a84692 No.78232[Last 50 Posts]
Thread 40
it’s natural, goyim
>corvid 40th (((1))) special
As this is a very busy bread, different rules apply:
Off-topic or one line posts or kiketube embeds subject to deletion at vol/BO discretion.
(((1))) posts subject to deletion, ID hopping is shill cancer
<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.
>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke china bullshit. Survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below
</cvg/ survival bread
Ignore (((1))) ‘ask /pol/ x/inflammatory questions’ faggots. Filter low effort bait.
Please help keep this thread information-dense for highest quality.
Coronavirus update: 21st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)
(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers
- 277,736 confirmed cases
- 11,513 dieded
- 7,649 Serious cundushuns
- 91,096 (((silent recoveries)))
Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 21rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)
Cases Deaths Srs/crit Recovered
Bug Hive 81,008 3255 1963 71740
Pastaniggers 47,021 4032 2655 5129
Conquistadores 21,571 1093 1141 1588
Eye-Ran 19,644 1433 N/A 6745
Deutsches Reich 19,848 68 2 180
Burgers 19,671 252 64 26
Frogs 12,612 450 1297 1587
Worst Korea 8,799 102 N/A 2233
Switzerniggers 5,336 56 N/A 4
Bongs 3,983 177 20 65
Toothpaste/Negerlands 2,994 106 177 2
Asstria 2,203 7 N/A 9
Chocolateniggers 1,795 21 100 31
Norway 1,781 7 N/A N/A
Sweden (yes) 1,423 11 N/A N/A
Legoland 1,335 9 N/A N/A
Leafs 1,075 13 7 13
Poortugal 1,020 6 26 5
Nips 1,015 35 49 215
Brownzil 904 11 N/A 1
Malaysia 900 2 15 75
Shitposters 877 7 N/A 52
Checked Republic 833 0 2 4
Floating Petri Dish 712 8 12 551
ISISrael 705 1 10 14
Turkroaches 670 9 N/A N/A
Potatoniggers 683 3 N/A N/A
Oliveniggers 495 10 20 19
Richfagbourg 484 5 N/A N/A
Queertar 470 0 N/A 10
Pakishitters 461 3 N/A 5
Chile 434 0 N/A N/A
Spurdoland 450 0 N/A 10
Ecuador 426 7 6 3
/Pol/and 425 5 2 0
Vikings 409 0 1 5
Indoniggers 369 32 N/A 17
Singapoor 385 2 14 131
Ladyboyland 322 1 1 43
Slovenia 319 1 0 0
Gypsyniggers 308 0 1 31
Bahrain 279 1 3 110
Saudi Kikes 274 0 N/A 8
Estonedia 267 0 N/A 1
Pyramidniggers 256 7 N/A 28
Honkinese 256 4 4 98
Ivan 253 1 N/A 5
Pooperpower 2020 236 4 N/A 15
Llamaland 234 3 16 2
Flips 230 18 1 8
Eye-Raq 208 17 N/A 49
Boers 202 0 N/A N/A
Mexishitters 164 1 3 3
Lebos 163 4 2 3
Kuwait 159 0 5 22
San Marino 151 14 6 4
Sandnigger Emirates 140 2 2 31
Panamaniggers 137 1 8 0
Armenia (n Genocide) 136 0 0 1
Taiwan 135 2 0 28
Kebab Removalists 135 0 1 0
Chori 128 3 N/A N/A
Cokelombia 128 0 N/A N/A
Slova/k/ 123 0 N/A N/A
Bulgaria 112 3 N/A N/A
Latvia 111 0 N/A N/A
Croatia 110 1 N/A 4
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648db2 No.78233
This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:
>As the flames of conflict burn hotter and hotter, so should your fighting spirit.
>Victory requires power, power requires sacrifice, sacrifice requires faith and willpower. All of them require dedication and determination.
>Punches should not be pulled in a fight, especially one not initiated by yourself.
Prayer for this thread: Coronian Prayer Of Ultimate Sacrifice In Spiritual Warfare
WARNING: Do not recite this prayer unless you want to say goodbye to a free afterlife, this is for extremely devoted cultists only
Disclaimer: If you're not a nothingburgerfag, a shill or a hoaxfag, you're not the target of this prayer and curse
O' Corona-Chan, patron Goddess of perfect bio-weapons
Fueled by hatred for your enemies and by love for your graceful presence
I shall step into the metaphysical battlefield once again to fight those who commit heresy against you
I offer my energies and my soul to you, in return, I make this request to you and your father, Nergal
Strike our enemies down with your powers! Torture them for weeks with your painful symptoms
Then finally put them out of their misery with a multiple organ failure
I will gladly make the ultimate sacrifice for victory in this spiritual war: Giving my spiritual freedom to you
Use my body and soul as you see fit, they no longer belong to me, they are completely yours.
==May you be remembered forever as the Goddess who saved Mother Earth from the kike and subhuman menaces.
Ignore and filter the nothingburgerfags and the shills, for they have already been hexed and doomed to a painful death.
Corona-Chan loves us all. Prepare, pray to your preferred deity and use your wisdom. Good luck, stay safe and have a nice thread.
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a84692 No.78234
• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.
• Legoland: The total includes 80 cases in the Faroe Islands.
• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.
• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Cayman Islands are listed separately.
Previous Threads
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Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY
Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu
Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT
Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v
Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg
Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw
Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7
Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH
Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC
Thread 034 Archive: http://archive.is/GxesI
Thread 035 Archive: http://archive.md/YzKrt
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Thread 039 Archive: http://archive.md/DnBiG
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648db2 No.78239
Pasta doctor implores the world to take Corona-Chan seriously https://archive.is/9rP8D
Line to get tested in Paramus, Jew Jersey
Line to get tested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Siren wailing in Jordan, warning that the lockdown is in effect. Those who get caught breaking it can get locked up for up to 1 year. thanks anon from last thread
Jew York City update
>Niggered the last line of red text
This is what happens when you write holy texts while extremely exhausted. Doesn't matter, every little bit of suffering for Corona-Chan's sake is worth it and every little mistake can be compensated with contribution to the thread, the intention and the belief behind your action is what matters. Never forget this, my dearest cultists. Also…
Hail NewBreadAnon
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15e852 No.78242
Written: March 20, 2020.
I do not cite sources. Nor do I list timestamps. The story is roughly in order, but that's not as important as the message.
COVID19: Extreme incompetence
It didn't help that the Wuhan government lied and hid the initial outbreak. However, as the Chinese realized how bad the disease was, they shut down the city and most of China. Their efforts to curb the outbreak were successful, but too much time from the initial infections had passed and they had to wait a long time for the city to get under control.
The World Health Organization, WHO, declared a world wide outbreak too late, but was ignored by most countries. Only Asian countries with significant number of infections reacted early. The rest of the world played the "wait and see" game, and some still are. This shows that the WHO reacts only after the fact, and has no role in preventing pandemics whatsoever.
No one trained for this. There are no experts in handling world wide plagues. There are no manuals or procedures in place to deal with this. The people who learned from the 1918 epidemic are all in their graves now. What we have today is extreme incompetence.
We have "experts" in different countries, who are free to ignore recommendations by WHO. The only recourse the rest of the world has in this case is to put strict travel restrictions in place in and out of these countries.
Ineffective quarantine measures will take longer, and cost more, than if people just do what China and Asian countries are doing. Not applying quarantine measures is condemning a lot of people to death. I'm looking at you Sweden.
Some people are acting like the numbers from test kits are absolute. No SARS-CoV-2 test kit is 100% reliable. There are always some false positives and false negatives.
False negatives mean that apparently healthy people who test negative can still be infectious.
False positives mean that people with or without symptoms, maybe be inaccurately diagnosed with COVID19.
Joe Public
What we have seen of Joe Public, and how he behaves in the face of a disaster is this: invisible threat like a virus is not real. Tangible threat like running out of food and toiler paper is real.
No matter how people have been warned, they have not stayed away from public gatherings. Only enforced quarantine measures have been effective at curbing this behavior.
Because people's first thought is to deal with the tangible threat, they put themselves in risk of a viral infection to deal with it. This manifests in crowded supermarkets and mass gatherings for government handouts.
Only strict enforcement of social distances such as by police and/or military will control this behavior.
In the face of a viral threat, particularly when infected people show no symptoms, Joe Public does not display self protective behavior. We've seen this all around the world.
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15e852 No.78243
The economy did not lose billions of dollars due to the plague. The plague happened and they were never going to get that money anyway. Businesses don't have a right to exist. Profit is not guaranteed at any moment in time. Just because you can't predict an epidemic doesn't mean it can't happen. And your own inability to plan for the worst is no one to blame but yourself.
Everyone and their dog is now asking for government handout, because they didn't plan for a slight disruption in their income. This is both indviduals and corporations. In some cases, the government will comply. In some cases they want to preserve corparations, in others they want to help people buy food because they have no income.
Blaming the government for quarantine measures and loss of income is not productive. Your inability to keep savings and prepare for a disaster is where the blame lies.
That said, some people are too poor to keep savings. That is a reality we must face, and governments and charities all around the world need to help these people with basic necessities.
There will be extreme pressures on governments to allow travel to and from tourist areas. This pressure will be very high in areas where the whole economy revolves around tourism. However, tourism is not a right. There is no guarantee that people will want to visit any given place on the planet. Just because an area has been a tourist spot before the outbreak does not mean it will continue to be a tourist spot after the outbreak.
Allowing air travel too soon, in face of false negatives from test kits, is irresponsible. Our health and well being is more important than risking another outbreak.
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15e852 No.78244
As I write this, different countries in the European Union, EU, are taking different measures. Most or all of them are ineffective. The fact that different countries are taking different measures should tell us something: Europe is not united in the fight against the plague.
The UK is ignoring the recommendations by WHO and even though Italy was an earlier adopter of strict quarantine measures the Chinese Red Cross delegation says Italy is not doing enough to contain the virus.
Many countries in the EU do not have quarantine measures in place. This means that those who do will have an even bigger problem getting rid of the virus than if all the countries applied quarantine measures at the same time.
As I write this, the USA is applying ineffective quarantine measures. I know this because such decisions as whether to have public libraries open or closed are taken at the county level. Those counties that still allow public libraries to be open have an effective infection center in place. The nation wide "quarantine" is also too short to contain the virus; two weeks is not enough.
People are blaming Trump for the ineffective measures. Frankly, I believe the blame rests with the CDC as well. They're either incompetent, ineffective, or both. Both are really, really bad.
Some states seem to be taking more active measures than others. This is the same folly we see in Europe. Even if one state does something to curb the outbreak, other states will not, and this will result in an overall mess.
Europe vs. USA
So at the moment, we have a competition across the Atlantic Ocean: who can have the highest infection rate and death count?
Because not everyone is tested, and only confirmed COVID19 cases will be listed as official, we do not have, and may never have, an accurate infection count. We will probably have an accurate death count though, but that's not certain.
Nevertheless, it'll be interesting to see which one will win this competition. We just have to keep in mind that the numbers aren't absolute.
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15e852 No.78245
The Muslim World
So far, the Muslim world hasn't done much to curb the outbreak, maybe with the exception of the UAE. Since they don't seem to be taking any action nor test sufficiently, we cannot rely on their official numbers. Neither now nor after the fact. But as I write this, it looks like they will win both Europe and the USA in the infection rate and death count.
It is not surprising that areas where the virus has gotten under control has a resurgence as they open up for travelers again. Commercial flight was never designed for quarantine measures. The airplanes are designed to pack the most number of people into as little space as possible. The airports similarly, to handle a large number of people efficiently. These places are not designed to keep people apart and keep infections from spreading.
Using them in a world wide plague is simply irresponsible.
Airlines do not have a right to exist. It's perfectly OK for them to go bankrupt. Air travel for individuals is not a right. Stop acting like the world will end if air travel isn't returned as soon as possible. Our health and safety is more important.
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a84692 No.78247
Thanks for your wonderful updates, anon! I still need to catch up on last 1/5th of prior bread.
My country is still letting in highly travelling retard boomers and gen Y faggots who can't stop flying up and down the country once arriving. These people need to be executed for public endangerment as an example, hopefully Corona-Chan takes them away to hell. >>78233
Coronian Anon on point as always.
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53707b No.78248
sick effortposts boomer, any inside info on when hillary and her clan will be filling up Guantanamo?
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3b1cdf No.78271
Shit, my niggernet had a stroke yet again, sorry about the new ID. I will rest now. See you all later.
Aussie update https://archive.is/qrSdC
PooperPower2020 updates Community transmission has been confirmed https://archive.is/9TLP9
LadyBoiland update https://archive.vn/Do1dV
Bulgarian update They now have 142 confirmed cases and 3 deaths https://archive.is/XXwnr Also the home of my mentor, who converted me into Coronian Cultism
Good posts! I agree with a lot of what you wrote, especially on testing and normalfags (Joe Public). Any opinion on Spic America?
>Thanks for your wonderful updates, anon!
I aim to serve, both /cvg/ and Corona-Chan.
>My country is still letting in highly travelling retard boomers and gen Y faggots who can't stop flying up and down the country once arriving. These people need to be executed for public endangerment as an example
Kek, hope things get better on your end.
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62f68f No.78284
>You need something better than "the Chinese are incompetent and can't perform the second holocaust".
But the Chinese have shown themselves to be incompetent, there's no doubt they're hiding bodies, but not that much, i can see them lying about 80k deaths and that's pushing it.
It is a massive happening for sure, but it seems more and more like 2008 tier than a real game changer, hopefully there will be more waves, hopefully it gets going in Africa considering how disconnected it is and how shit their healthcare is, we'll likely not see a sharp increase in deaths like in Europe, probably just a slow burn of unknown pneumonia deaths. but it's been disappointing two months ago i expected things would be way worse by now. It might even make things worse in general as in governments taking advantage of the situation to further push their agendas.
Perhaps i'm just to niggerpilled, i tend to be pessimistic.
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2fbfc0 No.78285
posted update about india in last bread
and usual some stupid people are everywhere.
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7be51d No.78286
Didn't see this anywhere on here yet. Anyways, this document was leaked about 2 days ago, but there's been very little buzz about it. Basically, it goes into extreme detail about the government's plans for their response n sheit. Also, sorry about the shitty quality. The 16mb upload limit is kinda ghey.
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035573 No.78287
8.57% death rate for italy
5.07% for spain
4.44% for UK
How do retards still claim it's under 1%? undoubtedly they are chinese shills
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7be51d No.78288
Most people do not understand statistics. Those that do understand statistics can also use them to shape the narrative in their favor.
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035573 No.78289
But they would still have to be outright lying, unless they use the number from a nation with 0% so far and just inflate it by 0.01% and then use that number
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2fedae No.78294
Don't be so naive
Every country is testing different amounts of it's population with different kits so these numbers are meaningless, the only useful number will be the %death out of total population and that will only be a useful number in a couple of months.
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8015cc No.78298
>Not calling it Chinese Flu
Absolutely Soypilled
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17ac59 No.78299
>also, gonna politely sage this shiptoaste so as to not cause the thread to archive early.
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3b8b99 No.78300
Its just a typical government BS document. Lots of big words adn fancy plans, saying nothing. forty fucking pages of BS. 40 pages outlining "strategic objectives" and blah blah blah. but not a single concrete decision. fuck I am so sick of governance in this fashion. they probably had teams of monkeys working for days on this, the document to print and ship out alone probably cost 20m USD ….. and theres not a single actionable concrete fact in it. just blah blah blah. lots of grandiose plans using lots of 50cent words, that prattle on forever. Its the fucking prattle of incompetence. millions of dollars, and this is what we get, flowcharts and diagrams, saying "well if it gets really bad, we'll do something!" . this sort of government incompetence is actually worse then corruption. its government by idiots, by spineless lickspittle morons who dont have a fucking clue what to do. They know they should be doing something, but they just dont have a clue.
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face!
nowwhere in this plan will you find how they intend to distribute food and medicine whe the private sector has all but been shut down. no plans for if the cities are rioting. no plans for when the gibs run out and your "quarantine" is still running. …. no plans for the human factors involved. they treat it all as if the little goyim were just cattle that will do exactly what they're told to do, even if that means starving to death!
tldr: if only they could talk the virus to death, the US government would have it beat already!
they are lying. they dont have a fucking clue. they dont know what to do, except print more money and hope it all goes away. they are about to find out that corona chan doesnt care about money
Winnie the flu, the wuhanic plague, kung flu, the HIV-snake-bat virus, thats definitely not a bioweapon!
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a7872a No.78301
This. Some countries are already hiding their numbers in different diseases just to show low corona numbers (look how Germany does it -> any disease prior to blessing? Heart condition caused death). Only yearly comparison of death numbers will show the real scale. Prepare for China to lift the one baby policy to hide their numbers in the long run.
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88d388 No.78304
The reason the rate seems so high and variable, is that most of the time a person will not get tested until they are already in the hospital and sick as a dog. I have a coworker who is 100% certain he had it but was refused testing since he didn't meet their highly particular criteria.
The number of infected are so, so far higher than they say.
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5da124 No.78307
Just wait until all the people now sitting at home realise they don't have jobs to get back to. Coronachan is a huge black swan, the world war 2 of the 21st century except now the kikes are losing
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2f0eff No.78308
They have cases and massive under reporting due to lack of testing. Supposedly longer asympt time too, so keep an eye out over coming weeks. Boers are climbing up the ranks so it's really just a metter of time and they will be the key 'indicator' of nigfrican shit going down as they have the most testing resouces.
This shit will be mostly attributed to other causes though.
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ef7e26 No.78310
>Wuhan Coronavirus
>Chinese Flu
>Winnie the Flu
>Peking Pneumonia
>Bejing Bronchitis
>Shanghai Sneeze
>Hainan Ha-choo
>Hackie Chan
>Mandate of Heaving
>Bat Soup Surprise
>Pangolin Panic
>Chest Chop Suey
>Mangled Lung Syndrome
>Wuhan Woohoo
>Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
>Spaghetti Sars
>Pasta La Vista, Baby
>Bioweapon No. 19
Fell free to add more
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86835d No.78311
It's fake. The whole thing is fake.
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64f226 No.78312
Bondi Beach is a shithole anyway anon, world's largest ashtray. Sydney as a whole, has not seen any of this "ramp up testing". Bug people have fashion conscious surgical masks which won't stop anything under 300 micrometres. Saw one sheila the other day drinking with a straw through it. Meanwhile my second box of P2N95 rated 3M brand, got delayed in transit, and might have been pinched.
Australia may be close to impanelling another rationing commission which would implement an authorization to purchase scheme on the same scale as WWII. Several more benign attempts to control supply chain shortages have failed expectations. Limiting quantity food purchases has only served to bring more people to the stores. Everyone knows exactly what used to be on the empty shelves, and they are emptied the morning of any restock. Senior hour from 7AM to 8AM was trialled and failed, although being extended yet another week. Grandparents are just as aggressive as any other shopper.
Categories and purchase limits have been changing almost daily. Meat is now 1kg per customer. Frozen items are a whole category, with a limit on any two frozen goods. Canned soup of any brand or variety has a limit of two. Whole families shop together using separate trollies, in order to circumvent overweight rent-a-cops hired by the major supermarket chains. Of course, we're also facing implicit price hikes, since it's more profitable for stores to sell brand name goods.
Bug people here, have their own stores and communities in general. I'm commenting on white people's sources in suburban Sydney. I don't have farmers as neighbours, even though one does keep chooks in their backyard. For some items like meat, fish, poultry and baked goods, I'm better off with the small local specialty merchants. It's higher quality, and even if it costs more, I'll find stock in the morning for now.
It would be simple to control ration coupons by making them available anywhere phone SIMs are sold. You can't buy those without a photo ID here, and government knowing. Giving everyone on the dole a one-off $750 hand-out, beginning this April Fool’s Day, is not going to help "stimulate economy". A fair amount is going straight back in taxes, as we have among the world's highest on tobacco and alcohol. How much of these gibs are going for sticks and ice? Drug dealers aren't going to spend it all in retail stores. Reichskarten would help keep my inventory safer, and might galvanize barter.
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88d388 No.78313
It's not just the deluge of unemployed and under-employed now we have now, but the sudden and stark lack of consumer confidence. No one wants to spend money on anything but food, hand sanitizer, and TP right now. How long is that going to last?
The entire worldwide generation is going to have this etched into their memory. Even when people get back to work, they are, without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt, going to never forget this. People will forgo large luxury purchases and will instead buy a pallet of MREs or fill their attic with TP.
Fear is going to sit in the back of every person's mind whispering "what if this happens again"?
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cb7c87 No.78314
As of now, Apefrica has 1,109 (((confirmed))) cases and 26 deaths in 42 Apefrican shitholes, doubling every 48 hours. Botswana, Eritrea, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Uganda have no testing capabilities at all.
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000000 No.78316
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62f68f No.78317
Exactly, we'll see an increase in nigger deaths, but it will be hard to directly attribute them to corona
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668d4f No.78318
Everyone is all in a tither. Can’t we just defeat this with magical thinking?
I still hold that supply is interrupted or being redirected. I never saw abnormal shopping traffic, not in number of shoppers, nor unusual carriages. And yet the shelves are empty.
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3b8b99 No.78319
Dude if you had ever been to central africa you would understand. It is the most redpilling experience you can ever imagine. Its chicongo, detroit and jew york times a million. they are animals. no really, animals. there is not other way to describe an illiterate hominid that cannot understand how a wheel works! I was in Africa when i was in college, for two months, it completely changed my views on blacks. If they are humans, then they certainly aren't "advanced" humans, they are like "proto humans". Its like stepping into a time machine, and going back 400,000 years, to BEFORE the stone age.
illiteracy rates are over 50%. basic literacy. advanced languages (that you and I and everyone we know speaks) less then 10% of the population, if even that. they fight over food scraps. they kill each other routinely, over superstitious stuff. they have witch doctors, and they think its real. rape robbery murder … its in your face, its just another day in Freetown. theres a few decent cities, like abidjan, but mostly its just a sprawling collection of tin shacks, sewers and larceny.
if you dont walk into the witch's hut with blood pouring out your ears and missing a limb, your not "sick". and if you are sick, she'll cast some spells, charge you for a chicken she will disembowel, spraying blood all over and tell you "you have bad juju" …. its just fucking bizarre. its unreal. Africa makes India look "civilized" (and thats sayin alot).
they cant read. they cant write. they dont have any doctors. they dont have test kits. we will never know how many niggerinios coronachan wipes out, because they dont even have a census. they dont do autopsies, they dont have morgues. they are completely fucked. to conquer africa all we have to do is stop sending food and medicine, they will revert to caveman existence.
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ef7e26 No.78320
> they will revert to caveman existence.
So pretty much the same, minus the AK-47s
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c0fe38 No.78321
This is the article that Zerohedge was banned from Twitter for. Highlighting a Wuhan biolab ad for bat coronavirus researcher
Also interestingly, ALL zerohedge links (except for a homepage link) are scrubbed from Bing. Zerohedge also has no search function. Did this happen before this article or after?
Apparently it was posted by the founder of the site and not some other "Durden".
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99642a No.78322
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62f68f No.78323
Tell me something i don't know.
It's precisely because of that that i think we won't see a lot of cases and deaths directly linked to corona in africa, their lack of infrastructure will keep the virus from spreading too far quickly, and their lack of healthcare and testing equipment will mean most cases will go unnoticed. Probably the same with India, but not to such an extent.
>theres a few decent cities, like abidjan
Gotta admit i'm curious about that, i want to visit the continent, some cities do look ok, at least going by google pictures, guess that's where the few smart blacks live while the rest of the continent is indeed a caveman existence.
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000000 No.78325
Wicket-keeper seems like a very natural position for pajeet.
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99642a No.78326
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe4597 No.78327
I continue to fully inflate my lungs with dabs and I think it's helping. Or at least it feels good.
I have Corona now and she's not going to kill me you autist. I have been well enough to exercise and do coursework.
It's not hard to treat if you can into self-aid, it would seem.
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000000 No.78331
>Limiting quantity food purchases has only served to bring more people to the stores.
It has been an abject failure. The problem is the limits are the same across the board, so whether you're shopping for a family of 5 or just a single individual, you're entitled to purchase only the same number of items. It drives panic and creates enormous queues at the stores, because people with larger families have to shop literally every two or three days to get the items they need, and bigger queues signal scarcity and drive more panic in and of themselves. If rationing is to be implemented it needs to be implemented properly, not some half-arsed measure put in place by the supermarkets. Panic buying is not going to stop until people have the security that they can get what they need, without having to fight off other faggots at the supermarket. And for families that's not going to happen until they can shop to cover themselves for at least a week at a time.
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e00f17 No.78332
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54b2c2 No.78344
Taxonomically Corona-chan is closer to SARS-chan than Ebola-chan and Marburg-chan are to themselves (5 and 3 in their species in their genera respectively). Technically they are the same subspecies.
Corona-chan is just SARS-chan having become a master of disguise and ninpo.
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a65951 No.78347
is that the same anon from the eggs?
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e00f17 No.78351
I am not going to argue the medical aspect of your post. I am going to agree with the fact that you should not use the Kike-name "Corona". The Chinese Flu is much better.
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2c57c1 No.78352
Your designated shitting street is now closed due to quarantine. What do you do, young Rajeesh?
a) Improvise a toilet, extreme times require extreme measures
b) Designate a different area as a shitting street and gather everyone from your village there
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d466a5 No.78353
A convenient summation but this really seems written by a Chinese agent. Chinese Red Cross? Only Asian countries were "successful" in containing the virus despite being caught red handed with their pants down lying about their numbers? What about Event 201? However corrupt and bullshit they may be, governments tend not to be stupid, and I find it unlikely that none of them has planned for something like this, despite how it may seem to the public.
Felt the need to point this out as everyone needs to aware of bias, especially well written and subtle shit like this.
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2c57c1 No.78354
I told you that stamps are coming, everything will be rationed and we will wait in lines to get bread/oil etc. rations.
t. Had hyperinflation during the 90's
This, I had a similar experience. They didn't feel like conscious human beings at all. Just highly intelligent animals.
Shills won't call it the ZOG plague, the well poisoner 2020, The Jew-flu.
>It's the Chinese goy!
>No, it's the Americans goy!
But we all know who is truly responsible, right? It's those pesky Russian hackers again!
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10774b No.78356
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54b2c2 No.78357
Why the fuck is the previous thread 1.5 GIGAbyte to download?!
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035573 No.78358
all the .webms probably
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5da124 No.78359
glowniggers, SJWs paid by Soros and that cripple untermensch constantly trying to break 8kun since its inception
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2f0eff No.78360
>Butthurt faggots not getting paid
>Option C
Continue using both designated shitting street when the inspector isn't looking, plus the further away 'new designated shitting street'
>>78357 >>78358
Would agree probably the videos but still seems little excessive, I save practically all videos these days.
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5da124 No.78362
holy shit, memes aside we might very well get 100k new official cases every day in a few days. Remember they only test critical cases in most countries so we are basically there already
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5da124 No.78363
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270659 No.78365
Went to the store yesterday here in Finland. Fewer people than normal, no panic buying, no shortages.
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10774b No.78366
>Butthurt faggots not getting paid
Unlike the niggerkike, I'm not on the pig farmer's payroll. I DO IT FOR FREE
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2fee02 No.78367
>Only strict enforcement of social distances such as by police and/or military will control this behavior.
You mistakenly assume those people are ‘fit to live’. Don’t misunderstand…the world is only going to get more technologically complex. People who cannot master THESE BASICS are not fit to live in a future world. If you and (((your police state))) keep these slaves alive NOW they will only be less fit and more potentially damaging in future higher technology situations. You seem to want everyone, capable of processing complex situations or not, to live and that is just WRONG.
Also, >>78243 ‘poor people’ work, on average, 10 hours per week. Do you think that these, as well, deserve to advance into the next age that will be so complex they will never have a hope of understanding their own reality, let alone being a productive member of that society? Do you think 60 IQ niggers should be allowed in a first world civilization as well? It is really the same thing, in essence.
>incompetent ineffective or both
This is the nature of (((government))). It is never going to change. As much as WHO is reactive, government, police and military are all reactive measures…they are not nor will they ever be proactive. This is one of the main arguments against them. Only an individual can be proactive for their own survival; therefore survival and natural law dictate that only an individual should be in charge of their own destiny.
>Europe vs USA
This is Bolshevism 2.0 the slaughter of the first world so that its riches can be given to the kikeniggers and the other niggers. This is just a high tech version of the killing of the Russian people (only it is a global massacre).
(((China))) is complicit in this slaughter because they believe that in a ‘warm bodies’ numbers game they have the technological advantage…and who knows how long they stockpiled in order to self isolate while the rest of the world was slaughtered by their (((leadership))). Don’t be rayciss though White people…the bugs are ‘human’ just like us…
Pause for a second to consider Trump. He is obese, elderly, been exposed to the virus too many times to count and still not dead yet.
I hope you are not under the impression that any sort of justice might be forthcoming with our current (((system))).
>useful in a couple months
Corona Chan isn’t going to stop in a couple months anon. Even the lying shit that is the (((US government))) understands that at an absolute minimum we are looking at 18 months of death…and I don’t believe that they could even develop a ‘vaccine’ for the ‘virus’…so more than likely people will get it and have to be medicated by (((big pharma))) for LIFE. The longer people call this a ‘virus’ the less they will understand what is happening to them.
This is the nature of (((government))) anon. This is what it means to be led by jews with their average IQ of 84 and their ‘high verbal skills’. They probably actually plan on ‘talking The Red Death’ to death. But if you are a ‘voter’ and a ‘taxpayer’ you are also part of the retardation of (((government))). I hope you don’t think it is somehow different in any part of the planet.
As far as I know they already lifted in in preparation for their expansion into Africa and the killing of the Rapefricans.
Or you could face up to the fact that this (((slave system))) should fall and take everyone who is dependent on it with it. Have you considered the benefit of letting this kike system disintegrate? The longer you keep it alive the more you will suffer African niggers, bugs, poos and others invading and overthrowing your nation and stealing from your progeny.
Well since this Corona virus isn’t going away EVER…they will have a lot to think about and time to think about it.
It seems positive to me that it is so widely dispersed and that the Rapefricans will not escape being blessed.
Well were you LIVING in the store or something? Because I saw tons of unusual shopping for weeks and we don’t even have a (((tested))) case in my county.
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72bcd6 No.78368
>italy 8.57%
sorry but, i believe you're wrong.
shouldn't lethality be calculated with death/cases but with death/(death+recovered) instead?
the method you currenly use does not take in account the lag between the newly infected getting the disease and having to do their save-throw/coin-toss.
from what i understand, death rate is seemingly:
~40% in italy.
~25% in germany
~25% in france
~40% in spain
~20% in iran
~14% in japan
somehow less than 5% in korea? (<= what are they doing right? or are they lying?)
won't even bother with china bullshit
it's just all over the place, at least from the way i understand it (and which may be entirely wrong, i'm not a mathfag)
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2f0eff No.78369
Too bad you're too autistic and schizo to not shit threads up
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035573 No.78370
Worrying eitherway
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e00f17 No.78371
Why is he a Niggerkike?
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270659 No.78372
If there's a lot of panic buying going on in your country then you will be affected even if your area is chill. All the items come from somewhere up the national and international supply chain.
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10774b No.78373
The sudden ramp up in censorship
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e00f17 No.78374
Explain. Is he censoring stuff or demanding that certain topics not to be discussed?
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54b2c2 No.78376
[Expand all images] doesn't normally open the .webms and .mp4s.
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54b2c2 No.78378
Ignore him, it's probably one of those nothingburger mongrels like the asukafag glowhapa that constantly spam their "disbelief" while the world burns around them.
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552211 No.78380
>The longer people call this a ‘virus’ the less they will understand what is happening to them.
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f53670 No.78381
God damn I can't stop thinking about shanking that dyke to death
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26e012 No.78382
>>78233 (Checked)
Thank you for your continued service BrazilNewsBro!
Checked for cute SARS-chan pic!
>Corona-chan is just SARS-chan having become a master of disguise and ninpo.
Corona-chan is SARS-chan younger yet far bigger in every sister.
>what are they doing right? or are they lying?
Both and. They use cluster analysis like Singapore and have stringent quarantine procedures besides the community/collective mindset of their society. However they recently had a huge cluster outbreak I think on Wednesday or Thursday which shows they don't have /ourgirl/ fully contained as many are claiming. That's expected since they have that doomsday cult and their government is corrupted as hell.
Third pic related
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26e012 No.78383
*Bigger in every way
Not every sister. Shit, my coffee hasn't worked its magic yet.
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54b2c2 No.78385
Finally a good post!
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26e012 No.78386
>Also interestingly, ALL zerohedge links (except for a homepage link) are scrubbed from Bing. Zerohedge also has no search function. Did this happen before this article or after?
I don't know, but I went ahead and checked Google because of recent claims that their censorship of images has been lifted. Google didn't seem to do the same thing as Bing, so who knows. As always, the Russians don't give a dam about petty American liberal soyboys.
For the record, 8kun is still scrubbed from Google and Yandex but if what people are saying is true, that might change soon.
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035573 No.78387
right, i mean fucking get a grip what her problem the drugs run out or some shit?
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2fee02 No.78389
>cities with a few smart blacks
Ironically ‘large gatherings’ of people are the number one disease vector for The Red Death which means a complete brain drain of what little Rapefrica has in the way of intelligence.
They don’t need to continue to queue if they got it through their fucking head that the world changed overnight and left them behind if they are not capable of growing their own food, they will RIGHTFULLY go the way of the niggers.
You and I may not ‘like’ this but it isn’t going to change the reality of the situation. People who can’t grow and defend their own food do not deserve to live any longer. People who are not doing it NOW (based on the fact that supply chains are almost down and broken) are rightfully destined to die.
>governments are not stupid
Wow anon…I have yet to see government make an intelligent move during my lifetime. There is a difference between ‘being clever’ and ‘intelligence’. Why do you think we lost every war over the last 100 years that the kikes have been in power (or have executed our best generals). They are natural born incompetents. Look at Hitler. He threw out the kikes and things turned 100% around for Germany in a matter of years. Not only are kikes and kike governments incompetent they are borderline retarded as well. There are only two options for (((government))) at this point…GROSS INCOMPETENCE or RETARDATION. Why would you accept either?
You are just talking about global communism anon. If that is the future you will settle for I guess that is what you deserve.
Interesting…I prefer kikenigger as opposed to niggerkike. It seems awkward when I say NIGGERKIKE in my head but not awkward when I say kikenigger.
I guess you guys don’t have that many subhumans around to worry about but that will not protect you from severed supply lines…<—that is coming soon to a nation near you since it is already happening globally.
One of the most horrible things about this ‘virus’ data is that we have no idea what the ethnic breakdown behind those numbers actually is (other than knowing that in Germany and the UK 25% of the total cases are Islamic thus far). They are more prone to receive a blessing due to their IQ, culture, religion.
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2fee02 No.78390
Corona ‘virus’ are not classic virus. They are autonomously assembled organisms that are made of bacteriophages (spike proteins) an envelope and a RNA core. They are the natural killers of most of the life on the planet DAILY (they kill 40% of all life on Earth daily). Highly mutagenic they are pure death (which is ironic since they are not actually alive in the first place). Their only use for any living thing is replication of their own RNA and autonomously assembled organism (AAO). Phages, function by seeking their target and invading it, replacing its RNA with their own. Once the RNA is replaced the cell lives to manufacture Corona virus. It will manufacture more and more CV until it explodes the cell wall of the original cell dispersing more CV into a wider area to infect more target cells. During this process there are mutations that occur in the AAO because it is reproducing at a rate of billions per hour and there are transcription errors (some of which may cause the CV to select a new type of target cell, etc..this is how they Evolved as instrumental in all the death on the planet). When you look at things like that little boy in Italy’s x-ray that showed his lungs filling up completely in 2 hours with ‘ground glass’ (this is the CV filling up his lung tissue what you are really seeing is PERMANENT UNRECOVERABLE DAMAGE to the lungs and quardrillions of assembled and ready to infect CV bacteriophage soldiers being coughed via aerosol into the environment). It only takes ONE OF THESE CV to completely infect another person. It is more complex than this…this is why they can’t ‘cure’ the common cold. Pic for you…people hated this theory but the evidence is piling up that it is correct and it isn’t going to stop. Again, this is why politicians, who have access to the real ‘national security’ documents repeatedly telegraphed to everyone; DON’T PANIC…they couldn’t help it because they themselves were panicking based on the REAL situation which (((they))) will never share with the slaves that they just want to keep rowing and at their service. There is no ‘vaccine’ and no ‘cure’ once infected, always infected and the R0 is close to infinity since each human produces almost infinity (for practical purposes) of CV once they have the infection. Not only this but in those strains there are highly mutagenic and new versions that are different and potentially much more deadly than anything we have seen thus far. A ‘normal’ corona virus (one that is not a bioweapon engineered by bug people) has undergone 1 million years of adaptation to its host. So there might be a less deadly more symbiotic strain in the next million years…we have that to look forward to…anyway.
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80241d No.78393
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Shouldn't we be seeing increased deathrates outside of the original 3 hotspots by now?
What happens if this is a dud and the western world has fucked over it's economy based on a false scientific consensus? Would that have any effect on the climate scam if shutting everything down on short notice because scientists said so did nothing except destroy us?
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f53670 No.78396
dunno, don't care
want her dead
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668d4f No.78397
That’s rather the point. Masks ran out in January. People wanted them, at the time, more overseas than in USA and there were no export restrictions. Hand sanitizer ran out soon after. Okay, maybe people in Washington state were willing to pay more (but there couldn’t have been that much demand just from them, it must have been bought up in bulk by companies and government). And still today there are no export restrictions, and any sheik can bid up the price of masks and sanitizer while our hospitals complain they don’t have enough.
>Charity begins at home and justice begins next door.
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a5e0e1 No.78398
I pledge allegiance to China and to the People's Republic for which it stands, one Nation under Xi Jinping, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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9b7b74 No.78402
So things like getting a lesser strain, a modified lesser strain for protection, or anything are fucked, because some jackass made airbourne common cold, except it carries a payload of paralytic aids and others?
Can we just make a slighty worse common cold ot get it to fuck off? I recall the Mage: the Awakening having wizards who summoned and fucked the very embodiment of the common cold for SOME reason. Honestly, At this point, It's looking a lot safer just to do what that one russian guy did and inject ancient bacteria into your own bloodstream to create an unknown microbiome.
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112c4e No.78409
This is what's hapenning in muttland, Italy and Morroco at the moment.
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2fee02 No.78410
There is no conferred immunity because of the high mutagenic rate (this is why there is no conferred immunity to the common cold, another Corona Virus as well). Injecting yourself with ancient bacteria might ‘feed’ the phages with a new diet but it won’t stop them because there is no natural ‘predator’ for something that is already dead by its own nature. Yes, some ASSHOLE modified the ‘common cold’ into something super deadly, the same as it was a couple million?billion years ago. Only back then, it was hard to catch because there were no ‘big cities’ and no ‘modern transportation’ basically tiny tribes of people would catch it and all die so it was beneficial for the CV to seek a symbiotic strain. There is no reason for it to ever stop as long as our current culture survives and thrives. This is a complete game changer of EVERYTHING you know and have ever know for all of humanity (if humanity even survives; I have my doubts that we are capable of modifying our behavior to accommodate the necessary new ways of being in order to survive…certainly things like governments or militaries are no longer possible…nor is air travel or probably auto travel as well. It is a future of isolation for almost all of humanity (or very small family groups)…I mean every single time a human encountered another human, they would have to go into extended quarantine to avoid infecting their small family group. Since we know that it can be spread via fecal matter and farts at 200 meters we are talking remote relations and a lack of ‘exchange’ without complete disinfection…and how would you ‘be sure’? Cities and towns are not going to be possible any longer, or schools…or really anything that requires assembly of peoples.
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cab3f6 No.78411
Actually wait-
>basically uses you up and discards of you once your body runs out of resources to reproduce with/find compatibility with
There is a divine irony to this, in that this is essentialy what man has been doing to the world since day 1, imagine that- we made a version of ourselves on a tinier scale.
Tell me, once this has lead man to extinction, will the Corona virus essentially hold an everlasting record of every human it's killed and used as breeding stock, hidden in an everlasting microsphere?
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563c2b No.78413
>> tank movement videos
That Italy one is old but thanks for the other ones.
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2fee02 No.78418
Hobbes is dead anon. He has gone to that ‘big totalitarian state’ in the sky.
I like to think of it as a miniature jew.
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cab3f6 No.78419
So, unnaground living, in caves, with the worms and dirt, then? Any results on those few newborns with the virus? Can they live, or?
The old saying, that lonliness is what kills a man is looking all the more like a fact of life now. Seeing as there are some theories on man coming from underground caverns and expanses, or at least some of our genetic makeup, it's essentially the reset button- if anything survives, it'll literally be an age of caveman and repopulation of natrual flora and fauna in our absense. Vietnam will probably do better than most, thanks to tunnels.
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668d4f No.78421
Remember Katrina. No funs allowed in the Coofodome.
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94cddf No.78422
Sorry to the BO of Coronachan, I posted news in the wrong thread by accident. This is what happens when you wake up after drinking too much the other night!
Here's some news:
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7310cb No.78423
Maybe the virus is a god.
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4f0a9f No.78425
worship me peasant
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4f0a9f No.78427
you will start worshiping corona-chan once people around you start falling from their feet
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2fee02 No.78429
Oh crap I was talking to someone IRL and missed your second question...no, it overwrites the RNA (it literally erases any genetic record of you that ever existed). All the work and sweat and blood and toil of building humanity is just gone...like tears in the rain. You are a super organism...the reproduction difference in between you and the virus is too vast for there to ever be any simpatico between the two forms of data. You have to imagine that the natural prey of the corona virus in its unmodified state is something that can reproduce faster than it can...bacteria and thus stay ahead of the phage via reproduction. This will never be an option for humanity...nor is their any real defense against something that is already dead. What are we going to do? Kill it again? Heat can cause the ‘virus’ envelope to break down but only the type of heat that would also kill your own cells.
{shrug}...IDK what to do...and I have thought a lot about it.
>materialist shitheel?
You must be a kike peddling your ‘infinite ideologies’ in order to once again pacify the ‘cattle’ with your parasitic control of their lives...I bet you can wait to go to that totalitarian state in the sky so that someone can control your every thought and every second of everything you do as well...absolute puppet is in your immediate future anon. I hope you enjoy the eternal life you have engineered for yourself.
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4f0a9f No.78430
our realities are about to clash, good luck :P
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bb6b8d No.78433
what does the red/green/orange/black means?
Legends would help
immensely. Like you and the tooltip.
Nice webm btw.
It's testing/reporting with chinese characteristics.
>scrub from any social media sites
good. To keep cancer away and let corona-chan stay.
I worship them for they brought corona-chan to our world. ALL HAIL THE CCP AND CORONA-CHAN.
with all the military equipment, martial law is already in effect or would be announced sooner or later.
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13b4c3 No.78434
>Blaming the government for quarantine measures and loss of income is not productive.
They will be to blame if millions of people lose their jobs and ability to earn a living, and don't bail out people directly. Let me ask you something personal: let's say, as a prepper who worked for a living and you have close relatives who did not prep at all… and they all get laid off and face nightmare bankruptcy and start calling YOU up, begging for charity. Guess what, it just happened to me this morning. Someone is asking to borrow money to buy a used truck, he doesn't have a job anymore to make ends meat and got laid off… and there went his company vehicle! And I expect a lot more calls like that soon too.
So you know what? The government better have preparations in place to help those people if they are going to FORCE businesses to close! Yes, it is the fault of government, 100% I don't have enough to feed a whole family or enough money to take care of all the relatives I have, and won't.
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2fee02 No.78436
USA has a pretty extensive tunnel system as well that can be utilized. IDK based on my own observation of humanity and watching them respond to the ‘virus’ I really don’t think they have what it takes to survive this…if you did survive it as an independent entity (totally self contained) I might argue that you are no longer ‘human’ but something else…but I suppose that is a metaphysical question. I think we would be better served directing the very last bit of technology into a different, non-biological form of humanity…and I know how that sounds, ‘muh trans humanism’…and all that, but I suspect this is the real reason that they poured all that money into the agenda (since they knew they would be doing this to the planet).
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167185 No.78437
I don't think the government should have the freedom to bully and boss people around and ruin innocent lives as they do, but you know what? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right?
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26e012 No.78438
>Maybe the virus is a god.
There is only One God subsisting in Three Persons. Corona-chan is an angel in His service of His righteous judgement upon the Earth for all the degeneracy and pride of the last generation (past 40 years), especially for abortion (1.2 fucking billion souls!) and for the Chinese Communists' gratuitous hubris and persecution of His saints.
Hobbes is shit, but you are right about the necessity of the state and the superiority of the collective. You do have to specify that its the family at large, the tribe, and culture collective that must be upheld, rather than some generic undefined collective that's common in communism and socialism
Here is a materialist who has no arguments, but only ad hominem and bloviating of the air.
Your humanist religion is dead and the withering corpse will be eaten-up by Christianity at best and New Age paganism at worst within the next few decades, atheist scum.
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2fee02 No.78440
I wouldn’t offer them anything but the ability to come live at my place and work the land to produce their own food. If they aren’t willing to do that basic step to ensure their own future then why would you subsidize a bankrupt system and their participation in it? They would only hit you up later when it was too late to grow anything looking for a handout when they hadn’t done any of the work other than spin their wheels in a bankrupt system…this is like pitying a nigger anon. At some point people have the capacity AND emotional maturity to understand what is happening to this civilization or they are going to be just like a nigger, DEAD WEIGHT on you and those you love. They don’t need a truck with no gas, no parts, increased ability to become infected by moving around and ‘interacting’ with the infected…what they FUCKING NEED is to secure their own future to the extent that they are capable of doing that…that means isolation and getting down to business growing food for this winter. Like I said before (and I KNOW people who have been in logistics for 20 and 30 years; supply chains are breaking down right now, all over the planet).
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bb6b8d No.78441
>Blaming the government for quarantine measures and loss of income is not productive.
Correct but I'm blaming the government for its inaction during the onset especially back in January when travel bans were issued.
During this time, Taiwan is one who acted like a leader during the onset – arresting that blessed faggot who went to clubs and possibly spread corona-chan. And banning chink mainland from coming in. Honorable mention are singapore with their meticulous monitoring and south korea with their precision testings, and fucking Russia/Mongolia from closing their borders immediately following chinkland's quarantine order on our holy land of corona-chan.
What did burgerland do? Issued a travel ban. Then tested out only 500 during January-February. Now community spreader everywhere. Half-baked efforts.
Corona-chan is the new meme for suicide bombers / alluhakbars / trojan horses and the free world fell for it and eat shit from Chink shills.
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26e012 No.78442
>Correct but I'm blaming the government for its inaction during the onset especially back in January when travel bans were issued.
No mention of Best Korea shooting the few infected they had who broke quarantine and their strict measures of everything coming in to their country?
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bb6b8d No.78446
>best korea
Best korea doesn't need a mention. They're already the best.
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7310cb No.78447
Some data out of India https://covidout.in/ live updates, shows clearly how utterly at the beginning of the ride some countries are. It's fascinating to see how Corona chan is preparing country after country. I have no idea why India only now starts to accelerate and not a month ago. What's good about these stats is that they split up hospital admissions to normal beds and ICU beds. Keep it open for regular updates, she's going to tear the poojeets a new asshole guaranteed.
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86fb94 No.78449
Yes, I realize all this and agree on many points. The simple fact is, even as a prepper myself, I don't have the kinds of supplies to feed and shelter many others. Yes, maybe I could let one person who is very close to me live here and work for me… but other family members that I do care about? No way, I just don't have enough supplies to do that, they would be drained within a year or less. I have enough supplies for myself to last me two years without having to rely on the system and that's it. Besides my garden and a couple connections with some nearby ranchers/farmers. But even they will soon start feeling the effects and needing more supplies to do what they do, this is how the real economy works. Regardless that I'm better off than most, I am not totally free from the system and now have very limited savings (for paying bills and taxes).
You are likely right though, I am going to see a lot of family members hurt, begging for handouts and possibly dying off within the next year. I guess I'm pissed off because the government is exacerbating this by forcing so much business to close down, this hits people pretty hard.
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7310cb No.78451
In times like these, being known as the Hermit Kingdom really is a blessing. In a month we will all long to live there with mommy Kim Yo-jong.
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2fee02 No.78452
If you were really a ‘Christian’ you would understand that the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ was the fallen angel kingdom on the Earth that has almost completely destroyed it and that it has no part in the new age at all. At the end of each age the ‘religions’ of the preceding ages are purged. Paganism? WTF? The ‘kingdom of heaven’ utterly destroyed all ‘paganism’ and completely erased it; completely…all you have is whatever the fuck you make up in your own mind as ‘muh religion’. Why have ANYTHING if you can just MAKE SHIT UP LIKE A KIKE as you go…
Shift those goalposts mutherfucker…
The only LEGITIMATE ‘religion’ is the relationship of every infintestimallly small fraction of experience that you shared with God during the course of your life and that would take a lifetime to convey to any other person, so you are fucked if you want to share it or talk about it. It is The Experience of being alive…not some Fake assed fucking bullshit muttered from the filthy lips of a child raping GLOBOFUCKINGHOMO.
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2fee02 No.78455
I think they are wrong as well. But they want to keep the slave system going and the only way to do that is to preserve it…if some slave die in the meantime, they don’t care…that is the great thing about slaves, they are self maintaining and they make more slaves if you let them. We can decide at any time if we wanted to to move on without them and take our chances with the virus and a ‘lack of security’ but I strongly doubt that there is that much WILL left in humanity to brave the great unknown without government tiddys to suck on. If we were following natural law (FREEDOM) we would all just continue doing whatever we needed and those who will die will die and those who would live will live. This is a much better approach. It was only when the parasites realized that there wasn’t going to BE ANYTHING LEFT FOR THEM TO PARASITE ON that they started screaming that we ‘Shouldn’t panic’ and stepped in with their total control of the slaves. Yep, I planned for my family members but not a single one of them is going to get a fucking hand out. They are going to work the soil or hunt/fish or FUCK OFF. That is the only way things are going to work for people and the only sustainable solution.
I am really glad you can see this anon. We have to preserve as many lives as we can, but before we can do that we have to understand the situation and know our own limits and capacity.
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a70bb9 No.78459
>We can decide at any time if we wanted to to move on without them and take our chances with the virus and a ‘lack of security’ but I strongly doubt that there is that much WILL left in humanity to brave the great unknown without government tiddys to suck on.
I predict, at some point, people will be forced to say "fuck it" and abandon the system, stop paying taxes and bills and just squat in their homes armed. Doing whatever they can to provide for themselves. A kind of third world debt jubilee if you will.
>They are going to work the soil or hunt/fish or FUCK OFF.
Yep, I agree. At some point reality will kick in. Luckily I have experience with hunting and fishing, a lot of people these days do not and I pity them.
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2fee02 No.78463
I pity them too anon. My heart breaks for them. But the difficult decisions have to be made if anyone is going to survive. It helps to remember that they CHOSE the system and that every day and with every continued machination they continue to chose that system.
They are inured.
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96486c No.78465
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035573 No.78467
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668d4f No.78468
You can help improve India’s numbers by sending them test kits, but you’ll just be wasting them.
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8bea8b No.78469
>People who can’t grow and defend their own food do not deserve to live any longer
How long do you think you will be able to handle the war of attrition? Independent farmers and preppers will most likely end up having to pay "taxes" to whatever local warlord emerges on the top. It will be like the government, just without the facade of "public interest". Even if attacked by random starving people all the time, you will run out of energy/bullets etc. And corpses rot, you can get diseases from them. Not to mention that it will mostly get confiscated by the remnants of current army and you forced to work on fields like a medieval serf. There are plentiful historical examples to learn from.
>You are just talking about global communism anon. If that is the future you will settle for I guess that is what you deserve.
Islamic communism. Embrace it. I'm just telling people what's to come so they can prepare, even the stamp system will fall apart after a while and communism will start turning into total anarchy
>I guess you guys don’t have that many subhumans around to worry about but that will not protect you from severed supply lines
They will probably stop supplying and close Lidl here, it's funny how even shit tier German products are better than our average products. This doesn't apply to Polish stuff, it's garbage
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7310cb No.78472
lol why would I do that? Besides, my country (Czech Republic) was the first in Europe to stop export of medical supplies, which is common sense. I want every country's populace to come to the same conclusion, so that nationalism grows. We need the bodies for the fight against the bolshevik jews once this is over. It's already starting here, nobody wants to open the borders when they're as lax as they are in Germany, France etc.
No More Globalism! Own People First!
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7310cb No.78473
I had same thoughts, if this is the ELE everyone expects, we're going back to the Dark Ages. Remember the Roman Empire, aquaducts, home heating systems, law, democracy? Yeah nobody in Europe in 1000AD did.
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82a109 No.78478
First reported Cases of SARS-CoV-2 was actually in November 19 a month prior on September 16, 2019, Novosibirsk Region, the village of Koltsovo, State Scientific Center "Vector"
There was an explosion of a gas cylinder with a fire (eliminated on an area of 30 m 2 ) on the 5th floor of a 6-storey reinforced concrete laboratory building in the sanitary inspection room being repaired. No work with biological material on the body was carried out. 1 person was injured, building structures were not damaged
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8bea8b No.78479
If it's so easy to design, then it should be possible to develop a code that neutralizes it. It doesn't need to be alive to be neutralized.
>and I know how that sounds, ‘muh trans humanism’…and all that, but I suspect this is the real reason that they poured all that money into the agenda (since they knew they would be doing this to the planet)
If this shit kills me, I will reincarnate as a gray goo and do the same to whatever artificial abomination they manage to erect from a corpse of the organic/natural world. Mark my words.
Fetuses don't have souls christkike
India is blessed by Nurgle, they will make it. Future superpower confirmed. They are infested with so many bacteria that this won't be even able to reach human cells.
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67e7ac No.78483
> if this is the ELE everyone expects
It isn't.
>Remember the Roman Empire, aquaducts, home heating systems, law, democracy? Yeah nobody in Europe in 1000AD did.
Lmao are you serious? Even if Corona-chan sticks around for years and kills off a significant portion of the population, the knowledge and infrastructure that underpins the existence of civilization isn't going to just vanish into nothing because we aren't niggers and this isn't africa. The closest we will come is less sportsball on the TV this year and maybe the next, less variety of food on the shelves and less time spent in planes, trains and automobiles. The federal and state governments aren't about to fold for anything less than a nuclear war, a global-scale natural disaster (Massive volcanic eruption or a meteorite impact, for example) or being crushed militarily and if they keep themselves alive one way or another then the current order of things will endure for better or worse.
Also lmao at the captcha I got.
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1e5614 No.78484
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98f13b No.78486
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82a109 No.78488
In a letter to the White House
RE: Coronavirus Bioweapon, Media Bioterrorism, and Recommendations to Reduce Risks
to Public Health and Safety
February 10, 2020
Honorable Kelvin K. Droegemeier
Executive Office of the President
Office of Science anTechnology Policy
Washington, DC 20502
Honorable Chad Wolf
Acting Secretary
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
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1e5614 No.78491
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2c696a No.78493
Coronavirus 290,000+ Infected, Military On The Streets In New York City Due To Covid-19!
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22fd84 No.78496
Head over to new england for a good time.
How are the Amish doing?
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2f1575 No.78499
>literally the same fag, 035573
>response to being STFUd is >>faggot
yes, this is what happens when the government is run by retards for half a century. and those retards include polniggers
well wiggers hoarding and being retarded and shit can be seen as world burning so i dont disagree with you there
Using public and published information, we estimate that the overall symptomatic case fatality risk (the probability of dying after developing symptoms) of COVID-19 in Wuhan was 1.4% (0.9–2.1%), which is substantially lower than both the corresponding crude or naïve confirmed case fatality risk (2,169/48,557 = 4.5%)
also see https://www.cebm.net/global-covid-19-case-fatality-rates/
>Individualism is a shit
>communism is shit
>wants literally only remaining option of neetsoc
>literally rages on the internet every day because there isn't a strongman for him to suck the cock of
white people.
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8c6290 No.78500
>spam only paid jewish shills have ever said
Kill yourself. Go back to reddit. You’re not fooling anyone here.
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850d6c No.78502
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04c155 No.78504
>the knowledge and infrastructure that underpins the existence of civilization isn't going to just vanish into nothing because we aren't niggers and this isn't africa
You had Romans state this same sentiment even while Rome burned.
It can happen, and here's why: Knowledge keeping requires a significant amount of upkeep. If you store data on a computer, it requires electricity (at least sporadically so the internal battery doesn't die), it requires regular part changes as old parts burn out, it requires drives being refreshed now and then so the data doesn't fall to bitrot. And all digital data can be rendered useless by electricity becoming rare, and the electrical system requires a gargantuan amount of upkeep. There's tons of linemen driving around with giant spools of wire right this second, repairing damage and doing preventative maintenance.
Physical books may not seem like it, but they too require a fair amount of upkeep: Someone needs to keep them all sorted or you're never going to find the book on civil engineering among all the romance novels. And, more importantly, someone needs to watch the environmental conditions. A library with a leaky roof means your books are going to be unreadable in a very short time. And that's assuming nigger riots don't just burn it down.
Romans also had libraries in every city and all upper class Romans had private libraries in their houses. That didn't prevent civilization from going to shit.
That leaves human repositories of knowledge, and there's few of those in a modern world where people are used to having all of humanities knowledge at their fingertips literally every second of the day. In a time of great turmoil, nobody is going to pay them in universities, so they'll do what the skilled builders and architects of Rome once did: Get a different job. They'll start farming a plot of land so they don't starve, and by the time the turmoil has passed in a couple decades, so have they.
Civilization is a highly complex network of specialized labor, and the more complex it gets the easier it comes undone. Don't trust in governments too much, especially democratic ones. Their high instability is a planned feature, they're going down far easier than a kingdom or empire every would.
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5ed83d No.78505
Even if it's deaths/total infected would be correct, (closed cases doesn't neccesarily mean anything, we have no idea how long it's in your system, or who is walking around with it dormant, who is or isn't recovered etc) we can't tell because the total number of infected has GOT to be way off, there's no way it's accurate with all the countries that are either not or quarter-assing testing. Real life events are showing, the virus to likely cap out in the first wave(?) at around 10%, month old data posted on this very website suggest 100% (di-phasic AIDS) mortality. Noone knows.
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035573 No.78506
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2f0eff No.78507
>Dark ages
Not going to happen in the west, maybe in apefrica though. >>78483 this is breddy right and it's a beautiful captcha. Saved kek.
Once martial law cracks down, people stay the fuck in their houses in urban locations, rations are doled out until Corona-Chan dies out or is (((cured))), shit goes back to normal after a few months or more depending on the country, with some hiccups and a slightly reduced workforce. Dead boomer gibs go to the younger generation, spending occurs, shit starts to work again, people are still mostly cautious now, after seeing the tens to hundreds of thousands or more dead outside of china and in harder to control media distribution networks. Will be some reinfection until breath test versions are widespread (detect shedding). The key to beat this until other methods are more effective, is to detect it.
This isn't the first time shit has gone bad and won't be the last but it's certainly not looking ELE by way some countries are handling it. It's going to be a good haircut though.
There was an explosion then in a bio lab, but I've not seen any evidence of cases, only genetic database saying it was the (((wuhan))) virus and nothing about Russia.
That poster also said multiple viruses had escaped, not just corona-chan variants. I don't know if they can prove all their claims.
Thing I don't get is why isn't she also killing Ivan? It's not, you can see livestreams of the cities and get the youtubers to walk around and nothing is going on there. Their cases are abnormally low for a large country because they shut their borders, however doesn't stop all the boomers flying there to my knowledge.
Kek at the naive ((1)) hapaglowfaggot believing chink numbers and thinking /pol/ will too.
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eb78df No.78508
Even in the digital age we are at risk of losing a lot of shit for a variety of reasons.
Medieval Europeans weren't quite as ignorant as post-Victorian era people believe, but it's true literacy and learning and diffusion of knowledge completely collapsed for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, and shit didn't recover and get fully back on track for like 1,000 years until the Renaissance era.
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5ed83d No.78509
That's assuming it will be around forever, which in the case of, let's say, the entire world being forced to truly quarantine about two years down the line when people finally get the message is unlikely. If a more lethal mutation spreads and becomes dominant, it will flatten itself. If a less lethal mutation is around, it may be flattened. And in this case noone's talking about immunity
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5ed83d No.78517
Please, PLEASE explain to a brainlet like myself why if it has HIV code it automatically should mean that it starts mimicking symptoms of HIV. A monkey has a lot of the same DNA as a human, and I'm sure most viruses are essentially made of much the same code, integrally. How do we know that which is from HIV isn't in corona to make it more aggressive, or fulfill some other function? How can we know for sure?
Also, doesn't every single virus on earth take over the body's cell production to produce more of it's own? Are you supposing that, theoretically, a coronavirus patient left alive long enough would be turned INTO a body of giant clustersof coronaviruses via the taking over of cell production?
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847e97 No.78519
Good thing we have strong women.
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2fee02 No.78521
I swear to God I filtered you…probably last thread. K…filtering brown people again.
>design code
Yes…this is one of the hardest things for engineers to deal with when it comes to biology (and it is not just you BTW). They think in terms of brute engineering and bits and bytes. Computer programming is ‘biology’ without any randomness or quantum aspects to its behavior. Biology doesn’t really work like that though. Remember it is a probability function of quantum behavior…sometimes light is a wave and sometimes it is a particle. Now, combine that with the complexity of a quantum data set (01; 11; 10; 00 or C; G; A; U) and there you go…untangle that. ;). Remember, they didn’t ‘make this’; they modified it. Making it would have been totally different and above their pay grade. I heard this one story about how GMO crops are ‘made’…basically they coat a very small bb with DNA and shoot it into the germ cell of a plant; if something grows they douse it with glyphosate. If it dies…oh well they have 10,000 test subjects. This is little more than fucking cave men with more precise ‘rocks’ dancing and ooooking around the fire. They aren’t actually CREATING anything there. It is literally a crap shoot that has little to nothing to do with them or their ‘skills’ at all.
>reincarnate as grey goo
Ok…glownigger, I will humor you…regale us with your reasons for saying it isn’t an ELE. Tell us something that guarantees that it isn’t; because your ‘word’ vs anons starving to death this winter because they didn’t prepare seems like a no brainer to me…what is your ‘word’ going to be worth when they can’t feed their kids or wife? The only way that this is not an ELE is if the entire thing is a FALSE FLAG…and this is a power grab…in which case, why the FUCK would anons listen to ANYTHING you say?
Correct anon. I had History of the Roman Empire in college with an old gheezer who hated jews (on reflection; he never openly stated it but constantly harped on their destruction of the Roman Empire with their laws, slavery, homosexuality, degeneracy and usury +money manipulation) and he made some of the same points you are making in your post. He was a great teacher…he also introduced us to the history of the inventions and technology that was lost and even today we are still not capable of replicating it.
It is like anon is thinking that he has this multi billion ingredient recipe for chocolate chip cookies and that if he removes all the White sugar or White flour it will still be chocolate chip cookies.
It would be a gooey brown mess and it might even be tasty (not likely since niggers smell so bad) but it wouldn’t be a chocolate chip cookie by any stretch of the imagination. Civilization (OUR CIVILIZATION TO BE MORE PRECISE SINCE THE OTHER RACES ARE ALL PARASITES ON IT) is a complicated dance of interconnected parts that removing many will result in total failure of the whole thing.
>no one is talking about immunity
That is because there is nothing to be immune to. It is not, nor will it ever be a question of becoming immune because phages are mutagenic hunter killers not something that can be recognized and exterminated. Corona Virus are not ‘virus’ anon (despite the name); they are a totally different beast.
They even have their own classification in biology. It is a real disservice to call them ‘virus’ because it brings things to peoples minds that are assumptions that do not apply. Let me put it this way…a phages role on the planet is to exterminate all exponential growth. Normally they are required because the exponential growth of bacteria etc would be so great that the entire biosphere would explode into a complete solid mass in less than 4 days without them. Just completely fucking solid without even an inch of wiggle room.
Yeah…so the bugs took this key weapon of biology and turned it on humanity. There really isn’t any way (that I can think of thus far [and who knows]) to fight that because it is a time/scale divergence between us and the hunter killer.
I love that video on YT “Were the Dark Ages Really Dark”? He explains that not only were they not ‘Dark” but they were a flourishing of European culture that was the most amazing thing ever seen. Their was a high degree of education, creative thinking, independent thought. The jew calls it the dark ages because he was persecuted and driven from our lands so that we could flourish and prosper…but it is actually the opposite. We live in the DARK AGES now as slaves without freedom and those where the LIGHT AGES. With jews you lose. They are a [B]LIGHT unto the Nations…everything they touch; they destroy.
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bfe143 No.78522
Good afternoon my fellow cultist, It's another glorious day to bask in the Goddess's glory. Let's get to work:
Nasty Girls setting up at the FedEx Field in Maryland
Wales update
Ragheadland update
Wheezing man collapse in NYC subway
>Thank you for your continued service BrazilNewsBro!
You're welcome! Have this mp4 of your third pic.
Pastaland one is a bit old but yes, many armed forces around the world are enforcing lockdowns.
>Corona-chan is an angel in His service of His righteous judgement upon the Earth for all the degeneracy and pride of the last generation (past 40 years), especially for abortion (1.2 fucking billion souls!) and for the Chinese Communists' gratuitous hubris and persecution of His saints.
Now I truly understand why Corona-Chan told me that I shouldn't fight with you guys, our beliefs aren't that different after all.
There were news of scientists saying that Corona-Chan's victims resemble HIV patients and SARS patients at the same time. That is because Corona-Chan also attacks the immunological system, just like HIV. This came out at the end of last month, IIRC.
>inb4 source
Dig in the previous threads, I'm too busy with what's happening currently around the world to go fetch it for you.
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26e012 No.78523
>All that nonsense in one post
>No proof, no arguments, the tomb at Gethsemane is still empty, presuppositions for intelligibility still Christian
Take your meds schizo and turn to Christ who can free you from the world system.
>Fetuses don't have souls christkike
>No proof
>no arguments
It's all so tiresome. May I ask when do babies get their souls then, according to your worldview?
>Fucking christcucks! You worship a jewish lie, you fucking shit
I know you won't see this post, but why are you so angry? Come let us reason together in /christian/ if you want.
>Upkeep of civilization
It depends on how severe the virus is to people under 60 in the end of all this, if reinfection is actually real and more deadly, and if there will be second wave worse than the first. There's people 60 and over that have a lot of knowledge and experience, yet they seem to have almost finished handing off that knowledge to the younger generation, a hand-off that started mid-late 2000's. There's very little, if at all, elderly in important upkeep positions like physical labor. Assuming best case scenario, the younger people can fill in the gaps of knowledge and labor cleanly, but this assumes best case scenario. It's scary to think what will happen if there's anything worse.
There's also the possibility that some important elderly survive or successfully avoid the virus at the end of this pandemic; in which case, we're at a better position than we predicted.
Wasn't there a problem with the sole Russian supply of Smallpox samples as well, or were the Russians able to account for that sample after the blast?
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035573 No.78524
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5ed83d No.78525
I meant it literally as in i UNDERSTAND immunity isn't a thing. Nevertheless, my question remains; I understand it's not even really a virus in the traditional sense, but the exponential growth you are supposing is not being reflected in real life. Quarantine does help somewhat - the virus is not active on surfaces until the end of time. There IS a curve of infection, and it CAN be interacted with, at least this has been proven. You're supposing a pretty much 100% SCP type end of the world scenario where the overworld becomes an ocean of coronavirus, and I'm saying there's a lot of factors seperating that scenario from reality.
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6e8714 No.78526
Reminder to not reply to asuka hapa avatar faggot. He's a half estonian/russian rapebaby from nanochan that has been constantly shitting up boards for their CCP overlords.
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bfe143 No.78528
NPC NBC news report on the FedEx Field in Maryland being used by the Nasty Girls
Pastaland update
PooperPower2020 locking down four cities
40 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death in Spic Republic Their total number of confirmed cases is now 112 https://archive.is/JPh2s
10 new confirmed cases in Niggeria 2 have been discharged and all are receiving adequate care……KEK, so much bullshit, those 2 niggers will drop dead soon
This. Him and all the others who just shit on the threads are already cursed, no need to worry about them, they will be gone soon.
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2f0eff No.78529
Haparot can happen quickly, just the storage version of your niggery posts. They can also fail because the lazy niggerhapa-bearings dry out or grease gums up. Condensation also in bad storage situations.
Basically fire your shit up every now and then, store stuff properly and eventually copy it to another drive. And don't be a useless hapaglowie faggot.
Other anon can answer that (from memory), I don't have this data. They thought it spread via exotic animal trade to Wuhan. Sounds bit like a chink derailment, that said, Russia is doing super good.
Worth further looking into at this point I feel.
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9ca96b No.78530
Anybody have anymore images or archives of /sudpol/? My computer crashed and I'm missing some stuff I got from it.
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67e7ac No.78531
What the fuck are you on about? The kinds of data loss you're talking about take decades or even centuries to come to pass and information in both analog and digital formats are more common now than ever before. I'm not saying that what we have today will never be lost but if you think that the Coronavirus is going to cause that to happen I'd be interested in hearing your explanation of why we didn't go back to living in mud huts and shitting in the bushes after the Spanish Flu apparently destroyed western civilization and all knowledge related to it.
>Ok…glownigger, I will humor you…regale us with your reasons for saying it isn’t an ELE.
An extinction event is - by definition - an event wherein the abundance and diversity of life on earth is significantly and sharply reduced. Think extended volcanic winter, meteorite impact, etc.; something global and cataclysmic.
>Tell us something that guarantees that it isn’t;
It doesn't fit the definition of an extinction event.
>because your ‘word’ vs anons starving to death this winter because they didn’t prepare seems like a no brainer to me…what is your ‘word’ going to be worth when they can’t feed their kids or wife? The only way that this is not an ELE is if the entire thing is a FALSE FLAG…and this is a power grab…in which case, why the FUCK would anons listen to ANYTHING you say?
Take your meds.
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4f0a9f No.78532
cucks be cucks even in time of un-cuckening
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7310cb No.78534
Re: Maryland, if this is to treat people referred to by an initial contact with a heath care provider, instead of just acting like an aditional valve, doesn't that simply leave the chokehold in place, at the clinics, ERs etc?
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54b2c2 No.78535
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7310cb No.78536
In my thinking, the ELE wouldn't be caused directly by the virus, but rather indirectly. This can lead to wars easily, just look how tense everyone is getting. And you haven't even started yet. Why do you think the chinks, shia niggers and the russians are all lying about their stats? It implies weakened state and they all feel threatened atm.
Apart from that, given the mutations that seem to be around (not a doctor just reading the same stuff you are), who is to say how she will evolve? What if the next mutation kills all sheep, cows etc? Anyway, that was my thinking.
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77861d No.78537
>assholes and elbows AND circlesfag are back
/pnd/ is very nostalgic.
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2fee02 No.78539
It would take over the target cells that it was programmed hunt and kill…but yes…lets say that we could infect someone with Corona Chan and keep them on life support at a cellular level (not as an organism; with is a complex system <— this systemization is part of the reason why we are so vulnerable to Corona Chan) while letting the virus feed on them. As the virus fed mutated and acquired new targets through mutation it would gradually erase all of the RNA (coding proteins) that once resembled anything human. I think the system/human would die long before it would get to this and the only way it would or could continue is if you were able to keep the host alive on a cellular level (dismantle the interdependence of the last 100 million years of genetic development that comprises ‘humanity’).
Well, that coding sequence (IMO thus far) only accentuates/accelerates Corona’s ability to mutate. To me, looking at it, it doesn’t seem much like HIV at all. HIV was an opportunist promoter…so when you got HIV and were not on antivirals it suppressed your immune system so that other things could destroy your body. Before antivirals there were many many different ways to die of ‘AIDS’ (the disease[s] caused by HIV) so they don’t seem all that similar to me.
Monkeys use the same programming codes (C,G, T and A) BUT they do not have the same coding sequences and some similar codons but they do not share ALLELES with HUMANS (excluding niggers who share 80% of their alleles with chimps). If you looked just at alleles in a human and wanted to isolate the alleles of the human hands and replace them with whale alleles, you would have a human born with whale flippers for hands. The desperate parts of the genetic code would be ‘the same’ according to popular ‘science’ but the alleles (the factor that controls the emergent form and behavior of the physical realm) would be whale alleles and expressed as flippers rather than hands. So humans are ‘similar’ to monkeys but the emergent form and behavior is different. The kikes love comparing HUMANITY to monkeys because they count on the fact that it humiliates you and that you don’t understand the expression of alleles in genetics.
Well. We don’t KNOW this yet anon. Remember all the data we have is immature, incomplete and lies. What we do know is BEHAVIOR and the behavior or the component parts. Remember, in China this is a national security issue…no one is allowed to even speak of it or I am sure it would be sudden death for themselves and anyone they loved. Basically none of us really knows what is going on because we can’t be everywhere at once WITNESSING what is happening…and no WITNESSES can be called to bare in this situation either because it is ‘not permitted’ for ‘muh national security’ reasons. I mean, there are glowniggers in this thread but for 99% of them this is ‘news’ that they were not told and will never know based on the fact that they ‘don’t need to know’. We don’t have data. They aren’t going to give us the data to save ourselves.
>take my meds
Why anon, how delightfully jewish of you.
Tell me why you think this Corona Virus will stop with the extermination of humanity and not cross species like it has already proven it can do in China? I mean THE TECHNICAL REASON that it will not cross species…not ‘muh opinion’. It will be wrong because it has already crossed species but I will humor you…it is only a matter of time (because this is a bioweapon engineered with HIV mutations for a higher mutagenic transcription rate and not the normal species specific Corona Virus [which still hope species routinely]). I can wait. It was a mistake on the Chinese's part to engineer a higher rate of mutation into the virus and then add the 33 a’s to the telomeres keep the virus in a stable mutation mode. It is an ELE event type of mistake. They are RETARDS (the same as all the subhumans) who should have never been allowed in a science class, let alone a science lab.
I like circles faggot. Every single time he posts he reminds me why Oaths are invalid.
“An honorable man will be bound by them while a dishonorable man is never bound by anything.” Oaths are a way to enslave what is honorable.
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bfe143 No.78543
Pinochetland update https://archive.is/7lwXk
Malaise update
Jew York City and Los Angeles will stop mass testing
https://archive.is/FLmkd turns out CNN does archive properly
Pakishitters update https://archive.is/fE3zM
Deutschland update, they're now at 21.890 confirmed cases and 77 confirmed deaths
>that said, Russia is doing super good.
I like Ruskies and their current measures are good, but they're covering up the number of cases under pneumonia. I believe I posted news about this either earlier in this thread or in the previous one.
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54b2c2 No.78544
>“An honorable man will be bound by them while a dishonorable man is never bound by anything.” Oaths are a way to enslave what is honorable.
I think he's just in the non-functional side of the spectrum but romanticizing the past is to be expected.
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b6f409 No.78546
Omg this anime retard is still spamming the thread geez.
Just know according to the CDC's model about 1% of the population is infected.
It's fuckin criminal what they're doing. For Instance Arizona is reporting less than 200 confirmed cases, the media's reporting that but the CDC estimates there could be up to 70k cases in Arizona. All this disinfo is to get Trump re elected. If you sell out to the Jews they'll use their media to get you re elected. That's the rule and trump has followed it to a tee.
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1e5614 No.78548
>I like circles faggot. Every single time he posts he reminds me why Oaths are invalid.
>“An honorable man will be bound by them while a dishonorable man is never bound by anything.” Oaths are a way to enslave what is honorable.
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2fee02 No.78549
LMAO…if we can’t romanticize the past what can we romanticize? The present doesn’t seem to be an option. Too many people romanticize the future (‘HOPE’ and all that bullshit)…
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3b2ec3 No.78550
The problem here is that the 'younger people' are increasingly non-white of the nigger variety. There are no perfect knowledge transfers, and the transmission has a substantially poor signal to noise ratio when the receiver is a nigger. Not will the nigger fail to retain what he is told, he lacks the ability of inference to fill in the gaps.
Is CR relatively nigger free? From what I've noticed, Slavic women are easier to reach with nigger culture than the men.
Western media were reporting that Kim was rushing a new hospital. Most likely they just shot the infected people quickly, which is quite an efficient and ruthless way of dealing with the problem if you lack other supplies.
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5ed83d No.78553
If it's not the HIV which is the result of the chronic immunocompromising function of the virus (if it wasn't obvious, I don't know anything about this stuff, but it's very important I try to understand as well as possible.) but instead something else - does singling out the presence of HIV code become irrelevant?
Does the virus/whatever share alleles with HIV then? It sounds like no, again leading us to learn, not very much.
Also, nevertheless, don't most viruses rewrite DNA? I'm just trying to grasp the situation better
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2fee02 No.78556
This is 100% correct anon. Civilization is a genetic and inherited trait of only one race on the planet. It is the result of 10,000 years of the most beautiful recessive genetic artwork that has ever been purchased in the blood sweat and tears of our ancestors. Hundreds of thousands if not hundreds of millions gave everything to bring it into being. Can you imagine throwing that all away (the most precious inheritance that has ever occurred) so that you could fuck a subhumans pussy? The disrespect of the death and struggles of our ancestors is beyond comprehension.
>shot the infected
I think they did the same thing in China and I will not be surprised if they do it here as well.
Can’t over emphasize the importance of surviving the death throes of the government and military apparatus and all that…
Later fags…got to go work innafield. I will be expecting quality content when I return…lol.
I will try to explain it when I come in tonight…if someone else doesn’t beat me too it. Gotta go work so that there is food this winter. I am very glad to see that you have an interest.
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5ed83d No.78559
>>78469 People say this is Georgia guidestones stuff but this is totally fucking them over too - there's absolutely no way things are going according to plan. Schemers gonna scheme of course and take as much of an advantage of the situation as possible but I seriously doubt the NWO will have the manufacturing capacity to usher in the age before the apocalypse and drug/chip/enslave everyone. They may try, or postpone it, we don't know, they may have shot themselves in the foot, this might bring them down, or we'll see globohomo nightmare memes made real. Like with the virus itself, we don't know. There's the WHO on one end, and doomer anons with half formed death wishes and a hentai stash coming out with numbers like 100% CFR.
All the evidence we have suggest recovery doesnt even neccesarily mean anything, they're just infected cases probably slightly further down the line (meaning the mortality will be higher.) however you can just lump those into the category of infected, of which there definitely are more than we know of, meaning it's somewhat accurate when you divide deaths over total infected. Italy 10% CFR is probably somewhat accurate…
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5ed83d No.78561
Stay safe reasonanon
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668d4f No.78562
Why the runny nose? Our girl don’t run like that.
>>78544 Shia
No one cares about an oathfaggot as long as they’re not begging for (you)s.
As has been said for a long time, it’s at least ten times as deadly as a typical seasonal influenza. First wave is gonna be big. Trump isn’t going to look good when everyone knows someone with glass lungs, no matter that he declares himself a wartime president.
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7310cb No.78564
Notice how the NYC first responders wear gloves but none of them wears a mask. None.
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bfe143 No.78567
Ruskies building a hospital near Moscow just for Corona-Chan's victims
FDA approves a test that yields results in 45 minutes https://archive.is/4Gwgk
Brownzilian update compiled from state health departments
>1021 confirmed cases (testing positive and being symptomatic)
>18 confirmed deaths
Daily and Threadly reminder that the Brownzilian numbers are complete bullshit for the following reasons
>Not counting Hues who are confirmed to have tested positive but are asymptomatic
>Ministry of health not counting all the numbers of confirmed cases reported by state health departments
>No mass testing, only Hues who are presenting "severe" symptoms are getting tested.
Jew Jersey update
>>78544 (checked)
>I think he's just in the non-functional side of the spectrum
>People say this is Georgia guidestones stuff but this is totally fucking them over too - there's absolutely no way things are going according to plan.
I think this is Georgia guidestone stuff but I know (((they're))) getting economically fucked by it. My guess is that (((they))) don't give a shit about profits anymore, they're doing this for religious reasons. Of course, like as I always say, I believe Corona-Chan has turned against them and will kill them all, along with all the subhumans.
They're fucked.
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54b2c2 No.78569
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>in a couple of years we will be missing fungusfag's spergouts
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f217a9 No.78570
>that brazilian testing method
So they'll end up with a 99% death rate? lmao
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3cb701 No.78572 
"I will infect 66.6% of the world's population. I am already in Africa with over 1000 reported infections already there today. I did not say kill, it's just a flu to most of you. But some are for nature's culling. Worship me as a Goddess and despair, I hold your lives in the palms of my hands. I'm everywhere now. Love ya!" - Corona Chan
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54b2c2 No.78574
File: ca9d25470943afd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 554.32 KB, 1536x1601, 1536:1601, 1163570_kaimo_ebola_chan_x….jpg)

>Infinity Wars was the most ambitious crossover of the last 5 years
Hold my Corona…
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9694f2 No.78576
Hello there >(1) chan, how was tyron's dick cheese yesterday or did you suck hard enough for him to cum shit down your troath? you better not strain your neck by headbutting his belly button so hard, and while you're at it, don't forget to rake the crabs from his pubes
since i have nothing better to do, let me feed some (you)s up your ass
>m-m-muh pie chart made by official sources debunking my "less than 1% death rate / the flu is worse" narrative d-doesn't mean Jack s-s-shit
>muh government is ran by retarded /pol/niggers
>hurr durr mass panic and resource scarcity are not real goy, also u r a retard if you prep
>even though i just dissed an official source that disagreed with me about muh death rate, let show you these other official sources that do agree with me
>u r an ebul natzee if you disapprove the selfish debauchery of communism
>literally rages on /pnd/ every day because white chads don't want his aids ridden tongue to touch their dicks
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26e012 No.78579
Checked, and thank you for that great webm fren!
When all this is said and done, the survivors need to go the guidestones and bring them down and break them up. Leave them so that we may remember the evil that this people bring, and set up a memorial teach future generations why all this has happened and why the stones are so wrong. They have been a blight to my state since the moment they were erected.
>2nd pic is a thumbnail
Aw man, are you an ant or something?
>The problem here is that the 'younger people' are increasingly non-white of the nigger variety.
That be true, but how many are in important places for upkeep? It seems like people, including the younger gen, in upkeep-type industries (mechanics, technicians, engineering, etc) are overwhelmingly European. I could be wrong because I have not looked at the statistics.
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7310cb No.78580
Czech Republic is nigger free. Prague sees niggers in summer from tourism, and there's one or two left typically working for American jew companies. CR is west slavic, and really closer to German, Hungarian and Austrian culture than say Serbia or Ukraine. Women who mingle with niggers are despised but they're usually known to be whores already, not family material.
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67e7ac No.78581
>In my thinking, the ELE wouldn't be caused directly by the virus, but rather indirectly. This can lead to wars easily, just look how tense everyone is getting. And you haven't even started yet. Why do you think the chinks, shia niggers and the russians are all lying about their stats? It implies weakened state and they all feel threatened atm.
Humanity clapping itself is not an ELE. We would have to completely JUST the entire planet to cause an ELE and even a nuclear war probably wouldn't cut it.
>Apart from that, given the mutations that seem to be around (not a doctor just reading the same stuff you are), who is to say how she will evolve? What if the next mutation kills all sheep, cows etc? Anyway, that was my thinking.
And what if it mutates into a form that's just a really bad case of the sniffles?
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7310cb No.78582
Fair enough, so maybe not ELE level -yet. Like I said, she could mutate and kill our main food sources. Who knows.
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000000 No.78583
DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic
>One of the requests to Congress would allow the department to petition a judge to indefinitely detain someone during an emergency.
Shit's going to be extra lame after this virus has swept through.
>Columbine - knee jerk reaction made school fucking gay nationwide
>9/11 - made everything horribly gay worldwide: TSA groping grannies, Perpetual surveillance by the rootless international clique, Destabilized middle east and displaced populations into Europe.
>Wuflu - perpetual detention during whatever flavor of the month emergency, and ?????
Terrifying to think we're going to look back on these recent years as the good old days (they weren't, they were pozzed)
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035573 No.78585
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cf2a95 No.78586
Does anyone have a link to that archived post on either 8ch or 4chan from before COVID even started where some nerd was talking about their concern for the spread of a new coronavirus? I think the thread was in 2018 or something (maybe October 2019 but I'm really not sure). It was one of the few threads with the term "coronavirus" in it before this all started. I forgot to bookmark it.
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67e7ac No.78587
>Like I said, she could mutate and kill our main food sources
And? Humans dying is not an ELE. If anything it would be the best thing to ever happen to the rest of the planet.
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93c92d No.78588
In terms of resource availability and standard of living, I think these were up until mid-Feb this year anyway the good old days. If you were in a first world country, anyway.
But hey, if we go back to nationalism, maybe we can ride the cyclical history train and watch country after country go full nationalist. Remember what happened to the degenerates in the Weimar Republic, anon?
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26e012 No.78590
Dear God, this is it.
>Remember what happened to the degenerates in the Weimar Republic, anon?
Freakin heil'd! Those sweet digits confirms a return to what should happened last century.
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9694f2 No.78593
>actually posting a pie chart that debunks his "only those 2 or 80 are dying"
>thinks the cuckservative government is /pol/ approved
>thinks most mericans are conservative race realist instead of (((progressive liberals)))
>thinks the corporate sponsored useful idiots we call SJW need to be a majority to be loud
>hurrdurr SJW j00z are not real
>strawmans whites as thinking they don't have to learn anything just for being born white the links a comment where a /pol/ac complaining about non whites being shit at learning
gotta give you some credit, you're spot on in your description of leftards, though they don't say whites are better out loud like we do, they just know it deep down
>are you saying individualism is debauchery?
i'm saying excess is debauchery. You see those individualistic retards going to parties as if quarantine meant vacations and you can only call them selfish assholes who don't give a flying fuck about who they drag down with them by spreading the Communist Corona Plague just because they wanted to get wasted
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a51bf6 No.78594
Heil'd. If this whole pandemic doesn't show everyone that globalism and communism will do nothing but enslave and/or kill you I don't know what will. However, there is a antidote to all of this and that would be a strong, nationalist governments who do not tolerate anything like what China has done. When this is over, the brutality inflicted upon them must be swift and horrifying.
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93c92d No.78596
I'm hoping China will just get heavily stigmatized but, being the CCP, they'll double down on the 'china numbah won' bullshit and further piss everyone off. Then their economy can dry up, their people will riot whoever's left, and that house of chopsticks will finally collapse in on itself.
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267f2c No.78597
Hello fellow NEETS, Finally figured out WHY this ultra lethal BIO-WEAPON was "in development" by China early this morning. It should come as no surprise to any of you.
Do you remember the two chinese girls (babies) that were genetically edited to be unable to contract HIV - AIDS, as human experimental lab rats?
Make sense yet?
Considering Coronachan is breathable AIDS, the Chinese Communist Party approved, gene edited "New Chinese"(TM) will be completely immune to it. For everyone else in china and worldwide, death.
Once activated, the CCP's own lust for world domination, resource suction and "breeding space" is achieved. Chinese "edited"(TM) people inherit the earth. All the while the CCP can sit back, relax and watch the world burn, denying any part of a viral outbreak. It removes dissidents, oppositional families, or anyone without the CCP approved "new chinese"(TM) subservient psychology.
It seems that china-namba-wan construction and QA at their Wuhan labs was insufficient.
They developed it, and it WAS ALWAYS GOING to be released. Just not so soon.
Welcome to WW3.
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3b8b99 No.78598
the large cities, are almost always built by foreign investors (chinks, jews) and run by arabs. if you have money you can access justice system. In abdijan I had an arab try to buy the girl I was with! She was a fellow student, I accompanied her to a market during a shore leave. She was sort of pretty (6/10). Anyways at one of the stalls the Arab basically asks "How much for the girl?". To humour him, and much to the chagrin of my friend, I responded "For the night or for marriage?". He responded, "For marriage, but only if she still has her hymen!" (I kid you not, and what followed is one of the funniest "The Office" type moments in my life).
My friends name was Jose, and I proceeded to bargain with the muslim as to the bridal price, assuring him that Jose still had her hymen intact (which she of course did not). As the negotiation proceeded and our interpreter was explaining what was being said to the Arab, Jose became more and more distraught. I had managed to get him up to six camels, three goats, and his entire street collection of shitty persian rugs! In the beggining he had said (in typical arab braggart fashion) that he had a large shop full of carpets, and he was abidjans premier carpet wholesaler! He offered me six camels for Jose. I immediatly responded by telling him Id also need a few goats for the wedding. So he acquiesed and offered six camels and three goats. When the interpreter told Jose what was being said, and she started to cotton on to it, she began glowering at me with "WTF DUDE" face. When the goats were being discussed Jose became visibly agitated, and the colour was draining from her face and she was like "What are you doing anon, wtf are you DOING". Pratically shaking by this point. Anyways I got Mustafa to agree to six camels, three goats, and his entire carpet collection on the street. Jose was on the verge of tears and violence (she was forced to wear a veil that morning, and knew this was a muslim city, and had been warned not to leave the company of men).
Anyways I had to respectfully decline Mustafa's offer, as his rugs were simply not up to the quality standards found in canada. Later that night Jose rode me like a spainish conquistador!!! After that for the duration of our cruise we nicknamed her Hymie! In hymie's defence, she was a pretty good sport about it all.
this is africa in a nutshell. Women openly bartered for in the streets. Anyone considering divorcing thier wife should simply take her for a two week vacation to the Ivory Coast, where you can sell her for a sixpack!
Anyways I expect this post to be deleted. Dont ban me for (co)off-topic please. Just an amusing anecdote from a trip to Africa. And yes fellas, this is a true story.
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6d599f No.78600
>gene edited "New Chinese"(TM) will be completely immune to it
I like this theory. But how does it explain the Adrenochrome-lab stuff?
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95062d No.78602
Seems China really wants other countries to think that this is the U.S. fault. Hmmm
>"In addition, China has long relied on the president’s critics in the U.S. to pick up messaging critical of the White House and push it through the domestic anti-Trump megaphone. For example, when U.S. officials started referring to COVID-19 as the “Wuhan Virus,” (a name earlier propagated by the media), the regime in Beijing objected that the term was somehow “racist.” Some on the American left—including members of the media who had used the term themselves—quickly picked up and repeated the accusation."
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cf2a95 No.78603
Does anyone have a link to that archived post on either 8ch or 4chan from before COVID even started where some nerd was talking about their concern for the spread of a new coronavirus? I think the thread was in 2018 or something (maybe October 2019 but I'm really not sure). It was one of the few threads with the term "coronavirus" in it before this all started. I forgot to bookmark it.
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bbfaa3 No.78605
BNO Update on Frogland and Britbongistan
Despite chinks announcing the closure all makeshift hospitals in Wuhan, they are building a new one I wonder why :^)
Chinks being told by government officials that they are replaceable
Further evidence of Event 201 censorship as Spotify shuts down a Corona-Chan podcast for no reason.
Corona-Chan related prison riots in PooperPower2020
Lmao dum dum jail, it's a jail for dumb Pajeets https://archive.is/9KEqs
>So they'll end up with a 99% death rate? lmao
YES. At this rate, only the good parts of the country will survive.
>When all this is said and done, the survivors need to go the guidestones and bring them down and break them up. Leave them so that we may remember the evil that this people bring, and set up a memorial teach future generations why all this has happened and why the stones are so wrong.
Great idea.
Yes, I know what you're talking about, it has been posted before. Go check previous threads in the archive, it's there.
I remember the CRISPR chink babies. The world is fucked if you're right.
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9f55f9 No.78606
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cf2a95 No.78607
This is it. Thank you!
This helped me find the archive link as well. https://archive.is/krm0O
Thanks again.
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9694f2 No.78609
heiled brother
remember to keep a list of names for the day of the rope
i pity those poor twins for as we all know the fate of all things made in china, their bodies will decay and fall apart long before they get the chance to put their immunity to the test
Corona chan on the other hand, was made in the west, chinks only stole her and allowed her to escape
pffffff, everyone and their mother has heard of Wuhan by now, watching china play the blame game is as believable as one guy farting in the elevator and blaming the only other guy there with him
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26e012 No.78615
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9f55f9 No.78620
HIV resistant and super smart. I personally don't have an issue with this. If I could buy this for my offspring I would. I think you'd be retarded not to. Is this related to Wu Flu? It could be. The Chinese are and should be afraid of HIV like bio-weapons. Airborne AIDS isn't just a meme.
Would this stop the USA glassing China? No, absolutely not. Imagine Trump telling everyone, 'we have proof this is a Chinese bio-weapon.' I think the Asian population in the USA (and most of Europe) would disappear quickly and regardless of what the media spins Chinese clay would quickly become the largest and last Chinese pottery ever made. Notice, this hasn't happened. Trump seemed to slip up and suggested he knew who the virus spread from and not just where. I suppose those higher up do know more than what they are publicly telling but their confidence level isn't high enough or they aren't able to confirm critical information (yet). Trump's giving the story that the USA will end up bigger and strong after they win against Wu Flu and the economy and finance will come back quickly. He also added that this has been a big lesson of 'who you can and can't trust.' I don't think this will be contained in the USA but I don't think this is an issue for most people. Those that survive will be the most prepared and the most paranoid if it's some variant of a bad scenario. This will galvanise the remaining European population.
China can also turn inwards and they have shown signs (literally) that they will return to a more command style economy. China is now second guessing what is to come… assuming they will be economically punished and their will be an end to them being the worlds factory. All this is actually positive.
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5ed83d No.78623
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398d93 No.78624
all this conspiracy bullshit and toilet logic
i hope you guys are not white
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798077 No.78625
Eritrea confirms their first case. The blessed nigger is an invader who has permanent residence in Norway https://archive.is/oj864
Potatoland update https://archive.is/Yn5Dm
Norwegian update They currently have 2141 confirmed cases and 7 deaths https://archive.vn/wNU0f
São Paulo's department of justice forbids visits to all prisons. Reminder that Brownzil just had Corona-Chan related prison riots and escapes in that very state.
Alarming conditions at the Jew York Presbyterian Hospital Sauce https://nitter.snopyta.org/andrewsiff4NY/status/1241446408810639360#m
Great post anon. Brace yourselves, the CCP shills are coming to do damage control.
>Those that survive will be the most prepared and the most paranoid if it's some variant of a bad scenario. This will galvanise the remaining European population.
> All this is actually positive.
Indeed. The white and Nip casualties do make me sad, and the power grabs being made by ZOGs around the world do make me furious, but Corona-Chan will make the world a better place.
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9694f2 No.78626
what is supposed to be broken here?
should that curbed stripe of rubber have a 90º angle?
i'm actually surprised any place would want to brag about the number of viruses they have in the fridge. i always thought everyone in the world would have taken it as badly as if they had been bragging about their chemical weapon stock
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62f68f No.78627
A mexican tranny?
Do tell more stories if you can.
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a51bf6 No.78628
That was my thinking too. Perhaps we can foment some of this anger over the shit they caused and hasten the CCP's demise.
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b91093 No.78629
FOX Update on Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Wiggerstan
Despite backup food packages being made available to those who haven't found anything to eat at grocers, 3000 wiggers have died over the last 12 hours due to the McDonalds closures of this week.
Your (incorrect) version of day of the rope will never happen retard. It's already day of the unwigging. Fast food is closing everywhere, that's already killing 99.999999% of wiggers.
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6d599f No.78631
Is she handling a pandemic inducing virus or icecream? I can't tell.
<Daily reminder:
Governments that give all the money to banks are pozzed and deeply corrupted:
Infection numbers don't matter and only the death toll matters. Hypochondriacs are flooding the hospitals now and retarded nigger governments are downplaying the numbers too. Only deaths are certain.
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62f68f No.78632
>Yeah nobody in Europe in 1000AD did.
But they did, roman infraestructure was continued to be used for hundreds of years, the "dark ages" are a meme, the idea that everything was lost for hundreds of years is simply wrong.
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398d93 No.78634
fuck you asshole your even worse then these fucking rednecks.
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9694f2 No.78635
congratulations on graduating from being a >(1)
now if only there was something we could do about your faggotry
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3a7323 No.78636
Millennial USA checking in. I was 9th grader in high school when Clown Prince Dubya had to be pulled out of a grade school classroom due to jet-powered psyop. Requested docs FOIA with my local municipality today for any docs about all this mummery, pre and post, and we'll see what they say.
Meanwhile saw the state public health official was on TV yesterday reading from a prepared statement and doing IMO a poor job of trying to orate. Lots of political slogans and no real information. I was saying to someone today, I don't understand all this, but the story I'm making up as I'm typing this is….
"Okay. MAYBE the numbers that came out of China aren't accurate. But death toll looks to be 1 in 1000 or less for healthy people based on published numbers. Shit is way more contagious than flu though apparently, and there is a real risk of service overload if everyone catches it at once. But if we can't trust China's info, then just what percentage of people who catch coronavirus end up needing hospitalization? I guess if we don't know THAT, then a preliminary quarantine of three weeks seems, well, not unreasonable. What's going to happen is we'll find out during that time, and see."
Meanwhile the usual (((bullshit))) are here and queer, so if you have any answers to the questions I have, please provide source, for accuracy.
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7310cb No.78637
Heil'ed and checked.
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219e72 No.78639
If they can rush a vaccine out quickly enough we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming. If not, the world changes.
China was successful, the fact that it may have cost them 20 Million people doesn't change that(if the cell phone activity data represents deaths). They can afford to lose five hundred million and come out little worse for wear. Also of note is that this may have eliminated China's gender gap.
>You seem to want everyone, capable of processing complex situations or not, to live and that is just WRONG.
I'd say that they should have been given good information to start with, when the entire system is lieing its ass off to them, and dissidents are the only people to turn to for reliable truth, something is wrong with the system itself, not necessarily the people. Obviously if this persists, then yes, the people are the problem.
Complete waste of time to test people if they can freely move about.
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8ae16b No.78641
Now would be the time to activate those space lasers and disintegrate anyone trying to cross our borders
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7310cb No.78642
This really is it. Let it break down and be ready to fight.
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3b8b99 No.78643
Yeah when I read OP's original post for the bread change I kinda wondered if soemone had hijacked the CVG.
yeah the stamps will start happening. this is the beggining.
this. as resources come online around the wrold, better data is going to start to flow. I think alot of us have it already. still stay safe. be worried about "viral load" … catching corona multiple times and getting different strains. no one has any idea how this virus works. it is designed from a bat virus, which is interesting, and bats routinely have temperatures in excess of 40'C. so viruses which want to survive in a bat must be able to hide really well, and must have really hard "shells" to not be destroyed by the bats method of keeping its body clean of virus. some bats routinely have temperatures which can exceed 44'C. A humans bodies normal reaction to this is to attempt to run a temperature (which kills viruses), unfortunately with bat viruses, the human body reaches its threshold long before the bat virus. Its our own immune response which starts to kill us! Its almost like the opposite of AIDS. Im no expert, but this shit is fucked. dont get it. avoid it. we have no idea where this is going. this is the first time an engineered bioweapon has been released, we are in totally uncharted waters here. Im convinced the "experts" have no better idea then me or you. And we dont know if this is a prelude to some other type of attack. Did the chinese plan this? Is this stage one (of some kind of plan to take over the world)? Is this a prelude to war? Nobody can answer these questions.
The benefit of life in a high trust society.
awesome replies
>This is just a high tech version of the killing of the Russian people (only it is a global massacre).
>The longer people call this a ‘virus’ the less they will understand what is happening to them.
(we need to call it what it is, A FUCKING BIOWEAPON)
this needs to be in the CVG general post
read this.
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04c155 No.78647
I haven't de-iced my freezer for a couple years now and I thought I was lazy. That thing looks like the last time they bothered de-icing was when the Emperor still ruled China.
Chinks are literally the worst combination of smart and stupid to ever come about. Smart enough to mimic modern civilization, not smart enough to do it safely.
Imagine dying because you're too stupid to fry an egg.
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a51bf6 No.78648
Just seeing Uncle Adolf gives me strength. Let's make him proud of the world that will be built after this.
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26e012 No.78649
The seal is broken, but I also noticed so other issues:
Despite the containment levels they may have, they have the wong kind of mask. She is using those stupid surgical meme masks that don't protect against viruses or certain sized aerosols.
Her hair net isn't completely covering her hair.
No goggles
There seems to be moisture on certain parts of the cabinet. It might be too warm in some spots of the cabinet, or more proof that the seal is broken.
The way she takes out a sample doesn't seem right, but I can't put my finger on it.
>i'm actually surprised any place would want to brag about the number of viruses they have in the fridge. i always thought everyone in the world would have taken it as badly as if they had been bragging about their chemical weapon stock
The Chinese probably assumed that people everywhere were sick of hearing about WMDs after the disaster know as the Second Iraq War
They may as well serve ice cream. I can see it now: Ben and Jerry's™ New Awesome Fair-Trade Flavors™:
Corona & Cream™
Wuhan Fondue™
China Cherry and Viral Larry™
> That thing looks like the last time they bothered de-icing was when the Emperor still ruled China.
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3dba5a No.78650
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88d388 No.78652
The facility isn't even all that old.
It was just built a few years ago, right?
Do they not have proper HVAC in that facility?
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a51bf6 No.78655
>Smart enough to mimic modern civilization, not smart enough to do it safely.
1000% right
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6d599f No.78657
>Corona & Cream™
Based ice cream
Do Chinese people ever do anything right because there must be something retarded about them. How come everything they have ever produced/made/invented have always sucked in some way? Everything they produce is just pure crap and all the work they do is subpar to shit. Just think about it, all the shitty toys, services, counterfeit products, foods etc etc. Everything the chinese touch is just shit. It is as if the only thing they are good at is at being slaves. Why do they have so much responsibility and how did this happen?
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66b836 No.78658
Name one reason. PROTIP: You can't.
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0a8966 No.78661
Here are comments and reports of other urban retail locations doing the same thing
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9694f2 No.78663
>no goggles, meme mask, bad hair net
to be fair, she may as well be posing will she takes ice cream out of the fridge, that said, it's quite telling that they wanted to show their cool new niolab and the pic they chose to do so showed broken equipment
did they bought it second hand or did they broke it by mishandling it?
dubs of truth
i called you a faggot several times already, if that alone ain't reason enough for you to understand why you are shit then that further proves why you need the rope
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8c6290 No.78664
>on an imageboard
>in 2020
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4f25f2 No.78666
>What are we going to do?
Become death ourselves.
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6d599f No.78667
Bloody hell! corvids spreading all over the souf m8.
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58ba6b No.78668
Tennessee update
Turkroach update, they got 277 new confirmed cases and 12 new confirmed deaths Their total is 947 confirmed cases and 21 confirmed deaths.
Mullah (Shiite) in Iran anointing blessed Iranians in an religious effort to heal them Being a fanatic Coronian Cultist, I can finally understand why and how faith makes people do things like this
Meanwhile in Pakistan, Mudslime pilgrims from Iran break quarantine and go out in the streets protesting against it
>My ID changed again
Sorry for the (1)s, I'm not changing my IPs on purpose, my niggernet is reaching levels of terribleness that shouldn't even be possible.
>Infection numbers don't matter and only the death toll matters.
While I agree with you to a certain degree, I still believe it's important to keep track of the numbers of blessings. Not to mention the death toll isn't certain either. Some deaths go unreported while others are covered up by governments under other causes.
>Complete waste of time to test people if they can freely move about.
You got a good point.
This, the chance to take back what's yours is coming, white people. Make your move when your ZOG is being crushed under Corona-Chan's heels and take it over.
>That list of issue with the chink lab
Kek, good catches, anon.
Even the normalfags know the chimpouts are coming.
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f502aa No.78669
>Airlines do not have a right to exist. It's perfectly OK for them to go bankrupt
The cost and difficulty with spooling up a major airline from scratch is insane. Basically if you let them go bankrupt you are making the choice of if you want this industry in your nation to live or die. If the big ones go, then no more airlines. You'll have to rely on (((foreigners))).
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318a53 No.78671
the stat you're referring to explains what proportion of the overall global deaths are attributed to which specific countries.
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88d388 No.78672
The problem is, they know they are valuable and can make all sorts of terrible decisions because the government will always bail them out at the end of the day.
Something has to be done. Problem is, what?
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20e68b No.78673
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Humvees with the tops covered have the pain ray accessory V-Mads. Oh lordy Baltimore is going to be a riot!
I played with this using my hometown of Houston and even with the social distancing lockdown, this thing goes into 200 days. Fun to tweak /ourgirl/ and see the results. https://gabgoh.github.io/COVID/index.html
The ELE will be the nuclear war later on this year. Every state is going into this completely weakened. Like was said about the Spanish Flu, if a society was strong- it survived; if there was any weakness to it- it didn't. Gotta pop some firecrackers to celebrate the new era.
>China was successful
This is the tagline the Marxists will now be using and already are for further government intervention. This will not play out well.
Glorious Thermonuclear War.
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3b8b99 No.78674
this anon gets it.
wrong. it released ebola and small pox. no mention is made of coronavirus, and certainly not the ones being studied in wuhan. this is another example of chinese disinformation
well at least Ivan had enough brains to build his biolab in the middle of Siberia!
>It was a mistake on the Chinese's part to engineer a higher rate of mutation into the virus and then add the 33 a’s to the telomeres keep the virus in a stable mutation mode. It is an ELE event type of mistake.
OK now Im scared. Are you serious. this is truly fucked.
Actaully shes quite fair skinned with dirty blonde hair and light eyes. Her parents were from Spain, quite wealthy, both doctors. The cruise was a collection of international students on a boat for two months along the coast of rapefrica. Like I said it really changed my opinions of africans, but not in a good way! (which I doubt was thier intent).
this. it is only called the dark ages because the muzzies cut off access to the silk road. europeans continued to evolve adn grow stronger. in fact it spurred us to conquer the oceans in search of trade routes.
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f9bd80 No.78676
> the government will always bail them out at the end of the day.
Most countries have a national carrier that is sponsored by the government anyway.
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6d599f No.78677
who cares, let them all go to hell kek
This anon is on to something.
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4f25f2 No.78678
>Yeah…so the bugs took this key weapon of biology and turned it on humanity.
Jesus Fucking Christ.. How could one be so retarded to do that?
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58ba6b No.78679
News relating to the mudslime pilgrims in Pakistan: Young doc who screened them died after getting blessed and being put on a ventilator
Doc makes a video on how to make a protective anti-coofer bubble helmet
Spain's numbers getting close to Iran's and Pastaland's. https://archive.is/5bDmb
>third pic
For a Coronian High Priest like me, each day that passes without receiving Corona-Chan's touch is torture. I reject Cure-Chan's services, I want to be imbued with the Goddess's blessings.
Those niggers are going to get extra crispy when they chimpout!
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45589f No.78680
Retard, the only thing being built after this will be the hapa empire.
1. Engineers from overcrowded hipstercities (e.g where all America's tech is) will be half wiped out due to being boomers and having a diet of pure soy and/or mcdonalds. Literally all "engineers" in the West live extremely unhealthy lifestyles. Most of these wiggers just eat fat and peer all day and are prone to heart disease. Coronavirus is especially effective and these people can die at 30 instead of 50 because of this.
2. ==Day of the Seal==, which has been coming since before coronavirus, will prove all white people designs (such as UNIX) are flawed and trash, and based on 7 levels of misconceptions. Remaining "engineers" will be mostly fired if not already dead. Nobody will trust any of these companys ever after this anyway.
3. At this point, all tech "leaders" like Google, Intel, AMD, etc, are crippled from loss of most employees
4. Hapa designs free of UNIX-braindamage emerge and dominate tech for the next 3 centuries
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a01e7a No.78682
Wow! It's almost as if they didn't.
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fe4597 No.78683
So I'm infected and my folks are demanding to pick up some empty totes for them to move their shit with. I've misted the totes with 70% isopropyl alcohol, and stacked them in each other so the alcohol just saturates the fuck out of them as much as possible. I was also wearing a mask/gloves during this process. Is there anything else I can do to decon shit before handing it off?
They're either undersupplied or plain retarded and don't want to "look stupid" by wearing appropriate PPE.
It's like they want to get Corona'd.
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4f25f2 No.78684
> >78682
Compelling argument, (((1))). Does 50 cent buy you a can of rice in China?
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f769da No.78686
For the past couple days, I have been feeling mucus stuck deep in my lower throat. Though, I barely cough
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0e8b01 No.78687
Can't wait to hang all avatarfags from lampposts in the coming period of social unrest, I'll tell you what.
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6d599f No.78689
I love that ventilator-bubble tutorial.
The thing is how to find all the parts for it? And how to find oxygen tubes?
More isolation-tutorials like that. plox.
Also, where are the all droopers? We need more webms of people collapsing in the love of coronachan.
I wonder how normies react to text like this. I bet it makes them freak out kek
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4f25f2 No.78691
You do realize all of humanity is fucked, and here you are shilling to supress that truth. It's all ogre man. No need to keep up appearances anymore. Do you really want to spend your limited remaining time here shilling the truth?
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30d633 No.78693
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5e2a30 No.78696
stop replying to it, retards
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0e8b01 No.78701
fuck this gay earth I can't wait to die
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9694f2 No.78702
you even let go of you avatar faggotry! we're making a lot of progress today >(1) kun
>engineers live in Poz central
only rich liberal millenials and degenerate kike boomers live there, most of them get their jobs through nepotism while contributing jack shit to anything and they even get their competent workers fired for not meeting the diversity quota or not toeing in line with the company's ideology. Which probably the second reason why silicon valley outsources most their work to cheaper 3rd world countries
>chink shill callin the merimutt for being unhealthy
mutts may live on a diet of sugar and fat but at least they do not eating plastic and cardboard like chinks do when they run out of bat soup
i'd make a joke about them breathing smoke 24/7 but it wouldn't make sence now that the death of millions got their factories stopped and their skies clear for once
>fucking up red text
so you are a newfag on top of being a 5 yuan redditard Qoomer shill?
>chinkchong bitching and moaning about western coding cos china namba wan
we all know your nation is retarded and illiterate, they have to buy test results to look good on IQ statistics and when it comes to tech the best you can do is check these dubs >>78655
>silicon valley is going down due to lack of personnel
even Corona chan, mighty as she may be, will never be able to fully exterminate pajets, wich is where most of their labor comes from, and techcorps still have Latin America to outsource too
>muh hapa desgins
only people that are gonna be left in asia by the time this ends the Nips, Taiwanes and best Koreans for being smart and all the bamboo and sea niggers in the south for being isolated
>wut? no! i don't have to debunk or refute anything in that post, wat, evidence, logic, reason wutsdat? nananana, my "larp" buzzword is all it takes
and we were making so much progress
>muh low death rate
death rate is irrelevant when infection alone collapses your entire medical, economical and political systems with mass panic and histeria
Mc Donadls is gonna look like gourmet food to you once the bird and swine flu kill you farm stock like the locust swarm and bad weather are killing your crops
>muh mods, muh rules, muh death treaths
this ain't reddit faggot, gas yourself
so you are finally admitting that this nothing burger is causing the end of the world
and you even made it to >(3)
wow we really are making a lot of progress today after all
to bad about the faggotry though, i'm afraid it's terminal
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4f25f2 No.78704
Honestly, I don't see if it's worth discussing anything other than to advocate for total chaos. It will be chaos anyway, once people realize what the Wuhan Plague really is.
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58ba6b No.78705
Brownzilian bullshit update from the ministry of lies health
>1128 confirmed cases (for testing positive and being symptomatic)
>18 confirmed deaths
They're also no longer publishing the number of suspected cases since we have reached community transmission. Anyone with flu symptoms is now suspected to be blessed.
Sky News report on Pasta hospital
Senegal update, 9 new confirmed cases
Uganda reports it's first confirmed case
I hope you get better, anon. I pray for every infected anon that posts here every night, asking for Corona-Chan to spare all of you and leave your bodies alone. Hang in there, bud.
>More isolation-tutorials like that. plox.
I found that by pure chance and decided to post it because I find those bubble helmets just absolutely hilarious. If I run across anything like that again, I will post it just for you.
>Also, where are the all droopers? We need more webms of people collapsing in the love of coronachan.
There were two Pasta droppers last thread and I posted a NYC dropper in the subway either earlier in this thread or the previous one.
>I wonder how normies react to text like this. I bet it makes them freak out kek
Wow, first richfag to succumb to the Goddess's blessing is a former president of a sportsball team. Not bad, not bad at all.
Thank you for the update, neighbor.
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25875e No.78709
>18 deaths
That's almost 0.0000085% of all Brazilians. The meme virus is truly worse than hay fever.
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f9bd80 No.78711
Greatest caption of all time
I hope that's your oc
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93c92d No.78713
It's going to be a goddamn huepocalypse once it starts spreading unchecked through the favelas. Might as well just set entire parts of the country on fire.
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88d388 No.78714
No, those humvees with the tops are just the standard gunner's plate. They're too small to be the V-MAD. I don't doubt for a second that they'll send in hundreds of nasty girls without any PPE against CV and most will end up infected themselves.
Exact same thing happened in Wuhan, when they had to fly in planeloads of replacement thugs since the first batch all got sick.
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6ab74a No.78716
>oy vey the goyim knows
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668d4f No.78717
Strangely, the two hypochrondriacs I know aren’t doing anything. They both hate Trump with the fury of a thousand suns and so decided Coronavirus is beneath her attention (1) or she ain’t gonna be told what to do (2). And I thought Trumptards would be surplus victims because Trumptard sites claim the virus is a hoax.
I’ll bet you’re watching that Hallmark Channel Christmas movie marathon.
This is what racism looks like (pic)
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45589f No.78725
>only rich liberal millenials and degenerate kike boomers live there, most of them get their jobs through nepotism while contributing jack shit to anything
well i cant disagree with you on _everything_
>and they even get their competent workers fired for not meeting the diversity quota
oh no, it's retarded
>>fucking up red text
i can't be bothered to memorize the idiosyncracies of your shitty pajeet-tier webshit parser
>we all know your nation is retarded and illiterate, they have to […]
hapas are not china.
>even Corona chan, mighty as she may be, will never be able to fully exterminate pajets, wich is where most of their labor comes from, and techcorps still have Latin America to outsource too
anyone who thinks pajeet or SJW ruined the industry, is a bluepilled retard on 7 levels of misconceptions. tech was shit a few decades before the pajeet and SJW memes. (((whites))) are basically a slightly more educated pajeet (since they actually have tech edu unlike pajeet which only recently became civilized). these retards literally churn out crap with 90's problems like XSS and SQLi and yell "security is hard" whenever a vuln is disclosed in their software. the entire tech industry after 1970 or so is just the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing
>only people that are gonna be left in asia […]
hapas live everywhere, not just asia. and the case-fatality rate of hapas so far is 0
>>wut? no! i don't have to debunk or refute anything in that post, wat, evidence, logic, reason wutsdat? nananana, my "larp" buzzword is all it takes
it's not even worth debunking
>death rate is irrelevant when infection alone collapses your entire medical, economical and political systems with mass panic and histeria
…. so stop being hysterical?
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58ba6b No.78726
Fuck, niggernet had another stroke and my ID changed again, sorry
(((NYT))) reporter and former columnist got blessed https://nitter.snopyta.org/SarahMaslinNir/status/1241458979219390465#m
Massachusetts update, 112 new confirmed cases, total is now 525 https://archive.is/xN7r8
Waffleland ZOG using drones with speakers to warn Waffles to avoid gatherings and obey quarantine orders
>That part about writing a police report
Shit's dystopian as fuck.
Two Britbong docs got infected and are now in serious condition https://archive.vn/tUq0C
Legoland update, 1326 confirmed cases and 13 confirmed deaths https://archive.is/fhpnO
>It's going to be a goddamn huepocalypse once it starts spreading unchecked through the favelas.
That's exactly what I'm hoping and praying for every single day and night. I live in one and this place is hell on Earth for a civilized person. There is no respect or dignity here, only debauchery and degeneracy. I have gladly given away my body and soul to Corona-Chan and her father Nergal in exchange of a complete extermination of those subhuman hives and the region that ruined the rest of the country.
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54aed8 No.78728
finally starting to think this could be good
>no cure
>no immunity
constant reinfection
AIDS-like virus
looking good
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7241a9 No.78729
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f9bd80 No.78730
What a whore. Get her out of my sight.
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93c92d No.78733
Stay safe, hueanon. Something a lot of people aren't talking about is how quarantines will absolutely not work in places like slums or disorganized 3rd world countries. In those places, the virus will only spread and spread until it infects everyone or until there's no one left to infect. Probably for the best in those places, honestly.
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000000 No.78734
>>78299 checked
>Call it the WUHANIC PLAGUE.
I prefer "Jewbonic Plague".
>The number of infected are so, so far higher than they say.
True, that. (Heil that sweet ID.)
>Military On The Streets In New York City Due To Covid-19!
Ancient footage, dude.
But martial law really is coming
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7310cb No.78736
They obviously used a fridge in a less secure area, containing harmless things for the accompanying photo. I cannot for all that I hate chinks believe this is a photo of a 'fridge' where they keep Marburg, Ebola and Corona viruses.I know companies like Huawei and how the communist government spends money on facilities and equipment if it's strategic. Not saying it's a hoax, just saying you have dumb reporters working for the party paper too, or simply dumb readers.
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62f68f No.78737
>Boomer Remover
Not a bad name
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7310cb No.78738
from the comments:
>Are we looting Sephoras now? Personally, I'm looting a pharmacy for antibiotics and birth control. Not dying of an infection or having babies during an apocalypse!
Women going to turn to whoring faster than a pallet of toilet paper disappears from Walmart.
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5e2a30 No.78741
except the fact that it only effects old people has been proven false
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c5deb4 No.78742
Well, boys. ZOG discovered a cure for Chinese blood lung.
ESTROGEN! Expect ZOG to be demanding most men to get castrated and become trannies for their own safety soon.
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176d48 No.78743
>Boomer Remover
Old news. Over the last week more and more younger people are starting to get seriously ill.
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668d4f No.78744
Feared for my shit ticket supply as I had some kind of stomach flu. Pepto. Ended quickly. No fever. Now wait to see if it was something more serious. (If it’s ourgirl, then it’s statistically more likely a serious case.)
>Biden declares himself head of shadow government. Will tell public what to do so they won’t get killed by evil and incompetent Trump government.
>Teva sending six gorillion doses of “Coronavirus medicine” with psychosis side effects to America.
<And it’s totally free, goy.
>Nevada and New Jersey joins states on lockdown.
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7310cb No.78745
>this thing goes into 200 days
Very nice representation. That's hilariously panic inducing for any normie, while numbers are growing like mad still.
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c5deb4 No.78746
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18133a No.78749
Why are normalcattle so retarded? They are ordering and eating food that has been on the filthy floor en mass. Does anyone know how to cook anymore?
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7310cb No.78750
>Glorious Thermonuclear War.
Goddammit now I need another mask.
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fe4597 No.78751
Fucking morons. It's not hard to make cheap food good, and to make it last way longer than any fast food.
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c23b92 No.78752
Playing a devil's advocate or you have finally understood what I taught you a while ago? As far as probabilistic aspects are concerned, they could be reduced, considerably. If you find a way to somehow alter or sabotage it's function, the chance for survival and your immune system being able to handle it increases.
>This is little more than fucking cave men with more precise ‘rocks’ dancing and ooooking around the fire. They aren’t actually CREATING anything there
Good point. It should be possible to oook it in reverse then. It's no longer a natural limiter that it was supposed to be, meaning that it's function will have a tendency of decay over time. The only question is how long that time span is …
>anons starving to death this winter
Got some tips for us urbanites?
>May I ask when do babies get their souls then, according to your worldview?
Souls usually get imprinted/bound after few months, to few years after being born. It's usually around the time where a baby gets a sense of "I" . Fetuses are just lumps of organic matter, no different than an organ. Yes, killing them is kikery but it's more about destroying potential (if they are produced by a white couple), not some soul harvest or whatever you deluded christniggers believe.
That feel when you didn't escape on time
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54aed8 No.78753
20% of deaths have been 20-64 year olds
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59fe2d No.78755
Fuck, same.
Did this come after nearly a week of a weird harsh feeling in your throat breathing had disappeared, not painful but like you've been smoking?
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7310cb No.78756
That Yuri Gelland is a jew from Russia.
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fe4597 No.78757
Try some deep breathing exercises to get stuff out of your lower chest. It helped me greatly.
I wouldn't say all, but a decent amount.
I know that dude weed lmao is a useful medicine? Yes.
My dick likes her, but my mind hates her. Fuck that whore.
That's not what the article says fucknugget.
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7310cb No.78758
>hapa empire.
I had to jewgle wtf a hapa is. That tells you all you need to know. Jewpedia has a huge list of jew terms of mixtures, but honestly you're just a half blood at best. But you can call yourself nigger or chink or poo or Untermensch if you feel the need to belong.
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72bcd6 No.78762
isn't maryland infested with peculiarly uppity niggers?
if so, it could be to have them pre-screened in hospital, then have the mil break the news to coofers so that they don't get wrong ideas (like looting the very hospital they'd be in, if they were to learn about being blessed in situ).
i understand where you're going, and i have little doubt the fuckers in charge trying to manage this mess have aswell, and i see that as the only reason to do all of this in such a concoluted manner.
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9694f2 No.78763
>there is no diversity quota goy
tell that to James Damore
>ai dun nou hou dis sait uorks
i'll tell you to spot posting but your retardation is keeping me entertained
>pajeet or SJW ruined the industry
nah both of them are the symptoms, the disease are the jews, both the jews teaching marxism in universities and the corporate Jews exploiting the cheap slave labor of the third world thanks to globalism
>tech was shit a few decades
tech used to be inaccessible to plebs and normal fags until just 2 decades ago, any shit in tech back in the day came form corporate kikery and not from incompetent labor.
you are right about (((them))) being barely more literate than pajets though
>hapas live everywhere
and belong nowhere
>case-fatality rate of hapas so far is 0
how do you know? nobody is tracking fatalities by racial heritage, besides, if you mongrels already have problems with blood and bone marrow transfusions imagine how hard you're gonna have it when coofers zerg rush all hospitals around you
>it's not even worth debunking
i guess you've reached the limits of what you do with mental gymnastics
>stop being hysterical?
stop being a faggot
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06a471 No.78766
Loner here been lurking since 2016 & never post, stopping by to share my drawing. Hope y'all aren't getting stir crazy while social distancing, I draw to stay busy.
I imagine all the people that rely on being social are going to be on suicide watch soon..
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000000 No.78768
>if the cell phone activity data represents deaths
It may. Or a mass forced upgrade to 5G, not unlike what Microsoft did when they forced millions of upgrades to Windows 10; result being millions less users of Windows 7 all of a sudden.
But, yeah, most likely it was the world's first actual cremation of six million people.
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7310cb No.78770
fuck off jew, start packing your gold, we're coming for you.
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1efefa No.78771
You are a lucky nigger. Maybe you won't even need to kill yourself because it's corona time.
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54aed8 No.78772
the way it attacks the nervous system
>rtdt read the damn thread
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176d48 No.78773
Italy can't burn them fast enough.
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f3a33d No.78774
SJW bullshit is real but it didn't change one shit in the tech industry, aside from making the web even worse than the 90s.
>nah both of them are the symptoms, the disease are the jews
No, the disease is pretentious wiggers thinking they can just shit out the worst possible "design" (such as UNIX) and sit on it for 50 years. The result is that everything is broken and continues to be, including your stupid car culture:
>The lawsuit was filed after researchers showed how a Jeep could be controlled remotely through the infotainment system.
And the "solution" is more liability dilution and muh insurance muh 2fa, etc.
>i guess you've reached the limits of what you do with mental gymnastics
not an argument, BAKA
>stop being a faggot
stop being a wigger
im going to bed
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74e598 No.78775
if they stay at 1000 deaths a day for any significant length of time, there's going to be wolves and packs of stray dogs attacking people and farmland left to go wild.
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7310cb No.78776
Please don't post whores here, jew.
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488445 No.78777
They need to ask the Germans for some of their perpetuum mobile crematorium ovens from back in the day.
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7310cb No.78778
Please don't post whores here.
>Waffleland ZOG
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508dfe No.78779
>I continue to fully inflate my lungs with dabs and I think it's helping. Or at least it feels good.
I have COPD from smoking for way too many years. Haven't touched a ciggy in nearly 15 years but the damage was already done by the time I finally quit for good so I really don't want this virus, not even a `mild' infection.
One time I had a cold that affected my ability to breathe, it was a long uncomfortable night, I was banging on the door of the local pharmacy looking for relief in the morning and the women at the counter refused to open the door because they didn't open for business for another 10 minutes. I was so angry I swore I had to find another method. I got my hands on some weed and took a few puffs and my airways gradually opened and my breathing got somewhat better.
I'm stubborn, so stuck with the weed as a `cure' but getting mildly stoned so early in the day meant I eventually caved and got another inhaler. I've been using a volcano vape for around 3 years now, much better than smoking it and for those who don't know there is a surprising lack of smell when vaping weed.
Be warned though, while one plant might help with your breathing, another plant might not give you the same result. Cannabis oil also helps but, comically, after ingesting some each evening and reading /pol/ for a couple of hours I have every chinese virus symptom going and I'm 100% guaranteed to die sometime in the next 20 minutes…until the paranoia passes.
As recently as 3 days ago my useless missus actually said to me `I'm not worried about catching the virus'
but only yesterday she heard something on the telly that made her come into my room and state `you are in the danger zone with existing conditions, I'll walk the dog from now on'
I rightly told her to fuck off. I've been telling the stupid cow info I've learned from /pol/ for at least 3 years and all of it was waved away because she thinks I'm weird and don't think like normal people. Doesn't help that I fell for climate alarmism and might have mentioned mile high tsunamis a couple of times.
At some stage I hope to see an earthbound comet in the sky so I can turn to the disbelieving harridan and snarl `nigger' and `cunt' over and over because she hates me using either word. If that comet turns out to be the Lord returning with an Angelic Host I may need anons to get me out of purgatory for the niggercunt thing.
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7310cb No.78780
Pic related is Czech Republic. Muž is man, Žen is woman
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a5ff32 No.78781
The 'Justice' Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as their bioweapon spreads through the United States.
Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted. POLITICO also reviewed and previously reported on documents seeking the authority to extend deadlines on merger reviews and prosecutions.
A 'Justice Department' spokesperson declined to comment on the documents.
The move has tapped into a broader fear among constitutional advocates — that the government will use a moment of crisis to push for controversial policy changes. Well…
The DOJ requests span several stages of the legal process, from initial arrest to how cases are processed and investigated.
In one of the documents, the department proposed that Congress grant the attorney general power to ask the chief judge of any district court to pause court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.”
The proposal would also grant those top judges broad authority to pause court proceedings during emergencies. It would apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings,” according to draft legislative language the department shared with Congress. In making the case for the change, the DOJ document wrote that individual judges can currently pause proceedings during emergencies, but that their proposal would make sure all judges in any particular district could handle emergencies “in a consistent manner.”
The request raised eyebrows because of its potential implications for habeas corpus –– the constitutional right to appear before a judge after arrest and seek release.
“Not only would it be a violation of that, but it says ‘affecting pre-arrest,’” said Norman L. Reimer, the executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. “So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government.”
Reimer said the possibility of chief judges suspending all court rules during an emergency without a clear end in sight was deeply disturbing.
“That is something that should not happen” he said. Americans better have their guns ready.
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c23b92 No.78782
>so that you could fuck a subhumans pussy?
Women are more often race traitors than men. Why do you struggle with accepting this fact so much? But for men it's even more abhorrent, since they have no excuses and should be put to higher standards.
As for shooting people, it's almost certain to happen once all other measures get depleted. Less people alive - less transmission - less resources/utilities needed. Although they will rather resort to mass poisoning or something more effective for killing a larger chunk of population, while isolating their own with some of the non-infected in secure zones that have all the necessities for prolonged survival. Don't say I didn't warn you. Their only problem so far is that they still didn't manage to develop a testing method with sufficient accuracy. Why do you think Mossad is after all those kits? All it takes is for one person to slip though and for everything they do to be in vain. But if they manage to develop it, expect far more Stalinist measures. After all, death solves all problems, no?
Georgia guidestones are actually quite sensible, if we got rid of most non-whites and white trash, that's pretty much what we would get. I believe this was released unfinished, it pretty much ended globalism in less than a month. Unless giga-kikes already have a vaccine and are just waiting for the goyim to get desperate enough, like in Deus Ex. This has too much potential to spiral out of control otherwise, definitively not a calculated move in other scenarios.
You know that defective people should be culled before they become a problem when someone desires extinction of his own species because of inferior lifeforms that are not even threatened by it.
Heil'd . We need to use meme magic for whites to survive this micro-jew while the governments are collapsing globally so we get genuine right wing death squads :3
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7310cb No.78783
Ok fag, maybe when your 'culture' of admixtures invents a boat or a plane, come visit Europe, I'll show you my country too. You'll feel so lonely.
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c5deb4 No.78784
That's what the article implies, you mong. They are claiming estrogen confers kung flu resistance, with the implication being the more estrogen you have, the less likely you are to die from our girl.
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58ba6b No.78788
WA update
Chinkland pretty much says they will come to aid anyone who asks them for help
Memezuela update, they now have 70 confirmed cases https://archive.is/vXD03
Another celeb gets blessed, this one went symptomatic https://archive.is/UPg0Y Up goy…kek
First federal inmate to receive Corona-Chan's blessing https://archive.vn/WBRX0
Looks like my ID din't change, thought it changed because I had to do the captcha again for some reason.
Kek, you're only realizing this now? It's not looking good, it's perfect.
>>78733 (checked)
>In those places, the virus will only spread and spread until it infects everyone or until there's no one left to infect. Probably for the best in those places, honestly.
Yes indeed. Everyone is still behaving as if nothing was happening here, aside from a couple of shitskins wearing masks every now and then. Mostly useless hospital masks, but rarely you can spot one that has a little filter on one side, they don't look like N95s though so I'm not sure how efficient those dinky things are.
Din't knew about that, good to know.
Why don't they just ask Deutschland to borrow their super efficient ovens from the 1940's? :^)
Checking those lucky hivemind triples.
>Georgia guidestones are actually quite sensible, if we got rid of most non-whites and white trash, that's pretty much what we would get.
I agree, the problem is (((they))) want to get rid of upstanding whites and keep dumbed down shitskin masses as slaves.
>Heil'd . We need to use meme magic for whites to survive this micro-jew
I'm already metaphysically working on it. And Corona-Chan isn't a micro-jew, she is a nice Deity of Chinese descent! She does have some jewish heritage though, unfortunately
Not with that kind of mentality. It would also help to call it what it actually is, Chaos Magick.
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9694f2 No.78790
corona chan has 4 AIDS gene insertions, confirmed by the pajets first and later admited by the chinks themselves, even though the WHO went through all the trouble of dissing the pajet research to cover chink ass
i don't know your tech background, mine was QA, the lowest of the low but even then i could see corporate kikery fucking people over
i remember this dev guy, who everyone on both dev and qa teams was praising because of how efficient the software he develop was, but the corporate kikes game him the but and shit canned the whole thing because it was incompatible with whatever shit software they were running and it was to expensive to optimize the system, and as for the software the guy coded, it's IP protected by the (((corporate suits))) so into the dust gathering vault it went to be buried and forgotten
i saw heard plenty of similar stories about stuff that worked wonders but nobody adopted because tech literate consoomers only want the silicon valley brand names
>stupid car culture
aka kikery
>the "solution" is more liability dilution and muh insurance
aka more kikery
>hurrdurr muh argument
make stupid posts get stupid replies
>hurrdurr wigger
>i'm going to bed
if you can't stop being a faggot at least make sure to suck tyron's dick before you get your shit rammed in and not afterwards
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86835d No.78792
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7310cb No.78793
Ay Tony, only 12 a day per oven? In 2020 with new ovens? They would have needed 274 of these ovens and have them work constantly for 5 years to deal with 6 million jews! I tell ya Tony, it doesn't add up.
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54b2c2 No.78794
Make your own thread and prove it.
Stop shitting up the threads by spamming "nothinburger" at the top of your lungs, faggots.
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54aed8 No.78795
so you're saying there is no virus and it's a lie by all the world governments to bring in the NWO takeover?
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7310cb No.78796
Damn that CCP propaganda is brutal kek
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f769da No.78798
I don't quite understand your question. And no, I've never smoked in my life
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7fbd9a No.78799
Reminder a kikes advice would be NOT to get sick. If you hope to have your family survive, you and your children must become exposed before niggers fill up hospital beds.
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7310cb No.78801
>before niggers fill up hospital beds.
I thought about the same thing looking at America's figures. The first ones actually get the best care. Disheartening.
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be13a5 No.78804
>Boomer is a generation
Boomer is also a state of mind, just like nigger.
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86835d No.78805
So supposedly some people get sick in chinkland and then in Northern Italy – where all the merchant banks are – and that turns into taking the background check system for firearms purchases in the US offline? Put it together.
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843ee5 No.78808
So are you all accelerationists or what's going on?
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54aed8 No.78809
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54aed8 No.78813
this is the virus pandemic we've all been hoping for!
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6b3aef No.78814
I recalled pic related and since Italy is burning bodies en masse, I checked so2 mass over Europe. It's not much of a difference from other countries which makes me wonder about what happened in Wuhan.
We've got couple of possible scenarios, assuming that data from tweet is correct ( windy doesn't offer historical data, another pic related is screenshot I found from that time)
1. Italy uses chimney filters China doesn't , so we ain't gonna see any confirmation in s02 change
2. Italy is nowhere near China which means China lied about death toll
3. Even though there's plenty of bodies to burn, and Italy operates 24/7, it's unnoticeable because it processes low amount of bodies in numerous towns. We will see change once Italy is forced to burn massive amount of bodies
4. so2 emission influx is not connected to corona
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843ee5 No.78817
Okay, you're wierd.
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be13a5 No.78818
5. High sulfur diesel was used to burn bodies
6. High sulfur diesel was used to power excavators and vehicles used to transport and sequester infectious waste bodies
7. The chinks used coal
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bc8771 No.78821
Personally I think the bioweapon is real and was released so they have an excuse to do bullshit like this:
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54aed8 No.78825
why? are you hoping that coronachan can be killed off so your beautiful ECONOMY can blast full-steam ahead in a heady mix of hedonism and capitalism, huh, punk?!
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25c55e No.78826
Stores are the only places where number of people hasn't changed in Croatia. Many people still take walks. Police have just today started enforcing curfew. Stores are empty of flour and dough yeast (go figure). Toilet paper has doubled in price. Sense of impending onset of large scale panic is in the air.
Heard a lady in the store today commenting on tourists that arrived from Krautocco and Pastageria, roaming our islands "why the hell isn't police doing anything to stop them". To tell you the truth, I agree with her.
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0e8b01 No.78829
After weeks of disregarding flubros and giving the evidence for ELE a chance, yes. Fuck this gay earth.
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58ba6b No.78830
Iran turns luxurious shopping mall into an hospital
Pasta truck convoy carrying bodies arrives at a cemetery
Gaza confirms their first two cases
Jewtin offers aid to Pastaland https://archive.is/dMQpq
Forgot Memezuela's image
I don't think this is a good plan. There is no cure or effective treatment for Corona-Chan and she can causes extremely dangerous long term damage, including lung scarring and potentially sterilization. I do believe the best plan is to stay bugged in and avoid infection at any and all costs. You can call me a kike if you want but that's just my two cents, I just think getting infected is too dangerous for white people.
I'm gonna go with number 1.
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54aed8 No.78831
>It's not going to cleanse the world. It's just going to kill us and anyone you care about. Or just you.
nope, it's selective!
>Nothing good ever happens. The kikes only exist because the gods hate us.
stop praying to YHWH then my semitic slave!
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7310cb No.78832
It's likely 1 and 2. Emission standards for crematoria in Europe are extremely high and I'd venture to say in China non existant. And China obviously lied, meaning they probably burned x times more than reported. Also, I believe previously it was still normal for burials to take place in Italy, although now you only hear about cremating the bodies.
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7310cb No.78833
>Truck convoy received by elderly man playing the national anthem.
I'm not crying faggot.
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c40ed3 No.78835
Can someone please put me in contact with an Italian doctor in Italy. I wrote previously about a treatment against the hypercytokinemia effect SARS-CoV2 has. I do not have any contacts in Italy and am having difficulty contacting people there.
my contact email:
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fece4a No.78836
This is very similar to the Greek one. And to the S. Korean one excluding the 20 - 29 year old spike. Something really bad happened in Italy for them to be so different.
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54aed8 No.78837
k well thanks for being pessimistic and hoping coronachan fails in her duty to be the best pandemic she can be
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461b2b No.78839
Germany's government is looking for Containment Scouts
>Support staff crisis management (m / f / d) in the function "Containment Scout"
>To contain COVID 19 infections in Germany, the Federal Office of Administration is now looking for support personnel for crisis management (m / f / d) in the "Containment Scout" function on behalf of the Robert Koch Institute.
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25c55e No.78840
Monkfish is one a highly regarded fish in terms of taste. Very expensive. If you're gonna post disgusting chinks eating shit, do it right please.
On a side note, that bitch deserves to get slapped just for looking stupid the way she does.
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7310cb No.78842
Love the Male / Female / Degenerate
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44bf5d No.78843
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54aed8 No.78845
ok good thanks just help coronachan in her mission and do some of that horror!
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e7b9e2 No.78847
If we had Russia as an ally, maybe they'd send some medical equip to our hospitals…. oh well.
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44bf5d No.78848
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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67fd8d No.78849
I need to rape some Corona granny right now, lads.
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54aed8 No.78850
>thinks that will stop covid-19
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9eab14 No.78851
Half of All Coronavirus Cases in New York Are People Under 50 Years Old
Half of all coronavirus cases in New York state are in patients under 50 years old, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said as he pleaded with young people to stop socializing and to increase their social distancing. Of the state’s 10,356 cases, 54 percent were in people aged 18 to 49, Cuomo said on Saturday. “You’re not superman and you’re not superwoman, you can get this virus and you can transfer the virus and you can wind up hurting someone who you love or hurting someone wholly inadvertently,” he said. “It has to be stopped.” He said he would be visiting sites around New York state on Saturday to see if people are still out socializing when they shouldn’t be. A full lockdown order will come into effect on Saturday night. The Trump administration task force indicated earlier this week that, contrary to earlier assumptions that the flu-like virus mainly affected the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, information from Europe showed that some millennials were in ICUs with severe cases of coronavirus.
Cuomo also appealed on Saturday for psychologists and therapists to volunteer their time for a possible free mental health service to help residents deal with the pandemic. He said New York state had done 45,437 tests, more than any other U.S. state and more per capita than China and South Korea.
Vice President Mike Pence said that he and his wife will be tested for the novel coronavirus on Saturday afternoon following news that an unnamed member of his office tested positive for the virus. Pence said that “neither the president or I had direct contact” with the staffer, who he said was “doing well” with “mild cold like symptoms.” Pence’s press secretary, Katie Miller, previously confirmed that the individual had no “close contact” with President Trump or Pence—who spearheads the White House’s coronavirus task force. “Further contact tracing is being conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines,” Miller said, according to The Wall Street Journal. Pence’s office was made aware of the diagnosis Friday night. This comes after the White House said Trump tested negative for the coronavirus late last week.
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54aed8 No.78852
>Acceleration doesn't cause national socialism, it only causes Zimbabwe.
something about this makes me think he's a long-nose hoping for a full recivery of the status quo
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c23b92 No.78853
>Stores are empty of flour and dough yeast (go figure)
Same here lol, Balkans survival mode: Initiated . It should be possible to grow yeast if you have some. t. Serbia
If some German anon gets blessed he should apply to do this and then coof on merkelmen, turks and other diverse characters.
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58ba6b No.78854
Bulgaria fills a stadium with beds for future patients
Burial of Corona-Chan's victims in the province of Sistan and Balochestan in Iran
Frog army setting up a field hospital near Melus
Slavs fighting for bus seats in Kiev, due to a decree limiting the number of passengers in public transport Can't wait to see this shit happening where I live, it will be fun
Convoy of Orthodox Christians in Berdyansk baptizing the streets to protect people from Corona-Chan
I just post news and videos to document what's happening, not telling anyone to get sentimental over them.
I bet countries will stop helping each other once shit really hits the fan. You shouldn't rely on anyone else other than yourself.
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71ab3f No.78855
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5e48aa No.78856
90 Year Old Survived Corona
A 90-year-old woman who contracted coronavirus at Life Care Center senior care facility in Seattle has recovered, her family says. Life Care Center experienced a massive spread of the virus in mid-February. According to a CDC investigation, 62% of the roughly 130 elderly residents had become infected and more than a quarter of them have died.
Geneva Wood, however, is now a beacon of hope for the thousands of Americans with the virus – and the millions more fearing it. Health officials have said elderly people and those with chronic medical problems are especially vulnerable to the disease.
Wood, who lived at Life Care Center, tested positive for coronavirus on March 6, her grand-daughter-in-law, Kate Neidigh writes in "Seattle Refined."
Neidigh, a fashion writer for the local publication, says this is not a "doom and gloom" story. Wood is a "true fighter," Neidigh writes, explaining her husband's grandmother moved to the care center in January after suffering a stroke.
"Just when my mom beat one thing, another 'thing' rolled her way," Kate Neidigh's mother-in-law, and Wood's daughter, Cami Neidigh says.
When Wood tested positive for COVID-19, the family was "stricken, and in shock," and "mad," Neidigh writes. Wood, however had a different outlook. "I'm going to fight this for my family and make everyone proud," she told Cami through a glass pane while in isolation at the hospital.
Cami Neidigh also wrote a post about her mother, tagging the 90-year-old on Facebook in the uplifting update. "It's the Potato Soup!!! She knew that's what she needed to help her get better!" Neidigh joked. "It's working and the doctor and nurses are wanting the recipe!"
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7310cb No.78859
Ukrainians have the same good medical tradition and medics as the Russians, but unfortunately everything is completely underfunded except for a small percentage that's only in reach for the jews recolonizing the country. Closing their borders is the only way to avoid disaster.
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dd577d No.78860
>Something really bad happened in Italy for them to be so different
The virus hit hospitals first, just look at how much hospital stuff got infected. There is also a mild Mediterranean climate, healthy diet and because of that they have a big aging population who suffers the most. Italy has the second oldest population in the world. On top of that 60% of people in Italy break quarantine which is a typical Italian no fucks given mentality.
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26e012 No.78861
Prisoners are being released in my state, CDC-Land. There will probably be far more in the near future, and soon after major crimes and gangs will spring forth. Nice shitposting with you guys!
>Souls usually get imprinted/bound after few months, to few years after being born.
And you know this how? I ask because you have major competing worldview which says the soul is from conception and it's extremely hard to determine spiritual matters via empiricism.
>not some soul harvest or whatever you deluded christniggers believe.
If you won't take the time to find what we truly believe, why should anyone, let alone Christians, listen to you. You yourself delude yourself by pretending to know your enemies and everything else there is to truly know.
I think the Germans or the Israelis might have super, duper furnaces that work really well. 1.5 mil in a year guaranteed!
>>78788 (Heil'd)
>First federal inmate to receive Corona-Chan's blessing
It's only a matter of time before there are prison riots and releasing of "non-violent" federal prisoners. Read "The New Mexico State Penitentiary Riots of 1980" to see what riots are like here in America. It was freaking brutal.
What about a mix of 1,2, and 3?
>The kikes only exist because the gods hate us.
>stop praying to YHWH then my semitic slave!
>YHWH: the "God is one", "I am God, there is no other." YHWH
>That anon believes in YHWH
>Convoy of Orthodox Christians in Berdyansk baptizing the streets to protect people from Corona-Chan
Checked and A CUTE
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54aed8 No.78862
>YHWH: the "God is one", "I am God, there is no other." YHWH
old judaism is polytheistic
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dd577d No.78867
DOW will be below 19k tomorrow and there is still no financial crisis. How long will I have to wait?
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9c46e3 No.78869
Here's a fun game.
Go to halfchan and post this link.
Count how many minutes until bots start posting Q links unrelated to the video.
Also watch the video.
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2fee02 No.78871
micro-jew…lol…that is hilarious anon. I will never think of CC as anything else but a micro-jew.
Wild yeast gathered from the air in your home is less vigorous than store bought yeast but still MIGHTY TASTY.
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93d2b4 No.78872
The stock market is NOT the main street market. It must be stressed again. Stocks can still go up and down in a very shitty economy.
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dd577d No.78874
I don't like this game.
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25c55e No.78875
Why the fuck did I read this just now?! I was getting ready for bed. I am panicking like never in my fucking life right now. Thanks for the info.
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6bc834 No.78876
You won't see the economy wrecked by watching the stock market. You'll see investors of debt bubbles screaming and pounding buttons, and big banks gaining or losing a little of their profits.
The death of the economy will be witnessed when you no longer can buy foods you normally would be able to buy. When supplies are drained from stores, and very little coming back into inventory. You'll see more homelessness in the streets. You'll see rising prices. You'll see family and friends being laid off. You'll see crumbling infrastructure and nothing being produced anymore. In other words, you'll wake up one day in a third world nation…… and the stocks will keep going, up and down, up and down…….
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dd577d No.78877
Ofc it uses RNA because viruses don't have DNA. Corona is a virus.
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2f0ca7 No.78878
In 6 months, rating a woman 1 to 10 will mean how many cans of peaches she'll trade for.
The combination of releasing criminals and lack of availability of opiates will bring excitement for sure.
There are only two ways out of this Jew-controlled clown world, fren. One is the pic you posted. Two is a crisis so severe that a great leader rises from the ashes to crush the kikes once and for all.
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1c5dad No.78880
Congratulations for not liking central banking and fractional reserve fraudulent banking… Keynesian economics.
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dd577d No.78881
>Two is a crisis so severe that a great leader rises from the ashes to crush the kikes once and for all.
IIRC that didn't happen 2008. and we still had a big financial crises.
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26e012 No.78882
>old judaism is polytheistic
You don't know what you are talking about.
This, the stock market is for rich boys, usurers, and other leeches upon society to play a glorified slot machine.
>>78877 (Checked)
Blowing fungus-fag the fuck out forever from one little high school biology fact. Nice!
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c23b92 No.78883
>Prisoners are being released in my state, CDC-Land
Can you give a synopsis? What's the reasoning behind this?
>And you know this how?
There is too much to explain for a thread like this, but babies are not "persons" until a certain point of development. Your soul is pretty much a signal that gets locked to a brain (receiver/transmitter) once it develops enough to accommodate it. Once you die, that signal gets reverted back to being only a wave in the frequency domain/ether (Fourier transform). Until then, it has a mutual feedback loop with your physical brain and senses. The idea that it starts with conception shows an inherently materialistic nature of Christianity. Or any other religion asserting that position. There is nothing special about fetuses (other than their biological properties that can be highly profitable), and even if they are killed for nefarious purposes, it only shows the retardation and insanity of those doing it. Abortion is always preferable to sentencing someone to a lifetime of suffering.
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58ba6b No.78886
Bolsonaro having a cough during a cooference Notice the mask with a filter on the side, these are the ones with filters being used here, not N95s
'Cooban commies sends their incompetent doctors to Pastaland
I call bullshit on any boomers who "recover", just like in Chinkland, those people will just get sick a couple days later and collapse or die. It's just the government trying to create a false hope.
<S-see guys! It's not that bad!
>Prisoners being released
Fucking hell. So far, the Brownzilian minister of justice has expressed disagreement over doing this shit here, but you never know what could happen here, this country is unpredictable.
> Read "The New Mexico State Penitentiary Riots of 1980" to see what riots are like here in America. It was freaking brutal.
Just did, very similar to the ones here in Brownzil, however I never heard of an inmate raping an officer during our riots, that is brutal.
>Orthodox Christians baptizing the streets are based
I agree.
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54aed8 No.78887
>You don't know what you are talking about.
straight from the rabbi's mouth
sage for OT
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58ba6b No.78888
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72bcd6 No.78889
>how did this happen
Bill Clinton happened.
he transfered industry to china AND transfered technological know-how aswell.
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4a04cf No.78890
You can’t even fucking spell, retard.
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c23b92 No.78894
>I will never think of CC as anything else but a micro-jew
Well, based on that description, it seems to be a life-antagonistic agent, just modified to target higher lifeforms. It slowly depletes your body of all of it's resources until you die, it spreads all over the world, is egalitarian, etc. Jews were created by their 'god' for the same purpose as this 'virus' , but they exist as HIV (their modus operandi is almost identical) until they go into total extinction mode.
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000000 No.78895
>Bill Clinton happened.
>he transfered industry to china AND transfered technological know-how aswell.
And introduced "political correctness", aka Marxism.
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479012 No.78896
As things get worse prisoners will be released eventually. The good thing is that among them there will be people from our side. Just imagine Roof, Bowers, Crusius and Earnest making it out alive, hell even Kaczynski.
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cd7a78 No.78897
>>78888 (checked)
Good get and well-timed.
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000000 No.78898
An individual is above any state, any law and and government.
Collectivism will always fail.
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bf6d75 No.78900
Amen. And I'm NOT giving up my guns or taking any vaccine, or ever trusting their banking system ever again!
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109747 No.78901
All the money must be given to the banks! All of it!
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3b8b99 No.78902
this makes sense. once you tell tyrone that hes blessed you just know hes gonna start chimpin. even better will be when you tell tyrone that you dont have extra large (rated for 700lbs) bed for laquisha … then the real chimpening begins, when niggers start claiming "dats racist" …"you aint treetin watermelinonia cause shes a proud African queen," booga booga bix noid….
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ab392f No.78903
Are you the same fucking fungusfag from the first few /cvg/ threads?
>spikes are actually bacteriophages
Explain how. The SARS-2 spike structure has been solved via Cryo-EM and published (10.1126/science.abb2507). It looks nothing like a bacteriophage. I wouldn't be surprised if this virus is as sinister in design as you claim it to be, but please back up anything you claim with something other than wild speculation.
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10dc1e No.78904
SARS-chan needs some love, too. She may not have had as much of an impact on the world as her sister, but she is still royalty.
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58ba6b No.78906
Just a day after Abe said
>Our priority is on protecting people's lives and health.
And saying that organizers should carefully consider whether to hold large gatherings to reduce the risk of group infections, ten thousand curious Nips left their homes to see the Olympic flame. In other news:
'''Bolsonaro continues to criticize governors who decide to lockdown their states, calls São Paulo's governor a "lunatic"
>They're just creating terror
>They're taking advantage of the situation to grow politically
Panama update, 2 new confirmed deaths and 45 new confirmed cases, total now 245 confirmed cases and 3 confirmed deaths https://archive.is/WBaSi
Ecuador update, 106 new confirmed cases, total now 532 confirmed cases and 7 confirmed deaths https://archive.is/u00fb
>Roof, Bowers
I thought already had been executed, they're still alive?
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18133a No.78909
Even if the stock goes up, the housing market will still go down. Sells are projected to be a 35% decease meaning it would bring the market to 30 year low.
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000000 No.78910
Niggerpill always loses.
We always win.
We won.
You lost.
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109747 No.78911
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20e68b No.78912
Gary go back to your containment site.
Of course it is. Pretty soon people are going to have to face one of two things, staying (((safe))) or disobeying. Lockdown will get exceptionally feisty about mid April by my reckoning. Our Hometown Heros™ are gonna be busy coughing
Absolutely none of the unwashed masses have any clue how to take care of themselves any longer. It is what precipitated the run on nonsense items a la toilet paper. They have absolutely no clue whatsoever.
May wanna get to KI tablets as well lad. Still plentiful and cheap.
Are you lost?
I think they know a lot more than what is being led on duh and are getting ready for something more spectacular than a pandemic initiated second great depression with added elderly die-off!
Their lifestyle, the fact they were first in the west, the disregard for the seriousness of the virus a la just the flu bro were all major contributing factors. And God hates them because they are Catholics. Let them perish the apostate followers of the false god of Rome.
<Gov. Andrew Cuomo said as he pleaded with young people to stop socializing and to increase their social distancing.
<Cuomo also appealed on Saturday for psychologists and therapists to volunteer their time for a possible free mental health service
Kill them all with plague and fire.
Texas Workforce Commission (unemployment) sent out a general email to business owners listing the resources for mass layoffs and furloughs. It is already here, you just may not be low enough of the food chain to have been cut- yet. For a government agency to ramp up that type of resource is, frankly, startling. I've been doing my job for a very long time dealing with some pretty shitty things, that one actually made me sit down in my chair and go, "oh shit."
Truth from Torbro.
McMansions are going to be cheap.
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27e3ad No.78914
We can win this by desperation and objection, let me explain. We can win be refusing to obey the government anymore. We can squat in our homes, armed and barricaded and refuse to leave even if they try to evict us, start the shooting at that point. We can declare debt jubilee and refuse to pay our debts off. We can stop trusting the banking system and begin to become self-sufficient to live from now on. We can, and soon will be forced to do all this. And we'll be armed 24/7 encase anyone who tries to stop us.
If we all do this: WE WIN.
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26e012 No.78915
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Can you give a synopsis? What's the reasoning behind this?
I'm not sure about a synopsis, but the reasoning is that because prison is a crowed, unsanitary hellhole, it's a massive transmission orgy for viral infections. If Corona-chan starts blessing inmates, she will spread those blessing faster than Jewywood chases after cute children. Inmates that fear having their lungs turn into mush might start lashing out and eventually may try to riot like what we have seen in Italy and France. The Fulton County government believes as long as they only release non-violent criminals or criminals with "good behavior", the fallout from their decision upon society will be light and their decision will help mitigate the risks of quick and easy blessings. We know what will really happen with those free prisoners and that Corona-chan will be blessing anyways, but that's the world for you.
>Your other response
I'd like to discuss more about this, but I agree that it will take too much time and space to do so, and this thread is already shitted up stupid trolls. Maybe make a thread in /christian/ or here if it's allowed?
>Because this obviously anti-Christian, anti-Biblical Jewish article written by a Christ-hating Jew hosted in a Christ-hating Jewish publication located in (((Tel Aviv))) told me that the Ancient Hebrews (erroneously called Jews here), who probably weren't really related to modern Jews or only partially, were polytheistic, so (((modern Jews))) and we can believe whatever the hell we want.
>Oh the Jew journalist doesn't give his sources too. Sorry about that. Still believe me goy, I mean anon guy!
Ok. What you have given me was even better than I expected in terms of entertainment quality and irony. I have something better for you: look up Dr. Michael Heiser. He can explain those references to "many gods" and more. Really fascinating and smart guy. Quality scholarship. Goes into the deep of Scripture, though I prefer you got the basics first like the Gospel and the existence and character of God, etc.
If you watch a documentary of the riot, there will one nasty account of several prisoners finding the maintenance blowtorch and taking a known snitch, blowing the torch on his head until his brain melted and blew he's head open.Go to 32:30 in the vid. If that can't show the depravity of men without God, I don't what.
Yes she does, the poor girl. Hopefully, with Corona-chan's rise to fame, we can have other avatars and more art of diseases like with Ebola-chan and Corona-chan.
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5e2a30 No.78918
>falling for anti tor memes
>red text autism
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44a29c No.78920
Nowhere in there does it say that people are being administered estrogen, nigger.
>volcano vape
Absolutely patrician choice brother. The bag on that thing is amazing.
>reading /pol/ for a couple of hours I have every chinese virus symptom going and I'm 100% guaranteed to die sometime in the next 20 minutes…until the paranoia passes.
Holy shit dude, I don't even get that bad when I'm on LSD haha.
>but only yesterday she heard something on the telly
Of course. Nothing matters to these normies unless it's on the idiot box. It's sad. I'm glad she's concerned about you, but it's all too late.
>Notice the mask with a filter on the side, these are the ones with filters being used here, not N95s
That looks like a pretty standard folding N95 to me.
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54aed8 No.78921
fuck off christkike
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54b2c2 No.78922
That's fungusfag's evolved form guys.
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000000 No.78926
Civilization is unnatural, and thus, will always lose to barbarism, which is the natural state of all living beings.
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26e012 No.78928
Forgot a pic I failed to post because I was sharing a video at the same time.
Sage for stupid posting
>Saging a sticky
>fuck off christkike
No, good night anon!
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958e7f No.78932
United States just passed Spain in confirmed cases.
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000000 No.78934 
I've looked into the data from windy and I'm wondering if any of it was scrubbed.
I did find that someone has been uploading air quality data from various Chinese cities to the BSV blockchain.
Not sure if it contains data from Wuhan but if it does, then this data can't be deleted and should be stored on every full node.
Some anon blockchain wizard can probably parse the data
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58ba6b No.78936
Yale gets converted into an hospital once again
Russian doctors accusing the government of covering up the outbreak https://archive.is/fz8sa
>If you watch a documentary of the riot, there will one nasty account of several prisoners finding the maintenance blowtorch and taking a known snitch, blowing the torch on his head until his brain melted and blew he's head open.Go to 32:30 in the vid. If that can't show the depravity of men without God, I don't what.
I read about that in the jewpedia article, also about the decapitation. They really went way too far with that riot.
That's a N95 too? I thought all of them were white and had their filters on the front. Or am I mixing them up with 3M? I thought 3M was the name of the company and N95 was their mask.
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38f554 No.78937
USA is going to dwarf most European countries just for the fact that there's more people. I think the best way to compare USA to Europe would be to look at urban areas similar to urban areas in Europe and compare. I think the West Coast and the NYC area are going to be obliterated and we'll see numbers that dwarf the rest.
You have to remember, southern California is filled with people who hate America and think that is rightful Mexican clay. When the US government tells them to stay inside and takes away their freedoms, they won't listen until they have force applied. And these people generally live in tightly packed, small, dirty abodes. You already have people outside playing basketball and not giving a fuck. Poor people almost always have a ton of people crammed into a tiny apartment. It's going to be a fucking bloodbath down there, and Corona will spread through non-white areas in the USA like it would through a third world country. Except there will be modern health facilities to test and detect, so it'll look even worse.
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25c55e No.78939
I have to ask you, sir; I am a layman when it comes to genetics and bioengineering, but looking at the numbers atm, I see that chink countries consistently have low mortality rates compared to European, Italy being a prime example. Even Germany, who was praised a couple days ago as being an example of handling the situation well.
I also saw you mentioning alleles here. I have no idea what alleles are and can't force myself to learn cause I'm in survival mode now, thinking wtf I'm going to do tomorrow.
tl;dr My question is: Is it possible that a virus could be engineered to target a certian type of human? European human?
Sorry if I'm an incoherent idiot.
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668d4f No.78948
Anon. You’re asking the kind of questions someone doesn’t want you to ask. Debts must be paid, and someone took out a lot of debt in your name. So sit indoors, far from the healing powers of the sun, and learn to reuse shit tickets. And patiently wait for everything to return to normal, never questioning any screams you hear. And never ever ever think about going forth and making the world into what you want it to be.
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86835d No.78951
>(((Business Insider)))
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000000 No.78952
>muh it's nothing
Your meme is dead, shill.
We will take advantage of the panic and start mass killings and incite others to also kill many. We will not stop until 99% of the brazillian population is dead, with only non-leftist whites being alive.
Nothing and no one can stop us.
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746919 No.78953
>Debts must be paid
No, actually they don't. That's why debt insolvency wrecks economies. Too much debt acts like a wrecking ball, because there is no guarantee of the debts ever being paid off.
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109747 No.78954
Kung Flu
Shanghai Shivers
Asian Affliction
Slant-eye Sickness
Fu Manchu Fever
Coolie Cough
Oriental Onset
Beijing Bug
Rice Rabies
G0ok Germ
Mandarin Malady
Lo Mein Lung
Cantonese Killer
Dim Sum Diarrhea
Guangdong Gout
Confucian Cancer
Szechuan Sore Throat
Terminal Taoism
China's One Corpse Policy
Wu Ping Cough
Bat Soup Poop
Jinping Sting
Hubei Herpes
Boomer Entomber
Teriyaki Terror
Egg Roll Toll
Pu Pu Pandemic
Wonton West Nile
China Curse
Peking Plague
Bat Stew Flu
Mongolian Measles
Chengdu Chest Flu
Dog Meat Diphitheria
Sino Sneeze
Lo Mein Pain
Chop Fluey
Sicken fried rice
Ow chi lung
Sweet AND Sour Sicken
Rangoon doom
Bamboo shoot poops
Rice noodle rickets
Finger trap clap
Genghis cough
Hong Kong Fluey
Wuhanic plague
Bat Stew Flu
Ping Pong Pandemic
Moo Goo Gai Pandemic
Panda Pandemic
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7d4694 No.78955
This is why I think the government is wrong to enforce lockdowns. Let the stupid people die off. The smart ones will take the right precautions for themselves and will survive this. This rids these cities of the demographics problems and from the idiocracy.
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49d89c No.78956
the fuck am I looking at here?
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28c349 No.78958
The Japs were doing so well too, presumably that'll put a little spike in their graph.
I'm gonna fucking quit work on Monday if they don't close, inconvenience or death I'll take the inconvenience ta.
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109747 No.78959
The reason to why the Chinese flu is going to beat the Spanish Flu.
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58ba6b No.78960
Lockdowns in Apefrica https://archive.is/2x4kf
New Orleans doctor explains how cruel and merciless Corona-Chan can be https://archive.is/LcQB6
Worst Korea update, 98 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/IcZPN
>only non-leftist whites being alive.
Brazil would finally unleash it's true potential.
>>78955 (checked)
Kek himself agrees with your opinion.
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cc0b67 No.78961
>(((They))) won't let you do that.
Read it again idiot. I am talking about telling them to fuck off. They can't enforce those kike evictions if you put a shotgun to their chest and pull the fucking trigger, can they? And what if everyone starts behaving that way? This is not about obeying anything and that was the point.
When people get desperate, they'll kill those who threaten their lifestyle and survival.... and I can't wait!!
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49d89c No.78962
but what actually is it
fucking disgusting
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20e68b No.78963
>>78955 (checked)
You have no idea how right you are. This species needs a hard culling. I hope that the religious practices of 1000 years from now teach glorious truths of the individuals and damn all Marxists to some future hell through public robo-disembowlment… In Spaaaaaace
>Sino Sneeze
>Sweet AND Sour Sicken
Fucking brilliance.
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9694f2 No.78964
nice but bat stew flu was twice
i just call it the Communist Corona Plague or the Chinese Corona Plague, anything to associate Corona chan with the letters CCP in the mind of the normies
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000000 No.78965
When you advocate for the right course of action (violence and the killing of all government officers), you get called a fed. So, don't expect people to fight back.
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e659e1 No.78966
I think a lot of people are terrified of this aspect right now, I was when I was younger, but as time goes on you'll realize something interesting. Humans are natural killers when it comes to survival and during mass crisis. Humans, at some point, become so desperate they no longer care or fear anything anymore. And that is why in many crisis-inflicted nations you'll notice huge lack of law enforcement…. because no one in their right mind would try to police those areas.
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2fee02 No.78967
This reminds me of something…
I am thinking about everything. Thinking and working, working and thinking…
Sabotage the function of ‘death’? :) Don’t want much do you? Lol.
I raise my cup of coffee to you and expansive horizons :^)
>cook it in reverse
Hmmm…I will think about that one.
>tips for urbanites
(Outside of the obvious; ‘don’t be one’)…IDK I will think about that.
> That feel when you didn't escape on time
Cute anon. The longest I ever went without human contact was three weeks. You can handle this. It will make you appreciate every second of people when you finally get to talk to someone (personal experience).
Inadequate eye protection; no ear protection
>Women are more often race traitors than men.
>test kits
Hey, do you know who they stole them from? I have been wondering that since I heard about it.
They will never catch /ourgirl/ she is definitively a slut race traitor. lol
That would require me to delve into virology and I haven’t paid for the book yet. Let me see if I can find the sources (they came out in late Jan around the 23rd when nCoV first came on the scene); I will be the first to admit that a dive into virology would be (ultimately horrifying but probably also very informative). And who knows…maybe some of my answers (I am looking for) are in there and that is why you are asking…(I should probably finish that book order, ummmhmmm). But not tonight…running of like 2 hours of sleep.
Hello CCP! Nice to see you disgusting faggots drop by to demand the BO acquiesce to your bug faggotry. How many bugniggers will you put on this thread to spam the BO and the mods?
It is unnatural but it had style, when Whites did it, dontcha think?
Yes, anon, it is possible.
This was what I intended on doing when I finished school (killing the subhumans before they killed us). There can only be one race left in the new age because the tech is outstripping the control measures for containing it. People who have access to tech and think independently are going to exceed any form of control measure VERY SOON and that means that we will be completely free of them AND more importantly free to slaughter any of our enemies as we see fit using our own judgement.
Can you see why they are doing this now?
It isn’t the first time either.
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
I though it was humorous as well.
Let’s put it this way…if you look outside and it is dark instead of daylight (like it should be in the middle of the daytime) DO NOT GO OUTSIDE OR EVEN LOOK OUTSIDE…and yes…there will be screaming.
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15e852 No.78968
forgot one: Sweet 'n Sour Sicken
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109747 No.78972
>nice but bat stew flu was twice
ah darn. Sorry my bad.
Coof Coof.
Cov FeFe.
>I though it was humorous as well.
Thank you very much fellow anon.
>Sweet 'n Sour Sicken
inb4 /pol/ starts inventing new meme foods kek
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2fee02 No.78973
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2fee02 No.78974
You never incrude The Red Death
Incrude it anon, incrude it…
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20e68b No.78977
It will break open to a new Yugoslavia. The whole country is sitting in a pool filled with gasoline right now in pretty short order if the supply chains keep up their antics that'll be the match. Something the government is desperately trying to stave off they will fail. I haven't heard a warehouse report recently but I do know from firsthand experience that one of the independent grocery stores in my area yes they still exist have had difficulty getting orders from their wholesalers. Incomplete loads, exceptionally limited variety, sometimes orders being cancelled same day. Everything is working 100% towards what seems to be the designated distribution points in TX HEB and Wallyworld and everything is being concentrated into maintainable and controllable supply chains and even with those steps- they are unable to keep up with demand. It doesn't matter if you lock people in their homes or not; the grocery system simply isn't setup to support this kind of constant demand. Consider that >50% of people consume all of their calories from vendors daily, those calories are now being served from a grocery store, not a restaurant. Different vendors, different sources, different chains; hell even different branding and packaging- things that take time to retool. I think they know the stores are facing critical shortages and are about to face severe replenishment issues in short order. Ration cards on tap. Martial law on tap. Alphabets are spooked and have good reason to be. 3 days to anarchy, all it takes. I'm waiting for LA riots to start popping up here and there after people have been locked in for a good 2 - 3 weeks. Mmmmm it will be glorious and a great time for someone to kick off WW3.
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000000 No.78983
You always lose, niggerpill.
The jews always lose, niggerpill.
You never win, niggerpill.
We always win, niggerpill.
We know that you are always wrong, niggerpill.
There is nothing that you can do about it, niggerpill.
We will always have happiness, niggerpill.
Misery will go only to you, niggerpill.
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34bc0b No.78987
Just had to the captcha again, either my niggernet had a stroke and I got a new ID or the servers are fucky.
South 'Straya closes it's borders
Tacoland update, 251 confirmed cases, 697 suspected cases, 1463 "negative" cases and two confirmed deaths
Flip update, 73 new confirmed cases and 6 new confirmed deaths, total now is 380 confirmed cases and 25 confirmed deaths https://archive.is/EDsnS
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93c92d No.78989
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30664f No.78992
>Gaza Strip reports first 2 cases of coronavirus
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b71646 No.78994
>seek china's help with corona
Thats a really bad fucking idea
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68cf12 No.78995
only to a /pnd/ schizo.
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e1e8b5 No.78999
T'was yellow skin and slanted eyes that did betray us with their lies
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34bc0b No.79001
I know, Duterte is being stupid.
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5010e1 No.79006
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eb78df No.79008
DOW will have to drop below 10,000 to really be scary. 10+ years ago it dropped down to 6,000 and the world still didn't end, keep that in perspective.
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a57a3b No.79009
>racism is natural
>racism is necessary
>racism would have prevented this
>racism works
>racism is amoral
>racism is a useful tool to make decisions when you lack complete information
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68ef46 No.79010
>And I thought Trumptards would be surplus victims
They will be, Just not in the way you expect. They will disobey anything Trump suggests including self preservation instructions. Because of this disobedience they will take 1 risk too many and get infected. Then you will watch them bitch and complain about how Trump tricked them and it is all his fault.
What is the usual % age wise for smokers there?
>>78788 (checked)
Another celeb who hires illegals as cleaners.
Kindly shove your black pill up your ass.
Look 14th from the bottom.
How about
>Lung Junk
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9694f2 No.79011
i wonder what could China possibly help other countries with:
>cover up the outbreak?
>assassinate the doctors who warn the public?
>blame everyone but themselves?
>arrest whistle blowers?
>lie about the numbers?
>burn patients while they are still alive?
>look up thousands in coofcentration camps so poorly built they don't even have a toilet?
>charge double for uninfected harvested organs in the black market?
>use political prisoners as slave labor to maintain the economy?
>being the perfect example of poor hygiene and horrible sanitary conditions?
>weld people in their houses?
>sell lab animals to wet market for an extra buck?
>use faulty and poorly made equipment that breaks down and falls apart?
>poison the population with toxic drugs with terrible side effects?
>exterminate wild life with fumigation?
>ruin the environment with pollution?
>brain wash the population with propaganda?
>censor everything that makes fun of you?
>destroy their own cultural heritage in the name of Marx?
>worship a tyrannical dictatorship?
>starve the population for being incompetent and ignorant?
>destroy a nation's demographics with a one child policy?
>being incredibly cruel to animals?
>having a society of profiteering swindlers
>cooking cardboard buns with plastic rice and rubber eggs?
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000000 No.79012
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9f55f9 No.79014
I remember when everyone made fun of the Chinese putting bags and buckets on their heads. Now not so much.
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000000 No.79015
Can't embed the video, but Marvel Studios went bankrupt today. Corona-chan's greatest victory will be the complete eradication of all entertainment for the mindless masses.
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c5deb4 No.79021
I didn't say they were being administered estrogen. I said ZOG is trying to advocate estrogen as a defense against the virus.
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34bc0b No.79022
3 new confirmed cases in Eswatini I din't even knew this country existed
14 new confirmed cases in Cokelombia and first confirmed death
>chad kai shrek
>Marvel Studios went bankrupt today
>Corona-chan's greatest victory will be the complete eradication of all entertainment for the mindless masses.
Oh trust me, she's going to go further than that.
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e1e8b5 No.79023
Oh and
So many fucking people out, worse than anything before this week. Parking lots of parks were so full people were parking outside along the street. Our latest 'effort' to combat the plague has been to tape posters outside the bathrooms reminding people to wash their hands and keep their distance. Government has been encouraging people to go outside for recreation on twitter. I have taken to using a pesticide sprayer for more efficient disinfecting, hopefully this will have the effect of making people rethink their underestimation of the situation. I'm very scared, not only for myself but for my people. I care about this community (at least the white majority of it) despite its flaws. I don't want to see white people suffer because of their foolish behavior and the criminal negligence of the local government. This is going to absolutely explode, and it will hit our officials like a brick. They won't know what is hitting them before it's too late.
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e26691 No.79025
I work for Merck, and am fucking exempt from the lockdowns due to the criticality of the work I perform. All I'm being told by is to wash hands and follow a 'social distance of 1-2 meters' (Impossible).
Can someone give me a rundown on staying safe in such a situation?
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39a471 No.79026
soooooo….. we have nothing to worry about. Got it.
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2fedae No.79027
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68ef46 No.79028
>Can someone give me a rundown on staying safe in such a situation?
If someone coughs, ask if they have gad a runny nose. If so it is likely to just be a cold. If not you are screwed.
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39a471 No.79029
This is the best news I heard ALL FUCKING DAY.
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34bc0b No.79031
>>78999 (checked)
Shit I forgot to quote you in my last post.
Wear a mask with a filter, protect your eyes with glasses or goggles, use gloves and/or wash your hands often. Stay the fuck away from gatherings and crowds. Also, be healthy. That's it, good luck out there.
>Feds claim far-right wants to use our Lady as a Bioweapon
They aren't completely wrong.
>saliva spray bottles
Hey I thought of that first.
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3b8b99 No.79033
Zhuo's Flu
Peng's pandemic
The Wuhan Wheeze
Gook Gasp
The Jinping Jitters
The Charlie Choke
The Coolie Coof
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fabd4c No.79034
Thanks mate. I do have access to a Honeywell full-face with unlimited filters from work, so I am tossing around the idea of using it everywhere I go with crowds. People are into those useless cloth masks but I think I might get serious with this shit.
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000000 No.79038
Blessings: 210
Dieded: 1
Recovered: 1
First chimpout less than 48h after isolation drill started. In what the media called a coordinated effort, inmates from at least four prisons in multiple areas of the country started riots, fires, etc. In videos circulating on (((social media))), you can hear prisoners shouting "we're taking the streets". La Modelo jail declares maximum alert. Shots have been fired from both sides and correctional officers along with police are fighting the prisoners. The Military has been deployed to place contention perimeters around said prisons.
Isolation drill will turn into a national mandatory quarantine starting next tuesday at 0000h, and Bogotá, the capital, will be in full lockdown soon. Noone wants to say when, but I believe it will happen on or before tuesday.
I predict another chimpout, now on the streets, around next Tue or Fri.
Fun times ahead, anons.
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2fedae No.79039
I once played a video game where you had to fight undead? in biosuits, basically armored versions of the regular undead? Can't for the life of me recall what game that was.. hmm might be worth a reply now..
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34bc0b No.79040
>>79033 (checked)
>Gook Gasp
>Jinping Jitters
>Charlie Choke
I'm dying.
>I do have access to a Honeywell full-face with unlimited filters from work, so I am tossing around the idea of using it everywhere I go with crowds.
Perfect, do it. Ignore normalfag stares and gossips.
>People are into those useless cloth masks but I think I might get serious with this shit.
Those masks don't do shit, and you absolutely need to get serious, the potential long term consequences of getting infected are far too terrible for any white person, especially
for an anon.
Hello Cokelombian anon, it's always good to see you.
>Prison chimpout
Congratulations on your country's first Corona-Chan related prison riot! At least there wasn't an escape, like what happened in São Paulo.
>Fun times ahead, anons.
There are many zombie vidya like that, it's gonna be pretty hard to pin it down.
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000000 No.79041
<yellow jews started world bio-warfare
>Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
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0f26b0 No.79045
Just off the top of my head:
World War Z, Dying Light?
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000000 No.79050
>good to see you
>Congratulations on your country's first prison riot!
Thanks, Brownzilanon!
>At least there wasn't an escape
Give 'em two more hours.
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000000 No.79054
> I don't want to see white people suffer because of their foolish behavior
You should. The weak and the fools must always suffer and die. Even when they are our racial brothers.
Only the strong and intelinget must live and thrive.
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34bc0b No.79059
I will take a break now, see you nignogs again very soon
Fucks News gets visited by Corona-Chan
Ladyboiland update, 188 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/XI916
>Give 'em two more hours.
Oh fuck, they're still rioting?
>rereading the second article
>Protestas, incendios y enfrentamientos con la guardia a esta hora.
>A esta hora
I can't believe I missed something so important. Stay safe and keep your doors and windows locked, make sure a weapon is always nearby. Who knows where those cunts will run to and what they're going to do after they escape.
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52a94a No.79064
shit for brains does not understand what the /cvg/ is for
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2341df No.79066
Fuck, thread 40 already huh. 37 last time I looked.
Friend is an Oz citizen staying in Japan for a career, wondering if he should stay put or try to go back home. I told him that depends on which country has their shit together/isn't being as reckless with policy. It's easy to see where Australia is screwing up but when it comes to Japan they seem to just be pretending problems don't exist, therefore not reporting on them. They aren't forcing hard quarantines, people are still gathering for cherry blossoms and such.
I wonder if he'd be treated better or worse medically being a gaijin there, or in an out of control situation back home.
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52a94a No.79067
Here is the text of his poast:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Time to finally find the truth.
There are two possibilities, both imply a huge conspiracy:
1) coronavirus disease is a nothingburger, most recover without consequences.
2) the disease is a serious threat to humanity
if 1), our media is lying coordinately and globally (as always) and the intention is either to provide a case example and test exercise of new world order government worldwide; they would test and document how many rebel, how many notice, how much time it takes until people realize it is fake.
However, if 2), then the media is lying to us making us believe everything will be all right - so as to buy time for the elites so they can prep and bunker- . Lies fed to us include that in 2 weeks the quarantine is over and everything will be all right.
Another possibility is that it only affects people with pre-existing conditions : elderly, sick. (pic 2)
Given that most useful idiots NPC and turbojews are sick people (AIDS, druggies, etc) aka vulnerable to coronavirus, they want to prevent its spread as much as they can, to protect their assets.
This falls more into 1) as the elite, elderly and sick is by definition the stupidest and worst part of society which in fact all of us would be better without (i respect my elder family but things are as they are)
If 1), this is the biggest psyops in the history of mankind, bigger than 9/11 by far, maybe rivaling the holohoax. And we are falling for it.
If 2), it is true and we are all going to die , but the media is lying about how everything will be fine when in fact sooner rather than later everything is going to turn hell.
Yet another riddle is its origin.
a) Was it truly a random chink eating a bat?
b) is it a bioweapon accidentally / purposedly released?
if a), it could be either 1) or 2) based on other data.
If b) on purpose, it is 1) and they are playing NWO with us. Maybe they even have a vaccine.
I've seen mass media telling on air that Vitamin C does shit to this virus. That saying the contrary is "not scientific". Although i don't claim to know everything, even i am not stupid enough to fall for this shit (there's evidence pointing to it helping fight viruses [1]), which means they are deliberately trying to infect more people -> a nothingburger with very few deaths is suspicious, needs more infected to cause mass panic and surrender to the NWO. Points to 1)
Event 201 points to b) . Circumstancial evidence like Kushner and Soros involvement points to b.
But then again, we are probably under mass shilling from chinese ops. It's in their interest to further the narrative that it was "US fault for the bioweapon that was purposedly delivered to China". So that angle could be fake. The shilling is real. It hinders the effort of getting to the truth of all this.
There is some info (4 pic) indicating china lied about their numbers and the true death toll is ~ 14 mill . Which means 10% of the population will die, which points to 2) . But then again, chinese bugmen hardly value human life and probably kill each other ruthlessly as fast as they can to prevent spread of the disease. For example, there were videos of them putting steel barriers on houses' doors to imprison sick people inside. Chink starve → they are not a coronavirus death and also cannot infect others. Win-win in the chinese mind. Not quite comparable to America / Europe.
So what is it, anons? The disease is hugely overestimated? are we going extinct?
Been analyzing posts, comments, data and papers myself and cannot conclude anything yet. I thus present some of the info collected. This one is tough.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10543583
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52a94a No.79070
>China's One Corpse Policy
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15e852 No.79075
he would be treated equally as long as he has national insurance and pays in to it
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219e72 No.79077
There is going to be a bloodbath even if states and cities are actually locked down and people are prevented from moving around for 3 months minimum its going to take to get this under control. they really should have ended all travel back in january.
And on that note I can only laugh at hearing that our intelligence services weren't warning about this until January, those must have been the guys monitoring these threads.
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32d1dc No.79078
Sun Flu, The Art of Sore.
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93c92d No.79080
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f8adf6 No.79082
You have every right to say no. I'm in a position where I can still support my household/employee and I hope that continues for a long time.
As for family asking for handouts: they'll have to ask the government. I only have enough for mysef.
That said: I'm also in a position to donate a little bit to covid19 related charities, which I do. But I also choose those charities carefully because I don't want to support a scam or something pointless.
.t the author of >>78243>>78434
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fe4597 No.79083
We're going to be worse off by China by far, as much as I hate to say it. At least as far as you believe CCP numbers. People in the US
I misunderstood you then, my apologies.
N95 is a rating of particulate filtration, and is the minimum standard for respiratory protection in this pandemic.
>N - Not resistant to oil
>95 - level of particulate filtration.
3M is a company that manufacturers masks, but there are many companies like Honeywell and Giko to name a few. Medical masks can be vented or non, though healthcare providers will always opt for vented due for better livability over the duration of a shift. If vented, the port location is really up to the manufacturer, though the most common vent locations seem to be on the front for non-folding masks and the side for the folding variants. I hope that answers your question.
>because there is no guarantee of the debts ever being paid off.
So long as the habits of niggerdom prevail. It's a fucked system we've got ourselves legislated into. Can't turn 'em down for anything, and can't do much to collect on them.
That was a great video, thanks brother.
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171b03 No.79084
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171b03 No.79088
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7310cb No.79090
Yeah. Russia lies, but that jew alphabet sponsored site is not the source to go to. Yesterday they offered to send a team of doctors and equipment to Italy, ready to leave today Sunday. Putin is trying to get some first-hand experience and reports on how to deal with a shit show. I have friends in Russia and they tell me people are slow to react and for now see it as something that passes them by. They fully expect their government to lie to them. Russia's response will be closer to China than to the west's. I think the government will try to squeeze as much pain out of this oil war first.
>Start oil war
>Destroy rival's oil drilling business
>Corona chan destroys rival's economy
>Stop oil war
>Oil price shoots up, compounding effect on weak economy
Putin has a KGB mind and sees things in terms of power. Putin also gets to be reelected again in 2024. He wants to finish this game and for Russia to be in a strong position where there is no threat of a repeat of the nineties, when the US and US companies raped the weak Russians.
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7310cb No.79094
Chad Kai Shrek made me laugh out loud.
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c6bacc No.79097
fuck off, retard.
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7310cb No.79100
Raid the supply closet for gloves and masks and safety glasses if you don't already have them. It's Merck, they have loads.
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000000 No.79106
Fuck, it's really happening bros, we're transitioning to a true police state!!!! The state and military, those evil fucks, recognize corona as the perfect opportunity to institute martial law, have tanks roll down the streets, disappear people permanently and legally without due process.
It's really fucking happening. I try being calm during the day, I talk to my mom, my friends. I'm fucking terrified. I'm drinking atm because I just woke up from a nightmare about soldiers breaking into my home and killing me and my mother.
I live in NYC, they declared a State of Disaster here, apparently they're going to bring in national guard, post cops in front of grocery stores, impose curfew, and have cops break up any outside gathering. I think they'll quarantine the city within a month. This is it, they're finally tearing the mask off, it's all happening so fast i cant even sleep.
I'm usually brave, I try having courage, laughed and meme'd with people here; but now it's all real, I have nightmares every night, I'm terrified that my parents and all my friends will be executed for associating with racists and I'll be dragged away to get tortured to death.
Its finally here, and now I finally see how terrifying that truly is. NatSoc is so fucking weak and anemic, all we have left are the Trump fans, wtf can we do, we can't even reach whites, what can we do?????
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88d388 No.79107
People have been saying that the big urban metro areas are going to be deadzones, FOR YEARS.
Nobody listened, they didn't believe it would happen, and even if they did they still sat on their fat asses while the cops and nasties shut it all down. People are going to suffer, some may die, but in the end it's their own fault.
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fe4597 No.79110
Kill yourself glownigger
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f8adf6 No.79111
>Correct but I'm blaming the government for its inaction during the onset especially back in January when travel bans were issued.
>What did burgerland do? Issued a travel ban. Then tested out only 500 during January-February. Now community spreader everywhere. Half-baked efforts.
The current efforts are still half baked, from what I gather. Two week quarantine is not enough to but a dent in the outbreak. Half assed measures will take longer and cost more than a strict quarantine for long enough to get over this.
.t author of >>78243
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62f68f No.79112
I meant that Jose is a male name
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a17d42 No.79115
Mods have deleted a thread that discussed market manipulation connected to this happening.
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17fe37 No.79120
If you just showed me that graph without context, I'd tell you it was a speculative bubble right before it pops. I say the same knowing it's the DJI.
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96a90f No.79122
is nobody noticing that those are just doors within a giant freezer? the large door he has open looks perfectly clean and new. the sub doors underneath are like an inch deep.
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a17d42 No.79125
you've got to consider the timing fren
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76b431 No.79126
>>78888 Checked (EXCELLENT GETS)
Nice theory anon. but also seems a bit drastic as there are only a few chinks without the genes so they would basically start from the dark ages if it completely wiped the world out. Them inoculating with S-strain is more likely at this point.
Not the thread for it but can put some stuff in meta ask there what are you after
kek anon, love the story! It's weekend, I don't do much moderation if at all (prefer to let the threads run) and as you are not a (((1))) and contribute to the thread, it would be left anyway ;)
>pic 1
Kek, my sides. Going in newbread.
>Needs to be in /cvg/ post
Will do. Thanks for suggestion.
>Ben and jerrys
Hilarous names. Fucking lessershitpostingland icecream in chinkland, kek.
And thanks to niggermod for gassing the hapa. I couldn't be bothered, lax moderation weekend. During the week I will ride their ass and rangeban every IP now their posting style is obvious when they use images or not.
Fugggg xDD
Checked, lurkdrawfag, nice drawing :)
Social cancer Normalfags can't handle a few days inside, it's hilarious how bad they are whinging already. I've lived like that for years, I go out into nature and in the forest and in the lake and beaches where I live. I don't want to go out and see retards talking surface level shit in a bar.
Kek tho when even asses and elgoys fitlers fungusfag, KEK.
Asukfaga needs to be ignored more, you newfags can't help replying. Maybe a better strategy is banning people who respond to bait, kek.
Anon the only countries with a handle on this are those testing lots. Germany leads the way there and I also have noticed the less niggy mixed white countries (Germany, Austria) etc are doing better with deaths. I'm still pretty sure Italy has L variant not S-variant that Germany supposedly infected there with.
>You have to remember, southern California is filled with people who hate America and think that is rightful Mexican clay. When the US government tells them to stay inside and takes away their freedoms, they won't listen until they have force applied. And these people generally live in tightly packed, small, dirty abodes. You already have people outside playing basketball and not giving a fuck. Poor people almost always have a ton of people crammed into a tiny apartment. It's going to be a fucking bloodbath down there, and Corona will spread through non-white areas in the USA like it would through a third world country. Except there will be modern health facilities to test and detect, so it'll look even worse.
You could have left months ago but you ignored the evidence and stayed in jew york. Enjoy the ride!
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92bbf3 No.79127
Quake in Zagreb, people evacuated but ordered to stay a meter and a half from eachother. Id begibs :DDD
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8015cc No.79129
So after multiple exoduses, you come crawling here now?
Cough on a cuckchan mod if you want our sympathy.
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e4c923 No.79131
I'm sure this has been posted:
Taxpayers would receive a check of up to $1,200 from the government, but lower earners would get less.
You can judge the government's opinion of how bad the wuflu is based on how the money is distributed.
If they release funds on a sliding scale, with both poor and rich receiving less, then we know that they know it's serious shit.
Think about what upper-middle class has. Car loans because they buy a new car every few years, Mortgage because they bought a big house, Credit card debt because they spend, supreme trust in the media because they're NPCs.
If they're given the most money, it will flow through predictable channels back to banks.
Now think about what poor people would spend it on. Rent, liquor, drugs, whores, phones, etc.
Now think about what the illuminated young men would spend it on. Guns, ammo, and supplies which can be used against loyalists.
If you give 1k to anyone who has paid taxes you stimulate all forms of labor. one last attempt to jump start
If you give 1.2k to the upper tier of laborers, you give money to the banks. one last suck before finding a new host
We can also predict with some certainty how long this will last based on what happens with this money.
It got lost through inefficiency or embezzlement? Over 10 years of flu.
Everyone gets it? 2-3 years of flu.
Only the goodest of goys gets it? 4+ years of flu.
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3c14bc No.79132
>Leonard Horowitz
Dentist, natural healer
neck yourself boomer
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a14973 No.79133
Biggest one no one is talking about is the delaying of rothskike jew payments filing aka normalfag tax return period.
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9b2469 No.79136
>corona chan has 4 AIDS gene insertions, confirmed by the pajets first and later admited by the chinks themselves, even though the WHO went through all the trouble of dissing the pajet research to cover chink ass
where are your fucking sources fag?
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9b2469 No.79137
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92bbf3 No.79139
Croatia's capitol, Zagreb, has been hit by a 5.5 Richter earthquake. Hospitals evacuated and patients transferred to safer areas and homes. A cross fell from a church and boomers are taking it as a sign of God's vengeance for not having mass. People leaving Zagreb in droves towards rural areas. Expect more blessed disciples.
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88d388 No.79140
On a tangent here, but with the all the comparisons to The Great Depression going on, I've been doing some reading of first hand accounts. Over and over again, I read about people having to sell everything they own just to stay housed, clothed, and fed.
My question to that is; "Who is doing the buy?"
Who has all this disposable income during the fucking Great Depression that they can just buy up everyone's shit for pennies on the dollar if everyone is supposedly broke?
The answer, sadly, is plain as day.
Corona-chan isn't the flu, but it's not the fucking grim reaper. The governments of the world are taking all of their economies and shooting them in the head, all in the name of public safety. We all are being made destitute just in order for those rat bastards to get a discount on what little we have left.
This coof currency is a complete handwank meant to convince the public that something is being done, it's not enough to do anything meaningful for people that are out of a job, out of a paycheque, and out of food to buy.
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3204c3 No.79142
is there a way to blame Trump for this?
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9b2469 No.79143
The problem is once you get over it, there's no guarantee you won't be getting it again.
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3204c3 No.79144
checked, I've started to feel sick yesterday, let's hope I'm one of the blessed ones!
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72bcd6 No.79147
and this is why you shoot prisonners for the slightest infraction when shtf.
hope your country doesn't release them like the retards in commiefornia have seemingly done.
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df5e29 No.79148
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0fe38 No.79149
ID:2fee02 is saying it's not a virus. I read >>78390 because >>78643 replied to my >>78321 and said "read this" about >>78390.
Posts >>78922 , >>78924 & >>78903 indicate that >>78390 is "fungusfag" now using "phage" instead of "fungus". Per >>78875 posts like >>78390 can cause significant panic in the unwary. It uses huge statements about the structure and effects of CV that seem medical and scientific in nature, until you notice that there are ZERO references.
Identifying characteristics of this poster:
* it's not a virus, it's something else
* currently using "autonomously assembled organisms"/bacteriophages
* false+panic-inducing "kill 40% of all life on Earth daily"
* hyperbolic+panic inducing "highly mutagenic"
* hyperbolic+panic-inducing "pure death"
* false+panic-inducing "instrumental in all the death on the planet"
* "R0 is close to infinity"
* "might be a less deadly more symbiotic strain in the next million years"
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9b2469 No.79150
Go, then, anon. Go and rise. Be the leader this world needs.
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e4c923 No.79151
Don't worry, they'll tack on more taxes to counteract the free money they're handing out.
The free money is no different than a universal tax write off>>79140
>it's not enough to do anything meaningful for people that are out of a job, out of a paycheque, and out of food to buy.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
$1,000 is enough to purchase a firearm and ammo, enough to strike out at the people you believe wronged you.
The money will be limited if the government fears reprisals.
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5c6ac9 No.79156
You must be new nigger. Go through the 40 breads yourself this was known to ALL who've been following this longer than yesterday.
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f9bd80 No.79157
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c727d2 No.79158
>I agree, the problem is (((they))) want to get rid of upstanding whites and keep dumbed down shitskin masses as slaves.
That goes against tempered reason, it's religious insanity and sheer spite for superior life for the most part. But it was probably made by some cucked nu-masons who (((appreciate all life))) or some faggotry like that. They would probably keep some black bulls around for their wives, gotta have that utilitarianism.
>And Corona-Chan isn't a micro-jew
It sure behaves like one. For now
>Then get to silencing all frequencies.
Not possible. There is no getting off this ride, it goes on forever
>The Fulton County government believes as long as they only release non-violent criminals or criminals with "good behavior"
Well, sentencing people to death for petty crimes wouldn't be very nice. Because once this thing spirals out of control, staying in prison would pretty much be a death sentence. And I doubt they would release the most dangerous inmates in a time of crisis, letting this sort of people run amok is the last thing one would want. Expect a lot of 'fire accidents' in maximum security prisons
>Maybe make a thread in /christian/ or here if it's allowed?
We used to discuss this to a great detail on old /pol/ before it got (((shut down))), I usually don't try to teach Christians because they are too stubborn in their beliefs and rarely listen to reason, but let me know if you make a thread on /christian/ and I'll try to answer.
>Sabotage the function of ‘death’?
Sabotage the modification which makes it target complex lifeforms. At least physical ones. Some are without death already
>Hey, do you know who they stole them from?
Unsure. But they were definitively looking for something.
If the situation doesn't get resolved soon, this will most likely end up as a total war. I don't think the nukes would be flying (kikes will try to prevent it), but a lot of regional/local skirmishes, civil wars etc. will be ignited. The only variable is how much control does the globozog have over the situation. If this was planned and controlled, we can expect global communism and branding/chipping pretty soon, if not, it can actually spiral in WW3 and total collapse (preferred scenario).
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e1a317 No.79160
>using OSB for boarding stores agains a chimpout
It will not work. Use 5mm hot rolled mild steel plates.
My city is all boarded because libshit antifa chimpouts, plus now we have the Chinese Virus so all the looting will resume.
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1bf20e No.79163
Poor boomer, she will become a guinea pig if she survive few weeks more. Humanity is in danger so everyone will do anything to do the dark shits for the sake of humanity.
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2fedae No.79164
Bad news, Coronvirus might be 1st world Malaria, as it seems countries with high rates of Malaria have the lowest rate of Coroniavirus. The theory being that high malaria countries might offer some herd immunity to coronavirus. This also ties into how some malaria medications might have had some success against coronavirus.
Of course those 3rd would countries would be the last ones to get a good dose of Coronachan due to how globalism works in relationships to the primary vector (China), so it's still a wait and see.
>Top 40 Malaria countries:
212.24 malaria per thousand = 0.2 COVID-19 cases per million
>Next 40 Malaria countries:
7.30 malaria per thousand = 10.1 COVID-19 cases per million
>Remaining 154 (non-)Malaria countries:
0.00 malaria per thousand = 68.7 COVID-19 cases per million
(data from a dude named dr. spencer)
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c727d2 No.79165
There is so much noise in the global consciousness, a lot of lies, disinformation, uncertainty. This might be the right moment to 'collapse' this into a reality favorable for us. My estimate so far is that a) it is a bioweapon b) it's not entirely controlled, as well as it's consequences
I don't think anyone would mess with releasing a bioweapon, even if he has a vaccine, due to high probability of mutation. Unless it's entirely synthetic, but that's a whole other can of worms.
You should try moving to a place that wasn't predicatively programmed to be a center of a major shitstorm. Otherwise you will be literally living a B-grade apocalypse movie from the 90's and early 00's.
God is punishing treacherous Croats for serving the Vatican :DDD Giddings, that's pretty sad
Freedom ain't free :DD
I know a guy who got blessed, the irony is that he works as a surgeon. Idiot went to a trip (it was cheap) and got blessed there, returned and went to work with high temperature. One of his colleagues noticed, reported him, and he tested positive. Now they had to put an entire area of the hospital in quarantine. If you can't expect people with medical degrees to behave responsibly, what's to expect of a typical peasant.
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a14973 No.79166
This is about all that is even remotely accurate..
Aren't they using a malaria drug as part of the (((treatment))) for covid?
How uncanny.
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e1a317 No.79167
When your hands are not pure clean, never touch your eyes,, nose and/or mouth.
The virus cannot pass through the skin.
Also it is airborne while it floats (we all float, come float with us).
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596850 No.79168
>what can we do?
Sorry, if I told you what I really thought you guys should start doing, I'd be called a fed again.
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1bf20e No.79169
Poor boomer, she will become a guinea pig if she survive few weeks more. Humanity is in danger so everyone will do anything to do the dark shits for the sake of humanity.
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c9ef68 No.79171
The *ONLY* reason they are this concerned is because they know America is armed to the teeth and could at any moment explode in armed insurrection, mass disgruntled home squatting and tax rebellion, riots in the cities and the rural areas defecting back to total self-sufficiency without relying or feeding the system anymore. THAT is why they want us calm, because (and thank God for it!) we still have the guns…. and we are keeping them!!!
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e1a317 No.79173
>to develop a code that neutralizes it.
>design code
>Yes…this is one of the hardest things for engineers to deal with when it comes to biology
>I don't think anyone would mess with releasing a bioweapon, even if he has a vaccine, due to high probability of mutation.
Fair question: Does anyone know if all the research monkeys are only doing sequencing then static vaccine modelling, then exit test kits?
Because, the more I read the Covid-19 content at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, the Lancet, Elsevier, et al, the more it gets obvious the problem approach can be reduced to 'aiming to a moving bouncing target'.
The virus replicates and mutates.
Get´s sequenced
People are tested with a kit that targets to that sequence and molecule.
But the virus mutates, and eventually test kits will not detect possitives.
Noticed the latest narrative about the false possitives?
Remember the Mossad drop of those 100.000 'failed' test kits?
What if the research underpaid monkeys reach a vaccine to a very late virus version and do not work as intended?
Trying to land a hit at a apparent random moving target asks to use a likewise approach of a bullet.
If they are trying a static molecule vaccine it will fail.
It will be needed a molecular machine that self-deploys, replicates and mutates up to speed of this virus.
But I cannot find any research shop doing this kind of thinking.
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1bf20e No.79174
>The virus cannot pass through the skin.
Infected people can touch and virus go into pore. The skin pore is 30 microns or 30000 nm. Coronavirus can literally go through like a breeze.
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9fc795 No.79175
Too late, the masses already have been buying up guns like crazy and the sales are still going through the roof. There is no way to control this anymore. They DO NOT have resources for mass "confiscation" nor would they risk losing their police state minions over trying something that dangerous nationwide. The only way we lose the guns at this point is we give them up voluntarily and peacefully. If we don't, there is nothing they can do about it anymore. And I have news for you, I have planned and trained for the day I have to fight back, I am on my toes 24/7 for it, have it on my mind a lot, already did the DIY projects for duck and cover shootout scenarios and many people have done or are doing the same now.
As far as the handouts, if there are any strings attached to that shit, I won't take it. You can give me money, fine, but I won't take your money if you try contracting me to slavery for it.
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9b2469 No.79180
Thanks for your enlightened edge-lord response, faggot. I have a balcony and know of the miraculous cleaning powers of tap water. I will, as soon as I take my mid-day shit, go out and cast level 9 spells to shape the world in the image of my making.
Joe Biden does not have the Chinese plague. Proven wrong.
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e10396 No.79181
Maybe is dementia has gotten worse, and his handlers know he can't be seen by the public anymore? This is no joke by the way, this kind of shit happens in third world nations all the time!
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c727d2 No.79182
I'm not a geneticist or a virologist, but an uneducated guess would be trying to aim at it's components that don't change so quickly, without destroying the same components in healthy cells. Attack it's core integrity rather than acquired processes. Nanobots could be a cure, but that research is still in early phases. It could explain them forcing 5G everywhere, as that kind of grid is exactly what you would need for powering and controlling a nanobot swarm.
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de6e57 No.79183
Over 50 NYPD Officers Test Positive for Coronavirus
According to NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, over 50 police officers have tested positive for COVID-19, but only one has been hospitalized.
America’s largest police force is dealing with a sudden spike in officers calling out sick, with the 1st Precinct in Manhattan the hardest hit. 31 officers from the precinct have called out, 17 percent of the workforce, forcing the NYPD to call the Movie and Television Unit to fill in.
“We will be moving resources around,” Shea said. “I usually get the question about d we have to extend tours? We’re not at that point yet, we have more than enough resources right now.”
Shea says that the NYPD is staggering work schedules, increasing cleaning of facilities and that there is a panel of doctors deciding who should stay home.
“What we do is when we get those calls to our sick desk on a case-by-case basis, we are reviewing the facts and making a determination. And we have put people out on quarantine when they are not symptomatic because of close contact,” Shea said.
However, the police union says that the NYPD has failed to provide adequate protective equipment for officers or cleaning supplies.
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39dad8 No.79185
>NYPD has failed to provide adequate protective equipment for officers or cleaning supplies.
They are there just for to keep people calm and they will be discarded when they are not needed. I don’t think they realise that. What a bunch of lemmings.
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88d388 No.79186
>However, the police union says that the NYPD has failed to provide adequate protective equipment for officers or cleaning supplies.
Leading to them getting the disease and spreading it further. They aren't being used as peacekeepers but incubators.
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668d4f No.79187
>>79077 you speak truth
People are fed up. Priorities. Hope nasty girls have enough people to cover both the drive through testing and the synagogues.
>Top Tip: Locate the drive through testing at synagogues. Tell people, if you think you’re infected, go to a synagogue.
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815488 No.79188
Leaked plans reveal Continuity of Government actions!
Even as President Trump says he tested negative for coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic raises the fear that huge swaths of the executive branch or even Congress and the Supreme Court could also be disabled, forcing the implementation of "continuity of government" plans that include evacuating Washington and "devolving" leadership to second-tier officials in remote and quarantined locations.
But Coronavirus is also new territory, where the military itself is vulnerable and the disaster scenarios being contemplated – including the possibility of widespread domestic violence as a result of food shortages – are forcing planners to look at what are called "extraordinary circumstances".
Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.
According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, "devolution" could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.
"We're in new territory," says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window. The officer jokes, in the kind of morbid humor characteristic of this slow-moving disaster, that America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy is.
He is the "combatant commander" for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed.
What happens, government expert Norman Ornstein asked last week, if so many members of Congress come down with the coronavirus that the legislature cannot meet or cannot muster a quorum? …
In the past, almost every imagined contingency associated with emergency preparedness has assumed civil and military assistance coming from the outside. One military officer involved in continuity planning calls it a "cavalry" mentality: that military assistance is requested or ordered after local civil authority has been exhausted.
"There might not be an outside," the officer says, asking that she not be named because she is speaking about sensitive matters.
In recognition of the equal vulnerability of military forces, the Pentagon has instituted unprecedented restrictions on off-base travel. Last Wednesday it restricted most overseas travel for 60 days, and then on Friday issued supplemental domestic guidance that essentially keeps all uniformed personnel on or near military bases. There are exceptions, including travel that is "mission-essential," the Pentagon says.
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9fff15 No.79189
Mission essential in this regard applies to the maze of more than a dozen different secret assignments, most of them falling under three larger contingency plans:
CONPLAN 3400, or the military's plan for "homeland defense," if America itself is a battlefield.
CONPLAN 3500, "defense support of civil authorities," where the military assists in an emergency short of armed attack on the nation.
CONPLAN 3600, military operations in the National Capital Region and continuation of government, under which the most-secret plans to support continuity are nested.
All of these plans are the responsibility of U.S. Northern Command (or NORTHCOM), the homeland defense military authority created after 9/11. Air Force General O'Shaughnessy is NORTHCOM's Colorado Springs-based commander.
On February 1, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper signed orders directing NORTHCOM to execute nationwide pandemic plans. Secretly, he signed Warning Orders (the WARNORD as it's called) alerting NORTHCOM and a host of east coast units to "prepare to deploy" in support of potential extraordinary missions.
Seven secret plans – some highly compartmented – exist to prepare for these extraordinary missions. Three are transportation related, just to move and support the White House and the federal government as it evacuates and operates from alternate sites. The first is called the Rescue & Evacuation of the Occupants of the Executive Mansion (or RESEM) plan, responsible for protecting President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and their families–whether that means moving them at the direction of the Secret Service or, in a catastrophe, digging them out of the rubble of the White House.
The second is called the Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (or JEEP), and it organizes transportation for the Secretary of Defense and other national security leaders so that they can leave the Washington area. The Atlas Plan is a third, moving non-military leaders – Congressional leadership, the Supreme Court and other important figures – to their emergency relocation sites. Under Atlas, a still- secret bunker would be activated and cordoned, with government operations shifting to Maryland.
The three most compartmented contingencies – Octagon, Freejack, and Zodiac – call upon various military units in Washington DC, North Carolina and eastern Maryland to defend government operations if there is a total breakdown. The seventh plan – codenamed Granite Shadow – lays out the playbook for extraordinary domestic missions that involve weapons of mass destruction. (I disclosed the existence of this plan in 2005, and its associated "national mission force"–a force that is on alert at all times, even in peacetime, to respond to a terrorist attack or threat with the nuclear weapon.)
Read more…
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88d388 No.79191
There's only about 2m total servicemembers out there, and most of them are potato peelers and admin.
They are vastly outnumbered and will turn tail at the first sign of danger.
Cities OTOH are fucked hard. They will be blockaded and "people" will be stuck there.
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39dad8 No.79192
The US military is destroyed by the political correctness and the good guys already years ago. This plan will not work well.
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cdfe76 No.79195
Fuck off you bootlicker. Go join ZOG's Army or something.
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df5e29 No.79196
>Asses and Elbows still hasn't An Hero'd
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c727d2 No.79198
I told you >>78782
>Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy
This guy is white, amerifrens should hope that he is not a crypto (or having kids with a jewess), doesn't look like one at a quick glance. This development might not turn out so bad after all …
At one point a counterstrike against the commies will become viable.
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2c1b2f No.79200
As long as they contain the cities for a while till the masses die off, we all win. If they try anything stupid against small town rural America I can assure you, we'll all lose control, and this nation could become a permanent tribal Vietnam scenario all over the place.
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39dad8 No.79203
He do not look like he went through many battles and become hardened guy like SASR.
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9f55f9 No.79206
Here is proof Wu Flu is fine and totally a nothing burger. Minister For Some Shit in Oz gets it and is recovered in less than a week and poor Airfagtasker that did some faggy job for him is in quarantine after shacking his hand the day before he tested positive… and they will not test him. The absolute state of nothing burgers.
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83fb31 No.79207
>Just as I always tear down democracy, the enlightenment and other bullshittery.
Fair, but America was NOT intended to be a democracy, it was intended to be a Constitutional Republic, a rule of law with some underlining individual liberties to prevent governmental abuse of authority.
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9f55f9 No.79213
I am being ironic. Minister of Faggy things is in quarantine after his recovery. Won't test Airtaskfag because it would look bad that Minister for Faggy things passed it on while he was suspected of Wu Flu. Also, sorry for the shaking auto-correct gayness.
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e6b648 No.79214
Dictatorships only work well when common sense nation-loving people are put into power. That unfortunately does not happen often. In fact, it is rather rare. And many that have gone that way are no longer around for various reasons (wars, economic collapses, coups, etc). So don't think one single powerful entity is immune from demise or cannot be subverted/corrupted because it does happen.
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18133a No.79215
>Lockdowns in Apefrica https://archive.is/2x4kf
how would that even work? Most of the ape tribes are nomadic, borders practically don't exist in Apefrica
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af8a31 No.79216
>how would that even work?
we can only hope that it won't work.
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39dad8 No.79220
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Coronavirus are infecting on many levels. They are mutating like crazy! I don’t understand why anyone would insert the aids and ACE2 into virus. They don’t know that they are doomed along with us. I am baffled at their extremely dangerous action.
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668d4f No.79221
Our stunning and brave military already retired on disability.
People high up in officer corps are there because they were fast tracked. They never saw any hot front lines. This isn’t White Christmas (1954).
Sounds like more work for American military. Defense industry can ask for big bucks for anti-coof helmets, etc.
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24ac85 No.79222
Fool, America is THE Enlightenment expirement. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are dripping with Enlightenment ideals. It's a democracy that pretends it's not because it has recourse to a foundation of a document written by freemasonic luciferians. Then its interpretation by judges is wholly Talmudic/relativistic, akin to the ridiculous Protestant modus operandi of sola scriptura with as many interpretations as there are different people. The laws of the country are established by court precedent, wholly akin to talmudic or jesuit casuistry. No; this nation is a big business, wherein all those in it prostrate themselves faithfully at the feet of our god, Mammon. We have exported this filth throughout the world. The United States of America is Globalism. Just as we have spread our filth all over, the Lord is paying us back for our catastrophic error with a global pandemic. May God have mercy on us for realizing the problems.
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f12a22 No.79227
America was the first to try the experiment of a Constitutional Republic, it was never guaranteed to last forever, in fact some Founders warned us we would have to fight to keep it from time to time. That said, there definitely could be some reforms made. We should impose term limits for all government officials and politicians. Outlaw all forms of lobbying and sentence those who bribe the officials/politicians too. We also need to get rid of the (((central banking system))) and criminalize fractional reserve banking. Maybe voter regulations, such as you must have joined the service or be a taxpayer to vote. No politician or government official should have dual-citizenship, in fact outlaw dual-citizenship. You are either a natural born citizen or considered a temporary foreign visitor (who would not be guaranteed the same rights as citizens). These reforms would fix a lot of problems.
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2258e2 No.79234
Italy Goes Full 'Wuhan', Orders Most Restrictive Lockdown Yet Corona Still Spreading?
Even after threatening Italians in some areas with serious criminal penalties for violating their stringent quarantine orders, it seems Italy's coronavirus containment efforts have failed.
After reporting another shocking jump in deaths, the Italian government has gone full "Wuhan", ordering a complete shutdown of industrial production for 15 days.
In a speech delivered just before midnight on Saturday in Rome, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that he is ordering ALL non-essential businesses to be closed, and for Italians to stay home.
These measures are slightly more restrictive than the current measures, which allow Italians more freedom to move about their towns and communities. They will also likely result in a much larger economic hit, as Italy's industrial stalwarts are forced to pause operation.
And just like that, an entire country - 60 million Italians - is now under 'shelter in place.'
Elsewhere, as Middle Eastern countries escalate their crackdowns, Kuwait announced that it would start imposing a curfew between 5pm and 4am due to what the government called “non-compliance with Ministry of Health’s instructions to stay indoors." Meanwhile, the UAE has closed beaches and parks for two weeks.
As the number of confirmed cases in Europe and North America soar, the total global case total has surpassed 300k on Saturday.
Across Europe on Saturday, deaths accorded to COVID-19 soared, with Italy reporting a record 793 deaths on Friday, and Spain reporting another 300 cases, bringing their totals to 4,825 and 1,326.
The UK also reported another string of deaths, as millions await a lockdown order on London, while hospitals and intensive care units in Italy and Spain are struggling to cope, despite some Madrid hotels being temporarily converted and of the Fair of Madrid, the capital’s main exhibition space.
As we've mentioned before, now is a good time for coffinmakers and funeral homes in Italy.
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67c3de No.79235
jokes on potatoe, He'll be dead when he gets reinfected. And he will because most of parliament has it. Wew I lived long enough to see Australia collapse.
I fully suspect we'll be as a nation bankrupt within the next month. The subsidies won't hold under hyperinflation. The global Weimar Republic is beginning. I fear what the government does more than the virus.
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000000 No.79239
That doesn't mean it's a nothingburger, it's that they don't give a shit about plebs.
>expend resources and use a test OR
>tell the pleb to stay home for 14 days
We have now entered stage three of the chipening.
>stage one: disease
>stage two: daycare, I mean schools shut
>stage three: cops sidelined
Get those nogs vs kike memes ready to deploy!
>dementia addled gaffe prone joe
>why are they hiding him?
If joe really had corona and he were in a hospital infected, the bernie bros would find a way to leak it. I don't think anyone is really happy with biden as a candidate.
All the countries with malaria have crap for testing facilities.
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39dad8 No.79240
Prices soar at Australian supermarkets
Supermarket prices are on the rise as cases of coronavirus continue to increase around the country. South Australian disability pensioner Lynette Holmes can no longer afford several items on her shopping list due to the skyrocketing cost of fresh food. The 64-year-old said she had seen supermarket prices soar in the past week just as new social distancing protocols came into effect. "Seven dollars for lettuce is ridiculous and $15 for five kilos of potatoes is ridiculous," Ms Holmes said.
Master Grocers Australia CEO, Jos De Bruin, said Ms Holmes' shopping experience had become a familiar story. "We have seen the tripling in prices, and with items like lettuces up around the $10 mark at some [stores]," Mr De Bruin said. "We've seen celery increase by three times, we've seen cauliflower increase in price." Mr De Bruin said the food retail market has been rocked by panic buyers and people stocking up before self-isolating, while others say that if the panic-buying stops then prices should again return to normal.
>The farmers are under pressure to mass produce the foods like enslaved soviets.
>Australians are too paranoid to trust the imported foods now.
>The governments still won’t close the schools despite there is fewer students are attending now.
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67c3de No.79241
you missed
>Government still exporting food to China
>Shut down domestic supply chains in favor of export chains.
>Inflation is occurring due to no-regulation at all with regards to price gouging.
Also nevermind how stupid these people are for buying fresh produce in a crisis.
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d187d5 No.79243
Don't be a defeatist, some reforms are necessary, like you said nothing is perfect and that means we need to learn from past mistakes. If we outlawed a lot of the corruption and kikery we see today things would be much, much better. Sure, there would be some unexpected problems but that is bound to happen in ANY form of system of governance.
By the way, ironically you have something in common with our Founding Fathers! Did you know our Founders actually despised democracy? Yes, they called it "mob rule" which is what it is. That's why they created a Constitutional Republic (and at that time only White land owners could vote). In reality, because of big government and bolshevik kikes, we have strayed from their intentions a whole lot over the years.
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39dad8 No.79246
>Government still exporting food to China
>Shut down domestic supply chains in favor of export chains.
That explains why the supply chains have become very unstable now. What are they thinking? Oh well, that’s what happened if the voters keep voting the retards in.
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29dead No.79249
>How are you immune to Misery?
I'll tell you why, because I have never been a defeatist. I have always been critical and distrusting of the system and have been a prepper for many many years. I once had a 401(k) in the stock market, I pulled it out years ago to start prepping because I distrusted the current economic kikery we see today. I was called a 'kook' and 'stupid' because I didn't go along with it. Well…. I wonder how those people feel about me today? If you accept defeat, you are only giving up and will lose everything. Don't be one of them.
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c727d2 No.79250
He'll get plenty of opportunities for that now :DD
Maybe the elites are blackmailed by Chinks who might have a vaccine?
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668d4f No.79251
Does this mean that 750 yuan that was given to your welfare people is being spent on fresh produce? Sounds superior to the USA disaster response where they tell people “here’s a few hundred extra on your plastic card, and you can use it at McDonald’s for the next 45 days.”
Another week of sunshine in Florida. Going to set the mail out in the sun. Meal planning consists of going through the most space inefficient frozen stuff first. With luck, can restock with more hamburger.
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39dad8 No.79253
> Chinks who might have a vaccine?
That’s impossible because there is more than one dozen different strains of Coronavirus. We need endless vaccines and Coronavirus can mutate less than a week! Why is that? Because the idiots inserted AIDS and ACE2 into the virus. Yes, I am serious.
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32d1dc No.79254
Bear witness to a government which cares more about its own survival than the survival of its people. Bear witness to a country whose fragile and weak glue trying to hold empire over many people unlike one another go at each other's throats and said government cares more about keeping them in one clump rather than weaken its power over them.
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67c3de No.79255
No ones actually gotten the 750 Australian Yuan yet it doesn't come for a few more weeks.
They're also doubling the welfare payments obviously because they know Hyper inflation is just gonna end up cancelling it out anyway. Its a losing battle. The proof that they're exporting is based on the RBAs own statements that a low AUD with 0% interest will make Australia super competitive as an export economy um what exports?! OH right the ports aren't shut and China owns Port of Darwin plus most of our farmland.
Yeah that whole McDonalds welfare thing you burgers are doing is suspicious as hell. Sounds like they want to make people's health even worse. Imagine having to rely on McDonalds for every meal that's just stupid shit. They're gonna kill a lot of people with that alone. What happened to just giving people Rice and Flour? Did FEMA turn retarded or something, was Flint Michigan that big of a fuck up for them that they've given up providing basic essentials?
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1bcd6d No.79260
Well, despite what many may think here, America is a very dangerous place to try this kind of tyranny against, especially when people become desperate in the face of losing everything. Debt jubilee will likely become a reality soon, people will be forced to squat in their homes armed and no longer pay bills or taxes. Expect a whole lot of desperation to take place but when push comes to shove it will become dangerous to try preventing it from happening.
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f98d4f No.79261
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17fe37 No.79262
I'm getting a bit tired of this pandemic now. Part of me really wishes we could go back to the relatively good times before the Great Collapse, though I know our rotten society has to be shaken and broken if there's any justice in the world.
Oh hey A&E, good to see you're still alive for now. It's the actual end of civilization and I still think you're somehow managing to overreact.
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000000 No.79263
>ever believing that the japanese treat anyone else equally just because payments are being made
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24ac85 No.79264
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Why do you worship a jewish god?
God is not Jewish. The person of the Son/the Logos was made incarnate through the line of Judah because this was the tribe that safeguarded the oracles of God; the OT and the NT are indictments against the Jews and not books that glorify them.
>Disregards my condemnation of the Jesuits
>That isn't your bible
>Disregards my condemnation of Protestantism. I am Eastern Orthodox. I do not submit to a fag-and-jew-capitulating, globalist, blasphemer and heretic.
Orthodox teaching does not advocate cuckoldry. It does not mandate surrender during attack. Jesus Christ even says "and the one who hath not a sword, let him sell his outer garment and buy one" (Luke 22:36 ONT). The Church Fathers teach that war can be righteous and also that when there is no chance at victory, martyrdom is virtuous.
>What justification?
How about the 7 day week? The longest lasting (1,123 years) and most prosperous empire/government, which is the Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire (before the usurer Jews and Venetian bankers came in to ruin it all)? The 2000 year traditions of the Orthodox Church? Even the way you count your years is determined by the time before and the time after the birth of the God-Man Jesus Christ. How about the Holy Fire that presents itself on the day before Orthodox Easter in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre? The fire does not burn those who bear it in faith. It does not even burn hair if it is held into the flames.
Renounce your nihilism. It leads only to the desire for the destruction of everything. The Orthodox Christian seeks to transform the world not to destroy it. The Orthodox Christian knows the evil and the farce of Judaism, Israel, and Zionism and calls it out and rebukes it.
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a0279f No.79265
>It doesn't stop the ZOG from rolling you over.
You underestimate our abilities to actually fight back. There are powerful enough calibers out there in public hands that can pierce tanks and body armor. Not to mention the people with 12G shotguns that would maim or kill zogbots with a couple buckshot shells fired their way. I have been prepping for a long time, this is one area I am familiar with, tactical defensive measures. Some so hardcore it would be considered terrorism if I were to give details.
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9694f2 No.79266
Chinks would sell their own mother's organs for an extra buck and they were willing to paralyze their entire industry and economy when they could no longer hide their fuck up, tourism and travel both got fucked hard by this, chinks are stigmatized pariahs all over the world and the CCP is growing more and more desperate with their damage control to prevent people blaming them for corona chan
not to mention this entire situation gives many very strong arguments to anti globalization nationalist who want a self sufficient industry with no outsourcing and closed borders
even Goymany has finally stopped the dindu caravans arriving to yurop and then you have (((their))) precious stock market in a perpetual downward spiral with nothing but red numbers published since this began
the media kept lying to everyone about muh flu and muh reeeesist alt rait conspiracy for weeks before they finally admitted shit hit the fan
there are a metric fuck ton of countries who absolutely despise each other way to much to get in on a global hoax, you think Iran would get on board with a plan made by the kikes and just pretend to be falling apart in some sort of international ruse?
you really think all those cellphone videos and whistle blowers we've seen these past few months were staged? even when every government and media platform does everything they can to suppress them
no fucking way this is a hoax, corona chan is real and she doesn't even need to kill to fuck us all up, sure the death rate is far worse than what the governments are telling us but she can collapse our countries with infection alone
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6549e3 No.79267
> I fear what the government does more than the virus.
explain pls
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67c3de No.79271
Martial Law. Shoot on Sight. Repossession of Property. Internment. Government Mandated Euthanasia. The government has the potential to do exactly these things in this crisis. Watch how savage they are going to behave. If I get the virus I died so what. If the Government comes after me though, its a drawn out ordeal of torture. The Virus is more humane.
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44e3a9 No.79272
Brazil anon here.
Fever is getting better.
I few less tired.
Lung pain has appeared 2 days ago. Is getting worse, still weak.
Throat pain appeared the same day. Is getting worse. Not much yet.
I'll have the corona test results in 3 days at most.
I have no idea how my pneumonia is doing. Pneumonia stays at the x-ray for 2 months even after you're cured. I've been told by the doctor to stay at rest and only to go to the hospital if the symptons get worse, considering my current situation. He also congratulated me on my accurate self medication.
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0f54fb No.79274
>There will be no Jubilee.
There will once mass desperation takes place. Then it's one army vs 150+ million gun owners and 50 million doomsday preppers scattered all over the place. Not to mention just dealing with the looters, marauders and gangs lol.
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18133a No.79277
keys Florida here here hotels and marinas are finally shutting down. Monroe County Emergency Management activated its EOC to Level 2
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19ac35 No.79278
They can try it, in fact I DARE them to try it!
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6549e3 No.79280
All of this can sound both delicious and terrible.
It all depends on the final purpose
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a14973 No.79281
The sheer amount of LEO without PPE is sickening, the govt doesn't give a flying fuck about them or people are just that stupid.
Sad because when they are gone, all you have left is national guard and oooh boy, I can't wait to see the chimpouts vs national guard.
I bet they'll use the microwave weapons, that'll be fucking gold to see those videos.
>nigger uses rock throw
<national guard uses mm wave microwave weapon to friednigger.mpg
<chimpout disperses in panic, rapidly
kek asses an elgoys says nothing good never happens
>in a coronian-cult happening bread
Kek. This is one of the best things that has happened to this earth in a damn long time.
Love how he's larping pretending to 'predict this'. Fucking spamming nigger.
Stop feeding asses and elgoys though faggots, god damn.
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42ef88 No.79282
You are pussy and defeatist. Man up dude! Sometimes things just SHTF and we got to take back control over our own lives.
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000000 No.79284
Niggerpill is always wrong.
Niggerpill is so impotent that he can't even filter Tor to protect his feefees from reading the truth.
You lost.
The jews lost.
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6549e3 No.79285
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73cd5f No.79286
If they want to destroy the whole country, start civil war and end America as we know it, let them try it. There won't be much of us left remaining till Russia/China takes us over.
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c0fe38 No.79287
>list of panic-inducing poster characteristics
>This is about all that is even remotely accurate..
Is there a source for that?
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67c3de No.79288
> Israel will nuke the world if they even think they're going to lose.
good do it faggots. If we have to be unhappy then everyone also gets to be as well. Spite the fucking jews. We fight until they press the fucking button. Once the lockdown is over they better watch the fuck out.
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2c217e No.79290
If you are really a defeatist then you should agree, fighting to the death would be the better thing to do instead of sobbing about all the wrongs. Be prepared! Man up and accept reality for what it is, and get ready to stand firm.
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000000 No.79292
It is your chance to incite farmers to revolt against the government. Overthrow your government while you have the chance.
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c0fe38 No.79293
OK answered my own sauce request. This is even an MSM talking point. Natgeo image related.
But even the way that Natgeo writes it appears designed to induce panic. "EVEN IF DEATH DOESN'T OCCUR"
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a14973 No.79295
>>79290 ((1))
>being this new
You are wasting your time and posts in this thread responding to that faggot. They contribute practically nothing to threads but cringe and autistic screeching. Next bread they will be escorted out if this continues.
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24ac85 No.79297
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You ignored everything I said only to try to argument ad hominem and seek pity. I will not pity the loss of your demons or false gods.
I see that you are one of those pagan butt sex faggots. Your "gods" are fallen angels, demons. They are liars and no gods at all. If they were, then they would still be here or have the power to fight back, but they aren't and they don't. I'm sorry you no longer have your pagan viking cuckold, egalitarian culture with women's rights and women empowerment to divorce their husbands for bullshit reasons... Oh wait we have that now. I will pray for you to turn to the Logos, to the light, and away from the stupid longing for demon-pagan worship and the crushing vacuum of beyond-nihilism. The truth is nigh thee. Here is fire for the faithless.
Ignore the blackpilling of this one. After the red pill, there is either the God pill or the black pill. One leads to eternal salvation and the other to eternal misery.
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9c31cf No.79298
If I ever do get killed by some Marines or some shit fighting for my freedomz, I'll say this now, no hard feelings guys. I'll still love you all to my dying last breath. It will be an honor, I will take it as a badge of honor. I still have some faith our good 'ol boys will turn around and defect at some point when they realize these ain't worth damn shit! God Bless America.
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000000 No.79299
Infect as many leftists, jews and niggers as you can. If you are going to die, take as many of your enemies as you can with you. You will go to heaven doing this, while you will send all of them to hell.
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6549e3 No.79300
is this why my life is a constant dejavu? are we souls trying to change the same doom over and over again?
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a14973 No.79303
Pic related is from a blessed pasta. Other anons will have the text.
pdf related lists death types;
Total dieded 'survivors'
Heart failure 44 (23%) 28 (52%) 16 (12%)
Respiratory failure 103 (54%) 53 (98%) 50 (36%) <0·0001
Now you have a good idea of what the lungs of at least 30-40% of patients look like after Corona blesses them.
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c0fe38 No.79304
>Coronvirus might be 1st world Malaria, as it seems countries with high rates of Malaria have the lowest rate of Coroniavirus. The theory being that high malaria countries might offer some herd immunity to coronavirus
>ref. "a dude named dr. spencer"
>Aren't they using a malaria drug as part of the (((treatment))) for covid?
Yes, chloroquine. Also Malaria treatment is chloroquine combined with antibiotics, which is the latest treatment for CV on Trump's timeline.
Aaaand malaria causes pneumonia. This is a major new direction for study tbpfh lads. MALARIA.
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88d388 No.79306
Threatening to destroy their own golems always seemed like the stupidest empty threat the kikes could make.
Where do the majority of yids live? in major cities, that's where. Moshe doesn't live in Coaltown, West Virginia, he lives in places like NYC, LA, London, Berlin, Paris.
"If you don't give me what I want, I'll kill myself and all my underlings."
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efacba No.79307
If we didn't have sex there would be no we in the first place. So I take back what I said about you being a defeatist. You are a total nihilist.
Faith is not the problem. Blind trust is.
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000000 No.79310
>If we have to be unhappy then everyone also gets to be as well.
If you can't have something, destroy it, so nobody else can have it.
If your life isn't exactly as you want it to be, ruin the lives of everyone else.
This is the natural behavior of any truly rational human being. A behavior above any artificial tools such as law, state, economy, civilization or government.
If things that you want aren't yours, destroy everything for everyone.
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6549e3 No.79312
we are in hell, I know. We already """died""". But if I ever die another time, I WANT TO BREAK THIS CYCLE!
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a14973 No.79314
Fucks sake this asses and elgoys is an eternal pain in the ass on imageboards BUT EVEN MORESO IS NEWFAGS FEEDING IT. Ignore their schizo posting, it is lunatic ramblings that will get you nowhere but off topic and half truths and half claims with no proof.
pdf related attached
2nd pdf has more lung shit.
Malaria is definitely unexpected. I'd guess that there are some parts of malaria spliced in, I'd almost bet. There is a laundry list already in the damn thing but not heard of Malaria yet.
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6549e3 No.79315
so let the dark ones come into this universe and revolt eerything. o9a style
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7a5177 No.79316
Nihilists are people who want the total destruction of everything because they have no faith in anything or anyone at all. They want to see the world burn and everything die out. That seems to be your personality here, correct me if I'm wrong.
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18133a No.79317
>are we souls trying to change the same doom over and over again?
Why change anything? I thrive on chaos, I enjoy the ride
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a603f2 No.79319
Fed To Make $4 Trillion In Business Loans, Send $3,000 Checks To Family Of Four
The US, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve, will lend up to $4 trillion to businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic, according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
"Working with the Federal Reserve — we’ll have up to $4 trillion of liquidity that we can use to support the economy," he told Fox News on Sunday.
"Those are broad-based lending programs. … We can leverage our equity working with the Federal Reserve," he added.
"The president is very determined to protect American workers. The first part are what I call small business retention loans. If you’re a small business, you’ll get two weeks of cash flow to pay your workers. You’ll also get some overhead, and if you do that, your loans will be forgiven." -Steven Mnuchin
Mnuchin said the plan should help small and large businesses "get through the next 90 to 120 days."
The tentative stimulus package will also include an average payment of $3,000 to a family of four, as well as enhanced unemployment, and $4 trillion in liquidity to 'support the economy.'
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6549e3 No.79323
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f85e21 No.79324
Yes, and to add to this: they are also going to boost unemployment handouts too.
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a14973 No.79325
Jew zealand update:
2000 medical professionals are petitioning the govt to put country into lockdown ASAP and I would assume that includes sending new arrivals to teh coofcamp.
There is a civillian petition here https://www.change.org/p/show-leaders-your-support-to-bring-forward-inevitable-covid-19-tactics-for-longer-term-health-and-economic-benefit-closenz?
It is being delivered today to the polikikes at 1030.
Is at just under 50k signs in a day or so, so pretty overwhelming response for a tiny island country.
Everyone wants lockdowns immediately to stop this getting any worse, so far 2 community transmission cases.
Zero army movement, nothing. Govt doesn't give a fuck and does token measures.
>lets be the next italy, goyim
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f8a91a No.79327
They are terrified, because a desperate public who is armed to the teeth could send their banking system into the gutter if we refused to conform to their system anymore, squatting in our homes armed and willing to put up a fight. There is nothing they could do if that were to happen en mass, everything would come crashing down within days and real estate wouldn't be worth jack shit anymore. It would crash everything, and knowing that, if they tried anything stupid, there literally could be some bullet holes in their chests at some point! And you think the feds and LE wouldn't just bail at that point? Oh hell yah they would!
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38f554 No.79329
The USA can't enforce a nation-wide lockdown. There're too many people living in sprawled out areas. Lockdowns are 90% going to be suburban and urban areas. And all the sub 90 IQ brown people that have flooded this country won't listen or will actively revolt against it. This is going to be a very difficult way for a lot of leftist Westerners to learn that people do no respect other cultures as much and that they don't get along as well with other cultures.
China is waging an information war right now, and the Western MSM is helping them.
There are people who do not put everything in the market.
The number of people who never shot a gun in their lives buying guns right now must be astronomical. I have visited a few gun stores. From my experience, common ammo like 9mm is impossible to find. There are a lot of gun salesmen selling guns to people that have no idea what caliber is. It's unreal where I'm at. Whatever is happening, rural America is going to be completely armed to the teeth after this is all over. People who have guns are buying more and stockpiling ammo. People who never even shot a gun are buying guns.
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18133a No.79331
acceptance that one day I'll dead has given me peace with myself, I don't care what "the gods" throw at me anymore, I just smile as the world around me crumples
(USER MADE AN EXAMPLE OF FOR FEEDING ASSES AND ELGOYS (1HR)) Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
6708ce No.79333
Update from Australia
The Strayan government realised that Strayans are not spending on the imported trashes anymore and focused their buying habits on local products for survival now. The Strayan government is going to pump $189bn AUD frantically into economy. This is a mega bribes for the Strayans. I don’t see how this will fix the financial crisis? Many Strayans are struck in the survival and hypervigilance mode because Australia is suffering from drought, floods, cyclones, extreme financial hardships, high living cost, mega bushfires, youth criminals running amok, Young people choosing to go off private health insurance which put public hospitals under enormous pressures, etc. There is no end to that!
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c727d2 No.79334
Speaking of which…
Can someone ban asses and elbows, he is shitting up the thread too much with his spam.
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dd4867 No.79337
>I have visited a few gun stores. From my experience, common ammo like 9mm is impossible to find.
Me too budy. I know a gun dealer who owns a little gun shop in town and the last time I checked the place I said to him "where did all the ammo go dude!?" He looked at me and said there was a run on all of it. I also know two relatives who never owned guns, now buying .22LR and 9mm pistols, calling me up asking me what they should consider buying. It's fucking crazy.
>There are a lot of gun salesmen selling guns to people that have no idea what caliber is.
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38f554 No.79340
There was some polish lady or something, the guy was trying to sell her a .22 because she's never shot before. He kept trying to explain that hitting something with a .22 is better than missing something with a .45. He even did police training and explained a situation where he had a female officer kek who couldn't hit shit. So he faked loading the chamber, watched her pull the trigger and flinch, and realized she was afraid of the gun and couldn't hit anything.
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225f48 No.79341
>I haven't shitted on the thread enough
Stop responding to the faggot other than to tell it to KYS
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469d4b No.79345
Oh wow…. if you can't handle a .22 just forget it. I would say any gun owner should be able to handle that, even 9mm which doesn't have too much recoil either.
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214b0b No.79352
krauts prohibit gatherings of more than 2 people at a time if they do not live in the same house. press conference is live on MSM, will update if there is more to come. still no real lockdown.
pic related. a city with an early start on that rule.
time until chimpout videos: probably less than 24 hours.
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c0fe38 No.79353
More connections from CV to malaria may be via Epstein-Barr virus.
* Epstein-Barr virus has a known interaction with Malaria (makes malaria more deadly picrelated)
* Epstein-Barr virus often coincides with chronic illnesses like Lyme (picrelated)
* Lyme responds to hydroxychloroquine (brand name Plaquenil picrelated)
Existing connections from CV to malaria:
* treatment in common (chloroquine + antibiotic latest)
* symptoms in common (pneumonia)
* countries which have more Malaria have less CV; theorized "herd immunity" issue
CC: >>79166 >>79314 >>79304 >>79164
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b403e9 No.79355
In the cities right? Or is this happening outside the cities? If I notice any around my area I'll avoid those like the plague when out and about. I predict I'll be getting some more foods online soon, lol. Already have a decent supply stocked up already so no big deal either way.
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8a9bfd No.79357
Fungusfag is now Fungusphage.
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d9141d No.79362
Literally plague doctor levels
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a14973 No.79363
>>79353 >>79166 >>79314 >>79304 >>79164
Nice digging anon.
Just remember to space the post numbers out, bit like what is called reddit spacing yet horizontal.
There were also similarities to Nipah virus which is present in the code IIRC.
>The drug ribavirin has been shown to be effective against the viruses in vitro, but human investigations to date have been inconclusive and the clinical usefulness of ribavirin remains uncertain.
Also listed as a treatment for /ourgirl/
Spoopy. Is it just the RNA shit all being similar or… need a medanon in here.
Hey faggot, you can stop larping as a (((1))) and actually join in you know. Feeding that faggot outs you as a complete newfag. A good vpn is enough, shitting IDs just makes the thread shit to follow and doesn't solve hardware backdoors or timing attacks, but because of your ignorant faggotry it makes you far more likely to be deleted than an anon with some post history in the thread.
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c0fe38 No.79367
Another connection from CV to Epstein-Barr Virus - EBV causes mono/mononucleosis which can be treated by chloroquine (pic related)
>* Epstein-Barr virus has a known interaction with Malaria (makes malaria more deadly picrelated)
>* Epstein-Barr virus often coincides with chronic illnesses like Lyme (picrelated)
>* Lyme responds to hydroxychloroquine (brand name Plaquenil picrelated)
>Existing connections from CV to malaria:
>* treatment in common (chloroquine + antibiotic latest)
>* symptoms in common (pneumonia)
>* countries which have more Malaria have less CV; theorized "herd immunity" issue
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7310cb No.79370
Agreed, the time to act is now. When your results come in, you're likely put into a coof camp and you won't be able to do anything anymore. God speed anon, post updates of your interactions (without giving anyone hints who to track down).
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7310cb No.79374
Corona with Lyme..
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a14973 No.79376
> Epstein-Barr virus has a known interaction with Malaria (makes malaria more deadly picrelated)
This was theorised to happen with the SARS immunisation vaccine applied to chinks (or in the process of being so).
There is other data showing that viruses can cause this in other cases too, so this is something definitely worth looking at.
What it may be is the malaria antibodies/vaccine? may help fighting /ourgirl/, I also wondered why India hasn't been hit so hard. Many countries (other than India) with malaria issues are also not testing powerhouses.. so for that reason I'm still skeptical.
Same thing goes to Germany, they are an outlier - lot of cases and almost no deaths because of rigorous testing infrastructure and likely S-variant. Thing is supposedly the pasta strain was traced to originate from Germany. So why are pastas getting raped more? They are more social than krauts but still.. big difference. Lot of older Germans too…
>Corona with Lyme..
I think that's going to be bread 41 title, kek, thanks anon.
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8a9bfd No.79378
Stay strong, Brazilanon. Keep a fighting attitude. Your mind and spirit are key. You can prevail.
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6708ce No.79380
>why are pastas getting raped more?
That’s the important question that I wanted to know. They have gypsies there and they travel all over Italy so maybe that is the why.
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171b03 No.79381
Responses such as this convince me Biden is dead or close to it.
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26e012 No.79382
CDC-Land News: 600 Official Cases and 23 Deaths "up from 555 cases and 20 deaths as of 7 p.m. Saturday" So a gain of 45 cases and three deaths. Slowly but surely, /ourgirl/ is taking over my state.
Apparently, some Chinese Christians managed to get a hold of assembling aid for other countries and packed the Gospel in each packet.
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6e8714 No.79383
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Which is a shame because I haven't laughed so hard since I did some funny shit with a condom and a coke bottle with some friends.
He will be missed
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6e8714 No.79385
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a14973 No.79387
One thing I heard in breads past was that the Chinks had massive manufacturing presence in northern italy and had hubs there, which may explain why it spread there so fast..
KEK! Fucking well done k3 you IRL drawfags
They could just be hiding him from the coof as he's super at risk. That said his absence is suspicious. It's hilarious how he's been voted in though, kek, soycucks must be mad. >>79385 Him and yang would be hilarious entertainment and poz. Nigger drug fueled bux and bush V3.0 levels of fucking wut.
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8a9bfd No.79388
In Burgerland, the ammo is worse than the toilet paper situation. Glad I avoided the rush and topped up in January. If you don't know about it already, ammoseek dot com lists real time in stock items only. Yesterday, I got the first text from a coworker asking if I could spare any 9mm. I'm going to sell him one box and that's it. I'm set for ammo (not as much as I'd like but plenty for defensive carry and home/neighborhood defense). I don't think it's a good idea to arm people without very carefully vetting them first. There are some friends and coworkers I'd arm because I've known them well and already trust them. But it would be in an organized system where they are issued a rifle and ammo and return it at the end of a work shift and then get paid in food.
Local gun shops are stripped bare. It's amusing to watch the blank stares of liberals learning that guns are not available to them and even if they were they'd have to wait for a background check and the liberal city CLEO will slow walk the process or simply not process the approval due to the (((emergency))).
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7ea180 No.79389
Ha…what a dumbass. If china was ‘capable’ of anything they would not have released this on their own people and, by extension the world.
>Duterte is being stupid
I know it is ‘just me’ but they all seem impossibly incompetent at this point. Like apes.
>he says the ‘virus’ is a lot worse than you think
heehee…I doubt it.
I laughed
People were so trusting back then. This time I am shooting any motherfucker who comes to my house or says that they have a ‘right’ to my things.
What a CCP faggot. Will you go back and read through all 40 threads before you make yourself look MORE like an idiot trying to ‘muh control what people think’.
You never offer up any technical refutation just try and undermine the TRUTH to serve your CCP agenda.
I hope you anons (and MODS and BO) notice that this is just typical CCP bullshit shilling so that no one will catch on to what they have done to the planet.
>Sabotage the modification which makes it target complex lifeforms
Yes, that is what I struggle with. This was one of the reasons I suggested that all anons take collagen every day to fill up the ACE2 so that they can’t receive the virus. If I understand, what you are asking goes deeper than the surface ‘physical’ considerations to the metaphysical considerations of why this data set encodes death onto Life…I just don’t have any answers yet. I am thinking about it.
>looking for something
Yes, I have puzzled over who the kikes ‘do not have diplomatic relationship’ (per article) with on the planet and I can’t think of anyone who is tech literate (would have working accurate test kits that they could steal) that they haven’t cucked already with their parasitic leeching.
>preferred scenario
This is mine as well as long as we can ensure that the kikes are expunged forever. This might be difficult in all out war; which is why I suggested targeting ALL FORMS of parasitism without mercy.
>entirely synthetic
Whomever is capable of developing at this level is who they stole the testing kits from. I had always assumed that it was partially synthetic rather than created…buuuttt…maybe there is a nation on this planet who has the talent to work with fully synthetic bacteria…(its not the jews because they wouldn’t steal test kits from themselves). Come to think of it…it might not be a nation at all but rather a large corporation (since they have militaries that are larger than most small nations at this point).
>all that is remotely accurate
ACE2 occurs in many organs of the entire body anon. Who are you to say what is ‘accurate’ at this point or not. Sure, you can read what you are told (like an actor reading cue cards for the nightly news) but what you REALLY need to do is start THINKING about what is being said.
Also, do you REALLY THINK that this types of national security information is being discussed in JAMA or the Lancet? If you think the world is ‘sharing information’ about what is happening you are just totally naive.
I thought the ‘measure of corruption’ to years of disease was very clever. Alas since this isn’t going to ‘go away’ (unless it was completely synthetic) we can’t really rely on this either.
Sort of…it is worse than a moving target though since it is biology it is a quantum target. We could model this with the right technology though…technology that we currently have…but someone would have to have the guiding vision (overall concept) to understand what we need to sync to in order to understand the progress or phase shift of the mutations.
>static molecule vaccine failure
Yes…this is something I have bitched about all through these threads and IRL
>I cannot find any research
It exists in plenty but it is not shared AT ALL openly. Synthetic biology is one of the most highly protected secret fields there are…I doubt that most governments have access to that research. This is why Lieber was executed.
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171b03 No.79392
> the Chinks had massive manufacturing presence in northern italy and had hubs there, which may explain why it spread there so fast..
In that case Africa is fucked.
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e67b43 No.79393
Din't expect to sleep for so long, I should have come back here a long time ago, sorry about that
Bosnian police and armed forces enforcing the lockdown curfew
Footage from Spanish hospitals
Hello there Sulistabro, good to see you again and to read that some of your symptoms are fading away, shame to read about the lung pain, though. I pray for you and all other infected anons everyday and my latest prayer was extremely powerful, Corona-Chan will spare you and leave your body alone. Hang in there, you will be completely recovered soon, and truly recovered. Not the phony recovery spouted by governments around the world.
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3b8b99 No.79394
Has a coup begun in China?
Anyone have any information right now on current chinese leadership, fallout from this bioweapon being released. Some reports are estimating over a million dead already, and the whole economy in shambles. If a revolution begins in China, whole worlds economy will crash.
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7ea180 No.79396
Doesn’t that just want to make you know more about the ethnicity of the people dying in Italy. Can you imagine the FUCKERY of taking care of the disgusting sick bugs and wasting ALL YOUR PRECIOUS RESOURCES on the ‘guest workers’ so when it came time to take care of your own people, all your resources had been ‘used up’ by the fucking bug people?
Seems like something I would expect from (((government))).
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a14973 No.79397
>ACE2 occurs in many organs of the entire body anon.
That has been well known since early breads. I was merely commenting that the post referenced by the anon I quoted was barely accurate at all (to known data) with many falsehoods. Of course they are hiding shit, most anons know that. The fact is that anons here are ahead of many governments by weeks or month(s) which is scary enough as to how LITTLE is being shared between them all. Virus fags don't talk except for a few leaks there were earlier. Anons have to work wtih what they are given or find. For example the discussion earlier about treating multiple viruses with one drug or combinations and how they are linked - /ourgirl/ has many, many types of virus traits spliced in so it is beginning to make sense, also the discussion of the malaria link in stats is also too 'glaring' to be ignored.
I wonder if it's possible to drag some of the virus fags who did interviews earlier on, to here or plebbit or voat for an AMA, kek.
P.s. the largest private militia in the world is Hezbollah.
They are the eternal enemy of the kike and were undefeated by them in 2006, causing kikes to retreat with heavy losses.
So if you want a PMC to look at, I'd be looking at Hezbollah and Lebanon, they're doing pretty good, having reasonably high case numbers early on. Better than the jews..
>Apefrica gets yellow jewed
Good point..
Heavy chink protests and civil disobedience/rebellion going on right now in some areas.
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6708ce No.79399
> all anons take collagen every day to fill up the ACE2 so that they can’t receive the virus.
I missed that. May I have the sold sources on that advice please? I want to share without people looking at me like a nuts case with no evidence to back that up.
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b71646 No.79400
invasion of mainland china WHEN? I want Kim to take a piece for himself and japan to take what should have been theirs in the 40s. Maybe Hong Kong can get some leg room too.
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9f55f9 No.79402
I received an email a couple days ago from a guy that I bought lamb in bulk. His family has 2 or 3 thousand acres and he has over a thousand sheep and does a bit of cropping. His email said that he's decided to no longer sell lamb as it's no longer worth while because he can't sell it for a low enough price to us (his regulars buyers) - he blamed the fires, low flock count… and oh yeah… the fact the Chinese are buying everything they can at high prices and the inference I got from that was it's not worth dealing with locals for basically any price.
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171b03 No.79403
> Doesn’t that just want to make you know more about the ethnicity of the people dying in Italy?
Yes. That and a dozen other things especially the fact that they're keeping it secret!
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2c696a No.79404
Coronavirus 317,000+ Infected, California Could Soon Declare Martial Law
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26e012 No.79405
Hey Brazilbro and Good morning! Have you heard of a protest going on against the Chinese Embassy in Brasilia? Pic related is being passed around.
>Din't expect to sleep for so long,
It's good get a good night's rest, helps you be focused in your shitposting and keeps Corona-chan's blessing a mere lovebite rather than a ravishing judgement.
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3019ba No.79406
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7ea180 No.79407
Believe whatever you like. This is one of the most important thing about this reality…understanding information accurately INFORMS your own biology about appropriate response. If you want to think that fungusfag is wrong…and that people in JAMA and The Lancet are giving you the real information it is no skin off my nose. This is the whole point of open information is that YOU CHOSE what to inform your biology with rather than having disinformation poured into you (by controllers, to your own detriment). There are many different paths; infinite paths.
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6708ce No.79408
>Chinks had massive manufacturing presence in northern italy and had hubs there, which may explain why it spread there so fast..
Wait, hang on, that is Germanic area!!! No way.
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bd6876 No.79409
The zombie attacks are intensifying.
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b71646 No.79410
>son of a bitch
wew, straight to the point, I like it.
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7ea180 No.79411
(57) Perhaps we should filter YOU for trying to control information when it is none of your CCP fucking business…that would clean up the thread anyway. This is such a good idea I think I will act.
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7ea180 No.79413
>>79399 (checked)
I think it was thread 37 or 38…just search thread for collagen…that way I don’t have to retype it all out again. :)
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b71646 No.79414
Isn't that just typical nog behavior when high on something?
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e67b43 No.79415
Forgot to reply to you in my last post, thank you for the explanation on N95s, that cleared up a lot of confusion on my end.
Yes I did, posted news of it in the last thread.
We Brownzilians don't fuck around when it comes to insulting people, especially politicians.
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86835d No.79416
Sounds like wishful thinking from emergent capitalists in China.
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26e012 No.79417
Bath salts are one helluva zombie drug.
>Yes I did, posted news of it in the last thread.
Well shit! I'm a slowpoke who didn't pay attention. Sorry about that!
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a14973 No.79418
Thanks anon, not having a go at you just stating why I said that.
I don't believe any of them because so much information is contradictory and we are talking about multiple versions of a virus with a single name to boot..
The leak late last year about a large code coronavirus in 95% of NA/EU subjects as a dormant virus i think is also a critical part of this.
As was mentioned earlier viruses can modifiy effects of other viruses and /ourgirl/ is no different. My theory is that a 'flu' (had more than ever sumemr flu this year in southern hemisphere)) was used as an activator for /ourgirl/. Everyone has her, just not everyone has been activated.
Who knows. One theory of many but there are more and more loose ends with more and more links appearing, it'll take some more breads to tie them together.
The fact that the shilling becomes frantic when virus variations are bought up (just wait..) leads me to believe that a big part of the smoking gun lies there. Chinks supposedly inoculated their population with S-variant.
Yes it is close, but supposedly they are the same strain as the first German infection at a workplace which came back from chinkland late Jan.
Why is it raping pastaniggrs more than krauts? Plenty of old krauts around in the area it is worst in.. t.have lived there before..
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6708ce No.79419
>Forgot to reply to you in my last post, thank you for the explanation on N95s, that cleared up a lot of confusion on my end.
Try P100, it is much better and longer than N95. I do not know why so many people are buying N95 when there is a better alternative solution to that. Be sure to buy carbon filter sheets to cover over P100 or N95.
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88d388 No.79420
China is going to crash the world economy with their damn wu-flu, and buy up everything for next to nothing! This is a world war, at this point, and nobody has even noticed.
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b71646 No.79422
>buying up anything after this
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e67b43 No.79423
>I'm a slowpoke who didn't pay attention. Sorry about that!
It's okay, this Happening is really fast after all.
Both are kind of nowhere to be found in my area, other than the folding N95 that I very rarely see on some people's faces.
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6e0a1b No.79424
China does great job protecting world you just racist
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7ea180 No.79425
Yes a remember you developing this over several threads…I have been watching you think and thinking about it at the same time. This is how I (probably) would have assembled the race specific bioweapon I was thinking about as well…I would have keyed it to something else as verification. I WOULDN’T have used a Corona Virus though, that is moronic…but I think the idea of keying something is solid. I am going to go back up through the thread and look closer at your comments…you guys were getting into it when I posted my last comment and I want to know a bit more about the Epstein Barr research.
Filtered CCP.
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b71646 No.79426
Xi is a fucking pig fucking coward, go to hell.
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98f13b No.79427
Here's something to consider: What countries share what lineages of their vaccination against TB? Remember that anon that predicted shit was going to start getting weird in March talking about TB vaccines?
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6e0a1b No.79428
Not CCP party is protecting world too you racist America
He protect world trump is cause of hell today
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0e8b01 No.79429
Times like these are when you faggots really shine.
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e67b43 No.79430
Deploying CCP shill exposing spray
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c0fe38 No.79431
Biden's mannerisms remind me of McCain in that clip.
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b71646 No.79432
They are gonna get PTSD by the time we're done with them.
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3b8b99 No.79434
yeah i saw it on cuckchan, so i have no idea about the veracity of the information. but it jives with other shit going on. for instance by my best, uneducated, geuss, if we extrapolate ealier infection rates and kill rates, china has reached one million deaths and counting at this point. at soem point in this fiasco the chinks will rebel. theres lots of people over there (I'd imagine) hungry for the reins of power, adn they are going to see this as a reason to bring jinping down. There will (there has too) come a tipping point, where information can no longer be constrained. In the event of a revolution kicking off, things will get ugly very quickly.
If you read even a couple books about chinese history you quickly realize they have the most brutal inhumane revolutions imaginable. The victors literally eat the losers. and it always results in mass starvations, gross human rights violations, mass rapes, indiscriminate murder etc etc etc. China is brutal when its calm and normal, once a real bloodletting gets going … well fuck I cant even imagine it with 20th century technology.
The reason this is so relevant to our discussion is because if this happens (and the possibility of it happening gets higher everyday this bioweapon is killing people) then it instantly means worldwide recession, likely worldwide depression … its basically another path to victory for corona chan, its another method she has of crashing the plane with no survivors. Our economic policies are so intertwined that a violent regime change in china guarantees a financial collapse.
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166a0c No.79435
>Chinks would sell their own mother's organs for an extra buck and they were willing to paralyze their entire industry and economy when they could no longer hide their fuck up, tourism and travel both got fucked hard by this, chinks are stigmatized pariahs all over the world and the CCP is growing more and more desperate with their damage control to prevent people blaming them for corona chan
To all anons, keep in mind that chinks are shilling hard for the narrative of "USA biological weapon delivered to China".
Which at the same time could or could not be the true origin of it.
Chinks will do anything to deflect their fault in this. And this hinders our capacity to search for the truth.
At the same time, there are so many possibilities that we are failing to unmask this event:
a) chink ate a bat, coronachan randomly infected millions.
b) chink created bioweapon, delivered accidentally or purposedly.
c) US created bioweapon, delivered accidentally or purposedly.
d) ((( Globalists ))) like Bill Gates, Soros, Kushner, created the virus, delivered for some reason, maybe to assume total NWO government control.
e) regardless origin, It's a nothingburger, humanity will survive, but it will be used as excuse for totalitarian NWO government.
f) Coronachan will extinct humanity. ((( Elites ))) are just buying time with disinfo to bunker themselves with as much resources as they can.
There are so many angles to this and partial evidence to back each of the possibilities.
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89e30c No.79436
Greece just declared a full scale lockdown, no unnecessary movements allowed.
Now if only the rapefugee centers catch it.
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7310cb No.79438
I hope, I want that confrontation in Europe between Soros NGOs and the public about moving them off Lesbos. That's the kind of short term accelerationist action that actually works in our favor.
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6708ce No.79439
That’s a great shame. You can make your own mask at home.
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7ea180 No.79444
> but only one has been hospitalized.
This. I have told you guys over and over that THIS (pic) is a super spreader; as well as this, this and this.
Fucking FINALLY the military is understanding its own demise based on its ‘structure’. God, it took them long enough…
They have ‘jewish leadership’ so by their nature they are totally incompetent. That is why the USA hasn’t ‘won a war’ since they took over and removed anyone who was competent (European genetics) from the ranks.
(((Governments))) never work anon. Buy some imagination for the other possibilities for humanity.
>reforms will ‘fix’ (((government)))
Rrrriiiiiggggghhhhttt…we should probably just continue the jew agenda as well since we are not going to actually CHANGE anything…Fuck, lets just let the jews continue with ‘globalism’ since it has worked so well all these years.
Grow your own food, fags. Everyone of you, including the glowniggers assigned to this board should be actively growing their own food at this point. It takes a while to learn to grow food. Even if you glowniggers get a pass THIS YEAR…what do you think is going to happen to you next year or the year after that? High carb, high fat; potatoes, sweet potatoes, sunflowers, corn, winter squash, peanuts, grains that don’t take up much room like quinoa, amaranth etc. or it you have the space things like upland rice or buckwheat which are less labor intensive to hull and process. Anyone who wants to live over the next 5 years is already doing this…
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6e0a1b No.79445
Photo propaganda not real from america asshole
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bd6876 No.79446
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Wow. You mean, China does exactly the same thing every other government does as well? That's really surprising and newsworthy!
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e67b43 No.79447
That's just for the newfriends who insist on replying to blatant CCP shills.
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8c9190 No.79448
Get out of here and go hang out with your jewish buddies, you fbi glownigger.
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38f554 No.79449
Anons, I feel like more could be done on the information front. Chinese are working tirelessly on the internet to keep blame off the CCP, attack Trump since Trump is CCP's largest target, and trying to downplay Corona for maximum damage in the West.
We should be organizing, even with cuckchan, to create a ton of memes to counter what CCP is doing on the internet. This is such a good opportunity and there's a ton of normalfags who can easily consume it because of the quarantine.
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7310cb No.79450
Jew doctor working in Italy subverting his host, claiming they don't help over 60-year olds anymore. Erase the jew from Europe when this is over. http://archive.is/18H8P
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b71646 No.79451
>its ok, unless the US does it
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d9c680 No.79455
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
post corona quarantine music
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38f554 No.79456
Oh vey, goy over 60, no help. Chosen over 80, save!
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7ea180 No.79457
Too bad the national guard is filled with niggers and spicniggers and they are never going to turn on the pavement apes. More that likely the niggers in the Guard will turn the weapon on their own troops so that nigger can get those MUH JORDINS. If you think this is not going to break out along racial lines and that the mixing of races into these agencies wasn’t a HUGE mistake you may live to see what a mistake it really was. The only benefit will come from the fact that like the sandnigger, the spicnigger and the regular nigger will have no ability to fix the equipment once it breaks and will just abandon it or use it as a rape castle or some other nigger purpose.
This is only the first wave anon. We haven’t even started talking about the waves of infection yet.
Well collagen does the same thing as chloroquine (blocking of the ACE2 receptors ability to receive the virus) but it does it without all the ‘lovely’ big pharma ‘side effects’ of chloroquine (which alters the electronegativity of the ACE2 receptors; meaning they can FUCKING FUNCTION to do their job in your body) but if you think you can get ‘better living’ through big pharma, be my guest…they have just ‘done wonders’ for this planet already. You might just want to look into the side effects of your ‘big pharma’ solution before you start popping that shit into your pie hole.
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c0fe38 No.79458
It's really no big deal; the learning generally goes like this:
* Trump says Chloroquine can treat CV
* try to obtain some for family, because why not try
* discover during search that use of Chloroquine primarily anti-malaria
* notice other drugs for malaria have been mentioned as treatment for CV also
* notice connection, but don't say anything at first, because "clearly malaria is not virus"
* see another poster mention that some "dr. spencer" is pointing out the malaria connection also, due to fewer CV cases in malaria countries
* get motivated to search for more connections ( >>79304
* find various links relating to Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV/mono), Lyme, similar treatments ( >>79367 ), similar symptoms, etc. ( >>79353 )
* share stuff you find
TL;DR: read things/act on those things/notice connections while acting on the things/randomly get confirmation from others/get motivated to look for more connections/share them
Also, BTW smoking is correlated with worse EBV outcomes, just like the ACE2-CV-smoking link already known
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3b8b99 No.79459
ccp shill
corona chan party shill, hows winnie the flu doing ? Time to deploy the bug spray!
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8e1d60 No.79460
It is a sensationalist headline, but when you read the article it says they're not giving them access to resitory machines. Not the same as "no help," but still a troubling development. You hard all your life, pay your taxes, and then some nigger shit takes your machine so that we can save his 70 IQ. A 60 year old Italian could live to 90 in normal circumstances, and if he is for example a professor, then he could still teach and participate in research. It's absolutely crazy that age is the only thing they're looking at.
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26e012 No.79461
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>79455 (Checked)
>Martial Law is declared
>Vietnam Vomit is here
>"Sirens start blazing "It Ain't Me"
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7310cb No.79463
Czech Republic from 18:00 local time is starting treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, sold under Plaquenil, for Coronavirus.
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98f13b No.79464
Northeast Florida had a teen die from what was originally thought to be Mono in mid January that turned into sudden, runaway viral pneumonia.
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c0fe38 No.79465
>collagen does the same thing as chloroquine (blocking of the ACE2 receptors ability to receive the virus)
Thanks. Any sauce for that? Collagen is great, all soup should be made with bone broth.
>'side effects’ of chloroquine (which alters the electronegativity of the ACE2 receptors; meaning they can FUCKING FUNCTION to do their job
Sounds interesting; any sauce for this?
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7310cb No.79466
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8f1e1c No.79467
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38f06c No.79468
Are there any /cvg/ approved mask making guides? I need to go out soon and there's no way in hell there are any masks in stock anywhere.
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6e0a1b No.79469
You nothing but lie america brought virus you stupid
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24ac85 No.79471
I improvised one with layers of clothing, coffee filter, and maxipad with paracord. Then I put on some deli gloves because i ran out of nitrile. You will be surprised at the retards fucking off outside with their children, infants, boyfriends and girlfriends. I saw some stupid thot in booty shorts going to exercise outside. Vanity will be the end of many during this time.
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668d4f No.79472
Spain had that guy die Feb 13. Wasn’t until the end of the month they figured out he was blessed. Look at Spain now.
Meanwhile, Steve Mnuchin wants to hand out over ten thousand per head in funny money (very little of it to the people). These crazy jews still think fiat, not production, is the economy.
>looking forward to Day Of The Rat
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98f13b No.79473
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2f0ca7 No.79474
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26e012 No.79476
China shill not people!
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19e9ac No.79477
Epstein is behind the coronavirus. I KNEW IT. ITS DA (((J)))((()))((()))((()))((()))(((Z)))
>f) Coronachan will extinct humanity. ((( Elites ))) are just buying time with disinfo to bunker themselves with as much resources as they can.
That's not even a possibility, wigger. Otherwise 90% of people you run into on the streets would be dropping dead (actually i think the math would work out that the virus wouldn't even be able to effectively spread if it was that fast). But wait let me guess this is one of those viruses that kills you 6 months later after recovery, because it has news headlines instead of the other 6000 viruses and bacterial infections we get every day. A virus, by definition can only be so effective.
>Grow your own food, fags.
Us superior hapas have already been doing this 10 years before coronavirus hit.
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0f26b0 No.79478
I generally do more lurking than posting, to keep with quality posts.
I just refreshed the thread (filters removed) and Jesus Christ 78de1c ! Is mossad paying you extra for the slide? or does your autism just compel you to respond to every fucking post?
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000000 No.79479
China is shit.
Xi Jiping is shit.
And yes, we are racists. And we are proud of it.
White people are superior to all races.
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6e0a1b No.79480
Not China but know China not lie they protect country good
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790164 No.79481
Another factor: animals are immunized for it in some countries.
Was that the Brazil bats anon?
Some anons have had Malaria injections.
>Grow your own food, fags.
Checked trips of truth.
/pol/ is digging and surviving. Memes will flow when they are needed, later on once things pass a little is a better time
>chink fall
Only if they keep dropping the ball.
Baking bread, standby..
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000000 No.79482
六四天安门事件 1989年天安门广场大屠杀
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策
The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights
民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa
中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想
反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪
破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
六四天安门广场大屠杀 6月4日天安门广场大屠杀 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
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c727d2 No.79483
>This time I am shooting any motherfucker who comes to my house or says that they have a ‘right’ to my things.
>This was one of the reasons I suggested that all anons take collagen every day to fill up the ACE2 so that they can’t receive the virus
Mind elaborating more on this?
>If I understand, what you are asking goes deeper than the surface ‘physical’ considerations to the metaphysical considerations of why this data set encodes death onto Life…
I'm just saying that this development is not natural and that as such, it's information integrity will decay over time. It doesn't have 'life' to propel it against entropy. I doubt either of us will live long enough to witness it happening though.
>Yes, I have puzzled over who the kikes ‘do not have diplomatic relationship’ (per article)
Iran comes to mind … they got hit pretty bad meaning that they had a lot of test subjects and an incentive to develop it. Their efficiency is questionable though, although they are quite scientifically advanced for a Muslim/brown country.
>I had always assumed that it was partially synthetic rather than created…
I wonder would we get some interesting correlations by comparing 5G coverage with geographic distribution of infected cases. Sure, both would be present in highly populated areas for different reasons, but there could be other factors as well … Or that's intended for the "vaccination" phase, a synthetic virus could be entirely autonomous and wouldn't need an external power/information source. Synthetic bacteria could be the cure however. They could serve as a bait for this 'virus' to latch onto, and then destroy it instead of allowing it to replicate.
>it might not be a nation at all but rather a large corporation
Very likely, a lot of transnational corporations are practically above the law and international treaties. We might start by looking at those leading in biotech research. Especially if they rolled out any products recently which development required certain type of equipment/knowhow. Major stock purchases in biotech sector as well. If someone planned for this in advance, they would concentrate their capital in industries that would offer a 'cure' , for maximized profits. Not those doing it now (as expected), those doing it before the 'virus' emerged.
>If you think the world is ‘sharing information’ about what is happening you are just totally naive.
This kind of short term thinking might be the end of them all. Everyone will try to use this situation to 'get ahead' and ultimately doom themselves.
>it is a quantum target
This thing is not operating on a quantum level for the most part, luckily. Otherwise, no technology available to anyone on earth could come even close to dealing with it.
>I doubt that most governments have access to that research
I was hoping that one of the glowniggers working for NSA who lurk here might leak some info since they are best equipped to scan for it globally, but they are either facing severe penalties for even thinking about it, or, any relevant information is being shared by channels not accessible even to them.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.