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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: b236325ed437cf5⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,516x561,172:187,30bd4a0620b285eb69e6b9782d….jpg)

 No.13553234 [Last50 Posts]


Come watch some ugly bald nigger sing the National Anthem while the dems realize they weren't patriotic enough and still fight to give shitskins gibs 200 chars200 chars200 chars200 chars

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Yeah, fuck off.

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Anyone hear what the heckler was saying?

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File: 58bf0252585da56⋯.jpg (296.55 KB,1080x1440,3:4,111899_v9_ba.jpg)

File: 162d2d3b200dc52⋯.jpg (66.35 KB,560x358,280:179,33279-action-52-nes-screen….jpg)

And the winner is…

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>Don't talk about politics on a politics board

you fuck off jew

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We need ta give da blackpipo repairashuns because of 400 years of yt and his booshit

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Thanks Doc

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The protesters were chanting “fire Pantaleo” in reference to the mayor’s handling of a police case in which police officer Daniel Pantaleo engaged in a fatal struggle with Eric Garner in 2014.

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Reminder that literally everyone in that stream needs to die

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Zion Alex making a fool of himself as always

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File: 7ca85b0aefbf40e⋯.jpg (6.13 KB,294x200,147:100,1464733667946.jpg)

>spic accent

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File: 079cc97be896241⋯.png (453.31 KB,956x801,956:801,4a2e238670781895e71e5ba946….png)

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File: 5c4b92ea6aad549⋯.jpg (20.76 KB,302x481,302:481,hurts.jpg)

>here's an anecdote and rhetoric that'll make you say "fuck having laws and borders and shit"

Godawful this is already cringe and I've been watching for 2 minutes

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>The human right of coming to our country

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File: 012edf1e20a6405⋯.png (33.65 KB,420x420,1:1,saitama indifference.png)

oh I see the problem with illegals, they just need to be sued in civil courts

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Europeans built this countrly

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File: 58a454ea8eff2fc⋯.png (48.06 KB,209x200,209:200,58a454ea8eff2fc5ea8b138448….png)

>white nationalist in the white house

I fucking wish

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They actually think Trump is a white nationalist when he's really a jew nationalist.

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How much did I miss?

>everyone in theory has broken the law but let's keep them here

Fuck it's going terrible already

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>le ebin cursing

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The nigger needs to go back to his shithole.

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>Whats your resposnse


lol what a dumb woman

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He said SHIT! So edgy!


The nigger needs to go back to apefrica.

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what a mess. just childish all around

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She's a Senator.


This is one of those in Congress. She is one reason why this country is shit.

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Republicucks aren't any better

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Every single politician in Washington is why this country is shit, all of them

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Dude the left is going to eat itself, look at how they're all ganging up on Biden.

This is fucking great.

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File: c22d4f5131e9c41⋯.jpg (7.31 KB,290x174,5:3,download (2).jpg)

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Hamster was asleep on the wheel.

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>The Hunt

>A redhead white woman running away after a gun was loaded


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They were gang raping kamala at the start. Maybe she needs to seek asylum somewhere.

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File: 5d374ab890fed2e⋯.jpg (21.94 KB,306x484,153:242,16720056-7305831-image-a-2….jpg)

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wow it's a fly on someones head, epic bro

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File: 079d18faf2172dc⋯.jpg (36.67 KB,333x481,9:13,this_isnt_funny.jpg)

>Some are from shithole countries

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>they show it TWICE in one commercial break

Very subtle, jews.

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no kidding. rip america

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cnn site has no ads

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Ah, I'm at https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html

It's all garbage, the debates and the commercials.

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File: f687c0327929363⋯.png (433.15 KB,530x800,53:80,ClipboardImage.png)


<people need to get in line to get over the completely open border


>thats racist

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marijuana justice? is that some kind of fortnight dance?

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The real winners are the Jews. This country is fucked. We really need civil war.

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the walleyed nigger has no idea what he's saying

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They bitch about drug crimes, but, those drug crimes are usually tied into selling drugs AND other criminal activities.

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pozzed mosquito

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lol this dude is platinum mad

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Are most foreign-born PhDs in the USA even white?

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Not just that, but the jews think the general public is too stupid to not understand "The Most Dangerous Game".


Fuck CNN and their website.

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The majority of the "Game" are White.

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just use an adblocker you'll be okay. i like ublock origin

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poor thing is going to die of poisoning

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these debates are just making me like biden more


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Kill yourself. They all are bullshit.


OOOOOOOOOH it's a nigger.

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It’s watermelon flavor

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Well, STEM PhDs from asian countries are a lot better than Mexicans who drive down wages.

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>Communities like MINE!

So he admits he comes from a drug-infested criminal shithole.

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Yeah, we totally shouldn't jail meth, crack, and heroin dealers/traffickers.

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File: 2fada9e1a5f165b⋯.png (910.09 KB,780x440,39:22,ClipboardImage.png)


>liking a child rapist

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>Letting druggies go

LOL no wonder drug OD's are on the rise and crime is up

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They are going to lynch their own zogbot police.

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Trips confirm what we all knew already

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immigration program? make it legal

drug problem? make it legal

police? get rid of them

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anywhere I can watch from the beginning? fuck the cnn live stream it won't let me go back

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And next thing you know you'll have PhDs in drywall, janitorial services, orange selling.

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Can you truly deescalate when niggers want to kill?

Shoot them.

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File: 5b08714c4773fdc⋯.jpg (18.46 KB,600x341,600:341,5b08714c4773fdc89f0aad8616….jpg)

>I can't breathe

<still talking

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File: d9633edc770502a⋯.webm (8.37 MB,1066x600,533:300,minorities.webm)


< We have two options guys, go after the white or go after the minorities.

Disgust = 100%

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>theres never gonna be more dead dumb niggers

Well now we're truly fucked

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That was a ventriloquist police officer protecting his fellow white supremacist officer.

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File: 606216129bb89e8⋯.jpg (40.96 KB,427x448,61:64,04c4fded01a6e12ef4246f68d5….jpg)

>Just letting criminals go free

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George Zimmerman 2024

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>dems falling over themselves to defend criminals

this wont go well with middle class voters at all LOL

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>A nigger said I was a good little white cuck boy

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lol everytime

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Good luck with that Yang Gang

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This debate is just pedo Biden surrounded by a bunch of people with pillows. Bretty good watching them attack each other.

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Well at least they are finally trying to go after each other by all focusing on Biden.

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instead of sending criminals to jail, let's just pay them to stop

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>Saying over and over again "I can't breath!"

so how do you do that without breathing?

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Implying niggers don't lie all the time


I hope they don't fire that guy so we can get a nice comfy chimpout, like the good ol' days.

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Nigger logic obviously

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I really want the zogbots turn on all of these traitors rather than protecting them. They are constantly wanting to lynch them yet they keep protecting these fucks.

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>kamala harris just sells segregation to white people


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They will never give up there pension and paycheck.

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>Had the segregationists had their way…

Man, that really hit me. What a world we're missing out on.

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i hope one of these fags wins the presidency so we can form a better union without niggers

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File: 9b005c8483824f2⋯.jpg (83.86 KB,770x513,770:513,roof_koreans.jpg)


>I hope they don't fire that guy so we can get a nice comfy chimpout, like the good ol' days.

Here's hoping.

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>This live stream is available only in the United States. Video highlights of the event are available at CNN.com/videos

Aw. I wanted a laugh tonight.

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I hope so too, there's so few happenings these days it's getting boring

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>Fuck white people! Immigrants and criminals are based!

That sums it all up my friend

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It's infuriating.

-t. American

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Black and brown people are given fucking everything you stupid bitch

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Thanks anon.


I'm certain it is. Traitors you can't punish are aggrevating.

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>smoking marijuana

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Remember when politicians cared about White people?

I don't. Not in my life time.

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They ONLY bring up how we need to help shitskins, illegals, and criminals.

Why can't any of them just say "I want to help ALL AMERICANS"

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File: a4dc8984e5b7c28⋯.png (312.18 KB,640x361,640:361,name tag.png)

Biden is getting worked over like a old person at a nursing home staffed by illegals who complained about their soup being cold.

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this whgole debate is basicaly how many brown people can enter the country lol bunch of clowns

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Try this one:


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Yeah I don't want legal weed you fucking jews, that shits for niggers

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Why are you here?

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Tulsi tearing that ass up

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Biden will be nominee, let's not kid ourselves, and of course he will lose.

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>raped and murdered

>happened to be carrying weed while raping and murdering

omg innocent niglet arrested for carrying marijuana

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Sorry, try this


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File: 3c6822e4c375e5f⋯.jpg (87.7 KB,980x742,70:53,zog killer.jpg)

the harris fears the tulsi

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It's obvious weed is for stupid niggers

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Fuck off to cuckchan

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Kamala is going to kill herself tonight.

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What about the position she was in when she sucked dick for career advancement?

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>Racial Divide

I came at a good time.

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Harris doesn't deny any of it. What a dumb cunt.


Nah, she's too much of sociopath to feel those feels.

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>fiwst of aw

>the pwesidents wacist behavwa

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No worries. Either things change for the better, or we die trying. Either way, it's better than slowly dying while slaving away, paying reparations for niggers or other bullshit.

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Funny how the guy shouting "EQUAL IS NOT EQUAL" sounds like a retard

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>Schools are as segregated now as they were 50 years ago!

I fucking wish.

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funny how they all sound like retards

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File: 245a6117c582f28⋯.jpg (257.19 KB,1000x773,1000:773,bba3cb67ec80b6b180e482ff99….jpg)


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88% HEIL

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>I've never been a poor oppressed flag tranny woman

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This is a sad clown show, this bitch cries racism while putting thousands of niggers in jail.

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File: e33c1cecebe031c⋯.jpg (65.49 KB,617x454,617:454,88.jpg)

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Maybe if those criminals gave a shit about education rather than committed crimes, then maybe they wouldn't drop out of HS.

-t. worked as a substitute teacher

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>people has cheered louder for basic bitch talking points than Tulsi btfoing Harris

Fuck these cucks

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lets fire cops because they shoot niggers sometimes in self defense, in any sane white country these people would be heckled off the campaign

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Can't wait for 2053 :)

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Top Kek

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The problem isn't the school system, the problem is niggers go to school and simply don't give a shit cause they're monkies raised by monkies

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File: 3a3d2041b1798d7⋯.jpg (28.28 KB,646x431,646:431,john-c-reilly.jpg)

I know that voice!

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MLK? You mean the nigger who raped white women?

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It's the monkies and the schools. They want those monkies to attend so they get more money to teach faggotry

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>oh hay

>did you know

>the president


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>How are you gonna help Baltimore?


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He actually thinks giving niggers money will help them, like $1000 a month would just overcome their low IQ and nigger ways. You're going to see niggers in slums walking around with canes and monocles.

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Castro watched way too many Kikongo speeches.

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Wait, his name's actually Castro?

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File: e042882399e98f3⋯.jpg (40.52 KB,800x450,16:9,fake big brain.jpg)

>rent is too high

maybe don't import more people to drive up prices then

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>tfw whiteness armor +5

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>Whiteness protecting you from being shot

Go walk around Detroit at 2AM and see how that works out

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All these cities are ran by Democraps for decades what the fuck are they talking about? What haven't they done shit for decades?

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>White Woman's Burden

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We should send niggers to her house to see how she would actually react.

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File: 13092b154b479c7⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,283x203,283:203,WELCOME TO AMERICA UN FUCK….jpg)

>muh un

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Their aluminum home melted because of global warming

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File: 50ca7b7a9c7ea98⋯.jpeg (78.13 KB,1000x929,1000:929,513C55A5-12C6-4827-B584-0….jpeg)



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>Whiteness prevents kids wearing hoodied and eating Skittles from getting shot

<implying not being niggers is what prevents White kids from getting shot


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If cops can't racially profile they'll just start treating everyone as if they're as criminal as black people. Thanks, Kirsten.

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Revoke the 19th

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File: 1b66582dfd82e59⋯.jpg (30.66 KB,192x259,192:259,transhuman.jpg)



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File: 1b0c6f0f0ff4507⋯.jpg (124.07 KB,1100x792,25:18,6gorilliondeadspacelanders.jpg)

>White people get us to the moon


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Fuck. Off.

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Let's not kid ourselves, none of these millionaires have been to an actual inner city ghetto. There are places where you don't go in Chicago during the fucking day let alone at night.

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does anyone not want clean water and air?

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Nigger Asia pollutes the environment more then any other country and all these fags can talk about "but how do WE stop it????" bunch of cucks

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Duh kidz has cancer cuz the refinery! Totally not because of the garbage they eat on a daily basis.

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america has nothing to do with contributing to this "Climate Change", thats china and the shithole countries in africa and the middleeast where niggers breed like rats

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>don’t post in threads I don’t like. Btw here’s a post in the thread

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Science doesn't say shit about the environment, it's all paid for garbage

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believing global warming is a hoax != being a chink and making our own air toxic

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File: f9a27943d666c4e⋯.jpeg (157.19 KB,1252x1252,1:1,1 ZYpBSAe0dC4_ha-3GhcO9Q.jpeg)


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haha this is some clown world shit right here

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you fucking faggot!!!!!!!!! chinas gonna be the fucking ones making all those electric batteries you dumb shits

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10 million new jobs? doing what

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Yang is not wrong, I'm loving this so far, fucking clown show.

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Only for niggers and illegals.

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lol this is too funny

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>Wind turbines create jobs

The wind?

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Inslee is a fucking dumbass.

>Our house is on fire

I see he's a fan of Thunberg.

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Kamala Harris is probably the dumbest monkey nigger on the stage

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nothing like a politician talking about others not understanding science.

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LOL she just btfo'd herself

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le drumpf yucky xD

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>Clorox the oval office.

So she can get fucked by niggers and jews.

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File: e60e09f014119d2⋯.png (313.02 KB,600x449,600:449,e60e09f014119d2527cbf8029e….png)

>mfw all these non-Electric Engineers are discussing how to improve the grid

t. EE

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I can't imagine anyone watching these idiots and thinking they're making any good points

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>Green Energy war with China

lol China is gonna tell you to fuck off

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File: 7e86700501c7c0a⋯.jpg (209.74 KB,594x334,297:167,trump kotor.jpg)


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Gillibrand is the reason to keep your woman in the kitchen.

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I don't think the chinks are even going to participate in that race.

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Would cum dump in Tulsi.

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only old white dudes care about infrastructure

it's over anon

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>green energy war with China

is she serious?

mein fucking sides

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>Green Energy war? Ok, you win, have fun

t. China

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No they will and then just rape the west cause they have no quality standards and they never will cause chinks just don't give a fuck anymore

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they are super serious about it anon

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damn I just realized, there's a good chance everyone on that stage has sucked a dick before.

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She's really fucking annoying and shrill.

Women with high voices are a non-starer politically.

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It's like they want China to take us over.

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china's hoping we do it, since law of supply and demand dictates coal and gas prices will dramatically drop for them

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Niggers still have shit water in flint? Holy shit lol niggers are so fucking dumb

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That bald nigger has the crazy eyes

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>how is it realistic?




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>niggers are so fucking dumb


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jesus these people really are that stupid, honk fucking honk

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>eradication of all lead

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Stupidity pays well

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"longest city in this nation"


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lead poisoning is dumb, it only effects stupid kids

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ban assault lead

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File: afa85f43f368467⋯.png (177.75 KB,340x349,340:349,afa85f43f368467a86fcc33da5….png)

What kind of educated serious person can watch this and think to themselves " Wow so many good choices! I can't wait to vote for these childish low IQ retards".

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So does anyone in here even doubt for a second that pedo Joe won't be the nominee?

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>I helped Flint

>we did what we could

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He is black agent 47 with googly eyes.

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If they ban lead what will the nigger kids lick?

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File: 7258e7c6d867774⋯.webm (3.64 MB,1066x600,533:300,gayiscool.webm)

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Well, 14 Vice Presidents in the past have made their way to President so it's not out of the question

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“The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”

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you only say that because you have white iq privilege

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Owen Shroyer BTFOing DeBlasio for having the disgusting pedo (((Jacob Schwartz))) as staffer

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Stupid is not just forgetting that lead itself didnt cause niggers getting poisoned (it was their democratic government fyi)

Stupid is the eradication of all lead because niggers are too stupid to not drink the water

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Well, 65 million retards in America voted for Shillary Clinton so just let that sink in

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been gone for 30mins, did I miss anything lads

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Use leaded glass on the shortbus so they get their fix.

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the highly educated can still lack skepticism, smart people are taught lies in school all the time and believe them because they don't know better



>white male nominee

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>beat Trump with a bus tour


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>Significant investments


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Biden getting blustery. He should pull out an AR-15 and get this over and done with.

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So how did Detroit turn out you old creepy faggot?!

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File: 605b41071997a66⋯.png (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>when the fluoride water hits

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>defeating trump is better than actually having good policies

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>one of his kids are autistic


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>autistic chinklet

No matter he shilled on /pol/.

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>record high of suicides

<White Men are disproportionately those who commit suicide

He's being rayciss, trying to help Whites!

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I have no idea what that gook is talking about. His autist doesn't contribute?

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Lead poisoning only effects kids, adults who are exposed naturally recover after a short time

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How many train sets does the kid have?!

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File: 96aef79b3750859⋯.jpg (10.67 KB,259x194,259:194,96aef79b37508594b731d200ac….jpg)

>muh russians

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File: e5ed363f814c1c7⋯.png (942.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

As a German, i can say this shit is hilarious. I thought our politicians were embarrassing (pic fucking related) but you Amerilards take the cake

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>White Men are disproportionately those who commit suicide

Thnak god

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>Russians suppressed nigger votes

fuck this fucking clown world

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Yeah he said that badly. He was trying to say that his wife is a stay at home mother, and that is a job that doesn't contribute to GDP, and thus doesn't seem to matter to the government. It was a great idea of a sentence, but his own extreme autism butchered it.

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4B a month is cheap for opium security.

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>russians and republicans suppressed the black voters in michigan

russia nutter lmao

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Personally, I still find Trudeau more embarrassing than most of these retards.

t. Leaf

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thank you ruskis

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Kill yourself, shill. Someone else might help you out with that in the future.

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And now for a short break to show you propaganda disguised as advertising

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back to leftypol faggot

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File: 5942f7e5cdeca40⋯.jpg (699.41 KB,1125x785,225:157,1563143640863.jpg)

>My autistic son

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/sp I do that while listening to music and reading some stuff.

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be right back, killing myself

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Obviously it’s Joe. The DNC designates the nominee. They’ll push him through to the finish line just like they did Hillary.

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File: fb1d15da641ffb9⋯.jpg (41.46 KB,468x468,1:1,37222527.jpg)

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Harris starts nasal-ing about nothing. Even CNN decides it's a great time for a break.

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Speaking of, are the Bernouts still deluding themselves or are they mad about NO REFUNDS?

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Those hands don't look like they're up to me.

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File: 294bf2c1a1c3039⋯.jpg (10.45 KB,203x255,203:255,radicaldog.jpg)

Do you guys == FEEL THE BERN == yet?

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I lurk /leftypol/ occasionally, they are still pretty gung-ho about Bernie and occasionally Warren.

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>Wages are up

( X )

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I guess when the fundraising figures are released that will tell the story. I predict a much lower figure than 2016 but who knows.

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>rent is driven up by importing more people, not chinks and kikes buying real estate and renting it out, thus driving up prices and increasing scarcity

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All years every years, anon.

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leftists don't understand scarcity, they think it's a myth

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and purchasing power is down due to inflation

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>panel of international corperations



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I'd much rather have the gilroy shooter as president than anyone on stage tonight

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Why not both?

Those chinks and kikes both need to go back to where they came from. Hell.

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Chinese did too.

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They're never going to go, they're going to stay here and destroy America

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>pls respond

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Might is right

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File: 0470ea901eb5cd8⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x1659,1280:1659,f73576be2d62fd3fc170ed9a4b….png)


What if we like, do what China does and have a central bank adjust currency to keep working wages down yet purchasing power up? Surely that wont bite them in the ass in the future right?

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Piece of shit that can't even run a city.

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Thanks to him, I got another book to read that I should have read already. He's already far better than any of these traitors.

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He said TTP. Biden is as sharp as a potato.

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China is shit for wages, everyones a poorfag

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File: f9b5af248259776⋯.png (375.41 KB,829x754,829:754,b82c0505ae1b2d6d03c7fc0c0a….png)

Oy vey Tulsi watch yourself you cattle goyette

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File: 50485382390162f⋯.png (462.25 KB,540x693,60:77,1564544479364.png)

>that biden banter

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Not in the last couple of years, wage growth has been outpacing inflation.

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Was that some senile old man up there?

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Except it hasn't

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Biden won that exchange. Whichever random guy tried to go after him there and play it off like a joke just died up there.

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A couple of years, that'll surely surpass all the decades that the dollar has gone to shit.

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Probably got lost looking for the playground

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Fix it all

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Maybe, but it was still pretty cringe on both their parts

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Anyone notice Castro must have the same handlers/trainers as Obama? Cadence is the same.

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What if we took the money we give to other nations, and kept it home?

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File: 5f0e9cda99903cd⋯.gif (1.48 MB,271x201,271:201,5f0e9cda99903cda1c7885cc65….gif)

>muh wage gap

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this guy talking makes me think of some man who was trapped in an alternate reality where only faggots lived and if he opened his too wide to talk the faggots would jam their cocks in his mouth

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Yes, this great 80/100 argument again. Women work less, take more time off, and take less risks. Boring.

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File: 0dded3ff41025e5⋯.jpg (192.16 KB,2028x1924,39:37,rigged.jpg)

>the debate isn't rigge-

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>comparing all of women with all of men rather than job by job

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>muh women

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For sure. Biden tried to be "nice, old senator" by going along with him. He should have just stared at the guy or mimed 'what the fuck was that.' Something to show that that "I believe in redemption" line was fucking garbage.

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File: 19c8b84bea8e307⋯.png (295.17 KB,567x638,567:638,bookman.png)

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>year of our Lord

prostitutes shouldn't mention Him

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They do think it be like it is, but it do.

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>black woman are oppressed

<-t. a nigress senator of US Congress

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there is always hope. they just need to repent

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Holy shit, women have fucking everything already holy fucking shit, women get paid already for doing fucking nothing

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>we need to have a conversation about whether we value women


The answer is no.

Conversation complete.

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This may be a dumb question, but would anybody really be surprised if Biden's name would be on Epstein's list?

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Fucking lol'd

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poor henry

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Yang's answer to everything "just give them a thousand dollars"

and this gook is making it to the 3rd debate. nice

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I thought they were gonna call him a racist but they're pushing the sexist angle instead.

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MGTOWs don't give a shit about women. We don't hire women, we don't work with women, we don't become cucks to women.

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Aright I gotta shut this shit off, fucking women are lecches

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Why can't tulsi2020.com load for me?? Anyone else having trouble?

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>Woman working outside the home would lead to the degeneration of family

And that's wrong?

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A woman just spreads her ass cheeks and gets paid for that shit and here hard working men get fucking nothing for busting their balls doing the real work

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Inconvenient facts.

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File: 15f3955093acacb⋯.png (337.54 KB,381x538,381:538,15f3955093acacb434e86f3913….png)


she will still need to suffer in the fires of perdition to purify her soul

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File: ec8110ca499c98f⋯.jpg (375.46 KB,867x1000,867:1000,1560740094020.jpg)

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Twitch and instagram whores make far more than I do just because they are women.

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is it wrong to vote for joe biden in the primaries over a nigger like harris? then vote trump or constitution party in the general of course

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I know, so what the fuck do women need more shit for?

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Its up for me

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I wish Slow Joe Biden would rewind time and run with his KKK buddies

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Women working is just stealing jobs from men who deserve it more then women

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Fuck off with your adverts, faggot.

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we will all be in the fire. but only a few will not be burned

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He's only slow around anyone who has pubes.

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These evil young women ganging up on a poor defenseless old man

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what was his ebin basinga comment? i didn't catch it

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kapoola going for the throat

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Why do democrats bring up rape and incest so often?

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biden is going sicko mode

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File: e35e4241326adbc⋯.png (445.24 KB,800x530,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

>feminist anti-female propaganda gets spouted

>MGTOWfags take the bait

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all women belong at the home fuck woman, start caring about men again for fucks sake cause poor young men are fucking dying out there

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File: caabe9919eb5782⋯.png (676.1 KB,386x949,386:949,ClipboardImage.png)

What's up with this guys ears. Black Elf.

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Projection against each other and their enemies.

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I wish. Too bad he's a fucking pedo who wants to destroy the US.

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>pedo Biden getting roasted for being not feminist enough

>proceeds to list his cuck credentials

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Women are a disease

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From their youtube video description:


Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.

Completely pozzed.

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I sure as hell don't want Biden to be president, but he's doing a pretty good job deflecting these harpies.

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So i take it you're into cock? KYS faggot

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>will you stop the wars in the middle east?


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>drumpf is endangering our troops

>by bringing them home


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feels scripted. out of the blue he started responding with snark

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File: 015f184bef15632⋯.jpg (372.29 KB,1037x1869,1037:1869,1563194138927.jpg)


lol get knifed fag

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File: 01960339e4b20b1⋯.gif (284.51 KB,300x168,25:14,01960339e4b20b1d6259487b86….gif)

anyone keeping track of how many times trump was mentioned?

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I lost track after 10.

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Booker talking about extremism threatening "our" nation when everyone on that stage is a boss in the clown world.

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Their youtube video description is literally self-contradictory.

Advocates people "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" and yet discourages people from "political wars, religious wars, race wars, etc."

Why are pacifists always big fucking retards who go and kill people for stupid reasons and yet preach endless tolerance and peace to anyone that would rather fight and die for something meaningful?

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Go suck a cock, homo

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Our military is filled with kikes, all vets are pathetic little jews

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File: 30ac0bc9b60181d⋯.jpg (31.26 KB,420x420,1:1,cary-grant-TGJ.00.jpg)


Clearly you love to fag feminist

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well…. I do want a race war

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nice, Yang's strategy would give Iran enough time to nuke Israel.

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>not craving cock is feminist

Ok homo

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Nobody wants to live in Asia.

Everyone wants to live in white nations.

As such, letting Asians into white countries is an obvious fucking mistake to make.

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File: f8faf223da73ac1⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,800x979,800:979,1561019555217.jpg)


>says the feminist fag

If you abandon your brothers then yeah, you're a gay lol

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>We need a global robot technocracy in order to implement communism successfully

>wtf, they're muting my mic!

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>We were all lied to

That's a pretty powerful message.

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>abandon your brothers

Sorry i can't understand you over your cock-gobbling

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File: 3fb1cae9d2f337f⋯.png (544.98 KB,676x478,338:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7462a90e77065b2⋯.png (590.28 KB,671x534,671:534,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33daa60ba11cda4⋯.png (619.24 KB,657x524,657:524,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 965592f8cb5f6de⋯.png (561.64 KB,667x491,667:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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I thought they got phased out for ISIS.

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File: ae0e5e492a4922e⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,300x300,1:1,ae0e5e492a4922ef7105a5d06e….jpg)


then take the dick out of your ears feminist cuck boy

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Take a shot every time Trump is mentioned

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>no one is above the law

great, let's start the mass deportations

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>muh enlistment

>muh military service

>I fought terrorists alone

>It was me who shit Bin Laden

Fucking women.

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File: 45d1855d597f0bd⋯.png (211.03 KB,295x332,295:332,ClipboardImage.png)

just had to do one more version with anon's text.

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The law says Niggers are protected, goy.

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It was beaners doing the yelling?

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>there are 10 different counts where we should charge the president on

ok, what are they exactly?

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Those chinks wouldn't be buying shit up if chinks weren't being let in you fucking retard.

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File: 177c1bb38f96275⋯.png (649.46 KB,540x929,540:929,ClipboardImage.png)


rare deepwater jew

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Great, let’s execute every member of both political parties for treason.

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You have not replied to my question. If women are a disease, do you favor cock-gobbling over sex with a woman then?

I don't need an answer anymore. Your infantile garbage has already confirmed my estimation.

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Democratic debate where they only talk about a republican candidate





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Thanks for the nightmare fuel…..

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File: 5c63fd27bb1473d⋯.jpg (155.66 KB,768x640,6:5,DblRB_18_tile_Mobile_768x6….jpg)


Shut the fuck up ROASTY

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File: dc3ef49c2832f09⋯.jpg (103.34 KB,639x864,71:96,dc3ef49c2832f0959d1fcc24b8….jpg)


lol are you really this gay? If you think someone telling others to start caring about their brothers is gay then I don't know what to tell you cause you sound exactly like a woman. The bond of brotherhood is sacred fag and women just ruin it

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>Moscow Mitch


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I hope they start impeachment. I need more entertainment.

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File: 6c9a42b0140bf1d⋯.png (102.09 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

all of you in hard red states should vote constitution party. pretty cool anti-war anti-gay boomer party.

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>muh walking

>muh gum

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>boomer party

Do they know how to A C C E L E R A T E?

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Digits confirm.

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>stole Biden's sound-bite

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only if they hate kikes

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There is nothing wrong with being gay.

The problem is promiscuity and degeneracy.

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How much longer? This is quite painful.

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>do you prefer cock over pussy

<the bond of brotherhood is sacred

Well if you aren't a flaming faggot then i don't know who is. Consider suicide.

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>Clown commercial

Like pottery.

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Bloated kike loving party, fucking BASED

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File: 9bd08e6d85a4f2d⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,320x240,4:3,germans having a party.mp4)


Yeah you can fuck off woman, this is a mans world baby

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Have fun at the concentration camp, subhuman. Why are there so many fags ITT?

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Hang yourself queer faggot

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>Let's laugh while we die enslaved cuz it's all we have that they gave us.

Wtf i love white genocide now.

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>Yeah cause democucks and obama didn't race bait every 2 seconds like they did tonight

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You STILL haven't answered the question.



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>The Constitution Party has consistently opposed American involvement in conflicts in the Middle East … The United States has no interest in these areas which would justify the sacrifice of Americans on foreign battlefields — nor is our country properly cast as a merchant of death in international arms races.

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>dups are the real socialists

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File: df48e2cd03e2f93⋯.jpg (699.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,Bubsy.jpg)


lol, are you a faggot 12 year old? Are you perhaps…buttmad??

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File: 89d5e1951887b0a⋯.png (258.82 KB,634x652,317:326,5f10ef5608f209c8bc13ef7cb8….png)

>socialism for the rich

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So what does the Democrat party stand for?

Gibs and Fuck Whyty, as far as I can tell.


I was wondering about A C C E L E R A T I N G, crashing this system.

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Doesn't mention jews though

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< We have been here before as a country. The votes that made this country more fair were decisive and eternal. Climate change denier Blumpf needs to be defeated.

Is that all they can say?

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Bennet is legitimately retarded

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>still refuses to deny that he's a homosexual

Well, i think you have outed yourself enough for this thread. Goes to show most MGTOWs are closet fags.

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Let me guess, you like oathers too?

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I'm a MGTOW. What you don't realize is that most MGTOWs are actually woke alphas. Your bullshit shaming tactics are meaningless to us. You have a problem with MGTOWs? Why don't you go say it to their faces. I'd fuck you up on principle.

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This is the first time I've ever seen this bitch, and I will forget about her in about 15 minutes

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Whatever you say homo, i'd put you in a wheelchair out of principle because i dislike fags

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I would LOVE it if they all got nuked on live TV.

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File: 6a0f2dada01544c⋯.jpg (194.45 KB,495x495,1:1,1402088484729.jpg)

What is she fucking babbling about? Is she going to build a bunker for each of us?

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Nah, only for the jews.

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I'd double tap you in the chest and waterboard your lungs through the holes with piss. Every now and then you run into someone you don't fuck with. I'm one of them.

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We'll see what candidate the constitution and libertarian party puts forward. You could also just write-in Adolf Hitler though

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>ADIOS to donald trump

They just can't help but still try to get the spics to get off their lazy asses and vote for them.

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>has obsession with piss

We get it, you're a fag

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What a tuff giez you is! We're all quakin' in our boots!!

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>Half of Millennials will be worse off than their boomer parents

>This is Drumpf's fault

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Takes a party of predators to spot one.

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Welp after all of that I'm YANG GANG now.

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8 more years of Donald Trump? FUCK YEAH! 3 TERM PRESIDENT!

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support whoever the fuck you want in this primary, just vote trump if you're in a swing state

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>We chose science over fiction

So, you agree evolution has made Africans less intelligent than Whites?

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>The America we know will no longer exist

I thought they were supposed to make us not want to vote for him again.

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>vote trump if you're in a swing state

fuck off kike

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They aren't being subtle about shilling for Biden.

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File: 7159602231e8ab8⋯.png (173.66 KB,374x347,374:347,0d583710c0c0fffadf62d5ea6d….png)


>I've decided to become a genetic dead end

>I'm alpha

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File: 2ad4ce7f152e7d3⋯.gif (966.99 KB,245x180,49:36,2ad4ce7f152e7d3c1cc5e1190e….gif)



>vote trump

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<im so deprived of pussy id fuck yur boipussy


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Powerful stuff. Amount donated: $0.

I know it will just go to Israel.

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I'm MGTOW and married and have kids, so now what fags? lol, MGTOW is what men do, it's natural and any fag who keeps putting pussy on a pedestal is a fucking gay homo. The bond of brotherhood matters more then a woman

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File: 5cb1658fc9db3ba⋯.gif (441.97 KB,480x690,16:23,5cb1658fc9db3ba118c6aa6e4e….gif)


>I'm MGTOW and married

oh, you are just retarded then

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>Fag has to use tor

Oh, these fucking fags are back thats why

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File: 7de83d0f49f3331⋯.jpg (234.07 KB,2319x1546,3:2,faggotfaceniggermcdickfag.jpg)


I have kids so now you feminists fags are all butthurt? lol it never ends with a feminist

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TOR still giving you problems, Moishe?

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>I'm MGTOW and married and have kids

Letting fags adopt kids was a cruel mistake

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Scary stuff. Amount donated: $0.

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>I'm married

I don't think you understand what MGTOW stands for. You can't be married and MGTOW. This is why you are retarded.

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File: c027b33f3cdb11e⋯.jpg (3.84 MB,2400x3642,400:607,uyiktyutyjuhgjfhgj.jpg)




LOL, roasties are seething now, must of struck a nerve with the beta fags

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File: 53ac4454df1961a⋯.png (10.88 KB,183x255,61:85,d106d0cbfb6660d5c5b9d3fda6….png)


I understand it better then you jew

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Unless you're married to a dude, like chaim here >>13554235

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>must of struck a nerve

Nah, you just outed again. Only agents in Tel Aviv looking to sell intel to chief fbi agent jamal are fucked in the head by TOR.

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fags can't get married

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Yes they can, have you been living under a rock

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can we vote for Patrick Little in the republican primary? just wanna cause some lulz on the wikipedia election results page

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Give me the greatest summary you can of this /pol/, I was at work again

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>Let them in

>Trump is a racist

>Marijuana justice

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they just attacked joe biden the whole time

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Married and MGTOW? That has to be the most contradictory thing I've seen on this site. I'd ask him to explain more, but he's armed and carries piss with him for his torture fetish.

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These faggots are denouncing "the real far right" right now aka us.

I hate these people more than the enemy.


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What's it like being that ignorant? A higher percentage of MGTOWs are either divorce raped w/ kids or are currently married but realized they are in a prison. Clearly your intelligence level is on par with niggers because you can't even reason it out logically.

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Educated just means indoctrinated nowadays.



Haven't you heard of the megahacker extraordinaire: Seth Rich?


Which one?



Tulsi and Yang.














They're indicating that when they become President, they're going to shut down the chans.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but they're actually more principled than the LP.


What's the matter? Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants, maybe? Gonna shit and cum?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Marianne Williamson Leads Prayer Of Apology For African Americans For Slavery (Esau Chimps Out)

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That's just called a failed marriage, dumbass

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Was this tonight? Jesus

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Oh now they're attacking >>>/fringe/ sperging out about the occult and showing they have no clue what it's really about.

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File: bc7b05d3101de2c⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,drlexus.jpg)


there's that nigger logic we talked about

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Wasn’t Julian Castro the HUD secretary that was responsible for all the missing HUD money?

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what are you talking about?

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You never see democrats denouncing communists. You should read up on Mencius Moldbug and the "Cathedral Theory".

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would it be smart to vote for fringe candidates like patrick little? can people see my voting records for that?

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File: c201cc627934ce2⋯.gif (281.65 KB,400x471,400:471,c201cc627934ce297a6c675229….gif)


>would it be smart to vote?

no, voting will never change anything. Infact its harmful because it legitimizes the current order.

Only largescale violence will solve anything now.

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Tulsi on Fox Jews talking about Saudi Arabia funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

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I'm just asking if there's any real world consequences for voting Patrick Little you fucking retarded fedposting weeb

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>I'm a coward poster

get out

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You expect anything other than a "MURDERMURDERMURDERMURDER" from this brainwashing monitor in the guise of an anon?

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File: 10773407e060058⋯.png (182.03 KB,606x526,303:263,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)

File: 5da64018236cf99⋯.png (43.9 KB,435x353,435:353,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)

File: bfdedbadd654ff3⋯.png (15.25 KB,388x69,388:69,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)


Former vice president Joe Biden stumbled in the final moments of Wednesday's Democratic debate, telling millions of viewers to go to the website Joe30330.com instead of his actual campaign site.

"If you agree with me, go to Joe 3 0 3 3 0 and help me in this fight," he said in his closing remarks.

Biden squinted as he slowly read out the URL, initially leading internet users to a dead website.

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>coward posting

Voting totally works though right?

I mean the wall is built, she is locked up, and all the mexicans have been sent back right?

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What were the numbers? Did he short circuit?

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>Biden squinted as he slowly read out the URL, initially leading internet users to a dead website


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>would it be smart to vote for fringe candidates like patrick little? can people see my voting records for that?

Your vote is supposed to be private.

They can see you voted but not for who. You could write in Adolf Hitler and no one can tell who and that vote is supposed to be counted.

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>They can see you voted but not for who.

Keep telling yourself that you retarded boomer.

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I'd say if 100 people write in Patrick Little for the republican primary and it makes the news, it's as effective as putting up a natsoc flyer on a college campus. It's not gonna change anything, but you get to observe the jewish media freakout from it.

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File: 1fbbc5e27165b39⋯.png (99.17 KB,601x655,601:655,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)


The tweet i linked to has the video. The dude is 76 and coming down with alzheimers.

Some Pete buttplug fag got the domain. /pol/ missed a perfect opportunity.

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They going to dust the ballet for prints? Just wear gloves.

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>just keep voting goy

get out coward

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I'm not advocating for democracy or voting as a solution to anything, I'm just memeing around since this is an election thread.

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If you wanna do something else, knock yourself out. Nothing is stopping you.

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They are campaigning for mexican votes.

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The guy has so little control over the campaign, he doesn't even know what website name the jews chose for him.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

America is so fucked it's not even the most embarrassing teleprompter monkey mishap this month.

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Bernie Sanders can defeat Trump but Trump's Jewish corproate donors will try and stop him from being nominated so Trump wins

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Text Joe to 30330 to get campaign spam

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Fags like you talk shit for days but your violent revolution is less likely to materialize than zognald's wall. If you think it's necessary why don't you get started already

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File: 1f14b4d61b59bac⋯.png (1.75 MB,1240x826,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01b66ddbdcd2fc6⋯.png (671.28 KB,1009x550,1009:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e79da7acbdec69a⋯.png (382.66 KB,500x381,500:381,ClipboardImage.png)



1776-1864 (1865 enforced) = only 89 years,

anything other than that, better go after Rome, Persia, etc.



Kamala is chosen by God BHO, not Biden, why Bernie and Lizzie were on the same 1st debate stage, so they could show their crazy, surprised Booker was not on 1st debate stage with them. Fervor, shaking fervor, moAr fervor!

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Id like to see Bernies Jewish corporate donors battle with Trumps Jewish corporate donors.


Even the BBC had to admit through gritted teeth that they are building the wall, using pentagon funds or something?

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Ah, he mixed up the website and the text thing. That's not really concerning, but the media is going to run with it.

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They’re called cribs, ffs.

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Fucking magapede talk.

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Buttgig…the faggot who sucks dicque and takes it up the stinky pooper and probably bats his eyelashes at 13 and 14 year old boys, is now going to quote the holy bible to us to guilt us into giving more gibs for spics and nigs.

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The fly is attracted to the stench of shit leaking out of his well pummeled faggot asshole.

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File: 5b321113199867d⋯.png (241.22 KB,559x885,559:885,Untitled.png)

File: e7af4ac741f3778⋯.jpg (61.3 KB,1200x606,200:101,EA2lqtCXoAE10ob.jpg)

File: 2992e7b91bfb709⋯.jpg (83.33 KB,749x1022,107:146,EA2lqtFWwAAZ8H5.jpg)

File: 3a3ac15e55751ce⋯.jpg (70.26 KB,750x1083,250:361,EA2lqtGWsAAVCtX.jpg)

File: 5c08464932221c5⋯.jpg (63.74 KB,750x877,750:877,EA2w5gvXYAAhRFr.jpg)

They're that afraid of Tulsi.

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Who is supposed to actually care about these debates? After the last DNC primary with Bernie and Hillary it's pretty obvious all of this is just theater and the candidate has already been chosen. They're already starting to rig it against Tulsi, but they won't be so obvious about it this time. You can already see how they're rigging it by giving their establishment pet Biden three times the air time as people like Yang "it's not gibs if everyone gets it" Gang.

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well, not a left/right war per say. A war of proud whites vs jews, race traitors, and non-whites

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>just avoid voting

>do something

>I'm not doing it first though I'll wait until everyone else does and it's not risky for me anymore

you're either a jew or a true coward

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You fags who say don't vote, Hitler was elected because his party won a majority. And Wiemar was even more degenerate than what we have today in the West. There's a reason why modern leftists are so terrified of Trump, they know a new Hitler could be re-elected easily and that the current situation is very similar to Wiemar. Stop taking black pills and look at some history, you faggots.

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File: 029aa281af1d4c0⋯.jpeg (253.83 KB,996x1000,249:250,1451508389687-1.jpeg)

I had worthwhile things to do so I missed this whole debacle. Is there a highlight reel of lulzy moments or was it just a few hours of screeching and "whitey bad"?

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File: 52ea51a01a9f8a5⋯.jpeg (92.67 KB,720x960,3:4,3A91CED1-583C-43FA-81D4-9….jpeg)


You don’t actually have to watch it.

The Democrats are so strictly confirmed to the Communist Tenets that they are 100% predictable.

Universal Health Care and No Borders = the Abolition of property.

The net cost of government provided healthcare will exceed 30% of GDP.

That means that I’m just a few short years, all of our finances will be redistributed.

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And 62 million voted for Trumpstein, add that up with the people who voted for Hillary that makes 127+ million retards in this country.

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>do what jews want, goyim


>oy vey goyim Hitler was elected with paper ballots in a 100% white Germany

>this is totally comparable to anywhere in the west today

>ha ha go vote for jew puppets in jew parties that vote identically and always do what jews say, every time

Paid to post here.

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62 million minus ~30% people who were hoping for a last ditch political solution

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Did Corey Booker at least get called out for sucking dicks in public bathrooms?

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Great, let’s execute every member of both political parties for treason

NOW you are talking sense.

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File: 87754b89c9b7247⋯.png (177.46 KB,503x569,503:569,Screenshot 2019-08-01 at 5….png)

File: 88cb4d336e063d3⋯.png (32.98 KB,504x267,168:89,Screenshot 2019-08-01 at 5….png)

File: 6f751cf233afffa⋯.jpg (64.97 KB,422x550,211:275,Yang-Gang-Meme-16.jpg)


Its clear (((they))) at the DNC have already picked Biden. This is going to be Hillery2.0.

They are tying to knock out #YANGGANG 1000 DOLLAR now.


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File: a23650822c3205d⋯.png (4.14 KB,448x390,224:195,0000000000000000000000000.png)

File: a01be86975a6639⋯.gif (124.76 KB,660x512,165:128,tmp-22.gif)


Not a Retort. YOU'RE a Fucking Retard. Projection got you fucking nowhere and gets you fucking Nowhere. You bankrupt freak show. Enjoy your japanese radiation WeeabTrash indulged IQ deprived Howling. Real Firework Show. You and your Literal Kike Nigger slave plantation advocacy, who's the fucking joke here? You Weeabed Spic

One Thing: MGTOW

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File: 5c42ebbac51bf2c⋯.gif (125.82 KB,660x512,165:128,tmp-38.gif)

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Yes officer, whatever you say. ;^)

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