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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 63f767b79b999f8⋯.jpg (76.39 KB,599x627,599:627,BIC0I3NCcAARu2m.jpg)

 No.13566837 [View All]

I don't know if the latest shooter is a false flag or not, and it doesn't really matter, it's the same either way.

You have to be incredibly dumb to support mass shooters. Even if you think political violence is justified (I don't), it still doesn't make sense as a strategy for us.

Think about it like this: there's a small minority of people who are ideologically committed, and a lot more people who are potential converts to either side. Call them "Swing Voters", or Normies. What these Normies are exposed to determines who they side with: they could one day end up becoming /pol/acks or PC bugpeople.

If white nationalist /pol/ guys kill random people, all the normies are going to associate our beliefs with being a crazy murderer. If people associate that shit with us, it's curtains, even if we keep shitposting online we're never going to see any of those normies wake up to the truth.

If you're feeling driven to sacrifice for the cause, there's room to do that: talk about stuff, organize, go public. Redpill your friends and family members. Be like that one guy at the free speech rally in DC who held up a sign that said "Jews Rule The World". That redpilled people, killing normies doesn't. It seems pretty obvious, and besides, isn't killing your own folk the most degenerate act?

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Will Walmart - one of the nation's largest retailers of guns and ammo - now drop gun and ammo sales? Up until now Walmart has resisted all pressure to force them to stop the sales. Will this "convenient cohencedence" cause them to change course?

And have you noticed all talk on the 24/7 media has turned to the shootings, ignoring most everything else?

It's like leading an ox by its nose ring.

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This anon here is correct: >>13568344

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are you always this retarded?

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The Asian gf is the less important part.

What's more worrying is concepts of Authority, Honor, Mission, Gratification delay and Brotherhood are being eroded.

The erosion of this types is what allows for things such as ghetto rap music and lack of border control

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>Oy vey goyim please keep doing the same inane political protest you have been doing since Rockwell so we can keep wasting your time and slow boil you

Suck lead OP

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There's no shortage of confused lazy entitled young white kids running around it appears. Why are we not seeing 40 or 50yo white men performing these duties? They have perspective. Detach yourself from the internet, travel,and come back to this country. You will see just how good you have it in this small world of yours. Living here in the U.S. by default puts you in the top 1%. Dont let your lack of drive and self inflicted neurosis eat you up. Explore and get past your own mailbox. You will see just how good you have it. Nothing stays the same in this life you have to work hard and not get distracted by the noise. Don't subscribe to the bunch of cowards taking aim at defenseless people. Take aim on your life goals not other people.

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I've heard of this phenomenon before. I'm looking for links for further reading.

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File: a1309ed6636bbbf⋯.jpg (80.28 KB,500x514,250:257,motherfucker.jpg)

>7 billion people in the world

<pretends to care when 20 beaners die at a walmart

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>Why are we not seeing 40 or 50yo white men performing these duties?

Because they are cowards and traitors that have sold out white countries for 30 pieces of silver and they are not about to sacrifice those 30 shekels to create a future for their children.

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They don't have perspective. It's the comfort and lack of perspective that keeps them passive. They reaped what was left of the old times they threw away. It's young people displaying the courage and heroism they do, because they grew up having to live with the consequences.

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I love sanctimonous prattling that boils down to"if you just interacted with the browns we import to mow our lawns you'd LOVE LOVE LOVE them!"

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>B-b-b-but muh accelerationism

>If we kill random niggers and spics it's not like thousands more will come in regardless

>We can bring down the government with these shootings my fellow goyi- er I mean white people

>The government will absolutely stop bringing in more shitskins if more shootings happen

Why are accelerationists such retards?

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because you're too busy being an optics cuck to take irl action, ergo, accelerationists get to do what they want.

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Life is better in France 🇫🇷👍🏻

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Holy fuck you're like the classic /pol/ tards that uses shitty 7 month memes. Leave your moms basement already and live in the real world and find a job. I'm tired of seeing the same type of shit tier posters who are disconnected from reality.

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>o-o-optics cuck!

>yes goy we can take action to get more on our side if we shoot more random shitskins

Let me guess, you came here as soon as you saw Tarrant on the news.

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Rage is great, hate is good, but use that source for long term results, not a presstitute's wet dream.


He wanted revenge.

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>more on our side

classic optics cuck, thinking democracy will save him.

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Not democracy, no. Have you even read Mein Kampf?

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OP is a faggot loser who hasn't read "Might is Right"

If we win, it doesn't matter what kind of brutality we had to use. We will write the history books that say it was a just and noble cause. But we will not be able to end White Genocide by peaceful methods

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Just like 9/11, the smoking gun is the smoke that is missing. In the case of 9/11 it was the missing interceptors, here it is the missing word in the manifesto.

Glad someone caught that. I read it twice yesterday and totally missed it.

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First, I do not agree with Violence, or Mass Shootings because they are stupid just to let the FBI reading this and 8ch know.

Though I have a copy of his original manifesto and my opinion is it is somewhat correct.

A.) illegals are a problem in the U.S it's a given fact.

B.) I'm not sure if this is correct, but I hear in the U.S illegals can easily come over get work visa's to work here in America to stay legal, thus how hard it really is for them to come live in America and take jobs?

C.) Big Corporations are a problem in America.

D.)Walmart could have been the target because of what Walmart has done using foreign slavery and a big corporate of greed if you do some research on the internet you will find this.

E.) The U.S Censorship of Social Media, for example removal of the "Great Replacement", This manifesto, and even the copy of the video I and a few private friends have of the * *land incident removed through social media, Big Corporates have too much power.

F.) He is also correct that automation is a problem here in America, go back to the days when Switchboard operators were a thing and use that as an example, as technology advances more and more jobs are lost.

Truth is in America it's hard to find a Job without a GED/ College, or High School Diploma these days.

I personally hope this shooter doesn't get the death penalty but rots in Prison for the rest of their life in a dark hole, because of all the innocents he killed, he could have just called ICE and had the illegals deported.

though one thing I don't agree with is Trumps wall, sure the idea is great on paper, but unless it's like the great wall of china, then just use force and keep them on their side of the border.

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The only votes that matter are the ones cast with bullets.

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If every kike were to disappear tomorrow this system would still be working to eliminate whites because even "our elites" have sold out to them spiritually

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Methinks you're misreading the book there friend

>He maintains his own inherent independent royalty, as long as he can; and never surrenders, except before absolutely superior force. Even then he vows limitless vengeance and obligates his sons and son's sons, to undying hatred against the domination and spoliation, of his conquerors.

We are in the position of the conquered vassals, we are FINALLY starting to rebel and you would discourage people? Shame.

Read the book over again.

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America is not Wiemar Germany, it is a different beast and ignoring reality will only get you killed

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>New Zealanders all supported banning guns right after the shooting.

According to the (((media))), nobody actually turned in their guns. It's just like Sandy Hook in the USA back in 2012, there was a brief upswell of butt hurt and a bunch of gun grab propaganda, but nobody even cared or remembered a few months later because it's all knee jerk virtue signalling. I don't support this shooter shit either but at this point everybody is no nihilistic nobody really cares enough, if anything these frequent shootings are just making people inured to it, so they will be less likely to care or jump on some bandwagon.

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Taking power by force didnt work in Weimar either…but neither can we vote our way into power…

The best option then is to build parallel societies, get ready for 4th Gen Warfare/Insurgency while pushing for secession

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A couple days back those faggots deleted a thread about non violent meetups, yet they let all these shooting threads and glorification of violence threads stay up. That shows you what they really want.

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>guy shoots teens

>one of the victims his sister

OMG BAAAAAASED. Soon the white race will be saved.

I swear americans are the most gaslit and psyop'ed people in the world.

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The reason force didn't work was because it was clearly salvageable and Hitler did just that. The institutions of America can not be salvaged nor would there be any worth in occupying them.

Parallel structures built to outlast the current System are the best bet. However these will come under attack so this is not just a struggle to see the end of the System but the preservation of the race.

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Hi schizo

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There is a difference between organized resistance against a regime and young guys killing some people at random places like garlic festivals or malls then committing suicide one after another.

Just think about it; the Allies didn't send their soldiers onto omaha beach one after another.

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So why is this fag thread still up? Did a pussy mod make it?

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Lmao, yeah we should fight an organized empire in a open field in rank and file. That will work. A thousand cuts, faggot. Deal with it.

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The problem is that whites in the US have no deeper/older cultural structures to cling onto. Especially because most white people in the US come from pretty different cultures originally. Europe is a little bit more fortunate in that regard. Hard to deny Italians their Roman heritage. Italian Nationalists will always be able to use that as a rallying point …

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>A thousand cuts

Well first one of these cuts will have to actually land. I don't think the regime cares much for a couple dead teens in a mall. A couple dead politicians? Now that's a different story.

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If Op is always a faggot does this mean he supports mass shooters?

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Meanings of the recent shootings? To memory hole EPSTEIN and the murdering/raping of children.

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Every year thousands of whites die from suicide and addiction because they feel there is no place for them in society. Their deaths are ignored and swept under the rug of public awareness but when they take it out on the public the issue becomes harder to ignore.

Thousands of disaffected youth are expected to die in silence and they are a ticking time bomb that the System hopes will go out with a sputter.

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Don't let them slide Epstein & his criminal friends.

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Politicians are cheap and interchangeable but a sense of safety is not.

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What was that thing about some guy named Epstein..?

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Anheroing or surrendering to the cops is retarded though. If you go ahead and high score subhumans you should do everything in your power to get away with it so you can do it again. If you get cornered though, killing yourself is a valid option. Kikes and shitskins are sadistic pieces of shit, you don't want them to take you alive.

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>Politicians are cheap and interchangeable

No they're not.

>but a sense of safety is not

So? For decades hell holes like LA have had a higher murder rate PER DAY than any of these terror attacks. People don't feel safe already. People didn't feel safe after 9/11. Nothing changed.

The problem is that normal people can just tune out of the world and watch Netflix in their gated communities.

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Yes there are dangerous areas due to non white demographics but when the white flight people realize they can't run away from everything it will change their opinions on the System. Who the hell is gonna back the blue when their taxes increase and so does the crime?

Also I have yet to see any evidence that politicians hold any real value besides being famous to a degree.

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They're key people in political networks. Institutions, Unions, NGOs, the Hill etc are all connected by these valueless politicians. They're not just famous people who sit around all day and vote on laws sometimes lol

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File: 31b8e16ef9fda42⋯.png (340.54 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-03-04-1….png)

gas the kikes, race war now!!!

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/pol/ is a board of peace

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