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File: 2ebcb223b753990⋯.png (326.79 KB,757x720,757:720,sun.png)

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 No.13439841 [View All]


I bid you welcome, in the manner which has become sacred to our Rite, to our most portentous triginta tertius thread. In order to honour the passage of Summer let us sing an olde ode to the Sun…..

<Sumer is Icumen in,

<Loudly sing, cuckoo!

<Grows the seed and blows the mead,

<And springs the wood anew;

Sing, cuckoo!

>Ewe bleats harshly after lamb,

>Cows after calves make moo;

>Bullock stamps and deer champs,

>Now shrilly sing, cuckoo!

Cuckoo! cuckoo!

>Wild bird are you;

>Be never still, cuckoo!

This thread is goverened by the XI Major Arcana trump, that of the Justice card. The figure of Justice sits before a loosely hung purple veil, signifying compassion, and between two pillars (akin to those framing the High Priestess and the Hierophant) which symbolizes balance, law and structure.

She holds a sword in her right hand, showing the logical, well-ordered mindset necessary to dispense fair justice. The sword points upwards – symbolizing a firm and final decision – and the double-edged blade signifies that actions always carry consequences. The scales in her left hand, show intuition must balance logic and are a symbol of impartiality. Justice wears a crown with a small square on it representing well-ordered thoughts, and a red robe with a green mantle. The white shoe protrudes from beneath her robes as a reminder of the spiritual consequences for one's actions. The meanings in a draw is thus:

>Upright: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law

<Reversed: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty

Justice corresponds with the zodiac Libra (♎︎/ ⚖) and planet Pluto (♇) so this thread shall in be governed by their influence in turn.

On the Lodge front the lads are busy as ever with their personal projects as well as joint efforts in certain workings and I would also like to take this time to welcome any Acolyte bretheren as I have noticed a lot of new blood as of late. Know that you lads are welcome and the B.O.N.D brothers are here to guide you and answer any questions you might have. Like the mighty oak, we a slowly but surely growing. One day our order shall stand tall and mighty, it's branches reaching into the far corners of Terra! Druid oldfags, it is, as ever, nice to see you again.


As some of you are aware, we are going through a very tumultuous time in regards to astrological phenomena. The short of it is:

<Saturn, Pluto and the South Node are conjunct.

<Pluto & Saturn are locked in this position until 2020

<They’re also all retrograde….

<…& every two weeks Luna is either in Capricorn and conjunct the shitshow, or in Cancer and opposite it.

This transit makes for a painful growth cycle for everyone and it’s still early in the transit too. Buckle up lads because it is going to be a wild ride for the rest of this year. Although arguable even MORE volatile, astrological conditions will be better conducive to our goals late 2020 & early '21. Expect some big happenings around then.

The topical newlinks are presented for the reader's perusal & delectation

>Ikea moves in on UK housing


>Trump moves to bring silly-cone valley bugmen to heel


>Open door immigration/invasion likely to kill are NHS


>Scumbag offered shekels to assassinate Austrian populist politician


Thats it for now lads. Remember tolerate no tomfoolery, observe the portent, venerate the Druids and suffer not the traitor nor xenos.



691 posts and 309 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>But what does they mean though?

Do you mean the portents/repeating numerals?

Truth be told im not 100% sure myself lad but i'm going with my gut/intuitive interpretation which is telling me they are positive pointers in the right directions

Or were you querying the lines you quoted here >>13555633 ?

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The second, just curious

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repetition is the folly

primes are the pointer

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>>13555555 (absolute lad)

Interesting that I felt the pull to remove the call from my own rite when I did it earlier. Ordained, indeed.

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Duly noted


>Be with us as we journey inward this night

>to that place of waiting, that place of sight.

Deliberately ambiguous. Could refer to the ritual space itself but I was thinking more the "innerspace" - the state of gnosis (and also representative of psy, ether, the unseen etc) & that conducive state of mind one needs to be in to perform rites such as these with some measure of success.

That is what it means. Concur it is a bit vague on retrospect. Feel free to scrub it if it does not feel right to you.

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Intuition is a beautiful thing indeed.

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Thanks, and what does calling the elements old gods of east, west ect?

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Each Old God is associated with one of the cardinal points. This is basically a gesture-like utterance, calling upon ones entire pantheon as kind of a preliminary "buff" and also acknowledging the elements (& their corresponding elementals, who are always present) and the directions they are associated with (as well as the directions themselves)

If my western esoteric background has slipped in a bit there I apologize lad. Trying to keep it as "folkish" as possible

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>>13555799 (observed)

Fantastic lad, thanks for that

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File: c361248b6c347fd⋯.jpg (15.79 KB,500x250,2:1,Necronomicon Parrot.jpg)

Finished with my rite. Despite taking a few moments to center myself before starting, I didn't have as good focus on this one as I did during the eclipse fucking intrusive thoughts except for the key lines, which I did manage to deliver with clear will and intent. I did get a bird chirp right after the water invocation, though, which I took as a good sign.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My Rite is completed too now lads.

Tailored the words slightly and did a few parts in Welsh. Broke bread high above the altar and let the grains spill forth. Then the ground drank deeply of ale and whisky.

The rest of the offerings reamain outside now for fauna and tameless familiars to feast upon. Its dry so I left the cloth out too. Managed to keep the candle aflame by putting it in a little metal and glass antique lantern thing my mother gave me years back (wind would have BTFO my flame otherwise)

Just drinking the leftover offerings of ale and whisky in celebration with her indoors. Also I think we deserve a few songs as reward.

Job well done lads, thanks for the help in refining the Rite and thanks to all who participated.

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Just got back from mine lads, went well other than the candle I was using to read out the prayer went out once or twice and I felt I went to the ending invocation too soon. Otherwise burnt the paper with some lavender in a small (would have liked to have had that during the rite smh) and left the bread out too.

One thing that could possibly be remembered for next time is to make a point of stating what your offering, feels a bit stale otherwise. Other than that was good, cheers for all the effort lads

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I had dreams after yesterday's Lughnasadh rite. I was back on the mountain path, flashing between different points of the trail. A light covered the forest, and the sunlight turned dim. The hue was almost purple. A lone figure stood in front of the trees, clad in a dark robe and with an obscured face. This image flashed into my head in a way that felt outside myself. My thoughts almost felt dragged to the path. New to all this tbh, is this a bad thing?

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No lad, sounds like a clear response, did you take part?

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Ffs forgot your post >>13555476 Of course you did. Did you get a sense of warmth or menace?

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>A lone figure stood in front of the trees, clad in a dark robe and with an obscured face. This image flashed into my head in a way that felt outside myself. My thoughts almost felt dragged to the path.

Sounds almost like your future Druid self or ancestral self, pleased you’re on the path and urging you forward tbh.

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Neither really. It's hard to articulate. It startled me, but it didn't necessarily feel malevolent. It felt more ominous (in the omen sense, not incoming evil way) and it threw me off guard. Pic related is a rough approximation


Very well could be since it didn't seem to want to hurt me

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File: b557a96c4fc63f8⋯.jpg (293.61 KB,3164x2370,1582:1185,drooids.jpg)

Afternoon lads


>New to all this tbh, is this a bad thing?

Au contraire mon ami, the opposite in fact.

As >>13557956 points out this looks like a clear cut response.


>Sounds almost like your future Druid self or ancestral self, pleased you’re on the path and urging you forward tbh.

Excellent interpretation. We need to remember that time & causality differ in the dreamstate than they do in mundane meatspace.

I'm learning more and more to trust my intuition on things these days. Those "gut feels" are usually right too. Hightened intuition is actually a boon iv been asking for for some time now (it helps with tarot too) so maybe my desire is coming to fruition. Its a slow process like everything else though.


>It felt more ominous (in the omen sense, not incoming evil way)

That is a common feeling in dreams of etheric significance. Also significant is the fact you had this very clear cut set of dream imagery the same night as you performed the Rite. That tells me it is certainly connected. Good stuff lad, that is proper progress.

>it didn't seem to want to hurt me

Pretty sure its a good sign then lad. Anything unpleasant manifestations usually radiate and aura of unbridled maliciousness and primal fear/terror.

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File: fd9457f6220788b⋯.jpg (55.93 KB,750x750,1:1,candle holders.jpg)


Good stuff lad

>One thing that could possibly be remembered for next time is to make a point of stating what your offering, feels a bit stale otherwise

Good idea lad - although to be fair this rite was a bit ad hoc, having been devised less than 24hours before the actual ritual took place. I say the next one we attempt, we plan for well in advance. A good week or two to really get things refined methinks.

>the candle I was using to read out the prayer went out once or twice

Protip: A lantern like device or failing that, a homemade small sheet of thin flexible clear plastic, rolled & taped together into a tube shape works wonders at keeping the wind off your flame. Another option is a large glass jar with holes in the metal lid. just make sure it is big enough so the flame is not licking the sides or the lid and its not going to melt on you.

Lanterns are great though. I have something like pic related. Works wonders. You could hold an outdoor ritual in a gale with these and keep your flame kindled.

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Very nice lad, will definitely think about getting one, might also get a mini brazier if I can too for a need fire

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Toppest of keks

Oh my, am I laffin lad. Nice on lad. OC of supreme quality.


Wise purchase potential tbh lad. A mini brazier is great for fire offerings (or just for rites that call for fire in general) You can use them indoors our out too. I went for something very similar to pic related. Cast iron one. You can get them off the bay pretty cheap as well as LOCAL occult/new age shops.

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It's true. Best atheists could ever summon was communism. It doesn't last, and their natural impulse to mass murder Christians (only them for some reason) reaches a fevered pitch, which of course has nothing to do with zealotry, because atheism ensures an even keeled perspective. Not prone to extremes.

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Agree. Any sort of spirituality is anathema to leftist fedora tipper marxist types. Their religion IS their ideological doctrine. Hollow and soulless.

I despise ardent atheists. They are among the most arrogant, obnoxious Dunning-Kruger people on the fucking planet

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh WotW

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Mimir's Brunnr

Remembering, The Power of Ancestral Acknowledgement

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Just noticed but it looks like it's burning rabbit shit in there kek

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You druids think playing IRL D&D is going to be of any help for a European revival, but all it is is a waste of time from a bunch of edgy faggots who think they know better, based solely on their le eternal rebel readings like the eternal teenagers they are. Fucking cucks, all.

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File: 1ae0965e87df597⋯.jpg (129.3 KB,450x448,225:224,lapan du totemkopf.jpg)

Afternoon lads. Hope we are well. New thread due soon(ish) so start thinking up themes lads.

>>13560377 (observed)

Kek it does a bit now you mention it. I thought it looked like weed tbh.

That association jogged an unpleasant memory there.

A while ago I dropped a small nugget of hashish on the living room carpet. Had a rummage about & found what I thought was the hash. Stuck it in a pipe to imbibe. Inhaled. Turns out it was not the hash but a turd from my daughter's pet rabbit. The "smoke" that I inhaled was fucking wretched and I nearly gagged. Still remember that vile taste to this day.

tfw you have inadvertently smoked rabbit shit

Not my proudest moment tbh.


STILL banging this drum are we? Change the record m8 its getting stale now,



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>Muh D&D

>Waste of time

>Muh edge

>Muh rebels

What is with all these (1) faggots waddling in like they know what they're on about? Get a clue nigger


Damn lad that's rough but pretty funny kek

>Deleted post

What was it?

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File: 873d7790fa73588⋯.png (405.67 KB,512x512,1:1,Baron Roman von Ungern Ste….png)

File: 5b1e583c6004f5b⋯.png (471.16 KB,428x640,107:160,Baron Roman von Ungern Ste….png)

Wha'd you lads know about Solutrean spirit magic? Prolly hunting magic. I read a brief description of Red Oxide powder and over sized flint knapped spearheads buried in a shallow hole. In North America, we get this insane red Injun propaganda and so, so much, capitulation to these awful, cruel, mesolithic losers. If a minor Solutrean veneration could be restored, its possible these judeo-injun marxist elements could be taken down into bone; and the ancient Europid hunt improved. Is there a blood memory of a spiritual formality which will provision us with enough madness-of-conscience (fugue-state) to expedite the end of the malevolent mesolith/hiribu?

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>Wha'd you lads know about Solutrean spirit magic?

Not much lad, won't lie, mainly stick to European stuff

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File: 03ca2a3a69c64f6⋯.jpg (70.01 KB,600x600,1:1,56bd9a11af93171f16133771cb….jpg)


Here is the 2004 Pawlowski (Poland) study on the 1.09 height ratio. Consider the internal conflicts between men over women that could be rationally rather than violently resolved if this ratio were culturally understood in the Occident to be a standard of functional optimism for relations to the wenchocracy. https://evoecogroup.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/pawlowski-jasienska_2005.pdf

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So basically when girls are most fertile they go for guys taller than them and vice versa? Seems easy enough, just go for a girl shorter than you and most are…

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File: 224cab8aaaf0f58⋯.png (326.3 KB,592x433,592:433,mesolithic torturers.png)


Thanks, lad. Our situation in the Dominion differs, moreso it reveals over time, than the purely European. We also have the Celtic Copper miners – which is where the myth of Red Indian Lacrosse came from – who were prolly playing the Hurley in off hours for recreation. Injuns were given the training wheels of a net design stick, since they didn't have the cognitive fluidity to pong a ball on a Hurley. On the front of the propaganda colossus, it probably sounds unhinged to say they didn't even create lacrosse; but looked at from the time and coordinates of ancient Copper Mining, they were likely handed everything about it on a silver platter – if just to keep them sweet and distracted.

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File: eea7b573e799025⋯.jpg (91.86 KB,956x1326,478:663,626ac65ddc78faf0c04863c2c5….jpg)


Yes, anon; but only in general. There is an extremely helpful specificity brought to height difference which shows that a six-foot lad and and another who is five-ten don't need to come into preference conflict over two wenches who are 66" and 64". The 1.09x ratio establishes that best life, relation, reproductive results for both men show the six foot lad rolls with the 66" lass, and the five-ten lad with the 64". It is only 2" in height difference between the women, probably appearing to be negligible without this knowledge; but it makes all the difference in the world. This ratio as a known functional standard could reduce a lot of internal man to man conflict, familial unhappiness, social violence and reproductive failure.

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File: 238cd617bcc95a3⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,720x905,144:181,fausts vision.jpg)


>deleted post

It was some faggot shilling a degenerate porn site iirc. Probably a bot tbh.

As to the influx of attacks on our general & their repetitious nature - I think it's all they have in their arsenal. They can't shame us or call us "racist" or whatever (like thats gonna work here kek) so they will try to create fracture points where they can. Turn subsections of the board against eachother. In our case though its pretty weak as "muh D&D LARP etc" doesn't really hold much weight, argument wise.

We've become wise to almost all of their image board shilling methods. Its amusing because they have probably sunk millions into trying to shill & consensus crack places like this only to be outclassed by amateurs at every turn. We are inoculated to most of their attempts at infection.


Beautiful pic that lad.

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True that tbh, either that or it's schizo

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh LovelyPorridge/Ruination Media

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File: 646d90fd4373bce⋯.jpg (200.81 KB,1024x925,1024:925,646d90fd4373bce08332deb503….jpg)

>>13561422 (checked)

Picked that up locally on Le Mongorian Chans around six-eight months ago. My guess is that there is a rune in there somewhereabouts.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh Epimetheus

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh 56%

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File: 849874b2be59b0e⋯.jpg (291.62 KB,1216x937,1216:937,1498221107027.jpg)


Fugg thats another semi-decent franchise (((they))) are going to ruin for me.

Proper enjoyed the '16 RPG too. Sad tbh. In a way its good in the meta though. The shitter and less entertaining the circuses are, the staler the bread, the quicker people snap out of their slumber and get some shit done.

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File: 64c183f372239b9⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1840x2565,368:513,faustus_crow_goetia_girls_….jpg)


>The young Conare is told by a bird man of a prophecy that the man who naked(swimming) comes along the road to Temuir carrying a stone(egg) in a sling is he who would be king.

One of the labours of the King's Son is to swim to an island and steal an eagle's egg, which he does with the help of Feidlim Tonn Ri's daughter (who seems to be part raven herself).

>bird men

I've been dreaming about these this week (not unlike >>13545563 tbh), for me always has a connection with the Shadow and bringing forth new life out of death. It was stalking around an orchard looking for carrion. Quite pertinent to Lughnasadh too as it's the beginning of the time of "letting go", pruning trees for spoiled fruit etc.


>Lugh is associated with avian portents, specifically crows, ravens, and eagles

Ah that probably explains the dreams then. Good to know my intuition is tuning itself appropriately.


Based Steeleye Span. Glad the rituals all went well lads, hopefully I'll be able to join you for the next one.

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File: 3183455e887762b⋯.png (145.96 KB,480x544,15:17,bond3.png)

New thread coming soon lads, what theme/title shall we settle on? Any input would be appreciated. Same with pertinent topical newslinks.


>hopefully I'll be able to join you for the next one.

Sounds good lad, the more the better.

>based Steeleye Span

Patrician taste lad. Love me a bit of folkrock I always used to get them mixed up with Steely Dan as a kid kek

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Lughnasadh, Harvest, Late summer is all good lad

>News links

20 people killed in El Paso shooting, Texas governor says


Twenty people were killed and more than two dozen were injured in a mass shooting at an El Paso shopping center on Saturday, according to Texas and local authorities.

>"Lives were taken who should still be with us today," Gov. Greg Abbott said at a news conference near the Walmart and an adjacent shopping mall.

>Twenty-six people were injured, according to El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.

Dayton shooting: 'Multiple victims' as gunman opens fire at bar in Ohio


WARNING DISTRESSING CONTENT Police are responding to reports of an active shooter in the Oregon District of the city, with footage showing emergency services responding

>A gunman has opened fire in Dayton, Ohio, leaving multiple victims, hours after the latest US massacre in Texas.

>Local TV news station WHIO-TV was reporting this morning that at least 10 people were killed in the attack and an unknown number wounded however Dayton Police Department have so far not commented on the numbers of casualties or suspects.

>Police did say they were "actively investigating an active shooter" incident in the Oregon District of the city in Ohio, USA, and urged people to avoid the area.

UK council refused to host Palestinian event over antisemitism fears


Tower Hamlets officials did not divulge real reason for turning down Big Ride for Palestine

>Officials at a London council that refused to host a charity event in aid of Palestinian children did not tell the organisers the decision was based on fears their criticism of Israel could breach antisemitism guidelines, internal emails have revealed.

>The exchanges among officials at Tower Hamlets council also reveal they thought the event should be turned down, in part because of the row over antisemitism in the Labour party.

>The council told The Big Ride for Palestine, which has raised nearly £150,000 for sports equipment for children in Gaza since 2015, that the event’s “political connotations” meant that the closing rally of this year’s bike ride could not go ahead in the borough “without problems”.

Brexit: UK calls on EU to renegotiate or face no deal


EU leaders must give their chief negotiator the mandate to revise the UK's withdrawal agreement, otherwise a no-deal Brexit is "coming down the tracks", the Brexit secretary has said.

>Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Stephen Barclay said "political realities" had changed after May's European elections.

>New MEPs were elected in 61% of seats, he said, marking a "fundamental shift".

>He called on EU leaders to allow Michel Barnier to negotiate in a way that finds "common ground" with the UK.

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>>13570922 (observed)

Thank you lad. Much appreciated. Ill get the new thread up tomorrow and this will be very helpful.

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Cheers lad

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Well lads, it’s been an honour. I’m grateful for everything. Here’s the onion bunker http://nanochanqwrwtmamtnhkfwbbcducc4i62ciss4byo6f3an5qdkhjngid.onion/pol/

For the most part I’m to lazy and impatient to use tor tbh. Additionally, since this is a Lodge of peace there is no reason not to reconvene on the clearnet. Any ideas? As far as I know nien and end are both honeypots.

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