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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 2ebcb223b753990⋯.png (326.79 KB,757x720,757:720,sun.png)

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 No.13439841 [Last50 Posts]


I bid you welcome, in the manner which has become sacred to our Rite, to our most portentous triginta tertius thread. In order to honour the passage of Summer let us sing an olde ode to the Sun…..

<Sumer is Icumen in,

<Loudly sing, cuckoo!

<Grows the seed and blows the mead,

<And springs the wood anew;

Sing, cuckoo!

>Ewe bleats harshly after lamb,

>Cows after calves make moo;

>Bullock stamps and deer champs,

>Now shrilly sing, cuckoo!

Cuckoo! cuckoo!

>Wild bird are you;

>Be never still, cuckoo!

This thread is goverened by the XI Major Arcana trump, that of the Justice card. The figure of Justice sits before a loosely hung purple veil, signifying compassion, and between two pillars (akin to those framing the High Priestess and the Hierophant) which symbolizes balance, law and structure.

She holds a sword in her right hand, showing the logical, well-ordered mindset necessary to dispense fair justice. The sword points upwards – symbolizing a firm and final decision – and the double-edged blade signifies that actions always carry consequences. The scales in her left hand, show intuition must balance logic and are a symbol of impartiality. Justice wears a crown with a small square on it representing well-ordered thoughts, and a red robe with a green mantle. The white shoe protrudes from beneath her robes as a reminder of the spiritual consequences for one's actions. The meanings in a draw is thus:

>Upright: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law

<Reversed: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty

Justice corresponds with the zodiac Libra (♎︎/ ⚖) and planet Pluto (♇) so this thread shall in be governed by their influence in turn.

On the Lodge front the lads are busy as ever with their personal projects as well as joint efforts in certain workings and I would also like to take this time to welcome any Acolyte bretheren as I have noticed a lot of new blood as of late. Know that you lads are welcome and the B.O.N.D brothers are here to guide you and answer any questions you might have. Like the mighty oak, we a slowly but surely growing. One day our order shall stand tall and mighty, it's branches reaching into the far corners of Terra! Druid oldfags, it is, as ever, nice to see you again.


As some of you are aware, we are going through a very tumultuous time in regards to astrological phenomena. The short of it is:

<Saturn, Pluto and the South Node are conjunct.

<Pluto & Saturn are locked in this position until 2020

<They’re also all retrograde….

<…& every two weeks Luna is either in Capricorn and conjunct the shitshow, or in Cancer and opposite it.

This transit makes for a painful growth cycle for everyone and it’s still early in the transit too. Buckle up lads because it is going to be a wild ride for the rest of this year. Although arguable even MORE volatile, astrological conditions will be better conducive to our goals late 2020 & early '21. Expect some big happenings around then.

The topical newlinks are presented for the reader's perusal & delectation

>Ikea moves in on UK housing


>Trump moves to bring silly-cone valley bugmen to heel


>Open door immigration/invasion likely to kill are NHS


>Scumbag offered shekels to assassinate Austrian populist politician


Thats it for now lads. Remember tolerate no tomfoolery, observe the portent, venerate the Druids and suffer not the traitor nor xenos.



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File: 979dcb176ef0908⋯.jpg (251.88 KB,800x685,160:137,boney fuller.jpg)

obligtory archive post





























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File: 6763d880f04985b⋯.jpg (29.04 KB,1024x659,1024:659,Pig-Man-1024x659.jpg)

Hello druid/pol/

Nice fresh druid thread. What's going on with you druid lads then?

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Not much other than the usual tbh lad. Got to nip to the butchers in a bit and go for a walk to make the most of this lovely weather. Also I must set aside an hour for AP meditation today.

How is yourself?

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Not much tbh lad. Beeen very lazy lately. Need to motivate myself more tbh.

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File: e60487e39f263b5⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,500x665,100:133,1425543854717-2.jpg)


A routine & setting attainable goals is the key to getting your motivation into gear lad. That and finding something you are passionate about. Best advice I can give on that front.

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File: 9438a9ec58f5b57⋯.webm (791.82 KB,480x272,30:17,welcometohell.webm)


Thanks for the thread, it's backed up in case of overenthusiastic deletion?

Here's to more activity in the future.

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>Thanks for the thread

Welcome lad.

>it's backed up in case of overenthusiastic deletion?

It is now aye. We should be ok this time though - it was only a bunker thread that got shoah'd. I dont think a numbered druid/pol/ thread has ever been removed iirc.

http://archive.is/aXhZC - qarchived here so can be copypasta'd if th worst hqappens.

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File: d527dc4ab461346⋯.jpg (32.41 KB,593x300,593:300,99010-004-E79A90B6.jpg)

9,192,631,770 hyperfine time.

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File: c11bc7fd9904f0a⋯.jpg (78.4 KB,600x630,20:21,Thomas Live action HD.jpg)


Whats lad lad? Plans for a death ray or something?

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You jew fucks aren't welcome on /pol/.

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File: ee7561fd355496a⋯.jpg (39.19 KB,533x800,533:800,3frightening5thou.jpg)


Says who?

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it's a fancy clock

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This is some advanced larping

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File: bcb96a67d9ab445⋯.jpeg (26.48 KB,220x344,55:86,C5DDA829-AEC3-42FE-BB8A-1….jpeg)


Looks like an odd bot post with a diagram of an atomic clock.


Excellent OP as always, much obliged lad.


>What's going on with you druid lads then?

Not to much lad. Last night when I arrived home from work I was greeted with a /comfy/ lighting storm at dusk. Rare for this region, I quickly kitted up myself and the baby; then we hiked inawoods to a nearby cliff that overlooks a glacier carved valley. We stood in the driving rain marveling at the devine display of Dyeus Phter. Surrounded by thunderheads, she cooed with rapt, joyful amazement at near every strike. In the far distance I could hear the weak voice of my mortaly wounded false self; worried about Me wearing a copper torc and bracelet in an electrical storm. We watched until near dark. I then burnt some incense, made prayers of gratitude to Taranis, and cast a copper bracelet I made from the cliff. It was accepted with a simultaneous flash.

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File: c956ea947bcf29c⋯.jpg (248.98 KB,1308x946,654:473,storm-07.jpg)

Welcome and nice to see you lad. Nice Taranis Statuette.

>atomic clock

Weird thing for a bot to post but well, bots are…..well, weird tbh.

Very portentous circumstances with the storm and the copper torc. Seems the like offering was indeed accepted with gratitude.

Based Taranis tbh

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File: a626472fd72bec7⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1242x1350,23:25,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg)

>>13440999 (observed)


Forgot to observe and link your post lad sorry

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Seconds clock. Divides one second into billions of parts. Translate junction between particle and planetary based time measure.

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>>13440999 (Observed)

Wew, impressive digits.

33rd thread, Justice Arcana, and impressive digits early on. This is looking to be a good thread, I think.

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Do anyone of you have access to real Druidic secrets or is it just a big larp?

As far as i know Caesar killed every last one of the real druids when he invaded Britain.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lads, I hate to yet again begin my antics, especially so early in the thread, however, with the time I have remaining, I do not see it to be wise to take any risk.

Last night, I tried increasing my vibration beyond what I have ever done before. I found an alarming obstacle. I found myself unable to elevate my vibration, or cause that central pillar to form even, or make my chakras turn. I continued on for over an hour until I was certain that I would not be able to. I then took to listening to some delta frequencies while breathing in such a way, to try to fall into the land between dream and waking. I was successful.

Here, I sat in a large castle, or perhaps it was a temple, with the pieces/fragments that comprise my self. I asked them if any of them knew why I could not progress or do what once was trivial. I don't remember what they said, if anything, but I do recall that this space was immediately invaded by some large creature that I cannot recall the form of. I recall it demanded a sense of dread and fear, well beyond anything I have faced thus far. It may have spoken, but I do not remember this. I suspect now that my inability to remember my "dreams" and dreams as of late is due to this same thing. I made the mudra which destroys fear, but it was too late, the sudden change in emotion to extremes destroyed that delicate balance that maintained me in that space, and I was awoken.

Of course, so far, I have been able to overcome these strange things all the same way, albeit with differing detail. I would thus, sit this through, and solve it on my own, were I not so short on time, and having perhaps so much yet to do.

Any advice, lads? I think that I will make offerings to Odin and Lugh, and from there attempt to brute force my way through it. Again, I apologize to change the tone so early, I only mention this because of my short time, in the case I need the advice of others to solve this.

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File: 40486694aad996c⋯.pdf (1.59 MB,The_Origins_of_Megalithic_….pdf)


This one is fancy too.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Top job on the OP lad


Why be a Pagan?

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File: 09128fd086a9145⋯.jpeg (52.28 KB,400x310,40:31,0AD69C47-3C58-4603-A56F-B….jpeg)


>Do anyone of you have access to real Druidic secrets

Yes, they are in our Blood Memory and we have been slowly divining them out with research and devotion, the Path Of Nostalgia. We push the Swastika counterclockwise.

>As far as i know Caesar killed every last one of the real druids when he invaded Britain.

The Romans never took all of Britain firstly. When Christianity took hold, the few who weren’t killed hid their power levels and passed down oral traditions. IMO some even injected paganism into Christianity as a slow acting poison against it as well as a herald to our Blood Memory.


>Forgot to observe and link your post lad sorry

No worries lad. It was truly one of those magical awe inspiring moments of witnessing Divinity and Dharma(natural law) at near peak power. And seeing my progeny enjoying it despite the pouring rain and being shaken to her core by crashes she’s never experienced. One of those unforgettable moments that make our seemingly impossible struggle appear as a mundane enjoyable task. I feel sorry for atheists, their disease makes them incapable of such humbling whimsy.


>This one is fancy too.



>I found myself unable to elevate my vibration, or cause that central pillar to form even, or make my chakras turn.

See >>13429819 in the Fisher King thread. It’s another Pilgrim’s advice to me in this regard.

>I made the mudra which destroys fear

What is it lad, I haven’t found it yet. Closest I found is fingers and thumb together pointing forward and palm up, as though receiving something.

>I think that I will make offerings to Odin and Lugh, and from there attempt to brute force my way through it.

This runs counter to the governing archana of the thread imo lad. Perhaps offerings to the Triple Mother Godess are the prudent course.


Thanks lad. This one would be excellent for aspirants to watch and learn about the nature of the gods tbh.

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/fringe/ does not belong on /pol/

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File: ca56e8629fe2dd2⋯.png (355.84 KB,271x525,271:525,BLUE DRUID.png)


Indeed. A portent that bodes extremely well.


Cheers lad, will have a read shortly. Just painting Sly Marbo. Father's day present


Cheers lad

I fucked up the formatting on the song though smh


>I suspect now that my inability to remember my "dreams" and dreams as of late is due to this same thing.

Shadow memory is difficult to master. I find what I do remember is usually fragmented and sometimes abstract to the point of nonsense. The astrological conditions may also be playing a part in current difficulties in oarting the veil. I myself have little AP success as of late and iv not experienced an astral pulse for a while now (feels like we are overdue one tbh)

>Any advice, lads?

I think your own intuition will serve you better on this one than any advice I could give. We all seem to be in the same boat at the present juncture. The Odin & Lugh offerings sound like a good idea though - perhaps they will bestow a boon…


>And seeing my progeny enjoying it despite the pouring rain and being shaken to her core by crashes she’s never experienced

Yeah that is something you truly cannot beat. The look of wonder when your own offspring experience/discovers something monumental for the first time and you are part of that and there to share the moment with them and connect, both paternally and spiritually.

Can't beat it.


Faggot shills, bots and schizos does not belong on druid/pol/. Touche.

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Ýou keep trying. Don't bother.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Libra the question of balance, in Sumer the claws of the scorpion Ishara, i've been wanting to discuss this here, the emergent spirit of Allani and the rejection of the unworthy through Ishara.

An Indo-European tradition from Anatolia that translated into Britain, the evidence for this;

>One of my remaining geographical goddess stories for investigation was that of the River Ellen, to the west of the county. Some would have you believe that this is a direct lift from the Welsh figure, Elen, a semi-mythical woman much confused with St. Helen, who was, in legend, responsible for a network of straight roads still existing in Wales. However, it turns out that Cumbria’s Ellen is derived from the word ‘alauna’, which, according to the Romans, was the name the Britons gave to Maryport: ‘Alauna Carvetiorum’, or the Alauna of the Carvetii, the local pre-Roman native tribe.

That's from a very good article from Esmerelda's Cumbrian history were she struggles to understand what the tradition of Alauna involved, with the suggestion that she was a Goddess and that also the term related to places of settlement, bodies of water and rivers;


>Alauna’ is not a rare name. There’s another place anciently called Alauna in Northumberland ( or ‘Alauna Votadinum’ – the last element being a tribal name), and yet another example at Watercrook near Kendal. Alcester in Warwickshire, and its river, the Alne (and indeed other english Alnes), also derive from the same root. The River Allen and Allan Water in Scotland are the same, too

What she does note is that there was also the God Alaunus which the Romans related to Mercury, DEO IALANO CONTRE SANCTISSIMO, the most sacred and inimical god Ialanus

>Popular 19th century theory, Ekwall’s 1928 English River Names and indeed the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica would have you believe that these Alaunas (Alaunæ?) were named after Alaunus, a ‘gaulish god of healing and prophecy’ with inscriptions found at sites in southern France and western Germany. This requires Alaunus to have changed sex when he became British

The Proto-Indo-European root of the name relates to flowing or streaming, or raising and nurturing, Alaunus as Mercury would correspond with the tradition of associated networks, in his capacity of network administration perhaps, but the focal points upon such are Feminine, suggesting that Alauna was the expression of the network itself.

To get to the heart of this mystery we need to venture further back in time and place, to Alha land, were the High God was Alalus and the Goddess Allani associated with the idea of the Sun Goddess in the netherworld, Hurrian Alha land was in present day Anatolia.


The Hurrians and Hittites related Allani to the Mesopotamian Goddess of the netherworld Eres-Kigal but also to the Sun Goddess of the Netherworld

>When you come, bring up well-being! May it thrive and prosper! May the words of the gods be performed in the future! As he performed for the Sun-goddess of the Netherworld, he will also perform for you

It's likely the Goddess Allani related to the diffusion and distribution of the internal energies of the Earth, in this capacity she was very often twinned with the Goddess Ishara, both had the capacity of intermediaries between the Netherworld and the Earth's surface dwellers, Ishara in the sense of regulation of purity but also in terms of introduction of spiritual archetypes related to the Planets, understood to rise from beneath the Earth.

>It is generally supposed that Allani firstly appeared in Mesopotamia in the Late Sumerian Period, and is of a Hurrian origin. In another ritual , performed by Ammihatna, the priest of Goddess Išhara, this goddess is concerned with Allani again. In a Hurrian literary Išhara is mentioned near Allani once again; the cultic ceremonies for Išhara and Allani were performed in a special temple;


So that is the historic basis, but it's the question of streaming that's worth discussing.

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File: 27be7978474225d⋯.gif (1.86 MB,371x209,371:209,Burakkuhoru.gif)


Pretty ebin tbh.

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File: f03b08ed0520cd5⋯.jpeg (39.48 KB,255x212,255:212,A42A0F97-8B94-44F6-B96F-2….jpeg)

>>13441777 (observed)

Kek. Portentous numerals for a lad working with the septad in his divinations.

>Two sets of trips in the first 30 posts of the XXX thread, governing archana 11.


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>See the Fisher King thread

I actually was following the advice of that very post, I appreciate this though.

>What is it lad, I haven’t found it yet. Closest I found is fingers and thumb together pointing forward and palm up, as though receiving something.

It is to hold your right hand at shoulder height, with the palm open. I am having difficulty finding the site I found it on, I should have bookmarked it. It looked like it was a site straight out of the 90's, (it may well have been) but it was essentially a collection of all the mudras/asanas, with a reference to where it came from, what it is used for, what it symbolizes, and how to make it.

Here's the wikipedia page on it for now. I'll link to the better site if I can find it again.


>Perhaps offerings to the Triple Mother Godess are the prudent course.

I appreciate the insight. Perhaps it is due to my brute forcing of problems that has caused this one.


>The astrological conditions may also be playing a part in current difficulties in oarting the veil.

I should have thought of this, being the one to bring it to the attention of the lodge, yet I had not.

>(feels like we are overdue one tbh)

Indeed. I wonder when the next will be.

>I think your own intuition will serve you better on this one than any advice I could give.

I believe you are right, and I appreciate the reply. I merely felt that it would be most prudent of me to make the post as a precautionary measure in the case I somehow do not solve it.

>The Odin & Lugh offerings sound like a good idea though - perhaps they will bestow a boon…

I will consider carefully my response to the issue.

>>13441777 (Witnessed)

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just stumbled onto this thread, this seems pretty fucking woke, but can someone explain what this all means.

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Any idea what happened to the discord? the forum is also 404'd

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This trash belongs in the religion thread.

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Got deleted and remade, can't invite people yet though smh

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File: 17807b9002705cd⋯.png (143.14 KB,496x314,248:157,you.png)


If you want to know what is going on, it's probably just best if you lurk the threads for a a while. You could also go through the archives, if you want. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. You better not be baiting me.


>sage is downboat

This is for you.


The pagang one?

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File: 0a9f6ea1deaebb7⋯.jpg (7.4 KB,201x250,201:250,druu.jpg)

Morning esteemed lurkers & druidfriends, beautiful day here today. Summer is truly here.

>>13441977 (observed)

And more sacred sevens on the post pointing this out.

Double wew! In for a portentous thread lads, no doubt.


We discuss politics and how they intersect with the more esoteric side of existence. It is not purely confined to "religion! but so much more. We fill a niche. If you dont like it feel free to fuck off out of our thread and go somewhere else.


This is a B.O.N.D thread son. We are the Brythonic Order of Nativist Druids and we study esoterica, politics and have general banter and a sense of camaraderie. We are a fraternal order who works towards the betterment of our people.

We are basically 8/pol/'s "occult ops" division

As the other anon said, the archives will give you a clearer picture as to what we are all about but feel free to ask if you want clarification on any subject.


>Indeed. I wonder when the next will be.

Soon I hope lad. I miss that spontaneous wave of vibration that accompanies them. The event of an Astral pulse shifts any AP practice into easy mode (for me anyway)

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Filtered and reported for spam.

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File: 5270061f6bc7a91⋯.jpg (268.67 KB,500x321,500:321,magic eye.jpg)


Same. Best thing to do. Mods are usually pretty good tbh. If he keeps spouting shit, just keep reporting. It will be removed eventually.

Remember we had a bitcoin scammer last thread kek. We seem to be attracting all sorts as of late.


I appreciate the complement but then you go and ruin it with all that silly spam. If you truly appreciate the threads then don't shit them up.

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That nigger is a mod.

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I wonder why they are trying so hard do disrupt our threads…

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Ill check out the archives and keep lurking i guess, thanks for the reply back

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Good to hear, I cannot wait to rejoin the server.

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>>13444300 (observed)

>>13444033 (observed)

>>13445300 (observed)

I received an email from Celtic Sanctuary. Do any Lads have tidings or new video subject requests you would like me to pass along?

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File: 1055fbdffcbe59e⋯.jpg (134.24 KB,768x432,16:9,druidpol meetup.jpg)


I'd let him know druid/pol/ appreciates his work and he should pop by sometime as he might like it here :^)

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>new blood

Thank you for the recognition.

>arduous growth cycle

Yes and not sure how to buckle up for it.

Back to lurking…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seems the squaddies are not happy lads. They have been sending letters to Lucy Brown.


>Yes and not sure how to buckle up for it.

I suggest prep in any way you can lad, just horde little things here and there - 2 weeks bottled water minimum, loads of dried noodles, rice etc, any medication you require.

Spiritually, continue to meditate upon your path and dont dwell too much on negativity. Focus on family, hobby etc in your spare time.

Practice divination to see when the "big happening/s" may be looming close. The nearer it/they gets, the more signs will be visible for those who know where to look and have eyes to see.

Above all, try and be content lad. Rise above the clownworld pozz and be a man among the soulless sheep. It is actually a good feeling.

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What did it say lad? Tell him to keep up the God's work

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>What did it say lad? Tell him to keep up the God's work.

<Tapadh leibh airson do thaic (thank you for your support). Be sure to let me know what topics you are most interested in and what you would most like to see me work on. I will also be doing some Patreon supporter videos shortly, starting with at least a video welcoming message.

Probably copypasta for his few patrons tbh, but our lines of communication with a fluent Gaelic lad will be opened.


>I'd let him know druid/pol/ appreciates his work and he should pop by sometime as he might like it here

Will do lad.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Morgoth

On some sort of ongo bongo negro hooting

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Purpose of Pagan Ritual

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I m the master of crhyme.

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Hy men.

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I m the master of sborgs, the robots resolution is finer gained than the eyes.

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And the eyes are finer than the tongue, which makes goes to the ears. Maybe the seers make you hear better.

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File: 7b5278b3c48d5b0⋯.jpg (63.28 KB,1341x1078,1341:1078,oh my.jpg)

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File: 759823e4e37c210⋯.png (501.38 KB,900x552,75:46,ceremonial magick in a nut….png)


Cheers lad. Maybe he could do a feature about neo-druidic groups at some point in the future and mention the B.O.N.D


Ta lad, will watch now. Its the missus birthday today so been running round like a blue arse fly trying to sort stuff out. Think iv got it down - Prosecco chilling nicely in the fridge awaiting her return from her shift and my fucking wallet has been utterly BTFO in Pandora £325 on a silver bangle smh Got and hour then I gotta run BACK into town to get dinner and also procure me some ritual herbal smoking substance

She better fucking appreciate it tbh.

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ta lad, didn't know about this channel.

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File: bdd7b271b847d9f⋯.jpeg (78.19 KB,600x788,150:197,6953AD3E-DF3B-499C-AF30-F….jpeg)

>>13448777 (observed)

Wew lad, trip sevens again. It seems you have the favor of the Druid spirits and aetheric currents presently. You had best devise a ritual to take advantage tbh.

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File: 1e5373f87cfab96⋯.png (205.48 KB,268x354,134:177,sevenfold reading.PNG)


Aye agree lad, sevens seem to be prevalent this thread. Pertinent really as we hold the Sevenfold star sacred. Plus we had the seven-star dagger tarot ritual reading last thread so maybe we are witnessing the etheric reverberations of that little rite - a first as far as im aware.

It is also our lucky number along with 3.

Also two sevens make 14

14 words.

7+7 represents m/f congress to secure the future of our people. The number has MAJOR significance for us, especially here. Three sevens would represent the magick within the Druidic Triad imo - 777.

This numerology lark can get very deep once you dive down that rabbit hole.

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Shut the fuck up you esoteric brickbrain.

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And the christfag shows up to insist upon his kike dipshittery over our Blood Memory.

You're so fucking lost, "White" man. You are no longer welcome amongst your own Blood, traitor.

Go the fuck away, and don't come back.

You have no home anywhere anymore.

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File: 8406a53480fc4dc⋯.jpg (45.02 KB,741x649,741:649,mutt.jpg)


Yes, your "blood memory", 56% Rb1!!!11

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File: 6c57aa7c88d4d69⋯.png (91.03 KB,228x258,38:43,green swiss airbrush man w….png)


make me fagit

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Your gypsy cards are not Aryan.

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Tarot cards are nonsense.

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>hur hur not aryan enough

The Rider Waite deck is a divinatory system, based, partially off a medieval Marmaluke oracular method involving numbered cards (who knows where they got it from….) that was refined by the French in the mid 1700s & and perfected by an English esotericist in the early 20th century. In its current form it is as about as western as you can get & is a representation of (and a key/mapping system to) the universal abstract language of symbolism. It is a useful tool, period.

With this logic you might as well argue we abandon the modern numerical system and go back to roman numerals or disregard certain words like "pyjamas" or "bungalow" because they are "not aryan enough"

Retard purity spiral argument that doesn't wash. Try harder or fuck off.


No they are not. I'll wager you have no idea what you are talking about and are too smallbrained to understand the system……that or you have switched IDs just to agree with yourself.

Probably both tbh


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It's only useful when your idea of activism is playing blackjack with gypsy cards.

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File: 5f1e6ad1c6b3fad⋯.jpg (111 KB,816x979,816:979,CANIS ROOT TEA.jpg)


Its a tool for personal development. Nothing to do with "activism." Ffs, you show little to no cursory knowledge of the subject you are decrying and you obviously have no desire to learn about it. Just a display of ignorance.


Rather play poker. Blackjack, apart from knowing when to stick, is mostly pure chance. With poker one can at least boost one's odds with skill, interpretation & a solid composition.

Anyway, last (you) you're getting from me tonight so savour it. Find argumentation elsewhere because I can't be arsed with you. Your responses are lacking substance of any kind. Its like conversing with a child.

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Here was my response to Celtic Sanctuary. I didn’t think it was prudent to invite him here just yet tbh.

>You’re welcome of course lad. I’m just glad to have content creators worth supporting in these dark times. You are truly a credit to our people and I’m certain of the pride your ancestors and the Gods have for your tireless efforts.

>I am an initiate in a lodge of nativist druids from the United Kingdom whom are big fans of your work and put me on to you. They all send their good tidings and gratitude. We all consider ourselves initiates to be honest. Calling ourselves Druids is to keep the goal in mind as well as honorary to distinguish ourselves from other nationalist groups in proximity on the internet. We eschew all forms of larping and the boomer social clubs of yesterday. We strive for authenticity while also studying comparative myths. Your research has given our studies and devotion greater depth. We also are learning to use various methods of divination, herbalism, and are elevating our English and bardic banter. Additionally, we stay abreast and active in politics, and one venerable lad is the curator of an online library of hundreds of PDF’s our enemies wish to erase from time. We are striving to become well rounded Brythonic pagans worthy the title Druid. Outsiders have already begun seeking us out for dream and portent interpretation.

>Presently, the only requests for specific videos are one on any experience you have with neopagan groups and your thoughts. Secondly, a comparative study on Celtic myths about quests for Golden Apples, cauldrons, and grails as allegories for metaphysical initiation. My final request is only that you continue organizing new content in playlists for quick reference when introducing people to Celtic paganism, and to physically back up everything just in case.

>Lastly, if you or your family need any herbal medicine, don’t hesitate to ask as the cure for everything is abundant in the forest behind my house. Or if you find yourselves near get fucked royal mountees my wife and I would be honored to have you as guests for supper.


>Anon “Yanklad”

>Brythonic Order Of Nativist Druids

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Incredibly well worded and succinct lad thank you for mentioning us in such a positive light. I think it is important that we network now more than ever and I must say I am impressed by your contact list old boy :^)

NO ONE can say based Yanklad doesn't get shit done thats for damn sure.

Credit to the lodge mate & I salute you brother. My door & home always remains open to you should you ever find yourself on David Icke Isle.

Spread the seed & reap the harvest

Good email lad. Look forward to hearing the response (or at least the parts you feel it prudent to share.)

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Would love to know how to embed butchute tbh

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BitChute can't be embedded on 8chan.

>Which websites can be embedded?

>If the board has embedding enabled, users can currently embed the following: youtube.com, xhamster.com, vid.me, thepisswater.com, redtube.com, pornhub.com, vimeo.com, tube8.com, xvideos.com, youjizz.com, twitch.tv, dailymotion.com, vaughnlive.tv, liveleak.com, nicovideo.jp, streamable.com, soundcloud.com, xaniatube.com, vlive.tv, vocaroo.com, hooktube.com, smashcast.tv, and invidio.us.


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File: 8f3ffc1fd22494a⋯.jpeg (19.65 KB,650x366,325:183,ea73c40b5a1fc70fa1d85eb09….jpeg)

Morning lads hope you're well.


….all those embeddable pr0nz sites smh.

Could really do with a bitchute embeds option tbh but I as far as I'm aware bitchute acts almost like a torrent site (with nodes and shit) but for streaming so I imagine that getting the embeds to work might be challenging although I'm pretty much tech illiterate so feel free to call me a mong and correct me if I got that wrong I never learned to code

One site iv always wanted to be able to do embeds from is bestgore though.


Cheers for the jive vid will watch now. How's you today lad? Well I hope. Was baking here yesterday but its a bit cooler today.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the Youtube link.

I think most people will still use Yidtube until it becomes completely impossible for our circles, unfortunately.

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True that. Its ingrained in us from so many years of use. Im trying to use bitchute more frequently but I STILL find myself scanning my subs page on 4x2tube first & foremost. Force of habit

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Iconoclast

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty rageworthy tbh.

On the plus side, based Dalai Lama has our back though and is sending libshits into meltdown. Again.


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File: e0876ab58855f10⋯.png (206.78 KB,595x541,595:541,ngfhtg6y.png)

Morrissey posted Morgoth's latest video to his personal website.

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WEW, Morgoth doesn't exactly pull any punches with what he says - is this Morrissey bloke a mainstream celeb and now /ourguy/?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Never heard of Morrissey

kek, he's practically a God to millions of people. He was the lead singer in The Smiths, a big band from the 80's and now he's a solo artist.

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This is a fault line.

Last Night at Glastonbury, which should now be known as Gay Pride Bury there was further deliberate bashing of Morrissey. The Killers had Johnny Marr up and they played Charming Man. The title, the lyrics, the fact that Morrisey should have been singing, all a massive fuck you. The Bolshevik Brainwash Conspiracy coverage gloated over it interspersing it with rampant aggressive camp homosexuality. Really revolting distasteful shit.

However Morrissey is a zionist so it's probably all by design, rather than organic.

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I didn't know he was a zionist but I suppose I can forgive him somewhat for that. He's into Britain First and so probably Tommy Robinson by extension, that's probably where he gets it from. Reminds me of my boomer Dad who's pretty much the same.

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Shame, I like The Killers (not my fave band by far, but enjoy much of their work). I know Brandon Flowers is a cuck though. Used to think he was die-hard Mormon, but no more.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Fuck me Mozza featuring morgoth! Sporting a For Britain badge is one thing but this is on a whole new level. Are Morgs making some ripples now. Good on him tbh. Good on them both. Takes balls for a celeb like Morrissey to come out against the narrative. They will smear him to hell and back but only sheep will believe and it will have a redpilling effect on a lot of people. Same with the john cleese comments recently about londonistan not being English any more. People are noticing the pravda tier paper thin propaganda and the absolute lengths they will goto to preserve the "diversity is good" narrative and its starting to leave a bad taste in the mouth.

I dont think, in living memory can I remember a time when society has felt so divided and their is this ominous air of oppression. A ton of normies I know are noticing it. They all fucking hate it.


Listen to vid related with your redpill goggles on lad and tell me this is not about mass immigration and a call to DotR the establishment (the "disco" being the establishment & the "DJ" being the traitors ("the music they constantly play/says nothing to me about my life")

at least that is how I interpret it


This tbh. I always liked the Smiths, particularly Morrissey. Guy's lyrics are genuinely poetic. Its a horrible cliched saying these day but he truly was the voice of a generation.

Only a few are capable of that. Shane MacGowan was another - pure lyrical poetry (although MacGowan is just bladdered all the time & is pretty fried these days. Mozza's straight edge living has kept his mind sharp)

Im loving how Mozza is not backing down though. No apology or cuck out. He's following the golden rule - NEVER APOLOGIZE

Its great because the leftards used to LOVE him too (similar with the Dalai Lama…….until they say the wrong thing….)


>The Killers had Johnny Marr up and they played Charming Man. The title, the lyrics, the fact that Morrisey should have been singing, all a massive fuck you. The Bolshevik Brainwash Conspiracy coverage gloated over it interspersing it with rampant aggressive camp homosexuality. Really revolting distasteful shit.

Marr is a standard shitlib who has "disavowed" his former bandmate. Shame tbh. Mozza WAS the smiths though (although marr could write a good hook to be fair)

Killers are shit anyhow.

>However Morrissey is a zionist

Source on this lad? Is he a full on shill for israel or is he, as >>13452883 suggests,

just an "israel has a right to exist" tier (like AMW & the counter jihadist movement types?) He could be using it as a cover to hide his power level. If he's watching morgs he's probably well aware of the 4x2s role in all this & im sure hes seen the darker side of what goes on with record execs and the music industry

>it's probably all by design, rather than organic.

Potentially i'll concede. I like to think hope its genuine though.

There is a light that never goes out

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>I like to think hope its genuine though.

Morrissey has never been part of the establishment, I just can't imagine him being bought. Of course anything is possible but it's all speculation, I'd rather just go with what I know about him and the life he's lived, judge him that way. Morrissey has always been his own man.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's crucial someone so handsome should care.

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>>13452922 (observed)

This. I didnt/don't agree agree with his militant vegetarian stance tbh but I respect his passion for what he believes in. He doesn't do it for virtue signalling points, he does it because he is a man of convictions, is sincere in his beliefs & sticks to his guns.

He never, like so many, "sold out." I respect that. I'll take allies where I find them - if its someone I previously respected, its a double boon as far as i'm concerned.

Its like when Johnny Rotten came out in support of brexit, met farage etc but ramped up to the next level.

Hope this doesnt bring too much negative attention from hoap not soap/SWP types to our morgoth though, but, to be fair he sounds like a geordie bruiser with plenty of mates who can handle himself so i'm not too worried for him. Its possible he might end up doxed over this if the gutterpress choose to pursue it (in order to attack morissey further) though.

If that happens im sure he will deal with it far better than a certain delicate scottish flower did anyway


Why ponder life's complexities, when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some lyric sites think that it is gruesome someone so handsome should care, another of life's complexities.

>It's gruesome That someone so handsome should care"




>"It's crucial That someone so handsome should care"

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>Hope this doesnt bring too much negative attention from hoap not soap/SWP types to our morgoth though…

I think he'll be ok but I can see his channel being shut down.

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It is "gruesome". I have "The Queen is Dead" album (still on CD kek) and the lyrics are on written for each track on the inlay.

A lot of people also sing "jumped up country boy" when the lyric is actually "jumped up pantry boy".

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File: 43b864109b8928f⋯.png (45.59 KB,777x777,1:1,43b864109b8928ff2eb1d21561….png)


>powerful growth cycle


Money for the fucking cause.


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>I think it is important that we network now more than ever

I whole heartedly agree lad, especially considering how much they would like to shut down the internet for us.

My door & home always remains open to you should you ever find yourself on David Icke Isle.

Likewise to you and all the lads.

>Good email lad. Look forward to hearing the response (or at least the parts you feel it prudent to share.)

Of course lad, I feel transparency is in order when I presume to speak for the lodge tbh. It actually made writing such a simple email difficult, as /pol/ had broken me of using ‘us’ and ‘we’.


Lads go here and do this. It’s a new cryptocoin started by an oldfag Esoteric Hitlerist. He’s giving them away to anons before the Initial Coin Offering.

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File: 9182fdd7fa5fdb0⋯.jpg (74.58 KB,592x715,592:715,LARGE BOILING FLASK.jpg)

Greetings, lads. Good to see the new thread up.


Thanks again for the reading, lad.

As promised at the end of the last thread, I've compiled some of my recent meaningful dreams and AP experiences. I'll start with the dreams, and then go over the AP stuff (more to do with subtle body work than travel) in another post.

The first dream, from a few months ago, had a pretty blunt message. I started off in a small Italian town (or some other place with that style of architecture). After walking around in the streets for a while, I came to a townhouse with a wooden room protruding from the entrance (kinda like a sunroom, or the partly-outdoor section some cafes have). There, I met a friend of my parents, talked to her about getting to work, and sat down at a small table in the sunroom while she went into the house proper. There was a laptop on the table, but before I could get much work done, I looked out the window and noticed a pair of women making out on a bench outside. Despite them going at it in public, none of the other people walking around seemed to notice.

At the time when I had the dream, I had lost interest in porn, but I'd still read sex advice and check out softcore NSFW boards sometimes. It was clear that my subconscious saw even these things as unproductive distractions.

The other one, which was a few weeks ago, had some more esoteric imagery. The majority of it was just doing everyday life stuff in this oddly tall and narrow house (it seemed to have 3-4 floors, but was a freestanding house, not an apartment or townhouse). I lived on the top floor with a pale, dark-haired young woman (GF?) while our parents lived downstairs. We had a balcony, and I remember there being a door leading to it from the inside, but the one time I got there later in the dream, it was by climbing the outside of the building. While I was trying to get to the balcony, there was a father figure (looked like my dad, or may have been hers, but in general the character just seemed fatherly) who got up there first, then started climbing back down when I was almost at the top. The railing started to wobble, and I managed to hold on while he fell off.

Overall, the dream calls to mind the metaphor of a tower. Could be the Tarot meaning, or perhaps it relates to how historically the highest room was used to hold captured nobles. Having to get outside and climb to reach the balcony might mean taking the harder path even when an easy one is available (will need to look into Evola's Meditation on the Peaks for more on climbing). Still trying to figure out exactly what the father's fall means, but it's interesting that he succeeds in the journey, then falls on the way back. I've also started to suspect that tfw GF dreams might have some deeper meaning, perhaps related to the feminine figures in the Metaphysics of Sex, the Grail story, or Nos.

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File: 4587f08823e477e⋯.jpg (131.03 KB,1080x1080,1:1,true dat.jpg)


>It actually made writing such a simple email difficult, as /pol/ had broken me of using ‘us’ and ‘we’.

Kek, same. The anon /pol/ hivemind at work right there. I'v inadvertently used it in meatspace too (got a puzzled look but I winged it by making a light joke out of it - "I meant the royal we" kek)

This place rubs off on you.

>Likewise to you and all the lads.

Cheers lad. It is a heartening notion that we all have each other's backs here.


Kek'd at that pic lad, that's getting saved.

>Thanks again for the reading, lad.

Most welcome lad. Anytime, just ask. My cards are open to you and all other B.O.N.D faithful whenever you need.

>I've compiled some of my recent meaningful dreams and AP experiences. I'll start with the dreams, and then go over the AP stuff (more to do with subtle body work than travel) in another post.

Nice one lad. Looking foward to the AP one in particular. Lets have a look at this dream symbolism then….

>I looked out the window and noticed a pair of women making out on a bench outside. Despite them going at it in public, none of the other people walking around seemed to notice.

I can think of worse things to dream of lad :^) All jokes aside though, periods of abstinence (as many rituals prescribe - particularly in hermeticism) can lead to pent up frustration which in turn manifests in dreams of an erotic nature. I get where the nofap lads are coming from (cutting subversive and degenerate porn from ones life is a big positive) but a man needs some release lest he get blueballs. Too much pent up sexual energy can have a negative effect. Sexual release (preferably with a partner) can have massive magickal energetic potential. /fringe/ do stuff like fapping over sigils and whatnot but true m/f congress is the way to go. A O Spare had this method down to a tee in the "Book of Pleasure" (& later in the satyrs) Most of Spare's work here


Like Crowley, the man had flaws but his sigil method is second to none and he was a talented artist and (unlike Crowley) apparently a pretty chill guy irl too.

The tl;dr is I prefer tantric work to nofap. Bit hard (no pun intended) to nofap when you are in a long term relationship anyway kek

>2nd dream

>Overall, the dream calls to mind the metaphor of a tower. Could be the Tarot meaning

I thought of that too as soon as I read your account tbh. I think you are spot on when you say…

>"Having to get outside and climb to reach the balcony might mean taking the harder path even when an easy one is available"

…as this could also be a metaphor for the way magick (like electricity) will always take the path of least resistance and our need to mitigate that (as it can have extremely negative consequences - particularly with LHP work.) To get the "good stuff" we need to be willing to put in the difficult groundwork and sometimes walk the more arduous of paths. There is no "easy mode" when it comes to this.

Just my thought but the fall of the father could signify the descent into the abyss too.

>I've also started to suspect that tfw GF dreams might have some deeper meaning, perhaps related to the feminine figures in the Metaphysics of Sex, the Grail story, or Nos.

That is indeed very possible. Do you have a gf lad?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>CNN Interviews Jared Tailor

This should be amusing and/or rage inducing.

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No they are nonsense, there is no tangible knowledge in them.

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File: 67126dc8583f27a⋯.png (308.53 KB,267x457,267:457,behold....zero fucks given.PNG)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Survive The Jive | Waking Up The West (30/06/2019)

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Nice. Have a fresh Duke lad.

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I've a few questions, if someone can spare the time:

1) Does anyone know or recommend a deity of the /pol/ sort that I can establish mutual relations with? Do you guys make use of a deity of some sort?

2) Do you guys practice semen retention, in that you conserve the life forces present in the semen and attempt to transmute them upwards?

I have stopped watching porn, masturbation, and edging, and I have no more urges in those regards, but I am currently struggling with wet dreams.

I believe I need to restart my physical exercise, but also add in some Yoga exercises, as well as adopt some general sleep hygiene habits to rid myself of wet dreams entirely.

Any advice or thoughts welcome. Thanks

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wet dreams aren't that bad. as it's not a full orgasm

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Perhaps we are thinking of different things, but my WD's are prefaced by a pressure in my groin (of built up sexual energy) followed by sexual imagery in my dreams, culminating in a full ejaculation that wakes me up and makes me feel like shit.

I am not referring to a little prostate leakage or something.

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I want to add some addition questions/requests to those willing to answer:

1) Can anyone point me towards some good books on the subjects discussed here? Any book you think is good, please advise me. I have read a few books on Ancient Chinese and Indian medicine and spirituality, but not much as far as European culture goes.

2) What sort of practices should I adopt? I currently practice mindfulness meditation, Tibetan 5 rites, exercise, and semen retention.

Thanks again

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Celtic Sanctuary responded first thing this morning lads. I don’t believe he gets much fan mail tbh.

>Thank you so very much for your kind message. I'm glad that my rather humble efforts have been of help to people. Like you, I am hesitant to call myself a druid, simply because I feel I have not earned such a title as yet. Perhaps in a few years I might be comfortable with it, but because we have to forge through the wilderness to rediscover so much that was once known the process is no less arduous than it was in ancient times.

>Of course aside from my theological studies I am interested in organising a village and sanctuary that can act as a retreat, training centre, event site, etc for like minded people and am slowly working towards this goal as well. I am trying to keep it relatively main-stream so as not to get censored and to attract as many people as possible, so hopefully I will continue to exist on Youtube.

>I am very interested in learning herbal lore, and am slowly working on developing a working knowledge of astrology as well, so I greatly respect your work in this area. I will work on something in relation to grail quests and apples shortly, but still bogged down in an in-depth analysis of Lugh or Lleu at the moment which will hopefully sum up the main characteristics of the deity and how he relates to Mercury/Hermes.

>Bendithiwch chi

>Beannaich leibh

On the subject druid scholarship, I learned that supposedly the training was 19 years because this is the period between two identical eclipses. I read it of the O.B.O.D. website, so take it with a grain of salt tbh. Funnily, I joined the lodge a month after the North American solar eclipse in 2017. A solar eclipse(black sun) will traverse the homeland of Miguel Serrano at 9:55. 9 for the reincarnation of Wotanaz, and the Hyperborean dubs. Don Serrano teaches that Apollo returns to Hyperborea every nineteen years to recharge.


>recommend a deity of the /pol/ sort that I can establish mutual relations with? Do you guys make use of a deity of some sort?

We venerate the entire pantheon of our ancestors lad; then make offerings to which diety is appropriate for the situation at hand.

>Do you practice semen retention for transmutation.

Yes. If you get better at the transmutation the wet dreams will subside. >>>/nofap/ should have some pdf’s by Mantak Chia to instruct you.


>I have read a few books on Ancient Chinese and Indian medicine and spirituality, but not much as far as European culture goes.

Where is your blood from? Start there.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Morning lads,

Fresh Morgoth

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>Nice one lad. Looking foward to the AP one in particular.

Coming right up.

>All jokes aside though, periods of abstinence (as many rituals prescribe - particularly in hermeticism) can lead to pent up frustration which in turn manifests in dreams of an erotic nature.

>Too much pent up sexual energy can have a negative effect.

It was during nofap, and I have since switched to lowfap. I thought I could exploit it as a driving force for getting shit done, but it only really helped with workout motivation.

>Sexual release (preferably with a partner) can have massive magickal energetic potential.

The tower dream did happen right after I broke my streak. I'll definitely investigate to see if I can harness it for something useful.

>…as this could also be a metaphor for the way magick (like electricity) will always take the path of least resistance and our need to mitigate that (as it can have extremely negative consequences - particularly with LHP work.) To get the "good stuff" we need to be willing to put in the difficult groundwork and sometimes walk the more arduous of paths. There is no "easy mode" when it comes to this.

Another thing is that both the GF and I looked at the night sky through that door (the climb was the next day), but I don't think she ever went out on the balcony. I'm starting to suspect that the climb was some sort of masculine symbolism, as there were only men up there (seemed to be one or two others, in addition to myself and the father).

>Just my thought but the fall of the father could signify the descent into the abyss too.

It does make me a bit concerned about asking for too much help, since he was trying to fix the railing before he fell.

>That is indeed very possible. Do you have a gf lad?

No wouldn't need to worry about nofap if I had one. If you remember giving advice about getting one to a lad several threads ago, that was me.

Now for the AP stuff. Let me preface this by saying that I don't travel much using AP partly because I'm not sure where to go, partly because I'm shy about the possibility of meeting friendly entities or other projectors. I mostly use it to enforce castle doctrine against hostile entities.

The first one happened after I had done my chakra opening exercise and went to bed without doing the closing exercise. On a whim, I tried an exit method suggested by Evola, which involved being in the side sleeping position and "rolling over" to get the astral body out. To my surprise, I was clad in a suit of plate armour. It was made of dark metal with gold trim (helmet was similar to pic related), and my still-active chakras were visible on the front of it as glowing crystals, similar to the Infinity Stones. I'm familiar with manifesting a sword for fighting astral entities, but I had never created armour before. May have been a reaction to having excess energy available.

The other one was when I began to suspect that LHP work may leave scars that aren't immediately obvious. I had checked several times to see that my chakras were all working after hearing about blockages, and they all seemed fine. This time, I somehow managed to "magnify" my perception of my heart chakra and found several thorns sticking out of it very meaningful to my screwup as a young lad. I pulled them out and felt some relief, but also noted that there is still something else that needs to be done to fully heal the scars.

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How do you guys stop from falling into hatred and despair. The implications of the truth are hope shattering. The history of humanity is controlled by a group of cultists with their sights set on the European race. Nothing is happening for too long. Our resistance thus far has not been unlike a mouse flailing against the steel grip of a hawk. If our actions thus far have fallen short, and no intention of change is to be found, are we not on a course to defeat?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Willett

Full video:


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>1) Does anyone know or recommend a deity of the /pol/ sort that I can establish mutual relations with? Do you guys make use of a deity of some sort?

Cernunnos & Cernunnos are patron deities of the B.O.N.D

>2) Do you guys practice semen retention, in that you conserve the life forces present in the semen and attempt to transmute them upwards?

Only if im performing certain rites that prescribe it. Im in a long term relationship getting married next year so I prefer tantirc work to hermetic style nofap. I laud you for quitting porn though lad - a noble decision and a positive step towards the striving of self improvement.

>…but I am currently struggling with wet dreams.

That is, (I assume) just a side effect of your nofap regime. The subconscious will throw up sexual/erotic imagery in your dreams, especially if you are actively supressing your base desires. Nofap is not without merit but is over rated imo. The good part is the rejection of porn but it is far more powerful (in magickal terms) to release ones sexual energy with a partner (m/f) after performing certain tantric excercises. It has the same effect as retaining semen for sigilization ritual or whatnot but is more fun

Don't blueballs yourself though lad - we all need release and too much pent up sexual energy can have an unbalancing effect on one's equilibrium.

>also add in some Yoga exercises,

Yes, excellent plan, Im a big advocate for yoga. Its a prerequisite if you want to get into certain aspects of esoteric practise.


) Can anyone point me towards some good books on the subjects discussed here?

Whole library here:


..and here:


Pretty much EVERY esoeric subject & school of thought is covered there. Also there are .pdf links on our >>/druid/ board too.

>What sort of practices should I adopt?

Whatever 'gels' best for you tbh lad. You will find your own path.


He seems very pleasant and humble in his response lad. Thank you for sharing it with us and it is good you have established a line of communication. Hes certainly one of the best authoritative channels (along with StJ) when it comes to covering Celtic/Brythonic paganism.


I find the best cure for the blackpill is

>Family (having kids is a great white pill and really gives you something to fight for)

>focussing on your spiritual path/workings


Hobby is important, be it fishing, carving, artistic pursuits etc. I paint miniatures. That gets me in the zone and can help with the depression I sometimes feel from constant bombardment of propaganda and other bullshit. Not living in a city helps and ill concede im very lucky to have a faithful partner and our 2 kids too. Yanklad also has a family so im sure he can attest to the whitepilling properties of this.

Thats the best advice I can give - that and try to rise above and know that our victory is preordained. I firmly believe that. All divination points to this outcome. We just have to face (& weather) the coming storm which shall shatter the current paradigm and usher in the glorious New Order of nationalism & brotherhood. The failed liberal doctrine of multicult NWO globohomo shall eventually be crushed under heel like the pernicious serpent it is (whilst in the process of devouring itself)

It is always darkest before the dawn


Nice. Was a decent movie that tbh. Even the 90s one wasnt too bad. Di Niro turned into a right irl twat though.


Thanks for sharing lad. Will give this one my full attention & analysis and whatnot a bit later on if that ok.

Just have to nip into town and run some errands there is some pork & chorizo sausages in the based LOCAL butchers with my name on them. He does BOSS sausages. Fucking salivating just thinking about them lad, they are beautiful. The beef & tomato ones are really nice too but I love me a bit of smokey chorizo mixed in with minced belly pork.

Will give the AP post the proper look through & response when I get back.

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Meant to say Cernunnos and Taranis herp derp sorry lad

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That was a good one.


He's back on form after his hiatus.

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Average White man just goes at making a comparative analysis between two versions of the same plot separated by four decades of cultural changes. Why can't the average (diversity person) do this? I've had to put up with Federal Diversification Task Force trying shove bullshit in my face everywhere all the time, making my daily life feel something like "Falling Down" meets "Truman Show", when they can offer not even this much stimulation.

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Something isn't working, alright.

And it's between Tyrone's ears.

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Nice day to you, good to see there is a new bread.

Feline dream anon here. I just want to let you to know I read your reply's and greatly value them. (although I didnt respond.) I needed some time to let it all sink in.

Since the last time things are going better. I just need to be mentally prepared for the next blow.

My dreams are still dark and crazy but I just have to accept the dark veil over me and make the best of it.

I have asked far more then I contributed. I pledge to read more so I can be of use in the future.

Thanks for the support and best wishes to all of you on here.

Pic unrelated but I find it facinating.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fresh Willett

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>>13459477 (observed)

>I have asked far more then I contributed.

Nonsense lad, it’s why we’re here and the more interpretations we do the better we become tbh.

>I pledge to read more so I can be of use in the future.

Good lad.


>I was clad in a suit of plate armour. It was made of dark metal with gold trim (helmet was similar to pic related), and my still-active chakras were visible on the front of it as glowing crystals, similar to the Infinity Stones.

I’m a bit jealous tbh. Remember that part of the path to Nos is building your Imortal Vajra, your impenetrable body of red light. Note the green light inside the red membrane in pic related. In Grail myths this is defeating the red knight and dawning his armor. Also, remember that in the book, Don Serrano and Dr. Jung both built “stone towers” for solitude and “dinner parties” with their komrades.

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Holy hell, these are awful post more

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>Holy hell, these are awful…

So bad they are good right? I only have a few more tbh. Most are shit tier & not worth saving but there is the odd good one that raises a chuckle

>>13459477 (observed)

Nice to see you back lad. Also nice to hear you are sticking about.

>Thanks for the support and best wishes to all of you on here.

Welcome lad. Its as >>13460218 says, its what we are here for.

What is the pic? An ancient artifact that looks like a modern jet fighter? What culture is that from?

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>It was during nofap, and I have since switched to lowfap. I thought I could exploit it as a driving force for getting shit done, but it only really helped with workout motivation.

Yeah probably for the best tbh. Its good for testosterone retention and whatnot but man needs release once in a while and too much nosex/nofap (ie lack of ejaculation) can lead to prostate problems.

Plus that release of energy is a power that can be focused and put to use.

>I'm starting to suspect that the climb was some sort of masculine symbolism

Could go one step further and interpret the tower as a phallic symbol too.

>It does make me a bit concerned about asking for too much help, since he was trying to fix the railing before he fell.

Maybe if he asked for help in fixing the railing he wouldnt have fallen in the first place, or if he did fall, he would have someone to grab him and pull him up?…….

Just a thought.

>If you remember giving advice about getting one to a lad several threads ago, that was me.

Ah I remember. Sorry lad, it can be hard when we are all anon. Still, we/B.O.N.D refuse to resort to tripfaggory (because it ALWAYS leads to cancer) and most regular posters have their own prose & mannerisms to distinguish now anyway themselves.


>I mostly use it to enforce castle doctrine against hostile entities.

Arguably a good call although i'd love to get into those sweet akashic records and have a nose about. Truth be told im not very adept at it and tend to just flop about the RTZ (which is basically your own little interstice sandbox rather than the astral good and proper) when I have any success (which has been sparse as of late - perhaps due to non conducive astrological conditions) and I think I need to do more of the Robert Bruce energy work to git gud. Did have one good one a while back (that's in the archives) where I managed to get onto one of the planes (I think) and encountered a big shambling entity that looked like a big walking tree but made of solid shadow. It didnt seem to notice me and I got no sense of fear when observing it. I gave it a wide berth though it sounds really silly but I vividly remember making a gun shape with my hand and going "pew pew" at it, like a kid in a playground might do when playing army or cops & robbers. I think this was some subconsicous way of showing no fear (as im fully aware of the dweller on the threshold phenomena that demands exactly that) that manifested inself a weird way but

it robbed the situation of any fear and rendered it almost ridiculous. I remember laughing too and I was on a high that I was actually experiencing that mad shit i'd read about - its all very dream like when you are there though so its hard to behave rationally. Tbh I still dont know if im actually APing or if its just some lucid dream state of consciousness but i'm leaning to the former because of other events of high strangeness iv experienced during my life. This was like another piece of the jigsaw puzzle fitting into place.

>On a whim, I tried an exit method suggested by Evola, which involved being in the side sleeping position and "rolling over" to get the astral body out.

That was the method that worked for me too. Iv also managed to "get out" using the sharp sit up method (where, at the peak of the vibrational paralytic state you wrench your astral body out of your physical vessel by trying as hard as you can to do a sit up) If you get it right it feels a bit like you are tearing away from glue or velcro.

Just as a side question, have you ever looked into a mirror while APing lad? I have. It was…..weird.

>To my surprise, I was clad in a suit of plate armour. It was made of dark metal with gold trim

Nice, never had that happen. I do the "bubble" thing - kind of imagine and will it into existence around me. Bruce talks about forging astral weapons and stuff and how you can essentially have astral armour too in Astral Dynamics. If you are adept at the sword creation, perhaps this is a boon of some kind and you have essentially leveled up astrally.

>I pulled them out and felt some relief, but also noted that there is still something else that needs to be done to fully heal the scars.

Good you got some relief. Sounds like you are well on your path to finding whatever it is and you have made a lot of progress. Kudos lad and thankyou for sharing the experiences with us. AP is a fascinating phenomena.

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Heil mein ancient fren and his generous ways,

Given was 1488 coin of Inferno Blaze,

Equivalent to 75 U.S. dollery doos,

Simply for praising Kek and hating the jews.


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>no fap causes ass problems

post proof. this isn't true

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Maybe i'm wrong on that, ill concede but I'm sure I heard it can medically build up pressure on the prostate.

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>I’m a bit jealous tbh. Remember that part of the path to Nos is building your Imortal Vajra, your impenetrable body of red light. Note the green light inside the red membrane in pic related. In Grail myths this is defeating the red knight and dawning his armor. Also, remember that in the book, Don Serrano and Dr. Jung both built “stone towers” for solitude and “dinner parties” with their komrades.

That reminds me of a meditation technique that I learned from a martial artist - maintaining and expanding a garden. It would be interesting to make it a courtyard and eventually create an entire castle around it.


>Maybe if he asked for help in fixing the railing he wouldnt have fallen in the first place, or if he did fall, he would have someone to grab him and pull him up?…….

He did climb down to hang from it while trying to fix it, even though he could've stayed on the balcony and just reached down to it.

>Truth be told im not very adept at it and tend to just flop about the RTZ

Same here. I did end up getting out of the house during the last entity fight and ended up over the city. It was an overcast morning, so the grey sky and dark buildings looked pretty cool.

>I think this was some subconsicous way of showing no fear (as im fully aware of the dweller on the threshold phenomena that demands exactly that) that manifested inself a weird way but it robbed the situation of any fear and rendered it almost ridiculous.

Have you found any ways to differentiate between entities that just require no fear, and those that need to be fought?

>Tbh I still dont know if im actually APing or if its just some lucid dream state of consciousness but i'm leaning to the former because of other events of high strangeness iv experienced during my life. This was like another piece of the jigsaw puzzle fitting into place.

I've had weird semi-lucid dreams that I know are dreams, but can't wake up until I'm "done" with them. Also had flashes of microsleep dreams (often with jumpscares) when I'm really sleep-deprived. Neither are anything like AP.

>Just as a side question, have you ever looked into a mirror while APing lad? I have. It was…..weird.

Haven't tried it. Does it work with any old bathroom mirror?

>Bruce talks about forging astral weapons and stuff and how you can essentially have astral armour too in Astral Dynamics. If you are adept at the sword creation, perhaps this is a boon of some kind and you have essentially leveled up astrally.

Would've expected a boon to require going somewhere or accomplishing some astral task, but I'll take what I can get. Might be a sign of gearing up for a future journey.

>Kudos lad and thankyou for sharing the experiences with us. AP is a fascinating phenomena.

You're welcome, lad. It's good to finally share all this stuff.

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File: adb065b04f64905⋯.jpg (232.63 KB,1600x850,32:17,astral.jpg)

Morning lads. Nice weather today. The tomato plants are starting to flower now.


>Haven't tried it. Does it work with any old bathroom mirror?

Yeah any mirror will do, even a reflective surface. I used the bathroom mirror. I looked odd, like I was covered in a whispy spider web and cheesecloth looking material. Then I "went into one" and was falling down a large square wooden hole (something similar to a trapdoor in a ninja house on a video game)

Didn't scare me or anything but the unexpectedness of it snapped me straight out of my trance and back into waking state.

Bruce says you can use mirrors and reflective surfaces as portals into the astral good and proper and they are apparently a useful shortcut method.

>Have you found any ways to differentiate between entities that just require no fear, and those that need to be fought?

I'v never actually fought anything in any of my AP experiences. Not really had that much experiences with entities tbh - just the odd ghost experience and what id term "observing astral wildlife." Again from what iv read though, discernment usually comes through intuition and the "vibe" the entity gives off. Iv never actually dealt with anything that needed fighting…….yet

"[got out of the] house during the last entity fight and ended up over the city. It was an overcast morning, so the grey sky and dark buildings looked pretty cool.

I'v done a similar thing. It was weird though as I was doing my AP trance in the day but when I got OOB it was night time in the RTZ and the street outside was all wrong. It was pretty fucking cool though, I passed through the walls (could see the foam insulation inbetween the plasterboarding) then rose up through the ceiling and into the attic (which was also very different from what it should have looked like irl) I didnt manage to fly/soar like a bird in that one, but I could perform these great bounding jumps & leaps that would clear the treetops, like being in a very low gravity environment.

>I've had weird semi-lucid dreams that I know are dreams, but can't wake up until I'm "done" with them. Also had flashes of microsleep dreams (often with jumpscares) when I'm really sleep-deprived. Neither are anything like AP

Yes, well put. This is my experience too. Its a different feeling than a dream - similar but very different at the same time (and of course the paralysis and vibrations proceeding it…)

This is why I think its legit. It is like no other dreams iv had, and phenomena that I experience correlates with the experiences transcribed by authorities on the subject (Bruce, Monroe etc) The hands melting like ice under a blowtorch when you look at them for example - that happened exactly as Bruce described it.

>It's good to finally share all this stuff.

Yeah its great to read about this fascinating phenomena and discuss it with others who have experienced it. Most folk I know think im a bit nuts if I bring it up. The missus believes me when I tell her about it (shes had ghost & sleep paralysis experiences & iv tried to get her to embrace it and see where it takes her, but it frightens her and she doesn't want to pursue it. She can't get past that initial fear factor. Her choice I suppose, cant force someone to to get into this stuff, but I believe she has the latent ability to do so if she wanted. Her paternal grandmother was apparently a spiritualist medium so its in her bloodline. But like I say, it frightens her. She actually has very little to do with this kind of thing, apart from doing her angel cards - basically a tarot-lite based on the enochian heirarchy and helping me with the odd ritual endeavour)

It's such a whitepill for me to know that this astral world of wonder exists and I feel privileged to have had (even minor) experience with it. It just further cements my belief that there is more to life & the universe than purely mundane meatspace and there is something beyond this life & world - wonders unimaginable, the survival of the soul and different planes of existence.

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>>13462522 (observed)

>Bruce says you can use mirrors and reflective surfaces as portals into the astral good and proper and they are apparently a useful shortcut method.

Will have to keep this in mind next time I get an opportunity to AP.

>I'v done a similar thing. It was weird though as I was doing my AP trance in the day but when I got OOB it was night time in the RTZ and the street outside was all wrong. It was pretty fucking cool though, I passed through the walls (could see the foam insulation inbetween the plasterboarding) then rose up through the ceiling and into the attic (which was also very different from what it should have looked like irl)

That gives me an idea. I've had many dreams with my house being slightly or extremely different (ranging from minor differences in decor, to being a mashup of various houses I've lived in, to being the bottom floor of a sizeable apartment block). Makes me wonder if the inaccuracies in the RTZ could lead somewhere else, maybe even going in a circle from one's normal house and coming back to a different one.

>I didnt manage to fly/soar like a bird in that one, but I could perform these great bounding jumps & leaps that would clear the treetops, like being in a very low gravity environment.

I don't think I flew either, but I could stand on air and "jump" in any direction.

>Yeah its great to read about this fascinating phenomena and discuss it with others who have experienced it. Most folk I know think im a bit nuts if I bring it up. The missus believes me when I tell her about it

It's one of those things that's best discussed with like-minded lads. Good to have an understanding partner too.

>sleep paralysis

I've read many accounts of it, but never had it myself. Sounds like it would terrify people who aren't prepared for dweller encounters, but would be useful for those looking to explore the basics of AP (IIRC, Bruce attributes it to accidental exiting, which is why the physical body stops being able to move).

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Lets try that again

https://di sc ord.gg/nk3pTE

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Fresh punished 56%

He just wanted to play video games

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File: 6fa34952f43e2ad⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,640x389,640:389,astrall.jpg)


>Will have to keep this in mind next time I get an opportunity to AP

Doors too apparently as they are symbolic of "gateways" & thresholds. I mention the mirror though because of the weird effects of seeing oneself in it while in that state. Apparently it differs from person to person. Some see no reflection at all. Others see distortions and other strange stuff. Read an account of someone who saw a kind of fungus like substance growing out of their head while doing it.

>Makes me wonder if the inaccuracies in the RTZ could lead somewhere else, maybe even going in a circle from one's normal house and coming back to a different one.

Iirc correctly, bruce postulates that changes in the RTZ are due to it not existing in the same space/time as mundane meatspace. He says if things seem different it can denounciate things from the past or the future (ie: the street was wrong in one of my APs but perhaps it looked like that at some point in the past (or will in the future.) There is the fact that the subconscious might misremember something too and throw that up into the mix to take into account.

But as for the "inaccuracies in the RTZ leading to somewhere else" apparently this is indeed the case - especially doors that shouldnt be there. Apparently if you a really adept at it you can will these doors into existence right in front of you too. I'm no where close to that level though. Need to raise me some more Kundalini….

>It's one of those things that's best discussed with like-minded lads. Good to have an understanding partner too

Indeed. I can't really go TOO in depth into it with her though because as I said, it frightens her. She thinks if we talk too much about sleep paralysis then it will increase her chances of getting it. Daft tbh. She says when she gets it she sees disembodied faces form in the black void then they will shoot right up into her field of vision and leer at her almost as they are right up in her face. She says they come really fast too. She thinks they are spirit faces (I think I mentioned previously that her grandmother was a spiritualist medium) but she just can't get past that "fear of the unknown" factor. The whole phenomena scares her too much to pursue. It's frustrating tbh (as I think she could be missing out on potentially life changing experiences) but it is what it is.

She will listen to my experiences but she is unable to provide any real insights into them due to her refusal to experience (or try to experience) the phenomena herself.

It used to terrify me too tbh. Id get it a lot as a teen and in my early 20s and i'd fight it every time. I still get it, but now, I can induce it in a controlled capacity and it is the precursor to the vibrational state - basically a sign that you are ready for your AP attempt. And instead of fearing it, I welcome it with (proverbial) open arms.

>Bruce attributes it to accidental exiting, which is why the physical body stops being able to move

Thats right. Other times it can mean that you have been inadvertantly APing during sleep and the etheric body has not fully merged back with the physical one before waking state, thus leaving you paralysed. It is indeed a very distressing and unpleasant feeling when you dont know whats going on. Used to scare the shit out of me when I was younger. I thought it was the old hag.


Cheers lad. Dont do d1sc0rd myself but if any of you lads find it useful, go for it. Keep me in the loop regarding ops, should you devise any there

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Philistines were white apparently…

Ancient DNA Sheds New Light on the Biblical Philistines


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File: 434b1e63bcb12fe⋯.jpg (157.58 KB,1033x514,1033:514,pg5363608d.jpg)

Is there any market for Druidic art of impressions of the Astral Plane?

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File: 930774f66e152b2⋯.jpg (485.22 KB,800x530,80:53,bloom astral plane.jpg)


Probably lad. Did you draw that? Reminds me of the "march of the celts" crossed with some of bloom's astral plane work

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File: 4169c689a32e432⋯.jpg (181.03 KB,1033x544,1033:544,gv53636569.jpg)

File: 4cfac78be8eab8a⋯.jpg (146.96 KB,1033x514,1033:514,wi5363607f.jpg)

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File: f66fc556ff09b07⋯.jpg (352.85 KB,1033x514,1033:514,ea52bd617e.jpg)


Yes my own charcoal impressions, but it might be fun to do more illustrative combined with narrative Tales of the Astral Realm, i've some great ones.

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Really nice lad

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It's excellent work indeed, blending presentation and interpretation.

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File: cd59838042c0d1a⋯.jpg (79.4 KB,1033x514,1033:514,ak52aba358 (1).jpg)



Thanks, yes it's about creating enough suggestion to invite the viewer to see what they will in the vagueness, a sort of scrying device, rather than surreal confrontation.

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FPT next week lads?

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File: 7887834b80d5816⋯.jpg (272.72 KB,701x600,701:600,bloom astral wildlife.jpg)



These are excellent, I commend you most highly, thank you for sharing these with us.

How do you go about doing them? Are they images of experiences you have had while APing, wourks of imagination or perhaps some kind of automatic drawing?

>yes it's about creating enough suggestion to invite the viewer to see what they will in the vagueness, a sort of scrying device, rather than surreal confrontation.

So using abstract symbolism and impressionism so indicuduals can interpret it as they will? Good stuff lad, im genuinely impressed. You have a talent there.


Sounds like a plan lad. Was it meant to be tonight? Been tied up with a family birthday today so prob for the best even if we missed one tbh. Certainly game for next thursday though.

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File: 8fbd6859af3854c⋯.jpg (93.26 KB,1033x514,1033:514,ky5363604e.jpg)


It's a process of dust and water, lay down charcoal roughly, wipe back with damp sponge, repeat and enhance the emerging forms.

Those elements relate to the Sumerian concept of the underworld as a dry and dusty realm of dreary shades, but also with the Indo-European concept of the Pool of Memory, a living spring within the Underworld, and also the strange presence of light.

It's based then on personal experience and theory, Sig-Sig the son of the Sun lucid

within the Underworld, conscious when asleep, dreaming when awake.

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These are incredible work anon. Do you have your own portfolio or website? I wager several brethren would purchase and hang these in our homes.

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FPT ought to have been last week but IRL got in the way, anyone up for some more retro telly? I'm thinking bananaman your thoughts? Vid unrelated

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No i don't make a thing of it but anyone can help themselves to a print if they wanted, like i said i'd prefer to use them in conjunction with narrative or as supplement, because at some point we're going to have to create a body of work and own religion, even if as according to Druidic principle we don't particularly explain anything.

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>FPT ought to have been last week but IRL got in the way

Thought we'd missed on somewhere down the line.

>anyone up for some more retro telly? I'm thinking bananaman your thoughts?

Sounds like an excellent idea. We've been floating a daily retro TV/nostagia post for a while now. Bananaman sounds good to me lad. Some other ideas….




>The Crystal Maze

>Count duckula

>Ulysses 31

In fact ill start the ball rolling with what was probably the most punshing kids "gameshow" ever devised. Srsly, was proper hard and unforgiving for a kids show - the polar opposite to something like "funhouse."

I think over 5 seasons, only 2 teams ever managed to beat the dungeon. Hugo Myatt is also excellent & memorable as dungeonmaster Treyguard. A show ahead of its time in concept that is still watchable today.

I present…….


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File: a5f5f609bd895f6⋯.jpg (211.85 KB,415x750,83:150,bloom astral plane lower.jpg)

File: 9be8b25494ccad4⋯.jpg (15.96 KB,320x268,80:67,bloom astral.jpg)

File: 2ac07b124292cd2⋯.jpg (66.79 KB,366x600,61:100,bloom qlippoth.jpg)

File: 7cf148e87dc14dc⋯.png (886.38 KB,836x1000,209:250,blood astral landscape.png)

File: 20c50b5c06461e8⋯.jpg (45.33 KB,400x264,50:33,bloom seance.jpg)


Its an excellent method thanks for sharing. I was never that good with charcoal - I can do a bit (the white chalk on top method for highlighting worked well for me) but i'm nowhere near the level of your artistic output. Truth be told I tend to inadvertently smudge charcoal work with my hand as im working

Do you use a spray-sealant medium of some kind once you have finished, to keep the charcoal in place stop it smudging?

>Those elements relate to the Sumerian concept of the underworld as a dry and dusty realm of dreary shades, but also with the Indo-European concept of the Pool of Memory, a living spring within the Underworld, and also the strange presence of light.

Excellent concept and amalgamation of art & spirituality. A lad asked last thread if one could "do magick without actually knowing it" - i'd opine art like this is the perfect example of this process.

Your work is (to me) very reminiscent of H.Bloom's work - a mystic artist from the 50's who would illustrate his astral plane experiences. He employed a similar charcoal method to yours.

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File: 3058ae52d78b891⋯.jpg (292.93 KB,543x881,543:881,he55241652 (1).jpg)

File: bbf2232af96dc6e⋯.jpg (322.1 KB,555x883,555:883,ip5524163e.jpg)

File: a9d6178a156b40f⋯.jpg (333.14 KB,564x875,564:875,ml552415fd.jpg)

File: b6a0fbe9098e4de⋯.jpg (359.86 KB,605x885,121:177,vu55241c84.jpg)


Yes strong similarity there with what i look for, particularly my impressions of deep within the local woods on a Moonlit night.

These are oil pastel and if you're inclined towards smudging that's your medium, the way i work them is lay the lighter tones down first roughly and then really smudge the oil back hard so it's basically a translucent stain with opaque borders and then scumble darker tones over that, repeating the smudging until satisfied

I don't bother fixing charcoal drawings because it affects the tone and detail and doesn't work that well anyway, so just protect the surface.

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File: 0324662ca4e7d6c⋯.png (39.51 KB,525x131,525:131,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh no…

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Could you post another lad? Says it expired.


Based and placenta pilled

I wonder what she did with her placentas after all her births. Probably fed the to Varg.

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Very well here's series 1 series 2 tomorrow

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File: ba75793506ba079⋯.jpg (11.4 KB,265x190,53:38,g2.jpg)

File: c35954d0e0136bf⋯.jpg (14.8 KB,318x159,2:1,g3.jpg)

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File: 8fd4480fe5cdf3f⋯.jpg (456.24 KB,1920x928,60:29,g5.jpg)


These oils are very good too. I find them somewhat Gigeresque.

You should seriously try the LOCAL gallery with these lad - you might have some success.

Fucking love viewing me some visionary painting. As you can't exactly take a camera into the astral or your own altered states of consciousness headspace, an artistic representation is the closest we can come to viewing a "snapshot" of these almost incomprehensible landscapes.

Pretty sure you are familiar with Giger (and now Bloom's) work. Few other visionary/occult painters who'm I admire are:

>Wayne Douglas Barlowe

>Ernst Fuchs

>Mariusz Lewandowski

>Sybil Ruppert

>Zdzisław Beksiński

>Stanisław Szukalski

>Krzysztof Heksel

>Joe Coleman

Theres a ton more but those pop into mind.

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Fresh WotW on awful TV shite

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Fresh and BASED

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File: c3db7686b4e7581⋯.jpg (326.49 KB,1080x719,1080:719,ft54d9da34.jpg)


I always came at things from the direction of say Leonardo and his study of natural forces in landscape or even Chinese Dragon lines composition as the key to the creative process, that is primarily the medium is an exercise in the flow of energy.

Artists such as Giger and the others you listed take that to an ultimate refined state were the idea cannot be advanced further, i never go that far and allow the viewer to take things further in their imagination if they wish.

The basic premise is the flow of energy within an internalized Cosmological darkness, we can take that further and suggest serpents and eggs and even dragons forming, developing into trees and human form, the light increases and architectural form develops, so the creative process correlating with the religious.

When people ask what should they draw they are more concerned about the end state then understanding the actual process, otherwise it's an exercise in imitation of ideas that others have refined.

The Astral plane is the same, understand the process but don't expect to encounter ideas that others have refined, you will always be generating your own from personal experience and influence, and it's better to avoid the bad sort rather than recreating their nightmare, Faeries are a good starting point.

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Series 2

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Gods bless Iran and Gods bless Assad - the Lion of Damascus.

Revold against the modern world fit very nicely with that one




>Artists such as Giger and the others you listed take that to an ultimate refined state were the idea cannot be advanced further, i never go that far and allow the viewer to take things further in their imagination if they wish.

I see, do you leave the composition in the abstract in order for the viewer to illicit their own interpretation.

>When people ask what should they draw they are more concerned about the end state then understanding the actual process, otherwise it's an exercise in imitation of ideas that others have refined.

Excatly. This is the denunciation between the between illustrator/draftsman & "artist."

Art such as this is a mystical process and a magickal act.

>it's better to avoid the bad sort rather than recreating their nightmare, Faeries are a good starting point.

Duly noted.

Did you study art at a higher educational level or are you self taught?


Nice one lad. Good stuff.

Fucking abs on bananaman - guy is a reet fucking meathead. I swear he was juicing some pretty heavy roids along with that all that banana potassium.

Also next Knightmare episode.

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File: 7a4a25f693866d4⋯.jpg (76.34 KB,954x494,477:247,ak52aba358 (1).jpg)


Yes a case of inviting the viewer to develop their own interpretation, a passive approach and somewhat seductive rather than confrontational and assertive, the nature of mystery.

I studied Art History but generally self taught though guided by the Faeries, who are always up for a discussion on Art Theory, otherwise known as Mischief.

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Love this picture. Going to spend my afternoon trying my hand at something similar. Thanks lad.

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Fresh WotW

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Good luck lad. Let us see the results if you are happy with them.


Nice one lad. Think they are fucking with the algorithms because its that didnt appear in my subs feed.

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Fresh 56% video game nazi VS Extra Poz

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I couldn't help but notice how nosey the villains are…

Last one I'm afraid

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Your time will come on the day of the rope too, pagans.

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File: 375b856e471d84c⋯.png (982.33 KB,1392x1050,232:175,when druids and christnazs….png)

File: 5e36495cef0e9c5⋯.png (957.73 KB,742x1022,53:73,ChristPag Gang.png)

>the ol' d&c

begone moishe

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He's turning in to a decent little niche channel. How long before 4x2tube shoah's him do you reckon?

Speaking of vidya, have some nostalgia from the good old days…


>I couldn't help but notice how nosey the villains are…

Kek, now that you mention it i'm seeing it too


Ok champ. Alienate some of your most powerful allies and see how that goes.


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>Think his impotent threat means anything

Kek, cry harder faggot

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File: 218d24ff95ae14e⋯.jpg (58.25 KB,1080x600,9:5,ffffffff.jpg)


Some top tier OC there lad

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2/10 you'll have to try harder to earn your shekel

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Lugh - Celtic Mythology Explained

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File: 98552bbbd36e2ce⋯.png (55.39 KB,1104x927,368:309,0434bf69ab1612bf2be00fdfbb….png)


lol that (((you))) watch this bugman shit, the Celts were defeated and destroyed and their little religion vanished with them and hasnt been practiced in 2000 years now, go larp somewhere else already.

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Not even gonna bother with this one lads

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File: 3753621b626f587⋯.png (104.12 KB,657x539,657:539,1529405279404nigger.png)


>Gods bless Iran and Gods bless Assad - the Lion of Damascus.

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Aye best way. Not worth the effort expenditure.

How has your sunday been anyway lad?

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fuck off cuckchan

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Fresh Mosley

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Busy tbh, how about yours?

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File: 92b248028bcb562⋯.jpg (73.94 KB,720x960,3:4,HoH lillith.jpg)


Uneventful tbh. Was meant to go to a BBQ for lunch but weathers been overcast all day so that didn't happen. Had a mate turn up pissed out of his head but his presence was starting to irk me so I made some excuses and sent him on his way.

Other half is sulking about something work related (something to do with the rota) and is shit company at the moment.

Made homemade beef burgers with the boy for tea. They just gone into the oven now.

Tbh ill be glad when everyone has fucked off to bed so I can have a glass of Jim Beam and do some painting in peace. Got some infiltrators still on the sprue that need highlighting before I build them up

Oh there is a .pdf im on the hunt for. Very new release so dunno if it will be available easily yet but its called "The Heart of Hell" by Wayne Barlowe. If you happen across it in your travels please let me know lad. I really enjoyed his debut and i'm eager to read the sequel.

>>13475966 (observed)

Unironically based & redpilled. Great video.

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Sounds great lad

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Burgers turned out well lad. Just chilling now doing a bit of painting and watching podcasts and sheeeeeit.

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File: 388bea438fd3598⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,480x360,4:3,DUCKULA.jpg)


>>Count duckula





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Fresh A. G., I mean Johnny Fash

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Hate to be a killjoy but it's always good to be aware of keeping things on topic tbh

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Bit off off topic posting in a general is acceptable imo lad. Just a bit of nostaligic fun.

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Fresh Historia Civilis, this one is pretty fun

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To get back on topic lad (politics/occult) have you heard whats happening with this (((epstein))) business?

A lot of buzz afoot on the imageboards today and a lot of anons think we might get to see what was in his "little black book".

I'm a bit more skeptical though as i'm sure he will just buy/blackmail/fellow-tribesman etc his way out of it like he did last time. Dunno what to make of it tbh - i'm hopeful but skeptical I suppose. Some of the independent news channels I skim are of the opinion this could have some far reaching consequences. Like I say, personally im skeptical but also hopeful.

I also recall some very weird shit regarding his island. Its theorized there is an underground ziggurat like structure built under the "temple" on his isle.

Fuck knows what kind of black qlippothic sorcery goes on these. Dread to think tbh. Probably pizzagate tier shit notched up to over 9000.

Very dodgy character.


Thanks lad will watch over a cup of tea now. Been proper busy today so not had a chance to contribute as much as i'd like today.

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Although I throw my own pebbles, I'm curious about the requirements needed for one of those nice tarot draws.


>why can't negroes, pakis and arabs brain like us?

>why Gods created the Whites and then flehbehdeh?


Yes, that toy plane. Nothing like that in nature and not even a single eso/exoteric symbolism akin to it either, north or south, east or west.

Wondering if someone got sent a picture from afar but couldn't get what it meant and came up with this elegant statue.


>Jung D&D

Is curious. Most of the time you'd hear some learned people claim Jung was getting it wrong, was not spiritually elevated enough.

One mistake he may have done was to locate the collective unconscious under the people whilst in truth it had more to do with a God multi-casting into the people, so it was actually coming from above.


> What culture is that from?

Ryanair. Pre-columbian Quimbaya culture.


>we are all anon

and anon is us



A neonazi set would look ace.


>This is why I think its legit

I believe it is. There is obviously a median layer of blur but there definitely are times when your "dream" actually and, most importantly, objectively connects to the external world. I know this for a fact since one of my dreams precisely let me know in advance that something very unusual was going on around my place. Something so rare, so unique, and also imbued with such a curious property that it was absolutely clear something was going on.

I avoid going into details because I may need to share this some day and I don't want to predox meself stupidly.

This happened when I wasn't even into any deep esoshift, I had just started considering the possibility of a big IF back then. This also was the time when I started wondering if I had a sort of affinity with these types of events and it kinda got confirmed later on, but outside of a dream: was related to something I had planned and which almost got crashed, but then twice during that day I really willed a "solution" and twice it manifested, much to my joy.

Others, I wouldn't even mention bit worried, one was very linked to some sort of epic vajra-related event in my dream, and I absolutely loved it, the force and beauty of what I saw, which is not going to bring me closer to sanity kek.

>The hands melting like

Did you experience this before reading their books? Could it have tainted your expectations?

> it frightens her and she doesn't want to pursue it

Tried to do it with her? Like a co-op AP?

>On the Gods to link oneself with.




So yeah, go with kinda Celtic/Gaelic Gods but nowadays, with magicomparativemythologystorians, I wouldn't be surprised if one said that you could try toeing the line with related folk Beings from beyond the thick forest and high mountain range.

Also, don't anthropomorphize too much, this was a late degradation in metaphysics.

Finally, by being here, you could also have fun with Kek, if you believe that there isn't bad Chaos, just bad Chaos Wielders. You could push your luck and seek Woden too. Seems to literally have (had) the ability to "get real" as to walk among humans in various places and times.


>Read an account of someone who saw a kind of fungus like substance growing out of their head while doing it.

Shrooman. That's him.

>she just can't get past that "fear of the unknown" factor

I wouldn't want to be harsh but it's downright sad, nay, terrible. The unknown is what gives all the spice to life! If you only stick to what you know… what makes you different from a stone, really?


Thus far most /pol/acks see them as nothing more than honeypots.


>Philistines were white apparently

Another good tribe they hated.

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>People people more foggy people

Interesting to look at!


Gigeresque stone covered with frozen water.


She has very odd opinions. I think Varg keeps her close to reality otherwise she'd get lost down the rabbit hole.


Where does he put the percentage of non-whites that is acceptable?

How the fuck does it make it right to accept one nigger as part of your people? It means you're okay with the idea that they're like you, belong to your people. So you can have one more, and one more. When you've got ten of them, well, why stop there? Who says it's too much? Wouldn't they be entitled to ask for more rights? Etc. That's stupid. This is just returning to a pre-flood civnat situation, it's faggotry. We need to move beyond that. You can complain that one bunch of men are from this or that town and if there were more they'd start making inroads towards local political power. But so be it. They're still white and that, above all, is what matters. Whether we like it or not, our ancestors moved a shit lot too. I think on the long term scale, I couldn't feel much concerns about Scots landing in Liverpool. Yes, moy accunt yor accunt.



not serious?


>Battlefield Vagina

Dear god my tea.

Never gets old.

But guy is going to get axed. He is explaining the Nazis' motivations and showing Commies' atrocities. We know what's behind that. Pray for him, send him astral bitcoins.


>Can animals commit crimes?



Unless some army band goes Iwo Jima on the -12 pleasure island, I don't see anything coming out of this (hehehe (crap joke) in this clown world.

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File: 8ed510268bc9dd7⋯.jpg (127.7 KB,1334x750,667:375,the weak should fear the s….jpg)


>Although I throw my own pebbles, I'm curious about the requirements needed for one of those nice tarot draws.

Ask and thou shalt receive…

Be specific on what kind of draw you want though, how you want it arranged and have your question in mind. Also need your birthsign.


>Wondering if someone got sent a picture from afar but couldn't get what it meant and came up with this elegant statue.

Someone could have tapped into a shamanistic state and seen something at the time, unexplainable and relayed this vision on to whatever artisan of the period crafted it.

Could be we are looking at it the wrong way up and its meant to represent some butterfly like creature and we see a plane because of our modern conditioning. Fuck knows tbh

>one of my dreams precisely let me know in advance that something very unusual was going on around my place. Something so rare, so unique, and also imbued with such a curious property that it was absolutely clear something was going on.

Iv legit had dreams where I have lost an object irl, looked everywhere for it, dreamed I found it and it turns up a couple of days later (always in a place that is obvious & im sure I previously looked.) This has happened on several occasions now. In the dream a dead relative usually gives it back or points out its location.

>Did you experience this before reading their books? Could it have tainted your expectations?

Very well concede this might be the case. Was nice to have an "it works as it says on the tin" moment regardless though - at least such a visual one. And fuck me lad, this was like no other dream I had ever had.

>Tried to do it with her? Like a co-op AP?

She won't do it lad. Like I say its the place she will not cross to, like that causal plane in Dune where the bene gessirit could not see. Its a barrier she refuse to break. Can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink. Shes borderline normie tbh anyway but has a spark. She's not an NPC, far from it. She's just not as into it this kind of stuff as I am which is fair enough. Old adage, "opposites attract" is true to some extent (although I prefer the yin-yang comparison)


>Unless some army band goes Iwo Jima on the -12 pleasure island

Hypothetically there is not really much stopping some MGS diamond dogs force storming that island to get a look at what is really going on althoug i;m sure these elite pedos have well paid mercs of their own too though. Its an island out in the middle of nowhere ffs. Doubtless there will be many ((international contractors)) defending it. Money buys a lot in this world.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Morning. How are we doing today lads Muggy here today.

Been painting. Some fine brushwork coming along on the new spess muhreens vanguard minis. Got a lovely Vallejo US olive drab paint that perfectly matches the Raptors scheme I was going for. At last, after near 30yrs of doing 40k (on and off) I finally have cannon "reasonable marines" (Raven Guard successors that use actual camouflage, sneaking, sniping & guerilla tactics, rather than autistically running at the enemy, painted in bright colours…)

Good stuff tbh.

Midday, iv set aside 2 hours for AP practice. Had little luck as of late (I think because of the astrological conditions) but ill give it a try regardless. Even if its a fail, the energy raising

& visualisation exercises and meditation itself is always good practice in of itself.

TORfriend, if you are reading this & still want your tarot spread done let me know the details.


Fresh 56% vidya "nazi" on irksome ethots and their insufferable orbiters.

Who is worse lads? The ethots themselves or the thirstly, orbiting bugmen incels who enable them and shower them with unearned cash? I dont know who I dislike more tbh - its the old chicken/egg conundrum.


AK hits the nail on the head in said video though.

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When the fog clears and the full extent of lunacy is revealed.

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Fresh Iconoclast

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Civic Muzzleloaders

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File: 96c44bfb92bb3f5⋯.jpg (198.93 KB,1080x1927,1080:1927,5jog5xds6d521.jpg)

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File: f6585a954b566c9⋯.png (35.37 KB,642x367,642:367,cringe beta cuckness.png)

Morning lads how are we today. Muggy as fuck again today, its like jungle weather or something.

Watched that Chernobyl with the missus last night. Was actually pretty good, I was pleasantly surprised tbh as I barely watch telly these days. It was a very good production with a fair few redpilled lines of dialogue.

>shows communism in an awful light for the shitty ineffective bureaucratic clusterfuck it is.

>no diversity

>very historically accurate

>lines like "you can lie so as not to offend, but the truth will always out in the end" etc.

Genuine impressive production.


@epicstylefunnyjokes speak the truth despite his faggy handle. Sickening how much money this whore makes off of thirsty, jahans tier beta orbiters though (pic related - THIS this the type of mindset she is exploiting)

I hear she is selling her piss now too….

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminded me of this.

>Sagar Mitchell and James Kenyon founded the firm of Mitchell & Kenyon in 1897. Under the trade name of Norden, the company was one of the largest film producers in the United Kingdom in the 1900s, with the slogans of "Local Films For Local People" and "We take them and make them"

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Morgoth on the corporate nigger hooting again

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aye there's an /ourdegenerate/ video on the same topic.

Bragg is such a cunt, taking a pop at Morrissey again because of him sharing Morgoth's vid. I try to rise above it but the anger won't abate with pricks like this constantly pushing and needling us from their ivory towers. Cunt got Morg's video removed with his whinging too.

Also reminder that bragg bought himself out of the army after 9 weeks because he couldn't hack it. Total twat who lives in a mansion far far away from the diversity he professes to love so much.

I genuinely wonder how many of these "woke" celebs are literal child fuckers with dirt on them who are used to push the party line on threat of exposure. We all know what was going on at the BBC in the 70s/80s - the likes of jimmy savile & dave lee travis, stuart hall and other nonces hosting TOTP…

Really makes one think.

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Morgoth is on PWR stream

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Fresh OTO

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The New Age Fallacy

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Árainn Mhóir, Materialism and the Medieval Village

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>Bunch of dejected, puzzled & remorseful (western) women in states of mourning and bemusement around a barren grey sphere while an ominous, looming dark cloud acts as backdrop.

Sounds about right

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>Midday, iv set aside 2 hours for AP practice. Had little luck as of late (I think because of the astrological conditions) but ill give it a try regardless. Even if its a fail, the energy raising & visualisation exercises and meditation itself is always good practice in of itself.

Might also be a good idea to try it before bed when you get a night off and see if it enhances dreaming. Tried it last night and got a hell of a jumpscare when I dreamt that I saw myself in the bathroom mirror with a green sniper laser on me

>Who is worse lads? The ethots themselves or the thirstly, orbiting bugmen incels who enable them and shower them with unearned cash? I dont know who I dislike more tbh - its the old chicken/egg conundrum.

The enablers are probably worse. Thots wouldn't be able to survive if guys refused to have anything to do with them.

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Giant marble pyramid-shaped island complex rising from sea uncovered, revealing secrets of ancient Greece’s origins


>Dating back 4,600 years, the site may also have been part of the inspiration for a key aspect of Greek religion – the idea that mountain tops were the dwelling places of the gods.

Well yhey got that wrong, gods dwelling on mountain tops is very common in Indo-European and even non-European cultures so it's more the other way around tbh

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File: 0f420b13205362e⋯.webm (1.64 MB,854x478,427:239,Carl Gustav Jung, from a ….webm)

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The oldest evidence for an interest in pyramid forms is from Vinca culture, the Cycladic can be seen as an extension of that and the masked frens.


Yes it concerns cyclic progression and the question of which came first the chicken or the egg, were the answer is the serpent.

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TR sentenced to six months lads. I'm not the biggest fan but this seems pants on head retarded. He did nothing wrong. I thought at worst he'd get off with time served. Didn't thi k they would be stupid enough to do it again but they did. UK occupying regime shows the world it is a-OK with political prisoners

Makes me fucking sick. Do they think if they silence the voices then the ideas will die? More fool them because the genie is out of the bottle regarding white identity, pernicious Islam, mass immigration etc and its not going back in no matter what they try. Just further cements my loathing and utter contempt for the traitor class.


You tried the mirror trick then? Good stuff lad. Did it take you anywhere?

>AP at bedtime

Easier said than done for me due to chronic insomnia. Ironically though it actually makes it easier for me to try in the day, I think due to the sleep deprivation, I find it much easier to get into trance in the day.

>Orbiters are worse

Aye I think I concur. They are the catalyst of enablement that allows this shit to go on unchecked.


Very interesting discovery.


>where the answer is the serpent

The ouroboros? The snake eating its own tail creating an infinity loop. Makes sense.

Loving your art lad. Would you consider perhaps doing something explicitly druid/B.O.N.D themed for us sometime? We could use it as a banner for the >>>/druid/ board and also as a kind of talismanic abstract visualisation of the lodge. Only if you have the time of course. I am most impressed by your work though and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

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Not sure i could ever achieve the explicit but i'd be happy to work on a given theme, specialites include spectral seminars and Elvish event management.

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Nice one lad. Appreciated.

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>specialites include spectral seminars and Elvish event management.

Kek. The third pic looks like three Druids on the right of A SHRUBBERY!

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In the evenings I’ve been taking my baby inawoods about a half mile to my Temple to Yepun, the Evening Star. This is where we sun gaze and pronounce the Invocation of the Black Sun. Three weeks ago after the Invocation I saw my first Vimana. It was a white sphere just to the 4 o’clock of the sun, a fingertip distance between them. I adjusted the vector of my Roman salute to the light, but I failed to ask the question because I believed it was Venus. It vanished soon after.

Since Beastlad and I have been accelerating our training, it has become abundantly clear the Gods have been monitoring our progress closely. Wotanaz, Lugh, Taranis, Kek, and Heh seem the most interested and supportive. These past two weeks the avian and irl numerological portents have been too frequent to record. I was worried because today was free of winged omens tbh. After returning home with my baby from the Temple of Yepun this evening, we observed the most awe inspiring display of approval from Wotanaz. Pic related, the moon in a W of vapor trails, as though it were his one eye. Admittedly, the left upright is a tad dissipated. One could therefore also interpret this as an N for Nos, or a V for Vajrayana; which is the new training Beastlad and I are undergoing. I don’t have the words to describe such feels tbh. New levels of honour, humility, and encouragement never before imagined. I’m choked up and welling with tears tbh. Just 8 years ago I was a fedora tipper who would’ve noticed the alignment and dismissed it with a simple, ‘das neat.’ Now I have seemingly endless blessings from the Gods; I shall not squander them.


Polite sage for double post tbh. Have a good Friday lads.

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>failed to sage so mind fucked tbh

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh OTO on some saggy cunt who can't beat an under-15s team at football

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File: 85a86c882931a68⋯.jpg (91.73 KB,545x814,545:814,I say.....jpg)

Morning lads.


>I saw my first Vimana. It was a white sphere just to the 4 o’clock of the sun, a fingertip distance between them. I adjusted the vector of my Roman salute to the light, but I failed to ask the question because I believed it was Venus. It vanished soon after.

I'm sure it will reappear. You obviously have the attention of higher powers. These paths & invocations work. I find such marvel in it.

>I have been accelerating our training, it has become abundantly clear the Gods have been monitoring our progress closely. Wotanaz, Lugh, Taranis, Kek, and Heh seem the most interested and supportive.

Regarding Kek, are we talking the 2016 egregore or the Egyptian deity? If it's the Egyptian deity then ignore the following paragraph. If you are referring to the 2016 egregore, i'd opine not in to invoke him anymore as most of the "charge" he accumulated is spent and he is pretty much a dead/dying egregore now (having morphed into the honkler - a joker/loki archetype but with darker, more sombre undertones than the '16 Kek.) The great Kek invocation's sole purpose was to get Trump into office (damp squib I know, but could have been a lot worse…) and prevent the election of killery (and consequently most likely WWIII with Ivan/Iran/China) - that casual path was mercifully averted thanks to the dedicated memetic sorcery involved in the Kek invocation but the energy of that particular meme/god is pretty much spent now and evoking him these days could actually have negative consequences (calling on an chaos natured egregore who's ultimate purpose is fulfilled and energy levels now low is ill advised. There is perhaps some life left in the meme/egregore (fueled by a lot of the subconscious frogposting and a few dedicated devotees) but the drop off in frogposting and the phrase "PRAISE KEK" now veering into cringe territory, does not bode well for said egregores power.

Not a criticism at all btw lad - im most impressed by the support of your totemic pantheon (Wotanaz, Lugh, Taranis, and Heh)

What we need to do is link the Honkler (and possibly the "FREN") to a particular deity and begin working from there. We can essentially create a new, "recharged" egregore to work with but we must have a sole purpose in mind for said entity. In order to accomplish this task and ascertain compatible archetypes, we need to look for synchronicities around the aformentioned, and perform divinitory rites that may point us in the direction we need to go.

To me the honkler invokes the jester/bard/troubador who speaks truth to power through the form of mockery. The magic of the bardic tradition is actually quite powerful. Mockery and ridicule is the arsenal of the bard and they can act as a karma-free way to legit curse someone/something. The "honk honk/clownworld" meme is a manifestation of this and is the current "meme of the now", fresh in mind and creativity. We really need to tie an archetype of some kind to this meme to harness its full potential. I'd suggest looking outside our usual area for this too - the Slavic pantheon might actually contain the most fitting archetype for this one but thats something i'm still mulling over for now so i'll not invoke a name until i'm sure (Slavic Gods are a bit outside my comfort zone as I know very little compared to Celtic/Vedic/Abrahamic/Norse etc. I probably know more about the Shinto pantheon than I do the Slavic one)

Tl;dr - we need a replacement for the 2016 incarnation of Kek.

>that pic

Wew lad thats certainly a "W" - a portent if ever I saw one (& finding the N/Nos & V/Vajrayana could also signify that is actually a sigil of all three in the sky)

>I don’t have the words to describe such feels tbh. New levels of honour, humility, and encouragement never before imagined. I’m choked up and welling with tears tbh.

Im very happy for you lad. Spiritual awakening and development is an incredibly emotional experience. I felt a similar sense of elation on a few occasions along my Path (conquering the fear of sleep paralysis and experiencing AP and also the Tarot progress i'v made were big ones)

>Just 8 years ago I was a fedora tipper who would’ve noticed the alignment and dismissed it with a simple, ‘das neat.’

Iv kind of always believed tbh (grew up in a family with a history of seeing ghosts and shit and later worked in an occult bookshop that lead to all kinds of knowledge and awakening) but I didn't really go balls deep until a few years back. Its not until you are figurative "balls deep" that you start to acknowledge the sheer scope and breadth of possibility. I find it very humbling. Just watch working with certain planetary energies lad like saturn and mercury - they can fuck you up good if you let your guard down

Tip top work though lad i'm glad the path is moving along smoothly for you and send my blessings to you and the family.

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Jej, watched this last night. What a horrible fucking cunt she is. Remember when sports personalities were actually likeable and organic rather than obnoxious activist types rammed down our throats by the PTB? I used to love Nigel Mansell & Ian Botham as a kid.

The fuck is the deal with pushing womens football as of late anyway? No one wants to watch that shit, why must they force it into our faces. This narrative that women are somehow excluded from sport is such shite anyway. There are plenty of sports that people are happy to watch women play - tennis, gymnastics, swimming, marathon-running, figure skating, wet t-shit, mud wresting etc etc - its not like they are excluded from the world of sports in any way. But not many people want to watch women play the masculine sports. No amount of globohomo propaganda is going to change that. Doing it with some obnoxious "woke" in your face lezza's doesn't exactly help their cause either but hey, what can you do. Just mock and laugh & deride. It is our most potent weapon in our arsenal.

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Good to hear lad


Morning lad

>but the drop off in frogposting and the phrase "PRAISE KEK" now veering into cringe territory, does not bode well for said egregores power.

This has got me thinking whether the inclusion of the Gods in pop culture (God of War, the Thor films, Percy Jackson ect.) is an attempt to undermine their power by essentially consigning them to cheap entertainment, similiar to how Christians 'demoted' them to magical kings and heroes.

>having morphed into the honkler - a joker/loki archetype but with darker, more sombre undertones than the '16 Kek.)

If you remember that effortpost I pasted, the harlequin/ joker is closely associated with Woden tbh

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>You tried the mirror trick then? Good stuff lad. Did it take you anywhere?

It was in a dream, not AP. Not sure if it was just general paranoia or a warning about trying it in AP. Haven't had much luck with exits lately. I can get astral perception, but can't quite roll over or sit up.

>Easier said than done for me due to chronic insomnia. Ironically though it actually makes it easier for me to try in the day, I think due to the sleep deprivation, I find it much easier to get into trance in the day.

Ah, that can be annoying. I don't have too much trouble sleeping, but tend to default to being nocturnal for some reason when I don't have a schedule to keep. Oddly, while my best AP timing is from midnight to sunrise, the best dreams tend to come during the day.


>To me the honkler invokes the jester/bard/troubador who speaks truth to power through the form of mockery. The magic of the bardic tradition is actually quite powerful.

>the Slavic pantheon might actually contain the most fitting archetype for this one but thats something i'm still mulling over for now so i'll not invoke a name until i'm sure

Veles is a pretty close match. In addition to being a trickster god, he's also associated with earth, water, magic, music, and lolcattle.


>This has got me thinking whether the inclusion of the Gods in pop culture (God of War, the Thor films, Percy Jackson ect.) is an attempt to undermine their power by essentially consigning them to cheap entertainment, similiar to how Christians 'demoted' them to magical kings and heroes.

I've been suspecting this too, especially with Thor Ragnarok being turned into a comedy.

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>If you remember that effortpost I pasted, the harlequin/ joker is closely associated with Woden tbh

That was a good one lad. If it isn’t too much bother could you pasta it in the grove? I can’t recall the details tbh. We’ll have to look for the hoonkler to evolve other Odinic qualities tbh.


>Regarding Kek, are we talking the 2016 egregore or the Egyptian deity?

The deity, along with Heh and the rest of the ancient Ogdoad from very Indo European Egypt. I’ve trying to keep my devotional pantheon to the Celtic tradition, but the W and the one eyed wolf I saw last month are to on the nose to be ignored tbh.

>Iv kind of always believed tbh

My atheism was an overreaction to Christianity that coincided with public school (((evolution))) indoctrination. Ultimately it was just passive denial, I never read any “atheist philosophy” like Dawkins or engaged in long winded fart sniffing contests tbh.


>Old gods in media

>similiar to how Christians 'demoted' them to magical kings and heroes.

Also this.

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*too on the nose

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File: 184358efd8e75e2⋯.jpeg (217.25 KB,1024x750,512:375,Blake astral.jpeg)

Did we forget FPT again lads? Perhaps we should start having it as a monthly celebration instead as we have missed two in a row now.


>If you remember that effortpost I pasted, the harlequin/ joker is closely associated with Woden tbh

Yep I remember. Might have a scout through the archives to reread that.


>Haven't had much luck with exits lately

Same lad. Im having trouble attaining the vibrational state at present. A few months back it was happening almost daily too. I'm 99% sure these difficulties are connected to the current astrological conditions.

>Oddly, while my best AP timing is from midnight to sunrise.

For me it is usually between 11am - 2pm (odd timeframe I know)

Will have a look into Veles cheers lad.


The deity, along with Heh and the rest of the ancient Ogdoad from very Indo European Egypt

Fair enough lad. Completely different kettle of fish from the egregore then. Apologies for the tl;dr.

>My atheism was an overreaction to Christianity that coincided with public school (((evolution))) indoctrination. Ultimately it was just passive denial, I never read any “atheist philosophy” like Dawkins or engaged in long winded fart sniffing contests tbh.

I think I believed purely from seeing shit as a child and having latent abilities (mild PK & the ability to effect my pulse rate by will alone being two) which I have now sadly lost. Wish I'd told someone who could have nurtured them tbh but I thought no one would believe me and it was also nice having this "special secret" thing I could do. I knew I could do it and that was enough for me - I felt no desire to prove it to anyone else at the time.

The PK stuff never used to scare me but the ghost experiences and the teenage sleep paralysis sure as shit did. My parents would often reassure me as a child that "there were no such things as ghosts." Twas only later in life, once childhood passed that my folks admitted to me that they had ongoing experiences with the supernatural too (that continue to this day.) I believe them too, they are respectable folk, not given to lies or flights of fancy.

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>>13488400 (observed)

Jung was pretty based tbh.

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If indeed he is controlled opposition then it could be a ploy to give him legitimacy, in which case it may be a sign that the puppetmasters are preparing to jettison the existing political parties in order to maintain power.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: e5c414c1fd40847⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,1600x3200,1:2,14449677-9245-479D-94BD-5….jpeg)

I visited three Tibetan gift stores today after work. I was looking for clarification about an esoteric mudra for Beastlad and my training. I didn’t have much luck, though I did find an old used book of photos of ancient Buddha statues. We’ve all seen the comparisons of Cernunnos on the Gundestrup cauldron with the Tibetan Iron Man statue; the 11th century Buddha carved of meteorite. I presumed their legs weren’t crossed in the iconic lotus position, because showing the depth in the respective artistic mediums would be difficult. However, in the book I perused today, about fifty percent of the Buddha and bhodhisattva statues and frescoes had their legs ajar identically. The lesson imo, is /comfy/ meditation is perfectly acceptable.

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File: 86ba1bb201b3208⋯.jpeg (40.32 KB,1031x439,1031:439,BB9EF4BE-6303-4148-8813-8….jpeg)


Have a better compilation and some fresh OC lads.

Polite sage for double post.

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Second one needs a hyphen in there, he means the true definition of super, as in "over". Localizing the quote to the modern day it would be "I'm not a fascist, I'm above fascism" or something similar.

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File: d90b143b5123113⋯.png (2.94 MB,1200x847,1200:847,ClipboardImage.png)


Hello fellow pagans! Praise Odin and Gandalf!

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Well spotted lad, there was something always very Vedic about Cernunnos' pose


>Schizo still can't shitpost


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File: 16b1e39359e5641⋯.jpg (96.27 KB,454x599,454:599,454px-Kappa_jap_myth.jpg)

File: 25b9e2c3c59ee47⋯.jpg (183.47 KB,636x681,212:227,Hokusai_kappa.jpg)

File: 475e791d037d025⋯.jpg (40.43 KB,474x643,474:643,Kappa.jpg)


>. The "honk honk/clownworld" meme is a manifestation of this and is the current "meme of the now", fresh in mind and creativity.


Kappa, from the Japanese + Todd of Bethesda

>A kappa (河童 , river-child), also known as kawatarō (川太郎 , "river-boy"), komahiki (駒引 , horse-puller), kawatora (川虎 , river-tiger) or suiko (水虎 , water-tiger) is an amphibious yōkai demon or imp found in traditional Japanese folklore. They are typically depicted as green, human-like beings with webbed hands and feet and a turtle-like carapace on their backs. A depression on its head, called its "dish" (sara), retains water, and if this is damaged or its liquid is spilled, the kappa is severely weakened.

>The kappa are known to favor cucumbers and love to engage in sumo wrestling. They are often accused of assaulting humans in water and removing a mythical organ called the shirikodama from their victim's anus.

>It was believed that there were a few means of escape if one was confronted with a kappa. Kappa are obsessed with politeness, so if a person makes a deep bow, it will return the gesture.

> A similar weakness of the kappa involves its arms, which can easily be pulled from its body. If an arm is detached, the kappa will perform favors or share knowledge in exchange for its return.

>Another method of defeat involves shogi or sumo wrestling: a kappa sometimes challenges a human being to wrestle or engage in other tests of skill

>Once befriended, kappa may perform any number of tasks for human beings, such as helping farmers irrigate their land. Sometimes, they bring fresh fish, which is regarded as a mark of good fortune for the family that receives it. They are also highly knowledgeable about medicine, and legend states that they taught the art of bone setting to human beings

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>>13495111 (observed)

Lad what?

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The beast is there to protect you avoid staring at it though. i think it was the beast the you heard try to listen to it.Also Try to lift your head higher and look for other things inside the temple see what else you can find.

Just my humble opinion.

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>he means the true definition of super, as in "over".

I know, same as the ubermensch concept. I thought it was funnier this way.

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Evola had some good ideas, but I can't agree with his belief that biological race is "a relic of scientific positivism".

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File: 2a96fec20f69ff1⋯.jpg (38.74 KB,480x360,4:3,kappa BTFO by fart.jpg)

File: 83599aa55859f8c⋯.jpg (58.61 KB,277x400,277:400,todd howard spies a shirik….jpg)

File: ddc8655d7345f73⋯.jpg (41.63 KB,710x407,710:407,japs tbh.jpg)


Nice one lad. Also…

>that Evola OC



Weak attempt tbh. Besides, are you implying there is something wrong with LoTR? Its a fucking parable for the modern age son. Sauronsoros and his globohomo army of orcwogs are the perfect analogy for the current paradigm. Get with the program.

>>13495111 (observed)

Very good & interesting post. Love a bit of jap yokai folklore me. The kappa/Todd Howard is an interesting one too. They seem to be water spirits of some kind, both kindly & malevolent (they were meant to eat children and lure unsuspecting travellers into dangerous waters where the todd howards would drown them & feast upon their flesh.)

They bear certain similarities to water-fae like the kelpie.

The bald spot on pic 1 of your post represents this small dish of water they carry on their heads. Apparently the "getting them to bow" technique tricks them into spilling the water on their head, thus rendering them under your control. Also, apparently you can fart at them to get them to fuck off. Pic very related.

I also posit the "shirikodama" is (or has a connection to) the root chakra.


In fairness, no one is 100% right 100% of the time.

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>Evola had some good ideas, but I can't agree with his belief that biological race is "a relic of scientific positivism".

The principle of "As above, so below" is a good way to resolve the importance of both spiritual and biological race. If one is unhealthy, then the other is also going to be impacted. Also, he does warn against the equating of Aryan and white, which I'm inclined to agree with after seeing how some modern whites look and behave.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh OtO

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For all those that don't know, Mimir's Brunnr has a blog


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh anti-blackpill from Duke

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>On a side note, I have always found it quite amusing that Christians especially seem to look down upon this form of veneration. That a people that believe that their God, a God who by their reckoning created the natural world and who made man as a living image of the divine, would believe that such unashamed veneration of the naked human form to be an act of shame. Surely with such a belief there could be no more sacred sight than the naked image. The phallus is given extra special treatment by other Abrahamic faiths as well. Judaism and Islam take their offence to this most divine creation to a whole new level and deface it via mutilation and then have the audacity to call it a covenant!


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We did miss fpt irl meant I forgot to kick it off monthly isn't a bad idea tbh

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Okeydoke lad. All that remains to be decided then is, shall we have it on the first or last Thursday of each month?

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File: 4183dce289f2352⋯.jpg (191.97 KB,1200x800,3:2,kapparot.jpg)

File: d06483dfcb45d77⋯.png (48.74 KB,673x671,673:671,RARE_PEP_HONK_exe.png)

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File: 9c86fe7ee8b819d⋯.jpg (548.22 KB,1000x1200,5:6,GROYPER_Ogro.jpg)


>"getting them to bow"

Water bow ~ inverted (((yamaka))) ~ un-baptising/desacralized ~ "tippin one' [hat & hand.]"

>also posit the "shirikodama" is (or has a connection to) the root chakra.

Perhaps with Epstein's seizure & all that may portend – (((they))) are obliged to be of service, perform tasks, give (control file) knowledge. They are reminiscent of (((Golem))) from LoTR as well (the O-ring to rule them all [through black mail] so to speak; the Brown Eye of Sauron) – This mythical organ could just as well be the prostate as the pineal gland /areno-nectar for chakra/ritual purposes.

>Todd Howard

There is a phrenological tick in the Mizrahi merchant phenotype's resting shit-eating grin, which is shared with the infamous Bethesda Kappa, – Weinstein & Epstein both have this.

Then there is the kapparot (swinging chicken-sin vessels; 'chicken' in their vile argot…) – as a linguistic calque literally "rotting of (((Kappa[rot]s", "putrefaction/infestation of [caused by] (((Kappa[rot]s.)))"

Perhaps a shadow of the liminal figure that was Kek, a night toadGroypers seem to have that voyeuristic leering quality. Or lit. GRO(y)PErs.

Honkler in this vein assuming the Stephen King It clown archetype, following the same abuses, ~ "We all float in Clown World." Complicity via n[PC]escience of the normie.


>Also, apparently you can fart at them to get them to fuck off

(((Who else))) has an aversion to gas :^)

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File: d2dbb0ea66c4d74⋯.png (106.37 KB,648x284,162:71,male-pattern-baldness.png)

File: c7d18092b7b5659⋯.jpg (154.86 KB,500x823,500:823,Costanza2.jpg)

File: 3a0d802b8f276f4⋯.jpg (550.62 KB,4688x4688,1:1,Costanza1.jpg)


>The bald spot on pic 1 of your post represents this small dish of water they carry on their heads.

Forgot– The balding pattern Babylonian-presenting merchants have (E.T.'s head, or upwards-bent peanut), pic related #1/3 – though the Japanese representations seem to favor the more classic 'friar' pattern like the Costanza meme

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File: 69e6afc8b815f00⋯.png (18.13 KB,175x264,175:264,UBU.png)

File: b446590e86f95ca⋯.jpg (17.65 KB,330x247,330:247,Stańczyk.jpg)

File: 471748b6bd70e33⋯.jpg (303.75 KB,522x800,261:400,Till Eulenspiegel3.jpg)

File: ab89c6f5ce3fe2e⋯.jpg (60.91 KB,400x600,2:3,Till Eulenspiegel2.JPG)

File: 1ae8a82d9be1a19⋯.jpg (86.63 KB,423x640,423:640,Till Eulenspiegel1.jpg)


>link the Honkler (and possibly the "FREN") to a particular deity and begin working from there

>Stańczyk (c. 1480 –1560) was the most famous court jester, in Polish history, employed by three Polish kings: Alexander, Sigismund the Old and Sigismund Augustus.

Note the groyper pose [pic related.]

– Jester/Fool + We Wuz KANGZ [of Pentacles] + Alfred Jarry's UBU ROI cycle

Surrealist progenitor's vicious burlesque shit-posting in the inter war period, notorious for seemingly shot-calling Hitler's rise:

>"the central character is notorious for his infantile engagement with his world, inhabiting a domain of greedy self-gratification". Jarry's metaphor for modern man: he is an antihero—fat, ugly, vulgar, gluttonous, grandiose, dishonest, stupid, jejune, voracious, greedy, cruel, cowardly and evil —who grew out of schoolboy legends about the imaginary life of a hated teacher who had been at one point a slave on a Turkish galley, at another frozen in ice in Norway and at one more the King of Poland. Ubu Roi follows and explores his political, martial and felonious exploits.

Chad/Autistic Screeching

Till Eulenspiegel (owl-mirror / arse wipe; pun in the sense of using the mirror to guide this wise owl [people's & society's conceits] to one's ass.) Some Honkler energy & old fashioned pee-pee poo-poo of classic frog posting.

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Sounds like a slightly ridiculous stretch tbh

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File: b6c29202179559d⋯.png (349.54 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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File: 252fd3d1259b500⋯.png (7.91 KB,343x147,7:3,E7DEF768-9EB3-4742-87EC-E2….png)

File: 908ea3a80551608⋯.jpeg (29.9 KB,220x200,11:10,59707346-86F2-4137-9B4D-B….jpeg)


>Jarry's metaphor for modern man: he is an antihero—fat, ugly, vulgar, gluttonous, grandiose, dishonest, stupid, jejune, voracious, greedy, cruel, cowardly and evil


The memes lad, the memes.


>Sounds like a slightly ridiculous stretch tbh

I agree lad.

As for Honkler being Odinic in nature. Firstly as an accelerationist, Honkler is mentally and spiritually prepared for Ragnarok. His rainbow wig is reminiscent of both a divine halo and the Bifrost Bridge. The frog like the Bifrost is a bridge between two realms, earthen and aquatic, Asgard and Midgard. Honkler alerts his devotees of the signs of Ragnarok by honking his horn. In Norse myth it is Heimdallr not Odin, who guards the Bifrost and honks his Gjallarhorn at the portents of clown world.

>Heimdallr is attested as possessing foreknowledge, keen eyesight and hearing, and keeps watch for invaders and the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling



>Heimdallr is said to be the originator of social classes among humanity and once regained Freyja's treasured possession Brísingamen while doing battle in the shape of a seal with Loki.

Seals are tragically, often used in circuses with clown noses honking horns. Heimdallr and Honkler even alliterate tbh.

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Kek, love it

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File: 3e56e49d635fefd⋯.jpg (309.04 KB,1000x691,1000:691,vt53cfdab2.jpg)

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File: 728e46c83e577a5⋯.jpg (240.22 KB,764x465,764:465,nr53ce92d0.jpg)


There may be correlation with these figures and the Mesopotamian tradition of the sages emerging from the Abzu waters, they may trace back to the Dogu figurines which were similar to Vinca.

There was the Flame pattern ceramic tradition which relates these figures to water jars and flow, the arms of Dogu figures like Vinca often look like detachable spring appendages.

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Interesting that sometimes they have a carapace, the role of the Turtle people as Enki's assistants should not be overlooked, and is a fine symbol of the navigator of the Cosmic oceans, good basis for an art project hopefully leading on to full contact with reptilian mentors and inter-galactic adventures.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh 56%

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Morgoth

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File: f3d21d15a15e8c2⋯.jpg (126.16 KB,532x768,133:192,Celtic_druid.jpg)

Afternoon esteemed Druid Bretheren.


True dat. Tis why we seek to destroy the new age paradigm - the Aeon of Horus (aka the age of the petulant child - which crowley and his cohorts were instrumental in bringing about) must come to an end. We must usher in a new aeonic cycle.


>As for Honkler being Odinic in nature. Firstly as an accelerationist, Honkler is mentally and spiritually prepared for Ragnarok. His rainbow wig is reminiscent of both a divine halo and the Bifrost Bridge. The frog like the Bifrost is a bridge between two realms, earthen and aquatic, Asgard and Midgard. Honkler alerts his devotees of the signs of Ragnarok by honking his horn. In Norse myth it is Heimdallr not Odin, who guards the Bifrost and honks his Gjallarhorn at the portents of clown world.

Very good observation imo. Links that at first sound tenuous can actually be solidified with further extrapolation. Good work.


Been enjoying his videos as of late and I keep seeing him in the chat for stuff like PWR. He's one of us that's for damn sure.


I'n not actually seen the new(ish) Blade Runner. Is it any good lad? Last (new) film I watched (that I actually enjoyed) was Dark Song.

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It's ok, aesthetic visuals is the best I can say about it. Gosling does his usual autist "acting" and Harrison Ford is used in about the same way as Nu-Star Wars uses Skywalker.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh A.S., don't remember much about him.

I think he just shilled some guy making Crowleyian esoterica which is a bit of a warning.

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Lunar eclipse on Tuesday lads, joint ritual?

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File: b168f5791614e30⋯.png (583.13 KB,631x396,631:396,ClipboardImage.png)


Excellent, lad.

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File: 7409de26e99bbda⋯.jpg (416.95 KB,1373x2000,1373:2000,Waterhouse The Magic Cricl….jpg)


That is a nice altar lad. Care to give us a quick rundown of some of the charms and ritual objects you are using. I see a lots of horns/bone, a nice cup/chalice and a funky looking little ceremonial dagger (which no good alter should be without, along with the wand & pentagram.) What's the small central metal case like object? A brazier/incence burner?

A phylactery? You becoming a liche lad? :^)

Also, id suggest adding some spirit pots to your already well endowed alterspace lad, particularly if weather is permitting an outdoor one like in the pic.

Spirit pots come from old Kentish folk magic. You build/construct a small "pot" yourself with a lid that can be used to seal it. Nothing fancy. I use air drying modelling clay and make the opening the size of a wine bottle cork so I can plug it up with one of them. You fill it with various substances depending on the ritual and you periodically open in it catch sunlight & moonlight (along with the other substances), "charge" it on the altar then, on the prescribed date fucking smash it into a bonfire while in ritual trance along with your intent contained within. Then, most importantly, put it out of mind else it wont work. Try and forget about it completely. That is the hardest bit, forgetting what you are wanting to happen. Essentially spirit pots work a lot like sigils but can be more potent if done right so the "cut up" method is quite good for this. That is where you draw, write or even sigilize a load of potential desires and goals etc, cut it all up and put it in a box then take a couple out at random & place them in the spirit pot giving them no more than a cursory glance) and seal it up. Much easier to forget then.

Its a bit weird how you have to literally forget something to get it to work but that's just the way is seems to work.


Tiptop idea. Got anything in mind, personal rites & offerings aside?

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File: 8c5d6ae1c8c5ffa⋯.jpg (54.97 KB,610x350,61:35,Nanga-610x350.jpg)

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File: fbc78ae3a6ce2e7⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,507x338,3:2,spell-witchdoctor.jpg)


You are literally no better than an African.

Christ destroys your enchantments and renders them void.

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fuck kikes and kike lovers

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File: 1c520875c1ae394⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,3264x2448,4:3,DSC_0327.JPG)



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File: c88ce492cc157d1⋯.png (925.23 KB,720x1280,9:16,F8537578-9D2B-41A3-BEC4-71….png)


>Christ destroys your enchantments and renders them void.

Oh no the zombie Jew is gonna destroy stuff. Very scared

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File: 1c3cb988f4b456e⋯.png (434.33 KB,550x413,550:413,ClipboardImage.png)


>Implying this is any different

Fucking lmao, the lack of self awareness Christians show is hilarious

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File: 957fa3f6d3e9ed4⋯.png (208.8 KB,1280x657,1280:657,pew research on percent ch….png)



The niggest parts of sub-saharan africa are OVERWHELMINGLY Christian. Go choke on your own cock, jew worshipper


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Protestantism is the only real christianity kid.

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>no goy put yourself under my slave mentality egregore

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Using (((Pew research))) to substantiate a point about about jew worship.

Oy vey the irony.

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>Got anything in mind,

No lad, ritual development is out of my wheelhouse. Because of the eight hour time difference I’ll likely be performing it with my etheric body in my mind’s eye tbh. Or on the side of the highway during rush hour Kek.


What shall the theme and intent be lad? The invocation of lady justice and Lugh, lord of oaths, upon a traitor perhaps? Jeffry Epstein spills his spaghetti? It’s AyLOLtolla Khamenei’s birthday, we could meme something special for him like a downed stealth zog plane or a botched false flag. There is a lot of seismic activity during eclipses.




Thanks for the vril fags.

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>>Implying this is any different

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jive Talk: Arya Akasha and the Nordic-Vedic alliance

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>Check their site

>See this


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Check the records, Protestants immediately began writing about their Forefather's Paganism right after declaring their new tradition. Yes, beginning with deriding and ridicule but copies of the then newly rediscovered Germania by Tacitus became a facet to all of the Upper Class. Further, Gutenberg well known for printing the "Gutenberg Bible" was also a contributor to the "Saxon Picture Chronicle". Moonman is on page 51.

A similar evolution happened in all Protestant countries.

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Justice sounds right to me any suggestions on what kind of ritual and to who?

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That's not even a valid altar, brah.

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Good post here lads


Why the Idea of “Roman Orgies” Is a Complete Misconception

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Morning fellow Druids.


>No lad, ritual development is out of my wheelhouse.

>What shall the theme and intent be lad?

I'd opine we make our offerings as usual (& share our offering recipes with each other here) If we decide on one mutual substance in particular that we will ALL use as an offering, it should enrich the ritualistic potential. My suggestion is copper as it is easy to get hold of (symbolically bent coins) and is a staple offering in many of our rites anyway.

Request wise, IMO, we should also ask our patron deities for physical & spiritual growth regarding the B.O.N.D lodge and protection for our people & loved ones. The rites don't have to be synchronized either - as long as they are performed on the same day and in the same spirit, timezones don't really matter. Intent is what matters most.

The "epstein case spahetti" idea is a good one though - maybe ask that all the poisons hatch out of the mud with that one.

If we all utter that phrase by incorporating it into our offering rituals ("MAY ALL THE POISONS HATCH OUT OF THE MUD" a quote from "I Claudius btw") it will also add to the rite's potency. That vibrational intent will have have taken place at several geographical spots and will create a multi-national network/grid type working. Could have the potential to be interesting imo.

>Or on the side of the highway during rush hour

Topkek, that would probably turn a few heads, especially if you were robed up maybe cause a pile-up jej

I can see the headlines now….. "Right Wing Druid Ritual Causes Large Pile-up on Interstate Highway! More news at 10"



So much this.

>>13501344 (observed)

I say epstein and cohorts. It has got to be someone who really deserves it. Don't wish him cursed or physical harm upon him or anything like that though (he's done that to himself already karmically & I personally wish to avoid LHP work much as possible) just will/wish for him to "spill the beans" to the fullest extent possible. We want the contents of that little black book out in the public domain.


Ta lad, will give it a peruse in a bit.

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Sounds good las, was thinking of making an offering to Thunor soon (even got the ale ready) but I can certainly manage one tomorrow, can look into which deity to appeal to

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fucking hell this made me laugh lads & I dont really know why. But fuck me did it raise a chuckle.

Any justice in the world and we would have had dangerfield instead of russel fucking brand as the successful one. They both sound like each other. Difference is one is actually funny.

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How portentous lad, this eclipse is known as the Half Blood Thunder Moon. It will also be in Capricorn, the goat which is Thunor’s mount. It’s going to look like the crescent sometimes depicted on top of Shiva’s head.


>The rites don't have to be synchronized either

I’d still like to synchronize with you GMT lads as it won’t be visible in burgerland. Everything else sounds good lad.

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>I’d still like to synchronize with you GMT lads as it won’t be visible in burgerland.

Fair do's lad, probably a good idea tbh. The GMT times are thus…

<Begins: Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 21:06

<Maximum: Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 22:30 0.65 Magnitude

<Ends: Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 01:17

<Duration: 4 hours, 11 minutes

So looks like the optimal time for offerings is 10:30pm GMT. If any lads who want to be involved with the ritual gather round 10pm then we can probably synchronize up nicely and all be performing the rite at the same time globally.

I'll type up some instructions for a devised ritual in a bit (for any lurkers who might want to join in) Just have to make dinner for the kids and stuff. Any input for said ritual would be most welcome (we want this to be a joint effort after all.)

I'm thinking a short easy to follow ritualistic libation and incantation followed by personal rites is what i'm thinking. Nothing complicated - something that can be done in a couple of minutes.


Thunor sounds good lad. We can appeal to as many of our pantheon as we like so some help brainstorming what would be the best "all star deity line up" for tomorrow's rites would be good.

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>so lurkers can join in

Thank you!

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The more the merrier lad.

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Well >>13502440 seems to settle it in my mind, Thunor (or Taranis) it is

>Any input for said ritual would be most welcome

Cheers lad, just as long as it follows the accepted ritual layout (Hailing the deity with name and kennings, stating the purpose of the offering, then giving the offering) the I'm fine

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>part 1

>Wews squeezed warily out his sweaty, stinking tent. With his trademark unwashed purple t-shirt, clinging stickily to his flabby frame, he waddled reluctantly into the light. It had been a warm night, and he hadn't been able to sleep one wink. It didn't help that the sun was already blazing by the time he normally went to bed, at 5am, and it was only a short hour later that Mark Collett had sprung awake, jumping out of his own tent to start doing loud rounds of press-ups , squat-thrusts and star jumps, to get himself warmed up for the day.

>"Ah there you are Woesy!" shouted Collett, upon seeing Wews grimacing forward into the blazing English summer morning. Collett ran eagerly forward, bouncing effortlessly across the camping area, beaming from ear to ear. He slapped Wews hard on the shoulder, causing a ripple of fat to race around Wew's haggard frame.

>"You ready for the 10 mile hike today? Believe me, it's going to be great!" Mark grinned happily, oblivious to Wew's suffering.

>"Y-yeah" stammered Wews, through yellow, gritted teeth, "I've been working out and dieting all year, just like you told me to, and I've completely given up smoking, Coca-Cola an pizza," he lied.

>"That's GREAT," Collett shouted, "No crying off this time!" he said even louder with a raucous laugh, so the rest of the camp could hear. A few of the other campers, mostly teenage lads, laughed shyly along with Mark, while the two female attendees smiled with patronising sympathy.

>"You're going to do the whole thing this time, we believe in you!" one of them said, encouragingly.

>This hike was known by to be Wew's chance to redeem himself from his dismal performance the previous year, when he'd burst in to tears less than half way through the walk because his feet hurt. The sexy adventurer and journalist Lucy Brown had laughed at him for this, a memory which still stung, especially since she had refused his romantic advances shortly before. Wews had resolved he would impress her this time, and complete the whole hike, but when he found she wasn't going to come, he gave up, and went back to his former lifestyle of pizza, smoking, and coca-cola. He hadn't told Mark Collett this though, he'd lied to him all year pretending he had embarked on a much anticipated "lifestyel change" and was now a whole new man.

>Mark Collett spontaneously burst into another round of press ups and star jumps, shouting numbers loudly as he completed each set, while the rest of the campers watched on. Wews stood next to him, as Collett bounced energetically up and down, swaying in the heat, his whole body aching and his head humming.

>"Just a few more warm up sets and we're ready for off!" beamed Collett, jumping upright again smiling, not even having broken a sweat. "This is going to be so easy and so much fun, believe me!" He slapped Wews again, almost knocking him over, then spun around and marched off to round up the rest of the campers.

>"Get ready everybody, Woesy is finally up, we're going to head off!"

>It wasn't long before the team was assembled; around eight teenage lads, two ladies, the ever dynamic Mark Collett, and Wews himself, a stinking fat dishevelled mess.

>"Right then! Off we go!" belted Mark, striding boldly forward up the first hill, the rest of the group following behind trying to match his pace, quickly leaving Wews shuffling behind, who was the slowest of them all. As everyone moved further and further ahead of him, he began to pant and sweat. Waddling more and more heavily, each step seemed to be getting harder and harder. As Mark's loud enthusiastic voice was disappearing off in to the distance, becoming a muffle, Wew's vision was starting to blur, with sweat flooding off his brow, and he was beginning to feel dizzy.

>"Is it much fucking further?" he tried to ask angrily, but all that came out was a odd sounding wheeze that nobody even noticed. Wews had never felt this bad in his entire life. It was too much. This had all been another bad idea, another terrible mistake.

>Suddenly Wews tripped unexpectedly, sending his rotund purple mass heaving towards the soft grassy hill.

(cont in part 2)

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>part 2

>"Help me, oh noooo!" Wews wheezed, loud enough this time for the group to turn around in alarm. There was a noisy splat as he hit the ground, sweat flying in all directions along with a can of coke he had hidden in his greasy armpit.

>Wews struggled to get up, but he was sweating so much that his hands, arms and legs kept slipping on the grass. Slowly at first, but then with gathering speed, he began to roll down the hill.

>"Oh noooo, this is sooo humiliating" he gasped, as his fat purple lump of a body rolled faster and faster down, picking up speed. A pack of sweaty cigarettes flew out from his other arm pit, followed by a slice of mouldy pizza he had hidden in his trousers.

>"Ahhhhhhh!" he now wailed, completely out of control and quite scared, a purple spinning blur disappearing out of sight to the rest of the group, who watched on in shocked astonishment.

>"He-el-el-elp me-ee-ee-ee Mar-ar-ar-ark!" he screamed, in a desperate panic, whizzing wildly out of control.

>Mark sprang in to action, racing down the hill to help his fellow White Nationalist friend an ally. Ever the brilliant strategic political thinker, Mark realised that helping Wews in his moment of need would be a superb way to cement their e-celeb alliance and unite the right against the evil of ZOG, saving the world from the menace of the Jews once and for all.

>"I'm coming Woesy" Mark shouted bravely, sprinting towards the gyrating purple jumble.

>Wews was now in a total panic, all sense of himself lost, blubbering uncontrollably. Gone was the ardent philosopher and neo-reactionary thinker, who had dazzled the internet with insight and wit; all that remained was confusion, loss, and fear. Spontaneously, his bowel and bladder emptied, turning him into a human Catherine wheel of sweat, shit and piss - smelly bodily waste flying out in all directions.

>"Oh-hh-hh-hh No-oo-oo-oo!" he wailed, bursting in to tears too.

>Wews banged painfully into a dry stone wall at the bottom of the hill, after what seemed like an eternity of rolling, coming to rest in a ditch filled with stinging nettles. He lay there, sobbing and spluttering.

>Shortly afterwards Mark Collett arrived, the smile finally gone from his face. His whole body was covered and streaked with Wew's shit and piss.

>"What the fuck was THAT?" shouted Mark, with angry disbelief.

>Wews threw up directly into Mark's face, projectile vomiting a stinking mixture of stomach acid, cola, and last night's mushy stale pizza. Mark was so stunned he couldn't even move. The two remained there looking at each other, in awkward silence.

>Finally Wews began to recompose himself. He suddenly realised he needed to save face, and fast.

>"Well, at least I got further than last time. Quite an improvement I'd say. Rome wasn't built in a day, after all!" he said meekly, trying to smile and force a laugh.

>"What the fuck are you talking about? " shouted the incredulous Mark, "We only just started, haven't even walked for five minutes!"

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Wow. You put a lot of energy into this. Shame it was a wasted effort.

No one is going to read your wall of commie whining, and empty mockery bitch.

The Left still can't meme.

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>The Left still can't meme.

wtf lad? Wew's Woes stories are a staple of these threads smh

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File: 84db74aeb1d03e2⋯.png (497.45 KB,1170x1255,234:251,Wews Owoe what's this.png)



Excellent OC lad, always hilarious to rag on Wews. Only newfags can't appreciate a good woepost.

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>Newfag doesn't get Woesposting

Lurk more

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File: d538517a75a1e97⋯.jpg (47.15 KB,464x454,232:227,yakekza.jpg)




Excellent job lad. Im in stitches here. We keep these up we can literally write a whole book.


Spotted the newfag. Wews gets ripped on because he is a bit of a has been who rarely brings anything new to the table and acts like a fucking prima donna. He won't take criticism on board and cannot handle the banter. He is terrified of image boards too.

Props where props are due - he was one of the first dissident right "bedroom vloggers", but much like the bedroom coders of the early 1980's he has had his day and refuses to move on with the times. His ego (and waistline) have become bloated, his content has dried up to next to nothing, and he has failed to deliver on multiple promises.

End of the day he is a hasbeen now. He is veering into cringe/lolcow territory.


So much this. He is druid/pol/'s bitch.


>Thunor (or Taranis) it is

Twas my impulse too tbh lad but I wanted to see if a consensus formed before suggesting it myself.

I'll have the rites up either later tonight or tommorow day. Will do my utmost to stick to the principles you lay out. Should you wish to ammend the prescribed rites in any way or see issue with them, let me know and we can change them up to suit the purpose better as im not infallible

This is the first proper synchronised ritual the B.O.N.D has attempted so we are charting new territory here lads.

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OK lads, prescribed rites for tomorrow's eclipse ritual. Might take a few posts so bear with me.

An old incantation was taught to me by my (druid) grandfather (Taid) which I believe to be a good opening for the ceremony. We are invoking Taranis so we make direct mention to him in the preliminary. This came from a inducted Welsh Druid from my maternal family so I personally will be using Welsh to utter the incantation but I will provide a suitable English translation along side.

Have your offerings ready. Mine consist of sage, ale, bent copper, rock salt and oil of cloves & moonblood. If you can obtain "moonblood" it would also make an excellent offering on this night but I understand that is not for everyone nor is it in everyones remit to obtain. Its also pretty fucking disgustingly minging tbh but magick sometimes requires one to step outside their comfort zone

If you wish, perform any warding rituals you usually use before major workings. The opening ritual of the pentagram & the bornless rite are good preppers for this but I leave it up to the individual. Remember to enunciate the words clearly. Don't rush.

Preliminary Ritual Opening (Welsh)

Nawr ar yr awr dyngedfennol hon,

Rhoddaf y ffurfafen yn ei grym,

A'r haul gyda'i disgleirdeb,

A'r eira a'i gwynder,

A'r tân gyda'r holl nerth sydd ganddo,

Ac mae Taranis yn melltio â'i ddigofaint cyflym,

A'r gwynt gyda'i gyflymder ar hyd ei lwybr,

A'r môr gyda'i ddyfnder,

A'r creigiau gyda'u serthni,

A'r Ddaear gyda'i harwyddrwydd

Mae'r rhain i gyd yn eu lle

Gan help a gras hollalluog y Duwiau

Rhwng fy hun a phwerau tywyllwch.

English Translation:

Here upon this fateful hour,

I place the firmament within its power,

And the sun with its brightness,

And the snow in whiteness,

And the fire with all the strength it hath,

And the Taranis' lightning with its rapid wrath,

And the wind with its swiftness along its path,

And the sea with its deepness,

And the rocks with their steepness,

And the Earth with its starkness

All these I place

By the Gods’ almighty help and grace

Between myself and the powers of darkness.


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Main invocation to Taranis

Observe the cardinal directions and nod.bow to each. Then face NORTH and recite:

<Under the moon of blood & thunder!

<Oh Mighty Taranis we ask;

<To strike the world of fools asunder

<And aid us in our task

<These offerings that we behold

<Are here for you to hath

<And we ask our plan unfold

<As you guide us on our path.

(raise one's voice to almost a shout)


(Then cast your offerings into either a fire, a body of water, drop them from a significant height or bury them in the earth - fire is most effective but any will suffice as each method is representive of each elemental force)

With the offerings made, recite:




<LET ALL THE POISONS IN THE MUD <HATCH OUT This is our epstein reference but it is VITAL you do not mention him by name. VITAL. The last line will more than suffice




(Step back and gaze at the moon if visible - if not, gaze northwards and recite…)


(Again bow/nod to the 4 cardinal points and if you wish, perform the LBRP)

The ritual is now complete and you may retire back to your duties. It may be helpful to meditate on the moon and the ritual itself for 20min or so afterwards. Then try to put the experience out of mind and let the magick go to work.


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Some more pointers for the Rite:

If you have robes, wear them along with charms and other regalia.

If you possess a consecrated dagger, brandish this and use it to point to the four directions when directed

Try to perform this rite in isolation, away from prying eyes. If you have a magickal partner, get them to do the invocation with you but try to keep your voices in unison

You may feel a bit silly but take the rite seriously regardless.

Enunciate the words clearly and slowly - better a monotone but clear monologue than a mumble.


Should tameless familiars come to observe, silently welcome them with your inner voice.

Try to get into a state of gnosis before you perform the ritual

If possible eat no meat from tommorow morning until the ritual is done

If possible abstain from any sexual activity until the ritual is complete tomorrow

If possible abstain from alcohol & drugs until the ritual is complete

Pour all your Will, belief and intent into the rite.

(Hardest part) Try to forget the rite as much as possible afterwards. Cast it out of mind. The "spell" is now in the ether doing its work. Your part is over.

Feel free to reward yourself after the ritual is complete - a job well done deserves reward.

That is pretty much it lads. Ill post the Welsh translation for the main offering invocation after this. If there is any amendments or issues you wish to make, please let me know asap and we can tailor the ritual to suit us all. As I said before I am not infallible.

Good luck lads.

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File: b9260cafc40c71b⋯.jpg (40.52 KB,309x435,103:145,dru1.jpg)

Welsh translation of main offering invocation

(Just incase you lads want to do it in the Welsh tongue like me)

<O dan y lleuad o waed a Taranis!

<Oh Taranis rydym yn gofyn;

<I daro byd ffyliaid o dan

<A'n cynorthwyo ni yn ein tasg

<Yr offrymau hyn yr ydym yn eu gweld

<A oes yma i ti gael

<A gofynnwn i'n cynllun ddatblygu

<Wrth i chi ein tywys ar ein llwybr.

(Step back and gaze at the moon if visible - if not, gaze northwards and recite…)



(Make offerings as precribed >>13503517 )




(Step back and gaze at the moon if visible - if not, gaze northwards and recite…)


(Again bow/nod to the 4 cardinal points and if you wish, perform the LBRP)

Rite is concluded.

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>This is our epstein reference

because he’s a reptilian:^)



This look most excellent lad. Reading “rev’d” up my Vajra(em biofield+Blood Memory) pretty good tbh. I’ve taken the liberty of passing it along and inviting the e-celeb leaf Druid to participate.

>Your opus on Lugh was most excellent lad. I’ve posited previously that the name Lucifer was popularized to demonize Lugh when our homelands were being converted. He is also likely the origin of the word luggage, being a guide to travelers. These are just my hypothesis.

>Herbalism is quite easy, you just need a local foraging book, some jars, and vodka. A very small percentage of mushrooms and herbs are lethal, most false identifications will just result in gi distress. I too am lacking in astrological skill, but have been working on it. There are some good star gazing and lunar calendar apps out there. I recently discovered from a friend and through direct observation that the dates of Roman Zodiac most people use is off by a month because of the Procession of the Equinox. Most sources say Cancer is the house for June 22-July 21, but the sun rises in Gemini now.

>On the subject of astrology, my lodge is performing a cooperative intercontinental, bihemispheral ritual for the Half Blood Thunder Moon(partial eclipse) tomorrow at 2230GMT. Being a Thunder Moon in the house of Capricorn(goat) we will be invoking and venerating Lord Taranis. Aside from good tidings for our kith and kin, we’ll be asking for justice to be levied upon Jeffry Epstein and that he will open Pandora’s Box of blackmail against our perfidious pedo politicians. We would be honored if you participated to be honest. The rite was devised by the dutiful grandson of a Welsh Green-robe, some of which was directly taught. Bear with me as the copy paste in the following message may not turn out formatted well.

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File: 9adbb7c084b3df3⋯.png (212.22 KB,603x690,201:230,feelsdruid.png)


Glad it looks ok to you lad. I didn't want to over complicate things but wanted to add a bit of panache at the same time (all good ritual magick involved a bit of pagentry

> I’ve taken the liberty of passing it along and inviting the e-celeb leaf Druid to participate.

Nice one lad, good thinking. The more the merrier I say. Spot on letter too, very well worded.

I'm actually looking forward to this evening. I'v just been out and bought some new incense ("dryad's wood" its called kek - seemed fitting) and i'v harvested some lavender sprigs from the garden too which i'm now drying in the sun and will be adding to the offering tonight. Lavender is apparently good for deeper understanding of dream interpretation so I figure it prudent to include it along with the other offerings.

Got my robes

Got my wand

Got my chalice

Got my Black Sun of the Green Ray (cast in bronze)

Got my ritual consecrated dagger

Got my Druidbro's…..

Got my higher self in check……..

Ready to go tonight!

Gonna be ebin lad. Simply ebin. The first synchronized B.O.N.D evocation to Taranis/Thunor.

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Looking good lad, just got to memorise all that (my rites are much more to the point kek). One I should raise are that there are no kennings, they can be a simple as friend of man, striker ect.

Otherwise top fucking notch

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Thank you lad. I'v got it written down and i'm reading though it to try and memorize it but ill take the notes with me too I can speak a bit of Welsh but i'm not fluent so I figure it prudent to have it there with me, written down & held in my left hand.

Also it doesn't have to be word perfect - the intent is more important than the minutiae. All druidlads, feel free to tailor or change parts to suit your own "vibe" should you wish.


Yes of course, I have been a bit lax there, sorry lad. I went for a rhyming rite to add a bit of bardic panache but it does seem that I have neglected the kennings somewhat. Do you have any suggestions as to amendments? Can we stick a couple of kennings in there?

If you think of anything we can add/amend, kenning-wise, let me know and ill weave it into the rite's wording asap.

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A quick reminder lads 2230GMT is 2330BST

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Good lad. Burger and Eurofriends (and also our Antipodean m88 if he wishes to participate) need to make adjustments in regards to their respective timezones.

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Not outside the ones I've already mentioned, but here are some others for Thunor for inspiration

Son of Odin Father of Magni, Modi, and Thrudr

Husband of Sif Defender of Asgard

Warder of Earth Slayer of giants

Foe of the Midgard Serpent Earth's son

Ullr's kinsman Skull spliter of Hrungnir

Redbeard Thunderer

Destroyer of trolls Lord of goats

Earth girdler Goat driver

Helper of men Whetstone skulled

Mjollnir's wielder Giant's bane

Wyrm bane

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>(and also our Antipodean m88 if he wishes to participate)

Got an errand to run right at the peak, but hopefully I'll be able to catch the tail end of the eclipse. The good news is that I'm freshly abluted and I've figured out a way to set up the ritual space.

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OK lad nice one

Quick query here - Do they fully replace Thunor/Taranis' name as a kind of word bypass or do you add them after as a kind of caveat?

I was under the impression that keenings were used as a replacement but I'll concede I'm not entirely sure.

Do we call Taranis out by name and add the keening afterwards or do we replace his name WITH the keening?

It has always been my understanding that there is power in a name, especially regarding invocation, but reading up on keenings in Celtic verse, it seems to suggest their usage as a kind of poetic replacement/bypass. So, Invocation wise do we replace the name with keenings or add them after the name is spoken?



… or…


Which do you think more appropriate lad?


Good stuff lad. Glad you may be joining us and your ritual space is prepared. This ritual is truly on an intercontinental scale now.

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>>13505244 (observed)

Definitely the first one


Looking forward to it lad

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Thanks lad.

About to hike up a nearby mountain and perform the ritual a ways off the path. Afraid I can't do it in synchronization later so this afternoon will have to do.

Here's to that slimy rapist getting what's coming to him

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Or even better:



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Glory to the Druids! I recently prayed to the spirit of an old and strong Cedar in the woodlands near my home, and a large amount of flies and mosquitoes came and landed on me, at first I was worried about dark spirits, but the insects peaceably stayed and did not bite, and I held steadfast, not twitching and letting them stay until it was the proper time for me to leave. Later that day, as I was driving, I looked down at my pants and saw lines of dirt worn into my legs from where I was sitting, in the shape of 4 runes. Blessed is the land and the people, that the runes are returning to us!

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Kek good for you I guess lad

> prayed to the spirit of an old and strong Cedar in the woodlands near my home

And how did you do that lad? I've heard of prayers to gods and land wights alongside other nature spirits but not trees

reckon this is a shitpost lads

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Thanks for the clarification lad. We do the same here, but the names of the zones stay the same.

>>13505244 (observed)

>>13505311 (observed)

Portentous as fuck lads. On my way to work I observed two ravens devouring a rabbit in the isolated country road. Ravens are much less common than crows here tbh, and many ancient cultures saw the “man in the moon” as a hare or rabbit. Wotanaz seems to approve of and anticipates our great work.


Noice! The sun never sets on the B.O.N.D


>Afraid I can't do it in synchronization later so this afternoon will have to do.

No worries lad. Time is not linear nor is intent Cartesian.

Pic related is the rune mudra for those without wands, daggers and so on. The left hand should be placed centered below the diaphragm as in pic 2.

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File: da12ab8f215ddc3⋯.jpg (73.62 KB,640x360,16:9,circle.jpg)

Be ready for 10:30pm GMT lads


We have instead encapsulated him as the archetype (poison, mud, reptilian egg etc) which will suffice. Never directly name a target of magickal intervention but work on symbolism and archetypes to represent them instead. You may want to add a keening for him if you wish ie:

>"Bane of Children, Heart of Corruption, blackmail smirk etc etc"

>>13505311 (observed)

Thanks for the clarification lad. I suggest we use the ritual as a template then and the lads can add the keenings of their choice to their own invocations as you highlighted here >>13505345 shakes things up a bit while keeping the overall uniformity.


Best of luck lad - you are opening the ritual for us all then. Fitting it begins on a mountain. I wish you all the best in your endeavor.


Kek, at least it was an effort shitpost. Makes a refreshing change from the usual schizo spam


Excellent advice lad that is some really good infomation there. Great diagrams/infographics too.

Just goes to show anyone can participate - trappings and the pagentry of regalia are not strictly necessary.

>Time is not linear nor is intent Cartesian.

Preach it druidbro

>Noice! The sun never sets on the B.O.N.D

Bringin' back the empire and sheeeeeeit :^)

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trees are prayed to in silence, by sitting in the bowl of the roots and weaving your spirit together with the tree. Its how I first came to find the path of blood knowledge. In my region our kin are relatively recent (puget sound) but we have now been there long enough to root our blood in the land, and bond is being made like the bond the celts made with the british isles.

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Fair do's lad, that actually makes a lot of sense.

>but we have now been there long enough to root our blood in the land, and bond is being made like the bond the celts made with the british isles.

Yes this is true, the bonds are forming. Your people (our poeple) founded and built that land that you love and your souls will rest upon it as it will likewise, rest within your souls. Blood & Soil.

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>In my region our kin are relatively recent (puget sound) but we have now been there long enough to root our blood in the land, and bond is being made like the bond the celts made with the british isles.

Welcome lad, I’ve settled in the bosom of Mount Saint Helens. Beastlad is somewhere in the high desert. Ask me anything or lurk the archives lad.

t. Yanklad


Our leaf friend says

>Great work, thanks for sharing that. Great to include the Welsh as well. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

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the broken mountain is known to me, yanklad, i'm in a river valley some distance north. Good to meet you

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Smashing. Thank you for relaying that to him. I glad he appreciated it.

<Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich holl waith gwych Noddfa Celtaidd!

Thank you for all your great work Celtic Sanctuary

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Very nice lad, at what stage of the ritual should this be done?


Well good to hear that lad, best of luck to you

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Setting out to the woods now lads with a bag in tow that contains the ritualistic paraphernalia. About a 10-15 min walk to Appley and I have a secluded grove spot there to observe the eclipse and perform the invocation. Ill keep an eye on the thread via phone but my IP might jump if I post. I should return around midnight to 00:30am so will let you know how I get one.

I have persuaded a likeminded acquaintance to accompany me and participate in the rite too. I'm going to say the lines in Welsh, he will follow in English.

We wish you the best of luck lads and i'll report back in once I get home.

Canmoliaeth i'r Derwyddon!




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>>13505988 (Heil’d)

As much as you are able I suppose lad, as though one is orating. At the least for the



And I’ll likely hold it for any post rite meditation tbh.


Cheers lad.


>I have persuaded a likeminded acquaintance to accompany me and participate in the rite too.

Excellent lad. I’ll see you in the aetheric.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Morgoth for afters, good luck with your rituals.

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Astrological tip, Jupiter is currently due South in Ophiuchus close to Antares.

>I will tell of Tessub, the great lord of Kummi. I will praise the young woman Allani at the Bolts of the Netherworld. In addition to them I will speak of the young woman Ishara, a skilled goddess, famous for her wisdom.

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Just got back from my rite, hope everyone else's went well


You should have joined us lad smh

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Mine went well indeed lad. Peaceful mountain top grove made for a good space

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And it seems I forgot to check your portent, sorry lad

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>>13506200 (observed)


Back lads - went well with clear skies. The woods were quiet, not a soul about and we managed to get a small fire going in a clearing a few hundred meters away from the beach (could hear the waves breaking)

Ritual went smoothly and bats were visible flitting through the night. At the rite's culmination, a flock of birds that must have been roosting in the nearby trees took flight in a flock, making a great rustling sound. We took it as a portent of the ritual being successfully completed.

We tarried a while in the grove and consumed ale (the rest that was left over from the offering) then made our way back.

Great night over all lads, well done.

What we need to do tomorrow is do a rough world map of all those who performed the ritual in some way and line each up - see what kind of pattern we get. Could be interesting.

Feel great, like the air is crackling and im on a high, despite a bit of a walk.


Cheers lad


Nice one lad that is a nice thing to come back to tbh.

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>>13506200 (observed)



>a flock of birds that must have been roosting in the nearby trees took flight

Augary is dank af tbh lad.

Thanks and well done to all the lads and lurkers for a joyous day. It was magical in the mundane metaphoric sense and the literal. I performed my rite in a new strange place, aside the freeway on the banks of the Tualatin River. The name is from the supposed indigenous people, but may I hope have been adopted from older Indo-Europeans venerating the Tuatha de Dannen. I chose water offerings to be symbolic of my gifts passing through the underworld to the eastern hemisphere where the eclipse was. I was watched curiously by a small rainbow trout for the entire precedings(pic 1). I offered seeds and red currents from my garden, a copper torc style bracelet, sandalwood, and libations. Upon casting the edibles into the water, a much larger trout jumped to my left(west). Upon conclusion an osprey, a somewhat rare aquatic bird of prey flew under the overpass from west to east, crossed my gaze and perched on the opposite bank(pic 2). Now storm clouds are easing their way inland. I wish I could’ve stayed longer, but I don’t want my car to be molested by cops or thieves tbh.

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Amazing portents of successful ritual. My own rite was graced by many birds and a quiet hum of cicadas. They sprang into blaring song when I began my actual offering. Seems like a successful trans-continental ritual. I agree that we should try and plot them out at some point

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Reminder that fat people are submen, they don't look like themselves.

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Very nice lad. I ended up leaving my phone at home to charge (and not to be interrupted) so I dont have any pictures but we headed down to Appley tower (a LOCAL landmark) behind which lies a park and then some pretty thick woods that go back a good few dozen acres (as you can see on the pics.) We took the path up from the tower and slipped into an elevated clearing in the woods (that a camper had shown me years back.) It allowed a view of the sea and the sky. Was the perfect spot. Ritual went off without a hitch and my friend did an admirable job of enunciating the words I gave him after my Welsh incantation. It felt almost poignant. Im glad I asked him along tbh.

Three trees in that clearing/grove have B.O.N.D carved into them now too, marking it as our territory

Sounds like the tameless familiars signified portents to you too lad. Synchronicities there and a measure of our success. We must do this more often. I feel there is potential here.


Good stuff lad - more birds. A recurring motif now. This have been a portentous evening indeed and I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved.

Treat yourselves now lads - you have all earned it. Im having a beer and a bit of me time before bed, having bid farewell to my ritual companion.

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>aeonic cycle

Hence why the establishment tried to faggify the "age of Aquarius" concept wirth faggy hippy music. Hippies were used like scarecrows through the 60s & 70s - a creation of the establishment to enforce agreement "or else you're a hippy".

Aquarius the man is surely happening now, the age of "I know" is growing fast.

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>>13507011 (observed)

>Aquarius the man is surely happening now, the age of "I know" is growing fast.

Well put lad, the water bearer will douse the lies and cleanse the earth.


>We must do this more often. I feel there is potential here.

Surely lad, I feel the same. I had an idea driving home just now. We ask the CS to write our invocation for Lughnasasd with your Taid’s intro, the leaf being the foremost expert on the deity. Then on the day, the lodge, he in livestream, and his Subs perform it.

>Appley tower (a LOCAL landmark)

Careful with those dox lad. In a semi related note, I’ve learned that a major branch from my maternal line set sail for the new world from Poole.


>Seems like a successful trans-continental ritual. I agree that we should try and plot them out at some point


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I was quite skeptical of what seemed like a lot of esoteric injections into pagan ceremony, and besides too busy being in massive pain from gout to think about much let alone move. Glad it all worked out though.

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>>13506200 (observed)


Managed to get it done as the eclipse was ending. The incantation flowed pretty well, but the honey was a bit too viscous. Will have to remember to buy a more liquid-y type or pre-heat it for future libations.

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Well I had to read it out (didn't have enough time to memorise it) and burnt the paper after I had finished


Intrigued about the other guy lad, is he by chance a new member?


>a lot of esoteric injections into pagan ceremony,

What would that be lad, we made an offering to a deity and asked for his help, the prose would have actually enhanced it, poetry was often used as an offering to the gods

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>prose was often used as an offering to gods

Does burning a poem have some significance? Not really a pagan but I've done this before and didn't really understand why, but knew it felt so right. Maybe toss an anon a link to go further into the rabbit hole? btw nice thread guys, I have enjoyed reading through it.

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Yes lad, burning was the method of actually offering it to the gods, the main source of it is in the saga of Erik the red, whereby one man, Thorhall, makes an offering to Thor of some poetry he has made, and soon after, a whale is beached. When Thorhall claims that it was due to his offering, the rest of the explorers, who are good Christians, refuse to eat any more.

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>Erik the red

Thanks for the story, should be a nice read for me tonight. I think tomorrow I might just write one specifically as an offering, see what happens.


if any other anons are interested.

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Good lad

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How Cuchulainn Got His Name (Celtic Mythology Explained)

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wand, chalice, abstract icon, consecrated dagger, demonic protection rite thingies with the cardinal points and brandishing, arguably the "don't mention him by name" and vague ness things since we know nobody had a problem with cursing their enemies by name on clay tablets back in the day etc, "warding rites of pentagram and bornless rite", menstrual blood sacrifice (I am still really really skeptical and worried about blood sacrifice in general, we know animals were sacrificed but I don't actually know about human sacrifice and the spilling of blood beyond community purges like the bog gays which might not even have been religious in nature).

I guess it's mostly 40k's personal embellishments but it really doesn't sit right with me to combine esoterica and pagan ceremony, like treating the gods in the same way you would treat a general thoughtform or playing at summoning spirits or whatever.

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Ah, so you just had a problem with 40k's way of doing it, for what it's worth me (and probably others) did it the normal way, other than the gout it's hardly an excuse tbh. A core tenant of being a pagan is actually participating in rites after all.


That's all really up for 40k lad to explain tbh

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh ancient history

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File: ed70357dc53c957⋯.png (764.11 KB,1023x607,1023:607,Capture.PNG)

Seems StJ was performing a ritual last night as well


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The sea! The sea!


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Nice lad

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Afternoon lads hope you're well


>new member

He's more of an irl pal who has a (dabbling) interest in these matters. Good lad tbh, he's helped me out a few times before and he's on a similar wavelength to me. He's not image board savvy though so he's not really a B.O.N.D member. More of an affiliate. He did us proud though last night though. Read his words perfectly without pause or stumble.


I just go off what iv been "bought up on" tbh lad. I always preface that my stance is that of NEO Druidry and I make no bones about utilising certain, more modern aspects of esoterica into my practice and workings. Its kind of ingrained into me. If its not your thing that's fine. Each walks their own path here. I did state the ritual was a template and lads were totally free to change it up should they wish to. It was a guideline. I'm sure every lad who participated added their own unique bit of flavour to it.

>not saying the name

I know the old ways had supposed methods of doing it with names etc but those ways remain unknown to me at this time so I felt it prudent to make use of a method that I do know of: the changing of a name to an archetype. You could perhaps argue it is similar to a kenning in some respects. It's also a good way to avoid potential karmic backlash should something go awry.


Twas only moonblood lad yeah it's gross I know but no one was hurt You know what moonblood is right? It's use in all manner or rites is about as folkish as you can get. Iv read so many folkish systems that utilise it (from Kentish cunning tradition to the obscure folk magics of rural sicily,) its been a staple, of folkish rites for time immemorial. Its power is in what it represents and its strong connection to the moon. That is why I chose to include it in my personal rite but I also expressed that I knew it was not for everyone.

Sorry to hear about the gout lad. Hope the symptoms alleviate soon.


>CS doing the Lughnasast invocation and incorporating Taid's preliminary

Sounds marvelous if you can make it happen lad. A wonderful idea, thankyou.

I'd genuinely feel honoured if could get him to do as you suggest.


Looks like a /comfy/ vid lad nice one


Seems we weren't the only ones then

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Good day to you all,

Can someone here give me some information about pic related.

Its on a holiday of the tribe and I heared something will happen. Is this constaltion special ? If so why ?


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh WotW

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>>13507688 (Heil’d)

Well done lad. We had a heap of dubs yesterday tbh.


Great minds think alike lad.


>we know nobody had a problem with cursing their enemies by name on clay tablets back in the day etc,

This is true, also curses were commonly inscribed on lead tables an cast into waterways to the underworld. However, these may have been performed by mundane folk and not Druids. Not mentioning the object of the curse may be a way of avoiding giving it power. On the other hand, there is an account by Romans conducting an amphibious assault who witnessed Druids in the beach with arms raised shouting curses.

>we know animals were sacrificed but I don't actually know about human sacrifice and the spilling of blood beyond community purges like the bog gays which might not even have been religious in nature).

Human sacrifice is well documented by Caeser, Tacitus, and I believe Pliny the Elder, granted they were all bias against “barbarians”. There are also bodies found at the same sites as sacrificed animals, weapons and jewelry. Pic related is the source but I don’t have the proper page saved. Pic two is the account of the Druids observing significant digits.

Personally, I omitted the esoteric banishing and closing. I found the rest was excellent and well within the bounds of pious practice imo. If 40k needs the extra bits and ornaments to get in the right state of mind than so be it. I just meditated for about 20 minutes beforehand then performed the body as prescribed with a different kenning every time I said Taranis tbh.

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It relates to lunar cycles and that time of the year when joos are BTFO

>Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (August 10-11, 2019), is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, on which we fast, deprive ourselves and pray. Both Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this date


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>Does burning a poem have some significance?

It is as >>13508025 rightly says and also you are releasing its "essence" into the ether - similar to how you burn offerings or a sigil.

>btw nice thread guys, I have enjoyed reading through it.

Glad you find it of interest & nice to have you with us.

>>13507011 (observed)

I think we both agree then that a new aeonic cycle is priority. The current "clownworld" we are in does not seem to line up with Aquarian principles at all so I don't disagree with your "scarecrow" analogy tbh.

>>13507688 (observed)

Minor hicup lad and as I always say, intent matters more than minutiae. It's all a learning curve for us all anyway. Job well done & thanks for participating.


Not seen a vid from him in a while. Everyone (nationalist content creators & pundits I mean) is walking on eggshells at the moment. Bitchute has some good stuff & is growing (got my years membership sticker thing the other day) but nearly a decade & a half of 4x2tube conditioning as THE primary platform, is proving hard to break for most.

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More pics of Jive's rite, looks comfy tbh

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Fresh BASED and REDPILLED Lovecraft Lad

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Fresh Jive on VIKANGS

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The twin horse banners are a nice touch

>all that alcohol!

God's are gonna be reet fucking bladdered after that particular offering kek

I usually just use a good cupful.

Whats he used for the treebranch offering there? Looks like it could be willow. I like how hes done it on the beach too. He has all four elements reresented right there

>sea - water

>earth - rocks, pebbles, sand.

>air - the open sky

>fire - the gas burner he's got going

Good stuff. Very nicely build fire too. Do you know which God/Gods he was offering libations to?


This is a channel im unfamiliar with, cheers lad ill chuck em a sub.

Hows you today anyway lad? Gout still playing you up?

>>13511599 (observed)


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File: 212fd6f55f93505⋯.pdf (1.59 MB,The_Origins_of_Megalithic_….pdf)


This is teh other time device. Older, uses rocks to denote geometric changes in spatial position by aligned light pattern repetitions across periods of a few years. Simple transcendental numbers back-calculated from related geometric phenomenon. Then, Cesium 133 using sensors to denote particle emission tallies. Unit grows weak, or complex, at 1/10th of a nanosecond (billionth). Yet, how to measure the time it will take for the kikes to leave? tl:dr – This research is worthy reading.

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Seems to be passing but are based NHS is being ridiculous as usual, was told it's important to get it treated each time so I thought I'd at least notify the one GP who actually knows about me, but the secretaries are incapable of using their computer systems, writing notes, or walking 20 feet to the GP's office to pass on a short sentence saying "guy got gout again" and instead made me wait all of yesterday for a phonecall, which I made clear I would be unable to reach quickly without proper scheduling since I can hardly move, and that they should ring twice if I don't pick up the first time - which they didn't do, so no message got through. I will just have to hope it's not severe and won't end in the swollen joints actually splitting skin and getting infected.

Effectively, having to actually engage with any government service has made me see just how fucked it all is. Another example is the benefits office/job centre, local council and council housing equivalent being unable to provide any information that might lead to a solution for my housing problem (the other solution of getting on disabled benefits is also dead in the water because the fucks denied my application, appeal and now I've been waiting several months for a court date and final consideration at which I can demonstrate actually having mobility issues, now they have developed).

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if you guys larp about spiritual shit but dont take psychedelic drugs then you are posers and pussies

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Been there done that notable that natives have to struggle through while the displacers get handheld through the whole thing. Makes the blood boil tbh

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au contraire fagit, psychedelic drugs are a cheap and lazy shortcut into spiritual experience & awakening. You don't need drugs to obtain visions when you can do the same thing by self induced altered states of consciousness (via meditation, ritual, trance etc.)

Psychedelics can sometimes have their uses in shamanistic endeavour, but more often than not they lead to nothing more then pointless, introspective self indulgent navel-gazing. They are overrated. If you can only commune with the spirit world via drugs you are essentially cheating and need to gitgud.

>posers & pussies

Ok champ


Hope it passes soon lad. Sending positive healing "loosh" your way.

>are NHS being useless cunts

Aye, sounds about right. Thankyou tony blair/common purpose/dumb immigrants who abuse the system and take their crotchdroppings to the doctors for a fucking cold etc etc etc….

Really makes me rage tbh - we actually had a good thing going there once. Free/affordable healthcare for a nations citizens is not a bad idea. The derpery comes from our traitor class thinking that the whole fucking world is entitled to a slice of the pie. Add dozens of layers of red tape and pointless bureaucracy to the mix and you have the clusterfuck you see now.

>Effectively, having to actually engage with any government service has made me see just how fucked it all is

Too true. Im effectively "off the grid" so to speak. I dont claim any benefits or deal with the DHSS in any form but I remember, even a decade ago it was a fucking shambles. Those who don't deserve it are showered with perks and bennies while those that do & genuinely need it are denied.

>"No help for you mr native because your partner works so you get sweet fuck all from us - not even NI contributions"

>"Sure mr fresh off the boat somali scrounger, we will house your four wives in separate council houses, pay you carer's allowance for each one, let you sign on with no questions asked while you work cash in hand in your cousins takeaway and we'll turn a blind eye while drive your unlicenced rapetaxi about willy nilly"

Really perturbs the pistachios

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aside from leaving the poisonous and distracting cities to allow your body to naturally tune into the spirits, you can use psychadelics as a tool and remain closer to your tribe.

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3:58 minutes till fpt

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File: ecf1697c5fc8874⋯.jpg (103.05 KB,639x645,213:215,custardes.jpg)


Aye, in moderation i'd agree with you there. They do have their uses but one must treat them with caution and only use them occasionally (lest they become an acid casualty - i'v seen that first hand and it's not pretty)


We having it tonight then lad? I'm game if you are. Can do 20:00 to-22:00 GMT - two hours of musical offerings sounds like a nice plan.

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There is a split meme shot of this demotic, one without her make-up. It is awful to see. Face like a torn pocket.

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Yep 2000bst it begins

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A tidy supposition.

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so i've noticed that in my country at least, many people are slowly returning to band-level social organization as segmentary lineages and really all types of extended kin groups have pretty much dissolved. what do you think about using druidry to bind these band level organizations into proper clans through re-ritualization of marriage, childbirth, and inheritance?

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File: a856be745bae8fc⋯.jpg (44.92 KB,400x328,50:41,druiddance.jpg)


Have you got it saved lad? I'm curious to see it now you mentioned it.


Good stuff lad. Looking forward to it


>what do you think about using druidry to bind these band level organizations into proper clans through re-ritualization of marriage, childbirth, and inheritance?

I think it is an excellent idea tbh lad. Don't think we are anywhere near the stage where it would work on a national level yet but the church is obviously subverted out the arse and people are in a spiritual vacuum which the tenets of Druidism (or perhaps more accurately, neo-druidism) fill very nicely. I think there is potential there.

Tuesday's rite was partially about spreading influence and reach so it ties in nicely with that too.

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If it doesn't go to blood, it won't work. It sounds ugly at first blush; but 4rth cousin marriage improves child quality and marital stability. The marriages themselves restore – interlinked – full tribal reach with a modest amount of marriages. As for matching any given 4rth cousins, a study out of Poland showed that a height ratio of 1.09 [husband to wife] is overwhelmingly crucial – more or less causes problems. These two factors assume no Hiribu, et.al., type ancestry nor extraordinary deficiencies, pathologies or addictions. Intelligence in women is obscenely overvalued, so the clever wench doesn't compete well for chattel value or bride price because they don't use their nuts when the chips are down anyway.

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File: 19adc8777ff33d2⋯.pdf (1.93 MB,Analysis-of-cases-resultin….pdf)


Maybe use talking points from this study to ground the specifics of your appeal case in the broad dysfunction of the extant system as their own studies show. Don't be too aggressive about it, but salt your appeal with awareness of their awareness of their failures.

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Good evening lads it is once again time to unwind with some great tunes much belated I know, but welcome to freeplay Thursday. All hail the new order…

It begins.

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Hengist and Horsa lad, the divine horse twins

>all that alcohol!

Kek yeah, think he's part of a group

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Aww yiss

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Ale in hand tunes pumping I missed fpt

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5 min lated but better late than never….

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>promotes substance shortcuts

>can't Capitalize

>uses buzzwords

Fuck off scum

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>>13512711 (observed)

The druids approve of your arrival

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This one always inspires.

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Posting one of my faves

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How about this one?

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Ta lad. We know they like prodigy thats for sure,

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>>13512777 (observed)



Love it

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My pleasure

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Bit of John Tams lads?

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Utterly terrifying.

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Moar Tams…

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Terrifying? I remember someone writing to "points of view" to complain about Keith Flint's appearance

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I remember some bloke on TV (points of view) I think having a whinge that the video terrified his daughter and should be banned kek. Prick. I was yelling at the TV…


Still remember that tbh

Have some music to dystopia by….

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Dystopia huh

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Have another classic movie remix

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Herp derp I posted the wrong track somehow

Still, cant go wrong with Toto though

….as I was saying, film remix!

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Good thing I'm not lactose intolerant

I'll see your toto and raise you survivor

(Best rocky theme BTW)>>13512937

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>(Best rocky theme BTW)

Agreed. Eye of the tiger comes a very close second though.

If we are doing movie/cheese i'll all in with a royal John Parr flush

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I always liked "st elmos fire" great chorus

John Parr huh guess I'll have to play my Kenny Loggins trump card (Berlin was easier on the eye tbh)

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i dont think I can beat Loggins tbh as hes both cheesy and amazing at the same time. I think you win this hand of cheesepoker lad. I could resort to Lemar but he lacks the Loggins "wow" factor and is just pure cheese.

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Hope you don't mind another hammering

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Feel a bit of the Smiths to be obligatory


That's one sledgehammer ill happily take to the ears.


Now there's one i'd forgotten about! Blast from the past there lad.

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Was going to post land of confusion but this popped up

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Land of confusion/downunder is a similar metaphorical concept I suppose

As above, so below

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An old /pol/ favourite

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speaking of which, do you have that webm with that song played over a montage of TRS faggotry? I've been looking for it for ages now.

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Aye lad it is a staple that is for sure

This song could be considered very "FREN" if you listen to it through the redpill headphones

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Afraid not

Some more cheese

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>>13513088 (Heiled)

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Everytime I hear this I cannot help but bang my hand on the table in time with the drums. SS had the catchiest marching songs of the 20th century.

Our 17th/18th century ones were the business though.

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>>13513100 (observed)


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Also a Pogues redo of >>13513100

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>"With a tow row row row row row for the Brenton Tarranteers!" :^)

Another druid/pol/ staple here

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Going classical with the music from "I vow to thee my country"

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Almost forgot

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Good lad. Wouldn't be a complete FPT without that


I think based Jupiter is my favorite of Holst's "planets." Such a majestic "soaring" melody.

Mars is bretty ebin too.

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American newfag here. What’s your suggested Tarot deck, and if this has already been addressed in a previous thread, please direct me to it.

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Moar Basil….

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Even MOAR Basil……He scored some of the best 80s/90s action movies tbh.


Rider Waite probably is easiest to begin with lad. Nice & easy to get to grips with.

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The subdued and sinister original better imo than the clumsy thumping versions that followed

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Agreed lad.

How about some drinking songs? Heres one about a big fat bloke's ode to carlsberg special brew (aka: tramp ruel)

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Moar drinking songs, this time from those Macclesfield bards of olde….

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I think I'm about to bust a blood vessel

out of booze though I'm reliably informed this one is the result of fresh brewed coloumbian

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Moar Macc

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>>13513199 (observed)

Kek. We all know the story about her special "roadie with the straw" don't we.

Obligatory one here f were going down the "toast" route….

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Kek well if we're going to go down the dodgy lyrics route…

>when the troopies opened fire

>they found his head in bulawaya

I've run out of steam tbh so one more after this>>13513208

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Kek. Slotting floppies.

Same lad this shall be my penultimate. One more after this and we'll call it a night then.

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This one is when the war begins

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Ooooh bit of classic retro vidya musiks?

Gotta have "ocean loader 4" in there - it still sounds good today. Fuck me that SID chip was the bomb for its day.

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Great picks, fuck I've missed fpt.

Goodnight lads I leave you with the fat man absolutely nailing it.

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To be fair it was kind of impromptu. Tiptop finale there though lad. Good tune to go out on.

I leave you all with some classic audio-valium as my final choice.

Pleasure posting with you lads as always. Great (and long overdue) FPT


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File: 9cb50c97c51c424⋯.jpg (85.86 KB,640x637,640:637,1468051653712.jpg)

I was sorting my files, and I came across this gem. Did one of you godly bastards make it?

It's pure gold.

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It's an old pre-schism brit/pol/ one I think

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Just looks like standard anti-YOUUUKIIIIIIP propaganda tbh

>big bad evil farage in love with cameron because they are both HORRIBLE "conservatives"

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File: 0e1ad5fddb63988⋯.jpg (93.02 KB,546x767,42:59,BLACKED soyim.jpg)

Morning lads. Rained in the night and has given the stinking streets of summer a bloody good wash, leaving a nice crisp and fresh scent in the nostrils on this morning's walk. Garden looks very contented too and a couple of offshoots I snapped of the tomato plants have taken root into new saplings whilst the bigger ones are starting to bear fruit. Good stuff.



Topjej. Some gold teeth on that would make it even funnier imo.

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Fresh Morgoth on utter SLAGS

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The whole package/lads holiday is a fucking disgrace tbh I've been there and done that and I still cringe over some of the things I did In fairness though these places completely enable it and then complain when it draws in the degenerate cunts

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File: 1e00e82723f39b0⋯.jpg (172.38 KB,800x496,50:31,Waterhouse_Hylas_and_the_W….jpg)


Good video lad


The whole package/lads holiday is a fucking disgrace tbh

Aye agree there. Its not much different in certain UK town centers on a saturday night either although the abroad factor seems to rack their behavior up a notch.

>I've been there and done that and I still cringe over some of the things I did

Same, although rather than magaluf, the "rite of passage" was more Ibiza, Amsterdam or Thailand back in the late 90's & early 00's. Was no different then though. Girls behaving like utter slags, pissing openly in the middle of the street, passing out on park benches with their legs wide open etc. Seemed like a laugh at the time plenty of drink, drugs & easy pussy every night but as i'v gotten older (and have a daughter of my own) I look back in abject horror.

When selecting a long term partner/wife I was very careful to avoid the type of girl who participated in this sort of behaviour. The ibiza/magaluf slags can be fun for one drunken night unless they give you the clap but not exactly gf/wife material. They are forever sullied by this behavior. The ones that partake in it tend to be crass, lower class bitches anyway who blindly follow the latest fads & watch mtv geordie shore or whatever crap promotes this. Better to find a nice quiet girl with self respect and a good upbringing if you can. Another thing I noticed is most of the slags I knew came from single parent families while the higher quality girls had parents that were together and a strong father figure in their life. "Hashtag not-all", there were exceptions (on BOTH sides) - but it certainly seemed to be a trend that bucked towards the single parent ones.

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Fresh Iconoclast

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What's Richard Hammond doing on a naughty far right talk show?

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File: c24fdd05e36c27a⋯.gif (4.35 MB,400x300,4:3,stas1.gif)


Running his own far right party now apparently. I'm told Morrissey is a big fan.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Krogan Kringe


I'm extremely skeptical of AMW, seems like an even worse UKIP with the motivation of preserving the degenerate recent past of Western "civilisation" so that she can rug munch in peace.

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Fresh WotW

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Fresh OTO

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>I'm extremely skeptical of AMW

Same. Morgoth endorsed her too though. Says FB are probably the closest thing we have to a FREN party at present. Perhaps the best of a bad bunch? She can rugmunch in peace behind closed doors for all I care if she actually does something about islam & traitors.

Did you hear the part where she said she'd be willing to use extreme force to restore order & the UK to its previous state? That was a step in the right direction & good rhetoric tbh

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Traditional Man's Path to Heroism

In the World of Tradition, there are two paths for a man to achieve heroism. I talk about Julius Evola's conceptions of the warrior and ascetic archetypes and how to apply them in the modern age.

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>I'm extremely skeptical of AMW, seems like an even worse UKIP

That's probably because its just another zionist, they know there's going to be an uprising, and they want to control and direct it so nothing changes, or it's simply a conflict between the indigenous and the obvious non indigenous, wiping out numbers on both sides, ensuring martial law.

Jews will still print the money, write the rotas and decide how much if any pension you're going to get.

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File: 83b37441ebd1a12⋯.jpg (172.93 KB,564x556,141:139,Chaotic Parrots.jpg)

Greetings, lads. Got a portent of some sort yesterday in the form of a flock of cockatoos hanging out in front of my house. They seemed to follow me around a bit, gathering in a tree or on a power line as I'd walk past it.


>I've been there and done that and I still cringe over some of the things I did


>Seemed like a laugh at the time but as i'v gotten older (and have a daughter of my own) I look back in abject horror.

I feel fortunate now to have missed out on it. Sometimes feel bad for my past self for wanting to get into hookup culture so badly.

>Aye agree there. Its not much different in certain UK town centers on a saturday night either although the abroad factor seems to rack their behavior up a notch.

It happens down here as well, and approaches "abroad" levels of degeneracy during certain festivities. Every year, the horse races in my city summon hordes of dressed-up slags carrying their shoes in one hand and a drink in the other.

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File: b4a3e0c60894335⋯.jpeg (447.96 KB,1226x1600,613:800,Ahoy Ahoy.jpeg)

Good day frens how are we all doing?


>sometimes I feel bad for my younger self missing out on hookup culture

Don't worry lad you were not missing much. It was a hollow, soulless experience. Most of the time you are too pissed to remember the night before. Sometimes you wake up next to a right fucking steg who looked nice through the beer goggles but when her true form is revealed in the morning, you just wanna get out of there ASAP.

I had the odd night that was good fun one time I pulled this proper gorgeous gril waaaay out of my league (a literal 9.6/10) and made all my mates green with envy. I have to admit that was a good feeling - until she knocked me back a day later and wouldn't let me into her knickers again but there is no way I'd go back and trade my current family life for that previous lifestyle. This was in the early 00s too when "lad culture" was still promoted and acceptable. I imagine going on the pull is a bit of a nightmare these days now the sexes have been turned against each other. You have to worry about false rape charges and shit on top of the STDs. I do feel bad for millenials in that regard. It's something my generation never really had to contend with. Boys could still be boys back then with no shame.

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Can you upload to bitchute or some other alternative video hosting site?

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Girls still love real men, I'm in my twenties right now and sailing around the world, catched girls from sweden to switzerland to columbia, I don't think so much has changed, theres so many hoes theres gotta be one for me has been my motto for a while now, and it always works.

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>>13520544 (observed)

Don't think h8chan lets you embedd bitchute vids unfortunately.


Sowing your wild oats globally eh? Mine was more just knocking about my old hometown and occasionally manchester I did fuck an american girl in NC on holiday once - Angela she was called. Great tits. but as to your adage…

>theres so many hoes theres gotta be one for me

…yeah that rings true. There is someone for everyone out there.

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Nice lad you working on a yacht or the merchant navy?

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Thoughts of Sallust - Gods, Fables, and the First Cause

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Who is Heimdallr? (Norse Mythology Investigated)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nice one lad. Have a fresh Duke in return

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Fresh OTO

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File: 3478401c35d100e⋯.jpg (25.94 KB,640x272,40:17,raban2.jpg)


Fucking hell lad im 3:45 min in and my cringe meter is going off the charts.


>lots of barely comprehensible hooting about "da tories"

Im not even that angry at this one - just laughter. This is the opposition. I get this gut feeling they are being set up for a monumental fall.


Also haggiswop at the end going KYS….


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Morning lads. Muggy as fuck here today. Its actually uncomfortable like jungle weather or something.

Little tune to begin the week…yeah I know its not Sunday

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Hello there lads a quick question for you, have you noticed more flowers berries and fruit growing than usual this year? I have in my area I'm curious about the effect of my blessing on the land.

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>>13520500 (observed)

I think you misread there, lad. I don't feel bad for missing out, I feel bad for having wanted it. It was one of the biggest things about the modern world that really tempted me. Although now you lads got me thinking that I'm going a bit overboard with my reaction.

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Yeah I have too lad, it's lovely

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Yes lad interestingly I have. Went out on a hike yesterday, I’m used to seeing some wild fruit but yesterday was harvesting handfuls of blackberries.

I left some bread out for the birds as a thank you. They are the agents of berry bush propagation.

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Thanks lads looks like I'll have to prepare another one for the next eqinox, any suggestions?

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>This thread

This is how you idiots lost your country in the first place.

As for 8ch, non political slide thread generals like this are how we lost 8ch.net…

Enjoy your faggotry

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Pretty sure it was lost by traitorous elites and decades of subversive propoganda

And in regards to 8ch I'd say retarded faggots like you shitposting without bothering to read to the thread is why the board has gone to shit.

Enjoy your faggotry you mouthbreathing cunt

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Sorry6 for late reply, been busy today but yes, I have, like >>13523475 experienced an abundance of blackberries this year. They are everywhere. Got some in the garden that were not there last year.


Fuck off and boil your head faggot


This, well said lad.

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>I think you misread there, lad. I don't feel bad for missing out, I feel bad for having wanted it.

Fair do's lad, apologies for misreading. Like you say though

> It was one of the biggest things about the modern world that really tempted me.

I know that feel druidbro. It tempted us all.

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Fresh Morgoth & Lucy Broon

Canny, like.

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If you were a nefarious actor a very simple way to fuck peoples lives up would be to repeat daily how virtuous the 7 deadlies were.

Whether you believe or not it's undeniable that's what is happening.

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Yeah I don't disagree with you on those fundamentals tbh. It has been instrumental in the gradual unraveling of societal cohesion.

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File: cef3074fe070c6f⋯.png (152.08 KB,614x687,614:687,ClipboardImage.png)

>Wews is STILL crying about his twitter ban


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There is a huge amount of boomer-tier Wiccan occultism in this thread. It's sickening to see the practical wisdom of our ancestors perverted into a New Age menstrual blood degeneracy festival. You may as well start sacrificing semen to Odin so Jews who say he drink it can sing their praises for your clear subversion of our traditions.

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Take it up with 40k, he's the only one who did that, otherwise for the rest of us it was a perfectly normal rite that followed the key parts. Invocation, prayer, and offering (just ale in my case). Fuck off

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>practical wisdom

Why do I get the feeling this guy is a Varg-lover?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck sake wews….. Either let it go or just make another like morgs & youkipper did. Instead we get this perpetual whinging. He's missed so much in the way of contemporary news and happenings. He only seems to give a fuck when it effects him directly now (like the stream the other day where he was moaning about 4x2oogle canning the current livestream format or something.)

Watched a MW livestream the other day (aye hes gone back to making them……sigh.) The chat was giving him quite a bit of shit and there was a lot of "just fuck off"s and "your banned!"s coming from the flustered portly NEET.

OtO also mentioned on his last (imprompteau) stream that wews is getting a lot of shit for not doing anything at the moment too. White knighted him a bit tbh (hes busy with conferences maaan etc) and OtO admitted he loves watching jamie fucking oliver cooking videos which left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth tbh (VEHEMENTLY LOATHE jamie oliver me) but ill forgive him that. Oh and the yellow fever too although he admits he married his gook gf BEFORE he got redpilled and felt like a racetraitor after so I do feel for the lad there tbh

Vid here anyway if interested.


Menstural blood has been used in folk magick since time immemorial. I'v already explained this numerous times. It was a acceptable & proper offering for such a rite and the system we were practicing. Its got nothing to do with gardnarian wicca or new agery. And don't give the other lads shit for that faggot, I was the only one to use that particular ingredient.

You are a +(1) concern troll shill anyway so unless you can form a more coherent argument (instead of reeeeeing nonsense about "Muh jews drinking Odin semen!"), you can get fucked - i'm done wasting my time responding to your ilk. All bluster and no substance.


Who's that lad?

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>VEHEMENTLY LOATHE jamie oliver me

And you should, he is just another jewish actor carefully placed to effect societal change.

Cor blimey guv I'm a working class brit lad me.

If they are still on a screen near you they are part of the big club not open to heterosexual indigenous.

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File: 1efd41c0fcdea40⋯.png (184.86 KB,600x539,600:539,top tips.png)


Aye lad. What really did it for me was his…

>"well in my restaurants, all the immigrants are just sooooo hard working while the white working class are just feckless and lazy"

…comments. Hes repeatedly took jabs at the working class too while he sings the praises of "minorites" because of curry spice or whatever. Tbh I'v hated him since the late 90s. Always rubbed me up the wrong way. Exceedingly punchable face. Obnoxious champagne socialist type and that fucking thick tongue of his is disgusting. He looks like he's trying to spit out a pound of liver every time he talks. Fucking cunt I hate him!

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If you haven't seen it watch the Mark Devlin "No more heroes" presentation. Then sell or destroy your television set. And 99% of your music collection.

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>Doesn't know who Varg is

Count yourself lucky

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>There is a huge amount of boomer-tier Wiccan occultism in this thread.

Then what do you consider to be real paganism/heathenism/Druidry?

One of the biggest chasms between something like Wicca and paganism worth your time is universalism vs folkishness. I’ve seen nothing here to suggest these top lads are promoting Jewish universalism. I know this isn’t the only difference but it’s a big one

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Why are these threads on /pol/ and not some place like /fringe/? Genuine question, sage for offtopic

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Lack of religion, spirituality and ancestral-tribal awareness is a major weakness in promoting European identity and survival. These threads serve to promote such, as well as discuss current affairs and politics in Britain. The study of esotericism is another area of research that must be acknowledged as our principle enemies are undoubtedly engaged in various nefarious esoteric practices, elite satanism and Jewish qabbalah, the black cubes of saturn, ritual child rape and murder etc.

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Sort of basic question but do you lads work with/study the Ogham script at all? Can it be used in a similar manner as the Germanic runes?

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We experimented a few times but not so much I don't think. I'm not sure whether Ogham is of the right provenance (whether it's prehistoric/ancient or an early medieval convention) for runes, I mostly use Old English and might switch to Cornish as an approximation of the ancient Common Brythonic language.

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>>13526466 (observed)

Kek, of course I know who varg is lad I just meant who the "varg lover" you were referring to is all.


I'll give it a watch lad but im not throwing my telly out else ill have nowt to play vidya on. Just got that yakuza spin off "Judgement" for my sons birthday too. Good fun. Kung fu and shit all over the place.


>I’ve seen nothing here to suggest these top lads are promoting Jewish universalism

Thanks lad. Appreciate the credence tbh.


Well, >>13526587 has hit the nail on the head and put it better than I could have done. 100% this



I found it very difficult to get into truth be told but I'v nothing but the highest respect & praise for lads who can and do manage to work with it. I think there is a place for it within our system - its just finding a way to work it in there so to speak.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New PM

We ended up with bufoon boris lads. Cant be any worse than may and better than jeremy cunt I suppose. Still a golbalist tool through and through but maybe he'll ease off on some of the more nonsensically draconian legislation the may, rudd and co put into effect.

Im under no illusions hes a cunt but at least he occasionally makes me laugh which is more than can be said for the rest.

A literal clown/buffon as PM. Better than a post menopausal, barren, psychopathic old hag I suppose.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Duke

Scottish goblin folklore

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>A literal clown/buffon as PM.

It's an act, he's a loxist with rabbi's in the family tree. Get ready for a load of bluster that amounts to nothing except marxist protests claiming he's a white racist, whilst our towns fill up with more and more brown faces.

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>im not throwing my telly out else ill have nowt to play vidya on. Just got that yakuza spin off "Judgement" for my sons birthday too. Good fun.

ok but I can prove to you right there you are being programmed, "the loyalty", "the amazing tattoo art", when the reality is they are antifa, nothing more. A cowardly bunch of thugs that work for the jew. Watch them at the HK protests, no kung fu, no fun, just masked thugs hitting unarmed protesters with clubs and sticks. It's on shitchute right now, search yakuza. All television is programming. Nothing gets wide release without it being in their interest, just remember that. When they say they control the media, they aren't lying.

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I think hes actually part turkroach rather than 4x2 but I appreciate your sentiment. And yes is mostly an act i'm sure, to disarm his opponents. I said he was a globalist through & through.


If it was Honk Kong it wouldn't be yakuza hitting protesters. They are pretty much exclusively a japanese phenomena iirc. If it was to be the chinese "gangster" equivalent then it would be the triads. But also im pretty sure chinese gov has enough goons/hired muscle on their payroll and dont need to use (japanese) gangsters as proxies. They'd use conscripts, provincial police etc. Whoever titled that video using the tag "yakuza" was probably being sensationalist (or incredibly ignorant)

>the loyalty

Kek, as if antifa show any of that. They are THE living definition of treachery

>All television is programming. Nothing gets wide release without it being in their interest, just remember that. When they say they control the media, they aren't lying.

Fully aware of that but you still sometimes get something entertaining slip through the net that is fun (jap vidya for instance that has very little pozz) or watchable (chernobyl was surprising gripping and well written & enjoyable.) I also enjoy watching old films and TV series on occasion. Zulu. Dune. The Wicker Man, Long Good Friday - all my favorites.

If one has the power of discernment, they can throw all the propaganda in the world at you but it wont stick. Once you know their tricks, it becomes useless. Only works on the uninitiated and feeble minded. /pol/acks are not going to be lulled back to sleep if they watch a bit of telly. They will just watch it with that right wing critical eye (and most likely end up irate with a raise in blood pressure)

Remember, once you have taken the redpill there is no going back to the prior state of bluepilled/npc ignorance.

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Missed this before. Thanks for posting this lad I will give it a peruse later this eve.

Im shite at maths/physics though so if its heavy in that regard, it might be a bit bigbrained for me in all honesty

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yeah young turkroach

with rabbis in the family

touching the wall

pretending to be British.

I may have confused triad and yakuza sorry, secretive, violent, money and power grabbing supremacists among their own people, easy mistake to make. Honorary or literal masons I guess.

Yeah I guess as long as you create as much of your own propaganda as you consume, t.v. is o.k.

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File: 3c358125581598b⋯.png (377.38 KB,582x330,97:55,choo choo globalist filth.PNG)


>tfw when your joes cock/tommy OC makes it into someone else's OC

Glorious lad.

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>Yeah I guess as long as you create as much of your own propaganda as you consume, t.v. is o.k.

It is also good for dismantling and ridiculing their propaganda/programming. People like Morgoth "hate reading" the guardian or Earthling Carl doing his LBC stuff - mockery, ridicule and a constant stream of attacks on their propaganda machine has a real effect. Remember when that bill nye shit on netflix was getting BTFO and that obnoxious fat jewess who talks about her minge all the time was getting 1 star reviews and it caused them to go into a shitfit and change the fucking rating system? Shit like that is a win. Same with ripping apart shit like nu-star wars and other "woke" franchises. Like that ghostbusters shit where the critics were giving it praise but audiences were unanimously shatting on it so you had this huge discrepency between "critic" and joe public which made these "critics" (who are more like political comissars these days tbh) look out of touch and foolish and obviously bought off.

Also on the subject of the yakuza, I suppose they could be compared to japanese masons (although I think nip masonic orders do actually exist and are something else entirely)

A closer & more accurate comparison would be that of the cosa nostra/mafia. As organised criminals go they are some of the more "honourable ones" - a far cry from london wog potcode gangs or LA "gangstas". Triads are similar too. These far eastern organised criminals, they tend to stick to their own affairs (the usual organised crime lucrative stuff - gambling, prostitution, protection etc) and like to operate on the quiet.

The yakuza are unique because of japan's obsession with politeness and honour. For example, civilians getting hurt is a big no no for yakuza. And if someone fucks up they have to cut off their finger at a joint using a tanto blade and present it to their clan's patriarch in order to ask for forgiveness.

They actually have roots going back to the ronin of the edo period and a strict honour system. They do some shitty stuff no doubt but they are a far higher class of criminal than your average somali pirate or libyan slaver. Everyday japs kind of look down on them apparently, almost like an "untouchable" class but have a respect/fear relationship with them too. They are interesting to read up on if that kind of thing interests you (how the organisation is structured etc) and it makes good fertile ground for fiction and storytelling entertainment.

The games I mentioned in the earlier post have been criticized for "racism" in the past (I think Zero had the Koreans upset and 6 had the chinese peeved) - japan is very nationalistic & has always had frosty relations with its neighbours. Bit like us tbh - a small island nation that achieved an empire and had constant wars with neighouring countries. You see this sense of honour in island folk like japs and brits - it just manifests in different ways. For the brits its the concept of fair play, sportsmanship, meritocracy etc. It manifests differently in the japs (obsessive politeness, fixation on honour etc) but its a fundamental similarity. It is one of those "As above so below" synchronicities.

You also have to give the japs credit. Only country on earth to be nuked. Twice. And now has one of the highest living standards and safest cities with a massive GDP & pretty homogenous population.

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Amazing storm tonight lads. Been flashing lightning continuously for nearly an hour straight against a red sky. Taranis is out in fury this night.

Been out and filmed a load of it. Got pissed wet through but was stunned by the sheer frequency of the lightning. Smell of ozone is fresh in the air.

Summer night storms are truly a beauty to behold. I'll see if I can upload the videos later on.

It felt very portentous lads. It wasn't "usual" lightning if that makes any sense.

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File: 360a504ab7716c8⋯.jpg (19.12 KB,273x440,273:440,taranis.jpg)


Had one like it this past Sunday. The storm clouds turned midday into twilight and seemed to arrive from nowhere. The thunder and lightning was constant, and eventually the rain turned into nickel-sized hail. Interesting that both of us made offering to Taranis and within a week or so were visited by particularly severe storms. I think it is portentous indeed.

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Thanks for indulging my curiousity on the info on the Ogham script lads. Have only recently stumbled on this script and I wanted to determine its utility.

Could also look into the Lepontic scripts as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepontic_language

Also I hope the BOND keeps making these threads. Some of the most interesting on /pol/

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You realize that's just electricity from cloud friction not muh Thor right?

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Iirc they blackmailed a significant chunk of the female population into doing porn smh


Yes lad, was about to post the same, amazing thunder storm last night


Divine -→ Reality

Lrn2Metaphysics faggot

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>"The story of Mithras begins with the Ahriman oppressing mankind. Mithras is incarnated from a rock in a cave on 25—December, the old date of the midwinter solstice. He enters the world, observed by lowly shepherds, on the darkest day of the year—he is the Light of the World. During his incarnation he helps mankind like Orpheus—a god with probably the same Persian roots[†]—and carries out miracles like Jesus. In an abstract way, he dies for the good of mankind. He kills the sacred bull, the equinoctial sun which revivifies and fertilises the earth, but the bull is an aspect of himself:

>They are two aspects of the sun, or the heavens represented by the path of the sun through the summer constellations—the summer zodiac. Mithras is the god of the summer sun. So he kills an aspect of himself, just as God, the Father, kills himself by offering himself as a victim in his aspect as God the Son. As an annual sun god he is resurrected. His mission done he holds a last supper with his disciples and returns to Heaven, the level beyond the cosmos, in the solar chariot. He will be victorious over evil at the last battle and will sit in judgement on mankind, when he will lead the Chosen Ones over a river of fire to immortality

>The scholars are agreed, from a message scratched in a second century Mithraeum, that Mithras promised his worshippers immortality: 'And us, too, you saved by spilling the eternal blood.'

>The source of this precedes Christianity because the parent of Mithraism was >Zoroastrianism in which the good creation would be restored at the end of time in an eternal existence. So, those who sought to be on the side of good, were promised eternal life after death. Again, the precious sensibilities of Christians who think they are unique have to be preserved. Here they even will admit that religions have points in common, to try to minimize the importance of another religion offering what the Christians want to keep for themselves. By doing so, they automatically admit that Christianity is neither unique nor even compellingly different from other religions in the milieu from which it sprang—the Roman empire.

>Christians are quite desperate to prove that Mithras was not a dying and rising god. They say, even granting that the suffering god myth is essential to mystery religions, Mithras can hardly be included because he is the only god who did not suffer. It is true that the god in his human form did not die as the others did, but he died in the form of the bull which represented himself. Christians claim this is all a misapprehension based on Cumont’s original interpretation which is—they say—plagued with problems. So today’s Mithraic scholars are very sceptical of attempts to understand the Roman Mithras in the light of the Iranian one. It would be nice to know how many of these Mithraic sceptics are Christians. >We can guess most, and we can thank earlier Christians for the lack of evidence, but sun gods often slay bulls which represent themselves as the sun rising in the constellation of Taurus. The idea has a firm and ancient basis.

>Apologists will say that solar myths in which other gods of no relation to Mithras are depicted as bulls, and sacrifices of bulls in various places, are of no relevance to the issue. But that is utterly absurd. The killing of the bull is so closely linked with solar worship that it can be taken as a signal of it. Mithras was a solar god. Why are Christian apologists so determined that solar gods do not kill bulls, even if Christ did not?



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File: 10f8361b203342f⋯.jpg (83.8 KB,1000x1000,1:1,_pdp_sq_.jpg)


You dropped this on your way out

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>LARPers in baby's first electrical engineering class

Um, professor, why aren't you talking about how Thor controls the electrons? *breathes heavily* You know he does, right?

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Fuck off son, everyone knows electricity is satan, from the first bolt of lightning as he fell, to the black magic sigils used to represent electronic components in 2d. That's why ever since we began to use it for illumination instead of god given fire, we have been under his spell.

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File: 05cf6fdc8063465⋯.png (946.57 KB,1308x948,109:79,druidstorm.png)


>Interesting that both of us made offering to Taranis and within a week or so were visited by particularly severe storms. I think it is portentous indeed.

Exactly. I think this is a signal that the Rite was a success.

Didn't get the massive sized hailstones here or anything but the storm's atmosphere was something else.


>Thanks for indulging my curiousity on the info on the Ogham script lads

You are welcome friend. Sorry I (personally) didnt have more info but like I said, I found it very difficult to get to grips with.

>Also I hope the BOND keeps making these threads. Some of the most interesting on /pol/

Thanks lad that is very kind of you to say. We will keep making them don't worry. B.O.N.D is not going anywhere.


>Iirc they blackmailed a significant chunk of the female population into doing porn smh

Yeah they do some nasty shit that is for sure. I wasnt holding them up as something to be admired or emulated btw lad - just pointing out as organised criminals go, they are a cut above your usual jaboonic street gang or whatever. But I hear they run the porn & sex industry in japan.

Another thing I give the japs credit for is that they really don't like foreigners fucking their women. Very different from say, the Thais in that regard.

>>13529333 (ascertained)

Wew! Portentous numerals there lad. Will read up some more on Mithras and check the magazine article you linked - cheers lad.


"There are more things in heaven and earth horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

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He's the shitposter from >>13525931 probablt schizo so don't bother with him. Just for the sake of anyone else that's interested the popular view is that nature reflects the spiritual but the spiritual does not reflect the natural if that makes sense, there's a really good pic that helps explain it and I'll see if I can find it

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File: 6e3f2f5c6b79671⋯.png (184.28 KB,960x481,960:481,ClipboardImage.png)


Here it is

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File: dc45ccafbe9af2c⋯.gif (2.27 MB,290x516,145:258,777x777 ad infinitum.gif)


Excellent infographic lad, nice one. Saving that for future use.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Based prophet of the silver mulleted tinfoil reptilitan is doing a stream with the baldy ex drug baron.

Interesting stuff - they are going into elite pedo rings etc.

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lol I never knew Shaun Attwood was woke on this kind of stuff, I remember watching his vids a while ago.

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Me neither. Its not usually his meat and veg is it, but this is good as it gives Icke a bit of a crossover audience & Icke is certainly a gateway drug into redpill esoterica. Its a good one too because its gone through elite pedos and now he (Icke) is shitting on antifa & the soros brigade. Im still watching as I type this

I remember "wildman" saying he liked farage & trump in one interview. Attwood must be racially aware to some degree too having seen the racial segregation in the US penal system firsthand and having dealings with the AB and such. Not saying he's /ourguy/ or anything, far from it but he's fairly smart. He mentions the racial divide in prison in a lot of his videos.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Kipper

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Saved, yeah this concept can be confusing for many people.

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Kipper vids are always like a sledgehammer to the feels for me but it serves to remind us what we fight to preserve and build upon too.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Exactly. I think this is a signal that the Rite was a success.

We have to forget the seeds we planted lad. It’s hard af to avoid the breads about (((him))) tbh smh.


>episode 33

>thread 33

Wew. I’ll have to give it a watch for old times sake. I used to watch Ike as entertainment in my bluepill/curious greenpill days. Then when Pete Townsend of The Who was arrested for kiddie porn, Ike went on a rant about how every politician and celebrity are pedos being controlled by blackmail. Ironically that, rather than the reptilian stuff is when I though he had gone mad kek. Here’s a video of the Aryan Guru teaching the mantra which banishes entities and reptilians you’ll like. He gives honourable mention to your local hero.

For all the lads, CS is working on a top notch Lughnasadh invocation for us and his Subscribers from historical sources. He only has a webcam atm, so he’ll just be reading it and not performing a rite.

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Druid related, a thread on incantations and use of monuments to cast spells over lands: https://8ch.net/dempart/catalog.html

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File: 177695193bab439⋯.mp4 (14.4 KB,480x254,240:127,wickerman1.mp4)

Wew, roasting hot today lads, just got back from the beach. I dont mind the heat in the day - its when its hot and sticky at night and you cant cool down or sleep - THAT is when it gets me. Its 27° with a humidity of 65% at the moment.


On the topic of threes, I had three black cats cross my path (at different intervals) within the space of an hour today. I'm considering it a sign on good fortune. I'v always held the "black cat crossing your path" superstition to be lucky.

>For all the lads, CS is working on a top notch Lughnasadh invocation for us and his Subscribers from historical sources. He only has a webcam atm, so he’ll just be reading it and not performing a rite.

Smashing, nice one lad, im looking forward to hearing his invocation tbh.


Thanks lad ill have a look through it in a bit.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Murrican redpill vidya lad and bigbrained english eccentric come together for a chat.

This was a pairing I never expected tbh.

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File: b625019734c1083⋯.gif (1.11 MB,336x252,4:3,hot today lads.gif)

And now my electric fan just died.


Punished, how are you coping with this heat lad?

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File: 8e670c6782bbe5a⋯.png (250.97 KB,622x350,311:175,8chlads.png)

Fresh 56% gamer feat. Doctor High-Functioning


Looks like the link has been embedded elsewhere, good tbh.

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Its here >>13532813 in this very thread lad :^)

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Hello lads, this is my first foray into a thread such as this. From the brief lurk I have done within the thread, you all seen like actually level headed folk coming from a place of love of the brother versus hate.

I intend to return to you with a large post of what I have been researching into the spiritual, and to see your thoughts upon it.

For now, I come asking a question.

When I was younger, I was plagued my nightmares that involved gruesome attacks upon my physical body. A majority of them involved having my legs consumed by all varieties of creatures. These dreams never actually frightened me though, only an in the moment survival instinct within the dreamd was felt. Eventually, both my nightmares and dreams alike eventually stopped entirely, or rather I stopped remembering them. I think an infrequent use of marijuana around my 14th solar orbit may have had an exacerbating effect on this, as they finally went away for good after that habit started.

However, every once in a long while, I receive a dream that is mundane in fashion. I would be at school, or It would be a lazy day in the house or park, and it would be a very hazy dream where nothing is focused, and my intent and action in the dream gone. Then, I would spontaneously feel a fiery charge that is both explosive and calm, heavy and weightless within my entire body, and I would begin to float. It Is one of the most joyous feelings I have ever felt in my life. Just as soon as I begin to control my float into flying, I awaken to the conscious domain.

Does anyone have any guidance on these seldom found dreams? Does anyone here suggest I stop smoking marijuana? I want my damn dreams back.

Thank you.

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Strange, my browser hadn't updated past 13531529.

Been out to town again, £6.50 for a bus ticket is murder. Pharmacy hired on a negro (taking jobs which any natives can and would do, naturally) and also changed computer systems so their efficiency was down to almost zero and I spent an hour queuing.

Could smell all the boomer ladies melting inside the bus as the quite possibly mentally challenged driver (exhibiting further national disgenic hiring practices) took an hour's smoke break, think he said it was almost 40c inside while stationary.


I wouldn't take any kind of drug except as part of a religious rite, something more than minor addiction or reliance.

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> Does anyone here suggest I stop smoking marijuana? I want my damn dreams back.

So it's like this:

marijuana is the god given shield to babylon, when you are young you are less aware and therefore more frequent use may be preferential because in actual fact if you watch babylon and listen to babylon, your dreams are babylon. As you become more aware so you should come out from behind the the shield and strike the babylon. Make your dreams your own.

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Is babylon as you speak of it in essence the material realm? Or rather the earth as it currently is with the current (mostly unawakened) group consciousness of humanity controlling it?

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babylon is earthbound but believes it of the heaven, otherwise I wouldn't suggest attempting an occasional strike, although physical weapons don't work. Only truth.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Merchant, Ive been on board for half a year. Now the time has almost come for me to fly home, back to the good old town where I grew up.

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>Been out to town again, £6.50 for a bus ticket is murder.

Same here. Its scandalous. £7 return to go from ryde to newport (which is 6 miles.) I remember going on the buxton to macclesfield bus which was 14 miles - £2:50 return. Public transport. Its a fucking joke lad.

>Been out to town again, £6.50 for a bus ticket is murder. Pharmacy hired on a negro (taking jobs which any natives can and would do, naturally)

It's the same here. 97.8% white demographics but the local boots pharmacy staff is like a gathered session of the united nations. Somali's, Chinese, sub-Saharans etc. They actually bus them in from over the water (Portsmouth & Southampton I expect) Was it boots you were in? Im assuming they have an aggressive affirmative action hiring policy.


Glad you like the threads lad. Happy to have you join us.

If smoking herb is affecting your dreamstate then I would suggest stopping (or at least cutting down somewhat)

Im a herb smoker myself - its a very difficult habit to quit tbh but iv managed to cut down significantly

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I had three black cats cross my path (at different intervals) within the space of an hour today. I'm considering it a sign on good fortune.

I agree tbh. Lets remember it was the Puritans who associated black cats with witches and bad omens. Additionally, recall the IE Egyptian goddess Bastet, the black cat. Aside from not being associated with the hearth fire, she had many of the duties of Brigid. She protected homes from disease, vermin, and evil spirits, and she was associated with fertility and childbirth.


Last evening after intonating the Invocation of the Sonnenrad, baby and I flushed a triad of grouse from our path home.


>Eventually, both my nightmares and dreams alike eventually stopped entirely, or rather I stopped remembering them.

I rarely remember dreams as well lad and I don’t smoke. Whatever subconscious aspect was causing your nightmares either was resolved, or the weed is suppressing it imo.

>Just as soon as I begin to control my float into flying, I awaken to the conscious domain.

It sounds like your beginning to learn how to lucid dream tbh. Clean up your diet, avoid caffeine in the PM, and make sure your four essential electrolytes are balanced. When the sun sets and the moon rises(think tides), your cells exchange the sodium and calcium within for the magnesium(magnetic pull of the moon) and potassium in your blood for detox and repairs. Most people are deficient in all but sodium. The best food sources are eggs, dairy(raw whole if available), hemp seeds, celery, tomatoes cucumbers, bananas, coconuts, and cabbage. Eggs and hemp are the most cost effective tbh. Meditate before bed and when you realize you’re lucid dreaming don’t get excited or you’ll jar yourself awake, much like astral projection. I don’t have much personal experience with LD, but compared to AP, LD seems like pointless sleep masterbation.


Unless you need if for a medicinal purpose, I’d say abstain until you’re done developing lad.

Embed related is an autistic investigation into sleeping positions and their health effects I recommend.

>tl;dr sleep on your side with a minimalist pillow.

Here is another one for helping get to sleep and having quality sleep.


>tl;dr sleep with your head facing East because of magnetic North’s pull on the iron in your blood. The worst is sleeping head to the north. Also perform the Via negativa meditation before bed.

>I am not this body.

>I am not this mind.


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Never had any experience with weed myself, but I agree with with the other lads that cutting down on it is a good idea.

What I have tried recently is lowfap. Might be worth trying to keep it to once a week, fortnight, or even once a month. I also noticed that I broke both my big streak and a recent smaller streak around the time of a full moon, which may have contributed to the higher dream quality.


>It's the same here. 97.8% white demographics but the local boots pharmacy staff is like a gathered session of the united nations.

The pharmacies around here aren't too bad about it, but a formerly good pizzeria ended up going to shit because both the menu and their staff became increasingly third world.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Duke

>>13535688 (geprüft und geheilt!)

Its weird tbh. Most of the shops (discounting the takeaways and corner shops) are owned/staffed by local natives here but boots the chemist seems to be the exception. Its always the pharmacists too - the shop assistants and pharmacy staff are all white ladies, just the pharmacists themselves seem to be from all over the world. Like you say it really blows holes in the "doing the jobs the Brits dont want to do" narrative (considering pharmacist is a decent career)

Some of them are actually ok and pleasant to deal with tbh - others not so. Depends who you get. There is a South African bloke (a Boer I think as he has a dutch surname) in one of them (two boots in my town) and he's ok. Very professional. Theres a lady from stockport too who is very nice and always strikes up conversation with me, remembers my name etc. Shes my favorite.

Strangely, the somali girl who sometimes works there is actually pleasant too. She has a british accent so i'm assuming she was born here but she wears the full niqab and shit. She has always been ok with me (though I'd still deport 99.9% of her kin tbh.) I seen her having to deal with this local junkie bird making a scene once because she couldnt have her methadone or something - shit was hilarious. You have this rampant bipolar smackhead bitch rampaging about the shop screaming & knocking shampoo bottles over and shit and this dumpy little five foot binbag (although you can see her face) clad somali, impotently chasing her round the shop, doing a kind of waddle. Them "dresses" they wear dont seem very practical smh. I legit think she is the only somali iv ever seen on the isle.

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Thanks for the tips and video you good lad!

Yeah, I have never attempted to 'try' to lucid dream or astral project, those floating dreams just randomly come to me. Definitely going to stop the weed and see what my dreams try to tell me.

I would agree that lucid dreaming is sort of like a cross between the material realm and astral plane, where as it is your physical dream body experiencing the dream in a material sense, whereas astral is soul within the astral plane. Never have done it yet, but I plan to try.

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File: 0ad482a5cb497b7⋯.gif (74.11 KB,357x336,17:16,silver chord.gif)

>>13536522 (observed)

If you are wanting to get into astral projection than this is a MUST READ primer and probably the best contemporary work on the phenomena to date.

Robert Bruce's "Astral Dynamics". PDF file here:


…or you can read it online here:


It is, in my humble opinion, THE best work on the topic to date. He will teach you the techniques needed to both lucid dream and astrally project. He goes into the "dynamics" of it and it is a surprisingly easy read - more like an instruction manual than a tradition occult grimoire - no cryptic text, no reading between the lines or hidden ciphers etc. Just a working handbook a bit like a car manual.

Well worth a read if the phenomena interests you and you wish to try it out.

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> ass trail

Nope, that's for monkey folk.

Don't fall for the newage "astral" PSYOP.

The dreams you have happen in this reality. The Old Gods are real, and can influence reality. Chaos such as cards, dice, and etc. "oracles" like the I-Ching create potential for beings and spirits other than humans to communicate. They are not on some mumbo-jumbo astral plane, but right here in reality, and so is your real soul. Dreams are chaotic firings of mind state, and can be influenced by external forces and greater or lesser beings in order to receive information. Scientifically, we can prove this by way of trans cranial stimulation. Sufficiently studied magic is called science.

Pretending your magic is happening in another dimension keeps you from affecting reality. Instead know your will can affect reality and speak with certainty.

Lucid Dreaming is a 1st dream magic, a stepping stone. Too many druids with great potential are distracted by the lusty maiden at the entrance to the Cave of Wonders who fulfills all passions, and they fail to enter the inner sanctum of magic. This is a test, one that most organized fraternal orders mirror in ceremony. Don't let your will be sated by the infinite but inert dream abilities. Use the Lucid Dream to set up a system of symbols and set forth prior and into dreaming with imagery, scent, and sounds. Quest therein and interpret the symbols seen as a personal language with lesser and greater intelligences.

Much druid magic is the magic of mind mastery. One can build an interface to the subconscious mind starting in lucid dreaming and proceeding to willfully induced sleep paralysis, or waking dreams.

While in a Lucid Dream the druid is still contained in a dream. Waking dreaming, is the second dream state where dreams and auditory hallucinations are superimposed upon the waking world. These can be used to communicate with your subconscious mind and the beings who can speak through your dreams, including spirits and the true Old Gods.

There is a third dream state whereby the adept does not fall into the prison of a dream and instead stays conscious while the body becomes paralyzed and part of the mind sleeps while invoking hallucinations. This is the realm of Memory Magic. Within it one can influence what short term memory you will retain by enhancing or weirding the associated dream tokens (imagery, sound and experiences of dream). The druid will see a blank canvas and be aware of the hallucinations. By modifying associated iconography both short term and long term memory can be enhanced or destroyed. Learning of physical tasks (muscle memory) and rote memorization ability can be enhanced in this state.

The fourth and final dream state is that of the Master Druid: The Dream Trance while waking and yet unfettered by the paralysis of sleep. The icons of magic drift freely into view on command and command heart rate, adrenalin and dopamine production, and etc. subconscious effects. Dreamy dryads whisper from shadows of things not to be forgot, and will-o-the-wisps guide the wizard to any item lost. All things lost belong to the Druids.

Remember: We Druids are of all betwixed places. We are fluids, we flow through all betweens. Like water seep into cracks and know all deep realms. In the winter we grow while hibernating and destroy even large boulders with subtle slow movement. Between the King's Castle and the bandit's badlands the druids become animal cloaked beasts of legend to keep both camps in check. As a favor to the king we keep the lazy paying taxes in cities and the brigands from growing too powerful; This is right and good, for our fluids get there before the heir; We use the golden phallus of Osiris to implant our prince without breaking the queen's hymen: Druids came between King and Queen. Between Dream and Awake is the misty Forrest of Illusion that is the most ancient source of our magic. Wherever forces of darkness and light meet you will find a druid.

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Choking On The God Pill With The Logos Losers



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hugh is streaming.


I dont think E Michael Jones is given much credence here tbh lad dont worry.

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File: abe0a48dc659655⋯.jpg (356.31 KB,705x1089,235:363,[[[[[[[[[.jpg)

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That#s an excellent resume, i did the Druid /pol/ pictures i said i would, 9 of them hoping to capture something of the spirit of the Druidic woodland adventures.

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I just picked up were i'd left off previously really, but there are a few new approaches i'll be looking to develop.

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>>13536522 (observed)

>Thanks for the tips and video you good lad!

Of course lad. I forgot to mention my wife and I started sleeping on a thin cotton pad(3 inches) on the rug instead of a mattress about a month ago. We’ve been having the best sleep of our lives tbh. The logic being, that decadent mattresses don’t give your skeleton enough support, so your back and core muscles are still engaged to some degree and don’t get rest. Last night we ditched our pillows and I woke up very well rested with only 5.5 hours of sleep.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A fine Saturday to my druidpals. Hope you are all well lads. Fresh based Saffer.



These are very nice lad thanks for posting them. I know its probably going to sound cliche'd but they are very "Gigeresque". Do take that as a complement btw, I love Giger's work.

I like the way you can see tree/branch like structures (amidst the usual faces, wraiths and fleeting, transient forms encapsulated within your other work) once you start looking into the composition. Bravo lad, good work.


Good post lad.


Ass-trail/astral, whatever, dont get too hung up on the nomenclature lad, what you go on to describe is fundamentally the same concept anyway. It has many names & you could call it:





<higher vibration planes

<the magickal realm

<etc etc

…but it all boils down to the same thing in the end. I don't buy the theory that it is all just part of the subconscious.

>The Old Gods are real, and can influence reality.

Yes fully agree with you there. But where do these Gods reside? In order to "exist" & influence "reality" (ie - the irl/mundane-meatspace) then they must reside on some differing plane of existence. I like the astral concept as it fits more as an archetype & a template rather than a religious system or "roadmap". This "interstice" exists in the language of subconscious & universal abstract symbolism so it is only natural that folk might interpret it in slightly differing ways, even though it all, ultimately springs forth from the same source.

>Lucid dream

Never been big on them personally. I'v had them but, for me, they are little more than sandboxes although sometimes good information can be relayed or gleaned through them. I personally find certain divination methods far more useful and accurate in my workings (meditative scrying & tarot being favorites of mine) but I don't discount the potential of lucid dreaming. Everyone is different - you might have one druidfriend who is boss at lucid dreaming and can glean insight and perhaps even prophecy from it, while another might be adept at scrying in an obsidian mirror.

To each their strengths

>willfully induced sleep paralysis

That is how it works for me. The vibrational state followed by exit in to the real time zone. Astrological conditions are making it hard at the moment though (although I did manage to achieve the vibrations the other day - a heartening sign tbh)

Tiptop stuff though lad. Lovely prose, especially the last paragraph.

>We Druids are of all betwixed places. We are fluids, we flow through all betweens. Like water seep into cracks and know all deep realms.

I really like this. Very poetic.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Duke

Damn "Estoninans"….

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh BazBattles

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What exactly is this thread? I am become curious.

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File: 50d07348cd183cd⋯.png (164.89 KB,1264x712,158:89,bond1.png)

How are we this fine Sunday lads? Sun is shining here and summer is in full swing. Only downside is tourists tbh (or "grockles" as the locals are fond of calling them - a coach load of them is referred to as a "grockle can" for example.)


>I am become curious

Better than becoming death, destroyer of worlds lad :^)

You have stumbled upon druid/pol/, home of the Lodge of the B.O.N.D - the Brythonic Order of Nativist Druids - an anonymous, decentralized & quasi-autonomous fraternal order of nationalistic neo-Druidfriends who primarily seek to explore the intersection between the metaphysical and the metapolitical and build the foundations of a new, working, folkish spiritual system based around Celtic & Brythonnic pagan mythology (with a smattering of western esoterica , a dash of Chumbley, a pinch of hermetica & splash of Serrano/Evolaian philosophy to boot - its a heady and potent concoction full of depth & nuance) and we also seek to reclaim & reconsecrate that which has been taken and perverted by the new agers, wiccans etc who, at present sully & defile our ancient traditions and heritage.

We seek to reinvigorate the pagentry and spectacle of the Old Gods and ask them to lend us their power in these dark times. We venerate them, the Spirits of the Druids who invigorate us and also our ancestors.

B.O.N.D has been running 3 years now and is growing. We have formed genuine bonds of fraternal brotherhood and have a good sense of camaraderie in these generals. We have Druid "cells" or "nexions" all around the globe (UK, US Europe and even the Antipodes) We have bants, current events, esoteric & political discussion and we all help each other out on our spiritual path of progression & development & we report our progress here - a space that serves as a "digital grove".

Sometimes we do co-ordinated rituals. We are the neo-Druids, the digital shamans, Bards & Ovates of the modern age.

Read the archives here and have a lurk if you want to know what we are all about and welcome friend. The lads are always happy to answer any questions.

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Every time I come across this thread I question if whoever writes this horseshit is either a jew or some one that invested too many points in autism , probably the latter.

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Get out, kike. This is a great thread.

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File: fecdd1e56cd408d⋯.jpg (8.49 KB,184x184,1:1,getdruids.jpg)


I am neither jewish or autistic. If you actually read the threads though you will see i'm quite open with who/what I actually am, which is mostly Welsh with some English & a smattering of Danish viking on the paternal side.

Why do these threads bother you so much?

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They do not , I ignore them as most threads as much of them are mere distractions , it baffles me somewhat that this one keeps coming back as it seems as nothing more than larping people , not that I would have anything against larping , regardless I cannot attach to your words the way you intend me to , far too complex and detached words to associate with my person per say , moreover the very idea of the occult is redundant and obsolete , regardless of which form it may takes .

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Get out jew. Or are you Christian? Why are you even on this Tibetan Dorje making instruction forum?

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File: f570db5e9597116⋯.jpg (9.87 KB,210x189,10:9,ai.jpg)


> very idea of the occult is redundant and obsolete , regardless of which form it may takes .

Take your fedora off son and broaden your mind for fuck sake. There are more things in heaven & earth anon than is dreamed of in your philosophy.

>the occult is obsolete/doesn't work

Nope. It is very real. When one experiences it firsthand then one cannot deny the veracity of that experience. A closed mind is a sad thing indeed. Leaves you in a spiritual vacuum m8.

>I cannot attach to your words the way you intend me to , far too complex and detached words to associate with my person per say


>They do not , I ignore them as most threads as much of them are mere distractions

…and yet you chose to come in, engage and bump the thread.


Nah we actually practice what we preach here. The other lads will attest to that. The rites we perform are very real and have a tangible effect on the participants. We all have our own individual projects going on too.

What makes you discount the occult so readily? Have you studied it at all? Do you realize the enemy is balls deep into their own dark, evil little systems and are in contact with God's know what (another indication that there might be something to all this…)

Why do you discard the veracity of the esoteric so readily?

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Broaden my mind is but a fallacy on your behalf , do that for what?If you cannot define a goal , then it is not worth pursuing , and by all means heaven cannot be defined , and you can eat my fedora , probably why I do not have one , your attempt to wit is as weak as your intellect null and void of essence , but made up horseshit.

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File: 629a2539e90151f⋯.gif (1.93 MB,320x243,320:243,off you fuck.gif)


>your attempt to wit is as weak as your intellect null and void of essence

Better than your atrocious grammer m8

>made up horseshit

>I dont have a fedora

Oh but you do. A metaphorical one that prevents you from seeing beyond the scope of your own narrow mindset. It is constricting you right now.

>Muh fallacy

Seems we reach an impasse then. Skepfag, unwilling to listen, who refuses to take on information outside his comfort zone and has no grasp of nuance. Just sticks his fingers in his ears and goes "NAH NAH NAH I CANT HEAR YOU"

Enjoy the spiritual vacuum of existing purely in mundane meatspace faggot.

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It's another schizo/bot, lad. The disjointed, strange punctuation and etc has been spotted about elsewhere.

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>If you cannot define a goal

My goal is to build a Tibetan Dorje as >>13541545 clearly said; in order to kill (((yawew))) and leave his devotees twisting helplessly in the winds of Kali Yuga.

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Based op. Very nice thread.

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Bouncy Bobs on that lad

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Weird one that. I agree, either a bot or someone who had english as a second language.


Thanks lad, appreciate it.

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File: 4d7284f2f3a0e1d⋯.jpg (109.15 KB,611x355,611:355,Waterford.jpg)

Ireland has a habit of summoning magicians from within their genetic pool into incarnation if there is a need for the use of magick in order to counteract magick used against the Irish, but then according to the dream I had, the Irish then cull those magicians from the gene pool due to fearing their power, only to summon them again in the future if their services are needed.

According to the dream though, the magician tribe can withstand the culling process and continue to exist as a reproducing segment of the population if they play their cards right.

Jews are a tribe of magicians, and so naturally magicians from other ethnic groups are being called into existence in order to preserve their ethnic group against the jewish subversion. Yet non-jewish ethnic groups have betrayed their magician classes in the past, and so the magician class may face their biggest struggle for survival from within the ethnic group whom they serve. Because in the past these ethnic groups have culled their magicians through ostracism, priestly celibacy, witchcraft accusations, and through the concept of magicians being old souls: which is done to push them out of normalcy. All attempts to make magicians pariahs from the herd.

Magicians are part of the herd though.

***Dream transcribed below:

I had a dream last night I was sitting with Kyle and Sinead upon some rocks on a hill, Sinead told me that every so often Ireland summons a tribe of priests into existence on earth from within its DNA, if there is a threat that needs to be dealt with that needs to be addressed with priestcraft(using words to bless or curse).

But then the Irish tribe later eliminates this tribe of priests from reproduction because the priest tribe within the Irish community is viewed as a potential threat to the wider community due to their knowledge(especially knowledge of cursing).

Yet the priest tribe can withstand the elimination process if they establish themselves as a cohesive unit and prevent the usual process of being eliminated by the tribe from the tribe, where they are cast aside only to be summoned later from within the gene pool if the tribe sees a need for them.

In other words the priest tribe within the Irish tribe can continue to exist on the planet as a tribe and become an established part of society and reproduce itself from generation to generation. The impression from the dream was that the usual process is the priest tribe is summoned from within the gene pool into the physical world only if there is a pressing need, only to be later cast aside, but that this usual process can be thwarted if the priest tribe is established as a cohesive unit.

If the word tribe is not liked, the word network can be used in its place.


Kyle and Sinead are the owners and operators of renegade broadcasting:


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FRONGE POST: https://8ch.net/fringe/res/133916.html

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File: fa4068631171d4a⋯.jpg (215.65 KB,655x973,655:973,RoOaM.jpg)


Good post lad. I think I agree with the assertion of the bloodlines of the adepts essentially going "latent" due to culls, not being needed etc, only to reemerge once the national psyche calls it back up.

The magician caste can be either generational or self taught (although chances are the self taught ones were adepts of some kind in a previous existence are very high) but does indeed exist and will form, like antibodies once the nation is under dire threat. The people subconsciously (and in some cases consciously) will the caste back up through the soul pool & into existence.

The universe has a way of balancing itself out, usually with a hard reset of some kind. We are due one soon.


Used to listen to them years back during the stormfront days/era (circa '09/'10 iirc) but if I remember correctly they (especially Sinead) became involved in a lot of infighting and bitter e-drama so I ended up giving renegade a wide berth after that shitshow. It was fairly instrumental in my early redpilling days though. Stormfront was ok for redpilling years back but I ended up coming to /pol/ because the SF userbase lacked any sense of humour whatsoever. You couldn't even say nigger there

Fuck me thats nearly a decade ago now. Time flies.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's all the belly of the Beast with Giger, Humbaba the Guardian of the Cedar Forest and the Seven Auras as enigmatic light source, worms, vipers and entrails, life and death and light and dark co-joined in reproductive balance and that carried through into the technological, but i tend just to illustrate the quest for the light source of the Seven Auras which is to say the entrance into the realm of Faeries.

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I can… feel it though? That there's still another "resurrection" left for us to go through. We've been reborn from non-existence before. It's time for us, not as wizards or druids, to put ourselves back together again, as a people.

Are you Irish? You need to stop hating the English, Scottish, and Welsh. We have our freedom and it's time to plot the future with these sister ethnic groups as allies and friends. There's HOPE singing out across these islands if you have but the ears to listen for it. There's a lordly and scholarly part of you just waiting to reclaim the dignity and nobility that burn so bright in every Hibernian soul.

Reclaiming Ireland and these islands starts with reclaiming yourself. Learn our history. Better yourself both physically and mentally. Reproduce. Let go of our old grudges and senseless hatred for our occasionally misguided cousins. Now is the time to create the new "Irish Sterotype". A time of great rebirth is coming and it's to each of us to shape the image of this new perfection to be.

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File: 410cfec99af6593⋯.gif (424.1 KB,1000x600,5:3,blamblam.gif)

Afternoon lads, hope we are well.


It is excellent stuff lad, I appreciate you sharing it with us and giving us an explanation as to the Work's meaning.


>I can… feel it though

Same. It sounds like a horrible cliche but people really are "waking up" so to speak. Incidents of high strangeness are increasing in frequency worldwide. That is usually a sign that there is something afoot in the etheric - something is brewing.

>Are you Irish?

Are you asking me lad? If you are then no, im mostly Welsh (although I speak with a "norfern" accent because I grew up there from ages 4-22) with English and smattering of Danish on my Paternal side. I dont hate any of my anglosphere/celtosphere compatriots (except the traitors and cucks - I hate them with the fury of a billion suns going similtaneously supernova!)

You are right though, a lot of Irish & Scots have chips on their shoulder regarding the English and are nursing centuries old grudges when there is a foreign menace among us, spreading like a cancer. Some of these people (the SNP lot for example) will cut off their own nose to spite their face.


Already got you there lad. 2 so far.

>let go of our old grudges and senseless hatred for our occasionally misguided cousins.

Here-here! No more brother's wars. Its happening lad. We are in the midst of what I term "The Great Disillusionment." Scales are falling from eyes and people are realizing what a horrible failure liberal egaliterian democracy coupled with mass third world immigration has been and they are witnessing the detrimental effect it has had on their living standards and the prospects for their children's futures. There is anger & they are realizing that, unless they do something, the future is gonna be fucking grim. This is why the cabal as gone full SHUT IT DOWN mode now. Unfortunately for the cabal, the genie is out of the bottle and he is not going back in anytime soon, no matter how much they cry, whinge, label & try to SHUT IT DOWN. It is only a matter of time before the west will become embroiled in an series of concurrent international civil wars (ethnic conflicts.)

They have pushed & pushed so far that this is the only possible outcome now. And when it does arrive there will be some serious house cleaning going on.

They continuously demonize straight white men as demonic ubernazis. It is only a matter of time before said demographic snaps. One can only take so much needling and fuck me, there are some righteous grudges being nursed right now. They are poking a big fuck off grizzly bear with a stick, thinking its too old/weak/infirm & demoralized to do anything. They are sorely mistaken - soon the bear will wake up and tear their fucking faces off.

What the left has done is utterly unforgivable. Treachery of the highest and most heinous sort. There is no going back from this, no admitting they were wrong and apologizing/conceeding. They have attempted to engineer a genocide. For that act of ultimate treachery they will be repaid in kind & they know this. It terrifies them. They know what fate awaits them once they lose. This is why they double/triple/quadrouple down on their bullshit and a frantically running round like headless chickens trying to shut us down. But its like a breaking dam, Plug one crack but several other spring up in its place. Then the damn will finally break and usher in a tidal torrent to sweep away the corruption.

It is coming lad. It is on the horizon. We shall live to see it come to pass, that much i'm certain.

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File: 48531adfa27b2ad⋯.jpg (73.78 KB,640x701,640:701,48531adfa27b2ad8754ef1b4f9….jpg)

Odin Father whom Art in Valhalla, Glorious is your name; your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. Grant us this day, our just Wages and spare us these Bloody Kike Taxes. Forgive us our Altruism as our embattled Race forbears. Lead us not into Asiatic Degeneracy. Deliver us from Hypothecation, and all the Eternal Evils of the Hiribu. Since Thine are the Kingdom, the Power and Glory of your Crow-Magnum sons forever and ever.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Morgs

The TR civnats are now (like the left with their pro-trans vs TERFs sillyness) eating themselves too.

The center is collapsing lads. Folk are gonna have pick a side pretty sharpish.

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This is one of the more funny things I've seen today.

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File: bb2fed008df4ca7⋯.png (271.23 KB,320x346,160:173,beankeke.PNG)



Based crow magnum tbh

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File: febd98ba70f6da8⋯.jpg (300.53 KB,640x743,640:743,D3492283-FEB7-4AAE-92B5-78….jpg)


At long last. Behold, this is what is under the rock.

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File: 59c9de1e0c325a7⋯.png (9.41 KB,119x110,119:110,59c9de1e0c325a715c43c5f71c….png)

Are these any good? I've had them sitting around for a while but haven't read any yet.


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File: d8d6b6afef70ffc⋯.jpg (108.35 KB,600x800,3:4,venti.jpg)


Fuckin' hell, what a steg.!How the fuck does she make 100k a month?!?!?

She's a right fucking hound mate, thats for sure.

Bugman orbiters who have enabled this faggotry are getting the bog (in minecraft) no questions asked.


What are they lad? Im dubious of clicking unsolicited links.

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Summaries and anonfile links to the following books.

Heathen Tribes by Mark Ludwig Stinson

Heathen Families by Mark Ludwig Stinson

Heathen Gods by Mark Ludwig Stinson

Culture of the Teutons by Vilhelm Grönbech

The Saga Hoard - Volume 1

The Saga Hoard - Volume 2

The Nine Books of the Danish History by Saxo Grammaticus

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This thread has many more good pics than the so-called "art" thread; keep 'em comin', goys!

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File: 8afbdd649d57a86⋯.jpg (44.98 KB,800x445,160:89,yes.jpg)


Defo worth a read, especially the Ludwug-Stinson books & the Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum.

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File: 871e2cda3667a9e⋯.jpg (24.54 KB,474x388,237:194,tumblrdiaries.jpg)


I understand. Face paint ought to be illegal. They all cause so many problems, losses and crimes. Longing for the old days of coverture, bride price and clan solidifying 4rth cousin marriage. Pic related my fave tumblr grl. Wish there were another choice six or seven with a cute face just like this one.

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File: e915492e6676edd⋯.gif (94.92 KB,300x404,75:101,F1.medium.gif)


You might already know, but just to inform you, 4th cousins are actually optimal biological partners as well.

A University of Reykjavik, Iceland study proves they have the most healthy babies when controlled for socioeconomic factors.


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File: 6e97c7a84f07333⋯.jpg (18.55 KB,400x320,5:4,kekskikov.jpg)


I'm told that particular one was proficient with a biro pen too.

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Lel i drew this pepe years ago. Imagine my shock that some fucking internet coven of druids are using it. My dick can only be so erect. sorry

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Fantastic, cheers lad, be sure to post a link on the >>>/druid/ board while you're at it

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>4th cousins are actually optimal biological partners

3rd and 4th cousins, not just 4th.

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File: 2218de835b52b69⋯.jpg (256.95 KB,736x1893,736:1893,6ef9b15b6341ad78522d652829….jpg)

Is anyone else having weird dreams? I keep having dreams of beasts invading people's homes, of rivers and lakes turning a green-brown pestilent color, of nature spirits switching from calm visage to something akin to a wendigo (skull headed spirits), cancer turning sentient and controlling the body, and of sick people being eaten alive by wild animals.

The skull-headed spirits keep offering me an animal bone mask to don.

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File: 1f5abacf5244ee1⋯.jpg (114.85 KB,1012x698,506:349,approve.jpg)


Always nice to see ones OC being disseminated and used isn't it lad. Good OC stands the test of time too.

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File: 29dec73be22f591⋯.jpg (39.14 KB,650x485,130:97,cheshire bridge ghost.jpg)


Getting a lot of reports of strange dreams as of late. It can indicate etheric disturbance.

Regarding mine - nothing quite as vivid or elaborate as yours but I do have a recurring dream "theme" - i'm very often in a hotel of some sort or the dream features a hotel at some point. Its been going on years. I think it represents a subconscious fear of transience tbh.

Had one the other night where I was back at school or college or somewhere but I didnt write it down so I have forgotten most of the details.

My dreams tend to be fairly mundane (ie: not much exciting happens in them) but at the same time, very heavy on symbolism.

>the skull-headed spirits keep offering me an animal bone mask to don.

Then i'd opine you need to put it on and see what happens.

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File: 9f8d29e37e3c020⋯.jpg (321.14 KB,1300x866,650:433,78580886-swedish-farm-in-t….jpg)


My recent dreams haven't quite been exactly as yours, but they have expressed similar sentiments. There have been two or three in the last few months that I can relate.

The first was of me in a very urban part of a city, at a hotel (>>13546032 me too I guess). The air was dark and thick with smog. There were petty criminals causing trouble. They kidnapped me when I intervened with them. I was taken to a deep forest and into a barn, where I broke my hand ties and then slit their throats. When I left the barn, the scene was totally different. It was day and looked like a scene from a classical nature painting. The dirt paths teemed with people walking along rustic fences on their daily errands. No darkness and smog remained there, nature had been restored basically.

The next two were less related, but were panicked/dealt with human punishment nonetheless. College students (>>13546032 another intersection with your recent dreams) were trapped in a building by a vengeful spirit. It caused people to fight and kill each other. After many escaped the room, a girl told the survivors that the entity was there to punish people. Two students almost walked back down the stairs into the room but stopped themselves, now realizing that it was a trap. If I read between the lines on that one, it seems pretty straight forward. The last was of myself. I was in some kind of frenzy and terrified of something. I was rifling through my drawers and grabbing my hammer necklace and my runes, among other things. I just knew I had to get away. Unfortunately, I awoke before finding out why I was so anxious.

I have been getting a lot more odd dreams in the last year and a half than almost any other time of my life

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tfw fucked up the formatting

>my usual lurker status instead of posting often is showing

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>>13546055 (observed)

Happens to us all lad, don't sweat it.

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File: 78aeb3c29219861⋯.jpg (34.86 KB,770x513,770:513,hp5b848533.jpg)


A common dream and probably the basis for the jooz Hekhalot literature relating to visions of ascents into heavenly palaces, in Christianity the House with many rooms, thus relating to the self in terms of compartmentalization, this also relating to the Big Brother doctrine of Jacob Frank.

>If you had been in wholeness, then I would have sent one of you with a pass from that Maiden to the Big Brother. Having come to that screen, you would have found one guard, who would have asked you, Where are you going? You would have replied, I seek my brothers.

>Only then would he have led you with that pass to the Big Brother. But you must know that at his place are rooms without number; and there are many of them in which he has not been since the beginning, for he is made to forget them.

>At [the place of] that Brother there are very many rooms, for every power there is in the world there is for every one— individually— a room there. He himself has the key to every room

>Among them is one room in which all the deeds of men are written down nightly and all the words they speak during the day. He himself sees and watches over everything that happens here in this world.

>In that room the Big Brother himself would there have read all my words, which I would have spoken with him from here. Know that he cannot now get through that screen, but just so I would have revealed to him by what means he could get across the barrier. He himself does not now have the power of crossing

>Know also that the Big Brother always tries to see if he can get past his screen, but some thing draws him back to his place, from which he concludes that there is something higher over them.

>..but to the Big Brother himself I would have given advice on how he might get through his screen; and all of that would have been through you. If that Big Brother had come to me, then you would have seen what would have happened in the world.

>Therefore it is my desire to unite with him, for both of us could lead the thing out with strength, in the open, and that is what stands with you, Do not hope for the steps of the messiah until you see the rainbow in bright colors, that indicates that Big Brother.


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I wrote it down in my dream journal so I'll post the transcript. Lots of upheaval in the night, no wonder everyone roams tired nowadays. I do refer to a being quite a bit. All I know is I've had absolutely intense urges to fill my room with even more plants and venture out into the woods.

"I was barricaded in with some survivors in this house in the woods. They missed a door and ravenous beasts made their way in. I blacked out as they pushed through the door and woke only to see blood stains, skin, and hair strewn about. The worst was where an obese person was attempted to be pulled through a doggy door, causing a horrible mess. Like looking at someone mid&way of lifting a shirt, save for the shirt being skin and fat. I collected myself and went out into the woods before noticing growls from behind. I went in the opposite directions until I realized I was being corralled. I came to a dark grove where I saw the White One of the Forest.

Other beings began to pull themselves from the trees as they wore skulls for faces, skin like bark. The White One of the Forest shed it's thick, plush fur before appearing in similar nature; yet more grand were the boughs jutting from it's back. A talon resting on a bark-like digit extended until it touched the center of my head and filled my mind with horrible imagery.

I saw (all accompanied by the sounds of angry, buzzing locusts):

Waters becoming a slurry of brown and green rapidly due to plastics.

People who had undergone plastic surgery, their faces melting from the silicone.

Wildfires burning trash heaps, releasing toxic fumes.

Cancer acting almost sentient, causing afflicted to become more like rabid monsters.

Dessicated fields outside the forest.

Diseased animals everywhere moving into fire willingly.

Scavenging predators consuming a still-living human from the abdomen, they were unable to move from the sickness.

I saw the feral beasts that had eaten the previous people I was with. They stopped, looking intently to me as the White One stepped back. Another member came to me and offered me the skull of a canid creature with strange, branch-like horns growing from the head."

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Way of the World

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13546122 (observed)

The segment that starts around the 8 minute mark (with the "wise elders" and the tranny on the piano) is fucking golden. Takes me back. That clips been knocking about a while and I remember an aussie shitposter embedding it in a thread a few years back. Fucking hilarious (I mean you have to laugh don't you, else you'd cry) & I actually had it in my favorites until 4x2tube deleted the channel hosting it for "muh h8speech" or whatever. Video was full of lulzy comments too.

Its actually still on youtube (see embed) but only on the official aussie ABC channel that originally broadcast it and surprise surprise, comments closed and ratings disabled.

I like the way the abbo laughs as he starts banging his sticks and making noises too. Part of me thinks he's also laughing at the absurdity of the situation & just not taking the whole thing very seriously. Fair play to the lad - hes got petrol to drink and roads to sleep in after all. Skip to about @01:40 to avoid all the tranny warbling and see the abbo laugh. Also I legit cannot tell the gender of one on the left.

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Can confirm brothers. I dreamt of being in a library resembling one from the 1930s-1940s even earlier. Not like today's monstrosities which are infested with non-whites using free wifi and loitering. No, this was old and smelt of wood, cedar and oak, and old books. It was overlooking a serene lake with foliage. I recall trying to get a good picture of the lake but could not for some reason. The Library was busy with elderly (white) folk going to and fro. I did not see anyone looking under 45. An elderly gentleman approached me amicably and said something along the lines of, "We haven't seen you in quite some time." Or something along the lines of that. Then I awoke. I felt at peace in the Library, and protected.

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File: 76b71bafdce4efc⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,600x450,4:3,46a8bbcc5bf1a0461a94277013….jpg)


Freemasonic Innovation, fren. Time travel bic-pen in all new (trendy-traditional) old blue jew tears ink. Comes with bonus dirty joke endnotes. Sad Dogs.

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File: 81aab8adcdd6053⋯.png (990.68 KB,886x1024,443:512,ancestry genealogy 4rth co….png)


Thanks for posting this: saved. There is also a study around that shows that the quality and stability of the marriage is significantly improved. Much less divorce, abuse, bitching, social alienation or self-annihilation. Imagine this normalized for four generations. With the ancestry and genealogy resources we have now, the intensity of tribal, clan and familial connectivity would be v. powerful.

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File: b3cbaae6188635f⋯.jpg (31.44 KB,380x255,76:51,b3cbaae6188635f6e888408b3e….jpg)


I am cautious about 3rd cousin relations because in real life, I knew a kid who's parents were first cousins. Certainly, a third cousin marriage is better than a rando-rando pairing of two Europid husband and wife – so much genomic dissolution with generations of failure to reason to genetic complimentarity in this fake consumerist "love" affectation. As to the kid, in whatever mad set of events a situation occurred where neither of their parents told these boomers they were first cousins; or irrespective, their own behaviour ended up producing this sorry kid. Talk about Sad Dogs! He was v. low IQ: sick all the time. Had to get horrific painful spinal taps during suffering disorders and syndromes that didn't have names. Parallel dysgenic reproductive results to Homosexualist behaviour causing broad spectra of unknown mortal diseases. In nature's grace, the kid died before he was 16 – being justly relieved of his ignorant parents.

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Somehow I doubt that filthy kike got all teary eyed over Ebba; while he whined and carried on for some jewess who died of typhus in a hospital bed.

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File: 7c4442b7c8655b6⋯.png (716.43 KB,768x537,256:179,nick_cora_frank.png)


Excellent, anon. Saved.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chaim Witz is awful. They believe their own lies, and are so ashamed of it, they demand that even those evolved to cognitive fluidity believe them too. They're wretched. Imagine being so criminogenic, low and insufferable for so long that your people have to subsist on lies and delusions and pass laws against scrutinizing the grotesque falsity. [[[109-359-1030]]]

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>Im dubious of clicking unsolicited links.

Its just Pastebin, buddy

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Have you seen the Polish study that concludes a male to female height ratio of 1.09x is optimal for agreeable relations? A lot of unhappy people marrying too tall or too short. Imagine sifting through your fourth cousins for a height ratio of 1.09 and finding her. An example height ratio might be man 6' [72"] ÷ 1.09 = 66"

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File: 8f859b45ffea3a2⋯.jpg (163.56 KB,800x600,4:3,Webley_Fairbairn-Sykes.jpg)


Wish they had TRT in his day. It may have extended his righteous rampage. Learned a lot just listening to his suave lectures.

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File: 69bc32246161aff⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,560x400,7:5,dhTY4Yl.jpg)


Be Faust-tier precocious lad. Fire up that crow-magnum cognitive fluidity. No need to darkie down.

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File: b149ffef8b6c548⋯.jpg (973.24 KB,2700x1689,900:563,T2C13NA.jpg)

Not very knowledgeable, what's the spiritual view on working out?I've felt almost spiritual experiences when alone lifting heavy weights. is the body too often ignored in favour of just the mind?

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File: a2e0c73ed72ad7e⋯.png (378.08 KB,768x557,768:557,psychekikeotherapy.png)


Try Jung. His first archetype is in part aspect a muscle man athlete. Beyond that, the warrior-soldier archetype. This might not be spiritual so much as mythological figurative. These pray words may bring luck with kinaesthetic regimens.


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>Not very knowledgeable, what's the spiritual view on working out?

Your body is your temple m8. The healthier we are the closer to the divine we are, the easier our communion will be.


>I saw (all accompanied by the sounds of angry, buzzing locusts):

>Waters becoming a slurry of brown and green rapidly due to plastics.

>People who had undergone plastic surgery, their faces melting from the silicone.

>Wildfires burning trash heaps, releasing toxic fumes.

>Cancer acting almost sentient, causing afflicted to become more like rabid monsters.

>Dessicated fields outside the forest.

>Diseased animals everywhere moving into fire willingly.

>Scavenging predators consuming a still-living human from the abdomen, they were unable to move from the sickness.

You dreamed you were in Southern California lad. I second the motion to dawn the skull mask.


Top notch.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh 56% Gamer

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 1c46421fc5fd01a⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,474x355,474:355,seryge45drthu.jpg)


Wasn't directing my post to you specifically, but enjoyed your response. It's heartening to see that there are others who, despite our differences, can see that all natives to the isles have roughly comparable heritage and should be coordinating our defense.

>Already got you there lad. 2 so far.

Proud of you brother. I knew a fair few Welsh folks who escaped to rural Connacht. Technically savvy, polite, and oh so awkward. Couldn't ask for better neighbors.

I've been in the US for 5 years, engaged to an awesomely wonderful woman who I'm planning to pump full of kids. In support of this I've been looking for organizations that could possibly help with the economic burden. The "traditional" Irish advocacy groups are fucking useless in every sense. Rarely do they have any members under 50. Too focused on fighting for politically correct causes. There's a huge need for a new group. 8ch gets so caught up in rhetoric and weaponizing that it forgets that the real war we need to win is in the bedroom, and seeing as how we can't prevent lesser peoples from breeding, we need to make it easier for our kind to go full Quiverfull.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Days

>reminder that if Britain was still a real nation we would be sending our fleet to Hong Kong and not the Persian gulf

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American here, can I practice this stuff?

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Are you of European ancestry? Then of course

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>"The body is a temple"

There is wisdom in that old adage. Being fit is an important as aspect of spiritual development.


Ta lad will watch in a bit. Just watching 3 stooges livestream


>I knew a fair few Welsh folks who escaped to rural Connacht. Technically savvy, polite, and oh so awkward. Couldn't ask for better neighbors.

Good people aye. My maternal Welsh family lived both in Wales but also a sizeable portion moved to the Wirral, which has a large Welsh diaspora.

>we need to make it easier for our kind to go full Quiverfull.

Agree lad. Dunno if I'll have any more now but i'v at least contributed one of each to the future and I respect those who are able to bolster the numbers. It is important that kids are brought up well though - no ghetto-tier pump and dump. They need stable family units in order to pass that ethos on to the next gen and so forth. We got a lot of ingrained dysfunction to reverse.

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I have had a some as well, but only remember one from last night, in recent occurrence. There was a large woods, which was alpine. The sky was dark and ominous, and snow covered the ground in large patches. It was early winter, and there had been tragedy. I do not know what it was, but I knew it had happened. Evidence for it was abound. I was travelling on a narrow dirt road in the thick woods alone, driving a strange vehicle which was similar to a land train. I knew that it had food and other supplies to aid survivors out in this far remote town I was going to. As I approached the town, the road turned suddenly, and followed a new cliff face. As though a massive amount of the continent had suddenly sunk into the sea, in places half or the entire road had crumbled into the newly born jagged rocks below. It was sudden, it was forest, then it was not. I followed the road perilously until I came upon a small "town" which now only was 4 or 5 homes, of which only 2 or 3 still stood at all. As I arrived, a family watched me from their front yard. This family was obviously preparing to leave in vehicles of their own. As I got out, I felt a strong bloodlust upon me, which came from the father of the family, and the son, who could have been no older than 6. The young child drew a pistol, which was too large for him, and aimed toward me. In pure instinct, I drew mine, and shot both the child and the man. Strangely, the woman, and the other children disappeared upon this, as though they were just illusion, and no bodies remained. I slowly checked through the homes, which were designed bizarrely. They reminded me of miniature Winchester houses, with many strange winding passages. Every person I found was not a person, but some other creature, which imitated human form and voice. Sometimes they would call out to me, but I knew instinctively the entire time that the original inhabitants of this town must have been long dead. I had a duty to continue to search anyway, however. Each time, I would shoot the creature, it would disappear, along with some other things. The one was accompanied by many, many cats. But the home was far too clean for the absurd amount of cats, making it very suspicious. As for the traits of the said creatures, I only remember them being very deceptive, and using many methods of deception to lower the defenses of people. Young girl looking ones would try to be seductive, or perhaps cry for help then ambush. The two I first encountered made the illusion of a family in need of help to try to get me to lower my guard. It used to be that in such dreams, if I had weapons I would find that they would suddenly disappear, and I would be left helpless and suffer horrible deaths. But now, I usually have an innate awareness of the fact that I am dreaming, even if only subtly, so I can always conjure up some weapon. These dreams that are so vivid, so real, I often wonder if it's even right to call them a dream at all, or if that's even what they are.


I had a similar experience. I'll cut the long story short, but I found myself in one of my usual dream spaces. I was on the top of a mountain, which had a great and ancient city upon it. After some events, I entered a home, and felt a very strong familiarity and fondness, as well as a warm, welling happiness as the voice of an old man said "welcome home."

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here’s the fresh sequel to the sleep science video I posted earlier lads. It has some great stuff for insomniacs I didn’t know before. For example, cooler core temps are optimal. Cold showers oddly invigorate in the morning and help relax in the evenings. I had been avoiding them in the evenings for fear of invigoration tbh.

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File: a6df491635e8cd6⋯.png (280.25 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 0a11d322dac0a98⋯.png (516.85 KB,679x574,97:82,ClipboardImage.png)

Hullo lads, friendly reminder that Lughnasadh/ Lammas is tomorrow, be sure to perform a rite to Lugh.

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reminder that all conflicts are arranged or right now Argentina would be invading the Falklands. We wouldn't and couldn't do shit about it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And be sure to climb a hill.

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File: fff99e8a0102c28⋯.pdf (32.6 KB,Blot.pdf)

Very in depth guide to a blot if anyone is interested

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File: 13fd957fe5fd73b⋯.jpg (43.98 KB,676x320,169:80,img_5269-676x320.jpg)

Hey lads, I was thinking that since our last synchronized rite seemed successful, we should add another phrase/commonality to what we do for Lughnasadh. I think it's a perfect opportunity to try it out again. Since the festival is harvest related, we could focus on growing the awakening of European people back to their roots.

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Sure thing lad, one thing that it key though is that traditionally the day began on the night before, so tonight will be the beginning of Lughnasadh

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Glorious portent confirms that we should synchronize again. Do you have a phrase that we could add? I was thinking something along the lines of "May all the children of Europe come to their ancient roots"

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Thanks lad, I'm still not ready to fully participate but I will say a few words and burn some incense tonight.

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Something like that tbh, would prefer to leave it to 40k, he has a knack for this sort of thing


Lad that's all you have to do, just make sure the prayer corresponds to the traditional format you're golden

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

=="T'was upon a Lammas night

when corn rigs are bonny"

Beneath the moon's uncloude light

I held awhile to Annie

The time went by with careless heed

'==Till 'tween the late and early==

With small persuasion she agreed

To see me through the barley

Corn rigs and barley rigs and Corn rigs are bonnie!

I'll not forget that happy night, among the rigs with Annie



Smashing idea lad.

>>13551777 (observe the magick!)

Tonight is the beginning then? My suggestion is we each perform a small personal offering & invocation of our own devising tonight, in order to open the Rite, and then we'll devise something synchronized for tomorrow to close it. Being Lammas it should have a very celebratory "feel to it"

>>13552022 (ascertained)

Portents within portents lad!

>"May all the children of Europe come to their ancient roots"

Yes, excellent - that shall be our request then. Its selfless and for the betterment of our folk.


Good lad - go at your own pace and feel free to join whenever you feel ready to do so.


Very much appreciate your faith in me lad thank you. I'll get something written up in time for tomorrow afternoon - maybe later this eve, circumstances permitting. Then we can close the Lammas Night ritual tomorrow evening at it's culmination. We need to decide on a time. Ill stat a bit of cursory work on Lammas/Lughnasadh celebratory rites now and see what I can come up with.

I'll make it short & sweet like the last one. Something easy to get done as i'm of the opinion the last one went very well indeed.

This is a good way to harness our collective energy we have built up (and continue to build upon) here.

Lads, any pointers or aspects you wish to be included in the Lammas Rite - let me know & I shall do my best to incorporate them.

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File: 3ac0ba87bc33979⋯.jpg (16.07 KB,600x450,4:3,16d.jpg)

Apologies for the hideous formatting on the above song lyrics lads. Fucked that up good'n'proper didn't I

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Patron Jive Stream: Interpreting myths

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Sounds like a plan lad

>any pointers or aspects you wish to be included

Not much, just as long as it follows the traditional format, tt's a feast type of festival to celebrate the harvest, the death of summer and the welcoming of fall. Traditionally you're supposed to eat grains and express thanks to the gods and the earth, so just needs to reflect that really, maybe add some more reverence too

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Our Harvest-Time Thanks

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>Grain eating

done lots of that today

Still wish there was a useable lexicon for Common Brythonic, seems so odd for there not to be one. Latin and Saxon linguistic replacement surely wasn't a sudden and 100% effective change.

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Thanks lad - some helpful pointers there. We will all have to make sure to eat some sort of grain tomorrow then (im thinking seedy crusty bread) and perhaps include them in our offerings too (as well as alcohol to symbolise the mood of feast festivity & a time of plenty)

Apparently it is also a time of lovers so might be worth getting ones gf/wife involved in some factor if the B.O.N.D brother is in a relationship.


Based kennings there lad, ill be sure to incorporate them into the Rite, nice one.

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Nice lad


Would have thought it would be Welsh lad

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Welsh is sort of like how modern Italian compares to Latin tbh.

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>>13552566 (observed)

I was thinking of doing it in Welsh & English like last time tbh. I'll provide a Welsh translation along with the English.

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>>13552555 (observed)

Yeah definitely, beer or whiskey would be a good offering, there's a multigrain beer that's stocked near me, reckon that will be good and I also think including grain based food in the offering is a big plus too

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Agreed. I'm thinking simple bread would suffice for the grain offering if nothing else is available (as bread is highly symbolic of harvest, life, sustenance etc too.)

I have some dried barley too that I use for ritualistic purposes (John Barleycorn - the life of the fields) which I think would also make a very suitable offering.

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Says you, fucking (((Suvive the Jive))) fanbitch.

Varg is one of the few pagan commentators who is not controlled opposition as proven by him being restricted to Bitchute, Quora (under the name Louis Catchet), and Twitter due to Youtube's blacklisting policy. The ones they allow either do not hold as much magnitude or are controlled oppositon.

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Too bad he peddles a complete bullshit interpretation

>(((Suvive the Jive)))

Lemme guess, the fact he's actually researched the topic makes him a jew? Fucking kek what a joke you people are, into the filter you go

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Still no word from CS regarding invocations for tomorrow. Here is a slightly stale patreon post he made with some kennings for inspiration.

>The famous verse of Amergen from the Labor Gaballa Erinn is in fact calling upon the power of Lugh to assist them in the battle. It matches up well with Taliesin's poetry because there too he is channelling the primary god of the bard and druid, namely Lugh. It also bears similarities to Lugh's own invocation as he confronts Balor. The reason for this is that Lugh is the conduit for thought, skill, inspiration and strength. He may even be the conduit through which all other gods act within human beings as the guardian of the pathways who stands between the realm of the gods and mortals (thus messenger of the gods isn't so lame when understood in this manner) He is here again closely associated with the wind, as I suggested, as well as sound and water. He is associated with the sunset, the phases of the moon and the cattle of Tethys, which going by common Indo-European tradition likely refers to the clouds. They are related to Tethys perhaps because they are water bearing. The poet uses the name of a Greek Titaness here, or seems to. This is in keeping with other places in the LGE where they also use the name Neptune for god of the sea rather than a native name, likely to try and obscure. Tethys was the Titaness of fresh water, which of course Lugh provides to the earth in the form of nourishing rains and dew. Flowers, drewdrops, boars, even cliffs, with which he is associated, makes their way into the invocation.

>I am Wind on Sea

>I am Ocean-wave

>I am Roar of Sea

>I am Bull of Seven Fights

>I am Vulture on Cliff

>I am Dewdrop

>I am Fairest of Flowers

>I am Boar for Boldness

>I am Salmon in Pool

>I am Lake on Plain

>I am a Mountain in a Man

>I am a Word of Skill

>I am the Point of a Weapon (that poureth forth combat)

>I am God who fashioneth Fire for a Head

>Who smootheth the ruggedness of a mountain?

>Who is He who announceth the ages of the moon?

>And who, the place where falleth the sunset?

>Who calleth the cattle from the House of Tethys?

>On who do the cattle of Tethys smile?

>Who is the troop, who the god who fashioneth edges in a fortress of gangrene?

>Enchantments about a spear?

>Enchantments of Wind?

>With what I have already discussed of Lugh here and on the youtube channel, it shouldn't be hard to see that basically every single point mentioned aligns with Lugh, and also corresponds very closely to Taliesin's poem from the Battle of the Trees where I have demonstrated without doubt that he composed the poem in the guise of the god. There is really no other god he could reasonably be referring to.

>Who does smooth the ruggedness of mountains? Wind and rain. As the one who fashions edges within the gangrene it is likely supposed to mean one who combats the infection. This would make more sense given the overall positivism of the invocation and the healing role that his lineage from Dian Cecht would imply and the example of his healing of Cuchulainn.

>Many humble thanks to the bright one with the skilled hand, Lugh, for having provided the inspiration and insight to finally rekindle a true understanding of his nature.

It’s also important to note the portentous alignment of a new moon tonight and that Mercury rises out of retrograde tomorrow. Both of which are closely tied to Lugh.

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Thanks for the kenning ideas lad. Always helpful. Regarding CS, even if he responds or not, at least he (kind of) participated in the eclipse/Taranis Rite (or at least acted as an amplifying node by acknowledging it)

>It’s also important to note the portentous alignment of a new moon tonight and that Mercury rises out of retrograde tomorrow. Both of which are closely tied to Lugh.

Good information to know. It should increase the potency of the Rite. We must be very cautious in wording the Rite if we are working with Mercurial energies too.

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>>13551777 (observed)

>>13552022 (observed)

>"May all the children of Europe come to their ancient roots"

Portentous af tbh. Very fitting, Lugh is also the God of borders and their protection.


Of course lad, it also dawned on me that Lugh is the God of contracts and oaths. It could be said he is the God of justice, the governing archana of this thread.

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Thanks for that lad, made my preliminary offering last night and it felt underwhelmingly meh, prehaps because I was mixing up my usual prayer with a part from >>13551537. Was not like last year

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This article mentions gems, runes and hair. How much of this necessary?

I went with the Wiccan source because the other option is Harry Potter and Wicca is partly Golden Dawn inspired.

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It's all complete bullshit and I wouldn't bother with any of it at all

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Why do you feel you need a wand anyway lad?

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A friend told me to make one because I was bored. I want it to be authentic and esoteric.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some very interesting stuff here lads

Druid Talks - On The Druids And Celtic Religion

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Comment from the vid

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and a piece on the Celtic calendar from the same guy

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I’d also like to add that Lugh is associated with the arts and music. I know it’s last minute and we’re all busy preparing, but an impromptu informal FPT may be in order tbh. One or two Orphic offerings when one has the occasion in my opinion.

I don’t have time for a coherent effort post atm, but I may have connected some etymological and mythological dots proving that Easter Island was founded by VERY Indo-Europeans. It honestly may require an OP to activate the autistic hive mind in order to make all the connections. I’ve been reading Nos by Miguel Serrano backwards and a chapter stuck out a few weeks ago. “The Initiation of the Manu-Tara”, pages 119-124. For those familiar, he has made some very bold, but not unreasonable claims about white gods and settlers in South America, and in this instance Easter Island. I searched for this ritual and it was practiced by the Rapa Nui people to pick a new leader every year. The men race across the island, cliff dive into the ocean, swim to the next island, grab the first egg of the Manu Tara, a black and white migratory sea bird. Then they would swim back with the eggs in a sling tied to their foreheads. The winner or his benefactor would shave their head and paint themselves red and white. The winner is called the Tangata Manu, bird man.



I was listening to some old Celtic Sanctuary videos to learn some more about Lugh this evening. He referenced a part of the Irish myth cycle, The Destruction Of Da Derga's Hostel. The myth is about the rise of King Conare, who’s tale is a euhemerization of Lugh. The young Conare is told by a bird man of a prophecy that the man who naked(swimming) comes along the road to Temuir carrying a stone(egg) in a sling is he who would be king. There is also reference to the significance of red and white, but I can’t find it at the moment. I believe the hostel is red and a stolen cow is white. Sadly Google/books is the only place I could find parts of this myth.


The most obvious etymological connection is the word ‘manu’, which in the Vedic tradition is the archetype of the ultimate leader, a divine man. This is also tied to the Norse lunar god Mani, King Menelaus of the Iliad, and the etymology of menstrual cycle. Lugh is a lunar diety who is syncretized with Hermes/Mercury, who have wings on their helmets and fly like “bird men”. These Gods are also syrchratic with the Egyptian God Thoth, who has the head of an Ibis, a bird man. All of these Gods are also associated with Hermetic esoteric studies and initiations as well. Also, note the moon faces on the Easter Island breastplate, which is very similar to the breastplate of the Druids. The combination of red and white is ancient alchemical/Hermetic symbolism found throughout PIE myths, but predominantly the Celts and Arthurian legends.

The second etymological link of the Manu Tara is Tara, a white female Buddha/bhodisattva associated with the moon. She is venerated in Vajrayana Buddhism, where the goal is creating a red light body. The third etymological link to Indo-Europeans is the Rapa Nui leader’s title Tangata. This is nearly identical to the Buddhist(Aryan Pali) term tathagata which means enlightened one.

As for how PIE got to Easter Island, it was proven by Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer, Thor Heyerdahl, that at the right time of year one could sail across oceans on primitive rafts.


Easter Island was named such supposedly, because it was discovered on Easter by Dutch explorers. But it is highly coincidental that it’s entire government is determined by an egg hunt in September, spring time in the Southern Hemisphere. As we know, the original name for Easter was… OsTARA.

Wew. Autism mode off.

>>13554633 (observed)

Thanks lad, I’ll watch it tomorrow evening.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blessed Lughnasadh brethren! Here is some Heilung to get in the ritual spirit!

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>>13554677 (observed)

I won't lie lads, it could be the way I did the rite last night but the reception and general feeling after has genuinely unsettled me, I'll have a good think about things and see how I'm feeling later but I may not be joining you this evening

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w00 out of time

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Feeling a little better about things but need more time to mull it over smh

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Afternoon lads just working on this evenings rite now. If we are synchronizing, what is a good time? Around 10pm GMT?


Tbh you are better off with very (unperfect as they are) golden dawn than gardnarian wicca lad. Gardner "invented" wicca mostly because we was a dirty old man who wanted to look at skyclad thots.

Golden Dawn were pompous arses but had a working system and understood the power of pagentry in ritual form. Some of the GD work is compromised (particularly the iniation degrees) but some is also solid. Take the good shit and build your own system.


A wand is quite a complicated thing to make tbh lad. Do you have a dagger? You can get that consecrated (simply introduce the four elements to it (soil, fire, water, air) and enuncuate that this dagger is now consecrated to *insert name of god/godess/system/own name etc here*) Thats a fairly fast method to create a ritual tool and you can use that.

Iron is best. Nickel or brass are good. Steel is acceptable if none of the others are available.

Any knife or dagger will do. The older the better. I used an 18th century French Imperial navy bayonette as a consecrated dagger. It made a powerful one too because of its age and it is made of pure iron.

Also remember the method >>13505550 kindly posted. You can use your fingers to great effect.

>>13554677 (observed)

Happy Lammas to you too lad - blessings upon your house.


>an impromptu informal FPT may be in order tbh

Great idea - musical offerings go very nicely with Lammas and it will help get us in the spirit of things too.

I'm just working on the invocation now. Going to be a fairly short and simple one like last time tbh.


Do what your instinct tells you to do lad. Follow your intuition. If you feel this one is not for you then sit it out by all means. Hope you can join us though.

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Lammas Night Personal Ritual


Create an outdoor altar & circle.

The altar and circle can be decorated with sheaves of grains such as barley, oats or wheat. Fruits are appropriate, as are breads & cider or wine in the simple feast. The altar cloth should be red, and the Altar candles should be orange if possible to attain. If not, no biggie. Use what is it hand.

Cardian Point Preliminary

(Face in said direction when uttering the words)

<Eastern Invocation

Old Ones of the East; Ancient Powers of Air;

We call to you this Lammas night!

Guard us well through this harvest feast,

and turn away all those who’d dare

Disturb our sacred ritual of light.

Grant to us the power of your glorious winds,

both calming breeze and furious gale,

that by our wits we may survive and gain

and prosper in these darkening times.

Come, oh Gods of Air, you who are the lady’s breath,

come now Old Gods of the East.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

<Southern Invocation

Guardians of the South, Element of Fire,

I call to you and ask

Your presence this night as we remember who and what we are.

I ask that you bring Your strength that we may feel the power of conviction.

I ask that you bring Your passion that we may Feel the fire that comes from within.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

<Western Invocation

Guardians of the Western Gate, Spirits of the Rivers and Seas,

Hear our beckoning. Join us at this Lammas Feast.

Partake of our breads and meats

As we would partake of your love.

And hold this Circle against the World of the uninitiated.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

<Northern Invocation

Oh Guardians of the North, Gnomes of the Earth,

Divine spirits of the planet.

Hear our call. Join this Circle with your guiding presence.

Ground our energies in the firm clay of your realm.

We welcome your company at this Lammas feast.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

With the elements satisfied we move on the the main invocation of Lugh…


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File: 2fbe118ffa5b9d5⋯.jpg (40.97 KB,250x330,25:33,lugh.jpg)

Call of Lugh

I am the harvest, offering up grain and fruits beneath the sickle of time so that all may be nourished. For without planting there can be no harvest; without winter, no spring. Worship me as the thousand-named Sun of creation; the spirit of the horned stag in the wild; the endless harvest. See in the yearly cycle of festivals my birth, death, and rebirth; and know that such is the destiny of all creation. I am the spark of life; the radiant Sun, the giver of peace and rest; and I send my rays of blessings to warm the hearts and strengthen the minds of all. Now let us keep the feast of Lammas!

Lugh Invocation

(feel free to add personal kennings here - the more the merrier tbh. Just see this as a basic template)

Mighty Lugh, Lord of All harvests, Master of the Earth's bounty!

Turning now towards Autumn's fading light

Be with us as we journey inward this night

to that place of waiting, that place of sight.

We're grateful to You for these first harvest fruits

And the abundant harvest yet to come.

Give us fruit and grain, and Flocks and herds,

To build us strong, to stand against the cold that numbs.

Mighty Lugh, life of the fields, accept our Honored Sacrifice,

With all your strength and all your love,

Descend among us, Live within us and smile upon us. Mighty Lugh, King of Lammas, we doth beseech - May all the children of Europe - the Sons of the Soil, come to their ancient roots and spiritually prosper once again"

By the Druidic Triad -SO BE IT!

(Now approach the altar and break the bread symbolically high in the air so the crumbs and grain fall upon the alter. Scatter grain (or oats or corn) across the altar too and take a bite from the fruit. Hold the cup of alcohol up high, as if offering to the Above then draw a hearty sip. Pour the rest into the earth with our patron deity in mind.

You can see where the catholics got a lot of their mass ideas from when it comes to Lammas invocations of old kek It is the symbolism that is important.

When complete, step back from the altar and enunciate:

Blessed Lugh, Life of the fields and creative endeavour.

We thank you for the fruit of your loins,

As you sustain our bodies

We will sustain our dedication to you.

We thank you for our sense of belonging to you,

to ourselves, to each other,

and to our places in the Divine Cycle

you have shown us this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will.

By the Druidic Triad Blessed Be!

The invocation to Lugh is now complete and all that remains is to close the ritual via a departation incantation to elementals of the cardianal points

(Cont…see next post)

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Very nice lad, one or two things


Name doesn't appear until the renaissance, in celtic tradition they have always been called the fair folk, the good neighbours or the folk

>Call of Lugh

Are we supposed to say this? Probably better to just stick to to invocation


Sort of blending traditions tbh, Lammas is the Germanic celebration, whereas Lugh is a celtic god, better to keep things clear and distinct tbh

> fruit of your loins,

bit gay tbh

Otherwise very nice lad, love and appreciate the effort you put into these things

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Eastern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Air,

Old Gods of the East

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad Blessed Be.

Southern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Air,

Old Gods of the East

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

Western Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Air,

Old Gods of the East

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

Northern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Air,

Old Gods of the East

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must,

but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

The final step in this Rite is to ground the energy. This is done by a simple uttering:

<Grounding of Energy

To the Father & Mother, do I ground this energy, Let it fade within the earth. By Earth and Air, and Fire and Water, Our Circle is open, but never broken. By the Druidic Triad, SO BE IT!

(Rite ends. Remove candles and cloth but leave your edible offerings out overnight or place them in a spot where wildlife can feed on them. Anything left in the morning can be scattered to the earth with the proper reverence) as it will nourish the earth and provide sustinance to the fauna.

Hope that one is ok lads. Iv tried to avoid sticking my usual hefty amount of western esoterica in there this time and gone more with a full folkish/pagan themed invocation that is closely tied to nature and the God we are appealing to.

Feedback is welcome and any if you see any errata - let me know asap. If i'v missed something or fucked up in any way, please tell me. Feel free to add your own lines, kennings and switch things up if you wish. Remember this is purely a template. You can embellish it as much as you wish.

Also does anyone want the Welsh translation here? If you do let me know specifically and ill get the translation posted up.

Happy Lammas lads!

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Just represents the elementals of the earth. We can replace it with "earth elementals/spirits/fae/sprites if you wish.

>Are we supposed to say this?

Nah that is just the title of that specific part of the invocation. I should have formatted it better sorry lad.

>Sort of blending traditions tbh, Lammas is the Germanic celebration, whereas Lugh is a celtic god, better to keep things clear and distinct tbh

You are right. I'v always called it Lammas tbh so it is ingrained in me but feel free to change it to Lughnasadh - probably for the best tbh as that is the God we are invoking.

I always say "intent is more important than minutiae" but on this occasion you are right. Probably best to refer to it as "Lughnasadh"

> fruit of your loins

>bit gay

Kek. To be fair its kind of the opposite of gay though lad - fruit of ones loins is children/repoduction/growth etc. Feel free to change that line if you dont like it though and it doesnt "gel".

>Otherwise very nice lad, love and appreciate the effort you put into these things

Thank you lad very kind words. I couldn't do it without you lads here though. you guide me, inspire me and give me pointers. It is a team effort,

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Just realised I MAJORLY fucked up the wording on the devocations here. They all say East herp derp how the fuck did I manage that kek

Here is the proper devocations:


Eastern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Air,

Old Gods of the East

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad Blessed Be.

Southern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Fire,

Old Gods of the South

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

Western Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Water,

Old Gods of the West

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must, but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

Northern Devocation:

Ancient Powers of Earth

Old Gods of the North

I thank you for your attendance this night.

Go if you must,

but stay if you will…

By light of day or dark of night;

Always will we honor you.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

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As with last time, I won't be able to do this in the evening. So, I will be heading up my mountain pretty soon. I'll try to get pics this time.

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Best of luck lad. You are again opening the Rite for us. I look forward to the pics if you can get them.

Blessings upon you and your family lad.

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Remember lads DO NOT use..


..for the devocations. I fucked it up





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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13554677 (observed)

Have a blessed Lughnasadh yourself lad.


Well done as always lad.


Sl’ainte lad.

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File: 8ec700feb2f2c39⋯.png (1.26 MB,1366x768,683:384,HOW MANY BREADS.png)

I'm considering doing it a bit early too, since it'll allow me to be outside while everyone's asleep (10pm GMT is early morning here). If I'd known about this earlier, I would've gone out and bought some fresh bread.

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I meant the entire passage tbh


tbf this would be more fitting for Lammas and the god freyr, I've actually looked around and Lugh isn't really the god of fertility:

>In Irish mythology, the Lughnasadh festival is said to have begun by the god Lugh (modern spelling: Lú) as a funeral feast and athletic competition (see funeral games) in commemoration of his mother or foster-mother Tailtiu.[8] She was said to have died of exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland for agriculture.[8] Tailtiu may have been an earth goddess who represented the dying vegetation that fed mankind.[9] The funeral games in her honour were called the Óenach Tailten or Áenach Tailten (modern spelling: Aonach Tailteann) and were held each Lughnasadh at Tailtin in what is now County Meath. According to medieval writings, kings attended this óenach and a truce was declared for its duration.

>According to MacNeill, the main theme that emerges from the folklore and rituals of Lughnasadh is a struggle for the harvest between two gods. One god – usually called Crom Dubh – guards the grain as his treasure. The other god – Lugh – must seize it for mankind.[23][24] Sometimes, this was portrayed as a struggle over a woman called Eithne, who represents the grain. Lugh also fights and defeats a figure representing blight.[23] MacNeill says that these themes can be seen in earlier Irish mythology, particularly in the tale of Lugh defeating Balor,[23] which seems to represent the overcoming of blight, drought and the scorching summer sun.

So it seems he's the god who rescues the harvest rather than the one that ensures it if you understand what I'm saying

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And another bit

>Crom Dubh is likely the same figure as Crom Cruach and shares some traits with the Dagda and Donn.[23] He may be based on an underworld god like Hades and Pluto, who kidnaps the grain goddess Persephone but is forced to let her return to the world above before harvest time.[26]

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Good stuff lad. Any bread will do though - it is after all, made with grain so the ingredients are there. Doesn't have to be fresh.

The other half has bought home a seeded malted bloomer though so im snagging a bit of that. The crust end will break nicely & it should send all crumbs and seeds everywhere. Bit Like I say, any bread will do.


>So it seems he's the god who rescues the harvest rather than the one that ensures it if you understand what I'm saying

Yeah I get you. Might it be pertinent to dedicate the Rite to both God & Godess too then? I can write in an extra invocational passage dedicated to Freyr and we can beseech both Gods. Do you think that is a good idea?


Thanks lad. Weird as well, iv been listening to Holst's planets today too. Mercury had not yet come around on the playlist then I saw your post. Based synchronicities tbh.

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File: b80ff8e4ea59984⋯.jpeg (157.36 KB,1041x761,1041:761,28763327-7077-4100-AA38-F….jpeg)


>So it seems he's the god who rescues the harvest rather than the one that ensures it

10/10 post as always lad.

>Crom Dubh – guards the grain as his treasure. The other god – Lugh – must seize it for mankind.[23][24] Sometimes, this was portrayed as a struggle over a woman called Eithne, who represents the grain.

Pic related.

>>13555288 (Heil’d)

>Based synchronicities tbh.

The portents begin.

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>>13555288 (observed)

Hmmm good question lad, for the sake of consistency I reckon it would be better to stick with Lugh, however, the current format is suits Freyr much more

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahh just in time:

What is Lughnasadh? (Celtic Mythology Explained)

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File: 6c4c37014b6c5c2⋯.jpg (46.2 KB,350x545,70:109,dRUISESS.jpg)




Ok, i'v also included a (slightly generic) Goddess invocation verse that can be inserted before or after the Call to Lugh.

Feel free to tailor it to suit your own needs.

<Goddess Invocation

Oh Freyr/Mother Godess - Mighty Mother of us all,

Bearer of life, Reaper of Souls.

Be with us as we journey inward this night

to that place of waiting, that place of sight.

We are grateful to You for these first harvest fruits

And the abundant harvest yet to come.

Give us fruit and grain, and Flocks and herds,

To build us strong, to stand against the cold that numbs.

Oh, Blessed Lady Freyr/Mother Goddess, now in your warrior garb,

With all your strength and all your love,

Descend among us, Live within us, Smile upon us now.

By the Druidic Triad, Blessed Be.

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Ahhhh lad, Freyr is a god, Freya is the goddess

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File: bb4c34cd2b7c485⋯.png (144.48 KB,861x449,861:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 036ca1547a4bf89⋯.png (101.12 KB,800x345,160:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a6e39d227386e2⋯.png (52.52 KB,786x178,393:89,ClipboardImage.png)

From CS, seems he's a little bit of A and little bit of B

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File: b7fbc0518e056f8⋯.png (1.63 MB,680x1187,680:1187,fool.png)


Wew lad. Just in time indeed! Good stuff


Good catch. See this is why I need you lads input & help else i'd make right proper hash of it. Thank you. Ther Mercurial energies are making this endeavour trickier and more complex than first anticipated.

What do lad? Shall we stick another verse in there to Freyr & remove the goddess one? We got Lugh covered but I must confess I am at a bit of an impasse as to how to incorporate this aspect into the rite. Any suggestions?

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Probably better to stick to the main one tbh, but as CS says, he's more of a guardian of the field/ harvest, thanks again for your efforts

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>>13555288 (Heil'd)

>>13555388 (Heil'd)

Very portentous gets there.


>We got Lugh covered but I must confess I am at a bit of an impasse as to how to incorporate this aspect into the rite.

Might be better to stick to a coherent rite focusing on Lugh. There's an old proverb that goes along the lines of "Don't go chasing two rabbits, or you might get none."

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>Might be better to stick to a coherent rite focusing on Lugh


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Ok, we will go as first planned and focus on Lugh then. Thanks for the help lads, I couldn't do it without you.

>CS says, he's more of a guardian of the field/ harvest

Fits nicely for what we are beseeching, symbolically if you look at it as the "fields" & "harvest" represent the European peoples, their wellbeing and their birthrates etc. So it "works" so to speak.


Aye, best not to over complicate things. It is decided then and we seem to be of a like mind. Besides, the Rite is a template and every lad is free to change it up a bit to suit their own needs too.

Thanks for all your help lads and I wish you all success with our endeavour this evening.

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File: 81cd9368b3eee7a⋯.jpg (6.54 MB,4000x3000,4:3,Overlook.jpg)

File: 94fd4590c95ee24⋯.jpg (6.34 MB,4000x3000,4:3,Space.jpg)

I have concluded my rite lads. Got off to a rocky start tbh because the steady breeze kept my candle from staying lit, but I had one there nonetheless. Rite itself went pretty well I think. I offered bread, apple, and herbs fresh from my garden. I noticed a lot more scurrying creatures in the woods after I was done, and the birds seemed more lively.

Pics related are an overlook on the path up, and then the flat rock I used as a space for the rite.

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File: 34ce03430e7592d⋯.jpg (259.49 KB,1024x768,4:3,dl.jpg)


Beautiful. Well done lad and thankyou for sharing the pictures. The Rite has officially been opened.

Treat yourself now lad, you deserve it.

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A few changes I'd make

>remove call of lugh (apologies lad as I know you've spent time and effort on it)

>Mighty Lugh, King of the Tuatha de Danann

>We thank you for the fruit of your efforts



Excellent lad, happy Lughnasadh

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Good work, lad.

>>13555522 (observed)

>remove call of lugh (apologies lad as I know you've spent time and effort on it)

I have to agree with this. Then again, some lads might be able to make it work. Could be more of an optional thing.

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Oh and:

>Come, oh Gods of Air, you who are the lady’s breath,

What does this mean lad?

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File: 5c1632e62391e54⋯.jpeg (286.8 KB,2955x1992,985:664,A8E8B2F6-C797-4E0E-B2D4-4….jpeg)

>>13555522 (observed)

>>13555555 (observed)

Wew, removal of the Call of Lugh seems ordained tbh.


Well done lad, looks /comfy/.



That was close eh. Seems I’ll have to carve a tricephalic head at some point.

>>13555588 (observed)

You’re on a roll today lad. Simplicity and joyful piety seem to be the order of the day.

According to CS, Lugh is associated with avian portents, specifically crows, ravens, and eagles. This is why Hermes is regarded as messenger of the Gods. Pic related today at work.

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File: 970e44ab53e656e⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,600x593,600:593,b0d.jpg)


Dead kike on a stick boy shows up


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File: ad4d1469adf51a4⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,440x619,440:619,dru2.jpg)

>>13555522 (portentous as fuck)

>>13555555 (observed, ascertained & witnessed!)

Wew what portents lads!

>Seems like we are on the right track.

Then again, some lads might be able to make it work. Could be more of an optional thing.

Exactly. Iike I said before it is more of a template rather than a word perfect invocation.

>remove the call of Lugh

>Mighty Lugh, King of the Tuatha de Danann

>We thank you for the fruit of your efforts


Yeah this could work just as well. I think it is up to the individual as to which wordings they chose to employ.

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>Be with us as we journey inward this night

to that place of waiting, that place of sight.

And this

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File: f59b7edec3b15c0⋯.jpg (34.41 KB,237x342,79:114,absoluteportent.jpg)

>>13555633 (observed)

More portents. Too many for coincidence. This is a good sign imo. You have had three consecutive ones in a row now.

Im taking your advice as >>13555609 suggests, "the removal of the Call to Lugh seems ordained"

Will "trim the fat" so to speak when doing mine.

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But what does they mean though?

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>But what does they mean though?

Do you mean the portents/repeating numerals?

Truth be told im not 100% sure myself lad but i'm going with my gut/intuitive interpretation which is telling me they are positive pointers in the right directions

Or were you querying the lines you quoted here >>13555633 ?

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The second, just curious

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repetition is the folly

primes are the pointer

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>>13555555 (absolute lad)

Interesting that I felt the pull to remove the call from my own rite when I did it earlier. Ordained, indeed.

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Duly noted


>Be with us as we journey inward this night

>to that place of waiting, that place of sight.

Deliberately ambiguous. Could refer to the ritual space itself but I was thinking more the "innerspace" - the state of gnosis (and also representative of psy, ether, the unseen etc) & that conducive state of mind one needs to be in to perform rites such as these with some measure of success.

That is what it means. Concur it is a bit vague on retrospect. Feel free to scrub it if it does not feel right to you.

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Intuition is a beautiful thing indeed.

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Thanks, and what does calling the elements old gods of east, west ect?

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Each Old God is associated with one of the cardinal points. This is basically a gesture-like utterance, calling upon ones entire pantheon as kind of a preliminary "buff" and also acknowledging the elements (& their corresponding elementals, who are always present) and the directions they are associated with (as well as the directions themselves)

If my western esoteric background has slipped in a bit there I apologize lad. Trying to keep it as "folkish" as possible

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>>13555799 (observed)

Fantastic lad, thanks for that

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File: c361248b6c347fd⋯.jpg (15.79 KB,500x250,2:1,Necronomicon Parrot.jpg)

Finished with my rite. Despite taking a few moments to center myself before starting, I didn't have as good focus on this one as I did during the eclipse fucking intrusive thoughts except for the key lines, which I did manage to deliver with clear will and intent. I did get a bird chirp right after the water invocation, though, which I took as a good sign.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My Rite is completed too now lads.

Tailored the words slightly and did a few parts in Welsh. Broke bread high above the altar and let the grains spill forth. Then the ground drank deeply of ale and whisky.

The rest of the offerings reamain outside now for fauna and tameless familiars to feast upon. Its dry so I left the cloth out too. Managed to keep the candle aflame by putting it in a little metal and glass antique lantern thing my mother gave me years back (wind would have BTFO my flame otherwise)

Just drinking the leftover offerings of ale and whisky in celebration with her indoors. Also I think we deserve a few songs as reward.

Job well done lads, thanks for the help in refining the Rite and thanks to all who participated.

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Just got back from mine lads, went well other than the candle I was using to read out the prayer went out once or twice and I felt I went to the ending invocation too soon. Otherwise burnt the paper with some lavender in a small (would have liked to have had that during the rite smh) and left the bread out too.

One thing that could possibly be remembered for next time is to make a point of stating what your offering, feels a bit stale otherwise. Other than that was good, cheers for all the effort lads

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I had dreams after yesterday's Lughnasadh rite. I was back on the mountain path, flashing between different points of the trail. A light covered the forest, and the sunlight turned dim. The hue was almost purple. A lone figure stood in front of the trees, clad in a dark robe and with an obscured face. This image flashed into my head in a way that felt outside myself. My thoughts almost felt dragged to the path. New to all this tbh, is this a bad thing?

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No lad, sounds like a clear response, did you take part?

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Ffs forgot your post >>13555476 Of course you did. Did you get a sense of warmth or menace?

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File: 372d64e429c0ccc⋯.jpeg (144.94 KB,688x413,688:413,30D77523-AB51-4798-AFCE-4….jpeg)


>A lone figure stood in front of the trees, clad in a dark robe and with an obscured face. This image flashed into my head in a way that felt outside myself. My thoughts almost felt dragged to the path.

Sounds almost like your future Druid self or ancestral self, pleased you’re on the path and urging you forward tbh.

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File: e7743191760a20a⋯.jpg (400.52 KB,1024x682,512:341,7102947473_84f86ba1ab_b.jpg)


Neither really. It's hard to articulate. It startled me, but it didn't necessarily feel malevolent. It felt more ominous (in the omen sense, not incoming evil way) and it threw me off guard. Pic related is a rough approximation


Very well could be since it didn't seem to want to hurt me

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File: b557a96c4fc63f8⋯.jpg (293.61 KB,3164x2370,1582:1185,drooids.jpg)

Afternoon lads


>New to all this tbh, is this a bad thing?

Au contraire mon ami, the opposite in fact.

As >>13557956 points out this looks like a clear cut response.


>Sounds almost like your future Druid self or ancestral self, pleased you’re on the path and urging you forward tbh.

Excellent interpretation. We need to remember that time & causality differ in the dreamstate than they do in mundane meatspace.

I'm learning more and more to trust my intuition on things these days. Those "gut feels" are usually right too. Hightened intuition is actually a boon iv been asking for for some time now (it helps with tarot too) so maybe my desire is coming to fruition. Its a slow process like everything else though.


>It felt more ominous (in the omen sense, not incoming evil way)

That is a common feeling in dreams of etheric significance. Also significant is the fact you had this very clear cut set of dream imagery the same night as you performed the Rite. That tells me it is certainly connected. Good stuff lad, that is proper progress.

>it didn't seem to want to hurt me

Pretty sure its a good sign then lad. Anything unpleasant manifestations usually radiate and aura of unbridled maliciousness and primal fear/terror.

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File: fd9457f6220788b⋯.jpg (55.93 KB,750x750,1:1,candle holders.jpg)


Good stuff lad

>One thing that could possibly be remembered for next time is to make a point of stating what your offering, feels a bit stale otherwise

Good idea lad - although to be fair this rite was a bit ad hoc, having been devised less than 24hours before the actual ritual took place. I say the next one we attempt, we plan for well in advance. A good week or two to really get things refined methinks.

>the candle I was using to read out the prayer went out once or twice

Protip: A lantern like device or failing that, a homemade small sheet of thin flexible clear plastic, rolled & taped together into a tube shape works wonders at keeping the wind off your flame. Another option is a large glass jar with holes in the metal lid. just make sure it is big enough so the flame is not licking the sides or the lid and its not going to melt on you.

Lanterns are great though. I have something like pic related. Works wonders. You could hold an outdoor ritual in a gale with these and keep your flame kindled.

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Very nice lad, will definitely think about getting one, might also get a mini brazier if I can too for a need fire

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File: a0bfdbdce8b117b⋯.webm (3.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,a0bfdbdce8b117b0b262ce72c….webm)


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File: 8c0faf21beb30cd⋯.jpg (10.81 KB,247x300,247:300,burner.jpg)


Toppest of keks

Oh my, am I laffin lad. Nice on lad. OC of supreme quality.


Wise purchase potential tbh lad. A mini brazier is great for fire offerings (or just for rites that call for fire in general) You can use them indoors our out too. I went for something very similar to pic related. Cast iron one. You can get them off the bay pretty cheap as well as LOCAL occult/new age shops.

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It's true. Best atheists could ever summon was communism. It doesn't last, and their natural impulse to mass murder Christians (only them for some reason) reaches a fevered pitch, which of course has nothing to do with zealotry, because atheism ensures an even keeled perspective. Not prone to extremes.

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Agree. Any sort of spirituality is anathema to leftist fedora tipper marxist types. Their religion IS their ideological doctrine. Hollow and soulless.

I despise ardent atheists. They are among the most arrogant, obnoxious Dunning-Kruger people on the fucking planet

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh WotW

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Mimir's Brunnr

Remembering, The Power of Ancestral Acknowledgement

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Just noticed but it looks like it's burning rabbit shit in there kek

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You druids think playing IRL D&D is going to be of any help for a European revival, but all it is is a waste of time from a bunch of edgy faggots who think they know better, based solely on their le eternal rebel readings like the eternal teenagers they are. Fucking cucks, all.

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File: 1ae0965e87df597⋯.jpg (129.3 KB,450x448,225:224,lapan du totemkopf.jpg)

Afternoon lads. Hope we are well. New thread due soon(ish) so start thinking up themes lads.

>>13560377 (observed)

Kek it does a bit now you mention it. I thought it looked like weed tbh.

That association jogged an unpleasant memory there.

A while ago I dropped a small nugget of hashish on the living room carpet. Had a rummage about & found what I thought was the hash. Stuck it in a pipe to imbibe. Inhaled. Turns out it was not the hash but a turd from my daughter's pet rabbit. The "smoke" that I inhaled was fucking wretched and I nearly gagged. Still remember that vile taste to this day.

tfw you have inadvertently smoked rabbit shit

Not my proudest moment tbh.


STILL banging this drum are we? Change the record m8 its getting stale now,



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>Muh D&D

>Waste of time

>Muh edge

>Muh rebels

What is with all these (1) faggots waddling in like they know what they're on about? Get a clue nigger


Damn lad that's rough but pretty funny kek

>Deleted post

What was it?

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File: 873d7790fa73588⋯.png (405.67 KB,512x512,1:1,Baron Roman von Ungern Ste….png)

File: 5b1e583c6004f5b⋯.png (471.16 KB,428x640,107:160,Baron Roman von Ungern Ste….png)

Wha'd you lads know about Solutrean spirit magic? Prolly hunting magic. I read a brief description of Red Oxide powder and over sized flint knapped spearheads buried in a shallow hole. In North America, we get this insane red Injun propaganda and so, so much, capitulation to these awful, cruel, mesolithic losers. If a minor Solutrean veneration could be restored, its possible these judeo-injun marxist elements could be taken down into bone; and the ancient Europid hunt improved. Is there a blood memory of a spiritual formality which will provision us with enough madness-of-conscience (fugue-state) to expedite the end of the malevolent mesolith/hiribu?

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>Wha'd you lads know about Solutrean spirit magic?

Not much lad, won't lie, mainly stick to European stuff

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File: 03ca2a3a69c64f6⋯.jpg (70.01 KB,600x600,1:1,56bd9a11af93171f16133771cb….jpg)


Here is the 2004 Pawlowski (Poland) study on the 1.09 height ratio. Consider the internal conflicts between men over women that could be rationally rather than violently resolved if this ratio were culturally understood in the Occident to be a standard of functional optimism for relations to the wenchocracy. https://evoecogroup.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/pawlowski-jasienska_2005.pdf

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So basically when girls are most fertile they go for guys taller than them and vice versa? Seems easy enough, just go for a girl shorter than you and most are…

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File: 224cab8aaaf0f58⋯.png (326.3 KB,592x433,592:433,mesolithic torturers.png)


Thanks, lad. Our situation in the Dominion differs, moreso it reveals over time, than the purely European. We also have the Celtic Copper miners – which is where the myth of Red Indian Lacrosse came from – who were prolly playing the Hurley in off hours for recreation. Injuns were given the training wheels of a net design stick, since they didn't have the cognitive fluidity to pong a ball on a Hurley. On the front of the propaganda colossus, it probably sounds unhinged to say they didn't even create lacrosse; but looked at from the time and coordinates of ancient Copper Mining, they were likely handed everything about it on a silver platter – if just to keep them sweet and distracted.

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File: eea7b573e799025⋯.jpg (91.86 KB,956x1326,478:663,626ac65ddc78faf0c04863c2c5….jpg)


Yes, anon; but only in general. There is an extremely helpful specificity brought to height difference which shows that a six-foot lad and and another who is five-ten don't need to come into preference conflict over two wenches who are 66" and 64". The 1.09x ratio establishes that best life, relation, reproductive results for both men show the six foot lad rolls with the 66" lass, and the five-ten lad with the 64". It is only 2" in height difference between the women, probably appearing to be negligible without this knowledge; but it makes all the difference in the world. This ratio as a known functional standard could reduce a lot of internal man to man conflict, familial unhappiness, social violence and reproductive failure.

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File: 238cd617bcc95a3⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,720x905,144:181,fausts vision.jpg)


>deleted post

It was some faggot shilling a degenerate porn site iirc. Probably a bot tbh.

As to the influx of attacks on our general & their repetitious nature - I think it's all they have in their arsenal. They can't shame us or call us "racist" or whatever (like thats gonna work here kek) so they will try to create fracture points where they can. Turn subsections of the board against eachother. In our case though its pretty weak as "muh D&D LARP etc" doesn't really hold much weight, argument wise.

We've become wise to almost all of their image board shilling methods. Its amusing because they have probably sunk millions into trying to shill & consensus crack places like this only to be outclassed by amateurs at every turn. We are inoculated to most of their attempts at infection.


Beautiful pic that lad.

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True that tbh, either that or it's schizo

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh LovelyPorridge/Ruination Media

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File: 646d90fd4373bce⋯.jpg (200.81 KB,1024x925,1024:925,646d90fd4373bce08332deb503….jpg)

>>13561422 (checked)

Picked that up locally on Le Mongorian Chans around six-eight months ago. My guess is that there is a rune in there somewhereabouts.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Epimetheus

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh 56%

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File: 849874b2be59b0e⋯.jpg (291.62 KB,1216x937,1216:937,1498221107027.jpg)


Fugg thats another semi-decent franchise (((they))) are going to ruin for me.

Proper enjoyed the '16 RPG too. Sad tbh. In a way its good in the meta though. The shitter and less entertaining the circuses are, the staler the bread, the quicker people snap out of their slumber and get some shit done.

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File: 64c183f372239b9⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1840x2565,368:513,faustus_crow_goetia_girls_….jpg)


>The young Conare is told by a bird man of a prophecy that the man who naked(swimming) comes along the road to Temuir carrying a stone(egg) in a sling is he who would be king.

One of the labours of the King's Son is to swim to an island and steal an eagle's egg, which he does with the help of Feidlim Tonn Ri's daughter (who seems to be part raven herself).

>bird men

I've been dreaming about these this week (not unlike >>13545563 tbh), for me always has a connection with the Shadow and bringing forth new life out of death. It was stalking around an orchard looking for carrion. Quite pertinent to Lughnasadh too as it's the beginning of the time of "letting go", pruning trees for spoiled fruit etc.


>Lugh is associated with avian portents, specifically crows, ravens, and eagles

Ah that probably explains the dreams then. Good to know my intuition is tuning itself appropriately.


Based Steeleye Span. Glad the rituals all went well lads, hopefully I'll be able to join you for the next one.

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File: 3183455e887762b⋯.png (145.96 KB,480x544,15:17,bond3.png)

New thread coming soon lads, what theme/title shall we settle on? Any input would be appreciated. Same with pertinent topical newslinks.


>hopefully I'll be able to join you for the next one.

Sounds good lad, the more the better.

>based Steeleye Span

Patrician taste lad. Love me a bit of folkrock I always used to get them mixed up with Steely Dan as a kid kek

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Lughnasadh, Harvest, Late summer is all good lad

>News links

20 people killed in El Paso shooting, Texas governor says


Twenty people were killed and more than two dozen were injured in a mass shooting at an El Paso shopping center on Saturday, according to Texas and local authorities.

>"Lives were taken who should still be with us today," Gov. Greg Abbott said at a news conference near the Walmart and an adjacent shopping mall.

>Twenty-six people were injured, according to El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.

Dayton shooting: 'Multiple victims' as gunman opens fire at bar in Ohio


WARNING DISTRESSING CONTENT Police are responding to reports of an active shooter in the Oregon District of the city, with footage showing emergency services responding

>A gunman has opened fire in Dayton, Ohio, leaving multiple victims, hours after the latest US massacre in Texas.

>Local TV news station WHIO-TV was reporting this morning that at least 10 people were killed in the attack and an unknown number wounded however Dayton Police Department have so far not commented on the numbers of casualties or suspects.

>Police did say they were "actively investigating an active shooter" incident in the Oregon District of the city in Ohio, USA, and urged people to avoid the area.

UK council refused to host Palestinian event over antisemitism fears


Tower Hamlets officials did not divulge real reason for turning down Big Ride for Palestine

>Officials at a London council that refused to host a charity event in aid of Palestinian children did not tell the organisers the decision was based on fears their criticism of Israel could breach antisemitism guidelines, internal emails have revealed.

>The exchanges among officials at Tower Hamlets council also reveal they thought the event should be turned down, in part because of the row over antisemitism in the Labour party.

>The council told The Big Ride for Palestine, which has raised nearly £150,000 for sports equipment for children in Gaza since 2015, that the event’s “political connotations” meant that the closing rally of this year’s bike ride could not go ahead in the borough “without problems”.

Brexit: UK calls on EU to renegotiate or face no deal


EU leaders must give their chief negotiator the mandate to revise the UK's withdrawal agreement, otherwise a no-deal Brexit is "coming down the tracks", the Brexit secretary has said.

>Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Stephen Barclay said "political realities" had changed after May's European elections.

>New MEPs were elected in 61% of seats, he said, marking a "fundamental shift".

>He called on EU leaders to allow Michel Barnier to negotiate in a way that finds "common ground" with the UK.

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>>13570922 (observed)

Thank you lad. Much appreciated. Ill get the new thread up tomorrow and this will be very helpful.

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Cheers lad

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Well lads, it’s been an honour. I’m grateful for everything. Here’s the onion bunker http://nanochanqwrwtmamtnhkfwbbcducc4i62ciss4byo6f3an5qdkhjngid.onion/pol/

For the most part I’m to lazy and impatient to use tor tbh. Additionally, since this is a Lodge of peace there is no reason not to reconvene on the clearnet. Any ideas? As far as I know nien and end are both honeypots.

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