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 No.13496770 [View All]

SIG 2019



Immortal - Thomas Bergesen


Stallion - Two Steps From Hell


Never Give Up - Two Steps From Hell


Victory - Two Steps From Hell



Assume all processed foods are dangerous.

Raw salmon for optimal brain health.

Eat in moderation. Water fasting of at least 7 days per month.


The Mind Illuminated


> Providing step-by-step guidance for every stage of the meditation path, this uniquely comprehensive guide for a Western audience combines the wisdom from the teachings of the Buddha with the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Clear and friendly, this in-depth practice manual builds on the nine-stage model of meditation originally articulated by the ancient Indian sage Asanga, crystallizing the entire meditative journey into 10 clearly-defined stages.




Read Fascist and National Socialist books at




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You should realistically be drinking near a gallon of water a day on carnivore, and a lot of salt.

above all eat more meat.

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Meat is essentially all I eat haha. Thanks though I have 2L of snake juice here and will be smashing it her on. I need to get my hands on some wild caught Tasmanian Salmon and some organic grass fed liver for some extra nutrients. I'm not gonna feel better so long as my body isn't producing ketones which it's not, nor do I have any glucose in my blood so I'm simply exhausted.

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Wow just looked up how much a gallon is. I need WAY more water.

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I do carnivore, but I don't drink any water. I'm not eating half a block of cheese a day, though. Instead I just drink milk.

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Drinking milk is about the only thing that can make you artificially gain weight on carnivore.

Milk has sugar(lactose) and is biologically designed to grow children.

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Yep, it's good growing fuel. 3 gallons a week. I've leaned out and put on muscle considerable since doing it. All the typical carnivore benefits, most notably cavities healing. I'm talking about raw milk, btw.

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I'd still recommend additional water intake, 3> gallons of water a week isn't very much.

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Not necessary, dude. Water carries out nutrients. It's useless apart from cleansing or emergencies. You'd be better off drinking piss.

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Oh, and it's good for breaking up a block of cheese eaten every two days. Obviously you need it.

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I appreciate you have taken the carnivore pill but don't take everything sv3rige takes as gospel. He is going for planting seeds, granted but he's also pro-faggot and can't tell the difference between natural law/human nature and what happens "in nature".

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>Water carries off nutrients

This is a meme

the only nutrients carried off by water are waste products and salt(which is easily replaced)

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good for planting seeds* but in many ways hes a retard as well, water and salt being 2 of those things.

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TBH the raw meat thing may as well be a meme, you can eat raw meat that is completely safe from parasites just from cooking beef rare.

Furthermore philosophically he is a complete retard(bordering on literal zog supporter-status.) I believe he has actually stated that he would join the illuminati if offered.

Also flat earth is completely fucking retarded.

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Unjew me great one

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He thinks the elite are a group of tall, built, long haired humans that live on an island likely around the Caribbean yet in other videos he names the kikes, he is very confused. I had been eating my meat raw but now I cook it because my life is sad enough.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he has mental issues from trichinosis.

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I've been doing this for over a year, I don't take anybody's word for anything, and I didn't get that from Sv3rige. Dude's a funny wild animal, nothing more.


Water is dehydrating in the long term, and you wouldn't have to replace sodium if you didn't drink so much. You're creating an imbalance with your dumb idea. It's like I'm talking to some authority worshipping middle aged woman. You don't need that much water. But don't take my word for it, just as I won't take your word for what my body needs. Test things out.

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Also I only eat steaks, mostly cheaper cuts, I get from a butcher to make sure of avoiding meat glue.

But I sear them after warming them in the oven to a bit above body temp, so upwards of 90% of the meat I eat is raw as I cook it EXTREMELY rare, but I have 0 chance of parasites.

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>Water is dehydrating in the long term

This is completely ass backwards.

Your body retains water when you are not drinking a lot of water, but this is un-optimal for performance.

When your body is not retaining water you must intake more water to maintain optimal health. This only leads to dehydration somewhat sooner if you completely discontinue drinking water. and eventually your body will simply transition, however less water is significantly less healthy.

Also I have tested it, I wrestled in highschool and college, and exercise all the damn time(this is another thing sverige is retarded about)

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How does that stop the parasites? I personally eat my organic grass fed beef cooked blue… does that get rid of the parasites? I am confused.


I used to live in Darwin, you don't drink water, you fucking die. Regardless of the diet you eat.

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Which of us is thriving on less resources? Sounds like I am. I'll accept my best argument award now.

>water hydrates

<depletes sodium


>Also I have tested it

Oh really? when did you drink raw milk to satiation? For how long. Somehow I think you're full of shit.


>Also I only eat steaks

Brilliant. Over-salted steak and blocks of cheese. No wonder you think everyone needs a gallon of water a day.

Drinking when you're not thirsty, because some a-hole says you should is retarded. Listen to your body, everyone.

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Beef very rarely has parasites, and when it does it is usually roundworm which is due to mixing of meats during production(usually beef touching pork), which only appears on the surface if you sear(like eating it blue) the meat it kills any trichinosis.


>I'm using less resources

this is irrelevant slave mentality

>when did you drink raw milk to satiation

two month period in late 2018

>Listen to your body

Cheese is the best fat, Beef is the best protein, salt is the best nutrient.

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Now now, I don't think any one is arguing that we should drink water when we are not thirsty. I am in a keto flu period right now, I think that is why he suggested I try the salt and water, which I have been drinking for a few hours now and do feel a bit better, likely placebo.

If we are not getting added salt and are drinking raw milk, then lets face it, you're drinking water in the form of milk, semantics I guess.

If you are working hard or in a humid climate, you will get thirty then you need to drink water… or milk?

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>efficiency is for slaves

Ok, boomer.

>Cheese is the best fat, Beef is the best protein, salt is the best nutrient.

Pffff, haha. Marrow is more nourishing than cheese and won't constipate you. Beef is not the best protein; it does no better than play second fiddle to eggs, depending how we are determining best (you can probably get more concentrated protein from meat, but not as bioavailable). And salt the "best" nutrient? Is it more essential than other nutrients? Pull your head out of your ass.


>I don't think any one is arguing that we should drink water when we are not thirsty

That's what he said. He told me to drink more than I was thirsty for. He thinks everyone needs to have more water, because he foolishly jampacks his body with too much salt, making him more thirsty, which depletes salt, which he then has to replace, making more thirsty again. He's a dumbass.

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Ok, well I don't really care about water, I drink it when I am thirsty. As for my going through this transitioning process, I will try anything if it eases my fatigue and depression.

Thanks for the parasite info. What about raw eggs, I don't really want to eat those niggers raw when they taste so good runny.

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>you're drinking water in the form of milk

h20 bound with other elements, like in our own body, as opposed to the element isolated. It's not really the same. Most supplements are pretty useless because they are isolated from how you would normally get them in food. I suspect water is similar in this way.


Try it both ways to see if there's a difference. I still eat mine cooked.

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>All of these glow in the dark sticklets running out to do their ebin meme shootings without having done a single fucking pullup first

So this is the only thread left on the board worth a shit then?

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it was until someone made the argument that you should drink less water to be more efficient.

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This and the book thread is the only reason to come here, self improvement body, soul and mind and a sense of community which I don't get irl, feels comfy.

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/SIG/ is the most valuable thread on /pol/, indeed…


I wouldn't consider Thai Chi as a meme, since it train you livesaving and deadly moves on a subconcious level, so you're able to react times before you even recognized the situation…

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>what is it like drinking blood

tbh, it was my first time trying it and it was pretty delicious. I was sipping it while walking outside to my car and it have me an instant rager that could break down doors!

kinda has a mild liver-like flavor to it, I know that may not sound good but I was surprised how tasty it actually was.


raw carnivore cured my arthritis (which I believe I aquired from eating cooked pesco-veg-grain diet previously for 8 yrs)

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>Traditional is LARPy as fuck and totally useless in any street fight


When you reach a certain level of practice it stops being LARPing and you are capable enough to actually apply the shit you learnt, but that takes a decade or more. Meanwhile someone that actually did useful shit since day one (such as BJJ) will be leagues ahead of you. It's why things like MMA, boxing and wrestling dominate, in contrast to tai-chi which is shit that 90 year-olds do to relax and meditate as they slowly die of rectal cancer. When people start giving you shit about philosophy or how their moves are so incredibly deadly that even showing 10% of their power will kill you: just tell those cunts to fuck off with their bullshit. Their master might know how to fight but that is because he has been doing it for 50 years, in reality neither of them can teach for shit and both are just taking advantage of the fact that you're completely oblivious.


Any time I hear shit about deadly moves, I call bullshit. If you can't practice it because it's "too powerful" then how the fuck will you know that you are doing it well enough to apply it when your life is in danger? By going to the ghetto and getting stabbed to death for trying? You won't be able to react quickly if you have never applied it. You want to apply it in real life where there are real life conditions, not in your head where you can dream up a situation where your opponent is just barely incompetent enough to fall for it.

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this is correct. I found that after cutting carbs I had to massively increase my animal fat and cholesterol intake for brain and and cardio fuel. Your body will switch from using sugar for energy to using fat. Try to find raw cheese and butter (or make you own with raw milk cream) and eat a lot of it! It will also help you remove toxins. Also eat a ton of raw, pasture raised eggs.

Yesterday I had:

1lb raw beef

1qt raw milk (full fat)

5oz butter

7oz raw cheese

10 raw eggs

6oz beef blood

I'm usually satisfied for about 20+ hours between meals, I just water fasted for 72 hours (just wasn't hungry) so I feel like my body is becoming tuned to a more instinctive way of eating.

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Also having an opponent that reacts the exact way you need to (ie. doesn't resist very much and just positions himself in the exact way you need to be able to do the move) does not simulate real life very well. In fact, your opponent will most likely not know tai-chi and will instead either simply be experienced or blindly flail his arms in the hopes of hitting you. So fighting someone that you are only allowed to fight with tai-chi and that will only react the same way is not very good practice at all. An example of this would be tournament sparring in Karate, where you aren't allowed to punch the other guy in the face. You are allowed to kick him in the face but not punch, which is incredibly unrealistic, and that results in dumb shit in Karate tournaments where people just throw weak punches at the torso until they can position themselves for a kick. Which is great in terms of health, since people are less likely to get brain damage if they get kicked in the head a singular time instead of getting punched a couple dozen times. But that results in dumb shit and makes the sparring unrealistic: people generally stay close so that they could punch you in the face instead of standing motionless in just the right position and distance to allow you to do some super fancy backflip kick.

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If you clabber your milk for a few days there are hardly any sugars left in it. It also becomes very probiotic.

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Training by doing your moves slowly is allways recomended, since you learn to keep balance in every stage of a move.

I'm not talking about 90y-old-faggot-rehabiltation-dancing or Chi-Gong.

Look at sword-forms i.e.

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Zog won't let us have raw milk in Australia, and the closest Dairy farm is an hour and a half from me. I can get cold pressed milk which is marketed as moisturiser or some shit. Its nutrition and biotic profile is the same as raw milk.


I might get a whole lot and make butter out of it and stop drinking milk because the shits expensive and only one store sells it in town.

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It's the same her in the US. Raw milk is sold as "Pet milk, not for human consumption". I had to drive 1.5 hours yesterday to meet the small dairy farmer I use. I get my beef, raw cheese, and eggs from the same area so it's worth the trip ever 3 weeks and it's the only food shopping I have to do.

I had to look up what "cold-pressed" milk is. It appears to still be highly-processed though; have you seen this from 2016?


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…furthermore, the Thai Chi Philosophy of of not allowing the momentum or the gravity to do your work, shoulď be adapted in everyones workout routine…

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I have done fuck all research into it and haven't drank much of it. Looks like I shall be making the trip… does raw milk last long? Do you refrigerate it?

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>does raw milk last long? Do you refrigerate it?

Not when I bring it home, I usually get 6gal (22.7L) and leave it out for several days to let it clabber. I usually get 4cm of creme on the top and siphon that off to make cultured butter with that and store the rest in the fridge once it's sufficiently soured.

Vonderplanitz wrote a temperature guide on page 27 of the book I linked above. I highly recommend reading it.

>• Honey, bee pollen and royal jelly should not be artificially heated above 93°F (33°C), nor stored below 45° F (7°C).

>• Fats should not be artificially heated above 96° F (35°C) nor stored below 38°F (2°C)

>• Milk and milk products should not be artificially heated above 98° F nor stored below 45°F (7°C).

>• Meats should not be artificially heated above 98°F (37°C) nor stored below 38° F (2° C).

>• Eggs should not be artificially heated above 98° F (37° C) nor stored below 68° F (20° C). Eggs lose many nutrients

when refrigerated. Eggs should not be refrigerated except when a recipe calls for it. Recipes that contain egg should

not be refrigerated after being prepared. Most recipes will last for 24 hours outside of refrigeration.

>• Other foods should not be artificially heated above 104° F (39° C) nor stored below 45° F (7° C).

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Not sure why you posted that tweet; being Jewish is matrilinear, ergo the children of a Jewish mother are Jews. You're literally encouraging people to have Jew children.

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One thing to note is that unpasturized milk doesn't go bad. I leave mine out for a week, and it will just continue to get sour and thick as whey and cream separate while the bacteria consume the sugars and multiply. It's delicious and I blend it with several raw eggs for a probotic-protien smoothie. It should taste like yogurt or kiefer. Zog milk becomes rancid and disgusting in less than a day at room temp because all the enzymes and bacteria are destroyed.

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Truuuu that is awesome I can't wait to get my hands on some. According to that green text, you cannot cook eggs or meat?

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>Just because the enormous bubble we've created hasn't popped yet means the economy is still great and you should chuck your money in there!

I'm not saying you shouldn't invest but holy fuck wake up, go look at global derivatives exposure, look at global debt, look at global unfunded liabilities. The economy is being propped up by central banks printing enormous sums of money. The whole thing is going to collapse beyond imagination, it'll make the great depression look like a joke, use your money to invest in things that will be useful like training,skills,ammunition,food and water storage, land

Money is a tool not some kind of end game, everyone drooling over their stock portfolio would have a seizure if the power were to go out

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You can, but once you cook meat it spoils a lot faster than letting it age. It also takes longer to digest, which is why cooked meat putrefies in the intestines.

I let my meats age in the fridge at 7°C using a wire rack on top of baking sheet filled with rock (ice cream) salt to help keep the humidity down. 6.5kg of meat will last about 3 weeks that way before I eat it all.

If you're concerned about pathogens you could do like some suggest and lightly sear it on each side. I don't because I have come to believe that parasites and bacteria are actually beneficial. Same idea behind eating high meat.

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Sky has been falling for an awful long time now Chief. Any day now, right? I'll entertain the doomer nonsense one more time.

>muh crash from which we never recover goyim!

Did you know the Nikkei 225 has never recovered from the '92 crash?

It's been 27 years and still hasn't reached its all time high. Fucked, right?

If you invested all your Nip Dollars in there in '90, by '92 you're down over -44%. Fast forward to today, and you're STILL down -29% (yields reinvested).

This is just shy of your "buy ammunition, cannibals are eating people now" The Road-tier scenario, but it's definitely "markets are ded forever, I told you investing is for jews!" shit.

The only problem is you're not retiring tomorrow, and you're not an idiot (I don't mean you here, I mean anyone else reading this). If you wake up after retiring and you've just lost 50% of your wealth, what do you do? You get a fucking job to make money, and you spend less (you spend less naturally as you get older anyway).

In all likelihood, you're NOT retiring tomorrow… You've been investing during the crash, because you're still working and you know this shit happens all the fucking time. So what happens then?

Your '92 investments mid-crash are now up 26.563%.

Your '93 investments peak-crash are up 66.935%.

Your '94 investments are up 49.720%.

And so on…

Shit, your more recent '03 investments are up 253%.

'09? 188%.

The investment sky is falling shit happens literally all the time famalam.

>invest in yourself

I don't disagree; this should be wholly self-evident. My posts are talking from a purely financial point of view.

<"They can take your business, but they can’t take your intellect!"

<t. Some Jew who supposedly survives the holocaust

Doomers go.

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Sound advice. Plus they can make your money evaporate with a just few clicks. I had a 401k and woke up one day to see $14k completely gone, poof. Turns out they froze my account because they had a mailing address instead of my real actual residence doxx. Fucking kikes.

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>The derivatives market is, in a word, gigantic – often estimated at more than $1.2 quadrillion on the high end.


dont worry, just keep throwing your money into the rigged financial casino, nothing could go wrong right?

its like you dont understand the underlying principal of the economy we have today, investments are up because central banks keep printing money and keep interest rates artificially low

good for you if youre making money in the markets right now but you have to see that its an absolute scam and inevitably will fail

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noone under the age of 50 is retiring unless theyre sitting on a big pile of money, the amount of unfunded liabilities (social security, medicare) and the sheer number of boomers waiting to collect on those liabilities soon is going to require people to work FOREVER, and thats assuming the economy doesnt implode or there isnt massive social unrest first

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