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 No.13549944 [Last50 Posts]

Watch (((Sanders))), Warren, Buttigieg, Beta, Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, Ryan, Delaney, (((Williamson))), and Bullock fight over who can promise the most gibs to shitskins and complain the most about Baltimore and how it's somehow whitey's fault

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This intro feels so phony and forced.

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on the cnn website as well

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what's with this dude not putting his hand over his heart

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>>13549955 (checked)

What else do you expect from a bunch of phonies?

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At least the stream isn't constantly crashing like last time. Maybe I can focus more on the shitshow.

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live here

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>let's get started


Fucking really?

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File: f21b076fa084274⋯.png (216.8 KB,250x300,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)


>what's with this dude not putting his hand over his heart

Frickin' millennials don't even know what happened 12 years ago

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That dude has the right idea fags, Americas a kike shithole with nothing but dumb niggers

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>nationalism is bad


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Wow, mary, that was some kind of closing. All this and more on 60 minutes?

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no more free everything???? um racist much sweatie??????

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>profits are a false god, fuck corporations

>buuuuuut I endorse the rest of their agenda completely

Fuck I'm already pissed bros

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CivNats aren't nationalists

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America is not a nation anymore, it's a clusterfuck of pseudo-nations. It's like being a soviet "nationalist".

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Is this guy implying that we're going to get $50/hr factory jobs back?

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le """new""" ebin centrist

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>it's not about reforming old systems, it's about building new systems

oy vey that goy is treading a fine line

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New systems based on our new spic and women fag shit system

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the balkanization appears inevitable

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You know, I'm half tempted to turn this shit off. It's almost unwatchable.

>blah blah blah


>blah blah blah


>blah blah blah


There isn't any time to process what they're saying.

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women were a mistake

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It is inevitable, I have nothing in common with people anymore as a white man and I'm constantly shit on while women get fucking everything for free and we men have to suffer

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File: 009c31513671039⋯.jpg (64.07 KB,1024x784,64:49,serveimage.jpg)

what else

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"Immigration is one of our core values".

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Trumps a kike faggot anyways so it's not like anyone in this shithole is any good

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muh 12 years climate

donald trump

*speaks spanish*

human rights

killing babies

muh faggots

corporations bad (but I really agree with them)

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Democratic Party debates are always simple. They use terms like sharing, diversity, building, environment, progressive, etc, etc, etc.

The simple translation is:

I will let you kill more white people than that guy!

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File: 0f02349e55d124e⋯.jpg (170.18 KB,636x763,636:763,Trumpcuck.jpg)





>Shits on your republic

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File: 1f9b64eb9b7d231⋯.jpg (33.45 KB,480x640,3:4,gun_goblin.jpg)


some form of gun grabbing/control

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File: d33c74a800174f9⋯.gif (1.7 MB,350x266,25:19,what have i done.gif)

>science tells us 12 years

>12 years ago…

>science tells us 12 years

>we must not recycle the same arguments

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historically, multi ethnic nations eventually end up in violent balkanization if i'm not mistaken

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>licks lips nervously

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I remember watching An Inconvenient Truth in grade school, these people are full of shit

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>in grade school

fuck i'm getting old

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This is scripted. Like, this is blatantly scripted.

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>We are the democrats – we are not about taking health care from anyone

<but we're going to put Whitey at the back of the line so he dies of his wounds and sickness because he's privileged

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File: b9b1262ec42d040⋯.jpg (83.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

Free train rides Bernie!

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Yeah no shit, they've always been like this forever

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How'd you guess Tesla?

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>There isn't any time to process what they are saying

That is by design

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The women are going to be obnoxious tonight and every time they go obscenely over time they'll get wild applause and women hollering from the audience

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why'd they let her have so much time?

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She is a woman and 1/6,000,000 Cherokee Navajo Delaware Mohican.

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But this is the worst I've ever seen it or at least it's the worst I can remember seeing it. I wonder if leftyfags are noticing.

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>this is important


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Because they don't believe in rules or equality as evident from their own internal power games. But they know useful idiots who do.

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This isn't the worst

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>both women are wearing red jackets to project power

lmao they're so pathetic

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Women are all pathetic

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they keep telling these dumb stories

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They all know I guy who died or is sick.

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they have a purpose and place, but to seem them on stage in these jackets is just perverse

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>*old man yelling and gesticulating on stage*

>wild applause

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oh now these people want to talk about God given rights

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Just started watching and it's already a shit show holy shit.

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Applause for the crazy old jew yelling like a fucking senile fruit with Alzheimers.

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>>13550022 (checked)

This. Just because the other side is full of fuckups doesn't mean Trump's civnat 180s can be forgotten.

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No filthy spic speak yet though

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all these words come out of their mouth but they are saying nothing. literal gobbledygook

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I'm not voting. I'm just watching the fire.

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Health insurance companies don't have a right to profit!

I know Warren is retarded, but damn.

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I don't think it went over well last time.

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free healthcare ese

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Wow, did Gabbard not even get invited? Are the kikes that upset over her anti-war comments?

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maybe tomorrow night. biden vs everyone else

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This broad is seriously high as fuck.

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She's tomorrow night with Yang and Biden.

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muh canada

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Can someone sum it up as of now and every 10 minutes or so

My shitty office internet has blocked news sites and YouTube

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Soyboy who takes it in the ass running for POTUS. 'Merica.

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Imagine actually watching this

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>complaining about lobbying

I bet that filthy kike accepted stuff from lobbyists

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current summary:

>my friend's insurance

>my friend's son died

>my mother's insurance


>muh choice

>need to gib choice


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I guess I'll have to wait to cross that off on the bingo sheet, thanks for the update anon.

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That's what this thread is attempting to do. Past 10 has been healthcare debate on the scope of single payer.

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Come on anon, it's always fun to watch morons fight each other.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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They're place is in the kitchen

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Your triple dubs make it so.

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Oh no crazy old jew is getting upset.

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We can't afford to ignore what the System is up to anon

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I enjoy watching America crash and burn

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God's work anon. I got nothing out of this incoherent gobbledegook except muh free healthcare and fuck DRUMPF!

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I just feel like I know what they're going to say already and because they are all Jewish puppets. Either way, I've got nothing to do so I might as well tune in.

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If he did this shit last cycle he might have buried Clinton.

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get this dude some water. he can't keep licking his lips like this

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>immigration time

Get ready for white genocide talking-points

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I like looking at plane crashes and car crashes too. Same thing. The end result of all this is bloodshed and death.

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File: 1a2f8de00f6e96b⋯.jpg (46.36 KB,618x478,309:239,86c0fe1eb7710f4b9f291c7c43….jpg)

>immigration reform

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also Beto is going to start speaking directly to the spics soon

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>decriminalizing border hopping

He can't be serious.

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We all know what they're going to say, the magic happens is what new retarded way will they say it?

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File: 4ee2c0d6bb3c802⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,633x331,633:331,1561230152141.jpg)


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I love laughing at old Jewish people too anon but has anyone used any sort of evidence other than personal experience in this debate so far

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AIDS boy loves his little spic pizza.

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oh he is

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When he said Build duh Wall he meant for Jerusalem.

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This fucking grandma should stick to reading books to kids at the library

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if they're complaining about children, they should think of them as ultra-late term abortions and I'm sure they'll feel better

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They should be lucky they're not being booted right back from where they came from

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I hate to ask but what are they saying about immigration

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The set Warren up for this debate against the B-team and she's still getting fucked up. Too much testosterone on stage.

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File: 75990667fa596a2⋯.jpg (74.89 KB,519x380,519:380,429.jpg)

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I actually heard them talking about prosecuting illegals? The fuck?

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babies in cages is bad but murdering children isn't? these people are insane

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Now they're talking about actually securing the borders????????????????????? Is this the Democrat debate?

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>immigrants ARE America

How did I fucking call it.

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File: 3694d3168ad23f2⋯.jpg (100.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,smileontheinside.jpg)


They have drag pedos for that now.

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Trump's new slogan.

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>muh baby cages

>give money to third world shitholes

>decriminalize crossing the border

>muh drumpf

>give immigrants healthcare and college

>immigrants are America, goy

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>strong border protections

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Only a civil offense! That'll be our strong border protection? Damn, they're retarded, I think this is going to be my go to word for tonight and tomorrow.

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For the Americans here, do you support universal healthcare for white Americans only?

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File: ff6899314c4654c⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,422x480,211:240,ff6899314c4654c0671ce9e739….jpg)

>we'll have strong border protections

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Lol? Did Bernie just say giving everyone free shit won't encourage more illegal immigration because we'll have strong borders?

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>moar spics

>moar niggers

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they're actually talking about making a stronger border secruity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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walking 1000 miles = no longer a criminal

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File: c7634c9aca5949a⋯.png (22.56 KB,400x400,1:1,1287108443222024.png)

Thank you /pol/ for watching this shitshow so I don't have to

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His slogan is

>the largest numbers ever

>let's bring the whole hemisphere together

How about let's fucking not kike

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Oh fuck now we're rebuilding central America. Can we just genocide them all like we should have?

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No, how it was before America was ruined by the third world and kikes was fine, everybody knew their doctors and they were all White, grandpa still remembers his local doctor and hes almost 95 years old.

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Camp of the Saints wasn't a warning, it was a guide for Democrats

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File: a62e0b658d91cec⋯.png (311.99 KB,517x424,517:424,d34693a8ae672b14e8d9142d1b….png)


my brain hurts

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You're missing something that is actually entertaining but also rage inducing, it's a fun time.

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>Thank you /pol/ for watching this shitshow so I don't have to

They've been laying into each other; the ones with business experience are tearing into Bernie/Warren over healthcare.

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no, healthcares jewish, you live and die young so the next crop can take over, people living forever is a plague to society

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So if I walk 500 miles, and then I walk 500 more. I could be the man who walked 1,000 miles and raped her at her door legally?

Guess I'm a democrat now.

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File: 834e897919fec34⋯.jpg (393.71 KB,1162x647,1162:647,JEW MONEY.jpg)



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File: 6d3677280fc8cef⋯.jpg (22.34 KB,320x585,64:117,Dvi0JfoW0AEXd1s.jpg)

>sane system

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Cities are imploding, people are out of work…


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File: 4dc9bf241b8a906⋯.jpg (20.08 KB,599x208,599:208,Spicnigcycle.jpg)


No, healthcare is great here if you have a good job and it will only get better if we end the spic nig cycle.

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Their claims are invalid if they've passed through another country

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>more consumers

Yes, p r e c i s e l y, we will no longer have billing departments and bureaucracy in hospitals so there is no charge to the consumers. Don't worry, soyim, the very same hospitals are owned by the insurance companies who set the prices. There will be free health care for all.

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File: cb408dcbab7ff1c⋯.jpg (167.2 KB,800x656,50:41,17b8565de72bdba999df70e011….jpg)

"""humane""" border policy

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File: 1aa7fe9ddff2300⋯.png (37.58 KB,500x414,250:207,saitama king of the hill.png)

ready for the shit show

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Healthcares for gays

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>Everything we've been talking about here is everything wrong with American Politics

Finally, someone says it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This stream has chat enabled

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There will also be no immigration judges so there will be no more immigration backlog. Socialism at work.

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No one wants to talk about why we even need so much fuckin healthcare: the population is fat as shit.

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American healthcare is pretty good if you have a major employer. Cost are driven through the roof by people who are perpetually in the doc's office for minor shit, and the people who want to sue hospitals when grandma dies a 99 after eating her husband's revolver.

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so many white people on stage, they seemingly have no idea that the democrat party is now a unapologetic anti-white minority party. Their political futures are over, its like a fish laying on the cleaning board, not knowing its already done.

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File: b25665eef25f558⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,626x545,626:545,1458092640304.jpg)

here comes the gun grabbing

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>let me tell you how this problem is actually affecting me

Every single time.

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Nog night is tomorrow.

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There will be no gun violence because there will be no guns.

Seems to be the common theme of tonight's debate.

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Kid was literally shaking and crying rn omg.

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Why don't we focus on what is making people go beserk and shoot up large amounts of people instead of taking all the guns and turning your citizens into state-slaves

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Where are these faggots getting their poll results from?

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Aren't assault weapons able to fire full auto? I thought those are extremely regulated in the US

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If we could just talk about these policies, we already know these policies, so we need to deal with this so you don't have to. High shcool is hard enough.

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Shitskins have the highest obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates. I cannot wait for Civil War and DOTR.

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File: 413cabe59840dbc⋯.jpg (31.48 KB,565x600,113:120,18d6c5744c69f5f866d4b9442a….jpg)

My old high school has a rifle range on campus and no one was worried about getting shot

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There's no such thing as an "assault weapon". It's just a buzzword.

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>close the boyfriend loophole

did I hear this shit right?

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Yes you did. I have no idea what that is.

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boomer detected

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NRA is scary!

NRA is scary!

NRA is scary!

NRA is scary!

Holy shit that is so tiring.

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Oh, nice. Assault rifles are the ones with selective fire right?

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Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I don't know what that is.

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What have they said about muh guns so far

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File: ecaf112607fab77⋯.jpg (18.34 KB,500x315,100:63,63587649980652432211331563….jpg)

>they talked to their dads

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>The people are with us now! Really this time!

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It means a crazy ex can get your guns taken away


I was born in 1990

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>Finally, someone says it.

The fact that the moonbat GILF new age author with no political experience has been consistently presenting more salient answers than literally everyone else is pretty hilarious.


>Hickenlooper talking about muh gun laws

Fucking lmao. Literally every county in Colorado except two of them has refused point-blank to enforce the new laws ever since they were passed and multiple state senators and representatives were ousted in recall elections.

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I want everyone to have free guns

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(((dark money)))

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Sounds good to me

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You're right, you need multiple guns.

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They're just rifles. Some are semi-auto. That's it. If you want a full-auto it's like $10,000 for the tax stamp + the cost of the weapon.

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Shieeeeeeeeeeeet. I got them bands nigga

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lmao Turner CNN shut it down right as the ringmaster asked what the boyfriend loophole is

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>muh NRA

>kids literally shaking

>we need red flag laws, universal background checks

>no one needs an "assault weapon" in this society

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You can thank Ronald Regean (Republican) for that

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File: 2a20c58c4072cf2⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,750x738,125:123,2a20c58c4072cf2b29b7a20c6f….jpg)


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Tax stamp is $200


And the import ban of the cool Euro funs

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but ronny was such a good republican. all the republicans said so. not like that dick who granted amnesty…oh wait.

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>kids literally shaking


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Yeah I know, fucking republicucks are just as shit as libcucks, I fucking hate both groups because they're all just kikes

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Dems apparently can't make logical arguments without including some personal anecdote story nobody cares about

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Boomers who own lots of pre-86 full autos are the most vocal opponents of repealing the NFA because they’ll lose their “investment”.

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Some anecdotal shit from people on stage talking about kids crying about school shootings and why anyone needs "assault rifles"

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That's called virtue signalling

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>>People look at me funny.

Hey, look ma its Alfred E Newman!

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For the full auto? I'm probably switching the stamp and the rifle cost then

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the companies huh…

not gonna happen

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They're such wonderful people.

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File: b520f31d18aad05⋯.png (206.71 KB,287x474,287:474,kek.PNG)

Chat is pretty based

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Kikes are Co opting the zognald meme.

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I don't think the moderators like her at all.

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>Calls out the doublespeaking politicians for pocketing money from gun lobbyists and then pretending they have the moral high ground to gun grab

<W-We'll be right back!

I keked.

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>Uh oh, don't indict corporate control of the political system IN GENERAL! Please keep you criticism limited to liberal causes, thank you!

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I can't believe a new age (((con-artist))) is the only one calling out the hypocrisy.

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It's been so long since I've seen a tv ad, I forgot how faggy they are.


Yep. At the time the NFA was passed into law $200 was a lot of money. Thankfully (I guess) the cost is set in stone.

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File: f50996adb46ae6d⋯.png (24.96 KB,546x350,39:25,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch on CNN

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She's has nothing to lose and lives in la-la land. Flying high on that dopamine rush 24/7.

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Williamson? She's a based jew.

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Too bad the cost of the weapons didn't get a cap on them, now they get treated like a fucking investment by old dudes who never do shit with them but keep them oiled so their investment doesn't lose money.

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File: 50a1db44f70e5e9⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,434x532,31:38,1555698661586.jpg)


>She's a based jew

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Pretty much, she knows she doesn't have a shot and wants to get her name out to more people to con more people.

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>We want someone who can beat Trump more than someone who will actually work for our interests

I honestly believe it.

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She's from Houston. My home town and that makes me angery

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File: fdd6cdad3a2253a⋯.gif (2.4 MB,250x188,125:94,kill me.gif)

Aaaaaaand we're back!


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>born 1990

We don't know what the fuck to call you.

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Get out.

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>muh soy

like pottery

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You have to admit, listening to these retards talk about how they're going to improve upon the fake economy is just ludicrous.

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>$15 an hour should be the minimum wage

This dude doesn't realize that a lot of entry level positions requiring a BS are trying to start people at $16-$18 an hour around major cities. The job market is a fucking disaster.

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this so blatantly fake it's surreal

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I don't get how some of them can actually talk about these things as if they believe it when their base doesn't give a damn about any of it.

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What are they doing, talking about the economy now?

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lol thats already double what it was when I was a kid, this nations fucked

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beating trump

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>*smug chuckle*

>as on of the few who one of an election in a red state

This guy needs an attitude adjustment

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>Too bad the cost of the weapons didn't get a cap on them, now they get treated like a fucking investment by old dudes who never do shit with them but keep them oiled so their investment doesn't lose money.

They also screech to each other on forums whenever someone makes noise about repealing the NFA or re-opening the machine gun registry. Ask /k/ about it.


>I don't get how some of them can actually talk about these things as if they believe it when their base doesn't give a damn about any of it.

They literally lie to stupid people for a living.

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File: 042e663abf95d49⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

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Id like to know how they think increasing minimum wage is going to do anything other than increasing the unemployment rate.

That or hyper inflation.

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>Beating Trump

>Beating Trump

LOL they actually believe they can.

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>Detroit is turning around

Yeah, into a shithole.

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Warren "won".

She's the only one with a pulse.

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I mean, why would their base want to vote for them if they say they may have to actually work for something and not as much free stuff as the guy or tranny next to them.

So much for "hands off my guns" from that crowd, disgusting.

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>implying it wasn’t already one

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File: 81dd1478014479b⋯.webm (6.85 MB,640x360,16:9,Detroit in 1961.webm)

>look at Detroit

they really don't want to do that

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File: 357af002596bd4c⋯.png (99.34 KB,214x258,107:129,wtf.PNG)

this guy

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didn't some white guy just get murdered there by a nog?

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he's just inexperienced at fake smiling

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File: 663942025c975d3⋯.jpg (11.79 KB,480x360,4:3,Bill.jpg)

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>We've tried the solution

No we haven't. Buy we should

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>fight big money

will they fight big tech that is bankrolling them?

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File: 6d7aa3cd76050eb⋯.jpg (66.56 KB,680x418,340:209,1486579264505.jpg)

I don't know if I should depressed or enraged watching this. Democracy is the Jew's wet-dream

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If only he weren't 80 and a fucking spic-loving kike

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File: 0dba497895cfe2b⋯.png (66.69 KB,249x261,83:87,thisgoy.png)


woah there trip trips

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great counter balance to show how insane national politics have become these past few years

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You're gonna have to jog my memory, whites are murdered by the hundreds there by niggers.

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Nah she got pummeled earlier. I think the winner of this debate might be closer than what is expected.

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Young jew Don Rickles.

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Nigger Warren is a stupid fucking dumb annoying cunt whose scammed everything. She lies like a fucking jews she got into bed with all the big banks

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yes and yes.

Sanders wont be getting replays. Warren's getting the better media coverage from msm. Sanders gets internet points everyone else is not going to get air time.

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M U H 1 2 Y E A R S

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Neither friend. If a Democrat gets elected for 2020, none of the shit that has been talked about will happen. Even if it did, it would put us one step closer to the next Civil War.

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>Wingate was killed early Monday morning after the minor crash at Livernois and Davison. Surveillance video from the gas station showed Wingate walking up to a man and being hit with a vicious right punch.

>Several witnesses standing nearby watched Tyler drop to the ground and at one point, Tyler tried to get up but the punches and kicks continued.

>A witness was able to pull the man off of Tyler, and the man even appeared to try to swing at that witness.

>When Tyler was laying lifeless, police say Davis tries to render some kind of aid, checked for a pulse then leaves the scene.

>Then everyone but Tyler walked away as they left him to die.

>Detroit Police say Davis didn't have a valid license - and the car he was driving wasn't his.


Basically white guy from cali is in detroit, get into car accident, nigger chimps and beats him to death. He relaxed.

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>wants to save the environment

>wants to let millions of shitskins in to live in wasteful consumerist Western countries


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Cause she's a fake injun and thats how she's always gotten away with everything she does, shes a massive fucking jew scam artist, she took huge payoffs from all the major banks and companies so she didn't fight shit

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File: ca322c8d440d994⋯.jpeg (412.96 KB,600x791,600:791,cockmongler.jpeg)

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>I'm going to fund carbon eating robots

Yeah, because something catastrophic and unintended won't happen you fucking dumbass

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>Takes carbon out of air

<Kills all trees

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File: f1e787ca77d8162⋯.gif (3.1 MB,450x262,225:131,autism.gif)

>i'm going to create a climate court

>this is a realistic plan

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As President he will literally suck all the carbon out of the air. He's had practice.

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File: b8e1dd9cc2684e1⋯.jpg (89 KB,500x664,125:166,unabomber ted kaczynski sk….jpg)


Don't question tech, goy

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>"We're going to paint the country with solar panels and trees."

>where will we put the tree with all of the solar panels needed to power the country


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No one will listen until its too late. Now go plug in your Neuralink, goy, and stop thinking

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Wow. He's actually talking about growing healthy food. That's the first intelligent thing that's been said tonight.

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I know, whats annoying the fuck out of me is some of the things these fags have said actually make some sense

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None have the will or fortitude to bring anything to fruition.

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>muh climate change

Don't these fools realize that carbon dioxide in the air feeds the trees. A level of CO2 has to be maintain. It's just sham that will not stop. All it is about is carbon taxes. Taxes…more money taken from you

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Thats part of the plan boys, you can't have all the "good" ideas on one side of the aisle, the goy need to align with both teams so they can be tasked to fight each other, with (((their))) teams good ideas.

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I don;t know, trump apparently didn't have shit either with all his promises

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Jews are a part of the problem.

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File: 8dec21c6749c97a⋯.jpg (332.24 KB,1250x1126,625:563,8dec21c6749c97a58c51786679….jpg)

>leave their children a planet that is healthy

Genghis Khan killed so many people the forests grew back

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Jews are the problem.

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What’s the summary on the last 10 or so minutes, I know it involves the environment or energy

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File: 4e324462c132bb4⋯.jpg (128.55 KB,451x640,451:640,d4ff0b30765666208b75e9cf31….jpg)

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>>13550388 (heil'd)

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Bernie Sanders is the most jewish fag up there

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How many houses and boats does Kike Sanders have? lol and he talks about the working man when he doesn;t do shit for work

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Has this guy opened his eyes at all during this debate?

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File: 78810cdea14c376⋯.jpg (81.1 KB,764x1024,191:256,fuehrerisdisappointed.jpg)

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why are we worrying about climate change when CHINA AND ASIA CONTRIBUTE TO ALL OF IT

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Hold the fuck on. 10 years? It was 12 years 10 minutes ago.

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That room is choc full of Juden.

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>muh wind


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>doesn;t do shit for work

He has literally never had a real job.

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If I recall correctly, he's never had a private sector job.


So they can rape your wallet while enriching themselves.

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>farmers: "pay me for taking care of my land that i get tax breaks on"

Are farmers niggers?

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If we dont get it together in 10 years itll be too late!

Vote for me otherwise we'll be dead in 7 years!

Holy shit if we don't go with my plan we'll be dead in 3 years!!!!!!!!

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8 years? what do you need 6 years for?

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It'll take a handful of ecofags to bitch about the wind turbines in their backyards to get them taken down.

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lmao no live chat, jfc its like the american people no longer have a voice anymore

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Not to mention buying those with the money of naive would-be communist kids and redditors who thought he could win even when he got ousted by Hillary


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anyone got another stream

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How to solve the Flint water problem: pay your god damned bills.

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Yeah, didn't he also close down a Catholic school or something and replaced it with some jew shit?

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Balkanization implies Whites will fight back and try to secure a piece of the pie for themselves and not just die out slowly. If you want to imagine America in 2100, think of a Walmart in San Antonio, but on everywhere and for all time

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We're going to die in 4 years if we don't get it together in 2 years!

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>muh this wouldn't have happened in my white community

>gets the most applause of the night

Jesus fucking christ

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>dark psychic force

She's done.

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Isn't flint run by democrats? Why do they keep electing racists?

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thanks, working

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Oh shit, she's on to us.

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>racism racism racism

>now we turn to race in america

Holy fucking shit man.

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not by the amount of applause she got

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File: 83adfa56b621f66⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,CNN_White_Power_hour.mp4)

>the democrats are going to see some very dark days

she doesn't know how right she is

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Specifically chinks. They're the biggest polluters.

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File: 40333fe045a2dc4⋯.jpg (82.39 KB,500x450,10:9,chaos-up-in-this-motherfuc….jpg)




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Kek. Flint is majority nigger. Hm…

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File: 2173f669c754db9⋯.png (834.74 KB,610x800,61:80,jewess.PNG)


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They're going to murder her in the headlines.

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Maybe because niggers are shit at everything

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File: 42c5170da8a7709⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,chaos.jpeg)

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you won diversity gibs votes, beto, not any american vote at least.

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This guy haaaaaates niggers. I can tell.

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File: 6c7cd5086f7c142⋯.jpg (154.09 KB,580x472,145:118,6c7cd5086f7c1427ee765fe76e….jpg)

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(((more perfect union))) = mongrelization

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whites are domestic terrorists now

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Which one?

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Translation, they want more whites to be homeless.


Which is why nuclear is better in comparison to solar or wind.

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The fuck is environmental racism?

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>Enviromental Racism

The fuck is that?

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>Environmental Racism


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File: 5473f9895d9ffd4⋯.jpg (50.75 KB,567x633,189:211,Hitler smile.jpg)

Who is /domestic terrorist/ here?

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they're all fucking deluded in the exact same way

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every last one of those clowns would call the cops on a homeless who decided to camp in their back yard.

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File: c1ffb9138f1547f⋯.jpeg (385.77 KB,1766x1590,883:795,Kek Pepe Magus Logos.jpeg)


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File: 2613eaa1017bca7⋯.jpg (64.2 KB,1024x568,128:71,you won't do anything.jpg)


>white supremacy is domestic terrorism and poses a threat to the country

You haven't seen anything yet bitch

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I am! Are you white man? Become a "Tourist".

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nature is racist

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What are they saying about (((diversity)))

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They are reading off a script

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That's what the wall is for. Peasant!

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File: 304e5ced5ca043e⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB,320x240,4:3,chainsaw.gif)

>healthcare racism

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LEL I can't even. "Environmental Racism." What even the fuck????

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>white supremacist book

>Might is Right

Choose one, fucking liars.



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File: 9f11208cd0cd983⋯.gif (2 MB,500x280,25:14,HAHAHA.gif)

>environmental racism

my sides

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Do not fuck the wildlife. That's bestiality.

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File: 221662283174e6a⋯.jpg (54.62 KB,513x564,171:188,skdlfbgysdgtf7t7rftsdyf.jpg)

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how is this real

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File: 4e2edf534d74f64⋯.png (239.7 KB,777x438,259:146,ClipboardImage.png)

>if you are black your reports of pain will be taken less seriously

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Yeah I wouldn't call that back either, and Baltimore is a shit hole.

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true, hang all niggers from trees

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>blacks are less likely to be called back for jobs


-t. white man who has been doing a lot of jobhunting this year

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>Little kids turned on the tv to hear about rat infested baltimore.

I promise those kids are not going to disagree.

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Robert just stop the cringe campaign or i will use environmental racism on you

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>Baltimore is a home for (((rats)))


It's because they get so many reports of pain from Niggers killing each other every day.

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>Legacy of slavery

Beta gunning for black votes.

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>turned on the tv


relevant image

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Niggers lying to obtain pain pills, those opiate based ones.

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That's just affirmative action goy. When racism is the rule equality seems like inequality.

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File: 3986e4401f4be0e⋯.jpg (102.63 KB,697x813,697:813,baltimore.jpg)


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File: 950dd6d37e73d25⋯.jpg (35.37 KB,500x500,1:1,1499741669146.jpg)

this dude is insane

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Underrated kek

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>speaking of gibs me dat

If they gibs reparations I'm shooting people. Not lying FBI.

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(((Who))) owned the Slave Ships?

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Goddammit I'm about to start fedposting

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if I have to pay for slavery, then I should be allowed to own slaves

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>Domestic terrorism

Jaysus H Christ…how fucking stupid are these people

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peak clown world. beto is losing it

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Asking voters to pay back people who were never around for slavery.

Who da fuck is going to vote for that?

At least with healthcare you might get an aspirin.

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File: c6261a2ba8be9b9⋯.jpg (13.06 KB,480x360,4:3,ay.jpg)

ay yo mayn gimme sum dat reparation monay

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File: 1a078502e7a9474⋯.jpg (34.29 KB,424x564,106:141,Sturmabteilung Kampfzeit.jpg)

>reparations will make racial division heal

I can't wait until these faggots see what "white supremacy" really looks like

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What are there arguments for reparations

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File: af51960b2c0fc7b⋯.jpg (129.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_(2).jpg)


I fucking hope they do, the whole country will collapse.

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I 2nd. Fuck you glow niggers and your families I'm done if they do reparations.

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File: 2d7fe55ace0ca93⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,7.93 MB,640x360,16:9,goodmorning baltimore.webm)


I'm already there.

>>13550488 (heil'd)

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>The math for 40 acres and a mule

How many of these niggers aren't even descendants of niggers that jews imported?

<Faktz r rayciss

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Can we claim damages against the reparations due to all the black on white crime?

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File: 7fc77e5279a1f70⋯.jpg (202.76 KB,745x1016,745:1016,f_6_1_rosenzweig.jpg)

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>$15/hr minimum wage

>nah fuck it, $60,000/year for errrybdy!

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These people imply that niggers are so put down and live under the thumb of the White Man. They make it sound like living the greatest country ever created, as a nigger, has been a literal hell. This is what happens when everyone on that stage grew up in an all White bubble and even to day live in gated White communities.

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Just think, if niggers get reparations, only a matter of time for the wetback spic niggers start demanding reparations for being treated like illegals

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Would white goyim actually sit down and take reparations? I hope we’re not that cucked

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Notice she said if you did the math and the she didn't do the fucking math?

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Tell me how much giving niggers money in Africa has helped. None

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whites are responsible for everything bad any (((white))) person has done in history.

the good things? you cant take credit for what other people have done just because you have a similar skin color.

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Yeah they probably would

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The racism angle really, really seems like a low road to take. They aren't attacking the President on the economy because it's going too well. It's a lot of lvl 1 trolling that weaksauce.

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Don't forget faggots, and the trannies

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it'll just come out of your taxes

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File: 74bbb8f075568c8⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,252x291,84:97,jew mask.jpg)

I think women should get reparations, for decades they were not allowed to vote and denied equal rights!

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Yeah if congress agrees to it it's not like you're going to have a choice, they'll take the money at gunpoint anyways

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Not if your a NEET it fucking won't! Stop participating in the ZOG system. Buy a Siege bus.

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>Commercial about a movie, The Hunt, where they hunt captured people (showing a lot of whites) during the dem debate right after talking about reparations

Subtlety has been dead for decades.

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File: bdca7bff675e300⋯.png (70.35 KB,900x720,5:4,63d03cef3fea97b91e5d9f30ea….png)


its made an over-inflated population that is not sustainable.

also pollution.

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The Jew can never be satisfied, they will push for more until you have nothing left.

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File: 1160d716a929eef⋯.jpg (197.7 KB,1000x721,1000:721,6c89f91f4750c5accc9bb03e97….jpg)

>this stream

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>Even the democrats can't apologize for the chinks


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File: 04aa32290f25a2b⋯.jpg (163.28 KB,1920x1080,16:9,oprah gibsaway.jpg)


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Who knew third world garbage people create a third world garbage environment?

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>Become legally transblack lesbian

>throw away any prescribed hormones if given any and put all money towards supplies and funs

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Yes, actually


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They were talking about reparations long ago.

click on the link to jump to the point.


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Yeah, let's make all that toxic shit

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Dammit Bill!

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>I support the TPP and (((free trade)))


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It's racist to call Baltimore a rat-infested garbage dump!

…You're talking about all the third world hellholes in the US, right?

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Those niggers don't even know what crop rotation means. Let alone the quote "give a man a fish he'll eat for a day but teach a man to fish he'll eat for life".

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Free trade is Satanic!

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Too much alcohol, sorry lads


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Most farms are owned by (((mega corporations,))) so you're not too far off

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Easier than that. If you're a poor fag and not not claimed as a dependent by family go sign up for a 4 year school, take out massive loans, pay for classes then use the rest to buy arsenal and then don't do anything illegal because that would be a crime.

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Buncha sissies

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>give a nigger a fish he'll try to kill you for the rest of your fish while calling you rayciss for being a white male

>teach a nigger to fish and you'll not only fail, he'll still try to kill you for your fish while calling you racyiss for not giving him fish along with the fact that you are a white male

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Workers of the world unite! That rings a bell

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>trump bungled everything!

>some of his tariffs are effective

That's not how it works.

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Niggers hunt but they have no idea how to communally farm which is why they're fucking retarded

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Who here affected by the tariffs?

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File: 5b6356f40d0cee5⋯.jpg (33.54 KB,640x360,16:9,5b6356f40d0cee527d8566ef2a….jpg)

>Beta thinks the EU is our friend

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There's nothing wrong with helping workers, it's just that these puppets only use them as a nebulous category to virtue signal.

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Didn't think I'd see a bald man commit suicide on stage tonight. That was interesting.

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damn beto is big.

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holy fuck, hard to even listen to all this bullshit. turn this knob, flip this switch, poof, everything fixed

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I'm going back using my GI Bill gibs. Gonna cheap out on housing and food while buying more fun things. Feels a lot better than still being a zogbot

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File: f1bb77dec3f3210⋯.jpg (17.85 KB,576x432,4:3,d7d145bc8787a2d0968bb06f44….jpg)

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>Trade Wars are for losers!

>You can't beat China in a trade war!

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You can't help workers with unions. That is a major reason why the rust belt exists. Unions are the problem.

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Slow down Warren. You're about to tell people about how they are nothing more than a market for the world to access. Shhh.

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Yes it is! Let that hammer fall.

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All this talk about workers, and instead of actually supporting workers, they import third-world scabs that also drive up housing, ruin wages, and rape and kill the aforementioned workers.

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Warrens a fucking stupid rat jew whose lying out her ass

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File: 0874e2cf954a9fb⋯.jpg (43.6 KB,570x661,570:661,f23b001090e4e581804bf84b73….jpg)

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Hit up a good community college if you need to save money and have a transfer plan lined up.

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That has to be the weakest fucking applause that I've ever heard

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> they import third-world scabs that also drive up housing, ruin wages, and rape and kill the aforementioned workers.

Exactly. They just want more cogs for the System that will consume their products

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There idea of "american worker" is third world shit skins

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She is but she was about to explain the American shopping mall to everyone.

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>Retrain low-IQ niggers for High-IQ coding and engineering and other jobs

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Is it even close to being finished yet?

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Fag actually quoted the Bible, jesus christ

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File: 372114e5502fef8⋯.jpg (12.19 KB,255x255,1:1,berniegold.jpg)

New Idea

Sure, Offer reparations to those who think they might be eligible. Provide a DNA sample, and you will receive a stipend proportional to how black you are.

…but there's a catch. The government will permanently have the rights to your DNA for experiments and running against crimes in return for free money. We'll call it "Slave II"

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Allegedly suppose to have been over three minutes ago.

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It was his rainbow bible. not a real one.

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File: fef17b39c8955e1⋯.png (465.09 KB,1067x1087,1067:1087,Screenshot_20190730-220216….png)

Joe knows a dead guy, too.

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File: 5254f615ef0c60b⋯.png (105.19 KB,368x1724,92:431,Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at ….png)

is this accurate?

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I missed most of it, yet, I feel like I've missed nothing at all. It's the same bullshit out of their mouths every single time.

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Dark Psychic Forces is trending yes.

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>We can expand Hell.


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File: 2d50085e5d77f36⋯.jpg (72.73 KB,724x1024,181:256,c28f08582d9cfb0640811211a3….jpg)

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Nah, needs like 2 hours at least.

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Of course fag boy BUTTgige was in the navy. With all the fags.

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Lol what, must have something to do with Dark Psychic Forces.

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>democratic debates

<i love israel

<i love israel more

<no i love isreal more

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Teachers rape kids and infect their minds with kikery, teachers shouldn't be paid any money whatsoever

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that's gop, dnc is

>i love niggers

>i love immigrants

>i love nigger immigrants

>yo soy beto o'cuck

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I remember a couple teacher anons who despaired that they had no choice but to peddle the kikeshit they had and trying to do anything would get them fired.

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Thanks for the updates guys, I can’t wait to watch this shit show for myself later

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They don't give a shit about the American worker. They want to import Julio Valdez, Sanjay or Jobu from africa to "work"; in reality on to get their precious votes.

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>Brings up the traitor Reagan who fucked over our guns and gave amnesty

>muh low income niggers on and on about the fucking niggers

>one of the fags onstage has 6 digits of college debt

Fuck all of this. It's so tiresome.

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No, that's the GOP as well

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Every single fucking day there's a story about a teaching banging their students, teachers shouldn't be given any more fucking money

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>implying a difference

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it is now thanks to trump

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File: aad0ca4ba9a8197⋯.png (674.9 KB,634x1377,634:1377,ClipboardImage.png)


Any relation?

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>muh wealth inequality

what is the benefit of wealth equality?

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File: 3b27c734097eb9b⋯.jpg (60.83 KB,549x535,549:535,3b27c734097eb9bd5b5c47e84d….jpg)


Yeah that was my point

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>We need a…revolution

Hmm. The Tree of Liberty needs some watering, I agree.

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What is the witch on about?

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My student debt was paid off; do I get any perks for not needing the bailout?

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College debt. Gib mone to get rid of debt.

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Yes as they but their million dollar equipment with grants.

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>universal pre-k

>universal healthcare

>universal college

>universal everything

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Yang has the only chance out of them all.

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You sound like a responsible individual, i.e. White.

That means you have to pay the equivalent of two debts for the "low-income youths"

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Watch this logic:

>we can't wipe away student debt because people will wonder why they missed the window and now they have to take out loans

>why should we grant amnesty?

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Pretty sure he sank himself during the previous debate by being a complete wallflower.

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HAHAHAHAHA THIS SHIT IS REAL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_racism

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>I tell the truth.

>Baltimore is like a third world country.

Checks out.

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File: 2c9fce5271a3a6a⋯.png (353.88 KB,750x575,30:23,Yang_JUST.png)


>Yang has the only chance

Not after his performance during the first debate.

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>In a national context, environmental racism criticizes inequalities between urban and exurban areas after white flight.

>>Niggers nig and whites flee


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File: 674960ea7273290⋯.gif (227.71 KB,210x260,21:26,674960ea7273290d99499a1348….gif)

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>niggers shit up their environment

>white people make their environment nice

>this is racism

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I agree with America needs to fuck off from other countries

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File: 01c6acf88dc8c68⋯.webm (442.02 KB,854x480,427:240,WHAT.webm)

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access to the few remaining whites and their resources is a human right goyim

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>Some people shit up their homes.

>Some people clean up their homes.

Clearly racism.

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I guess South Africa murders whites and refuses to to let them white flight, they're being environmentally conscious.

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Yes, but unfortunately these marxists want another (((Bolshevik))) revolution.


Quit pushing your chink plant.


At this rate, the word racist is just a buzzword

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>nignogs destroy everything

>whites go elsewhere to avoid this

>this is somehow racism

the current state of kikery

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>He's taking us out of three agreements.

Name the consequences to these actions.

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Freedom dividend. would be enough.

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why is pedo Joe not there

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Lots of pigmies running for president.

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Tomorrow with Yang and Tulsi.

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File: 774c957824056c1⋯.gif (559.4 KB,500x423,500:423,ae258c4cf35e70fa84eac5a0b0….gif)

>our democracy


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The niggers are, not the Whites since some of them don't want to get robbed, raped, and killed (and not in that order). Goddamn this is disgusting.


>Yes, but unfortunately these marxists want another (((Bolshevik))) revolution.

I want them to try. This needs to go hot.

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Was Buttgauge a fucking PoG?

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can they get to the debates already…..

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We're an (((oligarchy))).

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<but we never do

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He was Navy intel. So yeah.

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I love how democrats do not answer the questions given at all

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GLASS ISREAL>>13550687

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That lobotomized pedo doesn't come until tomorrow.


I see, if they fire the first bullet. It will show the average normalfag being redpilled is ideal to survive.

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I guarantee he was a faggot PoG.

>In 2009, Buttigieg became an ensign in the Navy Reserve and trained to become a naval intelligence officer. He deployed to Afghanistan for seven months in 2014.

>While deployed, Buttigieg was part of a unit assigned to identify and disrupt terrorist finance networks. Part of this was done at Bagram Air Base, but he also worked as an armed driver for his commander on over 100 trips into Kabul. Buttigieg has jokingly called this role "military Uber", because he had to watch out for ambushes and explosive devices along the roads and make sure the vehicle was guarded.

He is highly exaggerating how dangerous it was compared to how it was earlier in the (((GWoT))).

They all suck off the military while shitting on them, just like the republicans.

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This thread almost feels as comfy as one of those threads during the Ferguson riots. Good times, good times.

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>our adversaries are with us

did i hear that right?

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>We need to get back to nuclear proliferation


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The first bullet has been fired ages ago. Not counting the race war, like the L.A. Riots, but, shit like Weather Underground and their bombins (and subsequently how all of that was brushed asided, they were protected, and still out there by their fellow leftists).

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I wouldn't vote for any of these clowns and I don't even agree with Trump on most things

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We need a good chimpout.

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Agreed. We need The Veteran Party.

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Oh man. the shot of old man sanders and twink booty is harsh.

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David Duke from 20 years ago?

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I still do not understand why people still give funny haircut granpa money after the 2016 backstab.

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I wouldn't mind something like in Starship Troopers, but after all the niggers, jews, spics, shitskins, mudslimes, etc have been removed from our nation. Of course, some issues need to be ironed out, but it seems better than how corrupted our country is now.

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The toilet is a symbol of White Supremacy. I'm sure you could easily get some to believe that.

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File: 05f3ef962f950a1⋯.png (513.85 KB,488x643,488:643,sam hyde david duke.png)

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Fatherland, fatherland, show us a sign! Gen Z has waited to see! The morning will come when the world is ours, tomorrow belongs to Gen Z!

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Because they're stupid?

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I'd rather write in Patrick Little at this rate. Trump and the Democrats is like choosing to get shot in the knees or smacked in the back of the head with a 2x4.

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File: a8e2839330237c9⋯.jpg (7.47 KB,256x192,4:3,a8e2839330237c9aba3e0ebcaf….jpg)


You don't say


I would vote for the communist Jew. I'd love to see this senile gesticulating oaf berate White America for four years. Remember the thinly veiled or oftentimes overtly seditious rage bubbling up under King Nigger? Another term of Orange Man would be nothing more than a pacifier in the mouths of our naive and mislead folk.

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Put the Butteplugg in the heinous anus of racism

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Guess that was it, then.

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File: 20499e50bab2329⋯.jpg (143.42 KB,1200x921,400:307,burn.jpg)


but think of all the free stuff

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I'm not sure what's worse, the commercials or the debates. Both are so painful to watch.

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I wonder what the requirements would be for the student debt forgiveness.

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Bullock stop dropping your spaghetti

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Be nonwhite. Maybe white liberal women get it too, but it's doubtful, and if they do it will be nothing like all the nonwhites. Of course, it won't be in those words.

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This one lady keeps speaking like shes from another planet.

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There goes that shot of dopamine again.

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Planet Kitchen

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She lost the audience. Got too full of herself.

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Orange man, orange man, orange man

boring ass broken records

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Shes a Jew, and the Jew are not of this world.

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Checked for truth.

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Bill got NO claps

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>This one lady keeps speaking like shes from another planet.

Magnificent, isn't it? Someone in a nationally televised presidential debate talking about corporate ownership of the US and dark psychic forces and the power of love is worth the price of admission all by itself.

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>Focus on the trauma of our kids.


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New and better

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hickenpooper just btfo all of them

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and she died

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>choosing doctors

I certainly don't want a pajeet, nigger, chink, spic, woman, and more as my doctor.

This fag stinks of incompetence.

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She died, and then everyone clapped

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Beta is sniffing too much of his own farts

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[muffled clap in the distance]

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Sanders and Warren won.

And Sanders aint gonna make it.

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They've been doing nothing but fearmongering and talking about gibs this entire time. None of their words about uniting people rings true. Every single one of these people are disgusting whores for the jews and all those nonwhite parasites.

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mor gunz bad

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are you from reddit? "racism" has always been a buzzword. Races are different, pointing out these differences is just stating the obvious, and one day (((some people))) starting calling that "racist".

its the biggest psyop the world has ever seen to make whites think pointing out obvious differences is bad and they should avoid doing it. The fact that there are posters on fucking 8chan of all places still coming to terms with this says a lot. Repeating the word "racist" to people is just spouting a 100 year old jewish psyop meme word.

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defeat Blumptf, blumtf bad, thank you

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Indian janitor won

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They're giving me a reason to show up and do something. I don't think it's vote though.

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Holy shit, that's so cheap

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>None of their words about uniting people rings true.

I think that Williamson is a believer.

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lol she actually mentioned the indian reservations

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racis, sexis, and homo

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File: 869f479ab4cd455⋯.png (260.3 KB,627x347,627:347,an excellent response.png)

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>trump is a racist, sexist, and homophobe

i fucking wish

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She can take her talk of reparations and shove them up her ass.

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god i wish

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I know, turns out Trump is the biggest cuck on the planet

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Insane in the good or the bad way?

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File: 49e4b89bda4ca97⋯.jpg (199.2 KB,1147x851,31:23,Gal_Vorbak_Possessed_Chaos….jpg)



>faggots talking about a dark psychic force that corrupts everything it touches

>mfw we are the forces of chaos

ya dun goofed loyalist scum

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but Beynie, you are the one percent

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Trump gonna win for sure.

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You must tell us what it was like to survive the mental onslaught. When did you discover it was fiction?

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How do we make sure that happens?

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Well that was a waste of 2 hours

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Just wondering, how many houses does Bernie have? 3? 5? They're huge too.

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that was exhausting

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Encourage democrats to continue what they're doing. Give them the reactions they desire

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Not 2020 yet.

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File: a61d8212d3604ae⋯.png (158.47 KB,306x403,306:403,baltimore deal stopping cr….png)

See you all tomorrow for round 2. Fuck Baltimore.

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File: 699e1dd03649a28⋯.jpg (35.68 KB,473x570,473:570,1447441981778.jpg)

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I joined way too late today, I wanna see old creepy joe drop spaghetti live

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Watch out for all the (((rats))).

See you all tomorrow!

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Reminder that she told them she was an Indian

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>guns bad


>orng man bad



>dark psychic force

did i miss anything?

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Joe is tomorrow night

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>(((fucked up)))

gas me

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Anyone know where I can watch the whole thing?

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File: 1ffc6882cf30dd9⋯.webm (3.88 MB,1024x576,16:9,gas.webm)

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Funny that Trump called Jeb "low energy" and Trump ended up with the same lack of energy.

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meh, Trump has plenty of energy for Israel

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Watching this shit is degenerate masochism.

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I miss trayvon threads as well.

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Dim voters are dumb. The left side of the Bell Curve dumb. Those who get a raise will remember Dims gave it to them. When prices up up, which they always do, they won't blame the Dims. The ones who get laid off won't blame the Dims either. The few smart Dims know it is a scam, but they want Communism and it helps with that so they like it too. So it is all upside, no downside to propose a minimum wage increase.

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Damn that screencap always cracks me the fuck up. Could have been me, but I don't click on aussie troll face threads. I fucking missed it.

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>Niggers living by refineries is bc muh institutional racism

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It's niggers. The few times it's a White human the news blasts for 12 weeks, and milks for decades.

Nigger crime is completely ignored.

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AHEM… It's demonrat, or democrap.

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File: e689dfe9da5fbed⋯.jpg (17.25 KB,255x255,1:1,7eff734367618925b41c61b5f3….jpg)

10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag

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Srs question, no memes pls:

Was anyone in the debate not overtly anti-white?

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File: 1125f5bd984abba⋯.jpg (42.11 KB,680x453,680:453,EAxu7ozUwAAzacp.jpg)

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File: 096085d9b4c2e81⋯.jpg (109.42 KB,576x498,96:83,dc870dd1b7619858cacebef312….jpg)


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Zodiac Bernie about to rape a bitch.

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Face swap filter does nothing!

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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based and totally real "women" hackers


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Its a hired crowd

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>newfags considering any of these "canidates" plauseable…

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A republic is a form of representative-democracy. Faggots like you need to stop with this dumbshit.


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They look overjoyed to be together…kek

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Chinkies don't fare well in teh rough and tumble of America. They can come in with a lot of money or they can toil like insects and stash away enough cash to prosper but they're just not prepared to get down in teh dirt with the niggers and the white trash to really thrash it out, because when everything is said and done, the niggers and the white trash get down in the dirt to thrash it out because that's what they love to do more than anything else.

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File: 732935d860e0a63⋯.jpg (16.06 KB,343x514,343:514,1.jpg)

File: d3523de3273dfeb⋯.jpg (18.25 KB,417x511,417:511,2.jpg)

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Spoken like a true yid

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I guess I'm voting democrat this year. It's about time something got people doing shit. Fucking shoot up time square on new years tbh. It'll be all kikes and niggers.

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I wonder what it would take to lob a plethora of pills from a distance into right there in that Minecraft spot.

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File: 096af0ea507aafa⋯.png (1.28 MB,2754x1806,459:301,Natsoc_Feels_[NS-L1][x6.00….png)

Ready for more pain boys?

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you're the problem

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File: 2db4194881800cd⋯.png (273.69 KB,528x359,528:359,Capture.PNG)

goddamn, that was one ugly nigger

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File: b7eadbb4b372ee4⋯.jpg (76.2 KB,460x690,2:3,a5d6cae7152851edb73d40ff2b….jpg)




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File: 2ea75a0e0919dac⋯.gif (52.33 KB,255x255,1:1,2ea75a0e0919dac03d788ae020….gif)

>America love it or leave it sign outside of a church

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what was that dude screaming about? did anyone else hear that

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>Kids belong in classrooms, not cages

What did he mean by this?


Didn't catch it but yeah he was yelling.

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he wants us to give illegals education instead of deportation

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Real man vote for trump, no discusion

make america white again and with israel our friend

2 friends 2 walls

Make the dream come true

Lets go "wallers"

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File: 45203eca0b2b49e⋯.gif (1.13 MB,560x372,140:93,45203eca0b2b49e505f1e3a2a7….gif)

>fighting for justice and equality for all


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>Fellow Americans in Puerto Rico


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>vote trump

get better spam

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le funny asian man

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>Asian who likes math

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who is yelling? what is going on

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what are they yelling?

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This has to be plants, dude. They're doing the Trump rally controversy thing.

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the fuck were they yelling?

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File: 58fc5a9ae94b717⋯.png (316.02 KB,500x571,500:571,58fc5a9ae94b7171e05681101d….png)

the microphone problems make this cocksucker's annoying voice easier to listen to

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Trump deserves a slow and painful death

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please fix the mics

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Who's back for a double dose of torture? I feel like Saitama watching this shit.

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Nigger shut the fuck up trumpcuck

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>4 million babies born

is that before or after you abort them all?

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it's a meemee

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He probably meant from the illegals.

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>750 billion dollars

how is this even real? monopoly money

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people allergic to shit like eggs should be killed, nature is trying to purge them already

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>Being a reddit fag

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Holy shit you quadroon all of their talking points are literally TRUMP IS THE BOOGIEMAN. You don't have to like him to see that they really only have one primary plank to talk about tonight.

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>healthcare is a right

Whats everyone's stance on positive rights?

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File: 015af1a7762eae4⋯.png (104.68 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


how much is your pay per post?

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Shut the fuck up trumpcuck

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File: b3403d1cd3987e4⋯.png (394.22 KB,600x736,75:92,6398f578befc3b6bbd2bd3ad33….png)


positive rights don't exist

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I got paid in Fanta.


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File: fe87dd6a4d1876c⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,1024x954,512:477,1562564490738.jpg)

>oy vey! Don't insult le based god le emperor!

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File: fcf3d771785af91⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,1024x785,1024:785,1510282960030.jpg)

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File: 1fa617533e8139e⋯.png (392.25 KB,618x443,618:443,313abd181b9e3c030ed5260e98….png)

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They don't exist. In that same notion though, no rights actually exist excepts rights enforced by the state. So if you wanted to walk up to a jew and blow his brains out, you could do it. His purported to right to life isn't going to deflect the bullet. The state will enforce the "right" after the violation has occurred.

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if i'm not mistaken, he hasn't actually made any new sections of border walls. just "fixed" some existing parts. sad

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Cause he's a faggot jew fraud

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Are they gonna let Yang talk any time this century?

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free healthcare ese

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>$1000 dollars a month

>donald trump

>asian man



he say the same things every time

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if they play by OUR RULES

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i wonder if he's gonna say his mike was off again

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What were the protestors who interrupted Booker saying?

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>Our state has done less squabbling

That's because demoniggers control the legislature and the state supreme court.

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They’ve spoon fed Biden 50% of the talk time already.

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haha if leftists were the ones deciding mental health we'd all be gassed

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I hope they do so shit gets so much worse cause it's going to have to for anything to get better

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>They shouted, "Fire Pantaleo" — a reference to New York police officer Daniel Pantaleo, who is accused of fatally choking Eric Garner.

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oh lol, so just dumb niggers

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It doesn't really matter, these leftists are delusional beyond belief. None of this shit will happen. This country is broke, degenerate, and totally FUBAR.

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Every time a democrat tries to seem edgy by copying Bernie and swearing take a drink.

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Niggers, shoulda known

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30 trillion dollars? this dude is losing it

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Remember the 2016 debates? What a ride! And then Trump was like 'yeah fuck that shit, I'm having a rally instead!'

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So where the heck is Sanders? I'm genuinely interested in why he isn't in this trashfire.

Also I love how Harris is so fucking angry when people question how much her plans cost because leave it to a black woman to not know the value of money.

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Kike Sander was on yesterday dipshit.

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he was on yesterday's debate

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It will happen cause even if trump wins re-election once he leaves we're all fucked when the pendulum swings

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Yeah and then he turned into a libfag himself

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Whatever happened to Hillary running AGAIN?

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so what did the dude who yelled at booker say?

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Yep, and its sad to see 4pol fall to these abhorrent, spineless faggots.

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They are all bought out sons of bitches.

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Anyone mention Israel yet?

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The pendulum is about to break. We're facing total economic collapse. Day of the Rope. Day of the Pillow. Day of Reckoning. Ragnarok. Whatever you want to call it. Our country is fucked.

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That bitch didn't see shit.



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<insert random appeal to emotion to get elected>

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Day of the pillows is going to be a reckoning for sure.

Can't wait.

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chimp out

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They really have not paid these shills in the crowd enough

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Paddock 2020- Free Sushi, Comped!

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They saw how effective republicucks paying protesters were for them so they're copying it

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"We want to have more deportation!"

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Crossing the border illegally for asylum is also illegal. Dumb fucking faggots.

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>muh immigrants

Yeah so what about the fucking Americans who were born here? Do we not matter anymore

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might support biden for the lulz over some nigger like harris

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File: 5746939279380cb⋯.png (78.74 KB,634x569,634:569,ClipboardImage.png)


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damn Biden staring that nigger down

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What? How did he text whens he's talking on stage

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Kek so deblasio hired some schizos of his own.

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trump is a white nationalist? since when

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white nationalist in the white house. fucking hell.

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Well you heard it here folks, Americas a dead fucking rat of a country fuck it

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"kill all white people"

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more cancer

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is this guy jewish

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Jesus, I hate Inslee so much.

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How much did I miss?

>everyone in theory has broken the law

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Nothing, you're not missing anything, it's the typical "muh based immigrants, fuck white people!"

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Obama was doing a stealth crotch-grab.

That is what punks do in class to throw a vulgar insult at other punks that the teacher doesn't detect.

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No, but he is a retard and a commie chink lover


I'm sure this hour will include repuhrashuns. .

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immigrants immigrants immigrants fuck white people immigrants immigrants we hate trump immigrants

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Jesus, the amount of plastic surgery Biden has had.

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>le ebin cursing

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>should illegal immigrants have free college

why is this even a question lmao

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Biden is losing his mind, lol

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