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File: 4ef582e3b0c4095⋯.gif (12.16 KB,229x275,229:275,7graph.gif)

 No.13213583 [Last50 Posts]

Building 7 just imploded? It wasn't hit by a plane, but it just imploded? There aren't public documents on Jewkipedia detailing the CIA's overt psycho fuckery? MK ULTRA? COINTELPRO? And I'm supposed to believe that the CIA, the same fucking CIA that trained the Mujahideen in the 1980s to fuck with the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan, was in NO WAY involved in a fucking Saudi heir… oil money… do you recognize how, with the advent of the internet, your bogus stories become less and less believable? You must recognize this, right? What will you do "if" an AGI is built? Superintelligence will immediately follow. You think a superhuman intelligence is going to look at the official story around 9/11 and be like, "Well, there's literally zero chance that the CIA could have been involved with this, in any way, at all." You think that's what a superintelligent AI is going to conclude? Literally, something that is immeasurably more intelligent than all your craftiest, kikiest psyops? You're SO confident in your own abilities that you don't think ANYTHING can EVER dethrone you? Is that what's up? Brah?

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ya it did lol

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The Jew's greatest weakness is their own overinflated appreciation of Jewish "intelligence."

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File: 35bee102b6e2349⋯.png (516.65 KB,614x488,307:244,ClipboardImage.png)

Debris from building 1/2 falling knocked out the bottom floors.

There is a better picture of it than this out there somewhere, but I can't find it.

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Right, the picture is hard to come by. Also Europe is littered with leaning towers and ruins – Ani in Eastern Turkey has a bunch of 11th century churches that have been shelled by roaches for centuries, and these stone buildings are standing. But lo and behold, knock out a couple pillars from the bottom portion of a building made of fucking reinforced steel, and yep, whole thing comes crashing down.

Also, remind me again when 8chan parroted US intel talking points you fucking kike??

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Looking at that picture is enough for you? Seriously man?? Like, living on Earth, knowing what you intuitively know about gravity and the popular game Jenga, nothing at all about Building 7's implosion seems the slightest bit suspect? At all?

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File: b5cc3676f176f46⋯.webm (1.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1507079424983.webm)

File: c60ec3e47e0256d⋯.webm (1.19 MB,640x480,4:3,1456658890060.webm)

File: 7437743b4d803ed⋯.jpg (40.23 KB,600x378,100:63,1532988686180.jpg)


Nah, it just got sleepy and fell straight down

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Why do retards waste all of your time on things like damaged buildings collapsing instead of all of the Israeli connections to the plane's hijackers? Oh, right. It's because you are dis-info shills like Alex Jonestein who's goal is to make anyone who questions the official story look retarded.


You can clearly see the building deforming and leaning sideways in video 2. Hardly "falling straight down."

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Thread to distract and fascinate newfags who haven’t seen this before. Enjoy looking at stupid cgi plane theories.

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File: 2e3fd52a1e6d01a⋯.png (583.29 KB,488x670,244:335,Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)


The way I can tell you're a shill is because you Divide & Conquer. Instead of uniting – I mean fuck, ostensibly we're both in the same camp that Zionishm is a death cult and Israel is a sham responsible for the greatest lies and atrocities in human history – you instead DIVIDE, attacking me when I question the official story.

Israel and the CIA are synonymous, and both must pay. Since you work for them, this spooks you. You're fat and a nigger.

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Honestly Uncle Sam, when you reach the point where the even official story doesn't corroborate itself, the Goyim are gonna start getting agitated. Think of all the NYPD and NYFD who lost friends, colleagues, brothers in those attacks. You heard it here first and put me in the screenshot.

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Your both shills. No one wants homosexuals as partners.

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כל היהודים הם הומואים

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How old are you, son? I watched 9/11 happen live about three blocks from my face. 2 "planes" 3 towers and Mossad and CIA spooks everywhere.

The goddamned Zionist NeoCon false flag happened and that's what redpilled me.

9/11 is the single most important atrocity the Jew has ever gotten away with outside of crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ.

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File: 2a5544d204985c8⋯.jpg (179.51 KB,1200x1600,3:4,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)


Ironworker here. Nice try. A little structural damage on the side would not make the building fucking pancake glownigger.

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File: eea3cf5cc1fbf45⋯.jpg (62.05 KB,561x449,561:449,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 4f1cfd49ec0125a⋯.jpg (188.21 KB,1200x1600,3:4,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: f6b68093672c479⋯.jpg (88.21 KB,1190x837,1190:837,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 805ad831c13e771⋯.jpg (248.44 KB,1643x1270,1643:1270,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 6b6e14bc7f1458c⋯.jpg (38.6 KB,440x400,11:10,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)


Gonna dump my whole 9/11 rare photos

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File: d0bf379c900389f⋯.jpg (228.98 KB,1200x788,300:197,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 4dbc7761f373417⋯.webm (855.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0….webm)

File: e5ba6f4c895f8f6⋯.webm (2.27 MB,720x480,3:2,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0….webm)

File: 64879485463de48⋯.webm (2.45 MB,550x310,55:31,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0….webm)

File: 5802f78fae4e240⋯.jpg (170.89 KB,1440x1093,1440:1093,911 Steel Beams cut.jpg)

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File: 5cc83f291b0b2e0⋯.gif (821.68 KB,852x568,3:2,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….gif)

File: d901cebb42cfec7⋯.jpg (166.82 KB,903x678,301:226,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 93eee173ae787a6⋯.jpg (69.7 KB,622x932,311:466,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)

File: 6921e70faa9cebd⋯.jpg (903.64 KB,3008x1960,376:245,911fjfj3jdndkdowi28eir9d0k….jpg)


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The picture you post is a proof of your degenerated mental state. How have you reached this level of mental disorder?

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much appreciated brother

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File: ec546784af192cc⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,300x300,1:1,Pentagon's bomb.jpg)

File: 645ce213d0c3f4a⋯.jpg (77.6 KB,640x640,1:1,jet fuel can't melt steel ….jpg)

File: 2dfb12ca43f00ba⋯.jpg (75.72 KB,540x633,180:211,made money from building's….jpg)

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File: 2a83ed6e6a81a75⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,703x849,703:849,student02.jpg)

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File: 21329bc51e76a04⋯.jpg (55.52 KB,480x468,40:39,rothchilds did 9-11.jpg)

File: 16111e823710f33⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,500x639,500:639,rothschild.jpg)

File: 415d0cfc6d9d273⋯.jpg (145.81 KB,488x650,244:325,Beam-lodged-in-bldg_LG.jpg)

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I love the laws of physics defying event known as 9/11

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File: 9aaf430506fa05e⋯.jpg (215.38 KB,720x1080,2:3,PentagonInvestigatorsDie91….jpg)

File: a32a6f40d7344cb⋯.png (1016.08 KB,763x735,109:105,created in june 2001, 3 mo….PNG)

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Semitic races are bad at jenga.

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The entire 9/11 attack was done by Jews in both Israel and the US with a few Saudi helpers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Green party, Muzzies and illegals are seditious "assests" used four coups, economic hits and actual hits. Look up thuggees. It's a career to them. Look up battle color of muzzies. Green.

Why was aspestos taken out? Why was firesafe freon taken out? What year was it taken out? Who was President? What happened to the World Trade in the 90s? Was it a failure or a mission accomplished for them?

Is the Green New Deal a good deal for NYC? Is it ever helpful economically? Who benefits? Que bono? What is imperialism?

Who is John Q?

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File: 79002d77d90000e⋯.mp4 (11.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,For the undying 9-11 MORON….mp4)

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File: 00fa9463c063115⋯.jpg (837.89 KB,1199x841,1199:841,911 newspaper plane.jpg)

File: f38e8a5f6cbf2e0⋯.jpeg (153.81 KB,749x1024,749:1024,911 plane crash.jpeg)

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File: 23907dedcf67e58⋯.jpg (17.51 KB,442x220,221:110,oh snap.jpg)


What temperature does R134 burn at? What temperature does it burn to? When was freon replaced at WTC? What year? Why?

Look at the clock.

John Q

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File: 8adb8fc071b8129⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,640x360,16:9,molten steel beams 911.mp4)

File: c6ecf2aa05c4196⋯.webm (7.92 MB,640x360,16:9,911 red pill.webm)


notice how at 1:49 how he bangs the metal against the anvil. holds up pretty good against forces that are in line with it. were there strong crosswinds on 9/11 or something?

also, what exact temperature did he get that at? did he have it directly on a flame inside a furnace or did he have it some distance away from burning jet fuel?

anyways, this is completely irrelevant when you consider the fact that there was molten metal on 9/11. in order to melt steel beams you *do* have to actually melt them

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The thing that annoys me about these "red pills" is that you can sum them up as "all this looks a bit unlikely doesn't it"

There is nothing groundbreaking or evidential.

Unlikely shit happens all the time.

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File: b24d5a18e371c60⋯.png (157.4 KB,500x685,100:137,meet-lucky-larry-this-is-l….png)


yep, coincidences happen all the time.

actually one time when i was cleaning out a room i accidentally knocked over some old shoe boxes and as i was picking them up i found molten metal everywhere! sometimes this stuff just happens.

pic related is another good one. gee wiz what a lucky guy!

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>Building 7 just imploded?

Oy, it was a "sympathy collapse", goy, right into its own structural footprint! Happens all the time.


>9/11 is the single most important atrocity the Jew has ever gotten away with outside of crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ.

Never forget the 6-hoaxillion.

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This shit is exactly the problem, because yeah - that "might" have happened that way.

I bet there were loads of couples and families in that building who all coincidentally skipped work.

Also if it was a conspiracy why was his appointment called off? why not have a real appointment? Why not have his whole family out of town?

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Nothing like fire fighters ruining away and saying "pull it!".

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>yeah - that "might" have happened that way.

well, it "did" happen that way, so…

and can you explain the 'coincidence' that led to molten steel?

this isn't even good pilpul. i'm basically retarded for even replying to this.

>inb4 you ignore the question about how the molten steel got there, or "it just magically appeared we can't know everything sometimes steel just melts for no reason"

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>real crash

isnt that 'real' crash from a fast and furious movie.

There are a a lot of things that go into making a crash look this or that way. Most crashes are the result of something going horribly wrong, and the pilots trying to fix things; i.e. level out, slow down, maybe make some efforts at an emergency landing.

The usual story for UA93 is that it crashed deliberately during a fight with the passengers, after already going dangerously low and fast. This wasnt a failed landing attempt, it was an effort to smash into the ground. likewise with UA175.

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>I bet there were loads of couples and families in that building who all coincidentally skipped work.

If they skipped work, they wouldn't have been in the towers.

Look up: Odigo Messenger

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And it stayed burning for weeks too.

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File: b2ca86b77994ca7⋯.jpg (229.68 KB,864x864,1:1,09Abuilding6comp.jpg)

File: b0f76d3b6d47dc2⋯.jpg (255.33 KB,864x864,1:1,WTCinsertendbuildingsix.jpg)

File: 8ab8089e77dd5de⋯.jpg (360.45 KB,873x869,873:869,10_2newbldg6study.jpg)

File: ee0ab16beb7fbe3⋯.jpg (267.13 KB,864x864,1:1,11build6cnncoll.jpg)

File: 374f70f8f18ba09⋯.jpg (295.75 KB,864x864,1:1,10building6st.jpg)

Building 6 is even more outrageous really.

There are two outstanding testimonies to the lies and ignorance surrounding building 6.

Rick Siegel a brilliant mathematician who started working on Wall St. when he was only 15 took his videocam and transistor radio down to the Jersey shore on is bicycle and started videotaping the aftermath of the first strike on the WTC with the radio running as a kind of timestamp. He later went to Columbia university and got the data from their seismograph showing that the roof of building 6 blew off 10 minutes before the first tower collapsed.

By the way this is one of the best ever 911 videos by a jew no less.

And then there's this

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Its so weird that they buildings took asymmetrical damage, yet collapsed symmetrically

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Pirates love parrots.

Truth seekers love truth.

John Q

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It just fell

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in the 2nd webm whos the nigger with the red circle that he says doesnt exist

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File: 8d221c34ca7c947⋯.gif (990.03 KB,300x148,75:37,WTC7 Which one is a contro….gif)

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File: 2e432d53cb49c88⋯.jpg (223.24 KB,953x949,953:949,msds.jpg)

What is a material safety sheet? Why is it needed? Why was R12 (freon) developed? What year was it removed from WTC? What was it replaced with?

Why was aspestos developed?


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File: 322b2503e00bad9⋯.gif (5.11 MB,697x342,697:342,WTC7 Which one is a contro….gif)

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Anons love "filter by ID".

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Research takes work. Reading requires thinking for yourself.

J.Q. Public

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Building 7 collapsed due to peer pressure, I guess.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 7564864ce61d62b⋯.jpg (10.25 KB,318x159,2:1,images.jpg)

This was one of the first assertions to appear that the Pentagon attack was not what the government was asserting it was. Theirry Meyssan, Reseau Voltaire.

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File: f601993c06adfa4⋯.jpg (21.67 KB,398x226,199:113,584665.jpg)

File: 7befb1318867f98⋯.jpg (16.75 KB,334x250,167:125,book.jpg)

File: bb16397c466f76e⋯.jpg (44.48 KB,450x295,90:59,d3-Book on Stool.jpg)

File: a3613127fb1f0c4⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,257x196,257:196,download.jpg)

The flight recorders recovered from the WTC site as well as the flight recorder recovered from the Pentagon site show that all the aircraft had around 30,000 liters of aircraft fuel on board. At WTC 1 and 2 the burning 30,000 liters of aircraft fuel made huge steel girders collapse. At ground zero Pentagon however those 30,000 liters couldn't even singe paper on an open book or melt a plastic monitor sitting on a filing cabinet.

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File: 99d274d75a2d2dd⋯.webm (6.7 MB,320x240,4:3,PART 1 of 3 Danny Jowenko….webm)

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The plane which fell was intended to hit the building but it was pulled instead. All WTC building were guaranteed, because obviously the planes hitting them isn't what caused the collapses. It was a huge scripting failure, just like the kikes in the van who got caught with a bunch explosives heading to the whatever bridge, and those who "came to document the events" lol.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gore Vidal notorious lefty faggot, The Enemy Within. Gore's father was the first head of the FAA and he marveled at the complete dereliction of duty by NORAD on that fateful day.

After all in Oct 1999 when Payne Stewart (the pro golfer) went off course in his small private jet a NORAD fighter was on his wingtip within 2 minutes and the plane full of unconscious passengers and pilots was followed by 6 NORAD F15's in relay for 4 hours.

Watch the TV coverage of that event and compare it to the non response of NORAD to 4 hijacked jets with hundreds of passengers just sailing around the most heavily defended air corridor in the world for an hour and forty minutes

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's a classic for you; Daniel Hopsicker's Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus

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File: a1ec26d253c09b0⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,294x190,147:95,685_majed_moqed_photo_id20….jpg)

File: 2ef3e47d4db9aec⋯.jpg (40.44 KB,290x217,290:217,Passport-of-Saeed-al-Ghamd….jpg)

And how amazing, how our Lady of Lourdes miraculous was it that the ID's of 911 hijackers flew out of the fuselage of a big airliner crashing into a huge steel building and through a massive fireball that melted some of the biggest steel girders ever forged and somehow survived to identify the dastardly perpetrators of this wicked crime.

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Jesus was also a kike.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: cd7d8fee01cd1c7⋯.webm (8.08 MB,530x348,265:174,Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 co….webm)


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File: 0039afe165677e3⋯.webm (14.91 MB,500x376,125:94,WTC7 Demolition Interview….webm)

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File: 68940e7061224c0⋯.webm (15.06 MB,500x376,125:94,WTC7 Demolition Interview….webm)

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File: c2e4dedff07e8f0⋯.webm (14.77 MB,500x376,125:94,WTC7 Demolition Interview….webm)

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The jet fuel debate is all irrelevant, even though such temperatures are impossible to reach without a constant fast flow of oxygen (for example like a jet engine or furnace ffs), when we consider that the fires were only burning at a couple of floors. All the other parts of the building were in tact, yet they collapsed like barely anything obstructed their fall. Also any people with common sense understands that most of the fuel burns up at the impact explosion and doesn't give a constant intense burn to cause any significant structural damage. Also the case that the building didn't topple over to the side while falling is very telling. It's all full of fucking holes. Let alone all the kikes, the fake elevator service company when WTC never used outside companies and had their own to do it. The van of explosives as I've mentioned at the George Washington Bridge. The other kikes at the border with detailed blueprints of wtc and marked maps. They all got loose. Most people are too fucking stupid to add one and one together and trusts everything they're told.

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File: 464c6aaf7d65c61⋯.jpg (220.87 KB,800x1101,800:1101,cb8b135c3629582c9c60bb6015….jpg)

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Even if the floors did collapse (they didn't) the central core of the two towers was so massive and powerful that there's no way they could be damaged by an ALUMINUM aircraft and just disintegrage, crumble the way that they did in full public view.

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It would take an encyclopedia to cover all the funny business on 9-11 but there’s one fact that can not be ignored or can not be construed any other way except that insiders were in control on 9-11. All the wars we are in are directly because of the Jews and 9-11. I can prove this easily with two facts. The first is the Jews own all forms of mass communication in the US and they’re not saying a word about this. They can see this as easily as I can and they’re hiding it. The second follows. Three buildings came down on 9-11.Two came down very odd but at least were hit by planes. Building 7 wasn’t hit by a plane. Notice I use no silly assed laser beam, alien or whatever logic to demonstrate that it was a demoed. On 9-11 building #7 fell the same speed as a rock dropped beside it in free air for roughly 108 feet. This means the building had no resistance to falling except air.

All materials fall the same speed in a gravity field disregarding air friction which I don’t thing we need to worry about for a building falling. So the speed of our imaginary rock falling next to the building is just gravity related. The speed of the buildings falling, the exact same as the rock, is just gravity also. This means that there was NOTHING to slow the fall of the building. The density of the material under the imaginary rock falling was air. The building fell the same therefore the density of the material under the building was also air. We know building #7 was not hovering in the air. There is no other explanation that fits the fall of building 7 except for all support for the bottom being demoed out from under it to where only air held it up before it fell.

It’s makes NO difference how big the fires were. The buildings density never reached the same value as air! The fires did not boil away the building structure where it was light as air! All the talk about damage, fires, this, that, all bullshit because the building fell with all four corners almost level the same speed as a rock in AIR. If a building falls as fast as a rock and the rock is falling through JUST AIR then the building is falling through JUST AIR also. Simple equivalence. 1=1, 2=2, big rock falling in air=small rock falling in air=building falling in air. One problem is people sometimes believe that a really heavy thing will fall faster than a lighter thing. Not true. Look at this video of the Apollo astronaut dropping a feather and a hammer on the Moon. They land at the same time.


Here’s a video of reporters going into building #7 AFTER the North tower supposedly fell on it and destroyed it supposedly enough for it to collapse completely. Look at :54 you see the #7 for the building on the door.


Now you’ve seen video of the inside where there is NO massive damage to make all four sides of the building fall. You want pictures of the back? Here’s a picture of the South side of building #7, facing the North tower, after it had fallen. There is no huge gaping hole. There is no massive fire going all the way up the building. So you can’t say it’s the South side and we have plenty of video and pictures of the North side of building #7 pictures with no damage at all.


Here’ another NIST FOIA released video taken between one and two hours before building #7 fell. There’s around three floors on fire.


(Watch the reporter pan up at 2:54. You can clearly see the whole building is not on fire. This side shown is the North side of building #7. Later you can see the fires mostly around three or four floors only and in isolated spots.)

If the fires were hot enough to melt steel then why isn’t the glass in the windows melted? Glass melts at an extremely lower temperature that steel. Ever put a metal can and a glass bottle in a campfire? The glass bottle melts but the steel can will still be intact. These fires were no hotter than a campfire. One last video of all sides from 23 angles also showing the miraculous collapse.


Fireman retired so now he can talk. He was right next to the damn building. Says,”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”


Here’s an astoundingly good short video by a mechanical engineer on the other buildings. It probably one of the best I’ve seen. It’s very to the point and sticks to the facts as can be seen.


For more info look at a site by some engineers that lay out the evidence.


The facts are irrefutable that certain sections of our security in this country are compromised by the Jews and are actively killing our citizens.

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>All the wars we are in

That should be the reddest of pills to anyone who still doesn't understand 9/11. Every major war of this century, planet-wide, has been simply the US military pounding Israel's neighbors into rubble.

(solid effortpost, anon)

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It's weird having a thread like this after all these years. I've pounded out all this evidence year in year out since early 2003 when I first saw WTC 7 collapse and got the fever of rage against Mossad but here we are 18 years later and there's adults walking around that were newborn babies back then. It seems like yesterday but those babies grown up are somewhat baffled by the indignation at it all, the in your face injustice of it.

I had the same experience talking to a 40 year old guy back in 2006; he was puzzled about why I was so intense about the Kennedy assassination. I remember it, the organized methodical lies laid out before the entire world and that weird helpless feeling you get at being gaslighted by impudent assholes.

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File: da9bad8f6fdb5a2⋯.jpg (46.27 KB,499x499,1:1,28166680_1305000356309981_….jpg)

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>not realizing the CIA are the ones who set up the bank network that is Al queda, meaning youre pretty much liable for treason at that point

>not knowing thats why all investigation into actual terrorist bank records was stopped because it would name names

>not realizing that 9/11 conspiracy is literally a glownigger psyop to make anyone wanting to investigate the bank accounts further as a conspiracy nut by proxy and keeping their traitorous behavior secret

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>that weird helpless feeling you get at being gaslighted by impudent assholes.

Yes. Rather… …um… …irksome.

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File: eace3fc2814d1cf⋯.jpg (17.79 KB,228x284,57:71,Krongard_Buzzy.jpg)

File: 626b14b29cdd78f⋯.jpg (22.95 KB,151x182,151:182,krongard_Howard.jpg)


The Krongard brothers Buzzy and Howard, two back room power players in DC.

To the embarrassment of investigators, it has also emerged that the firm used to buy many of the "put" options [related to 9-11] - where a trader, in effect, bets on a share price fall - on United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by "Buzzy" Krongard, now executive director of the CIA. Until 1997, Mr Krongard was chairman of Alex Brown Inc, America's oldest investment banking firm. Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers Trust, which in turn was bought by Deutsche Bank. His last post before resigning to take his senior role in the CIA was to head Bankers Trust - Alex Brown's private client business, dealing with the accounts and investments of wealthy customers around the world.

- Chris Blackhurst, “Mystery of Terror 'Insider Dealers'”, The Independent (UK), October 14, 2001

A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6 [2001] as part of a strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading on September 10 was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter…which recommended these trades.

- 9/11 Commission Report, W.W. Norton, 2004, footnote on p. 499



Howard Joel Krongard, Alvin's brother, as Inspector General at the State Department, blocked investigations of massive fraud by military contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. At Congressional hearings, Howard feigned ignorance that his brother was a director of Blackwater, one of the key contracts being examined. Buzzy had awarded the C.I.A. contract to Blackwater.

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File: 8ef7917982ef0d7⋯.jpg (134.52 KB,712x580,178:145,Complete_Solving_9-11_Set.jpg)


>It would take an encyclopedia to cover all the funny business on 9-11



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>its because Jews own the media

>not because 90% of glowniggers and the pentagon are israel (((neocons)))

sure chaim, it was NBC and a handful of C4 that accomplished this, not the (((CIA))) literally teaching the sandniggers how to illegally wire transfer money around the world to fund mililtants

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File: 240b3eca8fcb838⋯.png (276.12 KB,1439x781,1439:781,Track11WTF.PNG)

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File: 3a8316a1093511e⋯.png (6.68 KB,1179x85,1179:85,wikipedia.PNG)

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Holy fuck.

Never saw this one.

Is this from a surveilance camera?

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predictive programming tier


can you redpill me what this patent is about? I have seen it mentioned every time mh370 comes up but what is it about the patent that is important that gives rothschild even more control over us?

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>>13218133 (checked)

>Also the case that the building didn't topple over to the side while falling is very telling.

Totally this.

Is the retard level point I always make when I tell anyone about it.

It should have fallen like a tree chopped down stemming from the point of the damage.

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I remember when that came out and the general opinion was that it was CG. That could be wrong but it looks doable in Houdini or Maya or 3DS Max or Cinema 4D.

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It supposed to go down with the others, but something went wrong and explosives didnt work, so they cut the corner and instead of removing them quietly just fixed the problem by exploding them later. Who cares, narrative was pushed anyway.

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When the 2 towers came down the rock blew out and spread into building 7. Being that there was already damage to building 7 before the 2 towers fell. The side fell and 7 fell.

The picture is the moment it went down from the south side.

Muslims did 9/11 they tried before.


Ramzi Yousef a member of al-Qaeda. al-Qaeda swore that they would destroy the twin towers.

Look at the massive object that hit building 7.

Nice try Muzzy scum..

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It would take over a month to wire Building 7 for demolition

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>Debris from building 1/2 falling knocked out the bottom floors.

>There is a better picture of it than this out there somewhere, but I can't find it.

Yes, this totally explains why it pancaked.

The fact people were recorded saying "they're going to pull it" was entirely coincidental.

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Crazy how they just found that terrorists passport laying in all that rubble without a scratch

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Place length of metal in secure position. Take a torch, apply heat somewhere in middle. With gloves, grab a cool end of the length while the middle is still heated, but not melted. Pull. Watch metal bend. It's probably not intuitively obvious, start working with metal and you will see for yourself how you can bend metal beams by applying heat. It doesn't have to be melting to bend. If a beam if supporting tons of masse in conjunction with other beams and some beams are then broken, while others are heated beyond safe practices, even unaffected beams will shear when enough of the others fail.

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>Place length of metal in secure position.

" length of metal"

But not hardened steel used in skyscrapers you mong.

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>"Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie."

pic 2 is not the best.

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File: 10cce4258b137a2⋯.jpg (41.61 KB,768x432,16:9,remembering-the-1988-locke….jpg)


Lockerbie crash site

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File: b1d561222c5a255⋯.jpg (308.99 KB,500x2144,125:536,LOLZ.jpg)


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File: c61b4420deb50f6⋯.jpg (244.71 KB,747x528,249:176,TWA800reconstruction.jpg)

TWA Flight 800 reconstruction from wreckage. Funny how that wasn't done at all in the case of 911…

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Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville after courageous Todd Beamer and his fellow passengers cried out "Let's Roll" and stormed the cockpit to overcome the hijackers.

So why was an engine and other debris found 6 to 8 miles away from the crash site which virtually had no debris??

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File: 0d5764b76447bc8⋯.jpg (40.68 KB,333x500,333:500,51s1aTQpIxL.jpg)

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>Look at the massive object that hit building 7.

That aint bldg 7 nigger faggot.

It never fell down despite the massive shit that hit it.



>TWA Flight 800 reconstruction from wreckage. Funny how that wasn't done at all in the case of 911…

Excellent point anon. Maybe they couldn't find any parts to put back together?

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Hardened metal is used to resist impacts. While changing the specific composition of metal alloys will vary the specific melting temperature, it still becomes increasingly malleable with heat, the structure under load will fail when heat is applied. There aren't heat resistant metals. As far as what went down in those building is not the concern here. If a beam is under load, heated and loses some of its beam counterparts to support that load, the beam will bend and shear. Harder steels aren't designed to resist these conditions. If you wanted to resist these conditions, get thicker beams and build in redundant beams in case of multiple failure. Doing this on each floor would severely limit the architectural limits of sky scrapers due to weight limitations. A limitation of the youtube videos you see bending steel, is that in their garage tier conditions, they don't have the simulation load on top or across beams. A little weight will increase the time to failure and shear the beam sooner and with less heat than you see them using to heat beams on their videos.

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@ 20 seconds "That building about to blow up"

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Because according to the

TSA/CLEVELAND air traffic control

Tower recordings you can clearly

Hear that it was turned to a smoke


United flight #93 was

Intercepted and shot down.

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Adding carbon to iron to forge steel doesn't just harden it to impact; it makes it more flexible, resilient and resistant to shear and heat. You'd have to stick steel into a blast furnace forge and get it incandescent to make it as malleable as you're suggesting it was on 911. Show us that the steel girders were incandescent.

So how hot was the steel at the floors where the plane crashed. Edna Cintron was able to stand on it and lean against a big steel exoskelton of the tower standing right in the hole where the plane crashed, ground Zero as it were. Now take a frying pan made of steel and heat it to 200F, far below the temperature to bend steel or even iron for that matter. Put your naked hand on that 200F iron or steel pan. Do it.

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Lol, his flight was actually a cruise missile, same with the one that hit the pentagon. her husband got executed.

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Steel carries heat. If the steel on the floors where the fuel burned was as hot as you say it was, then how can that poor woman lean against such a hot piece of steel? How can she stand on a steel floor? If that steel was as hot as the kikenvermin say it was, she'd be jumping to her death to escape it, not standing there waving for help.

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Fuck me I love beating down assholes that try to shill the official lies about 911. I hate them with a passion.

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You know I've always been an antisemite, pro Hitler, even when I was 7. It's part and parcel of my ethnic makeup.

But when I started getting enraged over 911 after 2003 when someone showed me Building 7 collapsing I started really investigating online, reading everything I could find. I went to 911 truth conventions and met a lot of those speakers on You Tube in person.

But I never thought it was THE JOOZE. Until one day in 2006 I was talking about 911 and somebody popped in on my thread and accused me of being an "antisemite". My immediate reaction was "WTF are you talking about?" then I stopped and said "aha..i've got you now you fucking rat".

The scales fell from my eyes. It all became so clear.

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>All of you 911 conspiracy nuts.

Have you considered the possibility that the Communists who infiltrated the American government would happily help the terrorists in order to promote their Communist agenda?

>They targeted the capitalists.

>They replaces the twin towers with the (((One World Trade Center)))

Have you even considered that there would be a connection between 911 and Communism???


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>Have you even considered that there would be a connection between 911 and Communism???

Insofar as 911 was a Jewish Mossad plot, and communism was also a Jewish subversive plot then I can see a kind of loose link to the jews as a tribe and their destructive impulse to enslave the world.

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You have no actual proof of that except documents that were forged by Socialists.

The Socialists framed the Jews…

This is the real truth.


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She did jump to her death you moron

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File: ec54327e4505fd3⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,196x257,196:257,download.jpg)


Lenin was a jew

Trotsky was a jew

Yagoda was a jew

Dzerzinsky was a jew

Andropov was a jew

They're 90% jews. Murderous rogues

Bolshevism = Judaism.

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File: b6b4c358d076dff⋯.jpg (23.04 KB,495x315,11:7,20108596_10154768864235754….jpg)

Good god, is Roman Polanski Yagoda's son??

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>As far as what went down in those building is not the concern here.

As mentioned, I am discussing how metals react to heat and load. I'm not discussing what may or may not have happened by nefarious means. I'm not talking about kike demolition squads.

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wait so why is a rabbi from the CIA trying to tell us this

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Passports were from United Airlines Flight 93.

Only a moron would use the concept jet fuel burns everything and we can never get any left over plane when they crash. >>13218063

United Airlines Flight 93 was not totally destroyed. All bodies recovered.

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File: 764199e2d5ae188⋯.jpg (61.12 KB,480x477,160:159,54cfc9028d2c4_-_911-tower-….jpg)


Went that direction toward the dock through building 7

We got pictures you lying Muzzy.

Islam did 9/11

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File: 2ee7102460ed47c⋯.png (14 KB,255x246,85:82,a32a6f40d7344cb0e30e5059f5….png)

Boots Riley is a communist and was who believed destroying the world trade center would give the money to the people.

He made comments about destroying the world trade center.

This was the common thought and why Islam attacked the world trade center.

Jews are fucked up, but what is more fucked up is that Islam kills and blames the Jewish people in a attempt to take a shitty fucking place called Jerusalem.. Like we fucking care about Jerusalem.

The middle east war is coming. We might need to kill both to keep freedom.

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>Adding carbon to iron to forge steel doesn't just harden it to impact; it makes it more flexible, resilient and resistant to shear and heat.

No one uses pure iron for structural. There are several grades of the steel alloy, the higher %C it has, the stronger it gets, simultaneously coinciding with other property improvements while sacrificing on other property performance, like brittleness. On a Carbon-Steel diagram we can see the melting temps of steel alloys at varying %C. Structural grades of steel range from medium carbon steel(0.6%C) to High strength steels(0.8%C). Iron and carbon relate in alloy with concern to melting point variance among other properties. The melting temperature increases with greater %C. The most common and strongest structural grade of steel found in the towers was ASTM A242, a lightweight High Strength Low Alloy(HSLA) suited for weight savings in tall structures. HSLA range from 0.05-0.25%C(less than med and high steels). All these grades of steel found in the towers have a roughly similar melting point around 2700F-2800F. The Jet fuel on its own would have been hot enough to get these steels close to or past their upper transformation temperature, where the grain structure itself changes, losing almost all of its strength properties from the alloying elements and all heat hardening treatment characteristics.

>You'd have to stick steel into a blast furnace forge and get it incandescent

False. You can get steel to glow with a little time under a propane torch. A cross section of a structural steel member is relatively small relative to its length. All it takes is for one cross section to be compromised for the entire member to fail under minimal load.

>Edna Cintron was able to stand on it and lean against a big steel exoskelton

Access to winds entering the building. Flames inside building. Smoke not blanketing her. I imagine the radiating heat from the building core is what would push someone to take a dive.


>1 and 3 Pic

>Steel carries heat

Is really does! Like all metals, steel conducts heat. Super conductors like copper transfer heat quite efficiently. Steel, on the other hand, does not conduct heat efficiently. You can be cutting beams with plasma or gas and just a few feet away, touch ice cold-warmish steel. Take a heat gun and check for yourself, don't recommend you touch pans or anything. You ever own a SS cookware and holding the SS handle? Been boiling water and touched the top rim of the steel pot?

> how can that poor woman lean against such a hot piece of steel?

A skyscraper is composed of a structural steel framework. There are steel members on the outside and inside at intervals. Most skyscrapers have a denser core for support against wind sway. The frame where I assume most of the plane stopped, was at this core. The exterior members can be in relatively sound condition, but if the other members fail, the exterior members are doomed under their new carrying loads. They simply can't be designed to withstand such widespread failure while maintaining the height and lightweight framework nature of a skyscraper. Add a horizontal wind load to an already stressed vertical load…members fail.


I never really investigate 9/11, just going on what I do know, free of any theories. The concern I have is about how the fire insulation's failed and how the jews who likely perpetrated this structural sabotage got away with it without any real investigation.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The concern I have is about how the fire insulation's failed and how the jews who likely perpetrated this structural sabotage got away with it without any real investigation.

Research: "Elevator World". Elevator World magazine documented the elevator renovations of WTC. The buildings were designed to be destroyed with only elevator access. The 9/11 report denied any elevator renovations happened.

Also, allegedly "Israeli art students" were allowed to place big boxes of their stuff on some upper floor towers – probably more explosives for dramatic effect during the demolition.

False flag is the ruling principle of all governments for thousands of years. If anyone's on /pol/ and thinks shit like this isn't most likely deliberate, they're morons or shills. Have a vid about the Conspiracy History of The World.

Once a false flag is committed, elites make it into an anniversary / holiday, such as Guy Fawkes Day, to cement the official narrative into the public psyche. This is PSYOPS 101.

Also, have some more redpills on other false terror events.


Kind of relevant, to put things in context. This shit happens all the damn time folks. You want to go to war with some nation that knows you'll kick its ass? You need to either force the enemy to attack you (Perl Harbor, illegal blockades of Japan, they'd attack or starve), or dress up as the enemy, fly their flags, and attack yourself. Then your countrymen will rally to fight the intended target (nearly every war ever, including Vietnam [Gulf of Tonkin = admitted false flag via radar "ghosts"]).

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I've heard it was an Air National Guard unit called The Happy Hooligans that did the necessary.

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File: babd94c2cfd6956⋯.jpg (63.67 KB,500x384,125:96,27_v_1458631824.jpg)


Admiral Hyman Rickover and the Smithsonian were allowed to build a steel berm around the wreckage of the USS Maine in Havana harbor and pump out the water to examine the wreck. They discovered that the ship blew up from within, and not from an external "torpedo" (in those days a floating mine was known as a torpedo). They were cautious in their findings and hypothesized that it was possible that a coal dust ignition could have started the blast that spread to the munitions but the also left the door open for a deliberate scuttling of the US warship to use it as a casus belli with Spain.

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One of the ID cards was found in the wreckage around the WTC towers THE NEXT DAY.

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No, jews did it. Only the jews have profited from 911.

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Note; the kikenvermin could have probably gotten away scot free with their crime if they could only have resisted the urge to make buckets of money from the deal on top of all the big political wins they derived from it. By speculating in airline futures and buyign and insuring the WTC shortly before the attack they really put themselves squarely in the spotlight of suspicion.

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This whole thing is sloppy and obvious as fuck, and yet nothing is being done and muricans are still dying for schlomo in the middle east, nearly two fucking decades later

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That bar was red hot and in a furnace for quite a while, while the jet fuel only heated the steel for maybe a few seconds.

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ayy lmao the foundations were linked together by a shockwave bridge that transfered all the force from the collapsing 2 towers to the supports in building 7 haha like that's why all three buildings fell down as if they were a controlled demolition hahaaahahaaaahaaaaaaaaah

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The truth is that 9/11 is no different from the titanic.

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Somehow, we must thank the Jews for 9/11.

It finally proved that we lived in a clown world.

They literally ripped apart the illusion for the sake of their own agenda.

Yes, it's a nosejob.


Splain please.


KL-03 may not be the only important part. Thing is, everything that comes out of this company is now property of Jacob R.


You got me looking on internet and in my archives. Knew something fishy about WTC6, your post is a great reminder of the importance of this building too. So here's the extra info I found as I hopped from website to website.



So this Voltaire site has some articles about Kurt Sonnenfeld, his duty when working for FEMA, his experience about 9/11 and some odd observations about WTC6. I also spent some time digging about this Meyssan, he's French but lives in Lebanon where his company is based (unless I'm mistaken). He stood for peace and rights of homosexuals in some country I can't remember, obviously anti-nazi. Once you ignore those issues, the stuff available on this obscure website could be of value, maybe? You tell me lads.

>Kurt Sonnenfeld: There was no underground parking level at Seven World Trade Center. And there was no underground vault. Instead, the federal agencies at Building Seven stored their vehicles, documents and evidence in the building of their associates across the street. Beneath the plaza level of US Customs House (Building 6) was a large underground garage, separated off from the rest of the complex’s underground area and guarded under tight security. This was where the various government services parked their bomb-proofed cars and armored limousines, counterfeit taxi cabs and telephone company trucks used for undercover surveillance and covert operations, specialized vans and other vehicles. Also within that secured parking area was access to the sub-level vault of Building 6.


>Approaching the entrance to the sub-level areas of WTC6.

>When the North Tower fell, the US Customs House (Building 6) was crushed and totally incinerated. Much of the underground levels beneath it were also destroyed. But there were voids. And it was into one of those voids, recently uncovered, that I descended with a special Task Force to investigate. It was there we found the security antechamber to the vault, badly damaged. At the far end of the security office was the wide steel door to the vault, a combination code keypad in the cinderblock wall beside it. But the wall was cracked and partially crumbled, and the door was sprung partially open. So we checked inside with our flashlights. Except for several rows of empty shelves, there was nothing in the vault but dust and debris. It had been emptied. Why was it empty? And when could it have been emptied?

>Voltaire Network: Is this what set alarm bells ringing for you?

>Kurt Sonnenfeld: Yes, but not immediately. With so much chaos, it was difficult to think. It was only after digesting everything that the “alarm bells” went off.

>Building Six was evacuated within twelve minutes after the first airplane struck the North Tower. The streets were immediately clogged with fire trucks, police cars and blocked traffic, and the vault was large enough, 15 meters by 15 meters by my estimate, to necessitate at least a big truck to carry out its contents. And after the towers fell and destroyed most of the parking level, a mission to recover the contents of the vault would have been impossible. The vault had to have been emptied before the attack.




>Aerial view of enigmatic WTC6 cavity.

>VN: When it comes to Ground Zero, the majority of experts have focused exclusively on WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7. Yet, you also referred to a bizarre phenomenon relating to WTC6 which few appear to have paid attention to. What was so strange about it?

>KS: Building Six struck me (and many others) as bizarre from my first days inside Ground Zero, and there are still no answers. Looking at aerial and satellite photos, you can see that there is a huge, nearly-empty crater from the roof all the way down to the ground floor. It looked like a gigantic crane had scooped out the insides. What happened to all the rubble that should have been inside that crater? I can’t explain it.


>Some of the toasted cars lining FDR Parkway, half a mile from Ground Zero.


The Twin Towers were destroyed for the symbolic/ritual shock value, but WTC6 & 7 were destroyed because of far more practical reasons related to highly important investigations and assets.

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Yes, it appears they intended a sort of Dark Knight 3 plot, cutting Manhattan off, by planning to blow up or at least damage both a bridge and a main eastern underwater tunnel iirc.



Looks like Meyssan first went with the idea that it was a cruise missile. I don't know if they moved to the possibility of a small plane later on. They were working from a single GIF. I also found that they pointed out how the fireball at the Pentagon was just way too bright to be caused by fuel burning, but had the trademark of a high intensity explosive.



Article is quite long but is of high quality.

It's interesting because we can actually compare the fireballs against WTC1 & 2 and the Pentagon. The one produced at the Pentagon is quite different.

Unrelated: a cursory search on their website tells me that as far as the Middle East, Africa and Central/South America go, VN seems to have good data about what's about to unfold.

Extra stuff about Pengaton and Flight AA77 below.


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File: 540188370ba9c49⋯.jpg (3.82 MB,4016x2339,4016:2339,Northrop_Grumman_RQ-4_Glob….jpg)


One of the more convincing hypotheses is that it was a Raytheon Global Hawk, packed with rocket fuel (that's what caused the big fireball). In April 2001 they flew one from Edwards AFB to a landing strip in Australia, successfully. And they are very agile so they could feasibly perform all the difficult maneuvers on the approach to the Pentagon target. It's bigger than a cruise missile and has a large wingspan capable of knocking over the lamp posts on the last approach to the target.

>In April 2001, Air Vehicle 5 (AV-5), the fifth of seven Global Hawk prototypes, became the first unmanned powered aircraft to cross the Pacific, flying from Edwards Air Force Base in California to Adelaide, Australia, on its way to participate in exercises with the U.S. Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force and Navy. The 7,500-nautical-mile transit set several world records and was eclipsed only by the Global Hawk’s performance in the May and June exercises: Over a period of six weeks, the aircraft flew 13 out of 14 planned exercises, a total of nearly 10 days aloft, with some flights lasting more than a day.


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Gerald Celente likes to recount his own experience on 911; he decided to escape from New York with his family; pack them in the car and flee. One big problem. The cell phone network was down, the Interac banking system was down. You couldn't sell assets on the exchange. He was economically paralyzed.

After the attack, the cell phone network of New York City was rapidly overloaded (a mass call event) as traffic doubled over normal levels. Cell phone traffic also overloaded across the East Coast, leading to crashes of the cell phone network. Verizon's downtown wire phone service was interrupted for days and weeks because of cut subscriber cables, and to the 140 West Street exchange being shut for days. Capacity between Brooklyn and Manhattan was also diminished by cut trunk cables.

Following the attacks, the issues with the cell network weren't resolved until 36 cellular COWs (cell towers on wheels) were deployed by September 14, 2001, in Lower Manhattan to support the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and provide critical phone service to rescue and recovery workers.

Since three of the major television broadcast network owned-and-operated stations had their transmission towers atop the North Tower (One World Trade Center), coverage was limited after the collapse of the tower. The FM transmitter of National Public Radio station WNYC was also destroyed in the collapse of the North Tower and its offices evacuated. For an interim period, it continued broadcasting on its AM frequency and used NPR's New York offices to produce its programming.

Screencap of the frozen WPIX image

The satellite feed of one television station, WPIX, froze on the last image received from the WTC mast; the image (a remote-camera shot of the burning towers), viewable across North America (as WPIX is available on cable TV in many areas), remained on the screen for much of the day until WPIX was able to set up alternate transmission facilities. It shows the WTC at the moment power cut off to the WPIX transmitter, prior to the towers' collapse.

During the September 11 attacks, WCBS-TV channel 2 and WXTV-TV channel 41 stayed on the air. Unlike most other major New York television stations, WCBS-TV maintained a full-powered backup transmitter at the Empire State Building after moving its main transmitter to the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The station was also simulcasted nationally on Viacom (which at the time owned CBS) cable network VH1 that day. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the station lent transmission time to the other stations who had lost their transmitters, until they found suitable backup equipment and locations.

The Emergency Alert System was never activated in the terrorist attacks, as the extensive media coverage made it unnecessary.

AT&T eliminated any costs for domestic calls originating from the New York City area (phones using area codes 212, 718, 917, 646, and 347) in the days following 9/11.

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Theirry Meyssan is one of the best journalists in the world today. His coverage of the Syrian war started well before the rest of the media picked up on it. He actually moved to Syria to cover its outbreak.

He was a hopeful Trump supporter based on Trumps campaign statements but since then he feels that the real government behind the throne has imposed its dictates upon him.

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File: 03773d090bc1678⋯.png (291.66 KB,395x457,395:457,03773d090bc1678fe4bb2a57aa….png)


>>you're a shill

>posts literal faggotry

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>Splain please.

Israeli students squatted in a vacant office in the WTC tower. The removed a plate glass window and built a wooden scaffold or platform with railing that protruded from the membrane of the building. Nobody from WTC security or plant operations noticed this crazy shit at all in the period leading up to the attack.

was contacted by an individual who led me to this information about the art students living in WTC Tower 1 before 9/11.

In fact, in May of 2000, they were living on the 91st floor where they were doing construction and sleeping in tents. They did have construction passes. I do believe that ACE Elevator and Securicom, as well as Kroll Associates should be focused on, however, this is important information that has never been confirmed, until now.

These art students were apart of the art group, gelitin, and were pulling off a large stunt in the name of art, at least that is the official story. Gelatin is notorious for encouraging and participating in various stunts and elaborate adventures to push art into the pop culture by performing publicity stunts.

The project these art students from Austria and Germany were apart of was called, "The B-Thing."

I am in the process of uploading all of the photos and information to make available to everyone online, so be looking for that soon. In the meantime, I broke the story on Kevin Barret's radio show, "Truth Jihad" which airs every Saturday on American Freedom Radio. The audio from that interview is in the Youtube clip at the top of this post, but if you want to download it, it is at the following link:


The art students released a book about their art event out of Austria and the book is extremely hard to come by. IN fact, it is limited release and most copies are sold, I had to search very hard to find a copy but I found one. Here is a link to one of the stores that used to sell it:


The New York times did an article on the Gelatin crew made up of up to 14 Austrian and German students. You can view the original New York Times article here:


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File: 19e2d81194eaee8⋯.jpg (83.39 KB,700x522,350:261,700_b-thing_open_700.jpg)

File: 8b6a99f8303b112⋯.jpg (73.01 KB,312x239,312:239,tirol.jpg)

File: 53c199ecb77ebb9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1737x1125,193:125,ovlgyp57hkpy.png)

File: c09b5d008dcb017⋯.jpg (7.83 KB,237x212,237:212,download.jpg)

File: 06f54da89322ae8⋯.jpg (138.23 KB,716x863,716:863,wtc.jpg)

It's getting harder to find this shit.

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Pic 3 refers to electrical fuses not demolition fuses.

I have no problem believing kikes did it but I'm not seeing much presented here that seems relevant or is verifiable.

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Try to imagine it was a bunch of mulsims that squatted in that vacant office and pulled out a window and built a wooden scaffold sticking out of the WTC. I doubt if the story would have been buried like it has. It would come under intense scrutiny.

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Freefall speed of control demolition.

If bottom floors were knocked down in one side it would fucking tip over, YOU DUMB FUCK

Am I fucking mental or did you guys lose the sense of basic physics and common way of how things interact in the world?

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That is a circuit breaker. Its designed to cut the electrical power in the event of a fault.

Its not anything to do with bomb fuses.

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…lying kike shill filtered.

1993 was also a jew operation: Guzie Hadas.

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Structural Engineer here.

Building 7 had 5 primary casing pillars destroyed, at a corner too. This would induce a "shear" like stress on interior pillars due to unbalanced load distribution.

Those midjoints in building 7 were never designed to handle that. A single failure towards that damaged corner would induce more stress then a failure cascade within.

Most large buildings are designed against this with cross beams to alleviate it. Corner beam damage is more common than you think. Older steel buildings also (surprisingly) tend to lean towards a corner. A few degrees of a consistent lean is considered serious. More lean, more weight, more stress.

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I don't know what the boxes were about. All I know is that a group of people were able to squat in a building that had already been hit in a major terrorist attack in 1993 or something and they were able to remove a window and build a wooden scaffold. How did they do that?

And why?

And why didn't security stop them?

Why didn't plant operations notice it?

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>I don't know what the boxes were about.

Everyone always assumes since they say "X" on the outside they contain "X" on the inside.

>by way of deception…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh. Big. Painted white, could pass.


I don't know where this is going but let's push this.





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WTC7 had 82 support columns.

Even if some of them, even with extra load, had failed for some reason, only the load they carried would fall with them, plus eventually a bit of the stuff they'd be connected to (which incidentally would reduce their fall speed to some degree).

That's not counting the mysterious flashes seen there in the high framerate video >>13213625

A few weakened pillars would not explain the near perfect fall >>13217236

It takes a considerable amount of preparation and work to actually achieve that through professional methods.

It would be good to explain how the tame fires could ever cause that kind of damage.


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Concrete, beams, and sheetmetal debris can do that kind of damage, even from that distance. Overloading of beam junctions can cause critical interior structure damage. HV electrical conduits are mounted to the structure, so any major movement could definitely cause an electrical fire.

The corner could also pull itself apart. One beam failing can definitely cause more than one to fail with it.

Buildings aren't always as strong as they seem.

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Not the case. Steel, albeit strong, is still malleable. It can stretch, especially on junctions and joints. Structures are built to move in certain ways and in specified amounts. Those major and minor supports failed via fatigue.

The flashes before the collapse are most likely reflections of light from the glass and their frames warping as the structure began to fail, or be electrical junctions breaking under tensile forces causing a arc. Keep in mind, that steel frame is grounded, so a casing with a bare wire inside could've just made contact.


Fires can also be explained by this.

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How fast do you think the jet fuel would've burned up? I dont think it went all the way through to the bottom floors. There likely wasn't enough to burn through 80 floors then still be able to melt the beams enough to bend them. We're also not talking about half in rebar, we're talking about 1-2' across building grade steel support beams. There's also the fact that there's pictures of the beams cleanly cut at 45 degree angles.

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File: 3886541e34dfe5b⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,20190325_160118_1_1.mp4)


If the steel and surrounding area where that woman was standing was over 1000 degrees, she would have combusted instantly and burst into flame. The autoignition temperature of most all organic materials is only several hundred degrees.

Here's a video I made while welding and dicking around. Obviously the steel is well over 1000 degrees which causes the wooden wire brush to automatically ignite into flame.

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File: 681bb46476400ee⋯.jpg (81.45 KB,855x666,95:74,911 Rabbi Dov Zakheim.jpg)

File: 4a9771031e95e0c⋯.jpg (206.46 KB,1071x803,1071:803,Necessary Control Points f….jpg)


This is what the cattle'ized "awakened" controlled people spout.

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File: af903ba41ba6c86⋯.jpg (54.15 KB,288x423,32:47,E-Team.jpg)

File: 37c230626b5f667⋯.gif (23.55 KB,475x736,475:736,falling.gif)


Thank you thank you thank you. I'd forgotten about this one. Excellent find.

Odd sense of humor about terrified people plummeting to their deaths from the WTC, no?


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Is that first vid really of building 7? I've seen cunts say it wasn't, and I don't have a source. Looks the same though.

Also, its been 8 years to day since Osama, or whoever he was, was allegedly shot and dumped in the sea by the zog, for an attack he denied responsibility for.

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File: bb2fd3b84ad245f⋯.jpg (61.45 KB,526x480,263:240,Pentagon exposed interior.jpg)

File: cfcc5017dcddbb3⋯.jpg (49.84 KB,400x341,400:341,pentagon-sept-11-terror-da….jpg)

File: 4914a1d36976a57⋯.jpg (48.99 KB,594x387,66:43,50705360.jpg)

File: 5c5e1c9bcf06666⋯.png (7.17 MB,3008x1960,376:245,125747577619252864244c4hrn.png)

File: 04944448243288b⋯.jpg (102.31 KB,639x430,639:430,foundation3.jpg)

I'm going to do a dump of my 911 folder here. I hope some of you are collecting a lot of this stuff for your own files because a lot of it only appeared briefly and disappeared or is in the process of disappearing under all the detritus of the internet.

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File: 9e150db5a8fc7b2⋯.jpg (41.98 KB,500x332,125:83,1282241826641.jpg)

File: 4facd8da5211eaa⋯.jpg (83.55 KB,432x611,432:611,1284255308854.jpg)

File: 4b3a768f574b1ca⋯.jpg (837.4 KB,1536x1038,256:173,jumpers.jpg)

File: a953a91c536faba⋯.jpg (465.85 KB,1000x1238,500:619,empire state.jpg)

File: 0f80cc8b0164d96⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,3381x3381,1:1,jumper2.jpg)

That's Phillipe Petit who illegally high wire walked between the towers before they were opened.

And that's the bomber that crashed into the Empire State building during WWII.

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File: fa70336cf68dac2⋯.jpg (341.75 KB,532x800,133:200,2.jpg)

File: ded2e5ea2266c09⋯.jpg (52.19 KB,584x730,4:5,3.jpg)

File: 71a7eff5af6040c⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,1080x720,3:2,attack14.jpg)

File: 2b172897769cb00⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,6004x3699,6004:3699,01-Roll_7_27.jpg)

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File: 6b0cf69dfe9ad83⋯.png (66.15 KB,645x773,645:773,145554586868.png)


> gelitin


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There was a black guy on 911…a NY City administrator who was probably the lasts person in the Building 7 emergency city command post. He did this interview where he was walking around the empty command post and someone phoned him and urgently told him to leave immediately. He tried running down a flight of stairs and the staircase got entirely blown out by an explosion leaving a voide blocking his descent.

Any of you got that interview?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Any of you got that interview?

Barry Jennings WTC 7 (Explosions) Interview - building 7

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I forgot to add he ded nao

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Not only daiyid, but possibly murdered. One of many false flag survivors who talked and said things that somebody didn't want said. The same can be said for other false flags especially the Las Vegas massacre.

Thank you so much for answering my question.

Man this thread brings back memories of 2003 to 2015 when I was constantly reading and posting about 911 with a passion. Then around 2016 Webster Tarpley declared 911 Truth was dead; it had failed its mission to stop all the evil murderous destructive wars, unbelievably stupid wars that the jews and their asslickers have inflicted so unnecessarily upon an unhappy humanity. I never wanted to be this filled with hate for anyone but you evil buggerbeards thrust this upon me. I would love to just turn my back on the world and live my own little life and ignore all the political shit but you thrust this shit stench upon us you filthy vermin.

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>Not only daiyid, but possibly murdered. One of many false flag survivors who talked and said things that somebody didn't want said. The same can be said for other false flags especially the Las Vegas massacre.

OKC bombing too. IIRC there was that black cop who got on site and was distressed by what he saw regarding the effects of the explosion on the building's wall. He phoned to his wife about it, I can't remember how long it took but he was found later on dead, hanging on some wire fence in a street with numerous knife slices all over the torso.

You also have the scientists who died all over the world shortly after 9/11. Jeff Rense (yeah, I know, the Rense) had a page about them.

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Rense is awesome. He's pretty much the only person still actively covering the Las Vegas massacre. It's the best location for all LV developments from what I can see. When Alex Jones turned on Jeff over Jeff's insistence upon the active evil of jewish agency in all these wicked deeds I dumped Alex and went with Jeff and while Jeff is a big of an airhead stoner, his heart is pure. He knows what he has to do and he's done it without being a greedy sellout to the jews.

One other request for this thread. There was a very prominent video of firemen on the streets after the towers had fell, they're standing at a public telephone on the street trying to contact their loved ones and reassure them and then suddenly there's this huge explosion that reverberates through the streets and they all flinch. One says "WHAT WAS THAT?"

I can no longer find it. Could you please add it to this thread if you can find it? Thx.

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Critical damage is a vague ensemble of words you use to imply ultra massive damage but one will have to explain how physical damage caused on one facade of the wide building by falling debris from one of the Twin Towers, plus very limited fire, would lead to all damned pillars failing all at once with absolutely none of them left up.

I think you're using an appeal to so-called authority and casting smoke with the use of scientific sounding claims but they're just that empty in reality. You simply explain nothing, none of what you say is believable.

*Some* beams starting to bend *a bit* hardly translate into an entire building falling as efficiently as under a perfectly controlled demolition, the latter known to require perfect preparation and coordination of explosions to achieve this specific effect, yet seen to fail at times no matter what.

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Pull it

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> memories of 2003 to 2015 when I was constantly reading and posting about 911 with a passion

I did the same thing I studied it for hours at a time I read everything I could watched every video that was made about it.

Finally I burned out on it.


>There was a very prominent video of firemen on the streets after the towers had fell,

Try here there is a bunch of videos I know the one you are talking about I have seen it as well.


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It came from a youtube video where it was edited. The guy made it to discredit people that believed it.

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File: 143f17829db906a⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,728x410,364:205,fatman.jpg)



ITT: solving nothing

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The old attack had a mossad kikess running things.

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That who people resisting was made up. That line was never said or recorded either. Also who knew cell phones magically work on planes flying that high, yet couldn't be reproduced.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yep total bullshit.

I remember back in the day at the old Fucked Company bbs, (Kiwi's Astroglide)…some fucker had the moniker Lisa Beamer and he'd always appear in the 911 threads to say; "Hi I'm Lisa Beamer, aren't I beautiful? My husband died a hero on 911. Let's roll. Many say I'm beautiful".

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That original WTC 7 video does not have those flashes. They were added, and the video spread for disinformation purposes.

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Muzzy you got owned on Chan

We know and can sniff out any lie..

Islam is guilty..

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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OMG a Meme you must be right.

Damn Islam is so smart.


We know. and we are coming..

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>shills still saying it collapsed in 10 seconds because of office fires and falling debris

Pottery. Some things never change. I don't know what's more mind numbing, the shills still repeating the same shit for over 18 years, or people believing that a building can pancake in 10 seconds at free fall speed due to office fires and falling debris.

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File: 0c434bc9590a51d⋯.jpg (192.53 KB,792x1449,88:161,jews.JPG)


Jews did it kikenvermin.

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Muzzy shill found


failing over 6 miles hitting the ground is like a nuclear weapon.Dumb ass

What if a asteroid hit the towers. It would do any damage because gravity does not exist.



Hi stupid.

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>Hi stupid.

Hello jew.

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Sorry math is not your strong suit.

That means you not a jew.

Hi Muzzy liar.

We know. Damn you are stupid.

If you get confused call the poster a jew.

That is the Memo you got Shill..

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>On September 12, 2015, in India two powerful explosions took place in a restaurant during breakfast hours in the Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. The authorities estimated that at least 89 people died in the explosions, more than 100 were injured, including several at a nearby bus stop. Several adjacent buildings sustained severe damage.

>september 12th

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>welding and dicking around.

Look you cunts, this "first steel building ever to fall from fire" ISN'T TRUE.

There was another!


Compare how long that lasted, being a much smaller and weaker structure, fuelled by an exponentially more powerful fire (estimated to be equal to the entire UK gas demand per second.)

And it still took 90 minutes to melt sufficiently to collapse.

>actually believing that a few tonnes of aviation fuel can do the same to a larger, stronger structure, as took hundreds of tonnes of gas per second to do to an oil platform.


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>Islam did 9/11

Look up the dancing Israelis and Larry Silverstein. 9/11 was a Mossad operation

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The real red pill is that there is no islamic terrorism in any western country.

Plenty of crime (rape gangs, drugs), but no terrorism.

Every #prayfor meme, every ribbon campaign, is the jews' work.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's already known how it was made.

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File: 50590597475a23e⋯.jpg (400.52 KB,1003x538,1003:538,20190417_085357.jpg)

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fuck you faggot.

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>Ironworker here.

me too don't get doxxed

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>Jesus hated Jesus so much he refused to draw a cross and instead drew kikels

Checks out

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File: bb66a89d918adbc⋯.pdf (2.31 MB,Webster Griffin Tarpley - ….pdf)

File: 6469b462a919b22⋯.jpg (249.64 KB,2135x1435,61:41,postcard0.jpg)

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Nobody has as urgent an interest in throwing 911 investigators off the trail, of halting all discussion of 911 completely, as the perfidious murderous jew.

You are a jew. And note; you do not deny being a jew. You only heap ridicule on me for saying you are a jew which is an entirely different thing. Jewish pilpul, jewish casuitry at its finest.

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File: b9e584fb56a2659⋯.jpg (18.4 KB,341x148,341:148,download.jpg)

The total corruption of the West was revealed by 911. Take the American Red Cross for example. Now the original Red Cross of Switzerland is still an admirable organization but the American Red Cross has nothing to do with it in any way shape or form. It is a corrupt money grubbing scam. It raised hundreds of millions of dollars as ordinary Americans opened their hearts and wallets to help all those who were affected by this terrorist disaster. Unfortunately the last thing the American Red Cross wanted to do was pass that money on to all the victims and first responders who suffered horribly from the catastrophe.


The Red Cross has raised more than $564 million for the Liberty Fund, which was set up in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

While the agency states on its Web site that it is spending more than any other relief agency responding to the terrorist attacks, it has distributed only $154 million.

Healy was hammered by one New York official for the Red Cross' decision to put aside nearly half of the money raised for future needs that may include terrorist attacks.


Breakdown of charity money

"I see the Red Cross, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that was intended by the donating public to be used for the victims of September 11 – I see those funds being sequestered into long-term plans for an organization," testified New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

Healy later told CNN the Red Cross was a service organization and that previous donations had prepared the agency to deal with September 11.

"We had planned for a weapon of mass destruction attack," she said. "We knew our obligations under the congressional charter. We knew it involved victim assistance and sheltering. We knew that it involved with dealing with rescue workers. We knew that it involved blood."

She also noted that some of the new funding went toward helping communities learn how to deal with other threats such as anthrax.

The hearing was contentious, with panel members trying to get at the issue of donor intent and whether the Red Cross misled donors.

"What's at issue here is that a special fund was established for these families. It was specially funded for this event, September 11," said Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-Louisiana.

"And it is being closed now because we are told enough money's been raised in it, but we're also being told, by the way, we're going to give two-thirds of it away to other Red Cross needs."

The American Red Cross is a big organization with luxurious facilities around the world that pays its administrators huge salaries far beyond what any private sector job would offer. It's a big bureaucratic swindle.


The American Red Cross spent a quarter of the money people donated after the 2010 Haiti earthquake — or almost $125 million — on its own internal expenses, far more than the charity previously had disclosed, according to a report released Thursday by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

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File: 093445eeb054c32⋯.jpg (37.6 KB,341x225,341:225,steel-on-barge.jpg)

Remember when Giuliani made it illegal to photograph the twisted steel remains being trucked away from the WTC site?


The steel was rapidly rushed to China to be melted down as scrap without being subjected to forensic analysis.



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Bumped for Webster Griffin Tarpley. I've shared my copy of 9/11 Synthetic Terror with a bunch of people. That book made me a truther.

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> it has distributed only $154 million.

Why am I not fucking surprised?

Good post anon

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>Honestly Uncle Sam, when you reach the point where the even official story doesn't corroborate itself, the Goyim are gonna start getting agitated. Think of all the NYPD and NYFD who lost friends, colleagues, brothers in those attacks. You heard it here first and put me in the screenshot.

NYPD…..AND NYFD are all weasels without honor. Out of 30,000+ only one NYPD in last 100+ years was half honest, and Frank Serpico didn't actively bust other cops, he just didn't want to take bribes, just because the way it was being done was so open he couldn't believe it wasn't going to be busted.

Even JewsMedia was saying that NYFD had lots of probs on 9/11 that could be traced to the "highly patriarchal" nature of the org.

When those cops and firemen got killed the others only thought "glad it wasn't me, and how can I use this for my benefit".

The idea of even exposing those who had just murdered their "brothers" never entered their minds, and they all quickly came to conclusion that the guilty parties were also those who they depended on for their special positions.

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>mud vs kike false dichotomy

>the mud and the kike don't work together for the destruction of the European peoples

>even though it's common knowledge kikes planned and funded it and sent their mudshit footsoldiers to pull it off

Any shill defending muds or kikes when it comes to 9/11 or any terrorist action should be drawn and quartered.

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Another detail few people talk about I'd that there was a big anthrax scare at the same time which could only have come from an American lab. It was sent to congressmen. More pressure on to push the patriot act and declare a never ending "state of emergency"

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I need some Jew lawyer to draw up a 50-state legal contract where any charity that takes money is LEGALLY OBLIGATED to you to use the money for the actual narrow purpose. And if they don't they are on the hook for treble damages, plus legal and court costs.

Start telling everyone "Wait for them to sign it, if they don't sign it can only mean they plan to steal your money, and not give it to starving children".

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File: 3b32eff1c405330⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,530x411,530:411,1549738514902.jpg)


>Any shill defending muds or kikes when it comes to 9/11 or any terrorist action should be drawn and quartered.

Muslims didn't do 9/11, Jews did.

Muslims shut down poppy fields, Jews turned American doctors into Opioid pushers (OK, I'm sure 98% of those doctors are Jews or non-White).

Muslims helped USA immensely in the Cold War by crashing the price of oil, hence destroying USSR's main export…..even as we supported Israel.

The worst thing you could pin on Muslims is that they tend to keep to their own business, and haven't been particularly vocal when it comes to warning us about the Jewish Problem.

See pics. :)

Guess which religious group was pushing hardest for stuff like some "High Rise Safety Commission" (only thing they could cum up with to call a "9/11 truth commission") that got taken off ballot by Jewish judge (who gave no reasons)? Hint: it wasn't Baptists or Catholics.

ALL "ISIS claims responsibility" news cums from one Israeli woman, Rita Katz.

No Muslims were interested in migrating to the West prior to post-WW2 Jewish Agenda, and those forced to visit for an oil deal or training wanted to return home ASAP. The West to a Muslim is like the Fag District of 'Frisco to a guy from Iowa or Utah.

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File: 0abba5327a73e03⋯.jpg (355.25 KB,1164x1463,1164:1463,firemen.JPG)


Actually there was a fireman's riot in the aftermath of 911 at the WTC site, when Giuliani got his orders to hasten the disposal of all the wreckage and ship it off to the garbage dump. The firemen had been on the site carefully recovering the dead. Giuliani kicked them off the site and had the trucks brought in so the debris could all be rushed off to the garbage dump. That's how much love and respect the city and the nation had for the victims; their corpses were rushed to the garbage dump so the jews could destroy the evidence.


Then immediately the kikenvermin press started slandering the firefighters most outrageously in books and newspaper articles, saying they were in the mall below, looting the stores or pretending to search for their fallen buddies just so they could get overtime pay. It's jew lies. Fuck me I hate that filth


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Please tell your bosses you can't do an effective job, you're an embarassment.

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Operant phrase

There was fuckery going on at so many different aspects and angles it was almost impossible to keep score.

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In a funny way I sort of love the jew shills spewing their treacherous lies on this thread; they're really shaking my memory and knocking loose all sorts of stuff I'd almost forgotten.

Thanks jews. We'll meet in hell.

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yeah, sorta, IIRC there were stories of finding stacks of Levi pants in the back of firetruck (likely from a WTC retail store). Story was once some gold was recovered it suddenly became big "safety concern" with a bunch of haggard NYFD always rushing to see any new hint of person, with a bunch of also overworked cranes working.

NYFD had big manpower shortage not because of deaths, but because so many guys resigned because Union Contract allowed them to use the big 9/11 spike in earnings to massively boost pension. Pension was basted on "last year in service earnings".

I'd call it more of a publicly stunt than a riot, given 3 out of 11 arrested were Union Officials.

Sept 11-Nov3. I don't think anyone was hoping to find anyone alive after nearly two months under rubble.

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The entire area was covered in pieces of human beings. They were finding human hands on nearby tower roofs years later.

All those human corpse parts were trucked off to the garbage dump

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And the fires were all almost completely out. There were no massive fires after the first fireballs. The radio transmissions of the firefighters proves that.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 87116b1e4703f13⋯.jpg (11.65 KB,143x200,143:200,jew vampire.jpg)

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Connecticut Man Wraps Entire House in Plastic; Staples it On!

wnbc ^ | 2-13-03 | wnbc

Posted on 2/13/2003, 3:36:52 PM by Petronski

WINSTED, Conn. – Paul West didn't take the federal government's terrorism alert lightly.

By Wednesday, half his entire 19th century farmhouse was covered with plastic to protect his family from a chemical or biological attack. He planned to finish the job Thursday.

West paid $250 for 3,500 square feet of plastic and other supplies Wednesday morning.

"Why wait?" West said. "If there is an attack, how are you going to get the plastic?"

West said he had a hard time finding enough plastic for his Platt Hill Road home. He initially wanted to make a "safe room" using plastic.

"It's an 1800s house so there's no modern insulation and it has the original windows too," West said. "I thought it would be best to cover the whole thing."

West, a 40-year-old clockmaker, joined other Connecticut residents this week stocking up on plastic, food and other supplies.

On Friday, the government raised the nation's terror alert from yellow to orange, the second-highest level, because of intelligence information indicating that al-Qaida was planning attacks on the United States.

Federal officials have recommended that Americans take basic disaster-preparation steps such as maintaining a three-day stockpile of food and water. They also recommend obtaining duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal a house in a chemical or biological attack.

West said when his wrapping job is done, he'll have piece of mind.

"I'll just wait and hope nothing happens," West said. "I have to admit, I do feel safer. Maybe that's just psychological, but that's OK. It'll help us sleep better."


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Somebody posted another 911 thread to avoid all the evidence posted on this thread so bump it up

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The other thread is good as well bump them both.

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They're not organic posters

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clown school in the last ten or so minutes lmfao

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You know that wouldnt surprise me at all.

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File: 5c14bb13d75d090⋯.jpg (24.9 KB,236x313,236:313,44bb0f7a2837d1044780fd3679….jpg)


Yes everything melted itself into vertical free fall even though the impact point was at the top of the 1300 feet building, yes thank you, you convinced me. I can finally see now schlomo.

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>Lisa Beamer

"Lease a Beamer", if I recall.

(Greetings, ol' red boarder.)

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File: 98683cee1eec78f⋯.jpg (37.17 KB,200x200,1:1,PudJew.jpg)

File: 381dd322280243b⋯.jpg (39 KB,332x298,166:149,shitpig Lori.jpg)

File: 51cf8b9971214ac⋯.jpg (27.22 KB,331x420,331:420,Spanky peepee.jpg)

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File: f599aadaecec945⋯.jpg (96.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,Spanky Chicago.jpg)


>Greetings, ol' red boarder.

I had to have my red board fix and this is the closest thing I could find…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good times, good times..

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Fun fact the jig with the afro in The Coup is a half Jew. The cover art was produced in July 2001

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I cant believe no one has dropped this yet.

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See my other posts.

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This guy died in a carcrash on a straight road by himself in 2011. Yep. Danny Jowenko is his name.

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>See my other posts. (1)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This guy died in a carcrash on a straight road by himself in 2011. Yep. Danny Jowenko is his name.

I did not know that anon here is a video about it.

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File: dbe753dbd837a15⋯.png (333.96 KB,550x400,11:8,ClipboardImage.png)


>Maybe they couldn't find any parts to put back together?

Maybe they found plenty of parts but didn't give a shit because it was a coverup?

3 of the 4 black box flight recorders for the two aircraft at WTC 1 & 2 were found and handed to the feds by emergency services on the site. The feds deny ever having them, and the flight recorders have mysteriously vanished. Even more 'mysterious' is - feds who should care about this cover up from the top down serious lost of evidence, care more about lurking on Tibetan basket weaving forums than solving one of the largest crimes on US soil.

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Remember when the Space Shuttle broke up on reentry? It was a serious FAA offense to touch or move any of the debris that hit ground in Texas. On 911 there were people running around the Pentagon picking up the wreckage. It was dumped into this blue tarp box and carried off.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And let's not forget; 911 was the day of the drills, military drills, including NORAD responding to hijack situations


>Two 9/11 Commission Report quotations below document these perceptions:

>“In sum, the protocols in place on 9/11 for the FAA and NORAD to respond to a hijacking presumed that. . .the hijacking would take the traditional form: that is, it would not be a suicide hijacking designed to convert the aircraft into a guided missile.”27

>“America’s homeland defenders faced outward. NORAD itself was barely able to retain any alert bases. Its planning scenarios occasionally considered the danger of hijacked aircraft being guided to American targets, but only aircraft that were coming from overseas.”28

Thus NORAD only faced off against foreign incursions, not internal ones….but wait…

Payne Stewart's Lear jet went off course and was followed by 6 F16's for 4 hours. On 911 nothing when 4 planes were hijact and wildly off course for 1hour 45 minutes


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The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and Taliban Brazil 1964 Argentina 1976 Greece 1967 Haiti 1915 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in Latin America War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president

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If it was the nukes, so why Jew York didn't became an another Chernobyl ?

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File: 94b8bd5ccbfbe7e⋯.jpg (151.87 KB,1200x677,1200:677,united-airlines-flight-93-….jpg)

File: 9286dbff26ab163⋯.jpg (132.47 KB,602x452,301:226,main-qimg-038dbdead8bb9efa….jpg)


>Maybe they found plenty of parts but didn't give a shit because it was a coverup?

Actually anon I was referring to pic related but I did not make it clear.

You are totally correct in your statement, I might add they could easily trace all parts found to the aircraft they came from due to meticulous part S/N's and maintenance records. All critical parts including a large portion of the engine are serialized. EEEEEZEEEE PEEEEZEEEE to match parts to a plane. This is off topic to bld 7 but every aspect of that day is total fuckery.

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File: 1803643805cc64d⋯.png (767.58 KB,708x536,177:134,bombed.png)


Wow rest in peace jowenko fucking kikes.

And there is no way that was a "car crash", look at how the tires and front section of his car is burned up, evidenced by the huge number of firefighters. His huge SUV didn't even manage to make a dent in the nearby tree. Look at how the front of the veichle is blown upward way into the roof area instead of being smashed in and simply dented like any other car collision.

Looks like they killed him with a car bomb.

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This is how VPN's work. Obviously look at the post who has more than I have now. >>13218730

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File: 1ccb7995e55b670⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,960x602,480:301,1ccb7995e55b670d08ddb29241….jpg)



Lol just look at this dumb kike cow, he actually thinks his scripted dialogue is convincing.

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nigger tell me where I was wrong

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>nigger tell me where I was wrong

When you saged the thread hopped IP's and posted the retarded fucking notion that somehow kerosene can heat up huge ass structural steel to the point it will lose enough strength to precipitate a cascading failure of the entire structure.

Both ID's pruned you giant ass nigger faggot

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File: 511551253e9ad37⋯.jpg (122.83 KB,698x710,349:355,O jidf_0929f9_5069854.jpg)


Why do you actually think scripted dialogue will convince anyone here to ignore high school level laws of physics and basic reasoning? There's no other reason than you being a mouth breathing retard that's literally dumber than a cow.

Retards like you are fucking hilarious, i bet you actually think you are smart. Pic related.

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saged it for off topic post/dealing with retards who refuse to read what I posted correctly, ip changes every time cache clears. stupid nigger

>still hasn't read my posts or too IQ deficient to understand that I'm not talking about melting beams with jet fuel.

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File: 17b861eedf1e06c⋯.jpg (39.04 KB,549x435,183:145,1540124928617.jpg)


Reminder that you were nonesnsically kvetching about jet fuel melted all steel and concrete in WTC 360* causing the building to go into free fall similar to a controlled demolition you dumb fucking animal.

The funny thing is that animals like you are actually so mentally retarded you think people are here to agree with your bs and total nonsense scripted talking points that we've all heard before, that adds nothing to the discussion. C'mon kike the game is up 36% of americans already knew it was an inside job in 2006.

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In which post did I say such a thing?

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You said that your local rabbi molested you after he dismembered your heeb micro.

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I'm so sick of that stupid steel melting argument. You dont need to melt steel completely to a liquid to weaken it. It becomes soft was a much lower temperature than its melting point.

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still waiting for any argument, nigger. Not sure if confused, making things up, or what. My posts were discussing the relationship between steel, its composition and temperature. Never said that jet fuel melts steel. At this point I'm curious how you fucked this up so hard.

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File: 0be966028804880⋯.png (394.67 KB,637x540,637:540,0be966028804880afee051af3e….png)


Yah d00d like the jet fuel was like molten hot LAVA inside the top of the building, and it managed to cut every single giant steel beam inside at the same time so it just fell down like that. Ya, d00d that's the troof!

That's also why tower 7 fell down, even though nothing hit it. Legit!


You can cry here all you want but still wont make your foreskin come back retarded snipcock

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nice projection. let me help you out and direct you to the beginning. still no spark of sentience from anything you say.





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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'm so sick of that stupid steel melting argument.

So the charcoal lighter fluid jet fuel did this?

Fuckery was the operant plan for the day across all the scenes. They blew all three towers up faggot.

>>13236333 (trips)

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File: 9ba2244be20bb57⋯.jpg (201.51 KB,1200x900,4:3,1200px-Grenfell_Tower_fire….jpg)


Kikes blew up those 3 towers, no amount of gay copy paste kvetching about "muh spontaneous combustive steel" will revert that you dumb hooknosed rat.

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I'm going to keep replying until you tell me what drugs you are on, or post your IQ score, do a test faggot

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t. jewish cattle

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Well, yea it's still a compelling argument that kikes dis 9/11. I cant disagree with that despite melting temperature of steel..

Also, I remember seeing this one government made video showing a detailed cgi reenactment of the airplane crashing into the Pentagon. Apparently this was made to quell the arguments of conspiracy theorists. It was very strange. At one point the video was live with comments.. and tons of glow nigger commentators disavowing any criticism of the video. It was slightly suspicious to say the least.

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>"muh spontaneous combustive steel"

never implied this. I have run in to this sort of behaviour before. When you reply you aren't even reading what others are actually saying, instead you are replying to what you want to talk about, out of thin air. You can't comprehend written English and formulate a coherent reply.

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Why cant I edit this to fix the words. Like 4chan better.

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why did you link to /tv/?

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File: 1c8a890ba6ffb11⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,2237x1491,2237:1491,The_address_fire.jpg)


t. lying jew animal

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> I cant disagree with that despite melting temperature of steel..

Explain this then? >>13236397

What caused actual steel to melt here?

Office furniture, drapes, paper in a waste basket?

My bet is on concealed ordinance of some type that was buried along with all the other evidence that should have been investigated

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show me where I lied, nigger

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<The jew literally can't stop lying and sagespamming after being caught


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File: be87d2686612eb6⋯.jpg (118.36 KB,500x480,25:24,0_ILx_4eg7mKonODyr.jpg)


Like Michael Hastings…the engine of that Mercedes was 150 ft from the tree where the car came to a halt…150ft before the tree, not past the tree. The blast blew the engine right out of its chassis.

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File: 9f8b49a90fda0e1⋯.jpg (395 KB,1600x900,16:9,hastings-crash-001.jpg)

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File: 07b3a03b2854c02⋯.jpg (13.16 KB,240x240,1:1,240px-World_Trade_Center_9….jpg)


There wasn't enough steel left in the rubble to account for all the steel in the building. It was somehow turned into micro pellets of iron dust.


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File: 3b57c717b29ff70⋯.jpg (46.25 KB,825x314,825:314,Spire2m_ss.jpg)


Anon I have never been fully able to comprehend what happened in pic related.

Normal things I understand just do not apply and or deliver an explanation.

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So how does jet fuel burning at 1500 degrees heat steel to 1800? Cool experiment.

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>Rivers of Molten Metal for months after

>beams cut at straight angles

>It's like a foundry

>obvious controlled demolition evidence


I spent a lot of years on 9/11. It was definitely some kind of ritual sacrifice and/or semite terrorism for the purpose of swaying public opinion to change U.S. Foreign Policy.

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It's the most obvious, easy to analyze lie about 9/11. No plane hit the building. All buildings fell at free-fall speed. There were no wing holes in the Pentagon.


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The strangest thing about it to me is that the article mentions the poor security of the building and says that the balcony could be a hoax. The article is written to make us question what they were really doing in the building.


>Unless the whole episode is a hoax, which some of those involved would prefer that people believe. So they say.

>Their dealer, who witnesses say watched the event from a hotel suite, now claims it never happened. Either the balcony was an elaborate hoax meant to look real, or the inverse is true: it really happened, and the closer it comes to being found out, the more those involved would prefer for everyone to think it was a hoax.

>Still, how did a balcony escape the notice of one of the most security-conscious office towers in the world?

>Window removal is considered so dangerous that when it is done the streets below are cordoned off, she said.

>Mr. Koenig now says the balcony never happened and, at any rate, he didn't see it. The book, which costs $35 and was printed in a run of 1,200 copies, is meant to provoke questions about its veracity, he said.

>At about the same time that Mr. Harris was digging up proof, Gelatin was removing almost every trace of it from their Web site.

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File: 01a43cfc0940998⋯.jpg (309.68 KB,1072x1014,536:507,M14D597.jpg)


Add the chemicals they use to make chemtrails and it burns well above 1800 degrees.

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I don't subscribe to the idea of nukes being used, but that's not what would happen.

A bomb of a size contained within the building would be tiny and release a low amount of radiation in comparison. The radiation may be very lethal, but released only for a short while with short half lives.

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Exactly. Those are huge cyclopean steel beams 45 of them in a concrete core and they just disintegrate. I simply cannot fathom what happened there.

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File: 203b92abcb489a6⋯.jpg (12.04 KB,230x219,230:219,download.jpg)

File: c280c5b37b3e4de⋯.jpg (301.35 KB,768x526,384:263,Molten-Metal-Alan-Chin.jpg)

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File: 3d61d004612a612⋯.jpg (32.82 KB,420x283,420:283,0722-large.jpg)


I remember seeing a graphic of the hot spots in the aftermath of 911 on the front page of USA Today

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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How about the theory that it wasn't even steel.

That through (((cost cutting))) many lives were lost.

Occam's razor etc…

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>day of the drills

There was also a drill at sandyhook and a drill at charlottesville(stand down) and a drill at the most recent )))school shooting(((

If there is a drill it was the jews.

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File: 42a7a5bfa7e7385⋯.png (707.14 KB,1254x706,627:353,I aplaud this post.png)


>Exactly. Those are huge cyclopean steel beams 45 of them in a concrete core and they just disintegrate. I simply cannot fathom what happened there.

So here is the problem every faggot talks about temperature and steel properties while never taking into consideration the total energy required to bring fucking steel up to temperature that they say will induce failure. 20k gallons of jet fuel will barely wet the insides of the elevator shafts clear down to the basement. Yet somehow the basements exploded before/or immediatly after the jets hit the towers. The same with building 7 official faggots pointed to a big diesel tank in the basement and tried to explain that this was responsible for 7 to collapse like 1 and 2. Not to mention faggots posting in the thread like this >>13241120 and this >>13238773.

If you take a cursory look at the amount of energy required to demolish the 2 buildings to dust the energy contained in the jet fuel on the planes amounts to a thimble full.

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How much energy did the bomb from 1993 have compared to the planes?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There was a drill, an identical drill to the terrorist attack in the 7/7 bombing of London.

And you can say what you want about Alex Jones but way back when he did do go work and made some excellent videos

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>way back when

sad how these things go.

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Just watching Terrorstorm again for the first time in a decade and after coming here for some time, it's sort of surprising to watch him go after the NAZIs. In retrospect he was already fucked but it's still worth watching if you fast forward to his commentary on the London 7/7 attack and the drills that were going on that day.

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The reason I know building 7 wasn't a controlled demolition, is because it makes no fucking sense for an alleged false flag operation to risk time/money/resources on blowing up a small insignificant building in comparison to the 2 towers.

Think about it. You're in charge of masterminding the greatest terrorist attack in the history of the world. You devise a plan to destroy the 2 towers, it's risky, it's complicated, but if you pull it off, it would be huge.

But wait, you say, bringing down the 2 towers isn't good enough! We need to also devise an elaborate and risky scheme to blow up a small adjacent building that no one gives a fuck about.

It's like coming up with a plan to blow up the Eiffel Tower, and then deciding you also need to blow up news shack on the same block at the same time.

WHY? It makes no fucking sense. If you want continue with your crazy WTC conspiracy theories, have at it, but for fucks sake let go of building 7, it's embarrassing to try to construct some logic-bending motive behind blowing it up.

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>The reason I know building 7 wasn't a controlled demolition, is because it makes no fucking sense for an alleged false flag operation to risk time/money/resources on blowing up a small insignificant building in comparison to the 2 towers.

Insurance fraud.

>why would I flow planes into my own three buildings

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Yeah, if I commit insurance fraud, I'm going to burn down my $10M house, and then take extra care to burn down my $500 shed in the backyard too.


If I owned all the buildings, I would probably assume that the destruction of the two towers would either destroy building 7, or at least wreck it badly enough to get insurance. Risking my entire "plan" by adding explosives in an insignificant building is beyond illogical.

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>If I owned all the buildings, I would probably assume that the destruction of the two towers would either destroy building 7, or at least wreck it badly enough to get insurance

Would you now.

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>conspiracy theory

Fed confirmed.

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There were bombs going off in the WTC earlier in the day. It appears they wanted a grand spectacular event with all the buildings going at once but that the complexity of it all misfired and they had to

And yet here's Barry Jennings telling us that there were bombs going on in WTC 7 earlier in the day, right after the planes had crashed into WTC 1 and 2.

How does your theorizing explain that?


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File: 014d1a258249ab8⋯.jpg (55.54 KB,600x330,20:11,Rudy the 911 faggot.jpg)



>Risking my entire "plan" by adding explosives in an insignificant building is beyond illogical.

Somewhere they had to control the progression of the planted charges. Also building 7 contained all the criminal proceedings documents against Enron and a shit load of other cases, along with offices for many alphabets. The faggot Rudy G had a hardened bunker command center in 7 as well, who told faggot Rudy to flee to the streets cuz your secret command center is going to fall down as well?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was looking for the exact video that photo is from..Giuliani is fleeing the Building 7 city emergency command post with his staff there to relocate to another command post on the docks. This video is the best I could find but there's another one where they mention Building 7 being compromised. I take it Barry Jennings was at that moment up in that emergency command post in Bldg 7 wandering around looking at the abandoned cups of coffee in the empty office.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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So Giuliani was told that the tower was going to collapse. How did they know? Interesting.

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>So Giuliani was told that the tower was going to collapse. How did they know? Interesting.

Anon my bet is the same person that told this brit what she knew prior to the actual happening.

A new twist on reporting, prediction of the future news with uncanny accuracy.


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Throwback to when AJ used to be genuinely investigative filming DC cultists, naming the J, before he became the kike subsidized swindler shekel jones we all know today.

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File: 193c10bf24b399e⋯.png (131.27 KB,143x234,11:18,them3.PNG)


My Wife's Son would Love your (((logic))).

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7:24 Man who just escaped from the WTC as the first tower collapsed.

Reporter; "What do you think?"

Man: "I'd just like to know who we're at war with"

Reporter: "Who do you think that is?"

Man: "I don't know whether it's an enemy without or an enemy within".

And that's from a guy that looks like a jewish businessman.

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Thank you anon, the audio interview was dead but it's no big deal and uploaded here now. Download and share while you still can.


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He looks and acts like an alcoholic now.

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>Download and share while you still can.

Thanks for this

And to all of you on this thread; please rip all this stuff videos and all to drive. It's all being buried, maybe removed or sites are going dead. You all need to archive everything here in one big 911 folder.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's Barry Jennings right after he escaped from Building 7.

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Honestly OP the CIA probably wasn't even involved with the 9/11 inside job.

It was most likely some other shadowy mercenary Jew group of sociopaths/psychopaths rounded up to wire the towers for a specialized form of controlled demolitions using specialized weaponry to acheive their desired end goals of crumbling the towers into powder.

And I'm sure after they performed their task the Jews had other sociopaths/psychopaths liquidate the ones who wired the towers for demolitions.

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The OSS/CIA was never "American". It's a function of some shadowy City of London banker elite intelligence agency that had its birth at the Rockefeller Center.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was concerned about American intelligence deficiencies. On the suggestion of William Stephenson, the senior British intelligence officer in the western hemisphere, Roosevelt requested that William J. Donovan draft a plan for an intelligence service based on the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and Special Operations Executive (SOE). After submitting his work, "Memorandum of Establishment of Service of Strategic Information", Colonel Donovan was appointed "coordinator of information" on July 11, 1941, heading the new organization known as the office of the Coordinator of Information (COI).

Thereafter the organization was developed with British assistance; Donovan had responsibilities but no actual powers and the existing US agencies were skeptical if not hostile. Until some months after Pearl Harbor, the bulk of OSS intelligence came from the UK. British Security Co-ordination (BSC) trained the first OSS agents in Canada, until training stations were set up in the US with guidance from BSC instructors, who also provided information on how the SOE was arranged and managed. The British immediately made available their short-wave broadcasting capabilities to Europe, Africa, and the Far East and provided equipment for agents until American production was established.[6]

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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It is not relevant if they did it, who did it or what kind of weird explosions they used. If at all. Those are details.

The story comes after. Anthrax (weird, huh, that everybody under 30 does not know about the Anthrax scare), BATRIOT act, Invasion of foreign countries etc. and how they included European countries. How Germany did revolt and they did not participate for a while - then they did anyways. The surveillance state and the whole infrastructure afterwards, TIA and how Facebook got "invented" etc.

The discussion of LIHOP and MIHOP made millions aware of that possibility and many young (under 25) on the net for the first time read about other stuff nation states did as a comparison. The suppression of WTC7 as a so called CT-talking point made hundreds of thousands across the world aware that there are topics who just are not part of a discussion. Soft censorship and such. Not because of partisanship or because it could threat the system or because it's a commie talking point or whatever, but just because it was deemed taboo. Just because.

That GIs in Irak linked their presence there with 9/11 when it was clearly Afghanistan which got invaded for it. That it is a cover story does not matter, but I confirmed while chit-chatting around 2010/2011 after the second (?) surge that many Europeans did link 9/11 with Irak too. That they confuse something I got that, but their reaction after correcting the proper links and explaining the official justifications led to utterly weird reactions I still can't wrap my head around.

After 9/11 it was the first time I heard "completely normal" aka NPC say the words "I don't get it why they invade other countries, we could just not let them travel freely or build a wall and let them be if they hate us. I don't get it."

t. saw everything live on state media relayed from the CNN feed

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Mayor Willie Brown got warned 8 hours before the attack not to fly on 911.

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was Kamila Harris getting railed when he got the call?

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Beams fell vertically. Only dust remained. Pic c shows the beam already falling fast.

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>Beams fell vertically. Only dust remained. Pic c shows the beam already falling fast.

They were at the very bottom were did they fall to?

Or in other words how do you fall into concrete footings?

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the steel beans were vaporwared by the chemtrails in the planes dummy.

Simple science.

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Have you ever seen those chink buildings going to the ground due to some kind of structural failure? They don't go down nicely dude, in fact it's really hard to demo a building without causing damage to neighboring structures.

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Flashes could be faked after the collapse.

I've asked my firemen frands about the windows blowing out individually and sequentially but they didn't answer.

my first thought was multiple explosions.

but that doesn't fit in with dead black guy from infowars's story about building 7's explosions happening simultaneously with the collapse of the first tower AND building 7's collapse AFTER tower 2 went down.

The video shows window's blowing out individually and then the building collapsing almost immediately after.

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I remember there was a bldg 7 video that showed npr radio host terry gross running away from the collapse. At the time the video was available my stupid ass thought well of course she will speak out about it and educate everyone. I searched for the vid on utube and it is scrubbed now.

The video has her circled and there was ample reason to believe it was her, there was a pretty good shot of her.

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The one I saw running away frantically from the collapse of Building 7 after a police countdown was Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

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Mossad bomb experts posing as art students

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>The one I saw running away frantically from the collapse of Building 7 after a police countdown was Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

I fucked up democracy now used to be on NPR with Amy Goodman maybe she is still on I dunno. Somehow I could only remember Terry Gross.

But anyway I thought she would shout loud and clear but all she did was host the battle of the faggots. Jim Meigs popular mechanics vs Dylan Avery loose change. Thanks for the correction and the video.

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Amy Goodman is still on and going strong.

that Jim Meigs debate also included Jason Bermas who proved himself to be either completely incapable of thinking on his feet to have a debate that he should have easily won or just another jew stooge limited hangout rearguard for the Israeli perps.

Fuck me I hate Jason Bermas and Owen Schroyer.

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You need to look into the Enron connection anon. Innumerable documents pertaining to Enron were inside of WTC 7. The Bush family had ties to Kenneth Lay of Enron. This is relevant information. If you could wipe out evidence of a massive scandal and create a reason for war at the same time it would be enough of a motive for the higher-ups to sanction this

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Enron had this big trading floor in its building for trading energy futures. Nobody did anything there all day long; there was nothing to do so most of the time they sat around dozing or watching porn or cartoons and shit on their big monitor arrays. But when big institutional visitors arrived, like big pension funds and shit the word went out to the "traders" and suddenly the entire floor came alive with a frenetic emulation of frantic trading activity to empress the dupes that they were buying into a liquid market.

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oops, "impress" not "empress"

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So, Warren Buffett was using the headquarters of the Offutt AFB United States Strategic Command as party central at the time when it was supposed to be participating in a large scale military wargame called ‘Global Guardian’. Is it any coincidence that this is also the base that Bush would land at ?

At least one CEO from the World Trade Center was invited, Anne Tatlock. She worked for Fiduciary Trust, which just so happened to be running an emergency drill on 9/11. Fiduciary Trust is also the company of Scott Forbes, the key eyewitness to the power-down of the South Tower.

One of the plane’s that hit one of the World Trade Center tower’s hit her office. And she is the only known CEO at the World Trade Center to be invited.

Not only did Scott Forbes come from it, and not only was it running an emergency drill on 9/11, but it was also the company that Thomas Kean worked as a director of. Thomas Kean would later on become one of the head’s of the 9/11 Commission.

Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway company became General Dynamics’ largest share-holder with its purchase of $4.35 million shares,or 14.1% of G.D. Buffet was credited with “saving” Salomon Brothers, the speculator Corporation whose descendant Salomon Smith Barney was the tenant on 36 of World Trade Center Building 7’s 47 neatly imploded floors.



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File: 57f6ecedc2aeed6⋯.jpg (390.34 KB,900x711,100:79,LookingGlass15.jpg)

File: 5c9ef4795526f50⋯.jpg (418.6 KB,900x715,180:143,LookingGlass16.jpg)

So GWB winds up at Offutt AFB NE at around 3PM on 911. There's a party going on. Earlier in the day, after the Pentagon attack, there's a panic as a large white airplane flies low over DC. The White House staff evacuates in a panic. Who and what is this white plane? Is it General Brent Scowcroft in "Looking Glass"? Later in the day after Bush has landed and joined Buffett's party Scowcroft also lands as Offutt AFB NE. to join the gathering in the luxurious club house of the golf course which is in the foreground of the Google Earth photo posted above.

Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States. In more recent years it has been more officially referred to as the ABNCP (Airborne Command Post).[1] It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers have been destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. In such an event, the general officer aboard the Looking Glass serves as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO)[2] and by law assumes the authority of the National Command Authority and could command execution of nuclear attacks. The AEAO is supported by a battle staff of approximately 20 people, with another dozen responsible for the operation of the aircraft systems. The name Looking Glass, which is another name for a mirror, was chosen for the Airborne Command Post because the mission operates in parallel with the underground command post at Offutt Air Force Base.[3]

The Looking Glass was also designed to help ensure COG, continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. Although the two types of aircraft are distinct, the Doomsday Plane nickname is also frequently associated with the E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post mission and aircraft.

The Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. Members of the WWABNCP network included:

Operation Silk Purse for the Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command (USCINCEUR), based at RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom (callsign Seabell);

Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command (CINCLANT), based at Langley AFB, VA;

Operation "Blue Eagle" for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command (USCINCPAC), based at Hickam AFB, HI; and

Operation "Nightwatch" which supported the President of the United States and were based at Andrews AFB, Maryland. In the early 1970s the E-4B aircraft replaced the EC-135s on this mission.[13]


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And I thought Seven Days In May was crazy when I saw it back in the mid sixties when I was a little boy.

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The structures were already heavily damage and the rest was tumbling. Obviously the base were the first to fail. But in a conspiracy, these beams replicated what would happen to towers which basements had been weakened by explosives.


>Flashes could be faked after the collapse.

Probably. Poisoning the well.

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>>>13244199 (You)

I should spend some time and find the video that shows them. Let me summarize.

They are at the very bottom and they are motionless standing alone then they don't fall to the side intact as one would expect if the foundation failed. They simply disappear and leave behind a cloud of dust outlining their former shape.

As I said earlier in the thread I have no explanation for how this could possibly happen.

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I can't beleive I left it out; here is Rick Seigel's What I Saw (it's been retitled since)

When the first plane hit Rick got on his bicycle, and rode down to the NJ shore walkway and set up his video camera with a transistor radio on tuned into a news station for a time stamp.

He was the first guy to analyze Building 6 getting its roof blown off. He went later to Columbia university and got the seismic record that proves that there was a massive explosion.

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File: a43dcefced33a74⋯.jpg (39.38 KB,699x488,699:488,rick.JPG)

Internet web-casting pioneer Richard A Siegel, of OnlineTV fame, captured both of the World Trade Towers collapsing and a lot more. See the raw footage and listen to Rick's eyewitness testimony of the daring helicopter rescue on the roof of the south tower, WTC2, only moments before it collapsed into "a pile of dust." For the first time, see and hear the massive explosions at the base of the towers causing clouds of dust to rise up from street level before each tower fell. This documentary focuses on the events recorded by Richard A. Siegel at the Hoboken pier during the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center complex.

—James Brewster

Original video footage taken of the World Trade Center reveals the truth about what actually happened during U.S. War Games on September 11th, 2001. Does gravity prove guilt? NYPD Fire Chief Orio Palmer reached the south tower impact zone and radioed that the fire was under control. "We've got two isolated pockets of fire," he said. "We should be able to knock it down with two lines." Over 300 firefighters in WTC2 knew welded steel frame structures never collapse. The towers were designed to flex like trees in hurricane winds and absorb the impact of the largest Boeing jetliner. Prior to September 11th, WTC Project Manager Frank A. De Martini told the History Channel, "I believe the towers could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners." Authentic digital video and audio evidence of explosions corroborate the testimony of New York City firefighters, police officers and hundreds of other witnesses. This evidence confirms that the historic collapses of three steel framed structures on September 11th were the result of bombs planted in the buildings. Additional evidence and scientific analysis are presented in such a way that the film irrefutably proves 9/11 was an inside job. The pictures tell the story and this is one story that all New Yorkers, and anyone who was traumatized by the shocking attack on the WTC, must see.



I think this is one of the top two or three 911 videos…it's pure footage with a great physics analysis of events.

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Good thing you said "planes". Everyone who isn't a complete retard knows there were no planes.

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News report on the radio; a report that a DC Police plane has been hijacked and is headed towards Wash DC…

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Scott Forbes discusses the power down on the weekend of Sept 8 & 9 in the South Tower.

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John O'neill, The Man Who Knew


John Patrick O'Neill (February 6, 1952 – September 11, 2001) was an American counter-terrorism expert, who worked as a special agent and eventually a Special Agent in Charge in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 1995, O'Neill began to intensely study the roots of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing after he assisted in the capture of Ramzi Yousef, who was the leader of that plot.

He subsequently learned of al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, and investigated the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen. Partly due to personal friction he had within the FBI and federal government, O'Neill was pushed out of the Bureau in 2001. He became the head of security at the World Trade Center, where he died at age 49 while helping to evacuate the South Tower during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

>He wanted FBI SCUBA divers to inspect the mud of the harbor in Yemen where the USS Cole had been hit. It wasn't an Al Quaeda motorboat with explosives. It was a Popeye cruise missile fired from hundreds of miles away by an Israeli Dolphin class sub. Ambassador Bodine forbade the search of the harbor bottom.

After being passed over for multiple promotions (assistant director in charge of national security in 1999, and head of the FBI's New York office in early 2000[3]), O'Neill was pleased to be assigned as commander of the FBI's investigation into the USS Cole bombing in October 2000. However, upon arriving in Yemen, he complained about inadequate security. As his team investigated, O'Neill came into conflict with Barbara Bodine, the U.S. ambassador to Yemen. The two had widely divergent views on how to handle searches of Yemeni property and interviews with citizens and government officials, and they only grew further apart as time progressed.[5]

After two months in Yemen, O'Neill returned to New York. He hoped to return to Yemen to continue the investigation, but was blocked by Bodine and others; the dispute made the US press.[5] Following threats against the remaining FBI investigators, FBI Director Freeh withdrew the team, on O'Neill's recommendation, in June 2001.[3]

He had to resign from the FBI because of a "security breach". He had been at a retirement planning meeting for FBI agents and was sitting in a room full of senior FBI guys. He left his laptop in that room with them to go to the bathroom and in the ten minutes while he was gone his laptop was stolen. Amazing eh?

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Karl Rove explains "Angel is next" & Nuclear drill on 9/11 to We Are Change

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They don't disappear, they fall. The damaging solution used to destroy the beams wasn't 100% perfect but these beams, nevertheless, were sufficiently weakened so that they'd fall too almost vertically.

No need to push for a retarded about lazorz disintegration or sheiit.

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The thing is that the inner core structure just crumbles. It's bizarre.

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> there were visitors to the tower, many in overalls, like engineers of some kind, wandering around the floors, carrying toolboxes and cables and so on

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No because there had been explosions in the basement. Also when the structure fell, the massive rubble would expand sideways too to some extent upon impact, it could have largely been hitting the base of the beams and slightly nudging them sideways. There is nothing bizarre about it. Perhaps what these beams were resting on finally caved. Perhaps the oblique cutting with thermite didn't work properly.

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but it damaged at least three other buildings during its collapse and there was asymetric rubble dispersion it didn't just collapse in on itself

also shouldn't there have been a detonation flash?

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> shouldn't there have been a detonation flash

no because it would have been inside.

>damaged at least three other buildings during its collapse and there was asymetric rubble dispersion it didn't just collapse in on itself

for the most part it just collapsed in on itself.

if it hadn't, more than 3 adjacent buildings would have been damaged.

>building 7, a part of the world trade center just happened to be one of the 3 buildings damaged, the other two being building 5 and 6

shaspicis at the very least.

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what I don't get is how there haven't been more major leaks

lets be honest here if it ever was proven and massively disseminated publicly and globally what would happen to the perpetrators?

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>lets be honest here if it ever was proven and massively disseminated publicly and globally what would happen to the perpetrators?

nothing because what matters is what massive groups of people act on.

So long as the government can claim everything is just those cooky conspiracy theorists making up facts.

nothing will happen.

These things happen all the time.

>hey looky here all of the major opponents of the federal

reserve are going to board the Titanic. We got that insured right?

>hey what if we just let the japs kamakazi porl gaybar we could probably totally break into the war

>nice silverbacks and hatred of spooks JFK, it'd be a shame if one of those spooks accidentally ASSASSINATED YOU.

>my fella amerikins the spooks say we gotta invade oilsville to take their Wapons of MASs DESTRUCTO.


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>if it ever was proven and massively disseminated publicly and globally what would happen to the perpetrators?

Goodbye Israel

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doesn't israel still have that deadman's switch that literally suicides most of the world's computer chips?

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>all of the major opponents of the federal reserve are going to board the Titanic

…I've got some free time where can read more on this?

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OK I have a question, why would they lace building 7 with explosives. They have no reason to expect the massive chunk of debris hitting it and starting the fire that lead to structural weaknesses

also wouldn't an unchecked fire either compromise or prematurely trigger explosives?

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>>13255322 (checked)

>why would they lace building 7 with explosives

A bunch of reasons covered in the thread take your pick we will never understand exactly why.

>They have no reason to expect the massive chunk of debris hitting it and starting the fire that lead to structural weaknesses

True and who says chunks started the fires? Drop as much steel as you want on straw will it ignite? Electrical fires with modern buildings is pretty much a non issue as well that is why circuit breakers were invented, but pouring diesel on the floors and throwing a match on it would give you a really nice and quick office fire. 5000 gallon emergency generator fuel tank stored in the basement a couple buckets and you are good to go.

>also wouldn't an unchecked fire either compromise or prematurely trigger explosives?

It totally depends on what you are using and how it is packaged, no fitz all answer here.

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I have this video

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What of the water supply to the sprinklers getting cut off by falling debris hitting the water pipes allowing the fire to rage ?

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What argument is it even trying to make?

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>What of the water supply to the sprinklers getting cut off by falling debris

Sprinkler pipes run down the middle of the offices not on the outside walls.

Also it was alleged that they were conviently shut off down in the basement before the shit ever went down.

The fire in buildng 7 should never have spread to the whole floor.


Sprinkler systems are totally separate from normal building water systems some of them even have pressure systems and water tanks so that EVEN IF THE WATER SUPPLY PRESSURE IS ZERO THEY WILL STILL DEPLOY 1000'S OF GALLONS AT THE POINT THAT THE THERMAL FUSE IN THE SPRINKLER HEAD TURNS IT ON

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wasn't there a water tank visible on top of wtc7 or is my memory filling in details?

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>wasn't there a water tank visible on top of wtc7 or is my memory filling in details?

read the thread >>13236642

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So you are saying it just fell? Huh.

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wow great rare bldg 7 vid. nvr seen that one.

how do i dl webm properly? keeps saving as html doc

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>over inflated evaluation of self intelligence

Also a female trait

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review ays there's a better non censored version got a link to that

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I think the windows went out as the building lost is supports, warping the concrete frame and straining the windows along a specific path.

I don't think that would happen if it were to have collapsed from falling debris.

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How do controlled demolitions prevent the buildings from collapsing onto other buildings?

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what the fuck?

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both of them are guilty neither can be absolved here

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I have to agree.

They are absolute scum.

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Go back and watch this video of Webster Tarpley closely; he discusses the fact that the most important time to discover discrepancies in the official story is right while the attack is going on and immediately after it when officials and people in the media who are not in on the plot are speaking frankly. This is when the truth can be revealed.


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the problem with "muslims did it" is that the attack required deep state assets who were involved to shut down NORAD and get in and wire up buildings with explosives.

Muslims simply didn't have that level of governmental deep state penetration to do all that.

Only NEOCON AIPAC jews did. They're trotyskyites who abandoned the Democratic Party after George McGovern's ignominious defeat and then infiltrated the Reagan faction in the Republican Party where they've been ensconced ever since.

It was the Trotskyite jews beyond any shadow of a doubt. The muslims were just the stupid patsies.


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In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." (ibid.)

PNAC members, and signees to its policy documents, include: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wofowitz, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams, Richard Armitage, William Bennet, William Kristol, and Zalmy Khalilzad - men with their hands deep in the private defense, oil, and multi-national corporate industries poised to make vast sums of money and secure huge tracts of power and influence if PNAC policy evolved into U.S. Government policy. Nine months after they rose to power, and assumed central positions of leadership up and down the spectrum of military, civilian, domestic, and international agencies, they got their 'New Pearl Harbor'. And PNAC policy essentially evolved into the Bush Administration's official agenda. While this alarmingly convenient coincidence does not prove anything in and of itself, it does establish motive. And it certainly would raise the eyebrows of concern from any serious investigator looking into the facts of September 11.

Another alarming coincidence surrounding PNAC and September 11 has been revealed by attorney Stanley Hilton. Hilton, a graduate of Harvard Law School and former senior advisor and lead counsel for Bob Dole, attended the University of Chicago as an undergraduate in the 1960s. He studied under the infamous Leo Strauss, considered by many the father of neo-conservatism. Fellow students and acquaintances of Hilton's at the time included Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. In an interview with journalist Alex Jones, Hilton reports that, under the supervision of Strauss, his senior thesis detailed a plan to establish a Presidential Dictatorship using a fabricated 'Pearl Harbor-like incident' as justification. He further states that he, Perle, Wolfowitz, and other students of Strauss discussed an array of different plots and incidents 'like September 11th' and 'flying airplanes into buildings way back in the 60s'.

In light of these revelations, it is no surprise that Hilton has been trying to blow the whistle on government involvement in 9/11 for years. He has also filed a lawsuit against the government on behalf of a number of victims' families. As a result of his actions, Hilton has been harassed, threatened, burgled, and hounded repeatedly by the authorities.


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You can't avoid the Saudi connection and islam especially fundamentalism is a barbaric ideology that would carry out this kind of attack if it could

muslims are involved in this maybe be as patsies but willing patsies.

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And Wayne Madsen says that the Saudi Royal family were a family of Basra Jews that were thrust to the fore by T.E. Lawrence and British Military intelligence at the end of WWI.

What will surprise those who may already be surprised about the Dönmeh connection to Turkey, is the Dönmeh connection to the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia.

An Iraqi Mukhabarat (General Military Intelligence Directorate) Top Secret report, “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” dated September 2002 and released on March 13, 2008, by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in translated English form, points to the Dönmeh roots of the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Much of the information is gleaned from the memoirs of a “Mr. Humfer,” (as spelled in the DIA report, “Mr. Hempher” as spelled the historical record) a British spy who used the name “Mohammad,” claimed to be an Azeri who spoke Turkish, Persian, and Arabic and who made contact with Wahhab in the mid-18th century with a view of creating a sect of Islam that would eventually bring about an Arab revolt against the Ottomans and pave the way for the introduction of a Jewish state in Palestine. Humfer’s memoirs are recounted by the Ottoman writer and admiral Ayyub Sabri Pasha in his 1888 work, “The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism.”

In his book, The Dönmeh Jews, D. Mustafa Turan writes that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. The Iraqi intelligence report also states that in his book, The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis, Rifat Salim Kabar reveals that Shulman eventually settled in the Hejaz, in the village of al-Ayniyah what is now Saudi Arabia, where his grandson founded the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Iraqi intelligence report states that Shulman had been banished from Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca for his “quackery.” In the village, Shulman sired Abdul Wahhab. Abdel Wahhab’s son, Muhammad, founded modern Wahhabism.

The Iraqi report also makes some astounding claims about the Saud family. It cites Abdul Wahhab Ibrahim al-Shammari’s book, The Wahhabi Movement: The Truth and Roots, which states that King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, the first Kingdom of Saudi Arabia monarch, was descended from Mordechai bin Ibrahim bin Moishe, a Jewish merchant also from Basra. In Nejd, Moishe joined the Aniza tribe and changed his name to Markhan bin Ibrahim bin Musa. Eventually, Mordechai married off his son, Jack Dan, who became Al-Qarn, to a woman from the Anzah tribe of the Nejd. From this union, the future Saud family was born.


Wahabbism, like ISIS and Al Quaeda was a jewish creation.

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First we kill the Jews, then I'll kill myself.

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totally but even before Wahhabism's regime change goal was added islam was still a barbaric arabian death religion the jews just made it worse as usual same with what they've done to christianity, Anyone want to build that 3rd temple mr Trump/Putin?

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Q: Why go for a controlled demolition when it would run the risks of being too obvious?

A: Because Muslims couldn't pull it off. It's always the JOOS!!!!1!!


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My suspicion is that the jews have been all up and down the Asian continent (Europe is really just a police fiction, it's just a peninsula on Asia) from Ireland to Korea for over 3000 as traders and spies and their ambition has always been to control the flow of goods from China and India to the Mediterranean. Slaves from Ireland traded for silk and tea and opium from the orient. Steel from Damascus and so on.

They are now closing the deal a deal more than 3 millennia in the making.

Creating religions is a useful tool for them as a means of mind control over their subject countries.

Christianity to pacify the northern warriors

Islam to direct their fierce desert murderers and rapists

Bahai to subvert Persia

And Sikhism to act as a fifth column for the eventual subjugation and looting of the immense wealth of India.

It's a hard thesis to prove. One would have to be fluent reading 35 languages and dialects and one would have to devote one's entire long life to reading virtually everything in all the immense number of cultures and religious sects of Asia/Europe. I know one fellow who did that but he's an insane drug deranged asshole who was sharing a bedroom with his mother when he was in his early 50's and he's ferociously politically correct. I suspect his father was a jew and his mother was a E. Euro Christian so that alone made him mentally disturbed.

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Jesus, "polite" not "police" fuck

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Someone on Metabunk.org trying to "debunk" thermite/controlled demolition theory.

What can you say, anon ?


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Deep states and Dönmeh

During two visits to Turkey in 2010, I had the opportunity of discussing the Ergenekon “deep state” with leading Turkish officials. It was more than evident that discussions about the Ergenekon network and its “foreign” connections are a highly-sensitive subject. However, it was also whispered by one high-ranking Turkish foreign policy official that there were other “deep states” in surrounding nations and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria were mentioned by name. Considering the links between Ergenekon and the Dönmeh in Turkey and the close intelligence and military links between the Dönmeh-descendent Sauds and Wahhabis in Arabia, the reports of close links between ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his intelligence chief Omar Suleiman and the Binyamin Netanyahu government in Israel may be seen in an entirely new light… And it would explain Erdogan’s support for Egypt’s revolution: in Turkey, it was a democratic revolution that curbed the influence of the Dönmeh. The influence of Wahhabi Salafists in Libya’s new government also explains why Erdogan was keen on establishing relations with the Benghazi-based rebels to help supplant the influence of the Wahhabis, the natural allies of his enemies, the Dönmeh (Ergenekon) of Turkey.

Erdogan’s desire to set the historical record straight by restoring history purged by the Kemalists and Dönmeh has earned him vitriolic statements from Israel’s government that he is a neo-Ottomanist who is intent on forming an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab countries. Clearly, the Dönmeh and their Zionist brethren in Israel and elsewhere are worried about Dönmeh and Zionist historical revisionism, including their role in the Armenian and Assyrian genocide, and their genocide denial being exposed.

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Imagine what would happen if an AI did it…

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Trump must have found out what really happened since then…might be why his twitter is managed for him

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see the 2nd or 3rd webm here with the red sparks coming off the building corner strut then stopping then the building collapsing at that point


ask him to explain what is causing it and why the building failed at that specific point.

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File: b82877fb094e7c1⋯.mp4 (7 MB,568x320,71:40,9/11 - Dick Cheney admits ….mp4)

File: 10201fda2ded7dd⋯.mp4 (5.63 MB,488x360,61:45,9/11 UA Flight 93 Banned N….mp4)


It was shot down.

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I'm not expert on this, so can you tell me, "it is possible that jet fuel can create such sparks" ?

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For a period of time, like 3 or 4 years after the attack, when they still weren't ashamed to lie outrageously the official story proponents were saying the Shanksville plane crashed into the ground and got swallowed up by old underground coal mines and that's where all the bodies and debris was. No effort was made to dig them up from there however. Also a USAF general was saying that the plane that crashed into the Pentagon hit it so hard that it simply vaporized leaving almost no debris behind.

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I remember.

There must have been thousands of small chuncks of body parts over squaremiles in reality tho.

Just like they were all over the streets in NYC.

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I have never seen those pictures b4 anon.

Thanks for posting them.

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It is possible that jet fuel can create such sparks ?

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I had those exact same LL Bean chinos and yellow Premium Double L® Polo Banded, Short-Sleeve Without Pocket, and it looks like he's wearing the same LL Bean loafers and leather belt I had too. He's got the same haircut and build as me too. Just some guy going to work in an office tower like me and then suddenly blam! into the howling void of catastrophe.

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how very odd

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>What Melted Cop Cars 7 Blocks From WTC On 911?

>The official story about 911 is that burning airplane fuel weakened the steel buildings at the World Trade Center, causing them to collapse. But if that is true, how can one explain the strange damage inflicted upon autos as far away as FDR drive (7 blocks from the WTC )?

A reported 1400 vehicles were damaged on 9/11. [ Reference] These vehicles had peculiar patterns of damage and some were as far away as FDR Drive (about 7 blocks from the WTC, along the East River). Vehicles had missing door handles for example, windows blown out, window frames deformed, melted engine blocks, steel-belted tires with only the steel belts left, and vehicle front ends destroyed with little or no effect on the back end of the vehicles. What could have caused such extraordinary damage? Portions of cars burned while paper nearby did not.

>In the debate over toasted cars ignited by this article, some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC and were loaded up and transported and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks, transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported again. If vehicles were truly moved from the WTC to FDR Drive, we wonder why WTC steel beams were not stacked up on FDR drive, as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, governments may be stupid, but we doubt they could be this inefficient. If reported, it would have been a minor scandal. Fourth, we might be wrong about the facts here, but it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other pet theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation for these photographs. Fifth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed. For example, see this figure. This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC.

>The tires and even the pavement under the car are on fire. The windows appear to be intact with no visible interior fire. There is line of fire along the trunk lid. The right front fender is deformed and has turned white.

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Anon you are broaching a portion of the 911 puzzle that will surely bring a ton of shit raining down on you.

I however wonder about it and have the same unanswered questions that you do.

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I truly do not know what happened that day. I know the jews did something they'd been planning since the 70's or perhaps even earlier but how they did it, what they used, how it worked, that I am in total ignorance of.

I have an open mind. We all need to have open minds.

I can't even get a clear picture about the entire Kennedy assassination thing and I doubt anyone ever will.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 8e0c6b13308c443⋯.jpg (364.95 KB,1185x1737,395:579,tritium.JPG)


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> tritium

can be used as a [b]booster for explosives[/b].

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium#Boosting

in this case for nuclear ones - but i would like to know if it could be used in the case of ordinary explosves as well.

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File: 13387bd1aaec7aa⋯.jpg (207.52 KB,1125x873,125:97,cancer.JPG)


>And each year, the list is longer than the last. On the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks, Feal will read a total of 177 names — pushing the total of those who died from 9/11-related diseases past the 2,000 mark.


>John Mormando was in the best shape of his life – a marathon runner and triathlete training for an Ironman competition – when he noticed a small bump on his chest this past March.

>He had it checked out by a doctor, and soon received the shocking diagnosis: breast cancer.

>“I was floored. I was totally floored,” he said.

>Mormando, 51, was at a loss to explain his rare diagnosis – fewer than 1% of breast cancer cases occur in men, and he has no family history of the disease. Then colleagues reminded him of the months he worked close to the site of the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Center.

>Tens of thousands of people who lived or worked in the neighborhood at the time found themselves breathing in air thick with toxic fumes and particles from the pulverized, burning skyscrapers. Many have since become sick, many have died and new cases are still occurring all the time that are linked back to the poisons that were in the air around the wreckage. The latest example is a cluster of men who have developed breast cancer, including Mormando.


>5,400 diagnosed with cancers linked to September 11 attacks

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What is is that can destroy the body's gut flora without killing the human?

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Well, antibiotics..

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I make no assertions. I only present evidence of something, I don't know what..

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Were the twin towers made out of drugs?

is that why the supports collapsed? because they weren't steel at all?

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your suggestion doesn't make sense within the context of discussion.

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>thermal fuse

No such thing. The correct term which also sounds much cooler is:


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Well ty anon I did not know that term, all I really knew was there is a small eutectic metal disc that melts at a very low temperature. The disc holds the valve closed that allows the sprinkler head to sprinkle the fire.

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Why do you think they looked for it in the first place.

They looked for tritium because aircraft contain significant amounts of it in their emergency exit signs. It was also determined that a large quantity of law enforcement arms were destroyed in the collapse (tritium sights.)

The levels were below exposure limits.


>can be used as a [b]booster for explosives[/b].

Don't talk crap.

Tritium is not used in explosives, chemically it is just hydrogen.

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If it was a nuke, why there is no radiation left ?

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In the case of a melting metal component then fuse would be the correct term.

Most use a glass bulb filled with liquid, and holding the valve closed. Temperature increase causes the liquid to expand and shatter the bulb.

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The whole "micronukes" thing is a red herring best avoided.

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I'm not saying it was a nuclear explosion.

Of course that's BULLSHIT, lol.

But if Tritium is used in nuclear explosives to amplify them, couldn't it be used in regular ones as well, maybe?

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>But if Tritium is used in nuclear explosives to amplify them, couldn't it be used in regular ones as well, maybe?

No because one is a nuclear reaction and the other is chemical.

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The question then is: where did these levels come from?

What the hell emitted it?

Do you got a idea?

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If you read the report that the screenshot was taken from, they tell you on the first page.

Emergency exit signs and gun sights.

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Ok, thanks.

The last question is: It is possible that jet fuel can create such sparks ? >>13213721

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>The model isconsistent with instantaneous oxidation of the airplane tritium in the jet-fuel explosion, deposition of a small fraction of HTO at ground zero, and water-flow controlled removal of HTO from the debris. The model also suggests that tritium from the weapons would be released and oxidized to HTO at a much slower rate in the lingering fires at ground zero.


Pretty sure the photo of the box section was taken during demolition. That's an oxyacetylene cut by the look of it.

The evidence has been deliberately contaminated with red herrings in order to discredit claims of controlled demolition.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (sometimes also spelled Khalid Shaikh Mohammed;[4] among at least fifty pseudonyms;[5] born March 1, 1964; or April 14, 1965) is a Pakistani Islamist militant held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under terrorism-related charges. He was named as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks" in the 9/11 Commission Report.[6]

>Sheikh Mohammed was a member of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization, leading al-Qaeda's propaganda operations from around 1999 until late 2001. He confessed to FBI and CIA agents to a role in many of the most significant terrorist plots over the last twenty years, but his interrogators' use of torture has caused many to question certain aspects of his confessions.[7]

>In March 2007, after significant interrogations, Mohammed confessed to masterminding the September 11 attacks, the Richard Reid shoe bombing attempt to blow up an airliner, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the murder of Daniel Pearl, and various foiled attacks, as well as numerous other crimes.[9][10] He was charged in February 2008 with war crimes and murder by a U.S. military commission at Guantanamo Bay detention camp which could carry the death penalty if convicted.

>In 2012, a former military prosecutor criticized the proceedings as insupportable due to confessions gained under torture.[10] A 2008 decision by the United States Supreme Court also drew into question the legality of the methods used to gain such admissions and the admissibility of such admissions as evidence in a criminal proceeding.[11]


The real Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a trained engineer

>Mohammed is fluent in Balochi, Urdu, Arabic, and English.[16] He grew up and spent his formative years in Kuwait, as did his nephew Ramzi Yousef (three years his junior and the son of Mohammed's older sister).

>According to U.S. federal documents, in 1982 he had heard Abdul Rasul Sayyaf's speech in which a call for jihad against the Soviets was declared.[1] At age 16, he joined the Muslim Brotherhood.[17] After graduating from high school in 1983, Mohammad travelled to the United States and enrolled in Chowan University in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. He later transferred to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and received a Bachelor of Science (BS) in mechanical engineering in 1986.[1][18]

The man who has been held in his place is a functionally mentally retarded Pakistani cab driver who doesn't know how to read or write and only speaks one language (not English)

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It was not a nuke

It can be 100% explained by controlled demolition.

Anyone here claiming it was a nuke is mossad fbi CIAnigger here to discredit #911truth.

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File: 93722ab8a02cc8e⋯.jpg (174.95 KB,768x768,1:1,IMG_0870.JPG)

Mr. Buffett was reportedly at his home in Omaha, Nebraska watching TV when he heard about the terrorist attacks. He was getting ready to host his "last annual golf charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is, coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in the day for "safety". This early golf charity event hosted by Mr. Buffett was to include celebrities, professional athletes, and a small group of business leaders in which one of these business leaders became a very lucky person.

This very lucky person was Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Now what made Mrs. Tatlock such a lucky person for being invited to this charity event that morning? Mrs. Tatlock not only works in the World Trade Center, but her offices were right where Flight 175 crashed into the WTC 2.

► "On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower.

Moments later, back in Omaha, a television picture flashed on a large screen, and Tatlock witnessed the second plane plowing into the south tower.

"There on the screen, I saw the second plane crash into my office," Tatlock recalled." -San Francisco Business Times (week of 2/04/02)

► "Anne Tatlock found out about the collision of a plane with the North Tower while en route to the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha. The 62-year-old chief executive of Fiduciary Trust Co. International was one of a small group of business leaders at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. Military officers boarded the bus she was on, and escorted her to an officer's lounge and a television, just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower between the 87th and 93rd floors–right where 650 of her employees worked.

Fiduciary, which today manages $44 billion of securities for pension plans, endowments and wealthy individuals…" -Forbes (10/15/01)

► "Executives of money-management firm Fiduciary Trust Inc., a unit of Franklin Resources Inc., said many of the 500 employees who worked in the complex had gotten out, but officials didn't have an exact count. "We've been incredibly lucky; people we knew were in there got out," said Anne Tatlock, the firm's chairman and chief executive.

Fiduciary Trust, which occupied five floors that were located high in the South Tower, caters to investors of substantial net worth and used its elegant offices to help woo clients, who often paused to admire the amazing views when they visited.

Ms. Tatlock was in Omaha, Neb., at a conference sponsored by Warren Buffett when she heard about the disaster. "I thought, why would they joke, then I saw the TV," she said. -Wall Street Journal (9/12/01)

► "On the morning of September 11, 2001, Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, was watching television in his home in Omaha, Nebraska, as he got ready to host his last annual Charity Classic golf and tennis tournament. In the meantime, elsewhere in Omaha, Al Ueltschi, president of Flight-Safety International, one of Berkshireís two flight service subsidiaries, was getting ready to golf in the Classic. He, too, was watching TV, having turned it on in his hotel room…" - Robert P. Miles (5/02)

► "WARREN BUFFET'S CHARITY CLASSIC Sept. 11, an event that draws celebrities, professional athletes, and CEOs to Omaha, Nebraska will be the last. It has raised nearly $9 million for four charities in its nine-year run while bringing to the event such notables as composer Marvin Hamlisch, investing guru Peter Lynch of Fidelity Management, then-Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt and actor Chuck Norris. Another $1 million is expected to be raised at the last of the one-day Classics, scheduled for Sept. 11." - Broadway To Vegas (9/09/01)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7 min mark; Lyndon LaRouche predicts 911 and security state setting aside constitution and provocations to small wars throughout the globe as a result.

January 2001

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>Warren Buffet

When he does interviews on TV his is usually in a closed off floor of a furniture store, or surrounded by heavy security. been watching his ass for years now on TV interviews

Also related to> Rudy Giuliani

Lower Manhattan was run by the Italian Mafia in the early to late 1980's. Rudy was the main prosecutor of the NY Mafia. He cleaned the streets so the mossad could do their thin. First time was in 1993, which failed. Then later in 2001 which succeeded. And Rudy was mayor then! Bloomberg replaced his to burn all the evidence, and it took 3 terms to do it.

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File: ebcb287ca7dfe75⋯.jpg (139.43 KB,806x494,31:19,wtc 1993.jpg)


Refridgerant R134a combusts at 1,382 degrees Fahrenheit especially in the presence of aluminum. Look up the SDS on it.

Old school Freon would not have burned. Sadly Freon was taken out of WTC after the 1993 bombing, which happened to coincide exactly when Freon scare was going on, and happened to coincide exactly when Clinton was President to oversee the change over. Freon was developed by GM specifically not to burn. Also, happens to be that the greatest fire retardant material known to man, asbestos was demonized and removed from the building just in time for the attack.

Lots of coincidences.

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R134 doesn't combust until 1300 degrees but obviously burns at a much higher temp after that.

Important thing to note is the lobby windows were also blown out. For a sustained and extremely hot fire, air flow up the building would have been paramount.

Really propane, gasoline, avgas, jetfuel etc, can burn at temps hot enough to melt steel, its the Oxygen flow that is most flammable. That is why building have doors that are meant to be shut during fires.

The airshafts up the building are paramount to understanding how hot things got. Whatever 'explosion' took out the lobby windows, it was a major contribution to the inferno.

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They won’t build WTC 7 because they want 3 Building 6’s.

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You think muzzies weren't more than happy to help? You think British imperialists didn't play a role? You think masons, illumanit sat on the sidelines?

The common motive for Jewish involvment was money. For Muzzies it was expansion of power. Britain, it was more imperialism, and war racketterring etc.

Look farther back. 1999 JFK Jr. and Clintons, 1993 boming, 1970's plane hijackings (grooming)

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JFK Jr and Fred Phelps were very friendly with one another and Fred shed tears discussing his passing. JFK Jr even at the height of Fred's unpopularity had written an admiring piece about him in GEORGE magazine and John and his wife had even attended the service at Westboro Baptist church.

"John F. Kennedy, Jr., ranked him #5 on his list of "The Most Interesting People in Politics" in George Magazine."


There used to be a You Tube of Fred talking fondly of JFK Jr but I can no longer find it.

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many sections of bedrock under manhattan within the manhattan schist formation is migmatitic you fucking nigger

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Wow that is the first time I heard that. Secret Societies pretty much all are tied in with the globohomo agenda. Hillary is a devout lesbian. Both Ghadaffi and Stevens were sodomized. Much of muzzie culture are sodomites, despite their rooftop PR.

Phelp's was a civil rights activist in his home town. He was originially hated for defending the rights of some black gentleman. Later he saw that the civil rights movement was being hijacked by the sodomites. They were doing filthy lude homo stuff in his local park. That was what set him off.

JFK Jr. was a chad, and clearly would have had symphathies to his point of view. Very interesting to hear. Bill Clinton and Comey have reports of being gay pedos.

Sodomites are definately an international conspiracy. They hate God and certainly find kinship with others that hate Christianity and all that is good, true and beautiful.

Felp's had a beautiful family life at home. Great documentary on it too btw, happy joyful kids, singing etc.

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Really so they built the original towers on a foundation of contorted schist formation just like that eh? Amazing. You have edified me, sir. I stand corrected.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never forget, the Clintons and all their entourage are murderers.

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Remember how Christopher Hitchens wrote a book the clintons being the worst family on earth.

Hitchens was technically part jewish and a former trotsyite who flipped anti commie after seeing the reality

still can't forgive his backing of Iraq and naivete over 911 but he cursed judaism as the root of all religious evil

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Yes, well…

>But Hitchens speaks most movingly and with the most tactile feel for the magic of the dialectic not while discussing what could be termed his faith, Marxism, but while discussing his mother’s faith. “Judaism is dialectical,” he argues. “Even pre-enlightenment Judaism forces its adherents to study and think, it reluctantly teaches them what others think, and it may even teach them how to think also.” Yvonne gave him “two sides to his head” not by virtue of being Jewish as well as English; the two sides, instead, are contained totally within his Jewishness.

>Hitchens also credited the Jews with having prepared the antidote—atheism—to one of the manifestations of the “totalitarian principle” that he spent his life opposing. In the course of answering a “Proust Questionnaire,” he cited his real-life heroes as “Socrates, Spinoza, Thomas Paine, Rosa Luxemburg, Leon Trotsky.” I count there two Jewish Marxists and the Jewish inventor of unbelief in God. Atheism is, for Hitchens and just generally, a distinctively Jewish virtue (or vice, if that’s how you feel about it).

>Much of the chapter in Hitch-22 that deals with Hitchens’ Jewishness is based on a 1988 essay in the literary quarterly Grand Street in which Hitchens first reported this aspect of himself, and some of the best lines are even pilfered wholesale, with due acknowledgement: “I took my leave and, turning at her little garden gate, somewhat awkwardly uttered the salute ‘Shalom!’ ” Hitchens recalls of visiting his grandmother after learning of her (and his) heritage. “She responded, ‘Shalom, shalom’ as easily as if we’d always greeted and parted this way and, as I wrote it down at the time, I turned and trudged off to the station in the light, continuous English rain that was also my birthright.”

>But there is a crucial passage from that earlier essay that Hitchens omitted from the book. In it, he takes readers back to the moment when he has just learned that he is a Jew, and he begins to wonder if there were ever any hints:

>Then, most provoking and beguiling of all, there was the dream. Nothing bores me more than dream stories, so I had kept this one to myself. But it was the only one that counted as recurrent, and I had also experienced it as a waking fantasy. In this reverie, I am aboard a ship. A small group is on the other side of the deck, huddled in talk but in some way noticing me. After a while a member of the group crosses the deck. He explains that he and his fellows are one short of a quorum for a prayer. Will I make up the number for a minyan? >Smiling generously, and swallowing my secular convictions in a likable and tolerant manner, I agree to be the tenth man and stroll across the deck.


His father was a British naval officer, his mother a jewess..

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yeah it isn't hard to come to that conclusion not knowing about it lol, however i think the section under the towers would yield some wildly outlandish geochemical REE signatures if some simple samples were to be taken

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Hmm, there is a lot of truth but the last picture would discredit you in an argument. Once they began to clear up the area some beams still needed to be cut down. This is one of them.

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Who owned the insurance companies that Silverstein fleeced?

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>oy vey metal gets soft when it's hot

wow ok so your test is done to scale with the mass of steel present in the structure of the building and the quantity of fuels held in the plane taking into account the energy of the collision of the planes into the towers?

Really fucking spectacular test you fat piece of shit.

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and the time from collision to collapse and the heat retention of concrete

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found an odd comment at the bottom of a comment chain



Marque Markofthebeast

2 weeks ago

Mainstream morons

Dee Bee isn’t here looking for the truth. Here for ad hominem attacks. This wasn’t a false flag. It was a psyop. Construction broke ground in 1968 and by design came down 33yrs later. FOIA reports prove the towers were never more than 25% capacity. Floors 80-100 were never even completed. Any business that said they occupied any of those floors on both towers is lying. They were simply ghost companies. The death index didn’t even spike in manhattan on 9/11. Some obituaries exif data proves they were made a few weeks PRIOR to 9/11. Why would you need to fabricate deaths? Basically a prepackaged movie played out on the news.

Oh the French fraud that inserted a cgi plane. This guy sure seemed to make sure the word “anal st” was framed in at 7:36 and repeating do you know how many people are dead. According to the SSDI that day no more than any other day in Manhattan. Why would exif data prove some obituaries were made 2 weeks prior to 9/11? They don’t care what version of 9/11 you believe. As long as you believe people died and there was no media fakery eg jumpers and planes.


are there really spoofed obituaries etc, etc?

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You want facts? Go get a degree in structural engineering, find the building plans, understand the materials involved, sprinkle in some investigation on the building's maintenance, conduct scaled tests and consult others who have done the same. Fuckall if I'm gonna do it.

Your hypocritical. You say my words are empty yet you're just saying that you don't believe it and expected my posts to have a complete answer. My posts were never meant to be 100%, just theory. If you're going to call someone out, fully understand the context and circumstances of the post.

By the way, you're clearly a faggot.

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good post.

Speculation is speculation.

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>Who owned the insurance companies that Silverstein fleeced?

Since he had such a fuckton of coverage the carrier I think was AIG jew hank greenburg ceo.

They had to spread the coverage over 40? I think different agencies because well jew reasons. So my question Insurance companies are notorious for not paying due to fraud and shit. If ever there was a case where they could do a little digging and not pay here is gold. Then later AIG got fed money for bail out and shit if anyone can expound on this please do. This is just off the top of my head thoughts, but the insurance double payout aspect is just more payoff sheckel grabbing.

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Allianz Global Risks U.S. Insurance Co.; Employers Insurance Co. of Wausau; Industrial Risk Insurers, now owned by Swiss Reinsurance Co.; Royal Indemnity Co.; Swiss Re; Travelers Cos. Inc.; and Zurich American Insurance Co.

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File: d186bf3844e1b3c⋯.jpg (89.73 KB,634x464,317:232,LuckIncarnate.jpg)

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This anon gets it. It’s a waste of time trying to explain to normies that have a cognitive processing attention time of about 2 seconds all the fine details and how hisbis that and this is what happened and these people saw this. Focus on the results. Cui Bono? There in always is the truth

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>all the political shit but you thrust this shit stench upon us you filthy vermin.

it is your dharma or duty to defend your people. Do so with dispassion.

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I like the graph but what is "Trickster" and "Senex"??

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>complete appeal to authority by a total anon


Vacuous as it gets. You're not that impressive.

For those who read and might be tempted to believe Mr. Truth above:

Please understand why it's complicated to actually pull down a building on its footprint, and why specialists do so by placing high energy explosives in a multitude of very sensitive key points and detonating them in a very elaborate, specific way. This is the only to achieve the controlled demolition that looks professional and minimizes damage. Also, short of nuking an entire building and destroying the neighborhood, it's the only way to completely remove a building out of existence.

Now, Mr. Truth is saying that a superficially damaged building, with rather tame fires that partially covered their few respective stories, and a few randomly weakened beams, would lead to such a clean free fall collapse.

Let's just let that clownigger glow somewhere else.

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Good post

Speculation is speculation.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Fuck off, nigger. 9/11 taught me everything I needed to know to become a billionaire. I undercut professional demolition crews and take buildings down with the same amount of precision. The secret to my low price? Even lower cost! Despite my low prices, my EBIT is on the order of 10,000%, as all I need to do is fly an airplane into the building in question. Alternatively: I run around lighting fires after having replaced the water in the sprinkler system's reservoir with jet fuel.

Get gud, noob. Those demolition crews are total tryhards, lol. :^)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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If building 7 was detonated why don't we hear an explosion or major flash of light?

equally why have there not been whistle blowers surely insiders would be able to find the information and leak it for something this huge considering it's been 18 years

genuine question because the only prominent names I see are outsiders but even some insiders should have had the opportunity to put the pictures together and release the truth of what really happened an operation this big would need hundreds maybe a thousand actors just one of them getting drunk and posting on the internet should be enough but where are they?

or is there complete china level blackout?

this is the biggest thing I don't understand

also wouldn't a hostile state like libya have funded and secretly released a report Gaddafi gave no fucks?

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>If building 7 was detonated why don't we hear an explosion or major flash of light?

it was contained you don't see demolition charges because the force is supposed to be transmitted to the supports of the buildings and not out of the windows.


>equally why have there not been whistle blowers surely insiders would be able to find the information and leak it for something this huge considering it's been 18 years

there have and all of them are dead now.

>this big would need hundreds maybe a thousand actors

No you just need a lot of people who can die coincidentally, the building was already full of them.

>also wouldn't a hostile state like libya have funded and secretly released a report Gaddafi gave no fucks?

learn how to talk you fucking kike.

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I see, thank you for your rebuttal, I'm a little confused on the idea of a hostile foreign power not releasing a report though I imagine it wouldn't survive long

I apologise for my incoherency I'm a little sleep deprived.

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>hostile foreign power not releasing a report

How would they?

how would they, without access to the site or knowledge of the attack before hand?

It was a "terrorist" false flag to give America an excuse to ":fight terrorism and spread democratics" all over the world. No country was blamed so no country could "deny" they did it with verifiable evidence.

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yeah it was kind of foolish of me of course any country actually calling the US out for its lie would get freedumbed

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Bump to save

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File: 8d57bf4f0fb8f02⋯.png (396.68 KB,634x473,634:473,911-daw-new-age-dew.png)

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Sure does look exactly the same.

the sides fall at slightly different rates and the roof sinks in.

They're probably both collapsing from the shockwave bridge from the twin towers.

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Explain or die

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I always liked this video on the subject.

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I just finished reading this, thanks for the suggestion, anon. Unfortunately, I have to conclude that Tarpley is yet another arrogant lefty using words like 'fascist' without first consulting a dictionary. Towards the end, he writes up a mock speech that he thinks should have been uttered by the President that day—in other words he is putting his political opinions into the mouth of a fictitious George W Bush. This paragraph in particular made me choke on my coffee, it was so blatantly bluepilled. Unfortunately, I imagine that statements like this and his general leftist stance in the book probably put off many rightist 9-11 skeptics.

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File: 13042678280aa2b⋯.jpg (154.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,hogannineeleven.jpg)

9/11 thread, all right, doing my due diligence and dropping in to promote the only helpful (for me, over 5 years of 9/11 research) site



-simulated victims

-simulated madmen

-no planes

-controlled demolition

-media fakery

-5 tv networks, 1 image pool.

shows how the news is/was simulated, lead me to see how 9/11, sandy hook, the pulse nightclub shooting and more have all been scripted social management deceptions.

thank you.

9/11 was a mossad op.

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I agree with this. I posted Webster's book because even though he's a Trotskyite he did do great work for 911 truth. Webster got fucked hard when he lost the libel trial brought by Melania for saying she'd been a prostitute.

The 911 Truth movement had potential to bring right and left together but in the end it failed and then disintegrated.

Nobody has the monopoly on truth. I'm so desperate to bring out 911 truth I'll take it where I find it.

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Like fuckink kike magic, here he appears!

Burn in hell you fucking ape

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File: d6aa478b0d50e25⋯.mp4 (14.84 MB,720x480,3:2,Evidence that ties Cheney ….mp4)

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One day the 'attack dog' will turn, then Israel will be rubble and a real holocaust will happen.

The kikes know this and I suspect this is the reason they're currently trying to destroy the US and the whole of Europe with mass immigration of basically rabid wild animals.

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Doesn't name them. Blames everyone but them. Tinfoil spam.

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then why did the building seem to collapse from the middle outward? the penthouse thing on the very top falls in first. if this damage caused the collapse it would have started on THAT corner.

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> having that picture saved on your hard drive

>>> /gaschamber/

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So the plane strikes the 96/97 floor and the entire lobby is blasted to shit with marble facings smashed off the concrete walls.

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If a controlled demolition of a building (or three) is a highly complex procedure in which explosive charges must be set in exact positions, in very precise amounts, and exploded in a very specific pattern with impeccable timing, how do two airliners smashing into buildings wired for demolition somehow not affect the precision of a controlled demolition?

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Bump to save


>If a controlled demolition of a building (or three) is a highly complex procedure..

It is simple it was not controlled demolition meant to ensure safety of adjacent buildings and people.

What actually happened was spectacular FX style made for TV demolition with absolutely no regard for safety or anything. The only criteria was make it gigantic, redundant, and destroy everything.

Quite a difference in the planning and implementation of the procedure.

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>debris from building 1/2 falling knocked out the bottom floors

> knocked out


u idiot. no ones falling for ure shit

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there were no planes. they were cgi'ed in afterwards. the CBS,ABC,Fox interviewees on the ground were actors paid to talk about planes hitting the towers.

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File: 621c0dc2d6fce83⋯.webm (5.52 MB,320x240,4:3,9-11 Winner.webm)

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Already debunked.


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i never believed any of the 9/11 stuff until i saw the metal balls and the leak. i've welded/cut metal before. that shit is bizzare and theres a very clear video of it.

show anyone thats atleast not a skeptic that first.

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File: c71fb98bf1f2ab9⋯.jpg (134.75 KB,960x720,4:3,StillPixelPlane911.jpg)



Simulated Victims. CGI pics of mostly made-up people.

read Hoi Polloi's The VicSim Report, it's on cluesforum.


it's from like 2007. doesn't have to be ethnonationalist to have value, they point out mossad without then ranting against jews, kind of refreshing tbh.

their politics (or lack thereof) may be/seem outdated but it lets the forum focus on fakery.

They expose plenty of jews (Howard Lutnik, 9/11 & Boston Marathon 'Bombing' paymaster, for example). Thanks for lookin at it.

Pic related is from a documentary i can't find (checked invidio.us), screenshotted it paused right when the image is of the plane hitting the building. Can't unsee that. Was looking up a morrakiu also hence the searchbar.

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>there were no planes. they were cgi'ed

For the sake of this inquiry, let's pretend that the lizard people, working from their mysterious ancient alien space base behind the moon, did not use their super secret hologram gun to bamboozle the Earth's gullible lemming population as justification to subsequently pound israel's neighbors into rubble ever since.

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The video that guy has in his blog doesn't even back up his statements. If you watch the video from all the angles in the 33 second clip you can clearly see both sides remain at fairly the same height, it's only the center that droops further down. If it was indeed caused by falling debris it would have fallen quicker on the side facing the WTC. His red lines image talking about how it falls quicker on the opposing side is misleading as the side that he claims fell quicker was obscured by smoke and taken at an angle which didn't properly convey the pancaking that can be observed from the 0:33 video at a much better angle.

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wow never seen this one before

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it is from the cloud coming out of the building. it was 3000 degrees and moving very fast. Imagine a volcano exploding and that cloud moving along the ground at the cars.

Then picture everyone in the room naked.

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Pyroclastic flow.

And check out 16:20 in this one. Holy shit it shows the corner that was squirting out the molten metal at the moment of collapse. The thermite did its work right there. Incredible

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This cameraman, Mark LaGanga is just a crazy motherfucker.

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Extremely good YouTube channel, by the way.

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File: 01d37ae9c725ddc⋯.png (547.63 KB,600x600,1:1,9_11_album.png)


Wow, that is amazing footage.

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"oye vey, these two sacrificial lambs I had working for me and the two I just hired a couple weeks before were the only ones to die. Not the couple hundred that work directly for me or any of my kids I work with. Had it beeen fifteeeen minutes lata, then they'd be showa'd, but I kept them back, I mean it was by the grace of YWAY or whateva!"

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File: 7b2b10fc972c59b⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,654x480,109:80,building_7_collapse.mp4)

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This shit just keeps reviving so much anger and hate in me…

>The FOIA release of the photos is notable because responses to prior FOIA requests to the Department of Justice, which oversees the FBI, had previously claimed that all of the photos taken by the Israeli nationals had been destroyed in January 2014. The photos themselves are heavily redacted, making it impossible to see the Israelis’ facial expressions. However, previously declassified yet heavily redacted FBI reports state that the Israelis are “visibly happy” in nearly every photo, even when the burning towers are in the background. The photos released are also not original copies and instead appear to be photocopies of photocopies of the original pictures. In addition, of the original 76 pictures developed by authorities from the camera in the Israelis’ possession, only 14 were released.


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File: 282176d8d8578bd⋯.jpg (79.21 KB,955x954,955:954,6-e1558100019912.jpg)

>The FBI presence at the Urban Moving Systems search site drew the attention of the local media and was later reported on both television and in the local press. A former Urban Moving Systems employee later contacted the Newark Division with information indicating that he had quit his employment with Urban Moving Systems as a result of the high amount of anti-American sentiment present among Urban’s employees. The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked, “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country” (page 37 of the FBI report).

>The FBI returned to search the premises of Urban Moving Systems a month later, but by that time found:

>The building and all of its contents had been abandoned by…the owner of Urban Moving Systems. This [was] apparently being done to avoid criminal prosecution after the 09/11/2001 arrest of five of his employees and subsequent seizure of his office computer systems by members of the FBI-NK on or around 09/13/2001.”

>The company’s owner — Dominik Otto Suter, an Israeli citizen — had fled to Israel on September 14, 2001, two days after he had been questioned by the FBI. The FBI told ABC News that “Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.”

Surprisingly, since at least 2016, Suter has been living in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he works for a contractor for major tech companies like Google and Microsoft. According to the public records database Intelius, in 2006 and 2007 Suter also worked for a telecommunications company — Granite Telecommunications — that works for the U.S. military and several other U.S. government agencies.

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WW3 when?!??!??

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File: 16706721030a2f1⋯.jpg (121.94 KB,768x511,768:511,Mohammed bin Salman Donald….jpg)


>WW3 when?!??!??

Don't worry; Jared's working on it

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The US authorities are still shielding them.

Nothing has changed since the Bush administration.

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> 282176d8d8578bd⋯.jpg


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The US started worse war with far more casualties like nam over false flags. Not surprised about this at all.

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On 9/11 there was a hurricane directly off the coast of NYC. Right around the time the planes hit the buildings the hurricane took an abrupt right turn and headed directly away from NYC for several days. Hurricanes had never made such an abrupt turn in the past. Dustification and whatnot.

This is one interesting little data point that is fading from memory, much like the seismic recordings of the buildings falling.

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Burnt bodies in the lobby of the towers

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Since we started this thread my You Tube account has been spewing these up from the depths of its memory.

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The tower is a meme to place a barrier unto the following chains.

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"This remains the scene of a crime, police deeming it that recording it prejudices the search for the victims" 1:10 min mark

Hunh? wut??

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looking for narrative here, are the mini-nukes a meme?

were the towers taken down by massive truck bombs ?

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Both are memes, and anyone claiming the contrary is here to distract people from the truth.











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There are countless videos of controlled demolition or skyscrapes on JewTube. Compare and contrast.

Side note, one of my oldest friends since high school (in the mid-90s) recently terminated our friendship. He's a kike, and questioning the official narrative of the Holohoax was enough to end a 20+ year friendship.

Jews are so overly sensitive… is it genetics?

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>nature v nurture who win lmao?

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Cynthia Weil flips out. the second plane crashes at :20 second mark

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File: f5cf593f2f38883⋯.gif (10.43 MB,480x360,4:3,bathroomserenade.gif)


I don't know why, maybe it's just hearing the plane fly in in a way I've never heard before: but for the first time ever watching this it feels real. I've only ever watched 9/11 footage apathetically through memes and documentaries which to a zoomer feel like ancient history. Hearing that second plane vroom vroom in and go kaboom finally made me understand that in that moment a bunch of people died horribly. I know it sounds dumb, but watching footage of 9/11 has only ever made me feel as much as watching a toddler kick over some lego blocks. But here, now, in this video, for that short moment I think I felt 1/10th of what normal people feel when they think of 9/11. I think it's just that the video was taken with a high quality camera and microphone. The explosion from that impact looked better than anything I've seen from Hollywood, and the sound of the plane ripping through the air at low altitude sounded spooky. Then the thud when the plane hit sounded more realistic deafened through the window than a video taken from the outside, which just makes it sound too loud and overdone - like a movie. The screams immediately after the impact seal the deal, and provide me with the social queues I need to know that the appropriate reaction to this calamity is horror, not just awe of spectacle. Overall I rate this movie 10/10, made me feel again.

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remember folks: jew golem can't halt dank memes

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File: e30ee94f19a7a63⋯.png (1.31 MB,1142x716,571:358,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hitchens "flipped anti commie"

Evidence of this? He addressed commie gatherings as "comrades" until very late in the day.

He can be useful, busting a few false intellectual ghosts, such as the one where he explains the horrors of antisemitism his mother encountered as getting an occasional "funny look". But mostly he just talked funny & sounds ultra-highbrow like a Noam Chomsky type

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If you care about any of this, I want to ask all of you to rip this shit from this thread to drive before it all disappears from the internet. They're going to try and scrub it, quietly because they know they're criminals. 911 truth will be listed like Holocaust denial as a crime.

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This is the one I was looking for

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HOLY SHIT! I've never seen this one before. Sheer terror on the streets.

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Muzzy blaming Jews for their work

What worse a Muzzy or a jew.

BTW,, I put Muzzy is in the correction so it is now it is a word.

Use it bitches.


Try it and auto correction thinks it is a word.

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It was the jews. Cui Bono? Who profits?

The muslims got beat to shit from 911.

The jews got their wars to knock off all their old regional rivals and sold trillions in weapons to the USA.

Jews did it.

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Traps Aren't Gay

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anti sage

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File: 48c28715714be60⋯.png (484.12 KB,475x647,475:647,f2371d8ddcc65d0a1d49a03bad….png)

File: 6c24590ece93972⋯.jpg (256.02 KB,500x667,500:667,14be1a470f9b55dfc639b0e5cc….jpg)


Just as with the history of the Third Reich, there are many poisoned wells to avoid (e.g. Hitler was a one-testicled Rothschild bastard working for le Zionists the whole time!). Just because the official narrative is clearly BS should not give you license to believe anything without evidence. For example, just because al Qaeda could not have pulled this off (but the Israeli and American governments could have) does not mean that al Qaeda was uninvolved. Al Qaeda, like ISIS in the current year, was merely the intelligence services propped up bad guy behind which they could carry out the plot. The planes were clearly real, and comical laser beams or nukes are not necessary to explain what happened.

To my eye, it looks like the Twin Towers exploded—debris flies outwards, not at all what you would expect if they fell in on the damaged portions; furthermore, consider the fact that these massive structures were turned to a pile of rubble and massive plumes of dust rather than the tops toppling over while remaining mostly intact beneath the impact zones, as one would expect. On the other hand, WTC 7 seems to have been a conventional controlled demolition, and did not explode like the Twin Towers. Perhaps WTC 7 was the original target of the plane that was downed in Shanksville. It would probably have been extremely difficult to carry out a conventional controlled demo on the Twin Towers, hence why they opted for the shock and awe effect of explosion. Either way, none of the evidence aligns with the official narrative that the plane impacts caused the structures to collapse entirely. The day of the attacks, everyone was confused and scared and didn't have much mental fortitude to reflect on what they had seen, but in retrospect, more than half the country doesn't believe the govts narrative, according to polling. The fact that any criticism whatsoever of the official narrative, like why there was never a criminal investigation because it was considered an 'act of war' instead of a crime by Mayor Giuliani and Director Mueller, warrants the term of abuse 'conspiracy theorist' tends to put most freethinkers on edge. Even if you didn't suspect foul play at the beginning, just seeing the kneejerk shaming of any questioning of the narrative is enough to make you think twice.

That last sentence is pretty much how I would begin introducing the 9/11 redpill to anyone not in the know. Just casually mention that the though police don't want you asking questions about 9/11, the allure of the forbidden fruit will get curious minds to consider wrongthink, even if just for a moment.

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fucking moron. sage doesn't do anything

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>fucking moron. sage doesn't do anything

You are correct genius anon the thread was on page 8 when I posted.

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A good post but could you please give us your source for the statistic that more than half the nation doesn't believe the official story? The last I heard it was 27% that believed 911 was some kind of inside job/let it happen/made it happen…

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bro ofc it was blow up thats why they are cracking down, Ive convinced people and they counter me with I dont care even if it did.

Freedom is dysgenic we the european man were forged in ice and war not capitalism. Lets cull the weaklings. They will mix themselves into oblivion and the remaining whites will become ubermensch if we are connect with each other and have our daughters reproduce.

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File: 835e43fbd57415b⋯.png (20.52 KB,616x541,616:541,911worldopinionpoll_Sep200….png)

File: 47a453ced9674b6⋯.png (448.97 KB,1404x1508,27:29,Saddam_Hussein_did_9:11.png)


This pie graph was pulled straight from wikijew. There's an entire page, curiously enough🤔just on opinion polling of 9/11. Clearly they like to keep tabs on this stuff, as there have been many polls on it, giving you pretty much every result you could want depending on the methodology employed, the question(s) asked and the demographic polled. Regardless, according to this 'worldwide average' of a decade ago, fewer than half the world believes al Qaeda did it. Which is conveniently presented as though al Qaeda had no ties whatsoever to the US govt or to Israel. This is also known as a false dichotomy. It is not at all incongruous to suggest that al Qaeda and the US and Israeli govts were involved to varying degrees. But I'm splitting hairs at this point, clearly a substantial part of the world has doubts. And given that a full quarter say they do not know, I would say the default position that al Qaeda did it is hardly the informed opinion of most who responded thus.

As for the US , it's not how many believe in an inside job, but merely how many believe there are facts that were deliberately hidden from the American people regarding the whole matter. If you phrased a question like that, it would seem that the majority would agree yea.

Almost half the country seemed to believe Saddam Hussein was behind/involved in the attacks in 2003, purely on faith in the war propaganda of the Bush Admin.

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File: 4baf3761911c474⋯.png (98.47 KB,1392x306,232:51,Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at ….png)

Oh, and here in the Talk page you have an anonymous redditor type demanding to know the opinion of the authority figures, because clearly they are immune to propaganda. He/she finds themselves incredulous at the idea that people would believe Iraq was involved (which was an ostensible impetus for the war, and thus a condoned and official opinion of state in 2003), but yet cannot bring themselves to question any further than that. Probably because authority figures later came out and denounced the Bush regime's lies on Saddam Hussein after we invaded.

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It's both brainlet. Kikes rarely get dirty hands. They manipulate others to commit their evil. Islam really does hate the West and Jews. Jews use their hatred as a tool. Hatred makes muzzies predictable and easy to manipulate.

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The buildings explode outwards due to air pressure. The structural steel was weakened by fire. When it weakened enough the entire floor sheared off and the shock loading continued the freefall.

The air needed to get out of the way of all the collapsing floors. That volume of gas would take debris with it making it look like an explosion.

It would blow windows out blowing dust and debris great distance, floor by floor.

Exactly as we saw.

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Indeed. Listen to the experts and agents of the state, not the proles, who listen to the experts and agents of the state.

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Who orchestrated both world wars again? Communism? Sovietism?

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>The buildings explode outwards due to air pressure.

I see the govt has shown up.

It seems a lot of people don't like any of the 911 threads we have in the catalog right now. I will keep bouncing them to the front page, just to keep them busy.

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Really? I thought it was because of the fuel melting steel beams and whatnot.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It would blow windows out blowing dust and debris great distance, floor by floor.

>Exactly as we saw.

Hey you're back; the man in the baseball cap.

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>911 truth will be listed like Holocaust denial as a crime.

This. Read youtube's press release statements about the material they are censoring; 9/11 is at the top of their list.

Given that most 9/11 "conspiracy theories" center around jewish involvement, censoring 9/11 "truther" material will likely have the unintended consequence (for their side) of creating yet more people questioning the sick smellion.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: fcab41c025e9b1b⋯.jpg (179.47 KB,993x2684,993:2684,Bldg 7.jpg)

Snagged this from another thread seemed appropriate.

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Why does the second video have the same exact windows blown out from explosions? Who is really the shill here?

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Shit poll.

Since 2008 I've read about polls telling that half the US population is largely purplepilled and a surprisingly large fraction is literally redpilled already.

(also happy that the disinfo fag about the art performance stopped posting his shit)

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File: 0d9ffb0af65873e⋯.pdf (2.63 MB,Meyssan, Thierry - L'effro….pdf)

File: dcc553a680a5fcb⋯.jpg (64.04 KB,299x475,299:475,8fb747a2291111a71b7246d500….jpg)

As I posted above in this thread , Theirry Meyssan of Voltaire Network (Reseau Voltaire) was one of the first writers to point out the inconsistencies in the official story of 911. This is the book that came out of it.

>While in the West, the French political scientist Thierry Meyssan is presented as a fool, he is celebrated as one of the leading contemporary thinkers of international relations in the majority of the world. The main Russian TV channel has just devoted a report to its latest book during its main news program. Russian journalists, who have already gone to work on the Pentagon's strategy, have found proof of his new research in his book.


This is the link to the English language version which at 29mb is too big to upload here


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File: ae0d016150bfd52⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,367x500,367:500,46e60be21be3d8276325ce9b69….jpg)


Once again this English translation is too big for uploading.

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I feel like these building 7 threads are created by glows in order to bluepill newbs with shillposting, obfuscation, unhinged bullshit, and other psyop crap. In other words, who the fuck doesn't already know about building 7 and why the fuck are those people on 8ch?

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>In other words, who the fuck doesn't already know about building 7 and why the fuck are those people on 8ch?

A newborn baby in 2001 would be 18 now. Lots of teenagers come here so I think it's vital for them to be made aware of all the lies of this dreadful coup d'etat and its consequences for all of us. Only a (((dipshit))) would rail against that.

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>A newborn baby in 2001 would be 18 now.

I feel like there's a usenet analogy here. 8ch is ancient technology, like usenet was to oldfags… why should this place be any kind of important vehicle for humanity? Is there really no other place for anonymous, free discourse? No other place that doesn't feed the social credit score behemoth taking over the planet? If this is the last bastion, then it's doomed. They already know how to make it irrelevent. They're just collecting the last usable intel before they roll it up…. ?

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I agree

> Is there really no other place for anonymous, free discourse?


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What the hell, i think the biggest asset around these false flags or any kind of covert operations is that it's actually mindbending to try and map the whole thing including background and context.

Every detail regarding the operation has some absurd story like that. Reminds of how some country classified USA's war doctrine as undecipherable, mainly because not even them understood what was going on.

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File: 2ae48bdaa7eae24⋯.jpg (70.26 KB,584x313,584:313,cxrnjjkweaiqrrk12.jpg)


Everything was burned to ashes, but not the id's. kek

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File: 76ba53ba71aaf70⋯.jpg (31.21 KB,307x339,307:339,465634555442.jpg)


>Good goy

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That AGI is the kike's messiah. The Antichrist.

They unconsxioislt want it to come. They want help themselves for their lack of self awareness.

May mercy come to the future generations.

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> it's the only way to completely remove a building out of existence.

Not true but definitely the quickest and cheapest way. Japs have another way but it's overcomplicated but necessary if you are in a retardly closed space, basically they jack up the floors, hammer all the walls and saw off the columns feet by feet over the course of months.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I do apologize for some of the shortcomings of this video (It cites Q for example) but nonetheless it's worth posting and watching. A lot of it seems to be derived from this very thread, (it came out June 13 2019) but it's got some really good stuff in it.

Well worth watching

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File: 4aac489e27b0562⋯.gif (63.72 KB,227x195,227:195,77k.gif)

File: d83ab6b9809e731⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,352x240,22:15,911.wtc.2.hit.west.02.jpg)


Looking into this i finally got another testimony apart from me and my pops about the UFO we saw that day on TV.

Now bear with me, i'm not saying aliens, just some shit we never knew what it was. There's footage of when the plane hit the second tower but it's always cropped, the original framing involved the towers at the center, the plane coming from the left and a slim reflecting thing on the right hovering around the same height the plane was. Then after the explosion it disappeared.

Reading around the Woolworth Building missile thing goddamn, every kind of explosive is involved here i found some people discovered on video what they call "The Japanese Object", i guess maybe because the japs filmed it or because they didn't disappear the proof. The missile proponents say this image has actually nothing to do with the missile path and it's a fake, but hell, it's in the same place from the thing we saw that day live and disappeared just like we saw it.

Years later, specifically 3 and after all those e-mail animated powerpoint presentations mocking WTC or pointing out the vast anomalies, some video surfaced about some dudes in a helicopter encountering a UFO (very similar to what we saw) exactly one year before the attack. Obviously with a high-budget and acted over the top it seems to me to be a misdirection/association tactic to discredit anyone who says they saw some silver thing that day, due to being the only result that appears when you search for it.

Did someone else see it? I think it was a helicopter but it flew damn too fast out of the sudden, here's some pictures but none from the footage i saw.


>Out from this thread

>Taking the credit


Even i would be ashamed

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>>Out from this thread

>>Taking the credit


>Even i would be ashamed

Nevertheless it's a good video. Watch it and stop being such a petulant ass. Oh wait, 911 was done by UFOs. Great. Gotcha.

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Nice argument fuckhead, just stating that i remember seeing things, not aliens you retard, flying around that day.

A missile can go over 2 mach so it's not a leap of logic, problem is when those things take a halt or adjust their speed dramatically, now that's crazy especially when there's no visible trail to see yet their appearance match secondary main explosions apart from the small and quick succeeding ones.

Also to be perfectly fair, why would i watch the video when i have read the entire thread along with most of the others for the last 10 years?

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5:30 min mark he shows vividly how paper flimsy jet airliners are…it's pretty kewl and enlightening.

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Well ok, i saw it, have to say it was decent but i wouldn't go so far to defend him that much but he does explain a lot of concepts so people won't get carried out, especially his pancake definition.

He has a thick jew york accent but that's okay i guess, man doesn'y shy away to name the jew or the anglo menace alright. Worth a watch if you can stand his demeanor.

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Plus at the end there's an interview with Trump at the end saying it would have had to have been explosives packed into the buildings to bring them down, then dozens of survivors swearing multiple explosions

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Excellant video anon.

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Anyone webm or mp4 or archive this before YT memory holes it?

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Trump basically says there explosions had to be used to bring down the towers. Trump knows.

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>>13425864 ( in reference to vidya at >>13317838 )

>Anyone webm or mp4 or archive this before YT memory holes it?

Echo this. I would also like to save a copy but am getting an error using youtube-dl on linux. Hope someone saved it and can post it here before it disappears.

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>Two came down very odd but at least were hit by planes.

stfu u blue pilled normy. the planes were cgi'ed in later. i was watching the news on 9th sept 2001 and there wa no planes in the original footage, just explosions with the start of the explosion truncated.

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funny how we got excellent photos of jumpers : would take a photographer to be watching intently with finger on shot button, yet we didn't get many close up stills of the burning building without jumpers

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that typical geology rock patterns

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File: 684b35ffc75919a⋯.jpg (189.96 KB,1024x686,512:343,9021712220_18c18f158e_b.jpg)

File: 0e5e2fbe799e478⋯.jpg (334.08 KB,1800x1216,225:152,WTC_bathtub_east.jpg)

File: 616ad0f92386071⋯.jpg (199.88 KB,1280x960,4:3,5720dab43e68aef4726c506b_w….jpg)


>that typical geology rock patterns

Foundations built from the 1930's onwards for steel skyscrapers are elaborately prepared construction sites. The WTC towers in particular were built to hold back the waters of the Hudson River from seeping through.

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If you are a photographer you probably are going to focus on the human loss itself due to being in a micro perspective itself around the macro incident that was the towers burning.

I get your point but in an artistic (or archival) sense shooting the jumpers was way more important as few mainstream cameras went for that.


I actually thought a lot about the idea of nukes in this thread due to the info, but i'm still going more for the argument about nano-thermite cutting the beams and columns, then due to the massive amount of melting steel caked after the towers collapsed it became a furnace. Let's not forget there still was a lot of concrete, and when pulverized there's a ton of shit that reacts powerfully to water to create heat like lime (probably dehydrated after this whole thing) and extra amounts of fine iron dust.

If the thing is a big furnace with minerals it probably will react heavily when you add water like the removal team did for weeks, hence when they uncovered all the stuff they saw the foundations and parking lot filled with a massive pool of pig iron mixed with lime and dust (aka african concrete), it must've taken years to get that out.

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Oh and the barium levels are probably due to nano-thermite, which has barium as one of its main ingredients. I don't know where tritium appeared but let's not forget that's the main ingredient for emergency signals and lights, so when the 90+ floors filled with at least 50 of those came about you probably have high levels of it, problem is that stuff gets into the air fast, so condensing it and leaking it to the sewers is a tough mystery.

Then again New York City sewers are globally famous for their shadiness.

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> Let's not forget there still was a lot of concrete, and when pulverized there's a ton of shit that reacts powerfully to water to create heat like lime (probably dehydrated after this whole thing

A good thought but not true concrete has already gone through a chemical exothermic reaction. That is a chemical reaction so merely making it dust does not reverse the reaction, water added to dust concrete makes wet dust concrete and nothing more.

The rest of your post is based on this false premise.

I as well remember them reporting pouring millions of gallons of water on the shit, it was something else that created a shit ton of energy/heat and to this day I still cannot positively say what it was.

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obvious shill

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>implying kikes aren't spiritual women

>even when you need to have a kike mother to be consider a real jew

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they had charges preset on building 7 and WTC 1/2

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I can guarantee that not one anon here read the report.

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Anyone who cant figure it out that 9/11 was an inside job, let alone another FAKE FUCKING EVENT, a psyop, no one fucking died…if you cant figure that out you deserve to have your brain removed.

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Perhaps maybe only the melting steel? It still doesn't explain throwing water at it for weeks.

I don't remember nano-thermite's composition but it must've been some powerful stuff to have that much energy preservation, or there really was some kind of advanced explosive.


I don't really believe it was a fake psyop but i remember those memorial photos being really shady shit, someone made a thread about how AI-created face imagery has similar side effects compared to the victim's profile photos, which is highly distorted persons that are not the main subject.

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Bro I am telling you…it is all fake. All they do is fakery, all they do is lie lie lie, just like all of the hoax shootings. No one dies in these events. The victim list doesnt even add up and the number keeps on changing.

Everything is a fucking lie you see on TV. Its literally all lies on national TV. Local TV, maybe. National TV is a fucking joke. Anything that has appeared on national TV is a lie with staged actors. I'm not kidding, not overblowing this shit.

It's all fucking lies.

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Didn't you know that Boeings sublimate on impact?

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>I don't remember nano-thermite's composition

It is merely iron oxide (rust) and magnesium and or you can also use aluminum but magnesium is superior it burns at 5600ºF. The nano part is merely the grain or sieve size getting it down to nano makes your reaction much more robust. Now the reaction takes the O2 particle off of the rust and and combines for it to burn so it does not need air for the reaction and will burn underwater once the reaction is started.

Thermite vs thermate, thermate has sulphur added to the mixture and it makes it much more effective on steel.


>Didn't you know that Boeings sublimate turns directly from solid to gas without passing through the liquid phase on impact?


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Ackshually, it's RAYCISS that you noticed, goyim.

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bend =/= shear

dumbass kike

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Building 7 is gone, retard. Also, no one says CIA terms like "conspiracy theory" here seriously. Apologies to anons for multiple posting, but holy fuck, the shilling is real. There is literally nothing believable about the (((official))) kike narrative at all. Furthermore, there is definitely nothing in the kike narrative to justify the CONTINUAL war against Iraq, Afghanistan, and every other non-jew country near pissreal, which should be nuked.

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I was thinking about the "no planes" theory today and I seriously entertained it, however the problem with the "no planes" theory is that by 2001 there were plenty of people with video cams. There's no way the MSM or deep state could control all the possible cameras focused on WTC 1 and 2 during the terrorist attack. Thus is no plane hit the second tower and all the video and still shots we have of it are just CG, what would happen if several videos turned up and revealed that no planes hit the tower and it simply was rigged with explosives? That's too risky for them. A plane had to have hit the second tower at least, perhaps in conjunction with preplanned charges exploding.

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>Boeings sublimate on impact?

Not when the entire jetliner and all its passengers get impacted into an old 19th century Pennsylvania mineshaft that we can't bother digging up because it's obviously too much bother.

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CGI wasnt used. Its hologram technology. Hologram tech was used, they had this technology around for awhile now. Hidden from the general public.

its a psyop, no plane hit the tower, even an experienced pilot would have trouble aiming the plane for a direct hit. its ludicrous once you think about it

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I don't believe it was hologram tech whatsoever.

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Wouldn't really know as i've personally seen stuff that appears on TV with my own eyes very often.

Then again i'm not american so i can't attest that.

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I have a video with sound of the explosives going off in 7 then it falls as controlled demolition. But I'm. Phonefagging or I would post. Maybe someone has it here.

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>even an experienced pilot would have trouble aiming the plane for a direct hit. its ludicrous once you think about it

Naw man that's bullshit. They can land right on the money on a runway thousands of times. Naw you can put them where you want them to go… Period.

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>nothing of value was lost

Well with the Patriot Act it ushered in you could say you lost your right to privacy and I think that is something of the greatest value.

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They can land on the runway because they practiced for it. Has anyone practiced trying to hit a tower? And what are the odds hitting it for the first time in their life? LOL, its utterly absurd.

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To add to your thoughts I kind of remember the media spewing some shit about the sand monkeys land navigating from the point of jet take over.

I have flown 1000's of miles many times into the cities where I lived and never once could I figure out where the fuck I was looking at the ground, maybe it would be different in the cockpit.

However steering to NYC from the middle of the country, I dont fucking think so.

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George Bush did 9 11.

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Structure fire, goy

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Bush and Cheney were LIHOP

Mossad was MIHOP

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Years of planning, many bad actors involved.

LaRouche: 9/11—A British and Saudi Coup


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>You can clearly see the building deforming and leaning sideways in video 2. Hardly "falling straight down."

It's UNBELIEVABLE that after 18 years of discussions, there are still fuckwits at this level.

Look at any video of a controlled demolition, fuckwit. You'll see that they ALL lean a bit sideways. You understand that they're controlled demolitions because of 2 things:

1) the buildings get entirely pulverized,

2) the building falls at free-fall speed at least for part of the demolition.

These 2 conditions cannot be achieved unless you intentionally demolish a building with carefully planted explosives. WTC7 exhibits both. The NIST report clearly states that for 2.25 seconds, WTC7 was in free fall.

Find a spontaneous fall caused by asymmetrical damage with complete pulverization and free fall speed. Go on. Find it.


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All those "debris" were found only many years after the crash.

After skeptics asked for years where the hell the plane was.

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never heard of simulators?

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File: c2ca81d38aa3dec⋯.png (208.47 KB,576x649,576:649,ljigd.png)

Building 7 Had documents for pending criminal cases on the worst filth in America after the collapse the information and evidence was lost and cases thrown out. How could misdirection of the porous of the attack not be a possible theory?

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File: 875704e85cc3cf4⋯.png (65.87 KB,500x523,500:523,0002110.png)


purpose/porous, I don't see a hole in my theory.

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File: 5b4bb70cf9bb232⋯.jpg (21.94 KB,394x333,394:333,jbjkjihv.JPG)

oh but if you want to know what I think G w bush did not even know about it after it happened. That's a Genuine look. Now there is proof Dick Chaney Helped facilitate it.

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Funny you should say that… for his entire presidency I was convinced that Bush had maybe 10-15% tops understanding of the things that were happening around him in is cabinet. 9/11 was a perfect example, as was his initial reaction to Katrina.

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See IRON verse STEAL this dumb hick did not de bunk ANYTHING

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No the idea of hitting that tower at 300 Knots is absolutely asinine Go buy a simulator and try it you will fail

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File: 68ccb2727784732⋯.jpg (10.62 KB,236x323,236:323,d89fcc046224b56094ac664f9a….jpg)

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Bush ain't right in the head. For one thing even when he was young, before he damaged his brains with alcohol and cocaine, there were his eyebrows meeting in the middle…

I'm sure he was probably told it was coming but they threatened him with death 3 times that day to make sure he stayed with the program. He was not a happy man in that schoolroom. He was a frightened man stripped of security.

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File: 88d3b5174ebcd03⋯.mp4 (10.23 MB,640x360,16:9,lone gunman predicts 911.mp4)

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Forehead beads up,

Hand-rubbing slowwsss…

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The movie "Swordfish" ( year 2000)

That scene where the agents sitting at the computer, and the screen

shows FBI most wanted list, Bin laden at top, then shows a picture of the WTC… Can no longer find that scene on Jtube

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Where have I heard that name before?

And what happened to the haxxed 911 files, and the gorillion gigs of UFO files??

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Glad this thread it still up.

I remember some anon posting an old debate with Dubya as one of the protagonists, and boy was the guy sharp as fuck, a far cry from his absent-minded days as president. After that i truly believe he didn't know a lot of what was going on, was sedated all the time and/or was genuinely concerned at times about how deep the rabbit hole goes like >>13473067 said.

Still that doesn't make him innocent at all, he's from a den of snakes himself with his own father being one of the big demons.

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I just to point out a story I just learned about the Citicorp tower in NYC


Pretty much they built this weird building in the 70s and a year or two after it was built an student studying the design noted a flaw in the design. She called people up and the owner/designer was notified of the flaw. For the next few months they SECRETLY hired an army of welder to go in at night to weld all the bolts in place, thus saving the building from any damage that a hurricane could cause.

Why is this note worthy? The repair work was done in 1978/9 but the news about the story didn't break until 1995.

>>At 8pm, welding of the plates would commence and continue to 4am, when laborers would clean up the mess before the first office workers arrived.

An army of welder would go into this building to do major work and pretty much no one knew or cared. So… who's to say any sort of set up was done to any of these trade center building? RIGHT

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Operation Overlord was the WWII D-Day invasion of France by ZOG forces, not sure of any other references other than the original word itself.

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From here


>911: Short And Powerful Questions

>Posted on August 4, 2011

>I wrote this because I wanted us to have short and powerful questions about 911 we can use in our everyday conversations. The banks in Europe and America are near collapse. Traditionally, Depressions mean war. And then there is the vote in September in the UN General Assembly on Palestinian statehood. Israel has threatened war to prevent any change to their occupation of Palestinian territory.

>1) The Seattle King Dome was demolished by a controlled demolition on March 26, 2000 . When the building hit the ground, it registered a 2.3 on the Richter scale at a nearby seismology lab. WTC 7 had 6 times as much force potential to strike the ground as did the Dome yet barely scored 0.6 on the Richter scale. This means that most of WTC 7 was either vaporized or turned to dust before what was left of Tower 7 hit the ground. How do you explain the pulverization of concrete and the melting of steel especially since Tower 7 was never hit by a plane?

>2) WTC Towers 1 and 2 both weighed 500,000 tons (453,592,400 kilograms) each. Neither one registered significant thuds on the Richter scale. Very little of this debris reached the ground. Do you really believe that a million tons of office furniture, filing cabinets, computers, phones, concrete and steel were either melted or vaporized or turned to dust by jet fuel and office fires? Might I point out that firemen said they could put out the fires in the North Tower with just two fire hoses and that you can see videos in which most of the jet fuel was consumed in a fireball on the planes impact with the Towers.

>3) The government and the controlled media have claimed that on 911 19 Arabs hijacked 4 airplanes. Why does the final passenger and crew list not have even one Arab on any of the 4 planes?

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>4) The airlines even before 911 had people at every gate whose job it was to board ticketed passengers and give them boarding passes. If you believe that 19 Arabs hijacked 4 planes, how do you explain 19 Arabs getting on the planes without tickets and boarding passes?

>5) A 600,000 pound (272,155.44 Kilogram) chunk of steel was severed from the WTC and blown 400 feet (121.92 Meters) into WTC Tower 3. Can you calculate the force that threw a 600,000 pound object 400 feet? Do you honestly believe this force can be explained by exploding jet fuel and office fires?

>6) Jim Willie told us that the Treasury Department in the 1990s sold 2.2 trillion dollars more in Treasury bonds than were required to finance the debt. Jim Willie has a PhD in statistics and no banker or government official has yet come forward to dispute his claim. Are you aware that the evidence for this theft of 2.2 trillion dollars was in the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald at One World Trade Center on 9-11-2001 and that all evidence was conveniently vaporized?

>7) There was a COMEX vault containing gold and silver bullion in the basement vault four levels down at WTC Tower 4. Were you aware that one billion dollars of gold and silver went missing from that supposedly secure vault the night before 911?

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>8) On 911 the SEC had offices in WTC Tower 7. The SEC had evidence which could have brought criminal charges against Enron’s Wall Street associated partners at major corporations. These same companies could have lost billions of dollars in civil and criminal penalties. Were you aware the records at the SEC in Tower 7 were vaporized on 911?

>9) Are you aware that on 9-10-2001 Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, and his Comptroller, rabbi Dov Zakheim admitted that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from DOD spending and could not be traced?

>10) What do you think the odds were that it was just a coincidence that whatever struck the Pentagon on 911 was aimed directly at the men and women who were attempting to find the missing trillions killing them and stifling attempts to recover the stolen money?

>11) Did you know that rabbi Dov Zakheim was President of SPC International in the 1990s which had a device called the Command Transmitter System that allowed the user to electronically and remotely control up to 8 planes at once so there was no need to have hijackers on board the planes?

>12) Many of the WTC steel columns were cut into 30 foot lengths, a convenient size for the steel to be carried away by removal crews. Can you explain why jet fuel and office fires would be so precise in their measurement of the steel girders they cut?

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13) 440,000 cubic yards (336,404.14 cubic meters) of reinforced concrete on WTC Towers 1 and 2 were pulverized and turned into dust. Perform this as a thought experiment or, if you are a professional, do it in real life. Take a cubic foot (0.028 cubic meter) block of reinforced concrete. Suspend it in the air. In the center of each of the six sides attach a sufficient amount of dynamite and explode all sides at the exact same second. Repeat this experiment until your cubic block of reinforced concrete is reduced to dust and not just pebbles. Now multiple that explosive force by 27 to calculate the force needed for one cubic yard and by 440,000 for the total force needed to turn the concrete at Towers 1 and 2 into dust. Can you honestly believe that much explosive power was generated by jet fuel and office fires?

14) Controlled demolition experts tell us that they strike the support in the basement before they start demolition. Prior to the first plane hitting the North Tower janitors and building engineers in the basement reported blasts that injured several workers and killed some A steel fire door was crumpled as if it were an aluminum can. 30 Seconds later these workers reported hearing a loud thump which they later learned was the plane’s impact. The government tried to explain these explosions were somehow caused by jet fuel from the planes more than 70 floors above. The fuel had leaked out and fell somehow into the basement below, and was ignited causing an explosion. Never mind that these explosions occurred prior to the plane’s impact. Do you believe the government’s explanation that a plane several miles from impact managed to leak fuel into the basement?

15) A first responder was in fear for his life when he saw the building coming down. He dove underneath a fire truck. After the building collapsed, he looked up and saw that the fire truck which had been above him had disappeared. How do you explain the missing fire truck?

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>16) Indira Singh was working as a medic volunteer on 911 at a triage unit near Tower 7. Before noon she was told that her unit would have to move because Tower 7 was going to come down. Rudy Giuliani said he had to move his command center out of WTC 7 because the building was coming down. BBC went on the air before WTC 7 collapsed and announced mistakenly that it had already come down. There were a few fires on 3 of the 47 floors but they were out. The BBC later said they were told this by Reuters. Reuters is a Rothschild company and has bought Associated Press. How do you explain the prior knowledge of these people of WTC 7’s collapse?

>17) The North and South Towers had 47 central core steel columns and 236 perimeter columns for a total of 283. For the buildings to fall straight down at nearly free fall speed all 283 connections from the columns to each of the 110 floors had to be cut within a second of each other. Keeping in mind open air fires cannot reach half of the temperature required to melt steel, how do you explain (2 X 110 X 283) 62,260 connections in the two Towers all being severed simultaneously by an office fire? Isn’t this a definition of a controlled demolition?

>18) A man was on stairwell B on the 4th floor of the North Tower) when the Tower above him collapsed. After it collapsed, he looked up and saw nothing above him but blue sky. He was not crushed by 500,000 tons (453,592,400 Kilograms) of falling debris. Everything above him had been vaporized or turned to dust. Do you honestly believe jet fuel and office fires did this?

>19) Why was molten iron still at the WTC weeks after 911 when the rubble was removed? This has never been seen before in office fires.

>20) Human bones were found on the roof of the Deutsche bank building across the street from the WTC. The bones were all centimeters in size. How do you explain office fires cutting human bones to such small sizes and depositing them on the roof of the nearby building?

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>21) On 9-11 cars a block away from the WTC exploded. How do you explain that by office fires?

22) Thermite was invented in 1893 in Germany. It has been used by welders for more than a 100 years to cut metal. Thermite has a metal oxide which increases the size of its flame by releasing oxygen. Sulfur, magnesium and aluminum can be added to increase the intensity of the burn. Nanothermite is available only from above top secret labs in the US and Israel. It’s fine milling and high surface area relative to its nanometer size volume allows it to reach a temperature of 5,200 degrees (2871.11 Celsius) and burn through steel girders in seconds. It can be sprayed on to a target and detonated later after it dries. Nanothermite flakes were found by multiple scientists and sent to different labs for testing. How do you explain the presence of nanothermite at the WTC? Do you honestly believe Osama bin Laden could have bought nanothermite from a top secret US or Israeli military site over the phone from his cave in Afghanistan using his American Express card?

>23) Thermate is a variation of thermite. Sulfur in thermate reduces the melting point of steel. Sulfur residue was found on the steel at the WTC in the debris pile. How do you explain the presence of sulfur at the WTC?

>24) The FBI never listed Osama bin Laden as being wanted for the WTC attack because they had no evidence of his guilt. Have you ever heard the controlled press say this?

>25) 1,000,000 tons (907,184,800 Kilograms) of debris were supposed to have fallen on tanks in the lowest level of the 5 basement floors of WTC 1 and 2. Yet those tanks were not damaged by the collapse of the Towers but were severely damaged by the debris removal crew. How do you explain that?

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>26) Two Israeli teams filmed the impact of the planes on the Towers. They had their cameras set up and rolling before the first plane struck the North Tower. Most people have heard of the dancing Israelis. They were interviewed on Israeli TV and several of the 5 men admitted to being Mossad agents. The other team was a man and a woman who sent video of the impact to the US government. Susan Lindauer wrote about this in her book Extreme Prejudice. Bush said on 911 that he saw the first plane impact on live TV before entering that Florida classroom. So do you think this pre-knowledge of 911 indicates Israeli’s participation in the attack on America?

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John Kerry admits the govt did it.

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For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks – advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel.

The mayor, who was booked to fly to New York yesterday morning from San Francisco International Airport, said the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to make an alarming statement."

In fact, at the time, he didn't pay it much mind.

"It was not an abnormal call. I'm always concerned if my flight is going to be on time, and they always alert me when I ought to be careful."

Exactly where the call came from is a bit of a mystery. The mayor would say only that it came from "my security people at the airport."

Mike McCarron, assistant deputy director at SFO, said the Federal Aviation Administration "routinely" issues security notices about possible threats. He said two or three such notices have been received in the past couple of months,

but none in recent days.

Whatever the case, Brown didn't think about it again until he was up, dressed and waiting for his ride to the airport for an 8 a.m. flight to New York, where he was to attend a state retirement board meeting. That was when he turned on the TV, and like millions of other Americans, saw the twin towers of the World Trade Center crumble and the Pentagon go up in smoke.


So just who did warn him? Many are now saying it was fellow shit skin Condi Rice.

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>Many are now saying it was fellow shit skin Condi Rice.

Well back in the day when I was ass deep in studying this shit to death. I always thought Rice was the sacrificial lamb for Cheney and Rumsfeld if their shit show went tits up and they were found out.

She was the first really high profile woman nigger in a cabinet position, they told tons of lies about her ass fluent in russian, concert pianist, and she was just some diversity hire for exxon I think before she became Sec of Defense.

I think she like the shrub had no clue WTF was up.

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> before she became Sec of Defense.

I fucked up she was national security advisor rummy was the Sec of Defense

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Imagine having a pickaninny nigress advising the USA on "national security".

The Gods would laugh with a deafening sound.

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You Know, twenty years was more than enough time for you to learn physics and architecture to find out why this happened.

Since you wasted your life, instead of posting this same gay thread again, why not suckstart a shotgun and finally make your mom proud?

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Did all of the other flights hit buildings? Yes.

Did Flight 93? No.

If Flight 93 hit a building, which building would you put your money on, that it was supposed to hit?

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What Muzzies are we talking about here? The Genetic Jew Cousins via Saudi Arabis Muzzies?

Or are we talking about Persian Muzzies?

Because Saudis and Kikes are relatively the same.

Look at the World from Space, analyze it as a biome, and look at Humans as blooms of Bacteria on a Petri Dish.

The Kike Chromosome, is Essentially, Arab, Mongol, Slav.

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Did Muzzies get all of the Resources from the War in the Mid East?

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I bet you feckless idiots lost the footage of building 7 collapsing even though it was public. You don't have shit. If you can't produce the video, you have no fucking proof that building 7 collapsed. It could still be standing for all we know.

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Why are you using these kiked up edited versions? Show me the original unedited video.

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File: 25f689913bd6dce⋯.mp4 (1020.9 KB,480x360,4:3,WTC 7 Collapse - Fixed CBS….mp4)

Okay niggers here it is. It took for fucking ever because jewtube is hiding it like a bunch of kikes.

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back to the top

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Nice Matweb copypasta. If steel is so bad at conducting heat.. how is it that these high temperatures managed to melt enough of the inner core to substantially weaken the structure to produce a free fall-like failure? I suppose a firefighter should be conducted for his opinion on this. Also: you could stand to add more detail about the effects of upper transformation and grain change… what specifically changes with regards to strength and heat treatment? From my understanding… heat treatment confers ductility…. are you saying the steel became more brittle somehow? Finally, I imagine the thickness of the inner core beams (assuming they are beams) to be pretty massive.. meaning you'd have to have a directed jet fuel heat burning through the entire thickness…. funny how this is literally what thermite is used for.

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Structural Engineer or somebody who consulted their uncle Morty Enginberg to quickly pull a freshman-level explanation out of his ass?

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This anon hit the nail on the head.

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As somebody with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, it sure as fuck doesn't take a degree to know that 9/11 is clearly a false flag. Not only the collapse/engineering failure is questionable but the fact that all surrounding circumstances point to conspiracy/false flag should really be enough to convince you. There is already more than enough information in this thread disproving the likelihood of a jet-fuel combustion combined with the impact of a plane to cause a catastrophic failure at free fall speeds.

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i have favorited a bunch of 9/11 vids from youtube if anyone is interested

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>>13216867 >>13216885 >>13216906 >>13219548 >>13221418 >>13236685 >>13273346 >>13478487

You are all forgetting the fact that the jet fuel was all burned up in the initial impact. (it's stored in the wings) There was no jet fuel burning, it was office materials and paper that was supposedly burning.

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Thank you for this, anon.


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>i have favorited a bunch of 9/11 vids from youtube if anyone is interested

Post em

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~ Scalar weapons, &/or some combination of exotic & more mundane (See Joseph Farrell)


> 9/11 conspiracy is literally a glownigger psyop to make anyone wanting to investigate the bank accounts further as a conspiracy nut by proxy

It's potentially worse: Cheney was livid at the Jon Pollard case in '88, closer to what would have been this plane scenario a decade earlier, if a certain security company's head wasn't a war criminal. Suppose his stand down orders to the Air Force were due to command & control being backdoored completely by (((3rd parties))) – financials concerning the economic blitz on the USSR were presumably within the buildings as well. Someone absconded with that missing 21 trillion – worse case scenario, it seeded the 1 Belt 1 Road initiative; least worse, old guard Paperclip Nazis through the Bush line going solo (with the same-or-greater backdooring as the Merchants/former USSR).

Or a nesting doll of a clusterfuck. It's even more embarrassing if at some level it was anticipated and prepared for (but ran off the rails), with all those drills running on the day.

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Jews did 9/11

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and all of this guys videoes


the information is defently out there, but where are the results? is this story going quietly into the night?

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People aggressively do not want to know. They want to play a $160 round of golf then have a tasty sammich with a tall boy of beer.

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Pieces of the twin towers fell on building 7, which had multiple diesel fuel tanks located inside it to power backup electrical generators. The tanks burned. The steel softened, and the building fell. It's basic engineering physics.

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You did not watch this video before you posted all that horse shit did you schlomo beakerman >>13493638

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yeah right, It's basic engineering physics for building to collapse with freefall speed when few columns soften a little from oxygen starved diesel fuel fire

try harder shlomo

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when a grid-like structure softens up by extreme heat it does not fall straight down without any signs of resistance from underneath itself, it dis-figures. Kinda like the leaning tower of pisa.

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File: ecaa4b79b96c37a⋯.jpeg (360.41 KB,2224x1484,556:371,CA45E751-5990-40B2-AF9A-4….jpeg)

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We speak english here, faggot.

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Does anyone have all the pics and info in this thread saved in one big file that I can send by email or put in the cloud and send links? I need to spread these.

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You can print the thread as a PDF, which will retain the text, but the image links will be no good. Afraid you'll have to do it yourself anon but it will be greatly appreciated if you do (and post it here!)

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Controlled demo just isn't realistic, it's fucking retarded to assume at this point.

When I look at the collapse of the towers the thing that sticks out is that those long sections of the exterior columns are just bolted together. wtf

If they were welded I think the towers would of stayed standing. The Jews had their people ready to declare the towers as total losses. Why risk getting caught rigging the building.

The fire alarm was indeed turned off for tower 7.

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Maybe it was the sprinklers were disabled, idk something like that. They turned the system off on Sept 11 and like the two days prior.

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It was controlled demolition. It was advertised on the newspaper like it legally has to. One of my buddies has an article clipping. It’s not that big and in small print. It goes blah blah WTC inaugur…in..blah blah blah…is scheduled to be…it’s been in public usage for …years….etc certificate of occupancy, asbestos…

The situation is that it was the first of its kind. No skyscraper has been demolished before. They were not trust worthy. Cost effectiveness piece by piece via crane vs explosion. The idea is it put peoples lives at risk. It was meant to go down straight but pieces flew out. NYers are sensationalists. I heard that a lot of military officials even went to their bunkers expecting all sorts of riots. Because one agency said they had used a missile to shoot it down. Precise hits. There are so many videos. Many don’t even show people jumping like the newspapers put. To each their own. But people on ground were injured. Total irresponsibility. They had to put flammable stuff inbetween walls to get the metal melting plus increase the voltage in the perimeters since it’d create magnetic field. Keeping smaller fibers in. Timed area demolitions from top to bottom.

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The question is why did the company’s name that did the demolition not being released to the public and instead used Obama and Bin Laden Corp.

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The reason why they call themselves Jewish is because otherwise everyone would be illegal to them. You have to unravel the word game and political map. The Jews were said to have only lived in one region of the US. And due to talent agencies etc they have used Hollywood to afflict everyone’s minds to make them believe they have lived there forever. At the same time rob identities from people in areas living under their jurisdiction to rob real estate in other regions. They know the truth they say it. But it’s like no one wants to really listen they hear but don’t listen.

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>tries to archive thread

What the fuck happend to archive.is?

God damnit i hate jews so fucking much.

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More info:

Subliminal messages and TV:


Awareness test


Derren Brown Subliminal Advertising w/ Explanation


Malcom Gladwell on Priming


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bump to bring mossad false flag to top for visitors

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I'm not sure why such attention is given to 'how' the building was destroyed, as it's obvious from the footage that the building imploded in a controlled demolition. At the time, when I was still a teenager, I just assumed that they would do so for safety purposes at the least, if not more sinister reasons. Just as I thought when watching post-South Tower collapse and thinking "It's going to look strange having one tower there. It's almost messy unless the second one were to come down too; as they'd want the whole site redeveloped."

Apparently WTC7 housed a substantial amount of physical documents relating to numerous financial transactions, some including government. It's not beyond plausibility that Pentagon related documents were among those items.

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