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 No.13213583 [View All]

Building 7 just imploded? It wasn't hit by a plane, but it just imploded? There aren't public documents on Jewkipedia detailing the CIA's overt psycho fuckery? MK ULTRA? COINTELPRO? And I'm supposed to believe that the CIA, the same fucking CIA that trained the Mujahideen in the 1980s to fuck with the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan, was in NO WAY involved in a fucking Saudi heir… oil money… do you recognize how, with the advent of the internet, your bogus stories become less and less believable? You must recognize this, right? What will you do "if" an AGI is built? Superintelligence will immediately follow. You think a superhuman intelligence is going to look at the official story around 9/11 and be like, "Well, there's literally zero chance that the CIA could have been involved with this, in any way, at all." You think that's what a superintelligent AI is going to conclude? Literally, something that is immeasurably more intelligent than all your craftiest, kikiest psyops? You're SO confident in your own abilities that you don't think ANYTHING can EVER dethrone you? Is that what's up? Brah?

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From here


>911: Short And Powerful Questions

>Posted on August 4, 2011

>I wrote this because I wanted us to have short and powerful questions about 911 we can use in our everyday conversations. The banks in Europe and America are near collapse. Traditionally, Depressions mean war. And then there is the vote in September in the UN General Assembly on Palestinian statehood. Israel has threatened war to prevent any change to their occupation of Palestinian territory.

>1) The Seattle King Dome was demolished by a controlled demolition on March 26, 2000 . When the building hit the ground, it registered a 2.3 on the Richter scale at a nearby seismology lab. WTC 7 had 6 times as much force potential to strike the ground as did the Dome yet barely scored 0.6 on the Richter scale. This means that most of WTC 7 was either vaporized or turned to dust before what was left of Tower 7 hit the ground. How do you explain the pulverization of concrete and the melting of steel especially since Tower 7 was never hit by a plane?

>2) WTC Towers 1 and 2 both weighed 500,000 tons (453,592,400 kilograms) each. Neither one registered significant thuds on the Richter scale. Very little of this debris reached the ground. Do you really believe that a million tons of office furniture, filing cabinets, computers, phones, concrete and steel were either melted or vaporized or turned to dust by jet fuel and office fires? Might I point out that firemen said they could put out the fires in the North Tower with just two fire hoses and that you can see videos in which most of the jet fuel was consumed in a fireball on the planes impact with the Towers.

>3) The government and the controlled media have claimed that on 911 19 Arabs hijacked 4 airplanes. Why does the final passenger and crew list not have even one Arab on any of the 4 planes?

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>4) The airlines even before 911 had people at every gate whose job it was to board ticketed passengers and give them boarding passes. If you believe that 19 Arabs hijacked 4 planes, how do you explain 19 Arabs getting on the planes without tickets and boarding passes?

>5) A 600,000 pound (272,155.44 Kilogram) chunk of steel was severed from the WTC and blown 400 feet (121.92 Meters) into WTC Tower 3. Can you calculate the force that threw a 600,000 pound object 400 feet? Do you honestly believe this force can be explained by exploding jet fuel and office fires?

>6) Jim Willie told us that the Treasury Department in the 1990s sold 2.2 trillion dollars more in Treasury bonds than were required to finance the debt. Jim Willie has a PhD in statistics and no banker or government official has yet come forward to dispute his claim. Are you aware that the evidence for this theft of 2.2 trillion dollars was in the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald at One World Trade Center on 9-11-2001 and that all evidence was conveniently vaporized?

>7) There was a COMEX vault containing gold and silver bullion in the basement vault four levels down at WTC Tower 4. Were you aware that one billion dollars of gold and silver went missing from that supposedly secure vault the night before 911?

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>8) On 911 the SEC had offices in WTC Tower 7. The SEC had evidence which could have brought criminal charges against Enron’s Wall Street associated partners at major corporations. These same companies could have lost billions of dollars in civil and criminal penalties. Were you aware the records at the SEC in Tower 7 were vaporized on 911?

>9) Are you aware that on 9-10-2001 Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, and his Comptroller, rabbi Dov Zakheim admitted that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from DOD spending and could not be traced?

>10) What do you think the odds were that it was just a coincidence that whatever struck the Pentagon on 911 was aimed directly at the men and women who were attempting to find the missing trillions killing them and stifling attempts to recover the stolen money?

>11) Did you know that rabbi Dov Zakheim was President of SPC International in the 1990s which had a device called the Command Transmitter System that allowed the user to electronically and remotely control up to 8 planes at once so there was no need to have hijackers on board the planes?

>12) Many of the WTC steel columns were cut into 30 foot lengths, a convenient size for the steel to be carried away by removal crews. Can you explain why jet fuel and office fires would be so precise in their measurement of the steel girders they cut?

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13) 440,000 cubic yards (336,404.14 cubic meters) of reinforced concrete on WTC Towers 1 and 2 were pulverized and turned into dust. Perform this as a thought experiment or, if you are a professional, do it in real life. Take a cubic foot (0.028 cubic meter) block of reinforced concrete. Suspend it in the air. In the center of each of the six sides attach a sufficient amount of dynamite and explode all sides at the exact same second. Repeat this experiment until your cubic block of reinforced concrete is reduced to dust and not just pebbles. Now multiple that explosive force by 27 to calculate the force needed for one cubic yard and by 440,000 for the total force needed to turn the concrete at Towers 1 and 2 into dust. Can you honestly believe that much explosive power was generated by jet fuel and office fires?

14) Controlled demolition experts tell us that they strike the support in the basement before they start demolition. Prior to the first plane hitting the North Tower janitors and building engineers in the basement reported blasts that injured several workers and killed some A steel fire door was crumpled as if it were an aluminum can. 30 Seconds later these workers reported hearing a loud thump which they later learned was the plane’s impact. The government tried to explain these explosions were somehow caused by jet fuel from the planes more than 70 floors above. The fuel had leaked out and fell somehow into the basement below, and was ignited causing an explosion. Never mind that these explosions occurred prior to the plane’s impact. Do you believe the government’s explanation that a plane several miles from impact managed to leak fuel into the basement?

15) A first responder was in fear for his life when he saw the building coming down. He dove underneath a fire truck. After the building collapsed, he looked up and saw that the fire truck which had been above him had disappeared. How do you explain the missing fire truck?

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>16) Indira Singh was working as a medic volunteer on 911 at a triage unit near Tower 7. Before noon she was told that her unit would have to move because Tower 7 was going to come down. Rudy Giuliani said he had to move his command center out of WTC 7 because the building was coming down. BBC went on the air before WTC 7 collapsed and announced mistakenly that it had already come down. There were a few fires on 3 of the 47 floors but they were out. The BBC later said they were told this by Reuters. Reuters is a Rothschild company and has bought Associated Press. How do you explain the prior knowledge of these people of WTC 7’s collapse?

>17) The North and South Towers had 47 central core steel columns and 236 perimeter columns for a total of 283. For the buildings to fall straight down at nearly free fall speed all 283 connections from the columns to each of the 110 floors had to be cut within a second of each other. Keeping in mind open air fires cannot reach half of the temperature required to melt steel, how do you explain (2 X 110 X 283) 62,260 connections in the two Towers all being severed simultaneously by an office fire? Isn’t this a definition of a controlled demolition?

>18) A man was on stairwell B on the 4th floor of the North Tower) when the Tower above him collapsed. After it collapsed, he looked up and saw nothing above him but blue sky. He was not crushed by 500,000 tons (453,592,400 Kilograms) of falling debris. Everything above him had been vaporized or turned to dust. Do you honestly believe jet fuel and office fires did this?

>19) Why was molten iron still at the WTC weeks after 911 when the rubble was removed? This has never been seen before in office fires.

>20) Human bones were found on the roof of the Deutsche bank building across the street from the WTC. The bones were all centimeters in size. How do you explain office fires cutting human bones to such small sizes and depositing them on the roof of the nearby building?

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>21) On 9-11 cars a block away from the WTC exploded. How do you explain that by office fires?

22) Thermite was invented in 1893 in Germany. It has been used by welders for more than a 100 years to cut metal. Thermite has a metal oxide which increases the size of its flame by releasing oxygen. Sulfur, magnesium and aluminum can be added to increase the intensity of the burn. Nanothermite is available only from above top secret labs in the US and Israel. It’s fine milling and high surface area relative to its nanometer size volume allows it to reach a temperature of 5,200 degrees (2871.11 Celsius) and burn through steel girders in seconds. It can be sprayed on to a target and detonated later after it dries. Nanothermite flakes were found by multiple scientists and sent to different labs for testing. How do you explain the presence of nanothermite at the WTC? Do you honestly believe Osama bin Laden could have bought nanothermite from a top secret US or Israeli military site over the phone from his cave in Afghanistan using his American Express card?

>23) Thermate is a variation of thermite. Sulfur in thermate reduces the melting point of steel. Sulfur residue was found on the steel at the WTC in the debris pile. How do you explain the presence of sulfur at the WTC?

>24) The FBI never listed Osama bin Laden as being wanted for the WTC attack because they had no evidence of his guilt. Have you ever heard the controlled press say this?

>25) 1,000,000 tons (907,184,800 Kilograms) of debris were supposed to have fallen on tanks in the lowest level of the 5 basement floors of WTC 1 and 2. Yet those tanks were not damaged by the collapse of the Towers but were severely damaged by the debris removal crew. How do you explain that?

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>26) Two Israeli teams filmed the impact of the planes on the Towers. They had their cameras set up and rolling before the first plane struck the North Tower. Most people have heard of the dancing Israelis. They were interviewed on Israeli TV and several of the 5 men admitted to being Mossad agents. The other team was a man and a woman who sent video of the impact to the US government. Susan Lindauer wrote about this in her book Extreme Prejudice. Bush said on 911 that he saw the first plane impact on live TV before entering that Florida classroom. So do you think this pre-knowledge of 911 indicates Israeli’s participation in the attack on America?

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John Kerry admits the govt did it.

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For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks – advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel.

The mayor, who was booked to fly to New York yesterday morning from San Francisco International Airport, said the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to make an alarming statement."

In fact, at the time, he didn't pay it much mind.

"It was not an abnormal call. I'm always concerned if my flight is going to be on time, and they always alert me when I ought to be careful."

Exactly where the call came from is a bit of a mystery. The mayor would say only that it came from "my security people at the airport."

Mike McCarron, assistant deputy director at SFO, said the Federal Aviation Administration "routinely" issues security notices about possible threats. He said two or three such notices have been received in the past couple of months,

but none in recent days.

Whatever the case, Brown didn't think about it again until he was up, dressed and waiting for his ride to the airport for an 8 a.m. flight to New York, where he was to attend a state retirement board meeting. That was when he turned on the TV, and like millions of other Americans, saw the twin towers of the World Trade Center crumble and the Pentagon go up in smoke.


So just who did warn him? Many are now saying it was fellow shit skin Condi Rice.

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>Many are now saying it was fellow shit skin Condi Rice.

Well back in the day when I was ass deep in studying this shit to death. I always thought Rice was the sacrificial lamb for Cheney and Rumsfeld if their shit show went tits up and they were found out.

She was the first really high profile woman nigger in a cabinet position, they told tons of lies about her ass fluent in russian, concert pianist, and she was just some diversity hire for exxon I think before she became Sec of Defense.

I think she like the shrub had no clue WTF was up.

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> before she became Sec of Defense.

I fucked up she was national security advisor rummy was the Sec of Defense

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Imagine having a pickaninny nigress advising the USA on "national security".

The Gods would laugh with a deafening sound.

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You Know, twenty years was more than enough time for you to learn physics and architecture to find out why this happened.

Since you wasted your life, instead of posting this same gay thread again, why not suckstart a shotgun and finally make your mom proud?

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Did all of the other flights hit buildings? Yes.

Did Flight 93? No.

If Flight 93 hit a building, which building would you put your money on, that it was supposed to hit?

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What Muzzies are we talking about here? The Genetic Jew Cousins via Saudi Arabis Muzzies?

Or are we talking about Persian Muzzies?

Because Saudis and Kikes are relatively the same.

Look at the World from Space, analyze it as a biome, and look at Humans as blooms of Bacteria on a Petri Dish.

The Kike Chromosome, is Essentially, Arab, Mongol, Slav.

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Did Muzzies get all of the Resources from the War in the Mid East?

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I bet you feckless idiots lost the footage of building 7 collapsing even though it was public. You don't have shit. If you can't produce the video, you have no fucking proof that building 7 collapsed. It could still be standing for all we know.

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Why are you using these kiked up edited versions? Show me the original unedited video.

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File: 25f689913bd6dce⋯.mp4 (1020.9 KB,480x360,4:3,WTC 7 Collapse - Fixed CBS….mp4)

Okay niggers here it is. It took for fucking ever because jewtube is hiding it like a bunch of kikes.

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back to the top

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Nice Matweb copypasta. If steel is so bad at conducting heat.. how is it that these high temperatures managed to melt enough of the inner core to substantially weaken the structure to produce a free fall-like failure? I suppose a firefighter should be conducted for his opinion on this. Also: you could stand to add more detail about the effects of upper transformation and grain change… what specifically changes with regards to strength and heat treatment? From my understanding… heat treatment confers ductility…. are you saying the steel became more brittle somehow? Finally, I imagine the thickness of the inner core beams (assuming they are beams) to be pretty massive.. meaning you'd have to have a directed jet fuel heat burning through the entire thickness…. funny how this is literally what thermite is used for.

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Structural Engineer or somebody who consulted their uncle Morty Enginberg to quickly pull a freshman-level explanation out of his ass?

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This anon hit the nail on the head.

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As somebody with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, it sure as fuck doesn't take a degree to know that 9/11 is clearly a false flag. Not only the collapse/engineering failure is questionable but the fact that all surrounding circumstances point to conspiracy/false flag should really be enough to convince you. There is already more than enough information in this thread disproving the likelihood of a jet-fuel combustion combined with the impact of a plane to cause a catastrophic failure at free fall speeds.

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i have favorited a bunch of 9/11 vids from youtube if anyone is interested

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>>13216867 >>13216885 >>13216906 >>13219548 >>13221418 >>13236685 >>13273346 >>13478487

You are all forgetting the fact that the jet fuel was all burned up in the initial impact. (it's stored in the wings) There was no jet fuel burning, it was office materials and paper that was supposedly burning.

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Thank you for this, anon.


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>i have favorited a bunch of 9/11 vids from youtube if anyone is interested

Post em

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~ Scalar weapons, &/or some combination of exotic & more mundane (See Joseph Farrell)


> 9/11 conspiracy is literally a glownigger psyop to make anyone wanting to investigate the bank accounts further as a conspiracy nut by proxy

It's potentially worse: Cheney was livid at the Jon Pollard case in '88, closer to what would have been this plane scenario a decade earlier, if a certain security company's head wasn't a war criminal. Suppose his stand down orders to the Air Force were due to command & control being backdoored completely by (((3rd parties))) – financials concerning the economic blitz on the USSR were presumably within the buildings as well. Someone absconded with that missing 21 trillion – worse case scenario, it seeded the 1 Belt 1 Road initiative; least worse, old guard Paperclip Nazis through the Bush line going solo (with the same-or-greater backdooring as the Merchants/former USSR).

Or a nesting doll of a clusterfuck. It's even more embarrassing if at some level it was anticipated and prepared for (but ran off the rails), with all those drills running on the day.

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Jews did 9/11

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and all of this guys videoes


the information is defently out there, but where are the results? is this story going quietly into the night?

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People aggressively do not want to know. They want to play a $160 round of golf then have a tasty sammich with a tall boy of beer.

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Pieces of the twin towers fell on building 7, which had multiple diesel fuel tanks located inside it to power backup electrical generators. The tanks burned. The steel softened, and the building fell. It's basic engineering physics.

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You did not watch this video before you posted all that horse shit did you schlomo beakerman >>13493638

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yeah right, It's basic engineering physics for building to collapse with freefall speed when few columns soften a little from oxygen starved diesel fuel fire

try harder shlomo

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when a grid-like structure softens up by extreme heat it does not fall straight down without any signs of resistance from underneath itself, it dis-figures. Kinda like the leaning tower of pisa.

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File: ecaa4b79b96c37a⋯.jpeg (360.41 KB,2224x1484,556:371,CA45E751-5990-40B2-AF9A-4….jpeg)

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We speak english here, faggot.

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Does anyone have all the pics and info in this thread saved in one big file that I can send by email or put in the cloud and send links? I need to spread these.

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You can print the thread as a PDF, which will retain the text, but the image links will be no good. Afraid you'll have to do it yourself anon but it will be greatly appreciated if you do (and post it here!)

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Controlled demo just isn't realistic, it's fucking retarded to assume at this point.

When I look at the collapse of the towers the thing that sticks out is that those long sections of the exterior columns are just bolted together. wtf

If they were welded I think the towers would of stayed standing. The Jews had their people ready to declare the towers as total losses. Why risk getting caught rigging the building.

The fire alarm was indeed turned off for tower 7.

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Maybe it was the sprinklers were disabled, idk something like that. They turned the system off on Sept 11 and like the two days prior.

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It was controlled demolition. It was advertised on the newspaper like it legally has to. One of my buddies has an article clipping. It’s not that big and in small print. It goes blah blah WTC inaugur…in..blah blah blah…is scheduled to be…it’s been in public usage for …years….etc certificate of occupancy, asbestos…

The situation is that it was the first of its kind. No skyscraper has been demolished before. They were not trust worthy. Cost effectiveness piece by piece via crane vs explosion. The idea is it put peoples lives at risk. It was meant to go down straight but pieces flew out. NYers are sensationalists. I heard that a lot of military officials even went to their bunkers expecting all sorts of riots. Because one agency said they had used a missile to shoot it down. Precise hits. There are so many videos. Many don’t even show people jumping like the newspapers put. To each their own. But people on ground were injured. Total irresponsibility. They had to put flammable stuff inbetween walls to get the metal melting plus increase the voltage in the perimeters since it’d create magnetic field. Keeping smaller fibers in. Timed area demolitions from top to bottom.

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The question is why did the company’s name that did the demolition not being released to the public and instead used Obama and Bin Laden Corp.

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The reason why they call themselves Jewish is because otherwise everyone would be illegal to them. You have to unravel the word game and political map. The Jews were said to have only lived in one region of the US. And due to talent agencies etc they have used Hollywood to afflict everyone’s minds to make them believe they have lived there forever. At the same time rob identities from people in areas living under their jurisdiction to rob real estate in other regions. They know the truth they say it. But it’s like no one wants to really listen they hear but don’t listen.

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>tries to archive thread

What the fuck happend to archive.is?

God damnit i hate jews so fucking much.

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More info:

Subliminal messages and TV:


Awareness test


Derren Brown Subliminal Advertising w/ Explanation


Malcom Gladwell on Priming


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bump to bring mossad false flag to top for visitors

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I'm not sure why such attention is given to 'how' the building was destroyed, as it's obvious from the footage that the building imploded in a controlled demolition. At the time, when I was still a teenager, I just assumed that they would do so for safety purposes at the least, if not more sinister reasons. Just as I thought when watching post-South Tower collapse and thinking "It's going to look strange having one tower there. It's almost messy unless the second one were to come down too; as they'd want the whole site redeveloped."

Apparently WTC7 housed a substantial amount of physical documents relating to numerous financial transactions, some including government. It's not beyond plausibility that Pentagon related documents were among those items.

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