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 No.13549944 [View All]

Watch (((Sanders))), Warren, Buttigieg, Beta, Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, Ryan, Delaney, (((Williamson))), and Bullock fight over who can promise the most gibs to shitskins and complain the most about Baltimore and how it's somehow whitey's fault

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Yeah and then he turned into a libfag himself

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Whatever happened to Hillary running AGAIN?

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so what did the dude who yelled at booker say?

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Yep, and its sad to see 4pol fall to these abhorrent, spineless faggots.

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They are all bought out sons of bitches.

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Anyone mention Israel yet?

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The pendulum is about to break. We're facing total economic collapse. Day of the Rope. Day of the Pillow. Day of Reckoning. Ragnarok. Whatever you want to call it. Our country is fucked.

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That bitch didn't see shit.



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<insert random appeal to emotion to get elected>

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Day of the pillows is going to be a reckoning for sure.

Can't wait.

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chimp out

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They really have not paid these shills in the crowd enough

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Paddock 2020- Free Sushi, Comped!

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They saw how effective republicucks paying protesters were for them so they're copying it

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"We want to have more deportation!"

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Crossing the border illegally for asylum is also illegal. Dumb fucking faggots.

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>muh immigrants

Yeah so what about the fucking Americans who were born here? Do we not matter anymore

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might support biden for the lulz over some nigger like harris

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File: 5746939279380cb⋯.png (78.74 KB,634x569,634:569,ClipboardImage.png)


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damn Biden staring that nigger down

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What? How did he text whens he's talking on stage

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Kek so deblasio hired some schizos of his own.

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trump is a white nationalist? since when

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white nationalist in the white house. fucking hell.

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Well you heard it here folks, Americas a dead fucking rat of a country fuck it

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"kill all white people"

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more cancer

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is this guy jewish

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Jesus, I hate Inslee so much.

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How much did I miss?

>everyone in theory has broken the law

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Nothing, you're not missing anything, it's the typical "muh based immigrants, fuck white people!"

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Obama was doing a stealth crotch-grab.

That is what punks do in class to throw a vulgar insult at other punks that the teacher doesn't detect.

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No, but he is a retard and a commie chink lover


I'm sure this hour will include repuhrashuns. .

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immigrants immigrants immigrants fuck white people immigrants immigrants we hate trump immigrants

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Jesus, the amount of plastic surgery Biden has had.

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>le ebin cursing

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>should illegal immigrants have free college

why is this even a question lmao

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Biden is losing his mind, lol

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