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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13496770 [Last50 Posts]

SIG 2019



Immortal - Thomas Bergesen


Stallion - Two Steps From Hell


Never Give Up - Two Steps From Hell


Victory - Two Steps From Hell



Assume all processed foods are dangerous.

Raw salmon for optimal brain health.

Eat in moderation. Water fasting of at least 7 days per month.


The Mind Illuminated


> Providing step-by-step guidance for every stage of the meditation path, this uniquely comprehensive guide for a Western audience combines the wisdom from the teachings of the Buddha with the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Clear and friendly, this in-depth practice manual builds on the nine-stage model of meditation originally articulated by the ancient Indian sage Asanga, crystallizing the entire meditative journey into 10 clearly-defined stages.




Read Fascist and National Socialist books at




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File: aa8336f79d51e61⋯.png (143.82 KB,520x620,26:31,aa8336f79d51e617f6f9ceefd6….png)

When you step into the gym and train for one week and then stop, do you get surprised that you made nonexistent gains? I'm sure it intuitively makes sense to you that if you want to build muscle you have to go consistently over a long period of time. Physical gains don't come easy, they're earned. So why would it be any different for mental gains? Why would mental gains come about after only a few session of meditation?

You are bad with focus and concentration right now because your habits and daily actions have over a long period of time corroded your ability to focus. This regression didn't happen over night, it happened over years. Fixing this is not going to happen in a day, hell, not even in a week. It's going to take months of consistent action against it.

With meditation you should expect the same gains patterns as you would with working out. Your gains will show up weeks from now, not days.

Pic related is a basic guide to meditating. I highly recommend you start with 5 minutes and then increase by 1-2 minutes every 7 days. Rinse and repeating making sure to do it EVERY SINGLE DAY with no exceptions. Eventually you will see clearcut progress.

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File: e3b465c76b09ccc⋯.jpg (35.38 KB,328x500,82:125,1246f3b722967a2a835a3ca330….jpg)


Everyone read "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston Price. He did diet and health studies with solid control groups to determine how optimal health is achieved.

Modern diet research is usually useless, low quality correlative studies that are funded by the people ruining this earth.

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>duplicate thread to spite other OP and further fuel /pol/s distrusting community.

Go fuck yourself.

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File: 45b22955f859532⋯.png (670.56 KB,680x564,170:141,45b22955f8595320dd0e847c87….png)

Eat well, eat for health. Remember that what you consume is your fuel and the building blocks of your body.

Avoid dogmatic fad diets. Seek a balanced set of nutritious, delicious, and affordable foods. If you are unused to eating well, work your way up. Ensure you have at least two servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Eat one fewer serving of meat than you think you need. If you must indulge in junk food, make it sparing and deliberate. Impulse must not be part of the equation. Otherwise, eliminate chips, high-sodium snacks, sweets, sugary carbonated drinks, processed food, etc. Your goal should be to cook and prepare a majority of what you eat. If it's mass-produced and ready-made, it probably is not good for you. In any case, you should take a quiet pride in the food you prepare for yourself.

Set a budget and stick to it. Dutifully write down how much money you have to spend, and plan your grocery shopping around your monetary limits.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water, tea and occasional natural juices should be your staples. If you are dependent, either physically or socially, on caffeine or alcohol, reduce your consumption slowly. Ultimately, you are perfectly capable of surviving on one or two coffees or beers.

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Checked the other thread you mentioned. Looked at the quality, and their intentions, an idiot could tell it was initiated with malignity.

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File: 891ca45dd1ecefc⋯.jpeg (63.01 KB,800x518,400:259,891ca45dd1ecefc76cb50b4c7….jpeg)

Adhere to a religion. If you lack religious affiliation or belief, seek a humanistic moral code. Contemplate the purpose of meaning of your life. Seek knowledge through text and fellowship with like-minded individuals. Aim for purity of thought and word and deed. Regardless of your personal preference, devote at least 5-10 minutes each day to quiet meditation. This can be incorporated into your morning routine, your nightly 20 min "lights out" routine, or combined with your stretching/exercise regimen.

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File: a563dc4fc535e80⋯.jpg (58.69 KB,500x471,500:471,a563dc4fc535e80a9fc1676b5b….jpg)

You must attempt to expand your interests. On the other hand, you must be selective on what media you allow to influence your mind.

Far from being an admonishment regarding purity and safe products, this is a reminder to guard the input to your thoughts, words, and actions. If you wish to live a positive and straightforward life, avoid music from unwholesome artists, with lyrics advocating drugs, profanity, and violence and unregulated desire. Likewise, be aware of movies which glorify lax and and unscrupulous modes of living that may derail your efforts at self-improvement. If politics is an area of concern, identify media bias, agenda, and propaganda. Do not shun them entirely, for this would encourage isolation; however, know when a message is being pushed so you can act accordingly.

If you desire to be more cultured, intentionally select genres of movies, music, and games you have yet to experience fully. Deliberately and critically examine what makes the work good, bad, derivative, or innovative. Learn to express yourself more clearly.

Devote time to the classics of all forms of media. Regardless of your personal opinion or affection, they are classic for a reason. Develop a vocabulary for identifying why it is important.

Set aside 20-30 minutes a day to read an actual book or print publication. This should be separate from your efforts at academia or other skills, however the book can be fiction or non-fiction. While hardcopy is preferable and easier on the eyes, an e-reader is acceptable, especially if it is more economically feasible/convenient.

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File: d8a554f3ab83b77⋯.mp4 (15.88 MB,640x360,16:9,_-9AaO5s_GOCI (1).mp4)

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Indeed. Those kikes were such vermin.

(((they))) were clearly involved…

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Remember to stay healthy /pol/.

Always check up on your vaccines and visit your doctor. Stay hydrated as well. If you run out of water don't be scared to think the tap water it's just as healthy.

Godspeed to you all

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>Seek a balanced set of nutritious, delicious, and affordable foods.

"Balanced" is meaningless fluff language. If what your eat has everything you need in it, then it's "balanced".

Ensure you have at least two servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

For what reason? Animal sourced foods have everything you need in a more bioavailable form. If you like plants, that's fine, keep eating them, but they're unnecessary.

Eat one fewer serving of meat than you think you need.

Then I'd still be hungry. I eat till I'm not hungry.

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Shit, forgot to greentext most of that.

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Balanced implies balanced moron.

Always remember to follow the instructions of the general scientific consensus.

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>Always remember to follow the instructions of the general scientific consensus.

Is this a joke?

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>inb4 science is jewish!

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File: 5e111d3d3aba298⋯.jpg (56.63 KB,438x438,1:1,5e111d3d3aba298fbc9d837519….jpg)

Arm yourself. Anyone who values his safety and comfort should be prepared to defend it. If you reside in an area without stringent firearm regulation, buy one as soon as feasible. Determine your needs and familiarity to decide whether it makes sense to purchase only pistol, or a rifle or shotgun. More importantly, dedicate yourself to knowing its function and practice. Look for gun store/range classes, or find an older aficionado as a mentor.

If you live in a more restrictive locale, you can still acquire archaic or non-lethal weaponry. A blade or bow is still better than nothing. Likewise, far from being effeminate tools only, pepper spray and tasers can be cheap and effective means of self-defense. Ideally, you should complement your weapons acquisition with martial arts, but that is more of a fitness topic.

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File: 384b1c95316e011⋯.jpg (542.72 KB,732x683,732:683,starbucksJEWisraelMEME.jpg)

File: 1dc2dd520b03535⋯.jpg (46.59 KB,500x500,1:1,SteaksHaveNeverBeenHigher.jpg)


>oy vey goy eat double your vegetables and less meat

>be sure to limit yourselves and eat poorly as food prices rise

>if you do accidentally eat ketogenically and get healthy then drink enough water to drain the nutrition from your bodies and drink plenty of fluoride rich tea and sugar juice, "sugar spends to fatten slaves" right goy? Oh and if you have an addiction don't worry too much about it, you should keep toxifying your body, its perfectly capable of surviving as a deformed unenviable slave goy.

Fucking schlomo.

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>guns solve problems

We need to remove guns from society in order to make everyone safer.

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I agree, this is the kiked thread.

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>implying vegetables are bad for you


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If i am looking to stop being an obese fuck and gain muscle mass when and what should i eat?

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Mcdonalds has lots of protein.

Find nutrients there friend.

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File: dc539adcd2da389⋯.jpg (37.88 KB,634x286,317:143,dc539adcd2da3893423783f9ec….jpg)

If you already have an occupation, no matter how menial or unimportant as it may seem, be content with having something that many others do not. You have income and are a productive member of society; take heart!

Further enjoyment can be derived from innovation and cooperation. Even the lowliest job can be improved by finding ways to accomplish tasks more efficiently, or getting along with your fellows. If you are fortunate enough to share a good working relationship with your superior, ask for feedback. Discover and identify ways for upward mobility.

If you are Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET), there is still hope. Immediately look for avenues for volunteering and self-employment. Whether it's spending time at an animal shelter, an elderly home, a soup kitchen, getting paid for surveys, writing stories/articles/reviews, driving Uber, tutoring, etc; you will accomplish two elements: getting out the house and filling a void in your job history.

You presumably have 2 hours of free time daily. Your "job" therefore is to spend these two hours in uninterrupted job/training/school search activity. Every week you should be applying to dozens of programs. Attend job fairs, temp agency hires, career counseling, and open houses.

To quote Dune again, "anything outside yourself, this you can see and apply your logic to it. But it's a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, those things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan. We tend to flounder around, blaming everything but the actual deep-seated thing that's actually chewing on us."

There's no negligible chance that if you're NEET, you're suffering from modern social malaise or mental illness. Seek treatment! If you had a broken limb, you would go to the doctor for correction and this is the same principle. Receiver whatever therapy, treatment, or medication and press on!

Likewise, with the Dune reference, recognize we all have blindspots. If you have applied for 100 jobs with no response, maybe you have a hidden flaw. It could be as simple as a glaring typographical error, an inappropriate phrasing, or social awkwardness. Thus, it is crucial to seek outside assistance to fix any issues with applying to jobs.

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Malignity? What the fuck? How was that /SIG/ in any way malicious? The OP was a fag, but the conversations on there were normal and barley beginning.

This dupe thread is bullshit.

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Exactly. Go to the doctor and get your vaccines.

Stay healthy people! It's never too late to get circumcised !

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File: 82c084c94ea573c⋯.jpg (318.29 KB,792x1000,99:125,82c084c94ea573cb1e00ebdb2d….jpg)

There are four ways of experiencing or missing this–"this" being improvement and the Virtù of "the good life".

1) The blessed few who are Un-vying Successful. They don't consciously seek out or adhere to any "self-improvement" because they have no need to. By a fortuitous cocktail of birth and circumstance, they are on the path of happiness without specifically addressing it.

2) The Ignorant Damned. Those who (almost) never stood a chance. They were doomed to never comprehend or seek a better life, and would probably not choose to even if they knew.

3) The Ascendant. This is hopefully You reading this. Those who recognize the despair of the (modern) world, but seek to better themselves with knowledge and improvement nonetheless. It's the vital integration of knowing and doing that manifest a successful reality.

4) The Willful Degenerate. This is the most tragic category of all. Those who know or who are vaguely aware of what to do, and understand the need to accomplish it, but still fall prey to baser instincts and don't follow through.

Not to fall to evangelism or unfortunate Jordan Peterson comparisons, but category 4 is the most pernicious status for anyone who is on this board or thread. If you know that do to: JUST DO IT. Declare as any enemy the little voice that makes excuses and rationalizes your shortcomings. To have knowledge of good and to still choose evil is the most despicable rotten sort of existence. Don't overthink this and stumble. You are a Human Being. So, Be.

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>the successful are successful

typical american

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>There's no negligible chance that if you're NEET, you're suffering from modern social malaise or mental illness. Seek treatment!

Wait, don't just send the crazies to the shrink, that is a terrible idea that will end up in the near permanent impairment of them, there must be something else they should be able to do instead.

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No. The crazies go to the doctor. This is the way it will always be. Jews will let them run rampant in society to tear us apart. Think Anon.

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By going to a doctor they will be denied the chance to beat their illness on their own, they will forever remain the deficient ones.

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File: 95a317b8deb4460⋯.jpg (124.77 KB,1024x678,512:339,a-range-of-foods-from-the-….jpg)


Ironically fat, eating fat will train your body to burn fat, also take bitter herbs to prevent disease of liver and joints, such as milk thistle and choline bitartrate, and also some tart cherry juice to prevent gout, but mainly eat lots of bacon and ham and chicken and sausage and steak and fish and seafood and meat and fat, fat, fat. Like eat mostly fat and fatty meat, avocados, coconut oil, and your body will burn fat and be in a state of ketogenisis (greek for fat burning), which is the natural state of the human body when born and weened from mother's milk, we are forced to learn to be peasants and eat grass and grass seed by slavemasters and corrupt parents feeding their babies "baby food" instead of milk, mainly because the mother is too sick or weak to make enough milk because she is eating the slave diet already. I could go on, but I think you get the picture, pic related.


kys, Schlomo the Frenless.

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they are academic doctor maybe but not medical doctors

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Take any job you can get. There is a distinct possibility that you are of above-average intelligence and have a degree. Do not suffer in the short-term for a perceived long-term disadvantage. Even if a job is perceived as lowly and you are over-qualified, it is better to have an income and job history. In all actuality, you may have co-workers (or even superiors) with vastly deficient intellectual capability or motivation than you. Do not become disheartened. This is temporary and you are capable of making the most out of every opportunity. Be the shark on the mountaintop.

Once you are settled, save any money you can. Stick to the budget (mentioned in Food and Drink). Consolidate. Combine Netflix accounts with friends and family. Sell unnecessary personal items. Use coupons.

Being thrifty is not a condemnation or admission of inferiority. It's a commitment to efficiently utilize your resources and a skill demonstrative of your ability to min-max. Truly and honestly write down everything you want and need and what you can downsize or eliminate. Take pleasure in hacking your finances and discovering how frugally you can actually live.

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File: 2b877c075547cd2⋯.jpg (46.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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File: ad8eb3e26c35814⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ad8eb3e26c35814838654fa689….jpg)

Man is a social animal. Even if you are inclined towards introversion or circumstances have jaded you towards solitude, for your own health you must socialize with others.

At the most extreme end: if you are a veritable basement dweller with no true friends or companions, start with the Internet. Use boards, websites, and chatrooms to virtually connect with other human beings. If you have friends and acquaintances, schedule time to meet with them, however short it may be. Or maximize the time you spend with people in public, such as clerks, neighbors, and store employees. If you have online friends and social media, make a conscious effort to connect with them. Remember how you met/became friends initially and rekindle that bond. If you have physical friends, find ways to spend time with them. Lastly, connect with your family in any way that is feasible.

Understandably, some people have difficult relationships with family. But if it is not too taxing, handwrite letters to older aunts and uncles. Call grandparents every month or so. Whatever differences you think you have, blood is still important. And they might appreciate your effort at communication more than you know. Also, you will be better for it, if not immediately.

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File: 4d0677e04fb3695⋯.png (157.63 KB,1002x798,167:133,4d0677e04fb3695e895181fddb….png)

If you are here, you are almost certainly blessed with a lifestyle and economic freedom to pursue hobbies and diversion. If you currently lack commitment and means to pursue new hobbies, develop what you know.

For instance, if you are confined to reading, movies, and video games, become a writer, an engaged critic, or a developer, respectively.

If you are already ambitious, seek one amusement which can be done in isolation and another that requires socialization. Do not fight the ebb and flow of interest and passion. Some days you will feel more excited than others. (If I may insert a personal aside, I have recently expanded my personal interest in entomology into beekeeping and honey. Take what you already like and expand it.)

Attempt to diversify your interests. If the generic pastimes of anime, comics, sci-fi, video games, and computers are your domain, seek another realm of interests. If you're more into sports, humanities, debate, and literature, maybe find something else to complement those pre-existing recreations. The aim is to be well-rounded. The Renaissance Man is attainable with time and effort.

Do not fear to ask others for help or guidance. There is no dearth of websites and social groups that can assist you with new hobbies. Many aficionados experience no greater joy than sharing their passion with a new member. Find these people, learn from them, become their friend.

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Be an adult.

From French adulte, Latin -adultus (“grown up”, literally "past grown", done being nourished), perfect passive participle of adolescō (“I grow up”). Compare adolescent.

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anon, my grandparents are dead.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Earth is round, vegetables may have ruined this girls mind.

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File: 8a8b905bf2fe54d⋯.jpg (134 KB,620x350,62:35,shark-cape-breton.jpg)


>Be the shark on the mountaintop.

You're dead.

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jews promote veganism because they know that eating meat encourages fertility rates.

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CRAP. The music I linked is not Thomas Bergesen's. If the mods could re-edit it in somehow, that would be awesome.

Here is Thomas Bergesen's Immortal


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yoga and vedic lit are aryan and non kiked.

Don't get vedic lit and hinduism confused, the latter is for curry niggers, the former is for scholars.

Taoism, Chuang Tsu and Wen Tsu aren't that bad either.

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File: 4c55fb118ae0653⋯.jpg (40.08 KB,400x680,10:17,4c55fb118ae065349436edc0f5….jpg)


Is there someone that sifts through every single translation of a bible verse just to find the one that sounds the best for the situation? Who the fuck uses ESV?

>The second preliminary issue that should be summarized relates to “gender” reference in language. The controversies here have been even greater than those related to translation philosophy in general. It is particularly acute in the political-cultural context of the West at the beginning of the 21st century due to the ideological issues raised by feminism, both in the secular, political arena and in the theological, ecclesiastical arena. The issues involve how reference is made in a translation to the sex of the individuals referenced in the text.

And it just keeps going on about inclusivity after that. How cucked do you have to be to write two and a half SOURCED pages about how gender inclusivity is important in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND AND ONE in the FUCKING BIBLE. They specifically edited gender specific pronouns out of the motherfucking bible to avoid offending feminists.

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File: d4064262b0ddb30⋯.jpg (411.28 KB,1104x1824,23:38,Push-up types.jpg)

File: 12283320e3bd40d⋯.jpg (205.81 KB,920x1301,920:1301,Bodyweight exercises.jpg)

File: 296b9d1d9777e7b⋯.jpg (89.56 KB,495x562,495:562,Directed exercises.JPG)

Push-up types

Bodyweight exercises

Directed exercises

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File: 36e2b0ead43d28f⋯.jpg (169.63 KB,1500x1500,1:1,36e2b0ead43d28f0b08f60a0da….jpg)

Should I go to the gym after rehabbing it band tendonitis on my hip and right side of my knee? Had 2 cortisone shots a few weeks ago one on my knee and one on the side of the hip and went to physical therapy for 8 weeks. Now I don't feel any pain on my knees or hips when I squat with just my bodywieght but still have mild pain when I do step ups or climb up stairs. I did starting strength routine before my injury. Please help I don't want re-injure myself but want grow strong.

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What did you do to hurt yourself?

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File: 44cde104898e224⋯.jpg (79.37 KB,842x396,421:198,Codreanu_Elite.jpg)


Wise words indeed.

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File: c583b82433394be⋯.jpg (80.86 KB,1188x624,99:52,Codreanu_swamp.jpg)


Wrong quote.

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I Don't know, I just woke up one morning with hip and eventually knees started to hurt. My orthopedic thinks it's the gym but I woke up on a monday and gym routine was always during Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, his response maybe you did something out habit that caused the pain. I am still trying to figure this out but my therapist said my right leg walks with a limp but I never noticed it.

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That's sucks, I like to do full body as I hurt my back and it limits the strain. I would just say if you go back know off some weight, ensure correct form, and maybe stretch and/or use the sauna a bit more to help things relax. Gl bud

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Faggot, stop with this. I know it's funny, but /sig/ is not the place.

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Nice trips, my pyscial therapist wants me to bike or run as much as I could, but I don't know how far I could run as I never really ran before except to warm up before I did my workout. Biking is no go for me when my knee hurts when the pedal is on the top.

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File: 21e2b0c31643b01⋯.jpg (119.63 KB,680x680,1:1,DO IT NOW.jpg)

Most important is to make reasonable, achievable plans, and then take concretes steps to achieve those plans on a regular and consistent basis. Then to build on that momentum, not too much, not too little. And to remember the Four Nevers:


NEVER Slacken!

NEVER Lose Courage!

NEVER Lose Faith!

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File: c1606f6f819ede5⋯.jpg (77.96 KB,458x640,229:320,when to grow.jpg)

File: 7c75094ea112a70⋯.jpg (157.53 KB,564x1073,564:1073,bad buds.jpg)

File: 893537fe685aedf⋯.jpg (62.7 KB,564x564,1:1,watering cycle.jpg)

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>If you already have an occupation, no matter how menial or unimportant as it may seem, be content with having something that many others do not. You have income and are a productive member of society; take heart!

ya goy, don't aspire for anything better! youll be a pro in our factories.

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welp, haven't watched porn in the last 4 days. i should stop fapping. started to benchpress my chair because endomorphic-mesomorphic and no weights. I'm doing pretty damn good. Cooked some bacon yesterday and today made a burger. S'good stuff. quality protein and fat if i do say so myself.


the more threads the better

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>Eat in moderation. Water fasting of at least 7 days per month.

Damn OP, I’d go emaciated real quick if I followed that. Fast metabolism

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Thanks anon.

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File: 2bcec78a8b5ad35⋯.jpg (19.89 KB,300x407,300:407,e3e028dc5de8b97cbd281f681d….jpg)

Seconding this. Get:

>Vasistha's Yoga

>The Upanishads

>The Bhagavad Gita

Head straight to the Mandukya Upanishad if you want the core knowledge of these texts. "Advaita" (non-dual) Vedanta is the great knowledge of people who spent their lives thinking and deliberating.


You bet.

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Meant to reference you >>13497034

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>implying vegetables are good for you

more cringe

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Its 6 am and I had interrupted sleep. My diet is poor, but filling, and I have way too much caffeine. I plan to fix it but i dont know when.

Anyways, I read up on Wikipedia about the pineal gland, melotonin, serotonin, tryptophan,and the circadean rhythm. In addition to unfucking my diet and not staying up so late, would any of these be worth taking as a regular supplement? I've always been of the mindset that less drugs and supplements, the better, because i never want to be in a situation where I take meds to manage meds

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Make ripples

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I have heard that everything starts with the feet. If you have bad posture it will lead to all sorts of bad shit. Definitely listen to your orthopedist in my opinion

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screw , that I'm going to go and fap to interracial , gay cuck porn

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File: f9e220174c1bd41⋯.png (28.24 KB,940x300,47:15,abortion-and-gun-ban-comic.png)


<We need to remove guns from society in order to make everyone safer.


<we need to make nigger gangbangers safer from people willing to defend their life and property from them

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how come nobody realizes that the more we know and the less we know how to deal with knowledge, the more rises the jew within us? we're doing exactly what (((they))) want by being openly discriminatory against races. That's mostly what prevents us from spreading the redpill. even though the movement might be growing, a large amount of people who lurk here gives up due to your unnecessary racism. (((they))) always defined supremacy as a characteristic of national socialism, and we have been playing (((their))) game all along

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>implying some random dude on 8chan actually has the power to overthrow the Illuminati/Jews

You are just as enslaved as everyone else to the Jews, man.

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Try walking, I like to do sprints, but a fast walk is equivalent calorie wise to a slow jog. Plus I live in a city so walking is the only time I get to see trees and ducks.

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Make sure your bacon is uncured or your ass will pay the price in 20 years

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Forget supplements, that's jewish shit. Support your local farmers, or start your own. Eat food that is raised/grown as close to the way it would in nature as possible. Humans do not have complete knowledge of the relationships the that dictate our world, so every time we try to recreate nature in a sterile environment we end up hurting ourselves; in the case of food it's with malnutrition.

Read that book I posted. I'd post the pdf, but it's already posted elsewhere, so just go download it off libgen.io



Jews do use ideas against our curious minds. We're like cats chasing a laser.

>a large amount of people who lurk here gives up due to your unnecessary racism.

Everyone knows this place is a cesspit. Chans have always been like this.

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people make fun of trampolines or belittle them as a childs toy but while you grind your ass off on a ring worm bench gaining muscle in a super specific ROM, I'm over here giddy like a kid on christmas bouncing around and catching a better cardio in 10 minutes than most do on a treadmill

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>waste the majority of your life slaving away doing some worthless work for some pathetic untermensch boss within some kike company so that you can go home to your small shack and cut out coupons and save as many pennies as you can so that one day you may be able to elevate yourself to a slightly higher standard of living despite the fact that your nation and history is crumbling around you


Pave your own way forward and live an actual life on your own terms. Cut down any subhuman or traitor in your way, and ignore any and all (((laws))) that hold you back. Be a fucking unstoppable force in everything and anything that you choose to do. This is how we will win.

Basically, if we’re to play their (((game))), then it is absolutely imperative that we stop playing by their rules, anon.

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<a large amount of people who lurk here gives up due to your unnecessary racism

Gonna need a source for that, “ anon”.

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I do walk almost daily a mile or so but my doctor also told me to stop putting things in my pocket until my injury heals so now I carry things on my backpack. I just don't know how to secure my wallet when I walk, most backpack zippers could be easily broken into without anybody knowing about.


I am trying I bought knew sneakers with a more firm support being more aware that my knees are pointing out sometimes when I walk.

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>the sheer volume of (1) shills ITT

Lel, despite your supposed adeptness in deceitful rhetoric, you filthy kikes are still as obvious as ever.

Just remember that as each day passes, you lose a very small amount of control over European man. If you take a look around, the effects of this are already manifesting in reality. Sooner or later, it’s going to be all over for you.

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eat ur veggies tard we no want u

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>I'll keep spamming my off topic bullshit because I'm a jew cunt

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In every /sig/ thread, there's always someone who says to eat nuts. Why should we eat them when they contain soy?

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>nuts contain beans

How are you that dumb?

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Dumbass post of the day.

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Alright then. Tell me when it's harmful or negative to consume soy.

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Nuts do not contain soy you retard. Soy is a bean. Nuts do not contain beans.

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they don't if you deactivate them beforehand

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eventually, having a job, no matter who plays with what market and why is going to be necessary. Think of the basic premise. In nature, if you do not work, you die. If you do not grow crops, hunt animals or whatever, you perish. You need to work to produce materials to make houses, food, clothes etc. This is all quite basic.

But obviously one can take it much too far, at some point there is excess in the system, where a person slaves away for almost no reward, at that point it is no longer morally redeemable in my opinion to simply just work.

But have we reached such a point? Where on this slide do most people who work lie? In some nations they lie more to the right, to that of being slaves. But at many other nations (like here in the EU) there are so many labor protection laws, good vacations and well enough pay that people are so far on the left of this slide that they would not be able to manage to be part of the "surviving ones" in nature. At that point they are degenerates.

But the closer you get to the right, in other nations and circumstances, the more morally right you are in not only avoiding work, but also doing harm to those who keep the system going.

If you truly are capable of living for yourself, there are other options.







Some may say its a meme, but read the book "rich dad & poor dad", it gives many examples, and highlights a financial red pill for yourself, and it is exactly what you want. It tells you to FUCK YOU GO FIND THOSE LEGAL LOOPHOPES. DID YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU ARE A COMPANY YOU PAY FUCK ALL TAXES BECAUSE OF LAWS. USE THEM LAWS. LEARN THEM LAWS. PAY NO TAXES.

and it gives you neat graphs on how to manage your money


this link is a great intro.

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Then why does it say "May contain soy" on the packages of my almonds and cashews?

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If you still remember from the old thread the based girl…

Recent date while passing a communist monument:

I would tear it down Anon. Especially the red star from the top.

kek. The girl always knows how to make my day.

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Machinery used to process soy beans is often used to process other foods such as nuts.

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In that case, my question still stands. Why should we eat them?

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Their glorious struggle is not in vain.

They fought and died with honor.

And they took many foes down to hell.

And it isn't over yet.

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The context of your fasting statement makes the meaning unclear.

"water fasting" involves fasting even from water, which is a thing, but uncommon and generally done to deal with diseases. It's mostly practiced in slavlands.

Normal fasting already includes having nothing but water/electrolytes.

If fasting involves eating food, it's not fasting, it's a fad diet.

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Thanks for the help, noble men.

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File: 0f64ec66ffb3e5f⋯.jpg (62.22 KB,540x960,9:16,siege and muh kitty.jpg)

>quit smoking about a year ago

>quit drinking 2+ months ago

>started learning how to cook better a few weeks ago. slowly getting better

>started doing a little writing

>started to do some more reading (away from the computer)

>on day 5 of no-fap

>hit the gym today

still got a ways to go but i'm holding in there. no-fap is really the truth, i feel much better now. it's better for the mind and disposition for sure. if i can make moves so can you guys.

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Sorry frens reposting from the old thread:

How do you handle hatred and disgust of someone? I don't mean a group of people or an idea/ideology but someone in the past who has treated you very poorly in the past and/or someone who is a vile piece of shit that you had to interact with.

The reason I ask because the Buddhist method of "just let it go bro" is not putting me at ease after trying it for many years.

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Go the other way, use it as fuel. The following is fact, the best revenge is success.

Once successful then forget about it. No need to let someone else have power over you, plus long term negativity is unhealthy.

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File: a5f09f900f477f7⋯.jpg (405.41 KB,648x1920,27:80,theEgg.jpg)


Stop hitting yourself.

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Good job anon, it always brings warmth to my heart when I see another start to bend fate to his will rather then be bent by it. I am on the same path towards ubermensch.

My small contribution towards this thread is just saying do one thing at a time. When i first really started my journey towards self, i made a checklist of all the things i wished to change, and slowly but surely over the last year my list keeps being accomplished, and growing longer!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hi! I'm back from Kiwi-farms. I didn't think this was important enough to kill a thread over, so I'll just post this here. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/what-is-anarchy.58298/

After debating the people over there, this is my summery on how a Stateless society can function.

> · Anarchy isn't against employing manages with the skills to coordinate large groups. Its important to have leaders who can listen to both sides and make a final decision. Because when two people have different ways of doing things, one of them must step aside.

> · Even if a private business receives most of its funding from a single person, if this security force wants the rest of the town or city-suburb to pay them as well, then there needs to be some guarantee that they will still be protected from wealthier patrons. With no one being singled out.

> · But even if a community has a security force, it is essential that they continue to have more combined fire-power than their own community watchers. To prevent the wealthiest people from forming a hostile takeover (Mob Rule or Ochlarchy).

> · Communism (As described by Marx) is a complete lie. It is for all intent and purposes, a product of the Jewish mindset.

> · By having Antifa call themselves Anarchists, the Jews have effectively skewered the meaning of Anarchy. Taking the symbol for themselves and controlling the 'language' by having it represent something entirely different. And if you control the language, you can control how people think.

> · A court room is all about transparency. Putting your cards on the table and looking at the facts.

> · In a stateless society, secret societies (Or private clubs if you prefer) will still exist. But they might not have the same power as the ones that currently rule this planet. Let's say Epstein is part of that group and they all fuck little girls on his private island. To the common folk, there's not much they can do about it. But I'm pretty sure of one thing. That there will be more people with as much power and influence as Epstein, thanks to the restrictions of Government taxes and red-tape being lifted. With a larger pot of people on equal footing, it's more likely that there's going to be different opinions on what's acceptable.

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>how a Stateless society can function.

Stopped reading there. Heard it all before. Argued for it myself. It's nonsense.

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>"stateless society"

>vice video

>posted in a random thread

go away retard

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this honestly looks like the average white twitter leftist

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File: d45f7589a516f5e⋯.jpg (39.92 KB,850x400,17:8,Max Stirner quote.jpg)


> Argued for it myself. It's nonsense.

Because its hopeless?

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File: a3da670a87ff2b5⋯.jpg (226.52 KB,690x960,23:32,Critical Thinking.jpg)


The simplest definition of Anarchy is spending your money where you want. But that's not what you see on Dictionary.com

Because of this, when someone says Anarchy, people confuse it with Mob Rule.

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What do mean, isn't bacon allways cured?

You definitly should avoid Nitrites/Nitrates when curing your meat!

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I wish to give you guys something that I have found to be a huge boon. When doing meditation at regular, near a year. There is this one HUGE benefit that I managed to snag up.

>control/awareness of the limbic system

I was watching https://hooktube.com/watch?v=vH3sJzBuQvQ

and I noticed that I became aware of it all some time ago. To the point where it even was bizarre of sorts, that my own body was doing stuff that I sometimes did not want to do. Like it was on auto pilot. So then I digged deeper and apparently it really is one of the benefits of meditation. But what it means is that if you become aware of this system, and if you learn additional stuff around it, you can become like a cool secret agent kind of stuff lel. Almost nobody is capable of controlling it, not many people are even aware of it to a good degree, and you would also be able to consciously see it in other people.

But control/awareness of the limbic system rests on the "theory of mind" which is a precursor, but a previous boon to meditation, and also classic required Buddhist reading. (evola Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical had it but "cutting through spiritual materialism" had it too). And I think its also somewhat of a cheat, because you can hate people to an extreme amount, but if your limbic system tells them that you dont hate them, you can tell them the harshest fucking things right in their face and they wont comprehend lel.

It works especially well on shitskins. I am not even sure what they think once this happens, maybe they think "oh I am sure he just had a bad day or something, he is such a nice person :)" Its just fucking hilarious bro's, you should try it if you are near me on this path.

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if zoomer underage girl is lurking, I typed this up before thread got baleeted (I figured it would be)



literally underageb&, sorry m80

You're pretty fucked though, I hear Hawaii is pozzed to hell and back. Peer pressure and bullying is probably the norm there. Wait until you're older, go to somewhere in the US that's also not pozzed (probably a northern state like Wyoming), and you'll have much better luck. In the meantime, focus on school, try to get a good job so you can get the fuck out, and you'll be set. Trust me - it sounds like bullshit but there's plenty of good people out there who have good values, good goals, have morals, and are spiritually sound. You just need to learn how to filter the shitty people out.

Best of luck.

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Based. First music recommendation sucked. Two steps from hell is cool though.

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Thanks for this thread, brother!

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File: 04f4541f842f1a0⋯.jpg (149.73 KB,829x834,829:834,04f4541f842f1a0459d1168263….jpg)

Anyone got some good tips for saving money?

I don't make much and a large portion of my income goes to fuel, rent and insurance.

My biggest concern really is food and I wonder if there is any good and affordable foods I can live off. Meat gets expensive and so does diary, I am able to get eggs fairly cheaply from my neighbour. I eat lots of oats and I'm looking into fishing so I can catch my own fish but what other foods should I look for?

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There should be a group dedicated to kabab removal that LARPS as Orthodox jews in identity. that way they are indistinguishable from jews to the uninspecting jews and to all of the goyim. It would divide jews in paranoia, and it would prevent attack from golem, should the state begin to carry out executions on behalf of the jews after this current bolsheviki-jew live action play is done.

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Does anyone have any resources or advice for people who are kind of messed up? I've mentally figured out the five things I need to do to make my life better: learn to drive, learn a martial art, acquire gf, go to the gym, and do stuff in the community. But for some reason I can't make things happen. I try to talk to people about it, but they never say anything useful.

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Take one thing at the time

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>Anyone got some good tips for saving money?

Obviously don't spend what you don't have to. I don't know what your habits are, but most people are doing things they don't have to do just because they were brought up thinking it was necessary, like showering instead of just heating up a little water and scrubbing with a rag, or having a bunch of dishes that need frequent cleaning. People also don't reel in their expensive whims, like paying for media (really stupid, since it's easily available for free and it's almost all made by our enemies, anyway).

Regarding food, I highly discourage going cheap on food. By that I don't mean you should spend more, but that you should get the highest quality food for your body (if by hunting and fishing, then great). All the food in the grocery store is crap. ALL of it. There's not one good thing in there. It's all been removed from nature, and thus deprived of nutrients. Even if you get what appears to be a better deal on meat there than you would get at the butcher who sources only grass fed, pasture raised cows, the factory farmed cows are poisoned and malnourished. The nutrient density between the two meat sources will be as great as 3 to 10 times, and it's the nutrient content that's actually going to satisfy you and keep you energized. So sometimes spending more is cheaper in the long run.

But, honestly, you don't need a ton of meat to get by. I sourced raw dairy in my area (btw, eating local raw food will better acclimate you to your environment, and make you more resistant to sickness, allergies, etc…) and it costs me less than $4 a day to have a half gallon of it 6 days a week. If I wanted I could live great on just that, but I like to have some meat and eggs too. Total I'm spending about $150 a month. And considering that our ancestors who ate this way had no tooth decay, or degenerative diseases, I'd say I'm avoiding a lot of health related bills this way.


>I can't make things happen

I don't know how to answer you either. Most of us don't know what we should be doing, and for what purpose. Used to be that a community would help with that, and take the burden of picking a path off of the individual, but now we're all left to ourselves to construct a purpose for our lives. All I can say, man, is that once you start doing something it's much easier to keep doing it. Don't look for motivation, because it was lost when we lost our culture.

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Try ADHD medicines like Concerta or Ritalin which boost motivation significantly. Dont take these medicines permanently though, use these medicines as a tool for a higher goal like meditation so that one day you will not need these medications at all.

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>I need hel-


Dude, fuck off.

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The drug peddler reminded me, most people these days are poisoning themselves with the food they eat. Look into how your ancestors ate, and why what they ate was good for them. "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston Price details not just the physical health of people isolated from modern food, but the mental health as well.

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Read what I wrote. I said temporarily until he sort himself out. What Methylphenidate-based drugs basically does is it stops dopamine from being absorbed too quickly in the brain. Which is very common for people who lack motivation. Unlike Amphetamine-based drugs which stimulate production of dopamine (much much more dangerous).

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this. Pick one thing and do it.

I'd either start with doing stuff in the community or go to the gym.

Alternatively you can work out at home, I try to do 15 min to half an hour a day with bodyweight exercises.

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Amphetamine-based drugs are addictive. Methylphenidate-based drugs are not. Hence, the reason why those pharma jews made Concerta 20x more expensive than Adderral. Because goyim cant get addicted, and Methylphenidate is generally "safer".

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I read perfectly what you wrote, and it still equates to "take drugs to solve your problems". You're a drug peddler and should be executed. There's no argument to be had here. Full Duterte for your kind.

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Concerta (Methylphenidate) is not addictive at all. Take that as you will. It helped me tremendously to sort myself out. I immediately stopped once I made exercising as a habit.

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I changed my mind about going to the gym, was gonna to the gym today because the pain was mostly mild but today my feel moderate pain on my hips guess I still need to wait it out more. The good news is that my knee stopped hurting relatively speaking just climbing up and down a curb yellow ramp (pic related) is mildly painful. It's kind of hard sometimes to avoid but I try to walk over the curb instead because don't feel any pain.

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wrong image, walking over this is mildly painful

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I'll try. I'm going to set myself the goal to study the driving manual and go take that test before the end of the month.


I feel like most people's parents will nudge them in the right direction. I didn't really get anything like that. Just sort of woke up 20 years old, never done anything, spending hours moping or day dreaming, and getting slightly more tempted by the ceiling fan every day.


I've already been eating healthy for awhile now. It has helped a lot. Thank you for the advice; the importance of a good diet can never be repeated enough.

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Watching this is my new morning routine

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Don't be so scared of driving, I was too and I didn't start until I was 20. I tok my first couple of lessons and it was all it tok to completely get rid of the fear and I passed my test on the first try. Good luck

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I don't really spend money unless I have to, maybe a couple of times a year I buy myself something nice or usefull but never on dumb shit like jewelry or nice clothes. I know I shouldn't cheap out on shitty food but I wondered if there is any particular types of foods that are cheaper than other but still good and healthy

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Hey /sig/

I recently started to go into the gym again to finally get strong. Im focusing mostly on bodyweight but the machines they got are great and I'm also on a Keto diet. It's going good.

What I want to know is, my body fat is about 20% and I plan to get it at least 10-15% if not below 10% eventually in the long run, but I have never been overweight or obese. What are the odds that there might be some loose skin and what exercises can I do, that can help with skin firmness retention?

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Europeans are meant to have some fat on them especially late summer into autumn. lose the fat during winter and early spring. Trying to get to some low low body fat percentage isn't healthy for us. Don't let the (((media))) fool you into thinking an african body type is the European man's ideal.

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This is our time boys; be the virtuous light in everyone else's life that's how we will win. When moderates and centrists see us for the righteous healthy men we are, standing against the sick abominations that the modern world has produced we will grow ever larger and the revolution will begin, and the white race will march finally in true unity.

Those who stand against us now are either sick or confused and they will only understand our struggle once they see us rise as individuals above our personal plights ergo: Not masturbating ,exercising, eating healthy, not making excuses for shortcomings, read and write everyday, being relentless in the pursuit of personal excellence every single day.

This is our chance to make our ancestors proud of us

Overcome The Plight Of The Modern Man!!!

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We are fighting The Eternal darkness that is Modernity.

Destroy Modernity.

Sieg Heil !

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and to think that we thought that the guy at the end was so mystical, but with enough effort we managed to become him! Truly awesome to be alive in this age I would say. To rise above billions. To have this internet in which we share the most rare of adaptations towards goodness, it has been an extreme blessing. Out forefathers couldnt have dreamed of such a future in which the brightest of humanity connect to one another across the globe, across different blood types borders and traditions, united to fight the forces of decay in the most spectacular fashion.

What we have sought out, what we have fought is unique in our history, we are slowly slaying the beast of genetic/civilization decay, something that even Rome couldnt do. A gene type that under certain circumstances undermines our ability to be, and its parasites. That destroyed countless of civilizations before.

Perhaps one could say that we have a shot at getting past one of our great filters.

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What is /sig/'s opinion on Linux?

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First off, find out why you're a fat fuck. I'm betting a lot of it is liquid calories. Creamer in coffee, sodas, sugary fruit juices, etc. Cutting out that alone can make a huge difference. Water is fantastic because it is, of course, zero calories, but also keeps you full longer. If it's too dull, slip in some lemon, or even add some stevia and shake it up, boom you've got zero calorie lemonade. Diet green tea is also good, being 0 calories. If you have to have soda, find a diet soda you like, but only in moderation, as the artificial sweeteners can be carcinogenic (same with cured deli meats, the nitrate/nitrite preservatives can be carcinogenic).

Rely on lean meats for protein (which is, of course, necessary in large amounts for protein synthesis, aka your muscles building themselves back together as you sleep, after working out). Organic peanut butter or almond butter, and particularly almonds themselves are good sources of protein and healthy fats. Greek yogurt is also very high on protein. Adding in some fresh fruits, almonds, cinnamon etc. makes for a really tasty snack/meal. Best of all, though, stick with any kind of fish (baked>pan-fried, but don't eat too much fish, lotta mercury in that water these days), chicken (breast has highest concentration of protein), and turkey. Pork and ground beef (buy the more expensive, 90+% lean ground beef) are fine in lesser amounts. Eggs are, of course, also a staple. Whole eggs are good because the yolk has a lot of nutrients, but egg whites have more concentrated protein, so try both.

Some people will tell you to avoid carbs, but this is a mistake. Your muscles need carbohydrates to fuel them, particularly during recovery (so you can get back to the gym faster). Brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread (in moderation), potatoes, whole grain pasta, and most of all oatmeal (non-instant) are fantastic to eat about two hours before you workout (oatmeal because it digests very slowly and gives an extended energy boost). Fibrous carbohydrates are also fantastic and low calorie. Buy lots of vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and put them over spinach for a super low calorie meal.

The guy above is correct in that fats are not the enemy (nor is cholesterol, like in egg yolks). People assume that eating fats and cholesterol give you high fat and cholesterol, but that's not how it works. Extra virgin olive oil, nuts/legumes, avocados, there are many sources of healthy fats. Even saturated fat can be helpful in limited quantities because your testes use it to draw testosterone out to the rest of your body.

Stick to these (mostly whole) foods, and you'll see results. Doing cardio is only a small part of losing weight, you simply can't burn enough calories to overcome bad eating habits. You can only assist a caloric deficit (typically less than 2500 calories a day) with cardio, really, but it won't be the overall difference maker.

In terms of getting big, focus on compound movements (movements that cross more than one joint) first. Overhead press, bench press, dumbbell bench press, squats, deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, t-bar rows, cable low rows, high cable rows, all should precedence over bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. They built up more testosterone and work multiple muscle groups at once. Think of single joint exercises like lateral dumbbell raises as accessory lifts to be done after your compound movements are done. Pushing movements like bench press triceps and (front) delts (even when you retract them like you should) in addition to chest, while pulling exercises for your back already work your biceps, so you don't need nearly as much work on them if you follow a push-pull-legs split. Same thing with deep squats working hamstrings and glutes in addition to quads when you do them. Chinups and pullups are also good for back/bicep training, but you probably can't do any, or many, of them. One thing you can do to work your way up there is "cheat" your way by using a chair or jumping up, then slowly lowering yourself down. We're about 40% stronger in the eccentric (negative) part of any movement, so use that to your advantage. The same goes with bicep curls, for example, the worst thing you can do is swing the dumbbell/barbell up, and then just drop it to the ground. Fight it, slowly, on the way down and you can work your muscles way the fuck harder than you ever knew.

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Classism is real, eurotrash, no matter what your teachers sold you.

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>suffering from modern social malaise

That's why you're supposed to lift. Never mind the goypills.

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If you absolutely need money and see no alternative then take the crappy job, however:


This goes for anyone who is currently employed ANYWHERE. I don't care if your the CEO of amazon or the lowliest fry cook, in a capitalist economy you must always be ready to leave for greener pastures at any point and actively seek to do so if you think it will make a net improvement in your current and long term life.

>But I'll be seen as a job hopper!

Having spoken with people who employ for a number of industry(economists, SW engineers, food service) having a longer resume with quality experiences always outweighs working the same shit for 3-5 years

>But muh benefits!

Unless you've got stoke options or any personal investment in the current company your working at most benefit packages else where are going to either be better(plus a salary boost).

>But I'm loyal and idealistic! I'm not some scummy rat who turns tale when things get a little hairy!

Most states have whats called "At-Will" employment, which means you can leave your job, or be fired at any time for almost any reason.

If there is any separation between you and corporate I can guarantee they do not give a shit about you beyond your ability to produce output so you should give them the same amount of loyalty.

Other benefits of this approach include:

<You'll know more about your local community and professional career because you know who's hiring and they know you after you send them resumes every six months to show them how far your coming.

<You won't become complacent and make better decisions because your more conscious of what you want and as a result: waste less time

< It'll be easier to negotiate things like a salary increase and better conditions at your current job armed with information about where else you could go.

<When you want to move onto a new job(or you're laid off) you will have the skills people are currently looking for because you were able to train those skills at your current job by being savvy about what assignments you took.

Wage slaves have no excuse.

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>Raw salmon for optimal brain health.

Yandex (fuck google)

anisakid nematodes, make sure you freeze your salmon first.

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Strong in thy friendship Indra, Lord of power and might, we have no fear.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am in a world of shit, yes.

But I am alive.

And I am not afraid.

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Read the Upanishads. Don’t think of them as modern Indian only. They are Aryan.

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God I wish you niggers would kill yourselves. Can't even get angry at you, I just would enjoy a suicide video where your spic ass dives out a window.

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>To forge a man of action.

In these chaotic times, true men of action are needed. So often we consider our situation almost insurmountable, the semetic enemies weapons innumerable, their golems plentiful. In order to be a Man of Action, a true European, you must, as i've stated in previous threads and posts, embody the Aryan ideal of the Overman. But just what *is* the Overman?

I could acost you with long winded tales of European heroism and nobility (which is something you should most certainly learn about) but I shall cut to the very heart of the matter; it is you. It is the culmination of wisdom, strength and bravery that lies at the heart of Men of Action. It is one, be him a mighty giant or a short and portly fellow who recognises his weaknesses and fixes it not because he is told to, not because he merely wants to but because it *is* him.

In a manner of speaking it's the realisation of just what you are underneath all the follies and vile degeneracy of the modern age. The Overman is a man who does not merely wish change but simply does it. Some would use a (((Hollywood))) trope from some semetic corruption of the idea but the truth is the Overman is what one could term "true" power. His power is not borrowed but attained by him through strife and struggle.

Knowledge from learning of events from modern (((media))), Reddit posts or shitty 4cuck threads, these are the hallmarks of a small man. It is from reading literature of old, understanding philosophy from Plato to Evola, scouring Historical texts banned or hidden from public discourse for the truths (((they))) seek hidden that one attains understanding at a level he had not believed possible for it is with this knowledge the European Man attained greatness.

An Overman does not rely on protein powders or steroids to gain physical strength and mastery, nor does he seek knowledge from jokes of "martial training" like Kike Maga or Brazillian Jujitsu but gains prowess and discipline through true martial training, be it boxing or a real martial art.

An Overman does not seek temporary relief or succor from things that would poison and weaken such as media or consumption of a product for he can find enjoyment in his own creation, whether through skills such as gardening, carpentry, art or writing. He can break the shackles of the modern degeneracy and in doing so becomes more than a mere man, more than a simple anon on a board. He becomes a true exemplar of what every far flung son of Europe is at his heart; a hero.

Yes this is not a path for everyone. It can be lonely, soul crushing at times. You will find yourself torn, struggling to overcome concepts forced upon you and others by the semetic parasites who have taken your future. Your body will ache, your mind will bend but there is a light at the end. There is a strength you never knew you had, a wisdom you did not believe you could possess and in walking the path you do not merely galvanise yourself against the predations of those who seek your demise but you will become a beacon for fellow Men of Action. A light of hope in a world darkened by blood and treachery. You will become the Overman. The European ideal. Others will tell you it's not possible, to merely surrender to nihilism, to take the path of least resistance. But you are better than that. In your veins runs the blood of heroes, men who fought and forged nations for their sons and daughters. It falls to us to reclaim and build upon our birthright. It falls to us to raise our fathers banners once more against the gloaming morass of inhumanity that seek our eternal downfall. We walk this path together, even now with oceans seperating us. Division must end for only in unity can we defend against the coming storm, only in brotherhood can we stand shoulder to shoulder. This is our conflict, a battle for the very soul of our people, there is no retreat for we are the very bulwark that will protect our race from becoming the dust and echoes our enemies wish it to be. We will retake our future.

Hail our people.

Hail Victory.

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Handy under the right circumstances. Danke.

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If you don't manage your workouts to be within the threshold of sustainability, taking into account your chronic conditions and taking into account healthy rest and sleep, then you will only hurt yourself.

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Pic related brings a tear to my eye sometimes.

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Decided to try expand with some concepts and ideas to help any good NatSoc or Fascist on the long path to becoming an overman. There were always a good few questions regarding mindset and how to steel yourself for the coming tide so i'll post something regarding that.

The first thing for any man seeking to improve is to understand the disctinction between motivation and dedication as hinted in the original image. It is the very core of your development. The best analogy I came up with is to imagine a forest and within the said forest imagine a great tree. This regal creation full of verdant leaves and ever expanding branches of noble oak expands and grows forever onwards and can weather come what may. The only way to destroy the oak, much like a man whose heart is filled with fire and dedication, is to fell it completely, to tear it assunder. Much like man, it can weather storms, bear deep scars and face almost anything thrown at it. Only the most cataclysmic event can fell the tree or the spirit of a steeled man.

Motivation, by comparison, is the leaves of this grand oak. They come and go, felled by everything from a breeze to being displaced foraging creature. Much like a leaf, motivation is fleeting in it's nature, a fluid thing that changes form at the smallest whim. This is the defining difference between the two mindsets and must be understood before one is to start upon the road of achieving greatness. Once a man has taken this realisation, he can begin the path to mastering his own fate, free of semetic and degenerate influences. He no longer will require strength from outside sources but can find his own, whether from the drive to protect his family or to becoming a man willing to stand for his people.

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So now we understand the fundamental idea behind real self improvement we move onto expanding upon the topic; the reason to fight. Not merely fight in a physical aspect but in what one could potentially term a "spiritual" way. Allow me to explain.

A man can steel his body, sculpt a perfect example of the European man's true form through hard work indeed. But there needs to be a deeper purpose to it. Merely identifying a deeper purpose is just the first step, it must become an entrenched bulwark for the mind to detect and defend against potential corruption influences (nihilism, ego death etc). Let us begin.

So, let us state an obvious goal we all share; the protection and propagation of the European peoples and their long term survival in a world of chaos and deeply embedded corruption. Now this sounds a rather grand and sometimes almost impossible feat but the truth is it is much simpler than it first appears. The initial routes to dedication must come from personal aspects and expand from that, the roots must be bedded deep as it were. Therefore a wise decision is to attempt to begin with family or a loved one. As a European man, your role, first and foremost, is the protection of those you hold dear. Blood. Ethnic nation. Race. For some expanding this to your entire racial group is fairly easy, for others it can be challenging, hence this approach.

So, how can one protect those he loves? Each person decides different priorities when it comes to this but for the most part in my experience the overarching concepts are;

- Physical mastery. To become strong enough to protect them in case of attack. It does not need to simply be an immediate threat but a long term threat such as encroaching (((diversity))) or some such. Use that initial fear as a drive. Realise this is a fear to be conquered and overwhelmed by your dedication to physical improvement and sheer will. Once you have begun to improve and grow stronger you will find this fear replaced with instinctive awareness and the fight reflex in place more firmly than before. This is just part of mastering your physical world though for you must also remember the world you live in; food may be plentiful but the items of plentitude are rather vile and poor for you. A man can buy a Big Mac for a couple of pound but if he wishes to buy real meat without hormone treatment or factory farmed you'll be paying a fair bit more. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat so if you wish to master your physical aspects you must first understand the fuel you are taking in. I will expand further on this point at a later date however.

- A drive to provide stability. Any man of noble spirit and heart wishes to ensure his family and his people deserve a place to rest easy. We are often deprived of this by the hate fuelled semetic parasites who force the outsider upon us in an effort to drive us to the brink. We are forced to live among Negroes, Arabs and assorted other unwelcome offshoots of humanity resulting in a devastation of the European spirit for it is forced to live in a state of constant threat and unending aggression commited against ourselves. Thusly we must forge new homestead and bastions far from the maddening crowd and in order to do that we must provide both financial capabilities and emotional succor in the interim. As a man this is vital and must become a key aspect to any improvements you make, be it for personal or familial reasons. A man can begin the path to /sig/ but if he is trapped within the belly of the beast he can only go so far in such a vile environment. You must become the unmoving mountain of both physical and emotion aspects.

- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be them poor food quality (soy used in bread production, chemical use for preservatives etc) to (((media))) in the form of movies and music. "Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?))) is an every day thing which no one outside those waking up to the state of things notices. The worst is subtle corruptions, such as placing Negroes in historical European fiction, making the American Civil War all about slavery, how noble ideals of virtue and honour are "dated" but wanting white women to fuck anything *but* whites or embrace ackbars is great. Seperating yourself from these poisons allows greater clarity, your no longer lethargic due to poor food and no longer mentally subdued due to (((media))) bombardment.

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>If you already have an occupation, no matter how menial or unimportant as it may seem, be content with having something that many others do not. You have income and are a productive member of society; take heart!

Fuck the haters, shills, and nigger-pilling replies. This is actually a small whitepill. No one ever said you would be at the same job forever, but at least you have SOME kind of income. Look at the actual homeless stats right now, and what is going on in cesspools like SF, or Portland, or even in many major metro areas. Homelessness. How is a job search for you anons if you are looking? How many jobs applied too? If you are employed, are you at least managing to stay above water? Yes, we know jobs suck, the economy is in the gutter, or whatever else you can flame back with, but at least take the view that you at least maybe have 5 or 10 dollars in your wallet. Many many many many don't. Get some fucking perspective anons. You are not in a breadline at the moment, and you all seem to have plenty of energy to turn on your PC"s and a ISP to post on a damn forum. Cheer up.

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The last person irl that chastized me about what I ate was a fucking Jew working for Mossad.

Fuck off kike.

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>but I wondered if there is any particular types of foods that are cheaper than other but still good and healthy

Eggs are a good, cheap source of protein. Learn to love rice as well. Rice/beans (inb4 soy, a few beans won't turn you into a tranny or faggot) and a little chicken with some sauce can go a long way. Cheap, easy to prepare, good for you.


Melatonin and a lot of those supplements are total snake oil made by greedy, scamming (((drug manufacturers))). They are not FDA approved products and are basically placebos. Probably the biggest reason you are up late and get shitty sleep is bad diet and lack of exercise. Not trying to be a dick but that's what it usually is. My advice is to work out or go jogging and push yourself hard. Don't go crazy and bite off more than you can chew, but if you put in a seriously good workout and eat decent you won't have trouble sleeping. I'm a night owl myself and regulate my sleep with my exercise. Don't stay up late eating food, that makes it harder to sleep, get your eating done before 10 PM if possible, it's more conducive to digestion. You will find that proper exercise and better diet will make it a fuckton easier to go to sleep, and then you just have to break that final mental barrier us late birds have, which is just admitting you're tired and going to sleep rather than staying up to fuck around.


Interesting if true, I know it's unlikely any papers or magazines from that time survived, but any sauce on that? Also on March 10 "ogre" is misspelled.

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>This goes for anyone who is currently employed ANYWHERE. I don't care if your the CEO of amazon or the lowliest fry cook, in a capitalist economy you must always be ready to leave for greener pastures at any point and actively seek to do so if you think it will make a net improvement in your current and long term life.

>Most states have whats called "At-Will" employment, which means you can leave your job, or be fired at any time for almost any reason.

Always remember this anons. You are ultimately disposable for any reason at any time. Even as I work at my current job (which I was told fulltime, but has now been closer to part time), I have already got another interview going for another position. Either way, just remember, no matter how you want to morally justify it, YOU are your OWN Master. YOU answer to YOURSELF. YOU look out for YOU.


I am currently (and I have to thank lurking and reading these specific threads) getting myself back in shape, or at least working a physical type labor job (not too intense, but it's not in an office all day), and have gotten back into strength conditioning/resistance training and lifting. Threads like these probably make more of a difference than maybe you anons realize.

I am on a liquid intake of either purified/filtered water, black coffee. No sodas or alcohol. I know some anons here smoke tobacco, but I quit those too about 5 months ago, and have used the patch to slowly wean myself down. Something lurkers may want to consider.

Decided to teach myself German. Considering my families background, and history going back to the Old World, and so much stuff that has gone on in at least the last 20 years, I consider it unforgivable to myself if I did not teach myself the language of my grandparents, great grandparents and much longer. Either way, I decided on some manuals/online material to get me started. Any suggestions would be appreciated. As for a next language, I would consider Spanish, simply for the utility.

This list is not exhaustive, and feel free to make suggestions, but I wanted to reply and give OP and other anons here some respect.

One poster above said to read The Upanishads. I would highly recommend it, no matter what your belief system is. There is much Truth to be had.

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File: 0efca60175a6239⋯.png (419.05 KB,1752x806,876:403,To forge a man of action 2.png)




Capped for future reference. Excellent posts anon.

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File: 169f36438352cce⋯.png (218.54 KB,1003x337,1003:337,To forge a man of action 3.png)

File: 3a173b110d129b3⋯.png (196.24 KB,1000x713,1000:713,To forge a man of action 4.png)


I separated the posts 2nd pic, as the text turned out smaller than expected.

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I just got home from my first day of my new job. A cool 13 hours in 92 degree heat making 8 dollars an hour. I made a total of $104 today. Although, this is just the first step to ultimate /SIG/dom.

And I apologize in advance if this post is incoherent, my brain is fried.

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File: a05befa9c6e81f7⋯.jpg (316.17 KB,1500x1500,1:1,mantak-chia-taoist-secrets….jpg)

I cannot get over how effective this has been in a life changing way.

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Take care of your body and diet, anon. Always be job hunting. If your IQ is above room temp you can move from dishwasher to line cook in a few months and make 10-13/hour.

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The thing is, I don't really need the money at the moment. It's just supplemental income and I enjoy working with my body.

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get cash app and put that into bitcoin so you can buy property later when the economy crashes.

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If you are a younger anon, don't beat yourself up too much with no-fap. If you have a goal of 7 days (or thereabouts) to try a release some T, that is alright. I don't care how much 'muhkike' replies I get, with hormones at a younger age, feel free to rub one out and get that clarity, if you need to. Guys have been jacking off since the dawn of time. Rather you do that, then stick it some thot and make a mistake that costs you 18 years. You don't have to use porn to jack it. Your imagination is just as good, and if anything, I personally think the whole 'no-fap' movement should just be renamed 'lay-off-the-porn-for-awhile-and-read-a-book'

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I'd rather not lose all my money to cryptocurrency

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Saved that file for future use, and as well, that picture, even though it was in 1938, could easily apply to many farming communities in the US as well. Yes, it references Argentina, but that work of art reaches out to all Germans of the Land, no matter what country they are currently in.

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Are you calling me a jew you little bitch?!

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Seriously? Lol

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>be content with having something that many others do not

You mean like a strong feeling of despair and a desire to commit suicide? I get that having a job is kind of a necessity, but couldn't it at least not be so fucking droning and painful as to make me want to fucking kill myself?

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Nice to see the 'media' hasn't changed in 200+ years.

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>A cool 13 hours in 92 degree heat making 8 dollars an hour.

If you are even remotely serious, make sure you drink a ton of water during the day. You will sweat a ton, and take in heat. Get a Camelbak or something. Bring a cooler with bottles of water. Also, use sunscreen and use a neck/back of head cover to block additional Sun.

You can get a heat exhaustion quite easily if you don't keep water intake on the up and up.

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Don't worry, I made sure to drink plenty of water. Although I forgot the sunscreen and am now cherry red.

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File: 60b38ff74587af9⋯.jpg (53.18 KB,420x598,210:299,sa_02.jpg)


>and the millions he killed


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Linux == FreeBSD > Mac > Windows

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File: 367f5d9c2db812c⋯.jpg (9.56 KB,300x300,1:1,v-id-logo.jpg)

File: 2e3b94ec7006545⋯.jpg (151.33 KB,1080x1010,108:101,7JN8nlj.jpg)

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can you read a chart? Just remind yourself bitcoin is 9k now and to check back in two years so you can calculate how much you missed.


Semen is more valuable than the pleasure you get from cumming. Do you feel like doing anything after you fap? besides asking mom for tendies.

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rather than suppress the feeling, attempt to transmute the feeling from negative to positive.

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I know that, I ain't going for the perfect body, but enough that muscles can be seen. If I flex, you can see my forearms and biceps pretty well since I do factory work, but my upper body is a bit weak, back is a bit weak and you can't see abs but I can do about 40 situps in a rep. But I feel like this still ain't enough. I also know we get more fat during this time, but i've had that bit of a beer belly for a few years and thats what I want to get rid of so the abs at least start to show a bit.

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File: 250d78b7aa93341⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,350x232,175:116,daily-writing.jpg)


Brothers, I see writing is suggested as a good /sig/ pastime to hone the mind and steady the soul, but everytime I go to put the pen to the paper I draw a blank and I don't know what to write about. What are some suggestions to get started with this?

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File: 5ae322f8edfa66c⋯.png (1.63 MB,1266x1688,3:4,infographicexercise.png)

File: 84ba5da54f8a00b⋯.png (409.92 KB,720x720,1:1,doggie-powerlevelleakage.png)

obligatory lift.png

+ OC

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File: e7680fa2975e298⋯.png (409.44 KB,720x720,1:1,doggie-powerlevelreveal.png)


OC +standard wording

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*p fix

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File: afb3a4352fb4cbc⋯.png (409.72 KB,720x720,1:1,doggie-powerlevelreveal.png)



*p fix>>13508062

ah ff…

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File: 0839ac00a11bc16⋯.png (3.31 MB,1955x670,391:134,ClipboardImage.png)


Depends on what you wish to write. If your just having trouble getting started, journaling is a great entry, will force you to start condensing thoughts into sentences. Stream of conscious is another nice practice, just write everything down that comes into your head, even if its gibberish. If you need practice writing dialogue, my personal favorite exercise is to go to a public area (coffee shop, bar, restaurant, etc) and eavesdrop and try to write exactly as they are talking…will help you differentiate voices in your writing, especially useful for fiction.

Enjoy anon, been writing since I was a child and couldn't imagine my life without it!

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Christian poison

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Nuts are i joke

they are filled with anti-nutrients

some are high omega-6

and (biggest of all) they have unbalanced amounts of minerals, which is bad. All minerals lives in our body lives in balance with each other, to much of one mineral; undermines anorther mineral. Which is also why supplementation doesn't work. So to get all your minerals in the right amount and in the right balance you have to get them as nature intended, which for us humans are through animal foods.

(Be careful with veal liver though which has a lot of copper, but I never have had a problem when eating 250 grams of liver in one sitting, or eat some testicels or muscle meat to balance out copper with zink. And also remember to get alot of sunlight to balance out the high vitamin-A in liver with vitamin-D)

In the end listen to your intuition. It is a nature given gift, that is being overlooked to often.

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I member

Is it going any good? Are we seeing a lot of 14 in the future?

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>I'm Hitler


hate when good teachings are pozzed

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Creativity. Imagination. Practice those.

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Thanks for the helpful answer!

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>water fasting of at least 7 days per month

Does this mean I should fast an entire week or random days across the month?

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>Raw salmon for optimal brain health.

Any tips for not getting a tapeworm?

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They can't do anything about us boys and they're quivering in their boots cause we're gonna be fucking lethal this time around

Remember lift, run, shoot; hone your masculinity in solitary so that when the necessary day comes it will show in the form of well ventilated and articulated fury, the true difference between men and boys is discipline and once you realize the gravity of what we're fighting for, duty will then take the place of what was once motivation

Stay Frosty Boys





>They can't do anything about us boys and they're quivering in their boots cause we're gonna be fucking lethal this time around

>Remember lift, run, shoot; hone your masculinity in solitary so that when the necessary day comes it will show in the form of well ventilated and articulated fury, the true difference between men and boys is discipline and once you realize the gravity of what we're fighting for, duty will then take the place of what was once motivation

>Stay Frosty Boys


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butchered that post

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If water fasting means not having water, you would die before day 4 doing that.

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pretty sure water fasting means to only have water

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whole process:

>go out frequently as friends, realize "friends" do not go this frequently out

>fall in love

>at the same time the girl just breaks up with the guy

>go for it anyway, screw the chances

>no friendship bullshit talk, says she needs time. actually takes it all well and she knew what I was about to say at that moment, tried to stop me because she did not know but obeyed me when I said I will speak about it.

>next day as if nothing happened, things all well.

>still frequently going out, actually got better

>the anger over ex boyfriend slowly disappears

It gets better on all fronts I would say. I have started with light physical contact etc. I do not thing the girl would travel for an hour just to meet "friend". The things are good in this aspect. All I have to do is to ensure it does not fall into friendship so obviously I need to keep the tension up and when the time is right after few weeks or so claim the victory. Still unsure about how to do it though…any tips about it?

>Are we seeing a lot of 14 in the future?

I hope so. I do not want to get old just sitting on my ass waiting to do something for my people. It is getting really tiresome. All that reading and SIG is great but it changed me so much. I no longer care about useless things and it widens the gap to many people unfortunately.

It is a path of a lone wolf….it would be great to share this with someone irl….especially if the person would happen to be your spouse if you understand… I thinnk you do. Everyone here wants the same thing basically

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Reminder that no man is an island. Any self improvement should include making 5 friends that live near you. If you don't have 5 nonrelatives who you could call on and they would drop what they are doing to help you out in a time of need (and vice versa) you need to make that a priority in life. Being able to share the experience in life is vital. It's why we get wives and kids. This also builds your network; you can get each other jobs or business or girlfriends or just act collectively when you are ready for some hapanans. The 2 things the jews fear the most are noticing things and white people talking to each other freely and in person. Being able to do something, anything, with the guys is a fundamental part of civilization.

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I overcame this issue and this is what worked for me:

Yoga for hips: It will strengthen, lengthen, stretch and ultimately rebalance the muscles around your pelvis.

Best Routine for this: https://youtu.be/0rBWqdhZ2vY

>yoga is gay

Rolling: roll out your IT band and roll out your butt and hip dip on the side.

Limit sitting for extended periods: If you work at a desk or spend a lot of time sitting at your computer you have your IT band resting in a relaxed position and will become tight. Make sure you get up and move frequently or get an adjustable standing desk.

Stop overtraining: if you jump too quickly in your training this is inevitable

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This is great info, but I wouldn't recommend rolling your IT band, based on the research I have done.


You can also use a lacrosse ball to target stubborn muscles, such as the hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors and many others. Contract and release the muscles that you are targetting while putting pressure on the lacrosse ball, using your body weight.

The term used for this method is "myofascial release." Can find lots of helpful

videos on jewtube. Kelly Starrett has a good channel.


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Your welcome bruder, come back to sig if you have any more questions. Here at the 4th Reich /pol/ propaganda department I'd say writers and artists are probably in the highest proportion of any group.


Agreed, seems like the more (((connected))) we get with society, the more I have to fix broken individuals who will willingly go days/weeks/months without genuine contact with a fellow human being. Do not underestimate the cathartic effect of just having even 1 irl friend who you can talk openly and "non judgmentally" about the issues and thoughts of the day.

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You guys have any tips on getting better sleep?

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Anyone here go to Technical school? Is it looked at more favorable then regular colleges from companies?

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Excellent advice.

The reason is this. The Jew only corrupts us when we are seduced into the action … usually by greed, or sex. It is only when we perfect ourselves enough to NOT be tempted; to NOT be seduced; to NOT be corrupted, that we become immune to the Jew.

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> You guys have any tips on getting better sleep?

1. No masturbation.

2. Cinnamon tea, Chamomile tea.

3. Do not ever do nothing. If you can't sleep and you need the rest, lie in bed, stay very still, and read a choice book (that will educate you)

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Yes. What matters in the real world of employment is actually being able to do useful shit for people, a degree is a piece of paper that means nothing. Seek some sort of technical training or vocational degree for job training and you will be making more than 98% of college grads.

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> Hindu stuff

Western Civilisation wipes the floor with that crap.

Go there if you are brown.

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Ancient Indians, aka Indo Europeans, aka Ancient Slavics. Read your history mutt.

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Guys i fapped to my own mother today. I think this is rock bottom. Whats the easiest way to end it all?

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>ancient Indians

>read your history

they conquered the Indians, they weren't Indians


If Oedipus is your inspiration, then rise topower and blind yourself when your degeneracy is revealed.

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their religion is still ancient european paganism in terms of origin.

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Write whatever you want. But, here are some ideas:

>Creative writing

Write a fictional scenario to illustrate or express a point.


Discover something about the inner workings of your mind.

>Imaginative change

Take an account of certain habits that are negatively impacting your being, and good habits that would greatly improve your being. Write a detailed scenario of how you imagine change would take form if you stopped the bad habits and started the good habits.


Write and develop your opinion on a certain topic.

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These are great ideas, thanks!


I've been lurking /sig/ for months now, I'm glad to be participating in the threads more actively now.

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Regular exercise, mental or physical.

I struggle with sleeping a lot and the best thing I found is to follow the advice of the great da Vinci, to EARN your rest. Give your muscles some hard work to do, or put your mind to work learning or doing something new. Then when you lie down in bed at the end of a day's work you will welcome sleep much more quickly.

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File: cdea51cc1c47223⋯.jpeg (35.04 KB,544x403,544:403,E47F1899-8914-4AE6-8031-4….jpeg)

I started a beginner calisthenics program I found online, am not in as good of shape as I thought I was. First set was fine but second set I was so juiced out I could barely eek out 5 pulls ups. Couldn’t lift my arms over my head afterward and my girlfriend had to peel it off for me. I have been eating clean for over a year but haven’t been putting in any gym time, so I’m out of shape but healthy, if that makes sense. Anyway, I decided recently that if shits gonna hit the fan, big secondary muscle fibers are only going to be so helpful in everyday life. I’m going to need to be strong and agile, not just bulked up and Chadly and from what I’ve read body weight exercises are fantastic for natural, balenced muscle development. Basically ever calisthenic exercise is a compound movement of some sort. I still plan on doing squats with a barbell and deadlifts, but can’t really rig a proper bench set up so the press eludes me for now.

Anyway the point of the blogpost is that after two months I plan on starting a “cycle” of some SARMs I bought, specially Rad-140. I’m in my mid twenties and my test isn’t as high as it should be, so I’m taking matters into my own hands and accelerating my gains. Does anyone else have any experience with SARMs? They seem massively preferable to traditional gear. also if someone could drop a link to where I can source some Clomid for my pct I would appreciate it

Sage for blogpost and slight off topic. /fit/ is dead and full of homos and you fags are the only “people” I interact with daily.

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sarms are not very well experimented upon, but they lie in a frame of "not really risky" according to many non bro scientists, since the interactions that they have are VERY specific, and no harm was found in human test subjects and there were some.

The really dangerous crap that I did were called peptides. And with them almost no human trails were made, but they can massively boost your growth hormone, or repair ligaments, let your body heal tissue that it ordinarily cannot. But at a high risk not not knowing what the fuck could happen.

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You can substitute bench press for pushups and then weighted pushups if you can't afford a real bench set up or don't have the space right now.

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Presently fighting the urge to masturbate. I'm on day two of Operation: Stop Yanking Your Crank and it's harder than I expected.

No expectations for responses. I just wanted to say that I'm trying.

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Trips. Check'n em'.

>You guys have any tips on getting better sleep?

Lay off any caffeine at least 4 hours before you go to bed. Drink water. Keep hydrated during the day. Don't, or try not too eat any sugars, candy, sweets at least 6 hours before bed. Get some physical exercise, or do some calisthenics at home. Set a schedule. Know your limits on sleep. For me, if I sleep 1 hour over my normal schedule, I can feel groggy the rest of the day, if I get 1-2 hours less than my schedule, I am tired and irksome all day. A good 5-7 hours (and this depends on the person) is usually adequate. Don't drink alcohol, and if you are drinking alcohol to get to sleep, you have a drinking problem/developing alcoholism. Don't use (at least in my opinion) melanin, or other chemical substitutes unless there is some actual medical condition that you are prescribed for them.

If you smoke tobacco, don't have a cig at least 1 hour before you sleep, or at least 2 hours. I would recommend you train yourself, or set some limits on what you want to do. Also, late night TV is total trash, so unless you are frying your eyes/brain on some forum (like this) late at night, or vidya, or whatever, there is no reason to stay up late. Set a morning schedule and get up with the Sun. That in itself (Circadian Rhythm) will help you sleep better and be far more productive with your day.

These are just my opinions and observations, Best of luck.

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What hidden historical texts would you recommend?

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I'm getting married and starting a family soon, but I still feel "boyish." How do I become a man who is capable of leading a household and family?

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Get out there and work your ass off doing something physical. You'll feel like an 80 year old within a couple months

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I bought my Rad 140 from a place called provenpeptides because they had third party testing that says it comes as advertised. Im hoping I can trust it and it doesn’t give me fucking gills or something On the topic of sources, I’m still hoping someone can shill me a decent source, but now I feel like I’m fedposting so fuck it.


I’m following a program my search engine spat out at me, plenty of push-up variations, pull up variations and all that. I’m just trying to do the three big lifts with weights still in conjunction with my calisthenics for a little more ‘explosivity’. I have an Olympic bar and a rack I salvaged that serves as a squat rack (it’s low a hell too so I have to start from the squat, but that helped me find my ‘bucket’), and obviously you can deadlift off the ground, I just don’t have a way to press. Of course pushups are great too, I just feel like a little extra pec never hurt anyone.

Tomorrow is my high intensity day, I’ll be doing sprints for the first time since I played baseball as a kid. I’m interested in getting into boxing shape but I’m also not trying to shell out big shekels and travel to a gym multiple times a week. Do any anons have a good source for basic striking that won’t make me feel like autistic LARPer when I practice them?

One final side note, is Karate a meme? There is a respected trainer near me, would it be worth going? I’ve very little hand to hand experience and I’m really not trying to get my shit pushed by some loser who has been fighting since he was 12

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>someone can shill me a decent source for PCT,

I suck bags of cocks

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not op but /pol/ has a lit thread with lots of good reading. Obviously tho if you haven't yet, Mein Kampf.


Treasure and protect your family, the rest will come with time anon. You don't "man up" with a few tasks to achieve the status. Its a way of life. Read through this thread and get busy.


You likely don't need pills of any form anon…natural diet and exercise with a healthy frame of mind will likely fix your issues.

Martial arts are not a meme, but unless your dying to learn to "work out" according to your personal teachers rules, wait on it. The first part of every new students path is just learning how to use their muscles and train them, same thing as a proper resistance and cardio program. Get yourself into shape, learn how muscles interact and draw power, learn the proper forms to stretch and draw that power, then join a class to learn how to use that power to protect oneself. On a side note, I learned how to fight with a carry knife, and if self defense is all your after (at least short term) proper utilization of a PERFECTLY LEGAL IN MOST STATES carry knife is good knowledge. It requires no permit and is a lot less ostentatious then a gun, some argue more useful in certain scenarios as well. Do not just start carrying because it makes you "feel" safer, you will likely result in more harm to yourself then just going weaponless.

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Yeah Karate (if it'snot just a straight up scam school) is one of the best fundamentals. Karate and boxing are both excellents bases and then if you want to feel special you can pick something else up for rounding like juijitsu or judo.

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This, even going to the park and sitting and people watching is a huge help. To anons struggling with social anxiety or isolation due to being angry at the state of the world simply go and sit at a bar with decent live music. Staying indoors away from human beings can destroy the mind and only exacerbate depression and social anxiety.

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So called Karate when I was a kid, most Karate gyms are actually Kempo which is judo and Karate mixed together

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Good post.

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>Anyone got some good tips for saving money?

-Cook your own food

-Buy everything used, Clothes (minus underwear and socks), vehicles, etc.

-Do activities that are free, parks, camping, etc.

-Make sure that you have an account that you do not touch, if you are in debt you puts 30% of your pay into paying off the debt month to month.

Paying off your debt is the first thing you must do. Once that occurs focus on saving, never use a loan or credit. Only by things you can afford.

>"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” - Proverbs 22:7 (NIV)

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Karate is garbage.

The number of times I've had to demonstrate why karate is garbage are beyond count.

What is it with those people and hard blocks? You're just asking to break your arm.

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Karate is pointless. If you want to punch right, learn boxing. If you want to kick right, learn Taekwondo or Muay Tai based on which interests you more. For grappling choose wrestling or Jui Jutsu. Karate is a mix of all those and thus does no single element perfectly. It is viable in MMA but only with other martial arts mixed in. Might as well just learn something else at that point.

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No offense, but all that stuff kinda sucks, imo.

Try this:


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t. spineless defeatist

Fuck off!

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>bitter herbs

This is new to me (agree entirely with the rest of your post), but what is this about bitter herbs protecting against joint problems?

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If you want to kick and punch then learn savate.

Modern boxing doesn't teach jack shit. It's a spectator sport where two niggers just whale on each other in a totally martially unsound manner.

The sad thing with modern martial arts is that you're better off digging up material from the late 1800s and early 1900s, rather than learning anything widely taught today.

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>If you want to kick and punch then learn savate.

I've heard many good things about it, where can I learn more? Also, is it popular in any country except France?

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Probably not outside of France. I'd be surprised if you can learn it in the USA but theres a few places in the UK to learn a bit.

Usually your best bet is to find a group interested in Victorian era martial arts. But those come in two varieties:

A group of faggots who want to dress up in fancy outfits and pretend to do martial arts

Or actual martial artists who are looking for something more martially sound and are forced to look backwards due to modern martial arts being mainly competitive sports. But who are also inclined to not tolerate bullshit or a lack of commitment.

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dairy is fucking bluepilled.

Tell me are you a weak baby cow calf in its suckling phase? No? Then why the fuck are you feeding yourself like one.

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> dairy is bluepilled

Anon im going to throw my whey protein shake at you

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The problem is that rap music has highly stimulating and hypnotic beats that can have an aggressive sound to them that is attractive to people. This is why I listed to electronic music. I get the stimulation and bass without the nigger bullshit.

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>I'm thinking about doing a dopamine fast. Is it as simple as cutting out all entertainment? How should I go about it? I really want to rewire my brain forcefully.

Thought I replied to this. I'm no expert as I'm going through the same thing. One of the best things you can do for your body and mind is fasting, it'll help speed up the process and detoxify your body.

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Replied too soon. I'd suggest a 3 day dry fast with zero contact with water, 1 day dry fast is supposed to equate 3 days water fast. It can be a tough process but by the end of the 3rd day I felt like a new person.

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How can I rid myself of guilt?

I've been an asshole to many people in my life, mostly for no reason and only to take out anger over personal problems, but that's no excuse. I've apologized to the people I've hurt the most but the guilt still plagues me.

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Sounds to me that you've done step 1 and apologized to the victims of your aggression but havent forgiven yourself for doing them in the first place. No man is born, we are made through a way of life, and mistakes occur. Forgive yourself anon and if your psyche is the type to require penance, pay some form of good/postive forward to counteract the evil/negative you put out earlier.

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You know how I know you're not from here?

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>derailing every thread


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>are you a weak baby cow calf in its suckling phase?

Retarded non-argument. You couldn't even explain the logic behind it if I asked you to. Should we only consume things that come from humans. Are you promoting cannibalism? Can you explain why the healthiest people in Europe got their primary nutrition from dairy if it's so bad for them?

You're an idiot. Don't speak until you remedy that.

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karate lets you punch trough concrete and resist hits, research okinawan karate or gojo ryu

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Anyone can punch through a thin slab of concrete if they do it properly.

You'll almost certainly shrek your hands doing so but you can.

People who get massively into karate tend to have really fucked up hands that can't close properly, sort of like boxers but with uglier scar tissue all over the hands.

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karate knuckle looks badass

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Enjoy never being able to move your hands precisely.

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2 questions.

Does anyone here know of a good basic phone that only texts and calls that will still work on commonly used networks today? I hate smartphones but I do like to keep in contact with friends, and unfortunately it's rather expected that one will be able to text today. Maybe I should just buy a satellite phone and tell people that I don't text, but I don't want to be too autistic.

Another thing- should women fast as well? I've heard it can adversely effect their fertility/cortisol levels. Mainly just curious on this point, I don't have a gf or anything.

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There are a lot of simple phones out there. I'm not gonna do your research for you, though.

>should women fast

Fasting was a normal part of human life for most of history. I would recommend fasting to most people, though, because they're already malnourished. What most people need is more high quality, nutrient dense food. If you look to Mongolia, the nomads there will go days without eating, then gorge themselves on tens of pounds of meat. Meat digests slowly because your body uses more of it. This makes periods of no food consumption quite easy. In this case one might appear to be fasting without even trying because they have adequate nutrition already, while most folks today are eating dead "food" frequently, and only causing inflammation and disease.

One can eat a lot of less than stellar meals, though, if regular fasting is practiced in conjunction with adequate nutrition from something ridiculously nutrient dense like liver. I don't suggest anyone eat at Mcdonalds, but if you fasted every other day, the inflammation would be allowed to die down, and whatever nutrition you got from the low quality meat would probably sustain you.

Fasting is a good way to reset, and avoid degenerative disease without access to better food. But you need real nutrition to build yourself.

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>I wouldn't recommend fasting to most people

Fucking typos always happen in the worst places.

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I should make note, I have an abundance of muscle mass, which allows me to fast regularly to get rid of fat.

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You could just make a phone if its that big a problem for you.

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Would just go buy an older Nokia if it was that big of a deal.

I have no issues with carrying a smartphone,I am not a paranoid Jew.

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The only acceptable music for a White man is folk and classical.









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Even if you're not a Christfag, looking through what the Bible (esp. Jesus and Paul the Apostle) says about forgiveness and shame can give you some very healthy perspectives.

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There is nothing healthy about the Jewish worldview. Only spiritual degeneration can come from opening the Torah.

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>St. Paul

>The Torah

Okay Moshe

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Nope, that's God's job.

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God doesn't have a "job" but forgiveness and peace come from Him if you believe. If you don't there's no reason you can't still benefit from the attitudes espoused by Jesus and St. Paul.

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Is it a bad idea to go to law school? I have a bachelors already but can’t find anything I really want to do. Law is kiked but seems better than most alternatives

Don’t want to be stuck defending niggers my whole life though.

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That sounds like it would be fun, any tips anon? I've thought about it, it would be a good way to learn about electronics.

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Thank you anon, much obliged. I appreciate the guidance.

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Yeah, that's probably what I'll end up doing. Only issue I can foresee is that 2G networks are being phased out, but I don't think that it will be too much of an issue. Nokia is a decent company from what I understand.

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I'm having great results by swapping dinner for celery. I can't sleep on an empty stomach and work 12-14 hour days (commute included) so this is my version of intermittent fasting. It's either this or try to squeeze in 3 meals while at work and there's not a lot of healthy options in that area. 10/10 would recommend.

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Lawyer here, the market is flooded - and I mean fucking FLOODED - and the degree is expensive. IT work, banking, sciences engineering… shit even trades would make you more money and leave you more fulfilled. There's so many chicks who grew up wanting to be lawyers and they're driving down the wages and fucking the corporate culture. If you go into this industry, be prepared to giggle along with the girls and gays if you want to get ahead.

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>start running

>got blisters

>pop them

>peel the skin

>now it burns af

Will I be able to run tomorrow or have I fucked up?

Any tips und non-jewish tricks?

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Get appropriate shoes, and run on your toes. Heel should not be the first thing that touches the ground. You should bounce along, not slam.

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Personally I use those fancy ass toe shoes.

You soon learn to walk/run on your toes with those things.

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just wrap your feet with gauze and wear socks overtop

they did it all the time in WW1, look up trenchfoot those blisters are nothing

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Been thinking of reverting back to old school animal skin wraps, like moccasins (or whatever they're called) for every day footwear. I think part of the part of the sickness of the modern world people's disconnection with the ground. Literal grounding is good for us, but even aside from that, people's reliance on shoe cushioning is also having a negative effect on their posture. What you don't do with the musculature of your feet transfers into your joints and wears them out faster.

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There was a thread some minutes ago. I wanted to post this and some other things. But it was already gone.

>If it fails it is you that is not worth addressing as a person.

This really depends.

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>If it fails it is you that is not worth addressing as a person.

These were my words.

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I think your solution is going a bit far. Especially considering stuff like that has very poor grip.

Look for barefoot running shoes. You'll find a number of better options.

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does anybody have any good, general use conversation starters or openers? how do you approach groups of strangers to start conversations without making it weird? i went to church today to try and meet new people, and after mass there was a coffee and snack bullshit session in the parking lot. there wasn't anybody else standing around by themselves, and i don't know how to approach people in the middle of a conversation without feeling like i'm being rude and interrupting them. is my autistic ass overthinking incredibly simple human interactions, or is there a better approach than just walking up to people and saying hi?

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Casually add something of value to their conversation. This will take some social grace, which you probably don’t have so I’ll be specific. Look for a group of people you could see yourself getting along with (white people the same age as you). Then stand/sit near them, and listen to their conversation. But look like your doing something else (on your phone, eating). Then add something interesting when the topic changes to something you know a good amount about. Her is an example: If you go canoeing and they talk about doing that, tell them to put food in a water proof bag so it doesn’t get wet. This will both improve their little “adventure” and make you look good.

Also if you’re at a church there is always something to talk about. If nothing else the homily. As someone who is redpilled you can give an interesting take with out even revealing your power level. I once took a poli-sic class and was able to blow everyone’s mind without revealing my power level.

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Also if they look at you like you’re an asshole, then just move on. And try to figure out what you did wrong so that you can converse with the next group.

Or just strike up a conversation with someoneelse standing alone.

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guilt is actually a bio chemical thing linked to feelings of superiority, to shame you into caring for your volk. If you have an advantage, doesnt matter which, your brain will go into depression mode until you share that resource with your tribe, next of kin or whatever. That is why charity works the way it does. It used to be an ancient mechanism that made sure we shared resources and elevated the whole tribe up, and now its obviously broken.

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But i wish to blogpost a little bit perhaps. Today I realized that I have an OVERWHELMING feeling of confidence. In nearly all aspects of life, governing life, philosophical direction, avoidance of vice etc. Being outside, and interacting with normies on a daily basis (from the workplace) you start to compare. What do they do, what prospects do they have. What are they doing in life, what are they resisting or trying to strife for. And in ALL of these areas they are complete and utter failures. There is something in the fact that you can go outside, into a city, and know for a 100% guarantee that everyone you meet is shit, poo and should kill themselves. Obviously, to encounter someone who is wholesome like us here you will not find in the city, but rural folks may be closer to what we are. But still.

It is the complete opposite of the blackpill because it hugely feeds your own ego. When you cautiously, remembering when your ego betrayed you in the past, try to not make claims of superiority. And then after slowly building yourself up, you find that you are now permitted to just to that. I can look at old people and think to myself "your life is a failure, you failed your nation, and your children you pathetic nigger lover who permits evil" and when I talk to them, this fact of their existence will come into the talkative fray.

I can see those of my age, and of younger ages and think "you fucking degenerate weed smoking, hollywood jew loving dreg of a human waste fuck you, you piece of shit for trying to drag me into your decay and weakness, I would kill you if I could" and again, talking to them would reveal such a degenerate nature in them.

I could go down a list of people, women, men, young, old, of certain groups, of certain events. And I would be able to genuinely feel superior to pretty much all of them. and thanks to book reading on how empathy works >>13523181 I dont even get any depression from that anymore.

So yea, any newcomer reading this. Through hard work and lots of struggle you may reach this kind of state. The only downside that you may find is that you will find nobody around you to share in your bountiful treasures. But knowing that they have failed their genetic legacy makes you not really care about them.

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>not really care about them.

Not that admirable, or enviable. Go out and set someone on the right path. We're supposed to have compassion for the lost. Getting our people back is what this is all about. Confidence is great, but use for something besides looking down on others.

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I managed to find enough evidence to not bother anymore. Evolutionary psychology of sorts. When we learned racial realism, we also learned of the bellcurves. Well I also learned of things like the marshmellow tests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment

and it tells us that low IQ (and even many mid IQ) individuals are just shit because of their genes and they have no hope for salvation. With or without the jew their natures would have pushed them into degeneracy and decay. With us in charge there would be less exploitation, but their nature still would exist. As this happens


as another example, and those who have the capacity to be saved, well if they fell into one of the traps, it takes quite a lot of willpower, and strange philosophy to save them. Even many therapists cannot do it, its time extensive, and requires a lot of money, and also specific therapeutic knowledge. (in the range of several years of study/experience most likely)

The best I can do is be an example to them, to sometimes blatantly lay out what they are doing wrong to them (they most of the time dont even take to it and just ignore it), bullying them and mocking them actually seems to be the most potent thing to do in the short term. Treating them like inhuman garbage sometimes works as well, as many millenials are used to being treated as they are precious. But other than that I have given up on them, its too time extensive. I instead I focus more on self enrichment, self learning of skills, and hoping that this platform will do the rest, as it has for me, and sometimes give input here if its applicable.

You may have to be comfortable with the fact that most of our age are destined to be eternally garbage, and are not humans anymore. Work with the time you have, with the skills you got, and the energy you can give to the system. I am pretty sure that even jesus didnt have to deal with mentally ill, drug abusing junkies, if he saw them, he would have probably told them to fuck off lel.

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I don't forgive anyone that's ever been an asshole to me. I may pretend to have forgiven that person but in reality i'm just bottling up that grudge because I can't avoid that person or I have use for them. I take pride in the fact I am a nice person and I don't ever namecall, intimidate or belittle people. There is no getting rid of your guilt. You bury it inside you forget about it. Whenever you think about it just try to think about something else. I take anyone who has wronged me very seriously because its detrimental to my own personal well being.

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are you trying to justify being a pissant NEET?

don't use your colored words to shrowd the fact that you're pathetic and violent raging against the world in your head.

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I'm quite a social retard myself but asking a question related to the place or situation is a good conversation starter.

I watched this video a while back, I know AOM is mostly hipster shit but this is worth a watch at least for a start


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Very well explained. Thank you for a pleasant read.

I might find myself in all 4 categories, though. Partly in what context I find myself.

My thoughts and comments on the states:

1) We all have our higher being within ourselves. It speaks to us as the voice of God in our mind or through our deepest notions of intuition in the form of wholesome and precious feelings. Often we drift out of time and forget 'ourselves', as any real "you" does not, actually, exist. When you simply 'were' doing whatever you did that's when you know you've done something well, as when you wake up a long streak of meditative labor.

2) Life energy can be clogged up in living beings as bad emotional response reflex systems. If it feels bad whatever happens probably is bad for you to continue taking part of. A lot have succumbed to the bad vibes and cling to the pain as the only thing that's real, continuing the unhealthy lifestyle.

3) This is what all lifeforms aspires to do. Reach new highs of vibration and connectivity with their responsive surroundings. Life is movement of such energy, and only love can transcend our physical state to newer highs. In my experience only love truly matters. Agape is like a full-body, continuous orgasm that isn't taxing, but rejuvenating. So far I have only been in this state for about 4 hours, but I haven't quite experienced anything like it. This, mind you, is only possible without any intake of drugs. The guiding spirits are all around us.

4) We can all fall back on primal instincts, that, in turn, easily are loved away from relevance. Are you, however, fixed on getting 'special treatment' because you're 'bad' or 'sad' or believe in whatever explanatory pain you might have experienced as being the reason to your whole state of being, you might have chosen taking an Egoistical position in your own confusion letting yourself astray. Effectively this is done by your shadow side that only wants to explain something in your favor, which in turn simply tries to exploit other's good heartened nature. But, of course, that's only possible on the pretext they're not familiar with such behavior themselves or are keen enough to keep away from the bad vibes themselves. If you need a definition of what 'you' are, then it would be what you 'do' that defines you. For instance, I can have thoughts of bonding sexually with young girls that are in heat, or simply interested in my company, as a man, but I have not yet acted upon these drives, as most of the energy I have experienced is perverted. I believe this is because when encountering these girls I can discern a spectrum of true motives from ulterior motives that are in play in their actions, in which I would gradually be a pawn in their own Egoistical scheme if I were to let myself astray. Words for this behavior is often degrading, as people are getting labeled 'slutty' or 'easy', when, in fact, the true nature is simply not being revealed in humility and honesty.

Getting to know your shadow side is the best possible groundwork you can work with regarding reaching clarity of how to serve a higher purpose and true wisdom, simply put, is knowing what to ignore.

Feelings are trustworthy. Thoughts are ways to navigate out of these states, your instincts tell you are relevant. One way to recognize spiral patterns of thoughts is taking time to let these feelings settle and the ones that simply rotate around suffering as the only possible answer to why you're in such pain will be centrifuged out of you or simply do pass. You will learn not to underestimate the pain. If you can endure it you will see past the suffering, and learn from it.

Blessings and best wishes to everyone in this thread. Peace.

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I wish someone could reprogram me or something, im a total retard and fall back to degeneracy the next day

can you guys tell me how to live?

Like… a good day scheme or something?

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Also, im thinking of starting keto diet, if im not retarded enough, i think that it means "eat only meat" yes? Also i'll fast (not eating and drinking water with electrolites instead for a day or two, right?)

Also also can I eat stuff like onion, cheese (especially cottage cheese) and eggs or are they fake and gay too?

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You are speaking of the more restrictive carnivore/zerocarb diet, which centers around animal nutritional density. To have great success with this diet you should consume organ meats, fatty cuts of meat and bone marrow. Dairy products (raw if you can obtain them) and eggs if you can tolerate them, some people cannot.

Doing the more traditional ketogenic diet also works for some people, but keep in mind that a lot of vegetables and especially nuts and legumes can have deleterious effects on your digestive system due to the antinutrients they contain.

Personally I follow the carnivore diet mostly with occasional vegetables like fried onion with my liver and such. >>13525054

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I'm fascinated by

>biochemical thing linked to feelings of superiority


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The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture and the public narrative for so long is because the Right basically allows them to. The Right doesn't challenge the Left in any meaningful way because the Right have a suicidal passive mentality. The Right tends to mind their own business and live in their own little bubbles isolated from the culture war, which allows the the Left to conquer "territory" unchallenged. The Left has basically achieved "air superiority" many years ago. The Left controls all the social infrastructures that influence public perception and opinion like Hollywood, mainstream media, schools, etc. The Right still thinks the Left deserves to be treated with respect because of the "my fellow American" mentality. This is extremely naive thinking. Respect is earned and the Left is completely undeserving of respect. It would be immoral to respect those so undeserving of it. The Right still clings to old rules of conduct like the golden rule of "do not do onto others that which you would not want done to you" and "turn the other cheek" etc. The reason the obedience to the old rules of conduct is so dangerous is because they critically handicap fighting ability and you need everything in order to win because this is a fight to the death. It's a fight for the future of western civilization. You must be willing to do necessary evil. Common courtesy and decency must be abandoned because it can't be afforded, the stakes are far too high. Fighting clean is suicidal in a real fight. Never fight fair. Always seek to gain an advantage and/or force the enemy into a disadvantage before fighting. Leave fair play to sports. An extremely dangerous expectation that seems to be prevelant among the Right is the expectation that this is all going to blow over and everything will return to normal. This is as insane as expecting cancer to just magically disappear. The only solution is extremely aggressive and unrelenting counteraction until the target is destroyed. Another dangerous expectation prevalent among the Right is the expectation of an actual civil war. If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost. Too many among the Right think their political abilities are limited to simply voting. But voting is just the bare minimum. The vast mojority of citizens political power is social activism. The Right's social activism capabilities are very weak compared to the left's. The Right lacks the cohesion that enable the Left to fight like a professional army while the Right are more like Native American warriors that fight individually instead of soldiers that fight as a unit. Individualism is a very serious weakness. Collective action is greater than the sum of its parts. Collectivism is a force multiplier. It was only after the creation of the Continental Army that the colonists were actually able to seriously challenge the British. Another problem with the Right is that they seem to only react defensively to the Left's initiative and almost never counter attack in any substantial way. You can't win a war by only reacting defensively to the enemy. You must seize the initiative by attacking the enemy and force them to react defensively to you. Another problem of the Right is their over-reliance on "champions." These "champions" are the few outspoken right-wingers that have gained notoriety. But they are too few and vulnerable to censorship. So everyone among the Right needs to consider themselves a soldier in order to decentralize. Do not expect others to fight for you while you sit on the sidelines.

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ask Christ for forgiveness

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>The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture

The "left" does not dominate culture. Jews dominate culture.

>the Right have a suicidal passive mentality

The "right" consists of people unaware of the real problems in the world, people who know what's wrong but don't know how to fix it, and people who tried to fix it and who are now dead or in prison. The "left" is entirely people who are unaware of the real problems in the world, which is why they are allowed and encouraged to rebel against their perceived enemy. Waking up people on the "left" or "right" results in one of two things: more people looking for a final solution, or conscious traitors.

You're correct that people need to start banding together and asserting themselves, but dividing people into "left" and "right" is what jews do to keep people confused and infighting. The goal is not to get more people on the "right". It's to get more people seeing reality. Seeing jews pull the strings.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No one can tell you how a "perfect" day is supposed to look like to you, you must decide this. I can tell you, as stupid as it will sound, if your having trouble falling back into degeneracy you may be tilting at windmills. Try to take it one day at a time. Write down 3 things you wish to add into your life and 3 things you wish to delete. This is where I've found the must success. I delete a bad habbit at the same time I add in a good habbit. For example, an easy one is to delete processed foods (as much as possible) and add in natural foods. Basically instead of buying goods in the middle of a grocer, walk the perimeter of the store. Try that for a while and see how it goes.

BTW, the first thing I did, was start making my bed every day. Yea, it sounds corny, kinda is, but that feel of having a made bed every day, eventually snowballed into having a "perfectly" cleaned room, then house, then yard, and now I'm one of the "tidiest" anons out there! It really helped my brain into organizing other life tasks to have my living space organized and cleaned just way I like it. (plus no more bitching when people want to use your toilet and its dirty lol).

Vid attached is where I got the bed making from, once again corny, but I like it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also, I'm adding in a speech from da Arnold on dedication. If you find yourself lacking it and sinking on day to day basis, like I did, it helped. I've looked up to this man my whole life, he was basically a hero on an old forum I went to misc. , and while I've woken up to a lot of his bs, I still love his story.

EVERY DAY you set out to achieve your goals, your free time, your sleep time, your dream time, your eating time, should be centered on getting where you want to go. Ill just leave it here in case any anon is interested.

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Every day I read:

- A little bit of Nietzsche

- At least one Lovecraft story (1/3 through his corpus at the moment)

- My major's textbook

Anyone do something similar? I am outside semester right now and try to do at least 4 hours of this daily to stay busy and keep my brain plastic.



I do carnivore and keto. I might make a meme pic of it to help spread it. I already wrote out the text in a notepad file but I dunno if I could bother to add the pics and finish it off.

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Unless you can meet someone in real life to kick your ass in gear, no program we give you will make you do it. I can tell you some things that help me act right, though.

Motivation doesn't exist without community, and community for whites is dead.

This means it's all on me. I can't just wait for someone to shame me into doing what I need to do. Everyone's standards are rock bottom now. Most people joke about being a piece of shit, and bond over how useless they are. Just as nobody is going to go to work in my stead and pay me, nobody is going to come along and motivate me. Nobody is gonna chew my food for me. I can't delegate breathing to someone else. I have to just do things and be fine doing them. I have to represent my own standards, and relish the pushback I get from weak people who want me to stop making them look bad.

My lifestyle affects more than just me, it affects the world

Everything I do ripples through life in more ways than I can imagine. For example, the food I eat. If I'm eating junk as a staple in my diet, and I have kids, my own genetic deterioration will have limited their potential, whereas maximizing my health (and their mother's) will maximize theirs. But even after the fact, my actions, my appearance, how often I'm sick, or too tired, all factor in determining the choices of people around me. My own health matters to more than just myself.

Regarding diet specifics, just eat food grown naturally and away from poisonous chemicals. Anything you eat should have lived outside, experienced lots of sunlight, and had a good diet itself. This puts most things in grocery stores in the category of "trash", but make sure you're getting animal based nutrition even if you only have access to supermarket food. Look for good local butchers/farms first, though. The vitamin content of an animal raised relatively free on a high quality pasture is way beyond what you can usually find in chain stores, so you'll actually be less hungry on less food if you eat only high quality stuff. It's much cheaper, good for the planet, and good for you and everyone you affect.

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>Anyone do something similar? I am outside semester right now and try to do at least 4 hours of this daily to stay busy and keep my brain plastic.

I do anon, I study at least 4 hours a day, recently I had to come to terms with that even studying can be done too much, and this is the balance I strive for. Every man should spend at least a small portion of time studying everyday, dont be afraid to broaden your reading horizons either, lit thread on this board is full of decent books.


>Motivation doesn't exist without community, and community for whites is dead.

This is why so many of us end up here and similar places anon! I feel a comraderi with the anons here, and I'm assuming the vast majority are young white men.

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>This is why so many of us end up here and similar places anon!

I know. It's bad. This place shouldn't exist. Like you said, it's the result of a complete loss of real community. I hope no one sees 8chan as a replacement for real people. Everyone needs to get outside more, and simulate less.

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Word of advice from someone who just finished working construction in similar heat this summer. In addition to water, make sure you get plenty of salt and other electrolytes. Look up switchel if you want a cheap, homemade electrolyte drink.

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Thanks, I'll look into it

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Thanks for this anon, the way you articulated these things is very helpful.

Maybe even if we have no community, we can motivate each other through space and time, by just thinking of everyone on their similar journeys, even if we are invisible to each other in the real world (for now).

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many people approach lifting with this vidya logic that every time you go to the gym you get +1 gains. there's also the "lifting harder = more gains" fallacy, which i myself initially fell for.

new lifters should really look into the science of bodybuilding instead of relying on incorrect intuition

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>relying on incorrect intuition

could also end up in injuries, so here's the from now on threadly reminder:

fix your posture first, before even think about lifting heavy weights

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Threadly reminder don't sit too long you'll regret getting pain, even with correct posture your hips and knees will eventually give out just mine, I can't sit more than 30 minutes without pain but standing or better yet walking the pain mostly subsides.

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Long term sitting, btw, is one main reason of bad posture!

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I'm pretty sure sitting causes "chronic pain" which is fueling the opiod epidemic.

When I was pretty badly depressed during the summer in high school, basically all I did was lie down or sit and browse my laptop. My body felt like shit before long, and even more shitty by the end of the day.. Exerting myself or standing up most of the time makes me feel 100% better.

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Hey SIG,

I consider myself well read but have seriously lapses in reading new information lately.

I devour science news (have technical training and read the actual studies) but other than that there’s still hundreds of non fiction books left for me to read.

I’d like to avoid mikes translations and like sourced history claims but other than they if I can acquire it online i will read it

I’m setting a goal now 2 600 page or less books before end of this month and 3 for next month. 1 for each September, October (have a lot on my plate those two months).

And then 3 again November 4 December.

That means a minimum of 14 books before December 31 of no more than 600 pages each. Will take recommendations for larger books and will count each 400 pages within as (1).

Anyway I consider my intellect my strongest asset (tall and /fit/ here) and would really like your recommendations for top 12 books to get me going on this journey. I primarily read English ( on that note a guide to learning another language that can be acquired online would be something I am interested in).

Other than that any good subject goes, I am open to spiritual reading, on top of history, economy, science, and all else functional subjects.

Seems we can’t use hashtag names here so I’ll identify myself later once I have a few good suggestions for top 12. They need to be available for free online!

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Nice humble brag.

My recommendation. Read this.

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forgot pic

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>When I was pretty badly depressed during the summer in high school, basically all I did was lie down or sit and browse my laptop.

So be sure this isn't an issue of chronic pain only, but for a lot of mental issues also!


Great approach!

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Saved for future disposition or recommendation, but for now, this is /SIG/ and you should emulate this advice

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For broader explanations, since i have to improve my second language, hoping to do higher effort posts in the future, if you've nothing to do while waiting for the Day of the Rope, where's the problem to read a hundred pages of a book, espacially while the long Winternights?

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Okay good for you pal

Still looking for recommendations

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>sit less

Definitely. Observe nature. See any big cushy chairs or couches? We were made to stand, squat, or lay down, not be L shaped.


I recommend this >>13496803

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Nice Hitler dubs.

I would recommend Alexander Aruguelles' website, he's got a lot of great approaches to learning multiple languages in particular, but his methods will work for one language as well.

Always start with sounds, then move on to the writing system, then to a more integrated approach. Mimic Method is a good website for this. Sing songs in your target language to learn the sounds. This alone has helped my foreign language pronunciation immensely. I really need to learn the IPA- my goal is to eventually re-learn (babies know and babble all of these sounds before speaking their L1) all the sounds a human being can make with their speech organ. IPA would be helpful for that but again, very helpful for any single language as well.

As for book reccomendations, the wiki on /lit/ cuckchan ain't half bad. The /fascist/ board OP linked also looks like it had some good stuff. I think I'm a bit too young to be well read, but I know about a few books I guess. Point is: it would help if you gave a more specific idea of what you are looking for for better recs.

If you're just looking for something in general, try reading The Well Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer. It has some guides on how to read different kinds of literature, and some lists of the "most important" stuff in each category as well. I just got done with the part where the author had us outline the first 10 chapters of Don Quixote.

I hope any of this advice has proved helpful. I'm more humanities oriented and it sounds like you know a lot about the sciences, so feel free to ask me anything about more liberal arts type stuff, especially languages.

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doctors give out scripts like nothing for celebrex for joint pain the problem is after a month you have diarrhea as a side effect. Got off that stuff because the bottle said to call my doctor. I learnt that those things destroys your stomach lining and your liver real badly. The problem is the pain comes back as soon as you are off that stuff

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Doctors are drug peddlers. The ones that try to get people eating right instead of taking prescription drugs, or having surgery, get a lot of pushback, and are sometimes fired for not staying with the (((program))).

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>We were made to stand, squat, or lay down, not be L shaped.

You do know we are able to sit on the ground, right?

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Are we talking about sitting on the ground? Is that the epidemic at hand? Are millions of people plopping their asses on the ground outside and ruining their health? I wasn't aware of this. Outrageous if true. I don't even see the appeal. Sounds boring. Got sources?

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>Everything I do ripples through life in more ways than I can imagine. For example, the food I eat. If I'm eating junk as a staple in my diet, and I have kids, my own genetic deterioration will have limited their potential, whereas maximizing my health (and their mother's) will maximize theirs. But even after the fact, my actions, my appearance, how often I'm sick, or too tired, all factor in determining the choices of people around me. My own health matters to more than just myself.

Redpilled, I feel exactly the same way. In addition to what you said about food the more of it you buy the more you're promoting it, and this applies to virtually everything you do. For example the supermarket will have more incentive to stock it. Or if you go to farmers market, the same. And whether you buy free range or cage eggs (I know a grower who does both) they'll make note to produce and sell more of it.

This knowledge really excites me, it's good to have found someone who feels the same. And I don't really know why imageboards don't have more discussion of raising children properly. Maybe the environment is too toxic. I found a woman who started doing the carnivore diet and has her family drinking glasses of blood now.


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Any research on carbonated water?

All I drink is carbonated water mixed with a bit of juice (orange or multi-vitamin) in a ratio of around 1:4.

It's delicious and tastes like a less sticky Fanta.

Should I be worried about CO2 in any way?

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>that whole post

Are you a fucking schizo?

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>more of it you buy the more you're promoting it

>will have more incentive to stock it

Yep. Of course there is an unnatural push to have more garbage in people's bodies and minds regardless of people's preferences, but at least we can support the proliferation of good things regardless of our enemy's preferences.

>I don't really know why imageboards don't have more discussion of raising children properly.

Not many parents, and it's a divisive subject nobody wants to entertain being wrong about. Hitting vs not hitting. School vs no school. Daycare vs stay at home parent. I fall on the latter of all of those, and would vehemently defend them.

>has her family drinking glasses of blood now.

Sounds like it wasn't fresh, but yeah, there's no reason to waste the stuff of life. So much waste goes into modern food production, when nature has already given us everything in abundance. The raw milk is great. I drink gallons of it a week. I was doing 3 gallons, but dropped to about two, because I'm basically not hungry most of the time now. My nutrient stores have been filled. A steak and eggs every other day is about all else I consume.


Sorry, man, I don't know anything about schizophrenia. Probably a malnourishment issue. I can talk about butts on the ground, though. You got those sources?

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I'm addicted to carbonated water, the fizzy Jew… Just really quenches for thirst so well.

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I bought a soda stream one summer, and looked at the packaging about a month later and realized it's an Israeli product. Was pissed. Cold sparkling water was pretty great, though. I haven't drank but a couple sips of water in the last couple weeks. No need with all the milk I put away.


I recall hearing somewhere years ago that the carbonation in soda is bad for your teeth, but I never followed up on it.

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>I hope any of this advice has proved helpful. I'm more humanities oriented and it sounds like you know a lot about the sciences, so feel free to ask me anything about more liberal arts type stuff, especially languages.

How do you feel about kikes manipulating the English language and in some instances even trying to make words seem the opposite of what they used to mean?

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working is awesome, but paying taxes for jews, and niggers is not. So fuck them, fuck government zog bots, fuck niggers, fuck tax men, fuck lefties, fuck jews, and fuck jan…ugh, not here, jannies are cool here but you get the picture.

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Carbonated water is acidic. It's not as bad as thinks like coke and fanta because no sugar but it still fucks your teeth nonetheless. I used to drink that shit as a substitute for the fizzy jew but I learned that it's basically just as bad. All you need to drink is water fam

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Quit trying to control people. Diet is not nearly as important as your activities. If you gnash your teeth constantly, or in your sleep, it doesn't matter, your teeth will be terrible.

Wear a mouthguard for everything that involves contact. Don't let people hit you in the jaw. Learn to protect your face.

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My teethe are jacked, never drank soda until my mid 20's. I have been in several physical encounters, and gnash my teeth when I sleep.

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Thank you my friend, your message addressed the very specific thoughts I was passing through lately. True Providence!

Your One soul be blessed!

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Is social drinking okay if done rarely?

I've never been much of a party goer and the last time I was at a party and actually got drunk was christmas 2017. Since new years I've stopped consuming alcohol completely, I don't even fancy having a beer as I relax a calm evening.

However an old friend of mine is leaving the country to study for a year and he invited me over for a farewell party, knowing him and our circle of friends it's probably gonna be a bit over the top. They're good and funny people and don't do any harm but they are very childlike in their behaviour and interests. I don't mean that in a negative way, the guys just like having fun and I get that, it just get's to tiresome for me. It's gonna be a house party and we'll probably spend most of our time outside since the weather is nice.

I really don't want to drink or go to a loud party but I feel like shit not showing up there for him when he's been such a good friend over the years I've known him.

He lives about 2 hours away so I have to crash there and drive home hangover the next day and take a ferry to get home.

Obvious answer would be to just not drink, but if you've ever been the only non drunk person at a party you know how shitty and unbearable that is. I've never liked hard liqour and stuck to either red wine or beer, a single bottle of wine or a six pack or beer is enough to get me drunk and in a good enough mood to enjoy myself

I could really use some advice here

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Give yourself chores to keep the party going.

Build a fire ring, start a fire, chop wood, tend the fire. Bring S'more shit and weenies.

Be the BBQ guy, and cook all evening.

Make sure all the dogs have water and shit.

Clean up behind the slobs.

Make hors d'ouvres, and snacks.

I don't party well either. I have to have something else to do.

Good luck.

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>Diet is not nearly as important as your activities.

Native Alaskans on their ancestral diet had perfect teeth that were worn down to near nubs (yet not exposed) from doing stuff like chewing leather. It wasn't until the foods of civilization became staples of their diet that they began suffering from tooth decay. Diet is crucial to you health in every way.

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I appriciate the answer but wasn't really what I was looking for.

I don't think there will be much of any grilling and if so it's wont be the entire night

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Not good, obviously.

It's a cliche, but it does remind me of Newspeak from 1984.

More important than some sort of authoritarian conspiracy, though, is the lack of drive on the part of citizens to educate themselves and learn about their culture and the things that made their ancestors great. I really shouldn't be judgemental, or even surprised, because I was fortunate enough to be an educational outlier growing up, and that is what gave me the drive to learn about these things. Most people are just trying to survive and put food on the table, so when they come home after slaving away for Mr. Shekelstein the last thing they want to do is crack open a difficult book. Come to think of it, this lack of drive in and of itself is probably part of a conspiracy.

I think it's fair to say that those of us who do have the ability and desire to become "Renaissance men" or even just competent in our respective fields should take up the mantle of responsibility for the sake of our people. What I mean by that is we should consider ourselves a vanguard, whose ideals, practices, and beliefs will trickle down to the general public in due time, and act accordingly- educating ourselves, preparing for political (and literal) fighting, eating the best diet that we can so ourselves and our posterity will be healthy and strong. Leading by example.

Language and education is an important part of this.

Ever notice how normies will often literally recoil at the mention of certain words or terms like "Holocaust" "Nazi" "Jew" (these are just a few /pol/-related examples, this happens with many other terms)? In my understanding, this is a result of Neuro-Linguistic programing embedded in the media, education system, and popular culture, which gets reinforced and perpetuated in the social world.

I'm not sure if one should lend any scientific credence to Linguistic Relativity (also known as the Safir-Worpf hypothesis), but I have the requisite anecdotal experience to say that I think there's something to it. Learning a language changes you, in a good way. You know how there are a bunch of list-style articles that detail words for concepts that don't precisely exist in the English language? Stuff like Fremdschämen, Saudade, 木漏れ日, Тоска? The same happens in a broader sense when you learn a language, with all the words you learn. Really learning a language leaves you with a completely different way of seeing the world.

So it makes sense that the same could happen in one's own native language- your worldview and horizons could be broadened or narrowed based on linguistic input. Jews are a highly verbal people (all that time studying the Talmud, I guess), so it would also make sense that they would use Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Pavlovian Conditioning, especially considering their disproportionally influential status.

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Don't overthink things faggot, good times are to be relished, not feared and "overcome". Just get drunk with your boys, keep it within reason, and drive home hungover the next day. FFS isn't life depressing enough in ZOG…you shouldn't be agonizing over this.


>I think it's fair to say that those of us who do have the ability and desire to become "Renaissance men" or even just competent in our respective fields should take up the mantle of responsibility for the sake of our people. What I mean by that is we should consider ourselves a vanguard, whose ideals, practices, and beliefs will trickle down to the general public in due time, and act accordingly- educating ourselves, preparing for political (and literal) fighting, eating the best diet that we can so ourselves and our posterity will be healthy and strong. Leading by example.

pic related

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What do you expect, a forbiddance or an absolution? This decision is up to you, you know what to expect and you know the price you have to pay.

According to Tacitus, occasionally social drinking is a strong germanic Tradition.

If they met to decide something, they drank the evening before, so everybody revealed, dur to the loosen tongues, his point of standing. Next Day a decision was made.

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I just found out I could bike, the bike machine at the therapist office a recumbent bike machine is low and the pedals are far away which is straining my hips and not a regular upright bike but I still need to take things slow. why are so many zoomers and boomers falling for this recumbent bike meme I never seen any millennial or gen x use recumbent bikes on the street only gen z or old 50 year old plus fags. Is there any benefits to using recumbent bikes?

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Ok so now I'm thinking of doing the same thing as that chink here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nG43cKEbAg

With carnivore diet with onions and tomatoes included, everything of course in smaller portions than usual to get that weight out of me (I weight 100kgs while only 160cm high 80 kgs without legs (sitting))

Tell me why I'm wrong and am I a huge faggot

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Also should I eat breakfast before or after workout?

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The demotivating part of working is that whatever I do, I have to do for 3-4 months a year, every year, to fund a state that wants me replaced by the nogs the money goes to, or funds more wars for israel, or thousand other things I hate that I'm forced to actively contribute to. Just having a car means you're getting taxed 2-3 times over with federal and state taxes. You've got mandatory liability insurance and registration, and any time you have to use your car, you're paying more taxes on gas. Every job you work is also getting double taxed by payroll taxes paid by the company you're generating shekels for.

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I'd say don't worry about prtions. Nobody gets fat eating high quality nutrient dense food to satiation.

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I'd just drink light. You can be the reliable guy. Also you show up and be loyal to your friend unless your values are starting to deviate.

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I need help bros.

I am a pretty fit, chad looking dude. I keep getting ladies and then sabotaging it as soon as we get close. Too many times have I gotten close to some one and they figure out what I am and they drop me. I pretty much no longer can start something up because women in my area are leftists and I do not feel comfortable A, deceiving them and B, having all that effort wasted when they invariably call it off on the grounds of literally Hitler. What do? I have a daughter, I am actually pretty content on moving to a log cabin in the bush and waiting it out.

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It’s not hard to convert a woman. Mine was a liberal hippie when she met me. I didn’t know that, asked her out. A few months later she’s a a regular shitlord. Women are malleable, be stronger and they will naturally mold around you.

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Focus on your daughter till she's old enough to take care of herself. Don't just keep bringing brainwashed psycho bitches into her life. One of them is gonna get her taken away from you for being "a nazi".

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This is also true, but don't fucking take risks with your daughter. Raise her, then you can fuck around.

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This. Be very careful who you allow into your daughter's life.

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This selection is not hidden but obfuscated. A brief primer of interest I would suggested, beyond our Uncle (a good translation of his work though), Pierce, Mosley or Rockwell would be;

- Hammertons Manners and Customs of Mankind (I favour the 1920's release) for a good overview of the world and a view on other races through a more realistic lense (no adulation of the savage essentially). I actually cannot suggest this book enough as it's wonderful and charts a great many European cultural traditions still practiced even in 1920s.

- Evola Ride the Tiger and Revolt Against the Modern World. Yes Evola has become a meme however both of these pieces help paint the picture of where some things have gone wrong and how they were successful in other epochs.

- European Journey by Gibbs, seek earlier editions as there are reports of edits in reprints to fit a more semetic agenda. It explores Europe just before the outbreak of the semetic parasites war but during the rise of National Socialism.

- Percys Reliques, as early an edition as possible. Namely because it also presents the semites in their true historical nature, namely stories such as the Jew of Venice (now known as the Merchant of Venice) and so forth.

- Tacitus' Germania is a good read, historical text.

- Arthur Bryants Unfinished Victory is one I suggest for any Brit who still clings to D&C or "muh shitskin empire" or adulates the obese traitor Churchill. It concerns a call for peace between Britain and Germany by a famed historian Arthur Bryant. This book sadly bought him to the attention of the tribe and thusly he was ruined soon after being forced to buy back all unsold copies and burn them.

Honourable mention for the usual, Spenglers - Decline of the West, Joseph Pomery Widneys - Race Life of the Aryan Peoples, Madison Grants - The Passing of the Great Race and Herodotus - Histories. I do always suggest looking up as many National Socialist books with correct translations as well as books on fascist concepts to compliment any understanding of why we have been dragged by the parasite upon this path of self immolation. There is many a reason they want us upon this path, to fall into shadow and die quietly. This board was made a target for this very reason, what with events since last year. >>13513432

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There is nothing wrong with masturbation or porn.

Proof me wrong.

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I squatted almost twice my bodyweight within my first month a.t. gym

I've been trying to sleep less (going ok)and quit anime(unsuccessfully)

My priority now is producing and distributing black pilled and red pilled literature

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>I squatted almost twice my bodyweight within my first month a.t. gym

Don't go too high, too fast. Slow and steady wins the race.

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>quitting anime


>black pilled …literature

Ah, so you fell for goon nigger psyops.

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I have heard this said before but I really don't think it works with Australian women, they are truly retarded.




My daughter has only met one of these women who I courted long term. That's my plan though, thank you anons.

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Get the fuck out of here nigger, not only are you giving kikes and perverts but that also makes you a slave AND a pervert.

You are trash.

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giving kikes and perverts money*

Also do a simple google search sub-human.

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Porn there is a lot wrong with, the enslavement and exploitation of white women. Forcing it's audience to ever deeper levels of degeneracy through the slippery slope of dopamine desensitization. Pacifing fighting age while males into a life of lifeless degeneracy. The fact it is owned and ran by kikes with the stated aim of everything I have described. It's lowering of the most important act of our race, that of strengthening healthy white couples and producing healthy white children to a disgusting form of soulless commercial entertainment. The fact it causes weird fetishes, introversion and celebacy, sexual dysfunction and chemical imbalances in its male audience.

As for masturbation, once you quit porn the act of wanking because pretty unrewarding, for me anyway. I don't think there is much wrong with relieving yourself when the urge becomes strong enough.

Also kys this was for the lurkers.

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cheers m8

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This shit inspired me. The, "I'm disgusted with myself," kind of inspiration. This old bastard isn't making excuses. I'm going to stop making excuses.

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Youre welcome my anon kommeraden.

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American poorfags read this.

Most strip malls and commercial real estate are landscaped with pics related. They are Golden Raspberries and Oregon Grapes, free organic super foods ripe right now. The raspberries are ever baring, so you can harvest the same spots multiple times a summer. Teas and tinctures of the Oregon Grape’s roots are powerful liver cleansers people pay a good price for at health food stores; many of which ironically have it growing outside.

All anons, I cannot recommend getting a local foraging book and getting gud enough. It saves my family a considerable amount of money on food and medicine and is an invaluable skill for the coming struggles. It is also an impressive skill for attracting wholesome lassies at the farmer’s market; many of which are borderline eco-fascists who just need a push.

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To lose weight you have to ingest less than you need to maintain your body to force it to burn fat.

If you are exercising, yes, you need to eat until you are not hungry anymore.

The dude you quoted didn't said anything wrong, but he could have been more specific but then you could too.

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>In nature, if you do not work, you die. If you do not grow crops, hunt animals or whatever, you perish

please read about how primitive societies actually worked, for example: https://libcom.org/history/hunter-gatherers-mythology-market-john-gowdy

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>Golden Raspberries and Oregon Grapes, free organic super foods

If you can't get complete nutrition from it, it's not a superfood.

>Oregon Grape’s roots are powerful liver cleansers

Why would you need to cleanse your liver? What kind of trash are you eating? "Liver cleanser". Sounds like something that robs you of your nutrient reserves.

>saves money on food and medicine

But you haven't mentioned anything you could make a meal of, and medicine is unnecessary if you're eating right in the first place.

Not a bad message, but those points don't make sense to me.


>To lose weight you have to ingest less than you need to maintain your body to force it to burn fat.

What does that have to do with eating less meat. You're not even following the conversation.

>The dude you quoted didn't said anything wrong

Yes, he did. I replied because he did. He paints unnecessary stuff as necessary, and meat as a vice rather than one of the most healthy foods in existence. You also do not need to drink a lot of water. And you never need to drink juice.

>If you are exercising, yes, you need to eat until you are not hungry anymore.

Why would you not eat to satiation when you're not exercising? Is this some calories in/calories out horseshit? Hunger is not based on calories, it's based on nutrition. If you're getting all the vitamins, minerals, ect, that you need, you won't be hungry. People chronically overeating are doing so because they are malnourished. They can eat twinkies till they're ready to burst, but they'll never be satiated, just sick.

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It was already at the top…

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This guy gets it

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Bingo. There are plenty of good stuff in historical European martial arts.

Though boxing is good for learning distance and head movement. Also learning to take a punch to the head or body is quite valuable. Learn how to handle damage and keep going.

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I need help lads.

I have been clean from alcohol and drugs for 5 years.

I quit coffee and have a green tea every now and again if I am really struggling.

I have quit porn for ages now.

I eschew all degenerate culture.

I got into a really good gym habit and was getting great results and eating clean as…. THEN I got a girlfriend and started my own business with my trade and had legit no time for gym anymore and the speradic nature of my works impact on my routine destroyed my desire to go to gym. I still have no time for gym but I need to lose 5-7 pounds to get down to a healthy weight. It is so weird I have so much self control in all other areas of my life yet I find myself eating simple sugars and shit all the time, I actually can't control myself. What the fuck can I do?

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>I find myself eating simple sugars and shit all the time, I actually can't control myself. What the fuck can I do?

I'm not gonna tell you not to do something in this case, but rather to add something. Just eat more good stuff. Crowd out the crap. Eat a fatty steak. Pork chops. Whole raw milk if you can find it (https://www.realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/). Don't think about losing weight in terms of needing to remove things from your plate, just put in more good stuff.

>I still have no time for gym

Everyone has time to do some calisthenic exercises. No gym needed.

>5-7 pounds

Anyone can lose 5-7 pounds in, like, a day or two.

Congratulations on all your achievements. I'm sure you can figure out how to fit in some new habits compatible with your work.

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>THEN I got a girlfriend

Same shit has happened to me multiple times. Fucking women make it so easy to slack, but that's precisely when they lose interest. Remember who you were when you got her, and you'll keep her.

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Thank you anon.

I think a start would be to get an eating plan in order. I guess I need to figure out at least what my maintenance calories would be.

>5-7 pounds

I fucked up the conversion.. I need to lose 8kg… so 16 pounds LOL fuck. Whats the best way to start?

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Masturbate everyday

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>figure out at least what my maintenance calories would be.

I don't know what your goals are beyond lose 8kg, but I don't think most folks need to worry about that. Eating high quality nutrient dense food to satiation is doubtful to produce a fat person. That's the principle I operate by, anyway. I've gained 30 pounds in the last 10 years, but it's all muscle.

>Whats the best way to start?

High quality nutrient dense food. Refill your nutrient stores. Food that was grown/raised naturally is far more rich in vitamins than the chemically farmed and factory produced trash in most stores, so check out local markets, butchers, farms, whatever. Food from these sources should satisfy you with less on the plate, then you can turn to the junk you desire after you've eaten well. At that point you're less likely to even want it, and certainly not as much, hence dessert comes after traditionally.

Try to move towards not seeing anything produced in an unnatural manner as even being food. If it has a wrapper, it's not food. If it was sprayed with chemicals, it's not food. If it was fed antibiotics, it's not food. If it didn't get to live in the sun, it's not food. If it had to be shipped from anywhere you couldn't walk to within a couple days, it's not food.

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Reminder that lifiting weight and looking healthy wont do any good unless you dress the part, only then will you look like the shining bastion of hope you are.

You don't have to go full reviewbrah or wear a suit all the time just don't fall for modern (((fashion trends))). Don't buy popular brand names that are expensive just because it's a brand, put some money into buying proper clothes that will last long a look good doing it. $400 for a jacket that will last you a lifetime is well worth it, and it only looks better the older it gets.

A haircut is like $20 maybe even less and that something you only need twice or 3 times each year. If you can't afford it just try to find a family member or friend who can do it, women lover cutting guys' hair for some reason.

You should look at our old leader how they dressed for inspiration, if you can't come up with something /fa/ has some good vintage threads

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watch porn 3times a week (but not niggerporn) if You want to increase your testosterone levels

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Everything you just said is boomer-tier slippery slope fallacy with zero proof of any of your claims:

>enslavement and exploitation of white women

>forcing it's audience to ever deeper levels of degeneracy

>pacifing fighting age while males into a life of lifeless degeneracy

>the fact it is owned and ran by kikes with the stated aim of everything I have described

>it's lowing sex to a disgusting form of soulless commercial entertainment

>the fact it causes weird fetishes, introversion and celibacy, sexual dysfunction and chemical imbalances in its male audience

Each and every one of these are baseless, "because I said so" assertions. Next time actually TRY you zoomer christcuck.

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>replying to bait

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>slippery slope fallacy

>open faggotry accepted

>gay marriage accepted

>trans mutants accepted

>drag queen story hour protected by snipers

Kill yourself.

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>spending hundreds of dollars on "fashion"

Just wear jeans, a t-shirt, a varsity jacket on colder days and leather in winter.

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Is rotational shift jobs fucked up /pol/?

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work from home, slave

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Porn is fine as long as you dont overdose it. Unless It's nigger or faggot porn , I dont see any reason to cut it off completely . Plus jacking off every once in a while boost your test and keep you in control of your urges irl.

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Too true, cutting out plants and eating meat until satiation has solved issues I didn't even know were issues. Everything from taking a shit, to going to sleep has become effortless. I'm a more stable person, I'm making more progress in terms of fitness and I spend less on money on food. And I used to be a vegan

Even my asthma is giving me less trouble for every month that passes, something I thought was going to bother me forever.

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look like the average faggot and you'll be treated like the average faggot

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Take powdered eggshell and k2 mk4

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Looking like an averagefag is a perfect thing, because it in no way reflects your actual qualities and capabilities.

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not doing anything will just make it worse your best bet is to strengthen the muscles around your weak points

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when will Europoors learn

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you were probably quarter squatting tbh

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>Why would you need to cleanse your liver? What kind of trash are you eating?

Have you and your parents only eaten organic food you grew yourselves since birth? They also help with pollution from everyday existence in Kali Yuga, and also toxins from shit your food ate or was blown onto or leached into it from neighboring farms. Think of them more as liver support than a cleanse.

>But you haven't mentioned anything you could make a meal of,

I didn’t say I was going to give you a meal plan faggot. Dandelion salad, berries, mushrooms and wild game all free, how’s that? Foraging will be different most places which is why I said buy a local book.

>medicine is unnecessary if you're eating right in the first place.

Air pollution and NPC exposure is inevitable. Also, babies(which I have) get sick occasionally despite only drinking breast milk. The “medicine” I was referring to is wild herbs and also food, most of it is preventative maintenance for past transgressions from before I learned about (((gmos))), (((Monsanto))), and the (((FDA))).

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>They also help with pollution from everyday existence in Kali Yuga and also toxins from shit your food ate or was blown onto or leached into

So, berries grown around "strip malls and commercial real estate" - car exhaust and industrial litter rich environments - is gonna protect me from toxins on organic farms? Sounds like more BS.

>I didn’t say I was going to give you a meal plan faggot.

You talked about places to get berries and said I'd save money on food. That shit isn't food. Try and live on it, and see what happens.

>Also, babies(which I have) get sick occasionally despite only drinking breast milk

Breast milk polluted by random car exhaust infused plants. What a surprise.

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I'm not Christian, I'm a National Socialist and you are a jew.

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Thanks very much mate I'm going to act on this as of today.

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Porn is not fine, see >>13534393


You seem switched on, why do I get tired as fuck when ever I heat. (Just ate a bacon egg and cheese burger)

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maybe you're eating high glycemic load meals

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>why do I get tired as fuck when ever I heat. (Just ate a bacon egg and cheese burger)

I'd probably get tired eating that, too. I like burgers, but cooked meat with (((enriched bread))) and sauces is a gut bomb. Try to stick to more easily digestible meals if you want energy from them. Myself, I just drink raw milk throughout the day, and have a meal towards dinner time.

Also, eating nutrient rich food can afford more time between meals, which means less wear and tear on your insides having to process that stuff. Remember, ALL food is inflammatory, and minimizing inflammation is one of the keys to avoiding modern degenerative disease.

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I see, thank you, should I be eating a bunch of organic, lightly cooked meat for dinner?

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That's essentially how I do. Works for me. Though, I probably don't eat "a bunch". Less than a pound of meat, with maybe a piece of cheese and an egg or two. It depends on how hungry you are, which depends on how active you are. I take it pretty easy, so I don't need a lot.

If you're more active you can do like many European people of the past and bridge the energy gap with some high quality grain, like rye, sourdough, or oats. I don't know where you'd find it, though. I have no use for fast burning energy like that at my activity level. These are people that were working from dawn to dusk, so they needed to eat.

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I've been thinking about something a lot recently and I'd like to talk about it with you guys.

I'm glad that the dangers of Porn and Masturbation have entered the public consciousness recently, and the No Nut Novemeber meme was probably one of the best things to happen to young males in decades; just waking kids up to the fact that they ARE hooked on masturbation and pornography is enough to get them on the path of trying to fix themselves. (Many ahd never even noticed just how much they fapped, and when they tried to stop for a while just to see if they could, they realised they were quite deeply addicted.)

But there's another insididious infection that has taken root in almost every young male that we still haven't shook, still aren't even aware of, and in most cases still think is entirely harmless and benign.

I'm speaking of Video Games. Like masturbation, games are greatly enjoyable and addicting, like masturbation, they are inescapable and abundant from a young age (what young boy DOESN'T play videogames?), and like masturbation, their harms and dangers are not immediately visible or taken seriously at all.

Yet unlike masturbation we still haven't collectively clued into them as the worst kind of life-ruining, soul-sucking drugs we own. Cheap, abundant, easily-accessible, marketed to children during pivotal developmental years, and completely deceptive in masqueraing as a "harmless pastime"

I have seen many, many young male lives ruined by Video Games. Many of my friends have been completely fucked by Video Games, it's stolen a chunk of my life too, many Incels are video-game addicts; some boys never get a chance to properly develop because they're hooked before puberty.

I know very few people who use video games "moderately". Most video game players are hopelessly addicted, spending the MAJORITY of their days and weeks playing their drug of choice, and sinking valuable time and lifeforce into compeletly nihilistic non-productive money and time burning. I can't think of anything else so maliciously kiked and effective at ruining young males than Video Games, besides maybe Pornography.

It's no coincidence that many video-game players are still ashamaed to admit they are heavy users, even in a culture that promotes it, and that the most powerful and Chadlike males never take to video games and are successful because of it. (they play sports instead).

My whole life my mother would tear me apart for videogames and I'd ignore her and dismiss her, and now, like most things, I realise she was right all along and I've wasted so much of my precious youthful and formative years essentially in my room alone using screen drugs.

It's only just now I'm attempting to unshackle myself from the two main weights chained to every young male; porn and video games. While the dangers of porn is thankfully entering public consciousness, how then do we tackle the problem of video-game addiction in young males, when such an astoundingly massive drug industry relies on it and is actively seeking to ruin us?

Leaves me so disheartened. I'm proud of myself that I've finally managed to escape, but I see my friends and how they are wasting their lives and it makes me so so sad.

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Kill yourself bignose.

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I run my own electrical business so I normally work 10 hours a day on average, unfortunately that left me no time to do my boxing or gym so I'm going to start doing calisthenics at home as advised above.

I am going to try eschew grains as I feel like they are a part of my fatigue problem. Thanks for the advice fren.


Video games are for children, this is a movement for men, that's all that needs to be understood.

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Do keto and carnivore and you will never be tired after a meal again

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>I run my own electrical business

A smart man.

>calisthenics at home

Or anywhere you have the time. I remember reading one of these threads where a guy mentioned he'd drive uber or lyft and do pushups after every ride. I do self resistance stuff with my arms when I'm in the car at stop lights or straight roads.

>eschew grain

Probably a safe bet. Like I said, I don't know where one could get grain that's actually worth eating. There are plenty of athletes operating as pure carnivores now.

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It's definitely something subverted. Video games give you the chance to be a hero. Where else do you get that in modern life as a young man? The only other avenue for heroism, bravery, courage and competition I know is in sports or outdoor activities (surfing for me).

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Thanks mate all good info.


I shall be, what about that doctor Berg said like 10 cups of leafy greens a day.

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I think video games, like junk food and drugs, are only really popular because life is so awful. I'm not wholly against them. Not on principle. More a matter of context. Personally, I find them unrewarding until I can share the experience with a friend. If you look at the most addicting games, it's all stuff that has a community of human beings to interact with. Shows the issue is really more to do with how garbage every other aspect of life is these days, not so much how insidious games are.

Also, attacking video games is not going to make people who play video games appreciate your worldview. Video games being the last bastion of free expression and community for men was what ignited the fire of politics in people who were previously not engaged. Rather than attack the hobby, just promise a better life than these people currently have.

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what exercises should I do? Need exercises where I could stand instead of sitting or laying on my back and farmers carry aren't helpful for my hip (I can't carry anything heavy unless I use the other arm or I am carrying with two hands). though it's getting better I did step ups during my pysical therapy session with just my body weight without any pain ( I just have to make sure my knee straight)

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>would like to dress nice

>dressing nice means wearing slim fitting clothing

Fuck that. I don't mind looking like a wigger if im comfy while doing it.

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I dress nice as fuck. A nice dark brown hair of doc Martin's, black straight leg jeans, an assortment of white grey and black t shirts and a black Parker jacket with a hood or a denim jacket. With some black circular day bans. The fash is back. 😎

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Of fug. I love that girl though.

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Tfw no comfy red pilled Aryan gf.

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>haven't had alcohol since 2016

>never smoked or used tobacco

>never done drugs

>don't drink soda

>very rarely eat sweets

>no fast food and fairly conscious of my diet

>always been skinny but not underweight

>take cold showers

>don't use harmfull soap or deodorants

>don't fap or watch porn (admit I break sometimes but we're talking about once every other month or so)

>take daily walks in the wilderness for 45 minutes

>only work about 30 hours every week

>get at least 8 hours of sleep no more than 10

>overall positive attitude on life

>trouble finding hobbies I enjoy but currently trying to get into wood carving

Despite all this I still feel very bad most of the time, like I'm so bored, tired and fatigued. I had my annual doctor checkup and everything was fine except some vitamin D shortage but I got supplements for it and it's all good now.

There are very few days where I actually feel energized and motivated to do shit outside or just loathe around.

What am I doing wrong and why is it having such a big impact on me?

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Work out and read homo. Stop jerking off all together

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I used to work out but stopped after I changed jobs, I don't have the energy anymore now.

I do read and there is no way jerking off once a month is causing me to feel this way, I didn't fap once in 2018 and it didn't help much of anything.

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> I'm so bored, tired and fatigued.

> vitamin D shortage

that's why, a lack of vitamin D will make your body ache all over your body and depressed. I know because I used to be that way. Eat more fish, eggs and get some sun.

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I got perscribed supplements for that but maybe it wasn't enough. I eat eggs and fish often and even take fishoil but I'm probably not spending enough time out in the sun

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> I'm probably not spending enough time out in the sun

dubs don't lie, try to spend more time outside,.

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Eat carnivore. The more raw the better. Raw cheese & raw milk are okay. Plants are poison. Do it for a month as an elimination diet and see how much better you feel. Work back in some fermented foods at this point if you're too weak to just eat meat.

Never take supplements, it's all bunk bullshit science. VitD is actually an animal hormone / steroid, how the fuck do you think you can get that in pill form? Why would you want to be taking a lab made steroid, do you know what that does to your long term health?

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If you were in my neck of the woods id like you as my mate.

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Isn't milk and cheese containing of carbs and therefore no good for the keto aspect of the diet?

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Keto isn't necessarily zero carb, just low. But then there's some who say high protein will still result in insulin spiking, so it will take you out of ketosis too. I don't give a crap about all that. Just eat bioavailable nutrient rich food.

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I might still eat kale and spinach, I would feel more comfortable about it all that way.. some say all plants are poison, what think? I guess because of their phytonutrience or what ever…

Second day of carnivore and I'm constipated.

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>I might still eat kale and spinach

Doesn't matter. More important than removing vegetables is getting in animal nutrition.

>Second day of carnivore and I'm constipated.

You can't determine anything from the middle of your second day. And nobody gets constipated eating only meat. Everyone shits less because meat is processed more slowly, and more of it is absorbed. If you up your fat intake you will experience looser stool. Too much dairy will constipate you because of the casein protein which acts as a binding agent.

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>Do it for a month as an elimination diet and see how much better you feel

Do it for a month and you'll never stop, though you might get "keto flu" for 1-2 weeks, but probably just 1 week if you're young.

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I'm 28, last time I got Keto flu I felt like fucking death, I remember being in bed vomiting and as soon as I had a red frog I felt instantly better.


Thank you. Should I focus on stake, liver and eggs? I am craving carbs hard and the thought of meat is making me feel a bit sick. I was once vegan for three years and didn't crave anything.

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>Should I focus on stake, liver and eggs?

If you want; you'll not lack for nutrition that way. All I'm saying is make sure whatever food you eat is high quality.

>the thought of meat is making me feel a bit sick

Then don't eat any. It's like people saying have to drink water even when you're not thirsty. It's bullshit. Listen to your body.

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Thanks anon.

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Sports are good for a plethora of reasons

>Keeps you fit, obviously

>Keeps you healthy

(those make you look good and have good survival qualities women and wage masters look for)

>Gives you good coordination

>Gives you good concentration

>Let's you learn to dominate others

>Let's you learn to coordinate with others

>Let's you learn risk and courage

>Gives you confidence

>makes you visible to others as a "doer"

Lots of things. Can't hate sports for their positives. But fuck most dudes who play them actively are sort of dumb. You have to cultivate your cerebral qualities as well, and sometimes you have to use a good platform that lets you really think about things beyond the concrete, such as video games. You get both abstract logical aspects and visual/aesthetic/moral aspects if you pick the right game and play it right. But you can't deny your body exercise, and sports are a a great way to integrate exercise into a social and fun environment.

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So what do you guys do for a living?

Do you have a productive job and/or hobby that teaches you valuable skills?

Do you know how to produce good visual art that will stand out from the cancer that is (((modern art)))?

Remember what will be important in the comming age

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I run my own bysi>>13541320

>So what do you guys do for a living?

I run my own electrical contractor business.

>Do you have a productive job and/or hobby that teaches you valuable skills?

My job benefits civilisation and I ask myself if my work benefits the blood and soil at every job, I feel bad doing work for shit skins and gooks but I cope by reassuring myself that their property will belong to my folk in due course.

My hobbies include, survival skills/bushcraft, archery, fishing/diving and shooting/hunting if ZOG every approves my gun license.

>Do you know how to produce good visual art that will stand out from the cancer that is (((modern art)))?


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You bet. Also want to point out that food processes very slowly in our bodies, so there are chemical events going on that are relevant to things you did a week, or sometimes even a month in the past. Be sure to conduct your experiments with this in mind. If you eat something and have a negative reaction, it may be that thing you just ate, or it may be something you ate a while ago, or it may be both of those things interacting.

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Teenagers sure know how to ramble. There is no left or right, keep lurking

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You're stuck in a Jewish Hegelian trap, the right and left are equally to blame for modernity. We here are neither, fuck your American, democracy, liberalism and values in general.


Thank you for taking the time, I find it weird that all I'm basically doing is removing bread and potato from my diet yet it's causing me weird cravings and aversion, I'm sure it's just psychological.

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What's the best to stop being a skinny fat?

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Fresh OC from Project White

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You've built a microbiome used to having certain foods. It will take a while to starve it if you choose to change things up.

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Eat more meat and lift more weight.

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It took me only about 2 weeks of keto/carnivore for sugar cravings to go away completely. I used to have upwards of 150g added sugar every day

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Yeah, not only is sugar outright addictive, but gut yeast will induce a "need" to feed them as well.

Takes about 2-3 weeks to starve them and for effects to reside.

Lost 60 pounds (now ~165) over several months doing nothing by changing my diet to meat, limited vegetables, and plenty of electrolytes.

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So much bad advice for an individual who has shown so much potential. Your issue is simple bruder, you have no real mission. Being healthy is fine and important and a good goal, but man is meant to reach for something. It doesn't have to be some huge "im going to save the world" or "start a trillion dolllar tech biz" but what I see missing from your checklist is FAMILY. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR ONE GOAL FOR NOW, if you aren't pursuing some other main mission in life, do what our ancestors have known, and we are awakening to, start a good family and breed some children.

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Low effort shitpost, sad testament from a soul lost to darkness.

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Reminder that bread contains an opioid. No wonder everyone is addicted to it.

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You're right about video games being addictive. Most of them are designed to be, and implement some kind of Skinner box scheme. When I was isolated I used to play at least as much as I'd be working during the week, and I met a lot of people online that are in similar situations. The worst is that you get so much into the games that you don't even want to go out and meet people.

Today I play at most 1-2 hours every two weeks and I enjoy it more than when I'd be playing it 40 hours a week plus 12 hours per weekend.

I was lucky that at some point I got bored of it, went out and became more social, met my wife and started other activities. As >>13537932 mentioned, games are only good while you're miserable, real social events and sports will make you more happy for sure…

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Thanks super pals, second day of carnivore and I'm feeling great. My keto flu last time I did this was debilitating so I hope it doesn't hit as hard, I am eating so much cleaner this time so I thibk I'll be right.

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How the fuck do you meet a woman who wants to be with a revolutionary National Socialist. Maybe I am more intense than the average dude, I have a whole book case fill of books and I am ready to give my life.

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That sounded a bit retarded, everything I do in life is to prepare myself for a potential revolution one day.

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I'll always laugh when people say eat (((balanced))) diet. Humans can't digest plants like animals do, that includes seeds/nuts too. Do some research on a primal diet for optimal health instead. Healthy men strive on animal products only, anywhere in the world.

Weston A. Price

Aajonus Vondirplanitz


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Forgot images. Can post more if requested.

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Im not sure comparing sub humans to whites is very reliable. However I am really starting to love this diet, I need to go to the butcher and buy some liver and brain, eggs and stake is getting slightly monotonous.

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>My keto flu

You could always try transitioning a little slower if it becomes a problem again.



Girls literally just want to have fun. Don't be a doomsayer, be celebratory for your people's history and future, and be humorous. Joking about, and mocking the things you find detestable leaves the door open for others to engage you either jovially or critically, but being super serious about a subject, especially around women, gives all but the most die hard opposition no choice but to agree or shut up lest they set you off. You're also more convincing when you can argue for something with such ease as to have a laugh at the same time, and when you don't obviously really want other people to agree with you.

There's something about not needing the approval of others which makes others more interested in understanding you and getting your approval.


>(((balanced))) diet

One of the many useless statements of the eternal centrist.

>Weston A. Price

>Aajonus Vondirplanitz


I appreciate them all, but Weston is far more objective than the other two.


You should definitely read that book. It's basically the only good study on diet that exists. The quality Weston Price found in people living on their ancestral diets all over the globe, white or non-white, is far beyond the average person today regardless of race. He doesn't just study blacks and browns, the first two chapters concern the Swiss and the Gaelic.

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>I have heard that everything starts with the feet

Exactly the other way around. I had those jew sole inserts and they only masked the problem. Consciously keeping track of my hip and spine positioning along with some strength and mobility work is what actually solved it.

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Thank you and shall do. I'm going on a date this Wednesday, I am honestly chad looking and fit physically and not socially retarded so I'm sure the date so go fine, it's the keeping them once they realise I'm literally Hitler. I might hide my books and flags for a while with this one.

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What books you got, and where did you get 'em?

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How much, how often, and what should a skinnyfag eat to gain weight?

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All of them, book depository, directly from AW - my signed copy of Siege, Ostara Publications, Third Reich books. uni

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Thanks. Don't hide the books, dude. Leave 'em up to be asked about. It's not the same as literally flying the flags. Showing that you're scholarly contributes to the air of authority you should have over a woman.

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The strongest men in the world eat mostly white rice and beef. Stan Efferding got a lot of them doing "monster mash", which is just white rice, ground beef and chicken stock with salt and pepper. The principle at work here is carbs for weight gain and meat for nutrients. If you wanna try just doing some monster mash, you can eat till you're full and store the rest in the fridge till you're hungry again. Don't forget to lift heavy (but with good form, don't fuck around with bad form). Sprint for condition and a good leg workout.

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Those are roided degenerates, they will get the rope when it comes.


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I should note, I've tried eating like that, but it didn't feel great compared to just animal products. Rice left me bloated. I figured I'd give you something easy, likely familiar, and pretty tasty. Milk is also good for weight gain, so milk and meat is an option too. Put honey in the milk, and holy fuck.

Best if you get raw milk, local meat and local raw honey, both for your health and the environment.

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Why did you want to know where I got them from?

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Regardless of their steroid use, the principles of their diet are still relevant. There aren't any vegan athletes competing at their level, and I've yet to see any of them go pure carnivore either.

>kill athletes who use steroids

Settle down.


I'm growing my bookshelf, too. Sticking mainly to ones I've read and find to contain essential knowledge, though.

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There is nothing I love more than a fresh book, it's mainly all National Socialism, fascism, white nationalism, rhodesia etc, a fair bit of European mythology, a few of why Jews suck, a bit on bushcraft and survival, some Australian history and folklore that sort of gear.

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My bare essentials have been The Upanishads for ancient Vedanta philosophy, which I got into about 15 years ago, well before I was aware of more material issues, David Irving books for a slap in the face concerning WW2, and Weston Price's book as concerns nutrition. I still need to get a good physical copy of Mein Kampf, because that was actually the book that tipped me over the edge into being an ebil natsee. Nothing like the words of the man himself to show the way; obviously why he, and the book, have to be lied about so much.

What's a book I haven't mentioned, especially as regards a topic I've not yet researched, that you think is the essential work to look to?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>Water fasting of at least 7 days per month.

fuck off FBI. I water fast 28-31 days per month.

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Faggot. I fasted for 31 days in February.

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As you said, Mein Kampf: the stalag edition, you can pick this up from Ostara Publications. Ostara is amazing, you get the books so quick and they're always the cheapest, they also publish them themselves so you know they are the real deal. Once you've read that one, honestly Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tudor is mind blowing.

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>Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tudor is mind blowing.

I never made time for that one, because I can't find anything out about Richard Tudor himself. Who is he, why should I listen to him, and where can I verify his quality? Are there good sources in his book?

I want to grab multiple editions of Mein Kampf. The Stalag, The Ford Translation (great notes and helpful commentary in that one), and probably a German language edition as well. Also curious about the new translation by some guy who's name I can't remember. Thanks for the recommendations.

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Hitler's Revolution is thoroughly sourced throughout and they seem legitimate and varied. It's one think to read the first hand material about the worldview but to read about how it was materially put in motion, especially the socialism side of it which is often over looked, was simply inspiring.

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File: 8c45b49d048d759⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,3000x2055,200:137,2f7b37f2e693f9bddcf336cc0e….jpg)

Hope is a subject of contention more often than not. To dare to hope, to dare to believe is often one of the most cruellest things for hope by it's nature is transitory. It can be struck down by a single flip of the coin and be used to sunder the soul of the strongest man by those with vile intentions. We have all, at one point or another, had our hope stricken and decended into the "black pill" as it were, ensconsed within the grim cage of nihilism as the will to fight turns to dust and our very spirit lay broken. The weight of it all stays our feet, the shimmering flame of resistance faltering as gusts of chill wind runs through our very core. It feels pointless to stand, our vision blurs as we try to find a new path forward only to reveal naught but more darkness. This is the cruel nature of hope and it's innevitable loss.

This is why a man needs faith. Not faith in the guise of religious dogma nor blind adherence to a singular entity but faith in both ourselves and our people. Faith simmers hotter than hope, it can grow from a mere flickering flame to a blazing inferno that can warm the spirit of the man who holds it even in the coldest and darkest of nights. Oh, of course it can be broken, it can be destroyed but *only* if the faith is placed wrongly. If one carries faith based upon something disprovable it is bound to end in disaster. But if faith is placed not merely in a deity or a single idea but rather into something real, something demonstratable, then it can achieve great things. This is why faith is needed not simply in our people recognising the threat to themselves but rather in ourselves and those who understand our struggles, those brothers in far off lands who despite the parasites propaganda and machinations still embrace those who stand with them whoever they may be. We have believed in ourselves as Men. We have believed in ourselves as Europeans. I have said before and I will say again, we have before us the greatest battle any sons of Europe have ever faced, a battle that goes beyond mere bloodshed, it is a battle for the very soul of our people. Every day the struggle grows harder, our enemy close in on us seeking to silence for any man with the Will to stand, any Man willing to make his voice heard in protection of his people is a threat of incalculable proportions to them. The parasite knows one man can change the course of a nation, can change the course of history. It is with the strength of faith in ourselves and faith in brothers forged upon the anvil of this age we can build anew.

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It is frightening. It can be overwhelming. You like I are deliberately isolated and made suspicious of eachother and have doubt in ourselves for the parasite is skilled in dividing and corrupting. But there is a counter to this. You, the few men who read this and understand of what I speak yet sometimes falter for fear takes you, you are the men who need faith, this Will. There are many here who no doubt understand all this already but there are even more who do not. There is a reason Christian faith wanes in this modern age within the European man for his faith is unrewarded, he seeks succor yet is only offered "embrace the negro" or "wash the third worlders feet as you are kind" by their leaders within the church. He is lost for he knows this is wrong but he dare not speak for he fears his tongue will be removed should he. It is why we must believe in ourselves and those like us to stand amid the ruins of this decrepit age. It is why we must never lose faith in what we can achieve for our goal is, to use a slightly religious term, "righteous" for it is nothing less than the survival and unification of brothers against countless forces. Finance. Media. Politics. Even kinsmen who have been lost completely to the parasite. By knowing what must be done, by knowing we can never cease, never rest, by accepting that gladly within our hearts we must accept that this burden requires more than mere determination but a complete and resolute faith that *you* and those like you have the strength and will to do what must be done and speak what must be spoken. There will be some who fall by the wayside. Some who lack the strength or Will to fight, who give in to the darkness. But if you build a wall of faith strong enough against the forces of despair then much like as I spoke of inspiring men to stand in a previous post, you will give those around you faith in themselves, that they can embody the same thing you do.

Have faith in your honour. In knowing you are a protector, a bearer of a truth unknown and despite our enemies we will succeed. There is no other choice but to succeed. You are the vanguard and the rearguard. There is no tougher challenge and no greater honour for any man willing to take that stand.

Have faith in your strength. Strength to not merely fight physically should a need arise but the strength to carry on should all seem lost, to carry the burden where other brothers have fallen. Have faith in yourself to do this, that you can achieve the herculean tasks before you for in doing so the parasite can never slow you down.

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Have faith in your nobility. The European Man is an exemplar of what an unbridled spirit can achieve. Forging nations anew. Scientific feats thought impossible. Turning dreams to reality. We are the sons of men who fought and survived countless dark hours. You may believe yourself weakened or corrupted in some form by this modern age, mayhaps have surrendered in one aspect or another to modern degeneracy currently or in the past. But below that hidden away is the spirit of European nobility. Take heart in that and hold faith in that part of you for it is that faith in yourself and your forefathers that can help you conquer any semetic poisons inflicted upon you. Be noble in aspect and spirit, embrace it for that is not merely your birthright but your very nature.

Have faith in your brothers. You are not alone in this conflict even if it can feel so. All around Europe and her far flung colonolies there are men much like you, seeing the stagnation of our future and the tendrils that are burrowing into it to poison it further. Together we will build a new tomorrow. Every small action, be it a simple meme on social media or a propaganda sticker in a bars lavatory, builds the tiniest bit of momentum. Some have moved past that and are attempting other things but every action of resistance shines a light towards truth and thusly it should not be discouraged. We will march on, alone for now but soon arm in arm. Our aim, European brotherhood, demands we strive. Demands we struggle for the very lifeblood of our people. Together we will build a future worthy of our sons and daughters. Together we shall retake our destiny and build a better tomorrow, this I *know* for history has told this story before. The players are different and the enemies tools are changed but there is one thing that is the same; Us. We of the lost generations march on, we have watched our nations and civilisation die ignobly. It is time to regain faith in ourselves, the brothers who walk with us and in the spirit of our people.

Until victory be won.

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What is this text from?

I have given up home on the woman question. Literally every woman I meet is a liberal retard… I have a daughter, I have spread my genes and now I am giving up.

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Studying to become a lawyer, so that i can work part time from home, on my family farm raising livestock and be there to raise my kids and Home school

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>I might still eat kale and spinach, I would feel more comfortable about it all that way..

until you get kidney stones, leaky gut and goiter. All the while they give you almost nothing back in terms of vitamins, minerals and calories. Yeah great ride. These foods are no more than 200-300 years old. They were meant to be use as sheep food but the sheeps got sick and died. Now they are sold to humans as "Healthy leafy greens". They do not occur in the wild and only grows one time a year. So again why are you eating them? - I've been there myself.

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>super foods


pick one

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Not a antivac person, but I've never had a shot in my life and last time I got sick was over +12 mths… And if I do, it's a shitty flu or something and it's gone in less then a week.

Only shot I did have was in Highschool, got free needles for heps and other shit, I got the hep shot which I got told last for life so I'm sweet with that.

I'm 50/50 with flu shots and shit like that, suit yourself and if I had kids, sure I'd get them shots but for me… Nah my immune system is mint as.

Was dying from septicemia back when I was 8 (was almost amputated kek) but I never felt I was and staunched thru it, hopefully that made my immune system go thru a nice workout.

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I hear ya. on a side Q, what's your thoughts on onions? I hate them and reckon they give no nutrition to a person.

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I posted this in QTDDTOT but here seems more appropriate.

I just wanted to share my progress in the gym. There’s no one around me who actually cares, so I can share with you guys and hopefully it brings more discipline to you as well.

I’ve been lifting on and off for a couple of years but the last 6 months I went full 4th REICH mode, calories, sleep, training regiment etc. and now I’ve finally hit that 135lb x5 overhead press.

Currently, the rest of my lifts:

320lb x5 Dead lift

152.5lb x5 Bench

32.5lb x5 weighted pull up

x12 body weight dips


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1 plate OHP very nice brother. If you're doing that with no belt and explosive you'll have some serious knock out power.

Bench is lagging a bit though you should be on that 2 plate time. What's your squat?

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Man… What if I'd spent this time doing something productive.. I'm not even good just some 4k baddie.

I mean I do my training in the morning then work and play a game or two with the mates… It's not that bad is it…

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>4k hours in a single game

I've never understood how people can do that. I was amazed when I broke 1,000 hours in gmod 2 years ago and I've had that game since it came out

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Search on Youtube for a lad called Mike Boyd. It will make you feel even worse. Some skills take literally just 3-4 hours to learn. That's one thousand different skills you could have learned that would be either useful or actually fun to be able to do.

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Thank you. Yes OHP, no belt and banged out my first 5 reps yesterday :)

Ya bench has always been my weakest lift and also certainly correlated it's the only lift where I feel like I still am not doing it right after benching for years. Watched countless videos and read books etc.

My bench form has gotten better but I still feel like I’m 70-80% the way there where’s my other lifts I feel very secure in my form.

Currently I am not squatting at all but when I did my max was 235lb x5.

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Any advice to clean my lungs? I used to be a smoker in the past and albeit I've quit the habit, I'd like to know if there's something to get my lungs back at full health.

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Just don't smoke and do some cardio.

Be careful about pollution too.

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I feel you bro…

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I decided to quit physical therapy, They pushed me to do 4 exercises everyday 6 times a day 3 sets of 10 on top of running and biking for 30 minutes. I told them they pushing me too hard and it isn't improving like it used to at the beginning of my therapy. Not sure I else I should do? Should I find another therapist or should I do something else all I know is swimming and walking gets rid of the pain.

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thanks for posting all of this. Most of the things I read here are nothing but negative. its impossible to get anywhere being hateful and negative all the time. I swim in negativity and I even echo it in my everyday life. I want to feel positive, then be an example to other white men to be excellent to each other. You can do anything when your body and mind are full of positive energy. it sounds gay until you experience it and feel really good about doing something and being the man you woke up as today.

This is why libniggers seem to be so tireless in their faggotry and virtue signalling/cucking. They feel /good/ about doing those things, whereas almost everyone even remotely on the right feels like they are doing chores when we do activitism, it doesnt help we have to stick to the shadows or have our lives ruined by the system and libcucks can openly lick toilet seats and say they want to infect the president with GRIDS and be applauded by the jews.

We have to help each other feel good about what they do. love your people.

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For you two, dota now stands for day of the asphyxiation by Zyklon. My

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spoke to my orthopedic just now he said I could go back to the gym if I want to but because I told him I jogged and swam without any pain don't know what my plan since I never been injured before . I'll obviously try my body weight but don't know how fast should I progress?

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Even if one can't afford much there's plenty of cheap or free stuff. Currently learning Russian on duolingo. Would recommend similar efforts for others. If you have an internet connection you can always find something, somewhere to read or learn.

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File: f25de31fc53b069⋯.png (664.57 KB,1034x673,1034:673,Scott Herman.png)

"Learn your body"

"Drop your ego before you pick up the weight"


I have to say that Scott Herman is a great source of information on how to properly execute basic weightlifting and bodyweight exercises. You should all check him out and learn something. He also goes into how to diet for "body recomposition" and other important aspects of the art of fitness and body-building, to include matters ranging from "hard gainers" to the issues of what sorts of exercises to prefer and in what combinations in order to get optimal results in a workout targeting certain muscle groups. I like his "Tri Set" method involving a "Negative/stretch" set of exercises, then immediately going to a "Flex Contraction" exercise and then doing an "overload" exercise which targets the muscles with a sort of optimum of preparatory and then "destroy/shred" mode, for optimum breakdown. He has a great discussion on how to properly do push ups which should be humbly accepted by all. He's a "body building/fitness technician" of very high caliber. My own routines have benefited immediately upon study of his ideas. There is no good reason to do 150 pushup a bit incorrectly when the changes in muscle recruitment and development upon shifting the method to a correct pushup, even if only with slight changes, makes the number of one's push ups immediately drop by 33% to a mere 100 push ups. That's called actually doing a work out and doing it right, that's called actually developing instead of half-assing it (even without knowing it!). Better check him out!

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It is now Wednesday and I have been eating Steak, Butter and Eggs since Sunday. In the morning I have a 300g Steak, a teaspoon of butter and 4 eggs and I have the same before bed.

The keto sticks are saying I have no glucose or ketones in my piss.

Today I think I have started to get keto flu though, I cannot concentrate and I am exhausted. I am drinking some pink salt and potassium in water but it isn't really helping.

I quit this last time because I was bed ridden and vomiting, it all ceased when I had a red frog.

What am I doing wrong, not enough fat/too much protein?

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>a red frog.

Which is what?

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Any good sources for free books online so I can stock up my digital library?

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Stick it out, friend, you wont believe the difference once your break that sugar addiction. Too much protein can convert to glucose and stop ketones. If you do anything ease back on the protein and up the fat.Try 200g ribeye and 3 eggs twice a day.

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Check the pdf and book threads, there should be one in the catalogue, there are also archived threads too.

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I was thinking that too, I might do the macro breakdown and see how much fat v protein I am getting. What is the recommended ratio?

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Thanks for the thoughtful response.

It seems very clear that rational individuals come to very similar conclusions given enough knowledge intake.

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Are you eating on a schedule, or are you eating when you're hungry? I can go all day on one steak and eggs most of the time. I never eat when I don't want to. And if I want to eat a lot, I don't hold back.

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I only eat when I am hungry which seems to be as soon as I wake up and in the afternoon. I am limiting both meals to 2000 cals because I am also in need of losing 8kg.

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ratios are more of easy guidelines then hard absolute truths. I try to just make sure I get the minimum protein intake a day for my goals (about .5g to every 1#bw or 1g to 1#bw) and fill the rest in as I see fit, if your eliminating carbs, all fats, more protein isnt end of world tho, just too much taxes your kidneys hard.


> I never eat when I don't want to. And if I want to eat a lot, I don't hold back.

Same here bruder, I've found as long as your picking from the right foods, and broken bad habbits (anxiety or boredom eating for most people) you won't overeat your hunger.

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Ok well I am switching to 70 fat 30 protein for a little bit to see if it helps my transitioning flu. I assume you're talking lbs not kgs, so my goal weight is 170lbs… and I am getting 100g of protein so I guess thats a reasonable breakdown.

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>both meals to 2000 cals

4000 seems like an awfully high daily limit for someone trying to loose weight. Calories are an essentially useless measure in the first place, though, because they are not equivalent between foods. People typically gain fat on fewer calories derived from plant-based foods than they do on significantly more calories derived from animal-based foods.

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I think its around 1.5g protein per kg. Cals from fat at about double those of protein. Dont get hung up about those though, everyone is different.

When i started steak and eggs, i ate a carb meal every 4th day, whatever you want. It breaks the monotony and its suppose to reset

leptin and ghrelin levels in the stomach. Ribeye is best for fat.

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>Same here bruder, I've found as long as your picking from the right foods,

Yeah, listening to one's body is the most important thing anyone can do. Other people can say all they want, but nature has perfect knowledge, and only speaks the truth.

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Both 2000, 1000ea.


Ahh ok, well I am fairly on point then. Cheers. What would a carby meal be, a big shlurp of milk?

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I know take what sv3rige says with a grain of salt but he reckons while trying to use your fat stores you should eat less fat and more protein, so your body draws on your own fat.

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Right now I am only missing a handful of books.

I need a modern textbooks for genetics. The kind of books you would read to learn or review everything.

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The thing is, if you eat less fat you also remove vitamins only obtained from fat, which will increase your hunger if you're not sated in that regard. Eating fat to satiety, and then eating whatever protein you desire will likely see you eating less overall.

Sv3rige is full of ideas, but rarely are they well thought out. He's mostly just feeling his way around, which isn't a bad way to live. He's right to trust himself over others.

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He is very bluepilled when it comes to who is in control and that, he is a bit detached from reality in that regard. He is definitely a truth seeker though and that is admirable. Ok I will just play around with the macros and calories and see what works for me. My foremost priority is getting through this shitty flu.

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He's not wrong, its actually the utmost best way to lose fat fast. You can go all the way down to only essential fats (about 10g a day) and zero carb and minimum protein to lose fat. Its called a PSMF, Lyle Mcdonald basically taught it to the world. His articles and forum are one of the best places on the net to get no bullshit great fitness and nutrition knowledge.


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Good resource, thank you.

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Please don't eat zero fat nutrition plan.

Your body is using all types of macronutrients all day long. It breaks down protein. It breaks down glycogen. It breaks down fat. When you are in an anabolic state you are breaking down less overall and if your body is properly stimulated you are building up more muscle than breaking down.

When you are in a catabolic state and your body is properly stimulated then you aren't breaking down as much muscle as other tissue and your body attempts to conserve muscle as much as possible.

You need fat for many of your body tissues and you need some intake daily. 10g is negligible.

If you eat primarily protein (>60%) then you are just converting much of it to glucose and glycogen anyway.

There is no magic trick. If your body needs about 2500 calories a day and you eat 3500 of primarily protein you will still get fatter.

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>Calories are an essentially useless measure in the first place,


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I don't think I said anywhere I would eat zero, much less ten. Till recently I have been eating about 30 percent fat. Keeping Cals to 2000 to lose the weight.

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no problem, read his stuff on RFL because I'm sorry to >>13551302 but hes wrong. Lyle speaks in plain English and sources/cites from medical, shit doctors even use PSMF (protein sparing modified fast) for weight loss on huge patients. I personally eat more fats, but its SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that all you NEED is a multi and fish oil supplement for essentials while minimum protein for goals (less if not trying to build mass or conserve).


I don't recommend it unless you are serious committed, cause its a fucking hassle and half, I prefer nowadays when trying to cut, to just add in a fast day once a week while other days eliminating all but green vegetables and meat. I'm no proponent of endless fat minimization and neither is Lyle if you read his stuff.

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I usually ate a salad at the start, but once I got into the swing of things I'd eat pasta or potatoes whatever I felt like. Once you get control you won't care about gaining a few lbs cause it only takes a few days to cut it again. Try fasting every now and then if you can, look up autophagy.

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In the context of fat accumulation on the body, as is the context of this discussion, yes, calories are not necessary to even consider. Who can accidentally overeat on meat and fat while being of sound mind? Nobody.

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today, I went to gym I had no hip pain today

what I did at the gym was:

OHP 10lb dumbbell

bench the bar with a plyo box for my feet (to keep me laying straight)

steps ups

Don't know what to do for my back, I don't feel comfortable doing pull ups( I can't jump), or deadlifts ( lifting from the floor) and all the machines are terrible for me because I have to sit down.

Do I need to do more or is the good enough for now?

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i just can't get things done, especially reading or something that would benefit my life. does anyone have this kind of problem? i remember hearing "if you're not going to do it, no one is going to do it for you" that motivated me a for a couple of hours then back to 0.

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>i just can't get things done, especially reading or something that would benefit my life

You're not alone, sometimes I do shit but then I get lazy again for some weeks before I go some weeks back in self improving. I'm on and off all the time and it seems that my worst enemy is myself

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File: 2f4e8fe3c362f6c⋯.pdf (1.47 MB,The Recipe for Living With….pdf)




Government agencies have been waging war on ((("pathogens"))) for over 100 years. They enforce sterilization of our food supply with harsh laws and terrorize the population into cooking their food. This along with pushing plant based diets results in the increase in acrylamides, AGEs, and many other toxins stored in the body. All of this causes the body (via pancreas) to strip nutrients from cells and precludes of auto-immune inoculation. This is the true cause of cancer and disease s. Fruits and nuts are toxic and cause brain damage, mania, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, etc. Vegetables are loaded with inflammatory phytotoxic anti-nutrients and we cannot absorb whatever vitamins or proteins they may contain. The cellulose and fiber causes IBS, diverticulitis, constipation, flatulence, and many other problems. Eat only cows that have never eaten grains and raw grass fed milk from local farmers that you have talked to. Also raw pasture raised chicken and eggs that have not been refrigerated.

Since I started eating only raw beef, eggs, and milk my crippling arthritis dissipated and my brain fog and insomnia was cured immediately. I feel very primal, lean, and alive to say the least

The attached PDF is a good starting point along with Weston A. Prices's book.

BTW, does anyone have Aajonus' other book "The Primal Diet" ?

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I’m competing in a sprint type triathalon this weekend. My oldest son is competing in the Jr class triathalon the day before me too. We’ve been practicing all summer and training together. It’s been real fun so far

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Yes, I did. Additionally I had suicidal episodes of depression and extreme mood swings. I also started getting a "grain gut" Once I eliminated all plant-based and cooked foods - eating only raw beef, animal fats, raw milk, and raw eggs I began to feel amazing overnight. My sleep is amazing, my dreams are always lucid, and I have boundless motivation.

There is a strong correlation between mental and physical health and the foods you eat.

Read the book I linked and discover how the pathogen hoax is even more sinister than the holohoax.

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Mind posting the source?

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>I used to work out but stopped after I changed jobs, I don't have the energy anymore now.

Unfortunately that isn't a very good excuse. I get that you are exhausted but that is something that shouldn't simply be eliminated. Daily walks are a very good start but they are not self-sufficient.

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Need intro to genetics through road advances

Problem is I need modern texts

The field has changed so much in just 10!yesrs that outdated won’t do

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i'm not confident enough to eat store bought raw beef, anyways thanks for the pdf

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I myself am the source. I used to post here during the Kampfy era but moved on. I usually post these things on another chan then paste them here shortly after. However, regarding women, I urge you to please heed my post after this one. I believe I may offer some insight into why things have descended so far concerning our female counterparts.


I have spent quite some time trying to offer a deeper meaning to /sig/ and have worked tirelessly in an effort to do so. We, as Europeans, as men who are living in this age of decadence and decay, exist in a constant state of conflict, both within ourselves and within the world we inhabit. Subversion within media, veritable toxic mush constituting mass produced food, the unending conflict within our own brotherhood of who is right and who is wrong. Every step is a battle, a conflict started long before our years by a parasitical group of outsiders who seek nothing less than our sublimation and capitulation. They have taken our very future from us. I would have us take it back. But we can only do this if we have the Will. The Will to fight, to stop bickering as you rightly point out and allowing the parasite it's grip upon us. The Will to stand as one and say "No more".

I know we can do this because we have to. Because there is no retreat, there is no support nor rescue for we are the vanguard and rearguard, we are the Men who can control our own fates. But for us to do this we must first find ourselves again. We must find our pride, our honour, embrace our history and who we are. We are Europeans. We are Men whose blood forged Empires. We stand, even among the ruins if we have too, for that is what our blood, our nations, our people demand of us. Shoulder to shoulder we will march and in doing so no tricks nor subversion will halt us.

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Upon the topic of the fairer sex; Women.

In this dying age of degeneracy and misery, Men have forgotten the true role we hold within the dynamic of relationships. Our duty, our place, is that of the stalwart guardian and the guiding hand. Despite what modern women would have you believe, they are vulnerable, terribly so, within both the physical and emotional aspects. They do not always wish trinkets nor material desires but rather a much simpler proposition; someone who sees their weakness, understands it, and be willing to protect them. They may play the strong, the whorish, the tomboy, but at heart all proper women are the same, they seek a bulwark against those who would prey upon them. Women, like the wounded and fearful MGTOW, have been victims of the parasite, their role in balancing a Man's strength and drive blurred by subversion within popular media and culture. Gone is the pride of family, of love for her kin and a yearning for offspring, in it's place is confusion and a petulant rage at perceived slights endorsed and supported by the semetic powers. There is no greater community for her to be a part of with other families, there is no protector for her or for her to offer kindness and succor to (the tempering a mans wild heart being a core tenant of female ideals), all that is left is self adulation and whoredom and when a woman walks this path she fills the unending loneliness and emptiness with more and more degeneracy only for her to become miserable and hollow as time runs on, the lie of hedonism revealing itself fully.

She is lost and alone in this epoch for she has been told not to seek men who would fulfill her, to find completion with, instead she is guided to the basest of existences only to find herself broken as time waxes, fulfillment forever out of reach. In it's place she witnesses the withdrawn MGTOW, the bearded man children within media, the vain and vacuous "chads" and the adulation heaped upon shitskins and negroes by media leading to finding herself confused as so many have for the Man she truly seeks she cannot find within the world she is offered. Thusly we must lead by example regarding our fair sex. We must lead with strength, nobility and honour in our actions for that is what they *need*. Only in doing so will European Men not merely find the woman they seek but can find peace in a time of strife, finding the true warmth of love and the strength it can grant. Do not go hunting for just any woman though but seek the *right* woman. It will take time, years perhaps but as long as you can demonstrate that you are a guardian against her fears when you find her then she will love you truly. The MGTOW will tell you she is not worth it and to just self indulge and be hedonistic. The semite will tell you idolise the outsider for finding beauty among your own is evil. The pick up artist will tell you their all whores and to just fuck as many as possible. They are all liars. They just need you to be strong and wise within your interactions. Of course a woman can love certain aspects of ones personality but these aspects must be rooted within an iron Will and demonstrated with plans and actions towards a future goal. If a man has these then she is far more likely to stand by him for she understands come what may, the man will never buckle, never laze around on his laurels and in turn she herself has a drive to be part of that future, the paths intertwining forever more.

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One more thing to help you understand what heights you may acquire by taking to heart what I have said here, this is assuming you understand the heart of the woman you love and know she is true to you fully. There is no greater pride than the moment you first hold your child in your arms. In their face you see your future, your legacy. You see your peoples existence fortified just a little bit more against the forces arrayed before them. There is no greater love than holding your wife as you both share that moment of looking at your child for the first time and finding your heart swelling with pride, for the woman you love and the new life you have created together. It is a moment that can never be forgotten nor stolen for it stands as a monument, a summit upon which stands a symbol of a Man's greatest achievement. It grants strength untold in that moment, it truly does.

Please. Do not forsake all women for they are truly just like many of us can be. They are afraid, far more so than we understand. Only the bitter and the hateful would claim otherwise. Yes, some women are truly despicable, corrupted beyond hope. But most? Most just want a man who can protect, who represents what a Man truly is. Not some soy fueled man child, not some mid 20's layabout sitting in his pants watching super hero movies and playing video games all the time. Reflecting upon all of this, it makes one think on the old truism of women being like children and how it is partially true. She needs you to be something beyond just a man, just a standard figure. She needs you to be her hero, much like when a little girl hears in a fairy tale with knights years later as a woman she still hopes and dreams of finding for her love embodying those virtues. She needs you to be what you should be. A protector. Her champion. She needs you to embody all that a true Man is. Not a subservient simp or a weakling self indulgant layabout but a true Man of Action.

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You can eat almost any muscle meat raw without issue. It's the fat and organs that store anything in it that would be toxic. Fat and organs need to be from a healthy animal. You shouldn't support the production of unhealthy animals, but you can eat their meat safely.

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File: 2c61b78a06cd95a⋯.pdf (5.59 MB,nutrition_and_physical_deg….pdf)


PDF for anyone who hadn't looked it up yet.

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Disturbing fetishes are created by porn. Without it, there would be no furfags, trannies, or incest shit (at least less). You ever develope a fetish for something weird? that's because of porn.

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Ritalin has almost the exact chemical make up as cocaine. The only difference is one is synthetic and one is natural. Your body essentially can't tell the difference, except Ritalin gives you a longer cocaine high, which is why most cocaine addicts try to get their hands on Ritalin when they can't get ordinary cocaine. Unless you want to turn into a degenerate, do NOT take it. I've had friends with cocaine addictions, and it's a fucking nightmare.

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i have a disturbing fetish that i am trying to rid, but i know for a fact that it developed before my serious engagement with hardcore porn. I heard nofap worked, and I have been on that for nearly a month.

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>turn into a degenerate


You'll start looking at the most degenerate, awful, disgusting (((porn))) there is.

You won't even like it, but you'll fap to it because the drug makes you want more.

What it does not do: make you productive or focus your attention.

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I used to find the sluts they put in the various skin magazines appealing.

>You ever develope a fetish for something weird? that's because of porn.

Yeah, sluts, no matter how beautiful, are utterly toxic.

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Simple, stop buying from grocery stores and support your local farmers. I drive an hour to a farm to get my raw milk, grass-finished beef, organ meat, and eggs.

Here are some sources:

< www.eatwild.com/products/index.html

< https://secure.westonaprice.org/cvweb_weston/cgi-bin/utilities.dll/openpage?wrp=chapter_dir.htm

< https://www.realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/

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I can't fucking believe this. In my life I have had to ween off anti-depressants, coffee, benzos but nothing I thought would knock me around like fucking carbs…

Four days I lasted and I have just given up, starting Tuesday I have been experiencing a return of anxiety and depression I haven't felt in a long time, heart palpitations, nausea, fatigue, brain fog and the inability to concentrate. I actually wouldn't believe it unless it didn't happen last time as well, that time it was more violent nausea and anxiety.

What the actual fuck, is this normal?

In my life I have abused beer, been vegan, been a sweet tooth and generally live off bread and meat, so I guess it's same to say that I am carb dependant.

Right now I have just ordered a big pizza and a garlic bread to try and get my fucking brain back for work, I run my own sparky business and don't want to die by electricity.

I am going to have to ween off carbs obviously. So retarded.

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I appreciate the effort but that is truly TLDR with the above mentioned symptoms I'm currently enduring. I have a daughter, you change as a person when you have a child, it was the catalyst for my change from a lefty to natsoc. But the women i have access to need bullets and the mother or my child isn't around anymore.

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Wild. Just try to find better carb sources than pizza in the future. I like to make stew with a big chuck roast and a sweet potato on cold days. Toast with your eggs wont kill you either.


>mother of my child isn't around anymore.

Sorry to hear that. I hope you have family help with your daughter. Daycares are proven to be awful places for children; instills the same issues as straight up abandonment.

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Nice work fren, keep it up.

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You can’t really improve as a racist without giving up the primitivism of racial thinking. People who mistreat others are often miserable, and racism is a rather hideous mistreatment.

It’s important for people to admit what they’ve done in order to feel good in their life. A society where wrongs are being righted faster than they’re being committed will become a high-trust, harmonious society over time. What is concealed cannot be amended until it is discovered. It is individually risky to admit wrongs, but it is collectively beneficial.

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I hope I'm not the only one who reacts this way, probably explains why I'm so tired all the time. I am prepared to ween slowly as I did with the other addictions of mine.

Oh man you're not wrong, the kindy she was going to was covered in abo (native Australian) art and the workers were all sub humans. Anyway she's three and a half and will be an upstanding mother of the eternal Reich one day.

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>the kindy she was going to was covered in abo (native Australian) art and the workers were all sub humans.

What a nightmare. My poor siblings are probably all ruined by my idiot mother. She had them all in daycare run by a loud black woman. Last I heard one of my blonde sisters was dating a nigger.

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Jesus Christ, sorry fren.

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>Right now I am only missing a handful of books.

>I need a modern textbooks for genetics. The kind of books you would read to learn or review everything.

pls help

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I remember when I was a utopianist.

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>get at least 8 hours of sleep no more than 10

me personally, if i sleep a lot of hours i usally have no energy

i've also tried a circadian 13h fast, you need to stop eating as it's dark. when i used to do that, i always fell asleep at 11:00pm.

also you need to wake up between sleep cycles

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>A temporary and transient emotional state is the sole purpose of existence.

Fucking Greeks

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Is there any good body weight programs I can do at home?

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Start again tomorrow. Have one carb meal every 4 days or a full carb day every 5th day, whatever you want. Keep at it, you'll get there.

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I haven't really bounced back after the pizza, I am doing quotes for jobs now and I am getting through it so I must be a bit better but still anxious.

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Carbs and all grains are slave food. The only way to shed dependence on them is to re-train your cells to use animal fats and cholesterol for energy instead of sugar (all carbs are sugar)

Start eating high quality grass finished raw animal fat (especially raw butter which binds to toxins) and organs and you carb cravings will disapear in a few days. Trust me I used to crave pizza, potato chips, Quest bars, bread, rice, and all the other slave foods the joos push on us. I read Price and Vonderplanitz and started eating strictly raw carnivore and water. This stopped all desire to snack between meals too. I lost my insulin belly, and got ot down to 15% BF.

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Yeh so I was eating raw grass fed rump and organic free range eggs and grass fed organic butter. That is all I was eating.

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File: 636244260758301⋯.pdf (1.31 MB,The Willpower Instinct-Kel….pdf)



"The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It"

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Was the butter raw? If is made with pasteurized cream then it's pure shit. Basically poision and a complete waste of money. I can't find raw butter in any store so I make my own raw butter in a blender from the creme off the raw milk I buy.

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Good lord I guess it wasn't lol. In Australia we can't even get raw milk, only "cold pressed" milk which according to the lab results is as close to raw as you can get. I live semi-rural so I should probably approach the local farmers.

I think I might be slightly lactose intolerant though… I am confirmed 1/4 German, 3/4 Anglo Saxon but today I was burping up the taste of milk all day - that said there is obviously something fucked up going on with my gut bacteria, I have never had any signs of milk intolerance in the past.

Could I get away with raw/organic/grass fed eggs and flesh/organs/fish? Tbh I don't like the eggs raw, that is a bit rank.

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As someone who had to grow up taking ritalin and hated it, don't do it. I took it around age 6 to atleast 14-15 when I started pretending to take it some days and than eventually being able to convinve them to finally stop giving it to me.

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According to Aajonus a lot of lactose intolerance comes from the destruction of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes from bacteria. He cites where researchers

that pasteurized milk consumption resulted in perianal sores and

severe pain during defecation, leading to constipation, etc. He also says that another paper shows that infants fed pasteurized milk easily developed

common diseases

I'm not sure what cold pressed milk is, but if it's been heated above 37C (98F) then it's been destroyed. If it's been homogenized then you won't be able to get creme and make butter from it. Talking to small local dairy farmers may be your best bet.

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Will do, cheers cobber.

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Godspeed anon.

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Good luck! Check put pages 26-27 of his book linked above and it shows ideal temprature ranges for storing raw meat, dairy, and eggs. Page 149 has a high meat recipe.

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Thank you again. What do I do when I inevitably get this horrible keto flu back? Almost debilitating with anxiety and brain fog.

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Tbh, I'm not sure. I never got that but from my reading viruses are simply solvents that act as cleansers to detoxify the body. It might make sense to increase fats even more to give any toxins more lipids to bind to.

< https://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/index.php

This is a great forum, and you might want to ask that question there and see what responses you get.

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Will do ty.

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>Anyone got some good tips for saving money?

1. You shouldn't just be "saving" money. Money in a bank account doesn't help you, the government just steals it through inflation.

2. Have a set budget, the amount you require to be able to live for the month (rent, gas, a small amount of leisure expenses, etc). A discrete value.

3. Every part of your salary that goes over this value, "save" (see; invest) the rest. You do this FIRST. This money gets put away, then you survive (sometimes literally) off that amount you came up with prior. That's your fucking budget, you stick to it or you don't go see the latest Jew brainwashing at the cinema because you don't have enough shekels.

4. Cut stupid expenses out if need be - it still surprises me how many people in our ranks literally FUND the enemy by giving them money. Money is the only thing that matters to these people, you can shout about genocide all day, but if you keep giving money to the electric jew, what does it matter?

>I don't make much

Investing is magic, doesn't matter how much you start off with, the important thing is that you start and keep going. If you're in absolute poverty, $50/week still nets you $2,600 by year end. If you manage to get a decent job and can up that to a more ideal $2,500/month, that's $30,000/year NOT counting the dividends or appreciation.

The S&P500 average annual return from 1926 (inception) through 2018 is roughly 9%. That's including every major end-of-the-world market crash you've heard of.

Don't be afraid to invest at the all-time-high. Statistically speaking, the market is always closer to the all-time-high than it's not. That means every day you wake up, it's literally more likely to be near (or a new) all-time-high than not.

The market will crash and you'll lose money - IF you pull out of it like a fucking soccer mom! But you're not a faggot, you're going to sit there with your unit balance unchanged, wait for it to go back up, and rake in the fucking DIVIDENDS.

Now dividends, holy shit, these are magic. Enjoy that free capital son. This financial year, and I have no fucking idea why and I half think someone fucked up, I received close to an 8% equity yield on holdings…

>My biggest concern really is food

Minced beef is cheap as fuck.

Chicken is cheap as fuck.

Oats are cheap as fuck.

Potatoes are literal nonsense. They're cheap, tasty, and provide almost everything your body needs to survive. I'm almost certain full-cream milk and potatoes are 99% of your recommended dietary needs… Don't quote me on this shit though.

>t. someone who saves just under 50% of their salary and whose single biggest expense is Tax, while renting an upper-middle class yuppie apartment with rich boomers.

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>don't go see the latest Jew brainwashing at the cinema

>it still surprises me how many people in our ranks literally FUND the enemy by giving them money.

This, holy fuck, what is wrong with people?

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>I only camp in campgrounds


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<it costs nothing to go backpacking

<food, backpacks, camping supplies etc. are free


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>he doesn't already have these things


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<everyone has food for camping on hand instantaneously

you are retarded

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>potatoes are a super food.

No they're not… they are useless.


The grain of the Jew. Basically cardboard.

>Don't worry about the crash because it'll go back up.

No dickhead, when the crash comes… your shares are not going back up.

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I practice bushcraft and survival. For the gear it cost me about 2 grand to get setup, and it's basically all military gear. Definitely not free. As for food and supplies, I mean I could go out with a knife and a flint but I do take a bunch of dried meats which doesn't cost too much, depends how much fun you want to have and if you'll have a car near by. I glamp when i go with NPCs by bringing my 12v fridge which stays with my ute.

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What is "food for camping"? I eat the same no matter where I go. And you have to eat whether you're camping or not, so there is no extra cost here, dumbass.

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I'm not the guy you replied to but I go camping without electricity and I personally eat a raw meat milk and egg diet. So my camping food is dried meats and anything else that could be dehydrated so to use a small space while hiking.

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This. There's a guy who comes to my meetups - aspiring screenwriter. He's following his muse, good for him. The other day, he said he was looking for a job. I asked him what he wants, he said 'anything'.

I got to chatting with a guy on my bus route who paints houses, does landscaping, and various other odd jobs you don't need a degree for. He said his general contractor was always looking for new bodies. So of course, I offered my friend to put them in touch. Thought he'd be enthusiastic.

THEN he told me he wants to do something in 'research'. No elaboration on what that means. For the first time I got why people give us millennials a hard time.

Not a great example of self improvement but I saw this and felt like ranting.

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(((they))) can always insinuate over the top racism into any discussion, there's no stopping it without turning into reddit. The important thing is treating it as the sideshow it is.

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Two things I've found works on Keto flu - well three - keep busy and/or meditate, it's easier to be miserable when you're not trying to hide from it or legit engaged with something else. I also get the sense more water/green tea helps with the adjustment, but I don't get them any more so that's hard to verify for me.

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Weak, Weak Whytes

Us Blacks don't need all this

We naturally strong…. lol

and virile too

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You probably won't understand this, but you are still a slave and you don't even know it, like a domesticated pet you wouldn't last a single week without the food and shelter your masters provide for you. The Whites in this thread started as slaves too but they will break their bonds, they don't worry about what you think or "muh dick", they want freedom and they'll get it, they won't hold each other back.

I wish it wasn't so, but you'll always have chains.

TLDR:. Sheeeeit

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Your post gives me hope and helped reaffirm my choice to wait out for the right one instead of fucking all these whores. Thank you.

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Thoughts on fermented veggies e.g. kim chi and sauerkraut? My understanding is that they are more bioavailable than otherwise.

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I've heard that too, but I haven't seen any evidence of fermented veggies being more beneficial than clabbered raw milk or high meat from a pre/probiotic pov. I know too much acidic causes tooth deterioration and cavities.

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I had bulk carbs last night and today I have two pieces of toast and my head cleared some and I have started feeling joy again like when I listen to music. Pretty retarded what it does to me.. I am just going to cut back the amount of toast I have each morning now while I am transitioning.

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Especially if you're eating like you do, there's no need for special camping food. I make a little jerky out of a portion of my meat regularly just so I can get those jaw gains without chewing (((gum))).

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The healthiest people in our history still ate grain. If you have to keep it as a staple it's not the end of the world. The thing about the grain they ate, though, was that it was grown from nutrient rich soil, not the chemically castrated monocropped hellscape of modern agriculture; and it was also prepared differently.

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When I go camping all I take is a ruck sack so I can't really bring a slab of rump steak and eggs, I don't think haha.

Yeh we ate rye in sour dough didn't we?

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I meant I don't consider dried meat an extra expense since it's just meat you were gonna eat anyway prepared differently. If I was gonna be out for a long time I'd probably make pemmican, but most camping trips for me are just a couple days. Don't even need to eat for that. Can also pick off a squirrel, they're edible, and, being a wild animal, probably a great source of vitamins.

Rye, sourdough, oats; all common energy sources. It's just that none of the food in stores is nutritious anymore, and is often downright poisonous. I don't need to tell you that, but I always want to say it. I mean, I can feel it when I eat some crap pastry from the supermarket. I feel like an idiot afterwards. The inflammation sets in immediately, so I get all stuffy and have to blow my nose. I start burping and farting, I'm all bloated. It's terrible, and it's this garbage that's available everywhere you go.

How many sources of raw dairy and grass fed, pasture raised meat do you pass on a trip across town? Likely zero. But you can stop almost anywhere and get candy bars, and other shit I wouldn't feed to a dog. There's definitely an agenda to make us weak and stupid through food poisoning. It's only one of many dysgenic policies in place, but I think it's the worst, because if you're fueling your body, which includes your brain, with trash then that's what you're gonna be. We are what we eat, and becoming that makes everything else they want to do with us really easy.


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I agree, it is a very unknown red pill. I cannot wait to be free of carbs. I am a busy dude, always either working at my business or doing /sig/ stuff and the idea of just cutting a corner off my slab of rib fillet or cracking a few eggs into the pan for 5 minutes was so fucking liberating for me.

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testing because I have never done this

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Even people completely aware of (((who's))) in power right now will still push (((their))) agenda when it comes to food. They still make these braindead appeals to authority without any recognition of who the authority they're appealing to is. It's way underrated as a problem. Just like how the imaginary "left" and "right" divide ignores the real problem of race, "meat vs veggies" is totally ignoring the real issue of the food quality/nutrient density. I don't think people can live healthy lives eating exclusively plants, but at the same time you can be healthy eating mostly plants grown in good soil, and eating some eggs and/or dairy on the side. Optimal would still be more animal products than less, but the focal point of the whole diet debate should be on QUALITY, no matter what you're eating. And quality is not made in a lab, it's made in nature. Quality is made with the complete knowledge available to nature, not the minute knowledge available to scientists. It's made with the perfect symbiotic relationships in nature, not the disparate views of specialists, and special interests.

Food control is akin to the ring in a cow's nose used to lead it around with little effort. They can manipulate weak minds made weak by awful food.

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There's only one person I've seen promote the message of food quality first and foremost, and that's Frank Tufano. Pretty embarrassing guy at times, but puts out mostly good info.

For our own health, and the environment, our food must come from healthy soil, and be raised on it.

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Interesting points, I never considered food as a form of the control but it makes so much sense.

Have you looked into the claims that vegetable are full of anti-nutrients and other shit we cant deal with? You say yourself that all the soil is depleted and we know that the vegetables we eat are only a few hundred years old. I know appeal to nature when used incorrectly can be a massive fallacy, I.e dogs have gay sex therefor gay sex is natural, however if you consider what Europeans likely ate , you'd have to concede it would have been every part of animals and stored grain in winter and wild buries in summer. Considering the fruit and grain we have now is depleted and fake… surely organic grass fed beef is the true red pill.

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>vegetable are full of anti-nutrients and other shit we cant deal with?

Processing techniques and quantity are the real concern here. Fermenting vegetables used to be more common, and they used to just be seasonal for northern people. The way veggies are prepared, and the amount that people are eating in an attempt to access the nutrients is resulting in an overload of the antinutrients that modern people's lessened consumption of lower quality animal foods can't keep up with. In the past people would enjoy rich vegetable soups made with top tier bone broth and nutrition was not a concern, because all week they'd be eating various parts and products of a healthy animal. Our failure is in nutrient to antinutrient ratios.

It's for this reason that I have zero interest in detoxification techniques apart from fasting. Earlier in the thread someone mentioned berries for liver cleansing, but our livers - if supplied adequate nutrition - cleanse themselves. Likewise, our bodies can handle antinutrients if our nutrition is ample.

>surely organic grass fed beef is the true red pill.

For sure, ruminant animals raised correctly are great for us, and the planet. But regardless of what people eat, I want them to push in the direction that industrial agriculture doesn't want them to go more than I want them to eat just like me. I would insist on some animal food, though. Vegans promote death, and can go to hell.

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Ok gotcha. What is the point of eating the vegtables if we don't need them other than pleasure or something different?

Also whats your thoughts on water?

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If there's any point aside from an alternative energy source (which would have been quite useful to people in less luxurious times) and some extra nutrients (prepared correctly, they're not all unavailable) it's hormesis. The act of stressing your body in order to build it. Same principle as working out to affect muscle growth, bone density, etc. Does anyone need to do this? I don't think so. Mongolians have been almost completely carnivorous for their recorded history, and they conquered the known world for while.


I source my water from natural spring kept alive by the community. Bring it back in jugs to my house. I don't drink much of it, though. I see water as a thing for cleaning and emergency drinking. I'm blessed with an abundance of milk and meat, which supplies all the h20 I could want, but bound with other elements useful to my body. Drinking lots of water is another principle pushed by people want us to flush our bodies of nutrients. Think about what people drink before they have to do a drug test and why they drink it. Water is not supplying anything special to our bodies, but it is carrying stuff out.

BTW, going back to the whole "detox" thing, I think it's another scam to rob us of nutrition. Everything else is a lie, so this probably is as well.

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Oh, also, water dries me the fuck out. Milk is so much better for staying lubricated long term.

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I'm doing carnivore now and have been for approx 3 months with a break of a few days in the middle, and I've had the biggest "why the fuck wasn't I did I only start doing this now" feeling I've ever had about it. And I feel like a gigantic tard for eating sugary foods for years (really you can't even call the stuff I'm thinking about food).

But I believe firmly that degeneracy is all around as and to a very large part it is inescapable. For example, what about the plastics and other contaminants in the walls right next to us in the rooms we're sitting in right now? What about contaminants in our clothes? Plastic containers we store food in? The air we breathe?

The point is that degeneracy is a spectrum, I drink coffee every day, another guy might do that but stack Methylphenidate to it on the weekend to complete an essay. I can easily think of more analogies. And likewise, I would eventually like to move to a rural area and start a vegetable garden (bigger one than I have at my current location) and have some fruit trees, chickens, maybe look into solar panels or something, the point is that all this is a process.

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>what about the plastics and other contaminants in the walls right next to us in the rooms we're sitting in right now? What about contaminants in our clothes? Plastic containers we store food in? The air we breathe?

All terrible, I agree, but our best defense against these things (aside from just fucking getting rid of them) is nutrition. A body adequately supplied with nutrition is going to be much more durable, and able to filter this poisonous crap out. Like I said earlier, our livers cleanse themselves, but only if they have what they need to work.

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So you found the red pill in the raw carnivore diet, but you want to grow all your own fruit and veggies or will this be in addition to going out and hunting game and slaughtering your own cows?

I actually cant wait to do that myself, I am currently building a container home and will eventually move it to a rural property near a natural water source with grazing fields.

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Something relevant to the carnivorous lifestyle:

>The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warriors to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook. Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. Unlike the Jurched soldiers, who were dependent on a heavy carbohydrate diet, the Mongols could more easily go a day or two without food.

>–Ghengis Khan And The Making of The Modern World

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based gooks

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>when the crash comes

>the crash

I can't tell if your future crash is just another crash, which is inevitable as they always happen, or some proverbial bullshit end of the world "the" crash, in which case having shekels in your jew bank is definitely going to help you, isn't it genius?

For the sake of argument, let's pretend you're not a retarded cunt and are talking about just your regular run of the mill crash and compare it to past crashes:

>invest all your money in 1929 (Wall Street Crash of '29 - Great Depression)

>by 1932 you're down -53.353%

>by 1937, you're up 31.577%

Note, none of this takes into account the inherent dollar cost averaging you're going to benefit from simply from working and investing as you go (I also assume all dividends are reinvested). Let's pretend instead that you dumped in a million in 1929 right before the crash, had your broker rebalance it yearly, kept working for your remaining working life for 30 more years and came back to that investment in 1959 when you decide to finally retire.

You're up 558.276% (over $6.5 million, and you did nothing, giving you a safe withdrawal rate of roughly $280,000/year in perpetuity.)

>invest all your money in 1937 (Recession of 37-38)

>by 1938 you're down -36.155%

>by 1946 you're up 32.128%,

Again by doing nothing and just riding the market…

>invest all your money in 1962 (Kennedy Slide)

>by 1963 you're down -3.862%

>by 1964 you're up 14.665%

>invest all your money in 1987 (Black Monday)

>by 1988 you're down -8.977%

>by 1989 you're up 5.742%

This shit happens all the fucking time, it's a common occurrence, so let's fast forward a little to the Financial Crisis of 2008 and all the doom and gloom of "this is it, party is over, even the banks are collapsing!"

>by 2009 you're down -35.650% (you're literally in Great Depression levels of F U C K E D now fam)

>by 2013 you're up 9.984%

>by 2019, just 10 years later, you're up 99.691%

<doomers are anti-white anti-potato nihilist fags and will be ovened

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> The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones.

The part about teeth is a practical certainty. WesternPrice.jpg

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Link for the book at libgen doesn't seem to work.

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Can I get worms or something from eating raw meat?

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Trichinosis from poorly sourced pork is a concern. Fish you should be careful with. Bear you should definitely cook well.

There's parasites in everything, but they're not all a problem. Some are symbiotic, others are harmless, and the bad ones are usually well managed. Just source your food well. People eat even supermarket meat raw just fine, and that's probably worst stuff you can get.

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AH fuck it was a shortened link, it works now.

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Yeh I know the local animals in Australia, the kangaroo for example, if you cut its knees open it'll be full of worms, yet the flesh, we eat almost raw because its too tough otherwise. Obviously I eat it completely raw now. But some shit skins died recently in Australia because they ate a wild boar too raw lmfao.

I am currently eating a supermarket bought organic grass fed slab of rump raw at the moment. I live in a rural town though.

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>But some shit skins died recently in Australia because they ate a wild boar too raw lmfao.

Maybe you can hire an abo taste tester. They're always looking for a dirt road to sleep in, shouldn't be hard to accommodate.

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I don't want them near me.

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I thought I had spent much time in the game.. You guys should delete those games you are wasting your life away!

I quit playing games regularly last year and I already read 12 good books and got into some new better hobbies.

I have also started to train at home and I started to run and cycle this summer.

I feel great, leaving the games behind was worth it.

Thanks to everyone posting advice and propaganda in the boards, you helped me.

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>all the dota bros are on /pol/ instead of /v/

I knew it. /v/ is too gay to say some of the shit I read on public dota chat.

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What are your 12 good books? If you are a neet thats probably a shit amount and you could improve

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Not a neet.

Mostly history atm.

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At least play a fucking good game for a change.

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White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create some networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs, homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately detrail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.

White Nationalism, 20 years of complete failure but it's everyone else's fault. Sound familiar?

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I thought I was making progress, but rational male completely almost made the other books obsolete lel. Though they kinda do fit together.

But the thought that we have female beneficial imperatives inside of us reminds me of how other groups tried to hijack our discourse so that their own imperatives and goals were preferred. The jews want access to our mindspace, but so do the women, the faggots, and all the other degenerates. I managed to remove the jew, and most of the other degens, but never realized I had female crap inside too lel.

Well. Just saying. This tactic of making the women feel uneasy by not giving them security seems to make a lot of sense, and I have seen other men who actually fuck women have this strategy.

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I got a couple questions, which require me to go on a bit of a spiel, so hear me out. Yesterday, I decided to start doing cardio, after lifting for about 5 or 6 months. My personal best, in my lifting exercises are as follows: (all exercises are 5 sets of 8 reps)

>Squat - 90Kg

>Deadlift - 102.5Kg

>Barbel Row - 65Kg

>Bench Press - 57.5Kg

>Overhead Press - 37.5Kg.

Recently, I went on holidays for 2 weeks with my family, which meant no lifting. When we returned, I went to the gym on Wednesday. I did Squats, Bench Press and Barbel Rows, at 90Kg, 55Kg and 60Kg respectively. I struggled a bit, as I had to get back into the correct form and all, but it was alright.

Yesterday, I decided to start doing cardio, in order to cut back some fat. It was my first ever cardio session, and I did 2Km on the treadmill at 10Km/h as a warmup, and then a further 10Km on an elliptical bike, over a period of 30 minutes, at a setting which simulated a steepening hill, I guess, where it got harder and harder until the middle of the exercise, at which point is started to get easier and easier. I was fucked after, felt like I was going to pass out, but I took a cold shower, went to the sauna, done a bit of stretching, and soon felt grand again.

Today, I went back to do some weightlifting. The gym was noticeably hotter, and I was sweating buckets. Additionally, my retarded ass thought it a good idea to do 95Kg squats instead of pacing myself and doing 92.5Kg. I did 2 sets of squats, and then on the 3rd set, I tried to keep my back a bit more upright by squeezing my shoulders a bit more. That put a lot more pressure on my thigh muscles, and after 2 or 3 reps, I squatted down, tried to raise myself, and my left leg just fucking collapsed. I fell forward, but luckily managed to bend the knee enough to kneel down and let the barbell just roll off my back onto the pins.

I don't know what to think of this. Was it the heat that made me weaker? The cardio? Or did I actually not squat properly this whole time prior to this, and only now, when actually put under pressure, did my thighs have to work? One other thing I want to note is that usually, when I get tired during the final squat or two of a set, my back and shoulders will slouch forward a bit, to better accommodate the barbel. Then, when going back up, I have to both straighten my legs and back, in a sort of synchronised motion (it probably sounds way more exaggerated than it actually is, but for all I know, my form might be way fucking off). Also, was 40 minutes of cardio (including the treadmill which was about 10-12 minutes) too much for the first time?

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You will have less productive days in the gy. It is almost impossible to tell exactly how you'll do before you get in there. Heavy cardio and heat probably didn't help. Don't overthink, keep going and ignore outliers

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One of the problems with the "manosphere" is that every time I ask "how to improve frame/game?" I get some longwinded bullshit about how I need to read all these 70 books and listen to these 34 podcasts, *and they usually won't even tell you which ones or where to find them*. r/theredpill is good but literally has zero "Redpill 101 to advanced redpill" guides to game etc

It's fucking boring. If somebody asked me to redpill them on politics I'd write a short guide to everything they should watch and read, and the entire initial redpill would take them like 2 hours to watch/read. Redpill content creators are dripping with egotistical insecurity and insist on telling you their fucking life story

The redpill scene is so infested with cuckish grifters that it's impossible to engage with

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1. your numbers doesnt mean anything unless you disclose your weight and expected bodyfat.. example 90 kilos almost pure muscle vs 90 kilos of very fat person aint the same.

2. i personally use this site to track my progression vs "others"


3. people are different.. some have naturally stronger legs due to x growing up while others have stronger arms due to y growing up.

4. genetics are only really expressed when we use our bodies and eat right.

5. you will have bad days.. you will have good ones. the first exercise will be your strongest while the last will be the worst.

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well I am telling you it in relation to the frames that we all know. This one book I also found to be useful. Though it was very introductory at points.

But beyond that…I actually also went through A lot of content of theirs. And perhaps the question around the females is of a much better guarded treasure trove of secrets and truth than even the jews could dream off. After I started applying the logics of "what of my internal thoughts could benefit the jewry" and came to a nice conclusion, where I have expulsed the kikes 100% from my heart, and my mind.

I have found that the same process in regards to pro feministic programming to be much deeper, and much more intricate. Its even older. Its mixed in with things like "respect your elders" Long held ancient beliefs that I had. Its been a week and I am still finding traces of this here and there that need to be adjusted.

The idea behind it all is that when you were 5 years old, you were happy and just "naturally" alpha, and during the course of your life, the feminine programming that preferred the females, was implanted within you. Even without your knowledge. So that we protect them, take care of them, and take a too large of a burden than what we must. Its quite a lot of programming.

But all of it is to ensure that females feel comfortable, knowing that we are sponges for their security. And of course I have witnessed the douchebags, but also many other sorts of alphas get laid, and never question why exactly, the changes in the female mind as to why it is happening. And it seems universal. Hypergamy, we all know is real. But to exploit it you need to let go of all of your protections of the feminine, and actually make sure that they are insecure.

This book describes it well, and I hope that I managed to give you less than 70 books as to what may be wrong. To get women to like you, any woman, you need to make sure that they are constantly feeling inferior, and insecure.

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if I red text they'll believe me!

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Why is it always on the division scale? Do you faggots know how big a division is? Even a regimental size would be bigger than the user base of this entire site! Something like platoon or company size we be much more realistic, at least in member count.

Realistically you would have something resembling a section, squad, or fireteam.

These sizes of course depend on which military/branch you look at.

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I appreciated the Solway Barbour. I still use one from the 80s as a work coat and I have a newer Barbour as an everyday winter coat. Can never recommend them and Filson enough.

There are multiple types of materialistic focuses. The most notable and the first connotation of the term being focusing on materials to give self worth and esteem (like a whore in heat wanting makeup and new shoes). Others include meta-physical aspects of not deriving worth from a product but giving worth to it by your own character, and allowing it to speak to others by your own esteem (like being properly dressed for work or having a well kept house). Another even more beautiful but along the same line of logic would be understanding someone, yourself, or an abstract thought by a material. This texture of life and understanding is what I reserve for my “sense” of what art is.

Pic unrelated aside from veneration for Julius Caesar.

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I checked my Steam thing and I have 6700 hours in Dota

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>To get women to like you, any woman, you need to make sure that they are constantly feeling inferior, and insecure.

I've internalised this and other redpills years ago. It is true

I'm going to read the Rational Male pdf over the weekend. To be honest I have the "Alpha" thing down (apart from a degree of sentimentality about women, but not in a beta way). What I'm after is not the philosophy of sexual politics (I'm ultra rightwing and I don't cuck to women), I'm more looking for the techniques and field reports etc, but in a distilled form. I find tools/concepts like DHV, shit tests, negging, walking away etc to be very useful. I need more meat than the mindset which I have internalised to a great degree already

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Video games are for fucking faggots. Back to diet, I saw some claims and research that animal fat spikes insulin and causes insulin resistance and carbs in fact don't. Admittedly the claim was from Durianrider one of the greatest sub-humans of our age but he had sources. Tbh I feel more in favour of eating how my European ancestors ate rather than a literal nigger gorging on tropical fruit.

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Why would you listen to an avowed shill

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Meat spikes insulin a lot yes. You get around this sort of by doing IF i.e. a 16 hour fast 8 hour eating window etc.

Keto + Carnivore + IF is the holy trinity.


I wanted to do that kind of thing before I found the carnivore diet. But I could grow herbs. I'm Australian and have a mango tree which requires almost zero maintenance - just watering - and produces 30+ mangoes in the summer. IIRC you can find such trees in the wild. So it sounds like a good natural food. Apparently mango sap can burn your skin.

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I'm a Queenslander.

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Also can confirm mango sap can fuck you up.

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Good evening /SIG/, I have paid off $21,000 of my student loans in 3 years, and I have about $3,500 left to go, all thanks to you fam. After the next month I will be completely debt free, and now whatever extra cash I earn will be going toward investing,



When it comes to the S&P500, are you investing ALL of your disposable income into it? What about other assets like gold and silver? I read on J.L. Collins blog that he only really invests though the Vanguard VTSAX and VBTLX, to make things as passive and worryfree as possible. Is this a wise strategy or am I setting myself up to get findom'd? Also should I completely pay off my debt before I invest?

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well then you are probably further than me in many ways, but also behind me, the philosophy actually came after the techniques, as the book also explains. First they developed the methods to get laid, but because they were internal beta's they were not able to deal with their success very well.

And beyond that. Well real social dynamic helps, but what helps most is just going out there and trying out. Which is what I also usually failed at lel. At some point you will have so much lore and such an advantage, that getting additional stuff into your brain will yield no reward. The stuff you already read must be put into action and realized.

I am trying as well but even as I am aged 30, it feels like I am a pathetic shy retard as I always was. Takes a bit of effort to break habit and face the difficult and scary womyn.

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>I have paid off $21,000 of my student loans in 3 years, and I have about $3,500 left to go, all thanks to you fam

Based. I'm effectively student debt free as well, although where I live student loans are interest free so that just means I have savings/investments in excess of my loan.

>Also should I completely pay off my debt before I invest?

It really depends on the interest rates associated with your debt. The number most FI and investing blogs throw around for a decent expected return is 9% p.a. before inflation (~7% after), so if the interest rate on your debts is significantly below that I'd go with paying back at the minimum rate and investing the rest.

If your debts are around the ~6-9% interest rate before inflation personally I'd just do whichever feels the most comfortable to you. Unfortunately I can't offer too much advice regarding investment strategy as I'm pretty new to it myself as well, but regarding stocks splitting your money between historically reliable index funds like the S&P500 seems like a decent approach.

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I had my first drink in 3 years yesterday and today I broke my nofap streak

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>are you investing ALL of your disposable income into it?

50% roughly (it's ever so slightly below). I figure I pay myself 50% of my income now, and pay my future self 50%. I'm on an above average salary though (again, single biggest expense I have is tax) so that's definitely not what most people save, so your mileage may vary. (I live in a nice suburb by choice, living somewhere cheaper on less of an income you should still be able to hit 50% if you push yourself to not pay for stupid shit like a shabbos goy)

>What about other assets like gold and silver?

I'm 100% stocks. I've considered gold as a hedge, but unless you own the physical it's worthless on an exchange in a SHTF scenario, and physical gold is cumbersome. Shifting to a Stocks/Bonds allocation later in life insulates you from market shocks, but I'm not there yet, and I think if you crunch the numbers you still come out better in a pure stocks scenario.


Godsend. Low fees, good returns.

>Is this a wise strategy

You seem pretty on the ball, so yeah. The major thing you have to know is when the market crashes (WHEN. It will happen), that you have to stick to your guns and literally just ride it out. This is easier said than done until you live through one… Imagine waking up one morning to find you've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in a collapse (see 2008, that was 40% of your portfolio gone). It's not easy to swallow - unless you know to stay the course and just wait for the ride back up.

>Also should I completely pay off my debt before I invest?


This guy knows what's up.

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>Only had one drink in 3 years

That's great! Keep up the good work man.

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Am looking for an epub or pdf copy of Identity Rising by Julian Langness.

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Holy Beautiful

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If you want to be a Jewish failure.

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this is the type of guy to put bumper stickers all over his car and tattoos on his arms. He is so uninteresting and dull that he needs to appear to be someone else, lest someone sees him for who he truly is. nothing.

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hello friend, you seem to be in the beginning stages of becoming the übermensch. i'm going to come across a bit harsh here, but it is because i have hope for you. first off, you didn't squat anything. learn to squat correctly and hit proper depth before you give yourself a hernia.

black pilled and red pilled literature is largely overrated. there are very few good books, and the really good books can be reread many times over. so whatever you're producing and distributing is probably garbage. you should work on your self first, before you try to distribute pills to others

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>- Hammertons Manners and Customs of Mankind (I favour the 1920's release) for a good overview of the world and a view on other races through a more realistic lense (no adulation of the savage essentially). I actually cannot suggest this book enough as it's wonderful and charts a great many European cultural traditions still practiced even in 1920s.

Sounds very interesting.

Is there a pdf?

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I just field tested that thought stream a bit and I just realized something WE NOW posses all the tools for societal domination.

the boards that we have now nourish those who are discontent, yet also curious. It deprograms many people and there are incentives among the masses to help their own. If they move up the ladder and succeed in breaking free from the societal programming. They move up the ladder to more volkish habits, eventually to sig. Where they fix their biology, learn how to cook, make their bodies operate properly. Then they quit all the bad habits that may detract them further. All the while the lingering societal depression (of its own unique kind) is getting slowly removed and eroded, and these people slowly start to excel above their peers.

giving them even greater incentives to continue. Then they start reading books and also getting challenged from us. Educated on all sorts of topics. The way that we have is slowish, but I think the whole course from the lowest of society, to perhaps one of the highest may take like what, 10 years? But going through this system. I can tell that what we have is a great formula for success.

We have all of the tools to remove the programming, from the people and to lift them up again. And they are all working as they should. I am just so happy. Now I am just thinking, can we reduce the time needed to make a person wholesome again? We may have a few things that we take for granted, yet that may be cumbersome at many stages. I have been thinking on making a nice graph of how psy opses work. Giving the norms a greater tools of comprehending how the various groups manipulate them. Its basically a chart that has many various elements of interests of society/a person. Like history, economics, food etc. And then you could simply just list all the sentences people are taught to use in these categories. And then list them according to who was the originator of it





>foreign interest

and then obviously with each sentence and category one could provide sources. Does anyone like this idea of a chart?

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Isolation. You're not interacting with people enough.

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Karate falls into two categories Traditional and Serious. Traditional is LARPy as fuck and totally useless in any street fight, however Serious karate takes into account modern fighting tactics and adjusts for that which is highly preferable to Traditional karate.

As for a good striking channel I'm a big fan of precision striking: >https://www.youtube.com/user/tripleVVV3 having a partner to train with is a huge help

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Antisemitic Auto Bump


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The link to The Mind Illuminated did not work for me. Instead: https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=83D6E682EFFA8847C0170B7FCF1D79E6


I'm on the same journey as well. NoFap + NoWetDreams = Monk mode. Semen retention is important, I think.

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You need friends. Imperfect or not-entirely-like-minded is what you have to put up with, just like having to eat food that isn't pheasant-under-glass, but you still need food.

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Ok cumbrain

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Does anyone know where I can find an unkiked history of Spain?

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unkiked account of the history of Spain*

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unkiked account of the history of Spain*

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Arabs invaded Spain and raped Spanish girls, now all of you modern Spaniards carry Arab genes.

You mad Spanish cuck? off yourself.

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Thank you, also, day 5 sober. Day 2 no cigarettes.

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I’m not a cuck, I just don’t know the history of one of the countries in my ancestry and I’m not sure why my post duplicated. Why do you have to be such a massive cunt?

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/pol/ is host to men and boys, the boys say obtuse things but they will mature on time.

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I don't know any books that focus solely on Spain, but there's one called Blood-Drenched Altars about the history of Mexico under Spanish rule that's favorable towards Spain's leadership. The author credits most positive outcomes to the greatness of the Catholic Church, but that's because he was a reverend, it's his bias; we all know here what factor race played, and I found some things that he praised to be detestable (educating the natives in European customs). It's an old book (1935), so it's a safer bet than newer stuff, and finding books written before WW2 would be my recommendation on pretty much any history.

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Literally that didn't happened, Islam forbids racemixing

>you mad spanish cuck

Seems like he is not the mad one here.

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That Aussie grass fed beef is legit! Found a butcher that imports cases of it fresh here in the US, and I just bought 14lbs of brisket and eaten raw is has a very buttery flavor and feel. The vacuum sealed bags had a bunch of blood in it so I pored it in a coffee cup and drank it - amazing. Have it ageing in my fridge now

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Haha fuck yeh, what is it like drinking blood?

My depression has gotten a lot worse since trying to become fat adapted but I am going to push through.

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I remember a few months ago there was an anon who said he drank onion juice and it boosted his testosterone. he even showed pics of his test results. I never got a chance to ask him how much he drank per day. I figured I would try half a cup a day to start. If anyone else has tried this let me know.

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Related, I watch some of this woman's videos for inspiration, she turned carnivore about 6 months ago in attempt to deal with her arthritis or something. And turned her whole family carnivore. She has a cute boy


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I'm giving up on carnivore today. I cannot deal with the depression it has brought back. I have been fighting depression for most of my adult life and I had more or less won, I had my ups and downs but I was good. The longer i go without plant carbs the more dead I seem to feel. Perhaps I could push through or what ever but I have no time for feeling like that.

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Just do it slower if its hard to get through like that.

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Yeh I am not gonna give up. Gotta push through it.

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medanon here, Just posting recipe for a pretty solid IFAK so you don't bleed out after being shot.

Filling holes is just as important as making holes.

Most important to least important



two of these in IFAK minimum, ideally more on your kit, good rule of thumb is one for each limb + an extra for a buddy, they weigh nothing and will save lives. Attach to limb close to Joint(armpit, hips) pull AS TIGHT AS YOU CAN and twist until the bleeding stops(or you feel no pulse if practicing). Practice on yourself, practice on others, you can keep it on for longer than you think without long term damage(5 hours in ideal situation), I wouldn't recommend practicing for more than 5 min at a time though.


Two of these

Stuff in wound that can't be TQ'd, Neck, shoulder, Hips, DO NOT STUFF IN CHEST, also stuff in wound that CAN be tourniquetted if it does not stop after TQ application. training is good for this but it's pretty dead easy to be honest. Don't be a pussy about it.


Good solid bandage, head wounds, bullet wounds that need more pressure, etc. pretty self explanatory

>CHEST SEAL (Halo or Hyfin)

If someone is shot through the chest, Chest cannot create negative pressure to open lungs, air is pulled into the chest. Slap one on the hole, slap one on the other hole, let god do the rest.

>Decompression needle


If a nigger can't breathe and he doesn't have a hole in the chest(or he did and you already slapped one of above on, stab him in the chest(LEARN THE POSITIONS TO PUT THE NEEDLE AND THE SYMPTOMS, LEARN HOW TO PALPATE TO FIND RIBS)

>SHEARS(First lifesaver makes good ones)

can't heal a fuck if you can't see the wound, self explanatory, don't cut them worse dumbass.

>FLASHLIGHT(streamlight is good)

same as above without risk of cutting.


Can't breathe? Isn't sucking chest wound? doesn't need a needle? Slap it in.

>STERI STRIPS(also jewazon)

These are good for small headwounds and anything that needs stitching that isn't massive or bleeding like fuck.

>small cuts

get band aids and neosporin or whatever the fuck you want, dying from infection is even more pathetic than dying from preventable traumatic injury.

>GLOVES (non powdered is for pussies, it's more for you than for him, you're not getting sterility in the field nigger, buy thick)

>POUCH FOR YOUR SHIT(Condor rip away pouch is good for basic bitch shit, BFG is good, basically anything is good)

Put shit in pouch.

Good additions if you really want to be a good medboy

>separate gauze

>Medical tape

>Space blanket for shock

>little red x patch for the pouch

>More chest seals

>More gauze

>More packing gauze

>More everything else

That's about all.

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>>13566974 Eat more salt, fat and drink more water anon. Don't try to restrict calories, if you're doing carnivore you'll get to the proper weight.

I eat a full block of cheese every two days+ a pound and a half of meat a day covered in salt(and i'm dropping fat and gaining muscle)

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Didn't you say you're a single father, and all your female prospects have been jew slaves? Your situation is kind of a bummer. This might not be the best time to be making huge changes. Eat the carbs if you have to. Be sure to fit in exercise. Most importantly: spend less time in this shithole.

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I have a question: how do I manage my replies on this board?

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>Quit smoking cannabis two weeks ago

>Spending free time learning IT skills

>Going to quit being a NEET and go apply for some shit jobs in the mean time

>Going to start eating properly

>Going to start lifting (I look like someone who's been starving in the wilderness for months)

>Going to start getting funs

Am I missing anything? Also any good sources for learning to cook?

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A good start for sure anon, and checked.

I would recommend for one if you are getting into guns


but also, read good books

>Jocko willink



>Blood Meridian and the Road

and most of all learn to fight, take it easy, when you're learning focus on technique, and don't do any meme martial arts


>karate and all subsets of karate


>Kung fu

>Tai chi

>Krav maga

Best tier to learn


>Muay Thai

Best tier to learn but will wreck your knees


Good tier



also, the unironic best source for learning to cook is gordon ramsay videos.

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Judo is also a meme

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What about judo chops? Ive heard of them, they must be deadly.

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very deadly if done against a bjj player

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Guga Foods is one of my favorite places to build an appetite. The meat they cook always looks so fucking good. They know fuckall about nutrition, but they know how to cook.

A lot of their stuff is on grills, though, which I hate because grills waste all the delicious fat and juices that should be in your frying pan. Get yourself a cast iron or carbon steel skillet and some animal fat (not plant oils) for cooking.


I don't know what BJJ is. It sounds kind of gay shortened like that.

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Watch the documentary choke on youtube(about Rickson Gracie)

also watch UFC 1, and 2.

Essentially how to kill anyone who doesn't know how to fight on the ground.

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The only threads I read in this place is /sig/ and the book threads, because I am an actual real Natsoc involved in a New Awakening type group.

Yeh I am the single father anon. I am normally a pretty happy dude, as I said I had beaten depression.


Tbh I haven't really been drinking much water.. or salt. I made myself up 2l of snake juice so I will start sipping that… I smash fat pretty hard.

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You should realistically be drinking near a gallon of water a day on carnivore, and a lot of salt.

above all eat more meat.

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Meat is essentially all I eat haha. Thanks though I have 2L of snake juice here and will be smashing it her on. I need to get my hands on some wild caught Tasmanian Salmon and some organic grass fed liver for some extra nutrients. I'm not gonna feel better so long as my body isn't producing ketones which it's not, nor do I have any glucose in my blood so I'm simply exhausted.

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Wow just looked up how much a gallon is. I need WAY more water.

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I do carnivore, but I don't drink any water. I'm not eating half a block of cheese a day, though. Instead I just drink milk.

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Drinking milk is about the only thing that can make you artificially gain weight on carnivore.

Milk has sugar(lactose) and is biologically designed to grow children.

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Yep, it's good growing fuel. 3 gallons a week. I've leaned out and put on muscle considerable since doing it. All the typical carnivore benefits, most notably cavities healing. I'm talking about raw milk, btw.

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I'd still recommend additional water intake, 3> gallons of water a week isn't very much.

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Not necessary, dude. Water carries out nutrients. It's useless apart from cleansing or emergencies. You'd be better off drinking piss.

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Oh, and it's good for breaking up a block of cheese eaten every two days. Obviously you need it.

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I appreciate you have taken the carnivore pill but don't take everything sv3rige takes as gospel. He is going for planting seeds, granted but he's also pro-faggot and can't tell the difference between natural law/human nature and what happens "in nature".

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>Water carries off nutrients

This is a meme

the only nutrients carried off by water are waste products and salt(which is easily replaced)

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good for planting seeds* but in many ways hes a retard as well, water and salt being 2 of those things.

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TBH the raw meat thing may as well be a meme, you can eat raw meat that is completely safe from parasites just from cooking beef rare.

Furthermore philosophically he is a complete retard(bordering on literal zog supporter-status.) I believe he has actually stated that he would join the illuminati if offered.

Also flat earth is completely fucking retarded.

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Unjew me great one

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He thinks the elite are a group of tall, built, long haired humans that live on an island likely around the Caribbean yet in other videos he names the kikes, he is very confused. I had been eating my meat raw but now I cook it because my life is sad enough.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he has mental issues from trichinosis.

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I've been doing this for over a year, I don't take anybody's word for anything, and I didn't get that from Sv3rige. Dude's a funny wild animal, nothing more.


Water is dehydrating in the long term, and you wouldn't have to replace sodium if you didn't drink so much. You're creating an imbalance with your dumb idea. It's like I'm talking to some authority worshipping middle aged woman. You don't need that much water. But don't take my word for it, just as I won't take your word for what my body needs. Test things out.

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Also I only eat steaks, mostly cheaper cuts, I get from a butcher to make sure of avoiding meat glue.

But I sear them after warming them in the oven to a bit above body temp, so upwards of 90% of the meat I eat is raw as I cook it EXTREMELY rare, but I have 0 chance of parasites.

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>Water is dehydrating in the long term

This is completely ass backwards.

Your body retains water when you are not drinking a lot of water, but this is un-optimal for performance.

When your body is not retaining water you must intake more water to maintain optimal health. This only leads to dehydration somewhat sooner if you completely discontinue drinking water. and eventually your body will simply transition, however less water is significantly less healthy.

Also I have tested it, I wrestled in highschool and college, and exercise all the damn time(this is another thing sverige is retarded about)

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How does that stop the parasites? I personally eat my organic grass fed beef cooked blue… does that get rid of the parasites? I am confused.


I used to live in Darwin, you don't drink water, you fucking die. Regardless of the diet you eat.

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Which of us is thriving on less resources? Sounds like I am. I'll accept my best argument award now.

>water hydrates

<depletes sodium


>Also I have tested it

Oh really? when did you drink raw milk to satiation? For how long. Somehow I think you're full of shit.


>Also I only eat steaks

Brilliant. Over-salted steak and blocks of cheese. No wonder you think everyone needs a gallon of water a day.

Drinking when you're not thirsty, because some a-hole says you should is retarded. Listen to your body, everyone.

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Beef very rarely has parasites, and when it does it is usually roundworm which is due to mixing of meats during production(usually beef touching pork), which only appears on the surface if you sear(like eating it blue) the meat it kills any trichinosis.


>I'm using less resources

this is irrelevant slave mentality

>when did you drink raw milk to satiation

two month period in late 2018

>Listen to your body

Cheese is the best fat, Beef is the best protein, salt is the best nutrient.

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Now now, I don't think any one is arguing that we should drink water when we are not thirsty. I am in a keto flu period right now, I think that is why he suggested I try the salt and water, which I have been drinking for a few hours now and do feel a bit better, likely placebo.

If we are not getting added salt and are drinking raw milk, then lets face it, you're drinking water in the form of milk, semantics I guess.

If you are working hard or in a humid climate, you will get thirty then you need to drink water… or milk?

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>efficiency is for slaves

Ok, boomer.

>Cheese is the best fat, Beef is the best protein, salt is the best nutrient.

Pffff, haha. Marrow is more nourishing than cheese and won't constipate you. Beef is not the best protein; it does no better than play second fiddle to eggs, depending how we are determining best (you can probably get more concentrated protein from meat, but not as bioavailable). And salt the "best" nutrient? Is it more essential than other nutrients? Pull your head out of your ass.


>I don't think any one is arguing that we should drink water when we are not thirsty

That's what he said. He told me to drink more than I was thirsty for. He thinks everyone needs to have more water, because he foolishly jampacks his body with too much salt, making him more thirsty, which depletes salt, which he then has to replace, making more thirsty again. He's a dumbass.

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Ok, well I don't really care about water, I drink it when I am thirsty. As for my going through this transitioning process, I will try anything if it eases my fatigue and depression.

Thanks for the parasite info. What about raw eggs, I don't really want to eat those niggers raw when they taste so good runny.

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>you're drinking water in the form of milk

h20 bound with other elements, like in our own body, as opposed to the element isolated. It's not really the same. Most supplements are pretty useless because they are isolated from how you would normally get them in food. I suspect water is similar in this way.


Try it both ways to see if there's a difference. I still eat mine cooked.

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>All of these glow in the dark sticklets running out to do their ebin meme shootings without having done a single fucking pullup first

So this is the only thread left on the board worth a shit then?

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it was until someone made the argument that you should drink less water to be more efficient.

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This and the book thread is the only reason to come here, self improvement body, soul and mind and a sense of community which I don't get irl, feels comfy.

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/SIG/ is the most valuable thread on /pol/, indeed…


I wouldn't consider Thai Chi as a meme, since it train you livesaving and deadly moves on a subconcious level, so you're able to react times before you even recognized the situation…

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>what is it like drinking blood

tbh, it was my first time trying it and it was pretty delicious. I was sipping it while walking outside to my car and it have me an instant rager that could break down doors!

kinda has a mild liver-like flavor to it, I know that may not sound good but I was surprised how tasty it actually was.


raw carnivore cured my arthritis (which I believe I aquired from eating cooked pesco-veg-grain diet previously for 8 yrs)

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>Traditional is LARPy as fuck and totally useless in any street fight


When you reach a certain level of practice it stops being LARPing and you are capable enough to actually apply the shit you learnt, but that takes a decade or more. Meanwhile someone that actually did useful shit since day one (such as BJJ) will be leagues ahead of you. It's why things like MMA, boxing and wrestling dominate, in contrast to tai-chi which is shit that 90 year-olds do to relax and meditate as they slowly die of rectal cancer. When people start giving you shit about philosophy or how their moves are so incredibly deadly that even showing 10% of their power will kill you: just tell those cunts to fuck off with their bullshit. Their master might know how to fight but that is because he has been doing it for 50 years, in reality neither of them can teach for shit and both are just taking advantage of the fact that you're completely oblivious.


Any time I hear shit about deadly moves, I call bullshit. If you can't practice it because it's "too powerful" then how the fuck will you know that you are doing it well enough to apply it when your life is in danger? By going to the ghetto and getting stabbed to death for trying? You won't be able to react quickly if you have never applied it. You want to apply it in real life where there are real life conditions, not in your head where you can dream up a situation where your opponent is just barely incompetent enough to fall for it.

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this is correct. I found that after cutting carbs I had to massively increase my animal fat and cholesterol intake for brain and and cardio fuel. Your body will switch from using sugar for energy to using fat. Try to find raw cheese and butter (or make you own with raw milk cream) and eat a lot of it! It will also help you remove toxins. Also eat a ton of raw, pasture raised eggs.

Yesterday I had:

1lb raw beef

1qt raw milk (full fat)

5oz butter

7oz raw cheese

10 raw eggs

6oz beef blood

I'm usually satisfied for about 20+ hours between meals, I just water fasted for 72 hours (just wasn't hungry) so I feel like my body is becoming tuned to a more instinctive way of eating.

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Also having an opponent that reacts the exact way you need to (ie. doesn't resist very much and just positions himself in the exact way you need to be able to do the move) does not simulate real life very well. In fact, your opponent will most likely not know tai-chi and will instead either simply be experienced or blindly flail his arms in the hopes of hitting you. So fighting someone that you are only allowed to fight with tai-chi and that will only react the same way is not very good practice at all. An example of this would be tournament sparring in Karate, where you aren't allowed to punch the other guy in the face. You are allowed to kick him in the face but not punch, which is incredibly unrealistic, and that results in dumb shit in Karate tournaments where people just throw weak punches at the torso until they can position themselves for a kick. Which is great in terms of health, since people are less likely to get brain damage if they get kicked in the head a singular time instead of getting punched a couple dozen times. But that results in dumb shit and makes the sparring unrealistic: people generally stay close so that they could punch you in the face instead of standing motionless in just the right position and distance to allow you to do some super fancy backflip kick.

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If you clabber your milk for a few days there are hardly any sugars left in it. It also becomes very probiotic.

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Training by doing your moves slowly is allways recomended, since you learn to keep balance in every stage of a move.

I'm not talking about 90y-old-faggot-rehabiltation-dancing or Chi-Gong.

Look at sword-forms i.e.

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Zog won't let us have raw milk in Australia, and the closest Dairy farm is an hour and a half from me. I can get cold pressed milk which is marketed as moisturiser or some shit. Its nutrition and biotic profile is the same as raw milk.


I might get a whole lot and make butter out of it and stop drinking milk because the shits expensive and only one store sells it in town.

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It's the same her in the US. Raw milk is sold as "Pet milk, not for human consumption". I had to drive 1.5 hours yesterday to meet the small dairy farmer I use. I get my beef, raw cheese, and eggs from the same area so it's worth the trip ever 3 weeks and it's the only food shopping I have to do.

I had to look up what "cold-pressed" milk is. It appears to still be highly-processed though; have you seen this from 2016?


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…furthermore, the Thai Chi Philosophy of of not allowing the momentum or the gravity to do your work, shoulď be adapted in everyones workout routine…

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I have done fuck all research into it and haven't drank much of it. Looks like I shall be making the trip… does raw milk last long? Do you refrigerate it?

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>does raw milk last long? Do you refrigerate it?

Not when I bring it home, I usually get 6gal (22.7L) and leave it out for several days to let it clabber. I usually get 4cm of creme on the top and siphon that off to make cultured butter with that and store the rest in the fridge once it's sufficiently soured.

Vonderplanitz wrote a temperature guide on page 27 of the book I linked above. I highly recommend reading it.

>• Honey, bee pollen and royal jelly should not be artificially heated above 93°F (33°C), nor stored below 45° F (7°C).

>• Fats should not be artificially heated above 96° F (35°C) nor stored below 38°F (2°C)

>• Milk and milk products should not be artificially heated above 98° F nor stored below 45°F (7°C).

>• Meats should not be artificially heated above 98°F (37°C) nor stored below 38° F (2° C).

>• Eggs should not be artificially heated above 98° F (37° C) nor stored below 68° F (20° C). Eggs lose many nutrients

when refrigerated. Eggs should not be refrigerated except when a recipe calls for it. Recipes that contain egg should

not be refrigerated after being prepared. Most recipes will last for 24 hours outside of refrigeration.

>• Other foods should not be artificially heated above 104° F (39° C) nor stored below 45° F (7° C).

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Not sure why you posted that tweet; being Jewish is matrilinear, ergo the children of a Jewish mother are Jews. You're literally encouraging people to have Jew children.

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One thing to note is that unpasturized milk doesn't go bad. I leave mine out for a week, and it will just continue to get sour and thick as whey and cream separate while the bacteria consume the sugars and multiply. It's delicious and I blend it with several raw eggs for a probotic-protien smoothie. It should taste like yogurt or kiefer. Zog milk becomes rancid and disgusting in less than a day at room temp because all the enzymes and bacteria are destroyed.

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Truuuu that is awesome I can't wait to get my hands on some. According to that green text, you cannot cook eggs or meat?

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>Just because the enormous bubble we've created hasn't popped yet means the economy is still great and you should chuck your money in there!

I'm not saying you shouldn't invest but holy fuck wake up, go look at global derivatives exposure, look at global debt, look at global unfunded liabilities. The economy is being propped up by central banks printing enormous sums of money. The whole thing is going to collapse beyond imagination, it'll make the great depression look like a joke, use your money to invest in things that will be useful like training,skills,ammunition,food and water storage, land

Money is a tool not some kind of end game, everyone drooling over their stock portfolio would have a seizure if the power were to go out

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You can, but once you cook meat it spoils a lot faster than letting it age. It also takes longer to digest, which is why cooked meat putrefies in the intestines.

I let my meats age in the fridge at 7°C using a wire rack on top of baking sheet filled with rock (ice cream) salt to help keep the humidity down. 6.5kg of meat will last about 3 weeks that way before I eat it all.

If you're concerned about pathogens you could do like some suggest and lightly sear it on each side. I don't because I have come to believe that parasites and bacteria are actually beneficial. Same idea behind eating high meat.

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Sky has been falling for an awful long time now Chief. Any day now, right? I'll entertain the doomer nonsense one more time.

>muh crash from which we never recover goyim!

Did you know the Nikkei 225 has never recovered from the '92 crash?

It's been 27 years and still hasn't reached its all time high. Fucked, right?

If you invested all your Nip Dollars in there in '90, by '92 you're down over -44%. Fast forward to today, and you're STILL down -29% (yields reinvested).

This is just shy of your "buy ammunition, cannibals are eating people now" The Road-tier scenario, but it's definitely "markets are ded forever, I told you investing is for jews!" shit.

The only problem is you're not retiring tomorrow, and you're not an idiot (I don't mean you here, I mean anyone else reading this). If you wake up after retiring and you've just lost 50% of your wealth, what do you do? You get a fucking job to make money, and you spend less (you spend less naturally as you get older anyway).

In all likelihood, you're NOT retiring tomorrow… You've been investing during the crash, because you're still working and you know this shit happens all the fucking time. So what happens then?

Your '92 investments mid-crash are now up 26.563%.

Your '93 investments peak-crash are up 66.935%.

Your '94 investments are up 49.720%.

And so on…

Shit, your more recent '03 investments are up 253%.

'09? 188%.

The investment sky is falling shit happens literally all the time famalam.

>invest in yourself

I don't disagree; this should be wholly self-evident. My posts are talking from a purely financial point of view.

<"They can take your business, but they can’t take your intellect!"

<t. Some Jew who supposedly survives the holocaust

Doomers go.

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Sound advice. Plus they can make your money evaporate with a just few clicks. I had a 401k and woke up one day to see $14k completely gone, poof. Turns out they froze my account because they had a mailing address instead of my real actual residence doxx. Fucking kikes.

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>The derivatives market is, in a word, gigantic – often estimated at more than $1.2 quadrillion on the high end.


dont worry, just keep throwing your money into the rigged financial casino, nothing could go wrong right?

its like you dont understand the underlying principal of the economy we have today, investments are up because central banks keep printing money and keep interest rates artificially low

good for you if youre making money in the markets right now but you have to see that its an absolute scam and inevitably will fail

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noone under the age of 50 is retiring unless theyre sitting on a big pile of money, the amount of unfunded liabilities (social security, medicare) and the sheer number of boomers waiting to collect on those liabilities soon is going to require people to work FOREVER, and thats assuming the economy doesnt implode or there isnt massive social unrest first

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