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File: d3a5398b42991f8⋯.jpg (85.97 KB, 1265x1265, 1:1, d3a.jpg)

93a4b4  No.320134 [Last 50 Posts]

Moderated, unlike this fucking board - https://t.me/politics_news_debates

Lefties and glowie kikes will be banned. }

Any normal people can hang out there and shitpost.

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0a71da  No.320138


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823c5b  No.320147



Read: Censored

Fuck you.

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e7add1  No.320169

This board is semi-moderated, and like 4chans, the owners have let bots in

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6b1691  No.320390


You're stupid as fuck

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6b1691  No.320391



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6b1691  No.320402



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9541cc  No.320407

File: e7048bd095e6574⋯.png (195.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Featured.png)

Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals from your blood – preliminary ICP-MS analysis results released!

In today’s podcast, I discuss an interview that I conducted with Dr. Jane Ruby yesterday, in which we explored early data from new laboratory test results that analyze the elemental composition of the post-vaccine clots that are being pulled out of the bodies of the dead.

These new results — to be officially released next week with the interview — were derived from ICP-MS analysis (mass spec) in our ISO-accredited laboratory.

In this analysis, we compared the elemental composition of the clots to human blood. We found several things that are rather shocking: (somebody alert Steve Kirsch, as he needs to incorporate these data into his own understanding of what’s killing people)

#1) The post-vaccine clots are not made of blood

It’s clear from the elemental composition that the clots are not made of blood. Thus, they are not “blood clots.” For example, in our human blood sample, magnesium (Mg) was at 35 ppm, while in the clot, magnesium was only 1.7 ppm.

Similarly, in human blood, iron (Fe) was measured at 462 ppm while it was 20.6 ppm in the clot.

All results are derived using ICP-MS where our Limit of Detection (LoD) for most elements is below 1 ppb, and Limit of Quantitation (LoQ) is around 1-2 ppb, depending on the element.

(Note: These are rounded numbers and not the official reporting of the results. We will release PDF files next week with the actual numbers from the instrument, which are expressed with more significant digits.)

#2) The clot was very low in key elements that would be expected to be seen in living biological tissue

In addition to being low in magnesium and iron, the clot was extremely low in potassium (K) and calcium (Ca). It was also lower in trace minerals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).

This indicates the clots are not human tissue, and they are not simply blood vessel material, either. This ICP-MS analysis eliminates these alternative explanations for what could be causing the clots.

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9541cc  No.320408


#3) Electrically conductive elements were higher in the clot material

Surprisingly, the clot was found to be higher in certain elements that are electrically conductive. For example, tin (Sn) was found to be nearly six times higher in the clot compared to human blood. (943 ppb vs. 162 ppb). Tin is commonly used in solder to connect circuits on circuit boards.

In addition, both aluminum (Al) and sodium (Na) were higher in the clot. Both are conductive metals. (Yes, sodium is an alkali metal. It is highly conductive.)

Correction note: In the podcast and the video, I mistakenly stated that the tin numbers were ppm rather than ppb. The error stemmed from the fact that the semi-quant analysis from the ICP-MS reporting system does not use the same units all the way through, which is the way the normal full quant reporting works. In my preliminary review of the numbers listen on a spreadsheet (which is not the final PDF report that we will release), I assumed the semi-quant report was mg/L but it was actually reporting ug/L, and the units change from element to element, which is easy to miss with a preliminary look at the report. Apologies for the error, but the important point is about the ratios of the element in the clot vs. blood, not necessarily the absolute values. The ratios are correct.

Hear my discussion of all this in today’s Situation Update podcast:


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43a40b  No.320936




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fc7cc0  No.321123



Looks like the meek did inherit the earth, persently

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a838a5  No.321276



Say when?

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afd679  No.321358



Nah I genuinely don't want to binge anything. Trump came in, used Q to put on a big show, we all talked about Hollywood, news operatives and deep staters for years on end, while they plotted to give us all AIDS, and they did. Nobody has been held accountable, George Washington woulda fucked shit up, man. So since Biden, Trump slinks off to return in 2024, but he still supports Warp Speed and the jab, right? So he was one of them all along, or he's a fucking buffoon. Just curious where everyone goes from here. Anyone assembling militias into an army to go and put an end to this madness, or we still talking about CNN and Hollywood and Pelosi all day?


Well you're wrong, mate. I am genuinely a nobody Canadian dude sitting in my bedroom, not a shill, not being paid, no hidden agenda. I mean what I say, I followed this movement deeply, got fucked at the end, dipped, and now I wanna see what's going on, that's it, you fuck.


There we go, thanks Anon. I did hear some shit about Elon from my normie family, which is my first red flag that it's another distraction or some shit. Hasn't Elon been to the big meetings, isn't he a billionaire, one of the globalists? And if people think the white hats are putting on a show still, why give everyone AIDS? Why the jab? You can't be a good guy and push the jab on almost 70% of the Earth at this point.

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417d67  No.321526


Every person pushing this shit is conspiring in treason

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d54b83  No.321553



<iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="https://rumble.com/embed/v17yoa9/?pub=9ikqh" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v17yoa9","div":"rumble_v17yoa9"});</script>

The imbed post option doesn't like anything I put there. Mebbe I'm in Wonderland…

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7fe0ec  No.322250


Good job

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803321  No.322672


That crispy French fried goodness

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219fb6  No.322686


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abf01d  No.323060


What kind of truth gets us out of taxes?

Wesley Snipes tried that… didn't end well.

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69b887  No.323849



>the the

Don Jr with a typo on May 30 as well

neopferious > nefarious

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b0f799  No.325035


Noticed that.

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1691dd  No.325163


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c27907  No.325178

Look Up! The Grand Alignment of Planets Has Begun

While astronomy enthusiasts await the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope, we've got a spectacular celestial event to relish: the grand planetary alignment of June 2022. The planets have been putting up great shows in the predawn sky since March last week. As a result, we have had several planetary conjunctions and two planet parades. Unfortunately, Mercury and Uranus were missing in the April and May planetary alignments. But the two planets have joined the parade in June, and we have an alignment of all the seven planets as seen from the Earth. The last time such an event took place was way back in December 2004, almost 18 years ago.


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a984da  No.325233


>How about you take a vacation it's better than your ass get kickin


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2f6323  No.325458


gerbil rebranded by any other name is so sweet

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fdbf60  No.325621

Which one did Q send

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3eb341  No.325626

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8955f0  No.325775

lmao how the fuck you fall over on a bike while at a standstill

that mother fucker is clinically retarded

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021364  No.326035

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1b2b50  No.326096


>keep your emotions in check

Nah. Haven't been excited about anything for quite a while.

I want the excitement even if the Q posts turn out to be phoney. Doubt it, though, but I guess anything is possible at this point.

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aede1b  No.326127


Me too anon. Not gonna forget him anytime soon though.

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21e2e3  No.326350


2 moar weeks

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d0a1ef  No.326356


NYPD exodus: Police on pace to quit, retire

in record numbers

New York Post, by Dean Balsamini

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/11/2022 4:23:44 PM

More than 1,500 NYPD officers have either resigned or retired so far this year–on pace to be the biggest exodus of officers since the statistics have been available, The Post has learned.(Snip)The 1,596 total is a 38% spike from the same period in 2021, when 1,159 cops called it a career, and a staggering 46% climb from 2020, when 1,092 left the force by the same date. Anti-cop hostility, bail reform, and rising crime have fed into frustration among the NYPD rank and file, according to one NYPD officer who recently fled for greener pastures at a Long Island police department after 6 1/2 years

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738659  No.326380


Shit the bread with yesterdays news

Google is MIL

The rest is for show

100 Billion but just bought a 15 mil home?

People with 100 Billion do not buy cheap McMansions that pop stars like Pink previously owned.

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022652  No.326675



We stand.

We fight.



Trust yourself.

Public awakening.





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320006  No.326685


Damn they did crash on the moon.

I should have been more polite in that 4c ama.

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ebe99f  No.326703


Michael Seifert


Corporations that have said today they will pay for their employees to have abortions:

- Disney

- Expedia

- Dick's

- Paypal

- Bank of America

- Patagonia

Stop giving them your money. Go to our database at @officialpsq

and find a business that share our values.

4:41 PM · Jun 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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9b91ce  No.326709

Man uses car to grill steaks and burgers in scorching Arizona heat


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fb35e9  No.326740


Premature aging of organs?

The Clock is ticking.


Eng aging

Sabo t aging

Dam aging

St aging

Mess aging

R aging

W aging

Re eng aging

Follow the Bloodline.

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f827d4  No.326802




Baker Hughes US oil rig count 594 vs 584 prior

Baker Hughes US oil rig count 594 vs 584 prior | Forexlive



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0f1a74  No.327434

Your done.


beggin me to start rolling out actual ip blacklists aren't ya.

you make me start typing grifter addresses and I'm goin to really make you mad at the speed 3E8.

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e9ad02  No.327962

Did Elon take over the @Twitter account already?


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363006  No.328621


That's a lot of 50 cents…

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f07868  No.328626

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e473b7  No.328835


If in the market for a flat shooter, that would be something worth looking into…

wonder who did the barrel?

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9d44d3  No.328887

last bread is still updating


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37fa8a  No.328958

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20b9c7  No.329179


*Glenn Greenwald

"MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace developed her skills as a dedicated liar while working in communications for the George Bush administration, and she’s merely honed those talents as a cable news commentator, routinely repeating whatever pile of horsesh*t her contacts in the Deep State pass along to her, from reports of the devastating impact of “Havana Syndrome” to the “mountain” of evidence suggesting that Russia was paying Afghan soldiers bounties for every dead American soldier.

Jimmy and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald discuss the latest Matt Orfalea video detailing Wallace’s steady stream of on-air misrepresentation and duplicity."

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a4ff33  No.329439


it's worse

(((FDR))) handpicked rightwingers to draft. it was overwhelmingly so. He sent us to die.

There hasn't been a rightwing supermajority in the senate since then.

same with every other war after. libshits got deferrals in vietnam. our guys had to fight. i think we lose and dragged it out on purpose so more of our people would be killed.

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0cf660  No.329599

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d67b81  No.329638


>run on the rims of a vehicle with four flats

Yeah, your 'use the broken system to fix the broken system" seems to work so well. Get a clue or two, dufus.

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01834d  No.329821

GAGGing GAG muhbuttjuws HO m00


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6f2922  No.329982

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758c8f  No.330146



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d8dd55  No.330197




rump touched

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582294  No.330333


>it'll be anarchy

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062197  No.330529


some of us consider it murder and yet do nothing. Who is being truly intellectually dishonest?

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880717  No.330710

An aspect of Heh which personifies the endless waters of chaos.

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39f0c1  No.331434


Strike Colors?

Red Blue?

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07b445  No.331555


Point proven, shills trying to get you to waste your essence. Stay celibate until at least the fight is over anons!

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9aec3b  No.331958


>WHY hasn't this got to the board yet?

Because you are late dipshit

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aade75  No.332371

He hollering too much!

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39f2d4  No.332381





= 4th of July?

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b03957  No.332551

JUST IN: FED Chair Jerome Powell says the "American economy is very strong."


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c4c8e0  No.332696

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04741a  No.332865


Clark Gable wannabe.

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4767d3  No.333255


(They) are going to need moar clown cars.

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c56c7e  No.333348


We, in Romania don't parade for stoopidity.

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eef2b4  No.333365


Disclose.tv, [25.06.22 17:06]

[ Photo ]

JUST IN - WHO declares #monkeypox does "currently" not constitute a global health emergency.


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75024e  No.333530


>today is 6-14-22!

Only in the US.

Where I'm from it's 14/06/22

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6e4be4  No.334139


>You guys have forgotten how to ask Q for proof.

some of us have not forgotten, anon


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237521  No.334518



it's just a ruse by Clowns to cover what they're up to

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c8f697  No.335043



frontholes always try to virtue signal

part of their whoring nature

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c169c3  No.335050


you ready to bake?

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b8298f  No.335262

Biden's supreme court justice pick is illegitimate just like Biden is.

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88c79e  No.335437



>Greg Phillips reveals he began to get involved in election integrity in 1982 when he learned about the New Jersey Consent Decree, which was some document republicans had signed that Republicans wouldn’t look at, talk about, or touch anything to do with elections for 36 years…

Anons am I reading this correctly in that this has been an investigation/operation/plan that’s been ongoing for 36 years possibly going on 40 years now?

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caf625  No.335751


looks like brennan's slightly less retarded brother

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6aa0ba  No.337937

FF Texas. When they blame it on the gun turn it around and blame the school officials for screwing up and leaving a door unlocked so the shooter could have gotten in.

That would NOT happen if any kind of drill was ever run.

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6950d9  No.337947

it's the "i don't know how tor works" slide

all posters using tor add to the post counts of every other poster using tor

shut the fuck up and lurk for 2 years

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6a7a74  No.338012


>I love that show

Same. I've probably watched the series 3 times, now. It was recommended to me with all that is habbening these days.

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320658  No.338048


n = 1

MLK said that.

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986a47  No.338084


That and their book deals, kick backs from all their social groups, Planned Parenthood, Red Cross, and other never disclosed…cartel

And election fraud to guarantee their re-election if they play along.

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e98f33  No.338110


FeLON private plane only holds fifty kilos

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0d33f6  No.339904

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8ef35e  No.340889


Plays just fine for me. Download it and play on VLC


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a724f0  No.341101




POSSIBLE MIL Confirmation

Good Notable… caps of Mendon, IL = MIL


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d74e5f  No.341400


He is the richest guy on the planet.

He hangs with the elites.

He owns a tunneling company.

He just bought Twatter.

I'll be withholding the cheers for a little while if you don't mind.

Remember when Fox News looked like they weren't totally comp'd?


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f038a6  No.341452

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060ad4  No.341650


You're the only one seething about this bullshit. Die in an AIDS related fire.


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a98638  No.341674


OOOhhh I know, I know!


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0e0786  No.342398

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b05f55  No.342401


too sublime for anon


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1639f2  No.342611




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94f727  No.343952

See you deleted the B post.

We take it has served it's purpose?


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7dc449  No.344080

“Q Research” is dead.

It’s just “Research” now.


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b632ae  No.344439


>He hugged the flag.

I hugged my girlfriend in my dreams…


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05615c  No.344470


Thank you for your announcement.

You will be remembered forever as "anon".


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5a80b7  No.344612


THAT was the original pelosi.

Before boehner donned the mask.


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10a3e9  No.344718





Some of it seems kinda interesting tho.


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1a81ed  No.345304



"Unless the bearer has explicit authorization from the Secretariat of National Defense, it is illegal and punishable by law to enter Mexican territory with any firearm as well as to keep and carry any firearm on your person or vehicle at any time, anywhere."



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11606e  No.345770




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add632  No.345808

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78e3fa  No.345900


agreed, trading goods and services in a SHTF situation is key.

So you didn't cash out your 401k? Sounds like you have good infrastructure setup on the farm.


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d1a844  No.345935


It's been a long time since there were three Popish Devils at once.


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