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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: b236325ed437cf5⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,516x561,172:187,30bd4a0620b285eb69e6b9782d….jpg)

 No.13553234 [View All]


Come watch some ugly bald nigger sing the National Anthem while the dems realize they weren't patriotic enough and still fight to give shitskins gibs 200 chars200 chars200 chars200 chars

512 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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You never see democrats denouncing communists. You should read up on Mencius Moldbug and the "Cathedral Theory".

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would it be smart to vote for fringe candidates like patrick little? can people see my voting records for that?

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File: c201cc627934ce2⋯.gif (281.65 KB,400x471,400:471,c201cc627934ce297a6c675229….gif)


>would it be smart to vote?

no, voting will never change anything. Infact its harmful because it legitimizes the current order.

Only largescale violence will solve anything now.

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Tulsi on Fox Jews talking about Saudi Arabia funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

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I'm just asking if there's any real world consequences for voting Patrick Little you fucking retarded fedposting weeb

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>I'm a coward poster

get out

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You expect anything other than a "MURDERMURDERMURDERMURDER" from this brainwashing monitor in the guise of an anon?

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File: 10773407e060058⋯.png (182.03 KB,606x526,303:263,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)

File: 5da64018236cf99⋯.png (43.9 KB,435x353,435:353,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)

File: bfdedbadd654ff3⋯.png (15.25 KB,388x69,388:69,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)


Former vice president Joe Biden stumbled in the final moments of Wednesday's Democratic debate, telling millions of viewers to go to the website Joe30330.com instead of his actual campaign site.

"If you agree with me, go to Joe 3 0 3 3 0 and help me in this fight," he said in his closing remarks.

Biden squinted as he slowly read out the URL, initially leading internet users to a dead website.

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>coward posting

Voting totally works though right?

I mean the wall is built, she is locked up, and all the mexicans have been sent back right?

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What were the numbers? Did he short circuit?

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>Biden squinted as he slowly read out the URL, initially leading internet users to a dead website


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>would it be smart to vote for fringe candidates like patrick little? can people see my voting records for that?

Your vote is supposed to be private.

They can see you voted but not for who. You could write in Adolf Hitler and no one can tell who and that vote is supposed to be counted.

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>They can see you voted but not for who.

Keep telling yourself that you retarded boomer.

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I'd say if 100 people write in Patrick Little for the republican primary and it makes the news, it's as effective as putting up a natsoc flyer on a college campus. It's not gonna change anything, but you get to observe the jewish media freakout from it.

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File: 1fbbc5e27165b39⋯.png (99.17 KB,601x655,601:655,Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 1….png)


The tweet i linked to has the video. The dude is 76 and coming down with alzheimers.

Some Pete buttplug fag got the domain. /pol/ missed a perfect opportunity.

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They going to dust the ballet for prints? Just wear gloves.

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>just keep voting goy

get out coward

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I'm not advocating for democracy or voting as a solution to anything, I'm just memeing around since this is an election thread.

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If you wanna do something else, knock yourself out. Nothing is stopping you.

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They are campaigning for mexican votes.

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The guy has so little control over the campaign, he doesn't even know what website name the jews chose for him.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

America is so fucked it's not even the most embarrassing teleprompter monkey mishap this month.

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Bernie Sanders can defeat Trump but Trump's Jewish corproate donors will try and stop him from being nominated so Trump wins

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Text Joe to 30330 to get campaign spam

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Fags like you talk shit for days but your violent revolution is less likely to materialize than zognald's wall. If you think it's necessary why don't you get started already

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File: 1f14b4d61b59bac⋯.png (1.75 MB,1240x826,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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1776-1864 (1865 enforced) = only 89 years,

anything other than that, better go after Rome, Persia, etc.



Kamala is chosen by God BHO, not Biden, why Bernie and Lizzie were on the same 1st debate stage, so they could show their crazy, surprised Booker was not on 1st debate stage with them. Fervor, shaking fervor, moAr fervor!

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Id like to see Bernies Jewish corporate donors battle with Trumps Jewish corporate donors.


Even the BBC had to admit through gritted teeth that they are building the wall, using pentagon funds or something?

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Ah, he mixed up the website and the text thing. That's not really concerning, but the media is going to run with it.

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They’re called cribs, ffs.

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Fucking magapede talk.

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Buttgig…the faggot who sucks dicque and takes it up the stinky pooper and probably bats his eyelashes at 13 and 14 year old boys, is now going to quote the holy bible to us to guilt us into giving more gibs for spics and nigs.

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The fly is attracted to the stench of shit leaking out of his well pummeled faggot asshole.

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File: 5b321113199867d⋯.png (241.22 KB,559x885,559:885,Untitled.png)

File: e7af4ac741f3778⋯.jpg (61.3 KB,1200x606,200:101,EA2lqtCXoAE10ob.jpg)

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File: 5c08464932221c5⋯.jpg (63.74 KB,750x877,750:877,EA2w5gvXYAAhRFr.jpg)

They're that afraid of Tulsi.

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Who is supposed to actually care about these debates? After the last DNC primary with Bernie and Hillary it's pretty obvious all of this is just theater and the candidate has already been chosen. They're already starting to rig it against Tulsi, but they won't be so obvious about it this time. You can already see how they're rigging it by giving their establishment pet Biden three times the air time as people like Yang "it's not gibs if everyone gets it" Gang.

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well, not a left/right war per say. A war of proud whites vs jews, race traitors, and non-whites

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>just avoid voting

>do something

>I'm not doing it first though I'll wait until everyone else does and it's not risky for me anymore

you're either a jew or a true coward

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You fags who say don't vote, Hitler was elected because his party won a majority. And Wiemar was even more degenerate than what we have today in the West. There's a reason why modern leftists are so terrified of Trump, they know a new Hitler could be re-elected easily and that the current situation is very similar to Wiemar. Stop taking black pills and look at some history, you faggots.

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File: 029aa281af1d4c0⋯.jpeg (253.83 KB,996x1000,249:250,1451508389687-1.jpeg)

I had worthwhile things to do so I missed this whole debacle. Is there a highlight reel of lulzy moments or was it just a few hours of screeching and "whitey bad"?

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File: 52ea51a01a9f8a5⋯.jpeg (92.67 KB,720x960,3:4,3A91CED1-583C-43FA-81D4-9….jpeg)


You don’t actually have to watch it.

The Democrats are so strictly confirmed to the Communist Tenets that they are 100% predictable.

Universal Health Care and No Borders = the Abolition of property.

The net cost of government provided healthcare will exceed 30% of GDP.

That means that I’m just a few short years, all of our finances will be redistributed.

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And 62 million voted for Trumpstein, add that up with the people who voted for Hillary that makes 127+ million retards in this country.

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>do what jews want, goyim


>oy vey goyim Hitler was elected with paper ballots in a 100% white Germany

>this is totally comparable to anywhere in the west today

>ha ha go vote for jew puppets in jew parties that vote identically and always do what jews say, every time

Paid to post here.

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62 million minus ~30% people who were hoping for a last ditch political solution

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Did Corey Booker at least get called out for sucking dicks in public bathrooms?

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Great, let’s execute every member of both political parties for treason

NOW you are talking sense.

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File: 87754b89c9b7247⋯.png (177.46 KB,503x569,503:569,Screenshot 2019-08-01 at 5….png)

File: 88cb4d336e063d3⋯.png (32.98 KB,504x267,168:89,Screenshot 2019-08-01 at 5….png)

File: 6f751cf233afffa⋯.jpg (64.97 KB,422x550,211:275,Yang-Gang-Meme-16.jpg)


Its clear (((they))) at the DNC have already picked Biden. This is going to be Hillery2.0.

They are tying to knock out #YANGGANG 1000 DOLLAR now.


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File: a23650822c3205d⋯.png (4.14 KB,448x390,224:195,0000000000000000000000000.png)

File: a01be86975a6639⋯.gif (124.76 KB,660x512,165:128,tmp-22.gif)


Not a Retort. YOU'RE a Fucking Retard. Projection got you fucking nowhere and gets you fucking Nowhere. You bankrupt freak show. Enjoy your japanese radiation WeeabTrash indulged IQ deprived Howling. Real Firework Show. You and your Literal Kike Nigger slave plantation advocacy, who's the fucking joke here? You Weeabed Spic

One Thing: MGTOW

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File: 5c42ebbac51bf2c⋯.gif (125.82 KB,660x512,165:128,tmp-38.gif)

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Yes officer, whatever you say. ;^)

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