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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

3aa81f No.200260 [Last50 Posts]

19AUG24 to 21AUG24


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

3aa81f No.208884

File: bcda78535ee37fd⋯.jpg (16.16 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437730 (190043ZAUG24) Notable: QR Shark Tank: Dank Coins

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Dank coins might work

Lurkers buy dank coins from the kun, so they get money up front

Dank coins can be used to put some weight on dank memes

30% for the Kun, 70% for the dank memer

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3aa81f No.208885

File: 460fe4ba576140f⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,1367x1313,1367:1313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f17a0d3e436e74⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB,722x788,361:394,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437749 (190048ZAUG24) Notable: Poland allows border guards to shoot at migrants

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the border solution that works..


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3aa81f No.208886

File: aeb2026b7c03d69⋯.png (3.08 MB,2230x1500,223:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437763 (190051ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208887

File: 61d212f0bac807e⋯.png (1.53 MB,1189x652,1189:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437767 (190052ZAUG24) Notable: Map of Vegas shooting with links to calls, footage, etc

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MAP of Vagas shooting with links to calls, footage etc


worth a dig

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3aa81f No.208888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437783 (190055ZAUG24) Notable: Map of Vegas shooting with links to calls, footage, etc

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3aa81f No.208889

File: 879dfb5a8121a6e⋯.mp4 (11.01 MB,720x1270,72:127,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437788 (190056ZAUG24) Notable: Candace Owens stirring up some pot roast beef

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3aa81f No.208890

File: 2e9fc26df424a43⋯.png (1.3 MB,1280x1368,160:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437816 (190106ZAUG24) Notable: New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb

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New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb

One of the great mysteries about the January 6, 2021, events is the lack of curiosity by the FBI about who planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters. Amid all of the available CCTV video and surveillance technology exploited by the justice department, their transparent unwillingness to identify the pipe bomber has always been a dog that did not bark.

The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs. New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.

Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag. The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.




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3aa81f No.208891

File: e83b155528ed964⋯.png (797.57 KB,798x691,798:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437845 (190116ZAUG24) Notable: The Liberal Late Night Shows That No One Watches Are on Their Way Out

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Report: The Liberal Late Night Shows That

No One Watches Are on Their Way Out

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 8/18/2024 9:06:09 PM

Over the last decade, late night shows (with the single exception of Greg Gutfeld) have become nothing more than infomercials for the Democrat party. It has gotten to the point where almost the only guests on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert are Democrat politicians and hosts from CNN or MSNBC. Millions of Americans have been turned off and have tuned out. As a result, many of these shows are going to be phased out eventually. The New York Post reports: The end is nigh for snoozefest late-night talk shows In an interview this week, Jimmy Kimmel conceded that the end is nigh for late-night talk shows.

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3aa81f No.208892

File: 02380bfe43f58fd⋯.png (801.55 KB,894x726,149:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437850 (190118ZAUG24) Notable: Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure

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Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala

Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure

Red State, by Bob Hoge

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/18/2024 8:29:41 PM

It’s not until you're somewhat deep into yet another mainstream media puff piece of Kamala Harris that you come across a rather startling admission by Joe Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain. He basically admits that the Democrats’ nominee for president failed in her VP gig. The New York Times headline Sunday certainly might make you think that Harris had mastered the intricacies of the job: “A Vice Presidential Learning Curve: How Kamala Harris Picked Her Shots,” it reads. But after first describing how Harris was “deliberate and disciplined” despite the many pitfalls she faced as the first female vice president, the Times finally got to the point (emphasis mine):

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3aa81f No.208893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437866 (190121ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protests at Chicago ahead of DNC

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Live: Massive protests in Chicago ahead of DNC


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3aa81f No.208894

File: e4a84149ac9091f⋯.png (654.32 KB,594x697,594:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437883 (190123ZAUG24) Notable: DJT: Prices of goods and services under Biden / Kamala

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3aa81f No.208895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437944 (190137ZAUG24) Notable: #26270

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notables FINAL

#26270 >>208860

>>208893 LIVE: Protests at Chicago ahead of DNC

>>208862 Tyson Foods is recalling over 167,000 pounds of frozen chicken nuggets and tenders due to metal wire found in products

>>208863 Lebanon Plunged Into Darkness As Last Operational Power Plant Runs Out Of Fuel

>>208864 154 devices linked to 10 or more antifa protests/riots have also visited keycard-required FBI/DOJ parking garages

>>208865 Dan Bilzerian: 'Israelis killed their own on October 7 as an excuse to take land'

>>208867, >>208868 A battle wages for the Swifty vote

>>208869 The Democrats built a wall; to protect the DNC

>>208870, >>208877 TX Planned Parenthood Can "Pull Off A Leg Or Two" To Hide Partial-Birth Abortions To Sell Body Parts

>>208871 Schedule for DNC shows constituents are separated by race

>>208872 Walz administration awarded $2 million to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity

>>208873, >>208876, >>208882 Butler Police, District Attorney Release Shooter Photos, Police Trump Rally Security Preparations

>>208878 FBI Refuses to Release Trump Assassination Records

>>208879 Chicago plans to open city-owned grocery stores

>>208881, >>208889 Candace Owens stirring up some pot roast beef

>>208884 QR Shark Tank: Dank Coins

>>208885 Poland allows border guards to shoot at migrants

>>208887, >>208888 Map of Vegas shooting with links to calls, footage, etc

>>208890 New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb

>>208891 The Liberal Late Night Shows That No One Watches Are on Their Way Out

>>208892 Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure

>>208894 DJT: Prices of goods and services under Biden / Kamala

>>208861, >>208866, >>208875, >>208886, >>208877, >>208880 Memes


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3aa81f No.208900

File: 6e51eb6b6685181⋯.png (141.28 KB,250x250,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437955 (190139ZAUG24) Notable: #26271

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can continue or defer

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3aa81f No.208901

File: 1ccdd7e0f7663d4⋯.png (34.75 KB,1237x300,1237:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21437980 (190143ZAUG24) Notable: DNC protests 'full steam ahead,' organizers say 'Killer Kamala' is face of Biden-Harris administration

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American News Aug 18, 2024

DNC protests 'full steam ahead,' organizers say 'Killer Kamala' is face of Biden-Harris administration

Pro-Palestinian protesters are not charmed by Vice President “Killer Kamala” Harris vowed to go “full steam ahead” with massive pushback at the DNC.

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3aa81f No.208902

File: eafed58e7e0d5d3⋯.webp (21 KB,720x675,16:15,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438065 (190201ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208903

File: 85a5eb060b10a65⋯.png (375.51 KB,612x531,68:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438072 (190202ZAUG24) Notable: NYT reporter linked to leak of Australian Jews’ details, which led to doxxing attacks

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The Times of Israel

@TimesofIsrael 8h

NYT reporter linked to leak of Australian Jews’ details, which led to doxxing attacks

Natasha Frost admits she shared private chats from post-Oct 7 WhatsApp group with 1 person, says she didn't intend what followed; 600 members used chat to talk surging antisemitism


Aug 18, 2024 · 5:34 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.208904

File: 1fa840b30656eae⋯.png (279.16 KB,710x668,355:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438077 (190203ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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>assassin / bodyguard

It's OK, Barry.

Your wife is too.

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3aa81f No.208905

File: efa510d724cbbb4⋯.png (159.94 KB,781x443,781:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438139 (190220ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208906

File: 4c6e6dc7905d94d⋯.png (254.3 KB,428x680,107:170,Clipboard.png)

File: a801b275f3f5b36⋯.png (228.63 KB,399x680,399:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 08f05f89a3b19cf⋯.png (200.73 KB,466x680,233:340,Clipboard.png)

File: fa3ba834e8e501a⋯.png (150.1 KB,314x680,157:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c0a6528ec4b79e⋯.png (192.06 KB,504x639,56:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438156 (190224ZAUG24) Notable: Liz Crokin chimes in on Owens / Carter pot roast beef

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I’m very disappointed to see @SaraCarterDC go after @RealCandaceO with ad hominem and low blow attacks. I think it’s outrageous Sara tweeted Candace is “going to be delegated to the ideological trash heap of history”.

Sara quote tweeted a video of Candace discussing Leo Frank who raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl. The ADL was established to protect this Jewish pedophile-murderer. Owens also exposed how Israel harbors child rapists. These are provable facts. However, if Sara is so confident Candace is wrong, why doesn’t she correct her and supply receipts in her post or debate her on X Spaces? If there’s information Candace is putting out that’s incorrect, I’d like to know what that is.

Exposing a Jewish pedophile does not make you an antisemite just like exposing a Muslim pedophile does not make you Islamophobic. Every reasonable person should agree raping children is wrong and pure evil regardless of their race, religion, politics or what country they have citizenship with, period!

Now let’s not forget Sara works for Fox News Channel, the one network that did the most damage to cover up Pizzagate. She also worked for Arutz Sheva the self-proclaimed Zionist outlet.


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3aa81f No.208907

File: 645b7b4b4d5dc2a⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438167 (190226ZAUG24) Notable: Pro-Palestine protesters in downtown Chicago are chanting: "DNC, go home, or we'll bring the war home"

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Pro-Palestine protesters in downtown Chicago are chanting, "DNC, go home, or we'll bring the war home.

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3aa81f No.208908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438225 (190241ZAUG24) Notable: Drunken Camel Horses

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Nichole Liza



Anyone familiar with alcoholism has to see that Kamala Harris has a drinking problem, right?

1. She's drunk in public and on video. She's not *stupid* or *awkward* or *joyful* She's drunk. Day drunk. On the job. In front of cameras. In front of kids. She's drunk. Watch the videos and see for yourself.

2. Her campaign team and the Biden Admin manage her the way families attempt to manage alcoholic parents: The campaign is hyper-controlling, keeping her from any situation that might expose her secret - hence not allowing her to speak off-script, and refusing press conferences.

The Biden Admin was unhappy with Kamala and reluctant to give her responsibility. Though the administration did not admit it publicly, aides and staff reported it to the press with enough regularity that it was considered basic fact.

3. The ENTIRE *JOY* CAMPAIGN IS AN ELABORATE COVER FOR HER PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS. It's the classic "Mom's not drunk, she's just really happy!" on a national scale. It's like being gaslit by dysfunctional parents into pretending our alcoholic mom/aunt/grandma/whatever is just fine, thank you, keep smiling, the world is watching and if we pretend hard enough maybe we can fool ourselves into being happy, too!

You'll have to up the volume but look at the kids' faces. They know.


2:52 AM · Aug 18, 2024


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3aa81f No.208909

File: 6502a70d984457b⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,1170x1137,390:379,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438250 (190245ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208910

File: 53289df6d4b54f7⋯.png (663.87 KB,616x1550,308:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438269 (190251ZAUG24) Notable: DJT: How Kamala Harris' Campaign Unraveled

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Strange Days

Quoted RT


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3aa81f No.208911

File: 35015732837e2e7⋯.png (419.25 KB,637x582,637:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438272 (190252ZAUG24) Notable: Ward 8 DC Council member Trayon White was arrested by the FBI this afternoon

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Tom Sherwood

@tomsherwood 5h

#BreakingNews Ward 8 DC Council member Trayon White was arrested by the FBI this afternoon and will be held overnight to face charges tomorrow, informed sources tell me. Extent of charges unknown at this moment.

Aug 18, 2024 · 9:25 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.208912

File: b0c9d1b62e1ca59⋯.png (235.08 KB,601x417,601:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438314 (190306ZAUG24) Notable: Godfather II actor John Aprea dead at 83: Star passes away at LA home

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 9h

Godfather II actor John Aprea dead at 83: Star passes away at LA home


Aug 18, 2024 · 5:13 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.208913

File: 1f884a1ff8b833f⋯.png (450.29 KB,673x564,673:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438365 (190319ZAUG24) Notable: The streets want Trump

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3aa81f No.208914

File: 16d4d8044533f6a⋯.png (694.37 KB,942x626,471:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438371 (190320ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208915

File: 4b72e13c573f2a9⋯.png (237.25 KB,516x458,258:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438376 (190320ZAUG24) Notable: Trump posts The Sign @ 11:17 EST / 8:17 PST (187 all over the place)

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>the shot heard 'round the world

Donald J. Trump


11:17 PM · Aug 18, 2024

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3aa81f No.208916

File: eb3fea73a96622e⋯.png (48.03 KB,535x375,107:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438380 (190321ZAUG24) Notable: Election Worker Disparity in Detroit’s August Primary: A Call for Fair Representation

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Election Worker Disparity in Detroit’s August Primary: A Call for Fair Representation

In the recent August primary election in Detroit, a significant imbalance in the political affiliation of election workers has raised concerns about the fairness and integrity of the voting process. Pure Integrity Michigan Elections and the Michigan Conservative Coalition recently highlighted this issue, revealing that Detroit election officials hired an overwhelming number of Democrat inspectors compared to Republicans.


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3aa81f No.208917

File: 6ac39679a5814a3⋯.jpg (147.09 KB,1256x920,157:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438406 (190329ZAUG24) Notable: Trump posts The Sign @ 11:17 EST / 8:17 PST (187 all over the place)

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3aa81f No.208918

File: 917dec014557882⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,362x640,181:320,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438433 (190337ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.208919

File: 89588d487bbd986⋯.png (304.02 KB,611x471,611:471,Clipboard.png)

File: e45b57cef8b94f6⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,640x430,64:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438449 (190342ZAUG24) Notable: American Airlines cancels all flights to and from Israel until April 2025

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@BRICSinfo 11h

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 🇮🇱American Airlines cancels all flights to and from Israel until April 2025.

Aug 18, 2024 · 3:52 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.208920

File: 148834df4d4a2ae⋯.png (566.96 KB,889x810,889:810,Clipboard.png)

File: 15ef0d859baafde⋯.png (67.83 KB,793x811,793:811,Clipboard.png)

File: a483bfcc27df895⋯.png (103.08 KB,589x701,589:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438457 (190345ZAUG24) Notable: Trump posts The Sign @ 11:17 EST / 8:17 PST (187 all over the place)

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chart shows May of 2021 as "Trump leaves Office".

Time stamp of Trump tweet: 1117 or 2317

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3aa81f No.208921

File: 7dfd86623794ab4⋯.png (120.17 KB,719x960,719:960,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438459 (190346ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.208922

File: f8a67feb2c61fa7⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438463 (190347ZAUG24) Notable: DJT: How Kamala Harris' Campaign Unraveled

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>>208910 (me)


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3aa81f No.208923

File: 6da116143f91b42⋯.png (309.2 KB,614x471,614:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438506 (190404ZAUG24) Notable: Jimminies rustled

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 16h

Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots with posts

- sparking questions for owner Elon Musk over his site's content


Aug 18, 2024 · 11:20 AM UTC


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3aa81f No.208924

File: df3d56e93de8e49⋯.png (542.85 KB,827x864,827:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 11310105e62bedc⋯.jpg (86.03 KB,1167x1037,1167:1037,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438514 (190409ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.208925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438521 (190411ZAUG24) Notable: Ehud Barak in London during 9/11

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Ehud Barak in London during 911 (clip)

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3aa81f No.208926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438583 (190429ZAUG24) Notable: #26267

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#26267 >>208680

>>208681, >>208687 Bessent: Kamala Price Controls Puts Us On The Road To Becoming Argentina And Venezuela (video)

>>208682 Jerome Corsi Unveils NSA Code Writers Exposing "Secret code Embedded Into The Ohio Board Of Election Voter Registration Role" Allowing Bad Actors Access (video)

>>208683 New Laser Network Could Make Space-to-Earth Contact 1,000X Faster

>>208684 Jack Posobiec Warns The Targeting Of Christians Through Infiltration And Persecution Mirrors The Bolsheviks Uprising And Mao's Cultural Revolution (video)

>>208685 Monica Crowley: The Democrats Have Set Up "Kamala Harris As Essentially Barack Obama In A Skirt" (video)

>>208686 Dr. Scott Atlas Gets Choked Up Thinking About What We Did to Children During COVID: 'This Is One of the Greatest Sins in My View' (video)

>>208688 Stern: Harris Campaign Policy Proposals An Insult To America (video)

>>208689, >>208692 Extreme Misogyny, what they mean is to shut up men, the only Danger to their Control (video)

>>208690, >>208691 Amazing ‘Jesus Revolution’ Reported in Iran - Mosques Close as Muslims Turn to Christianity (Parts 1&2)

>>208693 Libs of Tik Tok: For some reason the Left really hate when child trafficking is exposed

>>208694 From 2010 but a starting point for supporting local independent and small chain stores (links)

>>208695 Land-Attack Cruise Missiles (LACM) - History

>>208697 CNN had to fact check DJT's Truth post of Kamala standing in front of hammer and sickle

>>208698, >>208699 Cuban Government Admits Chicken Shortage in Small Businesses Due to Price Controls

>>208700, >>208702 Robert De Niro Suspended for Issuing Violent Threats

>>208701 First permitted protest to begin in the Loop on eve of Democratic Convention, closures in place

>>208703 Sen. Tammy Duckworth hilariously defends Tim Walz against stolen valor claims by incorrectly calling him "a retired Command Sergeant Major."

reposted in current

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3aa81f No.208927

File: 0dcaea71af5c0c3⋯.jpg (158.67 KB,771x966,257:322,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438707 (190527ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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>So if you're ever outside, even if there are no visible signs of lightning, get inside.

Anon is guessing that you aren't Gen X.

We're assholes who will dare each other to lick a light pole during a thunderstorm.

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3aa81f No.208928

File: 1993cda6a00b3f7⋯.png (250.66 KB,540x806,270:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438711 (190529ZAUG24) Notable: This Is The Legacy Of Tim Walz In Minnesota

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This Is The Legacy Of Tim Walz In Minnesota

Black Woman cries on the the news saying they let BLM rioters destroy every shop she goes to. She cant even go somewhere else to buy what she needs because the busses aren’t running

“These people are tearing up our livelihood. This is the only place I could go to shop. And now I don't…. I don't have anywhere to go. I don't have anywhere to get there.”

“Now what are you going to do? Where are you going to shop at? Half the people probably don't even live in Minnesota. They don't care.”

Governor Tim Walz literally encouraged this to happen. “They don't care.”

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3aa81f No.208929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438732 (190539ZAUG24) Notable: Update on Ivan Raiklin Telling NPR Producer of the "Patriotic & Peaceful" Retribution That's Coming

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Update on Ivan Raiklin Telling NPR Producer of the "Patriotic & Peaceful" Retribution That's Coming


Tells NPR about a lot of stuff anons know.

Raiklin says he has a deep state target list and he's going after them.

Claims he/they are going to do to the corrupt what they did to Bannon etal.

Going to live stream it all.

It doesn't matter who wins this election, or even if there is not election. American people are coming for the deep state.

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3aa81f No.208930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438741 (190541ZAUG24) Notable: #26271

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#26271 >>208900

>>208901 DNC protests 'full steam ahead,' organizers say 'Killer Kamala' is face of Biden-Harris administration

>>208903 NYT reporter linked to leak of Australian Jews’ details, which led to doxxing attacks

>>208906 Liz Crokin chimes in on Owens / Carter pot roast beef

>>208907 Pro-Palestine protesters in downtown Chicago are chanting: "DNC, go home, or we'll bring the war home"

>>208908 Drunken Camel Horses

>>208910, >>208922 DJT: How Kamala Harris' Campaign Unraveled

>>208911 Ward 8 DC Council member Trayon White was arrested by the FBI this afternoon

>>208912 Godfather II actor John Aprea dead at 83: Star passes away at LA home

>>208913 The streets want Trump

>>208915, >>208917, >>208920 Trump posts The Sign @ 11:17 EST / 8:17 PST (187 all over the place)

>>208916 Election Worker Disparity in Detroit’s August Primary: A Call for Fair Representation

>>208919 American Airlines cancels all flights to and from Israel until April 2025

>>208923 Jimminies rustled

>>208925 Ehud Barak in London during 9/11

>>208928 This Is The Legacy Of Tim Walz In Minnesota

>>208902, >>208904, >>208905, >>208909, >>208914, >>208918, >>208921, >>208924, >>208927 Memes

>>208929 Update on Ivan Raiklin Telling NPR Producer of the "Patriotic & Peaceful" Retribution That's Coming



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3aa81f No.208931

File: e1773d881cee399⋯.png (244.6 KB,465x755,93:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438747 (190543ZAUG24) Notable: #26272

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baker GHOSTS

Thanks anons!

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3aa81f No.208932

File: e7b953428288c24⋯.png (273.96 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438780 (190606ZAUG24) Notable: Updated GPS data reveals that over 88,000 foreign and domestic Antifa members are in Chicago to protest the DNC

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Updated GPS data reveals that over 88,000 foreign and domestic Antifa members are in Chicago to protest the DNC—61,000 foreign and over 27,000 domestic.

Some of these Antifa members have been linked to past riots and have also accessed keycard-required FBI/DOJ parking garages.

In response, police have established a five-mile security perimeter around the United Center.

This information was provided by Tony Seruga.

The average Antifa member comes from White, wealthy, globalist elite families based in Europe.


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3aa81f No.208933

File: d7ae3deab2fd498⋯.png (236.57 KB,484x590,242:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 007bd6afd9797f1⋯.png (164.4 KB,287x268,287:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438802 (190618ZAUG24) Notable: Turkey: An Israeli Agent was shot dead and another was seriously injured and placed in critical condition

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Ahmad Basra

@ChAhmadBasra 2h

#BreakingNews‌ ‼️🚨Turkey: An Israeli Agent was shot dead and another was seriously injured and placed in critical condition

Aug 19, 2024 · 4:10 AM UTC


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3aa81f No.208934

File: 106a05784d56739⋯.png (246.83 KB,623x509,623:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21438821 (190632ZAUG24) Notable: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived earlier in Tel Aviv, where he will meet later this morning with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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@sentdefender 1h

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived earlier in Tel Aviv, where he will meet later this morning with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as several other Senior Officials, to discuss last week’s Ceasefire and Hostage Negotiations in Qatar, alongside the ongoing Threat of Iran and Iranian-Backed Proxies against Israel.

Aug 19, 2024 · 5:14 AM UTC



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3aa81f No.208935

File: 11156188b4407eb⋯.png (400.05 KB,832x958,416:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439267 (190916ZAUG24) Notable: Black man calls it the Democrat “plantation” and explains why he left it

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Citizen Free Press


Black man calls it the Democrat “plantation” and explains why he left it


Aug 18, 2024, 10:57 PM


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3aa81f No.208936

File: bcff15e62b3d6d1⋯.png (293.25 KB,795x833,795:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439301 (190922ZAUG24) Notable: ‘Project 2025 HQ’ is projected on Trump Tower in Chicago ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

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Wall Street Apes


NEW: ‘Project 2025 HQ’ is projected on Trump Tower in Chicago ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

The move is the latest attempt by Democrats to attach Trump to Project 2025.


Aug 18, 2024, 10:44 PM


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3aa81f No.208937

File: ce9cabd411c1dc0⋯.png (238.67 KB,437x715,437:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439367 (190949ZAUG24) Notable: Attorney Reveals Global Plan to Push Monkeypox into PLANdemic Territory - Media Blackout

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Attorney Reveals Global Plan to Push Monkeypox into PLANdemic Territory – Media Blackout

Introducing the top ten news stories they chose not to tell you this week.


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3aa81f No.208938

File: 3f26787308b8eca⋯.png (756.53 KB,675x708,225:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439375 (190953ZAUG24) Notable: Protesters Crash DNC Welcome Party, Seize Microphone on Stage with ‘Free Palestine’ Message

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Protesters Crash DNC Welcome Party, Seize

Microphone on Stage with ‘Free Palestine’ Message

Breitbart Politics, by Paul Bois

Posted By: Imright, 8/19/2024 1:14:05 AM

Anti-Israel protesters crashed the Democratic National Convention (DNC) welcome party on Sunday night, and one protester rushed the stage to deliver a “free Palestine” message. “150,000 people are dead,” the masked woman could be heard yelling. “You are furthering a genocide. And the Harris-Biden administration keeps on funding it.” Event organizers then ushered her off the stage. Anti-Israel protesters crashed the Democratic National Convention (DNC) welcome party on Sunday night, and one protester rushed the stage to deliver a “free Palestine” message. “150,000 people are dead,” the masked woman could be heard yelling. “You are furthering a genocide. And the Harris-Biden administration keeps on funding it.” Event organizers then ushered her off the stage.

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3aa81f No.208939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439466 (191054ZAUG24) Notable: #26272

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final bun for #26272


hold em n czech em

#26272 >>208931

>>208932 Updated GPS data reveals that over 88,000 foreign and domestic Antifa members are in Chicago to protest the DNC

>>208933 Turkey: An Israeli Agent was shot dead and another was seriously injured and placed in critical condition

>>208934 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived earlier in Tel Aviv, where he will meet later this morning with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

>>208935 Black man calls it the Democrat “plantation” and explains why he left it

>>208936 ‘Project 2025 HQ’ is projected on Trump Tower in Chicago ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

>>208937 Attorney Reveals Global Plan to Push Monkeypox into PLANdemic Territory - Media Blackout

>>208938 Protesters Crash DNC Welcome Party, Seize Microphone on Stage with ‘Free Palestine’ Message

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3aa81f No.208941

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 22368ba8fab9f04⋯.png (158.98 KB,548x677,548:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439515 (191125ZAUG24) Notable: #26273

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bred is still ghost

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3aa81f No.208943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439524 (191127ZAUG24) Notable: Fresh Israeli strike kills mother and six children in Gaza

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Fresh Israeli strike kills mother and six children in Gaza • FRANCE 24 English

An Israeli strike on Gaza Sunday killed a mother and her six children in Deir Al Balah, according to Palestinian health authorities. Israel meanwhile said it has killed more than a dozen Hamas fighters and destroyed rocket launchers in Khan Younis.


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3aa81f No.208944

File: 02b0c4cc8cf0933⋯.png (289.41 KB,595x575,119:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439531 (191132ZAUG24) Notable: Harris: "Undefeated even if you don't win every game"

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Undefeated even if you don't win every game. I heard it so now all of you have to


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3aa81f No.208945

File: 9ec523866191ad8⋯.mp4 (1020.89 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439536 (191135ZAUG24) Notable: JD Vance: "Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy"

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Senator @JDVance with the quote of the weekend:

"Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy"🔥

Embedded video

10:23 AM · Aug 18, 2024


This video is a keeper


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3aa81f No.208946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439537 (191135ZAUG24) Notable: Harris: "Undefeated even if you don't win every game"

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3aa81f No.208947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439541 (191136ZAUG24) Notable: Veteran hedge fund manager re US stock market: 'This is a stark red flag'

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Veteran hedge fund manager issues grim warning over the future of the US stock market: 'This is a stark red flag'

Aug.18, 2024

This month's stark stock market swing serves as an indicator of things soon to come, warns one veteran hedge fund operator.

Mark Spitznagel, president and chief investment officer of Universa Investments, made the prediction in an interview with Fortune, almost two weeks after the scare.

At the time, markets from Japan to the US fell without warning, following a weak jobs report surging volatility amid conflict in the Middle East.

In the wake of the dip, markets have since rebounded - but Spitznagel on Sunday insisted that may be misleading.

The billionaire investor said we're instead on theverge of the biggest stock market bubbles in history, which inevitably will end with a burst as it did in 2008.Back then, mortgages unloaded to high-risk borrowers resulted in a period of turmoil, following a euphoric bull run.

'These whips are the market process,' the 53-year-old said of the more recent unrest, as the S&P 500 on Sunday stood about 5 percent from its August 5 low.

'This is the market zigging in order to zag.'

Of the panic seen from investors days before, the hedge fund manager declared, 'It was amateur hour. I have never seen anything like that in my career.'

He went on to explain that while another bull run is in the cards most investors will not be prepared for what comes next over the course of the next several months.

'This is a stark red flag, it's a stark warning sign,' he said, forecasting financial ruin.'

'[It's] a great comparison to 2007.'

Citing the weight of the Fed's repeated rate hikes and the fact that interest rates have been near zero for over a decade following the financial crisis created by the reckless lending, he added, 'But I think we're going to see a compressed path.'

Unlike the buildup to the Great Recession, which took the better part of a year, he said that this time around, 'I don't think we've got a year of this.'

As for his rationale, he explained, '[B]ecause the connectivity is greater…the fragility is greater.'

At the time, markets from Japan to the US fell without warning, following a weak jobs report surging volatility amid conflict in the Middle East.

In the wake of the dip, markets have since rebounded - but Spitznagel on Sunday insisted that may be misleading.

Explaining how Americans are essentially in the midst of a global economy that's more interwoven than ever, he said the Fed's policies move markets worldwide.

This is what caused Japan's Nikkei 225 worst day since 1987, when it fell more than 12 percents, and South Korea's KOSPI simultaneous reduction of eight percent.

A mid-day halt to trading ensued, followed by a sell-off on the global scale.

'Dips are the price of stock market gains,' Spitznagel said of the scare.

'You've got to be able to pay that price. The problem is, the big ones. They're too destructive of a price,' he continued. 'That's where we could be headed.'

He went on to disclaim how the key word in that warning is 'could', advising onlookers to not take unnecessary risks for betting big against his predicted bubble.

'I think if anybody shorts the market or is too under invested relative to their temperament, they’re going to get squeezed in at a euphoric height that is probably still coming in the months ahead,' Spitznagel said.

Instead, he urged investors to be patient, by first investing in basic S&P 500 index funds, andto also maintain a safety net as to not be forced to make a sudden sale at any given moment.


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3aa81f No.208948

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439557 (191147ZAUG24) Notable: ‘Agree To Disagree’: ABC Host Debates Harris’ Racial Identity With Swing-State Voter

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‘Agree To Disagree’: ABC Host Debates Harris’ Racial Identity With Swing-State Voter

Aug. 18, 2024

Wisconsin voter Melody Davy debated Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity with ABC host Martha Raddatz on Sunday, after Davy questioned whether or not Harris is black.

During a segment on ABC’s “This Week,” Raddatz interviewed voters in key swing states about their upcoming election choices. While discussing black voters’ recent shift toward the right, Davy revealed she’s “leaning” toward voting for former President Donald Trump and questioned if Harris had lied about “her heritage.”

“And why is that?” Raddatz asked after Davy said she was leaning toward voting for Trump.

“A lot of the stuff Kamala says is kind of, like, what Trump has said, like, no taxes on tips.It was something that was kind of reiterated by Trump beforehand. She’s just kind of been caught up in a lot of lies,” Davy said.

As Raddatz pressed the Wisconsin voter on what lies she believes Harris has told voters, Davy responded by stating, “I think lying about her heritage was one of them.”

“You think she lied about her heritage?” Raddatz questioned.

“Yeah. I believe she’s just Indian. I don’t think she’s black,” Davy said.


Raddatz pushed back on Davy by telling her that Harris has “always identified as black,” before noting that she’s also half Indian.

“Well I think that’s something we can definitely agree to disagree on,” Davy said.

Last week, Trump ripped Harris in a Truth Social post for a lack of “imagination” after she promoted not taxing tips, which is a campaign promise he had already made to service workers in early June.

Additionally, Trump addressed Harris’ race during a panel interview at the National Association of Black Journalists in late July, stating he only recently became aware of her black heritage because she emphasized her Indian background throughout her career.

“So, I have known her a long time indirectly, not directly very much. She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn black, and now she wants to be known as black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she black?” Trump questioned.

(The worst thing Raddatz says about Davy: "Trump's rhetoric has clearly had an effect her in an astonishing way".Her arrogance is dripping. They are so afraid they sent Raddatz out to the streets, and are shocked many don't believe their lies. They hate Trump!)

'Agree To Disagree': ABC Host Debates Harris' Racial Identity With Swing-State Voter




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3aa81f No.208949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439587 (191156ZAUG24) Notable: U.S. looks to ban election betting as traders flock to prediction sites

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U.S. regulators attempt to ban Predict and Polymarkets.

U.S. looks to ban election betting as traders flock to prediction sites

The CFTC’s crackdown on political futures contracts faces stiff resistance as some markets want to allow wagers of millions of dollars.

By Tony Romm

August 17, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

Even before President Joe Biden had announced his exit from the 2024 election, thousands of voters flocked to the website PredictIt last month, hoping to place bets on the other candidates who might win in his stead.

It amounted to an active week of trading on the political prediction marketplace, which fashions itself as a more accurate alternative to public polls. And federal regulators are looking to outlaw it.

The U.S. government has embarked on a broad crackdown against election betting, relying on a mix of newly proposed rules and ongoing court cases to try to stamp out a nascent industry that critics call a potential threat to democracy.

To Democrats, these wagers on the outcome of a particular campaign invite more money into an electoral system that’s already rife with it.But the staunchest backers of political prediction marketplaces insist that the fears of election interference are overstated — and that the insights gleaned from their data serve a greater purpose.

“To me, it is enormous corruption,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), who expressed fear that well-heeled political or corporate interests could someday come to think, “Hey, I will spend millions of dollars smearing some candidate to make sure the candidate I bet on wins.”

The regulatory push is the work of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), whose chairman, Rostin Behnam, has pursued rules that would ban election-related betting on commercial exchanges under its watch. Citing a lack of staff and resources, the agency has argued it is not equipped to serve as an election watchdog and monitor political markets for fraud or manipulation.

The CFTC ratcheted up its crackdown two years ago, moving to halt election betting on PredictIt, a nonprofit that has continued to operate even as it squares off with the government in court. Federal regulators last year also rejected an application from KalshiEx, a regulated exchange that permits users to place bets on a wide variety of future events, such as inclement weather and SpaceX rocket launches. Kalshi had hoped to allow wagers — up to $100 million, in limited cases — on party control of Congress. Denied by the government, it filed its own lawsuit against the CFTC.

“There is already money in politics,” said Tarek Mansour, the chief executive and founder of Kalshi, stressing his organization is different because it is more transparent than campaign contributions.

He later added: “Anyone who actually looks below the surface … comes out thinking these are net positives for society.”

At the CFTC, federal regulators see it much differently. The roughly 50-year-old agency chiefly polices financial derivatives, a world of complicated investment products whose value is derived from something else. Derivatives involve everything from the future price of grain to swaps between businesses pursuing advantages in currency exchange rates — and, lately, the probability of certain events occurring.

Event contracts, as they are known, can include bets on the winner of the Super Bowl or Grammys or on the likelihood of temperature increases, the cost of hurricane damage and other extreme weather. For traders, the products offer a way to hedge against risk: A business that could be dramatically affected by new U.S. tariffs on foreign goods could bet on their imposition, for example, as a way to offset future revenue losses.

As part of its mandate to oversee these markets, the CFTC can intervene to deny exchanges from listing products it deems dangerous, under a law that prohibits bets and payouts for predictions involving terrorism, assassination, war or gaming, or those that otherwise harm the public interest. Inundated recently with applications to offer event contracts, the agency unveiled rulesin May that would explicitly outlaw many forms of them — including bets on election outcomes.


They want to ban them to make sure lying media can deceive the masses before elections

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3aa81f No.208950

File: a68bd3fce0ea3f9⋯.png (147.23 KB,864x852,72:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d5696f65e7df88⋯.png (111.92 KB,1702x659,1702:659,Clipboard.png)

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,Clipboard.gif)

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439606 (191203ZAUG24) Notable: ANON on important things to note today

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Monday the 19th August 2024.

some important things to note today.

1) Djt is holding a early rally today

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

2) DNC is starting their convention today. Chicago has over 57 thousand antifa logged phone numbers who have turned up there according to geolocation tracking by tony Seruga X ac. (should be fun, no surprises, get ahead of the media)

3) 5 Q deltlas for the 19th August


4) Rumours are that Djt will giving live reactions on Truth social to the dnc clown conference.

5) 77 days left on the election clock.






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3aa81f No.208951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439609 (191206ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24



Scheduled for 19 Aug 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on the economy in York, Pennsylvania, on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12:00 p.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change.

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3aa81f No.208952

File: c711ab6a1146bde⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439611 (191206ZAUG24) Notable: @RepJayapal: "I am one of the 1 in 4 women in America who has had an abortion"

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Rep. Pramila Jayapal


I am one of the 1 in 4 women in America who has had an abortion.

It was an intensely personal decision that I made with my family and with the help of my doctor.

We do not need an extreme MAGA Republican Party trying to control our bodies and our freedoms.

Embedded video

2:37 PM · Aug 17, 2024




You'd think the only thing women fixate on is getting an abortion when they want it. Driving away blacks for that reason. These people are insane

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3aa81f No.208953

File: 23d1e107fd0a846⋯.png (174.21 KB,476x680,7:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439661 (191223ZAUG24) Notable: House Judiciary GOP: 300 page report showing Joe Biden committed IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES

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House Judiciary GOP: 300 page report showing Joe Biden committed IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES.

“Our impeachment inquiry shows conclusively that Joe Biden abused his public office for the private financial benefit of the Biden family and Biden business associates. The facts speak for themselves, and Democrats can no longer stretch the truth to cover for President Biden. As Democrats celebrate Joe Biden and crown Kamala Harris as his heir apparent this week, Americans should remember the reality of the Biden-Harris Administration: crime, chaos, and corruption.”

Biden did exactly what the Demokkkrats accused Trump of doing, and worse!


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3aa81f No.208954

File: 2879ab3ce065721⋯.png (237.94 KB,506x424,253:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439711 (191234ZAUG24) Notable: Peter Thiel: Jeffrey Epstein told Bill Gates to set up philanthropic foundation to stop Melinda taking half the money in a divorce

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Daily Mail Online


Tech billionaire Peter Thiel advances conspiracy theory that Jeffrey Epstein told Bill Gates to set up philanthropic foundation to stop Melinda taking half the money in a divorcehttps://trib.al/nqx8QHe


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3aa81f No.208955

File: 85c17142814e751⋯.jpeg (905.55 KB,1125x1714,1125:1714,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439724 (191238ZAUG24) Notable: All living Dem presidents are speaking at the DNC except Carter

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3aa81f No.208956

File: d4ac5ca88b6e7e8⋯.jpeg (938.21 KB,1125x1703,1125:1703,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439745 (191242ZAUG24) Notable: Stupid Kamala statements

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3aa81f No.208957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439746 (191242ZAUG24) Notable: UK's Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily

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UK's Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily, source says

Aug 19th, 07:41:31

LONDON (Reuters) - British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch is missing after a luxury yacht was struck by a violent storm and sank off the Sicilian capital Palermo on Monday, a person familiar with the rescue operation said.


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3aa81f No.208958

File: 61b7018fd483ab1⋯.png (466.81 KB,823x738,823:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439764 (191246ZAUG24) Notable: Trump should sue the projection scam artists for defamation…Lying bastards!

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Trump should sue the projection scam artists for defamation.

They're falsely associating Trump with a private think tank's output, even after Trump publicly disowned and said he has nothing to do with it.

Lying bastards!


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3aa81f No.208959

File: fb0199fa81d4bde⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439830 (191255ZAUG24) Notable: “Bring the War Home” & the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of the Marxist Weather Underground from 1969

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The slogan “Bring the War Home” and the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of theMarxist Weather Underground from 1969.


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3aa81f No.208960

File: 7af2527c80b659a⋯.jpeg (425.5 KB,1125x1280,225:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439847 (191257ZAUG24) Notable: Dual citizens elected to United States Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries

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3aa81f No.208961

File: f033449ad08a4e1⋯.png (344.17 KB,768x760,96:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439848 (191257ZAUG24) Notable: Health Ranger: Monkey pox is just another name for vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases

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3aa81f No.208962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439852 (191258ZAUG24) Notable: UK's Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily

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>Mike Lynch

Michael Richard Lynch OBE DL FRS FREng (born 16 June 1965)[1] is a British technology entrepreneur, known as the co-founder of Autonomy Corporation and the founder of Invoke Capital. Lynch additionally became a co-founder, alongside Invoke Capital, of cybersecurity company Darktrace. He has also had various other roles, including those in an advisory capacity.

Following a degree, PhD and post-doctoral research at Cambridge University, he applied his research in machine learning to set up software companies and become a major figure in Silicon Fen. The sale of Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard in 2011 led to accusations of fraud and resulted in civil litigation in the UK and Lynch's extradition to the US, where he went on trial in March 2024 and was found not guilty of all charges in June 2024.

On the 19th August 2024 he was reported missing after the sinking of a superyacht off the coast of Sicily.

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3aa81f No.208963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439858 (191259ZAUG24) Notable: Swamp events today

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9:30 AM EDT

Fmr. Speaker Pelosi & Sec. Buttigieg Speak at California Delegation Breakfast

Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (D-CA) are among Democrats speaking at the California delegation breakfast in Chicago.


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3aa81f No.208964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439862 (191259ZAUG24) Notable: Forger linked to 11 million euros of fake notes arrested in Italy - Europol

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Forger linked to 11 million euros of fake notes arrested in Italy, Europol says

Aug 19th, 07:52:01

PARIS (Reuters) - A forger suspected of printing 11 million euros' ($12 million) worth of fake bank notes was arrested in the Italian city of Naples last week, European police body Europol said on Monday.

Europol said the man who was arrested, whom it did not name, had already sold 8 million euros' worth of fake notes across Europe and added that police seized nearly 3 million euros of fake notes when they raided his Naples printing site.

"Furthermore, the arrested counterfeiter is believed to be responsible for over 27% of all faked euro banknotes discovered and taken out of circulation in 2023 alone," Europol said.

Europol, which is headquartered in The Hague, said French police were also involved in the arrest because the forger had circulated many of the fake notes through France.


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3aa81f No.208965

File: 4abe50044b794bc⋯.png (838.78 KB,634x845,634:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439863 (191259ZAUG24) Notable: How a young Sir Keir Starmer ended up in Communist spy files after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp during Cold War

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EXCLUSIVEHow a young Sir Keir Starmer ended up in Communist spy files after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp during Cold War

Published: 18:38 EDT, 14 June 2024 | Updated: 20:20 EDT, 14 June 2024



Keir Starmer appears in Communist spy files after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp at the height of the Cold War, the Mail can reveal.

The then 23-year-old was one of 17 mostly students from around the globe in the 1986 scheme behind the Iron Curtain to restore a memorial to victims of a Nazi atrocity.

But while the volunteers had noble intentions, unbeknown to them, the event was being monitored by those with a far more sinister motive.

Sir Keir's full name, date and place of birth, passport number and family home address are listed among other International Work Camp participants in a dossier discovered

by the Mail in the 'Foreign Intelligence Main Directorate – Operative Files' section of the Czechoslovakian secret police archives.

His visa application, including a passport photo and hand-written personal details, are kept in a separate section of the Czech Cold War state Security Service archives.

Files marked 'Top Secret' from a previous International Work Camp in Prague in 1982 show it was overseen by the ruthless Czech StB spy agency as part of a wide-ranging

and far-reaching 'Active Measure' – a euphemism for black operations and disinformation campaign – to undermine Nato.

The secret police also planted a spy posing as a camp 'supervisor' among the foreign students in 1982 to produce a classified dossier profiling the visitors which earmarked

some for 'further exploration' who could potentially be of 'use in the future'.

The files from Sir Keir's camp do not specify whether the secret police planned to use the information they harvested from him and others, but security experts said they also

appeared to be gathering intelligence about young high-fliers in Western countries for potential long-term use.

As well as the now Labour leader, other members of his brigade – who also came from the United States, West Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, the Netherlands, France

and Czechoslovakia – included one who later worked in a senior role in the European Commission and another who became a partner in a City law firm.

Sir Keir had just completed a postgraduate law degree at Oxford University and was about to embark on his barrister training when he arrived for the two-week camp at the

Czech-German border town of Cheb on August 16, 1986, according to stamps on the visa.

The group was based in Lidice, a village 12 miles outside Prague which the Nazis destroyed in 1942 killing more than 300 civilians in revenge for Czech resistance fighters

assassinating SS chief and Holocaust architect Reinhard Heydrich.

Fellow camp participant Lisbet Praem, then a young police officer working in Denmark, told the Mail the group stayed in military tents with 'primitive' facilities.

Almost four decades on, she has fond memories of the trip and Sir Keir. She said: 'He was very caring about everybody. He was definitely a hard-working guy and always

looked for the best solutions for everybody, as well as having a good time.'

They were aware the Communist authorities would be keeping a close eye on them, Ms Praem added.

'Of course they were looking, but we were also invited so we knew if we behaved and didn't take pictures in the wrong places it was all right, we supposed. It was another time.'

'At that time it was difficult to get on the other side of the Iron Curtain. You had to have a certain visa.

'It was long before people talked about the Berlin Wall falling.'

As well as building a memorial to victims of the Nazis, the trip was about 'meeting young people from other cultures', she added.

'We also thought if you can connect between all the nations you can avoid another war.'

Ms Praem kept in contact with Sir Keir for a few years but eventually lost touch as his legal career meant he 'went from busy, to very, very busy'.

Professor Anthony Glees, an intelligence and security expert from the University of Buckingham, said: 'It is absolutely right that Starmer wanted to help commemorate victims

of the sadistic Nazi atrocity in Lidice, but not to realise this youthful idealism could be exploited by the Communists was an error, although a forgivable one given his age.

'This was at a critical time in the Cold War when hardline Communists were still doing all they could to undermine the West, and the Czechoslovak security service played a

key role in this.

The Czechoslovak secret service was using these camps to gather information on bright and idealistic young people in the hope that one day they might be of use to them,

one way or another.'

Labour declined to comment.

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3aa81f No.208966

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439871 (191300ZAUG24) Notable: War Room Morning Edition Real America's Voice

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10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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3aa81f No.208967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439876 (191300ZAUG24) Notable: Swamp events today

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10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Official Schedule


10:30 AM EDT

DNC Holds News Conference

The Democratic National Committee Holds a news conference ahead of the first day of the party’s national convention.


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3aa81f No.208968

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439883 (191301ZAUG24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/19/2024



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3aa81f No.208969

File: b5daf464683841c⋯.jpg (168.37 KB,720x1151,720:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 309885092359950⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b3fa1957ed9441c⋯.jpg (158.41 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61f393fb34d8aa3⋯.jpg (194.19 KB,1155x1788,385:596,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439892 (191302ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala made a big deal yesterday about buying some Doritos

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Kamala made a big deal yesterday about buying some Doritos and made a stupid rehearsed video with Tim Walz, 2 days before that her campaign sent an Email telling a story about how sad Kamala was when Trump won in 2016 and how she sat and ate a whole bag of Doritos.

So she sends an email talking about eating Doritos when Trump Won, the Next day she is Buying fuckin Doritos, Foreshadowing much?KEK

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3aa81f No.208970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439894 (191303ZAUG24) Notable: Health Ranger: Monkey pox is just another name for vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases

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3aa81f No.208971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439901 (191304ZAUG24) Notable: Triple stabbing in Manchester

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triple stabbing in Manchester


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3aa81f No.208972

File: c2cd5d720698c38⋯.png (184.14 KB,501x648,167:216,Clipboard.png)

File: 50c2ea11581b816⋯.png (140.14 KB,525x680,105:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439915 (191306ZAUG24) Notable: Comer: President Biden’s legacy is marked by abuse of public office, corruption, & obstruction

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Rep. James Comer


🚨President Biden’s legacy is marked by abuse of public office, corruption, & obstruction. The evidence produced by our impeachment inquiry is the strongest case for impeachment of a sitting president the House of Representatives has ever investigated.

We have exposed the truth.

8:24 AM · Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.208973

File: 5e709045db8e8f9⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439922 (191307ZAUG24) Notable: Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

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Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile



Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

As the UK’s new, MI6-aligned prime minister takes power, questions are resurfacing about how key files on infamous British pedophile Jimmy Savile disappeared under his watch.

In October 2012, a documentary exposed how veteran British media personality Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable, underage girls throughout his lifetime. This led to an eruption of reports of abuse, spanning decades, and official inquiries into multiple institutions to which Savile was linked. Today, the full extent of his crimes, and the total number of his victims, is unknown. It has nonetheless been confirmed that the BBC, NHS, British police, and many journalists had full knowledge of his pedophilic and necrophilic perversions well before his death.

Along the way, there were multiple “missed opportunities” to stop Savile’s industrial scale sex crimes. Most substantively, in 2007, police made contact with a number of women who had come forward to testify they were assaulted and raped by Savile, leading to the star being grilled by police about the allegations. That investigation was however shut down, and never publicly acknowledged. Details of how the probe was torpedoed didn’t emerge until much later, implicating both investigating officers and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The CPS was at that time led by Keir Starmer, now His Majesty’s Prime Minister. As previously documented by The Grayzone, Britain’s new premier has a deep, long-running relationship with London’s national security establishment and security and intelligence apparatus, as well as the elite Trilateral Commission. He helmed the CPS when the Service protected MI5 and MI6 spooks from prosecution for torture, and connived to sustain a bogus rape case against Julian Assange.

The CPS destroyed key emails related to this subterfuge, which served to keep the WikiLeaks founder holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy while facing extradition to Sweden, when prosecutors in both countries knew the charges had no substance. During this time, the Service also shredded all records of Starmer’s four trips to Washington DC. It may be no coincidence that every file held on Savile by the CPS also disappeared in breach of basic protocol.

To say the least, Starmer has clear, grave questions to answer about what he knew about Savile’s crimes, and the role he and his then-agency played in insulating the serial pedophile and necrophiliac from justice. The same British media that has fueled Starmer’s ambitions has aggressively shielded him from critical scrutiny on the matter. What follows are the dimensions of a very British coverup.

Prosecutors insulate Savile from justice

In February 2022, during a parliamentary joust, disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused Starmer of having spent his time as CPS chief “prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile.” The broadside ignited a public firestorm, with British politicians of all parties and the entire mainstream media lining up to condemn the premier’s comments as a repulsive libel. A senior Downing Street staffer resigned in disgust. The pressure grew so severe, Johnson retracted his comments in a matter of three days.

However, the fact remained that Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions when British authorities possessed persuasive evidence of Savile’s heinous sexual crimes over many years, and he inexplicably refused to move against the pedophile. Sources within the CPS have claimed that he had no knowledge of the decision to drop the case. It is also commonly alleged that a formal inquiry he ordered in 2012 into the failure to prosecute Savile condemned investigating police, not the CPS.


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3aa81f No.208974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439924 (191307ZAUG24) Notable: Van Jones: Kamala Harris 'lit this country on fire'

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Van JOnes: Kamala Harris 'lit this country on fire'



shorts do not seem to embed. He is going to regret these words the stupid bald faggot.

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3aa81f No.208975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439927 (191307ZAUG24) Notable: Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

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As the inquiry report’s contents make clear, this characterization is completely false. Officers who interviewed Savile’s victims in 2007/8 were indeed slammed for not providing them with more information – namely, that others had independently come forward, telling disturbingly similar stories. The report concluded their testimony should’ve been acted upon, as “there was nothing to suggest that the alleged victims had colluded in their accounts, nor that they were in any way [unreliable].”

Despite this, “police treated them and the accounts they gave with a degree of caution which was neither justified nor required.” It is nonetheless clear officers shut down the investigation under express CPS direction. The Service’s designated “reviewing lawyer” on the allegations – an “extremely experienced ‘rape specialist’” – told police “at an early stage” he “would not be inclined to prosecute these cases because they were ‘relatively minor’,” and due to the time that had elapsed since the offenses were allegedly committed.

The CPS lawyer’s “relatively minor” appraisal of Savile’s heinous crimes “troubled” the inquiry investigator. “I would hope that any prosecutor would regard a sexual assault as being in and of itself serious,” they wrote. “These particular assaults were far from trivial: they represented a course of conduct against vulnerable women and girls by a man who was in effect in a position of trust.” As a result, the investigator had “reservations about the way in which the prosecutor reached his decision”:

“The allegations made were both serious and credible; the prosecutor should have recognised this and sought to ‘build’ a prosecution. In particular, there were aspects of what he was told by the police…which should have caused him to ask further questions…I have been driven to conclude that had the police and prosecutors [emphasis added] taken a different approach a prosecution might have been possible.”

Starmer’s irresistible, corrupt path to power

Despite these grave criticisms, the investigator concluded, “I have seen nothing to suggest that the decisions not to prosecute were consciously influenced by any improper motive on the part of either police or prosecutors.” Which might be true, if only because all CPS files on Savile were destroyed in October 2010. The report was therefore “dependent on material provided by the police to show what documents were seen by the reviewing lawyer and the advice which was given.”

Even these records were “in parts either incomplete or [contained] internal inconsistencies,” which “made it at points difficult to assess what happened,” and “impossible to recreate with any certainty” what was actually seen by the reviewing lawyer. For its part, the CPS had “no record at all” of the case. The inquiry was told this was due to the decision to take no action against Savile resulting in the Service’s files being “automatically deleted,” according to the CPS’ “normal policy.”

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3aa81f No.208976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439930 (191308ZAUG24) Notable: Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

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However, Service guidelines on “retention and disposal” of evidence clearly state that documents on “discontinued cases,” in which “no proceedings have taken place or where the case was discontinued before trial,” must be kept for five years. The destruction of the Savile file was a flagrant breach of these rules. The decision to violate the guidelines on such a high profile case had to have been made at the highest levels of the CPS. We are thus left to ponder whether Starmer himself made that call, and if so, why.

It is also an open question how, after reviewing the Service’s handling of the Savile case in 2012, Starmer reportedly “came very close to rubber-stamping the original decision not to prosecute,” before appointing his own CPS chief legal adviser, Alison Levitt, to conduct the formal inquiry. Her report’s findings unambiguously assert that Savile had a very clear case to answer based on the allegations collected against him at that time alone.

In April 2014, Levitt was rewarded for her CPS service with a lucrative job at high ranked law firm Mishcon de Reya. That June, Starmer joined her. The company has been fined enormous sums for facilitating money laundering, and frequently helps wealthy individuals and powerful corporations abuse the British legal system to “intimidate and destroy” journalists. Starmer was forced in July 2017 by then-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to depart his well-remunerated position there, after taking a Shadow Cabinet role.

Starmer received over $20,000 for just 24 hours of work at Mishcon de Reya in 2016. Losing the post was undoubtedly a bitter pill to swallow, but he landed on his feet. His position as Shadow Brexit Secretary afforded ample opportunity to undermine Corbyn, pushing Labour towards a pro-Remain stance, contrary to the party leader’s official position, and against the will of swaths of its voters. When the May 2019 European elections rolled around, Starmer was openly demanding a second referendum on Britain’s EU membership, in defiance of other shadow ministers.

Due to intense bullying and threats from Starmer and other anti-Corbyn elements, Labour finally adopted a formal policy of a “people’s vote” on leaving the EU in July that year. It was a cataclysmic error, making the party’s crushing defeat in the December 2019 general election a fait accompli. Was this a conscious act of sabotage by Starmer and his clique to doom Corbyn, and pave the way for their own rise to power? Academic analysis from months earlier showed Labour’s only shot at victory was to target Leave-voting Conservative marginals.

It must not be forgotten that, as The Grayzone revealed, the second referendum policy originated with a little-known political party, Renew, set up by individuals tied to NATO’s stratcom division, MI6, and British Army psychological warfare unit 77th Brigade. On the contemporary campaign trail, Starmer has admitted he knew Labour would lose in 2019. Whether or not that was his explicit mission, it paved the path for his own premiership, and empowered his confederates within Britain’s security and intelligence services.

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3aa81f No.208977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439936 (191309ZAUG24) Notable: ‘Target on their backs’ for being Jewish: Doxxing victims speak out

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‘Target on their backs’ for being Jewish: Doxxing victims speak out

Jewish creatives doxxed by pro-Palestine activists have received death threats, had their families harassed, been sent swastikas and called a “cancer” in online hate mail – saying the drawing up of “Jew lists” evoked the Holocaust.

One of those targeted, Zara Cooper, said she could never previously understand how the Holocaust had happened. “Now I can viscerally see what our ancestors must have felt,” she said.

The February 9 doxxing prompted the government to ­accelerate legal protections, with Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus signalling criminal provisions could outlaw the malicious disclosure of personal information. Speaking to The Australian, five of those who had their details leaked – some with their picture included in what one described as a “most wanted” list – said they had a “target on their backs”.

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3aa81f No.208978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439939 (191310ZAUG24) Notable: Key donors of the US Democratic Party are involved in the Ukrainian funeral business

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Key donors of the US Democratic Party are involved in the Ukrainian funeral business controlled by Zelensky and making multi-million dollar profits on the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers and Western mercenaries. The network of Ukrainian crematoriums, cemeteries and coffin and headstone makers is controlled by influential US businessmen. Zelensky’s American partners, profiting from the burial of Ukrainian soldiers, are investing major amounts of money in the re-election of the Democratic candidate for president. The mass deaths of Ukrainians and foreigners serving in the Ukrainian armed forces play into the hands of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign and bring fabulous profits to the leader of the Ukrainian nation, who has seized full control of Ukraine’s funeral business.

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3aa81f No.208979

File: abf933089d3b886⋯.png (246.07 KB,751x877,751:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439953 (191312ZAUG24) Notable: Health Ranger: Monkey pox is just another name for vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases

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Salacious Skunk


FROM May 22, 2022

So Bullous Pemphigoid is a side effect of the Covid vaccine and it looks remarkably like Monkey Pox, interesting


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3aa81f No.208980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439964 (191314ZAUG24) Notable: Van Jones: Kamala Harris 'lit this country on fire'

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3aa81f No.208981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439968 (191315ZAUG24) Notable: Van Jones: Kamala Harris 'lit this country on fire'

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change to:


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3aa81f No.208982

File: 024654ac7ca45b7⋯.png (720.37 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21439994 (191317ZAUG24) Notable: UK's Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily

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One dead and six missing after British-flagged yacht sinks in tornado off Sicily

Mike Lynch, a British tech entrepreneur, is reportedly among six people missing after a 56-metre superyacht was sunk by a tornado during a storm off the coast of the Italian island of Sicily.

One person died after the British-flagged Bayesian, which had 22 people on board, capsized about 5am on Monday off Palermo in the Mediterranean in bad weather.

The vessel had a crew of 10 and was carrying 12 passengers, the Italian coastguard said.

Fifteen people were initially rescued and taken to shore at Porticello, where eight were being treated in hospital. The rescued included a one-year-old child and her mother.

The body of a man – reportedly the vessel's chef – was found near the wreckage.

However, six others were still unaccounted for, said Luca Cari, an Italian fire rescue service spokesman.

Those reported missing initially were said to include four British passengers, two Americans and a Canadian.

Mr Lynch, the founder of software company Autonomy was acquitted of a multibillion-pound fraud in the US in June, is among those missing, a person familiar with the rescue operation said. A spokesperson for Mr Lynch said there was no comment.

Mr Lynch, aged 59, was acquitted in June by a jury in San Francisco of fraud charges linked to the sale of his software company, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011.

The sale cemented Mr Lynch's reputation as Britain's answer to Bill Gates, but it quickly turned sour after Hewlett-Packard wrote down Autonomy's value by $8.8 billion.

"The wind was very strong. Bad weather was expected but not of this magnitude," a coastguard official in Palermo told Reuters.

The yacht was anchored 700 metres from the Porticello port when it was struck by a waterspout, which resembles a mini tornado over a body of water. They can form during severe thunderstorms, descending from a cloud to form a rotating mixture of wind and water.


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3aa81f No.208983

File: 441e3ac8a41f834⋯.jpeg (409.3 KB,1125x1113,375:371,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440024 (191322ZAUG24) Notable: Stupid Kamala statements

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3aa81f No.208984

File: e7b915b12c30b36⋯.png (333.94 KB,677x469,677:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 5472d4009b276e1⋯.png (1.06 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 675ae88466e28e8⋯.png (276.29 KB,1179x1108,1179:1108,Clipboard.png)

File: 578c9b61fae6b66⋯.png (156.09 KB,716x1157,716:1157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440028 (191322ZAUG24) Notable: “Bring the War Home” & the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of the Marxist Weather Underground from 1969

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>The slogan “Bring the War Home” and the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of theMarxist Weather Underground from 1969.



Annenberg Foundation

Liberal Programs

Despite the Annenbergs’ significant ties to the Republican Party, with Walter serving as an Ambassador under President Richard Nixon and Leonore being appointed Chief of Protocol at the State Department by President Ronald Reagan,6 the Annenberg Foundation has a history of affiliations with liberal causes. 7 The Annenberg Foundation regularly donates for left of center organizations and causes.

California Black Freedom Fund

The Annenberg Foundation was one of the original donors to fund the creation of the California Black Freedom Fund (CBFF) at the end of 2020. The CBFF is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that funds California-based groups that seek to eliminate what it perceives as systemic racism. It used funding from the original donors to provide grants that went towards advocacy for targeted redistricting, so-called racial equity, and the firing of who it determines are racist police officers. 8


According to the foundation’s 2017 tax form it has donated to groups including:9

Jewish Voice for Peace

Academy for Grassroots Organizations

American Civil Liberties Union

Ayni Institute

Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Reproductive Rights

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles

Defenders of Wildlife

Democracy Now Productions


Equal Justice Initiative

Equality California Institute

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation

National Audubon Society

National Wildlife Federation

Natural Resources Defense Council

New Venture Fund

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles

Sierra Club Foundation

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services

Associations with Barack Obama

In the 1990s, Walter Annenberg announced the Annenberg Challenge, a $500 million gift to public schools in America, billed as the largest gift ever to public education.$50 million of the grant went to Chicago where the local chapter of the Annenberg challenge was chaired by future President Barack Obama and co-founded by radical professor and former Weather Underground extremist Bill Ayers. The affiliation between Obama and Ayers came into public light when Obama ran for president in 2008. 10 Further research into the Annenberg Challenge indicated that it had very little lasting impact on the education system. 11


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3aa81f No.208985

File: d4a0412e2958b26⋯.png (226.9 KB,368x270,184:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440232 (191353ZAUG24) Notable: Increase in Coral Produces Third Year of Record Highs on the Great Barrier Reef

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We are being told that global warming and humans are making the coral reefs disappear but:

Huge Increase in Coral Produces Third Year of Record Highs on the Great Barrier Reef

The Australian Institute of Marine Science monitored hard coral cover reefs in Australia’s Great Coral Reef (GCR) and it was shown that a record setting increase for the third year in a row occurred from August 2023 to June 2024. Dr. Peter Ridd has studied the GBR for 40 years and notes that all 3,000 reefs in the world’s largest system have excellent coral. He said that the impact of bleaching is “routinely exaggerated by the media and some scientific organisations”. The corrupt media and politicians are ignoring this good news because it would undercut the financing of expensive policies to reduce global warming. The science community maintains that the reefs are in danger for continued funding.



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3aa81f No.208986

File: 088e62291af9ff0⋯.jpg (24.64 KB,222x441,74:147,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 411a1cf7002240f⋯.png (523.85 KB,480x640,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440240 (191354ZAUG24) Notable: Biden and Harris have brought in one of Hillary's old snipers from Russia

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Biden and Harris have brought in one of Hillary's old snipers from Russia

This guy is going to assassinate President Trump on 9/11 if somebody doesn't stop this.

"Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal)

"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)

"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)

Everything is matching up perfectly for 9/11/2024.

Saluting Biden as he gets off the plane!

Paul Whelan sniper trainer released from Russia in a prisoner swap on August 1st 2024.


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3aa81f No.208987

File: 9c212cc533b03dc⋯.png (291.2 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b594f0542dd02e⋯.png (960.93 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440250 (191355ZAUG24) Notable: Planefaggin'

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Call sign SURGE31, 32, 33, and 34. 4 767 air tankers headed out over the Atlantic.


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3aa81f No.208988

File: d4d1098e308ef1c⋯.png (734.51 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440294 (191401ZAUG24) Notable: CDC Says ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Levels Reported in 31 States

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CDC Says ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Levels Reported in 31 States

Two new variants of the virus account for more than half of all reported U.S. cases, the agency said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that COVID-19 levels across the United States are currently “very high” in more than half of states, with Omicron variants KP.3 and KP.3.1.1 accounting for about half of all cases.

Citing wastewater data as of Aug. 15, the CDC said that “very high” COVID-19 levels are being observed in 32 states as well as Washington, D.C., and “high” in 11 states. All the states along the West Coast and the Mountain states are in the “very high” range, according to the CDC.

A separate CDC dashboard shows that, for the week ending Aug. 10, COVID-19 emergency department visits were slightly down from 2.5 to 2.4 percent while hospitalizations were slightly up at 3.3 percent from 3.2 percent. During a previous increase in cases in December 2023, emergency department visits peaked at 3.4 percent, according to CDC data.


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3aa81f No.208989

File: 626bb8dacf74b64⋯.png (439 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440303 (191402ZAUG24) Notable: Female agent left her post at a Trump campaign event to breastfeed her child

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Secret Service is investigating allegations a female agent left her post at a campaign event for former President Trump this week to breastfeed her child

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3aa81f No.208990

File: e855da7dbcb5f80⋯.png (1.49 MB,960x665,192:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440319 (191406ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

August 19, 2024

IC 5146: The Cocoon Nebula

Inside the Cocoon Nebula is a newly developing cluster of stars. Cataloged as IC 5146, the beautiful nebula is nearly 15 light-years wide. Soaring high in northern summer night skies, it's located some 4,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Swan (Cygnus). Like other star forming regions, it stands out in red, glowing, hydrogen gas excited by young, hot stars, and dust-reflected starlight at the edge of an otherwise invisible molecular cloud. In fact, the bright star found near the center of this nebula is likely only a few hundred thousand years old, powering the nebular glow as it clears out a cavity in the molecular cloud's star forming dust and gas. A 48-hour long integration resulted in this exceptionally deep color view tracing tantalizing features within and surrounding the dusty stellar nursery.


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3aa81f No.208991

File: 593ed39ef77c8d4⋯.png (846.91 KB,1919x1013,1919:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: d7804c2d8d38475⋯.png (2.1 MB,1344x897,448:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440321 (191406ZAUG24) Notable: Planefaggin'

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E-4B Nightwatch up from Dyess AFB.


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3aa81f No.208992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440329 (191408ZAUG24) Notable: Phil Donahue, pioneer of the daytime talk show, dies at age 88

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Phil Donahue, pioneer of the daytime talk show, dies at age 88

Aug 19th, 09:04:16

(Reuters) - Phil Donahue, who changed the face of U.S. daytime television with a long-running syndicated talk show that highlighted topical and often provocative social and political issues, has died at age 88, NBC's "Today" show reported on Monday, citing a statement from his family.

Donahue died surrounded by his family on Sunday following an illness, the "Today" show reported.


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3aa81f No.208993

File: 12928c437976081⋯.jpeg (370.4 KB,1220x2008,305:502,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fafe28bd957e97b⋯.jpeg (307.33 KB,1208x1536,151:192,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440338 (191409ZAUG24) Notable: Trump's Three TikToks have over 36 million views in just 72 hours

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3aa81f No.208994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440344 (191411ZAUG24) Notable: Female agent left her post at a Trump campaign event to breastfeed her child

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3aa81f No.208995

File: 448873277ec3906⋯.mp4 (3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440350 (191412ZAUG24) Notable: New Trump ad airing across several battleground states

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johnny maga


New Trump ad airing across several battleground states:

Embedded video

From Medium Buying

9:51 AM · Aug 17, 2024




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3aa81f No.208996

File: 39cc7b2d3b1a3d6⋯.jpeg (853.38 KB,1125x1677,375:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440384 (191416ZAUG24) Notable: Hillary will be speaking at tonight's DNC

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9:56 am

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3aa81f No.208997

File: 9322f951e9ef3af⋯.png (531.26 KB,1041x886,1041:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440404 (191419ZAUG24) Notable: Phil Donahue, pioneer of the daytime talk show, dies at age 88

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Talk show icon Phil Donahue dead at 88

Donahue died Sunday following a long illness, his family said

Talk show legend Phil Donahue is dead at 88.

Donahue died on Sunday night following a long illness, his family told NBC’s "Today." He was surrounded by his family, including his wife of 44 years, Marlo Thomas.

Donahue hosted "The Phil Donahue Show" from 1967 to 1996 and is considered an icon of the daytime talk show industry. Donahue, long dubbed "the king of daytime talk," was the first to incorporate audience participation in a talk show.

Continued at site,,,


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3aa81f No.208998

File: 8e2b63ebe4d75a0⋯.png (449.23 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 70f773a227a5eeb⋯.png (716.05 KB,790x527,790:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440457 (191425ZAUG24) Notable: Russia Deploying 'Space Troops' to Defend Kursk

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Russia Deploying 'Space Troops' to Defend Kursk

Updated Aug 19, 2024 at 7:25 AM EDT

Russia has deployed a regiment of its Aerospace Forces to defend the Kursk region due to a manpower shortage amid Ukraine's ongoing incursion, according to an independent investigative Russian outlet.

President Vladimir Putin's so-called "space troops" have been tasked to push back Ukraine's forces after Kyiv launched a cross-border raid on August 6 in Kursk, seemingly catching Moscow off guard, Important Stories reported on Sunday.

Ukrainian forces have so far seized control of 1,150 square kilometers (444 square miles) of Russian territory and 82 settlements in Kursk, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrsky, said on August 15.

The scale of the offensive is significant—Ukraine is now reported to have seized more territory in the Kursk region in days than Russia has captured in Ukraine since the beginning of the year. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's troops are showing no signs of slowing down.

It also marks the first time that foreign troops have seized Russian territory since World War II.

Newsweek has contacted Russia's Defense Ministry for comment by email.

Citing a source familiar with the matter, Important Stories said a temporary motorized rifle regiment of Russia's Aerospace Forces has been deployed to Kursk, which borders Ukraine's Sumy region.

The unit, created between May and June, consists of personnel from security and logistics companies, engineers, mechanics, some officers, and servicemen from a Russian spaceport.

There are also personnel from special warehouses of the Aerospace Forces and radar stations in Russia's Voronezh region, who were previously in charge of manning Russia's nuclear deterrent.

The Institute for the Study of War, a U.S.-based think tank, said in its latest analysis of the conflict on Sunday that the Kursk incursion is also forcing Russia to redeploy its troops from the front line in Ukraine.

The ISW added that "likely subsequent phases of fighting within Russia will require more Russian manpower and materiel commitments to the area."

The think tank cited an article published by The Wall Street Journal on August 17 that reported that some 5,000 personnel had already been redeployed from Ukraine to Kursk by August 13.

That report "partially coheres with a report that Russian forces had redeployed up to 11 battalions to the front line in Kursk Oblast as of August 11," the ISW said.

"Russian forces have redeployed additional forces to Kursk Oblast since the first week of the Ukrainian incursion and have likely redeployed more than 5,000 personnel to Kursk Oblast overall," the ISW added.

The think tank said that exact amount of manpower and material Putin will need in Kursk will depend on how heavily Zelensky's troops defend the newly captured settlements.


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3aa81f No.208999

File: a1a8d63a70cd28b⋯.png (512.58 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: fe63960ffbe9ec4⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440478 (191429ZAUG24) Notable: Planefaggin'

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B-1B Lancer up from Dyess AFB. Unknown serial number. Hex code AE6BE1. Unknown serial number.


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3aa81f No.209000

File: 14931e7b3707758⋯.png (519.41 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: fb36d984d34ed9c⋯.png (743.88 KB,680x1024,85:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440507 (191432ZAUG24) Notable: Planefaggin'

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B-52 Stratofortress 60-0037 up from Minot AFB.


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3aa81f No.209001

File: db51d1bb2b5ecd9⋯.png (125.16 KB,1349x522,1349:522,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a88f6e5045341b⋯.png (288.78 KB,832x675,832:675,Clipboard.png)

File: bcb78de037be965⋯.png (304.93 KB,912x2253,304:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440541 (191437ZAUG24) Notable: “Bring the War Home” & the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of the Marxist Weather Underground from 1969

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The Weather Underground Organization (WUO), whose members were often called Weatherman, was a radical leftist organization founded in 1969 and active through 1980.[1] ==The following is a list of some of the members of Weatherman.


This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.

Nancy Kurshan

Clayton Van Lydegraf †

Howard Machtinger

Eric Mann[2]

Charlotte Massey

Douglas Murdock

Mark D. Naison

Diana Oughton †

Marc Curtis Perry

Eleanor Raskin, nee Stein

Jonah Raskin[3]

Terry Robbins †

Susan Rosenberg

Robert Roth

Mark Rudd

Nancy Ann Rudd

Kenneth "Kenny" Schlosser

Michael "Mike" Spiegel

Matthew Steen[4]

Annie Stein †

Susan Stern †

Laura Whitehorn

Cathy Wilkerson

College life and first marriageIn 1963, Stein attended Barnard College;[3][7] where shemet Jonah Raskin,a graduate student in the English Department.[8] On August 28, 1964, they were married at the Foley Square Courthouse, and hours after the wedding, the couple boarded a plane to Manchester, England.[9]

> https://theava.com/archives/198428

Interview With My Double

By Jonah Raskinon September 17, 2022

Q: You have a Double?

A: I was tired of being a solitary white male. I wanted a shadow, a Double. Try one on for size. You might like one.

Q: Are you related to Jamie Raskin?'

A: Funny you should ask me that.

Q: I’m serious.

A: So is my cousin Jamie and so was his father Marcus Raskin who ran the Institute for Policy Studies in DC and who noticed that he and I share the same last name. We sat down together and figured out that his ancestors and my ancestors came from the same village and that sometimes it was in Russia and sometimes in Poland. Our ancestors didn’t move. The borders did. That’s the history of Europe that’s still being played out in Ukraine.

Q: Sounds like you and Jamie Raskin are kissin’ cousins.

A: We’re pro-democracy dudes.

Q: So you’d like to see him in The White House?

A: I’d actually like the White House to be torn down and for the Pres and First Lady to camp out in a tent on the lawn and see what it’s like not to have a house with four walls and a roof overhead.

Q: Now you’re talking like some kinda weirdo.

A: I’m asking for empathy and compassion.

Q: Wanna do away with privilege?

A: I was involved with an organization that wanted to end white skin privilege.

Q: I bet they pretended to be something other than privileged kids for a time and that most of them went back to it.

A: You sound cynical

Q: Everyone has some kind of privilege in the U S of A. The crumbs from the table here are bigger than the crumbs from the table in Iraq or Afghanistan. Hollywood ran a dictatorship for white people for decades. Just look at all the old movies.

A: You’re supposed to ask the questions, not make blanket statements. The crumbs here are toxic more often than not.

Q: Back to Jamie. What do you like about him?

A: His fearlessness. He goes head to head with power and he’s resilient. When his son committed suicide at 25 he mourned and then he was back to the thick of the fight

Q: It’s too beautiful here in California to fight the way folks fight elsewhere isn’t it?

A: We worship at the altar of youth and beauty: a deadly combo, but people on the margins have battled the monster.

Q: At 80 is your life over?

A: I hope not.

Q: What books of yours are you proudest of?

A: The Mythology of Imperialism, Out of the Whale, plus my biographies of Abbie Hoffman and Allen Ginsberg and Jack London. If I could do it over again I would start with London and then tackle Ginsberg and move on to Abbie.

Q: What about the novels you have written?

A: I’m better at non-fiction than fiction, better as a journalist than a poet, but my poetry enlivens my writing for newspapers and magazines and also in the biographies I’ve published.

Q: Care to write a biography of Jamie Raskin?

A: How did you know? I would want to make it a personal book about the Trump era viewed through the eyes of two anti-Trump guys, Jamie’s and mime and, write it with kindness, too.

Q: Sympathy for the Devil?

A: The time is always ripe for revolution even when it isn’t.

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3aa81f No.209002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440567 (191440ZAUG24) Notable: #26273

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#26273 >>208941

>>208943 Fresh Israeli strike kills mother and six children in Gaza

>>208944, >>208946 Harris: "Undefeated even if you don't win every game"

>>208945 JD Vance: "Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy"

>>208947 Veteran hedge fund manager re US stock market: 'This is a stark red flag'

>>208948 ‘Agree To Disagree’: ABC Host Debates Harris’ Racial Identity With Swing-State Voter

>>208949 U.S. looks to ban election betting as traders flock to prediction sites

>>208950 ANON on important things to note today

>>208951 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA

>>208952 @RepJayapal: "I am one of the 1 in 4 women in America who has had an abortion"

>>208953 House Judiciary GOP: 300 page report showing Joe Biden committed IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES

>>208954 Peter Thiel: Jeffrey Epstein told Bill Gates to set up philanthropic foundation to stop Melinda taking half the money in a divorce

>>208955 All living Dem presidents are speaking at the DNC except Carter

>>208956, >>208983 Stupid Kamala statements

>>208957, >>208962, >>208982 UK's Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily

>>208958 Trump should sue the projection scam artists for defamation…Lying bastards!

>>208959, >>208984, >>209001 “Bring the War Home” & the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of the Marxist Weather Underground from 1969

>>208960 Dual citizens elected to United States Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries

>>208965 How a young Sir Keir Starmer ended up in Communist spy files after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp during Cold War

>>208964 Forger linked to 11 million euros of fake notes arrested in Italy - Europol

>>208961, >>208970, >>208979 Health Ranger: Monkey pox is just another name for vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases

>>208966 War Room Morning Edition Real America's Voice

>>208967, >>208963 Swamp events today

>>208968 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>208969 Kamala made a big deal yesterday about buying some Doritos

>>208978 Key donors of the US Democratic Party are involved in the Ukrainian funeral business

>>208971 Triple stabbing in Manchester

>>208972 Comer: President Biden’s legacy is marked by abuse of public office, corruption, & obstruction

>>208973, >>208975, >>208976 Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile

>>208974, >>208980, >>208981 Van Jones: Kamala Harris 'lit this country on fire'

>>208977 ‘Target on their backs’ for being Jewish: Doxxing victims speak out

>>208985 Increase in Coral Produces Third Year of Record Highs on the Great Barrier Reef

>>208986 Biden and Harris have brought in one of Hillary's old snipers from Russia

>>208987, >>208991, >>208999, >>209000 Planefaggin'

>>208988 CDC Says ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Levels Reported in 31 States

>>208989, >>208994 Female agent left her post at a Trump campaign event to breastfeed her child

>>208990 Space News

>>208992, >>208997 Phil Donahue, pioneer of the daytime talk show, dies at age 88

>>208993 Trump's Three TikToks have over 36 million views in just 72 hours

>>208995 New Trump ad airing across several battleground states

>>208996 Hillary will be speaking at tonight's DNC

>>208998 Russia Deploying 'Space Troops' to Defend Kursk

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3aa81f No.209004

File: 84e9340fa568df5⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e50a89fc5e72b67⋯.png (807.69 KB,968x944,121:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440581 (191441ZAUG24) Notable: #26274

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fresh dough


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3aa81f No.209005

File: 4a4aa7edaafc5d8⋯.jpeg (177.07 KB,1284x729,428:243,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440613 (191446ZAUG24) Notable: Stacey Abrams' Take on JD Vance Is Something Else

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Stacey Abrams' Take on JD Vance Is Something Else

Kentucky Fried King Kong is back!

Madeline Leesman

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said on Thursday that Sen.JD Vance, who is former President Donald Trump’s running mate,has “no sympathy for how women experience life in America.”

Abrams made the remarks on MSNBC’s Alex Wagner’s show. Abrams' remarks came in response to Vance stating that she went after a pro-life bill in Georgia a few years ago because it would be “bad for business.”

“That was the argument of our new, corporate, neo-liberal class,” Vance said in his remarks.

“What I said and what I mean is that women should have the right to control their bodies, because it determines how they secure an education, how they make a living, how they decide to grow families, and that companies are going to make terrible choices if they support restricting those rights,” Abrams claimed.

She addedthat “the right to abortion” as a form of healthcare is a “basic human right.”

“JD Vance has shown again and again he has almost no sympathy for how women experience life in America, and he has demonstrated again and again that he reduces women to the least and most puerile notion of our humanity, and I would encourage everyone to discard and disregard what he says,” Abrams said on the show.

Late last month, Townhall covered how former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki attacked Vance over remarks he made in 2021 that “childless cat ladies” are running the country.

Psaki called Vance’s comments “insulting” and that it’s no one’s business as to why a woman would decide not to have children. Then, Psaki said the term “cat lady” is a “slur against women.”


On Saturday, the Trump campaign provided the following statement to


"Stacey Abrams doesn’t know the first thing about JD Vance. He was raised by strong, independent women like his mother who he has helped every step of the way in her battle to overcome addiction.

Much like her leftwing comrade Kamala Harris, Stacy Abrams has spent her entire career failing upwards and embarrassing herself along the way."


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3aa81f No.209006

File: 684c061feb1e410⋯.png (575.89 KB,1166x468,583:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440698 (191458ZAUG24) Notable: Space Station Astronaut Starts Mixing Cement for Future Moon Base

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Space Station Astronaut Starts Mixing Cement for Future Moon Base

Aug 18, 5:30 AM EDT

As countries continue cementing plans for their lunar bases, one International Space Station astronaut is busy quite literally mixing the stuff.

In a press release, NASA said that its astronaut and flight engineer Matthew Dominick has begun studying how microgravity affects cement mixed in space by whipping up his own small batch on board the space station.

The goal is to build a Moon base using lunar soil — important groundwork for our future efforts to establish a more permanent presence on the Moon.

As part of the agency's Material Science on the Solidification of Concrete Hardening investigation, Dominick mixed together a simulated version of lunar soil with some undisclosed "other materials" and a liquid cement solution inside two bags sandwiching another containing hot water.

The flight engineer then put the mixed-up concoctions in the Freezer/Refrigerator/Incubator Device for Galley and Experimentation (FRIGE), the space station's futuristic experiment-conditioning refrigerator, to incubate the solutions overnight.

Now, they're going to settle for a few more weeks at "ambient temperatures" and then return to Earth on a SpaceX Dragon capsule for analysis.

Mixing concrete, which requires cement, is an energy-intensive process that can release plenty of carbon dioxide.

The gas can make the material brittle and full of air bubbles when mixed incorrectly. Scientists are hoping to get a better idea of how microgravity could affect the situation.

Rather than spend extra money lugging fully-built dwellings into space, NASA is preparing to have buildings assembled in space by astronauts.

While this isn't the first time cement has been mixed in space or on the ISS, this experiment's inclusion of lunar soil could bring humans one step closer to building a home away from home hundreds of thousands of miles away.


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3aa81f No.209007

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440737 (191503ZAUG24) Notable: General Flynn Discusses the Blackmail & Bribery Schemes that Control US Politicians

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General Flynn Discusses the Blackmail & Bribery Schemes that Control US Politicians



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3aa81f No.209008

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440742 (191504ZAUG24) Notable: Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Economy in York, Pennsylvania and JD Vance in Philadelphia

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11:30 AM EDT

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Arrive on Trump Force Two in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Monday, August 19, 2024, 11:30AM EDT.

Philadelphia International Airport


12:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



3:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Donald Trump Campaigns in Steelton, PA

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump campaigns at a rally in York, Pennsylvania.



3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Economy in York, Pennsylvania

Precision Custom Components


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3aa81f No.209009

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440748 (191504ZAUG24) Notable: General Flynn Discusses the Blackmail & Bribery Schemes that Control US Politicians

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General Flynn on Dark Money Programs in the Trillions



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3aa81f No.209010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440751 (191505ZAUG24) Notable: 2016 Obama Unmasking Of Trump Officials

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2016 Obama Unmasking Of Trump Officials Version 2.0? A Developing Story

By John Mills

August 19, 2024

Something stinks about the Iranian hack and the lack of Iranian response to Israel so far to the assassination of Haniyeh, the Hamas Leader in Tehran on July 31, 2024

iran hack

Image by Guy Fawkes 404

Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter

If Iran has stolen documents from the Trump Campaign, who else may have them?

The United States Intelligence Community and the Five Eyes (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.) possibly have the capability to see into Iranian networks.

If either element detected Trump Campaign documents on Iranian networks, they would likely copy these documents for analysis.

Who else would see these documents? Very likely senior Harris Administration Officials.

And who else would likely see these key Trump Campaign documents?

Just like the 2016 unmasking of Trump Campaign Officials by Susan Rice, the National Security Director for Obama - Jake the Snake Sullivan

And who else saw the 2016 unmasked names and their detailed conversations, shared by Jake Sullivan? The HRC Campaign.

And who helped exploit this unmasking and created Russia, Russia, Russia with Fusion GPS and Crossfire Hurricane?

Jake Sullivan

Who likely saw the Trump Campaign documents copied from the Iranian Networks?

Jake Sullivan

Who also likely also saw the 2024 Trump Campaign documents, shared by Jake?

The Harris Campaign

Why hasn’t Iran attacked Israel for the Haniyeh murder?

That’s a great question - is Jake negotiating with Iran to have Iran continue to steal Trump documents so that the Harris Team can continue to receive Trump’s documents? Wouldn’t be the first time Sullivan helped to throw an election.

ColonelRetJohn Substack


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3aa81f No.209011

File: 3c5f6d28461c5f7⋯.png (153.22 KB,300x200,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440753 (191505ZAUG24) Notable: More Curious Claims about the Trump Assassination Attempt & SS

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More Curious Claims about the Trump Assassination Attempt and the Secret Service

New information on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump raises more questions than it answers as some of it contradicts other information or defies logic. The identification of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the accused shooter, is as messy as the rest of the case. He was allegedly cremated 10 days after the shooting on July 13, 2024; Some have criticized the FBI for destroying evidence that leaves the case open to speculation. There are conflicting reports about when or if Crooks’ father called the police before the shooting. Recent reports claim that a Secret Service agent abandoned her post to breastfeed her baby at the time of the alleged shooting.



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3aa81f No.209012

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440758 (191505ZAUG24) Notable: The Charlie Kirk Show - Real America's Voice

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12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


12:30 PM EDT

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Ron Johnson will deliver remarks at 11:30AM CDT on Kamala Harris’ disastrous economic policies that have led to sky-high inflation that is crushing American families

Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago


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3aa81f No.209013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440759 (191506ZAUG24) Notable: Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Economy in York, Pennsylvania and JD Vance in Philadelphia

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1:00 PM EDT

Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks on the Economy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

10:00 AM EDT Doors Open



JD Vance Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia PA

Real America's Voice


1:00 PM EDT

March on the Democratic National Convention Rally

Activists gather at the March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) rally in Chicago.


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3aa81f No.209014

File: 5fa154c60a8db3a⋯.png (4.3 MB,2832x1152,59:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440762 (191506ZAUG24) Notable: MOAR Starmer Guardian of the Pedos

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MOAR Starmer Guardian of the Pedos

HARD JUSTICE Sir Keir Starmer and the Jimmy Savile scandal – what was Labour leader’s involvement as head of Public Prosecutions?



LABOUR leader Sir Keir Starmer, a former Director of Public Prosecutions in England and Wales, oversaw high profile criminal cases.

But what was the role that the former Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) leader played during the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal that shocked the nation?

When was Sir Keir Starmer the Director of Public Prosecutions?

After qualifying for the bar in 1987, Sir Keir acted exclusively as a defence lawyer specialising in human rights issues, before being appointed as a Queen's Counsel (QC) in 2002.

In 2008, he was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), holding these roles until 2013.

For his role as DPP, Starmer was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) in the 2014 New Year Honours.

He approved decisions on high profile legal cases, including the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was killed by Metropolitan Police Officers in 2005.

Sir Keir was also involved in the case relating to the death of newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson in the 2009 London riots.

After leaving the role of DPP, Sir Keir was selected to be the Labour Party's prospective parliamentary candidate for the Labour constituency of Holborn and St Pancras in December 2014.

He was elected at the 2015 general election with a majority of 17,048.

After Jeremy Corbyn's re-election as party leader in 2016, Sir Keir accepted an appointment to become shadow Brexit secretary, replacing Emily Thornberry in the role.

How was he involved in the Jimmy Savile case?

Investigations into the horrific acts committed by Jimmy Savile began before Sir Keir Starmer took the role of DPP in 2008.

A few months before he took on the role at the Crown Prosecution Service, Sussex Police launched an investigation into a possible sexual assault, but took no further action as the complainant did not wish to give evidence.

In 2009 the CPS reviewed four sexual assault claims against the disgraced TV presenter and DJ - but felt there was insufficient evidence with which to proceed - because none of Savile's accusers were prepared to support police action.

The CPS came under fire for their decisions not to prosecute - and while the Labour leader had no involvement in the decision not to prosecute, he commissioned a review of the service

Led by Alison Levitt QC, Sir Keir revealed failures at the heart of the CPS and in 2013 issued an apology. - saying a "fundamental shift" was required as the nation "cannot afford another Savile moment in five or ten years".

A total of 589 alleged victims of abuse had come forward during ongoing investigations, with 450 of them alleging abuse by Savile.

Why did he apologise for following the Jimmy Saville case?

In 2013, Sir Keir said teachers, doctors and social workers who fail to report concerns over suspected cases of child abuse should face criminal charges, following the uncovering of Savile's catalogue of abuses.

He admitted that police and the CPS were likely to have mistakenly dropped many sexual assault complaints because the victims were treated with a "degree of caution which is not generally justified".

The report also suggested that during a police interview in which he was under caution, Jimmy Savile made veiled threats against officers if sexual abuse allegations against him did not "disappear".

In his apology, Sir Keir said: "I accept the conclusions reached by Ms Levitt QC and, in the interests of transparency and accountability I have decided to publish her report in full.

"In doing so, I would like to take the opportunity to apologise for the shortcomings in the part played by the CPS in these cases.

"But I also want to go further. If this report and my apology are to serve their full purpose, then this must be seen as a watershed moment.

"In my view, these cases do not simply reflect errors of judgement by individual officers or prosecutors on the facts before them. If that were the case, they would, in many respects, be easier to deal with."

"These were errors of judgment by experienced and committed police officers and a prosecuting lawyer acting in good faith and attempting to apply the correct principles. That makes the findings of Ms Levitt's report more profound and calls for a more robust response."

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3aa81f No.209015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440775 (191508ZAUG24) Notable: Flashback: Phil Donahue Interviews Donald Trump and then fast forward interview

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Wojciech Pawelczyk


Flashback: Phil Donahue Interviews Donald TrumpVIDEO

Donald Trump appeared on the Phil Donahue Show to promote his book "The Art of the Deal" on December 15, 1987.


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3aa81f No.209016

File: 575bcc42814a1eb⋯.png (207.82 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b7317d5b0213b3⋯.png (11.02 KB,625x89,625:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440784 (191509ZAUG24) Notable: Watch the Supermoon Blue Moon rise today

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Watch the Supermoon Blue Moon rise today

August 19, 2024

The Supermoon Blue Moon occurs today, and you can watch it rise live from Central Italy in a free livestream — courtesy of astronomer Gianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project.

The livestream starts at 3:30 p.m. EDT (1930 GMT), and you can catch the action live here on Space.com or directly on the Virtual Telescope Project's WebTV page or YouTube channel, weather permitting.

"The show of the full moon (and of course of the "Supermoon") offers its best when our satellite rises or sets, which happens at sunset and at dawn, respectively," Masi wrote on the Virtual Telescope Project's event page.

Supermoons can be particularly striking as they occur when the moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth.

The moon thus appears about 30% brighter and 14% larger than usual at this time.

However, that difference is often difficult to spot with the unaided eye. August's Supermoon Blue Moon will officially be full at 2:26 p.m. EDT (1826 GMT), rise times vary depending on location.

August's supermoon is the first of four in a row this year, with the closest supermoon occurring on Oct. 17.



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3aa81f No.209017

File: e65516bb31032c8⋯.png (360.9 KB,639x357,213:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440862 (191517ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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Philippine Space Council told to bring space technology closer to the people

Aug 19, 2024 03:40 PM PHT

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has directed the Philippine Space Council to bring space technology "closer to the people" by using it to help government agencies fulfill their mandates.

The Philippine leader recently presided over the 8th meeting of the Philippine Space Council in Quezon City, where officials discussed ways government agencies can work together to make the most of satellite imagery data.

“So there’s a directive to make this data more accessible and useful to government agencies in carrying out their mandates," PhilSA Director General Joel Marciano Jr. said in a televised briefing.

"Whether it’s for disaster risk reduction and management, environmental protection, maritime domain awareness, monitoring of our natural and built environment — agriculture, especially,” he said.

Marcos Jr. earlier announced the planned launch of the Philippine-made Multispectral Unit for Land Assessment (MULA) satellite, which is expected to be completed and launched into space by 2025.

“This achievement was made possible by the hard work and dedication of 16 Filipino engineers.

MULA will provide the country with vital data for disaster resilience, environmental conservation and national security,” the President posted on social media.

According to Marciano Jr, once launched, the MULA satellite will have the capability to take multispectral images of the country 120 kilometers wide, allowing government to monitor "1,200 kilometers of the country in a single pass or during the day."

He said this can help measure the health of vegetation and crops or check water quality.

The MULA satellite can also help government to improve its capability to respond to calamities and disasters such as typhoons, oil spills, and droughts.

Marciano says that aside from helping government agencies, the agency also wants to use satellite data in training students on how to maximize these information.

"So we want to promote further utilization, not to mention how the data can also be used in schools to train the next generation of students who will process all of these data and learn about the techniques on how to produce maps out of satellite data," he said.


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3aa81f No.209018

File: 74a3f3744022b12⋯.png (178.19 KB,590x681,590:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440863 (191517ZAUG24) Notable: They want Trump's sentencing to be secret.

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Alvin Bragg—led by the nose by Matthew Colangelo—wants to keep their sentencing recommendation under seal.

And the paragraph about Loren Merchan’s business partner (not a co-worker) is laughable. Mike Nellis is head of White Dudes for Kamala Harris.


They want Trump's sentencing to be secret.

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3aa81f No.209019

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440874 (191518ZAUG24) Notable: Kevin O’Leary Exposed Democrats Dark Plan to Install Kamala Harris as President

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Kevin O’Leary Exposed Democrats Dark Plan to Install Kamala Harris as President



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3aa81f No.209020

File: 24bf422e5d3b467⋯.png (374.27 KB,584x507,584:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440903 (191521ZAUG24) Notable: Joe and Jill Biden will NOT attend Kamala’s nomination speech and plan to leave DNC after his farewell address

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🚨#BREAKING: President Joe Biden and Jill Biden will not be attending Kamala’s nomination speech and plan to leave Democrat national convention after his farewell address later today

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3aa81f No.209021

File: ab8d2b1f0cfcf93⋯.png (248.91 KB,390x397,390:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440911 (191522ZAUG24) Notable: Joe and Jill Biden will NOT attend Kamala’s nomination speech and plan to leave DNC after his farewell address

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🚨#BREAKING: President Joe Biden and Jill Biden will not be attending Kamala’s nomination speech and plan to leave Democrat national convention after his farewell address later today

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3aa81f No.209022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440971 (191530ZAUG24) Notable: More Curious Claims about the Trump Assassination Attempt & SS

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3aa81f No.209023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440983 (191532ZAUG24) Notable: Flashback: Phil Donahue Interviews Donald Trump and then fast forward interview

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Phil Donahue Calls Donald Trump Era ‘Darkest Political Moment’ | AM Joy | MSNBC



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3aa81f No.209024

File: 1c2e4ba14891e4e⋯.mp4 (953.28 KB,508x270,254:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21440989 (191533ZAUG24) Notable: @KashPatel Trump has always been the best at putting together the best team for every moment he needs

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Human Events


Patel to @JackPosobiec: "President Trump has always been the best at putting together the best team for every moment he needs, and to meet the changing demands of the environment."

Embedded video

2:37 PM · Aug 15, 2024





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3aa81f No.209025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441002 (191535ZAUG24) Notable: House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family

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House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family

The 291-page report lays out evidence of the Biden family’s foreign payments and the family patriarch’s role in meeting or speaking with partners.




Rewind 10 seconds

Move forward 10 seconds





Full screen

Mike Davis: NY statute requires Judge Merchan’s recusal from Trump case over daughter’s fundraising

By Steven Richards and John Solomon

Published: August 19, 2024 5:02am

Updated: August 19, 2024 5:14am


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3aa81f No.209026

File: 6fac8d6e1fa249c⋯.png (287.51 KB,1349x521,1349:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 0566e10a84a3116⋯.png (151.42 KB,900x723,300:241,Clipboard.png)

File: def7f0b17b417c7⋯.png (68.25 KB,157x219,157:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f7218cfe7a5871⋯.png (174.93 KB,478x499,478:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441010 (191536ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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moar Weathermen info

> https://www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/Docs/CxP-Weather_Underground_organization.htm

Weather Underground (organization)

"Weather Underground" redirects here. For other uses, see Weather Underground (disambiguation).


Or Weather Underground Organization

"Our signature was…letters of explanation….

Each letter had a logo hand-drawn

across the page…." – BILL AYERS[1]

Formation 1969 – c. 1978

Type Revolutionary communist

Location United States


Wikisource has original text related to this article:

Weather Underground Declaration of a State of War

Weatherman, known colloquially as the Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization (abbreviated WUO), was an American radical left organization. It originated in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)[2] composed for the most part of the national office leadership of SDS and their supporters. Their goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for the violent overthrow of the US government and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat.[3]

With leadership whose revolutionary positions were characterized by Black separatist rhetoric,[2] the group conducted a campaign of bombings through the mid-1970s, including aiding the jailbreak and escape of Timothy Leary. The "Days of Rage", their first public demonstration on October 8, 1969, was a riot in Chicago timed to coincide with the trial of the Chicago Seven. In 1970 the group issued a "Declaration of a State of War" against the United States government, under the name "Weather Underground Organization" (WUO). The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqus identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. For the bombing of the United States Capitol on March 1, 1971, they issued a communiqu saying it was "in protest of the US invasion of Laos." For the bombing of the Pentagon on May 19, 1972, they stated it was "in retaliation for the US bombing raid in Hanoi." For the January 29, 1975 bombing of the United States Department of State Building, they stated it was "in response to escalation in Vietnam."[4]

The Weathermen grew out of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) faction of SDS. It took its name from the lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows", from the Bob Dylan song Subterranean Homesick Blues. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows was the title of a position paper they distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969. This founding document called for a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other radical movements[5] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism."[6]

The Weathermen largely disintegrated after the United States reached a peace accord in Vietnam in 1973, which saw the general decline of the New Left.


>>208959, >>208984, >>209001 “Bring the War Home” & the “Piggy” rhetoric is straight out of the Marxist Weather Underground from 1969

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3aa81f No.209027

File: 8225b04133a904e⋯.png (279.58 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441021 (191537ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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Help scientists find new black holes with this free smartphone app

August 19, 2024

I'm sitting on a plane staring at three grainy black-and-white images on my phone.

"Real or bogus," I mutter to myself. Real, I decide, and move on to the next trio.

I'm on the hunt for newly formed black holes, using the new citizen science app Black Hole Finder.

Developed by the Dutch Black Hole Consortium, the mobile app allows members of the public to help the consortium sort through thousands of images to identify potential targets of interest.

Ultimately, the Dutch Black Hole Consortium is looking for kilonovas — a powerful explosion of electromagnetic radiation created by the merger of a neutron star and a black hole.

A kilonova, in turn, can create a stellar-mass black hole.

To search for kilonovas, the consortium uses the BlackGEM array of telescopes in Northern Chile to image wide swaths of the night sky looking for these bright, but very short-lived, explosions.

Their light may only be visible to us for a few days.

Now, here's the problem — some of these images show real stellar sources, while others show false ones, such as light bouncing off a communications satellite.

While AI filters can help weed out some of the false sources, they can't catch everything.

That's why the Dutch Black Hole Consortium is turning to the public for help through the Black Hole Finder app.

"People are still much better at identifying patterns than our algorithms," Radboud University's Steven Bloemen, project manager of the BlackGEM telescopes, said in an emailed statement.

"By using the app, citizens across the world can help train our AI algorithms to distinguish between real and false sources and pinpoint the most interesting candidate sources more quickly."

Using the app is very simple: You take a look at three images and decide whether or not the image shows a real source or a false one (or, you can select "unknown" if you're not sure).

Of course, the app teaches you all the factors you need to consider to make that determination. And that's it!

The Black Hole Finder app is available in eight languages (Dutch, English, Spanish, German, Chinese, Bengali, Polish, and Italian) across both Apple and Android devices.

There's also a web version available to those using a computer.

So if you have a few minutes of spare time each day, consider downloading the app and giving the Dutch Black Hole Consortium a helping hand in exploring the vast cosmos.



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3aa81f No.209028

File: 0610c9a03cb319c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1604x879,1604:879,Clipboard.png)

File: a9a73e50818988f⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ab15b0d9d4afc11⋯.png (249.18 KB,589x440,589:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441041 (191539ZAUG24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH - WWG1WGA

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>>209004 Tyb



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3aa81f No.209029

File: c1f3e45e17d84f9⋯.png (408.21 KB,590x493,590:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441046 (191540ZAUG24) Notable: Russia says 90% of trade with China is now settled in national currencies, effectively ditching the US dollar

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🇷🇺 🇨🇳 Russia says 90% of trade with China is now settled in national currencies, effectively ditching the US dollar.


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3aa81f No.209030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441057 (191541ZAUG24) Notable: Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put on their Big Boy Pants

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Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put on their Big Boy Pants. ==1/2

My flak jacket is on as I write this since I am sure to offend or piss off some friends, family, and colleagues who are ostensibly Republicans or conservatives but have a visceral aversion to Donald Trump.

Some tell me they are Republican and miss Ronald Reagan but also admit they “couldn’t” vote for Donald Trump in either 2016 or 2020. Nothing says one is Republican like voting for a liberal Democrat.

This is the NeverTrump wing of the Republican Party, emerging shortly after Trump secured the GOP nomination in 2016. Reasons for NeverTrump-ism are myriad.

Some were offended by his mean tweets, name-calling, and brash Queens personality. Others disliked his confidence and determination to punch back twice as hard when attacked, particularly when the attacks were bogus (Russian collusion, fine people, grab em by the p***y, etc).

Many establishment Republicans only wanted a nominee who was part of George Carlin’s “big club,” with the last name of Bush, or endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce, The Wall Street Journal, or the Koch brothers.

Still others bristled at Trump’s desires to secure America’s borders, avoid foreign wars, achieve American energy independence, and level the playing field of global trade. After all, globalists and the military-industrial complex are happy with and profit immensely from open borders, endless wars, high energy prices, and China-centric trade deals.

In two and a half months, there will be a reckoning, America First versus America Last. The comparisons to four years ago are legion.


Trump attempted to build a border wall, despite NeverTrump resistance from his own party. Biden opened the border to the tune of 10,000 known illegal crossings per day.

Trump nominated three Constitutional Supreme Court justices while Biden nominated one who doesn’t know what a woman is. Democrats want to stack the high court with leftists who will rewrite the U.S. Constitution to resemble Marx and Engels’s Communist Manifesto.

Trump’s economy had high employment and low inflation. The Biden/Harris/Obama economy provided the opposite. Trump did not start any foreign wars during his four years in office. Harris/Obama/Biden started wars between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Iran, and Yemen and the Western world.

Our national debt has eclipsed $35 trillion. Congress spends $12 million per minute. Our debt-to-GDP ratio is 1.37, red line territory. GDP represents all federal income, personal and government, but federal receipts or income is only $4.4 trillion, an eighth of the debt.

If the federal government aimed to eliminate the debt, it would take eight years with zero spending on anything the government currently funds. Our rapidly growing debt is not sustainable without some serious course correction. Who is more likely to steer America in the right direction? Obama/Harris/Biden or Trump? This should be an easy answer.

The current Democrat presidential ticket is two Marxists. They want to command and control all aspects of American economics and life. They will weaponize the government even further to achieve their Orwellian dystopia. The U.K. is imprisoning those who post critical or mean comments on social media. Harris/Walz will say, “Hold my beer” and double down on censorship, punishing anyone who disagrees with Big Brother.

They will regulate the airline industry to the point that air travel is either unaffordable or impractical. Price controls will be added to food and groceries, limiting choices and creating shortages. How did government control of food distribution work in Venezuela and the U.S.S.R.?

Taxes would rise under a Harris administration. So would the minimum wage, making small business so small it no longer exists, while big business simply passes on increased wage costs to consumers, a stealth tax.

Under a Democrat administration, America will send money and U.S. soldiers to defend other countries’ borders, while leaving America’s borders wide open. Illegal aliens will continue terrorizing, injuring, or killing Americans, whether at a Missouri laundromat, a Wisconsin home, or at a Florida motel.

Cutesy time is over, as Dan Bongino would say. In a few months, America will either have a reset, or a quick slide into tyranny and chaos…


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3aa81f No.209031

File: 8909cb9b983c974⋯.png (155.73 KB,1349x563,1349:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 255b1b89de054c3⋯.png (14.56 KB,1161x499,1161:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 65491ac63497496⋯.pdf (2.74 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: db51d1bb2b5ecd9⋯.png (125.16 KB,1349x522,1349:522,Clipboard.png)

File: e7b915b12c30b36⋯.png (333.94 KB,677x469,677:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441062 (191543ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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>moar Weathermen info

Links to resources from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and related groups and activities Books & Memoirs

Full text of Weatherman in PDF format

Links to Weather Underground documents on SDS-60s.Org

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3aa81f No.209032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441064 (191543ZAUG24) Notable: Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put on their Big Boy Pants

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Trump is Trump, his personality almost 80 years in the making. He will not suddenly become Ronald Reagan, with a smooth voice and disarming charm. But so what?

Trump’s brashness is a breath of fresh air compared to career politicians who offer a word salad of platitudes and promises while actually accomplishing nothing.

When you are dying from some strange disease that no one can diagnose or treat, who do you want caring for you? You could have warm, empathetic, fatherly Dr. Marcus Welby, who doesn’t know what’s wrong with you but holds your hand as you die. Or you could have rude, abrasive, obnoxious Dr. Gregory House who, while making fun of you with zero bedside manner, makes the correct diagnosis and prescribes the proper treatment, allowing you to walk out of the hospital a week later.

We are not choosing a prom date, a spouse, a roommate, or a valentine. We are choosing the leader of America and the free world. You may not like Trump’s calling his opponents mean names. But did you object when Bush was called 'Hitler,' Trump 'a Nazi,' or Paul Ryan “pushed” granny off a cliff?

Politics ain’t beanbag. If your opponent is fighting dirty, you had better step up or you will lose. It seems many NeverTrump Republicans, rather than get their knuckles bloody, would rather take the high road and deliver a kindly concession speech.

What’s more offensive? J.D. Vance tweeting about the new Democrat base of childless cat ladies? Or the U.K. imprisoning one of her citizens for 20 months for posting on Facebook, “Every man and their dog should be smashing f*** out Britannia Hotel.” While at home we have no problem with Daily Beast and CNN contributor Reza Aslan tweeting, “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f*ing thing down.”

Assuming the election actually happens (not derailed by pandemic, cyberattack, or war) and that Harris/Walz is the ticket (rather than Obama, Clinton, or Biden), America is faced with a binary choice. At least the Republican ticket was chosen by voters, unlike the Democrat ticket selected in a smoke-filled room by DNC muckety-mucks.

NeverTrumpers can pout that their preferred guy or gal was rejected, not by the Chamber of Commerce or Wall Street Journal but by Republican voters, instead nominating someone who speaks to the concerns of millions of Americans and is willing to fight for them. It’s a simple choice and not that complicated.

Insurrection Barbie on Twitter concluded a rant with this:

When Trump was president, your streets were safer, your border was secure, your wallet had more money in it, you could buy more goods with your paycheck, and the entire world was at peace instead of on fire.

Voting for communism is not the solution to your precious feelings.

Get a therapist.

Time for NeverTrumpers to put on their big boy pants and think of their country, their children, and grandchildren. Do they want the Marxist world the Democrats are eager to usher in, displayed in real time in the U.K.? Or do they want to push back in the only way practical?


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3aa81f No.209033

File: 68f5a3e16276a38⋯.png (398.77 KB,1200x611,1200:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441089 (191547ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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South Korea hires SpaceX to launch GEO satellite in 2027

August 19, 2024

South Korea has signed a contract with SpaceX to launch the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 multipurpose communications satellite to geostationary orbit in the second half of 2027, the nation’s newly established Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA) this month.

South Korea’s Growing Partnership with SpaceX

The agreement is the latest in a series of launch contracts South Korea has clinched with the Elon Musk-owned space company for its key space missions.

The nation’s first robotic lunar orbiter launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in August 2022.

Two of the five military reconnaissance satellites involved in the “425 Project” were launched on Falcon 9 rockets in December 2023 and April 2024, respectively, with the remaining three scheduled to launch SpaceX through 2025.

The GEO-KOMPSAT-3 Mission

GEO-KOMPSAT-3, the 3.7-ton satellite to be launched under the latest deal, is also known as Chollian-3.

Designed to replace the aging GEO-Kompsat-1 launched in 2010, Chollian-3 will feature advanced payloads for communications, disaster prevention, maritime safety and the safe flight of aircraft, according to KASA’s Aug. 8 statement.

The satellite’s development began in 2021 with a budget of 411.8 billion won ($309 million).

While the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is responsible for developing the satellite bus, Korea’s Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) is in charge of the payloads.

Among the private partners involved is Thales Alenia Space, which will provide a fully reprogrammable Digital Processor for the satellite’s Ka-band broadband communication system payload.

“The development of a multipurpose geostationary communications satellite will play a role in advancing the nation’s technologies for GEO satellites,” said Kim Jin-hee, head of KASA’s satellite directorate, in the statement.

“It will also enhance the country’s safety by providing satellite communication services for disaster prevention and public safety.”

KASA’s Vision for Space Development

KASA is simultaneously developing a ‘positioning paper,’ due out this year, to outline new plans to bolster the competitiveness of its four key business fields: space transportation, satellites, space science and exploration, and aeronautics.

KASA Deputy Administrator Roh Kyung-won said these plans would build upon the agency’s first policy paper published in May, with new elements designed to enhance the private sector’s role in the nation’s space development.

Among the ambitious projects proposed in KASA’s first policy paper are the development of a partially reusable launch vehicle, very-high-resolution imaging satellites with a resolution of 15 centimeters, and the construction of a second national launch site.

However, realizing these big-budget projects is contingent upon securing parliamentary approval, leaving their future uncertain.


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3aa81f No.209034

File: 05549097f3cd743⋯.png (213.99 KB,603x797,603:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a0d08104aaebe6⋯.png (713.54 KB,1290x1425,86:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441091 (191547ZAUG24) Notable: DC Councilman arrested for bribery

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DC Councilman arrested for bribery.


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3aa81f No.209035

File: 91ffdc6f2829d8f⋯.png (249.72 KB,553x569,553:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441133 (191556ZAUG24) Notable: House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family

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Nice try….too late

GOP-led House committees who have been investigating the Biden family shook their fist at the sky on Monday, announcing in a 291-page report that the president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family with millions of dollars through various business schemes to trade on the family name - and then defrauded voters by lying to cover it up, Just the News reports.

The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News. 

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3aa81f No.209036

File: 6a9f0caf5d66763⋯.png (370.63 KB,828x818,414:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b8ddf043c9ae21⋯.png (218.36 KB,879x735,293:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 0865a219c56b0d6⋯.png (1013.31 KB,750x611,750:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441141 (191558ZAUG24) Notable: Soros Stops Spending On Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors

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George Soros Gives Up On Gascon

Soros Stops Spending On Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors

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3aa81f No.209037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441147 (191600ZAUG24) Notable: Fight! Fight! Fight!

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August 19, 2024

Fight! Fight! Fight!

By David Prentice.1/2

We had an iconic moment in history, a demonstration of courage and resolve in the face of evil. It brought unity to the right in so many ways. It’s a forever moment.

Barely a month later, doubt and second-guessing is creeping into the psyche of many on the center-right.

Reason number one is the left sowing seeds of doubt with their psyops machine. The Democrat/media/tech complex is working overtime. For example: J.D. Vance is the wrong choice. We’re weird. Kamala is Supergirl and Wonder Woman, but wait, there’s more! Kamala was never border czar. Crime is down because we say so. Democrats are wonderfully cool. What immigration crisis? Trump is so bad, the assassination never really happened. We’re going to lose anyway.

Those are just a few of the narratives they are implanting in the nation’s psyche. None of them true. Some are so obviously false as to be laughable. Yet they persist. It’s part of their plan to sow division, tempting us to disbelieve our own eyes, ears, or memories. The effect of their persistence is manifold, but the one thing they want more than anything is to weaken our resolve. Confuse. Obfuscate. Demoralize. Take away our will to fight.

The second reason is personal. Let’s admit it. Some days it’s hard not to get caught in this negative vortex. For all of us.We need to successfully cope with their very real psyops machine. The machine is effective. They will do this all the way to the election and beyond. They are using the demonic Saul Alinsky’s first rule: Make us think they are more powerful than they are.

This is a serious game, with the intent to inflict serious psychological damage. Even those who know their game can be sucked in. The fiery darts their machine sends out are powerful. Seeing them convince so many that forcing tampons into boys’ bathrooms is intelligent or normal should give us pause. Seeing them convince many on their side that the border issue was caused by Trump tells us they believe their power to form narrative is God-like.

We need to fight this. First, to maintain our sanity. Second, to begin to take back our nation in this election, with the hope of ridding ourselves of the toxic people who make this negative psyops machine work.

To those supporting our MAGA movement:This really is the most important election of our lives.Our cherished way of life will go onto the ash heap of history if we lose. To win, we need to outwork, outfox, and beat the left’s ability to cheat. A tall order. A long fight.

Our fight begins with a willingness to unify behind our excellent candidate. We must gain the edge needed to win. One of those things we all must do is pull in the same direction.


But we need to remember one particular human weakness. We can all have a bent towards negativity at times. A.A. Milne’s character Eeyore and C.S. Lewis’s Puddleglum poke fun at that. Of all things we need to curb, it is this tendency to go negative on our movement and/or our candidate. The left is incredibly disciplined at unifying their troops. It's something we need right now.

There are those NeverTrumpers that we cannot reach, such as David French, who are part of the psyops machine of the left. They help psyops groups like Republicans for Kamala, pretending Trump is so bad that they as former Republicans must vote to install permanent leftist power over us all. These we can ignore, or time to time write against.They are leftist agitprop and nothing more.

There is another extreme on our side, nicknamed “doomers” by many fine commentators. These are people on our side, but no matter what good news we have, no matter how much we are winning a particular battle, they simply give in to losing. Many excuses, but all leading to the same thing. The willingness to call down defeat through discouraging us all who are in the battle. Quoting Eeyore, “If it’s a nice morning, which I doubt.” Some of these doomers are beyond that, and it’s toxic.

Moses sent 12 spies to scope out the land they were told to conquer. Ten of them who came back were basically doomers:“We can’t defeat these people, there are too many, they are like giants, their cities are fortified, the land itself will swallow us up.” So devastating, these negative reports caused the Israelites to cry and yearn for the good old days they were slaves.

Two spies disagreed.They saw the way to victory, spoke it, and acted in ways that would make them win. Their lesson should be our lesson. Victory is in sight. We have right on our side, and if we do the work necessary, we will win. The tide is with us:


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3aa81f No.209038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441150 (191601ZAUG24) Notable: Fight! Fight! Fight!

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• The Democrats are pretending they will win with a new face, one who isn’t burdened with a rotten record, or with unpopular positions they have taken for years. Weak and provable lies.

• They pretend Kamala is winning in new polling. Crap Polling that has been skewed. Rasmussen says things have NOT changed one bit, Trump is still in the winning position. Sorry, doomers.

• Kamala is pretending she can now cure inflation and a down trending economy. The very things her administration caused.

• She is pretending she will close the border, something she didn’t do for almost 1,500 straight days.

• She is pretending she is O.K. with fracking and will make energy prices fall, the same energy prices here administration made higher.

These are not winning positions for people who have disavowed and run against all those ideas they have clearly held.

This is a weak hand.

We need to unify and stop our own negativity vortex.Doing this will help us reach undecideds, or others on our side to have them unify with us to not lose heart. I have a friend, Ruth, who drove this home to me quietly during the early stages of COVID. She simply said, “God did not give us a spirit of fear.” Great advice for us. Working on this during these next months leading up to the election is paramount. Understand that leftists are not Gods, not infallible, and not masters of the universe. They are not all powerful. That scene in the Wizard of OZ, when the dog Toto rips the curtain away: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” That is where we are right now. The machine is being exposed. They are losing.

Heading into the Democrat convention, we are about to have tons of manure shoveled on our head posing as manna from heaven. The tongue bath of all tongue baths about the Wonder Woman named Kamala and all her superhero friends. Don’t buy it. It’s nonsense. If we work hard and smart this nightmare will come to an end.

=Instead, lift up your heads, pick up your weary legs to stride towards a great election victory. Do your part however you can, and do not lose heart. Vote. Donate. Speak the truth. Poll watch. Persuade. Get people to the polls, bank their votes, appeal to Heaven for a chance to begin again.

It will be worth it.

(American Thinker helps me at times like this)


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3aa81f No.209039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441162 (191606ZAUG24) Notable: Protests outside DNC live link

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what will happen when winter comes, i think to myself

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3aa81f No.209040

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441170 (191609ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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SecAF travels within EUCOM AOR to strengthen international partnerships

Aug. 19, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall has begun traveling through the U.S. European Command area of responsibility beginning Aug. 19, 2024, to strengthen international partnerships.

Kendall’s trip reinforces the shared relationship between the United States, the Department of the Air Force, and NATO and the importance of the indispensable alliance that ensures transparent and effective collaboration across all warfighting domains to ensure collective security for the region.

“As threats have evolved, NATO remains as unified as ever,” Kendall said.

“This trip will reinforce the Department of the Air Force’s commitment to deter aggression and defend our allies and partners in the region.”

The initial stop of the trip in Belgium included meetings with key Belgian officials, as well as Vice Admiral Shoshana S. Chatfield, the U.S. Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee, and other senior U.S. leaders at NATO to emphasize the criticalities of the space domain and value of air power’s deterrent effects.

“As the NATO alliance continues to grow, we need to ensure there is interoperability across multiple domains,” Kendall said.

“The ability to link our forces together so they can fight more effectively as an organization will be key as we continue to shift our focus to re-optimizing for Great Power Competition.”

Kendall is joined by Kelli Seybolt, the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs, as they emphasize the importance of training alongside joint and multinational partners, providing support to Airmen, Guardians and allies across the region, and safeguarding European airspace from potential aggressors.

Kendall’s trip will include stops in Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Estonia and Poland, and include meetings with international senior leaders, NATO representatives, and Airmen and Guardians deployed and stationed across the U.S. EUCOM region.


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3aa81f No.209041

File: 39b3ddeb0c416ac⋯.png (261.51 KB,568x682,284:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441173 (191610ZAUG24) Notable: Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia

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19 AUG, 09:11

Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws"

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws."

Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September.

In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach.


Foreign policy


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3aa81f No.209042

File: 443ed8d70938f5e⋯.png (5.29 MB,2400x1260,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441202 (191620ZAUG24) Notable: Is the Vatican Hiding UFO Secrets?

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Is the Vatican Hiding UFO Secrets? Whistleblower Claims Pope Has Knowledge About Mystery ‘Crash’

August 18th, 2024

Alien enthusiast, Steve Bassett, has come forward with claims that the Vatican is hiding evidence of UFOs.

Knewz.com has learned Basset believes that the religious enclave thinks UFOs are important and has long hinted at it in its art.

“The Catholic Church, we have always known, has been aware of this subject going back perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years,” Basset said.

“It’s gone so far as to say whoever these beings are, they [the Church] would be happy to baptize them if they wanted to be baptized.”

He claims that to prove that the extraterrestrials exist researchers would need access to the Vatican’s library—and they will find proof there that the Catholic church has been aware of existence down through the ages.

Basset further alleges Pope Pius XII was also in the loop and that when the so-alleged discovery of a UFO was made in Italy, in 1933, he “back channeled” it to then-United States President Franklin Roosevelt who collected the find and stashed it somewhere state-side.

The Vatican is known to have a formidable intelligence division which believed to cooperate with other organizations like the CIA.

With this being the case, Bassett believes that the idea of the former cooperating with the latter to hide a UFO, would not be far-fetched.

“I’m told the Vatican does have a very efficient intelligence service and it’s long collaborated with intelligence services like the CIA providing useful intelligence, and especially in the wake of the Second World War,” a reporter who interviewed David Grusch – the former U.S. intelligence officer who first made claims about the 1933 coverup in front of Congress.

Basset says that it was the first time he heard of the debacle.

“As far as I know, there have been many, many books written on the research of this phenomena and it’s the first time I’d ever heard about this potential crash in ’33.”

The Vatican, however, denies the 1933 coverup with its archive secretary Marco Grilli saying: “I don’t know where (Grusch) got this information.”

“One can laugh at it,” per United States Conference Bishops.

If proof of the crash could be found in the Vatican archives it would also prove that the U.S. knew UFOs existed long before the 1947 Roswell incident—what the United States Air Force still claims was a crashed weather balloon.

Bassett believes that the military elements around during the Roswell incident were not willfully deceptive.

“Obviously the people at Roswell didn’t, because they put out a press release that they found a flying saucer so clearly that there was no significant impediment to putting that story out at the time.”

To prove their beliefs, researchers, and enthusiasts are already lobbying the Vatican for access to its library.

Bassett is confident that the researchers will eventually have their requests granted, but not before the U.S. acknowledges the existence of UFOs and aliens in an official capacity.


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3aa81f No.209043

File: 67be0c3e6b3d60f⋯.png (451.87 KB,640x696,80:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441204 (191621ZAUG24) Notable: Democrat Platform Refers to ‘Second Biden Term’ 19 Times… 19 times!

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The Democratic Party released its official platform on Sunday night, to be voted on at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois — and it calls for reelecting President Joe Biden, who was still the candidate at the time the document was finalized in mid-July.

“President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it says.



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3aa81f No.209044

File: 67dde0e5caf10a9⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441207 (191622ZAUG24) Notable: UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors, some violent offenders

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Holy sh*t

The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors

Some of those will be voiIent offenders

- End Wokeness (https://x.com/i/status/1825511320705216755)

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3aa81f No.209045

File: af6ef11c9fad6ee⋯.png (438.28 KB,598x660,299:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441210 (191622ZAUG24) Notable: Protests outside DNC live link

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Protesters in Chicago chant “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Christian fascists go away” on the eve of the DNC.

7:46 PM · Aug 18, 2024





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3aa81f No.209046

File: db722ccc581cb88⋯.png (625 KB,836x649,76:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 412ee262f3b965a⋯.mp4 (899.05 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441265 (191634ZAUG24) Notable: il TRUMPO keks - LOVE THE SMELL OF PANIC IN THE MORNING!!!

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3aa81f No.209047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441277 (191638ZAUG24) Notable: We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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>This dude needs a cap in the dome

We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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3aa81f No.209048

File: 7d79be4b7be24cc⋯.png (108.36 KB,443x734,443:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441278 (191638ZAUG24) Notable: Georgia Elections now requiring election workers to compare total votes with ID'ed VOTERS in the system

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BREAKING: The Georgia Election Board just voted 3-2 to approve a rule requiring election workers to compare total votes with ID'ed VOTERS in the system. If discrepancies are found in any precinct, the counties MUST withhold certifying the results until the fraud is addressed

"For each precinct, the board members shall compare the total number of ballots cast to the total number of unique voter ID numbers. In any precinct in which the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voters, the Board shall determine the method of voting in which the discrepancy exists. The Board shall investigate the discrepancy and no votes shall be counted from that precinct until the results of the investigation are presented to the Board as required in GA Code$ 21-2-493(b)."




Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger really fought against this which is how you know it's an amazing rule. Believe it or not, we have seen instances wede precincts had more VOTES than VOTERS. That's usually the biggest sign of fraud. Comparing totals is going to change the game…


Little bit of good news.

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3aa81f No.209049

File: a7d55e58944f190⋯.png (458.19 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 532e1996a0e6827⋯.png (307.48 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441280 (191638ZAUG24) Notable: Space News

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'Are we alone?': William Shatner challenges UFO skepticism with bombshell testimonies in new Fox Nation show

August 18, 2024 7:00am EDT

Are we earthlings truly alone in this universe?

Captain Kirk himself sets out to find the answer to this burning question in his new show "Aliens Among Us," streaming now on Fox Nation.

"I spent decades pretending to explore space, and then I got the chance to go there," "Star Trek" actor William Shatner said as he previewed the show.

"I want to know: is anybody out there? We asked pilots, space psychologists and government officials the big question: are there aliens among us?"

Shatner's new show challenges skepticism about UFOs, incorporates bombshell testimony and looks at interesting studies that all make the case for the existence of something sentient beyond the world we know.

"We don't say, 'Look, here's a piece of a spaceship," he said, during a special appearance on "Fox & Friends," Wednesday.

"But there are rumors that the American government has reverse engineered things.

They've found debris that they think came from spaceships, but the mystery is, why haven't they landed on the White House grounds and said, 'Here we are, and we've got to stop the wars and the squabbling, and there's bigger things than that out there.' Why they haven't revealed themselves? I don't know."

Recently, airline pilots reported suspected UFOs "dancing in the sky" during a flight from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to Abuja, Nigeria and captured footage of three shining dots in the sky.

Van Pangemanan, who was responsible for capturing the footage, said he saw as many as four dots, each aligned in a way reminiscent of the Phoenix Lights phenomenon that happened over Arizona 27 years ago, according to the New York Post.

"They're seeing something, right? But what are they seeing?" Shatner said of the phenomenon.

"And that's the problem. What are they? What are they doing?

Why are they there? We don't know. Part of the mystery of life is that we're surrounded by mystery…"

"These strange things are happening, and beyond the strange things they're seeing in the sky, they're finding debris on the ground," he added.

"They're seeing things go into the ocean, and what are they? Where are they? Where do they come from? Do they really exist, or are they fata morgana [a mirage], which is a bit like seeing water in the desert?"

UFO mysteries have even captivated Americans at the federal level, prompting lawmakers to launch historic congressional hearings on alleged sightings last year.

Harvard academics, earlier this year, caught attention after releasing a speculative paper coined as a "thought experiment," noting that aliens could be here already.


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3aa81f No.209050

File: 61ac5291b5c0a4b⋯.png (458.02 KB,830x649,830:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 2443c4f182694a5⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441306 (191642ZAUG24) Notable: il TRUMPO keks - LOVE THE SMELL OF PANIC IN THE MORNING!!!

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UH OH!!!😭🤣🤣🤣


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3aa81f No.209051

File: 42b1bbefb5947f7⋯.jpg (85.95 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b4f5dda326b6df⋯.png (140.49 KB,1349x563,1349:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 186b0754f5be9c3⋯.png (265.84 KB,1349x1269,1349:1269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441313 (191643ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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>moar Weathermen info


>Full text of Weatherman in PDF format


>Crazy and violent pedo-hippies, stink too.

Weatherman Wanted Poster 1970

Weather Communiqué Number 1 May 21, 1970

Communiqué #1 From The Weatherman Underground

From /The Berkeley Tribe/, July 31, 1970. The Red Mountain Tribe.

Hello. This is Bernardine Dohrn.

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3aa81f No.209052

File: 713defe3be4a996⋯.png (104.41 KB,1229x684,1229:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441335 (191647ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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>Weatherman Wanted Poster 1970

>Weather Communiqué Number 1 May 21, 1970

Communiqué #2 From The Weatherman Underground




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3aa81f No.209053

File: a3af5ea0f62c467⋯.png (767.38 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e4f7132d51d376e⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x703,1200:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441340 (191648ZAUG24) Notable: Bizarre 'alien mummies' found with 'mobile phones' made of osmium buried inside them

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Bizarre 'alien mummies' found with 'mobile phones' buried inside them

13:59, 19 Aug 2024

The "alien mummies" from Peru reportedly had mobile phone-like devices implanted in their bodies, according to claims.

Jaime Maussan, a UFOlogist and controversial journalist, suggests that scientists have found rare metals and alloys embedded in the chests of these mysterious corpses, which he believes could be interstellar communication devices.

One such compound is a rare metal known as osmium, which can be lethal to humans. Mexican-born Maussan stated:

"I believe this is a device for communication. I don't really know how it works, but the experts will have to go in depth to understand why they put this inside the body.

"My guess is this was for health, to communicate something or a kind of cellular phone.

The metal is made of osmium, which is used for telecommunications and satellites in the space field. It is very rare. It's not easy to find and it's very, very expensive and besides it's very toxic.

For a human to have that inside them could create a big injury in the body or probably could kill the body.

"So it's difficult to understand why they did it. If you are going to create a hoax like this, are you going to put a very rare metal inside?"

Currently, scientists are testing the bodies - which Maussan alleges he discovered concealed in a cave in Nazca, Peru, in 2017 - in forensic labs.

Claims have been made that these centuries-old "ETs", with elongated skulls, possess "30 per cent unknown" DNA.

Sceptics have waved off the findings as a hoax, suggesting they could have been fabricated using parts from different animals.

However, Maussan is adamant that the unique bodily compounds of the creatures suggest "the possibility that this is from somewhere else or was created by someone else."

Maussan has teamed up with investigative filmmakers Serena DC and Michael Mazzola to document the scientific investigations for an upcoming documentary.

Michael said: "My initial take away from looking at these beings is that these bodies are a new species unknown to mankind previously.

It is a major discovery for mankind.

"It is completely bizarre to me that these discoveries have been ignored, dismissed and ridiculed; instead of being considered as the biggest story in the world of science.

People are always eager to invoke some kind of conspiracy theory to explain why some injustices have happened.

"But in my experience you do not need a conspiracy theory when human frailty or failure will do just fine."

Despite the ongoing debate over the authenticity of the aliens, with some asserting they are fake and others convinced of their reality, the truth about them remains shrouded in mystery - a puzzle that Maussan is determined to unravel.


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3aa81f No.209054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441342 (191648ZAUG24) Notable: DC Councilman arrested for bribery

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DC Councilman Trayon White Sr. arrested on bribery charges

Elaine MallonAugust 19, 2024 12:25 pm


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3aa81f No.209055

File: f1537cdee94821a⋯.png (72.88 KB,563x537,563:537,Clipboard.png)

File: e2ffa9e55df317f⋯.png (45.4 KB,970x419,970:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441347 (191649ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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Communiqué #3 From The Weatherman Underground

From the /Berkeley Tribe/, July 31, 1970. The Red Mountain Tribe.

July 26, 1970

The Motor City

4 is shoahed

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3aa81f No.209056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441349 (191650ZAUG24) Notable: DOJ Keeping Jan 6ers In Prison Despite Supreme Court Ruling To Set Them Free!

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DOJ Keeping Jan 6ers In Prison Despite Supreme Court Ruling To Set Them Free!


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3aa81f No.209057

File: f043243c19e24e8⋯.png (434.73 KB,1088x929,1088:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 0668a8ab254861b⋯.png (196.97 KB,1057x562,1057:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441351 (191650ZAUG24) Notable: Georgia Elections now requiring election workers to compare total votes with ID'ed VOTERS in the system

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Here's the docs attached in the tweet.

Let's make this aNOTABLEbaker!!

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3aa81f No.209058

File: a2a0fd3193e870a⋯.jpeg (45.54 KB,824x156,206:39,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f42deb94986803⋯.jpeg (537.41 KB,828x444,69:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6a6a2a4896692ae⋯.jpeg (191.95 KB,828x369,92:41,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441354 (191651ZAUG24) Notable: Watch the Supermoon Blue Moon rise today

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209059

File: a47de4f6ae5bb57⋯.png (374.94 KB,1365x2990,21:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441358 (191652ZAUG24) Notable: Today in Q Post History - There are 05 QPosts on the date of August 19

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Today in Q Post History

There were05 Q Postson the date ofAugust 19.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=aug+19

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/ul53Q

Fight, fight, fight!


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3aa81f No.209060

File: 032385004c2caec⋯.png (218.18 KB,568x561,568:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441368 (191655ZAUG24) Notable: Majority of your social security numbers was hacked and stolt

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A hacking group called USDoD hacked into the National Pubic Data database and stole the social security numbers and other private information on the majority of American citizens, some Canadians and UK citizens as well.


This page will tell you if your information was involved.


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3aa81f No.209061

File: 74154ceac6ff538⋯.png (140.65 KB,533x421,533:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441371 (191655ZAUG24) Notable: Democrat Platform Refers to ‘Second Biden Term’ 19 Times… 19 times!

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🚨 BREAKING: Why are there nearly 20 references to Biden's second term in the DNC platform?

Time for some edits!


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3aa81f No.209062

File: ae3bd70cbb42ed7⋯.png (492.03 KB,725x900,29:36,Clipboard.png)

File: ae993fa48462cbe⋯.png (261.32 KB,588x645,196:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441372 (191656ZAUG24) Notable: House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family

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Catherine Herridge


Financial records, sworn testimony.

@GOPoversight alleges “…conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family.”

Major receipts 👇



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3aa81f No.209063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441385 (191658ZAUG24) Notable: Democrat Platform Refers to ‘Second Biden Term’ 19 Times… 19 times!

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Democrat Platform Refers to ‘Second Biden Term’ 19 Times

Joel B. Pollak19 Aug 2024

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Sen

The Democratic Party platform, released Sunday on the eve of the convention that is to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris for president, refers over a dozen times to President Joe Biden’s “second term.”

Biden dropped out of the race in late July. But as Breitbart News reported earlier Monday, the platform still refers to him as the candidate.

“President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it says.

The document refers to a second term for Biden on no fewer than 19 occasions:

“The [Small Business Administration]’s innovative Community Navigators program meanwhile helped 350,000 small businesses tap into resources that have helped them grow. In a second Biden term, we’ll make that Navigator program permanent, and include new lenders, new markets, and fairer taxes.”

“In President Biden’s second term, he will continue selecting judges who will protect fundamental rights and who represent the diversity of the American experience.”

“We will repeal the Hyde Amendment. And in his second term, President Biden will continue to support access to FDA-approved medication abortion, appoint leaders at the FDA who respect science, and appoint judges who uphold fundamental freedoms.”

“The Administration set a goal that 15 percent of federal contracts go to small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs)and will continue expanding these opportunities for SDBs in a second term.”

“In President Biden’s second term, he will push Congress to pass [immigration] legislation that is consistent with our values as a nation.”

“In President Biden’s second term, he will push Congress to provide the resources and authorities that we need to secure the border.”

“In his second term, President Biden will work with Congress to deploy more cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect fentanyl at our ports of entry.”

“Congress must pass legislation to provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, farmworkers, careworkers, and other long-term undocumented individuals who contribute to this country, by paying taxes and contributing to their local economies, and in his second term, President Biden will continue pressing them to do so.”

“During President Biden’s second term, Democrats will continue to advocate for the safe and secure development of AI.”

“With a second term in office, President Biden will continue to work to prevent cancer, detect it early, deliver innovation, care for families facing cancer, and, ultimately, end cancer as we know it.”

“With a second term in office and a majority in Congress, we will fulfill our promise to end veteran homelessness and support military students with disabilities.”

“President Biden will never turn his back on our allies. In his second term, he will continue to stand with Ukraine to stop Putin’s atrocities and constrain Russia’s threat to allied nations and America’s vital interests.”

“In his second term, President Biden will continue to promote a free, open, connected, prosperous, secure, and resilient Indo-Pacific.”

“In his second term, President Biden will remain focused on actions at home and abroad to outcompete China.”

“In his second term, President Biden will continue the work to ensure a secure border, protect U.S. jobs, and maintain stability in neighboring countries in order to keep Americans safe and prosperous.”

“In his second term, President Biden will continue to build 21st century U.S.-African partnerships.”

“In his second term, President Biden will continue to invest in America and our allies and partners to grow the middle class globally.”

“The third Summit [for Democracy] occurred this year under South Korea’s leadership, and President Biden is proud to have catalyzed this new global forum to support and coordinate democracies around the world, and which will continue in his second term.”

“President Biden will never turn our back on our alliances or fail to stand up for human rights and democracy around the world and at home. In his second term, he will support the critical work of our diplomats and continue to fight to bring Americans detained abroad home.”

Read the full, 91-page document here.

Though Democrats had weeks to prepare the platform ahead of the “coronation” of Kamala Harris as the party nominee, they did not update the document.

Alternatively, Harris — who has yet to release her own policies on most issues — could be seen as running on Biden’s agenda.

maybe that was the plan all along


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3aa81f No.209064

File: a300ddc121369b5⋯.png (190.67 KB,481x680,481:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 704bbd5a974a2fb⋯.png (110.67 KB,502x556,251:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441387 (191658ZAUG24) Notable: @harleydavidson just issued this statement where they promise no more woke

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Robby Starbuck


Another win for our movement. I couldn’t do this without all of you. @harleydavidson just issued this statement where they promise:

• No more DEI functions

• No more supplier diversity spend goals

• They’ll no longer participate in @HRC scoring

• Sponsorship activities are changing and will focus exclusively on motorcycling, first responders, active military and veterans

• No more woke trainings with socially motivated messaging inside of them

Harley-Davidson corporate can be sad all they want but our movement gets results.

If you want to expose the company you work at for woke policies, DM me with evidence or ask for our email address for tips. If you support what we’re doing to bring sanity back to corporate America, subscribe to my X page for $5/month. It helps pay for our researchers and my team. This is only the beginning. Normal people just want sanity back and I’m your megaphone. 🔥🔥

I’ll make a video reacting in full later today.

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3aa81f No.209065

File: 339914e00ed2797⋯.jpeg (279.21 KB,1060x544,265:136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441442 (191708ZAUG24) Notable: House Republicans Release Scathing 300-page Report Outlining Biden Impeachment Evidence

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House Republicans Release Scathing 300-page Report Outlining Biden Impeachment Evidence

August 19, 2024 | Sundance |

Never to be accused of doing anything timely for the American people, the republicans on the House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees just released a 291-page report today [full pdf here], highlighting the evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption in office.

The Republicans couldn’t wait to send money to Ukraine. The same Republicans rushed a FISA reauthorization bill. The Republicans also fast-tracked a Green New Deal bill under the guise of an Inflation Reduction Act, and they delivered a fake border security bill. However, it took them three years to outline Biden’s pay-to-play schemes. Go figure.

Joe Biden is heading to the exit, his cohort Kamala now represents the face of the administration,and here comes the Chaff and Countermeasures committee members with their outrage and shock.

As noted by Politico, “House Republican investigators accused President Joe Biden of engaging in “impeachable conduct” as part of a long-awaited report. It’s unlikely to change a reality the party has faced for months: They don’t have the votes to impeach him.” (more)

(I always wondered why they didn't start the day he took office, but then I realized its just gaslighting, but never for justice to applied). Now they'll get all these interviews with Fox, claiming they succeeded in revealing what every sane person knew when he stole the office.

How long will they slow walk and cover up the assassination attempt?


Link to PDF too large to post here


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3aa81f No.209066

File: f09b6f5df09e3bb⋯.jpg (347.83 KB,1284x1594,642:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441444 (191709ZAUG24) Notable: House Republicans Release Scathing 300-page Report Outlining Biden Impeachment Evidence

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Catherine Herridge


Financial records, sworn testimony.


alleges “…conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family.”

Major receipts 👇


Oversight committee of House, during Impeachment investigation of J. Biden found he used his office to enrich his family.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209067

File: a99c89ca2f48ade⋯.png (865.1 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441456 (191713ZAUG24) Notable: PF - B-1 Lancer approaching Chicago. kek

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>Chicago DNC Day One Edition


B-1 Lancer approaching Chicago. kek


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209068

File: 40bf2a2e6580e7f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 5751453eb243432⋯.png (955 KB,1229x534,1229:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441515 (191723ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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The Commie Coalition

U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)

Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR)

National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR)

Students for a Democratic Society (National & at UIC)

Anakbayan Chicago

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Black Lives Matter Chicago

Únete La Villita

International League of People's Struggles

Arab American Action Network

Federation of Michoacan Clubs of Illinois/Federación De Clubes Michoacános En Illinois (Fedecmi)

Mamas Activating Movements for Abolition & Solidarity


Chicago Anti-War Committee

Palestinian Feminist Collective

Students for Justice in Palestine Chicago




Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network

Colorado Palestine Coalition

Tucson Anti War Committee

Chicago Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines

All-African People's Revolutionary Party (GC)

International Migrants Alliance-USA (IMA-USA)

Malcolm X Center for Self Determination

Milwaukee Anti-war Committee

18 Million Rising

Pilsen Alliance

Pan-African Roots

Doctors Against Genocide

Palestinian Assembly for Liberation

American Muslims for Palestine Chicago

Muslims for Just Futures

Legalization for All

American Party of Labor

Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC)

Climate Alliance of the South Sound

Black Alliance for Peace

Twin Cities Coalition for Justice

MN Anti-War Committee

Climate Justice Committee

Proletariat Representation USA

National Lawyers Guild-Task Force on the Americas/San Francisco Bay Area chapter

Diaspora Pa'lante Collective

Justice, Unity, & Social Transformation

ANSWER Coalition - Chicago

New Orleans Stop Helping Israel’s Ports (NOSHIP)

Party for Socialism & Liberation

Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids

SDS DePaul

Starbucks Workers United Chicago

Muslim Women Kreate

Chicago Activist Coalition For Justice

Democratic Socialists of America

Green Bay Antiwar Committee

Tampa Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

HANA Center

Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation (SOUL)

Black Brown + Breathing

New Afrikan Black Panther Party 05/United Panther Movement

San Jose peace and justice center

Chicago Votes

Workers World Party

Immigrant Solidarity Network

United National Antiwar Coalition

Mississippi Rising Coalition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441525 (191724ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The Commie Coalition

Food Not Bombs

US Students Against Imperialism

Ceasefire 2024

Socialist Action

Palestine Activism Collective

Fargo-Moorhead Mutual Aid & Direct Action Network

Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA)

NAKASEC Action Fund

Denver Communists


Unidos Por El Pueblo (UPEP)

Freedom Socialist Party

Free Palestine Coalition

Radical Public Health

American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition

Central Florida Queers for Palestine

Release 2.0, Inc.

Asians 4 Palestine DMV

Skaters In Solidarity

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Jewish Voice for Peace Chicago

U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Counter Coalition


Northwest Center

National Students for Justice in Palestine

Minnesota Peace Action Coalition

Humboldt Socialist Union

Dear Asian Youth

Socialist Alternative

Students for a Democratic Society at LSU

Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

University of Washington Progressive Student Union

Palestinian Youth Movement

SoapBox Productions & Organizing

Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)

Milwaukee For Yemen

Reproductive Justice Action- Milwaukee

Starbucks Workers United Saint Louis

Workers Strike Back

Coalition for Ethical Reporting on Palestine

Women Against Military Madness

About Face: Vets Against the War

International Women's Alliance

Healthcare Workers for Palestine

Healing our Homeland

Committee for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel

Supply and Demand for MKE Resistance

Labor for Palestine National Network

Extinction Rebellion Pathways

Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War

Foundation for Direct Action Against Apartheid

Tree Of Life Justice League Of IL

Nodutdol for Korean Community Development

Florida Palestine Network

Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Atlanta Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Palestine Action of South Sound

The Orange Tent Project

SouthWest Virginia Coalition for Palestine

Chicagoland Jewish Labor Bund

Abandon Biden

Minnesota Workers United


IRTF Cleveland-InterReligious Task Force on Central America

Move to Amend

The Roots of Change Agency

Beyond the Ballot


Devin Davis for Congress

Peoples Power Assembly

Struggle La Lucha

Supply and Demand for MKE Resistance

Labor for Palestine National Network

Extinction Rebellion Pathways

Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War

Foundation for Direct Action Against Apartheid

Milwaukee for Yemen

Tree Of Life Justice League Of IL

Nodutdol for Korean Community Development

Florida Palestine Network

Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Atlanta Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Palestine Action of South Sound

The Orange Tent Project

SouthWest Virginia Coalition for Palestine

Chicagoland Jewish Labor Bund

Abandon Biden

Minnesota Workers United


IRTF Cleveland-InterReligious Task Force on Central America

Youth National United Front

Move to Amend

The Roots of Change Agency

Beyond the Ballot

Kalamazoo Nonviolent Opponents of War


Devin Davis for Congress

Peoples Power Assembly

Struggle La Lucha

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society

Students for a Democratic Society at UW-Milwaukee



Nikkei Uprising

United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

Women Against Military Madness

MN Abortion Action Committee

Chicago Asian Americans for Environmental Justice

Black Alliance for Peace - Midwest Region

High Country Peace and Justice

African Awareness Association Inc.

Justice for the Middle East

Columbia Heights for Palestine

33rd Ward Working Families

American Party of Labor - Los Angeles

Tempest Collective

Cincinnati Socialists

Illinois Coalition of African American Women Progressives

Organizing White Men for Collective Liberation

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

San Jose Against War

Southsiders For Peace


Veterans For Peace

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space

Peoples LGBT+ United Society

Horizon Federation

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee

Uhuru Solidarity Movement

Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition

Chicago for Abortion Rights

Chicago Jobs with Justice

California United

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441528 (191725ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>The Commie Coalition

Newberry Workers United (AFSCME Local 2788)

War Industry Resisters Network

Gay Liberation Network

New York Community Action Project

Tzedek Chicago

Moms United Against Violence & Incarceration

Aaron Bushnell Liberation Foundation

No Tech For Apartheid

The CHAAD Project


Education Workers for Palestine

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment

1021 Members for Palestine (SEIU 1021)

Queer and Trans Community Action Project

Black Lives Matter Women of Faith

Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement

Global Women United For Peace Against NATO

Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Minnesota

Grand Valley State University Students for a Democratic Society

SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire


Shop Floor Educators

Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality

Never Again Action Chicago

Loyola New Orleans SDS

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, USMichigan

Social Workers for Palestine

Seattle Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Mennonite Action ChicagoSolidarity

University of Central Florida Students for a Democratic Society (UCF SDS)

New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police

Education Workers for Palestine – Chicago

North American Climate, Conservation and Environment

1021 Members for Palestine (SEIU 1021)

Queer and Trans Community Action Project

Black Lives Matter Women of Faith

Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement

Global Women United For Peace Against NATO

Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Grand Valley State University Students for a Democratic Society

SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire


Shop Floor Educators

Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality

Never Again Action Chicago

Loyola New Orleans SDS

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US

Michigan Social Workers for Palestine

Seattle Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Mennonite Action Chicago


University of Central Florida Students for a Democratic Society (UCF SDS)

New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police

Sunrise Movement Pittsburgh

World Socialist Youth

United Neighbors of the 35th Ward


Chicago United Solidarity Project

Grassroots Global Justice

Chicago Labor Network for Palestine

Muslim Counterpublics Lab

Howard County for a Free Palestine

Korean Friendship Association USA


People's Response Network (PRN)

Voces de la Frontera Action

Sunrise Movement New Orleans

Progressive Democrats of America - Central New Mexico

99 Coalition

Keweenaw Socialists

Ohio Peace Council

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441532 (191725ZAUG24) Notable: moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)

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>>The Commie Coalition

The Coalition to March on the DNC is organizing a protest at the Democratic National Convention being held in Chicago on August 19th - 22nd, 2024. We are also organizing actions leading up to the Democratic National Convention to build unity and momentum.

The March on the DNC will be a march for Palestine. Our main demand will be:

Stand with Palestine! End U.S. Aid to Israel

We will also be bringing together the demands of the people’s movements to the door of the Democratic party:

Money for Jobs, School, Healthcare, Housing, and Environment, Not for War!

Immigrant Rights and Legalization for All Undocumented Workers!

Defend LGBTQIA+ & Reproductive Rights!

Defend the right to unionize and strike!

Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now!

Justice, Peace, and Equality!

About the march:

Almost every single year for the last few decades, the US Gross Domestic Product has gone up. Despite that, we see decreased public spending towards our essential needs, even as politicians increase spending for the military and police. We’re told that the Democrats are better than Republicans, but their actions demonstrate that they are just as aligned with the Republicans when it comes to war spending.

When we say money for jobs, housing, health, and education, we are voicing the demands of the people who are supposed to have a voice in the government that represents them. They are basic and legitimate needs that we with the March on the DNC Coalition believes everyone across this country and the globe deserves.

The fight for permits:

Right now, the Coalition to March on the DNC is demanding a permit recognizing the right of working and oppressed people to protest for justice within sight and sound of the Democratic National Convention. We are organizing a family friendly march and we need permits to ensure the safety of participants and that the police respect our event.

On August 18th, we applied for event permits with the Parks District and Transportation Department. Our application was immediately denied on what we believe is an unfair premise that permits are not currently being granted.

We do not believe that events like Lollapalooza, Riot Fest, or the DNC don't already have park or street permits for next year. We are filing FOIA requests to view the City's response to other permit applications such as for Lollapalooza and the DNC itself. If necessary, we will proceed with a lawsuit. The Democratic Party is bringing thousands of people into the city for an event, and we plan to bring thousands as well. Bringing people together cannot be something only the rich and powerful are allowed to do.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441557 (191727ZAUG24) Notable: #26274

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Baker Seeks HandOff top of next

Will Ghost in 15 min if no takers

Thank You Anons


#26274 >>209004

>>209005 Stacey Abrams' Take on JD Vance Is Something Else

>>209006 Space Station Astronaut Starts Mixing Cement for Future Moon Base

>>209007, >>209009 General Flynn Discusses the Blackmail & Bribery Schemes that Control US Politicians

>>209008, >>209013 Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Economy in York, Pennsylvania and JD Vance in Philadelphia

>>209010 2016 Obama Unmasking Of Trump Officials

>>209011, >>209022 More Curious Claims about the Trump Assassination Attempt & SS

>>209012 The Charlie Kirk Show - Real America's Voice

>>209014 MOAR Starmer Guardian of the Pedos

>>209015, >>209023 Flashback: Phil Donahue Interviews Donald Trump and then fast forward interview

>>209016, >>209058 Watch the Supermoon Blue Moon rise today

>>209017, >>209027, >>209033, >>209040, >>209049 Space News

>>209018 They want Trump's sentencing to be secret.

>>209019 Kevin O’Leary Exposed Democrats Dark Plan to Install Kamala Harris as President

>>209020, >>209021 Joe and Jill Biden will NOT attend Kamala’s nomination speech and plan to leave DNC after his farewell address

>>209024 @KashPatel Trump has always been the best at putting together the best team for every moment he needs

>>209025, >>209035, >>209062 House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family

>>209026, >>209031, >>209051, >>209052, >>209055, >>209068, >>209069, >>209070, >>209071 moar SDS DNC Weather Underground history (organizations)


>>209029 Russia says 90% of trade with China is now settled in national currencies, effectively ditching the US dollar

>>209030, >>209032 Time for NeverTrump Republicans to Put on their Big Boy Pants

>>209034, >>209054 DC Councilman arrested for bribery

>>209036 Soros Stops Spending On Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors

>>209037, >>209038 Fight! Fight! Fight!

>>209039, >>209045 Protests outside DNC live link

>>209041 Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia

>>209042 Is the Vatican Hiding UFO Secrets?

>>209043, >>209061, >>209063 Democrat Platform Refers to ‘Second Biden Term’ 19 Times… 19 times!

>>209044 UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors, some violent offenders

>>209046, >>209050 il TRUMPO keks - LOVE THE SMELL OF PANIC IN THE MORNING!!!

>>209047 We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

>>209048, >>209057 Georgia Elections now requiring election workers to compare total votes with ID'ed VOTERS in the system

>>209053 Bizarre 'alien mummies' found with 'mobile phones' made of osmium buried inside them

>>209056 DOJ Keeping Jan 6ers In Prison Despite Supreme Court Ruling To Set Them Free!

>>209059 Today in Q Post History - There are 05 QPosts on the date of August 19

>>209060 Majority of your social security numbers was hacked and stolt

>>209064 @harleydavidson just issued this statement where they promise no more woke

>>209065, >>209066 House Republicans Release Scathing 300-page Report Outlining Biden Impeachment Evidence

>>209067 PF - B-1 Lancer approaching Chicago. kek

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3aa81f No.209075

File: bf70724c323ad58⋯.png (206.36 KB,568x646,284:323,Clipboard.png)

File: ab8d2b1f0cfcf93⋯.png (248.91 KB,390x397,390:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441567 (191729ZAUG24) Notable: #26275

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Baker Seeks HandOff

Will Ghost in 15 min

Thank You Anons



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3aa81f No.209076

File: 083142aaa94ef35⋯.jpeg (420.03 KB,1284x2142,214:357,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6d219ff588621a3⋯.jpeg (178.67 KB,1205x623,1205:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce1629988db3572⋯.jpeg (182.69 KB,1209x689,93:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441592 (191731ZAUG24) Notable: Trump’s 2024 YouGov polling numbers are blowing his YouGov 2020 numbers *out of the water*

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🚨You ready for some really good news?

Trump’s 2024 YouGov polling numbers are blowing his YouGov 2020 numbers *out of the water*🔥

Hispanic: 32% in 2020 -> now 41% in 2024

Black: 9% -> 17% (almost double!)

Men: 44% -> 54%

Women: 37% -> 44%

Seniors: 45% -> 57%

Even with Biden getting “the most votes in history” (LOL🤬), he only squeaked by in the Electoral College by less than 50,000 votes across 3 states

Even if Kamala improves her YouGov numbers by 30% between now and election day (I’d argue her numbers will actually go down after the debates), she’s still getting blown out in the Electoral College

Proof is in the numbers and it’s looking like a Trump landslide


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3aa81f No.209077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441599 (191732ZAUG24) Notable: Harris Campaign’s Legal Team Takes Shape as Election Battles Heat Up

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(New Headline: We are cheating again, we'be bought more judges, election officials, and much more than we did before with a worse loser than bidan, Kamala HarrisIt will cost billions that we'll earn.)

Harris Campaign’s Legal Team Takes Shape as Election Battles Heat Up

August 17, 2024.1/2

Amid threats of certification battles and mass voter challenges, Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has assembled an expansive senior legal team that will oversee hundreds of lawyers and thousands of volunteers in a sprawling operation designed to be a bulwark against what Democrats expect to be an aggressive Republican effort to challenge voters, rules and, possibly, the results of the 2024 election.

The legal apparatus within the Harris campaign will oversee multiple aspects of the election program, including voter protection, recounts and general election litigation, and it is adding Marc Elias, one of the party’s top election lawyers, to focus on potential recounts.

The legal group is headed by Bob Bauer, who served as lead counsel to President Biden for years, and Dana Remus, the general counsel to the 2020 Biden campaign, and also includes Maury Riggan, the general counsel for the Harris campaign. Josh Hsu, formerly from the vice president’s office, will join the team, and Vanita Gupta, a former director of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and a top Biden Justice Department official, is an informal adviser.

The campaign will also lean on the top lawyers at three prominent law firms — Seth Waxman, Donald Verrilli and John Devaney — to handle litigation, and deploy local counsel to eight battleground states and four other states of interest.

Mr. Elias, who has had tensions withMr. Bauer and other Democratic lawyers in the past, will also bring lawyers from his growing firm, Elias Law Group. He has also previously worked for Ms. Harris, serving as general counsel for her primary campaign in 2020.

Ms. Remus said in a statement that the legal team had been working “uninterrupted over the last four years, building strategic plans in key states, adding more talent and capacity, and preparing for all possible scenarios.”

“This year, like in 2020, we have the nation’s finest lawyers at the table, ready to work together tirelessly to ensure our election will be free, fair and secure — and to ensure that all eligible voters will be able to cast their ballots, knowing their votes will be counted,” Ms. Remus said.

The origins of the effort date back to July 2020, when Walter Dellinger, a former acting solicitor general, called top officials on Mr. Biden’s legal team saying they needed to create “something we’ve never created before,” because the Trump campaign and its allies were beginning to bring cases and lay the groundwork for litigation.

With the lessons of 2020 still fresh in Democrats’ minds, Harris advisers claim that the legal team is about 10 times the size of the 2020 operation.

The expansive new Democratic legal team, and the opposing group at the Republican National Committee, is a reflection of the legal arms race that is the new reality of American elections since Mr. Trump’s election victory in 2016. The battle over whose votes count — not just how many votes are counted — has become central to modern presidential campaigns.

For months, the Trump campaign and the R.N.C. have signaled a first-of-its-kind approach to what it calls “election integrity,” announcing a plan in April to dispatch more than 100,000 volunteers and lawyers to monitor and potentially challenge the electoral process in each of the battleground states. Already, the pre-election period has been the most litigious in modern history, with dozens of lawsuits filed by Republicans and their allies alone in 25 states.


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3aa81f No.209078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441604 (191733ZAUG24) Notable: Harris Campaign’s Legal Team Takes Shape as Election Battles Heat Up

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A spokeswoman for the R.N.C. did not respond to requests for comment.

Democrats have been highlighting recent wins in many of the court battles as part of their effort to get ahead of voting issues. In Nevada, a judge dismissed a lawsuit in July filed by Republicans challenging a state law that allows ballots arriving up to four days after Election Day to be counted. In Mississippi, a judge rejected a similar challenge from Republicans that ballots that are postmarked by Election Day but arrive five days later should not be counted.

And in June, a federal judge rejected an argument from Republicans that voter rolls in Nevada had significant inconsistencies, finding that the R.N.C. and the voter who filed the lawsuit did not have legal standing.

Core to the Democratic legal effort is the party’s voter protection program, which operates as both a traditional assistance program to voters as well as the eyes and ears of the legal team to help counter any false claims of fraud or malfeasance.

Helmed by Meredith Horton, the program is focused on eight battleground states (Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and New Hampshire) as well as four states of interest (Florida, Virginia, Minnesota and Maine). The program has more than 100 staff members across those 12 states, they said, buttressed by hundreds more volunteers and thousands of poll monitors recruited by the party.

“This program is one that we are building to meet this moment,” Ms. Horton said in an interview, calling it the largest of its kind in Democratic presidential campaign history.

For now, the voter program is focused on both education and protection. In Georgia, that translates to heavy involvement in pushing back on mass challenges to voter eligibility from right-wing groups. The team looks at lists of challenged voters and helps them assemble the necessary documents to prove eligibility, and works with the local officials making decisions on the challenges to understand the law.

In Arizona, the group is investing heavily in voter education about the two-page ballot that will appear this cycle, making sure that voters are aware of all the races and do not miss the second page.

And in Wisconsin, Ms. Horton’s team is looking to leverage a recent state supreme court decision to allow drop boxes in the upcoming election, working to let voters know about the change and encouraging to local officials to deploy them in populous areas.

After Election Day, the task changes. Staff members and volunteers will work on absentee ballot chase-and-cure programs, assisting voters whose ballots were rejected but could still be fixed in time to count. They will also look out for evidence to help rebut any claims that seek to challenge certification in a state.

“We are more prepared as a campaign than we’ve ever been in the past cycles,” Ms. Horton said.


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3aa81f No.209079

File: 94b90f0104639ba⋯.png (831.63 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441607 (191733ZAUG24) Notable: The DNC will be at 2 locations in Chicago. Here's where to expect crowds

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>Chicago D&C Abortion Ritual


Most events at the convention, including major speeches, will take place at the United Center in the city's Near West Side neighborhood, with extensive street closures and traffic delays expected.

Other events at the upcoming DNC will be held at the McCormick Place, located south of downtown and just east of the city'sChinatownneighborhood.


pretty much says it all

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3aa81f No.209080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441616 (191735ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on the economy in York, Pennsylvania, on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 1:00 p.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change.

The Birch Gold Group: Get your free Gold IRA information kit simply by going to https://birchgold.com/rsbn today!

The Wellness Company Contagion Kit, are you ready for the future? Get yours today at https://makecaregreatagain.com

Tax Network USA: Be sure you are ready for the IRS, go to https://taxnetworkusa.com/rsbn to get started!


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3aa81f No.209081

File: eff1e7112ee23f0⋯.png (415.16 KB,530x489,530:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441647 (191740ZAUG24) Notable: U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden's planned "farewell" address to the DNC.

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NEW: U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden's planned "farewell" address to the DNC.

Are they finally giving Biden the permanent boot?


Is Biden going to step down tonight?

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3aa81f No.209082

File: 5a105e9dc94eb24⋯.jpg (531.7 KB,1936x1936,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441659 (191743ZAUG24) Notable: DJT - POTUS new twitter pin since his ban.

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POTUS new twitter pin since his ban.


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3aa81f No.209083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441664 (191744ZAUG24) Notable: Wisconsin active voter registration list run through our TITAN system

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Peter Bernegger on Telegram:

Wisconsin active voter registration list run through our TITAN system:

-Invalid Address 11,291

-Commercial Address 142

-Missing or wrong APT, Unit No. 67,132

-Door Not Accessible to delivery mail 5,053

-Single receptacle/multiple people 14,903

-Mailing error codes mail may not arrive 138,843

-Both 1st & 2nd no. of address failed 31,719

example: 123 Oak St Apt #4 both


-No secure location to leave mail 1,249

-Post Ofc physical street address used 75

-Person is no longer at the address 14,307

-Duplicates, same name and address 1,133

-Voter registered on a major holiday 117,478

-Voter left no forwarding address 16,747

-Permanently moved out of state 42,043

-Permanently moved to new county

(within Wisconsin) 56,457

-Permanently moved Jan 2024 or

earlier, still voted in April 2nd election 2,585

-All True NCOA moves 226,600

-Non-residential Highrise Addresses 1,254

-Prison Address (address type

however shows mental institutions) 132

-Residential Non-Residential Addrs 48,113

-Error codes per US Postal Service 49,689

Total 748,165 with issues

Data sources: state and federal government. Only Actives run. Showing again how outright corrupt our voter rolls are. All 50 states are dirty.

See the nine other states we ran in previous posts (going back this month and some into July). NC, GA, MI, MN, NV, PA, CO, Travis County TX, MD and WI. And these Wis. Election Commissioners will say "file a complaint". No, you do your jobs or quit being a Commissioner.

~ Peter Bernegger


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3aa81f No.209084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441671 (191744ZAUG24) Notable: Anthony Blinken in Israel says the U.S. is fully prepared to defend the country.

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BREAKING: Anthony Blinken in Israel says the U.S. is fully prepared to defend the country.



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3aa81f No.209085

File: 2059b37296347c7⋯.png (2.49 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 103982883a2b165⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441673 (191744ZAUG24) Notable: PF Report

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>>209067 last bread

>PF - B-1 Lancer approaching Chicago. kek

Just entered Canadian airspace. This could be the beginning of an overseas run. But could also be a head fake. We'll see what happens.


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3aa81f No.209086

File: a7ba45a7e15f438⋯.png (337.12 KB,568x464,71:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441689 (191746ZAUG24) Notable: Biden’s Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo Wants to Keep Sentencing Recommendation in Trump’s ‘Hush Money’ Case Under Seal

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Biden’s Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo Wants to Keep Sentencing Recommendation in Trump’s ‘Hush Money’ Case Under Seal


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3aa81f No.209087

File: 6fe69940772f3a0⋯.png (771.78 KB,982x713,982:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441711 (191752ZAUG24) Notable: Happy National Potato Day

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Happy National Potato Day

Today is National Potato Day. Ironic that Biden will be giving his speech at DNC today as well.


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3aa81f No.209088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441713 (191753ZAUG24) Notable: Protests outside the convention hall during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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another feed

mostly just these freaks chanting shit and screaming

Protests outside the convention hall during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Roland S. Martin


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3aa81f No.209089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441718 (191753ZAUG24) Notable: Report accuses Vindman of breaking law with congressional campaigning

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Report accuses Vindman of breaking law with congressional campaigning

'Something funny happened when the Washington Free Beacon contacted the campaign of Trump whistleblower turned congressional candidate Eugene Vindman last week'


Bob Unruh

August 19, 2024

"Something funny happened when the Washington Free Beacon contacted the campaign of Trump whistleblower turned congressional candidate Eugene Vindman last week. Vindman, a 24-year Army veteran, says he 'served our nation in combat.' A 2019 Daily Mail piece said he 'has not seen combat.' The Free Beacon asked the campaign to explain the discrepancy," the report said.


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3aa81f No.209090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441733 (191757ZAUG24) Notable: Protests outside the convention hall during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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DNC LIVE: Protests held outside the convention hall in Chicago

Associated Press


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3aa81f No.209091

File: 92a7be81a5c6fa0⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,486x270,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441740 (191757ZAUG24) Notable: Raffensburger Election Fraud promoter of Georgia sweaty under questioning.

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Liz Harrington


What the heck is he even talking about?

“I guess what they want to see is elections take till 3 a.m. like in Detroit, Michigan.”

It’s Fulton County that counts ballots in the middle of the night.

1) His system is not fast, they dragged the count out for days in 2020

2) He doesn’t want the ballots hand counted and cross checked with the machines because they won’t match

3) This interview looks like a hostage video


Raffensburger Election Fraud promoter of Georgia sweaty under questioning.

Only answer as to why the vote is necessarily unexamined, except by him and his people?

"It would take too long, middle of the night; otherwise" to paraphrase

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3aa81f No.209092

File: 3584280716626dd⋯.png (1 MB,1388x813,1388:813,Clipboard.png)

File: aecb9b3c414e56e⋯.png (1.77 MB,1920x966,320:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441742 (191757ZAUG24) Notable: PF Report

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>Just entered Canadian airspace. This could be the beginning of an overseas run. But could also be a head fake. We'll see what happens.


Judging by the MLAT coverage map, think it's pretty safe to say that they have actually switched off ADS-B and not just flown out of receiver range.

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3aa81f No.209093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441749 (191759ZAUG24) Notable: Raffensburger Election Fraud promoter of Georgia sweaty under questioning.

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sauce / link


from Trump's ex- Press Secretary, Liz Harrington

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3aa81f No.209094

File: de8830846783dac⋯.jpeg (598.04 KB,1284x2276,321:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441761 (191800ZAUG24) Notable: Scott Pressler is in PA signing people up to vote, he needs help. Check out Bannons War room to volunteer

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Scott Pressler is in PA signing people up to vote, he needs help. Check out Bannons War room to volunteer

Without PA there is no winning!


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3aa81f No.209095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441789 (191806ZAUG24) Notable: FBI Raids Home of 2016 Trump Campaign Adviser

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FBI Raids Home of 2016 Trump Campaign Adviser

It's 2024. Why'd they wait so long?

by NOEL FRITSCH August 19, 2024 in News

Last Updated on August 19, 2024

It’s 2024, so the F.B.I. Raids Are BACK!

Last week, FBI agents raided and searched the Virginia home of Dimitri Simes.

Simes is an author and policy analyst who advised Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign.

Simes currently hosts a news show on Channel One, a Russian television outlet.

The raid began on the 13th of August, according to the Rappahannock News, who first reported the story after corresponding with the FBI.

Fleeing Soviets looking for freedom is a suspicious activity, according to Politico and Robert Mueller.

Simes’s name appeared more than 100 times in the 2019 Mueller report into the now-disproven Russia Collusion Hoax, which mainstream media outlets referred to as “Russian interference” in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election.

Simes told media members he was out of the country and was not notified about the raid or the search warrant ahead of time by the FBI.

“I’m puzzled and concerned,” he said. “I have not seen a warrant. I was not contacted by any law enforcement or anyone else whatsoever.”

He was not aware he was the focus of any current law enforcement investigation, he said.

In an interview with Russian government-owned Sputnik News, Simes said on Friday that the raid “clearly is an attempt to intimidate, not only somebody from Russia, but just anyone who goes against official policies and particularly against the deep state”.

“My suspicion is that instead of trying to get me to come to the United States and to interrogate me or even to arrest me, their real purpose is to make sure that I would not come back,” Simes continued.

Dimitri Simes Jr, the elder Simes’s son, conveyed to Sputnik News that his father has not been in the United States since October 2022.

“The Biden regime is terrified of being called out over Ukraine and Israel,” he tweeted on Friday.

In another tweet, he added: “Elements of Biden regime are trying to disrupt any possibility for deescalation with Russia and plunge America into World War III.”


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3aa81f No.209096

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441790 (191806ZAUG24) Notable: The Dan Bongino Show - Deep State Plot Against Trump Takes Troubling Twist (Ep. 2311)

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Deep State Plot Against Trump Takes Troubling Twist (Ep. 2311). Today

The Dan Bongino Show

Full show 59 minutes


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3aa81f No.209097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441796 (191807ZAUG24) Notable: Netanyahu Acknowledges U.S. Support: “Message Received”

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Netanyahu Acknowledges U.S. Support: “Message Received”

🇮🇱 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed gratitude for the United States’ support regarding Israel's security interests. In his statement, he highlighted the collaborative efforts to secure the release of hostages and emphasized the importance of the U.S. understanding in these critical times.

#Netanyahu #USSupport #HostageCrisis #IsraelSecurity #InternationalRelations


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3aa81f No.209098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441821 (191811ZAUG24) Notable: Israel bombs Hezbollah weapons depot in northeastern Lebanon.

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JUST IN: 🇮🇱 🇱🇧 Israel bombs Hezbollah weapons depot in northeastern Lebanon.


About to kick off.

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3aa81f No.209099

File: 3e517e0f08bb457⋯.png (259.03 KB,1428x1012,357:253,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf108db7050f0b⋯.png (1.12 MB,1436x1134,718:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441825 (191811ZAUG24) Notable: Rescuers Monday searching for 6 people, incl. British tech tycoon Mike Lynch – went missing after luxury yacht hit by tornado

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> Rescuers were on Monday searching for six people – including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch – who went missing after a luxury yacht was hit by a tornado and sank off the coast of Sicily, killing one of the 22 people on board.

>Six people missing and one dead after tornado sinks luxury yacht off Sicily

The vessel was hit by the tornado at around 5 a.m. Monday, according to a spokesperson for Italy’s Coast Guard. The yacht was anchored about a half a mile from the port of Porticello on the Mediterranean island.

>torrential rainfall late Sunday, dumping more than 4 inches (100 mm) of rain in less than four hours in Brolo, east of Palermo

> Lynch, the British entrepreneur missing from the yacht, had been plagued by legal woes since 2011, when he sold his company to tech firm Hewlett-Packard (HP) for $11 billion.

>In June, he was acquitted of fraud by a jury in San Francisco, after prosecutors accused him of trying to inflate Autonomy’s revenue in the latest chapter of the legal saga.

> He turned ground-breaking research at Cambridge University into the foundation of Autonomy, which became Britain’s biggest software company and a member of the blue-chip FTSE 100 index.

Lynch was lauded by academics and scientists and asked to advise the British government on technology and innovation.

Ownership records held by maritime information service Equasis show that the yacht is owned by the Isle of Man-registered Revtom Limited company. Revtom Limited’s latest annual return from April lists Bacares as its owner.


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3aa81f No.209100

File: 00851eb6aac0adf⋯.png (585.43 KB,742x1268,371:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 92fa589a52e3cb0⋯.png (288.25 KB,836x1320,19:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441850 (191815ZAUG24) Notable: Rescuers Monday searching for 6 people, incl. British tech tycoon Mike Lynch – went missing after luxury yacht hit by tornado

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>In 1991, Mr Lynch helped establish Cambridge Neurodynamics - a firm which specialised in using computer-based detection and recognition of fingerprints.

>His tech firm Autonomy was created five years later, using a statistical method known as "Bayesian inference" at the core of its software.

>The company's fast-paced growth and success throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s saw Mr Lynch earn a number of awards and accolades.

>In 2006 he was awarded an OBE in recognition of his service to UK enterprise.

>He served on the board of the BBC as a non-executive director, and in 2011 was appointed to the government's council for science and technology - advising then prime minister David Cameron on the risks and possibilities of AI development.

>After Autonomy's sale to HP in 2011 - from which Mr Lynch is believed to have netted £500m - he went on to establish tech investment firm Invoke Capital.

>The venture capital fund invested in the creation of British cyber security company Darktrace in 2013.


any guesses who would want this man to go away?

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3aa81f No.209101

File: d216694afa4e58d⋯.png (309.84 KB,622x463,622:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441898 (191826ZAUG24) Notable: Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots w/posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline Aug 18

Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots with posts


Aug 18, 2024 · 11:20 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209102

File: 80adaa22c93ed4f⋯.png (2.89 MB,2626x926,1313:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21441917 (191830ZAUG24) Notable: Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots w/posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline Aug 18

Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots with posts


Aug 18, 2024 · 11:20 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442027 (191850ZAUG24) Notable: EU capital’s government bans Telegram

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EU capital’s government bans Telegram

The messaging app is subject to the risk of espionage, the municipality of Amsterdam has claimed

The municipality of Amsterdam has barred its civil servants from using the encrypted messaging service Telegram on their work phones, citing alleged criminal activities on the app and the risk of espionage, the radio broadcaster BNR reported on Monday.

A spokesperson for Amsterdam IT councilor Alexander Scholtes confirmed the move to BNR, stating that the ban was enacted in late April but had not been publicly communicated.

Telegram is a “safe haven for hackers, cybercriminals, and drug dealers,” Scholtes claimed, adding there were also concerns about possible espionage via the app.

According to the report, last September Amsterdam city councilor Fatihya Abdi called for a national ban of the platform, claiming that young people were being recruited via the app to commit crimes across the country.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands has a list of the “most risky” apps that should not be installed on work phones, BNR wrote.

Telegram, which is reportedly used by nearly two million people in the Netherlands, is the largest app to be banned since the country’s government prohibited use of the Chinese-owned short-video platform TikTok on work phones last year.

Telegram is the most used messaging app in Russia and has been also gaining popularity in the rest of the world in recent years, especially after Meta changed the privacy settings of WhatsApp.

Like WhatsApp or Messenger, Telegram allows users to send private and group messages. Unlike its American competitors, however, it also allows users to set up channels to disseminate news and updates to followers.

Telegram’s Russian-born owner, Pavel Durov, has insisted that he respects the rights of Telegram users to privacy and freedom of expression. In an interview in April with American journalist Tucker Carlson, Durov said that he had refused requests to share user data with the US government or to build so-called surveillance “backdoors” into the platform.

In July, Durov announced that Telegram had reached 950 million monthly active users and continues to grow rapidly. Durov, who first founded VK, Russia’s answer to Facebook, sold his stake in VK and left Russia in 2014 due to disagreements with the government. He lived in several countries while looking for the best place from which to run Telegram and ultimately settled in Dubai.

EU officials have been seeking to regulate Telegram and are reportedly considering classifying the app as a “very large online platform.” This would open the privacy-focused messaging app up to stringent EU censorship rules.


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3aa81f No.209104

File: a5d1aa4e209b414⋯.png (1.13 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442035 (191852ZAUG24) Notable: PF Report

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B-1 has been off network for an hour now. Meanwhile three B-52s are now in the air.


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3aa81f No.209105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442036 (191852ZAUG24) Notable: Iran close to nuclear weapons - US House Intel head

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iran close to nuclear weapons – US House Intel head

Tehran could become a nuclear state by the end of the year due to US President Joe Biden’s failed policies, Rep. Mike Turner has warned

Iran could develop nuclear weapons by the end of this year, US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner warned in a statement to CBS on Sunday.

The Ohio Republican claimed that the policies pursued by President Joe Biden and his administration in relation to Iran have failed and suggested that under former President and current Republican nominee Donald Trump things would be different.

“Tehran could declare itself a nuclear state by the end of the year due to US President Joe Biden’s failed policies,” Turner said, stating that several reports have come out that outline this possibility. He added that such a development would mark a major escalation that the US has sought for years to avoid.

Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a similar warning, suggesting that it would take Tehran “one or two weeks” to get the necessary materials to build a nuclear weapon, noting that the country had been stockpiling near-weapons-grade uranium since the US unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal (officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) in 2018.

After “the nuclear agreement was thrown out, instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, [Iran] is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that,” the US diplomat said at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.

The JCPOA, which was signed in 2015 by Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the UK, and US under President Barack Obama, entailed Tehran scaling down its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions.


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3aa81f No.209106

File: ad9bc1fa28dad41⋯.png (398.86 KB,556x569,556:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f102e8da0e0ff2⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,968x848,121:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442074 (191859ZAUG24) Notable: UK is releasing 5500 convicts back onto the streets to make room for those who protest on social media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK is releasing 5500 convicts back onto the streets to make room for those who protest on social media by disagreeing with their agenda and memers

UK is a true Orwellian dystopia

Aug 19, 2024 · 3:43 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442089 (191902ZAUG24) Notable: Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs

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Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs — Counties Must Withhold Certification Until Fraud is Addressed

According to the newly approved regulation, the Georgia Election Board members are tasked with scrutinizing the voting data in each precinct. Specifically, the rule stipulates:

Tabulating Results: After each election, but no later than 3 PM on the Friday following the election, the Election Board must conduct a review of precinct returns. This includes tabulating all absentee ballots, advance voting, Election Day in-person voting, and provisional ballots. The total number of unique voter IDs will then be compared with the total ballots cast in each precinct.

Investigating Discrepancies: In instances where the number of ballots cast surpasses the number of unique voter IDs, the Board is required to determine which voting method the discrepancy originated from and conduct a thorough investigation. Votes from the affected precinct will not be counted until the investigation is completed and the results are presented to the Board, as mandated by GA Code § 21-2-493(b).

Certification of Results: Once all precinct discrepancies have been investigated and corrected, the accurate returns will be recorded and verified. Only then will the consolidated returns be certified by the superintendent, with the certification deadline set at 5:00 PM on the Monday following the election. The certified returns must then be immediately transmitted to the Secretary of State.

The rule also empowers Board members to examine all election-related documentation before certifying the results, ensuring that any potential fraud is detected and addressed before the election results become official. If fraud is discovered, the Board is obligated to compute the votes justly and report the facts to the district attorney for further action.


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3aa81f No.209108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442126 (191908ZAUG24) Notable: President Trump Speaks

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President Trump: With your vote, we will unleash explosive economic growth, and vast new prosperity for all of our citizens. We will put more money into your pockets, and create millions and millions of new jobs…our plan will massively cut taxes, unlock American energy, slash regulations; big factor, crackdown on trade cheaters and stop outsourcing, rebuild our industrial base, and bring back those beautiful words, Made In The USA…together we will reclaim out nation's destiny as the number one manufacturing superpower in the world.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442142 (191910ZAUG24) Notable: President Trump Speaks

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TRUMP- 350,000 unemployed

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442154 (191911ZAUG24) Notable: President Trump Speaks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Three hundred and fifty thousand Americans joined the unemployment rolls last month, did you know that? We keep hearing about their economy; their economy is terrible, and the inflation is eating everybody alive, and it's been doing that for three years.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209111

File: fbb83757fce390a⋯.png (463.78 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442156 (191911ZAUG24) Notable: Planefag Reports: Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Lauderdale…3x SAM @ 40000 ft

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Lauderdale…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209112

File: 0ba7a53da316783⋯.png (607.47 KB,1227x435,409:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c58073312b4004⋯.png (448.33 KB,762x538,381:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442176 (191913ZAUG24) Notable: Planefag Reports: Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Lauderdale…3x SAM @ 40000 ft

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3x SAM @ 40000 ft




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3aa81f No.209113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442197 (191916ZAUG24) Notable: Rescuers Monday searching for 6 people, incl. British tech tycoon Mike Lynch – went missing after luxury yacht hit by tornado

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> Rescuers were on Monday searching for six people – including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch


>In 1991, Mr Lynch helped establish Cambridge Neurodynamics - a firm which specialised in using computer-based detection and recognition of fingerprints.

>>His tech firm Autonomy was created five years later, using a statistical method known as "Bayesian inference" at the core of its software.

baker notables

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3aa81f No.209114

File: 56a29723bed6402⋯.png (64.83 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442203 (191916ZAUG24) Notable: anon notes

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Notetaker reporting in


#26275 >>209075

>>209076 Trump’s 2024 YouGov polling numbers are blowing his YouGov 2020 numbers *out of the water*

>>209077, >>209078 Harris Campaign’s Legal Team Takes Shape as Election Battles Heat Up

>>209079 The DNC will be at 2 locations in Chicago. Here's where to expect crowds

>>209080 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

>>209081 U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden's planned "farewell" address to the DNC.

>>209082 DJT - POTUS new twitter pin since his ban.

>>209084 Anthony Blinken in Israel says the U.S. is fully prepared to defend the country.

>>209085, >>209092, >>209104 PF Report

>>209088, >>209090 Protests outside the convention hall during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

>>209089 Report accuses Vindman of breaking law with congressional campaigning

>>209091, >>209093 Raffensburger Election Fraud promoter of Georgia sweaty under questioning.

>>209094 Scott Pressler is in PA signing people up to vote, he needs help. Check out Bannons War room to volunteer

>>209095 FBI Raids Home of 2016 Trump Campaign Adviser

>>209096 The Dan Bongino Show - Deep State Plot Against Trump Takes Troubling Twist (Ep. 2311)

>>209097 Netanyahu Acknowledges U.S. Support: “Message Received”

>>209098 Israel bombs Hezbollah weapons depot in northeastern Lebanon.

>>209101, >>209102 Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots with posts

>>209103 EU capital’s government bans Telegram

>>209105 Iran close to nuclear weapons - US House Intel head

>>209106 UK is releasing 5500 convicts back onto the streets to make room for those who protest on social media

>>209107 Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs

>>209108, >>209109, >>209110 President Trump Speaks

So far.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209115

File: 56268d209b24c4b⋯.jpeg (259.97 KB,1283x534,1283:534,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442222 (191918ZAUG24) Notable: Hamas claims responsibility for failed terror attack in southern Tel Aviv

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hamas claims responsibility for failed terror attack in southern Tel Aviv

The terrorist was killed when his backpack exploded, injuring a nearby pedestrian. Aug. 19, 2024

Hamas have claimed responsibility for a failed terror attack in south Tel Aviv last night, after police determined it was intended as an attack of terror.

The bomber, who was killed when his backpack exploded, was a Palestinian from the area of Nablus in the West Bank, and an accomplice is believed to have transported him to Tel Aviv, according to Hebrew media reports.

In a statement, Hamas said that it was a joint attack with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and threatened further attacks on Israeli soil.

Authorities are now investigating whether the detonation was deliberate or accidental.

“It can be said that this was a terror attack, with the detonation of a powerful explosive device," the police and ISA said in a joint statement following a situation assessment led by the commander of the Tel Aviv District, who ordered increased alertness in the Gush Dan region.

Kan News reported that according to estimates the bomb weighed less than 10 kilograms, and that the security establishment is very concerned about copycat attacks.

Extensive searches by security forces were underway across the Tel Aviv metropolitan area.

"Citizens are urged to be vigilant and notify the police at the 100 hotline," the statement said.

A local police commander said earlier Monday that it is "99%" certain that the explosion was a failed terrorist attack, calling it a "miracle" that it had not resulted in mass casualties.

Ayalon District Police Commander Haim Bublil told Kan News Radio that "it is possible that the assailant planned to reach the nearby synagogue or perhaps the shopping centre. We have no ability to understand why [the bomb] exploded at this point in time."

According to reports, the blast occurred on Lehi Road around 8 p.m. A 33-year-old passerby by on an electric scooter was moderately wounded.

Paramedics declared the bomber dead at the scene, and the wounded man was taken to a local hospital.

"The scene here speaks for itself, it is a powerful charge that could have caused significant damage. We are in a kind of miracle that the incident did not end in dozens of deaths," said Bublil.

Police spokesman Eli Levy also confirmed to Kan News that there is a high probably the incident was an attempted terrorist attack.

"A great miracle happened here. It's a very serious incident that was investigated by the police and the ISA," he said.


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3aa81f No.209116

File: f8ed5f593b34936⋯.png (1.05 MB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442235 (191919ZAUG24) Notable: Planefag Reports: AF1 (no callsign) bringing the sleepy/crooked one to the Chicago DNC shitshow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AF1 (no callsign) bringing the sleepy/crooked one to the Chicago DNC shitshow.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209117

File: 53e24852ad4b02d⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442240 (191920ZAUG24) Notable: @donlemon: OHIO! Trump or Kamala?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Don Lemon


OHIO! Trump or Kamala?! 🎤🇺🇸

Embedded video

6:15 PM · Aug 18, 2024




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3aa81f No.209118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442389 (191939ZAUG24) Notable: #26275

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#26275 >>209075

>>209076 Trump’s 2024 YouGov polling numbers are blowing his YouGov 2020 numbers *out of the water*

>>209077, >>209078 Harris Campaign’s Legal Team Takes Shape as Election Battles Heat Up

>>209079 The DNC will be at 2 locations in Chicago. Here's where to expect crowds

>>209080 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

>>209081 U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden's planned "farewell" address to the DNC.

>>209082 DJT - POTUS new twitter pin since his ban.

>>209083 Wisconsin active voter registration list run through our TITAN system

>>209086 Biden’s Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo Wants to Keep Sentencing Recommendation in Trump’s ‘Hush Money’ Case Under Seal

>>209084 Anthony Blinken in Israel says the U.S. is fully prepared to defend the country.

>>209085, >>209092, >>209104 PF Report

>>209087 Happy National Potato Day

>>209088, >>209090 Protests outside the convention hall during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

>>209089 Report accuses Vindman of breaking law with congressional campaigning

>>209091, >>209093 Raffensburger Election Fraud promoter of Georgia sweaty under questioning.

>>209094 Scott Pressler is in PA signing people up to vote, he needs help. Check out Bannons War room to volunteer

>>209095 FBI Raids Home of 2016 Trump Campaign Adviser

>>209096 The Dan Bongino Show - Deep State Plot Against Trump Takes Troubling Twist (Ep. 2311)

>>209097 Netanyahu Acknowledges U.S. Support: “Message Received”

>>209098 Israel bombs Hezbollah weapons depot in northeastern Lebanon.

>>209099, >>209100, >>209113 Rescuers Monday searching for 6 people, incl. British tech tycoon Mike Lynch – went missing after luxury yacht hit by tornado

>>209101, >>209102 Keyboard warrior, 35, who earned £1,400 a month from his X account is jailed for three years after 'instigating' riots w/posts

>>209103 EU capital’s government bans Telegram

>>209105 Iran close to nuclear weapons - US House Intel head

>>209106 UK is releasing 5500 convicts back onto the streets to make room for those who protest on social media

>>209107 Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs

>>209108, >>209109, >>209110 President Trump Speaks

>>209111, >>209112 Planefag Reports: Gitmo express returning to base after a visit to Lauderdale…3x SAM @ 40000 ft

>>209114 anon notes

>>209115 Hamas claims responsibility for failed terror attack in southern Tel Aviv

>>209116 Planefag Reports: AF1 (no callsign) bringing the sleepy/crooked one to the Chicago DNC shitshow

>>209117 @donlemon: OHIO! Trump or Kamala?!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209120

File: a33cec423b22e1e⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442409 (191941ZAUG24) Notable: #26276

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442413 (191942ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209122

File: 8220c25fe05b309⋯.png (84.17 KB,524x430,262:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442421 (191944ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





fresh Potus Truth Typo

extra than

than than

"First ever coup"

the first one failed


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/19/2024 14:11:30

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112990033726406111

The Democrats staged the first ever “Coup” in America. Crooked Joe Biden was told, “Sorry Joe, you’re losing to Trump, BIG, and you can’t beat him - You’re Fired.” So now, for the first time in American history, I’ll have to beat TWO Candidates, the second being a Radical Left Marxist, Comrade Kamala Harris. It’s not fair, perhaps even another form of Election Interference, but the good news is that she should be easierthan to beatthan Crooked Joe in that the USA will never allow itself to become a Communist Country. THE DEMOCRATS ARE, “A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY?”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209123

File: 04eac9b55de4f01⋯.jpeg (899.59 KB,1509x1640,1509:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fc82e8dd7dc6e20⋯.jpeg (425.87 KB,1130x1492,565:746,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442423 (191944ZAUG24) Notable: Billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch's co-defendant in US fraud trial DIES in hospital after being hit by a car on Saturday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING NEWSBillionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch's co-defendant in US fraud trial DIES in hospital after being hit by a car on Saturday - days before the 'British Bill Gates' went missing after superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily sparking huge search effort


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442426 (191945ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris Suffers Triple Polling Blow Before DNC Starts

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Kamala Harris Suffers Triple Polling Blow Before DNC StartsPA

Published Aug 19, 2024 at 4:12 AM EDT

Vice President Kamala Harris has suffered a triple blow after two recently released surveys put her behind Donald Trump in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, while a third showed her trailing the Republican presidential candidate at the national level.

Polls of likely voters in Pennsylvania conducted by Cygnal and Emerson College both gave Trump a 1 point lead in the battleground state, which comes with 19 Electoral College votes. Separately, a Napolitan News Service survey gave the former president a 1 point advantage nationally.

Harris quickly established herself as the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee after Joe Biden announced he was stepping down from the race and offered her his endorsement, on July 21. This initially resulted in a clear Democratic poll boost with Harris outperforming Trump in more than a dozen national surveys, and becoming the favorite to win in November with a number of leading bookmakers.

Between August 12 and 14, RMG Research polled 2,708 likely voters across the United States for Napolitan News Service, which found Trump leading Harris by 46 percent to 45 percent. When undecided voters leaning one way were included, Trump's margin extended to 49 percent against 47 percent, compared to the last RMG poll a week ago, which put both candidates on 49 percent.

A Cygnal poll of 800 likely voters in Pennsylvania, conducted on August 14-15, found 44 percent would back Trump in a presidential contest versus 43 percent for Harris and 5 percent for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Trump increased his polling by 2 points since the last Cygnal survey in July, while Kennedy saw his support fall by 4 points.

Your Morning Starts Here

Begin your day with a curated outlook of top news around the world and why it matters.

In better news for the Democrats, the survey gave incumbent Senator Bob Casey a 46 percent vs 42 percent lead over Republican challenger Dave McCormick. However, it also found Casey underperformed a generic Democratic Senate candidate by 2 points with all voters, and 8 percent with Democratic supporters.

Emerson College surveyed 1,000 likely voters in Pennsylvania for RealClearPennsylvania, on August 13 and 14. It found Trump had a 1 point lead with 49 percent of the vote against 48 percent for Harris. This extended to 51 percent against 49 percent once undecided voters who lean one way were allocated to that candidate. When Kennedy was included, Harris and Trump were tied on 47 percent, with the independent candidate on 3 percent.

The survey found voters aged under 40 backed Harris over Trump by 61 percent against 36 percent, while the Republican nominee's strongest lead was with those aged 50-69, where he led by 57 percent to 40 percent. Trump led among protestant voters by 58 percent to 40 percent, and Catholic voters with 60 percent against 39 percent. Harris enjoyed a 84 percent vs 13 percent advantage among atheist and agnostic voters, along with a 56 percent to 39 percent lead for those with no particular religious affiliation.

Newsweek contacted the Harris and Trump campaigns for comment on Monday by email outside of regular office hours.

The latest The New York Times/Siena College survey, of 1,973 likely voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, showed a 35 point gender gap between support for Trump and Harris. Among men, the Republican lead by 14 points, while with women the vice president enjoyed a 21 point lead. If elected in November, Harris would become the first female president in U.S. history. The survey was conducted between August 5 and 9.

From Monday to Thursday, the Democratic National Convention will take place at the United Center Arena in Chicago. The event is expected to be heavily protested by pro-Palestinian demonstrators.


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3aa81f No.209125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442442 (191947ZAUG24) Notable: ‘This is a religious war’: Likud MK calls for Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount

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‘This is a religious war’: Likud MK calls for Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount

While repeatedly challenging Netanyahu on a range of issues, lawmaker Amit Halevi insists the PM is a ‘hero’ whose coalition deserves support despite internal disagreements

Last week, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir stood on the Temple Mount and, for the third time in as many months, declared the end to the longstanding status quo governing the contentious Jerusalem holy site.

As Orthodox Jews prostrated themselves and prayed loudly, the chief of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party challenged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s authority, declaring that the government’s “policy is to allow prayer.”

He was immediately rebuffed by Netanyahu, who reasserted his support for restrictions on Jewish worship at the site where the two Jewish Temples once stood and which is now the home of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque.

However, not everybody in Netanyahu’s party agreed with the premier, with several Likud lawmakers voicing support for Ben Gvir’s position — among them MK Amit Halevi, who was one of more than 1,600 Jewish Israelis to visit the Temple Mount during last week’s Tisha B’Av fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples.

In a statement, the national-religious Halevi told reporters that he had ascended the Mount to pray “for victory in the war.”


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3aa81f No.209126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442449 (191948ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

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TRUMP- We are going to do things right. We imposed historic tariffs. Prices did NOT go up. It gave us tremendous politcal leverage. So much money come in from China and other places on those tarrifs. I will revoke China's MOST FAVORED NATION status.

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3aa81f No.209127

File: a7daaa6cad9cccd⋯.png (38.33 KB,370x437,370:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442451 (191948ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

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>[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/19/2024 14:11:30



Mar 20, 20192:11:41 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 5791828


The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public' door to more serious……

The PILL must be easy to swallow.

The 'LEAD-IN'.

The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++


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3aa81f No.209128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442454 (191949ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

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President Trump: We don't need lectures on the economy from a candidate pushing communist price controls. Kamala has no idea what the hell she's doing. Her father is a marxist professor, and I believe he taught her well. You know, he is a marxist professor. Can you imagine? Does anyone know that? I wonder if they knew that when they did an overthrow, or a coup, on Joe Biden. I wonder if they knew where she comes from, where she came from. what her ideology is.

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3aa81f No.209129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442462 (191950ZAUG24) Notable: Israeli Strikes in Gaza Kill 10-Year-Old Quintuplets

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Israeli Strikes in Gaza Kill 10-Year-Old Quintuplets

The strike also killed an 18-month-old and the children's mother

Israeli strikes on Gaza on Sunday killed a total of 29 people, including 10-year-old quintuplets, The Associated Press has reported.

The quintuplets were killed alongside their mother and 18-month-old sibling in a strike that targeted a home in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza. An AP reporter counted the bodies at the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.

Mohammed Awad Khatab, the children’s grandfather, told reporters: “The six children have become body parts. They were placed in a single bag. What did they do? Did they kill any of the Jews? … Will this provide security to Israel?”

Israel has slaughtered children and babies throughout its 10-month genocidal war, including three-day-old twins who were killed last week while their father was out getting their birth certificate. That same day, the US State Department approved $20 billion in arms deals for Israel.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday that at least 40,099 Palestinians have been killed by Israel in Gaza since October 7, which includes over 16,000 children. The total is considered a low estimate since it doesn’t account for the estimated 10,000 people who are missing and presumed dead under the rubble. It’s also unclear how many people have died due to food and medicine shortages and the spread of disease caused by the Israeli siege and destruction of civilian infrastructure.


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3aa81f No.209130

File: c1970c96bb287d6⋯.png (48.26 KB,377x483,377:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442464 (191950ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

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>The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON]opens the 'public' doorto more serious……


Mar 25, 2019 1:43:27 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 5883120





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3aa81f No.209131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442482 (191952ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

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President Trump: We will ensure that we have one hundred percent domestic American supply chains of all essential goods…we have no choice; this is really a matter of national security. We will bring back electronic production…but pharmaceutical too; it's outside of this country, ninety-five percent, we're reliant on various other countries, good countries, nothing wrong, but we want to do it ourselves…mineral production, car production; we're going to bring back the auto industry.

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3aa81f No.209132

File: da9ae3af3e562fc⋯.png (504.5 KB,755x1017,755:1017,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442491 (191954ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

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Buckle Up

4y, 6m, 2w, 2h, 10m ago

8kun qresearch


Dec 06, 2019 3:48:08 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 92


People actually believe those responsible for the attempted COUP [COUP attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?

End to our Constitutional Republic?

No equal justice under the law?

No accountability?

Escape unscathed?

Enjoy the show!



Feb 05, 2020 12:23:38 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 8035891


Media Keywords: meme graphic marquee top secret noforn they never thought she would lose q panic in dc in theaters now

Media Keywords Contributor(s): AstuteActual45

People actually believe those responsible for the attemptedCOUP [COUP attempt]of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?

End to our Constitutional Republic?

No equal justice under the law?

No accountability?

Escape unscathed?

Buckle up!


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3aa81f No.209133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442492 (191954ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

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President Trump: Upon taking office, I will invoke the Defense Production Act, to very quickly ramp up capacity of essential products, and I will stop Japan from buying US Steel…they shouldn't be allowed to buy it.

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3aa81f No.209134

File: 75287203fa3f986⋯.png (263.26 KB,637x561,637:561,Clipboard.png)

File: cb670fff8175d66⋯.jpg (85.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442497 (191954ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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Aug 19, 2024 · 7:23 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442533 (192000ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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Was it really Marine One?


Where is Air Force One?

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3aa81f No.209136

File: d1fb5f7cec65340⋯.png (161.43 KB,372x815,372:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442537 (192000ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

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>Buckle Up


>Enjoy the show!


>Enjoy the show!

Enjoy the show!

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3aa81f No.209137

File: 53aae4abe492881⋯.jpeg (335.98 KB,1198x1323,1198:1323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442550 (192002ZAUG24) Notable: John Fetterman is skipping this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago

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==John Fetterman Has No Regrets=

Once a party darling, the senator’s pro-Israel stance has led to protests outside his home and detractors inside his office. Now, he tells Peter Savodnik, he’s skipping the DNC…

John Fetterman is skipping this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and, to hear it from him, it has nothing—literally nothing—to do with him scotch-taping photos of the Israeli hostages to his Senate office walls. Or attacking fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar for falsely blaming a hospital bombing in Gaza on Israel. (“It’s truly disturbing that Members of Congress rushed to blame Israel for the hospital tragedy in Gaza. Who would take the word of a group that just massacred innocent Israeli civilians over our key ally?”) Or comparing the pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia to a neo-Nazi rally (“Add some tiki torches and it’s Charlottesville for these Jewish students,” he tweeted).

Nor is it about “Fetterman Alumni for Peace”—a group of former Fetterman campaign staffers—publicly scolding their old boss: “It is not too late to change your stance and stand on the righteous side of history.”

“I’ve got three young kids, and they’re out of school,” the Pennsylvania senator said of his absence this week in Chicago, waving off the suggestion that he might not be welcome there. “That’s four days I can spend with my children.”

The choice to skip the convention “was made well before that debate,” Fetterman told me in a one-hour conversation via Zoom—the senator at home, in the not quite one-square-mile, ex–steel town of Braddock, twenty minutes outside Pittsburgh; me in Los Angeles. He was referring to the June 27 Joe Biden–Donald Trump showdown that led the president to step aside and Vice President Kamala Harris to snag the Democratic nomination.

There is perhaps no one in the party right now more unlike John Fetterman than Kamala Harris. He lives in a town that has lost 90 percent of its residents; she owns a house in super-rich Brentwood, on L.A.’s west side. He is permanently clad in hoodies and shorts; she prefers double-stranded pearls and pants suits. He seems fueled by an earnest, almost reckless righteousness; it’s unclear what she believes in…


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3aa81f No.209138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442561 (192006ZAUG24) Notable: GM lays off more than 1,000 salaried software and services employees

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GM lays off more than 1,000 salaried software and services employees


Michael Wayland


• GM is laying off more than 1,000 salaried employees globally in its software and services division following a review to streamline the unit’s operations.

• The layoffs include roughly 600 jobs at General Motors’ tech campus near Detroit.

• The job cuts represent about 1.3% of the company’s global salaried workforce of 76,000 as of the end of last year.

DETROIT — General Motors

is laying off more than 1,000 salaried employees globally in its software and services division following a review to streamline the unit’s operations, CNBC has learned.

The layoffs, including roughly 600 jobs at GM’s tech campus near Detroit, come less than six months after leadership changes overseeing the operations, including former Apple executive Mike Abbott leaving the automaker after less than a year in March due to health reasons.

“As we build GM’s future, we must simplify for speed and excellence, make bold choices, and prioritize the investments that will have the greatest impact,” a GM spokesman said in an emailed statement. “As a result, we’re reducing certain teams within the Software and Services organization. We are grateful to those who helped establish a strong foundation that positions GM to lead moving forward.”

GM declined to disclose the full number of layoffs, but a source familiar with the matter, who declined to be named because the information is private, confirmed more than 1,000 salaried employees would be laid off, including 600 in Warren, Michigan. Impacted employees were notified Monday morning.

The layoffs represent about 1.3% of the company’s global salaried workforce of 76,000 as of the end of last year. That included about 53,000 U.S. salaried employees.

The cuts come as automakers attempt to reduce costs and, in many instances, employee headcount amid fears of an industry downturn — and as they’re spending billions of dollars on emerging markets such as all-electric vehicles and so-called software-defined vehicles…


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3aa81f No.209139

File: 168d619fa340d8d⋯.png (257.06 KB,556x539,556:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442568 (192007ZAUG24) Notable: 159 Countries set to use BRICS SWIFT replacement

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159 Countries set to use BRICS SWIFT replacement

Amid the alliance’s continued efforts to create a SWIFT alternative, the economic alliance has sought to create its very own BRICS payment system. It will play a major role in the alliance trade dealings. Specifically, allowing unilateral settlement to be done without the need for the US dollar.

The move is poised to be vital for the bloc and participating nations, and it appears there will be a lot of them. According to one Russian BBC official, there are already 159 countries seeking to adopt the system currently. With a potential launch coming in October, it could have massive global market ramifications.




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3aa81f No.209140

File: edc9d93852b31ed⋯.png (107.36 KB,360x945,8:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442571 (192007ZAUG24) Notable: POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

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>fresh Potus Truth Typo

>extra than

>than than

>"First ever coup"


>Mar 20, 2019 2:11:41 PM EDT

>The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public' door to more serious……




>>209132, >>209136

>People actually believe those responsible for the attempted COUP [COUP attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?

>Enjoy the show!

>Buckle up!


>The coup failed

>We're gonna need a bigger meme

Running Red


Sep 20, 2020 1:18:24 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e4ee64 No. 10721878


How do you 'extend' lockdown(s) [economic hardship(s), unemployment, fear, death count, dementia Joe, etc.] in order to paint narrative mail-in voting [when did narrative start (March?_early?_planned?)] needed to 'save' lives [+ballot harvesting] in order to generate a future narrative election day +1 which casts doubt as to legitimacy of POTUS win [Constitutional Crisis]["not all mail-in ballots counted" "how many mail-in ballots lost or did not arrive in key battleground states which could have returned a different result" "we must investigate who cast a vote but it did not register" "we must go door-to-door if needed [ballot harvest]" "our lives are at stake" "the sky is falling" in order to legally challenge, delay results, enact riots and chaos in an attempt to overturn [COUP d'etat].


What role will select military inserts play [the 'bribe']? [playbook known]

What did we learn from past attempt(s)?

Spying [surveillance + campaign insert(s) + WH insert(s)].



Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the Middle East?

Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of finally holding China accountable?


Running RED.


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3aa81f No.209141

File: 2ba8183e310ff8b⋯.png (461.25 KB,620x482,310:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442576 (192008ZAUG24) Notable: @Tim_Walz: What an awesome bus tour. Great to hit the trail with @KamalaHarris, @DouglasEmhoff and @GwenWalz. Thank you, Pennsylvania!

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3aa81f No.209142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442591 (192011ZAUG24) Notable: Tech Company Lays Off 5,500 Workers to Invest More in AI, Despite Making $10.3 Billion in Profit

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Tech Company Lays Off 5,500 Workers to Invest More in AI, Despite Making $10.3 Billion in Profit

This is just depressing.

Despite tech conglomerate Cisco posting $10.3 billion in profits last year, it's still laying off 5,500 workers as part of an effort to invest more in AI, SFGATE reports.

It joins a litany of other companies like Microsoft and Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, that have used AI as justification for the mass culling of its workforce.

The layoffs at Cisco came to light in a notice posted with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week, affecting seven percent of its staff.

In a short statement, CEO Chuck Robbins used the term "AI" five times, highlighting the company's efforts to keep up in the ongoing AI race.

Earlier this year, Cisco also laid off 4,000 or five percent of it staff, saying that the company wanted to "realign the organization and enable further investment in key priority areas."

In short, companies are no longer hiding their optimism over replacing human labor with AI, an unfortunate reality for those looking to maintain a stable job. But whether this "realignment" will pay off in the long run remains to be seen.


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3aa81f No.209143

File: c26f3675541114a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1812x967,1812:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442594 (192012ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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92-9000 NotAF1 was posted lb approaching Chicago.

VH-92 Marine1 169196 ae6193 over Chicago waterfront.

It is very rare to catch Marine1 on adsb

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3aa81f No.209144

File: 832528e299bde43⋯.png (243.82 KB,442x1238,221:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442598 (192012ZAUG24) Notable: Tech tycoon Mike Lynch: luxury superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily after a tornado hit area Monday, killing 1, 6 missing

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1 dead, 6 missing — including 2 Americans — after tornado sinks yacht, the Bayesian, off Sicily


A luxury superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily after a tornado hit the area early Monday, killing one passenger and leaving six others missing — including a tech tycoon known as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” officials said.

The Bayesian — a 184-foot luxury sailboat with 22 people aboard — sank off the port of Porticello when it was hit by a violent storm at sunrise, the Italian coast guard said.

The boat was found 160 feet beneath the water’s surface, and the coast guard deployed divers to search the submerged vessel for survivors.

One body, believed to belong to the ship’s chef, was found near the wreck, local media reported.

>British tech tycoon Mike Lynch

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3aa81f No.209145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442599 (192012ZAUG24) Notable: 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

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64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

The CIA overthrow brought in the era of the Shah, which brought cheaper oil to the west. In 1979 the abuses of the Iranian people triggered a revolution ending the reign of the Shah. The US has been trying to regain control of Iran through a series of stages coups, which all failed, and now it looks like there will be a war with Iran, which will mean war with both Russia and China WHICH THE US WILL LOSE!


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3aa81f No.209146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442620 (192018ZAUG24) Notable: Proton makes VPN free for countries where elections are under threat from censorship or political interference

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Fraud alert

Proton makes VPN free for countries where elections are under threat from censorship or political interference

Proton, an alternative to Big Tech for over 100 million people worldwide, is making Proton VPN free in 20 countries with a history of censorship or political interference that have elections this year. The hope is that with online freedom and privacy protected, democracy can thrive.

As a result, Proton VPN became the most downloaded app in Venezuela in recent weeks, and the Proton Team hopes to continue having this outsized impact around the world in places where democracy is most under threat.


Protonmail is compromised

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3aa81f No.209147

File: 49a72d3d35bfb97⋯.png (28.75 KB,634x266,317:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442621 (192018ZAUG24) Notable: George Santos, expelled from Congress, faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached plea deal w/fed prosecutors

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@therealtoriabrooke · 25s

BREAKING —George Santos, who was expelled from Congress as he faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached a plea dealwith federal prosecutors in New York on two federal counts, pleading guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. (CBS)

Aug 19, 2024, 3:16 PM


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3aa81f No.209148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442624 (192018ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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>VH-92 Marine1 169196 ae6193 over Chicago waterfront.

Not labeled as Marine1, though.

That's only for presidents.

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3aa81f No.209149

File: b1f9648bb31c4a7⋯.jpeg (18.52 KB,618x202,309:101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442625 (192018ZAUG24) Notable: WEF releasing their plans: 4 global risks to look out for in the post-pandemic era

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=WEF releasing their plans: 4 global risks to look out for in the post-pandemic era. 1/2==

Aug 19, 2024

The post-pandemic era is being shaped by heightened global risk and unpredictable shock events.

Power is dispersing in a post-superpower era, while governments struggle with a recurrent crisis of political legitimacy worldwide.

The lingering pandemic mental health crisis is being exacerbated by climate and AI.

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of COVID-19’s emergency phase last May, other threats have escalated – more variants, global wars, climate events, tech challenges, terrorist activity on Western soil and even a new public health emergency of international concern called mpox. But what else may be on the horizon?

The following analysis—which is based on a multi-year prediction project with graduate students at New York University and experts at crowdsourced consultancy Wikistrat, where I’m a lead analyst—details the global risk trends to watch this decade.

1.Power disperses in a post-superpower era

Most citizens would agree that our community of world leaders, including the G7 and G20, largely fell short in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that changing soon. This is partly because superpowers are terribly burdened with global wars and domestic challenges.

These powers will, of course, still be relevant, compete and attempt to 'lead' everywhere from space to AI and oil. But look for other actors to step up more to fill the leadership void, including 'geopolitical swing states' leveraging rare earth minerals (like Ghana) to reduce the dominance of superpowers; smaller states (e.g. Scotland) using climate funding as a foreign policy tool; the Global South moving away from trading in the US dollar, even attempting a new blockchain payment system; and tech firms (and leaders) driving change largely unchecked. Frankly, we’ve noted this trend before but this may be the official start of a post-superpower era shaped increasingly – and unpredictably – by other players, regardless of the outcome of the US election. The nature of power will continue to evolve in our post-pandemic era.

2.A big election year won’t stop our recurrent crisis of political legitimacy

Everyone has rightly noted how 2024 is the biggest election year in history with around half the world going to the polls. This, of course, could still be complicated by AI disinformation, cyber threats or simply accusations of rigging (as already seen in countries like Bangladesh, Venezuela and the US).

Yet, the larger issue is whether these elections will even make a tangible difference in local and global change; widespread government distrust in most political systems has not abated in our post-pandemic era. Let’s not forget democracy—declared the sole surviving source of political legitimacy by the US hegemon at the end of the Cold War—has been in decline globally for 18 consecutive years, according to Freedom House.

Anti-government unrest has recurred everywhere since the Arab Spring, representing an enduring global crisis of political legitimacy. People have fought back in all political systems, driven by a conviction that there must be a better, more effective way to govern. In most countries, even after their vote, citizens will continue to challenge their leaders, questioning whether they have the capacity to tackle our many post-pandemic risks.

3.A more complex global mental health crisis

The pandemic was the "greatest threat to mental health since the Second World War,” according to the WHO. Many of us are still struggling to catch up in our personal and professional lives. Yet, other challenges to post-pandemic mental health are increasing, thanks to climate change and AI.

First, therapists say climate change is generating a 'new type of anxiety,' leading to a sense of alienation that makes it hard to function and even suicide. This 'eco-anxiety' is likely to escalate as governments fail to transition away from fossil fuels fast enough. So, expect more extreme climate events that further exacerbate our mental health, especially for growing numbers of climate refugees….


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3aa81f No.209150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442627 (192019ZAUG24) Notable: Proton makes VPN free for countries where elections are under threat from censorship or political interference

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Transparency report

From time to time,Proton may be legally compelled to disclose certain user information to Swiss authorities, as detailed in our Privacy Policy. This can happen if Swiss law is broken. As stated in our Privacy Policy, all emails, files and invites are encrypted and we have no means to decrypt them.

Under Article 271 of the Swiss Criminal Code, Proton may not transmit any data to foreign authorities directly, and we therefore reject all requests from foreign authorities. Swiss authorities may from time to time assist foreign authorities with requests, provided that they are valid under international legal assistance procedures and determined to be in compliance with Swiss law. In these cases, the standard of legality is again based on Swiss law. In general, Swiss authorities do not assist foreign authorities from countries with a history of human rights abuses.

Aggregate statistics of legal orders that we have received can be found below:


Number of legal orders: 6,378

Contested orders: 407

Orders complied with: 5,971


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3aa81f No.209151

File: b1f9648bb31c4a7⋯.jpeg (18.52 KB,618x202,309:101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442631 (192019ZAUG24) Notable: WEF releasing their plans: 4 global risks to look out for in the post-pandemic era

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Second, AI is being imposed on us, whether we like it or not. Many will feel they do not fit into this new AI-driven economy or are not even being offered a chance, creating a greater 'precariat' class who feel left behind. Can we learn these new AI tools or will we become redundant in our profession? This sentiment will exacerbate our occupational identity crisis, which will bleed into global mental health challenges. AI expert Kai-Fu Lee confirmed that his past prediction is still “uncannily accurate" forecasting that 50% of jobs will be wiped away by 2027. A violent backlash against AI is inevitable, as many feel left behind by this transition….

4.An era of shock events

Make no mistake – the US-driven post-Cold War era ended a while ago (and realistically America’s 2024 election won’t change this). Enduring global leadership, democratic ideals, globalization and liberal values have all been notably challenged and superpowers are overstretched. This is a global legitimacy crisis as argued in my book and our past crowdsourced research since 2017. This period of muddling through means anything can happen in our post-pandemic era. Look for global risks to be further exacerbated by unexpected, destabilizing shock events.

Briefly, here are three shock events to consider that may impact global stability:

1.A new global extremist group emerges: with the world distracted with multiple major wars and leadership in decline, this could be an opportunistic time for a new extremist group to make its mark – and maybe not face as many consequences. Perhaps, it will even leverage AI tools to kick off a new phase of terrorism.

2.A cyber pandemic– that is intentional: the massive global IT outage in July was not terrorism, but simply a faulty software update from a cybersecurity firm. Yet, it cost Fortune 500 companies $5.4 billion in damages and shut down flights, banks, hospitals, retailers and other services worldwide. Imagine if a bad actor did this – on purpose and an even grander scale?

3.Climate change claims its first island nation in the post-pandemic era: The COP28 plan to phase out fossil fuels may take decades and it’s unclear if world leaders will follow through. What’s more probable is that in the meantime certain island nations (who emit only 0.3% of global emissions) will keep fighting their cause, whether it is through international law or new climate funds. But, if these islands do succumb to climate change, sinking a lot faster than we expect, how will climate activists and world leaders react.


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3aa81f No.209152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442634 (192020ZAUG24) Notable: Proton makes VPN free for countries where elections are under threat from censorship or political interference

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In Switzerland, your emails can be surveilled without a warrant. The Intelligence Service Act was passed in 2017 with this provision

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3aa81f No.209153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442642 (192022ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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I put in Marine 1 so normies newfags would have some clue cause VH92A the callsign used is the type designation.

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3aa81f No.209154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442645 (192023ZAUG24) Notable: Israel’s PR Scramble Following Gaza SchooI Massacre: Hamas Fighters Killed Twice and “No Women and Children Present”

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Israel’s PR Scramble Following Gaza SchooI Massacre: Hamas Fighters Killed Twice and “No Women and Children Present”

After committing a massacre at a school in Gaza City, the Israeli military claimed that the facility, which housed over 6,000 displaced civilians, was being used as a Hamas command center. The military released the names of alleged fighters killed in the attack. However, some of those identified as militants were killed months earlier, and every claim made by Israel is contradicted by substantial evidence.

The August 10 massacre at Gaza City’s Tabeen School resulted in the deaths of over 100 civilians and left 280 others injured. Following the spread of gruesome images on social media showing the lifeless bodies of children amid the carnage, the Israeli army asserted that the school was being used as a Hamas command center.

In response, Israel released the names and photographs of 19 Palestinians, whom they labeled as operatives of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The Israeli military claimed these individuals were “eliminated” in a “Hamas command and control center, embedded inside a mosque within the Al-Tabeen school compound.” Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari stated, “We took numerous steps to mitigate the risk to civilians. The IDF conducted a precision strike against the terrorists in one specific building of the compound—an area where, according to our intelligence, no women and children were present.”

Save the Children released a statement addressing the strike, highlighting it as the worst attack on a school in the past ten months. The organization noted that “school attacks are happening at least weekly, with three occurring in a single 48-hour period last week.” The statement further expressed devastation at the impact, especially on children. It criticized the measures claimed to safeguard civilians, stating that such efforts are “not what we are seeing in Gaza.”

An initial investigation by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor into the attack found that the school’s narrow layout and lack of launch pads or shelters would make using the site for military operations impossible. The report emphasized that the building’s cramped layout and tight spaces rendered it unsuitable for military activities requiring planning and logistical support.

The report further stated that, according to all available information and testimonies, the school had no military gatherings or centers, and it was never used for military objectives. Survivors testified that the school provided shelter to hundreds of children whose families believed it to be a safe refuge.

The area targeted in the strike on the school compound was the prayer hall of a mosque, including the upper level used explicitly for housing women and children. The strike occurred during Fajr (morning) prayers when worshippers would be gathered closely together. This timing contributed to the horrific aftermath, where the shredded remains of bodies had to be collected in 70-kilogram plastic bags, each one representing a victim.

The Israeli military also released the names of alleged PIJ and Hamas operatives they claimed to have “eliminated” on August 10. However, this list included several discrepancies. Ahmad Ehab al-Jaabari, listed as a “terrorist,” was killed on December 5 of the previous year. Yousef Said al-Wadia had died just two days before the attack, on August 8, and Montaser Nasser Daher was killed in an apartment building on August 9.

Another name on the list was Burham al-Jaabari, who the Israeli army identified as a “combat propaganda operative in the Islamic Jihad.” Israel had previously detained Burham and subsequently released him. He would likely have remained in detention if he were an active threat or part of any militant group. Additionally, the term “combat propaganda operative” is vague and appears to be a fabricated designation that doesn’t describe any specific activity. This raises questions about whether it simply refers to a journalist, which Burham was not, or someone who shares content online.

The list of those allegedly “eliminated” by Israel also included civilian employees with no connection to any military group, among them three elderly civilians. These individuals included a school principal, the deputy mayor of Beit Hanoun, an academic, an Arabic language teacher, and six other civilians, some of whom were even opponents of Hamas.


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3aa81f No.209155

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442649 (192024ZAUG24) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are 'Poison'

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Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are 'Poison'


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3aa81f No.209156

File: 16cd105e1f831d0⋯.jpeg (885.32 KB,1623x1640,1623:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442651 (192025ZAUG24) Notable: George Santos, expelled from Congress, faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached plea deal w/fed prosecutors

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BREAKING: George Santos Pleads Guilty to Two Felony Counts of Wire Fraud and Identity Theft – Faces Between 6-8 Years in Prison

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3aa81f No.209157

File: fdcc9ffa60e9858⋯.png (4.5 MB,856x1835,856:1835,Clipboard.png)

File: 9af219f0210225f⋯.png (4.36 MB,841x1810,841:1810,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442654 (192026ZAUG24) Notable: 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

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>64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

punish the guilty

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3aa81f No.209158

File: 487ecdf01f224fd⋯.png (33.11 KB,615x343,615:343,Clipboard.png)

File: f41a4c2b6ba590f⋯.png (308.13 KB,619x468,619:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442656 (192026ZAUG24) Notable: Rumble reached out numerous times to the DNC to have a presence at the Chicago convention, just like we did at the RNC

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Chris Pavlovski @chris

Rumble reached out numerous times to the DNC to have a presence at the Chicago convention, just like we did at the RNC.

We finally received a response. The DNC wouldn’t let us stream, but instead offered to sell us two convention tickets for $200,000 USD.

We declined.

Aug 19, 2024, 2:42 PM


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3aa81f No.209159

File: 503783c300f1b71⋯.png (794.13 KB,1026x519,342:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442660 (192028ZAUG24) Notable: Euro forger who produced EUR 11 million in fake bills arrested in Italy

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Euro forger who produced EUR 11 million in fake bills arrested in Italy

Counterfeiter sold EUR 8 million worth of fake banknotes across Europe, with EUR 3 million worth ready to go in his Naples-based printing laboratory

On an action day conducted in Naples, Italy, on 14 August 2024, the Italian Carabinieri arrested a notorious money forger, dismantled his sophisticated counterfeiting print shop and seized nearly EUR 3 million in high-quality counterfeit banknotes. Collaborating closely with the French National Police, experts from the respective anti-currency counterfeiting units tracked down the criminal believed to be responsible for selling millions of euros worth of forged banknotes. Europol supported this investigation, which started in 2022 and has since seen the intelligence contributions from at least 10 countries reporting seizures of the same type of faked euro bills.

https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/euro-forger-who-produced-eur-11-million-in-fake-bills-arrested-in-italy

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3aa81f No.209160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442664 (192029ZAUG24) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are 'Poison'

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3aa81f No.209161

File: 21e4c19b8a1fc9a⋯.png (4.52 MB,862x1831,862:1831,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d4ee8d5dbbfbe5⋯.png (4.56 MB,864x1840,54:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442665 (192029ZAUG24) Notable: 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

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>64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

>punish the guilty

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3aa81f No.209162

File: d3c7691aabe8524⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442674 (192031ZAUG24) Notable: Pussy Hats planning to disrupt the DNC

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Bad Hombre


🚨Code Pink founder and far-left activist Medea Benjamin just posted on TikTok that her pussy hat comrades are on their way to Chicago to bring the protests inside of the DNC convention hall.

Embedded video

11:06 AM · Aug 18, 2024





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3aa81f No.209163

File: a22113014d92a85⋯.png (4.28 MB,843x1769,843:1769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442676 (192031ZAUG24) Notable: 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

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>64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

>>punish the guilty

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3aa81f No.209164

File: ffc560d89aa39df⋯.png (813.27 KB,1812x967,1812:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442705 (192038ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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VH92A new presidential helo over Chicago.

Tracking has frozen with it over Wintrust Arena


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3aa81f No.209165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442706 (192038ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

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LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

Protesters are expected to gather outside the Democratic National Convention to demonstrate against the Biden administration's position on Israel.


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3aa81f No.209166

File: 06fe24fa89c2ccc⋯.jpeg (127.42 KB,1284x737,1284:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 16055c1127faa28⋯.jpeg (98.72 KB,1284x467,1284:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442712 (192040ZAUG24) Notable: Imran Khan applies to be uni chancellor from jail

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Imran Khan applies to be uni chancellor from jail

10 hours ago

Caroline Davies

Pakistan correspondent

Curtis Lancaster

Mr Khan studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford’s Keble College

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s jailed former prime minister, appears to be eyeing up a new role from behind bars – that of Oxford University chancellor.

Mr Khan, who has been in prison for more than a year on charges he says are politically motivated, submitted his application ahead of the deadline on Sunday night, his adviser confirmed on X.

The one-time cricket star is already an honorary fellow of Oxford’s Keble College, where he studied philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) in 1972.

The University of Oxford gave no comment about the specific application and will not confirm the candidates for the position until early October with voting to be held online on 28 October.

Previously candidates were required to be nominated by 50 members of the University’s Convocation.

The Oxford chancellor’s role is largely ceremonial and is voted for by graduates of the university who have had their degree conferred provided they have registered to vote and members of the university’s congregations including academic staff.

Candidates cannot be current students, employees of the University or candidates to political office.

Christopher Patten is the outgoing chancellor, who has held the position since 2003.

Lord Patten, 80, was the last Governor of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997 and chairman of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1992.

The former PM behind bars

Imran Khan was jailed on 5 August for failing to correctly declare the sale of state gifts.

Cases against the former politician mounted and the 71-year-old was given three long prison sentences, but all of these have now fallen away.

A United Nations panel declared his detention was arbitrary but Mr Khan remains in jail with new cases against his name.


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3aa81f No.209167

File: 4586e786aa6cafa⋯.png (2.93 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 886f7b1e8cff13c⋯.png (2.98 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: d9870e3cd6aa3f8⋯.png (3.2 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442715 (192041ZAUG24) Notable: ANTIFA UPDATE: Over 100,000 Antifa devices in the Chicago area this morning, but 60% avoiding Chicago proper & convention. Why?

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ANTIFA UPDATE: Over 100,000 Antifa devices in the Chicago area this morning, but 60% avoiding Chicago proper & convention. Why? Many appear to be in clusters of 20-50+ in residential areas encirlcling the city. I hope residents are ready to defend their property.

Tony Seruga


It appears about 60% are staying not only out of the convention area but Chicago proper. Why? What are they waiting for? They appear to be clustered in groups of 20-50+ and are spread out around the greater Chicago area.

With many residences having concentrations of 20-50+,…

Tony Seruga


GPS—Total antifa devices in the Chicago area as of 7:00 am, 104,889.

FirstNet is on the scene. ☠️

8:03 AM • Aug 19, 2024

11:31 AM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209168

File: 6ef6167ecd52a04⋯.png (855.9 KB,872x1092,218:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442716 (192041ZAUG24) Notable: 6,000+ additional hours of USCP CCTV footage released today by Rep Loudermilk

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6,000+ additional hours of USCP CCTV footage released today by Rep Loudermilk


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3aa81f No.209169

File: 9042ea3886e98db⋯.png (817.35 KB,1079x1168,1079:1168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442721 (192041ZAUG24) Notable: Harley Davidson tries to save woke business by doubling down on DEI

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3aa81f No.209170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442736 (192045ZAUG24) Notable: Actors Lisa Bonet, Raoul Julia and River Phoenix call out vaccines and the harm they cause

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Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News 🙌


Rest in peace to Phil Donahue. He questioned vaccines and even had my own family members on who were authors of some of the first books written questioning the shots. He also had Lisa Bonet on and this is worth the watch.


LISTEN AND WATCH - Actors Lisa Bonet, Raoul Julia and River Phoenix call out vaccines and the harm they cause

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3aa81f No.209171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442748 (192048ZAUG24) Notable: Swamp Events

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5:00 PM EDT

Washington Today

Catch up on the stories of the day in Washington, DC. Hear portions of key events and interviews with journalists and policy makers who provide background and perspective.


5:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: DNC Day 1 Preview

Party officials, political observers, and others join C-SPAN to preview the first day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.


6:30 PM EDT

Washington Today Podcast

Catch up on the biggest stories of the day from Washington with interviews and analysis from leading journalists. Posted weekdays at 6:30 pm ET.


6:30 PM EDT

2024 Democratic National Convention: President Joe Biden to Make the Case for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz on the Convention Stage Monday Night

Chicago, Illinois




Campaign 2024: Democratic National Convention, Day 1

The 2024 Democratic National Convention convenes for its first session in Chicago. President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to speak.


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3aa81f No.209172

File: f0a334d937a3423⋯.png (710.28 KB,768x407,768:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442756 (192050ZAUG24) Notable: George Santos, expelled from Congress, faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached plea deal w/fed prosecutors

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BREAKING: George Santos Pleads Guilty to Two Felony Counts of Wire Fraud and Identity Theft - Faces Between 6-8 Years in Prison …

Former Congressman George Santos pleaded guilty to two felony counts of wire fraud and identity theft on Monday.


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3aa81f No.209173

File: 03784aa2756b316⋯.png (139.75 KB,1024x623,1024:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442759 (192052ZAUG24) Notable: US/NATO’s Sloppy Attempts to Hide Involvement in Kursk Incursion

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US/NATO’s Sloppy Attempts to Hide Involvement in Kursk Incursion

Namely, we all know about the Kursk oblast (region) incursion that the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta has been conducting for around two weeks now. Somewhat surprisingly, the mainstream propaganda machine has been ambivalent about the Kiev regime’s latest adventure, with many media outlets showing concern that their favorite puppets are wasting precious resources, while others adopted a more cheerleading approach and are intentionally inflating the “successes” of the Neo-Nazi junta forces, presenting this as a “major victory” when it’s actually a minor nuisance aimed at diverting attention away from the Kiev regime’s collapsing defenses in the Donbass.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that the Kursk oblast incursion, no matter how strategically insignificant, is being conducted in a way that’s far too well coordinated for the Neo-Nazi junta to be able to do it all alone. As per usual, the “plausibly deniable” (and yet, very visible) hand of the United States and NATO is slowly being uncovered in the tiny area that the Kiev regime has occupied.


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3aa81f No.209174

File: cbab2c86d958912⋯.png (2.61 MB,1124x1130,562:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442761 (192052ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Campaign Hires Notorious Election Meddler To Serve As Legal Counsel. Harris’ team is gearing up to fight tooth and nail to win this election in the courts if it can’t win at the ballot box

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Kamala Campaign Hires Notorious Election Meddler To Serve As Legal Counsel. If Elias’ past (and present) tells us anything, it’s that Harris’ team is gearing up to fight tooth and nail to win this election in the courts if it can’t win at the ballot box.


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3aa81f No.209175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442773 (192054ZAUG24) Notable: Muslim Elected Official DENIES Ballot Harvesting Evidence Exposed by PV, Vows to Retaliate

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Muslim Elected Official DENIES Ballot Harvesting Evidence Exposed by PV, Vows to Retaliate 👀

Project Veritas


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3aa81f No.209176

File: 866c2c706a8daef⋯.png (764.72 KB,667x852,667:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442776 (192056ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris’s ‘Hope & Joy’ Versus Boarded-Up Businesses & Chaos ️‍

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Kamala Harris’s ‘Hope & Joy’ Versus Boarded-Up Businesses & Chaos ️‍


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3aa81f No.209177

File: 9fa8c4e961a534b⋯.png (568.36 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442783 (192057ZAUG24) Notable: Who is speaking at the 2024 DNC? Here's the list of speakers for the Democratic convention

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Who is speaking at the 2024 DNC? Here's the list of speakers for the Democratic convention

Three presidents, leaders in Congress and other prominent members of the party are expected to address the Democratic National Convention.


eyes on all these cucks

-the world is watching

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3aa81f No.209178

File: 31d2b1522a0231e⋯.png (410.66 KB,522x860,261:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 0525a6703ff934a⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442791 (192100ZAUG24) Notable: Listen to a Chicago resident tell you that illegals are getting $15,000 food cards and $5000 cash cards and getting their rent paid for two years

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Listen to a Chicago resident tell you that illegals are getting $15,000 food cards and $5000 cash cards and getting their rent paid for two years. President Trump is going to flip a blue state that they aren’t expecting. People like this woman are waking up.

Insurrection Barbie


Listen to a Chicago resident tell you that illegals are getting $15,000 food cards and $5000 cash cards and getting their rent paid for two years.

There is zero chance that people are going to continue to vote for this, and Donald Trump needs to start going and doing rallies in…

12:39 PM • Aug 19, 2024

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3aa81f No.209179

File: 152407ec07da8ee⋯.png (342.44 KB,633x437,633:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442793 (192101ZAUG24) Notable: Azerbaijan has officially applied to join BRICS

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S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 28m

Azerbaijan has officially applied to join BRICS.

Aug 19, 2024 · 8:32 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209180

File: 2b20618d5cb17ce⋯.png (879.17 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442795 (192103ZAUG24) Notable: Biden to ‘pass the baton’ to Kamala Harris on first night of DNC – then jet off to California

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Biden to ‘pass the baton’ to Kamala Harris on first night of DNC – then jet off to California

President Biden is poised to deliver the headline speech of the night at the Democratic National Convention Monday, but he won’t be staying in the Windy City for long.


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3aa81f No.209181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442804 (192104ZAUG24) Notable: Don Lemon SHOCKED To See New Jersey Support Trump

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Don Lemon SHOCKED To See New Jersey Support Trump


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3aa81f No.209182

File: 7c437c2379b6790⋯.png (1.7 MB,1343x1919,1343:1919,Clipboard.png)

File: ddc0ae0dfd8ef27⋯.png (631.51 KB,788x900,197:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442822 (192109ZAUG24) Notable: JUST IN: DA Bragg does *not* oppose Trump's request to delay his sentencing, instead deferring to Justice Merchan

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JUST IN: DA Bragg does *not* oppose Trump's request to delay his sentencing, instead deferring to Justice Merchan. They note the new/complex effect of the Supreme Court's immunity ruling.


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3aa81f No.209183

File: b8dfc8123a4fff0⋯.png (436.05 KB,607x469,607:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442830 (192110ZAUG24) Notable: Estee Lauder’s longtime CEO Fabrizio Freda to retire as weak demand roils beauty market

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New York Post

@nypost 3h

Estee Lauder’s longtime CEO Fabrizio Freda to retire as weak demand roils beauty market


Aug 19, 2024 · 5:55 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209184

File: b67f84efd619044⋯.png (904.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442833 (192111ZAUG24) Notable: When Minneapolis citizens and police needed Tim Walz, he failed them. We won't forget

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When Minneapolis citizens and police needed Tim Walz, he failed them. We won't forget

No part of Tim Walz's tenure as governor is as egregious as his reckless disregard for the rule of law when Minneapolis burned during the 2020 riots.


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3aa81f No.209185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442847 (192113ZAUG24) Notable: @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

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VH-92 over Chicago


ADSb tracking frozen over ==Wintrust Arena=

Patriots Win Trust

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3aa81f No.209186

File: 92319fc2d209725⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3054c1e66c02120⋯.png (326.37 KB,520x545,104:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442848 (192114ZAUG24) Notable: Tim Walz was just introduced as “Command Sergeant Major” at a DNC meeting in Chicago

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Nick Sortor


🚨 JUST IN: Tim Walz was just introduced as “Command Sergeant Major” at a DNC meeting in Chicago

The Democrats are DOUBLING DOWN on his stolen valor, and Walz STILL refuses to correct it

Why are Democrats supporting stolen valor??!

8:49 AM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209187

File: 7a6f21e6c6be86e⋯.png (3.29 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d91f3746ca4c72⋯.png (1000.01 KB,811x733,811:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442873 (192122ZAUG24) Notable: Biden to ‘pass the baton’ to Kamala Harris on first night of DNC – then jet off to California

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Stage Disassembly at the White House?

It has been a while since the people running the Biden administration have used the stage set they constructed at the beginning of Joe Biden’s installment. Factually, no one ever explained why the people controlling Joe Biden went to all the trouble to con…

It has been a while since the people running the Biden administration have used the stage set they constructed at the beginning of Joe Biden’s installment.

Factually, no one ever explained why the people controlling Joe Biden went to all the trouble to construct a completely fake Oval Office and White House set in the Eisenhower office building. Everyone just seemed to accept the stage and subsequent performances as if they were some type of ordinary communications choices. The acceptance always struck me as very odd. I digress.

Today, it is noted that a U-Haul truck appears at the White House, oddly timed to coincide with Joe Biden giving his farewell address to the DNC convention audience in Chicago. The accompanying notation with the picture says, “NEW: U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden’s planned “farewell” address to the DNC. Are they finally giving Biden the permanent boot?”

The fact that a U-Haul is used just seems strange to me, considering that the White House could use any packing, shipping and/or secure transport company they wanted. It’s not like costs are an issue; so, why use a U-Haul?

Everything these people do appears weird to me. I know I’m not the only person who sees it.

Often, I just have to walk around a little bit, reconnect to the reality of life as it exists in the physical world separate from the manipulations of men. It seems like an odd thing to say, but outside the USA this weird mind virus of pretending is not as rampant as it is within our borders. A great deal of the world’s population looks at us now and wonders what happened.

God is in control, and ultimately, He is the source of the purest truth.

All of this Biden/Harris stuff is physically, psychologically and emotionally manufactured pretense from the minds of people who are genuinely odd characters.

There are millions of people infected with this pretending stuff, try not to be one of them.

Perhaps it is not easy for many people who are online a lot, but everyone should try to stay connected to reality and remind yourself that behind all of this internet drama, there are resources, bots and data processing programs created to give the illusion of something that does not exist.

Remind yourself that the same people who told you Joe Biden was cognitively fit, until he wasn’t, actually created a stage for the office of the President of The United States of America – as part of their pretending operation.

It’s all just goofy. Don’t be ashamed to say that!


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3aa81f No.209188

File: 7dd33efc27863a8⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442904 (192129ZAUG24) Notable: Don Lemon SHOCKED To See New Jersey Support Trump

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Gaslighting intensifies…

"the economy is actually better under Biden…"

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3aa81f No.209189

File: 34ef1557529b36a⋯.png (424.33 KB,528x458,264:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 26ae1ccf3e6fe43⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442929 (192133ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

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Protestors are beginning to shake the WALL at the DNC in Chicago, I wouldn't be surprised if they break through it tonight



Protestors are beginning to shake the WALL at the DNC in Chicago, I wouldn't be surprised if they break through it tonight

2:16 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209190

File: 071311eed9cd4a7⋯.png (398.44 KB,611x493,611:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442934 (192134ZAUG24) Notable: Tim Walz commuted the life sentence of a teen charged with killing an 11-year-old girl – since then, he’s been busted twice

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New York Post

@nypost 3h

Tim Walz commuted the life sentence of a teen charged with killing an 11-year-old girl – since then, he’s been busted twice


Aug 19, 2024 · 5:19 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209191

File: 3514addfc0817f3⋯.jpeg (836.14 KB,1170x2142,65:119,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a5ca01b09851a7⋯.jpeg (980.07 KB,1170x2184,15:28,Clipboard.jpeg)

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3aa81f No.209192

File: 13a6624e3ce0581⋯.png (648.6 KB,554x1200,277:600,Clipboard.png)

File: f9e7408480ea937⋯.png (525.75 KB,677x652,677:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442968 (192138ZAUG24) Notable: @the_roblaw: Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written]

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'Part of Kamala Harris's newly unearthed agenda is to fight for the passage of the U.S. Citizenship Act, an amnesty bill that will grant citizenship to millions of illegals. If they get their way, Democrats will have millions of new voters OVERNIGHT!

Rob Law


Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse.

Read on for the horrifying details…

12:40 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209193

File: 5226922d99d15f3⋯.png (1.1 MB,1192x1144,149:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442975 (192140ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

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>Protestors are beginning to shake the WALL at the DNC in Chicago, I wouldn't be surprised if they break through it tonight

Cue Mellencamp


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3aa81f No.209194

File: 096abb8ea72829f⋯.png (304.54 KB,392x763,56:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eac36dcbbdedfb⋯.mp4 (14.85 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442982 (192141ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

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More than 200 “influencers” paid to be at the DNC

Stephen L. Miller


Journalists can start doing their jobs or they can go extinct.

Collin Rugg


NEW: The DNC has granted credentials to over 200 influencers at the event this week in Chicago, giving them access to events typically only given to the press

The development comes as the Harris Campaign & the DNC have been accused of paying influencers for support.


7:48 AM • Aug 19, 2024

12:19 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209195

File: f36433635877944⋯.png (31.29 KB,614x330,307:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 52892549913f822⋯.png (262.01 KB,627x470,627:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442986 (192142ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris plan to give $25K for "first generation" homebuyers not "first time" Home Buyerswhich specifically is designed for illegals

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Wendy Patterson @wendyp4545

Breaking News:Kamala Harris plan to give $25,000 is for "first generation" homebuyers not "first time" Home Buyerswhich specifically is designed for illegals. -Morning With Maria

Wording matters

8:05 AM · Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209196

File: b4b2059760d43e4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21442989 (192142ZAUG24) Notable: George Santos, expelled from Congress, faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached plea deal w/fed prosecutors

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George Santos reaches plea deal, pleads guilty to wire fraud and identity theft

August 19, 2024

CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. — George Santos, who was expelled from Congress as he faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached a plea deal Monday with federal prosecutors in New York on two federal counts.

Santos pleaded guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

"A short time ago, after years of telling lies, former Congressman George Santos stood in the courthouse behind me and finally, under oath, told the truth. And that truth is that he is a criminal," U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said. "Santos pled guilty to serious crimes involving fraud and identity theft. He also admitted to committing all other crimes he was charged with in the superseding indictment. As a result, he will finally be held to account for his actions."

Peace said under the deal Santos will go to prison for at least two years, though the judge said the plea deal may come with an estimated sentencing range between 6-8 years. He's set for sentencing Feb. 7 at federal court in Central Islip.

Under the agreement, Santos will have to repay at least $373,000.


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3aa81f No.209197

File: a9cf6cec0321bfc⋯.jpeg (967.48 KB,1170x1354,585:677,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443014 (192146ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

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3aa81f No.209198

File: e516574c1657274⋯.png (467.14 KB,1920x2429,1920:2429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443073 (192157ZAUG24) Notable: Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

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Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws"

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws."

Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September.

In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach.

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3aa81f No.209199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443137 (192206ZAUG24) Notable: #26276

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FINAL @720


#26276 >>209120

>>209121, >>209126, >>209128, >>209131, >>209133, >>209169 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24

>>209122, >>209127, >>209130, >>209132, >>209136, >>209140 POTUS T: ..but the good news is that she should be easier than to beat than Crooked Joe

>>209124 Kamala Harris Suffers Triple Polling Blow Before DNC Starts

>>209123 Billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch's co-defendant in US fraud trial DIES in hospital after being hit by a car on Saturday

>>209125 ‘This is a religious war’: Likud MK calls for Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount

>>209129 Israeli Strikes in Gaza Kill 10-Year-Old Quintuplets

>>209134, >>209135, >>209143, >>209148, >>209153, >>209164, >>209185 @USAF_VIP_LGX: TODAY WILL BE THE FIRST TIME THE VH-92 PATRIOT WILL BE USED AS MARINE ONE

>>209137 John Fetterman is skipping this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago

>>209138 GM lays off more than 1,000 salaried software and services employees

>>209139 159 Countries set to use BRICS SWIFT replacement

>>209141 @Tim_Walz: What an awesome bus tour. Great to hit the trail with @KamalaHarris, @DouglasEmhoff and @GwenWalz. Thank you, Pennsylvania!

>>209142 Tech Company Lays Off 5,500 Workers to Invest More in AI, Despite Making $10.3 Billion in Profit

>>209144 Tech tycoon Mike Lynch: luxury superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily after a tornado hit area Monday, killing 1, 6 missing

>>209145, >>209157, >>209161, >>209163 64 Years Later, CIA Details Long-Hidden Role in Iran Coup

>>209146, >>209150, >>209152 Proton makes VPN free for countries where elections are under threat from censorship or political interference

>>209147, >>209156, >>209172, >>209196 George Santos, expelled from Congress, faced nearly two dozen criminal charges, reached plea deal w/fed prosecutors

>>209149, >>209151 WEF releasing their plans: 4 global risks to look out for in the post-pandemic era

>>209154 Israel’s PR Scramble Following Gaza SchooI Massacre: Hamas Fighters Killed Twice and “No Women and Children Present”

>>209155, >>209160, >>209191 Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are 'Poison'

>>209158 Rumble reached out numerous times to the DNC to have a presence at the Chicago convention, just like we did at the RNC

>>209159 Euro forger who produced EUR 11 million in fake bills arrested in Italy

>>209162 Pussy Hats planning to disrupt the DNC

>>209165, >>209189, >>209193, >>209194, >>209197 LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

>>209166 Imran Khan applies to be uni chancellor from jail

>>209167 ANTIFA UPDATE: Over 100,000 Antifa devices in the Chicago area this morning, but 60% avoiding Chicago proper & convention. Why?

>>209168 6,000+ additional hours of USCP CCTV footage released today by Rep Loudermilk

>>209170 Actors Lisa Bonet, Raoul Julia and River Phoenix call out vaccines and the harm they cause

>>209169 Harley Davidson tries to save woke business by doubling down on DEI

>>209171 Swamp Events

>>209173 US/NATO’s Sloppy Attempts to Hide Involvement in Kursk Incursion

>>209174 Kamala Campaign Hires Notorious Election Meddler To Serve As Legal Counsel. Harris’ team is gearing up to fight tooth and nail to win this election in the courts if it can’t win at the ballot box

>>209175 Muslim Elected Official DENIES Ballot Harvesting Evidence Exposed by PV, Vows to Retaliate

>>209176 Kamala Harris’s ‘Hope & Joy’ Versus Boarded-Up Businesses & Chaos ️‍

>>209177 Who is speaking at the 2024 DNC? Here's the list of speakers for the Democratic convention

>>209178 Listen to a Chicago resident tell you that illegals are getting $15,000 food cards and $5000 cash cards and getting their rent paid for two years

>>209179 Azerbaijan has officially applied to join BRICS

>>209180, >>209187 Biden to ‘pass the baton’ to Kamala Harris on first night of DNC – then jet off to California

>>209181, >>209188 Don Lemon SHOCKED To See New Jersey Support Trump

>>209182 JUST IN: DA Bragg does *not* oppose Trump's request to delay his sentencing, instead deferring to Justice Merchan

>>209183 Estee Lauder’s longtime CEO Fabrizio Freda to retire as weak demand roils beauty market

>>209184 When Minneapolis citizens and police needed Tim Walz, he failed them. We won't forget

>>209186 Tim Walz was just introduced as “Command Sergeant Major” at a DNC meeting in Chicago

>>209190 Tim Walz commuted the life sentence of a teen charged with killing an 11-year-old girl – since then, he’s been busted twice

>>209192 @the_roblaw: Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written]

>>209195 Kamala Harris plan to give $25K for "first generation" homebuyers not "first time" Home Buyerswhich specifically is designed for illegals

>>209198 Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals


Baker seeks handoff @n/b dough

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3aa81f No.209201

File: 9aecd92ba3d269c⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 03cf1aecc4d0e40⋯.png (987.72 KB,1000x1416,125:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443166 (192208ZAUG24) Notable: #26277

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Thank you anons




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3aa81f No.209202

File: f6f1c846cc8a7de⋯.png (301.46 KB,610x420,61:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443209 (192215ZAUG24) Notable: NASA spots mysterious object moving 1million mph through space

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Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 1h

NASA spots mysterious object moving 1million mph through space


Aug 19, 2024 · 8:27 PM UTC




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3aa81f No.209203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443217 (192216ZAUG24) Notable: Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala?

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This was posted a couple days ago and thought it a plausible explanation and worthy of a repeat. Did try to embed:


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3aa81f No.209204

File: e33ec460862913a⋯.png (3.62 MB,1440x2003,1440:2003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443232 (192218ZAUG24) Notable: Germany stifles support for Ukraine

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The Germans are poised to cut military aid to their embattled ally by 94 per cent over the next three years. German support for Ukraine will fall from its current level of £6.8 billion to just £425 million by 2027 and has prompted accusations of betrayal in Berlin.


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3aa81f No.209205

File: 25bab028aaa76fd⋯.png (2.88 MB,2258x1722,1129:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443233 (192218ZAUG24) Notable: BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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LIVE: Protesters gather outside Democratic National Convention

Green hair and dreads cuffed n stuffed.

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3aa81f No.209206

File: d7ac1bcc7b39d54⋯.png (16.85 KB,602x123,602:123,Clipboard.png)

File: e27add213fe0a0e⋯.jpg (31.55 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443262 (192223ZAUG24) Notable: Rep. Thomas Massie says dual citizens elected to Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries.

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Leading Report

@LeadingReport 1h

BREAKING: Rep. Thomas Massie says dual citizens elected to Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries.

Aug 19, 2024 · 8:16 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209207

File: 38c0c6650679a3c⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB,640x364,160:91,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443350 (192234ZAUG24) Notable: BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives




🔥🚨HAPPENING NOW: Riot police are clashing with Pro-Palestine protestors who breeched the barricade at the DNC Convention in Chicago.


Now the police have them kettled behind the fence and they want to suddenly get out. KEK.

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3aa81f No.209208

File: 8ccfc16e14d166a⋯.png (627.04 KB,780x520,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443380 (192239ZAUG24) Notable: BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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Protesters breach security fence at Democratic National Convention

CHICAGO (CBS) - Protesters breached a security fence into the security perimeter for the Democratic National Convention Monday afternoon.

The official protest had moved away from Park 578 by just after 4:30 p.m., but a faction stayed behind and broke through the fence at Washington Boulevard and Wolcott Avenue, The scene is about two blocks from the United Center.

This group made it through the first line of the perimeter, and was trying to make it through the second fence—which could allow them access to the United Center.

They were heard chanting, "Whose streets? Our streets!"



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3aa81f No.209209

File: d396eb7f1c22e6a⋯.png (902.86 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443397 (192241ZAUG24) Notable: Morton Salt Joins Exodus from Illinois, Relocates Headquarters to Kansas, Citing State’s Hostile Business Climate

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Another One Bites the Dust: Morton Salt Joins Exodus from Illinois, Relocates Headquarters to Kansas, Citing State’s Hostile Business Climate

In yet another blow to Illinois’s crumbling economic landscape, Morton Salt, the iconic company behind the blue and yellow umbrella girl and was founded in Chicago, has announced its decision to relocate its headquarters to Overland Park, Kansas.


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3aa81f No.209210

File: 19399ab32702388⋯.png (659.79 KB,768x426,128:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443440 (192246ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Met With JIHAD Capital Mayor Who Attended Pro-Hamas Rally. What did she offer?

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Kamala Met With JIHAD Capital Mayor Who Attended Pro-Hamas Rally. What did Kamala offer the mayor of America's Jihad Capital? Kamala Harris has spent the last 6 months pandering to Hamas supporters and there’s no sign that she’s about to stop. Instead all signs point to matters getting worse…

Kamala Met With Jihad Capital Mayor Who Attended Pro-Hamas Rally

What did Kamala offer the mayor of America's Jihad Capital?


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3aa81f No.209211

File: fbd1a4c9a953728⋯.mp4 (7.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443450 (192248ZAUG24) Notable: BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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The Token Monkey Pox arrest. Obligatory in this day and age.

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸




Good Lord, they’re arresting the stuffed gorilla too 🤣


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3aa81f No.209212

File: 3928ef56f8248c5⋯.png (303.06 KB,606x509,606:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443453 (192249ZAUG24) Notable: Oppressed Iranian Jews in Tehran celebrate the graduation of new rabbis and kosher butchers

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Iran Observer

@IranObserver0 14h

A very interesting video

Iranian Jews in Tehran celebrate the graduation of new rabbis and kosher butchers

According to CNN and Fox News they are oppressed

Aug 19, 2024 · 8:18 AM UTC



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3aa81f No.209213

File: 6f79bbfe7d0fce6⋯.png (41.18 KB,652x343,652:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443501 (192257ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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Obama & Biden are bouncing from the DNC before Harris accepts the nomination. PA Gov Josh Shapiro isn’t attending the DNC at all. Neither is Sen John Fetterman, among others. Don’t buy their “one big happy communist family” BS this week. Like Kamala, it’s all a big fraud.

Monica Crowley


🚨 Obama & Biden are bouncing from the DNC before Harris accepts the nomination.

PA Gov Josh Shapiro isn’t attending the DNC at all. Neither is Sen John Fetterman, among others.

Don’t buy their “one big happy communist family” BS this week.

Like Kamala, it’s all a big fraud

12:23 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209214

File: bfd7b0244a53182⋯.png (730.75 KB,786x443,786:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443502 (192257ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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DNC lineup: Who's speaking and what to expect

Monday, "For the People": Biden and Dr. Jill Biden speak, along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a welcome from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.

Tuesday, "A Bold Vision for America's Future": Former President Obama plus second gentleman Doug Emhoff, with a welcome from Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.

Wednesday, "A Fight for Our Freedoms": Vice presidential nominee Tim Walz delivers his acceptance speech, preceded by former President Clinton, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (per CNN).

Thursday, "For Our Future": Harris accepts the convention's nomination for president.


Here's a list of the people scheduled to speak Monday, per organizers.

Minyon Moore, chair of the 2024 Democratic National Convention Committee

Jaime Harrison, chair of the Democratic National Committee

Brandon Johnson, mayor of Chicago

Minyon Moore, chair of the 2024 Democratic National Convention Committee

Peggy Flanagan, Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota

Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.)

Rich Logis, described by the DNC as a former Trump voter

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.)

Joint remarks by Lee Saunders, president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; April Verrett, president of the Service Employees International Union; Brent Booker, general president of the Laborers' International Union of North America; Kenneth Cooper, International President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; Claude Cummings Jr., president of the Communications Workers of America; Elizabeth Shuler, President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D-Mich.)

Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul

Shawn Fain, president of the United Automobile Workers

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)

Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State

Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.)

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.)

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas)

Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.)

Joint remarks by Amanda and Josh Zurawski of Texas, Kaitlyn Joshua of Louisiana and Hadley Duvall of Kentucky

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear

Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock

Delaware Sen. Chris Coons

First Lady Jill Biden

Ashley Biden, daughter of President Biden

President Biden


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3aa81f No.209215

File: 8fd9b9bb8258182⋯.png (827.31 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443525 (192300ZAUG24) Notable: Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have 'Staged' Event for Harris

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Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have 'Staged' Event for Harris

Is there anything that's real about the Harris-Walz team?

We reported earlier that the Harris team seemed to have a staged event on Sunday at Sheetz in Pennsylvania. Then, on Monday at the DNC, they introduced Walz at one of the events as "Command Sergeant Major" — misrepresenting the rank that he retired at, a rank he never earned.

But they really doubled down on the staging of events with what they did in Pittsburgh at the famous Primanti Brothers restaurant on Sunday, according to Fox News.

Patrons at a Pittsburgh culinary landmark were outraged Monday after they claimed they were forced to leave the premises before Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz arrived for a weekend campaign stop.

Several people who had been enjoying food, drinks and the Pittsburgh Pirates game on TV at Primanti Bros. in Moon, Pennsylvania, on Sunday said they were all forced out of the restaurant promptly at 4 p.m.

Mark Dodson said it was crazy this was happening so suddenly like that.

"They shut down the TVs… so you couldn’t watch the game," he said. "I said, this is BS – this is a public restaurant. It was kind of mind-boggling to me."

Then, what happened next was astonishing. A bunch of white vans rolled up. People who had been tossed out and others said they had brought in people to have an "audience" in the restaurant, Sam DeMarco, the Republican Committee of Allegheny County chairman, reported. "Holy hell, all these actors in these vans," one of the men shouted.


Yes, everything about Kamala Harris is FAKE!

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3aa81f No.209216

File: d12ae2089bc166c⋯.png (704.56 KB,824x1200,103:150,Clipboard.png)

File: 8833fb87b7cb09c⋯.png (340.77 KB,524x889,524:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443526 (192300ZAUG24) Notable: 🚨 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 🚨 𝐸𝐿𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝐹𝑅𝐴𝑈𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝐺𝐸𝑂𝑅𝐺𝐼𝐴 GA ATTORNEY GENERAL CHRIS CARR k, @Georgia_AG has stated he will NOT investigate anything

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Kylie Jane Kremer




==It is official that GA ATTORNEY GENERAL CHRIS CARR is subverting the will of the people in Georgia.

In official paperwork, @Georgia_AG has stated he will NOT investigate anything on behalf of the…==

In official paperwork, @Georgia_AG

has stated he will NOT investigate anything on behalf of the State Election Board (SEB), specifically the 2020 election in Fulton County.

It appears @ChrisCarr_Ga

is complicit in the fraud in one of the most corrupt counties in the country, Fulton County.

It is important to note @GovKemp

defunded the SEB with a line item veto. Meaning the SEB now has no money to hire their own attorney and do their own investigation.

Right now, the SEB is at the mercy of the SOS Brad Raffensperger’s legal council and we have seen how well that is working out. @GaSecofState

and staff are part of the problem too.

Even if the SEB were to get the funds another way, the SEB would not have subpoena power to investigate election fraud claims in Fulton County, of which they have overwhelming evidence.

𝑮𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒂 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘:

•Did 𝐆𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐩 direct you to hold this official position?

•Why do you think you have the right to ignore the people who elected you as Attorney General of Georgia?

•Why do you NOT want to rid Fulton County of all corruption?

•What are you hiding with your refusal to NOT investigate the claims of election fraud from the previous 3-4 years?

•Why have you repeatedly lied and said if you were presented with evidence of election fraud, you would investigate it?

•Do you have any integrity at all or are you just full of empty rhetoric?

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 and the people of Georgia deserve better.

The corruption between Governor Kemp, SOS Brad Raffensperger and AG Chris Carr regarding elections goes so deep.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩 “𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧” 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝/𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥.

10:22 AM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443545 (192304ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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WATCH LIVE: Biden set to speak on night one of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago


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3aa81f No.209218

File: 8262b03887e808d⋯.png (371.83 KB,530x489,530:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 815ebe911d66b86⋯.mp4 (646.32 KB,640x348,160:87,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443549 (192305ZAUG24) Notable: Inside the mobile abortion and vasectomy clinic near the DNC

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PANIC: Kamala thinks killing unborn babies is a big selling point. Give that a think.

Kamala HQ


Q: You picked three Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe. Do you have any regret about the overturning of Roe v. Wade?

Trump: Everybody wanted it overturned

3:49 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443557 (192306ZAUG24) Notable: Bill Maher talks to kids

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At 4:10, Bill Maher brings children on his show and very inappropriately asks them if they've seen "Game of Thrones."


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3aa81f No.209220

File: 3f13a3345022e47⋯.jpeg (144.04 KB,1141x655,1141:655,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443568 (192308ZAUG24) Notable: Ukrainians will soon see West ‘used them’ - Lukashenko

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L19 Aug, 2024 22:02

Ukrainians will soon see West ‘used them’ – Lukashenko

The Ukrainians will ultimately be disappointed with their current helpers, the president of Belarus has said

The people of Ukraine will eventually recognize that the US and its allies have treated them as cannon fodder, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said.

In an interview with Russia 1 TV channel released on Sunday, Lukashenko argued that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky had lost the support of ordinary Ukrainians and that most of the “rabid nationalists” who once set the agenda in Kiev have died by now.

“When they realize that they were simply used and then they were dumped, once the Ukrainians realize it, they will come to us,"Lukashenko said. “We are going to rebuild everything that has been destroyed but to a higher standard.”

According to the president of Belarus, theWest wants to turn Ukrainian men into cannon fodder and their women into sex slaves.

“Beautiful Ukrainian women are simply making a living through prostitution. And men get used any way they [the West] want,” Lukashenko said. “Now they want to deploy them to the front line.”

Close to three quarters of Ukrainians “hate Zelensky,” Lukashenko argued, “because he promises one thing and does another; because people are dying.” The former actor was elected president in 2019 on a promise he would find a peaceful resolution of the conflict with the Donbass republics, but quickly ended up adopting the same hostile policy as his predecessor.

Lukashenko said he had warned Zelensky that the West was fickle. A new president in the US might “refuse to honor old arrangements,” andeven if the UK gives him enough money to buy a mansion somewhere, odds are the Ukrainian intelligence would assassinate him as a traitor, the Belarusian leader claimed. (He's not wrong!)

As an example to Ukrainians of what not to do, the president of Belarus pointed to Armenia, whose government has recently turned to the US and France.

“But what kind of policy is that?!” Lukashenko said. “France? [Emmanuel] Macron? Macron will be gone tomorrow and everyone will forget about Armenia. Just the way it happened to Afghanistan” when the US withdrew, he added, referring to events from three years ago.

According to Lukashenko, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end eventually and normal relations will be restored.

“Time will come. Listen, the war against the Germans was also fierce. But we’d been friends with these former fascists until recently,” he noted, referring to World War II. “We worked together. We found the basis for it. Can’t we restore our good relations? We will restore them.”

However, if Kiev continues to escalate matters – such as with the recent incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region – Ukraine may be completely destroyed, Lukashenko warned.


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3aa81f No.209221

File: 2b02abfa33ec650⋯.png (436.31 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443569 (192308ZAUG24) Notable: Democrats Exclude Bitcoin And Crypto From 2024 Platform, Aligning With Past Hostility

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Democrats Exclude Bitcoin And Crypto From 2024 Platform, Aligning With Past Hostility


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3aa81f No.209222

File: 69b34ff16abb1cd⋯.png (1.99 MB,900x768,75:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443581 (192310ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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IT'S REAL! There's barely anyone at the DNC…😂 There are more protestors outside than delegates inside the building

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3aa81f No.209223

File: 5b0a0deb047798a⋯.mp4 (10.93 MB,460x816,115:204,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443585 (192311ZAUG24) Notable: Make Illegals Go Away!

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UK : Mohammed Sina, 30, illegal immigrant from Iran, attempted to rape 12-year-old British girls. Caught and arrested. Mohammed was previously in jail for assault and robbery.

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3aa81f No.209224

File: c6ce39429b9f335⋯.png (784.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443586 (192311ZAUG24) Notable: Inside the mobile abortion and vasectomy clinic near the DNC

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Inside the mobile abortion and vasectomy clinic near the DNC

Inside the mobile abortion clinic set up near the Democratic National Convention offering free abortions and vasectomies that has sparked outrage.


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3aa81f No.209225

File: 5479bae06bfa8e3⋯.png (733.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443593 (192312ZAUG24) Notable: Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs — Counties Must Withhold Certification Until Fraud is Addressed

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BREAKING: Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs — Counties Must Withhold Certification Until Fraud is Addressed

The Georgia Election Board has voted 3-2 in favor of a new rule mandating that election workers compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.


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3aa81f No.209226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443597 (192312ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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Article with schedule and how to watch dnc convention


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3aa81f No.209227

File: 7f037a8c24ac503⋯.png (980.49 KB,724x483,724:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443659 (192320ZAUG24) Notable: DNC Goes Full Communist on Land Management.

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DNC Goes Full Communist on Land Management. The Communist Party USA could have written the DNC platform which was posted today…They’re communists, and communists have to lie to get support for their ruinous agenda. The Democrat Party is consumed by Communism.

DNC Goes Full Communist on Land Management

The Communist Party USA could have written the DNC platform which was posted today. There are a number of issues we'll list later, but the land management issue is deeply troubling. It's modeled after the American communist mantra that the United States is…


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3aa81f No.209228

File: 8ca2bf4f7be0952⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443705 (192327ZAUG24) Notable: Very exciting DNC this year

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Blue helmed police, conditioning people?


Savanah Hernandez


4 protestors have been arrested outside of the DNC. An ANTIFA member immediately breaks down the gate as another protestor shouts “we can save her” referring to one of the arrested protesters.

The police immediately come and shut down the protestors | @FrontlinesTPUSA

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3aa81f No.209229

File: a7de70871d1b550⋯.png (583.2 KB,634x414,317:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443717 (192328ZAUG24) Notable: Make Illegals Go Away!

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Migrant who beheaded his victim and caused his intestines to spill out while still alive could avoid deportation from Germany 'because he will probably just come back from Somalia'

A migrant who beheaded his victim and caused his intestines to spill out while he was still alive could avoid deportation from Germany - because prosecutors think he would just come back from Somalia.

Mursal Mohamed Seid, 24, killed his 52-year-old flatmate Alex K. in a homeless shelter in the Bavarian town of Regen in July 2021.

He stabbed his victim 111 times with a knife before beheading him. Seid later told investigators that he believed his flatmate was possessed by two demons he had to kill.

The attack was so violent that the victim's intestines spilled out while he was still alive, German media reported at the time.

Seid is said to have committed the crime in a schizophrenic delusion and was therefore placed in the high-security ward of the district hospital in Mainkofen, Bavaria.

German immigration authorities want to deport him back to his native Somalia as soon as possible, but the prosecutors are hesitant to issue a deportation order because they think the criminal would return to Germany anyway, tabloid Bild reports.

Just a few weeks after he killed his flatmate, the Somalian tried to escape the high-security ward of a hospital in Bavaria where he is being held by hiding in a food cart.

Despite concerns about Seid's treatment progress, he was given a lower security level that enabled him to leave the hospital grounds while accompanied by a minder.

'The basic goal is to test the patient's resilience outside the clinical environment and to prepare him for later reintegration into society, Sabine Baeter, spokeswoman for the district, told Bild.

Seid came to Germany as part of an asylum seeker programme in 2018 after fleeing Somalia for Sudan and then Libya, according to German outlet Nius.

Before the brutal murder of his flatmate, Seid already piled up convictions for causing bodily harm, robbery, theft in conjunction with attempted dangerous bodily harm and fraudulently obtaining services.

In February 2021, he received a two-year suspended sentence for these crimes, but since he was not imprisoned, he was allowed to return to the homeless shelter he lived at, where he ended up killing his flatmate.


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3aa81f No.209230

File: 295bd7b6a1bae85⋯.png (530.61 KB,598x645,598:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443718 (192328ZAUG24) Notable: Democrats Exclude Bitcoin And Crypto From 2024 Platform, Aligning With Past Hostility

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Tonight, at the DNC convention, Joe Biden finally gets to feel like an American: disappointed, betrayed, hurt, angry, humiliated, by people who took his money and his job.


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3aa81f No.209231

File: 3b2219e63bb7b43⋯.png (509.6 KB,780x491,780:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443751 (192332ZAUG24) Notable: BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

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3aa81f No.209232

File: b5ff51830f4b51d⋯.png (116.34 KB,608x440,76:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443837 (192341ZAUG24) Notable: Candice Owens interview from today

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link to candice owens interview from today

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3aa81f No.209233

File: 48f045c81c997ca⋯.png (790.4 KB,768x363,256:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443844 (192343ZAUG24) Notable: Democrats in Chicago book hotels under fake names to hide from protesters: report

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Democrats in Chicago book hotels under fake names to hide from protesters: report

Some hotels “have been getting random calls asking for people” an anonymous lawmaker said.


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3aa81f No.209234

File: a1f8ee41af2ca0a⋯.png (44.28 KB,759x433,759:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443868 (192346ZAUG24) Notable: Blinken Praises Netanyahu's Acceptance Of Gaza Truce Deal That Doesn't Exist

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Blinken Praises Netanyahu's Acceptance Of Gaza Truce Deal That Doesn't Exist

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in Tel Aviv in what both called "a very good and important meeting." Blinken touted that Netanyahu has accepted latest US proposal on a Gaza ceasefire deal, and now he's urging that Hamas "must do the same".

Netanyahu in the meeting aftermath said that he appreciates "the understanding the US showed toward our vital security interests, amid our joint efforts to bring about the releases of our hostages."

"I want to emphasize," Netanyahu said, "efforts to release the maximum number of living hostages — in the first stage of the deal." Blinken in a presser proclaimed that he's in the region "to bring across the finish line" a ceasefire deal. He earlier warned this may be a "last chance" to secure a deal.

But the reality is that this is Blinken's ninth visit to Israel since the war began after the Hamas terror attack of Oct.7, and each and every trip has been filled with statements of the voicing a US "ironclad" commitment to Israel's security and simultaneous declarations that a truce as at the 'goal line'.


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3aa81f No.209235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443920 (192351ZAUG24) Notable: #26277

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#26277 >>209201

>>209216 🚨 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 🚨 𝐸𝐿𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝐹𝑅𝐴𝑈𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝐺𝐸𝑂𝑅𝐺𝐼𝐴 GA ATTORNEY GENERAL CHRIS CARR k, @Georgia_AG has stated he will NOT investigate anything

>>209225 Georgia Election Board Approves New Rule Requiring Precincts to Compare Ballots with Voter IDs — Counties Must Withhold Certification Until Fraud is Addressed

>>209215 Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have 'Staged' Event for Harris

>>209217, >>209222, >>209226, >>209214, >>209213, >>209228 Very exciting DNC this year

>>209227 DNC Goes Full Communist on Land Management.

>>209224, >>209218 Inside the mobile abortion and vasectomy clinic near the DNC

>>209231, >>209205, >>209208, >>209207, >>209211 BREAKING: The DNC Border is Secure

>>209202 NASA spots mysterious object moving 1million mph through space

>>209203 Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala?

>>209204 Germany stifles support for Ukraine

>>209220 Ukrainians will soon see West ‘used them’ - Lukashenko

>>209206 Rep. Thomas Massie says dual citizens elected to Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries.

>>209209 Morton Salt Joins Exodus from Illinois, Relocates Headquarters to Kansas, Citing State’s Hostile Business Climate

>>209210 Kamala Met With JIHAD Capital Mayor Who Attended Pro-Hamas Rally. What did she offer?

>>209212 Oppressed Iranian Jews in Tehran celebrate the graduation of new rabbis and kosher butchers

>>209219 Bill Maher talks to kids

>>209221, >>209230 Democrats Exclude Bitcoin And Crypto From 2024 Platform, Aligning With Past Hostility

>>209223, >>209229 Make Illegals Go Away!

>>209232 Candice Owens interview from today

>>209233 Democrats in Chicago book hotels under fake names to hide from protesters: report

>>209234 Blinken Praises Netanyahu's Acceptance Of Gaza Truce Deal That Doesn't Exist


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3aa81f No.209236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443948 (192354ZAUG24) Notable: #26278

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>baker accepting handoffs

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3aa81f No.209237

File: 758f6572e39c662⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6e4365bd14cdd61⋯.png (481.75 KB,517x777,517:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21443986 (200000ZAUG24) Notable: Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

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Assassin caught on video walking through rally, was first shot by a cop, then sniper

Tony Seruga


New footage that appears to be Thomas Matthew Crooks at the Butler, PA rally before shooting President Trump.

4:36 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444003 (200002ZAUG24) Notable: TRUMP RALLY AT YORK PENNSYLVANLIA 19TH AUGUST 2024

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note:Dough below



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy in York, PA - 8/19/24





Scheduled for 19 Aug 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on the economy in York, Pennsylvania, on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12:00 p.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change.


President Trump: With your vote, we will unleash explosive economic growth, and vast new prosperity for all of our citizens. We will put more money into your pockets, and create millions and millions of new jobs…our plan will massively cut taxes, unlock American energy, slash regulations; big factor, crackdown on trade cheaters and stop outsourcing, rebuild our industrial base, and bring back those beautiful words, Made In The USA…together we will reclaim out nation's destiny as the number one manufacturing superpower in the world.

President Trump: Three hundred and fifty thousand Americans joined the unemployment rolls last month, did you know that? We keep hearing about their economy; their economy is terrible, and the inflation is eating everybody alive, and it's been doing that for three years.

President Trump: If Kamala gets in, the United States will rapidly become a de-industrialized third-world nation, like so many others have become. She's running on socialist price controls, banning gas powered cars and trucks; private health insurance policies are gone. She wants to defund the police, abolish cash bail…she wants to abolish ICE…she wants to give free healthcare for millions of illegal aliens, and give them all citizenship into the United States immediately, and she then wants to sign them up for Medicare and Social Security, and she wants them to vote, illegally if possible; anyway they can vote. They don't care if its' legal or not. And they're signing people up as we speak. They don't care. They don't care about the laws.

President Trump: The number one step we will take to launch a Great American Manufacturing Renaissance will be to end Kamala Harris' war on American energy. It's a war, and you do know that inflation was caused by her cutback on energy.

TRUMP- We will cut energy costin halfin the first 6 months of my being back in office

TRUMP- A/c, heating, gasoline. All of it. It includes factories. Cut in 1/2.

TRUMP- When I'm back in office, I will approve rapid construction of infrastructure. To power our country into the future, including AI and cryptocurrency, we will make an historical investment in small nuclear reactors.

President Trump: Unleashing American energy will reduce prices, launch record-setting economic growth, create millions and millions of jobs, and produce higher wages for the American worker. You can't be a manufacturing powerhouse unless you have low-cost energy. We will have low-cost energy. Electricity rates for a Chinese factory are more than fifty percent lower than the price of electricity for an American factory…since Kamala took office ,electricity prices in America up much more than thirty percent nationwide, and here in Pennsylvania, they are projected to increase by another thirty percent. They think it's going to be, actually unsustainable for your state, if she gets in. That's why I've declared that a top priority for my administration will be to cut the cost of energy in half within the first twelve months of taking office.

TRUMP- No clue how Kamala will pay for FREE HEALTH CARE for illegals. We can't afford it. It's not sustainable. This is why people are pouring into our country.

TRUMP- No clue how she will pay for the $100 Trillion Green New Scam. Not one dollar is accounted for paying for it.


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3aa81f No.209239

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444010 (200003ZAUG24) Notable: TRUMP RALLY AT YORK PENNSYLVANLIA 19TH AUGUST 2024

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President Trump: Kamala is also on a regulatory jihad to shut down power plants all across America…I am announcing today that when I return to the White House, I will end the anti-American energy crusade, and terminate Kamala's so-called 'power plane rule'. It's a disaster for our country. Our country will have no jobs by the time these communists and marxists get rid of; when they destroy the country, probably can never come back either, just so you understand…instead of shutting down power plants, we will open dozens and dozens more, and they'll happen fast.

President Trump: To power our country into the future, including the electricity demands of AI and cryptocurrencies…we will make a historic commitment to bring in advanced, small modular nuclear reactors online.

TRUMP-This country owes $35TRILLION. That can rapidly come down. We have Liquid Gold.

President Trump: Kamala's economic agenda rewards outsourcers, and punishes American workers by making it economically impossible to manufacture in America. What I am promising today is a total pro-American overhaul of our tax, regulation, and trade systems, to promote domestic production, and punish those who ship jobs and factories overseas, or to places like Mexico, where right now…they're building some of the biggest car factories, just started, in the world.

TRUMP- We are going to do things right. We imposed historic tariffs. Prices did NOT go up. It gave us tremendous politcal leverage. So much money come in from China and other places on those tarrifs. I will revoke China's MOST FAVORED NATION status.

President Trump: We don't need lectures on the economy from a candidate pushing communist price controls. Kamala has no idea what the hell she's doing. Her father is a marxist professor, and I believe he taught her well. You know, he is a marxist professor. Can you imagine? Does anyone know that? I wonder if they knew that when they did an overthrow, or a coup, on Joe Biden. I wonder if they knew where she comes from, where she came from. what her ideology is.

President Trump: We will ensure that we have one hundred percent domestic American supply chains of all essential goods…we have no choice; this is really a matter of national security. We will bring back electronic production…but pharmaceutical too; it's outside of this country, ninety-five percent, we're reliant on various other countries, good countries, nothing wrong, but we want to do it ourselves…mineral production, car production; we're going to bring back the auto industry.

President Trump: Upon taking office, I will invoke the Defense Production Act, to very quickly ramp up capacity of essential products, and I will stop Japan from buying US Steel…they shouldn't be allowed to buy it.


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3aa81f No.209240

File: 5be37ae51639345⋯.png (1.6 MB,1000x721,1000:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444026 (200005ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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REMINDER: DNC 2024 policy goals

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3aa81f No.209241

File: b7b4b726da8d458⋯.png (277.68 KB,861x1022,123:146,Clipboard.png)


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291 page report PDF




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3aa81f No.209242

File: 497afcc60d74234⋯.png (441.34 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444089 (200011ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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Humiliating Mistakes Quickly Spotted as Democrats Release 2024 Platform: 'They're Accidentally Telling the Truth'. “A Harris Admin would simply be a 'Biden 2nd Term,' which in fact would be rule by the deep state/administrative bureaucracy that has been running the country since Biden Took Office…

Humiliating Mistakes Quickly Spotted as Dems Release 2024 Platform: 'They’re Accidentally Telling the Truth'

The release of Democrats 2024 Party Platform accidently shares how quickly Biden was ousted and Harris inserted as the party candidate.


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3aa81f No.209243

File: 7c6695de9477ab6⋯.png (1.46 MB,1022x572,511:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444094 (200011ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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it's not picking up much

maybe 7,000 out of 23,000 capacity

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3aa81f No.209244

File: 3fcce2100e9b9e4⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444155 (200019ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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DNC is a bust.

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3aa81f No.209245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444167 (200020ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: The Rev. Jesse Jackson gets standing ovation

Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Hillary Clinton are still set to speak.

ByAlexandra Hutzler,Meredith Deliso,Ivan Pereira,Brittany Gaddy andMark Guarino

August 19, 2024, 8:13 PM ET


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3aa81f No.209246

File: 52a50cede01e96e⋯.png (2.37 MB,1077x915,359:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 345b553adf0d5e2⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 48da0ce7ef777ef⋯.png (687.11 KB,530x796,265:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444213 (200027ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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>Who is she?

Commie Fatties mkultra embraced as the latest " thing "



🚨#BREAKING: Fatties Against Fascism and pro-Palestine protesters chant as police are in riot gear kick them out from the area where the DNC fence was taken down earlier

📌#Chicago | #Illinois

Currently, hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters, along with other activists with…

5:14 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444224 (200027ZAUG24) Notable: Pentagon needs 100,000 workers to build nuclear submarines. NAVY looks to Afghan refugees to fix recruitment shortage.

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Pentagon needs 100,000 workers to build nuclear submarines. NAVY looks to Afghan refugees to fix recruitment shortage.



This Virginia training hub for DoD workers is attracting an unlikely workforce: Afghan refugees

Danville, Virginia’s workforce training program has an accelerated timeline, which is ideal for adult students who want to learn a new career

The remnants of Danville’s past are something of a metaphor for the small city in Southern Virginia. Old brick factories dot the shores of the Dan River, several of them undergoing conversions into hip, new apartment complexes. Boutiques occupy what used to be mom-and-pops that once served the town’s blue-collar workforce. Coffee shops and cafés sit on the ground floor of old warehouses throughout the downtown area. Banners hang from lamp posts with imagery of a computer circuit bordering the word “Reimagine,” telling visitors where this old tobacco-and-furniture town in the heart of race-car country is trying to head.

At the edge of Danville sits the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research. Its small campus of a handful of modern, glass-sided buildings is tucked neatly at the entrance of a business park. Working in concert with Danville Community College, the Institute—referred to as “IALR” in internal shorthand—is geared toward the transformation and growth of Southern Virginia’s economy through a focus on its five divisions: advanced learning, applied research, manufacturing advancement, economic development, and conference services.

A recently added sixth element is the Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing program, or “ATDM,” a program that was first conceived in 2018 and started in June 2021, when the United States Department of Defense (DoD) partnered with the strategic consulting firm Spectrum Group on an advanced-workforce-development pilot program.

Within ATDM, a unique phenomenon has taken root and become one of the program’s defining traits: Most of the program’s graduating classes have included Afghan refugees, many of whom escaped their country as it fell to the Taliban in mid-August 2021.


(We have the most treasonous leaders at the DOD and military)

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3aa81f No.209248

File: efdc074df80e18e⋯.jpg (103.33 KB,844x1074,422:537,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444232 (200028ZAUG24) Notable: they gave the sitting President a little delegate chair KEK

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they gave the sitting President a shitty dirty little delegate chair KEK


Oh Shit

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3aa81f No.209249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444267 (200032ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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Democratic National Convention: Day 1


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3aa81f No.209250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444269 (200032ZAUG24) Notable: Biden Says Farewell – DNC Livestream and Open Discussion Thread

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Biden Says Farewell – DNC Livestream and Open Discussion Thread

August 19, 2024 | Sundance | 51 Comments

Tonight, Joe Biden will be delivering a speech at the DNC Convention opening night in Chicago, Illinois,and then departing the world of politics forever.

According to the rough sketch of the plan that’s visible,Joe Biden will abdicate all further responsibilities from the office of the presidency, thereby allowing Kamala Harris to run for Obama’s 4th term using the elevated platform of the presidency. Joe Biden will become publicly invisible; Kamala Harris will step into the role of “unofficial president.”

To initiate the transition process, Joe Biden will deliver a speech tonight at the DNC where he will be praised for his altruism by the bringer of all true enlightenment, Barack Obama. The praise for magnanimous Biden will be effusive as the page is turned from Term-3 to Term-4 in the Chicago DNC move. Voters are irrelevant in this process and have been replaced by “influencers” and famous personalities who are tasked to give the optics the ballot teams need.

If you are watching any of the events unfold in Chicago, feel free to consider this an open discussion thread for anything related to the DNC convention tonight.


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3aa81f No.209251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444330 (200037ZAUG24) Notable: DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

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Hasan is at the DNC undercover. Looks like protestors rioted during the day and filled up the rest of the seats by night.


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3aa81f No.209252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444331 (200037ZAUG24) Notable: Watch the DNC live through Tim Walz YT channel

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Looking for LIVE DNC

Just got home. Looking for links….

PBS is LIVE, but they are talking on a panel, not broadcasting whoever's speaking. All the other "where to watch LIVE" that come up on DDG are "highlights."

is it possible to watch LIVE events at the DNC, uninterrupted by panels or cherry picked by "moderators?"

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3aa81f No.209253

File: 065fa0bf1b768ca⋯.mp4 (876.65 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444338 (200037ZAUG24) Notable: Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

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Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting

August 19, 2024 | Sundance |

The video comes to my attention via the Twitter Account of Tony Seruga. The video appears to capture Thomas Crooks walking through the vendor section of the Butler rally at approximately 4:26pm, about one and a half hours before he began shooting.

If the 4:26pm time is accurate, this is interesting because President Trump was initially scheduled to begin speaking at 5:00pm.



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3aa81f No.209254

File: ac2711900e3990c⋯.png (471.27 KB,634x572,317:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444354 (200038ZAUG24) Notable: They never mention Agenda 47 isn't that odd

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They never mention Agenda 47

isn't that odd

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3aa81f No.209255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444411 (200044ZAUG24) Notable: Watch the DNC live through Tim Walz YT channel

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3aa81f No.209256

File: 8fa987c6da57d65⋯.png (32.47 KB,975x476,975:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444428 (200046ZAUG24) Notable: Harley-Davidson is dropping DEI policies after pressure from "diversity critics"

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Harley-Davidson is dropping DEI policies

after pressure from diversity critics

CBS News, by Megan Cerullo

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/19/2024 8:34:33 PM

Harley-Davidson on Monday said it is ditching some of its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) goals, a move that comes after it faced pressure from anti-diversity critics on social media. The iconic motorcycle manufacturer follows John Deere & Co. and Tractor Supply, which both made similar decisions to scratch their diversity programs earlier this summer. In a message posted to X, Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson said it currently has no "DEI function" and has not operated such a program since April 2024. The company added that it has no hiring quotas and no longer has "supplier diversity spend

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3aa81f No.209257

File: 63a1d0d88f8f296⋯.jpg (178.15 KB,720x1172,180:293,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1484f0fcf40562f⋯.jpg (91.71 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444498 (200052ZAUG24) Notable: Former President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, a fierce critic of her uncle, is in Chicago during the DNC.

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Former President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, a fierce critic of her uncle, is in Chicago during the DNC.

“I am so proud and excited to be here in Chicago for this historic moment in time,” she wrote on X. “We’re not going back!”



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3aa81f No.209258

File: 8b0ca09fe34db8d⋯.png (344.79 KB,590x644,295:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444502 (200052ZAUG24) Notable: The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors

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End Wokeness


Holy sh*t

The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors

Some of those will be voiIent offenders

Rate proposed Community Notes

1:33 AM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209259

File: f663177c686213b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444516 (200054ZAUG24) Notable: Former President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, a fierce critic of her uncle, is in Chicago during the DNC.

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3aa81f No.209260

File: 4ed192064994f8a⋯.png (44.54 KB,1281x361,1281:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444537 (200056ZAUG24) Notable: British tech entrepreneur, Americans among missing after yacht sinks off Italian coast, killing at least 1

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British tech entrepreneur, Americans among missing after yacht sinks off Italian coast, killing at least 1

Mike Lynch, 2 Americans missing after Bayesian yacht sinks off coast of Sicily

Pilar Arias By Pilar Arias Fox News

Published August 19, 2024 10:34am EDT

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3aa81f No.209261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444552 (200058ZAUG24) Notable: They never mention Agenda 47 isn't that odd

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we should get

Agenda 47






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3aa81f No.209262

File: 1f9822882273284⋯.png (21.02 KB,596x234,298:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444626 (200109ZAUG24) Notable: @paulsperry_ DEVELOPING: Kamala hiring Nasrina Bargzie to head Muslim/Arab voter outreach even tho she was questioned by FBI after 9/11 & is close to the mastermind behind campus anti-Israel

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Paul Sperry


DEVELOPING: Kamala hiring Nasrina Bargzie to head Muslim/Arab voter outreach even tho she was questioned by FBI after 9/11 & is close to the mastermind behind campus anti-Israel protests. Meantime, Kamala secretly met w/ Dearbornistan mayor who spoke at pro-Hamas/Oct. 7 rally …

6:42 AM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209263

File: 539b539481813cf⋯.png (20.04 KB,616x221,616:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444649 (200112ZAUG24) Notable: In a letter to Congress, Hunter's Chinese partner Mervyn Yan disclosed he had no business relationship with Joe's sister-in-law Sara Biden, yet he gave her a credit card the Bidens used to go on a shopping spree

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Paul Sperry


BREAKING: In a letter to Congress, Hunter's Chinese partner Mervyn Yan disclosed he had no business relationship with Joe's sister-in-law Sara Biden, yet he gave her a credit card the Bidens used to go on a shopping spree. Yan said he got Sara the card because "they asked for it"

7:27 AM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209264

File: a4e001c82fd6e2b⋯.jpg (96.36 KB,720x702,40:39,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0bdfc2adc1310f5⋯.mp4 (848.93 KB,978x512,489:256,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444652 (200112ZAUG24) Notable: Dafuq goin on at the DNC?!

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Democrats are heartless and insane

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3aa81f No.209265

File: bc60c33f3f17a92⋯.png (30.46 KB,604x402,302:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444656 (200113ZAUG24) Notable: @GenFlynn This is not good. With different aspects of WWIII underway, this adds even more fuel to an out of control fire.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


This is not good. With different aspects of WWIII underway, this adds even more fuel to an out of control fire.



The Sirius Report




Given the Ukrainian Kursk offensive, it appears Russia might be about to change their SMO into an all out war. We have previously warned what that would mean should it ever happen and why it had to be avoided at all costs.

If that happens, the fallout will be devastating for

Show more

7:49 AM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444701 (200117ZAUG24) Notable: #26278

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#26278 >>209236

>>209237, >>209253 Random Video Surfaces of Assassin Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Before Shooting



>>209244, >>209245, >>209240, >>209243, >>209246, >>209242, >>209251, >>209249 DNC 2024 Day 1 live updates: IT'S A BUST!

>>209250 Biden Says Farewell – DNC Livestream and Open Discussion Thread

>>209252, >>209255 Watch the DNC live through Tim Walz YT channel

>>209248 they gave the sitting President a little delegate chair KEK

>>209247 Pentagon needs 100,000 workers to build nuclear submarines. NAVY looks to Afghan refugees to fix recruitment shortage.

>>209254, >>209261 They never mention Agenda 47 isn't that odd

>>209256 Harley-Davidson is dropping DEI policies after pressure from "diversity critics"

>>209257, >>209259 Former President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, a fierce critic of her uncle, is in Chicago during the DNC.

>>209258 The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors

>>209260 British tech entrepreneur, Americans among missing after yacht sinks off Italian coast, killing at least 1

>>209263 In a letter to Congress, Hunter's Chinese partner Mervyn Yan disclosed he had no business relationship with Joe's sister-in-law Sara Biden, yet he gave her a credit card the Bidens used to go on a shopping spree

>>209265 @GenFlynn This is not good. With different aspects of WWIII underway, this adds even more fuel to an out of control fire.

>>209264 Dafuq goin on at the DNC?!

>>209262 @paulsperry_ DEVELOPING: Kamala hiring Nasrina Bargzie to head Muslim/Arab voter outreach even tho she was questioned by FBI after 9/11 & is close to the mastermind behind campus anti-Israel


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3aa81f No.209267

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB,255x157,255:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444718 (200118ZAUG24) Notable: #26279

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>baker seeks handoff

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3aa81f No.209268

File: 3cbd5861a408e7e⋯.png (136.13 KB,568x521,568:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444735 (200121ZAUG24) Notable: How were 2.9 billion SSIDs stolen if a social security number is 9 only digits?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209269

File: 8c344acc99629e4⋯.png (243.61 KB,591x572,591:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444742 (200122ZAUG24) Notable: Cardinal Cupich says Pope has a bigger agenda: The environment and protecting migrants

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Chicago’s Cardinal Blase Cupich prays the invocation on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, invoking Pope Francis, and praying for unity and peace.


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3aa81f No.209270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444816 (200130ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE outside the Chicago DNC Democratic National Convention - Portland Andy

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🔴LIVE Chicago DNC Democratic National Convention

- Portland Andy walking around the DNC outside talking to people


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3aa81f No.209271

File: 08c445571feb1c3⋯.png (191.74 KB,402x578,201:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444824 (200130ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala delivers staggering 3 minute speech about corporate greed

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She took the stage at 9:11 and leaves at 9:14

Q team, please be in control

Kamala took the stage at 9:11 and was done by 9:14. 3 minutes?


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3aa81f No.209272

File: b321bb8b4bfa146⋯.png (1.34 MB,1284x1594,642:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444831 (200131ZAUG24) Notable: BIDEN IMPEACHMENT RECEIPTS: “…conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Catherine Herridge


Financial records, sworn testimony.


alleges “…conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family.”

Major receipts 👇


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3aa81f No.209273

File: 6200331112eb24e⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444840 (200132ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala delivers staggering 3 minute speech about corporate greed

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Another view

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3aa81f No.209274

File: 55fce1be467eb2c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1417x631,1417:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444845 (200133ZAUG24) Notable: The busses have arrived at the DNC!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18,000 people just appeared out of nowhere in span of 20 minutes…

that's weird….

super weird….

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3aa81f No.209275

File: 6c82cc6a9d3a465⋯.png (159.19 KB,588x764,147:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444855 (200134ZAUG24) Notable: Cardinal Cupich says Pope has a bigger agenda: The environment and protecting migrants

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czech'd, anon


- - - -

In the interview, the cardinal was asked about charges made in a letter by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who accused leaders of the Catholic Church (including the Pope) of covering up allegations of sexual abuse by former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Responding to the Vigano allegations, Cardinal Cupich told NBC 5: “The Pope has a bigger agenda, he has to get on with other things, talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the church. We’re not going down a rabbit hole on this.”


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3aa81f No.209276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444862 (200135ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE outside the Chicago DNC Democratic National Convention - Portland Andy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


all the people were ordered into the convention

its getting documented right now - live on Andy

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3aa81f No.209277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444879 (200137ZAUG24) Notable: Union crook, Sean Fain, is speaking now at the convention wearing a, 'Trump is a scab, vote Harris' shirt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Union crook, Sean Fain, is speaking now at the convention wearing a, 'Trump is a scab, vote Harris' shirt.

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3aa81f No.209278

File: d33f61f7380bc8c⋯.png (589.86 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444933 (200143ZAUG24) Notable: Trump to Campaign in Battleground States as Democrats Hold Convention

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Trump to Campaign in Battleground States as Democrats Hold Convention


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3aa81f No.209279

File: e5bd14a013e4d25⋯.jpeg (303.16 KB,1087x605,1087:605,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1eb19701b184a5⋯.jpeg (329.82 KB,1208x1084,302:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444941 (200144ZAUG24) Notable: Stage Disassembly at the White House?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stage Disassembly at the White House?

August 19, 2024 | Sundance |

It has been a while since the people running the Biden administration have used the stage set they constructed at the beginning of Joe Biden’s installment.

Factually, no one ever explained why the people controlling Joe Biden went to all the trouble to construct a completely fake Oval Office and White House set in the Eisenhower office building. Everyone just seemed to accept the stage and subsequent performances as if they were some type of ordinary communications choices. The acceptance always struck me as very odd. I digress.

Today, it is noted that a U-Haul truck appears at the White House,oddly timedto coincide with Joe Biden giving his farewell address to the DNC convention audience in Chicago. The accompanying notation with the picture says, “NEW: U-Haul moving trucks are parked outside of the White House today — hours before Biden’s planned “farewell” address to the DNC.Are they finally giving Biden the permanent boot?”

The fact that a U-Haul is used just seems strange to me, considering that the White House could use any packing, shipping and/or secure transport company they wanted. It’s not like costs are an issue;so, why use a U-Haul?

Everything these people do appears weird to me.I know I’m not the only person who sees it.

Often, I just have to walk around a little bit, reconnect to the reality of life as it exists in the physical world separate from the manipulations of men. It seems like an odd thing to say,but outside the USA this weird mind virus of pretending is not as rampant as it is within our borders. A great deal of the world’s population looks at us now and wonders what happened.

God is in control, and ultimately, He is the source of the purest truth.

All of this Biden/Harris stuff is physically, psychologically and emotionally manufactured pretense from the minds of people who are genuinely odd characters.

There are millions of people infected with this pretending stuff, try not to be one of them.

Perhaps it is not easy for many people who are online a lot, but everyone should try to stay connected to reality and remind yourself that behind all of this internet drama, there are resources, bots and data processing programs created to give the illusion of something that does not exist.

Remind yourself that the same people who told you Joe Biden was cognitively fit, until he wasn’t,actually created a stage for the office of the President of The United States of America – as part of their pretending operation.

It’s all just goofy. Don’t be ashamed to say that!

(The real President and CiC said they can't screw up the WH)


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3aa81f No.209280

File: 54495123b0d9047⋯.png (38.28 KB,522x354,87:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21444959 (200146ZAUG24) Notable: Congressional Democrats want Kamala Harris to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's a surprise policy.

The Redheaded libertarian


“We have to pass the bill before we know what’s inside of it.”

-Nancy Pelosi

Leading Report


BREAKING: Congressional Democrats want Kamala Harris to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda.

11:53 AM • Aug 17, 2024

9:41 AM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209281

File: e8350ae7e44d9ea⋯.png (437.94 KB,560x578,280:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445010 (200153ZAUG24) Notable: @DeptofDefense BOOM!💥💥💥

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Department of Defense 🇺🇸

@DeptofDefense 8h


@1stArmoredDiv soldiers unleash firepower with M1064 120mm Mortar Carriers at Nightmare Range, South Korea.


Aug 19, 2024 · 5:09 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445022 (200155ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton: Something is happening in America. You can feel it. Something we've worked for and dreamed of for a long time.

[the communist plan you've worked for is not what is happening]

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3aa81f No.209283

File: 4ec1b89c31506f6⋯.jpg (420.99 KB,800x590,80:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445056 (200159ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445080 (200201ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton: We both got our start [her and Harris] as young lawyers, helping children who were abused and neglected. That kind of work changes a person. Those kids stay with you.

[you are both despicable, sick monsters]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445092 (200203ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



They sure do.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445106 (200204ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hrc talking nebraska last state to ratifiy the womans vote. Made me wonder if anyone ever researched women voting state by state, truly ratified? Imagine if research showed wonen truly don't have right to vote. Just lik e the constitution fuckery usa a corporation type fuckery. State by state document research regarding womens vote truly ratified or not could prove dasting? All because hillary just brougb it up. Cannot vote, vcannot be in office, senate, congress either. Whew, imagine that. Maybe fuckery way back also when voting for women vote? Was rigged?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445114 (200205ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We have to Fight for the truth! -Hillary

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445116 (200205ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton: We can't get driven down crazy conspiracy rabbit holes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209289

File: 5019a0b9f0a25c0⋯.png (1.28 MB,1080x1443,360:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445124 (200206ZAUG24) Notable: NEW Jim Watkins post: I probably should have taken a picture of all the cards I received. I'll start now. I am proud as a peacock to announce we are almost halfway there as of today.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Jim Watkins X Post.

I probably should have taken a picture of all the cards I received. I'll start now.

I am proud as a peacock to announce we are almost halfway there as of today.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209290

File: 1e26cdb44d7099e⋯.jpg (30.92 KB,581x445,581:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445128 (200206ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is what Hillary Clinton looked like less than ten years ago.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445149 (200209ZAUG24) Notable: Killary speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton: We need to beat back the dangers that Trump and his allies pose to the rule of law and our way of life.

[her way of life has been made up of unspeakable crimes against the United States, and against humanity]

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3aa81f No.209292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445223 (200220ZAUG24) Notable: The DNC just ran an ad showing Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, while pedophile Bill Clinton will be a guest speaker at the very same convention

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Shadow of Ezra




The DNC just ran an ad showing Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, while pedophile Bill Clinton will be a guest speaker at the very same convention

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3aa81f No.209293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445238 (200222ZAUG24) Notable: Raskin: I'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the House Chamber on January 6th, or the screams to follow…five people died that day, and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Raskin: I'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the House Chamber on January 6th, or the screams to follow…five people died that day, and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209294

File: f6e736860c14ec4⋯.png (113.48 KB,622x451,622:451,Clipboard.png)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom Fitton

@TomFitton 9h


Aug 19, 2024 · 5:07 PM UTC



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3aa81f No.209295

File: 2cb0950f5eb21f4⋯.jpg (83.88 KB,607x543,607:543,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445247 (200223ZAUG24) Notable: Raskin: I'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the House Chamber on January 6th, or the screams to follow…five people died that day, and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445298 (200229ZAUG24) Notable: How were 2.9 billion SSIDs stolen if a social security number is 9 only digits?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Isn't a social security number 9 digits

999-99-9999 would be the largest





















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3aa81f No.209297

File: c55f22d0dc0ec90⋯.png (126.56 KB,568x593,568:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445300 (200229ZAUG24) Notable: Facebook is banning the Reagan movie from advertising because it’s anti-communism and could sway the American election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Couch

@RealMattCouch Aug 18

Dennis Quaid says Facebook is banning the Reagan movie from advertising because it’s anti-communism and could sway the American election..

This should tell you all you need to know about the Democrat Party in America..

Aug 18, 2024 · 12:11 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209298

File: 617ac7c58e964de⋯.png (1.66 MB,1080x1204,270:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445305 (200230ZAUG24) Notable: All American black family of black Candidate Kamala Harris at DNC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All American black family of black Candidate Kamala Harris at DNC.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209299

File: 6d7ac0dbb882115⋯.png (365.89 KB,525x488,525:488,Clipboard.png)

File: 931d1989f604a57⋯.mp4 (684.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445392 (200240ZAUG24) Notable: Election Denier Jamie Raskin freezes during his DNC speech after the teleprompter presumably malfunctions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump War Room


Election Denier Jamie Raskin freezes during his DNC speech after the teleprompter presumably malfunctions.


7:25 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209300

File: ae5e41f7a82f51a⋯.png (531.71 KB,1080x805,216:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445416 (200243ZAUG24) Notable: TRUMP: If I had made such a mistake, it would be the biggest story in America!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP: If I had made such a mistake, it would be the biggest story in America!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445453 (200248ZAUG24) Notable: #26279

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#26279 >>209267

>>209300 TRUMP: If I had made such a mistake, it would be the biggest story in America!

>>209270, >>209276 LIVE outside the Chicago DNC Democratic National Convention - Portland Andy

>>209272 BIDEN IMPEACHMENT RECEIPTS: “…conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family.”

>>209271, >>209273 Kamala delivers staggering 3 minute speech about corporate greed

>>209275, >>209269 Cardinal Cupich says Pope has a bigger agenda: The environment and protecting migrants

>>209277 Union crook, Sean Fain, is speaking now at the convention wearing a, 'Trump is a scab, vote Harris' shirt.

>>209278 Trump to Campaign in Battleground States as Democrats Hold Convention

>>209274 The busses have arrived at the DNC!

>>209279 Stage Disassembly at the White House?

>>209280 Congressional Democrats want Kamala Harris to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda.

>>209298 All American black family of black Candidate Kamala Harris at DNC.

>>209283, >>209282, >>209284, >>209285, >>209286, >>209287, >>209288, >>209291, >>209290 Killary speech

>>209281 @DeptofDefense BOOM!💥💥💥

>>209289 NEW Jim Watkins post: I probably should have taken a picture of all the cards I received. I'll start now. I am proud as a peacock to announce we are almost halfway there as of today.

>>209299 Election Denier Jamie Raskin freezes during his DNC speech after the teleprompter presumably malfunctions.

>>209293, >>209295 Raskin: I'll never forget the pounding on the doors of the House Chamber on January 6th, or the screams to follow…five people died that day, and four more of our officers took their own lives in the days and weeks to come.


>>209292 The DNC just ran an ad showing Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, while pedophile Bill Clinton will be a guest speaker at the very same convention

>>209297 Facebook is banning the Reagan movie from advertising because it’s anti-communism and could sway the American election

>>209268, >>209296 How were 2.9 billion SSIDs stolen if a social security number is 9 only digits?


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3aa81f No.209302

File: 6848b26a9ae6fe0⋯.png (1.18 MB,1060x591,1060:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445477 (200251ZAUG24) Notable: #26280

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>seeking handoff

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3aa81f No.209303

File: 2304297c4c621a9⋯.png (1.39 MB,858x1197,286:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445493 (200253ZAUG24) Notable: @elonmusk I am willing to serve

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Hilldawg Steals the Show


@elonmusk I am willing to serve

9:37 PM · Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209304

File: 2db7caea4af4558⋯.png (277.53 KB,528x495,16:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 438b20471de3c15⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445505 (200255ZAUG24) Notable: Crooked Hillary still has full on TDS 8 years later

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SIDE-OF-BEEF BREAKING NEWS : Crooked Hillary still has full on TDS 8 years later

Greg Price


Nothing quite like a woman who got away with actual crimes taunting Donald Trump for being convicted of bogus crimes followed by the Democrat convention chanting “lock him up.”

7:12 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445542 (200258ZAUG24) Notable: Warnock: America, make no mistake, Donald Trump is a plague on the American conscious. He is a clear and present threat to the precious covenant we share with one another.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Warnock: America, make no mistake, Donald Trump is a plague on the American conscious. He is a clear and present threat to the precious covenant we share with one another.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445556 (200301ZAUG24) Notable: Warnock: [Biden] is a true patriot who has always put the people first. [such as when he sold highly classified national security secrets to China?]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Warnock: [Biden] is a true patriot who has always put the people first.

[such as when he sold highly classified national security secrets to China?]

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3aa81f No.209307

File: 9353ad7c83b636f⋯.png (666.09 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445586 (200305ZAUG24) Notable: House Republicans Release Long-Awaited Biden Impeachment Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House Republicans Release Long-Awaited Biden Impeachment Report

The report found that the Biden family and business associates received more than $27 million from foreign interests.

House Republicans say there is “overwhelming evidence” that President Joe Biden committed the impeachable offense of participating in a conspiracy to enrich his family while he was vice president during the Obama administration.

The conclusion came in a long-awaited report released on Aug. 19 by Republican leaders of the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means committees. The 290-page report, however, stops short of recommending that Congress move forward with impeachment.

The report was released on the eve of the Democratic National Convention, where the party is set to rally behind Vice President Kamala Harris as the new nominee.


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3aa81f No.209308

File: b87bdff7bb167d0⋯.png (417.99 KB,757x806,757:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445593 (200306ZAUG24) Notable: Duality of Tim

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209309

File: d98ed88a6f33594⋯.png (249.56 KB,624x394,312:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445665 (200316ZAUG24) Notable: @DanScavino Joe is infuriated 🤬

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

@DanScavino 1h


Aug 20, 2024 · 2:03 AM UTC




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3aa81f No.209310

File: ab7acb25014fd41⋯.jpg (112.38 KB,1186x637,1186:637,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445702 (200319ZAUG24) Notable: Duality of Tim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some memes write themselves

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209311

File: 58d37b91e27b97b⋯.png (450.52 KB,1013x703,1013:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445715 (200321ZAUG24) Notable: Ashley showers her dad with praise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Joe Biden is the OG girl dad."

not joking


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3aa81f No.209312

File: d7763b2a82f2f13⋯.png (1.12 MB,1403x680,1403:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445717 (200321ZAUG24) Notable: Ashley showers her dad with praise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm just gonna leave this here

I'm sure no one will digitally alter it with some diary entries or anything of the sort

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3aa81f No.209313

File: 985c145c81dc44e⋯.png (724.33 KB,768x447,256:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445738 (200323ZAUG24) Notable: Ignoring Joe Biden’s Corruption Tells The World America Is Corrupt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ignoring Joe Biden’s Corruption Tells The World America Is Corrupt

The nearly 300-page report on Biden family corruption matters for many reasons, most importantly restoring America’s standing in the world.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445766 (200326ZAUG24) Notable: @DanScavino Joe is infuriated 🤬

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I’m told that Joe is backstage infuriated right now🤬


Looks like we'll be getting angry Joe tonight fellas

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3aa81f No.209315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445769 (200326ZAUG24) Notable: Ashley showers her dad with praise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ashley Biden: This is the fight of our lifetime.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209316

File: ec0b4973b499f90⋯.mp4 (287.94 KB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445814 (200331ZAUG24) Notable: Ashley showers her dad with praise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ashley showers he dad with praise

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209317

File: d1a8350adc89697⋯.png (376.11 KB,527x434,17:14,Clipboard.png)

File: d194bc1fb057207⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445849 (200336ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Joe Biden cries and wipes his nose at the DNC.

8:32 PM • Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445855 (200337ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: I stand before you now, on this August night, to report that democracy has prevailed.

[the Republic has prevailed, you, and your criminal associates, have failed]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445884 (200341ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: I ran for president in 2020, because of what I saw in Charlottesville in August of 2017. Extremists, coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging on their necks, carrying nazi swastikas, and chanting the same exact anti-Semetic bile that was heard in Germany in the early 30's. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the Klu Klux Klan, so emboldened by a president then in the White House, that they saw as an ally, they didn't even bother to wear their hoods.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209320

File: f1a4f081564c9e1⋯.png (53.88 KB,652x309,652:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445888 (200341ZAUG24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th. I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our “Border Czar,” where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists, have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted. It’s called, and she LOVES IT, an OPEN BORDER!!! Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox. It will take place in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Details to follow!


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3aa81f No.209321

File: b7d9e5e2fa7f4b1⋯.mp4 (872.61 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2c4f5d10755e7e3⋯.png (317.03 KB,523x429,523:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445900 (200343ZAUG24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HOLY SHIT CumEla is ssooooooo drunk she cant even stand

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Come on Kamala, stand up

8:28 PM • Aug 19, 2024


do not come

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3aa81f No.209322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445905 (200344ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: We finally beat Big Pharma.

[by passing the costs to all the taxpayer]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209323

File: 9f14d4a2a010173⋯.png (1.3 MB,1290x1695,86:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f14d4a2a010173⋯.png (1.3 MB,1290x1695,86:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445920 (200345ZAUG24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209324

File: 1da18ecc614d43a⋯.png (109.05 KB,360x286,180:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445978 (200353ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445991 (200354ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: We kept our commitment [to] provide more student relief that ever, by lifting the burden of helping millions of families so they can get married, start a family, buy a home, and begin to build family wealth and contribute to the community.

[unconstitutional debt relief; nobody can buy a house or start a family due to your horrible economy]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209329

File: 35573a2fa98e228⋯.png (581.18 KB,767x697,767:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21445992 (200354ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209330

File: 98e7a5e28eeb8c3⋯.png (522.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446019 (200358ZAUG24) Notable: Biden Pushed Out Of Primetime Speaking Slot At What Was Supposed To Be His Convention

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Pushed Out Of Primetime Speaking Slot At What Was Supposed To Be His Convention

President Joe Biden’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was forced out of primetime on Monday night at what was supposed to be a convention focused on his re-election campaign before his party pressured him to drop out of the race.


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3aa81f No.209331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446031 (200400ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And Donald Trump is going to find out the power of women in 2024, WATCH! - Joe

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209332

File: 85603ea3a6af4f9⋯.png (805.29 KB,1222x713,1222:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446056 (200404ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another lie

He's pathological

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446060 (200405ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: We know from his own Chief of Staff, and four-star general, John Kelly, that Trump,, when in Europe, would not go to the gravesites in one of the- France. The brave service members who gave their lives for this country, he called them, 'suckers and losers'. Who in the hell does he think he is?

[a totally ridiculous lie]

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3aa81f No.209334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446072 (200408ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Biden: I've got five months left in my presidency, and I've got a lot to do. I intend to get it done.

[anything you do will be reversed on Day One]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209335

File: 7bbfe4067b62b7e⋯.png (965.77 KB,1248x700,312:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 189913ba9c0b65d⋯.png (204.81 KB,385x424,385:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446082 (200409ZAUG24) Notable: Duality of Tim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

why does this tim fucker always have eeyore face?

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3aa81f No.209336

File: 228a6d8d9142f7b⋯.png (721.61 KB,896x810,448:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446110 (200413ZAUG24) Notable: Gunfight outside the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in Texas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happening IN America

Security Forces with the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in Texas, were forced to Return Fire this morning against several Armed Individuals who Opened Fire on the Main Gate to the JBSA-Chapman Training Annex around roughly 4:30am.


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3aa81f No.209337

File: 9ce45db313b78c4⋯.png (399.27 KB,525x450,7:6,Clipboard.png)

File: a1c8351ec7f351f⋯.mp4 (9.12 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446132 (200418ZAUG24) Notable: @TrumpWarRoom President Trump DEBUNKS Biden's Despicable "Suckers and Losers" Hoax

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump War Room


President Trump DEBUNKS Biden's Despicable "Suckers and Losers" Hoax

9:04 PM • Aug 19, 2024


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209338

File: 52c6bd3efa8a400⋯.png (249.86 KB,521x583,521:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 26723283b0b881f⋯.mp4 (813.89 KB,1252x720,313:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446160 (200423ZAUG24) Notable: Tater delivers big boy speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



WTF just happened!? 😂

Quote, “women are now without electrical, wilnado … not allowed, cuz there’s, not without electrical… electo-toral [nods] or political power….

No kidding!”

NPC Crowd Cheers 😂😂😂🤣🥲

9:09 PM • Aug 19, 2024


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209339

File: 3f9acb5ee6cb4a8⋯.png (151.66 KB,503x484,503:484,Clipboard.png)

File: 13533b7745e8bf5⋯.mp4 (178.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446170 (200426ZAUG24) Notable: “Kamala and I are committed to strengthening illegal immigration” - Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kamala and I are committed to strengthening illegal immigration” - Joe Biden

Libs of TikTok


“Kamala and I are committed to strengthening illegal immigration” - Joe Biden

The quiet part out loud. Their plan all along was too import new voters.

0:01 / 0:04


Trump War Room

9:20 PM · Aug 19, 2024


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3aa81f No.209340

File: 7d36023e48b937e⋯.png (28.48 KB,512x291,512:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446236 (200444ZAUG24) Notable: @DanScavino Joe is infuriated 🤬

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209341

File: 00cbcce0b64bfd1⋯.png (201.93 KB,620x392,155:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446278 (200453ZAUG24) Notable: PwC loses major client Bank of China amid regulatory probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@Reuters 12m

PwC loses major client Bank of China amid regulatory probe


Aug 20, 2024 · 4:35 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446289 (200456ZAUG24) Notable: #26280

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#26280 >>209302

>>209320, >>209323, >>209321 @realDonaldTrump Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th

>>209330 Biden Pushed Out Of Primetime Speaking Slot At What Was Supposed To Be His Convention

>>209307 House Republicans Release Long-Awaited Biden Impeachment Report

>>209305 Warnock: America, make no mistake, Donald Trump is a plague on the American conscious. He is a clear and present threat to the precious covenant we share with one another.

>>209303 @elonmusk I am willing to serve

>>209304 Crooked Hillary still has full on TDS 8 years later

>>209306 Warnock: [Biden] is a true patriot who has always put the people first. [such as when he sold highly classified national security secrets to China?]

>>209314, >>209309, >>209340 @DanScavino Joe is infuriated 🤬

>>209311, >>209312, >>209315, >>209316 Ashley showers her dad with praise

>>209313 Ignoring Joe Biden’s Corruption Tells The World America Is Corrupt

>>209317, >>209318, >>209319, >>209322, >>209328, >>209331, >>209333, >>209334, >>209338, >>209324, >>209329, >>209332 Tater delivers big boy speech

>>209339 “Kamala and I are committed to strengthening illegal immigration” - Joe Biden

>>209308, >>209335, >>209310, Duality of Tim

>>209336 Gunfight outside the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in Texas

>>209337 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump DEBUNKS Biden's Despicable "Suckers and Losers" Hoax

>>209341 PwC loses major client Bank of China amid regulatory probe


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209343

File: 77cc321e4855869⋯.jpg (289.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446309 (200501ZAUG24) Notable: #26281

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




ty anons

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3aa81f No.209344

File: 83a23d721c04060⋯.png (80.66 KB,601x431,601:431,Clipboard.png)

File: d866f5d52865c8a⋯.jpg (133.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446371 (200522ZAUG24) Notable: For the first time ever, a bar of gold is worth a cool one million dollars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@business 1h

For the first time ever, a bar of gold is worth a cool one million dollars


Aug 20, 2024 · 3:26 AM UTC


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3aa81f No.209345

File: 25ef241725accea⋯.png (409.09 KB,613x536,613:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446385 (200528ZAUG24) Notable: China approved 11 nuclear reactors across five sites Monday, a record amount of new permits as the nation leans even more heavily on atomic energy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@business 3h

China approved 11 nuclear reactors across five sites Monday, a record amount of new permits as the nation leans even more heavily on atomic energy


Aug 20, 2024 · 1:54 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209346

File: c5942738efc1318⋯.png (790.76 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446398 (200531ZAUG24) Notable: Dems bury an angry, shouting Joe Biden at 11:30 pm in final disgrace

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post on Biden’s graveyard shift speech

Dems bury an angry, shouting Joe Biden at 11:30 pm in final disgrace

The Joe Biden show is officially in reruns. Biden even got bumped out of prime time. His speech started at 11:28 p.m., in the hour when old sitcoms run in syndication.


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3aa81f No.209347

File: cf0d0a03bca9a6b⋯.png (332.02 KB,616x492,154:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446418 (200536ZAUG24) Notable: The US Coast Guard is investigating a fatal blast at a natural gas pipeline in Louisiana

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@business 8h

The US Coast Guard is investigating a fatal blast at a natural gas pipeline in Louisiana


Aug 19, 2024 · 8:57 PM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209348

File: 7c126b68203083b⋯.png (281.13 KB,602x498,301:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446442 (200545ZAUG24) Notable: Illegal weather towers spying on China - raised security concerns about meteorological stations installed in the country by private companies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@RT_com 3h

Illegal weather towers spying on China – Beijing

Chinese officials have raised security concerns about meteorological stations installed in the country by private companies


Aug 20, 2024 · 2:40 AM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209349

File: d59969558b6bbd9⋯.png (427.47 KB,1028x725,1028:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446478 (200601ZAUG24) Notable: Morgan Stanley Executive and His Wife Among the Missing After Luxury Yacht Sinks in Sicily

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209350

File: b29c6ab6c8c33f4⋯.png (29.76 KB,804x222,134:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 1847a23d3002aa2⋯.png (505.78 KB,705x691,705:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 4489ae36426bb10⋯.png (48.19 KB,255x149,255:149,Clipboard.png)

File: f947fd4f589e18c⋯.png (60.25 KB,255x203,255:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446760 (200819ZAUG24) Notable: DanScavino w/CAP: SUNDOWNING  #DNC2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>209317, >>209318, >>209319, >>209322, >>209328, >>209331, >>209333, >>209334, >>209338, >>209324, >>209329, >>209332 Tater delivers big boy speech

>>209314, >>209309, >>209340 @DanScavino Joe is infuriated 🤬

Dan Scavino



Aug 20, 2024, 12:11 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209351

File: 988a0faa081a5b4⋯.jpg (107.53 KB,708x762,118:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21446797 (200846ZAUG24) Notable: Morgan Stanley Executive and His Wife Among the Missing After Luxury Yacht Sinks in Sicily

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING - Morgan Stanley International chair among missing after superyacht sinking, UK insurer says

Titanic 2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209352

File: 52149e1d0f4b91a⋯.png (907.99 KB,1179x1140,393:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447086 (201131ZAUG24) Notable: Imagine having to leave a restaurant so paid actors could ‘meet’ Kamala Harris in a ‘real’ restaurant…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Imagine having to leave a restaurant so paid actors could ‘meet’ Kamala Harris in a ‘real’ restaurant…

Everything about Kamala's campaign is fake.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447098 (201133ZAUG24) Notable: #26281

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #26281

hold em n czech em

#26281 >>209343

>>209344 For the first time ever, a bar of gold is worth a cool one million dollars

>>209345 China approved 11 nuclear reactors across five sites Monday, a record amount of new permits as the nation leans even more heavily on atomic energy

>>209346 Dems bury an angry, shouting Joe Biden at 11:30 pm in final disgrace

>>209347 The US Coast Guard is investigating a fatal blast at a natural gas pipeline in Louisiana

>>209348 Illegal weather towers spying on China - raised security concerns about meteorological stations installed in the country by private companies

>>209349, >>209351 Morgan Stanley Executive and His Wife Among the Missing After Luxury Yacht Sinks in Sicily

>>209350 DanScavino w/CAP: SUNDOWNING  #DNC2024

>>209352 Imagine having to leave a restaurant so paid actors could ‘meet’ Kamala Harris in a ‘real’ restaurant…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209354

File: 84c5f366dd6d26a⋯.jpg (41.01 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB,1203x802,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 38c08b8dcd34920⋯.png (103.7 KB,571x646,571:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447122 (201137ZAUG24) Notable: Tuesday Morning Melania

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



morn'n baker requesting handoff


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209355

File: 2ba339f6b1bc1fc⋯.png (897.95 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447131 (201140ZAUG24) Notable: Tuesday Morning Melania

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209356

File: 59fc240cd404469⋯.png (378.15 KB,501x634,501:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447132 (201141ZAUG24) Notable: Tuesday Morning Melania

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209357

File: d4cd993f9e7ccda⋯.mp4 (275.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447141 (201150ZAUG24) Notable: Rep Raskin: "Hang Mike Pence"??!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep Raskin: "Hang Mike Pence"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209358

File: 0fe290ad12838db⋯.png (162.08 KB,861x878,861:878,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b4bd1a218498b1⋯.png (22.46 KB,539x415,539:415,Clipboard.png)

File: bfcfd4271ae35a0⋯.png (648.67 KB,682x581,682:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447142 (201150ZAUG24) Notable: Q DELTA 4625, PANIC IN D.C POSTER LEADS TO HILLARY WIKILEAKS EMAIL BELOW

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



7 q delta's



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3aa81f No.209359

File: fa3fbfb6afefbf9⋯.png (294.54 KB,536x923,536:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 5019258d758a4b1⋯.png (49.69 KB,1047x927,349:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447164 (201208ZAUG24) Notable: Q DELTA 4625, PANIC IN D.C POSTER LEADS TO HILLARY WIKILEAKS EMAIL BELOW

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Note: the image i.d leads to wikileaks from the hilary clinton dump.


see below - image file number.


This leads to the below email





From: Hillary Clinton

To: Huma Abedin

Date: 2010-06-11 07:30


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05775748 Date: 08/31/2015


From: H

Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2010 7:30 PM

To: 'abedinh@state.gov'

Subject: Re: Calls tomorrow


Original Message

From: Abedin, Huma

To: H

Sent: Sat Jun 12 18:54:41 2010

Subject: Calls tomorrow

We have scheduled calls tomorrow with:

- Swedish Foreign Minister Bildt at 9:00 am

- Norwegian Foreign Minister Stoere at 10:45 am You have call sheets for both.


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3aa81f No.209360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447179 (201215ZAUG24) Notable: THE PROGRESS SINCE BIDEN-HARRIS TOOK OFFICE

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Gas: +50.5%

Electricity: +31.7%

Fuel oil: +49.1%

Airfare: +22.6%

Hotels: +51.2%

Groceries: +21.6%

Eating out: +23%

Baby food: +30.1%

K-12 food: +65.5%

Rent: +22%

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3aa81f No.209361

File: 667f211d4a81e1e⋯.mp4 (993.85 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447198 (201224ZAUG24) Notable: They used a fake laugh track when airing the DNC?

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They used a fake laugh track when airing the DNC.


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3aa81f No.209362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447246 (201240ZAUG24) Notable: SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, August 20 for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites

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August 20, 2024

9:15 AM EDT

Campaign 2024: Senate Majority Leader Schumer Headlines Wisconsin Delegation Breakfast

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) headlines the Wisconsin delegation breakfast in Chicago.


August 20, 2024

9:15 AM EDT

SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, August 20 for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.







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3aa81f No.209363

File: 0bec5b84fef012c⋯.mp4 (176.9 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447268 (201244ZAUG24) Notable: This image sends the same message that the clean streets of San Francisco did during the Xi visit.

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Kyle Shideler


This image sends the same message that the clean streets of San Francisco did during the Xi visit. It’s not that the law cannot be enforced. It’s that it won’t be enforced… for you.


Drew Hernandez




DNC WATCH: Democrats have turned Chicago into a full blown police state in order to protect themselves at the DNC


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3aa81f No.209364

File: 5d922557af5cdca⋯.png (359.06 KB,582x816,97:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a5d0be3be93b8a⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,566x578,283:289,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447335 (201303ZAUG24) Notable: @WarClandestine The DNC is nearly empty.

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The DNC is nearly empty.

The crowd is scattered and uninspired.

The speakers are incompetent and cringy.

The difference between the RNC and DNC is apparent.

All the internet and media hype was fake.

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3aa81f No.209365

File: b2b2e7a7107ac22⋯.png (269.96 KB,473x840,473:840,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447353 (201307ZAUG24) Notable: TODAY'S DELTA Qs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

me >>>/qresearch/21447348

TODAY'S DELTA https://qagg.news/?read=4625

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3aa81f No.209366

File: ed56903af2a17d7⋯.png (18.78 KB,473x147,473:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447355 (201308ZAUG24) Notable: TODAY'S DELTA Qs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>209365 (me)

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3aa81f No.209367

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447361 (201310ZAUG24) Notable: SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity

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>V2 rockets?

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3aa81f No.209368

File: 520ae4aa2800491⋯.png (182.72 KB,608x666,304:333,Clipboard.png)

File: b81852fa9653e19⋯.png (168.1 KB,473x1008,473:1008,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d857a962cef543⋯.png (167.74 KB,473x1008,473:1008,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447362 (201310ZAUG24) Notable: TODAY'S DELTA Qs

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>>209365 (me)

>>209366 (me)





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3aa81f No.209369

File: 4defb46eaaa8363⋯.png (12.72 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 83bd351a5e6a390⋯.png (245.33 KB,1080x738,60:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447364 (201311ZAUG24) Notable: PDJT TRUTH - Most new jobs under Biden went to illegal immigrants

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Silence! He's shitposting.


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3aa81f No.209370

File: ed88664531ae413⋯.png (571.17 KB,862x916,431:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447382 (201317ZAUG24) Notable: SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity

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SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity


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3aa81f No.209371

File: 002bf2113d2d485⋯.png (36.52 KB,912x306,152:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e35ff43310edd5⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aa3c385ca1d67e4⋯.png (988.49 KB,1414x1016,707:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447404 (201323ZAUG24) Notable: SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity

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Moar V2 comms.

Elon is lurking here, his signature? kek

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3aa81f No.209372

File: fd23b9a94781de9⋯.jpeg (155.07 KB,1140x661,1140:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447412 (201327ZAUG24) Notable: Deputy AG recused herself from Biden probe

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Scoop: Deputy AG recused herself from Biden probe. Aug. 20, 2024

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco recused herself from the special counsel's investigation into President Biden's handling of classified materials last year, three people close to the White House told Axios.

Why it matters: The reason for the recusal remains unclear, but after special counsel Robert Hur's investigation concluded, Monaco conveyed to the White House chief of staff's office that she would have handled the controversial probe differently, one of the sources told Axios.

Zoom in: Attorney General Merrick Garland's appointment of Hur in early 2023 was one of his most consequential and controversial decisions.

The release of his report in February prompted a wave of concern about Biden's age.

Hur declined to press charges against the president in part, he wrote, because a jury would see Biden as a "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Worries about Biden's mental fitness persisted through the June 27 presidential debate which prompted Democratic lawmakers to push Biden to drop out of the race.

Driving the news: Monaco's recusal on one of the department's most politically sensitive investigations raised eyebrows among some in Biden's orbit.

Asked why she recused herself from the investigation, a spokesperson for Monaco said the department "does not comment on internal deliberations and it would not be appropriate to discuss any recusals here."

Asked about Monaco's comments to the chief of staff's office, a spokesperson for Chief of Staff Jeff Zients declined to comment.

After this story published, Zients' spokesperson reached back out to add: "Jeff Zients did not hear this from Deputy AG Monaco."

Monaco — a likely contender for attorney general in a Kamala Harris administration — declined to comment but a spokesperson told Axios that she "has never discussed the Hur investigation with the White House, and has not disagreed with the Attorney General on the handling of any significant matter."

A separate senior administration official added: "I've worked closely with Lisa for a very long time and she would not do this."

Flashback: Biden's White House and outside legal team were publicly furious with Hur, and privately seethed at Garland after Hur's report was released.

They argued Hur inappropriately included commentary about Biden's mental fitness after the president sat for several hours of interviews.

Before the report's release,Biden's White House privately appealed to the Justice Department that Hur had "openly, obviously and blatantly" violated department policies, and that the report should be changed before its release.

The Justice Department declined that request.

Bradley Weinsheimer, the associate deputy attorney general under Monaco and a longtime Justice Department employee, responded that "the department concludes that the report as submitted to the attorney general, and its release, are consistent with legal requirements and department policy."


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3aa81f No.209373

File: ead9d31a0c5fc9b⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447449 (201333ZAUG24) Notable: Tuesday Morning Melania

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3aa81f No.209374

File: 1cd94ba093ea91e⋯.png (491.8 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447457 (201335ZAUG24) Notable: Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince

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Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince…


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3aa81f No.209375

File: dedb43f5b8609d8⋯.png (469.07 KB,744x1114,372:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e1c7879f0e1aca⋯.png (503.9 KB,757x1249,757:1249,Clipboard.png)

File: 22897e75ec7ff9d⋯.png (872.16 KB,757x928,757:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 49db88187358bc7⋯.png (82.11 KB,758x670,379:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447491 (201344ZAUG24) Notable: Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention

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Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention


What CNN thinks you should know:

- Big speakers: Former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and second gentleman Doug Emhoff will address the Democratic National Convention tonight.

- Biden passes Democratic torch: President Joe Biden received a lengthy standing ovation last night at the DNC. “America, I gave my best to you,” he said, summing up his decadeslong career. He also slammed former President Donald Trump as he made the case for the party’s new presidential nominee, Kamala Harris.

- Harris campaigns in Wisconsin: Ahead of her DNC speech later this week, Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, will hold a rally in Milwaukee today. It appears that she will not be attending the DNC’s second day.

- Trump in Michigan: The GOP ticket is holding events in battleground states during the DNC. Trump will speak on crime and justice in Howell, Michigan, today. His running mate, JD Vance, will speak in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on crime and safety.

see caps for moar….


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3aa81f No.209376

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447516 (201351ZAUG24) Notable: 10:00 AM EDT War Room Morning Edition

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10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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3aa81f No.209377

File: 6accb9cf6f0e2e1⋯.png (1.04 MB,960x835,192:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447537 (201355ZAUG24) Notable: Supermoon Beyond the Temple of Poseidon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

August 20, 2024

Supermoon Beyond the Temple of Poseidon

A supermoon occurred yesterday. And tonight's moon should also look impressive. Supermoons appear slightly larger and brighter than most full moons because they reach their full phase when slightly nearer to the Earth - closer than 90 percent of all full moons. This supermoon was also a blue moon given the definition that it is the third of four full moons occurring during a single season. Blue moons are not usually blue, and a different definition holds that a blue moon is the second full moon that occurs during a single month. The featured image captured the blue supermoon right near its peak size yesterday as it was rising beyond the Temple of Poseidon in Greece. This supermoon is particularly unusual in that it is the first of four successive supermoons, the next three occurring in September, October, and November.


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3aa81f No.209378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447636 (201413ZAUG24) Notable: KILLARY'S FULL SPEECH AT THE DNC

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note: last night anon watched this with the sound down, just to watch the body language, disgusting as it was, this time anon will listen to it for full torture effect, Think inversion, projection and subversion, this is a truely evil witch with thousands of idiots who follow her as a example. watch the hands and especially the thumb movement (blair moves, it is like holding a ruler to slap on a table to understand her statements for the class)

total runtime 17 mins 10 seconds.


Hillary Clinton 2024 DNC full speech: Kamala Harris 'a fighter' to take on Donald Trump


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3aa81f No.209379

File: d781fd77de4efc6⋯.png (3.87 MB,2048x1042,1024:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 65244e19d6f2637⋯.png (4.34 MB,2048x1582,1024:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447669 (201418ZAUG24) Notable: A bubbling region of stars both old and new lies some 160,000 light-years away

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Hubble Spots Billowing Bubbles of Stellar Floss

Aug 19, 2024

A bubbling region of stars both old and new lies some 160,000 light-years away in the constellation Dorado.

This complex cluster of emission nebulae is known as N11, and was discovered by American astronomer and NASA astronaut Karl Gordon Henize in 1956.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope brings a new image of the cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a nearby dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way.

About 1,000 light-years across, N11’s sprawling filaments weave stellar matter in and out of each other like sparkling candy floss.

These cotton-spun clouds of gas are ionized by a burgeoning host of young and massive stars, giving the complex a cherry-pink appearance.

Throughout N11, colossal cavities burst from the fog.

These bubbles formed as a result of the vigorous emergence and death of stars contained in the nebulae.

Their stellar winds and supernovae carved the surrounding area into shells of gas and dust.

N11’s stellar activity caught the attention of many astronomers, as it is one of the largest and most energetic regions in the LMC.

To investigate the distribution of stars in N11, scientists used Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys, taking advantage of its sensitivity and excellent wide-field resolution.

The cluster houses a wide array of stars for Hubble to examine, including one area that has stopped forming stars, and another that continues to form them.

Hubble’s unique capabilities allowed astronomers to comprehensively study the diversity of stars in the N11 complex, and map the differences between each region.


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3aa81f No.209380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447677 (201420ZAUG24) Notable: WWII Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima

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WWII Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima ft. Don Graves & Al Chatwin | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 171

WWII Vets dicuss the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima ~48:00 +


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3aa81f No.209381

File: fa64f02706b74c1⋯.png (228.58 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: f044feed4aa490d⋯.png (214.93 KB,970x498,485:249,Clipboard.png)

File: d9015c4864c5f91⋯.png (910.14 KB,970x970,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e0208f931fd83a1⋯.png (1.11 MB,970x970,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 721f2bac01809f8⋯.png (143.36 KB,541x619,541:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447779 (201441ZAUG24) Notable: Europe's JUICE Jupiter probe zooms by the moon in historic flyby

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Europe's JUICE Jupiter probe zooms by the moon in historic flyby

August 19, 2024

Europe's JUICE Jupiter probe swung by the moon for a "gravity assist" on Monday (Aug. 19), and it snapped some photos to commemorate the historic encounter.

JUICE (short for Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) came within a mere 465 miles (750 kilometers) of the lunar surface on Monday evening, on the first leg of an unprecedented gravity-assist doubleheader.

The second leg comes on Tuesday evening, when the probe flies by Earth.

JUICE chronicled Monday's lunar encounter with some imagery, which it captured using its two onboard monitoring cameras (which were designed to confirm the deployment of the probe's solar arrays and scientific instruments).

And the European Space Agency (ESA) shared these photos with the world as they came down to Earth, raw and unprocessed, via a live webcast that included commentary from some JUICE team members.

JUICE launched in April 2023, on a mission to study Jupiter and three of its four big Galilean moons — Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.

All three are thought to possess oceans of liquid water beneath their icy shells, and Europa's is likely in contact with a rocky seafloor, making possible a variety of intriguing chemical reactions. (The seas of Ganymede and Callisto may be sandwiched between layers of ice.)

This week's moon and Earth flybys are historic; no other mission has ever performed a double gravity assist, according to ESA.

The two maneuvers will set the probe on course for a similar encounter with Venus in August 2025, which will slingshot JUICE out toward the giant planet.

"Actually, this flyby is a braking maneuver, so we do not accelerate JUICE, in the sense of gaining speed relative to the sun," Ignacio Tanco, JUICE spacecraft operations manager, said during ESA's lunar flyby webcast.

"What we found is that by following this sequence of first Earth and then Venus, we manage to save about half a year of cruise time and arrive to Jupiter around July 2031," Tanco added.

"This sort of counterintuitive approach of braking first, in fact, results ultimately in the shortest possible cruise phase."

To achieve the same change in velocity achieved by this week's two flybys via engine burns, the JUICE team would've had to use pretty much all the propellant in the probe's tanks, Tanco said.

JUICE team members say the assist worked perfectly. "It was a flawless maneuver! No fine-tuning or correction is needed before tonight's Earth flyby," ESA Operations posted to X on Aug. 20.

During its Earth flyby on Tuesday, JUICE will come within a mere 4,250 miles (6,840 km) of Earth. If all goes according to plan, closest approach will occur at 5:57 p.m. EDT (2157 GMT) over the North Pacific Ocean.

Amateur astronomers could theoretically see the probe through a telescope during the encounter, JUICE team members said — provided they're in Alaska or some other spot in or around the North Pacific.

There won't be another flyby-photo webcast during Tuesday's flyby, however.

ESA's Pacific region telemetry-receiving stations are all in the Southern Hemisphere, so the JUICE team won't be able to communicate with the probe during the encounter, team members said on Monday.


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3aa81f No.209382

File: 4104646a58922d8⋯.png (393.71 KB,645x395,129:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447805 (201447ZAUG24) Notable: RNC Vs DNC

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3aa81f No.209383

File: 45fac88cca7f9ad⋯.png (1.59 MB,1592x1236,398:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447828 (201450ZAUG24) Notable: NY Times admits Georgia can't win if vote is verified!

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NY Times admits Georgia can't win if vote is verified!

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3aa81f No.209384

File: 2a7ffc08953d169⋯.png (28.97 KB,555x804,185:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447837 (201451ZAUG24) Notable: Hillary less than 10 meow?

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>Hillary was actually booed when she said 34 felony convictions.



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3aa81f No.209385

File: f41512846de1ed7⋯.jpeg (533.68 KB,828x903,276:301,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447840 (201451ZAUG24) Notable: Ford recall, engine fires.

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Found On Road Dead.

Fix Or Repair Daily.

Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge……

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3aa81f No.209386

File: 1428d485746a717⋯.png (400 KB,530x608,265:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447888 (201500ZAUG24) Notable: 150 mobile devices connected to whom we believe are Hezbollah Unit 910 in Chicago, 20 of these devices were previously based in Qatar.

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GPS—There are over 150 mobile devices connected to whom we believe are Hezbollah Unit 910 in Chicago, 20 of these devices were previously based in Qatar.

American brains are unprepared for the horrors about to besiege the U.S. America has been too soft for far too long. Hezbollah Unit 910 is just one of dozens of enemies already here in the U.S. hellbent on destroying and killing as many Americans as possible.



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3aa81f No.209387

File: 4dae27ef9ce9af0⋯.png (332.17 KB,528x449,528:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447918 (201505ZAUG24) Notable: CCP Conducts Emergency Drills For 'Pneumonia Of Unknown Cause' Across China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CCP Conducts Emergency Drills For 'Pneumonia Of Unknown Cause' Across China


China scared?

What comes around, goes around.

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3aa81f No.209388

File: 930fade99fa1509⋯.png (56.33 KB,198x396,1:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21447954 (201510ZAUG24) Notable: Shills are now at around 50-75% posting?

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Shills are now at around 50-75% posting


last post was at 600

70 post made

35 remain

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3aa81f No.209389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448040 (201522ZAUG24) Notable: #26282

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#26282 >>209354

>>209357 Rep Raskin: "Hang Mike Pence"??!!


>>209361 They used a fake laugh track when airing the DNC?

>>209362 Senate Majority Leader Schumer Headlines Wisconsin Delegation Breakfast

>>209362 SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, August 20 for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites

>>209363 This image sends the same message that the clean streets of San Francisco did during the Xi visit.

>>209364 @WarClandestine The DNC is nearly empty.

>>209369 PDJT TRUTH - Most new jobs under Biden went to illegal immigrants

>>209372 Deputy AG recused herself from Biden probe

>>209374 Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince

>>209375 Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention

>>209376 10:00 AM EDT War Room Morning Edition

>>209377 Supermoon Beyond the Temple of Poseidon


>>209379 A bubbling region of stars both old and new lies some 160,000 light-years away

>>209380 WWII Veterans On The Battle Of Iwo Jima

>>209381 Europe's JUICE Jupiter probe zooms by the moon in historic flyby

>>209382 RNC Vs DNC

>>209383 NY Times admits Georgia can't win if vote is verified!

>>209384 Hillary less than 10 meow?

>>209385 Ford recall, engine fires.

>>209386 150 mobile devices connected to whom we believe are Hezbollah Unit 910 in Chicago, 20 of these devices were previously based in Qatar.

>>209387 CCP Conducts Emergency Drills For 'Pneumonia Of Unknown Cause' Across China

>>209388 Shills are now at around 50-75% posting?


>>209365, >>209366, >>209368 TODAY'S DELTA Qs

>>209370, >>209367, >>209371 SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity

>>209354, >>209355, >>209356, >>209373 Tuesday Morning Melania


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3aa81f No.209515

File: 4104646a58922d8⋯.png (393.71 KB,645x395,129:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448064 (201526ZAUG24) Notable: #26283

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#26283 https://fullchan.net/?d489e44cb8469b7f#AcLxHSRfB14xTHF8xMCAjMsGiawzPistT5bDhQ5JFe4W

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3aa81f No.209516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448081 (201531ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

Aug 20, 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on crime and safety in Howell, Michigan, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Stay in the loop with the latest coverage from Right Side Broadcasting Network! Head to rsbnetwork.com/newsletter and download our new mobile app to get breaking news updates for Trump rallies and more.


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3aa81f No.209517

File: e0d9d00b452fc6d⋯.png (569.2 KB,879x586,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 9815617c8b8027c⋯.png (950.89 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448211 (201556ZAUG24) Notable: German cubesat to test quantum key distribution

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German cubesat to test quantum key distribution

August 19, 2024

Qube, a German cubesat is preparing to test quantum key generation and distribution via optical link.

Mission operators in Germany made contact with the 3.53-kilogram Qube approximately two hours after it launched Aug. 16 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rideshare.

Now, they are moving quickly through the launch and early operations phase (LEOP) of the mission.

“We have a planned LEOP of 3 months, but currently we seem to progress much faster than this conservative estimate for commissioning,” Klaus Schilling, president of the Center for Telematics at the University of Wurzburg, told SpaceNews by email.

“This is truly a milestone,” Harald Weinfurter, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich professor of experimental quantum physics, said in a statement.

“So far, there are no small satellites in Earth’s orbit that enable worldwide quantum key distribution.”

The Qube satellite was designed and built at the University of Wurzburg Center for Telematics.

The payload for quantum key distribution was supplied by the Ludwig Maximilian University, the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg.

The German Space Agency DLR research center in Oberpfaffenhofen provided the satellite’s onboard laser communications terminal.

Government agencies, companies and academic institutions are eager to experiment with quantum key distribution for secure communications.

Due to the behavior of subatomic particles, attempts to intercept communications would be revealed.

“The use of quantum keys via satellite offers significant economic potential for achieving secure global communication,” Schilling said.

Quantum key distribution was demonstrated in orbit by the 635-kilogram Chinese Quantum Science Satellite Micius, launched in 2016.

The Germany consortium spend years miniaturing satellite components for a quantum cubesat.

A significant challenge was ensuring a cubesat could point accurately enough for a stable optical link with a ground terminal.

In addition, miniature quantum communication components must “remain fully functional at the extreme vibrations, temperature, and radiation conditions during launch and operations in space,” Christoph Marquardt, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg professor, said in a statement.

The Germany institutions are already planning Qube follow-ons.

QUBE-2, a six-unit cubesat with “a much stronger laser payload,” is slated to launch in the second half of 2025.

A feasibility study also is underway for CubEnik, two cubesats “connected by a rotational joint” to track two targets in parallel for quantum key delivery, Schilling said.


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3aa81f No.209518

File: a97e4779c1aa0ed⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448232 (201601ZAUG24) Notable: Trump flashback with Larry King Live, from the late 1980s.

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Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres

Trump flashback with Larry King Live, from the late 1980s.

From A Man Of Memes

11:44 AM · Aug 20, 2024


Trump has been saying these for decades, and that's why the DS Elite do not want him in control.


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3aa81f No.209519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448233 (201601ZAUG24) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Cupich’s DNC speech confirms ‘blood pact’ between ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’

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Archbishop Viganò: Cupich’s DNC speech confirms ‘blood pact’ between ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called out Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago for his endorsement of Kamala Harris and the Democrat platform, describing the prelate as having supported 'the cult of perversion, disease, sterility, poverty, death.'


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3aa81f No.209520

File: 9fc6674110ca21e⋯.jpg (44.71 KB,724x696,181:174,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448234 (201601ZAUG24) Notable: The fall of woman?

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3aa81f No.209521

File: 993dc1c1b781ca4⋯.png (286.23 KB,562x566,281:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448253 (201604ZAUG24) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan

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Margo Martin

@margommartin 1h

President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan🇺🇸

Aug 20, 2024 · 2:17 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209522

File: 4a47400c4e54cb1⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448266 (201605ZAUG24) Notable: @DineshDSouza The DNC has kicked off in Chicago with an abysmal crowd

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Dinesh D'Souza @DineshDSouza

The DNC has kicked off in Chicago with an abysmal crowd. The opening speakers were met with scattered applause throughout the empty stadium!

Video DNC inside, crowd outside, which was bigger?

7:42 PM · Aug 19, 2024



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3aa81f No.209523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448282 (201608ZAUG24) Notable: SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity - Article from 28 February 2023

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SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity


Article from 28 February 2023

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3aa81f No.209524

File: cad85fac2eacc5e⋯.png (26.04 KB,574x289,574:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448331 (201614ZAUG24) Notable: 6 Year Delta Tomorrow

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Heads Up Tomorrow?

6 Year Delta

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3aa81f No.209525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448343 (201617ZAUG24) Notable: Today is election day in Florida, Alaska and Wyoming — 5 races to watch.

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Today is election day in Florida, Alaska and Wyoming — 5 races to watch.

5 primaries to watch in Florida and Alaska

Gaetz faces a McCarthy-backed challenger in the Sunshine State.

ByKaleigh Rogers August 19, 2024, 3:15 PM

Harris surging across the Sunbelt, polls showKEK, LIARS LIE ALL THE TIME, LYING

Just a handful of states have yet to hold their primary elections this year, and on Tuesday, three more states will see voters head to the polls to finalize their ballots for November: Alaska, Florida andWyoming. While the sole race that we track in the Cowboy State (the at-large House seat currently held by Republican Rep. Harriet Hageman) isn't competitive, there are a few heated races worth watching in Florida and Alaska that could give us a glimpse into how the general election might shake out this fall.

FloridaRaces to watch: Senate; 1st, 13th and 27th congressional districts Polls close: 7 p.m. Eastern

In the Sunshine State, Republican Sen. Rick Scott has a target on his back. After winning his 2018 election to the Senate by less than half a percentage point, and with a dismal 35 percent approval rating in a recent poll, it's no surprise the former governor is seen as vulnerable. He's facing two GOP challengers in the primary — Keith Gross, an attorney, and John Columbus, an actor. Neither Gross nor Columbus is likely to best Scott in the Republican primary; for starters, they've each raised a fraction of his war chest. And Scott clinched former president Donald Trump's endorsement early in the election cycle. However, the winner of the Democratic primary could end up thwarting Scott's dreams of a second term.

Four candidates are running in the Democratic primary, though the front-runner is former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who has essentially been coronated by the Democratic Party after they courted her to run. She has a war chest more than 10 times the size of the next highest-raising Democrat — business owner Stanley Campbell (who contributed almost all of the $1.1 million he's raised to his own campaign) — and a rare primary endorsement from President Joe Biden. Democrats are hoping having a Latina (Mucarsel-Powell is Ecuadorian American) as their Senate nominee for the first time will help woo voters in this increasingly diverse state, and are banking on Mucarsel-Powell's record of winning over swing voters: She was elected to the House by ousting a two-term Republican incumbent, though she lost reelection in 2020.

This is one of the few Senate seats that is even marginally vulnerable for Republicans, and with the balance of power in Congress on the line this election, Democrats will certainly be devoting lots of attention (and cash) to this race. Polls show Scott still leading Mucarsel-Powell in a theoretical matchup, but it seems to be tightening up, so we'll have our eyes on how voters feel about the matchup once the ticket is finalized.

Over in the 1st District, Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz, who played a pivotal role in ousting former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, is now having to fend off a challenger in the GOP primary as part of the former speaker's revenge tour. Team McCarthy helped coax Navy veteran and business consultant Aaron Dimmockinto the race, and Dimmock got McCarthy's endorsement, but it looks like Gaetz is holding strong. He has a substantial fundraising advantage (having raised $5.7 million to Dimmock's roughly $350,000) as well as Trump's endorsement. Despite over $3 million in outside spending from a McCarthy-linked PAC backing Dimmock or opposing Gaetz, the sole poll in this race gave Gaetz a 47-point lead. Granted, it was an internal Gaetz campaign poll, but it signals that McCarthy's attempt to foil one of the Republicans he most despises may amount to little more than an irritation as Gaetz cruises his way to a fifth term in office.

Elsewhere in the Sunshine State,three members of the far-right Freedom Caucus are up for reelection, but only one is at any risk of being unseated.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, who represents the 13th District around Clearwater on the Gulf Coast, is running unopposedin her primary, but will be squaring off this fall against the winner of Tuesday's Democratic primary.

There's no polling in that race, but the front-runner looks like former Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority communications director Whitney Fox, who has raised more than twice as much money as any other Democrat and has racked up endorsements from seven sitting members of Congress. Though this district leans red, it's one that Trump won by less than 7 points in 2020 and could be a pickup opportunity for Democrats with the right candidate.


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3aa81f No.209526

File: 8037269cb2e2124⋯.jpeg (242.58 KB,1125x687,375:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448388 (201626ZAUG24) Notable: @AdamKinzinger I can now report that I will be speaking Thursday at the Democratic National Convention. #UniPartyRino

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3aa81f No.209527

File: b10049b0ba23011⋯.png (375.89 KB,551x567,551:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448404 (201629ZAUG24) Notable: @NASAKennedy Aug 19 A picture is worth a thousand words

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NASA's Kennedy Space Center

@NASAKennedy Aug 19

A picture is worth a thousand words📸

Images are how we tell the NASA story. It connects us to our past and reminds us of the people, places, and feelings from a moment in time. Join us as we celebrate #WorldPhotographyDay and share your favorite @NASA images ⤵️ ❤️

Aug 19, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC




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3aa81f No.209528

File: a5ee10220f3cf82⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448409 (201630ZAUG24) Notable: @CitizenFreePres Today is primary day in Florida. Get out and vote for Matt Gaetz.

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Citizen Free Press


Today is primary day in Florida. Get out and vote for Matt Gaetz.


0:34 / 0:38


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘™️

Last edited 10:16 AM · Aug 20, 2024



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3aa81f No.209529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448470 (201641ZAUG24) Notable: RFK Jr’s running mate considers DROPPING OUT & JOINING forces with President Trump to prevent a Kamala Harris presidency?

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Nick Sortor


🚨 JUST IN: RFK Jr’s running mate says they’re consider DROPPING OUT and joining forces with President Trump to prevent a Kamala Harris presidency

Yes! DO IT! 🔥

https://x.com/nicksortor/status/1825931051966845017 - VIDEO

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3aa81f No.209530

File: 577d4a7ac117350⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,592x1280,37:80,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448498 (201647ZAUG24) Notable: Anon needs chime on Fakeness. Video Related.

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Can I get anons to chime in on the likely fakeness of this video. Is it normal for iphones to magically save people walking on a separate layer? See at 7 seconds in as the map slides out over the video how the guy magically gets a blur around him.

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3aa81f No.209531

File: a8e83d5f0a831ea⋯.jpg (269.17 KB,1440x1413,160:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448560 (201703ZAUG24) Notable: Reminder - Protect your DNA

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protect your DNA

check this newscast out from louisville kentucky

DNA for cash

what are those swabs dipped in


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3aa81f No.209532

File: cd400f5a5452885⋯.png (204.39 KB,607x524,607:524,Clipboard.png)

File: 206dc54186225b6⋯.png (319.74 KB,488x270,244:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448600 (201709ZAUG24) Notable: Rocket engine explodes during test at UK spaceport

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Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 2h

NEW - Rocket engine explodes during test at UK spaceport

A rocket engine exploded during a test launch at Britain's new spaceport in northern Scotland, officials said Tuesday, in a setback for the UK's fledgling


Aug 20, 2024 · 2:40 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209533

File: db41e894fba2904⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x840,10:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 316040603e526ad⋯.png (295.05 KB,351x500,351:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448634 (201719ZAUG24) Notable: Space Systems Command connects heritage (past), future during anniversary celebration

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Space Systems Command connects heritage, future during anniversary celebration

Aug. 19, 2024

Space Systems Command’s legacy began in 1954, when the U.S. Air Force was looking for a location for the service’s development of space capabilities.

Air Force leadership found Los Angeles County had the right combination of a technically adept workforce and military presence for a crash program to develop missiles, launch vehicles and satellites during the height of the Cold War.

For the past seven decades, what was originally formed as the Air Force’s Western Development Division by Air Force Gen. Bernard Schriever and a Space Force field command since 2021, has become the leading organization responsible for acquiring and delivering capabilities to protect U.S. strategic interests in space, including managing a $15.6 billion space acquisition budget for the Department of Defense.

“The Cold War and the Space Race (eras) are very similar to what we're getting after today, with the great power competition - we have to use innovation and game changing technologies to do this, and that's the heritage and legacy that SSC has and brings to the fight,” said Space Force Lt. Gen. Philip A. Garrant, SSC commander, during an Aug. 13 celebration of the command’s and Western Development Division’s 70th anniversaries.

The command’s success in an era of competition with other nations in space depends on its unique mix of active Guardians, Airmen and civilian staff, he said.

“We know we're going to have to keep up with game changing technologies and we know we're going to require amazing space force acquisition leaders, like you, to get after this fight,” Garrant told audiences at Los Angeles Air Force Base, where SSC is headquartered, and virtual at SSC operating locations across the United States.

“I'm excited to be your commander and watch you grow and get ready for our next anniversary, and everything that SSC is going to bring to the warfighters. Semper Supra!”

With a workforce of more than 15,000 personnel across 29 locations, SSC’s presence strengthens deterrence.

The command expects to support more than 150 launches in 2024 and as many as 200 in 2025.

During the celebration event, 15 SSC individuals and teams from across the command received awards recognizing their achievements in a variety of areas across project management, space acquisition innovation, time and budget savings on projects to bringing forward new capabilities for the command.

Those accomplishments are examples of the sort of capabilities the staff have delivered on in the three years since the command was created in 2021, said Air Force Col. Michelle K. Idle, SSC’s deputy commander.

“We're three years into this adventure called Space Systems Command, and the environment is just as challenging as it was when we stood up,” said Idle, who is responsible for managing the research, design, development, acquisition and sustainment of space and missile systems.

“The ‘front’ has not let up – it has evolved.”

Reflecting on today’s environment of Great Power Competition, Idle also discussed the growth in recent years of the space capabilities of both China and Russia, and the potential threats both could pose to U.S. military and civilian space operations.

China's space program has grown to become second to the U.S., supplanting Russia, in terms of operational satellites in Earth orbit.

“They're also heavily investing in counter-space capabilities, with an intent to pose a serious threat to our capabilities,” Idle told the standing room only crowd at LAAFB.

“Russia's right behind them … they're researching, developing, testing, developing counterspace systems; again, trying to disrupt and degrade the systems that we're putting up there to provide for our way of life and our warfighters.”

Along with the third anniversary of Space Systems Command and the 70th anniversary of the Western Development Division, the service is also celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Space Force, as well as the 10th (2024) class of the Schriever Wall of Honor, a monument at LAAFB named after Gen. Schriever that honors American space pioneers.

The induction ceremony for that event is set for Sept. 26 at SSC headquarters.


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3aa81f No.209534

File: 27882fda8e19120⋯.png (19.16 KB,612x132,51:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e6fe0927d03458⋯.jpg (62.02 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448637 (201719ZAUG24) Notable: Pennsylvania judge affirms that incomplete mail-in ballots without required "secrecy envelopes" will not be counted.

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Leading Report

@LeadingReport 47m

BREAKING: Pennsylvania judge affirms that incomplete mail-in ballots without required "secrecy envelopes" will not be counted.

Aug 20, 2024 · 4:27 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209535

File: dda38b2a27ce5a9⋯.png (35.67 KB,506x216,253:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448694 (201731ZAUG24) Notable: Suspected Iranian regime agents littered throughout the Harris-Biden Administration. ?

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Ezra A. Cohen


Suspected Iranian regime agents littered throughout the Harris-Biden Administration.

Iran intervening in U.S. election on behalf of Kamala.


12:42 PM · Aug 20, 2024

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3aa81f No.209536

File: d8d97345069d082⋯.png (1.51 MB,850x1200,17:24,Clipboard.png)

File: 791c41ea9f2a9e1⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x838,600:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448697 (201731ZAUG24) Notable: SPAFORGEN provides strategic advantage in space domain

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SPAFORGEN provides strategic advantage in space domain

Aug. 20, 2024

The first cycle of the Space Force Generation model is currently underway, poised to manage the battle rhythm of assigned forces and maintain the highest possible level of overall readiness for the service.

This model is driven by the need for Guardians to execute space missions in a highly congested and contested space domain.

U.S. Space Force Chief Master Sgt. Caleb Lloyd, Space Operations Command senior enlisted leader, links SPAFORGEN directly to the changing warfighting domain during a speech at the recent Air Force Sergeants Association Summit.

“When it comes to our operations, the threat must always be at the forefront of our conversations and decisions,” Lloyd said.

The Space Force’s focus is on implementing strategies to achieve a state of combat readiness to address all emerging threats.

This includes enhancing capabilities to protect and defend space assets and ensuring the force is prepared for potential conflicts in or through space.

This is done, in part, through the SPAFORGEN model.

“We are moving towards a fully integrated approach where space forces play a decisive role in joint and all-domain operations,” Lloyd said.

“Our objective is to establish and maintain control over the space domain, ensuring we maintain our strategic advantages and space superiority.”

Lloyd goes on to explain that, in order for SpOC to generate and present combat power they must have expertise in intelligence, cyberspace operations, space system operations, engineering and sustainment activities. SPAFORGEN integrates these skills into combat formations capable of operating as distinct units of action.

With that focus, SPAFORGEN is divided into three phases.

Each phase balances combatant command requirements, professional and personal development, and the wellbeing of the force.

“As we learn from this first cycle, we will continue to evolve the model, ensuring we remain ever ready to support and defend the joint force, our allies and our partners through any challenge the complex global environment may present,” Lloyd said.

SPAFORGEN is slightly different from other service’s force generation model because, unlike other domains, space forces are primarily employed-in-place.

However, the intent is the same, to ensure the service has the right mix of capabilities to face challenges characterized by the return to an era of great power competition.


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3aa81f No.209537

File: ddf9aa44b277053⋯.png (236.04 KB,551x588,551:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448698 (201731ZAUG24) Notable: Trump lands in Michigan, greets supporters

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Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 10m

JUST IN - Trump lands in Michigan, greets supporters

Margo Martin

Aug 20, 2024 · 5:19 PM UTC


Panic in Shill Aviv.


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3aa81f No.209538

File: ee3fea13b992348⋯.png (64.17 KB,735x486,245:162,Clipboard.png)

File: 60cc64b3d17b7fa⋯.png (1015.18 KB,938x751,938:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448745 (201746ZAUG24) Notable: Israel's Futile War Against Massive Iranian Hack of Secret Data

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Israel's Futile War Against Massive Iranian Hack of Secret Data

Anti-Israel hackers stole troves of sensitive Israeli data and are now publishing gigabytes of secret and classified information. Unable to stop the hacks, Israel is waging a futile war to against the leaks

A few months ago, foreign hackers managed to break into a computer linked to Israel's Justice Ministry. Tens of thousands of classified files and sensitive emails were leaked. Links allowing anyone to download the breached files were published on Telegram,

Omer Benjakob

Aug 20, 2024 2:19 pm IDT



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3aa81f No.209539

File: 9dff99e8d85797b⋯.png (746.17 KB,927x585,103:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448803 (201803ZAUG24) Notable: Missouri Man Claims He Saw UAP’s Being Chased by Military Jets?

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Missouri Man Claims He Saw UAP’s Being Chased by Military Jets?

August 19, 2024

This is one of the wildest stories I've seen shared from Missouri in years of unidentified aerial phenomena.

It's an eyewitness testimony from a man in Hazelwood, Missouri claiming that he saw multiple craft being pursued by military aircraft and that's only the beginning.

This new report from the National UFO Reporting Center is the most recent (as of this writing) from Missouri.

It comes from a man who's name is not provided saying that he and his twin brother were outside in Hazelwood, Missouri playing around with a laser pen to see how far it would project.

This encounter happened in early August 2024.

They apparently got "somethings" attention. Here's part of what he described:

"We both witnessed what looked at first like moving stars… moving erratically at first but then still it seems toward us.

They got extremely close within 5-10 miles out of the sky. We saw what looked like orbs some illuminated, orange. Yellow. White and some blue.

The ones that were orange and white moved fast in circles…"

It wasn't long after this that he saw military jets that appeared to be chasing the UAP's he saw.

"That’s when I noticed two to three military Air Force Jets…they looked to be chasing the crafts, spheres and orb light formations away and moving extremely fast."

He also shared video from his perspective in Hazelwood, Missouri showing part of what he witnessed which you can check out on the NUFORC site.

Judging by other comments he made in his report, it seems like this sighting has disturbed him greatly so perhaps he can get assistance in understanding exactly what he saw in the skies above Hazelwood, Missouri in early August.



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3aa81f No.209540

File: 9de5bd940cc7329⋯.png (604.03 KB,1085x710,217:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448847 (201810ZAUG24) Notable: Birth and fertility rates have declined in the US, CDC says

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Birth and fertility rates have declined in the US, CDC says

The U.S. birth rate and general fertility rate are both on the decline, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

From 2022 to 2023, the number of births in the U.S. fell 2%, the CDC said. The general fertility rate also declined 3% to 54.5 births per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 44.

The declining birth rate in the U.S. was primarily due to fewer births among teenagers. Females between the ages of 15 and 17 saw 2% fewer births between 2022 and 2023. For females between the ages of 18 and 19, the birth rate dropped 5% in that same period.


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3aa81f No.209541

File: c5537683ee93197⋯.png (385.11 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448870 (201815ZAUG24) Notable: Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate

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Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate

In a post on Truth Social, Trump claimed that Harris had “informed” him that she would “not do” a debate on September 4th on Fox News. Trump added that Harris knew it would be “very difficult” for her “to defend her record” of flip-flopping on issues.

“Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th,” Trump wrote. “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our ‘Border Czar,’ where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted.”

“It’s called, and she LOVES IT, an OPEN BORDER!!!” Trump continued. “Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox. It will take place in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Details to follow!”


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3aa81f No.209542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448887 (201819ZAUG24) Notable: #26283

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#26283 >>209515

>>209516 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

>>209517 German cubesat to test quantum key distribution

>>209518 Trump flashback with Larry King Live, from the late 1980s.

>>209519 Archbishop Viganò: Cupich’s DNC speech confirms ‘blood pact’ between ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’

>>209520 The fall of woman?

>>209521 President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan

>>209522 @DineshDSouza The DNC has kicked off in Chicago with an abysmal crowd

>>209523 SpaceX launches Starlink V2 satellites to increase internet capacity - Article from 28 February 2023

>>209524 6 Year Delta Tomorrow

>>209525 Today is election day in Florida, Alaska and Wyoming — 5 races to watch.

>>209526 @AdamKinzinger I can now report that I will be speaking Thursday at the Democratic National Convention. #UniPartyRino

>>209527 @NASAKennedy Aug 19 A picture is worth a thousand words

>>209528 @CitizenFreePres Today is primary day in Florida. Get out and vote for Matt Gaetz.

>>209529 RFK Jr’s running mate considers DROPPING OUT & JOINING forces with President Trump to prevent a Kamala Harris presidency?

>>209530 Anon needs chime on Fakeness. Video Related.

>>209531 Reminder - Protect your DNA

>>209532 Rocket engine explodes during test at UK spaceport

>>209533 Space Systems Command connects heritage (past), future during anniversary celebration

>>209534 Pennsylvania judge affirms that incomplete mail-in ballots without required "secrecy envelopes" will not be counted.

>>209537 Trump lands in Michigan, greets supporters

>>209538 Israel's Futile War Against Massive Iranian Hack of Secret Data

>>209539 Missouri Man Claims He Saw UAP’s Being Chased by Military Jets?

>>209535 Suspected Iranian regime agents littered throughout the Harris-Biden Administration. ?

>>209536 SPAFORGEN provides strategic advantage in space domain

>>209540 Birth and fertility rates have declined in the US, CDC says

>>209541 Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate


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3aa81f No.209543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448922 (201822ZAUG24) Notable: #26284

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#26284 https://fullchan.net/?64f0e55f8f1adc81#ALt6HHGaYES5mdddRokheRiihhNtsJ9oqrbzQRnFvLsc

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

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3aa81f No.209544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448938 (201824ZAUG24) Notable: Zelensky Says Kursk Invasion Shows Russia's Red Lines Are A Bluff

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Zelensky Says Kursk Invasion Shows Russia's Red Lines Are A Bluff

The Ukrainian leader is urging the US and its NATO allies to support long-range strikes inside Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday that the Ukrainian assault on Russia’s Kursk Oblast shows that Moscow’s red lines and threats of retaliation are a bluff.

Zelensky made the comments while criticizing the US and its NATO allies for not allowing Ukraine to use Western-provided weapons to launch long-range strikes inside Russian territory.

“We are witnessing a significant ideological shift – the naive, illusory concept of so-called red lines regarding Russia, which dominated the assessment of the war by some partners, has crumbled apart these days,” he said.

The Ukrainian leader claimed that if Ukraine had been allowed to fire NATO weapons deep inside Russia, it wouldn’t have had to launch the offensive in Kursk. He also claimed that long-range strikes would stop Russia’s gains in eastern Ukraine, which have become more rapid amid the fighting in Kursk.

“You must realize, both here and in the capitals where you work, that Ukraine is separated from stopping the advance of the Russian army at the front by only one decision, which we expect from our partners. And this is a decision on long-range capabilities,” he said.

While the US hasn’t signed off on long-range strikes in Russia, it is allowing Ukraine to use US-provided weapons in Kursk, and Russian officials have said US-provided HIMARS have been used in the assault. The invasion came a few months after President Biden gave Ukraine the greenlight to use US weapons in strikes on Russian border regions.

A US-backed invasion of Russia risks a major response from Moscow despite Zelensky downplaying the threat. Throughout the war, Russia has escalated in direct response to Ukrainian attacks on its territory. For example, Russia did not start the large-scale targeting of energy infrastructure in Ukraine until the first bombing of the Crimean Bridge, which took place in October 2022.

The use of NATO weapons inside Russian territory also increases the risk of a direct confrontation between Russia and the Western military alliance, which could quickly turn into nuclear war.


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3aa81f No.209545

File: 81835fafe6ddc79⋯.jpeg (324.29 KB,1170x1077,390:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448975 (201829ZAUG24) Notable: Chicago police investigate alleged bomb threat at Near West Side hotels on second day of DNC

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Chicago police investigate alleged bomb threat at Near West Side hotels on second day of DNC

CHICAGO - Chicago police are investigating an alleged bomb threat at several hotels on the Near West Side.

Just before noon, officers and police K9s began searching Nobu Hotel located at 155 North Peoria Street.

The threat, which was emailed to the Fox 32 Newsroom, said pipe bombs were placed in the Hotel Chicago West Loop and the Hyatt House Chicago in West Loop and the University District.

The threat mentioned the Democratic National Convention that is taking place this week on the city's Near West Side. It also included anti-semitic statements.

Fox 32's Paris Schutz was at Nobu Hotel as officers searched the area. One official said nothing suspicious had been found yet.

Police are investigating.


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3aa81f No.209546

File: 898bff4a44cf976⋯.png (655.53 KB,836x1145,836:1145,Clipboard.png)

File: e67dfdc5cb05fbd⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,450x360,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448976 (201829ZAUG24) Notable: Nicole Shanahan Says the Kennedy Campaign May Join Forces w/ Trump, Hints at RFK Jr as the Head of HHS

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See new posts


Chief Nerd


👀 Nicole Shanahan Says the Kennedy Campaign May Join Forces w/ Trump, Hints at RFK Jr as the Head of HHS

"I could envision a situation in which Bobby goes and he does an incredible job with, for example, HHS…It really has far reach. So I think that Bobby, in a role like that, would be excellent. I fully support it…And just in my personal life, I'd love to see the state of science go uncensored and uncorrupted."


Full Interview: https://t.co/Yl1Hop0KGf

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3aa81f No.209547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21448980 (201830ZAUG24) Notable: Nicole Shanahan Says the Kennedy Campaign May Join Forces w/ Trump, Hints at RFK Jr as the Head of HHS

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RFK Jr Campaign Mulling "Joining Forces With Trump" Because We 'Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency'

Just days after refuting reports that RFK Jr approached Harris for a cabinet position, his running mate, Nicole Shanahan just dropped a bombshell during a podcast that could change the race considerably.

Appearing on the 'Impact Theory' podcast (that was filmed yesterday), Shanahan said they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump:

“There’s two options that we're looking at…

…and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump.

Or we walk away right now and join forces with with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we're making this decision.”


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3aa81f No.209548

File: 7169d78400ab561⋯.png (185.04 KB,612x537,204:179,Clipboard.png)

File: d3e1b2beef81c58⋯.png (2.79 MB,1536x768,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 736681cf1e10262⋯.png (511.17 KB,1081x497,1081:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449028 (201837ZAUG24) Notable: Darktrace / Mike Lynch

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NEW — From WikiLeaks: "Darktrace, founded by Mike Lynch and staffed with former MI5, MI6, GCHQ, CIA, NSA, FBI & UK military, "appears to have been established in response to data leaks from Chelsea Manning to Julian Assange's WikiLeaks and from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden"'.

Aug 20, 2024, 1:10 PM


The son of Julian Assange’s judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment

15 November 2019


pic2: An aerial view of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) building in Cheltenham, western England. GCHQ is the UK’s major surveillance agency. The anti-data leak company Darktrace was founded by GCHQ officials in 2013. (Photo: GCHQ)

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3aa81f No.209549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449041 (201839ZAUG24) Notable: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

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LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on crime and safety in Howell, Michigan, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Stay in the loop with the latest coverage from Right Side Broadcasting Network! Head to rsbnetwork.com/newsletter and download our new mobile app to get breaking news updates for Trump rallies and more.


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3aa81f No.209550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449054 (201841ZAUG24) Notable: Morgan Stanley Executive and Wife, British Tech Entrepreneur with Daughter Missing After Yacht Sinks in Sicily, Italy

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Morgan Stanley International Bank Executive and Wife, British Tech Entrepreneur with Daughter Among Missing After Tragic Sinking of Luxury Yacht in Sicily, Italy


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3aa81f No.209551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449064 (201843ZAUG24) Notable: Pennsylvania Judge Rules Voters and Election Officials CANNOT Cure or Count ‘Naked’ Mail-in Ballots

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Pennsylvania Judge Rules Voters and Election Officials CANNOT Cure or Count ‘Naked’ Mail-in Ballots

A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that voters and election officials cannot cure or count mail-in ballots that are returned without the required secrecy envelope, often referred to as “naked ballots.”

In a decisive ruling, Judge S. Michael Yeager of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas dismissed a petition seeking to challenge the Butler County Board of Elections’ rejection of mail-in ballots that lacked the required secrecy envelopes—often referred to as ‘naked’ ballots.

The case arose when two Butler County residents, Faith A. Genser and Frank P. Matis, both failed to include the mandatory secrecy envelopes when submitting their mail-in ballots for the April 23, 2024, primary election.

Despite being informed of their ballots’ rejection due to this omission, both voters proceeded to cast provisional ballots on Election Day, hoping to have their votes counted.

However, the Butler County Board of Elections, adhering to Pennsylvania’s strict election guidelines, rejected these provisional ballots, leading to the court case filed by ACLU Pennsylvania.

The court found that the Butler County Board of Elections acted within its legal rights when it rejected provisional ballots submitted without the necessary secrecy envelopes.

According to the ruling, these “naked” ballots do not meet the statutory requirements set forth in Pennsylvania’s Election Code, which mandates that all mail-in ballots must be completed, placed in a secrecy envelope, and then enclosed in a Declaration Envelope before submission.

The judge emphasized that allowing such ballots to be counted would undermine the very foundation of secure and fair elections. By failing to comply with these regulations, voters risk disenfranchising themselves and compromising the integrity of the electoral process.

According to the conclusion:

The court is not unsympathetic to the Petitioners. Unlike many other qualified electors, Petitioners endeavored to exercise their right to vote so as to participate as fully as possible in their governance.

The court understands their frustration, and additionally, that of persons who deposit their ballot into the mail only to return home to find the secrecy envelope on a table, yet, despite knowing with certainty their secrecy envelope was not included in their return, may do nothing to have their vote counted in the election.

However, as stated by the Court in Boockvar, this is a task for the legislature, not the courts, given the attendant issues that must be addressed. The court would urge the legislature to consider the situation of the Petitioners, to develop and implement a procedure for those who return defective ballots to correct same to ensure as full participation as possible in the voting franchise.

However, the actions of the Board in adopting a narrow cure policy that applies in such a way as to uphold voting deadlines and ensure secrecy in voting is maintained, but that allows electors the greatest possible chance of having their vote counted, does not violate either the Election Code or the Free and Equal clause of the Pennsylvania Constitution.


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3aa81f No.209552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449074 (201845ZAUG24) Notable: Diddy sex trafficking accuser Adria English files police report against star - after launching $50bn civil suit

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Diddy sex trafficking accuser Adria English files police report against star - after launching $50bn civil suit

A former porn star who has accused Diddy of sex trafficking her has filed a criminal complaint against him - one month after launching a $50billion civil suit.

Adria English, whose stage name was Omunique, claims he trafficked her to have sex with party guests and threatened to blackmail her if she did not comply.

English claimed the disgraced rapper, 54, 'groomed' her into sex trafficking and told her to have sex with Jacob Arabov, also known as 'Jacob the Jeweler'. She is suing the Bad Boy mogul and his alleged co-conspirators for $50 billion, according to the federal lawsuit obtained by DailyMail.com last month.

Now English has spoken with Miami Beach Police Department last week and per TMZ has reiterated many of the same allegations against Diddy.

It was claimed there is 'not enough evidence' to investigate human trafficking, or any other crime but that the report will now be shared with federal authorities running 'parallel investigations.'


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3aa81f No.209553

File: cf6665cfa56e1c4⋯.png (432.98 KB,559x502,559:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449104 (201850ZAUG24) Notable: St. Anne’s Church in NY sold to the Islamic community for $250k who are converting the historic church into a mosque

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Sale of church to Muslims no big deal – US Catholics

The fate of a Gothic cathedral in upstate New York has become a viral issue online


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3aa81f No.209554

File: 09406b763d7ab68⋯.png (469.32 KB,957x738,319:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449137 (201855ZAUG24) Notable: Another Lie: Tim Walz Did Not Use IVF To Start Family, As He’s Repeatedly Claimed In Attacks Against Trump Ticket

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Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has repeatedly used his “personal” story of using in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments to attack former President Donald Trump and Republicans on so-called “reproductive rights” — but it turns out that story is not true.

The Kamala Harris presidential campaign confirmed this week that the Walzes did not use IVF to conceive either of their children. Instead, the couple used intrauterine insemination (IUI), which notably does not involve creating or discarding embryos.

The difference is vital. Walz used his non-existent IVF journey as a political tool to attack the Right, suggesting his family would not exist if it were up to Trump, his running mate JD Vance, and Republicans. In fact, Walz recently said, “JD Vance opposing the miracle of IVF is a direct attack on my family and so many others.” The suggestion does not align with former President Donald Trump and JD Vance’s position on IVF in the first place, but it also rings hollow since IUI doesn’t discard embryos.

Walz and the Harris campaign have repeated the false claim on numerous occasions to attack their opponents. In fact, in Walz’s first political rally after being tapped as the VP nominee by Harris, he used the false narrative.

“This gets personal for me and my family,” Walz said, suggesting IVF will be restricted under a Trump administration. “When my wife and I decided to have children we spent years going through infertility treatments. And I remember praying every night for a call for good news. The pit in my stomach when the phone rang, and the agony when we heard that the treatments hadn’t worked. So this wasn’t by chance that when we welcomed my daughter into the world, we named her Hope.”

The Harris campaign amplified Walz’s fake story on its official X account, too. In one posted video clip, Walz says he “wouldn’t have a family” if it were up to Vance.


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3aa81f No.209555

File: 8ce7cc4b6535078⋯.png (463.24 KB,773x665,773:665,Clipboard.png)

File: e2bf2694aa92fef⋯.png (662.79 KB,755x556,755:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449157 (201858ZAUG24) Notable: Another Lie: Tim Walz Did Not Use IVF To Start Family, As He’s Repeatedly Claimed In Attacks Against Trump Ticket

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CHICAGO — Democratic veep candidate Tim Walz has repeatedly heavily suggested his wife used in vitro fertilization to get pregnant.

Turns out she didn’t.

Minnesota first lady Gwen Walz was forced to clarify late Monday that she used a different fertilization procedure — intrauterine insemination — to conceive their two children.

Both IVF and IUI are assisted reproductive technologies, but IUI is when sperm is injected into the woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation, while IVF entails the fertilization of an egg and sperm in a lab dish.

Walz, speaking about IVF to a boisterous crowd in Philadelphia when presidential nominee Kamala Harris unveiled him as her VP pick, had said, “This gets personal for me and my family.”

On a few occassions, the Minnesota governor went further and point-blank claimed that she used IVF.

“Today is IVF day. Thank God for IVF, my wife and I have two beautiful children,” Walz said on MSNBC in July.

In a clip once shared by the Harris campaign, he added, “If it was up to [GOP wannabe veep JD Vance], I wouldn’t have a family because of IVF and the things that we need to do reproductive [sic]. My kids were born, you know, that way.”

The campaign has said Walz’s wife used “reproductive health care like IVF” to become pregnant with their children.


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3aa81f No.209556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449161 (201859ZAUG24) Notable: New Docs Reveal Biden Admin Knew Fauci’s Agency Lied To Cover Up Dog Torture Experiments

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New Docs Reveal Biden Admin Knew Fauci’s Agency Lied To Cover Up Dog Torture Experiments

A Tunisian research lab and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases were embroiled in scandal in 2021 over revelations of cruel experiments on beagles, and new documents from an animal rights group reveals the Biden administration was aware of the NIAID’s coverup.

FOIA documents obtained by White Coat Waste (WCW) Project and provided to the Daily Caller revealed Fauci and his agency worked to cover up their funding of the beagle experiments the same day the Tunisian lab admitted both publicly and privately that NIAID provided the funding.



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3aa81f No.209557

File: 89c18e49b5fea2d⋯.png (1.14 MB,930x1074,155:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 020b145a4e89b4e⋯.png (1.01 MB,1095x1045,219:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f08ac6a7aadb16⋯.png (393.51 KB,640x615,128:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449211 (201907ZAUG24) Notable: Ashley Biden just opened Pandora’s Box at the DNC convention with three words…

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Ashley Biden just opened Pandora’s Box at the DNC convention with three words…

August 20, 2024 (4 hours ago)

Ashley Biden, Jill and Joe Biden’s daughter, opened a huge Pandora’s Box at the DNC when she introduced her father to the crowd. It’s no secret that Ashley and Joe have a questionable relationship, thanks to her diary, that she accidentally left in a halfway house after she went through therapy for a laundry list of issues and addictions—a sad but typical problem with the Biden children.

So, you can imagine everyone’s shock when Ashley stood at the DNC podium and introduced her father as the “OG girl dad.” How do you go from inappropriate showers to “girl dad spirit”? It’s a leap that’s just too far for any normal person to make.

Those comments opened a can of worms, and the internet was instantly flooded with reminders of Ashley’s dark and disturbing diary entry.

Below is the entry from Ashley Biden’s official diary, where she claims she and her father took “inappropriate showers” together and wonders if she was molested. And for anyone still claiming the diary isn’t real, even the left-wing dopes at Snopes admit it’s genuine.

Ashley herself also confirmed the diary is hers.After reading her diary entry below, Ashley’s remarks about Joe’s “girl dad spirit” have us thinking that kind of “spirit” should be a felony in all 50 states.

After Ashley’s bizarre comments, the memes and comments started flowing like water—pun fully intended. Here’s what folks online are saying about Ashley’s introduction:

• “I was half expecting talk of an inappropriate shower.”

• “Girl dad’s don’t shower with their daughters”

• “Um, no, he should be in prison for what he did to you”

• “OG girl dads don’t take showers with their prepubescent daughters…”

• “Wow. Democrats make Scientology look like an amateur cult.”

• “It’s sad how much people will lie.”

• “Stockholm shower syndrome.”

• “When she said “when I was 8, my father…” I held my breath.”

• “O.G…. Is that a type of shower spigot?”

• “They lie with such ease. It’s not even a challenge for them. Truth is invisible to them.”

• “I was thinking she should quote pages from her diary”

• “Cannot believe she would show her face here. Can’t believe any of the Bidens would show their faces, come to think of it.”

Sadly, what happened to Ashley isn’t a joke, and it’s shameful that she’s not using her platform to speak out about the abuse and educate others.Instead, she, like the entire regime media, is pretending Joe Biden was some “super dad.” The truth is, Joe Biden is a terrible father.He raised two children with severe addiction issues and sexual deviance—hardly something to be proud of or celebrate.

Meanwhile, President Trump has raised his children to be respectable members of society and job creators, yet the media paints him as a monster. But Trump’s beautiful, graceful, and classy granddaughter, Kai, tells a different story.

Once again, everything we see from Biden and the entire Democratic Party is just a smoke-and-mirrors act—so outdated and archaic that no one’s falling for it anymore.


(From the Independent: President Joe Biden greets First Daughter Ashley Biden as he takes the stage. Ashley Biden delivered a speechsaying her father was the original ‘girl dad’as he delivered his speech saying he would not seek re-election)

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3aa81f No.209558

File: c06a7eb21eb4d04⋯.png (334.82 KB,548x613,548:613,Clipboard.png)

File: a9af70ea931e94e⋯.png (53.36 KB,647x471,647:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449216 (201909ZAUG24) Notable: UK Gov’t to Release Some 5,500 Prisoners Early to Free Space Amid Sentencing of Rioters

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UK Gov’t to Release Some 5,500 Prisoners Early to Free Space Amid Sentencing of Rioters

The emergency Operation Early Dawn measure to clear prison space amid the sentencing of anti-migration rioters, protesters, and social media posters will reportedly see at least 5,500 criminals released early by the autumn.

The left-wing Labour Party government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer enacted emergency measures on Monday to free up prison cells in England as over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection to the outbreak of violence, or for posts on social media, in the UK following the mass stabbing at a children’s dance party in Southport last month allegedly by a second-generation Rwandan migrant teen.

According to Sky News, Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood is reportedly planning to cut the mandatory time behind bars before parole by 40 to 50 per cent for certain criminals. This would result in 5,500 prisoners being released back on the streets early in September and October.

The measures will specifically target prisons in the Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside, the North East, and Yorkshire regions. In total, the prison system capacity of England and Wales currently stands at 89,191, however, as of Friday 87,893 slots were occupied, the BBC reports.

The government has claimed that those convicted of domestic abuse, sexual offences, terrorism, and some violent offences will not be eligible for early release. Those involved in the recent riots will also not be eligible.

Prisons Minister Lord Timpson said: “We inherited a justice system in crisis and exposed to shocks. As a result, we have been forced into making difficult but necessary decisions to keep it operating.

“However, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated staff and partners, we have brought forward additional prison places and now introduced Operation Early Dawn to manage the pressure felt in some parts of the country.”


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3aa81f No.209559

File: c9f737860856ebd⋯.png (402.12 KB,577x514,577:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449229 (201912ZAUG24) Notable: Tim Walz Photographed on "Cultural Exchange" Trip with CCP Member on CIA Watchlist

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Tim Walz Photographed on "Cultural Exchange" Trip with CCP Member on CIA Watchlist

The CIA had Chen Shuhua on a watchlist of important Chinese government officials. He was later photographed with Tim Walz.


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3aa81f No.209560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449231 (201912ZAUG24) Notable: What's in the U-haul at the White Houseas Biden flies to Chicago for the DNC?

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What's in the U-haul at the White Houseas Biden flies to Chicago for the DNC?


Premiered 20 hours agoTHE WHITE HOUSE

Today had a little of everything-a local DC councilman getting arrested by the FBI, Biden flying out of the White House on his way to the DNC, and a mysterious U-Haul truck in front of the White House that went viral on Twitter. We take a look at all of that so you can see what I see.

start at 11:00min


Spoiler: its just shit for the guys working on the building.

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3aa81f No.209561

File: be85bafd90b1c0a⋯.jpg (165.51 KB,1088x1280,17:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449260 (201917ZAUG24) Notable: DHS report admits hundreds of thousands of smuggled children missing under Biden / Kamala

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3aa81f No.209562

File: 640db0518f0c25d⋯.jpg (165.3 KB,768x1280,3:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449287 (201921ZAUG24) Notable: DHS report admits hundreds of thousands of smuggled children missing under Biden / Kamala

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3aa81f No.209563

File: 7966ad4d2c2eaa8⋯.png (277.04 KB,446x620,223:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449311 (201924ZAUG24) Notable: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finally admits that they have been lying about job numbers

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Wall Street Silver


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finally admits that they have been lying about job numbers.

1 million jobs disappearing.

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3aa81f No.209564

File: 7276a95fdc23d61⋯.png (81.42 KB,705x603,235:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d559e92a8147e4⋯.png (37.53 KB,711x289,711:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 917772b06683a7c⋯.png (54.72 KB,708x398,354:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449314 (201925ZAUG24) Notable: Shmuley Boteach and daughter file complaint to FBI against Candace Owens

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Shmuley Boteach and daughter file complaint to FBI against Candace Owens

The complainant accused her of making dangerous antisemitic remarks, including falsely claiming that he and his daughter were trying to kill her.

Shmuley Boteach, a popular celebrity rabbi filed a complaint with the FBI against Candace Owens on Monday, a controversial figure in conservative media after she seemingly accused him and his daughter of trying to kill her.

“Please let me immediately advise you of a new threat against me and my family, including my daughter Rochel Leah, also a Jewish public figure,” Boteach wrote.

“Yesterday, before more than one million people in a live X feed,” who he called, “arch antisemites,” Candace Owens, “arguably the foremost female Jew-hater in America, accused me of trying to murder her, in collaboration with the world’s Zionists, thereby putting a national target on my back and naming me specifically from all American Jewish leaders,” Boteach wrote to the FBI.

“I need not impress upon you the serious danger that a Jew-hater with a national following places on a defenseless rabbi when she tells her followers that the rabbi is a murderer and plans to have her killed. This is the ultimate blood libel, that Jews are killers and people must therefore kill the Jews first, before they strike,” he wrote in detail.

According to Boteach, Owens, months ago, “insinuated that I killed Michael Jackson. Two days ago, to her 5.5 million X followers, she said that Michael Jackson put me on a list of Jews who were seeking to destroy his life. She outright said that my daughter and I are ‘lying and smearing and libeling and killing.’”


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3aa81f No.209565

File: fab7a5e029e1755⋯.png (34.68 KB,454x190,227:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449324 (201926ZAUG24) Notable: Call to vote: Florida

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3aa81f No.209566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449330 (201926ZAUG24) Notable: D.C. Democrat Who Claimed Jews Control The Weather Arrested For Accepting Bribes

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D.C. Democrat Who Claimed Jews Control The Weather Arrested For Accepting Bribes: Feds

“Beginning in June 2024, White corruptly agreed to accept $156,000 in cash payments in exchange for using his position as a D.C. Councilmember to pressure government employees at Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) and DYRS to extend several D.C. contracts,” the Department of Justice said in a statement. “The contracts at issue were valued at $5.2 million and were for two companies to provide Violence Intervention services in D.C.”

The owner of the company that extended the bribes to White was an FBI confidential human source, and his interactions with White, including the moments where he gave him $35,000 in cash on four separate occasions, were all captured on video, the DOJ said.


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3aa81f No.209567

File: a2121f7c4da4284⋯.png (34.23 KB,547x310,547:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c7d59c206dc52b⋯.png (40.17 KB,568x343,568:343,Clipboard.png)

File: ff49806db4aec37⋯.png (317.24 KB,729x646,729:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb13afca5c63ff⋯.png (498.46 KB,574x645,574:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449359 (201931ZAUG24) Notable: Rep. Thomas Massie Says Congress Members Should Not Be Dual Citizens, Gets Accused of Anti-Semitism

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Rep. Thomas Massie Says Congress Members Should Not Be Dual Citizens, Gets Accused of Anti-Semitism

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) is being accused of anti-Semitism for stating that members of the US Congress should not be allowed to hold dual citizenship with other countries.

"Dual citizens elected to United States Congress should renounce citizenship in all other countries," Massie said Monday on X. "At a minimum, they should disclose their citizenship in other countries and abstain from votes specifically benefitting those countries."


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3aa81f No.209568

File: b9d66004b635e55⋯.png (272.72 KB,561x559,561:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449369 (201933ZAUG24) Notable: "We are fully prepared to defend Israel," says Antony Blinken during a news conference in Tel Aviv

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Who the fuck is WE?

"We are fully prepared to defend Israel," says US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a news conference in Tel Aviv.



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3aa81f No.209569

File: f2b93716f6d88a0⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 25502e0c29bcd3d⋯.mp4 (460.85 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 605c103f6f115b2⋯.png (338.74 KB,760x919,760:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449389 (201937ZAUG24) Notable: High-ranking Dem goes on live TV and wishes JD Vance’s wife and young daughter get raped

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High-ranking Dem goes on live TV and wishes JD Vance’s wife and young daughter get raped…

August 20, 2024 (3 hours ago)

UPDATE BELOW: Gov. Beshear doubles down…

What were the good people of Kentucky thinking when they elected Democrat Andy Beshear as their governor? After his recent comments about JD Vance’s family, they’ll hopefully be asking themselves that very question and reconsider electing progressive creeps like him into office.In a recent interview from the DNC Convention floor, Governor Beshear stooped to the lowest point of his career—maybe even his entire life—when he wished that JD Vance’s wife and/or daughter would get raped and end up pregnant.

Yes, you heard that right.

As if this disgusting comment wasn’t horrific enough on its own, the thought becomes even more repulsive when you consider that JD’s little girl, Mirabel, is only a toddler. JD’s wife is 39-year-old Usha Chilukuri Vance, a devoted mother of three beautiful children.

Yet, even so, Governor Andy Beshear is hoping little Mirabel and her mother get raped and end up pregnant, just so JD Vance will learn a lesson and be forced to “go through it.” It’s almost unimaginable that a man in such a position of power would say something so utterly twisted and demented, yet here we are. It’s painfully clear that Andy Beshear is just another typical left-wing ghoul. At this point, how much more demented can these sick freaks get? And the kicker in all this madness? We’re the ones who are labeled as “sick” and “weird.”

Doug Mackey, a young man who knows firsthand what it’s like to be screwed over by the US regime—after being convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme—was outraged by the disgusting and violent words Governor Beshear directed at JD Vance’s family, and he aptly used the words “sick freak” to describe Governor Beshear.

Senator Vance himself was outraged. Those are fighting words by the sick governor of Kentucky, after all.

The Trump campaign also reacted.

The truly twisted part of Governor Beshear’s comments is that they are entirely baseless. There is no national ban on abortion—President Trump has made it clear that states will decide. Yet, despite this, Governor Beshear wants JD Vance’s family to be raped so he can “see how it feels.” It’s unthinkable and deeply disturbing that the good people of Kentucky should demand his immediate resignation. A man who wishes such vile, illegal trauma on a child and a mother has no business holding any position of power. Governor Beshear is a disgrace and has no place in public office. Furthermore, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz should be asked directly if they agree with what Governor Beshear said, and if not, they must disavow both his comments and him.








12:28 PM · AUG 20, 2024

(Anons I have no doubt that they intend to kill anyone that disagrees with them, evil has taken over completely)

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3aa81f No.209570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449414 (201940ZAUG24) Notable: How Guatemalan Traffickers Exploit Biden’s ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Program

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How Guatemalan Traffickers Exploit Biden’s ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Program

Guatemalan human traffickers may be taking advantage of the Biden administration’s resettlement program for unaccompanied alien children, records from Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblowers suggest.

The whistleblowers, who believed HHS routinely facilitated unsafe placements of children, provided documents to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Grassley used the documents to compile a detailed criminal referralto the FBI. The whistleblowers say the government has long been aware of red flags in the migrant resettlement program, but that HHS leaders press employees to simply quickly deliver children to adults to live with, not question whether those adults are really related or will provide a safe environment.

Together, the documents detail an organized operation wherein traffickers advertise on Guatemalan radio stations to convince parents to send their children to the U.S. alone in order to exploit the United States’ refusal to deport “unaccompanied alien children.” The administration quickly releases children who cross the border into the custody of “sponsors,” typically adult illegal immigrants.

But those sponsors may not be relatives, but part of the trafficking enterprise that brought them to the country.

One 16-year-old Guatemalan boy recounts being taken over the border and placed with a stranger posing as his cousin after his father responded to one such radio ad. Another teenage girl was placed with a 25-year-old man who claimed to be her brother, whose social media accounts were later found to contain child pornography and violent images. Another woman, after being placed in a sponsor’s home, was featured on a Facebook profile of a man who appeared to boast that he was a trafficker and advertise women for sale.

The whistleblower documents show the Biden-Harris administration’s lax border policies have induced the separation of intact families in Guatemala, calling into question Democrats’ claim that they want to “reunify” families, while former president Donald Trump’s deportation policies separated families. A large-scale, organized Guatemalan child trafficking operation could explain why Guatemalans have consistently comprised almost 70% of unaccompanied minors, but just 6% of illegal immigrants overall.

The Biden administration has loosened the vetting of sponsors and prioritized getting children out of holding facilities and into sponsors’ homes as quickly as possible, seemingly to avoid hypocrisy after calling the secure facilities used by previous administrations “cages.” Grassley said the Biden administration has stonewalled oversight efforts on what happens to children after that. The referral demanded that the FBI “work to determine if there is human trafficking or other crimes, and take immediate steps to locate and save these children.”

The 16-year-old boy told an HHS case manager that his father paid a trafficker $2,500 to transport the boy to the United States after responding to a radio ad. A 35-year-old woman who said she was a distant cousin of the boy asked to be his “sponsor,” even though the child did not recognize her.

To prove her address, the “cousin” provided a receipt showing money being sent to Huehuetenago, Guatemala. She claimed that was to send money to her mother. But the child said none of his extended family lived there, but that it was where the people behind the radio ads were based.

The woman’s husband, it turned out, was using five different addresses where a dozen minors had been placed. One of the houses was linked to an LLC that owned at least ten houses, several of which were used to sponsor children. The referral said many of the associated addresses were in a “farming community,” which could suggest labor trafficking.

Another case detailed in the referral shows numerous adults were attempting to sponsor children using a single address. One man at the address was granted custody of six children by the U.S. government. He claimed one of them was his daughter, but her photo from the HHS camp shows that she appears to be a middle-aged woman older than her purported father.


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3aa81f No.209571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449438 (201944ZAUG24) Notable: Facebook Censors @JudicialWatch Over Non-Citizen Voters in DC

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Facebook Censors @JudicialWatch Over Non-Citizen Voters in DC!


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3aa81f No.209572

File: 54f6b8528d23653⋯.png (547.51 KB,634x354,317:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449514 (202000ZAUG24) Notable: Chicago police investigate alleged bomb threat at Near West Side hotels on second day of DNC

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Democratic National Convention hit by bomb threats at fourteen hotels

The Democratic National Convention was hit with a security scare on Tuesday as cops investigated multiple bomb threats in downtown Chicago.

At least 14 hotels near the convention site reported getting threatening statements that sparked searches from the police.

The threats said pipe bombs had been placed in the Hotel Chicago West Loop and the Hyatt House Chicago, Fox 32 reported. Officers also searched the Nobu Hotel.

The popular hotels in the area are packed full of Democratic leaders, lawmakers journalists, delegates and supporters of the Biden-Harris administration.

A heightened police presence in the neighborhoods near the convention arena was observed by DailyMail.com.

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3aa81f No.209573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449521 (202002ZAUG24) Notable: Chicago police investigate alleged bomb threat at Near West Side hotels on second day of DNC

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3aa81f No.209574

File: 89298c76abcd6a5⋯.png (284.33 KB,610x395,122:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 5863f28906de6bc⋯.jpg (28.99 KB,624x351,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449525 (202002ZAUG24) Notable: US imposes sanctions on former Haitian president over drug trafficking

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@Reuters 5h

US imposes sanctions on former Haitian president over drug trafficking


Aug 20, 2024 · 2:50 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209575

File: dae03d7fcbd5ae7⋯.png (315.31 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c62f17cda9cbcc⋯.png (321.65 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c62f17cda9cbcc⋯.png (321.65 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 556246826493f18⋯.png (317.61 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449544 (202005ZAUG24) Notable: Darktrace / Mike Lynch

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>>209548 The USG has spent ~$2 Million dollars for 18 contracts w/vendors for Darktrace products, including a contract w/ Panamerican Computers for DARKTRACE INDUSTRIAL IMMUNE SYSTEM LICENSE.

According to a 2015 blurb:

"Darktrace, the leader in Enterprise Immune System technology, has announced the launch of the Industrial Immune System, a new product capable of detecting emerging cyber-threats within Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Applying Darktrace’s machine learning and mathematics to both operational technology (OT) and corporate environments for the first time, the launch marks the beginning of a new era for the protection of critical infrastructure, delivering real-time detection of today’s most advanced cyber-attackers and subtle insider threats."


Darktrace US partners include Amazon and Microsoft….


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3aa81f No.209576

File: a2fae65056fb34e⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449555 (202007ZAUG24) Notable: "We are fully prepared to defend Israel," says Antony Blinken during a news conference in Tel Aviv

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3aa81f No.209577

File: afd5a27aae49e8d⋯.png (214.51 KB,710x681,710:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449559 (202007ZAUG24) Notable: DHS report admits hundreds of thousands of smuggled children missing under Biden / Kamala

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3aa81f No.209578

File: c55127a3a5bf7b2⋯.png (464.82 KB,739x803,739:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449570 (202009ZAUG24) Notable: DHS report admits hundreds of thousands of smuggled children missing under Biden / Kamala

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3aa81f No.209579

File: 076e3d54f053eff⋯.png (386.39 KB,614x501,614:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f3d0a1eac66092⋯.jpg (37.01 KB,495x538,495:538,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449584 (202012ZAUG24) Notable: Rothschild & Co. shuttered its Miami office after opening it last year

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@business 1h

Rothschild & Co. shuttered its Miami office after opening it last year, a person familiar with the matter said.


Rothschild Shuts Miami Office as Partner Hirschfield Retires


Aug 20, 2024 · 6:12 PM UTC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209580

File: 5f72c86c3394fed⋯.png (475.25 KB,638x953,638:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 44bd40f428fc078⋯.png (1.43 MB,855x1853,855:1853,Clipboard.png)

File: d5f63353109d6dd⋯.png (261.15 KB,1095x1049,1095:1049,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449586 (202013ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala pledges to pass the most radical and dangerous bill that will transform the US into a dystopian hellscape

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Kamala pledges to pass the most radical and dangerous bill that will transform the US into a dystopian hellscape…

August 20, 2024 (4 hours ago)1/2

Political platforms don’t always grab headlines—they’re usually boring and dry. But the Democratic platform unveiled at the DNC convention is a different story. It’s so dangerous and radically extreme that everyone is talking about it. At the heart of this radical agenda is the US Citizenship Act, the most extreme and absurd amnesty bill ever written. It’s a blatant “population replacement” bill, designed to flood our country with foreigners who will vote Democrat, effectively drowning out legitimate American citizens. If this act passes, it would be a bullet train to the destruction of our nation.

The Harris/Walz duo is the most radical to ever slither onto the US political scene, and we’ve been covering their every move. Even the moves nobody else is talking about.


It’s no secret that the Harris/Walz campaign is the most extreme we’ve ever seen in US history. These two radical political puppets are among the most dangerous to ever crawl out of the swamp. With their lawless agenda—ranging from open borders and trans madness to their pro-riot stance—if these Marxist maniacs get anywhere near the White House, this country will be transformed beyond recognition. And nobody knows this better than President Trump, who recently posted this doozy on X:


However, one recent development—which should be causing a sh*t storm—is barely making a ripple.

Doug Mackey, the young man railroaded by the Biden regime and convicted of a felony for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme,has taken notice of Kamala’s latest move, and he shared a powerful post on X.

So, what does Kamala have up her sleeve? Well, she’s planning to create Soviet-style apartments for illegals, with a staggering three million new homes for these “newcomers” during her first term (God forbid). Talk about America last, right?

We encourage you to read the entire eye-opening piece here:

Kamala just went full commie, and for some reason, nobody’s talking about it…

The Dems’ plan is obvious: replace Americans with illegals to secure their grip on power. This is nothing short of horrific. These people are communist lunatics, and Kamala Harris at the helm would spell the end of everything we hold dear.One of the most outrageous parts of their plan is how they claim to have “reduced” illegal immigration simply by legalizing those who would have crossed the border illegally.

For Americans, the result is the same—our country is being turned into a catch-all for the entire world.However, truth be told, this is what they’ve been planning all along because they know they can’t win without cheating. They’re doing to the US what’s already happening in Europe and the UK, but they’re doing it through radical left-wing legislation. Open borders aren’t enough for them; they want to permanently alter the fabric of our nation. For those of us who’ve been paying attention, this is no surprise. We saw it coming, and now it’s here.

Rob Law:

Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse. Read on for the horrifying details…

#1 doc

Amnesty for all illegal aliens who have invaded our country, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer funded welfare & unlawfully voted in US elections….


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3aa81f No.209581

File: b29bed9fdc2d024⋯.png (125.49 KB,528x923,528:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 983a88af9469cf5⋯.png (274.71 KB,1050x1073,1050:1073,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449597 (202015ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala pledges to pass the most radical and dangerous bill that will transform the US into a dystopian hellscape

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#2 doc

Waivers to amnesty convicted illegal alien criminals, vile human traffickers, & other public safety threats. Waivers for nearly all grounds of inadmissibility.

#3 doc

If that’s not bad enough, it immediately issues SSN to all illegal aliens. There will be no vetting & this gets them drivers licenses & voter registration.

#4 doc

And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.

#5 doc

And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty. This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.

#6 doc

What we’re witnessing right now is nothing short of treason. Only a dictator would want to replace disillusioned and frustrated Americans with illegals just to buy their votes.

The Democrats don’t care who these people are—they just need their votes to stay in power and achieve their goal of transforming the United States into a green/DEI utopia. And if this radical duo wins, that’s exactly what they’ll do. It’s no exaggeration to say that if Harris and Walz get anywhere near the White House, their platform will crush the United States and turn it into a hellscape that makes the Biden/Harris years look like a cakewalk.


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3aa81f No.209582

File: a9db0601e274d78⋯.png (421.61 KB,569x322,569:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449601 (202016ZAUG24) Notable: High-ranking Dem goes on live TV and wishes JD Vance’s wife and young daughter get raped

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SICK! Leftist Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Calls For a Member of J.D. Vance’s Family to be R*ped and Forced to Give Birth: “Make Him Go Through This!” – Vance Responds with Fire

Aug. 20, 2024

Beshear gave a speech on Monday evening piling on this disaster by celebrating abortion on demand. He equated the killing of unborn children with “freedom” while slamming Trump and Vance for previous statements they made in support of abortion restrictions.

Beshear appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday morning to discuss his terrible speech and the rest of the disastrous night at the DNC. Following a question from Mika about abortion, Beshear slammed Vance for comments he supposedly made about pregnancy resulting from r*pe and whether a woman should be able to abort her child in that instance.

He then bellowed that Vance should have to experience the pain of a member of his family being r*ped and forced to give birth to a child. Yes, Beshear was wishing someone would sexually assault a member of Vance’s family and Vance to experience the pain.

Pure evil.


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3aa81f No.209583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449622 (202020ZAUG24) Notable: Transcript: Trump delivers remarks in Howell, MI

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Transcript: Trump delivers remarks in Howell, MI


President Trump: When we go back to the White House, you're going to see support [of the police], the likes of which you haven't seen, certainly in four years.


President Trump: [Harris] is, as you know, the most radical-left person ever even thought of for high office, certainly for the office of president. People don't know the real Kamala, but I do, and people that do what I do, they also know.


President Trump: Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office, her administration's crime statistics show she's presided over a forty-three percent increase in violent crime, including fifty-eight percent increase in rape, eighty-nine percent increase in aggravate assault, and a fifty-six percent increase in robbery. The crime in America, the fact is, is out of control.


President Trump: Over the past four years, the marxist left has waged a vicious war on law enforcement in our country. They've taken away the dignity and the spirit, and the life, of some of these police officers. That's why you see it; the crime is so out of control in our country.


President Trump: [Harris] sponsored a bill to strip police officers of legal protection, leaving you at the mercy of the lawless marxist prosecutors who want to lock up police officers for sport. They lock them up, in many cases, long before they lock up the criminal…she wants to bankrupt the police unions, she wants to destroy policemen in general, and they ruin your lives, your jobs, and they ruin everything you've lived for, everything you've felt that you want to make great.


President Trump: As the district attorney of San Francisco, Kamala Harris was one of the worst, and one of the first marxist prosecutors in America…some people said she was the godmother of both sanctuary cities, and that horrible shoplifting epidemic. She shielded illegal alien crack dealers from deportation; she fought like hell to have crack dealers not deported. She came up with the concept of nine hundred and fifty dollars and below [amount of theft], you don't even get prosecuted.


President Trump: We're going to make a record investment in hiring, retention, and training, of police officers. We're losing tremendous numbers of police officers…we are going to get you reinforcements.


President Trump: We'll bust up and dismantle the gangs, savage criminal networks and bloodthirsty cartels, and we will stop the Fentanyl.


President Trump: Border Czar Kamala Harris has allowed hordes of illegal alien criminals to literally stampede into our country. We're going to end that on Day One. We're going to close our border. We're going to get all of the bad ones out, and we're going to get them out fast.


President Trump: I think that women living in the suburbs; I keep hearing about, 'the suburban woman doesn't like Trump', well I think it's a fake poll, because why wouldn't they like me? I keep the suburbs safe. I stopped low-income towers from rising right alongside their house, and I'm keeping the illegal aliens away from the suburbs. I think that they like me a lot. I think it's a lot of fake polls. We've seen a lot of fake polls over the years. I was not supposed to win anything, and we won the big one. We won it, and did a lot better the second time than the first.


President Trump: Under my leadership, no community will be surrendered to violent criminals, no citizen will be abandoned to migrant crime.

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3aa81f No.209584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449624 (202021ZAUG24) Notable: Who's Receiving The Most Green Cards (By Country Of Origin)

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Canada #62 >>>/qresearch/21448815

Who's Receiving The Most Green Cards (By Country Of Origin)

BY Tyler Durden Tuesday, AUG 20, 2024 - 05:45 AM

Many people around the world dream of living in the United States, seeking better opportunities or fleeing conflict and poverty. The U.S. is home to more immigrants than any other nation, surpassing the combined totals of Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu, ranks the top 15 countries of origin for people who gained permanent residency in the U.S. in 2022.

Mexico and India Top the List

Mexico remains the most significant contributor to U.S. immigration, with 10.7 million immigrants. Consequently, it leads in the number of green cards, with 139,000 issued in 2022. Many Mexicans come to the U.S. seeking economic opportunities, better living standards, and family reunification.

Indian Immigration Rises

In 2020, the number of new permanent residents from India fell to a 10-year low of 46,363, possibly due to stricter COVID-19 travel restrictions. However, immigration has increased since then, climbing to 93,450 in 2021 and 127,012 in 2022.

Together, immigrants from Mexico and India accounted for 265,784 green cards, making up 26% of the total issued in 2022.



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3aa81f No.209585

File: 385f8565d489545⋯.png (510.42 KB,500x655,100:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449637 (202023ZAUG24) Notable: Who's Receiving The Most Green Cards (By Country Of Origin)

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>>209584 (me)

Dagnabit, forgot an important part… the pic

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3aa81f No.209586

File: 911c14e20ed1c29⋯.jpeg (236.13 KB,1284x977,1284:977,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449643 (202024ZAUG24) Notable: SS thwarted investigation into deleted J6 texts of several USSS officials and also attempted to withhold documents

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


NEW: Records appear to confirm the Secret Service thwarted the internal investigation into the deleted text messages of several USSS officials from Jan 6 and also attempted to withhold documents from IG Joseph Cuffari.

Top DHS officials then demanded that the IG report be fully redacted with the exception of the report's title before being released to the public. DHS also wanted partial redactions in the report sent to Congress.

Further-records also show that DHS wanted Biden's WH general counsel involved in reviewing the final report.This appears to be highly unusual in the inspector general process, which is supposed to be independent from outside influence.

The general counsel for DHS is longtime Biden crony Jonathan Meyer. He worked for Biden in the Senate then the Obama DOJ and DHS.

Meyer has been advising Biden for decades.

Why would he demand that WH general counsel review an IG report into Jan 6?

Recall that records disclosed in the FLA classified documents case showed that Biden's WH general counsel's office met with NARA officials in 2021 to try to concoct some sort of documents case against Donald Trump.


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3aa81f No.209587

File: 11e5baf6e6dee06⋯.png (354.37 KB,610x559,610:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449653 (202026ZAUG24) Notable: David Goel is shuttering his $11 billion firm and returning client cash

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@business 5h

David Goel, who worked for hedge fund titan Julian Robertson before launching Matrix Capital Management 25 years ago, is shuttering his $11 billion firm and returning client cash


Aug 20, 2024 · 3:09 PM UTC




>Andrew Tate says Israel controls the matrix.

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3aa81f No.209588

File: 9c9ad3dbe2cd9cf⋯.png (49.06 KB,498x218,249:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449664 (202029ZAUG24) Notable: Working together as a team is their worst nightmare

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General Mike Flynn


==I believe the absolute worst nightmare for the “DEEP STATE” is

@realDonaldTrump, @RobertKennedyJr, @elonmusk and @GenFlynn==


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3aa81f No.209589

File: b18220a7b373b1e⋯.jpg (101.36 KB,720x477,80:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da3c7fe0b015a72⋯.jpg (198.38 KB,720x934,360:467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449702 (202040ZAUG24) Notable: Harris County fugitive added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Immigrants List

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TEXAS - Harris County fugitive added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Immigrants List

BlueBonnet News

Home Law and order

Harris County fugitive added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Immigrants List

By bbnewseditor -August 20, 2024

Jose Miguel Zelaya-Ponce

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has added Jose Miguel Zelaya-Ponce to the Texas 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants List. Texas Crime Stoppers is now offering a cash reward of up to $3,000 for information leading to Zelaya-Ponce’s arrest. All tips are guaranteed to be anonymous.

Jose Miguel Zelaya-Ponce, 20, a criminal illegal immigrant from Honduras, has been wanted out of Harris County since July 2024 for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14. In April 2021, Zelaya-Ponce was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and charged with alien removal. He was subsequently given an order of recognizance and released. In June 2024, Zelaya-Ponce was issued a final order of removal.

Zelaya-Ponce is 6 feet tall and weighs about 170 pounds. He has ties to Harris County, including the city of Houston.


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3aa81f No.209590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449719 (202044ZAUG24) Notable: St. Anne’s Church in NY sold to the Islamic community for $250k who are converting the historic church into a mosque

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It was sold in 11/2022. The whole area around the church is a giant shithole. Church insides were gutted. Needs a $22 million renovation.

St. Ann’s Church has been sold

18 November, 2022Christopher Byrd

Buffalo Crescent Holdings Inc. has purchased the former St. Ann’s Church located at Broadway and Emslie in Buffalo. They paid $250,000 for the vacant church, St. Ann’s School and St. Ann’s Convent. The corporation is affiliated with Downtown Islamic Center, a Muslim group that has been looking for worship and gathering space in Buffalo since early 2021.

The church was sold by St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church of Buffalo, N.Y. – an affiliate of the Diocese of Buffalo. St. Ann’s opened in 1886 and was an active parish until 2007, when it merged with Ss. Columbia-Brigid parish. The building has been vacant since 2013.

Plans call for a $22.5 million renovation of the church and its adjoining properties, with the work done in phases over the next few years to turn the church into a community center and the rectory into a health care center, while the school will serve as administrative offices and medical testing labs, all connected to the local Islamic community of Buffalo.


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3aa81f No.209591

File: ba64b4585773056⋯.png (333.79 KB,514x498,257:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449724 (202046ZAUG24) Notable: Working together as a team is their worst nightmare

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3aa81f No.209592

File: ecf5a161032aaf7⋯.png (381.55 KB,616x490,44:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449794 (202104ZAUG24) Notable: A federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s trial on tax charges rejected his bid to toss the case

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WTNH News 8

@WTNH 31m

A federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s trial on tax charges rejected his bid to toss the case after the president’s son sought to argue the special counsel prosecuting the case was improperly appointed.


Aug 20, 2024 · 8:30 PM UTC

Aug 20, 2024 · 8:30 PM UTC





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3aa81f No.209593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449801 (202105ZAUG24) Notable: #26284

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notables FINAL

#26284 >>209543

>>209549 President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

>>209583 Transcript: Trump delivers remarks in Howell, MI

>>209544 Zelensky Says Kursk Invasion Shows Russia's Red Lines Are A Bluff

>>209545, >>209572, >>209573 Chicago police investigate alleged bomb threat at Near West Side hotels on second day of DNC

>>209546, >>209547 Nicole Shanahan Says the Kennedy Campaign May Join Forces w/ Trump, Hints at RFK Jr as the Head of HHS

>>209550 Morgan Stanley Executive and Wife, British Tech Entrepreneur with Daughter Missing After Yacht Sinks in Sicily, Italy

>>209548, >>209575 Darktrace / Mike Lynch

>>209551 Pennsylvania Judge Rules Voters and Election Officials CANNOT Cure or Count ‘Naked’ Mail-in Ballots

>>209552 Diddy sex trafficking accuser Adria English files police report against star - after launching $50bn civil suit

>>209553, >>209590 St. Anne’s Church in NY sold to the Islamic community for $250k who are converting the historic church into a mosque

>>209554, >>209555 Another Lie: Tim Walz Did Not Use IVF To Start Family, As He’s Repeatedly Claimed In Attacks Against Trump Ticket

>>209556 New Docs Reveal Biden Admin Knew Fauci’s Agency Lied To Cover Up Dog Torture Experiments

>>209557 Ashley Biden just opened Pandora’s Box at the DNC convention with three words…

>>209558 UK Gov’t to Release Some 5,500 Prisoners Early to Free Space Amid Sentencing of Rioters

>>209559 Tim Walz Photographed on "Cultural Exchange" Trip with CCP Member on CIA Watchlist

>>209560 What's in the U-haul at the White Houseas Biden flies to Chicago for the DNC?

>>209561, >>209562, >>209577, >>209578 DHS report admits hundreds of thousands of smuggled children missing under Biden / Kamala

>>209563 The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finally admits that they have been lying about job numbers

>>209564 Shmuley Boteach and daughter file complaint to FBI against Candace Owens

>>209565 Call to vote: Florida

>>209566 D.C. Democrat Who Claimed Jews Control The Weather Arrested For Accepting Bribes

>>209567 Rep. Thomas Massie Says Congress Members Should Not Be Dual Citizens, Gets Accused of Anti-Semitism

>>209568, >>209576 "We are fully prepared to defend Israel," says Antony Blinken during a news conference in Tel Aviv

>>209569, >>209582 High-ranking Dem goes on live TV and wishes JD Vance’s wife and young daughter get raped

>>209570 How Guatemalan Traffickers Exploit Biden’s ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Program

>>209571 Facebook Censors @JudicialWatch Over Non-Citizen Voters in DC

>>209574 US imposes sanctions on former Haitian president over drug trafficking

>>209579 Rothschild & Co. shuttered its Miami office after opening it last year

>>209580, >>209581 Kamala pledges to pass the most radical and dangerous bill that will transform the US into a dystopian hellscape

>>209584, >>209585 Who's Receiving The Most Green Cards (By Country Of Origin)

>>209586 SS thwarted investigation into deleted J6 texts of several USSS officials and also attempted to withhold documents

>>209587 David Goel is shuttering his $11 billion firm and returning client cash

>>209588, >>209591 Working together as a team is their worst nightmare

>>209589 Harris County fugitive added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Immigrants List

>>209592 A federal judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s trial on tax charges rejected his bid to toss the case


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3aa81f No.209594

File: b8d639e574959ff⋯.png (2.33 MB,1200x1036,300:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449811 (202107ZAUG24) Notable: #26285

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3aa81f No.209595

File: 22838798632def1⋯.png (290.19 KB,1242x636,207:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449839 (202114ZAUG24) Notable: Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat

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JUST IN - Biden ordered U.S. forces to prepare for possible nuclear confrontations with Russia, China, and North Korea — NYT



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3aa81f No.209596

File: e007ff600def121⋯.jpg (154.35 KB,602x548,301:274,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449854 (202117ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209597

File: b27fd2022f09f63⋯.png (378.51 KB,527x590,527:590,Clipboard.png)

File: de0b7cdbcc04fb3⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449858 (202118ZAUG24) Notable: Trump shuts down race-baiting reporter

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REPORTER: Kamala's campaign attacked you for being in this town because it's associated with white supremacy. PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Who was here in 2021? " REPORTER: "Joe Biden." PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Thank you." 🖐️🎤

Trump War Room


REPORTER: Kamala's campaign attacked you for being in this town because it's associated with white supremacy.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Who was here in 2021?

REPORTER: "Joe Biden"



1:04 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209598

File: fed5a9be1bff541⋯.png (371.56 KB,1440x662,720:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449862 (202119ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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This is going to age well

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3aa81f No.209599

File: ee267aafaf6989e⋯.png (325.94 KB,536x729,536:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 935cfafb5c952ae⋯.png (140.15 KB,331x360,331:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449874 (202121ZAUG24) Notable: Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are over 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for

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MISSING & FEARED DEAD: Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are OVER 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for.

House Republicans


Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are OVER 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for.

12:34 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209600

File: a8a5913888fdd71⋯.png (1.5 MB,1080x1214,540:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449897 (202125ZAUG24) Notable: Record 60,000 home deals crash in July amid election fears

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BIDENOMICS: A record 60,000 homebuyers pulled the plug on their deals in July, shattering previous records, according to a new report. This mass exodus, accounting for 16% of all contracts inked that month, is the highest July cancellation rate since Redfin started tracking this data in 2017.


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3aa81f No.209601

File: 1f0eb5418e569f1⋯.png (384.77 KB,526x542,263:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b0347eb436a14d⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449902 (202127ZAUG24) Notable: Crime statistics reported by Kamala's own administration

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Trump War Room


'''PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office, her own administration’s crime statistics show she has presided over a 43% increase in violent crime - including a 58% increase in rape, 89% increase in aggravated assault, and a 56% increase in robbery. Crime in America is OUT OF CONTROL."

12:13 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209602

File: dff85b0c1b614fc⋯.png (506.82 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449931 (202133ZAUG24) Notable: Elon Musk has expressed a willingness to take a position with the US government should Trump be elected as President

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Musk responds to Trump’s job offer

The billionaire has stated he is “willing to serve” after the GOP nominee floated giving him an advisory role

Billionaire Elon Musk has expressed a willingness to take a position with the US government should Republican nominee Donald Trump be elected president. The GOP nominee recently suggested that he could give Musk an advisory role in his administration.

In the wake of the assassination attempt on Trump last month, Musk publicly backed his candidacy, writing on X: “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery.”

The businessman has adopted an increasingly critical stance toward the Democratic President Joe Biden in recent months.

In a post on X on Tuesday, Musk signaled to Trump: “I am willing to serve.”

One user suggested naming a department that Musk could head in the US government as the “Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)” – an apparent reference to the ‘Doge meme’ and the eponymous Dogecoin cryptocurrency. Commenting on the idea, the billionaire jokingly replied that this is the “perfect name.”

Speaking to Reuters on Monday, Trump described the tech tycoon as a “very smart guy.”

“I certainly would [appoint Musk to an advisory role], if he would do it, I certainly would,” the Republican nominee said.

Last week, Musk staged a live interview with Trump on the X platform, which he owns. At one point during the conversation, Musk called on the presidential hopeful to establish a “government efficiency commission” to ensure that taxpayer money is better spent. He also offered to help out with such an endeavor, to which Trump replied that Musk would be ideal for the role.


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3aa81f No.209603

File: c55d61608fde8f4⋯.png (393.97 KB,525x465,35:31,Clipboard.png)

File: f4b4deb8b943e30⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449944 (202136ZAUG24) Notable: JDV: They held the convention in Chicago so that Tim Walz could accurately say that he’s been in a war zone

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JD VANCE: They held the convention in Chicago so that Tim Walz could accurately say that he’s been in a war zone.


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3aa81f No.209604

File: b4e5d22a6fc966d⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449966 (202143ZAUG24) Notable: Living rent-free in your head

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3aa81f No.209605

File: 312d79bb00d9c03⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,854x478,427:239,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449969 (202143ZAUG24) Notable: Jesse Watters describes the vibe @ Obama's DNC

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Jesse Watters Brings Up Obama Birth Certificate

He gone go to HI.

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3aa81f No.209606

File: 91e023b9ceee604⋯.png (464.7 KB,626x865,626:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449975 (202145ZAUG24) Notable: Venezuela Gets Rich Sending Oil Tankers to U.S. Even After Sham Election

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Venezuela Gets Rich Sending Oil Tankers to U.S. Even After Sham Election


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3aa81f No.209607

File: 428b8a11928cf12⋯.png (993.56 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21449987 (202148ZAUG24) Notable: Wonder how much the DNC is going out of their way to reduce their 'climate footprint'

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DNC has a massive emissions footprint, but the brass has a solution: one ‘offsetting’ donation at a time. In the purported words of P. T. Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

And, coincidentally (or not), many of these suckers happen to be currently congregating in the exact same place at the exact same time:


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3aa81f No.209608

File: fb592cc3b36df2c⋯.png (540.21 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450041 (202200ZAUG24) Notable: Soros-backed Cook County State's Attorney Preemptively Announces that DNC Protesters Will Not Be Prosecuted

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oh wow never saw that coming…said no one ever…Cook County State’s Attorney Preemptively Announces that DNC Protesters Will Not Be Prosecuted

Cook County State's Attorney Preemptively Announces that DNC Protesters Will Not Be Prosecuted

Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx preemptively announced that she will not prosecute protesters who are "peaceful" at the DNC.


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3aa81f No.209609

File: 66c35208e32fd0d⋯.png (496.19 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450046 (202201ZAUG24) Notable: Linsey Davis, who will moderate the first debate between Trump and Kamala, is already race-baiting at the DNC

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==PANIC: State owned Democratic propaganda agent ABC News anchor Linsey Davis — who will moderate the first debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris — linked Trump to the KKK during an interview at the Democratic National Convention …

ABC News Presidential Debate Moderator Linsey Davis Links Trump to KKK

ABC News anchor Linsey Davis who will moderate the first debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris linked Trump to the KKK during an interview at the Democratic National Convention Monday night.


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3aa81f No.209610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450075 (202206ZAUG24) Notable: DJT Ad: Harris' Liberal Ideas Get People Killed

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'Harris' Liberal Ideas Get People Killed'

Donald J Trump

3.15M subscribers

311 views 1 minute ago


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3aa81f No.209611

File: ef18e221ccfe697⋯.png (125.05 KB,810x791,810:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450077 (202207ZAUG24) Notable: Living rent-free in your head

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209612

File: 224062def2c4f01⋯.jpg (103.01 KB,959x743,959:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450081 (202208ZAUG24) Notable: There are no American flags on stage or some place in general at the DNC

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3aa81f No.209613

File: fb2f7e3a102fd61⋯.png (765.68 KB,623x887,623:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450102 (202211ZAUG24) Notable: Biden-Harris Agencies Resettle 365K Migrant Kids in U.S., Many Now ‘At Risk of Trafficking, Exploitation, or Forced Labor’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THEY HAVE TO GO BACK.: Biden-Harris Agencies Resettle 365K Migrant Kids in U.S., Many Now ‘At Risk of Trafficking, Exploitation, or Forced Labor’


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3aa81f No.209614

File: dd8f39a1f44396e⋯.png (22.28 KB,524x286,262:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450107 (202213ZAUG24) Notable: Call to vote: X

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Since a lot of people have asked, here goes a super unscientific poll …

Who will you vote for?





2:56 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209615

File: ec7e33e3b3c66f5⋯.png (26.4 KB,523x240,523:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450113 (202215ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris backs President Biden's 44.6% capital gains tax proposal, the highest in history

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KAMBALA: Pay 25% immediately or go directly to jail.



If you own a house, subtract what you paid for it from the Zillow estimate.

Be prepared to pay 25% of that in a check to the IRS.

That’s your unrealized capital gains taxed owed under the Kamala Harris proposal.-

2:48 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209616

File: 5ab1275f7f6de21⋯.png (479.2 KB,623x473,623:473,Clipboard.png)

File: ad7dee067f55811⋯.png (166.64 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9434ddfc2a7b235⋯.png (139.46 KB,254x247,254:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450140 (202220ZAUG24) Notable: Off-duty NYPD cop found dead from apparent suicide

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New York Post

@nypost 45m

Off-duty NYPD cop found dead from apparent suicide: sources


Aug 20, 2024 · 9:30 PM UTC




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3aa81f No.209617

File: 5ac7f8786c12f99⋯.png (607.1 KB,729x877,729:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450183 (202227ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209618

File: 3d2c0dfd68bbba3⋯.png (191.31 KB,596x597,596:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450187 (202228ZAUG24) Notable: Was Tim Walz involved? In 2020, FBI met with George Floyd's medical examiner before release of autopsy

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Hi @Tim_Walz

! Did you organize this meeting in 2020?


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




Did You Know:

The FBI held a meeting with the George Floyd medical examiner before he released the autopsy of Floyd's body

The original autopsy showed that Floyd had no physical evidence of asphyxiation

Show more


9:59 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209619

File: 27383120b3fbd12⋯.png (169.75 KB,398x640,199:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450219 (202234ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala using Nazi spells

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209620

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 8552d9533d529e7⋯.png (454.45 KB,609x664,609:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450220 (202234ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris backs President Biden's 44.6% capital gains tax proposal, the highest in history

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don't worry, there will be no capital gains, realized or unrealized


Square profile picture





JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Kamala Harris backs President Biden's 44.6% capital gains tax proposal, the highest in history.

The proposal also includes a 25% tax on unrealized gains for high-net-worth individuals.



Rate proposed Community Notes

8:03 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209621

File: 19dd96462000fde⋯.png (511 KB,591x480,197:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450223 (202235ZAUG24) Notable: Visibly apparent: Brigitte's bulge

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Candace Owens


Brigitte Macron enjoying the summer sun with the some friends.

Spot what doesn’t belong.



8:36 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209622

File: 20497ba6eece84b⋯.png (454.16 KB,596x633,596:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450226 (202236ZAUG24) Notable: You ain't gunna see a Democrat working hard, fast, and efficient unless you want an abortion or vasectomy

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BREAKING: The mobile abortion truck at the DNC is busier than ever. Men and women are both rushing to get free abortions and vasectomies

Journalist @sav_says_

saw "1 male patient and 3 female patients enter the truck" within a few minutes.



Savanah Hernandez

7:52 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209623

File: 9121400b4fd6480⋯.png (425.33 KB,593x673,593:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450233 (202237ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Wall Street Silver


You think you hate the media enough, but you don't.


2:45 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209624

File: 9748a15ff905344⋯.png (110.38 KB,598x511,598:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450241 (202239ZAUG24) Notable: From March: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000

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Since everyone suddenly cares about jobs, read this from March:

Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000

From zerohedge.com

7:13 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209625

File: 1e9379886965730⋯.png (755.78 KB,768x451,768:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450257 (202241ZAUG24) Notable: DNC Blocks Rumble From Streaming Coronation Of Kamala Harris In Chicago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DNC Blocks Rumble From Streaming Coronation Of Kamala Harris In Chicago

DNC Blocks Rumble From Streaming Convention, CEO Says

The DNC barred the online video platform Rumble from streaming the party's nominating convention in Chicago.

DNC Blocks Rumble From Streaming Convention, CEO Says


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3aa81f No.209626

File: 57bc6de57026433⋯.png (243.41 KB,589x849,589:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450268 (202243ZAUG24) Notable: Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie

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Libs of TikTok


Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie.

You can’t believe a word #TinyTim says.

You can’t believe a word the media says.

Tim Walz is a pathological liar and the media will always cover for him.


6:32 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209627

File: 22d6a0d37f6e679⋯.png (180.12 KB,503x560,503:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450318 (202255ZAUG24) Notable: Elon: The devolution of the gun emoji

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209628

File: 15ffd1a42eb9a97⋯.png (480.35 KB,1079x1372,1079:1372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450325 (202256ZAUG24) Notable: DJT: The Gotion EV battery plant would be very bad for Michigan and our Country

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3aa81f No.209629

File: d498f650a29af4c⋯.png (418.1 KB,656x751,656:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450333 (202258ZAUG24) Notable: 3rd largest statue in the US: The Hanuman statue, officially named ‘Statue of Union’, unveiled by the Hindu community

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gigantic 90ft monkey statue unveiled in Houston, Texas.

The Hanuman statue, officially named ‘Statue of Union’ was unveiled by the local Hindu community.

It is now the 3rd largest statue in the United States.


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3aa81f No.209630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450365 (202308ZAUG24) Notable: Archive: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24 (Trump on @ 2:05:30 timestamp)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note:dough below



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24

Aug 20, 2024






President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on crime and safety in Howell, Michigan, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Stay in the loop with the latest coverage from Right Side Broadcasting Network! Head to http://rsbnetwork.com/newsletter and download our new mobile app to get breaking news updates for Trump rallies and more.



djt: starts at 3.01pm e.t boss is in the house, no music

President Trump: When we go back to the White House, you're going to see support [of the police], the likes of which you haven't seen, certainly in four years.

President Trump: [Harris] is, as you know, the most radical-left person ever even thought of for high office, certainly for the office of president. People don't know the real Kamala, but I do, and people that do what I do, they also know.

President Trump: Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office, her administration's crime statistics show she's presided over a forty-three percent increase in violent crime, including fifty-eight percent increase in rape, eighty-nine percent increase in aggravate assault, and a fifty-six percent increase in robbery. The crime in America, the fact is, is out of control.

President Trump: Over the past four years, the marxist left has waged a vicious war on law enforcement in our country. They've taken away the dignity and the spirit, and the life, of some of these police officers. That's why you see it; the crime is so out of control in our country.

President Trump: [Harris] sponsored a bill to strip police officers of legal protection, leaving you at the mercy of the lawless marxist prosecutors who want to lock up police officers for sport. They lock them up, in many cases, long before they lock up the criminal…she wants to bankrupt the police unions, she wants to destroy policemen in general, and they ruin your lives, your jobs, and they ruin everything you've lived for, everything you've felt that you want to make great.

President Trump: As the district attorney of San Francisco, Kamala Harris was one of the worst, and one of the first marxist prosecutors in America…some people said she was the godmother of both sanctuary cities, and that horrible shoplifting epidemic. She shielded illegal alien crack dealers from deportation; she fought like hell to have crack dealers not deported. She came up with the concept of nine hundred and fifty dollars and below [amount of theft], you don't even get prosecuted.

President Trump: We're going to make a record investment in hiring, retention, and training, of police officers. We're losing tremendous numbers of police officers…we are going to get you reinforcements.

President Trump: We'll bust up and dismantle the gangs, savage criminal networks and bloodthirsty cartels, and we will stop the Fentanyl.

President Trump: Border Czar Kamala Harris has allowed hordes of illegal alien criminals to literally stampede into our country. We're going to end that on Day One. We're going to close our border. We're going to get all of the bad ones out, and we're going to get them out fast.

President Trump: I think that women living in the suburbs; I keep hearing about, 'the suburban woman doesn't like Trump', well I think it's a fake poll, because why wouldn't they like me? I keep the suburbs safe. I stopped low-income towers from rising right alongside their house, and I'm keeping the illegal aliens away from the suburbs. I think that they like me a lot. I think it's a lot of fake polls. We've seen a lot of fake polls over the years. I was not supposed to win anything, and we won the big one. We won it, and did a lot better the second time than the first.

President Trump: Under my leadership, no community will be surrendered to violent criminals, no citizen will be abandoned to migrant crime.

>>>/qresearch/21449475 djt: Venezuela crime is down 72% - 72 Qdrop

what was the question put to djt

the answer?

reporter: this area has a history of having kkk in this area.

joe biden was there in 2021.

djt: who was here in 2021


RSBN reporter just said this:

the Q:

Why did President Trump come to this city?

the crowd BOOed the question because it alludes to the MSM narrative that it's a KKK town.

this is why Trump returned - to refute that idea.

(need more on what happened in 2021)

>>>/qresearch/21449548 bidens visit to howell michigan (full answer via a.i search.

>>209583 djt statement bun


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3aa81f No.209631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450367 (202309ZAUG24) Notable: Moustache Manbun investigates the billionaire boating accident in Italy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ian Carroll


Just your average billionaire “boating accident” 🤔

Nothing to see here…

VIDEO: https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1826018763466047598

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3aa81f No.209632

File: 7657b07ccbae40d⋯.png (420.16 KB,526x520,263:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450371 (202309ZAUG24) Notable: Samsung's Silver Based Battery With A 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge Set To Push Silver Through The Roof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




GLOBAL GAMECHANGER: Samsung's Silver Based Battery With A 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge Set To Push Silver Through The Roof


3:48 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450377 (202310ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala using Nazi spells

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The organization campaigned for improved cleanliness, better hygiene, proper work attire, changing rooms, lockers, better air, and less noise in factories and other places of employment.[3] Beauty of Labour was one of the many areas that made up the Nazi labour union, the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or "German Labour Front") and was directed by Albert Speer.

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3aa81f No.209634

File: 71f8109d5343376⋯.png (219.66 KB,594x507,198:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450381 (202311ZAUG24) Notable: Boeing grounds 777X test fleet after "the failure of a crucial piece of structure that mounts the engine to the aircraft"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEW WOKISMS - Boeing grounds 777X test fleet after "the failure of a crucial piece of structure that mounts the engine to the aircraft."


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3aa81f No.209635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450400 (202313ZAUG24) Notable: Theo Von out of no where with a DJT interview

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GEOTUS on This Past Weekend with Theo Von. YUGE!!!


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3aa81f No.209636

File: a59b3d5af475934⋯.png (380.17 KB,528x544,33:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a3dd100fbce75c⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450422 (202316ZAUG24) Notable: Theo Von out of no where with a DJT interview

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>GEOTUS on This Past Weekend with Theo Von. YUGE!!!

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Donald Trump calls out the FDA employee to Big Pharma lobbyist pipeline, says anyone who goes into government should be banned from ever being a lobbyist.

Trump's comments came during an interview with Theo Von where he called for the end of Big Pharma's chokehold on…

4:04 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209637

File: cc5839e4344f988⋯.png (655.26 KB,1280x733,1280:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450427 (202317ZAUG24) Notable: Samsung's Silver Based Battery With A 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge Set To Push Silver Through The Roof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209638

File: debb35f9c1f267e⋯.png (504.64 KB,591x850,591:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450445 (202319ZAUG24) Notable: From March: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




PAYBACK? Biden's BLS is releasing employment revisions revealing it had been 'hiding' upto a million lost jobs.

The administration has been forced to negatively revise economic data for 12 of the last 14 months - presumably to help the president get re-elected. Now that Biden has been forced out is he sabotaging Kamala Harris for stabbing him in the back?

h/t @WallStreetSilv

US job growth in the year through March was likely far less robust than initially estimated, which risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. economists expect the government’s preliminary benchmark revisions on Wednesday to show payrolls growth in the year through March was at least 600,000 weaker than currently estimated — about 50,000 a month.

7:15 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209639

File: ecb1b994b9dce18⋯.png (21.09 KB,592x272,37:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450466 (202323ZAUG24) Notable: Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are over 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ryan Fournier


BREAKING: DHS Inspector General just stated that ICE has lost track of ‘tens of thousands’ of migrant kids.

The report states that more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children [UCs] are no longer accounted for by ICE.

Kamala and Joe OWN this.

6:23 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209640

File: a95881d364ab0a8⋯.png (159.31 KB,591x423,197:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450470 (202324ZAUG24) Notable: Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


The media clean up of Walz's lies about IVF is as you would assume.

No NYT-I know no one who underwent less invasive fertility treatments refer to it as "IVF" for shorthand.


5:54 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209641

File: 397c88715cbfb2a⋯.png (545.41 KB,589x591,589:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450476 (202325ZAUG24) Notable: JimW re: Live, Hotmail, and Outlook

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James Watkins


Live, Hotmail, and Outlook mails are all bouncing. They are not playing kind with us. If you made an account and are having a problem with it. Please contact me here. You need to figure out some way for me to verify you and then I'll be able to help.


3:39 PM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209642

File: 4ad39a9e0a2c0f1⋯.png (157.21 KB,604x846,302:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450482 (202327ZAUG24) Notable: TL;DR: Don't take the tetanus vaccine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Apes


WOAH 🚨 Stop What You Are Doing & Listen To This

According to The WHO & NIH they’ve been developing the tetanus vaccines as an “abortion or sterilization vaccine”

American Doctor sees a “HUGE difference in fertility” Recommend vaccine being used as population control

“In developing countries. According to the WHO, up to 63 countries may have been targeted. So I was doing an observation on my rotations in Detroit, Michigan when I was training, and I saw that they gave some people the vaccine for tetanus and some not as a protocol. And the ones that were on welfare did not get it, but the ones who private pay did, which didn't make sense.

But I saw there's a huge difference in fertility. Huge. The people who didn't get it were extremely fertile. People who did had a lot of problems.

I googled it then, and sure enough, you can still find this if you Google it that the World Health Organization and NIH have since 1972 been developing the tetanus vaccine as an abortion or sterilization vaccine.

They've been putting the pregnancy hormone inside the tetanus vaccine in that vial. And so every time you get it, it's a cumulative response. Your body will then see if you're a female, you'll see when you're getting pregnant, you have a higher…”

Last edited

4:29 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209643

File: 6fc4ac2ca5c5ad2⋯.png (649.2 KB,970x631,970:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450503 (202330ZAUG24) Notable: Biden DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Keep Arizona From Requiring Proof Of Citizenship For 2024 Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Keep Arizona

From Requiring Proof Of Citizenship For

2024 Election

The Federalist, by Shwn Fleetwood

Posted By: earlybird, 8/20/2024 5:47:20 PM

The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday requested the U.S. Supreme Court “deny” Republicans’ bid to enforce an Arizona law requiring individuals to prove they’re U.S. citizens when registering and voting in elections. Arguing on behalf of the administration, U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar requested that the nation’s highest court instead allow a lower court decision — one prohibiting the implementation of provisions of the statute in question — to remain in effect for the November election.

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3aa81f No.209644

File: eb1517e887ac247⋯.png (23.46 KB,1024x264,128:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450508 (202331ZAUG24) Notable: New York’s high court rules voting early by mail is constitutional

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New York’s high court rules voting early

by mail is constitutional

The Hill, by Ella Lee

Posted By: Imright, 8/20/2024 4:46:31 PM

New York’s top court affirmed Tuesday that a measure expanding access to absentee voting in the state is constitutional, rejecting a lawsuit led by House GOP Chair Elise Stefanik (N.Y.). The New York Court of Appeals ruled 6-1 that New York’s Early Mail Voter Act, which allows registered voters to submit ballots early by mail in any election where they are eligible to vote, can stand. The measure was signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) last year. “Our task is to rigorously analyze the constitutional text and history to determine if New York’s Early Mail Voter Act is unconstitutional,” Chief Judge Rowan Wilson wrote

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3aa81f No.209645

File: 9cc67b6833179ad⋯.png (24.78 KB,563x295,563:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450520 (202333ZAUG24) Notable: Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Peachy Keenan


Tim Walz has been lying for years about his wife using IVF.

She did no such thing. They used IUI, the "turkey baster" procedure, which doesn't involve handling, implanting, and freezing embryos. It's what people who use a sperm donor do, and what men who have bad swimmers have to do.

What a totally bizarre thing to lie about to try to shame Catholics!

4:40 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209646

File: 800b5f604c6f667⋯.png (602.08 KB,600x662,300:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450527 (202334ZAUG24) Notable: US pharmaceutical companies ran drug trials with Chinese military for more than a decade, House committee reveals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wendy Patterson


Wrap your head around this.

You can't tell me that Congress didn't know about this @RandPaul


Square profile picture

New York Post




US pharmaceutical companies ran drug trials with Chinese military for more than a decade, House committee reveals https://trib.al/PHCH6MS


5:36 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209647

File: 90db2f1048dc6cc⋯.png (612.17 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450531 (202334ZAUG24) Notable: Alabama finds over 3,200 apparent noncitizens registered to vote in the state

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Alabama finds over 3,200 apparent noncitizens registered to vote in the state

“This is not a one-time review of our voter file. We will continue to conduct such reviews to do everything possible to make sure that everyone on our file is an eligible voter.”


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3aa81f No.209648

File: cd8deb5e0b21f22⋯.png (508.53 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450541 (202335ZAUG24) Notable: California moves ahead with $0 downpayment ‘loans’ for new homes for illegal immigrants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California moves ahead with $0 downpayment ‘loans’ for new homes for illegal immigrants

The program allows for applicants to get “loans” for up to 20 percent of their home’s price, with zero down payment on the loan and no payments on the loan.


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3aa81f No.209649

File: a6ccd115dd44021⋯.png (563.76 KB,706x457,706:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450570 (202339ZAUG24) Notable: Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Another Huge Tim Walz Lie Just Got Exposed

Townhall.com, by Madeline Leesman

Posted By: Northcross, 8/20/2024 3:19:38 PM

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s (D) children were not conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), the Harris-Walz campaign confirmed this week. This comes after Walz claimed multiple times that he owes his two children to IVF. According to The New York Times, “many have assumed” that Walz and his wife, Gwen, relied on IVF to conceive. This includes several prominent news outlets that reported that the couple used IVF. In April, the Tim Walz for Governor campaign office mailed out a fundraising letter in an envelope that said, “My wife and I used IVF to start a family,” the Times pointed out.

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3aa81f No.209650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450596 (202343ZAUG24) Notable: #26285

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notables FINAL

#26285 >>209594

>>209630 Archive: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Crime and Safety in Howell, MI - 8/20/24 (Trump on @ 2:05:30 timestamp)

>>209595 Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat

>>209597 Trump shuts down race-baiting reporter

>>209599, >>209639 Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are over 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for

>>209600 Record 60,000 home deals crash in July amid election fears

>>209601 Crime statistics reported by Kamala's own administration

>>209602 Elon Musk has expressed a willingness to take a position with the US government should Trump be elected as President

>>209603 JDV: They held the convention in Chicago so that Tim Walz could accurately say that he’s been in a war zone

>>209604, >>209611 Living rent-free in your head

>>209605 Jesse Watters describes the vibe @ Obama's DNC

>>209606 Venezuela Gets Rich Sending Oil Tankers to U.S. Even After Sham Election

>>209607 Wonder how much the DNC is going out of their way to reduce their 'climate footprint'

>>209608 Soros-backed Cook County State's Attorney Preemptively Announces that DNC Protesters Will Not Be Prosecuted

>>209609 Linsey Davis, who will moderate the first debate between Trump and Kamala, is already race-baiting at the DNC

>>209610 DJT Ad: Harris' Liberal Ideas Get People Killed

>>209612 There are no American flags on stage or some place in general at the DNC

>>209613 Biden-Harris Agencies Resettle 365K Migrant Kids in U.S., Many Now ‘At Risk of Trafficking, Exploitation, or Forced Labor’

>>209614 Call to vote: X

>>209616 Off-duty NYPD cop found dead from apparent suicide

>>209618 Was Tim Walz involved? In 2020, FBI met with George Floyd's medical examiner before release of autopsy

>>209620, >>209615 Kamala Harris backs President Biden's 44.6% capital gains tax proposal, the highest in history

>>209621 Visibly apparent: Brigitte's bulge

>>209622 You ain't gunna see a Democrat working hard, fast, and efficient unless you want an abortion or vasectomy

>>209624, >>209638 From March: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000

>>209625 DNC Blocks Rumble From Streaming Coronation Of Kamala Harris In Chicago

>>209626, >>209640, >>209645, >>209649 Every mainstream media outlet repeated Tim Walz’s IVF lie

>>209628 DJT: The Gotion EV battery plant would be very bad for Michigan and our Country

>>209627 Elon: The devolution of the gun emoji

>>209629 3rd largest statue in the US: The Hanuman statue, officially named ‘Statue of Union’, unveiled by the Hindu community

>>209631 Moustache Manbun investigates the billionaire boating accident in Italy

>>209632, >>209637 Samsung's Silver Based Battery With A 1,000 Mile Range & 9 Minute Charge Set To Push Silver Through The Roof

>>209619, >>209633 Kamala using Nazi spells

>>209634 Boeing grounds 777X test fleet after "the failure of a crucial piece of structure that mounts the engine to the aircraft"

>>209635, >>209636 Theo Von out of no where with a DJT interview

>>209641 JimW re: Live, Hotmail, and Outlook

>>209642 TL;DR: Don't take the tetanus vaccine

>>209643 Biden DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Keep Arizona From Requiring Proof Of Citizenship For 2024 Election

>>209644 New York’s high court rules voting early by mail is constitutional

>>209646 US pharmaceutical companies ran drug trials with Chinese military for more than a decade, House committee reveals

>>209647 Alabama finds over 3,200 apparent noncitizens registered to vote in the state

>>209648 California moves ahead with $0 downpayment ‘loans’ for new homes for illegal immigrants

>>209596, >>209598, >>209617, >>209623 Memes


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3aa81f No.209654

File: a70ff14e8d86817⋯.png (1.19 MB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450607 (202345ZAUG24) Notable: #26286

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can continue or defer

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3aa81f No.209655

File: f70921682923a6e⋯.png (600.14 KB,549x680,549:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450630 (202349ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Let that sink in

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3aa81f No.209656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450634 (202349ZAUG24) Notable: Donald Trump | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #526

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>gang gang


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3aa81f No.209657

File: 2012bec75a2b247⋯.png (168.63 KB,578x384,289:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450636 (202349ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209658

File: 6b6a6ffb3d4b20d⋯.png (464.37 KB,529x679,529:679,Clipboard.png)

File: e35d6cab5f8d45f⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450668 (202354ZAUG24) Notable: Trump was mentioned 147 times on Day 1 of the DNC, while Biden was mentioned twice in all 4 days of the RNC

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Trump was mentioned 147 times on Day 1 of the DNC.

At the RNC, Biden was mentioned twice, in all 4 days.

10:17 AM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450676 (202355ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Protest outside Israeli Consulate in Chicago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Protest outside Israeli Consulate in Chicago

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3aa81f No.209660

File: a109e32570f1173⋯.jpg (28.38 KB,1200x434,600:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450728 (210007ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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3aa81f No.209661

File: c633fbb93941df8⋯.png (63.95 KB,319x360,319:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 9865f8c62890c25⋯.png (59.78 KB,313x360,313:360,Clipboard.png)

File: 7759c7fe7cca363⋯.png (95.16 KB,311x360,311:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450737 (210009ZAUG24) Notable: HSI and San Antonio PD busted a sex trafficking operation involving Venezuelan traffickers and victims, all in the US illegally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bill Melugin


NEW: HSI and San Antonio PD busted a human sex trafficking operation yesterday involving Venezuelan traffickers and victims, all in the US illegally.

Per source, one trafficker is believed to connected to the Venezuelan Tren De Aragua prison gang. Disturbing details in federal complaint:

According to HSI, after being advertised online by their traffickers, two Venezuelan women were being forced to engage in commercial sex in motels for up to twenty hours per day, and had to give up to 70% of their earnings to their traffickers, two Venezuelan illegal aliens, one of whom helped smuggle one of the victims into the US for a $30,000 fee. The traffickers did not allow the women to leave motels, carried a gun, and threatened violence against them and their families in Venezuela if they did not comply. The suspects admitted their roles in the trafficking to federal agents, who recovered a loaded handgun from a vehicle belonging to the suspects. One suspect told HSI and San Antonio PD he bought the gun from a friend in Chicago.

Each woman was being sold for $100-200 for 15-60 minutes of sexual activity. One was being forced to pay down her debt for being smuggled into the US by one of the traffickers.

The Feds have charged the suspects with sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion, and they are facing 15 years to life in prison if convicted.


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3aa81f No.209662

File: a10c0c859e77919⋯.png (33.26 KB,746x422,373:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450741 (210010ZAUG24) Notable: Call to vote: X

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Since a lot of people have asked, here goes a super unscientific poll …

Who will you vote for?


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3aa81f No.209663

File: b9d74e05f70d51f⋯.jpg (199.18 KB,1284x756,107:63,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450773 (210016ZAUG24) Notable: DJT on election voting: If I win the Election, anybody caught cheating will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Citizens are allowed to vote, but Illegals are NOT! If I win the Election, anybody caught cheating, for any reason, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, and that includes Democrat Operatives and Sleazebags, who CHEAT at levels never seen before. NO MORE “GAMES” FOR YOU!

Donald Trump Truth Social 07:44 PM EST 08/20/24



gauntlet thrown down

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3aa81f No.209664

File: bebfe9ed219a0df⋯.png (471.46 KB,604x499,604:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450776 (210016ZAUG24) Notable: Donald Trump | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #526

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump joins @TheoVon for an hour long interview that you don’t want to miss!

Out now at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC5cHjcgt5g

7:32 PM · Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209665

File: 1ded9f195dccf86⋯.png (616.75 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: eaff5a79180591a⋯.png (128.24 KB,333x333,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e3b4948fe03c59f⋯.jpeg (768.97 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3dd8dff8bb28236⋯.png (1.36 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c15cac8516324e⋯.jpeg (330.66 KB,1200x1905,80:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450812 (210022ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @4CdnDiv4DivCA: Happy World Photography Day!

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a few moar miles on that all-night rodeo a few moar songs on a 4 day run.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209666

File: 73f3ef277c95480⋯.png (200.31 KB,615x480,41:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450814 (210023ZAUG24) Notable: Trump Force One mascot got a little upgrade in Montana

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Margo Martin

@margommartin 25m

Trump Force One mascot got a little upgrade in Montana 🤠

Aug 20, 2024 · 11:55 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450819 (210024ZAUG24) Notable: Live: Shitshow Circus Day 2

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Here is link to DNC convention for those interested in watching…


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3aa81f No.209668

File: 75c23b7195aed54⋯.png (1.03 MB,1371x866,1371:866,Clipboard.png)

File: 382a9cf90c794b5⋯.png (134.13 KB,782x624,391:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450852 (210028ZAUG24) Notable: Trump Force One mascot got a little upgrade in Montana

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450896 (210034ZAUG24) Notable: General Motors Co. is cutting more than 1,000 software engineers

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General Motors Co. is cutting more than 1,000 software engineers as the automaker moves to lean up its software and services organization, said a person familiar with the matter.

More than 600 of the layoffs will be in Michigan, the person said. The moves come two months after former Apple Inc. executives David Richardson and Baris Cetinok were promoted to senior vice president roles in the group.

“As we build GM’s future, we must simplify for speed and excellence, make bold choices, and prioritize the investments that will have the greatest impact,” GM said Monday in a statement confirming the cuts, without specifying how many people were affected. GM declined to say how much the reductions will reduce its overall software engineering workforce.


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3aa81f No.209670

File: d03e9fac6987060⋯.png (505.14 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 3219a88689c5175⋯.png (42.76 KB,766x540,383:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fd41e076ce2bc8⋯.jpeg (685.94 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d9a612df01c0df3⋯.jpeg (301.49 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52531da30210608⋯.jpeg (633.16 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450915 (210038ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @CanadianArmy: It's #WorldPhotograpDay

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209671

File: 069812eb55c8a85⋯.png (290.94 KB,601x626,601:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450944 (210043ZAUG24) Notable: Rabbi Shmuley and his daughter have filed an FBI complaint against Candace Owens

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Censored Men


🚨🇮🇱 Rabbi Shmuley and his daughter have filed an FBI complaint against Candace Owens.

The same man who tried to ruin Michael Jackson is now targeting @RealCandaceO


Shmuley and his daughter are on video threatening to destroy Candace in the media if she doesn’t fall in line.


4:05 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209672

File: ae8b8b0fb107a5e⋯.png (445.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 30796ea552fc56d⋯.png (742.89 KB,766x1892,383:946,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fcfca17f60a61d⋯.jpeg (393.05 KB,2048x1132,512:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 44937f882e5ee9c⋯.png (102.01 KB,766x760,383:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450946 (210043ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @SurfaceWarriors: USS San Diego Departs for Japan

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209673

File: 1a5eae4250659f8⋯.png (357.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 1039de4aec8a461⋯.png (67.81 KB,766x852,383:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450961 (210045ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @USFleetForces: Your Navy is world-class and worldwide

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209674

File: 8ce77abcef23a96⋯.png (308.18 KB,590x839,590:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450964 (210045ZAUG24) Notable: Bureau of Labor Statistics will downward revise jobs for the April 2023-March 2024 period by up to 1 million

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Aug 18

On Wednesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will downward revise jobs for the April 2023-March 2024 period by up to 1 million. This means that all "beats" recorded in the past year will have been misses and the US job market is in far worse shape than the admin would admit.

4:29 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209675

File: 1ebf4126464afd0⋯.png (300.5 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: a7b0ae8b41b7d43⋯.png (479.06 KB,766x1766,383:883,Clipboard.png)

File: cf1407a8ca1b2a6⋯.png (560.5 KB,766x2396,383:1198,Clipboard.png)

File: e4f1526617df794⋯.jpg (105.74 KB,1013x1038,1013:1038,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c246d4c084e039e⋯.jpg (66.15 KB,1080x781,1080:781,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21450993 (210049ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @NavalInstitute: Happy National Aviation Day!

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3aa81f No.209676

File: dc6db69a9082eed⋯.png (12.09 KB,588x158,294:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451004 (210050ZAUG24) Notable: Bureau of Labor Statistics will downward revise jobs for the April 2023-March 2024 period by up to 1 million

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NEW - Feds face "up to a million" US jobs "vanishing" in what may be the largest downward revision in 15 years — Bloomberg

5:07 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209677

File: de7f1700e3b76e0⋯.png (559.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: a5836f5a737f62e⋯.png (27.22 KB,766x408,383:204,Clipboard.png)

File: 91c76a3d74a863b⋯.png (84.07 KB,766x672,383:336,Clipboard.png)

File: dcf47acffaafc9c⋯.png (71.37 KB,766x852,383:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451029 (210054ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @US7thFleet

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209678

File: 44ba224c7078ecd⋯.png (220.39 KB,532x331,532:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451043 (210057ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209679

File: de7f1700e3b76e0⋯.png (559.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: bac147124270a42⋯.jpeg (458.78 KB,2048x1339,2048:1339,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1507c1273f76612⋯.png (148.49 KB,766x1024,383:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 30675428c4d4cf9⋯.jpeg (378.74 KB,2048x1399,2048:1399,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7de04cb31482ce1⋯.png (136.03 KB,766x1514,383:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451052 (210059ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes / @US7thFleet

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slap the shills


flip tablets and pull out a leather whip

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3aa81f No.209680

File: a343d57293f057d⋯.png (1.96 MB,1600x897,1600:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451066 (210101ZAUG24) Notable: Hackers use PHP exploit to backdoor Windows systems with new malware

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Hackers use PHP exploit to backdoor Windows systems with new malware

Unknown attackers have deployed a newly discovered backdoor dubbed Msupedge on a university's Windows systems in Taiwan, likely by exploiting a recently patched PHP remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2024-4577).

CVE-2024-4577 is a critical PHP-CGI argument injection flaw patched in June that impacts PHP installations running on Windows systems with PHP running in CGI mode. It allows unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary code and leads to complete system compromise following successful exploitation.

The threat actors dropped the malware as two dynamic link libraries (weblog.dll and wmiclnt.dll), the former loaded by the httpd.exe Apache process.

Msupedge's most noteworthy feature is the use of DNS traffic to communicate with the command-and-control (C&C) server. While many threat groups have adopted this technique in the past, it's not commonly observed in the wild.

It leverages DNS tunneling (a feature implemented based on the open-source dnscat2 tool), which allows data to be encapsulated within DNS queries and responses to receive commands from its C&C server.

The attackers can use Msupedge to execute various commands, which are triggered based on the third octet of the resolved IP address of the C&C server. The backdoor also supports multiple commands, including creating processes, downloading files, and managing temporary files.

PHP RCE flaw exploitation

Symantec's Threat Hunter Team, which investigated the incident and spotted the new malware, believes the attackers gained access to the compromised systems after exploiting the CVE-2024-4577 vulnerability.

This security flaw bypasses protections implemented by the PHP team for CVE-2012-1823, which was exploited in malware attacks years after its remediation to target Linux and Windows servers with RubyMiner malware.

"The initial intrusion was likely through the exploit of a recently patched PHP vulnerability (CVE-2024-4577)," said Symantec's Threat Hunter Team.

"Symantec has seen multiple threat actors scanning for vulnerable systems in recent weeks. To date, we have found no evidence allowing us to attribute this threat and the motive behind the attack remains unknown."

On Friday, a day after the PHP maintainers released CVE-2024-4577 patches, WatchTowr Labs released proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code. The same day, the Shadowserver Foundation reported observing exploitation attempts on their honeypots.

One day later, less than 48 hours after patches were released, the TellYouThePass ransomware gang also started exploiting the vulnerability to deploy webshells and encrypt victims' systems.


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3aa81f No.209681

File: f23766fca1cf6c8⋯.png (297.63 KB,284x436,71:109,Clipboard.png)

File: dcac71ee401ccbd⋯.png (493.21 KB,597x491,597:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451088 (210103ZAUG24) Notable: California advances 0 down, no payment home 'loans' for undocumented immigrants

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John Solomon


California advances 0 down, no payment home 'loans' for undocumented immigrants

A home for sale | (DreamPictures/Getty)

From justthenews.com

11:40 PM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209682

File: fe53ca77a02a778⋯.png (434.89 KB,621x501,207:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 79af24c49d78146⋯.png (350.11 KB,481x323,481:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451113 (210106ZAUG24) Notable: The Architect of the Capitol has started construction on the Inauguration platform at the US Capitol this week

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Andrew Leyden

@PenguinSix 3h

The Architect of the Capitol has started construction on the Inauguration platform at the US Capitol this week.

Aug 20, 2024 · 9:19 PM UTC


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3aa81f No.209683

File: bb24fe1ee2c1b7d⋯.png (248.92 KB,438x394,219:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451133 (210108ZAUG24) Notable: Mike Lindell is shaving off his moustache to go incognito to the DNC

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Mike Lindell is shaving off his moustache to go incognito to the DNC. Watch the exclusive coverage here at FrankSpeech.com

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3aa81f No.209684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451143 (210109ZAUG24) Notable: Freedom Convoy trial resumes, leaders still face possible 10-year jail sentence

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Freedom Convoy trial resumes, leaders still face possible 10-year jail sentence

After a five-month break, court is back in session for final arguments in the Canadian government's drawn-out case against Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.


Demand that the Freedom Convoy’s $5.5 million be returned. Send a message today

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — After a five-month hiatus, the trial for two Freedom Convoy leaders resumed in an Ottawa courthouse last week for closing arguments.

Justice Heather Perkins-McVey, who is overseeing the trial, adjourned the court proceedings in March to allow the government to prepare legal arguments to back its claim that leaders Chris Barber and Tamara Lich were “co-conspirators” as well as to give the defense time to prepare its case that the two are innocent.

Lich and Barber face multiple charges from the 2022 protests, including mischief, counseling mischief, counseling intimidation, and obstructing police for taking part in and organizing the anti-mandate Freedom Convoy. In Canada, anyone charged with mischief could face a potential jail sentence of up to 10 years.

The court sat for three days last week from August 13 to August 15. Thus far, the government has asserted “that the absence of violence or peaceful nature of the protest didn’t make it lawful, emphasizing that the onus was on the Crown to prove the protest’s unlawfulness.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews at the time, despite the non-violent nature of the protest and the charges, Lich was jailed for weeks before she was granted bail.

The Democracy Fund (TDF), which is crowdfunding Lich’s legal costs, noted in a legal update for Day 39 of the trial that it expected the Crown would try to prove the leaders were “co-conspirators,” meaning that accusations placed against one leader automatically apply to the other.

However, this did not occur. Instead, the Counsel submitted legal briefs and then went straight to closing arguments.

The government’s “Carter application” asks that the judge consider “Barber’s statements and actions to establish the guilt of Lich, and vice versa.”

A “Carter application” requires that the government prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that there was a “conspiracy or plan in place and that Lich was a party to it based on direct evidence.” The defense is asking the judge to dismiss the application.

Lawyers for the Crown claimed to the court that Lich and Barber were the primary leaders as well as organizers of the protest, and thus fully represented the Freedom Convoy. However, Perkins-McVey did not fully concur with this statement as she noted that the evidence presented to her shows that both Lich and Barber were, as noted by the TDF, “one moderate group among many groups in the convoy.”

The Crown then claimed that the Freedom Convoy had one sole purpose, which was to end COVID jab mandates, adding that Lich and Barber had a broad reach on social media. However, Perkins-McVey stated that this was not 100 percent clear and that it was possible protesters involved in the Freedom Convoy were there for various reasons.

The Crown then claimed that the leaders’ use of plural pronouns “we” and “our” in their communications seemed to show that there was a common purpose or theme of the protests, that being to end the COVID jab mandates, however, the court again said there could be other reasons as well.

The government has held steadfast to the notion in trying to prove that Lich and Barber somehow influenced the protesters’ actions through their words as part of a co-conspiracy. This claim has been rejected by the defense as weak.

The reality is that Lich and Barber collaborated with police on many occasions so that the protests were within the law. Lawrence Greenspon, Lich’s counsel, and Diane Magas, Barber’s attorney, have said they will argue against the Carter application.

Day 40 of the trial for Lich and Barber, as per the TDF, saw the Crown during its last day of closing arguments try and show a connection “between the defendants in furtherance of an offence” via a list of statements “of each defendant that the Crown maintains should be admissible against the other.”

As per the TDF, “Counsel then highlighted comments by Lich,” one of which was to “make sure that we get the money to the truckers” as well as “we plan to be here for the long haul,” and “we have no intention to stay one day longer than necessary.”


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3aa81f No.209685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451152 (210111ZAUG24) Notable: Hundreds of Chicago police in riot gear clashed with Pro Palestine protesters along with other activists

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🚨#BREAKING: Live on the ground hundreds of Chicago police who are in riot gear are currently clashing with Pro Palestine protesters along with other activists things are extremely tense right now


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3aa81f No.209686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451155 (210111ZAUG24) Notable: Freedom Convoy trial resumes, leaders still face possible 10-year jail sentence

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Perkins-McVey then suggested to the Crown that in her view she did not hear any evidence that Lich and Barber had promoted a way of acting that would be connected to the offense of mischief or obstruction. Despite this, the Crown, as per the TDF, “responded that there is evidence of statements that establish participation in general mischief and obstruction of the protesters.”

On Day 41 of court proceedings, Magas made it a point to remind the court that it is the Crown’s responsibility to “prove the elements of the offenses beyond a reasonable doubt — closer to absolute certainty than a balance of probabilities,” as per the TDF.

Magas noted that the court must find “both guilty mind (mens rea) and guilty conduct (actus reus),” and that it is “interesting” the Crown had the opinion that Barber would “go home” after his and other’s bank accounts were frozen.

“So, for the Crown to say, ‘just go home’ … they took the money for truckers to go home,” Magas said.

Additionally, Magas contested the Crown’s reasoning in relation to an obstruction charge after a Crown lawyer claimed the charge should stay as Lich and Barber “metaphorically stood shoulder to shoulder” with all the protesters.

Magas said that “there is no actus reus of metaphorically standing together for a principal.” According to Perkins-McVey, it would only qualify as obstruction if they specifically told the protesters to do so.

Also, as noted by the TDF, Magas made it a point that Barber was “compliant during his arrest.”

“This, she said, showed that he was leading by example: He was demonstrating the importance of not resisting police and remaining compliant,” the TDF noted.

After adjourning, the court will meet again this week. Perkins-McVey has up to six months to make her final decision once all the closing arguments have been considered.

Besides the ongoing trial, Lich and Barber and a host of others recently filed a $2 million lawsuit against the Trudeau government for its use of the Emergencies Act (EA) to quash the Freedom Convoy in 2022.

In early 2022, thousands of Canadians from coast to coast came to Ottawa to demand an end to COVID mandates in all forms. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government enacted the Emergencies Act on February 14. Trudeau revoked the EA on February 23.

The EA controversially allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies the government deemed illegal.

During the clear-out of protesters after the EA was put in place, an elderly lady was trampled by a police horse and one conservative female reporter was beaten by police and shot with a tear gas canister.


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3aa81f No.209687

File: d3efbf33c3dd5c6⋯.png (346.42 KB,634x354,317:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451182 (210114ZAUG24) Notable: Billionaire gets green light to cover 12,000 hectares of Aussie outback in solar panels

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Billionaire gets green light to cover 12,000 hectares of Aussie outback in solar panels… and power homes overseas

Australia's biggest solar farm has been approved with the potential to power three million homes, many of them expected to be in a foreign country.

The Sun Cable Australia-Asia Power Link is expected to generate 4GW of renewable energy through a solar farm in the Northern Territory, creating over 14,000 jobs.

The 12,000-hectare solar farm, which has the backing of Atlassian billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, is set to be built on a former pastoral station between Elliott and Tennant Creek.

The approval by federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek on Wednesday includes an 800km transmission line to Darwin and an underwater cable to the end of Australian waters.

The project will boost the NT economy by creating 14,300 jobs as well as elevating Australia's renewable status globally, Ms Plibersek said.

'It will be the largest solar precinct in the world - and heralds Australia as the world leader in green energy,' Ms Plibersek said.

'Australians have a choice between a renewable energy transition that's already underway creating jobs and driving down prices; or paying for an expensive nuclear fantasy that may never happen.'

She said the project would deliver almost six times more power than a 700-megawatt large nuclear reactor could deliver, criticising what she called 'an expensive nuclear fantasy' being pitched by the federal opposition.


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3aa81f No.209688

File: d792fb6eb2bfd9e⋯.png (675.68 KB,673x750,673:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451183 (210114ZAUG24) Notable: DNC Speakers Mention ‘Trump’ 130 More Times than ‘Crime,’ ‘Inflation,’ and ‘Border’ Combined

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Report: DNC Speakers Mention ‘Trump’

130 More Times than ‘Crime,’ ‘Inflation,’

and ‘Border’ Combined

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 8/20/2024 1:54:41 PM

Speakers at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday in Chicago, Illinois, reportedly mentioned the word “Trump” 130 more times than three of the top 2024 issues combined: “crime,” “inflation,” and “border.” The Harris campaign avoids the issues because it is caught in a so-called “catch-22.” Speaking about policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security would undermine the Biden-Harris administration’s claim of having solved those issues. However, Democrats must tout the administration’s policy successes to validate presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’s record and candidacy.

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3aa81f No.209689

File: 7f656e64d66052c⋯.png (521.43 KB,585x488,585:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451194 (210115ZAUG24) Notable: Wisconsin DOA sued for withholding info on 'donor-funded government activism'

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John Solomon


Wisconsin DOA sued for withholding info on 'donor-funded government activism'

The Wisconsin State Capitol | (timhughes/Getty)

From justthenews.com

11:05 PM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209690

File: 016bd59d366b7f4⋯.png (634.12 KB,587x841,587:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451199 (210116ZAUG24) Notable: Biden & Kamala use Global X airlines to shuttle illegals all across the US using taxpayer dollars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




I’ve never heard of Global X airlines but Biden & Kamala are apparently using them to shuttle illegal aliens all across the US using taxpayer dollars

Time to call in Global X for Congressional questioning!

Are their executives getting rich off our open border crisis?



Square profile picture

Supervisor Jim Desmond



Aug 19

You may see this plane next time you're at the San Diego Airport.

Every other day, this plane transports migrants from San Diego to McAllen, Texas, because Border Patrol facilities in San Diego are over capacity. Here's how the process works: Migrants surrender to Border Patrol

Show more




7:51 AM · Aug 19, 2024




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3aa81f No.209691

File: 4e7a1b8e0981c85⋯.png (1.38 MB,1919x968,1919:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451219 (210119ZAUG24) Notable: Biden & Kamala use Global X airlines to shuttle illegals all across the US using taxpayer dollars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Flying With Us

GlobalX is the nation’s fastest growing charter airline.

We fly the Airbus A320 family of aircraft.

We service domestic and international clients including the U.S. government, sports teams, performers, casinos, partner airlines, and charter operators.


I'll see if I can dig up some tail numbers. Mebbe track these assholes.

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3aa81f No.209692

File: bf677a06f943a59⋯.jpeg (134.91 KB,1189x784,1189:784,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451250 (210124ZAUG24) Notable: Anti-COVID jab doctor gets help from pro-freedom legal group in fight against medical regulator

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anti-COVID jab doctor gets help from pro-freedom legal group in fight against medical regulator

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is charged by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta with professional misconduct for criticizing COVID shots and mandates.


Anthony Murdoch



Mon Aug 19, 2024 - 8:13 pm EDT


U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian doctor who remarked a few years ago that officials should be jailed for being complicit in the “big kill” caused by COVID jabs is getting help from one of the nation’s top pro-freedom legal groups to fight a medical regulator that has charged him with professional misconduct because of his criticism of the shots.

The Democracy Fund (TDF) said in a press release that it will be “defending” Alberta-based Dr. Roger Hodkinson in his “legal fight with respect to several complaints brought against him by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA).”

“The CPSA has charged Dr. Hodkinson with professional misconduct, alleging that he wrongly commented on the efficacy of masks and social distancing in preventing the spread of COVID-19, the usefulness of vitamin D in protecting against COVID-19, the necessity and unqualified safety of COVID-19 vaccines, and the COVID-19 testing protocol,” the TDF noted.

The complete list of the CPSA’s allegations, which are dated May 16 and can be found here, go back to 2020.

One of the allegations the CPSA brought against Hodkinson is from 2021 when it claimed he “participated in a media interview with Rebel News and identified yourself as a medical specialist in pathology and former assistant professor in the faculty of medicine at the University of Alberta and made statements regarding public health measures in response to the COVID 19 Pandemic that were unprofessional.”

The CPSO claimed that some of Hodkinson’s statements were “contrary to the Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics and Professionalism, including one or more of the following sections 39 and 41; And further particulars of the unprofessional statement.”

Hodkinson will face a virtual Zoom meeting on November 18, 19, 20, and 21, “as the matter may be heard, to inquire into and ascertain the facts of the matter of a complaint against you referred to the Hearing Tribunal.”

Hodkinson’s attorney, Sarah Miller, noted of the CPSA case against him that it “continues to prosecute Dr. Hodkinson for expressing his opinions on the government’s response to COVID-19.”

“We are proceeding to a five-day hearing in November for the CPSA to hear and determine whether Dr. Hodkinson breached his obligations under the Code of Ethics and Professionalism,” she said. “The hearing represents a considerable use of resources to exercise authority over Dr. Hodkinson’s public expression of his closely held beliefs.”

In 2022, Hodkinson said that leaders in Canadaand throughout the world have perpetrated the “biggest kill ever in medicine’s history” because of COVID lockdowns and vaccine coercion.


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3aa81f No.209693

File: bf677a06f943a59⋯.jpeg (134.91 KB,1189x784,1189:784,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451258 (210125ZAUG24) Notable: Anti-COVID jab doctor gets help from pro-freedom legal group in fight against medical regulator

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In 2021, Hodkinson and Dr. Dennis Modry publicly blasted the Conservative provincial government then led by Premier Jason Kenney for “intimidating” people “into compliance” with COVID-19 lockdowns and called on politicians to open society back up.

At that point, Hodkinson was very outspoken against COVID lockdowns.

During a public Edmonton City Council meeting in 2021, Hodkinson blasted government-imposed COVID-19 measures, calling masks “utterly useless” and saying the virus is “not Ebola.”

His comments at the meeting were listed by the CPSO as part of his professional misconduct allegations.

At the time, LifeSiteNews posted a video of Hodkinson’s remarks on YouTube that immediately resulted in the suspension of LifeSite’s account for one week.

As it stands now in Alberta, current Premier Danielle Smith, who is the leader of the United Conservative Party (UCP), has promised that the province’s Bill of Rights will be amended this fall to add protections for people’s personal medical decisions that most likely will include the right to refuse a vaccine.

UCP MLA Eric Bouchard recently hosted a sold-out event titled “An Injection of Truth” that featured prominent doctors and experts speaking out against COVID vaccines and mandates.

“Injection of Truth” included well-known speakers critical of COVID mandates and the shots, including Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. William Makis, canceled doctor Mark Trozzi and pediatric neurologist Eric Payne.

The COVID shots were heavily promoted by the federal government and all provincial governments, with the Alberta government under Kenney being no exception.

The mRNA shots have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

Your support makes stories like this possible!


Nazi belief and pressure started in Canada. Trudeau started it

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3aa81f No.209694

File: 90cb9a126b9af12⋯.png (1.52 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451261 (210126ZAUG24) Notable: Biden & Kamala use Global X airlines to shuttle illegals all across the US using taxpayer dollars

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>I'll see if I can dig up some tail numbers.
















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3aa81f No.209695

File: 2411c8ff8ce394a⋯.png (95.17 KB,612x387,68:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451262 (210126ZAUG24) Notable: Florida Reps. Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, Byron Donalds, Cory Mills, and Sen. Rick Scott all win their primary challenges

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Florida Republican incumbents advance to November election

Florida Reps. Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, Byron Donalds, Cory Mills, and Sen. Rick Scott all survived their respective challenges.

August 20, 2024 8:20pm



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3aa81f No.209696

File: eede81d62a7011b⋯.png (251.7 KB,437x437,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451271 (210127ZAUG24) Notable: Bodycam footage of Thomas Matthew Crooks jumping from roof to roof just minutes before taking shots at DJT

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BREAKING: Bodycam footage of Thomas Matthew Crooks jumping from roof to roof just minutes before he shot President Trump and the crowd in Butler, PA

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3aa81f No.209697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451309 (210132ZAUG24) Notable: Mil tweets and decodes

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Mil tweets and decodes:

>>209665 @4CdnDiv4DivCA: Happy World Photography Day!

>>209670 @CanadianArmy: It's #WorldPhotograpDay

>>209672 @SurfaceWarriors: USS San Diego Departs for Japan

>>209673 @USFleetForces: Your Navy is world-class and worldwide

>>209675 @NavalInstitute: Happy National Aviation Day!

>>209677, >>209679 @US7thFleet

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3aa81f No.209698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451342 (210137ZAUG24) Notable: #26286

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notables FINAL

#26286 >>209654

>>209656, >>209664 Donald Trump | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #526

>>209658 Trump was mentioned 147 times on Day 1 of the DNC, while Biden was mentioned twice in all 4 days of the RNC

>>209688 DNC Speakers Mention ‘Trump’ 130 More Times than ‘Crime,’ ‘Inflation,’ and ‘Border’ Combined

>>209659 LIVE: Protest outside Israeli Consulate in Chicago

>>209685 Hundreds of Chicago police in riot gear clashed with Pro Palestine protesters along with other activists

>>209661 HSI and San Antonio PD busted a sex trafficking operation involving Venezuelan traffickers and victims, all in the US illegally

>>209662 Call to vote: X

>>209663 DJT on election voting: If I win the Election, anybody caught cheating will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law

>>209666, >>209668 Trump Force One mascot got a little upgrade in Montana

>>209667 Live: Shitshow Circus Day 2

>>209669 General Motors Co. is cutting more than 1,000 software engineers

>>209671 Rabbi Shmuley and his daughter have filed an FBI complaint against Candace Owens

>>209674, >>209676 Bureau of Labor Statistics will downward revise jobs for the April 2023-March 2024 period by up to 1 million

>>209680 Hackers use PHP exploit to backdoor Windows systems with new malware

>>209681 California advances 0 down, no payment home 'loans' for undocumented immigrants

>>209682 The Architect of the Capitol has started construction on the Inauguration platform at the US Capitol this week

>>209683 Mike Lindell is shaving off his moustache to go incognito to the DNC

>>209684, >>209686 Freedom Convoy trial resumes, leaders still face possible 10-year jail sentence

>>209687 Billionaire gets green light to cover 12,000 hectares of Aussie outback in solar panels

>>209689 Wisconsin DOA sued for withholding info on 'donor-funded government activism'

>>209690, >>209691, >>209694 Biden & Kamala use Global X airlines to shuttle illegals all across the US using taxpayer dollars

>>209692, >>209693 Anti-COVID jab doctor gets help from pro-freedom legal group in fight against medical regulator

>>209695 Florida Reps. Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, Byron Donalds, Cory Mills, and Sen. Rick Scott all win their primary challenges

>>209696 Bodycam footage of Thomas Matthew Crooks jumping from roof to roof just minutes before taking shots at DJT

>>209697 Mil tweets and decodes

>>209655, >>209657, >>209660, >>209678 Memes


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3aa81f No.209738

File: 9d813eedf255a5a⋯.png (1.23 MB,920x936,115:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451367 (210139ZAUG24) Notable: #26287

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can continue or defer

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3aa81f No.209739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451427 (210148ZAUG24) Notable: ’Rape, drugs’: Australian hospo giant exposed as staffers make horrific claims

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’Rape, drugs’: Australian hospo giant exposed as staffers make horrific claims

A raft of serious allegations have been made against one of Australia’s biggest bar and restaurant groups.

A female bartender being raped inside the toilets of a popular Sydney restaurant is one of a number of claims made about one of the country’s most high profile hospitality groups as part of a major investigation.

Swillhouse CEO Anton Forte has apologised following a number of claims against the Sydney hospitality empire that were revealed in an expose by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Five former staff members said employees were encouraged to have sex with patrons and use drugs on duty, with one of the bartenders saying she was raped inside the bathrooms at Restaurant Hubert, in the city’s CBD, in 2013 after being made a cocktail with 10 different gins.

Swillhouse also owns the Caterpillar Club, the Baxter Inn, Le Foote, Alberto’s Lounge and Shady Pines Saloon.

Mr Forte said the group “sincerely regretted and apologised to any former employees who felt unsupported and at risk”.


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3aa81f No.209740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451450 (210152ZAUG24) Notable: DOJ Bullies Cities to Revoke Crime-Free Housing Laws it says “Unfairly Penalize Communities of Color”

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DOJ Bullies Cities to Revoke Crime-Free Housing Laws it says “Unfairly Penalize Communities of Color”

The Biden administration is threatening—and has sued—local governments and law enforcement agencies across the country that have implemented measures to curb an epidemic of crime, drugs and gang violence in rental properties asserting that the policies “unfairly penalize communities of color.” The popular laws, enacted by thousands of cities nationwide are commonly known as “crime-free” and “nuisance” programs that restrict housing based on criminal and arrest records and punish landlords and tenants with excessive calls to police and emergency services or those engaged in criminal activity. To improve living conditions in mainly low-income rentals 2,000 cities across 48 states have adopted crime-free and nuisance policies, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which has legally challenged many of the measures in the last few years claiming that they are discriminatory and therefore violate federal law.

“Even when well-intentioned, these programs can disrupt lives, force families into homelessness and result in loss of jobs, schooling and opportunities for people who are disproportionately low-income people of color – all in violation of federal law,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, who heads the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. “These programs can also discourage people with disabilities and their loved ones from seeking help during a mental health crisis and prevent victims of domestic violence from seeking the protection they desperately need.” The lifelong civil rights lawyer, who has dedicated her career to “combating discrimination faced by African American and other marginalized communities,” assures that the agency will continue to fight what she calls “discriminatory and unlawful housing programs across the country” while supporting the efforts of local governments and police to prevent violent crime. Clarke delivered the comments a few days ago when the DOJ sternly warned cities with crime-free and nuisance measures that they are violating federal housing protections.

In a lengthy document warning local governments and their law enforcement agencies about policies to curb crime in rental housing, the DOJ writes that it has successfully challenged many of them and forced “a number of municipalities,” to repeal their measures. The feds also remind those still enforcing their crime-free and nuisance policies that “states from California to Iowa have passed legislation prohibiting” them. The agency essentially threatens the local enforcers of crime-free and nuisance initiatives by stating that they are violating four federal laws—the Fair Housing Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Violence Against Women Act. The DOJ graciously offers to work collaboratively with local police and governments to reverse, or at least relax, tough-on-crime policies widely opposed by the left.

In its widely distributed warning, addressed to “Dear Colleague,” the agency lists examples of how it has successfully challenged the laws around the country, apparently an intimidation tactic since it can be daunting—and financially impossible—for local governments to take on the federal government with its vast resources. “Remedies arising from violations of these four statutes include monetary relief (including damages, civil penalties, and attorneys’ fees), potential termination of federal funding, and injunctive relief (including potential repeal of a program and judicial oversight),” the DOJ warning to local governments states, adding that “recent settlements have required law enforcement agencies and local governments to pay millions of dollars in monetary relief and to repeal or rehaul their programs.” The agency offers numerous cases with extensive background information to illustrate how it has flexed its muscle to eliminate tough on crime housing policies nationwide.

Examples include Hesperia, California repealing its policies and paying nearly $1 million in “relief” after the feds sued the southern California desert city with a population of around 100,000. Faribault, Minnesota doled out nearly $700,000 to settle its federal case and is prohibited from enforcing the types of criminal history that may be considered by private landlords when screening tenants. Bedford, Ohio repealed its laws after dishing out a $350,000 monetary award. Hemet, California got rid of its measures and was forced to create a $200,000 remediation fund. Anoka, Minnesota made “substantial program amendments” and paid $175,000 to settle with the DOJ.


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3aa81f No.209741

File: b49259fa8dbbaf6⋯.png (703.22 KB,526x765,526:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451454 (210153ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209742

File: 9cc75b5c18ddbec⋯.png (382.72 KB,489x847,489:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451475 (210157ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209743

File: fff5553e54d083c⋯.png (38.81 KB,591x164,591:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451490 (210159ZAUG24) Notable: Eric Trump: Almost ready to make some big announcements regarding the Crypto project

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209744

File: a45e8a740f9ab5e⋯.jpg (64.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451500 (210200ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

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You say this like anons don't commute.

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3aa81f No.209745

File: 144b5003658f04d⋯.png (648.97 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

File: eae29b28a8642b6⋯.png (654.98 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 156e740aa219bc5⋯.png (636.16 KB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 88ddcf6a936e571⋯.png (634.57 KB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 61e4df34c4866e7⋯.png (578.39 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451511 (210201ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>209690 last bread

>>209691 last bread

>>209694 last bread

>>>/qresearch/21451340 last bread

>>>/qresearch/21451378 last bread

>Repost nb pls.

>I’ve never heard of Global X airlines but Biden & Kamala are apparently using them to shuttle illegal aliens all across the US using taxpayer dollars

This links the entire fleet.


Pretty busy outfit. Will concentrate on the western hemisphere only with this series of images. First is to today. Next one is yesterday. Then the day before. And so on. (from Zulu time which is already the 21st.) Tail numbers below. Hex codes in link above.
















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3aa81f No.209746

File: 563c42e3b9f7f9c⋯.png (414.8 KB,620x698,310:349,Clipboard.png)

File: a87900e0f723da5⋯.png (2.78 MB,959x1279,959:1279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451520 (210202ZAUG24) Notable: Matt Walsh in disguise has infiltrated DNC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@CitizenFreePres · 1h

Matt Walsh in disguise has infiltrated DNC


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3aa81f No.209747

File: a1cd794df8001ca⋯.png (593.89 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451536 (210205ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Includes Gitmo flight on the 19th.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209748

File: 5cc720ae40db1d1⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b4adef2ae05c1a⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451575 (210211ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala campaigns on promises to fix the problems she created

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State of the economy in a single sentence, bravo. Mega Gaslighting Commie KAMALA: "When I am president, I will bring down the cost of groceries!"

6:26 PM • Aug 20, 2024


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209749

File: f101c1e3145e9f2⋯.png (397.15 KB,531x513,59:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 88d8d7347a0a305⋯.mp4 (11.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451651 (210224ZAUG24) Notable: American flag burning ritual at DNC protest in Chicago

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Militant leftists set an American flag on fire at DNC protest in Chicago. Reporter @BenBergquam gets assaulted while attempting to put fire out.

The Post Millennial


Breaking — Militant leftists set an American flag on fire at DNC protest in Chicago.

Reporter @BenBergquam gets assaulted while attempting to put fire out.

5:58 PM • Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209750

File: 2f07574543aee58⋯.png (149.21 KB,832x713,832:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451655 (210225ZAUG24) Notable: Live updates of primaries in Florida

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Fla Senate primaries

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209751

File: 950a0686aa0c35f⋯.png (2.16 MB,1857x907,1857:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 466adbcb7607670⋯.png (554.84 KB,1425x379,1425:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af2f280d50d38b⋯.png (37.59 KB,1230x692,615:346,Clipboard.png)

File: b8286d239d07520⋯.png (339.38 KB,1766x922,883:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451663 (210226ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Looks very much like a shell company with few real names but from Delaware, bidens patch, see links below

>I’ve never heard of Global X airlines but Biden & Kamala are apparently using them to shuttle illegal aliens all across the US using taxpayer dollars



Global Crossing Airlines, Inc.

Building 5A

Miami International Airport, 4th Floor

4200 NW 36th Street

Miami, FL 33166





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3aa81f No.209752

File: fd3046947f8ed7f⋯.png (319.01 KB,660x440,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451670 (210226ZAUG24) Notable: The youngest, oldest and average age of lawmakers in the US Congress

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Wassupp with Chucky's eye?

Old as fuck!

The average age of members serving in the national legislature is 61, according to the Biographical Data Directory of the U.S. Congress. The median age is 58 in the House of Representatives and 65 in the Senate, according to data analyzed by Pew Research Center last year.

At 90, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, is the oldest member of the U.S. Congress. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1959 and to the Senate in 1980.

July 1, 2024


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3aa81f No.209753

File: 859dd9c8f3a2bc2⋯.png (39.71 KB,540x556,135:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 58ec3eb3c5217cc⋯.png (29.77 KB,536x505,536:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451676 (210227ZAUG24) Notable: Live updates of primaries in Florida

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fla House primaries

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451689 (210230ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Global Crossing? Why that was a very interesting fiber cable company. All done in the 1990s. Say…Who was Preezy back then?


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3aa81f No.209755

File: 4c5655324a2a649⋯.png (1.43 MB,650x893,650:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451690 (210230ZAUG24) Notable: "Weird" (also white rabbit)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

" Weird "

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209756

File: e311e35e72e966a⋯.png (2.85 MB,1022x1363,1022:1363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451741 (210241ZAUG24) Notable: Matt Walsh in disguise has infiltrated DNC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is this Matt Walsh at the DNC?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209757

File: face5e1f7a960c7⋯.png (330.4 KB,593x480,593:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451794 (210250ZAUG24) Notable: 148 arrested, 7 victims recovered during human trafficking bust in Hillsborough County, Fla.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JUST IN: 148 arrested, 7 victims recovered during human trafficking bust in Hillsborough County, Fla. - Sheriff

>fast trial, death penalty

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3aa81f No.209758

File: 952eb80f5abfaea⋯.png (99.35 KB,936x905,936:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f1f471efd26366⋯.png (93.48 KB,1861x589,1861:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 1915a0c5466b487⋯.png (95.58 KB,1874x637,1874:637,Clipboard.png)

File: dd1b009d5b15ef2⋯.png (76.42 KB,1907x590,1907:590,Clipboard.png)

File: 2749659b084d1d2⋯.png (172.73 KB,1857x1037,1857:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451798 (210250ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Scanned the fleet list in ADS-B Exchange and it shows mostly agents hiding true ownership.





the usual suspects

One standout:


Looks like they are leasing that one.






Warning: This profiles contains records that have been removed from public view per our opt-out policy.

Dagrosa is associated with 93 companies. Pretty good indication that he is legal counsel/agent.

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3aa81f No.209759

File: b31d165f62a88fb⋯.png (482.1 KB,969x968,969:968,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451811 (210253ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Dagrosa is associated with 93 companies. Pretty good indication that he is legal counsel/agent.

Take that back. Looks like he is the money man. VC.

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3aa81f No.209760

File: e4f20a8eaaa14f0⋯.png (2.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a28e092e83a4aba⋯.png (2.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 859dcca38712531⋯.png (2.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8129522836cc6de⋯.png (2.11 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451847 (210300ZAUG24) Notable: 148 arrested, 7 victims recovered during human trafficking bust in Hillsborough County, Fla.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209761

File: 62ca73aeb3b1282⋯.png (263.2 KB,1139x846,1139:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 5872f76df9345d8⋯.png (143.45 KB,1705x849,1705:849,Clipboard.png)

File: abef11d5d51d5f4⋯.png (226.9 KB,645x513,215:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451871 (210304ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



global x was registered by ryan goepel btw.

linkedin below.



registered with SEC (Securities and Exchange Commision) Gary Genslar


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3aa81f No.209762

File: eaca924a60ae5a2⋯.png (483.68 KB,1457x648,1457:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451877 (210304ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>209690 last bread

>>209691 last bread

>>209694 last bread

>>>/qresearch/21451340 last bread

>>>/qresearch/21451378 last bread











Joseph Dagrosa

he's your man

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3aa81f No.209763

File: 54bcd98d2dd7475⋯.png (53.54 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451879 (210305ZAUG24) Notable: Time Magazine Slashes 22 Departments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bidenomics/Wokism Desperation: Time Magazine Slashes 22 Departments!

For years corporate media publications have been losing their strangehold on the information industry. Time magazine is no exception. Today it was announed Time is cutting 22 jobs across numerous departments including editorial, technology, sales & marketi…


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3aa81f No.209764

File: af8a4aad22c4476⋯.png (76.25 KB,1521x875,1521:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 62ca73aeb3b1282⋯.png (263.2 KB,1139x846,1139:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af2f280d50d38b⋯.png (37.59 KB,1230x692,615:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451898 (210308ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



page 12


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3aa81f No.209765

File: 4e2629c53c2631d⋯.jpeg (756.69 KB,828x1444,207:361,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c4c3c7d0b0c9e9d⋯.jpeg (185.56 KB,828x348,69:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 677795cef8334c6⋯.jpeg (311.34 KB,592x806,296:403,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451919 (210310ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd from lb

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209766

File: ae7d300159a426c⋯.png (665.83 KB,568x637,568:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21451962 (210316ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209767

File: fa187ed6556dc98⋯.jpg (314.55 KB,1495x866,1495:866,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452036 (210330ZAUG24) Notable: Clockfag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


bunker #453, >>>/qresearch/144539

August 20, 2024: Elon Q-Clocks a Whole Lotta Clinton

re: notable >>209627 ob/pb QR gen main

Elon’s 7x6 gun emoji matrix got anon thinking of POTUS 42, Clinton death list, etc. Found a whole lotta Clinton on the Clock, excellent review:

- Clinton Foundation

- Tarmac meeting

- Epstein Island & WJC

- Crimes against children (HRC)


- D5



- 2016 DNC hack

- These people are sick!


Possible that Elon’s matrix, going from 2013… 2024, is also an11.6 / Huma indictedref (I know, I know - 2013… 2024 inclusive would be 12 and not 11 rows. But 2024 - 2013 = 11)


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3aa81f No.209768

File: f7023644794b716⋯.png (81.91 KB,750x689,750:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452041 (210331ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209769

File: bc8374894956dec⋯.jpeg (21.89 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452088 (210345ZAUG24) Notable: Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452098 (210348ZAUG24) Notable: #26287

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables FINAL

#26287 >>209738

>>209739 ’Rape, drugs’: Australian hospo giant exposed as staffers make horrific claims

>>209740 DOJ Bullies Cities to Revoke Crime-Free Housing Laws it says “Unfairly Penalize Communities of Color”

>>209743 Eric Trump: Almost ready to make some big announcements regarding the Crypto project

>>209745, >>209747, >>209751, >>209754, >>209758, >>209759, >>209761, >>209762, >>209764, >>209765 Global X dig cont'd from lb

>>209746, >>209756 Matt Walsh in disguise has infiltrated DNC

>>209748 Kamala campaigns on promises to fix the problems she created

>>209749 American flag burning ritual at DNC protest in Chicago

>>209750, >>209753 Live updates of primaries in Florida

>>209752 The youngest, oldest and average age of lawmakers in the US Congress

>>209755 "Weird" (also white rabbit)

>>209757, >>209760 148 arrested, 7 victims recovered during human trafficking bust in Hillsborough County, Fla.

>>209763 Time Magazine Slashes 22 Departments

>>209767 Clockfag

>>209741, >>209742, >>209744, >>209766, >>209768, >>209769 Memes


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3aa81f No.209874

File: 4aa495d84fc6049⋯.png (748.45 KB,568x637,568:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452110 (210350ZAUG24) Notable: #26288

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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3aa81f No.209875

File: d7b67cd4ccc473a⋯.png (920.62 KB,911x744,911:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452187 (210412ZAUG24) Notable: ‘Free Speech is Good for Mental Health’: Clinical Psychologist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Free Speech is Good for Mental Health’: Clinical Psychologist


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3aa81f No.209876

File: dd6f48371d27cc3⋯.png (279.67 KB,615x439,615:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 180e538d041a98a⋯.png (118.86 KB,732x982,366:491,Clipboard.png)

File: d4881178d50bf7b⋯.png (650.22 KB,732x840,61:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452227 (210436ZAUG24) Notable: Harris secures support of 4,566 votes at US Democratic National Convention

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@tassagency_en 1h

Harris secures support of 4,566 votes at US Democratic National Convention:


Aug 21, 2024 · 2:49 AM UTC


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3aa81f No.209877

File: 1790caa045747d2⋯.mp4 (15.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452288 (210457ZAUG24) Notable: Nice action from Trump boat parade in Palm Beach on Sunday (mp4)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Citizen Free Press


Nice action from Trump boat parade in Palm Beach on Sunday.

Embedded video

From Amber Jo Cooper

8:13 PM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209878

File: 47ee3bb0e5240de⋯.jpeg (151.46 KB,1284x714,214:119,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 645ecbe8cf5f479⋯.jpeg (460.27 KB,1104x1832,138:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452392 (210522ZAUG24) Notable: France's left wing threatens Macron with impeachment over PM deadlock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

France's left wing threatens Macron with impeachment over PM deadlock


The leaders of the hard-left party France Unbowed (LFI) haveaccused President Emmanuel Macron of an "institutional coup against democracy" for refusing to appoint a left-wing prime minister.

France's President Emmanuel Macron is facing renewed political pressure now that thepolitical truce he requested during the Paris Olympics has come to an end.

In a column published on Sunday, the hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) party threatened legal action againstMacron if he failed to appoint a prime minister from the left-wing coalition, the New Popular Front (NFP), in the coming days.

"We are writing this open letter as a solemn warning," wrote the column's signatories, which include LFI firebrand leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Article 68 of the Constitution allows the French parliament to dismiss the president for "failure to fulfil his duties manifestly incompatible with the exercise of the mandate".

After Macron called for snap parliamentary elections in July, no party managed to secure an absolute majority of 289 seats.

The NFP, which won the most seats in the election (193), claims that the future prime minister should come from its ranks.

After lengthy and tense negotiations in July, the NFP finally agreed to nominate civil servant and economist Lucie Castets as its choice for future prime minister. She is largely unknown to the general public.

An impeachment procedure that is unlikely to succeed.

Emmanuel Macron is set to meet leaders from various political parties on Friday to find a solution to the current political deadlock.

The French president, who has the power to appoint the leader of the government, has agreed that Lucie Castets should be present during the discussions but has ruled her out for the position.

Regardless, the LFI's threat of impeachment is unlikely to succeed amid divided ranks. the Socialist Party which is part of the NFP coalition, has rejected the threat of an impeachment procedure.

"This article is signed only by the leaders of France Unbowed. It commits only their movement," said Olivier Faure, the leader of the Socialist Party, on social media platform X.

Moreover, an impeachment requires two-thirds support in both the National Assembly and the Senate, which will be tough to achieve.

Several names have emerged as possible candidates for prime minister, including the right-wing former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, the former right-wing minister Xavier Bertrand, and Bernard Cazeneuve, the former socialist prime minister.


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3aa81f No.209879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452437 (210531ZAUG24) Notable: Kamala Harris just COPIED Justin Trudeau's HOUSING PLAN (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hang on! Kamala Harris just COPIED Justin Trudeau's HOUSING PLAN | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Kamala Harris just swiped Justin Trudeau's housing plan from Canada and it's as bad as you think. Canadian journalist David Krayden joins us to discuss.

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3aa81f No.209880

File: 7b1855f03cb48f9⋯.png (424.49 KB,612x551,612:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452668 (210628ZAUG24) Notable: Air defenses shot down 10 UAVs flying toward Moscow overnight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@SputnikInt 2h

❗️Air defenses shot down 10 UAVs flying toward Moscow overnight

This was one of the all-time largest attempted attacks on the Russian capital with drones, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said

Aug 21, 2024 · 4:17 AM UTC



More endless wars.

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3aa81f No.209881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452834 (210714ZAUG24) Notable: Congresswoman says Evidence Suggests Trump Assassin Didn't Act Alone: 'He Had A HANDLER' (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BOMBSHELL: Congresswoman says Evidence Suggests Trump Assassin Didn't Act Alone: 'He Had A HANDLER'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209882

File: c477b75e764530d⋯.png (808.24 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452910 (210740ZAUG24) Notable: 148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. - Deputies in Hillsborough County made 148 arrests and recovered seven victims in a human trafficking operation labeled "Operation Summer Shield."

According to Sheriff Chad Chronister, the goal of the operation was to prevent children from becoming victims of human trafficking while they were out of school during summer and had more time to be on the internet.

"So, from April 29, the 102 days during summer until Friday before school started, we really ramped up our efforts to combat human trafficking to assure that no child fell victim to human trafficking operations," explained Chronister.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office says that the first day of the operation broke records.


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3aa81f No.209884

File: 965c619659c3a8c⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e95d7d6d74f19ca⋯.jpg (91.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8df7e92e016baeb⋯.jpg (92.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 08d16c3c9319bc9⋯.jpg (92.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21452928 (210744ZAUG24) Notable: 148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209885

File: 120d56b440997b8⋯.jpeg (578.36 KB,828x1002,138:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453012 (210811ZAUG24) Notable: Andrew Tate's home in Romania raided

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3aa81f No.209886

File: 38c73123dbb7246⋯.png (3.26 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453051 (210821ZAUG24) Notable: Planefag: Chinook overhead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chinook overhead

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3aa81f No.209887

File: 01279a7db481ca2⋯.png (2.35 MB,1498x1158,749:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453071 (210825ZAUG24) Notable: Andrew Tate's home in Romania raided

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>Masked police officers in Romania carried out fresh raids early Wednesday at the home of divisive internet influencer Andrew Tate.


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3aa81f No.209888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453130 (210848ZAUG24) Notable: DJT Sit Down Interview released 9 hours ago (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


note: runtime 57 minutes. watching now. djt is hardest working politican ever.


Donald Trump | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #526


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3aa81f No.209889

File: 54358890f951cd3⋯.png (389.27 KB,594x525,198:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453165 (210859ZAUG24) Notable: Biden Calls US Troops "Stupid Bastards," Then Claims Trump Did It

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alex Jones


BREAKING: Biden Calls US Troops "Stupid Bastards," Then Claims Trump Did It

Biden Calls US Troops "Stupid Bastards," Then Claims Trump Did It

12:40 PM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209890

File: 20adb1a1973735e⋯.png (384 KB,584x478,292:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453180 (210903ZAUG24) Notable: 148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JUST IN: 148 arrested, 7 victims recovered during human trafficking bust in Hillsborough County, Fla. - Sheriff





10:11 AM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453215 (210915ZAUG24) Notable: CSIRO to cut up to 500 non-scientific roles as restructure of science agency continues

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CSIRO to cut up to 500 non-scientific roles as restructure of science agency continues

The CSIRO will cut up to 500 jobs in a wave of reforms the agency's staff union says is gutting the organisation's capacity to do research.

In an internal memo sent on Tuesday and subsequently published online by the CSIRO's Staff Association, chief executive Doug Hilton announced between 375 to 500 staff in non-research or support roles would be axed.

In the email, titled "An update on our priorities", Dr Hilton outlined cost-saving measures designed "to support CSIRO's financial stability" were needed to reduce expenditure by at least $100 million.


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3aa81f No.209892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453249 (210924ZAUG24) Notable: Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

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EGGS block covid spike proteins

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2


The SARS-CoV-2 virus is still spreading worldwide, and there is an urgent need to effectively prevent and control this pandemic. This study evaluated the potential efficacy of Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgY) as a neutralizing agent against the SARS-CoV-2. We investigated the neutralizing effect of anti-spike-S1 IgYs on the SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, as well as its inhibitory effect on the binding of the coronavirus spike protein mutants to human ACE2. Our results show that the anti-Spike-S1 IgYs showed significant neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, various spike protein mutants, and even SARS-CoV in vitro. It might be a feasible tool for the prevention and control of ongoing COVID-19.


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3aa81f No.209893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453271 (210936ZAUG24) Notable: Here is a list of Archived U.S. State Department records that show the U.S. Department of Defense funding Ukrainian Biolabs

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Here is a list of Archived U.S. State Department records that show the U.S. Department of Defense funding Ukrainian Biolabs:































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3aa81f No.209894

File: 3aa43cef108b5ff⋯.png (221.28 KB,598x576,299:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453274 (210936ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama says Americans don't have a right to decide who enters our country

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Stephen Miller


Open Borders


Square profile picture





Michelle Obama says Americans don't have a right to decide who enters our country: "No one has a monopoly on what it means to be an American! No one!"

4:33 PM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209895

File: 6437868137f2018⋯.png (180.66 KB,587x541,587:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453279 (210940ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama: "We don’t get to change the rules so we always win." The DNC just changed the rules to select Kamala Harris

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The Post Millennial


Michelle Obama: "We don’t get to change the rules so we always win."

The DNC just changed the rules to select Kamala Harris.


Libby Emmons

4:06 PM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209896

File: 762140295873f01⋯.png (202.36 KB,596x545,596:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453281 (210941ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama criticises conservatives who oppose children being transitioned

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Oli London


Michelle Obama criticises conservatives who oppose children being transitioned accusing them of “Demonizing our children for being who they are and loving who they love.”


Libby Emmons

10:27 PM · Aug 20, 2024




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3aa81f No.209897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453404 (211042ZAUG24) Notable: #26288

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Notables are NOT Endorsements

#26288 >>209874

>>209875 ‘Free Speech is Good for Mental Health’: Clinical Psychologist

>>209876 Harris secures support of 4,566 votes at US Democratic National Convention

>>209877 Nice action from Trump boat parade in Palm Beach on Sunday (mp4)

>>209878 France's left wing threatens Macron with impeachment over PM deadlock

>>209879 Kamala Harris just COPIED Justin Trudeau's HOUSING PLAN (video)

>>209880 Air defenses shot down 10 UAVs flying toward Moscow overnight

>>209881 Congresswoman says Evidence Suggests Trump Assassin Didn't Act Alone: 'He Had A HANDLER' (video)

>>209882, >>209884, >>209890 148 arrested in Hillsborough County human trafficking operation: HCSO

>>209885, >>209887, >>>/qresearch/21453329 Andrew Tate's home in Romania raided

>>209886 Planefag: Chinook overhead

>>209888 DJT Sit Down Interview released 9 hours ago (video)

>>209889 Biden Calls US Troops "Stupid Bastards," Then Claims Trump Did It

>>209891 CSIRO to cut up to 500 non-scientific roles as restructure of science agency continues

>>209892 Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

>>209893 Here is a list of Archived U.S. State Department records that show the U.S. Department of Defense funding Ukrainian Biolabs

>>209894 Michelle Obama says Americans don't have a right to decide who enters our country

>>209895 Michelle Obama: "We don’t get to change the rules so we always win." The DNC just changed the rules to select Kamala Harris

>>209896 Michelle Obama criticises conservatives who oppose children being transitioned

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3aa81f No.209900

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,414x354,69:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453419 (211046ZAUG24) Notable: #26289

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Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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3aa81f No.209901

File: 764ccbbbdb33c8f⋯.png (630.49 KB,772x555,772:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453420 (211047ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Trump and Vance Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, N.C. - 8/21/24

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President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance will deliver remarks on National Security in Asheboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 9:00 a.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change.


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3aa81f No.209902

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453424 (211048ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Trump and Vance Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, N.C. - 8/21/24

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LIVE: Trump and Vance Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, N.C. - 8/21/24

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3aa81f No.209903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453502 (211153ZAUG24) Notable: Donald Trump Interview - This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

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watched this interview, a over view review below.


note: runtime 57 minutes. watching now. djt is hardest working politican ever.

djt talks about his brother who died, addiction which his brother had, how he took his advice and never drank or smoked, he talks about big pharma lobbyists and states that the biggest lobby in d.c is the lawyers lobby which is massive, including others lobbists like the weapons manufactures and how politicians end up on their boards. the guy interviewing calls djt donald. djt seemed fine with it, very down to earth.


Donald Trump | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #526


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3aa81f No.209904

File: f4c8de2a30ab312⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453512 (211201ZAUG24) Notable: Ukraine adopts 'historic' law to ban Russia-linked minority church

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Ukraine adopts 'historic' law to ban Russia-linked minority church

Ukrainian lawmakers on Tuesday passed a law envisaging a ban on the activities of a Russia-linked branch of the Orthodox church, paving the way for a historic rupture with an institution that Kyiv has accused of complicity in Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

A majority of Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians but the faith is split into one branch traditionally tied to the Russian Orthodox Church - Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), and an independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, recognised by the world Orthodox hierarchy since 2019.

Ukrainian leaders have accused the Moscow-linked UOC of abetting Russia's 30-month-old war on Ukraine by spreading pro-Russian propaganda and housing spies.

The bill passed by 265 lawmakers bans the Russian Orthodox Church on Ukrainian territory and says that a government commission will assemble a list of "affiliated" organisations whose activities are not allowed.

The list is expected to target the UOC specifically.


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3aa81f No.209905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453516 (211202ZAUG24) Notable: Russia Summons US Envoy Over Presence Of American Mercenaries, CNN Crew In Kursk Region

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Russia Summons US Envoy Over Presence Of American Mercenaries, CNN Crew In Kursk Region

Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday summoned a senior US Embassy official in Moscow in order to protest several issues related to US interference in the Kursk region, which has been scene of heavy fighting since Ukraine's cross-border incursion kicked off on Aug.6.

Russia condemned "provocative actions" of both American journalists and US mercenaries spotted on Russian territory in the context of the Kursk invasion.

The foreign ministry in the meeting with US Embassy Chief of Mission Stephanie Holmes issued "strong protest" in "connection to the provocative actions of American reporters who illegally entered the Kursk region to produce propaganda for covering up the crimes of the Kyiv regime."

The statement further said that national law enforcement authorities plan to "carry out the necessary investigative measures" examining the American journalists' work.

Last week a CNN crew filed a report from the heart of the Russian town Sudzha just after the Ukrainian army took it over. It was clear that the CNN journalists were there under the protection of the Ukrainian military, as their words describing a segment indicated:

Chief International Security Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh gained some of the first access to a Ukrainian-held Russian town Friday, to witness their control over the town of Sudzha and the intensity of the fight. CNN was accompanied by the Ukrainian military who reviewed the video without sound prior to release for operational security reasons, yet had no editorial control.

Moscow views his as unauthorized American journalists illegally entering Russia's sovereign territory without permission, ultimately to assist with Ukrainian propaganda under Kiev's military protection.

But among the more interesting charges aimed at Holmes from the Russian Foreign Ministry centers on the alleged presence of US military contractors assisting the Kursk invasion.

The ministry pointed to "evidence that has emerged of the participation of American private military companies on the side of the Ukrainian armed forces during" the offensive into Russia.

While not naming specific companies or firms, Russian state sources have flagged a posting by the American military lifestyle brand Forward Observations Group.


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3aa81f No.209906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453520 (211204ZAUG24) Notable: Swamp Happenings

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8:16 AM EDT

Campaign 2024: Democratic Lawmakers Speak at Michigan Delegation Breakfast

Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) are among the speakers at a Michigan delegation breakfast in Chicago.


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3aa81f No.209907

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453522 (211205ZAUG24) Notable: LIVE: Trump and Vance Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, N.C. - 8/21/24

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9:00 AM EDT

LIVE: Trump and Vance Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, N.C. - 8/21/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



2:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump and Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks on National Security in Asheboro, North Carolina

Doors Open: 11:00 AM EDT



2:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump & Sen. Vance Campaign in North Carolina

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump and his VP nominee Sen. JD Vance (OH) deliver remarks at a campaign rally in North Carolina.


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3aa81f No.209908

File: f60270fdfbcde16⋯.png (643.63 KB,608x862,304:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fce915fa1458c8⋯.png (850.48 KB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453526 (211207ZAUG24) Notable: Global X dig cont'd

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Global X dig cont'd

Joe DaGrosa Jr.


The @AxxesCapital

team had an incredible experience at @Pershing’s #realinsite in Nashville this week. Thank you to @BNYMellon and @Pershing for hosting such an enriching event - and thanks to everyone who stopped by to learn how Axxes is broadening access to private investments.

1:28 PM · Jun 7, 2024 · 1,072 Views


Mellon. Now where have I heard that name before? That's right. WWII OSS. That's where.

Meanwhile Degrosa appears to be the money man behind Global X and your tax dollars paying them to fly around illegal immigrants. Hopefully at least some of these flights are to return illegals back to their home countries. Like Panama in the news yesterday. But there appears to be more going on here than just return flights. Gitmo being a prime example.

>>209745 past bread

>>209747 past bread

Call to dig more.

Fleet tracking link.


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3aa81f No.209909

File: 38f0be09752e009⋯.png (29.94 KB,534x480,89:80,Clipboard.png)

File: cf565f094ee9507⋯.png (171.17 KB,896x908,224:227,Clipboard.png)

File: d4038027def5a7d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1190x791,170:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453528 (211207ZAUG24) Notable: The Great Awakening 2018 Delta

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Load and fire memes at will memelords.

make it habben on social media.

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3aa81f No.209910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453529 (211208ZAUG24) Notable: Swamp Happenings

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Two years of the Inflation Reduction Act

The White House

1,988 views Aug 20, 2024


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3aa81f No.209911

File: d0747286b5a0681⋯.png (177.94 KB,308x450,154:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453534 (211211ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama delivers a series of insults and complaints

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Michelle Obama delivers a series of blistering insults of Trump and gives a brutal one-liner about 'black jobs' in speech to roaring Democratic convention


Big Mike is big mad!

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3aa81f No.209912

File: 4a897e38ff3af62⋯.jpeg (115.03 KB,828x383,828:383,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453545 (211215ZAUG24) Notable: So it begins, unwoke billions leaving the progressive left

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So it begins, billions leaving the progressive left, climate fraud mandates officially mental masturbation.

Avalanche ensues.

Music slowing.

Money talks, Bullshit always walks, since the stone edge.

GFY commies, quadrillion leveraged?

Poof, auction the furniture fuckos.

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3aa81f No.209913

File: 548defe29ea3409⋯.png (40.48 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453575 (211229ZAUG24) Notable: @RichardGrenell What you won’t hear from @BarackObama

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Richard Grenell


What you won’t hear from @BarackObama:

-his work with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which created decades of chaos for America.

-his failure to hold Bashar al-Assad to account after saying he would if Assad crossed the line of gassing his people.

-his belief that the Islamic Regime in Tehran would act as a productive member of the international community if he engaged them and funded them.

11:05 PM · Aug 20, 2024


>>>/qresearch/21452031 pb

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3aa81f No.209914

File: 1d5c6c72cdd63b6⋯.jpeg (425.44 KB,1125x1316,1125:1316,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63f5033d8e82b56⋯.jpeg (445.59 KB,1125x1422,125:158,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453583 (211238ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama delivers a series of insults and complaints

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3aa81f No.209915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453618 (211252ZAUG24) Notable: Donald Trump Interview - This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Take a few minutes and listen to this exchange between 45 and Theo Von from this past weekend in Bedminster, New Jersey…


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3aa81f No.209916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453623 (211255ZAUG24) Notable: Michelle Obama delivers a series of insults and complaints

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If you want to see Michelle’s full speech


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3aa81f No.209917

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453640 (211301ZAUG24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/21/2024

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/21/2024



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3aa81f No.209918

File: df494d210ddb632⋯.png (56.05 KB,546x301,78:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453646 (211303ZAUG24) Notable: @EzraACohen A Trump victory means, Iran will contend with a new reality.

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Ezra A. Cohen


A Trump victory means, Iran will contend with a new reality.

No more:

- Unrestricted access to funds for terror

- Free shots on our ships and troops

- Unfettered access to sensitive info via well-placed agents

So, now you understand why Iran is aiding the Harris campaign.

1:25 AM · Aug 21, 2024

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3aa81f No.209919

File: 22016ae66eacec2⋯.png (3.03 MB,1963x1306,1963:1306,Clipboard.png)

File: 277259eb10b31fe⋯.png (3.22 MB,1962x1405,1962:1405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453648 (211304ZAUG24) Notable: Donald Trump Interview - This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von

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Screen cap of views from yesterday when this anon watched shows: 371,408 views

Same yt link today shows3,434,890>>>/qresearch/21451372 (pb)

~3.1 Mil increase


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3aa81f No.209920

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21453663 (211308ZAUG24) Notable: War Room Morning Edition Real America's Voice

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10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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3aa81f No.209921

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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