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File: 6c9b62d2b137ecd⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 624x452, 156:113, USSA_THIRD_WORLD_TYRANNY.jpg)

1a7335  No.350475 [Last 50 Posts]


Communist Biden Regime Now Targeting Organic Farmers

Miller’s Organic Farm is located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food.

The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at U.S. Department of Agriculture facilities, which mandates that food be prepared in ways that Miller’s Organic Farm believe make it less nutritious.

Amos Miller, the farm’s owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the U.S. government doesn’t see things that way. They recently sent armed federal agents to the farm and demanded he cease operations. The government is also looking to issue more than $300,000 in fines — a request so steep, it would put the farm out of business.

There’s this farmer named Amos Miller and he’s been farming for 25 years. No electricity, no fertilizer, no gasoline. He has really, really impressive crop yields using only the only the oldest of methods, totally organic. He has milk, he has beef, he has different types of sheep. He has chicken, all types of vegetables. And he has a private buyers club of about 4,000 people all across the country that pay him top dollar for his food.

And the government doesn’t like this idea of a private buyers club. They have raided his farm with armed federal agents and they have said he needs to stop selling his meat until he gets regulated by the federal agencies whose job it is to, you know, regulate food. And he says, “you know, the way you guys regulate it, it kind of hurts the nutrition of the food — you know, you wash it in these things, you’ve given these vaccines and the cows get all types of medicine, I don’t do any of that. So I think going through your regulatory process will actually hurt the quality of my food and that’s what I’m being paid top dollar for, it is this high quality food.

So they are fining him hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they’ve actually sent armed federal agents there to take inventory of his meat, of his dairy, and they visit him to make sure that he’s not selling anything and that he’s not ramping up his production in any way. So that’s where he is now. He’s figuring out how to fight the federal government, what he’s going to do. And you know, he’s been put in this really tight spot along with the people who, you know, look to him for this food. They’re not getting their meat and dairy right now because of a communist government.

The object of the game is either early death (in order to not pay entitlements) or disease to keep the medical mafia in control. This farmer is actually feeding people with micro and macronutrients that make bodies run correctly and maintain health. This is not what the government wants. We should become members of his club immediately and support this amazing farmer. Big food processors are just like big pharma. FDA is in their pocket. The food processors intend to make it illegal to produce your own food. They hope to drive America to poverty through price gouging food. Still think its the land of the free?

On the other hand the US government sold tainted drugs labeled as "vaccines" that have killed and maimed hundreds of thousands in the last 2 years and the culprit will retire with a salary of $350,000 annually for the rest of his murdering life!!!

RELATED >>>/pnd/348096 ; >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

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f7ff9c  No.350486

Couldn't we just eat bugs or something?

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55b82d  No.350489


everything is dying, including bugs


plankton too: https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/humanity-will-not-survive-extinction-of-most-marine-plants-and-animals

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green takes place in 2022

>By 2022,[3] the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and an apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. […] The poor live in squalor, haul water from communal spigots, and eat highly processed wafers: "Soylent Red," "Soylent Yellow," and the latest product, far more flavorful and nutritious, "Soylent Green."

>After analysis, the Books confirm that the oceanographic report reveals that the oceans are dying and can no longer produce the plankton from which "Soylent Green" is made. The reports also show that "Soylent Green" is being produced from the remains of the dead and the imprisoned, obtained from heavily guarded waste disposal plants outside the city.

and no, we can't be vegans and eat soy because soil depletion is a thing too.


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55b82d  No.350490



documented acts of sabotage, shame it stopped being updated

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7a9554  No.350502


thank God you'll be dead in October

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7a9554  No.350503


It's going to be AWESOME never having to think about you again

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1a7335  No.350521


Thanks, there are several other lists as well, some of them linked to sites like Rense.

List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

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1a7335  No.350530


Wishful thinking jackass.

Get ready to pay up to TRIPLE in food prices in the next coming years due to all the manufactured shortages. …..Unless you are one of the idiots who desires to consume tons of soy foods, bugs (chitin) and plastic petro-chemicals & toxic preservatives which will weaken and fatten you up like cattle to be slaughtered at the nearest hospital courtesy of Big Pharama Mass Murder Inc $$$.

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7a9554  No.350535



And fittingly, Missouri is a landfill

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7a9554  No.350537


I don't mind paying more for my food….

Unlike you, I CAN AFFORD IT

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7a9554  No.350538


Shit, I don't mind paying TEN TIMES MORE, as long asyou're dead

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7a9554  No.350539


By the way, have I already mentioned HOWPAINFULLY STUPIDyou are?

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1a7335  No.350540


While I'm eating REAL FOOD on a keto diet (and I always fast in the mornings btw, only eating lunch and dinner), you are consuming toxic chemicals and artificial soy foods all day like those FAKE EGGS in a tube you were shilling for Bill Gates' fake food company. Honestly, who do you really think is going to last longer? Someone who consumes garbage fake food ridden with toxic chemicals and chitin, OR someone who eats non-GMO organic foods and who knows and buys from their local farmers directly (as well someone who grows their own foods too, and can hunt if need be)!?

Just saying they're trying to kill you even if you can't see that. You are predetermined cattle being culled for their deathcare system!!!!

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27a5a2  No.350541

File: 7e7ccd8b641ca3e⋯.jpg (518.35 KB, 1280x1930, 128:193, Steinberg_Andy_Kaufman_Ali….jpg)

Tell me again…..


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27a5a2  No.350543


TRANSLATION : you're stupid as fuck

right?……. amirite?

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27a5a2  No.350544


Life will be SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE after you die

I'm happy for your daughter

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1a7335  No.350545


That's exactly what the oligarchy wants to happen, so good goyim and get ready to plunder your savings for them just to stay healthy! Their plan is for only the oligarchy to have enough money to afford real healthy food while the poor & middle class get culled and depop'd! You are a certified totalitarian.

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27a5a2  No.350546




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27a5a2  No.350548


According to you, we would have all been dead 23 years ago

You've been saying we were all about to die for 23 years now


Go apologize to your daughter for destroying her life

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27a5a2  No.350549

23 years of getting it wrong

And you don't have the balls to admit you've never gotten a single thing right

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27a5a2  No.350550

You're such a monotonous boring individual

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27a5a2  No.350551


This year, we will all truly have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving

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27a5a2  No.350552

Your daughter deserves the Pulitzer prize for not killing you or killing herself

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27a5a2  No.350554

God damn I bet her sofa stinks SO BAD…

tell her to burn it out in the backyard with your corpse laying on it….

She can save money on a funeral that way

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27a5a2  No.350555

But thank God you didn't waste your life.. right?

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27a5a2  No.350568

Lol @ "they want you dead"

yes….. we DO

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28c43b  No.350570

File: 03197530abfaaa5⋯.png (440.23 KB, 780x470, 78:47, JN_Undead_Zombie.png)


> we DO

> we


Wee Little Man


You sound like you're taking your wedding vows to your Slavemasters, who Control Your Every Thought & Deed. You are already one of the Undead. That is why you have such insatiable hunger for the flesh, and especially the brains, of the Living.

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1a7335  No.350571


Spoken like a true despotic communist. Keep exposing yourself for what you really are. And you wonder why I don't trust you spooks online? HA!

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1a7335  No.350615

another anti-slide bump

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13d31d  No.350682


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0f1209  No.350688


Ben Garrison forces little boys to suck his penis.

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6cce76  No.350719


Nope. Your mom does that. She's been grooming shota since before you were born and that's why you and your little brother used to do the lick together.

Exploitation of polymorphous perversity; present in all children to one degree or another. Oh exploitable.

Now gtfo and take your bathroom stall graffiti and slander with you and please, don't come back.

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0f1209  No.350720


>doesn't deny it

>doesn't prove me wrong

Ben Garrison pederast confirmed.

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13d31d  No.350726


You don't have to tell us why you really don't like Ben Garrison. It's pretty obvious the real reason.

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13d31d  No.350727


I'm very proud of my chickens, their eggs and fresh meat will keep me going when others are starving due to the manufactured supply chain crisis. And I can always incubate more for an endless supply, and they'll be the ones eating the bugs, not me.

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3ef82a  No.350729


You'll be hearing from Ben's lawyers.

See you on the six o'clock news Mr. Pottymouth.

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0f1209  No.350736


It's because he rapes little boys. There is no other reason needed.


I send him DMs over Twitter all the time demanding to know why he forces little boys into sex, but he only blocks me. He won't sue because then I will prove it's true in court on the public record.

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37d01b  No.350741

Now that cartoon is pretty funny tbh.

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bf70f9  No.350744


>Hi! My name is Mr. Batshit Insane! Watkins lets me post because even the insane have free speech rights!

I'm not Watkins.

I'd love to get you in a court room. But they've rigged the game so hard that you don't have to worry about that atm.

If the weather changes, and I get my day in court with you?

You'll be in supermax, 23&1 every single day for the rest of whatever biolgical existence your current body affords you.

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0408b3  No.350932

8/27/22 Part 1

Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned. Overzealous government regulation shuts down farming and food production, leading to artificial scarcity, food price inflation and global famine. NATO’s economic sanctions against Russia, furthermore, have devastated supplies of fertilizer and natural gas for Western Europe, leading to artificial scarcity of energy that will result in freezing buildings, cold water and devastating energy prices this coming winter: https://citizens.news/651591.html

An inverted US Treasury yield curve almost always heralds recession, but the yawning gap between high short-term funding costs and falling long-term borrowing rates may accelerate the economic downturn it presages. From a banking sector perspective, the inverted curve, combined with near-9% inflation [+20% inflation rate if calculated correctly: www.shadowstats.com] and post-2008 regulation - the deepest, highest, and toughest in decades, respectively - offers cause for concern: https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/column--deep-us-curve-inversion-hastens-the-recession-it-predicts-mcgeever-2869445

The End Of The Gold Standard Led To A Lower Standard Of Living: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/money-does-matter-end-gold-standard-led-lower-standard-living

Czech President Miloš Zeman has blamed “green madness” for the energy crisis and warned that the abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will only prolong the agony. “The abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will lead to the advent of far more demanding electromobility. The biggest consumers of electricity will be electric cars with a short range and a high price” he stated: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/im-afraid-czech-president-blames-green-madness-energy-crisis

California's precariously out-of-date hybrid power grid can't handle the state's growing amounts of solar and wind energy coming online, with system managers already forcing repeated cutbacks in renewables and a continued reliance on conventional energy to keep the grid stable: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/heres-california-flooring-it-clean-energy-future-its-transmission-slipping-badly

The fallout of the sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine has turned the European Union into “the third world of the Western world economies” a senior contributor to Forbes magazine has claimed: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2022/08/23/europes-markets-and-energy-security-disrupted-by-russia-sanctions/

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0408b3  No.350933


8/27/22 Part 2

JIM STONE COMMENTS: I have been following the Russia situation quite closely for some time, and the only thing that can explain what is going on is that Russia is playing a game, in lock step with the West - Russia is taking orders. The most important data with Putin is that he has gone around everywhere, to all the ceremonies, IS a member of the WEF and that as a result, he's probably role playing. He will do what he is told. So at a time when things should be winding down, he's escalating the conflict in ways which appear to me to be unnecessary. Why? He's probably setting up a false flag. And the grand crowning jewel of "911" would be to blow a 5.8 gigawatt nuke plant to the moon, while weather mod carries the results over Europe. That would give all the kiddies a GREAT reason to abandon homes and FOLLOW ORDERS. FACT: THERE IS TOO MUCH SHIT GOING ON WITH THAT NUKE PLANT. RUSSIA HAD CONTROL, AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR IT, UNLESS IT IS WANTED. RUSSIA WENT IN AND TOOK THAT B*TCH, THEY HAD THEIR OWN WORKERS THERE, WTF IS THE PROBLEM??? Fact: Russia could smash down a security zone around that place that turned it into alcatraz. If there are problems now, RUSSIA WANTS THEM. What is the end game? YOU GUESS.

Belarusian aircraft have been re-equipped to carry nuclear weapons, President Alexander Lukashenko told the media on Friday. "They must realize that no helicopters or airplanes will save them, should they opt for an escalation," the state-run BelTA news agency quotes Lukashenko as saying: https://tass.com/world/1498573

The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the base of the invaders at the Donbas Hotel in occupied Kadiivka (Luhansk region), about 200 Russian paratroopers were destroyed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878493-afu-attack-invaders-base-in-kadiivka-in-luhansk-region-200-russian-paratroopers-destroyed-governor

The Daryivskyi Bridge in Kherson region is under the fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the movement of Russian occupiers along this overpass has been stopped. This was reported by the South Operational Command: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878533-afu-take-daryivskyi-bridge-in-kherson-region-under-fire-control-south-operational-command

Russian forces did not make any claimed or assessed territorial gains in Ukraine on August 26, 2022, for the first time since August 18, 2022: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-august-26

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008c76  No.350947


one of us, one of us

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28c43b  No.350955

File: 4ae5e66eff3b296⋯.jpg (112.3 KB, 720x810, 8:9, PicsArt_01_20_06_52_50.jpg)


Yess, (((You))) and little Andy McGoverness Neptude both spend all day every day

> "forcing little boys to suck (((You)))r [sic] penis."

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93fc8e  No.350986

File: da2463f0f2b58e9⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 946x949, 946:949, JN_Glows.gif)


This GIF comes HIGHLY Recommended.

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95d6d2  No.350988



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0408b3  No.351087


8/28/22 Part 1

Is God Punishing The United States of America? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/is-god-punishing-the-united-states-of-america/ar-AA1197HH

This is Not a 'Recession'! This Is A Total Collapse of the Financial System To Bail Out the Globalists Who Want To Enslave Us: https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/this-is-not-a-recession-this-is-a-total-collapse-of-the-financial-system-to-bail-out-the-globalists-who-want-to-enslave-us/

The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism: https://archive.ph/XXRzp

How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess. More than any other source for national wealth, however, one towers above the rest: innovation. The ability of the human mind to create something new and valuable provides society with wealth creation. If innovation produces wealth, why aren't all nations wealthy? Because too many nations fail to value innovators or encourage innovation. Without fundamental property rights, strong social institutions, and a dependable legal system, potential inventors have few incentives to build anything new. Humans struggling merely to survive in the world do not waste time, labor or resources on projects that offer no prospect for future reward. Humans working as servants to the state under centrally controlled economies have no incentive to innovate: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-reset-blueprint-destroying-freedom-innovation-prosperity

California electric company admits it will NEVER be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-26-california-electric-cant-charge-everybodys-electric-vehicles.html

Start Reading Labels! Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Bugs In Our Food: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/08/27/start-reading-labels-food-producers-caught-quietly-deceitfully-putting-crickets-in-our-food/

Evil is evil, and it’s manifesting in so many all across our culture—in every way. It involves falsehoods, it involves lies and changing morality on sexuality. It involves everything. Two thousand years ago, this is all they had. It was possessed back then. So, when Jesus sent the Gospel into the pagan world, it was a clash of spirits and principalities of gods. There is the One True God, and then there are the false gods. The Bible says we do not war against flesh and blood. We are not against people. We war against principalities. So, when the gospel comes in, there is this huge war. The pagans are trying to kill the Christians or you worship our gods. That’s why they were trying to kill them because Christians would not worship the gods. It was a war of the gods, but at the end of the day, the Gospel prevailed and the gods departed. The temples were emptied out. The shrines were abandoned. The gods of the ancient world were gone, but we are not just talking about gods, there are spirits behind them—demonic spirits. They don’t end, they stay there. So, the question is what would happen if the gods or the evil spirits returned to America and returned to the world? The fact is they have returned… If western civilization was possessed by the evil spirits, the Gospel got rid of them. It was the greatest exorcism in history. What happens if that nation ever turns away from God? If it ever opens the door? These spirits are coming back. These ancient spirits or principalities are going to come back to our culture, to the West and to America, and they are going to come back to repossess it: https://usawatchdog.com/only-way-to-save-america-is-turn-back-to-god-jonathan-cahn/

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0408b3  No.351088


8/28/22 Part 2

Starting all the way back in April, some US defense officials had been expressing concern that Ukraine weapons shipments sent from Washington were entering a big “black hole” once they cross the border into the conflict – given there appeared little to no oversight or accountability in terms of arms and serial number tracking. Ukrainian government officials have taken pains to to try and assure Western allies and international press that they are indeed carefully monitoring the weapons and munitions provided from allies, also to ensure they don’t end up on the black market or in the hands of unauthorized militants or terrorists. But now we have the closest thing thus far to confirmation that indeed there’s a lack of necessary oversight, given on Thursday the Pentagon’s acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell told Bloomberg that while he believes Ukrainian forces are using up all that they’ve been given by the US, it remains that there’s little “fidelity” as to where the weapons actually end up. This is due in large part, he explained, to the Ukrainians tracking external arms via hand receipts. For this reason he’s looking to trace, test, and audit whether the Ukrainians are properly logging US-supplied military hardware. He says the Pentagon is on “alert” – looking evidence of gaps, missing weapons, and lack of oversight in the system: https://southfront.org/pentagon-ig-doubtful-ukraine-is-tracking-us-supplied-arms-will-conduct-audit/

The video from the front lines shows a suicidal attack of Ukrainian armored group on the positions of the marines of the Pacific Fleet of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As a result of the attack, several units of Ukrainian armored vehicles and vehicles transporting personnel were destroyed: https://s1.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/att.mp4

Another five Russian artillery systems were destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Saturday, August 27, according to Ukraine’s military update on Russia’s combat losses since February 24. Three Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were destroyed as well as three more Russian tanks: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/28/russian-artillery-systems-destroyed-ukraine/

Russia is transferring a new batch of heavy military equipment to the occupied Crimea: it was noticed near the Crimean bridge. Among the equipment were seen: tanks T-72 and T-80; 152-mm and 122-mm 2C19 Msta-S and 2S1 Gvozdika; infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, tanks with fuel and engineering machines: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/27/watch-russia-spotted-transferring-heavy-military-equipment-to-occupied-crimea/

In the Sloviansk, Bakhmut, and Avdiyivka directions, Ukrainian defenders stopped the advance of the Russian invaders, forcing them to retreat: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3559494-war-update-ukraines-armed-forces-repulse-enemy-attacks-in-three-directions.html

The Russian military have turned Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) into a military base, putting the entire continent at risk. The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3559696-fm-kuleba-russian-invaders-turn-znpp-into-military-base-entire-continent-at-risk.html

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d57f26  No.351148

Do jews that chew on foreskins have a certain breath? Because jews always smell so funny.

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26a22c  No.351197


You are smelling asiatic barbarian. I know it smells like ass. Has since they arrived as invaders in our nation and brought their limp dick hordes with them.

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ba1af8  No.353870

Europe will be the first to collapse but America may still have some time due to the fact Americans vastly distrust corrupted corporate media and government and we have many many (actually tons) more preppers here than there are in Europe. The brainwashed normies will be the first to feel the pain when SHTF here, then the pain will trickle it's way towards everyone else who has gotten prepped as there will be a rise in crime and chaos.


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d1a484  No.357460


Europe and Australia seem to be the first to begin waking up to reality too though.



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00adc7  No.358080

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