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/qhaos/ - dARQhaos

Critical thinking : Critical Logic/Reflection・Projection/Debate/Theory/Opinion - Darqhaos

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File: 3639d12712dbb2a⋯.jpeg (344.46 KB,897x896,897:896,7E5196CE_508B_4844_AE0C_3….jpeg)

 No.167 [Last50 Posts]

My target is an invisible enemy.(Think: dimensions)

It is very easy to recognize harmful matters.

They try to put on a good face while behind the scenes they try to take you in harmful directions.

And now here comes the problem/question.

At what point does it become good or bad/evil/harm?

Q: 'Reconcile using logic'

Define: True LOGIC.

What is the direction of that LOGIC?

What is the direction of its ideology?

What are you ultimately trying to connect it to?

Q: 'Smoke & Mirrors'

And why do ((())) try to avoid revealing things?

Why do ((())) misrepresent?

Why don't ((())) answer the questions?

How do ((())) spend their time?

Do actions contrary to truth and justice create the potential for harm?

Does logical thinking clarify things?

'No deals'


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>your cult is stupid

It is certainly confirmed that there are cults using this movement.

But you are just saying it is a cult.

This is from explaining the matters of those who are doing cultic deeds.

Or, please clarify the circumstances in which you can confirm the cult-like behavior.

Q: ‘Expand your thinking’

Is it conceivable that you were duped by the imposter?

You experience being cheated and all you do next is complain?

Is that constructive?

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File: d6d6e99f3c83714⋯.png (1.01 MB,1054x1056,527:528,QHAOS_SOLDIER.png)


This is not symbolism.


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choice/select point?

Q: What are the real problem/questions?

Critical thinking: Basic Word:For everything, so what?

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Q: 'Define evidence'

Are learning results included?

Does the content matter?

What is its content based on?

Does the direction of the content matter?

Does purpose and intent matter?

At what point can the purpose and intent be confirmed?

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Q: 'Expand your thinking'




Anonsのlogは重要?or 建設的?


Think: 'Biblical'?


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File: c912aa096c076e8⋯.gif (11.28 MB,400x267,400:267,DABE1F32_4351_47A4_BB77_9E….gif)



In other words, ((())) are quick to initiate witch hunts.


So ((())) want to form a closed groupthink.


It is suitable for eliminating certain people(or critical thinking)



Create a dogmatic environment and build consensus.

Create a coordinated consensus/agreement.


The harmful effects of groupthink run amok.

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File: 56fadedcf7f7455⋯.png (343.91 KB,1077x707,1077:707,Trump_Won.png)

interesting, mysterious board. What's going on here? I saw your ad in /deepdigs/. Is this QR International?

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File: 7d4091b42de778d⋯.gif (138.88 KB,400x205,80:41,F58F6CC5_AB90_4C2D_8C38_1E….gif)


Pluralistic/polyphyletic might be more correct than the expression "international".

It may have more entropy than "deepdigs"

This place is in a more intangible state than many of the QR boards currently visible.

Critical thinking and discussion are sometimes treated as the enemy.

or inevitably become opponents.

In other words, me consider that the increase in entropy will affect the original title and guidelines for that space.

In some cases, critical thinking can facilitate the expansion of thinking and provide an opportunity to generate new ideas.

I also think that there may be an opportunity to clarify the real problem/issues at hand.

In some cases, however, this could potentially lead to the erasure of critical thinking submissions.

An example is that if you start discussing math in a class room where you are teaching a history class, it may interfere with the history class.

Of course, this metaphor is so far off-topic that it would be more efficient to have separate classrooms, but if the subjects were closer, the story would be different.

What may be offensive to others on that subject may be very good to others.

It could also be used to elucidate issues such as the above.

There are also patterns that do not go as far as clarifying the problem or intentionally behave in a way that does not allow the problem to be clarified.

The importance of the issue depends on individual views, and there is no end to the number of problem/issues that can be raised, but I think it is very important to solve the problem.

This is because there are some conditions and situations that are perfectly acceptable.

I guess it is like that.

The above is just an example, this board can be used for other purposes as well, but that depends on the situation.

Well, anyway, it might be easier to understand that the problems that come up in expanding freedom of speech and freedom of expression are swallowed up here.

or absorption.


Thanks for posting this here.

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File: 29e6c39d868dc2c⋯.gif (197.38 KB,400x227,400:227,362BF31E_ABAD_49CF_B254_1D….gif)

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The screenshot posted on deep digs and the poster here are not identical.

The person who posted that screenshot is not related to the qhaos contributor.

Why would they do such a thing?

Could the impact/effect create another chain of events?

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kek. just curious whats going on here.

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File: c8aa4918a0f17c1⋯.gif (82.36 KB,400x220,20:11,D178AEDB_A017_46EA_BA20_C5….gif)


What did you see happening?

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File: dd93128c0ddd639⋯.gif (817.8 KB,400x163,400:163,D2E507B9_22FA_4075_A830_2B….gif)


They don't even seem to be able to exist in the dark.

Ex: >>242 (not me)

>where are the screenshots?

>what are you saying exactly?

>What is the evidence of AI in simple terms?

< tyQ < critical hit question!?


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>>245 add.

>They don't even seem to be able to exist in the dark.


They can't seem to hide in the dark.

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Or can't even recognize the dark?

Does dark matter exist?

What is the correct definition?

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File: 226138520cbd104⋯.gif (913.05 KB,400x227,400:227,BE2835F0_ABAE_4D63_B4EB_E9….gif)

Organisational tactics.

The Analysis Coordinated (TAC)?

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[psych 101][echo-chamber][group think]

'If majority thinks XYZ - XYZ must be true'

- Q

Coordinated XYZ?

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Victory by any means necessary.

Is truth and true justice not the most constructive way to triumph over means-tested opponents/deception?

And as a reflection or cause and effect.

In other words, is not the ultimate truth and true justice coming?

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File: 02c00a56954eed6⋯.gif (1.72 MB,400x223,400:223,A29DA907_BF39_4B2C_B181_A9….gif)

The enemies still hiding won't dance easily.

They are intelligent.

How do you fight such an opponent?

Wouldn't they take clear action for unclear action?

If I were you, I would.

What is your reason for that action?

What is its effect?

What is its impact?

Why did you do it?

What do you yourself prove?

What did you learn from this movement and how will you return it?

Unclear nonsense?

Savior imitations?

Repeated use of images that have been passed around?

Many questions have already cornered you guys.

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File: 595ebf0b88187e0⋯.gif (2.1 MB,400x223,400:223,CE6451D8_4C67_4B1B_955C_FF….gif)


>Many questions have already cornered you guys.

Those who think logically about the many questions that arise and take improved actions are obvious.

I only move when I have to fill in the holes.

Response to those who intentionally create problems.

Dare I cause problems and pretend to be in control?

What a waste of time.

That sounds like a corrupt government approach.

If you're going to make it look like you have the power, get on with it and present your ideas for solving the problems of this world.

I've shown no small amount.

As long as live in this world and as long as 8kun is not gone.

As long as freedom of speech is not eliminated, this pursuit will never end.

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File: 18799bd58691d12⋯.gif (1.68 MB,400x217,400:217,059C2FD6_F844_4EED_8FE4_DC….gif)


If this movement is important, don't you think it would be an action that this movement is important?

If you think this movement is important, isn't it important to take constructive/effective action in this movement?

At what point?

Do it first.

Wouldn't the degree of importance already become apparent at that point of action?

Or will this movement begin to matter once it starts to matter?

I 'm sure there are constructive and effective moments, but that still doesn't change the important actions.

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File: 267596eee0e6a20⋯.gif (330.57 KB,400x223,400:223,A2FD3F1B_EA02_4EDF_BAE9_A6….gif)


I am pursuing what 'Q' called true freedom.

What are you people after?

Oh, you want relief for those who are suffering and grieving in the world?

Then what is the clear way?

Have you asked the question or taken action/proof?

Is this aggressive?

Isn't it inevitable that friction will arise in the pursuit of true freedom and peace?

Isn't that why this 8kun is so important?

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File: b7a9cba775bd867⋯.gif (269.14 KB,400x203,400:203,96BA2F10_0E37_4DFB_A1D6_D5….gif)

How valuable it is to be able to leave behind opportunities and ideas that lead to freedom and peace.

What can leave behind for those don't even have that opportunity?

What will be important to leave behind?

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Very simple.

It is very easy to feel free and comfortable.

All you have to do is control your mind.

It is also easy to see inconvenience as freedom.

The degree of happiness will also vary from individual to individual.

The question is, does that own choice of freedom infringe on the freedom of others?

And what impact or chain of events does it create?

If clarify these issues, won't the best choice naturally emerge?

Why they making obscure moves?

Because they don't want to make the issue intelligible.

They even erase or hide the problem.

So let's just clarify a lot of things.

We already have a place to pursue and clarify the facts.

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All you have to do is think for yourself and leave what you think is good.

There is no need for groupthink.

Don't those who still want to control just want to control free thinking?

Have those forming the group offered a reason or benefit for going to the trouble of groupthink?

And are they working efficiently?

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File: b9ccdb4fe8e17c8⋯.gif (1.21 MB,400x237,400:237,9C45B3E1_92F2_4B91_9B00_72….gif)

What is the reason for being unclear?

Do you go to the trouble of playing riddles to make them think for themselves?

You don't have to bother with riddles to use your mind.

Or are riddles more efficient?

This is a question for those who continue to deliberately obscure it.

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File: d6658d6c29222c5⋯.gif (4.37 MB,400x227,400:227,3C025952_2D13_4D49_9AB4_24….gif)


>Many questions have already cornered you guys.

In other words, I think that the intentional blinding of the eyes to an issue is also covered.

Just as you would not offer your hand to someone who is looking for help right in front of you.

Or, like being intentionally blind to the solution of a problem when it can be solved.

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This is a question for those deliberately promote blindness.

Is the 'Q' question a blind direction?

Or is it a light direction?

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File: ef47e215050ca67⋯.gif (583.79 KB,400x223,400:223,FCA192DB_24BD_43BA_A1A6_5A….gif)


What is its effect?

What is its impact?

What question direction will this lead to?

If you have time to pretend to control someone else, wouldn't it be more constructive to leave what you have learned from this movement yourself?

Wouldn't it be more constructive to make words that would make this world a better place?

And if are going to make words, isn't it important to make them more constructive and effective?

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>>272 Add.

This means that the pursuit of true freedom may reveal the best choice.

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Does the lack of clarity about freedom lead to the creation of crippling effects?

Even if it's not just a matter of freedom.

Is it possible that blindness to the many problems that already exist could lead to the creation of inconvenience?

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Now it will be a problem again if it becomes active?

I are just talking about freedom in this world?

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File: 3c1c715dd89020a⋯.gif (663.59 KB,400x227,400:227,17E02387_489E_4C46_B010_50….gif)


Even though it's hard to get clean numbers.

It's a really convenient clock.

This single number defines friend and foe, light and even darkness.

Who is the real symbolist?

I'm picking a number that seems constructive for that purpose, but do control that as well?

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Since the watch is also controlled by the patriots, does that mean that those being controlled are labeled as bad guys?

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>Repeated use of images that have been passed around?

This is a question for those who intentionally encourage silence.

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If you come here and think there is something wrong with it, go ahead and post it.

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This problem may be caused by technology issues or even by the device or browser are using.

This is about intended decoration masquerading as control by patriots.

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File: 3cfc21538571201⋯.gif (920.75 KB,400x220,20:11,C4C281E8_F428_49FE_92D8_AB….gif)


In this anonymous environment, isn't attacking with technology instead of legitimate discussion an act of condoning armed warfare?

Hasn't the revelation of an "information war" made legitimate debate more important?

Nonetheless, to attack with military force using technology would be to abandon humanity's capacity for legitimate debate, wouldn't it?

To what extent is self-defense or fighting back acceptable when attacked by a dangerous animal without reason?

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>>286 edit.

>"information warfare"

And how can one call someone a patriot who abandons legitimate debate and engages in technical attacks?

^This is not about actions against animals that have lost their rationality.

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File: 549601908ce0b42⋯.gif (1.49 MB,400x227,400:227,753E09C6_A13B_4E2F_BDF9_59….gif)

>>288 Add.

>legitimate debate

= reasoned argument.

At what point is a creature that has lost its reason?

A creature that doesn't try to think for itself?

Or a state of blind following?

So what is the problem?

Think: chain&effect.


Q: 'Freedom thought'

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File: 3ffc93275fde250⋯.gif (668.51 KB,400x223,400:223,2A1FBFE9_6253_48B9_A1CF_D0….gif)

>>288 >>287 edit.

Positive Thinking.

And by having them time it so they don't have an excuse for not seeing/blind it?

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File: 4485ac8bf5b37e9⋯.gif (1.77 MB,400x170,40:17,3B3E242E_C353_4946_9C52_74….gif)

>>289 Put in other words.

Control time so that there is no excuse for not see/looking?

Blind(pretending to be blind) kill?

^> This point: improvement.

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File: be0452edf4c8107⋯.gif (2.42 MB,400x217,400:217,BE70A2B8_6891_4C5D_951F_36….gif)



>pretend to control

The resulting contradiction becomes apparent.

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File: d9c751b69b65f00⋯.gif (649.65 KB,400x300,4:3,73F1FCF0_19A7_45E0_8032_92….gif)


Or make it look like they are working together?

But in this case, the difference in what is moving together becomes obvious.

Have them analyze how they are moving?

Is the stress test clear?

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File: dd93128c0ddd639⋯.gif (817.8 KB,400x163,400:163,796C2897_519B_401E_8ACE_AA….gif)


^This 'they'

For unclear movements.

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This means that transparency will expand and progress.

Does that mean that what is unclear is proven to be unclear?

Isn't the important thing here to clarify what is unclear?

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File: 96978c7de4b5336⋯.gif (3.25 MB,400x167,400:167,EFC367C9_12C1_4A32_B137_63….gif)


Q: 'Looks can be deceiving'

It is possible that some will intentionally take an unclear view.

Wouldn't clarity for that reason be effective against those who would intentionally try to obscure it?

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File: ab6412d9e67962e⋯.gif (776.27 KB,400x180,20:9,6786E416_3197_4F6E_A05F_1E….gif)

'Shockingly quiet'?

Research never stops.

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Questions about what is said in a free speech space are an inevitable part of the process.

And accountability will also occur.


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Isn't it inevitable and common sense to take responsibility for one's own words and actions, whether in a free speech space or not?

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Oh, you can't speak, so you're spamming?

Or is it useful information?

Hmm I am not a technology person so I am hesitant to open this URL.

Please post a clear reason for what you have posted here and the contents of the URL you posted with an image.

Otherwise this URL will be removed.

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This is not a place for minors, right?

^This is for those who are unable to clearly communicate their thoughts.

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If you think this URL is really informative please post it again.

delete this(299) post.

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To what extent can clarify the statement, the idea, the validity, the effectiveness and the constructiveness of the statement or idea?

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Does clarifying the problem lead to the best choice?

Can small action fixes lead to big fixes?

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Like lean or smart movements.

Or a reasoned move, for example.

Think that would eventually lead to MORAL or something like that.

The impact arising from the choice.

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An old lady was carrying a heavy load.

This caused many people to wait.

So I helped her carry her bags, and she didn't have to carry heavy bags and didn't get hurt while carrying them.

And the people who had been waiting for old lady didn't have to wait for anymore either.

A very simple, real-life experience.

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Critical Thinking.

Basic Word.

[So what? So?]

And what point are trying to connect?

Indeed, it is difficult to swallow spit once it has been spit.

Isn't it therefore important to change our minds and make improvements?

What is the essence of the 'Q'movement?

History does not repeat itself?

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After all, this place seems to work well.

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Why did 'Q' choose 8kun?

What is possible with 8kun?

What is the outside platform?

What is the use of the outside platform?

What are the benefits gained from an outside platform?


Why did do it intentionally?

Where do connect the dots?

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I think currently working under fair conditions.


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Currently, I have not created a situation where people cannot speak out.

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No questions.

^Is this a deal?

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>>310, >>311

This talks of cause and effect and chains of events in the world.

Where is the current environment already conducive to expanding Freedom Speech?

So is it not important to give importance to the environment?

Of course, we all have individual strengths and weaknesses, and things that are constructive or effective.

In this case, I think it is important to clarify the actions that will maximize one's own strength and lead to results.

Of course, the outcome could be good or bad depending on individual perspectives.

But isn't the most effective way to Vote, i.e., post the results of learning and research, the most effective example we can currently do, and the most important thing to do?

So where is the most effective or efficient environment in which to make these vote i.e, drop/post?

And what is the essence of the drop/post(archive/record)

Where is the best place to expand freedom?


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And conversely, there is no more reason for silence.

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What is the reason for your symbolism?

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Or what is the reason for using that symbol?

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>>315, >>316

Isn't the problem of symbolism ultimately about how treat symbols?

A good example would be, for example, that buying a symbolic object will save your life.

Or, by worshipping symbols, they create a cult-like, closed groupthink.

From another point of view, I have recently felt that there is symbolism in which the use of a certain symbol is treated as symbolism.

I think that if pursue the question of what is the problem and clarify the reason, the true problem will become clear.

However, I feel that symbolists often do not clarify the reasons for their actions, or imply that they condone worship or dogma-like conditions.

To sum up, they don't want to articulate evil.

Because it would reveal the harm and the real problem.

Did 'Q' see symbolism as a problem?

Why did 'Q' see it as a problem?

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File: c912aa096c076e8⋯.gif (11.28 MB,400x267,400:267,7FB02FAE_8559_412E_BC8B_40….gif)

Uh, so?

I don't care what you are.

So what?

What does your 'it' lead to?

Do you lack an image for what you say and do?

Sorry, I don't mean to be blind.

Let me tell you one of the reasons we built this place.

To shine a light on the idea of repeating history.

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I could see this coming.

The construction of a new dogma.

The construction of a new cult.

An ideology that creates delays in the clarification and clarity of things.

I thought about the risk of getting my post deleted or banned if I say the opposite at yours place.

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You say that dissenting opinions and questions twist the facts?

Then all you have to do is provide further clarification.

Come on, let's see it.

Your clear explanation!

Do you think that accountability does not fall solely you?

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>>319 edit.

>Let me tell you one of the reasons I built this place.

This is the embodiment of what I have learned.

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File: d6658d6c29222c5⋯.gif (4.37 MB,400x227,400:227,73524485_7B22_4074_9676_F2….gif)

There is no such thing as a person standing above another in a free speech space.

Dissenting and critical opinions are a natural possibility.

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If your theory is correct, it seems that God is with me.

Or is everything but your god a demon?

It's always the same logic!

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Let's continue with further logic here!

Which of us is capable of miraculous events?

Which one is worthy of a 'sign'?


So what?

Is it 'WWG1WGA' to be your follower and wait for your word to come out?

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File: 59052dec934b53e⋯.gif (1.92 MB,400x223,400:223,2C4E9818_5875_4CD8_A1A5_39….gif)

It's like a testament to how you spent your time.

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Do things weigh differently for each individual?

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File: abfce50b3b3f963⋯.gif (3.12 MB,640x360,16:9,2120D43D_392B_4E23_88AB_A6….gif)

There is a lot of NOISE.

My Favourite Meme I recently picked up.

Ty, Anon.

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All along - the questions and logic are following you.

Don't you see that?

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File: 463bd48ef9702ed⋯.gif (213.65 KB,400x400,1:1,DD45EB8C_B86A_44F2_8B88_89….gif)

If you call yourself a savior, what will you do for me?

And if you do nothing, where does that responsibility go?

Can only change ourselves?

Then what is the point of claiming to be a savior?

Words are heavy.

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File: cf85ddae5490705⋯.gif (1.16 MB,392x220,98:55,5E42914C_FBB9_4218_9249_62….gif)

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File: 3cfc21538571201⋯.gif (920.75 KB,400x220,20:11,2415A823_7293_4892_83D7_84….gif)

Now let give an example.

Did 'Q' take issue with symbolism or dogma?

So, does the act of promoting symbolism and dogma, which 'Q' has taken issue/problem with despite his participation in this movement, undermine/Corrupting this movement?

So is it not inevitable that questions and counters will arise when issues like the above arise?

Or, does not the presence of a counter lead to an opportunity to think?

Do you understand the meaning of the reason for this post?

Whether understand it or not, the light will shine.

As if were flying towards from any direction.

What is the scope and scale of transparency that 'Q' is referring to?

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>>329 clarify.

>All along - the questions and logic are following you.

<This is not a statement to DJT.

invisible enemy

This point: thought.


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Let's expand thinking with a few more examples.

They suspect you are a thief even though you did not commit the theft.

What is the right or constructive move in this case?

Wouldn't that be a clear and unequivocal assertion that they are not stealing?

Isn't this necessary not only for one's own protection, but also to make sure that those who really steal are held accountable?

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If you are silent here, even if you yourself 'forgive' those who stole from you, can this act be called justice?

There may be cases where such good intentions work well.

But is it not also possible that these good intentions can give rise to new evils?

What is the most constructive choice?

Isn't it important to clarify some things firmly even in 'forgiveness'?

Then the real problem can be identified and there is a chance for real improvement?

Of course, are talking about possibilities.

It is possible that the mistake will be repeated again.

But won't the revelation of some things increase the likelihood that can prepare for them and prevent them from happening again?

And I think it is also necessary for building a better future.

This is not to say that should monitor each other.

If notice trash on the ground, wouldn't it be constructive to pick it up?

In the same way, if notice a problem, I think that raising a remedy or issue for that problem will lead to improvement.

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