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File: 59ac7436b90280b⋯.jpg (211.98 KB, 1132x1080, 283:270, 59ac7436b90280b1a1342d7ef4….jpg)

98ed14  No.364210

Donald Trump Will Win 2024 Election In Landslide, The USA Will Disband In 2028 If No Miracle Appear

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=73

The dates have been set.

Look at history and connect to today.

The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986, the big Soviet Union disbanded 5 years later in 1991.

The similar disaster event have just occurred in the USA: the toxic chemical train 2023.

So It could be a real sign: the sign the end for the United States of Americas USA in 2028.

Donald Trump will win 2024 presidential election in big landslide margin because there won’t be any “cheating allowed” in that potential US last election, there is no doubt about that because Donald Trump is the only real leader the USA have at the moment, the rest are only puppet.

Thus Donald Trump will have his final term and also the final chance for the USA in general.

If no miracle appear, then it the USA will gone or can say most likely will disband like the Soviet Union.

The US Dollar will gone in 2028 with the current pace.

That is the what behind the screen between the elites group around the world.

I as the Savior have magic and a great plan to restore the United States the USA in the most spectacular way but sadly nobody give me any attention or hope.

A calling for donation from me the Savior to cover the travel expense got ignored completely.

Life is a 2 way street.

Do you see any person go into any temple to seek help from the super deities/gods with empty hand?

I don’t see any in most case.

I do not understand why they don’t spend the soon to be useless US Dollar to seeking any potential solution/help yet (in most public and private way).

As a real legendary Savior, I can repeat that without me, there won’t any miracle appear.

Without receive something in advanced, I just cannot give more ideas or advice because I have given too many for free but receive absolutely nothing in return.

Feel free to send this message to all beings/entities/groups.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=73

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98ed14  No.364236

File: 0cacc32e5f794be⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1080x1400, 27:35, Picsart_23_02_17_13_06_18_….jpg)


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98ed14  No.364237

File: 861887729f26752⋯.jpg (1005.28 KB, 2265x1012, 2265:1012, Screenshot_20230217_095321….jpg)

File: 93b7885d4eeb658⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230217_095625….jpg)

File: 9eb683256a91035⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2265x1012, 2265:1012, Screenshot_20230217_095306….jpg)


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98ed14  No.364238

File: 4b8e6674b9cc7dd⋯.jpg (420.08 KB, 1078x604, 539:302, Screenshot_20230217_132233.jpg)

File: 96346c2c97a5e81⋯.jpg (801.42 KB, 1078x1437, 1078:1437, Screenshot_20230217_132128.jpg)

File: 77c6410103059f6⋯.jpg (426.46 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230217_132027….jpg)

File: 114b22ee631ef0b⋯.jpg (542.76 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230217_131938….jpg)

N. Macy Street is also a 2way street

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98ed14  No.364239

File: 96da50f97c42f42⋯.jpg (984.48 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230217_141045….jpg)

It turns out most streets are actually two way streets

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98ed14  No.364240

File: 67ae7ce16e79016⋯.jpg (347.23 KB, 1612x1080, 403:270, Picsart_23_02_17_14_25_13_….jpg)

Soon, without a job or SSI benefits, life will no longer be a two-way street

It's going to be a homeless encampment underneath an eight Lane Expressway overpass

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