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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 63f767b79b999f8⋯.jpg (76.39 KB,599x627,599:627,BIC0I3NCcAARu2m.jpg)

 No.13566837 [Last50 Posts]

I don't know if the latest shooter is a false flag or not, and it doesn't really matter, it's the same either way.

You have to be incredibly dumb to support mass shooters. Even if you think political violence is justified (I don't), it still doesn't make sense as a strategy for us.

Think about it like this: there's a small minority of people who are ideologically committed, and a lot more people who are potential converts to either side. Call them "Swing Voters", or Normies. What these Normies are exposed to determines who they side with: they could one day end up becoming /pol/acks or PC bugpeople.

If white nationalist /pol/ guys kill random people, all the normies are going to associate our beliefs with being a crazy murderer. If people associate that shit with us, it's curtains, even if we keep shitposting online we're never going to see any of those normies wake up to the truth.

If you're feeling driven to sacrifice for the cause, there's room to do that: talk about stuff, organize, go public. Redpill your friends and family members. Be like that one guy at the free speech rally in DC who held up a sign that said "Jews Rule The World". That redpilled people, killing normies doesn't. It seems pretty obvious, and besides, isn't killing your own folk the most degenerate act?

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Well rejoice because the shooter wasn't even white.

Indifference and laughing at retards is best in these times.

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They fake the votes, retard.

Vote for a thousand years and it will still be the same kike system.

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Voting isn't the important thing, it's being relatable to average people. Getting them on our side.

It's stupid to go after average people and then expecting them to be on your side later.

Tarrant's a really good example: after the NZ shooting, most people there went further left and they passed antigun laws. Great job fixing your country, dumbass!

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Hi glowie faggot, sup?

1. Reducing the nigger pop is one the first steps

2.>muh supporting mass shooters is duuuuum dooode

no faggot

what else?

yeah give me more of your (((clown world))) (>just don't do anything, sit and laugh at death of evropa) memes, or (((accelerationist))) (>just let us do our thing and boost our support, as soon as we will have our full 1984 dystopia with zionkomissariats all over the map we will fall, I swear, goy) memes

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Get ready goy

>if you don’t support Jewish false flags. You’re a shill!

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OP is right. These attacks drive away support and help the enemy recruit. They are completely counter productive, not to mention immoral and illegal and they ruin the life of the perpetrator.

Only someone who wishes you and your political movement harm would support these attacks.

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>Even if you think political violence is justified (I don't)

Fuck off, Amish.

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Found the kike

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>Voting isn't the important thing, it's being relatable to average people. Getting them on our side.

You do that by killing the enemies that infect and kill your people.

>average people

Confirmed shill. The mexicans are not "average people", they are invaders.

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shit thread and shit OP

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>jewish false flags

Nobody supports Iran war, kike.

But shooting spics is not a "jewish false flag", in your wildest dream.

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If you stand up and defend your race, you are a kike.

Good job.

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I don't remember losing ONE single supporter over Tarrant attack.

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Also friendly reminder that you should NOT organize. Especially at this time when MOSSAD and the FBI are trying to kill/entrap as many anons as they can. Just keep shitposting lads.

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In minecraft of course!

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File: c24819ecf51aa3c⋯.png (1.02 MB,800x1064,100:133,NBK.png)

> Muh NBK

> Muh trenchcoat mafia

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Retard, read it again. It didn't decrease the people who are already on the right (white) side. It stopped a lot more from joining who hadn't joined yet. And it probably helped the enemy recruit them instead. Absolutely retarded tactic.

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I don't remember or see a SINGLE WHITE MEN who join the enemy line after Tarrant's attack.

You are virtue signaling and being incredibly bad at it.

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File: 407b117d53b671c⋯.png (287.39 KB,277x389,277:389,00 SDFSF.PNG)

OP is literally a fucking Faggot Posting. a Black hole should've formed by now from this Paradox autism

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File: 384d26c65b1772c⋯.jpg (46.5 KB,600x400,3:2,merlin_152078838_e0e8e098-….jpg)


New Zealanders all supported banning guns right after the shooting.

And there were protests against "racism", and "hatred", full of masses of normies who had become convinced that being redpill meant being a genocidal nutcase like Charles Manson.

Tarrant literally inspired hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders to join the anti-gun pro diversity left. If he actually wanted to help white people he would have been better off just staying home.

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>guns are super duper important

>just don't ever use them because then they might get banned


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I think we have more latent support than we know.

There are a substantial number of Whites who know what's happening but say nothing.

You see it on their faces when a pack of Vibrants cut in front of them in a line or start arguing over who owes who money.

They can see the future and how grim it has the potential to be. All the crap we have seen and heard about Vibrant Diversity begins to fade away and they, despite always trying to ignore it, will have the seed planted in their minds.

How do we begin to make that seed turn into something more substantial is what we should be asking ourselves.

These shooters were nothing more than an expression of pure rage - useful in that some brown idiots dies, sure. Harnessing that rage will prove a better outcome.

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I'm indifferent to mass shooters. I think lone wolfers who don't get caught would be pretty interesting though.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




a good video on why political violence is generally ineffective

the rage needs to be harnessed far more productively

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Not if they targeted politicians.

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Go away faggot

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yea how many guns got turned in? Couple hundred? Out of 1.5 million+? Shill poster confirmed.

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White boys are all pussy. They get no respect.

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File: f5393c6c5deb296⋯.jpg (62.82 KB,720x718,360:359,1564754578568.jpg)

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File: cc495ede29a7edb⋯.png (796.92 KB,850x1098,425:549,3365bde2f708fa260c4dd93781….png)

File: c4a1d362183c5c2⋯.jpg (38.24 KB,750x942,125:157,1564711375844.jpg)

File: bcfafa0ba436690⋯.jpg (64.3 KB,430x398,215:199,1564874841316.jpg)

>shooting up afrochurch

>shoot up tree of life

>shoot up schools

>never at apac


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I'm tepid on shootings. The spectacle is always worth it, though.

I feel there is a rift beginning to emerge here, those who think direct action is needed and those who want to play the long-game.

Both have their pros and cons.

I am quite torn myself on which direction we should be going.

The long-game has gotten us nowhere so far, for every 1 person we wake up, there are hundreds doubling down on their insistence that we are on the wrong side of history and that we should embrace it and get an asian gf.

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New Zealanders aren't Americans.

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The long game has won over a lot of people whose help won't come till SHTF. But it will come then. I think you know what I mean. Most people aren't willing to / can't give up their lives and families. But once someone arrives on their doorstep to take it from them..

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Lone Wolves are usually driven by what I said, pure rage.

I would love to see someone actually go full guerrilla and not get caught let alone die. But once some people wake up they cannot control themselves.

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And yet NONE of them turned in there so called assault weapons go figure glownigger

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There is no long-game. One more market crash will collapse the entire economy. The government is completely fucking broke and driving the national debt exponentially. The kikes at the Fed can only print so long. All of this shit happening now is just the bleeding edge of societal breakdown. No laws will fix it, there are no solutions. It will accelerate until the SHTF.

Embrace the coming chaos or get trampled by it.

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I remember after NZ there was the big debate about accelerating it all.

I'm coming around to it, that's for sure.

But we all know it won't be one of us doing it.

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File: f8638f01581a9f7⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,2000x2000,1:1,Might is right.jpg)


Well said, but I must stress that this should only be calling into the fact that optics is important. Bad optics is not a winning hand, but moral high grounding WILL NOT WORK. Actively confirming that we are morally wrong in normies eyes is a losing battle.

It's important to understand we are playing a uphill battle. And that ultimately we can argue and debate and "redpill" but this will never be enough. You need to be able to use much more if you want to see your ideals upheld. Do everything in your LEGAL right to win.

Might is right all else is error.

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So what youre saying is might is right except the part where you never use your might against a stronger opponent like the american government.

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Well I understand that the book points out that laws are made to cow the weak willed.

But who here is strong enough yet to take down the american government?

Work with the might you have instead of poking a bear.

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Everybody look at the Jew and laugh

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Not all physical wounds heal.

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> (I don't)

Cuck. All thoughout history it's been necessary.

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File: b1c84fd2cfa57f9⋯.jpeg (10.4 KB,300x200,3:2,images (4).jpeg)

We Support our Little Brother . We will get him out soon. ✡️

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You don't have Might

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>those who want to play the long-game.

how many centuries longer? it's already been one.

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>isn't killing your own folk the most degenerate act?

This line keeps being repeated. They weren't our own folk, they were Mexicans. Muslims, Mexicans, and Nogs are not "our folk" they are the problem, the enemy, and the problem with society.

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>They weren't our own folk

it's ok killing your own folk. that's what's been done throughout history because they attack and kill you. they are literally, enemies.

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Well, I guess we need to decide.

Things are about to get a whole lot worse for us.

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>They weren't our own folk,

Do zogbots, their families and supporters think twice about killing their own folk? No they relish the opportunity and impunity

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>Things are about to get a whole lot worse for us.

How do you know? It could be worse for them.

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Do you understand what we are up against?

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Reddit spacing newfag trying to larp as a pol poster

<Just do nothing goy, that's the best way to not die

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Get out faggot kike

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File: ddbb3661033ba3a⋯.jpg (37.96 KB,348x450,58:75,protesting.jpg)

File: 5ee62052b1ce660⋯.jpg (73.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault1.jpg)


I do that's why zogbots deserve death (and their enablers in the judiciary).

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you're never going to make any real change if you kill all your "enemies", id much rather support actual realistic changes like Trump

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zogbots have been openly criminal since the 70s.

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>realistic changes like Trumpenstein

Ok, mate.

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>Killing your enemies doesn't change anything apart from literally every war or revolution in history where it did.

Back to reddit faggot

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Notice how the zogbot on the right is never killed. He's deployed to safe zones. The cuck zogbots are deployed to dangerous areas. You have to get to the back line.

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>The incel, loser zogbots

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Getting to the back line will get the strongest acceleration.

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File: 811c578e6419063⋯.jpeg (592.83 KB,2048x1482,1024:741,66D673C6-92F1-4E29-AFC5-F….jpeg)


it was a false flag. read this. there was a thread about this, but it was removed, because 8chan is compromised.

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What the FUCK is happening with AMERICA?

Why people killing their owns?

Why color of skin matters?

Aren't we find HUMAN?

Why are we going towards DARK FORCES?

Where is our GOD?

Why only money matters?

Why are we getting controlled?

Are we becoming weaker?

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you're just going to get my rights taken away if you keep promoting your strategy

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it wasn’t that. see:


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guns are out of date tech. there’s nothing functionally speaking that outpaces ww 2, which is ag least 20 generations of warfare behind, and even then the rifle wasn’t the primary tool of war.

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You assume that Trump is your friend.

He has friends, for which he looks out for.


Not us

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I only see mass shootings being relevant if they provoke an escalating trend that aims to spark a two-sided physical conflict. That means the shooter deliberately chooses a specific target that's known to violently retaliate, and uses this cycle of violence to inspire others to fight. Otherwise these incidents are just momentary blips on the radar that politicians exploit for narratives as always; forgotten in less than a month when the news cycle shifts. I'm indifferent to mass shootings and just keep an eye on them in case there's a sign of something more larger going on.

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I agree. Trump didn't help us because we didn't vote hard enough.

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File: e41442ca28d3331⋯.jpg (297.44 KB,1000x1176,125:147,america.jpg)

It's just some edgy kids, kikes and glowniggers. /pol/ is a board of peace.

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<Boomer Christfag

We're cleaning up society that you allowed to fall to waste in search of ever more wealth. You're the only generation in the history of the species that is stupid enough to not try to protect their collective race and now we have to take extreme measures to fix your fuckup.

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>killing your own folk

Looked like the mall was full of beaners. Was the shooter a Mexican? Folk is kind of a German thing. Obama should not have said "folks" when referring to people of non-German descent.

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i’m euphoric right now. never before has there been such a simple proof that a shooting was certainly a false flag (often there are inconsistencies and head scratchers, but only enough to wonder). today, for the first time in us history, we can prove the event was a false flag (it might not convince low iq people, but everyone 120 and up will get it, simply INCREDIBLE!!!)

i go to bed victorious. what tremendous power we now have!!!

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B-b-b-ut we are all individuals!

How good are The Beatles!

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it was a false flag. image:



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i hope he doesn't look out for psychos like you, please dont lump me in with "us"

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Why are you here, redcap?

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well, it was a false flag, and we have the proof, and it!s now impossible to retract it. big fuk up lol

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>might is right


<might is right, tho

Daily reminder that 90% of the posters on this site are literal retards.

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maybe. but he wasn’t from here, or, more correctly, the manifest, well, see here:


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mmm wrong.

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File: 1eb1a8418492de0⋯.png (3.68 MB,1703x565,1703:565,Honklitas.png)


>Do everything in your LEGAL right to win.

(((Big Liberal States)))

Poor Honklers in CA/NY surrounded by NPCs/Amerimutts.

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but yes, i am euphoric in this moment! we can prove this one was a false flag. the pure sense of purpose and perfect knowledge!

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thing is, the shooting is unique in that we can prove it was precisely and certainly and necessarily a false flag. how remarkable! there has never been such in american history!

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Yes. Murder is wrong. Please don't murder people.

The 'support' is hot air. Just don't do the murdering.

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There's no anti-Zogbot posts except mine, because both shills and kikes are posting. You fags just don't get it.

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ANOTHER (1) post? are realosts ever made here? discuss with me the evidence this is a false flag.

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Jews should not enrage you to that extent. Is there a large Jewish population at this particular mall? I thought EMJ advised the Mexicans not to harm the Jew.

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Even Waco doesn't have the site overall, anti-Zogbot. And that's because shills and kikes are around. Focus on the Zogbots they are the obstacle.

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File: d9194d93b9fa8d9⋯.png (782.32 KB,668x686,334:343,MOAR CRUSADERS.png)

File: 7afae7ad63d36c5⋯.jpg (25.05 KB,398x600,199:300,crusader.jpg)

File: e413116ab16f5a3⋯.jpg (45.39 KB,425x425,1:1,Deus Vult patch.jpg)

File: 34e1fb18ac5f55d⋯.jpg (171.8 KB,500x499,500:499,67497298.jpg)



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the manifesto has been had for some time. see here for something to discuss:


it’s in an image, because sophisticated bots are deployed here.

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>Don't use violence to defend yourself goy

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Oh fuck, guess we can just ignore millions of illegal immigrants that invaded the nation already.

<Thanks! I'll sleep better tonight.

Fuck that

Recruiting for Honklitas Starts Now

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A lot of Catholics are zogbots.

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Yes but Drudge is hosting the fucking manifesto for his 750 million visitors. Either he didn't host Tarrant's because of it's length or it's truth value.

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Fuck 'em, I'm "culturally appropriating" the imagery.

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Zogbots have been openly criminal since the 70s.

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you’re a angerbot

again, why will i sleep well, your ai doesn’t know, because it!s not that good.

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good point. i am so incredibly happy with this situation. i can!t believe they!d fuk it up do dam bad. amazing. see, previously i wasn’t sure about false flags and all that. but this time i’m certain. so we exist in a situation that’s unique in all of us history. they botched it badly!!!!

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The soy-ridden author thinks the Boomers dying will mean that America will become a one-party state?

Fuck, they are reason for all this. The Boomers had no loyalty to America, ever.

They wanted yummy, ethnic food so they threw open the borders. John Lennon tells them to "Oi, mate just imagine innit" and suddenly we are all equal?

Robert Zimmerman writes some crappy songs and everything will be fine, right?

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File: 6861bc3632677e9⋯.jpeg (91.16 KB,878x136,439:68,FCADC6C7-43EB-481F-B723-2….jpeg)


checked. but it’s a false flag. we can prove it, actually. this is so amazing. pic only sort of related.

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File: a03726a32c9b7d7⋯.jpg (127.51 KB,960x993,320:331,bornToHonk.jpg)



I was born to Honk, nothing more, nothing less.

I can laugh and form Honklitas at the same time. Can't be mad bro, sometimes you have to honk at the world.

"When there is a time to rise up it has to be everyone at once, at the right people."

~Murdoch Murdoch

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nope. it’s a false flag. see here, in an image to foil the ai bots:


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how i know, proprietary methods.

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>boomers dying will mean that America will become a one-party state

He could've worded it better but he's essentially correct. The vast majority of the non-hispanic white population in America is over 50 years of age. There's a demographic collapse approaching which will take white Americans down from 45% to around 35% of the population of America depending on how quickly boomers die off.

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hey, stupid fuk, read this and comment on it, you worthless shit:


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It's because of the influence of the Satanist faggots subverting the WN movement. It's becoming increasingly clear how destructive the are. All media niggers: Look into the O9A if you want the REAL story behind why things are escalating this way. I'm honestly done with /pol/ after this, you people are being played for fools for the benefit of people every bit as bad as the people you're rebelling against.

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Self defense: broke

pre-emptive self defense: woke

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fuk off glow nig

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>Propietary Method: Torah


Sorry I fed him lads, but for a shill he put some effort in. I'll be a good goy and take my Honking elsewhere.

Honklitas Lads, it's how to fight back legally.

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it was a false flag. you stupid shit, read latest posts before posting, you goddamned fuk

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Oh and here they come already - the Noctulian defence force, always ready to cheer on anything to help your mass sacrifice bullshit. As if you aren't a glownigger project in your very conception.

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that’s not what proprietary means. you suck at this glow nig

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checked. did you even read what i stated? i genuinely believe next to zero here are real people.

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where are the humans?

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Are you replying to the right post, schizo? There doesn't seem to be any relevance.

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You faggot fearmongers are truly insufferable.

> Someone supports this or that non-kosher or semi-kosher political candidate.


> Someone kills some non-whites for once


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>everything is a false flag, goy!


>If you kill your enemies, they win

Why do you niggerkikes keep shitting up the board?

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This is an FBI post 100%

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So the fuckers solution is to didvide US based on race and save the purity of the whitey seed.

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What, you mean posting (1)? You're a fucking retard as well then - as if anyone is left not posting via VPN, dynamic IP, SSH tunnel through a VPS. Not a fucking argument against what I said.


Yeah, shooting up random spic normies at a Walmart is "Winning" is it? Not even finding an MS-13 house or something else remotely useful - at least Tarrant shot up an ISIS mosque. Kys for being a stupid faggot. Spend less time reading Siege and more time reading the Brigade already.

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Get out there and do some cool shit, you fag.

Lot of people want to accelerate but don't want to be the one who does it.

It's okay, someone else will put themselves on the line for me. I have to watch Netflix and drink tonight! But lol 1488 yeet fam let's kill them all, amirite?

Fucking losers.

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<herpies derp imma bot

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kill yourself, obvious troll.

you can’t read the image. because you are a bot.

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Not to mention how incredibly cruel you have to be to support/be happy about this. I don't believe most of the people here are like this though, I hope you can snap out of it one day…

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>Yeah, shooting up random spic normies at a Walmart is "Winning" is it?

They were non-whites weren't they?

Or are you gonna tell me that if you kill your enemies, they win?

How the fuck is taking out a bunch of spics before they become MS-13 not winning?

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checked, yeah, but it was a false flag. how do you explain that part?

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>but all you white nats are crazy bug people and potential murderers

i bet the OP thinks about killing minorities every day

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he’s presumably the site owner watkins.

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hi watkins 👋

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>killing minorities every day

I mean…

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>reddit spaces

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This is no proof at all. Do you have something else or are you just retarded?

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I'm impressed by some of the retards on display. I made a post making a pretty obvious point and I come back with delusional faggot responses like people think they're Rambo.

There's so many things I could say… El Paso TX being 60% non-hispanic white, so beyond a doubt many of the people shot were white people and not muds… the end results of mass shooters always being a public outcry against them and everything they believe … that some of the pro-violence talk on this website is being done by obvious shills (like how the feds have been caught infiltrating militia groups with plants who get them to do dumb illegal shit)… whatever.

Happy hunting, shills and feds. I have zero sympathy for the people who are stupid enough to be duped into supporting mass shootings. If you're that much of a retard, you deserve to rot in prison being buttfucked by packs of feral niggers.

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the 4channers are on. it's all a spectacle. Maybe we can get some of these anons who shitpost and don't effort post..

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> it was a false flag.

There is no proof of that. And if it were true, that just makes it funnier. The other side taking out some of their own just to blame it on a bunch of people who WANT them to fucking die anyway?

Let's hope they keep it up…

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>I have zero sympathy for the people who are stupid enough to be duped into supporting mass shootings.

There's no other choice. The USA is the only country that isn't cucked and lost their firearms.

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How much money are you glowinthedark niggers on and yet you still can't understand how the site works?

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If one lesson can be taken away from the modern era, it is that terrorism works.

Even the USA has continually capitulated to terrorists in the form of special recognition and privileges for Islam.

Here in the UK not only has Islam benefited from terrorism but so too have Irish republicans, the IRA is now guaranteed political power in Northern Ireland. Without any need to be elected democratically.

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It takes strength to be a young White guy and NOT carry out a mass shooting these days

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>Even if you think political violence is justified (I don't)

OP is a ZOG-faggot.

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lol keep telling yourself that, redcap


>Here in the UK not only has Islam benefited from terrorism

Same in my country as well, my friend. It only ever goes stronger.

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Nazi scum

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He looks more MENA to me but his name is European

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But my Asian gf is hot, cute, submissive, feminine, sweet, etc. Tell me why I should get a white hag when they only want black cock?

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I don't think most mass shootings would work in the same way as terrorism would. Usually terrorists are more consistent with what they target, demand and their banner. There's also that fear that there's many of them on standby that share that single unwavering goal. Lone wolf mass shooters may be motivated by many different things (from personal stress to inspired by ideology), which doesn't represent a coherent demand over time. The public likely see this threat as merely unhinged people, and not a collective ready to be awakened at any moment. Ironically though, thanks to the media's narrative of these shootings being "right-wing terrorism", that could change swiftly.

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>people who are ideologically committed…

…to put a violent end to the jews

>people who are potential converts…

…to the side that puts a violent end to the jews

>determines who they side with…

…to go violently against the jews

>associate our beliefs…

…to violently end the jews

>wake up to the truth…

that the jews are killing billions of humans for thousands of years, for which they need to be stopped violently.

>for the cause…

…of violently toppling jews

>Redpill your friends and family members…

to the fact that they're going to get killed if they don't violently end the jews.

>isn't killing your own folk the most degenerate act?

Isn't arguing about your inability to act, while billions of your brethren get slaughtered and the entire world is in chaos because of it, the most degenerate act?

Anon, what is your fucking cause? Participating in a world run by organized, mass murdering criminals? What are you waiting for? What more evidence do you need? Why are you not outside with all your neighbors going up against the enemy of all humanity?

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>El Paso TX being 60% non-hispanic white

Where did you get those numbers? It's at least ~80% spic



Literally only the 1970 census gives those stupid ass 60% numbers you did.

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Hello reddit. :DDDDDDD

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So, I take you enjoy the company of Jews?

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I don't think Crusius was a fan of Trump, Republicans or Democrats.

Excerpt from supposed Crusius Manifesto:

"America will soon become a one party-state. The

Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate.”

“Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation = pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future”

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suck more islamic cock

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You're right. They never Name the Zogbot or White. It looks like we have to go back to the Democrats since they appear very "comfy" with their relationship with the Zogbot, despite Waco, the 1488 guy getting 60 years in the 80s.

I'm voting Democrat in 2020. I hope all anons realize the boad is full of "comfy" White Supremacists who never name the people putting them in prison or attacking them.

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Be that as it may, the fact remains that the USA will become a perpetually Democrat controlled country in the next 10 years due to how many immigrants are being accepted. Hell, as you can see, fucking Texas has become a swing state. And the other half of the country won't like that. Sporadic mass shootings are a much smaller problem in comparison.

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File: bb2bcbb25f282a2⋯.jpg (44.07 KB,628x378,314:189,22061.jpg)

Shooting tourists discourages tourism. Egypt's economy, based largely on tourism, is falling apart. Why? Because Islamic terrorists killed tourists so people would rather spend their money some place safe.

Does shooting immigrants discourage immigration? I haven't seen the data but why wouldn't it?


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File: 4431212a89da6bb⋯.png (693.77 KB,2170x590,217:59,333333.png)

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It's ain't a pleasure to have constant pain in your ass…I can't fathom how the sodomites can take it. So annoying.

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You spotted a good goy.

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>I'm voting Democrat in 2020

Dems want open borders.

How in the hell does this help?

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>Confirmed shill. The mexicans are not "average people", they are invaders.

Yes, I'm sure it's only Mexicans appalled by this shit and becoming more lefty as a result.

Sometimes I believe all of YOU retards here and 8ch as a whole is just controlled opposition. No one can be that stupid.

You kinda deserve extinction if not.

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The movement is kinda cucked.

Those Boomers from Stormfront just sit around and did nothing and so do we.

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lol fuck off. i love seeing amerisharts blast the fuck out of each other. i doint know you and dont care about you. in fact, youre such a whinging faggot im somewhat dissapointed you havents headbutted a bulet so far. fuck you

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You scum are quietly protecting the real enemy and the cause of a lot of imprisonment for white fighters. Idgaf. You guys act like you have inside connections to the GOP zogbot leadership who reassure you on this. White fighters be damned.

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>false flag

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

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>Today I tried to larp on 8chan

>It didnt work

> :(

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>asl? >18/f/nevada

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OP stop being a retard and read Ride the Tiger.

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> I'm a scum who doesn't care about white fighters or the real enemy.

Ok fuck off then.

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reactions to your posts only cement that the board is populated by absolute worst human trash without functioning brain

Loss is certain with people like that on board

Anyone with a brain left should not post here since its shit upon shit.

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Tell me how every conflict in history didn't require violence.

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It's an idiot, anon. Every conflict in history requires violence. The state uses it all the time and ommits crime wantonly. That cuck is a shill kike or Zogbot sympathizer.

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File: 5dd1f117984d509⋯.png (6.32 KB,209x238,209:238,1b541918b466b409dc47bbbb5d….png)

>Not supporting your fellow brothers

What an absolute traitor

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>strategy for us.

as in U.S.

shill harder jewboy

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and yet here we are. i dont know you, would probably find you to be a detestable individual on many levels if we ever met, and the likelihood that we ever would meet in infinitesimally small, but we still post here, halfchan and everywhere else that allows shitposting. i dont like you, but youre an anon (presumably) and thats good enough for me. for now

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You forgot to switch VPN , samefag.

Anons you have proof here whats going on this board.

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Because I was ironically samefagging. None of you shills will reply properly.

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>civil war is bad

fuck you coward pacifist




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I dont go here at all, only during these hoping to show truth to those who are willing to listen and expose shills. like e7be53

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File: 9e6ddaeed8b3a24⋯.jpg (8.89 KB,342x234,19:13,jokes.jpg)


glow harder and switch the vpn now, employer wont be happy about this.

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>ironically samefagging

Nigger you glowing

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You're right. They never Name the Zogbot or White. It looks like we have to go back to the Democrats since they appear very "comfy" with their relationship with the Zogbot, despite Waco, the 1488 guy getting 60 years in the 80s.

I'm voting Democrat in 2020. I hope all anons realize the boad is full of "comfy" White Supremacists who never name the people putting them in prison or attacking them.

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How is targeting Whites and Zogbots glowing? You want people to not target the enemy? 60 years for the 1488 guy because of Zogbots and their corrupt judicial associates. Waco. Christcucks nowhere to be seen and hence are assisting the establishment. And you think I, rather than they, are the glowing? Moron.

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>i dont understand people like you. you dont understand the people you're trying to 'enlighten', and so fail ebery teim. its almost as if you arent from here, or there for that matter. why do you even bother trying?

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File: 86dcf628b187dfe⋯.png (155.78 KB,1589x1266,1589:1266,centrism comic - Copy.png)


fucking retard it was the pro-corporate "demand" for the illegal domestic labor "supply" that brought the mexicans here. Not the left. The left just wants to hug them. They hug trees ffs why wouldnt they hug brown people? The corporate class sold you out for the all mighty dollar and now they're trying to sell you a wall. This is all a spectacle, we're still living in the most peaceful time in human history, and most of the idiots in this message board are stupid cowards that need to believe in something serious or else their live has no meaning. The few that snap were bound to snap given these conditions, they're not "crusaders" they're autistic and sad.

>ur wrong anon

lmao, so humanity just happen to be chock full of cognitive biases, and the proclivities of this stupid ass board some how are correct out of all the fucking noise. mk

Yall mother fuckers need pussy or something

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File: 45250d0a0ec7f11⋯.jpg (256.49 KB,1188x1381,1188:1381,45250d0a0ec7f11e934e529e60….jpg)


Most of these "white" mass shooters are literal kikes. No wonder their manifestos all contain the same glaring omission.

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You're right. They never Name the Zogbot or White. It looks like we have to go back to the Democrats since they appear very "comfy" with their relationship with the Zogbot, despite Waco, the 1488 guy getting 60 years in the 80s.

I'm voting Democrat in 2020. I hope all anons realize the boad is full of "comfy" White Supremacists who never name the people putting them in prison or attacking them.

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This is becoming really clear that when this information about the White Zogbot is posted the shills pretend it's non-existent. I'm going po-Demorat and anti-White Nationalist from this point forward, because of you Eurofag morons.

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you are beyond stupid, beyond retarded and beyond help. not even a stormfag 1488 mongrel. yopure a dead set minda is all

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switch the ip now, Rajesh. You wont get payed otherwise!

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Nice LARP, incel.

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> living in the most peaceful time in human history

Okay Mr. Shapiro.

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>Oy vey, shooting up low rent goys in random places really helps our cause

>The best shootings are the ones done by kikes and blamed on 'based fashy alt-right' spastics that allow governments to introduce laws to silence goys against the jewish instigated 3rd world invasion of white lands

>6,000,000th Brendon Tarrent the isreali stooge is really /ourguy/ thread coming up

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>t. jew defence

fuckinmg lightweight

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t. ausfafg

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It's an AI or poor isolated people from foreign countries with their IP being shifted around to seem unique.

The entire idea is over populating the system with poisoned rhetoric for radicalizing isolated people when they're eventually targeted. It gives everyone a red herring or Patsy to blame which is actually a useless sacrifice which seems to only feed a media cycle and to censor opinions.

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Fu people u not gonna have my hate !

Murders was white and maybe racists but all aren't radical terrorist. PRobably just 2 retards who haven't the right "code" to integrate themself in the society.

So please remember

no amalgamation = White racist nationalist aren't all radical terrorist extremist

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How about you learn English before shilling.

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File: b6426ce34b759d0⋯.png (256.02 KB,1000x685,200:137,stats.PNG)


>Because I was (((ironically))) samefagging. None of you shills will reply properly.

Save the explanation for the Employer paying you Shekels Samefag


>that’s not what proprietary means. you suck at this glow nig

Definition of proprietary

1 : one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something specifically : proprietor sense 1

2 : something that is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker specifically : a drug (such as a patent medicine) that is protected by secrecy, patent, or copyright against free competition as to name, product, composition, or process of manufacture

3 : a (((business))) secretly owned by and run as a cover for an intelligence organization

Poo Poo Pee Pee Samefag's Employer

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do u have any tips to suggest or did you just want to piss me off

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It's an AI or poor isolated people from foreign countries with their IP being shifted around to seem unique.

The entire idea is over populating the system with poisoned rhetoric for radicalizing isolated people when they're eventually targeted. It gives everyone a red herring or Patsy to blame which is actually a useless sacrifice which seems to only feed a media cycle and to censor opinions.

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Enjoy your time here, mate.

Tell your friends.

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>Save the explanation for the Employer paying you Shekels Samefag

You're being really stupid here. Are you white? What that means is that YOU were not replying to me properly, so I wrote in a reply. It's a rhetorical device.

If you don't understand what a rhetorical device is then YOU and ONLY YOU are STUPID. YOU are STUPID. Not me.

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suck my dick fkg troll

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Get how stupid these people are. Russian maybe?

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That's better.

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Why are Russian trolls ignoring the White neoliberal government of foreign countries? Or Zogbots kliling and imprisoning white nationalists?

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I am so Happy to live in Denmark with no guns it sounds like amargedon in the US

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Denmark has also been flooded with niggers, nice flex tho

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File: 3c68152edc59d85⋯.png (7.71 KB,228x221,228:221,rekt.png)


Got em.

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>muh russia

goddamnit how transparent can yo

u be?

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You're connected to the Zogbot shills?

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Are you guys niggers then?

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No you didn't. I got you.

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>>13568176 flooded with niggers what are you talking about?

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Soon Sharia for Denmarkistan soon

dey gonna burka your wife white male

Jk but defend your countrie befor it go down with muzzie shi*t

Bring them all to the "isle", u know wich one i mean probably

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lel . yes. im a mid 50s male in southwestern australia and im a zogbot. you fucjking moran

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That's right, you see nothing. Good euro boy.

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in this place, this island


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Thats just stupid

Go back under the rock you came from

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Cuck. Are you even white?

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Fuck off, Boomer.

Go watch some AFL with a tinnie and pretend everything is okay like the rest of you shitty Boomers.

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So Aussiemutt? Wow no wonder you have such low iq. It also explains your supercuck servility to the government and establishment.

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> i believe everything i read in the interwebs, the poast

what if i told you i was 22 and from cincinatti?

21 from berkely u?

42 from langley? you fucking newfag

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In Denmark we live in peace.

Everybody can go to the doctor free and good education and we dont shoot people?

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So…..Aussiemutts who is obsessively pro-authority and pro-government. Must feel really safe and comfy in the island protected from all threats?

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Nah, our country is wrecked.

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epick,i too love associating the right wing with depraved and incontinent supremacist values, so lets do it with charity fundraisers

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Then why are you against naming the Zogbot and White, when in all times in history violence against the elite was necessary.

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Denmarkistan will HAVE to live in peace if they want kebab.

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File: 55d9c1a508fb6f2⋯.png (396.8 KB,500x649,500:649,motherlyMurdochChan.png)


Great catch anon, here… have a snickerdoodle with me.

Based Chan saved one for the next anon that isn't a shill.

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Enjoy u multikulti society faggy cuck

And stop eating pork shitty goy it's haram

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incointinent values

scise me while i piss myself

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So this is a joke? Aussiemutts like you think this is all going a certain way and you can laugh about it?

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I have made my positions on this clear.

In the case of shootings and the like, I am torn. The old guard from Stormfront have achieved nothing and consists of Boomers and larpers.

I guess shit like this can be considered real action, but at what cost to us?

Since our gun laws here are not getting repealed any time soon, I can only watch from afar as the US begins what looks like a race war.

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File: be29d8f317b1f8a⋯.png (388.55 KB,385x1920,77:384,lemmings.png)


>If white nationalist /pol/ guys kill random people, all the normies are going to associate our beliefs with being a crazy murderer. If people associate that shit with us, it's curtains, even if we keep shitposting online we're never going to see any of those normies wake up to the truth.

Truth is that we are NEVER going to wake these normies up

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File: 04b93b4c5357120⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB,299x168,299:168,serveimage.jpeg)


We're coming for you

Hail denmark

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So …you didn't answer the question? You won't oppose the police or government. Why? They're the ones doing this.

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well, unless you have redefined the term incontinent, edited a few dozen dictionaries and got all that shit done in the last five minutes,, yes, its a fucking joke., and youre it. btw, florida sends it's love. youre a fucking carlk jhiaasen noivel that hasnt been written yet you swamp dwelling piece of shit

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I eat what the fuck i want.

And i dont have to kill anyone og be racist to do so.

You have a IQ like a dog.

Go Home to your Mother and cry

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I never sey u should murder some people u braintard morron; just sey protect u land and bring these people to the island.

you should learn to read.

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>you swamp dwelling piece of shit

You're the one in florida. Why won't you name the White, or the Zogbot imprisoning and killing white nationalists?

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What IS the actual question then?

Perhaps it was mentioned further up before the thread devolved into shit-fest with euros and shills.

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no, thanks.


>few autists against army and government

you are exceptionally good at your job. helping the opponent win. you would make exceptional chess grand master.

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File: 7a35674393c9293⋯.jpg (2.23 KB,125x125,1:1,this is you.jpg)

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Fellas, find a girl to have sex with and find some regular income and your life can get better.

Until then, carry on with your shitposting and stay mad. Lol life losers.

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Fucking euros, I swear. You have more to lose than my country, the Nords have a tiny population.

Stop the madness now or you will see the limits of civic nationalism very soon.

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File: 57413f1430efbed⋯.jpg (233.71 KB,1600x1860,80:93,6df35b2e-c433-4b96-abe7-2f….jpg)


do you think the average populace is discerning enough to know if this is white or not?

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Wut if u start with yourself instead of coming here and posting shit

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They are never gonna wake up unless they feel uncomfortable

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Shooter Rosenberg

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econ crisis is coming but the recent events push them to far left…

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File: 199bc96773c3474⋯.jpg (20.93 KB,415x233,415:233,7KYYL54OONBMJKIV5KSRRRACLU.jpg)


> I'm A White Nationalist with iq of 50 from Florida, calling someone else a "swamp dweller"

I don't know I live in a swamp state.

Zogbots put the Order member away 60 years. I'm against calling out the government and suck i's cock mwercilessly like a faggot.

Also 35 years for degenerates like me who still worships the Zogbot scum.

> After receiving a combined 35-year sentence for terrorizing the birthday party of an 8-year-old Black child

The jokes on me huh? Maybe you're one of those homo Zogbots.

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>push them to far left…

LMAO. You are dumb as a nigger. We'll see

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How can you be charged with murder of an illegal immigrant?

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>The jokes on me huh?

yes. i actually read your post. i now wish i hadnt

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pest removal without a license or the proper insurance

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You said "greetings from florida" and said i'm a "swamp dweller" when you live on a swamp state. Low iq because you think you being stupid makes the joke "on me".

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You people are fucking sick!

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It's no wonder you can't process the link between the police and judiciary and imprisioning white nationalists. You sound like you are "comfy" with them, which was my point. Too comfy.

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Hello, how may I take your call?

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thats funny. you first thought i lived in australia, and now you believe i live in Florida.. which is it?

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>which was my point. Too comfy.

And you have a PROBLEM with this? Interesting don't you think? As if you fear nothing from them. That starts to make you sound like a Civic Nationalist, aka a Trumptard. Which means you are anti-white supremacist, maknig my comment about the shills on this site being true in not calling out the establishment or Zogbot.

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Thus spake the AIDS ridden homosexual busily replacing White people in their own countries because Jews taught him in school that we were mean to them.

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I'm talking to the guy who said "greetings from florida" the "jokes on you" to me.

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maybe you just beleive what youre told, and adjust your narrative to suit like the total brainlet you are

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this comment is talking to the guy who said hes' from florida, trying to suppress any targeting of the establishment or Zogbot imprisoning and injuring whites.

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and you guys say halfchan is retarded….

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Yeah you guys with iqs of 50 really make 8ch look bad.

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>reviews thread

yeah. yeah, we really do.


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If you look at this from a class perspective the best thing low iq lower class people could do was vote communist since it's a class ideology. But nope the swamp dwellers in Florida are anti-their own class ideology.

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Fuck off already.

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File: d9c14abece5288f⋯.pdf (1.9 MB,CultureOfCritique.pdf)

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File: e42711e8143c023⋯.jpg (832.62 KB,1080x1588,270:397,UN1.jpg)

File: 1db0988de805c82⋯.jpg (840.91 KB,1080x1629,120:181,UN2.jpg)

File: 83fb20151c53ab4⋯.jpg (644.71 KB,1080x1628,270:407,UN3.jpg)

File: 94fdd8526134d06⋯.jpg (603.24 KB,1080x1629,120:181,UN4.jpg)

File: e151455af00ab8e⋯.jpg (513.05 KB,1078x1632,539:816,UN5.jpg)

Reminder that in May the United Nations created a new definition of "hate speech"

>"any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor."

Under this new definition most of 4chan and 8chan will be outlawed.

The authorities needed an excuse to override free speech and the El Paso shooter just gave it to them.

>also remember that according to SJWs it's impossible to be racist towards white people.

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that's not freespeech!

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RIP USA was nice to meet u, enjoy ZOG

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Collapse is the only solution

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Semantics mate… Never get anything done aye.

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Death to all traders! Death!

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Traders and traitors

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>other identity factor

So wait, that means criticism of corporations or government could be considered "hate speech" now? Because with that level of ambiguity, they can be classified as an "identity factor". Don't see any clarification on what exactly they mean by that.

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You're right it all falls under neoliberalism.

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It's over. Saying anything negative about other races is going to be outlawed soon, and the chans will be banned as step 1.

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neurotic newfag detected

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>It's over. Saying anything negative about other races is going to be outlawed soon

No naming the white or the zogbot will also defeat your causes.

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Just spam shitskin crime statistics to show that these "mass" shootings are a barely a drop in the sea.

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Mass shooters are pathetic insects. Even that New Zealand guy was some pasty white dude trying to look tough.

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Shooting irrelevant peasants achieves absolutely nothing, it furthers our cause in no way or form, it distracts and steal attention from what truly is going on. It is truly a falseflag no matter if intended as such.

Victimless action; action that cost our adversaries resources, money and does not further cement us as "villains" for the masses (whom we need on our side) to hate.

And if violence is insisted upon, make sure the targets matter, because the cost in retaliation and counter-attack is severe.

The true battle lies in winning hearts, to turn our people anti-ZOGovernment (to not trust it or its institutions - police, court and so on) to collectively utter NO and strip the "authorities" of the authority it only have because we cede it to them - atleast unless we wait till we are replaced, to which we will truly be powerless.

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probably just personal revenge and rallying it to the racists' convictions

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File: cbe1dc0da18655e⋯.jpg (41.78 KB,357x309,119:103,ac15f9b930592cbca7d0020f5e….jpg)


> to collectively utter NO


> to punish

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>Mass shooters are pathetic insects

They put their lives on the line they deserve respect.

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Rajeed stop. Its too obvious

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<Even if you think political violence is justified (I don't), it still doesn't make sense as a strategy for us.

>I don't

Those who claim that political violence is not a wise strategy often make some decent points. However, you just sound like a pathetic faggot who wants to keep on LARPing and pretending that the situation we are in will resolve itself smoothly and calmly.

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Why is FBI encouraging mass shootings online?

What did they mean by this? Who is controlling them? Is it the deep state?

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>surrenders to the ZOGauthorities

>shoots unarmed peasants

Look at you sitting on your ass telling others who to respect like some preacher. Craven and cowardly, feeding by proxy and worshipping like a fool the egos of those whose action have done us more harm than good.

Happenings are nigger-tier. Desperate and weak any who religiously eat it.

And again, you sit and you do nothing yet urge others to submit to respect fools. Stop posting and adopt a new mantra: Who, if not I.

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Why ? Cause they want a race war ! We're too many on earth it's time to purge.

(((They))) encourage this path but will not be affected by it

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I agree with you. I'd rather see the hard targets that kill people hit.

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File: 3f7373b746f5096⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,600x300,2:1,1.jpg)

You can't outshoot the immigrants. It was retarded when Brenton did it and it was retarded now. There are 1.16 million new immigrants in the US each year. You would need 161 Wal-Mart shootings of this magnitude EVERY DAY to stop them. Its not a feasible solutions.

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All these dead texans will be voting democrat

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Jesus! Do you read what you say before you post? Do you actually believe this shit? Ignorant, hateful rhetoric that some other ignorant, hateful person had fed you….. get along little sheep

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>hard targets that kill people hit

u wot m8

I would rather dissuade from violent action, atleast violence that involve victims. Material and infrastructure is expensive, and bleeding your adversaries of resources and money and support is better than killing which will always have a cost to our support, and can hurt our overal reputation in the minds of the masses - atleast for now - and since the state is ZOG and not there for us, sabotage, vandalism. Bleed them of resources. This will slowly weaken the "authorities" which will then make it easier to at some point justify making them redundant and forming your own. Essentially become independant/unreliant on the state, outgrow it, absorb/overtake/destroy it. This is a bit rambly and very long term, so I apologise if I'm incoherent.

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I know, but I still hope.

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You’re officially stupid. Please place your keyboard gently in the trash and desist from spreading hate on the backs of unsubstantiated generalities like “it will still be the same like system”

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>this shooter isnt a false flag!!

>totally based and one of us!!

<doesnt mention the kikes in his manifesto

<didnt kill kikes in their synagog

Notice how every mass shooting this year involved NO kikes

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Kikes aren't the only ones who need to be dealt with numbnuts.

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>trying to reason with dumb people

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If you have a leak in your roof do you keep cleaning up the water that spills through the leak or do you patch up the roof?

Without kikes in power the spics/niggers,etc are much more vulerable to extermination AND spics wont be able to cross the border with fednigger help anymore

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You don't have to support the shooter to know what he did was right.

There were no innocent victims. These "victims" would put us in prison and subject us to cruel and unusual punishments just because we want to have sex with animals. I only wanted to have fun with animals just like these people wanted to have fun shopping. They use the law as a weapon on us so it's only fair someone uses a weapon on them. I wouldn't shed a tear and I hope this happens again.

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You have no cause. Nobody supports you. Anonymous posting on some seedy website is literally the last string of glue that connects you simpleton racists to one another.

PLEASE: go get a girlfriend, get a job, go to college, meet and talk to someone who isn’t also a racist white nationalist. You need bigger world views.

ALSO: I’ve combed through hundreds of anti-government, anti-Semitic, and anti black or Mexican posts and it’s all the same unsupported propaganda bullshit. If you are on the fence about your beliefs and world views please come back to society, and please stop to think about and challenge what you are reading on websites like these before simply taking their ideas and “facts” at face value.

There are plenty of stories where white nationalists or supremists befriend people of other races and end up ditching their old hateful views because they realize how wrong they were. Plenty of old nazi tattoos have been covered by their owners in the revelation that all this hate speech is ass backwards and wrong

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>had a manifesto at all

<eloquently explaining your reasons and motivations, process and experiences so your adversary can conveniently dissect and prepare or counter it in the future

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>free speech


Le cringe

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A manifesto is just a blogpost, it aint that important , you cant counter anything with it because its just someones opion, not a tactical plan to blow up the whitehouse

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This isn't the 00's you retarded pajeet. Update your script

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You'd be surprised what can be done with it. And just because you can't see how, doesn't mean they can not. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to information and it is always important not to underestimate your enemy.

They are not as incompetent as they seem or give off to be. Bureacracy makes them slow, but not incompetent.

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they cant do shit with a manifesto, it gives no tactical information

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>wants a race war

>gets a race and bitches about it

Fuck off double nigger

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But several manifestos can be compared, similarities found, from that "red flags" established, and so on. And then in the process; some describe their planning, process and so on. This is all very valuable information, but just a small example.

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>But several manifestos can be compared, similarities found, from that "red flags" established

so you can tell overtime that all these manifestos are from falseflags by all their similarities?

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Not true. There is a tipping point where it becomes too dangerous for them to risk coming here. When they begin to realize they are unwelcome, they will stop coming. It may only take a dozen more shootings of this magnitude to shift their perception.

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File: e7428a164baab92⋯.jpg (128.62 KB,579x703,579:703,the boys are back in townn.jpg)

>man decides to sacrifice himself in the name of his country and fellow European Americans.


Daily reminder that these posters are nonwhites. Thank you for your service Patrick, I and the last few remaining European /pol/ posters salute you brother.

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you are copy pasting this everywhere.

glow harder

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If they are falseflags, then they obviously aren't going to be analysed by our adversaries, since they most likely pulled it out of their ass to begin with. And whether this was a falseflag or not, I don't know, but it certainly wasn't good for us in any way or form.

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If your on the jury, jury nullify them just cause you can.

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<surrenders to the ZOGauthorities alive

Also imagine fucking up green and redtexting. You dumb pajeet you

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It deserves to be repeated. Shills are out in full force

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spamming≠federal agent

Go back to reddit.

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yeah shills like you, who want more attacks to make new laws

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Why would I change it up when the posts/threads don't change either? Every reply I receive is the same copy-paste "glowing kike fed shill jew kike".

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Being in jail for the rest of your life is effectively death, it is a sacrifice.

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Off yourself kike shill

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Don't think people are supporting them, more they are just getting enjoyment out of watching people suffer. Humans are scum, only the ones who do anything for you are the ones you should care about while the others you shouldn't.

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21 vs 18 … This is why they had to kill him off in Garlic Festival (wearing white motor cycle helmet after walking from his CAR.) otherwise same person,

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What a waste huh. He puts us in a bad light with our own people whose hearts we need to win when he shoots "innocents" (read. irrelevant shitskin that do not matter whether live or die, as it has no effect) he surrenders to the ZOGauthorities; the enemy that is pushing on our destruction and replacement. His deeds will be used to gain ground in gun restriction legislation, it will be used to further dehumanize us and normalize violence against us ("we deserve it for these white evil terrorists!!")

What is it with you and worshipping people? Ask yourself WHO, IF NOT I. If you sit there worshipping, you do nothing, you are a disgrace. Atleast work towards not relying on the state, you goofball.




You imbecile, you utter disgrace. There is a wealth of options for you to do, that all benefit your people longterm, and we must be on all those fronts pushing, always pushing. Only the loser; the autistic fuck will focus on one sole front.

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They will take the guns with or without consent, retard. Technological mind control, human DNA modification, and AI dominance are right around the corner. The battle is won in the present, by taking action.

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Just because I applaud when others do, does not mean I will do. War is fought on many fronts. Some must raise families. Some must produce propaganda, etc.

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Early last week Joe Digenova was claiming that declass was soon. On Wednesday the 31st Q warned everyone to be alert for false flags. (see something. say something.)

Now we have a slew of mass shootings covering the media with smoke.

I would suspect sleepers have been activated. Prepare for chaos.

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*And most of these does not involve shooting people and mongrel apes

If you seek destruction, sabotage and hit material targets. Hurting their resources and money is more valuable than shitskin at this point in time.

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To have children is afterall the assurance that our blood remains eternal. It takes priority over all the other larpy stuff, that is true.

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>Right extremists believing certain groups should disappear or get killed for the world to be s better place.

>The irony of not knowing the world would be a better place without homophobic, racist, ultranationalist, pro-violence shit.

I alwaaays see righties talking about immigrants, or homosexuals or lefties or pretty much whoever it's not them as part of the problem. It's kind of sad you don't see right-wing extremists are the biggest problem.

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> it will be used to further dehumanize us and normalize violence against us ("we deserve it for these white evil terrorists!!")

That's the whole fucking point. The shooting are used to incite violence in order to start a race war. The best possible outcome is having nonwhite retaliate, even better if they go beyond what we have done. Reformation is not a possibility with the current kike system, we are all here to revolt and overthrow it.

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Good thread, good anon.

Some guys here need to be reminded on that if you want to be big, you need to have the majority of the votes.

Even if democracy didnt exist, human nature instinctively goes with democratic problem solving.


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Do you actually believe this?

I mean, can anyone be that disinformed to believe in such a flawed ideology?

Every nazi wannabe nowadays is pretty much ignoring science, I mean, REAL science. Believing in racial superiority is on the same level of thinking the Earth is flat.

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>normies unironically in the OP

So this thread is just some kike trying to demoralize, huh?

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Obvious bait is obvious

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Democracy is kind of cool, but please don't say there's anything "natural" about it.

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b-but what will the normalfags think of us???

We cant overthrow the goverment if normalfags dont like us!!!

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>reform/vote cuck still thinks this is early 19XX and our countries are still 98+% European.

We lost almost a hundred years ago anon, we have to fight to get back what was taken from us. Reformation is no longer a valid or sane option. Millions of migrants and immigrants are flooding in who hold the exact opposite views as us. Soon there will be no "conservative" or "republican" option to vote for.

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>Science facts

>"Obvious bait"

The only obvious thing here is how ignorant you all can be.

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>in order to start a race war

The race war is already here, our people have just yet to open their eyes to it. There are skirmishes daily. But not even you see it as such, it seems.

This seems like projecting your own self-destructive nature onto your entire people, and that's dangerous.

Instead of inspiring dread, despair and horror in the hearts of your people, through dehumanization, UPLIFT THEM, inspire courage, confidence and seed a sense of love for their own.

What I see you doing, is seeing that the kike is stamping on the head of your people, so you get upset, furious! and swiftly start kicking your own people in the head too, because the sooner it has had enough it'll kick the kike right back so hard!!

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We can only hope.

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el paso shooter was white

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Yeah. He also shot pretty fuckin good


Good job Tex

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>In the interest of free speech, only content that violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or other United States laws is deleted.

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Is this place really so flooded with white supremacists that any sane comment is considered bait?

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>violates kikerights


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I don't see any links to research to back up those claims, faggot. Anyone that has done even a modicum of research has found that race is indeed linked to IQ. Even a child knows this.

Fuck off.

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No anon, you are simply scared and frightened by the possibility of change, real change. Your imaginary "daily skirmishes", assuming they are real, are small scale and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. We need a rapid movement to full race war. We are here to force the lemmings to pick a side, and in a racewar you can only join one side; it will be our side.

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>look at how intellectual i am!


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>New Zealanders all supported banning guns

that's statistically impossible

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that just made my morning.

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I'm not into larping, I just want to grill for God's sake

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"Irrelevant shitskins"


Nobody is irrelevant in this plan. The demographic genocide of america is underway. We are already at the point where america WILL, with certainty, be majority-minority by 2032 at the latest. Our politicians are kiked and we are not voting our way out of this. While his manifesto may have been a bit non-descriptive of the root cause, I DO NOT DISAVOW the end result. The only way that Whites who are closet racist are going to be able to resist (shitlib and neocon alike) is for people like St Crusius to accelerate the situation and invoke a disproportionate response from the government in the form of a unilateral gun grab. This forces Whites to arm themselves, especially while nonwhites continue to make their neighborhoods more dangerous and unlivable

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Seriously? Are you this dumb or are you just trying to lie your way out?

Anyone that has done even a modicum resesrch about it should know there's nothing even near to any conclusive result and that there are many many factors making it something hard to measure.

Most studies that supported the creation of these supremacist groups are jokes now and even the modern investigations about anything that could be linked to a scientific fact to support racial supremacy aren't giving any conclusive results.

Not to mention all the moral, political and social problems related to such way of thinking.

Race supremacy is so silly nowadays that I find surprising some people are into that. It's not even a matter of agreeing or not with such ideas, it's just a… Laughable ideology.

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This is false.

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>muh state muh gundry, baatriooods go team blue!

You're thinking about the state/country as yours, and not its own, it's certainly not there for you and you can't wield it, and all its institutions are only there for itself. Whoever fills the human spots for it, doesn't matter, that's why you can be replaced.

Just keep your blood alive, work towards destroying the state. Once the state is not there to chain you down, you can do your larpy mass murdering shit. But that is not now, and it literally does no good to us to incite violence against us.

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>being this much of a pussy

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Why not?

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Why do you post on /pol/?

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First of all, you are allowed to post here. The freedom to debate this topic is a testament to the importance of this website, as this inflammatory topic is squelched everywhere else.

Secondly, the burden of proof still lies with you. Yet again you post without providing supporting evidence. Those that frequent this website have seen mountains of evidence to support the contrary. It is up to you to convince us. At this point it is obvious you aren't white. Again, fuck off.

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Why not what?



Imagine being this shortsighted careless and unthinking of his children and theirs. At times even the boomer - however stupid they are - possess more wisdom than most of you young fools.

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>taking leftypol bait

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>pleasing like a woman

Find your testicles.

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lel PLEADING! not pleasing but you probably do that too.

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> if you think political violence is justified (I don't)

saged reported for being a jew

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You're talking like a sex-addict. Stop watching porn, get a life and stop larping. Not till you can lead with deeds can your words hold any weight.

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>New Zealanders all supported banning guns right after the shooting.


>And there were protests against "racism", and "hatred", full of masses of normies who had become convinced that being redpill meant being a genocidal nutcase like Charles Manson.


>Tarrant literally inspired hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders to join the anti-gun pro diversity left. If he actually wanted to help white people he would have been better off just staying home.

I take it back, it's not a jew, it's a federal agent.

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It is a boomer!

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> Not till you can lead with deeds can your words hold any weight.

That's a bit ironic there guy considering you're bitching about people who are leading with deeds while your bitch on a basket weaving board.

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To the unperceptive eye perhaps. But I say this to those that incite shootings, violence and stupid acts that never benefit us. I tell them, go do this thing yourself.

What I propose and advocate for, for the sake of our peoples, I already do.

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Better a 30 year old boomer free in mind and body, than a kike-corrupted pawn and slave.

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Oh shit you're autistic too. The giveaway if the pseudo-intellectual/spiritual drivel you keep posting. Last one.

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The increasing polarization fueled by media narratives is the biggest problem. Because it's obvious if one side increases in extremism, the other follows to counterbalance it.

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he disappeared for some time, went around to travel world aka train.

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Such a good argument. This is mine: it's not.


Thought /pol/ was about politics, not kkk incels.


I am white, but I hardly see how my or your race are in any way relevant. That's just using a fallacy in a poor attempt of hurting my arguments.

I could look for that info (you can get articled about it in a minute) but I don't care enough about it. I know that event the best of arguments won't convince any of you, just like you can't persuade any religious person to stop believing in their god.

And that's the opportunity you'll use to claim my arguments are invalid (even when you should know they are not, if you really investigated enough) and to feel like you are right, happily returning to circlejerking.

In any way I'll take my leave before someone actually gets mad or anything.

It's just sad to see how many of you still exist.

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Accelerationism was literally his goal. He won.

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You forgot to sage along the way. But go do something productive, bless your heart

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And that goal does only harm us. Well done to him.

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Mine is better than yours because you didn't support your original assertion. Burden of proof bb.

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You type like a slit and your cunt is full of blood you woman coward

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Depends, who's doing the shooting and who's doing the dying?

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>ban guns

>use explosives

0 sum game

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This. Votefags are beyond retarded.

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Hes right you nupol retard. Democracy is a fake system to placate the masses while kikes do whatever they want with the US.

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are you fucking lost, newfag?

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Or vehicles and knives (sometimes both in that order) as ISIS has done. Commercial drones or hacking automated systems will be the popular choices in the future.

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The situation is desperate, mass killings only exasperate the process.

However we are so far in the Liberal program of liquidation, that resistance to the replacement of European people, is proof that the liquidation was necessary in the first place.

I really don't see how White people are going to get out this situation. Even our very language has been stripped of its efficacy, do you understand this? Our own language, dominated by the Liberal frame, has stripped us ( and all distinct peoples ) of the very language of survival. It is no longer moral to wish to exist.

Liberalism creates situations so dreadful, so abominable i.e Liberal Multicultural Capitalism that to remedy it necessitates the creation of monsters.

That is Liberalism's ultimate victory I assume, that to overcome over this two hundred year evil, we may come out degraded and diminished, as with all those who have witnessed a great turning.

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>yes goyim, just keep breeding and having generations of your children indoctrinated by a pozzed liberal government. Who cares what happens? You'll be dead by then anyway!

Fuck off mohel, I'm alive right now when they're having trannies reading to kids, taking kids away from their parents because they wont let doctors pump their kids full of hormones, and actively PROMOTING homosexuality in schools. I'm not taking a chance on hoping the years to come will be positive

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Nope. People like you hurt us by trying to poo-poo the significance of St Crusius's actions

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Saint Crusius has a certain noble ring to it tbh

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We can't be having that shit. If gays wanna do stuff in private, I really don't give a fuck.

Promoting that homosexuality in fucking school to little kids? Disgusting. "Excuse me, it's Ma'am!" plays in my head over and over again.

14 Words can't be accomplished with that degeneracy taught to little kids.

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>black pill shillilng

Take the clown pill. You'll feel better.

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>Yeah, all those masses of people virtue signaling because they dont have guns and have no other choice but to say "I DISAVOW"

Having a boot on your throat hasnt been this trendy

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File: 34e52d1a6960686⋯.png (574.89 KB,774x809,774:809,34e52d1a69606863854b2c291f….png)

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yes killing people is in fact sabotage for incels

we should do something visible, even usefull for normies

killers are fags

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>>>13569765 (You)


>We can't be having that shit. If gays wanna do stuff in private, I really don't give a fuck.

>Promoting that homosexuality in fucking school to little kids? Disgusting. "Excuse me, it's Ma'am!" plays in my head over and over again.

>14 Words can't be accomplished with that degeneracy taught to little kids.


I'm gonna have to take you one further. We cant even allow gays to feel safe doing their disgusting degenerate shit in private. We tried giving them an inch with that, now look where we're at. DesmondIsAmazing.

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>supporting mass shooters is faggotry

True. We need more Lear jets and limousines shredded, film for keks

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These people call themselves National Socialists, but they know nothing about National Socialism.

Imagine if the Reich immediately began killing non Germans in the streets, BEFORE they had any unity, any organization, any plan, any militia , any military, any leader.

Acceleration only works for a

Prepared and united people, what’s needed now is Unity through economic and communal projects.

Instead of shooting innocents in the streets, we need to be practicing formation, and shooting targets.. preparing for the time when the violence will be self defense.

The ONLY thing that matters is TFR, and Eugenics. Killing random people in the streets , will not increase our birth rates.. of anything they will decrease them, as the media and ZOG has more justification to further demonize us, and strip assets from us.

From what I can discern, people who advocate for unprepared acceleration place their trust in a fiction, but they know nothing of Holodomor.

When the Ukrainians gave up their guns, they were tortured,raped, starved, and murdered.

Their biggest regret was giving up their guns.

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Only concern is the right to privacy/innocent until guilty all that shit.

Are we going to go door to door and check on people?

Gay Marriage is over, teaching little kids is gone, none of this I want to use whatever restroom shit.

Being serious anon, how could be end the shit private? Wish we could too, but I don't see it being feasible without extreme measures.

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Just go to China.

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they are tourists. maybe not even from here but some off shot discord made by alphabets.

I would be shocked if they lurk more than week, all they see are shit tier memes about AgentTarant and they think they can get same recognition so they do the same shit and try to smash wall with their heads.

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Anon the states is about to go less than 50% European, and it already is if you dont include the worthless boomers. There is no time for that anymore, it's either race war NOW or complete defeat within a decade.

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for

example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs

hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?

After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! “ Read Gulag Archipelago

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Holy shit, are those ATTACK NOW FAGGOTS shills annoying.

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Unlike with Tarrant and Sandy Hoax I believe these recent shootings are real as in they were probably legit shootings that actually happened, yet still at the same time like the afforementioned faux shooting events these were still false flag staged events too meaning they were also made to happen by Jews and their manchurian candidate operatives for political hate whitey + blame guns benefit.

So business as usual basically OP.

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All night I watched shill talk to shill. In one thread a glownigger fucked up and didn't change the VPN between posts.

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Never heard anybody here say "ATTACK NOW".

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And have you done the math? Have you considered how many HIGH IQ whites we will lose? What evidence do you have that acceleration for a non prepared army works?

Do you value land ahead of your bloodline?

Do you realize that we can re conquer land, but once the bloodline is gone, it’s forever vanished?

Are you Interested in walkIng the path laid by Gottfried Feder, and Adolf Hitler, or do you suppose that your plan is better?

Have you read the art of war? If so , please remind me where it says to attack when you are unprepared and your enemy is prepared.. where does it say to attack your enemy; where he most desires an attack?

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"it's either race war NOW" >>13569974


arent we in that thread?



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File: 08055731bdc7839⋯.png (1.09 MB,1280x752,80:47,1564935530012.png)

gas the kikes , race war now. lol

the next time somebody says end this immigration shit. kikes are gonna say what? diversity is our……….. diversity is our nothing. i want jews out of america banking and politics. i don't care if they leave on their own or get driven off in a gas van. for fucks sake. we will have a 4th reich. and i want free health care for hiv+ tranny muslims.

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You make the Sabbateans proud.

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That's always been a thing.


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Looks at OP image, looks at your posts.

I won.

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cunts fucked… been up all night. Honest newfag and just watching all the shilling going on.

I got several tabs open kek… my bad.

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File: cdcf57df6dfa149⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,577x537,577:537,if only you knew.jpg)


No one is prepared anon, literally no one is taking the idea of race war seriously except a very small percentage of us who post on /pol/. The US borderlines that will be struck in a racewar will favor whites heavily, and we are more heavily armed. Should it begin today, victory would be ensured. In another decade? In two decades? There would be no hope.

What is your plan? Do nothing and die when non whites finally reach 75+% like in South Africa? Where will you run to next when even Europe itself is covered in shitskins?

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hmm its not only that there is lot of

>what are you waiting for

kind of posts

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>changes ip but still copy pastes the same message like he always does

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File: add64bcf7a332e2⋯.jpg (102.07 KB,980x551,980:551,goy.jpg)

I only support those who do it to make a difference, those who kill politicians and alike.

Those who kill civilians are just idiots, even if the civilians they kill are immigrants.

There is no reason to clean up the spill when the leak is still there

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>what are you waiting for

That's not a very suspicious question. Just the other day I was trying to get on a public bus and this guy was just standing there with one foot on the bus and one foot on the street and I yelled at him:

What are you waiting for?

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File: 50d68b0704e5124⋯.png (600.36 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-08-03-23-5….png)

now this is odd?

This article needs additional citations for verification.

The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were a variety of followers of disciples and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza. wtf bro? 1666 -lol

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it is when before it writes, genocide, replacement etc.

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File: a3a298fb4b9006a⋯.jpg (101.15 KB,500x617,500:617,375fl9.jpg)

after i finish giving all my slaves abortions i'll look into it further so i can share what i have learned with putin.

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The way i see it is that the right to privacy/innocent until guilty is dead. It's just a matter of which side takes power and uses its neutralization for their own benefit.

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My way or the highway.


Fags with your kids.

Gay Marriage.

Bake my cake.

Wax my balls.

Seems the other side is taking it a step at time and just keeps taking. Perhaps you are right, whoever gets there first. :(

1488 or bust.

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Go home Mark, you're already wealthy.

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If we have a million people on our side and none of them are willing to do anything because they're all pacifist faggots like OP it means nothing.

If we have a thousand people on our side willing to fight and die for the cause, it means everything.

Do you fear the hippies or do you fear ISIS? Do you fear the Mossad or do you fear Trump the Cuck?

Islam has been growing and growing. All the militant groups grow.

Spineless cucks dwindle.

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>OP is right. These attacks drive away support and help the enemy recruit.

You're fucking wrong. I'm in Ontario and the more Brenton Tarrants we have, the more people actually want to join my local group, since I'm an unapologetic pusher of militant white nationalism. Nobody wants to join a cuck church, a cuck political group, a cuck anything. People are looking for the real deal.

Furthermore, the loss of pacifist support means nothing. Pacifists are useless!!!

>They are completely counter productive, not to mention immoral and illegal and they ruin the life of the perpetrator.

Strange how Islam grows. Strange how Jewish power grows. Strange how our enemies are killing us and growing.

/pol/ has more support than ever now that it is proving itself to be more than just LARPers

>Only someone who wishes you and your political movement harm would support these attacks.

Get some balls and just join us you glownigger deradicalization shill.

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What is more efficient?

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Will Walmart - one of the nation's largest retailers of guns and ammo - now drop gun and ammo sales? Up until now Walmart has resisted all pressure to force them to stop the sales. Will this "convenient cohencedence" cause them to change course?

And have you noticed all talk on the 24/7 media has turned to the shootings, ignoring most everything else?

It's like leading an ox by its nose ring.

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This anon here is correct: >>13568344

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are you always this retarded?

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The Asian gf is the less important part.

What's more worrying is concepts of Authority, Honor, Mission, Gratification delay and Brotherhood are being eroded.

The erosion of this types is what allows for things such as ghetto rap music and lack of border control

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>Oy vey goyim please keep doing the same inane political protest you have been doing since Rockwell so we can keep wasting your time and slow boil you

Suck lead OP

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There's no shortage of confused lazy entitled young white kids running around it appears. Why are we not seeing 40 or 50yo white men performing these duties? They have perspective. Detach yourself from the internet, travel,and come back to this country. You will see just how good you have it in this small world of yours. Living here in the U.S. by default puts you in the top 1%. Dont let your lack of drive and self inflicted neurosis eat you up. Explore and get past your own mailbox. You will see just how good you have it. Nothing stays the same in this life you have to work hard and not get distracted by the noise. Don't subscribe to the bunch of cowards taking aim at defenseless people. Take aim on your life goals not other people.

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I've heard of this phenomenon before. I'm looking for links for further reading.

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File: a1309ed6636bbbf⋯.jpg (80.28 KB,500x514,250:257,motherfucker.jpg)

>7 billion people in the world

<pretends to care when 20 beaners die at a walmart

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>Why are we not seeing 40 or 50yo white men performing these duties?

Because they are cowards and traitors that have sold out white countries for 30 pieces of silver and they are not about to sacrifice those 30 shekels to create a future for their children.

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They don't have perspective. It's the comfort and lack of perspective that keeps them passive. They reaped what was left of the old times they threw away. It's young people displaying the courage and heroism they do, because they grew up having to live with the consequences.

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I love sanctimonous prattling that boils down to"if you just interacted with the browns we import to mow our lawns you'd LOVE LOVE LOVE them!"

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>B-b-b-but muh accelerationism

>If we kill random niggers and spics it's not like thousands more will come in regardless

>We can bring down the government with these shootings my fellow goyi- er I mean white people

>The government will absolutely stop bringing in more shitskins if more shootings happen

Why are accelerationists such retards?

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because you're too busy being an optics cuck to take irl action, ergo, accelerationists get to do what they want.

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Life is better in France 🇫🇷👍🏻

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Holy fuck you're like the classic /pol/ tards that uses shitty 7 month memes. Leave your moms basement already and live in the real world and find a job. I'm tired of seeing the same type of shit tier posters who are disconnected from reality.

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>o-o-optics cuck!

>yes goy we can take action to get more on our side if we shoot more random shitskins

Let me guess, you came here as soon as you saw Tarrant on the news.

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Rage is great, hate is good, but use that source for long term results, not a presstitute's wet dream.


He wanted revenge.

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>more on our side

classic optics cuck, thinking democracy will save him.

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Not democracy, no. Have you even read Mein Kampf?

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OP is a faggot loser who hasn't read "Might is Right"

If we win, it doesn't matter what kind of brutality we had to use. We will write the history books that say it was a just and noble cause. But we will not be able to end White Genocide by peaceful methods

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Just like 9/11, the smoking gun is the smoke that is missing. In the case of 9/11 it was the missing interceptors, here it is the missing word in the manifesto.

Glad someone caught that. I read it twice yesterday and totally missed it.

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First, I do not agree with Violence, or Mass Shootings because they are stupid just to let the FBI reading this and 8ch know.

Though I have a copy of his original manifesto and my opinion is it is somewhat correct.

A.) illegals are a problem in the U.S it's a given fact.

B.) I'm not sure if this is correct, but I hear in the U.S illegals can easily come over get work visa's to work here in America to stay legal, thus how hard it really is for them to come live in America and take jobs?

C.) Big Corporations are a problem in America.

D.)Walmart could have been the target because of what Walmart has done using foreign slavery and a big corporate of greed if you do some research on the internet you will find this.

E.) The U.S Censorship of Social Media, for example removal of the "Great Replacement", This manifesto, and even the copy of the video I and a few private friends have of the * *land incident removed through social media, Big Corporates have too much power.

F.) He is also correct that automation is a problem here in America, go back to the days when Switchboard operators were a thing and use that as an example, as technology advances more and more jobs are lost.

Truth is in America it's hard to find a Job without a GED/ College, or High School Diploma these days.

I personally hope this shooter doesn't get the death penalty but rots in Prison for the rest of their life in a dark hole, because of all the innocents he killed, he could have just called ICE and had the illegals deported.

though one thing I don't agree with is Trumps wall, sure the idea is great on paper, but unless it's like the great wall of china, then just use force and keep them on their side of the border.

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File: 82914bd16692736⋯.png (1.6 MB,1350x1950,9:13,Bullet.png)

The only votes that matter are the ones cast with bullets.

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If every kike were to disappear tomorrow this system would still be working to eliminate whites because even "our elites" have sold out to them spiritually

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Methinks you're misreading the book there friend

>He maintains his own inherent independent royalty, as long as he can; and never surrenders, except before absolutely superior force. Even then he vows limitless vengeance and obligates his sons and son's sons, to undying hatred against the domination and spoliation, of his conquerors.

We are in the position of the conquered vassals, we are FINALLY starting to rebel and you would discourage people? Shame.

Read the book over again.

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America is not Wiemar Germany, it is a different beast and ignoring reality will only get you killed

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>New Zealanders all supported banning guns right after the shooting.

According to the (((media))), nobody actually turned in their guns. It's just like Sandy Hook in the USA back in 2012, there was a brief upswell of butt hurt and a bunch of gun grab propaganda, but nobody even cared or remembered a few months later because it's all knee jerk virtue signalling. I don't support this shooter shit either but at this point everybody is no nihilistic nobody really cares enough, if anything these frequent shootings are just making people inured to it, so they will be less likely to care or jump on some bandwagon.

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Taking power by force didnt work in Weimar either…but neither can we vote our way into power…

The best option then is to build parallel societies, get ready for 4th Gen Warfare/Insurgency while pushing for secession

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A couple days back those faggots deleted a thread about non violent meetups, yet they let all these shooting threads and glorification of violence threads stay up. That shows you what they really want.

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File: 53be1161ed6df87⋯.jpg (202.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,1421.jpg)


>guy shoots teens

>one of the victims his sister

OMG BAAAAAASED. Soon the white race will be saved.

I swear americans are the most gaslit and psyop'ed people in the world.

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The reason force didn't work was because it was clearly salvageable and Hitler did just that. The institutions of America can not be salvaged nor would there be any worth in occupying them.

Parallel structures built to outlast the current System are the best bet. However these will come under attack so this is not just a struggle to see the end of the System but the preservation of the race.

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Hi schizo

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There is a difference between organized resistance against a regime and young guys killing some people at random places like garlic festivals or malls then committing suicide one after another.

Just think about it; the Allies didn't send their soldiers onto omaha beach one after another.

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So why is this fag thread still up? Did a pussy mod make it?

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Lmao, yeah we should fight an organized empire in a open field in rank and file. That will work. A thousand cuts, faggot. Deal with it.

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The problem is that whites in the US have no deeper/older cultural structures to cling onto. Especially because most white people in the US come from pretty different cultures originally. Europe is a little bit more fortunate in that regard. Hard to deny Italians their Roman heritage. Italian Nationalists will always be able to use that as a rallying point …

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>A thousand cuts

Well first one of these cuts will have to actually land. I don't think the regime cares much for a couple dead teens in a mall. A couple dead politicians? Now that's a different story.

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If Op is always a faggot does this mean he supports mass shooters?

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Meanings of the recent shootings? To memory hole EPSTEIN and the murdering/raping of children.

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Every year thousands of whites die from suicide and addiction because they feel there is no place for them in society. Their deaths are ignored and swept under the rug of public awareness but when they take it out on the public the issue becomes harder to ignore.

Thousands of disaffected youth are expected to die in silence and they are a ticking time bomb that the System hopes will go out with a sputter.

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Don't let them slide Epstein & his criminal friends.

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Politicians are cheap and interchangeable but a sense of safety is not.

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What was that thing about some guy named Epstein..?

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Anheroing or surrendering to the cops is retarded though. If you go ahead and high score subhumans you should do everything in your power to get away with it so you can do it again. If you get cornered though, killing yourself is a valid option. Kikes and shitskins are sadistic pieces of shit, you don't want them to take you alive.

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>Politicians are cheap and interchangeable

No they're not.

>but a sense of safety is not

So? For decades hell holes like LA have had a higher murder rate PER DAY than any of these terror attacks. People don't feel safe already. People didn't feel safe after 9/11. Nothing changed.

The problem is that normal people can just tune out of the world and watch Netflix in their gated communities.

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Yes there are dangerous areas due to non white demographics but when the white flight people realize they can't run away from everything it will change their opinions on the System. Who the hell is gonna back the blue when their taxes increase and so does the crime?

Also I have yet to see any evidence that politicians hold any real value besides being famous to a degree.

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They're key people in political networks. Institutions, Unions, NGOs, the Hill etc are all connected by these valueless politicians. They're not just famous people who sit around all day and vote on laws sometimes lol

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File: 31b8e16ef9fda42⋯.png (340.54 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-03-04-1….png)

gas the kikes, race war now!!!

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/pol/ is a board of peace

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