) Notable: Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

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>This story strangely under the radar here. and It's pretty Yuge. Mass State Police also "investigated" a certain chef that "drowned" on Martha's Vineyard

possible start of FBI DOJ redemption arc. They appear to be doing someting right for a change

Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

By Howie Carr Last updated Aug 28, 2024 1,966

Here’s indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell, charged with murder of his pregnant girlfriend in Canton in 2021, which was initially ruled a “suicide.”



Same crew of cop investigators who are trying to frame Karen Readfor another unsolved murder in Can-UHN. Coming later: affidavits filed by feds.

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880751 No.215873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522266 (021520ZSEP24) Notable: Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

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880751 No.215874

File: c3217d08e9c0991⋯.png (1.52 MB,970x646,485:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 04d1a8d6603207f⋯.png (1.52 MB,970x646,485:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522295 (021525ZSEP24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Astrophotographer captures Comet C/2023 E1 Atlas in rare encounter with Flying Bat and Squid Nebula

September 2, 2024

This striking deep-sky image details a cosmic cacophony of nebulas, stars and a periodic comet with an orbital period of 85 years.

The rare encounter was captured in exquisite detail by astrophotographer Miguel Claro.

A deep-sky portrait captured in different wavelengths between Ha, OIII and RGB light, features a large reddish cloud of glowing hydrogen gas from the Sh2-129, known as the Flying Bat nebula.

The nebula, with a physical diameter of 271 light-years, seems to have embedded a blueish giant Squid Nebula which spans across the center 50 light-years long.

Discovered in 2011 by French astrophotographer Nicolas Outters and located in the constellation Cepheus, the very faint bipolar shape of this planetary nebula (stars like our sun transform themselves into white dwarfs by casting off their outer gaseous) is distinguished here by the blue-green emission from doubly ionized oxygen atoms (atoms of oxygen that have lost two electrons).

Although an extra greenish diffuse ball is visible close to the edge of the Flying Bat's reddish wings, it’s not a new type of fancy nebula, but a rare encounter with a solar system visitant, the lonely, faint Comet C/2023 E1 Atlas, shinning with a dimmer 14.7 magnitude.

Comet C/2023 E1 Atlas orbits the sun every 85 years at an average distance of 19 AU (an astronomical unit (AU) is exactly 149,597,870,700 meters (92,955,807 miles or 149,597,871 kilometers), according to the International Astronomical Union (IAU). This is roughly the average distance between Earth and the sun.)

Among the 11 nights between July and August that I spent shooting the Flying Bat nebula to accumulate a total exposure time of 39.5 hours, I was very lucky to capture Comet C/2023 E1 Atlas on Aug. 5, 2023, around 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT) using the Anit-Halo PRO Dual-Band 3nm from Player One.

Because I captured Ha and OIII at the same time, it allowed for the green coma of the comet to become visible in my filtered light for being emitting in the same wavelength where OIII emission lies in the G and B channels.

If it was only Ha, I would have missed it because it was totally invisible in this narrowband red channel.

to the left edge, are lying nebulas VdB 140 and LDN 446.

The image was captured from Dark Sky Reserve Alqueva Observatory, Cumeada, in Portugal, with a Poseidon-C Pro Camera.


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880751 No.215875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522297 (021525ZSEP24) Notable: A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

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BREAKING: Yet another church in France is in flames.

This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

Why does this keep happening?

SHARE - The media won't show you this 👇


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880751 No.215876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522386 (021543ZSEP24) Notable: #26367

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#26367 >>215817

>>215818 63 Days to WINNING

>>215819 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>215821, >>215826, >>215839 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>215823 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>215822, >>215825 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>215827 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>215828 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>215829 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>215830 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>215831 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>215832 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>215833, >>215838 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>215834, >>215875 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>215835 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>215836, >>215837 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>215840 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>215841, >>215842, >>215844 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>215843, >>215847, >>215852, >>215858, >>215863, >>215864, >>215874 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>215845, >>215847 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>215846, >>215848, >>215860, >>215861 I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>215849 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>215850 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>215851 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>215853 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>215854, >>215855 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>215856 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>215857 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>215859 Don't Tread On Me

>>215866, >>215865, >>215869 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>215867 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>215871 Q's on pols n minors

>>215872, >>215873, >>215862, >>215868, >>215870 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522422 (021548ZSEP24) Notable: #26367

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#26367 >>215817

>>215818 63 Days to WINNING

>>215819 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>215821, >>215826, >>215839 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>215823, >>215824 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>215822, >>215825 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>215827 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>215828 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>215829 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>215830 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>215831 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>215832 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>215833, >>215838 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>215834, >>215875 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>215835 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>215836, >>215837 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>215840 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>215841, >>215842, >>215844 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>215843, >>215847, >>215852, >>215858, >>215863, >>215864, >>215874 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>215845, >>215847 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>215846, >>215848, >>215860, >>215861 I know you'd censor this too, if you could-–but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>215849 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>215850 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>215851 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>215853 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>215854, >>215855 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>215856 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>215857 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>215859 Don't Tread On Me

>>215866, >>215865, >>215869 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>215867 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>215871 Q's on pols n minors

>>215872, >>215873, >>215862, >>215868, >>215870 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

>>215876 #26367

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215880

File: 9dcedcd26d21c80⋯.png (650.26 KB,1255x1294,1255:1294,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e463c28d566a68⋯.png (614.43 KB,606x592,303:296,Clipboard.png)

File: ab4aa01c7d959c0⋯.png (628.12 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 196a1e154d55b0f⋯.png (175.48 KB,640x853,640:853,Clipboard.png)

File: a8c3c05bae54235⋯.png (349.11 KB,499x358,499:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522406 (021546ZSEP24) Notable: #26368

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215881

File: e89151e7065aa89⋯.png (2.1 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522445 (021553ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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Exclusive: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

Priscilla Alvarez

By Priscilla Alvarez, CNN

4 minute read

Updated 11:46 AM EDT, Mon September 2, 2024

The United States has seized Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane after determining that its acquisition was in violation of US sanctions, among other criminal issues. The US flew the aircraft to Florida on Monday, according to two US officials.

It’s the latest development in what has long been a frosty relationship between the US and Venezuela, and its seizure in the Dominican Republic marks an escalation as the US continues to investigate what it regards as corrupt practices by Venezuela’s government.

The plane has been described by officials as Venezuela’s equivalent to Air Force One and it has been pictured in previous state visits by Maduro around the world.

“This sends a message all the way up to the top,” one of the US officials told CNN. “Seizing the foreign head of state’s plane is unheard-of for criminal matters. We’re sending a clear message here that no one is above the law, no one is above the reach of US sanctions.”

CNN has reached out to the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice and State Department for comment.

The situation in Venezuela has had implications for US politics as millions flee the country, many of whom have chosen to migrate to the US-Mexico border.

For years, US officials have sought to disrupt the flow of billions of dollars to the regime. Homeland Security Investigations — the second largest investigative agency in the federal government — has seized dozens of luxury vehicles, among other assets, heading to Venezuela.

The plane — estimated to cost around $13 million — had been in the Dominican Republic in recent months. US officials didn’t disclose why, but it presented an opportunity for US officials to seize the aircraft.

Multiple federal agencies were involved in the seizure, including Homeland Security Investigations; Commerce agents, the Bureau of Industry and Security; and the Justice Department.

US officials worked closely with the Dominican Republic, which notified Venezuela of the seizure, according to one of the US officials.

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880751 No.215882

File: 4e7d58ac366f71f⋯.jpeg (157.55 KB,1132x645,1132:645,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522461 (021558ZSEP24) Notable: Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

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2 Sep, 2024 14:25

Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft

A petition to decrease the upper age of mobilization from 60 to 50 has passed the threshold for mandatory consideration

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky is now obliged by law to consider whether older citizens should be exempted from military service,after an online petition passed a threshold of support.

The plea on the site of the Ukrainian presidency urging thereduction of forced conscription from the current age of 60 to 50 has received over 25,000 signatories, as of Monday. The petition argues that the move would benefit the country economically, since many Ukrainian men prefer to work off the books to avoid the draft.

Some Ukrainian lawmakers and military officials have argued that the country needs to start mobilizing even younger people to get more able-bodied and tech-savvy men on the frontline.

The position is shared by some of Kiev’s foreign supporters,such as Ivo Daalder, the former US ambassador to NATO. He argued in July that Kiev needs young adults in their late teens and early 20s on the battlefield.

Earlier this year, Zelensky reduced the age of draft eligibility from 27 to 25 as part of a sweeping military reform to conscript more troops to fight Russia. Kiev seeks to boost enrollment through the streamlining of the draft process and the introduction of heavy punishments for avoidance.

Kiev claimsthat its mobilization drive is progressing well, butthat Western failure to provide enough arms to equip new recruits is holding it back. It also wants permission to use donated weapons for long-range strikes deep inside Russia.

Media reports, however, contradict this narrative. Draft avoidance remains a major issue that has crippled budget income, as men participating in the workforce prefer to fly under the radar, being paid in cash. Prime Minister Denis Shmigal declared last week that his government was introducing a “fight or work”regime in the economy to collect more taxes.

Meanwhile, the quality of recruits sent to the front line is so poor that some don’t know basic tactics or how to use a firearm, Ukrainian military leaders and veteran soldiers have complained to the Associated Press.

“Some people don’t want to shoot. They see the enemy in the firing position in trenches but don’t open fire,” a frustrated battalion commander told the news agency last month.

Moscow has warned that the West is using Ukrainian soldiers as ‘cannon fodder’ with Kiev’s complicity.


(Wait till citizens of the world find out very few if any Ukrainians are fighting a war)

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880751 No.215883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522484 (021606ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

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This article is more than 15 years old

Obama wants Lula as next World Bank president, Brazilian magazine says

This article is more than 15 years old

Appointment of non-US citizen would symbolise commitment to fighting global poverty

Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent

Tue 2 Jun 2009 18.47 BST


Barack Obama has reportedly tapped Brazil's president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to be the next head of the World Bank.

The US president, as Bill Clinton did in 1995, is said to be ready to break with the tradition of appointing US citizens in order to install an outsider who would symbolise a commitment to fighting global poverty.

Lula, an immensely popular leader at home and abroad, has indicated he would be "honoured" to take the job at the bank after he steps down as Brazil's president in 2011, according to the Brazilian magazine Exame.

Marcelo Onaga, a columnist for the respected business weekly, reported that the US state department had sounded out senior officials in Brasilia over the proposal and received a positive response.



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880751 No.215884

File: 7bfb1da81d3b43a⋯.jpeg (107.8 KB,1150x657,1150:657,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522490 (021608ZSEP24) Notable: West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine - Putin

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2 Sep, 2024 07:20

West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine – Putin

The “destructive strategy” to paint Russia as the enemy is to blame for the conflict, the president has said

The Ukraine conflict stems from long-standing Western ambitions to control the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. The Russian leader made the comments in an interview with Mongolian newspaper Onoodor, ahead of his visit to the country on Monday.

“For decades, they [the West] have sought total control over Ukraine.They funded nationalist and anti-Russian organizations there; they persistently worked to convince Ukraine that Russia was its eternal enemy and the main threat to its existence,” Putin stated.

The Russian leader referred to the 2014 Maidan coup in Kiev, saying it was orchestrated by the US and its “satellites” and driven by “radical neo-Nazi groups” in Ukraine, which, Putin claimed, continue to determine the country’s policies.

The Kremlin has listed the “denazification” of Ukraine as one of the key objectives of the current military operation.

“The hatred for everything Russian has become Ukraine’s official ideology. The use of the Russian language has been increasingly restricted, and the canonical Orthodoxy has been subjected to persecution, which now has come to the point of a direct ban,” Putin added.

Last month, Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky signed into law legislation enabling any religious group suspected of having ties to Russia to be banned. The bill effectively threatens to shut down the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), the largest faith organization in the country. The UOC has historical ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is the natural outcome of the “destructive strategy of the West towards Ukraine,”Putin said.

The Russian leader is scheduled to visit Mongolia on Monday for a World War II commemoration. He is expected to attend a ceremony honoringthe 1939 Battle of Khalkhin Gol, in which the decisive victory of the Red Army and its Mongolian allies over the Imperial Japanese Army secured the Soviet Union’s eastern flank until 1945.

The visit would theoretically put the Russian leader at risk of arrest on the International Criminal Court’s “war crimes” warrant, as Ulaanbaatar recognizes the ICC’s jurisdiction. The court has insisted that Mongolia has an “obligation to cooperate.” However, Moscow “has no concerns” about the ICC warrant, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, noting that all possible issues concerning Putin’s visit have been “worked out separately” in advance.


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880751 No.215885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522498 (021609ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

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Putting forward such a figure for the World Bank would boost Obama's credibility as a new broom who was sweeping away Bush-era unilateralism. Ceding control of US taxpayer dollars to a non-American could prompt unease in Congress, but Lula's labour background makes him popular with Democrats.

Michael Shifter, at the Inter-American Dialogue thinktank, was sceptical about the mooted appointment. "Obama clearly likes Lula a lot but I doubt he has taken any serious steps in pursuing this."


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880751 No.215886

File: 259cf1152298700⋯.png (259 KB,434x591,434:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522508 (021611ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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The United States has seized an aircraft belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, citing violations of US sanctions and other criminal concerns. According to two US officials, the plane was flown to Florida on Monday after being seized in the Dominican Republic.

Badlands Media (https://badlandsmedia.tv/us-seizes-venezuelan-presidents-aircraft-amid-escalating-tensions/)

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880751 No.215887

File: 11b32da6cbde198⋯.jpeg (148.63 KB,1130x642,565:321,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522521 (021614ZSEP24) Notable: Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

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2 Sep, 2024 08:13

Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov says Washington’s foreign policy gives no cause for optimism

A reported US decision to change its nuclear doctrine could severely undermine global security, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned.

The New York Times reported last month thatthe administration of President Joe Biden had approved a new version of a highly classified nuclear strategy in March, with changes focused on China’s growing nuclear capabilities. According to the newspaper, the document takes into account possible “coordinated nuclear challenges” from China, Russia and North Korea.

In an interview with TASS news agency on Sunday, Ryabkov said that while it was premature to comment on the specifics of the new strategy,as it has not yet been publicly announced, the early signs are worrying.

Given the overall extremely destructive foreign policy course of Washington, any ‘innovations’ can be expected, including extremely destabilizing ones,” he said.

The deputy foreign minister stressed thatRussia is also changing its nuclear doctrine, citing “escalatory” actions by the Westamid the Ukraine conflict. The official noted that Russia is currently fine-tuning its nuclear policy, but declined to specify a deadline.

This is “quite a complex matter, given that we are talking about the most important aspects of ensuring our national security”.

Moscow’s nuclear posture stipulates that it can deploy its nuclear arsenal only “in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened.”

Russian officials have on numerous occasions said they have no plans to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine, and that while Moscow is working to update its nuclear doctrine,it still operates on the premise that nuclear powers will never have to engage in a full-scale atomic war.

The US and Russia hold the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, with around 5,000 and 5,500 warheads, respectively. The two powers are also signatories to the New START Treaty, which limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550.China, which is estimated to have around 500 nukes, has signaled that it has no plans to join the treaty.


This does not sound good at all.

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880751 No.215888

File: 912b52963d4b936⋯.png (29.26 KB,566x279,566:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522522 (021614ZSEP24) Notable: 6 yr delta

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6 yr delta

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880751 No.215889

File: 2370019f81361eb⋯.png (11.98 MB,6043x3591,6043:3591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522523 (021614ZSEP24) Notable: CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

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all LB:

>>215869 2005 C_A moves HQ to Colorado


see pic rel graphic from DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215890

File: b2b525190d89ea0⋯.png (632.12 KB,793x531,793:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522526 (021615ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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Who was on Maduro's plane?

Were they repatriated?


Does Venezuela have ties to the upcoming election?

If so, how?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215891

File: 6767b97199644cc⋯.png (4.31 MB,3505x3051,3505:3051,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522528 (021615ZSEP24) Notable: CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

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Roswell/DIA "Sister Airports" Graphic

pic rel

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880751 No.215892

File: 6ef8bc31d7027ba⋯.png (864.36 KB,744x539,744:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522530 (021615ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

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"It is more or less like that poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade: Bill Clinton loved Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who did not like George W. Bush, who got along very well with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was well received by Barack Obama, but did not return the affection. Now the former U.S. president has taken revenge.

Obama has just released his first memoir reflecting on his time in the White House. He recalls the famous phrase with which he toasted the then president of Brazil at a G-20 meeting; pointing to Lula, he said, “That’s my man.”"

hmm, where have i heard andrade before …

what a tangled web obama weaves..

Edward Snowden?

Operation Car Wash?



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880751 No.215893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522545 (021619ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

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'Lava Jato,' the Brazilian trap

Something is rotten in the state of Brazil. The entire country is being hit by a series of simultaneous crises, a kind of perfect storm - economic recession, environmental disasters, extreme political polarization, Covid-19… and now the sinking of the judicial system. Another thunderclap in an already heavy sky that had nevertheless been filled with hope seven years ago, when a young judge named Sergio Moro had launched, on March 17, 2014, a vast anti-corruption operation called "Lava Jato" ("Car Wash"), involving the oil giant Petrobras, construction companies and an impressive number of political leaders.

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Something is rotten in the state of Brazil. The entire country is being hit by a series of simultaneous crises, a kind of perfect storm - economic recession, environmental disasters, extreme political polarization, Covid-19… and now the sinking of the judicial system. Another thunderclap in an already heavy sky that had nevertheless been filled with hope seven years ago, when a young judge named Sergio Moro had launched, on March 17, 2014, a vast anti-corruption operation called "Lava Jato" ("Car Wash"), involving the oil giant Petrobras, construction companies and an impressive number of political leaders.

In one fell swoop, the impetuous man and his team of prosecutors, supported by the judiciary and the media, were going, at last, to clean up and save Brazil! Numbers were impressive: 1.450 arrest warrants were issued, 533 indictments filed and 174 people convicted. No less than twelve Brazilian, Peruvian, Salvadorian and Panamanian heads of state or ex-heads of state were implicated. And the colossal sum of 4.3 billion reais (610 million euros) was recovered to the public coffers in Brasilia. Even former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, adored by a majority of Brazilians, could not resist the wave, as he found himself behind bars.

And then suddenly, nothing, or almost nothing. In less than two months, the sprawling investigation collapsed like a soufflé. At the beginning of February, the federal Public Prosecutor's Office announced the end of the "Lava Jato," dismantling its main team of prosecutors with a coldness that was unheard of. Then a Supreme Court justice ordered that the charges against Lula be dropped. Fifteen days later, on March 23, it was the turn of Brazil's highest court to rule that Judge Moro had been "biased" in his investigation.

Irregularities and confusion

The world's largest anti-corruption investigation, as one Supreme Court justice called it, has become the biggest judicial scandal in the country's history. After more than seven years of proceedings, the very heart of the Brazilian justice system has just disavowed the form and substance, opening up an abyss of questions about its methods, its means and its choices.

One hundred and eight articles published to date have, in turn, lifted the veil on the compromising messages exchanged between the prosecutors and Judge Moro, shed a harsh light on the links maintained, sometimes outside of any legal framework, by Brazilian prosecutors with agents of the US Department of Justice (DoJ), and highlighted the political bias of certain members of the "Lava Jato,"

the rest of the article you have to pay to read…


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880751 No.215894

File: f76cda98364901c⋯.png (29.31 KB,534x403,534:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522546 (021619ZSEP24) Notable: 6 yr delta

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note: had a quick look at this, if you use the alphabet and minus the letter through the alphabet, is shows below acrynom.

not quite sure where that leads, but there are many different cyphers to crack codes. below is just the basic one.


top line is both chambers (house/senate) in session tomorrow.

where once there was dark

there is now light.

C - 3 A - A 5 - 5-6


E -4

L -4

C = A

D = V

5-6 = P

D = C

E = C

L = H




Sep 03, 2018 6:29:27 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a68ba4 No. 2863057

Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.

Where once there was [D-1]ARK

Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT


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880751 No.215895

File: c58f841fe5ca7c7⋯.jpeg (229.95 KB,1284x1905,428:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 94dde51cb7bf7ba⋯.jpeg (376.61 KB,1185x1687,1185:1687,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522549 (021620ZSEP24) Notable: They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

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They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can


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880751 No.215896

File: 08254be74a9c1c9⋯.png (275.26 KB,608x698,304:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d3e1fc09e4dfd1⋯.mp4 (628.88 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3423dd4fdd50c1e⋯.mp4 (994.67 KB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522560 (021622ZSEP24) Notable: A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

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Shadow of Ezra


A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him and forced a sack over his head after the warship arrived at the port of Izmir.

"Go home, Yankee!" shouted one man in the crowd.

This is all happening as Turkey applies for BRICS membership, which is likely to create significant tension with NATO.



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880751 No.215897

File: 9d88678501f2be5⋯.png (129.57 KB,360x240,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522562 (021622ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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Sergio Moro

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880751 No.215898

File: 9bf8550475c7ab1⋯.jpeg (412.18 KB,1209x1205,1209:1205,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522579 (021626ZSEP24) Notable: PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

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PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

by Tsarizm StaffSeptember 2, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the quiet part out loud today, declaring there are no nations hostile to Russia, only ‘hostile elites’.

Of course, he was speaking of Western nations, primarily NATO members.However, Putin declined to lump the CCP into this list of hostile globalists…which is strange because the historical mistrust between Chinese and Russian elite communists is well documented.

“We do not reject anything: we don’t have hostile languages, we don’t even have hostile countries.We have hostile elites in some countries that have been fighting against Russia for centuries in order to weaken our country because they think it is too big. They think that they are threatened by a big country like Russia, and they try to slow down our development,” Putin said today while visiting a Russian school.

He added that hostile elites were obsessed with the idea of dismembering Russia, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

In reply to a schoolgirl’s question about the development of relations with China, Putin said that the People’s Republic of China had no such intentions toward Russia.

“The People’s Republic of China and Russia are allies in every sense of the word.We first of all pool our efforts in the economy, culture and humanitarian ties,” Putin said, added TASS.


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880751 No.215899

File: d14a7c3f39264cf⋯.png (508.49 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522591 (021628ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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>the plane was flown to Florida on Monday after being seized in the Dominican Republic.

https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=5002e3>the plane was flown to Florida on Monday after being seized in the Dominican Republic.

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880751 No.215900

File: 3c499ae394d8ac4⋯.jpeg (303.24 KB,992x1578,496:789,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 634e0bbc12dcfb8⋯.jpeg (337.59 KB,956x1576,239:394,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e97ad04f3c1b295⋯.jpeg (195.58 KB,1005x827,1005:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522621 (021635ZSEP24) Notable: UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

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UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

Staff WriterAugust 31, 2024

UPDATE: There is push back on this article. We are going to present both sides and the reader can make up his own mind…

We received this link refuting BOUNGIORNO analysis…

Good intentions can result in Big Problems

And we received this information supporting BOUNGIORNO:

Palm Beach Candidate for supervisor of elections Jeff Boungiorno has released information showing massive breach of the county's election systems. The data shows similar coding artifacts from Mesa County, CO of Tina Peter's fame.

Time stomping is a technique used to alter the timestamps on files or directories in a computer system, often to cover tracks or to make it appear as if certain files were created, accessed, or modified at different times than they actually were. In the context of a Windows operating system, time stomping can be accomplished using various methods and tools.

Common Methods of Time Stomping in Windows:

Using the touch Command:

The touch command in Windows, when available, can be used to create or update the timestamp of a file. This is more common in Unix-like systems, but similar functionality can be replicated in Windows using PowerShell or other tools.

PowerShell Commands:

You can use PowerShell to modify the timestamps of files. For example:powershellCopy code(Get-Item "C:pathtofile.txt").LastWriteTime = "01/01/2020 12:00:00" This command will change the "Last Write Time" of the specified file to the date and time provided.

Using the SetFileTime API:

Windows provides the SetFileTime API, which can be accessed through programming languages like C++ or Python to modify the creation, access, or modification times of a file.

Third-Party Tools:

There are various third-party tools specifically designed to perform time stomping, such as Timestomp. These tools are often used by penetration testers and sometimes by malicious actors to alter file timestamps.

Manipulating System Time:

Another approach is to change the system clock on the Windows machine, create or modify the files while the system time is set to the desired date, and then revert the system clock. This method is less commonly used because it may leave other traces.

Forensic Implications:

Time stomping can make forensic analysis more challenging, as it obscures the true timeline of file activity. However, forensic tools often look for inconsistencies in the metadata or use other artifacts to detect time stomping.

Example of Changing Timestamps Using PowerShell:

powershellCopy code$file = Get-Item "C:pathtofile.txt"

$file.CreationTime = "01/01/2020 12:00:00"

$file.LastWriteTime = "01/01/2020 12:00:00"

$file.LastAccessTime = "01/01/2020 12:00:00"

This script will change all three timestamps (creation, last write, and last access) of the specified file to January 1, 2020, at 12:00 PM.

Mitigating Time Stomping:

To mitigate the effects of time stomping, security teams should:

Correlate timestamps with other system logs (e.g., event logs, security logs).

Use advanced forensic tools that can detect inconsistencies or signs of timestamp manipulation.

Monitor for the usage of time-stomping tools or suspicious PowerShell commands.


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880751 No.215901

File: a7c71796f7cbd84⋯.png (446.12 KB,504x654,84:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522627 (021637ZSEP24) Notable: Musk Moraes headed to prison

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880751 No.215902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522629 (021638ZSEP24) Notable: Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

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>the rest of the article you have to pay to read…

fuck that


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880751 No.215903

File: 26c07e009b1c708⋯.mp4 (7.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522632 (021639ZSEP24) Notable: interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

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interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax.

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880751 No.215904

File: 33fe684947d064e⋯.jpeg (294.34 KB,1252x1963,1252:1963,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b5e3ca8d7b0703⋯.jpeg (428.56 KB,1211x2102,1211:2102,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522639 (021640ZSEP24) Notable: China probably got them from Afghanistan

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China probably got them from Afghanistan


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880751 No.215905

File: 57ed34b08211809⋯.png (379.46 KB,673x527,673:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522641 (021640ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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880751 No.215906

File: 984bfe57086c03d⋯.png (197.12 KB,334x244,167:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522644 (021640ZSEP24) Notable: Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

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So, during a heated war, in the middle of a war zone, the UN says we urgently need to enter the war zone to vaccinate children against polio???

Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system using flawed PCR tests that can be manipulated. A UN report admitted that the virus that was found was vaccine-derived.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) have targeted children aged between one day and 10 years to receive the type two poliovirus vaccine, to be administered as two doses of novel/new oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2). Critics predict that the new oral polio vaccine, instead of the polio ‘virus’, will be the cause of illness in vaccinated children.

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 40,700 Palestinians, including close to 17,500 children. Instead of allowing food and water into Gaza and rebuilding sanitation systems, polio vaccines will be forced on the population under the claim of concern for children. In the past, vaccines have caused illness, death and sterility. JW Williams



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880751 No.215907

File: dc1e21d0a0f84f4⋯.jpeg (486.17 KB,1466x1416,733:708,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b2ef7cb2cc2b07a⋯.jpeg (243.99 KB,1484x894,742:447,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522646 (021641ZSEP24) Notable: 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

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Kamala Harris Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

In a 2020 conversation with Reverend Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris, then a presidential candidate, made a bold promise that still resonates today. When asked if she would sign a bill to initiate the process of paying reparations to African Americans if elected, Harris didn’t hesitate. “When I am elected President, I will sign that bill,” she declared. This statement highlights her commitment to addressing one of the most complex and controversial issues in American history: reparations for slavery.

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880751 No.215908

File: 5a4304f13c67c84⋯.png (165.37 KB,591x642,197:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522654 (021642ZSEP24) Notable: The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

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Kyle Becker


BREAKING: BIG NEWS in the U.S. Senate!

The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

That means Democrats must vote to protect elections from illegal alien votes or be responsible for a shutdown.


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880751 No.215909

File: 45e3f437945a4f6⋯.png (648.96 KB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522655 (021642ZSEP24) Notable: Musk Moraes headed to prison

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880751 No.215910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522659 (021643ZSEP24) Notable: FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

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FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations, New Report Finds

The US Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the FBI mishandles tips regarding sexual abuse against children.

Of nearly 4,000 child sexual abuse cases opened by the FBI between October 2021 and February 2023, the IG’s office reviewed 327 and found 42 cases that needed “immediate attention.” In 47% of incidents reviewed by the IG, they found no evidence that FBI employees complied with mandatory reporting requirements to state and local law enforcement agencies, and in 50% of cases, they found no evidence that they reported the allegations to social services agencies. In one case, FBI agents failed to follow up on an allegation involving abuse against a minor by a registered sex offender, which led to the offender victimizing at least one additional minor for 15 months.

Meanwhile, an estimated 300,000 migrant children are unaccounted and may be trafficked, according to a government report released last week. And FBI head Christopher Wray continues to waste money and resources to justify the claim that ‘white supremacy’ is the largest threat to America.




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880751 No.215911

File: fb15b0a53f7652e⋯.png (57.67 KB,595x283,595:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522663 (021644ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat - they don’t want to offend their customers!

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Elon Musk


The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat – they don’t want to offend their customers!

Democrat Party is literally the party of criminals.

11:32 AM · Sep 2, 2024

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880751 No.215912

File: 9f49984327c0932⋯.png (492.99 KB,776x521,776:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522665 (021645ZSEP24) Notable: Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

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Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans

can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

New York Post, by Geaorge Caldwell , Victoria Churchill & Victor Nava

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/2/2024 11:16:32 AM

Supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris are rallying behind her campaign despite admitting that they can’t say where she stands on most big issues — as the Democratic nominee continues to flip-flop on major policies. Harris, 59, has reversed her stances on energy issues, health care and illegal immigration since replacing President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, in an apparent effort to make herself more electable to moderates in key swing states. Harris’ abandoned policy positions include her pledges to eliminate private health insurance, decriminalize illegal border crossings, ban fracking for oil and natural gas, and ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 —

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880751 No.215913

File: 4c98cca408d1891⋯.jpeg (469.47 KB,1284x797,1284:797,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522666 (021645ZSEP24) Notable: Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

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2 SEP, 09:19

FACTBOX: Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

Over the day, Russian troops repelled six attacks by Ukrainian assault groups towards Borki, Komarovka, Korenevo and Cherkasskoye Porechnoye

MOSCOW, September 2. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 350 troops and 14 armored vehicles in the Kursk Region in the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The enemy's total losses since fighting began in the region are more than 8,900 troops.

Over the day, Russian troops repelled six attacks by Ukrainian assault groups towards Borki, Komarovka, Korenevo and Cherkasskoye Porechnoye. The Russian army also thwarted attempted attacks on Olgovka and Kremyanoye.

TASS has gathered the key facts about the situation.

Operation to neutralize Ukrainian forces

- The Northern battlegroup units, backed by army aviation and artillery fire, repelled six attacks by enemy assault groups towards Borki, Komarovka, Korenevo and Cherkasskoye Porechnoye over the past day.

- The Russian military foiled Ukraine’s attempts to attack Olgovka and Kremyanoye.

-Russian jets struck Ukrainian reserves in 14 settlements of the Sumy Region.

Ukraine’s losses

- In the last 24 hours, the enemy lost more than 350 servicemen, 14 armored vehicles, an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier, 12 armored combat vehicles, three artillery pieces, three US-made HIMARS MLRS launchers, a mortar, two Buk-M1 SAM launchers, a mobile Buk-M1 SAM control station, a HIMARS MLRS transport and loading vehicle, a Buk-M1 SAM transport vehicle, a US-made ANT/PQ-50 counter-battery radar and 12 vehicles.

- In total, Ukraine lost more than 8,900 servicemen, 80 tanks, 38 infantry fighting vehicles, 70 armored personnel carriers, 549 armored combat vehicles, 261 vehicles, 65 artillery pieces, 19 multiple rocket launchers, including six HIMARS, two MLRS, seven anti-aircraft missile launchers, two transport and loading vehicles, 14 electronic warfare stations, seven counter-battery radars, an air defense radar, six pieces of engineering equipment, including two engineering demolition vehicles and one UR-77 mine-clearing vehicle.

Early voting

- More than 19% of all Kursk Region voters cast their ballots during five days of early voting in the local government elections, the regional election commission reported citing its chairwoman Tatyana Malakhova.

Statements by local authorities

- The situation in the town of Lgov in the Kursk Region remains tense but under control. City officials, law enforcement agencies and public utilities are working hard to maintain some semblance of normalcy in the area, mayor Alexey Klemeshov said on his Telegram channel.


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880751 No.215914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522667 (021645ZSEP24) Notable: Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

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Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza

Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB1XsX902HU 1min 30 secs

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880751 No.215915

File: 610eff79a79d179⋯.jpeg (605.86 KB,1125x1411,1125:1411,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522671 (021646ZSEP24) Notable: Dems labor day in vain

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880751 No.215916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522673 (021646ZSEP24) Notable: Musk Moraes headed to prison

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He Is Brazil’s Defender of Democracy. Is He Actually Good for Democracy?

Alexandre de Moraes, a Brazilian Supreme Court justice, was crucial to Brazil’s transfer of power. But his aggressive tactics are prompting debate: Can one go too far to fight the far right?

When Brazil’s highway police began holding up buses full of voters on Election Day, he ordered them to stop.

When right-wing voices spread the baseless claim that Brazil’s election was stolen, he ordered them banned from social media.

And when thousands of right-wing protesters stormed Brazil’s halls of power this month, he ordered the officials who had been responsible for securing the buildings arrested.

Alexandre de Moraes, a Brazilian Supreme Court justice, has taken up the mantle of Brazil’s lead defender of democracy. Using a broad interpretation of the court’s powers, he has pushed to investigate and prosecute, as well as to silence on social media, anyone he deems a menace to Brazil’s institutions.

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880751 No.215917

File: f6e8a587b5bc5a3⋯.png (1.05 MB,1010x691,1010:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d5045b0b17f914⋯.png (229.68 KB,563x570,563:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522674 (021646ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

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Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary…

September 2, 2024 (4 hours ago)

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880751 No.215918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522679 (021648ZSEP24) Notable: On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

Four days before Brazilians vote, President Jair Bolsonaro’s political party formally claimed, without evidence, that government employees could alter ballots.

For months, officials in Brazil and across the international community have watched President Jair Bolsonaro cast doubt on Brazil’s voting systems, growing increasingly worried that the far-right leader was setting the stage to dispute an election loss.

Late Wednesday, the president gave them more reason to worry. In a surprise move less than four days before the vote, Mr. Bolsonaro’s political party released a document that claimed, without evidence, that a group of government employees and contractors had the “absolute power to manipulate election results without leaving a trace.”

It was among the most significant attacks yet against Brazil’s election system. The party said that it reached its conclusion based on an audit of the election system it commissioned in July, and that it was releasing the information now because election officials had not sufficiently responded.

Brazil’s electoral authority immediately responded on Wednesday. The document’s conclusions “are false and dishonest, with no backing in reality” and are “a clear attempt to hinder and disrupt the natural course of the electoral process,” the agency said in a statement. The Supreme Court said it was now investigating the president’s party for releasing the document.

The document delivered a jolt to the presidential race that already had the nation on edge. The attempt to discredit the voting systems just days before the election heightened fears that, in the face of worsening poll numbers, Mr. Bolsonaro was preparing to challenge the results of Sunday’s vote.

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880751 No.215919

File: 2037a05aa6b1b11⋯.png (531.73 KB,660x448,165:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 20dff0bebf95661⋯.png (41.19 KB,597x385,597:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522681 (021648ZSEP24) Notable: Moar NASA

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NASA says 'pulsing sound' inside Boeing Starliner has stopped, won't impact slated return

Update 11:34 a.m. ET Sept. 2, 2024

A mysterious sound heard emanating from the Boeing Starliner spacecraft has been identified as feedback from a speaker, NASA said in a statement Monday assuring the capsule's autonomous flight back to Earth is still slated to depart as early as Friday.

"The feedback from the speaker was the result of an audio configuration between the space station and Starliner," NASA said, adding that it's "common" to experience noise and feedback.

The statement said the "pulsing sound" has stopped.

"The crew is asked to contact mission control when they hear sounds originating in the comm system," NASA said.

"The speaker feedback Wilmore reported has no technical impact to the crew, Starliner, or station operations, including Starliner’s uncrewed undocking from the station no earlier than Friday, Sept. 6."


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880751 No.215920

File: 729048c5d9b59d5⋯.png (394.23 KB,807x620,807:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522686 (021649ZSEP24) Notable: California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

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California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

by Daily Caller News Foundation

September 2, 2024 at 12:29 pm

in News, Wire

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880751 No.215921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522697 (021651ZSEP24) Notable: On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

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>President Jair Bolsonaro cast doubt on Brazil’s voting systems

source (which is oddly filtered) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/world/americas/election-bolsonaro-brazil-fraud. html

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880751 No.215922

File: de47d213d6bffa7⋯.jpeg (499.31 KB,1150x1776,575:888,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bc8187ddda9aa47⋯.jpeg (186.05 KB,1051x1209,1051:1209,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522708 (021653ZSEP24) Notable: US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

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RRN sounds more believable now

BREAKING: US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

By Staff July 19, 2024

Editor's Note: There have been attempts by interested parties to say the US Army personnel were not involved in the assault. This is false. There were multiple eye witnesses from which we have documented testimony. In addition, here is a slow motion segment of the end of the video, where you can see the US Army fatigues approach Senator Moore at the 16 second point, right before the phone is knocked out of his hand.

In addition, you can view Senator Moore's testimony in the video below where he verifies it was the US Army soldier who knocked the phone out of his hand.

In January of this year, GA State Senator Colton Moore surprised an illegal immigrant trafficking operation being run at night through Hartsfield International Airport. Upon finding the room where the migrants were being processed, Moore was assaulted by two U.S. Army soldiers, who physically accosted him and knocked the phone out of his hand. The entire video clip can be viewed below.

Moore's colleagues later told The Georgia Record, the guards proceeded to scream, and curse at them and chase Moore's group out of the airport concealed area.

The Georgia Record requested help from Montana's Restore Liberty (hat tip) to identify the unit from the patch on the soldier's arm recovered from the video of that night's incident. The unit has been finally identified as the 194th Armored Brigade at Fort Moore, GA, outside Columbus.

GA State Senator Colton Moore/Chief Of Staff Assaulted By US Military Guards In Atlanta Airport After Sting To Catch Migrant Trafficking Operation

Senator Colton Moore Testifies Before Georgia Senate Describing Trafficking Being Conducted Through Hartsfield Airport Under The Watch Of The U.S. Military

One of the African migrants involved reportedly had a nervous breakdown at the scene and was quoted as screaming over and over again he 'had to get to Chatsworth, Georgia'.

Many questions arise out of this information:

Why is an active duty US Army unit, which trains armor and infantry, guarding an illegal migrant trafficking operation of fighting-aged men?

Why was a migrant so insistent he 'had to get to Chatsworth, GA?'

Why is Governor Kemp enabling this operation?

Why hasn't the Atlanta Journal Constitution covered this incident?

The 194th Armored Brigade is a separate brigade of the US Army. All armor, cavalry, and armor and cavalry mechanic soldiers, and Marines in equivalent specialties, are trained by the 194th under the armor component of the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning), Georgia, where the 194th has been garrisoned since 2012, writes Wikipedia.

Both squadrons of the 194th Armored Brigade, are charged with the mission of training the U.S. Army's enlisted Cavalry Scouts.

The 194th Armored Brigade was reactivated at Fort Benning, now Fort Moore, Georgia where it serves as One Station Unit Training. It consists of:

30th Adjutant General Battalion (reception)

Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC)

2nd Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment

1st Battalion, 81st Armor

5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Regiment

The 194th Armored Brigade is commanded by Col. Gregory W. McLean.


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880751 No.215923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522709 (021654ZSEP24) Notable: Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

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BREAKINGSix killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police

12:30 PM · Sep 2, 2024



Full article:


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880751 No.215924

File: c3077fdb8c7a11b⋯.png (1022.35 KB,1410x1180,141:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 29ec1e56d064b57⋯.png (2.3 MB,1420x9360,71:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522722 (021656ZSEP24) Notable: On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

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>https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/world/americas/election-bolsonaro-brazil-fraud. html


original is PAYWALLED.

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880751 No.215925

File: 19f216b45a28bf4⋯.png (35.63 KB,594x460,297:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522725 (021657ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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Bill Melugin


NEW: Per US official, the US has seized Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro's airplane in the Dominican Republic, and HSI flew it back to the US in Fort Lauderdale, FL this morning. I'm told the $13 million plane is Maduro's version of Air Force One, used for state visits around the world, and it was seized in violation of sanctions laws and export controls, specifically, a violation of US executive order 13884, signed by President Trump in 2019.

Per US official, this was the result of a joint investigation between HSI and the US Dept of Commerce.

The plane is a Dassault Falcon 900-EX.

Relations between the US and Venezuela have been very frosty in recent years.

5:31 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522726 (021657ZSEP24) Notable: US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

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clown town Virginny

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880751 No.215927

File: cca349a7f55dd5f⋯.png (400.98 KB,590x638,295:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522734 (021659ZSEP24) Notable: Musk Moraes headed to prison

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Elon Musk


Unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of 𝕏 and SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too.

Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial.






BREAKING: U.S. seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro's airplane in the Dominican Republic, CNN.

5:57 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215928

File: 80522e8693ce0de⋯.png (408.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522743 (021702ZSEP24) Notable: On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

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On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

Four days before Brazilians vote, President Jair Bolsonaro’s political party formally claimed, without evidence, that government employees could alter ballots.

For months, officials in Brazil and across the international community have watched President Jair Bolsonaro cast doubt on Brazil’s voting systems, growing increasingly worried that the far-right leader was setting the stage to dispute an election loss.

Late Wednesday, the president gave them more reason to worry. In a surprise move less than four days before the vote, Mr. Bolsonaro’s political party released a document that claimed, without evidence, that a group of government employees and contractors had the “absolute power to manipulate election results without leaving a trace.”

It was among the most significant attacks yet against Brazil’s election system. The party said that it reached its conclusion based on an audit of the election system it commissioned in July, and that it was releasing the information now because election officials had not sufficiently responded.

Brazil’s electoral authority immediately responded on Wednesday. The document’s conclusions “are false and dishonest, with no backing in reality” and are “a clear attempt to hinder and disrupt the natural course of the electoral process,” the agency said in a statement. The Supreme Court said it was now investigating the president’s party for releasing the document.

The document delivered a jolt to the presidential race that already had the nation on edge. The attempt to discredit the voting systems just days before the election heightened fears that, in the face of worsening poll numbers, Mr. Bolsonaro was preparing to challenge the results of Sunday’s vote.

“They released the report right now because they’re afraid they’re going to lose,” said Mauricio Santoro, a political scientist at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. “They’re trying to create some kind of excuse for Bolsonaro supporters on why.”

Mr. Bolsonaro has trailed former leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in polls since last year. If no candidate receives 50 percent of the vote on Sunday, the top two finishers will compete in a runoff on Oct. 30. Mr. da Silva’s support has ticked up in recent weeks, and it looks increasingly likely that he could win outright on Sunday. Mr. Bolsonaro has claimed, without evidence, that the polls are systematically wrong.

Mr. Bolsonaro has also claimed that Brazil’s electronic voting systems are vulnerable and that Mr. da Silva’s supporters are planning to rig them to steal the election. In July, he called foreign diplomats to the presidential palace to lay out his evidence, which turned out to be years-old news about a hack that did not threaten the voting machines. He has also enlisted Brazil’s military in his fight with election officials, raising fears that the armed forces could support any effort to hold onto power.

Observers across the world have been alarmed that Mr. Bolsonaro appears to be following in the footsteps of former President Donald J. Trump. On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution that urged the White House to condemn Mr. Bolsonaro’s efforts to undermine the elections and reconsider its relationship with any Brazilian government that is not democratically elected.

Leaders in Brazil’s Congress, courts and armed forces have said that they would not abide by any efforts to reject voters’ will, but many say privately that they are concerned that Mr. Bolsonaro’s supporters will react violently to a loss. In July, three out of every four supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro told Brazil’s most prominent polling company that they trusted the voting machines only a “little” or not at all.

There is no evidence of past widespread fraud in the system.

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880751 No.215929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522745 (021702ZSEP24) Notable: On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

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>There is no evidence of past widespread fraud in the system.

On Wednesday night, news of the document quickly spread among Mr. Bolsonaro’s supporters on social media, with people sharing right-wing articles about the allegations and conspiracy theories that said it proved what Mr. Bolsonaro had been alleging. One YouTube video about it quickly attracted more than 100,000 views in just a few hours. A conservative congresswoman, Carla Zambelli, was one of the first to post the document on social media, sharing it with her 1.9 million followers on Twitter.

However, many other politicians, including Mr. Bolsonaro, did not mention it online. In its statement on Wednesday night, the electoral authority reminded elected officials and candidates that they could be impeached or prohibited from running if they shared false allegations about the voting system. That swift reaction likely prevented wider dissemination of the document among politicians.

Election officials could also revoke the registration of Mr. Bolsonaro’s conservative political party, called the Liberal Party, if it was found guilty of spreading misinformation about the voting systems, though that would only happen after the election.

The document said that the July audit found 24 flaws in the election system’s security. A rough summary of the audit, it specified just a few of those alleged flaws, including that election officials used poor cybersecurity policies, that they did not properly vet relationships with suppliers and that they did not fully protect the employees who control the machines’ computer code from “irresistible coercion.”

Election officials’ delay in fixing those alleged security gaps “could result in internal or external breaches of the electoral systems, with a serious impact on the October election results,” the document said.

Cybersecurity experts also dismissed the claims.

“Some points are old complaints,” said Diego Aranha, a Brazilian computer scientist who has studied the election system. “Others are completely fabricated.”

Marcos Simplicio, a researcher at the University of São Paulo who tests Brazil’s voting machines, said the document made gross exaggerations about the risks to the system.

He said that like most computer systems, there is a group of engineers that controls the code that underpin the voting machines, but there are multiple security checks to prevent that code from being surreptitiously altered. There are also tests to ensure that the machines are counting votes properly on Election Day.

Even if there was a conspiracy to change the code before the election, Mr. Simplicio said, it would likely require a sophisticated, coordinated effort by a group of engineers to pull off.

“It’s really hard to keep a secret this big between two people,” he said. “Imagine 20.”

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880751 No.215930

File: e2f2bd4465ae993⋯.png (442.71 KB,1727x903,1727:903,Clipboard.png)

File: 8955c4f82b72ecb⋯.png (572.1 KB,1740x869,1740:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fb43e43ce26509⋯.png (650.56 KB,1730x891,1730:891,Clipboard.png)

File: d7e850dc256dedc⋯.png (408.97 KB,1733x851,1733:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522761 (021704ZSEP24) Notable: KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

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see below no: 31 - pb


note: screenshot article with archive link below, too long to post.

>>215040, >>215043, >>215044, >>215045, >>>/qresearch/21515951 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris - Politico article 8th nov 2020 (she is funded by soros anon believes, call to dig) patterns, thick as shit and a talking head who is told what to do and say.

newsom - obama - open justice, and she let off steve munchin who handed blackrock a contract to buy up all assets.

big players getting bigger as she progressed.


55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

A trailblazing prosecutor-turned-politician sits on the cusp of history.

By Catherine Kim and Zack Stanton

08/11/2020 06:51 PM EDT

Catherine Kim is an editorial intern at POLITICO.

Zack Stanton is digital editor of Politico Magazine.



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880751 No.215931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522774 (021706ZSEP24) Notable: Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

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NEW - Today, the Taliban ordered Afghan officials to start enforcing "strict new morality laws," including:

- Women prohibited from raising their voice

- Women have to cover their face and body

- Women should only leave home "out of necessity"

- Men cannot wear shorts above the knee

- Men are instructed to trim their beard

- Photos of living beings are prohibited

- Music cannot be played in public

- Non-Muslim holidays are banned


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880751 No.215932

File: d3f200ac9585b9f⋯.png (326.43 KB,552x546,92:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522847 (021721ZSEP24) Notable: #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

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teleSUR English

@telesurenglish Aug 30

#BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

Aug 30, 2024 · 5:45 PM UTC



Central casting


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880751 No.215933

File: 6ad3586389542ed⋯.png (115.07 KB,602x846,301:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522863 (021724ZSEP24) Notable: Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

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Gina Carano 🕯



Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT


Don’t for a second think they won’t try to California our Montana or Colorado our Montana, you want Venezuelan gangs showing up here? Do you want boys playing in girls sports?

Vote Jon Tester out! Every single vote matters. Protect Montana at all costs.

Vote this NAVY SEAL in 👉Tim SHEEHY! It’s why I moved here because Montanans you are a strong people who won’t put up with the ridiculousness we see happening in other states.. but you have to VOTE!

Do not sit idly by and think it will be an easy win.

Fight through the voting process, make it overwhelming.

Let America know what to expect if they decide they want to move here. 🔴





Aug 31

BREAKING: Montana's Democrat U.S. Senator Jon Tester just got busted trying to BRIBE college athletes with cash to endorse his re-election campaign

Lily Meskers, a sprinter from the University of MT said she was offered between $400 and $2,400 to create up to four Instagram

Show more

6:10 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215934

File: 529a64cb9809452⋯.jpeg (479.26 KB,1619x1763,1619:1763,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522875 (021727ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

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Maduro wasnt using it anyway


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880751 No.215935

File: 7610727c7394760⋯.png (302.86 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522884 (021729ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

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gonna need assistance the video timestamp is 2:13.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215936

File: 5555a0ff9db7c25⋯.mp4 (14.83 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522906 (021733ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

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880751 No.215937

File: 7e34806704d847c⋯.png (308.82 KB,507x626,507:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522925 (021736ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

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Elon Musk


Most of Earth should move to California!

Illegals get free medical care in California as of January and now get “payback optional” $150k loans, funded by California taxpayers, among many other benefits.

12:03 PM · Sep 2, 2024


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880751 No.215938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522954 (021741ZSEP24) Notable: Dems labor day in vain

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Harris [campaign event]: We know this is going to be a very tight race. To the very end…let's not pay too much attention to the polls…we are out here, running like we are the underdog in this race, because we know what we are fighting for. We know what we stand for, and that's why we know what we fight for.

[recognizing again that she has no chance against President Trump]

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880751 No.215939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21522999 (021748ZSEP24) Notable: UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

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UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

A global crackdown on ‘criminal content’

The UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime last month approved a final draft of a convention against cybercrime. The treaty, which will be put to a vote at the UN General Assembly later this month, has the following stated purpose:

Strengthening international cooperation for combating certain crimes committed by means of information and communications technology systems and for the sharing of evidence in electronic form of serious crimes.

Free speech groups like the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and Human Rights Watch have pointed out that the document does not define “certain crimes” or “serious crimes.” In broad, sweeping terms, it requires governments to crack down on “additional criminal offenses as appropriate,” leaving it up to authorities to determine what constitutes an offense.

The treaty would serve as a legal justification for censorship in countries with free speech protections. Governments bound by the anti-cybercrime accord could define cybercrime as they wish and point to the accord if accused of flouting free speech.


-cmon man. who ever heard of such a thing.''

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880751 No.215940

File: e3f16930bef13a0⋯.png (407.64 KB,595x689,595:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523013 (021750ZSEP24) Notable: CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Western Lensman




NEW: CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk

and @realDonaldTrump

are spreading "Election Disinformation"

State-run media goes into full election-influencing operative mode here — attacking their political adversaries under the guise of presenting

Show more

Elon Musk


Becker is a liar through and through.

The very definition of disinformation.

4:18 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215941

File: ddb8d9051586600⋯.png (360.07 KB,617x435,617:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bd7295d7eb9870⋯.jpg (34.17 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523014 (021750ZSEP24) Notable: 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

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@BRICSinfo 1h

JUST IN: 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

Sep 2, 2024 · 4:01 PM UTC


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880751 No.215942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523087 (021811ZSEP24) Notable: NOTICE: GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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also, can hasves both? trump fight and iwo jima?

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880751 No.215943

File: e2ec3615f984843⋯.png (26.54 KB,550x272,275:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523108 (021818ZSEP24) Notable: Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Walz Motorcade pileup. Press suffered injuries such as broken arm


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880751 No.215944

File: 3181495f841f9a4⋯.png (365.73 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: e6c6842ff137de8⋯.png (504.38 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b7d4c6d69daaea⋯.png (132.91 KB,679x360,679:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 694b0cca54dd89b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523121 (021823ZSEP24) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Exclusive: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

adsb shows the flight from DR to Florida but not showing any history

no callsign

Hex: 5002E3 Copy Link


Image © Yoangel Galán



San Marino

DB flags:


Type: F900

DASSAULT Falcon 900

Type Desc.: L3J


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880751 No.215945

File: 97c9c18b913369b⋯.png (529.42 KB,884x788,221:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523128 (021825ZSEP24) Notable: NOTICE: GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I eat vegetables & salads & stuff, but I don't even know what a collard green is

is it a black thing?

>>>/qresearch/21523094 >>215889

>>see pic rel graphic from DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019




yeah me too. don't know what to do with it tho


>Trump assassination attempt is like a new iwo jima for Americans and this image is seared into the memories of patriots

Don't forget to use this image

You can literally see the FIGHT on his lips

The other image got all the press, but this one has more meaning for me personally, watching live on 7/13, the real feeling of that moment and the inexplicable happiness that he was alive

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880751 No.215946

File: 7e71524960368fd⋯.png (414.26 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523139 (021828ZSEP24) Notable: PF

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Airline: Private

Reg: T7-ESPRT photos

Aircraft: Dassault Falcon 900

Serial #: 19

Photo date: 2023-09-12

Uploaded: 2024-07-30

Likes: 1

Comments: 0

Views: 513


Beijing Capital - ZBAA, China

By: yiran Photos | Profile | Contact

Album Album

Like Like

Share Share


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880751 No.215947

File: 1c33f29b8276389⋯.png (421.84 KB,619x458,619:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523140 (021828ZSEP24) Notable: Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 21m

"If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is," the Ukrainian commander with the call sign "Storm", whose brigade was the first to enter Russian territory. 😀

Sep 2, 2024 · 6:06 PM UTC



The soon is near.

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880751 No.215948

File: 6e831c187451eed⋯.png (485.68 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523143 (021831ZSEP24) Notable: Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215949

File: 4595675c19843c0⋯.png (304.01 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523148 (021832ZSEP24) Notable: Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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880751 No.215950

File: 08426aff6e56fbb⋯.png (19.91 KB,614x256,307:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523163 (021840ZSEP24) Notable: Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



JUST IN - Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail


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880751 No.215951

File: d613710383e031b⋯.png (270.26 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: a023eec3e35aa11⋯.png (210.99 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 82f238e0e1cf892⋯.png (585.42 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: be5e654e57b569a⋯.png (401.52 KB,1314x695,1314:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523176 (021844ZSEP24) Notable: PF

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Did they use a fake N number and plane type?

JBQ shows a ~10:30 departure to Fort Lauderdale, but not with the T7-ESPRT


La Isabela International Airport

[Dominican Republic]

Dominican Republic


2024 2 Sep HI1097 CH2T (HI1097)



2024 2 Sep

11:45 AST

Y2361 Saint Martin (SXM/TNCM) JS32 (HI956)

Air Century S A




2024 2 Sep

11:15 AST

N535CR Ponce (PSE/TJPS) C414 (N535CR)




2024 2 Sep

10:30 AST

N624EM Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL/KFLL) CL60 (N624EM)




2024 2 Sep Y2151 Willemstad (CUR/TNCC) CRJ2 (HI1033)

Air Century S A



2024 2 Sep

08:00 AST

Y2171 Oranjestad (AUA/TNCA) CRJ2 (HI1058)

Air Century S A



2024 2 Sep

07:30 AST

Y2151 Willemstad (CUR/TNCC) CRJ2 (HI1033)

Air Century S A



2024 2 Sep Y2111 Manzanillo (MZO/MUMZ) CRJ2 (HI1058)

Air Century S A



2024 1 Sep N400AH Last seen near

Santiago, Dominican Republic EC30 (N400AH)



2024 1 Sep N5070J Punta Cana (PUJ/MDPC) BE58 (N5070J)




2024 1 Sep N508CF Last seen near

La Vega, Dominican Republic A109 (N508CF)



2024 1 Sep N212HK Last seen near

Sabana de Mar, Dominican Republic EC30 (N212HK)



2024 1 Sep N130GM Last seen near

La Romana, Dominican Republic EC30 (N130GM)



2024 1 Sep N9577V Last seen near

San Cristobal, Dominican Republic C172 (N9577V)



2024 1 Sep HI1002 San Pedro de Macorís (MDSP) AS50 (HI1002)




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880751 No.215952

File: 29dd8564dc06822⋯.png (104.89 KB,254x293,254:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523179 (021844ZSEP24) Notable: Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> >>215943

Van license plate:45 plus dubs

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880751 No.215953

File: 119be36f54b56b3⋯.jpeg (190.91 KB,1170x1100,117:110,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523187 (021847ZSEP24) Notable: Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eagles made a statement regarding political ads


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880751 No.215954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523227 (021856ZSEP24) Notable: The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

made it to AlJazeera those qanoners did


The End of Fear | Apocalypse Maybe

this is crazy. doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end of the world cults.

watch from about minute 14 for your cameo

AlJazeera shows documentary featuring qanoners qanoning the end of the world


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880751 No.215955

File: c162a71fc621ee6⋯.png (318.74 KB,1241x616,1241:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523236 (021858ZSEP24) Notable: CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>NEW: CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker:

top kek

"non partisan"

David Becker is a left-leaning election law advocate and the co-founder and executive director of the Center for Election and Innovation Research (CEIR). He previously worked at Pew Charitable Trusts where he organized the creation of theElectronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).Prior to his time at Pew, Becker was director of People for the American Way (PFAW) and worked in the U.S. Department of Justiceas a litigator.

In 1999, Becker appeared on the television game show “Jeopardy!” and won two games with total winnings over $27,000. In 2001, Becker appeared on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” and won $125,000. 1

Early Life and Education

After earning a BA in history and a law degree from the University of California, Berkeley, David Becker began his career in 1996 as an associate at Loeb and Loeb and another law firm. 2 Becker specialized in entertainment law; he has said that he found his work unfulfilling and decided to enter the government. 3

Government Service

In 1998, he joined the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice as a senior trial attorney. While working for the DOJ for seven years as a civil servant, Becker’s primary mandate was to enforce the Voting Rights Act. 4

In 2003, Becker was the lead trial counsel for the federal government in Georgia v. Ashcroft and successfully convinced lower courts that Georgia had violated the Voting Rights Act in its redistricting. He served as an advisor to the solicitor general when the case reached the U.S. Supreme Court, though the federal government would lose the case in a 5-4 decision. Becker found the experience disheartening, and he concluded that federal lawsuits had limited capacity to reform election law. 5

Ethics Complaint

In 2005, when Becker was still a trial lawyer in the Civil Rights Division, a formal complaint was made against Becker after he contacted the city of Boston offering to help defeat a lawsuit opened against them by his employer, the DOJ, for voting infractions. Brad Scholzman, acting head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights division at the time, stated, “It was the most unethical thing I’ve ever seen” and called Becker “a hard-core leftist” who “Couldn’t stand conservatives.” 6

Hans von Spakovsky, who worked as counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, agreed with Scholzman’s characterization of Becker. “In his role with the DOJ, he was supposed to be non-partisan, but his emails uncovered in the Boston investigation revealed nasty, disparaging remarks about Republicans. Very unethical and unprofessional.” Becker did not deny these claims when asked for comment by Legal Newsline. “There was no action taken against me by the Department of Justice as a result of this complaint,” he answered, dismissing the complaint as irrelevant. 7

Liberal Advocacy

In 2005, Becker became a director for the liberal advocacy group People for the American Way (PFAW). He continued specializing in electoral law and expressed skepticism of widespread voter fraud. 8 Becker was registered as a lobbyist for PFAW in 2007 and 2008. 910

In 2008, Becker became the director of election initiatives at Pew Charitable Trusts. In an early meeting of election law experts, Becker and others in the organization decided that the biggest shortcoming in the American electoral process was voter registration. However, Becker believed that Congress was too politically divided to promote voter registration, so the nonprofit sector would have to step in. He soon led the creation of the Electronic Registration Information Center, an off-shoot of Pew, which updates state voter information records by cross-referencing numerous public and private databases. In 2020, ERIC had 30 state members and identified 17 million voters. Becker remains a non-voting member of ERIC’s board. 111213 14

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880751 No.215956

File: 31bdfd349be27a8⋯.png (290.2 KB,599x597,599:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d2dcfd78c18dc2⋯.mp4 (532.39 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523240 (021858ZSEP24) Notable: @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Libs of TikTok


What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent? ====The fakeness and cringe here is off the charts


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880751 No.215957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523259 (021901ZSEP24) Notable: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US seizes Maduro’s plane – CNN

The jet was allegedly used by the Venezuelan president and violated sanctions Washington has imposed on the country

The US has charged Maduro with drug trafficking and refused to recognize his victory in the last two Venezuelan presidential elections.

“Seizing the foreign head of state’s plane is unheard-of for criminal matters. We’re sending a clear message here that no one is above the law, no one is above the reach of US sanctions,” an unnamed Washington official told CNN, which first reported the story on Monday.

According to CNN, the plane is worth around $13 million and was seized in cooperation with Dominican authorities.

The US outlet did not identify the airplane, saying only it was seized in the Dominican Republic and flown to Miami, Florida. The departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, and Justice were involved in the seizure.

The Miami Herald identified the jet as a Dassault Falcon 900EX, a French-built corporate jet that has previously visited Cuba, Brazil and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, “often with Maduro on board.” It appears to be registered in San Marino.


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880751 No.215958

File: 687095f0984803e⋯.png (369.35 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523276 (021906ZSEP24) Notable: Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

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Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war with Foreign Secretary David Lammy saying there is a 'clear risk' equipment could be used in breach of international law

Britain has suspended a swathe of licences for military equipment destined for Israel over fears it could be used to break international law in Gaza.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy told the Commons this afternoon that the government is halting 30 out of around 350 licences in light of new legal advice.

The action comes after widespread calls from pro-Palestinian groups for sales to the Netanyahu regime to be halted to try to prevent more bloodshed in Gaza.

Mr Lammy told the Commons that the change would affect 'important components which go into military aircraft, including fighter aircraft, helicopters and drones, as well as items which facilitate ground targeting'.

'Facing a conflict such as this, it is this Government's legal duty to review export licences,' he said.

'It is with regret that I inform the House today the assessment I have received leaves me unable to conclude anything other than that for certain UK arms exports to Israel, there does exist a clear risk that they might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law.'

But he stressed that the action taken under the Export Control Act did not amount to an 'arms embargo' or a blanket sales ban.

Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz said in a statement that Israel was 'disappointed by a series of decisions' made by the British government, including the decision regarding defense exports.


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880751 No.215959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523277 (021906ZSEP24) Notable: Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents | SRS #128

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880751 No.215960

File: 747ce314022be9f⋯.png (741.17 KB,945x887,945:887,Clipboard.png)

File: b976db3cf666b84⋯.png (1.7 MB,973x2258,973:2258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523292 (021911ZSEP24) Notable: CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Search Results for: david becker

David Becker of Corrupt Soros Funded ERIC is OUT! Will Not Seek Re-Nomination to Board

by Brian Lupo Mar. 15, 2023 4:00 pm

David Becker, the far left operative who founded the ERIC system used in over 30 states with 35m voter records, will not seek re-nomination according to a recent tweet.


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880751 No.215961

File: 7cc5fa871ffe981⋯.png (342.49 KB,491x583,491:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523313 (021916ZSEP24) Notable: A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Soldiers Assaulted By Turkish Mob After Navy Ship Makes Port Call At Izmir

On Monday a mob of Turkish men attacked American soldiers who had been walking the streets of Izmir in southern Turkey, apparently as the US personnel were on liberty after the USS Wasp which they are attached to made port call.

Social media video shows a group of men surrounding one US soldier and while violently constraining him. The Turkish men then stick a white bag over his head in an effort to humiliate and possibly kidnap the American and those with him. The brief clip then shows a couple more US troops jumping in to push the Turkish men off their fellow soldier.


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880751 No.215962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523325 (021921ZSEP24) Notable: Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soros-funded group tells Asian state to arrest Putin

Human Rights Watch has called on Mongolia to either deny the Russian president entry or arrest him

Ahead of his visit, HRW, which has received over $100 million from Soros’ Open Society Foundations, issued a statement on its website warning Mongolia against allowing Putin to enter the country.

“Mongolia would be defying its international obligations as an ICC member if it allows Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit without arresting him,” the HRW’s senior international justice counsel, Maria Elena Vignoli said, claiming that welcoming the Russian President would “undermine the crucial principle that no one, no matter how powerful, is above the law.”


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880751 No.215963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523348 (021925ZSEP24) Notable: #26368

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#26368 >>215880

>>215881, >>215886, >>215890, >>215897, >>215899, >>215925, >>215934, >>215905, >>215957 US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

>>215882 Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

>>215884 West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine - Putin

>>215887 Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

>>215888, >>215894 6 yr delta

>>215889, >>215891 CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

>>215892, >>215893, >>215883, >>215885, >>215902, Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

>>215895 They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

>>215896, >>215896, >>215961 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

>>215898 PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

>>215900 UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

>>215901, >>215909, >>215916, >>215927 Musk Moraes headed to prison

>>215903 interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

>>215904 China probably got them from Afghanistan

>>215906 Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

>>215907 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

>>215908 The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

>>215910 FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

>>215911 @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat - they don’t want to offend their customers!

>>215912 Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

>>215913 Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

>>215914 Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

>>215915, >>215938 Dems labor day in vain

>>215917 Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

>>215918, >>215921, >>215924, >>215928, >>215929 On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

>>215919 Moar NASA

>>215920 California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

>>215922, >>215926 US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

>>215923, >>215931 Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

>>215930 KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>215932 #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

>>215933 Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

>>215936, >>215935 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

>>215937 @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

>>215939 UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

>>215940, >>215955, >>215960 CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

>>215941 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

baker change

>>215944, >>215946, >>215951 PF

>>215947 Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

>>215950, >>215943, >>215948, >>215949 >>215952 Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

>>215953 Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

>>215954 The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

>>215956 @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

>>215958 Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

>>215959 Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

>>215962 Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia



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880751 No.215965

File: 2b74441d67cd866⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB,1020x548,255:137,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523362 (021927ZSEP24) Notable: #26369

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting in 20

thanks anons for your contributions,


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880751 No.215966

File: fdca47ebf6c0d3f⋯.png (592.37 KB,864x486,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523383 (021930ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

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Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

"We have explained what kind of capabilities we need to protect the citizens against the Russian terror that Russians are causing us, so I hope we were heard," Umerov told CNN’s Alex Marquardt on "The Situation Room."

That's when Umerov specified that the White House has been provided a list of desirable targets "deep" in Russian territory:

But Umerov pushed back on such assessments, saying Ukraine has presented the US a list of targets they would use ATACMS to strike.

"We are showing that the airfields that they are using to hit our cities are within the range of deep strikes," Umerov said on CNN.

CNN says that the Biden administration is actively mulling the lifting of all restrictions. This comes dangerously as Ukraine's Kursk offensive is approaching the one month mark (highly dangerous for the prospect of triggering WW3).


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880751 No.215967

File: df30a5b1ce09da4⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523394 (021932ZSEP24) Notable: Can't remember my false flag to take away your guns crisis actor lines

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880751 No.215968

File: b74aea4ca4b3edb⋯.png (172.95 KB,657x480,219:160,Clipboard.png)

File: b3fe24fb23181b1⋯.png (118.94 KB,531x470,531:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523401 (021935ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215969

File: d567105004239ed⋯.png (459.07 KB,505x640,101:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523411 (021937ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215970

File: e60d14eeb46edcf⋯.png (382.84 KB,817x446,817:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cf585bba94e73d⋯.png (584.21 KB,682x462,31:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523413 (021938ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215971

File: 063d56edf2fda4e⋯.png (186.14 KB,344x366,172:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523419 (021940ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215972

File: eed9aa8de2a481c⋯.png (75.79 KB,700x1050,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523422 (021941ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215973

File: 1ff1fc3c3552f79⋯.jpg (44.64 KB,764x497,764:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523423 (021942ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523435 (021945ZSEP24) Notable: Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

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Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

One strike targeted a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza City

A group of American doctors and nurses who volunteered in Gaza wrote a letter to President Biden last month, and they estimated that the actual death toll has already exceeded 92,000, or 4.2% of the population. The American medical professionals also detailed the horrific violence being committed by Israeli soldiers against children.


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880751 No.215975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523466 (021954ZSEP24) Notable: Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

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Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

Graham made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Jonathan Karl on ABC News’ “This Week” while discussing the six hostages — including one U.S. citizen, 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin — who were discovered on Sunday after being murdered by Hamas.

Graham said that he was “heartbroken,” “devastated,” and “mad” in response to the news that the six hostages — who had been held for approximately 11 months after Hamas’ unprecedented October 7 terrorist attack.

He said that Goldberg-Polin’s parents “have done everything in their power to help their son be released from captivity.”

“After 11 months of captivity he was murdered by Hamas,” he said. “Hamas could care less about the hostages or the Palestinians. And if you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran. Iran is the great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner. They’re barbaric, religious nazis, Hamas. They could care less about the Palestinian people.”

“I would urge the Biden administration and Israel to hold Iran accountable for the fate of remaining hostages and put on the target list oil refineries in Iran if the hostages are not released,” he continued.

After Karl acted as a spokesperson for the Biden-Harris administration, claiming that they promised that Hamas would “pay for these crimes”, Graham fired back: “What are they going to pay? I mean, what’s the price?”

“I mean, they destroyed a lot of Gaza.They put their own people in harm’s way. The – Hamas could care less about – about the Palestinian people,” he continued. “Mr. President, Bibi, if you want to really change things when it comes to the hostages, tell the Ayatollah what he values is on the target list. Until that happens, nobody’s coming home.”


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880751 No.215976

File: 8daed7ed84c5c46⋯.jpg (110.95 KB,655x676,655:676,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523468 (021954ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523477 (021957ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

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Laura Loomer



It’s official. @GovTimWalz Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has.

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880751 No.215978

File: 00bd08f740ce855⋯.jpg (205.98 KB,720x1161,80:129,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1db9794c2ae30ef⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 424da66dad8f0d0⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,1276x720,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523478 (021957ZSEP24) Notable: A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him

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A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him and forced a sack over his head after the warship arrived at the port of Izmir.

"Go home, Yankee!" shouted one man in the crowd.

This is all happening as Turkey applies for BRICS membership, which is likely to create significant tension with NATO.

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880751 No.215979

File: 0d7bf2ba4dc0752⋯.png (367.75 KB,603x533,603:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523480 (021958ZSEP24) Notable: Finland plans ban on property acquisitions by foreign nationals as concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia

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Finland unveils plans for a full ban on property acquisitions by some foreign nationals as security concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia


Sep 2, 2024 · 8:29 AM UTC


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880751 No.215980

File: 494179fe81eea36⋯.png (606.34 KB,800x429,800:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523501 (022001ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215981

File: 49501487c499228⋯.png (358.72 KB,460x997,460:997,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523529 (022009ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215982

File: e17fdfc5d6b3d34⋯.png (343.44 KB,621x874,27:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523567 (022018ZSEP24) Notable: Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb

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Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb — And Our Vulnerable Power Grid


• “Joe Biden literally unfroze $7 billion that we had seized from the Iranian government. He turned the key and said, 'We’re going to trust you, Iran, not to create a nuclear Bomb, not to fund the IRGC, not to kill Americans, not to launch a war in Israel via Hamas, Hezbollah.'"

—— the Secretary of State for Biden just said he can’t tell you how close Iran is to a nuclear weapon, but thinks they’re pretty close.

—— Iran is buying their weaponry from China, Russia, Venezuela (oil)…

—— Now Iran has access to the International Banking System

• Iran now has the Kinetic ability and financial ability to cause chaos and they are combining forces with China and Russia… and are now focused on the same enemy… the United States.


• How vulnerable is our power grid to outside attacks?

—— It’s Big… because we can’t fix it fast enough”

—— “It’s probably the most vulnerable thing we have..”

—— our power grids are 60-70 years old and very vulnerable to cyber attacks.

• Our Intel agencies are given directives to focus on DEI, LGBTQ, and ‘White Rage’ agendas rather than the real threats of a cyber attack.

• The ‘Green Energy’ initiative is a scam.

—— all the minerals, all the solar panels, all the batteries, the wind turbines, come from China..

—— lithium and cobalt are the modern day blood diamonds.

—— “If you ran a ford pickup truck for 20 years, it does less damage to the environment than the creation and removal at the end of a car cycles life than a battery…”

0:56 / 10:10

Joe Biden Unfroze $7 Billion Dollars and Gave it Back to Iran

"The Secretary of State for Joe Biden just said he can’t tell you how close Iran is to nuclear weapons, but he thinks they’re pretty close."


Shawn Ryan

9:15 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215983

File: ee2a740cb753412⋯.png (437.07 KB,503x602,503:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523568 (022018ZSEP24) Notable: Americans Own 46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns, Says U.N. Report

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Still more work to do…

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880751 No.215984

File: daa7d0e4d122bb5⋯.mp4 (928.05 KB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523572 (022018ZSEP24) Notable: Hear me out

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880751 No.215985

File: d6c64c089c31ac2⋯.png (34.62 KB,618x571,618:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523577 (022020ZSEP24) Notable: ¡Que Mala!

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Kamala Harris' New Nickname Is So Funny

and So Right on Target

Red State, by Nick Arama

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/2/2024 3:02:39 PM

Kamala Harris has so many things wrong with her that one could parody with a nickname. We've seen a variety of monikers floated out there already, including things like Cackling Kamala and Chicken-mala after she started ducking debates. But it was actually one of her supporters who managed to lead us to the perfect nickname that truly encapsulates how bad voting for her would be. Victor Shi, a Democratic influencer who is part of the "Youth Team" for Harris and Walz, posted the following. (X)

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880751 No.215986

File: 97849c3868b8108⋯.png (426.53 KB,600x819,200:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523579 (022022ZSEP24) Notable: New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

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Melissa Hallman


🤪Put him back to pasture: Biden claims he ‘spoke to’ American hostage found dead in Hamas tunnel in latest apparent gaffe

Biden appeared to mistakenly claim on Monday that he “spoke to” the American hostage who was found dead in a Hamas tunnel over the weekend — adding to his string of uncomfortable gaffes in the last months of his presidency.

It happened after Biden, 81, was asked if he had a message for the families of six hostages who were discovered dead in a Hamas tunnel by the Israel Defense Forces on Saturday.

One of the hostages was Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who had been held hostage for nearly 11 months since he was abducted from a music festival on Oct. 7.


7:17 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215987

File: 0a4498b778ba896⋯.png (661.96 KB,978x478,489:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523584 (022023ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

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Tim Walz's motorcade involved in crash in Milwaukee

By Katelyn Caralle, Senior U.S. Political Reporter and Sarah Ewall-Wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Published: 07:45 EDT, 2 September 2024 | Updated: 16:08 EDT, 2 September 2024

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880751 No.215988

File: 27994683fa1a599⋯.png (365.61 KB,600x628,150:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523592 (022025ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala counterfeit ads

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Melissa Hallman


Philadelphia Eagles:

We are aware counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed.




Square profile picture

Philadelphia Eagles




We are aware counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed.

7:48 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215989

File: e38474fd3076c32⋯.png (387.68 KB,577x594,577:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523604 (022028ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor

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Greg Price


Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor.

Interesting choice of mud to be throwing since Kamala is VP of an administration that lost 325K illegal migrant children to human traffickers at the border.


Trump War Room

9:16 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.215990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523609 (022028ZSEP24) Notable: Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Brazilian Supreme Court will no longer enforce fines on citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN..



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880751 No.215991

File: e90af1dc4a4cda0⋯.png (1.06 MB,1002x825,334:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523611 (022029ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.215992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523613 (022030ZSEP24) Notable: Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

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BREAKING: The Brazil's Supreme Court will no longer impose the $8,900/day fine on Brazilians using VPNs to access 𝕏

Spread the word to everyone in Brazil!


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880751 No.215993

File: ba95b4115a6c746⋯.png (611.29 KB,719x350,719:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523616 (022030ZSEP24) Notable: City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

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Culture Sep 2, 2024

BREAKING: City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

The billboards say "12 million children are trapped in modern slavery" right in the heart of Hollywood and Los Angeles.

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880751 No.215994

File: a3346f1b470ad82⋯.png (25.19 KB,1044x265,1044:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523627 (022033ZSEP24) Notable: Some delays at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

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Ground stop at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

Monday, September 2, 2024 9:25AM

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880751 No.215995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523655 (022039ZSEP24) Notable: New Shawn Ryan x Kash Patel

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215996

File: 20588540d801e81⋯.mp4 (12.58 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523659 (022040ZSEP24) Notable: Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.215997

File: 6a56e639c5b1616⋯.png (305.2 KB,603x535,603:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 53ce8bac3dc2ad0⋯.jpg (17.71 KB,400x300,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523665 (022042ZSEP24) Notable: Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil

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@business 14h

Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, saying the ruling will likely drive away investors and harm the country


Sep 2, 2024 · 6:20 AM UTC


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880751 No.215998

File: 793b955f8cb7ab1⋯.png (998.94 KB,994x1280,497:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523679 (022045ZSEP24) Notable: Aurora, CO police department whistleblower reveals that Venezuelan gangs are wreaking havoc on the entire city in general

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A whistleblower in the Aurora, CO police department is revealing that the Venezuelan gangs aren’t just terrorizing a single apartment complex

It’s happening across the city

Don’t let The System gaslight you about what’s happening in Aurora, Colorado.

It’s very real. It’s very bad. And it only gets worse from here unless the communists are removed from power.

🔗 (https://x.com/dc_draino/status/1830680731959398713?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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880751 No.215999

File: ea8320307576204⋯.mp4 (7.84 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523686 (022048ZSEP24) Notable: NPCs relaying their programmed message

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880751 No.216000

File: b2641d1996d8604⋯.png (201.1 KB,598x810,299:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523710 (022054ZSEP24) Notable: There appears to be a pattern

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There appears to be a pattern


9:33 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.216001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523711 (022054ZSEP24) Notable: Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

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Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School, Ireland after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology.

Judge Barry O’Donnell, who made almost €400,000 from 2016-2018 representing TUSLA as a barrister, ordered his arrest.

TUSLA is the Irish State ‘Child Protection’ agency, an organisation saturated with LGBT ideology, urging staff recently to learn about cross-dressers and drag performers, and making acceptance of LGBT and transgender ideology a condition for fostering children.

What a mockery to expect Enoch Burke, a Christian teacher, to sit before this man and expect justice.


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880751 No.216002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523719 (022057ZSEP24) Notable: Starlink Market in Brazil

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Let's piss off the guy that allows communications with the remoteparts of our country

Translation via Yandex

Starlink is 16th in internet in Brazil, but leader in satellite and 1/3 of customers are in the North

Company has 224,5 thousand connections registered in Anatel; Boa Vista is the city with the most customers

02/09/2024 at 08:54 | updated 02/09/2024 at 13:13

Elon Musk's internet access company is the 16th largest in the Brazilian market, and currently serves 224,5 thousand customers in the national territory. Unlike the main names in this market that use fiber optics and cables, Starlink offers satellite connection. In this market, it is the leader in Brazil with 47.1% of subscribers.

This technology has as a great differential the possibility of taking the internet to remote locations, where traditional connections are more difficult. This explains the fact that almost a third of Musk's subscribers are in northern Brazil.

Data from the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) show that Starlink has a modest share in the Brazilian internet access market. The number of subscribers to the company represents only 0.5% of all 49.7 million internet connections recorded in July 2024.

For comparison, the leader in the internet market in Brazil is Claro, which has 10.1 million connections to the network. Then appear Live (7 million) and Hi (4.6 million).

That customer base, however, has been growing rapidly. The company's first connection registration took place just over two years ago, in February 2022. Since then, the numbers have gained momentum. Over the past 12 months, the number of connections has jumped 147%.

Musk may even have a modest size in front of the largest operators in Brazil, but he is a leader when only the satellite internet segment is observed. In this cut, Starlink has 47,1% of the market. The runner-up, Hughes, has 176.9 thousand connections. Together, the two have 84% of this market in Brazil.

The two companies have as their main advantage the possibility of taking the internet anywhere. This explains the different distribution of Starlink customers compared to traditional operators.

The Brazilian city with the most customers of Elon Musk's company is not any metropolis in the center-south of the country: it is the city of Boa Vista, in Roraima. There are almost 3 thousand subscribers of the service.

In Amazonas, Tefé, in the middle of the forest, is the fourth city in Brazil with more Starlink customers. Anatel recorded 2.186 connections of the service in July. This means that the number of Starlink connections in the city corresponds to 3.7% of the population.

Other Amazon cities appear in the ranking of the 30 locations with the most Musk subscribers. In Pará, there are Breves, Itaituba, Altamira, Portel, Novo Progresso, Gurupá, Afuá and Santarém. In Amazonas, in addition to Tefé, are Tabatinga, Manicoré, São Gabriel Da Cachoeira and Coari.


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880751 No.216003

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523720 (022057ZSEP24) Notable: Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

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880751 No.216004

File: 4a59b47b58e0c3a⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523722 (022057ZSEP24) Notable: New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

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880751 No.216005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523726 (022058ZSEP24) Notable: Starlink Market in Brazil

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>>216002 (me)

Bonus, let's screw over our oil industry, who needs an economy?

Petrobras hires Musk's Starlink, ups supercomputing capacity

Bnamericas Published: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Brazil’s Petrobras is deploying Starlink’s low-orbit satellites to enhance offshore connectivity while onshore it is increasing the capacity of its supercomputers, the federal oil company's general ICT manager, Marinho Ayres Fischer, said on Tuesday.

“We recently entered into an acquisition agreement with Starlink and we’re testing it on the platforms. Initially, there are around 10 pieces of equipment [being deployed],” Fischer said in response to BNamericas in a conversation with reporters on the sidelines of the Dell Technologies Forum in São Paulo.

The negotiations with Starlink, which did not have a specific unit to serve corporates in Brazil, lasted approximately one year, he said. BNamericas was unable to confirm the exact value of the contract.

Starlink’s equipment will be used for connectivity on FPSOs, platforms and vessels in general, said Fischer. The Elon Musk firm's first dishes, however, are being deployed on platforms, notably those that have had more connectivity problems, according to the executive, adding initial use is "promising."

The initiative marks Petrobras' first open bet on low-orbit satellites. Currently, the company relies for back-up connectivity on satellites mostly in higher orbits, which tend to have higher signal latency.

Last year, Petrobras selected managed services and telecoms integrator Sencinet (formerly BT LatAm) to interconnect all of its offshore and terrestrial units via satellite ground antennas (Vsats) provided by Israel’s Gilat, as reported first by BNamericas.

Gilat works with satellites developed by Hispasat, Intelsat, Eutelsat, Inmarsat, Telesat and SES, among others. This month, Sencinet announced it had become an integrator of Starlink in Latin America.


While offshore Petrobras is diversifying and enhancing connectivity, onshore it is boosting its supercomputing capacity, aimed mainly at exploration and research. Dell is one of its key suppliers.

Petrobras’ contract with Dell entailed four high performance computing (HPC) machines, or supercomputers, each with its own specificity and application purpose: Gaia, Gemini, Albacora and Casarin.

In August, all the machines started operating at full capacity, revealed Fischer. Of the four, Albacora was launched first as it did not include GPUs in its design. The powerful graphic processing units are taking longer to be supplied by manufacturers due to the high market demand.

Gaia is focused on research and was set up at the Petrobras development and innovation research center (Cenpes) in Rio de Janeiro. As previously reported by BNamericas, the contract was won by Dell last year for 76mn reais (US$15.7mn).

Gaia has processing capacity of 7.7 petaflops, equivalent to 1.5mn cellphones or 40,000 laptops, and estimated power consumption of 574kW.

Gemini is being used for seismic processing, employed by Petrobras’ exploration and production (E&P) area, while Albacora and Casarin are both focused on reservoir environments: Albacora on the engineering of reservoir simulations and Casarin on reservoir geophysical processing, according to the executive. The latter saw a return on investment (ROI) of more than eight times in just six months, Fischer said.

This year, Petrobras also went live with the 36mn-real Tatu supercomputer, applied to support its E&P operations and said to be the company’s first HPC with artificial intelligence capabilities.

French IT firm Atos, which has previously supplied most of the company's supercomputers, won the contract for Tatu. According to Fischer, Tatu was tendered first but deployed later than Dell's Gaia.

Like Gaia, Tatu was installed at Cenpes in Rio.

Including Gemini, Albacora and Casarin, Petrobras boasts nine supercomputers.

The biggest one is Pégaso, supplied by Atos, which the company claims to be the fifth most powerful in the global oil and gas industry, with processing capacity of 21 petaflops and power consumption of 1.5MW.



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880751 No.216006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523728 (022059ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

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Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

As Minnesota Governor, he signed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact that provides a path toward electing the president by majority vote.


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880751 No.216007

File: bf599c3601c1597⋯.png (37.73 KB,620x438,310:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523739 (022102ZSEP24) Notable: Why does no one complain about this?

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880751 No.216008

File: d10d1ccfde503a4⋯.png (6.13 MB,2560x1968,160:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523751 (022106ZSEP24) Notable: Blue Origin

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Blue Origin has 11,000 employees.

Founded by Bezos, but not owned by Amazon.

Space tourist calls Blue Origin launch 'an incredible experience'

Humbling. Immense. Awesome.

That's how cardiologist Eiman Jahangir described blasting high into the atmosphere Thursday on a suborbital flight with Blue Origin, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' private space exploration company.

Jahangir, who lives in Nashville, was among six tourists shot into space on the latest 11-minute New Shepard flight and became the latest astronauts.


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880751 No.216009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523759 (022108ZSEP24) Notable: Starlink Market in Brazil

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>>>/qresearch/21523733 (me yet again)

Brazil's telecom regulator Anatel could revoke Starlink license, says official

By Ricardo Brito and Luciana Novaes Magalhaes September 2, 20243:25 PM EDT Updated 2 hours ago

BRASILIA/SAO PAULO, Sept 2 (Reuters) - Brazilian telecommunications regulator Anatel could impose sanctions on Starlink, the satellite internet provider controlled by Elon Musk, for not complying with the country's norms, and even revoke its license to operate in the country, a senior official at the regulator said on Monday.

Anatel commissioner Artur Coimbra told Reuters that the regulator is inspecting all Brazilian telecom operators to make sure they have shut down X messaging platform as ordered by a Supreme Court justice.

Starlink is the only company that has told Anatel it will not comply with the ruling by Judge Alexandre de Moraes, Coimbra said in an interview.

Earlier, a Supreme Court panel voted unanimously to uphold the suspension of social media giant X in the country for defying a court order, blocking access to more than 20 million users.

Moraes last week ruled that X should be suspended in Brazil because it did not name a local legal representative as required by law and a prior court order that set a deadline for compliance.

Justices Flavio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Carmen Lucia and Luiz Fux sided with Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Three of the justices on the panel said the suspension could be reversed if the platform complied with previous rulings.

X was taken down in Brazil in the early hours of Saturday following Moraes' decision. Brazil is X's sixth-biggest market globally with about 21.5 million users as of April, according to Statista.

Moraes and X owner Elon Musk have been locked in a months-long feud after the social media platform challenged orders to block accounts accused by investigators of spreading misinformation and hate.

Musk has argued that Moraes sought to censor users and closed the X office in Brazil in August without appointing a new representative, triggering the suspension.

On Monday, Musk replied, "Exactly," to a post that described the suspension as an attack on freedom of expression and Brazilians' rights.

Siding with Moraes, Justice Dino wrote, "It is not possible for a company to operate in the territory of a country and intend to impose its vision on which rules should be valid or applied."

Dino, Zanin and Fux, nonetheless, indicated that they would be open to reconsidering the decision if X complied with court rulings.

Chief Justice Luis Roberto Barroso, who was not on the review panel, said that removing legal representatives to avoid complying with court decisions "is a behavior that would not be acceptable anywhere in the world."

X remained inaccessible for most users in Brazil.

Starlink said it was refusing to remove X from its service until a freeze on its Brazilian bank accounts was lifted. Moraes last week froze Starlink's accounts after X did not pay fines imposed for failing to turn over documents.


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880751 No.216010

File: 3ab63b50e82e7f8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1154x1280,577:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523769 (022110ZSEP24) Notable: Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

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Horror master Stephen King was shocked to learn that 23 of his books have been banned in Florida - as his publisher joins a massive lawsuit against the state. 

'What the f**k?' the famous author posted on X in response to learning the news.

Hundreds of books have been removed from schools as a result of the Florida law known as the 'Don't Say Gay' bill.

Some of King's novels that have reportedly been taken off the shelves include Carrie, It, The Gunslinger, The Running Man and The Long Walk.

King's publisher, Simon & Schuster, along with five other major publishers launched a lawsuit challenging the Florida law last week.

READ (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13805523/stephen-king-author-florida-banned-books.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490)

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880751 No.216011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523772 (022111ZSEP24) Notable: Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: BAC was more than double the legal limit

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Janie Johnson - America is Exceptional


Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: Heitmann's BAC was more than double the legal limit



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880751 No.216012

File: e5486341cf6858b⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523784 (022113ZSEP24) Notable: Marathon not a sprint

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Q was right. Kashyap Patel - name to remember


Are anons ready to go? He lays it out in the Shawn Ryan interview. Marathon of epic proportions

vid rel

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880751 No.216013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523809 (022119ZSEP24) Notable: Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

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Parental Rights in Education bill

Book Bans

The new law also sanctions and expedites book banning by expanding on existing law '''allowing for

any parent or resident to object to any instructional material, books or other materials used in the schools whether in classrooms or school libraries.''' School districts must adopt policies allowing for such objections that include:

• “[E]asy to read and understand” objection forms that are “easily accessible on the homepage of the school district’s website.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2).

• Parents and residents may object to “pornographic” materials, materials that “[d]epict[] or describe[] sexual conduct,” materials that are “not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented,” or materials that are “inappropriate for the 4 grade level and age group for which the material is used.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).

School districts must remove materials objected to as pornographic or detailing sexual conduct unless for a required health course “within 5 days of receipt of the objection” until “the objection is resolved.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).

•''' “Parents shall have the right to read passages from any material that is subject to an objection. If

the school board denies a parent the right to read passages” on the ground the content is pornographic, “the school district shall discontinue the use of the material.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).'''

• Meetings “for the purpose of resolving an objection . . . to specific materials must be noticed and open to the public.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(5).

• If a parent disagrees with the determination of the school district on the objection, the parent may

request the Commissioner of Education appoint a special magistrate to determine the facts and render a recommended decision by the State Board of Education. Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(6). The State Board, in turn, must approve or reject the recommended decision within 30 days’ time. Id. The school district must cover the costs of the special magistrate.

• School boards must publish on their websites “the process for a parent to limit his or her student’s access to materials in the school or classroom library.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(d)(4).

• Each school board must submit an annual report documenting all objections and identifying which

materials were removed and were not removed as well as the rationale for the decision. Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)



Beyond the specific enforcement provisions noted above, the provisions of the new law, like those of the 2022 Don’t Say Gay Law, may be enforced by school districts through individual disciplinary actions and/ or by non-renewing teachers and other educators at the end of a school year. Since the Florida legislature eliminated Professional Service Contracts for educators hired after 2011, a teacher can be dismissed at the end of their annual contracts without cause. Fla. Stat. § 1012.335. While tenure protections are available for those hired before 2011, schools may still attempt to

portray violations of the law as “gross insubordination” or “misconduct in office” that could potentially be used as grounds for discipline or dismissal. Id. §§ 1012.33,

1012.335; Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A-5.056. Education support professionals could be subject to similar

disciplinary sanctions for violating HB 1557 (2022) and HB 1069 (2023), but unlike teachers hired after 2011, they enjoy continuing employment status once they have completed their probation. Fla. Stat. § 1012.40(2)(b).

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880751 No.216014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523815 (022121ZSEP24) Notable: Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

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Publishers and authors sue over Florida book ban law

2 days ago Nadine Yousif

Major book publishers have sued the US state of Florida over a law that allows schools to ban certain books from their student libraries.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday by publishers including Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster, argues that Florida’s law violates First Amendment rights to free speech.

The suit names several books that have been removed from school libraries under the law, including works by renowned authors Maya Angelou and Ernest Hemingway.

Florida officials responded to the lawsuit by calling it a “stunt,” and have denied that the state has banned books.

“There are no books banned in Florida,” said Florida Department of Education spokesperson Sydney Booker. “Sexually explicit material and instruction are not suitable for schools.”

At the heart of the lawsuit is a bill passed in Florida last year that requires schools to develop a mechanism where parents could object to certain books found in libraries or classrooms.

It defines books subject to removal as any that “depict or describe sexual conduct” or that are “inappropriate for the grade level and age group” of students in the school.

According to a report released in April by Pen America, a non-profit advocating for free speech, Florida had 3,135 book bans recorded from July 2021 to December 2023 - the highest in the country.

Pen America has said that the majority of books removed are ones that “talk about LGBTQ+ identities, that includes characters of colour, that talk about race and racism, that include depictions of sexual experiences in the broadest interpretation of that understanding”.

Among the books removed are Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, and Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.

Bestselling authors including John Green and Jodi Picoult, as well as parents opposed to Florida’s law, have also joined the publishers’ lawsuit.

It argues that the state law allows schools to automatically prohibit books without consulting “trained professionals, such as teachers or media specialists, to determine which books are appropriate”.

It adds that some schools have banned books that include the phrase “made love”, for example, without considering the context of the book as a whole.

These restrictions “apply to all grades, kindergarten through twelfth grade”, the lawsuit states, arguing that the law has created a “regime of strict censorship” in schools.

In an interview with BBC’s US partner, CBS News, Judi Hayes, a Florida mother who joined the lawsuit, said the law has hurt her son’s ability to learn.

"We're not talking about Playboy magazine, you know, we're talking about Anna Karenina and War and Peace," Ms Hayes said.

The lawsuit is seeking for the law to be amended.

The defendants named in the lawsuit include Ben Gibson, chair of the Florida State Board of Education, as well as other school board members.

It does not name Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who had previously championed the law.

In April, Mr DeSantis signed a bill that restricts objections to books in Florida schools, saying he is trying to “prevent abuse from activists” who have used the law to challenge books like The Giver and the Bible.

“I think what's happened is you have some people who are taking the curriculum transparency, and they're trying to weaponize that for political purposes," he said at a news conference that month.

Under the new rules, Florida residents without children can object to only one book per month. Those with children will continue to have an unlimited number of challenges.


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880751 No.216015

File: 9ce9c855aada1e3⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,648x360,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523828 (022125ZSEP24) Notable: The Democrats are trying to counter with their own version of MAGA Hulk Hogan

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>the man

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880751 No.216016

File: 53d09979705ca0e⋯.png (379.36 KB,474x479,474:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523855 (022132ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216017

File: 1427e09d1aaf5ec⋯.png (979.18 KB,1024x686,512:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523856 (022132ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523876 (022138ZSEP24) Notable: Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

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Motorcade accompanying VP nominee Tim Walz involved in crash

By Caitlin Yilek Updated on: September 2, 2024 / 4:30 PM EDT / CBS News

Vans carrying members of the press that were part of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's motorcade were involved in a crash on Monday afternoon.

Journalists traveling with the vice presidential nominee said the crash happened shortly before 1 p.m. on Interstate 794. Walz was on his way to an event celebrating Labor Day in Milwaukee.

A staff member in one of the press vans appeared to have a broken arm and was being treated by medics, according to the journalists, who said they were violently thrown forward as one van slammed into another in front of it and then was hit from behind.

Walz's vehicle was not involved in the crash, according to the campaign. Walz later said there were a "few minor injuries," but "everybody's going to be OK."

The press and staff whose vehicles were involved in the crash arrived at LaborFest around an hour after the incident.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, called Walz to check on him after the crash, a White House official said.

Republican vice presidential nominee, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, also sent well wishes.

"Hoping everyone's OK," he wrote.


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880751 No.216019

File: c0f09d49039b59a⋯.png (494.4 KB,680x445,136:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523905 (022144ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216020

File: d0f799cbf101016⋯.png (830.92 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523944 (022152ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

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Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a weird flight pattern

with a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale


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880751 No.216021

File: b17dfcf3b237bf1⋯.png (77.02 KB,818x856,409:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523964 (022156ZSEP24) Notable: Marathon not a sprint

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also "Is there a plan in place for AFTER trump?"

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880751 No.216022

File: 8ffa3a3c2860d50⋯.png (627.64 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 379d037d9296ebf⋯.png (613.34 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: a952d192a16f89a⋯.png (1.61 MB,1580x1069,1580:1069,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523972 (022158ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

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That's ok. Global X has got this.


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880751 No.216023

File: 04c4aed482068e7⋯.png (5.92 MB,2667x3125,2667:3125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523992 (022203ZSEP24) Notable: Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

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880751 No.216024

File: 4d1fbaf105739db⋯.png (362.8 KB,463x477,463:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21523994 (022203ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216025

File: 6287d6df113f122⋯.png (678.35 KB,1920x2713,1920:2713,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e730497614531d⋯.png (62.69 KB,645x479,645:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ac027b6054261f⋯.png (26.58 KB,500x400,5:4,Clipboard.png)

File: e8030e703e79f41⋯.png (104.61 KB,1166x379,1166:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524017 (022208ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

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>That's ok. Global X has got this.



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880751 No.216026

File: 220c0a3a229bd5a⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524063 (022216ZSEP24) Notable: June 17 Presser By Kansas AG On Lawsuit Against Pfizer

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June 17 Presser By Kansas Ag On Lawsuit Against Pfiser

Dr Jordan B Peterson@jordanbpeterson

WOW is right

And I've never said that in all caps before

Time to short



Malka🔱 @Malka_Sargon


Jun 18



https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1830483402383905177 /history

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880751 No.216027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524111 (022222ZSEP24) Notable: #26369

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notables FINAL

#26369 >>215965

>>215966 Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

>>215967 Can't remember my false flag to take away your guns crisis actor lines

>>215974 Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

>>215975 Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

>>215977, >>215987, >>216018 Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

>>215978 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him

>>215979 Finland plans ban on property acquisitions by foreign nationals as concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia

>>215983 Americans Own 46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns, Says U.N. Report

>>215984 Hear me out

>>215985 ¡Que Mala!

>>215986, >>216004 New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

>>215988 Kamala counterfeit ads

>>215989 Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor

>>215990, >>215992, >>216023 Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

>>215993 City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

>>215994 Some delays at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

>>215995 New Shawn Ryan x Kash Patel

>>215982 Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb

>>216012, >>216021 Marathon not a sprint

>>215996, >>216003 Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

>>215997 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil

>>215998 Aurora, CO police department whistleblower reveals that Venezuelan gangs are wreaking havoc on the entire city in general

>>215999 NPCs relaying their programmed message

>>216000 There appears to be a pattern

>>216001 Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

>>216002, >>216005, >>216009 Starlink Market in Brazil

>>216006 Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

>>216007 Why does no one complain about this?

>>216008 Blue Origin

>>216010, >>216013, >>216014 Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

>>216011 Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: BAC was more than double the legal limit

>>216015 The Democrats are trying to counter with their own version of MAGA Hulk Hogan

>>216020, >>216022, >>216025 PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

>>216026 June 17 Presser By Kansas AG On Lawsuit Against Pfizer

>>215968, >>215969, >>215970, >>215971, >>215972, >>215973, >>215976, >>215980, >>215981, >>215991, >>216016, >>216017, >>216019, >>216024 Memes


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880751 No.216028

File: 9e1b68b4e25a43c⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x857,1200:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524138 (022224ZSEP24) Notable: #26370

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880751 No.216029

File: f1d54bbc1eee350⋯.png (285.34 KB,515x655,103:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524157 (022226ZSEP24) Notable: FBl FF comms?

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Before most mass attacks, perpetrators exposed someone to signs they were on a path to violence. In many cases, that person didn’t know how or who to alert about their concern. Together we can prevent mass violence. Learn how at http://fbi.gov/Prevent.


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880751 No.216030

File: aa7883fb98e30b3⋯.jpeg (314.31 KB,1284x1195,1284:1195,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524159 (022227ZSEP24) Notable: Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

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Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

Updated: Sep. 01, 2024, 5:12

Rose Simone was sunbathing on the Wildwood beach on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon when the screaming started.

“People were just screaming, ‘You hit somebody! Somebody’s under your truck! Stop!”Simone recounted in a phone interview Saturday. “Everybody is just gathering around the area and then the cop jumps out of his truck.”

A Wildwood police officer ran over a woman lying on a towel on the beach and she was pinned under the low-profile vehicle in the sand, Simone said.

Wildwood Police Chief Joseph Murphy confirmed to the Press of Atlantic City that an officer ran over a woman while he was on duty and responding to an unspecified ordinance violation. It happened near Rio Grande Avenue around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The woman is expected to survive but has serious injuries, including broken ribs and vertebrae, and a lung injury, 6abc reported.

Many bystanders gathered around the truck, some digging in the sand and others working to lift the front end of the full-sized pickup truck off of her, Simone said.

“They were the ones who sprung to action,” she said.

First responders placed her on a backboard and into the back of a rescue vehicle that transported her across the beach to a waiting ambulance, Simone said. Investigators remained on scene for roughly an hour, she estimated, taking photos.

On Friday, Wildwood Police Chief Joseph Murphy told the Press of Atlantic City the officer is normally assigned to the beach and the vehicle was the department’s Ford F-150. The chief did not identify the officer or the victim, but told the Press the incident would be investigated by Wildwood Police internal affairs and the accident reconstruction officer.

A Wildwood spokeswoman said Saturday no one would be commenting on behalf of the city because of the ongoing investigation.

Simone said she had noticed the woman earlier, sitting in dark clothes on the towel with a man, who was swimming at the time of the accident.

She was amazed that the truck had struck someone so close to her, because she hadn’t heard it approaching at all, though it was about 30 feet away.

“She was behind me, and I didn’t hear a sound until I heard people screaming,” she said.


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880751 No.216031

File: c300f414e63755b⋯.png (85.14 KB,515x557,515:557,Clipboard.png)

File: d0a888afbf7ac22⋯.png (19.84 KB,473x147,473:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524166 (022229ZSEP24) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

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https://qagg.news/?q={D%2009/02/} today's deltas

https://qagg.news/?read=2057 ECW

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880751 No.216032

File: ea7fdde500b35f5⋯.png (286.22 KB,512x650,256:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524173 (022231ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

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Donald J. Trump


Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity. Under Comrade Kamala Harris, all Americans are suffering during this Holiday weekend — High Gas Prices, Transportation Costs are up, and Grocery Prices are through the roof. We can’t keep living under this weak and failed “Leadership.”

In my First Term, we achieved Major Successes to protect American Workers by negotiating Free and Fair Trade Deals, passing the USMCA (U.S./Mexico/Canada), and giving Businesses and their Workers the tools to thrive. We also invested heavily in Education and Job Training programs for those who wish to expand upon their abilities, and be successful in an Industry that they love. We were an Economic Powerhouse, all because of the American Worker! But Kamala and Biden have undone all of that. When I return to the White House, we will continue upon our Successes by creating an Environment that ensures ALL Workers, and Businesses, have the opportunity to prosper and achieve their American Dream. We will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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880751 No.216033

File: 856044931f455df⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524176 (022232ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216034

File: 02c8e0d1fc05dac⋯.jpg (174.58 KB,1273x716,1273:716,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524177 (022232ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216035

File: e5de1983e7dd684⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524195 (022235ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524202 (022236ZSEP24) Notable: Carpe Diem: C before D

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Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

C before D


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880751 No.216037

File: fdb665cf695a513⋯.png (22.4 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524209 (022238ZSEP24) Notable: Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

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James O'Keefe


Looking forward to this one





Sep 1

Muckraker Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PLACING ALIEN CHILDREN IN TRAFFICKING RINGS

Muckraker has just concluded a months-long investigation into the Unaccompanied Children (UC) Program of @HHSGov.

We have now obtained first-hand testimonies from children who were delivered to a trafficking ring in Florida. According to insiders, the Department of Health and Human Services has known about this trafficking case for 3 years but did nothing to find the trafficked children.

According to the children we found, they were encouraged to come to the United States after hearing radio advertisements in Guatemala promoting the journey.


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880751 No.216038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524217 (022239ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

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Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

Sept. 1, 2024

Bloomberg) - Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, saying the ruling will likely drive away investors and harm the country.

On Friday, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered internet service providers in Brazil to block its users from accessing X, after the social media company refused to appoint a legal representative in the country to deal with requests to take down accounts allegedly involved in spreading political misinformation.

Moraes also ordered the freeze of funds held by another of Musk’s enteprises, Starlink, to serve as collateral for fines imposed on X for not following court decisions.

The “illegal shut down of X and account freeze at Starlink put Brazil on a rapid path to becoming an uninvestable market,” Ackman said in a post on X on Saturday night.“China committed similar acts leading to capital flight and a collapse in valuations. The same will happen to Brazil unless they quickly retreat from these illegal acts.”

Over the weekend, most of Brazil’s largest internet providers complied with the order, pushing users in the country to migrate to some of X’s competitors. Social media network Bluesky, founded by Jack Dorsey after selling Twitter to Musk, reported one million new users in the three days ending on Saturday and published a series of posts in Portuguese to welcome Brazilians signing up for the service.

The full panel of panel of Supreme Court justices will seek to reconvene as soon as Monday to discuss the ban and are likely to back Moraes’s ruling, local website G1 reported, citing an unnamed judge. In an interview with newspaper Folha, Chief Justice Luis Roberto Barroso appeared to support the ruling, saying without mentioning X in particular that a company without legal representation in the country can’t be allowed to operate.

(Corrects spelling of Twitter in penultimate paragraph. An earlier version of the story corrected the same error.)

The Ultimate Fuck Around and Find Out


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880751 No.216039

File: 3602fdee4d45638⋯.png (50.58 KB,473x392,473:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524246 (022245ZSEP24) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

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>>216031 (me)




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/2018 13:41:48 ID: 896ac0

8chan/qresearch: 2846716


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/2018 13:24:11 ID:896ac0

8chan/qresearch: 2846457

Ezra Cohen-Watnick



BRIDGES - connecting people.



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880751 No.216040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524263 (022248ZSEP24) Notable: Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

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Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persistsElla Lee

Sun, September 1, 20241/2

The resounding impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to neuter an obstruction charge used in Jan. 6 cases will face fresh scrutiny Wednesday when a rioter’s resentencing tests whether prison terms in such cases must be reduced.

Since the high court’s June decision, scores of rioters have asked judges to push back or reconsider already-imposed sentences. Prosecutors have said in court filings that a “case-by-case” analysis of the obstruction cases is underway to determine how to move forward and whether harsher sentences can stand.

Now, attorneys are preparing to put the litmus test to Thomas Robertson, a former Virginia police officer, who was sentenced to more than seven years in prison after a jury in 2022 convicted him of six charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding.

Prosecutors said Robertson entered the Capitol with the first wave of rioters and “used his specialized training” in law enforcement to impede officers attempting to push back the mob, using a large wooden stick to strike at least two officers.

The rioter’s 87-month sentence was initially vacated and ordered redone in May due to a separate ruling by a federal appeals court that affected the guidelines for his sentencing. But the appeals court also said the rioter’s lower court judge could consider the Supreme Court’s then-pending decision on the obstruction charge when handing down a new sentence.

At Robertson’s resentencing, a federal judge will determine how much time – if any – the Supreme Court justices’ ruling should shave off the rioter’s prison term.

Prosecutors say that sentence shouldn’t budge. But Robertson’s counsel is seeking a much lower term, suggesting the rioter has been a “model inmate” for the last three years on top of his sentencing guidelines having now dramatically changed.

More than 350 rioters were charged with obstruction of an official proceeding after the Capitol attack. The statute, Section 1512(c)(2), makes it a crime to “corruptly” obstruct, impede or interfere with official inquiries and investigations by Congress.

The Justice Department initially used it to prosecute rioters who interrupted Congress’s certification of the 2020 presidential election results, but one rioter, Joseph Fischer, challenged that approach, contending that prosecutors unlawfully retooled a charge that once criminalized document shredding to encompass the conduct of those who stormed the Capitol that day.

The Supreme Court sided with 6-3 with Fischer, not along ideological lines, writing that it would be “peculiar” to conclude that Congress “hid away” a catchall provision reaching far beyond the evidence destruction that initially prompted the legislation.

“The better conclusion is that subsection (c)(2) was designed by Congress to capture other forms of evidence and other means of impairing its integrity or availability beyond those Congress specified in (c)(1),” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sided with the court’s conservative majority, claimed that there is still a path forward for such Jan. 6 cases. Offering a roadmap to prosecutors, she suggested that Congress’s certification of the electoral vote inherently involved certain records, including the electoral votes themselves.


May they all be disbarred because they are too afraid to get overruled on the prior judgements.

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880751 No.216041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524271 (022250ZSEP24) Notable: Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

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“It might well be that Fischer’s conduct, as alleged here, involved the impairment (or the attempted impairment) of the availability or integrity of things used during the January 6 proceeding ‘in ways other than those specified in (c)(1),’” Jackson wrote. “If so, then Fischer’s prosecution under §1512(c)(2) can, and should, proceed.”

At the recent sentencing of Michael Sparks, the first rioter to enter the Capitol building on Jan. 6, the Justice Department tested out its own route in the already-tried case.

Prosecutors contended at the sentencing last week that Sparks’s obstruction conviction should still hold weight in deciding his sentence, despite theirdismissing the count following the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Their argument was twofold and focused specifically on evidence Sparks destroyed: the rioter permanently shuttered his Facebook account after the FBI informed him of a warrant for his arrest, and he erased text messages between himself and another rioter.

“This was a targeted effort,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily Allen told the judge last week.

Sparks’s attorney countered that deleting a Facebook account could not qualify as obstruction, when apps like Snapchat or Signal automatically delete content as part of their services.

But U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly sided with prosecutors, ruling that the context of Sparks’s actions – that the erasures occurred once he knew he was wanted by authorities – is key. The judge chose to weigh the offense and significantly depart from federal guidelines to sentence Sparks to more than four years in prison.

Handing down that sentence, Kelly also noted that a jury found Sparks guilty of obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 election, despite the later dismissal.

“I do find you had that intent, too,” the judge said.

In Friday filings for Robertson’s case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi pointed to Sparks as the first defendant convicted at trial of the obstruction charge where the government did not also proceed to sentencing on that count. She brought Kelly’s harsh sentence to the attention of Robertson’s judge, suggesting a similar roadmap for Robertson’s own resentencing.

“The applicable guidelines calculation did not account for Sparks’ clear intent to disrupt a government function,” Aloi wrote.


They are defying the SC by changing a couple of words. May they all be judged for the way they judged j6ers

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880751 No.216043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524306 (022255ZSEP24) Notable: UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

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UK: Angela Rayner REFUSES to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

During questions to the Housing Secretary in the House of Commons, Angela Rayner refuses to give a definition of ‘Islamaphobia’ to Reform MP Lee Anderson.


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880751 No.216044

File: 250ac8c65417df1⋯.png (302.73 KB,617x572,617:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524311 (022257ZSEP24) Notable: Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

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Adam Schiff

@AdamSchiff 9m

Heading up to the far north of this big beautiful state to visit with some of the tribal nations, explore off-shore wind, learn about reforestation efforts in the redwoods and more.

Thanks to Rep. @JaredHuffman for organizing.

Sep 2, 2024 · 10:46 PM UTC


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880751 No.216045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524330 (022259ZSEP24) Notable: States struggle to vet coders of election software

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Hacking blind spot: States struggle to vet coders of election software

In New Hampshire, acybersecurity firm found troubling security bugs — and the Ukrainian national anthem — written into a voter database built with the help of an overseas subcontractor.

“We felt the need to just do a hard look at the software code that the offshore resources had been working on,” Scanlan said in the first of two interviews in the New Hampshire Statehouse this April.

The issues discovered by ReversingLabs were concerning. They could have left the state’s voter registration database vulnerable to foreign hackers had the system been brought online without first being studied, according to the individual directly familiar with the probe and those briefed on the details by POLITICO.

That did not include the hardcoded Ukrainian national anthem, which posed no technical threat, but could have given fodder to conspiracy theorists.

The first of those risks stemmed from Microsoft software that had been misconfigured — probably by accident —to connect to servers in foreign countries, including Russia. The outbound traffic could have made it easier for hackers to identify and reconnoiter the system and slip past defenses deployed to protect it.

In addition, code for the database — which was not in use yet — included popular open-source software, core-js, that is overseen by a Russian national, Denis Pushkarev.

In an op-ed published last November that did not name New Hampshire or WSD Digital, a ReversingLabs researcher argued that using core-js in election technology was dangerous. Core-js included “callbacks” to Pushkarev’s personal website that could allow Pushkarev to pinpoint specific users of core-js, the article warned.

And the op-ed, which included a quote from the ReversingLabs CEO,suggested that Pushkarev’s criminal history and publicized financial struggles could make him susceptible to blackmail.

Though a reputable coder, Pushkarev warned publicly in early 2023 that sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine had cut off much of the financial support he was receiving for upkeeping core-js. In the same post, he also disclosed he served prison time following a hit-and-run incident that left one of the victims, a teenager, dead.

Dan Lorenc, an open source security expert andfounder of supply-chain security start-up Chainguard, said his concern is that someone could “slip malware” through core-js to its users.

While the risk is modest for some of the several million applications that use core-js, Lorenc argued that election technology should be held to a higher standard.

“When it comes to security critical software, you have to be responsible for every single component in there, including the open source, and that’s kind of a gap that not a lot of people think about,” he said.

In a text conversation, Pushkarev called ReversingLabs’ warnings “stupid and unprofessional,” arguing that any effort to “inject anything malicious” into core-js would be noticed by its users.

He also argued that his legal troubles are behind him. “There are no levers of pressure on me from any special services,” he wrote, “moreover — any compromise of the project would mean the end of my career.”

WSD Digital and ReversingLabs did not respond to repeated requests for comment over the course of several months.

Scanlan and Lang emphasized that the voter registration database was not online at the time of the probe, and that many organizations, including the U.S. government, use foreign contractors for some IT systems.

They said they opted not to cut ties with WSD because the company was transparent after they confronted it, and the scan revealed no signs that the system had been tampered with.

“There was nothing alarming that we saw that would cause any red flag for us,” Lang said.


When they don't see threats, there are always threats. Ukraine is a threat.

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880751 No.216046

File: 139f9c81dc1b8e5⋯.png (31.55 KB,618x267,206:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524345 (022300ZSEP24) Notable: Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

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Chuck Schumer

@SenSchumer 1h

I’m pained and troubled by the horrible shooting that took place as we were marching together at the West Indian Day Festival and Parade in Brooklyn.

Thank you to our 1st responders on the scene. I pray for everyone affected. We must keep working to end gun violence in America.

Sep 2, 2024 · 9:35 PM UTC


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880751 No.216047

File: 6cba953ab31c4d1⋯.png (640.35 KB,804x795,268:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524364 (022304ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216048

File: 1c1c01e689cc38a⋯.png (795.23 KB,933x761,933:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 369f2d280a3999b⋯.png (196.17 KB,440x814,20:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524383 (022308ZSEP24) Notable: British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

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British Christians have launched a crowdfund campaign in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric. Sheikh Yasser al-Habib had previously disclosed plans to purchase the uninhabited island of Torsa and transform it into a self-governing, sharia-compliant caliphate.

In a video address to his followers, al-Habib, who claimed asylum in Britain 20 years ago, revealed that his group had previously considered an island located on the Canada-United States border, but was unable to acquire it due to financial constraints and competition from a Canadian charity.

As a result, he set his sights on Torsa, one of the Slate Islands in Scotland, which is just over a mile long and has a single farmhouse on its lush land. The Gaelic name for the island is derived from Old Norse and has been translated to mean “Thorir’s island” or possibly “Thor’s Island.” The island is only accessible by private boat from the nearby island of Luing, which is connected to the mainland by a bridge.

Currently valued at £1.5 million to purchase, its dedicated website states that it is ripe for opportunities.

“There are many attractions in the area, or you can just relax and do nothing. Wildlife abounds, the days are quiet and the nights are peaceful and dark,” reads the description. “Torsa is a remote holiday location suitable for those with a sense of adventure. “

But Al-Habib, who already runs military-style Muslim training camps in Europe, told his followers that his group planned to build its own school, hospital, and mosque on the Scottish island, where they intend to institute sharia law.

The plans have been met by furious backlash from locals and it is understood that the Island’s current owner is unwilling to sell the land to Al-Habib, according to the Daily Mail.

Due to the owner of the land rejecting the Islamic hate-figure’s offer, Christians have now banded together in an effort to buy the land and keep it out of Al-Habib’s hands.

Father Calvin Robinson, a British political commentator and Catholic cleric, recently stepped up and declared that he has created a GiveSendGo to “Reclaim the island for Christendom.”


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880751 No.216049

File: 01059552afa33e9⋯.jpg (100.4 KB,1111x689,1111:689,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524389 (022309ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216050

File: eee0ba4fb09e336⋯.jpeg (197.31 KB,622x1000,311:500,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524406 (022312ZSEP24) Notable: Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

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What Schumer attempts to do in America is exactly what Adolf did in Germany!

by William Cooper

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880751 No.216051

File: 0ccff0b7802551a⋯.png (403.37 KB,621x473,621:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524408 (022313ZSEP24) Notable: Mass shooting at parade in New York City

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>>gun violence in America




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880751 No.216052

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524414 (022313ZSEP24) Notable: Dancin' man can't lose

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il Donaldo Trumpo

Democrats never look that beautiful or patriotic. They love Trump!



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880751 No.216053

File: f080f19e43a75a3⋯.png (1.42 MB,906x932,453:466,Clipboard.png)

File: d3120c54e32185d⋯.png (565.24 KB,559x909,559:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524429 (022316ZSEP24) Notable: Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

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Shadow of Ezra


Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background


She’s a known supporter of Balenciaga, a brand already tarnished by its disturbing imagery involving children.

Cardi B says this is just a mistake, but how could any member of her team miss the word pedophile so blatantly displayed during the photo's editing process?


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880751 No.216054

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524442 (022319ZSEP24) Notable: Today we got Kamalaya'll

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OMG!!!🤣🤣🤣. How is any southern black person there, not getting disgusted by this. Other than that, this is funny.



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880751 No.216055

File: 48de9acb2355e4b⋯.png (588.7 KB,500x852,125:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524456 (022322ZSEP24) Notable: Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

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880751 No.216056

File: e5a5ed75fc29be3⋯.png (451.53 KB,680x485,136:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524544 (022344ZSEP24) Notable: Breaking the habit

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Isn't it crazy how Laurence Rockefeller looks a lot like John Podesta and Chester Bennington just happens to look like both of them?


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880751 No.216057

File: 347754b664dae7c⋯.png (56.04 KB,1003x242,1003:242,Clipboard.png)

File: dcff23d13912ab1⋯.png (80.69 KB,1004x379,1004:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 40fe9c4d171f8c8⋯.png (349.38 KB,1007x419,1007:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524652 (030015ZSEP24) Notable: "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

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"How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

Americans are by now familiar with a handful of whistleblowers who after spending years employed by the US intelligence community (IC) eventually saw enough to make them angry and throw away the safety of their future government careers by exposing state secrets to the public. Names like Snowden, Manning, Kiriakou or John Stockwell, William Binning and Thomas Drake (both of NSA whistleblower fame) are well-known, especially in independent and alternative media circles.

But lesser known are the names of those abruptly fired and dismissed from their posts as analysts or as officers for merely questioning and pushing back in real time what they understood to be disastrous and criminal foreign action and policy to their higher-ups. We suspect that this list of names, still largely unknown to the public or media, is much bigger than anyone knows. Such ex-employees of the CIA, NSA, DIA or other alphabet soup agencies typically have their security clearances revoked and are threatened with criminal prosecution should they ever reveal state secrets and classified information. The possibility of future employment even in the civilian world then comes under threat. This means most of them remain unknown.

Typically the American public only finds out about massive covert CIA operations or US war plans long after the fact. For example, the intelligence community knew that the Bush-Cheney White House was gearing up for a 'shock and awe' invasion of Iraq for months before it happened. Or for another example, the truth about the CIA's covert program to overthrow Syria's Assad (called 'Timber Sycamore') finally leaked to The New York Times at least half a decade after it began. Intelligence planners under President Obama understood that the US was arming and training al-Qaeda linked Libyan rebels to overthrow and execute Gaddafi. And all the while, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was getting briefed on these US-backed rebels conducting extermination campaigns against ethnic minorities. Such horrific and suppressed truths only typically come out years or decades after they happen.

But again, what of those rare voices who dissent in real time and quietly suffer the full retribution of the national security deep state, far from the public eye? ZeroHedge was able to hear directly from one such rare dissenter in the Washington D.C. area this weekend. Former CIA operations officer Philip Giraldi spent over two decades in the agency, which took him around the world. We heard his fascinating and alarming story of "How I Got Fired From The CIA" during a closed-door session at the Ron Paul Institute's Liberty Platform conference held in Dulles, Virginia.

Below are ex-CIA Giraldi's words recounting how his long career led up to a difficult show-down with CIA leadership, and what happened next, as transcribed directly by ZeroHedge [emphasis ours].


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880751 No.216058

File: 49463b467e35130⋯.png (1.29 MB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524671 (030021ZSEP24) Notable: Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

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>>216050 Schumer's been blathering about gun control for a long damn time.

From 1999: "Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday predicted all handguns will be registered and licensed in five years as a result of shocking incidents like yesterday’s Los Angeles Jewish center shooting spree."

Gun laws/registration/etc would not have stopped the 1999 shooter. FTA:

"After an Atlanta day trader went on a rampage, killing 12 people, the House passed a resolution urging that the gun-show loophole in a federal law requiring background checks on gun buyers be shut, but it was a nonbinding vote.

Atlanta day trader Mark Barton obtained one of his guns legally, and the proposed new law wouldn’t have affected his ability to get the other, but closing the gun-show loophole could have affected the Columbine HS shootings."


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880751 No.216059

File: a838ae84d051045⋯.png (333.87 KB,602x675,602:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524705 (030030ZSEP24) Notable: Today we got Kamalaya'll

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Oilfield Rando




johnny maga




Kamala in Detroit vs. Kamala in Pittsburgh — literally 5 hours apart

The difference is insane

11:42 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.216060

File: ec45d25205fa622⋯.png (4.07 MB,1804x1015,1804:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524716 (030034ZSEP24) Notable: Turkiye requests BRICS membership

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Turkiye requests BRICS membership: Report

Turkish officials have recently praised the rapidly growing bloc of emerging economies

Turkiye has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, Bloomberg cited informed sources as saying on 2 September.

Ankara “seeks to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies,” the sources said. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes “that the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from developed economies” and that the push to join BRICS “reflects its aspirations to cultivate ties with all sides in a multipolar world, while still fulfilling its obligations as a key member of NATO.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in early June that BRICS serves as a good alternative to the EU. Later that month, he confirmed that dialogue between Ankara and BRICS nations was ongoing – coming as Turkish frustration continued to grow due to stalled efforts to join the EU.

While Turkiye has long been a member of NATO, accession talks for EU membership have faced several obstacles since they began in 2005. Turkiye had applied to join the EU predecessor organization, the EEC, in 1987.

“Turkey submitted an application to join BRICS some months ago amid frustration over a lack of progress in its decades-old bid to join the EU,” Bloomberg’s sources went on to say.

After Russia became the most sanctioned nation in the world following the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the BRICS bloc began seriously pursuing the creation of a common currency to de-dollarize trade and circumvent western sanctions.

A coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, BRICS at the start of this year expanded for the first time since 2010 to include Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, and the UAE.

Palestine’s ambassador in Moscow, Abdel Hafeez Nofal, said on 26 August that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is planning to apply to join BRICS.

“The different and beautiful thing about BRICS compared to the EU is that it includes all civilizations and races. If it can become a little more institutional, it will produce serious benefits,” Fidan said in early June.

Fidan confirmed in an interview later that month that his country may apply for an upgraded dialogue partnership with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Erdogan has also shown interest in joining China’s Shanghai Cooperation Council (SCO). In early, he attended the SCO summit in Kazakhstan.

“We do not have to choose between the EU and the SCO as some people claim. On the contrary, we have to develop our relations with both these and other organizations on a win-win basis,” the Turkish president said over the weekend.

“Turkiye can become a strong, prosperous, prestigious and effective country if it improves its relations with the East and the West simultaneously. Any method other than this will not benefit Turkiye, but will harm it,” he added.


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880751 No.216061

File: e8e123fa2fc0692⋯.png (611.35 KB,1075x742,1075:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524717 (030034ZSEP24) Notable: Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

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Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation

Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

American Greatness, by AG Staff

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/2/2024 8:21:45 PM

When Denver designated itself as a sanctuary city for migrants, it likely didn’t anticipate that its hospitality would result in a Venezuelan prison gang setting up shop in one of its suburbs. The Denver City government’s choice to tolerate and encourage open borders migration has enabled the violent Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela to make Aurora, Colorado a base of its operations. Now the gang has taken over apartment complexes and unleashed a growing wave of violent crime.

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880751 No.216062

File: 217a1f31c0144d5⋯.jpeg (577.63 KB,828x1016,207:254,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524733 (030039ZSEP24) Notable: Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

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Dragnet encompasses and collars the stupid fuckin commie Nationwide.

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880751 No.216063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524759 (030050ZSEP24) Notable: Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

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Irish teacher Enoch Burke is jailed for a THIRD time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

Irish teacher Enoch Burke has been jailed for a third time after he was arrested outside the school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'.

The Evangelical Christian was yesterday placed inside a Garda vehicle outside Wilson's Hospital School in Ireland's Co Westmeath and driven to the Four Courts in Dublin, reported the Irish Independent.

He was back behind bars at Mountjoy Prison last night having already spent more than 400 days incarcerated there for repeatedly defying a High Court injunction banning him from the school's grounds.

Justice Michael Quinn jailed him for contempt of court after the history and German teacher refused to give a 'yes' or 'no' answer when asked if he intended to return to the Westmeath school again.

As the order was passed, Mr Burke told Justice Quinn: 'You will answer to God for imprisoning me for my religious beliefs.'


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880751 No.216064

File: f6a3e59a2a9528d⋯.png (444.37 KB,659x458,659:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524779 (030057ZSEP24) Notable: Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

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Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding


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880751 No.216065

File: ebf62bdc7f83ee4⋯.mp4 (8.76 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524788 (030102ZSEP24) Notable: ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

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880751 No.216066

File: 3230dad1808cf11⋯.png (1.56 MB,1080x1339,1080:1339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524792 (030103ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216067

File: d94bcbc4ce0a6e8⋯.png (22.66 KB,614x168,307:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524815 (030111ZSEP24) Notable: Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

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Leading Report

@LeadingReport 6h

BREAKING: Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

Sep 2, 2024 · 6:55 PM UTC



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880751 No.216068

File: d6acd0e00a332a7⋯.png (321.99 KB,789x812,789:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 65b1a91b5cdc16e⋯.png (361.61 KB,610x648,305:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524839 (030121ZSEP24) Notable: PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

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Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524847 (030123ZSEP24) Notable: Turkiye requests BRICS membership

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First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS

Turkey has now offically submitted its application to join BRICS, after repeatedly being denied entry into the European Union!!

Even casual observers of matters geo-political, see this as a "HUGE" deal.

If accepted, Turkey would be the first NATO member and EU candidate to join BRICS.

The whole point of BRICS is basically to replace the world's reliance on the US dollar and "centralized" power.

Turkish President Erdogan’s administration believes “the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from former developed economies” according to sources.

The proposal by Turkey will be discussed at the BRICS summit in Russia this October.


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880751 No.216070

File: d4a6469786664ef⋯.png (642.51 KB,843x1192,843:1192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524867 (030130ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524873 (030131ZSEP24) Notable: #26370

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notables FINAL

#26370 >>216028

>>216029 FBl FF comms?

>>216051 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>216044, >>216046 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>216050, >>216058 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>216030 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>216031, >>216039, >>216055 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>216032 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>216036 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>216037 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>216038 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>216040, >>216041 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>216043 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>216045 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>216048 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>216052 Dancin' man can't lose

>>216053 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>216054, >>216059 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>216056 Breaking the habit

>>216057 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>216060, >>216069 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>216061 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>216062, >>216064 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>216063 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>216065 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>216067 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>216068 PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

>>216033, >>216034, >>216035, >>216047, >>216049, >>216066, >>216070 Memes


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880751 No.216197

File: 608865b5ec65d91⋯.png (1.6 MB,5000x3690,500:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524882 (030133ZSEP24) Notable: #26371

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can continue or defer

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880751 No.216198

File: be9b13950607fcb⋯.png (86.93 KB,806x547,806:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524900 (030138ZSEP24) Notable: Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

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CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

The events of recent years have awakened many Americans to the presence of evil in Western societies and governments.

One could scarcely imagine a darker evil than public policies that knowingly and purposely abet the brutalization of children.

In an appearance Sunday on the podcast “The Cats Roundtable with John Catsimatidis,” Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue accused the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris of operating like a “complicit middle man in child trafficking” due to the administration’s refusal to secure the southern border.

Unanue’s complaint about child trafficking came amid broader criticism of the Biden-Harris administration.

Last month, Harris proposed Communist-style price controls to fight what she described as corporate price-gouging in the food industry.

Thus, Unanue spent several minutes explaining how Biden-Harris policies, not corporate price gouging, have contributed to the global instability that drives inflation.

For instance, the administration’s catastrophic 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal “emboldened” Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose 2022 invasion of Ukraine — “breadbasket” for much of Europe and other parts of the world — led to higher food prices.

Catsimatidis, owner of the New York City supermarket chain Gristedes, then asked Unanue to elaborate on supply-chain problems.

Unanue responded by returning to the theme of global instability. He complained, for instance, about MS-13 and Venezuelan gang members.

Then, the Goya CEO turned the question of “costs” back on Harris and her failed administration.

“You want to control prices? You want to control costs? How about the United States, instead of being the complicit middle man in child trafficking, human trafficking and drugs, why don’t they put a lid on that and control our borders?”

“That is what the cost — it’s not the one percent that a grocery store has to make at the end of the day,” he added.


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880751 No.216199

File: b33f4e857f898fa⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 937701113f480a1⋯.png (249.92 KB,535x627,535:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524905 (030138ZSEP24) Notable: MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

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Modern elections just take longer even though we have "Better" technology

Shadow of Ezra


Mainstream media is now openly admitting that the November 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner.

They are psychologically preparing you for the cheating they have planned.


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880751 No.216200

File: 066f2b9be1e7518⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,495x492,165:164,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524918 (030143ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216201

File: c6500e303ffe568⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524928 (030147ZSEP24) Notable: In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

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Incredible Lightning strike on top of Guatemala Volcano 🌋

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880751 No.216202

File: 98e558d5151ba57⋯.png (790.81 KB,908x1200,227:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524952 (030154ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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The "anti-capitalists" view children as capital.

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880751 No.216203

File: ed288b6feb2dfaa⋯.jpeg (43.2 KB,457x582,457:582,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524960 (030157ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216205

File: 447b688346436e3⋯.png (1.23 MB,1125x1789,1125:1789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524972 (030201ZSEP24) Notable: Two-tiered system of audits

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Criminals are running the IRS.

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880751 No.216206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524975 (030202ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala will shut down X if she wins

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Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."

Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?

Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."

Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."


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880751 No.216207

File: b996e7065802721⋯.png (1.2 MB,810x1440,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524982 (030203ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216208

File: c67bcf4fa115a45⋯.png (859.85 KB,878x900,439:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524996 (030207ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216209

File: d38699f2647d58d⋯.png (400.56 KB,631x358,631:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21524999 (030207ZSEP24) Notable: Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

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880751 No.216210

File: 206304ce08e8786⋯.png (729.01 KB,962x1129,962:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525000 (030208ZSEP24) Notable: How it's going

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216211

File: e97701b6d2cff60⋯.png (337.18 KB,616x529,616:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525005 (030210ZSEP24) Notable: Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

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The Odisha Index

@the_odishaindex 18h

Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves.

Sep 2, 2024 · 7:31 AM UTC



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880751 No.216212

File: 59312d4f88ece49⋯.mp4 (795.25 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525078 (030234ZSEP24) Notable: Never Walz'ers

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When even the State Fair turns into a 'Never Walz' event, you know Minnesotans have had enough.


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880751 No.216213

File: 9ce998e5521af17⋯.png (41.06 KB,927x846,103:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525085 (030236ZSEP24) Notable: Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

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Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

Arthur J. Gregg, the first African American Army officer to reach the rank of lieutenant general and the only person in modern history to have a military base named for him in his lifetime in his case a rechristening of a fort that had honored the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee died Aug. 22. He was 96. The Army announced the death on its website but did not cite a cause or say where he died. In April 2023, Fort Lee in Virginia was renamed Fort Gregg-Adams in honor of Gregg, who in 1977 became the Army’s first Black three-star general, and Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley, who was the highest-ranking Black woman to serve as an Army officer in World War II. The new name was recommended by a congressional commission charged with rechristening nine military bases named for Confederate officers, as part of a national self-examination around race set off by the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Fort Lee, about 30 miles south of Richmond, near the confluence of the James and Appomattox rivers, had originally been named after Lee, one of eight Virginians who were West Point graduates and U.S. Army colonels at the outbreak of the Civil War. Among them, only Lee chose to take up arms against the United States, the commission noted.


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880751 No.216214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525097 (030240ZSEP24) Notable: Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

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LIVE: Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate


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880751 No.216215

File: 0c18dc2b0dc419c⋯.jpeg (652.9 KB,1125x1860,75:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525098 (030240ZSEP24) Notable: Presidential campaign spending disparity

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Can anyone explain this?


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880751 No.216216

File: 85df1c5495e0606⋯.png (181.88 KB,720x647,720:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525115 (030246ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216217

File: b2c52ed6eaf58d0⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525143 (030253ZSEP24) Notable: Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

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Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises" . This is the real audio of it

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880751 No.216218

File: 5baa62793a32009⋯.png (664.86 KB,840x480,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525174 (030302ZSEP24) Notable: A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

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Teen Girl at Baseball Game Stabbed by Previously Deported Illegal Migrant, Police Allege.


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880751 No.216219

File: 7c0983db73ceac7⋯.png (206.32 KB,460x444,115:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525175 (030303ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216220

File: 72cb7ed5104383f⋯.png (443.15 KB,787x808,787:808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525185 (030305ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216221

File: 438cb03aece97c2⋯.png (497.98 KB,1194x1135,1194:1135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525187 (030307ZSEP24) Notable: Krappensteins are in crap with teens

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URGENT: I’ve exposed the Krassenstein brothers for owning domains like humilatedschoolgirls[dot]com, younggporn[dot]net, and 17onlygirls[dot]com, which are undeniably linked to underage teen p0rn.

Owning and trading such domains directly contributes to the horrific global industry of child exploitation. Instead of taking responsibility and apologizing for their actions, the Krassensteins are now trying to intimidate and silence me with lawsuits because others called them ped0s after I brought these facts to light.

Let me be clear: I am not responsible for other people's statements. It is the very nature of investigative journalism to uncover uncomfortable truths and to go where it hurts, especially when it involves exposing those who profit from the exploitation of the vulnerable.

By the way, the Krassenstein brothers are the same people who loudly accuse Trump of being a r4pist, yet their own past is steeped in the very filth they claim to oppose.

I will not back down or be silenced by their threats. Their immoral and unethical behavior must be exposed, and I will continue to stand against those who profit from the suffering of children.

Who's with me?


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880751 No.216222

File: c7278992fcdc280⋯.png (102.42 KB,543x629,543:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525189 (030308ZSEP24) Notable: Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

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Elon Musk


Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out


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880751 No.216223

File: d94d267f3186a21⋯.png (38.85 KB,887x282,887:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525197 (030313ZSEP24) Notable: Happy Labor Day

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880751 No.216224

File: b900b07c356218b⋯.png (23.5 KB,765x686,765:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525219 (030322ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

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Donald J. Trump


Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall. Get your tickets today at hannitytownhall.fox-newschanne. Look forward to seeing you there—MAGA2024!!!



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880751 No.216225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525239 (030334ZSEP24) Notable: Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

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HRC cancels fundraiser for Kamala.

They're jumping ship, kek


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880751 No.216226

File: f34829987e07cd4⋯.png (713.03 KB,900x853,900:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525245 (030338ZSEP24) Notable: New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

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Climate hoax getting exposed

New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions. Emissions are 'irrelevant.'


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880751 No.216227

File: f434742e36520c2⋯.png (12.32 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525316 (030407ZSEP24) Notable: QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

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QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

** with the attachment this time

>*clock is built up around from July 2, 2023 clock.

>So many odd little coinky's in this Ars Tecnica (they were the first to break the story)…


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880751 No.216228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525328 (030427ZSEP24) Notable: Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

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🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

📌#Chicago | #Illinois

Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building, displaying firearms, and occupying the courtyard with motorcycles. The caller further mentions that all stairwells in the building are filled, creating a potential safety hazard. In response, officers were dispatched to the 6100 block of South King Drive on Monday after receiving reports of a large group of migrants allegedly armed and congregating in the building's courtyard. Upon arrival, officers conducted a thorough search of the premises. However, according to an officials no migrants were found in possession of weapons or motorcycles, and no immediate threat was identified. recording by


11:59 PM · Sep 2, 2024



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880751 No.216229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525343 (030439ZSEP24) Notable: State of Things: LA

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880751 No.216230

File: 24795c162864362⋯.png (933.9 KB,800x1003,800:1003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525345 (030440ZSEP24) Notable: This meme escalated quickly

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880751 No.216231

File: 141562f9526fe41⋯.png (622.31 KB,594x1304,297:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ab15e922f18a3f⋯.png (864.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525364 (030446ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

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Musk masterfully trolls the dem favorite dishonest-gaslight talking-point of "Dictator on Day One"

Elon Musk


Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?

10:18 AM · Sep 2, 2024 · 37.9M Views


The comments are a goldmine for liberal REEEEs

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880751 No.216232

File: 530d3faf387f8c4⋯.png (378.64 KB,719x1011,719:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525365 (030447ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216233

File: 5be3ca5f0ee01b3⋯.png (64.9 KB,207x195,69:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525383 (030455ZSEP24) Notable: This meme escalated quickly

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Isn't Trump 77 years old?

Wasn't he the 45th President?

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880751 No.216234

File: 4d2632732d54af1⋯.jpeg (447.21 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525402 (030506ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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880751 No.216235

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525543 (030717ZSEP24) Notable: Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

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Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony


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880751 No.216236

File: 20a4ba58391ae4c⋯.png (582.53 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525559 (030754ZSEP24) Notable: Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

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Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire with 2,400C incendiaries in bid to flush Putin's soldiers out of their treeline where they were hiding

This is the terrifying moment a Ukrainian 'flamethrowing drone' set Russian defences alight with incendiaries that can burn up to 2,400C.

Footage taken by another drone shows the flamethrower unit methodically tracing a forest understood to be hosting Russian troops, spitting hot thermite down below.

The length of forest can be seen quickly catching alight, as smoke billows upwards.

The video was posted by Ukraine’s 108th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade with a single word, referencing the dragons in Game of Thrones: 'Drakaris.'

Thermite, a mix of iron oxide and magnesium, can burn at temperatures of up to 2,400C, and can quickly tear through flesh if alight.

Despite its extreme danger, it is not banned by any international arms treaty except against civilian populations.

>device used and developed in Commifornia to create the glowball warming wildfires

>Vid link - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/embed/video/3262759.html


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880751 No.216237

File: 827f1942bb1c7cc⋯.jpeg (452.8 KB,1409x1620,1409:1620,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525568 (030801ZSEP24) Notable: Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

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Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora


Whoa - a whistleblower in the Aurora, CO police department is revealing that the Venezuelan gangs aren’t just terrorizing a single apartment complex

It’s happening across the city

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880751 No.216238

File: 1999f797255c3c1⋯.jpeg (239.77 KB,1131x668,1131:668,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525575 (030810ZSEP24) Notable: Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

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Whistleblower Letter re Aurora, CO Venezuela Gangs per LEO Insider

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880751 No.216239

File: 822d2ee2d008cf4⋯.png (642.96 KB,971x793,971:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525606 (030831ZSEP24) Notable: Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops

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Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops


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880751 No.216240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525634 (030853ZSEP24) Notable: #26371

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#26371 >>216197

>>216224 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>216198 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>216199 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>216201 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>216205 Two-tiered system of audits

>>216206 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>216209 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>216210, >>216216 How it's going

>>216211 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>216212 Never Walz'ers

>>216213 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>216214 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>216215 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>216217 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>216218 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>216221 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>216222 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>216223, >>216219 Happy Labor Day

>>216225 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>216226 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>216227 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>216228 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>216229 State of Things: LA

>>216230, >>216233 This meme escalated quickly

>>216231 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>216200, >>216203, >>216202, >>216207, >>216208, >>216216, >>216219, >>216220, >>216232, >>216234 Memes

baker change

>>216235 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>216236 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>216237, >>216238 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>216239 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops



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880751 No.216241

File: 6c6ff974e7dbef2⋯.png (486.96 KB,873x709,873:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f5c74b4f226154⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,273x337,273:337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525636 (030855ZSEP24) Notable: #26372

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baker preparing to snooze

this. bread. is. ghosted.


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880751 No.216242

File: e945d5f966de7ce⋯.png (477.8 KB,733x673,733:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525680 (030915ZSEP24) Notable: Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

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Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March

Through Manhattan

Front Page Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: OhioNick, 9/3/2024 3:27:50 AM

Could anyone have imagined twenty years ago or even in the darkest days of the Obama administration that Islamic terrorists would feel free to rampage across the streets of Manhattan waving terrorist flags? But here we are. No arrests. No FBI agents knocking on their doors. Despite formal condemnations and press releases, the Jihadists know that they have the backing of the Democrats, the Left, and the media. What else do they need? This is what they’re doing a week before 9/11. Can you imagine what they’ll do on 9/11?

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880751 No.216243

File: 991abdda0bce532⋯.png (38.94 KB,638x388,319:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525716 (030930ZSEP24) Notable: Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today…

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Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today…

Every adult recalls the 2008 "Great Financial Crisis" when Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and others collapsed. The Chart from FDIC shows that period above. That was then… THIS is now:


How much longer this can go on is anyone's guess. It seems to me, as an unqualified Layman who is not a Licensed Financial Expert, and who cannot give financial advice, that this is an utter catastrophe actually taking place. In my personal (unqualified) opinion, when it finally causes a collapse…. the collapse is going to wipe out everything!

Now you know why they seem to be trying so hard to cause World War III. They need it to blame the coming collapse on!

If the collapse takes place without World War 3, then THEY get (rightly) blamed instead of being able to blame their manufactured world war.

IF Russia's and China's leaders are smart, they will not take the bait. HOWEVER…. the conundrum they now face is risk being further attacked by use of other vassal state proxies, and being called chicken, with the world assuming they will bluff, which risks calls for further escalation in their own nations. VERY DANGEROUS TIMES.

Maybe the reason the uber-wealthy are building underground shelters for themselves is not to protect them from World War III, but instead, to protect them from the masses, who will be wiped-out when the Banker shenanigans wipes out the system and everyone loses everything.

Whatever they're going to do, it seems to me they have to do it before the election.

I earnestly hope you have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator, fuel for it, communications gear like CB or HAM radio, flashlights, first-aid kits, CASH MONEY stashed outside a bank in a place where YOU can get to it. If you don't have these things, what will you do when the whole thing comes crashing down?


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880751 No.216244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525736 (030937ZSEP24) Notable: Stolen valor: Two more Dems busted lying about military service

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Stolen valor: Two more Dems busted lying about military service

Well, the list of Democrats lying about their military service is getting so big, we decided to do a “megablog” to cover all the new info flooding the internet. As we all know, the Big Daddy of Stolen Valor is still Tampon Tim, and when asked about it during the recent CNN interview, he refused to own up to his shameful actions and blamed his lies on “bad grammar.”

(Article republished from Revolver.news)

CNN: “You said you carried weapons in war, but you’ve never deployed in a war zone…”

Walz: “… I speak candidly. I wear my emotions on my sleeves…”

CNN: “… You said that you were in war. Did you misspeak?”

Walz: “… My grammar is not always correct.”pic.twitter.com/ZU2frJL2FD

— Jerry Dunleavy IV ?? (@JerryDunleavy) August 30, 2024


Dems really think the American people are stupid.

The latest stolen valor scumbag is Wes Moore—the new political figure the Dems are grooming to be their next “Obama.” But Mr. Moore, like others before him, is a shameless liar who steals valor and fabricates stories to make himself look better than he is. Surprisingly, even the New York Times is covering this issue, as Moore’s lies begin to unravel on the national stage. One of the most egregious is his false claim of receiving a Bronze Star—a particularly disgraceful lie, in the Dems stolen valor genre.


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880751 No.216245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525746 (030943ZSEP24) Notable: Russia sentences scientist to 15 years in prison for ‘treason’ agencies.

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BREAKINGRussia sentences scientist to 15 years in prison for ‘treason’ agencies.

5:11 AM · Sep 3, 2024



Full article: https://insiderpaper.com/russia-sentences-scientist-to-15-years-in-prison-for-treason-agencies/

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880751 No.216246

File: 46ed3e460d68710⋯.png (28.31 KB,598x326,299:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525793 (030958ZSEP24) Notable: You are in the midst of an intelligence operation. Your border policy was written by the globalists at the UN - it is called The Global Compact on migration…

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Lara Logan


You are in the midst of an intelligence operation. Your border policy was written by the globalists at the UN - it is called The Global Compact on migration - which made migration a HUMAN RIGHT. Look it up.


NC Scout




When you wonder why the Aurora PD can literally lie to your face, know that this is why.

They're protecting an investment. x.com/Oilfield_Rando…

5:35 PM · Sep 2, 2024




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880751 No.216247

File: 327c2b6aa8723b7⋯.png (176.61 KB,1030x461,1030:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21525968 (031041ZSEP24) Notable: Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code

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>Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code - Politico

nothing to see here

2 Sep, 2024 15:06

HomeWorld News

Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code – Politico

A review of the software responsible for compiling voter lists in New Hampshire reportedly revealed that it was connected to servers outside the US

Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code – Politico

FILE PHOTO. Voting machine in the US. © Getty Images / Yasin Ozturk; Anadolu

The Ukrainian anthem has been found embedded in the source code of the voter database in the state of New Hampshire, the development of which had apparently been outsourced to offshore programmers, according to Politico.

Election officials had previously decided to replace the state’s voter registration database before the upcoming 2024 presidential election and reportedly turned toa small Connecticut-based IT firm called WSD Digitalto develop the software.

However, upon reviewing the completed project, it was revealed that the firm had offshored some of the work. Given that this posed a risk of unknown coders outside the US having access to the software and potentially being able to manipulate voter lists, New Hampshire officials hired a forensic firm to scour the code for signs of hidden malware.

The probe reportedly revealed a number of “unwelcome surprises,” Politico claimed, citing a person familiar with the investigation. These included the use of open-source code, software which had been misconfigured to connect to servers outside the country, and the lyrics to the Ukrainian national anthem.

“A programmer had hard-coded the Ukrainian national anthem into the database, in an apparent gesture of solidarity with Kiev,” Politico wrote.

State officials, however, have stated that none of these findings have amounted to evidence of wrongdoing and that all the issues had been resolved by the company in charge of the database’s development before it came into use.

“This was a disaster averted,” Politico’s source said, noting that hackers could have potentially exploited the vulnerabilities to edit the state’s voter rolls or use them to stoke election conspiracies.

FBI ‘confident’ Iran tried to interfere in US election

Read more

FBI ‘confident’ Iran tried to interfere in US election

While the potential catastrophe in New Hampshire has apparently been averted, Politico stated that its own six-month-long investigation into the matter suggests that similar issues could pop up in other states due to a lack of oversight of the development of vote-processing software.

“The technology vendors who build software used on Election Day face razor-thin profit margins” the outlet wrote, noting that this provides little room for crucial investments in security and results in many states lacking a rigorous system to verify what actually goes into election software.

Meanwhile, the FBI reported last month that it was “confident” that Iran has been trying to interfere in the upcoming election in November and had allegedly sought to gain access to the presidential campaigns of both political parties.

Tehran, however, has denied the accusations, calling them “unsubstantiated and devoid of any standing” and insisting that it has no intention in meddling in US elections.

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880751 No.216248

File: 0973e828696c47e⋯.png (396.97 KB,598x596,299:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bf15e892dbbd33⋯.mp4 (1 MB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526119 (031208ZSEP24) Notable: News Station ‘Loses’ Feed As Former MN Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Scott Jensen Hammers Radical Democrat Tim Walz (Video)

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Dis is panic. Dis is gud.

Dustin Grage


This is a must watch clip if you have not seen it.

In honor of the final day of the Minnesota State Fair: I present the video that perfectly depicts the state of the media and the race for President.



News Station ‘Loses’ Feed As Former MN Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Scott Jensen Hammers Radical Democrat Tim Walz (Video)

by Margaret Flavin Sep. 2, 2024 11:00 am

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880751 No.216249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526226 (031238ZSEP24) Notable: Dana White: Trump is the most resilient human being I have ever met

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Dana White: Trump is the most resilient human being I have ever metSept. 1, 2024. Fox



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880751 No.216250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526256 (031246ZSEP24) Notable: Byron Donalds: This is the beginning of the end of Kamala Harris’ campaign

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Byron Donalds: This is the beginning of the end of Kamala Harris’ campaign. Sept. 1, 2024 Fox



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880751 No.216251

File: 226658ab2c2c978⋯.png (1.46 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526298 (031258ZSEP24) Notable: Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI last week

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>lame sauce


Linda Sun, whose home was raided by the FBI

Politico 07/24/2024

The Long Island home of Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI yesterday.

Exactly why Sun and her husband were the target of an FBI search is still unknown, but details are beginning to emerge around Sun — the latest person in New York politics whose home or property was raided by the FBI .


Week old news-

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880751 No.216252

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526314 (031301ZSEP24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/03/2024

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/03/2024



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880751 No.216253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526329 (031304ZSEP24) Notable: KevinO'Leary reacts to housing costs soaring under the Biden-Harris administration on 'Kudlow.'

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O'Leary: I've never seen a candidate who doesn't do live interviews with the press

O'Leary Ventures chairman KevinO'Leary reacts to housing costs soaring under the Biden-Harris administration on 'Kudlow.'

Bidan-Harris is the reason for rising costs on commercial and housing costs. Politico acts like its some kind of mystery or blames it on Covid. O'Leary said months ago when NY was prosecuting Trump many big commercial owners are leaving NY in droves because if they can do this to Trump they will do it to all the others.



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880751 No.216254

File: b0c2c5eca32ceff⋯.png (232.73 KB,535x519,535:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526347 (031309ZSEP24) Notable: next level insanity child grooming sickness on display. wake up people!

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you're out of your fucking mind if you think im uniting with these people

out of your fucking mind

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880751 No.216255

File: 6aea92d34efe37c⋯.png (41.74 KB,598x328,299:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526353 (031310ZSEP24) Notable: Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI last week

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X · TheInsiderPaper

280+ likes · 28 minutes ago

BREAKING: FBI arrests Linda Sun, a former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov Kathy Hochul - WNBC. 12:38 PM · Sep 3, 2024.


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880751 No.216256

File: b118339b675ea65⋯.png (388.22 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526516 (031403ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space News

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 3, 2024

Quarter Moon and Sister Stars

Nine days ago, two quite different sky icons were imaged rising together. Specifically, Earth's Moon shared the eastern sky with the sister stars of the Pleiades cluster, as viewed from Alberta, Canada. Astronomical images of the well-known Pleiades often show the star cluster's alluring blue reflection nebulas, but here they are washed-out by the orange moonrise sky. The half-lit Moon, known as a quarter moon, is overexposed, although the outline of the dim lunar night side can be seen by illuminating earthshine, light first reflected from the Earth. The featured image is a composite of eight successive exposures with brightnesses adjusted to match what the human eye would see. The Moon passes nearly or directly in front of the Pleaides once a month.


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880751 No.216257

File: da54765f984dcfa⋯.png (291.83 KB,568x562,284:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526582 (031423ZSEP24) Notable: Trump eyeing Musk in his plan to audit federal agencies to identify programs to cut

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880751 No.216258

File: 04196230e070313⋯.png (565.58 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: a5a47600dd7b8f6⋯.png (911.17 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526661 (031445ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space News

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Earth from space: Warped 'double rainbow' glory appears next to rare cloud swirls over Mexican island

September 3, 2024

This 2012 satellite photo shows a unique perspective of a rare, rainbow-like phenomenon, known as a glory, that appeared next to a Mexican island just as the landmass spawned a separate series of equally uncommon cloud vortices.

Glories are multicolor light shows similar to rainbows, with one key difference: While rainbows form via a combination of reflection and refraction when sunlight bounces off falling rain droplets and splits into different wavelengths, glories are created by backward diffraction — when light bounces directly off even smaller water droplets in clouds or mist, according to NASA's Earth Observatory.

Because of this, glories only appear exactly opposite the sun, known as the anti-solar point.

This glory appeared adjacent to Guadalupe Island in the Pacific Ocean, around 150 miles (240 km) off the western coast of Mexico, and seemed to stretch for more than 300 miles (480 kilometers).

Although there appear to be two distinct glories running parallel to one another, it is a single entity.

In the image, a line of eerily perfect cloud swirls, known as Von Kármán vortices, trail off the island's southernmost point.

These swirling structures are formed when clouds get caught up in an airflow that has been disrupted by a tall landmass, most often above an ocean.

In this case, the disruption is caused by a volcanic mountain ridge in the north of Guadalupe Island, which rises more than 4,200 feet (1,300 meters) above sea level.

While the glory and vortices are both only visible because of the thick stratocumulus clouds covering this part of the Pacific, their appearances are not connected to one another.

Normally, glories appear as concentric multicolor circles when viewed from the ground or in the air because the diffracted light radiates outward as it bounces back toward the observer.

Even from space, the rainbow-like phenomena often look circular, as was the case when NASA's Columbia space shuttle viewed the first glory from orbit in 2003.

However, in this case, the Terra satellite that captured the photo "scans the Earth’s surface in swaths perpendicular to the path followed by the satellite," Earth Observatory representatives wrote.

So in the image, the rainbow streaks are cross-sections of the same circular glory that has been scanned twice by the satellite.

As a result, the rainbow streaks run parallel on either side of the satellite's trajectory above our planet.

The colors in each streak are perfectly inverted compared to the other: From left to right, the rainbow on the left of the image runs from red to blue and the rainbow on the right runs from blue to red.

Until recently, scientists had only ever seen glories on Earth or within the dense clouds of Venus.

However, in April, astronomers detected what they believe to be the first extrasolar glory on the distant "hell planet" WASP-76 b, around 637 light-years from our planet, suggesting they might be more common than we realized.


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880751 No.216259

File: 26ba95442cacb03⋯.png (120.82 KB,1206x608,603:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526672 (031447ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH - Maduro can go buy a bigger better plane with all that oil money we pay him

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Maduro’s plane has just been seized by the U.S. That’s OK, he can now go out and get a much bigger and better one with all the money we pay to Venezuela for oil that we don’t need. We have more LIQUID GOLD than any other Nation. HOW STUPID ARE OUR “LEADERS?” WE ARE A LAUGHING STOCK ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! DJT


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880751 No.216260

File: 1ecc1ab9a9b28a8⋯.jpg (21.98 KB,425x329,425:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526679 (031449ZSEP24) Notable: Mongolia was meant to arrest Russia’s President Putin last night. It didn’t

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Mongolia was meant to arrest Russia’s President Putin last night. It didn’t, and now it’s in trouble

Mongolia, as a member of the International Criminal Court, should have arrested the Russian president as soon as he landed on Mongolian soil Monday evening.


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880751 No.216261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526724 (031457ZSEP24) Notable: #26372

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#26372 >>216241

>>216242 Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

>>216243 Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today…

>>216244 Stolen valor: Two more Dems busted lying about military service

>>216245 Russia sentences scientist to 15 years in prison for ‘treason’ agencies.

>>216246 You are in the midst of an intelligence operation. Your border policy was written by the globalists at the UN - it is called The Global Compact on migration…

>>216247 Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code

>>216248 News Station ‘Loses’ Feed As Former MN Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Scott Jensen Hammers Radical Democrat Tim Walz (Video)

>>216249 Dana White: Trump is the most resilient human being I have ever met

>>216250 Byron Donalds: This is the beginning of the end of Kamala Harris’ campaign

>>216251, >>216255 Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI last week

>>216252 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/03/2024

>>216253 KevinO'Leary reacts to housing costs soaring under the Biden-Harris administration on 'Kudlow.'

>>216254 next level insanity child grooming sickness on display. wake up people!

>>216256, >>216258 NASA & Related Space News

>>216257 Trump eyeing Musk in his plan to audit federal agencies to identify programs to cut

>>216259 TRUMP TRUTH - Maduro can go buy a bigger better plane with all that oil money we pay him

>>216260 Mongolia was meant to arrest Russia’s President Putin last night. It didn’t

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880751 No.216264

File: 77546aa623d0932⋯.png (2.14 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: 46cbbadfa7e05f6⋯.jpeg (154.67 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526737 (031458ZSEP24) Notable: #26373

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fresh dough


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880751 No.216265

File: 93dac8cd3787db4⋯.jpg (122.76 KB,986x635,986:635,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2556b7ac31f514⋯.png (99.09 KB,918x641,918:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 686565f11a7e67e⋯.png (103.44 KB,925x459,925:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526767 (031507ZSEP24) Notable: PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

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Well looky there.

Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz

Home Mitt Romney…hmmm



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880751 No.216266

File: 96106f5a28ad0c8⋯.png (159.71 KB,512x401,512:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526769 (031507ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216267

File: 115616351a7199c⋯.png (293.51 KB,511x578,511:578,Clipboard.png)

File: de2740b5e23596e⋯.png (108.27 KB,360x203,360:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bfa3f66493194c⋯.png (103.84 KB,360x203,360:203,Clipboard.png)

File: a4df8928d10a5ff⋯.png (106.21 KB,360x203,360:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 69ad33b71dd86fd⋯.png (117.06 KB,360x203,360:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526770 (031508ZSEP24) Notable: BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

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Steven Crowder



@TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Manifesto Never Seen Before

“If God won’t give me a boy body in heaven then Jesus is a f*ggot”

“I can’t be happy. I am meant to die”

“No brown girls, no love”

“Brown love is the most beautiful kind”

10:26 AM · Sep 3, 2024

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880751 No.216268

File: e5451234cf02f24⋯.png (523.03 KB,568x750,284:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526787 (031510ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216269

File: 6b2c0f2b5813cf4⋯.png (36.28 KB,664x303,664:303,Clipboard.png)

File: b8396ca7b920803⋯.png (102.61 KB,1198x597,1198:597,Clipboard.png)

File: c11d0e40b4176f4⋯.png (2.08 MB,1775x826,1775:826,Clipboard.png)

File: 045235380bcbe76⋯.png (11.64 KB,389x280,389:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 208cf6e8d976fda⋯.png (251.46 KB,920x839,920:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526796 (031512ZSEP24) Notable: DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

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>>>/qresearch/21526696 (lb)

posted late last bread.

DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen. There a 2 Q posts with Shenzhen, 2378 and 2380


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880751 No.216270

File: ad04baac3606f82⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526817 (031516ZSEP24) Notable: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

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holee fuk

JUST IN: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul


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880751 No.216271

File: 62561024221fe1b⋯.png (21.84 KB,600x192,25:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526842 (031525ZSEP24) Notable: BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

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The Tennessee Star Releases ‘Manifesto’ Left by Transgender Covenant School Killer Audrey Hale

On Tuesday, The Tennessee Star and Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy released 90 pages of writings left by Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale. The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal, which was handwritten by Hale between January and March of 2023, can be downloaded here.

The journal was legally obtained by The Star from a source familiar with the investigation in June 2024. It was recovered from Hale’s vehicle by officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD), along with a spiral notebook, after her March 27, 2023 attack on the Covenant School, where she murdered three 9-year-old children and three adult staff members before she was killed by MNPD officers.

Between June 5 and September 3, The Star published approximately 50 articles that are based on The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal but do not contain the actual pages from that journal. Tuesday’s publication of The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal provides further evidence supporting those 50 articles, but also reveals new information, including the octagonal symbol Hale drew when writing about her planned attack on the Covenant School or her gender identity.

Hale, who was 28-years-old when she died, was born a biological female, but identified as a transgender male at the time of her attack. She often signed journal entries using the name Aiden.

The octagonal symbol first appears on the journal’s cover. Within its pages, the distinctive shape next appears on the first page, opposite where the killer wrote, “Why does my brain not work right? Cause I was born wrong!!!”

Hale’s symbol appears throughout the journal, including in an undated entry apparently written in mid-March 2023, when the killer wrote about the attack she planned later that month.

“Soon I will leave this world! You [and] your friends will be just fine. Does it even matter if I am alive?” Hale later added the octagonal symbol, and above it wrote, “No regrets by the gun!!!”

The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal and the spiral notebook were initially called a “manifesto” after the attack by Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake.

“In the manifesto, there’s several different writings about other locations, there were locations, [it] talks about the school, there was a map of the school, a drawing of how, potentially, she would enter and the assaults that would take place. It’s quite a bit of writing to it, I have not read the whole entire manifesto. Our team and the FBI have been working on this,” Drake stated.

While The Star has not obtained this spiral notebook, which is said to contain writings of her operational plan of attack, a portion was leaked and subsequently published by conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder last year.

MNPD officers, accompanied by agents from the FBI and the ATF, seized 20 additional journals written by Hale between 2007 and 2022 at the Nashville residence she shared with her parents during a legally authorized search on the afternoon of March 27, 2023, Those journals are said to contain about 1,000 pages. In addition, numerous videos, a suicide note, and duplicate thumb drives containing information she may have wanted police to find were seized that afternoon.

Rather than an ideologically driven composition, the “manifesto” — comprised of The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal, the spiral notebook found in her car, and the 20 journals written between 2007 and 2022 seized from her residence — is better understood as a collection of writings in which Hale sporadically wrote her thoughts in the months and years preceding her devastating attack.

“Our reporting on the Covenant Killer investigation has served the public interest,” Michael Patrick Leahy, the Editor-in-Chief of The Star, said on Tuesday.

“We legally obtained writings by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, MNPD investigation documents, and MNPD crime scene photos from a source familiar with the MNPD investigation in June 2024. These documents and photos have helped us inform the public about the underlying reasons for this heinous attack, and have helped drive the public discussion of what should be done to prevent such acts of violence in the future. We have documented a massive failure of the mental health system as a root cause of Hale’s reprehensible actions,” Leahy added.


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880751 No.216272

File: e7ae3aebaab5622⋯.png (525.07 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526844 (031525ZSEP24) Notable: Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

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now chicago…

32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO [911 Call Audio Included]


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880751 No.216273

File: 58042ce2a09735d⋯.png (337.28 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526854 (031529ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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Some black holes have a 'heartbeat' — and astronomers may finally know why

September 3, 2024

Black holes aren't alive, but it turns out that they can have a heartbeat — if they're consuming enormous amounts of gas. And new research has discovered just how that heartbeat works.

When black holes exist in a binary system — sharing an orbit with another star — they can pull in gas from a stellar companion.

When this happens, the gas compresses and heats up to incredibly high temperatures, emitting copious amounts of X-ray radiation in the process.

It's through this process that astronomers first identified black holes with the famous case of Cygnus X-1, one of the brightest sources of X-rays in our sky.

In the midst of this feeding frenzy, which can last for thousands to even millions of years, there can occasionally be a tremendous outburst.

This is a sudden flare of X-rays caused by the quick consumption of an enormous amount of material at once.

Astronomers have studied many such flares over the years, but detailed observations of these flares have occasionally revealed strange behavior.

In addition to the overall flare, there is a little bit of variability, a regular pulse of activity embedded within the flare event.

Astronomers call these pulses heartbeat flares, because their behavior resembles that of an EKG signal of a human heartbeat with a slow rise, a rapid decline, and then a return to normalcy.

A team of astronomers at the Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing have studied the most recent heartbeat flare and described the process that may fuel it in a paper published to the preprint database arXiv.

They submitted their work for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

The flare they studied originated from IGR J17091-3624, a black hole sitting 28,000 light-years from Earth.

Using X-ray data taken with the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) and Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) in 2022, the team found clear evidence of a heartbeat-like signal in the flare.

By studying the detailed properties of the heartbeat, they concluded that these kinds of pulses are due to interactions and instabilities within the material surrounding the black hole.

As material falls into a black hole, it not only compresses, but it forms a thin, rapidly rotating disk. The inner edge of this disk slants down toward the event horizon of the black hole, while the remainder of the disk glows in X-ray radiation.

This creates a highly unstable situation as radiation from the disk competes with the gravitational pull of the black hole.

To trigger a heartbeat, the disk temporarily fragments, losing its cohesion and sending a large clump of material down toward the black hole.

This releases an enormous amount of radiation, which begins the heartbeat pulse.

The radiation then heats up the gas, which temporarily prevents it from falling in.

Then the gas settles down before the process repeats itself, setting the stage for another heartbeat.

These heartbeat signals are incredibly rare — only two black holes among the hundreds known have shown it — but researchers hope to study more, as they give valuable insights into the relationships between black holes and their environments.



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880751 No.216274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526874 (031536ZSEP24) Notable: BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

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880751 No.216275

File: f1f80858d9497ef⋯.png (795.64 KB,822x1236,137:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 052a777d40b4911⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,450x360,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 556496e7f61510f⋯.png (607.6 KB,830x1095,166:219,Clipboard.png)

File: bc6276db49a77dc⋯.jpg (147.49 KB,1284x1238,642:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526875 (031537ZSEP24) Notable: RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't 💉 Your Kids

"A typical pediatrician's office makes about 50% of its funding from vaccines. Not actually from selling the individual vaccines, but from the traffic…And pediatricians who vaccinate 80 or 85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses…Huge amounts of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars that they make, making sure that 85% of the kids are vaccinated. And that's why they throw you out of the office if you fight back. It's not because they care so much about your particular kid, it's that you'll throw off the metrics and you'll lose them their bonuses."


Full Interview: https://t.co/46tRgLgsVJ

Receipts 👇

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.

These are 2016 stats. Wonder what it is today…


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880751 No.216276

File: ae9544d63a5cd72⋯.png (468.05 KB,499x580,499:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526879 (031538ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216277

File: 80d6bc0528c44e4⋯.png (299.43 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526882 (031539ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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Heaviest antimatter particle ever discovered could hold secrets to our universe's origins

September 2, 2024

Scientists have spotted the heaviest antimatter nucleus ever detected lurking in a particle accelerator.

The antimatter heavyweight, called antihyperhydrogen-4, is made up of an antiproton, two antineutrons and one antihyperon (a baryon that contains a strange quark).

Physicists found traces of this antimatter among particle tracks from 6 billion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.

By studying the strange particle, physicists hope to discover some key differences between matter and antimatter, which may help explain why our universe is now filled with matter given that antimatter was created in equal amounts at the beginning of time.

The researchers published their findings Aug. 21 in the journal Nature.

"Our physics knowledge about matter and antimatter is that, except for having opposite electric charges, antimatter has the same properties as matter — same mass, same lifetime before decaying, and same interactions," study co-author Junlin Wu, a graduate student at the Joint Department for Nuclear Physics, Lanzhou University and Institute of Modern Physics, China said in a statement.

"Why our universe is dominated by matter is still a question, and we don't know the full answer."

According to the standard model of cosmology, after the Big Bang the young cosmos was a roiling plasma broth of matter and antimatter particles that popped into existence and annihilated each other upon contact.

Theory predicts that the matter and antimatter inside this plasma soup should have annihilated each other entirely. But scientists believe that some unknown imbalance enabled more matter than antimatter to be produced, saving the universe from self-destruction.

To investigate what could have caused this imbalance, the researchers behind the new study produced antimatter particles from a mini-Big Bang simulator.

The RHIC collider hurls billions of heavy ions (atomic nuclei stripped of their electrons) at each other, creating a plasma soup from which the primordial elements of our cosmos briefly emerge, combine and then decay.

To fish out new particles from the plasma sea, the physicists searched for the telltale tracks made as the ions decay, or transform into other particles.

By retracing the trajectories of these particles from billions of collision events, the researchers found roughly 16 antihyperhydrogen-4 nuclei.

Both hyperhydrogen-4 and its antimatter counterpart antihyperhydrogen-4 seem to wink out of existence very quickly, the researchers found.

But the physicists didn't find a significant difference between their lifetimes — indicating that our best models describing the two types of particles are correct.

"If we were to see a violation of [this particular] symmetry, basically we'd have to throw a lot of what we know about physics out the window," study co-author Emilie Duckworth, a doctoral student at Kent State University, said in the statement.

The scientists' next step will be to compare the masses of the antiparticles and their particle opposites, which they hope could reveal some clues as to how our matter-heavy universe came to be.



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880751 No.216278

File: 05e47d947cb4984⋯.png (770.29 KB,781x449,781:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526912 (031552ZSEP24) Notable: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

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Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days?

TUESDAY, SEP 03, 2024 - 11:05 AM Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,1/4

An Opportunistic Mediocrity (picture MH) (VDH is always spot on)

In theory, it should be hard for Kamala Harris to win the presidency of the United States.

Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview”—a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 70 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.

She is a Berkelyite who, as attorney general of California, had a proud far-left tenure. The lifelong large corpus of Harris’s left-wing enthusiasm and causes are only now being unearthed. But they are singular in that her riffs of embracing wokism, being a radical, erasing ICE, doing away with private health insurance, or being the last person in the room when Joe Biden made his disastrous decisions were all given to sympathetic media or pandered to crowds.

As a result, she often doubled down. Her emphatic statements were intended to stun audiences. Unlike other leftists, she really was a proud woke, radical and wanted everyone else to be one as well—broadcasting her leftism as openly as she is now cloaking it.

In one respected survey, Harris’s voting record was rated as the most left-leaning in the United States Senate. If she voted to the left of the admitted hardcore socialist Bernie Sanders, what exactly does that make her?

Otherwise, Harris was undistinguished, and often overtly so, as she was exposed as inane in Senate hearings. Her envisioned 2019-2020 primary bid proved an utter disaster. When liberal Democrat voters nationwide were first made aware of her radical record, her left-wing agendas, and her weird wash/rinse/spin word-salad chats, they ran.

Harris’s well-funded 2019 campaign quickly blew up early. Indeed, she never entered much less won a single primary–and captured no delegates through voting.

In the frenzy following George Floyd’s death, and the mayhem and nationwide rioting and violence of late spring and summer, panicked 2020 nominee Joe Biden announced in advance he would select a diversity candidate as a running mate. And in no time, and under increasing pressure to trump his braggadocious promise, he boxed himself in by assuring his handlers that his running mate would be preselected as a black woman.

Given there were then no black female governors and only two black women in the Senate, Kamala Harris was a choice of last resort—even though, as a candidate and competitor of Joe Biden, she had condemned him before a nationwide audience as a veritable racist who had habitually cozied up to segregationists. When she labels her own running mate a racist it becomes hard to take her charges of racism against Trump seriously.

As vice president, Harris predictably proved inept. In a variety of tasks as “border czar” and point woman on space exploration, she proved not merely clueless but embarrassingly so—sappy, cackling, and variously labeled by ex-staff and Democratic insiders as “out of her league” and “way over her head.”

Her chief role was to break a sometimes 50/50 deadlocked Senate and therefore, in every one of those votes, owns the passage of hard-left legislation that often turned disastrous.

As Biden’s cognitive decline accelerated at a geometric rate, a widely derided Harris was seen by the Bidens as Joe’s Spiro Agnew insurance policy: a vice president so bumbling and unimaginable as a future president that if Biden only breathed, he would be still judged preferable to the travesty of a Harris succession.


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880751 No.216279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526919 (031555ZSEP24) Notable: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

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Biden utterly imploded on June 13 during a stress-test national debate. His collapse ended the 42-month-long charade that he was “fit as a fiddle.” In 24 hours, Biden was transmogrified by his handlers from an Arnold Schwarzenegger-like health nut to physically and mentally unable to continue as the Democratic nominee.

Left unsaid was that his diving polls, not his debility, doomed Biden. Otherwise, he would have survived his latest public humiliation had his approval ratings been respectable.

Harris’s race, gender, and status as vice president made it impossible not to anoint her as the new Democratic candidate.

Her machinations to preempt any challengers were achieved almost instantaneously in the same anti-democratic fashion as the removal of Biden himself from the ticket. In the way of the current Democrats, whatever the billionaire donor class and the DEI apparat decide is reified almost instantly by fiat.

We now suffer a zombie presidency for the next five months. Biden’s own party insists that he is too enfeebled to campaign as a nominee but not too demented to serve as president. Weirder still, a presidential candidate, who has never in her life won a primary and just days ago was written off by her own party as linguistically challenged, is being reinvented in 70 days as the second coming of Barack Obama.

Harris 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…

So, the Democratic political establishment of Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer, the Obama consortia, and the Hollywood, Wall Street, and tech billionaire insiders quickly devised strategies to get Harris elected. And that too was not easy.

Given what they had to work with, their efforts centered around avoiding all press conferences, interviews, and unscripted talks.

She is to stay wide of anything that might expose her inanity to the public or remind the nation of her dismal record as vice president and the disastrous Biden tenure that she co-owns and loudly, emphatically, and proudly so.

Winston Churchill once said of Admiral Jellicoe, who commanded the Home Fleet at the gigantic sea-battle of Jutland, that he was the only man who could lose Britain the war in an afternoon; so too Democrat elites know ten minutes of an unscripted, unedited, and televised Harris could sink the entire left-wing cause.

So here we are, witnessing the most anti-democratic effort in modern electoral history—a full-fledged, tripartite effort to:

a) keep Harris silent and out of the public eye, and outsource her persona and views to a corrupt fusion media, to billionaire-funded ad campaigns, and to political surrogates;

b) superimpose pseudo-conservative views upon her lifelong record of leftist advocacies and policies—a brief 70-day transformation designed to fool a voting public for which Democratic grandees harbor utter contempt;

c) reinvent the campaign from Harris versus Trump to fixations on Donald Trump as a Satanic figure that justifies any means necessary to defeat and destroy him.

Will the ruse work?

That’s an open question. There are formidable hurdles that beset and many advantages that aid Harris. In her favor, the campaign cycle has been aborted from one traditionally lasting nine to ten months to a mere three, given her last-minute coronation.

Her first co-interview was mostly a story of dissimulation, soft-ball questions, and no follow-ups to her non-answers—with plenty of stonewalling about what was edited and why. And that may well be as close as the public ever gets to fathoming the ‘Being There’ Harris candidacy.

Biden proved in 2020 that he could avoid the press for almost a year by using COVID as a pretext, all while reinventing himself in absentia as a moderate and unifier.

Moreover, Harris will be inundated with two to three billion dollars, most of it globalized wealth from left-wing billionaires in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the idle, drone elite who inherited late 20th century fortunes.


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880751 No.216280

File: 06b6e9a8a2b8da4⋯.png (290.45 KB,568x627,568:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526927 (031557ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

880751 No.216281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526928 (031557ZSEP24) Notable: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

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Insulting the American people

Harris enjoys two other advantages besides a run-out-the-clock campaign and big money. She can count on hundreds of millions of dollars in free media publicity as network anchors spar with Trump, Vance, and Republican senators nonstop. They no longer make any pretense about objectivity but openly distort and prevaricate, again on the reasoning that the orange prince of darkness justifies becoming Pravda.

No one seems to care that for the second time in four years, the Democrats have sought to nullify and warp their own primary process, mask the nature and true condition of their anointed but challenged candidate, and then enlist the media to get elected a phantom president.

But “reimaging” Harris in 2004 also has its challenges.

First, can Harris like Biden really hide for two more months?

In 2020, Biden sought to mask his cognitive decline by claiming he had to stay in his basement due to COVID lockdowns. Harris is just as tongue-tied, but she lacks the COVID lockdown excuse to avoid the public and media.

And whereas Biden ran in Democratic primaries and was a candidate for two years, Harris again neither entered a single primary nor won a single delegate in an election. She cannot claim any experience campaigning, given she may be the first modern president never to have entered a single primary election.

In theory, a normal candidate with such a dismal and abbreviated past would be demanding interviews. Instead, Harris’s compulsive-obsessive fixation on avoiding the media becomes a doom loop: the more she knows a presidential candidate must at least occasionally speak off the cuff, the more she knows, given her limitations, that to do so endangers the entire progressive project. As a result, Harris haggles over proposed interviews demanding notes, the reassuring presence at her side of Tim Walz, no live transmissions, and a final edited and truncated version released to the public.

So, her paralysis may annoy and then anger the electorate. The more she calls Trump a “coward,” the more she is seen as a craven projectionist.

In 2008, the blank-slate Obama did the hopey/change schtickas an antithesis to the unpopular Iraq War, the 2008 financial meltdown, and eight years of Republican rule. In 2020, Joe Biden reinvented himself as good ol’ Joe the centrist healer as a supposed antidote to four years of the “disrupter’ Trump and the purported “armed insurrection” of January 6.

But Harris is the current vice president. She has five months left on her term. Joe Biden is either on vacation, asleep, or suspended in a zombie state.

Theoretically, she is in control and could implement right now all of the bromides of her equity campaign agendas. And when she trashes high prices, open borders, the national debt, or high interest rates, she is indicting her boss who lifted her out of obscurity and herself as the proverbial and self-acclaimed “last person in the room” who co-owned those decisions.

Note that in her first and likely last (co-) interview, Harris, like a medieval palimpsest, imprints her pseudo-MAGA agendas on top of her real leftist history and policies.

That is, she never quite disowns her prior and innate positions on banning fracking, abolishing ICE, the disastrous Afghanistan humiliation, or any of her unpopular leftist positions.

Instead, Harris simply pastes their antitheses onto them and then has aides contextualize the jumbled mess of discrepancies so as to not alienate her extremist base.Harris is not so much a flip-flopper as a padder, who supports anything, without any worry about framing each new position by renouncing her original and opposite one.


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880751 No.216282

File: 3181f0787d10c44⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526930 (031558ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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TY for nikkin' 'em

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880751 No.216283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526933 (031559ZSEP24) Notable: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

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Her politics are now like an overgrown sandwich, with too many trimmings squashed on top of each other that eventually cause the entire jumble to fall apart.

Her sudden pivot to support Israel and stop illegal immigration exists simultaneously with siding with Hamas and destroying the border. But as political reality pulls her to the right and her innate leftist pulls to the left, she is beginning to split down the middle. When one is for everything, one is for nothing.

So, it will be hard to convince the American people that Harris is not an incumbent but another Obama-like newcomer here to save us from old white guys in their seventies. And even harder will be her task to fuse socialism with MAGA if even for only 70 days.

Rawness Beats Dishonesty

Finally, Trump is running for a third time and better so than he did in 2016 or 2020. His team is more experienced and so is Trump himself. He has a record of four years that polls on the economy and foreign policy far better than Harris’s tenure with Biden.

The five civic and criminal court trials are increasingly seen as Biden-inspired vindictive abuse of the law and illegitimate. For all the Biden-Harris caustic slurs of “convicted felon” more than half the country sees Biden and Harris as more culpable for discrediting our judiciary in their efforts to do in court what they fear they cannot at the ballot box.

Experts insist the race is even or in favor of Harris. But aside from the polls’ history ofunderestimating Trump’s real support, the current deadlock, and the right/left politics of the race, Trump is running authentically, transparently, and bluntly, Harris disingenuously, covertly, and duplicitously.

Trump’s challenge is to expose Harris for the radical she is; Harris’s is to mask the radicalism that she once proudly asserted and will do so again immediately upon election.

Ultimately, the American people should choose in-your-face honesty and competence over smiley-face dissimulation and incompetence.


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880751 No.216284

File: bb9bacd9b084daa⋯.png (810.19 KB,1185x763,1185:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 3039836893c3eb2⋯.png (271.22 KB,544x569,544:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526936 (031600ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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China launches new set of classified Yaogan-43 satellites

September 3, 2024

China launched a second group of classified Yaogan-43 satellites late Monday, adding to a group of nine satellites already in orbit.

A Long March 4B rocket lifted off from the inland Xichang Satellite Launch Center, southwest China, at 9:22 p.m. Eastern, Sept. 2 (0122 UTC, Sept. 3), rising above fog-shrouded hills surrounding the spaceport.

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) confirmed launch success within an hour of launch. The announcement revealed the mission to be Yaogan-43 (02).

No details regarding the satellites were released. The satellites were described by CASC and Chinese state media as “mainly used for carrying out tests on new technologies of low orbit constellations.”

The terse description was similar to that issued for the launch of the Yaogan-43 (01) group launched in August.

The lack of transparency suggests a dual-use or military nature of the group.

The mission patch for the previous mission indicated nine stars, with nine satellites later cataloged in orbit by U.S. Space Force’s Space Delta 2.

The patch for Monday’s launch contained six stars. In Chinese, the character for ‘star’ is often used interchangeably with ‘satellite.

The Yaogan-43 (02) satellites were developed by CASC’s Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST).

Official social media posts suggest that GalaxySpace, a commercial satellite manufacturer and operator, and HITSAT, under the Harbin Institute of Technology, may have been involved in the mission.

IAMCAS under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and MinoSpace, a commercial spacecraft maker, were believed to be involved in the prior mission.

SAST also provided the Long March 4B hypergolic launcher for the mission.

The launcher used a wider, 4.2-meter-diameter payload fairing, as with the previous launch.

The objectives and uses of the satellites are unclear.

The Yaogan-43 (01) satellites are in similar, roughly circular 500-kilometer-altitude low Earth orbits with inclinations of 35 degrees as Yaogan-35, 36, 39 and 42 series satellites.

Yaogan (“remote sensing”) satellites are thought to be for users including military customers. Few details, if any, are available about the satellites.

They are typically described as being for purposes including land survey, crop yield estimation, environmental management, meteorological warning and forecasting, and disaster prevention and reduction or “electromagnetic environment detection and related tests.”

In general, the various series of Yaogan satellites are understood to include optical imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) satellites.

This combination provides high-resolution imagery and all-weather and all-day and night imagery, along with the collection of electronic signals from radar, communication systems and other electronic devices, with coverage of both land and sea.

Monday’s launch was the 39th Chinese orbital launch attempt of 2024.

It follows last week’s third Ceres-1 commercial solid rocket sea launch.

CASC stated early this year that it targeted launching around 70 times across 2024.

A further 30 launches were planned by commercial actors, however only six have so far been conducted.

The unintended liftoff of a Tianlong-3 first stage during a static fire test in June may have impacted the sector.

A Long March 6 series rocket could launch from Taiyuan in the coming days.

The debut of the new Long March 12 launcher is expected from a new commercial pad later in September.


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880751 No.216285

File: 9861fa498f76639⋯.png (380.14 KB,568x636,142:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526970 (031610ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216286

File: 469e5d84328b182⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526978 (031612ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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ESA delays BepiColombo orbital insertion because of thruster problem

September 2, 2024

The European Space Agency is adjusting the trajectory of its BepiColombo mission to Mercury, delaying its insertion into orbit around the innermost planet by nearly a year to compensate for reduced performance from its electric thrusters.

ESA announced Sept. 2 that the spacecraft, a joint mission with the Japanese space agency JAXA that launched in 2018 and since made several flybys of the Earth, Venus and Mercury, will take a slightly different trajectory during its next flyby of Mercury on Sept. 4.

The spacecraft will pass just 165 kilometers from Mercury’s on this flyby, 35 kilometers closer than previously planned.

The change is part of a revised trajectory for the mission after ESA discovered a problem with the spacecraft’s thrusters in April.

When controllers turned on the thrusters then for a maneuver, they found that the thrusters were not getting enough power.

Engineers were able to restore the thrusters to 90% of their original thrust, but that was not enough for maneuvers needed to get the spacecraft into orbit around Mercury in December 2025.

An investigation found what ESA called “unexpected electric currents” between solar arrays on one part of BepiColombo, the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM), and a power distribution unit.

Those currents reduced the power available for the electric thrusters and prevent the mission from carrying out its original trajectory.

“Following months of investigations, we have concluded that MTM’s electric thrusters will remain operating below the minimum thrust required for an insertion into orbit around Mercury in December 2025,” Santa Martinez, BepiColombo mission manager at ESA, said in a statement.

The mission developed an alternative mission profile that retains the upcoming flyby, the fourth of six planned for the mission, and the following two in December and January.

The spacecraft will fly a different trajectory to compensate for the reduced thrust, though, delaying its arrival into orbit from December 2025 to November 2026.

While BepiColombo will go into orbit 11 months later than planned, ESA said the change won’t affect overall mission science.

During the upcoming flyby 10 of the spacecraft’s instruments will collect data, allowing science teams to test the performance of those instruments while also collecting data from regions of the planet and the magnetosphere that won’t be studied once the spacecraft is in orbit.

“We get to fly our world-class science laboratory through diverse and unexplored parts of Mercury’s environment that we won’t have access to once in orbit, while also getting a head start on preparations to make sure we will transition into the main science mission as quickly and smoothly as possible,” said the mission’s project scientist, Johannes Benkhoff, in a statement.

BepiColombo’s main camera will not operate during the flyby since its view is blocked while in cruise mode.

However, three engineering cameras will take images of Mercury during the flyby, including the first views of the planet’s south pole.


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880751 No.216287

File: b458d6c49adc257⋯.png (2 MB,1750x1750,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21526981 (031612ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216288

File: 5ce526ef78f9fce⋯.png (675.21 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a663eb1a20a5391⋯.png (386.31 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527009 (031625ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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Musk to Celebrate Meloni as Italy Eyes Space Sector Investment

September 2, 2024

When Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visits New York later this month to receive a global citizenship award, Elon Musk will be the one to hand her the prize.

The Tesla Inc. chief executive and X owner will present Meloni with the Atlantic Council’s Global Citizen Award at a ceremony on Sept. 23, according to people familiar with the matter.

Previous recipients include Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

In a post on the Atlantic Council’s website in February, fellows Kaush Arha and Paolo Messa credited Meloni with being “instrumental in ensuring much-needed European aid to Ukraine.”

Since taking office, they added, “the Italian leader has emerged as a powerful interlocutor across Europe and the world stage.”

Musk and Meloni have met on a number of occasions, including at a political festival last December thrown by the prime minister’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party.

Appearing on stage, Musk discussed Italy’s demographic crisis — the country has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe — and exhorted the crowd to “make more Italians.”

“As simple as it sounds, if people do not have children there is no new generation,” Musk told the audience, echoing a prominent concern of Meloni’s.

The billionaire also warned of the dangers of the “woke mind virus” — a favorite talking point — and unchecked migration.

The Atlantic Council event won’t be the only meeting this month between Meloni and the world’s richest man.

They’re also scheduling a closed-door conversation to discuss investment opportunities in Italy’s space and artificial intelligence sectors, the people said.

Italy approved a new regulatory framework in June that grants foreign space companies permission to operate in the country, according to a statement by the minister of industry. Italy expects to generate €7.3 billion ($8.1 billion) of investment in the space sector by 2026.

Musk, who’s also CEO of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., already has a head start. Italy is among the countries serviced by Starlink, which delivers broadband Internet through a global network of more than 6,000 SpaceX satellites.

Last April, Starlink claimed that Telecom Italia SpA, the country’s largest telecom provider, was obstructing the rollout of its high-speed internet services.

Representatives for SpaceX declined to comment, as did a spokesperson for the Italian government.


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880751 No.216289

File: 365931f1fb8fd8e⋯.png (2.47 MB,1080x1414,540:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527015 (031628ZSEP24) Notable: These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

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These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World


Market capitalization, or market cap, is a widely used metric to determine a company’s value as determined by the stock market.It is easily calculated by multiplying a company’s outstanding shares by its current stock price, providing a snapshot of its worth.

In the latest ranking of the world’s 50 most valuable companies by market cap, based on August 26, 2024, data from Companiesmarketcap.com, the dominance of the technology sector is evident.This list, color-coded by industry, reveals the significant presence and influence of tech giants in global stock markets.

At the top, we see familiar names: Apple leads with a market cap of $3.45 trillion, followed by Nvidia at $3.11 trillion, and Microsoft at $3.07 trillion. Alphabet and Amazon complete the top five, highlighting the sheer scale and impact of American tech companies.

However, it is not just the tech sector that commands attention. Saudi Aramco, a leader in the energy sector, ranks sixth with a market cap of $1.8 trillion. Meanwhile, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s conglomerate, just hit the trillion-dollar club, after having risen by nearly 130% over the past five years.

The world’s 50 largest companies collectively represent $34 trillion in market cap, with Technology leading the way at $19.3 trillion, followed by Healthcare at $3.8 trillion. Conglomerates like Berkshire Hathaway are not far behind, accounting for $1.5 trillion of the total market cap.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) also makes a notable appearance, reflecting the global reach of the technology sector. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange, TSMC’s shares have surged over 60% year-to-date in 2024, positioning it as a key player in Asia’s tech landscape.

China's Tencent, once valued at a peak of $916 billion in February 2021, now holds a market cap of approximately $450 billion. Although it remains China’s most valuable company, it is clear that its valuation has faced significant adjustments.

As the data shows, technology continues to dominate, but sectors like energy, healthcare, and conglomerates also hold substantial weight in the global market.


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880751 No.216290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527073 (031643ZSEP24) Notable: a 47 minute Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

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Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

Sep 3, 2024


0:00 - Introduction

1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing

3:51 - Politics is a dirty game

5:28 - Business vs politics

8:04 - War in Ukraine

9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN

10:36 - Trump-Harris debate

13:33 - China

15:47 - 2020 election

24:03 - Project 2025

24:52 - Marijuana

27:13 - Joe Rogan

30:54 - Division

38:00 - Communism and fascism

41:36 - Power

43:36 - UFOs & JFK

44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein

45:55 - Mortality and religion

47:25 - Lex AMA


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880751 No.216291

File: 3c6e0a9d7e2d6e0⋯.png (170.2 KB,507x473,507:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527074 (031643ZSEP24) Notable: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

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880751 No.216292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527085 (031646ZSEP24) Notable: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

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Who Is Shujun Wang, the Queens Man Accused of Spying for …

Jul 30, 2024 · They are accused of running a secret police station for the Chinese government in a nondescript building in Lower Manhattan. The station was housed in the offices of a nonprofit …

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Events of aoc chinese police officer accused of spying

When federal authorities arrested Officer Angwang in Septembe…

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NEW YORK (AP) — Charges against a New York City police office…


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U.S. Drops Case Against Police Officer It Had Called an ‘Insider …

Jan 19, 2023 · Baijmadajie Angwang, a New York Police Department officer, had been accused of spying for China. Prosecutors said the charges were dismissed after new information had …

Tags:Officer AngwangRebecca Davis O’BrienLaw Enforcement Insider Threat

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Chinese Police Officer Fired Following FBI Spying Investigation

May 21, 2024 · A police officer originally from China has been fired by the New York Police Department after being entangled in a federal investigation of alleged illegal activities of a …

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U.S. drops case against New York City cop accused of spying for …

Jan 19, 2023 · NEW YORK (AP) — Charges against a New York City police officer accused of spying on behalf of China were formally dropped Thursday after U.S. prosecutors said they …

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New York Post


Alleged Chinese agent spied on fellow pro-democracy activists in …

Aug 26, 2024 · REUTERS. A New York City-based Chinese-American pro-democracy activist has been charged with spying on fellow dissidents in New York for the Chinese government, …

Tags:New York CityPan-democracy camp

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New York Times


Can a Police Officer Accused of Spying for China Ever Clear His …

Feb 10, 2023 · When federal authorities arrested Officer Angwang in September 2020, they accused him of reporting on other Tibetans to a handler at the Chinese consulate in New York. …

Tags:Officer AngwangRebecca Davis O’Brien

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With spying charges behind him, NYPD officer now fighting to be …

Sep 27, 2023 · A suspended New York City police officer who had been accused then later cleared of spying for China is fighting to be reinstated, but the department wants him fired …

Tags:New York City Police DepartmentChina

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Long Island Press


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Feds Drop Case Against NYPD Cop from Long Island …

Jan 23, 2023 · Charges against a New York City police officer from Williston Park accused of spying on behalf of China were formally dropped Thursday after U.S. prosecutors said they uncovered new…

Tags:New York CityChina

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880751 No.216293

File: 29e6b5d598bf494⋯.png (466.51 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527088 (031646ZSEP24) Notable: PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

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Gitmo express returning to base from Lauderdale, where they stayed over for the night.

>>216020 (pb)


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880751 No.216294

File: 9275accfe730d01⋯.png (533.06 KB,512x640,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527090 (031647ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216295

File: 06a37d3c6f040ac⋯.png (442.72 KB,568x378,284:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527098 (031650ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216296

File: 39e5e270c9bd946⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 15c2798f16f392c⋯.png (312.4 KB,550x696,275:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527114 (031654ZSEP24) Notable: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

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More CHINESE SPYS. Do you think Boston Mayor Michelle WU will be next/??

Shadow of Ezra


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s former Deputy Chief of Staff has been hit with shocking charges, accused of secretly serving as an agent for the Chinese government.

The indictment reveals that she actively pushed CCP agendas within the state government, even going so far as to bar Taiwanese representatives from meeting with New York officials.

What’s more, she and her husband are accused of laundering millions of dollars from the Chinese government while carrying out this covert operation.


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880751 No.216297

File: b696f79b517171d⋯.png (484.17 KB,677x679,677:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527115 (031655ZSEP24) Notable: Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

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6 ways to Sunday

Former Hochul aide arrested amid FBI probe

The FBI early Tuesday arrested a former deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul who also served under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, according to reports.


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880751 No.216298

File: ad500e04eef098f⋯.png (214.29 KB,558x724,279:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 98e0f63af993b47⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527121 (031656ZSEP24) Notable: Bill Gates in Ethiopia aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming

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Shadow of Ezra


Bill Gates has arrived in Ethiopia to meet with the Prime Minister, aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming.

Their plan is to shift farmers from traditional practices to the use of patented GMO seeds, reliant on heavy synthetic fertilizers and a mono-crop approach.

This could ultimately give him unprecedented control over the food systems, environment, and livelihoods across the continent.

Wherever Bill Gates goes, death and destruction are sure to follow.


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880751 No.216299

File: a587a400cac5cbf⋯.png (432.07 KB,659x682,659:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527122 (031656ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527123 (031657ZSEP24) Notable: Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

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Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

Defendant Engaged in Political Activities in the Interests of the CCP and With Her Co-Defendant Husband Conspired to Launder the Proceeds of Their Unlawful Activities


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880751 No.216301

File: b36885d7b1a7637⋯.png (292.89 KB,770x524,385:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527132 (031659ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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UFOs over Fort Smith are rapidly identified

September 3, 2024 at 5:45am MT

Drones. Chinese lanterns. Weather balloons. “Visitors.” Not the kind you break out the good cookies for, either.

Those lights in the sky over Fort Smith on Monday? Anyone’s guess, until the Northwest Territories’ wildfire agency stepped in and ruined it.

Beneath video shared to the town’s community Facebook discussion group, residents described the hovering, flashing pattern made by the lights and speculated wildly on the source of the pattern.

“I believe there are beings way more advanced than we are,” one resident declared.

This turns out to be accurate, since Cabin Radio can’t fly an aircraft or control a wildfire, but air tanker pilots can.

And NWT Fire would have you believe those lights are nothing more than air tankers making their way home to their Fort Smith base.

Stepping into the conversation at multiple points where it looked like Mulder and Scully might be summoned, NWT Fire’s Facebook page stated:

“These are FireBoss 802s returning from missions last night helping work SS048 at Kakisa Lake.”

SS048 is a long-lasting wildfire that has been going through bursts of activity on the south and west sides of Kakisa Lake.

So far, the small community of Kakisa itself has not been threatened.

“While video from far away may suggest they are not moving, they are,” NWT Fire concluded.

“No invasion evacuations impending – just firefighters doing their jobs.”


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880751 No.216302

File: 0f7a1b64789dcb4⋯.png (181.59 KB,740x558,370:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527154 (031705ZSEP24) Notable: Can't imagine she had anything to do with those CCP police stations in NYC

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I can't imagine she had anything to do with the CCP police stations in NYC



Why China’s police state has a precinct near you

Recently arrested New York City Chinese “police station” operators are the tip of a global iceberg of Beijing’s overseas repression operations.


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880751 No.216303

File: 1e0c1432cd9cafa⋯.png (924.03 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527155 (031706ZSEP24) Notable: Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

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Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

Sun and her husband were arrested at their Long Island home Tuesday morning.

Linda Sun, a former aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, schemed to advance the interests of China while working in New York State government, federal prosecutors alleged in an indictment unsealed Tuesday.

The indictment charges Sun with failure to register as a foreign agent, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy.

Her husband, Christopher Hu, allegedly facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars in kickbacks for personal gain, prosecutors said.

The indictment alleges that, acting at the request of Chinese government officials and representatives of the Chinese Communist Party, Sun blocked Taiwanese government officials from having access to high-level New York State officers, changed New York State officers' messaging about China and arranged meetings for visiting delegations from the PRC government with New York State government officials.

In return for these and other actions, Sun allegedly received economic and other benefits from China, including the facilitation of millions of dollars in transactions for the China-based business activities of Hu; travel benefits; tickets to events; promotion of a close family friend's business; employment for Sun's cousin in the PRC; and Nanjing-style salted ducks prepared by a PRC government official's personal chef that were delivered to the residence of Sun's parents, according to the indictment.

"As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy Chief of Staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP," United States Attorney Breon Peace said in a statement. "The illicit scheme enriched the defendant's family to the tune of millions of dollars."


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880751 No.216304

File: 83af3ec874c5452⋯.png (431.13 KB,940x824,235:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527158 (031707ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216305

File: 15075d9a3d001a9⋯.png (212.15 KB,980x653,980:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a16798cb1260b7⋯.png (717.52 KB,980x980,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527163 (031708ZSEP24) Notable: Space News

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Did You See The UFOs Over The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic?

September 3, 2024

The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic is a Treasure Valley staple.

For five days, hot air balloons set up shop in Ann Morrison Park for a visual spectacle unlike any other.

It's almost impossible to miss (unless they don't go up due to weather conditions) and it's so prominent, that visitors to Earth might have noticed.

Are aliens fans of The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic?

In case you forgot, last year's Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic was the site of an unusual phenomenon.

A woman named Tabitha D. visited the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic last year and caught what appeared to be "UFOs" or UAPs on camera during the Night Glow.

Now, if you think about it - it makes sense. If you were an alien flying in your super secret aircraft around the Earth and saw large balloons "hovering" over an area on a random planet, you'd check it out too!

There are a lot of people who overlook this kind of thing but we had to at least listen to what people are saying about the incident… and trust us, we have some real believers out here in the Treasure Valley.

Someone caught a photo of three unidentified aerial phenomena in the sky after the first day of the Spirit of Boise; here is what people are saying…

On the day this photo was taken, no hot air balloons were in the sky.

There were a total of THREE unidentified aerial phenomena spotted in the sky… is the mothership not far behind?

Our cluster of radio stations is behind the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic and we can confirm there were no lit-up hot air balloons in the sky when this photo was taken.

Other people saw similar lights in the sky! What was going on up there?

That moment when you realize there were no hot air balloons in the sky


Believe it or not, that's not the creepiest UFO sighting we've seen. Check out some of the most compelling evidence we have that aliens exist.



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880751 No.216306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527164 (031709ZSEP24) Notable: Moar DEI Anti-Woke WINNING - If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence

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Robby Starbuck


Big news: Last week I messaged executives from @CoorsLight @MolsonCoors to let them know that I planned to expose their woke policies. Today they’re preemptively making changes.

Here are the changes:

• Ending participation in the @HRC’s woke Corporate Equality Index social credit system.

• No more DEI based training programs.

• No more donations to divisive events.

• Ending ERG groups in favor of BRG groups open to all employees, no longer designed to focus on race or sexual orientation.

• No more supplier diversity goals.

• No more executive/employee compensation tied to DEI hiring goals.

This statement went out to employees just now. Our campaigns are so effective that we’re getting multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies without me even posting just from the fear they have of being the next company that we expose. The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality. We are now the trend, not the anomaly.

We are winning and one by one we WILL bring sanity back to corporate America.

So far you’ve helped me change corporate policy at Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Polaris, Indian Motorcycle, Lowe’s, Ford and now Coors. We are a force to be reckoned with and we won’t stop until wokeness is extinct.

If you love what we’re doing, subscribe to my X page for $5 a month to help fund our growing team! You can also support us by sending any amount once at this link: https://buy.stripe.com/8wM8xC7Qs5uXcSc3cc…

If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence to EliminateDEI@protonmail.com


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880751 No.216307

File: f0f78680f52b777⋯.png (179.9 KB,680x514,340:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527172 (031711ZSEP24) Notable: Venezuelan 'Tren de Aragua' gang - estimate approximately 1000 members are now in 11 states

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Libs of TikTok


SCOOP: Connecticut Law Enforcement are now being warned about the violent Venezualan gang “Tren de Aragua.” This is the gang who took over apartment buildings in CO.

Police reports already confirmed their presence in 11 states and it’s estimated around 1,000 members are in our country illegally.


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880751 No.216308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527180 (031713ZSEP24) Notable: Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!

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Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!


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880751 No.216309

File: 159c57b006fbb0f⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3722d7b92560287⋯.png (202.75 KB,627x767,627:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527193 (031719ZSEP24) Notable: NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

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Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old.


- Liz Churchill



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880751 No.216310

File: 37c60117c86b94f⋯.png (896.43 KB,1160x653,1160:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527198 (031720ZSEP24) Notable: Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir 'What Is A Book?'

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muh book deal habbening

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir


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880751 No.216311

File: b8ac469749683cd⋯.png (834.1 KB,962x541,962:541,Clipboard.png)

File: fa0bc92ac3d40a6⋯.png (1.34 MB,962x541,962:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 7352fb400e824a4⋯.png (169.93 KB,962x641,962:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 725a98178f8ab65⋯.png (1.44 MB,962x541,962:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 27373a1f11f499a⋯.png (1.18 MB,962x541,962:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527225 (031731ZSEP24) Notable: Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

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Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

Updated: 18:43 EDT, 2 September 2024

Marine probes dispatched to a two-mile-tall undersea mountain deep in the Pacific have uncovered a previously unknown 'pristine ecosystem,' 900 miles off the coast Chile, filled with alien-like life.

The 28-day expedition to this submerged mountain — part of a range called the Nazca Ridge that rests along the Pacific's deep Peru-Chile Trench — has documented 20 brand-new undersea creatures, including a spectral and lanky 'squat lobster,' a new 'scorpionfish' and a rare blue octopus.

'Only 26 percent of the seafloor has been mapped to this high resolution,' according to one of the mission's chief scientists, the Schmidt Ocean Institute's executive director Jyotika Virmani.

With this expedition led by the Schmidt Ocean Institute and its research vessel 'Falkor (too),' the institute has now added approximately 200 new species to the 1,019 prior species known to inhabit this part of the Pacific Ocean, in just the past year alone.

'Each expedition on Falkor (too) brings into focus a little more of the unknown seabed and life on our home planet,' Virmani said in a statement.

It may take years, however, to officially add many of these sightings to the World Register of Marine Species, and other databases, as fully fledged and scientifically confirmed new creatures.

Virmani's fellow lead scientists on the project told reporters that they were shocked by how colorful and robust this new mountainous ecosystem proved to be.

'Since so little is known about this region, a lot of what we found out there is new to science,' marine technician Tomer Ketter, another co-chief scientist on the expedition, told Popular Science, 'and these benthic communities are surprisingly diverse and healthy.'

'Benthic' is a marine science term meaning anything along the bottom of a body of water, like the ocean floor.

'As much as it was a surprise,' Ketter added, 'it was also very exciting to come across these oceanic havens, appearing out of the darkness and filling our camera view with vivid color and abundant life.'

Using underwater robots, including the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) 'SuBastian,' the team was able to map the huge mountain, and film some of the life thriving there.

A pristine coral garden was uncovered measuring around 8611 square-feet, the same size as three tennis courts.

These deep-sea corals were found to provide shelter to an array of unusual organisms, including rockfish, brittle stars, and king crabs.

'The discovery of a new seamount almost 2 miles tall, with a vibrant ecosystem was very exciting,' Dr Virmani said.

The team also captured the first ever camera footage of a live Promachoteuthis squid.

This genus of squid is so rare, they noted, that only three species have been described based on only a few collected dead specimens, several of which are from as far back as the late 1800s.

Other unusual creatures filmed by the robot include a 'Casper' octopus, and two 'flying spaghetti monsters'.

This expedition was the third this year conducted in the region, with the previous two expeditions in January and February documenting over 150 new species.

The high-resolution mapping aspect of the expedition was conducted by a team of trained hydrographers, graduates from the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Their seafloor data, the institute said, will be shared with the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project in an collaborative effort to broaden the international understanding and management of the Nazca and Salas y Gómez undersea ridge ecosystems.

'Upon concluding our third expedition to the region, we've explored around 25 seamounts on the Nazca and Salas y Gómez Ridges,' Ketter explained.

Professor Alex David Rogers, a science director with Ocean Census, who collaborated on this project, noted that his team is already confident that many of these seemingly new species will one day be fully confirmed by the scientific community.

The Ocean Census is an international alliance led by the Nippon Foundation and the Nekton Foundation to hasten the discovery, documentation and ultimately the protection of marine life in the world's oceans.

'The seamounts of the Southeastern Pacific host remarkable biological diversity,' Professor Rogers said, 'with species found nowhere else to date.'

'The work our taxonomists have conducted aboard Falkor (too), supported by Schmidt Ocean Institute team, will significantly enhance our understanding of the distribution of remarkable life forms on these underwater mountains, including several that have never before been mapped or seen by human eyes,' he opined.


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880751 No.216312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527254 (031744ZSEP24) Notable: NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

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In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

Alisha Brown, a victim, claims Harris' team intimidated her mother to keep silent. Story surfaced after her mother's death in 2024.

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880751 No.216313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527257 (031744ZSEP24) Notable: NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

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forgot link:


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880751 No.216314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527280 (031750ZSEP24) Notable: Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State

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Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State — JFK, 9/11, etc… Will all Get Revealed

“But Even if Trump wins… Draining the Swamp Ain’t Happening Over Night. It will take a few [Presidential] Terms”

A reality we all need to understand. This is a generational fight to take our country back. It won’t happen overnight.

Shawn Ryan’s Full Show


This Clip



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880751 No.216315

File: 8641b331d1690e1⋯.jpg (228.09 KB,1256x633,1256:633,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63b32e749ced926⋯.jpg (188.75 KB,1275x613,1275:613,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527301 (031758ZSEP24) Notable: The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

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The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Biden/Harris Executive Order 13986 addresses the progressive agenda of including all people (legal citizens and illegals) counted in the census, for apportionment purposes. All people in each congressional district, according to EO 13986, will be included for apportionment purposes. What this inclusive action does is inflate the population in congressional districts, which is ‘‘the basis of representation in the House’’. If the population is inflated in congressional districts, it can impact how congressional districts are drawn and (depending on the influence wielded by individual representatives) how government slush funds are distributed. If illegals are the "justification" for drawing congressional districts, and are then allowed to vote, it's easy to see why politicians (who expect to garner those votes) work so hard to import illegals. In theory, the larger the population in a district, the larger the slush funds. While pretending to insulate the "apportionment base"… "against manipulation designed to affect the balance of power among the States", it uses the illegal population to "affect the balance of power among the States". In Anon's opinion, this EO reads like a confession.

President Trump issued an Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 and a Presidential Memorandum dated July 21, 2020 designed to protect our country from a "long tradition" of "manipulation designed to affect the balance of power among the States". Biden/Harris EO 13986 revokes Trump's EO 13880 and his July 21, 2020 memorandum. The Biden/Harris EO 13986 acknowledges the Biden/Harris involvement in using illegals (they call them "persons who are not in a lawful immigration status") to maintain power and implicates the whole of government in the "historical tradition". If these "long traditions" are indeed "long traditions", where is the outcry from our elected officials, where is the outcry from bureaucrats, where is the outcry from political talking heads, where is the outcry from think tanks? Based upon recent circuit court decisions, Anon would like to suggest (to people who already know this) that long, historical traditions are not laws.

Here is a direct quote from the Biden/Harris EO 13986. Anon has highlighted some parts in red text.

"During the 2020 Census, the President announced a policy that broke from

thislong tradition. It aimed to produce a different apportionment base—

one that would, to the maximum extent feasible,exclude persons who

are not in a lawful immigration status. See Presidential Memorandum of

July 21, 2020 (Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following

the 2020 Census). This policy conflicted with the principle of equal

representation enshrined in our Constitution, census statutes, andhistorical

tradition. The policy further required the Census Bureau to inappropriately

rely on records related to immigration status that were likely to be incomplete

and inaccurate."

Anon provides sauce and caps for Biden/Harris EO 13986 and also provides a link to the corresponding PDF file.

Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 13986 of January 20, 2021

Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 13986 of January 20, 2021 -PDF

Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


Anon provides sauce and caps for President Trump's Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 and his July 21, 2020 Memorandum in 2/2 below. Anon includes multiple sauce including PDFs to emphasize the importance of this information. See 2/3 and 3/3 in this thread.

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880751 No.216316

File: 14778faa7797dc4⋯.jpg (222.99 KB,1340x600,67:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eff51df234aad5e⋯.jpg (224.76 KB,1240x552,155:69,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78a1d459b473b32⋯.jpg (217.36 KB,1301x534,1301:534,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b88a39b89351e79⋯.jpg (94.66 KB,770x529,770:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527309 (031800ZSEP24) Notable: The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

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The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019

Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census


Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 -PDF

Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census


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880751 No.216317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527313 (031801ZSEP24) Notable: NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

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880751 No.216318

File: cc0029a6a9fe1ee⋯.jpg (154.42 KB,1267x617,1267:617,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 641d8d54b532528⋯.jpg (147.16 KB,1327x372,1327:372,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527319 (031803ZSEP24) Notable: The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

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The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Memorandum of July 21, 2020

Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census


Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Memorandum of July 21, 2020 -PDF

Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census


White House - Memorandum on Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census - July 21, 2020


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880751 No.216319

File: ebfd309b6094094⋯.png (639.54 KB,974x901,974:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527325 (031806ZSEP24) Notable: Judge Says Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit

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Judge Says Donald Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit


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880751 No.216320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527327 (031807ZSEP24) Notable: Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

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Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port.

The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter potential threats to Israel" amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. "Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs," Almayadeen writes. "They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region."

Anti-Israel sentiment in Turkey has exploded since the Gaza war kicked off ten months ago. Outrage is being directed at Washington for being Tel Aviv's biggest military backer and supporter.


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880751 No.216321

File: 2ef52951ee97dab⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,1214x1080,607:540,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527360 (031815ZSEP24) Notable: Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

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⚡🇺🇸🔥 BREAKING – A group of 32 armed Venezualans took over an apartment building in Chicago tonight. Here’s the audio of the 911 dispatch call.

First they did this in Aurora, CO and now Chicago? Which city will be next?

🔗 Libs of TikTok (https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1830807423206015453?t=8oKVhx2sFzbiQ31-xiUbCQ&s=19)

Keep always informed

Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫

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880751 No.216322

File: ad04baac3606f82⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527367 (031816ZSEP24) Notable: Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

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FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul for Acting as an Agent of the Chinese Communist Government

Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, an indictment was unsealed charging Linda Sun with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy.

Sun is alleged to have acted on behalf of the government of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and the Chinese Communist Party (the “CCP”). Sun’s husband and co-defendant Chris Hu was also charged with money laundering conspiracy, as well as conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Sun and Hu were arrested this morning and are scheduled to be arraigned later today before United States Magistrate Judge Peggy Kuo.

Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party


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880751 No.216323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527373 (031817ZSEP24) Notable: Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

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911 Call Alleges 32 Venezuelan Gang Members Overran Chicago Apartment; Police Response Time One Hour


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880751 No.216324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527379 (031818ZSEP24) Notable: NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

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seconded need dig

It’s difficult to verify that story. We need the girl’s mother’s name to find the obituary and check for her in June 2011, as the minor girl’s name won’t be mentioned in the news.


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880751 No.216325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527395 (031825ZSEP24) Notable: Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival - RT

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Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival

Venezuela’s Edmundo Gonzalez has been accused of several crimes, including incitement to disobey the law

In a statement on Monday, the Prosecutor’s Office accused Gonzalez of several crimes, including incitement to disobey laws, usurpation of public functions, forgery of public documents, conspiracy, criminal association and sabotage. Gonzalez has denied the charges.

Commenting on the indictment, Maduro said that “no one in this country is above the laws, above the institutions.” He also noted that the Prosecutor’s Office had summoned Gonzalez – whom Maduro called a “coward” – three times but the latter did not show up because he does not recognize its authority.

Meanwhile, the opposition Unitary Platform, which supported Gonzalez’s presidential bid, expressed “strong condemnation” over what it called the “deepening of the political persecution” of the politician.


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880751 No.216326

File: 6369cfc91be6b5a⋯.png (61.41 KB,571x645,571:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527402 (031828ZSEP24) Notable: "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine - Elon Responds

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Pedo Adjacent "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

Response from Elon:

This Wired article once again perpetuates the inaccuracy that we turned off Starlink for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!

We received an unexpected request in the middle of the night to activate Starlink in Crimea in a matter of a few hours from the Ukraine government, but received no request or permission to override sanctions from the US government. Had we done as Ukraine asked, it would have been a felony violation of US law.

We also make it clear in our terms of use that Starlink is a commercial system, not a military system. Use of Starlink for communications, including military communications, is fine, just like the military uses the Internet in general, but if we deliberately engage in explicit acts of war, then we are making Starlink a military system and other countries have every right to shoot down our satellites.



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880751 No.216327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527431 (031833ZSEP24) Notable: @JulianAssangeWiki - Government, Big Pharma, and MSM were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code

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Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.

1. Were the public given “voluntary informed consent”?

-No❌ -We were lied to, and told everything was 100% safe.

2. Was the result good for society?

-No❌ -It did NOT stop transmission and has proven to be harmful to many who were at little to no risk from Covid.

3. Were there prior experimentations on animals the “justify the performance of the experiment”?

-No❌ -Animal experiments were conducted, but the results and validity of the data are in question due to the lack of data, and lack of safety/efficacy in humans.

4. Did they “avoid all unnecessary physical or mental injury”?

-No❌ -We were subject to 24/7 propaganda, brainwashing, and coercion from employers, media, and government entities. Not to mention the negative vaccine side effects such as Pericarditis and Myocarditis.

5. Did they stop possible “lethal or disabling procedures”?

-No❌ -Government health agencies continued to push the experimental shots despite the debilitating side effects and potential death. They went great lengths to cover up VAERS and all talk of vaccine injuries on social media.

6. Did the “degree of risk outweigh the benefits”?

-No❌ -99% of people were not at risk from SARS-CoV-2, and the experimental mRNA shots did not prevent transmission.

7. Were proper preparations and facilities prepared to prevent “remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”?

-No❌ -Subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware they were being experimented on and did not know they were at risk of injury, disability, and potentially death.

8. Were the experimentations conducted by only the “scientifically qualified”?

-No❌ -Scientists who spoke out about the mRNA shots were silenced, censored, and intimidated by government agencies. Pharma propagandists coerced lower level public health workers to administer shots that they did not know the true data about. The doctors didn’t KNOW the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. They were wrong.

9. Can participants “freely end the experiment”?

-No❌ -Most of them don’t know they are being experimented on, and even if they do, permanent alterations have been made to their bodies via mRNA technology that cannot be undone as far as we know.

10. Did they stop the experiment when it “proved to be dangerous”?

-No❌ -Not only did they not stop, they kept going, doubled down, and abused government emergency powers to silence and censor US citizens who spoke about the real dangers of the mRNA vaccines on social media.

This may not officially be accepted as law, but the actions of our government violate all medical ethical standards and infringe upon the basic human rights recognized by every sovereign nation on the planet.

We will have Justice.

Join and share my channel immediately:


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880751 No.216328

File: 24dc42724ef0afa⋯.png (1.01 MB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a011df035e5201⋯.png (1.1 MB,1152x504,16:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527442 (031836ZSEP24) Notable: PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

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E-4b doomsday up


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880751 No.216329

File: e535610d2d8a7de⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527454 (031840ZSEP24) Notable: Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire…"

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Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire. He is a billionaire — and he has a lot of nice stuff — but his brain, and his heart, and soul is like any blue collar guy you've ever met. He is all about people, he is all about hard work."

🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

📎  Twitter (http://twitter.com/SGTnewsNetwork)  ▪️ Truth Social (https://truthsocial.com/@SGTnewsNetwork)

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880751 No.216330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527459 (031840ZSEP24) Notable: Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged

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Houthis Hit Two Tankers in the Red Sea

The Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged.

According to a Reuters report citing U.S. military sources, which said one of the targets hit on Monday was a Panama-flagged vessel named Blue Lagoon I and the other was Saudi-flagged Amjad. The Houthis took responsibility for the Blue Lagoon I hit, Reuters reported, but made no mention of the Saudi-flagged vessel.

According to an AP report, Blue Lagoon I had been traveling to an undisclosed location from the Russian port of Ust Luga, broadcasting that it carried Russian crude on board. The Houthis had previously said they would not target Russian or Middle Eastern ships.

There was no major damage to either of the tankers, which were close to each other when they were hit. Both were able to continue on their way after the strikes. The Saudi-flagged vessel has a capacity for up to 2 million barrels of crude while Blue Lagoon I can carry up to 1 million barrels.

The AP cited the Joint Maritime Information Center, a unit set up to track the Houthis’ activity in the Red Sea and led by the U.S. Army, as saying that the Blue Lagoon I tanker “was targeted due to other vessels within its company structure making recent port calls in Israel.”

“These reckless acts of terrorism by the Houthis continue to destabilize regional and global commerce, as well as put the lives of civilian mariners and maritime ecosystems at risk,” the U.S. Central Command said, as quoted by the AP.

The Houthis have been targeting vessels passing through the Bab el Mandeb strait since last November in reaction to Israeli bombings of Gaza. Initially, the group said it would only target Israeli ships and those sailing under flags of Israeli allies but it has since expanded its campaign. An attempt by the U.S. and some European allies to put an end to the attacks has so far failed to produce any results.


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880751 No.216331

File: 6905c2b8acd1584⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527462 (031840ZSEP24) Notable: Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot

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Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot


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880751 No.216332

File: 6541b8879566a7e⋯.jpg (185.61 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527479 (031845ZSEP24) Notable: Cardi B in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

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Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background


She’s a known supporter of Balenciaga, a brand already tarnished by its disturbing imagery involving children.

Cardi B says this is just a mistake, but how could any member of her team miss the word pedophile so blatantly displayed during the photo's editing process?


Subscribe: Mel Gibson (https://t.me/mel_gibsonchannel)

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880751 No.216333

File: 70209b5b0ca1513⋯.png (299.54 KB,554x585,554:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527483 (031845ZSEP24) Notable: ‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10-Year-Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

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‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10-Year-Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

Police in Louisiana arrested a 10-year-old boy who allegedly confessed to fatally shooting a former mayor and his daughter, NBC News reported Tuesday.

Shreveport Police Chief Jared McIver said officers found Joe Cornelius Sr., 82, and Keisha Miles, 31, dead Sunday morning after arriving at the former mayor’s home in Minden, a city of nearly 12,000 people east of Shreveport, according to NBC.

McIver said the victims’ bodies were riddled with gunshot wounds from two handguns that were found with empty magazines, NBC reported.


What did they do to the kid?

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880751 No.216334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527515 (031851ZSEP24) Notable: Churches BURN Down Across Europe - Mahyar Tousi reports.

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Churches BURN Down Across Europe

Mahyar Tousi reports.


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880751 No.216335

File: 161a8385f522770⋯.png (149.4 KB,400x355,80:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527574 (031900ZSEP24) Notable: Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527641 (031907ZSEP24) Notable: #26373

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#26373 >>216264

>>216265, >>216293, >>216328 PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

>>216267, >>216271, >>216274 BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

>>216269 DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

>>216270, >>216291, >>216292, >>216296 FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

>>216272, >>216321, >>216323 Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

>>216273, >>216277, >>216284, >>216286, >>216288, >>216301, >>216305 Space News

>>216275 RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

>>216278, >>216279, >>216281, >>216283 Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

>>216289 These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

>>216290 a 47 minute Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

>>216298 Bill Gates in Ethiopia aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming

>>216297, >>216300, >>216303, >>216322 Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

>>216302 Can't imagine she had anything to do with those CCP police stations in NYC

>>216306 Moar DEI Anti-Woke WINNING - If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence

>>216307 Venezuelan 'Tren de Aragua' gang - estimate approximately 1000 members are now in 11 states

>>216308 Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!

>>216309, >>216312, >>216313, >>216317, >>216324 NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

>>216310 Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir 'What Is A Book?'

>>216311 Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

>>216314 Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State

>>216315, >>216316, >>216318 The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

>>216319 Judge Says Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit

>>216320 Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

>>216325 Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival - RT

>>216326 "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine - Elon Responds

>>216327 @JulianAssangeWiki - Government, Big Pharma, and MSM were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code

>>216329 Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire…"

>>216330 Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged

>>216331 Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot

>>216332 Cardi B in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>216333 ‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10-Year-Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

>>216334 Churches BURN Down Across Europe - Mahyar Tousi reports.

>>216266, >>216268, >>216276, >>216280, >>216282, >>216285, >>216287, >>216294, >>216295, >>216299, >>216304, >>216335 Memes Of Mass Instruction

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880751 No.216338

File: 1a953cf85319c99⋯.jpg (5.54 MB,3560x5100,178:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527658 (031909ZSEP24) Notable: #26374-A

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Baker Gotta Ghost



fresh dough


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880751 No.216339

File: aa0297b43d73252⋯.png (356.49 KB,477x493,477:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527672 (031911ZSEP24) Notable: @ChuckGrassley: WE ARE NEARING HARVEST

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Chuck Grassley


Normal evolution of soybeans. Late August top leaves die off. Soon all leaves drop off. Bean itself become very hard brown. At 13% moisture we harvest #soybeanwatch


5:46 PM · Sep 2, 2024

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880751 No.216340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527681 (031913ZSEP24) Notable: Leak from Advertising Giant Suggests Your Phone Really Is Spying on You

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Leak from Advertising Giant Suggests Your Phone Really Is Spying on You

In a new report that confirms many people’s worst suspicions, a leaked marketing pitch deck suggests major tech companies are using AI software to eavesdrop on users’ conversations through their devices.

The Daily Mail reports that a leaked pitch deck from marketing firm Cox Media Group (CMG) details how the company’s ‘Active-Listening’ software uses AI to collect and analyze “real-time intent data” from consumers by listening to their conversations via microphones on phones, laptops, and home assistants. The deck touts Facebook, Google, and Amazon as clients of CMG, implying these tech giants could be deploying the Active-Listening service to target users with ads based on what they say in private.

The leak, first reported by 404 Media, opens a window into a practice that tech companies have long denied — using device microphones to gather data on users for advertising purposes. CMG’s Active-Listening software is said to be able to pair voice data with users’ online behavioral data to identify “in-market consumers” who are actively considering purchase decisions. For example, the software could determine from a private conversation that a user is thinking about buying a car, and then serve them targeted ads for vehicles.

The pitch deck outlines a detailed six-step process that the Active-Listening AI uses to extract intent data from overheard conversations on any device with a microphone. It remains unclear whether the software is always listening or only at specific triggered times, such as when making a call. But the system is apparently advanced enough to analyze gathered voice data, combine it with online activity tracking, and pinpoint high-value consumers on the verge of making a purchase.

In response to the revelations, Google quickly distanced itself from CMG, removing the company from its official marketing partners list. Meta and Amazon issued statements indicating they are investigating CMG for potential violations of data privacy policies. However, all three tech giants have previously denied using such listening software, despite rampant user suspicions.

The leak sheds light on CMG’s stunning claim that their “Active-Listening” tools are completely legal, with user consent buried in the fine print of dense terms of service agreements. CMG boasted in a now-deleted blog post that “when a new app download or update prompts consumers with a multi-page terms of use agreement somewhere in the fine print, Active Listening is often included.”

For years, tech companies have assured the public that the uncanny accuracy of digital ads is simply very smart predictive AI and definitely not the result of unauthorized eavesdropping. Facebook’s own privacy policy still insists “we’re not listening to your conversations.” But this leak will undoubtedly intensify long-simmering fears that Big Tech has found sneaky ways to spy on intimate aspects of our lives to fuel their lucrative ad targeting machines.

As more details emerge, the ‘Active-Listening’ revelations could spark a major privacy reckoning over underhanded digital surveillance practices. At the very least, millions of unnerved users may think twice before gabbing freely in earshot of their devices. Because if this leak is any indication, there’s a decent chance that Alexa, Siri or Google is silently listening in, ready to exploit your private thoughts for profit.


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880751 No.216341

File: c296175c05e0898⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1ba5f716a8c037e⋯.png (255.17 KB,1138x256,569:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527705 (031916ZSEP24) Notable: Guy finds info on Tartaria and Atlantis in 1911 Encyclopedia

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Guy finds info on Tartaria and Atlantis in 1911 Encyclopedia

Can somebody find that location on a map for Atlantis?

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880751 No.216342

File: d179b49e1c831ab⋯.png (79.54 KB,816x504,34:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 758c4c1435593f9⋯.png (41.33 KB,808x274,404:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527714 (031917ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced BILLIONS from U.S. taxpayers to funnel into left-wing groups, lawyers?

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Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced BILLIONS from U.S. taxpayers to funnel into left-wing groups, lawyers

Kamala's brother-in-law Tony West, who headed up the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Civil Division back during the Barack Obama years, is poised to "claim the crooked crown"from Kamala in the event her backers are successful in pulling off another election heist.

West, who is married to Kamala's sister Maya, invented what the New York Post described as an "Honest Graft" by manipulating the purse strings of the DOJ's Judgment Fund, which is used to settle civil suits against the federal government.

Until 1977, Congress had to approve any settlement of a civil suit against the federal government over $100,000. That year, Congress removed the cap and basically gave the DOJ a blank check to pay any and all settlements from the Judgment Fund at its own discretion.

"Run by the Treasury Department, the Judgment Fund's secrecy is so complete that our often-penetrated CIA might study it for lessons," the Post's Daniel Huff and Clark S. Judge write.

"The limited data released omits recipients, the facts underlying the case, and often the lawyers involved. By statute, attorneys' fees awarded need not be disclosed."

Detailed information about the flow of money in and out of the Judgment Fund is so secretive, in fact, that a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study found that "no one knows the number of claims processed by the federal government each year."


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880751 No.216343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527757 (031922ZSEP24) Notable: Anti-Trump Republicans make multi-million dollar swing state ad buy

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Anti-Trump Republicans make multi-million dollar swing state ad buy

Collectively, the targeted states boast more than enough electoral votes to swing the election.

Agroup of anti-Trump Republicans on Tuesday launched a major ad campaign against the former president in key swing states.

Republican Voters Against Trump committed $11.5 million toward the effort, which will target audiences in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and the second congressional district of Nebraska, The Hill reported. Nebraska allocates its electoral votes by district and the second district broke for President Joe Biden in 2020.

“We help elevate the voices of these disaffected Republicans and build a permission structure for many other traditional GOP voters to reject Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, even if it means voting for Democrats with whom they might have policy differences,” RVAT Executive Director Sarah Longwell told the outlet.

Of the $11.5 million, $4.5 million will go to Pennsylvania, where Harris maintains a narrow, 0.5% lead in the RealClearPolitics polling average.

$3 million will go to Michigan, where Harris leads by 1.1%. A further $2.2 million will go to Wisconsin while $1.5 million will go to Arizona. Harris leads by 1.4% in Wisconsin, though Trump leads by 0.5% in Arizona.

Collectively, the targeted states boast more than enough electoral votes to swing the election. The RCP electoral projection, however, currently projects Harris to win 270 electoral votes to Trump's 268, handing Harris the Nebraska district. $375,000 of the ad buy will go to that swing constituency, which could tip the election by itself.


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880751 No.216344

File: ab469cc22919843⋯.png (1.77 MB,990x731,990:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 85e1e183600c611⋯.png (1004.35 KB,746x515,746:515,Clipboard.png)

File: d0d6ef59d1d0023⋯.png (746.14 KB,884x640,221:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ba0202f88475eb⋯.png (878.48 KB,738x548,369:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527780 (031926ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump details Melania's key role in the campaign and how Barron could be crucial to 2024 victory

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Donald Trump details Melania's key role in the campaign and how Barron could be crucial to 2024 victory

• Donald Trump gave a no-question-off-limits interview at his Mar-a-Lago home

• He talked about his family and why he believes his campaign is still on track

• READ MORE: Follow the day's latest political developments on our live blog


UPDATED: 12:38 EDT, 3 September 20241/2

Ask Donald Trump, a man known for putting his family at the heart of his political and his business worlds, whether we will see more of former First Lady Melania on the campaign trail and his eyes light up.

For a moment.

'Well, I would like to. It's not a question of that. It's a nasty world for me,' he said, six weeks after an assassin's bullet ripped through his ear.

'It's not nasty for Democrats like it is for me.And I would like to have my family not have to go out there and go in front of some of the things that you know happen.'

Melania, he said, cares deeply about the country.

'She'll do whatever necessary. But my kids haven't been treated properly,' he said. 'She hasn't been treated properly.'

Visiting Mar-a-Lago out of season feels like sneaking behind the curtain of Trump World. The club is closed until Halloween while members are summering in the less humid air of Europe or California. Half the lawns have been ripped up and reseeded. An outbuilding is having its terracotta tiles replaced.

But the living room is a hive of activity, the center of Donald Trump's business and political worlds. Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and a key player in his administration and 2020 election campaign, emerges from the tea room after a business meeting. Corey Lewandowski, who joined the campaign recently as a senior figure, hovers nearby, eyes on his phone.

And Eric Trump, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, comes and goes with the air of a man who spent part of his childhood growing up around the antique Spanish tiles, arches and heraldic reliefs of the club.

Trump sat down with DailyMail.com last Wednesday, part of a strategy of keeping up media pressure on his opponent Kamala Harris who by then had gone 38 days as the Democratic candidate without holding an interview.

It seemed to be a strategy that was working for her. Her fundraising hit record levels and she moved ahead of Trump in national polls, all without risking any awkward questions.

Trump and his team had expected a honeymoon when Democrats ditched 81-year-old Biden and he insisted he was happy with the way his campaign was going.

'You know, they had no bounce on their convention. You saw the numbers,' he said, referring to polls showing Harris did not seemed to have picked up support after a week with the media focused on Democrats in Chicago.

'And the reason is, she won't talk to anybody. So it's either because she can't explain how she changed every single policy she had, or she's incompetent.'

He was still buzzing from Robert J. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard's endorsements, and swatted away questions about how he would recover from falling behind in the polls.'It's been a great month,' he said. 'I don't understand that question.'

Trump does not usually do interviews in the Mar-a-Lago living room. Its gold leaf ceiling, modeled on the 'Thousand-Wing Ceiling' of the Accademia in Venice, is a glittering distraction with its shimmering sunbursts.


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880751 No.216345

File: fab20ccf83a457a⋯.jpeg (501.88 KB,828x1269,92:141,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527790 (031929ZSEP24) Notable: Left-leaning, former Democrat: MAGA have been overwhelmingly supportive of me

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Make it work, play or embed.

dunno how.

this is hammer.

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880751 No.216346

File: 5fc689e16f8763f⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527798 (031931ZSEP24) Notable: Left-leaning, former Democrat: MAGA have been overwhelmingly supportive of me

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880751 No.216347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527806 (031933ZSEP24) Notable: David Friedman, former US Ambassador to Israel under Trump admin, w/new book pushing plan to have Israel annex West Bank, Americans foot bill

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Trump's Israel Advisor: We're Gonna Annex the West Bank and Make America Pay For It

David Friedman, the former US Ambassador to Israel under the Trump administration, is out with a new book pushing a plan to have Israel annex the West Bank and American taxpayers foot the bill.

From The Jewish Daily Forward:

Trump's Israel adviser suggests diverting $1 billion from Palestinian aid to fund West Bank annexation

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman writes in new book that U.S. support for Israeli sovereignty is 'based first and foremost on biblical prophecies and values'

By Jacob Kornbluh | September 2, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has largely remained silent on what he might do in a potential second term regarding issues of particular interest to Jewish Americans. However, if his close adviser's perspective offers any insight, it could involve the U.S. actively funding a previously shelved Israeli plan to annex the occupied West Bank.

Israel will need financial assistance "to assert and maintain its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria," former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman writes in a new book, One Jewish State: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, scheduled for release on Tuesday. Friedman suggests that the next Republican administration and Congress could redirect $1 billion from existing aid to the Palestinians, including funds meant for the Palestinian security force, to finance the annexation plan, which he said will help improve the lives of Palestinians under Israeli control. "The easiest bucket to tap into and reposition is that of the United States."

We've gone from Trump in 2016 saying "We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it!" to Trump's Israel advisor in 2024 saying "We're gonna annex the West Bank and make Americans pay for it!"


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880751 No.216348

File: 424abec648f4e8d⋯.png (52.57 KB,607x514,607:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527808 (031934ZSEP24) Notable: Lebanese judiciary arrests former governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh

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S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 6h

Lebanese judiciary arrests former governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh

Sep 3, 2024 · 1:29 PM UTC


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880751 No.216349

File: b4de09561ee5bd4⋯.png (274.07 KB,558x593,558:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527836 (031941ZSEP24) Notable: A Florida man was removed from a Delta Airlines flight over a t-shirt featuring Donald Trump flipping the bird and Hawk Tuah girl memes

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@RT_com 57m

A Florida man was removed from a Delta Airlines flight over a t-shirt featuring Donald Trump flipping the bird and Hawk Tuah girl memes

Which do you think he was banned over?

Sep 3, 2024 · 6:40 PM UTC



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880751 No.216350

File: c233fe6d51f047d⋯.jpeg (2.03 MB,2021x952,2021:952,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527841 (031943ZSEP24) Notable: Guy finds info on Tartaria and Atlantis in 1911 Encyclopedia

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44°48'N , 26°10'W

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880751 No.216351

File: a81429a53b568c3⋯.png (775 KB,1036x538,518:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527842 (031943ZSEP24) Notable: 19 migrant smugglers detained in Romania

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19 migrant smugglers detained in Romania

Criminal network hid migrants in vehicle compartments and transported them from Romania to Italy

On an action day conducted on 2 September 2024 across Romania, law enforcement executed 40 search warrants and intercepted 19 members of a criminal network engaged in migrant smuggling. Europol supported this operation, which is the result of a common investigation between Hungarian, Italian, Romanian and Slovenian authorities. The criminals concealed the migrants among merchandise or squeezed them into compartments in modified vehicles, displaying the utmost disregard for their safety and well-being.

Results of the action day include:

19 suspects detained and presented before public prosecutor’s offices to press charges

1 modified van with special compartment for smuggling migrants seized

4 vehicles, an all-terrain vehicle, and a motorcycle seized

52 mobile phones, 2 laptops and a tablet seized

around EUR 15 000 in various currencies seized

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/19-migrant-smugglers-detained-in-romania

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880751 No.216352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527849 (031946ZSEP24) Notable: US close to agreeing on long-range missiles for Ukraine; delivery to take months

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US close to agreeing on long-range missiles for Ukraine; delivery to take months

The U.S. is close to an agreement to give Ukraine long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia, but Kyiv would need to wait several months as the U.S. works through technical issues ahead of any shipment, U.S. officials said.

The inclusion of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package is expected to be announced this autumn, three sources said, though a final decision has not been made. The sources declined to be named because they are not authorized to discuss the topic.

Sending JASSMs to Ukraine could significantly alter the strategic landscape of the conflict by putting more of Russia in range of powerful, precision-guided munitions, an important concern of the Biden administration, the officials said.


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880751 No.216353

File: c4389cbef133c95⋯.jpg (48.49 KB,498x800,249:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527852 (031947ZSEP24) Notable: Alicia Brown Accuses Kamala Harris of Involvement in 2011 Hit-and-Run

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1) Put out by the Harris campaign and will later be shown fake…claim how dirty the Trumpers are…don't listen to anything negative on Harris because it's all fake.

2) It's real and those directing this show will keep dropping more info on this so it stays in the news cycle.

Kamala Harris hit-and-run 2011 incident: Alicia Brown Accuses Kamala Harris of Involvement in 2011 Hit-and-Run

Shocking Allegations: Kamala Harris Accused of Involvement in Hit-and-Run accident

Recently, a 26-year-old woman from San Francisco, Alicia Brown, made headlines when she alleged that Vice President Kamala Harris was involved in a hit-and-run accident back in 2011 that left her unable to walk. The news quickly spread across social media, sparking outrage and disbelief among the public.

According to Brown, the incident occurred when Harris, who was serving as Attorney General of California at the time, allegedly hit her with her car and then fled the scene without providing any assistance. As a result of the accident, Brown claims to have suffered serious injuries that have had a lasting impact on her ability to walk.

These shocking allegations have cast a shadow of doubt over Harris, who has been a prominent figure in American politics for years. Many are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter to determine the truth behind Brown’s claims and hold Harris accountable if she is found to be guilty.

As the story continues to unfold, it is important to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. However, these allegations have certainly raised concerns about Harris’s character and integrity. Only time will tell what the outcome of this controversy will be and how it will impact Harris’s political career moving forward.

In the meantime, the public is left to ponder the implications of these accusations and what they could mean for Harris and her reputation. Stay tuned for updates as more information becomes available on this developing story.

What evidence does Alicia Brown have to support her claims against Kamala Harris?

Brown has provided medical records, witness statements, and other evidence to corroborate her story. She claims that Harris was driving the car that hit her and then fled the scene without offering any assistance. Brown also alleges that Harris used her influence and power to cover up the incident, preventing Brown from receiving the justice and compensation she believes she deserves.


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880751 No.216354

File: 310d011dda019d6⋯.png (770.04 KB,796x557,796:557,Clipboard.png)

File: e69de9df92ca733⋯.png (2.41 MB,1185x793,1185:793,Clipboard.png)

File: ea4723be51dad67⋯.png (1.21 MB,990x663,330:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527857 (031949ZSEP24) Notable: Trump reflects on impact shooting had on his life, his campaign, reveals how friends have asked whether he's getting help for PTSD

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Donald Trump reflects on the impact the shooting has had on his life and his campaign and, reveals how friends have asked whether he's getting help for PTSD

• Donald Trump sat down with DailyMail.com at his Mar-a-Lago home Wednesday

• He discussed the aftermath of a gunman's attempt on his life during a rally


Six weeks after an assassin's bullet tore through his ear,Donald Trump said the attack had left no mental scars and he had not felt the need for any counseling.

'A couple of people have asked me that, and I have had no impact,' he told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview. 'It's just amazing.'

He went on to describe in spiritual terms how the moment had crystallized in his mind the importance of his political mission.

Trump was in full flow at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July when a gunshot echoed through the crowd. He raised his hand to his bloody ear in disbelief, before ducking to the ground where he was quickly shielded by a cocoon of Secret Service agents.

A week later he resumed his trademark rallies, indoors at first and then outdoors again two weeks ago with the protection of a bulletproof screen.

Trump, 78, said he had suffered no flashbacks or bad dreams of the sort associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and had felt no need for counseling.'But I have not had any, I must tell you, I don't think about it a lot,' he said. 'I don't want to think about it a lot, but I've had … no it's had no impact. It healed up.'

Trump talked about everything from his family to policy and the state of the campaign during the interview in the opulent living room of his Mar-a-Lago home, which serves as his political headquarters.

And he talked frankly about the moment that could have ended his life and what it means for his 2024 run.

Trump had looked invincible in the aftermath. He followed it up with a Lazarus-like appearance at his party's convention in Milwaukee, where attendees talked about miracles, divine intervention and the religious symbolism of the date, July 13 (when the Holy Mother revealed the third secret of Fatima in 1917.)

But his solid lead in the polls evaporated when Joe Biden bowed to pressure from his party and stepped aside to allow his vice president, Kamala Harris, to become the Democratic nominee.

Even so, Trump said he could not shrug off the idea that something divine happened when he turned his headto look at a chart of border data just at the right moment to all but avoid a shooter's bullet.

'And you know what I'd love to think, I would love to think it's God, and it's God doing it because he wants to save America,'he said. 'He sees what's happening. God sees what's happening in America.

'We're going bad as a country. Even with religion, we're going bad.

'You look at the charts, and I would like to say that it is God that saved me.

It wasn't just just luck, but the reason would be that he saved me, because I can save this country. I hope that's right.'

He spoke to DailyMail.com during a day at home, in between campaign stops around the country. Nothing was off limits.

He said he was happy with the state of his campaign, days after winning the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who ended his run as an independent.

And he laid out his position on abortion and plans to resume federal executions.

(Former President Donald Trump discussed the after effects of a bullet slicing through his ear, but said he had shrugged off friends' concerns that he should have counselling)


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880751 No.216355

File: cc32fa7abb4a08f⋯.png (578.24 KB,903x558,301:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 5633b05347a147c⋯.png (748.99 KB,781x439,781:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527869 (031952ZSEP24) Notable: German Elites Call For "Firewall" To Prevent Conservative Governance After AfD Election Win

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German Elites Call For "Firewall" To Prevent Conservative Governance After AfD Election Win

BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, SEP 03, 2024 - 07:45 AM1/2

The coalition system of government common to European nations is supposedly designed to prevent the formation of authoritarian regimes by diluting power among a greater number of parties. But, as the last decade has shown, it has only allowed for increasing socialist control in the EU under progressive and globalist politicians. Most parties do not represent the will of the public but they collude to form bureaucratic cartels that gatekeep conservatives out of the process.

The majority of Europeans do not support open immigration from the third world, they do not support oppressive carbon controls and they do not support the expansion of wars with eastern nations like Russia. These are all policies which EU progressives are trying to force on the public anyway. That's called tyranny.

Far from stopping authoritarianism, coalition parties have normalized leftist oligarchy. But the people of Europe (and the UK) are not staying quiet any longer.

In Germany, the conservative AfD party (labeled right wing extremists by German Intel) have won their biggest victory since the party was launched in 2013. The movement has secured an election win in the state of Thuringia by a wide margin and a very close second in Saxony. The AfD is largely supported by younger voters (18-24) who are tired of the German socialist status quo of high taxes, high inflation and rising crime.

The outcome has stunned German leftists who are now worried that future state elections and the national election in 2025 will have a similar result.

Elections in all the German states are hugely important. Not only are they some of the most powerful subnational bodies in Europe, they also have influence at the federal level through the Bundesrat – Germany’s upper house.

The AFD's founding was in direct response to Germany and the EU's mass immigration policies, inviting millions of third-world migrants and Islamic fundamentalists into the west without any vetting process.

Progressive and globalist leaders across Europe continue to pretend as if the concerns over immigration are held by a fringe minority, then act shocked when parties like the AfD win elections.Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor and lawmaker for the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), asserts that conservatives cannot be allowed to hold power in Germany regardless of voter decisions. He stated this week:

“Our country cannot and must not get used to this…The AfD is damaging Germany. It is weakening the economy, dividing society and ruining our country’s reputation…”

The Chancellor failed to explain how the AfD could be "weakening the economy" when the economy has been under socialist control for decades.Mr. Scholz urged other parties to block the AfD from governingby maintaining a so-called "firewall" against it.

"All democratic parties are now called upon to form stable governments without right-wing extremists," he said, calling the results "bitter" and "worrying".

The establishment media is now engaged in a vicious propaganda war against the AfD, with numerous outlets comparing them directly to "Nazis" despite the fact that the Nazis were far-left, not far-right.


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880751 No.216356

File: 5e32608eb56cdcb⋯.png (306.49 KB,617x556,617:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 9445b939eaa7ab1⋯.jpeg (47.61 KB,720x563,720:563,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527879 (031954ZSEP24) Notable: Russia issues warning to the United States and NATO

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@BRICSinfo 1h

JUST IN: 🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russia issues warning to the United States and NATO

"If Western weapons are used to strike deep inside Russia, the consequences will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

Sep 3, 2024 · 6:49 PM UTC



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880751 No.216357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527881 (031954ZSEP24) Notable: German Elites Call For "Firewall" To Prevent Conservative Governance After AfD Election Win

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Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were both open proponents of Marxism and sought to apply Marxist ideals within their National Socialist governments. As Hitler noted in a January 27, 1934, interview with Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt:

“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teachings of Marxism…”

Fascism has very little in common with conservative movements. Defense of national borders and cultural identity are not intrinsically fascist ideals. The political left would like everyone to believe otherwise.

Scholz's call for a coalition "firewall" in Thuringia, Saxony and other states as a means to prevent the AfD from governing is the same tactic used by Emmanuel Macron in France to shut out Marine Le Pen's conservative National Front party despite their numerous election victories. Macron pressed "moderate" progressives to align with full-bore communists as a means to overrule French voters and keep conservatives out of the process once again.

While this strategy is technically legal, it is an affront to the democratic process that leftists claim to hold so sacred. The champions of "democracy" are enraged that the majority isn't voting their way and so they have decided to usurp the election process entirely.

Under these conditions, conflict is inevitable.


Scholz is negating that many Germans voted for this party, so he is ready to eliminate the votes of citizens because he knows he is truly hated by the majority of Germany. Blaming it on AfD is to try to divert he’s been a Nazi leader in action, and pushing Germany to war. Most Germans have no problem with Russians either. He doesn’t like that. He will lose, because of this political deception and misuse of power.

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880751 No.216358

File: 9aa328f66ff3302⋯.png (368.63 KB,499x547,499:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527895 (031959ZSEP24) Notable: @FBI: Foreign adversaries exploit America’s .. culture collaboration, openness on univ. campuses, w/China's CCP posing particular threat

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Foreign adversaries exploit America’s deeply held and vital culture of collaboration and openness on university campuses, with China's Communist Party posing a particular threat to U.S. academia for a variety of reasons.

Visit http://FBI.gov to learn more.

2:02 PM · Sep 3, 2024


>China's Communist Party

>posing a particular threat

>U.S. academia

>for a variety of reasons

- why aren't we deporting all Chinese?!?

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880751 No.216359

File: 43ef34643026b37⋯.png (602.92 KB,799x527,47:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527903 (032002ZSEP24) Notable: Former Phoenix New Times Co-Owner Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Related to Prostitution, Sex Trafficking of Minors

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Former Phoenix New Times Co-Owner Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Related to Prostitution, Sex Trafficking of Minors

The former co-owner of the tabloid Phoenix New Times, Michael Lacey, was sentenced to five years in prison on Wednesday for laundering money from backpage.com, a site he founded and ran that was accused of prostitution and sex trafficking of minors. His co-owner, Jim Larkin, killed himself a few days before the second trial was to begin in 2023 (the first trial ended in a mistrial). The New Times is known for regularly running articles attacking conservatives in politics that are strategically placed next to articles about pedophiles and murderers.


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880751 No.216360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527916 (032006ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

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Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

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880751 No.216361

File: 5b83ab797de81f5⋯.png (830.45 KB,781x479,781:479,Clipboard.png)

File: af9917dff7b5781⋯.png (29.83 KB,781x428,781:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527920 (032007ZSEP24) Notable: Volkswagen Considers First-Ever Germany Factory Closures As Economic Troubles Mount

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Volkswagen Considers First-Ever Germany Factory Closures As Economic Troubles Mount


News broke Monday that Volkswagen is considering plant closures in Germany.The auto giant faces falling profits due to slowing sales in China and other major markets. This development comes as Europe's largest economy teeters on the verge of recession after reporting a slight contraction in second-quarter growth. Earlier this summer, VW's Audi revealed a billion-dollar investment in Mexico, as the company's future manufacturing could be overseas in the Americas.

Several financial outlets are reporting VW's potential factory closure plan, including Bloomberg, which said, "VW is considering unprecedented factory closures in Germany in a bid for deeper cutbacks, delivering another blow to Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government."

"The economic environment has become even tougher and new players are pushing into Europe," VW CEO Oliver Blume wrote in a statement, adding,"Germany as a business location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness."

Bloomberg noted,"Any shutdowns would mark the first closures in Germany during the company's 87-year history, setting VW up for a clash with powerful unions."

Financial Times quoted Daniela Cavallo, chair of the council that represents VW's workers, who wrote in a note to workers that VW brand chief executiveThomas Schäfer "admitted" on Monday that cost savings programs had failed by several billions of euros, pushing VW into the red.

"As a result, the executive board is now questioning German plants, the VW in-house collective wage agreements and the job security programme running until the end of 2029," said Cavallo.

Cavalla called the plans "an attack on our employment, workplaces, and collective bargaining agreements."

VW deliveries in China were down 20% amid a broader decline in petrol-powered vehicles in the second quarter. A spokesperson told Reuters in June,

"We do not expect an easy year."

Meanwhile, VW's Audi plant in Brussels has come under scrutiny this summer after the carmaker announced a one billion euro ($1.08 billion) investment in electric vehicle projects in the Mexican state of Puebla. There are mounting risks Audi could start moving EV production to Mexico.

Besides sputtering VW sales and the largest economy in the EU at risk of recession, the country's political environment has also become more chaotic.

Populist Alternative for Germany, or AfD, has become the first far-right party to win a state election in Germany since 1945.

Rising populism is driven by a national government run by weak liberals that have overseen an economy withhigh inflation, disastrous immigration, and growing skepticism for military aid for Ukraine. These are all new pressures Chancellor Olaf Scholz's center-left government.

In markets, VW shares trading in Germany recently slipped below Covid lows, touching levels not seen since 2011.

Maybe the West sabotaging Russia's Nord Stream pipeline that hooked Germany on cheap NatGas wasn't such a great idea as Europe's top economic powerhouse becomes less competitive. This only suggests increasing deindustrial risks, loss of jobs, and more socio-economic discontent across the bloc.


(this article makes me very happy, Scholz and Macronprovoked this war with Russia, and Ukraine, they lied to the people, they stole their money, they downgraded expensive nuclear power power plants for green shit energy, Scholz gave the go ahead to blow up the pipeline-very possibly, the leaders hate Trump, Germany causes problems everywhere, and aligned with NATO, that want's a war everywhere, Scholz and the others deserve everything they get. And they are still giving billions to Ukraine to money launder for him and others.)

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880751 No.216362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527936 (032011ZSEP24) Notable: Cop Tells Citizen He Let Dbl Homicide Suspect Walk Free Because ‘We Don’t Report Illegal Immigrants… We’re a Sanctuary City’

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Cop Tells Citizen He Let a Double Homicide Suspect Walk Free Because ‘We Don’t Report Illegal Immigrants… We’re a Sanctuary City’


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880751 No.216363

File: dcf65c4b831c242⋯.mp4 (912.64 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 70bcf8cbed09a73⋯.mp4 (779.11 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 249ff4128cb48fb⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527946 (032014ZSEP24) Notable: Amazon claimed its virtual assistant gave different responses in “error.”. The glitches always favor the democrats

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The glitches always favor the democrats

(videos related)

Amazon claimed its virtual assistant gave different responses in “error.”

“This was an error that was quickly fixed,” Amazon told Variety in a statement.


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880751 No.216364

File: f3b1eaf77b7bc3f⋯.mp4 (663.32 KB,476x268,119:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527950 (032015ZSEP24) Notable: Cop Tells Citizen He Let Dbl Homicide Suspect Walk Free Because ‘We Don’t Report Illegal Immigrants… We’re a Sanctuary City’

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880751 No.216365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527951 (032015ZSEP24) Notable: West conducts bioweapons experiments on psych patients in Ukraine — research institute

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West conducts bioweapons experiments on psych patients in Ukraine — research institute

According to Mikhail Kovalchuk, advancements in genetics have now reached such heights that it is possible to modify the genome as needed

The West shirks any ethical or legal concerns by conducting dangerous experiments in psychiatric hospitals in Ukraine and Georgia to create new biological and chemical weapons, a top researcher told TASS.

"We must realize that the nuclear umbrella that still protects us today is deteriorating. Today, biological weapons are becoming a global threat, and COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated this," Kurchatov Institute Research Center President Mikhail Kovalchuk told TASS. "While nuclear weapons serve as a deterrent and means of intimidation, biological weapons are meant for active use, albeit covertly," he said in an interview with TASS First Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman on the occasion of the news agency's 120th anniversary.

According to the top researcher, advancements in genetics have now reached such heights that it is possible to modify the genome as needed. This means that viruses can be engineered to possess specific properties or even create entirely new synthetic viruses "Therefore, it is no coincidence that as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the Americans entered all our former republics and socialist countries, took full control of our sanitary-epidemiological stations, and all the collections of viruses and bacteria that were stored in these countries," he pointed out.

"Why do they need this so badly? Let's just say it would be strange if people in Siberia started getting sick and dying from West Nile fever. That's why the Americans are paying special attention to collections that contain viruses and bacteria endemic to this region of Russia," he explained. "This opens up the possibility of genetically modifying them to make them significantly more dangerous, and also to disguise the use of such biological weapons under supposedly natural processes," Kovalchuk emphasized. "And we already see how in Ukraine, near Kharkov, in Georgia, in violation of all norms of morality and law, extremely dangerous research is being conducted, in particular on patients of psychiatric hospitals, in order to create biological and new chemical weapons," the scientist underscored.


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880751 No.216366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527960 (032017ZSEP24) Notable: West conducts bioweapons experiments on psych patients in Ukraine — research institute

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>conducting dangerous experiments in psychiatric hospitals in Ukraine and Georgia to create new biological and chemical weapons


Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

Blood and surveillance cultures from an injured service member from Ukraine grew Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium, and 3 distinct Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Isolates were nonsusceptible to most antibiotics and carried an array of antibiotic resistant genes, including carbapenemases (blaIMP-1, blaNDM-1, blaOXA-23, blaOXA-48, blaOXA-72) and 16S methyltransferases (armA and rmtB4).

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880751 No.216367

File: fbf777a1bdcc0ff⋯.jpg (251.96 KB,720x850,72:85,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4903ecf68fa00b⋯.jpg (182.86 KB,720x888,30:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527969 (032020ZSEP24) Notable: Harris County Pct. 4 deputy constable shot to death while driving to work in southwest Houston, officials say

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Harris County, Texas Constable Ambushed and Shot To Death

Harris County Pct. 4 deputy constable shot to death while driving to work in southwest Houston, officials say

HOUSTON — A Harris County Precinct 4 deputy constable was shot to death Tuesday afternoon in southwest Houston while driving to work, according to officials.

It happened at the intersection of Fondren Road and Richmond Avenue near the Westpark Tollway.


Chief of Police just said in the presser that the constable was stopped at a red light and a middle eastern male got out of his car, walked up to the constable's vehicle and fired several times.

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880751 No.216368

File: 4d7dc919f347539⋯.png (913.21 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527974 (032021ZSEP24) Notable: Tesla Cybertruck can cook pizza in just 2 minutes: ‘Gets it done like nobody’s business’

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Tesla Cybertruck can cook pizza in just 2 minutes: ‘Gets it done like nobody’s business’

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880751 No.216369

File: 1e2b55e1a543591⋯.png (371.79 KB,622x469,622:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527976 (032022ZSEP24) Notable: @nypost: Biden whines ‘Secret Service doesn’t let me’ engage with crowds

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New York Post

@nypost 1h

Biden whines ‘Secret Service doesn’t let me’ engage with crowds


Sep 3, 2024 · 6:23 PM UTC


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880751 No.216370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527977 (032023ZSEP24) Notable: Ukraine uses flame thrower drone to burn Russians out of tree line

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Ukraine uses flame thrower drone to burn Russians out of tree line



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880751 No.216371

File: 8e7bd921bc73e56⋯.jpeg (607.18 KB,828x888,69:74,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527984 (032026ZSEP24) Notable: Semis Slaughtered As September Starts Off With Carnage Everywhere

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Nice out, winds changed, temperate.

Good sleeping weather.

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880751 No.216372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527989 (032028ZSEP24) Notable: Semis Slaughtered As September Starts Off With Carnage Everywhere

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Semis Slaughtered As September Starts Off With Carnage Everywhere

Yesterday, when we observed that the Labor Day holiday had spared US markets from the carnage that gripped the rest of the world on the first trading day of September, we said that we had a bad feeling about today.

And boy were we right: traditionally the worst month for stocks, bonds, gold and bitcoin, September started off with a bang - not a whimper - which saw the S&P plunge 2.4%, its biggest drop since the August 5 meltdown and the worst start to a month since May 2024 when the S&P plunged 2.8%.


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880751 No.216373

File: 12801f78ac10806⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,656x360,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527990 (032029ZSEP24) Notable: Speaking on panel “4.2 Billion People at the Ballot Box” at #WEF24, Alex Soros: “I don’t think technology is a fundamental issue in democracy”.

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Speaking on the panel “4.2 Billion People at the Ballot Box” at #WEF24, Alex Soros stated “I don’t think technology is a fundamental issue in democracy”.

Unsurprising, considering the Open Society’s election interference activities, spearheaded by Lord Malloch Brown.

Soros appeared drugged up, slurring his words… but managed nonetheless to exhibit the required dose of TDS.

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880751 No.216374

File: 8e6e284c74faad9⋯.png (61.38 KB,1408x431,1408:431,Clipboard.png)

File: de34340a4b9cee5⋯.png (500.29 KB,555x450,37:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21527996 (032031ZSEP24) Notable: Amazon claimed its virtual assistant gave different responses in “error.”. The glitches always favor the democrats

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Amazon admits error made Alexa provide differing answers on voting for Trump vs Harris

Boycott Amazon.


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880751 No.216375

File: 2abba3ca2d499b8⋯.png (293.22 KB,539x717,539:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f469af385f0908⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,1052x720,263:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528000 (032033ZSEP24) Notable: Arrested 4 setting fire 19th-century church n. France, Joël Vigoureux, serial arsonist notorious relentless campaign against churches

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Shadow of Ezra


A man has been arrested after setting fire to a 19th-century church in northern France, but this isn’t just any man—it's Joël Vigoureux, a serial arsonist notorious for his relentless campaign against churches.

Known to authorities for his past work, Vigoureux seems to treat burning down these historic landmarks as if it's his own twisted career, almost like a government contract job.

The mainstream media was wrong again.


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880751 No.216376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528005 (032034ZSEP24) Notable: "TikTok Users Exploiting Chase Bank ‘Glitch’ Were Really Just Committing Check Fraud"

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"TikTok Users Exploiting Chase Bank ‘Glitch’ Were Really Just Committing Check Fraud"

are people really this . . . not smart?

check fraud is not something that one can pass off as a programming error.

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880751 No.216377

File: c4e6b27c080041a⋯.png (395.34 KB,656x888,82:111,Clipboard.png)

File: ba69cf5f55d43fa⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,450x360,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528006 (032035ZSEP24) Notable: Dr. Casey Means Drops Some Hard Truths on the Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods & the Rise in GI Cancers Among Younger Adults

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Dr. Casey Means Drops Some Hard Truths on the Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods & the Rise in GI Cancers Among Younger Adults

"What do those all have in common? They are the gastrointestinal system…No sh*t that our GI cancers are going up. We're eating nothing but toxic food…This is not a mystery. I cannot stand that all the cancer doctors are throwing their hands up like this is a mystery. We're eating 50 metric tons of trash in our lifetime, and we're getting GI cancer."


Full Episode: https://t.co/Mkl3lQRqUT

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880751 No.216378

File: f262e00f2008fc5⋯.png (298.25 KB,603x586,603:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528013 (032037ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Join me Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity this Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30PM ET

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Donald J. Trump

@realDonaldTrump 5h

Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity this Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30PM Eastern. Get your tickets below, look forward to seeing you there! #MAGA2024


SEE IT LIVE: Hannity Town Hall Featuring Former President Donald Trump [DETAILS]

Fox News host Sean Hannity will host a special town hall event on Wednesday, September 4th in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Interested in attending? See below.


Sep 3, 2024 · 2:43 PM UTC


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880751 No.216379

File: d862fa4a422ac8a⋯.png (167.81 KB,479x514,479:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528022 (032040ZSEP24) Notable: Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

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Elon Musk


Conversation with @lexfridman & @realDonaldTrump


1:35 PM · Sep 3, 2024


Lex Fridman


Here's my conversation with


It's here on X in full, and is up everywhere else too. Links in comment.


0:00 - Introduction

1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing

3:51 - Politics is a dirty game

5:28 - Business vs politics

8:04 - War in Ukraine

9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN

10:36 - Trump-Harris debate

13:33 - China

15:47 - 2020 election

24:03 - Project 2025

24:52 - Marijuana

27:13 - Joe Rogan

30:54 - Division

38:00 - Communism and fascism

41:36 - Power

43:36 - UFOs & JFK

44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein

45:55 - Mortality and religion

47:25 - Lex AMA


9:46 AM · Sep 3, 2024

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880751 No.216380

File: 649107ec1eb354a⋯.png (1.3 MB,1900x1102,50:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 104ba3b3f6227cb⋯.png (554.84 KB,800x444,200:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 343015c7621e802⋯.png (971.94 KB,738x668,369:334,Clipboard.png)

File: 39d282daca58485⋯.png (3.01 MB,1974x1098,329:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528032 (032044ZSEP24) Notable: Linda Sun, ex-aide to New York governor, charged with acting as Chinese agent

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United States & Canada

Linda Sun, ex-aide to New York governor, charged with acting as Chinese agent

She allegedly provided ‘improper benefits’ to China in exchange for business transactions for her husband and gifts like Nanjing salted ducks

4 hours ago


WorldUnited States & Canada

Linda Sun, ex-aide to New York Governor Hochul, charged with acting as Chinese agent

She allegedly provided ‘improper benefits’ to China in exchange for business transactions for her husband and gifts like Nanjing salted ducks

Reading Time:

2 minutes


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880751 No.216381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528034 (032044ZSEP24) Notable: KJP gaslighting American people pretending not to notice Kamala puts on different accents. It’s literally on video

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KJP is gaslighting the American people by pretending not to notice that Kamala puts on different accents. It’s literally on video

Of course, maybe Libs is asking too much from the DEI Press Sec


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880751 No.216382

File: 9906521094ce5fc⋯.png (144.64 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528035 (032045ZSEP24) Notable: US Gov’t Pays $3B In Interest Per Day (Federal Unfunded Liabilities At $219 Trillion While Total US Assets At $213 Trillion)

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Hey Big Spender! US Gov’t Pays $3 BILLION In Interest Per Day (Federal Unfunded Liabilities At $219 Trillion While Total US Assets At $213 Trillion)

The US government now pays out on average $3bn in interest expenses per day…If the Fed cuts interest rates by 1%-point and the entire yield curve declines by 1%-point, then daily interest expenses will decline from $3bn per day to $2.5bn per day.


seems like a lot.

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880751 No.216383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528036 (032045ZSEP24) Notable: TX AG Pax­ton Warns Bexar, Har­ris Coun­ties Against Unlaw­ful Attempts Send Vot­er Reg­is­tra­tion Apps to Unver­i­fied Recipients

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September 02, 2024 | Press Release

Attor¬ney Gen¬er¬al Ken Pax¬ton Warns Bexar and Har¬ris Coun¬ties Against Unlaw¬ful Attempts to Send Vot¬er Reg¬is¬tra¬tion Appli-ca¬tions to Unver¬i¬fied Recipients

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter to the Bexar and Harris counties commissioners courtswarning that their proposed plans to mail voter registration forms to individuals regardless of the eligibility of the recipients would violate the law.

On September 3, 2024, the Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider using taxpayer funds to pay a third-party vendor to print and distribute voter registration forms to unregistered individuals residing in the county. A similar plan has been under consideration by the Harris County Commissioners Court.The distribution of forms to unverified recipients could induce ineligible people—such as felons and noncitizens—to commit a crime by attempting to register to vote. Further, Texas counties have no statutory authority to print and mail state voter registration forms, making the proposal fundamentally illegal.

If the Bexar County Commissioners Court votes to adopt the measure at its meeting tomorrow, Attorney General Paxton will sue to enforce Texas law. Attorney General Paxton will take similar action against Harris County should it choose to follow suit.

“It is unlawful and reckless for counties to use taxpayer dollars to indiscriminately send voter registration forms with no consideration of the recipients’ eligibility and without any statutory authority to do so,” said Attorney General Paxton. “These counties’ attempts to do so after the Biden-Harris Administration has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the country are especially troubling.”

The letters further warned: “It is more important than ever that we maintain the integrity of our voter rolls and ensure only eligible voters decide our elections.

Your proposal does the opposite by indiscriminately inviting county residents to register to vote regardless of their eligibility. I urge you to abandon this proposal. If you do not, I will see you in court.”

To read the letter to Bexar County, click here.

To read the letter to Harris County, click here.


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880751 No.216384

File: 92f384a05be6f5d⋯.png (489 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528038 (032045ZSEP24) Notable: NY City officials confirmed city's Depart. of Homeless Services offering illegal immigrants up to $4K use as payments for permanent housing

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BREAKING: New York City officials have confirmed that the city's Department of Homeless Services has been quietly offering illegal immigrants up to $4,000 to use as payments for their own permanent housing

This is on top of the thousands they give to them for groceries every month

The initiative uses money allocated for homeless American New Yorkers, but the Democrats have expanded it to help illegals as well

The Homeless Department's Spokesperson said the one-time grant of up to $4,000 will help the illegals pay for moving expenses, security deposits, first and last month’s rent, and other household supplies.

“We look forward to supporting more households as we assess the successes of the pilot and feasibility of scaling up and expanding access to this form of assistance.” - Neha Sharma

When you see stories like these, remember that you need to thank Border Czar Kamala Harris


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880751 No.216385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528043 (032047ZSEP24) Notable: TX AG Pax­ton Warns Bexar, Har­ris Coun­ties Against Unlaw­ful Attempts Send Vot­er Reg­is­tra­tion Apps to Unver­i­fied Recipients

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Texas AG Paxton targets voter registration in state’s biggest Latino counties

Saul Elbein Tue, September 3, 2024 at 12:13 PM EDT·7 min read Long Article, 1st page ony

Texas AG Paxton targets voter registration in state’s biggest Latino counties

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton threatened two of the state’s most populous — and Democratic-leaning — urban counties with lawsuits over their plans to register voters by mail.

Paxton wrote letters Monday to Harris and Bexar counties, claiming their mailing of voter registration forms would either “confuse” noncitizens about their eligibility to vote, or “induce” them to fraudulently register.

“Either way, it is illegal, and if you move forward with this proposal, I will use all available legal means to stop you,” Paxton wrote.

The attorney general pointed to his 2020 suit against a similar effort to send out vote-by-mail applications to all registered voters in Harris County — a move he credited the following year for former President Trump’s victory in Texas, which was the GOP’s narrowest in a generation.

Paxton’s letters targeted proposals by both counties to mail voter registration forms to eligible — but unregistered — voters, which he conflated in his letters with noncitizens.

“I urge you to abandon this course of action,” Paxton wrote to the Harris County commissioners. “If you do not, I will see you in court.”

The correspondence comes in the wake of repeated Republican moves against voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts in Texas’s Democratic-leaning urban counties — a campaign that comes amid a tightening 2024 race and a broad trend of Democratic gains in the state.

Polling last week found that both Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas) — who is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for his seat in the Senate — and Vice President Harris (D) trailed their Republican opponents by 9 points, according to The Hill/Decision Desk HQ.

But other late-August polls have found Harris within 3 to 5 points behind Trump, and Texas elections have been narrowing for decades.

In 2020, Trump took Texas with a 5.6 percentage point spread — the closest since former Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) took the state by 5 in his losing bid to unseat former President Clinton.

That’s a significant decrease from 2016, when Trump won the Lone Star State by 9 percentage points, and a collapse in the lead seen during the election of former President George W. Bush, who won the state by an excess of 20 percentage points.

The two counties Paxton targeted are either plurality or majority Latino — nearly a fifth of all Texas Latinos live in Harris County alone — and both went to President Biden in 2020 by wide margins.

In 2020, Biden won Harris County, the state’s most populous, by 14 percentage points, or more than twice the statewide spread between the candidates. That year, the Democratic challenger’s lead in Bexar was even more striking: The president won the county by 18 percentage points, or more than three times Trump’s statewide margin of victory.

That trend has also corresponded with a rhetorical and legal GOP campaign against noncitizen voting — an alleged threat that Paxton argued Monday had made the two counties’ voter registration efforts “particularly troubling this election cycle.”

Noncitizen voting is a phenomenon whose frequency is effectively zero, the libertarian Cato Institute found.

To understand why, the Brennan Center for Justice posed a thought experiment: Imagine the case of an undocumented migrant in the U.S. — living in fear that notice from the government will get them deported, and potentially cause them to leave behind their family.

“Would you risk everything — your freedom, your life in the United States, your ability to be near your family — just to cast a single ballot?”

Many Republicans’ answer to this question appears to be “yes, they would.”

Leading Republicans over the past month, from Paxton and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to the head of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), have warned of the largely illusory threat of undocumented immigrant voting.

Start with Texas. Over the last two weeks, Paxton’s office searched the homes and offices of Democratic campaigners — and one candidate — in South Texas, while the office of the attorney general has announced investigations into alleged attempts by civil society groups to register noncitizens in North Texas to vote — claims that county-level Republican officials have debunked.


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880751 No.216386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528046 (032047ZSEP24) Notable: US Gov’t Pays $3B In Interest Per Day (Federal Unfunded Liabilities At $219 Trillion While Total US Assets At $213 Trillion)

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The govt don't pay shit

The tax payers send in taxes payable and then the govt doles out to the highest bidder willing to kick back 10% to.the big guy

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880751 No.216387

File: a8ad8a0a32ce354⋯.png (283.71 KB,612x457,612:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 411a23c692c54bd⋯.png (347.31 KB,546x419,546:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528047 (032047ZSEP24) Notable: Met Police officer at elite firearms unit charged with raping and sexually assaulting 'vulnerable' woman he met on duty

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 1h

Pictured: Met Police officer at elite firearms unit charged with raping and sexually assaulting 'vulnerable' woman he met on duty


Sep 3, 2024 · 7:39 PM UTC


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880751 No.216388

File: 45b33ecae6c223d⋯.png (225.5 KB,504x638,252:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528077 (032056ZSEP24) Notable: @DC_Draino: True the Vote will be installing surveillance cameras in swing states to monitor drop boxes

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🚨True the Vote will be installing surveillance cameras in swing states to monitor drop boxes

They’ll be working with local sheriffs to prosecute ballot mules

Lots of drop boxes in 2020 had cameras that either didn’t work or were unmonitored

This is how we go on offense to stop the steal


https://x.com/TrueTheVote/status/1831005670918787175 VIDEO

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880751 No.216389

File: 9744c556c970046⋯.png (238.45 KB,556x535,556:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 51392dcce926e2c⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528078 (032056ZSEP24) Notable: Mr. Mo Lester? kek

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Defiant World


This edit is gold 🤣


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880751 No.216390

File: 3ab544d573f444f⋯.png (377.94 KB,616x470,308:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e7c0da054bfb7e⋯.jpg (107.73 KB,959x1248,959:1248,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528084 (032100ZSEP24) Notable: Vigilantes gaining fame, fortune beating, humiliating alleged sex offenders… even driving them to suicide. Police: they're making things WORSE

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 3h

Paedophile hunters inc: Vigilantes are gaining fame and fortune by beating and humiliating alleged sex offenders… and even driving them to suicide. Now police say they're making things WORSE


Sep 3, 2024 · 5:58 PM UTC


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880751 No.216391

File: 00d08a53c15cb81⋯.png (1.86 MB,1814x926,907:463,Clipboard.png)

File: b026c980903e419⋯.png (1.29 MB,1076x684,269:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528086 (032102ZSEP24) Notable: Mr. Mo Lester? kek

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880751 No.216392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528087 (032102ZSEP24) Notable: Linda Sun, ex-aide to New York governor, charged with acting as Chinese agent

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$4.5 million dollars in kickbacks from China.

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880751 No.216393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528088 (032103ZSEP24) Notable: KJP gaslighting American people pretending not to notice Kamala puts on different accents. It’s literally on video

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Southern Accent:


French Accent:


Who da fugg knows? @4:17:


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880751 No.216394

File: 157cef00a8b578c⋯.png (320.26 KB,597x596,597:596,Clipboard.png)

File: abe929f54d4f9c9⋯.png (328.26 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528089 (032103ZSEP24) Notable: Commander Yaste USS John S. McCain relieved, replaced by Captain Christy after posting photo himself "firing a rifle with the scope mounted backward."

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NEW - Commander Yaste of USS John S. McCain relieved and replaced by Captain Christy after posting a photo of himself "firing a rifle with the scope mounted backward."


MORE - The USS John S. McCain is attached to the USS Theodore Roosevelt strike group, actively deployed in the Middle East.


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880751 No.216395

File: e3c4aaa28276087⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528096 (032106ZSEP24) Notable: KJP gaslighting American people pretending not to notice Kamala puts on different accents. It’s literally on video

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880751 No.216396

File: 1e0c1432cd9cafa⋯.png (924.03 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528100 (032107ZSEP24) Notable: Linda Sun, ex-aide to New York governor, charged with acting as Chinese agent

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Morning SUN brings the heat.

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880751 No.216397

File: 9b750421039127f⋯.png (444.05 KB,1210x974,605:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528104 (032108ZSEP24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Join me Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity this Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30PM ET

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Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall. Get your tickets today at hannity.com/media-room/see-it-. Look forward to seeing you there—MAGA2024!!!


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880751 No.216398

File: 1347a0754825262⋯.jpg (574.31 KB,1080x2316,90:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528121 (032113ZSEP24) Notable: Wayne juvenile detention employee sent to stand trial for sex assault of 2 teen boys

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wayne juvenile detention employee sent to stand trial for sex assault of 2 teen boys

Hamtramck — A Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility employee accused of sexually assaulting two teen boys detained in the facility has been ordered to stand trial in circuit court.

The boys, who were 16 and 17, were allegedly assaulted by Svetlana Kuryanova in April in a back room at the Juvenile Detention Facility. Each boy testified during a preliminary exam Tuesday that Kuryanova pulled his shorts down and assaulted them.


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880751 No.216399

File: 672bf31ffafaf1e⋯.png (574.78 KB,968x788,242:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528128 (032115ZSEP24) Notable: Wayne juvenile detention employee sent to stand trial for sex assault of 2 teen boys

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Svetlana Kuryanova

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880751 No.216400

File: 49c2ad53d8c2c9b⋯.png (884.73 KB,885x639,295:213,Clipboard.png)

File: b664ffbd6c83511⋯.png (216.09 KB,735x722,735:722,Clipboard.png)

File: f8c3a36ca8e5337⋯.png (550.13 KB,645x524,645:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 68f7a5a875eae83⋯.png (699.04 KB,675x575,27:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528134 (032116ZSEP24) Notable: Journalist Olivia Nuzzi punished by Bloomberg for article about Biden health cover up

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Journalist Olivia Nuzzi punished by Bloomberg for article about Biden health cover up


Journalist Olivia Nuzzi had the rollout of her new show killed by Bloomberg after she published an article on Joe Biden's declining condition, according to a bombshell report.

The New York Magazine reporter was the target of an online campaign after she wrote about efforts by Democrats to conceal Biden's deteriorating condition in a July article titled, The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.

Semafor reports that Bloomberg had planned a splashy rollout for Nuzzi's show, Working Capital, but abruptly cancelled them after the article came out and some Democrats demanded her firing.

Nuzzi's critics called her a racist, sharing tweets from the Obama administration where Nuzzi mocked those who questioned whether the former president was really born in the US.

Nuzzi confirmed Semafor's reporting, telling the outlet she was not surprised, but nevertheless disappointed by Bloomberg's decision.

'When I write something that agitates the right, I am accused of being a liberal activist. When I write something that agitates the left, I am accused of being a conservative activist,'Nuzzi said.

'The difference is that mainstream media organizations tend to ignore bad-faith campaigns against reporters led by the right.'

The Bloomberg show, which sees Nuzzi interviewing political and business leaders, was quietly released last month and is available online. A Bloomberg News spokesperson declined to comment when reached by DailyMail.com on Tuesday.

In her New York Magazine piece, Nuzzi claimed top Democrats were stumped as to how and why the fast-declining 81 year-old Biden was being allowed to continue his re-election bid.Nuzzi said she had heard questions being posed by high-ranking Democrats on the east and west coasts about whether Biden is a puppet whose stringsare being pulled by another group of secretive Democrats.

According to anonymous sources close to the president who spoke to her for the piece, the president is forgetting the names of old friends and is easily manipulated by close confidants like his wife and top aides.Nuzzi was told that Biden is being shielded by ever-growing layers of bureaucracythat have made it harder and harder for people to reach him - often on important official matters.

Many are speculating the red tape is being used as a means to try and prevent people from learning the truth about Biden's health and wellbeing.

Nuzzi's article was published shortly after Biden's disastrous debateperformance and as many Democrats were calling on the president to step down from the presidential ticket.

Biden eventually decided to bow out of the race, leaving VP Kamala Harris to run in his place against Donald Trump in November.

Good for her, at least there is some honesty in the business


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880751 No.216401

File: f85003bed912246⋯.png (64.46 KB,322x282,161:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528144 (032119ZSEP24) Notable: Wayne juvenile detention employee sent to stand trial for sex assault of 2 teen boys

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>Svetlana Kuryanova


>Svetlana Kuryanova

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880751 No.216402

File: 3954cf0bde0e864⋯.png (644.55 KB,708x528,59:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528165 (032124ZSEP24) Notable: Cable TV's collapse deepens: 'It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor'

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Cable TV's collapse deepens: 'It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor'

Peter Kafka, Chief Correspondent covering media and technology Sep 3, 2024, 3:10 PM UTC

The NFL season, which is about to kick off, should bring the pay-TV industry more subscribers. But not enough to slow a yearslong decline.

The pay-TV industry lost 1.6 million subscribers in Q2 2024

• While that's very bad, it's not a record.

But there doesn't seem to be any reason for those losses to stop

Good news for the pay-TV industry, which suffered its worst quarter ever at the beginning of the year: The next three months were not quite as bad. Pay-TV distributors — that's conventional cable guys like Comcast, satellite TV outfits like DirecTV, and digital alternatives like YouTube TV — lost 1.6 million subscribers in the second quarter of 2024, according to analysts at MoffettNathanson.

That's very bad! But not as bad as other Q2s, like in 2023, when the industry lost 1.7 million subscribers, or in 2022, when it lost 1.8 million subs.And in other good news for the TV industry… well, that's about it.

Those 1.6 million subscribers lost in the second quarter account for 6.9% of the industry's base, and there's no reason to think the slide is going to slow down at all, analysts Craig Moffett and Michael Nathanson write: "It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor."

As we've discussed here before, a few years ago there was a thought that digital pay-TV distributors like YouTube TV and Hulu Live would replace losses at conventional distributors, but that's no longer true.

And those digital distributors are increasingly seeing "seasonality" in their business — consumers sign up for them in the fall to watch the NFL, and churn them out at the beginning of the year. That's why YouTube TV lost subscribers for the first time in Q1, and only added 50,000 subscribers in Q2.

The service added 300,000 subscribers in the same quarter last year.

And speaking of sports, Moffett and Nathanson spend a lot of time talking about Venu, the sports streamer that was supposed to have launched last month but has been held up indefinitely by a federal judge.

The companies behind Venu — Comcast, Disney, and Fox — have been arguing that their bundle of channels was going to appeal to people who didn't pay for cable TV. But it seems very likely that many of their customers would be existing cable TV subscribers who are trading down from a more expensive package of channels to Venu's "skinny" package. Which means that even if Venu eventually launches, it won't help the cable TV industry stem its losses.

But Moffett and Nathanson now doubt the Venu owners are going to end up fighting the lawsuit that has tabled their launch. That's because, like my colleague James Faris, they think the suit could end up blowing up the industry's long-standing practice of "bundling" channels together —which means that a cable TV distributor that wants to sell Disney's ESPN also has to sell Disney-owned channels like Disney or ABC in the same package.

And if that happened, things would totally collapse for the industry.

A Venu rep declined to comment. Last week, ESPN boss Jimmy Pitaro defended the Venu package to a group of reporters and pledged that his company would keep fighting its suit. But that will only be true up until the day it isn't.


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880751 No.216403

File: 526efcb0ca5b0ca⋯.png (1.54 MB,1028x1304,257:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528199 (032134ZSEP24) Notable: POTUS T posting about Kamala

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880751 No.216404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528213 (032137ZSEP24) Notable: On The Range with President Trump (7 days ago)

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On The Range with President Trump

150K views · 7 days ago

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880751 No.216405

File: 163ccdfa81e6005⋯.png (567.51 KB,1026x778,513:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528217 (032138ZSEP24) Notable: POTUS T posting about Kamala

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880751 No.216406

File: 89ca2d2345c1be7⋯.png (429.74 KB,1204x766,602:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528227 (032140ZSEP24) Notable: Puerto Rican musicians bring star power, endorse Trump: ‘Best president the world has seen’

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880751 No.216407

File: 94f14493c5193ce⋯.png (67.05 KB,592x274,296:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528237 (032141ZSEP24) Notable: @IsaacHayes3 sued Trump over the use of his father's song at a rally, why a "Racist" would play a Black mans song at his Rallies?

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Angela Stanton King


Breaking: 🚨 @IsaacHayes3 sued Trump over the use of his father's song at a rally. However, the judge ruled that the 50 campaign videos in question do not need to be taken down, and no monetary damages were awarded in the case.

Which leaves us all to wonder, why a "Racist" would play a Black mans song at his Rallies.

12:58 PM · Sep 3, 2024


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880751 No.216408

File: f1424de967fd036⋯.png (2.17 MB,1206x1396,603:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528241 (032142ZSEP24) Notable: POTUS T posting about Kamala

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880751 No.216409

File: a476e94ae598be2⋯.png (852.57 KB,1018x462,509:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528266 (032146ZSEP24) Notable: Guy finds info on Tartaria and Atlantis in 1911 Encyclopedia

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880751 No.216410

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528288 (032151ZSEP24) Notable: FULL NASHVILLE TRANIFESTO OF AUDREY HALE RELEASED

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Why didn’t Vanderbilt report her once in 22 years of therapy?


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880751 No.216411

File: 8e3ca53d2539180⋯.png (796.05 KB,972x542,486:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528309 (032158ZSEP24) Notable: Zelensky purges Ukrainian ministers

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3 Sep, 2024 20:43

Zelensky purges Ukrainian ministers

The Ukrainian leader’s top diplomat is reportedly on the chopping block after a wave of firings and resignations

(Geez this is like his tenth time purging ministers and government leaders, maybe he should purge himself)

Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has initiated an apparent purge of senior officials, sacking the deputy head of his office on Tuesday and accepting resignation letters from three ministers, as well as the country’s deputy prime minister.

Zelensky’s deputy head of office, Rostislav Shurma, was fired on Tuesday, according to a decree posted on the office’s website. No reason was given for his dismissal.

Writing on Facebook shortly afterwards,the speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, said that Vice Prime Minister for European Integration Olga Stefanishina, Minister for Strategic Industries Aleksandr Kamyshin, Minister of Justice Denis Maliuski, and Minister of Environmental Protection Ruslan Strilets had all handed in resignation letters.

Zelensky is also considering firing Foreign Minister Dmitry (Big Fat Crybaby) Kuleba and multiple other officials, Ukrainian media reported, citing anonymous sources.

Since the conflict with Russia began in 2022, Zelensky has periodically purged senior military and political officials. The former commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, Valery Zaluzhny, was fired earlier this year after Ukraine lost – according to Russia – roughly 160,000 men in last summer’s disastrous counteroffensive.

Last September, Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov was sacked over his alleged role in major corruption scandals that was believed to have hindered the offensive.

In a more recent round of firings, Zelensky sacked several senior officials described by the Washington Post as “reformists…who appeared especially close to Washington.”

Typically, these purges have been preceded by harsh losses on the battlefield. In the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s firings, Ukraine’s cross-border offensive into Russia’s Kursk Region ground to a halt with the loss of more than 9,300 troops and nearly 750 armored vehicles, according to the latest figures from the Russian Defense Ministry.

With Ukraine’s most battle-hardened troops diverted to shore up the flagging Kursk offensive, Russian forces have made rapid gains in Donbass, with the key logistics hub of Pokrovsk now within reach of Moscow’s troops.

According to a report by the Financial Times last week, Zelensky’s own soldiers, lawmakers, and military analysts blame him for the rapidly deteriorating situation in Donbass.


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880751 No.216412

File: b3e10f59439c541⋯.png (437.69 KB,582x742,291:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528319 (032201ZSEP24) Notable: Guy finds info on Tartaria and Atlantis in 1911 Encyclopedia

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For all those who don't have the paper version:


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880751 No.216413

File: 27b57c20f3f1f94⋯.png (402.22 KB,616x480,77:60,Clipboard.png)

File: a3d70425c91b4e1⋯.png (87.99 KB,241x252,241:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528332 (032205ZSEP24) Notable: Istanbul Police Arrests Mossad’s Financial Network Manager for Turkey - Anadolu

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S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 10h

Istanbul Police Arrests Mossad’s Financial Network Manager for Turkey - Anadolu

Sep 3, 2024 · 11:24 AM UTC



On time and under the budget.

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880751 No.216414

File: a1c988f9de431d3⋯.png (226.11 KB,607x559,607:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21528361 (032213ZSEP24) Notable: Earthquake in the Israeli army; Resignation of the commander of the Ground Forces?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 10h

Earthquake in the Israeli army; Resignation of the commander of the Ground Forces!

General "Tamir Yedai" resigns from his duties in the Israeli army ground forces after three years of service for personal reasons.

Sep 3, 2024 · 11:30 AM UTC



>Istanbul Police Arrests Mossad’s Financial Network Manager for Turkey - Anadolu

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880751 No.216415

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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